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A58881 Ibrahim, or, The illustrious bassa an excellent new romance, the whole work in four parts / written in French by Monsieur de Scudery and now Englished by Henry Cogan, Gent.; Ibrahim. English Scudéry, Madeleine de, 1607-1701.; Cogan, Henry. 1652 (1652) Wing S2160; ESTC R20682 785,926 477

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more particularly than all the rest of the Palace to the end he might testifie to the incomparable Isabella that she had always reigned in his heart and that to conserve the memory of her he would never open his eys in waking without beholding some marks of his love he caused him then to observe that in the feeling of this chamber were five great Ovals in each of which was a Table between every of them hung festons of flowers and fruits all gilt the rest of the feeling being done with cornishments whereof some were of azure some of burnished gold In the middle piece which was greater than the rest was a woman represented whom Doria presently knew because she had somthing of Isabella in her although it was a very imperfect resemblance for Ibrahim having lost her picture could do no more but instruct the Painter with the colour of her hair with the form of her face with all the features of it in particular with the vivacity of her complexion with her stature and with her bosome for as for the air and gracefulness which cannot be exprest but in calling it the soul of beauty it is a thing that cannot pass from our imagination to that of another and that consequently did not permit Ibrahim's Painter to make any marvellous picture of Isabella but in conclusion it was resembling enough for to cause them who knew her to judge that she was thought of when this piece was made This imperfect resemblance having entertained them a while Doria considered all this Table and saw as I have already declared a woman sumptuously apparelled who trampled under her feet honor vertue and love which were seen represented with the marks whereby they are known and that with her right hand lifted up on high she took from fortune who appeared over her in the air a little Crown which she seemed to receive very contentedly with this Motto All for her Doria easily comprehended this Embleme and no way doubted but that the Bassa had caused it to be made out of the opinion he had that Isabella had despised her love her promises and her constancy to espouse the Prince of Masseran who was but a petty Soveraign After he had commended the art of the Painter and the invention of the design the Bassa leading him towards one of the corners of the chamber the better to view the second Ovall demanded of him whether this other Table would be as intelligible to him as the first Doria approaching to it and considering it beheld a Love in whose face choler and fury were so well painted as it was easie to imagine that he himself had burst his bow broken his arrows thrown away his quiver and torn his head-band which were seen scattered about him and that which better expressed his despair was that having nothing left him of all the marks of his Divinity but his torch he plunged it all flaming as it was into a fountain to extinguish it with this Motto I cannot Doria vvas so ravished with this Table as he could not forbear considering all the beauties of it and vvhereas the explication of it vvas easie he told the Bassa that he vvould pardon him for that he vvould have extinguished so fair a fire as that vvherevvith he vvas inflamed at such a time as he thought it to be unjust but that he held him happy for that he could not do it and for having conserved a flame vvhich he could not put out vvithout a crime After this he admired the Art of the Painter and principally of the torch vvhich this Love plunged into the fountain vvhere the excellent Workman had so vvell represented that naturall antipathy betvvixt vvater and fire as never did any one behold a thing better imitated This fountain seemed to boil vvith choler to see her enemy so neer her and this flame desiring to eloign it self from that which would destroy it seemed exceedingly to strive to get from it and rising up on high in wreathing about the torch melted so great a quantity of wax as all the fountain seemed to be covered over vvith it Ibrahim not suffering Doria to admire this piece any longer constrained him to look upon the third desiring him hovvsoever not to bestovv much time in it because that Table did outrage Isabella as vvell as another vvhich he should see aftervvards He shevved him then the same vvoman he had seen before but in a different habit for here the Painter had given her a robe of changeable Taffeta vvhere all colours reigned equally this vvoman vvas on the brink of the Sea the agitation vvhereof she beheld vvith delight in one hand she held a Crescent vvith the other she seemed to point at a Camelion vvhich vvas at her feet and that leaning his body on a part of her robe had assumed all the colours of it the rest of that creature vvas grayish like to the earth vvhereon it stood vvith this Motto Yet more After that Doria had seen this piece he told the Bassa that he had reason to say it did outrage Isabella in accusing her of inconstancy but since this crime had been committed through the malice of fortune he should one day obtain his grace for it This said they passed to the other end of the chamber and beheld in the fourth Table a proper man and of a good aspect that seemed very sad he had on the one side the same Isabella whom they had seen before and on the other death with this Motto The one or the other Now although this piece was admirably well done yet would not Doria stay to consider it but onely told the Bassa that the noble despair which he had shevved in this Table rendred him vvorhy to be put at his return to Genoua into the possession of an happiness which he could never lose again but by death alone hovvbeit in the mean time he vvas most assured that albeit this picture did not fill the imaginination vvith a fair Idea yet vvould it be more pleasing to Isabella than that other vvhere the Painter had given her a roab of all the colours of the Rain-bovv The Bassa then pushing him to the other side of the chamber told him that this vvhich he was novv going to shevv him vvould not like enough please her ere a vvhit more if she had not the goodness to consider that his love had hovvsoever been so strong as to make him conserve vvith some delight the very marks of her contempt and inconstancie vvhich he had believed to be true he caused Doria then to behold the last picture of this seeling It vvas a Land-skip vvhere the Princes vvas seen again holding an heart in her hand that vvas all of a flame and not far from her a great fire of stravv vvhere the Painter had so vvell imitated nature as it vvas easie to perceive that hovv vive soever this flame vvas yet could it not long indure There vvere also flashes of lightning seen darting
Bajazet they asked of her if she had not seen a man carrying away a woman She nothing daunted told them that they had past by her a little before that leaving the ordinary road they had taken on the right hand over the fields This slave said thus unto them in such an ingenuous manner as they beleeved her so that abandoning a way which would have made them incounter what they sought for they took another which led them far from it After so vain a labor seeing the night approach without having any hope to perform that which had been commanded them they returned to Amurath who in giving liberty to the ambitious Alicola was constrained to lose his own such power had the charms of this woman over his soul For whereas she had remembred how disadvantageous her proud humour had been to her at such time as she appeared before Soliman she constrained her inclination and adding artifice to her beauty she was so pleasing to Amurath as he could not resist her She related to him at length all that she had written to him in brief and calling him her Deliverer with her eyes full of tears she aggravated all the rigors which Bajazet had used towards her after that the fair Slave was in his hands She was carefull to let him know that Bajazet could never surmount her either with submissions or menaces and casting her self at Amuraths feet to implore his protection to Soliman lest he should punish her for being an actor in the supposition that was made him she moved his heart to pitty and he himself beleeving that this was nothing but compassion found it afterwards to be love But at last Amurath seeing by the return of his people that he had no more to do in that place and that his Chariot was arrived a good while before he placed Alicola in it together with the slave that had been faithfull unto her and though it was exceeding late yet they set forth on their way towards Constantinople Amurath caused also the old Eunch to be brought along that he might be made to confirm Alicolaes discourse When they had marched a pretty while the night surprised them which was so obscure and dark for neither Moon nor starres were to be seen as he that drove the chariot having never been at this place before lost his way in such sort as after he had travelled half the night in hope to find it again he was constrained to send one to his Master to advertise him of the fault he had committed Amurath seeing the Chariot stand still believed so little had he thought of his way and so much had he been taken up with his new passion that they were come to Constantinople but he was much amazed when he understood the truth of the matter and being somewhat angry he alighted to see if he could know the place where they were but in fine it was impossible for him to discern whether in continuing that way they should not go further from the City or no. In this uncertainty he sent two of his men to see if they could finde out any houses either to lodge there or to learn of them what course they should hold but these tvvo having lost their vvay themselves after they had found that they sought for could not recover the place vvhere they had left the Chariot In the mean time Amurath having no nevvs of those he had sent and not knovving vvhat to do in so cross an accident resolved to stay the day break or the return of his men before he vvould go on fearing he should vvander still further and fall into some precipice This resolution taken he Marshalled all his men round about his Chariot and advancing forth some Centinells he commanded them not to speak nor to make any noise that they might the more easily hear any that came to them This order given he placed himself neer to the Chariot with his Scymitar out of the Scabbard to the end he might not be surprized if any body should assault him craving pardon of Alicola for the incommodity she received They had almost past the whole night in this unpleasing stay and the break of day began already to whiten the clouds a little on the Sun-rising side when they heard the trampling of an horse and suddenly after the cry and fall of a woman Amurath being instantly advertised thereof thought it might be the fair Slave they went then afoot to that part where they had heard this voyce with as little noise as possibly they could make it was not long before they heard a man speak without distinctly understanding what he said But at length approaching neerer to them they heard how that woman conjured him to abandon her and to think of nothing but his own safety how he saw well that it was heavens pleasure she should be cast away and that it was impossible for him to save her At the same instant that mans horse having got loose came amongst those of the Chariot who thereupon made so great a noise that Amurath who thought it was not fit to give Bajazet whom he knew by his voice any leasure to put himself in defence advanced formost of all to that place where he had heard him speak but he had not gone far before he found the fair Slave at his feet though he could not well discern her in regard it was not yet light enough for it Bajazet did what he could to resist them that prest him to yeeld himself And whereas he knew not certainly whether these were Amaraths men or no he told them that they did not know him and that assuredly they were mistaken But when he heard Amurath bid the fair Slave no● be afraid for that she should have no harm his despair was then so extreme as leaving those from whom he defended himself he made directly towards Amurath but before he could arrive at him he was seized upon behind by those three against whom he had fought who presently took his Scymitar from him Behold him then in the power of his enemie as well as the fair Slave for thinking to do the best for their safety they had hid themselves most part of the day in a wood with a resolution to travell all night but their horse chancing to stumble the fair Slave fell as I have declared and by her crying out discovered where she was Amurath seeing how lucky the losing of his way had proved unto him and that it began to be light enough to discern where they were found he was not so far from Constantinople as he thought he had been so that considering how he might best convey his prisoners to the City he desired Alicola that she would make the rest of the journey on horse-back to the end he might for his own securitie put Bajazet and the fair Slave into the Chariot To tell you Madam in what a taking Bajazet was when he saw Alicola come out of the Chariot and
in your own dispose as in mine wherefore then if you have not deceived me do you not obey me When as I promised you that which you say replyed Alphonso I hoped that I might if not raign in your heart at leastwise not be surmounted there by any body Leonida perceiving then that jealousie was the disease that tormented him and knowing that she had given him no reasonable occasion for it fell a smiling and reaching him her hand with that gallantry which is so natural unto her Affict not your self said this amiable creature nor fear that I will be displeased to understand that you are jealous I know said she unto him still smiling that we fear to lose the good which is extream dear to us that jealousie is an undoubted sign of a strong passion and of the merit of the person whom one loves because if she were not amiable she would have no Lovers and consequently she would give no cause of jealousie And I am the less offended continued she to see you touched with this passion in regard it is easie for me to help you For to speak more seriously to you added Leonida you have no Rivals which can keep me from giving you the pleasure when you will to hear me termed by them cruel inhumane rigorous and inexorable In fine said she unto him you have a malady whereof you shall no sooner have acquainted me with the cause but you shall be cured of it I do not think answered Alphonso with as much anguish as Leonida had gallantry that it is as easie for you to restore tranqu●llity unto my Soul as it was easie for you to deprive me of it for continued he I have no Rivals whom you can ill intreat and yet I am the most jealous that ever was I do not understand you said Leonida to him with more coldness then before and if you do not explain your self better I shall beleeve that either you have lost your Reason or that with a premeditated design you purpose to break off with me But take heed Alphonso of leaving me long in this suspicion for fear lest whereas I am proud and disdainful I do not prevent you and it be too late for you then to have recourse to my goodness Alphonso surprized both with Leonida's discourse and the manner wherewith she spake resolved at length freely to tell her the cause of his grief I know very well said he unto her that I am going to speak in vain for my self and indeed it is rather out of despair then Reason that I am carried to obey you Know then continued he that I am jealous and that I shall be so eternally since the Rival that surmounts me in your heart can never dye for to conceal the truth from you no longer the blessed Octavio is the object of my jealousie The tears which you shed for his memory are the cause of those which I shall pour forth all my life time the sighs which you fetch for him shall always make me sigh and his past felicity shall beget the misery of all the rest of my days You have loved him so much continued he and you love him so much still that I can find no place in your Soul He much raign there alone for indeed you do not suffer me there but only to conserve the memory of him the better Ah cruel man cryed Leonida hearing him speak in this sort is it possible that you have the inhumanity to open the Tomb of Octavio to persecute me and in stead of weeping with me or at leastwise of bemoaning and comforting me you are so audacious as to give me marks of your hatred to a person whom I have so much loved and whose memory is still so dear unto me and yet in grateful as you are said she to him you owe the affection which I bear you to that little resemblance you have with Octavio but as this infortunate creature hath been the cause of it so shall he likewise give an end to it for in regard of that which you have said to me I ordain you never to speak to me and never to see me more Why do not you shut your self up then in Octavio's Tomb answered Alphonso since you can love none but him Reply no further to me inhumane that you are said she to him and take from my sight the persecutor of Leonida and the enemy of Octavio Alphonso seeing Leonida in such choller and not able to give her a good reason either for the maintaining of his error or for the obtaining of his pardon went away more jealous then before Alas said he to himself how sensible she is on that side I what a powerful mark of her love is her choller if she had loved me she would have used me after another manner she would have taken pity of my weakness she would have given me some new proof of her affection but she could not disguise her heart all her thoughts have been for Octavio and all her words have been against me In this opinion Alphonso got him home with an intent to obey Leonida exactly and never to see her again As indeed he came no more at her and that be might avoyd meeting with her any where he feigned himself sick Leonida seeing to what a madness this ill-grounded jealousie carried him desired at leastwise to conceal it from the eyes of the world and to that effect she advanced a voyage which she was to make to Albengua where as you know she hath some means and affairs She departed then from Genoua so incensed against Alphonso that she could not so much as resolve to do him the favor to complain of him by a Letter Her departure did not cure Alphonso of his frensie but contrarily it augmented it for he beleeved that Leonida did not abandon Genoua but to bewail Octavio with the more liberty This thought for all that was not the most powerful in his heart the impossibility of seeing Leonida redoubled his desire of it and love being stronger still then jealousie he purposed an hundred times to go to Albengua to cast himself at Leonida's feet to crave her pardon and to obtain an oblivion of his fault of her But no sooner did the Phantom of Octavio present it self to his imagination no sooner did he call the tears and sighs of Leonida to remembrance but he re-entred into his former furies He made an hundred impossible wishes which destroyed one another and led a very irksom and melancholick life During that time he wrote divers Letters to Leonida according to the divers thoughts wherein he was but when as she perceived so great an inequality in his mind and such marks of an unsetled Reason she returned no answer thereunto and although she loved Alphonso so much as to be extreamly grieved to lose him yet could she not imagine how she might cure him of this fantasie so that finding no expedient for it and being very much incensed against
and for that effect he caused a generall assault to be given And though there were a body of the enemies Army in the field he commanded nevertheless that they should not care so much for the guard of the Trenches as for the attacquing of the place and the reason of this was because the enemy had never appeared nor had used indeavour either to cast Troops into the City or to raise the siege In the mean time it hapned that an hour after the assault was begun and that above twenty times there had been already lost and regained five or six foot of ground which was to render Soliman Master of the Town there was heard notwithstanding the dreadfull noise of Cannons of armes and of the cries of them that fought towards the Grand-Signiors quarter a great volley of musket shot which put much fear into our souldiers hearts Soliman who was present at this fight for to give direction in person confirmed them the best that possibly he could and after he had commanded the Bassa Sinan to continue the assault he went to see what the matter was followed only by two thousand Janisaries but he was quickly cleared in it for he had not marched fifty paces but that he saw the rest of his souldiers come in disorder having avoided the fury of the enemy who was pursuing them still Soliman no longer doubted then but that this was Zellebis his Army which attacqued his Camp and being a Prince of a great and generous spirit he purposed to fight with them But as he was ready to march directly to the enemy he was much surprized to behold from the Towns side that not only his souldiers had abandoned the assault but that Zellebis in the head of those of Chientaya went beating them before him in a terrible disorder As for me who always followed the Prince without other arms than a light chain which I wore on one of my legs I assuredly believed that he was lost as indeed without almost a supernaturall assistance it is certain that he could not have escaped He was closed up in the midst of his enemies his Army was dispersed fear had seized upon his Troops and if an advantagious plot of ground had not been met withall to put part of his Forces and his Person in safety this mischief had been without remedy But Madam must I tell you how it was by my means that this day so unlucky in the beginning had a glorious end Yes Madam I must tell it you and since my valor was but an effect of my despair and that you were the cause thereof it is just to let you understand how it was by you that I saved both the life and the glory of great Soliman Remember then if you please this verity in the process of this Narration to the end I may not be accused of vanity in delivering things which I had not executed without you I shall tell you then Madam that in this universall disorder I conserved so much judgement to observe that on the left hand of that quarter where we were there was a place which Nature had so well fortified as with very little defence it was impossible to be forced I advanced then boldly to the Grand Signior and maugre the press I let him see what I had already noted and caused him to perceive that in attending the rallying of his troops he might be there not only in assurance but in an estate to keep those of the town from joyning with them that were without This advice having satisfied him he commanded to go and seiz on that plot but as if the enemy had been acquainted with this design he advanced to dispute it with us There it was Madam that I ceased to be slave for to be a soldier for having taken a scimitar which I found amongst the dead bodies I got into the head of our troops with so much resolution so much good fortune as I did things there which I dare not relate in the end Madam I inspired our soldiers with such valor as reasuming courage we repulsed the enemy seized on the place whereof I have already spoken to you But when I saw Soliman in safety I went and cast my self amidst some of our forces which were fighting still with those that were come out of the City and perceiving that our souldiers were preparing to flie in hope to get to the place where Soliman was I threatned to kill them if they returned not to the fight This so extraordinary a discourse being seconded by some effects which seemed marvellous unto them they resolved to follow me Behold me then the head of this couragious Brigade whom I conducted so fortunately as I made them carry that in two hours which a whole Army could not do in six weeks before At last Madam being resolved to perish or do some great matter I so hotly pursued the enemies that after we had killed a great number of them made the rest to flie and put fear into all the remainder I drove them even into their town where being entred alone with them certainly I performed things which made me plainly see that despair is more powerfuller than valor but whatsoever I could have done doubtless I should have fallen there if I had not called to minde that the breach being abandoned I might through that place cause our forces to enter thither I made then with extreme speed and finding none on the Ramparts but disarmed people who were there assembled to see the success of the business I easily got to it and presently discovering those which had followed me to the City-gate I cried unto them Victory Victory for to oblige them to turn head towards me When as they knew me by my slaves habit they were so surprized to see me still living as no way doubting but that I was a man sent by their Prophet to succour them they resolved to abandon me no more and superstition mingled it self so happily amongst them to excite their valor as I can say that I never saw souldiers more couragious They came then unto me with incredible speed and were no sooner mounted on the breach but I pulled down an Ensign which the enemies had set up on the wall to put one of Solimans in the place of it and having left some for the guard of the breach I went with the rest to seize on the gates of the town and their Magazine of Arms. The people no sooner heard long-live victorious Soliman cried in the streets but their weapons sell out of their hands assuredly believing that their Army was defeated and that the Emperors was in the City In the mean time Zellebis used all his endeavour to put heart into his souldiers again but seeing it altogether impossible he resolved to flie fearing nothing so much as to fall alive into Solimans hands As soon as the people knew that their Defendor had forsaken them we had no further resistance except
of his Vessell which the waves had brought to Land so that despairing of any comfort he went to the habitation that was nearest to the place where he was and stayed there certain days to make search if at least the body of Axiamira might have been found as also to meet with some means for him to return to Constantinople As for the Princess all his care in vain he found indeed some dead Souldiers and Mariners along the shoar but of her he never could have any tidings so that the unhappy Axiamira is doubtless without life and without sepulture In the mean time Rustan thinking of his return although he were neer to a place where Prince Gianger the youngest of Solimans sonnes was residing yet would he not demand any assistance from him for fear he should be obliged to tell him a thing which was to be concealed wherefore he had recourse to the Governor of a small Town that was not above four miles from thence where he had suffred shipwrack who furnishing him with all things requisite for his journey he returned by Land to Constantinople with so melancholick a countenance as at first sight one might easily perceive that his enterprize had not been prosperous I was at that time with his Highness and I have not lost the remembrance of so dolefull a conversation As soon as Rustan had made an end of relating to the Grand Signior that which you have heard he would have excused himself for having forcibly carried away Axiamira without his order but Soliman said unto him with a face wherein grief and choller equally appeared Speak no further unto me thou base and infamous ravisher and know that if thou hadst not maried my daughter Chimeria thy death should have satisfied for that of Axiamira Ah poor Princess said he how deplorable is thy face and how unhappy is mine Then turning himself towards me who was present at this mournfull relation do not reproach me my dear Ibrahim said he unto me for not giving credit to thy counsell which I remember but too well for my content and the estate wherein I am punisheth me sufficiently for my imprudence Can any innocent be found more infortunate than I But what say I innocent continued he I cannot be so of the death of this Princess it is I that have delivered her into the hands of Rustan it is I that have exposed her to the tempest and it is I that have been the cause of her loss Could I be ignorant that she was not an ordinary person No Ibrahim I could not I loved her under the name of Felixana but I was to adore her in my heart as a great Princess I saw something so high and so majesticall in the air of her face as I cannot be excusable for not knowing her for howsoever if the possession of Axiamira was necessary for my felicity she was to be intreated after another manner and if my love would have constrained me to have recourse unto violence I should have gone in person in the head of an hundred thousand men to make so noble a conquest with honor she should have been brought in a triumphant Chariot and not in the Vessell of a Traytor and impious man I should not have thought of possessing her till I had set a Crown upon her head and if I could not have obtained her I should have changed my love into respect and with admiration have looked upon a bliss that was forbidden me But Rustan did not believe that I was capable of such noble apprehensions he hath judged of my minde by his own he thought because he is violent that I should be wicked he hoped for a recompence of his crime and out of an inhumanity which is without example he hath betrayed an innocent Princess he hath put a stain upon my life which I shall not be able to deface and hath reduced my soul to an estate never to be comforted Then addressing his speech to the Princess as if she ●ould have heard him and calling to mind her last words which he had caused to be repeated to him more than once he cried out with an exceeding transport Yes Axiamira thy death shall be the cause of the revenge which thou desirest and the grief which I shall have for it all my life shall be instead of an eternall punishment unto me There needs no Arms to invade my State there needs no proclamed Enemy to fight with me I carry o●e in my bosom which shall alwayes surmount me repentance and sorrow shall be inseparably with my spirit and the image of so unhappy and of so beautifull a person shall accompany me even to the grave Soliman having been constrained by the excess of his displeasure to give over speaking I did what I could to restore tranquillity to his soul but his grief was so vive and so strong as I needed a great deal of time to vanquish or to say better to moderate it Behold Madam the History of the unfortunate Axiamira all the particulars whereof which I have told you I learned from Rustan and more too from one of his souldiers who returned a little after him and was saved almost in the same manner Isabella could not then forbear interrupting of Justiniano to lament the misfortune of Axiamira but after she had satisfied her compassion she desired to make an end of contenting her curiosity and intreated Justiniano to continue his discourse which he did in this sort The Sequele of the History of Iustiniano I Will not stand Madam to relate unto you how I imployed my self after my return from Natolia in regard I know that Doria purposeth to let you understand that Ibrahims Palace was built by my direction and how it was in that intervall of peace and assoon as I was Grand Visier that I caused the ornaments thereof to be made having seen that work finished but a little before Doriaes arrivall at Constantinople It is true said Doria that I have a desire to describe that inchant●d Palace to her Excellency and to acquaint her with all the magnificences and all the grandeurs which you have quitted for her sake and to make her comprehend a part of what I say I am but to present her with that which the Grand Signior hath se●t her saying so he drew out of his pocket the box of gold which Soliman had delivered unto him and having opened it he let her see one of the goodliest things in the world Isabella was so surprized with the richness of this present as she would not have received it but at length Doria having told her laughing that he was not determined either to keep it or to carry it back to Constantinople she was constrained to accept of it Doriaes jesting made Justiniano fetch a great sigh beginning already to apprehend the end of his narration and for that cause had spun out that of the Adventures of Axiamira as much as possibly he could in exactly recounting her
It was both together answered Doria and if I might presume to make you the consident of a matter that imports as much as my life you should see without question that I am not far from the truth It is for you to consider said she unto him whether this secret if it may be told me would be advantagious to you for me to know it and on the contrary I being of a sex that is accused of being unable to conceal any thing whether you are to fear the exposing of your self to the hazard of my publishing that which you shall have told me If that were the onely obstacle replyed Doria that could keep me from speaking to you I should not be long without discovering the botom of my heart unto you seeing I am but too sure that you would never tell that which you had known of me But there needs so much boldness in daring to declare unto you that you are adored as I dare not undertake it Doria was no less surprised for having said so much than Sophronia who blushed at first and hyding her face with a fan of carnation feathers which she held in her hand she was constrained to avoid being seen of all the company to turn herself yet more towards Doria But whereas she very much esteemed him she was contented to say to him notwithstanding her ordinary severity You have so surprised me with the conclusion of you discourse as I have not the judgement free enough to discern whether it be a cast of your wit or a design to offend me Nevertheless seeing I have an inclination to honor you I will believe without examining the matter that it is the first I have spoken of But whereas it might happen that if any one should hear this gallantery continue any longer one would not have the same indulgence for you as I have shewed you and that your words might be interpreted more disadvantagiously both for your glory and mine do● me the favor then either to speak to me no more or to change your discou●se I will obey you answered Doria but remember that nothing shall ever alter the resolution I have taken to love you eternally Sophronia returned no answer to these last words and turning her self to Leonida who sate next her on the right hand for to demand of her how she liked the Musick it fell out that in going to avoid one discourse of love she interrupted another For Alphonso who began already to be in a strong passion for Leonida had laboured to shew it her with the most address that possibly he could But whereas she was of a wily humor and would contrary to that of Sophronia cunningly conceal things which were near her heart by feigning to discover them in stead of answering to Sophroniaes question she said unto her smiling and pointing to Alphonso this Cavalier hath talked so much to me of love as I had no leisure to mind the Musick Alphonso was somewhat amazed at this discourse but seeing that she did not behold him either with choler or contempt he said unto her with address there appeared so much of it in your eyes as it would be as difficult for one not to be taken with it as it would be impossible for you to bemoan the evills which you are the cause of Whilst these amiable persons entertained themselves in this sort Horatio was not so happy for whatsoever care he took about it he could not obtain one favourable look from Hypolita whose jealous humor had made her beleeve that he had beheld Leonida with too much attention whether it were that he had observed Alphonso who spake softly unto her or had without design cast his eyes that way but in conclusion all that she answered to whatsoever he could say unto her was to pray him with a quipping geer not to be Alphonsoes Rivall who was her brothers friend for fear lest the share which she was to have in all his interests might oblige her to break with him At the same instant the consort ceased and the Count desired the company to renew their attention for the hearing of a Dialogue sung by two most excellent voyces after which the Marquis who had set himself down by Leonora continued the conversation still for some time with his ordinary address and then all this fair Troop departed away but with different thoughts Doria felt himself so ea●d for having made his first declaration of love to his Mistress that he was as much satisfied therewith as if he had received a great favour from her But though Sophronia esteemed very much of Doria though he was of an illustrious race though he was beloved of her brother-law and that according to apparent reason she could not make a fitter choise yet was there a particular one and that was hidden to all the world but not unknown to her which made her fear the sequel of this passion For she was not ignorant that the Count albeit he esteemed of Doria in particular yet bore an irreconcilable hatred to the whole family in generall though in his actions and words he testified the clean contrary It was in this sort that this beautifull and prudent maid reasoned with her self not doubting but that Doriaes discourse was unfeigned because she was sufficiently perswaded that he would not easily venture to say such like things unto her having alwaies mad● profession of a vertue austere enough On the other side Leonida was not sory for having touched the heart of Alphonso and this new conquest made her return home with joy As for Alphonso he could not very well judge of his happiness or unhappiness so much did the proceeding of Leonida seem extraordinary unto him howbeit he had some hope in the gentleness of her lookes which promised no rigor unto him Hypolita had more sullen and unquiet thoughts although she had no just cause for them but it is sufficient to say that she was jealous for to perswade one that she went not away very well contented As for Horatio he was so afflicted with his Mistresses odd humor as he could not resolve to return to his own house till he had sought for some comfort from his sister Sophronia vvho lived vvith Leonora because her mother vvas dead He vvent then to her chamber to communicate his thoughts unto her Ah! sister said he to her vvhen he came vvhere she vvas I am the most unfortunate of men and Hypolita the unjustest of your sex It may be you call that injustice said Sophronia unto him which I should call vertue No no replyed Horatio and I desire that you vvould be my judge if you have nothing else to doe and can intend to hear my reasons I am vvell contented said Sophronia but I am so ill informed of that vvhich hath past betvvixt you these six monthes vvherein I knovv you have loved Hypolita as I am in doubt vvhether I may judge rightly It is true ansvvered Horatio that I vvas vvilling to
with him before my window or in all other places where I might have you for a witness that his love did not displease me No Horatio I have omitted none and the affection which I bore you made me have recourse to this artifice hoping I should know by giving you some cause of jealousie the force of your passion but I have not seen though you have seen all these things that you had any sense of them and albeit I knew that by this untoward experience I should be in danger of losing you if you were sensible yet chose I rather to resolve upon it and to assure my self of your love than to conserve you with a luke-warm and indifferent affection I have ever heard that jealousie is the daughter of love yet do I not say that love cannot be without jealousie Questionless you will tell me that by my own reasons I am unjust in complaining of you since it is possible that you may have love without having jealousie But alas this discourse hath not so much as an apparent reason neither can I suffer my self to be perswaded to that which I desire so passionately And to shew you that I cannot force my mind to deceive my self hear a thing which hath made me to think upon this matter I have been perswaded then that love alone cannot produce jealousie and how it is necessary that jealousie should have a mother which may contribute to her birth this mother if I be not deceived is occasion and as love without her cannot produce jealousie so she without love canot beget jealousie This reasoning seemes so powerfull to me as you cannot make any objection which it destroyes not for in fine you may well have love without jealousie when as you have no occasion for it but I having given it you and you not having taken it is to say absolutely that you have had no love Ah! fair Hypolita answered Horatio how I doe rejoyce at these complaints of yours for the more reasons you have brought to maintain your opinion the more have you established my felicity You say then amiable Hypolita continued Horatio that there can be no love without jealousie and because I have not been jealous I have had no love you shall pardon me if you please if without losing the respect which I ow you I dare take the libertie to contradict you in maintaining with reason that the perfectest and sincerest reason is that which admits of no jealousie It is a th●ng known of all reasonable and dis-interessed persons that he who loves truly loves only to love and not to be beloved or ro expect any recompence for that thought is too base and abject for so noble a passion Now if the love of beauty which is that whereof we speak springs from an object that is pleasing to the sight it followes that so long as this object seems amiable unto us so long will our love continue and whether the person beloved answers our affection or answers it not this love shall be still the same love But that I may make use of a comparison as well as you a man sees a fair Lady and love arises in his heart is it necessary for him to examine whether this Lady be ingaged to another in affection it is certain that it is not and it is every day seen that love doth subject us to them whose love is ingaged otherwhere so that one may wel judg from thence that a man ought to persevere in his love though some cause be given him of jealousie since when he was not beloved and that he was induced to love by the only sight of beauty he left not to be infinitely amorous And if I may be permitted to make use of History in this encounter what sympathy or what affection could that young Athenian expect who became so desperately in love with a beautifull Statue and whose passion was so extreme as the like was never heard of It is very certain that he loved only to love seeing the object of his passion was absolutely incapable of any correspondence Now then if it be true that a Lover is satisfied in knowing that he loves he is most assured that jealousie is not of power enough to destroy his love and that this jealousie is rather an effect of a defective than of a perfect love And to speak freely unto you tell me I pray you who can be so hardy after a worthy person hath had the goodness to receive our services favourably and to testifie some affection unto us as to suspect she should have the same thoughts for another Ah fair Hypolita the gallantry and civility which you have used to the eldest of the Adornes could not oblige me to draw so bad a consequence against you And to comprehend all the rest of my reasons in one alone I am but to say that he who by his discourse gives some marks of his jealousie to his Mistress names her inconstant facile and almost infamous Judge now fair Hypolita whether these be words agreeing with a Lady In the mean time it is most undoubted that in what tearms soever jealousie is expressed it cannot be expressed but in this manner whereas quite contrary this confidence which we have in the person beloved which makes us to approve of all her actions is the true mark of perfect love and indeed merits the most acknowledgement if I may be permitted to say so I have not suspected you then beautifull Hypolita of inconstancy because I have esteemed you very much and if I had had as good a place in your heart as you have had in mine you would questionless have done me justice ●n not accusing me of infidelity Hypolita was not sorry to find Horatio's reasons stronger than hers but whereas she was high-minded she would not let him see that she began to repent her but contrarily making shew as if she thought it strange her brother should leave her so long entertaining Horatio she called him for fear she should be constrained to say something that would be too obliging unto him And whereas Doria could not satisfie himself he came out of his Sisters Cabinet and went down to wait on Horatio whom she could not let part without beholding him in such a sort as he might easily perceive that he was in better terms with her than when he came thither for it is the custom of those that are easily angry to be as easily pacified to accuse that one may justifie himself and to complain that ' they may be satisfied In the mean time Doria had no sooner left Horatio but the Marquis came to him for to show him a Letter which he had written to Aemilia Why said Doria unto him do you think of her still I must needs think of her said the Marquis in the necessity I am in But before you marvel●t my constancy read that which you shall finde written in this paper and halving opened it he saw that it
case I should not be discreet enough to conceal this secret from others he would be so confident as to disavow all that he had said to me For Deliment he had a long time before won an old Satrap in whom the Sophi very much confided for the affairs of the Empire and who had oftentimes perswaded him by Deliment's direction that the Law which had caused Arsalon to be banished was very judiciously made for his subjects but not for him perswading him that Kings which did not marry their daughters to forraign Princes were never to admit the noblest and the greatest of their subjects into their alliance because that most commonly was to take Tutors in taking sons in law of an high birth and that for the good of the Prince of the State and of the Princesses it would be better to do otherwise For said he unto him one day coming to particulars if by example the Princess Axiamira had marryed Deliment what a felicity would yours be to have a son-in-law that should owe all his glory to you and absolutely depend on you and what an happiness would it be for Axiamira to have an husband without having a master it being certain that the inequality of their conditions would always keep Deliment in the terms of duty and obedience With such like reasons as these it was that this wicked man had caused the minde of the Sophi to be prepared before he would discover his love unto him But whereas he had understood by his Agent that he had not reject●d those propositions the morning that he had been to see the Princess which was the same wherein the Sophi discovered to him the love which he bore to me he wrought so dextrously with him as he made him comprehend that if he had a passion in some sort unworthy of his rank he on the contrary had one that was far above all he could pretend unto and that would not permit him to hope for any thing He spake this to him with so much cunning as he designed Axiamira unto him yet without engaging himself so far but that he might interpret his discourse after another manner if he perceived the Sophi to be offended at it But he had too much need of him for me and his minde was too much possest with maxims of State which were advantageous to Deliment for him to be so and indeed far from being displeased with it he embraced and told him that his hopes might go so high as that he permitted him to lift up his eyes even to the Princess Axiamira For said he unto him since Nature hath not given me children which can govern this Empire I would be willing that love and fortune would give me such a one as Deliment who may if not be Sophi after me at least-wise counsel him that shall be Deliment cunning and dextrous as he was made as though he did not beleeve that which the Sophi said to him and out of a f●●gned respect not seeming to acknowledg that to be his passion the Sophi said unto him to oblige him thereunto that it being not so far from him to the Princess Axiamira as from me to the Sophi of Persia he was not to fear that he would thence forward oppo●e an un●qual affection seeing he had discovered his unto him But when as Deliment continued saying that respect was stronger in him then all other things the Sophi that he might know whether it were Axiamira indeed whom he was in love withall carryed him to her lodging and it was then that this rash man was so audacious as to speak with such insolency to the Princess For whereas he had tryed that love could not move her he beleeved that ambition might and that the hope of reigning over Persia would move her more then the certainty wherein she was of reigning over his heart As for the Princess Perca they had a long time before treated together and he had perswaded her that the Crown of Persia was to be sh●red between her and her sister and for that effect she was to be kept from marrying any man whose generosity for so it was that he spake should carry him to let stupid Ismael or blinde Mahamed reign And when he made a shew of seeking out who in the Court might be Axiamira's husband he play'd his part so well that he led her as cunning as she was to the point he desired For after she had mused awhile as well as he what need have we said she unto him to seek so far off for that which we may finde in the person of Del●ment He seeming to have no other interest in this affair then the good of the Princesses held off a good while that he might be the more prest unto it But at length being come to agreement about their conditions they judged that albeit Ismael was not capable of rendering a party much stronger then if he were not of it yet it would be advantageous for them to seize upon his spirit and Perca took the care to do it As indeed she easily perswaded him that it was requisite Axiamira should be marryed to a man that depended on him and not on Mahamed who after the death of the Sophi might trouble him in demanding a great portion as if he were not blind so that to weaken his party it would be good to marry Axiamira to Deliment who would tye himself wholly to his interests Behold my Lord the motives and the causes of Deliment's insolency to Axiamira of the discourses which he made to me touching the love of the Sophi of the perswasions of Perca and Ismael and of the unquietness which this unpleasing entanglement gave us For being advertised of part of these things which we understood much better afterwards Prince Mahamed Axiamira Vlama and I who was also of the counsel resolved that the Princess should always treat Deliment with a great deal of coldness and indifferency without giving him for all that any notable cause of complaining That the best would be carefully to avoyd all occasions wherein the Sophi might speak of this man it being more expedient that the matter should not break forth but upon extremity because it might arrive that it would not have a s●qu●l so grievous as we foresaw it That in the mean time we should labor to let Perca know that Deliment did not intend to use her better then Ismael and Mahamed That for me I should receive the discourse which he should make me concerning the Sophi's love as a thing I did not beleeve and that I would not have to be true and that I should give him as little occasion as I could to speak to me of it I offered the Princess to retire to my father under pretext of a supposed sickness but if the good-will which she bore me opposed it Prince Mahameds love hindred it absolutely In regard whereof they represented unto me that if I should do so it
them to any but Princes and that they should always reserve one of each of them in their own keeping to publish Axiamira's beauty and mine over all the Countries through which they travelled These Merchants promised all that he required and for our ill fortune kept their word but too well as you shall understand hereafter From that same day Deliment persecuted me more then ordinary it seeming unto him that I was no longer to doubt of the Sophi's love after that which he had said unto me And whereas I desired to decline his encounter as much as I could I stood oftentimes talking with Prince Mahamed because though he contemned him yet his quality made him that he durst not separate me from him when we were in discourse together And I remember that one day as this poor Prince was entertaining me and that Deliment was come to the Princesses with Ismael out of a design to say something to me from the Sophi this insolent man did so far lose the respect which he owed to Mahamed as I hated him for it more then I did before I have already told you blushing generous Ibrahim that this Prince was in love with me and though I had nothing but good-will for him and that Vlama absolutely possessed my heart yet did I in some sort comply with Mahamed for his discourse was so virtuous and so obliging though passionate as if Vlama had heard it I verily think he could not have hated this illustrious Rival I was also willing to conserve the good-will of the son out of the intent I had to refuse the love of the father It was then with his passion that Mahamed entertained me that day when as Deliment had so great a desire to speak with me and that finding himself hindred from it by the Princes presence he thought good to observe both ●is actions and mine And whereas it is hard for the motions of the face not to give some marks of those of the heart especially when love possesseth it Deliment perceived something which was extraordinary in that of the Prince for Mahamed albeit he was blinde yet came up close to me as if he could have seen me and because his eyes could not advertise him when there was any one neer us that could hear him and that it would have but put me in remembrance of his defect if he should have said any thing to me of it he always used to speak softly unto me which that day amongst others gave no little unquietness to Deliment for having marked that I had blusht twice or thrice and it seeming to him to be without anger he suspected somewhat of the truth And whereas he was insolent and accustomed to a bitter jeering which made him to be yet more hated of every one he said speaking of me to Perca's Confident who was hard by him for those two Princesses were retired into Axiamira's Cabinet accompanyed by Ismael doth not this so long and so particular a conversation possess you with curiosity for as for me continued he I profess unto you that I cannot comprehend it If it be of indifferent ●●●●gs I am certain that he cannot talk to her of the rarities which he hath seen in his voyages if it be of War he cannot render her any other account but of the noise of the Canons and if it be of Love I am well assured that he doth not entertain her either with the whiteness of her skin or the sweetness of her look so that I conclude he cannot talk to her but of his dreams which should not be very pleasing since the objects he hath seen conduce not much to the furnishing him with fair idea's Deliment spake so softly as I could not hear him but whereas the privation of sight seemed to have redoubled in Mahamed the delicacy of hearing he lost not one word of that which I have delivered I perceived very well that upon a sudden he had held his peace that he had blushed and that without harkening to me he had lent an ear to Deliment but I was much surprized when as turning him towards the place where he heard him speak he said unto him with a strong and confident voyce Thou thinkest it may be insolent as thou art that because I am blinde I should be deaf also howbeit know that I have but too well heard for thy interest the injurious words which thou hast spoken for though I am deprived of sight I have not lost my courage and did not the respect of Axiamira retain me I would strangle thee with mine own hands or thy flight should shelter thee from my fury but what say I continued he thou knowest well base man that I could not follow thee and that is it which makes thee so audacious Deliment during this discourse did nothing but smile which so incensed me as I could not forbear beholding him with rage but meaning to carry insolency to the highest point he told Mahamed that he had said nothing of him which he might not say again to the Sophi without offending him I do not think replyed Mahamed that he would be as unjust to authorize thy insolency to me as to Axiamira but howsoever get thee out of this lodging and never come into the place where I am I charge thee I assure you answered Deliment as he was going away that you shall never see me more This last jeer so mightily incensed Mahamed as he would have gone to that part where he heard the voyce of Deliment but knowing that his misfortune would not permit his coming at him to punish his audaciousness I retained him the best I could and not thinking of Perca's Confident being there Let this sensless fellow go my Lord said I unto him and consider that your hand is too noble to punish his arrogance and that in stead of doing him an affront you will do him an honor whereof he is not worthy At this noise the Princesses opened the Cabinet and Axiamira asking what the matter was saw Prince Mahamed exceedingly moved It is answered he an insolency of Deliments which I may not tell you so suddenly for my dear sister those of his party are yet too strong here Perca seeming not to understand that this discourse was addressed to her I assure my self said this subtle Princess that this was one of Deliment's merriments which the Prince hath misunderstood but lest this disorder continued she should oblige the Sophi to forbid the Princes from bringing any body to our lodging I will go and endevor to appease this tempest Spare that pain replyed Mahamed for certainly on my part it shall never be appeased but with the death of Deliment But Perca without answering this discourse took Ismael by the land and all amazed as he was carryed him away whither she pleased We were no sooner ●t liberty to talk but Mahamed recounted to the Princess Axiamira all Deliment's insolency and that with so much choller and
commerce with her nor having ever trusted any thing to her discretion I perceive very well my Lord answered this man that you do not trust in mine but it may be this Letter which I present you with will better perswade my fidelity unto you In saying so he gave him that which he had written to me You may judg now whether Vlama were astonished when he came to know it Howbeit this first motion being over he imagined further that I peradventure might have lost it and some one have found it But the cunning of this man left him not long in this opinion for seeing Vlama moved and capable of being perswaded he told him That Prince Mahamed had loved me a great while and that I also loved him That so long as he beleeved that there could no other harm arrive to him then to be deceived by me he durst not betray Mahamed but having seen by the Letter which he had written to me and which he said I had put into the Princes hands that he spake in such sort as if it came to the Sophi's knowledg his fortune would be utterly ruined he was resolved to make use of the Princes blindness to draw it with address from out of his hands and my Lord continued he to shew you that I speak truth I have taken also three of the Letters which Felixana hath written to the Prince in the beginning of their affection for as for the rest I durst not meddle with them because as they are more obliging so the Prince makes them to be read unto him almost dayly by Amariel who is the Confident of this love Vlama harkened to this discourse looked on her Letters and his knew the hands and no longer doubting of my infidelity he thanked this wicked man and asked him an hundred questions about the love that was between the Prince and me But the other fearing that he would demand so many things of him as in the end he might contradict himself in some one or other he besought him he would be pleased to let him depart for fear lest if any of Prince Mahamed's Officers should see him go out of his lodging so long after he was entred in●o it they might suspect the truth Vlama deceived by this artifice dismissed him promised to recompence him and prays him to continue advertising what should pass betwixt Prince Mahamed and me He was hardly out of Vlama's chamber when according to Deliment's advice that old Satrap whom as I have told you he had corrupted came and commanded him from the Sophi to go instantly out of the Palace and the next day to depart to his Government until he received further order And whereas Vlama importuned him to tell him why he was entreated after that manner The Satrap answered him That the Sophi onely knew it and that he had charged him not to leave him till he was out of the Palace Seeing there is nothing more resting for me answered Vlama but to give marks of my obedience having given enough already of my fidelity and courage in other occasions let us obey without murmuring He had no sooner said so but he prepared to be gone howbeit suddenly remembering that he left all the Letters which I had written him in his Cabinet he went boldly thither to take them away and without knowing whether it were out of a sense of choller or love either to teer or preserve them he took a little China coffer wherein they were the old Satrap who walked fairly and softly before never perceiving it But whil'st these things passed in such sort Prince Mahamed who had layd himself on his bed by reason of a weakness wherewith he had been taken re-assumed new forces and calling for Amariel he was told that he was gone forth but for all that he arose and caused himself to be led by another to Axiamira's lodging whom he found alone Ismael and Deliment being gone from thence a good while before and I was not yet come unto her For the adventure of Vlama's Letter which the Prince had snatched from me kept me in so great an unquietness as I knew not what resolution to take I feared to discover my self to the Princess doubting lest she should take it ill that I had concealed from her the affection of the Prince and that of Vlama Neither durst I acquaint Vlama with that which was arrived unto me for fear he should imagine that without this cross adventure I would have told him nothing of Mahamed's love and I judged also that it would not be very easie for me to oblige the Prince to render me Vlama's Letter whensoever I should be able to speak with him which I saw well was at that time absolutely impossible In this irresolution I gave the Prince leasure to visit the Princess Axiamira who as I have told you was alone when as he came into her chamber At his first arrival there he commanded him that led him to get him forth and after he had demanded of the Princess whether he might speak without being heard of any but her self and that she had answered him how he might speak safely he requested her to pardon him two things and to accord him one And when as the Princess had promised him that which he desired All the grace that I demand of you continued he is That you will not think amiss of me when I shall have told you that I have a long time loved Felixana and the second That you will pardon me if the respect which I have born you hath kept me from acquainting you with it sooner But when as you have granted me the pardon of these two things you must also to keep your word with me promise not to intreat Felixana the worse for it For though I am at this present not very well satisfied of her and that it is rather choller then love which carries me to the entertaining of you upon this subject yet I cannot resolve for all that to hurt her You acquaint me with so many strange things at once said the Princess unto him as I doubt whether I should beleeve them for to tell me that you are in love with the beauty of Felixana and that Felixana in whom I confide in all things should make your affection a secret unto me is that which I cannot comprehend and that which I shall not beleeve unless you give me stronger proofs of it I did not say to you replyed the Prince That I am in love with the beauty of Felixana but indeed that I love Felixana And beleeve dear sister that the beauty wherewith I am taken though it wounds not the heart through the eyes yet leaves not touching it very powerfully but in conclusion I am not come hither to tell you what hath made me in love but onely that I am so As for Felixana that which hath kept her as I conceive from speaking to you of that affection which I had for her is that she
he durst not ask him any thing of Felixana for fear left he should take that care for an effect of his ancient love And when as Vlama perceived so much I thought my Lord said he unto him that after I had assured you how Axiamira was in the estate you desired her to be you would have demanded of me how Felixana did since having heretofore judged her worthy of your affection I might well think you would render her that proof of your good will My dear friend replyed Mahamed smiling I durst not put my Protector in mind that I had been his Rival and though the memory of Felixana be infinitely dear to me that which I owe to your friendship kept me from rendering her publiquely what I will ever render her in my heart Let not this discourse disquiet you continued Mahamed for in acknowledging that I shall always be in love with the vertue of this discreet maid I protest to you withall that this love shall never beget any other desire in my Soul then to see her contented that is to wish she may be Vlama's wife My Lord answered he Felixana is far more dangerous and more to be feared then she was when as she surmounted your heart she hath charms and beauties which you know not and which peradventure will make you change your resolution You are but too well assured replyed Mahamed that I am a bad Judg of beauty and that love enters not into my heart by the eye Neither do I mean continued Vlama that visible beauty which renders Felixana the object of the admiration as well of stupid as of witty of vicious as of vertuous persons but I mean that beauty which is wholly celestial which never makes any but noble Conquests which touches none but great and generous Souls and which not destroyed by time begets another love that lasts eternally In fine my Lord that which I mean is the beauty of the mind and soul of Felixana When she captived you she had wherewithall to make one believe that her thoughts were generous ambition did not move her and the desire to be a Queen made her not forget what ●●e had promised But my Lord Felixana hath done much more for she hath despised death for Axiamira she hath exposed her self for her and this rare maid hath testified so much constancy and generosity in divers encounters as it will be hard for you not to love her when you shall understand it I shall love her without doubt replyed Mahamed but the more worth and vertue I shall know in her the more shall I be obliged thereunto and the more shall I be confirmed in the resolution wherein I have a long time been not to esteem my self happy but when Vlama shall be so nor to pretend to any thing from Felixana but that which she cannot deny me without a crime that is to say her friendship Believe my Lord answered Vlama if there needs nothing but that to content you you have cause to be satisfied for I certainly know that it would be a hard thing to judg rightly who carries more affection to you either Axiamira Felixana or my self And be assured if you please my Lord that all which I have said to you hath been but to have the pleasure to speak of Felixana it being most certain that I honor her at this present so highly and that she hath rendred the love which I bear her so perfect as jealousie can never have any place in my Soul With such like discourses Mahamed and Vlama without being heard of any but him that guided the Prince beguiled the time whil'st the rest entertained themselves with the weakness of Tachmas in suffering himself to be governed in that manner with the malice of Perca the stupidity of Ismael and the universal hatred that Deliment had drawn upon him But at length after they had travelled a day and an half this Troop arrived at and Bitilisa Axiamira and Felixana were exceeding joyful to see Prince Mahamed who not able to enjoy the same felicity was nevertheless charmed to hear them speak Felixana who loved the Prince as much as if he had been her brother durst not testifie so much unto him but Vlama being as dextrously to discover her thoughts as he had been in discerning those of the Prince approached to her and told her laughing that he had made certain conditions with Mahamed which he conjured her she should observe Two such sage persons answered she could not resolve on any thing which is not just wherefore I think that I shall not engage my self inconsiderately when as I shall promise you not to break them Vlama then told her in few words what had past between the Prince and him and Felixana promised to do that he desired whereupon he left her to go and give order for the commodious lodging of all this Troop The Princess would needs see all them that came along with the Prince and with her sweet carriage and address so absolutely gained them as they would have enterprized any thing for her service Whil'st she was complementing and Vlama giving direction in the Town Felixana came to Mahamed and such was their conservation together as it knit their friendship fast for all their lives after He requested her she would permit him to be Vlama's confident and would forget the misfortunes which his love had been the cause of to her he thanked her for the services she had rendered to the Princess Axiamira promised always to honor her more then any person in the world and without speaking to her of love he gave her to understand that if reason had not prevailed over his inclination he had still been Vlama's Rival but it was of that power in his Soul as he never spake a word to Felixana contrary to the promise he had made her to love her no otherwise then as his sister In the mean time Vlama after he had lodged the Prince in the Castle the rest in the most commodious houses of the Town and given order for the intreating of them honorably dispatched away a man to advertise the Grand Signior of that which had past and to beseech him he would permit that Bitilisa might be a prison for Mahamed as well as it was for Axiamira undertaking to bring him his head if this Prince or any of them that followed him enterprized ought against his service But Soliman was not in an estate of thinking on the affairs of his Empire and the Grand Visiers melancholy was the onely thing that took up his minde The Persian Embassador was come to Constantinople and had oftentimes demanded audience but could not obtain it The Sultan spent the most of his time at Ibrahim's Palace and though this illustrious Bassa was extream weak yet walked he sometimes with the Grand Signior in his garden It happened then that one morning Soliman came to visit him earlier then he had used to do and having made him pass insensibly into
had never been taken but with the first sight of the persons whom he had loved that love never entred into his heart but by surprizing him and that whomsoever he had once seen without passion was not able afterwards to touch him with any And whereas Soliman contrary to his custom had taken great care to conceal his thoughts he had not perceived his love to Isabella but contrarily thinking that he had seen her without loving her he beleeved that he was safe on that side In this Opinion he the more easily resolved for the War of Persia and whereas he knew that affairs were pressing and that the Sophi's Embassador having had audience the Divano would be held the next day wherein peace or war for the interest of the Empire would be concluded he conjured the Princess to take her last resolution Emilia who was present at this Councel was on Ibrahim's side and perswaded the Princess to consent to the voyage he would undertake And to carry her the sooner thereunto the Bassa told her further that diverting Soliman's Arms from Hungary would render a great service to Christendom and that this action might peradventure obtain from Heaven the liberty which they so much wished for He added moreover that without doubt this war would not be long because the manner of the Persians was not to fortifie their Towns so that having no important sieges to make the business according to their custom would be decided by the gain or loss of a battel Upon these and many other reasons the Princess resolved for this grievous separation and Ibrahim having left her after they had made new protestations of fidelity the one to the other he went unto Soliman to begin the preparing of his minde to the war of Persia This Prince who never swerved from the way of vertue but by constraint had fought so mightily with the passion wherein he was for Isabella as he might perchance have defeated it or at least-wise have never made shew of it had not the Grand Visier himself contributed to his own misfortune in propounding unto him his sending him again into Persia For whereas it is very difficult to reject that which may satisfie us it was impossible for the Sultan to refuse that which Ibrahim offered He had had strength enough after a long combate and after he had an hundred times changed his opinion to resolve not to propound this voyage unto him since he could not undertake it without quitting Isabella but he had not enough not to accept of that which could content his passion He determined for all that because the matter regarded the good of his Empire to have it proposed in the Divano to the end the people should not murmur and might know that he had not preferred war before peace until he had well examined the importance of it The day following at seven of the clock in the morning twelve thousand Janizaries appeared in Arms in the great Court of the Serraglio for in regard it was a Councel of War where the Grand Signior assisted in person there was more ceremony used then in the Divano which was accustomed to be held for affairs of peace the Halls of extraordinary audiences were opened and hung with the richest hangings that the Grand Signior had There was seen at one end under a cloth of State of curled cloth of gold a Throne raised four degrees high covered with gold Tinsel and in the midst of it four cushions of the same stuff for his Highness to sit upon All along the Hall were little low seats adorned with cloth of silver for the placing of all the Officers of the Empire who came thither very early in the richest and bravest apparel that they had The Beglierbeys of Natalia and Lavandali with those of Amasia of Cairo Siria Europe and Romelia were present there so were also the Capitan Bassa Governor of Constantinople and all the chiefest Sangiacs namely of Morea of Nicopoli Philopali Tricala Negrepont and others the Aga of the Janizaries was likewise there together with the Tesqueregibassi to execute his charge of principal Secretary of State if need required In conclusion there was not any of all the Officers of the Turkish Monarchy lacking there but onely Rustan who was not yet so well re-established as to be present at Ceremonies After they were placed according to their degrees and that to manifest the more greatness and respect they had attended a long time with an extraordinary silence the two Capigibassi or Captains of the Port entred into the Hall richly clad having each of them in his hand for a mark of their charge an Indian Cane garnished with gold and stones and went and stood on either side of Soliman's Throne After them entred the Grand Visier Ibrahim as being chief Bassa marching alone two paces before the Sultan whom two Bassa's supported under the Arms and behinde him three of the children of honor who waited on him in his chamber and carryed a great cushion of cloth of gold all set with precious stones of an inestimable value Next after followed a many of other Officers of the Empire and a great part of the principal Eunuchs of the Serraglio When as the Grand Signior appeared all they that were in the Hall both on the right and the left hand rose up and as he passed by them they saluted him after their mann●r with their hands across on their brests and bowing their heads down even to the ground Ibrahim who marched foremost mounted up to the Throne whither the two Bassa's conducted Soliman who being set caused our illustrious Bassa to be placed at his feet upon the highest step upon the second on the left hand the two Bassa's that had led him with the Cadilescher of Greece and on the right the Bassa of the Sea and the Cadilescher of Natalia the three children of honor after they had set down the cushion which they had brought behinde him retired to the Eunuchs and the Capigibassi seated themselves on the lowest step at the feet of the Bassa's As soon as the Grand Signior had made a sign with his hand for every one to sit down each one re-assumed his place after they had again made a low obeysance to the Sultan and keeping a most extraordinary silence for so great an assembly they continued a while in this sort as it were attending the Grand Signior's Commands who after he had thought a little of what he was to say began to speak unto them He told them that although he could resolve all things by his absolute power yet in regard it concerned the glory of his Arms the greatness of his Empire and the good of his subjects he would not frame any design without communicating unto them the matter he had in hand to the end that having acquainted them with the importance of it they might give him faithful and dis-interessed counsel After that he represented unto them the victories which he had obtained
she owed her all things and since Ibrahim could not acknowledg it to her himself it was for her to do it Asteria who certainly had wit generosity and more address then the retirement wherein she lived seemed to permit answered her that her sight and acquaintance recompenced her beyond that which the service she had rendered her deserved That pity being a sense so natural to the sex whereof she was she merited no great glory for having had compassion of so gallant and handsom a man as Ibrahim For continued she although I know very well that they talk amongst the Christians of us as if we were barbarous yet I can assure you that this rule is not so general but it hath exceptions And pity which is a thing quite opposite to that which is beleeved of us is one of the first precepts of our Religion it extends even to unreasonable creatures and there are found amongst us such careful Observers of the Law as they buy up Birds to let them fly Judg after this whether that which I have done deserves to be ranked in the number of extraordinary things and whether contrarily there had not been cause to wonder if seeing a man carried to dye whose countenance so little resembled a Slayes or Malefactors I should not have had the thought to save him And then again added she if any one ought to recompence me for this action it must be the Sultan since I have preserved him a man whose brave actions have rendred his Empire famous and whose merit and conversation hath made up all his felicity ever since he was here For as for you continued she I do not see how you are obliged to me if I had been contented with saving of Ibrahim's life you might well have said so but since it was I that was the cause of the Sultan's seeing loving him and retaining him in his service methinks I ought rather to demand pardon of you for robbing you of him then to attend thanks for his preservation Isabella who did not think that Asteria was acquainted with all her history knew not how to answer her which the Sultana perceiving desired her not to marvel if she understood by her discourse that she was not ignorant of all her adventures She told her then how the Sultan her father had been almost constrained to impart them unto her for a reason which she would tell her another time it being unjust to keep her any longer from the liberty of lamenting an absence which could not chuse but be very grievous unto her Isabella was so satisfied with the civility and wit of Asteria that she felt some consolation in finding a reasonable person in a place where she imagined there had been nothing but stupidity so that to oblige her she requested her with a great deal of tenderness and respect not to leave her for that reason nor to defer to another time the acquainting her with that which she would fain hear although she knew it Asteria then recounted unto her what Ibrahim had already told her namely that Soliman had purposed to have married her to him but she particularizing the matter further unto her in letting her know how this business had not been so hastily carried but that some days were past after the Grand Signior had spoken to her of it when as Ibrahim's discourse obliged him to propound it sooner unto him then he had intended That whereas he could not foresee how this marriage should be disagreeable to Ibrahim he had resolved to have had her conducted to his Palace upon the day of his Triumph to the end he might do the more honor to the grand Visier but that he had been hindred from it by a Persian named Alibech who came to demand Justice of him against the Bassa of the Sea and had kept him till it was night in the Hipodrome That having learnt all these things from the Sultan's own mouth and seeing afterwards that nothing came of all this she had cast her self at Soliman's feet and besought him to let her know for what cause Ibrahim had refused her and that after many intreaties having had experience of her discretion in other encounters he had declared unto her the truth of the matter That after this she had far more esteemed of the Bassa then before and that his fidelity to her had in such sort touched her heart as far from being incensed against him for the refusal he had made of her she had commended him for it in her talk with Soliman Do not disquiet your self said this Sultana to Isabella if I dare say to you that I have been your Rival that Ibrahim's glory had touched my inclination and that I could have resolved with joy to have been his wife since I had not thus opened my heart unto you if it had not been free enough to offer you all manner of service and to assure you that that which I felt for the Bassa could not be named Love but a simple desire to marry a gallant and vertuous man Do not regard me then as your Rival seeing that could not be without hatred but as a person that hath no stronger a passion then to serve Ibrahim in you You are too generous answered Isabella and Ibrahim too happy for him to be indebted to you I should condemn him nevertheless continued she for not failing in his fidelity to me had he had the honor to know you but his misfortune hath made him commit this fault Do not accuse him then for want of judgment in preferring my conservation before your Conquest since his ignorance hath been the cause of it and seeing you know my whole life as well as I lament us without accusing us But what say I added Isabella reprehending her self rather admire Ibrahim's good fortune in that he could oblige you to save his life and afterwards gain the affection of the greatest Prince of the Earth and to joyn our good fortunes as our interests are joyned I must add further in having procured me the honor of your acquaintance This conversation having lasted an indifferent long time combined the Sultana Asteria and the Princes in so strait a league of friendship as they were almost inseparable so long as Isabella continued in the old Serraglio The day after she was come thither Soliman visited her and by this last sight made the chains which captived him stronger then before The incertainty he was in wholly ceased and the combat which he had in his heart between his f●iendship to the grand Visier and the passion he was in for Isabella was at an end and love remaining absolutely victorious his mind had some more peaceable moments so th●t he had no other thought then of the Conquest of Isabella But whereas he knew that to make himself be beloved he must first please he complyed so far with her as not to speak of any thing but Ibrahim in this first visit He craved pardon of the Princess for
was very great in riches most mighty in friends of an extraordinary courage having a great deal of prudence and wit and much more ambition there would have been folly and no little hazard for whomsoever would have enterprized to disoblige him Abdalla though grieved with that which Aly had done yet named it an excess of zeal and affection rather then inhumanity and continuing him in his Commands committed unto him almost the whole sway of his Kingdoms But in some sort to repair this cruelty he took care to dry up the tears of the Princess Mariama inforced her to return to the Court made her to be reverenced as the Queen of all his States would have perswaded her that Aly was not altogether culpable of the death of Hamet and her children and would exact no other thing of her but to live in good terms with Aly. This Princess who was no less prudent then vertuous made as if she believed that which the King her Brother told her albeit in her heart she bare an irreconciliable hatred to Aly. And indeed she lived so well with him without doing any thing for all that unworthy of her great minde as it was believed that the consideration of her Brother and her own vertue had made her forget that Aly had counselled the death of her Husband and had caused her Father-in-law and her children to be killed But you shall perceive by the sequel of this History that she had other manner of designs Behold then Madam the estate wherein the Court of Marocco was at such time as we were driven thither by tempest Abdalla was peaceable in his Estates the Princess Mariama was very powerful with him and Aly shared with her in Abdalla's heart I think that after this you will the less marvel when you shall come to know that this vertuous Princess set her self so strongly and so readily to protect us in regard she was carryed thereunto both by her own vertue and the hate she bare to Aly as you shall understand by the sequel of this discourse But to come to that which touches us directly I am to tell you that whether Sophronia's extream affliction had rendered her eyes less powerful then they used to be or Leonida's negligence had taken off some of her charms or that my sister having a complexion not so clear as her fellows was the more suitable to that of the Country it was she that made Abdalla and Aly her Slaves and who by consequence was the cause that we were so too You have promised said Horatio interrupting him to be a faithful Historian wherefore without digressing from your subject relate onely the effects of Hipolita's beauty and not establish your self the judg thereof The Marquis could not forbear laughing at this discourse no more then Sophronia and Leonida nor Hipolita blushing and all out of different apprehensions but at length after some civilities had past betwixt them Doria continued his discourse in this sort Hipolita then having seemed beautiful both to the King and to his Favorite they had both of them a design not to give liberty to a person who had already somewhat engaged theirs But whereas this first sense of love was not yet very strong in their soul they said nothing of it to one another and onely resolved together that we should be retained as Slaves but whereas ill fortune had brought us to Marocco and that we were not their Enemies but because we were Christians therefore we should be treated very gently yea and hope given us that in time we might obtain our liberty This resolution taken all our Soldiers and Mariners were the next day committed to safe custody without any other ill usage offered unto them and for us they contented themselves with leaving us under the guard they had formerly assigned us with this difference nevertheless that we were separated from Sophronia Leonida and Hipolita for it was Abdalla's absolute pleasure that they should abide in the service of the Princess Mariama and that they should lie in her lodgings but with this grace for us that we should be permitted to go sometimes and see them or they to come and visit us This extraordinary favor having been granted to us against the custom of the Country by the goodness of Mariama whom these new Slaves always found ready to render them all kinde of good offices It is certain that this separation was grievous unto us and seeing the terms wherein we stood we were almost sorry that we had not suffred shipwrack at least-wise me-thought I observed such like apprehensions in the mindes of Horatio and Alphonso But as for the Marquis it is to be spoken for his glory that never man was so soon comforted as he and I was not a little surprized to hear him say laughing a quarter of an hour after we were returned from conducting the persons who were so deer unto us to the Princess Mariama's lodgings that the Affricans Love could tell how to use his how better then he of Europe it being very true said he that he had never been so suddenly strucken to the heart as he had lately been by the charms of a sister of the Princess Mariama who was called Lela Mahabit onely with seeing her at a window For me said the Marquis interrupting him who had neither Sister nor Mistress to grieve for nor was afflicted but out of a sense of friendship I am not to be blamed if to render my self more like unto those with whom I conversed I suffered my self to be surprized with the passion which possessed their Souls If I be always interrupted in this manner said Doria i● will be hard for me to relate this day that which you desire to know of me Isabella finding that Doria had Reason made all the company pass their word that they would not speak any more until he had ended their History so that every one keeping silence and Isabella having renewed her attention Doria prosecuted his discourse in this sort These new Slaves were no sooner come to the Princess Mariama's lodgings but Abdalla who visited them very often repaired thither accompanyed with Aly. And whereas he found her with them and that therefore they would out of respect have withdrawn he would not permit it telling them that the name of Slave which he had imposed upon them was rather an artifice to retain them about the Princess his sister then a design to keep them in servitude This complement was seconded by another which Aly used to them and with a sincere protestation made to them by Mariama for the treating of them as her sisters rather then as her Slaves This second view yet more augmented the love which the King of Marocco and Aly already bore to Hipolita and whereas Aly was cunning and dextrous and had out of a sense of ambition for a long time before taken great care to observe all Abdalla's motions he quickly perceived that the beauty of Hipolita had touched
that one of the Guard who had more brain then the rest perceived that although three several men had presented themselves for to go out of the City yet it had been still with one and the same horse so that he certainly b●li●ved there was some mystery in this adventure and how it might w●ll be that Aly was not far off This Soldier having imparted his thought to him that commanded the gate he conceived that his opinion was not ill grounded wherefore to clear himself therein he made shew of being perswaded by the intreaties of this man who d●sired to be let forth but whil'st to gain time he made yet some new difficulties he sent for three horses to the end he might follow him a far off with two of his companions which were no sooner come but having let him go out and set them elves to follow him they saw that contrary to the custom of all such as fear ●o be followed he went on still without turning his head to the place from whence h● parted so great a desi●e he had to arrive where the unhappy Aly waited for him S●eing then that they might follow him without his being aware of it they approached neerer to him then they would have done if he had behaved himself otherwise and quitting the high-way as well as he when they came neer to a wood whither this man seem●d to have a purpose to go they espyed a woman who having discovered them hid her self in the thickest of the bushes This action made him that was carrying the horse to Aly turn about his head who knowing that he was followed would have tak●n more on the left hand and not have gone to the place where he was attended but this trick would not serve his turn howsoever it was not because those which had observed her b●li●ved that this woman was effectively Aly but being neer unto it they would needs know certainly what this adventure was The Captain then having given order to the two Soldiers to seize on this man went to the place where he had seen the woman hide her self and had not gone fifty paces but he found her at the foot of a tree where keeping down her vail still about her she besought him in counterfeiting her voyce not to do her any violence And when she saw that this man had no intent to use her civilly and seemed fully resolved to discover what she was she would have tempted this Captain with the hope of a great recompence so that suddenly lifting up her vail Thou seest said she the infortunate Aly who can make thee happy if thou beest wise for if thou wilt resolve to let me escape I will put thee in a condition that thou shalt never need to ask any thing more of Fortune This Captain who was faithful or it may be did not believe that Aly in the case he was in could recompence him as much as he said answered him that he would never enrich himself by a Treason and without further delay he called his companions who having tyed the man on whom they had seized to a tree went to help him to take the miserable Aly who though without Arms left not off resisting them for while But at last they brought him to Marocco and having conducted him before Abdalla this Prince reviled him with all imaginable reproaches And whereas Aly had always been happy this one blow of unhappiness so mightily surprized him as that judgment and prudence which had rendred him so considerable in his prosperity wholly abandoned him in his misfortune so that in stead of seeking to colour his fault he confessed it as it was and related unto Abdalla all that he had said and thought just in the same manner as I have delivered it unto you for the Prince●s Mariama had the goodness to recount it unto us afterwards in so much as Abdalla regarding Aly not onely as a Traytor but as his Rival the tenderness which he had at other times had for him was of no power to excite any thought of pity in his heart but contrarily the remembrance of the good-will he had born him incensed his minde the more At last love anger interest of State and jealousie made the King without further delay as soon as Abdelcader was app ehended even the very same day take off the ambitious Aly's head who seeing his loss inevitable resolved for it with constancy enough Thus was the Princess Mariama revenged on this man for his cruelty and Hipolita delivered from one of her persecutors Aly was no sooner dead but the Princess Mariama always generous went and cast her self at the Kings feet to beg Abdelcader's life of him which he granted to her tears upon condition that he should remain for some time a prisoner For alb●it he was guilty of high Treason as well as Aly for intending to usurp the Kingdom during his life yet was there this difference that Abdelcader was Abdalla's Brother and was not his Rival But Madam to make an end of telling you at once both the goodness of Mariama and our fortune you shall understand that in the confusion wherein all the City of Marocco was this day when as the Princess Mariama entred into a Chamber where these three fair Slaves were and saw them all in tears especially Hipolita who knew well that she was in part cause of all this disorder this Princess I say seeing them in this estate had so much generosity though she loved them very tenderly as to deprive her self for ever of them It may be also that the design of taking from the King an object of passion which might trouble his rest from Abdelcader that which had made him fail in this duty and from the Princess Lela Mahabid another which might make her in some sort forget the rank which she held carryed her to this resolution But in conclusion a little interest and a great deal of generosity made her tell them that profit was to be made of others misfortune so that before the King had leasure to ask for them she caused them to be secretly conveyed to the house of a man who absolutely depended on her and having advertised us to repair thither we continued concealed there above eight days She in like sort caused the Mariners and Soldiers which we had brought to Marocco to be delivered for the ambitious Aly being dead the Princess Mariama was as powerful in the State as the King himself The day following Abdalla seeing the Princess Mariama with a feigned melancholy in her face which yet he believed to be true demanded of her whether revenge which is said to be one of the greatest pleasures of Kings did not give her some My Lord said she unto him present misfortunes are doubtless more sensible then past pleasures the loss of the Slaves which you gave me is cause of more grief to me then that of Aly hath made me feel joy So strange a discourse surprized the King extreamly
any thing of all that happened unto her She imparted to him that Octavio's house being neer to hers she had no soone● opened her eyes but she was acquainted with him and that he had no sooner beheld her in his tendrest infoncy but he was pleased with her That their Fathers being friends they had a thousand times seen one another in that innocent age wherein decency did not require one yet to live with so great a restraint and that then without knowing what it was to love they sorbore not carrying affection to each other She told him further that in this age wherein feigning and dissimulation have no part and wherein the inclinations of the Soul appear such as they are so great a correspondence was seen betwixt Octavio's and hers as no difference could be found therein But said she to Alphonso sighing neither he nor I knew that this sympathy which so straitly united our hearts and mindes should disunite us eternally that this springing love sh●uld one day be the cause of his death and cost me so many tears and without dreaming of any such thing the pleasure alone of seeing one another and talking together took up all our Souls We knew not as yet for all that added she what those thoughts were which we had one for the other neither did we perceive them till decency would not permit us to see one another so often The privation of a good makes us know the greatness of it and the design which we had to conceal our affection began to make me suspect th●● there was something in it more then good-will I did then all that I could to disengage my minde from a passion which I had always heard to be very dangerous but whereas it was more ancient in me then Reason Reason was not strong enough to chase it out of my Soul but contrarily it was she which engaged me further in it and that speaking to me of Octavio drew the picture of the worthiest man that ever was She told him moreover that which she felt in her heart when as by any reason of honor or business he was constrained to be absent from Genoua the small delight she took in Assemblies when he was not there and how much she enforced her self to seem merry during his absence She acquainted him also how exact Octavio was in following her pleasure in all things what care he used to take from her all occasion of suspecting his fidelity and with what discretion he still demeaned himself towards her all the time of his serving her But said Alphonso interrupting her had you never any of those petty disorders which augment love rather then diminish it No no answered Leonida Octavio never gave me cause to complain besides our affection had no need of that artifice to render it the stronger since it is certain that never any person loved more perfectly then we Alphonso would fain have assured Leonida that he loved her yet better then Octavio had loved her but his minde was so unquiet as he could scarce speak And then again Leonida gave him not leasure to do it for she was so attentive in exactly relating all that had past betwixt Octavio and her as she never took heed of all the several changes which her discourse made in his face She continued then telling him that after an indifferent long love Octavio having obtained permission of her to demand her of her parents believed that his happiness was so sure as he had no doubt at all of it for whereas his Father and hers had always lived as good friends together and their fortunes were equal he could foresee no impediment in it But he knew not said Leonida then looking on Alphonso that a passion less noble then that which raigned in his heart opposed his and that avarice which is far more powerful in the mindes of old men then love is in that of young folks should destroy his and my hopes and should finish our love by his death for to settle a grief in my soul which I shall conserve there eternally In sequel hereof Leonida likewise declared to Alphonso that one named Livio of the Family of the Frigozes a man very rich in the goods of fortune but very poor in those of the minde being touched with her beauty without any thought of discovering his affection to her or gaining her favor went the very same day that he fell in love with her and demanded her of her Father prescribing him no other conditions then that of giving him his daughter and that this old man who knew Livio's wealth being more mightily touched with the love of riches then Livio was with the beauty of Leonida had promised him to bestowed her on him and had engaged his word to him in such sort as nothing was able to make him break it So that Octavio arriving an hour after that Livio was gone and making his proposition he was wonderfully surprized to learn from Leonida's Father that he had promised his daughtar and that it would be in vain for him to hope he might make him change his resolution Octavio could not apprehend that Leonida could be promised to any one and she not know of it and on the other side said Leonida to Alphonso my fidelity was so well known to him as he durst not doubt of it In so deplorable an estate continued she he left my Father and came and found me out at an Aunts of mine who favored our affection and where I had appointed him to come and acquaint me with the answer he should receive But O Heaven I cryed she I did not foresee that this sentence should be that of Octavio's death and of the loss of all the felicity that I attended from it He came then but with so much melancholy in his face as at first I made no doubt but that he had some fatal news to impart unto me When as he had obtained permission of his grief to speak to me and that he had acquainted me that not onely I should not be his but that I was already anothers my affliction was so strong that albeit Octavio's was exceeding great yet was it for him notwithstanding to comfort me He told me that our misfortune it may be was not without remedy and that if I had as much stedfastness as he had love I should vanquish my Fathers rigor Alass said I unto him sighing I will not bewail the tears which I shall shed if they may move his cruelty but if they prove unprofitable to me continued she what arms shall I make use of Of those of your constancy said the infortunate Octavio to me Alass cryed Leonida in making this relation to Alphonso how often have I repented me for not believing him I and rather chusing to obey my Father then to be faithful to my Lover After this transport of affection she recounted unto him all the resistances she had made against her Parents pleasure her grief and despair
But my Lord to oblige thee no longer to continue so dangerous a fiction know that if it were true that thy Highness had for me the violentest affection that ever was heard spoken of it should not serve but to hasten my death it being most certain that the most terrible and horriblest torments that can be imagined should never carry me to be wanting either to that which I owe to Ibrahim to my self or to thy Highness No my Lord I should never be a Complice of great Soliman's fault and for his own interest I ought always oppose my self against him But continued she it is in some sort an injury to thy Majesty to answer so precisely to a discourse whose foundation is not tru● Would to Heaven replyed Soliman both for your content and mine that it were so But amiable Isabella it is but too true what I say and if there be any feigning in my discourse it is that I have not said all that I feel I confess that I am faulty towards Heaven that I am so towards Ibrahim that I betray the friendship which I have promised him that I forget the care of my glory and honor and that I betray my self but in conclusion being faulty towards all the world I am innocent towards you since it is certain that a violent love to speak reasonably can never offend the person that hath begotten it And how constant soever you be for Ibrahim how rigorous foever you be for me you cannot without injustice but take pity of the deplorable estate wherein I am I do not demand of you your love as yet but some compassion and at least bemoan me if you cannot love me Great Princes replyed Isabella ought to be sensible of pity but they never ought to put themselves into a condition of being the object of it to others Neither will I be drawn to beleeve that Soliman hath a thought so unworthy of himself For my Lord how can I think that thy Highness will stab a Poignard into the heart of Ibrahim after thou hast saved his life if it should be so it had better both for him for me and for thy Highness that he had been left to languish in his irons or to dye of melancholy then to save him for to kill him the more cruelly Let thy Majesty consult well with thy self and thou wilt find without doubt that thy heart agrees not with thy mouth that thy words betray thy thoughts and that Ibrahim is yet more powerful in thy Soul then the fatal beauty of Isabella No said Soliman interrupting her do not justifie me in this sort since in the terms wherein I am I have no other design then to let you know that I am the most faulty of all men in perswading you that I am the most amorous Ah my Lord said she to him weeping doth not thy Highness consider that at this very time it may be wherein thy Highness useth so strange a discourse unto me Ibrahim is fitghing with thine enemies is hazarding his life for thy service and shedding his blood for a Prince who makes me shed tears and who without doubt will bring me to my grave if his unjust love doth continue Soliman being moved with so pressing a discourse stood a while without answering thereunto but at length his passion still surmounting his vertue in this occasion I know said he unto her that Ibrahim's life ought to be dear unto me but I know withall that mine ought to be considerable to me and I am certain that what exploits soever he can do in Persia I have done more yet in consideration of him I have fought for him against my self I have felt my self in the flame without daring to complain love and friendship have torn my heart and I know no torments so terrible which I have not endured since the first instant that I saw you rather then to do any thing against the affection which I bear him But being come to the terms either of dying or speaking I chose the last and so much the rather because I do not think but a man who could abandon you at Monaco to come unto me to Constantinople will easily enough resolve to quit you for the saving of a Princes life to whom he is indebted for his own Ah my Lord I cryed Isabella if Ibrahim be faulty in this occasion it is against me and not against thy Highness who by this very fault art yet the more straitly obliged not to commit one against him For what doth not a man deserve who rather then he would fail in his word which he had given thee resolved to abandon not only his Country not only his Friends but the only person whom he could love who was in stead to him of all the world and without whom his life had been irksom and death the term of his desires No my Lord continued she flatter not thy self in this occasion think better both of Ibrahim and of Isabella and be most assured that as I am certain he would dye a thousand times rather then abandon me so should I do the like rather then be unfaithful to him And if by some prodigy which I cannot fear should happen Ibrahim should consent to thy passion if he himself should speak to me of thy love yet let thy Highness know that I am not capable of failing by example I should cease to love Ibrahim if he ceased to be generous but I should love thee never a whit the more contrarily I should regard thee then both as having outraged me and as having bereaved me of a vertuous Lover Isabella was going on in her discourse and Soliman was going to interrupt her when as the generous Asteria entered And whereas the Sultan had still some respect for Isabella he would not command the Sultana to withdraw but being unable withall in the estate wherein his Soul was to begin an indifferent Conversation he went away leaving Isabella with an affliction that may be better imagined then described He was no sooner departed but Asteria who had observed a great deal of alteration in Isabella's and Soliman's faces demanded of her with much impatience and grief what it was that had caused the trouble wherein she saw her Alas answered the Princess how have my fears been too well grounded and how true have your suspicions been and then she recounted unto her what had past betw●●n her and Soliman with so many testimonies of resentment that the Sultana Asteria was exceedingly moved therewith This misfortune did not altogether surprize her for all that b●cause she had sufficiently observed in divers occasions that the Sultan her father was desperately in love with Isabella but she had nevertheless conserved some remainder of hope that his reason and the friendship which he bore to Ibrahim would surmount his passion or at leastwise keep him from discovering it to her Isabella for her part had thought as much so that being equally surprized one might almost say that
things incompatible but in regard of that vvhich he had told him he vvould aftervvards forbid his reason to judge any more upon apparances Hovv it vvas notvvithstanding true that he had believed that he vvas not absolutely culpable but hovv it vvas certain also that being unable to conceive this adventure he had been troubled to think in vvhat terms he should dare to inform and clear himself therein Ibrahim answered that he would easily forgive him this injury seeing he himself could not in a manner conceive by what means or by what wayes fortune had conducted him to the point wherein he then was That in the mean space not to lose time which was to be so precious unto him it was fit he should tell him that Soliman had been so good as to permit him to go and see Isabella and that he might do it with glory and safety the Sultan had found out an undoubted expedient to cause the Sentences which had been pronounced against them to be revoked But whereas Doria could not easily believe that which he heard Ibrahim recounted every thing unto him from point to point just as it had been resolved in the Sultans Cabinet but he did not discover unto him that he had ingaged his word for his return within six moneths for fear he should be afflicted at it for as for his fidelity he no way misdoubted it Doria finding that he purposed to return out of hand to Genoua told him that he had lost a very affectionate friend in the person of Sinibaldo who was dead of sickness as the Slave of Monaco had informed him but that he had left a sonne behind him the heir of all his vertues and one that promised great matters Is he not called Giovanni Lodovico replied Ibrahim after he had bemoaned the death of Sinibaldo Yes said Doria and he was not above a dozen years old when you went away and yet then there was great hope of him Hereupon one brought Ibrahim word that the Slave of Monaco was come which made Doria represent unto him that being to return to Genoua he held it not fit that this Slave should see him in the habit he wore because he could not possibly forbear publishing of it which might prejudice him much or at leastwise oblige him to make a publick manifestation of his adventures Ibrahim agreed with him therein so that he charged him who brought him that message to carry this Slave to the quarter where the Officers of his house were lodged which was a great way off from his own with order to use him well and not to let him go out of his chamber without his express command That done he turned himself to Doria and desired him to work in such sort as he might have the Letter which the Princess had wrote to him by this man to the end he might be assured of her fidelity Doria told him that the matter vvas not very difficult and that to oblige him to deliver it he need but let him knovv hovv he vvas still alive and because also hee vvas to see him during their Voyage it vvas requisite to tell him that hee had been a slave as well as they and freed in the same manner that he might not be surprised when he should see him abord the vessell Ibrahim approved of this counsell of his friend and prayed him to go instantly and labour to bring him that pretious treasure which was able to make him happy Doria condiscending thereunto the Bassa caused him to be conducted by four slaves to the place where that of Monaco was who a good while would not part with Isabellaes Letter till he saw Justiniano because he could not beleeve that a man whom he had gone to seek for at Naples should be at Constannople but Doria swore so seriously unto him that Justiniano was alive and that he should see him within a few daies as at length knowing him to be a man of great quality and Justinianoes friend he suffered himself to be perswaded and delivered him Isabellaes Letter which he had with much ado preserved all the time of his captivity presently whereupon Doria returned to Ibrahim who attended him with extreme impatience as soon as he perceived him and that they which conducted him were retired he lovingly imbraced him and conjured him no longer to defer his happiness but Doria without answering him rendred him that precious gage of Isabellaes fidelity which possessed our Illustrious Bassa with such joy that he could hardly obtain so much tranquillity from his mind as to read this Letter But at last after he had kissed it with transports that cannot be imagined but by those who know the force of this noble passion which reigned in his heart he opened it and saw that it was thus The Letter of Isabella Princess of Monaco to Iustiniano SInce it is not enough for the felicity of Isabella to know that you are living but that she must also know whether she still liveth in your memory I have sent the Lieutenant of my Guard to inform himself thereof and to clear it unto me to the end that by his return and by his answer I may regulate the rest of my dayes conserve my self for you if you be faithfull or punish my self for loving you if you be faulty being fully resolved if you live no longer for me to live no longer for the World and to deprive my self for ever of it as soon as you shall have deprived me of the hope of seeing you again I do not undertake to paint forth all the miseries which I have suffered by the persecutions of my Lovers and of mine Enemies by my Parents and by your absence since if it be true that it hath been able to destroy in your soul a love which ought to last eternally it would but adde more to my confusion and to your crime raise up a trophy my self for mine Enemy follow voluntarily the Chariot of the Conqueror and serve for an ornament to the triumph of some stranger who it may be hath vanquished you But if nevertheless it should happen that my fear and suspitions should render me faulty towards you that you should be alwaies Justiniano as I am alwayes Isabella that this so noble and so pure a passion which I had given a being unto in your soul should reign there still as it doth still reign in mine I durst beseech you if Monaco seem too weak to defend you or too near to Genoua to live there in quiet to let me understand in what place of the earth you will have us live together for in fine I shall alwaies quit my State without regret for to conserve unto my self the Empire which you have given me over your heart Let me know then what I am to expect from my fortune with a promise if it be so that I have no longer a place in your remembrance never to murmur more at my misfortune but accuse my defects for your change and
the City unto him and having recovered new forces they were utterly defeated and Thomombey taken prisoner After he had given the pillage of Cairo to his souldiers as you may see in this Table where this dreadfull disorder is so well exprest he went and took also Alexandria Dan●ietta Tripoli and all the rest of Egypt and Arabia One of his Bassaes obtained likewise a great Victory against the Persians But at last after he had been in so many fights won so many battails and conquered so many Provinces in less than two years as he thought to return triumphant to the seat of his Empire he dyed at Chiourli in the very same place where before he had given battel to his fa●her after he had reigned only eight years The Pourtrait of Soliman the second the fourteenth Emperor of the Turks THe Victories of great Soliman are so universally known of all the World that upon the least considering of this Table you will bring them unto your memory again it being impossible but that fame hath acquainted you with them You will easily then knovv Belgrade and the Isle of Rhodes where this Emperor stood in need of all his conduct and of all his valour This Battel which you see a far off is that of Mohacs vvhich he gained against the Hungarians wherein dyed Lewis King of Hungary This City which here I shew you continued Ibrahim is Bagadet vvhere Soliman vvas crovvned King of Persia but though I have some share in this War as well as in that of Natolia vvhich you may see also in this Table I will refer this narration to another time that may be more opportune for us I know my dear Doria that this proposition displeases you but you must obey me for you vvill not be the strongest at Constantinople and though you may absolutely command Justiniano yet must you at this time follovv the pleasure of Ibrahim Let us make an end then of running over the Victories of Soliman again and without particularising every one it shall suffice me to tell you that Assyria and Mesopotamia do obey him that he hath taken Strigonia and Alba Regalis that he hath made six expeditions into Hungary that he hath subdued Aladulia and the Kingdom of Aden with many other Towns on the red sea that he hath rendred Argier Tributary that he hath also subjected Pialli Tripoli and Gerbes But after all these things that which I find to be most excellent in the life of this Prince is that he conquered a Kingdom for to restore it unto him to whom it appertained by rendring unto him again all the strong places that he had in his hands which he performed in the person of John King of Hungary and I more esteem of him for having surmounted this ambition vvhich is naturall to all Monarchs than I commend him for all his Victories And whereas I make more account of the gifts of Nature than of the presents of Fortune I had rather make you an Elogium of his person in particular than speak further to you of his Conquests which are already but too great on Christendom side Behold then my dear Doria this Majesticall face and this vertuous physiognomy did you ever see a more goodly man or one of a better aspect There appears in his eyes a vivacity of spirit and a sweetness vvhich charmeth hearts and in the air of his face a certain tranquillity which sufficiently shevvs that this Prince is master of his passions and that without doubt he hath no interior trouble I know not whether my affection to him doth blind or dazle me but I see something of such state in his port and of so much majesty over all his person as I hold it impossible for one to look upon him and not to love him Furthermore this goodly apparance is not deceitfull and the qualities of this Princes soul are so noble and vertuous that if he were a Christian he would be of all men the most perfect He hath together both much valour and much conduct he is infinitely just towards his own people and exceeding clement towards his enemies he is so rigorous an observer of his vvord as he vvould resolve rather to lose his Empire than not to keep it when once he hath given it He is great in spirit great in judgement and great in memory he understands the Mathematicks and the universall History so admirably as nothing can be propounded to him to●●hing those matters which he resolves not upon the place Finally he is a Prince that possesseth all vertues and that hath never been vanquished save by one only passion but whereas it is the noblest of all others I think you will pardon him this weakness he hath been then passionately amorous of divers women but amongst the rest of the Sultana Roxelana whom he would needs espouse to the end she might partake with him in that supreme greatness which the Othoman Princes do not lightly bestow and which to conserve wholly to themselves they never or seldom marry howbeit love was stronger in Soliman than either reason of State or the example of his Predecessors Behold my dear Doria a simple draught of this great Emperor whom ere it be long you may compare with the originall that so you may judge whether I have robbed him of any thing or flattered him for this great Prince hath commanded me to bring you to the Seraglio when as I go thither to take my leave of him in the mean space since we are pressed with time let us make an end of viewing this house In saying so Ibrahim opened a door which gave upon the Lobbey whereof I have already spoken but before they past on Doria testified to Ibrahim hovv glad he was of the hope he had given him that he should present himself to the Grand Signior he rendred him thanks also for having so punctually explaned all those peeces by abridging unto him the History of so great an Empire which he had never understood but very confusedly before He would have said more if our illustrious Bassa would have suffered him but his impatience appeared so visibly in his eyes that Doria without further stay went out of the Gallery smiling into the Lobbey from whence they past through three outward chambers which were all of a floor before they came to Ibrahims the feeling of them were very magnificent and the meanest of the Hangings were of cloth of Gold of Tinsell or Persian Tapestry the floors as of all the rest vvere made of suitable peeces of severall Marbles and in proportionable divisions After he had stayed a vvhile to consider all these things they entred into the Bassaes chamber vvhere Doria vvas surprised vvith the furniture of it both for the richness and fashion thereof for it was hanged with black Velvet set all over with tears and flames imbroidered in pearl Here it was where Ibrahim desired his dear Doria to remember the things which he should see in this chamber
Ibrahim left not to be in that particular as in all other things Doria saw in the middle of the Hall a great Persian Carpet extended on the ground with a Table-cloth after the manner of the Country upon which were set a many of silver Chargers where in each of them were seen twelve great dishes of that which we call the essence of porcelain replenished with divers sortes of meates for it is the custom of the Turkes never to eat in any mettall howbeit they are not without great store of silver vessell onely for magnificence and indeed the grand Visiers Cubbord of plate was so sumptuous as Europe hath not a King that can shew so fair a one Doria then beholding that prodigious amass of Basons of gold engraven great Vases of sundry formes and of divers bignesses Flaggons vvater Pots and Cisternes of gold vvith Lions muzles and Dolphins half imbost could not forbear telling Ibrahim that Isabella vvould dye for joy if she certainly knew at what rate he bought the possession of her but the Bassa returning him no other answer thereunto than a sigh told Doria it was time to dine that they might afterwards go and take their leave of Soliman that in the mean space whereas their exterior ceremonies were different although their minds were not he had given order that he should be served in his chamber Doria went out then of this Hall after he had observed that the Persian Carpet was set all about with great Cushions of cloth of Gold upon Carpets of the same stuff for Ibrahim and the Officers of the Empire which did eat with him to sit upon The Bassa would have conducted his dear Doria to his lodging but he would not suffer him so that he was constrained to leave him in the hands of an Italian slave in whom he confided for all things These two friends were not long at meat for at this time love and friendship produced the same impatiency in them both the Bassa came into Doriaes chamber just as he was going out having taken a resolution together to go immediately to the Seraglio that they might part away the night ensuing The Italian slave assured the Bassa that in the evening he should have such an habit as Doria wore for Ibrahim had caused him to quit that of a slave as soon as he was at liberty and by the means of those Jews of vvhom I have already spoken procured him one of the Italian fashion They vvent avvay then to the Seraglio where being arrived Ibrahim made Doria put on a Turkish robe no stranger being permitted to speak to the Sultan but with this ceremony The Bassa entred in first to let his Highness know that according to his order he had brought his dear Doria Soliman shevved himself much satisfied therewith hovvbeit though he vvere somewhat impatient to see him yet would he for all that speak once more to Ibrahim without witnesses wherefore he caused him to pass along with him into his Cabinet vvhither he vvas no sooner come but looking on our illustrious Bassa with eyes where generosity combatted grief and retaining the tears which kindness and amity would have shed in this hard separation he spake unto him with such obliging terms as Ibrahim was not long without partaking with him in his melancholy so certain it is that passions do easily pass from one spirit to another as well in friendship as in love The Sultan having observed by the change of the Bassaes countenance that his soul was moved desired his pardon for having troubled his pleasure and accused himself of inhumanity for not letting him part without shewing his grief to the end he might not have excited his but to excuse him in this incounter he was onely to consider that the love he bare him was so strong as he would with less pain divide with him his Empire than be separated from him that nevertheless he was generous enough not to repent him of the grace which he had granted him albeit the execution of it was more difficult than he had thought it to be but to comfort him in his absence he prayed him not to take it ill if he desired one oath more from him which might assure him he would within six moneths return to Constantinople Soliman had no sooner done speaking but the Grand Visier who never gave place to any man in generosity cast himself at his feet and protested unto him that he would not depart before his Highness had testified that he would rely on the word he had given him to return precisely with in the time prefixed that he esteemed himself very unhappy in not being known to his Highness for that which he was and that being neither base ingratefull nor a lyar he vvas for all that suspected of those three crimes by a Prince for whom he would sacrifice his life with joy who reigned in his heart far more absolutely than over his people and who touched his soul with so much tenderness as he plainly felt that he could not turn his steps towards Isabella without turning his eyes towards Soliman Ibrahim pronounced these last words with such earnestness as the Sultan no way doubted but that he had truly expressed his heart he raised him up then in imbracing him and promised him that he would live in some quiet of this assurance of seeing him again that in the mean time it was not just to let Doria stay any longer without and that therefore he should go and fetch him in Ibrahim obeying this commandement called him at the door of the Cabinet as soon as he appeared Soliman spake to him in his own language for as I have already said this Prince understood it perfectly and made him such an Elogium of our Illustrious Bassa as caused him to blush more than once he spake of his valour of his prudence and of his conduct in great matters finally he assured him that he was as good a Generall of an Army as he was a good and faithfull friend he told him further that he desired him to receive his friendship as he already possessed his having begun to love him as soon as Ibrahim had made known to him by the recitall of his adventures what his merit was and the affection which he bore him moreover that as all the interests of Ibrahim were his so he gave him thanks not only for all the services he had rendred him but for all those which he should render him in time to come and for a mark of the obligation wherein he would stand ingaged to him for it he conjured him to accept of a Scymitar which he gave him whereof the hilt and scabberd were all covered over with Diamonds Doria answered to all these things with all the respect that he owed to so great a Prince and being fallen on his knees to receive that precious gage of Solimans liberality he was vvith a great deal of sweetness and civility taken up by the Sultan who prayed him
slavery but at length the first of these Vessells being come to the shore and the Ambassador who was seen on the poop being known of the people which were already gathered together in a very great number and they no longer doubting but that these vessells which now they knew brought them back both their brethren and their children such a noise of acclamations arose on the suddain as they all spake without understanding what they said themselves and without being understood of others wives called for their husbands fathers inquired after their children some ran into the City to advertise their friends of it others ran out of it with their whole families they in the Vessells cryed to let them know whether all were well at home at last so great a noise was formed of all these cries and murmures as the Ambassador had much adoe to make his orders be understood He commanded all the Chieftaines to accompany him to the Palace and particularly Alphonso not to be far from him they traversed the City in this sort followed by the popular multitude who ceased not from testifying their joy both by their teares and by their acclamation When they were at the Gate of the Palace the Ambassador advanced three or four steps before his Troop that he might the better surprise that honorable Company At his first appearing they sought to know the success of his voyage in his face but as soon as they perceived all the Commanders of their Vessells the gravest and most moderate amongst them could not chuse but shew signes of their amazement and joy and when this first emotion was appeased the Ambassador having made a low obeisance to the Duke and the like to the whole assembly began to speak in this sort The Oration of Antonio Lomelino to the Duke and Senate of Genoua IF the prosperous success of my voyage had been an effect of my conduct of my care and of my address I should without doubt have had so much modesty as to declare in few words the estate of things for to attend from so honorable an Assembly the praise which a service of such importance would have deserved without giving them to my self and I should also have been so generous as to have been fully satisfied with the onely thought of having been profitable to my Country but whereas I have no part in the glory of this action but contrarily I my self am obliged for my life to the Deliverer of so many illustrious Slaves as I have brought you back and which are all either your kinsmen or your friends it behoves me both that I may not be ingratefull in my particular and that also I may keep you from being so in generall to report fathfully unto you how the matter hath past to the end that by understanding all the circumstances you may the better know how it is the interest of the Republique which makes me speak with so much earnestness You are to understand then my Lords that whereas the Emperor Soliman believed that the Law of Nations had been violated in the person of his Chaoux he thought that he might doe the like in that of your Ambassador so that as soon as I was arrived at Pera and that according to the custom I had demanded audience of his Highness I saw my self constrained to pass by his order from my Vessell into a streight prison without telling me the cause therof in such sort as he that came to obtain the liberty of others saw himself deprived of his own and laden with chaines I was two dayes intreated in this manner with a great deal of rigor and I very well perceived by the countenance of them which guarded me that they believed my head was the onely price of my liberty As I was in this unquietness I saw the Aga of the Janizaries enter who caused me to be told by Dragoman of the grand Signioes whom we call an interpreter that his Highness willing to give me audience had commanded him to conduct me to Constantinople without any ceremony this mutation surprised me so much the more for that I could not imagine the cause of it having been well enough informed that Soliman doth not easily change his resolutions and that repenting is a motion of the soul which is almost unknown to him In the mean time I beheld my fetters broken off without seeing the hand that delivered me and in this uncertainty I attributed that to the inconstancy of Fortune which I owed her not at all But my Lords why should I longer conceal this mighty and generous hand which hath delivered me The impatience which I see in your looks to know the name of our Deliverer invites that also which is in me to tell it you wherefore I must interrupt my order and without going to Constantinople to paint forth unto you the resentment the choler the menaces of the Sultan I say unto you that he unto whom you ow the return of your vessells the lives of your children and the peace of this Republick was not carried to this brave action by a sense of acknowledment it is a man who could have revenged himself instead of serving you without committing an injustice it is a man whom you have exiled because he withstood a violence it is a man whom you have chased avvay because he had been so generous as to save his enemies life it is a man whom you have banished because he shed his blood to take part with the vveaker and vvho by misfortune killed one of your Citizens not only to secure his ovvn person but to assist an undefended man finally my Lords it is by Justiniano that vve are living it is by him that vve breath the air of our Countrey it is by him that vve do not see an Army of an hundred thousand men at your Gates and it is also by his liberty and that of Doria vvho is conjoyned to his fortune that you may pay our ransome as the only price which great Soliman hath set to redeem us It is in preserving this illustrious person that you may preserve the glory of the Senate and it is upon this condition that according to the power which I had for it I have ingaged the Publique Faith for the revocation of a Sentence which you signed with regret and which you accorded rather to the tears of Philippo Spinola whom I see here in this renowned Company than to Soveraign equity It is not because I will condemn in him the apprehensions of Nature but contrarily I purpose to stir them up in his heart by letting him see that if by misfortune Justiniano hath deprived him of one sonne the same Justiniano hath restored him another in bringing him back Alphons● who with tears in his eyes begs of him by my mouth the grace of his Deliverer They which are sensible of outrages ought to be so likewise of benefits especially when injuries have not been done by a premeditated malice and
striving who should come nearest to their Deliverer it would almost take up a volume that should treat of nothing else it were better then that amidst this popular crowd we should conduct Justiniano to the Senate followed by the Count of Lavagna Jannetin Doria Alphonso and all the Commanders of the vessels as also the slave of Monaco whom Justiniano had enjoyned not to budge from him When first they appeared the Duke out of more than an extraordinary favour advanced to receive him after which he appointed all the Senators to take their places and then commanded the Register of the Senate to deface the Sentences which had been pronounced against Justiniano and Doria and to read the abolition of them which was conceived in such gentle and advantageous terms as it plainly appeared that even their crime deserved more glory than punishment The reading whereof being ended the Duke began to assure Justiniano in the name of the whole Assembly that after they had satisfied the pleasure of Soliman yet held they not themselves for all that acquitted towards him that the Senate in generall and they all in particular were resolved not to stay there but to testifie unto him with more utility that they were not worthy of the benefits they had received from him that they desired him also to raze out of his memory as he was razed out of their Records the remembrance of the sentences which had been given against him and his friend To this Justiniano answered that in banishing him they ●ad satisfied Justice and that in repealing him they had rather shewed their clemency than their equity that the service which he had rendered to the Republique was not considerable seeing he had done it but to satisfie his duty and that also in acknowledgement of the grace it had done him he swore solemnly alwaies to hazard both his fortune and life for the interest and glory thereof so often as occasion should present it self for it This sayd he turned him to Philippo Spinola and intreated him to pardon Alphonso for his friendship towards him and to beleeve that it could never have found place in his heart had he not perfectly known during his voyage that the death of his brother had made him shed more tears than he had lost bloud that if his generosity would permit him utterly to deface out of his mind the resentment of that unlucky accident he besought him to adopt him for his sonne and to attend from him the same services and the same obedience as he could have desired from him of whom he was so unfortunately deprived but if that contrarily the apprehensions of Nature did still invite him to revenge he promised to banish himself voluntarily and if that were not yet enough he would submit to the greatest rigor of Justice Philippo was so moved with this discourse as if he had not already signed the grace of Justiniano in consideration of his son he could not have forborn doing it and embracing him so true it is that vertue hath powerfull charmes for a generous soul That venerable old man answered him with teares in his eyes that he would never oppose Alphonsoes friendship to him that it was too just to be condemned that owing him his life and his liberty he owed him all things that not being so unreasonable as to remember an injury not remember benefits he assured him that these last should take from his minde all the bitterness of the other that he would receive him for his sonne that he would have all the tenderness of a Father for him and that all the satisfaction he desired of him was that he would forget his prosecutions and his hatred and pardon them to an afflicted Father There past besides so many obliging speeches between them as all that were present had much adoe to retain their teares but at the last the Duke arising all the Assembly did the like Then it was that they imbraced Justiniano every one striving who should come soonest unto him to testifie his joy after which the Count of Lavagna carried him home to his house there to abide till his own was made ready to receive him for he had been Administrator of it ever since the death of Sinibaldo unto whom the Father of Justiniano had left his estate to conserve it for his sonne and though all the world beleeved that Justiniano was no longer alive yet had not the Count changed the order of his affairs being absolutely resolved not to confer his estate upon his heirs before he vvas certainly assured that he was dead As for Doria the Count could not get him to go along with him though he would have been glad to have past the rest of the day in the company of his friend but his kinsmen carried him much against his will away with them having first conducted Justiniano as well as all the rest to the Counts Palace where every one departing except some few whom he retained at dinner with Justiniano he led him to the chamber of Leonora his wife who received him with a great deal of curtesie and so did Sophronia Leonoraes sister which was there with her But as soon as civility permitted him to retire he turned all his thoughts to Monaco and vvhereas he saw that the necessity of good manners would hold him three or four days at Genoua to receive and to return the visits of his friends he resolved to send thither the same day the rather for that he judged it fit to understand the Princesses pleasure before he went to her he proposed his design then unto the Count and desired him to let him have one of his servants for to execute it and to put into his hands the Princesses Officer whom he had found a slave at Constantinople The Count could not refuse him so just a request but only told him that he vvas to dine first Whilst they vvere at table their conversation vvas no other than asking Justiniano questions concerning his fortune vvhereunto he still ansvvered vvith so much address as vvithout saying any thing against the truth he discovered n●ught that might prejudice him hovvbeit he recounted unto them his grief 〈◊〉 despair vvhenas he believed in Germany that Isabella had maried the Prince o● Masseran as also that having taken a resolution to die he vvent and imbarqued himself upon the Baltique Sea that there he was made a slave vvas carried to Constantinople and given to the Grand Signior vvhere Doria arrived afterwards by an adventure almost like to his that his good fortune had so vvrought as his Highness having found something in his person which touched his inclination his slavery had not been very hard if his Friends his Mistress and his Religion had not been obstacles to his felicity but he would not let them know that he had been Grand Visier nor hovv in that Charge he had mightily served Christendom for fear lest this action should have been ill interpreted by them that
had understood of his going to Monaco and therefore had sent to assure him that the next morning he should have a Galley waiting ready to carry him thither Justiniano accepted of this curtesie with a great deal of respect and prayed the man to let his Master know that he would not part away without thanking him for it And whereas his amorous impatience made him desire to be alone that he might at the least think of the Princess though he could not yet see her he was much surprised and exceedingly vexed to finde as great a company in his chamber as that which he had met with abroad for although it was composed of none but his friends yet would he fain have preferred solitude before their conversation howbeit he must resolve to comply with them and hear a Serenado of Lutes and Voices which the Count gave him upon remembring that he had heard say how the first passion of Justiniano had been by musick The Count also presented unto him a French Gentleman whom he dearly loved and desired him to esteem of him for his sake untill such time as he should make himself worthy of it by the knowledge of his merit which without doubt would not be long first This complement being finished every one retired save Doria who would not abandon our Lover untill he had restored him into the arms of his Mistris The night past away with a great deal of unquietness and impatience for Justiniano but whatsoever resolution he had taken to be gone by the break of day he could not get out of Genoua before it was almost noon In the end he imbarqued himself in the Galley which had been prepared for him taking no more with him than his dear Doria and some of the Counts people for to serve him He had at that instant so extraordinary a joy out of the thought that the term of so short a navigation should be the sight of Isabella as it reflected in his face vvas seen in his eyes appeared in his discourse shevved it self in all his actions and one would have thought that he went out of slavery in going out of Genoua and that Monaco was not only the place of his birth but that he was attended there to be declared the Conqueror of all Nations to receive the honor of a Triumph and to mount into a Throne that he was also expected by the Princess for to be crowned not by the hands of fortune but by those of love And whereas he had not so much ambition as desire to be beloved the Empire of all the Earth could not have given him a joy so sensible as that of the heart of Isabella This Princess imagining rightly that Justiniano would not be long before he came to see her had given order at the Port that as soon as a Galley should be discovered from Genoua-ward she should be advertised of it being perswaded that they would not let Iustiniano come in a Feluca so that when he appeared notice was thereof given the Princess and at the same instant all the wall was set on fire with a valley of Musquet shot all the great Ordnance likewise was discharged the dreadfull noise whereof could not keep Justiniano from being pleasingly assured that those flames were an effect of them which love had kindled in the heart of Isabella who presently dispatched away the principall of her servants and the most considerable of the Inhabitants of Monaco to go to receive him and present him with the keyes of the Town-Gates This obliging ceremony so mightily surprised Justiniano when it was done unto him that he could hardly finde terms to express his resentment thereof and the confusion whereinto this so gallant and extraordinary a favour had put his spirit He besought those that were sent from Isabella to excuse him if he did not accept of that which they offered him since it would not be just that he who would hold himself too much honoured to be their Princesses subject should do an act of their Soveraign that for the incivility which he committed in refusing a thing that came from her he conjured them to conduct him where she was that he might give her thanks and crave pardon of her both at once They were a pretty while in this dispute of curtesie on either side but at last Justiniano remained firm in his resolution They began then to take that winding way which leads to the Town and where all the souldiers of the Garrison vvere ranged into tvvo files for him to pass thorough the midst of them and so he marched till he came to the Portall of the Castle where the Princess attended him When as first he appeared she advanced to receive him so that to save her some stepps and to follow his inclination he went as fast as possibly he could and kissed her roab It was at this instant that those perfect Lovers felt that which cannot be exprest and albeit they had resolved on both parts to contain themselves and had also prepared their minds for the making of some complement to one another in this incounter their silence and then their interrupted discourses made it apparent to all that beheld them that excess of pleasure excited such a trouble in their soules as would not permit them to express all that they thought but to conceal this agreeable transport from the eyes of her subjects the Princess caused Iustiniano to enter after she had saluted Doria with a great deal of civility When they were arrived at Isabellaes chamber all that had accompanied them were obliged by respect to withdraw two or three excepted which remained to entertain Doria whilst the Princess talked with Justiniano Never were two hearts replenished with so much joy never had two spirits more charming transports and never did two amorous persons so perfectly express the motions of their soules by their onely lookes they said both of them together and at one instant that they had alwaies loved one onother that they still loved one another and that they would love one another eternally But after this dumb language had made all their apprehensions to pass from one heart to another Justiniano began to render the Princess thanks for all her goodness towards him but she not able to suffer the continuance of this discourse conjured him to remember that their interests could not be separated and that owing him all things it was unjust to thank her especially having done nothing for him than what she could not chuse but doe namely to weep for his absence to fear his changing to apprehend his loss and to renounce all the pleasures of this life since she could not have that of seeing him Justiniano answered thereunto that this necessity which she had imposed upon her self was so fair a mark of her affection and so glorious for him that unless he should be the most ingratefull of men he was obliged to thank her eternally As for the rest her teares being of
Madam where fortune hath done such strange and so unlikely things as albeit they arrived unto me yet do I doubt many times in thinking of my adventures whether it be not an effect of my depraved imagination that represents them so unto me or a faithfull report of my memory but not to lose time in exagerating the phantasticalness of fortune which hath been but too well known by all Ages and all Nations and to give you an extraordinary proof of it in my person you shall understand that after I was come to Constantinople laden with irons as well as my companions without any difference betwixt us but that they tried every day to break their chains and that I bore mine with a tranquillity of minde yet melancholick withall which made them perceive that life and liberty were not the object of my desires this knowledge which they had of my apprehensions during the voyage was the cause that they concealed from me the resolution they had taken when we were come to Constantinople of killing their Guard that so they might save themselves ere they should be presented to the Grand Signior and they carried their design so well as it was not discovered above two hours before it should have been executed And whereas amongst the Turks the desire of liberty is a capitall crime in a Slave unless it be in paying a ransom for it this enterprize being proved against them the Bassa Sinan a violent man and that saw how in one only night he was like to have lost three hundred Slaves without examining the circumstances of the matter without distinguishing the guilty from the innocent condemned us all to be exposed to the cruellest punishment of that Countrey This Sentence was received diversly according to the diversity of minds but at last though there were some generous souldiers amongst that great number of Slaves yet heard they all this wofull news with grief As for me who did not desire to live longer because I saw my self constrained to live without you I beheld the end of my life as an assured port to shelter me from all the storms wherewith I was agitated so that though it had been easie for me to have exempted my self from this perill by letting the Bassa know what ransom I could have paid him yet had I no purpose so to do Howbeit this generall consternation indured not long for the Bassa Sinan comming to consider that he could not satisfie his revenge and his avarice both together resolved not to lose that himself which others would have taken from him and therefore for examples sake only he commanded that we should draw lots and that the tenth part of our number should expiate the crime of the rest This grace was received with joy by all the company and albeit fear had still some place in their souls yet was hope the povverfuller and perswaded them all in particular that the misfortune should not fall upon them In the mean time the lots were drawn and chance having decided the matter I was of the number of the thirty that were to die It was then that I well observed how human weakness is the cause why every one is in some sort comforted by having companions in his misery for when we were all condemned I saw nothing but tears of sorrow but as soon as the lot had separated the fortu-tunate from the infortunate these last changed their sorrow into rage and choler so transported them as they could not endure the sight of them that were delivered Yet was it not they whom destiny reserved for this supreme disgrace for the Bassa having moderated his fury would have our lives once more depend absolutely upon the caprichiousness of fortune he ordained then t●●t of thirty which we were no more than three should suffer and the lot so favoured the desire I had to die that I was one of those unhappy men according to the sense of others though in mine own heart I was of a contrary opinion The two that proved my companions in this sad adventure were without doubt the worthiest of all the slaves they were young handsom and courageous and even such as the very Excutioners themselves who were to take away our lives had some regreet to see that chance had made a choice so unjust according to their thinking so that one of them moved with compassion went and advertised the Bassa that in losing us he would lose the properest slaves that were in Constantinople and the fittest to make a present of to his Highness The Bassa who repented him already of his violence in regard of his own interest and yet desired that some one of us should be punished resolved at length for the last cast that of we three but one should dye and that according to the first order chance should still be the absolute master of our life or of our death The lot was not more favourable to me in this last incounter than in all the former and I was the sacrifice destined for the publique s fety I was then presently bound more straitly than before they made me my self carry the preparations of my punishment and without boasting I can avow that I faced death with tranquillity enough I dare not almost say that in this wofull estate you were the only object of my thought yet it is true how I imagined that this obstinacy of fortune in chusing me still to be sacrifised was an effect of your desire and that she did not judge me unworthy to live but because you judged me unworthy of your affection In the end I received this sentence as if it had been pronounced by you and in that thought I went to my punishment with so much resolution as bred wonder and compassion in them that beheld me As for my self I was far from being afflicted at mine own proper miseries I had some delight in my fetters and chains and the very sight of death could not keep me from having some happy moments for my love doing its last and uttermost indeavour in following me to the grave perswaded me that if you had seen the same Justiniano upon whom at other times you had accumulated glory be ready to yeeld up the ghost in adoring you with the most cruell torments that the rage of tyrants hath ever invented you would at leastwise have breathed forth some sighs and shed some tears The Princess not able to endure that he should continue this discourse any longer so much trouble did this deadly image excite in her soul assured him with a great deal of tenderness and her eyes full of tears that this narration touched her so sensibly as albeit she could not doubt but that he had escaped this perill yet could she not chuse but be in fear for him and feel such a grief in her mind as she was not able to express Justiniano was no less moved with the tears of the Princess than she had been by his relation and when he
and for that effect said he unto us all they that have sisters must permit me to see and talk with them to the end that having made them know how Vertue ought not to be untractable and how they think more harm when they are by themselves than they would do if they knew us more particularly I may make that succeed which I have projected for your advantage Besides said he unto us this essay cannot be dangerous for whereas I never have an affection that lasts above a week you need not fear that I shall make any great progress therein Each one in particular durst not refuse him that which he demanded as being his confident so that in a short time hee was introduced into all the Houses of quality mauger the severity of fathers and the reservedness of mothers For he hath so complying a spirit that he knowes how to take upon him all formes and for gallantry no man can be so proper for it as he he sings very sweetely he playes upon the Lute and the Gittern he daunces with a good grace he limnes and paints well he writes excellent letters he makes verses in our tongue as if he were an Italian and his conversation is so intertaining that it is as impossible to be without friendship for him as for him to be without affection Whereupon it is easie to imagine that he had quickly perswaded that which he desired But to begin the introduction of the thing publiquely one day when there was a bal and the company assembled together he approached boldly to the principall mayds of the Citie for he feared not so much the brothers as the husbands and told them openly he was ashamed for them that they should be separated from the rest of the company as if they were unworthy to be of it and then hee made a Satyre against that custome which he must one day rehearse unto you When as every one took delight herein and that he knew he should be supported by all the young folks and that the Ladies in their hearts wished him no hurt he desired all the company that they would for this evening onely carry themselves as if they were in France and follow his directions to the end he might at leasure make the Ladies see who do not travell the difference that was between the one and the other Hereupon all those of his faction cryed it up with a great applause and his advice was followed although there were some that did not allow of it The women also made some difficulty thereof but at last the Marquis prevailed He changed then the whole Order of the company saying it was the custome of France that conversation should be the greatest pleasure of a bal so that he played the master of the Ceremonies in such manner as in placing every one without shewing himself affected therein hee placed each one according to his inclination After that it was a good while before he would suffer the Violins to play that the more commodity might be given to talk and in this sort every one for his particular interest found himself so satisfied as there was not any but avowed that they had taken more delight in this assembly than in all the rest that ever had been Since that he hath wrought so well with nine or ten interessed persons as we meet two or three times a week five or six families together where verily he delivers such pleasing things as cannot be repeated unto you without losing much of their grace It must be acknowledged said the Princess that this is a rare man and deserves that I should inform my self by what happy adventure hee hath preferred Italy before France for I have heard that he is a man of quality You have reason Madam said the Count to call it happy for us but it hath not been happy for him though the end was to him glorious I beleeve said Justiniano interrupting him that her excellency would be well contented to understand his fortune And I replied the Count to obey her if I did not fear that the Marquis will not give me leasure for it but will come and interrupt my recitall thereof I am much deceived said Doria if he doe not give you all the oportunity you can desire for I have well observed that the faire Emilia hath not displeased him and that being gone from hence because she was not well he followed her carefully with his eyes and if I mistake not he is gone to seek out some occasion to see her or to premeditate some letter or verses to express his passion The Count being of Doriaes opinion yeelded to the request which the Princess had made him and began to speak in these termes The History of the French Marquis I shall tell you then Madam that the Marquis is of an illustrious House and of a Province in France the name whereof is not in my remembrance and without particularising any thing more of his life than the last action which gave him unto us you are to know that his vertue begot him envie and consequently enemies in his country And whereas he had alwaies lived at court and in the warres the late King Francis shewed him a great deal of respect and good will although hee was as then but very young He had not been wanting then at the battell of Pavy where he had performed wonders in person and so happily for his glory as the King himself had been a witness of his valor yet were there afterwards for all that three Gentlemen in his Country whereof the one was called Marsé the second Beniers and the other Dincourt amongst whom fell out a quarrell occasioned by the doubt of his valor Marsé had hated the Marquis of a long time so as it is credible that being unable to finde out any other meanes to deface his glory hee published openly albeit neither he nor the other two had ever parted from their houses during the warre that the Marquis had fled from the battell of Pavy This discourse comming to the Kings ear at such time as the Marquis was not at the Court nor had heard any thing that was spoken against him this Prince who loved him dearly thought he should oblige him it he sought further into the matter Hee sends for Marsé then to know of him from whom he had received that which he had reported Marsé answers that a Gentleman named Dincourt had assured it unto him and Dincourt appearing said that contrarily Marsé had told him how he had heard it from one called Beniers Dincourt seeing that Marsé did not contradict him besought the King that he might not bee involved in this affayr the King grants his request returns him home and commands Beniers to present himself as he does the King demands of him whether he had told Marsé that the Marquis had fled from the Battell of Pavy Beniers stoutly maintaines that he had never said any such thing and gives the
pity she is no taller This man who was called Alsac beleeved that this was she which touched the Marquis his heart since he found but this little defect in her But the other proceeding on in his discourse he thought it was the second for said the Marquis the advantagious stature of the next that stately look that dark hair that ovall visage and that noble pride which appears in her port and all her actions would render her incomparable were her complexion somewhat clearer and that she spake a little more than she does I was deceived said Alsac then and it is this same that hath vanquished him But continued the Marquis the mouth of the third her white teeth that quaintness which she hath in the ayr of her face that merry and joviall humour and that which goeth beyond all the rest that charming and passionate voice which she governs with so much art gives her such a grace as would make her surmount all hearts were it not for a little inequality of humour that appears in her Nay now I know not which of them it is said Alsac to himself but for the last continued the Marquis it must be acknowledged that that fresh and vermilion hew proceeding from her youth which may be named the soul of beauty those sparkling eyes that black hair that comely neck that mean and well proportioned stature those white hands and that which is most marvellous in the age of fifteen yeares that nimble wit which renders her the entertainment of a company which makes her talk very agreeably of all matters and which puts a particular charm into every part of her deserves almost the whole heart of a worthy man if she did not live in the Country and had but for six moneths onely breathed the air of the great world but that originall sin which takes off much of her value and the sole thought that she is a country Gentlewoman is a soveraign preservative for a man of the Court Alsac was then very much perplexed howbeit he conceived that the obstacle which the Marquis brought to this last was the least considerable and that thereby he would conceal his passion But this conjecture was not for all that so strong as he durst settle his judgement on it as on an indubitable thing He presses the Marquis yet in another manner and precisely demands of him whether he be in love or no the Marquis who thought he was not to speak seririously answers that he is more than all the men of the world the other intreats him to tell him with whom and the Marquis who believes that this man hath no hidden design is contented to tell him for to keep him still in doubt that it sufficeth he assures him how in that which he loves all the beauties of the body and all the graces of the mind are incountred and that a master-peece of Nature might be made of it if one could see together what he loves asunder Alsac comprehended nothing by this discourse although it were true in the Marquis his sence who indeed was in love with these four maids in each of which he found things that touched his heart and others that did not please him This man then being in dispair of being able to acquit himself of his Commission enquires howsoever whether it be at Court or in the Country that he loves The Marquis answers how it is in the Coutry that he loves and after this they part Alsac goes to Marsè and tels him that all the fruit of his voyage is how he certainly knows that the Marquess is in love in their Country and that of necessity it must be in his house since there were no other Gentlewomen thereabout but to understand precisely which of his Sisters held the chiefest place in his heart was impossible for him to discover so well had he spoken to him of all four howbeit it seemed to him that the last touched him a little more than the rest but this too was so uncertain as he counselled him not to rely on it Marsé finds himself hereupon sufficiently troubled howsoever he resolvs to clear himself therein and beleeves that entertaining all his Sisters one by one in particular he may discover the truth it being impossible said he but that I shall observe by their countenances to which of them he hath spoken seriously of love He sends for the eldest to him into his Cabinet speaks to her with a great deal of testimony of good will and to oblige her the more easily to discover her heart unto him he assures her that he thinks of nothing with more care than to establish her Fortune that he should hardly resolve to marry before her and at length having made a turn or two he demands of her whether the Marquis had ever given her any particular proofs of his affection and whether that match would be agreeable unto her This proposition having made her blush she answers casting down her eyes that in this occasion she had no other will but his and that she was ready to obey him How it was true that the Marquis had testified that he greatly esteemed her and that in an hundred encounters he still seemed to prefer her before the rest and that she also had known how to acknowledge his merit to the prejudice of them that came neer him but that for three or four dayes since he had applyed himself more in talking to the third than he was accustomed to do This Maid giving no further marks in this discourse of the love the Marquis bore her than that which she bore to him by the jealousie which she shewed Marsé was at a nonplus he perceives by his Sisters speech that the Marquis had spoken to her of love that she did not hate him and that she suspects notwithstanding that he hath a mind to her which sings although according to Alsacs opinion it should be to the youngest Howbeit he conceals his unquietness from his Sister and resolves to sound them all charging this not to speak a word to the rest of what had past between them She withdraws and the s●●ond arrives with a look and a modesty that made him beleeve he should be much troubled to draw any thing out of her concerning that which he desired to know But he was much amaz●d when as at the first proposition which he made to her of it she freely told him but with some little preparation before hand that she beleeved the Marquis loved her eldest as a Sister that he delighted to hear the third sing that the wit of the last did not displease him but as for her she thought that he had given her such tokens of his esteem of her as he had given to none of the rest and that he had at sundry times spoken to her in that manner as she could no longer doubt of it Howbeit that for three or four dayes last past she thought that to spight her or to make
generall to all their kind All Harts seek dictamum when they are hurt all Birds of season seek for the Spring-time and fly from the Winter without fayling which the Lyons doe not nor so many Birds that doe not shift Country This instinct then is seen in all the creatures without ever failing even as the race of the Sun the course of the Rivers and all other things which doe not depend of themselves doe alwayes follow the first order that hath been given them and that is so ne-necessary to them as they cannot fail But as for man it is not so with him he is absolute Master of his thoughts and of his actions nothing forces him nothing violents him and he is so independent from all things as he can even attempt upon his own life as was often seen at such time as it was lawfull to prefer death before servitude It cannot be said that this action which destroyes Nature is an effect of a naturall inclination there must be then a more powerfull reason than our inclinations seeing it is certain that of all the interiour apprehensions which Nature gives us there is none so strong so predominant nor so universall as the desire of life In the mean time since there have been men found able to vanquish it by reason it may be consequently beleeved that there are a great number of others who can force their inclinations and judge soundly of all and who without considering that which pleaseth them consider only that which ought to please them For in conclusion our inclinations doe not move in us so powerfully as one may imagine they doe they having nothing common as I have already said with this instinct of unreasonable creatures which forceth a whole kind to doe one and the same thing and which is instead of reason to them since we see that not onely all Nations all Provinces but all men in particular are so different one from another that many times there is more difference between an Italian and an Italian than between the whole Nation and that of the Persians and Tartarians Our inclinations if we will know them well are no other than a secret motion that carries us without violence to please our selves more with one thing than another some love the Woods better than the Rivers and others the Waters better than the Forrests and that may be peradventure by temperament they leave not both of them for all that to know maugre their inclinations the beauty of those things and to delight in them which doe not touch their minds the most sensibly But to shew that it is somewhat too weak a thing to deceive reason we are but to consider that use alone forces our inclinations Liberty which is so naturall to all the World is a good that is not desired by all the women of Italy custome onely makes them find their houses large enough for their walks and the place of their devotions far enough for their voyages Judge then after this whether reason can suffer her self to be vanquished by enemies which time doth surmount As for the passions I confess that they are a little more difficult to be destroyed but yet I maintain that if reason will oppose them she will appease them and restore tranquility to the mind that is most troubled If reason then will act it is certain that maugre the force of temperament the influences of the Stars and the ages of men we shall see the melancholick sociable the cholerick patient the slothfull more active a young Lover without inconstancie and without indiscretion I acknowledge nevertheless that there is a kind of passion or to express my self more clearly a kind of Love which reason cannot destroy This impotence proceeds not for all that from her weakness but it is because she never destroyes that which she hath established and because this Love whereof I speak is rather an effect of our reason than of our passion and truly when a Lover hath in the person whom he loves met with the beauty of the body of the mind and of the soul when as Vertue is mingled with all these charms when as his vowes are not rejected when as he feares but the inconstancie of Fortune and not that of his Mistress it is impossible to say otherwise than that reason is the Mother of a passion that doubtless cannot disorder the mind that hath nothing base nothing abject that produces none but fair thoughts that propounds no recompence unto it self and that hath no other aym but to love eternally If I were of a humour to contradict the opinions of others answered the Marquis laughing and looking on Justiniano and then on Isabella I could shew you in few words that at the very same instant when as you maintain that one cannot be pre-occupated by his inclinations you do not consult so much with your reason as with your sense But let it suffice for the finishing of our dispute that I will make you see by my experience that my inclinations shall be alwayes stronger than my reason and not to stay longer in giving you an example of it know that though I am by the most perfect Princess in the World and in the conversation of the worthiest persons of Italy yet can I not chuse but be in some unquietness for that I doe not see the beautifull Aemilia The whole company could not forbear laughing at the freedome of the Marquis and the Princess demanded of him whether he had yet taught her Kinswoman the French liberty by having perswaded her to receive his visits without her permission Madam said he unto her if any one be faulty in this occasion it can be none but I who going out of your chamber for the reason which I have declared unto you I took the boldness to make use of your name to be received into that of Aemilia from whence I had not departed as yet if she had not driven me away Justiniano seeing it grow late wished the Count to bid the Princess good-night for fear of incommodating her by making her stay up too long and though she made them a complemen● to assure them that they could never be troublesome unto her yet they retired and were conducted by the principall Officers of her House to their Lodgings The Marquis would not abandon the Count nor Doria his dear Justiniano who nevertheless could have been well contented to have been alone for the better entertaining of his thoughts but civility and friendship kept him from it When as they were abed Doria who could conceal nothing from his friend acquainted him that Horatio of the illustrious House of Cibo and the Count's Brother-in-Law was in love with his Sister and that he almost was so too with the Count's Sister-in-Law although he had seen her but twice since his return Howbeit that he had used his best indeavour to oppose this passion in regard he knew very well that this Maid had an imperious humour
one saw the persons whom one desired to see as if they had been effectually in the place where they seemed to be and that this was done without inchantment and by naturall causes but hidden from most part of the world that one must be very skilfull in the knowledge of ideas and simpathies for the comprehending of any part of these mervelous effects but in fine how he was certain that what he said was true Aurelia hearkned to this discourse with much attension at first she seemed to doubt of that which Leander told her but it was doubtless to make her self the more assured of it For after he had confirmed the matter unto her as she desired it and that he had told her my name she demanded dexterously of him where I lay and by what way one durst propound such things unto me seeing I was a man of quality and that made no publick profession thereof He answered her how it was to be done by request and that if she desired any thing of me he had a friend that was very intimate with me She thanked him and so civilly gave him to understand that she would be vvell contented vvith his departure He vvas no sooner gone but she called Camilla vvho vvas the confident of her secrets for she recounted all this to me aftervvards and reported faithfully unto her all that Leander had told her And for a conclusion she shevved her that she vvas absolutely resolved to speak vvith me and to intreat me to let her see her dear Hortensio of vvhom she had not taken her leave They reasoned a vvhile upon this subject but at last love prevailed vvith her above good manners Camilla told her Mistress that she knevv a man by sight vvhich served me so that vvithout further delay she chose rather to vvrite to me as I have declared unto you and to make use of this vvench than to accept of the offer vvhich Leander had made her In the mean time the hovver of assignation being come I vvent to the garden door Valerio and my Agent stayed three or four paces of till I entred vvhich vvas not long first for scarcely had I touched the door vvhen as Camilla came and opened it with a light in her hand and told me that her Mistress attended me in a Cabinet which was at ●ne corner of the Garden whether she presently led me It is very true that when first I saw Aurelia she seemed so fair unto me though she were half covered with her vail as little lacked but that I had spoken to her rather of the beauty of her eyes than of the influences of the Stars But she gave me no leasure to deliberate on my complement for she spake first and desired me to pardon her the boldness she had taken in putting me to the trouble to come to see her she prayed me to consider that since she had failed in the respect which she owed to her self she might well fail in the civility which was due to me I answered to this discourse with a great deal of submission afterwards she spake to me of the reputation which I had for Astrology of the things that she had been told of me and how much she had desired to see me I received these praises with a carelesness respectfull enough for all that which doubtless made her beleeve that I thought I well deserved it And still to gain time I lengthened this discourse as much as possibly I could but she that came not thither to make complements said with a low voyce as though she had been afraid to be over-heard though there was no body there but Camilla that kept Sentinell at the Cabinet-dore the Wonders which have been recounted to me of your Science perswades me that it would be easie for you if you will to spare me the labour to tell you that which I desire of you since without question you know it already It is certain that this discourse surprised me after a strange sort and I beleeved in the confusion wherein I was that I should find nothing to answer her with but at length after a great contest with my self it is for the same reason said I that your modesty ought not to keep you from speaking for seeing it is a secret which I am not ignorant of what you shall say of it ought not to add any thing to your confusion It is true said she but I should be gladder to hear it from you than to have it delivered by me be not therefore so rigorous and if it be possible doe that which I desire without my telling it you This obstinacy made me almost mad and I vow to you that the modesty of the severest Mistress that ever I had troubled me not so much as that of this Maid And seeing this confusion still augmenting I said unto her with the tone of a more serious voice Fair Aurelia I should be willing enough not to oblige you to the doing of a thing that seems unprofitable to you if I had not a secret reason which constraines me thereunto and since I must let you understand it know that by the force of my art I can tell not onely that which you desire of me but whatsoever hath arrived unto you that which you think at this present and that which shal befall you hereafter but if by a plain and faithfull relation you doe not shew the consent you bring to that which you would have me doe for you it will be impossible for me to serve you and beware said I unto her lifting up my voice lest that which you call modesty be not an effect of the doubt you have of my Science in desiring by this essay to assure your self of it There must be confidence in this mystery continued I for I doe not work onely by the ordinary wayes of Astrology but I think I have gotten some extraordinary knowledges which go beyond them And to testify it unto you I will presently tell you if you desire it all the most secret thoughts of your heart but after that look for nothing more from me She stayed me then with a great deal of precipitation and said to me almost trembling seeing it is a tribute which I must render unto you I am resolved for it then she recounted unto me that which I knew already without inchantment I mean that she loved Hertensio but she told me afterwards that which I knew not namely that she would have me shew her that Lover whom she beleeved to be at Naples but was still at Genoua This proposition put me into a strange disorder I told her at first that the matter was not easie that it behoved her to have a great deal of courage to undertake it that the apparition of Spirits which were not at that time in any other but a fantasticall body did alwayes bring fear along with it and that she should think well of that which she desired before she undertook it
She answered me then that nothing which resembled Hortensio could scare her When as I saw her obstinacy and that I was reduced to that point as I knew what to say the necessity wherein I was rendred me ingenious and I imagined a trick which hath shewed by the event that it was well conceived I told her then with a more open countenance that her confidence pleased me and that I was ravished to see a person of her Sex have a Spirit hardy enough for an enterprise which made the boldest to tremble But to make it succeed she was to write a note according to the tearms which I would dictate unto her and let me carry it away to make my figures upon it assuring her that I would tear it as soon as the mystery was finished and that this amongst the Learned was called the making of a covenant with the Ideas She made a little difficulty at it but having told her how I could doe nothing without that she consented thereunto and by good hap there was a pen and ink in the Cabinet and a Table-book wherein we found a white leaf She began then to write what I dictated unto her which if I be not deceived was much after this manner ALthough you goe in the night like an Angel of darkness yet pass you with me for an Angel of light wherefore I con●ure you O blessed Spirit by Heaven by Love and by the Sympathies to appear unto me before my window the night ensuing as soon as the Moon shall be down in the true form of Hortensio And doe not doubt that so agreeable a vision shall fright me for I assure you that it shall give me more pleasure than fear Aurelia Whereas her mind was already pre-occupated with the opinion of my skill these equivocating words of an Angel of Light of Darkness of Conjuration of blessed Spirit of Heaven of Apparition of Vision and of Fear failed not to confirm her in this belief And then too I pronounced all those great words with so imperious a tone as I perceived her to be terrified therewith After this I would needs see her hand also and would have her fix her looks upon me I demanded of her the hour and day of her birth and made many other observations which would be too long to recite But at last all these devices being over I quitted Aurelia after I had promised her that within three nights she should see her dear Hortensio and so Camilla came to conduct me forth In traversing the Garden I observed that Camilla hid her face with a great deal of care for fear lest I should read the secret of her heart in her eyes and when aa I perceived it I said to her laughing for the making up of the Comedy in vain Camilla for so had I heard Aurelia call her doe you seek to hide your eyes from me when as I plainly see your heart Now I beseech you Sir said this Wench unto me mightily surprised and that was naturally merry and joviall if you know my secret doe not tell it unto my Mistress for then will the poor Nastagio be turned out of doors I had such a mind to laugh at this simplicity of Camilla as I got me out in hast for fear I should burst out into laughter or be stifled in the place howbeit I told her in going forth that I would be discreet I found Valerio in so great an impatience to know what I had done as I could not make him resolve to stay till we came to our Lodging to recount it unto him for we had not made three steps but we stood still so that little lacked but we had past all the night in the streets but at length we came thither where I recited all this unto him Bur the pleasure of it was that I had been so accustomed to speak to Aurelia in a grave tone as I delivered every thing unto him just as I had said it And to make up the matter there were some instances where I was not very certain whether I were not indeed the same which I gave out my self to be When as I shewed him Aurelia's Letter he demanded of me what design I had in making her to write it What design said I even to have it to fall into the hands of Hortensio who beleeving that Aurelia knows he lies concealed at Leanders house in regard she writes unto him will not fail to be at the place which she hath assigned him by her letter to see if he can justifie himself and so will she learn that he is effectively at Genoua all will break forth Liviaes concealed pleasure will be destroyed and I shall be revenged And if it happens that she takes him for a phantasm the reputation which you have given me will increase the more Valerio acknowledged that this trick was well invented and la Roche mas mad because he had not imagined or at least conjectured it upon the sight of Aureliaes letter but to comfort him for that he had contributed nothing to the adventure which I had incountred I left him the care to cause the letter which was directed unto Hortensio to fall into his own hands Whereupon he told me without further delay that he would go and carry it to him instantly And when as I demanded of him how he could pretend to obey me so readily He told me how he had learned of Lucretia that Hortensio was this night to go and see L●via so that said he unto us it being yet not very late it may well be that he is not already come forth I know the garden door and whereas he knows not me I will go thither and wait for him and deliver the letter unto his own hands as from Aurelia whom I will name in accosting him This advice seeming to be the best we could take we thought of nothing else but of executing it and for fear lest some mischance which we could not foresee might happen to my Agent we followed him a far off in this expedition which succeeded as happily as the undertaker of it had fortold For Hortensio retyring very late from Livia we had had the leasure to attend for him almost an hour before he came forth If the passion wherein I had been in for this maid had been as strong still as it was the day before I had past that time with a great deal of unquietness and I should without doubt have rather given some marks of my resentment to my Rivall than have caused a letter to be delivered unto him but I never needed four and twenty howers to cure me of such a disease I felt then nothing more for Livia but an extreme desire to trouble her pleasure so that to arrive thereunto I had as much patience as was requisite for me to have in this incounter We set our selves Valerio and I some dosen paces from the doo● out of which Hortensio was to come under the jetting-out portall
learned were combated by the wisdom of her mother whom I have alwayes called the fair Slave because my memory could not give you her name This woman was good and vertuous and did all that she could to make Roxelana resemble her as well in the qualities of the soul as in the features of the face which Bajazet perceiving and having in vain forbidden her to reprehend her daughter for her bad conditions he fell into such a hatred of her as he could not indure her and having looked upon her in former times as the object of his love he considered her no longer but as an obstacle of his ambition But to keep her from destroying that which he had established in the young heart of Roxelana he thought it would be requisite to make her hate her And to that end he dextrously perswaded her that her mother standing yet upon her beauty was jealous of seeing hers surpass it that her reproving her was an effect rather of hatred than affection and that therefore she should beware of hearkning to her Remonstrances there needed no more to stifle all the motions of Nature in so depraved a spirit and to carry her to insolency Roxelana to obey her father was to do no more than follow her own humour but to content her mother she was to fight with all her inclinations The first was the easier and made her hope that it would produce great things and the other being harder and without other recompence than that which gives us the satisfaction to do what we ought she had not much adoe to resolve upon the despising of vertue and imbracing of vice Behold her then abandoned to her own sense and to the evill counsells of Bajazet and the fair Slave almost reduced to be a Slave to her daughter who within a while used her so cruelly that she fell sick with grief upon it Now to make a tryall of what she could do in dissimulation as long as there was any company with her mother she seemed respectfull affectionate and obedient but as soon as they were gone she mocked openly at her goodness and with an hundred bitter jeers struck a dagger into the heart of her that had given her life This prudent woman was for all that so good as not to publish the cruelty of her daughter who in the opinion of all them which saw her was as vertuous as beautifull Bajazet seeing so fair a beginning in Roxelana caressed her extraordinarily and by this cruell proceeding still advanced the death of her whom he had loved so much before At last that deadly moment wherein she was to leave this life being arrived this infortunate one called to her the Slave who hath recounted all these things unto me and that had wit and some vertue and secretly commanded her not to abandon her daughter after her death because it might happen that this first heat of youth being over she might peradventure be capable of following the counsell which she had given her that for this effect she prayed her to doe two things the one was not to bewail her death for fear it should oblige Roxelana to turn her away and the other that she should not directly oppose her will for fear of incensing rather than correcting her but to wait upon her till she was of a more reasonable age This S●ave promised to perform all that she desired and indeed kept her word with her Presently thereupon this woman dyed and left Bajazet in full possession of Roxelanaes heart who with feigned tears testified so much grief for the loss of her mother as she moved all them to pity that saw her though in her mind she was very joyfull She lived two years in this sort after the death of her mother being then about fifteen during which time she was beloved of all the young Gallants where she dwelt she perswaded them all that she loved them without ingaging her self for all that in any thing and taking delight in giving them great hopes to put them into despair afterwards she made some dye with grief others killed one another by means of the hatred that she sowed amongst them and the jealousie which she her self gave them when as they importuned her and that she would be rid of them And all this with so much address as all the world believed her to be innocent of all these crimes and attributed i● to nothing but the excess of love which her extreme beauty had begot in the heart● of all those that beheld her But at length being arrived at the age which I have noted unto you Bajazet called her to him one day in private and after he had told her that the time was then come wherein he was to reap the fruit of his travells and she to put in practise that which he had so often taught her to the end she might that way become the chief of all the Orient Roxelana answered him that he was but to explane his intention unto her and then he should be sure to have it executed Whereupon he recounted all his History to her which she had never understood well before and after that elevating his voice and taking her by the hand Thou seest then my dear child said he unto her that love did heretofore undo my fortune and that a Slave which I took from the grand Signior took from me all my hopes and banished me from my Country But to find out my re-establishment by the same way that caused my undoing love and a voluntary Slave shall restore me into grace with Soliman And not to conceal my thoughts from thee I purpose to present and give thee to the Grand Signior leaving the rest to fortune and thy address I know that this Prince being advanced in age is become yet more sensible of love than he was fifteen years ago when as he was but nineteen for out of the design which a long time I have had I have carefully informed my self thereof He is still young he is handsome he is full of spirit he is couragious he is liberall and what is most considerable he is one of the greatest Princes of the world If thou makest good use of the lessons which I have given thee continued he and of those which I will give thee thou mayest become Sultan● and crown the rest of my days both with honor and wealth Bajazet stopping here Roxelana answered him according to his desire and assured him that if she cou●d be received into the Seraglio she would make no doubt of the rest and for a conclusion she so prest him to part away that in a little after having found out a Vessell which was bound for Constantinople he imbarqued himself in her with his daughter and the slave to whom her mother had recommended her who had so insinuated her self into her affection as she had often believed her in things which contraried her inclinations At length they arrived at Constantinople and went to the
to the Sophi who whil'st we were taking our resolution entertained Deliment For as soon as he was gone out of Axiamira's chamber he went unto that of the Sophi to whom for the colouring of his insolency he said that finding me every day more rebellious to his will he could think no other but that my heart was engaged other-where and that having observed all my actions he had found that Prince Mahamed did not hate me that to be the better cleared thereof and carryed by the zeal which he had to his service he had spoken some jesting words whil'st the Prince entertained me which he had taken so ill as his anger thereupon did perswade him the more to that opinion of his It is not said he smiling as we understood afterwards because it may be easily imagined that the beauty of Felixana hath given you a rival but howsoever I would not conceal my suspicion from you and it is for you to make my peace with Prince Mahamed if you will not have the beautiful Axiamira hate me I will take the care of that upon me replyed the Sophi and beleeve that I am not a little obliged unto you in that you have not feared to anger Mahamed for to serve me in a thing whereon my felicity depends Judg my Lord whether after this artifice the complaints of this poor Prince were well received or no. The Sophi nevertheless desired to keep some decorum being unable to beleeve that Mahamed was amorous though he resolved to clear himself further therein As soon then as that ancient Governor of Mahamed had made his complaint he told him that he was already advertised of the matter and that to give satisfaction to Mahamed he commanded him to pardon Deliment whose heart he well knew and was sure that he had no purpose to offend him and that it had been nothing but a light temptation to say some merriment And when that Governor would have besought him that at least-wise Deliment should not come but as seldom as he could to the places where Prince Mahamed should be the Sophi bid him make no further reply for he would be obeyed and for that effect he would go and carry Deliment to Axiamira's chamber to the end that in the same place where the fault had been committed it might also be pardoned so that when we expected the Sophi's answer we saw him himself enter leaning on Deliment and followed by Ismael and Perca who not having seen Deliment since her going forth because he was with the Sophi she had followed them to this ch●mber as soon as she had been advertised that they came thither I leave you to judg whether this visit did not possess Mahamed with choller and Axiamira and me with amazement But we were yet in much more when as the Sophi fell to amplifie the obligations which he had to Deliment his virtues his merit the affection he bare to the Princes and Princesses and in fine continued he the greatest mark that can be given me of the passion one is in for my service is to render the same honors to Deliment as if he were my son and as for you said he leaning on Mahamed's shoulder I command you to love Deliment and to live well with him It would be methinks more just replyed the Prince that you would ordain him not to affront me since he cannot do so without offending you I do excuse answered the Sophi the ill opinion you have of Deliment seeing it is not occasioned but by the little knowledg you have of his intentions But howsoever I will be obeyed and without examining whether my pleasure be unjust or equitable I command you to receive his submissions and his friendship Hereupon Deliment began to speak and disguising the malice of his soul he said so many obliging things to Mahamed as if he had not perfectly known his wickedness he might have beleeved that he was capable of repenting So it was that Mahamed was constrained to make shew of no longer resenting the offence he had received This peace brought great joy to Perca but Axiamira's coldness made it apparant enough that they were not both of one party The Sophi continued yet some time in talking of indifferent things during the which he still fixed his eyes on my face And whereas out of a sense of compassion and to avoyd his looks I turned my head all that while towards Mahamed he began to think that there might be some verity in Deliments suspicion He was no sooner returned to his lodging but thinking of the means to be cleared therein he conceived that the gentleman who served to guide Mahamed might peradventure be he from whom he might learn something He had no sooner communicated this design to Deliment but that having approved of it he thought of nothing else then executing it And to that purpose he waited that he might give no suspicion to Mahamed till he was retired in the Evening for at that time the Prince not using to stir forth any more always left his guide at liberty Deliment who had caused him to be watched was no sooner advertised that he was come out of the Princes chamber but he made him be secretly told that the Sophi would speak with him This man who had not been accustomed to receive such like favors p●esently obeyed and the Sophi joyning the hope of a great fortune presents and entreaties to his commands had quickly suborned his fidelity After then that he was well assured of him both by reason of the things I have spoken of and of the fear of punishment if he f●iled in his promise he commanded him exactly to observe all Prince Mahamed's actions to take good notice of what he spake of me to endevor to learn something thereof and to give him an account of it every Evening at the same hour And when he pressed him to tell him whether he had not perceived that there was some intelligence between the Prince and me he answered him that he knew no more thereof but that the Prince spake oftener of me then of any other of my fellows But whil'st they were betraying him in this sort he was not without unquietness The spight to be so ill entreated by the Sophi and so unworthily affronted by Deliment without having an assured mean to be revenged of it put him into no little pain And then again when he came to think that the next day he should encounter with Deliment again at Axiamira's lodging his great heart could not so soon resolve upon so grievous a thing he purposed then for the declining of it to make a shew of being sick and not to stir out of his chamber a good while But when he came to consider that in declining the encounter of Deliment he should deprive himself of mine love was stronger in him then spight and the conversation of his Enemy was not so redoubtable as the hope of mine was sweet unto
to joy and he was very glad to hear that you were living that you were not in the power of the Sophi and that at length he might hope to see you again But this first motion being over he entered into another quite contrary What said he do I fight against my lawful Prince to endeavor the delivery of the Princess Axiamira and Felixana or to revenge them and whil'st I hazard my life with this intention it falls out that I shed my blood for the service of a Prince who keeps them prisoners and Fortune that is become ingenuous to persecute me makes me fight against those which oppose him who oppresseth and ill-intreateth them Pardon me continued he great Princess the crime which I have done pardon me dear Felixana the error which I have committed and know that though I am covered all over with wounds which I have received in serving thy Enemy yet have I heart enough still left me to undertake the deliverance of thee I should never have done Madam if I would recount unto you all that he said upon this occasion But at last after he had used his uttermost endeavor to be carried into a Chariot against the advice of his Physician he was constrained to stay two days journey from Bitilisa so that knowing it was impossible for him to proceed further on his way as yet he sent me to the grand Visior with direction if he were not returned from a secret expedition upon which it was said he was gone to attend for him and to endeavor by his means to see you and to give you the L●tter which I have delivered unto you assuring me that as soon as he was able to endure to travel he would come himself to crave your liberty of the Grand Signior This Slave who had no more but the name of it with his Master having given over speaking left Axiamira very much contented and Felixana with a great deal of satisfaction to know that Vlama had still conserved his love to her And though his wounds were the cause of some unquietness to her yet joy was of most power in her heart But in regard it was indifferent late the Princess dismissed this Slave and resolved in what estate soever her health should be the next morning not to forbear seeing of him who was to be her Deliverer The Second Book THe hope of a more quiet life having restored the Princess Axiamira to some strength it was no sooner day but having caused her self to be made ready she sent to desire the grand Visier he would do her the favour that she might see him Ibrahim having received this Order went to the Princesses lodging but when first he saw her he remained as much surprized as he had been at such time as he beheld her picture for certainly she very much resembled Isabella Howbeit respect drawing the Illustrious Bassa out of this pleasing surprise he saluted the Princess with a great deal of submission and assured her that she might absolutely dispose of him that he came not but to offer her all that lay in his power and to testifie unto her the grief he had to visit her in a place unworthy of her and from whence he would labour to free her in a short time The Princess answered to all these things both with very much spirit civility and greatness of courage But when as Ibrahim would dextrously have engaged her to the recital of her adventures she desired him he would be pleased that Felixana who had already acquainted him with part thereof might continue the relating of the rest unto him The grand Vister turning him then to Felixana requested her punctually to recount unto him all that had arrived to the Princess Axiamira and her after their Shipwrack because it was important for their interest that he should not be ignorant of it Felixana who ever since the Discourse which Vlama's Slave had made unto her was more a●fected to our Illustrious Bassa then before would by no means refuse him that he desired of her although she certainly knew that this relation would renew all her sorrows Wherefore alter she had received the Princesses Command for it and that Ibrahim was set down by Axiamira at her intreaty she began to speak in this sort The History of GIANGER and MUSTAPHA My imagination representing to me all at once whatsoever I am to recount unto you f●lleth my mind with so much confusion and grief as I doubt whether I shall be able to deliver things precisely unto you as they arrived unto us and whether I shall not stand in need of the Princesses goodness to put me in mind thereof if I should fail in acquainting you with some circumstance of that which you desire to know But to come to my discourse I will not stand then to tell you in what manner we suffered Shipwrack only I will say to you that when we judged by the cries of the Mariners we were in danger of perishing I approached to the Princess whose great heart was not shaken in this occasion but contrarily feared the Port more then Shipwrack and casting my self at her feet I demanded of her with tears the grace that I might dye by her This generous Princess imbraced me and taking me by the hand she never quitted it till the Vessel driven by the wind and the waves with an incredible impetuosity against the point of a Rock broke all to pieces and separated us but in what manner it was done I am not able to tell you for I was so troubled and the horrors of death seized on me in such sort at that dreadful instant as I knew not what became of me Yet was not the Sea altogether unpitiful unto us for by an extream good fortune in the midst of our ill fortune it carried us to the shoar which was not far off and not only preserved our lives but made me be found within thirty paces of the place where the waves had cast up the divine Axiamira in a swoon as well as I. But admire my Lord that which I am going to tell you and how weak beginnings have sometim●s long and dangerous consequences You may well remember how I told you yesterday that the Sophi gave the Princess Axiamira's and my picture to a forreign Merchant with order never to sell them to any but Princes And you have told me if I be not deceived that you knew how that Merchant being mistaken in selling one of those pictures to Soliman gave him that of the Princess Axiamira for mine Now my Lord the same error produced another for that Merchant passing afterwards to the place where Prince Gianger lived sold him my picture for that of Axiamira But if the first fault had been the cause of carrying away the Princess by force the second accasioned that which you are going to hear The same day wherein we suffered Shipwrack Prince Gianger who as you know remained by Solimans Order very near to the
part of the passion I am in for you which peradventure I durst not have done otherwise although it be most pure and most innocent be assured that now when as I know how this passion is worthy of the son of Soliman nothing can separate me from your interests Command then absolutely and be most confident that you shall be obeyed I had not much ado to be perswaded continued he that a person whom I judged worthy to be Queen of all the world should be the daughter of the Sophi of Persia but I marvel much at my blindness that I could not discern you were that indeed which I have so often wished you were Since your generosity permits me to speak said the Princess interrupting him Let not the wicked designs of Rustan my Lord be executed by Prince Gianger let me not be conducted by your hand to the Serraglio nor let the Princess of Persia have the destiny of Slaves For my Lord not to conceal my thoughts from you I will dye a thousand times over rather then do any thing unworthy of that which I am You know my Lord that Soliman having marryed Roxelana cannot according to his Law have any other lawful wife so that if you put me into his hands and that I am not generous enough to have recourse unto death this Princess who all her life-time hath had no other passion but that of glory and honor would be the most infamous of her condition Judg now my Lord whether my prayers be not just and if I have not reason to employ my tears to obtain that which I desire of you The Prince heard Axiamira with great agitations of spirit He was ravished to see that his passion had so noble and so great an object but the Sultan's love gave him no little unquietness and not knowing what to do he continued a while without speaking but at length he said thus Do not think Madam that my silence is an effect of my irresolution I have not been considering whether I ought to serve you but of the means I am to use for it Fear not then that I will carry you to Constantinople and beleeve that therein I shall serve my self no less then I shall serve you But Madam when I shall be resolved exactly to follow your pleasure will it be just that for saving you from peril I should remain the most unhappy of men That for delivering you from the violence of Soliman you should abandon me to the violence of my despair by ordaining me to let you return into Persia For Madam henceforward my destiny is inseparable from yours and I see no mean betwixt dying and abandoning you The Prince made this discourse with so many testimonies of affection as the Princess was in some sort moved therewith My Lord said she unto him I should esteem my self very infortunate if my encounter should prove fatal to you and that by a destiny wholly particular to me my misfortune should be so great as to be communicated to the persons that assist me But I will beleeve that the matter shall not go in that manner and I wish with all my heart that you may have as much prosperity as I have misery And that you may know I desire your felicity consider to what rigors of Fortune I am exposed I request you that you will not conduct me to Constantinople to avoyd the violence of Soliman and I request you also that you will not conduct me into Persia to avoyd the violence of a father and the insolence of a brutish man who will both usurp the Empire and force me to be his wife But my Lord as I request these two things of you so I request yet one more and that out of a sence of glory and honor which are the two most powerful inclinations of my Soul and it is my Lord that I may remain no longer in your hands For albeit I fear nothing from so vertuous a Prince yet shall I be very glad that Envy may not find any thing to charge my reputation with So do then my Lord that I may not go to Constantinople that I may not return into Persia that I may not continue in your hands that I may find a sanctuary where Civility permits me to abide or that I may dye at your feet Gianger was so ravished with the vertue and wisdom of Axiamira as turning himself to me It must be acknowledged said he to me that the Princess is incomparable that I have been blind indeed not to know her and to resist the secret motions which advertised me of my duty After this he stood a pretty while without speaking then suddenly beginning again If I had not Madam said he unto her found out the means to place you in safety and to content my self also I should dye with grief but if I be able to offer you the company of a Princess whose vertue is without stain whom you may absolutely command and who is wife to Prince Mustapha my Brother I think you will have cause to be satisfied Axiamira was exceeding glad of this proposition having oftentimes before heard speak of the vertue of Mustapha's wife who she had been told was descended of the ancient Kings of Cappadocia So that addressing her self to the Prince with a great deal of satisfaction may I hope my Lord said she unto him that Prince Mustapha and his excellent wife will permit me to live unknown in their Palace until that Fortune weary of persecuting me shall no longer keep me from returning into my Country Your vertue alone will oblige theirs to succor you but if that were not the strict friendship which is betwixt us will oblige them sufficiently unto it All Mustapha's interests are mine even as my Fortune is his And truly we are far from those apprehensions of State which for so long a time have made the children of the Othoman family to tear one another in pieces like enraged Tygers and I am well assured that if Mustapha my eldest Brother comes once to the Empire he will let me enjoy the felicity of his Raign and will not send me either mutes or slaves to strangle me I tell you all these things Madam to the end you may not doubt but that the sanctuary which I have propounded unto you will be inviolable Moreover whereas Mustapha is Governor of Amasia and that City is the Capital of Cappadocia which we call Amasia you may well conceive that you will be far enough from Constantinople and not so far from Persia but that you may easily hear from those which are affected to you there All these particulars having seemed very reasonable unto me I the more confirmed the Princess in the design she had to accept of them both for her interest and mine own it being most certain that I no less feared the Sophi's love then she did Deliments This resolution taken nothing was thought on but executing it Gianger dispatched a man who was faithful to
thy Kingdom and the quiet of thy life This artificial discourse made no great impression in Soliman's minde but yet it left a su●picion there which increased with time and it was a disposition to make him g●ve credit the more easily afterwards to all the ill that was told him of his son He thanked Roxelana for the care she had of the good of his State and assured her that he should never take any thing ill which she should say to him That for Mustapha he beleeved him to be too well born to pluck away the Scepter from him and to despoyl him of an Empire that was destined to him after his death Roxelana seeing that this artifice wrought not all the effect she expected from it consults anew with the Traytor Rustan who told her that at any rate whatsoever Mustapha was to be made away before you were returned to the Port and that the easiest way for it would be to seek to poyson him for which purpose they were to send a daring and faithful man with good store of money to corrupt some one of the Princes Officers that waited on him at his Table But seeing a great deal of hazard in this enterprize she could hardly resolve on it yet had she consented unto it had not an accident fallen out which made her change her resolution But my Lord admire here the strange proceeding of things of this world whil'st Roxelana and Rustan sought for means to destroy Mustapha and that all their malice could finde out none that could fully satisfie their cruel hatred the zeal and fidelity of one of the ancient Officers of this deplorable Prince furnished them with an occasion for it This man had been his first Governor when as he went out of the Serraglio and was he to whom Soliman during the youth of his son had given in charge to render him an account of his actions But whereas the Prince had never done any but such as were worthy he could not advertise ought that was not to the advantage of his Master Now after that Mustapha's age had dispensed him from the obedience which he had yeelded to this man he had still retained him at Amasia conversing a little less familiarly with him then with his other domesticks by reason he was of somewhat an austere humor and that his former authority did as yet conserve some awe and respect in Mustapha towards him This man for all that loved the Prince extreamly who on the other side heaped wealth and felicity on him Howbeit he had a scrupulous vertue which perswaded him that though he held nothing of that which he enjoyed but from Mustapha yet that he owed all to Soliman who had placed him about him so that without considering the Princes interests as soon as Soliman's came to be in competition with them he betook him to the Sultan's party This man then being of the humor I have represented unto you was at Amasia whil'st the Princess and I were there And though he knew that there were two women in his Masters Palace who were not known or seen yet had he not made an affair of State of it but had beleeved that which had been told him as well as other of the Princes Officers how we were two of Sarraida's kinswomen who for certain reasons would not be seen of any body But it chanced for our ill hap that this man walking out of the Town encountred that which caused all our misfortune For to clear this History unto you please you to understand that he whom the Princess had sent to Sultania having been overtaken by him whom Prince Mahamed had dispatched away presently after him they had travelled together without knowing that they were come from one and the same place and were going to the same persons So that falling in talk of indifferent things for the Persian understood the Turkish Tongue well and the War which was then betwixt the Sophi and the Sultan being the subject of the conversation of all those which knew not one another they grew so hot in discoursing about it the very day wherein they were to arrive at Amasia as the Persian not able to disguise his thoughts as he had done his language and his habit burst out into saying that Soliman was an Usurper which the other unable to endure and being become more audacious because he was nigh to a place where he knew he should be protected he drew out his scimitar and very fiercely set upon the Persian who being more dextrous and better mounted then he quickly decided the combate with three blows that he gave him which made him fall dead at his feet This being done without witnesses the Persian continued his way and almost a minute after he was out of sight Mustapha's said ancient Governor arrived at the place where the combate was fought and presently knowing that man because he had belonged to the Prince he approached to him marks whether he gives any sign of life and laying his hand upon the region of his heart he meets there with the pacquet that was directed to Mustapha which that man had put into a little bag that he had hung about his neck The sight hereof possest the Governor with some curiosity so that seeing no mark of life in that wretched man but contrarily observing all the signs of death in him which are wont to be seen in them whose end hath been violent he speedily withdrew from that same place carrying the little bag along with him and being got far enough out of the way he opened it and was much abashed when he perceived the Sophi's seal I leave you to judg my Lord whether that exact fidelity which he had always observed to Soliman did permit him to deliberate long upon that subject he never stuck at it then and to testifie his respect to the Grand Signior as well as his fidelity he resolves to send him those Letters without opening them And seeing by the superscription of that which was directed to Axiamira that she must needs be in Amasia he reflected on the being of two women concealed in Mustapha's Palace and calling to minde an hundred petty circumstances which when they arrived had made no impression in his minde he certainly beleeved that the Princess of Persia was in Mustapha's hands So that perswaded of this truth he re-entred into the Town through another gate then that which he went out at and without making shew of what had befallen him he the next day dispatches a man away to Constantinople enjoyns him to address himself to some of the Bassa's for to present him to the Grand Signior and commands him above all things to use great speed In the mean time the Persian being arrived at Amasia and not fearing to be accused for the death of him whom he had killed since their combate had been without witnesses he comes boldly to the Palace demands to speak with Mustapha and after he had made himself known
occasion as any other then Gianger would have been deceived therewith But he who knew the canning of this Traytor had not followed his counsels if the vertuous and prudent Achmat who c●me to them at that very time had not counselled him the same thing though it was with a very d●fferent intention He promised him to go to Soliman for to endeavor the appeasing of his fury and intreated him that in the mean time he would repair to his Tent without permitting any body to see him as well because he was come to the Camp without the Emperors order as for fear lest some violent spirit should make him alter his resolution assuring him that after he had been with the Sultan he would come and give him an accompt of what he had done Gianger would fain have spoken with his vertuous friend in private to have discovered unto him his love and his brothers innocence but it was impossible for him Not being able to do otherwise then he went to Achmat's Tent there to attend his return with a great deal of grief and impatience He saw his brother accused and in danger for the love of him his sister in law in prison and his Mistress in the hands of his father and his Rival and of a Prince that was both the Lover and the Enemy of Axiamira He equally feared the hatred and the love of Soliman and there was not any of all the passions of whose effects he was not afraid in this grievous encounter As indeed they reigned one after another in the soul of Soliman and never was the heart of a man tormented with such strange incertainty as good Achmat told us afterwards Fatherly love inspired him sometimes with clemency and pity then suddenly the love of Axiamira accompanied with jealousie brought fury hatred anger and cruelty into his heart When he regarded Mustapha as his son he sought to excuse him but as soon as he considered him as his Rival he resolved he should perish Reason of State furnished him with means for that he saw him black all over with crimes he had a secret commerce with the Enemies of the Empire he had treated with Tachmas about his marriage he had retained his daughter in his hands and for a last fault he had been so daring as to put a counterfeit upon him All these things nevertheless though very strong against Mustapha since he believed them to be all true could not have lost him for all that without Rustan's wicked counsel The generous Achmat did his uttermost endeavor to oppose it he represented to Soliman the affection which he had always born to that Prince the brave things he had done the ●are qualities that were in him the little likelyhood there was that he would blemish so fair a life with so detestable a Treason that assuredly there was something concealed in this affair which could not be comprehended that at the least it was to be well examined and not condemn the lawful Successor of the Empire without hearing his Excuses or Reasons that he should be obliged to condemn himself by the acknowledgment of his crime and that far from judging him without hearing his Justifications he held that it stood with the greatness and goodness of his Highness suppose he were guilty to pardon him his fault so as he confessed it with repentance and in fine that in remembring he was a King he should not forget he was a father It was with such like Reasons that Achmat sought to move the heart of Soliman but the Traytor Rustan without giving the Grand Signior leasure to answer drew venom out of all these fair flowers and undid the infortunate Mustapha with the same Reasons wherewith Achmat had defended him He answered him that the more Soliman had loved him the more ingrateful he was in betraying him that the brave things he had done were not so much for the good of the Empire as for the ruine of it since he did not make use of the reputation he had gotten and of the rare qualities which were in him but to subborn the Commanders and Soldiers and prepare them for a Revolt when need should require as Soliman had been well advertised of it a good while before that moreover Mustapha did not believe he should stain his reputation in going about to set the Crown on his own head without staying till the death of the Emperor should give it him lawfully seeing there were domestical Examples of such like things in the Othoman Family which seemed to authorize it that the lives of Kings and Fathers had not always been sacred and inviolable to their ambitious children whereby this wicked man denoted without naming him cruel Selim the father of Soliman who had made away his to the end that an example so fresh and sensible might make the more impression in his Soul and might give him a stronger and juster fear of his son that this affair was no way intricate to them who had nothing else in recommendation but the Sultan's interest that the knowledg of the matter being so certain Soliman was not to expose himself to the hazard of being vanquished by the motions of Nature in seeing his son for fear of being vanquished a second time by him in a more dangerous manner that it was not necessary Mustapha should condemn himself by his own confession since the Laws condemned him that clemency indeed was a great vertue but less needful then justice that it was never to be made use of but towards the weak and the other to be always exercised against the mighty that in the estate wherein things were Mustapha could not be saved without putting th● Empire in danger that he would forget the grace which had been done him and would ever remember the wrongs which he would think he had received that having acted before out of love and ambition he would act thence-forward out of love ambition hatred and revenge that in fine there was no other choyce but either to save Mustapha and lose Soliman or lose Mustapha and save Soliman which according to his sence was the juster that the Sultan had other sons to fill up the place of Mustapha but that there was none that could well fill up the place of Soliman if he were lost Achmat rendered not himself to so pressing a discourse and though the maintaining of Mustapha's cause after that which Rustan had said was almost to declare himself culpable yet he did it with earnestness albeit to no purpose For jealousie troubling the Judgment of Soliman and stifling all the motions which Nature and Vertue inspired him with believing withall that his son was absolutely guilty fury transported him in such sort as approaching to Rustan and speaking softly to him he pronounced the deadly and bloody sentence against the deplorable Prince and gave him order to go and see it executed I leave you to judg my Lord whether this wicked man gave Soliman any leasure to repent him of so
Highness that may displease thee Ah! infortunate that I am and most base as thou art continued Soliman how readily hast thou obeyed me in a wicked action He asked him then whether he had not seen Achmat and having understood that he arrived not till after the death of the Prince he shewed such excessive grief as the like was never seen Rustan amazed at so sudden a change would have represented unto him how much this death assured the quiet of his Empire but the Sultan exceedingly moved with choller chased him from his presence and forbad him for ever appearing before him again In the mean time Soliman not knowing whom to make his moan to about his crime and his misfortune commanded Achmat to be sent for again to him He was sought for and found with Prince Gianger much busied in moderating the violence of his grief for he had acquainted him with the death of his brother These two Princes had always loved so dearly together as never was there a more perfect and dis-interested amity then theirs so that it is easie to imagine the despair Gianger was in when he knew not only that his brother was dead of a violent death but that which touched his heart more nearly that he dyed for his sake without being culpable of any thing but of too much loving him Ah! my Lord that I could repeat vnto you all that this afflicted Prince said in so lamentable an adventure● but you will see but two well the resentment he had of it by one only action of his without my insisting on the relation of his discourse unto you Felixana observing that Axiamira and Ibrahim had their cheeks all bedewed with tears as well as she told them that it was not time yet to shed them all for Madam said she to the Princess you know that I have that still resting to deliver which is not unworthy of your sorrow and which without doubt will possess this illustrious Bassa with pity and grief Whereupon she held her peace to wipe her eyes and to give them leasure also to do as much and when her sighs and theirs had had all the liberty could be required for them and that a sad and heavy silence had renewed their attention she proceeded in this sort Achmat having received the Sultan's command for his repair to him thought it was fit for him to obey He left Prince Gianger then in the guard of five or six of his followers with order carefully to observe him and not to leave him out of their sight In going from his Tent to the Grand Signior's he discerned the beginning of a Tumult amongst the Soldiers he heard not onely their lamentations and their cries but also the propositions which they made against Rustan and even against the Emperor himself So that being come to him and perceiving by his tears and discourse his true repentance for his violences he represented unto him how it was requisite for his safety and for the good of the Empire that he should shew unto all his Soldiers the sorrow he was in for the death of Mustapha That he could not do it better then in taking care to preserve that which had been dear to him in his life-time to which effect he was to give a place of retrent to Sarraida have a good regard of Axiamina and labor to appease the grief of Gianger who was come with them to the Camp and whose affliction was so great as it was capable of putting him into despair Soliman not knowing what to do in this occasion retained Achmaet with him and sent to offer Gianger by the Aga of the Janizaries all Mustapha's Governments But this excel●ent Prince abhorring the enriching of himself with the spoyls of a brother who was dead for the love of him generously refused them demanding no other portion of Soliman said he then the same string wherewith his brother was strangled At the same instant the Sultan was advertised how the Soldiers who knew not that Sarraida was in Rustan's Te●t thrust on by the fury that mastered them were going to set it on fire So that to hinder this mischief Soliman sent Achmat to let the Soldiers understand how Sarraida was in that Tent and that in seeking to revenge Mustapha they were upon the point of burning his wife and his son But to take from them an object which might exasperate their grief Achmat held it convenient not to leave Axiamira Sarraida or Mustapha's son any longer in the Camp so that having drawn Soliman to like of it and kept the Soldiers from off●ring any violence to the place where we were he came to Axiamira to assure her from Soliman that she should be entreated by him with the respect which was due to her condition and that in attending till they might advise what was fit to be done therein he desired her she would be pleased to suffer her self to be conducted to Constantinople As for Sarraida he told her with tears in his eyes that the Grand Signior permitted her to chuse a retreat in what place of his Empire she would assuring her that he would have as much care of protecting her as he had had violence in the person of Mustapha Sarraida no longer doubting of the death of her dear husband after this discourse and Axiamira being but too well assured of it as well as she they both of them said things that were stronger then the consta●cy of Achmat. He wept with these two great Princesses and recounting to them the matter as it had past excusing Soliman as much as he could he made them comprehend that Rustan wa● the cause of all this mischief In the mean time Axiamira in the midst of her affliction demanded news of Gianger and after she had been assured that he lived and that the Grand Signior had none but good thoughts for him she craved pardon of the infortunate Sarraida for having been the cause of her miseries and made this discourse with so much tenderness and grief as Sarraida her self was moved with her resentment Mustapha's son yet further augmented the Princesses displeasure for albeit this childe had not attained to the tenth year of his age he seemed to be so afflicted for the loss of his father and said such generous and reasonable things as it might be said that he would have as much resembled him in the qualities of the minde as in the features of the face if Fortune had permitted him to live He assured Sarraida that he would one day revenge the death of his father he grieved that he had not so much strength as courage and that he could give her nothing but tears in this occasion I should never have done my Lord if I should repeat all this conversation unto you but in the end Achmat having assured Axiamira that it was not to the Serraglio they would conduct her and having made her apprehend that she would be better at Constantinople then in the Camp he also caused
Sarraida to promise that she would conserve her self for her son So that being resolved for that which they could not avoyd the Princesses consented to their voyage and Sarraida chose the Town of Prusa for her retreat not enduring to return unto Amasia Achmat commanded charets to be brought appointed men for the●r convoy and offering his assistance to the two Princesses Axiamira earnestly requested him to have a care of Prince Gianger and to assure him that she esteemed her self infinitely unhappy in being the cause of his misfortunes After this Sarraida and she bid one anoth●r ad●e● or to say better they onely mingled their tears together and with that dumb and sad language took their eternal farewel Sarraida was put into her charet almost in a swoon and Axiamira entred into that which was prepared for her so besides her self as I beleeved she would have dyed in my arms In the mean space the preparation for our departure had not been made so secretly but that the bruit thereof was spread over the Camp and whereas news do change the further they go from him that first delivers them it was noised amongst the most part of the Soldiers That they were conducting Axiamira to the Serraglio that Soliman purposed to repudiate Roxelana and declare the Princess Sultana Queen In this belief they testified so much joy by reason of the hatred they bare to Roxelana as being an Enemy to Mustapha that though she was the mother of Gianger yet knowing how dearly he had loved his brother some amongst them went inconsiderately to declare this false and deadly news unto him He no sooner heard it but he beleeved it and losing the little reason he had resting he got out like a mad man spight of them whom Achmat had left with him and without knowing whither he went he found what he sought for that is to say the body of Mustapha which could not yet be drawn out of the Soldiers hands who had layd it as I have already told you upon a great heap of their arms As soon as Gianger approached to it they made way for him to pass through them and redoubling their cries and lamentations some of them offered him to revenge this death and all of them together protested that they would have the same affection for him they had had for his brother But he without harkening to their complaints their offers or their prayers throws himself upon his brothers body wets him with his tears then looking round about him as it were to seek for something he espyed a dagger amidst that great number of arms which he layd hold on and then lifting up his voyce with a more quiet countenance then before Let some of you O Soldiers said he if the memory of Mustapha be dear unto you declare unto Soliman that in giving my brother his death he hath put this steel into my hand and let the Princess of Persia know also that I did not dye till I had lost the hope of possessing her saying this he stab'd the dagger into his heart no body being able to prevent him and fell down dead upon the body of his brother Alass my Lord I know this truth but too well for by ill fortune the charet wherein we were passed so neer to that place as I saw Gianger when as he stab'd himself This sight and this action then made me give a great skriek Is there said the Princess unto me who did not look that way some more new misfortune befallen us Ah! Madam said I unto her the greatest that can happen to you in the estate wherein you are We heard a redoubling then of the wailings lamentations and cries of the Soldiers who making the name of Gianger to resound all about said so much of his death as they had acquainted her but too well what this misfortune was without putting me to the trouble of telling it her She commanded the charet wherein we were to stand still but the confusion was so great and the noise so dreadful as her Order could not be heard besides they that conducted us took such care to get us speedily out of the Camp as I beleeve if they had heard what she said they would not have obeyed her so that we went away in this manner without more particularly knowing the death of this miserable Prince having not learnt all that I have recounted unto you and all that I shall tell you hereafter till we came hither where the generous Achmat imparted it unto us It is easie my Lord to comprehend what the grief of Axiamira was That great and generous Soul which never fainted under her own misfortunes found it self then too weak to support those of another For though love had no place in her heart amity compassion and the obligations wherein she stood engaged to Prince Gianger produced the same effects in her upon this occasion What said she not to testifie her affliction or to say better what did she not that she might not survive this last mishap she absolutely declined the care of her preservation she refused to eat and I dare say she would never have resolved to live if with my tears and prayers I had not conjured her not to leave me in the hands of a Prince which might entreat me as one culpable It was not because I was possest with that fear but seeing this Princess no way sensible of her own conservation I beleeved that the same generosity which made her despise her life to lament anothers misfortune would induce her to preserve it for the easing of mine As indeed after that she suffered me to take a care of her and without abandoning her grief she resolved to attend death and not to seek it We in this sort arrived at this place where we are and where afterwards we understood that Gianger had no sooner stabbed himself to the heart with a dagger but the Soldiers affliction anger and fury redoubled far more They which had thrown down their Arms took them up again maugre the vow which they had made and testified by their threats that they had strange designs It seemed to them that they had a second time lost Mustapha in the person of Gianger for the love of these two Princes was so generally known as they regarded him as another himself This tragique news was instantly carryed to the Sultan who received it with so much grief as the abundance of tears which he shed in that occasion hath almost defaced his crime and if Achmat had not provided for his conservation he would peradventure have let the Soldiers gone on in their fury without applying any remedy unto it But whereas he was faithful unto him and had no less prudence then affection he counselled him not to conceal his tears to shew himself to the Janizaries and with his presence to calm a storm which certainly had caused some strange disorder if this wise servant had not dissipated it For the matter went so
But this Prince who keeps us captives does it not but because he loves you and the rigor of my destiny is so great as I must commend that in him which is the cause of all my misery It was in this manner that these two illustrious infortunate persons entertained one another until night when as they parted more out of civility then for any desire they had to sleep The next morning the grand Visier went to take his leave of his Highness intending to defer his bidding adieu to Isabella and giving his last thoughts to one to whom he had given all his heart as long as possibly he could Soliman received him with an unquietness which he took for a mark of his grief to see him depart but to speak truly of things it was the last combat which he had in his Soul The remorse of his crime and the shame of his weakness had like to have carried him once more to repent him nevertheless love was still victorious over this illustrious Conqueror This Prince then imbraced Ibrahim after he had talked with him about the War and had given him an absolute power to treat of all things without advertizing him thereof and preventing what the Bassa was going to say to him he assured him that Isabella should be served during his absence in all respects as the Sultana Queen and that he had given order for Charets to bring her and all her Slaves to the old Serraglio where the Sultana Asteria should have a particular care to entertain her After this he dismissed Ibrahim who went to the Bassa of the Seas Palace to will him to set sail as soon as he could in regard the Squadrons of Metelin of Rhodes of Ciprus and Alexandria were already joyned together and that with all this Fleet he should steer his course for Mingrelia This order given he returned to his Palace where he found the Charets which the Grand Signior had sent to carry Isabella to the old Serraglio And whereas the hour of parting pressed him he went to the Princesses chamber to advertise her of it and to desire her that he might conduct her to the place which was to serve for a sanctuary to her during his absence She granted him his desire without knowing almost what she did so extream was her grief And after a conversation as sad as their Souls were afflicted she reached him her hand which Ibrahim kissed with as great a transport of grief as of love And conducting her with Emilia to the Charet which was prepared for her he went and accompanied her to the gate of the old Serraglio where they took their last farewell It was at this instant that they felt that which cannot be exprest You had reason indeed said the Princes to him to steal away from me when you left me at Monaco and to save me the grief of bidding you farewell but I do not know said she unto him whether you have any now to make me prove it Is it your pleasure then Madam answered he that I shall not part No replyed she do not you stick at what I say it is only grief that makes me speak Go and break our chains carry a stronger heart then I and that you may not augment my weakness do not oblige me to bid you farewell As she was saying so the gates of the Serraglio opened and Ibrahim seeing himself constrained to quit her in a place where men never come assured her at this last instant that be would quickly return a Conqueror The Charet was no sooner entred but he mounted on horseback and without speaking a word more to any body he went out of Constantinople with his Train to overtake the Troops which were marching towards Persia carrying in his heart the most sensible affliction that ever he had tryed He had this advantage nevertheless over the Princess that he could entertain his thoughts without interruption but it was not so with her For as soon as she had been conducted to a stately lodging which was prepared for her the Grand Signiors Mother ●lthough she hated Ibrahim came to visit her followed by all the Sultanaes thereby to please Soliman who had intreated her unto it The Sultana Asteria as the favorite of the Emperor her father had been permitted to learn the Italian Tongue after the goodwill she had born to Ibrahim had made her to desire it so as it was she that held up the conversation in this visit and that expressed the compliments of the other Sultanaes to Isabella who received them with a great deal of civility although the extream grief she was in might have dispenced her from it But whereas Asteria had address and wit and knew that Isabella was afflicted she so ordered the matter as this visit was not long The Sultanaes went away then charmed with the beauty of the Princess and Asteria found her self as much inclined to serve her as she had been before time to save the life of Ibrahim It is true that though they were all gone but this last yet was not Is●bella at liberty to think of her misfortunes for the Sultan sent the Bostangibassi who is as it were the Superintendant of the Gardens and one of the chiefest of the Port to present her with three maunds of Gold engraven full of flowers and fruits manured with his Highness own hand the Religion of the Grand Signiors obliging them as well as their Subjects to labor in some work that may gain their living it being unjust as they beleeve for them to be nourished at the peoples charge And whereas agriculture hath something delightful in it and that the gardens of the Serraglio are the fairest in the world Soliman to satisfie both the custom and his Religion which requires it had many times watered with his own hand the flowers which he sent to Isabella He gave her to understand that had it not been for fear of incommoding her he would have come and comforted her for the departure of Ibrahim The Princess received these presents and civilities with a great deal of respect and desired the Bostangibassi by the mouth of the Sultana Asteria to tell the Grand Signior that if there had not been too much presumption in letting her self be perswaded that he would do her the honor to visit her she would have testified unto him how dear this glory was unto her but not daring to hope for it she contented her self with assuring his Highness that she would share in all the obligations wherein the grand Visier stood engaged unto him and that in her particular she would all the days of her life be very sensible of them The Bostangibassi being gone she craved pardon of the Sultana Asteria for the trouble she had put her to in serving her for her an Interpreter and that she might find occasion to talk to her of Ibrahim with civility she thanked her for saving of his life in times past told her that in consideration thereof
affairs and the last Baptista Verrin a Citizen of Genoua who dwelling close by the Counts Palace had by his submissions and his wit so gained his friendship as he was of all his counsel and disposed almost absolutely of all his estate It was then by the means of these three pernicious Counsellors that this ambitious woman hoped to carry the Count to the taking of some violent resolution She had advertised them to be ready to go to her son as soon as she should come out of his Cabinet As indeed she was no sooner retired but encountring them she said unto them Go my dear friends and labor for your selves in laboring for the Count but above all things remember said she to Raphaello Sacco to counsel him unto nothing that is violent which you cannot give a pretext unto of the publique good of equity and of glory for continued she I know the Count so well that if you propound nothing to him but his own conservation his utility the advancement of his fortune and the undoing of his enemies you will never vanquish him You must spur his mind forward with the desire of honor and dextrously beguile him to keep him from beguiling our hopes They promised her then as much as she could wish and too faithful in this occasion they kept their word with her at leastwise Raphaello and Baptista for as for the third he did that out of fear which another would have done out of vertue They went then to the Count's Cabinet and to give him no cause of suspicion they repaired to him separately The first that came thither found him in a deep muse and never taking notice of him he continued walking without speaking a word A little after the other two arrived making shew as if they had not seen one another of all that day The Count in the mean time not doubting of the Treason which they had plotted against his vertue seeing the three men of the world in whom he most confided come by chance unto him as he believed at a time when he had need of counsel could not forbear testifying a great deal of joy unto them for it What good Angel said he unto them hath brought you so opportunely to draw me out of the thought I am in at this present I know not answered Baptista cunningly whether my sight be pleasing to you or no but I know very well that I have nothing that is pleasing to tell you We are in an age said the Lawyer wherein good men have no great cause to rejoyce seeing every day the ambition of some few carry insolently away all that which ought to be the recompence of vertue It may be some one will be found continued Baptista that will make a change in things But said the Count interrupting him and addressing his speech to Verrin what bad news have you to impart to me My Lord answered he it is badder for the Republique then for you for in fine to acquaint you that Jannetin hath still new honors conferred on him is to tell you that the power of Andrea Doria will pass into his hands that his Tyranny will be perpetuated in the person of his Nephew and that we shall never have the happiness to see vertue where it ought to be It is certain added Raphaello Sacco that this is the sence of all good men and in the misery of the age it seems said he addressing himself to the Count that all the world turn their ey●● upon you Your illustrious and great birth accompanyed with so many rare qualities as are in your person makes all them that love the publique good desire that your fortune were as great as your heart And for my particular I would gladly see your vertue on a Theater higher then that whereon you are to the end you might be seen of every one But you are born in so unhappy an age as it seems you cannot aspire to the power of doing good to your Citizens so true it is that Andrea and Jannetin Doria under the name of the publique liberty have solidly established their Power or to say better their Tyranny And in this sort one may well assure that the people do sufficiently chastise themselves for the blinde resolution which carries them to shake off the yoke of a great and excellent Prince to suffer to be imposed upon them that of two Tyrants who will be so much the more cruel by how much they are less accustmed to raign Their weakness being supported by the power of Caesar and rendred insolent by the great number of warlike Vessels which we see in the Port will never suffer a couragious and resolute spirit They will beleeve the high vertue of a man of condition too dangerous for their rising fortune to endure They will make use of the ambitious Titles of Fathers of their Country and Restorers of the liberty which have been given to Andrea Doria for the oppression of the most magnanimous with the pretext of the common good So that a man of your courage under this unjust dominion is more sure of offences then of life and if unto this day we have not seen such like things it is because the power of Andrea Doria hath not yet attained to its supreme greatness and that his moderation hath in some sort retained the imperious humor of Jannetin You know how insolent he is how proud and how insupportable think then if when he shall see himself in an estate of being able to do whatsoever he will and followed by young people who reverence him by reason of his Charge whether there be any thing which will not be permitted to his capricious humors Do you beleeve that a spirit insatiable as his is will be restrained within the bounds of Reason Do you beleeve that the desire or thirst of raigning exasperated by so certain a hope can be extinguished but with the blood of innocents Do you beleeve that content with the power which Fortune and the simplicity of our Citizens have given him he will dye with the sole name of Jannetin For me I do not beleeve it His minde is not so moderate as that he will or knows how to contain himself upon the point of arriving at his last felicity He attends as I conceive the death of Andrea which cannot be but neer at hand that he may follow all his inclinations and to that effect being already in the possession of the hearts of the Nobles he goes nourishing the people in idleness and the gain of commerce to the end that this effeminacy depriving them of courage and being disaccustomed from the exercise of Arms they may not dare to resist him when he shall enterprize any thing and by this means he hides a parricidial design under the vail of the publique repose and tranquillity But let us presuppose that the divine providence for the preservation of this Republique should take him off from this dangerous design the continuance alone
was of his minde And albeit that two days after Doria had a second advertisement yet the Count's address was so great as his sight alone destroyed whatsoever was said against him And so wonderful was his conduct that Andrea Doria above fourscore years of age and held for one of the greatest politicians of his time was beguiled by a man of two and twenty The generous Pansa who had been of none of the Count's counsels was without comparison more advised For whereas he joyned affection to prudence it was the more easie for him to suspect something of the truth He had exactly observed all the Count's actions ever since he had bought the Gallies of the Duke of Placentia and carefully examining all that he had seen or heard in divers occasions he found that he had cause to fear lest the Count had some dangerous design a foot He saw how he who was accustomed to communicate the most important affairs of his house to him talked no longer with him but of indifferent things that he was often in a retired and private conversation with Baptista Verrin and having followed him sometimes when as he withdrew himself into his Cabinet he had perceived him to be musing and melancholique For though the Count seemed to be merry when as he might be seen of any body and by that artifice admirably covered the designs which he had in his heart yet was he no sooner retired in private but he became quite another then what he had been seen abroad which Pansa alone had marked for he had concealed himself from Leonora as well as from others That which kept the Count from communicating his design to Pansa was his knowledg of the affection and exceeding prudence of the man so that he was assured he would have opposed his design or at least-wise have counselled him not to have undertaken it so precipitously and would have had him seek for more security in an enterprize where none had ever been At length one day when as the Count returned to his Palace more melancholique then he used to be carrying in his face some marks of an extraordinary unquietness and with such a paleness as amazement many times paints on the forehead of those which are upon the point of executing some great design whose event is but ill-assured the generous Pansa followed him to his Cabinet and resolved to tell him his suspicions for fear lest if he should longer defer to do it there would be no time left for the remedying of the evil whereof he was afraid After he had shut the door then he addressed his speech to the Count who leaning on a Table heard him with a great deal of unquietness I know very well my Lord said he unto him that one merits to be as much blamed for enquiring into the secrets of another as one ought to be esteemed for fidelity in concealing them when they are entrusted unto us wherefore mine being known by so many proofs which I have rendered unto you of it I have beleeved that it was for you to discover your mindes unto me and for me not to do any thing that might displease you But now that the trouble of your eyes doth justifie my suspicions and redouble my unquietness I learn to fear by the fear which I discern in your face that doubtless betrays your thoughts Yes my dear Master I fear and am not able to tell you what it is I fear howb●it I know very well that it is an effect of the love I bear you and an excess of my fidelity which puts me into doubt but I know also that my fear is not without probability For how can I be perswaded that that which you are premeditating is glorious and honorable if it hath the power to trouble the tranquillity of your Soul Beleeve me the execution of the matter you are thinking of can be neither very assured nor very facile since the onely imagination thereof disquiets you Let this fatal presage arrest you and know that all the enterprizes which are commenced with this repugnancy and pensiveness whereof I behold the marks in your face have never or seldom any prosperous success Make profit then of the interior advertisements which Heaven sends you I do not press you to tell me the secret which you will not have me to know though I may presume to ask of you why you retain me about you if my faith be suspected to you and that you no longer judg me worthy of your confidence But onely tell me what object and what end can the conversation of these men have who always leave you so sad and unquiet as I never saw you so before Alass how do I fear lest these secret counsels which you hold so often with these violent persons and whose inclinations are not very sincere should by their address and cunning draw you out of the way of vertue Suffer me my dear Master to discover the disease that I may cure it They from whom my suspicions arise are not of such commendable manners or of so exemplary a piety as I may beleeve they give you counsels which do not clash either with Vertue or with Religion It may be they abuse your little experience and knowing you generous they propound unto you actions which in appearance are great and glorious but which in effect are rash and vain Open your eyes then O noble Count and think that an inconsiderate man may make you fall into a precipice out of which the prudence of all the wisest in the world cannot draw you It is easie enough to set a Palace on fire but it is not so easie to quench it Take heed lest they that counsel you do not make use of you to arrive at the end which they propose unto themselves and that your undoing do not serve for the benefit of them which deceive you It is rare to meet with men who counsel that which is good because it is good without regard to their interest and yet it is by this experience that we are to be secured of them Examine then seriously whether they which counsel you cannot become greater or richer by that they would have you undertake And to tell you all that I think in this occasion I cannot be perswaded that they which spend their lives amongst crimes are capable of perswading vertue unto others For though there be great difference between deeds and words the most important part of perswasion consists in example rather then in discourse and commonly the mouth and the hand act alike What would these men have of you To what innovation would they carry you The estate of your affairs are at such a point as they have no need of change there can no mutation arrive unto you but will be to your disadvantage Envy hath a long time sought to fasten on you and will you let her take hold on you by the disorder whereunto they are carrying you For you are not ignorant
this advertisement told him that his fidelity was to be commended although this advice had no ground for them to fear any thing For whereas he was prepossest by the Counts address who had demanded permission of him for the parting away of a Gally this night to scour the Seas towards the Levant he assured them that all these Soldiers which were gone to him being of his own or the Duke of Placentia's Subjects were destined to that purpose and that those which were said to be at Carignan were gone thither to take their farewell of some of their friends With such like discourses Jannetin made the rest give over their suspicions and he himself served the design of his Enemy This while the Count after he had given order for all things necessary at home went to two or three of those assemblies which are made a nights in the houses of persons of quality in Genona where the small time that he stayed there he left a new admiration of his wit He was magnificently apparelled that day and redoubling also his ordinary civility and gallantry he went not out of any of those companies without augmenting the affection which they already bore unto him But at last he went to the house of one named Assereto where he found three and twenty young Gentleman of the Popular order whom the cunning of Baptista Verrin had drawn thither The Count caressed them exceedingly and talking with them of divers things and supper time being near he desired them to go home and eat with him He told them that it was too fair an evening to part so soon that the night was too light and the Moon too clear for them to excuse themselves upon the season and briefly he intreated them with so good a grace as they went along with him The Count led them to a back room willing the discreet Pansa to go and entertain his wife unto whom he would come ere it were long because said he smiling our design will not brook the presence of Ladies At first these young Gentlemen beleeved that it was to treat them with the more liberty he did so and so went on with him In the mean time Baptista Verrin went dextrously to see if he could discover any thing about the Palace or at Doria's that might make him think they were suspected Things being in these terms the Count entred into another chamber after he had told them that he would come to them again presently as indeed he stayd not long before he returned But they were mightily surprized when as they saw him enter compleatly armed and followed by two hundred Soldiers with Partisans or Musquets which ranged themselves round about him He had his Viser up and his Sword in his hand and beginning then to let the hatred and choller break forth which he had for so long a time kept concealed in his heart his face was all on fire and fierceness and fury appeared in his eyes He approached to a Table and leaning on it with his left hand he continued a while without saying any thing then suddenly giving a great bounce on it he said with an imperious tone and a precipitate voyce It is done I am resolved O conragious and illustrious friends a spirit touched with any generosity can no longer suffer it the insolency of them that would oppress us hath incensed my courage and wearied my patience My imagination presents unto me a spectacle too horrible and too deadly in making me see our Citizens tyrannized and the subversion of our Country indubitable for me not to oppose my self to a mischief which fear or to say better Reason makes me see so nigh at hand If the evils wherewith the Republique is mortally tainted could hope for remedies from time I would endure as others do a retardment which might be profitable to the publique good but since we are arrived at the last period of our misery and that we see our selves quite ready to be ruined we must of necessity go and encounter that which is to overwhelm us and if it be possible not only sustain but overthrow it How great soever the peril is it loses much of its force when it is couragiously affronted whereas contrarily it encreases and becomes inevitable when it is attended with patience Jannetin Doria weary of that idle felicity which follows him dreams of nothing but of contenting his ambition and seeing his pernicious designs so near to be executed his whole thought is bestowed in contriving my death and your servitude It was not enough for this ambitious man to see the people of Genoua dispoiled of the Empire of Liguria and submited to be the object of the contempt of the Nobles but he must enterprize also to render himself tyrannically Soveraign of you yea more barbarous then Strangers have been unto us so great a pride is there seen in his heart as cannot be vanquished by patience nor avoyded by humility And to secure himself of you he holds you besieged on the Sea-side with twenty Gallies which in the midst of an apparant peace are in the Port more for your ruine then for your safety We see him always going through the City invironed with Nobles who by the favor of Andrea having usurped the Commands which appertained unto you render unto Jannetin for a recompence of your infamy an honor unworthy both of them and of him But that which touches me further is that I certainly know how under the authority of a Prince he prepares an heavy yoke for the publique liberty And because I have without considering my birth embraced your cause not so much for the interest of your order as for following of Reason and satisfying of my duty because I say I have never consented to the insolent contempt which the Nobles have used towards all them that are not of their body because I have esteemed of vertue wheresoever I have met with it because I have always taken part with Equity without considering that their interests were in some sort mine they attempt upon my life and believe that they cannot put you into chains unless they d●prive you of him whom they conceive to be strong enough or couragious enough to undertake the breaking of them What do we mean then O my companions by our sloth and our cowardise Will we be always the Spectators of our own misery For what enterprize shall we reserve our courage if in the general desolation of our Country we abandon our selves It is no time for us longer to complain of our Enemies but to revenge our selves of them Let us leave the use of tears to our wives and if we be worthy the name of men which we bear let us employ our courage our force and our address in destroying our Tyrants We have too much already endured their insolency which doubtless carries them to believe that our patience is an effect of our faint-heartedness They who leave crimes unpunished are guilty of those which the
excess of their goodness doth make their oppressors commit afterwards who ordinarily augment their violences when as they see they are dissembled What do we further expect O generous Citizens May it be to have the Government and all kind of Authority in the Republique to be utterly lost May it be that you will have the heart to place Jannetin in the Throne To see the Ministers of his fury go and take your goods out of your houses ruine your families attempt upon your lives dishonor your wives and commit those wickednesses which may justly be attended from a Tyranny that is born for the ruine of the Country nourished by the publique dissention increased by the miseries of the Citizens and established by the death of so many good men Are our courages so base and so low brought Have our swords so little edg as we cannot cut off the infamous life of him who makes a glory of our shame who triumphs over our misfortunes and feeds on our miseries Shall we not pluck out of Jannetin's body that cowardly heart which hath contrived so many Treasons and which may be termed the scource of all our mischiefs Shall we suffer a simple Citizen to be our Tyrant let him trample us under his feet and subjecting us unto him as his Slaves dispose of our lives and deaths as he pleaseth For me I profess freely unto you that I hold it more glorious to buy liberty with a great peril then to sweeten servitude with idleness and patience And as I take it for a glory that our Enemies have a design to add the loss of my life unto that of the Republique so do I consecrate my life with joy for the liberty of my Coun●ry acknowledging that I should be unworthy of enjoying it if I could prefer it before the publique utility I desire only O illustrious Citizens to discover a resolution in you if not worthy of your courage at leastwise proportionable to the danger wherein you are In fine whether you will have me for a Soldier or a Captain if you will go before me I will follow you if I shall go before you do you follow me Besides whether you be sensible of honor or that you only think of your safety you are always forced to take up Arms for since I must deliver things unto you as they are this resolution as to generous men is glorious for you as to men of little courage is commodious for you and in what manner soever it be is necessary for you I do not call you to an enterprize that is unforecasted or ill conducted I have long since considered the end and means of it And I have not only examined the sequel of it but I have assembled troops for it and having distributed them in the most commodious places for execution it is rather inviting you to the pleasing spectacle of a certain victory then to the peril of a doubtful fight But without animating you by the hope of that is to come I know very well so as you will call to mind the outrages of the Nobles and the insolency of Jannetin I know very well I say that the desire of revenge being rouzed up in your Souls you will come to fight with so much heart as our Enemies shall to their damage admire the valor of those whom they despised and you on the contrary shall know by your own experience whether they have as much force in warlike occasions as they have weakness in abandoning themselves to voluptuousness in the time of Peace Let us go then generous Citizens and let this be the end of my discourse and the beginning of your victory Let us go out of this Palace and descend into the City where we are attended by a great number of our friends for the ending of an enterprize so well begun The gates are in the power of the Soldiers whom I have gained to me the Gallies upon a Signal given will fall into the hands of a Troop of men as hardy to render themselves Masters of them as prudent to conserve them We have in the City fifteen hundred inhabitants which are armed for us and even now that I am speaking to you there are in the Suburbs two thousand of my Subjects and as many of the Duke of Placentia's which are come to succor us Let us go then my companions and call the people again to liberty let us return to the sweetness of our ancient Government let us exterminate the Nobles and Jannetin's Tyranny and in one only night more shining then the fairest days of our lives have been let us re-establish the glory of the popular families in their first splendor let us for ever deface out of the memories of men our past faint-heartedness But if any of you as I cannot believe be so audacious so cowardly both together as to oppose a design so glorious for us and advantageous for our Country let him behold round about him this dreadful company of Arms and Soldiers and let him imagine that he sees at the very same instant the points of all our swords leveled at his heart Yea my Companions I do protest it openly we must of necessity either fight or dye And that blood which shall be ingratefully denyed to the succor of our Country so neer to ruine shall be shed in this very place to wash away the stain of such perfidiousness Yea I say it once again the first sacrifice which shall be consecrated for the publique safety shall even here have his throat cut with my hand if any one undertakes to oppose my will These dreadful menaces amazed those to whom they were addrest they beheld one another and then that great number of Soldiers which environed them and after they had been a while without speaking they cryed all with one voyce two excepted that they would follow the Count even to the death that they would be the companions of his triumph or of his fall and in conclusion that they would never abandon him but would obey him in all things The Count embraced them then with a great deal of joy and testimony of satisfaction and being turned towards those two which as yet had said nothing they besought him to have pity of their weakness with words wherein fear appeared so visible as the Count could not forbear smiling They represented unto him that the request which they made him was advantageous to him as well as to them because being so uncapable of fighting they should hurt him more then they could help him that their fear might beget the same in others and their flight give an ill example to his Soldiers Briefly they gave him so many marks of their affright and terror as changing his determination he only contented himself with reproaching them for their cowardise in a bitter jear and for the security of his enterprize he caused them to be shut up in a chamber where he left them under a Guard which should keep them
deplorable an object should cause some sedition and the love which was born to him should renew the pass●d disorders In the mean time Ottobuono took our Gally and left us at Albengua that he might with the more speed get to Marseilles Baptista Verrin and his two friends abandoned us also and putting themselves into Montobio the Senate having elected a Duke retracted the abolition they had given to the Conspirators And for that effect they confiscated all the Counts Estate declared his two Brothers Rebels to the Republ●que and then sent Pansa to perswade Giralomo to render up Montobio where he had fortified himself But Giralomo who by nature was boisterous answered him as if he had a minde to augment the suspicion which they had of him that he held that place in the name of a Prince more mighty then the Senate meaning in this occasion the King of France unto whom the illustrious family of the Counts of Lavagna have always been much affected This answer exasperated things in such sort as shortly after Montobio was besieged by Augustino Spinola on whom this employment was conferred and so hardly layd unto that Baptista Verrin counselled Giralomo to render at discretion which he instantly did But within a while Baptista Verrin had cause to repent him of his bad counsel for Andrea Doria seeing the Senate inclined to clemency came thither in person and spake with so much vehemency as he caused them to change their mindes and carryed matters to their uttermost violence by making them to be put to death against the publique sence Behold Madam what the deplorable fortune of the Count hath been as for the rest of us after we had taken another Vessel at Albengua and being put again to Sea would have directed our course for Marseilles our navigation was not more prosperous this second time then formerly it had been for we were not far from the Port when as the tempest began again with such fury as during six days and six nights we were continually in expectation of being cast away At l●ngth a calm having succeeded the storm we came to discover Land but we were mightily surprized when as our Pilot assured us that that which we saw was the City of Marocco Our Vessel was so bruised as we resolved to land there and this design being executed the King of Marocco received us with a great deal of courtesie Now for that which arrived unto us there and for that which brought us to Constantinople I think it will be requisite to refer the relation thereof to another time And whereas the beautiful Hipolita and Sophronia have a greater share in it then I you shall if you please learn the sequel of our fortune from their mouths It is without doubt very deplorable said Isabella and I can assure you that I have not felt that motion in my heart which they say is so ordinary with every one and causes us in some sort to be comforted for our miseries when we see others infortunate as well as our selves but contrarily I finde my sorrow augmented thereby That proceeds from your generosity said Sophronia unto her but do not lament the Count so much as not to reserve some sighs for my sister whom we have lost as well as he with the grief she took for his death The Princess hereupon redoubled her complaints which had not finished so soon if a Capigibassi had not come and told her that it was time to return to the old Serraglio because the gates thereof were always used to be shut somewhat early Isabella rose up blushing and without any resistance parted somewhat unwillingly from her dear friends promising to come and see them again the next day Howbeit she would needs conduct these three fair persons to their lodging first for they would at no hand lie asunder in several chambers And after that she had rendred them this civility whether they would or no and after that Doria Horatio and Alphonso had waited upon her and Emilia to her Charet she returned to the old Serraglio with the same magnificence as she came from thence IBRAHIM OR THE ILLUSTRIOUS BASSA The Fourth Part. The First Book ISabella was no sooner awake the next day but the Slave which Roxellana had suborned came and told her from the Grand Signior that at length his care had not been in vain that after a very exact search the Slave whose liberty she had desired had been found out and sent immediately to Ibrahim's Palace unto his other friends and that the Sultan intreated she would be pleased he might come and visit her Isabella not daring to refuse a favor unto a Prince who accorded her so many answered that the Sultan did her too much honor and how she was very glad that in coming to visit her he gave her the opportunity to thank him for the new obligation wherein she stood engaged unto him This Slave then left the Pr●ncess and went unto Soliman to whom according to the directions she had for it she amplified Isabella's civilities and with that which she delivered perswaded him that the Princess might be acquainted without any great offence with the passion he was in for her In this opinion he went to the old Serraglio with a determination to use some artifice to keep her from going so often to visit her friends In the mean time Isabella had used such diligence in making her self ready as she had leasure to go before Soliman repaired to her lodging and intreat the Sultana Asteria that she would be with her when as the Grand Signior should come to see her as he had sent her word he would imagining that her presence might stop him from saying any thing to her that would offend her if it were so that he had a mind thereunto Asteria who loved Isabella would by no means deny her so that when the Sultan arrived there he found them both together yet durst he not testifie how much he was displeased at it but contrarily magnified Asteria's good hap in that she could always be with her commended her for the care she had taken to make her self agreeable to her thanked Isabella for the aff●ction she shewed her and after a long compl●ment which still gave her occasion to increase her suspicions he suffered her at length to render him thanks for the French M●rquess his liberty and to crave his permission for her to go and rejoyce her self with her dear friends Soliman blusht at this request and after he had stood a pretty while silent he assured her that she might absolutely do whatsoever she pleased Nevertheless if she would permit him to speak freely in this occasion he would confess unto her that he should be glad she would not go forth every day because the people might at length find something to say upon seeing so extraordinary a liberty of going in and out of the Serraglio that the Sultana Queen who might do so when she would seldom or never
displeasing her In fine after a preparation long enough and when as he believed that he had given sufficient good impressions of his vertue to Hipolita he told her that her beauty had touched the heart of Abdalla and that he had commanded him to acquaint her with his love but said he unto her with a seeming sincerity whereas you can never be but his Slave Heaven shield me from contributing ought to so bad a design contrarily I will do my uttermost to hinder such a misfortune and that you may furnish me with means to serve you make known to the King added he if he happens to speak with you that I have acquitted my self of the commission which he gave me in the mean time assure your self that there is not any thing which I will not undertake for your service Hipolita was strangely surprized with this discourse for coming to consider all Abdalla's liberalities and the manner wherein he had lived with her for a good while before she made no qu●stion but that Aly's discourse was true Nevertheless whereas she is natu●ally suspicious and mistrustful she doubted of Aly's sincerity in some things howbeit she answered civilly enough to the offers he had made her but for so much as regarded the Kings love she spake to him with so much firmness as he seemed to be very blank at it It was not because he desired she should accept of Abdalla's love but seeing in what manner she refused the Kings affection he feared lest when he should come to discover his own he should be worse intreated And whereas Hipolita perceived his unquietness for what reason said she unto him are you afflicted to see me resolved to oppose my self with all my power against an affection which you seem not to approve of It is answered Aly with as much cunning as malice because knowing by your discourse how much that which I have used to you hath troubled your mind I cannot chuse but grieve for that the King hath pick'd out to persecute you the only man in the world that honors you most But believe fair Hipolita continued he that this unjust love touches me as much as you and that there is not any thing which I will not do to deliver you from it After this Aly quitted her and left her in such an unquietness as the like was scarcely ever heard of Not only the Kings affection afflicted her not only the sadness which she had observed in Aly's face troubled her not only the incertainty wherein she was whether she should discover Abdalla's love to the Princess Mariama disquieted her but an odd and altogether extraordinary jealousie put her mind upon the rack She did not complain of Horatio's looking on any other person she did not accuse him of infidelity but she was jealous because he was not jealous For when as Aly talked to her she had marked how Horatio's eyes were still fixed on her and albeit he had seen that man entertain her a long time yet had he not appeared the more unquiet for it And as it is the custom of passionate persons to aggravate things according to the apprehensions which they have so Hipolita had the injustice to believe that her Lover must needs perceive the Kings love which she her self had not known If he loved me ardently said she for she declared it unto us afterwards the fear of losing me would have made him fear all things he would have taken notice of the Kings civilities his liberalities would have been suspected unto him I should have seen some unquietness in his eyes when as Aly talked so earnestly to me in fine concluded she in her heart either he loves me not or he loves me but a little and if he loves me but a little he loves me not at all since love never endures any mediocrity Whil'st she reasoned in this manner Aly who d●sired to perswade the King that he was in love with Leonida took great care that notice might be taken how she was pleasing to him And whereas Alphonso hath not by nature so quiet a mind as Horatio he seemed to us almost is much troubled as Hipolita though it were in a diff●rent manner He was not jealous of Leonida but he was vext to think that Aly was amorous of her He did not fear that she would be unfaithful to him but he was angry that another was passionate for her it being his humor as I conceive that the person whom he loves should never see any but him nor should be seen of any but him As for me that am of a contrary mind that would have all the Earth raise up altars to my Mistress that cannot be jealous no more then Horatio that places all my felicity in having Rivals to the end I may possess the glory of being better intreated then they and may no longer doubt but that I am loved as well out of choyce as out of inclination I saw Abdelcader as long as this Assembly lasted employ all his address to please the fair Sophronia without being troubled at it but contrarily I beheld with pleasure the admiration which her beauty put him into as well as all the rest of the company and it seemed unto me that in commending her they commended my judgment and augmented my glory Behold Madam in what sort this Assembly ended The King retired with a great deal of impatience to know what answer Hipolita had given to Aly this false Confident very sorry for having encountred with so much firmness in my sisters mind Sophronia sufficiently displeased with Abdelcader's complacency Leonida in a humor of laughing at the affection which Aly seemed to bear her Alphonso netled with having a Rival though he would not acknowledg it to us the Marquess exceedingly contented with having a Mistress Lela Mahabid well satisfied with the Marquess his gallantry Horatio with a mind indifferent enough for all that had past and I sufficiently contented in our misfortune and even with a secret sense of joy to see that the beauty of Sophronia was so perfect as she made her self be adored of all Nations In the mean time the Princess Mariama who hath a quick and piercing wit perceived all the divers interests of this Assembly and though she could not discover them perfectly yet knew she that the King was in some passion that Aly was not exempted from it that Abdelcader her bro●her did not hate Sophronia and that Lela Mahabid was too civil towards a Slave This wise Princess resolved for all that not to make any shew of all these things till she was more certain of them but it was not long before she was deared therein For my sister being retired with her companions and having acquainted them with Aly's discourse they resolved to advertise the Princess Mariama of it and absolutely to confide in her vertue Sophronia was notwithstanding of the opinion to ask counsel of us first so that the next morning according to the permission they
least-wise I flatter my self with this opinion that by a particular priviledg and to render her conquests the more illustrious she purifies all the hearts which she enflames that she darts forth a beam of that divinity which I adore in her and therewith illuminates them that come neer her that in making her vertues known she communicates a part of them and that one is no sooner her Slave but he is worthy to command others The Princess Lela Mahabid not able to forbear from blushing at the Marquis his discourse would at leastwise make a gallantry of it I leave you to judg said she unto him how much you would make your Mistresses modesty to suffer if she were here since I could not chuse but change colour at this excessive praise though I have no part in it I fear Madam replyed he that in this occasion you take one vertue for another and that this change which hath appeared in your face be not rather an effect of your great heart then of your modesty seeing it may be you take it not well that a Slave should lose the respect which he ows you so far as to dare to entertain you with his passion You speak so agreeably hereof said the Princess Mariama interrupting him that if my sister will be perswaded by me she shall always be your Confident I am not inconsiderate enough for that answered the Marquis and the thoughts of respect and adoration which I have for her will not permit me to commit this fault Sophronia seeing that hereupon there was a great silence amongst the company which might trouble the Marquis said to him with a great deal of address that she was glad to see a passion in him which made her hope that at last he might be constant since finding in a person whom he loved all the beauties of the body all the graces of the minde and all the vertues of the soul it was impossible for him to meet with any thing that was amiable in another which was not in her You have Reason answered the Marquis but not altogether to renounce my natural inclination though I love none or to say better adore none but this excellent person yet have I found the means to mingle an inconstancy with the love I bear her whereof she cannot be jealous I have much ado to conceive this new mystery added my sister and I do not think that she who is the cause of your love will reign in a divided heart My heart is wholly hers replyed the Marquis and to explain my thoughts unto you know that the person whom I adore is so marvelous as it would be a crime in me having but one heart and one affection to offer to love all that is amiable in her at one and the same time so that to love her the more perfectly and in some sort also to follow this inclination which predominates over all mine I give every day a new object to my passion To day I adore her eyes to morrow I love the beauty of her shape the next day I suffer my self to be charmed with the graces of her minde another time her goodly aspect ravishes me and by this means yielding my heart wholly to each of those excellent qualities which she possesses I shall love her as much as she deserves to be and without being inconstant to her I shall yet be always so much as never to be weary of my servitude This new way of loving so mightily surprized all the company as albeit they had no great cause of joy yet could they not forbear laughing at it I should never have done if I should rehearse all the pleasing passages which the Marquis delivered in all the visits which he gave to these two Princesses it shall suffice then to tell you that the Princess Lela Mahabid had all the esteem and all the affection for him which a Princess gallant enough and who for all that was vertuous was capable of In the mean time you are to know that Aly had not failed in rendering an account to the King of the commission which he had given him but whereas he was a Lover and cunning he had disguised the truth of that which he had said to Hipolita and of that which Hipolita had answered him For though my sister had testified sufficiently unto him that Abdalla's affection could never please her yet he feared that if the King should undertake to speak to her himself she might at length be perswaded so that to keep him from it he told him that albeit Hipolita had not favorably received the declaration which he had made her of his love yet he held it not absolutely impossible to touch her heart it having seemed unto him how he had observed that the greatest fear Hipolita had was lest the Princess Mariama should perceive this affection Wherefore my Lord said he unto him it must be by me that she must be acquainted with all the thoughts which you have for her until such time as by great hopes we have chased away this fear from her heart For there is no doubt added he considering the estate wherein I saw her minde if you enterprize to speak to her your self but you will be very ill satisfied of her for the reason I have told you Abdalla though very amorous and consequently very impatient and very suspicious yet made do question of Aly's discourse and remitting himself absolutely to his conduct he conjured him to remember that on the conquest of Hipolita all his felicity depended In the mean while albeit he had promised Aly to g●ve my sister the least testimony of his affection that he could yet was it impossible for him to conceal his passion for he no sooner entred into Mariama's lodging but he asked for Hipolita he no sooner saw her but a new joy appeared in his face Hipolita's looks guided his whether he would or no he followed her with his eyes wheresoever she went and seldom did he make a visit without praising some beauty or some vertue which he said he had not yet marked in her These praises did not please Aly at the beginning nevertheless seeing he could not hinder them whereas soveraign prudence or to say better extream cunning consists in making all things serve for the design that one hath he labored to draw some advantage from the love which the King seemed to bear to Hipolita But before I acquaint you with it I am to tell you that after many conversations which he had with her wherein he always shewed how much he esteemed of her vertue and approved of the refusals she had made of the Kings love one day when as he found her the most civilly disposed for him as he thought and the most incensed against the King he undertook to discover unto her the passion he was in for her And whereas she was exceedingly surprized with such a kinde of discourse and hath naturally an imperious spirit Is it possible
said she unto him that you can speak to me in this sort and conserve any memory and judgment Do you believe added she that a person which refuses the affection of your King can receive yours Do you not remember that you have an hundred times commended the resolution which I have taken to dye rather then to satisfie him shall I be more vertuous in harkening favorably to your love then to Abdalla's What part do you play said she unto him without giving him time to interrupt her You betray your Master in speaking to me of your love and if you will pass for my Lover you do me an injury in charging your self with moving the Kings to me and howsoever it be I ought to hate and despise you more then him After Hipolita had testified all her resentment and her anger Aly nothing daunted not displeased besought her not to condemn him without hearing For fair Hipolita said he unto her it may be you will finde some difference between the love that Abdalla bears you and that which I bear you He onely loves the beauty of Hipolita and I adore the vertue of Hipolita He is not your servant but to make you his Slave and I do not love you but to marry you His flame is unjust and mine is lawful the end of his love is his own satisfaction and that of mine is your glory and your conservation For in fine continued he if it be true that you love honor you will have some indulgence for the affection which I carry to you seeing there tests no other mean to warrant you from the violences of Abdalla's love but that of receiving the same which I offer you I acknowledg said he further to her that I am an ill subject but it is not but to be a faithful Lover and because I will not expose you to the greatest miseries which a vertuous person can suffer For if you will said he unto her all the Kings love all his force and all his power shall not keep me from protecting and marrying you Aly having made an end of speaking left Hipolita for that he would not have her said he answer him without advisement in a matter whereon all his happiness or unhappiness depended From thence he went to the Princess Mariama to whom in appearance he bore a great deal of respect And whereas for some time past this Princess had given him more commodity to speak to her then before out of the design she had to discover his intentions concerning him that was to succeed Abdalla it was not difficult for him to talk with her in private so that after he had protested an inviolable fidelity to her and had sworn to her that next to the glory and interests of Abdalla nothing in the world was so dear to him as hers he told her that knowing her exceeding vertue and prudence he thought he was obliged to acquaint her how the King was so desperately in love with Hipolita as he feared that his passion would carry him to lose the respect which he owed to her in drawing him to use some violence to this maid That if in this occasion he might be permitted to give advertisements and counsel both together he conceived that the best course could be taken would be to remove Hipolita out of the way or to marry her That as her Slave she might dispose of her without the Kings having any lawful pretext to contradict her since he himself had bestowed her on her The Princess received this discourse of Ala's as if she were obliged to him for it and although she knew not as yet the interest which he had in this affair because she had not seen Hipolita yet she believed that this generosity which appeared in his speech was not in his heart She thanked him notwithstanding for the advice he had given her promised him to observe the Kings and Hipolita's actions and then told him that she would resolve of nothing in this affair without demanding his counsel about it and that he on his part should not fail to advertise her of all that he knew Aly to let the Princess see that he lyed not desired her to call to minde all the testimonies of unquietness and affection which the King could not conceal in the visits he had rendred her for some time past And when as she had told him that she remembred them very well he went very well satisfied of her For knowing the vertue and prudence of this Princess he doubted not but that now understanding the love which the King bore to Hipolita she would oppose it with all her power and so if it happened that Hipolita should tell her the pr●position he had made to marry her she would not contradict it because it would be a mean to keep the King from committing a fault and because she would believe also by this way to put him out of grace with Abdalla which he feared not much in regard that all the force of the Kingdom was in his hands that all the Governors of Places dep●nded on him and that it was impossible for Abdalla to rid himself of him but by taking away his life which he stood in no doubt of for he could not imagine that a Prince to whom he had conserved the Crown could make him lose his head And after this manner he resolved to make a shew of confiding in the Princess Mariama judging ●hat nothing could arrive therein that would not be advantageous to him In the m●an time Abdelcader had his designs both of love and ambition as well as Aly and though he was no very excellent Prince yet the desire of reigning is so natural in men as it found a place in his heart and so much the more strongly because he knew that according to equity the Crown of Marocco appertained to him after the death of his brother though Abdalla had a son for that the Xeriff Mahomet had so ordained by his Testament In this thought he had a long time already very much courted Aly to the end he might gain him as much as he could out of the hope that if Abdalla came to dye he would side with him or at leastwise remain a neuter between the son of Abdalla and him Nevertheless whereas at that time Aly had other designs he never said any thing to Abdelcad●r which might make him hope for ought from him But whereas he was dextrous and knew not certainly whether he should let Abdalla's son raign or raign himself he had never disobliged him but was contented to tell him still upon the divers propositions which he had made unto him that for matters regarding the State he was not the servant of the person of Abdalla but of the King of Marocco That as for him he was perswaded how it was neither reason nor justice that ordinarily made Kings but Fortune only And without considering whether she were blind or no in the distribution of Crowns he was
and whereas he desired to be cleared therein the Princess Mariama told him that in the confusion wherein all things were the day before whether Aly had caused them to be carryed away by force or whether we had contributed any thing thereunto so it was that returning in the Evening to her lodging she had not found them there neither could she possibly learn any news of them I will not repeat unto you all that Abdalla said in this occasion although the Princess Mariama acquainted us with it But in conclusion it suffices you should know that Abdalla took this adventure as an amorous Prince would do and after he had caused search to be made over all the City except in the place where we were which by the care of the Princess was exempted she had the goodness to come secretly and bid her dear Slaves farewell to whom also she gave very rich gifts And the night following having disposed of all things for our departure she caused us to be imbarqued in a Merchants Vessel that set sail the same night and whereof the Captain who was of Palermo undertook to carry us whithersoever we would go in consideration of an excessive sum of money which she gave him for that purpose Now Madam before I leave Marocco I am to tell you that the Marquis was not so glad of the liberty which we hoped to enjoy as for that he should no longer be exposed to the hazard of being constant I should have dyed said he unto us had I not escaped from so great a danger for if I had tarryed longer at Marocco I was in jeopardy of changing my humor in not changing my Mistress But in the end Madam we had no great leasure to laugh at the Marquis his agreeable humor for we had not made two days sail when as we encountred a Vessel by the Turks called a Carmossal which having set upon ours that was but ill provided of things necessary for war became Master of it notwithstanding any resistance we could make and the Turks which commanded this Vessel took us and brought us to be sold here at Constantinople where our destiny hath been such as you have understood Isabella thanked Doria for the pains he had taken in recounting this History unto her As for me said Hipolita I am not contented with my Brother for me-thinks he stood a little too much in examining that which he calls fantasticalness in my humor It is not for that you complain answered Horatio smiling but rather because you apprehend that we do not judg of the greatness of your affection but by that of your jealousie For my part said the Marquis I do not complain of Doria and I have taken more delight in hearing him relate my love then I took in it when I was in Marocco And for so much as regards me added Leonida I am the least satisfied with his relation seeing I served but for a pretext to Aly's love Let us not jest so soon said Sophronia interrupting her for in fine we are still at Constantinople You have Reason answered Isabella sighing and would it might please Heaven that I could as readily procure your departure from thence and mine own with you as I can assure you that you are in safety there but we must hope continued she re-assuming a more quiet countenance that the return of Justiniano will cause ours soon after Sophronia's humor being very serious and consequently more agreeing then the rest with Isabella's melancholly begot a particular conversation with her The Marquis approached to Emilia and intermixing his discourse with Hipolita's Horatio's Leonida's Alphonso's and Doria's they entertain●d one another as persons whom the hope of a future good had made to forget all the evils past But at length night coming on and Isabella rememb'ring the counsel which the Sultana Asteria had given her not to incense the minde of Soliman she took leave of this dear Troop and returned to the old Serraglio where Asteria had been in much impatience for her return fearing lest the Sultan her Father should be displeased if she did not observe the order he had given The End of the First Book The Second Book ROxelana in the mean time was not without unquietness in knowing by her Spies that Soliman's friendship to Ibrahim and the respect which he had to Isabella had kept him until then from discovering his love plainly to her that caused it For whereas ambition was the only thing that raigned in her heart she might well be jealous of the power of Ibrahim but not of the beauty of Isabella She knew that the grand Visier would never give her the means to ruine him nor do any thing against the service of the Grand Signior were he not constrained thereunto by some very sensible outrage She knew also that Soliman would never disoblige Ibrahim if some mighty passion did not force him to it In fine the love to Isabella was that which begat a hope in her heart of destroying a man whom she did not hate but because he was too generous and that she would raign alone And whereas she saw that if Isabella went every day out of the Serraglio it might come to pass that Soliman seeing her but seldom might peradventure change his mind she resolved for the preventing thereof to complain of the liberty she had and to let the Sultan understand how the Muphti had advertised her that the people began already to murmur at it There needed no further matter to oblige Soliman to a thing which he desired far more then she But whereas the fear of displeasing Isabella was so much the greater as his love was the stronger he could not resolve not only to forbid her from going forth but to see her that day wherein she should receive this order neither knew he what person to chuse that might deliver this rude message unto her At last upon good advisement he sent for the Sultana Asteria whom he enjoyned after he had extreamly caressed her so to order the matter that Isabella might go but very seldom out of the Serraglio My Lord said Asteria unto him hath thy Highness forgot what thou saidst to her yesterday with thine own mouth No said the Grand Signior unto her and therefore it is why I will not make a prohibition which contravenes the civilities I have used to her but I would willingly that by thy counsel and address without any shew of my constraining her she should be carried of her self to do that which I desire for the Sultana Queen complains of the liberty which I give her the people murmur at it all the Sultanaes take it ill and hate her for it My Lord answered Asteria after that which thy Highness hath said to Isabella I doubt that my counsel and speeches will be suspected of her and that she will give more credit to thy words then to all that I can say to her I perceive well said Soliman then to her that thou
whereas Alphonso had been a long time in the voyage from whence Justiniano brought him back he had understood nothing of what had hapned to Leonida for being fallen in love with her presently after his return no body had been so uncivil as to say any such thing to him It was not as you shall know by the sequel of this History because that which arrived unto Leonida was not glorious for her but because love is a passion that renders the spirit so sensible and delicate as it is impossible to hear that the person whom one loves should have affection for another without some sense of gri●f And verily Alphonso tryed it but too well in this occasion he beleeved at first notwithstanding that this was an effect of the malice of his kinsman who regarding his succession had perchance a design to do what he could for the rendring Leonida less amiable but when as continuing his incivility he had told him that one named Octavio of the House of the Pallavicins and who was dead since had in times past loved her and that he had been infinitely loved of her he did not beleeve that this man durst have told him things so precisely if they had not been true At length Alphonso having made his visit retired with some unquietness nevertheless whereas he had not yet lost his Reason he did not find that he had any cause to complain of Leonida for that she had been loved of Octavio or for that she had loved him in a time when as he was not known to her For said he I should be unjust to desire that the eyes of Leonida should not have begun to make Conquests before they captivated me and I should be unreasonable to desire also that she should have been absolutely insensible of the affection of a man who it may be was of more worth then my self Now whereas Love is ingenious to torment those which are under his Empire Alphonso did not complain of having a Rival that had not been hated but for that Leonida had made a secret of it to him This unquietness was not for all that very strong but you shall understand by the sequel of my discourse that it carried him to another which put him to a great deal of pain Alphonso had no sooner the commodity to speak with Leonida in private but making shew as if it were without design he took occasion to name Octavio this name which had been so dear to Leonida could not be heard of her without touching her heart and her heart could not be moved without giving some marks of it in her face For her Sense preventing her Reason she blusht and ●●●hed both at an instant howbeit desiring to conceal this disorder from Alphonso she layd her hand over her eyes and endeavoring to change discourse he was thereby perswaded that this touched her heart exceeding sensibly augmented his curiosity and made him resolve to testifie it to her plainly In pursuance of so precipitous a design Alphonso without deferring the execution of it any further said unto her I would fain fair Leonida be assured that after my being dead for your service my name should be so happy as to make you blush and sigh as the blessed Octavio's hath done You should do better answered Leonida sighing a second time to call him infortunate Octavio Whosoever hath been loved of you replyed Alphonso could n●ver be unhappy notwithstanding any thing that could arrive to him otherwise I wish for all that said Leonida that you never make tryal of the like felicity But continued she with an altered countenance why have you spoken to me of Octavio Let us leave him to enjoy that rest which he could never finde in this life let us not trouble ours in troubling his and let us I pray you have so much regard to him as to leave his ashes in peace Please you to pardon me said Alphonso then unto her if without losing the respect which I owe to you I dare crave of you for a mark of your affection that you will take the pains to relate exactly unto me that which Octavio in times past bore unto you that which you bore to him and briefly all that besell you till the time of his death otherwise you will give me caus● to complain of you Leonida would not at first accord to Alphonso that which he desired of her for as she knew how highly her heart had been touched for Octavio so she know likewise that it would be impossible for her to remember all their felicities and all their misfortunes without a great deal of unquietness wherefore she excused her self from it as much as she could nevertheless seeing that Alphonso took this refusal for a wrong she promised to grant him his desire so as he would give her some time and in this sort many days past away Alphonso being unable to make her keep her word with him But at length his curiosity being grown the stronger by Leonida's resistance he testified unto her one day so seriously that he should hold himself disobliged by her if she continued in the resolution which she seemed to have as having appointed him a time to come to her for that purpose she resolved to content him If one had then demanded of Alphonso why his curiosity was so strong he could not have told at least-wise he hath acknowledged so much to Leonida since For whereas he was perswaded that she had loved Octavio both by that which his Kinsman had told him by that which he had also learned other-where concerning it and by the marks which he had seen of it in her countenance if in her speech nevertheless she had disguised the truth that lying would have given him a great deal of unquietn●ss and yet he felt in his heart that if contrarily she should avouch unto him that she had loved him very much this discourse would not please him But at last carryed by a secret motion which he could not resist he went with an extream impatience to the assignation which Leonida had given him He found her more sad then ordinary for whereas her imagination was filled with displeasing idea's that charming and jovial ayr which she hath usu●lly in her face was somewhat changed After she had caused Alphonso to sit down and had told him that she was going to render him the greatest proof of her affection that he had ever yet received she was ready to impart unto him what her fortune had been when as Alphonso before he would give her leasure so to do conjured her once again not to omit any part of all that which had arrived unto her But he had no need to intreat her thereunto for Leonida had no sooner began to speak but forgetting that she was recounting her History to her Lover she suffered herself to be charmed with her own relation and shewing grief or joy according as the matters which she related gave her occasion for she omitted not
of Octavio that she hath this respect and this fidelity and not for me O blessed Octavio cryed he how worthy of envy is thy fate and how unhappy is mine This fantastical jealousie got such deep rooting in his heart as he lost all rest and almost his Reason He wished sometimes that Octavio were still living to the end he might be revenged of him and by and by after in another quite contrary thought he considered that if he had been living Leonida had never loved him and in this manner he was in some sort glad that he was dead Sometimes likewise he comforted himself for that Leonida had not loved Octavio so much as to marry him against the will of her Parents but then when he came to remember the last marks of affection which Leonida had received from Octavio and what resentment she had testified for it in relating it to him he entred into despair again What can I do said he that can ever perswade her that I love her as well as Octavio When I shall tell her that she raigns in my heart that her will may dispose of mine that she is absolute Mistress of my soul and in conclusion that I live not but for her alone with one onely word she will set Octavio above all that I have said for telling me that he dyed to testifie his affection to her is to tell me that he hath incomparably done more then I that he raigns always in her minde and that I can never pretend to the first place Of all the thoughts that afflicted Alphonso that of his not being loved by Leonida but because he had some conformity with Octavio was the most inhumane and the opinion which he had that since this was the cause of his Mistresses affection she could not therefore see him without remembring Octavio troubled him in such fort as he continued certain days unable to resolve to visit her Nevertheless there were some instants wherein he condemned his transports and demanding of himself what he desired of Leonida in this occasion he knew not very well what he would have but these good intervals lasted so little it while as it might have been said that he had no rest at all If I had a Rival said he sometimes I should spend a part of my anguish in seeking occasion to hurt him and to set him at odds with her I loved and whom he should love I should observe their actions and knowing them I should make use of them either to trouble their designs or to advance mine or to cure me of my passion But is the case stands I have a secret Rival in the heart of Leonida whom she entertains I not knowing nor being able to hinder it She weeps she sighs even as she is talking with me for this blessed Phantosm which she loves still and ever will love since he is no longer in a condition to be able to do any thing that can displease her As for me said he I am in far other terms for I can easily displease her and I cannot be agreeable unto her but because I resemble Octavio Who ever saw continued he such another thing I am jealous and yet I have no Rival I am beloved and yet I am not happy and through an extravagancy of my destiny or of my humor I shall never be let Leonida do what she will it is impossible that ever I should be so For say I should marry her it would always run in my mind that if by a miracle Octavio could rise again she would abandon me for him Yea and I beleeve added he that if she could buy his life with my death she would consent unto it with joy This deadly thought seized so strongly on Alphonso's heart as there were certain moments in which he had as much hatred for Leonida as he was capable of For whereas this extraordinary jealousie agitated all his passions and principally hate and anger not finding a nearer object to employ them upon he had for her no doubt very different thoughts and wholly replenished with violence Love remained nevertheless still victorious over all the rest or to speak more rightly all those several passions were but effects of that same But in the end after Alphonso had spent some days in the entertainment of his anguish of mind without seeing Leonida the extream love which he bore her carried him to her whether he would or no. He hath told her since that being gone out of his lodging with an intent to walk in some place out of the way that he might muse by himself better then at home and exactly run over all the favors which Leonida had conferred on him to the end he might compare them with those which Octavio had received from her he acquainted her I say that against his purpose and without being aware of it his steps conducted him to her door where he no sooner was but without consulting what he was to do he knocked there and understanding that Leonida was within he went up directly to her chamber without advertising her of it though it was not his custom so to do for Leonida seldom ever saw him at her house when she was alone there but at this time Alphonso was not in a case regularly to observe good manners When as Leonida first saw him she received him somewhat coldly for whereas he had been a good while without sending to her or enquiring after her she thought it was but just to use him so As for Alphonso how disordered soever his mind was yet durst he not make shew at the beginning of that which he had in his heart for respect and Reason had so much power over him is he could not resolve to discover his suffering to a person who caused it until he should be extreamly pressed thereunto by her After Leonida had received him somewhat coldly and had observed the change which jealousie had made in Alphonso's face the anger wherein she was in for his neglect turned into unquietness She was afraid left some mishap had befallen him or through some adventure which was unknown to her Alphonso should accuse her unjustly of some defect of affection In this belief she used him more favorably asked of him whether his melancholy was feigned or true and urging him to answer her she forced him to tell her a lye in such perplexed and obscure terms as she doubted not but that he had some unpleasing thought in his mind She employed all her address then to discover it by the several questions she asked him but seeing she nothing prevailed thereby and that the more she demanded of him the less she was satisfied she did him the favor to deal with him as a M stress and absolutely commanded him to tell her what that trouble was which he had in his Soul You have assured me an hundred times said she unto him that I could do any thing with you and that your heart was not so much
it self in the end so weak as he absolutely resolved to speak to Isabella of his passion I know very well said he to himself that this is to betray the friendship which I have promised to Ibrahim but I know withall that it would be the betraying of my self and the cause of my death if I should bereave my self of the hope which I have of prevailing one day with Isabella In this resolution Soliman went to the Princesses chamber on a time when as the Sultana Asteria was come from her and that none but Emilia was with her When as first the Princess saw him she changed colour and Soliman on his part who very much respected her and that still loved Ibrahim thought to alter his resolution and in this sort fear troubling Isabella and respect silencing Soliman they were a while unable to speak to one another The Sultan was he at last that began the Conversation in craving pardon of Isabella for the constraint wherein she lived My Lord said she unto him since it concerns the quiet of thy State I dare not murmur at it and though the privation of my friends be a displeasure sensible enough I do endure it without complaining of thy Highness I do accuse Fortune and do justifie Soliman who without doubt will never be but equitable Would to Heaven said he unto her I might be sure that you would speak thus always My Lord replyed she this is a thing which will absolutely depend on thy Highness it being most certain that I shall ever be reasonable and not be so inconsiderate as to think ought to the disadvantage of thy Majesty if I be not constrained thereunto by thy self I could have wished replyed Soliman that without exception you had promised me never to think amiss of me for it may be you will learn from mine own mouth that I am faulty Isabella blusht at this discourse and casting down her eyes without daring to look any more on Soliman and being unable to answer him she was a pretty while in this incertainty but on a sudden Soliman carried away by his passion resolved to discover it unto her I know full well said he unto her that I am going to destroy my self that in acquainting you with my thoughts I am going to make you hate me but I would sain have you tell me added he before I confess my crime unto you whether an error which is not voluntary merits as much chast●s●m●nt as a pr●m●ditated malice My Lord answered Isabella all persons that have great Souls like thy Highness can never commit faults but voluntarily There is nothing that can ●orce Reason when one will make use of it and the most violent passions without doubt are but the pretext of weak ones when as they will excuse the bad actions which they do it being certain that it is not impossible to furmount them I knew well enough said Soliman interrupting her that you would be a rigorous Judg to me that you would judg of others by your self and that you would condemn in another that which is not found in you But amiable Isabella continued he you are unjust to deal so seeing it is impossible that ever your Soul should be put to so difficult a tryal as that is which I have encountred You have but weak enemies to sight with and a great deal of vertue to resist them your Reason in what a occasion soever you find your self is always on your side but amiable Isabella in this wherein I am my Reason is my cruelest enemy It is not because she hath not opposed all my thoughts as much as she could and this is it which puts me out of all hope of vanquishing having no longer arms to defend me For my Reason hath been so absolutely surmounted as it is rather by her then by my passion that I am resolved to discover my hurt unto her which hath caused it Let thy Highness take heed said Isabella to him then that in discovering it thou make it not the worse and that that which thou believest would be a remedy for thy grief be not a means to increase it That which you say answered Soliman may easily fall out but continued he what would you have a Prince do who is no longer Master either of his heart of his soul or of his will who se●s his death indubitable if he conceals the disease wherewith he is stricken and who is absolutely resolved to dye or to move the person whom he adores with love or pity Isabella knowing not what to answer to a discourse which she understood but too well for her rest fetched a great sigh in lifting up her eyes to Heaven as it were craving succor from thence which Soliman having ob●erv●d I perceive said he unto her incomparable Isabella that you have understood me that you are not ignorant of the Conquest you have made and I thank Fortune for that she hath not compelled me to tell you that I love you so to make you know it for it is certain that I should have been much troubled to execute the resolution which I had taken for it But after I have perswaded you continued he without giving her leasure to answer him that Soliman adores you suffer not that which hath accustomed to be beneficial to all Lovers to be prejudicial to me For added he I see very well that the more I shall perswade you that I love you the more you will hold your self injured by m● But to take away at leastwise the means from you of reproaching me with my crime I will acknowledg divine Isabella that I know being your Protector I ought not to be your Lover that loving Ibrahim as I do I ought not to be his Rival that respecting you as I ought I should not use any discourse to you that offends you that loving glory I ought not to endure an affection which may blemish it but I know more then all this that love never shews it self either greater or more perfect then when it destroys friendship forces Reason and without considering either honor or glory carries us to dye or to make our selves be beloved of the person whom we adore This incomparable Isabella is the estate whereunto you have reduced my Soul but if notwithstanding I may be permitted to employ Reason for the obliging of you to pity remember that you would be unjust in causing the death of a Prince who heretofore hath saved Ibrahim's life and that cruelty can never pass for a vertue Be then in some sort indulgent to my passion and at leastwise bemoan the hurt which you have done me Soliman holding his peace and Isabella being somewhat come to her self again Is it possible said she unto him that this which I hear is true and that the greatest Prince of the Earth should be the weakest amongst men No I cannot think it and the discourse which thy Highness hath used to me is doubtless a design to prove my constancy and resolution
first sent a Command to the Sultana Asteria to go to that of Roxelana for she had for a pretty while before been seldom absent from the Princess This command exceedingly disquieted the Sultana but not able to do any other then voluntarily obey a Prince who had power and right to constrain her thereunto she left Isabella with Emilia without letting her know any thing of the fe●r she was in that Soliman had a purpose to use some displeasing discourse to her seeing he removed her from her Scarcely was she gone out of her chamber when as Soliman came in to it and whereas it seemed to her that he had less civility for her then he was wont and that his looks gave more signs of choller then of love she was in some joy hoping that it may be her constancy had so far provoked him as to oblige him to turn her out of the Serraglio but she soon understood that this incivility and this choller was an effect of his love I see very well said he unto her that my visits do importune you that my presence displeases you that my passion begets your hatred that my respects augment your pride that my prayers render you in●xorable and that tears do harden your heart Wherefore continued he I am resolved to take another course I have treated you too long as a Mistress it is just then since you will not be so that I cease to be a Slave but whereas I cannot cease to be a Lover I must tell you once for all that if by your cruelty I am reduced to despair I shall be capable of undoing others in undoing my self How my Lord said Isabella then to him can thy Highness perswade me that which thou sayst No no continued she I know thy vertue too well and it is as equally impossible for thee to possess me with fear as with love thou mayst have unjust desires but I hold thee uncapable of a wicked action Thou mayst I say have weakness but not cruelty and love cannot produce in thee the effects of hatred It is not added she because I do not wish with all my heart both for thy glory and my content that either out of choller or hatred thou couldst resolve to chase me from thy presence and never to see me more The opinion wh●rein you are r●plyed Soliman that the same passion which carries me to persecute you will keep me from hurting you is that without doubt which makes you speak with so much confidence but know that a Prince who sees nothing in his choyce but death or your affection ought to enterprize any thing for the avoyding of the one and obtaining of the other It can never be unjust for him to think of his preservation that ought to be preferred before all other things I have friendship for Ibrahim I have veneration for you but I have also some interest in my life I have done what I could to procure my content without troubling yours but at length seeing I cannot do it and that there is a fate which will not let me live without you I must seek out the means for it Remember then that he which craves your affection can command you that he which offers you his heart is not unworthy your love that Ibrahim owing his life to me ougt to render it me in this occasion that after so many services submissions respects sighs and tears the anger and spite of being despis●d may seize upon my Soul and for a conclusion remember that revenge is the d●light of incensed Kings that Ibrahim is in my Armies that you have in Constantinople persons which are dear to you and that you are in the Serraglio It is true my Lord replyed Isabella that I cannot be ignorant of all these things but I know withall that thy Highness commands both in thy Armies in Constantinople and in the Serraglio and that cons●quently I have no cause to fear any thing but contrarily I think that Ibrahim my friends and I are in more safety in thy Estates then in our own Country And then again my Lord I cannot imagine that the remembrance of Ibrahim is utterly defaced out of thy memory that a man whom thy Higness hath so much loved and so much obliged can be ill-intreated by thee nor can I believe that Isabella can inspire thee with such unjust thoughts no my Lord I cannot think it Isabella replyed Soliman hath not poss●st me with unreasonable thoughts I have nothing but love for her howbeit I must confess that her cruelty possesses me with fury and that she may carry me to destroy all that I shall think can ravish her from me and cons●qu●ntly to do all that I shall believe can serve my turn concerning her This being so answered Isabella I need not be threatened in the person of my friends nor in that of Ibrahim since on my onely will that absolutely d●p●nds which thy Highness calls rigor and which I term an effect of Reason and Vertue For my Lord continued she were not my heart nor my word engaged to Ibrahim nay had I as much affection for thy Highness as I am capable of yet should I not give thee more testimonies of it then I have done Were not my Religion I say different from thine yet in that I could not be thy wife I should not be thy Slave since the heart of Isabella can never have thoughts contrary to her honor and her glory The Slaves of Soliman replyed he are more then Queens of other Nations and then again to say the truth to have you command absolutely in my heart and soul is not to treat you as a Slave Isabella thinking she was to speak more throughly to the Grand Signior then as yet she had done and believing that wh●n he had no more hope he would have no more love said to him with a more confid●nt voyce then before Finally my Lord all that I can say to thy Highness is that if forgetting thy usual mildness and generosity thou couldst resolve to carry me by fear to that which thou couldst not get by love and for that eff●ct wouldst persecute me in the person of Ibrahim who is dearer then my self to me I would see him dye rather then change my resolution Let thy Highness judg after this whether death can fright me and whether fear hath any power over my Soul Consider then that though thou hast no hope left thee yet thou hast a mean left thee to be g●nerous but in fine added she let thy love in this occasion suffer it self to be surmounted either by reason or by choller have hatred or friendship for me be my Protector or my Enemy let thy Highness not see me but to comfort me for the absence of Ibrahim or never see me more I know continued she that I speak with a great deal of boldness but my Lord since my complaints my tears my prayers and Reason it self have not been able to obtain any thing of thee
it seems just unto me to tell thee once for all that nothing can change my minde that neith●r ambition nor fear have any power over my soul that vertue onely raigns there and that thy Highness forgets thine own glory to no purpose Isabella made this speech with so much firmn●ss as Soliman not able to be moved with compassion suffered himself to be transported with fury but in such a manner as there were not any threatenings which he used not to the Princess And for a conclusion he said unto her as he was going away if fear can no whit prevail on your soul no more shall pity on mine we shall see in the end if you be not changed in eight days whether your minde will be as constant as you say and you shall know but it may be too late that Soliman when he pleases can tell how to make himself be obeyed at Constantinople After he had said this he left Isabella and abandoned her to her grief which Emilia saw to be so just is she could not condemn her and all that she could do in this encounter was to weep with her What a misery is mine said this infortunate Princ●ss after she had been a while without speaking who ever saw continued she a like adventure The greatest and best Prince of the Earth is become the basest and cruellest amongst men he pays a generosity with ingratitude he betrays the friendship which he hath promised he violates the law of Nations my protector is grown to be my Tyrant and whilst Ibrahim is venturing his life for his glory thi● unjust Prince would make me forget mine but what say I it may be that his cruelty will not rest there he that can betray what is most sacred in this world that harkens not to reason that no longer knows vertue may also be capable of a design to destroy Ibrahim And of all this continued this Princess Isabella is the cause she alone is the source of his misfortunes she alone gave him encouragement to follow his g●n●rosity when as she made him return to Constantinople for continued she if I had effectually testified that I would not have had him gone if I had told him that the chiefest duty carries all the rest that he was to have considered nothing but me in that encounter that one ought not to be generous to the prejudice of the person beloved and that in the end I had joyned force to intreaty he had not returned I had not been carryed away by force I should not be at Constantinople Soliman should not be my persecutor and we should not be separated yet this is not my last fault added she I should not have let him go into Persia or resolved to have gone along with him my s●lf but ala●s who would not have been deceived therein and how could I have b●lieved that which now I see my heart indeed advertised me that our separation would be fatal to m● but I foresaw not the mischief which was to arrive unto me it had not been so great if it could have been foreseen In fine said this illustrious Princess I am come to that pass as I can scarce fear new miseries I am in fear for my friends I am in fear for my self and I am in fear for Ibrahim There is a design on my glory and on the life of the person that is dearest to me in the world after this let Fortune do what she will she cannot increase my misery more The like was never seen in any age the infortunate illustrious persons of Antiquity had at least this advantage to be perswaded by the error wherein they lived that their despair was without crime and that they might with glory finish their torments in finishing their lives but for me I am to attend this succor from the pleasure of Heaven and from my grief alone it is true indeed that I feel it so great as it makes me hope it will not be long Ah Madam said Emilia to her then do not abandon me and to oblige you thereunto remember that your death would be the cause of Ibrahim's Let us not call him any more so said Isabella to her sighing since that name hath been given him by our Enemies Remember then added Emilia that Justiniano cannot live without you But remember you replyed the Princess that Isabella cannot live without glory and that it will be far more advantageous for her to be lamented by Justiniano then to be exposed to the violence of a Prince who can be no longer moved neither by my tears by my prayers nor by his own inter●st Saying thus she perceived the Sultania Asteria coming in who seeing her weep could not forbear weeping too though she knew not certainly the cause of it and not daring to ask of her what she ailed nor Isabella able to tell her so much was she opprest with sorrow they stood a pretty while without speaking but at length the Sultana rightly imagining that Soliman was the cause of this redoubling of grief approached to the Princess and taking her by the hand I do not ask said she unto her what makes you to weep but I ask of you whether another bodies crime doth not set me at odds with you and whether you can endure that the daughter of a Prince who persecutes you dare still assure you that she shares with you in all your sorrows You may without doubt replyed Isabella and your compassion is so much the more generous by how much you are the less obliged thereunto it being certain that you have more occasion to regard me as the object of your hatred then Soliman hath to consider me as the object of his love for if this Prince had not seen me he would not be unjust his violences would not give you unquietness and your Soul would not endure the pain that it feels in condemning the thoughts of a Father but generous Sultana shall we not finde a remedy for the curing of this deadly passion and to set me in safety against his violence Soliman's interest ought to carry you unto it and since Justiniano is already indebted to you for his life make him indebted to you also if it be possible for my glory which doubl●ss is dearer to him then his own you have drawn him out of Irons draw me out of servitude and by this noble action tender your s●lf worthy of immortal renown Asteria not able to endure that Isabella should longer intreat a thing of her which she desired as much as she assured her that she was capable of undertaking any thing for her service but that she was afraid all her endeavors for it would do her no good Thereupon Emilia and she bent their minds to seek out some way whereby they beleeved they might get out of the pain wherein they were they propounded an hundred expedients whereof the execution was impossible and at last after a vain search they concluded that no succor could come to
were in the field and that he might with reason be termed the soul of his Army Vlama in like manner worthily seconded his valor and all the Janizaries seeing in the head of them so couragious a Chieftain performed their parts so well in this encounter that they pierced quite through this battalion and so absolutely defeated it as all that the squadron which was behinde it could do was to set the person of Tachmas out of danger But whil'st Ibrahim fought so prosperously the Beglierbey of Amasia who commanded the left wing had not the like fortune for finding himself opposed to the best Soldiers of the Enemies Army who were commanded by one Basingir a man of great consideration with the Persians his battalion had been broken at the very first and the Enemies intermingling amongst them had killed part of them and made the rest to fly in beating them even to the body of their battel Ibrahim having been advertised of this disorder left Vlama to prosecute the victory which he was already well entred into and mounting on a horse he went galloping followed onely by an hundred Accangis whom he drew from their body towards the place where the greatest disorder was When he arrived there and saw his men basely flying and suffering themselves to be killed scarcely making defence he went directly to them with his Scymitar in his hand but being loth to cover them with shame in l●tting them see that he perc●ived their cowardice You mistake said he Fellow-Soldiers your valor transports you too much the Enemy is not that way turn about and follow me This speech filled them with confusion and this confusion having redoubled their courage they rallyed themselves about him But when as notwithstanding he saw that those words were not sufficient to make them fight valiantly enough he went to one of those who carryed the Arms of the Empire and taking the Ensign out of his hand he threw it with all his force into the midst of the Enemies and turning about to his men Come Fellow-Soldiers said he unto them we must dye or recover it This action gave new strength to the Turks for whereas amongst them the greatest disgrace that can arrive to their Troops is to let the Enemies with whom they fight take the Arms of the Empire the design of recovering this Ensign which Ibrahim had thrown amongst the Enemies infused the desire of glory and fear of infamy into their souls At length the one side purposing to keep it and the other to regain it there began so fierce a sight betwixt them as it was in this place where the greatest slaughter was made Wounds in stead of weakening those which received them seemed to incense their fury There were men seen covered all over with blood and hurts who in falling down dead gave death unto others They too who had already lost their lives served still to make others lose th●irs for divers encountering with this great number of bodies under their feet stumbled many tim●s against their wills and so gave their Enemies the opportunity to run them through and of all this infinite company of men that fought in this place there was not one which was not dyed either with his own blood or that of his Enemies But at last after a very long conflict the very same hand which had thrown the Turks Ensign to the Persians wrung it out of the hand of Basingir who had seized upon it by depriving him of his life and he not onely recovered his own Standart but he also gained that of the Enemies This so noble and brave an action abated the courage of the Persians and augmented that of the Turks so that after this those which had sled in their turn pursued the very sam● adversaries who had routed them and Ibrahim went beating them to the very place wher● he had left Vlama who on h●s side had almost made an end of vanquishing all that had mad● resistance against him Howbeit he remembred in this occasion that he was Tachmas subject for having found Ismael inclosed by five or six Turks who seeing that he would neither defend nor render him●elf would without doubt have killed him he drew him out of their hands and repr●aching them for standing in that sort upon the getting of so weak a victory having so many Enemies yet to fight withall he gave him the opportunity to escape to his own party In ●he mean time the Bassa Pialli who commanded the left wing was still bickering with one named Alamut who commanded the Persians left wing and they had fought with so equal an advan●age as it could not be said to which side the victory leaned But the Grand Visier being her favorite in this battel she followed him also in this occasion His arrival made the face of things to change the Persian Horse basely fell off and a battalion of Foot was wholy overthrown the Accangis in this encounter did wonders the Timariots likewise performed their duty and albeit the Persian Cavalry is better then the Turks yet this day they proved the weaker The Sophy seeing his whole battel broken a great part of his men dead and fear in all the rest thought no longer but of making a retreat and putting his person in safety that he might not fall into the power of his Enemies and to facilitate the means thereof he commanded six thousand Horse which were coasting the Army to set upon Ibrahim's Reer-guard who had not yet fought thinking thereby to make a diversion and give him the means to retire with some order things being no longer in terms for him to hope that he could keep the field But this design succeed●d no better then the rest for these six thousand Horse having encountred those which Ibrahim had commanded to ride up and down about his Camp there f●ll out a particular fight betwixt th●m wherein the Persians were also vanquished So that Tachmas missing of this hope too thought no longer of retreating but of flying And whereas of all apprehensions fear is that which more speedily passeth from one heart to another amongst the Soldi●rs the Sophy was no sooner seen to think of retiring but his Troops were straightway possest with terror The Enemy appeared more redoubtable to them then before and losing the hope of victory they lost the will to fight Ibrahim in the mean while omitted no time and perceiving by the Enemies countenance that they were no longer carryed by the desire of vanquishing but onely by that of saving themselves he redoubled his endevors and causing all the Troops of his Army which had not yet fought to fall on all together he put that of the Enemies into so fearful a disorder that it was no longer either figh●ing retreating or flying but to say better it was all the three together For in one place a battalion was seen to stand firm and continue fighting in another a Squadron that retired without breaking but almost every where the Horse
deceived made him resolve to fight with her For which effect he commanded two of his vessels to attacque her but the Persian who had no design to endanger himself to no purpose perceiving the intention of them that were making towards him struck sayl hung out a flag of truce and putting himself into the skiff with three of his companions to testifie the more confidence he went in this sort to encounter those which were advanced towards him When he was so near them as he might be heard the Persian to have audience the sooner required to speak with Osman from the Bassa of the Sea his father This name made them all to shout for joy tha● heard it and the word passing strait from Vessell to Vessell and from Gally to Gally the●e was a generall reioycing over all the whole Fleet. In the mean time Osman having been advertised of it attended with as much joy as impatience him that brought him news of his father And whereas he shared all his bad and all his hood haps with his dear wife she was with him at such time as the Persian was conducted unto him The sight of this man made the vertuous Alibech change colour for she presently knew him as having seen him with her father all the time that she lived at sea This first motion was quickly seconded with an extreme grief for when as Osman out of an impatience derived from his affection had demanded of this man where his father was My Lord said he unto him with a great deal of boldness he is in a place from whence you may easily draw him and to clear the matter unto you know that the chance of War or rather the equity of Heaven hath made him fall into the power of the invincible Arsalon Alas said Alibech looking on Osman what have I heard and what a destiny is ours like to be What said Osman interrupting her and all amazed is my father in the hands of Arsalon Yes my Lord replyed the Persian and it is from him that I come to tell you that you shall never see the Bassa your father more if you do not render him his daughter This is the price he hath set for his liberty and it is that which you ought to pay him I know that I speak boldly and that in some sort I endanger my self but be-think you that you have a person in the power of Arsalon which ought to keep you from entreating me ill I leave you to judge generous Ibrahim what this proposition effected in the minds of Osman and Alibech and what a combat that was where one must resolve to abandon a father or lose a wife yea a wife to whom Osman owed his life and liberty which made up all his felicity and which was both his wife and his mistris Nature and Love could not be satisfied in this occasion Osman could not be acknowledging without being ingratefull and finding cruelty in both the parties he knew not what resolution to take Osman never reasoned at first for all that on this adventure but without sticking a whit at it he told him that had spoken to him how he could not render his wife neither could he abandon his father but he kn●w well enough how to destroy Arsalon Ah my Lord cryed Alibech then who had done nothing as yet but weep being scarce able to form a word If the Bassa of the sea is your father Arsalon is mine and you cannot hurt him without wronging me Osman being come again out of this first transport and ravished with Alibeches generosity craved pardon of her and this Persian returning to speak I know my Lord sayd he unto him that this choice is hard to be made wherefore permit me to go back to my vessell and let me within a day have your answer but consult with your reason remember that Alibech is the daughter of him that demands her and that the Bassa of the Sea is the father of a man that stole her away If Osman had followed his first thoughts he had caused this man to be thrown into the Sea but fearing lest such violence should prejudice his father he chose ●ather to grant his demand When he was gone away and that without other witnesses than his dear Alibech he might let his grief break forth Do not think sayd he unto her that I consult whether I should deliver you into the hands of Arsalon no that is not my thought but I am considering which way I may deliver my Father For in fine it is equally impossible for me to resolve to love him and abandon you I ow my life to both of you I ow obedience to my Father and love to Alibech If my death could satisfie you both I should dye no doubt with joy but fortune that delights to pick me out extraordinary miseries will not let any thing be able to succour me The more I consider the matter the less remedy do I finde for it which way soever I look upon it I am still guilty and still unhappy I cannot break my fathers chains without giving them to you I cannot end his punishment but in beginning yours I cannot restore him his liberty but in depriving you of it nor can save his life but in putting yours in jeopardy and that is it which is absolutely impossible for me to do But added he if I conserve you I load my father with irons I my self fasten the shackles wherewith he is bound I am the cause of his captivity and it may be of his death I am a parricide and I stab a dagger into the heart of him that gave me life See generous Alibech said he unto her what the choice is which I can make in so cross an adventure My Lord said she unto him wholly dissolved into tears you require a counsell of me which is very hard to be given it is not because I fear the rigor of my father so much as I cannot resolve without pain to indure it to deliver yours but my Lord it is because I cannot do it without abandoning you Yet I must continued she for whereas I am the daughter of Arsalon it is for me to receive the chastisement of her fault and whereas I am in part the cause of his captivity it is for me also to deliver him and it is for me also to dry up the tears which you shed for him Suffer me then to go and undo his chains and wear his irons Ah! too generous Alibech answered Osman do not offer me a remedy worse than the disease and which I cannot accept of My father is too generous too continued he to indure it and he would disavow me for his sonne if I were capable of such a baseness To have such thoughts would be a thing worthy of his great heart replyed Alibech but it would also be a thing unworthy both of you and of me if I could suffer you to be cruell to the Bassa your father and that he
should lose his life by my means No Osman it is that which I can never indure and since we cannot live happy together let us at leastwise die innocent Do what you ought for your father owing him your life you ow him all things sacrifise your wife to deliver him it is just and she desires it I must added she for the love of you deprive my self of you and fear not that I will accuse you of want of affection whenas you shall consent thereunto no Osman I should not be glad that your love to me should stifle the motions of nature in you Reason must be stronger than all other things and he that could abandon his father might also in some other occasion abandon his wife Permit me to do what I ought and leave the rest to the conduct of fortune That would not be just answered Osman What will you do then replyed Alibech I do not know answered he onely I know that the estate wherein my soul is I can neither be wanting to my father nor to you and yet being unable to save you both I see that nothing but death can succour me After this Osman fell a musing then suddenly comming to himself again he seemed to take the resolution to go and seek out Arsalon for to fight with him But Alibech having apprehended his design What my Lord said she unto him casting her self at his feet could you command your men to shoot at a Vessell where your father or mine might be killed and it may be both of them Could that so generous heart of yours permit you to dip your hands in my blood or in yours Think well my Lord of that which you say and know that I am capable of taking away mine own life rather than see you blemish your glory with so strange an action whereas then you would not be carried thereunto but only to save my life whenas I should be deprived of it you would deal in another manner It is true my Lord that my father is cruell and inhuman but remember that when the Bassa your father would have banished us from his house I left not respecting him have the same thought for Arsalon Regard him rather as a man whom misfortune hath bereft of reason than as one that is wicked and to say all consider him as my father I do not refuse to deliver oyurs but contrarily I conjure you to permit me to do it but have also the goodness to spare mine Heaven can witness answered Osman after he had raised her up whether I have any intent to hurt Arsalon no Alibech I will never do it but in the disorder wherein my soul is I say whatsoever my grief suggests unto me without giving my reason leasure to examine whether the thing be just or whether it be not In fine generous Ibrahim after so long and so sad a conversation Osman not able either to deliver his father or deprive himself of his wife or fight with Arsalon resolved at least and made Alibech resolve so too to go with all his Fleet and set himself in the sight of that of Arsalon for all the Pirates of the seas of the Levant had a little before betaken themselves to him and acknowledged him for their Chieftain It was nevertheless after he had promised Alibech that he would not fight with him and that it should be only to endeavour to make him do that by fear vvhich he could not make him do by reason All the difficultie of the matter was but to know precisely where he was but this obstacle lasted not long for Osman having sent for the Persian to come again to him he talked to him with so much address that he learnt the place of his retreat after which he told this man in a gentle manner for fear his father should be ill intreated that before he answered directly to the proposition which had been made to him he would willingly have a Letter from his father to the end that being sure he was living he might deal with the more certainty The Persian finding some justice in Osmans demand presently left him with a promise to return him an answer of it within a few days but take heed sayd he unto him that you go not away for fear lest Arsalon should revenge himself on your father if you should deceive him So Osman having assured him that he vvould not stir and this Persian having set sayl he made his whole Fleet to steer the same course so that two dayes after at the break of day the Pirate Arsalon who could not oblige the Bassa to write to his sonne saw his whole Navy appear At first his design was to fight with it and to that effect he caused also his Fleet to be made ready but when as that of Osman approched and that enlarging it self he could distinctly count all the vessels whereof it was composed he found it so great and his so small in comparison of it as seeing that it would have been temerity and folly in him to hope for the Victory with so unequall a number he took another resolution And after he had instructed the same Persian whom he had formerly imployed with his intentions he sent him back to Osman who seeing a vessell loose from Arsalons Fleet and comming towards him hoped that it might be his design had succeeded Alibech was not of this opinion and fear so absolutely oppressed her soul as there was no place left for hope And truly she had reason for this man was no sooner brought before Osman but he made it appear by the confusion which he had in his countenance that the message which he was to deliver was fatall I come hither my Lord sayd he unto him to tell you that if you do not render Alibech and do attempt to set upon Arsalon he will make your father be slain before your eyes and to deprive you too of the pleasure of revenge if he happen to have the worst in the fight he will blow up himself and so steal from your victory This strange discourse surprised Osman and Alibech in such sort as they stood a good while beholding one another and not able to speak but their resentment suddenly breaking forth they sayd all that an extreme grief can make one think It is no longer time to consult said the generous Alibech our love would be criminall if it could produce so strange an effect Suffer me my dear Osman suffer me to go and make tryall all alone of my fathers fury for provided I can restore you yours death will not be altogether cruell to me In vain you seek for other remedies to your miserie and as things stand I ow my self not only to him which hath given you life but I ow my self also to Arsalon to the ●nd I may keep him from dipping his hands in innocent bloud As for me he may deal with me as he pleaseth I am his daughter I have abandoned him I have
robbed him of two slaves and if he can complain of any one it must doubtless be of me Your accusing of your self in this sort said Osman then is to put me in remembrance of the obligations wherein I stand engaged to you and it is to say to me also Do not abandon me Do not you abandon me answered she but suffer me to abandon you I cannot replyed Osman Bot could you indeed sayd Alibech to him see a dagger in my fathers hand to stab the heart of yours For my part continued she I would rather dye Let us die then said Osman to her for I tell you once again that it is as equally impossible for me to resolve to lose my father as to abandon you In pursuance of this discourse Alibech did yet what she could to obtain her husbands permission that she might go to her father She joyned tears to her prayers and albeit that which she desired would destroy her felicity bereave her of her liberty expose her to the fury of her father and deprive her of her husband yet was she so generous as to omit nothing of whatsoever she thought was capable of perswading him not to refuse her that she demanded But seeing at last that she entreated in vain and that Osman unable to resolve on any thing yet seemed to be resolved not to render her she purposed to make use of a kinsman of the Bassa of the sea whom she had won after the first time that Arsalons Messenger came thither And that she might talk with him at liberty and without suspition I see very well sayd she to Osman that the tears which I shed to move your heart do but harden it the more and that as long as you see me you can resolve of nothing wherefore suffer me to withdraw my self and remember sayd she unto him that the life of your father is in question After this she retired into the Captains cabbin whither having sent for the Bassa of the Seas kinsman who she knew was very much affected and greatly obliged to him as holding his fortune of him When he was come and that she could speak to him without witnesses she summoned him to the performance of the promise he had made her two dayes before to do any thing for the deliverance of the Bassa of the sea when she should furnish him with means for it For rightly foreseeing that Osman would never resolve to remit her into the hands of Arsalon though he was very generous and that he loved his father exceedingly this courageous woman had forecast a way how to beguile him After then that she had asked of him who was to serve her in her design whether he was resolved for it or no and that she had told him how all that she would have of him was that he would give her the opportunity the night following to go to Arsalon in the vessel which he commanded This man albeit very much obliged to the Bassa of the Sea was notwithstanding somewhat unwilling to consent thereunto But Alibech adding art to her entreaties undertook to perswade that to him which she did not beleeve her self She told him that her father would let himself be moved with her tears that without doubt this generous action would touch him and that so without exposing her to any great danger she should deliver the Bassa of the Sea This man then suffering himself to be carried to what she pleased promised her not to go aboard his vessel till it was very late and that the night was far spent to the end that stealing away he might get her into the skiff that was to carry him thither which without doubt might be easily enough done it being credible that in the agitation wherein the mind of Osman was he would not take much heed to things The execution of this enterprise proved yet more facile than Alibech had imagined it as you shall understand by and by Osman not knowing what to do in so cross an incounter after that Alibech vvas withdravvn fell into a deep muse and began to cast in his mind what he might doe He no sooner formed one thought but it vvas destroyed by another his imagination propounded nothing unto him vvhich his judgement could approve of the motions of nature combated those of love and without vanquishing one another Osman was not surmounted but by his own grief He saw in every thing cause of dispair and whereas he had a noble and generous Soul being unable to take any resolution which was not criminall he remained alwaies irresolute But at last after he had a long time debated with himself after that love and nature had made him think of all that they could inspire in a like incounter after that he had sought for an hundred unprofitable meanes how to deliver his father without losing his wife no no said he to himselfe I cannot lose Alibech but I must lose my self too Let us resolve upon it then and make the Bassa our Father see that we doe for him all that we can He hath given me life I am ready to render it to him again and I cannot think that Heaven would approve of the delivering of an innocent to the crueltie of Arsalon neither doe I think too added he but his revenge would be more satisfied with having me in his hands than with having Alibech And albeit he hath not demanded me aswell as she it was doubtless because he beleeved that I would render him my wife rather than render him my self But alas cryed he how was he ill informed of my thoughts As for my Father said he I may not beleeve that he can complain of me since I indanger my self for the love of him And as for Arsalon he will in my person find an object worthy of his wrath it is I that stole away his daughter from him it is I that was the cause of the flight of that generous Slave from whom hee expected so many things in fine I alone am culpable and if there be any justice in his cruelty I alone too shall be punished He shall deliver my Father or at leastwise I shall wear yrons with him and if rage carries him to take away my life I shall howsoever have the satisfaction to dye without having abandoned either my Father or my wife I owe my life to my Father and I shall render it to him again in losing it for his sake I owe my liberty to the generous Alibech and charing my self with the same chaines which are prepared for her I shall have done for her all that the unhappiness of my destiny permits me to do Let us goe then added he let us goe to Arsalon since it is as equally impossible for me to abandon my Father as to lose Alibech This designe being strongly imprinted in his heart hee drew the Persian aside and told him softly that as soon as night was come hee should have satisfaction of him and assured him besides
mind he was in a just occasion to ruin Jbrahim But Rustan was not like to find him at home for as soon as it was night he had caused Jsabella Sophronia Hipolita Leonida Emilia with the rest of their troup to go secretly out of his Palace and he himself had got out after them thorough a door of his Garden which was towards the Port to embarque himself in that vessell which he had made to be prepared and whereof the Captain and the Pilot were absolutely his by means of the mony which he had caused to be given to them Before his departure he had written a Letter to Soliman and had left it with one of his servants with order that if any one came to ask for him from the Grand Signior to deliver it unto him so that Rustan arriving at his house found him not It was in vain that he enquired after him and what care soever he took for it he could learn no other than that he was not in his Palace that Jsabella his friends and her friends were not there neither and that he had left a Letter for the Grand Signior Rustan having taken it sent to the Port to learn whether any vessell had set sail and then went in all hast to the Sultan to acquaint him with Jbrahims flight and present him with the Letter which he had written to him for he durst not conceal it though gladly he would because many had seen it delivered to him My Lord said he when he was come unto him Jbrahim is no longer at Constantinople This speech amazed Soliman but when he knew that Jsabella vvas out of his power he felt a redoubling of love jealousie anger hatred dispair and fury And when as Rustan had given him Jbrahims Letter he broke up the seal with violence and not knowing whethe● he should read or tear it he stood a pretty while without speaking but at length carried by his curiosity or rather by his passion he opened it sighing and found that it was thus Ibrahims Letter to Soliman HEaven be my witness whether J could not more easily resolve to quit my life than go out of thy Empire without taking leave of thy Higbness were J not forced thereunto both by an interest of honour and by a sense of love Thou knowest too well how exactly J have kept my word with thee in comming to take my former chains upon me again for thee to suspect J would commita fault lightly J could in consideration of thy Highness quit Isabella at Monaco but J confess that J could not abandon her at Constantinople In fine my Lord to excuse my fault consider what love hath made thee do this passion hath made thee forget the friendship which thou hadst promised me it hath carried thee to hate me it hath constrained thee to banish reason from thy soul and no longer to remember that this Ibrahim from whom thou wouldest take away his life in taking Isabella from him is the same who in times past quitted Isabella for the love of thee and who would dye with joy for thy service Thou seest then my Lord to what this passion hath carried thee in regard whereof excuse that which it compels me to do J doe not fly from Soliman but from the passion which masters him and without complaining of him I accuse the beauty of Isabella and J part away the unhappiest man that is because J cannot do so without displeasing thy Highness Justiniano Soliman nothing moved with this Letter tore it after he had read it and the confusion which it brought to his soul instead of begetting repentance augmented his fury the more Let this ingratefull wretch said he to Rustan be pursued and let all that is possible be done to return him into my power Roxelana entring hereupon into Solimans chamber from whence she had gone a little after Rustans departure and perceiving his mind to be in the tearms wherein she had long desired to have it provoked his anger yet more and propounded unto him the imploying of Rustan in the pursuit of Jbrahim But that which she thought cunningly to do succeeded not with her her intention was so to use the matter as Rustan should not find Jbrahim For whereas her interest was that he should no longer have power nor be longer at the Port she feared if he should be brought back again that she should not oblige Soliman to ruin him uttetly and so he might return into grace again Howbeit this design was not executed for besides that she could not speak with Rustan in private the Grand Signior so absolutely commanded him to bring him back Ibrahim and Jsabella or never to return as she vvas constrained to let him go without saying any thing to him He went then in all hast to take a Galley to pursue him because he had understood from him whom he had sent to the Port that a Christian vessell had set sayl by the Grand Visiers order a little before He imbarqued himself then with all the speed that possibly he could and not doubting but that he took the way of the Archipelago he made his Pilot hold the same course In the mean time Soliman was not without unquietness the privation of a good which he ardently desired made him regard it as a thing yet more precious Isabella appeared to him more amiable than ever he had seen her yea he beleeved that it may be he might one day have won her heart and in this belief he was infinitely afflicted He looked upon Jbrahim with hatred and this Prince was so unjust as no longer to remember either his merit his courage or the friendship he had born him nor to consider him in this occasion but as his Rivall and as a man who had stollen a person from him of whom he was infinitely amorous In this unjust thought he termed him ingratefull he called him ravisher unfaithfull and perfideous and thinking of nothing but how to find out means to ruin him out of a sense of jealousie he said Were I sure that I should never touch the heart of Jsabella yet I shall alwaies have this advantage if they be brought back to me again that I can separate them for ever and I shall at leastwise have this satisfaction that if Jsabelln be not mine she shall never be any bodies else Whilst Soliman was incensing his fury and his rage Jsabella and tha● dear troup which she loved so much were already thinking of giving thanks to Heaven for their deliverance For whereas they had embarqued themselves at the beginning of the night they beleeved that when their flight came the next day to be known they should be then far enough off from being taken any more So that Jsabellaes mind was quiet enough and the hope of being soon out of the Grand Signiors power entertained her so agreeably as fear had scarcely any place in her soul Her friends began also to be no longer affraid of Soliman and to be in
not stay there for whereas Soliman knowes that I fear neither torments nor death he will make me suffer in your person and that makes up all my grief Fear not for me said Jbrahim unto her but onely think of preserving your self Soliman loves you labour then to move his heart rather than to incense it and be confident that death cannot be grievous to me if I were assured of your life No no answered Jsabella this is not the way I mean to hold and you would blame me without doubt if I should follow your counsell I will die as well as you and if my prayers can obtain any thing of Soliman it shall be that we may die together Augment not my torments replyed the Illustrious Bassa and speak not of your death if you will not have me advance mine live my dear Jsabella and let me alone perish I live cried Jsabella Ah! no no Jsabella knows not how to survive her glory and Justiniano which are the only things that can make her life agreeable without the which she wil not preserve it I may added she live unhappy infortunate laden with chains exiled from my country without means and without liberty but I cannot live without honor and without Justiniano so that if Soliman will ravish me of my glory and bereave me of the onely person that I love I shall not waver between death and life and I know what co●rse I am to take Ah! too generous Isabella cryed Ibrahim then why have I loved you to cause you to fall into so many miseries Why have I not alwaies been your enemy to keep you from having such cruell ones But what say I sensless man continued he I merit the torments which I suffer if I can repent me of having loved you No Madam I cannot doe it I would that my death might hinder yours I would that I might indure all things for you but I cannot wish that I could not adore you That wish would be unjust replyed she and would questionless doe great wrong to our affection which is not the cause of our misfo●tunes it is two pure and too innocent to bee punished for a crime and the onely thing which comforts me in our miseries is the belief I am in that wee doe not deserve them and that Heaven sends them to us rather to try our vertue than to correct our faults But added she before we are seperated as without doubt we shall be promise me that what artifice soever our enemies may use to perswade you unto any thing to my disadvantage you will never beleeve it For hold it for most assured that Isabella will dye a thousand times rather than do any thing unworthy of her vertue and yours Let me then have the satisfaction to hope that the malice of our persecutors shall make you beleeve nothing to my prejudice Ah! Madam cryed Ibrahim it is for me to demand this favour of you for whereas I have not rendred you so many markes of my affection as I have received from your vertue you may the more easily doubt of it But beleeve Madam that I will dye adoring you and if the loss of my life may oblige Soliman to restore you to your liberty as I purpose to beseech it of him I shall dye even with pleasure Let us not separate our destinies anfwered the Princess either let us live together or let us dye together After so sad a discourse the excess of their affection forced them to hold their peace and their displeasure being shut up in their heart they felt it more vively than they did whom as they eased themselves with their complaints The unhappiness of the persons which were ingaged in their misfortune afflicted them the more and they saw all about them so many occasions of dispair as it might be said that never was the vertue of a person put to so hard a triall Hipolita Sophronia Emilia and Leonida were wholy dissolved into teares Alphonso Doria Horatio and the French Marquis were also infinitely afflicted and if Rustan could have been touched with any compassion hee had been doubtless with so lamentable an object But far from having any humanity for another he was cruell to himself for though he were wounded yet the desire which he had to destroy Ibrahim and to finish a thing which he had so well begun made him in stead of repayring to his house to look to his wound to goe directly to the Serraglio assoon as he arrived at Constantinople and to behave himself so as if he had not been hurt at all Presently upon his landing hee sent to advertise Soliman of his return and of the success of his voyage And whereas this Prince had increased his fury with his solitariness he instantly commanded that Ibrahim and Isabella should be brought into the Seraglio and put into severall places with a sure guard and that all those which had followed them should bee put likewise into another place Never was so deplorable a thing seen as the execution of this commandment Isabella would not quit Ibrahim he too would not abandon her and though they had well enough foreseen that they should be separated yet could they not for all that consent thereunto Their frends likewise would not leave them and if Soliman could have been a spectator of so sad a conversation hee might peradventure have been moved to pitty But at length Ibrahim and Isabella being constrained to resolve for that which they could not avoyd took their farwell of each other as persons that were never to see one another again and following each other with their eyes as far as they could they svvare unto themselves to dye loving one another as faithfully as they had mutually promised After Rustan had conducted Ibrahim to one quarter of the Seraglio caused Isabella to bee carried to another and their friends to a third he went to Soliman whose minde had never been quiet since he knew the success of his voyage For seeing Jbrahim and Jsabella in his hands he scarcely knew what resolution to take for in the estate wherein things were he must destroy the Bassa or render him his Mistress Regarding him as the Lover of Jsabella he desired his death considering him as a fugitive he sound it just but remembring the affection which he had born him hee had much ado to resolve to destroy him What shall I do said he to himself with this ingratefull creature who after so many favors which he hath received from me so many honors which I have conferred on him so many marks which I have rendred him of my good will goes out of my Empire without my leave This perfidious man cried he should have considered me-thinks how I had heretofore broken his chains to share my Empire with him and how he to whom he owed his life and his liberty ought to have obliged him to a more exact fidelity But this wretch preferring the possession of a woman before the greatness wherein
her imprisonment the War of Persia the things which Ibrahim had performed therein the death of Zelebis and many other such like things which filled his mind with so many deadly ideas as the love which he bore to Isabella began to be too weak to dissipate them He felt some repugnancy in his heart for that which he did and his Reason being suddenly untangled What do I said he to himself sensless that I am not to consider that the impossibility which I find to destroy a disarmed man whom I hold in my hands who is loaden with irons and who is without defence in the midst of his Executioners is without doubt a sign that Heaven protects him For if it were not so I had destroyed him ere this I had not promised him so long ago that I would not put him to death I had not remembred it so precisely this Artifice which they have found out for me to be revenged had succeed●d I had slept and Ibrahim had been dead But I see plainly as I have said that Heaven guards him and that it will not let me be revenged But alas said he still to himself for what crime for what injury for what outrage will I be revenged No no continued he Ibrahim is not guilty and I alone am the offender for I owe all things to him and he owes nothing to me It is true that he would have gone out of my Empire without my leave but it was to save his Mistress and this generous man who might have overthrown all my State to secure himself and to be revenged of the infidelity which I have used to him was contented to fly away like a simple Slave Let us harken to Reason which speaks to us let us harken to the voyce of the Prophet who holds our hand and let us harken no longer to this unjust love that possesseth us Here Soliman could not retain his tears and the love which he bore to Isabella made him that he still found some difficulty in resolving to be deprived of her But Rustan's endevoring once more to carry him to violence made him incline wholly to Vertues side No no said he unto him base as thou art I will commit no more crimes by thy counsel the Prophet who guards me will keep me from dipping my hands in the blood of Ibrahim and if I am to shed any it must be theirs who blemish my glory with their pernicious counsels Rustan hearing Soliman speak in this manner thought that he had lost his Reason for whereas nothing new had happened he could not comprehend how in so short a time so great a change should arrive unto him But he knew not that they which have vertuous inclinations and which are not wicked but by a violent passion or the counsel of others have need but of a moment to carry them to that which is good Their Reason is no sooner cleared but they find a mighty succor in themselves and so soon as they have a will to fight the victory is certainly theirs Soliman gave an illustrious example of this verity in this occasion it being most sure that never was there a greater or more sudden change made then that which was made in his Soul He charged Rustan not to go out of his chamber and commanded another to go and fetch Ibrahim and Isabella to him who little thought what Vertue was doing for their advantage This Prince nevertheless had great unquietness still he seemed uncertain in his resolutions and during the agitations of his Soul he cryed out sometimes O Heaven must Ibrahim be destroyed then suddenly checking himself but also said he can I resolve to lose Isabella After this he sat him down on four Cushions and hiding his face with both his hands leaning on a table as it were the better to think of that which he would resolve of Rustan remained in strange pain In the mean time Ibrahim could not comprehend for what reason they made him attend so long for his death He feared lest some violence should be done to Isabella he doubted lest they should be so cruel as to put her to death before his eyes and in this pain death no doubt would have been a remedy unto him had not the thought of never seeing Isabella again rendred it more grievous to him for that consideration then for the loss of his life The disorders of his Soul for all that appeared not in his face and one would hardly have beleeved in looking on him that he did think he should dye every minute Isabella on her part was not without trouble for having understood that they came to fetch Ibrahim she certainly believed that he was lost and was already preparing to follow him when as they who had order to go for her entred all into her chamber As soon as she saw them and that they had told her how they had order to carry her before Soliman if it be to put me to death in his presence answered she I will give him thanks But acquaint me at leastwise whether Ibrahim be living and whether we shall dye together or no. These men not knowing Soliman's intentions durst scarce answer her only they assured her that she should see the grand Visier very suddenly as indeed they led her into the Hall where he was attending the time of his execution There were seen about him his Guards weeping and four Mutes that were to strangle him and that having in their hands Bow strings of black silk for that purpose seemed also to haue some compassion of him This doleful object having touch'd the heart of Isabella she could not forbear giving a great skriek Alass said she how do I repent me of my wish and how much more supportable had it been for me to dye alone then to dye with you Ibrahim seeing and hearing her speak thus What Madam said he unto her will they attempt upon your life Ah! no no continued he turning him to those that invironed him it is a thing I shall never endur● when they shall meddle with none but me I will tender my neck to them without resistance but if they attempt any thing on this Princess I protest that I will strangle him with mine own hands that shall offer any outrage to her This is not that which I will have answered she defend not my life if they attempt upon yours since they are to be inseparable I have not wish'd to live but onely that I may not see you dye As they would have continued speaking they that came for them told them that they had nothing else in charge but to carry them before the Grand Signior Let us go then said the Princess to him let us go my dear Justiniano I repent me of my weakness and since I must dye provided that I dye in your presence I shall be glad that we may dye together Let us go then and beg for death of Soliman as a grace Ah! Madam cryed the illustrious Bassa