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A53715 Of the mortification of sin in believers: the 1. Necessity, 2. Nature, and 3. Means of it. With a resolution of sundry cases of conscience thereunto belonging. By John Owen, D.D. a servant of Jesus Christ in the work of the Gospel. Owen, John, 1616-1683. 1668 (1668) Wing O787; ESTC R214591 86,730 191

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himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Tit. 2.14 This was his Aym and Intendment wherein he will not fail in his giving himself for us That we might be freed from the Power of our Sins and purified from all our defiling Lusts was his Design He gave himself for the Church that he might sanctifie and cleanse it that he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish Eph. 5.25 26 27. And this by virtue of his death in various and several degrees shall be accomplished Hence our washing purging and cleansing is every where ascribed to his Blood 1 Joh. 1.7 Heb. 1.3 Revelat. 1.5 That being sprinkled on us Purge● our Consciences from dead works to serve the living God Heb. 9.14 This is that we aim at this we are in pursuit of that our Consciences may be purged from dead works that they may be rooted out destroyed and have place in us no more This shall certainly be brought about by the Death of Christ There will virtue go out from thence to this purpose Indeed all Supplies of the Spirit all Communications of Grace and Power are from hence as I have elsewhere shewed Thus the Apostle states it Rom. 6. vers 2. is the Case proposed that we have in hand How shall we that are dead unto sin live any longer therein Dead to Sin by Profession dead to Sin by Obligation to be so dead to Sin by a Participation of Virtue and Power for the Killing of it dead to Sin by Vnion and Interest in Christ in and by whom it is killed How shall we live therein This he presses by sundry Considerations all taken from the Death of Christ in the ensuing Verses This must not be vers 3. Know you not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his Death We have in Baptisme an Evidence of our Implantation into Christ we are baptized into him But what of him are we baptized into an Interest in His Death saith he If indeed we are baptized into Christ and beyond Outward Profession we are ●●ptized into his Death The Explication 〈◊〉 this of our being baptized into the Death of Christ the Apostle gives us vers 4 5. Therefore we are buried with him by Baptisme into Death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the Glory of the Father even so we also should walk in Newness of life Knowing this that our Old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin This is saith he our being baptized into the Death of Christ namely our Conformity thereunto To be dead unto Sin to have our corruptions mortified as he was put to death for Sin so that as he was raised up to Glory we may be raised up to Grace and Newness of Life He tells us whence it is that we have this Baptisme into the Death of Christ vers 6. and this is from the Death of Christ it self Our old Man is crucified with him that the Body of Sin might be destroyed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is crucified with him not in respect of Time but of Causality we are crucified with him meritoriously in that he procured the Spirit for us to mortifie Sin efficiently in that from his Death virtue comes forth for our crucifying in the way of a Representation and Exemplar we shall assuredly be crucified unto Sin as he was for our Sin This is that the Apostle intends Christ by his Death destroying the works of the Devil procuring the Spirit for us hath so killed Sin as to its Reign in Believers that it shall not obtain its End and Dominion 2 Then act Faith on the Death of Christ and that under these two Notions 1. In expectation of Power 2. In endeavours for Conformity For the First the Direction given in general may suffice As to the latter that of the Apostle may give us some Light into our Direction Gal. 3.1 Let Faith look on Christ in the Gospel as he is set forth dying and crucified for us Look on him under the weight of our Sins praying bleeding dying bring him in that Condition into thy heart by Faith apply his blood so shed to thy Corruptions do this daily I might draw out this Consideration to a great length in sundry particulars but I must come to a close I have onely then to adde the Heads of the work of the Spirit in this business of Mortification which is so peculiarly ascribed to him In one word This whole work which I have described as our Duty is effected carried on and accomplished by the Power of the Spirit in all the parts and degrees of it As 1. He alone clearly and fully convinces the Heart of the evil and guilt and danger of the Corruption Lust or Sin to be Mortified Without this Conviction or whilest it is faint that the Heart can wrestle with it or digest it there will be no through-through-work made An unbelieving Heart as in part we have all such will shift with any Consideration untill it be over-powred by clear and evident Convictions Now this is the proper work of the Spirit He convinces of Sin Joh. 16.8 He alone can do it If mens rational Considerations with the preaching of the letter were able to convince them of Sin we should it may be see more Convictions than we doe There comes by the preaching of the Word an Apprehension upon the understandings of men that they are Sinners that such and such things are Sins that themselves are guilty of them But this light is not powerfull nor doth it lay hold on the practical Principles of the Soul so as to conform the Mind and Will unto them to produce Effects suitable to such an Apprehension And therefore it is that wise and knowing men destitute of the Spirit do not think those things to be Sins at all wherein the chief Movings and Actings of Lust do consist It is the Spirit alone that can do that doth this work to the purpose And this is the first thing that the Spirit doth in order to the Mortification of any Lust whatever It convinces the Soul of all the evil of it cuts off all its pleas discovers all its deceits stops all its Evasions answers its Pretences makes the Soul own its Abomination and lye down under the sense of it Unless this be done all that followes is in vain 2. The Spirit alone reveals unto us the Fulness of Christ for our Relief which is the Consideration that stayes the Heart from false Wayes and from despairing Despondency 1 Cor. 2.8 3. The Spirit alone establishes the Heart in expectation of Relief from Christ which is the great sovereign Means of Mortification as hath been discovered 2 Cor. 1.21 4. The Spirit alone
OF THE MORTIFICATION of SIN in BELIEVERS The 1. NECESSITY 2. NATURE and 3. MEANS of it With a Resolution of sundry CASES of CONSCIENCE thereunto belonging BY JOHN OWEN D. D. a Servant of JESUS CHRIST in the Work of the Gospel The Third Edition LONDON Printed for Nathanael Ponder at the Peacock in the Poultrey near Cornhill and in Chancery-lane near Fleet-street 1668. Christian Reader I shall in a few words acquaint thee with the Reasons that obtained my consent to the publishing of the ensuing Discourse The consideration of the present State and Condition of the Generality of Professors the visible Evidences of the Frame of their Hearts and Spirits manifesting a great Disability of dealing with the Temptations wherewith from the Peace they have in the World and the Divisions that they have among themselves they are encompassed holds the chief place amongst them This I am assured is of so great importance that if hereby I only occasion others to press more effectually on the Consciences of men the work of considering their Wayes and to give more clear Direction for the compassing of the End proposed I shall well esteem of my Lot in this undertaking This was seconded by an Observation of some mens dangerous Mistakes who of late dayes have taken upon them to give Directions for the Mortification of Sin who being unacquainted with the Mystery of the Gospel and the Efficacy of the Death of Christ have anew imposed the Yoke of a self-wrought-out Mortification on the Necks of their Disciples which neither they nor their Forefathers were ever able to bear A Mortification they cry up and press suitable to that of the Gospel neither in respect of Nature Subject Causes Means nor Effects which constantly produces the deplorable Issues of Superstition self-righteousness and Anxiety of Conscience in them who take up the burthen which is so bound for them What is here proposed in weakness I humbly hope will answer the Spirit and Letter of the Gospel with the Experiences of them who know what it is to walk with God according to the Tenour of the Covenant of Grace So that if not this yet certainly something of this kind is very necessary at this season for the pro●●●●on and furtherance of this work 〈…〉 Mortification in the Hearts of Believers and their Direction in Paths safe and wherein they may find Rest to their Souls Something I have to adde as to what in particular relates unto my self Having preached on this subject unto some comfortable success through the Grace of him that administred seed to the Sower I was pressed by sundry persons in whose hearts are the Wayes of God thus to publish what I had delivered with such Additions and Alterations as I should judge necessary Vnder the inducement of their Desires I called to remembrance the Debt wherein I have now for some Years stood engaged unto sundry N●ble and worthy Christian Friends as to a Treatise of Communion with God some while since promised to them and thereon apprehended that if I could not hereby compound for the greater Debt yet I might possibly tender them this Discourse of Variance with themselves as Interest for their forbearance of that of Peace and Communion with God Besides I considered that I had been providentially engaged in the publick Debate of sundry Controversies in Religion which might seem to claim something in another kind of more General Vse as a Fruit of Choice not Necessity On these and the like accounts is this short Discourse brought forth to publick view and now presented unto thee I hope I may own in sincerity that my hearts desire unto God and the chief Design of my Life in the station wherein the good Providence of God hath placed me are that Mortification and universal Holiness may be promoted in my own and in the Hearts and Wayes of others to the Glory of God that so the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ may be adorned in all things for the compassing of which End if this little Discourse of the publishing whereof this is the summe of the account I shall give may in any thing be usefull to the least of the Saints it will be looked on as a Return of the weak Prayers wherewith it is attended by its unworthy Author J. OWEN CHAP. I. The Foundation of the whole ensuing Discourse laid in Rom. 8.13 The words of the Apostle opened The certain connexion between true Mortification and Salvation Mortification the work of Believers The Spirit the principal efficient Cause of it What meant by the Body in the words of the Apostle What by the Deeds of the Body Life in what sence promised to this Duty THat what I have of Direction to contribute to the carrying on of the work of Mortification in Believers may receive order and perspicuity I shall lay the foundation of it in those words of the Apostle Rom. 8.13 If ye by the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the flesh ye shall live and reduce the whole to an Improvement of the great Evangelical Truth and Mystery contained in them The Apostle having made a Recapitulation of his Doctrine of Justification by Faith and the blessed Estate and Condition of them who are made by Grace partakers thereof vers 1 2 3. of this Chapter proceeds to improve it to the Holiness and Consolation of Believers Among his Arguments and Motives unto Holiness the Verse mentioned containeth one from the contrary Events and Effects of Holiness and Sin If ye live after the flesh ye shall dye What it is to live after the flesh and what it is to dye that being not my present aym and business I shall no otherwise explain than as they will fall in with the sence of the latter words of the verse as before proposed In the words peculiarly designed for the Foundation of the ensuing Discourse there is 1. A Duty prescribed Mortifie the deeds of the body 2. The Persons are denoted to whom it is prescribed Ye if Ye Mortifie 3. There is in them a Promise annexed to that Duty Ye shall Live 4. The Cause or Means of the Performance of this Duty the Spirit If ye through the Spirit 5. The Conditionality of the whole Proposition wherein Duty Means and Promise are contained If ye c. The first thing occurring in the words as they lye in the entire Proposition is the conditional Note 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but if Conditionals in such Propositions may denote two things 1. The uncertainty of the Event or thing promised in respect of them to whom the duty is prescribed And this takes place where the condition is absolutely necessary unto the Issue and depends not its self on any determinate Cause known to him to whom 't is prescribed So we say If we live we will do such a thing This cannot be the Intendment of the conditional Expression in this place Of the Persons to whom these words are spoken it is said vers 1. of
may let Sin alone But as Sin is never less quiet than when it seems to be most quiet and its waters are for the most part deep when they are still so ought our contrivances against it to be vigorous at all times in all conditions even where there is least suspition Sin doth not only abide in us but the Law of the members is still rebelling against the Law of the Mind Rom. 7.23 and the Spirit that dwells in us lusteth to Envy Jam. 4.5 It is alwayes in continual work the flesh lusteth against the Spirit Gal. 5.17 Lust is still tempting and conceiving sin Jam. 1.14 In every Moral Action it is alwayes either inclining to evil or hindring from that which is good or disframing the Spirit from Communion with God It inclines to Evil the evil that I would not that I do saith the Apostle Rom. 7.19 whence is that why because in me thing● and it hinders from good the good that I would do that I do not vers 19. upon the same account either I do it not or not as I should all my Holy things being defiled by this sin The flesh lusteth against the Spirit that ye cannot do the things that ye would Gal. 5.17 and it un●rames our Spirit and thence is called the sin that so easily besets us Heb. 12.1 on which accoun● are those grievous Complaints that the Apostle makes of it Rom. 7. So that sin is al●●yes acting alwayes conceiving alwayes seducing and tempting Who can say that he had ever any thing to do with God or for God that indwelling Sin had not an hand in the corrupting of what he did And this trade will it drive more or less all our dayes If then sin will alwayes Acting if we be not alwayes Mortifying we are lost Creatures He that stands still and suffers his Enemies to double blowes upon him without resistance will undoubtedly be conquered in the issue If Sin be subtil watchfull strong and alwayes at work in the business of killing our S●uls and we be slothfull negligent foolish in proceeding to the ruine thereof can we expect a comfortable Event There is not a day but sin soils or is soiled prevails or is prevailed on and it will be so whilest we live in this world I shall discharge him from this Duty who can bring sin to a Composition to a cessation of Arms in this Warfare if it will spare him any one day in any one duty provided he be a person that is acquainted with the spirituality of Obedience and the subtilty of sin let him say to his Soul as to this Duty Soul take thy rest The Saints whose Souls breath after deliverance from its perplexing Rebellion know there is no safety against it but in a constant Warfare 3. Sin will not only be striving acting rebelling troubling disquieting but it let alone if not continually mortified it will bring forth great cursed scandalous Soul-destroying sins The Apostle tells us what the works and fruits of it are Gal. 5 19 20 21. The works of the flesh are manifest which are Adultery fornication uncleanness l●sciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variance ●mulations wrath strife seditions heresies envyings murthers drunkenness revellings and such like You know what it did in David and sundry others Sin aim● alwayes at the utmost every time it rises up to tempt or entice might it have its own course it would go out to the utmost sin in that kind Every unclean Thought or Glance would be Adultery if it could every covetous Desire would be Oppression every thought of Unbelief would be Atheism might it grow to its head M●n may come to that that sin may not be heard speaking a scandalous word in their hearts that is provoking to any great sin with scandal in its mouth but every rise of Lust might it have its course would come to the height of V●ll●ny It is like the Grave that is never satisfied And herein lies no small share of the deceitfulness of Sin by which it prevails to the hardening of men and so to the●r ruine H●b 3.13 It is mo●e●t as it were in its fir●t motions and Proposals but having o●ce got sooting in the heart by them it constantly makes good its ground and presseth on to some farther degrees in the same kind This new acting and pressing forward makes the Soul take little notice of what an entrance to a falling off from God is already made it thinks all is indifferent well if there be no farther progress and so far as the Soul is made insensible of any sin that is as to such a sense as the Gospel requireth so far it is hardned but Sin is still pressing forward and that because it hath no bounds but utter Relinquishment of God and opposition to him that it proceeds towards its height by degrees making good the ground it hath got by Hardness is not from its Nature but its Deceitfulness Now nothing can prevent this but Mortification That withers the Root and strikes at the Head of Sin every Hour that whatever it ayms at it is crossed in There is not the best Saint in the world but if he should give over this Duty would fall into as many cursed sins as ever any did of his kind 4. This is one main reason why the Spirit and the new Nature is given unto us that we may have a Principle within whereby to oppose Sin and Lust The Flesh lusteth against the Spirit Well and what then Why the Spirit a●so lusteth against the Flesh Gal. 5.17 There is a propensity in the Spirit or spiritual new Nature to be acting against the Flesh as well as in the Flesh to be acting against the Spirit So 2 Pet. 1.4 5. It is our participation of the Divine Nature that gives us an escape from the pollutions that are in the world through lust and Rom. 7.23 there is a law of the mind as well as a law of the members Now this is 1 The most Unjust and unreasonable thing in the world when two Combatants are engaged to bind one and to keep him up from doing his utmost and to leave the other at liberty to wound him at his pleasure And 2 The Foolishest thing in the world to bind him who fights for our Eternal Condition and to let him alone who seeks and violently attempts our everlasting ruine The Contest is for our lives and souls Not to be daily employing the Spirit and New Nature for the Mortifying of Sin is to neglect that excellent succour which God hath given us against our greatest Enemy If we neglect to make use of what we have received God may justly hold his hand from giving us more His Graces as well as his Gifts are bestowed on us to use exercise and trade with Not to be daily mortifying sin is to sin against the Goodness Kindness Wisdom Grace and Love of God who hath furnished us with a Principle of doing it 5. Negligence in this Duty cast the Soul
into a perfect contrary Condition to that which the Apostle affirms was his 2 Cor. 4.16 Though our outward man perish our inward man is renewed day by day In these the Inward man perisheth and the Outward man is renewed day by day Sin is as the house of David and Grace as the house of Saul Exercise and success are the two main cherishers of Grace in the heart When it is suffered to lye still it withers and decayes the things of it are ready to dye Rev. 3.2 and Sin gets ground towards the hardening of the heart Heb. 3.13 This is that which I intend by the Omission of this duty Grace withers Lust flourisheth and the Frame of the Heart growes worse and worse and the Lord knows what desperate and fearful issues it hath had with many Where Sin through the Neglect of Mortification gets a considerable Victory it breaks the bones of the Soul Psal. 31.10 Psal. 51.8 and makes a man weak sick and ready to dye Psal. 38.3 4 5. that he cannot look up Psal. 40.12 Isa. 33.24 and when poor Creatures will take blow after blow wound after wound foil after foil and never rouse up themselves to a vigorous Opposition can they expect any thing but to be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin and that their Souls should bleed to death 2 Joh. 8 Indeed it is a sad thing to consider the fearfull issues of this Neglect which lye under our eyes every day See we not those whom we knew humble melting broken-hearted Christians tender and fearfull to offend zealous for God and all his wayes his Sabbaths and Ordinances grown through a neglect of watching unto this Duty earthly carnal cold wrathfull complying with the men of the world and things of the World to the Scandal of Religion and the fearfull Temptation of them that know them The truth is what between placing mortification in a rigid stubborn Frame of Spirit which is for the most part earthly legal censorious partial consistent with Wrath Envy Malice Pride on the one hand and pretences of Liberty Grace and I know not what on the other true Evangelical Mortification is almost lost amongst us of which afterwards 6. It is our Duty to be Perfecting Holiness in the fear of the Lord 2 Cor. 7.1 To be growing in Grace every day 1 Pet. 2.2 2 Pet. 3.18 To be renewing our inward man day by day 2 Cor. 4.16 Now this cannot be done without the daily Mortifying of sin Sin sets its strength against every Act of Holiness and against every degree we grow to Let not that man think he makes any Progress in Holiness who walks not over the bellies of his Lusts He who doth not kill Sin in his way takes no steps towards his Journeyes End He who finds not opposition from it and who sets not himself in every particular to its Mortification is at peace with it not dying to it This then is the first General Principle of our ensuing Discourse Notwith●tanding the meritorious Mortification if I may so speak of all and every Sin in the Cross of Christ notwithstanding the real Foundation of universal Mortification laid in our first Conversion by Conviction of Sin humiliation for sin and the Implantation of a new Principle opposite to it and destructive of it yet Sin doth so remain so act and work in the best of Believers whilest they live in this world that the constant daily Mortification of it is all their dayes incumbent on them Before I proceed to the Consideration of the next Principle I cannot but by the way complain of many Professors of these days who instead of bringing forth such great and evident Fruits of Mortification as are expected scarce bear any Leaves of it There is indeed a broad Light fallen upon the men of this Generation and together therewith many spiritual Gifts communicated which with some other Considerations have wonderfully enlarged the bounds of Professors and Profession both they and it are exceedingly multiplyed and increased Hence there is a noise of Religion and Religious Duties in every corner preaching in abundance and that not in an empty light trivial and vain manner as formerly but to a good proportion of a spiritual Gift so that if you will measure the number of Believers by Light G●fts and profession the Church may have cause to say Who hath born me all these But now if you will take the measure of them by this great discriminating Grace of Christians perhaps you will find their number not so multiplyed Where almost is that Professor who owes his Conversion to these dayes of Light and so talks and professes at such a rate of Spirituality as few in former dayes were in any measure acquainted with I will not judge them but perhaps boasting what the Lord hath done in them that doth not give evidence of a miserably unmortified heart if vain spending of Time idleness unprofitableness in mens places envy strife variance emulations wrath pride worldliness selfishness 1 Cor. 1. be Badges of Christians we have them on us and amongst us in abundance And if it be so with them who have much Light and which we hope is saving what shall we say of some who would be accounted religious and yet despise Gospel Light and for the Duty we have in hand know no more of it but what consists in mens Denying themselves sometimes times in outward Enjoyments which is one of the outmost Branches of it which yet they will seldom practise The good Lord send out a spirit of Mortification to cure our Distempers or we are in a sad Condition There are two Evils which certainly attend every unmortified Professor The first in himself the other in respect of others 1. In himself let him pretend what he will he hath slight thoughts of Sin at least of sins of daily infirmity The Root of an unmortified Course is the digestion of Sin without bitterness in the heart When a man hath confirmed his Imagination to such an Apprehension of Grace and Mercy as to be able without bitterness to swallow and digest daily sins that man is at the very brink of turning the Grace of God into lasciviousness and being hardened by the deceitfulness of Sin Neither is there a greater Evidence of a false and rotten heart in the world than to drive such a Trade To use the blood of Christ which is given to cleanse us 1 Joh. 1.7 Tit. 2.14 The exaltation of Christ which is to give us Repentance Act. 5.31 the Doctrine of Grace which teaches us to deny all ungodliness Tit. 2.11 12. to countenance Sin is a Rebellion that in the issue will break the bones At this door have gone out from us most of the professors that have Apostatized in the dayes wherein we live for a while they were most of them under Convictions these kept them unto Duties and brought them to Profession So they escaped the pollutions that are in the world through the knowledge of our Lord
the Mortification of any particular lust and Sin which Satan takes Advantage by to disquiet and weaken him comes next under Consideration Now there are some General Considerations to be premised concerning some Principles and Foundations of this work without which no man in the world be he never so much raised by Convictions and resolved for the Mortification of any Sin can attain thereunto General Rules and Principles without which no Sin will be ever mortified are these 1. Unless a Man be a Believer that is one that is truely ingrafted into Christ he can never mortifie any one Sin I do not say unless he know himself to be so but unless indeed he be so Mortification is the work of Believers Rom. 8.13 If ye through the Spirit c. Ye Believers to whom there is no condemnation vers 1. They alone are exhorted to it Col. 3.5 Mortifie therefore your members that are upon the earth Who should mortifie You who are risen with Christ vers 1. whose Life is hid with Christ in God vers 3. who shall appear with him in Glory vers 4. An unregenerate man may do something like it but the work it self so as it may be acceptable with God he can never perform You know what a Picture of it is drawn in some of the Philosophers Sencca Tu●ly Epictetus what affectionate Discourses they have of contempt of the World and Self of regulating and conquering all exorbitant Affections and Passions The Lives of most of them manifested that their Maxims differed as much from true Mortification as the Sun painted on a Sign-post from the Sun in the Firmament They had neither Light nor Heat Their own Lucian sufficiently manifests what they all were There is no Death of Sin without the Death of Christ. You know what Attempts there are made after it by the Papists in their Vows Penances and Satisfactions I dare say of Them I mean as many of them as act upon the Principles of their Church as they call it what Paul s●yes of Israel in point of Righteousness Rom. 9.31 32. They have followed after Mortification but they have not Attained to it Wherefore Because they seek it not by Faith but as it were by the works of the Law The same is the State and Condition of all amongst our selves who in Obedience to their Convictions and awakened Consciences do attempt a Relinquishment of Sin they follow after it but they do not Attain it It is true it is it will be required of every person whatever that hears the Law or Gospel preached that he mortifie Sin It is his Duty but it is not his immediate Duty It is his Duty to do it but to do it in Gods way If you require your Servant to pay so much Money for you in such a place but first to go and take it up in another it is his Duty to pay the Money appointed and you will blame him if he do it not yet it was not his immediate Duty he was first to take it up according to your direction So it is in this Case Sin is to be mortified but something is to be done in the first place to enable us thereunto I have proved that it is the Spirit alone that can mortifie Sin He is promised to doe it and all other means without him are empty and vain How shall he then mortifie Sin that hath not the Spirit A man may easier see without Eyes speak without a Tongue than truely Mortifie one Sin without the Spirit Now how is he attained It is the Spirit of Christ and as the Apostle sayes if we have not the Spirit of Christ we are none of his Rom. 8.9 So if we are Christs have an Interest in him we have the Spirit and so alone have power for Mortification This the Apostle discourses at large Rom. 8. v. 8. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God It is the Inference and Conclusion he makes of his foregoing Discourse about our Natural state and Condition and the Enmity we have unto God and his Law therein If we are in the flesh if we have not the Spirit we cannot do any thing that should please God But what is our deliverance from this Condition vers 9. But ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you Ye Believers that have the Spirit of Christ ye are not in the flesh There is no way of Deliverance from the State and Condition of being in the flesh but by the Spirit of Christ And what if this Spirit of Christ be in you why then you are mortified vers 10. the Body is dead because of Sin or unto it Mortification is carryed on the New Man is quickened to Righteousness This the Apostle proves vers 11. from the Vnion we have with Christ by the Spirit which will produce suitable Operations in us to what it wrought in him All attempts then for Mortification of any Lust without an Interest in Christ are vain Many men that are ga●led with and for Sin the arrowes of Christ for Conviction by the Preaching of the Word or some Affliction having been made sharp in their hearts do vigorously set themselves against this or that particular Lust wherewith their Consciences have been most disquieted or perplexed But poor Creatures they labour in the Fire and their work consumeth When the Spirit of Christ comes to this work he will be as Refiners Fire and as Fullers Sope and he will purge men as Gold and Silver Mal. 3.3 take away their dross and tin their filth and blood as Isa. 4.3 But men must be Gold and Silver in the bottom or else Refining will do them no good The Prophet gives us the sad issue of wicked mens utmost Attempts for Mortification by what Means soever that God affords them Jer. 6.29 30. The Bellowes are burnt and the Lead is consumed of the fire the Founder melteth in vain Reprobate Silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them And what is the Reason hereof v. 28. they were Brass and Iron when they were put into the Furnace Men may refine Brass and Iron long enough before they will be good Silver I say then Mortification is not the present business of unregenerate men God calls them not to it as yet Conversion is their work The Conversion of the whole Soul not the Mortification of this or that particular Lust. You would laugh at a man that you should see setting up a great Fabrick and never take any care for a Foundation especially if you should see him so foolish as that having a thousand Experiences that what he built one day fell down another he would yet continue in the same course So it is with convinced Persons Though they plainly see that what ground they get against Sin one●day ●day they lose another yet they will go on in the same Road still without enquiring where the destructive flaw in
their progress lyes When the Jewes upon the Conviction of their Sin were cut to the heart Act. 2.37 and cryed out what shall we doe What doth Peter direct them to Does he bid them go and mortifie their pride wrath malice cruelty and the like no he knew that was not their present work but he calls them to Conversion and Faith in Christ in General vers 38. Let the Soul be first throughly converted and then looking on him whom they had pierced Humiliation and Mortification will ensue Thus when John came to preach Repentance and Conversion he said The Axe is now laid to the root of the tree Mat. 3.10 The Pharisees had been laying heavy Burthens imposing tedious Duties and rigid means of Mortification in Fastings Washings and the like all in vain Sayes John The Doctrine of Conversion is for you the axe in my hand is laid to the root And our Saviour tells us what is to be done in this case sayes he Do men gather Grapes from Thorns Matth. 6.16 But suppose a Thorn be well pruned and cut and have pains taken with him Yea but he will never bear Figgs vers 17 18. It cannot be but every Tree will bring forth Fruit according to its own kind What is then to be done he tells us Matt. 12.33 Make the Tree Good and his Fruit will be good The Root must be dealt with the Nature of the Tree changed or no good Fruit will be brought forth This is that I aym at unless a man be Regenerate unless he be a Believer all Attempts that he can make for Mortification be they never so specious and promising all Means he can use let him follow them with never so much Diligence Earnestness Watchfulness and Contention of Mind and Spirit are to no purpose In vain shall he use many remedies he shall not be healed Yea there are sundry desperate Evils attending an Endeavour in convinced Persons that are no more but so to perform this Duty First The mind and Soul is taken up about that which is not the mans proper business and so He is diverted from that which is so God layes hold by his Word and Judgements on some Sin in him galls his Conscience disquiets his heart deprives him of his Rest now other Diversions will not serve his turn He must apply himself to the work before him The business in hand being to awake the whole Man unto a consideration of the State and Condition wherein he is that he might be brought home to God instead hereof he sets himself to mortifie the Sin that galls him which is a pure issue of Self-love to be freed from his trouble and not at all to the work he is called unto and so is diverted from it Thus God tells us of Ephraim when he spread his Net upon them and brought them down as the Fowls of Heaven and chastised them Hos. 7.12 caught them intangled them convinced them that they could not escape saith he of them They return but not to the most High They set themselves to a Relinquishment of Sin but not in that manner by universal conversion as God called for it Thus are men diverted from coming unto God by the most glorious wayes that they can fix upon to come to him by And this is one of the most common deceits whereby men ruine their own Souls I wish that some whose Trade it is to dawb with untempered Morter in the things of God did not teach this Deceit and cause the People to erre by their Ignorance What do men doe what oft-times are they directed unto when their Consciences are galled by Sin and Disquietment from the Lord hath laid hold upon them Is not a Relinquishment of the Sin as to Practice that they are in some Fruits of it perplexed withall and making head against it the summe of what they apply themselves unto and is not the Gospel End of their Convictions lost thereby Here men abide and perish Secondly This Duty being a thing good in it self in its proper place a Duty evidencing Sincerity bringing home Peace to the Conscience a man finding himself really engaged in it his Mind and Heart set against this or that Sin with purpose and Resolution to have no more to do with it he is ready to conclude that his state and Condition is good and so to delude his own Soul For 1. When his Conscience hath been made sick with Sin and he could find no rest when he should go to the great Physitian of Souls and get healing in his Blood the Man by this Engagement against Sin pacifies and quiets his Conscience and sits down without going to Christ at all Ah! how many poor Souls are thus deluded to Eternity When Ephraim saw his sickness he sent to King Jareb Hos. 5.13 which kept him off from God The whole bundle of the Popish Religion is made up of Designs and contrivances to pacifie Conscience without Christ all described by the Apostle Rom. 10.4 2. By this means men satisfie themselves that their State and Condition is good seeing they do that which is a work good in it self and they do not do it to be seen They know they would have the work done in sincerity and so are hardened in a kind of self Righteousness 3. When a man hath thus for a season been deluded and hath deceived his o●● Soul and finds in a long course of Life that indeed his sin is not mortified or if he hath changed one he hath gotten another He begins a● length to think that all contending is in vain he shall never be able to prevail He is making a Dam against Water that increaseth on him Hereupon he gives over as one despairing of any success and yields up himself to the power of sin and that habit of Formality th●● he hath gotten And this is the usual Issue with Persons attempting the Mortification of sin without a● Interest in Christ first obtained It deludes thempunc hardens them destroyes them And therefore w● see that there are not usually more vile an● desperate sinners in the world than such a● having by Conviction been put on this Cours● have found it fruitless and deserted it wit●out a discovery of Christ. And this is t●● substance of the Religion and Godliness 〈◊〉 the choisest Formalists in the world and o● all those who in the Roman Synagogue a●● drawn to Mortification as they drive India● to Baptism or Cattel to water I say then that Mortification is the work of Believers and Believers onely To kill sin is the work o● living men where men are dead as all Unbelievers the best of them are dead sin is alive and will live 2. It is the work of Faith the peculiar work of Faith Now if there be a work to be done that will be effected by one only instrument it is the greatest madness for any to attempt the doing of it that hath not that Instrument Now it is Faith that purifies the Heart Act.
into the battel or make head against it to suppress it what doest thou say to thy Soul what doest thou expostulate with thy self is this all Hell will be the end of this course Vengeance will meet with me and find me out it is time for thee to look about thee evil lyes at the door Pauls main Argument to evince that sin shall not have dominion over Believers is that they are not under the Law but under Grace Rom. 6.14 If thy contendings against Sin be all on legal Accounts from legal Principles and motives what assurance canst thou attain unto that sin shall not have dominion over thee which will be thy ruine Yea know that this Reserve will not long hold out if thy Lust hath driven thee from stronger Gospel Forts it will speedily prevail against this also do not suppose that such Considerations will deliver thee when thou hast voluntarily given up to thine Enemy those Helps and Means of Preservation which have a thousand times their Strength Rest assuredly in this that unless thou recover thy self with speed from this Condition the thing that thou fearest will come upon thee what Gospel Principles do not legal Motives cannot doe 5 When it is probable that there is or may be somewhat of judiciary hardness or at least chastening Punishment in thy Lust as disquieting This is another dangerous symptome That God doth sometimes leave even those of his own under the perplexing power at least of some Lust or Sin to correct them for former sins Negligence and Folly I no way doubt Hence was that complaint of the Church Why hast thou hardened us from the fear of thy Name Isa. 63.17 That this is his way of dealing with unregenerate men no man questions But how shall a man know whether there be any thing of Gods chastening hand in his being left to the disquietment of his distemper Answ. Examine thy Heart and Wayes What was the state and Condition of thy Soul before thou fellest into the Intanglements of that sin which now thou so complainest of Hadst thou been negligent in Duties hadst thou lived inordinately to thy self is there the guilt of any great sin lying upon thee unrepented of A new Sin may be permitted as well as a new Affliction sent to bring an Old sin to remembrance Hast thou received any eminent Mercy Protection Deliverance which thou diddest not improve in a due Manner nor wast thankfull for or hast been exercised with any Affliction without labouring for the appointed End of it or hast thou been wanting to the Opportunities of glorifying God in thy Generation which in his good Providence he had graciously afforded unto thee or hast thou conformed thy self unto the World and the men of it through the abounding of Temptations in the dayes wherein thou livest If thou findest this to have been thy State awake call upon God thou art fast asleep in a storm of Anger round about thee 6 When thy Lust hath already withstood particular dealings from God against it This Condition is described Isa. 57.17 For the Iniquity of his Coveteousness I was wroth and smote him I hid me and was wroth and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart God had dealt with them about their prevailing Lust and that several wayes by Affliction and Desertion But they held out against all This is a sad Condition which nothing but meer soveraign Grace as God expresses it in the next verse can relieve a man in and which no man ought to promise himself or bear himself upon God oftentimes in his providential Dispensations meets with a man and speaks particularly to the Evil of his Heart as he did to Joseph's Brethren in their selling of him into Egypt This makes the man reflect on his sin and judge himself in particular for it God makes it to be the voice of the Danger Affliction Trouble Sickness that he is in or under Sometimes in Reading of the Word God makes a man stay on something that cuts him to the Heart and shakes him as to his present Condition More frequently in the Hearing of the Word preached his great Ordinance for Conviction Conversion and Edification doth he meet with men God often hews men by the Sword of his Word in that Ordinance strikes directly on their bosome beloved Lust startles the Sinner makes him engage into the Mortification and Relinquishment of the Evil of his Heart Now if his Lust have taken such hold on him as to enforce him to break these bonds of the Lord and to cast these cords from him If it overcomes these Convictions and gets again into its old posture if it can cure the wounds it so receives that Soul is in a sad Condition Unspeakable are the Evils which attend such a Frame of Heart Every particular Warning to a man in such an Estate is an inestimable Mercy how then doth he despise God in them who holds out against them and what infinite Patience is this in God that he doth not cast off such an one and swear in his wrath that he shall never enter into his Rest. These and many other Evidences are there of a Lust that is dangerous if not mortal As our Saviour said of the evil Spirit This kind goes not out but by Fasting and Prayer So say I of Lusts of this kind an ordinary Course of Mortification will not doe it extraordinary wayes must be fixed on This is the First particular Direction Consider whether the Lust or Sin you are contending with hath any of these dangerous symptoms attending of it Before I proceed I must give one Caution by the way lest any be deceived by what hath been spoken Whereas I say the things and evils above mentioned may befall true Believers let not any that finds the same things in himself thence or from thence conclude that he is a true Believer These are the Evils that Believers may fall into and be ensnared withall not the things that Constitute a Believer A man may as well conclude that he is a Believer because he is an Adulterer because David that was so fell into Adultery as conclude it from the signs foregoing which are the evils of Sin and Sathan in the Hearts of Believers The seventh of the Romans contains the Description of a Regenerate man He that shall consider what is spoken of his dark side of his unregenerate part of the indwelling Power and Violence of Sin remaining in him and because he finds the like in himself conclude that he is a regenerate man will be deceived in his Reckoning It is all one as if you should argue A wise man may be sick and wounded yea do some things foolishly Therefore every one who is sick and wounded and does things foolishly is a wise man Or as if a silly deformed Creature hearing one speaking of a beautifull Person should say that he had a mark or a Scarre that much disfigured him should conclude that because he hath himself
from the other but I shall not farther instance in particulars That infinite and inconceivable distance that is between Him and us keeps us in the dark as to any sight of his face or clear Apprehension of his Perfections We know him rather by what he does than by what he is by his doing us good than by his essential Goodness and how little a portion of him as Job speaks is hereby discovered Secondly We know little of God because it is Faith alone whereby here we know him I shall not now discourse about the remaining Impressions on the Hearts of all men by Nature that there is a God nor what they may Rationally be taught concerning that God from the works of his Creation and Providence which they see and behold it is confessedly and that upon the wofull experience of all Ages so weak low dark confused that none ever on that account glorified God as they ought but notwithstanding all their knowledge of God were indeed without God in the world The chief and upon the matter almost only acquaintance we have with God and his Dispensations of himself is by Faith He that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a Rewarder of them that seek him Heb. 11.6 Our Knowledge of him and his Rewarding the bottom of our Obedience or comeing to him is believing We walk by Faith and not by Sight 2 Cor. 5.7 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by Faith and so by Faith as not to have any express Idea Image or species of that which we believe Faith is all the Argument we have of things not seen Heb. 11.1 I might here insist upon the Nature of it and from all its Concomitants and Concernments manifest that we know but the back-parts of what we know by Faith onely As to its Rise it is built purely upon the Testimony of him whom we have not seen as the Apostle speaks How can ye love him whom you have not seen That is whom you know not but by Faith that he is Faith receives all upon his Testimony whom it receives to be onely upon his own Testimony As to its Nature it is an Assent upon Testimony not an Evidence upon Demonstration and the Object of it is as was said before above us Hence our Faith as was formerly observed is called a seeing darkly as in a Glass All that we know this way and all that we know of God we know this way is but low and dark and obscure But you will say all this is true but yet it is onely so to them that know not God perhaps as he is revealed in Jesus Christ with them who do so 't is otherwise It is true No man hath seen God at any time but the onely begotten Son he hath revealed him Joh. 1.17 18. and the Son of God is now come and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true 1 Joh. 5.20 The Illumination of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God shineth upon Believers 2 Cor. 4.4 yea and God who commanded light to shine out of darkness shines into their hearts to give them the knowledge of his Glory in the face of his Son v. 6. So that though we were darkness yet we are now light in the Lord Eph. 5.8 And the Apostle sayes We all with open face behold the Glory of the Lord 2 Cor. 3.18 and we are now so far from being in such darkness or at such a distance from God that our communion and fellowship is with the Father and the Son 1 Joh. 1.3 The Light of the Gospel whereby now God is revealed is glorious not a Star but the Sun in his beauty is risen upon us and the veil is taken from our faces so that though unbelievers yea and perhaps some weak Believers may be in some darkness yet those of any growth or considerable Attainments have a clear sight and view of the face of God in Jesus Christ. A. 1. The truth is we all of us know enough of him to love him more than we doe to delight in him and serve him believe him obey him put our trust in him above all that we have hitherto attained Our Darkness and Weakness is no Plea for our Negligence and Disobedience Who is it that hath walked up to the Knowledge that he hath had of the Perfections Excellencies and Will of God Gods End in giving us any Knowledge of himself here is that we may glorifie him as God that is love him serve him believe and obey him give him all the honour and Glory that is due from poor sinfull Creatures to a sin-pardoning God and Creator we must all acknowledge that we were never throughly transformed into the Image of that Knowledge which we have had And had we used our Talents well we might have been trusted with more 2. Comparatively that knowledge which we have of God by the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Gospel is exceeding eminent and glorious It is so in comparison of any knowledge of God that might otherwise be attained or was delivered in the Law under the Old Testament which had but the shadow of good things not the express Image of them This the Apostle pursues at large 2 Cor. 3. Christ hath now in these last dayes revealed the Father from his own bosome declared his Name made known his Mind Will and Councel in a far more clear eminent distinct manner than he did formerly whilest he kept his People under the poedagogy of the Law And this is that which for the most part is intended in the places before mentioned the clear perspicuous delivery and declaration of God and his Will in the Gospel is expresly exalted in comparison of any other way of Revelation of himself 3. The difference between Believers and Vnbelievers as to Knowledge is not so much in the Matter of their Knowledge as in the Manner of knowing Unbelievers some of them may know more and be able to say more of God his Perfections and his will than many Believers but they know nothing as they ought nothing in a right manner nothing spiritually and savingly nothing with an holy heavenly light The excellency of a Believer is not that he hath a large Apprehension of things but that what he doth apprehend which perhaps may be very little He sees it in the light of the Spirit of God in a saving soul-transforming light And this is that which gives us communion with God and not prying Thoughts or curious raised Notions 4. Jesus Christ by his Word and Spirit reveals to the Hearts of all his God as a Father as a God in Covenant as a Rewarder every way sufficiently to teach us to obey him here and to lead us to his Bosome to lye down there in the Fruition of him to Eternity But yet now 5. Notwithstanding all this it is but a little portion we know of him we see but his back-parts For 1 The intendment of
Faith takes several views of Christ according to the Occasions of Address to him and communion with him that it hath Sometimes it views his Holiness sometimes his power sometimes his love his favour with his Father And when it goes for healing and peace it looks especially on the blood of the Covenant on his Sufferings for by his stripes are we healed and the chastisement of our peace was upon him Isa. 53.5 when we look for Healing his stripes are to be eyed not in the outward story of them which is the course of Popish Devotionists but in the Love Kindness Mystery and design of the Cross. And when we look for peace his Chastisements must be in our eye Now this I say if it be done according to the mind of God and in the strength of that Spirit which is poured out on Believers it will beget a detestation of that sin or sins for which healing and peace is sought So Ezek. 16.60 61. nevertheless I will remember my Covenant with thee in the dayes of thy youth and I will establish unto thee an everlasting Covenant and what then then thou shalt remember thy wayes and be ashamed When God comes home to speak peace in a sure Covenant of it it fills the Soul with shame for all the wayes whereby it hath been alienated from him And one of the things that the Apostle mentions as attending that godly sorrow which is accompanyed with Repentance unto Salvation never to be repented of is revenge yea what revenge 2 Cor. 7.11 They reflected on their miscarriages with Indignation and Revenge for their Folly in them When Job comes up to a through healing he cryes Now I abhorre my self Job 42.6 and untill he did so he had no abiding peace He might perhaps have made up himself with that Doctrine of free Grace which was so excellently preached by Elihu Chap. 33. from v. 14. unto the 29th but he had then but skinned his wounds he must come to self-abhorrency if he come to healing So was it with those in Psal. 78.33 35. in their great trouble and perplexity for and upon the Account of Sin I doubt not but upon the Address they made to God in Christ for that so they did is evident from the titles they gave him they call him their Rock and their Redeemer two words every where pointing out the Lord Christ they spake peace to themselves but was it sound and abiding No it passed away as the early dew God speaks not one word of peace to their Souls But why had they not peace Why because in their Address to God they flattered him But how doth that appear vers 37. Their heart was not right with him neither were they stedfast They had not a detestation nor relinquishment of that sin in reference whereunto they spake peace to themselves Let a man make what application he will for healing and peace let him do it to the true Physitian let him do it the right way let him quiet his Heart in the Promises of the Covenant yet when Peace is spoken if it be not attended with the detestation and Abhorrency of that Sin which was the wound and caused the Disquietment this is no Peace of Gods creating but of our own purchasing It is but a skinning over the wound whilest the core lyes at the bottom which will putrifie and corrupt and corrode untill it break out again with noysomness vexation and danger Let not poor Souls that walk in such a path as this they are more sensible of the trouble of Sin than of the pollution or uncleanness that attends it they address themselves for mercy yea to the Lord in Christ they address themselves for mercy but yet will keep the sweet Morsel of their Sin under their Tongue let them I say never think to have true and solid peace For instance Thou findest thy Heart running out after the World and it disturbs thee in thy communion with God the Spirit speaks expressely to thee He that loveth the World the love of the Father is not in him 1 Joh. 2.15 This puts thee on dealing with God in Christ for the healing of thy Soul the quieting of thy Conscience but yet withall a through detestation of the evil it self abides not upon thee yea perhaps that is liked well enough but onely in respect of the Consequences of it perhaps thou mayst be saved yet as through fire and God will have some work with thee before he hath done but thou wilt have little Peace in this Life thou wilt be sick and fainting all thy dayes Isa. 57.17 This is a Deceit that lyes at the root of the Peace of many Professors and wa●ts it they deal with all their strength about Mercy and Pardon and seem to have great Communion with God in their so doing they lye before him bewail their Sins and Follies that any one would think yea they think themselves that surely they and their Sins are now parted and so receive in Mercy that satisfies their Hearts for a little season but when a through search comes to be made there hath been some secret reserve for the Folly or Follyes treated about at least there hath not been that through Abhorrency of it which is necessary and their whole peace is quickly discovered to be weak ●nd rotten scarce abiding any longer than the words of begging it are in their mouths 2 When men measure out peace to themselves upon the conclusions that their convictions and Rational Principles will carry them out unto This is a false peace and will not abide I shall a little explain what I mean hereby A man hath got a wound by sin he hath a Conviction of some Sin upon his Conscience he hath not walked uprightly as becometh the Gospel all is not well and right between God and his Soul He considers now what is to be done Light he hath and knows what Path he must take and how his Soul hath been formerly healed Considering that the Promises of God are the outward Means of Application for the healing of his sores and quieting of his Heart he goes to them searches them out finds out some one or more of them whose literal Expressions are directly suited to his condition Sayes he to himself God speaks in this Promise here I will take my self a plaister as long and broad as my wound and so brings the word of the promise to his Condition and sets him down in peace This is another appearance upon the mount the Lord is neer but the Lord is not in it It hath not been the work of the Spirit who alone can convince us of Sin and Righteousness and Judgement but the mere Actings of the intelligent rational Soul As there are three sorts of Lives we say the vegetative the sensitive and the rational or intelligent Some things have onely the vegetative some the sensitive also and that includes the former some have the rational which takes in and supposes both