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A89585 The sinne of hardnesse of heart: the nature, danger, and remedy of it. Opened in a sermon, preached to the Honorable House of Commons, July 28. 1648. being the day of their solemne monethly fast. By Stephen Marshall, B.D. minister of Gods Word at Finchingfield in Essex. Published by order of that House. Marshall, Stephen, 1594?-1655. 1648 (1648) Wing M783; Thomason E455_3; ESTC R204198 29,752 46

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This in generall but More particularly there are three sinnes that you must take marvelous heed of if you would not be harden'd the one is The sinne of unbeleefe that which brought all the Israelites to their hardnesse in the Wildernesse you have it in the third of the Hebrewes If yee will heare my voyce harden not your hearts as your fathers did in the Wildernesse but how came they to be hardned the holy Ghost tells you the spring of it in the 16. and 18. Verses for some when they had heard the word provoked him even they that beleeved not they would not beleeve God and so they grew harden'd therefore the Apostle exhorts in the same place to take heed that there be not an evill heart of unbeleefe when the Israelites were in the Wildernesse God had made them many promises but they did not see them accomplished hee had made many threatnings and they did not alwayes presently light upon them and because they saw not Gods word presently fulfilled therefore they beleeved not and because they did not beleeve and rest upon Gods word therefore their hearts grew hard senselesse carelesse and bold in sinne and then Pride and high thoughts of our selves are wonderfull hardning evills nothing upon earth makes a man so desperate in the wayes of sinne as self-conceitednesse and therefore in the Scripture very often the Bullocks stiffe neck and a proud heart signifie one and the same thing Lift not up your hornes on high speak not with a stiffe neck you have a notable example in the 43. of Ieremiah of men who obstinately would go into Egypt against the expresse word of God and in the 44. Chapter they said they would do that which was good in their own eyes but who were they the Prophet tells us they were all the proud men And thirdly Hypoctiticall and formall attending upon ordinances without attaining the inward power is one of the greatest hardners in the world you see it in these of my Text what was it harden'd them all these threescore and ten yeeres nothing more then their monethly Fasts their frequent Fasts and their daily prayings to God The stubborne hardned and impudent harlot you read of Prov. 7. what was it made her so bold in her filthinesse that shee will take her fill of love till the morning why this secured her I have had my peace-offerings this day and paid my vowes I have had a day of Fast or a day of thanksgiving attended upon ordinances so when men doe performe ordinary holy duties and rest in the shell of them they lick themselves whole with them though I live in such a sinne yet I pray I reade so many Chapters every day I keepe the Fast as constantly as any man I goe to Church this hardens the heart in a way of sinne this is the first direction beware that you bee not couzened into hardnesse by the deceit of sinne secondly another meanes to prevent hardnesse is To beware of the abuse of Gods patience bounty The wretched heart of man being prone to be bold in sinne by nature is made more bold when it observes God lets men alone to take liberty to sin against him Solomon expresses this cleerly in the eighth of Ecclesiastes Vers 11. Because saith hee sentence against an evill one is not presently executed God spares him what then Therefore the heart of the sonnes of men is fully set in them to doe evill resolutely set to goe on in a way of sinne because they see that others scape well enough as the Souldier when hee first goes into the battle while he is a fresh water Souldier hee feares and trembles and dares not be where he heares the bullets whizze about but hee comes off safe and it may bee of 1000. men not 100. kill'd then hee growes bold the next time and in time dare goe upon the Canons mouth and so Mariners at Sea at first quake but when they come off storme after storme they thinke they shall come off still so the wretched heart of man observing Gods patience and indulgence towards sinfull men takes libertie to goe on and concludes with that wretched man Deut. 29. who blesseth himselfe and saith I shall have peace though I walk after the lusts of my owne heart adding drunkennesse to thirst hee blesseth himselfe when God curseth him but for the Lords sake watch you against it for that is a wofull hardning when that that should bring a man to repentance hardens his heart and of such God protests hee will not spare them but the anger and jealousie of God shall smoak against him all the curses written in the booke of God shall light upon him And thirdly Beware of the examples of others the common multitude going on in any way of sinne especially when they that doe it are great men and it may bee some of them good men this imboldens men in their evill wayes it is a wonderfull meanes to make them harden'd in sin when they see the sin which they commit is common we are prone to thinke there is no danger in that which many men great men good men practise the abominable sinne of Sodome the sinne for which God destroyed Sodome they say there is no man almost in the Easterne Countries makes any conscience of it because it is a common sinne yet they make conscience of murder theft drunkennesse c. but because this is a common sinne they regard it not these things I commend unto you to prevent this sinne of hardning your hearts But suppose the soule be under it what is then to be done If thou beest under the sinne of hardnesse of heart I meane if hardnesse reigne in thee if thou bee come up to the heighth of it I have little hope to doe thee good yet many have very resolutely gone on and through Gods mercy have beene cured and there are two wayes to cure the stone in the heart as well as the stone in the bladder the one is To breake it the other is To dissolve it I shall onely point at them they cannot bee sufficiently handled in a little peece of a Sermon If thou would'st have the stone of thy heart broken then attend upon these three things the one is Study to bee convinced that this is thy condition search throughly and rest not untill thou say feelingly I here lies a stone indeed I am this harden'd wretch when the Leper was so farre convinced that he covers his lips and goes out and cries I am uncleane I am uncleane he was in the way to a cure so doe thou study to bee convinced Lord I am like an untamed heifer I am a hard hearted wretch my heart is set in me to mischiefe till the Lord convince thee of it there is no hope that any meanes will ever doe thee good Secondly The ordinances of God especially the preaching of
to God Gods argument prevailes with it and therefore is ordinarily expressed by having Gods Law written upon the fleshly Tables of their heart easily moulded to Gods will as much as its frailtie can attaine unto it saith Lord I am full of Rebellion full of distempers but I would not beare up armes against my God I would yeeld to him I would follow him if it bee thus with thee thou hast got the grace of the new Covenant most opposite to the most damnable sinne that can bee found amongst men oh forget not to blesse God daily for it The last and prinpall use I intend is For exhortation because this sinne of a hard heart is such a destroying sinne such a ruining sinne therefore I shall desire to give you some helpes how this great evill may bee prevented if wee be not yet come up to it how it may be cured if any of us lie under it And If the Lord have cured it how wee may bee preserved that wee doe not returne to it But first take a few motives to provoke you to labour and strive against this cursed evill of a hard heart I pray you consider in the first place Wee are all hard by nature not onely a Pharaoh a Senacherib or Iulian are hard hearted but we are all so naturally and that man that hath the stone by nature if hee bee not wonderfull carefull it will grow upon him our whole family are liable to the Stone saies one therefore I must bee wary I must looke to it and the rather looke to it because it is not an easie thing to get hardnesse out of a rock thy heart is a rock and if thou dost not look to it thou wilt not get hardnesse out of it it will grow upon thee and thou knowest not whither it may come in time Consider secondly That while thou art under the plague of a hard heart thou art under all the curses of God God hardens his against thee while thou hardnest thy heart against him none of all thy services are accepted thy person is rejected every thing is accursed all goes crosse to the soule that is harden'd before God Consider thirdly for I 'le but point at things All that God aimes at by all his dealings towards thee is but to bring thee upon thy knees that thou mayst not harden thy selfe against him why dost thou thinke hee brings thee to Church to heare why doth hee give thee leave to speake to him in prayer why doth hee visit thee with afflictions why doth hee powre upon thee so many mercies what doth every stroke thinke thou speake what doth every dispensation speake nothing but this remember the battle doe so no more rebell not against thy God stand not up against him when all that God aimes at is to give thee quarter termes articles of safetie and honour to thee doe not stand out to thy ruine Againe consider this If thou stand out it will certainly end ill I confesse the greatest Monarchs upon earth have sometimes met with their match but the Lord God never yet met with his match never any body that stood out against him that ever made him raise his siege if he hath once pitched downe before them it is in vaine some besieged have first eaten Horse flesh and afterwards eate Dogs and Cats before they would yeeld and sometime succour hath come but when all is done a breach will bee made on thee and thou wilt bee taken Gideon told the Princes of Succoth who refused his request when hee came backe hee would teare them with Briars and Thornes of the Wildernesse and he made his word good beleeve it God will teare thee with Briars and Thorns if thou yeeld not to him yet know for certaine If thou lay downe thy weapons and refuse standing out obstinately against God hee will bee cordially reconciled all quarrels will bee ended if once thou give over hardning thy heart against him his heart will be tender toward thee the Lord expresses it excellently in the 27. Chap. of Isaiah who would set Briars and Thornes in battle against mee what man would be so mad to set Briars and Thornes to fight with devouring fire well if they will doe it if they make that choice I shall goe thorough them and burne them up but saith hee rather let him lay hold upon my strength that hee may make peace and hee shall make peace with me fury is not in me though thou hast hitherto harden'd thy selfe against him hee is yet to bee wonne mercy may yet be found lay hold upon his strength say unto him Lord here I lay downe my weapons I have been a wretch a rebell I have sinned I am guilty but I come with my halter about my neck hee will make peace hee will grant thee very honorable quarter Elihu sets forth this notably in Iob 33. after God hath battered the strong holds of a sinner by preaching by visions by dreames by corrections and judgements to withdraw man from his sinfull purposes yet if when hee is ready to perish when his soule drawes nigh to destruction hee will but yeeld and call for an interpreter one of a thousand to shew him righteousnesse Then will God bee gratious to him and deliver him from going downe to the pit To prevent this killing sinne if as yet thou bee not under the dominion of it First Beware lest yee be harden'd through the deceitfulnesse of sinne marke yee there is a deceitfulnesse in sinne that will harden men before they are aware many a man thinkes thus shall I heare armes against God God forbid I had rather bee struck dead from heaven with a thunderbolt then ever harden my heart against God this is his thought but sinne cozens him into it hee is cheated into it as in our civill troubles many a man is wrapped into an engagement that if hee saw the bottome of it he would die before ever hee would yeeld to it but when hee is once in hee knowes not how to get out so is it here but beware that sinne doe not cozen and harden you through its deceitfulnesse though wee are all hard yet this killing hardnesse comes on by degrees and the first thing that lets it in is the pleasure that sinne brings to the soule the bewitching pleasure of it and then a mans thoughts are onely to give himselfe content but meanes no hurt against God little thinkes that hee begins to fight against God but the pleasure of his sinne hath bewitched him and then that pleasure brings him to repeat it againe and againe and so to come to a custome of it and afterwards to defend it and then in the end to come to a direct opposition of what ever would take him off from it thus men are intangled by the deceitfulnesse of it watch therefore against all the alluring baites of that sinfull flesh that dwells in thee
contempt of their Embassage one That the Lord tooke no notice of any such thing Did you fast to me saith he you speake of dayes of fasting that you have kept 70. yeers did you fast to mee Did I either appoint them or doe I accept them or have you carried them as you should doe the meaning is you play the hypocrites with mee you would make a great deale adoe about a solemne Embassage to have a case of conscience determin'd which is first but a ceremony at the best and besides it is a ceremony of your own inventing and in it you have howled and mourned for your afflictions but never tooke notice of your sinnes that have caused those judgements to come upon you you fasted sometimes and feasted sometimes but when you have fasted you fasted not to me when you did eate and drink you did eate and drinke to your selves and not to mee that is the first a slighting of it as a keeping a coile about a trifle when there were greater matters concerned them which they regarded not The second branch of the Prophets answer containes the true reason why all this fasting of theirs was thus slighted by God that is laid downe First More generally in the 6. Verse wherein the Prophet gives them a sound and a sharpe reproof you have wept and mourned but should not you rather have took notice of the words which the Lord did send by the Prophets should ye not heare the words that the Prophets cried in former times when Ierusalem was inhabited and the Cities thereof round about her there you might have learned the true way but that you have no whit regarded you cry for your afflictions but you are not one whit sensible of those sinnes that have caused these judgements upon you That is the generall then secondly Hee proceeds more particularly to open this Ulcer of their hypocrisie and three things there are which he remembers them of First The Lord remembers them of the counsell that had been given them and their Fathers how to remove the plagues that lay upon them saith hee Thus speaks the Lord of hosts in the 9. Verse execute true judgement and justice shew mercy and compassion every man to his brother oppresse not the widow the fatherlesse nor the stranger let none of you imagine evill against his brother in his heart this was the counsell which of old was given how the ruine of Ierusalem might have been prevented the exercise of justice and the exercise of mercy indeed the Prophet there instances onely in two Table duties but I thinke the reason is because the Jewes were alwayes very exact in matters of Gods worship save onely when they fell into Idolatry and they bore themselves much upon the duties of the first Table and it is Gods ordinary practise when hee would discover the hypocrisie of men that are much in holy duties to fall upon the duties of the second Table wherein they ordinarily are carelesse so the Prophet tells them that had they walked after this manner this wrath had never come upon them but now which is the second See what disobedience they shewed to this and this disobedience is laid downe in the 11. 12. Verses and aggravated from the worst qualitie that disobedience can be accompanied with that is wilfulnesse and obstinacy and this wilfull and obstinate disobedience of theirs is laid down in foure Metaphors but all of them signifying one and the same thing onely the three first doe most immediatly signifie the outward expressions of their disobedience and the fourth which is the root of all discovers the very fountaine whence all their disobedience did spring First saith he They refused to hearken they were like to a man that when you would doe an errand to him flings away from you and saith plainly hee will not heare what you say Secondly They pull away their shoulder alluding unto a Beast a Bullock that when you would put the yoke upon it it snatches the shoulder away and refuses to bee yok'd by you nay saith he They stopped their eares alluding to Adder that they say of it it laies one eare against the ground and stops the other eare with the taile that it may not be charmed or like unto those that when they would plainly let you see how much they slight what you say to them put their finger in their eares that all may take notice they will not regard you But then fourthly which is the theame that I purpose to handle by the Lords assistance Here is the cause of all that is they made their hearts like an Adamant stone yea saith hee they made their hearts like an Adamant stone that they might not heare the Word that God hath spoken then followes the third branch the fruit of their disobedience therefore all this wrath is come upon them In these words here are two things to bee handled First The sinne that this people were guilty of in these words they made their hearts like an Adamant stone that they might not heare the word Secondly The judgement that this sinne brought upon them Therefore saith the Lord it is come to passe that as they would not heare me I would not heare them but a great wrath is come upon them and I have scatter'd them among all the Nations and laid their land desolate In their sinne which is the onely theame I shall insist upon you have two things First What their sinne was what the wicked frame of their heart was their heart was like an Adamant stone Secondly How it came to be so they made their heart so themselves they made their heart as an Adamant stone next open the meaning of this what is here meant by an Adamant stone the Hebrew word is variously interpreted some doe render it a flint some a stone that will not waste many with our new translation render it an Adamant but generally Criticks doe agree that it is a stone of the hardest nature that will not by any toole bee graven or fashioned to any desirable mould so to make their heart as an Adamant stone doth plainly meane they did extreamly harden their heart that is the English of it they would not heare they stopped their eare they pull'd away their shoulder yea they did extreamely harden their hearts Here are two things further to be interpreted First What is meant by the heart that is here hardned And secondly What this hardning the heart signifies By heart you know is naturally meant that piece of flesh that is in the body which they say it is primum vivens and ultimum moriens but morally and spiritually by the heart is meant the soule and usually the will and the affections are ordinarily in Scripture meant by the heart so it is here What by hardnesse or hardning Hardning in the naturall signification of it is nothing but the withdrawing of moysture form any
substance whereby the parts come to bee condensed and made stiffe so as not to yeeld to the touch Durum est quod non cedit tactui that that will not receive any impression that is hard this in a naturall sense but in a morall and spirituall sense to harden the heart is nothing but to have the will resolutely and unchangeably set upon any purpose not to be taken off from their enterprise by any meanes that can bee used to change them that is to harden the heart and in the Scripture it is sometimes taken in a good sense a mans heart may be harden'd in a very gratious manner so Ezekiels was when the Lord told him the house of Israel will not hearken to thee for they are impudent and hard hearted but saith God I have made thy face strong against their faces and thy forehead strong against their foreheads thou shalt bee as impudent as they as an Adamant harder then flint c. thou shalt bee as much hardned in good as they in evill I have given thee that grace that shall make thee resolute as they Paul was when they came and wept and prayed him hee would not goe to Ierusalem saith he you weep in vaine I 'le goe though I die for it his heart was hardned and so Luther when his friends would have perswaded him not to have gone to Wormes to the disputation there If all the tiles of the houses in Wormes were Devils I would goe that is to have a heart harden'd in a good cause but ordinarily in the Scripture to harden the heart or to have hardnesse of heart is ordinarily meant in an evill sense hardening in sin hardning against God and so my Text hath it plainely they made their heart as an Adamant stone that they might not heare the word that God had sent to them their heart was resolutely and unchangeably bent to goe on in their wayes say or doe what God would or could to the contrary that is the sin that is here mentioned now from hence I shall take up this Lesson and it is the onely Lesson which I shall by the Lords assistance handle this day and in it take in both the sinne and the judgement together That the sinne of hardning the heart against God is a certain forerunner of utter destruction They made their heart as hard as an Adament stone therefore came there a great wrath from God and therefore as I called and they would not answer when they cryed I would not answer but I have scatter'd them so the Lesson is plaine but before I come to prove it that it may bee rightly stated I shall premise five distinctions about this sinne of hardnesse of heart whereby you will more plainly understand the Doctrine that I am to make good out of the Scripture First That there is a naturall hardnesse of heart which is the case of all men in the world Secondly there is an acquired hardnesse of heart or a hardnesse that man brings upon himself There is a naturall hardnesse of heart the Scripture is plain in it that all men in the world the originall frame of their hearts is in the Scripture set downe by the expression of a heart of stone in Ezek. 11. when God promises conversion saith hee I will take away the heart of stone that is in them and give them a heart of flesh every man and woman in the world brings the stone of the heart into the world with them but then Secondly There is an acquired hardnesse of heart or a hardnesse that men bring upon themselves so my Text saith they made their hearts hard and so it is said of Zedekiah in the 36. of the 2 Chron. hee hardned his heart against God that is one Secondly Know that there is a graduall or partiall hardnesse of heart when the heart is harden'd but in some measure there is some hardnesse in them and some softnesse in them and there is a totall hardening of the heart when the whole fram● of the heart is given up to hardnesse That there is a graduall and partiall hardness of heart you may see it in Christs own Disciples who being new Creatures had a heart of flesh in them and yet it is said of them in Mark 6. 52. They considered not the miracle of the loaves because their heart was hardned and in Mark 8. Christ saith to them Have ye your hearts yet harden'd Christs own Disciples had some degrees of hardnesse of heart but then There is a hardnesse that is a Totall hardnesse of which the Scripture saith they are all brasse and iron Thirdly There is a hardnesse of heart that is felt felt by them that are under it and there is a hardnesse of heart that is unfelt There is a hardnesse that is felt so the Church saith in Isaiah 63. ver. 1. Ah Lord why hast thou harden'd our hearts from thy feare But There is likewise a hardnesse of heart that though it lye upon the soule yet they feele it not that they are as dead men under it like Nabals heart that was like a stone and he tooke no notice of it and this unfelt hardnesse of heart it proceeds sometimes from ignorance and sometimes from malice Fourthly Know that there is a hardnesse of heart that is unwilling bemoaned lamented groaned under look'd upon as a judgment as a misery and there is a hardnesse of heart that is willing a willing hardnesse a pleasing hardnesse a raigning hardnesse a hardnesse chosen and delighted in That there is an unwilling bemoaned hardnesse is plain in Ephraims case in Ier. 31. who makes this his sorrowfull complaint before God that his heart was like a Heyfer like a Bullocke that would not carry Gods yoke it made him weepe bitterly for it and so the Church in the forementioned place of Isaiah 63. O Lord why are our hearts harden'd from thy fear shee look'd upon it as a marvailous great evill that lay upon them But then There is likewise a hardnesse that is a pleasing hardnesse a hardnesse delighted in a hardnesse raigning a hardnesse gloried in that is the hardnesse that my Text mentions Lastly Know that there is a hardnesse of heart that is Mans worke and there is a hardnesse of heart that is Gods worke The hardnesse of heart that is Mans worke are all those severall hardnesses that I have spoke of hitherto whether naturall graduall felt or unfelt bemoaned or gloried in they are all our owne hardnesses But then There is also a hardnesse which is Gods worke which is a Judiciary hardnesse a judgement inflicted by God righteously upon men who when they will harden themselves God consents that they shall bee harden'd and concurs to their hardening so hee is frequently said in Scripture to harden Pharaohs heart and to harden whom hee will but this same Judiciary hardnesse of heart which is Gods worke you
must know it is not by Gods infusing obstinacy and and malice into them that God doth to none but it stands in these three things sometimes By taking away from them or denying them those meanes that might make their heart plyable to God or Secondly In case they doe injoy the meanes yet God withholding his blessing from the meanes and Thirdly Permitting them or so far withdrawing the bridle of his restraining grace from them as to permit them to abuse the meanes that they doe injoy to their own ruine and further hardening and thus was Pharaoh and his people harden'd by the Ministery of Moses and Aaron and thus were the Israelites harden'd by Isaiahs Ministery as you 'le find it in Isaiah 6. the Lord said to him Goe to this people and make their hearts hard how was that Hee should preach to them but they should bee given up to a fat heart that is a senslesse and a heavy eare that is a heedlesse eare God would give them up to a senslesnesse and heedlesnesse that the more means they enjoy'd the more desperate and vile their hearts should grow now then to draw up all this to my purpose the Doctrine that I am to handle wherein I am to shew you that hardening the heart against God is a certain forerunner of destruction I doe not mean it of that naturall hardnesse that wee all bring into the world nor of that acquired hardnesse that is found in every man who hath but lived a while upon earth nor of that partiall or graduall hardnesse that is in the best of Gods people much lesse of that felt bewailed bemoaned hardnesse that is look'd upon as a heavy judgement by them that lye under it though all these are sinnes yet these are not the sinnes of my Text but my Text meanes it of the chosen voluntary elected hardnesse the Totall hardnesse the Raigning hardnesse when men doe obstinately and willingly strengthen and make firme their hearts in their sinfull wayes against God and then God in his righteous judgement concurres and saith bee it so when men doe thus harden their hearts against God be it a Family be it a Kingdome be it one or be they many this hardening the heart against God is a certaine forerunner of utter destruction Now you understand what the Lesson is that I am to handle and First I shall make it good and plainly demonstrate the truth of it out of the Scripture and for the proofe turn to three or foure Texts the one is that knowne signall Text in Prov. 29. 1. read it carefully Hee that being often admonished or reproved hardens his neck there is my very Doctrine that after admonitions hardens his neck what of him Shall suddainly bee destroyed and that without remedy weigh all those words First What it is that is threatned against him hee that being often reproved hardens his neck what of him He doth not say he shall smart for it he shall be afflicted but he shall be destroyed destruction is prepared for him Secondly Hee doth not say hee is in danger of it but hee shall bee destroyed it is decreed in heaven it is set down for him hee shall perish and Thirdly That suddenly hee shall suddenly bee destroyed the Vision of his destruction is not for a long time to come but his damnation sleepeth not he shall suddenly be destroyed Yea and that with out remedy no power shall rescue him no mercy shall pardon him no Mediator shall intercede for him there is no remedy all the world cannot helpe it the man that after many reproofes hardens his heart shall bee destroyed without any remedy there is a place like it in the 28. of Proverbs the very Chapter before it and the 14. verse He is a blessed man that feares alwayes that is the beginning of the Verse he is a blessed man hee lives in a blessed state whose heart suspects it self O I shall sinne I shall offend God I shall yeeld to my Corruption hee is a blessed man that feares alwayes but hee that hardens his heart hee that dares venture upon ungodly enterprizes what of him Hee shall fall into mischief some render it in malum inprovisum into unthought of mischief hazardous men hard hearted men are suddainly before ever they thinke of it caught and in 2 Rom. 2. 5. the Apostle there speakes to such a hard hearted wretch as my Text meanes Thou saith hee after thy hardness of heart that cannot repent treasurest up unto thy self wrath against the day of wrath marke yee the hard heart it is Satans treasury for sin but it is Gods treasury for wrath Satan doth not lay up more wickedness in a hard heart then God layes up vengeance in the Cellars of it treasurest up to thy self wrath against the day of wrath were it needfull I could give you abundance of examples out of Gods Word Pharaoh and the Egyptians are a famous one 600000. Israelites in the Wilderness are another famous example of hardning hearts to ruin when the hardness of their hearts made them all fall in the Wilderness as you have it Epitomized in Psalm 95. and the latter end of it and so many more in the Old and New Testament that the time will not allow mee to mention Iob hath a passage may serve for all in Iob 9. 4. saith he Who over harden'd himself against God and prosper'd As if he should have said I challenge all the World to bring an example of any one man that ever harden'd his heart against God and was not ruin'd by it that expression and prospered is but an Affirmative for a Negative bring me an example of one that carryed away the victory that was not lost in the War but to make it yet more plain to you bee pleased to observe there are two things meet in this sin of hardness of heart besides many other that might be said but I say there are two things that will demonstrate to all the world that it is a sin that must bring forth certain judgment The one is In the Nature of it it is rebellion against God it is the trying of it out with God whose will shall stand for God saith plainly to the harden'd sinner I will have such a thing done no saith the t'other I will have such a thing done but saith God if I bee God I 'le have it done saith the t'other I am resolved it shall bee thus and hee tries it out The sin of hardness of heart is made up of Rebellion and not yeelding he takes up the bucklers against God here I will try and when hee hath done refuses to lay them down upon a Summons but will stand it out to the utmost Now Brethren it is not imaginable that any thing but ruine should attend such an one Gamaliels speech in Acts 5. Beware saith hee left yee bee fighters against God The harden'd sinner enters into the lists to
contend with God and then saith God if it be come to that it shall be tried whose word shall stand mine or theirs God speakes to the very case of some harden'd sinners that said to the Prophet Ieremiah they would do what is good in their eyes well saith God you have spoken the word and we will try it out whether you or I shall carry it if poor wormes dare enter the lifts and bid defiance to God and refuse to submit they must perish Secondly there is this in this sinne of hardnesse of heart that In the nature of it it frustrates all the meanes that should possibly serve to save the soule from ruine I say the sin of hardness of heart in the nature of it frustrates all those means which should tend to save the soul from ruine and therefore you 'l find it ordinarily If you 'l heare Gods voice harden not your heart in the 95. Psalme so in Hebrewes 3. 15. To day if you will heare my voyce harden not your heart as they did in the Wildernesse and my Text hath it againe they made their heart like an Adamant stone that they might not heare the words that God had said to them so that this is a sinne that prevents all those Ordinances and meanes which the Lord hath sanctified and appointed for reducing a soule from the wayes of death and this is noted of the Israelites in the Wildernesse that though they had innumerable miracles and administrations of all sorts they ate miracles and dranke miracles and wore miracles they had whatsoever might possibly doe a people good all these were lost to that people how onely because of the hardnesse of their hearts and so the Prophet Isaiah expresseth it in the sixth of Isaiah the Lord doth by the Prophet saith he harden their heart that they may never turne and be healed Christ saith the same in Iohn 12. 40. that this was the reason why all the miracles that he had wrought among them and all the Sermons that he had preached among them did them no good because their hearts were harden'd it is like a peece of stone put into a bottles mouth though you put it into the bottome of a well no water gets into it the stopple keeps all out the sinne of hardnesse of heart keeps the soule from receiving any good it is like unto the harlot that Solomon speakes of or rather like them that goe in to the harlot that none of them ever turne to take hold of the wayes of life so that because it is a sinne that is open Rebellion against God and it is a sinne that in the nature of it rejecteth all the meanes that might make reconciliation with God what can bee expected but the heart that goes on to harden it selfe must needs run into utter ruine I have one thing more before I come to the Application and that is to discover how this sinne of hardnesse of heart may be known the properties of it that every soule may bee able when it comes to the Application to give a right judgement of its owne condition and here I beseech you remember that I doe not come to enquire after hardnesse of heart in generall there is no living man upon earth but his heart is harden'd there is no child of God living but his heart is harden'd all the sinfull motions and inclinations that are found in us they are all the fruits of hardnesse of heart all that rebellion that Paul speakes of in the seventh to the Romans a law in the members rebelling against the law of the mind and leading of him captive it is all the fruit of hardnesse of heart but all hardnesse is not the hardnesse of my Text all hardnesse of heart is not destructive hardnesse is not ruining hardnesse hardnesse felt hardnesse bemoaned hardnesse lamented and striven against is softnesse in Gods esteeme and is so farre from being a forerunner of ruine that it is an evidence of salvation but it is this destroying damning hardnesse of heart that I would enquire the properties of and set them before you out of the word of God and there are six things that I have thought upon whereby this destroying damning hardnesse of heart doth manifest it selfe First Take that which is most usuall in the Scripture the Lord ordinarily expresses this devillish hardness of heart by the comparison of an untamed heifer of a bullock that refuses to carry the yoke to draw or to plow very often in the booke of God doth the Lord describe this hardned sinner by the comparison of an untamed heifer in reference to the yoke Now in an untamed heifer there are these two things remarkable to my purpose the one is That if it be possible it will throw off the yoke that you would put upon it turning away the neck rinching the shoulder using its strength and all that it hath to keepe the yoke that it may not come upon the neck of it or secondly If you doe get the yoke over the neck and compell it to be under the yoke then it pines away frets and fumes and bellows and takes on but worke it will not just thus is this harden'd heart God hath two yokes The one is The yoke of his Commandements which hee commands every soule to take upon its selfe this yoke this hardned wretch throwes away with indignation that you may say of a harden'd heart in reference to the yoke of obedience as Iob speaks of the Vnicorne in the 39. of Iob Canst thou intreat him to carry thy yoke and to plow thy ground can thy faire words perswade him to doe it saith hee so doe you thinke any allurements for God shall make this wretched man carry the yoke of Gods Commandements no hee throwes them off what God would have him doe he will not doe but then God hath another yoke that this creature cannot keep off and that is The yoke of correction the yoke of judgement and when the Lord puts that yoke upon him then hee pines away frets swelters himselfe and as the Prophet Ezekiel expresses it in the 24. of Ezekiel You shall not weep that is you shall not weep with any godly sorrow but ye shall pine away in your iniquities and the Lord expresses it in the 51. of Isaiah Thy sonnes do faint in the 20. verse they are like a Bull caught in a net full of the fury of the Lord there thy sonnes are fallen I have yoked them they would not carry my yoke of obedience but I have yok'd them with judgement and how are they under it there they lie like a Bull in a net full of the fury of the Lord yelling and roaring thus the harden'd heart is like an untamed heifer the yoke of Gods commandements it will not carry and the yoke of judgements though it must carry yet it doth not profit by them but onely pines away by discontent under them This first
note of a harden'd heart I give onely for your memories sake because the matter of it will come in the things that follow And secondly another property of this harden'd heart that my Text speaks of is That it is an insensible heart Nabals heart is said to be like a stone sensible of nothing though all belonging to him was like to come to ruine Nabals heart had no sense of any thing so is this wretch this wretched creature I am speaking of let Gods wrath bee threatned to him though hee lie under it hee feeles it not let his owne unkindness be open'd he is not sensible of it let heaven shake over him let the earth shake under him let his estate shake let his house quake nothing moves him let death bee ready to shake him hell ready to devoure him hee apprehends nothing hee is like the drunkard that Solomon speakes of in the 23. of Proverbs that lies asleep upon the top of a mast they have beaten mee saith he but I did not feele it they have wounded me but I did not know it nothing that the Lord doth to them or that his word saith to them makes them sensible of any thing a harden'd heart is an insensible heart that is another property of it Thirdly this harden'd heart of my Text Is an impenitent heart indeed the hardness of heart is but an aggravation of impenitence but he is resolutely an impenitent person hee is one that goes on in the wayes of sinne and will not bee tooke off from the wayes of sinne A harden'd heart you may truely say of it it is a Rock to God but it is wax to the Devill it is inexorable to the requests of God but it is most yeelding to the allurements of the Devill Gods seed will not grow in this rock but the Devils seed growes best of all there they obey not the truth but willingly obey unrighteousness they are stones to God but wax to the Devill indeed to harden the heart and to goe on resolutely in a way of sinning against God is al one take it as the Apostle expresses it in the second of the Romans thus saith hee after thy hardnes and heart that cannot repent a resolute hearted man is like a Blackmore that cannot change his skin like a Leopard that cannot change her spots it is set and bent to goe on in the wayes of sinne that is another property Fourthly This harden'd heart doth not onely go● on in the wayes of sinne but goes on in them against all admonition and all helpes against and meanes to the contrary whatsoever dispensation there is from heaven appearing to take him off from his sinnes the harden'd heart hath a non abstante though preached against though threatned though allured by promises though terrified by judgements the harden'd heart is Sermon-proof is judgement-proofe Elies sonnes they were not only wicked but they hearkned not to the voyce of their Father when hee made them a good Sermon from God yet because God meant to destroy them hee had given them up to hardnesse of heart the counsell of their Father wrought not one whit upon them so Solomon saith of him in Proverbs 29. hee that having been often reproved hardens his heart Ieremy compares him to a wild Asse Ier. 2. all that seek to catch him labour in vaine Israel had loved strangers and after them hee would goe if God in his Word mourne to them they will not weep if the Word pipe to them they will not dance if he offer to draw them with cords of love they will not follow if by his judgements hee stand in their way as the Angel did against Balaam with a drawne Sword yet on they will like the Smiths Dog they can sleepe when the sparkes fly about their eares hee is like a man in iron an armed man strike him with a staffe cut him with a Sword all is one hee hath armour of proof keeps out both men who thus goe on are harden'd to destruction Fiftly Another property of this hardned wretch is that they make but a mocke and scorne either of the sinnes that they walke in or of any judgements or plagues that may betide them for their sinnes as it is said of Lots sonnes in law their father told them of their sinnes and told them of the judgement but saith the Text hee seemed to his sonnes in law as one that mock'd they jeered him and they thought hee jeered them they are like the Swine that our Saviour speakes of throw a pearle before them they will tread it under their feet they make a scorne of them tell them of their offences against God and of the ruine of their soules they are like Leviathan that the spirit of God speakes of in the 41. of Iob come upon him with speares and swords they are but as stubble to him and strawes hee laughs at them he saies Aha like the horse in the middle of the battle neighes and laughs at the danger so when a heart goes on in a hardened way it makes a jest and a scorne of all the evils you can threaten against him hee saith Tush I shall have peace though I adde drunkennesse to thirst these threatnings are nothing this wind shakes not my corne and I 'le adde but one more and that is When the heart goes on in this destructive way it doth oppose and set against all those as enemies who would stop them in their way and when once the soule is come to that passe then in truth is Satan set upon his throne then they are the Devils cushion or his pillow and this the harden'd heart ordinarily doth you may see it in Pharaoh when Moses still followed him from God and hee could not be rid of him then he gave him this answer come no more to mee I 'le hang you the next time you come see my face no more if ever thou commest to mee againe with these messages thou shalt die for it and so likewise Amaziah you may read of him in 2 Chron. 25. when he was fallen into the sinne of Idolatry God sent a Prophet to him to admonish him Forbeare saith the King to him who made you of the Kings Councell hold your tongue else you 'l be smitten then saith the Prophet by this I know that God meanes to destroy thee when they are like unto them our Lord speakes of in the seventh of Matthew not onely as swine that trample the pearle under their feet but like Dogs worry them that offer to bestow the pretious things upon them in one word David describes them excellently in the 23. Chap. of the second of Samuel about the sixth and seventh verses The sonnes of Belial that is the hard hearted men of my Text for a child of Belial is a child without a yoke that will not carry Gods yoke marke how hee describes them the sonnes
are brought to a meere formality but so did these Jewes in the Text threescore yeers and ten together Fast after Fast but God loathed them because they tended the ceremony and neglected the substance piety and justice and turning from wicked wayes and even so doe wee in the meane time like the Anvile grow harder for all the strokes are upon us surely Gods wrath is great against us Pharaohs hard heart was a worse plague then all his other plagues put together and the obstinacy and hardnesse of heart throughout the land is the greatest plague wee can lie under and will prove if infinite mercy prevent it not the sluce or floodgate to let in destruction let us sadly lay these things to heart and mourne before him because of them and rather wonder at Gods patience then at our plagues and certainely if God go on to lay our pleasant land desolate and to scatter us as with a whirlewind though now we can lay the cause of our calamities at one anothers doores God will make us all know that it was our obstinacy of heart against him that hath brought ruine upon us the Lord teach us to Iay it to heart upon this day of our humiliation Secondly Is the sinne of hardnesse of heart so destroying a sinne what cause then have they to blesse the Lord to whom God hath given a tender soft heart a heart of flesh such an heart as Ioshua had 2 Chron. 34. thy heart was tender and thou didst humble thy selfe who can say with Iob God hath made my heart soft if any soule in this Assembly hath obtain'd a soften'd heart let him know that in that one gift God hath given him the quintessence of all the grace of the new Covenant God made all the new Covenant good in that one promise I will give you a heart of flesh to have the heart of stone taken away and to have a fleshy heart in the roome of it is an unvaluable mercy God delights to dwell in a house thus broken where the floore is soft where the raine comes in and you have infinite cause to praise God for it but because I would not bee mistaken I pray you know that all tendernesse and brokennesse is not that heart of flesh that I meane There is a naturall tendernesse that some men have a compassionating spirit so that they can hardly see another in misery but will weepe with him and yet it may bee their hearts are as hard against God as Leviathans is against a Speare and there is another tendernesse that is a legall brokennesse when God it may bee seizes upon the heart with a spirit of trembling that they are stabbed with the apprehensions of wrath and so are like unto Cain that wheresoever he goes hee was in the land of Nod that is in the land of trembling this trembling heart is a curse threatned the Lord shall give thee a trembling heart I will send a faintnesse into their hearts in the land of their enemies and the sound of a shaking leafe shall chase them I meane neither of these but that Evangelicall broken heart that is contrary to the sinne of my Text is nothing but an heart willing to lay downe the bucklers before God that saith with Iob Lord I have done foolishly I will doe so no more the heart that yeelds to God and that will appeare by these foure things one is that To such a heart the reliques of the hardnesse of their hearts is a most uncomfortable burden the stone in their bladder or the stone in their kidneys though it afflict their sense more yet doth not afflict their inward man their heart so much as the obstinacy and obduratenesse and wretchednesse that they finde in their owne soule against God O Lord why hast thou caused us to erre from thy wayes and harden'd our hearts from thy feare so also Ephraim mourned I have been chastised but I am like an untamed heifer that will not carry Gods yoke a heart that mournes under his hardnesse is a tender heart to feele and complaine of hardnesse is softnesse it 's an evident signe that there is underneath a living and quick part upon which this hardnesse presses else there would be no complaining of it Secondly It is a heart that the meditation of Gods kindnesse and its owne unkindnesse maketh relent the thought that God should spare them pity them doth most affect them thus the harden'd Jewes in Zachary those that had been most hard against God yet when they look'd upon Christ whom they had pierced who came to save them they wept like a child this Lord we have pierced we have crucified the Lord of life If any arguments worke at all upon hardned sinners they are such as these Tophet is prepared for you you are going to a place of blacknesse and darknesse to a lake burning with fire and brimstone where you will waile and gnash your teeth but arguments taken from Gods love and bowels of mercy doe most melt a tender heart when the Lord had turned and softned that harlots heart Ezek. 16. this most affected her that hee was reconciled to her whom she had broken with her whorish heart this Evangelicall fleshly heart relents and bleeds at the thoughts of Gods kindnesse and its owne unkindnesse and then thirdly it appeares in this A Gospel-softned heart is afraid of sinne a very coward to any evill this heart hath not courage enough to try the power of Gods displeasure How can I how dare I doe this wickednesse and sinne against God hard hearted men dare venture upon such bloody things but a softned heart saith with Iob destruction from the Almighty is a terrour to me and by reason of his highnesse I cannot indure David whose heart was as a Lion feared not to incounter with Lions Beares Giants yet his flesh trembled at any thing which might offend his God this signe of a gratious tender heart you find Prov. 28. 14. in the opposition betweene a fearefull heart and a hard heart Blessed is the man that feareth alwayes but hee that hardneth his heart shall fall into evill the heart which feareth alwayes is the heart which out of the love of God would not sinne yet out of the consideration of its owne pronenesse to evill suspects it selfe and feares it shall bee surprized this frame of spirit is thus opposed to a hard heart This same fleshly heart is a heart upon which Gods seale leaves a print Gods counsell I meane his Word threatnings exhortations or whatsoever comes from him leaves a stampe upon him It is a heart that is wax to God willing to bee moulded resignes up it selfe to bee to God what God would have it to bee as well as it can if this heart be at any time drawne into sinne when God appeares displeased it saith I have done foolishly I will do so no more it layes downe the Buckler and yeelds
his word and in it the denunciations and threatnings of wrath and vengeance they are as a hammer to breake this Rock Is not my word a hammer saith God doe not I breake the rockes would'st thou have the stone in thy heart broken bring it under the bout-hammer of Gods Word sit thee under a plaine and faithfull Ministery and apply to ●hy soule the denunciations of wrath and judgement due to thy sinne and pray God to set it home to thy soule leave not till thy heart sink under the stroke of the Word as the Butcher followes the hard head of the Bullock with blow after blow untill it lie along upon the floore follow thy heart thus with blow upon blow read over thy wayes and thy doings that have not been good and say not this will bee a very hard taske thou hadst better doe this then perish better turne then burne and besides the Word Take the judgements or corrections of God that are upon thee to breake thee a good shower and a plough together helpes notably to breake the clods in the fields Blessed is the man whom God chastiseth and teacheth when God followes thee with corrections consider of them say thus God visits mee my family my wife my state my soule my children c. I am never from under the rod what is the matter Lord what is it Shew mee why thou contendest with mee Surely for my iniquity I am smitten all this is come upon me for my rebellion O my soule I shall finde it hard striving against the Lord I doe but kick against prickes in the time of adversity consider these are meanes to breake the stone but Above all I commend the sweet way of cure by the dissolving of it and that is onely by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ lay hold upon Christ by faith I know not how true it is but some say the blood of a Goat will in time dissolve an adamant but certainly there is a slaine Goate the Lord Jesus Christ whose blood is able to dissolve the heart that is like an Adamant Christs blood will turne a heart of stone into a heart of flesh you see it in the Jewes those hard hearted wretches that when they were put in choice whether they would have Christ or Barabbas spared Barabbas and crucified Jesus yet these hard hearted sinners when they come to heare from Peter that they had crucified the Lord of life who yet was willing to save them they cry out Men and brethren what shall we doe crucified the Lord of life Lord are we guilty of such a thing against a Saviour and in the 12. of Zachariah which place intends the conversion of the whole nation They shall looke upon him whom they have pierced and shall weepe as one weepeth for the losse of an onely child if then thou would'st have thy obdurate heart thy harden'd heart if thou woul'dst have it in truth yeeld to God goe and sit thee with Mary neer Christs Crosse and heare him say behold thy Saviour as he spake to Mary behold thy Sonne and to Iohn behold thy Mother so sit thou and thinke that thou diddest heare Jesus Christ calling to thee Behold thy Saviour see the Sonne of God dying shedding his blood that thou maist not die and be damned though thy sinnes have nail'd mee here this blood that flowes from me shall wash thee and shall keepe thee that thou shalt not perish looke thus upon him this will doe the deed this will melt thy heart this will dissolve it so that thou canst not chuse but goe alone and say Ah unkind wretch that ever I shall beare armes against such a God! This is the way to dissolve the stone to melt thy heart I have one thing more when God hath cur'd it Beware that hardnesse grow not upon thee againe though thou drive it away once it will turn againe Know all ye people of God that though a converted man cannot become a rock againe yet he may become very hard he may bee frozen as hard as ice though good ground will never bee a rock yet good ground may bee very hard for want of plowing and lose many a season and it must be torne and torne againe before ever it will bee fit for seed againe thou maist bee so farre harden'd as to have cause to cry out with the Church Lord why is my heart harden'd from thy feare therefore when God hath made thy heart tender and softned thee labour to keep it so watch over thy selfe that thou doe not depart from it and to helpe you remember these few briefe directions Observe thy heart very diligently when it growes lazie as the Church did who when her beloved came and would have come to her she had put off her coat and shee was loth to foule her feet when I say thou findest thy heart grow lazie thou beginnest to harden When thou findest thy appetite gone that thou dost not relish the Ordinances of God and communion with him when thou canst turne thy back upon those fellowships and communions with God that heretofore have been more pretious to thee then thy life or When thou findest thy heart growne selfe-conceited that thou art some body in thy owne eyes When thou growest pettish and wayward to them that admonish thee that thou growest cholerick and art impatient to be plainly dealt with then is thy heart hardned and looke to thy selfe betimes let it not grow upon thee doe as men will doe in other diseases I finde the stone growing upon me I shall have another terrible fit of it if I prevent it not I must take a little timely physick use the meanes before prescribed both to breake it and dissolve it yea before these things grow upon thee use these former prescriptions for preventing it and be very much in prayer to thy tender hearted Saviour to keepe thy heart tender he onely can doe it and he will doe it if thou seeke to him and rely strongly upon him to doe it according to his Covenant of Grace wherein he hath bound himself to take away the heart of stone and to give his people a heart of flesh use I say again these meanes carefully otherwise if thou harden thy heart against God God will harden his heart against thee and he will make thy heart ake and thy bones quake before thy peace shall be made the Lord give you to consider of these things There is another Use of this Lesson to the whole kingdom how to prevent our threatned desolation O how glad would we all be to find some expedient to save the kingdom why certainly this would doe it could we think of a way how this Brasse and Iron this rock of England might relent before God and lay down the Bucklers that would save England and nothing else will doe it What might be of use to England over and above what
is already spoken cannot now be delivered the time being more then spent nor can my voyce reach England but our prayers may reach Heaven where our tender Lord is let us therefore turne what might be spoken in a Sermon to England into a prayer for England FINIS The Text opened the occasion coherence and parts of it 2 Kings 25. 1. 2 Kings 25. 3. Vers 8. Vers 25. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. Ezekiel 3. 8. Doct. Hardening the heart a certain forerunner of destruction Five distinctions about hardnesse of heart premised forth clearing of this Doctrine 1. There is a naturall hardnesse of heart and there is an acquired hardnesse Ezek. 11. 19. 2. There is a graduall or partial hardness and there is a to as hardness Mark 6. 52. Mark 8. 17. Jer. 5. 3. Jer. 6. 28. 3. There is a hardness felt and a hardness unfelt Isa 63. 17. 4. There is an unwilling hardnesse a hardness bemoaned for and striven against there is a willing hardnes a hardness raigning and delighted in Ier. 31. 18. Isai. 63. 5. There is a hardness which is mans work and there is a judiciary hardness which is Gods work 1. 2. 3. Isai. 6. 8 9. The Doctrine proved Prov. 29. 1. Prov. 28. 14. Rom. 2. 5. Two things meet in this sin which evidently prove that ruine attends it 1. It is made up of rebellion and not yeelding Act 5. 39. Jer. 44 28. It frustrates all meanes of salvation Psal. 95. 7 8. Heb. 3. 8. John 12. 40. Acts 19. 9. Prov. 2. 19. How this destructive hardnesse may be found 1. Such an hardned heart is frequently compared to an untamed Bullock Deut. 9. 19. 32. 15. Jer. 31. 18. 2 Chron. 36. 13. Nehem. 9. 29. Psal. 75. 5. Jer. 7. 26. 17. 23. Exod. 32. 9. 33. 35. Which comparison affords two evidences If it can possible it will not be yoked 2 If by force the yoke bee put upon it it will fret and pine away but not worke Ezek. 24. 23. 2. A hard heart is an unsensible heart Prov. 23. 34 35. 3. A hard heart is an impenitent heart Rom. 2. 5. 4. A hard heart goes on notwithstanding all meanes to the contrary Ier. 2. 24. 5. A hard heart slights and scornes counsells or threatnings Gen. 19. 14. Matth. 7. 4. Job 41. 24. 27. Deut. 29. 19. 6. A hard heart opposeth and sets against them as enemies who would stop them in their wicked wayes Exod. 10. 28. 2 Chron. 25. 16. Matth. 7. 4 5. 2 Sam. 23. 6. 2 Chron. 36. 15 16. Vse 1. Terrour to all who harden themselves against God Iob 40. 11. Numb. 16. 26. 2. Lament the sad condition of England our obstinacy against God a sadder token of ruine then all other judgments which lie upon us Vse 2. Therefore a heart of flesh is an excellent grace 2 Chron. 34. 27. Iob. 23. 16. Ezck. 11. 19. Deut. 28. 65. Levit. 26. How such a heart may be known 1. It 's a heart complaining of its hardnes 2. It 's a heart wrought upon by arguments of love by Gospel arguments 3. A soft heart is afraid to sinne Iob. 31. 23. Prov. 28. 14. Vse 3. Exhortation and direction against this great sinne Motives to strive against it 1. We are all hard hearted by nature 2. While wee are under it our condition is miserable 3. All Gods strokes tend to soften thee 4. Thou wilt bee ruined if thou stand out 5. If thou yeeld the quarrell is ended and thou wilt bee spared Esay 27. 4. Meanes how to prevent this sinne of hardnesse of heart 1. Take heed of the deceitfulnesse of sinne Heb. 3 12. More particularly beware 1 Of unbeleef Psal. 9. 5. Heb. 2. 12. 15. 16. 2 Of pride Psal. 75. 5. Ier. 43. 2. 3. Of hypocriticall and formall performances of Religious duties Prov. 7. 11 c. 2. Abuse of Gods patience of mercy Eccless 8. 11. Deut. 29. 19. 3. Examples of others 2. How to cure this sinne of hardnesse of heart 1. How to break it 1. 2. Jer. 23. 29. 3. How to dissolve it Acts 2. Zach. 12 10. 3. How to keep the softned heart from growing hard againe Watch against hardning which steales upon us when 1. We grow lazy 2. Our appetite fails 3. Become selfe-conceited 4. Or unwilling to be admonished