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A19170 The life and death of Hector One, and the first of the most puissant, valiant, and renowned monarches of the world, called the nyne worthies. Shewing his jnvincible force, together with the marvailous, and most famous acts by him atchieved and done in the great, long, and terrible siege, which the princes of Greece held about the towne of Troy, for the space of tenne yeares. And finally his vnfortunate death after hee had fought a hundred mayne battailes in open field against the Grecians: the which heerein are all at large described. Wherein there were slaine on both sides fourteene hundred, and sixe thowsand, fourscore, and sixe men. VVritten by Iohn Lidgate monke of Berry, and by him dedicated to the high and mighty prince Henrie the fift, King of England. Colonne, Guido delle, 13th cent. Historia destructionis Troiae.; BenoƮt, de Sainte-More, 12th cent. Roman de Troie.; Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? Troy book. 1614 (1614) STC 5581.5; ESTC S119764 480,848 336

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may with speed vpon the same agree Where thou well arm'd in secret wise shalt stand With certaine knights and readie be at hand To kill him there while he for me doth stay Where let him of his death be surelie sped And see that by no meanes he scape away Out of thy hands vntill that he be dead Which I thee heartly pray as 't is my will Effectuall for my sake to fulfill And see thou failest not to do the same Whereto he did agree and presentlie Against Achilles to the Temple came With twentie valiant knights there secretly Did stay Meane time Queene Hecuba did send A messenger t' Achilles to that end As she with Paris had determined By whome she made him certainlie belieue That she did meane and fullie purposed Her daughter Policene to him to giue And at his comming would as she did say Agree twixt them vpon the marriage day Where to he did most willinglie consent As he that no suspition had in mind Of treason for his heart it was so bent And set on fire with loue that he was blind And could not see nor yet perceiue at all By reason and aduise what might be fall To him by going into Troy so soone At her request he had offended so By killing of her Sons as he had done But hap what would needs thither would he go As louers all are fond and despratly No perill shun although that they should die T' enioy the thing wherewith in loue they are Their maladie it is so furious Vntill they are intrapped in a snare And so Achilles and Archilogus Duke Nestors Son that bare him company Did goe to Troy and entring presently Into the Temple of Apollo went Where Paris with his Knights for him did stay In secret wise with purpose fully bent Him there as he deserued had to slay And sodainly assoone as he was in T' assaile him altogether did begin By night as some do say but when so ere The same was done when as Achilles saw Himselfe assaild abandoning all feare He did his sword out of his scabberd draw And in short space despight of all their mights In furious wise he slew seuen Troyan knights And did defend himselfe so valiantly Against them then although they were so many And with them fought with such dexterity That long it was ere vantage they bad any On him at all till Paris who as then Stood watching oportunitie and when He saw Achilles such resistance make Tooke vp a Dart and aim'd at him so well And so directly that therewith he strake Him through the heart and therewith all he fell With pale and deadly face vpon the ground And body mangled sore with many a wound And so was slaine his treason to requite As reason is that such as traitors are And while they liue in treachery delight Should at the last fall in the selfe same snare Which they for others had prepar'd And thus Achilles and with him Archilogus Were slaine by Paris in the Temple at Queene Hecubaes desire and request Who presently did giue commandment that Their bodies in the Temple should not rest And made them to be drawne out of the bounds Thereof and to be throwne vnto the hounds Loe here the iust reward of treachery And of deceit which while he liued he Delighted in and how with equitie God punisheth all such as traitors be For reason is that he that seeks t' obtaine His will by treason should likewise againe With treason be requited for his paine As false Achilles was that tooke delight In treason while he liu'd and so was staine Within Apollos Temple in the night But yet their bodie were not as t is said Although that they in th' open streets were laid That with great ioy the Troyans might them see Devour'd by hounds as by commandment Of Hecuba they were ordaind to be For Helena vnto King Priam went And on her knees of him did humbly craue Their bodies from that cruelty to saue Who willinglie did therevnto consent And caus'd them to be kept as she desir'd Till that King Agamemnon to him sent A messenger and leaue of him requir'd To fetch them and to giue them buriall The which he did for whome in generall The Grecians did such extreame sorrow make And were so much discomforted therefore That in great feare each vnto other spake And said alas now farewell euermore Our trust our hope our ioy our confidence Our welfare and our soueraigne defence Sith valorous Achilles now is dead For he in knighthood did so much excell That while he liu'd we neuer stood in dread To overcome this towne but now full well We may both feare and plainlie say that we Nere in our liues shall masters thereof be And while that they such sorrow great did make And plunged were in extreame doubts feares For their great Champion fierce Achilles sake Agamemnon two costly Sepulchers For workemanship most rare and curious Caus'd to made one for Archilogus The other for Achilles wherein they Intombed were with great solemnitie In Paynim wise and both vpon a day To shew the whole particularity And manner of their ancient buriall Were over-long to trouble you withall It shall suffice to tell that they did make Much sorrow and endur'd great heauinesse For death of them and how in mournfull blacke They brought them to their graues to expresse Their woefulnes with heauie heart and mood Some threw sweet gums some cast milk blood Into the funerall fires and how they made Playes which by them were called palestrall And wrastrings at the wakes and how they had Great store of customes ceremoniall At burials of the dead the which much more Then needfull were to tell as now therefore I le leaue herewith And vnto you declare How therevpon King Agamemnon sent For all the Grecian Princes that then were Within the hoast to come vnto his tent And when they all assembled were therein And orderly set downe he did begin To speake to them and said my Lords t is now No time to moue nor need t' encourage your Against your Troyan foes sith that you know And too well find by good experience how Vnconstant fortune hath now chang'd her face And sodenly cleane altered our case And fild your hearts with rage and iust despight To thinke vpon the murther horrible Of late done to Achilles which in sight Of God and man is foule and odible Despightfully by Hecuba the Queene For which I thinke it shortlie shall be seene If that within your valiant hearts there be Or resteth any man-hood force or wit To make a vertue of necessitie And to refraine till that occasion fit To take revenge therefore and t'recompence The iniurie despight and great offence Vnto you done and giuen thereby fall out As reason t is it should requited be For very beasts insensible no doubt Would do the same in like extremitie But yet as you are wise and prouident I would faine know your
proud in highest degree For Cupids chiefest officer is hee Who doth enforce both high and low of state In perills great and troublesome to enter And bringeth men by hard and cruellfate Vnto their ends and thousand dangers t'venter For loue of feare nor perill takes no heed So that in his proceedings he may speed But shame of other nature that consists Is alwaies bashfull cowardly and faint And dares not once so much as bend her fi●●s Vnlesse it be through very meere constraint For cowardise doth make her hide her face For feare least she should fall into disgrace Much like a child of young and tender yeares As hauing neither courage will nor heart To giue assault she is so full of feares And yet full oft hath playd a peuish part And many louers crost when they should speed By counsell of his foster brother dread For feare and shame if they together lie Bereaue hot loue of heart and hardines And both together flatlie him denie The meanes or any power a word t' expresse Or once his mind to open and declare To ease himselfe of sorrow woe and care For when that loue doth boldlie thinke to speake And is vpon the very point t' assay And giue the venture forth his mind to breake Sharue s●eppeth out and vtterly saith nay And causes loue like Snaile his hornes to shrinke And bashfully with both his eies to winke And by that meanes he doth his suite impaire And thus is shame still froward and doth vary From hardie loue and puts him in despaire By helpe of feare which both do him contrary For if that shame fond loue would neuer cheake Loue often times his lawes would surely breake For as a horse that seeks to be at large In furious wise breaks bridle bit and raine And striues to free himselfe from Keepers charge Solouers true to ease themselues of paine I● feare shame did not their wyls with-hold T' effect their lusts would be too hot and bold But all the while that shame is kept in mew Within the breast that no man doth it know No such effect of loue there doth ensue But still it makes an honest outward show For did not shame withstand loues lawlesse lust Loue out the hart all danger soone would thrust And were not shame the keeper and the gaile Of womens hearts as Authors plainely say It were in vaine the Castle to assaile Or any siege against the same to lay For in that case long parle shold not need For women hate delay and loue to speed But shame and feare loues combe so short had cut And humbled him so much in heart and mind That they had him cleane vnto silence put And he no meanes to ease himselfe could find And thus twixt loue and shame in great distresse Medea sat in care and pensiuenesse Which she could not by any meanes endure So hot she burnt within her tender brest For when as loue did her in part assure In fine to giue some comfort ease and rest Vnto her heart shame put her in a doubt With feare to thinke how that it would fall out And thus she stood still more and more in feare Twixt loue and shame as it were at a stand For shame was great but loue more force did beare And in the end did get the vpper hand For feare and shame she durst not once discouer The fire of loue which in her heart did houer Which easely she could not well shake off And so she sat perplex't without reliefe Till fortune full dispos'd at her to scoffe By turning of her wheele did ease her griefe But with vnhappy chance as she doth vse All those that put their trust in her t' abuse For when that men do thinke to sit at ease On top of fortunes wheele and nothing doubt That smiling Lady can them soone displease By giuing it but one small turne about And cause them fall as much as they did rise When they least of her treason do surmise For she is alwaies false and eke vnstable Prouoking men to things aboue their reach Which though that they t' attaine thē are not able With fained showes she can them finely catch And make thē break their brains both night day Bout haddy-wist when she with them doth play With her deceitfull face and flattery As she that well cap bring such fooles to bed And caus'd them to their own destruction hie And when that she to mischiefe hath them led She turnes her back with a pleasant smile Doth joy to thinke how she can men beguile And striuing thus within her selfe at last When reason could not win the field of rage And she sometime in musing had ore-past At length her inward torment to asswage She ga●n both pro contra to debate The matter with her selfe as still she sate And said in vaine Medea thou dost striue For sure one of the heauenly Gods it is That bends his force gainst thee Doth any liue That euer saw so strange a thing as this Is any thing like vnto burning loue Should I my Fathers hests esteeme aboue All measure hard truth 't is th' are hard and sore Why should I feare this strangers death so much Sith he 's a man I neuer saw before Why should his perill me at heart so tuch Vnhappy wench if thou couldst find some rest And coole the heat which burneth in my breast It were a good and blessed turne for thee For where as griefe now seemeth thee to kill Thou mightst thereby at heart well eased be But now a strange disease against my will Doth draw me on fond loue perswadeth me And though by Art what 's best for me I see Yet do I headlong follow that is worst Why should I thus so fondlie seeme to raue And on a stranger dote as one accurst And seeke a forraine husband so to haue When as at home to my content and mind I may a louer meet for me well find But who can tell if he shall liue or no And yet I pray long life may be his lot For without all offence I may pray so And wish him well although I loue him not For what offence hath Iason done to me Who pittieth not his youth should cruell be What is she but his valour might her moue But setting that aside who would not rage And burne at heart with hot and feruent loue With Iasons faire and goodlie personage My heart is toucht therewith assuredly And if that I prouide not remedy The burning breath of Buls will him so blast That with the fires his body sing'd shall be And of the seeds that he in ground shall cast A strange and vncoath haruest he shall see Of armed men that out the earth shall grow Against whom he had need his valour show And as a prey he shall likewise be set Against the fierce and cruell Dragon fell Which things if that I do not seeke to let Then must I trulie say and shew full well That
ioy farewell my chiefest blisse Now strangers haue thee in possession And I the thing I loue do so much do misse And must endure 't with extreame passion Would God I knew how that they doe intreat My Helena that was to me so sweet Now thou art gone the thought of thee me slayth And I must liue in sorrow griefe and woe Expecting still my end by cruell death And therewithall he said that he would goe To Sparta therein comfortlesse alone His great grievous losse to waile and mone But Nestor would not leaue his company But went with him for consolation By all meanes seeking how to pacifie His mind and hauing great compassion On his distresse did make no longer stay But did him to his Country thence convay And being there arriu'd with woefull heart By letters sent in post to euery place He did vnto his brethren twaine impart His great mischance and sad and woefull case Desiring them to come to him with speed To aid him with their counsell in his need And first to King Agamemnon did write And to King Castor and King Pollux send Desiring them with all the speed they might In his distresse their ayd to him to lend And when they came and saw his countnance dead Like to a man with thought halfe murthered They could not chuse but for his sorrow grieue And by perswasions sought the same to ease But when they saw they could it not remoue Out of his mind nor him no whit appease King Agamemnon wisely gan to speake And in these words his mind to him did breake Brother said he what woe what heauinesse What deadly griefe doth thus torment your mind And as it seemes your sences all oppresse So furiouslie and we no case can find You should do thus but grant it to be true That cause for to be grieu'd is giuen you Yet you should be so arm'd with providence That what so ere dislike were offered you You should thereat not seeme to take offence And make as though thereof you nothing knew For that a wise man in adversitie Should ioyfull countenance shew and secretly Conceiue in mind the thing that doth him grieue And priuilie within his breast inclose His wrath and ire that none might it perceiue Nor let it once be knowen vnto his foes For t is the counsell of the provident That when mans heart with furie thinks to rent He should not seeme to be possest with ire Till that he findeth fit occasion To kindle and reviue the burning fire Of vengeance when his foe thinks not thereon For griefe shew'd outwardlie by proofe we find Two things doth breed which are of several kind First it provokes thy friend to sigh full sore For nature binds him to lament thy griefe And it doth cause thy foe reioyce the more For he is glad when thou dost want reliefe Wherefore when griefe most in thy heart doth lie Shew cheerefull face to crosse thine enemie And make as though thou dost esteeme at nought The thing which doth thee most torment and vex And evermore remaineth in thy thought Ye though it doth thee nere so much perplex And where thou hast most cause for to complaine There make best show ioyful countnance faine For into teares although thou should'st distill And never cease tormenting of thy mind Yea though thy selfe thou shouldest therewith kill Thou could'st but little ease and pleasure find For vengeance nere was tane nor honor wonne By any thing that man that way hath done For though it lasteth long it brings no gaine It 's said the man that can dissemble wrong Although it be with inward greete and paine Is subtill and of valiant heart and strong And he that can be peaceable in smart Doth well declare he hath a noble heart For he that weepes like women in their rage And thinkes by words and teares to ease his paine His sorrow and his griefe shall nere asswage And by no meanes to honor shall attaine Let 's not with words but with our weapons fight And hold our tongs manlike try our might Words are but wind and water t is we weepe And though the stormes flouds of either two Do multiply and vs in sorrow keepe They do no good but still increase our woe And to our foes when as that they do ●e●●e That we doe make so sad and heauie 〈◊〉 It doth increase and multiply their ioy And giues them cause much more to laugh at vs Wherefore let not this sorrow thee annoy Which now doth seeme so to torment thee thus For it is said the courage of a Knight Is prou'd when as with mischiefe and despight He is not feard nor in adversity Doth not himselfe faint-heartedly submit To any danger what so ere it be Nor doth impaire his honor any whit Through foule despaire but hopeth alwaies well And hath a mind as firme as any steele T' effect the thing that he doth take in hand And his desire at last to satisfie For this from me I pray you vnderstand That he which in himselfe hath fantasie T' assaile his foe and venture life and lim What ere befall or happeneth vnto him And takes the chance that vnto him is cast He commonly nere failes in victorie And hauing dangers all cleane over-past In fine obtaineth praise eternally And now t is time to speake in words but few Good brother mine your valour forth to shew To cheare your heart and for to make you strong The forces of your foes for to withstand And to revenge your domages and wrong And we thereto will put our helping hand And all with one consent and force and might Assist you in your need t' obtaine your right And in despight of all that shall vs let Within the fields before the Towne of Troye Will plant our siege and there our tents vp set And ere we part will 't vtterlie destroy Albeit as now I can appoint no day Therefore let vs with all the speed we may Send messengers into the Grecian Land The Princes of the same to certifie Of these your wrongs craue their helping hand T' assist you and the same to remedie And so full well revenge your selfe you may And this is all that I to you can say King Menelaus therewith somewhat appeas'd Began more cherefull countenance to make And with his heart and mind thereby was eas'd All outward griefe did presently forsake And seeing that by care he could't not mend To all his friends throughout the land did send And first his Kinne and allies he did moue By showing them what had chanced vnto him Desiring them of courtesie and loue His case as t' were their owne for to esteeme And with their powers assistants to him be To ayd him in his great extreamitie His letters seene and read there did resort Achilles and Patroclus Princes stout Diomedes and others to his Court Who having heard what things had fallen out Did all with one consent and will agree Vpon the King
wil sometimes say That which they will deny againe as fast And serpentlike mongst flowers fresh and gay Most commonly their poyson vse to cast With sweet and sugred word when as they mind Nought but deceit and guile for t is their kind And propertie to flatter faine and lie When in them men doe greatest trust repose For all they doe is done in pollicie For when you thinke thē friends they are your foes And hide their malice with such subtiltie That though they seeme with one dissēbling eye And outward show in piteous wise to weepe They can with th' other laugh full couertly And in their hearts their double meaning keepe Their sorrowes they are outward commonly And neuer to their hearts and thoughts draw nere And all the partie coulours which they were Are mixt with change and great variety For therein doth consist their chiefest blis The' are sure and fixt in lies and flattery And double in their truest promises Make show of faith when least thereof they thinke Likeliest to loue when most from it they shrinke Most ouerthwart when as they should agree And truest seeme when truth in them is none For certaine t is that few of them there be That in their hearts contented are with one But will in show receiue and entertaine Two three or foure and in their speeches faine Aud make them all with flattering words beleeue That she doth loue and like them euery one And secretly her faith to all will giue Yet maketh them to thinke she loues but one And that shee le liue with him in weale and woe When as in very truth it is not so And by that meanes to each of them doth seeme As if she lou'd and liked him alone And makes him her for his true loue esteeme When as in truth perchance she loueth none And thus with fained hope she doth thē scoffe The tru'st to her is soon'st by her cast off He that best serues least favor shall deserue And yet she doth them all with fancie feede But promise will with none of them obserue She 'le soon'st deceaue whē you think sur'st to speed Let no man trust therefore vnto delay But take time and aduantage when he may A man may change at pleasure all the yeare And yet thereby may get but little gaine Great folly t is to buy that thing to deare Which man cannot in his bounds retaine But flies away when most he doth it want And if such ware at any time wax scant Men may them out at windoes oft behold And find them in a chamber or a hall That with most shameles countenance and bold Will not refuse vnto a man to call And many times abroad in euery street You may them see and also with them meet At Pilgrimages and oblations At daunces ●ights and euery common play That vsed are in Citties and in townes Where they resort for pleasure night and day To see and to be seene of every man And by their wiles t'intrap them if they can For their 's no fraud nor any subtiltie Like vnto that of willy women kind Nor worse deceit nor craftier pollicie Then in their false dissembling hearts men find For he that loueth women stedfastly And thinks in them to find fidelity Shall see and proue them like vnto the moone That ready is to change For if their loue Be young and them displease they will him soone Out of the dores by head and shoulders shoue If he be old th'yle say age makes him dote And let some younger man ride in his bote My counsell therefore is vnto them both To cast them off in time and let them flie This Guido saith not I I tell you troth That hath delight to speake vnhappily Of women in most part of all his Booke As you may see if you therein will looke Whereby it seemes that he was not their friend And vnto them did beare no little spight Els would he not so much with them contend Nor in his Booke such slaunders of them wright Which inwardly did make my heart to bleede For griefe when I such things therein did read Which onely of meere malice favored And maile of purpose women to contemne Wherein I see he was too much misled For generally he doth them all condemne And for to show more indiscretion Twixt good and bad makes no exception He was too blame for one ●'accuse them all For I dare say and swere it by the rood And you shall find it to in generall That for one bad there are an hundred good And though some doe themselues vnconstant shew It hurts not them that faithfull are and crew And though by some examples he may show As likely t is for many such there are That some one boue the rest did proue a shrow Those that are meeke and gentle need not care We must not blame nor tax all women kind For some that proue vntrue For this we find That in the towne of Collen once there were Eleuen thousand Virgins pure and true Which did the name of Holy Martyrs beare And many other stories tell to you That diuers maids did Virgins long remaine And to preserue virginitie were slaine And some with flowers of true virginitie Did liue on earth in honor great and fame That died at last in perfect ehastity And sanctified in heauen for the same With God remaine in his eternall rest And mongst the Saints for euermore are blest And though some gainst bad women so much say We must not all for some few women blame Therefore let no good women be dismaid For that of men may well be sayd the same Is it a shame to him that liueth true Because an other man doth liue vntrue And for his theft is hang'd as many be No more is it to women vertuous If mongst a hundred one of them we see That is of liuing bad and vicious When for one bad a thousand we may find That vertuous are Though Guido faith by kind And nature they are false yet men should thinke They are not so and them not too much blame But rather at their frailtie seeme to winke For though ones bad they are not all the fame Nature in operatiou hath great power And who is he that liueth at this hower That can by anymeanes his course restraine For she will not be shortned of her right Nor yet be staied with bridle norwith raine And therefore man withall his power and might Should giue God thanks for them ●● 〈◊〉 not blame Poore women that by nature are the ●a●●e And though so much my Author gainst them saies Where he doth write of Cresida alone And for her fault such blame on women laies My counsellis to all and euery one In reading it on her t' impose the shame And task not other women for the same Or read it not at all but rather stay Till that you come where Diomede had charge To goe to Troy to fetch faire Cresida Whereas my ma●ster Chaw●●r
shewes at large First how she was to him deliuered With Thoas for Anthenor and was led By them out of the towne accompanied By Troiclus and many more that road With him and her and how King Diomed Did lead her horse and her great kindnes shewd Till that she came vnto her Fathers sent Where she did light and straight into it went And then declares how she therein did stay What speches she to him and others vsed While she with them sat talking all that day And how that soone her selfe she did abuse For G●ldo saith that day before t was night She cleane forlooke her deare louing knight And gaue her heart and loue to Diomede To shew what trust there is in women kind For she of her new loue no sooner sped But Troiclus was cleane out of her mind As if she had him never knowne nor seene Wherein I cannot gesse what she did meane Vnlesse it were because she did delight In novelty as women doe by kind And nature which vnstable is and light As by experience commonly we find But now no more of loue I will declare But turne my stile againe vnto the warre CHAP. V. ¶ Of the E●●●ailes fought betweene the Greeks and the Troians after the truce of three moneths was expired The description of the Pallace of Ilion in Troy of a great p●st●●●●ce that happened in the Grecians hoast Whereby they were constrained to seeke for a truce which they obtained of the Troians for 30. daies THe three moneths truce aforesaid being don The next ensuing day when Titan had His Indian course from West to East out run And after he great sport and cheare had made In sweet and faire Auroraes company And rose from her and would no longer lie But with his Radiant beames that shone most clear When as the ●arke did sing with great delight Did on the walles and towne of Troy appeare Hector the strong and most victorious Knight His battailes in good order did ordaine And ready was to goe into the plaine To fight against the Grecian enemy The first whereof himselfe well armed led And with him had to beare him company Full fifteene thousand Knights well furnished Next vnto him braue Troielus did goe With iust ten thousand Knights in warlike shoe And after him the Percian archers went That had his brother Paris for their guide Each with his Bow in hand all ready bent And shea●es of peircing arrowes by his side In number full thre thousand archers braue The leading of the fourth ward Hector gaue Vnto his brother Deiphobus that had Three thousand men well arm'd in corslets cleare And of the rest Aeneas leader made And as the story ●aith as then there were An hundred thousand valiant Knights stout By Hector to the field that day sent out And as I find by Dares Frigius And Guido too against them forth were led Seven thousand Grecian Knights by M●●●●● And iust as many more by D●●●ed And next to them A●billes with his ●and Of Myrmidons in order plast did stand Then Zantipus a King of great renowne Conductor of three thousand Knights was ●●d● And last of all into the field came downe The Generall of the hoast that with him had So huge a band of Grecian Knights that all The plaine with them was fild straight d●●●●●● And set vpon the Troian Knights so fast That many men at that encounter died And furiously vnto the ground were cast And as by chance King Phillis Hector spied That cruelly the Greeks beat downe and chast He spurd his horse and ran at him in hast And with his launce vpon him fiercely set Which when as Hector saw he coucht his speare And him with so great sorce and fury met That he did him out of his sadle beare And gaue him such a deepe and cruell wound That he therewith fell dead vpon the ground Whose death when as the Grecians did espie With griefe for him they waxed pale and wan And many to revenge it valiantly On Hector set and first vpon him ran King Zantipus who with most great disdaine And griefe to see King Phillis there lie slaine His launce vpon him brake which to requite Hector at him most furiously did flie And with his speare so fiercely did him smite That with the blow he did most cruelly Giue him a wound so deepe into the side That he therewith fell off his horse and died For whom the Greeks complain'd and grieued sor● And hated Hector for his cruelty And each to other promised and swore With Troian blood his death reuendg'd should ●e And at that time did them so sore pursue That many of them in little space they slew And mongst the rest Achilles cruelly Lichaon and Euforbius both did slay Two Knights that came out of their Countrey Which distant was from Troy a mighty way To ayd and help their friend King Priamus And while the Greekes set on the Troians thus Hector by chance was wounded in the face Wherewith the blood out of his Bever ran Whome when the Troyans saw in such a case They were so much abasht that they began To flie in great hast to leaue the plaine And in the chase great store of them were slaine Before that they could get out of the prea●e The Grecians them so ho●●●e followed And to pursue and kill them did not cease In furious wise as they before them fled And chased them almost vnto the towne Till Hector that most worthy Champion Perceiuing them to flie so fast away Vnto them went t' encourage them againe And made them turne spight their hearts to stay And valiantlie to fight and to maintaine The battaile gainst the Grecian enemies For when as he by chance cast vp his eies Vnto the wals of Troy and did behold Queene Hecuba and Policene that stood Thereon to see the fight his heart waxt cold As being moou'd with fierce and furious mood For verie shame to see the Troyans flie And made them turne with great dexteritie And staid their ●light with them backe did ride Vnto the plaine and in his way he met A Grecian King cald Merion neere allide T' Achilles and on him most fiercelieset And with his sword gaue him so great a blow That therewithall his body claue in two Whome when Achilles found in that sort dead Much grieu'd to see 't but 't could him noght availe He tooke a speare and Hector followed With full intent t'revenge him without faile And to that end ran at him valiantly And on the shield smote him most cruelly But could not once remooue him with the stroake Nor make him in his sadle rise nor bow For he sat sure and steadfast as an Oake But mooued sore when as he fel● the blow With sword in hand he did Achilles smite So great a stroke with all his force and might That with the same he did his helmet breake And tare his Bever off and made him reele And on his horse
To further them in their great villany He told the Grecians that their best way was To make a shew to offer sacrifice Vnto Minerua in their Paynim wise Whereby he said he would a meanes deuise That they the Towne shold take without all doubt And get the spoile of all their enemies Which that they might the better bring about He counselled them to make a horse of brasse The which of such a mightie greatnes was That it within the body of it held A thousand valiant knights that close did lie Hid in the same well arm'd with speare shield Which framed was by craft and subtiltie Of Synon and of Appius the wise That with him ioyned were in that deuise Which horse the Grecians purposely should bring Before the Towne pretending as they said That they would giue it for an offering To Pallas and by Calchas counsell praid King Priam that he would vouchsafe them leaue To set it in her Temple and to giue Them liberty to enter in the Towne To offer vnto her a sacrifice Before they sailed downe to Tenadowne And by this false and politicke deuise They found the meanes to take the town of Troy And did the same in cruell wise destroy But ere that they did bring the same to passe When as the fai●●d articles were made The Kings by whome king Priam aided was While he against the Grecians warred had Perceauing that the Troyans would haue peace And that therby their bloudy war should cease As many of them as then liuing were Did take their leaues of Priamus and went Againe into their Lands and Countries where They raigned kings when they had lost spent Both mony men mong whom king Philomene Did take with him the body of the Queene Of Amazons that was by Pyrrhus slaine And of two thousand knights that with him came To Troy there went but fiftie backe againe The rest vnto their everlasting fame Were slaine in fight against the Grecians And of a thousand Amazonians That came to Troy in Priamus defence There was but iust foure hundred of them left To beare their Queens dead body way fro thence The rest were by the Greeks of life bereft Who being gone the next day following The Troyan Lords and Priamus their king Met with the Greeks in open field and there Conferred of the Peace on either side Where for the Grecians Diomede did sweare That they would firmely stand to and abide By all that which they had agreed vpon In treaty with Anthenor and that none Of all the Greeks the contrary would do Wherein the Troyans and King Priamus Were much deceau'd and tooke no heed vnto His double oath as not suspitious Of treason meant therby for he did take His oath in generall tearmes did not make Rehearsall of the points particular That were agreed vpon For his intent Was only with a false pretence to sweare T' obserue and keepe the treaty fraudulent The which Anthenor with the Grecians made Contrary vnto that which Priam had Been made belieue by him to haue been done For by the oath they tooke they did include And meant that treason only greed vpon And swore thereto intending to delude The Troyans and to catch them in a trap From whēce they neither could nor should escape Cleane contrarie to that the Troyans ment They made a shew as if they peace would make But bloudy warre was onlie their intent And outwardlie a fained oath did take T' obserue the peace but treason was the end And drift which they did secretly pretend But though they valid and covered it with show Of peace therewith to blind the outward eie Yet he that all mens secret thoughts doth know Perceiued that their oath was but a lie He that professeth truth and doth pretend No such thing but thereby deceaues his frend Is not to be belieud what ere he bee Because the vow he makes is but a lie And though into mens hearts we cannot see That sweare and take their oaths so craftilie Yet he that craftilie doth lie and sweare Doth wilfullie by craft himselfe forsweare Whereto he can make no exception For God that knows mans heart and secrets all Condemneth him that with intention Sweares falslie to betray his friend withall As Diomede did traiterouslie deceaue The Troyans that did verilie belieue His oath had been without all fraud and guile As having no suspition in their hearts That they should be betraied by a wile Which at the last they all too dearelie bought When as they found the Grecians did contrarie Vnto their oath and from their promise varie But longer to entreat hereof were vaine Let it suffice't was all but treacherie The which the more to hide they tooke againe Queene Helena and therewith presentlie The monie which the Troyans were to pay Was broght vnto the plaine the selfe same day And with the flower and meale delivered Vnto the Greeks as they agreed had The which they caused to be carried Vnto their ships And then as Calchas made And laid the plot with fain'd devotion And great and foule dissimulation And holines vaild with hipocrisie The Grecians praid king Priamus that they Might by his licence haue free libertie In Pallas Temple ere they went away Devoutlie t'offer for oblation The horse of Brasse in satisfaction To her for th'jmage which they stole frō thence If Priamus would grant them so to do That she therby forgetting their offence Might bee bening to them when they should go By sea to Greece and helpe them in their need To which King Priam presently agreed As having no suspition that he should Haue been betraid thereby and gaue consent That they should do 't when s'ever that they would And was the willinger therewith content Because Anthenor and Aencas both Whom he then thoght did meane good faith troth Perswaded him thereto although they knew The Greeks intent was thereby to obtaine Their wills of Troy which after did ensue And to that end the Greeks straight on the plaine Began with speed and mightie diligence T'remoue the horse and with much reverence And great and extreame force to draw the same As neere vnto the towne as well they could But when vnto the gate therewith they came It was so great that by no meanes it would Go in thereat who when the Grecians saw They staid did thēselues frō thence withdraw And left it there before the gate and went Downe in their ships to Tenadon to stay There till they had effected that they ment To bring to passe Who being gone away King Priam and the Troyans that were glad Of their retract supposing that they had Been gone indeed set ope the gates of Troy Whereat the common people issuing out Into the plaine with signes of extreame ioy Ran to behold the horse and went about The field whereas the Greeks incamped lay While they before the towne of Troy did stay And as they viewd the place and lookt vpon The Grecians huge and
comming thither told them that he wold Go downe into the well to fetch the gold Supposing to haue found it there indeed But being downe into the bottome gone As they before between them had agreed When aid and succor for him there was none For vp againe himselfe he could not rise They stoned him to death in cruell wise And went their waies vnto their tents with speed Where down they laid themselues to take their ease As if that they had never done the deed And so they said that King Pallomides Was murthered by Ulisses treachery And Diomede and it was but a lie Deuis'd to slander them that guiltlesse were And also all the Grecians else beside For he was with an arrow slaine in warre By Paris while they did in siege abide But they that are to falshood wholly bent Can tales devise that nere were done nor ment And as for those two letters that were brought Out of the towne as by them was surmis'd No such thing by Pallamides was wrought It only was maliciously devis'd And nothing else but falshood vntroth Of purpose told to make king Naulus wroth And angry with the Greeks in generall Thereby to worke their ruine and decay And mou'd him for that cause on them to fall As they returned homeward on their way For presently king Naulus and his sonne Belieuing that such treason had beene done And wrought by Greeks as was vnto them told Did sweare and vow reveng'd to be therefore Vpon them by all waies and meanes they could And vnto them in heart such hatred bore That without any favor merciles When as the Greeks were on the surging seas And saild along the shore by Naulus land He caused fires to burne and set vp lights Vpon the coast the which on hills did stand And might be seene farre off in winter nights To make the Greeks to erre and go aside Out of the way for when they had espi'd The lights on shore and did not vnderstand The reason but supposing harbor neere They did direct their course vnto the land And thinking them for sea-marks placed there To shew them how to fall on land by night Without all feare they made vnto the light Whereby vpon the rockes sand they stroke And by that meanes two hundred ships they lost Which sodainly were all in pieces broke And cast away vpon king Naulus coast Which cost the life of many a worthy man And so to take revenge he first began Vpon the Grecians with destruction Of them and of their Navie huge and great But yet by fortune King Agamemnon Escaped death and safely home did get With Menalus King Diomed and more That followed them yet there was great store Of Earles Kings and Princes cast away At that same time But when as Oetes knew That they were gone and that he could not stay Them as he would he vowd some should it rew And presently imagined a wile Wherewith he did Agamemnon beguile By writing of a letter to his wife Which set so great contention tweene thē twaine That it did cost Agamemnon his life The letter did in it thus much containe That her deare Lord and king Agamemnon A great and mighty wrong to her had don The which could not but breed most extreame blame And detriment vnto her in the end Although she nere had merited the same The which he said was that he did intend A daughter of king Priamus to take To wife and would her vtterly forsake Though she surpast her much for excellence Of beauty and of comely feature That never had vnto him done offence Whereof he did her certainly assure And that it was his purpose and intent That she should into banishment be sent A thousand miles frō thence when he came home Advising her that she should warily Looke to her owne estate This was the sum And generall contents of that which he Within his letter sent vnto the Queene Although the king was innocent and cleane Of that which he to her did falsly write And loud her while he liu'd with all his heart And in none else but she did take delight Nor had no such intent from her to part But 't may be that the letter which he sent Made her to do more then she ever ment And to giue credite thervnto too soone Who thanked Oetes for his carefulnesse In her behalfe and his compassion Shewd therein to preserue her from distresse And yet as in the story you shall find She was a most false Lady and vnkind To him while he was absent in the warre But nerethelesse she was so diligent To looke vnto her selfe and to prepare A bait for him and thereby to prevent All mischiefe whatsoever might ensue To her by that which she thought to be true That finally she brought him to his end What trust can man repose in worldly glory Though all men to obtaine't their wits do bend Which proues to be so vaine and transitory Or in the wavering ioyes of prowd ambition Which sodainely are turned vpside downe Or flying fame that mounteth vp so hie And is orethrown in twinckling of an eie Or as vaine boasting of great victory That vanisheth away so sodainly Or in dissembling fortune most vniust In whom no man could ere so surely trust As that he might assure himselfe that she Would vnto him a constant friend remaine Gainst whom no man whats'euer that he be Can once resist or victory obtaine For on her wheele though he clime nere so fast Let him be sure shee le throw him downe at last Her favor's not to be relide vpon For she 's so full of mutability That he which doth repose his trust thereon Doth build vpon a meere vncertainty To day shee le be a friend and seeme to smile To morrow she will falsly men beguile Her pride is such she spareth no degree Great Emperors Kings Dukes Princes all are one With her for in their greatst felicity When they are plast in high and Princely throne And liue and raigne in honor and renowne For all their mighty power she casts thē downe As you may see by King Agamemnon Who while he liu'd so puissant was of state That mong the Greeks there was not any one Esteemd nor found to be more fortunate Nor greater yet for all his excellence He could not make resistance nor defence With all the power that on him did attend Against conspired murther nor prevent The treason wrought to bring him to his end Which his Queene Clytemnestra did invent And purposely deuise But he that knows All things on earth his iudgment often shows On such as take delight in murthering Of men which God doth vtterly forbid And specially the murthering of a king Which is so foule and horrible a deed That all the paine that Exion fe●les in hell With other foule infernall spirits that dwell With Belzebub are not sufficient To take revenge nor punish such ●one As hath a heart so mischieuously bent For that
giue them leaue to enter Though they as he suppos'd did not pretend To do him wrong thereby while they did stay Nor yet by any way or meanes t' offend His subiects but for all they tooke did pay But Thelaphus well arm'd with many a knight Went downe vnto the shore with them to fight And with exceeding furie on them set Where Assandrus so brauely did assaile His enemies that those that with him met Could not against his valor great prevaile So that by knightly force the field he wan Vpon his foes and killed many a man That him withstood which when the King espi'd And saw how he so brauely plaid his part Disdaining sore thereat to daunt his pride With all his force he stroke him with a dart So farre into the breast that he fell dead Vpon the ground the which when Diomed Perceaued to revenge him like a knight Of valor great that time such slaughter made Vpon his foes that by his puissant might He made them run out of the field as glad To saue their liues which done he gan to make Great sorrow for his loving brothers sake And studying what were best for him to do At last his corps from savage beasts to saue Before that he one foot from thence did go He put the same into a Princely graue And buried it with many weeping eyes Vpon Boctia shore in Paynim wise But Oetes to his sister wrote and said That he was slaine by craft of Diomede Who to that end in wayt for him had laid A band of men that he once being dead The kingdome wholly might without all strife Descend by right to him and to his wife And that he would possession thereof take Assoone as he againe returned home And further said that he would her forsake And that with him there did a Lady come Whome he did loue and meant to make his wife And by that meanes did set such mortall strife Betweene them as he in like sort had done Not long before and in the selfe same kind Twixt Clytemnestra and Agamemnon That he possest her sad and heauie mind With such conceit of treason that much grieu'd To heare thereof she verily belieu'd All to be true that vnto her was told So that with heart to wrath and furie bent And face that looked deadly wan and cold She did for her deare brothers death lament Whome she did with so great affection loue That from revenging him no man could moue Her heart that was as hard as any stone Vpon her husband Diomede For when The tedious weary siege of Troy was done And he returned home to her agen She did him on the shore by force withstand And beat him backe not suffring him to land But banished him presently from thence And would not once with him be reconcil'd Who seeing that he could not make defence Against her power to see himselfe exil'd So wrongfully much grieued at the heart Cleane comfortlesse he did from thence depart And went vnto Salerne land whereas A puissant King cald Tentar then did raigne That Brother vnto Thelamon Aiax was Who at the siege of Troy was falsly slaine But Diomede cleane destitute of ayd Vnhappy man not long time therein stayd For when King T●●●●r knew that he was there Suspecting him for death of The●●mon He did pursue him so that wheresoere He staid he saw that succor there was none For him to haue so that vpon a night In secret wise he tooke himselfe to flight And left Salerne land in hope to find More comfort and reliefe in other place To ease and to redresse his troubled mind If fortune would vouchsafe him so much grace Meane time with heauie heart thought confus'd Like one forsaken wholly and refus'd Of euery man he wandred to and fro From place to place and could no rest procure Vnto himselfe not knowing where to go And all that while great mis'rie did endure Till at the last Aeneas that still staid In Troy the scattred Troyans there to aid Which after the destruction there were left And every day and hower were in doubt To be destroyd and of their liues bereft By enemies that dwelt there round about And had no man to gouerne them nor stand In their defence or that would take in hand To be their guide against their enemies Till that Aeneas t'aid them in their need Vnto them gaue his counsell and advise To send a messenger for Diomed Of whome he did the fortune vnderstand To be expulst and banisht from his land To pray him to come vnto them with speed With all the force and power he could make To saue and to defend them in their need From those that them opprest and t' vndertake To be the guide of them that ready were To be destroyd for want of government Which Diomed did grant vnto and came In hast to Troy and thither with him brought A gallant troope of men and with the same Relieued them and brauely for them fought With whome vpon the way Aeneas met And to the towne with honor great him fet And entertaining him as his degree Requird a banquet for him did prepare Of every thing that might desired bee Where each of them to th' other did declare The miseries and troubles first and last By sea and land which they had overpast Which no man can by any meanes eschew But as dame Fortune for him hath decreed He must take that she sends him as his dew But now vnto the matter to proceed The Troyans that were almost driven out Of Troy by those that dwelt there round about That daily did invade and spoyle their land By Diomed relieued were and set At liberty againe who did withstand Their foes so puissantly that he did get The victory of them foure times at least And them so sore pursued and opprest That finally they tooke and slew them all And such as were found traitors and had done That mischiefe which vpon them then did fall Condemned were and hanged euery one Whereby no man durst do them any wrong And by that meanes king Diomed waxt strong And did in time by his protection And government which he did take in hand As being Lord and Ruler of the towne So valiantly their enemies withstand And such a sway there for a time did beare That of him all the Country stood in feare And by that meanes in fine it so fell out His fame did spread abroad both farre large And his great valor was so blowen about That it was knowne in Calidon and Arge Which when the Queene his wife did vnderstand She feard he would invade her in her land And it by force at last from her would take And to her selfe much mus'd how Diomed Such succor and such grace had found to make Himselfe so great that he so farre should spred His fame for which as politike and wise She did forecast and with her selfe devise By counsell of her Lords in generall To reconcile
were wholy done in vaine And those that honour sought had lost their paine And time by length of yeares and ages past Would haue defaced name and honor cleane Of Conquerors for what can ever last Vnlesse record thereof were to be seene Which Clarkes for which they merit and deserue Continuall praise haue sought still to preserue For Histories and Bookes are sayd to bee The keyes of learning memory and skill In them and by them all men plainely see What hath forepast and what is good or ill Witnesse the fall of Thebes the ancient Towne In Stacies Booke for truth at large set downe Where you may read and see how Polinece Was nere content with Etocles a day Nor would like louing Brother liue in peace Till Thebes Towne was brought vnto decay And h●w Tedeus through that mortall ctrife And by dissention was bereft of life How Oedipus with sorrow griefe and woe Did loose his eies so bitterly he wept And how the Smo●kes devided were i● two Of fiers made when funerall feasts was kept Which fier brothers hatred did engender And death to both for iust reward did render Mine author Guydo in like sort doth show As by his Booke most plainely it appeares Of all the Troian Princes overthrow While Greeks besieg'd the towne so many yeares In very truth and though t is long since past No time nor age the storie hath defast For maugre them you may it still behold In Bookes set downe most plainely to mens eies For truth by lying will not be controld Though enviously some seeke it to disguise Transforming all the substance of the matter By fayned tales dissembling to flatter As Homer did who truth would seeme to show Yet covertly did seeke the same to hide And by vntruth which he full well did know With Artificiall words doth truth deride Who seeming Greecians honour to defend Doth faine the Gods from heaven to descend In shape of men and openly were knowne To helpe the Greeks against the Troians fight And many such vntruths by him are showne In sugred words and phrases for delight Pretending so his malice for to hide For falsehood seekes in darkenes to abide The cause why he the Greeks so smothly prais'd Was for that he vnto them was allide And therefore sought their glory to haue rais'd But such as loue the truth cannot abide Gainst conscience for to praise or discommend Where no desert their action may defind But Cupid as the Poets faine is blind And giues his doome more after lust then law So Sicophants as we by proofe doe find Commend and praise the men they never saw By false report extolling them to skie Of whom in heart they know full well they lie Whereby such men as never merit fa●e But iust disgrace are highly magnified And they contrary that deserue good name Are either not remembred or beli'd For favor now doth beare so great a s●ay That true desert is driven cleane away Ovidius Naso likewise hath devis● A Booke in verse of Troian ●●●s to show Part true part false but in such sort disguisd That who so reads it can by no meanes know Which way to sound the deapth of his intent His phraise therein's so mis●ically bent Like story also Virgill doth declare When of Aeneas tra●●●les he doth write Where truth to tell in part he doth not spare Although s●●● time he seemth to delight In Homers course with Rethoricke to glose And truth with falsehood often to compose Dares an ancient Author first was found And Ditus eke of Troian warres to write Who both set down the truth perfect groūd As being there and did behold the fight And thogh their books in seuerall language be Yet they are knowen in all things to agree The Books in time to Athens being brought Salustius cousen one Cornelius By diligent enquirie out them sought And being of a mind industrious Translated them with great earnest care In each respect as th' Authors doth declare His only fault was that he did not write The story full at large as he it found But ●ure he did in breuity delight Els would he not haue spar'd to shew the groūd And first beginning of that mortall strife Which cost so many thousand men their life And how the Greeks came both by sea lād The nūber of their ●en and of their ships The manner how they first did take in hand To plant their siege all this he ouerskips How envy was the root and cause of all The mischiefe that on Troy at last did fall How many Kings and Princes thither went In warlike wise to win them high renowne How they agreed all with one conscent To see the full sub●er●i●●● of the Towne What armes they ●are what men they did retaine Who in the siege did longest there remaine How one the other Knightly did assaile How many valiant Princes lost their life How of t they met in field to giue battaile How hatred still increast and bred new strife Nor of their deaths ●e ●iteth not the yeare Thus much he leaueth out as doth appeare Which lately causd an Author to arise Whose truth in writing is not to be bla●'d That tooke in hand this st●●i● i● such wise As that of Ditus and of Dares nam'd He hath not sought one sentence to neglect Nor yet in ought the meaning to reiect This Clarkethat wrote so true so iust so well Was Guydo of Columpna by his name Who in sweet Rethoricke did so much excell That he enricht his storie with the same So Eloquently hath he set it downe That he deserueth praise and high renowne For which in heart and voice I will not stay To giue him praise and commendation due And with applause in truth and rightly say He was the flower most certainely and true Of all that sought this storie to compile For wit and soveraignty of stile Whose treces as I can I will obserue If God vouchsafe me time and grace to do 't And graunt my labour may of him deserue The Princely praise that first provokt me to 't Beseeching all that see 't with heart mind Not spare to speake if any fault they find And with good will I shall amend the same For many eies may see much more then one Correct then freely where you find the blame But find not fault whereas deserueth none And so in hope I shall your favours win With your support this storie I le begin THE LIFE AND DEATH OF HECTOR THE FIRST BOOKE CHAP. 1. I How Peleus King of Thessalie lost his people men women and Children by diuine punishment and after by prayer vnto the Gods obtained others IN Thessalie King Peleus once did raigne For vertue held a Prince of worthy fame Whose subiects as mine Author doth explaine Were Myrmidons so called by their name Of whose beginning Ouid doth rehearse The History at large in Latine verse And saith that in that Countrie downe did fall So furious a tempest from the skie
to declare Of things wherein they wish to haue ●liefe For while they liue in pure virginity And by the same are bard of liberty They keepe all close and will not seeme too bold To shew their minds although it grieue thē much Nor tell the thing which otherwise they would Although full neere vnto their hearts it tuch And so although t' were with a fained grace Medea sat with sober cheare and face And yet exprest her meaning with her eye So secretly that no man could discerne The burning fire that in her breast did lye The which because it did her much concerne She could not chuse her troubled mind t' appease But vse some words in secret which were these Would God this braue and lusty Gentleman Which showes so faire and gallant in my sight Whose comelinesse not well expresse I can Assured were to me to be my Knight That I might once embrace him in mine arme Then would I to my will his sences charme His haire that shines like to the golden wire His limbs compact and fram'd in co●●ley wise His stature as proportion doth require In seemely height so well doth please mine eies That by my will it would my heart content To winne his loue if fortune would consent For that his knightly face for to behold ●s vnto me an earthly Deity Though inwardly I feele my heart full cold And yet in truth it may none other be Alas will he not pitty my estate And cause me thinke my selfe most fortunate I would he knew my true and good in●ent Whereof I thinke he takes but little ●eed And how my loue to him in fully bent Which inwardly doth make my heart to bleed Yet should I die I date i● not disclose Although for him I fo●le a thousand 〈◊〉 But curelesse is my sor●●●● and my paine To friend no● foe I dare ●● not vnfold Nor yet in any fort thereof complaine To find redresse if any way I could And yet I would not any should 〈◊〉 But that I would procur't in honest wise As openly in time it shall be found For that in lawfull wedlocke vnto him Is my desire truely to be bound And so my meaning 's voyd of any sinne As being grounded vpon faithfulnesse Without all fraud or any doublenesse Behold how women craftily can play To wish a thing and nothing lesse 〈◊〉 And secretly that no man ought should say With face full smooth can shadow their desire And hide their lust by wile and subtilty With meere pretence and vaile of honesty And though that to be faithfull they pretend And that the depenes of their trechery They can with outward flourishes defend And all their wiles so closely couer'd lie Yet secretly deceit by them is meant With sugred words of good and true i●●en● As if they did all honesty pretend When certainly 't is but an outward sho●● As it is found and proueth in the end And many men by true experience know So well they can say one and other meane And colour blew full lightly turne to greene For vnder vaile of painted stablenesse And fained shew of honest modesty The wilie serpent cald now ●anglenesse Within their hearts full secretly doth lie For what they most desire in outward sho They will deny 't and sweare it is not so Thus Guydo seemes of women to indi●e Alas that he with them should make debate Or cursedly so much of them should 〈◊〉 It grieueth me in English to translate Their foule disgrace o●● to iustifie For rather had I for their sakes to die And therefore I will craue their patience To beare with me because I write thus much My purpose is not for to giue offence As knowing well they are not any such They are so true and perfect in their thought That I suppose not one of them is nought And further I doe thinke there is not one But that in will and heart she will be true And keepe her selfe vnto one man alone But be it some doe choose them louers new To say the truth they are not worthy blame For oftentimes they see men do the same They must prouide for new when men refuse To loue them more seeke for other change And if I could I would them full excuse For why should men haue liberty to range And women not which cannot liue alone Store is no sore if they haue more then one Wherefore I must of them desire leaue Although I write as matter doth befall I hope it shall not giue them cause to grieue When as I follow mine originall For reason is that punishment should light On him that doth so hard'gainst women write And them so much and causlesly offend By ouermuch inuaying'gainst their kind But if I might I would it soone amend And him to judgement of the women bind That they might him vnto his pennance set For if for to repent he should forget I would dispaire of his saluation And think that he straight down to hell should go And neuer should obtaine remission Vnlesse he did some satisfaction show For all 's not true that we in bookes do find And if it were 't were hard for women kind If Guido therefore were as now aliue So bitter pennance he should furely haue If I were Priest and had him heare to shriue That till the time that he were layd in graue He should remember daily to repent And earnestly in heart his fact relent That he so spake to his confusion But let this passe and now I will proceed And meane to make no more digression To tell how faire Medea then did speed Who taking leaue did presently depart Out of the hall with sad and heauy heart And Iason when the King likewise did rise With Hercules was to his chamber brought Most richly hang'd in braue and sumptuous wise With cloth of Gold in curious manner wrought Where they did rest and take their ease a while Vpon their beds the time so to beguile Meane while as it already hath been sayd Medea was into her chamber gone Where to her selfe she thought vpon and wayd As she therein sat musing all alone How she might ease the sorrow the smart Which her so sore then pinched at the heart For loue which had her set in such a rage That easely she could it not forgo Nor find a ready meanes the same t' asswage For furious Cupid had her wounded so With his most fiery shafe within her brest That whereso e're she sat she could not rest So violent and seruent was the heat That still it did her paine and griefe encrease For in her breast there was a conflict great Twixt loue and shame which either did her presse To yeeld vnto their wills in some respect So that she could not tell which to reiect For loue a Knight of great renowne and fame Who neither feareth dagger sword nor knife Like Lyon fierce pursued still his game And hot and hasty was t'aduenture life And there withall most
Tyger did me breed and in my brest A heart more hard then flint or steele doth rest Why rather should I not with wrathfull eie His death behold and in the same delight Why mooue I not the Buls most furiouslie Gainst him to hold a fierce and cruell fight And all the knights that shall rise out the ground Incite to set on him and him confound And that same Dragon fell which nere doth rest The Gods forbid that I such things should do Such treacherie I vtterlie detest But praier is small remedy thereto Vnlesse that I do lend my helping hand And shall I then betray my natiue land Shall I a stranger saue I do not know And giue him aid that me perchance may leaue Behind him and into his Countrie go And take an otherwise It should me grieue But if I knew he would worke me that spight And in an other woman take delight Die sure he should But he beares not the face Like one that would so great a mischiefe worke His birth his valour and his comelie grace Show that in him such treason doth not lurke And me assure he will me not deceaue Nor once forget the good he shall receaue Thereby from me Yet first he shall me plight His faith and troth according to the lawes To marrie me and keepe his couenant right Why then am I in feare without a cause To take this matter presently in hand And not delay it off nor lingring stand Iason shall thinke himselfe much bound to me And gladly for his wife will me retaine And I thereby much honoured shall be Of all the people which as now remaine Within the rich and fertile land of Greece For helping them to win the Golden fleece Shall I then leaue my Father and my kin And houshold Gods to whome such loue I beare My natiue soile and all that is therein And with a stranger saile I know not where Yea these and all that ere I haue why not My Father 's hard my Countries rude God wot The greatest good vnto my selfe will fall For that the things which I shall now forsake I may full well but meerely trifles call If I to those compare them which I take For Graecians safetie honoured shall I bee And dwell in Towns that are both rich and free Whose fame doth freshly florish euery where Mongst people that in liberall Arts excell And which of all things else I hold most dere And for all earthly treasure would not sell I shall enioy King Aesons Princely Son Whom had I once vnto my husband won Most happy then I would esteeme my state And thinke my selfe to be aduanst so hie That with my head I should be eleuate Boue all the starres within the Christ all skie But men report that rocks in Seas doe meet And gainst nature againe in sunder fleet And how Caribdis vtter enemie To ships doth cause the waues them ouethrow When vnder saile they chance to passe thereby And Scilla with whome Dogs doth euer go Out of Cicillia gulfe comes barking out And puts such as saile by in feare and doubt But what skils that if I enioy my loue And in my Iasons armes may safelie sleepe It shall me not in any wise once moue Though seas be nere so dang'rous foule deepe For while that I my louer may embrace Nought can make me to feare in any case And if that feare should chance to trouble me And make my mind perplexed therewithall My feare should onlie for my husband be Dar'st thou him then so boldlie husband call Pretendest thou Medea title gaie To thy offence thou rather shouldst say naie And see what ledwnes thou dost go about Thereby to shunne the mischiefe dangerous Before that worse vnto thee chance fall out She had no soonner in that sort said thus But shamefastnes and feare that by her staid Made franticke loue to flie away dismaid And raging mood thereof was well alaid And for the present time put cleane to flight Till spying Aesons sonne the flames that staid And seemed as they had been quenched quight Did kindle and againe began to show And with their heat did cause her cheeks to glow And scarlet blood within his face did rise And like vnto a sparke of fire that 's hid In ashes with the whisking wind out flies And by that meanes againe is kindled So did her loue which then was put to flight Renew his former force at Iasons sight For when she did behold his comelie Grace And Princelie port she judged him to bee Much fai●er and more beautifull in face Then ere she had when first she did him see For which her iudgement sure it doth behoue To beare with her because she was in loue Thus as Medea wrought to ease her griefe She spun the web of her aduersitie For fortune making shew to send reliefe Procures her time her mind to certefie And to vnfold the secret of her heart To Iason though it bred her woe and smart For thus it chanst when Phoebus bright did shine In th' afternoone at hottest time of day As he began then Westward to decline And by degrees his feruent heat delay King Oeta finding time conuenient In all the hast for faire Medea sent And willed her with present speed to go Into the hall Prince Iason t' entertaine And vnto him all curtesie to sho Whereby she did occasion fit obtaine When time conuenient serued to discouer Her hearts desire vnto her new found louer For when as she her father had espied With Graecian Knights in earnest speech to bee And that each man his mind was occupied To passe the time When no man did her see In courteous wise to Iason she drew neere And he to her the like with ioyfull cheere And being set together in that sort With louelie looke and countenance bening Medea glad and willing t'yeeld the fort And parle first well weighing euery thing With sighs beheld Prince Iason in the face And vnto him declar'd her doubtfull case CHAP. VI. ¶ How Iason by the onely helpe and aduise of Medea King Oetas Daughter enamored of him acchieued the conquest of the Golden Fleece PRince Iason ere I speake to thee said shee I charge thee by thy valour and thy might Thy courtesie and true nobilitie And as thou art a stout and hardy Knight Desiring much t' aduance thy noble fame By valiant acts and t'magnifie thy name That these my words with rash opinion Thou dost not censure to proceed of guile Deceitfulnesse nor yet presumption Nor from a womans heart that 's full of wile In that I am so bold and do not spare My mind to thee at large now to declare Without all manner doublenes of heart First praying thee vnto my words giue eare And marke full well what I to thee impart And faile thou not the same in mind to beare For what so e're I say it 's for thy weale As she that meanes in truth with thee to deale Two things there are
Towne and wall For vnto ashes men they will consume Wherefore beware and see thou not presume The Ram t'assaile least thou thy labour loose But take aduise and vse discretion To leaue the same while thou hast time to choose How to preserue thy honour and renowne And striue not to aduance thy worthinesse By follie and by too much hardinesse And cast thy selfe away where otherwise Thou maist preserue thy life from danger great If thou dost ●arken now to mine aduise Whereto I would thee willingly entreat And therfore think what answere thou wilt make Before thou dost this danger vndertake Medeas speech thus ended as you heare Iason therewith did grow impatient And said mine onely loue and Ladie deare Is this your mind your will and your intent To counsell me to leaue mine enterprise And staine my name and fame with cowardise A coward might I well be thought and deem'd That should begin a thing to vndertake And could nor durst not bring it to an end So men a common jest of me might make And giue report to my confusion That I of pride and meere presumption Had boasted I would do a thing in word Which when it came t' effect I durst no● venter Nay Lady deare I sweare vpon my sword I rather had in perill great to enter Of life and lim then cowardly forsake The enterprise I meane to vndertake Your counsell to this end is meerely vaine And so good Lady mine I you entreat To leaue your care herein for this is plaine What ere you say no more of me you get But that I meane my purpose to effect And feare of danger vtterly reiect For it I should through faintnes of my heart Refraine from such an enterprise begun And from your Court and pleasant jsle depart Ere for mine honour some thing I had done While life doth last reproach would me pursue And shame eternall be mine onely due For through the world report ful soone would spread That Iason did this conquest vndertake And that his heart was so possest with dread That he an end thereof durst neuer make But be assur'd it neuer shall be said That danger could yong Iason make afraid And there vpon my faith I you ensure I will performe the thing I haue begun As long as life and limbs of mine endure Although thereby no honour may be woone And that mine onelie guerdon should be death Yet had I rather yeeld my vitall breath Then be reproacht of cowardise and shame For worse report of man cannot be spread Then that he hath dishonoured his name It were much better for him to be dead For euery man should seeke and striue t' aspire To honours seat with heart and whole desire And though it were with losse of life and lim Before he would procure his owne disgrace And breed the meanes for men to laugh at him And so for shame be forst to hide his face Then be assur'd what euer I abide No danger shall me cause to start aside Then do I well perceiue your wilfull mind Said she to him and that you sooner chuse Your life to present danger now to bind And my good counsell vtterly refuse Then to your selfe you 'le reape perpetuall shame And yet it is in earnest and no game With Monsters strange vnwarilie to deale And hazard life when as your choyce is free And therefore I am mooued for your weale In heart and mind your follie great to see That leauing all aduise discretion Counsell and good deliberation You rather choose hard and cruell end And wilfullie vnto the same will goe Then yeeld vnto the counsell of your friend Which shewes that youth and courage ouerslow Within your heart keepe your mind in awe And make you thinke your lust to be a law Which in the end will breed your woe and griefe If you persist as now you do pretend For be you well assur'd there 's no reliefe From certaine death your bodie to defend For neither force nor humane wit can serue Your life in this great danger to preserue Wherefore in heart I purposelie am bent To seeke your good and find a remedie Whereby you may this perill great preuent So loath and grieu'd I am to see you die And rather then your fortune should be such I will my father whome I loue so much And all my friends for euermore displease And vtterlie abandon them each one So that I may procure your ioy and ease Which certainly by me shall soone be done For setting care of all things else aside In this your need I meane to be your guide And for your sake I will my royall seat And Princelie Pallace leaue with heart and will My honour too which I esteeme so great I le set asid your pleasure to fulfill All this and more if you to me be kind For you lie do and that you 'le bend your mind To recompence the kindnes I deserue And thinke it not a thing of small esteeme From cruell death your body to preserue Though you perhaps contrarilie may deeme But ne're the lesse I will so well ordaine By Art and skill of mine betwixt vs twaine That fore that we from others shall depart I hope all shall be well If you do rest Vpon this point that happen woe or smart To satisfie my mind you 'le do your best And there vpon my aid to you I le lend And vndertake you shall th' aduenture end Good Ladie said Prince Iason ●est content And be assur'd it is mine onelie cane To satisfie your will and whole intent And nothing to omit nor yet to spare My life nor lims all perill to endure Your pleasure and preferment to procure Then friend said she refer to me the rest But first to me by faith you shall be bound And with your heart vnfain c●●●e protest That no vntruth in you there shall be found And sweare you must to take me to your wife And hold me as your owne for tearme of life This is the thing that I of you require If you will doo 't and hold your word with me Yet onething more I will of you desire That when to Greece you shall prepared be To make returne and readie to set saile To take me with you hence you will not faile And when your father dies and you succeed To raigne as King see that you not forget To shew your selfe most true in word and deed And let your heart on me be wholie set To maintaine me as my estate requires And seeke no change to please loues fond desires And while you liue haue in rememberance My courtesie to you in this your need And think with what great hap it was your chance To win my heart when none but you could speed For be assur'd no man that liues hath might Against the Buls and Dragon fierce to fight Vnlesse of me he first be taught the way And meanes whereby the conquest to obtaine The which as now my heart will not denay
To tell to you when we shall meet againe So much I do my selfe vnto you bind For which I aske of you but to be kind All this and more said Iason will I do And what so euer else you shall deuise And by my faith do bind my selfe thereto So much your face and sweet intising eies And beautie rare surpassing all that liue Haue moou'd my heartall honour you to giue Your bountie in like sort doth so exceed In that such care of my estate you haue That while I liue how euer that I speed I le be your faithfull Knight else do I eraue The Gods to send iust vengeance for desert If I to you shall beare ● fained heart Conditionallie that you to me fulfill The promise which it pleaseth you to make And as you say so vse your Art and skill That in the thing which I now vndertake I may preuaile and win the victorie My name and fame t' aduance perpetuallie For truth to say your beautie is so great Surpassing all that euer I did see That well it doth deserue the supreame seat In beauties bower and highest dignitie Excelling beauties all as much and more As doth the Rose surpasse each other flore Which in the Summer mongst the leaues full green When as the spring hath forced out to flow The moisture that had long enclosed been And caus'd the soile that ' barren greene to show And trees leaus that winters blasts made bare With buds and blossomes new refreshed are And euerie garden's fild with flowers store Of sundrie kinds most pleasant to the eie And makes the buds Dame Flora to adore With ioyfull and melodious harwonie And that the heaueulie dew doth moist each place And to his sundrie colour yeeld his grace Doth shew to be the fairst of euerie one So nature hath you made with good aduise As she that should deserue the same alone Of beautie and thereof to beare the prise Aboue all earthlie and each mortall thing And of all bountie great to be the spring As you surpasse without comparison All others what so ere on earth do liue For wisedome kindnesse and discretion The praise whereof I cannot choose but giue Vnto your grace as she that vnto me So courteous and so kind I find to be For if in this extreame you had me left I were for euer vtterlie vndone And of all aid and succour cleane bereft But your exceeding bountie hath so wonne And ouercome my heart that while I liue To pleasure you my life for you I le giue Sith that to aid me now when I haue need You spare not your good will to me t' extend In liew whereof if I should shew the deed Of an vngratefull or vnthankfull friend I might of right be counted obstinate And held a foole so to with stand my fa●e For he that in extremitie should lie And knew how to relieue or ease his want And would refuse a Ladies curtesie I thinke of wit he should be very scant And in the ship of fooles deserues to b●● Preferred and extold to highest degree And therefore now I whollie do resigne Heart body life and lim into your hand And till that death shall vitall thread vn●●ne I will you not in any thing withstand And hereby oath I bind my selfe to be Your faithfull friend as you haue promist me And henceforth will not faile in ought t' obay What ere shall be your pleasure and your will At any time as well by night as day Till death shall with his dart my bodie kill Let this suffice to satisfie your mind That vnto you I le neuer prooue vnkind Medea hearing him protest and sweare So earnestly to be her faithfull Knight And that to her such loue he swore to beare She was in heart surprizd with such delight That for reply ere she from thence did go The secrets of her heart she did him sho And said braue Prince then will I soone ordaine A way whereby we may together meet When we will with good leisure twixt vs twaine Take order in this case and louely greet Each other and by holy Sacrament Confirme our vowes with heart and true intent For that as now the time will not permit Nor yet affoord vs place of secresie But when night comes when euening gins to shit In secret wise I will you certifie The time when as you shall your selfe conuay And come into my chamber by some way In priuatenesse Where to our great delight We may each other louingly embrace Which shall be when as glistring Phoebus bright Doth Westward wend yeeld dark night his place With thicke and gloomie clouds to ouer-shade Our Hemisphere and cause the light to vade Which time by fauour great which fortune sends To louers arue affoords conueniency T' effect their wills and likewise to them lends Occasion how to speake in secresie Then as I say my deare and louing frend To send for you I purposely intend To come to me when as without all doubt In louing wise out minds we will vnfold And there determine how to bring about The thing whereof in part I haue you told And when we haue accomplished our will And of our pleasures had the scope and fill I will deuise how we may meet againe In secret sort when so it shall vs please Who ere saith nay and quietly obtaine Our hearts delights our comfort and our ease Which shall be when that Dame Lucine bright Doth walke abroad in darkest time of night For mighty Ioue who secrets all doth see Full well doth know my heart and my intent And how to you I will for euer be A faithfull friend so much my mind is bent To loue and honour you withall my hart If you will do the like for your owne part Wherewith Prince Iason lowlie did encline And said to her Dame set your heart at rest And be assur'd I will my selfe combine To you while life doth last For I detest To be accounted false in thought or deed Vnto your Grace how euer that I speed And though with painted words I cannot glose Nor yet with phrases fine perswade your mind I would not haue you thinke nor yet suppose In this my vow you shall me faithlesse find But while that breath doth in my corps remaine I will true loue within my heart retaine And to confirme my deed with heart and mind Lo here my hand and faith to bind the same Assuring you of certainty to find My ioue and zeale shall neuer merit blame And therewithall an end of speech to make Each for that time of th' other leaue did take Medea straight rose vp out of her place First hauing taken leaue in stately wise And with a braue and passing Princely grace With-drew her selfe as was her woonted guise Into her priuate chamber where at will She might her mind with contemplation fill Of her new loue and find meanes how to frame The thing which shee had purposed in heart Without disgrace or blot
vnto her name Yet would she not to any one impart The least conceit that rested in her mind Deuising how conveniently to find The meanes to send vnto her dearest louer In secret wise when night began t' appeare But loath she was her purpose to discouer Vnto her maids so much she stood in feare To be disgrac't if they should it bewray Thus as she thought she past the long some day Still musing how to bring the same about And alwaies castng in her doubtfull head What lets to stay or stop it might fall out And so with flying fansies tost and led She rested sore perplext in griefe and woe Still walking in her chamber too and fro The mid-day gone and slide away full fast And Titan hauing fully run his race From East to West the Horison had past So farre that no man could perceiue his face Nor yet behold his glistring beames so bright As being cleane descended out of sight And Hiren with her mantle all of shade At th' euening shewd her darke cloudy cheare In twy-light when the day began to vade And Hesperus with glistring streames t' appeare Amongst the twinckling starres about midnight Which to behold did breed no small delight Medea who perplexed all alone Sat counting euery hower of the night And secretly vnto her selfe did mone That she so long was absent from her Knight At last did find a meanes for to content Her troubled head And with a full intent Determined the same to bring about Although she kept it secret in her heart Which trembled like a leafe for feare doubt Till hope stept forth and as it is her part Did comfort her and make her blith glad But cherisht by feare she gan againe be sad Least her deuise which then she tooke in hand Might chance be crost she to shame be brought And thus twixt hope and feare she seem'd to stand Not knowing how t' effect the thing she sought But her affection loue and great desire Had set her heart and mind on such a fire Of lust to see and meet her louely Knight That hope did put her in some good conceit At last t' attaine her pleasure and delight But bashfulnes her mind had so beset That still she fear'd discouered to be And knew not how the same to remedy If fortune and the darksome cloudy night Had not procur'd her ease and chear'd her heart By filling it with ioy and great delight Wherewith sweet hope stept in playd a part To pricke her forth and caus'd her to deuise And calculate when that the Moone would rise And with her hornes that are of colour pale Appeare in skies at dead time of the night To shew her face vpon both hill and dale Whereof she found the course to fall out right A quarter of an hower after prime Which she perccaued well would fit the time And as she was full well beseen in Art She knew the body of the Moone to bee Deckt over with new light in one forth part And passed had by order and degree After the time of her conivnction One or two signes by Computation And so the daies full seuen of her age Which time she being pierst with Cupids dart And in her loue did burne with cruell rage She gan to pr●e and listen in each part And to each dore and window had an eye If any one as then she could espy Within the Court that was not gone to bed Or any man to walke about the same So much her mind possessed was with dread To blemish or in ought t' impaire her fame The least and smalest stirring did procure Her panting heart a thousand woes t' endure For when she heard a whispering any where It was as ill as venome to her heart Such was her great impatience to beare The least obiect that might her purpose thwart She wished all had slept full fast in bed This wofull life the longsome night she led And yet not any one the same might know So secretly she kept it in her mind Till full midnight when Cockes began to crow Which orderly they doe obserue by kind At which time when as all was husht and still To bring to passe her purpose and her will An old decrepit woman out she sought Who in such case experience wanted none To whom in breefe she doth declare her thought And said she did depend on her alone To bring the thing she purposed about For skill age makes thē forecast each doubt Their yeares to them so much experience show And in their mind such subtilty infuse That they of loue the slights and wiles do know And counterminds against them all can vse To her Medea shewd her whole desire From point to point and doth his helpe require To take the charge on her to ease her smart Which at that time she said encreased so And to reioyce her faint and troubled heart With present speed she willed her to go To Iasons chamber where as then he lay And him to her in secret wise conuay Which she forthwith as ready to fulfill Her charge receau'd did presently effect And as it was hir Ladies hest and will No point of hir commission to neglect With soft and easie pace she went her way And brought him vnto her without delay When as the Cocke th' Astrologer of night With chearefull voice at twelue began to crow And gainst his brest his wings to beat and smite The time and season of the night to show To war●e those that in their beds do rest To rise betimes and too much sleepe detest Medea to attend vpon her Knight Stood ready to receiue him at the dore As shee that onely plast her hearts delight Her saint in her most secret shrine t' adore Full little lust she had as then to sleepe Her care was onely watch for him to keepe Prince Iason to her chamber being brought Not once perceiud nor seene of any wight Medea hauing got the thing she sought In heart was so possest with great delight That secretly she led him on the way Into her Close● where she made him stay The woman seeing them so closely plast Of three made two as she that knew the game And out the chamber went in all the hast Well knowing that hir Lady would the same And for to gaze and stare vppon the moone Walkt in the court and left them there alone Wherewith Medea shut the chamber fast And to her Iason presently did call But as mine Author saith she first had plast Wax candles burning cleare on euery wall Which made the place as bright as if the sunne Had shon therein at twelue a clocke at noone Then to her chest she did with speed repaire Which framed was of Christall pure and cleare Out of the which she tooke an Image faire Of fine and beaten gold as did appeare Which hallowed was and consecrate withall To mighty Ioue whom they their God did call Which Image vnto Iason she did
Perswade thy selfe thou art to me more deare Then tongue can speake or pen devise to write And therefore will I bend both wit and skill To teach thee how thou shalt obtaine thy will And bring to passe the conquest of the Ram By shewing thee the dangers of the Isle And how t' avoid the perill of the same Therefore abide and stay a little while And find thou shalt my words and deeds t' agree In all and euery thing I vowe to thee And therewithall out of her bed she rose And in a costly coffer went to looke Where as she vsd her treasure to inclose From whence a silver Image forth she tooke Which she did bring vnto him in her hand That vertue had and power to withstand All Magicke Art and cunning Sorcerie And to vndo jnchantments strange and rare Which was devised by Astronomy At such an howre as those that skilfull are In starres and planets know full well to chuse Such Images the ancient Clarks did vse When as they sought by magicke Art to bring The strange effect●s of Incantations Vnto an end As Ptolomy the King Of Egyt land and other nations We read haue done and by their learned skill Effected many wonders at their will This Image she did Iason will to beare In secret wise about him till that hee His enterprise had don and nothing feare But his desire should well effected bee According to th' instructions he should haue Next oyntment pure to him likewise she gaue To keepe him from the force of fier and flame The which the Buls out of their mouths wold throw More sweet then balme wild him with the same His body to annoint from top to toe And so he need not feare the flames so great Would should or could by any wayes him let A Ring of gold then vnto him she gaue Wherein a stone of value great was set That vertue had him to preserue and saue From venome and the force thereof to let That vgly Serpents breath might not annoy His valiant heart nor yet the same destroy Within this stone an other vertue rare And strange was found enclos d therein to lie For who so ere the same about him bare And in his hand did hold it secretly From all mens sight invisible should goe And no man could him see perceiue nor know Those stones as ancient Authors do declare Are onely found in Cicile Is●e to be And Uirgill writes that Uenus hauing care To saue her Son Aeneas when as he By Sea vnto the Isle of Carthage went One of those precious stones vnto him sent And then againe to Iason she betooke A writing that to him should much availe Which foulded was in manner of a booke And willed him to see he did not faile If he desired happely to speed With great devotion all the same to read Ere he the Ram did touch in any wise With further charge he should not vndertake Nor venter to effect his enterprise Before he did his Supplication make And on his knees with humble heart and will Beseech the Gods his prayer to fulfill Therein containd And lowly of them craue To pittie his estate and from distresse And danger great his body then to saue And further loue vnto him to expresle And for his best and surest remedy To saue and keepe him in extreamity A Viall full of liquor forth she brought The whith all feare of danger set aside She willed him when with the Bulles he fought As oft as with their jawes they gaped wide He should it cast into their mouthes with speed That done to stand in feare he should not need That they could hurt or harme him any way For that their jawes together fast would cleaue So as of force they must to him obay Then might he them of power cleane bereaue And do with them what ever that him list For by that meanes they could him not resist This said when she had shew'd all her intent In every thing how that he should proceed To scape the dangers that were incident It in th' effect he would but take good heed They did agree and hold it for the best To part as then ere men out of their rest Awaked were for then it waxed day And beautifull Aurora gan t'arise And shew her pleasant face in morning gray And that no man should any thing surmise Or of them haue the least suspision In twilight ere the Sun on earth had shon They tooke their leaues parted each from other With kisses sweet as lovers vse to doe When as in secret wise they meet together And he out of the chamber straight did goe And left her still in bed whereas she lay In hope to find her there an other day And being gon from her without delay No longer time to spend nor to neglect Withall the speed he could he went that day Vnto the King his conquest to effect And bring the thing to passe for which he came And in this sort he did effect the same When as the clowds with crimson coloure red At rysing of the Sun began t' appeare And early in the East themselues did spread And when the Larke with glad and joyfull cheare And pleasant notes salutes in morning gray Anrora faire all th'opening of the day Which orderly fore rising of the sunne Is wont t'enchase the clowdy darksome night When faire Diana bright her course had runne And Titan with the comfort of his light And brightnes of his beames ore covered had Each verdant hill and valey and had made The fragrant flowers with comfortable show To spread their leaues and lift their heads on hie Iason with all his company did goe Vnto the King who in great maiestie As then in councell sat accompanied With many Lords and Knights on cuery side And when that he into his presence came with courage bold his Maiestie he praid To graunt to him the conquest of the Ram As he before had promised and said Sith that his comming thither purposely Was that he might that strange adventure trie He would as then his vow performe and all That there vnto belongd without delay By him should be fulfild what ere should fall Yea though it were his ruine and decay Protesting that death neare should dant his hart Nor moue him once to play a cowards part Nor any way to doe his honor wrong And therefore prayd the King in humble wise The time therein no longer to prolong To grant to him that valiant enterprise That in the same he might his fortune trie To win it or couragiously to die When Iason thus had spoken to the King And he the while attentiuely gaue eare And did in mind confider every rhing And all the words and arguments that were Aledg'd by him And saw no feare could daunt His hautie heart he was content to graunt To his request though much against his will And sayd sith that he saw he neads would stand Vnto his vow he would his mind fulfill
And presently without delay command That his desire should straight performed bee And yet he sayd I am abasht to see That thou w●th so great wilfulnesse wilt run Vnto thy death and be the onely cause Of thy decay when as thou maist it shun The which thou oughst to doe by natures lawes For men will put the blame in me and say That I by Princely power and force might stay Thy course and so by wrong opinion And populer report would lay on mee The onely cause of thy destruction Which God forbid should ever hap to thee My counsell therefore is thou shouldst aduise Thy selfe heerein and doe it not dispise For better t is thine honor to retaine And safely and securely to retire Therewith into thy natiue soyle againe Then with vaine hope and over fond desire So wilfully to seeke to take in hand An enterprise which no man can withstand This is my doome my counsell and advise Be ruld thereby and shun thy cruell fate Refuse it not I say if thou beest wise Least thou repent when as it is too late But if thou dost persist and wilt not bend Thine eares to mine advise The God● defend And saue and keepe thy life what ere befall And vnto them I le pray with great desire To be thy guide and shield from dangers all That thou maist from that enterprize retire In safety vnto thy land againe Without whose aid be sure thou shalt be slaine And so though grieud to see I cannot stay Thy youthfull fond desires from th'enterprize I le hold my tongue for more I cannot say But wish thou hadst been ruld by mine advise And to the Gods thy enterprize commend Beseeching them good fortune to thee send When as the King to Iason had thus said And by no manner reasons he did vse Could draw him from his course not once dismaid He did his counsell vtterly refuse And humbly kneeling downe vpon his knee With Knightly grace did thanke his maiestie That he vouchsaft to haue such speciall care Of him and so to pitie his estate And therewithall such favor to him bare That fearing he should proue vnfortunate And end his daies in that strange enterprize To keepe him from 't had giuen him that advise But yet said he your grace shall vnderstand For th'enterprse which I now vndertake And mind by force of armes and valiant hand T' effect the same I will it not forsake For no mans counsell nor perswasion Shall turne me from my resolution But as the law and statute hath decreed Which in this case is made to be obserud I will therein couragiously proceed If that my life from danger be preserud But whatsoere befalls Ile take th'adventer And first said he before that I do enter Into the same herein this Princely place And presence of his noble audience I do protest vnto your royall grace That no man can against you take offence If that I die in this mine enterprize Because I do refuse your good advise And of my selfe doe onely tak 't in hand Reiecting any counsell whatsoere And therefore doe protest thereto to stand And without dread or any manner feare Vnto the Gods my selfe I doe commit Hap life or death and what they shall thinke fit T'ordaine for me I will accept the same And take it in good part what ere it be And neither them nor you therefore will blame But willingly will beare th'extremitie And thereof I my full account do make And so as now sayd he my leaue I take First of your grace as dutie doth me bind And then of all this noble audience And so with louing countenance and kind Farewell vnto them all he went from thence And downe vnto the water side did go T' effect his charge as I to you well sho When Titan with the fervor of his heate And brightnes of his beanes had driuen away The Roseat deaw that flowers and hearbs did weat About the howre of nine a clocke that day Iason put on a costly armour bright And joyfully like to a valiant Knight Vnto the water side did take his way And there alone into a boate did go Which purposely prepard for him there lay And with the same vnto the I sle did row Whereas the Bulls the golden Ram did keepe And presently vpon the shoare did leape And making fast the boat vnto the strand Withall the speed he could the next path-way That he did find marcht vp into the land Till wearied for a while and for to stay Downe on the grasse he sate and there he thought Vpon the course Medea had him taught To hold when he should enter into fight Against the brasen Bulls and Dragon fell And when like to a wise and valiant Knight He had a while thereon considered well He rose againe and went so long till hee Came to the place where he the Bulls might see But there I must digresse and to you tell That when he first the enterprize began Medea grieu'd into such passion fell That her faire face became both pale and wan And with a grieued countenance and sad She sat and wept and such great sorrow made That all her face and clothes bedewed were With teares that from her christall eies did fall Which onely did proceed of griefe and feare By her conceiu'd when she to mind did call What danger he might cast himselfe into If carelesly he should forget to do As she had sayd and taught him ere he went And for that cause she was so grieud in mind That nothing could her please nor giue content Vnto her heart the which no rest could find For sobbing and for sighthing till in th' end Into a Terret hie she did assend On top whereof there stood a pinacle From whence the aue being cleare and faire she might Without all let or any obstacle Behold and see her deare and loving Knight And there with teares whichout her eies then ran To speake vnto her selfe she thus began My dearest friend sweet Iason thou that art To me so great a comfort and delight And th' onely joy and pleasure of my hart If that it were within thy power and might To know what griefe for thee as now I feele Thou wouldst to me continue true as steele Meanewhile withall my heart I wish and pray The gods to make thy enterprise to thee So fortunate and prosperous this day That thou therein a conquerer maist be And safe and sound returne with euery member To me againe And that thou maist remember To do as I thee taught in each respect And to obserue it orderly and well And nothing therein any wise neglect That so thine honor which doth now excell May more and more encrease Which vnto me The greatest joy that ere I had would be For if to thee ought happen should amisse Then might I say fare well my hearts delight Farewell my health farewell my worldly blisse Farewell my mirth farewell my loving Knight Farewell my fortune and mine onely joy
bid me not that am a simple swaine Snch secret obseruations to explaine Or to discourse of that I do not know If that in speculation I were seene Or had by practise skill the same to show It had for me an easie matter beene But sith aboue my skill it is so farre I le leaue it vnto you And now declare How Iason and Medea did agree And how it was their purpose and pretence That she should into Greece conducted bee And in so secret wise convaied thence By him that Faher friend nor any wight Should know or once suspect her sudden flight CHAP. VII I How Iason after the conquest of the Golden-fle●●●● taking Medea secretly with him returned againe into Thessalie WHen Iasou had his dangerous cōquest wo● And brauely feasted was like his degree With all the honor could to him be don He did deuise when oppertunitie Should serue his turne to sayle away by night And take Medea with him if he might And so when as a month had passed ore He closely caused all things t'ready make And as he fully purposed before Medea with him secrretly did take Withall the treasure that he could convay And hoysing sayles from Colchos stale away Alas Medea why wast thou in hast So perillous a iourney then to make And why wast thou so slow before to cast The dangers thou as then didst vndertake Didst thou not proue him faithlesse and vnkind For all to thee by oath thou didst him bind To show he cast thee off and cleane forsooke Constraining thee to weepe and mourne in woe And how that he another louer tooke And for his wife would thee by no meanes know And caused thee thy golden lockes to rend And wofully thy dolefull life to end It were in vaine the same now to recite Sith it is past or show what did befall To Iason in reward of his despight Who likewise fell into no little thrall And lost his life for his vnnaturalnes In bloudy warre with griefe and great distresse This shall suffice th' vnfortunate estate Of louers twaine to set before your eye And t'show they lost their liues by cruell fate Because they set their minds on vanity For of beginning that 's not vertuous The end for certaine proues but dangerous If they at first the perill had forecast And not so rashly run into the fire Of burning lust they had not at the last Reapt iust reward of their so fond desire But he that 's carelesse mischiefe to foresee Will surely fall into extreamitie For as a medcine ministred to man When that his bodie 's mortifide and dead By no meanes helpe nor ought auaile him can And as the stomacke weake or wounded head Cannot be eas'd by any potion Hearbe stone receit salue or confection That any Surgeon what so ere doth know Or learned Doctor in the world can giue When as the bodie 's laid in earth full low Or what auaileth it to striue t'relieue A beast whose carrion corps lies dead on ground And all together cold and sencles found In my conceit and simple fantasie T were vaine as dame Experience doth vs teach For nought as then can helpe or remedy Health to procure or dolour to impeach For that which im perform'd in time and date More vertue hath then that which comes to late Right so it is and sure it is no fable He that thinkes not on danger till it fall But trusteth vnto worldly hopes vnstable In stead of suger sweet tasts bitter gall Mixt with deceit and doth at last repent His carelesnes and life so negligent That he the same could not in time forecast Nor in his mind resolue it to preuent Till in the snare he 's caught and holden fast And cannot shun the perill eminent Which shows that lust not reason did obtaine The highest seat within his head so vaine As Iason and Medea well did proue But how so euer Iason sped thereby The story saith through fond and foolish loue Medea onely felt th'extreamity Of danger woe perplexity and griefe And dyed at the last without reliefe Because she did not warily forecast What might fall out ere she her iourney tooke With Iason for which cause she made such hast That Father friends and Country she forsooke But sith that it was done of wilfulnesse Without good counsell or aduisednesse Meere folly t' were her miseries to waile Or grieue at her so hard and lucklesse fate Sith that as now full little t' would availe But sure she chose an hower vnfortunate When as the Moone by constellation With some bad planet had coniunction Let it suffice that secretly alone To beare her deare friend Iason company To ship she went and th' Isle of Colchos soone She did forsake to saile to Thessalie And in the night full closely stole away With as much treasure as she could conuay And hauing wind at will with gladsome cheare They put to sea and passed many an jsle Where least the voyage tedious should appeare Vnto Medea Iason all the while With Hercules still held her company With fained show of loue and courtesie And with dissembling face seem'd for her sake Much to reioyce as louers oft can do And thereof vse an exercise to make Till that they haue their losts attain'd vnto As Iason did Medea soone deceaue And her of her virginitie bereaue Forsaking her when least ●●e did suspect He would haue playd so treacherous a part In so vild sort and her so soone reiect With such a cruell hard and stony heart And left her in great miserie and woe But here of her I meane no more to thoe For that mine Author more to write doth spare But if at large the storie you will see Onid●●s Naso plainly doth declare The miserie and great extreamitie Wherein she fell and with what great distresse She lost her life by Iasons wickednes And how that she by him two sons did beare The which she kild although gainst natures kind Because that they like to their Father were And for that Iason falsely chang'd his mind And cast his loue vpon another Dame Whome Ouid saith Cerusa had to name And cleane forsooke Medea his true wife She falling in a rage and extreame griefe In cruell in wise bereft her selfe of life And died distraught dispairing of reliefe Of this her end if more you seeke to know Read Ouid who the same at large doth show And now will I my stile directly turne To let you know what was by Iason done When he in Greece arriu'd Whose heart did burne With rage and anger gainst Laomedon Till he could find a meane how to requight The wrong receau'd from him with like despight When Iason with his traine all landed were Vpon the pleasant coast of Thessalie And that King Peleus knew his being there Accompanied with all his chiualry He went out of his Court with him to meet And did him in most friendly manner greet But yet with outward show and countenance Of fained loue as
shew We will avoid the multitude of number And of our warlike Knights choose but a few Wherewith we shall our foes much more incomber Then if we had an armie huge and great For many in a field each other let This good aduise King Peleus did allow And whatsoeuer Hercules had said T' effect the same did make a solemne vow Then Hercules to haue and get more aid To Pilon went wherein a Duke of fame As then did rule that Nestor had to name A Prince for wit and valour magnified Yet of a hastie fierce and angrie mood And in some sort to Hercules allied Whose comming when he once had vnderstood He was contented for his Nephews sake The Troyan warre with him to vndertake So Hercules the day and time would set And personally himselfe therein to be Then Hercules no further time to let With present speed returnd to Thessalie Whereas the Graecians Navie then did stay Attending time from thence to saile away Where after counsell tane they did agree That Peleus should be generall of the field And that each Lord and Prince of high degree While that their Troian warre did last should yeeld To his command as Soueraigne of them all And so they stayd till wind did them befall CHAP. VIII ¶ How Iason Hercules and the Graecian Princes assembled to make warre against the Towne of Troy to reuenge the discurtesie done to them by Laomedon King of Troye when they sailed to Colchos WHen as the temperate dewes of Aperill With many a sweet comfortable shower Into the ground full deepely do distill To raise the grasse and beauty of each flower And Phoebus mounting the celestiall spheare In Aries doth place his beames most cleare And in the spring which yerely doth befall When as the calends of the month of May Do celebrate the Equinoctiall And make an equall length of night and day And euery branch and tree to spring are seen And after vading hew shew fresh and greene When Snow that on the mountaine tops doth lie By heat of Phoebus beames dissolues away And when a vapery balme ascends on hie Out from the pleasant flower at prime of day And that the root by Winter cold kept in Recouering sap to spring forth doth begin And mount into each flower hearbe and tree And by the force of Sols most burning heat Infuseth in each branch humidity Assisted by some showers of raine most sweet When siluer springs cast forth their currant stream Into the Riuers glistring gainst Sonne beames And ere the Son new greene had sent againe Vnto each hearbe and grasse vpon the ground When as the pleasant Nightingale t'explaine Her ioy within the shadie woods is found With sweet and amorous noats a loud to sing And makes the eire with sound thereof to ring To welcome in the faire and pleasant spring Which doth delight all creatures that are Vpon the earth and comforts euery thing Which Winter hard ore-whelmd with cold care And when the winds did lessen calme swage The Seas that by cold Winters storms did rage At that same time the Graecians did begin To enter Ship and towards Troye to saile Well rigged man'd furnisht with each thing That for the wars might them as then availe And when the weather serued them to goe They put to Sea with braue and warlike shoe And made such hast by aid Neptune them lent That in few daies they saild vnto the Towne Of Troye whereto their course as then was bent At euening when the Sun was almost downe And there cast anker thinking it the best Within their Ships that night to take their rest And when the Larke did in the morning sing With pleasant noats to welcome Phebus bright ●o set their men on land they did begin And mark't their ground and rais'd their tents vpright Before the Towne of Troy ere they it wist For that they might as then do what they list And set a watch meane time in euery place To guard their Campe vntill the Sun most bright Had in the morning shew'd his glistring face And on the tents had cast his crimson light And then they all agreed with one consent To make repaire vnto King Peleus tent And being there as then together met King Peleus causing silence to be made When euery one in his degree was set With courage bold vnto them spake and said Most worthy Graecian Princes high and low Whose Knightly force the world throghout doth know Reported is as far as shines the Sun In any place it neuer yet was seen That Graecians haue an enterprise begun Which by them hath not well effected been And they victoriously with Lawrell crownd As in the ancient Histories is found Then valiant Lords and Princes of renowne Thinke on the wrong that vnto you was wrought By this discourteou● King Laomedon When as no ●urt to him by you was thought Which to requight sith now you do pretend See that your selues you valiantly defend And let vs now with all the speed we may Prepare our battailes in a readines And setting on them straight without delay Shew forth our valours and our worthines But let me first three things to you declare Which at this time for vs most needfull are One is that by discretion and aduise Our battailes we in such sort doe ordaine That no disorder may amongst vs rise That by the same aduantage none be tane Against vs by our foes to our disgrace And we thereby constrain'd to leaue the place The second is that we our valours show And let no manner feare possesse our heart But stoutly let vs gainst our enemies goe And see we play the valiant souldiers part Couragiously in battaile to endure And to our foes eternall shame procure The third and last is that we striue to gaine The fame and name our Ancestors haue held And valiantly the victory obtaine Against our foes and driue them out the field For if by Knighthood through our hardines We vanquish them and put them to distresse We win not only praise and high renowne Which to a valiant mind is chiefest blisse But if we once may enter in the Towne Of treasure great we surely cannot misse Which in the same is now there to be found For certaine 't is it doth therein abound Which maugre all our foes we will conuay Into our ships and so with ioyfull cheare When wind and weather serues without delay The same with vs into our Countries beare Therefore in hope this treasure now to win With courage bold t'assaile them lets begin Whereto most valiant Hercules reply'd And did King Peleus counsell much commend And said 't is truth and cannot be deny'd That of beginning wise proues happy end But now to bring our purpose to effect My counsell is that we do not neglect Before that it appeareth to be day To muster all our men vpon this plaine And being arm'd with all the speed we may Our forces to diuide in battailes twaine Whereof the
against his foe to fight Yet raging fore that he so dangerously Must fight do 〈◊〉 and in such sort did stay Till that a yong and 〈◊〉 Knightpast by Cald Cedar newly knighted that same day Who seeing King Laomedon to fight On foot in danger great with all his might At Nestor ●an and valiantly by force While he with King Laomedon did fight Vpon a sodaine 〈◊〉 him off his horse But he rose vp againe with great despight And did himselfe in furious wise defend Against the King that many a blow did spend On him and he the like on him againe For on each other cruelly they smot And long twixt them the fight did so remaine Till that the King at last advantage got And such a blow on Nestors Bever stroke That there with all in pieces small he broke A circle all with Pearle richly set Which he that time about his Helmet ware And then a second blow at him he set And with the same his crest in sunder care And smote it off whereby Duke Nestor stood Before the King his face all bath'd with blood And surely had no doubt been slaine as then By th'ands of King Laomedon at last Had not the Greekes with many thousand men Come thither to relieue him in great hast For he was stricken downe vnto the ground Among the horses feet where they him found At which their comming Castor furiously A mighty Launce into his hand did take And vnto Cedar road couragiously To be reveng'd on him for Nestors sake But ere he could get to him in the way Segnerides a Troyan Knight did stay His course and of his purpose did him let And with a Launce smote Castor such a stroke Which with a great carriere he did set That it there with in many peeces broke And Castor to requite him for his paine Did with his Launce giue him the like against But in such sort that with the same he gaue Him in the breast a deepe and deadly wound Wherewith yong Cedar gan such griefe to ha●● When as he saw him fall vnto the ground That in despight of all that him behe●● He did by force from Castor take his ●●rie●d And with hissword a mighty blow him st●ake Vpon the face and vounded him full deepe And then his horse from him likewise did take And to his Squier deliuered it to keepe Whereby as then he was in such a case That he was taken prisoner in that place The which when Pollux did perceiue and knew The Troyans had his Brother Castor tane He did them with a valiant pursue And after he great store of them had slaine Despight of them he resoued him by force And made him mount againe vpon his horse And in that angry fierce and raging ire Vpon the Troyans furiously did set For with revenge his heart did burne like fire And as with furious moode by chance he met The braue and valiant Knight Eliatus Of stature meane yet stour and valorous And yet as then but of a tender age Nephew vnto the King Laomedon And Son vnto the King of great Carthage With all his force he hath him overthrowne And with his Launce in pieces twaine did cleaue His heart and so did him of life bereaue Whose fall when King Laomedon did spie With inward griefe his heart began to bleed And when his death he could not remedy He swore he would revenge that cruell deed And straight he caus'd a horne full lowd to sound Which being heard there did enclose him round Seven thousand Troyan Knights in rich array All making solemne vowes reveng'd to be For that Knights death and straight without delay Vpon the Greekes with extreame cruelty Most furiously did set and made them flie And caused many dead and wounded lie Within the field so that the Greeks at last Not able to resist the Troyans might Were forced to retire from thence as fast As at the first they hasty were to fight And certainly the victory had lost But that there came a messenger in post Vnto the King with sad and wofull cheare The news to tell how that the Greekes by force Had woone the towne of Troye and entred were And yong and old had slaine without remorse Whereat he gan most pittiously to weepe And from his heart did fetch a sigth most deepe For that as then before him he did see The Grecians strong and readie to assaile Him once againe with all extreamitie And in the towne his courage more to quaile Another hoast to set on him behind Which made him so perplexed in his mind And put him to so great extreamitie To thinke vpon his hard and sodaine chance That faine he would haue ●ound the means to flie But as aside his eies he chanc'st to glance From out the towne the Grecians he be held Come marching gainst him proudly in the field And in great hast the Gyant Hercules Like raging Tygar wild and furious Entring amongst the thick'st of all the prease With courage bold and heart most valorous Of new began the Troyans to assaile And with his sword to hew both plate male His blowes they were so terrible and strong That nothing could withstand his passing might Whereby he laid full many a Knight along Dead on the ground for Troyans with the fight Which they against the Greekes all day had held So wearied were that scarcely they could weld Their weapons to defend themselues withall For as he road amongst them here and there You might behold here ten there twenty fall Downe at his feet that soone they forced were To breake their rankes and every man to flie To saue themselue from his great crueltie And so disperst for feare they shun'd the place Abandoning their King vnfortunate Who being left in that distressed case Could not withstand his hard and cruell fate For when as he with fierce and furious looke Laomedon espied his Launce he tooke And setting spurres vnto his horse in hast He ran at him as hard as ere he might And with a blow vnto the ground him cast Which done with speed downe from his horse he light And with one stroke smote of his head in hast Which scornefully vnto the ground he cast Among the horses feet in cruell wise Then in a rage he tooke his horse againe And staring with most fierce and fiery eies Like Lyon fell he ran vpon the plaine And killed all that met him in the way And brought full many Troyans to decay That like to sheepe amazed and in feare As destitute of governor or guide Not able his great cruelty to beare Did run to saue their liues on every side The Grecians likewise in great multitude In every place so fiercely them pursude That scarce a man aliue of them remaind But all were slaine or else did slip aside To saue themselues Thus victorie obtaind The Grecians straight vnto the towne did ride Which presently they razed to the ground And al● the treasure which therein they found
They tooke and bare't into their ships in hast Dispoyling Temples with great violence And to the ground their Pagan Gods did cast For no man durst against them make defence And mercilesse great pittie to behold With bloudy swords they kild both yong old The tender child that mothers brest did sucke Escaped not their extreame cruelty For from the mothers arms they did them plucke And violently caused them to die Their maidens faire they did reserue for prise And with them did their beastly lusts suffice Regarding neither beautie birth nor name And when the houses all destroyed were They raz'd the wals and quite defast the same And Laomedons onlie daughter deare Faire Exion whose beautie did excell To go with them by force they did compell Who by them all was giuen to Telamon For his reward by Hercules his consent Because that he first enterd in the towne Wherewith he seemd to be as well conten●● As if that all the treasure they had got Within the towne had fallen to his lot And yet he did himselfe therein abuse For being home returnd from victory To take her for his wife he did refuse But with her as his concubine did lie Regarding neither state nor high degree Nor her descent from Princely majestie For if he had her tane to be his spouse He could not haue disparag'd his estate Considering that she was of Princely house And royall bloud although vnfortunate Vpon his word and curtesie t'relie That kept her but his lust to satisfie But Telamon therin thou wast to blame To do a Princesse faire so great despight And make her to the world anopen shame When as thou shouldst haue shew'd thy selfe her knight And rather in defence of her to die Then that she should haue suffred villanie For through thy bad and foolish government So hote a sparke of envie did arise In Troyans hearts which to revenge were bent That nothing could to quench the same suffice For envie old once rooted in the heart Doth sieldome or else never thence depart And if it burne within and flames not out Nor maketh shew of fume nor smoke at all The greater cause men haue thereof to doubt And where it lights t' will haue the greater fall Which you within this History may see At large in every point set downe to bee When that the towne was burnt laid full low And all the wals vnto the ground was cast And nothing thereof left to make a show But it was spoyld and vtterly defast The Grecians did no longer time delay Vnto their ships their treasure to convay But being richly laden with great store Of siluer gold and costly jewels rare That not the meanest man of them was poore When wind did serue and weather waxed faire They 〈◊〉 ●iles returne againe to make To Thessa●●● and with them then did take Faire ●●on and many a proper maide And sa●●ing forth with prosperous wind and good It was not long through gentle Neptunes aide But they 〈◊〉 with glad and merry mood At their d●●sired port where on the sand Great multitudes of people then did stand To welcome them with glad and ioyfull cheare Reioycing at their victory obtain'd With losse of so few men as did appeare And cause they had such store of treasure gain'd Their Country to enrich for evermore They gaue great thanks vnto their Gods therefore Thus happily with triumph and renowne They being home returnd did liue in peace And throughout every City land and towne Their honor and their fame did still encrease So that the compasse of the world throughout Each Nation to offend them stood in doubt And feared them For certaine t is they had A multitude of men within their land And wealth treasure great the which they made When s'ever they tooke any thing in hand As common to them all whereby they were A terror to all Nations farre and nere Till fortune chanst to whirle her wheele about And turnd their peace into such bloudie warre As after in few yeares it did fall out When they and Troyans once againe did jarre Which at this time I meane not to declare Desiring that herein you will mespare And giue me leaue to rest a little while For herewith I do meane to end this Booke And at another time direct my stile To perfect that which first I vndertooke Which in the next t' accomplish I intend If life and leisure God to me will lend Meane time if that by rudenesse I offend The gentle readers pardon I will craue With promise any fault I make t' amend If that the least instruction I may haue And so in hope your favours you 'le extend To me herein my first Booke thus shall end FINIS THE LIFE AND DEATH OF HECTOR THE SECOND BOOKE The Preface CHAP. I. THe envious vaine which fortune flattering Doth vse in this vncertaine state of life Where all things fickle are and wavering Addicted is so much to warre and strife That whatsoever course a man doth run The sparkes thereof by no meanes he can shun For she is still so false and mutable That he which on her wheele doth highest clime And thinketh his estate secure and stable At some vncertaine hower day or time When least he doth suspect a change of state She casts him downe and makes vnfortunate And with a smooth and double flattering face Makes shew of loue when least she is to trust That well were he that had the power and grace To see and find her frauds and wiles vniust And all her engins and her snares well knew Which daily doe encrease and still renew The which in truth full well affirme I can So many and so diuers are of kind That hetherto not any mortall man Could euer them avoid that I can find For though vnequall ballance she doth beare With counterfeit false dissembling cheare And looke most smooth full of flatterie She can man soone beguile and cleane bereaue Of all his blisse in twinckling of an eie Her nature is so readie to deceaue And when she changeth high to low estate With fleering looke she stands laughs thereat And yet oft times she seemeth to be true For vnto some a while she 's favorable And then when as she list to change her hew To othersome she is deceauable Such skill she hath in transmutation That one shee le raise other throweth downe To some she giues renowne and victory And doth exalt their honor and their fame And some she causeth most deceitfully Though vndeseru'd t' incurre perpetuall shame To othersome she 's gentle and bening And giues them lucke in all and every thing On some she frownes and hath them in disdaine And by her power imbaseth them full low And for to show that earthly hope is vaine She can the state of Princes overthrow And make them stoop for all their great renowne And high and mighty Emperors cast downe From off the mount of high felicity To make them
thou thy malice to vnfold The ashes of discord againe to sift And causing a new debate to rise of old And halfe forgotten enuie But thy drift Is onely to procure the woe and fine Of those that to thy nature doe incline Why hast thou wak't King Priam from his rest And with thy poyson fowle incenst his braine That he in mind and heart should so detest A quiet life and through perswasions vaine Procured him to seeke revenge in hast Vpon the Greekes for harmes so long forepast For where as he in peace did rule and raigne With honour great and no man him annoyd The Serpent Enuie entring in his braine By no meanes would from thence againe avoyd But with such deepe impression there did rest And did so much inflame his furious brest With his inveterate malice new reviu'd That by no meanes he could the same forget Whereby for ever after while he liu'd He brought on him and his such trouble great That wheretofore h'enioy'd a happy life His blisse was turn'd to bloody warre and strife For Priam in his riches glorying Wherein as then he tooke no small delight Imagining his state so flourishing His Towne of so great puissance and might His war-like Knights so many and so strong That no man could no● durst him offer wrong Was so possest with Enuie and with Pride That hap what would he had in heart forecast To take no rest vntill that he had tride How he might be reuengd for wrongs forepast Which to effect with full intent and mind He did a time and fit occasion find To summon all his Lords and Knights each one To make repaire all scuses set aside Vpon a day perfixt at Ilion Which his command not any one denide But there with speed did presently appeare Where all his sonnes likewise assembled were But Hector Who from Troy as then was gon Into the Province of Panomie Which Priam held in his subiection A new rebellion there to pacifie The which not long before was rais'd among The Countrey people there for certaine wrong But Hector well advis'd and patient Loth to reuenge where mercie might take place With curtesie so wanne them to content That he appeased them and offring grace And pardon vnto all that did repent Each one with satisfaction home he sent Such was the great and noble princely mind Of that most braue renown'd and valiant Knight Alwaies vnto his subiects iust and kind And rather did in mercie more delight Then vse the force and rigor of the law When as in them no great offence he saw Meane while the King that held an open court With entertainment great and Princely cheare Did wellcome all that thither did resort Which being done and they assembled were In open hall he did with courage bold And words most graue his mind began t' vnfold And sayd my Lords assembled heere as now Whose loyalty I haue no cause to doubt I am assurd not any one of you But well doth know what vnto vs fell out When as the Grecians causeles did inuade Our Towne and what a spoile therof they made And how with extreame barbrous crueltie They murthered our Subiects every one The memory whereof cannot but lie As fresh within your thoughts as it were done But th' other day for 't may not out your mind If to your Countrey you be kind For sure in my oppinion I suppose Nought can you moue vnto forgetfulnesse Of harmes forepast by your most deadly foes Nor can you be without great heavines To thinke thereon for I must plainely tell Out of my heart I can it not expell For yet me thinks I see it with mine eie So fresh it is and yet doth still remaine within my brest and ever there shall lie The which I hope you likewise doe retaine To thinke how they haue slaine our Ancestors If while they liu'd were valiant warriors Our Cittie burnt and brought vnto decay And left it wast like to a wildernes And borne and taken forcibly away All that they found our goods and our riches And slayne my Father King Laomedon Without all cause or just occasion Amends whereof we lawfully may craue And both with reason and with conscience Which all the Gods I trust will let vs haue Sith that by vs was offered none offence But mongst all their so extreame crueltie One thing there is which chiefly grieueth me When as I call to mind their villany In offering such wrong to Exion With whom as with his concubine doth lie The proud and hautie Grecian Telamon Abusing her with great dishonestie Not caring for her state nor high degree Nor if she was the daughter of a King Which vnto me can be no little scorne But they as seemes respect not any thing Iudge then if she that is so highly borne Be vsed so with what extreamitie Poore wiues and mayds of them abus'd shall be With others of your friends and your alies Within their hands as captiues then did fall Assure your selues what wrongs they can devise To doe to them to vex you therewithall They will not spate to vse them in their lust For in the Greekes there is no truth nor trust For neither bewtie age ne high estate Doe they respect but all like slaues doe liue So that in heart I cannot chuse but hate Their cursed race and you likewise must grieue As well as I for you as well as me It doth concerne Therefore reueng'd to be Should be your care and bend your onely thought To find the meanes your wrongs for to redresse For long ere now the same we should haue sought And haue relieu'd our friends from their distresse Let vs therefore joyne all with one consent And in our hearts jmprint a firme jntent Of all their malice rapes and crueltie To be reuenged for if that we vnite Our minds in one it cannot chuse but be A doubling of our strength and we shall fight With courage bold for vengeance doth belong As reason is to him that offereth worng And though till now wee haue deferred it Yet doubt I not but wee a time shall find To yeeld to them such measure as they mete And vse both them and their in selfe same kind And all the Gods I hope will vs assist In our just cause and the in wrong resist You know our Towne is strong and walld about With high and mightie Towers for the warre The like whereof in all the world throughout Is not to find that with it may compare So that we may be well assur'd therein That th' enemy by force shall never win Of men and valiant Knights we haue no want For all you know what number we can make Our store of victualls also is not scant And whensoeuer we shall vndertake To enter warre we need not be afraid But we shall likewise find some forren aid To help vs to revenge our open wrong Wherefore I thinke that now the time is fit Sith that we know our selues to be so
Which he in hast did presentlie obay And vnto him his companie did call With whome he made no longer time of stay But thence did saile directlie to a ●owne Salerne nam'd which long'd to Telamon Whereas the King and all his Lords then were And to the Court Anthe●or straight did hie Where when he did before the King appeare At first he entertaind him courteouslie And without seeming once to take offence With present speed did grant him audience For Exions sake who then stood by his side For otherwise in heart he sore abhord All Troyans and by no meanes could abide To see or heare of them nor yet afford A friendly thought of them such was his rage Gainst thē conceau●d that nothing could't asswage This nere the lesse he was content to heare Anthenor speake and patientlie to stay Till that he had with words that see mely were Declared what as then he had to say Who hauing to the King his reuerence made With courage bold vnto him spake and said Most noble Prince sith that it pleases your Grace To heare the message which as now I bring With patience and t' afford me time and space For to declare the same and euery thing That 's giuen me in charge I will not stay But tell it you as briefly as I may Know then great King without offence be 't done That Priam King of Troye my soueraigne Lord Desirous strife and bloudie warre to shun Intreateth you in friendly wise t' afford This fauour vnto him to be content And thereto giue your full and free consent That Exion may her libertie obtaine And be deliuered from Captiuitie Whome you do hold as I must tell you plaine In slauish wise not like to her degree And to her great dishonour and her shame For which although he may you iustlie blame Yet he content all wrongs to pacifie And peace and loue with you and yours to hold Desireth that you will him not denie This his request and that vouchsafe you would For to restore her vnto him with speed Which doing you shall act a Princely deed And saue your honor now imblemished By wronging her whome you so much abuse Wherein you haue so long time been misled That truth to say you can it not excuse Yet he 's content to lay this wrong aside And many more so that you will prouide To send her vnto Troye without delay And this is all the sum and full effect Of that I had in charge to you to say The which if that you seeme now to reiect It will old hate and enmitie reuiue Speake now my Lord what answere you will giue When Telamon had heard Anthenor speake And knew King Priams will and his desire He did into such extreame chollor breake That both his eyes did shine like flaming fire And in his face was not a drop of blood So that with cheeks most pale and angry mood He lookt aside and turning vp the white Of both his eies with most disdainfull smile Gnasht all his teeth and seemd his tong to bite And after hauing paws'd a little while With furious voyce shewd forth the mortall hate That burnt within his heart most obstinate Saying my friend what euer that thou be I muse in heart what strange and sodaine thing Hath mooued Priam thus to send to me And that thou darst so proud a message bring I thinke thee but a foole or else starke mad That of thy selfe so little care hast had To put thy life in danger for his sake With whom I neuer had nor haue to deale Nor he with me and this account do make Neuer will haue and so thou mayst him tell And as we haue acquaintance very small He may be well assured I neither shall Nor will do any thing at his request For that it wholy is against my mind With him to deale and let that be his rest Which by experience plainly he shall find If so he list to try if that he may Fetch her by force of armes from me away This well I wot that but a while agoe I crost the seas with many Grecians more And saild to Troye and if that thou wilt know The cause it was for that not long before Laomedon had vs a trespasse done And for the same the Towne by force we wonne And slew the King and all that with him held Not cowardly as you perchance suppose But Knightly meeting him in open field And for I entred first vpon our foes Into the Towne by full consent of all The Grecian Lords vnto my share did fall This faire and Princely Lady Exion Of whome I presently was there possest And since that time haue held her for mine owne And euerwill let Priam doe his best To fetch her hence and therefore 't is in vaine For thee to send for her I tell thee plaine For be assur'd and trust me if thou wilt Thou getst her not from me if that I may And rather shall my dearest blood be spilt And many thousands more before that day Shall ere be seen that I will her forsake Though all the world her quarrell vndertake Thinkst thou I will so easly let her goe Whome for to win much of my blood was lost And for her did receaue so many a blow No sure for that full deare she hath me cost And in good faith I le let her if I can From going from me to another man So deare her person and her seemly grace Her beautie bounty and her comlinesse Her faire and passing amiable face And all her Princely gifts I must confesse Are printed in the closet of my heart That while I liue from thēce they shall not part Let Priam therefore doe the vttermost That he can do he shall but loose his paine For neuer did a thing so dearely cost As she shall do ere he haue her againe For nought can her redeeme but sword speare And deepe and gastly wounds that mortall are For there shall sure be raised such a strife And deadly warre ere she restored be That it will cost full many a man his life This is the answere that thou getst of me And bid thy Master when he list begin But I suppose he will but little win And for thy selfe as first to thee I told I thinke thee mad and more presumptuous Then thou shouldst be that darest be so bold To bring this message so audacious The noble Grecians therewith to offend But let him thee no more vnto me send On perill of thy life that may betide To thee for thy reward and now get hence With speed I thee command for if thou bide Here longer in my sight to breed offence Thou knowst the price who euer sayeth nay Therefore be gone and see thou make no stay Anthenor hearing this without delay Straight entred ship and put to Sea in hast And sailed to an Island nam'd Achay Where when that he on shore had anchor cast He heard that both the Kings as then abode
Like cristall fine did cast a radiant light And all the stones and sand that therein were Appear'd and shone like gold most pure bright Where presently with my great wearinesse A heauie sleepe did me so sore oppresse That since I first was clad with earthly mold I neuer slept so fast And sodainly As I lay still me thought I did behold God Mercurie descend downe from the skie And stood by me which put me in a feare For he as then his crooked sword did weare Gi●t to his side and held within his hand His charming rod about the which did wind Two vgly Snakes with which his pliant wand He vs'd to worke all things vnto his mind And at his feet me thought there stood a cocke That crowed each hower as true as any clocke And in his mouth were pipes that plaid so shrill And with so sweet and pleasant harmony That both mine eares and sences they did fill With many severall kinds of melody So that I did assuredly surmise That I had beene in earthly Paradise In this strange sort appeared Mercury And much more strangethen I can well declare Like as Fulgence in his methologie Of him d●th write wherein he doth not spare In pleasant verse full of varietie His shape to show as you therein may see To moralise his shape you must surmise His rod so straight which neuer standeth bent Doth signifie men politicke and wise Who by their good and carefull gouernment All dangers do prevent before they fall And by that meanes preserue themselues from thrall His pipes so sweet and pleasant to the eare Significantly vnto vs do show The eloquence which dailie we doe heare And Rethoritian phrases that doe flow Out of mens mouths of great discretion Whereof that God is th' only pateron The Cocke that doth so louely chant and crow And iustly keepes each hower of the night Doth signifie and rightly to vs show The watch fulnesse and the interiour sight Of men that by their care and diligence Driue from their minds all sloth negligence His sword that crookes like to a Fawchion Which neither forged was nor made in vaine Doth serue to force such as haue straid and gone Out of the way of truth to turne againe The serpents which about his rod do wind Are like to diuers crosses which we find And daily see do lie in wait to stop The way of truth by hatred and disdaine And of the same the branches so to lop That by their will it nere should grow againe And so poore truth constrained is to flie And in a hole lie hidden secretly And with this winged God there did appeare As then to me three Goddesses most bright The which so faire and passing comely were That I in them did take no small delight To see and to behold their beauties rare The names whereof to you I will declare The first whereon my gasing eyes I cast Was Venus faire the Goddesse of delight Next vnto her Dame Iuno fore me past A Goddesse of no little power and might The third and last that showd her selfe in place The wise and valiant Goddesse Pallas was Faire Venus to procure the more delight To those that vnto her obedience shew Aboue her head had Pigeons faire and white Who flickering with their wings about her flew To shew to vs that by the same is meant That as those birds are meeke and innocent So louers that are faithfull and do meane T' obserue God Cupids lawes and truely giue To loue her due should be so pure and clane In deed and thought that while that they do liue No manner of disliking nor of blame Should be in them their credits to defame The freshnes of the Roses faire and red Which in the Summer shew most pleasantly And in the Winter are so pale and dead The thoughts of louers yong do signifie And such as in hot loue do burne like fire With fervent hope t' attaine to their desire When loue at first within their hearts beares sway Vntill the time of old vnweldy age When lust is past and seemeth to decay And doth begin no more in them to rage Through feeblenes when spring of youth is gone Which by good proofe to many men is known Venus therefore we oft distiled see To sit within a floud of water deepe To show what trouble and adversity Is found in loue and how that it doth keepe Men in despaire with fancy them to feed Till hopelesse they remaine in doubt to speed Pallas me thought in th' one hand then did beare A shield the which of mettall pure was made In th' other hand a sharpe and warlike speare And round about his head a Rainebow had O● colours three red greene and perfect blew And as it seem'd to me before her grew An Oliue tree which shewd most fresh and greene And in the verdant branches thereof sat The vgliest Owle that ever eye had seene With staring eies and face most brawd and flat Whereof the morrall with the restile show As they in order stand Then must you know The ●●●eld which Pallas beares within her hand D●th signifie the power and passing might That 〈◊〉 hath by wisedome to withstand All 〈◊〉 and manly gainst the same to fight A●● that ●er speares● smoth sharply ground Was forg'd by iust reuenge for to confound And overthrow vniust and wicked men And for that mercie should with rigor goe The sta●e thereof is shau'd and smothed cleane Least merciles right should iust rigor shoe The Oliue tree ●●tokens signe of peace Which doth ensue whē bloody warre doth cease The broad fac't staring eyed vgly Owle The which gainst death and bankets funerall Of custome hath by kind to s●ritch and howle Doth show that death is th' onely end of all The glory of the world and happie's he That dayly beareth it in memory The Rainebow where such severall colours were Of divers kinds to beautifi't withall Doth show what sundry chaunces are in warre Wherein some win some loose some fall Like constant and light wavering greene Varietie so great therein is seene Iun● as learn'd Fulgentius to vs tells A 〈◊〉 with barren wombe and dead And alwa●● 〈◊〉 in Rivers and in Wells To whom the Peacocke proud is sacared With Argus eyes imprinted in her tayle The which she spreads abroad like to a sayle The waters sayd to be in wells and flouds Doe represent the cares and troubles great That men indure to scrape and gather goods Not sparing paine nor toile the same to get But whosoere within those floods doth row Let him beware for after they doe flow By course of time as it is most true Directed by the Moone their governesse There will an ebbe with present speed ensue The feare is most when Cinthia doth increase And orderly attaine vnto the the full Least Fortune chance the feathers way to pull Of men that doe abound in riches great For she is Queene of mutabilitie And Argus eyes that in the
tayle are set Of Peacocks proud are sayd to signifie Such niggards hearts as commonly are blind And onely on their riches set their mind Remembring not that it with them doth fare As with the ebbe which soone doth passe away Whereof they seeme to haue but litte care For as the Peacocks feathers fresh and gay Doe often shed and from her tayle doe fall So riches when men thinke them sur'st of all Will sodainely consume and wast away And vnawares their maister cleane desie For that in them there is no certaine stay And as the Goddesse Iuno's wombe is drie So are the greedy covetous hearts of such As on their riches set their minds so much That nothing whatsoere will satisfie Their greedy thoughts possest with feare and woe Least they should fall in want before they die And yet at last they must it all forgoe Thus riches breeds to thē continuall care spare That while they liue doe nought but pinch and But he that hath a free and liberall heart Doth scorne to pinch and liue so niggardly But kindly vnto others will impart Such as he hath when opportunitie And time doth serue and doth in heart detest Like greedy gut to hide his gold in chest And thus these stately Goddesses all three Did show themselues in shape as I haue told And for their guide had winged Mercurie Who standing still a while did me behold At last his rod vpon my lips he laid And in these words did speake to me and sayd Sir Paris lift thine eyes vp now and see These goodly Dames that downe frō skies descend And in their severall shapes appeare to thee Are come a certaine strife twixt them to end And thus it is as they with all the rest Of great celestiall Gods weare at a feast With Iupiter in his most heauenly bowre And not one fail'd but all as then were there Except the Goddesse Discord who did lowre And fret therefore and such despight did beare Against those Dames that for revenge the sought And at the last in this wise she it wrought She did by Art and skill an Apple frame Of massie gold and round as any ball With Grecian letters grauen vpon the same Which sayd let her that is the fair'st of all Take this for her reward and bear 't away And let the rest not once thereto say nay This Apple she vnto the feast did bring And when they were set downe about the board With countenance sterne she did it thereon fling And without more delay or speaking word Went out the hall as fast as ere she might And sodainely there rose so great despight And envie for the same betweene these three To know which of them all hath greatest right For every one of them doth thinke it 's shee That best deseru'd that golden Apple bright And mongst them yet there is so great disdaine Which of them is in beautie Soveraigne And best desires to beare away the game That night and day they never cease to striue And wrangle chide and brawl about the same And all their hearts in manner seeme to riue And burst for spight vntill that they do see Which of them shall obtaine the victorie Such enuy raignes in hearts of women kind That every one is jealous of the other And none of them but thinks within her mind That she deserues the praise before another And all of them in their opinions Doe thinke their beautie passeth every ones For not the fowlst amongst them all that are If that their face within a glasse they see But doth suppose their beauties to be rare But I thinke him a very foole to bee And one that hath in colours small insight That chuseth sallo wyellow for a white And that mans eye deceiued is full soone That vsually doth stay till it be night And then doth chuse his colours by the moone For colours are refined by fier-light And some encreast by wine and costly cheare And some with oyntmēts sweet their faces cleare And many times by false jllusion By night some doe show beautifull and faire But such as haue tried that conclusion Oft find them fowle by day-light in the aire It 's good therefore to chuse by my aduise In morning when a woman first doth rise For then her beautie best is to be tride And follow Ouids counsell in that case Who saith when drugs and pots are set aside Then chuse and thou shalt truely see her face Least as he saith thou mayst deceiued bee And think thou seest the thing thou dost not see For at this day such practises are rife And knowne and vsd too much in euery place And thus began the malice and the strife Betweene these Ladies three who for that case By one consent descended from the skie The quarrell of their beautie there to trie The doome whereof committed is to thee Sir Paris that so wise and prudent art See that therein thou well advised bee For from it by no meanes they may not start But must abide all three by one consent Without delay or strife to thy iudgement But first before thou tak'st this thing in hand Or any word out of thy mouth be heard Thou shalt doe well from me to vnderstand What each of them will giue thee for reward If thou dost Iudge her beautie to excell The other two now harke and I will tell If thou vnto Queene Iune dost it giue She will reward thee highly for the same With riches store and while thou heere dost liue Will thee advance to honour great and fame And in all these will prosper thee so well That thou in them all others shalt excell If vnto Goddesse Pallas it befall To haue his golden Apple for her fee And that thou judgest her the fair'st of all For thy reward she will assure to thee That thou in wisedome wit and government Shalt be so perfect and so excellent That euen as farre ●● Phebus giueth light And in the world since that it first began There never was a more couragious Knight Then thou nor nere was knowne a wiser man Thus riches honour wisedome fortitude May be at thy command if thou conclude Thy iudgements on their sides therefore beware And herein take aduise and do not loose These gifts that are so noble and so rare While thou to leaue or take hast time to choose I speake not this to moue thee therewithall To iudge amisse or to be partiall And if to Venus thou this Apple giue Thou shalt for thy reward haue to thy wife The fairest Dame that now on earth doth liue Or ever man did see in all his life Which thou by valour great in Greece shalt win Now be aduis'd before thou dost begin To iudge aright and see for nought thou spare Least after thou repent for doing so Wherewith amaz'd I gan about me stare In doubt to thinke what I therein should doe At last I spake and said to Mercurie That I by no meanes would their beauties trie
Three thousand valiant Knights of great activity And twenty two faire ships well furnished With all things that to them belonging were Who having all provided that should need King Priam did no longer time deferre But willed Lord Aeneas Anthenor And Polidamus and many Troians more To arme themselues and preparation make With Paris on that voiage for to goe And when they came their leaues of him to take In pithie words he did vnto them show The full effect of his intention Was chiefly to recover Exion For when that Voyage especially he made And so the time no longer to delay When Paris and the rest together had Their leaues of Priam tane they went their way And entring ship did presently set sayle In Venus name in hope she would not fayle By ayd of Ioue t' assist them in their need And entring Sea with weather faire and cleare And wind at will they sayled with great speed That in short time they vnto land gr●w neare For nothing in their voyage did them let And yet by chance vpon the Sea they met A Ship wherein King Menalaus then was That Sayled vnto Pyilon there to see Duke Nestor and the time with him to passe Suspecting not each to other foes to bee Within those ships the which King Menalaus Vnto King Agamennon brother was And husband to Queene Helena the faire That sister was vnto the brothren twaine King Castor and King Pollux Knights that were Of great renowne in armes and did attaine Vnto such height therein that for the same No Grecian Knights did ere deserue more fame Who at that time remaind within a Towne Cald Strinester their cheife and princely seat Wherein they joyntly raignd with great renowne For that the loue betweene them was so great That they could not jndure to liue alone And with them was the Princes Hermione A Lady that in beautie did excell The daughter of their sister Helena And yet although as then it so befell That they together met vpon the Sea And that they saild close by each others side Yet were their hearts fild with inward pride That neither to each other one made show To call or aske from wence they came or were But past along and for the wind did blow Directly with the Troians and did beare Them swiftly thence they did within a while Ariue before an old and ancient Isle Which Cithera is called at this day And there within the haven did anchor cast Where presently not making any stay Apparelling themselues they did in hast Set foot on land with resolution stout And hope to bring their purposesone about Within this Isle an ancient Temple was Most pleasant and most beautifull to see For that in sumpteous worke it did surpasse All other whatsoere in that countrie Which honourd was of all both farre and neare Throughout the Land and once in every yeare A solemne feast was kept within the same Where many men with great devotion In honour of the Goddesse Venus came To whom they vse with superstition Which by them was obserud from age to age To bring great gifts and went on pilgrimage And every man did offer sacrifice Where while they kneeld and most deuoutly said Their Orations to her in Parum wise The Image vnto them an answere made Of every thing whereof they stood in doubt Resolving them how that it would fall out This custome they do vse continually Within that Church so sumptuous and so braue And did obserue the same most reuerently In hope that they the better speed should haue And as the Gods would hau 't their fortune was To goe on shoare the selfe same day when as This yearely feast was kept in solemne wise Whereto great store of Grecians flockt and came From every place to offer sacrifice And other rights t' obserue about the same The which as soone as Paris did espie He tooke with him some of his company And with them to the Temple went his way Apparelled in braue and sumptuous wise T' obserue the ancient rights there vsd that day At Uenus shrine and t'offer sacrifice And kneeling downe with great devotion Before her Altar made his Oration And on it layd great store of Iewells rare Orientall pearles rich stones and heapes of gold For at that time he would not seeme to spare Which made the Greekes admire and to behold His beauty sumptuous port and Maiestie And in their hearts to muse what he might be For as the story saith he was so faire That no man might therein compare with him And therewithall so fine proportion bare For comely shape of body and of lim That there was never seene a brauer Knight For all men to behold him tooke delight And prest in heaps about him for the same Desiring much his name and state to know And for what cause as then he thither came And prayd his men the same to them to show But they did make their answere in such wise That no man by their speech could ought surmise Yet some of them not fearing to declare The truth both of his name and dwelling place Did boldly tell and thereof made no spare That Priam King of Troye his Father was A Prince of mighty force and great renowne And that he thither came for Exion And thus of him they did enquire and spake As they together were and every one Of severall minds did severall verdicts make And all of them were in suspition But chiefly they in whome no iudgement were For euery man desireth newes to heare And whilst of him the speech went far and neare And past from man to man in Greecian land Queene Helena at last thereof did heare And when as she the same did vnderstand And truth thereof for certainty did know Of those that went and came both too and fro She could not rest vntill that with her eie She found report and sight in one t' agree And for that time determined to trie The truth and those braue Troyan Knights to see But more God knows of meere intention For Paris sake then for devotion She fained on a Pilgrimage to goe Vnto the shrine of Venus bright and cleare That vnto her some honor she might shoe And when all things for her prepared were And she adorn'd most like a stately Queene She went to see and likewise to be seene For what should mooue her else with such desire And in her heart put such a motion To goe to see new sights but secret fire Of wanton lust and no devotion Vpon the Goddesse Venus then to call And as the manner is of women all Delighting to be there where great resort Of people are and t●shew themselues at playes And at each common pastime and disport That men their beauties may commend praise And at their better libertie to see How they may find an oportunitie T' effect their wils and alwaies lie in wait In places where their minds and thoughts are se● In couert wise their wanton lookes to ●ait And
priuily like favor there to get From those they loue by glauncing of the eie And for to shew what in their hearts doth lie With touch of hand in secret mongst the prease Or pinch on arme or on the foot to tread Of those whome they do like they never cease Till of their wanton purpose they haue sped For gainst their wils there 's neither wit nor might That may prevaile for be it wrong or right They 'l haue their wils who so saith yea or nay For to withstand their lust no man hath might Thus much of them doth Guido boldly say And throughout all his Booke takes great delight Of women-kind to speake nought else but ill The which to write is sore against my will And 't grieues me that I must of force rehearse The bitter words which in his Booke are found Whereby he doth their honors so reverse For that I am to women so much bound And sith th' are all so courteous and so kind I dare notspeake of them more then I find In Guidoes Booke which when I read did make My very heart and sences all to tremble And with the feare I had my hand did shake To thinke my words with his I must resemble But to amend his fault as loath t' abide Too long in speaking ill he seemes to chide With Helena because that then she went With fained shew of great devotion Her offring vnto Venus to present When as she had another motion Within her heart the which she should haue stayd And in these words his mind he spake sayd The greatest crosse that man on earth can find And of all woes beginning and the root Is the deceit and fraud of women-kind Against the which to striue it doth not boot For when as lust doth in their hearts preuaile Some mischiefe doth ensue without all faile Which no man can by any meanes restraine Whereof let faire Queene Helen sample bee The which could not her inward lust refraine But needs would go the Troyan Knight to see Whome he had never knowne in all his life For which there did arise such mortall strife That thousands for her sake were after slaine And brought vnto their ends by cruelty But Helena in sooth now tell me plaine What vglie ghost was it that mooued thee To leaue thy louing Lord and husband so And all along on pilgrimage to goe Didst thou at home liue discontentedly That needs thou must go seeke for companie Thou rather shouldst haue staied priuatelie Within thy house and not so careleslie Haue left the same in absence of thy King But sure thou wast too wilfull in that thing And negligent to thinke what might ensue Thou oughtst t' haue kept thy self out of thy boūds And not haue tane thy flight within thy mew But thou wentst out like Hare amongst the hounds There to be caught of very wilfulnesse For true it is and so thou must confesse That thou couldst not thy wanton lust refraine And wilfullie thy fained vowe wouldst keepe But oh how many women haue been tane In such a snare when fitter t' was to sleepe Within their beds and not abroad been found Was 't ever heard that any ship was drownd Or cast on rocks and all in peeces rent Or tost in seas by weather foule and ill If that vnto the sea it neuer went But alwaies kept within the hauen still So he that no occasions will eschew Nor feare what danger after may ensue Cannot but needs must of necessity At vnawares when least he doth suspect Fall into trouble and adversity And he that is so foolish to neglect His way and of his footing hath no care Let him take heed he fals not in a snare For when as any harme is done and past It is too late thereof for to repent If Helena had in her mind forecast What after might ensue and been content To stay at home bad rumor had not run Of her throughout the world as it hath done Which her mishap men pittie may of right That she the cause was and destruction Of many a valiant braue and worthy Knight And likewise brought vnto confusion Her husband and full many thousands more That in her quarrell fought dyde therefore Thus Helen vnto Cithezon did goe In all her braue and Princely ornaments And solemnly although with fained shoe Her offring made with many rich presents Vnto the Goddesse Venus on whose name She called cry'd and prayd t' accept the same When Paris this advantage had espide With all the hast and speed that ere he might Vnto the Temple presently he hide Where he of her no sooner had a sight But he was pierced through with Cupids dart And stricken in loue euen at the very heart So much he mus'd at her great seemlinesse Her goodly face and her intising eye Her fine proportion and her comlinesse And last of all her great and rare beautie Presuming that for fame and feature Nature nere fram'd a fairer creature So Angell like to him she did appeare And therewithall she was so amiable That in his sight she seem'd as if she were A heauenly Goddesse faire and admirable For in his heart he did himselfe assure That she could be no mortall creature So faire and so celestiall she did looke In every part whereof most curiously Within his heart a perfect view he tooke And well beheld and mark't aduisedly Her golden haire like to the radiant streames Which do descend from Phebus glistring beams Her beautifull complection cleare and bright Her cherry checkes like to the Damaske Rose Mixt with the leaues of Lillies pure and white Her christ all eyes which in them did inclose A Paradise of pleasure and delight And able were with their transparant sight This amorous heart cleane through through to pierce All which with other parts in her that were If I should take vpon me to rehearse As Guido doth from head to foot declare The same at large with eloquent deuise My english tong thereto would not suffice For that our speech and Latine are vnlike I likewise want the Art of Portraiture And haue no skill in copious Rethoricke For to describe so faire a Creature And of the Muses nine I know not one Therefore I must vnto you every one Excuse my selfe though not of negligence For that no want of will there is in me But onlie for default of eloquence And vnto Guido send you there to see How orderlie he did declare the same So that to tak 't on me I were too blame But I will to the point proceed and show How Paris still his eye on her did cast And in the temple walked too and fro Till hauing well bethought himselfe at last To ease his heart enflam'd with Cupids fire He did approach vnto her somewhat nier And still full of this colour went and came So deeply was his mind with loue possest And Helena for her part did the same And priuately in heart could take no rest But still
on him by stealth did cast an eye Though outwardly none could her well espie For as she thought she never saw his peere Mongst all the men that on the earth did liue For comelinesse and beautie passing cleere Nor that to her contentment more did giue So that on nothing else she set her mind But how she might a fit occasion find And haue the meanes and opportunitie Conveniently with him a word to speake In other place at better libertie Which was the onely thing that she did seeke And stil her countenance chang'd For Cupids fire In both their hearts had kindled like desire And cloathed them with Venus liverie And yet no message twixt them then there went But privie lookes glauncing from the e●e Assured them what each to other ment And made them wish in heart that secretly An amorous combate twixt them they might try And their desires vnto each other shoe At last as Paris by degrees him gat Vp higher and vnto the place did goe Whereas the faire Queene Helena then sat In secret wise together they did speake And as they might their minds to other breake Declaring what did punish them at the heart But this was done least that it should be spied When as the presse of people did depart And such as stayd were busie occupied To stare vpon the temple and to gase About the same as people in a mase To see it so adornd in sumptuous wise And while they spake not any one might heare A word that past least that they should surmise That twixt them any bad intent there were Nor what their secret speech as then should meane At last it was agreed by the Queene And Paris with one full and free consent What time they should together meet againe And so they both out of the Temple went Though loath with hearts repleat with louers paine And that they might avoyd suspition When Paris from Queene Helena as gone With present speed vnto his ship he went Where hauing sta●d a while without delay For all the Troyan Lords and Knights he seat To whome in pithie words he gan to say My Lords and friends in briefe to you to tell The cause vnto you all is knowne full well Wherefore to Greece my Father hath vs sent And what Commission to vs he did giue You know it was the full of his intent That we should seeke to take and to relieue My noble Aunt the Princely Exion Out of the hands of proud King Telamon The which to do I can deuise no way How it by vs should well effected be For no man can this vnto me denay That he is mighty strong in his Country And well alied with friends on everie side And hath an heart abounding with such pride That to leaue her by force he doth disdaine The best way then that I can now deuise Sith with him so to deale it is in vaine And that our power thereto doth not suffice Because we are not able to withstand His force nor with him fight within his Land Is sith that fortune hath vs hither brought And caus'd vs by adventure here to land When as God knows it was not in our thought At Venus home that not far hence doth stand And wherein at this time there is great store Of Iewels Gold and other treasures more The which the Greekes vnto it hither bring By sea and land and there both rich and poore To Uenus vse to make their offering And her therein most solemnly adore And that the faire Queene Helen now is there I thinke that it the best course for vs were To beare her hence by force and prisoner make And having put the Grecians to the foile Their gold and treasure forcibly to take And them of it and of their liues to spoile Which hauing done without all tarrying The same into our ships this night to bring Whereof we cannot faile who ere saith nay And to that end said he let 's ready make And without further respect or delay Our armours and our weapons to vs take To set on them with all our force and might Which said within their ships they staid till night Till Phebus did on earth no more appeare But was gone downe as t' was his woonted guise And glistring stars did shine most bright cleare Before the Moone that time began to rise They all went forth their ships in braue array And to the temple straight did take their way Intending not long in the same to tarry And so in hast they entred Citheron Where going straight vnto the Sanctuarie Without all manner of devotion To Venus done in her Oratorie For it was then out of their memorie To worship her they had no such intent But onely for to rob and spoile the same Whereto as then their minds were wholly bent All what so ere vnto their hands then came They tooke and bore away and nothing left Within the Church nor I sle but them bereft Of all their Iewels precious stones and gold Their reliques and their vessels sacared And every other thing what ere they could Were it prophane or were it hallowed They made it prey and in their furious mood Did kill and slay all those that them withstood And many that with gastly wounds did bleed Which they receaued had to saue their right As prisoners to their ships with them were led Not able to withstand their puissant might Which after liu'd in long captiuity With sorrow griefe and great extreamity While Paris earnestlie for Helen sought Whom when he found in courteous wise he kist And ioy fullie within his armes her caught For she seem'd not to striue nor to resist But yeelded vnto him without delay For 't had been but meere follie to say nay Her heart being woone before that he came there She could not striue for women t is not fit And for that cause to yeeld she had lesse feare And he with such good words as then were meet Did comfort her and therewith did her beare Vnto his ship and letting her stay there Well guarded by his men returnd againe To make an end of his desired pray Not far from thence within a pleasant plaine A Castle stood where many souldiers lay To keepe the same who waking gaue a shout And sodainly at once did issue out Andran in hast to rescue Citheron But ere they came the Troyans had their pray And with the same vnto their ships were gone Wherewith the Greekes did make no long delay But followed them and then began to fight On either side with all their force and might And Tygar like each other slew and kild Till many dead within the field did lie For neither vnto other then would yeeld But at the last the Greekes were forst to flye For that the Troyans doubled them in nomber With multitudes and did them fore incomber And made them run backe to the Castle gate In hope to saue themselues therein by flight But all in vaine for them for
now sith you cannot withstand Your fortune you must not your selfe dismay For that with more and greater maiestie Honor dutie wealth and dignitie You shall be serued here then there you were And cause you must your husband now forsake And gainst your will his companie forbeare For which you seeme such sorrow here to make Your care therein by me shall soone be eas'd For that if you therewith be not displeas'd In stead of him I will your husband be And loue and honour you with all my heart If you can likewise thinke so well of me And till that death by force shall make vs part I will be true both in my word and deed For in my heart I fullie haue decreed To be to you as loving and as kind As dutifull as friendlie and as true As ever you King Menelaus did find And in all things will yeeld to you your due And here my faith and troth to you I plight To last vntill that death with dart me smight And though my words do seeme but rude plaine I hope for that you will me not disgrace Nor any whit this my request disdaine Sith I descend and come of roy all race And am as noble of degree and blood As Menelaus and in each point as good And will to you more faithfull be in loue Then ere he was and never change for new For nothing shall my heart from you remoue Then sith this I protest to you is true I pray you now leaue off to waile and weepe And let some comfort in your bosome creepe For little doth availe this woe and greefe If you consider well your owne estate And thanke the Gods that send you such reliefe In your distresse and thinke y' are fortunate To hap so well and this is all I craue That loue for loue of you I now may haue Alas said she can it possible be That I which haue my friends abandoned And liue in sorrow and adversitie Should not be grieu'd and wish that I were dead I see no cause why I should cease to erie Nor yet my cheeks from brinish teares to drie It cannot be for sure it were gainst kind That my so sore and great extreamitie I should so soone abandon out of mind And that the thing which toucheth me so nie And is the onely cause of this my smart Could be so lightlie cast out of my heart And for whose sake I am as now constrain'd To sorrow for our separation But sith the Gods for me haue thus ordain'd That I should loue in this strange Nation I am content to take it patientlie And to their heasts t'ob●y submissiuely For follie t' were to striue against their will Wherefore as now my selfe I will prouoke Although it seeme my very heart to kill For to submit my necke vnto this yoke And gainst my will of meere necessitie Obay to what so ere you 'l do with me For 't would not helpe if that I should 't refuse And thus somewhat he did her griefe appease And yet what ere she said she could not chuse But thinke thereon But what should she disease Her selfe so much sith t' is a thing most sure An heart of ●●int could not so much endure For 't is the common vse of women-kind Till they haue wept and wailed at their will Nere to surcease nor to content their mind But when they haue of sorrow had their fill And wearied are therewith they will as fast All sorrow from their hearts as lightlie cast And soone lay hold on comfort in their griefe A man their hearts may easilie disseuer From woe to ioye from sorrow to reliefe There is no storme that can endure for euer For as the learned write things violent By natures course cannot be permanent When stormes are past the Sun much brighter is And shineth hotter after then before So by the speech and counsell of Paris Faire Helena as then did weepe no more For as the faire and pleasant morning bright By custome and by kind doth follow night Right so in time her heart began to cheare And of her teares the flouds likewise to drie And hauing cleane abandoned all feare She liu'd in Troye with Paris ioyfullie As in the Chapter following you may see Whereas at large it shall declared bee CHAP. V. ¶ How Paris was receaued into Troye at his returne out of Greece and how he was married to Queene Helena WHen Helena had left her mourning cheare And that her rosent colour shewd againe Within her face most beautifull and cleare And had forgotten all her griefe and paine Paris that was in heart so amorous In hast did send vnto King Priamus For horse and men apparell gorgeous And diuers costlie iewels of great prise That Helena might shew more glorious And enter Troye in braue and sumptuous wise And all things he desired being sent Without delay to Troye with her he went And by the way King Priamus them met Accompanied with his Nobilitie And many faire and gallant Ladies great And maidens by their birth of high degree And with thē store of knights that were most braue And Citizens which their attendance gaue To welcome Paris who as then did ride With all his prisoners two and two before And he and Deiphobus on each side Of Helena to honor her the more And after them the Lords of high degree And all the rest most orderlie to see And tweene each ranke did leaue a little space That so their traine the longer might appeare And in that sort they road an easie pace Till that by Priam they encountred were Who met them in a faire and pleasant plaine And in his hand tooke Helens horses raine And so conuaied her into the towne Where store of people flockt on every side And all the way along ran vp and downe To gase and looke vpon their new come bride The Trumpets sounding in most stately wise Which made their eccho mount vp to the skies And many another kind of Instrument In sundrie wise playd seuerall melodie Before them as into the Towne they went So that to heare the pleasant harmonie T' would make mans heart to leap mount for ioy And when they all were entred into Troye King Priam at his Pallace did alight And by the hand did take the Grecian Queene And straight with all convenient speed he might Led her into a Chamber well beseene Commanding all his Officers to see That all what ere she need prepar'd should be And calling for a cup of wine he dranke Vnto the Queene to welcome her withall Forthwith she did in humble wise him thanke And so he went againe into the Hall Till supper time and left her there to make Her ready and her ease meane while to take But of the ioy that was within the towne In every place where people sat together And in the streets of Troye walk't vp and downe And spake thereof the one vnto the other My stile is all to rude of it to
write So much they did in heart and mind delight That Paris safely home returned is And in his voyage sped so luckily And of his men not any one did misse But all had scaped death most happily And to fulfill their ioy vpon next day As Guido in his Latine verse doth say They did the time no further off prolong But with all speed t' Apolloes Temple went And fore the Larke that morne begun his song Together did with full and free consent Giue faith and troth knit the wedlocke band Betweene them two for euermore to stand Whereto the King himselfe did giue consent And all his Lords and Nobles in likewise The Commons also were therewith content And greed thereto in favour of Paris And so the wedding feast most royally Continued was with great solemnity Within the towne of Troye for eight daies space To write each kind of revell sport and dance The severall sorts of mirths that then there was The braue attire and lofty countenance Of Courtiers proud and lovers amorous The privie grutching of the jealious The runnings and the tilts on every day The divers courses serued at the feast The seuerall kinds of musicke that did play The Largis given the overplus did rest When all was done whole thousands to suffice My English will not serue for to devise Such tearmes and phrases as sufficient were To shew the same But when the certainty Thereof did come vnto Cassandraes eare A thousand sighs she fetcht and gan to cry And woefully did teare and rent her haires And in this sort her face all wet with teares Said wretched Troye why erst thou in this case And giu'st consent vnto this villanie Why art thou now become so voyd of grace As to maintaine so foule adultery And suffrest Paris thus to wed and wiue Queene Helena whose husband is aliue Oh woefull Troye too cruell is thy fate The time is come thou shalt destroyed be To shun the same it is now all too late For many Fathers shall their children lee This day in health the next day shall be slaine And midst the fields lie wounded in great paine And many wiues in sorrow great shall weepe To see their husbands lie in open field Their bodies pierst and cut with wounds full deepe And there in grieuous wise their breaths to yeeld Alas how can they chuse but sore complaine And yet must be content and this sustaine Oh wretched Mother woefull is thy case To loose thy children without remedy And see them slaine each one before thy face And shall not help't though nere so lowd thou cry Alas good Queene what griefe shall thee surpresse And yet shalt and no ease in thy distresse Oh Troyans blinded with security Why will you not be rul'd by my aduise And to avoyd the Grecians cruelty With speed make seperation twixt Paris And Helena and their foule act abhorre And her againe vnto her Lord restore What thinke you that his theft and cruell deed The Grecians will forget and not require No no assure your selues without all dread The sword of vengeance shall most sharpely bite For his offence and will endure the smart When as we shall behold in spight our heart Our Pallaces and houses all cast downe And cruelly destroyd before our face And lastly the subversion of our towne Which at the Grecians hands shall find no grace Alas alas most wretchlesse Queene Helaine Vnhappy woman causer of our paine Bold misadvis'd and meerly without grace Thou onely art procurer of our care And sole disturber of our happie peace And kindled hast the brand of cruell warre For thou alone art ground and root of all The mischiefe that on vs is like to fall And shall see many a dolefull funerall And mournfull feasts held herewithin this towne Thus did Cassandra loudly cry and call To every one as she went vp and downe Throughout the streets boldly to them told What by that meanes vnto them happen shold Still crying out alas and welaway Are you so hard of heart that you nought feare And no man could her furious course then stay Till Priamus the King thereof did heare Who that she might no more such crying make About the Towne he did her cause to take And being bound with chaines in prison cast Where she remain'd long time in miserie And no man for her words and counsell past But liued all in great securitie Where I will let her lye to weepe and mourne And to the Greekes my stile againe retourne The most vnhappy time being come and while That fortune wild the Troyans to be glad And with dissembling face on them did smile For which great ioy and triumph then they made Supposing that all things would fall out wee le Not thinking on the turning of the wheele Of her that is as wavering as the clocke And when men trust her most will turne aside And sodainly vnto them giue a mocke For in deceit she hath her onely pride And loues to hide her beauty vnder cloud Against whose might ther 's no man can him shroud For when she fawnes she 's least to trust vpon For in her smile the Troyans little thought That she pretended their confusion And by that means which they as then had sought For they suppos'd of that to be secure Which they desir'd should the Greeks procure To yeeld vnto their wills and not resist Supposing by that thing by Paris done They should be forst to doe what ere they list But when report thereof abroad did runne And tydings vnto Menelaus was brought Of all the wrongs gainst him by Troyans wrought Whil'st he with Nestor did at Pirrha stay Where he receaued newes most certainly What they had done in th' Island Citheray And what exceeding rage and tyranny They did vpon his men there execute As also of th' assault and hot pursute That on the Greekes they made that fled away And how they spar'd no man nor woman-kind But killed some and tooke the rest as pray And all the gold and treasure they could find And when he heard how they had tane his wife Whome he did loue as dearely as his life And more if more might be a thousand fold His face did looke with pale and deadly hue And therewithall his heart did wax so cold With sorrow which therein did still renue That with much griefe being cast into a sound Like sencelesse corps he fell vnto the ground And could vpon his feet no longer stand Which when Duke Nestor mark't saw him striue Twixt life and death he tooke him by the hand And speedilie did him againe reviue Wherewith he sigh'd and said now woe is me That of my wife I should bereaued be Which was my onely ioy and my delight Come death I say and with thy cruell dart Sith fortune hath to me done this despight In pieces twaine now cleaue my wofull heart For I cannot indure that Helena My Queene should thus frō me be borne away Farewell my
show That their desire accomplished shall be And that to Troye they all shall safely goe And there take land though with some difficultie But at the last shall gainst their foes prevaile And after they haue fought many battaile At ten yeares end the towne of Troye shall win And cruelly put it vnto the sword And noneshall scape of all they find therein But such as they shall mercy then afford For Priamus and Hecuba his wife And all their Sons in that same mortall strife The Grecians shall vnto confusion bring And slay them all and having done the towne The houses walls and every other thing Shall be defast and vtterly cast downe This is said he decreed by heavenly doome And in due time most sure to passe shall come Achilles with this answere was full glad And thanked God Appollo with his heart For his so good and gracious answere made And ere he out the Temple did depart By fortune Bishop Calchos thither came To sacrifice and pray in Priams name And for to know what issue he should haue In that his warre gainst Grecians tane in hand This Calchos was both learned wise and graue And one of great account in Tr●yan land A man that did in science much excell And could both strāge future things foretell Who offering to the God due sacrifice As in that case their vsuall manner was And praying on his knees in humble wise Wherein he did some certaine howers passe Apollo without tarrying or delay Spake vnto him and in this sort did say Calchas Calchas twice calling him by name See that to Troye thou goest not backe againe For if thou doest t' will turne thee vnto blame For know for truth and so I tell thee plaine Wherein thou maist belieue and credit me Ere long time passe it shall destroyed be For sure it is and they can't notwithstand Therefore thou shalt vnto Achilles goe And with the Grecians joyne in heart and hand And stay with them for I will haue it so For they as I haue said shall victors be And thereby win great fame and dignitie For so the Fates their honors will advance And thou to them by counsell wise and graue Shalt be a helper aid and furtherance In their affaires and of them thou shalt haue Thy maintenance Wherwith he straight arose And presently vnto Achilles goes Of whome with honor great and reverence He was receau'd according t' his estate And to him shewd his mind and full pretence And therevpon became confederate And vowed to be good friends one to th' other And so went out the Temple both together And speedely made preparation To goe from thence and presently set saile For Athens where they did arriue full soone For neither wind nor weather did them faile And landing there did make no long delay But in all hast the very selfe same day Vnto the Greekes a full relation made What they had done in Delos bout their charge And what to them the God Apollo said Declaring all and every thing at large And how that they in those their wars should speed And that the Gods together had decreed The Troyans ruine and destruction And also what Apollo likewise spake And vnto Calchas said and had foreshowne And willed him agreement straight to make With Greekes and not to Troye returne againe But with them ever after to remaine Where at the Grecks reioyc't and were full glad That of the Gods such favour they had found And after that with one consent they made A league and vnto Calchas straight were bound And he to them with promise on each side As friends for ever after to abide Which done each one vnto his lodging went Till next day in the morne when glooming night By force of Phebus beames away was sent And Sun began to shine most cleare and bright When as the Grecians offered sacrifice Vnto the Gods in most submissiue wise And did devoutly hold a solemne feast In Paynim wise and in remembrance Of th'answere which they had in their request T' Apollo made and with great reverence Gaue thanks to him with glad ioyfull cheare The Troyan Bishop Calchas did appeare Before them and downe on his knees did fall Desiring them to giue him audience To speake his mind in presence of them all And that thereat they would take no offence Which being granted they did silence make And he with sober countnance to them spake My Lords and Princes all assembled here Whose fame and honor great so much is sprad Throughout the world that Nations farre neare Continually of you do stand im dread Is 't not your purpose vnto Troye to goe And there against your foes your strength to sho● Why then do you deferre the time so long And still within the towne of Athens stay Sith that you haue an armie huge and strong Assure your selues nought's gotten by delay For t is the meanes to worke your hinderance And not the way your purpose to advance For thinke you while that you so long abide Here in this place and make so much delay That Priam for himselfe will not provide And doth encrease his forces night and day And hath his spies here mongst you secretly That your proceedings to him certifie Me thinks this course you take is not the best For be assur'd King Priam is so wise That while you lie here still and take your rest He will not cease by all meanes to devise To helpe stimselfe delay is dangerous And may vnto yourselues be perillous And thus I prou't for all the while that ye Within the towne of Atheni still doe stand You giue your enemie meanes and libertie To make your selfe the stronger to withstand Your forces and at leasure to provide Great store of men your comming to abide Therefore I say you ought to haue more care Sith that as now it 's by you all decreed Against your foes to goe and to make warre And doe it with as much convenient speed As possible you may withall your might For when the Iron 's hote it 's time to smite For if you stay vntill that it be cold And doe your time neglect to worke thereon Then will it neither plie yeeld bend nor fold Therefore I wish you all for to be gone And while you do in hearts and minds accord Without delay each man straight go abord And make no stay to march against your foe That hath to you so great a trespasse done How many daies haue you as now let goe And months ore-past and carelesly ore-run How oft hath Titan from the East to West Compast the world whilst you here take your rest And haue consum'd your time so pretious How long and often hath the pleasant air● Caus'd by the gentle wind cald Zephirus And seas that haue so oft been calme and faire But overslipt by you while you lie here It makes your foes suppose you doe 't for feare And giues them cause t' esteeme the lesse of you Belieue me
let it as now no woonder bee That we do vse no kind of courtesies Nor honors at our entrie vnto thee To whome we are most deadlie enemies For where as ranckor and disdaine takes place Great follie t' were to shew a flattering face And truth to say whereas the heart with fire Of envie burnes and beares a deadlie hate Vnto a man it never doth desire His welfare but subversion of estate To him and his and therefore I le not spare Th' effect of our embassage to declare As it to vs delivered was in charge From Agamemnon our braue Generall Whereof in briefe our duties to discharge We tell thee plaine and so we do to all That here assembled are this present day That he hath sent to thee for Helena Whome thou from Grecians forciblie didst take And gainst all right and by meere violence Broughtst her to Troye of whome he wils thee make Deliverie vnto vs and straight from hence To send her to her Lord King Menelaus Without delay excuse or further pawse He also asketh restitution Of all the wrongs and iniuries that were By Paris in the Grecians Country done When he to rauish Helena was there And thou the same not onlie doest maintaine But Paris in his error doest sustaine Whereof he willeth thee without delay To make amends as reason doth require And so thou maist the Gods from vengeance stay If thou dost grant to that he doth desire Whereto we counsell thee if thou beest wise But if thou seemst this message to despise And wilt refuse to grant vnto the same Assure thy selfe and thou shalt find it true Wherein none but thy selfe shall beare the blame Both thou and thine hereafter shall it rue Vnlesse herein some order thou dost take For nought but cruell death an end shall make Twixt thee and vs of this contention For thou and thine in fine destroid shall be Without all pittie or redemption And which is more and say I told it thee Thy towne which now is built so huge strong Against our force shall not continue long But we will beat it downe lay 't fulllow And vtterly in great despight and rage The houses wals towers thereof orethrow Vnlesse our angrie moods thou dost asswage Seeme not therefore our counsell to despise But shew thy selfe herein for to be wise When Priam heard the Grecians with such pride Before his face their embassage declare And in a manner seemd him to deride As though for him and his they did not care Much mou'd thereat yet his furie staid Vnto Vlisses spake and thus he said I woonder much that thus within this place You dare presume to make your prowd demand And which is more so boldly to my face As if that you the power had to command And me constraine your message to obay And that thereto I durst you not denay Nor yet deny what ere you do require I tell you plaine it doth offend me much To heare your prowd and insolent desire And which is more mine honor so doth tuch That truth to say I hardlie can refraine To be reveng'd on you but I le restraine My wrath as now and in my bounds will hold Yet nere the sooner grant to your request For know you shall I will not be controld Sith you and yours I vtterlie detest And brieflie for to answere your demand It doth not with the regall honor stand Of any King to grant to your desire Although he were in great extreamitie And truth to say great wrong t' were to require That at his hands which you demand of me And hardlie can I thinke though you proceed To do as you do vaunt you haue decreed You shall therein so much gainst vs pre●aile For if it please the Gods I tell you plaine I will such order take that you shall faile Of your expected hope and little gaine Therby although with vows you haue it sworne And seeme as now both me and mine to scorne For your request as everie man may see To aske of me a satisfaction Is without ground of truth or equitie Sith you your selues gaue first occasion By killing noble King Laomedon My Father and destruction of his towne With slaughter of his men and many more Great iniuries which if the truth were knowne All causlesse you haue done vs heretofore Which overlong as now were to be showen For which my heart with griefe is so possest That while I liue it nere shall be at rest Till that I be revenged for the same And for my Sister Exion if I may Whome you although to your no little shame Led Captiue into Greece and to this day Still hold her there not like to her degree Which you may well suppose much spiteth me And yet for all these wrongs you aske amends Of me that not long since to liue in peace Sent vnto you to th' end we might be friends And that all former enmitie might cease To pray you to send Exion home againe Which you not onlie seem'd much to disdaine But spightfullie my messenger abus'd And threatning him with death for cōming there My iust demand to you then made refus'd Wherefore sith that to me such spight you beare I will not heare nor grant to your request So much I do your pride and you detest And die I will with honor in the field Before that to one point of your demand In any wise I will consent or yeeld And to that end I let you vnderstand That th' onelie thing that I as now doe crave Is warre not peace with you and yours to haue Sith you gainst vs haue vs'd such crueltie And know you shall that for your bold attempt To threaten me you presentlie should die But that the law of armes doth you exempt From death because Embassadors you are Wherefore in hast t' were best for you prepare With speed to go from hence out of my sight And void the towne assoone as ere you may For that to see you heare t is such despight And griefe to me that I can hardlie stay From iust revenge on you such is the rage That moues my heart by no means will swage King Priamus this answere having made Diomedes with scornfull smile then rose And in disdaine spake vnto him and said If that our presence now as I suppose Be to thy heart so great a griefe and paine And makes thee rage when as we are but twaine Then for a truth we let thee vnderstand That thou shalt never while thou liu'st want woes To see so many Grecians in thy land And all of them thy stearne and deadlie foes Whose number are an hundred thousand strong That will be here before thy gates ere long Against whose mightie power invincible Though thou farre stronger wer● thē now thou art Vs to resist it were impossible Wherefore I wish thee play a wise mans part And be advis'd for t' will thee nought availe To striue gainst thē for sure thou canst not faile
Thelaphus that did by chance perceiue What he would doe to him in hast did call And stepping forth did on his shield receaue The stroake and did Achilles friendly pray At his request his furious mood to stay And for a while in Knightlie curtesie To grant him life sith wounded sore he lay Before his feet and ready was to die For every Knight saith he his wrath should stay And on his foe some pittie ought to haue When he in humble wise doth mercie craue To whom Achilles said I marvaile why You seeme to craue that I should mercie show To him and spare his life who furiously With pride which in his heart did overslow Would not vnto our just request giue eare But without cause did armes against vs beare And with disdaine and meere presumption The Grecians in most furious wise assaild Though now against his expectation He findeth that it hath him nought availd And he himselfe is fallen into the snare Which for vs as he thought he did prepare Though we deseru'd no such thing at his hand As having no intent him to molest Nor yet by force t' invade him or his land So that if now he finds himselfe opprest He can it not deny but must confesse His rash attempt deserved hath no lesse But Thelaphus againe did him require Of knight-hood to take pittie on the King And for that time to grant to his desire For while said he my father was living He and king Tentran were confederate Though here as now he lies in woefull state With pale and deadlie face vpon the ground Expecting when his soule shall hence depart And for that heretofore I haue him found To beare a noble mind and Royall heart When I by chance past through his countrey Where he with all his Lords and chivalry Received and feasted me most Royally In every place where I did ride or goe Within his land So that humanitie Binds me the like vnto him now to show And in my mind his curtesie to beare Least men should say that to vnkind I weare Which might heereafter turne to my disgrace Wherefore that I in part may him requite I you beseech take pittie on his case And spare his life as yo' are a noble knight Whereto Achilles presently did yeild And there before his souldiers in the field King Tenteran vnto Thelaphus did giue To do with him as he should thinke it best Who to behold him in that case did grieue And at his heart with sorrow was opprest To see there was no other remedie But that of force he could not choose but die And when the sonne vnto the Westerne part With speed declind the battaile at an end And Tenteran did feele great paine and smart Yet no reliefe his woefull state could mend For that his wounds still more more did bleed His men made all the hast they could with speed To beare him thence vnto his court with ease And to that end they for a litter sent And layd him in 't and while he past the prease Thelaphus and Achilles by him went And to his Royall Pallace him contraid Where in his bed when as they had him laid Perceiving that he drew vnto his end For that his vitall spiri●s 〈◊〉 to faile And nature vnto him no force could lend Nor surgery no● Phisike ought prevaile Nor any comfort no● reliefe was left To him as then of worldly joyes bereft For Thelaphus and Achilles he did send And with a voice most feeble faint and weake And sighs and teares fast drawing to his end In woefull wise he did vnto them speake And said my Lords health honor high degree All worldly joy and great prosperitie I wish vnto you both with all my hart But specially to thee Prince Thelaphus Who at this time such favor doth ●mpart To me and art so kind and gratious That in my paines so grieuous and so strong Thou seek'st my life if 't might be to prolong But now alas there is no remedie But die I must and can it not withstand For as you see here prostrate I doe lie Expecting th'hower when from deaths cruell hand The fatall blow will come to pierce my hart And that my soule out of my corps shall part To make an end of all my miserie Which so much more increaseth in my hart To see the hower of death approach so nie And that out of this world I must depart And leaue no heires within this Isle to raigne The Crowne and Scepter thereof to maintaine When I am dead which by that meanes alas I feare will soone be spoyld and ouer-run Which I full loath would be should come to pas Sith that at first with labour great I won And conquered it and ever since by might And warlike force maintained haue my right Gainst all my foes for many yea●es now past Yet once it had been lost without recure And I from thence had vtterly been chast But that I did the aid and helpe procure Of Hercules the stout and valiant Knight Who by his extreame force and passing might Which at this day is fresh in memorie And while the world indures shall ever bee Orecame and vanquished my enemie And did againe restore this Isle to mee And while he liu'd the feare of him was such And every man respected him so much That spight of all my foes I did enioy My Scepter and my Crowne in peace and rest And no man durst by word and deed annoy My quiet state nor me in ought molest Whereby it doth appeare this little Isle Belongs vnto the Kingdome of Cicile Where Hercules did place two pillars great Which at this day are extant to be seene And for perpetuall memorie there set To show how farre he in that land had beene Which pillars some men cald Columnia And others did them name Herculea Which Island once was in subiection Vnto the Mores and long time so remaind But after by the valiant Romaines won When they th'jmperiall diadem obtaind Of all the world and by their puissance Their names fames did farre wide advanc● And after many valiant Conquerors Succeeded had each other by degree And of the Towne of Roome been Emperors And therein ruld with power and Majestie One Fredericke the second of that name That sometime was an Emperor in the sam● And King of Cicile by inheritance Because he did a great affection beare Vnto that Isle and in remembrance Perpetuall of him therein did reare And make a huge and mightie Tower of bricke With wal●es that were exceeding strong thicke And cause the aire was pleasant good sweet And that therein great store of flowers were Some Authors doe report he named it The new faire land which name long time it beare And was therein by vse continued Till that the Emperor Fredericke was dead But to returne vnto King Tenteran Whē he had vs●●●e speech which you haue heard And that he did perceiue his life began To draw vnto an end
within the same Which were so many and so great a number That for to thinke theron t would make men wōder And more if that it be considered right It is most sure that since the worlds creation Or Phoebus on the earth did cast his light There ne're was seen in any Nation So many Kings and Princes met together As on both sids at that same time were come thither For all the flower of chiualry was there Kings Princes Dukes Earles Barons Knights Squien And all their power of men that armes could beare With full intent and resolute desires Within the towne for to defend their right Without the towne to win it if they might Let them that read and doe peruse this booke Consider for what cause this warre began And if without vnpartiall eies they looke They shall perceiue that many a valiant man For small or no occasion lost his life In that so needlesse strange and bloody strife For truth to say for nought this warre began And nought there was on either side obtain'd For though the Greeks the towne of Troy then wan Yet if it be considered what they gain'd The storyshewes that when that all was don Their reckoning made they lost more thē they won For many thousands of them there were slaine And lost their liues before the towne of Troy And neuer did returne to Greece againe The honor of their victory to enioy And those that liu'd and backe to Greece did goe Did after end their daies in griefe and woe And on each side the flower of Chivalry Most woefully did end their fatall daies With hundred thousands in their company And altogether as the storie sayes That bloody quarrell then did vndertake For nought but for a sillie womans sake Great pittie t' was so many Knights should die And headlong run vnto destruction To end their daies in extreame miserie For small or rather no occasion Bettet it were at first to end or cease A quarrell of no moment then t' encrease In malice and reuenge for nought to take For wise men shold forecast what harmes might hap nd seeke an end of small debates to make Ere that they fall in wauering fortunes lap And so procure their owne decay perforce And after wish they had tane another course It is a vse mongst men when fier doth take In any house or place to ring a bell Or els some other noyse or signe to make Thereby to warne such as about them dwell To lend their ayd in that extremitie And speedily to seeke for remedie Before it doth increase to greater fier T' were then too late and folly in a man That comes to helpe to aske or to inquire Which way the fier in the howse began And to neglect the quenching of the same When time doth serue for which he thither came For danger doth require no delay And he that 's wise doth commonly forecast Such dangers as may fall in time to stay For t is too late when as the time is past But now I le leaue the Troians for a while And to the Grecians armie turne my stile You heard that while the Grecians did abide At Tenedon how that they all decreed To send to th'isle of Messa to provide Such victualls as their puissant hoast should need While they made warre within the Troian laud And how Achilles tooke that charge in hand Now while that he was gone and staied there The noble King Palamides ariued At Tenedon with thirtie ships that were All fild with valiant Knights the which reuiu'd The Grecians hearts as glad to see him there For that not any one of them but were Sore grieued that he staied so long behind As one they much esteem'd and honoured And many of them great fault with him did find That he had not at Athens mustered Suspecting him of partialitie But he to cleare himselfe and satisfie Their minds declard in open audience The cause whie he to Athens did not goe According to his promise and pretence And for to proue the same to them did show That sickenesse onely had procur'd his stay And forst him to absent himselfe away So long from them where with they satisfied Excused him for that which he had showne And for because they much on him relied And honoured him as second vnto none Mongst all the Greeks for bounty power wit As being one for all attempts most fit For whatsoere he once did vndertake Most valiantly he would the same effect And spight of all that could resistance make Nere leaue it off nor any wise neglect Tell that he had acchieu'd his enterprise And in regard they knew him to be wise And of the greatest reputation Amongst the Greeks that then assembled were They did intreare and pray him to be one Of those that sit in counsell for the warre Which he accepting they straight waies agreed For to besiedge the towne of Troy with speed But mongst thē questiō grew what time they might Vnto the towne of Troy most safely goe Some sayd they thought it best when it was night In secret wise to hoyse their sayles that so Without resistance of the enemy They might take land with most securitie But others sayd great dangers might ensue To them to sayle the River in the night And specially because they hardly knew The ready course and that by chan●r they might For want of light out of the channell stray And so cast both their ships and men away Thus being of contrary minds they stayd And for that time made no conclusion But put it off and still the same delaid And tooke not any resolution What they would doe but lay still where they were As if their hearts had been possest with feare Till valiant Diomedes grieu'd to see Them lie so long at rest in Tenadon And that they could not mongst themselues agree Nor fall to any resolution For to besiege the towne of Troy with speed As they at first and firmely had decreed Sayd vnto them my Lords whose worthy fame Throughout the world both farre neare doth flie I cannot chuse but needs I must you blame And discommend your great prolixitie That let the time thus passe as you haue don For now a yeare is almost over-run And yet you stir not hence in any wise But still lie here and giue your enemies cause To thinke you do 't for feare and cowardise And which is worse allow them time to pause On their affaires and at their libertie Taugment their strength with opportunitie Vs to withstand and valiantly resist Whereof assure your selues they will not faile For they not any day nor howre haue mist To seeke for ayd against vs to prevaile And bar their gates make their walls most strong For to withstand asiedge both great and long And which is more they haue their spies to see And hearken what we doe here in our hoast And doe affirme and boldly say that wee Dare not effect the thing whereof we
boast And longer that we in this sort still lie It giues more courage to our enemie But if we first had held another course Ere they had knowne thereof and ventured To land our men before their towne by force We had the same long since round compassed And straight besidge with this our puissant hoast And done that which ere t is done more wil cost For be assurd ere we approacht the strand T'vnship our men the●le issue out amaine With all their power our landing to withstand And valiantly the fight gainst vs maintaine By force and strength ere we the shoare shall get To driue vs thence if that they can vs let Whereas long since we might with ease haue got The victory but now by our delay We must take that which fortune doth alot And with more losse to vs doe what we may For now the time 's delaid it is most sure More danger vnto vs it will procure What should I say but tell you in good troth That our delay and cowardise will bee The cause of our great danger which full loath And sorry I would be in heart to see And if therefore my counsell you will take I thinke it best that presently you make All speed you can for to be gone from hence And ere the Sunne in morning doth appeare Hoyse sayles and put to Sea with full pretence And courage bold cleane void of any feare To Sayle to Troy and there land openly What ere falls out for know assuredly Without resistance by the Troians made Who valiantly will issue vs to beard There is no landing for vs to be had And yet you must not therefore be afeard But set all feare and cowardise aside And stoutly whatsoere fals out abide Which sayd the Greeks consulting therevpon Determined with courage bold to make What hast they could and preparation For to be gou and straight their course to take Vnto the towne of Troy as doth appeare And in the Chapter following you shall heare CHAP. XII ¶ How the Grecians landed before Troy where they were valiantly fought withall by the Troians WIthin the former Chapter you did heare How that the Greeks in counsell being set With full and whole consents agreed were All scuses set apart nought should them let With speed vnto the towne of Troy to sayle And there the Troians valiantly t'assaile And that end to the next day they begun To go abord their ships with courage bold And when they had all things prepard and don That needfull were they did a counsell hold T'ordaine among themselues and to agree How many ships should in each squadron bee And which of them in for most ranke should goe What course they should vpon the Seas obserue How they would land that no man might it know Thereby their men from danger to preserue Whereto they did assigne a speciall marke And so when as by singing of the Larke Which commonly is fore the Sun doth rise At dawning of the day they did awake And put Sea in braue and warlike wise And to the towne of Troy their course did take And first a hundred ships well furnished With store of men and armes the way did lead Whose pennons and rich streamers to behold Which on the seas did show most cleare and bright When they did them against the Sun vnfold Gaue vnto all that saw them great delight For nere before vpon the waues so greene The like triumphant sight had not been seeene An other hundred more sayld orderly In rancks to second them that went before Whose sayles most proudly in the wind did flie And spread abroad wherein there was great store Of valiant Knightts wel arm'd with sword speare The Troians to withstand without all feare Next afder them in order brauely ranck't The rest of their huge Navy followed The which on either side was strongly flank't With squadrons of great ships well furnished With valiant Knights whose number was so many That like to it had nere been seen of any Vpon the Seas and sayling so together Assisted by Neptune and Eolus That sent them both faire wind pleasant wether Their voiage was to them so prosperous That in one tide a sight of Troy they had Whereto with all their sayles hoyst vp they made Whose waving when the Troiaus did behold And saw that they drew nere vnto the strand And by their countnance well perceiu'd they would Despight of them if that they might take land In hast they arm'd themselues which having don They mounted on their horses and did run As fast as ere they could vnto the strand Attending neither Earles Prince nor King To be their guide nor over them command But furiously out of the gates did fling And in so great a number to behold That whē the Greeks thē saw their harts were cold And stoutest of them all was much dismaid To find so many Troians on the land Well arm'd that all most resolutely stayd With courage bold their comming to withstand Whereby they knew and certainely did see No landing for them there as thou to bee Vnlesse that with the Troians they would fight And valiantly adventure for to land Or els like cowards take themselues ●o slight And fall into their deadly enemies hand For other refuge for them none there was But through the Troians sword● pikes to passe Which when King Pr●thesilaus did behold Who of an hundred ships the conduct had He sayd that in despight of them be●ould Set foot on land and to that end ●e made His ships and men in readines to venter By force vpon the same strand to ente● But when his Ships set forward to ariue As nere vnto the shoare as well they might The wind did in their sayles so stifely driue That on the land by force i● did them smight And some of them vpon the gittie stroke Which presently in many peeces broke And most part of the men and ships were drown'd And scattered here and there contusedly So that but very few of them were found To make resistance gainst the enemy And those that scapt sau'd theselues frō hurt And got to land all clad with mire and durt And for a while their enemies withstood Were by the Troians slaine so cruelly That all the Sea was stained with the blood Of Grecians that vpon the sands did he Dead bleeding and sore wounded to the death Attending th' end to yeild their vitall breath And at that time the arrowes flew so fast And thicke into the aire that all the skie Did show as if it had been ouercast With some darke cloud and still and furiously The Troians fought and euermore renew'd Their number and the Grecians so pursu'd And for the time so hotly them assayld That what defence soever they could make Availd them not for Troians still prevaild And valiantly constraind them to giue backe With losse of many men and great disgrace And finally perforce to leaue the place Whereas they fought with much
blowes of fierce Palamides strong hand Who all that day had fought so valiantly And wounded kild and brauely beaten down The Troians that at last he made them flie In all the hast they could vnto the towne With cries and shouts and in great feare doubt Whereat Prince Hector mou'd in hast came out With countenāce fierce like Mars the god of warr As beeing of all Worthies worthiest That ever any earthly woman bare And of all men the strong'st and hardiest For as the Sun with beames most cleare bright Excells the starres so did this worthy Knight Surpasse all other Knights that ever were And sure it was a most delightfull sight To see him arm'd so brauely he did beare Them when he road into the field to fight Wherein he was a Load-stone and a guide To all and every Knight both farre and wide Who entring richly arm'd into the field Vpon a lusty strong and goodly steed Did for his armes beare on a golden shield Three furious Lyons passant as I read But what the colours were I doe not know The which did make a faire and gallant show Vpon the brest of that most worthy Knight When as with all his troopes he entered Amongst the Greeks at whose aproach the sight Of him alone abasht them all he led Them through the thickst of them so furiously And therewithall such mightie blowes let flie And kild beat downe and wounded them so fast That no man could his mightie force withstand And in despight of all the Greeks he past Couragiously with glistring sword in hand And severed all their rancks and neuer left Till hundreds of their liues he had bereft Still ryding too and fro throughout the field And beat and bare downe all that in his way He found and at the last as he beheld Prothesilaus who valiantly that day Kild and pursued the Troians furiously And beat them downe with extreame cruelty Such mortall hatred vnto them he had And to his valiant chivalry tooke heed And saw what slaughter of his men he made He was so mou'd that straight he turn'd his steed To him and with his bloody sword he gaue Him such a blow that it in sunder claue His helmet and his head and did not rest But past through every sinew bone and vaine That were within his body and his brest And forcibly did cut him cleane in twaine And with that fatall blow and deadly wound His body in two parts fell to the ground On each side of his horse Which done he road Amongst the Grecian Knights couragiously And bath'd his trenchant sword within their blood So that as farre as ere they could him spie They fled to saue their liues for none durst stand To feele the waight of his victorious hand They feard it so and more did it admire It t' was so strong and of such passing might And for that cause they askt and did inquire What Knight he was that did so brauely fight Supposing that in all the world so round A worthier Knight was not for to be found Vnlesse it were Prince Hector And at last They felt too well by proofe that it was he Who in his daies all other Knights surpast As th' onely Myrror of all chivalry For none of all the Grecians durst adventer Against him hand to hand in fight to enter Of all that day so terribly he beat And draue them downe before them to the strand Sore wearied wounded breathlesse and all wet Close to the Sea whereas he let them stand And like a most triumphant Knight went backe To Troy againe his rest a while to take Who being gone the Greeks somewhat releast Of former feare perplexitie and griefe Began againe to vow and to protest If fortune would vouchsafe them some reliefe With valiant hearts to venture life and lim Vpon their foes the field againe to win The which from morning that the fight begon With great and extreame labor losse and paine Eight times that day they valiantly had won And lost the same as many times againe For as Dame fortunes slippery wheele turn'd round So they that day did win and lose there ground But Hectors valiant entry in the field Was th' onely thing that did them most dismay Who spight their hearts ●● such a bay them held That none of them before his face durst stay For he alone with sword in hand did driue Them to the place where first they did ariue And closely held them there with great despight As long as he did in the field remaine Which was till that it gan to draw to night At which time he returnd to Troy againe But then more Greeks vpon the shoare ariu'd With cruell fierce Achilles which reuiu'd And comforted the Grecians hearts so well That they againe assaild the Troians And by Achilles ayd which did excell In valor all the other Grecians They beate them backe and draue them to the plaine And by that meanes did win the field againe In which conflict Achilles did pursue The Troians in such wise that he onely For his part many hundreds of them slew And at that time had in his company Three thousand knights in glistring armor bright Who likewise were so hot and fierce in fight That with their Prince th' only champion Of all the Greeks they ●lew their foes so fast And cruelly not sparing any one That many of the Troians fled in hast To saue their liues such was their rage and ire Which in the Grecians hearts did burne like fire Against the Troian Knights but specially Achilles tooke great pleasure and delight To beate them downe and to behold them lie In heapes vpon the ground and with despight That day to die and bath his sword in blood Which in the plaine ran like vnto a flood Such hatred in his heart he did conceiue And still increast it with such cruelty That nothing but their deaths could it bereaue Out of his mind the which to satisfie He never left with all his Knights so fast To kill beat downe and wound them that at last With dreadfull noyse and cries he made them run Vnto the gates of Troy where while they fought To saue their liues and therewithall to s●un His fierce and cruell blowes it holp them nought For that meane time the Grecians got to land Withall their power and force and from the strād Marcht with so great a multitude of men That th' onely sight of them did terrifie The Troians fearefull hearts but much more when They saw that with most great extremitie They could not chuse but must perforce abide A hard and cruell fight on every side Which by the Grecian Knights couragiously Was giuen so that with hearts discouraged And cleane dismaid they were constraind to 〈◊〉 Into the towne where as they entered Achilles did so hotly them pursue That many of them before the gates he slew And at that time made such occision And slaughter of the Troians that at last It would haue
fill As messengers and signes of shedding bloud Were ●eard in every place throughout the Campe And prancing steeds with fierce and furious mood Vpon the ground their feet did beat and stampe And neigh and some at mouth on either side Attending signes of battaile with great pride Both Greeks and Troyans longing sore to trie Their knightly force and valors in the field Each one that day against the enemie And readie prest with furious looke beheld Their deadly foes there standing in the place Which from each other was but little space Till that the battailes first in order set On either side remou'd and forward went And in most furious wise together met Where Hector that in heart was discontent And formost on the Troyans side did stand Vpon his horse with mighty Lance in hand Whose wrath and ire by no meanes could asswage Like fierce and cruell Lyon that for pray With hungry mood doth hunt in furious rage Against the Greeks first onset gaue that day And ran so fast vpon his gallant steed That with his spurs he made his sides to bleed His Knightly heart so much was set on fire With mortall wrath and hate revenge to take Which when the Greeks did see with great desire They also for their parts like hast did make T' advance themselues and first without abode Patroclus that the formost of them rode In proud and hautie manner spurd his horse T' encounter Hector fiercly in the field And with a speare that was of mightie force Road vnto him and hit him on the shield So great and strong a blow that with the same He pierst it through with such a force it came But hurt him not at all for that it brake Yet with the point through plate male did passe And did a hole within his harnas make But neither brest nor skin of his did race And though with most great violence it came Yet could he not stirre Hector with the same Nor make him once out of his sadle rise Nor backeward nor yet forward for to yeeld Nor yet t' incline himselfe in any wise Vpon his horse so fast thereon he held But Hector vnto his confusion Most like a strong and puissant Champion Cast downe his speare with his sword in hand In furious wise vnto himselfe he swore That spight of all that durst or would 't with stand Patroclus at that time should die therefore And therewith such a blow vnto him gaue That with the strength thereof his head he claue In sunder to the brest and then againe A second blow him gaue withall his force Which finally his body claue in twaine Wherewith Patroclus tell off from his horse With pale and deadly face vpon the ground As he that had receau'd his mortall wo●●● In presence of his men and in the sight Of all the Greekes and then without delay Hector off from his horse with speed did light And like a Lyon fell that seekes for pray Determin'd in his heart that burnt like fire Against his Grecian foes with great desire To spoyle Patroclus of his armes that were So gallant rich and sumptuous to behold As being set with precious stones most cleare In chast and richly gilt with purest gold For then great Lords and Princes vs'd to beare Most sumptuous arms whē as in field they were And to that end while he was busied With couetous desire to take his pray In sight of all the Greekes his horse he led In one hand by the reine and thought to lay The body of Patroclus on the same But ere 't was done King Menon thither came And with three thousand Knights inclos'd him round Who all together hotely him assail'd Whereas so great resistance then he found That of his purpose at that time he faild And forced was to let Patroclus lie For to resist the force of th' enemie Which caused him in boyling rage to fall To whome King Menon fell and furious The spake and said in presence of them all O greedy Wolfe and Tygar ravinous O Lyon fierce and beast insatiable Whose avarice is most vnreasonable Vpon this prey as now thou shalt not feed Go seeke elsewhere for other carrion For fifty thousand men haue all decreed This day to worke thy sole destruction And that they may in their intent prevaile Thy hatefull pride at once they w●ll assaile And then in furious wise on him they set With Launces swords and other weapons more And on him as vpon an anvile beat On every side behind and eke before With full pretence his horse from him to take And what so ere resistance he could make For all his valor force and puissant might He was constraind to fall vpon his knee But like a most couragious hardy Knight By passing strength and magnanimitie Despight of all the Greeks he did by force 〈◊〉 vp againe vpon his gallant horse And to King Menon road with furious mood And heart possest with extreame cruelty Wherein his sole delight and pleasure stood And without doubt had slaine him presently If that three thousand knights chivalerous With Theseus Glaucus and Archilagus Had not in time to rescue him come thither Who all with one consent and great despight Agreed to follow Hector and together In furious wise to kill him if they might But nere the lesse who s●ere did him assaile Was surely kild for nought could him prevaile Against his puissant arme and trenchant blade So that the Greeke that met with him that day Need take no care for ransome to be made To saue his life for ere he scapt away He was most certaine without doubt to die So that for feare each one from him did flie Whereby he had the meanes to breake the prease Of those that did enclose him round about And where so ere he road he did not cease To kill and beat them downe till he got out And made a path before him smooth plaine Vntill he came vnto the place againe Whereas the body of Patroclus lay To spoyle him of his armor if he might And fore him on his horse to beare 't away In view of all the Greeks to their despight And at that time had surely had the same But that King Idumeus thither came And with him broght two thousa'd knights of ●ree● Where he was King that did inclose him round And valiantly on all ●ides on him set While he vnarm'd Patroclus on the ground And to them came a king cald Merion Although at last to his confusion And ere that Hector could about him looke Despight of all his valor and his might His gallant horse perforce from him they tooke Whereby he was compeld on foot to fight But yet his knightly heart they could not feare For with his sword he slew all that were neare Or him withstood and at that time began To hacke and hew the Greeks on euery side And t'cu● off armes legs of horse and man That none of them before him durst abide For he in
attaine As he that was both stout and valorous Met with Queene Helens Nephew in the plaine That was a mighty Duke cald Mereus A Prince both gallant yong and vertuous Most richly arm'd and of good carriage And for his time a stout and valiant knight For he was then but twenty yeares of age Yet much renownd for valor and for might But by hard fortune it fell out alas That this braue Troyan knight Pollidamas Ran at him with a speare so furiously That piercing through his armes and coat of male He strake him to the heart and sodainly He fell downe dead with color wan and pale Which when as old King Menelaus beheld And saw him lie dead groueling in the field That sometime Nephew was to Helena His wife he fell into so great a rage That presently he made no more delay But in some part his choller to asswage He ran at stout King Remus in despight And with his sword stroke at him with such might Vpon the head that he could not sustaine Himselfe vpright but fell vnto the ground Wherewith his Knights supposing he was slaine For that the blood did run out of his wound And he as dead vpon the ground did lie They tooke him vp and with him gan to flie As fast as ere they could and would not stay Till that the valiant Knight Pollidamas Vnto them went and stopt them in the way And by no meanes would suffer them to passe Except those that by him appointed were King Remus to the towne of Troy to beare Then to the field on Grecians side there came King Celides a valiant Prince and stout Whom Dares doth report t' haue had the name Amongst the Greeks and all the world throughout T' excell all men without exception For beauty shape and good proportion Behauiour grace and countenance bening For every part of him was most exact And finely made so that not any thing To grace a man withall in him there lackt For nature had him fram'd of such a mold That all men did delight him to behold Which made the gallant Amazonian Queene For passing beauty held to be the flower To loue him so when once she had him seene That she did choose him for her Parramour And loued him so deerely at the heart That from her thought he neuer could depart Who being as I sayd a gallant Knight As soone as ere he entred in the field And saw whereas Pollidamas did fight Against the Greeks and at a bay them held He set his spurres vnto his horses side And in most furious wise to him did ride And with his speare did giue him such a blow That with the same which came with passing might Off from his horse he did him overthrow But to requite him for 't the Troian Knight Pollidamas with pale and furious face Ere Celides departed from the place Drewout his sword and smot him on the head So cruelly and with so great a might That he therewith off from his horse fell dead Vpon the grrund vnto the great despight Of all the Greeks that could him not relieue For which in heart they sore did fret and grieue And while the Greeks and Troians thus did fight And each the other kild in euery place Throughout the field Hector the valiant Knight Like Lyon fierce before him did them chase And furiously did wound beat downe and slay The Greeks so fast that forst to giue him way Like sheepe before the greedy woolfe they fled For gainst his trenchant blade no Greeks durst stād For with the same their blood so fast he shead That glad was he that could escape his hand And at that time such vengance he did take On them that they compeld were to forsake The field whereas he fought yet would he not Leaue off to kill and chase them till in fine As he road here and there it was his lot Among the valiant Knights of Salo●ine T' incounter with King Theseus in the way That many a Troian Knight had slaine that day And as to him in hast he gan to ride The valiant Knight King Tentar thither came With speare in hand and while he lookt aside In furious wise ran at him with the same And with the blow cleane through his armes did pierce And wounded him but while with courage fierce Hector to be reueng'd for that despight On Tentar turnd his horse about in hast He wisely road as fast as ere he might Till he out of his furious sight was past Wherewith his heart was soe possest with ire That in his breast it burnt as hot as fire And when he felt his wound to ake and smart He did within himselfe so rage and fret That for to ease the coller of his heart What Greeke soeuer after that he met Or that durst be so bold him to withstand Was sure to die by his victorious hand And mongst the rest one speciall there was That proudly and of purpose him withstood Whom with his sword which through his arms did He claue vnto the heart with furious mood passe At which most puissant stroke the Greeks did trēble But nerethelesse they did in troopes assemble And him inclosed round on every side Vpon him such a fierce assault to make Which they supposd he could not long abide That at the last by force they would him take And more and more there number still increast Which on all sides t'assayle him neuer ceast So that to all mens ●ight by likelihood He could not from their hands escape aliue And while in so great danger there he stood And still with them did ●●ght●●nd brauely striue Like to a Lyon fierce and furious The worthy Grecian King cald Theseus Of curtesie and of meere gentlenesse In heart was mou●d to see him in that case And pitying his heard and great distresse As fearing what in fine might come to passe Because he stood in danger of the wracke In kind and friendly manner to him spake Oh valiant Knight and root of hardinesse Oh spring of man-hood stocke of Noblenesse And th' onely patterne of all worthinesse Why art thou now so carelesse in distresse To saue thy life by Knightly prouidence When as thou seest thou canst not make defence Against so huge a number of thy foes Mongst whom thou art in danger to be slaine For they on every side doe thee inclose And haue all meanes of succour from thee tane And yet thou wilt not helpe thy selfe at all But staist to see the worst that may befall For which all men in heart may well complaine To see that such a worthy valiant Knight Who by his valor Knight-hood doth maintaine And vnto Marshall men is th' only light And as it were th'v pholder of their law Will not himselfe from danger now withdraw But wilfully thy life wilt rather loose Great pitty t' were that thou shouldst here be slaine Withdraw thy selfe therfore whilst thou maist chose For if thou diest not now thou wilt be tane Thy prowesse
foes That many a 〈◊〉 thereby his life did lose Then to the field Duke Nestor proudly brought Fiue thousand valiant Knights in armor bright That furiously against the Troians fought And on the Troians side the worthy Knight King Esdras with a courage stout and bold And Philon in his stately chaire of gold With all the valiant Knights and chivalry That for to ayd King Priam thither came Out of Agresta land with Iacony The Prince and heire thereof and with the same Couragiously vpon the Grecians ran At which time many a braue and worthy man Was fiercely slaine and maim'd on euery side And from the men that on the ground lay dead And wounded sore with gashes long and wide The field all ore was died in colour red With streames of blood that men therin might wade Such slaughter at that time twixt them was made At which time Philon fought most furiously And did by valor great the Troians ayd And many a Greeke that day did cause to die But while thus fighting valiantly he staid At vnawares he was inclosed round And sodainly himselfe in danger found For that the Greekes so compast him about That he vnlikely was from them t' escape For by no meanes he could from thence get out But that in th' end they would him either take Or kill outright but that Prince Iacony Vnto King Esdras loudly gan to cry Saying my Lord by our great negligence King Philon at this time will sure be slaine For gainst so many Greeks ther 's no defence But that he must needs die or els be tane If we relieue him not if that we can And so in hast they altogether ran And in despight of all the Greeks by force They did release King Philon from their hands Who glad thereof did mount vpon his horse And road with them vnto the Troian bands That then with all their power force and might With Hector that most brave and worthy Knight Deiphobus and Pollidamas and other Couragious Troian Knights that had decreed With one consent and valiantly together The Grecians freshly to assayle with speed Of purpose if convenient meanes they found With all their puissant power t' inclose thē round That few of them should scape with life from thēce And to that end did fiercely them assaile And did compell the Greeks with small defence For that as then their courages did fayle To loose their ground and to retire with speed And finally were driuen into such need That mauger all their might they had that day Been vtterly brought to confution And forced in the end to run away If that King Menelaus and Thelamon When as they saw them faint and halfe afraid Had them not then incouraged and staid And made them once againe themselues defend Till that Aeneas and Duke Eufrenus Against the Greeks did valiantly descend With other troopes of Knights chivalrous And freshly them againe did sore oppresse And Hector also by his worthinesse Like Lyon fierce with sterne and cruell face Did put them to so great extremitie That like to sheepe that cruell woolfe doth chase They were compeld with feare from him to flie As glad his strong and trenchant blade to shun And from it for to saue their liues to run The which when valiant Aiax did espie He had in heart so much compassion To thinke vpon the great extremitie With cruell slaughter and confusion The which the Greeks as then did feele and find That when he turn'd his backe look't behind And saw so many Grecian wings that staid And were in order prest within the field Which banners large and pennons faire displaid And all that while the cruell fight beheld And saw how Hector had the Greeks in chase Yet stirred not one foot out of their place Although in them the flower of chivalry On Grecians side there was that able were The Troians to withstand and valiantly To be reveng'd on them and for to beare The furious charge of their fierce enemies In all the hast he could to them he hies And loudly vnto them for helpe did crie Whereatin hast the wearied Greeks to ayd They marched forward gainst the enemy With ensignes rich and pennons braue displaid And when they and the Troians fiercely meet The earth did shake and tremble with the feet Of horses that in furious wise did fling And gallop in the field and then did rise An●●eous noyse wherewith the ayre did ring O huge and mighty strookes and fearefull cries On either side and many a Knight was seene With deadly wounds lie gasping on the greene Then Aiox gainst Aeneas fiercely ran And he gainst him as willingly did ride For twixt them both such enmitie as than And hatred great there was on either side That nought but death their furies could asswage And did together meet in such a rage That with the blow that each the other hit Most puissantly withall their force and might Each other to the ground they brauely smit And vp againe they rose on foot to fight And there a valiant combat twixt them tride Where as they both great danger did abide Amongst the horses feet vpon the ground Till that Philocletes that brauely fought That day on Grecian side had Aiax found And him another horse to mount on brought And did assayle the Troians valiantly That other wise had had the victory Against the Greeks but that Philocletes Withall his Knights them man fully withstood And first of all as th' Author Guido saies At Hector with a speare he fiercely roade Which with the blow in many peeces brake But stird him not off from his horses backe For though he had receiu'd so great a stroke That well might haue orethrown avaliant Knight He sat as stif and sturdy as an oke And with his speare Philocletes did smite Through armor shield and body that withall Sore wounded to the grouud he made him fall That off his life his Knights were much in doubt Then to the field King Humerus and eke Ulisses came and with cen thousand stour And valiant Knights and many a worthy Greeke The Troians did assaile so furiously And with great multitudes of new supply Vpon them set that in despaire and feare And wearied with so long and cruell fight They gan for to recule and readdy were To turne away and take themselues to flight It Paris had not come with more supply To rescue them and at his entery Into the field the King of Frizia met That vnto King Ulisses was of kin And in such furious wise vpon him set That without more adoe he ran him in Through armor shield and bodie with his speare Whereat the Greeks full sore abashed were And for his death Ulisses grieved so That in a rage and with extreame despight He did a speare at Paris fiercely throw To pierce his heart but it to low did light Yet nerethelesse it went with such a force That with the strength thereof it kild his horse And he thereby fell flat vpon
should goe And comming to his father did him pray That with three thousand Knights he wold him ayd And gainst the Grecians goe without delay Who presently with all his Knights did ride Into the field and there the Greeks assaild Most valiantly and gainst them so prevaild That in short space so many of them were slaine And overthrowne by Priam furiously That at that time the field and all the plaine Were covered with dead Greeks and they did flie With speed before his face as glad to get Away from him so hot on them he set And then as Hector valiantly did ride Throughout the field the Troians to relieue And Alax likewise on the Grecian side Some ayd and succour vnto them to giue Like Lyons strong they both together met And on each other did so fiercely set That with their mighty speares and puissant force Th'incountred so magnanimiously That each the other brauely did vnhorse And gainst their willes vpon the ground did lie And at that time King Menelans did fall Vpon a worthy Troian Admirall And kild him with his sword and so began A cruell ●ight and slaughter to renew On either 〈◊〉 And C●lyd●●●us than Infurious wise King Thoas nephew slew And Madan like a stout and valiant Knight With sword in hand so cruelly did smght A Grecian King cald Cedeus in the eies That with the blow one eye he cleane smote out And Sardellus a Troian Knight likewise As he from place to place did range about Vpon a Grecian Lord so fiercely f●ew Whom Guydo nameth not that he him ●lew And at that time Margariton a Knight O● Troyans side with wrath and furious ire Most valiantly with Thelamon did fight And he also with him with like desire But Thelamon did smight him to the ground And gaue him with his lance a deadly wound And Pha●i●ll the worthy Troian Knight With speare in hand and fierce and furious mood King Prothenor off from his ●orse did smight And thus King Priams sonnes as then withstood The Grecians in such wise that all that day Most cruelly they did them wound and ●lay To be reueng'd on their inveterate foes And by that meanes in that most furious fight Great store of Grecian Knight is their liues did loose And then King Anglas with his speare did smight Menestes Duke of Athens on his shield But nerethelesse still on his horse he held And for because no lance as then he bare With sword in hand he did to anglas go And with it furiously his beauer ●are From off his face and with the selfe same blow He cut his nose cleane off or very neare Whereat a while he stood as in a feare To see the blood run downe his face so fast That with the same his ar●o●all was died But like a stout and valiant Knight at last He spurd his horse and road somewhat aside To stench it if he might without the field But when his brother Dea●or it beheld And saw him by Menestes wounded so He ran at him in fierce and furious wise And hit him with his speare so great a blow That downe he fell and ere that he could rise Another of his brethren did come thither And they all three assay led him together With full intent to kill him if they might And to that end on him most furious ●●Spand●● But Menestes that was a valiant Knight So gallantly their fierce assault did boare And sought so well that wonder ●'was to see But Thoas ●h'eldest brother of the three Most busiest was from him his life to take And with most furious rage and crueltie His helmet at the last in peeces brake And brought him to so great extremitie That without doubt he surely then had died Had not King T●n●●an bin that him espied Who grieuing to behold him in that case Ran hastely to ayd him if he might But when he gotten had vnto the place Whereas they fought and like a valiant Knight Did brauely him relieue out of his paine And great distresse t' was labor all in vaine For Hector who as then by chance came thither And saw King Tentran fight so valiantly Assay led him and Menestes together And there had slaine them both assuredly If Aiax had not been that him espied And with a thousand Knights vnto him hied And with them all at once did him assayle To saue them from his furie if they might And Hector of his will then made to fayle But Paris like a hardy valiant Knight With the renown'd and worthy Persian King And with fiue thousad Knights that he did bring Vnto the fied perceiuing their intent To ayd his brother Hector straight did goe And being to revenge then fully bent He presently did cause a trumpet blow Whereat the valiant Knights that Hector led That day into the field well furnished Came speedily vnto him at his call Against the Greeks ●on to enforce the fight And to relieue their valiant Generall And so with extreame furie and despight Gre●● store of Grecian Knights that day they slew And in such sort the battaile did renew That many a Greeke in heart was grieued sore To see the losse and great destruction Vpon them made But Hector euermore Such valor show'd that he himselfe alone A thousand Grecian Knights that day did slay And made the Greeks to flie and run away Not daring to behold his furious face That wholy vnto cruelty was bent And while that he so furiously did chase His enemies not farre off from a tent It was his chance King Mereon to behold Whom when he did espie with courage bold And countenance sterne vnto him spake said Traitor thy glasse and fatall course is run Thy life must end no time shall be delaid For that before into the West the sunne Descendeth downe know that assuredly With this my sword thou shalt not faile to die Because that thou so hardy wast this day When as I thought Patroclus armes to haue To hinder and bereaue me of my prey For which thy bold attempt nought shall thee saue And therewithall downe from his horse he light And with his sword his head cleane off did smight And thought his armor likewise to haue had But while that to disarme him he began Menestes Duke of Athens that was glad To be revengd on Hector at him ran When as his backe was turn'd and suddenly At vnawares did wound him cruelly And pierst him through the armor in the side Whereat the blood in streames ran out a maine The which when Hector felt he straight did ride Out of the field and for to ease his paine He caused one to search and dresse his wound And for to stanch the bleeding fast it bound Meane time Menestes closely got away For to be freed from Hectors furious force Intending not to meet him all that day Which done againe he mounted on his horse And to the field returned with much more And greater rage then ere he had before For that his heart so furiously
other and the fight continued In equall sort without advantage great Till it fell out at last that Diomede By policie or fortune chanst to get Advantage by some meanes on Troyelus For no man alwaies is victorious Nor yet in peace or warre like fortunate For t is the doubtfull end of bloudy warre Now vp now downe still subiect vnto fate And therfore let each man himselfe prepare Sith fickle fortune is so full of doubt To take his chance when as it falleth out And at that time layd hand vpon his horse being then enclos'd by Grecians round about And tooke him for his prisoner and by force Among the prease began to lead him out Accompanyed with many a Grecian knight To gard and keepe him as they went by might For though it then fell out that Troyelus Was tane perforce by Diomede in ●ight He might by fortune proue victorious Another time and him therefore requite For that as it ●ell out in little space He had not led him farre out of the place But multitudes of Troyans him assaild And maugre all the power of Diomede So mightily against the Greeks prevaild That they did rescue Troyelus in his need And him by force of armes from him did take And then began great slaughter for his sake On either side where many men were slaine On th' one side for to keepe him prisoner still On th' other side to set him free againe But yet in th' end the Troyans had their will And while the fight in this sort twixt them held King Menelaus did enter in the field Who all that day gainst Troyans brauely fought And busie was on them reveng'd to bee For malice that to them of old he ought The which when Paris not farre off did see With all his knights vpon him he did set And he with Greeks on him when they met Betweene them both on either side began A cruell fierce and bloudy fight which was The death of many a braue and gallant man Hector meane time through thick thin did passe spill And neuer ceast in surious wise to kill The Greeks in great streams their bioud to For with his sword so many of them were slaine And beaten downe with extreame cruelty That they could not his puissant blowes sustaine But were constraind before his face to flye And when a lustie yong and gallant knight Cald Boetes saw with how great force might The Greeks were slaine by Hectors cruelty On euery side to win himselfe great fame And that record of him perpetually Might still be kept for th'onor of his name With courage bold heart not once affeard He thought he would adventure him to beard The which when Hector saw he did conceaue Such wrath within his heart and great disdaine That with his sword he did his body cleaue Cleane downe from head to foot in pieces twaine And tooke his horse and sent it to the towne And then againe road fiercely vp and downe Amongst the Greeks and euer mercilesse With extreame force and heart couragious He kild all those that on him sought to presse Which when the valiant King Archilagus Perceau'd and saw his Cousin Boetes lie By Hector slaine in that sort cruellie To be reveng'd on him for that despight With fury great vnto him he did goe And as at him he did begin to smight Hector vpon his shield receau'd the blowe And with his sword stroke him vpon the head So mightily that he therewith fell dead Vpon the ground his body cleft in twaine And though his armes were passing strong good Yet could they not the mighty force sustaine Of Hectors stroke that came with furious mood The which when King Protbenor did behold With great despight courage fierce bold And yet in truth t' was but in foolish pride He road to him in hast and vnaware Smote him a mighty blow vpon the side And him therewith out of his sadle bare And made him fall downe flat vpon the ground But Hector who in valor did abound In hast leapt vp vpon his horses backe And Prothenor pursued furiously And when at last he did him ouertake He smote him with his sword so cruelly Vpon the Helme that with the blow he gaue His head and body to the brest he claue And downe he fell before the Greeks who sore Abashed were at that most cruell blow But specially Achilles grieu'd therefore And for the same his heart was full of woe To see his Cousin Prothenor lye slaine Before his face for which he felt such paine And griefe in mind that full of heauinesse He road among the Grecian troopes to see If he could ease himselfe of his distresse And find the meanes with them reueng'd to bee On Hector for the death of Prothenor The which both he and they together swore And for the death of King Archilagus And to that end conspir'd among them all With many Grecian Knights chivalorous At once on Hector furiously to fall And him with speed on every side t'assaile But at that time it did them not availe For all that day such hauocke he did make And kild and hewd the Greeks so furiously That they on him could no advantage take But were constraind for their owne safety And for to shun the extreame force and might Of him and of the Troyans that did fight At that time with so great agility And such a fierce assault vnto them gaue To leaue the field and to recoyle and fly Vnto their tents and there themselues to saue And in their flight so beaten were slaine That all the way along all the plaine Lay full of dead and wounded Greeks that bled And gaspt and groand and howld and cryed sore And still the Troyan Knights continued The chase and draue the Grecians more more Before them downe till that it grew to night And waxed darke then for want of light The Troyans to their honor and renowne With Hector did retire and entered Victoriously againe into the towne And there themselues refreshed cur'd and fed Where till the day next morning gan to breake I le let them rest and of the Grecians speake When Hesperus the bright and glistring starre At euening in the West began t' appeare And spred his beames abroad both nere farre And twilight with a pale and deadly cheare Did seeme to mo●ned he absence of the Sun And night approached with his mantle dun When Tytan did begin his leaue to take And to the Westerne coast in hast descond At twilight when the day an end doth make For twy-light nothing else is but the end Of day and the beginning of the night And yet in truth is neither day nor night But iust a meane betweene them both doth beare Yet neither th' one nor th' other perfectly And comes before the glistring starres appeare To shew themselues within the azure skie Their Generall King Agamemnon sent For all the Grecian Princes to his tent And when
were one of your Royall blood The which I know for all your worldlie good You would by no meanes wish nor gladlie see Wherefore by mine aduise I thinke it best That Thoas should well kept and garded bee Within this towne and quietlie let rest Least as I said to you before it may Fall out that one of vs another day Might hap into their hands and prisoner be And so for him we might haue ours againe Which otherwise if with extreamitie We do proceed we never should obtaine This is my counsell in this case said he And such as I do thinke the best to be Whereto most worthy Hector did consent And with him was of like opinion And said that he no will had nor intent That any wrong to Thoas should be done While he in Troy then prisoner was though he Nere had deseru'd of them well vs'd to be Paris King Priams second son likewise When as his brother Hector had declar'd His mind said vnto them that his aduise Was that he wisht King Thoas should be spar'd And not put vnto death although he said To doe the same they need not be afraid But Deiphobus of cleane contrarie mind Vnto his brethren twaine did say he saw No cause why Thoas should such favor find At Troyans hands who by their marshall law Might iustlie for his merits make him die Being as he was their vtter enemie Whereto with courage bold youthfull heart Prince Troyelus did seeme somewhat t' agree With Deiphobus and said that for his part He did no cause nor any reason see Why they should spare their enemie that sought Their overthrow and to that end had brought His forces fore their towne as fullie bent To worke their vtter ruine and decay But yet said he it is not my intent To counsell you to deale with him that way Least as my Lord Aeneas saith we might Perchance thereby procure our owne despight Whose counsell Lord Anthenor did commend And said that to shew such extreamitie Of marshall Law and rigor to extend To him could not be done advisedlie For that said he there is none of vs all But may into our foes hands chance to fall And with the selfe same rigor vsed be That vnto him we shewd Wherefore I say If that by my advise you 'le ruled be It 's best to let him safe in prison stay And vse him well that we like cur●esie May haue when need requires of th' enemy Pollidamas his sonne with all the rest Of those that in their Counsell chamber were With one consent did say they thought it best That he should still be kept a prisoner And as Aeneas said be vsed well Till they saw how fortune with thē would deale But Priamus to wrath and furie bent Did not agree to their opinion And would by no meanes therevnto consent But still maintain'd his first conclusion And said that if the Greeks should once perceiue That we of life do Thoas not bereaue But spare him though vnto that end it were They would report to our no little shame That we dare not attempt to do 't for feare We haue of them and so will vs defame But nere the lesse said he sith you 're content I will though loath vnto the same consent And therewithall their counsell vp they brake And then Aeneas and Anthenor went With Troyelus into the hall and spake With Helena whereas some time they spent With her and with Queene Hecuba that bare Her company with many Ladies faire That with her the Queene then present were Where Troyelus and Aeneas did perswade Queene Helena to set aside all feare Which by the meanes of war that great she had And she although much discontent she were In outward shew did seeme with ioyfull cheare And countenance demure being glad To welcome them as to their state was fit But Hecuba that nere her equall had For vertue bountie eloquence and wit While they vnto Queene Helena so spake Desired them for that faire Ladies sake And for the weale and safety of them all And of the towne that they would not adventer Themselues in field what ever might befall Too farre among the enemies to enter Nor put themselues in danger carelesly And yet besought them to fight valiantly To saue and keepe the towne from that distresse Which th' enemy did seeke to bring 't into The which she said she fear'd she must confesse Although she hope 't they should it never do And so of her and of the Ladies all The knights tooke leaue went out of the hall Meane time the Greeks that morning as I said While Priam in the towne a counsell held Did murmure great sorow mongst them made As in their tents they lay in th' open field To thinke vpon the losse which they sustaind And all of them together much complaind And grieued for the death of many a man Of great account slaine by the cruelties Since that most cruell deadly war began And valor of their Troyan enemies And for the hunger cold and thirst also With sorow thought vnquietnes and woe Which they had had and felt all for nought Or at the least for causes very small If that the ground thereof were truely sought This was the speech and words in generall That through the Grecians campe at that time ran And currantly did passe from man to man But specially amongst the poorer sort Of soldiers who in war most commonly Constrained are t' endure and to support The brunt of all and haue no remedy For though they do find fault grieue therfore Yet are they not relieued nere the more And so they did complaine make great mone To thinke vpon the mischiefe they endured And which to them the Troyan knights had done Thogh't were thēselues that had the same procured Vnto their owne decay and might it shun If they had not that bloudy war begun Which to encrease the next ensuing night So cloudy darke and thicke as pitch became That neither Moone nor star appear'd in sight And such a storme did happen on the same Of thunder lightning wind raine that fell Vpon them as if all the fiends of hell Conspired had their vtter overthrow And therewithall the waters did so rise That all the field and plaine did overflow And with the wind that blew in furious wise Their tents were overthrowne they compeld To leaue the place which all that while they held By reason that the water grew so hie And in that sort the Greeks in great distresse Compelled were all that same night to lie With hearts repleate with griefe and heauinesse In that great storme of thunder wind raine Vntill the water did go backe againe The wind appeas'd and day began t' appeare Next morning when the Sun began to rise Which made the aire shew beautifull and cleare And draue away the clouds out of the skies And with the force and feavor of his heat Dried vp the ground which was
cruelly as I the signes can show Most furiously the same didst hac and hew Whereby mine armes that forged are of steele When thou with puissant force on thē dist smight Could neuer yet assure my corps so well But that thy trenchāt blade through thē would 〈◊〉 Into my flesh full deepely and profound As well appeares by many a mortall wound Which in the same are now both long and wide And at this time full sorely ake and smart And put me to such paine on euery side For which as now it seemeth that my heart Doth rise swell beat and pant when I thee see With great despight reuengd on thee to bee And is so full repleat with furious rage And rancor old with such extreamitie That by no meanes it never will asswage Till with my hands thy death I giue to thee But one thing doth torment me most of all Which is when I vnto remembrance call And with my selfe in mind expostulate How to content thy fierce and bloody will With trenchant blade thou diddest separate Patroclus corps in twaine and didst him kill Whom I did loue with heart and mind intire And vnto him so great good will did beare That as my selfe I must the truth confesse I loued him and such affection Vnto him had as no tongue can expresse And thou thereby didst make division Twixt him and me that liu'd and lou'd together Like brethren twaine and so had done for euer While life endur'd for that betwixt vs twaine Our faithfull hearts were knit to fast together As if they had been linked in a chaine No griefe nor no adversity could sever Our hearts and thoughts how great soere it was Till by his death thou broughtst the same to pas And by that meanes our faith full loue didst part Whose death so deepe in printed in my thought So sore doth griue and vex me at the heart That I protest it shall be dearely bought And 't may be if I reckon not amisse Before this present yeare expired is For be assurd that onely for his sake When Fortune shall afor'd the time to do 't Revenge by cruell death on thee I le take And thereof make account and looke well to 't For if I liue it shall be surely don Whē thou shalt haue no means the same to shun For right requires that sith by death thou wert The cause and meane to part two louer true Death should to thee be rendred for desert Which I my selfe will giue thee as thy due That all the world through out may thereof know And heare how that Achilles kild his foe To be revenged for Patroclus death And though that I doe hate thee for the same And will as long as I on earth doe breath Thou hast no cause nor reason me to blame For well I wot thou hast my death conspird And many a day the same in heart desird So that to end this strife I tell thee plaine Nought els but cruell death shall v●●p●●r bee For till thou I or both of vs be sla●●● It shall not cease The which I hope to see Ere it be long for sure it shall be d●● By me or thee the which thou shalt not shun When Hector had Achilles speech well hard And giuen him leaue to tell so long a ●ale As he that for the same full little card With countenance glad and yet with anger pale He did thereto reply and answer made Vnto the same and thus to him he sayd Achilles thou no maruell oughst to haue That as thou saist I doe thy death conspire And howrely the same of fortune craue As th' onely thing which I in heart desire And that to kill thee still I he in wait Because to thee I beare so deadly hate For if in mind thou didst consider well The sentence graue which verity doth proue And vnto vs for certaine truth doth tell That neither I nor any man can loue Nor any kind of fauor show to one That dayly seeketh my confusion And me and mine to vanquish and destroy With deadly hate and great presumption Besieged hath the noble towne of Troy To bring vs wholly to destruction Not can I any cause nor reason find That in my heart I should to him be kind Nor loue nor fauor him in any thing That seekes my death For loue doth neuer breed Of bloody warre and strife nor yet doth spring From fowle and deadly hate but doth proceed And takes her first and true originall From faithfulnesse which is the principall And onely cause that makes mens hearts t' agree And neuer from true faith and loue to start But doth them still preserue in vnitie Of words and will desire mind and hart And neither life nor death can loue disseuer For faithfull loue continueth true for euer But hatred and dissention is contrary From whence proceeds and followes as we see When as mens hearts and minds dissent varry Nought els but rancor strife and en●●itie Whe which once bred makes men proceed so far That at the last they fall to mortall warre The which all loue cleane vanisheth away But nerethelesse I will that thou shalt know That whatsoeuer thou to me dost say In proud and vaunting words and makest show As if that thou wouldst doe that vnto mee Which while thou liust shal neare be don by thee I care not whatsoere thou dost or sayst For without bost hereof I thee assure When as thou hast don all that ere thou ●●yst If that this warre long twixt vs doth indure I hope if that it be my chance to liue The Grecians so to terrifie and grieue That thou and they full well shall find and feele How with my trenchant blade when we shall meet I le hac and hew their armors made of steele And beat them downe and tread them vnderfeet And thine and all their pride so much will daunt That if you stay and still these warres doe haunt I le make you all repent your comming here For this I know and well assured am That th' onely thing as plainely doth appeare For which vnto this towne you hither came Proceeds of pride and indiscretion Els would you not with such presumption A thing of such importance take in hand As is the siedge of this our towne so great Which able is your forces to withstand And you and yours from thence by force to beat For th' enterprise I tell you true and plaine Is ouer hard and heavy to sustaine And will because to make you all in fine As hauty and as stout as now you seeme To leaue your pride and lowly to decline And stoop vnto the burthen which you deeme To be but very easie small and light With your no little shame and great despight And this I say Achilles vnto thee That whensoeuer thou dost me assayle Death shall vnto thy selfe be giuen by mee Before that thou against me shalt prevaile To do the thing wgich thou so easie deem'st Though of thy selfe thou nere so
the walls did loose great store of men Which when the valiant Knight Margariton One of King Priams bastard Childeren Perceau'd and saw such hauocke of them made Such griefe and sorrow in his heart he had And was so moou'd thereat with great disdaine To see them flie and chast so furiously And fore the walls so many of them slaine He purposed with heart couragiously T'revenge them on Achilles if he might And therefore like a strong and valiant knight He spurd his horse through the prease he brake And in the midst of all the Myrmidons Enforst himselfe to kill or else to take Achilles and to that end on him runs And him with fierce and furious mood assaild But notwithstanding all his might he faild Of that which he intended to haue done For as fell fortune did for him ordaine Which by no meanes he could at that time shone He was himselfe by fierce Achilles slaine Wherewith the Troyans presently did flie Vnto the towne with fearefull noise and crie To see the valiant Knight Margariton Dead on the ground so pittiously to lie And also for because King Thelamon Pursued them with so great cruelty And with his sword so fiercely shed their blood Though Paris him couragiously withstood With all his valiant bastard Brethren But nere the lesse the Troyans more and more Fled backe and with the losse of many men Constrained were to giue the field cleane ore And entring into Troye with mighty feare Margaritons dead corps with them did beare And after them shut fast the gates with speed Whose body when as Hector did behold His heart within his brest for griefe did bleed And for that cause he swore and vowd he would Without abode or any more delay Revenge his death vpon the Greeks that day And presently his compleat armes put on And mounting on his horse with speed did goe Out of the towne before that any one Of those that would haue staid him did it know And like a Lyon in his cruelty Assaild the Grecians host so furiously That like to swarmes of Bees they ran away Before his sword and thought it best to get Out of his sight and he that time did slay Two worthy Dukes that then vpon him set Whereof the one was cald Euripalus The other had to name Halcidius And by that meanes the Troyans hauing woone Their ground againe they did the Grecians slay So furiously that they in hast begun To leaue the field and giue the Troyans way Yet though they were pursu'd so then it was Their chance by force to take Pollidamas A Troyan knight but Hector spurd his horse And road into the thickest of the presse And tooke him from them all againe by force And after put the Greeks to such distresse That through his valor great where s'ere he rood He bath'd his trenchant blade within their blood And was so cruell and so mercilesse That none escapt his hands that with him met And then a Grecian cald Leothides Presumptuously would needs vpon him set While he was in his greatest rage and ire But Hector who as then had great desire To make the Grecians feele his cruelty Slew him forthwith and on the ground him cast The which when as Achilles did espie And saw how he the Grecians slew so fast And hackt and hew'd them down spared none He did conceiue in his opinion That while that Hector liu'd it was most sure The Greeks should nere orecome their enemies Nor long gainst them in battaile could endure And for that cause did studie and deuise Which way to find the meanes by force or slight To rid him of his life if that he might And with him also did therein consent Pollicenes an Indian Duke that had His loue vnto Achilles sister bent And she of him her onelie choice had made Who that he might more in her favor stand Presum'd to take that enterprise in hand And him began t'assaile with courage bold But he was slaine by Hector presently The which when as Achilles did behold And saw him there dead on the ground to lie His heart with so great furie was possest That presently he set his speare in rest And ran therewith at Hector furiouslie But Hector with a dart most sharpely ground Which he with mightie force at him let flie Stroke him clean throgh the thigh a mighty woūd Which grieu'd him so that he could not abide Within the field but was constraind to ride With all the speed he could vnto his tent And there bound vp his wound and presently Did mount vpon his horse againe and went Into the field in feare least he should die Of that same wound so dangerous and sore And not to take revenge on him before For he desir'd no better remedie To case him of the griefe he did sustaine Then for to haue the meanes and libertie That Hector by his hands might first be slaine For of his death he did small reckning make So he might like revenge on Hector take And so he made a full conclusion Death for death to giue him if he might And with that stedfast resolution And heart repleat with choller and despight He road in mighty rage to find him out While Hector rang'd the field and plaine about And like a Lyon fierce and Tygar fell The Grecians slew and beat from place to place And by his valor great which did excell With sword in hand did them so hotly chase That as the sheepe before the Wolfe do flie They ran assoone as they did him espie For none so hardy was on him to set And while that he such hauocke of them made Amongst the Greeks a Grecian King he met That on his backe a goodly armor had Ingrau'd and set with many a precious stone And Pearles fine that bright clearely shone For on the circle of his helme throughout And all the borders of his Crest were set In every place on Velvet edg'd about Most rich and precious stones of value great Whose Armor when as Hector did behold To be so rich of precious stones and gold Assoone as he vnto the king drew neare He ran at him and with exceeding force Cleane through the heart did pierce him with his speare Wherewith ●e died and fell off from his horse And Hector then did presently alight And being of exceending strength might Tooke vp the body armed as it was Before him on his sadle-bow and ride Therewith out of the battaile that when as He had it got out of the way aside He might of his rich armor make a pray And spight of all the Grecians beare 't away Being glad that he had gotten such a prise But out alas that ere he should it see Or set his mind so much on a varice The heat whereof cannot extinguisht bee Out of mans heart if once therein it get For t is the cause that maketh man to set His mind on nothing else but greedinesse Which cleane disgraceth true Nobility And doth
to graunt therto The women for their parts of every age Throughout the towne did stand along the street And for his death most pittiously did rage And with great flouds of teares their faces wet And tearing of their haire for griefe and woe In furious wise ran crying too and fro Such extreame dolor at that time they made That pittie great it was the same to see The maids likewise no lesser sorrow had And wringing of their hands most pittiously Did sob and sith and lowdly cry and call And said alas now shortly t' will be fall That we shall see our fathers daily slaine Before our eyes with great extreamitie For no man will our quarrell now sustaine Sith Hectors dead for he was woont to be Our onely trust and in his valor stood Our chiefest stay our safety and our good Whose bodie when King Priam did behold His heart it was so fild with extreame griefe That both his hands together he did fold And like a man cleane void of all reliefe His face with bitter teares did bath and drown'd And could not speake but fell into a sownd And so as cold as any stone did lie And neither stird nor mooued foot nor hand Desiring rather presentlie to die Then in so great extreamitie to stand And in that sort on Hectors body lay Till that his sons by force puld him away Who also sad and sorrowfull to see Their brother there lie dead before their eies Did fall into so great perplexitie That casting out most bitter sigths and crie They far'd as if their hearts would burst in sunder Which made all those that saw thē much to wōder For every one of them such dolor made And were so fild with griefe and great remorse That they did seeme as if no care they had But onely to haue dyed vpon the corse And did such lamentation make that sure A heart of flint could not so much endure What shall I say of Hecuba the Queene Or Cassandra that was esteem'd so wise Or of his sister Lady Policene Or how should I the sorrow great deuise To shew to you of his most woefull wife That loued him as dearely as her life Who all in great extreamity and woe As if they would haue kild themselues did weepe And rent and tare their golden haire and so Torment themselues and such a noyse did keepe ` About his corse that if particularly I should vpon me take to certifie Their sorrows griefes and lamentations Their pittious sighs and salt and brinish teares Their woe●ull cries and exclamations Their sad complaints extreamities and feares And all their mournfull jestures specifie It would too great a volume occupie If I should euery thing in order name And over long and tedious to be heard Of any man to listen to the same For many daies ensuing afterward They wept before the corse most wofully And rent and tare themselues so pittiously That wonder't was they could so much endure But that they 're vs'd to weepe to complaine For t is a point of womens nature sure Teares at command out of their eies to straine For euery thing wherewith they are displeas'd Till that their harts therby are somewhat eas'd And so ●e let them sigh and sorrow still And wofully with extreame griefe complaine In mourning weeds till they haue cryde their fill And I to them do turne my stile againe And shew how Priam by invention Did find a way without corruption To keepe the body still vnburied Aboue the earth the which will putrifie And cleane consume to dust when it is dead If in the aire aboue the ground it lie For if that Art do not surmount nature It cannot there long vncorrupt endure Which to prevent King Priam did devise To haue the same preseru'd from filthy smell And lothsomnesse and horror to the eies To make it shew as liuely fresh and well As if that it still quicke and liuing were The charge whereof he was content to beare Whatere it cost and sent men vp and downe To search and seeke with diligence and care For all the skilfulst workemen in the towne That could by Artsuch costly things prepare As might effect the worke that he would haue And to that end to them commission gaue Without delay to take the same in hand Which they perform'd quickly brought to passe Within an ancient Temple that did stand Hard by the gate cald Timbria and was By Priam built which he did dedicate And to his God Apollo consecrate Wherein hard by the Altar they did frame A Chappell made of rich and costly stone And at the vpper end within the same Vpon a stage did frame a Princely throane So high as that within it they might set An Image of proportion huge and great Supported by foure Pillars all of gold With Angels standing on them all enchast And graven that most stately worke t'vphold The roofe whereof with arches overcast Was plated all with gold most sumptuously Embossed knob'd knotted curiously And in each knob and knot a pretious stone Of value great and price inestimable Which both by day and night so brightly shone That they did make it shew as delectable And lightsome in the darke shady night As at noon-day whē Phoebus shone most bright To mount vp to this Princely throane there was Twelue goodly faire and stately steps that were Most curiously compos'd of Christ all glasse Which showd so smooth trāsparant bright clere That men did them admire on each one A pinacle there stood of Iasper stone At either end with Rubies rich enchast Vpon the points most stately to behold And on the top of all this worke was plast A huge and mighty Image made of gold Like Hector which with countnance fierce did stand And lookt vpon the Greeks with sword in hand And in this throane king Priamus did place The body of dead Hector which by art Was made to shew as liuely in the face Eies colour looke and skin and every part As when it liu'd apparelled also As commonly on earth he vs'd to goe For that through pipes of gold which bowed down By skilfull Art and cunning policie A precious liquor ran into his Crowne And from that place with great subtiltie Into his vaines and sine●●● did deseend And by the vertue thereof did defend And keepe his body from corruption And made his skin and colour show as pure And liuely without alteration As when he was a liuing creature And at his head there stood a voyoll full Of precious balme which ran into his soull And from the same by pipes composd by skill Into his necke and euery other place Did penetrate and with the same did fill The vaines and all the poores of his face And made it show as liuely and as fresh As if 't had been a quicke and liuing flesh The balme therein wrought so effectually Much like vnto a spirit vegitable The which without all sence in things doth lie And yet
That I am proud of this my great estate To see my selfe so highly eleuate And that I seeme because of my degree Of Generall t' extoll and magnifie My selfe too much It is so farre from mee That for to proue and show the contrarie And put you cleane out of suspition I will thereof make resignation Vnto you now my selfe thereby t' excuse And for that cause I doe aduise you all Against to morrow in the morne to chuse Whom you will haue to be your Generall For I therein will make no more delay And so their counsell ended for that day And they went to their tents to rest all night And next day in the morning ere the sun Began with radiant beames to shine most bright They met againe for the Election And when they were assembled all together And knew the cause why they did then come thither Agamemnon with sober smiling cheare Rose vp vpon his feet and to them spake And sayd my Lords that are assembled here I need no long discourse vnto you make To show how I with heart and good intent Haue laboured in this my gouernment To see that all things might be done so well That they vnto your good would wholy tend And for th' aduancement of your common weale By ayd of Gods and Fortune that did lend Their grace and helping hand therein to me Whereby your state as yet doth seeme to be Maintaind in honor great and noblenesse So that while you do flourish and vphold The same entire and in great happinesse I thinke it best for me that now I should My gouernment vnto you all resigne While Fortune to the same is so benigne For of so many that here present are I know my selfe most insufficient Alone to take so great a charge and care On me and for that cause t is my intent To leaue the same for he may ouerwhelme A ship that knowes not how to guide the helme My whole desire therefore is that you would Giue leaue to me t'resigne my gouernment And charge which I of all this hoast do hold So that no man therewith be discontent And let vs now with one intention Without all strife and all dissention Amongst vs find and chuse out such a one As we do like and is most fit and meet To gouerne vs by good discretion And in the place of Generall to set Whereto they all agreed with one consent And as he sayd to chuse one were content Here you may see that t is a vsuall thing With men to take delight in novelties And that there thoughts are alwaies wauering And led away with foolish fantasies In them most sure ther 's no securitie For all their minds are on varietie And their delights in alteration And change of state and neuer are content Nor seldome hold in one opinion To day to loue some one man they are bent Next day they le hate that man as much againe And neuer doe in constant mind remaine For in a vaine of meere new ●anglenes Which at that t●me mou'd their affection With great oresight and much vnthankfulnes In steed of valiant King Agamemnon They all agreed with one consent and voice Of King Pallamides to make their choice To beare the rule and gouernment of all The Grecian hoast and with most great applause Gaue him the state and name of Generall To rule and gouerne them by Martiall lawes Like as the worthy King Agamemnon Had done before with great discretion Which done they brake vp counsell for that day And euery man vnto his tent did goe But when Achilles who then wounded lay Sore sicke within his tent thereof did know And heard how they all with one will and voice Of King Pallamides had made there choise He was much grieu'd thereat and flatly sayd Agamemnon in his opinion Much fitter was the place still to haue had Then th' other and that their Election In that case was not good nor commendable Nor by their Martiall law available Because t' was done without consent of all The Princes in the hoast he being one Whom they did neither summon nor yet call To be with them at their Election And did esteem't to him a great offence That they did make that choise in his absence And for that cause he was exceeding wroth And cha●ed sore but t' was to little end For whether he therewith was leefe or loth They would no eare vnto his speeches lend For no Election more the Grecians would For that time make But sayd it should so hold CHAP. II. ¶ How King Priamus in person issued out of Troy with a puissant ●●ast to reuenge Hectors death and fought most valiantly against the Grecians THe time of truce aforesayd being out The next ensuing morrow Priamus Though old in yeares yet valorous and stout Of heart was in his mind desirous Against the Grecians valiantly to fight T'reuenge the death of Hector if he might Which when the Troians knew and did behold Their aged Kings great courage and his might They were exceeding glad and sayd they would Aduenture life and lim with him to fight Against the Greeks and therefore euery one Did arme himselfe with resolution That day to issue forth with Priamus And those of Troy that armor bare as then Were as my Author Dares ●elleth vs An hundred and iust fiftie thousand men Besides all those of other countries That ayded him against his enemies And first into the field went Deiphobus And after him his brother Paris led The second ward the third King Priamus Then Menon and Aeneas followed And last of all Pollidamas did goe The rere-ward to conduct in warlike shoe And that same day vpon the Grecians side With mighty troopes all in good order set Pallamides with heart replcat with pride The Troians in the field most brauely met And when the Battailes ioynd on either side King Priam to Pallamides did ●ide And like a worthy Prince of great renowne Most valiantly vnhorst him with his launce And cleane out of his sadle bare him downe Vnto the ground and forward did aduance Himselfe and road among the Grecians And with his trenchant blade in both his hands So heawd beat downe and mightily ore-run The Grecians in the field where he did ride That they for feare his puissant blowes did shun And durst not in his furious sight abide And them so fast and cruelly did slay That wheresoere he road they made him way And shund his sword he was so furious For all that day he fought so valiantly And shewd himselfe so strong and valorous That wonder t' was he could so puissantly And long in field against his foes endure Being of so great an age for t is most sure That by his valor great and puissant might Which he that time couragiously did shoe He put the proud and haughtie Greeks to flight His Sonne Deiphobus valiantly also That followed him so fiercely on them set That he did kill and beat downe all he met King Sarpedon
shoe Which he by law and without blame mya take And be diuorst from Helena sith she So shamelesly in Greece did him forsake For Paris and commit adulterie Thereby with foule disgrace vnto her name And truth to say to her perpetuall shame For many great examples extant be And through the world are to be heard seene How that for filthie foule adulterie Great Princes from their wiues divorst haue beene And therefore it can be no preiudice If for that most accursed sinfull vice King Menelaus doth iustlie her forsake And of another wife doth make his choise The which of him much more account will make Whereto if that you all will giue your voice T' will for our good be cause this warre to end Wherein our liues and blood we vainly spend And likely is if it continue long To cost much more both of our liues and bloud For Troy is so invincible and strong And furnished with worthy Knights and good And in so great a number that though wee Should stay here still the vttermost to see We neuer should be able to attaine To that we do pretend and so desire And therefore sith t is so it were in vaine For vs to stay and proudly to aspire With wilfulnes to that we cannot get But rather let 's our minds on reason set And thinke more of our profit then our glorie And wisely in good time withdraw our power While honor graceth vs with victorie Sith we cannot make fortune if she lower To stay her wheele which is so variable And therefore ere she waxeth mutable And doth begin on vs to change her cheere Let vs leaue off the warre and liue in peace And go our way and stay no longer heere For better t is from bloodie warre to cease While we may doo 't so our honor saue For of the warre th' advantage yet we haue For all men know that by our valor great Our principallest foe Prince Hector's slaine My counsell therefore is we should not let Th' advantage goe while we do still retaine Our honor and ere fortune gins to lower And seekes to crosse vs by her mighty power With one consent and sole opinion Of heart and mind we should no more soiourne Hold at this siege but let vs euery one With speed into our natiue Land returne For if that we our quarrell still maintaine Which now so long hath held I tell you plaine I am in doubt great detriment will be Our shares at last Wherefore I thinke it best Our follie to reiect and ere we see Worse happen vnto vs set vp our rest To leaue the warre while as t is knowne to all We are in fame and honor peregall With them of Troy and them surpasse if we Our state he hold in his assention And while that it is in the highst degree But least some men should make obiection And say that we cannot our honor saue If we returne to Greece and cannot haue Our wills to beare faire Helen backe againe Into our natiue land for whome so many Of vs haue in this cruell warre been slaine I say if that amongst vs there be any That thinks and is perswaded in his mind If we go hence and leaue her here behind It will to our most great dishonour bee I say that it to vs can be no shame If that into the depth there of we see Sith we haue one for honor and for fame As great as she and by her birth as good For she descends of high and royall blood As all you know the Princesse Exion King Priams sister who against their will In Greece is holden by King Thelamon As Helen is by Paris gainst our will And therefore sith it now can be no other My counsell is to set th' one gainst the other And all the wrath and envie that doth rest Betweene vs and the Troyans to appease The which I thinke and know would be the best For vs and them and for our good and ease Which otherwise said he will never end If you vnto my counsell will not bend To whome with extreame wrath King Menelaus Who with Achilles words did seeme most tucht And Thoas also and Duke Menestes Who likewise at his insolency grucht All with one voyce vnto Achilles spake And into mightie choller gainst him brake And with them all the rest impatientlie The Court perturb'd and did begin to fall Into great words much vnadvisedlie Against Achilles and at last said all They would not to his counsell then consent Nor to make peace in any wise were bent Wherewith Achilles full of wrath and ire The which did seeme to burne within his heart To see they would not grant to his desire Did sodenlie vpon his feet vp start And in a furie great did go away And said he would no longer mongst them stay Nor aid nor succor them in any wise What need so euer they of him should haue To fight against their Troyan enemies And to his men a speciall charge he gaue To see they did not aid the Grecians In any wise against the Troyans When so euer they to battaile forth should go In which his resolution firmely standing He did a while himselfe so constant show That while gainst them in that sort he was banding The Grecians many overthrows receau'd And thousands of them were of life bereau'd And while this controversie thus remaind The Grecian host great want of victuals had Whereby as then much hunger they sustaind For which mongst them great muttring there was For at that time they were so much distrest made For want of food that they were sore opprest Till that their Generall Palamedes To remedie the same a Court did call Of all the Princes in the host t' appease Their murmuring and by consent of all That then assembled were did order take A fleet of ships in readinesse to make Whereof the King Agamemnon should be Commander and with speed with them should saile To Messa for some victuals if that he In that same Isle of so much could prevaile As need requird for their necessitie To put them out of that extremitie Who being there arriu'd such favor had Of Thelaphus the King that therein raign'd That he not onlie ready was and glad To aid the Greeks therein but straight obtaind Commission presently and with all speed Of him to take as much as they should need Of euery kind of victuals in that jsle Commanding all his subiects to fulfill The same with speed and so in little while According to his pleasure and his will They made so great prouision of each thing That seru'd for food that presently the King Did fraught and fill their ships with mighty store Of victuals that so much as then they had That in them they could put nor lade no more Whereof King Agamemnon being glad He tooke his leaue of Thelaphus and so With all his ships full laden forth did go And put to sea and so with wind and weather
manner still did hold His enemies in chase and beat them downe All that day with couragious heart and bold And brought them vnto great confusion So long till that the Sun withdrew his light And euening when it waxed toward night That he returnd to Troy victoriously And seven daies ensuing without rest He did assaile the Greeks so cruelly And in such furious manner them opprest That they could not his puissant force sustaine But forced were to flie out of the plaine T' avoyd the strong and mighty blows which he Amongst them dealt for where so ere he past He put them to so great extreamitie That they shrunke backe and were in heart abasht To see the field all dy'd and coloured red With bloud of Greeks that on the plaine lay dead And were that day oppressed in such wise That next day after they did all agree Betimes assoone as ere the Sun did rise To fend a messenger to Troy to see If Priamus vnto a truce would yeeld For two months space wherwith king Priam held A counsell of his Lords to that intent And by consent of them he did agree Vnto the Greeks desire and was content That peace for two months time should holden be Which done the Greeks out of the towne straight went And comming vnto 〈◊〉 tent Declared vnto him what was decreed By Priamus concerning his desire And after that their Generall with speed Sent messengers to pray and to require Achilles who was obstinately be●t And resolutely held in his intent Not to relieue nor aid the Grecians In any wise what need so ere they had Against their mortall foes the Troyans According to the vow he then had made To mollifie his anger and t' agree With them t'assaile their Troyan enemie As he had done before the which to doe Ulisses Diomede and Nestor were Appointed to perswade him therevnto That they might not such losse damage beare As daily they endur'd and specially Because he did to them his aid deny And would not with them in the field appeare Whome when Achilles saw he did receaue And welcome them with ioy full heart and cheare And when they had of him desired leaue To speake their minds according to their charge Ulisses their Commission to discharge An eloquent discourse vnto him made And following his first instruction In this sort did begin him to perswade And said my Lord Achilles whose renowne Exceeding might and glory passing great For memory perpetually is set Within the Booke and register of fame And who the truth to say doth certainlie At this time well deserue to beare the name Of all that vnderneath the christ all skie Do liue and breath for knighthood to excell Be not displeas'd I pray you that I tell My mind to you nor be it none offence At all vnto your honor that I say For this is sure it is my full pretence To tell the truth as neere as ere I may As well your Lordship shall perceiue and see If you but marke what shall be said by me You know full well if you to mind will call The chiefest cause and reason why that we With all the Grecian Princes which excell For puissant strength and power that now be Assembled here whereof your selfe was one Of those that first did make the motion Was by a full consent and will t' invade Besige and to destroie the puissant towne Of Troy and when that we performed had Our wills therein to raise and cast it downe Vnto the ground to our e'relasting fame But now my Lord you varrie from the same And so denlie haue altered your mind And to that end do vtterlie denie To aid vs in our warre the which we find To be exceeding strange especiallie When you should thinke vpon the mightie wrong Done vnto vs in Greece and that not long Nor many yeares agoe by Troyans That sent a mightie force out of their towne And therewith slew and kild the Grecians And entring into Cithera beat downe Our Castles and our houses and did beare Our treasure thence and not contented were With all that spoile but to our great despight Did ravish faire Queene Helena and made Her go with them and hold her still by might And would not once confesse the wrong they had Then done and now still vnto vs procure But in the same do obstinate endure And since our being here in siege haue wrought So much and so great hurt and iniurie To vs by burning of our ships and brought So many Greeks vnto their ends that we Cannot but muse at your great carelesnes That will not now when they as we confesse By your exceeding might and valor great Are brought vnto most hard extreamitie S●th you haue Hector slaine in whome they set Their speciall trust and chiefe securitie And he who onlie did their towne sustaine And sith Deiphobus likewise now is slaine And they by likelihood continuallie And day by day to fall into despaire Now fortune on them casts a lowring eie And vnto vs doth shew a countnance faire Even now I say when you are so renownd And that your praise by trump of fame doth sound Through euerie Land and Nation far neare Take time while it doth serue t' extoll your praise And by dame Fortunes aid which doth you beare So great good will to worke by all assaies To bring your long desired wish t' effect For 't were great wrong in you so to neglect Dame Fortune when to you she is so kind And obstinately to refuse her aid When you do her so friendly to you find And so extols your fame as I haue said That she puts victorie into your hand And vnexpectedly your foes withstand So that you need no helpe of her to craue Why then should you so wilfullie let fall The noble fame which at this time you haue And suffer that men should 't in question call When as it is now in the highst degree Me thinks you should much better thereto see And haue a greater care the same to keepe For euerie knight that is of valiant mind Would grieue thereat with great sighs deepe Lament to see you proue so much vnkind Vnto your selfe as to abase your state When fame doth it so highlie eleuate Wherefore we you desire heartilie To haue remorse of conscience in your mind And that you would vnto vs not denie Your aid but let vs so much favor find At your hands to helpe vs in our need T' effect the thing which we haue all decreed To bring to passe ere we leaue off the same That your renowne may still be magnified Throughout the world to your perpetuall fame And still encrease and be reedified And that the trivmph of our victorie May evermore be had in memorie And so recorded that forgetfulnesse May not your fame valor greatt deface Nor power haue by malice to suppresse The same which now doth shine in euerie place Without ecclipse as we must needs confesse Which to
rather vnto his eternall shame Out of thy worthy learned Booke deface His name and of him make no memorie Therein at all for surely in this case When as I heare his name me thinks the skie Infected is therewith and that throughout The world all men against him do crie out For if he had esteem'd Nobilitie Knight-hood renowne or worthines or fame Praise honor glory or gentilitie Or in Fames Booke t' haue registred his name He would haue been aduisd and taken heed For honors sake t' haue done so fowle a deed To draw so great a Prince when he was dead At his horse tayle who was so braue a Knight That while he liud and in Troy flourished To speake the truth and yeild to him his right Surpast Achilles far in each degree Of Knight-hood valor and actiuitie But to returne where I did leaue when as His brother Paris did behold and see Him dead and drawne by Achilles as he was With such despight and so great crueltie Such griefe and sorrow at that time he had Within his heart that like a man that 's mad He fard and with all speed that he could make Pollidamas and he together ran And many more to see if he could take His body from Achilles but as than The Grecians fought so hotly that in vaine They labored for they could not obtaine To their desires what meanes so ere they made Till Menon who entire affection bare To Troielus and great compassion had To see him dead without all feare or care Of fierce Achilles valor did protest That he would neuer leaue nor take his rest Till he reuengd his death vpon the man That had him slaine and presently did take His speare in hand and at Achilles ran To whom in fierce and furious wise he spake And sayd thou traitor false and mischiuous Thou Scorpion most vile and enuious That in dishonor of all chivalry This day hast slaine the worthiest Knight that liu'd Vpon the earth by thy false trechery Who cannot but be vexed mou'd and griu'd To see a worthy Knight of his degree Drawne in such wise as he is now by thee At thy horse tayle in scorne and great despight Hast thou forgotten and abandoned All knight-hood that thou sholdst now take delight To do so great disgrace to him that 's dead Who while he liu'd was better knight then thou The which I meane to proue vpon thee now And for this vile and most vnknightly act Reuenge his death whom thou this day hast kild By treason with thy Myrmidons compact And by this meanes thy trechery fulfild Whereby thou thinkst great honor to haue gotten But thy fowle fact will neuer be forgotten While that the world endures and presently He set speare in rest and spurring's horse Ran at Achilles and most valiantly Hit him vpon the brest with so great force That with the blow he ready was to fall Vnto the ground and brauely therewithall Drew out his sword that he might well know That he of him did stand in little dread Strake him therewith a strong and mighty blow And gaue him such a wound vpon his head That notwithstanding all his puissant force He made him fal downe headlong from his horse Vpon the ground whereon in extreame paine He lay long time as if he had been dead Till that his Knights did take him vp againe And notwithstanding that full sore he blead Got him at last to mount vpon his horse And when he had recouered his force And felt himselfe well eased of his paine With purpose to reuenge the iniury He thought he had receiud in great disdaine He spurd his puissant horse and furiously At Menon ran whose comming when he spide He likewise set spurs to his horses side And like a valiant Knight that feard him nought With courage bold met with him on the plaine Wherewith their swords they both together fought And twixt them did a combat long maintaine With fierce and mighty blowes till in the end King Menon did himselfe so well defend That he th' aduantage of Achilles had And in despight of all his fury great For he as then fought as he had been mad So valiantly vpon him then did set That he had surely slaine him but that then There came twixt them so great a troope of men On either side that they were forst to stay Their combat and by that meanes parted were And each from other borne cleane away At which time such a cruell slaughter there Was made of many a valiant knight and stout That all the field and all the plaine throughout Was fild with men that slaine and wounded sore Lay mangled on the ground in cruell wise For neither Greeks nor Troians would giue ore Till Phoebus did begin to leaue the skies And to descend at which time they withdrew Themselues out of the field and did renew The fight againe next day and met together Assoone as sunne did rise and euery day For seuen daies ensuing one the other Continually from fighting did not stay While that Achilles in his tent did lie To cure his wounds and there new trethery Within his mind did practise and devise To be reuengd on Menon who as then He hated sore because that in such wise He wounded him and to him cald his men And bad them when they fit occasion found Within the field t' inclose King Menon round On euery side and when they had him so Amongst them to assayle him altogether And by no meanes from them to let him go But not to kill him till that he came thither That he himselfe on him reueng'd might be And so they did for as he did decree With them in secret wise to do the same The next day in the morning when they met And either side gainst other fiercely came Into the field with rage and choler great Achilles and King Menon met together And valiantly assayled each the other On horsebacke as they sat where they did fight So long and in such furious wise that both O● them compelled were by force t' alight And so on foot in mighty rage and wroth Fought valiantly But while that on the ground King Menon stood he was enclosed round By Myrmidens and as Achilles bad When he was in the middest of them all And not one Troian Knight to ayd him had In furious wise they did vpon him fall And though long time he did the fight maintain Against them all at last he was there slaine In traiterous wise by false Achilles hand Who by that meanes did his desire obtaine But yet he did so valiantly withstand Him and them all ere he by him was slaine That fore that he fell dead vpon the ground He gaue Achilles such a cruell wound That all men thought he would thereof haue died Now Homer iudge in truth and with good reason A●by no vpright mind't can be deni'd If this were not most vile and filthy treason The which Achilles wrought and say with right
their faces faire With flouds of teares t' expresse their heauinesse Were vnto me a thing impossible And yet in truth it was not comparable To that which faire Queene Helena did make Who with a deadly cheare and wofull face Cast forth most dolefull cries for Paris sake And running furiouslie vnto the place Whereas his body lay fell flat thereon And though that it was cold as any stone Embrast it in her armes and wofully Lamenting on the same fell in a sound And likely was in that extreamitie To die and t' haue beene laid into the ground With him if those that were with her by force And strength had not pul'd her off frō the corse Wherewith she rent and tare her golden haire Like one that 's mad waxt so pale and wan That her most comelie face which was so faire Chang'd in such sort that it therewith began To looke and show like vnto ashes cold And with her hands which she did ring fold Together smote her white and deadly face And sounding fell againe vpon the ground And in her armes did Paris corse embrace And with her brinish teares did fill his wound And was so much perplexed in her mind That she could neither ease nor comfort find But rather seem'd to wish with great desire To die with him in whome her sole delight Was placed and in that most furious ire To end her daies with her most louing Knight And liue no more sith that she was bereft Of him and in such great discomfort left So that I may well say that neuer any Poore woman felt the like nor more distresse Although I could rehearse and tell of many That haue been plunged in great heauinesse As Cleopatre going to her graue And Thesbie that did come out of the caue And smote her selfe for griefe into the heart And Oristilla who no sooner spied Her Lord take shipping and from her depart Sore grieu'd for loue of him fell downe and died And Iulia that lou'd her Lord so well That sodenly dead on the ground she fell When she beheld his cloaths all dasht with blood And Portia that was so true a wife To Brutus that when as she vnderstood That he was slaine because she had no knife In readinesse to kill herselfe withall To show her loue into the fire did fall And burnt herselfe And that most noble Queene Cald Arthemisia who when she had found Her Knight Mausalus graue and there had seene His bones did take them vp out of the ground And with an heart repleat with griefe and care Vnto her Pallace solemnly them bare And beating them to powder every day Did drinke thereof till it was cleane consum'd Who with the rest aforesaid I must say And as in truth it is to be presum'd No doubt great griefe endur'd but not so much As faire Queene Helen did nor nothing such Who would haue kild her selfe for Paris sake Desiring to her graue with speed to go And rather of her life an end to make Then to liue after him she loued so And languishing in woe long time remaind And never could from weeping be restaind He that doth say that women cannot cry Deceaues himselfe for t is a thing most sure They can by nature doo 't and certainly Though they no griefe nor sorrow do endure Yet they can false and fained teares distraine Out of their eies without cause complaine I say not this Queene Helena t' accuse Of fained teares whose heart with woe was fild For then I should you with vntruth abuse For she for griefe her selfe would faine haue kild And yet it seemes she was not in such hast As she made shew for when the storme was past She soone forgot the great extreamitie That she was in for all things haue an end And every woe how great so ere it be Must passe away for follie't were to spend Long time in that which may be remedied For though that faire Queene Helen would haue died For Paris sake as then yet afterward She did repent for nature did her moue And told her that it was a thing too hard For her so soone to kill her selfe for loue She was a woman what would you haue more She thought it folly great to die therefore But I will speake no more hereof as now For it would be too long and teadious For me to shew and to declare to you Her grieuous woe and passions furious And all her dolefull lamentation The which would moue vnto compassion The hardest heart aliue to heare it told For Priam and Queene Hecuba likewise Such pitty had to see and to behold Her shead such flouds of teares out of her eies And in such fort to grieue and to complaine That they almost endured as much paine Within their hearts for her as she had had For Paris but there was no remedy But to conclude when they an end had made Of all their woe King Priam speedily Did cause a rich and costly sepulchre To be set vp in Iunoes Temple where Most sumptuóusly and in their Paynim wise His bodie was entomb'd but to declare The manner of the great solemnities Then vsed at their funerals which are So many and so diuers it would be Too long to be declared now by me CHAP. VI. ¶ How Panthasilia Queene of the Amazons comming to ayd the Troyans against the Grecians sh●● obtained great honor and was slaine by Pyrrhus the So●●e of Achilles KIng Priamus in doubt of his estate And brought into most great extreamity By fortune and his hard and cruell fate When he perceiu'd no other remedie Shut fast the gates of Troy and day and night Kept watch and ward as strongly as he might For all the Troyans generally were So much abasht and did such sorrow make For Paris death that they could not forbeare To weepe and waile and durst not vndertake Against the Greeks to fight nor issue out But kept within the towne in feare and doubt Expecting nought but finally to end Their daies in woe Which when the Greeks did see Agamemnon to Priamus did send A messenger t' intreat with him as he Before had done to issue with his might Out of the towne against the Greeks to fight But Priamus the motion did detest And flatly said it was not his intent To issue out of Troy at his request And that he was most resolutely bent Not once to set one foot out of the towne But when he list without compulsion And yet the cause why he so long time staid From issuing out against the Grecians Was for because he did expect some ayd From Panthasilia Queene of Amazons Who at that time was comming with great speed And mighty force to helpe him in his need Whose Countrie as some Authors say did stand Farre distant in the orientall part Twixt Asia and Europe In which Land None else but women-kind did dwell whose art And chiefe delight and onelie exercise Was managing of armes in warlike wise And valiantly into
meanes had much encreast her fame With heart that was possest with great despight That she had lost so many maidens so In furious wise into the field did go One day betimes vpon the Greeks to set With full intent to be reveng'd therefore And in the battaile first with Pyrrhus met Who cause he her and she him hated so With courage stout she spurd her gallant steed So hard that she did make his sides to bleed And ran at him and he at her likewise And with their puissant speares set in their rests And countenances sterne and wrathfull eyes Directly aymed at each others brest And gaue each vnto other such a stroke That both their speares in many peeces broke But neither of them fell vnto the ground Not once within their sadles bowd or bent And yet the Queene gaue Pirrhus such a wound With her speare head into the brest that went Cleane thrugh his armes that he therwith bled sore Which when the Grecians saw they were therfore So grieu'd that with hideous noyse they crid And like to swarmes of Bees vpon her fell And did enclose her round on euery side But she did fight against them all so well And valiantly that they did her admire And spight their hearts she made thē back retire Whereby long time it was ere they could get Or haue aduantage on her till at last Being sore opprest and round about beset So thicke by them that they smot her as fast As Smiths vpon an Anuile head they broke Her helmet and with many a cruell stroke Of axes swords and other weapons tare And rent her armes and cleft her shield in twaine Whereby her shoulders naked were and bare Yet nerethelesse she did the fight maintaine Against them all so long and valiantly That many Greeks dead at her feet did lie Till Pirrhus wounded as before is sayd And feeling so great anguish smart and paine Within his heart that he was sore afraid To die thereof in hast ran to the plaine Intending whatsoere of him became To be reuenged on her for the same Whom when she saw come running in such hast And doubting she by him should be assayld She turnd about and to him made as fast And with her sword first strake at him but faild To hit him for the Greeks on her did come So thicke and fast that she could haue no roome To lift and weld her sword aboue her head But he smot her a blow with mighty force And cut her arme cleane off wherewith she bled So sore that she fell dead off from her horse And not contented therewithall to shew His cruelty he did her body hew And mangle with his sword in peeces small And yet the blood did run out of his wound So fast that he constrained was to fall As if he had been dead vpon the ground Where groueling in a trance awhile he lay Till that his Knights did beare him thence away Vpon a shield with sad and heauy cheare Sore bleeching and deepe wounded to his tent But when the Amasoman Maids did heare Their Queene was slaine in furious wise they went Like vnto women desperate and mad And as if of their liues no care they had Among the thickest of the Greeks and then So cruesly assayld them that they slew Two thousand of their best and brauest men And did the fight more terrible renew Then it had been all that day long before And fought that time so desperarely and sore That wonder t' was that women could endure To do so much but all to little end When they had lost her that could them secure And by her valor great did them defend As being she who onely and alone For worthines inferior was to none For both they and the Troians then were in Such danger great for want of one to guide Them in the field that they did all begin Like sheepe disperst to run on euery side And scatteringly for their defence to stand To keepe themselues out of the Grecians hand Who then so furiously vpon them ran With full pretence their losses to require That they dismaid to saue themselues began To make retrait wherein with great despight The Grecians did ten thousand of them slay And they to Troy-ward from them fled away For all the Grecians then at once came on Vpon them whosoeuer them withstood Were by them slaine without exception But specially the Amazons whose blood They chiefest sought to spill because they had Together with their Queene such slaughter ●ad Of them while she did liue for she alone A terror was to them and therefore they Without all mercy or compassion In great despight did them so fiercely slay And draue the Troians fore them to the towne And neuer ceast to kill and beat them downe Till they in mighty feare and great distresse Got in and after them their gates did close Being out of hope as men cleane comfortles Of euer fighting more against their foes In open field sith their best knights were slaine And therefore thinking it to be in vaine For them to issue ●orth they purposed To keepe themselues close in their towne as then Impregnable if it were furnished As they supposd of victualls and of men And able to resist and hold out all The forces of the world though they should fall Vpon it all at once But for all that The Greeks no whit despayring at the last To win it set strong watch at euery gate And sentinels to see that no man past Out of the towne no● victualls were conuaid Into 't while they in siedge before it staid And they within the towne great sorrow made For Panthesillias sake who valiantly In their defence against the Grecians had By Pyrrhus hand been slaine but specially Because that they could find no meanes to haue Her mangled corps to bury it in a graue With honor which thereto did appertaine And to that end sent to the Greeks to pray And to entreat them for 't but all in vaine For mooued sore they flatly said them nay And swore and vou'd with protestations great That they nere should her body from them get But to despight and grieue them sayd it should Be throwne to dogs and fowles of th' aire to be Deuourd and torne by them before they would Showd so great sauor to their enemie To whom they did so deadly hatred beare But though that they to her so cruell were Yet Pyrrhus somewhat milder then the rest Would not consent vnto such cruelty And said to them that he did thinke it best To giue her body to the enemy But Diomede sayd plainely to them all That she had not deserued buriall That in her life had slaine so many men And in that sort they stroue and did contend With many words about the same but when They had long argu'd mongst themselues in th' end They all agreed and did the body take Despightfully and cast it in a lake Or pond of water nere vnto the towne
Wherein let it consume and rot away While vnto you at large I doe setdowne What they did in the towne of Troy that lay Enclosd therein But first I must complaine Of thee oh Mars that mad'st them to sustaine Such extreame losse and by thy furious ire Didst cleane consume the worthy Troian blood Why didst thou with insatiable desire Slay all their Knights gainst them was so wood And furiously bent as to let fall Thy vengance vpon them in generall To make them as a Myrror and a show To all the world of thy great cruelty But t is most true as euery man doth know Thy nature giuen to all hostility Is th' onely cause of strife and of debate Because thou art a starre vnfortunate Hot hatefull drie fiery combustious Wrathfull and giuen vnto dissention The onely ground of malice enuious And cholericke of thy complexion That dost in death and murther take delight And vpon vengance setst thine appetite First motioner of anger and of hate The causer of contention and of warre The root of all dissention in each state That moouest men to wrangle fight iarre Fearefull of looke and gastly to mans sight Whose radiant beams shine as the lightning bright And twinkle like to sparkles burning red Which from great fiers mount vp into the skie And round about the aire themselues do spred Consuming such as by melancholy Within their hearts fowle enuy do embrace Giuing to them in whom thy wrath takes place Of shape to be tall slender leane and small Browne haired pasle and sallow coloured Vnmercifull addicted vnto all Bad qualities to evill easly led Craftie deceitfull and ingenious Backbiting slaunderous and malicious Sad sullen and still full of heauines Inclined vnto theft and robbery Consenting vnto all accursednes To murther death and to fowle trechery Wholy without remorse of conscience And art so mischievous of influence That thou of treason author art mong men In scorpion thy chiefest mansion is And raignest King in Capricorne but when In Taur●s thou art plast then thou dost misse Of power strength and all Dominion Thou also hast in thy subiection Warre exile ●etters and imprisonment Bondage proscription banishment and all The miseries and mischiefes that are bent On earth and chance vpon mankind to fall Which for to gnaw poore Troy vnto the bones Thou didst on it powre them out all at ones I cannot chuse but for the great despight Which thou to Troy didst beare condemne thee much For if that men consider it aright It may be sayd there nere was any such Nor so great vengance tane for any thing Gainst land or towne as thou on Troy didst bring As first to kill and spoyle them by their foes And to consume their Knights by fier and sword Then in their towne as prisoners vp to close And shut them fast and no meanes them aford To be relieu'd with victualls or go out Besieged by the Grecians round about I thinke they haue small cause in my aduise With bores or bulles beares Lyons Tygars fell Or any such wild beasts to sacrifice To thee wherewith thou pleased art so well As being Patron of them nor with smoke Of brimstone on thine Altars to invoke Thy name that to them showest such cruelty And didst such extreame vengance on them bring And yet as if thou couldest not satisfie Thy selfe therewith with torments more to sting And plague thē thou mad'st treason mōgst them worke And secretly within their hearts to lurke And so didst set them at diuision Among themselues whereby we plainely see How th' vgly serpent Discord creepeth on And slyly slides into mans heart till he By tract of time hath therein gotten place And banished from thence all peace and grace With venom of his fowle dissention When once it spreads it selfe in any towne Land common-wealth howse countrey or nation Or i●●ens hearts of small or high renowne For when as men liue not in loue and peace All happines and ioy with them doth cease For where as Discord hath his residence And doth begin amongst men to appeare It 's worse then any sword or pestilence For who are worse then foes familiar Or who can hurt men more if that they lust Then enemies in whom they put their trust And briefely to conclude without a pause All trouble mischiefe and confusion In any land proceedeth from the cause And root of hatred and dissention And much more danger in the same doth lie If it be wrought and stir'd vp secretlie Record whereof is to be found by Troy Where while that in the towne they did agree They held the same and did it long enioy Despight their foes But when they gan to be At strife and hatred mongst themselues crost Each other not long after it was lost For without doubt as often prooued is When men begin together to contend Or that a land in 't selfe deuided is T is not the means them nor their state to mend But rather is a certaine signe and way Of that same land and peoples sure decay For Mars the soueraigne Lord of enmity That vnto men he might his power show And bring Troy into all extremity The seeds of Discord did among them sow Gainst which a man no remedy can find For I am sure perswaded in my mind That treason wrought with fained shew of peace To be procur'd thereby is worse then warre And more then it all mischiefe doth encrease Whereof the principalst actors weere Aeneas Duke Anchises his old Father Pollidmas and Anthenor who together Among themselues did secretly agree And traiterously conspire with bad intent If that the towne of Troy should chance to bee Tane by the Greeks whereof they feard th'vent How they might saue their owne liues goods lands By some devise out of the Grecians hands Which if it might not be as they did doubt It could not be they ment in secret wise Before the vtmost danger should fall out To parle with the Grecian enemies And traitors gainst their towne of Troy to bee Before they would their owne subuersion see Or loyalty vnto their countrey yeild Intending rather to forget their oath And promise made and vowed to be held By them while life did last and faith and troth With due alleagance wholy set aside For them and their owne safety to prouide Esteeming it more wisedome to forecast How they for there owne good should do the same And bring 't about before the time were past And rather saue their liues thogh t were with shame Then foolishly to fall into a trap Which otherwise they might full well escape They though it no disgrace nor worthy blame For to betray the towne so they went free Away with goods and liues out of the same Nor had no care for others to agree But how they might vnto that thing attaine Which they did seeke by treason to obtaine And to that end they went vnto the King To giue him as they sayd some good aduise And
said that it was his intent To go vnto King Priamus to know In what sort the Indentures should be made On either side concerning peace and how Much mony should provided be and had That they were to receaue of him in hand And so said he I shall soone vnderstand His meaning which I will to you impart Wherewith Ulisses and the rest content For that time tooke their leaues and did depart Well satisfied and to their armie went To certifie vnto Agamemnon What they in Troy concerning peace had done And Anthenor vnto King Priam went And told him that the best and readiest way For him was sith the Greeks were fully bent To make a peace the next ensuing day To call his Lords and Commons all together In Ilion And when they were come thither Anthenor spake before them all and told Though falslie what the Grecians meant to do And what the summe of monie was they should Prepare for them if they would grant thereto The which was twentie thousand pound in gold And as much more in silver if they wold Haue peace according to their owne desire Which all in readie monie must be paid And further that the Grecians did require Some corne flower and meale the which he said Should be to put into their ships when they Were readie to set saile to go away To serue their turnes while they at sea should be And bad them that they should without delay Collect the silver and the gold and see That it were readie by a certaine day Whereto the King though loath to doo 't agreed For he durst not gaine say 't and so decreed That presentlie an order should be made To gather it of rich and poore for none Was spard and when Anthenor had thus laid His traiterous plot and so farre therein gone He went by night vnto the Priest to see If by perswasions he content would bee To hearken vnto him and giue consent To do that thing the which he had decreed To bring to passe and to that end he bent His wit and all the skill he had to feed Him with faire words and promises of gold That should be giuen to him in hand and told Him while he liu'd he nere should want if so He would consent to grant to his request And speaking to him said if thou wilt do The thing that I desire I here protest And vnto thee a solemne vow doe make Vpon mine honor that I le vndertake To giue thee such a summe of gold in hand That ever after thou shalt surely be The richest of thy kindred in this land The thing that I therefore require of thee Is that thou wouldst deliuer presently Palladion which thou hast in custody Into my hands and I will thee assure Therein to be so secret that no blame Shall fall to thee thereby and will secure Thee from all harmes may happen by the same So that vpon my word thou shalt not need For doing it to stand in any dread For I will so deuise how ere it goeth That thou no hurt shalt haue if that thou do This thing for I as well as thou am loath It should be knowen I gaue consent thereto Or that the least in Troy should me suspect Thereof therefore all feare and care reiect For I had rather die then 't should fall out That we should be accused for the same Which to effect I wil't so bring about That thou and I thereby will reape no sham●● Nor once suspected be thereof for all The fault vpon Ulisses head shall fall And he therefore shall onely beare the blame For by my meanes it shall reported be That he was th'onlie doer of the same And that by his great craft and subtiltie He hath devis'd to steale Palladiowne And borne it secretly out of the towne Whereby he shall be blam'd and we go free Of being once accused for this deed Wherefore I say if that thou wilt agree To my request I pray thee then proceed And do it out of hand and here 's the gold That thou shalt haue as first to thee I told Which I will now deliuer into thy hand But Tonant so the Priest was cald delaid To do the same and flatly did withstand Him therein at the first and to him said That neither gold nor any other thing Nor faire nor flattering words nor menacing Should make him yeeld vnto such treacheries And though at first he straightlie said him nay And that some honest men hate villanie Yet bribes in these daies beare so great a sway That men the truth for mony will suppresse The poore for want the rich for covetousnesse And both of them for gold will falsifie Their words and be seduced to decline From truth and all the bounds of honesty For men with golden spades may dig and myne Throgh Marble stones the gold did tempt him so That letting truth and honesty cleane go He yeelded to Anthenor in that case And was content so he the gold might haue To take the jmage downe out of the place Whereas it stood within the Church and gaue It vnto him which he the selfe same night Sent secretlie with all the speed he might Vnto Ulisses by a messenger Whome he did trust and so betweene them both The Towne and all the Troyans spoiled were For traiterously without all faith and troth They gaue the same into the Grecians hand As by the sequell you shall vnderstand CHAP. VII ¶ How the Greeks made an Horse of brasse wherin they put a thousand armed Knights and vnder colour of peace brought it into Troy by the which it was vtterly destroyed for euer NOw maist thou mourne and pittifully weepe O famous towne of Troy that so art tost In waues of woe and with so re sighs and deepe Complaine that thou Palladiowne hast lost By treason of the Priest by whome't was sold Vnto thy foes for greedines of gold Why didst not thou oh mighty Ioue that art The Governor of all the world and knowst The inward thoughts and secrets of the heart Before they are conceau'd and dailie showst Thy power divine by iudgements strange rare Vpon such men as disobedient are Vnto thy will take vengance on the Priest That traiterously for greedinesse of gold At false Anthenors motion and request Mineruaes jmage to the Grecians sold And thereby was the meanes they did destroy And vtterly deface the Towne of Troy What Land or Towne is able long t' endure In any certaine state or what is he That liveth here on earth can be secure When as such men as are of that degree Will be corrupt in heart and mind and take Rewards of their conscience shipwrack make Is 't not a great and grieuons thing to see Men that should vnto vs examples giue Of holinesse and lights vnto vs bee To shew vs by good doctrine how to liue Do things which are most wicked and contrary To that they teach from their function vary For if that Priests be
promise prest And vrged him so much that with one voice The lot was cast on me and me they name And glad they were of me to make their choice For each man of himselfe did feare the same And to be sure with speed layd hands on me But when the time drew neere that I should be Vpon the Altar offred and that they The garlands full of daintie fruits did set Vpon my head I slily stole away I must confesse and speedily did get Into a place all full of mud and ose And there lay hid and durst not once disclose My selfe till they were vndersaile and gone And by this meanes my natiue Land haue lost And of the Grecians here am left alone And nere shall see my children and which most Torments me feare because I scapt away They will both them and my poore father slay And they shall guiltles die and suffer wrong For my offence Wherefore I humbly pray If any pitty doth remaine among Men here on earth that I some favor may O King receiue vnfainedly of thee And that thou wouldst content and pleased bee To ease my woe and pittie my estate Which is so bad that I no friends can find Because that all the Grecians do me hate This wofull tale so moued Priams mind And made him his distressed case to mone That he did will there should no harme be done To him and bad vnbind his hands and said What ere thou art forget the Grecians now For of them here thou needst not be affraid Thou shalt be free so that thou wilt vs show Who did this huge and monstrons horse invent Why was it made was it because they ment To offer it vnto Pallas or was 't not An engin made by them to vse in warre Whereto when he had so much fauor got And saw himselfe to be set free from care And feare of death he said with ioyfull cry And lifting both his hands vp to the skie O everlasting fires of God that are So terrible that no man can endure The force thereof I here by you do sweare And oh you swords and sacred Altars pure I do you vnto witnesse call and say Protesting by the goodly garlands gay That like a beast to slaughter brought I ware Vpon my head in that most dolefull day That by my will I do not now declare The secrets that should not be knowne nor say That willingly I do my Country hate But sith their cruell deeds and cursed fate Compell me therevnto it lawfull is For me to tell that which they would conceale And hope that if therein I do amisse The Gods will pardon me as now I deale Vprightly in this case Wherefore oh Troy Which by this meanes to thy no little ioy I do preserue in like case saue thou me Performe thy word for I to thee hereby Procure great wealth and much prosperitie The hope of all the Grecians specially Since that this long and bloudie warre began In Pallas was till that Titides ran Like mad man with the Father and the head Of mischiefes all Ulisses and by night Into Mineruaes Temple entered And slew the watch and then by force and might Their hands embru'd with bloud where no defēce Gainst him was made her jmage tooke frō thence For from that day good fortune from them fled And nothing did vnto their minds fall out No hope they had nor comfort followed What ere they tooke in hand or went about For Pallas did them vtterlie forsake And with some doubtfull signes of war to make And put them in great feare when they did bring Her jmage to the Campe and downe it set Her eies like flames of fire glistering Did shew and all her body ore did swet And thrise she rose whereat they woondered And shook her speare shield thrise ore her head For which they were by Calohas bid to go Vnto their ships and put to sea in hast For that said he belieue me it is so All hope for vs at this time cleane is past And though that they are gone from thence a while And vnto Greece returnd it 's but a wile For their intent is but to pacific Their Gods in Greece and then to come againe When wind doth serue with a new supplie A hotter warre against you to maintaine And this by Calchas counsell they haue done And for amends to Pallas and to shun Her wrath for that most foule great offence By them committed gainst her Deity They were by visions warn'd ere they went hence This Horse that is so huge of quantity In this same place where now it stands to set Which Calchas hath caus'd to be made so great For it was Calchas worke and only drift Because they feared you would enterprise When they were gone the same by force to lift Into the Towne which they would in no wise Haue you to do because you should not call On Pallas name nor worship him at all For if you should this gift of hers deface Destruction great without all doubt would fall On Priams princelie bloud and would it race Out of the world for a memoriall In time to come to make all men to feare To do the like But if you could it beare Into the Towne and on your wals it set The Greeks of you would stand in mightie feare And Conquests great against them you should get And they despight their harts great losse shold bear By this deceit of Synon false periur'd They credite gaue to him and were allur'd To worke their owne decay by that same horse Whom neither stout Achilles nor the warre That ten yeares held nor all the Grecians force Could make to yeeld nor for their foes to care And while they stood this craftie tale to heare The which he told with many a fained teare Another thing at that same time fell out Which put them in a mightie maze and fild Their valiant hearts with extreame feare doubt Which was as Neptunes Priest Lycaon kild A Bull vpon his Altar and the same Did offer vnto him behold there came Two mightie Serpents swimming to the shore Whose vglie heads they might far off behold And see their backs huge long tailes that bore The sea aloft and in the waues did fold And turne and whirle the water round about Who with their fiery eies came fiercely out Vpon the land and at them hissing ran With gaping mouths wherwith in mighty feare They all began to flie away and whan The Serpents hard by Neptunes Altar were They set vpon Lycaons children twaine And with their claws their tender lims did straine And tearing them in pieces fed so fast On them that they with speed devoured were Which when Lycaon saw he ran in hast With sword in hand to saue their liues but there Was no defence against them to be made For when as they children eaten had They ran and claspt Lycaon round about The body and the necke in cruell wise Who mightily stroue with
them to get out Their furious clawes with great fearefull cries Like to a Bull that 's tide vnto a stake For to be kild doth mighty roaring make But all in vaine for nothing could him aid And when that he was kild they tooke their way Vnto Mineruaes Temple where they laid Themselues downe at her feet there did stay Wherewith a mighty trembling feate did fall With wonder new strange vpon them all For they suppos'd and thought it to be true That for because Lycaon with his speare Had run against the horse that as a due Deserved plague that punishment he bare And therefore all of them did cry and say Why bring you not this horse without delay Into the Towne the Goddesse wrath t' appease And presently the people did begin To batter downe their wall and did not cease Till they had made a mighty brech therein Which done they set the horses feet vpon Huge planks with wheels that it might slide there on And with great ropes about his necke did draw The fatall horse with men and armor full Which when the women with their children saw They leapt daunst singing holpe to pull And hale it in and glad was he that could By any meanes vpon the ropes lay hold And in that sort it entred in the Towne Vnhappy men to breed their owne decay For as they drew and shou'd it vp and downe Along the streets of Troy vpon the way Foure times it swai'd iog'd against the ground And euery time they heard the armor sound Within the same yet on with it they went And blind with fond desire they had to get That mōstrous horse brought in were not content Till they had it by Pallas Temple set Wherewith Cassandra plainly did them shew By spirit diuine what would thereof ensew But they that for her words did little care Belieu'd her not but like to sencelesse men The Temples strew'd with hearbs did prepare As solemne feasts as if that they had been Secur'd and freed from dangers whatso ere Might happē whē poore wretched men they were At point of death and as we vse to say With one foot stepping in the graue had No longer time to liue but one short day And so great triumph for the time then made That nere the like before was seen in Troy But true it is that after extreame ioy As oft we find ensues adversitie And after peace when men do liue secure Without all feare in great felicitie And thinke that it for euer will endure Comes cruell warre for there 's no certainty In worldly blisse full of variety Deceit and guile vnhappines and trouble And neuer in one state doth long remaine Not much vnlike vnto a water-bubble Which riseth vp straight falls downe againe For though that men haue wealth riches great And on the top of fortunes wheele are set Yet vnawares she soone doth cast them downe As you may well behold and plainly see Here in this Booke by Troy the ancient Towne Which thought it selfe for euer safe to be By bring in that mighty horse of brasse Which th' only cause of their destruction was And when that they in extreame ioy had spent The day without all care till it was past And that the christall firmament had sent Darke night with clouds the skies to ouercast While that the wearied Troyans on the wall Lay carelesly and some on sleepe did fall As fearing nought The Grecians armie soone From Tenadon with all their Navie came And guided by the cleare bright shining Moone With silence great did land and made a flame Of fire out of their admirall to show That they were there and to let Symon know They were prepard to ioyne with him when he Had done his feat within the Towne who when He started vp and looking out did see The light from thence he stole out and began To turne the gins that in the horse were made And when that he his bellie op'ned had He called out Ulisses Athamas Thesander Machon and King Menalus Pyrrhus Achilles son that also was Surnamed by the Greeks Neoptolimus King Thoas and a number more beside Who soone out of the Horses panch did slide And presently vpon the walles did go And there fast sleping found the watch whom they Did fiercely kill and when they had done so Vnto the gates in hast they went there way And brake them vp and then out of the towne Did hang a light which they at Tenadowne Perceiuing armd themselues and fiercely ride To Troy-ward where their fellows watch did keepe And ready stood their comming to abide At midnight when sound sleep on men doth crepe And furiously throughout the Citie ran And sparing neither woman child nor man Kild all they found with extreame cruelty For they as then fast sleeping lay in bed And little did suspect such trechery Till that they felt with gastly wounds that bled Their enemies blowes and saw no remedy But by their hands in cruell wise to die For neither sex nor age by them was spard Whereby a mighty crie and noise did rise Within the towne the which when Priam hard Who little did suspect his enemies So falsely had betraid him and that The towne by them was tane but al to late He found and by experience too well knew Anthenor and Aeneas had betraid The towne and him into their hands drew That traiterous plot the which they falsely said Was for his and their good in generall But it was don to blind his eies withall Till they fit oppertunitie might haue To bring 't passe in such sort as they had Agreed with the Greeks which was to saue Themselue on such conditions as they made In secret wise and cleane contrary told To Priamus which then he might behold To well for at that time the trechery Which with such traitrous hearts they had cōceild Was seene and by the Grecians cruelty Vnto the townes and his decay reueald And th' Authors knowne when as no remedy Was to be found t' auoyd th' extremity That on him fell for then the towne was tane And all the loftie towers thereof began With fierto burne and euery street lane Was fild with Greeks and nothing hard therein But lamentable cries and woefull grones Of men that dying lay vpon the stones Within the streets and howses and that fled Before the Greeks in mighty dread and feare Amazed sore he rose out of his bed And sheading many a salt and brinsh teare Ran to Apolloes Temple comfortles T' escape if that he might in that distresse Meane time the towne was of a flaming fier Which merciles consumd and spoyled all And Greeks on euery side with great desire To be reuenged vpon the Troians fall And murthered and beat them downe so fast That while that most accursed night did last Ere Phoebus shoane the next ensueing day They slew of them boue twenty thousand men And forcibly did take and bare away Their
●iluar gold all their goods and then With mighty rage extreame violence They sackt spoyld without all reuerence The Temples of the Gods throughout the towne And in despight of them with courage bold Did fiercely rent and furiously pull downe Their ornaments of siluer and of gold In presence of the Gods that then were there While Priamus with sad heauy cheare Before Apollo kneeld and to him praid Devoutly to relieue him but in vaine For at that time there was no hope of aid That he by any meanes could then obtaine But onely there with patience to attend By cruell death his woefull life to end Whereof without all doubt he was most sure Ere long time past by Grecians hand to haue And Cassandra that holy creature Her selfe likewise in that distresse to saue Vnto Mineruaes Temple did repaire Accompanied with many a Lady faire And other Gentle-women of the towne Who there with sobs most bitterly did crie And made their woefull lamentation Attending euery hower when they should die Wherein I le let them with the goddesse dwell For if that I their sorrowes all should tell And show how they in euery lane and street Lay groueling on their Lords and husbands deare And suckt their wounds all their cloths did wet And staind and di'd them with the blood that there Out of their bodies ran that wofully Beheld them with a pale and deadly eye It would be ouer long for me to write And tedious likewise for you to heare But to proceed when they had all that night Nere ceast to kill and ransacke euery where The people and the towne and spard not one Next day in heaps they went to Ilion King Priamus most faire and Princely hall Wherein they found not one to make defence Against them nor to keepe the same for all The people in great feare were fled from thence To saue their liues and left it desolate Where all the gold and riches of the state Enclosed lay within the treasory The lockes whereof they brake and bare away The treasure therein found and cruelly Did fier the howse for no man durst say nay Nor let them to pursue their enterprise Then Pyrrhus in most fierce and furious wise Went to Divine Apolloes Temple where Before the Altar with great cruelty While Priamus deuoutly praied there In humble wise t' Apollo on his knee With fury great not speaking any word Into the body ran him with his sword And gaue him such a deepe and deadly wound That presently he fell vpon his face And pitifully died on the ground And with his blood defild the holy place Aeneas and Anthenor standing by As witnesses of his great cruelty Whose death when as Queene Hecuba perceiud And on the ground there lying did behold His bleeding corse she seemed cleane bereaud Of sences and in wofull wise did fold And wring her hands and pitiously did crie And in great feare out of the Church did flie With Pollicene her daughter who together Were present when King Priamus was slaine To saue their liues and yet they knew not whether To go no● run for no man durst maintaine Their quarrell nor no comfort then was left For them that of the same were cleane bereft For all the towne in euery place was fild With Greeks that throgh twith glistring swords did run And euery where the Troians fiercely kild That had no meanes their cruelty to shun And as she ran in that sort through the streete It was her chance Aeneas there to meet Whom when she saw her flesh began to shake And tremble with the griefe she had in mind And therewithall in fury great she spake And sayd to him oh Traitor most vnkind Oh serpent false oh Adder enuious Oh villaine vile and most malicious Thou that art causer by thy wickednes Of all our woes and through thy trechery Hast brought vs now into so great distresse That plunged in the vale of misery We run from place to place distrest in mind And can no ease at all nor comfort find How couldest thou in heart be so vnkind Vnto thy Lord and King as traiterously To stand by with a fierce and cruell mind And see him slaine by Pirrhus cruelly Within the Temple where he shead his blood Who while he liu'd was vnto thee so good And gratious Lord that neuer any man Felt more of his great liberalitie Nor was more lou'd as all men witnes can Then thou by him which thou maist not deny Who now lies dead within that holy place Thou wast not only traitor in that case But didst conspire his death for thou didst bring Fierce Pirrhus to Apolloes Temple where Thou knewest well that he should find the King Of purpose set that he might kill him there Where as thou shouldst as dutie doth thee bind Haue saud his life if thou hadst been so kind But thou not only hast that mischiefe don But didst betray this towne where thou wast bred And fostred with more reputation Then any man saue he that was the head And King thereof which now forgotten is By thee wherein though thou hast done amisse Yet if within thy stony heart there be One drop of pittie or compassion Let me request this favor now of thee That in this time of desolation Thou wilt my daughter Pollicene relieue And vnto her some ayd and succour giue If thou dost any one respect at all Of Priams race as sure thou canst not choose That she by thy protection may not fall Into the Grecians hands her life to loose That when men shall this woefull story read And find therein this fowle treacherous deed By thee so falsely done and brought to pas Against this towne it may the rigor stay Of those that will judge and condemne thee as A Traytor vile and giue them cause to say That though thou didst this great wicked thing Yet at the last thou shewdst thy selfe bening And gratious vnto Pollicene whereby Some little satisfaction thou shalt make In recompence of thy great treachery To vs and giue her cause thy part to take When men of thee to her shall justly say And call thee Traytor false another day If thou wilt now vouchsafe her life to saue But as for me do what thou wilt all 's one I neither do nor will thy fauor craue For sith my Lord King Priams dead gone I care not though that thou some Grecians bidst Do vnto me as vnto him thou didst This motion made by Hecuba the Queene Though sharp it were did moue Aeneus so That pittying faire Lady Pollicene He caused her forthwith with him to go And shut her in a chamber secretly From sight and knowledge of the enemy Least they thereby should find occasion To picke some quarrell with him for her sake And at that time likewise King Thelamon Of pity did in his protection take The wife of Hector cald Andromacha And Priams daughter Lady Cassandra And vnto them his Princely promise gaue
bent Before them all said flatly she should haue Her head cut off and suffer deadly paine Because for her so many had beene slaine And by that meanes King Thelaphus was crost And put besides Palladion gainst his will For which he swore thogh deare it shold him cost Ere long time past he would Vlisses kill And one day likewise be reveng'd vpon King Menalus and king Agamemnon And therewith in a mighty rage he went With all his knights and left the company Who with him in their hearts were fully bent When they a fit occasion might espie In cruell wise ere long reveng'd to be Vpon their foes but chiefly on those three And for that cause such hatred to them bare That nothing but their deaths could th● content But they that of his purpose were aware With policie his furie to prevent Did cause their knights about them to attend If that occasion serued to defend And keepe them from the furie of their foes And likewise soone to rid them of that doubt For earely in the morne ere Phoebus rose The matter was so quicklie brought about King Thelaphus that braue and worthy knight Most cruelly was murthered in the night And in the morning bleeding sore was found Within his bed whereas his body lay Sore mangled hewd cut with many a wound Which thing when as the Grecians heard next day They did abhorre that act so horrible And cause to God and man t was odible They could not choose but for his murther weepe And grieue to thinke how foule and traiterously He had been kild when he was fast asleepe And mong them then there rose so great a cry Throughout the hoast for that most wicked deed That all his friends within their hearts decreed His death should be revenged vpon those That had that cruell murther brought to passe The which although no man would it disclose Yet every one that in the hoast then was For it had most and great'st suspicion On Menalus and King Agamemnon But chiefly on Vlisses vnto whome By common voice of them in generall His sodaine death imputed was and some Did vow and sweare what euer did befall Mong whom yong Pyrrhus specially was one They would revenge the death of him full soon Vpon Vlisses who by treachery Had falsly wrought the same but to preuent And scape from Pyrrhus furie sodainly Aboard his ships next morning straight he went And hoising saile in hast from thence he fled And left the jmage with King Diomed. And of the fact in heart had great remorse Who in that sort thus fled away and gone Yong Pyrrhus tooke his bloudy mangled corse And made a fire and laid the same thereon In presence of the Greeks that it beheld And burnt it vnto ashes in the field And afterward the ashes being cold He tooke them vp and did them safely put With reverence great into a box of gold The which with his owne seale of armes he shut And sent them to be buried there whereas While he did liue the soveraigne Prince he was And hauing all the ceremonies vs'd For him in every point most orderly He still vpon the cruell murther musd Which vnto him was done so traitrously And sware and vowd it should be dearly bought By them that it so wickedly had wrought And for that cause great hatred bare vnto King Menalus and King Agamemnon Who well advis'd and taking heed thereto For feare thereof nere went abroad alone But strongly garded daily did attend What issue would ensue thereof in th' end Which Pyrrhus likewise did and would not cease By all the meanes he could to seeke some way T' intrap them and his wrath would not appease And in that sort they three from that same day Were sterne and deadly foes each vnto other And while that they in such wise iar'd together And enviously each other did pursue Still more and more their malice did encrease And hatred great on each side did renue Till Anthenor their furies to appease By policie did cut of all disdaine On either side and made them friends againe And to that end prepard a royall feast And did invite the Grecians to the same And to intreat and pray them never ceast Till they three with the rest vnto it came That all the Princes of the hoast might see They had their anger left and did agree Together like good friends as ere they were To write the great and sumptuous fare they had With all the severall dishes that were there As also what rich Presents then were made And by Anthenor given liberallie Vnto the Greeks it 's no necessitie Let it suffice they wanted nothing that Might please and giue contentinent vnto man And while at table they together sat Some one among them enviously began To speake against Aeneas and t' accuse And charge him with most great and vile abuse Especially because he did conceale And hide away the Princes Pollicene And would by no meanes tell them no● reveale What was become of her that cause had been Of fierce Achilles death and for the same They did impose vpon him so much blame That they did all with one consent agree He should therefore be banisht out of Troy Contrary to their former grant that hee The freedome of the Towne should still enioy But nere the lesse they did with one consent Comdemne him to perpetuall banishment The causer of the same I cannot tell But sure it is Anthenor and none other Within the Towne of Troy did know it well And secretly betraid his traiterous brother That with him holpe to bring that thing to passe Which in the end the Townes destruction was Which when Aeneas knew and saw no way For him by any meanes to mollifie The Grecians hearts to giue him leaue to stay He humblie praied them of courtesie That of their princely favor and their grace They wold vouch●afe to grant him 4 months space To stay in Troy while he provided had All things that should for him be necessaire And further vnto them petition made That he from thence might also with him carrie The ships that into Cithera did go With Paris iust number twentie two Which being by the Grecians full consent Vnto him given with licence for the space Of time he askt to stay to Troy he went With heavie heart to see 't in such a case And specially when he to mind did call That all the woes which on the same did fall Came onlie by the treason he had wrought Against the Towne and also to remember That he could not enioy the thing he sought But must of force depart and stay no longer Where he had liu'd sometime in great estate And cursed his most hard and cruell fate To see him selfe so plung'd in that distresse And banisht by the Greeks and knew not why Nor who had sought his fall till he did gesse And saw by signes Anthenor subtilly To get him out of Troy procured it For which he sware
Fell at debate with them for they devis'd A tale the which they told him and surmis'd That which was never practised nor wrought By any one of all the Greeks not yet In any wise imagined nor thought By them though he for truth belieued it For they told him that while the Grecians were Before the towne of Troy that falslie there Pallamides his sonne was murthered By night as he within his bed did lie The which they said was done by Diomede And false Ulisses with great crueltie Which truth to say and giue to them their due They never did for it was most vntrue They also did most confidentlie tell The King that all the Princes did consent Vnto that deed and knew thereof full well Although there was nere any such intent And specially that King Agamemnon And Menalus were by when it was done But all they said was false and nothing so Yet nere the lesse they did the king perswade So well that he gaue credite therevnto And verilie belieu'd the Grecians had Conspir'd the death and the destruction Of valiant King Pallamides his son And better to averre their false report They fain'd said that letters twaine were sent Out of the towne which treason did import And said that King Pallamides was bent To favor them of Troy and that he had Receau'd a sum of gold of them and made Condition more to haue so that he would Delay the time and cause their enemie To leaue the siege and for them only hold And more to make their matter good did lie And said they found the letters in the field Enclosed fast within a Troyans shield That in the fight was flaine and that thereby The who●e contents of all the treason wrought And practis'd by the Troyans secretly With King Pallamides to light was brought And though that he was guiltles of the same The Grecians more to slaunder and to blame They said Ulisses falsly practised With one that on Pallamides did wayt And him with gold and words most faire so fed That at the last he caught him with a bait And got him to agree and be content To grant to his request and giue consent To take a bag of gold and secretly By night convay the same into the bed Whereas his Lord Pallamides did lie Which he accordingly accomplished And to make all seem true the gold then laid Within the bed was so much as was said Pallamides receaued had in hand That when the matter once in question came He should not well gainst his accusers stand It being found and prou'd to be the same Iust summe of gold the which was specifi'd In those two letters in the Targat hid Which being found and to the Grecians told They were to vproare moued in such wise Concerning those two letters and the gold That they did in a muttering arise And all together ran with one consent In furious wise vnto the royall tent Wherein the king that innocent and cleane Of that suppos'd offence then was remaind And little knew what they thereby did meane And would by no intreaty be restraind To stay but when before him there they stood Like vnto men that had been mad or wood They did begin against lowd to crie And bitterly to raile and chafe withall And by no meanes their rage would pacifie But readie were on him therefore to fall And specially the kings Agamemnon And Menalus with indignation Against him in their hearts conceaued than Without advise or any care at all Of his estate or high degree began For iustice there be●ore the Greeks to call The which when king Pallamides perceau'd And saw what malice they gainst him conceau'd At first he was somewhat therewith abast But presently againe without all feare He stood vp on his feet and at the last When as he saw how hot at him they were And that they still persisted that he shold Condemned be To show his courage bold And valor great he flatly did deny That which by them on him was falsly layd And swore before them all it was a lie For proofe whereof he offer made and said That he his life would venture like a Knight With any whatsoere he were to fight In single combat hand to hand to try And proue by force that he no treason wrought Respecting not his Soveraigne dignity Nor royall bloud and them therefore besought To grant and giue consent that presently That day the combat might be fought thereby To find and know the truth if any one Against him durst within the field appeare Which proffer made they all stood mute and none Of all his foes that his accusers were The combate would accept for Diomede And King Ulisses authors of that deed Withdrew themselues and never did make proffer To take his gauntlet vp which he had laid Before them on the ground nor yet would offer To proue that which of him they falsly said Behind his backe but with a fained show Made as if they thereof did nothing know And for his part Ulisses craftily As 't was his common practise to dissemble With all men and to flatter faine and lie Wherein he did the serpent slie resemble That closely lyeth hidden in the grasse To sting and bite such as thereon do passe When as he heard Pallamides deny The treason to him laid and offer made To proue them false that would it iustifie He seemd as if therefore he had been glad And like a friend that meant nought else but well He did begin in double wise to deale And openly seemd him thereof t' excuse And gaue advise vnto the Greeks to cease From charging him with treason and to vse No more opprobrious speeches in that case And by that meanes appeaz'd their muteny And did perswade them that most certainly That accusation false and slanderous Vpon him was imposed wrongfully By some that had with hearts malicious Conspir'd to do him that great villany And to procure his everlasting shame Yet he himselfe was author of the same But when he saw he could not bring to passe That which he had devised to betray And charge him with that he a traitor was He subtilly found out another way Which by consent of Diomede he brought Vnto effect and in this wise he wrought He went vnto him late vpon a night And as a secret friend vnto him told First swearing him by th'onor of a knight Not to disclose that which reveale he shold That he could bring him to a place whereas Great store of gold and treasure hidden was That had to him been privately disclos'd And none else but himselfe thereof did know And that is lay within a well enclos'd Which as a friend he offred him to show So that he promise would that night to go Accompani'd with them two and no mo To fetch it secretly into his tent Which he belieuing all that they did say Agreed vnto and forth with them he went Vnto the well whereas he said it lay And
renowne and valorous And one faire daughter named Thetides While his old aged grandsire Peleus With Thetides his wife lay in a caue In great distresse their woefull liues to saue And yet cleane out of hope relieud to be Or comforted in that extremety Vnles it were by Pyrrhus meanes when he Returnd for which he praid continually And curst the time of his so long aboad Which heavy newes when Pyrrhus vnderstood At Malasus he straight to sea did hie With full intent if he did safely get Vnto his natiue land of Thessalie He would false King Atastus purpose let And be reuengd on him ere it was long For all the mischiefe cruelty and wrong That he had done vnto King Peleus But first before that to the Sea he went He cald to him two knights one Crilippus The other named Adrastus whom he sent To Thessalie to heare and vnderstand Where King Atastus kept within that land And what gainst him he did intend to do And that they might the better bring 't to pas He gaue them letters which he sent vnto One Assandrus a Lord that sometime was A counsellor vnto King Peleus And Chamberlin and when he had done thus He entred ship and would no longer tarry But through the seas did scowre and staied not Although the wind and weather were contrary And stormes arose till at the last he got To Thessalie where t' was his chance to land Hard by the place wherein the caue did stand Where Peleus and his wife themselues did hide Mong bushes briers and thornes all alone Did walke vpon the sand without a guide And when he had with heavy heart thus gone A little while King Peleus comming out His Cau● to take the aire was in a doubt To loose his life when as he saw a knight There all alone and sore abashed staid Till he of him had taken better sight And when he had beheld him well dismaid In mind he thought that he Achilles saw And therewithall did neerer to him draw For he so like vnto Achilles was For visage shape and personage that none Could know the one from th' other well so as King Peleus to himselfe did musethereon And straight with teares distilling downe his face He ran his nephew Pyrrhus to embrace And being somewhat better comforted With ioyfull heart though grieud to him did tell How cruelly he had been banished And forced in a caue long time to dwell In misery and woe and nothing left To succour him but all from him bereft With crowne and Kingdome by the cruelty And hatred of Atastus that had don It causeles vnto him whose tiranny For want of ayd he could by no meanes shon Which Pyrrhus hauing heard and marking well Into so great an agony then fell That he stood still and would not speake a word And therewith in his heart exceeding wroth To heare the cause so much the same abhord That speechles to his ships from thence he goeth And would not make an answere therevnto Still studying with himselfe what he should do Till he was told how that the selfe same day Atastus with his Sons was ridden out Into a wood not far of from that way To hunt for deare and that they were in doubt To be assayld by him which when he knew He stayed not but straight himselfe withdrew And putting of his clothes apparelled Himselfe like one of poore and meane degree And girding on his sword without all dread Went all alone into the wood to see What Fortune or advantage he could find Therein to ease his sad and troubled mind And as he went along from place to place Much like a man that seem'd to make great mone At last it was his chance to heare the chace And therewithall he slept aside that none Of them should see nor find him where he stood And when he had a while been in the wood It was Prince Menalippus chance to ride That way with Prince Polistines his brother Where Pyrrhus thē did stand whom whē they spid They staid their horse and both of them together With countnāce sterne before they thēce wold pas Went vnto him and askt him what he was And whence he came and why so poorely clad He wandred in that manner all alone Like one that neither ioy nor comfort had And he that seemd in heart to sigh and groane With heavy cheare and countenance full sad Replied to them againe and answere made That he by chance was cast vpon that shore By tempest and how all his companie Were drownd at sea and that he and no more Escapt with life but yet vnhappelie Had lost all that he had and without joy A Grecian borne that lately came from Troy There wandred solitarilie and praid Them that they would vpon him then bestow Some money and apparell for to aid Him in his need that had been brought so low Who pitying his estate did not denay To do him good but bad him there to stay That they might see what he could do whan They had said so and turn'd their heads aside Behold a mightie Hart before them ran Wherewith Prince Menalippus straight did ride In hast to follow it with spheare in hand And left his brother there who still did stand By Pyrrhus talking with him all alone And seeming to be wearie lighted there Off from his horses backe which hauing done He laid him downe to rest and giving eare Vnto the woefull moane that Pyrrhus made No feare of any hurt or treason had Where sodainely ere he perceiu'd the blow He was by Pyrrhus thrust into the hart From whence the blood in streame began to flow And there he died while Pyrrhus side-waies start And left him lying groueling on the plaine Till Menalippus came to him againe Where while with weeping eies and colour wan To looke vpon his brothers corps he stood Fierce Pyrrhus in great furie to him ran And with a mind that thursteth after blood Straight with his sword his life from him bereft And by his brother dying there him left And so they were vnfortunatelie slaiue By Pyrrhus who when he had done the same Withdrew himselfe out of that place againe And as he went he saw a Knight that came Vnto him wards of whom he did enquire His name and what the reason was that there He road alone so farre out of the way Who answered his name was Cineras Great King Atastus knight who that same day Did hunt within the wood and that he was Not far from thence whom Pyrrhus without ●●ord Repli●d to him againe smot with his sword And kild him in that place and then forsooke The Forrest and directly went his way Vnto his ships with fierce and furious looke Where he put of his clothes and did array Himselfe in purple velvet like a king And to the Forrest backe againe did fling Where sodainely while he walkt too fro He met with king Atastus all alone Who wondring much to see him clothed so Askt
Country buried Did sodainly at Menons Tombe appeare In shape and forme like to an Angell bright Environed with stars that shone most cleare And round about the place cast such a light That no man could behold her stedfastly Her countenance did shine so heavenly Descending from the skies celestiall In sight of many men apparelled Divinely and in presence of them all Did make her husbands tombe be opened And out of it did take his bones and beare Them in a chest of gold which she had there Of purpose brought downe with her cleane from thence And on a sodaine vanished away And never was seen there before nor since Which did the standers by so much dismay That at the sight thereof they were affraid And every one his iudgement thereof said Some thinking't was a Goddesse others some Celestiall power descended from the skie Or else the soule of Menon that did come To beare his bones vp to the Deitie But what it was I know not neither will Presume to iudge of that is past my skill As being loath to climbe aboue my reach And therefore of the same I le speake no more But turne againe whereas I made a breach When of Vlisses life I spake before And tell you of his hard and fatall end When Atropas loath longer time to spend In spinning of his threed of life agreed With Parchas fell her office l'execute Who having preordaind the same with speed Tooke out her sheares and it in sunder cut Defend thy selfe therefore Ulisses now Without all feare to shun the fatall blow Which by thy sons sharp sword thou shalt receaue For I am now prepard and do intend To sharpe my pen once more before I leaue My worke long since begun to write thy end And with the same my Books full period make For that my hand with wearinesse doth shake But yet ere that I thereof make an end I must of force to make my Booke compleat A little longer time about thee spend And of thy fatall fate and death entreat Which vnto thee did happen by the dart Of him whom thou didst loue with all thy hart But first I must desire the sleepy God By Poets Morpheus cald who by the might And power supreame of his inchanting rod Doth rule mens minds and fansies in the night And makes men dreame divers visions see Which many times prognostications bee And warnings vnto men of future good Or ill that vnto them shall after hap The which cannot be any way withstood For no man may Gods iust decree escape To rule and guide my wit and pen as now That I to you Ulisses dreame may show The which he had not long before he dyed Wherewith by signes that true and certaine were He was forewarnd and fully certified His end by vnexpected death drew nere Who as he in his bed fast sleeping lay About the time when Cocks crow fore t is day He thought there did before him then appeare A woman of so heavenly feature That she did show as she an Angell were And not to be an earthly creature Who was so faire and beautifull of face That she did seeme t'jlluminate the place Wherein she was and therewithall her eyes Did shine as cleare and bright as any starre And able were t'intrap and to surprise Their hearts that lookt vpon her neere or farre And no defence against them could be made So exquisite a looke and face she had Whom when Ulisses did perceaue he was So much amaz'd to see her that the more He lookt on her he liked her so as He did fast sleeping lye he sighed fore And as he thought put forth his hands to take Her in his arms but she frō him shruncke backe And still the more his eyes on her he cast The farther she from him did seeme to flie As if she would haue shund him till at last When she perceiu'd his importunitie She spake to him askt him what he would With her and why he did her so behold In truth said he faire Lady I confesse That I am so much blinded in my sight That I cannot perceaue nor truely gesse By outwards signes if I should speake aright Whether that your shape divine or earthly be So excellent it seemeth vnto me But this I dare affrme and boldly say That at this time my life death doth stand And are at your devotion if I may Craue so much grace favor at your hand Presuming not thereon by any right To pitty me that am your faithfull knight And so devoted vnto you that sure If I do not my mind as now fulfill And so much favour at your hands procure As this night for to grant me your good will To lie with me there is no remedie But for your sake of force I needs must die And thus twixt hope and feare I haue you told My mind said he wherewith she staid awhile And did him with a countnance sad behold Yet at the last vpon him gan to smile And said the loue which you to me do beare Will be both our destructions I do feare It is so doubtfull and so dangerous That without doubt belieue it certamly If we together take our pleasure thus One or else both of vs shall surely die For that the end thereof can be no other If we as you desire should lie together Which said Ulisses looking on her still And therewithall approaching somewhat neere Vnto her to behold her at his will Who in his mind did shew so bright and cleare He saw that in her hand a speare she held Which on it had a flag whereof the field Was blew and in the midst a Crowne of gold With fishes white environd round about Which while he did most earnestly behold She did begin to leaue him and go out Whereas she was but ere she left the place She staid a little while and turnd her face To him and said I tell you true and plaine That after this we never more shall see One th' other but for parting of vs twaine This greeting said our last farewell shall bee And there withall her leaue of him she tooke Aud after that he sodainly awooke And did begin t' imagine curiously And muse vnto himselfe within his mind What that strange dreame he had might signifie But when he could the same by no means find As being that he did not vnderstand He sent for all th'Inchanters in the Land And such as could the depth and meaning show Of dreames that vse to happen vnto men When they do sleepe that he of them might know The exposition of his dreame And when They vnderstood the same they did agree All in one point and told him plaine that hee Should shortly be bereft of life by one That neerest of his kindred was and that T' avoid it way nor meanes for him was none Which when he heard he woondred much thereat And did begin to looke with visage pale But when he saw it could him not preuaile
To grieue his head was fild with fantasies And deepe conceits t' imagine and to see If he could find or shape a remedie By any meanes to shun that would not bee But yet for all his policie and wit He could not reach vnto the depth of it For thinking that he would the same prevent De did suppose that no man but his son Was he that should it do and therefore sent With all the speed he could for Thelamon And cast him into prison so to shun That which the Fates decreed should be dun Remembring not the speare with steeled head Nor yet the flag thereon with azure fild With fishes on 't which in the seas do feed Nor Circes faire who in her hand it held Which signifi'd nought but hostility Nor yet the Crowne and regall dignity Of one that raign'd within an Isle that stands In middest of the sea that should be hee Who gainst his will should slay him with his hands And execute thereby the iust decree Of God the which Ulisses thought not on But onely did suspect Prince Thelaemon Whom he then held close prisner in a tower And to prevent all other meanes what s'ere He never ceast to muse thereon each hower And at the last grew thereof in such feare That he did cause a Castle to be made And built of Marble stone the which he had Devised in such sort that there was none Like vnto it in all the world throughout For strength and had no gates in it but one To enter in the same and round about A ditch most deepe and broad on every side Did compasse it Wherein he did abide And closely kept himselfe from sight of all The world but those which on him did attend And ever held a watch vpon the wall Both day and night most strictly to the end That no man should so hardy be to venter Without his leaue into the same to enter Vnlesse it were those that therein did lie Now as the storie vnto vs doth tell Ulisses had a Sonne begotten by Queene Circes who in valor did excell So much that he was comp'rable to none In all that land whose name was Thelagon Borne in an jsle among the furious rage Of foming seas that compast it about Who at that time attained had to th'age Of twenty fiue yeares old who stood in doubt What man did him beget or who should be His father whome he longed much to see And having great desire the same to know He fell before his mother on his knee And did intreat her earnestly to show The truth to him who might his father bee And what he was where he then did dwell But she long time by no meanes would it tell But put him off and fed him with delay Till when she saw she could not be at rest For him that did torment her every day And would not cease till he had his request She shewd him that Vlisses was his sire And where he dwelt who with most great desire To see him tooke his leaue of her with speed And told her that he straight frō thence would go But when the Queene perceau'd he had decreed To go to seeke Vlisses and that no Perswasion in the world could him withhold From doing it her heart it waxed cold And in her breast she felt exceeding paine And when she saw he would by no meanes stay She prayed him to come with speed againe Home vnto her And so the selfe same day He put to sea and saild so long till he He arriued where he did desire to be And when he was within Achaia land He never ceast to ride from place to place And rested not till he did vnderstand Where king Vlisses royall Pallace was Which when he knew he made no more aboad But speedily vnto the Court he road Whereas the king within his Castle stayd And early on a Munday morning came Vnto the gate and draw-bridge where he prayd The Porter who at that time kept the fame To giue him leaue a word or two to speake Vnto the king who to him gaue a cheake And churlishly did thrust him from the gate And proudly said he should not enter in And with some other speeches told him that He must be gone whereat he did begin To be in such a rage that there with all He did vpon the Porter fiercely fall And furiously did take him by the beard And gaue him such a blow that there with all He fell dead on the bridge which when they heard That were within they issued and did fall On him but he so hotely them withstood And fought with such a fierce surious mood That many of them cleane ore the bridge he cast And when as more vpon him issued forth And on all sides began t'assaile him fast He did begin to be exceeding wroth And with his sword about him made such way That he therewith did fifteene of them slay And fought so long that he was out of breath And scarce could hold himselfe vpright so that Sore wounded he expected nought but death Wherewith Vlisses came vnto the gate And when vpon the bridge he did espie His men on heaps dead on the same to lie Sore mou'd thereat he tooke a dart in hand And there with all in furious wise did throw At Thelagon who then did leaning stand Vpon his sword but it did light too low And hurt him not at all but Thelagon Straight stooped down laying hands theron Did throw it at Vlisses in great hast And there with all did strike him such a blow Into the breast that through his ribs it past And gaue him his deaths wound but did not know That 't was the king nor that he so had slaine His father deare who then could not sustaine Himselfe vpright but to the ground did slide With pale and deadly face and so he lay Amongst his men that stood on either side And busie were to beare him thence away Supposing that he verily was dead But sodainly he lifted vp his head And having still a perfect memory He cald to mind the vision he did see And how that he was told assuredly That one of his ner'st kinsmen should be hee That with a dart of life should him bereaue And for because ●● could not well conceaue Who it should be He bad his men to bring The young man that before the gate then stood With speed to him without once offering To wrong him for so sheading of their blood And when that he was brought into the place Whereas he lay he look't him in the face And marking well his countenance began To aske him for what cause he did come thither And what occasion moved him as than T' assaile his guard that he and they together Had fought and he had slaine them so whereby Himselfe sore wounded was and like to die To whom with courage bold he spake and sayd The onely cause why I came hither was To see the King but by the
of Troye reveng'd to bee And in that case and enterprise refer'd Themselues vnto the prudent government Of valiant King Agamemnon prefer'd By them with all their full and free consent To be the chiefe Commander of their host Provided at each severall Princes cost With faithfull vow and promise to maintaine And follow warres while life meanes should last Against their foes triumphantly to gaine Renowne and fame when vitall daies were past Thereof to leaue perpetuall memorie From age to age to their posteritie But ere they did assemble all their men And bring them to the place by them assign'd Queene Helena had two valiant bretheren King Pollux and King Castor grieu'd in mind To thinke thereon their ship did rig in hast And with the same to sea did hie them fast Accompanyed with many a valiant Knight In mind t'oretake the Troyans on the way And to recouer Helen by their might But Gods decree no mortall man can stay For ere that they three daies had sail'd along The Grecian seas the wind did blow so strong And such a darknesse rose within the skies That it did seeme as day had turn'd to night And therewithall so great a storme did rise That billows huge against the ship did smight And then a great and mighty clap of thunder Stroke down their masts broke thē cleane in sunder And with the furious blasts of Eolus The waue so high did mount vnto the skie And made them swell so huge monsterous That every man made full account to die And after they had tossed too and fro Sometimes aloft and then againe as lowe The waters greene and white so sore did rage And seem'd to boyle with furie of the wind That nothing could th'vnpiteous tempest swage Nor yet procure the Grecians ease in mind For what so ere resistance they would make At last the ship in many pieces brake And rent in twaine with great extreamity Whereby not one escapt but all were drownd And in the raging Seas cast furiously And of them all not any one was found To saue their liues except the Brethren twaine Who as in Stories Poets of them faine The Gods did in the heavens deifie And in the skies did place them there to be A starre in th' aire by name of Gemini And as the learned in Astronomie Affirme it is by Constellation Of Mercurie the house and mansion Which is both male and female in his kind The Eagle and the Dolphin in it rise And in the same iust three degrees we find The Dragons taile exalted is likewise In Man it 's said to rule the armes and hand And mongst the signs the third in place doth stand Thus were these stout valiant brethren twaine In heauen pla'st if that we may belieue The fables of the Poets fond and vaine Which earnest did the valiant Grecians grieue And was to them beginning of their woe And to the Brethren twaine their overthrow CHAP. VI. How the Grecians assembled to be reuenged of the Troyans for rauishing of Helena ERe that mine Author Guido doth declare What Grecian power did gainst the Troyans goe It seemes he had a great and speciall care The forme and shape of everie Prince to shoe Both on the Greekes and on the Troyans side The which while he amongst them did abide In time of truce beheld with great delight Omitting neither port nor seemelinesse Beautie nor yet deformitie that might Be seene in them but as he doth confesse Hath made a true and right description Of everie one in his proportion And first he setteth downe Queene Helens shape As Dares hath describ'd the same at large Wherein no point thereof he doth escape But tels the truth his promise to discharge And saith she had a scarre vpon her face And yet it did her beautie not disgrace He saith King Agamemnon was a man Of bodie strong and good proportion Of stature tall of colour pale and wan And flegmaticke of his complexion Vnquiet and impatient in his brest Eschewing and refusing ease and rest So much to war and strife his mind he gaue And yet he was to vertue whollie bent And therewithall a Prince most wise and graue Learned discreet and passing eloquent Whereby amongst the Grecian Princes all He was elected to be Generall King Menelaus was valiant stout and strong Of courage and of heart victorious His stature middle-siz'd twixt short and long Of good proportion and desirous Vnquietlie to liue in warre and strife Then to possesse great wealth with quiet life Achilles was of stature huge and tall With sholders broad breast both big square Faire faced and right seemely therewithall And in each part the like proportion bare With eies most great deepe broad very quicke And a browne haire that curl'd it was so thicke In Armes most fierce and right couragious And did in strength the Grecians all surmount And yet of looke was passing amorous Of liberall mind and made so small account To giue large gifts and royally to spend That all men for the same did him commend The valiant Grecian Tantalus was strong Of bodie huge and good proportion Indifferent grosse and neither short nor long Of sanguine colour and complexion Vnsteadfast ey'd and wavering in his head Abhorring strife whereas he saw no need Of word and promise true what so ere he made And never any quarrell tooke in hand Vnlesse that he a good occasion had And when he knew and well did vnderstand His cause to be both lawfull iust and right Then would he shew himselfe a valiant Knight Oileus Aiax was of bodie great And in apparell rich and curious Whereon his heart and mind was onely set And yet of shape both huge and monstrous With armes so great sholders broad square And waied so much no horse could well him bare His stature it was high and very tall Vnweldy and vnseemely to behold Of speach he was both rude and rusticall And car'd not how his mind he did vnfold And though to ayd the Greeks he did his part Yet was he but a coward in his heart Another Aiax surnamed Telamon There was a man that learning did adore Of bodie straight and faire complexion His haire cole blacke and turning vp before Who did so much in eloquence abound That in his time the like could not be found In Musicke sweet his time most part he spent Wherein he tooke such pleasure and delight That he did his owne instruments invent And yet he was a braue and valiant Knight And one that hated pride and flattery With honor seeking fame and victory Vlisses was a Prince of power and might That liued in great fame and royalty And yet he tooke great pleasure and delight To vse all kind of fraud and subtilty Of double hollow deepe dissembling heart And well could play a perfect lyers part With face that made a ●hew cleane void of guile And words full smooth whē nothing lesse he ment Much giuen to mirth yet
sieldome seene to smile In counsell he was graue and provident Right eloquent in speech and did with speed Full often aid the Greekes in time of need Diomedes was valiant fierce and tall Of countnance proud and passing strong bold Broad breasted most sterne of looks withall Deceitfull and his promise nere would hold So hasty that his hand he could not stay But strike he must who ere stood in the way If once to wrath and anger he was bent Desiring strife still shunning rest and peace Vnto his servants most impatient And never frō contentious thoughts would cease But quarrell still though t' were but for a straw And held his will and pleasure for a law In lecherie his whole delight he plast And was so giuen thereto that where so ere He did become on loue his mind he cast And from the same could by no meanes forbeare But spent therein full many a night and day Which at the last procur'd his owne decay Duke Nestor was of stature somewhat tall And well composde of members in each part Crooke sholdered his middle very small Exceeding strong of hands and valiant heart In counsell wise well learnd and politicke And yet of nature was so cholericke That neither friend nor foe he could refraine He was so given to melancholie And would with no man flatter nor yet fame Nor for the time his anger mollifie Which nere the lesse but little space did last For as it lightly came it lightly past Prothesalus was gallant fresh and gay Of seemly shape and beautie passing rare Wherein no man surpast him as they say Quicke sprighted light of courage passing rare Exceeding swift and therewithall most strong And heart so fierce that he would take no wrong The valiant Grecian cald Neptolemus That had his haire as blacke as any Iet Was of proportion made right curious With eyes that were exceeding broad and great His breast most large somewhat stooping back And vsed much to stammer when he spake An Orator he was but turbulent And willingly would plead in any cause For that he was of nature wholly bent To studie and to learne the Grecian lawes Where in he tooke great pleasure and delight And yet he was a most couragious Knight Pallamides King Naulus Son was strong Of valiant heart and courage passing great Of face most faire of body leane and long And fierce vpon his enemie to set Familiar courteous wise and tractable In all his actions iust and laudable Of great account and onely had the name For bounty and for liberality Amongst the Grecians all which caus'd his fame To spread abroad into each Country Whereby in fine great honor he obtain'd And for the same perpetuall praises gain'd The worthy Polidamus was so fat And big of body bellie and of bone And so vnweldy that most part he sat And could not well sustaine himselfe alone Exceeding proud of heart and very sad And sodaine or else nere shewd countnance glad King Machaons stature was indifferent Twixt short and long his forehead broad hie Most prowd and fierce to choller wholly bent And so much giuen vnto jmpatiencie That nothing but revenge his mind would plea●● Whereby he sieldome slept or tooke his ease Next after these of Cresida he tels But here my pen is dasht for long agoe My Maister Chawcer that each one excels In Rethoricke her shape so well did shoe And thereof such a fine discourse doth make That follie t' were for me to vndertake To write thereof or adde vnto the same As knowing well that when that I haue done I shall deserue no praise but rather blame And yet I can the same by no meanes shun For if I write it not I must truth leaue And of the truth the Historie bereaue If I presume to slip and let it goe And not as Guido doth write orderlie Or vndertake the very same to shoe Which Chawcer hath declar'd so learnedly Full sure I am therein to make offence Either by folly or by negligence And so am plung'd twixt two extremities Great cause I haue to find fault and dislike Of Atropos that mongst her cruelties Durst with her knife the thread in sunder strike Of Chawcers life chiefe Poet of Britaine That first did cause to flourish and to raine The golden drops of Rethoricke so sweet Mongst English-men their speech to clarifie And their dull wits with Eloquence to whet But who liues neare so long at last shall die I must be forst his ayd herein to craue And read his booke to see if I may haue Some words of Art from thence to place with mine Which are so rude so bare so plaine and course For as the Ruby red that bright doth shine Set in a Copper Ring is nere the worse But beautified the more so is his phrase When it 's compar'd with wrighters of our daies It 's knowne so well and is so excellent That t is in vaine the same mongst ours to set For all our paine is as it were misspent When as wee seeke his stile to counterfet Well may we do 't on meere presumption But when al 's done there 's no comparison Yet for all this I must it not deny Craving excuse but as I first began Proceed to end the Troian History And doe the best that possibly I can T' effect the same and now of Cresida I will declare her beauty as I may Yet must I vnder Chawcers whings still hover And plainely tell that Rethoricke I haue none Nor eloquence my learning to discouer But letting all curiositie alone As Bayard blind doth boldly giue the venter And never feares what perill he doth enter To show my simple skill I will not spare And thereby some prospect vnto you giue Of Colchos daughters beauty passing rare That while she in this earthly mould did liue Was held to be an excellent faire creature For forme of face and comlinesse of feature Wherein none did surpasse her in her daies Her stature and proportion was but small Her haire that shind like Phoebus glistring raies In comly wise did on her shoulders fall And at her backe in tresses hung behind Which oft she did't with golden hearlace bind And but that both her eye-browes ioynd in one You could no fault at all in her espie And that was all her imperfection To speake of her faire cleare and rowling eye Whose glistring beams was of such force might And from the same did cast such peircing light That whosoere them earnestly beheld Could not withstand their power but must confesse Their extreame beauty had them forst to yeild Vnto her loue and with her seemelinesse She was indowed with great sobriety Well spoken wise and full of modestie And therewithall gentle and tractable And yet my Author Guydo plaine doth wright That in her loue she was too variable And tooke too great a pleasure and delight To giue her mind vnto vnstedfastnesse And womanly to all new fanglenesse Lastly he sayth how