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A20185 A learned and fruitful exposition vpon the Lords prayer. By Arthur Dent, sometime minister of the Word of God at South-Suberry, in Essex Dent, Arthur, d. 1607. 1613 (1613) STC 6618; ESTC S113579 21,778 82

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GOD is said to be in heauen because his Maiestie that is his Power Wisedome Iustice and Mercy is made manifest from thence vnto vs. By the name of heauen is vnderstood the dwelling place of God of Angels and glorified men where God is more glorious then in this world Psalme 115.3 Our God is in Heauen and doth whatsoeuer he will Psalme 2.4 He that dwelleth in Heauen shall laugh them to scorne Esay 66.2 thus saith the Lord Heauen is my throne and the earth is my footestoole 1 Reg. 8.27 The heauen of heauens cannot containe him for hee is alwayes euery where Which is all one as if it had béene said of infinite greatnesse or height of incomprehensible power of euerlasting immortallitie First therefore wée are héere admonished to vse the action of praier with as great reuerence as possibly may be and not to thinke of GOD in any earthly manner Eccles 5.1 Be not rash with thy mouth to speake a word before God for hee is in Heauen and thou art in earth therefore let thy words be few Therefore séeing God is in heauen away with all drowsie and dead praying let vs come with reuerence in our hearts before the Lord. God is said to be our Father in heauen to distinguish him from our earthly Fathers and that wée might vnderstand how much better hée is then they and more able to helpe vs as appeareth Math. 7.11 The Fathers of the bodies haue oftentimes a will to helpe their Children but are not able either because they are let by pouertie or distance of place or some other meanes but God who is our Father is rich towards all that cal vpon him he is present euery where c. Againe we doe here learne that our hearts in prayer must mount vp into heauen and be lifted vp aboue all earthly and fraile things how beautifull or goodly soeuer and be wholy fixed vpon the Lord. Vnto thee O Lord lift I vp my soule Psalme 25.1 Héere are condemned all colde coursarie prayers when mens mindes are occupied about other matters which is but a plaine dallying and mocking with God Such manner of praying is a very grieuous sinne greater then mocking Father and Mother for it is directly against God the other against men It is a greater sinne to mocke God then to mocke men This sinne because it is against the first Table and therefore more hard to be discerned for the light of the second Table shineth naturally more cléerely then the light of the first is lightly estéemed and doth lesse trouble the consciences of ignorant men God is in Heauen therefore hée is able to graunt all our requests Hée is our Father therefore he is willing and ready This ouerthroweth Popish Idolatrie as worshipping of Crosses Crucifixes Roodes running a pilgrimage to worship Idols for the GOD to whom we must pray is in heauen and wée must lift vp our mindes thither How can wée doe this so long as our eyes and mindes are poaring vpon an Image made by the art of man Halowed be thy name THis petition is set in the forefront because Gods glory must be preferred before all things 1 For that is the end of our Creation Psal 103.22 and 147.5 2 The end of all creatures Prouer. 10.4 3 The end of all the Counsailes of God Ephes 1.6 4 The onely end whereunto all our thoughts words and déeds must be directed 1 Cor. 10.31 Gods glory is a most precious thing and wée must be more chary of it then any thing as wée are more chary of a golden Cuppe then of an earthen Pitcher But alas wée care not for Gods glory We are all for our selues our owne glory credit name commodities c. Herode tooke the glory of God to himselfe and therefore the Angel of the Lord smote him Acts 12. The name of God in this place is put for God himselfe as 1 Kings 5.5 Hee shall build a house to my Name Also for the attributes of God as his Iustice Mercy Word Workes Prouidence Power For GOD is knowne to vs by all these as men are knowne by their names and as all mans praise glory lyeth in his name so all the glory of God is in these To Hallow is to serue or set apart any thing from common vse to some proper or peculiar end As the Temple was hallowed that is set apart to an holy vse The Priests were sanctified that is set apart to the seruice of God All that beléeue in Christ are sanctified that is set apart from sinne to serue God In like manner Gods name is hallowed when it is put apart from obliuion contempt prophanation pollution blasphemie and all abuses to an holy reuerent and honourable vse whether we thinke or speake of it Obiection How can a sinnefull man Hallow Gods name which is pure and holy in it selfe Answere Not as he doth sanctifie vs by communicating vnto vs an inherent qualitie of holinesse for wée cannot make him holy or adde any thing to his holinesse that is most holy in himselfe and the perfection of all holinesse but wée sanctifie him when wée acknowledge and celebrate and worship him so in heart word and déed that wée cause his glory to be spread among men and make manifest to the World by the right vsage of it that it is holy pure and honourable the like phrase is vsed Luke 7.29 Wisedome is iustified of her Children that is declared to be iust The summe of this petition is that wée may so carry our selues in all our actions and the whole course of our life that his holy name be not reproched by our occasion but rather be honored and magnified Examples The children of Israell sung a song of victory vpon Pharaoes ouerthrow I will sing vnto the LORD for he hath triumphed gloriously the Horse and him that rode vpon him hath hee ouerthrowne in the Sea Exod. 15.1 Dauid extolleth the maiestie of God by his works in the heauens Psal 19.1 And especially in man both in his creation and redemption by Christ Psalme 135. and 136. O Lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth which settest thy glory aboue the heauens Psalme 8. The very Angels of heauen at the birth of Christ doe sound out the prayses of God Glory be to God in the highest heauens and in earth peace good-will towards men Luke 2.13.14 The Saints of God haue magnified his great and holy name not onely in respect of his great workes of Election Creation Redemption Iustification Sanctification c. but euen for his iudgements and chastisements also as Iob The Lord giueth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord Iob 1.21 And Dauid Psalme 119. It is good that thou hast humbled me And the Apostles went forth of the Councell reioycing that they were counted worthy to suffer reproach for the name of Iesus Christ Acts 4. According therefore to the example of these ancient worthies euery one of vs must zealously striue to
the Saints pray Come LORD Iesus come quickly Romanes 22.20 Therefore the godly are said to loue the comming of Christ 2 Tim. 4.8 True Petitioners First they that mourne and lament to sée the dominion and power of the Diuell to be to great as it is Secondly they that deale earnestly with God euery day that it may be diminished Thirdly they that pray earnestly day and night that God would multiply the number of his Children Fourthly they that long for the day of Christ wherein hée shall put downe all rule and all authoritie and power c. Counterfait Petitioners Such as scorne at the Ministerie of the Church Such as hinder the frée course of the Gospell Such as oppose themselues against godly Preachers and good men Such as take part with the wicked and defend bad causes Such as labour to quench and smoother all good matters in their harts Such as put farre from them the day of euill and waite not nor prepare themselues for his comming Thy will be done c. Sense GRaunt that wée and all men renouncing our owne will may readily and without murmuring obay thy will and so may chearfully execute whatsoeuer the Angels doe in heauen Coherence In the former petition wée prayed that hée onely might be our King and raigne ouer vs now wée desire that being his Subiects wée may obay him and doe his will Mal. 1.6 If I be a Father where is my honor If I be a Master where is my feare Will. HEere it signifieth Gods word for in his word his will is reuealed Of the whole will of God there be thrée speciall points which are in this place meant 1 Faith in the promises 2 Sanctification 3 Patient bearing of the Crosse Proofe of the first This is then his commaundement that we belieue in the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ 1 Iohn 3.23 This is the will of him that sent mee that euery one which seeth the Sonne and belieueth on him should haue euerlasting life Iohn 6.40 Proofe of the second This is the will of GOD euen your Sanctification 1 Thes 4.3 Proofe of the third Whosoeuer will be my Disciple must forsake himselfe and take vp his crosse and follow me Mat. 16.24 The Apostle prayeth Phillip 3.10 that hée might know him and the vertue of his resurrection and the fellowship of his afflictions and be made conformable to his death Thy will not mine for since the fall of Adam mans will is wicked and corrupt yea it is flat enmitie to GOD Rom. 8.7 But Gods will is most holy right and pure and therefore all our loue ought to be vpon it Done that is obeyed and accomplished of men Then the effect of the praier is this O Lord séeing thou art our King giue vs grace to shew our selues good Subiects in obaying thy will For obedience is better then sacrifice and to hearken is better then the fat of Rams 1 Sam. 15.22 Not euery one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heauen Mat. 7.22 Whosoeuer doth the will of GOD is my Brother my Sister and my Mother Mark 3.35 Hee that fulfilleth the will of God abideth for euer 1 Ioh. 2.17 In Earth as it is in Heauen THis clause sheweth the manner of dooing Gods will By heauen here is meant the soules of faithfull men departed and the elect Angels Praise the Lord yee his Angels that excell in strength that doe his commaundements in obaying the voyce of his word Psal 103.20 By earth is vnderstoode nothing but men on earth because all other creatures in their kindes obay God onely man is rebellious and disobedient The word as doth imply a similitude not an equalitie Sense Let thy will be done by vs men on earth as the Angels and Saints departed doe thy will in heauen that is 1 Willingly 2 Spéedely 3 Faithfully and continually Therefore they are said in the Scriptures to be winged Things prayed for Deniall of our selues our owne wils and affections Knowledge of Gods will for otherwise how should we doe it A feruent desire of obedience to doe his will in all our particular actions Patience and a willing submitting of our selues to the will of God in all things So did Elie the Priest It is the Lord let him doe what seemeth him good 1 Sam. 3.18 So did Dauid 2 Sam. 15.26 But if hee thus say behold I haue no delight in thee behold here I am let him doe to me as seemeth good in his eyes So Christ himselfe Father take this cup from me yet not as I will but as thou wilt Mark 14.36 So the Disciples and holy Christians Acts 12.14 The will of the Lord be done Therefore Saint Iames calleth Patience by the name of Wisedome because mans chiefe wisedome standeth therein that in his aduersities and troubles he patiently submits himselfe to the will of God But on the contrary it is extreame foolishnesse and madnesse if any dare resist set himselfe against it For what good doth hée by it Can hée change the will of God No verely Nay rather he maketh his owne case worse as well with inward griefe that tormenteth him as also because hée pulleth the wrath of God vpon himselfe for by our stubbernesse hée is compelled to lay more grieuous punishments vpon vs. On the other side by our patience hée is moued vnto pittie euen as good Parents are wont when they perceiue that their Children are brought into good order by their correction Who prayeth this Petition aright They which bewayle the sinnes of the world as Ignorance Error Schismes Pride Couetuousnes Contempt of the word Oppression Swearing Lying c. They which are gréeued for their Impatience and disquietnesse of minde For their coldnesse in Gods seruice For their vnperfect obedience and wants euen in their best actions Giue vs this day our daily bread THe thrée former Petitions doe immediatly concerne God these thrée last our selues which teacheth that we must prefer God and his glory before all things Coherence In the first we were taught to pray that GODS name may be hallowed which is done when God reigneth in our hearts and his will is done Now further his will is obeyed in thrée things First by depending on his prouidence for the things of this life Secondly for depending on his mercy for the pardon of sinnes Thirdly by depending on his power and might in resisting temptations and thus is the will of God obeyed Bread BRead signifieth all things whereby this life is preserued as Meate Drinke Clothing Health Peace Libertie yea Goates milke Pro. 27.27 and the fruit of Trées Ierem. 11.19 Genes 1.29 And all things that passe too and fro in trafficke Pro. 31.14 In the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate thy bread Gen. 3.19 Man liueth not by bread onely c. Math. 4. Iesus entred into the house of a certaine Pharisie to eate bread Luk. 14. Christ vseth this word Bread
Math. 28.9 1 Iohn 5.7 Sometimes it is taken for the whole Trinitie as Mal. 2.10 Haue we not all one Father It is not vnlawfull to pray to the Sonne and the holy Ghost for inuocation belongeth to all the persons in Trinitie and not onely to the Father Stephen prayed Lord Iesus receiue my spirit Acts 7.59 Paul prayed Now God our Father and our Lord Iesus Christ guide our iourney vnto you 1 Thes 3.11 The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of God and the communion of the holy Ghost be with you 2 Cor. 13.13 Men are baptised in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost that is calling on the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Obiection This Prayer is a perfect platforme of all prayers and héere wée are taught to direct our prayers onely to the Father therefore it is not lawfull to pray to the Sonne or the holy Ghost Answere The Father Son and holy Ghost are in distinct persons yet they are not to be seuered or diuided because they all subsist in one and the same Godhead or diuine nature Further in all outward actions as in the creation and preseruation of the world and the saluation of the elect they are not seuered nor deuided for they all worke together onely they are distinguished in the manner of working Now if they be not diuided in nature or operation then they are not to be seuered in worship In this place expresly wée direct our prayers to the Father because he is the first person in order yet so as then wée imply the Sonne and the holy Ghost For we pray to the father in the name of the Sonne by the assistance of the holy Ghost To what person so euer the prayer is directed wée must alwayes remember in minde and heart to include the rest We may pray vnto Christ not onely as hée is God but also as hée is the Mediatour that is as hée is in person consisting of two natures yet as the Deity be the obiect or the thing wée set before our eyes in prayer All our prayers ought to be in faith respecting Gods promise and Christs mediation and therefore the person that prayeth must first be accepted in Christ before their prayers and sacrifices can be accepted Mar. 11.24 Ioh. 14.13 Heb. 7.25 and 11.4.7 Father GOd is the Father of the wicked and euen of al creatures in respect of creation but in respect of reconciliation he is onely the father of the elect for hée is their reconciled Father in Christ hée is their Father by adoption and grace and therefore they onely in truth can and may call him Father God will be called by the name of Father which is a swéet and louing name rather then by the name of Lord or Iehouah which are dreadfull to allure and entise vs to come boldly vnto him euen as children to their déere and louing father to put vp any sute or complaint vnto him For Gods children being iniuried vniustly molested haue no remedie but to goe tell their father This word father implyes a readinesse and willingnes in God to heare Es 58.9 65.24 1 Pet. 3.12 Luk. 11.9 13. This word father doth assure vs wée shall be heard for can a father not heare his childe can hée deny him any thing Math. 7.9 This assurance in prayer is necessary Iam. 16.7 Hebr. 11.6 Luke 18.7 1 Iohn 5.14 God doth alwayes heare and grant the lawfull requests of his children in such time manner and sort as hée séeth good and neuer faileth if not according to their will yet according to his will and their best good This word father doth assure vs of our saluation for in truth if we cal vpon him as our father as indéed hée is our father then must wée néeds be his children and being his children how can we perish for there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Rom. 8.1 And it is as possible for the Diuell to take away from Christ one of the members of his materiall body being now glorified in heauen as to plucke away or cut off any member of his misticall and spirituall body héere in earth Wée may in a holy manner boast and reioyce in it that wée haue such a Father so wise so mighty so louing so bountifull to whom wée alwayes may repaire for helpe in time of néede If one of vs had a father that were the richest the wisest in a realme would we not excéedingly reioyce in him and vse him This word father doth note vnto vs the excéeding déepe loue and fatherly affection which he beareth toward vs his children passing all loue of mothers vnto their children as Esay 49.15 Can a woman forget her childe and not haue compassion on the sonne of her womb Though they should forget yet will not I forget thee The booke of the Canticles doth most expresly and aboundantly lay open the vnspeakable loue of Christ toward his Church for indéed no louer doth so entirely loue his espoused wife as Christ loueth vs for hée loueth vs so dearly and is so chary ouer vs that hée cannot endure the winde should blow vpon vs. If we would eate golde wée should haue it This loue of his he doth at all times and in all things expresse and shewes it as we say and hath alwayes shewed it by election redemption Iustification sanctification adoption preseruation féeding clothing delighting c. breaking through all our vnkindnesse to doe vs good and continuing dayly vnto vs new mercies and fauours notwithstanding all our vnworthinesse and manifold prouokings of him This word father doth teach vs obedience a sonne honoreth his father and a seruant his Maister If I be a father where is mine honor c. Mal. 1.6 Why call yee mee Maister Maister and doe not the things I speake Luk. 6.46 And if you call him father c. 1 Pet. 1.17 By this our obedience wée testifie our loue to him againe who loued vs so déeply and dearly as Iohn 14.21 Hee that hath my commaundements and keepeth them is hee that loueth me This is the loue of God that we keepe his commaundements 1 Iohn 5.3 How can a Childe call him Father whom hée cares not continually to displease through his leud conditions He cannot doe it neither can any Father delight in such a childe If God be a father who is called vpon then true prayer is a note of Gods childe as Acts 9.14 He hath authoritie to binde all that call on thy name so 1 Cor. 1.2 the Saints are noted to be such as call on the name of the Lord and on the contrary it is made one of the properties of an Athiest not to all on the name of God Psal 14.4 Which art in heauen GOD as touching his essence is no more in heauen then in this inferiour world but hée is said to be in heauen because his glory and Maiesty doth there most clearely shine out