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A13971 The true Catholique formed according to the truth of the Scriptures, and the shape of the ancient fathers, and best sort of the latter Catholiques, which seeme to fauour the Church of Rome : the contents vvhereof are to be seene in the page following. Trigge, Francis, 1547?-1606. 1602 (1602) STC 24282; ESTC S536 568,047 636

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of Adam hauing no goodnesse left in vs but that we maie become the sonnes of God we must be borne againe and receiue Gods spirit and by it be now not helped as the Councell of Trent teacheth but quickened and made aliue againe to do good works And therefore Saint Paul agréeing to this doctrine of our Sauiour writes Eph. 2.8 that by grace yee are saued through faith and that not of your selues no not in parte as the Councell here would haue it For it is Gods gift saith the Apostle and dare we imagine that Gods gifts are not most free most ample Dare we our selues challenge anie part in them this no doubt were diuelish pride proud presumption Nay but that which followes plainlie prooues the same Not of workes saith Saint Paul least anie man should bragge In this matter of our saluation God will haue all the glorie himselfe man maie challenge no part thereof God will not haue him bragge no not of a mite thereof he will haue all the glorie thereof ascribed to himselfe alone As all the Saints of God in the Reuelation to our instruction doe also confesse Reu. 7.10 And they cried with a lowd voice saying Saluation commeth of our God that sitteth vpon the throne and of the Lambe Shall they thus alowde crie out this lesson to vs and shall we not heare them shall they all with one consent testifie this and shall we not beléeue them But Saint Paul to make this matter more manifest goeth on forward For wee are his workmanship created in Christ Iesu to good workes which God also hath long prepared before that wee should walke in them This is an inuincible reason able to stoppe the mouths of all bragging Pharises we are Gods workmanship againe as wel in our Regeneration as in our Creation and we are new creatures can he that is created challenge any part of his strength to himselfe Such is mans estate to that which is good after his fall and to all good workes he is regenerate vnto them And the same doctrine Saint Paul teacheth in another place 2. Cor. 5. ●7 If anie man be in Christ he is a newe creature Olde things are gone and behold all things are newe Here first this lesson is generall If any one be in Christ he is a new creature It concernes all Christians they were all in the same case Secondly we are all new creatures we euerie one of vs now haue newe willes new strength new hearts all thinges are newe The olde things are not onely mended and repaired as the Papists teach Mans naturall frowardnesse to goodnes was described to vs euen in iust Lotte he was loth to go out of Sodome he protracted the time And the men tooke him by the hand the Lord being mercifull vnto him and led him out He had Gods vocation he had Gods grace offered preuenting him but did he by and by as the Councell teacheth embrace it and assent vnto it Naie it is said that the Angels constrained him Gen. 19.15 vim faciebant as Arrius Montanus translates it Such fréedome of will to assent to Gods grace offered was in Lotte and doe we thinke that anie of Gods seruants haue had hearts better disposed No verely The like we maie reade of the children of Israell who although God had promised them the land of Canaan Gen. 17.8 Exod and drowned Pharao before their eies and fedde them with Mannah and went before them by daie in a clowde and by night in a piller of fire yet such was the frowardnesse of their willes Exod. 16.3 Num. Gen. 6.5 that they spurned against all these graces offered them and euen daily before their eies and often made mention of returning to Egypt againe so that the will of mans corrupt nature of it selfe is now euen from the cradle proue to all euill enemie to all goodnesse euer resisting as Saint Stephen taught the Iewes and not willingly and fréely assenting to the Spirit of God as the Papists teach vs. Act. 7.51 The Councell to confirme their doctrine misapplieth that saying of the Prophet Zacharie Zach. 1.3 Turne you vnto me and I will turne vnto you These words were spoken to the circumcised Iewes who had beene well instructed in the law of the Lord and therefore cannot fitlie be applied to the man vnregenerate Rupertus a Papist expoundes this place of Zacharie thus Rup in ca. 1. ver 13. Zac. Thus saith the Lord of hostes the father and the Lord of hostes the Sonne and the Lord of hosts the Holy-ghost Turne vnto me and I will turne vnto you that is beleeue in me and all anger being set apart I will be reconciled vnto you Be not like your Forefathers to whome the former prophets cried saying Turne from your euill waies and from your wicked thoughts and they woulde not heare nor giue heed to mee saith the Lorde This is like to that which the Holy ghost saith by Dauid To day if ye will heare his voice harden not your hearts as in the prouocation and in the day of temptation in the Wildernesse when your Fathers tempted me proued me and saw my works c. Thus farre Rupertus Where first that word of reconciliation argues regeneration and a former loue and friendship but most manifestlie the example of the Israelites which he addeth out of Dauid These Israelites of whome Dauid here speakes 1. Cor. 10.2 were regenerate in the redde sea as Saint Paul teacheth and had seene Gods wonderous workes and had beene as should seeme a great while schollers in his schoole and therefore to such might this exhortation fitlie be applied But to the vnregenerate the councell doth not rightlie applie it euen by Rupertus his iudgement Luk. 10.30 That man that descended from Ierusalem to Iericho may resemble a man regenerate and now falling into greeuous sinnes or if he signifie Adam falling from Gods fauour into the hands of the diuell let vs marke what a miserable case hee was in hee had no power to helpe himselfe no not a tongue to aske helpe and being helpen vp was neither able to stand nor to goe but was set vpon the good Samaritans owne beast to beare him Hee was halfe dead the flesh liued in him his worst halfe but his spirit and power to doe good was quite dead If this man which came from Ierusalem was in this case what shall wee saie of them which neuer saw Ierusalem It was not the helping vp that would serue the turne but hee stood in neede of other legges to beare him of Wine and Oile to be powred into his wounds and not of these onelie but his wounds were to bee bound vp least these heauenlie graces being powred in should runne out againe and of two pence to be giuen him to paie for his charges Such a case was this man in he had nothing left him hee was quite robbed and spoiled of all his riches Psal
prepared to bring foorth fruits We maie note here how he likens the heart of man vnregenerate to the earth which of his owne nature is colde and drie vnapt altogether to bring forth anie fruits Euen so is the heart of man of his owne nature now being corrupted through sinne vnfit to bring forth any thing that is good And a little after he writes thus I will shewe the same more brieflie and with a plainer example Thou seest a henne that sits vpon her egges first she warmes them and after by the vertue of that heate she giues them life till at length she hatcheth a chicken after the same maner the soule humbly continuing vnder Gods winges in prayer is made partaker of the heate of his spirite by the meanes whereof by little and little she looseth that which she was and she puts off the maners of olde Adam and is partaker of that second Adam which is of God So that as the continuance of that heate makes of an egge a chicken so the continuance of this by Gods grace makes of a man euen a God that is of a fleshly man a heauenlie Here is plainelie mans Regeneration set out Man of himselfe is like an egge hauing no life in him to goodnesse and by the heate of Gods spirit by little and little he is as it were hatched againe and made perfect And after the same author writes thus Will you vnderstand in few words how necessarie it is for a man now being perfect euer to stand in the sight of God and to haue his eies fastned vpon him for this is it which we call continuing in praier let him consider the proportion and the necessity which the moone hath with the sunne whose presence is euer necessarie to her for this example will shewe what we meane verie excellently Thou shalt finde therefore first that the moone hath no light nor brightnesse of her selfe but shee borrowes and takes that of the sunne so also our soule hath no light no brightnes no vertue no grace no fitnesse of deseruing any thing of her selfe but what good thing soeuer she hath she receiues it from the sunne of righteousnesse Iesus Christ What can be said more plainly or truely then this that one soule of it selfe hath no light no clearenesse no power no fitnesse of deseruing any thing And where is then mans fréewill Orat. 5. pro impet amore Dei And in another place hee writes thus I departed from thee like the prodigall Sonne and I went into a farre country and not inhabited where louing vanity I became vaine my selfe I was blind and I desired blindnes still I was a bondslaue and I loued this bondage I was bound neither did my bondes dislike mee I iudged sower sweete and sweete sower I was a most miserable wretch and perceiued it not When I liued in this miserable estate thou didst cast the eies of thy mercie vpon me and though I sinned without ceasing yet notwithstanding thou didst not cease to reclaime me from sinne c. Man delighted in his sinnes hee was not like a prisoner with his giues that longes to haue them taken from him as other Papists teach he had no will to be loosed at all Orat. 6. And againe after Thou art my shepheard for thou feedest and rulest my soule as a sheepe of thy flocke thou art my meate thou art he wherewith I am fedde in that diuine Sacrament of the Altar thou art my father and the father of the world to come For thou hast borne mee againe with great paines vpon the tree of the Crosse and hast giuen me a new essence by the Holy-ghost thou art my head and the vniuersall head of thy Church For from thee as from a head vertue life and spirituall sense flowes into hir and into all hir members Thou art my true Phisition for with thy blood thou hast healed the wounds and wannes of my soule In his regeneration man receiues a new essence by the holie ghost saieth Granatensis and all spirituall powers and senses from the head Iesus Christ and not from Adam Againe the same Granatensis writes thus of Herode Thou seest here in Herod Med. 9. vitae Christi murdering the young innocents what madnes the pride of mans heart and the vnhappy desire of rule would creepe vnto seeing that hee hath not onely surpassed all tyrants in cruelty but also all fooles in folly This my brethren is the misery of mans heart this is the nature of inordinate loue of our selues Selfe loue will proceed thus farre And certainly perswade thy selfe that thou shouldst also commit shipwracke against the same rockes if so be thou hadst the like occasion offered if so be that the grace of God did not preuent and preserue thee No mans will naturally is better then Herods we are all as ambitious as blood thirsty by nature as he if Gods grace did not preuent and preserue vs. This is Granatensis his opinion Againe the same writes thus of mans naturall corruption and of the great benefit of his iustification This our nature Lib. 2. Mem. cap. 2. by originall sinne is depriued of that state and naturall straightnesse wherein God created it For God created it right and straight and lift vp to him thorough loue but sinne bowed it and enclined it to her selfe that is to the loue of these visible things which she loues aboue God and makes more accompt of then of God himselfe For euen as a man which is borne from his mothers wombe crooked or hutchbacked can find no medicine nor any thing in the worlde whereby hee may recouer his naturall straightnes euen so whenas our will is borne thus naturally as it were hutchbacked and crooked no man is able to bring it againe to this straightnes and so to erect it to God that it should loue God aboue all thinges but God which created it Therefore as we cannot obtaine this loue which surpasseth all thinges without God so hee cannot also aboue all things bee sory for his sinnes without the speciall gift and helpe of the same God for the one of these depends of the other VVherefore thereof did not our Sauiour without cause say No man comes to me vnles my father draw him To come to Christ is nothing else but to loue Christ aboue all things and to hate sin aboue all things Such loue and such sorrow for his sinnes no man can haue of himselfe as is required vnles God giue it him When as God therefore deales so with a sinner it is the greatest fauour and greatest good thing in the world that he can doe vnto him For how much greater is the gift of glory aboue the gift of grace so it is a farre greater thing to draw man out of sinne and to place him in grace then he now being in grace to bestow glory vpon him For there is far greater distance betweene sinne and grace then betweene grace and glorye And therefore Thomas Aquinas
him Nay that it may be lawfull for the subiect to rebell nay to kill the Prince what is this but in expounding the law of God to imitate the Iewish Talmud But what shal I speake of the other part of their law which they cal Cabala what great matters doth it take vpō it about what trifles is it occupied what great promises doth it make And how euil doth it perform them It promiseth men heauenly things and it leaues not miserable wretches scant those things which concerne man For this it vndertakes that it will expound the inward meaning of the law that it will search out not the outward letter but the inward hidden mysterie And it iudgeth that we must lead our liues according to the meaning and not according to the letter of the law c. What can be greater what more statelie then this promise But in the end what more vaine or friuolous They spend their whole life in expounding the name of God which they cannot attaine vnto c. With one of these two knowledges the Iewes which are desirous of learning being greatly delighted read the scriptures carelesly and they thinke that they are not to be expounded but by the iudgement either of the Talmudists or Cabalists And do not the Papists follow their steps They haue bin altogither occupied in reading studying the Maister of the Sentences the Schoolemen they haue read the scriptures carelesly or not at all and they haue thought that they were to be expounded according to their iudgements And whereas saith Osorius that it was established by Gods law that soothsayers which whisper in their inchātments should not be sought vnto but that all the dealings of our life should be referred to the square of the law of God and to the testimonie the Iewes in steed of the holinesse of the law of God seeke to the dregs and corruption of the law place the art of magicke which they call Cabala in Gods place What can be said or imagined more haynous then this And haue not the Papists likewise done so for all things almost For their diseases for their things stolne or lost for the mischances of their cattell in séeking to witches and coniurers This is too manifest But to concide as Osorius writes to the Iewes the same petition I would make to all true Catholikes I request saith hee but two things at your hands the one is that you would detest that poysoned learning which came nowe from no place else but euen from the bottomlesse pit of hell to the plague of mankinde and that you would onely aske counsell of the law of God and of the testimonies of the Prophets The other thing is that you woulde not come in your praiers and requestes to God bringing any thing with preiudicate mindes from your forefathers but with a simple heart you would earnestly desire of that most high fountain of loue mercy that he would vouchsafe to open to you mercifully that which is necessarie for your saluation The which if you shall do I doe not doubt but that he will lighten your mindes with the brightnesse of his holy spirit that then at length you may see what Godhead and power lies hid in Christ nailed vpon the crosse These two requests I would also make to all Catholikes that they would now loath the intricate doctrines of the schoolemen 2. Cor. 11.3 Reue. 9.2 Psal 19.3 and loue the simplicitie of the Gospel of Iesus Christ Surely this is that smoke that came out of the bottomlesse pit which darkened both the sunne and the ayre that is Iesus Christ who is the true sunne of righteousnes and the aire that is the word of God which is the aire and life of our soules And of this ayre Dauid saith I opened my mouth and drew in my breath Psal 119.131 for I loued thy commaundementes And that these would onely in matters of saith and religion nowe aske counsell of the law and worde of God and that they would lay aside that preiudicate opinion of their fathers that because their fathers beléeued so that therefore they also will beléeue so Osorius telles the Iewes this is no sure argument and so most I tell them and that they would pray vnto God with a single heart to shew them which is the right way and then they should sée what power remaines in Iesus Christ so that they néede not the merits of any saints but his alone nor the mediation of any Angels but his onely to their saluation 10. Of the Popes Supremacie MAster Bellarmine of that place of our Sauiour in the 16. of Matthew writes thus Vpō this rocke Bellar. de Ro. Pontifice li. 1. cap. 10. Of the first question there are foure opinions The first is that common opinion of all Catholikes That Peter was that rocke vpon which Christ said he would build his Church that is that person which was called Peter yet not as he was a particular person but as he was Pastor and head of the Church After he reckons vp three other opinions the second of Erasmus who saith vpon this place that euerie faithfull Christian is this rocke The third of Caluine who saith that Christ is this rocke and the fourth of Luther who saith that faith or the confession of faith to be the rocke which our Sauiour ment But he concludes that the first opinion which is truest is plainely gathered out of the text for that pronoune this when it is said and vpon this rocke declares some rocke which the Lord had spoken of a little before But immediatly before the Lord had called Peter a rocke for he spake in the Siriake tongue and in the Siriake tongue Peter is called a Cephas as we read in the first of Iohn and Cephas signifieth a rocke as Ierome teacheth vpon the second Chapter of the Galathians so that Master Bellarmine would haue Peter to be that rock whereon Christ did build his Church and that because his name which Christ gaue him in the Siriake tongue signifies a rocke But he might as well consider that his name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which no doubt the holy Ghost gaue him by the Greeke interpretor of S. Matthewes Gospell properly signifies a stone So that whereas Cephas in the Siriake signifies eyther a rocke or a stone 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Gréeke doth seeme to restraine it to expound it Zonah in the Hebrewe signifies an vachast woman or a victualer by which name Rahab was called in the Hebrewe Ios 2.1 Heb. 11 3● but the Gréeke restraines the ample signification of that word and calles her 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is an harlot But if it be graunted that Christ spake of a rocke mentioned a little before why may it not be then of that rocke which Peter confessed which he might call that rocke And so a greater man then Master Bellarmine euen Gregorie the great and sometime a Bishop of Rome
to anie other The same Granatensis writes thus of himselfe Ibidem And surely the errours of my life and sinnes are so manie and so great that some men being in the same state of damnation as well as I and not considering O Lord thy omnipotencie but measuring according to their owne frailtie and wauering mindes with their forward thoughts haue entered into iudgement with thee saying Mine iniquities are greater then that they may be pardoned and giuing no credite to thy words and promises imagine that as some angrie or cruell man thou thinkest vpon punishment and reuenge and not vpon grace and pardon And such O my God when they shall see that thou wilt forgiue me my sinnes shall be ouercome and ashamed of their iudgements And they shall acknowledge that which thou spakest by thy Prophet that is As high as the heauens are exalted from the earth so are thy waies farre aboue the waies of men and thy thoughts aboue their thoughts Therefore O Lord haue mercie vpon me and blot out mine iniquitie Thus farre Granatensis He confesseth himselfe to be a damnable sinner Here is no merits then and yet for all that he hopes for pardon comes to the throne of Gods mercie nay they which think God to be an angrie God so that he will not heare sinners he plainlie teacheth that they haue a wrong opinion of God And do not the papists teach this in their doctrine of intercession to saints Angels This faith al the scriptures teach vs that when we pray in the name of Iesus Christ God doth most assuredly heare vs. And so we ought to frame our words when we pray as though we were in the presence of God and our hearts after we haue praied that God in whose presence we haue praied hath granted our requests This faith the gospell teacheth They which beléeue not this denie the faith of the Gospell And the same Granatensis that he may the more déepelie imprint and fasten this loue of God in our hearts which is the very roote of the assurance which we haue in our prayers in another place let vs marke how excellentlie he commendeth and expresseth this excéeding great loue of God towards vs. Can there be any greater argumēt of the goodnes of God wished or desired then to consider that a God of such infinite Maiestie Granat de perfect amor dei cap. 28. who not for any need but onely of his owne goodnes doth stoupe downe humble himselfe so greatly that as a steward purueyour of birds fishes and wormes he prouides all things necessary for their life Neither being content with this alone he doth humble himselfe so far that he giues them also pleasant things wherewith they may delight themselues stirring vp in them also certaine motions of pleasures That euen as thou O Lord hast not only an essence or being but also a most happie and blessed essence so also thou wouldest haue all thy creatures be they neuer so vile and base in their kinde to participate of thee and to enioy both these that they should haue both an essence and also a most happie and ioyfull essence Who is not now amased to see such a miracle who hereby acknowledgeth not the infinite kindnes nobilitie and liberalitie of Gods heart who shewes himselfe so louing and courteous to so vile creatures which if a man meet withall he will make no account to trample vnder his feet Which of vs is it that thinkes it concernes him any thing at all whether a Flie or Pismire haue food or not or whether she be merie or sad Who therefore will not maruell that a God of such great maiestie in comparison of whom all the world is no bigger almost then a little Pismire not onely to haue special care of the liues of these smal vermine but also of the delights and pleasures wherewith euerie one of these is delighted when as he lookes at the hands of these neither for praise nor thanks O wonderfull goodnes O inestimable sweetnes O my God how great incomprehensible are those things which in the bosome of thy glorie thou hast reserued for thy faithfull friends when as thou hast such a speciall care of vile wormes How can I distrust of thy prouidence mercie towards men whom thou hast bought with thy precious bloud when as that is not wanting euen to the beasts of the field Thus farre Granatensis This onelie consideration should make vs pray to God alone Chap. 29. And after of the praiers of the faithfull he writes thus What shal I say O Lord of thy readines in hearing the praiers of the iust what of thy speedines in fulfilling their desires how often doest thou promise vs this in thy holy scriptures that thou mightest take away our infidelity distresse In a certain place thou saiest which of you askes bread of his father and will he giue him a stone our askes fish and will he for fish giue him a serpent or if he aske an egge will he reach him a Scorpion If ye therefore when as ye are euill know to giue good things to your children how much more shall your heauenly father from heauen giue his holy spirit to them which aske him And in another place Aske and it shal be giuen to you seeke and ye shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you But the words of our Lord which are in S. Iohns Gospell doe declare the same much more manifestly by which it is manifest that God hath at once opened to his friends all the gates of his mercie when as he saith If you abide in me and my words abide in you aske whatsoeuer ye will and it shall be done vnto you Could the heart of man if a wish were giuen him to wish whatsoeuer he would haue wished a more large or greater benefit when as in these words he hath leaue giuen him to aske whatsoeuer he will And he giues his word also that whatsoeuer he asketh he shall obtaine These are the promises of the Gospell from which they also disagree not which are found euerie where amongst the Prophets The Psalmist saith in a certaine place he will doe the will of them that feare him and he will heare their prayer and will saue them And in another place The eies of the Lord are vpon the iust and his eares are open vnto their prayers And in another place hee saith He hath regarded the prayer of the humble and hath not despised their petition Esay also sings the same song to vs. For after he had shewed with what good works God is especially serued by and by he addeth the reward that shall be giuen to them that serue him saying Then he shall call and the Lord shall heare him he shal crie and the Lord shal say Behold here am I. And as though this were but a small thing thou thy selfe O Lord addest a farre greater and more bountifull promise in the same Prophet
heauenly father will also forgiue you But if you doe not forgiue men their trespasses no more will your heauenly father forgiue you your trespasses Marke here is both the affirmatiue and the negatiue to make vs learne this lesson Hée strikes on this naile as should seeme with manie strokes to fasten it firmely in our heartes and yet it being so manifestlie taught vs wee our selues praying so our sauiour teaching it againe both affirmatiuelie and negatiuelie and as it were sounding it into both our eares both into our right eare and into our left yet howe hardlie will we learne it Wée will saie wee cannot forgiue O stubborne and disobedient and deafe and hard hearted Christians canst thou not forgiue surelie then thou shalt neuer be forgiuen Thy blessed sauiour who cannot lie telles thee so plainlie in his Gospell and wilt thou not beleeue him he tels thee so twise together and wilt thou not heare him Wilt thou spend thy goods and thy time and also thy life manie times in going to law which all thou mightest haue emploied far better otherwise then in seeking reuenge against thy brother God turne thy heart If thou looke euer to haue forgiuenesse at Gods handes of thy so manie and greeuous sinnes forgiue thy brother his small trifles wherewith he sinnes against thee O happie sinne saith one that cancels such a great obligation and another saieth God hath put his mercie into thine owne hands Forgiue and thou shalt be forgiuen if thou lacke Gods mercy thou maiest thanke thy selfe thereof If this lesson were throughlie learned so manie Nisi-prices as they call them so manie vaine suites and quarrels more now adaies then euer haue béene would not be in the world Now there is no forgiuenesse we all saie nowe I will doe to him as he hath done to me I will bee euen with him But Salomon the wisest that euer was a good counseller if thou wilt be ruled by him bids thée not saie so and he giues thée that lesson twise in his Prouerbes Pro. 20.21 24.29 marke it well But thou wilt saie maie I not go to law then I answere thée with Peter 1. Pet. 2.21.22 Christ suffered for vs leauing vs an example that we should follow his steppes who did no sinne neither was there any guile found in his mouth who when he was reuiled reuiled not againe when he suffered euen slanderous speeches and the very spoiling of his garments he threatned not but committed his cause to him that iudgeth righteously that is to God Art thou then reuiled and slandered nay are thy goods taken wrongfullie from thée naie euen thy coate from thy backe euen in this case Peter bids thee follow the example of thy Sauiour He committed his cause to God No not here in this ease he appealed to anie Magistrate And the Apostle to the Hebrewes of the first Christians writes thus Heb. 10.34 That they suffered with ioy euen the very spoiling of their goods knowing in themselues that they had a better and an enduring substance And this is that which S. Paul also teacheth all Christians 1. Cor. 6.7 Now verely without all doubt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a defect or want an imperfection among you that you go to lawe one with another why doe ye not rather suffer wrong As though he should saie To go to lawe is no sinne but it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a lower degrée in Christianitie Why doe ye not rather suffer wrong 1. Cor. 3.12 Ioh. 2 10. this is a greater vertue this is golde the other is siluer this is wine the other is water this is to sit on the right hand of Christ Mat. 20.23 Mat. 5.19 the other on the left this is to be great in the kingdome of heauen the other to be little And in worldly affaires we make this difference we preferre golde before siluer wine before water the right hand before the left the chiefest roome before the lowest and shall wee not doe so also in our heauenly This is also that which the Apostle praies for the Philippians Phil 1.9 And this I pray saith he that your loue may abound yet more more in all knowledge and iudgement that ye may trie or discerne what things differ among themselues what things are more excellent one then another and that he may be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is pure in iudgement There are things in Christianity that differ one from another euen as there are also in the things of this life And shall we choose the worser O foolish Christians Let vs learne to pray this prayer of the Apostle that we maie be pure in iudgment that we be able to discerne as well in heauenlie things as in our earthlie affaires what things excell There are diuers giftes of the holie Ghost prophesying speaking with diuers toongs 1. Cor. 12.29 doing of miracles But saith Saint Paul doe all prophesie doe all speake with toongs haue all the gift of healing Seeke you earnestly for the most excellent gifts Ver. 31 c. 14.1 and I shew you a waie that farre excelleth all these Pursue you after loue euen as dogges doe after a wilde beast He that loues his brother farre excelles him that speakes and vnderstands all languages euen the Gréeke and Hebrew toong nay that speakes with the toongs of Angels nay him that can doe all miracles euen raise vp dead men nay him that is a Martyr and giues his bodie to be burned without it And shall we preferre a little vile earth a little money a little pleasure of our owne froward willes by séeking reuenge before this so excellent a vertue O foolish iudges and esteemers of things Secondly I safe here to these contentious persons as our sauiour Christ said to the Iewes who brought the woman to him that was taken in adulterie He that is guiltlesse Ioh. 8.7 let him throwe the first stone at her So let him that néedes craue no mercie at Gods hands for his sinnes séeke to be reuenged and euen with his brother But let all such well marke that saying of Ecclesiasticus He that seeketh vengeance Eccles 28.1.2 shall finde vengeance of the Lord and he will surely keepe his sinnes Forgiue thy neighbour the hurt that he hath done thee so shall thy sinnes be forgiuen thee also when thou prayest That parable of the seruant in the Gospell that owing his Maister a thousand talents Mat. 18.23 and would not forgiue his fellow seruant an hundreth pence who was therefore condemned confirmes this doctrine of Ecclesiasticus Luke 6.37 Forgiue and it shall be forgiuen you saith our Sauiour Who is there now that knowes either the Maiestie of God or the grieuousnesse and multitude of his owne sinnes and what is due vnto them that will not gladlie embrace and accept of this condition offered him of God If here on earth we were in anie mans debt and he
would be content to release vs such a great debt for doing him some such light seruice for such a small trifle howe glad would we be how would we thanke him and shall we not doe the like to God In as much as ye are able saith Saint Paul liue peaceably with all men Rom. 12.18 not reuenging your selues my beloued but giue place to anger Shall I suffer the wicked to escape vnpunished then saith the malicious person Yea for though thou forgiue him yet shall he not escape vnpunished For it is written saith the Apostle vengeance is mine and I will reuenge saieth the Lord. If thou shalt seeke reuenge then God will not reuenge but if thou forgiue with Iesus Christ and commit thy cause to God then God will reuenge thy cause as he did his cause euen fortie yéeres after by ouerthrowing the common wealth of the Iewes and at their solemne feast of their passeouer besieging them euen as they then apprehended Christ and by selling them euen thirtie for a penie as they solde him for thirtie pence So Amalecke pursued Israell when they came out of Egypt Exod. 17 18. nowe being wearie and wanting water and faint but in the daies of king Saul a great while after 1. Sam. 15.2 God remembred what Amalecke had done to Israell and when as no doubt both the Israelites and the Amalekites had forgotten it euen then he remembred it and reuenged it Sufferest thou wrong then haue thou patience forgiue thy brother fréelie commit thy cause to God neither craue the magistrates sword for what is that but to seeke reuenge and in the end God shall reuenge thy cause as he did Christs as he did Israels And therefore to this purpose also Ecclesiastes saieth If in a countrie thou seest the oppression of the poore and the defrauding of iudgement and iustice bee not astonied at the matter either at the will of God which suffers it or at the frowarde will of the man that dare doe it Eccl. 5.7 For hee that is higher then the highest of them that doe this iniurie bee they neuer so high marks it and regards it and there be higher then they Do not thou so much as maruell at it be not grieued there at in thy mind let it neuer trouble thee for be sure God marks it and if he marke it he will also surelie reuenge it And also Dauid in the Psalmes saieth thus to the same effect Psal 10.14 Thou hast seene O Lord this oppression and the sorrowe of the poore mans heart thou respectest to put the matter into thy hands the poore will leaue it vnto thee thou hast euer beene a helper to the fatherlesse God seeth all wrongs and he seeth also the sorrowes of poore mens harts which no mortall iudge can see therfore commit thy cause into his hands he will giue right iudgement So we read that Ieremy did when the Iewes sought his life But thou O Lord of Sabboth saith he who iudgest iustly triest the raines and hearts Ier. 11.20.21 Let me see thy reuenge vpon them for I haue reuealed my cause to thee But thou wilt saie I forgiue my brother fréelie but yet I will goe to law with him Is this to forgiue thy brother fréelie This is as Ioab did 2. Sam. 20.9.10 to embrace and kisse Amasa friendlie with thy mouth and to kill him with thy handes Is this to forgiue as thou wouldest haue God to forgiue thee Wouldest thou haue God enter into iudgement and goe to law with thée Euen as thou wouldest haue God forgiue thee so fréelie oughtest thou to forgiue thy brother As Saint Paul teacheth Coloss 3. Cap. ver 13. Forbearing one another and forgiuing one another if any man haue a quarrell to another euen as Christ forgaue you euen so doe ye Lastlie if so be thou wilt needes goe to law be sure that thou haue euer charitie in thy heart Ephes 4 26. For if the sunne set on thine anger thou giuest place to the diuell as Saint Paul teacheth thee Oh that our quarrellers and contentious persons which delight in nothing but in going to law would remember this and beleeue it I thinke it would make them make hast to be friendes with their brethren Who would set open the doores of his house but one night for feare of robbing And shall we haue lesse care of our soules by our sléeping in malice or anger we set open the doore of our soules to the diuell to enter into it and to spoile it of all heauenlie vertues There is no theefe so watchfull as he is nor so bloodthirstie as saint Peter telleth vs 1. Pet. 5.8 He is like a roaring and raging lion walking about continually to seeke whom he may deuour Hée will not onelie robbe but kill And dost thou not feare him Darest thou through thine anger towardes thy brother leaue the doore of thy soule open vnto him Mat. 5.40 see that according to thy sauiours counsell rather then thou wouldest loose this rich iewell of Christian charitie thou wouldest loose both coat and cloake and lands and all Againe by this petition we maie learne that wee all are sinners If wee euen the Apostles of Christ saieth Saint Iohn whome Iesus loued shall say Ioh. 13.23 1. Io. 1 8. that we haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and there is no trueth in vs And who is there then else that must not saie so This lesson must humble vs it must stop our mouthes it is like the Peacockes deformed feet which when shée beholdes shée pluckes in her proude taile This will make vs pure in spirit Mat. 5.3 And lead vs not into temptation Gods grace is as it were a bridle to vs without which we should stumble and fall continuallie euen to the bottomlesse pitte of hell without it we cannot so much as thinke a good thought nor speake a good worde nor doe a good worke It is like to the Oare of a boate without it the boate wanders vp and downe the streame it is caried hither and thither so vaine and foolish likewise are all mens deuises if God guide them not And therefore we praie here that God will not leade vs into temptation that he will not take his grace from vs that he will not giue vs ouer vnto ouer selues that hee will not take this his bridle Rom. 1.24 this his heauenlie Oare from vs that he will guide vs euer with his heauenlie grace Rom. 8.1.4 and leade vs with his holie spirit least we incline our heartes and eares vnto vanitie Psal 119 37.52.11 And this is that which Dauid praieth O forsake me not O Lord my God be not farre from me And againe Cast mee not away from thy presence and take not thy holy Spirit from me And againe Teach me to doe thy will for thou art my God Let thy good spirit leade me into the land of righteousnes Psal 143.10 King Saul maie teach
Ibid. And a little after he writes thus Tell me what remedie can be giuen to man in such a miserable plight I demaund what meanes can a man haue to liue who hath neither inheritance left him nor abilitie nor knowledge nor fitnesse nor aptnesse to gaine any thing Thou wilt saie vnto me that such a man hath no other shift to make but to begge and from doore to doore to aske almes for Gods sake The same onely remedie is now left for man after he hath sinned He stands now in as much neede And therefore now hee hath no other comfort but that he begge and crie at the gate of Gods mercie humbly acknowledging his pouertie and asking almes and saying with the Prophet I am poore and needie but the Lord careth for me Let vs marke here how that he affirmes that man hath neither abilitie nor knowledge left him to do good but that all his succour must be like a poore begger to call for grace to God And therefore he is not like a man only in the stocks as the Vniuersitie of Collen affirmeth And after he declares the same more plainlie by an example For I demaund of thee saith he what remedie hath a chicken new hatched which neither hath winges nor feathers nor any thing els to helpe it selfe withall It is most certaine that it hath no other remedie but to chirpe sigh and crie and euen to make the ayre ring with her chirping to make her damme pitie her and to flie abroad for meate for her And man if through sinne he be made more naked and poore then such a chicken what other remedie hath hee but that he crie daie and night to God as to his true damme and parent and that he desire helpe of him This is that which good king Ezechias meanes when he saith as the yoong swallow so will I crie I will groane or sigh as the doue As though he should saie euen as a yoong swallow seeing it selfe so poore and naked doth minde nothing els but to chirpe sigh and crie to the damme that she would prouide necessarie thinges for it so I O Lord seeing my selfe voide of all grace destitute of all spirituall fortitude adorned with no feathers of vertues hauing no wings to flie withall to conclude so vnfit to all things which concerne me that I cannot set one foote forward to please thee without thy helpe what other thing can I doe els then to followe the diligence of this chicken and to crie to thee which art as it were my dam my father and my creator that thou wouldst come to my nest and bring mee all things necessarie for mee what should I doe els but that I should sigh and groane vnto thee as a doue without ceassing bewailing and lamenting my condemnation pouertie and sinnes and desiring with teares and sighes remedies for so great euils He compares here againe man to a bird new hatched which is voyde of all things lacking all power and strength to helpe her selfe and not to a birde in a cage as some other Papists do which would fame be out and were able to flie if the let of sinne by grace were onelie remooued And after speaking of the corruption of our nature Lib. 2. de ora● cap. 13. he writes thus Aboue all thinges thou must know this that our appetite through sinne is so disordered and destroied that euer it bends and inclines man to loue pleasant things and such things as delight the flesh hauing no regard of those things which God hath commanded for as the Apostle saith The law which is in our members resists the lawe of our minde and Gods lawe One euill neighbour which we haue within vs dwelling at our verie gates euer desires those things which delights him as honours riches pleasures and such like and that with such feruencie and earnestnesse as that the hil Etna burnes not so vehemently as sometime man is inflamed with the fire of his lusts and appetites And after writing of this concupiscence which still raignes in mans heart as long as he liues in this world he saith thus That thou maiest better vnderstand this consider the singular and wonderfull prouidence of nature in maintaining the heart for when as the heart of all other members is most hotte for so it behooued it to be seeing it warmes all the other members least it should be consumed through his ouermuch heate nature hath giuen it a continuall flappe or thing to coole and refresh it that is to say the lounges which continually like a paire of bellowes receiues ayre and sendes it out againe and so mildely cooling the heate defends the heart from the force of it I haue not as yet hitherto in my iudgment found anie example that doth more euidently declare how necessarie the refreshing of prayer is to our soule for who can deny that we haue in the bosome of our hearts a most vehement heate consuming all things which is concupiscence which the diuines call the verie tinder and nourisher of sinne And what els doth this heate daie and night but that it sets on fire burnes and consumes with his flame what good thinges soeuer is in our soules Therefore if this cooler were not added to it which might temper the heate thereof with the breath of the holy ghost and the dewe of deuotion what would be the end of that hotte burning feuer Surely it would consume and weaken all the strength of the soule Concupiscence by his iudgement is not onely the nurse of sinne but sinne it selfe and as it were a most raging and hotte burning agewe that consumes all goodnesse in vs. And this fire is in euerie Christian as long as they liue here in this world and therefore they haue néede daily to vse the remedie of deuotion and prayer to coole the heate thereof least it get the victorie ouer them This is Granatensis his opinion whatsoeuer other diuines thinke Againe he writes thus When as our heart is the beginning of all our workes as our hart is so are all our works that come of it If it be deuout and well disposed all our works which proceede from it shall be also well ordered framed but if it shall be out of frame and not deuout all our workes also that proceede from it shall bee out of order and without deuotion Therefore as a Gardiner hath a speciall care that his ground be mellow moist and well dressed that it may bring foorth fruit for it is of his own nature colde drie which disposition will verie hardly be brought to frame and therefore is not fit to bring forth fruit vnlesse it be helped by the benefit of water So the seruant of God must giue all his diligence especially that his heart be voide from that disposition which it hath by the corruption of sinne but that it be euer full of that moysture and fruitfulnesse which it receiueth through prayer and deuotion that it may euer be fit and
Sixtly she must go out by absolution and come into the citie of Ierusalem that is into the holy Church and be reconciled to her againe by a spirituall life Lastly she must confesse and testifie both in word and worke that Christ is the sonne of God as did also the Centurion Here truely Ferus declares what mans hart is before regeneration It is a rocke there is no softnesse nor aptnesse to goodnesse in it before grace And it is euen now as great a miracle for God to conuert a sinner Exod. 16. ver 6 as it were for him to make the water to runne out of the hard rocke Fer. in 9. cap. Act. Ferus also on this matter writes verie excellently vpon these wordes O Lorde what wilt thou haue me to doe This is the speech of a changed heart See here what Gods correction can doe what grace can doe what the spirit can doe In one word it makes a wolfe a sheepe For by and by he cries what wilt thou haue mee doe O Lord For I am now readie hereafter to obey thy commandements I would to God we were made all so ready by the Lords correctiō Surely then it would fare better with vs. For God strikes vs that he might by by heale vs and if we be not healed that comes of our own wickednes frowardnes Therfore we must praie thus that he will conuert vs also Conuert vs O God of our saluation c. Thou seest that this beginning of true repentance doth proceede of none other cause but from God when as he doth touch our heart with the feeling of sinne and doth also so vnderproppe it that it despaire not as we heare here that he did to Paul For he being so terrified had runne from Gods presence and had vtterly despaired vnlesse by Gods spirit he had been called backe againe that he might crie O Lord what wilt thou haue me doe Thou seest therefore how true repentance differs from that which is false and counterfeit For vnlesse all the hart be kindled with this earnest desire that it say O Lord I couet to forsake mine owne euill waie and to doe that which thou wouldst haue me doe it is but hypocrisie it is no repentance But this earnest desire no man can frame to himselfe vnlesse God touch his heart Therfore the beginning the middle and the end is of God and is Gods worke Here we may learne what we were before grace we were wolues we were no shéepe and therefore not a helping vppe or pricking forward was necessarie for vs but as our Sauiour teacheth a regeneration And this is that which God himselfe promiseth by the Prophet Ezechiell Ezech. 11.19 I will take away their stonie heart and I will giue them a heart of flesh God had néede shewe his most mightie power as well in mans regeneration as in his creation His heart was become a stone and therefore vnapt to mooue and apply it selfe to the grace of God as the Papists teach What fitnesse is there in a stone to receiue into it anie moisture or to mooue it selfe vpward and such like were all mens hearts to grace before regeneration as God himselfe here plainlie teacheth by his Prophet Ezechiell And hereof also is that which Iohn saith in the Gospell to the proud and bragging Iewes of their carnall descent from Abraham Matth. 3.9 That God was able of stones to raise vp children to Abraham no doubt by these stones he meant all Abrahams spirituall sons who by the preaching of the Gospell and by faith in Iesus Christ should be borne vnto him And doe we not sée now this prophesie of Iohn verified The proud bragging Iewes are reiected and the Gentiles who before were as stones are by Gods grace now become Abrahams children This also that vision that God shewed Peter As Ferus also notes hereafter Act 10.11 when as hee would call the Gentiles prooues most euidently He saw heauen opened and a certaine vessell came downe vnto him as it had been a great sheete knit at the foure corners and was let downe to the earth wherein were all manner of foure-footed beasts of the earth and wilde beasts and creeping thinges and foules of the heauen No doubt these beasts as Peter himselfe also after expounds this vision signified the Gentiles Into such monsters we were growen by reason of sinne Psalm 49.12 Man being in honour had no vnderstanding euen Adam that first man and in him all men and so became as the beasts that perish so that man must be killed and quickened againe as God here commands Peter he must haue new life put into him before he can please God So farre off is he of his owne nature to assent fréelie to the grace of God offering it selfe vnto him sinne being onely done away And this is that which Ferus here teacheth men must become of wolues shéepe before they can be acceptable sacrifices vnto God The beginning of the desire which they haue to serue God and the middle and continuance thereof when as they haue once begun and the ende also thereof is of God Not the beginning onely as the Papists doe teach And this is that also which Saint Peter teacheth all true Catholiques 1. Pet. 1.5 in his Catholique Epistle That we are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation He not onely at the beginning workes fréely our iustificaon as the Councell of Trent teacheth but euen also fréelie through the same faith he then wrought in our hearts he continually preserueth vs. So that our whole saluation the beginning and the middle and the end thereof we must only and wholy ascribe vnto God This great worke is his worke alone no man what soeuer maie challenge anie part in it with him hee alone must haue all the glorie of it Ibid. And to this effect the same Ferus writes thus againe Marke here that God is not onely the beginning but also the perfection of all goodnesse in vs. For he that begins the same also finisheth He workes in vs both to will and also to finish he giues the increase To this maie be applied that which Moses saith The land which the Lord will giue you is not like the land of Egypt c. The forces and powers of nature are sufficient to externall workes but to those things which concerne our saluation we must looke for a shower from heauen that is grace Therefore euerie godlie man must say I will not trust in mine owne bowe And after The light of nature seemes to be reason but in diuine matters they are but scales hindering the sight as thou seest here in Paul These scales signifie that couering which is ouer Moses face yea ouer the hearts of all the Iewes before faith Those scales also which claue together in the body of Leuiathan are wicked men amongst whom Saul was All these when the light commeth fall downe to the ground c. The light
purged the temple of God prophaned of the wicked and he cast out all the vncleannesse thereof into the brooke Cedron saith the Scripture I am O Lorde thy liuely temple prophaned of the diuell and defiled with most vile sinnes but thou art that most cleare fountaine of Cedron who by thy streame maintaines all the beauty of heauen Into this fountaine were all my sinnes cast and all my iniquities were drowned in it For thou by the merit of thy vnspeakeable humilitie and charitie by which thou wast moued that thou shouldest take all my sinnes vpon thee diddest not onely deliuer me from them but also madest me partaker of thy goods Thou vndertookest my death and thou gauest me thy life thou tookest vpon thee my flesh and thou gauest me thy spirit thou tookest vpon thee my sinnes and gauest me thy grace Therefore O my redeemer all thy treasures and riches are mine Thy purple clotheth me thy crowne honoureth me thy wounds make me beautifull thy sorrowes are my pleasures thy bitternesses refresh me thy stripes heale me thy bloud enricheth me and thy loue as it were makes me drunken But what maruell is it if thy loue were able to make me drunken when as the selfe same loue wherwith thou hast loued me was able to make thy selfe drunken who made thee as another Noah naked and to be laughed at in the peoples eies The purple garment of thy feruent loue caused thee to beare that scornefull purple and the zeale of my saluation moued thee to hold in thy hand that reede of despite and the pitie wherewith thou pitiedst me being now about to perish crowned thee with that crowne of shame Thus farre Granatensis This euerie true Christian must beléeue and apply to himselfe and is not this to haue a speciall faith And againe the same Granatensis writes thus That our will may be inclined to loue God it behooueth that our vnderstanding go before it weighing diligently how worthy to be beleeued God is in himselfe and then next how good he is towardes vs. I thinke there is no man but knowes how great the goodnesse of God is his sweetnes his kindnes his liberalitie his nobilitie and of all other his perfections which are innumerable Againe how pitifull he is towards vs how tenderly he loues vs what hath he not done What hath he not suffered euen from his birth to his Crosse for our sakes what great good things hath he prepared for vs euen from the beginning how many bestowes he vpon vs euen now presently how many will he giue vs hereafter from how great euils hath he deliuered vs how patiently hath he waited for vs to come to repentance how louingly hath he dealt with vs in bestowing all his benefits vpon vs which are innumerable By considering and meditating diligently and exercising himselfe in the deepe contemplation of these benefits man shall by little and little feele his heart kindled with the loue of this bountifull God For if bruit beasts loue their benefactors and if as the Spanyard saith a gift breakes a rocke and as a certaine Philosopher said he that found out benefits found out fetters wherewith mens hearts are fettered togither who now will be so cruell and hard harted who considering the hugenesse and vnmeasurable greatnesse of these benefits wil not be kindled with the loue of such a benefactor And after As by vse often writing one becomes a good scriuener and by painting a good painter and by working a good smith so by louing one becomes a louer that is that euen as vse of writing makes a good writer so the vse exercise and continuance of louing God which is almost brought to passe by meditation causeth that one shall be a perfect louer of God And after Fire out of his Region is by and by extinguished vnlesse there be some that continually throwing on wood doe nourish it by which it is maintained so it is necessarie that the fire of charitie may be maintained in this life whereas she is out of her naturall place and a stranger that she be also nourished with wood and the wood wherwith she is nourished are the considerations of Gods benefits and of his perfections for euerie one of these things being well considered is as it were a piece of wood or a firebrand that kindles this loue of God in our hearts Therefore it is requisite that we feede this fire often with this wood least this heauenly fire goe out in our hearts The which thing the Lord also meant in the olde lawe when he said Fire shall euer burne on my altars that is in the hearts of iust men Therfore let the Godly man take care euerie morning to maintain this fire with the consideration of these things that so euer it may be preserued and so it is said in the Psalmes And while I mused the fire kindled Thus farre Granatensis Euerie man must muse vpon Gods benefites and applie them to himselfe and so kindle in his heart the fire of Gods loue and without this wood it is impossible but this fire will go out And after he writes thus It is most certaine that no mans toong is able to speake or vtter the great loue wherewith Christ loued not onely his vniuersall Church Die lunae Med. de ven Sacram but also euery particular soule of his elect For euerie particular soule is chosen of God euerie particular soule is the spouse of Christ This euerie Christian must beléeue That saying of Ferus is worthy to be written in letters of gold I would to God saith he this word should remaine euer laide vp and fast fixed in our hearts Fer. in cap. 2. Act. that in euerie tribulation or temptation but especially at the point of death we might boldly say I know assuredly that God hath made Iesus to be crucified for me my Lord my king and my Byshop What is it that this faith were not able to doe Againe the same Ferus touching the same matter writes thus This is chiefely to be marked Fer. in cap. 17. Gen. that he which before said generally that he was God now he promiseth that he will be our God For no profit els would come vnto vs if so great and mightie a God were not our God But he is ours by couenant and free mercie not by merites or deserts Of speciall grace also Petrus Berchorius writes thus in his Dictionarie In verbo pertinere Of God euery Christian may say to euery infidel that saying which we reade 2. Kings 19.42 Dauid belongs more to me then to thee c. Thus farre Berchorius But as the text it selfe séemes to inferre Euerie Christian maie saie to another Christian for these were the speeches of the men of Iudah to the men of Israel that the true Dauid which is Iesus Christ belongs to him by tenne parts more then to him For thus it is read in the Hebrew text And the man of Israel answered the man of Iudah
of God because the eternall father for the exceeding great loue wherewith he loueth vs he cals that his saluation which is our saluation Wherefore also the Prophet Esay speaking in the person of God saith Esa 42. I haue giuen thee to be a light to the Gentiles that thou maiest be my saluation euen to the vttermost parts of the earth O blessed and praised be such a God who loues vs so that he calles our saluation his saluation Saint Paul also shewes vs this loue saying I beseech you 1. Thes 4.1 that you walke as you ought to walke and to please God for you know what commandements I haue giuen you by the Lord Iesus for this is the will of God euen your sanctification Marke I beseech you what commandements these are and what is this will of God The former words did seem to require that he should haue added This is the will of God that you should praise him that you should offer him sacrifice and yet notwithstanding hauing made that preface before he addeth that the will of God is Our sanctification which in truth is accounted one of the greatest good things which man hath Therefore O my brethren giue thanks to God for this his singular loue wherewith he loues you for his will and that thing which most pleaseth him is your profit and commoditie This loue wherewith the highest loueth vs he cals the coards wherewith he drawes vs vnto him when as he faith by the prophet Osee Ose 11. I will draw them with the coardes of Adam that is with what affection I made Adam their first parent holy and created him in grace as the interlmeal Glosse expounds it with the same loue I will sanctifie these which he addes expounding it In the bonds of loue that is with the affection of charity Whereas another translation hath I wil draw them with the coards of men that is with the same loue that I bound vnto me Abraham Isaac and the other patriarches I wil also ioine them vnto me Although Lira expounds it thus With coards that is with benefites bestowed vpon them which drawe the heart of man and are certaine bonds of loue Saint Ierom expounds it otherwise that is I haue had a care of them for the coards and bonds of loue wherewith I haue bound Abraham Isaac and Iacob vnto me Wo be vnto vs if so be that we shall not be thankefull for such singular loue as those fathers were Thus farre Philippus de Dies If this ought to bee the faith of all Christians and that they ought to haue this firme and most assured beliefe of the loue of God towards them and that not onelie the Scriptures but the fathers doe teach them most manifestlie this excéeding great loue of God towards them who then will doubt of his saluation To doubt is plainlie to denie this excéeding great loue And after of the loue of Christ our redéemer hee writes thus Ibidem Tit. amor Christi Cant. 1 Whereas we reade in the Canticles My beloued is to me a grape of Ciprus another Text hath My loue is to me a cluster of Camphire O heauenly and most fit similitude Alcamphor is a certaine Tree whose gumme hath this property that if a graine or a little of it be kindled with fire and be put in a Lampe full of water it will giue a most cleare and bright flame It is a woonderful thing that that flame should not be extinguished with the water but that it should burne and shine more clearely This graine and not onely a graine but a cluster is our Lord Iesus Christ For those waters of the vnthankefulnes of his enemies and those waters of so manie and great torments which entred in euen to his very soule did not only quench his loue but caused it to glister shine more brightly while it shewed more manifestly his vnspeakeable loue patience mildnes and liberality When as euen the selfe same night wherein he was betraid he ordeined that most high mystery of his most blessed body and bloud and hanging on the crosse prayed for his enemies Let vs learne of this our heauenly master to shew loue to our enemies and to haue in greater trauell and paines greater patience Thus farre Philippus de Dies Such a loue must euerie Christian beleeue that Iesus Christ hath towards him that no waters in the world either of sinnes or of vnthankefulnesse is euer able to quench and this flesh and bloud and our spirituall enemie go about to make vs often forget And therefore saint Paul prayeth for the Ephesians Ephes 3.19 Iud. Ep. v. 21. that They maie know the loue of Christ which passeth all knowledge and that they maie be filled with al the fulnesse of God And this also no doubt Saint Iude meaneth in his Epistle when as hee sayeth Keepe you your selues in the loue of God Theodoret also writes thus of this matter In ca. 8. ad Heb He cals heauen the vaile c. God hath promised the kingdome of heauen to all that beleeue in him we hope for saieth hee those good things and we hold fast this hope as a sure Anchor for this Anchor beeing hid in the bottome of our hearts will not suffer that our soules should bee dasht hither and thither And also by another mans hee shewes the certaine hope of our good things and such a hope as cannot be gainesaid Whither our forerunner Iesus is entred for vs for our sakes saith he He became man for our sakes he gaue his body to be slaine and hauing vanquished and ouercome death he hath ascended into heauen being the first fruits of them which sleepe And he hath giuen vs here a greater confidence by calling him our forerunner For if he be our forerunner and hath ascended for vs then we must needes follow him and ascend also And Basill writes thus of euerie Christian In examer Homilia 5. Thou also shalt be like a fruitfull Oliue in the house of God neither shalt thou euer bee depriued of thy hope but shalt euer haue thy saluation flourishing in thee through faith Ambrose of the certaintie of our saluation writes thus Ambros de Iacob beat v●t cap. ● But thou fearest the manifold chances of this life and the deceits of the enemy when as thou hast God himselfe to be thy helper and his so great fauour towards thee that he spared not his owne sonne for thy sake The scripture hath vsed a comfortable word that it might declare the good will of God the father towards thee who offered himselfe wholy to die for thee In that he was a father he left nothing to himselfe he offered it all for thy sake onely hee left not the fulnesse of his deity Consider the loue of a father as concerning pity hee hazarded the life of his sonne he drunke for thy sake the sorrowfull cuppe of one that is childlesse least the price of thy redemption should not haue
Pintus As this precious stone of it selfe caries a Maiestie and glorie with it it needes not the helpe or skill of man to polish it So much lesse the scriptures They glorifie themselues their authoritie is their owne maiesty And no doubt as in the handling of them of which Pintus seemes here to speake so also in the discerning of them Who requires a witnesse to prooue that the sunne shineth Here the thing it selfe is a sufficient witnes So the scriptures by their owne Maiestie especiallie beare witnesse to themselues To Infidelles perchance which neuer knewe nor read the Scriptures the authoritie of the Church maie bee an Introduction to beleeue them as that woman was to the Samaritanes to beleeue in Christ c. But after they shall haue once read them and hauing also well meditated vpon them day and night and laid them vp in their harts Ioh. 4.42 Luk 2.51 as Mary did the words of Simeon and Anna they will then saie as the Samaritanes also saide to the woman Now we beleeue not because of thy saying For wee haue heard him our selues and knowe that this is indeede that Christ that Sauiour of the world So they will also saie of the Churches Testimonie Pintus of reading the holie scripture writes thus Pintus in 3. cap. Ezech. All holie Scripture giuen by inspiration of God is profitable to teach In all mens Books may errours be found be the Author thereof neuer so wise nor neuer so learned for euen as in a fruitfull field sometimes amongst holesome hearbes grow those that bee hurtfull so mens wittes sometimes amongst holesome counselles yeeld also manie errors The heathen Philosophers although setting apart all priuate and publike actions they gaue themselues wholy to search out truth yet they haue committed to writing their own vaine deuises and innumerable vanities For All men are liers as the Psalmist sayeth What shall I speake of the vnprofitable fictions of the Poets The Poets sing of strange but not credible matters If sometimes they affoorde vs any thing that is good they mingle it vvith a thousand lyes But all the holy Scripture is true all to bee read all to be searched all to be deuoured As they which digge mettalles doe not lose the least scrappes but if so bee that they find any mine of gold they diligently search after euery vaine and they take out the earth also with the Gold and they are very circumspect so wee must doe in the holy Scripture we must passe ouer nothing we must not make light account of one word of the holy Scriptures yea we must be much more desirous and diligent in searching out this treasure and wee must endeuour to bring all to light For here is no earth mingled with gold it is all most pure gold tried to the vttermost yea as the Psalmist saith Aboue thousands of gold and siluer In the holy Scriptures because God is the author of it Who can neither be deceiued nor deceiue anie whatsoeuer is written is truth whatsoeuer is taught is vertue whatsoeuer is promised after death is immortality and euerlasting felicity The word of God giueth light and directs vs the way to heauen for the diuine Psalmist saith Thy word is a lanterne to my feet Therefore all that loue God desire to heare it therefore saith Christ our God He that is of God heareth Gods word And in Saint Lukes Gospel Blessed are they which heare the word of God and keepe it O woonderfull reliques being so precious and in the world so little esteemed If we make great account of the garments of the saints and if we reuerence some parts of their garments and that rightlie because they touched their bodies how much more ought wee to esteeme the words of Christ which issued from his heart by his most blessed mouth and touched both his tongue and his lippes They are all heauenly full of holinesse breathing heauenly mysteries Moyses beganne his booke from the generation of the creatures but Saint Matthew began his from the generation of the creator saying The booke of the generation of Iesus Christ. And after This booke is the Chronicle of Iesus Christ this is his testament what sonne will not reade the Testament of his father who is it that wil not giue good heed to his fathers last wil This new Testament is an infinit treasure which can neuer be spent of heauenly wisdome and celestial treasures And after The word of God ought to be in our hands that we might neuer forget it but it cannot be in our hands vnlesse it be first in our heart and therefore before God saith My words shall bee in thy hand he saith They shall be in thy heart He that will not fall into sinnes let him keepe Gods words in his heart The holy Prophet would teach vs this in these words I haue hid thy words in my heart least I should sinne against thee He loued the word of God so greatly that as a most precious treasure and most excellent Iewelles he kept them laid vp in the closet of his heart And Salomon in the Prouerbes speaking of the law of God Bind it saith he alwaies in thie heart and compasse it about thie necke and when thou walkest let it go with thee As in the arke of the Testament was the law of God manna as the holy scriptures do record in many places So in the soule where the word of God is kept Christ that hidden and heauenly manna is there by his grace of whome Esay saieth Truelie thou art a hidden God And the same Christ in Saint Iohns Gospell saith I am the liuelie bread that came downe from heauen In that soule which is refreshed with this heauenly food is the law of God written not with inke that I may vse Saint Pauls words but with the Spirit of the liuing God not in Tables of stone but in the fleshie Tables of the heart Saint Paul saith That those which haue the law of God imprinted in their mind that they shew the worke of the law written in their hearts And these obey and loue GOD whereof the truth it selfe saith in Saint Iohns Gospell If anie man loue me he will keepe mie saieng And in Saint Lukes Gospell Blessed are they which heare the word of God and keepe it For as saint Paul in the Epistle to the Romanes saith Not the hearers of the law are iust before God but the doers thereof shall be iustified And saint Iames saith in his Canonical Epistle Be ye doers of the word not hearers onelie deceiuing your owne selues Euen as he which will make an assault vpon his enimies or defend himself from them stands need of a sword the which being taken in his hand he may strike them that he may obtaine the victory So he that will triumph ouer the world the flesh and the diuell the most cruell enemies of the soule he must carie in his hands that is in his works the word of God
For the word of God is the sword of God whereof saint Paul speakes to the Ephesians Take vnto you the Sword of the Spirite which is the word of God c. Thus farre Pintus The scriptures are most pure gold and shall wée not earnestly labour for them They are our fathers will and testament and shall wée not reade them They are the onelie sword to haue in our hands against the world the flesh and the diuell our most deadlie enemies and shall wée goe vnarmed amongst so manie and so cruell enemies Or shall Priests onelie haue this sword as the Papists teach and not Laie men As though these enemies onelie assaulted them Granatensis also takes awaie Maister Staphilus his obiection Lib. 1. de ora● med cap. 1. Thou wilt say peraduenture sayeth hee that this exercise of praying and meditating of the holy Scriptures belongs onely to religious men and to Priests and not to men that are occupied about worldly businesses It is true sayeth hee that that belongs chiefly vnto them by reason of their estate and office yet the men of the world cannot be excused if they haue not also a certaine manner of prayer although they be not in that degree of perfection which the other be in if so be that they desire euer to liue in the feate of God and not to sinne mortally For it is necessary that worldly men haue faith hope and charity humility and the feare of God contrition also and deuotion and the hatred of sinne And therefore as all these vertues for the most part as we haue said proceede of the affection of the mind which must necessarily flow from some consideration of the vnderstanding if the worldly man haue not these considerations how can he preserue these vertues How can a man continue faithfull vnlesse hee often meditate on those things which faith commandeth How can hee bee inflamed with charity strengthened in hope brideled through the feare of God bee moued to deuotion and contrition and the contempt of himselfe wherein consists the vertue of humility which belongs to all these vertues if he doe not frame himselfe to meditate vpon those things by which those affections as we haue proued before are woont to be kindled And a little after Hitherto may be added the dangers of the world and that great difficulty which man feeles herein that he can hardly keepe himselfe free from sinne in such a fraile body in such a dangerous world and amongst so many enemies which we haue Therefore although thou be not a religious man and thy condition doe not bind thee yet looke that the greatnes of the perill thou art in do bind thee I confesse truly that the state of a religious man is very hard and great but thy danger is greater then his The religious man is looked vnto of his superior he is kept in of his cloister he is fenced as it were and walled about with his attendance with his obedience with prayer with fasting with saying his seruice with the strictnes of his order with good company and with all other exercises and businesses which belong to the monastery But the man that liueth in the world besides that he is naked and destitute of all these helpes he is compassed about on euery side with Dragons and Scorpions he walks euer vpon serpents and Cocatrices both at home and abroad both in himselfe and without himselfe in his doores and windowes night and day a thousand kind of snares are set in his way amongst all which hee is bound to keepe a pure heart chast eyes and a cleane body euer in the midst of the flame of his youth and of the euill companies and examples of this life wherein he sees or heares nothing that tasteth of God Wherefore if the religious man who is a Souldiour by profession ought euer to go armed how much more behooueth it that a man of this world should euer goe armed who is not so safe as the other not so much for the strict bond of the state of his perfection then as for the greatnesse of the dangers wherein he is Those which haue some enemies whom they doe feare doe goe no lesse armed then Souldiours those for their othe wherewith they are bound these for necessity Amongst these weapons we put not onely prayer but fasting also and silence and reading and hearing of the word of God the receiuing of the Sacraments the eschewing of the occasions of sinne and other corporall exercises which all are as it were a * Salsitudo quaedam brine as we call it which preserue this our carnall nature prone to vices least it putrifie and wormes be ingendered in it Thus farre Granatensis wherein he plainelie prooues that Laie men as well as cleargie or religious men are bound to studie and reade and meditate vpon the Scriptures For how else can they haue faith sayeth hee or hope or charitie without which none can bee saued how else can they withstand their enimies amongst the midst of whome we dailie walke They haue béene traitours to their brethren that haue spoiled them of this spirituall Armour Againe the same Granatensis De Deuot. li. 1. ca. 9. of the reading of the Scriptures verie excellentlie writes thus The deuout reading of heauenly Bookes profits to this guard and puritie of the heart for as Saint Bernard sayth our heart is like to a Milne which neuer rests but euer grinds that which is put into it if Wheat it grinds Wheat if Barlie it grinds Barlie Therefore it is very profitable to be occupied in the reading of holy Bookes that when the mind would thinke or meditate of any matter it might meditate on those things wherewith it was occupied For this cause Saint Ierome doeth so greatly commend the reading of the holy Scripture in all his Epistles but especially in that which hee wrote to Demetriades the Virgine in the beginning wherof he sayeth thus O thou daughter of God I wil commend this one thing vnto thee and one aboue all other things and repeating it I will giue thee counsell thereunto againe and againe that is that thou occupy thy mind with the loue of the reading of the holy Scripture neither that thou receiue into the good ground of thy heart the seedes of Darnell or Oates And in the end of his Epistle he repeates the same counsell againe saying I ioine the end and the beginning together neither I thinke it sufficient to haue admonished thee once loue the holy Scriptures and wisedome shall loue thee loue hir and she shall preserue thee honour hir and she shall embrace thee Here wee maie plainelie see how that Granatensis Bernard and Ierome are not of Staphilus and Stapletons mind that the reading of the holie Scriptures doe not hurt the soules of the faithfull which thing if it had doone as some of our latter Papists thinke then these men would neuer haue so earnestlie perswaded all men vnto it In 2. Act. Ferus
dangers So the Apostles teach three things first the law that is what we must doe and what we must eschew Secondly the gospell Thirdly they bring remedies against perils But he especially counsels them that they should take meate for there is nothing more necessarie to thē that be in danger then the bread of the word of God No man can swimme out and escape from death vnlesse he first strengthen himselfe with the bread of life Wouldest thou escape death then follow Ferus his counsell strengthen thy soule with this bread 8. Of Pilgrimages FIrst concerning Pilgrimages Ioh. 4.21 the Gospell teacheth vs these lessons And Iesus said vnto the woman of Samariah Woman beleeue me the houre commeth when ye shall neither in this mountaine nor at Ierusalem worship the Father c. No nor in any other set place But the houre commeth and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth that is in euerie place Mal. 1.11 And this is that which Malachie also prophesieth of Christs kingdome From the rising of the sunne vnto the going downe of the same my Name is great among the Gentiles and in euery place incense shall be offered in my name Here are two things of vs to be considered First that Gods name alone shall be great among the Gentiles and of it shall proceede incense that most swéet smelling sacrifice vnto God in euerie place And what is this els but prayers to bee made in all places in the name of Iesus Christ The same lesson also grounded no doubt of this Prophesie Saint Paul teacheth al christians I will therefore that men pray euery where 1. Tim. 2.8 lifting vppe pure hands without doubtfulnesse No doubt this prayer in all places is that sacrifice and most pleasant incense whereof Malachie spake before But that place of Saint Paul most manifestly ouerthrowes all Pilgrimages The word is neere thee Rom. 10.8 euen in thy mouth and in thy heart This is the word of faith which we preach for if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus shalt beleeue in thy heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saued For with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation The word of faith the worde of saluation is nigh thée saith Saint Paul thou néedes not go to Rome or to any other place for it For if at home in thine house thou shalt beléeue in the lord Iesus confesse him with thy mouth thou shalt be saued thou néeds not make any great long iournie for to obtain thy saluation Nay our sauiour Christ himselfe most manifestly makes it a signe of heretikes to teach this doctrine of pilgrimages There shall arise false Christes saith he and false prophets c. Mat. 24. Wherefore if they shall saye vnto you behold he is in the desart goe not forth behold he is in secrete places 23. or in their cels cloisters beleeue them not For as the lightning commeth out of the East and shineth into the West 27. So shall also the comming of the sonne of man be Not onely in his comming to iudgement but also to euerie faithfull soule as saint Luke seemes to expound this For as the lightening that lighteneth out of the one part vnder heauen shineth vnto the other part vnder heauen Luke 17.24 so shall the sonne of man be in his day Where as that which saint Matthew calles his comming saint Luke calles his day And saint Luke before calles the light of the Gospell the daie of the sonne of man which in the thicke darkenesse of Antichrist he saith Vers 22. Men shall desire to see but one of them and shall not see it Christ in his kingdome as the true sunne of righteousnesse to illuminate to quicken things nowe dead thorow sinne shines not onely at Rome but thorow the whole world Of Pilgrimages to Rome or to other places Concerning this matter Ferus writes thus By this word hee shewes Fer. in ca. 4. Io. all controuersies of the prerogatiue of places are to be taken away for in the newe Testament the worship of God is tyed to no one place but in all places of his dominion God is praised of the faithfull as it was foretolde by Malachie This is our great comfort that we may finde God in all places For otherwise if we must all goe to Ierusalem who seeketh not howe fewe should haue beene saued therefore he left not one stone vpon another in the Temple of Ierusalem that we might all know that that law of worshipping God in one place was now abrogated as concerning externall things for spiritually we all do worship and sacrifice nowe in Christ the true Temple of God Fer. in pass Parte 4. And againe of the same matter in another place hee writeth thus To conclude saith hee no man knowes where Moses graue is neither makes it any great matter But Christes graue is knowen to all men and so also it was necessarie that of it wee may learne our burials and resurrection for as Christs passion is ours so his buriall is ours also that wee are buried with him in baptisme to death c. It makes no matter for Moses his graue saith Ferus and the chiefe end of Christes graue why it is knowne where it is is not to go to sée it but to beleeue that as hee was buried and rose againe so shall wée also But how contrarie is all this to that which the Rhemists in their Testament haue noted vpon the second chapter of Saint Matthew vpon these wordes Came to adore they write thus This comming so farre of deuotion to visite and adore Christ in the place of his birth was properly a pilgrimage to his person and warrants the faithfull in the like kinde of externall worship done to holy places persons or things But this followes not they came to worship Christ therefore the faithfull may go a pilgrimage to worship holy places or things when as God is onely to be worshipped Then they had a starre to direct them but we haue none now therefore their fact cannot warrant vs. 9. Of Traditions and ceremonies AS concerning traditions and ceremonies Deut. 16.1 and what account to make of them that shadow of the lawe may seeme to teach Thou shalt keepe the moneth of Abib or new corne as Ierome translates it that is when as corne growes to be eared Reue. 11.1.8 And thou shalt celebrate the Passeouer vnto the Lord thy God For in the month of Abib the Lord thy God brought thee out of the land of Egypt The comming out of that corporall Egypt was a signe no doubt of the comming out of the spirituall Egypt as S. Iohn teacheth vs in the Reuelation And amongst manie other resemblances Rom. 15.4 that the one of these hath to the other this is not the least and to be obserued of vs
ghost teach Peter this lesson Thirdly In ca. Act. 10. Whom God bindes doe thou not loose and whome hee looseth do not thou binde for thou hast not power at thy pleasure to place soules in heauen or hell but according to the worde of God For all soules are mine saith the Lord. Fourthly whome I haue serued let it not grieue thee to serue them also for the disciple is not aboue his maister I haue been a seruant to all do thou so also Fiftly whome I haue not as yet condemned doe not thou iudge rashly or condemne least thou be condemned thy selfe He glaunceth at the Popes authoritie in pardoning and condemning whomsoeuer he pleaseth And he is no changling as in his Commentaries vpon Mathew In ca. Act. 10. so here also he quite writhes the Popes temporall sword out of his hand vpon these words Arise Peter By an excellent metaphor saith he the office of the Apostles is described whose office is to rise not to take their ease and to watch take care for their flocke and then to kill not with the materiall sword for that was forbidden Peter but with the sword of the spirite which is the word of God which sword the Apostles are commanded to buye if they sold their coate for it And they kill when they preach the lawe and shew men their sinnes and doe teach that our strēght and righteousnes is nothing yea that wee are nothing but euen damned and miserable sinners And after also hee makes Peter subiect to the Church In ca. 11. Act. Peter saith he an Apostle the first and chiefe of the Apostles is forced to yeeld an account to the Church neither doth hee take this grieuously as a thing not agreeing to his authoritie For hee knewe wel enough that he exercised the office not of a Lord or maister but of a seruant of the Church The Church is the spouse of Christ and she is the Ladie of the house Peter is but a seruant and minister The Church therefore hath authoritie not onely to aske accompt of her seruants but also if they bee not fitte quite to put them away So heretofore it hath been often done in generall councels But nowe wicked Bishoppes will not be reproued nor rulde by the Church as though they were Lordes and not seruantes Therefore by the iust iudgment of God they are despised of all men Ferus agrées here with Austen and the auncient Fathers that the Church rules she is Christs vicegerent shee calles to accompt and deposeth whome it pleaseth her The fathers called this the Colledge of priests and hereof Cyprian called Cornelius Colleague This holy Colledge of priests ruled through the world not anie one prelate as now the Papists teach Euerie one seuerallie euen Peter the Bishop of Rome are but a seruant the Church is the Lady as Ferus termes her They are wicked Bishops sonnes o● perdition that wil not be ruled by the Church this is Ferus iudgment And againe he writes thus vpon these words In cap. 9. Act. Hee went thorowe euery Citie confirming and stablishing that which the other had taught or adding to that which they had not done sufficiently he caried that scrole imprinted in his heart which Christ last of all commanded Peter saying Feede my sheepe if thou louest me In Peter thou seest the office of B shops that is to visite all according to that saying Heale that which is weake and binde vppe that which is broken c. They which are Bishoppes and doe sleepe and are idle doe not know in what a dangerous estate they are nor doe not thinke that the bloud of all that perish shall be required at their hands Heere hee makes Peter a patterne for all bishops to followe and not a type of the Pope and his successors And after vpon these words Behold three men c Marke saith hee that these wordes spoken to Peter doe belong to all pastours For so it is sayde to euerie one of them Behold men as though hee should saye These sheepe committed to thy charge doe require care and help the sinner succour the weake strength those which go astraie doctrine the vnrulie correctiō those which are tormented through afflictions comforte the whole church now dispersed peace Secondly Arise thou art not a Lord but a seruant this is not a time of ease but of labour hitherto thou hast done nothing through thy negligence the Wolfe hath entred in that is the Diuell For he is a Wolfe howe greatly soeuer he shewe the face of a friend c. Peters lessons Ferus attributes to all pastours And againe In ca. 10. Act. In Peter thou seest expressed what becomes Bishoppes that is to goe vp aloft to fast to praie Thou seest the contrarie in wicked and euill Bishoppes they onely take care of temporall thinges themselues they committe spirituall things to others They liue like Princes not like shepheards they neuer praie they giue themselues to pleasures And after hee writes thus In this Chapter Luke dooth prosecute the historie of Paul and Barnabas pilgrimage and hee names certaine countries which in their preaching they passed through Fer. in Act. ca. 14. that here al men may see how couragiously these two Apostles preached to al men the word of saluatiō to the great shame of those which brag themselues to be the successors of the Apostles whē as they are nothing else but slothfull vnfaithfull seruāts sharply to be reproued of the Lord nay iustly to be condemned No doubt he condemnes here the Popes proud and idle state And after he writes thus of the first generall councell of the authoritie of Iames Iames confirmes the sayings of the three Apostles pronounceth sentence as Bishop of Ierusalem If Peter had been dead of the vniuersall Church he should now haue pronounced sentence and ratified the councell as the Pope doth now But then this one thing verie euidentlie proues that there was no such authoritie acknowledged of Peter seeing that in the first generall councell in his presence Iames pronounceth sentence and as it were confirmes the councell And after Marke that he saith not that thou shalt haue much people but I haue much people in this citie As though he should saie the people is not thine but mine So he sayd to Peter Fer. in Act. cap. 18. Feede not thy sheepe but my sheepe As though he should say they are mine I haue redeemed them with my bloud I loue them I take care of thē therefore thou shalt not rule ouer them at thy pleasure thou shalt plaie the part of a shepheard and not of a Lord. If Peter had Christs authoritie committed to him and were his vicegerent then he had a kinde of Lordship ouer his sheepe But this Ferus denies And writing of Apollo he saies thus Mention of him is made in this place very fitly for he was such a great man the Corinthiās made him equall with Peter and Paul I
be vnder his kingdom And sée how euidentlie in these fewe wordes hee describes this kingdome of Antichrist first It shal be nothing else but an abomination Secondly it shall make a desolation of true faith and religion Thirdly it shall sitte in the Church This abomination shall rest in the hearts of men that externally they shall séeme the temples of God but inwardly in stead of Christ an Idoll shall sit That is this abomination shall polish it selfe with a faire shew that it shall be able to beguile the saints vnlesse they were by Gods power preserued What can be more manifestlie sayde then this that there shal be in the Church of Christ such an abomination that shall quite ouerthrow all true religion and shall polish it selfe with a great shew of holines Doth not this plainly paint out poperie who will venter the health of his soule vpon the name of the Church wherein his abomination shall rest and that with such a great shew of holines But he goes forward When you shall see the abomination that is when that sonne of perdition shall make himselfe manifest For he shal bee made manifest Although his kingdome begun by and by in the Apostles time as Paul saith Now the mysterie of iniquitie worketh And Iohn saith Now there are many Antichristes yea euen as Christs kingdome began from that iust Abell so the kingdome of Antichrist from that wicked Caine yet in the end of the world that impietie shall manifestly discouer it selfe and of this Christ here puts vs in minde And Christ hath added He that readeth let him vnderstand By which word he giues vs to vnderstād that that abomination apostasie shall creepe in so secretly that none vnlesse he be verie attētiue watchfull shal be able to perceiue the same The which is most worthie of marking otherwise the same thing shall happen to vs with Antichrist as befell to the Iewes with the true Christ for they onely looked for in Christ promised an earthlie kingdome worldlie iurisdiction and peace This they gaped after and do as yet gape for In the meane while they knew not Christ being present amōg thē yea they cōdemned him as a wicked man to death who if they had cōpared Christs doctrine miracles to the scriptures might easilie haue knowne him So it falles out for the most part with vs we marke onely those thinges which are externally spokē of Antichrist which as long as we see not we liue carelesse And in the mean time no mā marks that this abomination in many things is fulfilled dayly which one shall easilie perceiue that compareth Christs doctrine to our times Marke therefore that as Christ came first secretly so that he was knowne but of a few neither did it appeare who he was before that he had ouercome the Diuell and Death but these being ouercome when as he raigned then at last he appeared to the world by the preaching of the Apostles All power saith hee is giuen to mee goe yee therefore and teach c. So the kingdome of Antichrist enters in secretly neyther shall it be perceiued till he hath gotten possession of the temple and then shall Antichrist himselfe appeare To conclude if Christ at the first had shewed who he had been all men would haue receiued him So the Deuill if in the beginning hee should haue shewed his wickednesse manifestly all would haue fled from him Againe as Christs kingdome began before hee appeared in the flesh for all the elect from Abel euen to the worlds ende belong to the kingdome of Christ and are one bodie with him So Antichrists kingdome began before he appeared himselfe as S. Paul saith the mysterie of iniquity worketh which shal be reueiled in his time yea all the wicked from Cain euen to the last of them doe belong to the kingdome of Antichrist are one bodie with him Let euery bodie nowe consider himselfe and search the Temple of his hart least peraduēture he find any thing of Antichrists kingdom abomination that is of Idolatrie in himselfe Which that thou maist the better doe Take with thee the first commaundement wherein wee are taught to haue but one God If thou findest any thing in thy selfe wherein thou trustest besides God whether it be any externall thing as to trust in thine owne righteousnes and merits now thou hast that abomination in thy heart and that true Antichrist For Christ teacheth contrarie thinges If thou hearest or seest any thing in the Church which is repugnant to the doctrine of Christ to his life that truly belonges to the kingdome of Antichrist for this is a true saying He that is not with me is against me Thus farre Ferus And secondlie here we may not that Antichrist shall come in closelie and priuilie that he shall possesse the temple that is the heart of man and that the onelie way to discouer him is by the scriptures that all doctrines contrarye to them are Antichristian And that this is a principall braunch of antichristian doctrine to taste of one for all to trust in our owne merits or righteousnes And is not this most euidentlie to affirme that the Church of Rome is the seate of Antichrist who hath taught and doth teach this doctrine Againe vpon these wordes Behold here is Christ or there Ferus writes thus Doe the false prophets preach Christ yea verelie for to preach Christ is to preach righteousnes sanctification forgiuenes of sinnes and redemption For Christ is become al these thinges vnto vs. And these thinges the false Prophets preach how we may obtaine righteousnes and redemption But they teach not that we must looke for and seeke these thinges onely from Christ and onely by Christ Yea they neglecting Christ doe teach to seeke for righteousnes and forgiuenes of sinnes in other thinges Behold say they here or there is Christ which in deede is to seduce and leade out of the way For these thinges are founde no where else but in Christ There is no other name vnder heauen by which wee must be saued Thus farre Ferus If this be true then let all the world iudge who be false prophets whether the Papists or wee who teach all men to trust onelie in Christ and by his meanes onely to séeke for all good thinges at Gods handes when as they teach men to trust in their owne works and to hope for remission of sinnes by the merits of their friers which things onlie are to bee founde in Christ saith Ferus and in nothing else This doctrine Ferus taught we teach But the latter edition of Ferus printed at Rome hath thus corrupted Ferus To preach Christ is to preach righteousnes sanctification remissiō of sinnes redemptiō for Christ is become all these thinges vnto vs. These thinges also the false prophets preach how we shall obtaine righteousnes and redemption but they teach not vs to obtaine these things by Christ his sacramēts and following his steps yea they
neglecting these do teach vs to seek for righteousnes remissiō of sinnes through a vaine rash confidence Behold saie they here there is Christ The which is in truth to seduce for these things are to be founde no where else then in the Catholike Church his spouse by Christ Thus the Romane edition enterlaceth and addes to Ferus They doe mislike that righteousnes and remission of sinnes should be obtained from Christ and by Christ They will haue as should séeme our owne workes and their sacraments of pardones ioyned with him and their Church For that they meane by the Catholique Church This they would force Ferus to teach which he neuer taught But Ferus in his true originall concludes this matter thus Christ therefore meanes in these wordes that wee should hope or looke for no other Christ but him that is that we should seek for righteousnes saluation remission of sinnes of him alone nothing regarding if the false prophets taught any other thinge Secondly of these wordes thou hast taught thee that Christ is tyed to no place outward shew peculiar kinde of worshippe or state of men that he should be found there alone and no where else otherwise all men must be forced to goe to one place or to be of one trade He is not bounde to Ierusalem nor to any other Citie that there all men should finde him neyther that he should bee founde of any other but of him that went thither Christ may be founde in euery Citie and in euery state and trade of mans life which is not repugnant to the word of God There are two things to which he hath bound himselfe wherein he hath foretold that he may be found that is to saie his word and his sacraments annexed to his worde There thou shalt finde Christ in deede neither is hee a false Prophet that sendeth thee thither Thus farre Ferus Where wee may note that to teach men to séeke for righteousnes in any other thinge then in Christ is to looke for another Christ is to denie Christ to becomed in the flesh And therefore is to be a disciple of Antichrist Though they séeme neuer so much to reuerence Christ with their toongs if they beleeue not with their hearts that he is such a Christ as the gospell teacheth that he alone is our righteousnes they are of Antichrist Secondlie if we will haue Christ we must séeke him in his word He is tyed to no place but to it How greatlie then did they beguile our forefathers which taught them to goe a pilgrimage to vndertake great iournies to séek Christ at Ierusalem and other places and in the meane time negelectd and neuer regarded his word Surelie they taught men the wrong waie to finde Christ if this be true that Ferus taught which is most true No nor if Christ bee not tied to any one state of men more then to another then not to their Friers as they bragge he is more then to anie other kinde of men If this doctrine had been taught our forefathers I thinke they would not haue bestowed their landes vpon Frieries and Monasteries as they did Lastlie whereas Ferus saith that Christ is only tyed to his word and sacraments annexed to his word the Romane edition leaues out Annexed to his word as though there might be sacraments not annexed or grounded vpon the word of God As in truth manie of their sacraments are Againe Ferus vpon these words Let them that be in Iewrie flie vnto the hilles writes thus But whither must we flie To the hils to the higher places As he did which saide I haue lift vp mine eies vnto the hilles from whence commeth my helpe And also In thee O Lord haue I put my trust I shall neuer bee put to confusion And I haue lift vp my soule vnto thee Happie is hee that hath fled to the hilles he shal be safe in deede Ferus heere by these hilles meanes heauen and that we must trust onelie in God as is most manifest by the scriptures he alleadgeth The Romane edition addeth Wee must flie vnto the hilles that is to the Catholique Church And to the superior places as he did shal said I haue lift vp mine eies vnto the hilles c. They would haue men trust in their Church as should séeme And so they abuse both Ferus meaning and the Scriptures he alleadgeth which cannot be referred to the Church but to God alone Gagneius vpon that place of S. Peter Babylon Coelected writes That the Greeke scholia and al other interpretors doe interprete Rome to be Babylon which he so calles for the confusion of their Idols Where we maie note first that Peter makes himselfe equall with other elders calling himselfe Compresbyterum that is a fellowe elder in his former epistle And in this his second epistle If Babylon be Rome as Gagneius séemes to affirme he makes it equal with other Churches calling it Coelected that is equallie chosē of God with other Churches And what prerogatiue then can either Peters successors or the Church of Rome challeng Secondlie if by al interpretors iudgments as Gagneius affirmes by Babylon Rome is vnderstood then no doubt this séemes to giue a light to S. Iohns Reuelation foreshewing where that Babylon should be which he should prophecie of For all the scriptures are as a golden chaine one linked within another and like that strange whéele Exechiel sawe A wheele appeared on the earth by the beasts hauing foure faces The fashion of the wheeles and their worke was like a Chrisolite Eze. 1.15 and they foure had one forme And their fashion and their worke was as one wheele in another wheele This strange whéele no doubt represented the gospell The scriptures agrée altogither S. Peter and S. Iohn did meane one Babylon And that former is Rome by Gagneius and all interpretors iudgments And surelie the second also Who will now then if he doe but marke these two places conferred togither for in scriptures one place expoundes another looke for anie good from thence Againe if Peter had béene made head of the Church by our sauiour he had sinned in not taking that power and authoritie vppon him in debasing himselfe and making himselfe equall with other pastors In 1. cap. Luc. Stella saith That it is humilitie to accept any honour offered of God And it were pride to put any let or hinderance vnto it How then did not Peter here by Stella his iudgment offend in pride in putting a stoppe or hinderance to that authoritie which our sauiour had giuen him when as he makes himselfe equal with other pastors That place of S Paul which they alleadge for the authoritie of the Church of Rome ouer all the world I thanke my God thorowe Iesus Christ for you all because your faith is published thorowe the whole world In 2. cap. Luc Stella expounds That is in manie places Stella also of the obedience to the ciuill magistrate writes thus That wee
was pierced but this which Zacharie speaks of shall be after Neither was it fulfilled in the destruction of Ierusalem as some other haue expounded it Because the incredulous Iewes hauing now quite forgotten the death of Christ when as Ierusalem was destroyed neuer thought of Christ neither that they suffered all those euils for his sake but rather for the sins of some seditious persons and of some other that then were in the citie as Iosephus himselfe thought I will not refuse to speake that saith hée which sorrow enforceth me to speake I suppose Lib. 6. de bel Iudaic. cap. 16. that if the Romans had not comed against those wicked persons that either the citie should haue beene destroyed by some earthquake or ouerflowed with some Deluge or should haue beene consumed with thunder and lightning from heauen as was Sodom For she then had brought forth a farre more wicked brood then euer Sodome did To conclude togither with their wickednes past all cure the whole people also perished So that this prophecie is to be fulfilled in the true naturall Iewes and as yet it hath not béene fulfilled in them And no doubt our blessed Sauiour himselfe in the Gospel had relation to the prophecie of Zacharie Mat. 24. ●0 who speaking of the day of iudgement saith Then shall appeare the signe of the sonne of man in heauen and then shall all the kinreds of the earth weepe And they shall see the sonne of man comming in the clouds of heauen with power and great glorie What other signe can any man iudge here to be meant then the signe of the crosse the glorie brightnes of Iesus Christ going before him cannot be that signe for of that he ads a little after Then shall they see the son of man come in the clouds of heauen with power and great glorie But before this great glorie shall this signe appeare So that it cannot be properly this great glorie They are two distinct things Let vs marke diligently here also how the Euangelist cals it the signe of the sonne of man and not the signe of the sonne of God And therefore shall be an humble and not a glorious signe All the whole life of our Sauiour was humble but especially in his death on the crosse he declared this his humilitie That he touched leapers that he talked so familiarly with that sinfull woman of Samaria that he was baptised of Iohn Mat. 8.3 Io. 4.7 Mat. 3.15 Ioh. 13.5 Phil. 2.6 nay that he washed his Apostles feete but aboue all other signes of his humilitie this was the greatest that he died vpon the crosse And therefore saint Paul saith who when he was in the shape of God and thought it no robberie to be equall with God but he made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the forme of a seruant and was made like vnto men and was found in shape as a man He humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse Wherefore God hath also greatly exalted him and giuen him a name aboue euerie name On the crosse appeared his greatest humilitie So that the crosse in this respect may verie fitly be called the signe of the sonne of man And this also the spéeches of the Iewes spoken to our sauiour may insinnate If he be the king of the Iewes let him come down from the crosse And we will beleeue in him It was the crosse that they stumbled at Mat. 27.42 Gal. 5.11 Es 9.6 that to this day is that that offends the Iewes And that is Christs greatest glorie His principalitie is vpon his shoulder as Esay saith Nay it shall be such a signe as shall make all the tribes of the earth to wéepe which beleeue not in Christ And surely what other signe can this be then the signe of the crosse What other signe in heauen could make the Iewes to wéepe but the signe of the crosse No doubt the sight of this will euen breake their hearts make them burst out into teares and to fulfill this prophecie of Zacharie Dom. 24. Post Pent. Conc. 1. To this effect Granat hath a notable sentence and to the confirmation thereof he cites Eusebius Emissenus and he writes thus Before the comming of this heauenly king the triumphant signe of the crosse more cleere then the sunne shall appeare And then saith the Lord all the tribes of the earth shall lament because in that signe all the wicked shall manifestly see their condemnation The infidels because they haue blasphemed the crosse of Christ the faithfull which haue liued wickedly because they haue made no vse of such a great benefit and remedie For as Eusebius Emissenus saith So farre more greater shall be the sinners of men how much more Gods benefits haue stretched forth themselues vnto them Therefore saith he it is to be beleeued that the Lord will pronounce and speake to the vessels of iniquitie at his iudgement that same voice which he spake at his resurrection declaring the precious prints of the wounds which he receiued on his crosse Put thy finger in hither and behold my hands and bring hither thy hand and thrust it into my side and acknowledge O wickednes of men what for thy sake and of thee I suffered For those same signes of his nailes healthfull to the godly but terrible to the wicked which shal not be done away vntil the day of iudgment no doubt are reserued to cast men in the teeth withall Thus farre he Neither shal that crosse condemne onely our ingratitude and make it void of all excuse but our slothfulnes also and our idlenes for by what meanes possible can a wicked man excuse himselfe when as he seeth the crosse of Christ which is a most forcible remedie against that excuse of our infirmitie and all other our euils Wherefore to all other crimes wicked man may haue somthing to say but to these that is his slothfulnes and ingratitude infirmitie nothing at all for if it shall be laid to his charge Thou hast beene an extortioner an adulterer thou hast cursed forsworne blasphemed He may answere perchance I am a fraile man conceiued in sin I was prone to sin I was compassed about with sinful flesh But when the Iudge shal replie Is there not Rosine in Gilead and is not there a phisition there which is as though he should say were there not medicins in my Church were there not sacraments which flowed out of my side Was there not confession there a remedie of former sins the Eucharist a treacle and preseruatiue for those which were to come was there not in my crosse most vehement procurements of charitie and most cleare examples of most great humilitie patience obedience and of all vertues by which thou mightest haue caried thine infirmity wherfore then is not the wound of the daughter of my people healed That is wherfore hast thou not healed thy wounds with these medicines which the
declares the great zeale that they shall haue and the loue to Iesus Christ when as they are once conuerted they shall be like Marie Magdalen as zealous of him at his second comming as she was at his resurrection Peter and Iohn when as they had come to the graue and found not his bodie there went home againe by and by Ioh. 20.10.11 but Marie tarried still by the graue weeping shée loued him better then so so zealous of Christ shall the Iewes be when as he shall arise also to them And here also is insinuated to vs a good lesson why God wil then shew them such mercie and to make vs beware least we fall from Gods mercie Oh saith Dauid Psal 59.5 bee not mercifull to those that offend of malicious wickednesse Rom. 10.2 As though he should saie those that offend ignorantly yet zealously but not according to knowledge as Saint Paul witnesseth that the Iews doe now be mercifull to those O Lord. But be not mercifull to those that offend maliciously which knew their masters will Luk. 12.47 and yet will not doe it such shall be beaten with many stripes And this lesson concernes vs those sins are the sins which Dauid cals the greatest sins sinnes of presumption Psal 14.13 1. Tim. 1.13 And so Saint Paul also writes of himselfe that he obtained mercie because that he sinned ignorantly through vnbeliefe And so also it séems here by Dauids prayer that the Iewes also shall obtaine mercie The man also that appeared to Daniel Dan. 10.14 that was cloathed in linnen whose loines were girded with fine gold of vphaz telles Daniel that he is sent to shew him what shall come to his people in the latter day but yet the vision is for many daies And Daniel thus is instructed of this man verie manifestly of the calling of the Iewes Cap. 12.1 At that time Michael the great prince shall stand vp who stands for the children of thy people and there shall be such a time of trouble as there was neuer since there was any people till this time and in this verie time shall the people be deliuered all that shall be found written in this booke And many that sleepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life and some to shame and perpetuall contempt Thus much this heauenly man reueiled to Daniel that the Iewes shall be called in that troublesome time And our Sauiour referres this troblesome time both to the destruction of Ierusalem and also to the ende of the world as we maie plainly sée in Saint Markes Gospell Chap. 13. v. 20. 24. And those daies shal be shortned for the elects sake or els no flesh should be saued Therfore by this prophesie of Daniel it maie be verie necessarily collected that séeing this troublesome time shall immediatly precede Christs comming and that in that time they shall be conuerted and that those daies shall be shortned that they maie be conuerted euen immediatly before the comming of Christ For he addes the Resurrection as the next thing that should follow their calling and what is that els but the verie appearance of Christ himselfe Ier. 30.7 Ieremy also agrees with Daniel both concerning the day and the Iewes deliuerance Alas for this day is great none hath bin like it it is euen the time of Iacobs trouble yet shall he be deliuered from it Ieremie séemes here to come néerer then Daniel and to saie that not onely in that troublesome time but in the latter daie thereof which no doubt is the daie of iudgment that then Iacob shall be deliuered What great daie is this then the which none hath béene like but the daie of iudgement And so the Prophet Ioel also describes that daie A day of blacknesse and of darknesse Ioel. 2.2 a day of cloudes and obscuritie And Zacharie also of this strange daie writes thus Zach. 14.7 And there shall be a day it is knowne to the Lord neither day nor night but about the euentide it shall be light In this strange and great daie saith Ieremy shall Iacob be deliuered Thus we maie plainly sée how that all the other Prophets almost do agrée with the prophet Zacharie that the Iewes shall be called at the day of iudgement But to let passe the scriptures and to come to the fathers Iust ● apol and to shew what some of them haue thought concerning this matter Iustine the martyr affirmes that this generall wéeping the Prophet Zacharie speaks of shal be at the second comming of Christ who writes thus The prophet Zacharie hath foretolde what words the people of the Iews shal say when as they shal see him comming in his glory I will commaund the foure winds saith God that they may gather togither my dispersed children And then in Ierusalem shall be great mourning not mourning of countenance and face but of heart And then they shall not rent their garments but their minds And they shal lamēt tribe to tribe And they shall see him whom they haue pierced Thus farre Iustine And he plainly referres this prophecie of Zachary to be fulfilled in the end of the world To whom agrées also Theodoret who writes thus Theo. in ca. 12. Zach. And it shall come to passe that at that day I will destroy all nations that fight against Ierusalem and I will powre vpon the house of Dauid and the inhabitants of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and mercie c. Vpon these words Theodoret writes thus I haue euen loaden them with all kind of benefits I haue killed their enemies by diuers meanes And contrariwise to them I haue opened the fountaines of my mercy and haue filled them with all kind of graces But they haue betraied me comming into this world into the hands of mine enemies and hauing nailed me and lifted me vp vpon a crosse they haue thrust me to the heart with a souldiers speare and haue railed vpon me and haue laughed me to scorne but notwithstanding when as within a little while after they shall see me comming in my diuine maiestie then they shall bewaile and lament this their madnes And a little after speaking of their lamentation he saith Lastly he inferres that all the other tribes shall also seuerally weep and lament This selfe same thing the Lord in his gospell also hath foretolde Then they shall see the signe of the sonne of man in heauen and then all the kinreds of the earth shall lament It is most certaine that all they which haue not receiued the preaching of the gospell shall lament looking for nothing else but vtter destruction But these things shal be fulfilled in the time of the verie end yet I will defend them meaning the Iewes although I am not ignorant how they shall crucifie me and kill me comming into this world for my benefits bestowed vpon them c. He referres the fulfilling of this prophecie plainly vnto the end of the world
and that God will defend the Iewes for all this their ingratitude De ciuit Dei lib. 20. ca. 30. Saint Austen also referres this prophecie of Zacharie to be fulfilled in the end of the world It shall repent saith he at that day the Iewes yea euen those which shall receiue the spirit of grace and mercy hat in this passion they haue triumphed ouer him when as they shall haue respect vnto him comming in his maiestie and shall know that this is he whom being humble before and of no account among them they haue laughed to scorne in their parents Although their parents the ringleaders of that most hainous offence rising againe shall see him also but to be punished not to be pardoned Therefore in this place he meanes not them whereas he saith I will powre out vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the inhabitants of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and mercie and they shall now haue a speciall regard of me for that they made a iest of me but only those which come of their progenie which at that time shall beleeue by the meanes of Elias Thus farre Austen where he also thinkes that this prophecie of Zacharie shall be fulfilled in the end of the world and in the ofspring and progenie of those Iewes which put Christ to death But Austen here saith that Elias shall come But what then Ierome denies it Ier. in cap. 4. Mat. and cals them heretiques that say so And whether of these now shall we beléeue The Angell also taught Zacharie that in Iohn Baptist that prophecie of Malachie was fulfilled and he repeats the verie words of that prophecie that he shal turne the hearts of the fathers to the children c. least any one should doubt Luk. 1.17 whether he meant that prophecie or no. And our sauiour also in the gospel plainly teacheth that Elias was thē come and that they had done to him whatsoeuer they would Therefore he is not to come and to be killed againe of Antichrist as the papists teach Luk. 17.12 Likewise also saith he shall the sonne of man suffer of them They may as well say that Christ shall come and suffer againe as to say that Elias shall come and suffer againe for Christ himselfe compares both their sufferings togither And speaking of the prophecies which should be fulfilled All the law and the prophets saith he prophecie but vnto Iohn Mat. 11.13.14 And if ye will receiue it he is Elias which was to come What can be more planly spoken The prophecie of Malachie is fulfilled Iohn is not a type or figure of Elias as the papists would haue him but he is Elias which was to come saith our Sauiour And shall we not beléeue the Angell that taught Zacharie alleadging the verie words of the prophecie of Malachie that Iohn should fulfill it nor our Sauiour who agrées with the Angell and saith that that prophecie is fulfilled Nay who saith plainly that Iohn is Elias which was to come In this matter being so plaine to doubt surely is great incredulitie Nay our Sauiour addes yet more to make vs very wel to marke and beléeue this Vers 15. He that hath eares to heare let him heare saith he And yet for all this shall we not heare this doctrine of our blessed Sauiours owne mouth shall we not beléeue it So that then the prophecie of Malachie is fulfilled alreadie And what néds then Elias to come againe to fulfil it But they will say Elias neuer died but all men must die And therefore he must needs come againe to suffer death 1. Cor. 15.51 Must all men die Those that liue when Christ comes againe to iudgement shal not die vnlesse you cal that their change to be a death 2. Cor. 5.4 They shall not be vncloathed but cloathed vpon which thing saint Paul himselfe desired And so no doubt Elias and Enoch haue died already and are chaunged And therefore their bodies now vnlesse God should create them new bodies cannot suffer death And therefore for this cause they néed not nay they cannot come Now if Austen Gal. 1.8 nay if an Angell from heauen shall teach any thing contrarie to the gospell let him be acursed saith Saint Paul neither doth Saint Austen affirme this out of the scriptures but rather by tradition No man saith he will denie the iudgement but he that will denie the scripture But we haue learned that at the daie of iudgement or about that time these things shall be meaning Elias the Thesbite the conuersion or the faith of the Iewes that Antichrist shall persecute Lib. 20. de ciui ca. 30 that Christ shall come to iudgement that there shall be a resurrection of the good and a spoile of the wicked a consuming of the world by fire and a renewing of it againe All which that they shal come we must beleeue but in what manner and what order they shall come experience shall then better teach then now any mans wit can perfectly comprehend Lib. 20. ciu ca. 29. But I thinke that they shall come in order as I haue said And of Elias comming thus he writes in another place By this great Elias and wonderful prophet that the Iewes shall beleeue in the true Christ that is in our Christ before the iudgement by Elias who shal expound the law vnto them it is a verie common thing in the mouthes and hearts of the faithfull It was as should séeme a common spéech among the Christians in Saint Austens daies that Elias should come but we must ground our faith vpon the scriptures not vpon spéeches To these fathers Rup lib. 5 in Zac. Rupertus a latter writer agréeth And it shall come to passe that in that day I wil destroy al nations which come against Ierusalem This saith he needs no fauourable exposition for although this word conterere may sometime signifie mercie yet no man doubts or is ignorant but in that day of iudgement God ought to breake in peeces or destroy al nations which come against Ierusalem which haue shed so many martyrs bloud and haue not repented But before this the remnant of the Iewes are to be conuerted And therefore he saith And I will power vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the dwellers of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and prayers that is the spirit of the rem ssion of their sinnes which is the chiefest and greatest gift of grace And it shall come to passe that they shall be the house of Dauid and the inhabiters of Ierusalem And after this shall be the great day of iudgement of which he said In that day I will seeke to breake in peeces all nations which come against Ierusalem And therefore by and by he addeth and they shall behold me whom they haue pierced and they shall lament ouer him as ouer their onely begotten sonne c. Here is Rupertus iudgement that God will powre vpon the Iewes the spirit of mercie
praie as in another place he teacheth vs we must beléeue verily that we receiue the things we praie for and then they shall be done vnto vs. So he himselfe prayed here and we in all our prayers must also follow his steppes S. Iohn also teacheth vs this is our great trust that we haue in Iesus Christ that when we pray 1. Ioh. 5.14 we know he heareth vs we haue not this assurance in anie other And Dauid saith Thou that hearest the prayer to thee shall all flesh come Psal 65.2 86.7 And in another place I will call vpon thee in the time of my trouble for I know that thou hearest me And therefore God is called onely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the searcher of the heart Reu. 2.23 To make Saints and Angels heare our prayers is to make them Gods no man is sure whether they heare our prayers or no. And therefore séeing our prayers must not wauer but must be a thing certain Iam. 1.6 as S. Iames teacheth vs we maie not praie vnto them Dauid knew that the Angels pitched their tents round about the faithful Psal 34.7 and guarded them euen as well as the Papists doe now but for all that he neuer called vpon anie of them but onely vpon God and shall we now hauing our Sauiour Iesus Christ ascended vp into heauen to this purpose to be our mediator who is the beloued sonne of the father Saint Austen might haue taught also Master Campion this lesson that the Saints do not know what things are done here on ea●th neither that which they obiect doe now perfectlie behold the face of God and therefore do not know all things Aug. de Gen. ad lit lib. 12. cap. 35. who writes thus It is not to be doubted that the soule being taken by the force of death from the senses of the body and after death hauing now put off the flesh and hauing passed from all the shadowes of corporall things that it cannot behold that immutable essence of God as the Angels doe either for some other hid and secret cause or els for this cause that there still yet remaines in it a naturall desire of gouerning the body by which desire it is as it were hindred so that it cannot climbe vp with her whole desire to that high heauen as long as she lackes the body by the ruling whereof that desire may surcease Furthermore when as the body was such a thing as it were verie hard and troublesome to gouerne euen as this flesh which corrupts and burthens the soule comming from the ofspring of sinne and transgression much more is the soule quite turned away from the beholding of that most high heauen wherein God dwels therefore it was necessarie that she should be pluckt away from those senses of the flesh that it might be shewed her how she might be able to attaine vnto that Therefore when she shall receiue againe this body not fleshly but by exchange made spirituall being now made equall with Angels then both the master and seruant shall haue the perfection of their nature both the quickner and that also which is quickened with such vnspeakeable facilitie that that now shal be a glorie which before was a burthen Here S. Austen plainelie teacheth that the souls of the faithfull before the daie of iudgment doe not perfectly behold the face of God and that they are hindred by a certaine loue and desire which they haue to their bodies and therfore that he quite ouerthrowes here that same cōmon ground of Popish inuocation That euen now they behold the face of God and therefore know all things No Saint Austen saith plainlie that that shall be fulfilled at the daie of iudgement and not before no not in anie Saint no not in S. Iohn Baptist and therefore we are not sure now that they heare our prayers And that then shall be verified that saying of our Sauiour That then the Saints shall be equall to the Angels at the daie of iudgement and not before because still they naturallie loue the bodie they cannot climbe vp to that hie heauen where God himselfe dwels O that all catholiques would learne this lesson of S. Austen It would make them praie more to God and not so much to the Saints as they doe Who would venture but earthlie treasure but he will know how he bestowes it Our praiers passe al the treasures in the world And therefore Dauid saith Psa 69.30 I will praise the name of God with a song and magnifie him with thanksgiuing This also shall please the Lord better then a young bullocke that hath hornes and hoofs And S. Bernard saieth Ser. 5. de quadrages Let none of you my brethren make a light account of your prayers For I tell you that he to whom we pray makes no small account of it For before it goes forth of our mouth he commaunds it to be written in his booke And shall we praie to them whom we are not sure whether they heare vs or not What is this els but as it were to cast our golde in the stréets Let vs offer our golde to God we are sure he is readie to receiue it As for Saints and Angels we are not sure whether they receiue our prayers and whether they heare vs or not But to make the matter more plaine Aug. de cura pro mortuis agend cap. 13. Saint Austen in another booke writes thus of his mother to the same effect which he wrote before Let euerie one saith he take this that I write as he list Belike he thought he should offend some with this his doctrine there were some then that began to trust in them which were dead If the soules which are dead knew what we did which are aliue surely then they would speake vnto vs when as we see them in our sleepes And that I may let others passe surely my louing mother would neuer a night forsake me which followed me both by sea and by land that she might liue with me God forbid that now hauing obtained a more happy life she should become cruell and should not now comfort her sonne whom she loued so dearely whom she could neuer abide to see sorrowfull But surely that which the holy Psalme sounds in our eares is true because my father and my mother haue forsaken me but the Lord hath taken me vp If therefore our parents haue forsaken vs how know they our cares and affaires And if our parents know not this what other dead men know what we doe or what we suffer Esay the Prophet saith Thou art our father for Abraham is ignorant of vs and Israel knowes vs not If such great Patriarkes knew not what became of the people which sprang of them to whom beleeuing in God God promised that a people should spring of their stocke how shall other dead men be present and intermingle thēselues to help know the actions and affaires of theirs How
which call vpon him and beleeue in him c. This great zeale and loue of Christ towards his verie enemies in the midst of all his torments must néedes worke an assured confidence that he will now heare vs which beléeue in him And therfore we néede not flie to anie other in our prayers but only to him If he so willingly saith Ferus forgaue the sinne done against his owne person he will no doubt farre more easily forgiue vs. Therfore we come boldlie and without all feare to God hauing so louing a patron and aduocate Fer in 4. cap. Mat. Ferus also of Inuocation that it is a part of Gods honour writes thus Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God This adoration consists not in bowing of the knee or such like but in spirit and truth To worship God to beleeue in him to serue him to cal vpō him without these thou art an Idolater whatsoeuer thou doest if thou loue or feare any other thing more then God if thou in thy necessitie call not vpon him for for this cause he sends thee aduersities that thou shouldest call vpon him And they haue not inquired after the Lord but haue trusted in the helpe of Egypt And so many of vs do Thus farre Ferus Here we may plainlie sée first that Ferus makes this Inuocation of God a speciall part of Gods worship or Latria and that to this end to make vs to call vpon him he sends vs afflictions Secondly how he reprooues them that trusts in Egypt that is in man either liuing or dead or in what thing soeuer Dom. 23. post pent conc 2. Philippus de dies also of prayer writes thus Whosoeuer doth knocke at the doores of the tender mercie of God with his prayers with faith and reuerence with humilitie and sure confidence with all which this woman was furnished he truely toucheth the Lord and drawes his vertue and spirit to him Therefore happy is he that truely can say with the Prophet I will offer the fat burnt offrings He offers to God fat burnt offrings which offers him prayers full of humilitie assurance of obtaining them and deuotion And he offers prayers without marrow which offers prayers without loue deuotion or attention And these whether they be Clergie or Lay-men although they pray a great number of Psalmes or of other prayers as a taske without any intention of the minde blessing God with their mouths but with their hearts giuing themselues to pleasures and delights in the streetes these truely thrust the Lord they touch him not because they onely touch him with their bodies and not with their spirit And therefore they receiue from him neither any vertue or grace What must we doe then brethren Truely that of Saint Paul I will praie with my spirit I will pray with my minde I will sing with my spirit I wil sing with my minde Thus much Philippus de Dies Wherein he condemnes all the Latine prayers made of the ignorant and simple people which vnderstand no Latine And such were almost all their prayers in the daies of our forefathers because they lacked this marrow of truth and confidence of the assurance of obtaining their prayers at Gods hands they lacked this minde and vnderstanding which S. Paul speaketh of And as Dies truely affirmes they that pray so thrust and throng Christ but they touch him not Stella also to the same effect writes thus In 1. cap. Luc. My soule doth magnifie the Lord saith the blessed virgin Marie And that verie fitly for God is to be praised rather in heart and minde then in voice according to that of S. Paul Sing to God in your hearts And after My soule saith she doth magnifie the Lord because my toong stambreth neither can it number all the benefits bestowed vpon me Therefore I offer the inward affection of my minde in giuing of thanks And againe Where we are taught that God is to be praised rather in minde and heart then in body But many haue the prayer of the voice onely and mouth and not of the heart to whom the Lord saith This people honoureth me with their lips but their hearts are farre from me And of our Sauiour Iesus he writes thus In that they led Iesus with them to Ierusalem Idem in ca. 3● Luc. thou oughtest to learne that in all thy iournies and in all thy trauailings most sweete Iesus ought to accompanie thee Haue him alwaies before thine eies let no worldly matter enter into thy minde but in all thy affaires direct all thy thoughts to him as it were to a marke If we ought to haue him alwaies before our eies why should we haue then anie other And that Iesus Christ is so louing towards vs that we néede not haue anie other he writes thus after preferring his great loue towards vs before the loue of Iohn the greatest saint in the world and so by a consequent before anie other saint whatsoeuer Therefore saith he Iohn preached in the wildernesse because in the Citie there are so many sins and abominations that Iohn could not abide them Iohn was grieued at the heart neither could he digest so many sinnes But when as he saw the Pharisees he could not abide them but he burst out saying O ye generation of vipers c. But Christ hath a better stomacke to beare with our iniquities and to cure our infirmities as one that loues vs with all his heart and with all his affection and winkes at the sinnes of men that they might repent And for this cause Iohn would not enter into Cities that he might not see the lying of artificers the vsury of merchants the vanitie and pompe of noble men c. Thus farre Stella But quite to ouerthrow all inuocation of Angell or Saint whatsoeuer Coloss 2.18 doth not S. Paul most euidently write thus Let no man make you shoote at a wrong marke or defraude you of your price at his pleasure through humilitie in worshipping Angels intruding himselfe into those things he knowes not puffed vp vainly by the conceipt of his owne flesh As though he should saie If any man teach you this doctrine that it is humilitie to worship Angels and that you maie not presume to come in Gods sight such a one beguiles you he makes you lose your price lose your reward For he that runnes in a race must obey his pleasure that maketh and appointeth the game masterie If you pray neuer so much and fast neuer so often if you doe not these according to Gods word in the name of Iesus Christ you lose your price and he that teacheth contrary is puft vp of the pride of his owne minde he followes his owne reason and not the light of Gods word and therefore in these matters is starke blinde and knoweth nothing As S. Paul teacheth of all such If any man saith he teach any other doctrine and giues not heede respects not the holesome words of our Lord Iesus
intreate of the punishment of them that are dead For therefore a great tribulation shall go before and afterward fire shall descend and shall quickly purge all the relickes of sinne in iust men For as Ireneus notes in the ende of his fift booke Then sodainly the Church which is on earth shal be taken to her spouse Neither then shall be any time of purging any more as there is now after death before iudgement Here is purgatorie and no purgatorie for those fathers in déede speake of a purging which shall be at the daie of iudgement by fire but not of those onely that then shall liue as M. Bellarmine here séemes to expound Ierom but of all men in generall as appeareth by the words Ierom there vseth Peccatores quosque flumina ignis ante cum traehent voluentia The rowling streames of fire shall drawe before him all sinners not those that be liuing as Master Bellarmine expounds him And the Lord is called a fire and a consuming fire that he may burne our wood hay and stubble alluding to that place of Saint Paul That if any man haue built vpon Iesus Christ wood h●y or stubble the day of the Lord shall trie euerie mans worke not the workes of them that liue then onely but euerie mans worke And after he addeth That according to the saying of Ezechiel whatsoeuer in our gold and siluer that is in our vnderstanding and word is mingled with brasse iron or lead in the Lords furnace may be a Percoquitur thorowly fined that pure gold and siluer may remaine Here Ierome speakes of all sinners not of those that shall liue then And he addeth That our gold and siluer that is iust mens workes as well as sinners drosse shall then bee examined And in another place which hath béene alleadged before he manifestly confirmeth this exposition As we beleeue saith he that the torments of the Diuell and of all them which denie God and of wicked men which say in their heart there is no God Ieron in 66. ca. Esaiae are euerlasting So also wo is me of sinners yea of Christians whose workes shall be purged and tried with fire we suppose that the sentence of the iudge shall not be extreame but mixed with mercie This place against M. Bellarmines exposition prooues that all Christians workes which are sinners shall be tried and purged at that daie and not those onely that then are liuing in stéede of the purgatorie they should haue endured Saint Augustine also saith which place Master Bellarmine there also hath alleadged for purgatorie Aug. de ciuit lib. 20. cap. 25. of these things which haue been spoken it seemes to appeare most euidently that in that iudgement there shall be some purgatorie punishment of some but he names not who they be It should séeme he means those whom Ierom meant before Neither doth that place of Irenaeus which alleadgeth make anie thing for his purpose For Irenaeus there first writes thus The day of the Lord is as it were a thousand yeeres Iren. lib. 5. And in sixe daies were all things finished that were made And therefore it is manifest that the sixt thousand yeere shall be the consummation of all these things And therefore in all that time man being made in the beginning by the hand of God that is of the Sonne of the Spirit that he may be according to the image and likenesse of God the chaffe being cast away which are Apostacie and the corne being taken into the barne that is they which bring forth fruits to God through faith And therefore tribulation is necessarie for them that shall be saued that being as it were broken in peeces and made into smal powder and sprinkled here and there through patience by the word of God yea euen beene all a fire they might be fit guests for the kings banquet And as one ● our Christians who being iudged to be cast to wild beasts to be torne in peeces of them for his martyrdome towards God said Because I am the corn of Christ I am grinded by the teeth of these wild beasts that I might be found fine manchet of God And after The nations are so farre profitable and fit for the iust in as much as the stubble is profitable for the increasing of the wheat the chaffe thereof to burne for the purifying of Gold And therefore in the end when the Church departing hence shall be taken aloft there shall be saith he tribulation such as neuer was nor shall be That shall be the last combate of the iust wherein the conquerors shall be crowned with incorruption Thus farre Irenaeus And here M. Bellarmine mistakes a word for repetente Ecclesia as it is in Irenaeus printed at Basil Anno Dom. 1526. which is as much as to say the Church repairing againe to a place he puts in repente that is sodainly As though this sodainnesse of her departure should be the cause of that her purging by fire because she could not stay to endure the fire of Purgatorie It may séeme of that one word he grounds this his exposition And if he doe it is but his collection it is not Irenaeus assertion as he saith and that also of a false foundation taking repente for repente which is in the auncient copie And if so be that the word were repente so dainly yet there néeded not anie Purgatorie fire to the end that they might attaine saluation For euen sodainly God is able and hath also saued sinners as Elias is called of Saint Iames A man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 subiect to like affection and perturbations euen as we are Iam. 5.17 and therefore a sinner yet was he translated into heauen sodainly And our Sauiour himselfe speaketh thus of Zacheus who before was a Publican as soone as he beléeued on him This day is saluation come vnto this house Christ also healed very many both of their bodily Luke 19.9 Mark 5.34 Luke 7 50. and spirituall diseases sodainly saying thy faith hath saued thee No doubt if these had then died they should haue béene saued euen sodainly without enduring anie Purgatorie There is a place in saint Paul where the word sodainly is vsed 1. Thes 5.3.4 For when they shall say peace and safetie then shall come vpon them sodaine destruction c. But you brethren are not in darknesse that that day should come on you as a theefe in the night But that sodaine destruction or punishment respects the wicked not the faithfull that shall then liue at that day more then them that haue liued before that day Here is not one word of anie purging but of the purging of afflictions And that shall be all the time of the continuance of the world saith Irenaeus And that shall so cleane purge vs as it shall make vs fit guestes for the Lords banquet and what other purgatorie then shall the faithfull stand néede of Here is not that those that liue at the
taken the Tabernacle Moloch saith he was an Idol of the Ammonites The Iewes oftentimes desired to serue God with strange worships So they yeelded vnto the true God the worshippe wherewith Moloch was worshipped of the Ammonites in the meane while omitting that which he had commanded So Ieroboam appointed calues as though that had bin a more acceptable worship to God then that which Moses had prescribed so Achaz in the Temple placed an altar like that which he had seene at Damascus so Achab besides Ieroboams calues brought in the worship of Baal In that thing therefore wherein they thought greatly to please God they greatly offended him Therefore in the sacrifices of God a good meaning as they say is not sufficient vnlesse it agree with the word of God Ferus herein teacheth vs two things first that vnder the worship of Baal the Iewes worshipped the true God And to this his exposition séemes to agrée that place of Osea Osea 2.16 At that day saith the Lord thou shalt call me Ishi and shalt call me no more Baali And that spéech of Rabsake 2 king 18.22 But if you say vnto me we trust in the Lord our God Is not that he whose hie places and whose altars Ezechias hath taken away and hath said to Iudah and Ierusalem ye shall worship before this altar at Ierusalem Secondlie that all worship be it neuer so austere and sharpe in pinching themselues as was Baals or so costly of gold and siluer as was Ieroboams calues or so stately in building as was the high places which no doubt of their statelinesse tooke their name can please God if it bee not commaunded in his word and by himselfe ordained And after Ferus declares vnto vs the greatest thing that the Diuell takes pleasure in and what he labours most about I would to God all Catholickes would marke his lesson and not further the diuell in his worke Behold saith he the diuell hath euer gone about and goes about yet that the glorie of God omnipotent may be yeelded to creatures As on the contrarie Fer. in ca. 8. act the holy Ghost counsels vs to giue all glorie to God Of Idolatrie and what it is the same Ferus writes thus As God abhorres no other sin more then Idolatrie In cap. 17. act so thou shalt find the saints of God to haue beene moued to anger with no sin more then with Idolatrie Moses is a witnes hereof who for this sinne brake the tables written with Gods owne finger Helias is a witnes hereof who for this sinne slew many hundreds of the sacrificers Iosias also and Matathias is a witnes hereof who slue Antiochus seruant compelling the Iewes to Idolatrie so also Phinees c. For a godly man cannot patiently endure and see the contempt of God And surely he that can behold and endure this hath no religion in him So Paul was greatly moued when as he saw the citie most famous for learning and religion to be wonderfully giuen to Idolatrie Paul had trauelled thorow many cities yet it is reported of none of them that they were altogether giuen to Idolatrie but of Athens where learned men were So the olde prouerbe was verified The more learned the more wicked So amongst all the Iewes the inhabitants of Ierusalē were the worst So is it also now amongst vs. And after he sheweth what is Idolatrie thus Ye men of Athens It may be gathered out of the text that the Athenians were studious of Gods honour for so it is said before that Paul saw the citie giuen to Idols And after that they erected altars to vnknowen gods But Paul cals this worship not religion but superstition Then he proues that they are not to be called Gods which dwell in temples made with hands and stand need to be helped of others Religion is one thing and superstition is another yet many thinke it comes to passe that they which seeme religious to themselues before God are accounted nothing but superstitious To the vnknowne God This was the title To the Gods of Asia Europe and Africa straunge and vnknowne Gods Paul amends this title putting in the singuler number for that which they put in the plurall And he applies that title to the one true God who truly is the God of Asia Europe and Africa of all the earth but to that day vnknowen to the nations The which you ignorantly worshippe This is most truly said For the Apostle did not preach anie new God that which the Gentiles thought but they shewed the same God which al the Gentiles worshipped not knowing him for although they erected Images to themselues yet their mind was to worship the true God Here we may learne what a horrible sinne Idolatrie is Men account it as nothing but of all sinnes it is most grieuous And let vs take héed that we incurre it not againe now by sathans perswasions with the olde Paganes They worshipped in their hearts the true God to whom they made their images But that was Idolatrie saith Ferus And shall we commit the like The grieuousnes of the sinne should make vs verie carefull least by anie meanes we should come neere it And of that foolish pitie which mooues many simple mens hearts when they sée great buildings pulled downe or golden images defaced Fer. in 19. ca. act Ferus writes thus They which practised curious arts came and burned their bookes True charitie respects not the price nor losse of anie thing when she seeth that it is contrarie to Gods commaundements So Ezechias and Iosias destroyed the Altars and Temples although they were builded with great cost Againe a little after he writes thus For the ouerthrowing of Idolatrie of all other things the Apostles most suffered persecution Diana was the Moone which the Ephesians worshipped for her speciall influence which she hath towards these earthlie things The Temple of Diana the Goddesse of the Ephesians was 220. yeeres in building of all Asia It was 425. foot in length 220. in breadth It had 127. pillars in it euerie one of them built of a king threescore foot in height whereof 36. were engrauen To conclude this Temple was built in a marrish ground that it should not fal with earthquakes Here I beséech you mark how vngodlines spares no expēces costs in an euil superstitious matter whē as she is most niggardly to giue any thing to a good worke there are very many so superstitious amongst vs. That famous Church being so long in building built with such great cost Paul pulled down in two yéers by the word of the gospell Therfore great is the glorie force of the gospell Fer. in act 28. And againe vpon these words They said he was a God They said this of the vanitie of the Gentiles of their false opinion they had concerning the Gods The world can keepe no meane for it either ouermuch despiseth a man or else it attributeth too much vnto him But
6.2 as saint Paul termes them must be faithfull sayings They must be verities as our Sauiour often in the Gospell confirmes all his with Amen which signifies truly and verily And saint Paul saith that all the promises of God in Christ are yea 2. Cor. 1.20 and in him are Amen They must bee so sure euen as though they were ratified with an oth Againe sweare to me by the Lord saith she teaching vs that all our lawfull othes must be made in the name of the Lord Ier. 5.7 Psal and not by anie creatures And that this is a chiefe part of Gods honour to be sworne by in iudgement as it is also to be called vpon in trouble Againe that you shall shew mercie to my fathers house Here is the true meanes of Christian saluation By mercy we are all saued Epist Iud. 21 euen as this Rahab and her fathers house was saued through mercie Ro. 15.7 12.10 Here is also Christian charitie she is not onely carefull for her selfe nor for her father and mother but also for her brethren and sisters and all that belongs to them And that they should quicken them or cause them to liue Here is spiritual regeneration 2. Cor. 5.14 Io. 3.3 Rom. 10.17 without the ministerie all men are but dead men The iust man liues by faith and faith comes by hearing the word of God and how can they heare without a Preacher There is no life of grace and goodnes in man They haue tasted of that bitter fruit of Eue their grandmothers apple they haue died the death And this is that which she addes also saying And you shall deliuer our soules from death And she required also a signe of the truth Heere is not onely preaching the truth by words but also by signes And here are the Sacraments of Gods Church expressed Rom. 4 1● They are signes of the truth they confirme that to the eie also which the tongue preacheth to the eare And the men said vnto her Our soule shall die for yours if you shall not disclose this our businesse And it shall come to passe that when the Lord giues vs this land we will deale mercifully and truely with thee Here is the chiefe duetie of all christians they must be faithfull to God and to their brethren 1. Sam. 15.31 Mat. 26.25 Ioh. 1.47 they maie not be traitors like Achitophel like Iudas they must all be men of truth like Nathaniel that true Israelite in whom was no deceit Ioh. 1.47 They must not be hypocrites that is to shew a lambes face and haue a lyons heart to haue sweet words in their mouthes Psal 55.21 and swords in their hearts as Dauid describes the wicked And she let them downe by a coard thorow her window because her house was ioyning to the walles of the towne and she dwelt in the wall This coard which let them downe and saued them maie fitly resemble the passion of Christ as a part maie signifie the whole He was bound for vs with a coard Mat. 27.21 when hee suffered his passion As this coard saued them so his passion saueth vs. Againe as that red coard let them downe Phil. 2.5.6 so the bloudy passion of our Sauiour lets vs downe it makes vs humble while we remember what he hath done for vs. What is it now 2. Cor. 5.14 that wee ought not to doe againe for his sake to our brethren Christ also is the true wall Zach. 2.5 Esay 26.1 that defends vs from our enemies And her house was in the wall So must all christians dwell in Christ that is 1. Ioh. 4.8 dwell in charitie as S. Iohn expounds it if they minde to dwell safely And she said vnto them Verse 16. flie vnto the hill least the pursuers meet with you and hide you there three daies till the pursuers be returned and then returne your way Here is also the state of Christs church declared While it remaines in this world it shall bee persecuted it shall not haue an houres rest Mat. 4.2 but some or other will assault it If Christ fast Sathan will assault him in the wildernesse if he a little take his rest in the ship Matt. 8.24 Matt. 22.15 the sea with her waues will go about to drown him if he go on the land the prowd Pharisees will lay awaite for him Mat. 10.24 So the disciple is not aboue his maister Luk. 9.23 so euerie good christian in all places euerie day shall haue his crosse shall haue his pursuers all the three daies of the continuance of this world in the daie of nature before the floud as the histories of Abel and Noah Gen. 4 8.6.3 2. Sam 15.1 Iob. 1.10 Acts 8.1 in the daie of the lawe as the histories of Dauid and Iob in the day of grace as the histories of Christs church plainly prooue And all these 3 daies all Gods children must hide them in that hill that is in Iesus Christ On this hill called Moriah as all the Iewes with one consent saith Munster Munster in annot in 22. cap. Gen. doe affirme Abel and Cain offered their sacrifices and Abraham his sonne Isaac and Dauid his sacrifice also on the threshing floore of Araunah and on that hill Salomon built his temple He is that womans seed that should breake the Serpents head Gen. 3 15. Gal. 3 10. Gen. 49 10. that one seed of Abraham wherein all nations shall be blessed that Messiah that should come whom Iacob prophesied of that was all their comforts And the men said vnto her we will be free of the oath which thou hast made vs sweare Verse 18. Behold when we come into the land thou shalt binde this coard of red threed in the window whereby thou lettest vs down and thou shalt bring thy father and thy mother and thy brethren and all thy fathers houshold home to thee And whosoeuer then doth go out of the doores of thy house into the streets his bloud shall be vpon his head and we will be guiltlesse but whosoeuer shall be with thee in the house his bloud shall be on our head if any touch him And if thou vtter this our businesse we will be quit of thine oath which thou hast made vs sweare Here is the preaching of the Gospell that bringeth saluation 1. Cor. 11.26 Rom. 10.9 Gal. 2 20. 1 Pet. 4.2.3 Gal. 6.14 We must binde the red thréed in our windowes that is we must beleeue Iesus Christs death and passion with our harts and with our mouthes also confesse it and in the windowes of all our senses expresse it We must be crucified to the world and the world also must be crucified vnto vs. The honors pleasures riches of this world must not be our delight we must not set our hearts vpon thē Psal 62.10 1. Thes 5.14 Heb. 10.25 We must bring our fathers and mothers and brethren
he runnes to that he maie run straight vnto it or else he shall hardly win the prize So must all Christians haue alwaies their minds fixed vpon God Psal 123.2 euen as the eyes of seruants to the eyes of their maisters as Dauid teacheth they must euer walke with God as Enoch did if they mind to win that prize A little looking aside Gen. 5.22 will make them lose all though it be to worship an angell God only is their prize is their mark they must shoote at They must direct their eies only to him S. Austen very excellently teacheth vs this lesson O strange thing and greatly to be wondred at Med. 27. Of God the Creator of all things who is incomprehensible and vnspeakable all doubt set apart we reade speak and write high and wonderfull things but of Angels and soules whatsoeuer wee say we cannot so manifestly auouch But let our mind passe beyond these and let it passe ouer all that is created and let it runne and climbe vp and flie and passe ouer and with all her force let her direct the eyes of her faith vpon him which hath created all things Therefore I will make as it were a ladder in my heart and by the staues thereof I will climbe vp to my soule and by my soule and my mind I will climbe vp to my God which is aboue ouer my head Whatsoeuer is visibly seen whatsoeuer is spiritually imagined with force let it be far remoued from the sight of my soule and heart my vnderstanding alone by it selfe going forward let it fly swiftly to him who is the creator of Angels and souls and of all things That is a happie soule which forsakes these base things and seekes after those which be aloft which in the highest places makes the place of her dwelling and from the highest rockes beholds the sunne of righteousnesse with eagles eyes Nothing is so delectable or pleasant then to behold God alone with the sight of the mind and longing of the hart and after a strange maner inuisibly to see him who is inuisible And so to taste of another and not of this worlds sweetnesse and to behold another and not this worlds light For this our light which is shut vp in houses which in time ends which euery night alters which is common to vs with wormes and bruit beasts in comparison of that most excellent light is not to be called light but night Here Austen plainly teacheth that no man knowes the estate of soules Angels therfore we cannot pray with assured faith vnto them but we must climbe vp beyond them euen to God the maker of soules and Angels And herein Saint Austen agrées with Saint Iohn in the Reuelation and with Saint Paul to the Colossians but in some other places of Saint Austen I know how some haue made him disagrée from both these and from himselfe also in this place * Cap. 40. as appeares in these meditations But our Sauiour himselfe doth draw out the platforme of his Church most manifestly to all Christians that will giue but a little héed to his words euen to the capacity of a simple woman in Iohn 4. Ioh. 4.20 And the woman said to him after that he had tolde her of her fiue husbands Now I know assuredly that thou art a Prophet And vpon this ground she begins to enquire of him concerning true religion and the true meanes of the worshipping of God And euen here in the verie beginning shée ouerthrowes that Popish Maxime that it is sufficient to beléeue as the Church beléeueth she desires to be instructed further Our fathers saith she worshipped in this mountaine And you say that at Ierusalem is the place where we must worship 2. King 18.22 As though she should haue said We follow the steps and religion of our fathers in our worshipping of God But herein she c●red and all such like that follow the tradition of the fathers for it was true perchance that she said that Abraham Isaac and Iacob had worshipped God in that hill but now the law of God comming after and commanding all sacrifices to be brought to Ierusalem they following the traditions of their fathers against the lawe of God erred as our Sauiour here teacheth this woman in her all posterities We must not respect what our fathers haue done but what Gods word teacheth But Iesus said to her Amos. 2.4 Woman beleeue me because the houre shall come when ye shall neither in this mountaine nor at Ierusalem worship the Father Here Christ teacheth her two principall notes and marks of the true Church First concerning the place thereof that it shall not be tied to anie one place no more as it had beene And therefore Rome falsely makes her selfe the mother Church and a second Ierusalem as it were Secondly concerning the obiect and end All religion and worship must bee done to God and to no creature else Psal 65.2 Matt. 4.10 This homage of our religion worship he challengeth as onely due to himselfe You worship you know not what we know what we worship This is a third mark of the true Church It must know what it worshippeth it must not serue God in ignorance and blindnesse Leuit. 21.18 Matth. 10.16 Luk. 17.33 He refused and condemned in the law as well blind as lame sacrifices And Gods people are compared to Doues and Eagles which both haue most cleare eies And god himself although before he had created heauen and earth Gen. 1 4. 1. Ioh. 5.1 yet he pronounced nothing good before he had created light And Saint Iohn saith that God himselfe is light he can abide no darkenesse And hereof all the faithfull are called children of light And Dauid now prophesying of the Church of Christ after his ascension saith speaking as it should séeme of our Church seruice Sing ye praises with vnderstanding And Saint Austen saith De mirab Scripturae that the holy Ghost came in all tongues to consecrate and make holy all tongues And our Sauiour said to the mother of Zebedees children Matth. 20.22 when she requested that her two sons might sit the one at his right hand and the other at his left you aske you know not what And do we not thinke that he will saie the same euen now to all Popish Latine prayers not vnderstood of them which make them And Saint Peter in his Catholique epistle 2. Pet. 3.18 writes to all Christians Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ And againe Ioine to your faith vertue 2. Pet. 1.5 and to your vertue knowledge And our Sauiour in the Gospell Ioh. 17.3 This is life eternall to know thee the true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ To know God is true Religion nay is eternall life And therefore the Church of Rome which did not nor as yet doth not teach her children to séeke for this knowledge
all that thou hast And wilt not thou be content at his request 1. Cor. 4.7 to lend that which thou maiest well spare So that the commandement is but euen in mans reason iust good nay if the commandemēt were hard against reason yet the reward which is annexed to this kind of frée lending should euen force vs to it And your reward shall be great in heauen saith our Sauiour and you shall be the sonnes of the most Highest He doth not say onlie we shall be rewarded in heauen but that our reward shal be great in heauen What wise man will not prefer a reward in heauen before all the vsurie and gaine in the world much more a great reward They which are not thus minded in truth are plaine infidels and do not know what heauen meaneth whatsoeuer they saie with their mouthes Naie who would not be Gods sonne Surely they which lend so shall bée Gods sonnes as the Sonne of God himself here telleth them and do we not respect this great dignitie Surely they which will not lend without great vsurie and respect not this great promise no doubt saie in their hearts Psal 14.1 as that foolish man doth whereof Dauid speaketh The foolish bodie hath said in his heart that there is no God What greater rewards could haue béene promised then these To haue a great reward in heauen and to be the sonnes of the most Highest And shall not these make vs lend fréelie And here let no mans vnthankfulnesse or wickednes hinder any man from this charitable act God himselfe saith our Sauiour is kind both to the vnthankfull and wicked And shall not we follow his steps And here our Sauiour séemes to haue relation to that shadow of the law The sunne comforteth but the shadow no lesse delights Matt. 5.20 The charitie and righteousnesse of Christians towards their brethren should exceede the charitie of the Iewes towards their brethren they were but as children vnder a schoole master we are perfect men as S. Paul teacheth Gal. 4.1 It is a shame for a man not to knowe so much nor to goe so farre forward in the waie of godlines as a child doth Deut. 15.1 At the end of seuen yeares thou shalt make a remission or forgiuenes faith God and this is the word of forgiuenesse that euery Lord or owner shall forgiue that his hand or abilitie hath lent He that hath lent to his neighbor shal not ask it of his companion of his brother when as that yeare is called The forgiuenesse of the Lord. Of a stranger thou maist require it but that which shall bee betweene thy brother and thee thy hand shall forgiue Luke 4.21 Col. 2.17 Phil. 3.1 What can bee plainer then this The Iewes euerie seuenth yeare were commanded to forgiue their brethren their debtes And now to vs Christians euerie yeare is a Sabboth and a yeare of Iubilée and euerie man is our brother Therefore if our brethren were not able to paie vs we should euerie yeare forgiue them And so lend as that we looked for nothing againe as our Sauiour here teacheth And then it followeth The Lord shall blesse thee in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee for an inheritance to possesse it So that thou hearken vnto the voice of the Lord thy God to obserue and do all these commandements which I command thee this day Wée must not do Gods commandements at our pleasures as manie thinke that they maie do and speciallie this commandement of lending but wee must doe all Gods commandements and then God shall blesse vs in our land and in all our businesses and affaires A Prophet saith Moses shall God raise vp vnto you like to me him ye shal heare not in some principall matters of faith Deut. 18.15 7.37 Act. 3.22 as the most men doe but in all things in matters of maners also And euerie soule that will not heare that Prophet his soule shall bee rooted out from among his people This Prophesie is first deliuered by Moses and after repeated by Saint Peter and shall we not beléeue it It is terrible let vs marke it well The soule that fulfils not all things that that Prophet shall speake shall bee rooted out from amongst his people And dare vsurers then take vsurie against the expresse commandement of their Sauiour Doe they not heare the danger of their soules To bee rooted out from among Gods people What will all their vsuries profite them Luke 9.25 Nay if they should gaine all the whole world if so be that they should lose their soules But here I know some will saie If the case stand so they will not lend at all vnles they might gaine something by this their lending But to such I answere Let them take héed how they hide their talents though it be neuer so cuningly and finely and lap it vp in a napkin The owner thereof will not like well of that at their hands Gods will is that all his talents should be employed Matt. 25.28.30 Take saith he his talent from him and cast therefore that vnprofitable seruant into vtter darknesse there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth O terrible sentence And here let euerie one marke that he saith not Cast that wicked but that vnprofitable seruant into vtter darknesse God will haue all his seruants painefull and profitable seruants They must not onely eschew euil but they must also doe good Psal 34.14 The figge tree which brought forth no fruite but troubled the ground was therefore threatned to be taken away The rich man must lend if he be able he must not by anie excuse whatsoeuer hide his talent God is the searcher of hearts much more of chests Act. 1.24 15.8 Hee knowes what is in thy chest whether thou be able to lend or no. If thou shalt pretend inabilitie to thy brother when as thou art able hee that seeth and knowes what is in thy chest bee thou sure he will punish thée for it Beware thou be not an vnprofitable seruant Marke well the punishment Cast him into vtter darknesse saith our Sauiour there shall bee weeping and gnashing of teeth O vse thy talents whosoeuer thou art beware of this terrible sentence The Fathers to exhort men to this liberall kind of lending are verie plentifull August in Psal 36. If saith Augustine thou hadst giuen one a little money to lone and he to whom thou hadst giuen this money for thy little mony should giue thee a farme which were farre better then it how wouldest thou thanke him how glad wouldest thou bee But see what an excellent possession hee will giue thee to whom thou hast lent Come yee blessed of my father receiue ye What that which you haue giuen God forbid you haue giuen earthly things which if you had not giuen would haue putrified in the earth For what wouldest thou haue done with it if thou hadst not giuen it that which