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A09432 A godly and learned exposition of Christs Sermon in the Mount: preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and iudicious diuine M. William Perkins. Published at the request of his exequutors by Th. Pierson preacher of Gods word. Whereunto is adioyned a twofold table: one, of speciall points here handled; the other, of choise places of Scripture here quoted Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1608 (1608) STC 19722; ESTC S113661 587,505 584

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and rebellion into our Land if this were not our peace would continue for euer for the worke of iustice shall be peace quietnesse and assurance for euer And againe in righteousnesse shalt thou be established and be farre from oppression This therefore should mooue all vngodly persons to repent and to breake off the course of their sinnes vnlesse they will continue professed enemies to the peace of the state vnder which they liue The second Point wherein this blessednesse of Peace-makers consists namely in that they shall be called the children of God that is they shall be esteemed and reputed for Gods children in this world of God himselfe and all good men and in the world to come fully manifested so to be That this is true happinesse will soone appeare by the view of the state of euery childe of God for they are vnited vnto Christ by the spirit of grace by which they are regenerate and in Christ they are adopted for sonnes and daughters and so enioy Gods speciall grace and fauour Now hereupon they are Kings children hauing God for their Father who loues them more tenderly then any earthly Parents can loue their owne children secondly they haue Christ for their brother and so are heires annexed with him hauing heauen and earth for their possession In him they are made Kings and Priests vnto God and shall be iudges of the world at the last day yea they haue the holy Angels for ministring spirits to attend vpon their persons for their defence from the power of the enemie which farre surpasseth the dignity of any guard of men on earth whatsoeuer all things worke together for the best vnto them their crosses and afflictions are no curses but fatherly trialls and chastisements yea their sinnes are turned to their good to them death is no death but a sweet sleepe vnto their bodies and a straite passage for their soules into eternall glorie yea in the acte of death they haue the comfort of life in the ioy of the spirit and the Angels readie when breath departeth to carrie their soules to heauen If this be true happinesse to be called Gods children then they that liue after their owne wicked lusts voyd of all care to keepe a good cōscience are miserable and accursed for they are the children of the diuell seruing him in the workes of sinne and expressing his image in vngodlinesse and worldly lustes It stands them therefore in hand if they haue any care of true happinesse to labour after regeneration whereby forsaking the lusts and courses of their former ignorance and embracing and obeying sincerely the word of life they may become Gods children and so happie Secondly hast thou receiued this grace of Gods spirit whereby thou art inclined to haue peace with all men and to seeke for peace between God and thine owne conscience yea betweene the Lord and others then comfort thy selfe thou art the childe of God these motions come from grace flesh and blood brings forth no such fruits labour therefore to maintaine these good motions with all other pledges of thine adoption and so shalt thou growe fully assured of thine own happines In this age men make much adoe to get good assurance of earthly purchases but what madnesse is this so greatly to regard momentanie things and to haue no care in comparison of our eternall inheritance which we shall haue assured vnto vs when wee become the children of God Verse 10. Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnes sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen 11. Blessed are ye when men reuile you and persecute you and say all manner of euill against you for my sake falsly 12. Reioyce and be glad for great is your reward in heauen for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you Here Christ propounds his eight Rule touching happinesse which he handles more largely then the former for hauing laid downe the Rule vers 10. he expounds the same in a speciall application of it to his Disciples in the 11. and 12. verses In the Rule it selfe note two points first the parties blessed secondly wherein their blessednesse consists The parties blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake Persecution properly signifieth pursuite such as one enemie maketh after another but here the word must be taken generally for all kind of persecution whatsoeuer Now because it is a paradoxe and absurd in humane reason to thinke him blessed that for any cause is persecuted therefore Christ to verefie the truth hereof repeats the same Rule in the nextwerse where also he expounds euery parcell thereof wherewith I will content my selfe because Christ is the best interpreter of his owne words In the 11. verse therefore Christ sets downe three things all pertaining to the true exposition of this Rule First he explaines more particularly the parties that be blessed saying to his Disciples Blessed are yee In the beginning of the Chapter wee heard that hee cast his eies vpon them and spake vnto them and now here he doth the like again therefore this Rule must not be vnderstood of all men in the world that suffer but of all Christs true Disciples and generally it is not true for the heathen and infidels doe often suffer for good causes and yet remaine infidels without the true God and so are not blessed Againe a Chrstian professor may giue vp his life in a good cause yet not of loue to God or his truth but vpon ambition and so not be blessed for though I giue my bodie to be burned yet wanting loue it profiteth mee nothing Secondly Christ expoundeth particularly what hee meaneth by persecution naming three parts thereof first slaundering and reuiling which is the persecution of the tongue Thus the Iewes persecuted the Apostles saying they were drunke or full of sweete wine Thus Festus persecuted Paul making him madde or beside himselfe Secondly persecution meaning hereby as the word doth properly signifie first pursuite such as one enemie maketh after another when he seekes to spoile him of his goods or of his life secondly the bringing a man vnto the Barre and there of malice to accuse and arraigne him thirdly euill speaking with lying when as men of purpose be without cause malitiously carried thereunto as when the Iewes called Christ a Samaritan that had a diuell and said that he cast out diuels by Belzebub the prince of diuels and thus were the Christians in the Primitiue Church persecuted beeing malitiously accused for killing their owne children for worshipping the head of an asse for incest and such like To these three kindes of persecutions S. Luke Chap. 6. 22. addes a fourth namely hatred and a fift called separation wherby men were excommunicated and cast out of the Temple Synagogues for Christs sake and his Gospels These are the seuerall kinds of that persecution for the enduring whereof Christ pronounceth men blessed vers 10.
heauen the Saints and Angels behold the vnspeakable glorie of God And from heauen doth God shew his exceeding power euen in spreading the heauens like a curtaine aboue the earth in setting therein the Sunne the moone and starres most glorious creatures in giuing particular motions vnto thē by sending raine from heauen with stormes lightnings and thunder Againe he sheweth his iustice from heauen by powring downe his iudgements thence As the flood vpon the world of the vngodly and fire and brimstone vpon Sodome and Gomorrah as the Apostle saith Rom. 1. 18. The wrath of God is reuealed from heauen against all vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse of men Againe Gods mercie and goodnes is daily manifested from heauen thence commeth euery good gift Iam. 1. 17. yea thence our Sauiour Christ descended for the worke of our redemption thence also the holy Ghost descended in Christs baptisme and the Fathers voice was heard from thence pointing out that lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world and thence shall Christ come againe in glorie at the last day to be glorified in his Saints all which doe magnifie vnto vs the glorie of this Throne Is the Throne of God in heauen not on earth thē must we learne to conceiue of God as of an heauenly King in the chapter following we are taught to call him our heauenly Father v. 9. and therefore when we speake or think of God or doe worship vnto him in praier or thāksgiuing we must not conceiue of him in any carnall sort but in an heauenly manner The second commandement forbidding the representation of God in any similitudes may teach vs that we must not conceiue of God after any earthly or carnall manner Indeede the Popish church approouing of the images of the Trinitie as before was shewed doe thereby teach the people to conceiue of God as of an old man sitting in heauen with a crowne vpon his head because he is called the Ancient of daies but all such carnall conceits of God are here forbidden That we may then conceiue aright of God two Rules must be remembred First we must not frame in our minds any image of God at all as that he should be like vnto man or any other creature but we must conceiue of him both in his works as our creator gouernour and preseruer and also in his properties as most wise most iust holy mercifull and such like Secondly we must conceiue that God is one in substance and three in person we must not confound the persons nor deuide the substance but conceiue of one God in three persons and three persons in one and the same godhead These two Rules beeing well obserued wil keepe our hearts from those vaine conceits of God which many frame to themselues when they thinke of him in their mindes Secondly seeing Gods throne is in heauen therefore our conuersation must be there also for where God is and his throne there ought our hearts to be Now we shall haue our conuersation in heauen by doing two things first by a continuall eleuation of our minds vnto heauen morning and euening and at all times when we haue occasion 1. Thess. 4. 17. we are commanded to pray continually and that we doe so oft as in the duties of our ordinary calling we desire in our hearts the blessing and assistance of God for the sighs and grones of the soule are praiers approoued before God we must therefore lift vp our heart to God as Dauid did Psal. 25. 1. Secondly we must set all our affections on God and on heauenly things as our loue our ioy and feare yea our care must be of comming to heauen for where can we be in a more happie place then before Gods throne in heauen where God sets out his glorie and maiestie to his creature Thirdly hence we may learne to conceiue aright of the prouidence of God for God sitting in his maiestie in heauen and beeing infinite in wisdome power and greatnes doth by a most carefull prouidence see know and gouerne all things that are done vpon the earth this is notably set forth vnto vs Psal. 11. 4. The Lords throne is in heauen his e●●● wil cōsider his eye lids wil try the children of men the words are very significant importing that God from heauen doth most narrowly see into all mens dealings and affaires which teacheth vs when we shall be in any distresse either in bodie minde goods or friends to behaue our selues in an holy manner for God sees our case and therefore first we must make our moane vnto him and humbly intreat for that grace and mercie at his hands whereof we stand in neede Dauid maketh this a ground of much comfort in affliction Psal. 102. 19 20. Out of heauen saith he did the Lord behold the earth that he might heare the mourning of the prisoner and deliuer the children of death Lastly this serueth to terrifie euery sinner for the Lord sits in heauen with a piercing eye beholding all thy doings whatsoeuer thou art and therefore when a man sinneth though he may hide the same from men yet the Lord sees him and will reprooue him and iudge him let vs therefore make conscience of all sinne and feare to not euill either by thought word or deede seeing we are euer before the Iudge that ●its vpon this throne The second particular prohibition is against swearing by the earth the reason is because it is the Lords foot-stoole The earth is the Lords footestoole not properly but by resemblance because as the footstoole is nothing in glorie to the throne no more be those glimpses of glorie which God shewes here on earth comparable to that surpassing dignitie and glorie wherein God manifests himselfe in heauen Is the earth the Lords footstoole then is he not included in heauen but is present also vpon the earth God is not in one place alone but he is euery where at one and the same time Here then we haue a plaine proofe of Gods infinite greatnesse and omnipresence in regard of his essence and godhead for Christ compares him to a king who is of that bignesse that he fils heauen with his glorie and of that height that the earth below is his footstoole according as he saith Ierem. 23. 24. I s●ll heauen and earth This point Dauid prooues at large Psal. 139. 7 8. Whither shall I goe from thy presence c. shewing plainely that there is no place wherof it can be truely said that God in essence is not there present The consideration whereof teacheth vs First to vnderstand aright that saying of Paul Act. 17. 28. In him we liue mooue and haue our beeing we are not in God as parts of God for his essence is most simple yet it is true we are in God because his essence is euery where it is in vs forth of vs and about vs and beeing in vs and about
title Father properly belongs to God who is a father simply by creation giuing beeing to all things and preseruing them by his prouidence Men indeede are called fathers but that is onely secondarily because in some properties of fatherhood they resemble God Now this title is giuen to God sometime simply considered without personall relation as Deut. 32. 6. Doe ye s● reward the Lord O foolish people is not he thy father that hath bought thee Orherwhile it is giuen to the particular persons in Trinitie as first and principally to the first person who is commonly called the Father And the second person in Trinitie is sometime called Father as Isa. 9. 6. the father of Eternitie because he is the ground of our adoption whereby we become eternally the sonnes of God and therefore he is brought in thus complaining of reproach Behold I and the children which the Lord hath giuen me are as signes and wonders in Israel for the author to the Hebrewes expounds that place of Christ Heb. 2. 13. he is said to haue seede Isa. 53. 10. And the holy Ghost may proportionally be called Father because with the Father and the Sonne he giues beeing to all things But in this place by father is meant properly the first person who is first and cheifly the father of Christ and in Christ our father He is the father of Christ first by nature begetting him as he is the Sonne of his owne substance before all worlds by communicating vnto him his whole essence or Godhead Secondly he is the father of Christ a● Christ is man by the grace of personall vnion for the manhood of Christ doth wholly subsist in the Godhead of the second person and therefore Christ as he is man I say not his manhood which is a nature not a person may well be called the Sonne of God And in this relation of himselfe to the first person Christ saith My Father is greater then I Ioh. 14. 28. God the father is our father not by nature or in regard of personall vnion but by the grace of Adoption in Christ for God sent his S●●ne made of a woman that is incarnate that we might receiue the adoption of sonnes And this grace we receiue when we truly beleeue in his name Ioh. 3. 12. and Gal. 3. 26. God for Christs sake beeing content to receiue vs for his sonnes and daughters Which art in heauen God is said to be in heauen not as though he were included in the circle of the heauens for the heauens and the heauens of heauens are not able to containe him 1. king 8. 27. and indeede he is neither included nor excluded any place beeing infinite and so euery where but because his maiestie and glorie is most eminent in the highest heauens to his Saints and Angels and thence doth he manifest himselfe vnto vs in his power wisdome iustice and mercie while we are on earth for heauen is his throne and the earth his footstoole Isa 6● 1. So that the meaning of this preface is this O Lord God thou art the father of our Lord Iesus Christ and in him our most mercifull father by Adoption and grace thou art a most glorious God who dost in heauen and from heauen manifest thy glorious power and mercie thy wisdome iustice c. ● The Instructions I. This title Father here giuen to God teacheth vs to whome we must direct our prayers not to Saints or Angels or any other creatures but to God alone Reasons I. This is a perfect patterne of true praier wanting no direction for the right performance of this part of Gods worship now this directs vs onely vnto God in praier II. God onely is the author and giuer of all good things Iam. 1. 16. and therefore we must aske them of him alone III. The Lord onely who is infinite and omni potentican heare all mens praiers at all times and in all places and therefore he alone is to be praied vnto and not Saints departed as the Papists teach II. By this title we may see in what order we must direct our p●a●ers vnto God for as the word of God reuealeth God vnto vs so must we pray vnto him now the Scripture reuealeth God vnto vs to be one in essence and three in person vz. the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost whereof the Father is first the Sonne is the second the holy Ghost the third in order though no● in time o● greatues Thus and no otherwaies must we conceiue of God neither seuering the Godhead from the persons nor the persons from the Godhead And thus also must we worship him euen one God in three persons and three persons in one God And yet seeing the Father is first in order the Sonne the second and the holy Ghost the third therfore when we pray to God we must obserue this order directing our praiers to God the Father in the mediation of the Sonne by the assistance of the holy Ghost as Christ here teacheth vs to say Our father Quest. May we not direct our praiers to the So●ne or to the holy Ghost by name Ans. Yes for Stephen praied to the Sonne Act. 7. 59. Lord Iesus receiue my spirit and Christ bids hi● Disciples Goe teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost that is calling vpon the name of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost Obiect But in this perfect platforme we are taught to pray to the Father alone Ans. Though the Father alone be here named yet the other two persons are not hereby excluded the Father indeede is most vsually named because he is the first in order but yet with him alwaies is implied the Sonne and the holy Ghost for as all the three persons subsist in one and the same diuine nature or Godhead and are not seuered in will in counsell or in outward actions as creation preseruation and redemption saue onely that they are distinguished in the maner of working so likewise must they be all conceiued in our minds together when we pray and none seuered out though they be not named we must pray to all though we name but one hauing in that one relation to the rest in our minde and heart And if we conceiue aright of the order of the persons in Trinitie subsisting in the vnitie of essence we may safely name in our praiers which person we will so that withall we include the rest in our minde and may also if we name all place them in such order as best fitteth our present occasion as the Apostle doth in his benediction 1 ● Cor. 13. 13. The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ● and the lo●e of God the father and the communion of the holy Ghost 〈◊〉 with you all● A●en where he placeth the second person before first because by the grace of Christ we come to be partakers of the loue of God the father III. In this title Father see the true ground
will may be done As first that we may haue grace to denie our selues our owne wills and affections for naturally we are herein vnlike God and like the deuill and this must euery one learne that would be Christs disciple Luke 9. v. 23. Secondly that God would incline and dispose our hearts towards his holy word that we may not onely know but obey Gods reuealed will This was Dauids vsuall request Psalm 119. 27. Make me to vnderstand the way of thy testimonies and 36. Incline my heart vnto thy testimonies For how should we doe the will of God vnlesse we know it and how shall we know it vnlesse our hearts affect the meanes of grace and of obedience Thirdly that God would hasten that time and state vnto vs wherein we shall perfectly doe the will of God that is our state of glory Fourthly that vnder euery crosse which God shall lay vpon vs wee may possesse our soules with patience so subiect our selues to Gods absolute will Thus Paul prayes in behalfe of the Colossians that God would strengthen them by the power of his might vnto all patience long suffering with ioyfulnesse Colos. 1. 12. Fiftly that God would turne the hearts of men from sinne bring them euery where to the obedience of his will 3. Use. Duties to be practised Because wee must seeke to practise that which we aske in praier therefore hereby we are also taught to endeauour our selues after these good duties First to prooue what is the good will of God and acceptable Rom. 12. 2. We must by often triall of our actions by the word of God become expert in Gods will vse in all things makes perfect and therefore in all our affaires wee must consult with God whether the things wee goe about be agreeable to his will Most men will haue an eie to the lawes of the land in their ciuill affaires as in buying and selling and why should we not bee as wife for our soules in the matters of God Doe we not dissemble with God when wee say with our tongues Thy will be done and yet in life and conuersation haue no regard to square our works thereby Secondly wee must be strict in the matter of sinne making conscience of euery euill way yea euen of the first motions vnto sinne that neuer come to consent for this petition for obedience respects not only our words and deedes but our secret thoughts for euen they must be brought to obedience to God 2. Cor. 10. 5. Thirdly we must seeke to cut off all things that hinder vs from doing Gods will wee must mortifie and crucifie the lusts of the flesh and all sinnefull motions of our corrupt hearts for these make vs rebells against God in transgressing his will This is a hard thing to doe and vnto a naturall man of himselfe altogether impossible and therefore we must vse spirituall meanes for the deedes of the flesh must bee mortified by the spirit Roman 8. 13. Now the ground of this worke is the death of our Sauiour Christ applyed by faith to our corrupt heart for the old man is crucified with him as the Apostle Paul saith that the bodie of sinne might bee destroyed that henceforth we should not serue sinne Roman 6. 6. This therefore must wee doe if we thinke our selues to haue part in Christ wee must perswade our hearts that when our Sauiour Christ was vpon the crosse in our roome and stead bearing the punishment of our sinnes then were wee in regard of the old man crucified with him the vertue and efficacie whereof wee shall vndoubtedly finde in our selues for the mortifying of sinne when we doe truely beleeue for our fellowshippe with Christ beginnes in his death and if we be dead to sinne how can the motions thereof yet liue and raigne in vs When a malefactour is put to death he ceaseth from his badde courses and so if our corruption be crucified with our Sauiour Christ it must not raigne in our hearts to bring forth the fruits of sinne Let vs therefore meditate on the death of our Sauiour Christ and apply it to our selues by faith and consider the vilenesse of our sinnes in the bitternesse of his passion and then no doubt we shall be mooued to striue against euill motions for if we be Christs we haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts Gal. 5. 24. Fourthly we must not liue inordinately but in that sort which God inioyneth Christians in his word euery one must haue a double calling the generall calling of a Christian common to all that liue in the Church concerning the seruice of God in righteousnesse and holinesse and a particular lawfull calling in some set state of life tending to the good of the Church cōmon wealth or familie wherin a man must glorifie God in the good of men this is to liue in order he that wanteth both or one of these liues inordinately for God would haue euery man to abide in that vocation wherein hee hath called him euery one therefore according to his gift and grace receiued of God must liue in a lawfull calling and hee that doth not so resisteth Gods will Whereby wee see that wandring beggers are not to bee suffered in Church or common wealth for they liue without any calling and so transgresse Gods will yea their course of life is here also condemned that spend their life in sports and gaming for such a life is rebellion against God who wil be glorified in workes done by vertue of our lawfull calling Fiftly it is the will of God that through manifold afflictions wee should enter into his kingdome and therefore when any crosse befalls vs walking in our lawfull callings wee must endeauour to subiect our selues patiently to the will of God therein in prosperitie we are cheerefull and thankfull but when affliction comes our nature would repine O remember we say in all estates Thy will be done and therefore in the most bitter crosses that can befall vs wee must labour to say with Iob The Lord giueth and the Lord taketh away blessed bee the name of the Lord Iob. 1. 21. So did the Prophet Dauid beeing banished his kingdome by his owne sonne 2. Sam. 15. 26. But if hee thus say Behold I haue no delight in thee beholde here I am let him doe to mee as seemeth good in his eies and Chapter 16. 10 11. when Shemei cursed him he staied Abisna● from reuenge vpon consideration of Gods will to haue it so saying Suffer him to curse for the Lord hath bidden him In earth as it is in heauen Hauing spoken of the grace of obedience desired in this petition we now come to the manner how it must bee performed to wit In earth as it is in heauen that is of vs men liuing on earth as the blessed Angels and glorified Saints doe it in heauen for the Angels that excell in strength doe Gods commandements
brought the tidings of his birth to the shepheards Luk. 2. 9 10. they ministred vnto him in his temptation Mat. 4. 11. in his Agonie Luk. 22. 43. in his resurrection Math. 28. 2. and ascension Act. 1. 10. so should we performe vnto Christ all the seruice we can Fourthly they spend their time in praising and lawding the name of God and so should we labour to haue our hearts inlarged for his glorie and our mouthes filled with his praises Fiftly they be seruiceable for our good if we be Gods children though they be farre better then we are Heb. 1. 14. They are ministring spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes which shall be heires of saluation Psal. 91. 12. They are as nurces to beare Gods children in their hands Psal. 34. 7. The Angel of the Lord pitcheth round about them that feare him And all this they doe vnto vs of loue as though it were not inioyned them So we after their example must imploy our selues in soule and bodie calling credit and all we haue for the good of men Sixtly the Angels are ioyfull when sinners are humbled and conuerted from sinne vnto God Luk. 15. 10. and they are grieued when men by sinne dishonour God And the like affections should be in vs we should mourne for all sinne in our selues and others whereby God is dishonoured and haue our hearts to leape for ioy when sinners repent and turne vnto God In the world to come we shall be like the Angels of heauen in glorie Math. 22. 30. let vs therefore here testifie this hope by beginning our heauen vpon earth in becomming like to the Angels though not in glorie yet in obedience Here lastly obserue what honour we are to giue to the Angels of heauen namely the honour of Imitation becomming like vnto them in obedience and treading in the steps of their vertues but for the honour of inuocation that is due to God alone and we must not giue it to Angels damnable therefore is the doctrine and practise of the Church of Rome who pray vnto the Angels and giue vnto them the honour of God in religious worship vers 11. Giue vs this day our daily bread The coherence Hitherto we haue handled the petitions that concerne Gods golrie now we come to the petitions that concerne our selues as the word Us doth plainly shew in these three which follow and they depend vpon the former as an explication of the manner of our obedience for there we asked grace to doe Gods will and here we pray for those blessings and mercies wherein we may expresse our obedience for we doe Gods will when we depend vpon his prouidence for the blessings of this life when we relie vpon his mercie for the pardon of our sinnes and trust in his power for strength against temptation and deliuerance from euill Now then to come particularly to this fourth petition hauing in the former craued grace to doe Gods will in our particular callings here we pray for such sufficiencie of all temporall blessings whereby we may glorifie God therein In the handling of this petition sixe points are to be considered 1. what we aske Bread 2. what bread we aske daily bread 3. whose bread ours 4. for what time this day 5. to whome to vs 6. whence we would haue it by gift from God giue vs. For the first The thing we aske is Bread But what is meant by Bread is not agreed vpon some expound it spiritually of Christs bodie and blood the foode of the soule in the word and Sacraments But the vnfitnesse of this exposition we shall see by the weakenesse of their reasons alleadged for it First they say it is not meete that in so heauenly a praier we should aske so base a thing as materiall bread of our heauenly father Ans. If God command vs to aske him bread and to depende vpon him for it wee must not iudge basely of it nowe in this chapter God commands vs to depend vpon him for foode to eate yea 1. Pet. 5. 7. we must cast all our care on him and Iacobs practise in praying for bread to eate Gen. 28. 20. and Agurs praying for a competencie in outward things Prov. 30. 8. declare plainely the lawfulnesse thereof Secondly they say we must first seeke Gods kingdome and his righteousnesse and then all these things shall be cast vpon vs v. 33. Ans. Distrustfull and distracting care is there onely forbidden but a moderate care is there allowed and therefore praier for them is vndoubtedly lawfull The second opinion touching Bread is of the Papists to wit that here we aske not onely all necessarie sustenance for the bodie but much more all spirituall foode namely the blessed Sacrament which is Christ the bread of life But neither is this so fit for first we praied for spirituall things directly in the second petition Secondly sacramentall bread cannot here be meant because it was not ordained when Christ taught his Disciples this praier Thirdly their exposition is against their owne practise for if by bread were meant Christ in the Sacrament then the people should be fed therewith euery day which they barre them frō The third opinion is that by bread is meant corporall food and blessings necessarie to temporall life onely and this I take to be the truth for these reasons which also make against the former expositions First S. Luke the best interpreter of our Sauiour Christ expounds the words of bread that serues for the day that is for euery day Luk. 11. 3. and therefore it must needes be bodily for spirituall food once truly receiued serues not for a day but for euer Ioh. 4. 14. Secondly this is a perfect platforme of praier and therefore must containe petition for temporall blessings els it were not perfect now we cannot comprehend our requests for temporall blessings vnder any other petition but this onely and therefore Christ here propoundeth them Now properly bread imports that sustenance made of graine which is fit and conuenient for mans bodily nourishment such as Melchisedek brought out to Abraham and his companie with wine for their refreshing Gen. 14. 18. and such is meant in Scripture where bread is opposed to wine or water But more generally it is taken for all kinde of foode whatsoeuer whereby life is preserued in which sense goates milke is called bread Prov. 27. 27. and the fruit of trees Ier. 11. 19. and all things that passe too and fro in trafficke Prov. 31. 14. Now in this place it must be taken in a generall sense not onely for bread but for all other necessarie foode and for raiment also with health peace libertie and all other things that are meete and needfull for the good outward estate of man of family or common wealth The vses 1. In that Christ bids vs pray for bread and not for dainties hereby he would teach vs to beware of couetousnes the common sinne
treasure earthly treasures are subiect to corruption and to losse by stealth but this heauenly treasure is free from all such things for the highest heauen is not subiect to corruptiō nor to the violēce of theeues and robbers and therefore our treasure must be there Quest. Why should the highest heauens be free from that vanitie whereto all creatures els are subiect by the sinne of man Answ. The heauens aboue which we looke vpon and the earth below with all creatures in them belonged to man by the right of creation but the highest heauen is the throne of God Now when man fell he was punished not onely in his owne person but in all the creatures that belonged vnto him which by his sinne were made subiect vnto vanitie But the highest heauen was free from that curse because it did not belong to man by the right of creation but is a supernaturall gift whereto we haue right and title onely by the grace of Adoption and redemption in Christ Iesus now sith man had no right thereto by creation it was not meet that the sinne of man should make it subiect to vanitie or corruption If therfore the safetie of an enduring substance can allure our hearts to loue and like then let vs set our selues for this heauenly treasure v. 21. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also This verse containes a reason of the former commandements cōmon to them both tending to perswade vs to the obedience of them both The reason standeth thus Where your treasure is there will your hearts be also But your hearts should not be on earth but in heauen Therefore lay not vp treasures vpon earth but in heauen The exposition By treasure as we saide before must be vnderstood things pretious excellent in our estimation laid vp for time to come wherein we repose our trust and take a speciall ioy and delight By heart we must conceiue not onely the affections which are seated in the heart as loue ioy care desire and delight but the more inward powers of the soule in thought and imagination yea and the effects hereof in action as labour studie and endeauour As if he should say your treasure and your heart are ioyned together looke where that thing is wherein you trust and take chiefe delight theron will your thoughts runne your loue feare desire and care will draw vnto it and your chiefest paines studie and endeauour will be after it The vse Doe heart and treasure goe together Then here first we learne to search out and trie the state of our owne hearts for though it be a bottomlesse gulfe and deceitfull aboue all things so as none can thoroughly know it yet if we applie this sentence aright vnto our selues we shall be able to giue true iudgement of the state of our owne heart An earthly treasure and an earthly heart but heauenly treasure and an heauenly heart these cannot be seuered therefore looke whereon thou spendest thy thoughts settest thy loue thy care delight and bestowest thy wit industrie and labour and thereby iudge of the disposition of thy heart If the thing be earthly and worldly then thy heart is earthly and carnal thou maist plead that thou hearest the word receiuest the Sacraments and praiest often yet all this will not prooue thee to haue Christ Iesus for thy treasure for thine heart beeing set vpon the world there vndoubtedly thy treasure is and that prooues thy heart to be earthly and carnall And on the contrarie if thy principall thoughts thy chiefe loue ioy and delight be on Christ crucified and thy speciall care and industrie be after his merits and righteousnes then is Christ thy treasure and thine heart is heauenly Secondly hereby we may know whether we haue any portion in heauen for looke where our heart is there our portion is if our heart in thoughts desire and industrie be set on earthly things then is our portion vpon earth But if we mind heauenly things if we delight in them and labour after them then is our portion in heauen It is not the exercise of religious actions now then but the setling of the heart either on earth or heauen that shewes where our portion is Thirdly this coupling of the heart and treasure together teacheth vs not to regard this world nor temporall life in respect of heauen and life eternall nay in this regard we must despise the world and temporall life so farre forth as it may be done without ingratitude to God and without hatred of the worke of his hands and of his temporall blessings for as earthly creatures are the workemanship of God so temporall life is his good blessing giuen vs as a time wherein we are to prepare our selues for life eternall and therefore simply we may not despise it but onely in respect of life eternall Now we must shew this high respect to heauen and to life eternall aboue that we haue to this world and temporall life by heauenly meditations and by spirituall desires ioy and delight for if heauen be our treasure then must our delights be drawne from worldly things and set on heauen vers 22. The light of the bodie is the eye if thine eye be single thy whole bodie shall be light 23. But if thine eye be wicked then all thy bodie shall be darke Wherefore if the light that is in thee be darkenesse how great is that darkenesse These two verses haue sundrie expositions which we must discusse before we can see the scope and coherence of them in this place Of sundrie which I take to misse the right scope of Christ in this place I will onely touch one which is the most probable and then set downe that which I take to be the best By single eye some vnderstand a liberal minde and by the wicked eye an ●●●ious and couetous minde and so they make Christ here to speake of liberalitie and couetousnes Now it is true that the words will beare this sense for Salomon puts the good eye for the liberall and mercifull person Prov. 22. 9. He that hath the good eye he shall be blessed for he giueth of his bread vnto the poore and the euill eye for the couetous person Prov. 28. 22. A man of a wicked eye hasteth vnto riches But though the words will beare this interpretation yet it is not as I take it the proper meaning of Christ in this place for here the light of the bodie the single eye and the light that is in vs be all put for one and the same thing Now the light that is in vs is the vnderstanding and iudgement of the minde Againe the eye is here called the light of the whole bodie but the liberall minde cannot be the light of the whole bodie for all actions but for workes of mercy and bountie onely To come therefore to that which I take to be Christs true meaning The words containe in them diuers
seeing that we may faile in the particulars of that which we know in ●enenll Againe preaching serues not only for the remoouing of ignorance and the increase of knowledge but to erect and build vp good conscience and honest liues by the in increase of faith repentance bue of God and man and of obedience and this vse the most learned and godly man that euer was may make of the publike ministerie though dispensed by one that is farre inferiour to him in knowledge and p●tie Lastly it may be demanded how this can be ●e summe of the law and the Prophets to doe as we would be done to vith men seeing we are further bound by the law to performe duties of loue and obedience to God Answ. This rule is the summe of all for our loue to God must be shewed in the practise of the duties of loue iustice and mercie towards men for God is inuisible and it please th●im to make himselfe seene in our visible neighbour requiring that our loue to himselfe should be shewed in the works of mercie iustice and goodnes towards men Men may flatter themselues and say they loue God but if it be not shewed in the loue of their neighbours they deceiue themselues there is no loue of God in them And therefore they are deceiued that thinke all is well with them when they come to Church and receiue the sacraments for religion stands not in the outward seruice of God vnles it be shewed forth in the duties of iustice loue and mercie commanded in the second table see Iames 1. vers 27. pure religion and vndesiled before God is to visit the fatherlesse and widdowes in their aduerstie and to keepe himselfe vnspotted of the world v. 13. I Entern at the strait gate for it is the wide gate and broad way that ●adeth to destruction and many there be which goe in thereat 11. Because the gate is strait and the way narrow that leadeth vnto life and few there be that finde it These two verses beeing the fifth part of this chapter containe the tenth point of Doctrine in this Sermon of our Sauiour Christ wherein he ex●●rteth his hearers and vs all effectually to an earnest care in seeki●● euerlasting life and withall admonisheth vs in the matter of Saluation not to follow the multitude because most men goe the broad ●ay to destruction The words containe two parts A commandement Enter in at the strait gate and a reason in the words following for it is the wide gate Yet for our further edification and instruction I will consider and handle fiue points which are here set downe by our Sauiour Christ I. that there be two contrarie cities or kingdoms in one of which euery man and woman must abide for euer after this life and further that these afford vnto men a contrarie estate the one life the other death destruction II. That there are two distinct waies to these two cities or kingdomes one leading to destruction the other leading vnto life III. The condition and propertie of these two waies The way of life is straite and narrow The way of destruction is broad and wide and that from the beginning to the end IV. What men doe in these waies namely that many walke in the broad way and few can find the straite and narrow way V. What men ought to doe touching these waies namely passe by the broad way and enter into and walke in the straite way which is the scope of Christs exhortation and instruction in this place Of these in order For the first These two cities are two distinct places ordained of God for the finall and eternall aboad of all mankind after this life according to that which euery man hath done in his bodie These are tearmed diuersly in Scripture one the kingdome of heauen the other vtter darknes in the chapter following vers 11 12. The one Abrahams ●osome the other hell fire Luk. 16. 23. and in the 21. and 22. Chapters of the Reuelation they are notably described the one is called the citie of God the other the burning lake and vsually the one is called heauen the other hell And as these are distinct places so they afford vnto men two distinct estates The one life the other destruction as it is said the narrow way leades to life the br●●dway to destruction By life here is meant a blessed state of man in whi●● he liues in fellowship with God and hath his heart filled with the vnbreakable loue and goodnes of God and with endles ioy from Gods im●●diate presence And this indeed is the onely true life our naturall life i●●ut a shadow thereof By perdition or destruction we are to vnderstand cursed state of man in which he is without all fellowship with God i● respect of his fauour mercie and loue and yet in bodie soule and ●nscience doth apprehend the bitternes of Gods wrath and furie for ●●●more hauing no fellowship saue onely with the deuill and his angel● and damned soules This is no life but eternall death though soule● and bodie liue together eternally Uses I. In that Christ doth here mention but two cities or plac●● to the one whereof euery man must resort after death we may gather that there is no middle place or condition betweene life and destruction A third place or state the Scripture knoweth not and therefore there is no place of purging the soules of men after this life which the Papists call Purgatorie if there had the word of God would haue reuealed it But the Papists say it is the vpper part of hell neere to the hell of the damned I answer If that were so then there is no saluation for them that are in purgatorie for there is no returning out of hell to heauen by reason of the great gulfe between them Luk. 16. 26. and they that are in any part of hell are but damned persons II. Use. If there be but two places and in them two estates onely according to that which men haue done here on earth either good or euill then we must be admonished with all care and conscience to vse all good meanes whereby we may escape the one and attaine to the other to be freed from destruction and to gaine saluation In the massacre and sacking of a citie in which some are slaine and some escape aliue euery one hath care to shift for himselfe to saue his temporall life much more then ought we to prouide for eternall life seeing at the last day wherein the whole world shal be ransacked euery one must vndergoe either saluation or destruction if we had our deseruing we should be confounded euery moment but God in mercie grants vnto vs length of dayes for this very ende that we should seeke Gods kingdome and life euerlasting and therefore this must be our principall care and studie that we may be alwaies readie whensoeuer we shal be called hence and the rather because we know
had they who were the first restorers of true religion vnto vs in this our age for they were by profession either Popish Priests or Schoole doctors I answer their calling was partly ordinarie and partly extraordinatie for in the ministerie of a Prophet there be two things his office and the vsing or exercise of his office Our first ministers that restored the truth vnto vs had but an ordinarie office beeing either Readers in Schooles or publike preachers also they had their outward calling thereto from the church of Rome so as if there bee any part of good calling in that Church then was their calling good which may serue to stop the mouthes of all Papists that carpe at our Church as though our ministers had no calling But for the vsing of their office they were extraordinarily raised and stirred vp to doe that which they did in regard of the manifolde abuses wherewith the ministerie of the Church was generally corrupted in their time for God gaue vnto them grace and knowledge to discerne to teach and to maintaine the right and true vse of the ministerie And that they were thus extraordinarily stirred vp by God may appeare by the extraordinarie gifts and graces where with they were endued for God that hath alwaies a care ouer his Church when he saw the same so fearefully corrupted by Antichrist did stirre vp these men to reforme the same and besides their singular gifts of knowledge and wisdome he gaue them extraordinary graces of true pietie whereby they were inabled to seale and confirme with their own blood the truth of that doctrine which they did prosesse teach which was an euident argument they were called of God Now opposite to this wee must make the first note of a false Prophet namely to come on his owne head and to preach not beeing sent And by this marke are false Prophets noted Ier. 14. 14. I haue not sent them neither did I commaund them yet they prophecie in my name And no lesse do these words of Christ import when he saith here they come vnto you that is of themselues without a calling from God though they pretend a calling which is one of their cloakes and therefore by Saint Iude vers 4. they are said to creepe into the Church as also Acts 20. 29. grieuous wolues shall enter in among you without calling from God or from the Church Here some may aske how shal we iudge of such and know that they haue no calling Answ. For this purpose I adde a second note of a true Prophet which is the most principal it standeth in the right wholsome hādling of the Scriptures of God This is the prope● fruit of a true Prophet 1. Cor. 14. 3. He that prophecies speakes vnto men edificatiō exhortation comfort 2. Tim. 2. 15. Shew thy selfe a good workman by diuiding the word of God aright 2. Tim. 3. 16 17. the scripture vsed in teaching cō●incing correcting instructing vnto righteousnes serues to make a man fit to euery good worke of a Prophet Now this wholesome handling of the word stands in two things in a right interpretation and opening of the true sense of scripture and in a due and sound collection of wholesome doctrine from the fame for the edifying of the Church both in sound iudgement and Christian life On the contrarie the second fruit of a false Prophet is to deliuer and maintaine corrupt doctrine contrarie to the wholesome doctrine of holy Scripture and by this principally hee is to be knowne for a false Prophet that intrudeth himselfe For the better conceiuing of this note we must know that in the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles there are two things principally to be considered the scope the parts thereof the scope of all their doctrine tendes to maintain Christ Iesus God man the alone perfect Sauiour of the Church And indeede he which teacheth any doctrine tending to ouerthrow Christ either in regard of his natures or of his offices the same is a false Prophet 1. Ioh. 4. 3. Euery spirit that confesseth not that Iesus is come in the flesh is not of God The parts of Propheticall Apostolike doctrine are the commādements of the Law and the promises of the Gospel he which ouerturnes either directly or by iust consequent any commādement of the the Law or article of faith must needes bee a false Prophet so that a false Prophet must be tried by the analogie of faith cōprised in the articles of the Apostles Creed and in the Decalogue which containes the summe of all the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles and he which goeth against them is a false Prophet The 3. fruit of a true Prophet is noted by our Sauiour Christ namely in his ministery to seeke Gods glory Ioh. 7. 18. Where also he noteth out a false Prophet who in teaching and preaching seeketh not Gods glorie but his owne The same note doth Paul giue Phil. 3. 19. calling them earthly minded seeking their own honour wealth glory not the things of God and they serue not the Lord but their own bellies Thus we see the notes of a false Prophet among which the second is the principall whereby he is to be tried as wee may see plainely Deut. 1● 4. If a false Prophet come and worke a true signe yet hee must die If by his false doctrine he seeke to withdrawe Gods people from the true God So when the Iewes asked Christ by what authoritie he did those things that is what warrant and calling he had to doe as he did hee answers them by another question touching Iohns ministerie thereby shewing that that which hee did was warranted by the testimonie of Iohn and Iohns testimonie was true because his calling was from God and his calling he iustifies because his doctrine signified by his baptisme was from God So Galat. 1. 8. He which teacheth otherwise then they had learned out of the Prophets from the Apostles let him bee accursed though he were an angel from heauen And thus much for the meaning of this rule Uses 1. From this rule wee haue to answer the Papists and all popish persons who vse to plead in defence of their religion after this sort If our religion be false shewe vs the time when it was corrupted the man that corrupted it and the manner howe it was corrupted for once we had the pure religion Wee might answer them by the like that a man might say as well of a shippe that is sunke on the sea that it is not sunke because no man can tell where and when and by what meanes it tooke water But yet further wee haue here to answer that though wee knewe not when their religion was corrupted and by whom yet seeing their teachers and people haue in them and among them the necessarie fruits of Antichristian Prophets and people wee can thereby assure our selues they are corrupt and
from the teaching of the minister for he teacheth beeing called by Christ and in stead of Christ but the master teacheth not by like vertue but onely by the right of mastership the father by vertue of fatherhood and one friend another by vertue of brotherly charitie And this sheweth the dignitie of the calling of a minister and the weight of his office no master no father or ordinarie professor hath the like Cast out deuills and done many great workes For the better vnderstanding hereof we must entreat something of the working of miracles and first we are to see what a miracle is A miracle is not only a strange worke done but such a worke as is aboue the strength of all creatures and beyond the whole power of created nature for it is done by the power of God himselfe immediately which is aboue the strength of all creatures such a worke was the staying of the sunne Iosua 10. 13. and the going backeward of the shadow of the diall 2. King 20. 11. Secondly the Lord God alone is the author of a miracle who created heauen and earth as Dauid saith Thou art great and doest wondrous things thou art God alone Psal. 86. 10. No angel nor other creature in heauen or in earth no not the manhood of Christ though exalted aboue all creatures is able to worke a miracle How then will some say doe these men plead their working of miracles Ans. Not as authors but as instruments and ministers whom the Lord vsed in the working of them for men worke miracles by beleeuing on this manner First they receiue a speciall instinct and inward motion that God will vse them as instruments in the working of a miracle if they pray vnto him and command the worke to be done vpon this instinct they beleeue that if they pray to God and command in his name it shall bee done and lastly they praie and commaund according to this instinct and so the thing they beleeued is done And thus is this speech to bee vnderstood Haue we not cast out deuils c. that is thou hast put an extraordinarie instinct into our minds that if we prayed vnto thee and commanded the deuils in thy name to depart it should be done this wee haue beleeued and accordingly practised and so haue cast out deuils done many great wonders by thy name This gift of miracles doth not now befal the Church of God all that the Church now hath for ought I see is the gift of praier ioyned with fasting which also must bee conditionall depending on Gods glorie the good of Gods Church and of the partie troubled they may not pray absolutely for this worke of casting out deuils or for the doing of such like miracles much lesse may they now giue peremptorie command for the beeing of them If it be said that Gods Church hath all needfull gifts as well now as in former times I answer it hath all gifts needfull to their saluation and therefore prayer in the Church serues now either to deliuer the partie troubled or else to procure as good a blessing as deliuerance is which is patience and repentance And thus wee see what manner of persons they be that shall say Lord Lord and make apologie for themselues at the last day and yet be damned namely some that haue beene excellent preachers of the word and some that haue had extraordinary power to cast out deuils and lastly others that haue wrought many strange cures and miracles by faith in Christs name Now whence we learne first that most excellent gifts will not auaile to the saluation of any man or woman vnlesse they haue true faith sincere repentance and new obedience whereby they doe the will of God for what an excellent gift is it to be able to teach and preach the word of God what a rare thing is it to haue heard Christ himselfe preach and to haue giuen him entertainment and yet neither of these can saue a man Christ saith here the apologie of preaching shall doe men no good and the priuiledge of eating and drinking with Christ and of hearing him teach in their streets will nothing auaile Christ wil say I neuer knew you Luk. 13. 26 27. It is likewise an excellent earthly priuiledge to be allied vnto Christ and yet Christ preserreth spirituall kindred by faith and obedience farre before it saying to one that told him his mother and his brethren stood without desiring to speake with him Who saith he is my mother and who are my brethren and pointing to his ' Disciples he said behold my mother and my brethren for whosoeuer shall doe my fathers will the same is my brother and sister and mother And with reuerence it may be truely said of the virgin Mary that howsoeuer it was a wonderfull priuiledge vnto her to be the mother of Christ Iesus yet if shee had not as well borne him in her heart by faith as shee did in her bodie shee had neuer beene saud and therefore Paul saith though wee had knowne Christ after the flesh yet henceforth knowe wee him no more but if any man bee in Christ hee is a newe creature 2. Cor. 5. 16. and in Christ neither circumcision auaileth any thing nor vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue Gal. 5. 6. The consideration whereof must mooue vs all to labour to become new creatures and to get the graces of Gods children who are regenerate euen true faith true repentance and new obedience and not to rest in other gifts though they be most excellent Againe students that haue a great measure of knowledge and other excellent parts as memorie languages c. must learne not to be puffed vp therewith for knowledge puffeth vp 1. Cor. 8. 1. but withall to get the sauing graces before named for without a repentant and beleeuing heart all the gifts they haue wil neuer saue them nay rather they must be abased thereby for without true sauing faith all other gifts bee but as so many mil-stones to presse them deeper into the pit of destruction Secondly here note that many learned preachers who haue soundly handled the word of God for the conuersion of others shall yet themselues be condemned like to the Carpenters that built Noahs Arke and yet were drowned in the flood The consideration whereof must teach all Ministers according the counsell of the Apostle Act. 20. 28. to take heed first vnto themselues and then to their flockes so Paul bids Timothy Take heed vnto thy selfe and vnto learning continue therin for in doing this thou shalt both saue thy selfe and them that heare thee 2. Tim. 4. 16. Secondly to be followers of Paul in the practise of mortification who did beate downe his bodie and bring it into subiection least by any meanes after ●e had preached to others he himselfe should be a reprobate 2. Cor. 9. 27. Thirdly the people of God are here also taught their dutie for seeing this fearefull
simple manner for herein is that true that God hath chosen such things as to the world are foolish weake vile and despised to confound and bring to nought the wise and mightie things of the world and hereby also it is made euident that the faith of Gods elect doth not consist in the wisdome of men but in the power of God againe the preaching of the Gospel with the wisedome of words makes the crosse of Christ of none effect let no man therefore deceiue himselfe for the foolishnes of God is wiser then men and the weaknes of God stronger then men Againe he that doth exercise himselfe in the word of God either priuately or publiquely must labour thereby to see his owne sinnes and Gods heauie iudgement due vnto him for them and so will he beginne to reuerence Gods word as the onely meanes of true comfort The woman of Samaria at the first beganne to cauill with Christ when shee heard him talke of the water of life but so soone as he discouered her sinne to her conscience telling her shee had had fiue husbands and he whome shee now had was not her husband then shee left off to cauill and honoured him by beleeuing his word and causing others to come and to beleeue in him The Iewes made light of the giuing of the holy Ghost vnto the Apostles at the first but when Peter had pricked their hearts they sought vnto the word and receiued it with gladnes so the Iayler though ouer night he dealt vnkindly with the Apostles putting their feete in the stockes in the dungeon yet beeing stricken with a feare by the opening of the prison doores he then fell downe before them trembling and asked what he might doe to be saued Secondly others take occasion of offence from the contents of the Bible as when they read of the Miracles wrought by the Prophets by Christ and his Apostles they say the like may be done by Magicke and so blasphemously doe father vpon the Scripture that most wicked practise of sorcerie like to the malicious Iewes who said of Christ that he cast out deuills by the power of Beelzebub Luk. 11. 15. Others denie the Historie of Moses to be true by reason of Noahs Arke which they say as it is described for quantitie could not containe a couple of euery kind of creatures with prouision and fodder for them for a whole years space of this opinion was Appelles an auncient heretike in the primitiue Church and many vpon these occasions haue become Atheists denying the truth of Gods word to their damnation To these I answer first for the Miracles that no creature men or Angels is able to doe such works as are recorded in Scripture to be done by the power of God Ioh. 9. Christ opened the eyes of one that was borne blind The deuill by his skill and man by Arte can doe much in curing blindnes caused by wounds and diseases but no power of nature nor of magick no not all the power of all Angels is sufficient to procure sight to one that was borne blind that must be done by a power creating which is in no creature Againe as Histories record the deuill is able to enter into a dead bodie and cause it to mooue and can speake in it but to raise vp one to life that had beene dead foure daies as Christ did Lazarus is a worke that all the deuills in hell nay all the Angels in heauen are not able to doe And for Appelles the heretike who tooke occasion from Noahs Arke to condemne the bookes of Moses the answer made to him in the Primitiue Church may serue the turne to wit that it was in quantitie sufficient to containe couples of all kindes of creatures and prouision for them for a whole yeares space for to omit the height and breadth of it it was three hundred cubits long and euery cubit according to the auncient measure contained nine foote which in all came to the length of halfe a mile and more Againe others say that though euery cubit had beene but one foote and an halfe long as our cubits are yet hauing three lofts it was of sufficient bignesse to containe all kinds of creatures by couples and prouision for them for a yeares space But yet put the case that we could not tell how an Arke should be made great enough to containe couples of all kinds of creatures and prouision for them should we thereupon take occasion to condemne the bookes of God that record the same and the thing it selfe God forbidde nay rather we must hereby learne to acknowledge and confesse our owne blindnesse and the shallow reach of our vnderstanding and so admire the wonderfull worke of God The way to cut off this occasion of offence taken from the Scripture is first to obserue that howsoeuer nothing is more repugnant to our nature then the word of God yet the same word of God hath more preuailed with many mens hearts to winne the same vnto it then any thing in the world besides could euer doe Humane writings are farre more plausible to naturall men then the holy Scriptures of God for the wisdome of God in Scripture is esteemed foolishnesse to mans naturall reason and yet who did euer cleaue so fast to the writings of men as Gods children haue done to the word of God for the testimonie whereof they haue beene and are content to liue and die This thing argueth plainely that there is in Scripture a diuine power for if it had beene from man and against his nature as it is man would haue contemned it Secondly this must be considered that the penmen of holy Scriptures both the Prophets and Apostles haue recorded their owne faults in penning of it which plainely argueth that they were penned by holy men of God according to the direction of the holy Ghost and are not the inuentions of politique heads to keepe men in awe for then the Authors and penmen thereof would rather haue concealed their owne faults then haue published the same in their owne workes to their discredit Lastly consider the subiect and matter of the whole Bible to wit Iesus Christ who therein hath professed himselfe to be the Sonne of God now if Christ had not beene very God and yet should haue taken that honour vnto him then the like iudgements would haue befallen him that befell others for the like offence for none euer tooke that honour vnto them who were not grieuously punished As was Adam in Paradise for seeking to be like vnto God and Herod for receiuing and applying to himselfe the blasphemous praise of the people crying The voice of God and not of man but howsoeuer most fearefull iudgements befell Gods enemies that thus sought to robbe him of his honour yet Christs ende was glorious and blessed which may mooue vs to thinke highly of Scripture as of the word
the performing of the thing hee sweareth to doe Secondly it bindes a man vnto God for he that sweareth inuocates God as a witnesse and a Iudge of the truth of his assertion and hee stands bound vnto God till the thing sworne vnto bee performed if it bee lawfull and possible And herein the Pharises are good Teachers and from this their collection we learne sundry points First that if a man take an oath though hee were constrained thereto by feare yet it must bee kept if it bee of things lawfull and possible because in an oath a man stands bound vnto the Lord as if a man sweare vnto a Thiefe for the sauing of his life that hee will bring him some money or other bootie of his owne goods this he is to performe because the losse is but priuate but if hee were sworne further not to detect the Thiefe that were a bond of iniquitie tending to the hurt of the common wealth and therefore such an oath a man ought not to take and if he doe so sweare yet he must not keepe it but repent of his rash oath Secondly if a man be brought to sweare by error beeing ouertaken by another yet if it were of things lawfull within his power it must bee kept so did Iosuah to the Gibeonites and the breach thereof by Saul was grieuously punished as we shewed before Thirdly if a man sweare vnto a lawfull promise and it fall out that the keeping of his oath procure him great temporall losses yet the oath must be kept because therein hee is bound vnto God This Dauid noteth for a propertie of him that must rest in Gods holy mountaine to keepe his promise whereto he is bound by an oath though it turne to his owne hindrance Psal. 15. 4. Fourthly here wee may see that the doctrine and practise of the Church of Rome is wicked and damnable They teach that the Bishop of Rome by the power of the Keyes may free a man in conscience from the bond of a lawefull oath Indeede if the bond were onely betweene man and man it were something but beeing betweene God man he that will dispense therwith must be aboue or at least equall to God himselfe The Pharisies doctrine was farre better who taught that mens oathes must be performed vnto God without dispensing therewith And therefore our English Priests who before haue sworne to the Supremacie of this state and now are reconciled to the Pope are statly periured persons and so to be held But howsoeuer the Pharisies make this one good collection yet they erre grossely in their further meaning and expounding of this law for when as God forbiddeth a man to forsweare himselfe hence they gather first that it was lawfull to sweare ordinarily in common talke euen by the name of God so that they sware truly and did not forsweare themselues that this was their meaning will appeare in Christs answer Secondly hence they gathered that the law spake nothing of indirect oathes for they made two kinds of oathes direct by the name of God and indirect by the creatures And as they held that a man might sweare directly by the name of God without sinne in common talke so they taught that swearing indirectly by the creatures as by heauen by the temple the head Altar and such like was nothing neither the breaking thereof was any periurie as Math. 23. 16. And like vnto these Iewes are Popish teachers who hold that men m 〈…〉 are not onely by the name of God but by holy things as by the ●●●●de the Masse Saints and Angels if they be not abused vers 34. But I say vnto you sweare not at all neither by heauen for it is the throne of God c. Here Christ confuteth the false interpretation of the Iewish Teachers And his answer is propounded first generally sweare not at all then particularly in the words following to the 38. verse The wordes of his generall answer are somewhat hard and peruerted by many therefore that we may come to the true sense thereof two points are to be considered First what it is to sweare then how farre forth Christ forbiddeth swearing For the first we shall best conceiue of an oath by the parts thereof In an oath be two things Confession and Imprecation Confession is threefold though for outward forme the words of an oath be few 1. A man confesseth that that which he sweareth is true in his conscience 2. that God is a witnesse not onely of the outward action and speech but also of his particular conscience and 3. that God is an omnipotent Iudge of all and of him that sweareth able to iustifie him if he sweare truly or otherwise to condemne him eternally if he sweare falsly Imprecation the second thing in an oath is a prayer to God for two things First that God would be a witnesse with him that sweareth to testifie that he sweareth truly and according to his conscience so Paul did Rom. 9. 1. I speake the truth in Christ I lie not my conscienc● bearing me witnesse in the holy Ghost Secondly a man praies that God would become a Iudge to curse him with eternall wrath if he swore falsely so 2. Cor. 1. 23. I call God for a record vnto my soule and the forme of swearing in old time was the vsing of this imprecation God doe so to me and more also if I doe not thus and thus 2. king 6. 31. We see what it is to sweare Now we come to shew how farre forth Christ forbiddeth swearing in these words Sweare not at all The Anabaptists gather hence that all swearing is forbidden and so did some Heretikes in the primitiue Church yea and some of the auncient Fathers that otherwaies deserued well of the Church thought that the Lord in the olde Testament did onely permit swearing as he did some other things that were euill which he approoued not and that now Christ did quite take away the same But this opinion is false and erronious for swearing is commanded as a part of Gods worship now if Christ should here forbid it he should be against himselfe condemning that which himselfe approoued Againe the Apostle Paul vsed it as is plaine to be seene in the most of his Epistles and Heb. 6. 16. An oath for confirmation is called the ordinance of God for the ending of all strife Others as the Papists say that Christ here sets down a counsell of perfection not forbidding all swearing but rather wishing that men could so liue in faith loue and truth that there should be no vse of an oath But this can not be true for Christs wordes are not perswasiue but prohibitorie expressely forbidding swearing And yet we must know that Christs meaning is not here to forbid all swearing simply but all swearing after the Iewish manner and custome that is in common talke and communication as is plaine in the
praiest in secret that is as though thou wert in secret intending onely to approoue thine heart vnto God in praier then thy father seeth thee he knowes thine heart and heares thy praier This is verefied by the example of Ionas who was heard praying in the Whales bellie of Daniel praying in the Lyons denne and of Moses who is said to crie vnto the Lord when as he praied onely in heart The vse of this point is manifold 1. It serueth to admonish vs that when wee pray wee must in singlenesse of heart bring our selues into Gods presence and heartily and truely put vp our requests vnto God so as we may approoue vnto him both our hearts and our prayers for there is nothing in our prayers that can be hid from God and therefore we must not content our selues with the thing done but labour so to pray that God may be well pleased with the manner thereof Secondly hereby we are taught to make conscience not only of our doings and speeches but euen of our very thoughts and that in secret places for though we may conceale the same from men yet we cannot couer them from the eies of God he is inuisible and yet all things are naked before him Thirdly this prooueth that no prayer can lawfully be made to the virgin Marie or to any other Saint departed for he alone is to bee called vpon in praier who sees in secret but God onely sees in secret neither the virgin Marie nor any other of the Saints can see in secret and therefore praier is to be made to none but to God alone The Papists answer that Saints departed see in secret though not of themselues yet by God and in God but that is false the Angels before their fall saw not their own future fal nor the fall of man The blessed Angels in heauen know not now the time and day of the last iudgement yea the Saints departed lie vnder the Altar crying how long Lord beeing ignorant of the time of their full redemption and therfore the Saints departed see not in secret The second reason drawne from Gods promised bountie is in these words shall reward thee openly that is shall repay thee for thy praier in the day of iudgement before the Saints and holy Angels as we expoūded the same words in the fourth verse This is a notable reason to induce men to pray in a true and holy manner wherein we may see the endlesse mercie of God vouchsafed to them that pray aright if any subiect put vp a supplication to his earthly Prince he takes it for a speciall fauour if the Prince vouchsafe to admit him to his presence behold here the King of Kings will not onely vouchsafe vs accesse vnto the throne of his grace when wee put vp our supplications vnto him but if we pray aright he doth hold himselfe indebted vnto vs for the same and promiseth one day to reward vs openly This far●e exceedes the loue of all creatures in heauen and earth no Prince is so kinde and gratious to his best subiects as the Lord is to all that call vpon him in spirit and truth From this place the Papists would gather that prayer is a worke that merits at Gods hand eternall life for thus they reason Where there is repaying by way of reward there is something done which meriteth but vnto prayer there is a repaying therefore it doth merit at Gods hand Answ. Reward is due to man two waies either by desert or of free gift and promise now in this place God will reward man for his prayers not for their desert but of his owne free will and grace because he hath promised so to doe That this is so may thus appeare If a Begger should aske an almes of any man it were absurd to say that the begger by asking did deserue the almes and so stands the case for the merit of our prayers thereby we beg things at Gods hands and therefore can no more merit thereby then the begger can deserue his almes by asking nay rather we may gather hence that Gods rewarding them that pray proceedes from his owne free grace alone for prayer properly is a worke of man vnto God wherein man giues nothing vnto God as the Iewes did in the sacrifices or as is done in some other spiritual sacrifices of the new Testament but onely asketh and receiueth some thing from God and therefore cannot hereby merit any thing at Gods hands And by this may all other places be expounded where reward is promised to mans worke Lastly note the phrase here vsed he shall reward thee openly that is at the last day whence I gather that till the day of iudgement no seruant of God shall fully reape the fruite and benefit of his praiers This must bee well considered of all that haue care to call vpon God vnfainedly for many times after long and earnest praier we feele little or no comfort whereby we may be brought to dislike our estate as though God had no respect vnto vs but we must know that God doth often long deferre to reward his seruants that praie vnto him not doubt but Zacharie and Elizabeth prayed for 〈◊〉 in their yonger age and yet they were not heard till they were both olde● and Dauid saith his eies failed for waiting on God when hee would accomplish his promise made vnto him this we may also see in the petitions of the Lords prayer for they be all according to his will yet the full fruition of the benefits there asked is reserued to the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ Verse 7. And when you pray vse 〈◊〉 vaine repetitions a● the heathen for they thinke to be heard for their much babling Our Sauiour Christ hauing de●lt against hypocrisie in prayer doth here come to the second vice which hee intends to reforme therein namely babling consisting in the outward forme of praier The words containe two parts ● commandement and a reason thereof The commandement When ye pray vse n● vaine repetitions a● the heathen doe where first we must know th●● Christ reproues not repetition in praier simply but needelesse repetitions only for Psal. 51. Dauid doth sundrie times repeat his requests for the pardon of sinne and for sanctification also Moses El●● and our Sauiour Christ praied fourtie da●es together and in these long praiers no doubt vsed many repetitions much lesse can we pray one day together without many repetitions Here then by vaine repetitions is meant babling that is a desire and affectation to vse and speake many words in praier and vnder this one vice are condemned all sinnes of the same kind that is all superst●ous multiplication of words in praier as the heathen that is such as were not the people of God but al●●ns from the common wealth of Israel and strangers from the couenant of promise In this commandement are condemned many abuses in the manner of
in obeying the voice of his word And because this exposition is generally receiued I will not stand to prooue it this onely we must remember that here wee pray not to performe obedience equall in measure and degree to the obedience of the Saints Angels in heauen but such as is like vnto it for this note of comparison here imports a likenesse and resemblance and not equalitie Now this likenesse here stands in 4. things First in cheerefulnesse willingnesse for the holy angels obey the commandement of God freely and readily without murmuring or constraint for this cause they are said to come and stand before God Iob. 1. 6. and to behold his face Matth. 18. 10. to expresse their voluntarie seruice vnto God and so should Gods children obey God as Paul speaketh of Philemons beneficence it must not be as it were of necessitie but willingly As in the case of Almes-giuing God loues a cheerefull giuer so in all obedience he likes a cheerefull doing and therefore hee saith if there be first a willing minde it is accepted according to that a man hath In this regard Peter besought the Elders to feed the flocke of God depending on them and to care for it not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a readie minde and the Apostle Paul saith If I doe it willingly I haue a reward This vertue the Prophet Dauid expressed notably Psalm 40. 6 7 8 when God as it were bored newe eares in his soule then he said L●● I come I desired to doe thy will Secondly in Prioritie for the Angels preferre to doe the will of God before all other things and therefore they are said to stand in his presence continually as it were waiting vpon his pleasure and the like affection for obedience vnto God must be in all his children This Abraham notably testifies when at Gods command he would haue killed Isaac testifying thereby that he preferred obedience vnto God before the deerest thing in the world this also wee may see in Dauid Psalm 119. 14. I haue had as great delight in the way of thy testimonies as in all riches and verse 127. I loue thy commandements aboue golde yea aboue much fine gold and in our Sauiour Christ who said when he was wearie and hungrie My meate is to doe the will of him that sent me and to finish h●● worke Iohn 4. 34. Thirdly in speede and quickenesse for the Angels doe Gods will without all delaie or slackenesse which the Scripture signifies by their wings and flying which it ascribeth vnto them and the like alacritie should Gods children shew in their obedience vnto God Psal. 119. 60. I made hast and delaied not to keepe thy commandements Fourthly in faithfulnesse the Angels doe not Gods will by halues or peace-meale but throughly and perfectly wherein soeuer God imployeth them and so should wee bee faithfull in doing Gods will endeauouring to yeeld sincere obedience not to some but to all Gods commandements which concerne vs Psalme 119. 6. I shall not bee confounded when I haue respect vnto all thy commandements 2. Kings 23. 25. King Iosias turned to the Lord with all his soule with all his heart and with all his might according to all the law of Moses an example to be followed of all Gods children that so they may be like to the blessed Angels The 1. Use. Wants to be bewailed First this patterne of Angelicall obedience here propounded for our imitation must teach vs to acknowledge and bewaile the naturall hardnesse deadnesse and vntowardnesse of our hearts in yeelding obedience vnto the will of God if wee feele not this dull and vntoward heart we may suspect our selues of the want of grace for euery gratious heart feeles it more or lesse and bewailes it vnto God and so must we doe if we say in truth Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Secondly wee must here also bewaile the want of sinceritie and faithfulnesse in doing Gods will our maymed and halte obedience shewes how farre we come short of this Angelical example many content themselues with the outward seruice of the bodie and neuer regard the inward worship of the heart and others haue respect to outward duties of pietie that concerne God but for vprightnes and mercy towards men they little regard this the Angels doe not 2. Use. Graces to be desired Hereby also we must learne to pray for the spirit of freedome whereby we may be deliuered from the bondage of corruption and so may the more freely and cheerefully and heartily endeauour to doe Gods will Psal. 51. 12. Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation and stablish me by thy free spirit the holy Ghost is therefore called the free spirit because it giues liberty from the bondage of sinne and makes the heart free and forward and cheerefull in Gods seruice for where the spirit of the Lord is there is libertie 2. Cor. 3. 17. 3. Vse Duties to be practised Because we must practise the good things we pray for therefore here we are taught to frame our liues to an holy Imitation of the blessed Angels Though we cannot attaine to the measure of their obedience yet we must endeauour after their manner of obedience in readinesse c. and so by following them beginne our heauen in this world This will not stand with their humour who account zeale in religion affected precisenesse but such as call God father in sinceritie must set before them the obedience of the holy Angels as a patterne for their imitation Now in them we may obscrue these things for vs to follow First they desired before Christs incarnation to looke into the mysterie of our redemption wrought by Christ 1. Pet. 1. 12. although it concerne them not as it doth vs for they neuer fell and they are established by another grace then of redemption now herein we must follow the Angels or if it were possible goe beyond them for Christ took not the Angels but the seede of Abraham his redemption concernes vs and therefore we much more must be diligent searchers out of this mysterie in the Gospel Secondly the Angels are maintainers of true religion and of the worship of God for the law was giuen by Angels Gal. 3. 19. The most of Daniels visions were shewed by an Angel and so was the reuelation vnto Iohn Reuel 1. 1. the Angels brought the Apostles out of prison to preach the Gospel sundrie times They are enemies to Idolatrie for Apoc. 19. 10. when Iohn would haue worshipped the Angel he forbad him saying See thou doe it not worship God herein also we must be followers of Angels by furthering the Gospel and true worship of God to the vttermost of our power by hindering all Idolatrie and shewing our selues enemies to all the enemies of God and of his truth Thirdly the Angels were alwaies seruiceable vnto Christ they
glued to the world that without Gods special grace it will sooner forsake Christ then worldly wealth this wee may see in Demas who to embrace the world forsooke Paul 2. Tim. 4. 10. whereupon Christ saith g how hardly can a rich man enter into the kingdom of heauen And thus much of the first practise of couetousnes which is excessiue care and labour after worldly goods The second practise of couetousuesse which Christ here forbids is when men seeke only or principally for worldly goods neglecting spirituall graces in regard thereof This appeares by the opposition of the next verse vnto this lay not vp for your selues earthly treasures but lay vp for your selues treasures in heauen This was Esaus practise who sold his birthright for a messe of pottage Heb. 12. 16. and the sinne of the Gadarens that vpon the losse of their swine desired Christ to goe out of their coasts Luk. 8. 37. And this is the sinne of our age wherein many things nay almost euery thing which may yeeld profit or delight is cared for aboue the word or else how could there be so much preaching and so little profiting but that mens thoughts and delights are taken vp with earthly things but this is a preposterous and disordered care which euery one must labour to reforme as Christ commands v. 31. The third practise of couetousnes here forbidden is to put trust and confidēce in worldly things treasured vp this is the Idolatry of the heart for looke whereon a man sets his heart that he makes his God therefore is couetousnesse called idolatrie Colos. 3. 5. Hence it is that Christ makes it so hard a thing for a rich man to enter into heauen Mat. 19. 23 24. because they trust in their riches and if we marke well wee shall finde it commonly true that rich men are proud hearted and secure not regarding Gods iudgements nor the meanes of their saluation for they take not God for their strength that trust in their riches Dauids coūsell therfore must be followed If riches increase set not your heart thereon The fourth practise here forbidden is when men lay vp for themselues onely without regard to the Church or common wealth or reliefe of the poore This is a deuillish practise for euery one is but a steward of that he hath to dispence the same for Gods glory to the good of others The p 〈…〉 re are Gods poore and members of his familie and therefore he re 〈…〉 es that euery steward in his family should see they haue their portio● God ●ill call the rich to their account when this will not be taken for good disposing to say I kept my riches to my selfe so much will the ●l●thfull seruant say that hides his talent in a napkin And therefore let vs learne to make conscience hereof with the rest of these bad practises Where the moth and canker corrupt and where theeues digge through and steale These words containe a speciall reason of the former commandement to this effect Earthly treasures as riches raiment c. are subiect to be corrupt by the moth and canker and to be caried away by theeues and therefore we must not excessiuely or principally seeke after them set our hearts vpon them or hoard them vp for our selues The exposition The word translated Moth signifieth a worme that eateth the finest cloath and consumeth the best garment yet here it must be taken more largely for any worme that doth destroy or consume any creature And so the word translated canker must be largely taken for any thing that by rust or fretting doth eate into and consume mettall or any other creature Here then Christ noteth a two-fold vanitie of the creatures both in respect of their nature and of abuse for their nature they are subiect to corruption by rust moth and canker be the creatures neuer so pure and costly as gold siluer pearles c. for the heauens themselues are subiect to vanitie And for abuse they are subiect to the iniuries of vngodly persons theeues may steale them and couetous persons may hoard them vp that they shall serue for no vse Now if all earthly creatures be subiect to vanitie both by corruption and abuse then we must not make them our chiefe treasures but seeke for them and vse them in a moderate and sober manner Quest. But whence came this vanitie vpon the creatures Ans. God hath subiected them vnto it for the sinne of man Rom. 8 20. The consideration hereof must let vs see the grieuousnesse of our sinnes and the greatnes of Gods anger due thereunto in that he hath imprinted the stampe of his wrath vpon euery creature for the sinne of man by subiecting it to this two-fold vanitie And therefore when we see a moth vpon apparell or rust and canker vpon mettall or other creatures corrupting them we ought rather to be humbled for our sinnes then to suffer our hearts to be drawne to immoderate desire delight after earthly things Secondly are the creatures that neuer sinned subiect to vanitie for mans sinne then how vaine a thing is man that by his transgression bringeth vanitie vpon the creatures let vs therefore in them behold our owne vanitie and when we pitie them learne to lament our owne iniquities v. 20 But lay vp treasures for your selues c. Christ hauing shewed what we must not doe in respect of treasures here on earth and knowing mans inclination to be such that he will needs haue something for his treasure doth here come to the second branch of his commandement shewing what treasure we must lay vp for our selues and enforceth vs thereto by a speciall reason The treasures we must lay vp are treasures in heauen Quest. How should we lay vp treasures in heauen for we cannot of our selues come there no man can saue himselfe the beginning progresse and accomplishment of our saluation is of God in Christ wholly Ans. It is vsuall with God in Scripture to ascribe the worke of the principall efficient cause to the instrument thereof Thus in the last ver of Obadiah Preachers are expressely called Sauiours and 1. Tim. 4. 16. In doing this thou shalt both saue thy selfe and them that heare thee and 1. Cor. 4. 15. I haue begotten you through the Gospel and yet both saluation and regeneration are the works of God alone onely Preachers are the instruments thereof So in this place to make vs rich with heauenly treasures is the worke of God alone for we rather treasure vp vnto our selues wrath against the day of wrath by our transgressions and yet because we are instruments by his grace in the vse of meanes to get this treasure therefore he giueth this commandement vnto vs as though the worke were wholly ours though himselfe be the principall author But yet that we may better conceiue of and practise this commandement two points are to be considered First what this
that he is thy heauenly father and then thou wilt easily depend vpon his prouidence for temporall blessings if thou be once perswaded truly that he will saue thy soule how canst thou distrust him for prouision for thy bodie If a Kings sonne know his father will make him heire he will not doubt but he will affoard him food and raiment in the meane time Feedeth them That is the foules that neither sow nor reape nor carie into barnes Here we may obserue Gods speciall and particular prouidence for in reason those creatures that make no prouision in summer should sta●ue in winter wherein the earth affoardeth not such meanes of nourishment as it doth in summer and yet experience teacheth that they are for the most part fatter and fitter for the vse of man in winter then in summer what argueth this but Gods speciall prouidence attending vpon the silly fowles of heauen and feeding them in the dead winter oh then how should any child of God distrust his prouidence will he feede birds and neglect his owne children it cannot be And yet this must not nuzzle an idle person or bolster him vp in the neglect of lawfull ordinarie meanes for his prouision for God would haue euery man to eate his owne bread deseruing his prouision by diligence in the duties of some lawfull calling for he that will not labour should not eate Howbeit we may here learne when all meanes faile without our default yet still to relie vpon Gods prouidence for he feedes the foules in the dead of winter and we are better then they Lastly is God so mercifull to the poore foules of heauen to prouide for them then must we that professe our selues to be Gods children shew our selues to be like to our heauenly father in exercising mercie towards all Gods creatures God is the Saviour of all men but especially of them that beleeue And we must be followers of God as deere children extending mercie to the poore of mankind because they be our owne flesh doe good vnto all but specially to them that be of the houshold of faith This is needefull to be vrged vpon our soules for in times of dearth men grinde the faces of the poore by hard bargaining the rich take aduantage of poore mens want and so make themselues fat by sucking the blood of the poore v. 27. Which of you by taking care is able to adde one cubit to his stature Here Christ propoundeth his third reason against distrustfull and carking care for worldly things from the vnprofitablens and vanitie of it in man The words of this reason are propounded by way of question which kind of phrase imports the affirming or denying of the thing spoken of with more vehemence And here it hath the force of a more vehement negation as if Christ had said Vndoubtedly not any of you by taking care can adde one cubit to his stature A cubit is a measure taken from a part of mans bodie beeing the length of the arme from the elbow to the end of the longest finger Now God in framing mans bodie brings it from this length in the mothers wombe by continuall increase adding cubit vnto cubit till at last it containe many cubits in stature according as he hath ordained and appointed And looke how many cubits long God hath ordained euery man to come vnto of that stature and talnesse he is and no man by all his wit skill and carefull industrie can adde one cubit vnto his stature for that is the proper worke of the creatour he that giues the bodie appoints the stature and by his prouidence brings it thereto by daily increase Now hence Christ reasons thus from the like As no man by taking care in all the meanes he can vse can augment his stature one cubit he cannot doe the the least thing this way as S. Luke noteth no more can any man by his distrustfull care better his outward estate for things needefull to this life any whit at all and therefore sith it is vaine and fruitlesse to vexe our hearts herewith we must beware of this distrustfull care From this reason we may obserue and gather sundrie instructions First that mans labour care and industrie is altogether vaine and fruitlesse without the blessing of Gods prouidence Psal. 127. 1 2. Except the Lord build the house they labour in vaine that build it except the Lord keepe the citie the keeper watcheth in vaine It is in vaine for you to rise earely c. 1. Cor. 3. 7. Neither is he that planteth any thing nor he that watereth meaning of themselues but God giueth the increase This point the Lord doth notably expresse by Haggai saying Ye haue sowen much and bring in little and he that earneth wages putteth it in a bottomlesse bagge Ye looked for much and lo it came to little and when it came home I did blow vpon it The consideration whereof must teach vs to commend all the sober care and labour of our lawfull callings to God by praier for his blessing for it is his blessing that maketh rich Prov. 10. 22. If Paul and Apollos two most worthie men could doe nothing of themselues what shall we thinke to doe and when we find Gods blessing vpon our labour then we must giue thanks Secondly hence we learne that no man can better his outward estate in the world for wealth and dignitie by all his care and diligence aboue that which God hath appointed him to come vnto for as God hath determined of mans bodily stature which no man by taking care can adde vnto or alter so hath he appointed in his decree what shall be mans estate for wealth or pouertie dignitie or disgrace which it lies not in the power of man or any creature to alter indeede the diligent vse of lawfull meanes is an argument of Gods blessing in outward things and therefore must be followed and exercised in sobrietie and godlinesse of those that waite for such blessings because ordinarily God conuaies his blessings by such meanes but yet the state of man depends not on the means but on Gods decree and pleasure Psal. 75. 6 7. To come to preforrement is neither from the East nor from the West but God is iudge he maketh high and he maketh low and Prov. 22. 2. The poore and the rich meete together and God is the maker of them both In regard whereof we must learne to depend vpon God in the sober vse of lawfull meanes and to rest contented with his blessing thereupon be it more or lesse for whatsoeuer it is it is that portion which God hath allotted vnto vs. Thirdly hereby are sundrie erronious opinions confuted and ouerthrowne As first the opinion of them who thinke that the temporall life of man may be prolonged by art aboue the period set by God in nature but then there may be addition made by art to the set period of mans stature for the will and prouidence of
of our hearts which tende to hurt our brothers life chastitie goods or good name though they nouer come into practise yea though we neuer giue consent of will thereto And these are the restraints of the Law whereto we must conforme our selues if we would enter into life Now follow the restraints of the Gospel which is a part of Gods word touching remission of sinnes and saluation By nature we desire to stand vpright and righteous before God by some good thing in our selues as the rich man in the Gospel he demands of Christ What good thing shall I doe to be saued Againe it is our nature not to looke to be saued by any thing out of our selues if we haue nothing els our good meaning and good hope must saue vs but the Gospel restraines vs of these desires and enioyneth vs to renounce our selues in the matter of saluation and all that is in vs and to depend on a righteousnes out of our selues in the person of Christ which is his obedience and suffering Againe we naturally desire to enioy Gods mercie by sense and feeling but the Gospel restraines vs of this kind of assurance which comes by sense and feeling and enioynes vs to hold and keepe Gods mercie by beleeuing onely both in life and death though we haue no sense thereof at all Further the Gospel renues the law for the manner of louing for the morall law required that we should loue another as we doe our selues but the Gospel requires vs to loue one another as Christ loued vs which is a greater measure of loue then the law required For Christ loued vs more then himselfe for he gaue himselfe for vs and so ought we to loue euen our enemies And thus we see how the Gospel also restraines vs from following our owne naturall desires and inioyneth vs to walke in the narrow way to life whereto as also to the restraints of the law we must applie our selues our thoughts words and deeds so doing we walke in the straite way that leadeth vnto life but if we any way exempt our selues according to our naturall desire from any of these restraints we then walke in the broad way that leadeth to destruction II. Dutie Seeing we must be content with the straitnes of the way we learne that when God layes any crosses or afflictions vpon vs we must not repine or grudge but beare the same with patience and suffer God to breake vs of our owne wills resting contented in our selues with the will of God alone for this is grace and a sure testimonie that we walke in the strait way to life III. Dutie In the case of confession and profession of true religion when we be called thereto we must be content to forsake goods friends yea and life it self rather then by inioying them suffer our selues to be driuen out of this straite way to life my life saith Paul is not deere vnto me so that I may fulfull my course mith ioy Act. 20. 24. Lastly whosoeuer is puffed vp with the pride of his owne heart is too stately to stoope vnder the strait●●●o●e that leadeth to the way of life he therefore that would walke 〈◊〉 this straite way must cast away all pride of heart and humble himselfe for his owne sinnes making himselfe nothing in himselfe Math. 18. 3 4. Except you be conuerted and become as little children who are not proud and hawtie ye cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen But he that humbleth himselfe as this little child the same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen The third charge giuen vs by our Sauiour Christ concerning the strait way of life is noted by S. Luke that we must striue to enter into it From whence we are taught that our principall care must be aboue all things to come into the way of life euerlasting so much the word striuing imports It is saide that when Iohn first preached the kingdome of heauen suffered violence and the violent tooke it by force that is their was such forwardnes and zeale in them that heard Iohn preach to procure to themselues the kingdome of heauen that they stroue most earnestly to get in David sware vnto the Lord and vowed a vow vnto the mightie God of Iacob that he would not enter into the tabernacle of his house nor come vpon his bedde nor suffer his eyes to sleepe till he had sound a place for Gods Arke where he with the rest of his people might come and pray vnto the Lord and receiue answer from him againe Now looke what zeale was in them that heard Iohn and what care was in David for the outward place of Gods worship the like must be in euery one of vs for the obtaining of reconciliation and life euerlasting Uses I. Hereby many that liue in the Church of God may iustly be reprooued for a number there be that though they may partake of the word and Sacraments yet are most negligent of their saluation vsing no meanes to obtaine reconciliation with God and to come by life euerlasting and this they doe professe that they will leaue all to God relying wholly on his mercie without vsing any meanes on their parts to attaine thereto But these men sinne most grieuously and are their owne deadly enemies for they ought to consider this commandement which condemneth their securitie and straitly inioynes euery one to striue to come into the strait way and to walke therein And because this dutie is so necessarie I will vse some reasons to perswade them hereto I. Consider this when the Philistims were assembled and had Samson in the middest among them to make them sport if they had knowne what he was about to doe when he leaned to the pillars of the house where they sate they would haue preassed to the doores and windowes and there haue striuen to haue got out because of the imminent daunger that was vnto their bodily liues well all those persons that are cold in their profession and careles of religion they haue the wrath of God hanging ouer their heads and while they walke thus dissolutely in the broad way their cōdemnation sleepeth not but makes post hast vpon them if they continue and goe forward in this carelsse course they shall as certenly perish in Gods wrath as the Philistims did by the hand of Samson and therefore as they desire to scape damnation so let them be carefull to cast off this damnable securitie II. Reason If an Angel from heauen should come and assure vs from God that life euerlasting did belong vnto vs oh we would count it a blessed message well looke when we turne from the broad way and walke in this straite way of life we haue as good securitie of our saluation as if an Angel from heauen should certifie vs thereof for true repentance is an infallible note of a child of God to whome belongs the kingdome of heauen The consideration
This I note because they beginne to be in disgrace with many and corrupt Popish writers are farre better accounted of Thirdly if any among vs doubt of any point in religion let him doe these two things for his resolution which are the ordinarie meanes to know the truth First let him search the holy Scriptures diligently not by priuate studie onely but by conference with the godly Secondly let him in true humilitie of heart pray vnto God for the illumination of his spirit whereby he may in minde rightly conceiue of the truth embrace it by faith in his heart and honour it by obedience in his life thus doing constantly and in sinceritie he shall be sure to be preserued from errour both finall and fundamentall and in due time shall know the truth for the promise is Aske and ye shall haue seeke and ye shall finde verse 12. and Saint Iames saith If any man lacke wisedome necessarie for his saluation let him aske of God vsing withall other lawfull meanes to come thereby and it shall bee giuen vnto him Hereto may be added this good help for satisfaction in this case of doubting namely to haue recourse to the generall confessions of reformed Churches which may be had in that notable booke The Harmonie of Confessions for although priuate men may erre as also particular Churches not onely seuerally but ioyntly in some things in this world yet the generall consent of reformed Churches may be a good direction to the knowledge of the truth and a good perswasion to constancie therein Fourthly we must keepe a good conscience if we would preserue the truth and puritie of religion for faith and good conscience goe alwaies together whereupon Saint Paul perswading Timothie to this dutie bids him haue faith and a good conscience which some haue put away as concerning faith haue made shipwracke 1. Tim. 1. 19. where a good conscience is resembled to a shippe which saileth ouer the sea of this world beeing laden with faith that is with true religion and other spirituall graces needefull to saluation Now if the shippe of our conscience be crazie and vnsound then is our faith and saluation in great danger and therefore wee must endeauour in all things to haue a cleare conscience both towards God and towards men IU Instruct. This commandement of our Sauiour Christ to beware of false Prophets doth barre the Church of God and euery member thereof from conuersing with false Prophets after they bee conuicted to be such It was Eues fault to admit conference with the deuill in the serpent and all of vs feele the smart thereof at this day It was Pauls counsell to the Romans to marke them diligently which caused diuision and offences among them contrarie to the doctrine which they had learned and to auoyde them and Saint Iohn plainely forbids this societie with them 2. Epist. verse 10. Receiue not him to thine house neither bidde him God speed that comes to teach you and brings not this doctrine yea though we saith Paul or an Angel from heauen teach you otherwise then that which we haue preached vnto you hold him accursed Galat. 1. 8. In the histories of the Church it is recorded that S. Iohn would not wash himselfe in the same bath wherein Cerinthus an heretike was washing himselfe nor abide vnder the same roofe but leaped out and perswaded others so to doe And indeede by Eues example we may see the danger of conference with false Prophets for the same euill spirit speakes in them Now this shewes first that the practise of many students is dangerous and against this commandement who take delight in popish Cōmentaries and postils ascribing to them more learning and Iudgement then can be sound in those writers that were the restorers of true religion vnto vs hence it is that they labour more in them then in the Scripture it selfe or in other sound writers thereupon But if there bee any false Prophet at this day it is the Papist and their writings are dangerous to be read of those that are not well grounded in the truth for by reading we haue a kind of familiaritie with them and indeede many sucke out of them at vnawares much venim in waighty points of doctrine and religion We ought rather to doe with them as the beleeuers of Ephesus did with their bookes of curious Arts namely bring them out and burne them then take such delight in them albeit this must be graunted it is both lawfull and necessarie for the defence of the truth that men of sound iudgement and piety doe labour in them Secondly hence also it may appeare that it cannot bee but a great hindrance to true religion that hereticall bookes may be publikely sold to any one that will buie them without due consideration whether the partie haue gifts to discerne of truth from falshood in the Popish Church they are more carefull they permit not a man to read an heretikes booke as they call vs Protestants without leaue and that vnder a great penaltie which is seuerely inflicted vpon offenders that way V. Instruct. This commandement also shewes that it is not lawfull to graunt to any man or to any people the libertie of their owne conscience in the matters of religion permitting them to professe what religion they will for how should false Prophets be auoided when euery man may freely professe what he will in religion All gouernours therfore must follow the practise of good king Iosias who assembled all Iuda and caused all his people to heare the word of the Lord and to stand to that religion which the booke of God made knowne vnto them 2. Chro. 34. 32. V. Doctr. Wee haue from this commaundement an answer to the false charge of the Church of Rome who accuse vs of schisme and apostacie because we separate from their Church But we must know that the schisme apostacie is there where the cause of departing is which indeede is not in vs who doe no more herein but obey this commaundement of Christ the cause is in them who are become false prophets whom we must auoyd Here yet two questions may bee demaunded I. Whether a false Prophet may be put to death seeing Christ bids onely to beware of them Answ. Christ here speakes to his Apostles and to other of his auditors that were priuate men whose dutie raught no further but yet the truth is that a false Prophet beeing iudicially conuicted is to bee put to death the word of God elsewhere is plaine Leuit. 24. 14. there is both a commandement and a practise Euery blasphemer must die This wicked Iesabel knew wel who vnder pretence of blasphemie caused Naboth to be put to death and hereupon the Iewes sought to put Christ to death Yea Nabuchadnezzar an heathen king hauing but a taste of this that the God of Israel was the true God made this lawe that whosoeuer blasphemed
is to repent of our sinnes and this is a fruite of faith In true repentance there be two things the beginning and the nature of it The beginning of it is a godly sorrow when a man is greeued properly and directly because by his sinne he hath offended God who hath beene vnto him so louing a father in Christ. This causeth repentance vnto saluation not to be repented of 2. Cor. 7. 10. and it ariseth not so much from the feare of punishment as from the consideration of Gods mercie making a man displeased with himselfe for offending so louing a God who hath beene so gratious and bountifull vnto him in Christ. The nature of repentance stands in the change of the minde when any person laies aside the purpose of sinning and by Gods blessing and grace taketh to himselfe a new purpose neuer to sinne more This is properly to repent and if this be in truth hence will follow the change of the will of the affections and of all the actions of the life It may be said that an hypocrite may repent as Iudas did Matth. 27. 3. and therefore this is not a good note of doing Gods will Answ. Iudas did repent hee was indeed grieued for his fact wishing with all his heart that it had neuer beene done but this was nothing his sorrow was onely worldly causing death as the Appstle calleth it 2. Cor. 7. 10. arising from the horror and feare of punishment not from consideration of Gods mercy it was without true hatred of sin committed without hope of mercie or purpose to glorifie God by new obedience and so was no true repentance The third worke wherein consisteth the doing of Gods will is new obedience and it is the fruite of both the former whereby a man beeing indued with faith and repentance doth according to the measure of grace receiued indeauour himselfe to yeeld obedience to all Gods commaundements from all the powers and parts both of his soule and his bodie and this I call newe because it is a renuing of that in man whereto hee was perfectly enabled by creation But here it will bee said that many who shall neuer bee saued haue attained to reformation of life and therefore this is not a true and sufficient note of him that shall bee saued Answ. True it is many hypocrites haue reformation of life but yet they faile two waies First their reformation is onely outward not inward their thoughts wills and affections still remaine wicked and corrupt Secondly their obedience is partiall onely to some of Gods commaundements not to all so Herod he would heare Iohn gladly and doe many things but yet he would not leaue his brothers wife But true obedience which proceedeth from true faith hath these heads and branches First the partie must pro●ue what is the good will of God Rom. 12. 2. Secondly he must restraine his life from outward offences which tend to the dishonour of God and scandall of the Church 1. Thess. 5. 22. 1. Pe● 2. 11 12. Thirdly he must mortifie the inward corruptions of his owne heart Fourthly he must labour to conceiue new motions agreeable to the will of God thence bring forth and practise good duties so performing both outward and inward obedience vnto God and by these may a man discerne the truth of his obedience and thus we see what professors they be which shall be saued Uses 1. Now considering that saluation is promised to them that ●e doers of Gods will we must hereby be exhorted to become more chearefull in doing Gods will by faith repentance and new obedience and to further vs in this dutie we must vse these helpes I. We must labour for a true perswasion of Gods mercy in the pardon of our sinnes and for the saluation of our soules this beeing truly conceiued will vrge a man to true obedience whereby he may shew himselfe thankefull to God for so great a mercie II. We must consider that we are the temples of the holy Ghost which is a wonderfull dignitie to a sinfull man and in regard hereof we must stirre vp our selues so to liue that we make not sadde the spirit of God which dwelleth in vs. III. We must consider the blessings of God bestowed vpon vs both in soule and bodie one by one and this will mooue vs to loue God which loue we shall shew in keeping his commandements for this is the loue of God that we keepe his commandements 1. Ioh. 5. 3. IV. Let vs consider the threatnings of God against sinne and his iudgements vpon thē that liue in sinne for euery place is full of Gods iudgements and these will helpe to restraine our corruptions that they breake not forth into action V. We must meditate on the word of God vse feruent praier vnto God for his grace for by this meanes Dauid did notably stirre vp himselfe to faith repentance and new obedience as we may see at large in the 119. Psalme II. Use. In that many hauing faith and repentance and outward reformation of life in some degrees shall neuer be saued we must labour to goe beyond all hypocrites in these graces in faith we must not content our selues with a generall perswasion of Gods mercie but we must labour to conceiue the same to be true and sound touching the remission of our sinnes and the saluation of our soules we must looke that it haue a sound beginning good fruits and stead fast continuance And for repentance we must labour to see that our sorrow arise from the consideration of the goodnes of God whome we haue offended that it breed in vs a change of our minds in the purpose of not sinning whereto must be conformable the will and affections and the whole man And for new obedience we must be as carefull in minde will and affections as in the outward actions of our life and to doe the will of God and than in all Gods commandements III. Vse Many there be that thinke their case good because they liue a ciuill honest life without wronging others openly or wittingly which thing indeed is commendable but yet farre short of that which is required for saluation therefore they must no● trust to these broken st●●es of outward and common honestie though they be good things in their kind for many there be that shall neuer come in heauen which haue had farre more in them then these things are and therefore whatsoeuer these persons be they must not rest till they find some portion of true grace in their hearts by vertue whereof they may plainly see themselues gone beyond all hypocrits in the things that concerne saluation vers 22. Many will say vnto me in that day Lord Lord haue we not by thy Name prophesied and by thy Name cast out deuills and by thy Name done many great workes 23. And then will I professe to them I neuer knew you depart from me ye that worke iniquitie In these two verses
whereof ought to stirre vp all careles persons to returne from their euill waies to striue to come into this strait way and to walke therein vnto the ende And yet to enduce them further to this dutie I will seeke to take from them those excuses which they make to themselues First they say God is mercifull and therefore they will relie thereon and take no further care for their soules Answ. God indeede is mercifull but his mercie is onely found of them that striue to enter in at the straite gate as for those that walke in the broad way it belongs not to them Deutr. 29. 19 20. And if the righteous scarsely be saued where shall the vngodly appeare 1. Pet. 4. 18. Secondly they say at least in heart that it is the easiest matter in the world to come by life euerlasting if they can call on God when they are dying all is well and therefore they will not lende their outward ●ares to heare nor apply their minds to conceiue and learne that which they may doe by nature and if they doe come to the congregation yet it is for custome or for feare of punishment not for conscience But these men deceiue themselues they consider not what Peter saith that the righteous shall hardly be saued and what S. Luke addeth to this exhortation of Christ that many shall seeke to enter into the doore of life and shal not be able because they neglected the time of grace and vsed not good meanes in due season Thirdly they make this common obiectiō that either they are elect or reprobate if they be elect then let them liue as they list they shall be saued but if God haue eternally reiected them though they liue neuer so religiously yet they shall bee condemned and many deceiue themselues with this reason But they must know that they iudge amisse of Gods decree and the wickednesse of this reason may appeare by the like God hath decreed the certaine tea●●e of euery mans life in this world as well as his future estate after this life Now if any man hereupon should reason thus If God haue decreed that I shall liue longer then I shall surely liue if hee haue decreed that I shall liue no longer then I shall surely die for Gods decree must stand and therefore I will neither eate nor drinke nor sleepe nor vse meanes to preserue my life if any should thus doe vpon this ground would not all men iudge him to be a murtherer of himselfe And surely he is no lesse a murtherer of his soule that vpon Gods predestination will take occasion of libertie to liue as he list for Gods decree of the ende includes the ordinarie meanes that bring thereto Againe they are to know that there is a double will of God his reuealed will made knowne in his word and his secret or vnreuealed wil whereby he hath determined with himselfe what shall be the eternall estate of euery person which is not knowne to vs ordinarily but by the euent The reuealed will of God must bee the rule of our obedience and according to it must we frame square our liues but his secret will we must honour and reuerence not making any rules from it whereby to frame our liues Now these persons they leaue the written word and betake themselues to his vnreuealed will and out of it will make rules how they will liue but herein they sinne greatly in framing to themselues new rules leauing his word whereby they should order and guide their liues Thirdly I answer that this reason hath in it a plaine falshood for they that are predestinate to life are chosen to liue a godly life in faith repentance and obedience that they might be like to the image of his sonne Rom. 8. 29. And indeede it is impossible that he which liues in wickednesse all his life long and so dies should bee saued as also that he which liues a godly life vnto the end should be condemned for God hath decreed the meanes as wel as the ende II. Vse This charge of Christ for striuing to enter in at the straite doore correcteth also a second sort of men which are of the better sort for commonly the best men are too carelesse in regard of this dutie of striuing and it may be said of vs as Christ said of the Church of Laodicea Reuel 3. 15. we are neither hot nor cold we striue not to goe one before another in holy duties worldly cares and pleasures doe dull vs and make vs faint in this dutie of striuing But wee must take heede of securitie and reuiue our obedience to this commaundement making this our principall care to come to life eternall and all worldly care must come vnder this for consider the fearefull iudgement that hangs ouer such as are slacke in this dutie it is destruction as well as to those that are prophane because thou art neither hot nor cold I will spue thee out of my mouth for seeing that God continues his Gospel vnto vs wee ought answerably to increase in knowledge in faith in all obediece Dauid professeth that his heart brake in sunder for the desire that hee had to Gods iudgements alway Psal. 119. 20. We commonly spend our wit and strength about worldly affaires in matter of commoditie and delight but Dauids practise ought to be a patterne vnto vs for our chiefest strife must be to attaine eternall life Verse 15. Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheeps cloathing but inwardly they are rauening wolues From this verse to the twentieth is contained the sixt part of this Chapter and the eleuenth part of Christs sermon concerning the discerning and auoyding of false Prophets And it hath an excellent dependance on the former point of exhortation for hauing giuen commandement to walke in the straite way now like a carefull guide hee forewarnes vs of the principall impediments in this way which be false Prophets and Seducers who are like theeues and Pyrats to hinder vs in this way Touching them three things are here set downe by Christ First a commandement to beware of them secondly the danger that comes by them they come in sheeps cloathing but inwardly they are rauening wolues and thirdly the meanes whereby to iudge and discerne of them from the 16. verse to the 20. For the commandement Beware of false Prophets that is of false Teachers In a false Teacher two things are required First hee must maintaine some errour that ouerturnes true faith and religion for euery erroneous opinion which a man holds will not make him a false Prophet but only a fundamentall errours Secondly besides the holding of some damnable errour in his owne heart a false Prophet must also be a seducer such a one as labours to make a faction withdrawing men from true religion and from true faith and perswading them both in priuate and publikely to receiue his errour And that both these are