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A07316 A nevv eight-fold probation of the Church of Englands divine constitution prooved by many pregnant arguments, to be much more complete then any Geneuian in the world against the contrary assertion of the fifty three petitioner-preachers of Scotland in their petition presented in the later Parliament to the Kings most excellent Maiesty. With a ten-folde probation of the same churches doctrine touching one of the most important points of our creede, which is of our sauiours descending into Hell. By Iames Maxvvell. Master of Artes, &c. Maxwell, James, b. 1581. 1617 (1617) STC 17704; ESTC S103373 82,870 119

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and habitations doe not exclaime or giue out railing iudgement against Princes before the Lord though they see and know their wickednesse much better then men doe 2. Pet. 2.10 11 and that they be aboue them in dignitie power and place as the Aposlle S. Peter doth auouch and witnes then much lesse must the Angels of the Church on earth Romane or Geneuian from their earthly seats and pulpits Consistories or Presbyteries exclaime against Princes be they neuer so wicked or yet proclaime any railing iudgement against them seeing they are not only inferiour vnto the Angels in heauen which spare them but euen vnto the Princes themselues which are Gods by their place though in their persons they were neuer so prophane And I wish with all my heart that the great Angel that sitteth in S. Angel would now at last learne this Angelicall lesson of those Angelicall Doctors in heauen and of his owne supposed Euangelicall Predecessor Saint Peter who professeth in expresse words that it is one of the properties of false Prophets to despise Princes and to speake euill of them that are in dignitie and authoritie Iude. v. 8.9 10 Where as the Angels which are greater both in power and might giue not railing Iudgement against them and the same thing is said of Saint Iude. Fourtenthly if a most holy Angel yea euen Michael the highest Archangel durst not raile vpon the diuell who is all wickednesse nor blame him with cursed speaking when as he strone against him and disputed about the bodie of Moses as the holy Apostle Iude witnesseth how then dare subiects which be sinfull men themselues raile vpon the Prince or how dare either the Romane Archangel that sitteth in S. Angel or the Angelings of Geneua from their consist orie or presbyterie or yet from their pulpits pronounce any curse or excommunication against Princes or deliuer them vnto the diuell though they were liker little diuels then little Gods on earth by reason of their wicked liuing And if wee must not so much as raile vpon wicked Kings nor reuile and diffame them with our tongues much lesse must wee hurt them with our hands or offer their persons any violence If ye loue them which loue you saith our Sauiour and dee good to them which doe good to you what thanke haue yee or what reward Mat. 5.46 47 Luk. 6.32 33 doe not the Publicanes and sinners euen the same and the like may be said in this case if Christians loue and loyally obey such Princes as loue them and if they speake well of such gouernours as doe wel to them and submit themselues to such Princes as are vertuous godly and iust what thanke or what reward haue they or what singular worke doe they worthy of a singular reward doe not the heathen and infidels euen the same and as our Sauiour said to his Disciples Except your righteousnesse exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisies and not only of publicanes sinners Mat. 5.10 ye shall not enter into the kingdome of God So may it bee said to Christian subiects except your obedience subiection patience in the behalfe of your Princes and Rulers exceede the obedience subiection patience of heathen and vnbeleeuing subiects in the behalfe of their Soueraignes yee cannot bee subiects of the kingdome of heauen Fifteenthly Subiects ought to bee most tender and carefull of the saluation of their Soueraigne and therefore they ought not to seclude him from the vse of the ordinary meanes of his amendment his sanctification and saluation as from the hearing of the word the prayers of the Church and the receiuing of the Sacrament Sixteenthly a wicked Prince in receiuing the Sacrament either receiueth it worthily and penitently and so is pardoned or else vnworthily and impenitently and so is plagued of God according to that of the Apostle Hee that eateth and drinketh vnworthily 1. Cor. 11.28.29 eateth and drinketh his owne damnation because he discerneth not the Lords body and so hee is either made better or worse if better then it should not haue beene well done to keep him from the Communion if worse then God himselfe hath punished and plagued him with his owne hand which is much more fit then that any of his owne Subiects should presume to punish him So that it is euery way more for the glory of God and the good of the Church that a Prince be admitted to the Sacrament then that hee be secluded there-fro for either Gods mercie is manifested when as receiuing it worthily and wel he amendeth his manners or his iustice is executed and notified when as receiuing it vnworthily he runneth into some greater sinne or incurreth some temporall or spiritual iudgement and both the wayes Gods glorie is more and more demonstrated and the Church edified by so notable an example Seuenteenthly and lastly our most blessed Sauiour when he exhorteth vs vnto perfection saith thus Loue your enemies Mat. 5.44 45 48. Luk. 6.27 28 35. blesse them that curse you doe good to them that hate you pray for them which hurt you wrongfully trouble and persecute you that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heauen who is kinde and good both vnto the good and the euill and the Apostle Saint Paul writing to the Romanes saith the same Blesse them which persecute you Blesse and curse not recompence to no man euill for euill auenge not your selues but rather giue place vnto wrath for it is written vengeance is mine Rom. 12.14 17 19 21. I will repay saith the Lord. Whereof it followeth that if Princes bee our foes which ought to bee our friends yea our fathers and so both hate vs and hurt vs which are their subiects yet wee ought to loue them and helpe them what wee can though they doe euill to vs yet wee ought to doe good to them though they oppresse and persecute vs yet wee ought to pray for them though they speake euill of vs yet wee ought to speake well of them though they grieue vs yet we ought not to grudge against them though they require too much of vs and more then we can well spare yet we ought not to refuse them much lesse to resist them or rebell against them though they haue many imperfections yet wee ought not to aggrauate them or blaze them abroad by slandrous wordes or infamous writes yea rather wee ought to extenuate and to lessen them hide them couer them and excuse them Finally though they seeke to kill both our bodies and our soules yet we ought to seeke the preseruation of their bodies and the saluation of their soules and in so doing we subiects shall be perfit as the children of the most high and our reward shall be great and inestimable in the heauens Sect. 15. The Church of England more Angelicall or Angel-like We haue shewed at large the perfection of the Church of England in regard of the diuine condition of the
good Christians which should not come short of the Iewes in doing of holy duties but either match them or surmoūt them haue besides the two and fifty Sundaies of the yeare set apart to the performing of holy duties about thirty holy daies more in honour of God and of our Sauiour Christ and moreouer they haue in diuers places as namely in Cathedral Churches frequent holy assemblies yea daily for the holy seruice of God morning and euening and in other Parochiall Churches they haue holy assemblies for Gods seruice on Wodnesday Friday and Saturday euery weeke throughout the yeare and besides these they haue frequent holy assemblies on other daies of the weeke vpon the religious occasions of Christenings Weddings Burials Minde dayes and Lectures where the people pray and praise God and heare the word of God read or expounded in a Sermon So that if there be any holinesse placed in praying vnto God and in praising of his name publikely in the congregation a thing which no man that is in his right wits will deny or if holinesse of life may bee holpen any whit by such frequent assemblies and Sermons it must needes follow that the Church of England hath more holinesse then the Genenian because shee hath many more of such holy assemblies for seruice and sermons prayers and praises then the other hath And that these were obserued in the primitiue Church within the first fiue hundreth yeares many holy daies besides the Sunday and euen the same that are at this day obserued in England wee shall prooue it more particularly by alleadging the testimonies and authorities of the Church Greekes and Latines in another worke called Dies Domini which containeth diuers disputations and discourses vpon the times of the worlds beginning lasting ending according to the Scriptures and the opinions of Hebrews Greekes and Latines Diuines Philosophers Historians and Schoole-men and in it we doe also entreate of the holy times of the Church But because that many do so misconceiue of holy daies as if they were onely fit for the Popes holinesse and for hypocrites which is as damnable and deuillish opinion as euer hell hatcht in the disgrace of true holinesse without which the Apostle saith Heb. 12.14 no man shall euer see God therefore let mee intreate and beseech my Countrimen for the most holy Gods sake to aske them these few questions First if the attaining of holinesse and the doing of religious duties be not the chiefe end of good Christians in this life which I hope will not bee denied Secondly if religious assemblies and holy meetings bee not the proper meanes of attaining vnto true holinesse the which I take will be granted Thirdly if the frequencie of such holy assemblies bee not in all likeli-hoode a more ready and easie meanes for men to attaine vnto holinesse and to doe religious duties then the raritie thereof in a word which of the two is most likely that a man should attaine vnto true holinesse by repairing vnto holy assemblies or places often or seldome and me thinkes no man that is in his good wits will deny but that often repairing to the holy house of the most holy God for the doing of holy duties as to pray vnto God for our selues and for others to praise his name for benefites and blessings spirituall and temporall to sing Psalmes to heare Gods word and the Sermons of his seruants and the like is a more direct meanes to attaine vnto holines then seldome repairing as namely once in the weeke Lastly I demaund if it were not an excellent thing and a happie condition if men could set apart a part of euery day in the yeare to Gods seruice and to meete together in the holy Congregation for the performing of such holy duties and if the necessities of humane life will not let vs haue the leisure to doe so if at least the next best is not to be done which is to haue as many holy daies as possibly we can and as better one then none so better more then one onely and many then fewe that so wee may the more neetely resemble those Church-members in heauen which keepe euery day holy according as we doe pray daylie taught by our Lord saying Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name thy Kingdome come thy will be done in earth that is in the Church militant as it is in heauen or in the Church triumphant Sect. 17. Fourthly as the Church of England is more like the Church of God and Angels for heauenly holinesse The Church England more heauen like for humble reuerence then the Geneuian is so is shee more like the same in heauenly and humble reuerence and in the expression thereof by religious gestures In the Church of God and blessed spirits the Angels and Saints are painted out couering their faces standing before the throne kneeling and falling before it on their faces vncouering of their heads and casting of their crownes before the throne and most submissely worshipping of God Isay 6.1 2 Ezech. 1.24 25 10 3 19 Dan. 7.9 10 Zach. 6 4 5 Iob. 1.6 2 1. Reuel 4 10 5 8.14 7 1 9 10 11 12 8 2. as wee may reade in the prophesies of Isay Ezechiel Daniel Zacharie in the booke of Iob and in the Reuelation of S. Iohn in many places for S. Iohn beheld and saw a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kinreds and people and tongues standing not sitting before the throne and before the lambe and saying with a loude voice Saluation commeth of our God that sitteth vpon the throne and of the lambe And he saw all the Angels likewise standing round about the throne and the Elders kneeling yea falling before the same throne on their faces and worshipping God and saying Amen Praise and glorie and wisedome and thankes and honour and power and might be vnto our God for euermore Amen And in the Church of England answerably hereunto the Preachers doe reuerently vncouer their heads not only in praying but also in preaching and expounding Gods words and in the orations or sermons in honour of his name like as those holy Elders or Priests in heauen doe which vncouer their heads and cast their crownes before the throne whereas the Geneuians and French in preaching do vnreuerently couer their heads and not with a Church cap or bonnet which were more tolerable but with their ordinarie and vsual hats more like millars or maltmen then Gods Ministers though in Scotland I confesse they follow the godly and comely fashion of England in preaching with their heads vncouered and not the capped custome of Geneua and God grant they may doe so in many other matters where they haue as good reason and namely in kneeling humbly not only in making confession of their sinnes vnto God but also at the repetition of the law of God or ten commandements as they doe in England and in standing vp reuerently in
name Thou shalt be to Aaron as God said the Lord to Moses whom he had made a soueraigne Prince ouer his people And againe I haue made thee a God to Pharaoh and Moses calleth the soueraigne Iudges by the name of Gods saying thou shalt not rayle vpon the Gods for so it is in the originall and the Psalmist to the same purpose speakes thus God stādeth in the assembly of Gods he iudgeth among Gods and againe he brings in the great God speaking thus of his little Gods I haue said ye are Gods yee are all children of the most high Sect. 9. In that Kings are called Gods That the Kingly dignitie is immediately from God wee learne sixe notable lessons hereafter following The first that the kingly power is immediately of and from God and not of man as both Geneuians and Romanes most erroniously doe hold for none can make of a man a God on earth but God in heauen neither is it in the power of man to make one Gods seruant or minister but we must leaue it vnto God himselfe to choose and ordaine his owne seruants And truely if the King were ordained of man as he is for the good of man and therefore is by Saint Peter called an ordinance of man the Apostle Paul would neuer haue named him Gods seruant and minister but mans 1. Pet. 2.13 Rom. 13.4.1 Chron 29.23 The King sitteth in the Lords throne saith the holy Chronicler now it belongeth not vnto man to set another man in Gods seate but must let this alone for God himselfe to doe The throne is Gods and not mans Psal 21.3.1 Sam. 9.15 16 17 10 1 24 13 13 14 16 1 2. 1. King 3.7 10.9 1 Chr 29 29 2 Chro 2.11 Nehe 13 26. Dan. 4.14.23 Prouerbs 8.15.16 Wisd 6.1 2.3 Rom. 13.1 4. and he that sitteth in it is Gods minister and not mans yea he is of God called God for man cannot make a man God and therefore Kings are immediately from God and not from man an argument that all the Geneuians and Romanes in the world shall neuer be able to answer And therefore to shut vp this first lesson for in our worke of kingly controuersies we disputeit more largely and accurately three Kings Dauid Salomor Hiram one Queene of Sheba one Prince Nehemiah one high Priest Samuel one chiefe Prophet Daniel one principall Apostle Paul yea Gods Angel and God himselfe doe all of them anouch that kings are chosen of God nominated sent crowned created and set in Gods throne by God himselfe and not by man Sect. 9. The second lesson that wee learne here is that the kingly dignitie is of all other dignities absolutely the greatest and the diuinest That the kingly dignity is the diuinest and greatest of all other Reuel 2. 3. Psal 82.6 Dan. 3.26 6.20 Ioh. 15.14 15. and not the priestly as both Romane Geneuians do erroniously suppose For first as none can be greater in heauen then the God of heauen or so great so none in earth can be greater then he who is called of God to be a God on earth nor none can beso great Secondly as the highest stile that can bee giuen to any is giuen to Kings so a lower stile is giuen to Prelates and Priests for they are in the Scripture no where called Gods but well are they named Angels so that as the Angels in heauen are inferiour to the God of heauen so are the Angels on earth to wit the chiefe Priests and Prelates inferiour vnto the Gods on earth which are Soueraigne Princes thirdly Princes are called the children of the most high where as Church-men are instiled onely the seruants and friends of the most high Psal 21.3 1. Chron. 29.23 Fourthly God putteth a crowne of golde vpon the Kings head and he setteth him in his owne throne to sit there for God as God so that as the Apostle speaking of the inferioritie of the Angels of heauen beeing compared with Christ the annointed of the Lord saith vnto which of the Angels said he at any time Heb. 1.13.14 sit at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstoole are they not all ministring Spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes which shall be heires of saluation In like manner may it be said in this matter touching the inferioritie of the Angels on earth that is prelates beeing compared with the Lords Christ and annointed one the Soueraigne Prince vnto which of the Angels on earth for Prelates are called Angels in the Reuelation seauen or eight times said the Lord euer sit in my throne Reuel 1.20 2.1.8 12 18 3 1 7 14. as hee saith vnto Kings yea I haue sought much in reading and could neuer finde in old Testament or new in Scripture or Father Greeke or Latine that euer the Lord said immediately or mediately vnto the great Archangel himselfe that sitteth in S. Angel sit thou in my throne for no man taketh or at least should take this honor vnto himselfe but he that is called of God as was Dauid or Salomon What are the angels on earth else then but as ministring spirits sent forth by the Gods on earth 2. Chro. 17 7 8 9. Exod 32.21.22 Numb 12 11 1. King 1.33 34. 2 Chton 29 11. Exod. 5.1 4 20 1 6.8 20. 10 20. 9 8 10 3 11 10 12 1. Psal 77 20. 2 Chron 24 12 13 14 31 13. the Christian Ichosophats to teach in Iuda through al the Cities of their kingdomes to minister the holy Sacraments to them that shal be heires of Saluation to gouerne the Church Fiftly the high priest Aaron calleth the Soueraigne Prince Moses his Lord and Salomon a king is called Zadoks the high Priest Lord Ezekiah a king calleth the priests his sons which doth argue the superioritie and maiestie of kings for the Lord is superior to his seruant and the Sonne inferiour to his father Sixtly the Spirit of God euery where placeth Kings before the chiefe Priests Moses and Aaron the King and Iehoiada Ezekiab the King and Azariah the chiefe of the house of God and preferreth the Princely dignitie before the priestly where they meete in one and the same person Moses in Genesis Gen. 14 18 Heb. 7 1 Exod 19.6 1. Pet. 2.9 Reuel 1.6 4.10 and Saint Paul to the Hebrewes doe obserue this order in Melchisedech whome they name a King and a Priest The same Moses or rather the Lord himselfe calleth his people a kingdome of Priests or a royall Priesthoode as speaketh Saint Peter and Saint Iohn in the Reauelation hath these words and made vs Kings and Priests vnto God and the same words are vsed of the foure and twenty Elders Seuenth ly Psal 2 6 20 9 24 7 8 9 10 29 10 95 3 98 6 Esther 13 9 15 14 3 12. Reuel 1.5 15 3 17 14 19 16
hand execute Gods vengeance vpō himself thus he suffered Saul to slay himselfe and Zimri to burne himselfe And as he wil not employ a Princes owne subiects in such a businesse so he needeth not to vse the hand and power of any person whatsoeuer for God can drowne the wicked Prince in the water or sea with Pharaoh or hee can strike him with madnesse with Nebuchadnezzar or hee can burst him or breake his necke with Ahazias or can strike him with leprosie like Vzziah or Azariah The very elements and beasts of the field are at his beck and bidding the beasts to deuoure the fire to burne the aire to infect the water to drowne and the earth to swallow vp such Princes as God will be auenged on yea he hath armies of painefull and shamefull diseases of wormes of mice and of lice to consume and vexe wicked Kings with Dan. 4 10 11 12 13 14 22 23 28 29 30. 5.6 7 24 25 26 27 28 2. Micha 6.9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 28. And as the Angels of God which are his highest creatures smote Nebuchadnezzar with madnes droue him from amongst men to dwell with the beasts of the field and so depriued him of his kingdome for a time for those Noters and Geneuian Glossers are deceiued that doe thinke his owne subiects did depose him for tyrannie and as another Angel did write vpon the wall the sentence of King Belschazzars destruction so the wormes that are the Lords lowest creatures conspired to vexe the wicked tyrant Antiochus the cruell persecuter of the Iewes that he died miserably and both these creatures together the highest in heauen act 12.1 2 3 4 5 21 22 23 and the lowest on earth did at Gods appointment concurre to plague Herod the persecutor of the Christians who had vexed many of the faithfull killed Iames and imprisoned Peter for the Angel of the Lord smote him because he gaue not glory vnto God so that hee was eaten vp of wormes Thus we see how God getteth glory when he correcteth wicked Kings with his owne hands 1. Sam 13.9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 16 17 22 23 19 20 22 23 26 28 cap. 1. King 16.30 31 32 17 18 19 20 21 22 cap 2. King 21 1 2 3 4.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 2. Chron. 33.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. whereas he is robbed of his glorie by such subiects as dare take the rod as it were out of Gods hands and put it into their owne to scourge Kings with Fourthly the people of God vnder the old Testament did not imprison or depose their most wicked Princes such as were Saul Ahab and Manasses nor did the high Priests excommunicate them for their crueltie tyrannie apostasie and idolatrie persecution and seduction and therefore the people of God vnder the new Testament ought to doe the like in following the example of their pietie and patience in the behalfe of bad Princes otherwise Christians should come short of the Iewes in morall perfections which were absurd Fifthly the constitution and creation of Kings is of God and not not of man it is Gods hand only that can make a King according as he saith himselfe By me Kings raigne and as we haue prooued aboue in the first lesson and therefore the deposition of Kings Prouerb 8.15 and their coercion belongeth likewise to God and not to the Kings owne subiects for the power is equall in the one and the other And therefore wee see that the voice that deposed Nebuchadnezzer came from heauen Dan. 4.22 28 29. Thy kingdome is departed from thee like as the Angel and the Prophet doe both of them auouch that it is the most high that giueth the kingdome to whomsoeuer hee will Sixtly in the new Testament Christ and his appostles do oftentimes command subiects to giue vnto Kings but no where they bid take away or withhold any thing from Kings howsoeuer vnworthy neither tribute and liuing by detention nor libertie by incarceration nor Kingship by depriuation nor life by ciuil or rather vnciuill and sinnefull execution nor the benefits of the Church and kingdome of heauen by hellish excommunication Giue saith the King of Kings vnto Caesar the things which are Caesars like as he had commanded Peter his very prime Apostle to giue the Kings Receiuer poll money for them two Mat. 22 17 21 17 24 25 26 27 Mark 12 14 15 16 17. Mat. 10.1 2. 1. Pet. 2.17 Rom. 13 1 2 24. giue saith hee the twenty pence vnto them for me and thee and the same prime Apostle commandeth all subiects both spirituall and temporall persons euen as many as haue Soules for his fellow Saint Paul saith let euery soule besubiect to princes to feare God and honour the King Ergo subiects must not dishonour the King by coercion incarceration excommunication or depriuation Yea Saint Peters Successor himselfe if he hath any hath no power to dishonour the King whom God hath honoured with his crowne and throne let him be neuer so vnworthy in his conceite nor to expose him to the dishonour or danger of any of his subiects by his censure of excommunication or sentence of depriuation Our Sauiour bids giue to Kings Saint Peter gaue to Kings ' and bids giue them honour and so doth S. Paul saying Giue to all men their duty Rom. 13.7 tribute to whome yee owe tribute custome to whome cnstome feare to whome feare honour to whom yee owe houour And no where they bid take away any thing from Kings and therefore such men as take away from Kings their liuings libertie or life or the benefits of the Church Gods kingdome or their owne doe disobey God the father of Kings and obey the deuil the dishonourer debaser of kings Seuenthly wee doe not read in Gods word that euer a King was deliuered vnto Satan so that it wanteth example and as for precept the very formal words vsed in the institution of excommunication by our Lord do shew that it was neuer intended for Kings by the Spirit of God For besides they were not as yet within the bosome of the Church Mat. 18 15 16 17. by calling when it was ordained those words If thy brother trespasse against thee If thy brother hoare thee If thy brother heare thee not If thy brother refuse to heare the Church also do euidently and pregnantly euince that excommunication is a censure of an offending brother 1. Cor. 5.12 not of the father of the people And therefore the Apostle entreating of excommunication extendeth it no further then unto such a one as is called a brother If any that is called a brother saith he be a formcatour 2. Thess 3.13.14 15. or couetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such a one eate not neither companie together and againe And ye brethren be not wearie
in well doing if any man to wit beeing a brother obey not our sayings note him by a letter and haue no compante with him that he may be ashamed yet count him not as an enemie but admonish him as abrother And though it bee true that the beleeuing Soueraigne aswel as the Subiect is a brother in Christianitie and might well haue beene so called by our blessed Sauiour and his Apostle yet I say it doth not appeare that they vnderstood by the title of brother in those places but such as did then beleeue the Gospell who were all subiects for as yet there were no beleeuing Soueraignes yea both our Sauiours and the Apostles words doe euince that a King though hee bee a beleeuer and so a brother yet that he can not bee brought in amongst those excommunicable brothers because the excommunicated brother must be vnto the other brethren as an Heathen and a Publican as our Sauiour commandeth that is to say they must auoide his conuersation and decline his companie and flee his familiaritie as the Aposlle expoundeth it But so it is that subiects can not by any meanes shunne or abhorre the presence and conuersation of their Soueraigne both because of duty and because of necessitie As for duty the lawes of nature and of Scripture of reason and religion of Church State doe oblige subiects to doe their duty to their Soueraigne be he neuer so bad and therefore they must repaire vnto his presence and conuerse with him whensoeuer it pleaseth him to command And as for necessitie subiects can not choose but repaire to the Prince to haue iuslice and such other helpe as they sland in need of at his hands And therefore I say though both Rome and Geneua should ioyne their iarring and warring wits together yet they shall neuer bee able to solue or satisfie this argument Mat. 18.17 1. Cor. 2. Thess 3.14 1. Tim. 1.20 all excommunicated persons presence societie and companie is to be shunned as a Heathens a Publicanes or which is worse as a man 's deliuered to the Diuell But no Kings presence society and conuersation can bee shunned of their subiects for both duty and necessitie binde them to the contrary Ergo no Kings can be excommunicated or thus the effects of excommunication can not haue place in the person of a Prince as for example his presence and conuersation can not be declined of his subiects without both sinne and their great hurt and therefore the censure it selfe hath no place in Princes Ninthly the excommunication of an vniuersalitie or multitude as of a whole citie Body Common-wealth or kingdome is in the iudgement of all thought a thing vnlawfull and semblably the excommunication of the Soueraigne as he that representeth the whole Body of his kingdome must bee vnlawfull neither can the head be punished without the sensible hurt of the whole body Tenthly God is a God of order not of disorder or confusion 1. Cor. 14.33 as the Apostle speaketh and therefore hee hath not giuen the inferiours power to punish corporally or spiritually their superiours for this were most contrary to order consequently he hath not giuen subiects any power vpon their Soueraigne nor Priests any power to punish Princes for both people and priests be inferiours and their Soueraigne is their superiour they are as members of the body taken seuerally the commons as feete the Nobles as hands the Priests as eyes or they are as the bodie being taken coniunctly but the Soueraigne is as the head higher then all the other members and aboue the whole body and as the soule more diuine excellent and eminent then the whole body the subiects are as seruants the Soueraigne as the Master or Lord the people as the children and the Prince as their common father It is against good nature and order for the inferiour members to rise or rebell against the supreame member for the body to beate or breake the owne head and it is repugnant both to good nature and grace for children to stretch forth the hand to chastise or punish their father bee hee neuer so furious And as for the chiefē Priests and Prelates they are as Angels and Archangels indeed but the Soueraigne Prince is as the God of Angels and Archangels farre aboue their reach Eleuenthly if it belongeth not vnto one man or more men to beate punish iudge or condemne another mans seruant as the Apostle S. lames teacheth saying Who art thou that iudgest another man Iam. 4.12 Rom. 14.4 and the Apostle S. Paul likewise saying Who art thou that condemnest another mans seruant then it belongeth much lesse to one man or more to iudge punish excommunicate depose or condemne Gods chiefe seruant Rom 13 4. now the Prince is Gods seruant saith the same Aposlle and in the same Epistle to the Romanes and I wish that both Romanes and Geneuians would weigh those words better then they do and therefore who is hee that condemneth such a seruant as is not only another mans seruant but euen the best mans seruant to with Christs and his chiefe seruant yea Gods seruant He standeth or falleth to his owne master saith the Apostle and that is neither the Pope of Rome nor the master Minister of Geneua but God and Christ who will not haue his seruant subiect to the proud censure eitheir of the Romane Consistorie or of the Geneuian Presbyterie The Apostle would not presume to iudge them that are without the Church because they belonged to Gods iudgement in propriety what haue I to doe to iudge them also which are without saith he doe ye not iudge them that are within but God iudgeth them that are without and shall we thinke that he would haue presumed to iudge those that God hath placed aboue the Church I meane Christian Princes 1. Cor. 5.12.13 who though they be within the bosome of the Church as Christians yet are they without or aboue the reach of the hands of the Church as the nursing-fathers and heads of the Church on earth vnder Christ the Soueraigne King of the Church whose immediate seruants they are and therefore as his peculiars are subiect to nones iudgement but his only Twelfthly if seruants must be subiect to their masters with all feare and not only to the good and courteous but also to the froward as the Apostle Saint Peter teacheth 1. Pet. 2.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. then must subiects be loy all and dutifull to their Soueraigne and not only to the good but also to the euill for as the family is a little kingdome and the master of the family a little king and the sonnes and sernants of the family are the subiects of this little kingdome so is the kingdome a great family the King the great master of this great family and his subiects are the children and seruants of the same family Thirteenthly if the Angels of heauens Church from their heauenly seates
supreame Gouernour thereof vpon earth which is the King whom God himselfe hath called by the name of God as hee that hath his royall power immediately from God and not from man contrary to the opinion of Romanes and Geneuians and whose dignity is absolutely the greatest and diuinest of all other and much more eminent then the Priestly contrary to the opinion of the same and whose person and power is mixt of ecclesiasticall and ciuill as he that is not a meere lay-man contrary to the opinion of them likewise and whose Maiestie and dignitie is inuiolable and not liable to any kinde of censure or punishment at the hands of man spirituall or temporall otherwise then both Romanes and Geneuians would make vs beleeue in all which points for all their iumping together they erre most grossely and the Church of England holdeth or thodoxally Now in the next place wee shall prooue the perfection of the same Church by shewing how that she is more Angelicall or Angel-like in respect of the secondary Gouernours of the Church and consequently liker vnto Gods Church in heauen then any Geneuian Church is For like as in the Church of God in heauen God himselfe gouerneth soueraignely and supreamely as Monarch and King and the Archangells doe gouerne the inferiour Angels secondarily as Senatours and the twenty foure crowned Elders which are of the blessed Spirits of men doe gouerne the inferiour spirits as we may learne by some ten chapters of the Reuelation and as all ancient Diuines doe deliuer so in the Church of England the Soueraigne Prince as God and for God doth gouerne it supreamely vpon earth and secondarily the Archbishops Colloss 1.16 1. Thess 4.16 as Archangels doe preside aboue the Bishops which againe as Angels and so are they called in the same Diuine Reuelation seuen times in two chapters doe gouerne the inferiour Ministers of the Word and Sacraments and these againe like vnto those more perfit spirits or soules of men Reuela 45 7 8 9 12 14 15 16 19. cap. Reuel 2.1 8 12 18 3 1 7 14 doe gouerne the lay multitude of men and women So that the Anglicane or English Church is more Angelicall or Angel-like then the Geneuian is which admitteth no such Angelicall distinction and order of Ministers for there they are equall and neither like the Angels in heauen which haue their chiefe Princes Dan. 10.13 12.1 Ju●e vers 9. Reuel 12.7 Colos 1.16 Reuel 9.11 12.7 and their inferiours as namely Michael the Archangel and his Angels euen Thrones Domimons Principalities Powers as the Apostle speaketh nor like the Diuels in hell which are better ordered as hauing a distinction of degrees for the Angel-king of the bottomlesse pit otherwise called the Dragon hath many blacke Angels vnder him whence it followeth that the Anglicane Church as being the more Angelicall or Angel-like is perfiter then the Geneuian by farre And truly I can not wonder inough of this paritie of theirs from whence they had it for it is more then manifest that they had it not from heauen nor yet from hell as hath beene before shewed belike they haue learned it of the Grashoppers that leape about the banks of the Lemannian lake for they haue no King yet goe they forth all by bands saith Salomon From the Church of God vnder the law they had it not for they had their high Priests their principall or chiefe Priests and their inferiour Priests Exod. 28. Leuit. 8. Numb 3. 4 8 18 1. Chron. 9. 15 16 24 25 26 2. King 23. Nehem. 12. Heb. 5 5 6 10 Mat. 10 1 2 28 16 Mark 3.14 6 7 Luk. 6 13 9 1 Act. 1.22 16 2 14 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 5 6 14 15 16 17 19 1 2 3 4 5 7 Cor. 12.28 29. Ephes 4.11.12 and likewise among the Leuites some were superiours and some inferiours some were as Lords and chiefe Fathers and other some as sonnes and followers Nor had they their paritie and equalitie of Church Ministers from the Church of God vnder the Gospell such as it was in the daies of Christ and his Apostles for our Sauiour himselfe was as the high Priest the Apostles as the chiefe Priests the seuenty Disciples as the inferiour Priests and the Deacons as the Leuites and no man that hath his right wittes will say that the Apostles Prophets Euangelists and Pastours mentioned by the Apostle Paul as ordained of God in the Church were all equall in dignitie and office Neither had they their paritie of pastours from the Church such as it was after the Apostles daies for within the first fiue hundreth yeares we read in the Ecclesiasticall histories how that the Church was gouerned by Patriarkes and Arch bishops representing the twelue Apostles and by Bishops representing the Euangelists Yea in the very Apostles daies there were Bishops which had vnder them inferiour Pastours as S. Iames Bishop of lerusalem S. Peter Bishop of Antioch S. Paul Bishop of Rome S. Marke Bishop of Alexandria and if we will not beleeue the Ecclesiasticall historie of the Primitiue Church yet let vs beleeue the Epistles of the Apostle Paul who enstileth Timothie the Euangelist 2. Tim. 4. Tit. 3. 1. Tim. 5.22 Tit. 1 5 the first Bishop of the Church of Ephesus and Titus another Euangelist first Bishop of the Church of the Cretians and testifieth that by vertue of their function they did ordaine presbyters or inferiour pastours in those Churches for ordination argueth demonstratiuely the superioritie of the ordainer and the inferioritie of the ordained Act. 20 17 18 1. Tim. 3.1 2 5.17 19 Tit. 1 5.6 7 and without such inequalitie their can bee neither ordination nor order And though it be true that in the Scripture the names of Bishop and Presbyter or Pastour be taken indifferently for one and the same office yet that doth argue only that euery Pastor or Presbyter is and may bee called a Bishop in respect of his people or parish ouer which hee is placed so that he may bee called a Bishop aboue the Laitie but it doth not argue that their were no superiour Bishops aboue those Bishops of the Laitie to ordaine order and direct them which were Bishops of a more eminent degree and distinct from the other these Bishops Presbyters and Pastours aboue the Clergie and those Bishops Presbyters and Pastours aboue the Laitie and consequently inferiour vnto the former wherefore I could wish that learned men would not leane so much as they doe to that argument taken from the indifferencie of those two words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 seeing the question and controuersie is not verball but reall for the question is not if all the Ministers of the Church may be called by the common name of Pastor Presbyter and Bishop but if all those that are called by the common name ought to bee
of equall dignitie and authoritie or whether or no there ought to bee amongst the multitude of Ministers some superiours to gouerne and some inferiours to be gouerned for good orders sake and to bee called for distinctions sake by different names applying or appropriating the common name of Bishop to the superiour and the common name of Presbyter Priest or Pastour to the inferiour And truly in the time of my owne Puritanisme and Geneuisme I was wont to presse this verball argument asmuch as any man to prooue thereby the paritie of pastours and there is not another argument to that purpose worth a pinne but in the end I found it both fallacious and friuolous for in the Scriptures Kings Apostles Act. 6. Rom. 13 4 1. Cor. 4 1. Colosi 1.25 1. Thess 3.2 1. Tim. 3.8.12 Prophets Euangelists Pastours and Deacous are called by the common name of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ministers or seruants of God and yet their Ministrations and seruices are not of the same nature nor of equall dignitie and the two names of presbyter or elder beeing referred to office and not to age and of Gouernour or Ruler or Ouerseer are conucrtible for euery Elder is a Gouernour and euery Gouernour is on Elder and yet the Elderships and Gouernments are distinct Numb 11 16.17 Ezra 10.8 Luk. 22.66 Act. 20.17 for some are called Lay-elders or elders of the people to wit in temporal matters and those were the Magistrates of the lewish Common-wealth and others are called Elders of the Church to wit Gouernours of the people in spirituall matters as Ministers of the Word and Sacraments so that both the one and the other were Elders and Gouernours and yet they were of different and distinct kindes the one temporall Elders and Gouernours of the people in the Common-weale the other spirituall Elders and Gouernours of the same people in the Church and semblably these spiritual Gouernours of the Church and Ministers of the word both Bishops and Presbyters or Priests are called by the common name of Presbyters Priests and Elders and likewise by the common name of Episcopi Bishops Superintendents or Ouerseers and yet they differ both in the obiect of their office and in their degree for the one are cheife Priests Elders of the Church and the other are inferiour Priests and Elders of the same Church the one are Bishops Superintendents and Ouerseers of the Laitie or people in spirituall things but the other are Bishops Superintendents and Ouerseers of the Clergie as well as of the Laitie and of their inferiour priests and pastours aswell as of the people in the same spirituall things In a word the Church of God being the best ordered Body that can be behoued to consist of Superiours to gouerne and of Inferiours to bee gouerned to wit of these two rankes Clergie and Laitte and as the Laitie was to bee gouerned by the Clergie as the children by the fathers and schollers by their masters so the Clergie being a great multitude was to haue order and gouernement in it selfe and therfore behoued to consist of superiours and inferiours likewise And to these ouerseers of the Church were assigned different names and titles for distinctions sake the Ouerseers or Rulers of the Church in the quarters of the world were called Patriarkes the Ouerseer and Ruler of the Church of a whole kingdome was called a Primate the Ouerseers and Rulers of the Clergie or Church in the seuerall Prouinces of a kingdome were called Archbishops and the Ouerseers or Rulers of the same Clergie in a diocesse or shiere were called Bishops like as the Ouerseers of the Laitie or people in a parish were called Presbyters Priests or Pastours for in the last Section of this worke wherein we doe entreate more at large of the honourable titles and maintenance of the ministerie we show likewise how that the Ministers of the Gospel ought not to disclaime the honourable stile and title of Priests Thus we see how that there must needs bee imparitie and inequalitie amongst Ministers except wee meane to make them a multitude without order and gouernment or else giue them from Geneua Lay-gouernours for amongst them the Elders of the Church which bee lay men being more in number to passe ouer their Lay-deacons doe gouerne the Ministers beeing the smaller number iudge and censure them both in life and doctrine and so are they well serued because they refused to bee gouerned by men of their owne order to wit by Bishops therefore God hath giuen them ouer to bee deluded derided debased and dishonoured by the Lay gouernment of those whom they ought to gouerne and rule as the Shepheard his sheepe the father his children the schoolemaster his schollers for amongst the Geneuians it is quite contrary where the Lay-elders as being more in number doe ouer-rule the Ministers as hath beene said But thankes bee vnto Almighty God for raising vp a Iacob from the North Isay 41.8 9 25. Reuel 1.20 12.7 and calling him from the endes of the earth to doe him seruice in restoring of his Church in the North to the ancient Angelicall forme and in banishing out of it the Grashopper-gouernment of Geneua and let all Britaines North and South Prouerb 30.27 euen as many as doe loue the likenesse of Ierusalems Angels better then of Geneuian Grashoppers say Amen Sect. 16 Thirdly the Church of England is more like the Church in heauen for holinesse then the Geneuian is The Church of England more heauen-like for holines Isay 6.1 2 3 Reul 4. 5.8 12.13 7.15 for in heauen the Angels and blessed Spirits keepe euery day holy incessantly praising God and saying holy holy holy is the Lord of hostes the whole world is full of his glory so saith the euangelicall Prophet Isay in the old Testament diuine S. Iohn in the new saith that they cease not day nor night to say and to sing holy holy holy Lord God almighty which was and which is and which is to come that they serue him day and night in his Temple saying Praise and honour and glory and power bee vnto him that sitteth vpon the throne and vnto the Lambe for euer more and the foure said Amen Now the Church of England is farre holier then the Geneuian because the Geneuians are not so holy as the Iewes were nor haue not so many holy dayes as they had for besides the two and fifty Sabbaths of the yeare Exod. 12.14 15 16 17 18. 13.6.7 20.8 9 10. 23.12 14 15 16 17. 38.18 Deut. 16. Ester 9.17 18 19 21 26 27 28 29. 30 31. 1. Machab. 4.43 44 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59. which are the Geneuian holy dayes they had other holy dayes and festiuities which they did obserue as of the Passeouer of the first fruites of Tabernacles and of Purim instituted by Queene Ester and Mordecai and of the dedication of the Altar instituted by Machabaeus But the English like
Booke Reuela 1.2.8 9 11 14 1 6.7 21 14 22 1 3 our Church angelspreaching of the Gospel to the Preaching of Angels which Saint Iohn heard the Pulpit answereth to Mount Sion whereon he saw the Lambe standing or rather to that Tree of life bearing twelue manner of fruites for from thence the word of life is delinered by the learned and reuerend Bishops as it were from the mouth of the Lambes twelue Apostles twelue times in the yeare the first Lords day of euery moneth To be briefe our Church-font with Holy-water for the celebration of Baptisme doth answer vnto that glassie Sea or riuer of water of life cleere as christall proceeding out of the throne of God of the Lamb our Euangelical Priests Crosse-siguing the baptized on the fore-head and our Angelicall Bishops sealing and confirming of the Virgin seruants of our God which by Baptisme had beene bathed and washed Reuela 4.6 6.9 7 2 3.4 14 1 2 3 4. and so made fit to follow the Lambe doe answer vnto the Angels signing and sealing of the Seruants of God on the fore-head our Sacrament all holy bread of life answereth to that hidden Manna of heauen promised to him that ouercommeth our Lords supper to the Lambes supper Reuela 2.17 6.9 8 3 4 5 19 13 11 1 19 19 9. our Church golden and siluer Basons and Cuppes for the ministration of the holy Sacrament to the Angels golden Censer and our Church Table for the ministration and celebration of the same Sacrament answereth vnto the Golden Altar which Saint Iohn sawe before Gods throne And who can say otherwise but that a Font and a Church-Table are two implements or instruments as requisite to be in enery Church for the ministration of the Sacraments as a Pulpit is requisite for the delinerie of Sermons and for the reading and preaching of the word And thus haue I made it apparent to all such as haue but common sense and vnderstanding that the Church of England is much and many degrees liker then the Geneuian to the Church that Saint Iohn saw in heauen so that as many of vs as doe loue heauen cannot but exceedingly like the forme of the English Church and better then that of Geneua and wee may well say it that the forme of the Church of England and not that of Geneua was reuealed and represented to our diuine Prophet For the Reuelation containeth a propheticall representation of the Church of Christ and of the forme and constitution thereof such as it was to bee after our Sauiours ascension in the two times of persecution and peace vntill his last comming to iudgement to confound his foes and to glorifie his friends and elect children as I doe shew more particularly in another worke in Latine entreating of the persecution and peace of the militant Church according to the holy prophesies of Daniel and Saint Iohn a booke that I began at the age of nineteene yeares wherein all the opinions of ancient and moderne writers and euen of the learned of both Religions touching the authors instruments duration beginning manner and ending of the persecution or troubles and of the tranquillity and peace of the Church are propounded and compared together with their reasons and arguments debated and many errours refuted Now because I haue said in this Section that the Church of England is liker to the Church of God in heauen in the matter of sacramentall or symbolicall ceremony then the Geneuian is and haue giuen an instance thereof in their Signing of Christs new-borne babes on the fore-head with the signe of the Crosse in Baptisme Ezech. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Reuelat. 7.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. like as the Angels in heauen are said in Ezekiel to signe them that sorrow and mourne vpon the fore thead with the Crosse-like letter Thau and in the Reuelation of Saint Iohn to signe the fore-heads of Gods seruants with the seale of God I haue thought good to insist a little longer vpon the matter of this ceremony and to prooue the lawfull commendable and Christian vse of it by many arguments and euen some new ones of our owne meditation Our first argument is thus both the Prophet Ezekiel in the old Testament and the Prophet S. Iohn in the new haue prophesied of the conuersion of the Iewes to the faith of Christ by the Angels signing of them in the fore-head as the letter of the word doth beare in both places the which the auncient Doctours of the Church haue vnderstood of the Signe of the Crosse to be receiued at the hands of the Church in their Baptisme as no diuine that euer read the Fathers dare deny whereby they shall professe that they are no more ashamed of his Crosse or scandalized at the ignominie of it as their forefathers had beene 1. Cor. 1.23 to whom it prooued a stumbling block as the Apostle speaketh but that they glorie in it and beleeue to be made blessed by it euen to bee saued by Christs suffering on that same Crosse which their forefathers had once set vp to slay and destroy him by Wherfore if our Geneuians would haue the Iewes to bee conuerted to their Church they must needes receiue from England or rather from the primitiue Church the sacred signe of the crosse that they may haue it to christen the Iewes with otherwise they will not goe to Geneua for Christendome nor to Scotland neither nor to any reformed Church of their fashion Secondly in all reason and common sense it is conuenient that the Iewes beeing conuerted should declare by some sensible signe that they are no more ashamed of Chrisls crosse but well ashamed of their owne cursed course in crucifying him that came to cure them and though there were not any mention at all made in holy Scripture of their signing or sealing in the foreshead as there is most expressely yet should it bee lawfull for them to declare by some externall gesture or act aswell as by words of mouth their Christian disposition of this kinde Thirdly as it tendeth much to the glory of God in that he can bring light out of darkenesse life out of death saluation out of destruction nobilitie and fame out of ignominy and shame and honour out of dishonour so it tendeth to the edification of the Church that this admirable working of our most glorious and wise God bee declared and made as notorious as it can be with all conueniencie both by words of profession and gestures of signification and consequently it tendeth to the edification of the Church that the Iewes should declare by the signe of the crosse that they doe acknowledge God to haue drawen admirably blessing and honour out of the dishonour and curse of the crosse and saluation out of destruction It is a most Christian confession for Iew or Gentile especially the Iew to confesse and acknowledge that the Crosse which they once set vp
Saint Iohn writing vnto the Angels or Bishops of the seauen Churches of Asia calleth them Priests like as the foure and twentie Elders in heauen doe call themselues Priests and Iesus Christ himselfe is called a Priest yea more an high or chiefe Priest and consequently must haue inferiour Priests vnder him And such are the Ministers of the Gospell in England the which stile whilest our Genenians cannot endure no more then the white Surplisse and the artificiall singing I wonder what they meane to do in heauen where Saint Iohn saw so many Priests so many white habits and heard such harmonie and musicall melodie Now the honourable titles that God hath vouchsafed his Ministers doe show that it is his will Deut. 10 9 12 19 24 23 25 Numb 18.12 13 17 18 19 20 21 2 23 24 1. Cor. 9.7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Heb. 10. 1. Tim. 5.17 18 they should haue a more honourable maintenance then Geneua doth allow them in their beggarly contributions The Priests and Ministers of the Gospell haue succeeded into the roome of the legall Priests and Ministers of the Tabernacle and therefore they haue succeeded to their maintenance and so much the more because these serue him in a more excellent manner then the other did And if hee would not haue his Ministers to begge vnder the law or yet to depend vpon popular beneuolences shall wee thinke that hee would haue his Ministers vnder the Gospell to be subiect to such a beggarly condition Euery prouident wise master prouideth for his houshold and seruants Leuit. 27.30 31 32. Deut. 12.17 18 19 14 22 23 27 29 26 Numb 18. Nehem. 10.35 36 37 38 39. Iosh 13.14 33. 2. Chron. 31.4 5 6 7 8 Ezech. 44 28 29 30 2. Tim. 2.6 Luk. 10.2.7 1. Tim. 5.18 Mat. 9.37 38. wherefore it followeth that God who is the most prouident and wise Master of all other hath prouided for the maintenance of his houshold seruants and we know none other but first fruites and tithes all labourers haue certaine standing wages the Ministers of the Gospell are Gods labourers therefore they ought to haue their standing wages likewise and wee read of none other except first fruites and tithes And therefore we see how our Sauiour forbiddeth his Apostles to goe from house to house telling them that the workeman is worthy of his hire And truly if hee would not haue his Apostles to goe from house to house euen in that time when tithes were withholden from them by the Iewish clergie shall we thinke that now when the Iewish clergie is abolished he would haue his Ministers of the Gospell to goe from house to house or yet to send from house to house to begge the peoples beneuolences Those that withheld from Christs Apostles and Ministers the duty of first fruites and tithes were such as persecuted both them and Christ and crucified him in the end Deut. 10 9 12 19 14 23.29 2. Chron. 31.4 Prouerb 3.9 10. and such God spoiling Gospellers as doe now adaies withhold the Church-rents from Churchmen what doe they else but persecute Gods Ministers and crucifie Christ daily in his members The ends of paying first fruites and tithes vnto Gods Priests are perpetuall to wit that the Ministers of God may bee maintained and not forsaken but more and more encouraged in the seruice of God that God may be honoured with our riches and acknowledged to bee our great Land-lord and good Lord that we may learne to feare the Lord and that hee may blesse vs in all the workes of our hands that so our store may be increased and our barnes filled with abundance are not Christians Gods tenants farmers and vassals as well as were the Iewes and doe we not hold all that we haue of God as well as they and are we not bound to pay our annuall rents vnto God as duly and truly as they and what reason haue Christians to forsake their Ministers more then the Iewes had and doe not the one deserue aswell to bee liberally maintained and encouraged in their worke as the other and haue not Christians as great cause to learne to feare God as the Iewes had finally doe not Christians desire as earnestly as the Iewes did to be blessed in the workes of their hands and in the encrease of their store wherefore it followeth necessarily that we Christians must pay our Tithes as truly and duly as did the Iewes 1. Tim. 5 17 18. 1. Cor. 9.7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. And therefore the blessed Apostle as he commendeth vnto Christians the honourable and liberall maintenance of the Mininistery right diligently writing to the Corinthians and euen prooueth by the law of Moses the right that the Ministers of the Gospell haue vnto our carnall things and euen vnto such carnall things as both Moses doth prescribe in his Law and the Apostle himselfe doth mention entreating of this matter comprehending them vnder these two kinds the fruits of the field and the flockes of the fold so writing to the Galathians he enioyneth in expresse words Heb 13.7 Galat. 6.6 euery one that is taught in the word to make him that hath taught him partaker of all his goods The people must giue a part of their goods vnto their Pastours as the Apostle prescribeth and all doe acknowledge to be reasonable now this part must either be equall vnto the Leuiticall part or greater then it or else smaller To giue them a smaller were a most vnreasonable indiscretion and a more then beastly ingratitude and if they will not nor cannot bestow a greater such as indeed it ought to be 2 Cor. 3.6 7 8 9 10 11. for looke how farre the ministerie of the Gospell is more excellent then that of the law so much the more ample and liberall ought to be the maintenance of the Ministers of the Gospell then was that of the Ministers of the Tabernacle yet at least for shame they must giue an equall portion with that of the legall Priests Lastly to shut vp this our reasoning for the perpetuitie of tithes for the honourable maintenance of Christs seruants for hereof wee haue written more amply in a worke published some fewe yeares agoe called the Golden art or the right way of Enriching dedicated to the two most famous and royall Cities of these two kingdoms I say that the holy Scripture setteth downe the paying of these yearely Church-rents amongst morall duties and accounteth of Sacriledge not as if it were the transgression of a ceremoniall ordinance but euen the violation of a morall law Will a man spoyle his Gods saith the Lord God by his Prophet Malachie yet ye haue spoyled me in tithes and in offerings Malacha 3 8. Prouerb 3.9 10 20.25 Honour the Lord saith Solomon with thy riches and with the first fruites of all thine encrease so shall thy barnes bee filled with abundance and thy presse shall burst with new