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A02727 The Messiah already come. Or Profes [sic] of Christianitie both out of the Scriptures, and auncient rabbins, to convince the Iewes, of their palpable, and more then miserable blindnesse (if more may be) for their long, vaine, and endlesse expectation of their Messiah (as they dreame) yet for to come. Written in Barbarie, in the yeare 1610, and for that cause directed to the dispersed Iewes of that countrie, and in them to all others now groaning under the heavy yoake of this their long and intollerable captivitie, which yet one day shall have an end ... Harrison, John, fl. 1610-1638. 1619 (1619) STC 12858; ESTC S116532 67,755 80

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albeit she were dead aboue two thousand yeeres before they were slayne aboue one thousand and fiue hundreth before Ieremie wrote this prophecie Among which Infants Herod also for more assurance slewe an infant of his owne for that he was descended by the mothers side of the line of Iuda Which crueltie comming to Augustus his eares he sayd he had rather be H●rods swine then his sonne for that he being a Iewe was prohibited by his religion to kill his swine though not ashamed to kill his sonne Sixtly his flying into Aegypt herevpon as also to fulfill that prophecie out of Aegypt have I called my sonne which I say inlargeth further saying Behould the Lord rideth vpon a light cloud which is his flesh or humanity and shall come into Aegipt and all the Idols of Aegipt shall tremble at his presence which later pointe Eusebius sheweth was fulfilled most evidently in the sight of all the world for that no nation came to christian religion with so great celerity and fervour as did the Aegyptians who threwe downe theire Idols before any other nation And as they had beene the first in Idolatrie to other countries so were they the first by Christ his cōming vnto them that afterwards gave exāple of true returne vnto their creator It followeth in Isay I will deliver the Egiptians into the hands of cruel Lords these were the Roman Lords and Princes Pompei Caesar Antonie c. a mightie King shall raigne over thē c. this must needs be Augustus the Emperor who after the death of Cleopatra the last of the blood of the Ptolimies tooke possession of all Egypt and subjected it as a province to the Romaine empire But after these temporall afflictions threatned against Egypt behold a most Euangelical promise of deliverance In that day shall fiue cities of the land of Egypt speake the language of Canaan c. In that day shall the altar of the Lord be in the middest of the Land of Egypt c. They shall crye unto the Lord because of their oppressors and he shall send them a Saviour and a great man and shall deliver them c. The Lord of Hosts shall blesse them saying Blessed be my people of Egypt c. This blessing I say the Egyptians obteyned by our Saviours being in Egypt whom here the Prophet calleth by his owne name Iesus a Saviour a great-man Finally the comming of Iohn Baptist his forerunner or Messenger as was propheci●d Behold I will send my Messenger and be shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom ye seeke shall speed●ly come to his temple And againe I will send you Eliah the Prophet that is to say Iohn the Baptist in the spirit and power of Eliah as an angell from heauen expoundeth it appearing to Zacharias his father in the temple sent to foretell him both of his birth as also by what name he should call him euen Iohn saying thou shalt call his name Iohn he shal be great in the sight of the Lord c. he shall goe before him in the power and spirit of Eliah And therefore our Saviour in plaine termes he calleth him Eliah Mat. 11 14. And if you wilt receiue it this is that Eliah which was to come he that hath ears to heare let him heare And as our Sauiour gaue him his due before a multitude then assembled calling him Eliah So did this Eliah also giue our Saviour his due in acknowledging him for the Messiah not assuming unto himself that honour offered unto him by the Iewes but refusing it absolutely and laying it upon Iesus our Saviour the true owner Then this is the recorde of Iohn when the Iewes sent Priests and Levites from Ierusalem to aske him who art thou and he confessed and denyed not and sayd plainly I am not the Christ I am not the Messiah I baptise you with water but there is one among you whom ye knowe not he it is that commeth after me which is preferred before me whose shoe l●tchet I am not worthie to unlose These things were done in Bethabara beyond Iordan where Iohn did baptise The next day Iohn seeth Iesus c●mming to him and sayth behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world This is he of whom I sayd after me cōmeth a man that is preferred before me for he was before me and I knew him not but bec●us● he should be declared to Israel therefore am I come baptizing with water So Iohn bare record saying I sawe the spirit come downe from heauen l●k● a doue abiding upon him And I knewe him not but he that sent me to baptise with water he sayd unto me upon whom thou shalt see the spirit come downe and stay still upon him that is he which baptiseth with the Holy Ghost And I sawe and bare record that this is the sonne of God According as it is in the other three Euangelists more at large expressed how that Iesus when he was baptised came strait out of the water and loe the heauens were opened unto him And Iohn sawe the spirit of God discending l●ke a doue and lighting upon him And loe a voyce came from heaven saying This is my beloved sonne in whom I am well pleased The next d●y Iohn stood againe and two of his disciples and he beheld Iesus w●lking by and sayd Behold the Lambe of God and the two disciples heard him speak and followed Iesus All this was done at Bethabara beyond Iordan in the sight and hearing of a number of people there present as three of our Euangelists doe report which they would never haue presumed to haue done had not the matter beene most evident and without all compasse of denyall or contradiction And truely no one thing in all this storie of Iesus life doth more establish the certaintie of his being the true Messiah then that Iohn the Baptist whose wisedome learning vertue and rare sanctitie is confess●d and recorded by the writings of all our adversaries should refuse the honour of the Messiah offered unto himself and lay it upon Iesus and also should direct those disciples that depended upon him to the onely following and imbracing of Iesus doctrine which is most evidently proved that he did for that somany followers and Disciples as himselfe had not one appeared ever after that was not a Christian. These circūstances I say of the birth cōming of the Messiah into this world so lōg before foretold by the Prophets fulfilled so exactly in the person of our blessed Lord Saviour wel considered I may at length conclude Heaven and earth concurring men and Angels with all other creatures applauding therevnto yea God himselfe from heaven pronouncing it this is my beloved sonne in whome I am well pleased That therefore as sure as God is God and cannot lye nor give testimony to any vntruth so sure is Iesus Christ the sonne of God the true Messiah and
virgin And Isai appointeth this to Achaz for a wonderfull straunge signe from God therefore sayth he the Lord himself will giue you a signe behold which he could not haue done in reason if the Hebrewe word in that place had signified a young woman onely as some later Rabbins will affirme for that is no such signe nor straunge thing but verie common and ordinarie for young women to conceiue and bring forth children and so did the Elder Iewes understand it as Rabbi Simeon noteth And Rabbi Moses Haddersan upon those words Truth shall bud forth of the earth sayth thus Here Rabbi Ioden noteth that it is not sayd truth shall be ingendred but truth shall budde forth to signifie that the Messiah who is meant by the word truth shall not be begotten as other men are in carnall copulation To the same effect and after the same maner to be interpreted is that of Ieremie The Lord hath created a newe thing in the earth a woman shall compasse a man And Rabbi Haccadosch proveth by cabal● out of many places of Scripture not onely that the Mother of the Messiah must be a virgine but also that her name shall be Marie Now ●he birth of Iesus Christ was thus c. that is to say after this straunge and extraordinarie maner therefore must he needs be the true and undoubted Messiah The Messiah by the Scripture was to be borne at Bethlehem in Iud●a for so it is written by the Prophet And thou Bethlehem Ephrathah are litle to be among the thousands of Iudah yet out of ●hee shall he come forth unto me that shall be the ruler in Israel c which place the chief Priests themselues quoted to that purpose to Herod demanding of them where Christ should be borne and they answered him at Bethlehem in Iudea for so it is written by the prophet as before So also D●vid af●er much restles studie and industrious search to finde out this myst●rie c. I will not enter into the tabernacle of my house nor 〈◊〉 upon my pallet or be●de nor suffer myne eyes to sleepe nor myne eye ledds to s●●●ber untill I finde out a place for the Lord c. At length the mysterie being reveiled unto him he doth 〈◊〉 it were point to the verie place in the words following Lo● we heard of it at Ephrata which is Bethlehem Gen. 35.19 and found it i● the fi●lds of the forest Then addeth We will enter unto his Tabernacle wor●hip before his footstool foreshewing that divine worship there afterwards done to Iesus by those Mags or wisemen who came frō the east to worship him in that place euen in the cratch and before his footstool presenting unto him gifts gold frankincense myrh as was also prophecied in another place that presents and gifts should be brought unto him from farre countries by great personages The kings of Tarshish and of the yles shall bring presents th● kings of Sheba and Seba shall bring gifts Cyprian sayth it is an old tradition of the Church that those Magi or wisemen were Kings or rather litle Lords of particuler places which is to be understood such litle Kings as Iosuah slewe thirtie in one battaile howsoever it is manifest they were men of place reputation in their countries neither are prophecies alwaies so strictly and litterally to be understood They brought with them a great treasure gold frankincense and myrrh yea both Herod and all Ierusalem tooke notice of their comming They had private conference with the king as touching the starre that appeared unto them leading thē to that most bright morning starre whereof Balaam long before prophecied saying I shall see him but not now I shall behold him but not neere there shall come a starre of Iaak●b c. Iesus then being borne at Bethlehem in Iudea as was prophecied long before the Messiah should be and indeed it standeth with great reason that he that was to be the sonne of David should also be borne in the citie of David the circumstances also of his birth duely considered both before and after first the Angels salutation to his Mother Marie foretelling that his name should be Iesus before ever he was conceiued So Esdras prophecied in the person of God himself saying Behold the tyme shall come that these tokens which I haue told thee shall come to passe c. for my sonne Iesus shall appeare c. and after thes● same yeeres shall my sonne Christ dye Here is both his birth and passion both his names Iesus Christ plainly expressed Which book though it be not canonicall yet was it extant in the world before ever Christ was borne Also Rabbi Haccadosch proveth by art Cabalist out of many places of Scripture that the name of the Messiah at his cōming shal be Iesus and among other he addeth this reason that as the name of him who first brought the Iewes out of bondage into the Land of promise was Iesus or Iosua which is all one so must his name be Iesus that shall the second tyme deliver them Secondly the Angels appearing to the shepherds in the night of the nativitie with this joyfull message from heauen Behold I bring you tydings of great joye that shall be to all people that unto you is borne this day in the citie of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord And this shal be a signe unto you yee shall finde the child swadled and layd in a cratch Thirdly the starre that appeared notifying his comming into the world whereof not onely the wisemen before mentioned but also generally all the Astronomers soothsayers of that age took speciall notice adjudging it to portend universall good to the earth some gathering thereupon that some God discended from heauen to the benefite of mankind and for that cause had that starre an image erected to it in Rome and as Plinies words are Is Cometa unus toto orbe colitur That onely Comet in all the world is adored Fourthly his presentation in the temple according to the Lawe of Moses where openly came old Symeon by the motion of the spirit for he had a revelation from God that he should not see death till he had seen the Lords Christ took the child in his armes acknowledged him for the Messiah prophecied that he should be a light to be revealed unto the Gentiles appointed for the fall rising againe of many in Israel with other events which afterwards came to passe So did likewise Anna the Prophetesse as it is in the same chapt●r Fiftly that most pitifull murder of all the Infants in and about Bethlehem upon this occasion as was prophec●ed by Ieremie saying A voyce was-heard on high mourning and bitter weeping Rahel weeping for her children and refused to be comforted because they were not Rahel was buried in the way to Ephrath which is Bethlem for that cause those infants were called her childrē
behold him whom they haue pierced and smite their brests prick●d in their hearts like those Iewes in the Acts and crye out Men and bretheren what shall we doe and returne to the Lord and be baptised everie one in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes which God grant And the Lord powre upon them the spirit of grace and of compassion that in soul spirit they may look upon him whom they haue pierced and lament for him as it is in the prophet everie tribe and familie apart His Resurrection FOr his Resurrection it was also foretold by the prophets and prefigured in Ionas David sayth in the person of the Messiah of whom he prophecied in divers places and was a type I haue set the Lord alwaies before me c. Wherefore myne heart is gladde and my tongue rejoyceth my flesh also doth rest in hope for thou wilt not leaue my soule in the graue nor suffer thyne Holy one to see corruption Also Hosea sayth After two dayes will he rev●ke us and in the third day he will rayse us up Vs in the plurall number poynting as it should seeme both at the Resurrection of our Saviour the third day as also the raysing of a number of the Saincts together with him at the same tyme prefigured in Ionas together vvith the tyme of his abode in the sepulchre foreshevved many tymes by our Saviour himself to his disciples such and such things shall be donne to the sonne of man He shall be apprehended evill intreated mocked scourged put to death but the third day he shall rise againe Also to the Ievves demanding a signe he ansvvered Destroy this temple and in three dayes I will rayse it up againe And at another tyme An evill and adulterous generation se●keth a signe but no signe shall be giuen them saue the signe of the prophet Ionas for as Ionas was three dayes and three nights in the whales b●ll●e so shall the Sonne of man be three dayes and three nights in the heart of the earth Which prophecie of his they full vvell remembring and fearing the event immediatly upon his burial they vvent to Pila● saying Sir we remember that deceiver sayd while he was living within three dayes I will rise againe commaund therefore the sepulchre to be made sure till the third day least his disciples steale him away by night say unto the people he is risen from the dead so the last error be worse then the first All which was done according to their desire a strong watch appointed the Sepulchre sealed up all things made so sure by the Iewes as might be for they had gotten from Pilate a speciall commission for that purpose to whom he was as forward to grant it as they to aske it and that in as large and ample maner as themselues knewe or could devise All which notwithstanding after a most miraculous maner The angel of the Lord discending from heauen with an earthquake and rolling back the stone from the doore of the sepulchre the keepers astonied and become as dead men Iesus our Saviour according to the former prophecies is risen againe and hath appeared to his Apostles and disciples his faithfull witnesses a number of them at divers severall times to whom he presented himself aliue as S. Luke writeth by manie infallible tokens being seene of them by the space of fortie dayes and speaking of those things which apperteyne to the kingdome of God how soever the Iewes suborned the soldiours giving them largely to say his disciples came by night and stole him away while they slept which saying is noysed among the Iewes to this day How probably the former circumstances considered let the world judge Therefore I will conclude this point also with that of Paul touching the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour He hath declared himself mightily to be the sonne of God by the Resurrection from the dead and consequently that Messiah promised before by the Prophets in the holy Scriptures as the same Apostle urgeth His Ascention FOr his Ascention it was also foretold by the Prophets and necessarily followeth upon his Resurrection to be believed to wit that having finished the worke of our Redemption here on earth he ascended up into heauen and there sitteth at the right hand of God David sayth Thou art gone up on high thou hast ledde captivitie captiue and received gifts for men c. And in another place The Lord said to my Lord sitte thou at my right hand c. which is the place alledged by our Saviour wherewith he put the Iewes to silence both as touching the Dietie and the humanitie of the Messiah for sayth he if David call him Lord how is he then his sonne where we may see David acknowledgeth him his Lord and consequently his God euen the sonne of God sitting at the right hand of God for the present as touching his divinitie afterwards to be accomplished also in his humanitie which David believed as verely should come to passe and forsawe by the eye of fayth as did Thomas when it was come to passe putting his hand into his side and crying My Lord my God so sayth David here my Lord The Lord sayd unto my Lord c. I say this article of our fayth as touching his Ascention it followeth necessarily to be concluded upon his Resurrection it needeth no other proof For that whosoever seeth and acknowledgeth that Iesus being dead could raise himself to life againe will easily belieue also that he was able to ascend up to heauen at his pleasure And hereof we haue also all his Apostles and Disciples for witnesses eye-witnesses in whose presence and sight he ascended as it is in that place they looked stedfastly towards heauen as he went And in witnesse thereof gaue up their liues and sealed the same with their blood Therefore I conclude vpon all these premises so necessarily following and depending one apon an other to witt his birth life doctrin actions death resurrection and ascention seing nothing hath happened in the same which was not foretold by the Prophets of God nor any thing foretold by the same Prophets concerning the Messiah which was not fulfilled most exactly in the person of our Saviour We may most certainly assure our selves that as God is truth and therefore can neither foretell an vntruth nor yeeld testimonie to the same so it can not be but that these things which have beene shewed to be so manifestly foreprophecied and so evidently accomplished in the person of this our blessed Lord and Saviour must needs I say assure vs Christians that he was indeed the true Messiah quite confound the Iewes in theire vaine imagination and expectation of another The sending of the Holy Ghost with the first plantation wonderfull increase of the Church NOw for those things that followed after his ascention as argumēts effects of