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B08096 The great assize, or, Day of iubilee. Deliuered in foure sermons, vpon the 20. chapter of the Reuel. ver. : Whereunto are annexed two sermons vpon the I. chapter of the Canticles, verse 6.7. / [By] Samuel Smith, minister of the work of God at Prittlewell in Essex.. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1617 (1617) STC 22847.7; ESTC S95246 88,613 364

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pray to CHRIST as the church doth heere That hee would teach vs by his Spirit that hee would open our eyes that wee might see the truth and that he would giue vs hearts to beleeue it to loue it and to liue and die in it That hee would giue vs the Spirit of Discerning 1. Iohn 4.1 To try the Spirits whether they be of God that so wee may discerne the truth from falshoode Yea wee must so labour to bee fast grounded in the Truth Matt. 7.26 that no winde nor weather may remoue vs That wee be sure to lay a good foundation that we do digge deepe into our owne hearts builde on the Rocke To hate Poperie and all Idolatrie to loathe it as the Doctrine of Diuells Though they say they be the true Church and the companion of Christ yet be they the Synagogue of Sathan The maine points of their Religion being cleane contrarie vnto the word of God as are their Doctrine of Merites Inuocation of Saints worshipping of Images praying for the dead Sacrifice of the Masse that so wee may for euer stand out against that cursed and damnable doctrine of the Church of Rome Yea let vs intreate the Lord that hee would neuer suffer it to get head againe in this Land notwithstanding wee haue deserued as great a iudgement but especially that hee keep vs that wee neuer ioyne with them in that bloudy Religion Vse 3 It condemnes all those who are ready either for feare of persecution or by blindnesse and ignorance to embrace any Religion or ioyne with any Church who to keepe their Liuings hold their Lands to enioy their honours and pleasures would turne as doth the winde and embrace any Religion ioyne with Papist Iew Turke yea the deuill himselfe for liuing sake Oh! the true Church of Christ feare themselues and their weakenesse that they should bee drawne away and seduced to embrace false religion And therefore they doubting the worst and fearing the corruption that is in their owne hearts pray vnto Christ that they may not bee left vnto themselues but that they may finde strength from him to withstand them The end of the first Sermon A Folde for Christs SHEEPE THE SECOND SERMON CANT 1.7 7 If thou know not O thou fairest amongst women get thee forth by the steps of the Flocke and feede thy Kiddes by the Tents of the Shepheards WEE haue heard before of the earnest request of the Church vnto Christ That he would in mercy shew her where hee feedes his Flocke and where he prouideth comfort for them in time of trouble Heere is the most kind louing and gracious answer of Christ Iesus vnto the Request of his Church Parts of the Text. in the which note three things 1 His exceeding loue and kindnesse in that he calls her the fairest among women 2 His gentle reproofe of her If thou know not q.d. This is very strange that thou which art the true Church shouldest not know where Christ feeds his sheep 3 His direct Answer to her request wherein hee doth answer her to the full If thou wouldst know where I feede my sheep that so thou maist feede with them and finde consolation vnto thy Soule then thou must go in the steppes of the Flocke That is thou must embrace the Faith Religion the worship and seruice of God the which my ancient church from the beginning haue imbraced The Faith Religion the Worship and Seruice of GOD which my ancient Seruants Abraham Isaac and Iacob haue done and tread in their steps Secondly thou must place thy Tent where the shepheards haue done the Patriarchs Prophets and Apostles of CHRIST their doctrine taught before This is the summe and substance of Christs answere vnto his Church First obserue heere how Christ describes his true Church and Spouse Hee giueth her a most kind and louing name expressing his kinde and singular loue vnto her O thou the fairest among women Quest Obiect But this may seeme strange for the Church confessed before that shee was blacke and Sun-burnt deformed c. How then can Christ call her the fairest amongst women Ans The Church Resp and euery true Beleeuer are black and deformed in themselues vile and vncleane and they can see no beautie in themselues but are blemished yea and stained with sins originall and actuall But as they be sanctified by his Spirit washed in his Bloud and clothed in his Righteousnesse they be faire and beautifull in the sight of Almighty God because Christ hath washed them from all their sinnes in his Bloud and couerd them with the pure roabes of his owne Righteousnes decked and adorned them with the holy and heauenly graces of his Spirit knowledge faith repentance zeale patience c. According to that speech that the Lord himselfe vseth Ezech. 16. thou art faire through that beauty of mine which I haue put into thee Doctr. 6 Here marke the endlesse loue of Christ Iesus vnto his poore church and people Christ esteemes of his church as if they had no sin that esteems so highly of them as if they had no spot of sin or vncleanenesse though they in themselues bee blacke deformed and polluted yet all those who doe truely repent embrace Iesus Christ and beleeue in him that are washed from their sinnes sanctified by his Spirit and obey his will all these are faire yea most beutifull in his eyes Hee will not looke vpon their sinnes and blemishes but wincke at them so long as they endeuour and desire to doe his will This is confessed by wicked Balaam when he saw that no policie or deuice could take any place against the Church of God He seeth no iniquitie in Iacob he beholdeth no transgression in Israel Nu. 23.21 Againe how goodly are thy tents O Iacob and thy tabernacles O Israel as the vallies that are stretched out c. Num. 24.5 So that the nature and condition of the true Church farre exceeds all other societies of men whatsoeuer and is pretious and deere vnto Christ Hereunto cometh the titles and commendations giuen vnto the Church so often in this most excellent booke of the Canticles Cant. 2.2 She is as the Roe of the field the Lillie of the Valley the Fairest amongest Women an Orchard of Pomegranats a Fountaine of Gardens and 4 13. and 5.9 a well of springing waters the Spouse and Sister of Christ the Beauty of the Earth the Glorie of the world a Lillie among Thornes c. And againe Thou art all faire my Loue and there is no spotte in thee These and the like examples whereof the Scripture is full all serue to confirme the euerlasting trueth of this Doctrine vnto vs how deare and precious the Church is in Christs sight that of al Societies and Assemblies of men in the world none are more excellent and worthy none more amiable and louely none more beutifull and precious then the Church of God the Spouse of Christ Reason 1 And the Reason of
and by certaine markes and testimonies in our owne hearts to prooue that we are in the number of Gods Elect. For as Salomon saith Pro. 27.19 As water sheweth face to face Euen so the heart sheweth man to man Euen as a glasse sheweth what a mans face is so will a mans heart and conscience shew what man is in the sight of God Then if you would now know whether your names be written in the Booke of Life that is whether you bee the elect of God and heires of eternall Life you must now enter into your owne soules 2 Cor. 13 proue your selues and you shal certainly know whether you shall bee saued or damned For if thou finde in thee the true marks and notes of Gods childrē thou needest not feare but that thy name is in this Booke and thou shalt certainely be saued But as for wicked and prophane men and women that make no conscience of sinne they shall in spite of their teeth vpon this examination sing the dolefull tune I am a damned sinner I know not what will become of my poore soule at the day of Iudgement And therefore that we might in some measure trie our selues and iudge whether we be in this booke and so shall be saued let vs search out of the holie word of God some certaine marks of Gods children The first marke whereby we may know whether we be elect or not is the inward testimony and witnesse of Gods spirit Rom. 8.15 Yee haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe but ye haue c. Whereby Saint Paul tells vs that wicked and vngodly sinners which haue not the spirit of God to guide them but liue in sinne they haue onelie the spirit of Bondage they haue no tru peace in their souls but they that be the children of God haue the Spirit of Adoption who seales vnto our harts the assurance of our adoption and election and doth make it knowne vnto vs that we are the Sonnes of God For his Spirit doth witnesse to our spirits that we are the Sonnes of God Romans 8.16 And that no man might deceiue himselfe and thinke hee hath the testimonie of GODS Spirit when hee hath it not Saint Paul giueth vs two most excellent notes to know whether wee haue the testimonie of GODS Spirit yea or not It maketh vs crie Abba Father Where the Spirit of God doth witnesse to any mans soule that hee is the childe of God It will make him cry to God and euen fill heauen and earth with crying and teares with sobbes and sighes for the pardon of his sins And hee which hath not this in him that hee cannot crie vnto GOD for pardon of his sinnes this man can not truely assure himselfe that hee is the Childe of God And though men say they hope to be saued yet alas they seldome or neuer pray vnto God for the pardon of their sinnes Secondly if wee finde the testimony of GODS Spirit that wee are the children of God It will make vs not onely to bee earnest with God for pardon of our sinnes but it will make vs cry Abba Father that is it will make vs beare the tender affection of a duetifull childe so as we shall be afraide to offend so louing a Father And therefore all those which delight in sinne and are not afrayde to offend GOD Surely they can find no assurance that they be the children of God And therefore if you desire to be assured that the names be in this Booke labour to finde this testimony of Gods Spirit to witnesse vnto your Soules that you belong vnto God and labour to be earnest in prayer vnto God for that is a speciall worke of Gods Spirit 1. Cor. 2.12 The second means whereby we may know whether our names be written in the Booke of Life is by the word of GOD. For the word of God tells vs whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ Iesu shall be saued But the childe of God hearing this promise opened and applied by the Ministerie of Gods word is able to say I beleeue and am able to apply this promise to my selfe For no man hath faith but hee knoweth that hee hath it and therefore can say seeing I beleeue with all my heart surely I know I shall be saued Thirdly besides the blessed testimony of Gods Spirit which cannot deceiue and the witnes of the word of GOD wee may know our election by the fruits and effects thereof As wee say a man is aliue so long as we see him breathe and can iudge of the Tree by the fruits Euen so by the effects of Election wee may know whether our names be in the Booke of Life or not Now the fruites of Election bee set downe by the Holie-Ghost that al men might be able to examine and try themselues and know whether they bee ordayned to Life or not Whom GOD predestinated Rom. 8.30 them also hee Called and whom he Called them also he Iustified and whom hee Iustified them also he Glorified Where we may beholde the markes of our Election For all that be elected to Life Eternall and bee written in this Booke they are first called secondly iustified and thirdly sanctified So then if you would know whether you bee elected to life looke to these three effects of Election Art thou Called art thou Iustified art thou sanctified Then sure thou art Elected But if thou hast not these three then canst thou not assure thy selfe of thy saluation So then the first fruite of our Election is our effectuall Calling when as God doth by the Preaching of the Gospell call vs out of the world from our olde sinnes to be of the number of his people to liue as his children Againe when a man cometh to the preaching of the Word to see his sinnes and Gods anger for them dislikes them is grieued for them bewailes them and begs the pardon for them and beginnes to become a new man to beleeue in Christ Iesu to seeke after Gods Kingdome Hee which findeth this effectuall calling in him he may assure his Soule that hee is Predestinated to Eternall Life But wee must take heed that wee deceiue not our selues with an outward calling for our Sauiour saith Mat. 22. Many are called but few are chosen Many doe heare the word of God with the eare but wee must labour to finde the Spirit of God to preach vnto our Soules to applie the Word to our conscience to beleeue it and to obey it And therefore they which liue in their old sinnes as blind ignorant and prophane as euer before alas how can they thinke to be saued seeing God chooses none or saues not any but whom he calles effectually by the Gospel 2 Thess 2.13 and seuers from the rest of the world Secondly the fruit of Election is Iustification For whom he predestinated them hee called So then heere is an other token and marke to know whether we be Elected namely or Iustified Now this is
Note is it meate and drinke vnto thee to doe the will of Christ Is thy hand euer ready according to thy abilitie to bestow any thing vpon Christ for the aduancement of his glory Doest thou labour in the place vvherein thou liuest to aduance the glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ Canst thou bee content to vndergoe shame disgrace trouble persecution and bonds yea death it selfe for Christs sake Doth the remembrance of his comming to Iudgement cheere vp thy heauy soule And doest thou cry with the spouse of Christ Come Lord Iesus come quickly These bee markes and tokens whereby thou maist discerne whether thou dost loue Christ Iesus yea or no. But because all men are ready to say that they loue Christ or else it were pitty they should liue and the like when indeed the loue of Christ is not in them Markes to discerne our loue to Christ I will yet proceed a little further and obserue a few notes and markes of this pure and hearty loue to Christ which are most certaine signes of grace 1. By our loue to his word First if wee loue Christ wee will loue his word delight in it and esteeme it aboue gold and pretious stones Psal 119.67 Lord what loue haue I vnto thy word saith Dauid all the day long is my study in it Yea it is altogether impossible for a man to be religious to feare God and to loue him that hath no sound loue nor delight in the word of God so that by our loue to his word wee may iudge of our loue to Christ No loue nor delight in the word surely no loue nor delight in Christ great loue to the word great loue to Christ In the valewing of this pearle Dauids practise is notable who made the Testimonies of God his heritage Verse 111. and the very ioy of his heart and esteemed them aboue gold yea aboue fine gold And therefore seeing most men haue no delight in the word seldome or neuer heare it vnlesse it be for fashion sake read it or meditate in it day or night it is a certaine token that the loue of Christ is not in them 2. By our loue to his Saints Secondly if wee loue Christ Iesus with all our heart we will loue those whom he loues his blessed members true Christians 1. Iohn 3. Hereby saith Saint Iohn wee know that we are translated from darknesse into light because we loue the brethren Dauid testifies of himselfe Al my delight is vpon thy Saints It is our duty to loue all but wee must loue the Saints with a peculiar and speciall loue as heires with Christ and members of the same body with vs. Therefore seeing men generally hate the members of Christ contemne them and despise them doth not this make it verie apparent that the loue of Christ is not in them For the world loues her owne Iohn 15.19 But because I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you Thirdly if we loue Christ Iesus 3. By our obedience we must shew it by our obedience to his word and to his holy Lawes for so saith Christ If ye loue me Ioh. 14 23. keep my Commandements Little obedience little loue no obedience to Christs will no loue hearty obedience hearty loue And therefore seeing generally men rebel against his word and breake his Commandements thogh these men should swear they loue Christ yet are they liars and the loue of Christ is not in them For who can beleeue that a traytor can loue his Prince Fourthly if we loue Christ Iesus 4. By our suffering for Christ we cannot endure to heare him blasphemed rayled on reuiled his word contemned or his Sabaoths prophaned but it will grieue vs at the very heart we will to the vtmost of our power defend his cause as a louing childe the cause of his father and a faithfull seruant the credit of his maister And withall it will make vs be content to indure some triall and persecution for his sake yea losse of libertie wealth riches yea life i●selfe who hath so loued vs that he shed his bloud for vs. Thus much of the affection of the Church towards Christ Iesus Now we are to come to the petitions themselues Shew thou mee O thou whom my soule loueth where thou feedest c. THe Church heere as in many other places of the holie Scriptures compares Christ Iesus to a good and faithfull shepheard as the Prophet Esay describes him Esay 40. He will gather together his Lambs And againe Behold Ezech. 34. I will require my flocke of the Shepheards and I my selfe will feede my sheepe and cause them to rest quietly This is acknowledged of the Prophet Dauid Psal 23.1 The Lord is my shepheard therefore I cannot want Yea Christ doth thus entitle himselfe saying Ioh. 10.11 I 〈◊〉 the good shepheard c. Now the Church of Christ doth put vp her request to this great Shepheard and Doctour of his Church that hee would be pleased to tell her where hee feedes his sheep with the preaching of the Word and the vse Of the Sacraments that so shee may ioyne with them there to be fed and comforted Quest But Obiect was not this the true Church that moueth this question what is then that other Church or flocke she enquires after Resp Ans I answere Howsoeuer the Church of God is but one in all the world yet it hath diuerse partes As the Ocean sea though but one yet it is called by diuers names according to the place where it lies Euen so the Church of Christ though but one yet it hath diuers parts as the Holy-Ghost distinguisheth of it Reuel 1.4 writing to the seuen Churches which are in Asia Now of the whole Church of Christ some parts of it be at peace and rest free from persecution when other partes may suffer persecutions molestations and be vexed by the Diuell and his instruments whom he sets a worke Now in this place the Church of God in persecution and great affliction desieth to know of Christ Where he feedes his sheepe that is where the Church is at rest and peace where the word is purely preached the Sacraments duly administred and Discipline duly performed that she may ioyne with them in the seruice of Almightie God From this request and earnest Doctr. 2 sute of the Church vnto Christ to know where he doth feed his sheepe wee learne that it is a true note of a sheepe of Christ Iesus The true note of a sheep of Christ to hunger and thirst after the word of God to hunger and thirst after the word of GOD to enquire where Christ feedes his flocke where the word is truely and faithfully preached and the Sacraments truelie administred And this doubt our Sauior him selfe obserueth to be the eare-marke of his sheepe Iohn 10.27 My sheepe heare my voyce and I know them and they follow
that our accounts must beginne before God himselfe wee must stand naked in his sight and who then can thinke to hide his sins from him Hee knoweth the heart and trieth the reines and his eyes are like a flame of fire Reuel 2. O how this should mooue euerie man and woman often to bethinke himselfe of this time when hee shall come to his accompt euen before the eternall God who cannot be deceiued nor bribed If a malefactor come before the Iudge that is guiltie of treason or murder how hee quakes to thinke of the terrour and seueritie of the Iudge hee is afraide and trembles to appeare in his presence How much more should we tremble and quake And how should hard-hearted sinners be at their wittes end to thinke they must come to stand before God to appeare at the barre of the euer-liuing and most mighty Iehoua who can cast both bodie and soule into hell fire O what secure and carelesse wretches are wee that are nothing mooued with these things to repent and to turne to God to leaue our foule and filthie sinnes And if a poore prisoner condemned should laugh and bee merrie would not all men thinke him to be a mad-man And shall not we be worse then madde-men if we neuer come to thinke of these things If a poore traueller that hath but one penny in his purse shal come to an Inne call for all manner of dainties and neuer thinke of the shotte would not all men thinke him madde and out of his wittes VVhat madnesse then is in euery one of vs all if in this our pilgrimage or trauaile on earth we spend our dayes in pleasure bathe our selues in sport and pastimes carking and caring for the things of this world and neuer to bethinke our selues as to say Alas what do I now I eate I drinke I carde I dice I take my pleasure and bathe my selfe in delight but woe is me I must com to iudgement I must giue my reckoning l I must stand before GOD one day and there giue an account O that we had hearts to thinke of this both young and old rich and poore Minister and people that wee must stand bellie-naked before God that wee must giue an account of all our sinnes to his Maiestie It would bridle vs and keep vs from many presumptuous sinnes which now we commit The end of the first Sermon The great Assize THE SECOND SERMON REVEL 20.12 c. 12 And I saw the dead both small and great stand before God and the Bookes were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were iudged of those things which were written in the books according to their works WEe haue heard alreadie the person of the Iudge described vnto vs with what vnspeakable maiestie and glorie he shall come to the great comfort of the godly and also with what wonderfull terror he will come to the great terror of the wicked Secondly wee haue heere who shall be cited to appeare Both great and small 1. Thes 1.8 al must appeare Now follows in the third place the most speciall and principall matter of all namely after what manner all men shall be iudged in these words And the bookes were-opened c. We see that earthlie Iudges are brought vnto the Bench with great attendance They being set the prisoners are brought forth and are called ouer one by one and their matters are heard and witnesses produced and so according to their faults they receiue iudgement Euen so at this great day of the Lord Christ Iesus shall come with a thousand of Angels and before him shall stand all men and women Both great and small And then shal the Books be brought forth Indeed we see when an earthly iudge sits on the Bench it holds a long time to trie causes such witnesses and such euidences must be produced But it shall not be so at the last day for when all men shall stand at the barre of Christs iudgement they shal then be iudged according to the written Records euen according to the Bookes for they shall then be opened Books wha● is meant by them Now if you would know what these Bookes bee it is easie to know for they be euen the particular conscience of euery man and woman thy conscience is the booke that shall be opened and that shall be as good as ten thousand witnesses either to excuse or accuse thee before God For there shall neede no other witnesse no other euidence against vs at the last but our own conscience For as God hath his Booke of infinite Knowledge whereby he knoweth the sinnes of all men and women as certainly as if they were written in a booke and though men forget them yet the Lord remembreth them So hee hath giuen vnto euerie man and woman a booke their owne conscience wherein are written all our thoughts words and deedes so as none shall escape And the Bookes are two the Booke of the Law and the Book of Conscience the one shewing a man what he should doe the other what he hath done Against the booke of the Law none shall be able to except For the commandements of the Lord are pure and righteous altogether Psal 19.9 And as for the booke of Conscience who can deny it or except against it seeing the Lord will now iudge a man not by another mans Conscience but by his owne the which he hath alwayes had in his owne keeping euen in his owne bosome Now seeing heere what is meant by these bookes namely euery mans particular Conscience let vs come to search what bee the things written in this booke and first what vse we are to make vnto our selues from this Euery mans booke shall be opened c. First in these books are written euerie thought of our heart In the Bookes of our cons●ince is written Our 〈…〉 none so secret or so close but it is here recorded Secondly euerie speech and word of our mouth Thirdly euery deed that men do Thou hast sealed vp all our sinnes in a bagge saith Iob to shew the exact kind of keeping of them against that day of account Surely if there be any thing in a man to be maruailed at I must needs confesse that this is a wonderfull worke of God that hee hath giuen to euery man and woman a Conscience which is like vnto a booke in which is recorded all our thoughts words and works A wicked man an vnchaste woman how many thousand vile filthy thoughts haue they in their mindes night and day their hearts burne in lust and in vncleannesse now they passe away to them they regard them not they make little or no account of them But alas they are all written in this Booke of thy conscience thy conscience markes them thy conscience writes them downe And if thou repent not of them and leaue them O woe to thy soule when these Bookes come to bee opened and read ouer
them all Thou canst not take one peece of golde or siluer with thee but all must bee left behinde Onelie thy conscience onelie thy bookes onelie thy workes must accompany thee O then what madnesse is this to seeke and hunt after such things as cannot helpe vs nor stand vs in no steade in the day of Iudgement Nay if they be got or kept with a badde conscience they will be a very terrour vnto thee at the last O then let vs looke to our selues let vs not set our hearts too much vppon these things which cannot profite vs in this hote fierie day of triall Why should wee bee so foolish to set our hearts vpon that cannot helpe vs nay which we must leaue behinde vs. And for faith that which might bee our comfort both in life and death and in the dreadfull day of Iudgement I meane a good Conscience which as it is a blessed and a sweete companion in life and death so it will be a blessed comfort to our poore Soules at the day of Iudgement O then I beseech you againe and againe seeing that nothing shall goe with you vnto iudgement but onely your works let vs lay aside our immoderate care for the world yea and the things of this world for these must stay behind vs and cannot helpe vs in the day of Iudgement Let vs labour for better things for durable treasures for a good conscience to abound in good workes in knowledge faith and repentance Let vs take heed wee be not found naked of these O what a woefull case are they in that haue nothing in the world to goe with them to iudgement but an euil heart a galled conscience full of all vncleanenes their state is most woefull and miserable it had beene good for them that they had neuer beene borne Here may a question be moued How this saying of Saint Iohn can stand with that of our Sauiour Iohn 3.18 He that beleeueth shall not come into iudgement but he that beleeueth not is condemned alreadie Now then if the faithfull children of God shall not come into iudgement and the wicked vnbeleeuers be condemned already How saith he that all shal be iudged at the day of Iudgement I answere it is true that the faithfull children of God shall not come into Iudgement that is of condemnation Rom. 8.1 For there is no condemnation c. But God wil pronounce that blessed sentence Come yee blessed c. As for the wicked it is true they be condemned already first in the Decree and Councell of God being Reprobates and Cast-awayes secondly in the word of GOD thirdly in their owne conscience they be condemned already But the full manifestation of this Sentence shall not bee vntill the day of Iudgement And so we are to vnderstand that saying of Salomon Eccles 3. God shal iudge the iust and vniust The iust to saluation the vniust to condemnation Now the third point that I propounded is the touch-stone of this Triall whereby all mens thoughts words and workes shall be tryed To this S. Paul answereth At the day of Iudgement God shall iudge the secrets of all mens hearts by my Gospel Rom. 1.16 Our thoughts our words and our workes must be tryed by the word of God and that thought word or worke which is not according to the written VVord of GOD is an euill thought a vile word and a wicked worke Vse Seeing that all our thoughts wordes and workes must bee tryed and examined by the written word of God by the Lawe and by the Gospell wee haue neede to labour to know them to bee acquainted with them that wee might know what is sin and not sinne good and bad that so wee may leaue the one and doe the other Oh what a woefull case are all they in which are ignorant in the word of God blinde men and vvomen without knowledge they know not what is good or euill And therefore saith the Apostle Paul 2. Thess 1. That the Lord Iesus will come in a flame of fire to render vengeance to them which know him not and obey not the Gospel of Iesus Christ And therefore as you doe loue your soules loue this word of God labour to know it embrace it If thou be ignorant of it and yeelde not obedience vnto it it shall stand against thee at the daie of Iudgement and thou must be tryed by it Therefore let vs all labour to be instructed in it to reade it to remember it and to leade our liues by it For whatsoeuer is done contrarie to it is sinne it must come to iudgement and the Word will condemne it 13 And the sea gaue vp her dead which were in her and death and hell deliuered vp the dead which were in them and they were iudged euery man according to their workes YOV heard in the twelfth Verse immediately going before how Saint Iohn saw the dead both great and small stand before GOD that is all men and women that euer liued or shall liue vnto the end of the world Now heere might a question arise How this can bee How is it possible that all men should come to Iudgement There haue beene many thousands which haue beene drowned in the Sea and the fishes haue deuoured them some haue beene slaine in the field and the fowles haue eaten their flesh and many haue been burnt and consumed to ashes Then it is a very high poynt a matter beyond all reason that all the dead should rise againe Men that haue beene drowned fishes haue eaten them men againe perhaps haue eaten the fishes and they that haue beene burnt to ashes their ashes haue beene scattered who knoweth whither How then is it possible for them to arise againe Indeed the profane Atheists and filthy epicures are not ashamed ●o say that there shall be no resurrection but when a man dies there is an end of all his ioy and of all his miserie But that the dead shall rise againe is an Article of our Faith We beleeue the resurrection of the dead And so wee know it is a speciall point of Gods glory in mercie to reward his poore children and in punishing in iudgement the wicked and vngodly But as Salomon saith In this Life all things happen alike to the iust and vniust Nay oftentimes Diues is full and at ease when Lazarus is empty and in misery How then should God bee iust if hee should suffer his poore children that loue and feare his Name heere to liue in miserie and neuer to reward them Or again how should God be iust if hee should suffer the wicked and vngodlie heere to liue at ease if there were not a time when they should taste of vengeance Therefore they must come to Iudgement they must rise againe the godlie to bee made partakers of life and ioy and the wicked of shame and confusion Iob saith in his nineteenth chapter That though the wormes did eate his flesh yet hee should beholde God with his eyes And
as for wicked and vngodly sinners that liue in sinne delight in sin that haue no part in the first resurrection their case is wofull they be subiect to the secōd that is eternall death and damnation for if ye liue after the flesh Rom. 6.8 ye shall die And therefore deceiue not your selues as many do which thinke if they come to Church heare the word receiue the Sacraments all is well they hope God will be mercifull to them they hope they shall not bee damned Well marke what I say thou maist come to church duly thou maist heare the word of God as long as thou liuest thou maiest receiue the Sacrament as often as thou wilt but if thou haue not thy part in the first resurrection that is vnlesse thou liue a godly life vnlesse thou mortifie thy filthy sinnes and vngodly desires vnlesse thou become a new creature surely surely thy estate is lamētable and thy part is in the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death And therfore let no man deceiue himselfe and sooth himselfe because he heares the Word professes the Gospel receiues the Sacramēt that therfore he is well enough No no though thou heare neuer so much if thou liue in sin in swearing drunkennesse c. thy estate is as wofull as before because thou art not freed from the second death And marke this difference The children of God haue two resurrections and one death they rise from sinne in this life to newnesse and holinesse of life and they rise at the last day to eternall life in Heauen and therefore truely blessed But alas gracelesse and godlesse sinners that haue two deaths and but one resurrection they die in sinne here they are dead in sin and delight in sinne heere and so they die the first death of the body and eternall death the second death of body and soule in hell And as they neuer had part in the first resurrection so the second resurrection is onelie to iudgement to death and to damnation And therefore if you would liue when you bee dead you must die to sin whiles you be aliue Only the penitent sinners shal liue for euer in eternal life onely those which die to sinne shall escape the second death But the impenitent sinner that liues and delights in sinne here he shall die for his sinnes eternally nay hee shall neuer taste of the life to come But as hee would not labour to haue his part in the first resurrection so he shall be sure to haue his portion in the second death which is so fearefull a thing that it might make euen flintie hearts to breake in peeces to lie in fire burning for euer without anie ease or end O let vs looke vnto it and liue a godly life and labour to haue part in the first resurrection and then shall the second death doe vs no harme but wee shall liue for euer in heauen with God 15 And whosoeuer was not found written in the Book of life was cast into the lake of fire THE former verse did shew to vs the execution of the last Iudgement vpon all wicked and vngodly sinners and of that we spoke the last time Now in this Verse wee may obserue the different estate of the children of God and of the wicked for as there bee but two sortes of men Good and Bad Elect and Reprobate Penitent and Impenitent the children of GOD and the limbes of Sathan So there bee but two places Heauen and Hell Ioy and Paine the Right hand and the left and the reward shall be according either Blessed or Cursed for so Saint Iohn saith heere The Elect shall haue eternall life But they that be Reprobates shall be cast into the lake of fire First concerning the Elect and those that be chosen in Iesus Christ and whose names be written in Heauen As their liues do differ from the wicked and vngodly so their estate after this life is farre different for they shall be blessed for euer And if you do aske what is this Blessednesse that all the Elect shall haue I answere with Paul 1. Cor. 29. The eye of man neuer saw it nor it neuer entred into the heart of man to conceiue the hundreth part of this happines yet we may out of the word of God gather some taste of it as it is described vnto vs in the word of God And first formost this blessed state of the godly at the last day stands in this That God shall be all in all vnto vs what good thing soeuer the heart of man can wish 1. Cor. 15.28 that will God be vnto vs. If thou desire wealth why GOD will be it vnto thee If honour or pleasure why Almighty God wil be all in all vnto vs nay euery childe of God shall haue a kingdome Matth. 25. come yee blessed c. Reue. 21. Secondly in the Kingdome of Heauen there shall bee no wants for wee shall bee freed from all sinne and all wants in body and soule shall be supplied And though now wee see God but in part yet then wee shall behold him face to face 1. Cor. 15.28 to our eternall comfort we shal euermore liue in his blessed presence Iohn 17.3 Reuel 21. Psa 17.15 Reu. 22.3 and reigne with him for euer Thirdly all the Elect shall be like vnto Christ Iesus so saith Paul Phil. 3.2.1 Hee shall change our vile bodies make them like his glorious body Christ was most holy pure incorruptible and glorious euen so shall wee be we shall be for euer freed from both sinne Sathan death and hell Fourthly in heauen we shall reape endlesse ioy and happinesse Psal 16.11 and shall delight in praysing of God for euer so as wee shall keepe a perpetuall Sabboth and rest in the seruice and worship of God for euer And this shall be done to all which feare GOD and whose names bee vvritten in the Booke of Life O then cursed be these men and women which thinke Vse and say Matt. 3.14 It is in vaine to serue the LORD O no then men shall know it is not in vaine to serue the Lord Nay God will put a difference betweene them that serue him and serue him not And this should encourage all men to labour to abound in all holy duties seeing God will reward euen the least worke of faith If thou giue but a cup of cold water in the name of Christ verily thou shalt not loose thy reward Though our workes cannot merite yet hee will in mercy for Christs sake thus Crowne the good workes of his children And seeing a few shall be saued ô let vs labour to be of the little Flocke let vs aboue all things seeke this Kingdome of God If thou winne this thou art happy and blessed though thou loose all the world besides And if thou loose it thou art miserable wretched though thou winne the whole world O then what mad men are we if
his wife hath made herselfe ready Reu. 19.7 So then this booke containes in it the wonderfull loue and mutual affection betwixt Christ Iesus and his Spouse the true Church of GOD and euerie true beleeuer Thus much may serue touching the book it self we will now come to the words of the Text. Shew thou me O thou whom my soule loueth c. IN the beginning of this chapter the Church beginneth to speake to Christ and being rauished in heart with his Loue desires most earnestly to be embraced of him that shee might be ioyned vnto him and haue fellowship with him preferring Christ Iesus with the blessings and benefites she reapeth by him before all other things in the world In the third Verse shee confesseth her vntowardnesse and her want of power to embrace Christ and therefore she desireth him to draw her heart by his Word and Spirit whereby shee sheweth her earnest desire to receiue Iesus Christ Verse 4. She remoues an obiection that might be made for it might be said Alas thou art black and deformed how canst thou then hope that hee will take any pleasure in thy beauty seeing that hee is the most pure blessed and glorious Son of God To this she confesseth that though by Nature shee be blacke ful of blemishes and naturall corruptions by reason of her originall sinne and naturall corruptions as also her actuall transgressions yet notwithstanding being washed in Christs Bloud cloathed in his Righteousnesse and being decked and beautified vvith the Graces of his Spirit Knowledge Faith Repentance Zeale Patience Loue Obedience c. shee is faire and comely Now in the sixt Verse shee puts vp an earnest request vnto Christ that he would in mercie shew her where hee feedeth his Flocke and where he prouides comfort for them in the time of trouble For Christ being the great Sheepheard his Church on earth seekes onely after him to be fedde resting assured that there is but one true shepheard who feedeth all his Sheep with wholesome pasture In these two Verses we haue two things to be considered of vs Viz. 1 The Request and Petition the which the Church doth make vnto Christ Verse 6. The Tex● diuided 2 The most kinde and louing answere of Christ Iesus vnto his Church directing her and comforting her according to her Petition Verse 7. In the first of these wee are to consider two things First the Request and secondly the reason of the Request In the Request note First the person to whom she resorts Oh thou whom c. Secondly the Request it selfe which is twofo●d First that Christ Iesus would shew her where he feeds his Flocke with his holy Word Sacraments to this end that hee would feede her as he fed the Flockes of former times Secondly where hee prouides shelter and shadow in the heate of persecution as the manner of those Shepheards was in those hot countries to driue their sheepe to shade in the heate of the day And lastly the Reason For why should I bee as shee that turneth aside after the Flockes of thy companions So that if CHRIST doe it not it will not bee for His honour nor yet for her good The person vnto whom the Church seekes for direction First for the Person to whom shee seeketh for direction and comfort it is CHRIST IESVS the Sauiour and Redeemer of his church and people whom shee describeth thus Oh thou whom my soule loueth c. q. d. O Lord IESVS CHRIST my Sauiour and Redeemer whom I loue with all mine heart yea whom I loue most earnestly aboue all the world So as if the question were asked what I loue best in all the world I speake it from my heart It is thou Lord alone Doctr. 1 Christ Iesus must be loued with the stFaida Hamdiongest affection of loue Hence wee learne with what affection euery childe of God and true beleeuer must loue IESVS CHRIST namely with the greatest and strongest affection of loue they can So as if it were asked what or whom dost thou loue most thou canst truely say with the Church here the Lord Iesus CHRIST O thou whom my soule loueth So did S. Peter whose loue was so great that he died for CHRIST So that hee might verie well say to Christ when hee asked him this question Whether he did loue him or no Yea Lord Iohn 21.15 thou knowest that I loue thee The like is to be seene in Marie whose loue was so great to Christ that in testimonie thereof shee washed his feet with her teares and wiped them with the haires of her head So that CHRIST giues this testimonie of her to her euerlasting praise Luke 7.47 That shee loued much So doth the Church and Spouse of CHRIST testifie her loue to Christ in diuers places of this most worthy book calling CHRIST IESVS her Beloued Cant. 2.10 My beloued spake and said c. And againe Stay mee with Flaggons and comfort mee with Apples for I am sicke of loue Cant. 2.5 Yea it is a Precept giuen by the Lord God himselfe that hee must haue the chiefest loue and the first roome in our hearts Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with al thy soule with all thy strength Deut. 6.5 The Lord will not be satisfied with the loue of our eyes to behold his workes the loue of the eare to listen to his word the loue of the tongue to talke of him the loue of the feet to go to his Sanctuary but the Lord doth require all these loues together in one So as a man may truely say with Dauid the prophet Psal 83.25 Whom haue I in heauen but thee And 〈◊〉 desire nothing in earth in comparison of thee The Lord cannot abide that a man should haue a heart and a heart one for God another for the Diuell We can not serue God and Mammon Mat. 6.24 wee must not part our loue to the world the Flesh or the Diuell but Christ must haue all Now the reasons are diuerse to shew with what an ardent affection wee must loue CHRIST IESVS First because he is our Husband Reason 1 and wee are his Spouse for so saith the Prophet Esay Esay 54.5 Hee that made thee is thy Husband whose name is the Lord of Hoasts And agayne Reu. 19.7 Let vs reioyce and giue glorie to him for the Marriage of the Lambe is come and his wife hath made her selfe ready Now our Spirituall seruice and worship of God is as it were a certaine Marriage of our soules vnto God When wee take vpon vs the profession of Christ Iesus as in Baptisme then wee betroth our selues to Christ as to an husbād entring into couenant with CHRIST To keepe vs onely to him vnto our liues end So then by this meanes the Lord is become our husband we his Spouse Now then as an honest man can not endure that another man should haue a portion in his wife so will not
labour to be approued for the Sheepe of Christ 2 Papists Secondly the Papists which barre the people from the preaching of the Word and keepe them in miserable ignorance and blindnesse And all others which seeke by all meanes possible to hinder CHRISTS sheep from endeuoring to be taught which otherwise would enquire Where Christ feedeth his Sheepe where the Word is truely preached and taught and the Sacraments duly administred These are like the Scribes and Pharises Who shut vp the Kingdome of heauen that will not enter themselues nor suffer them that would Oh what sacrilege doth that adulterous church of Rome commit that take from the people the key of Knowledge yea and nuzzle them in ignorance teaching that it is sufficient to beleeue as the Church doth beleeue Rom. 12.2 Phil. 1.10 Whereas the Scriptures do require of all men the spirit of discerning Eph. 5.15 Try the Spirits whether they be of God that so they may allow of those things that are good and bee without offence vntill the day of Christ otherwise if they follow their false teachers they are sure to perish Mat. 15.14 For when the blinde leade the blinde they both fall into the pit of destruction 3 Carnall Protestāts Thirdly all carnall Protestants and secure worldlings who although they do enquire where they may buie a good bargaine or get a good purchase and labour for that yet neuer inquire where Christ feeds his Sheep Oh it is a wonder to see how men do couet plesures profites and preferments these they seeke for with might and maine But for the Ministerie of the Word to haue it truely taught them that their soules may be saued this they esteeme not they looke not after it Surely by this they declare to the whole world that they are none of Christs sheepe For if they were They would heare his voyce and follow him Iohn 10.27 Seeing the true Church of Doctr. 3 God doth heere seeke to Christ IESVS to be taught and directed The Church of God doth acknowledge Iesus Christ for her chiefe shepheard we learne that it is the dutie of the true Church of God to acknowledge Christ Iesus alone for their great Pastor and Shepheard the onely Head and chiefe Doctor of his Church and therfore to be ruled by him and his Word alone to be content to be ledde and guided by this great Pastor and Shepherd of the Church as in Iohn 10.28 I am the True Shepheard and doe know my Sheepe and am knowne of mine This is acknowledged by Peter in the behalfe of all the Disciples Iohn 6.68 Maister to whom shall we goe Thou hast the words of eternal life And CHRIST hath promised to be present with his Church Euen to the end of the world Eph. 2.22 Colos 2.19 Matth. 28. And agayne hee saith that Where two or three are gathered together in my name I will be in the middest amongest them Now the duety of Christ this great Shepheard it standeth in two things First to gouerne his Church prescribing vnto them Lawes binding the consciences of all his Members And secondly by his grace to quicken and to put a spirituall life into them So that they shall be able to say That they liue not but CHRIST in them Reason And the reason is to be marked and considered which serue likewise for the confirmation of this point of Doctrine vnto vs is because the worke of saluation is wholy and onely wrought by him and no part thereof is reserued to any creature as the Apostle witnesses when hee saith That amongst men there is no other name giuen vnder heauen whereby wee may bee saued but onely by Iesus Christ And the Authour of the Epistle to the Hebrewes witnesseth the same thing when he saith that hee is able perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him This condemnes the Church Vse 1 of Rome as no true Church of God First because they will not content themselues with Christ Iesus to bee their great Pastor and general Shepheard but they haue set vp the Pope his Vicar and matched him yea preferred him before Iesus Christ Nay they will not bee content with that pasture which Christ alloweth for his Sheepe the greene pastures of his holie Word and cleare streames of his blessed Gospell but they will feede on the filthie Trash and dirty Drugs of their owne deuising the fond and foolish deuices inuentions and traditions of men of their Popes Cardinalls So as they declare to the world they are no sheep of CHRIST In that they will not heare his voyce and follow him Iohn 10.17 nor be content with the foode hee hath prepared for them but feede on the filthy and foule pudles of mans traditions Vse 2 This may serue to admonish all the faithfull Ministers of Iesus Christ which stand in Christs steed That they teach nothing but the truth of God wholesome doctrine not their owne deuices and dreames but that which they perswade themselues Christ would speake if hee were present So on the contrary part you that are the hearers must content your selues with the Pastures of Gods Word the plaine and the pure Preaching of the word of God and not to bee carried away to listen after strange Sheepheards that teach erroneous doctrine that may corrupt or the deuices of man which may tickle the eare and not worke grace in the heart And such are the vile Doctrines of the Church of Rome which will rather bane and poyson mens soules then edifie them as their doctrine of Merites Inuocation of Saints praying for the Dead and a thousand the like The which because they haue no footing in Gods word are here condemned as no wholesome pasture for Gods sheep to feed vpon Thus much for the Churches first request The second followeth And where thou causest them to lie downe at Noone FOr the better vnderstanding of these VVordes we must know how that it was the manner of the Shepheards in those hote Countries to driue their sheep to the pasture in the morning and after when the Sunne waxed hote to driue them to the water and at noone to carry them to some shadow where they might rest in the heate of the day lest they should bee annoyed with the scorching heate and beames of the Sunne So heere the Church of God and the Spouse of Christ compares Christ to a faithfull and true Shepheard and intreates him to tell her where hee doth cause his Flocke that is his faithfull people to finde shelter and comfort in the heate of persecution when the Sunne is hottest at Noone day that is in the greatest and hottest persecution of the Church of God in the most dangerous and troublesome trials and times of great extreamitie which is heere meant by Noone day when the Sunne is most hote and scorching according to that of our Sauiour speaking of one sort of euill hearers And when the Sunne was vp Mat. 13.6 and v. 21. they
Dauid behaued himself in all his extremities flying vnto God as a sure refuge Psa 91.2.3 I will say to the Lord O my hope my fortresse He is my God in him will I trust Hee will deliuer mee from the snare of the Hunter and from the noysome pestilence His eares are alwaies open to the cries of his children hee putteth their teares into his bottle So long therefore as we haue a voyce to call vpon GOD or a heart to sigh and groane vnto him wee haue comfort and assurance to be deliuered and that hee will not leaue vs nor forsake vs in danger Vse 2 Heere is matter of endlesse comfort vnto the Church and children of God that we know that the Lord Iesus Christ promiseth that hee will prouide a Lair for vs a place of comfort and refreshing a shadow euen at Noone day in the heate of bloudy persecutions Many indeed are our infirmities feares cares sorrowes and troubles yet in middest of them all the childe of God may say with the Prophet Why art thou cast downe O my soule and why art thou so disquieted within me O waite on God for I wil yet giue him thanks He is my present help and my God Psal 42.5 O then let vs be constant let vs comfort our selues in Christ Iesus let vs not for feare or danger deny CHRIST and his Gospell for CHRIST will be a shelter vnto vs to refresh vs and deliuer vs. This sheweth the most wofull Vse 3 and desperate estate of all wicked and vngodly men who being out of Gods fauour not beleeuing in Christ nor repenting of their sinnes in time of persecution when the Sunne waxeth hote Alas they shall not know where to hide their heads for they shall finde no shelter nor comfort nor no place of refuge For Christ is a shelter onely to them that beleeue in him and obey him And therefore thou which art a wicked man an impenitent sinner a prophane person Alas what wilt thou doe and which way wilt thou turne thee in the time of trouble and calamitie when the Sunne waxeth hote in the heate of persecution and scorching triall Whither then wilt thou runne for shelter Alas thou shalt then be as a mad beast which in the heate of the day runnes vp and downe and findeth no couert So shall all wicked and impenitent sinners haue no place of succour but lie open to all GODS iudgements be scorched Ezec. 9.4 yea euen consumed with the fire of Gods displeasure when the righteous those which are in Christ Iesus shall finde shelter Now followeth the Reason which shee vseth to moue the Lord Iesus Christ to graunt her request The churches reason of her request taken from the great perill and danger shee was like to fall into Namely lest being left without his direction and comfort shee be constrayned to Turne aside to the Flocks of the companions that is to say to leaue the true church and worship of God and ioine with the false church to commit idolatrie called heere the Flockes of the companions Not for that they are eyther Christ his companions or the companions of his church and people but because they account themselues so yea they thinke and call themselues CHRISTS companions And if this thing should come to passe through want of Christs assistance to direct her and to comfort her in persecution then it shall not bee for his honour not her good This is the summe and substance of her Reason Doctr. 5 Hence we are taught that it is altogether impossible for men and women It is altogether impossible for men to hold out in time of triall that are not assisted by God euer to stand out in the brunt of persecution vnlesse they be taught of God and comforted by his Spirite And hence it is that the Prophet Dauid a man after Gods owne Heart and indued with a singular portion of GODS Spirit doth earnestly begge and craue at Gods hand the enlightning of Gods Spirit and desireth to be taught of him Open mine eyes that I may see the wondrous things of thy Law Psal 119.8 And againe 27.34.73 Teach me thy Statutes And againe Make mee to vnderstand the way of thy Precepts c. Yea CHRIST tells the Iewes which murmured against him because he said that no man could come to him vnlesse his Father drew him that all the Elect are taught of God Ioh. 6.45 And this made Paul to pray for the Ephesians ch 1.17 that God would giue them the Spirit of Wisedome and to enlighten their mindes that they might know what is the hope of their calling and what the riches are of his glorious inheritance A notable direction vnto all sorts of men how to behaue themselues when they shall come into the house of God namely not to rest on any naturall gift whatsoeuer it be wisedome learning wit memory c. For the wisedome of the flesh is enmitie with God Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 1.21 But to goe out of our selues and to seek the Lord in humility and denial of them selues and then the Lord will giue vs a discerning spirit that we shall not be deceiued If any man saith Christ will doe my Fathers will he shall know of the Doctrine whether it be of GOD Iohn 7.17 And againe Christ promiseth his Disciples being now to leaue them and to go to his Father that the Spirit of Trueth should leade them into all truth Reasons And the reasons are First wee are all blinde and by nature can hardly see into the truth vnlesse Christ direct vs by his Spirit for so saith Salomon Prou. 14.12 The waies that seeme right vnto vs the issues thereof are the wayes of death It is a part of our misery that we are turned euery one vnto his own way Esay 53.6 Secondly when we know it Alas wee are of our selues so weake and flesh and bloud will bee so vnwilling to suffer for Christ his sake that vnlesse the Lord do assist vs we shal not be able to vndergo the least temptation that shal be laid vpon vs. And lastly the enemies of Gods truth are in their generation so wise and so subtile coming vnto vs in Sheeps clothing to deceiue vs that of our selues we shall easily be drawne away to beleeue lies In all these respects we may safely conclude the former Doctrine that it is impossible for vs to holde out in the day of triall vnlesse wee be assisted by the LORDS holie spirit Vse 1 This sheweth that if tryall do come and persecution shall arise for CHRISTS sake and the Gospells sake Alas most men would yeeld to any Religion to Popery Idolatry Superstition to the flockes of the companions to the church of Rome to flatte Idolatry For alas they know not the trueth They are not taught of GOD They bee blinde and ignorant and will easily beleeue and embrace any Religion Vse 2 This must stirre vp euery true christian man and woman to