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heart_n believe_v love_n see_v 2,286 5 3.2960 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A54800 The revengeful queen a tragedy : as it was acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majesty's servants / written by William Philips, Esq. Philips, William, d. 1734.; D'Avenant, William, Sir, 1606-1668. Tragedy of Albovine. 1698 (1698) Wing P2118; ESTC R17970 36,008 54

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her she 'll not be won with Noise And Equipage what e'er her Father may Desid However Let us retire here let him freely Love All his Intrigues but one I wou'd emprove They pass carelesly by Almachild and Flora as they enter Flo. Who are those Alma Aistolfus the General and his Friend Desiderio Flo. They might have paid more Respect to a Lady but Rudeness is so Natural to a Soldier Alma They fancy they express their Courage by that and their Wit by Fighting 'T is their way to hector the Women into a Compliance and think to win their Mistresses as they do Towns by rudely Storming them Flo. For my part I prefer you Men of Breeding to all others who know when to express your Courage and Civility and I think exceed Soldiers in all places for they are neither so Brave as you are in Courts nor so Civil in Camps Alma Rudeness is not their only Vice they are subject to a much worse want of Money Flo. But yet they have the confidence to address themselves to us tho' a poor Lover is as ridiculous a Creature as an Eunuch Lover and I 'd almost be courted as soon by the one as the other They are both odious to a Lady of Quality especially Alma Were I a Woman I should be apt to suspect want of VVit or want of Truth in that Lover where there was want of VVealth For supposing me in his circumstances what greater Madness can there be than for Poverty to Court Beggary To have a whining Couple sigh out their Necessities instead of Love And had I Riches I should conclude he courted my Person only to be Master of them Flo. VVell your Lordship has all the necessary Qualifications of a Lover as Generous as Rich and truly I think there can be no greater Proof given of Love than Generosity And I should never think my self Mistress of any one's Heart till I were of his wealth Alma You know you command mine and I hope the small Present I made you Yesterday was some demonstration of it You receiv'd it Flo. I vow you make me blush it was great and noble but I could not better discover my Esteem for you than by my acceptance of it for my Reputation runs a great Hazard should it be known But if I could get a few more such he would be glad to marry me to recover them again Aside Alma Secrecy is my greatest Virtue You have promis'd to trust both your Reputation and Person to that when must I receive the Reward of all my Services my Love will admit no more delays and my Passion no more disappointments is not this the promis'd day and is not Opportunity favourable Flo. But could you find in your heart to Ruine the Woman you love Alma But can you count it Ruine to taste the Joys and have the Wealth which I can give I 'll fly into thy Arms all Gold Jove rain'd not half so much in Danaes lap as I will into thine Flo. Nay 't is Love alone can Conquer me and if you love as you pretend why do you refuse the last great Proof Marriage Alma 'T is the last indeed for Men seldom give any after Marriage is no more a Proof of Love than a Security of Constancy Do not I daily vow Fidelity the rest is no more but Ceremony and whatever consists so wholly of that be assur'd has little truth in it Besides you 'll lose the greatest Tye upon my Vows my Honour which a Lover may forfeit by Inconstancy but a Husband never does Flo. But still my Reputation Alma Nay now you suspect my Honour again But tho' it should be known I 'll place you above Censure fear not that while I 'm your Lover Poverty and Disrepute are always join'd the Rich are never scandaliz'd And Wives now a-days run a greater Hazard of being kept Poor than Mistresses and consequently are more contemptible Flo. You have my heart methinks that should content you Alma The best Answer I can give to that is the Song I made on you Flo. You will oblige me by letting me hear it again Almachild Sings I. No more Aminta say you love Or I 'm the object of your mind While still you fear and disapprove To do what will declare you kind Fill'd with suspicious thoughts my heart must be Till with your words I find your Acts agree II. Ah! Can you hear me thus complain And see me rack'd with fierce desires Yet will do nought to ease my pain Nor will fulfill what Love requires If Truth you spoke you 'd not thus Cruel prove You may pretend but cannot hide your love Alma For we Men never believe Women give their Hearts till they do their Persons And as you think Generosity so I think Enjoyment the only infallible sign of Love and I can no more credit yours while you deny your Person than you would mine should I with-hold my money Flo. And the only way to have our hearts esteem'd is to refuse you our Persons For should I yield Contempt will as certainly follow on your side as Repentance on mine The greatest Blessings are disesteem'd by long Possession nothing makes us put so true a Value on them as misfortunes Alma They render not Life a greater Torment than Despair does Love and no brave Man should live Unhappy nor wise One Love without Hopes You have given me so much that your Reputation will be in greater danger by denying me than granting Come 't is too late to Capitulate for the Fort after a Promise of Surrender let us retire Such things are so oft Practis'd in Court 't will be regardless Flo. Well since you will have it so I 'll meet you an Hour hence Alma The Old Reply and I shall find the same Usage why not now Flo. Oh! Heav'n my Father I must begon e're he sees me He 's ignorant in Love who hopes to find That Gifts which I have got will make me kind Aside 'T is those which are to come must bend my mind Exit Alma Farewel thou Mercenary Jilting Errant Woman I never was so Fool'd by any in my life she has cost me more Money and Pains than any of her Sex and yet I believe she has no more Vertue for I never knew one who was a Jilt to many but was a Whore to some body Her continual Disappointments have vex'd me but I 'm resolv'd I 'll have her for she shall not have it to boast I courted her in vain The Nymph seems coy in hopes to raise our Fire Too long delays do rather cool Desire And we pursue not out of Love but Pride Scorning to have it said we were deny'd Enter Odoacre Odoa So thoughtful my Lord you whose Perfections make you the Men's Envy and the Women's Admiration You shou'd leave melancholy Reslections to the Unfortunate as I am Alma Your Daughter's unkindness only has Power to discompose me Odoa I do not find her averse to Marriage
desirous to have her mine I would Not owe it wholly to her obedience rather let Love Prevail with her let her give one proof of that she Has many of Duty to you Ang. I have already confess'd my Love to my Father tho Perhaps I never should to you without his consent Believe not my Love to be the less or that I shall make The worse Wife for my Obedience For who pays it Not to a Parent never will to a Husband Desid Be mine at any rate I must be happy Ava Well take her take her and with her you shall have All my Wealth but then you must stay till I am Dead I cannot for the blood of me part with it And live Desi I never requir'd that nor do I want it to encrease My happiness And you Sir To Clefi tho You have not been my friend yet since you are Angellina's Brother I will provide for you Cle. Ah ten thousand thanks upon my knees well I am not the First man has rais'd his fortunes by a handsom Sister Aist. Well Desiderio I have had patience thus long To see your happiness confirm'd And now Alboino's blood calls for Vengeance I will delay no longer my Revenge If Longinus consents not I 'll force him But be not vain because she says she loves Believe me friend 't is owing all to fate 'T is not for Merit that we love or hate Exeunt Enter Rosamund Longinus Odoacre Longinus speaks entering aside Long. All my designs are baffled by her eyes I am so much her Beauty's slave So aw'd I dare not have the man destroy'd Upon whose ruin depends my happiness For fear it should offend and raise a frown Rosa. Is then Alboino so much lamented Could such invet'rate cruelty and pride Gain him a lasting popular applause Odo When Monarchs fall by an untimely death The people colour commonly their faults Their virtues then are only nam'd and prais'd Cruelty is call'd impartial Justice And pride a noble carriage fit for regal state Long. He tells you true Never was man so pittied and belov'd The people mourn his loss in lowder cries Than Soldiers Io's for their victories Their loss of liberty and life they slight His death alone engrosses all their Grief Rosa. Let the unthinking Rabble bellow on I scorn their censures they 're ne're in th' right They hate one day what they 'll adore the next Colour the most abominable wrong With Liberty's deceitful specious name And you may gain them to what ill you please Odo That way I try'd almost to my ruin The Mob attended calmly my discourse While I harranguld in praise of Liberty But when I said by Alboino's death 't was purchas'd Had I pronounc'd their deaths they had rag'd less Down with him flea him burn him was the cry And then they hurl'd against me Stones Forks Staves And all the Rabbles instruments of War And had the Guards not quickly interpos'd I soon had been devour'd by their rage Long. Nor can I awe them to more mild resolves Than punishing the murderers with death So they call them Rosa. What am I not secure By my own Guards and by the Roman power In my own Palace shall I dread the crowd I slight the weak many headed Monster Nay Life I scorn rather than owe it them Long. They 're of themselves giddy and impotent Yet they are oft employ'd as great Mens Tools Who work their ends by their impetuous Force Secure and secret they encrease the Flame And loo them on to desperate mischief Odoa Their number gives them courage to attempt They rashly enterprize what they resolve Before they 've leisure to reflect on fear Nor from their fury can you long be safe But by deliv'ring to them Almachild Which may divert their charge of guilt from you Rosa. 'T is thou shou'dst be deliver'd to their Rage Who prompt'st me thus to such ingratitude Wou'd'st have me so unworthily desert The Man whose act obedience was to me Long. I must advise the same but I am mov'd To wish his Death by those inticing Eyes I burst with Envy at the joys he reaps And yet those awful Eyes secure his Life Did I not dread their Frowns his Rivals Sword Shou'd soon remove the bar to all my hopes Odoa And yet 't is strange that such Victorious Eyes So us'd to Conquests and preserve them too Shou'd be so suddainly contemn'd by him That such refreshing charming Sweets shou'd cloy The stupid Animal in one short Hour Rosa. Take heed mock not me nor vilify him My anger will prove as dangerous to you As my enrag'd jealousy wou'd to him Odoa He was my Friend and still he shou'd be so Had I not seen his perfidy to you And proof of that within this Hour I had If sighs and vows to others may be Proofs And if embraces and appointments are Rosa. 'T is only Pride with hinders jealousy Meanly we think of others of our selves too well But proceed aside Odoa A Vail conceal'd the Lady he admir'd But in this Room I overheard the Intrigue He prest her hands and on it swore his truth My Life he cry'd in an Hour I 'll return I 'll but pay the Queen a formal Visit And haste to thee my Soul here take this Key And wait so long in my apartment there Rosa. I disdain to show how much I 'm enrag'd I 'll keep my fury collected within Till at once I pour it all on him aside Perhaps she still is there force open the door I 'll see this powerful Beauty Odoa Best stay I 'll knock and counterfeit his Voice My Love my dear here is your Almachild knocking at the door She speaks as she opens the Door and runs to him Flo. Where hast thou been loit'ring so long my Life Seeing them she pretends to shriek and run back Odoa holding her Nay Madam do not believe you shall retreat We 've discover'd the amour and must your Face Rosa. Approach nearer thou presumptuous Fool Unvail thy self that I may see that Face Which dare admit his Love whose Heart 's my due Flo. Where shall I fly who will protect me now What can I hope from an offended Queen And Death I dread from an enrag'd Father lifting up her Vail Odoa Damnation what do I see my Daughter On unworthy infamous Prostitute Have I thus labour'd to prove him Villain But to publish my Families disgrace But with my Sword I 'll wipe the stain out thus Long. holding him Hold moderate your Passion pity her And shew more respect in the Queen's presence Rosa. Dost thou pretend to rage 't is I that ought What 's scandal or disgrace to jealousy But furious words are Cowards Resentments And weak Womens who cannot right themselves Monarchs in acts not words shou'd shew their Wrath. And by one blow thus I procure Revenge going to stab her Flo. kneeling Ah do not kill me and I 'll confess all Odoa Confess interpose or we are ruin'd to Longinus Rosa. Confess dost thou