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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A27454 The original of kingly and ecclesiastical government by T.B. ... Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. 1681 (1681) Wing B1513A; Wing B196; ESTC R37045 57,729 118

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the Christians shambles I should be sorry that Holland should be the English-mans Looking-glass a spur for his feet or a copy for his hand I hope the hand of Providence will cure us like the Physician who cur'd his Patient by improving his disease from a gentle Ague to a high Feaver that he might the better help him CHAP. XV. That Episcopacy is Jure Divino IN this Discourse I shall not trouble my self nor you with Titles Names and words of Apostles Evangelists Arch-bishops Bishops Patriarchs Presbyters Ministers Angels of Churches c. which were all from the highest to the lowest but tearms reciprocal and were often taken in the Church of God and in the Scripture it self for one and the same for if any man though never so mean a Minister of the Gospel converted any Nation the Church ever called him the Apostle of that Country as Austin though but a Monk was every where tearmed the Apostle of England and St. Paul being an Apostle stiles himself a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Paul bids Timothy being a Bishop to do the work of an Evangelist and therefore no wonder if Bishops and Presbyters be often mentioned for one and the same but it is a great wonder that any manner of men should make this a ground for any argument against Episcopacy these kind of arguments instead of striking fire that should light the candle they do but pin napkins over our eyes and turn us round until we know not where we are and then we grope for we know not who and lay hold of we know not what he that will cut down this over-grown up-start-tree of error must first clear his way to the root and brush away all those brambles and briers which grow about it we must not leave any thing standing that may lay hold of the hatchet and deviate the stroke turning the same edge upon the feller that was intended for the tree if we should insist upon names and titles we should make but a confounded piece of work and run our selves into a most inextricable labyrinth and Mazes of error where we might run and go forwards and backwards and round about and ne're the near Christs are Kings Kings are Gods God is Christ and Christ is Bishop of our souls Bishops are Presbyters Presbyters are Ministers a Minister is an Apostle an Apostle is a Minister and so if you will quite back again I must put off these as David threw away Sauls Armour non possum incedere cum iis I love to knock down this m●nstrum informe ingens cui lumen ademptum with a blunt stone taken out of a clear River which with the sling of application may serve well enough to slay this erroneous Philistine though he were far greater than he i● In the first place therefore let us understand what is meant by Jus Divi●um if any man means that Episcopacy is so Jure Divino that it is unalterable and must continue at all times and in all places so that where it is left off there can be no Church he means to give much offence and little reason for there is no question but the Church may alter their own Government so that it be left to themselves to alter as they shall think most convenient as well as alter the Sabbath from the seventh day to the first of the week or as well as they chang'd immersion into aspersion of the baptised and many other things which carried as much Jus Divinum with them as Episcopacy and yet were chang'd The Jus Divinum that is in Episcopal Government doth not consist in the Episcopacy but in the Government be it Episcopal or what it will but where the Government is Episcopal no question but there Episcopal Government is Jure Divino because a Government and if it were otherwise that Government into which Episcopacy degenerateth would be Jure Divino as well as it provided that none touch this Ark of the Church but the Priests themselves for if the hand which belongs to the same body pull the hat from off the head the man loses not his right only he stands in a more humble posture but he is in a● strong possession of his own right as when 't was on his head but if another hand should chance to pull it off the party stands disgracefully depriv'd of his highest Right and Ornament So if Episcopal Government of the Church be put down or altered by Church-men themselves the Jus Divinum is but removed from the Supremacy of one and fastened in the stronger hold of many members for this is a Maxim that admits no postern power never falls to the ground neither in Church nor State but look what one lets fall another takes up before ever it comes to ground wherefore losing nothing they keep their own but whether this power in Church or State in the point of convenience be better in the hands of one or many let whose will look to that that 's not my work neither the names of Governments nor the numbers of Governours shall ever be able to fright away this Jus Divinum out of the Church Government be the Government what it will bene visum fuit spiritui sancto nobis keeps in the Jus Divinum be the Government never so altered whereas forbidden and improper hands actions as unusual as unwarrantable le ts out this Jus Divi●●● when they have changed it to what they can imagine now whether or no it be proper for a Lay-Parliament or a Representative of Lay-men by the power of the Sword declining the Kings Authority will and pleasure who was appointed by God to be a nursing Father of his Church to alter Church-Government so Antient so begun by Christ himself in his own person over so many Apostles so practis'd by the Apostles over others so continued all along I mean Episcopacy that is to say one Minister constituted an Overseer of many and to lay hold upon tumults and insurrections to pull down these Overseers and for men who in such cases should be governed by the Church to pull down the Church-Government without any the least consent of the Church Governours I leave it for the World to judge only my one opinion is this That any Government thus set up or by such practices as these altered must needs be so far from being Jure Divino that it must needs be Jure Diabolico But it may be objected that if they should have stayed until the Bishops had altered themselves they might have styed long enough to which it may be answered that had the Bishops been but as poor as Job there would have been no such hast to change their cloaths The Ark was a type of the Church and whatsoever was literally commanded concerning the type must be Analogically observed in the thing typified God sate in the Mercy-Seat that was over the Ark the Ark contained within it Aarons Rod and a pot of Manna so the Church
contains the Law and the Gospel the killing letter and the reviving spirit others interpret the Rod to signifie the Government and Discipline of the Church as the Manna the Doctrine of Christ and food that came down from heaven I take it to signifie both and both answers my purpose if both be therein contained neither must be touch'd but by the Priests themselves neither must we confine this prohibition to the Priests of the Law only but we must extend it also to the Ministers of the Gospel both which were typified by the two Cherubims or Ministring Angels of the Almighty these Ministers or Angels though opposite to one another yet they both lookt alike and neither of them upon one another but both of them upon the Ark that was between them there was mutuality in their looks and their wings touch'd one another so though the Ministers of the Law and the Gospel seem opposite in the Administration of the same grace yet they must come so near as to touch one another in the manner of the Administration exempli gratiâ as there was in the old Law High Priests Priests and Levites so in the new Law Bishops Pres●yters and Deacons as none but Priests were to touch the Ark so none but the Ministers should reform the Church Thus much for Government Now for Episcopacy the question then concerning Episcopacy will be whether or no Jure Divino one Minister which answers to all names and sorts of Church-men and Church-Officers whatsoever may not exercise jurisdiction and power over many Ministers within such a place or territory If this be granted the Bishops ask no more if it be denyed how then did Christ Jesus Bishop of our souls give orders and directions to his twelve Apostles and taught them how they should behave themselves throughout this Diocese the whole World How did St. Paul exercise jurisdiction over Timothy and Titus who were both Bishops and how did these two Bishops exercise jurisdiction over all the Ministers of Creet and Ephesus was not this by Divine Institution If I find by Divine Writ that Christ laid the foundation of his Church in himself alone being over all the Apostles and if I find that these Apostles every Apostle by himself in imitation of our Saviour accordingly exercised jurisdiction and authority over many Ministers which were under them and commanded others to do the like as Paul Timothy and Titus and if I find the practice of the Church all along through the whole tract of time to continue the like Discipline shall not I believe this Discipline to be Jure Divino except Christ sends down a new conje deslier from heaven upon the election of every new Bishop Christ lays the foundation we build upon it he gives us the Model we follow the Pattern the Church is built is not this by Divine Right because he doth not lay the several stones with his own hands Christ promised that he would be alwaies with his Church and that he would send his holy spirit amongst them which should lead them into all truth so that the gates of Hell should not prevail against it but if Episcopacy ●e Anti-Christian then the gates of Hell have not only prevailed against it a long time but all along As all Judgments are given in the Kings Name and all Records run Rege praesente though the King be not there in person but in power so the universal and un-interrupted and continued and generally received Discipline of his holy Catholick Church which Church we are bound to believe by the Apostolical Creed is Christo praesente Ergo Jure Divino though Christ be not there in person but in power which power he conferr'd upon those who were to be his Successours which were called Apostles As my Father sent me so send I you and he that heareth you heareth me and loe I will be with you alwaies unto the end of the world surely this Discipli●● of one over many call it what you will is to descend and continue unto the end of the World Object But it may be objected How can you prove that Christ commanded any such thing or that Christ gave to the Apostles any such power as to make Successors in their steads with a warrant for it to continue from age to age Sol. Where do you find that Christ gave the Sacrament to any but his Disciples drink ye all of this but they were all Apostles to whom he said so where did you find that Christ administred the Sacrament or commanded it to be administred unto any Lay-men or women therefore is not the Sacrament given unto them Jure Divino because the words were left out in the conveyance When there grew a disputation concerning Divorcements Christ sends us to the Original Sic autem non fuit ab initio if Christs rule be good then the Bishops are well enough for they may say concerning Episcopacy I mean one over many and that safely too sic erat ab origine Some are very unwilling that this Episcopacy should be intail'd by Christ upon his Apostles and their successors out of these words Mat. 28.20 I will be with you alwaies to the end of the world they will not have it to mean in their successors but the meaning to be this I will 〈◊〉 with you alwaies unto the end of the world that is to say in the efficacy and power of my word and Gospel to all ages why may it not signifie this and that too that it doth one is no argument but that it may do both God made all things in number weight and measure and will you slight his word shall sensus factus thrust our sensus destinatus out of Scriptures the first Ministers of the Gospel must be ad●equate to the first Minister of the Law and behold the same Method observed in both their Institutions what difference is there between Christ's words to his Disciples I am with you alwaies unto the end of the world Mat. 28.20 and Gods words unto Aaron at his setting him apart for the High Priests Office This shall be a Statute for ever unto thee and to thy seed after thee Exod. 28.43 Certainly if the Gospel be nothing else but the Law revealed and the Law be nothing else but the Gospel hidden whatsoever is written or said of the Ministers of the one must needs have reference to the Ministers of the other and I shall desire you to look a little back upon the words which God said to Aaron when God speaks of the seed of Aaron he only maketh mention of the seed after him but when he speaks of the Statute he saith it shall be for ever if I do not flatter my own judgment that tells me that this Statute of High Priesthood or Episcopacy call it what you will must have heirs after the seed of Abraham is expired and did not the Catholick Church all along call the receiving of the Holy-Ghost the order of Priest-hood did ever