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A39838 Mercy in the midst of judgment with a glimpse of, or a glance on, London's glorious resurrection like a Phoenix out of it's ashes delivered in a sermon preach'd at St. Dunstans in the West, Sept. 2, 1669 being the day of publick fasting and humilation in consideration of the late dreadful fire, by Chr. Flower. Flower, Christopher, 1621 or 2-1699. 1669 (1669) Wing F1383; ESTC R28644 18,802 34

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MERCY In the midst of JUDGMENT WITH A GLYMPSE of OR A GLANCE on LONDON'S GLORIOUS RESURRECTION Like a Phoenix out of it's Ashes Delivered in a Sermon Preach'd at St Dunstans in the West Sept. 2. 1669. Being the day of Publick Fasting and Humiliation in consideration of the late Dreadful Fire By CHR. FLOWER Master of Arts and Rector of St Margaret Loathbury London LONDON Printed for Nath. Brooke at the Sign of the Angel in Cornhill MDCLXIX To the Right Honourable Sir Samuel Starling Knight Lord Mayor of the City of London and the Honourable Court of Aldermen Right Honourable THrough the Conduct of Divine Providence having attain'd the place of my Nativity some few days before the Anniversary Fast for that Dreadful Fire Nigro Carbone Notandus which cannot be markt with too black a coal being desir'd by a Reverend Brother of mine in the Ministry to Preach for him on the fore-mentioned day never to be forgotten Though my unpreparedness for so great a Task might have furnished me with a denyal yet I entertain'd the motion having only that of the Divine Proverbialist to Apologize for my Presumption if it may merit such an Appellation The preparations of the heart are in man but the Answer of the tongue is from the Lord. Having spoke a word in season as it was thought and being desir'd to Publish it how could I having received so great a wound in my Temporals but shelter my self and this weak Birth of my Brain under your Honours Patronage Those Stars of the greatest Magnitude that shine so bright in the Firmament of the Metropolis of this Nation whose care and vigilancy hath been so influential to the carrying on of the re-edifying of it even to Admiration That a City so great a City should be burnt down in three days and re-built in respect of the Diamond in the Ring of the Ornamentals of it the Royal Exchange and in respect of the chief Streets of it within the space of three years I had almost said two years and a little more this cannot but create wonder in all that shall either see it or hear of it As if that in the Prophet Isaiah were now fulfill'd in a good sense every one helped his Neighbour and every one said to his Brother be of good courage So the Carpenter encourag'd the Goldsmith and he that smootheth with the Hammer him that smote the Anvil saying it is ready for the Sodering and he fastned it with Nails so that it could not be moved And think it no small thing to be instruments in Gods hand to make up those Breaches in our Ruinated Jerusalem which our sins have made You may suppose me Noble Senators if you please to present you with a Sprig of Rosemary in one hand and a Branch of Laurel in the other or if you will to present you with the City in its Ruines and Ashes and like a Phoenix gloriously rising out of them May it never be said that the Re-builders of it held a Trowel in one hand and a Sword in the other but may a Continuation of Peace Crown the endeavours of all those that are employ'd in so Noble an Enterprise This is his hearty and daily Prayer who is Yours Honours most humble Servant in Christ Chr. Flower MALACHI IV. 5. And behold I will send Elijah the Prophet before the Coming of the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord. SOME there are that understand these words of the first Coming of Christ in the Flesh which though it was a Day of Salvation to God's People yet to others it was terrible But I shall treat of them at present as they relate to the day of Judgment And if we consult the answer which the Angel gave to Esdras enquiring of him about the day of Judgment we shall find this to be part of it And there shall Fires break forth in many places I hope then I need not Apologize for my self because I have made choice of this subject as if a Word not in Season Now the two Columns on which I intend to build the Structure of my ensuing discourse are only the two Epithetes here in the Text given by the Holy Ghost to the Day of the Lord of which I shall speak first severally and then jointly in the Application The day of the Lord is here stiled Dies magnus the Great day and that not without great reason For then there shall be such a Convention such a huge meeting as never was before that day and never will be after it For 1. Christ shall come from Heaven with Power and great Glory as he himself expresseth it Luke 21. 27. Saint Paul says as much Titus 2. ver 13. Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ The first coming of Christ was in Humility The second time he shall come as the Great God with Power and great Glory All things shall be subject unto him He shall have his feet upon the neck of all Rule of all Authority and of all Power And the knees of all things in Heaven in Earth and under the Earth shall bow down to him and every Tongue confess him to be the Lord to the Glory of God the Father as Saint Paul hath it Phil. 2 11. 2. All the Angels shall be present attending like so many Courtiers upon him for he himself hath said it The Son of man shall come in his Glory and all the Holy Angels with him Mat. 25. He shall not leave one behind him in Heaven The vast Regions of the Air that that multitude must needs fill Oh what a brave glorious great day must that needs be when so many glorious Suns shall shine in the Firmament and among and above them all Christ the Sun of Righteousness Some think the Angels at that day will bear him aloft with their natural strength as on their shoulders that his Glory and Power might be the more visible to the greater terrour of the wicked 3. All the Elect will be present with him in glorious glorified Bodies as his Children and dearest Friends according to that Prophecy of Enoch mentioned by Saint Jude Behold the Lord comes with ten thousand of his Saints that is with an innumerable company who together with Christ shall judge the world 4. Before him on that day shall be gathered all Nations Mat. 25. 32. even as many as ever were born into the world from the beginning to the end of it Then shall Adam see all his off-spring at once none shall be exempted from appearing at this general Assizes neither shall any appear by Proxy but every one in person neither shall men only but all the Legions of the Devils how many soever they be they shall then appear and that as it is thought in a corporeal shape to be seen Lord what a great wonderful stupendious sight must that needs be to see the whole Hemisphere above embroidered with Saints and
Angels reaching unto Heaven and beneath an innumerable multitude of the Damned covering the face of the Earth far and near howling and weeping and sighing but in the midst of these two vast Bodies wonderfully rallied together Christ the Judge Ought not this to be stiled a Great day who ever saw at any time such a Convention such a Meeting such an Assembly Great confessedly great will this day of Jesreel be that is of the Seed of God for Christ shall then separate his Seed from the Seed of the Devil As in an Amphitheatre such as the Romans had innumerable spectators sate round about it above and below on the floor were the poor persons condemned to be devoured by Beasts ruefully expecting them to be turn'd loose upon them Thus all the Saints will be as so many spectators plac'd in the Region of the Air above but on the Earth the Damned that are by the Devils when the sentence shall be given to be drag'd to Hell 2. It may be call'd the Great Day because on that day business of the greatest Concernment shall be Transacted Not about the Affairs of one single Empire or of some certain Kingdoms but the work of that day will be about the business of the whole World About the chiefest and eternal Good about the chiefest and eternal Evil. At that day it will be known what condition every particular person shall abide and continue in to all Eternity For then as the Tree falls whether toward the South or toward the North in the place where the Tree falls there it shall be Eccles 11. 3. which denotes an Eternity of Bliss or Torment 3. It may be call'd the Great Day because that day will comprehend the past days of all Ages it will be as a Recapitulation of all days from the first day that ever dawn'd and on it as in the last Scene of a Comedy whatsoever at any time was acted on the Stage of the World shall then be exhibited to view 1. For all the actions of mortals shall be laid open and survey'd as at one view There is not an idle word but we shall give an account of it Mat. 12. 36. Saint Paul goes somewhat farther then this Rom. 2. 16. In that day God shall judge 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The secrets of mens hearts 2. Those Thoughts Words and Actions shall be examined by Christ Quem latebit nil occultum Nec relinquet quid inultum as one hath it Who will suffer no Person or Thing to escape his most exact Scrutiny 3. Every one shall be rewarded by Christ according to what he hath acted in the Flesh Then the Lord will open his Treasures both of Rewards and Punishments which he heaped up together till that day then to be distributed hence is that Deut. 32. 32. Is not this laid up in store with me and sealed up among my Treasures A Treasure you know is a great heap or heaps of Money that hath been a great while a gathering and such are the actions of men and the deserts of them lockt up from the beginning of the world in the mind and memory of Almighty God which he will open on that day and reward every one according to his doings Saint Peter calls this day the day of Restitution of all things saying that the Heaven must receive Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 till the times of Restitution of all things Acts 3. 21. meaning he shall then restore whatsoever any committed to him or deposited as in his hand The Apostle using that Expression minds me of Razis of whom we may read in the 2. Book of Machabees Chap. 14. who that he might animate and encourage the Jews to stand for their Laws fatally wounded himself being over-zealous rather then he would give himself into the hands of wicked men so when his blood was utterly gone saith the History he took out his own Bowels with his hands and threw them upon the People calling upon the Lord of Life and Spirit that he would restore them again unto him viz. at the last and Great Day and so he dyed The same reason holds for evil actions witness that expression of Saint Paul Rom. 2. 5. But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thy self wrath against the day of wrath Now in treasuring as one hath well observed there is 1. A laying in 2. A lying hid 3. A bringing out again as there is occasion Thus wicked profligate persons while by following of their Lusts they think they do somewhat to the furthering of their happiness they shall in the end find pro Thesauro Carbones instead of other Treasure hot burning coals And if it will be thus what is there hid that shall not be made manifest that it may have its reward The Adulterer who waits for the twilight and to whom the morning is as the shadow of death shall in that day be manifest at Noontide to the view of Men and Angels and if his being known here puts him in the terror of the shadow of death how terrible shall that day be to him when what he hath done in secret shall be proclaimed on the house top 4. It merits to be call'd the Great Day because it will be a day of the gretest combat and conquest For behold saith the Lord by the Prophet Joel In those days and at that time I will gather all Nations and will bring them down into the valley of Jehosaphat and will plead with them there Joel 3. 2. Behold here the Warriour and the Triumphant Conquerour But with what Weapons will he wage War I answer with no other then the two edg'd Sword of the Word of his mouth with which he will object against the wicked their abominable ingratitude so that they shall have nothing to say for themselves no more then he in the Gospel who had not on his wedding garment 't is said of him he was speechless Mat. 22. Suppose we Christ sitting in the Air near Jerusalem judging the world there where himself was judged and using this or the like language Behold me sitting over against that place where first I labour'd and began my Passion here here in Gethsemani I did sweat blood for you here I was betray'd and taken and led like some notorious Thief or Robber into the City where I was hurried from one Tribunal to another scourg'd buffeted abused and at length unjustly condemn'd after that lugging my Cross I came to Mount Calvary where I was Crucified for you Behold the very place where hanging between Heaven and Earth being plac'd between two Thieves I offer'd my self a Sacrifice for you to the Father you Pilat can witness this and you Herod Caiphas Annas Judas and ye ô Jews that opened thus like a pack of Blood-hounds upon me Away with him away with him he is not worthy to live Crucifie him Crucifie him Heaven and Earth can witness as much for the Heaven that was darkened all the face of it and
the Earth opened and did cleave asunder the most rocky part of it Nay these very scars that your eyes see in my body testifie no less After this being risen from the dead I ascended up into Heaven from this very Mount of Olives in the publick view of my Apostles and many other Disciples to shew that I came down from Heaven for your Salvation and my Embassy being done was to return to my Father The Angels at my Ascension were heard to say that I should so come in like manner as you saw me go into Heaven and I my self spake of it to Caiphas the chief Priests and the Jews using this very Language Ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of Power and coming in the Clouds of Heaven why then did ye not credit so great and so good Testimony Behold now my condition is chang'd with yours ye sate once as Judges and I was the Prisoner at the Bar now ye are the Malefactors and I am the Judge see my hands and my feet that it is I my self see the very holes that ye dig'd with your instruments of cruelty in this Body of mine These like so many mouths cry out against you these accuse and condemn you go ye unworthy Wretches ye Christ-Killers get ye packing into unquenchable fire and ye ô Infidels Turks and profligate Christians who know these things or might have known them but ye have neglected but ye have despised and contemned whatsoever I did and suffer'd ye accounted the Blood of the Covenant an unholy thing ye chose rather to follow the dictates of your own Lusts then of my Law ye preferr'd Riches and sensual Pleasures and momentary Preferments before Eternal Salvation promis'd by me ye made a mock of me when I threatned Eternal Torments now ye see him whom ye have despised now ye find my words to be more then wind my Threatnings not to be vain but true my Promises not to be Chimera's but realities now ye experience your Delights and Dignities and sinful Pleasures ye so much magnified to be vain and fallacious now ye see how foolish and sottish and senseless ye have been in your love ye now lament and bewail with a passionate wringing of your hands and beating of your breasts but too late and therefore all in vain Go therefore ye Wicked go ye Ingrateful go ye Infidels go ye Cursed into everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels but for you my Apostles who saw me in this place Condemn'd Scourg'd Crucifi'd Murther'd and yet believ'd in me followed me throw the same Red Sea of Blood and you Apostolical and Religious Persons who did contemn the world and were not asham'd of my Cross espous'd my Poverty and Humility propagating my Doctrine and Faith throughout the whole world and as for you O ye Faithful ones who did believe in me your Redeemer hope in me love worship and obey me leading a life worthy of me a sober righteous and a godly life who did look for that blessed hope and this my second coming to judgment Come ye come ye my Elect come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the world That then must needs be a Great Day that determines business of such great Concernment 5. It may be stil'd the Great Day because that day will put an end to the world will put a period to time to troubles and all kind of impieties and to all the labours and endeavours of men Thus those days among the Romans were call'd Great Days which did put an end to great and grievous Troubles Alexander got the Appellation of Great in that he won strong holds and slew the Kings of the Earth so that the whole world stood in awe of him it was hush and silent but that silence continued not long but till his death which soon came to pass But Christ the King of Kings in that Great Day when he hath destroy'd all the wicked he shall impose a perpetual and universal silence on the whole world Then the Heavens shall be silent because their motion shall cease and so consequently the vicissitude of day and night winter and summer must cease too The motion of the Elements shall cease and so consequently Clouds Winds Rain Hail Tempests and Earthquakes will be no more All Creatures will be silent because there will be none to make any disturbance All the Studies Arts Disciplines Desires Quarrels and Contentions of Men will be silent because all things that were in motion will obtain their period methinks our Saviour pointed at this as it were with his finger for when he read that place in the Prophet Isaiah which runs thus The Spirit of the Lord is upon me c. to Preach the acceptable year of the Lord Et Diem retributionis and the Day of Retribution 't is said he clos'd the Book Luke 4. 18. hinting thus much to us that in that Great Day of Restitution or Retribution all things shall have an end and the Heavens be roll'd up like a Book or Scroll once more This Day of the Lord it may be stil'd the Great Day because the beginning of that Great Day call'd Eternity A Type of which Day we may read of in the Book of Josuah Chap. 10. when Josuah that he might pursue his Enemies to purpose caus'd the Sun to stand still The Sun and Moon stood still the space of one whole day so that one day was as long as two saith the Son of Syrach there was no day like that before it or after it saith the Holy Ghost Josuah 10. 14. Thus when Christ shall encounter his Enemies he will make the Sun and Moon to stand still till he hath reveng'd himself upon them But because that vengeance is to be Eternal the Day must be Eternal too I may adde as in the Day of Josuah's victory one part of the Heaven was always bright and the other dark thus in that Day it will be eternally light to the Elect but as long darkness with the Damned What shall we think those People thought in the time of Josuah who in the opposite part of the Heavens had so long night with what a deal of perplexity did they expect day and if so what will an Eternal night be but if to an Eternal Night be added an Eternal Prison everlasting Hunger and Thirst a never-dying Worm an Eternal Stink an Eternal Horrour Eternal Weeping and Wailing an Eternal Fire and whatever misery the mind of man is able to think of Qualis illa nox erit Tell me if you are able what a Night that will be Good reason then there is that this Day of the Lord spoken of here in my Text should be styl'd Dies Magnus the Great Day That which remains for me to shew you is in what respect it will be Terrible or Dreadful Behold I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the Coming of the Great and Dreadful Day