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heaven_n angel_n earth_n person_n 1,879 5 4.6050 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00935 The diamond of deuotion cut and squared into sixe seuerall points: namelie, 1 The footpath to felicitie. 1 2 A guide to godlines. 81 3 The schoole of skill. 181 4 A swarme of bees. 209 5 A plant of pleasure. 245 6 A groue of graces. 283 Full of manie fruitfull lessons, auaileable to the leading of a godlie and reformed life: by Abraham Fleming. Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607.; Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. Footepath of faith, leading the highwaie to heaven. Selections. 1581 (1581) STC 11041; ESTC S102282 82,454 300

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out of his reckoning booke Why then should I hang downe my head as though confusion were the portion of mine inheritance To them that loue God all things turne to good This his visitation is but a preparatiue to further felicitie which in due time he will reueale to me his seruant when he hath taken sufficient proofe and experience of my patience which I beséech him to establish and confirme that the possession of eternitie may be the reward of my sufferance Wherefore O most mercifull father if it be thine appointment as thy determinations are secret and hidden from the heart of man that this my sicknes and trouble be vnto death O then gratiouslie heare my supplication and let the voice of my crie enter into thine cares Giue me not ouer in my distresse and weakenesse when Sathan is most busie to spoile me but stand thou like an inuincible Giant on my right hand let the wings of thine almightines ouershadowe me euen vntill my last gaspe Moreouer graunt most mercifull father that at the separation and dissolution of my soule and bodie I may still continue thine my bodie turning into dust whence it tooke first substance and my soule possessing heauen whence it receiued bring O Lord send me a toifull resurrection at the date of iudgement and let me be numbred among the lambes whome thou hast chosen to be ioint-heires with thée of thine owne happines in heauenlie ioies O Lord heare my praier and let my crie come vnto thee Lord haue mercie vpon me Christ haue mercie vpon me O holie Ghost be my comforter O blessed Trinitie receiue my soule into the place of glorie Amen The twelfe Blossome conteining A petition to be said at the houre of death ouer the partie visited and lieng speechlesse O Eternall God the welspring of life and the treasure of true and euerlasting riches thou God of the quicke and the dead thou which hast appointed euerie man a mansion in this earthlie pilgrimage and placed vs here as tenants at thy pleasure to remoue and depart when it is thy will to call vs. thou euen thou which ridest vpon the wings of the winde whose seate is the heauen of heauens whose footstoole is the earth whose messengers are the Angels and celestiall hoast O bow downe thine cies of pitie looke vpon vs. O thou glorie of Sion thou beautie of Hierusalem thou Alpha and Omega thou which art incomprehensible the first person of the holie Trinitie open thy gratious eares and heare the petitions of vs thy seruants O heare vs and that betimes thou sauer of soules whiles breath is in the nostrels of this thy diseased and sicke creature for after this life it is too late to make intercession Thou hast chastened him O Lord inwardlie and outwardlie his strength is turned into weakenes his health into sicknes his flesh consumeth his limines are lame his eiesight waxeth dimme his spéech is stopped all his senses are numined his hart panteth life and death struggle within him and wrestle for superioritie He lieth in pangs he is past hope of recouerie to our iudgement he refuseth sustenance he can take no rest O looke vpon him thou comfort of Israell and deliuer Ioseph out of this prison O Lord haue mercie vpon him O God make him strong to endure this sharpe and bitter conflict Let not the terrour of death the torinent of his sicknes the losse of life or departing from anie transitorie pleasure withdrawe his heart from thée but as thou didst create it and powredst it into his bodie so vouchsafe to reserue it for thy selfe that thou maist be glorifiedin it both now and héereafter when it shall please thee to raise it vp with the rest of the bodie in the last resurrection Behold Lord he is not able to praie for himselfe thy hand is so heauie vpon him at this present he can not so much as lift vp a limme thou hast whipped him so sore he is past hope of health in the eies of man thou hast made such déepe furrowes vpon his backe he is spéechlesse because thou hast taken awaie the vse of his tongue lo Lord he lifteth vp his eies vnto heauen notwithstanding all these infirmities weakenesses O remember him forgiue him his sins remit and blot out of thy reckoning booke the ten thousand talents which he oweth thée He is not able to testifie the inward sorowe of his heart conceiued for sinne so sharpe and seueare is thy present visitation which iustlie and deseruedlie thou hast laid vpon him and surelie though thou didst punish him more rigorouslie yet thou art not accusable of iniustice For iust art thou O Lord in all thy workes and righteous in all thy iudgements But yet Lord we beséech thée to asswage the heate of thy wrath which if it burne still and continue vnquenched alas who shall be able to abide it Behold Lord how lowe he is brought all his bones are out of course which waie so euer he is turned he féeleth nothing but anguish no rest no ease no quietnes can he take such is the weight of thine anger against him for the instruction of vs that are aliue and here present at his visitation that we may learne thereby to detest sinne which is the cause of thy displeasure and to amend least a worse thing happen vnto vs. O Lord we beséech thée to consider our supplications and to accept the praiers which we powre out in thy presence in the behalfe of this our diseased brother And louing Lord if it be thy will to take him hence O then we beséech thee to shorten his time to end his lingering sicknes and so to deliuer him from all earthlie trouble But if it be thy pleasure to raise him vp being thus cast downe and to quicken strengthen him whome thy hand hath driuen almost to deathes dore then at the intercession of vs thy seruants hasten his time of recouerie and restore him vnto health and soundnes We praie for him O Lord not knowing the secrets of thy counsell which is vnchangeable deale with him as it pleaseth thée thine he is to order and dispose For thou art the potter and he but a lumpe of claie vnto thée we commit his soule and bodie thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen for thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen The thirteenth Blossome conteining 1 Gods vniuersall gouernement 2 That he annointeth Kings and Queenes and why 3 A petition vnto him in the behalfe of our gratious Queene Elizabeth 4 His mercie in preseruing her in time of tribulation 5 A praier for the continuance of her good estate 6 Against the enimies of the truth either to be conuerted or confounded 7 The Church of God and the Commonwealth two sisters 8 The death of Christ a full ransome for all our sinnes 9 Requestes to be dailie made of euerie true Christian. 1 O Gratious Lord and most mercifull father we acknowledge
kingdome of heauen 6 To be short and to speake summarilie in this pit is the portion of all such as haue cast the commandements of God contemptuouslie behind them couetous persons robbers adulterers swearers rebels blasphemers bloud-suckers extortioners vsurers idle liuers wantons enimies to Gods truth Antichristians liers false disciples teachers of diuelish doctrines prophaners of holie things superstitious persons sowers of sects and schismes in the Church Atheists Nullifidians Apostataes mainteiners of erronious opinions Papists and to conclude all that liue after the flesh blundering like Bitelles in blindnes hating the light like Bats and Owles whose lot is to drinke the dregs of Gods wrath and vengeance out of a full cup to their comfortlesse condemnation The second Chapter 1 Of the waie of the righteous 2 Nothing can hurt them whom the Lord defendeth 3 Of the power of God and his grace also who are fortunate and who miserable 4 The same opened and prooued by one speciall example instead of manie 5 What we must do if we will walke in the waie of the Lord. 6 Of the waie of righteousnes and who walke in the same 7 Wholsome counsels and admonitions THen since it is apparent by this recitall of offenders who they be that walke in the wide waie that leadeth to destruction it is soone to be gathered who they be that abhorre and auoide who they be that detest and defie it woorse than a Scorpion which stingeth vnto death 1 The waies of the righteous are in the hands of God and he disposeth the footesteps of the iust he is at the elbowe of the faithfull to staie them from falling and by his spirit he maketh their treadings stedfast How then is it possible for the godlie man to miscarrie hauing the Lord God his gratious gouernour 2 What afflictions can alter his happines that hath the King of glorie to be his helper What weapon can wound his soule that is armed at all points with the spirit of fortitude and strength What temptations can ouercome him whose right hand holdeth fast the sword of Gods word which cutteth in sunder whatsoeuer it smiteth and pearseth betwéene the marrowe and the bones 3 With whome Gods power is present nothing can turne to his annoiance Before whome the grace of God breaketh the yse his passage cannot be perillous and therefore that man is most happie and fortunate whome God vouchethsafe to gouerne as he contrariwise is most miserable and accursed whom the spirit of the Almightie hath forsaken 4 Examples hereof are in the holie Scriptures most plentifullie to be gathered For let vs but looke vnto the two first sonnes of Adam Caine and Abell who being brethren and both comming of the loines of the same parents were notwithstanding contrarie in all respects the one a murtherer the other a Martyr the one bloudthirstie and violent the other mercifull and innocent the first a persecuter the second a sufferer the elder refused the yonger receiued Caine accursed Abell blessed Héere we sée the effects of Gods grace and his iudgements in one example for manie 5 But to returne vnto the footepath of felicitie which is nothing else but the waie wherein the Lord hath commanded vs to walke it is necessarie that we heare the counsel of the holie scripture namelie that if we will be perfect we must walke before the Lord as Noah did who for so doing was called the iust and vpright man of his time Salomons aduice ought not onelie to be receiued but also folowed who teacheth vs a néere and readie waie to the footepath of felicitie exhorting vs in all our waies to thinke vpon God and he will direct our steps 6 There is a beginning of this good waie which the wicked haue not the grace to attaine vnto but it pleaseth the Lord to reueale it to the iust This beginning is expresselie noted by the holie Ghost to be righteousnes which is the greatest riches that anie Christian hart can wish This waie of righteousnes is the Lords waie it is the holie waie wherein the Iewes in Esaies time and in them we and our posterities after vs are commanded to walke without shrinking aside either to the right hand or to the left 7 In this waie being the waie of perfection it is not possible for vs vnlesse we put off our imperfections to walke for it is a sanctified and holie waie and therefore nothing that is common or vncleane can treade in the same Let the counsell of Tobie teach vs what to do in this case namelie to beséech the Lord that he would guide our paths and direct vs in our waies Let vs harken to the counsell of Dauid and praie as he praied Staie my steps in thy paths O Lord that my féete do not slide For the saieng of Salomon is most agréeable vnto truth That the heart of man purposeth his waie but the Lord doth direct his steps Let vs therefore go vp to the Lords hill and to the house of the God of Iacob and he shall teach vs his waies that we may treade in his pathes The third Chapter 1 The maner how we ought to examine our selues whether we walke in the waie of the Lord or no and first of our Christian beliefe 2 Of the keeping of the commandements and how we haue discharged our duties therein 3 Of the violating of the sabboth daie and how it is prophaned 4 The sundrie waies whereby concupiscence is kindled 5 A testimonie and token of ae cleere and vnguiltie conscience HOW shall a man persuade himselfe that he walketh in the waie of the Lord and is guided and conducted by his grace Let him enter into his own conscience and call to examination his continual trade of life conuersation thus communing with his owne heart 1 Hast thou perfourmed the solemne vowe which thou madest with God in thy baptisme Hast thou renounced and detested the diuell and all his workes Hast thou beléeued in God the father in God the sonne and in God the holie Ghost Hast thou bene a mainteiner of the ancient and apostolicall faith which acknowledgeth the incarnation of Iesus Christ his passion his descension his resurrection his ascension and his glorification 2 Hast thou bene an vnfeigned worshipper of God and not mingled his diuine and sincere seruice with mens imaginations vaine ceremonies irreligious rites superstitious traditions and hereticall constitutions Hast thou not bene derogatorie in thought word nor déede to the honour of God whereby he hath bene depriued of some part of his glorie Hast thou not bene a worshipper of images a fauourer of idolatrie a popish canonist an anoiled sacramentarie a Franciscane a Dominicane a Trinitarie a popish Sectarie a Iesuite a seede of Antichrists seminarie a bringer in of nouelties into the Church to the sowing of sectes schismes and heresies Hast thou not bene a swearer a forswearer a blasphemer a lier a dissembler an hypocrite and false-hearted whereby thou hast taken the name of God in vaine and abused