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A87554 An exposition of the Epistle of Jude, together with many large and useful deductions. Lately delivered in XL lectures in Christ-Church London, by William Jenkyn, Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The first part. Jenkyn, William, 1613-1685. 1652 (1652) Wing J639; Thomason E695_1; ESTC R37933 518,527 654

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vintage of a judgment he leaves the gleanings of grapes upon the Vine of his Church Hee never shakes his Olive tree so throughly but he leaves at least two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough four or five in the outmost branches Isa 17.6 Though I make a full end of all Nations whither I have driven thee Jer. 30.11 Jer. 46.28 yet will I not make a full end of thee but correct thee in measure yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished Let not Israel presume upon mercy if they will sin but yet let them not despair of mercy though they suffer God will not cast off his people Ps 94.14 Though the destruction of his Israel be never so great yet it shall never be totall and should many fall yet all shall not the cause the interest of Christ shall not and though possibly in a wildernesse of common calamities the carcasses of some of his owne may fall among others so as they may never live to enter the Canaan of a longed for peace and reformation in this life yet by faith ascending up to the Nebo of a promise they may behold it afar off and see it possessed by their posterity they themselves mean while repenting of their unbelief and unworthinesse and so entring that heavenly Canaan where they shall enjoy the fulness of that which here they could have enjoyed but in part The third branch of the example of the Israelites is the cause of their destruction viz their infidelity contained in these words That beleeved not EXPLICATION For the Explication whereof two things are considerable 1. In what respect these Israelites are here said not to beleeve 2. Why they were punished for this their not believing rather then for any other sin I. For the first Unbeleevers 1. are frequently in Scripture taken for Pagans and Heathens 1 Tim. 5.8 2 Cor. 6.14 15 1 Cor. 14.23 who are alwayes without the profession of the Faith and oft without the very offer of the Word the means of knowing that Faith which is to be professed and then it s termed an unbelief of pure negation 2. Unbeleevers are said to be such who though they professe the faith and hear and know the word yet deny that credence to it which God requires and their unbeleef called an unbeleef of evill disposition is either a deniall of assent to the truths asserted in the word or of trust and affiance to the promises of good contained in the same and both these are either temporary or totall and perpetuall Into the former sometimes the elect may fall as particularly did those two disciples who by their unbeleef drew from Christ this sharp reproofe Luk. 24.25 Mark O fools and slow of heart to beleeve all that the prophets have written And for this it was that Christ upbraided the eleven when they beleeved not them who had seen him after he was risen Luk. 1.20 And of righteous Zecharie is it said that he beleeved not those words which were to be fulfill'd in their season Into that unbeleef which is totall and habituall Joh. 6.64.65 Joh. 10.25.26 Jo. the reprobabate only fall of whom Christ speaks Ye beleeve not because yee are not of my sheep and afterward the Evangelist They beleeved not nay they could not beleeve because that Isaias said he hath blinded their eyes c. as also Act. 10.9 divers were hardned and beleeved not These abide in unbelief John 3. ult and the wrath of God abideth on them This unbeleef of the Israelites did principally consist in their not yeelding trust and affiance to the gracious and faithful promises made by God to their forefathers and often renewd to themselves of bestowing upon them the land of Canaan for their inheritance Vide Numb Chapters 13. and 14. These promises upon the report of the spies concerning the strength of the Canaanites and their Cities were by the people so far distrusted and deemed so impossible to be fulfilled as that they not only wish'd that they had dyed in Egypt but resolved to make them a Captain to return thither again And probable it is that the unbeleef of the most was perpetnal Certumest complures fuisse pios qui vel communi impietate non fuerunt impliciti vel mox resipuerunt Cal. in Heb. 3.18 but that others even of those who at the first and for a time did distrust the faithfulnesse of Gods promise by the threatnings and punishments denounced against and inflicted upon them repented afterward of their infidelity and so beleeved that God was faithfull in his promise though they by reason of their former unbelief did not actually partake of the benefit thereof However this their sin of distrustfulnesse was their great and capitall sin that sin like the Anakims which they so feared much taller than the rest and which principally was that provocation in the wildernesse spoken of so frequently in the Scripture Heb. 3.8.12 16.18 Psal 95 8. Incredulitas malorum omnium caput Cal. in Heb. 3.18 And hence it is that God explaines this provoking him by not beleeving him How long saith he Numb 14.11 will this people provoke me how long will it be ere they beleeve me and that it was their great stop in the way to Canaan is evident in that the punishment of exclusion from Canaan was immediately upon their unbeleef inflicted upon them as also by the expresse testimony of the Apostle who saith that they could not enter in because of unbelief II. For the second Why they were destroyed rather for their unbelief then for other sins 1. Their unbelief was the root and fountain of all the rest of their sins Heb. 3.12 Jer. 17.5 This evill heart of unbelief made them depart from the living God by their other provocations All sins would be bitter in the acting if we beleeved that they would be bitter in their ending Faith is the shield of every grace 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Pet. 2.7 8. Acts 15.9 and Unbelief the shield of every sin Faith purifies Unbelief pollutes the heart Vnbeleevers and disobedient are in the Greek expressed by one word Heb. 11.31 What but unbelief was the cause of all those impatient murmurings of the Israelites Had they beleeved a faithfull God Num. 14.27 they would quietly have waited for the accomplishment of his promises Had they believed in him who is Alsufficient they would in the want of all means of supply have look'd upon them as laid up in God The reason why they made such sinfull haste to get flesh was because their unbelieving heart thought that God could not furnish a table in the wildernesse What but their not believing a great and dreadfull Majestie made them so fearlesly rebellious against God and their Governours What but their not believing an All-powerfull God made them to fear the Gyants and walled Cities of Canaan Faith went out and fear and every sin got
yet these froward children refused to suck and draw them by beleeving and in stead thereof struck and beat them away by unbeleef and rebellion Unbeleef as to the Israelites cut asunder the sinews of the promises so as they could not stir hand or foot to help them and turned the promises into fallacies Heb. 3. ult Num. 20.22 Only unbeleef concluded this people under the necessity of destruction Needs must they perish who cast away the means of recovery What shall be a remedy for him who rejecteth the remedy other sins are sores but unbeleef throwes away the plaister Every sin made Israel obnoxious to destruction but unbeleef made them opposite also to deliverance This sin stopt as it were the spouts and passages of grace Christ * Mark 6.5 Significatur hoc loquendi modo quod incapaces scipsos reddiderint indignósque divinis beneficiis et propensioni animi Christi beneficae impedimentum objecerint non permittunt ut virtutis divinae rivus se in ipsos diffundat Brugens in loc could do no mighty works because of their unbeleef They who beleeve not render themselves incapable of blessings and lay rubs in the way of mercy binding the hands of God lest he should help them Other sins lay persons as it were in the grave this of unbeleef lays the grave stone upon them and makes them rot therein Upon them wrath abides Joh. 3.18 OBSERVATIONS 1. Observat 1. Difficulties soon discover an unbeleeving heart Many seemingly beleeving Israelites upon the news of the Anakims and the walled Cities beleeved not Jorams profane pursuivant discovered his temper when he said This evill is of the Lord why then should I wait upon the Lord any longer 2 King 6.33 Saul appear'd to depend upon God and sought to him in his troubles but when God seemed to neglect him and gave him no answer then left he God and sought to a sorceresse Rotten fruit wil not hang upon the tree in a windy day A shallow a highway-plash of water will soon be dryed up in a scorching sunshine One who is only a beleever by a shallow outside profession will soon leave beleeving and professing 2 Chro. 32.31 Deut. 8.2 13.3 For a while he will beleeve but in time of persecution he falls away Wisely therefore doth God seem somtime to disregard and reject his own children to try the sincerity of their confidence in him and whether they will cease to depend upon him because he seemeth not to provide for them Nec iratumcolere destitit numen Virtus fidei credere quod non vides merces fidei videre quod credis Aug. in Ps 109. They who depend upon God continually depend upon him truly God makes it appear to all the world that his people serve not him to serve their own turn upon him and that they are neither hirelings nor changelings It is the efficacy of faith to beleeve what we see not and the reward of faith to see what we beleeve How improvident are those meer professours and appearing Israelites who please themselves with shews of beleeving and cleaving to God their paint will not endure the washing nor their refuge of lies keep out the storme when sufferings death or judgment approach their confidences will be rejected Christians labour for a faith unfained yea both true and strong there may come times that will require it 2. In vain do they who live in unbeleef Observat 2. pretend against their other sins So long as that lives no sin will dye notwithstanding instructions or corrections Sin may be brought to the place of Execution but it will not die so long as unbelief brings it a protection and while it is back'd by this it will but laugh at all the means used to mortifie it As faith quencheth the fiery darts of the divel so will unbeleef quench the holy darts of the Spirit The sin which is armed with it will not be wounded by the sword of the word but wil save its skin much more its heart till faith set it naked to the stroaks of that sword Our neglect of and coldnesse in holy duties comes from our not beleeving a benefit that will bear the charges of fervency and frequency in performing them Unbelief clips the wings of prayer that it cannot ascend and turns much praying into much speaking Whence is all our trouble and impacience in adversity but from want of that grace which comforts the heart in God and makes us quietly to rest and trust on and in him Whence are those base indirect courses to get a living by lying deceiving c. to be made rich by a worse than the king of Sodome but from the not beleeving God to be an alsufficient portion that he will never leave or forsake us c From what but unbelief proceed all the temporizings haltings and sinfull neutralities In tentations to all these faith is our victory and unbelief our defeat which makes men unworthily to render themselves prisoners to every promise and threat causing them either to have two hearts with the hypocrite or no heart with the coward They who have little faith have much fear and they who have no faith Jer. 17.5 will be all fear even slain and not by the sword Whence proceeds all our carnall confidence and trusting in an arme of flesh but from this sin which makes the heart depart from the Lord. Peccatum furti homicidii sunt peccata carnis et facilè intelliguntur in parte superiore animâ scilicet intellectu sed ipsa anima suum incomparabiliter majus vitium et trabem in oculo suo non sentit sed festucam corporis facilè videt Luth. Trabenses judicant festucenses Id. Whence come the unbrotherly breaches and divisions among brethren but from the distance which by unbeleef is between God and us Christians being like lines which come the nearer to one another as they come nearer to the Center Unbelief lies at the bottom of all these sins And all mortification of sin which comes not from a principle of affiance in God through Christ is imaginary How short sighted are they into their misery who are troubled for their scandalous sins of drunkennesse adultery murther c. but neither observe nor sorrow for their unbelief the mother sin the main sin the nursery of all sins The soul saith Luther is an hypocrite that sees a mote in the eye of the flesh but not a beame in its own eye namely infidelity which is incomparably greater than all sins committed by the body 3. Great is our forwardnesse to fall into the sin of unbeleef Observat 3. God seemed to study the prevention of this sin among the Israelites but it broke the barrs that he put in the way to stop it Covenants Oaths Miracles Plagues were all as easily snapt in sunder by this sin as were the Cords by Samson Even Christ himself marvelled at the strength thereof in opposing the
never stirreth from its place having no props or shores to uphold it but the bare word of God alone Cum rogo te nummes fine pignore non habeo inquis Idem si pro me spondet agellus habes Quòd mihi non credis veteri fidóque sodali Credis coliculis arboribúsque meis Mart. Ep. 25. l. 12. Fides non habet meritum ubi ratio humana praebet experimentum Gregin Evang. God must be trusted upon his promise without a pawn An usurer will trust a beggar a lyar a bankrout for his pledg And shall we beleeve God no further this is not at all to trust him but his security It is a lame faith that cannot go without crutches He that cannot stand when his stilts are taken away was held up by them not by his legges He whose faith keeps not up when outward comforts are removed stood not upon the promise but upon earthly props The faith which Christ commends is that which beleeveth much and sees nothing Blessed saith Christ are they who have not seen and yet have beleeved This was the Commendation of Abrahams and Stevens faith Romans 4.18 19 20. Act. 7.5 Such a faith quiets the heart most in testimony of its own sincerity and against expectation of any threatned and in the sustaining of any incumbent difficulties Oh how sweet a life leads that Christian who doth all by another who gets the blessing without hunting and whose only work is to sit still and trust God and like Josephs Master to leave all in the hand of another to have all its comforts compendiously from one object and not to take a wearysome circuit about the whole world for contentment to sit at his fathers table and not to begg for food from door to door And such a faith honours God as much as it quiets the soul It proclaimes that God is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be beleeved for himselfe it desires not that the creature should be bound for God though he seem never so backward to performe his promise and accounts it self as rich in respect of what it hath in hope as what it hath in hand Yea in the enjoyment of comforts it placeth its trust only in God and if God doth not withdraw created props from it yet it will withdraw its confidence from them using them indeed in thank fulnesse to the giver not trusting them in stead of the giver O noble glorious life of beleeving to draw our comforts thus out of the bosome of God himselfe not to be beholding to the dunghill for our delights not to live with worldly men upon mud and corruption but upon the pure and heavenly breathings of the spirit in the promise A life emulating that of the Angels for though indeed beleevers use the world feed and sleep marry and are given in marriage yet they only enjoy God and their better part is wholly sollaced with him that shall suffice them in glory 7. Observat 7. It should be our principall care to get beleeving hearts Even such an holy affiance in the promises as may shelter from that destruction which befell these unbeleeving Israelites To this end 1. Truly and upon the terms of the Gospel wholly and solely accept of him who is the Mediatour of the Covenant and through whom alone every promise in it is made good to the soul and is yea and amen 2 Cor. 1.20 Out of Christ promises are but meer speculations nor can we unlesse united to him by faith challenge any blessing by vertue of a promise A Christlesse person receives blessings as one that finds a piece of silver accidentally in the streets and not as a man who receives a sum of mony due upon covenant 2. In relation to the promises to be beleeved which are the element wherein faith lives 1. Find them out and lay them ready find out a promise sutable to every exigency of thy condition How can a man claim mony upon a covenant who knows not where that distinct bond is laid upon which he is to demand it Go to the severall promises for the supply of thy severall wants Mark what promises God hath made for pardon grace direction protection provision and ever make choice of some one or two of every kind which thou maist run to with speed A Christian should do in this case with the promises as one which is given to fainting fits who carries his aqua-vitae bottle alwayes about him and sets it constantly at his beds head that it may be at hand 2. Ponder the promises Go aside separate thy selfe suck and hide their sweetnesse dwell upon them Dive in thy meditations into their freenesse Consider that promise hath made God a debtor and freegrace made him a promiser Into their fulnesse there being enough to relieve the largest capacity and gretest necessity they having more oyl then thou hast vessels even enough to be revealed from faith to faith Rom. 17. Into their stability they being bottomed upon Truth and Strength it selfe the strength of Israel who cannot lie as sure as Gods owne essence which is pawned by an oath for their accomplishment for he swears by himselfe they being further confirmed by the death of him who hath bequeath'd all the benefits of the promises by his will and testament in which respect they are the sure mercies of David 3. Be convinced by the promises to see the whole heart and meaning of God in them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 11.1 significat 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 convincere causam aliquam eò deducere ut objici aut praetexi nihil amplius queat Hyper. and to be under the authority and evidence of them Faith is an evidence conviction or a convincing demonstration Laban when he saw how matters stood between the servants message and the affection of Rebeccah said The thing proceedeth from the Lord we cannot speak bad or good Gen. 24.50 The Lord having brought thee under the condition of the promise and since thou canst not deny but that the promise hath a stable foundation say Lord I must needs yeeld I am unable to gainsay thee I confesse my selfe overcome 4. Consent cleave to clasp about the promises Isai 1.9 as the ivie about the oak roul thy soul and rely upon it concur with it and bee carryed down the stream of it against the motion of thine own rebelling heart As Rebeccah convinced that the marriage was from God being call'd to speak answered I will go 5. Plead the promises In tentation and sense of unworthinesse strong unlikelyhood of making them good may be represented to thee but even then cling to them closely The woman of Canaan would not be put off by silence and vilifying termes she was call'd a dog yet shee held close to the word that Christ was the Son of David happy she that in this she was like a dog namely in that shee would not be beaten off 2 Chron. 20.9 Thus Jehoshaphat pleaded with
and examining what he hath not as well as what he hath what he hath lost as well as what he hath gain'd what he hath laid out as well as what he hath laid up Whether he stand how he hath fallen how far he hath gone and though he must account no loss irreparable yet none contemptible and though no gain so small as to be unthankfull for it yet none so great as to be contented with or proud of it 2. That they may make use of the helps the food and fuel which God hath appointed for the increase of their Grace Luk. 17.5 Pet. 2.2 As Reading Prayer Hearing Sacraments Meditation and he that neglects these is not a strong but a sick Christian Nundinae aeternitatis These are the Marts and Fairs wherein we trade for Grace a thriving Christian must keep constant traffick with heaven sending thither hearing thence in the former telling in the later taking in what he wants We must make growth the end of our feeding and thriving of our trading we must not trade to trade pray to pray hear to hear but to grow better thereby 3. That they may proportionably answer the worth and length of those opportunities God afforded them for the increasing of Grace That they might not devour fat enjoyments having mean while lean and barren or indifferent hearts He is not an abounding thriving Christian who hath but an ordinary growth under rich opportunities we must abound in returning as well as in receiving we must not be like the kidney in the beast lean in the midst of fatness Heb. 5.12 not heaths and wildernesses under the showers of salvation nay not content our selves in being but as good as others who haply enjoy less They who enjoy much from God and yet are no better than those who enjoy less are therefore worse because they are not better 4. That they may forbear and avoid whatsoever hinders and keeps down the thriving and growing in Grace That they may take heed of secret waies of spending that they may not privily delight in any known way of sin or beloved lust which makes the most glittering Christian abroad to be but a bankrupt at home Christians must cut off the Suckers that draw away their nourishment Love of the world pride uncleanness c cannot thrive with grace in the same heart as the one goeth up the other goeth down as the spleen swels the body decayes 5. 2 Pet. 1.5 That they may have an impartial increase in every grace in one as well as another That to one grace they might add another Psal 119.101 loving of every duty and loathing of every evil All graces have a Concatenation and an inseparability Col. 1.10 a holy band a divine league and as every Christian hath so he grows in every part of the new Creature 1 Tim. 5.21 He fructifieth in every good work he labours to keep an equability in his courses not strict in some things and slack in others He prefers not one before another he hath a pulse of grace that beats evenly and equally he is neither a maimed person who wanteth any limb nor a Monster who hath one limb so big that others want but hath a comely symmetry of part with part No one of his graces stands at a stay while the other grows he doth not go richly apparell'd in some one piece of his apparell and beggerly in the rest All his nourishment is not conveighed to some one part to the starving of the rest 6. That they may multiply in grace to an exercise acting and laying out of grace That grace might be augmented into action that the fountain full inwardly might overflow outwardly that as it was so it might appear grace that they might be free as well as full and fructifie in every good work that the hand as well as the heart might be fill'd with the fruits of righteousnesse as grace will be increased in the pouring out so must it be poured out when it increaseth The running water and the active Christian are both the sweetest the more a musicall instrument is used the sweeter is its melody Graces like garments will be the more we use them the more free from the moth the more we can the more we should do the more we do the more we can we love to do 7. That they may obtain a measure of grace sutable to their severall and particular exigences and occasions That they may not only have grace more than others but enough for themselves i. e. in some sutable measure to their own severall conditions and imployments Some men have stronger temptations to resist corruptions to subdue greater burdens to bear imployments to go through and these want more abundant graces than others Some man may better keep house with an hundred pounds a year then another who hath a great family and familiarity can do with a thousand A man who hath great revenues may yet be poorer than he who hath lesse if he have greater expences 8. That they may constantly abide and continue in the grace they had received The further obtaining of what grace we want necessarily implies a retaining and an holding fast of what we have By the same reason that we desire to get more we shall keep that which we have already gotten Decay is ever inconsistent with growth A Christian must not go aside much lesse go backward not lie still with the stone nor creep with the snail much lesse go back with the Crab not be a golden Christian in youth a silver one in manhood and a leaden one in old age Our fals into sinne must be but for a fit not so our forwardnesse in Christianity our goodnesse not like the morning dew Hos 6.8 Psal 78.57 we must not turn back deal unfaithfully and turne aside as a deceitfull bow It s hypocrisie to pretend that we are gone or going further in religion than others who are eminent and yet be behind what our selves once were and that when we were beginners If grace be not preserved it cannot be augmented fire cannot be made to blaze out if it be not kept from going out If the life of grace be gone the growth will follow If we continue not rooted in Christ Col. 2.7 we cannot be built up in him 9. That they may be boundlesse and unlimited in the progresse of grace that they may be ever making additions to what they have 2 Pet. 1.5 Christianity knows no enough the degrees of a Christians gracemust be like numbers the highest whereof being numbred a higher than that may yet be named 1 Thess 3.10 Even those worthy Thessalonians had something lacking● in their faith We must never cease growing till we be grown into heaven we must forget what 's behind Phil. 3.13 and presse forward toward the mark If perfection be our pattern proficiency is our duty 'T is true Ubi incipis nolle fieri melior
principally means the Gospel with which God had instrusted him So Tit. 1.3 c. 2. But not excluding the former by the Saints to whom the Faith was delivered I understand All the people of God to whom it was delivered by the fore-mentioned servants of God And as some of these were Saints in regard only of visible profession and dedication and others were made Saints in respect of true and saving sanctity so the faith was delivered unto these differently to the former by way of outward administration and visible dispensation to the later who were made true Saints by way of saving and effectuall operation They who were and continued to be onely visible and externall Saints had the faith delivered unto them as the common sort of Israelites had to whom God wrote the great things of his Law and yet they were accounted a strange thing Hos 6.12 and to whom were committed the oracles of God Rom. 3.1 and yet they beleeved not Isai 53.1 contenting themselves in the retaining the letter of the Law declaring Gods Statutes and taking his covenant into their mouth in the mean time never regarding to have the law written in their hearts Psal 50.16.17 c. but hating instruction and casting the word of God behind them They who had the faith delivered unto them by way of efficacious and saving operation did not only hear but beleeve the report of Gods messengers and the arm of God was revealed to them Isai 53.1 To whom it was given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God although to others it were not given Mat. 13.11 and for whose sake alone the faith is delivered to others who got no good at all thereby but onely an estimation for members of the visible Church 1. The Word is to be laid out and delivered to Observ 1. not to be laid up and kept from others The Saints are to be the better for it The Ministry is in Scripture compared to light what more diffusive to seed it must be scattered to bread it must be broken and distributed to every one according to their exigencies to salt it must not be laid up in the Salt-box but laid out in seasoning the flesh that it may be kept from putrefaction He who hides truth buries gold Ministers must rather be worn with using than rusting Paul did spend and was spent The sweat of a Minister as 't is reported of Alexander's casts a sweet savour His talents are not for the napkin but occupation How sinfull are they that stand idle in a time of labour how impious they who compell them to stand so 2. They who retain and keep the Faith are Saints Observ 2. Visibly those are Saints and that is a Church which keep it by profession and ministerially A Church that is which is the pillar and ground of truth 1 Tim. 3.15 Rom. 3.2 to whom the Oracles of God are committed as Paul speaks of the Jewes None are so to complain of the defects of our Church for what it wants as to deny it a Church considering what it hath It holds forth the truth of all Doctrines which serve both for the beginning and increase of faith It 's one of Christs golden Candlesticks wherein he hath set up the light of his Word and though Sectaries do not yet Christ walks in the midst of them I must be bold to fear that because our adversaries cannot rationally deny that while we hold forth the Truth we are a true Church they labour by their errours to extinguish the Truth that so we may be none 3. How much is the world beholding to Saints 3. Observ They have kept the Faith the Word of life for the ingratefull world ever since 't was first delivered Were it not for them we had lost our Truth nay lost our God These are they who have in all ages with their breath nay with their bloods preserved the Gospel kept the word of Christs patience Rev. 3.8.10 And rather then they would not keep the Faith they have lost their lives They profit the world against its will they are benefactors to their severall ages like indulgent Parents they have laid up the riches of faith for those who have desired their deaths It 's our duty though not to adore them yet to honour their memory Satan knows no mean between deifying and nullifying them Imitation of them is as unquestionably our duty as adoration of them would be our sin 4. 4 Observ Vnholiness is very unsutable to them to whom the Faith is delivered It 's delivered to Saints in profession and they should labour to be so in power They should adorn the Doctrine of God Tit. 2.10 How sad a sight is it to behold the unsanctified lives of those to whom this faith hath been long delivered How many live as if faith had banished all fidelity and honesty or as if God had delivered the faith not to furnish their souls with holiness but only their shelves with Bibles Books in the head not in the Study make a good Scholar and the word of faith not in the house or head but in the heart and life make a Christian Oh thou who art call'd a Saint either be not so much as call'd so or be more than call'd so otherwise thy externall priviledg will be but an eternall punishment If God have delivered his Faith to thee deliver up thy self to him 5. 5 Observ The Fewness of faiths entertainers is no derogation from faiths excellency They are a poor handfull of Saints by whom the faith is preserved and to whom it is delivered in the world The preatest number of men and nations have not the faith delivered unto them ministerially and of them the far greater part never had it delivered efficaciously It s better to love the faith with a few than to leave it with a multitude Numbers cannot prove a good cause nor oppose a Great God 6. Observ 6. The true reason of Satans peculiar rage against Saints they have that faith delivered to them which is the bane and battery of his kingdom that word which is an Antidote against his poison that doctrine which discovers his deeds of darknesse Satans policy is to dis-arm a place of the word when he would subdue it he peaceably suffers those to live who have not the weapons of holy doctrine he throws his cudgels against fruitfull trees he lays wait as a thief for those who travel with this treasure They who are empty of this treasure may sing be merry when they meet with him he never stops them Others who have the faith he sets upon annoyeth I have given them thy word saith Christ the world hath hated thē John 1.7 3. Jude saith in this amplification Explicat the faith was once delivered once 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Three things may be touched in the Explication 1. The meaning of the word once 2.
the barren wildernesse and they are by God compared to drossie silver Jer. 6.28 which all the art and pains of the Silver-smith cannot refine and therefore called reprobate silver These seducers in Gods Ort-yard were trees without fruit twice dead pluck'd up by the roots Jude 12. 4. A fourth woe in this condemnation is Gods giving them up to strong delusion a delighting in errour and false doctrine with a believing it and thus seducers are said not only to deceive but to be deceived 2 Tim. 3.13 2 Thes 2.10 11. and those who received not the love of the truth had strong delusion sent them from God and upon them the deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse takes hold and thus God suffered a lying spirit to deceive Ahab and his prophets 5. A fifth woe in this condemnation is a stumbling at and a quarrelling with the word of life 1 Pet. 2.8 and Christ the rock of salvation Thus Paul speaks of some who were contentious and obeyed not the truth Rom. 2.8 and of seducers who resist the truth 2 Tim. 3.8 Like these in Jude who contended so muth against the faith that all which Christians could do was little enough to contend for it against those who made the Gospel a plea for licenciousnesse 6. A sixth woe in this condemnation is progressiveness in sin 2 Tim. 3.13 and as the Apostle speaks of seducers a waxing worse and worse a walking so far into the sea of sin as at length to be over head and eares a descending to the bottom of the hill a daily treasuring up wrath a proficiency in Satans school a growing artificially wicked and even doctors of impiety 7. Which lastly will prove the great and heavy woe not to be contented to be wicked and to go to hell alone but to be leaders to sin 2 Tim. 3.13 and to leaven others with impiety and thus Paul saith that seducers were deceiving as well as deceived 2 Pet. 2.2 And Peter that many shall follow their pernicious wayes And certainly impiety propagated shall be condemnation heightned 2. Why is this punishment of seducers called Condemnation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the cause for the effect I grant Condemnation is properly the sentence or censure condemning one to some punishment and though in this place it be taken for the very punishment it selfe yet fitly doth the Spirit of God set out this punishment of wicked men by a word that notes a sentencing them thereunto And that 1. Because a sentence of condemnation is even already denounced against them 2. Because it is such a punishment as by judiciary sentence is wont to be inflicted upon guilty offenders 1. It is really and truly denounced c. For besides Gods fore-appointing the wicked to this condemnation as it is the punishment of sin the execution of his justice wicked men are in this life sentenced to punishment 1. By the word of God which tels them that God will render to every man according to his deeds to them who do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousnesse indignation and wrath Rom. 2.8 c. And that he who believeth not is condemned already John 3.18 2. By their own conscience which accuseth and condemneth as Gods Deputy and here tels them what they deserve both here and hereafter If our hearts condemne us c. 1 John 3.20 c. 3. By the judgements of God manifested against those who have lived in the same sins the wrath of God being revealed against all unrighteousnesse Rom. 1.18 4. By the contrary courses of the godly The practices of Saints really proclaiming that because the wayes of the wicked are sinfull and destructive therefore they avoid them Mat. 12.41 42. and thus Noah sentenced the old world by being a practicall Preacher of righteousnesse 2 Pet. 2.5 And all these sentencings of wicked men do but make way for that last and great sentence to be pronounced at the day of judgment Mat. 7.23 Mat. 25.41 to the punishment both of eternall losse and pain 2. It is such a punishment as by judiciary sentence is wont to be executed upon guilty offenders and so it is in two respects 1. Because it is Righteous 2. Severe 1. Righteous These Seducers were not spiritually punished without precedent provocations Rom. 1.28 as they did not like to retaine God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind 2 Thes 2.10 and God sends them justly strong delusions that they should beleeve and teach a lie because they received not the love of the truth and because they would not be Scholers of truth they justly become Masters of error 2. The punishment of wicked men is such as is wont to be inflicted upon offenders by a sentence because of its weight and severity It is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not a paternall chastisement or a rebuke barely to convince of a fault but it 's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Judges sentence condemning to a punishment the guilty Malefactor It is not medicinall but penall not the cutting of a Chirurgian but of a Destroyer the happinesse of correction stands in teaching us but this punishment is the giving of sinners up to unteachablenesse and what is it indeed but a hell on this side hell for God to withdraw his grace and to suffer men to be as wicked as they will to be daily damning themselves without controle to bee carried down to the gulf of perdition both by the wind of Satans tentation and which is worse the tide of sinfull inclination For God to say Be and do as bad as you will be filthy still Rev. 22.11 sleep on now and take your rest I le never jog nor disturb you in your sins How sore a judgment is it to be past feeling so as that nothing cooler than hel fire and lighter then the loyns of an infinite God can make us sensible though too late OBSERVATIONS 1. Observ 1. The condemnation of the wicked is begun in this life As heaven so hell is in the seed before it is in the fruit The wicked on this side hell are tunning and treasuring up that wrath Rom. 2.5 which hereafter shall be broached and revealed The wicked have even here hell in its causes The old bruises which their souls by sin have received in this life will be painfull when the change of weather comes when God alters their condition by death When thy lust asks How canst thou want the pleasure let thy faith answer by asking another question How can I bear the pain of such a sin Observ 2. Tristitia nostra quasi habet quia in somnis tranfit Qui somnium indicat addit quasi quasi sedebam quasi loquebar quasi equitabā quia cum evigelaverit non invenit quod videbat Quasi thesaurum inveneram dicit mendicus si quasi non esset mendicus non
the Apostle describes it 1. More generally he calls them ungodly men 2. More particularly he shews wherein their ungodliness appeared they turn the grace of God into lasciviousness and deny c. 1. Explicat 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 used indifferently of true and false worship Act. 18.13 Act. 13.50 Act. 16.14 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies to worship God aright and duly 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 noteth one who is of no religion who worships not at all The Apostle expresseth the ungodliness of seducers more generally calling them ungodly Vngodly men For Explication I shall first express more briefly and generally what the Apostle here intends by the term ungodly 2. More fully and particularly explain wherein that ungodliness of which he speaks did consist or what it is to be ungodly The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ungodly is compounded of a word which signifieth to worship or be devout and of a particle which notes a negation or denyall of that thing with which 't is joyned So that the word made up of both properly signifieth one who is indevout or worships not who yields no adoration honour or reverence to God but casteth off his service or as we say is a prophane man and one of no Religion For godliness is properly the same with Religion and Religion is a spirituall bond not onely a divine impression whereby we are possessed with most high and peerless thoughts of God and rapt with admiration of that excellency which shines in him but it 's also a binder Dictam esse religionem quòd quasi in fascem Domini vincti religati sumus Hier. ad Am. c. 9. a golden belt or girdle that ties and confederats and clasps our souls to God The faithfull by Religion are Gods bundle made upon earth to be carried to heaven men tyed together by being tyed to God Godliness is this gentle manacle and bond of love tying us by gratitude to Gods mercy by faith to his word by fidelity to his Covenant by hope to his promises c. and godlinesse layes a most sweet and easie yoke upon all the parts of man voluntarily resigning themselves to draw all together in the service of God and so it ties the head from wicked imaginations the heart from evill cogitations the eyes from vanity the tongue from profanenesse the hand from violence the feet from running into sin And though both religion and godlinesse in their largest extent comprehend the whole duty of man to God and man 1 Tim. 6.6 even holinesse and righteousnesse yet properly and primarily they note piety and the observation of duties belonging immediately to God himselfe And so though ungodliness be often taken in the largest sense as importing all kind of wickedness committed against God and man as Rom. 4.5 1 Tim. 1.9 c. yet alwayes properly and as I conceive in this place principally it is to be understood of wickedness immediatly done against God himself in denying him that reverence honour due Rom. 1.26 Gen. 20. and abusing that worship and service given to him the Apostle * Vngodly by this word at once discovers both the hypocrisie of these Seducers whose great endeavour was to be accounted in the highest form of Religion and also the root of all that following wickedness wherewith he chargeth them 2. More particularly to consider what it is to be ungodly or wherein ungodliness consists I shall open it in three particulars 1. The deniall to God the honour which is due to him 2. The attributing of the honour which is due to him to somthing else beside him 3. The giving to God his honour after a wrong manner 1. To be ungodly is to deny that honour to God which is due to him and that sundry wayes as 1. To deny God his honour by not knowing him Fingunt Deum talem qui non videt non punit c. Psal 14.1 and acknowledging his providence presence justice mercy power The fool hath said in his heart There is no God he knows no such God as the true God is no omniscient just merciful powerfull c. God He who denies any attribute of God denyes God himself 1 Sam. 2.12 thus the sons of Eli knew not the Lord and thus he spoken of Psal 50.21 who thought that God was altogether such an one as himself thus likewise the ungodly who say Job 22.14 How doth God know can he judg through the dark cloud Thick clouds are a covering to him that he seeth not c. This piece of Atheism is the foundation of all the rest He who knows not his Landlord cannot pay his rent 2. Not to honour God by beleeving him Ungodly men totally distrust Gods promises though he seals them with an oath It 's impossible that God should utter a lie to them Heb. 6.18 and that ungodly men while such should do any other than give the lie to God They make God a lyar 1 John 5.10 Heb. 3.12 the greatest dishonour imaginable an evill heart departs from depends not upon the living God 3. Not to honour God by loving him Ungodly men are haters of God Rom. 1.30 and 't is not for want of poyson but power that they expresse not the greatest hatred against him even the taking away his very being Psal 81.11 Hence 't is that some have called an ungodly man a deicide though they meant him not such in regard of execution but of affection 'T is true God himself is out of the reach of an ungodly man but what of him they can come by as his pictures Isa 30.11 his image in his children Job 21.14 ordinances they indeavour to destroy and abolish like theeves who wish the Judge were dead or hurt the ungodly desire that God might cease to be God that he had lost the hand of his justice the arme of his power Timor Domini janitor anim● the eye of his knowledge c. 4. Not to honour God by fearing to sin against him Ungodly men sometimes presume sometimes they despair but never do they reverentially fear him so as to keep themselves from sin they fear not an Oath they fear hell they feare not God they say not How can we doe this great evill Gen. 39 9. Job 21.14 Hos 4.16 Psal 50.17 Jer. 44.16 Tit. 1.10 Luke 19.14 and sin against God they fear sin for hell not as hell 5. Not to honour God by obeying his word Ungodly men cast off the yoke they are sons of Belial They slide back as a back-sliding heyfer They will none of his ways They desire not the knowledge of them They hate instruction and cast the word of God behind them In their works they deny God They will never have Christ for their ruler nor his word for their rule 6. Not to honour God by bearing his stroake Ungodly men are not as children under the rod but as
personally and as signifying some one person of the Trinity thus the Father is called God Mat. 16.16 Joh. 3.16 Rom. 7.25 c. thus the Holy Ghost is called God Act. 5.4 compared with verse the 3. Thou hast not lyed to men but to God Satan hath filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost 2 Cor. 6.16 compared with 1 Cor. 6.19 And thus the Son is called God Act. 20.28 The Church of God which he hath purchased with his blood 1 Tim. 3.16 Tit. 2.13 The great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ c. and this is the person which is here called God To whom 1. Are given the same Titles which are given to God Isai 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Numb 14.22 Psal 95.8 9.6 He is called The mighty God and chap. 6.1 He is called Jehovah for there Isaiah is said to see Jehovah sitting upon a throne c. And Joh. 12.41 This is expresly by the holy Evangelist applyed to Christ of whom he saith that Isaiah saw his glory and spake of him Exod. 17.7 The people are said to tempt Jehovah and the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 10.9 Let us not tempt Christ as some of them tempted It is said of Jehovah Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth Psal 102.25 and the heavens are the work of thy hands they shall perish but thou shalt endure c. And the Apostle clearly testifies Heb. 1.10 that these words are spoken of Christ Zech. 13.7 Christ is called the Fathers fellow Joh. 1.1 The word which in the beginning was with God is expresly said to be God And Rom. 9.6 He is called God blessed for evermore And 1 Tim. 3. ult God manifested in the flesh And 1 Joh. 5.20 The true God 2. The same essentiall Attributes and properties of the God-head are ascribed to him as 1. Eternity Prov. 8.22 The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before his works of old Joh. 8.58 Before Abraham was I am John 17.5 Glorifie me with the glory which I had with thee before the world was And ver 24. Thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world Col. 1.17 He is before all things 2. Omnipresence Mat. 18.20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them And chap. 28. ult I am with you alway even to the end of the world 3. Omniscience Joh. 2. ult He knew what was in man Mat. 9.4 and 12.25 Luk. 5.22 and 6.8 Luk. 11.17 and 24.38 He is also frequently said to know the thoughts yea Joh. 21.17 to know all things 4. Omnipotency All power is given unto me Phil 3. ult He is able to subdue all things Joh. 5.19 What things soever the Father doth these also do the Son 3. The same works which are peculiar to God are ascribed unto Christ As 1. Election the Elect are Mat. 24.31 called his Elect. 2. Creation 1 Joh. 3. All things were made by him and ver 10. The world was made by him Col. 1.16 By him were all things created 3. The Preservation and sustentation of all things Col. 1.17 By him all things consist Heb. 1.3 He upholdeth all things by the word of his power 4. Remission of sins Mat. 9.6 The Son of man hath power to forgive sins 5. Working of miracles works either above or against the order of nature Joh. 9.32 He opens the eyes of the blind Joh. 11. He raiseth dead Lazarus Yea he both raiseth from the grave of sin Joh. 5.21 25 And raiseth all the dead Joh. 5.28 29. 6. The bestowing of eternall life Joh. 10.28 My sheep hear my voice and I give unto them eternall life 4. The worship which is due to God alone hath been both given to and accepted by Christ First Inward worship as 1. Beleeving on him Faith is a worship which belongs only to God enjoyned in the first Commandment and against the trusting in man is there a curse denounced Jer. 5.17 But Christ bids us beleeve in him Joh. 14.1 Beleeve in me Joh. 8. ult He that beleeveth in the Son hath everlasting life 2. Loving him with all the heart commanded above the love nay even to an hatred of father mother wife children yea our own lives Luk. 14.26 and for the gaining of him Blessed Paul accounted all things but loss and dung Phil. 3.8 Secondly Outward worship is due to Christ 1. Dedication in baptism is in his name Mat. ult 19. 2. Divine Invocation is given to him Act. 7.59 Steven calls upon the Lord Jesus to receive his spirit 1 Cor. 1.2 All that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ 1 Thes 3.11 God himselfe and our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ direct our way unto you Revel 5.9.12 Praises are offered to him 3 Divine adoration is also given to him Mat. 8.2 A leper worshipped him Mat. 2.11 Though the Wise men of the east who saw Herod in all his royalty worshipped not him yet they fell down before Christ Yea not men only but Angels are commanded to worship him Hebr. 1.6 OBSERVATIONS 1. Observ 1. As groundlesse as blasphemous are all the cavils against the deity of Christ For though he be from and begotten of the the Father by an ineffable communication of the divine essence to his person yet if we consider his deity and essence absolutely he is God of himselfe and hath being from none and he is only God of God as we consider the divine essence in the Son and as it is under a certain and distinct manner of subsistence Though the Father be greater than the Son in respect of his manhood Joh. 14.28 Joh 10.30 Phil. 2.6 yet the Son is equall with the Father in respect of his Godhead Though the Son be truly called the image of God Col. 1.15 yet he is as truly said to be very God For when the Apostle saith that he is the image of God this word God ought not to be taken essentially but personally and by it we are to understand not the divine nature but the person of the Father Christ is the image of the Father not of the deity and the person of the Son bears the image of the person of the Father but the divine essence in the Son is one and the same with that which is in the Father I and my Father are one 2 Vnconceivable was the wisdome Observ 2. justice love and humble condescention manifested in Gods becoming of Man 1. Wisdome None but a God could have contrived it and so far was Man from inventing this plot of Mercy that it had been blasphemie should it have entred into his thoughts before God had discovered it to him The hypostaticall union was purely a divine invention Poor short-sighted man cannot conceive it now since it was much lesse could he have contrived it before it was Infinite was that wisdome which found out a way for God to begin to be what he was not and to remain what he was
Gospel even against the inward operation and supernaturall revelation of the holy Ghost This as I conceive is the unpardonable sin and was the sin of Alexander the copper-smith 2 Tim. 4.14 and of Julian 2. By an open and wilfull apostatizing from the faith and profession of religion haply for fear of persecution and out of too much love of this world This I conceive was the sin of Demas and Spira 2 Tim. 4.10 3. By a politick and terme-serving neutrality a lukewarmenesse and halting between two opinions for fear or shame when a man is oft on either side but truly on neither They on that side think him theirs we on this side think him ours his own conscience thinks him neithers To hold our peace when the honour of Christ is in question is to deny Christ even to a mistaking of the end of our redemption 1 Cor. 6.20 Yee are bought with a price therefore glorifie Christ in your body Joh. 1.20 and spirit Christ is not glorified when his name is concealed John Baptist confessed and denyed not Whosoever doth not openly confesse Christ Pet. 3.15 doth secretly deny Christ Christ is not to be hid as the woman hid the spies in the deep well of our hearts and covered over as she did the mouth of the well with corn for worldly concernments Rom. 10.10 Christum deseserit qui Christianum se non asserit If it be enough to beleeve in the heart why did God give thee a mouth He denyes Christ that doth not professe himselfe a Christian We are bound both consentire and confiteri both to consent to and confesse Christ If it be sufficient for thee to know Christ without acknowledging him for thy Lord it shall be sufficient for Christ to know thee but not to to acknowledg thee for his servant 2 Tim. 2.12 He who refuseth to suffer for dinies Christ He who is not for Christ is against him There may be a sinfull a damnable moderation The following Christ a far off in this life is no sign that thou shalt be near to him in the next No man will be afraid of being too professed a Christian at the day of judgment or will think that he hath lost too much for Christ when he is presently to lose all things by death If the time wherein we live be a night of profanenesse it s our duty the more brightly to shine as lights Phil. 3.15 4. By despairing of salvation offered through the merits of Christ in the promise of the Gospel This is a thrusting from us the hand that would and a casting away the plaister that should cure us 1 John 5.10 This sin makes God a lyar changeth his truth into a lye and Satans falsehood into a truth and justifies the divell more than God He that despairs of mercy what-ever he pretends practically denies the faithfulnesse sufficiency and sincerity of the Lord Jesus and asserts the faithfulnesse of him who is the father of lies 5. Lastly By a loose and profane conversation and this kind of practicall reall denying of Christ I conceive the Apostle particularly chargeth upon these seducers They walked after their own ungodly lusts their lives being full of earthlinesse and epicurism and their mouths of reproaches against holy obedience they encouraging themselves and others herein by perverting the sweet doctrine of the grace of God Ii qui sanguine Christi redempti fuerant diabolo se rursus mancipantes incomparabile illud pretium irritum faciunt Calv. in loc They professed the grace of Christ but led most gracelesse lives Their practice gave their profession the lye If they were not ashamed of Christ yet were they a shame to Christ their Lord who kept such servants they walked not worthy of their Lord. They had the livery of Christ upon their backs and the works of the divell in their hands The merit of his redemption they acknowledged but they denyed the efficacy thereof whereby he fanctifieth and reneweth the heart subdueth sin and quickneth to new obedience They acknowledged Christ a Jesus but denyed him as a Lord Christ they took for their Saviour but Satan for their master They like it well to come to Christ for ease but they will not take his though easie yoke upon them II. 2d Branch of Explicat Wherein appeares the sinfulnesse of this denyall of Christ 1. It plainly comprehends the sinne of Atheism There 's none who denies this only Lord God in his life but first denyed him in his heart and they who serve him not as the word commands apprehend him not as the word discovers They who are corrupt and do abominable works Psal 14.1 have said in their hearts there is no God Life-Atheisme is but the daughter of heart-Atheisme All outward actions are the genuine productions of the inward man they are as I may say the counter-panes of the spirit and so many derivations from that fountain Now think O Christians what an heinous sin it is to deny that being which thine own proves nay to hear to speak of God to plead for God to pray to God so frequently and in appearance feelingly and yet to deny that this God is 2. The denyall of this Lord as clearly contains the sin of unbeleife and distrust They who deny the service of this their Lord truly think what that wicked servant in the Gospel said namely that Christ notwithstanding all his promises Mat. 25.24 is as an hard man that reaps where he did not sow and that there is no profit in serving him Heb. 3.12 'T is this evill heart of unbelief that makes men depart from the living God When men see no excellencie in Christ 't is easie for them to be perswaded to reject him He who beleeves not a jewel is precious will easily part with it He who denyes Christ plainly shews that he hath no trust in him to receive any benefit from him And how great a sin is this unbelief whereby fulnesse it self is esteemed empty Mercy it self is reckoned cruell Gain it self deemed unprofitable and all because faithfulnesse it self is accounted false 3. The denyall of Christ is notorious and unspeakable profanenesse it evidently shews that a man preferrs other things before and loves other things more than Christ No man ever denies and leaves this best of Masters till he be provided of a Master whom he thinks and loves better But how great a disparagement and indignity do they who set up any thing above Christ offer to Him who hath sent and designed Christ Joh. 5.23 and 6.27 the master-piece of all his mercifull and wise contrivements and to Christ himself For there 's nothing which can come in competition with Christ but is infinitely below him All the combined excellencies of creatures put into the balance with Christ bear not so much proportion as doth a feather to a mountain To forsake Christ for the world or a lust is to leave a
in They beleeved God too little and man too much by their unbelief making God as man and man as God Gen. 12.7 13.15 15.18 17.7.8 26.4 Deut. 1.8 Exo. 3.17 and 6.8 2. God had afforded many helps and antidotes against the unbeleef of the Israelites God had given promises first to their Fathers and afterwards to these Israelites their posteritie of his bestowing upon them the land of Canaan for an Inheritance His promises like himself were faithfull and true and impossible it is that he who made them should lie These promises were often repeated to their fore-fathers and themselves and the very land of Canaan is called the Land of Promise Heb. 11.9 1 King 8.56 And afterward Solomon professed There hath not failed one word of all Gods good promise which he promised by the hand of Moses All his promises are yea and Amen The promises of giving to Israel the land of Canaan Gen. 22.16 Gen. 26.3 Psal 105.9 1 Chr. 26.26 Gen. 17.10 God had sundry times confirmed by oath the oath God followed with his seal of Circumcision whereby was confirmed the promise of the earthly and heavenly Canaan To all these God had added the abundant examples of those their holy fore-fathers who openly professed their beleeving of the promise that their Seed should inherit Canaan Heb. 11.9 Act. 7.5 Hence Abraham sojourned contentedly in the land of promise where he had not so much room as to set his foot on without borrowing or buying Hence also he purchased a burying place in that land In terra promissâ sibi emit sepulchrum ut spem suam vel mortuus testaretur Rivet Exerc. 119. in Gen. of which though living he had not possession yet dying nay dead he shewed his expectation How holily solicitous was Jacob and Joseph that their bodies after their deaths should be carried out of Egypt into that Canaan where their hopes and hearts had been while they lived To all these Examples God had given them to prevent unbeliefe their own multiplyed and astostonishing Experiences of his former Power and Love Could not he who by the lifting up of the arms of one Moses destroyed an Armie of Amalekites as easily overthrow the Armies of the Canaanites by the hands of six hundred thousand Israelites Could he who commissionated the very lice and flies to plague Egypt and at whose command are all the hosts of heaven and earth want power to deal with the sons of Anak Could not he who made the weak and unsteady waters of the red Sea to stand up like walls as easily make the strongest walls of the Canaanitish Cities to fall down Psal 78.32.42 But they believed not for his wondrous works they remembred not his hand nor the day when he delivered them from the enemie 3. Their unbelief most of all robb'd God of his though not essentiall yet declarative glory It was a bold sin it rifled his Cabinet and took away his chiefest Jewel Isa 42.8 1 Joh. 5.10 Rom. 4.10 even that which he saith he will not give to another 1. It takes away the glorie of his Truth it no more trusting him then if he were a known Lyer and as we say of such a one No further than we see him It endeavours to make God in that condition of some lost man whose credit is quite gone and whose word none will take now to discredit is to dishonour a man Unbeleevers account it impossible that he should speak true for whom to lye it is impossible After all the promises of giving them Canaan though repeated sworn sealed Israel beleeved not God 2. The Israelites by their unbelief obscured the glory of Gods Goodnesse They did not onely labour to make their miserie greater then Gods Mercy but even his very Mercy to appear Tyranny They often complained that he had brought them into the wilderness to slay them Num. 14.3 Psal 106.24 and they despised that pleasant land which God had promised them yea as some note in regard that the land of Canaan was a type of the heavenly Canaan See M. Perkins on the place they beleeved not that God would bring them to heaven and give them inheritance in that eternall Rest by means of the Messiah So that they rejected at once both the blessings of the foot-stool and the throne the earthly and the heavenly Canaan at the same time 3. Their Unbelief did blemish the glory of his Omnipotency Psal 62.11 They proclaiming by this sin that He to whom power belongs and nothing is too hard who can do all things but what argue impotencie as lying and denying himself who made heaven and earth with a word Isa 40.15 and before whom all the nations of the world are as the drop of the bucket and the small dust of the balance could not crush a few worms nor pull down the height of those Gyants whom by his power he upheld 4. Of all sins the Unbelief of the Israelites most crossed their own Professions They voyced themselves to be and gloryed in being the people of God and they proclaimed it both their dutie and priviledg to take God for their God They sometimes appeared to beleeve him but the unbelief of their hearts gave both God and their own tongues the lye they professed that they beleeved the power of God and remembred that God was their Rock Psal 78.34 35 36 37. but at the news from Canaan they shewed that they beleeved that the Anakims and the walled Cities were stronger They professed that they beleeved the Mercy of God and that the most high God was their Redeemer but at the very supposall of danger they thought that they were brought into the wilderness to be slain They professed that they beleeved the Soveraignty of God They returned and enquired after him and promised obedience to him but upon every proof they shewed themselves but rebells So that by reason of their unbeleef and unstedfastnesse of heart in Gods Covenant they did but flatter God with their mouth and lye unto him with their tongues How hainous a sin is it for Gods professed friends do distrust him How shall a stranger take that mans word whom his most familiar friends yea his own children will not beleeve Thine own Nation said Pilate to Christ have delivered thee unto me Thine own people may heathens say to God wil not trust thee and how should wee 5. Of all the sins of the Israelites unbeliefe was that which properly did reject the mercy by God tendred to them Canaan was by him frequently in his promise offered and though all the sins of the Israelites deserved exclusion from Canaan yet they did not as unbeleef by refusing the offer of it reject the entrance into it As the faith of the Ninivites overthrew a prophesie of judgement Psal 78.32 33 so the unbelief of the Israelites overthrew the promises of mercy The brests of the promises were full of the milk of consolation and
power of all he had said and done Mark 6.6 We are carried unto unbelief both by the tide of our own natures and the winde of tentation Our hearts ever since we left God crave and look for relief from sensible objects and having forsaken the true embrace even any opinionative God or good which hath enough to flatter into expectations though nothing to fill or to yeeld satisfaction And so great is our natural pride that we had rather steal than beg rather rob God of glory by resting upon our own crutches then go out of our selves to depend upon another for happinesse The batteries of Satan are principally placed against faith He would not care for taking away our estates names liberties unlesse he hoped hereby to steal away our faith He fans not out the chaffe but bolts out the flour Luke 22.32 Satan saith Christ to Peter hath desired to winnow thee as wheat but I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not Satans first siege in Paradise was laid against the faith of threatnings He knows that all our strength like Samsons in his Locks is from laying hold upon another If therefore he can make us let go our hold which is our faith he desires no more Faith is the grace that properly refisteth him and therefore he principally opposeth it unbelief befriendeth Satan and therefore he most promotes it in our hearts Oh that we might most fear and oppose that sin which is most difficultly avoided and most dangerously entertained Of all keepings keep thy heart and of all means principally use this of keeping out unbeleef 4. Nothing more displeaseth God Observ 4. than the forsaking of our own mercies In the true loving of our selves we cannot provoke God He is angry with Israel because they refuse that which might make themselves happy God loves to be giving and is pleased with them who are alwayes taking in his goodnesse Unbeleef obstructs mercy and God opposeth unbeleef He delights in them who hope in his mercy He hath such full brests that he is most pained when we will not draw them by beleeving The great complaint of Christ was that people would not come to him for life He was grieved for the hardnesse of their hearts and incensed against those guests that would not come when they were invited to the feast of his Gospel-dainties He is so abundant a good that he wants nothing or if he doth he wanteth only wants If he be angry with us how should we be displeased with our selves for rejecting mercy It s the proud and unbeleving soul which God only sends empty away They who will buy his benefits must leave their mony behind them How inexcusable are they who perish they starve and dye in the midst of fulnesse But alasse wee are the poorest of beggars not onely without bread but without hunger Oh begge that hee who bestowes grace upon the desires would first give us the grace of Desire 5. Observat 5. Nullum genus insipientiae infidelitate insipientius Bern. de Consid None are such enemies to unbeleevers as themselves nor is any folly so great as Infidelity The business and very design of unbelief and all that it hath to do is to stop mercy and hinder happinesse Every step which an unbeleever takes is a departing from goodnesse it self Heb. 3.12 And no wonder if such an one carry a curse along with him Jer. 17.5 and ver 6. if he be like the heath in the desert and shall not see when good cometh Unbelief is like the unwary hand of him who being without the door puls it too hard after him locks it and locks himself out Faith is the grace of receiving and unbelief the sin of rejecting all spirituall good How vainly doth the unbeliever expect refreshment by going from the fountain or gain by leaving the true treasure Distrustfull sinner who is the looser by thy incredulity and who would gain by thy beleeving but thy self What harm is it to the cool and refreshing fountain that the weary passenger will not drink and what benefit is it to the fountain though he should What loseth the Sun if men will shut their eyes against its light what gains it though they open them What good comes by distrusting God unlesse the gratifying of Satan in the damning of thy self How foolish is that disobedience that will not wash and be cleansed from a worse leprosie then Naaman's that like a man in a swoun shuts the teeth against a life-recalling cordiall that will not open a beggars hand for the receiving of a Jewell more worth then all the world that beleeves the Father of lyes who cannot speak truth unless it be to deceive and will not trust the God of truth nay Truth it self to whose nature lying is infinitely more opposite than to our good O Unbeliever either thou shalt believe before thou dyest or not if not how scalding will be this ingredient among the rest of those hellish tortures which hereafter shal compleat thy pain to consider that offered sincerely offered mercy was despised that the promise of grace and truth daily desired thy acceptance but had nothing from thee but contempt That thou who art now crying eternally and vainly for one drop hadst lately the offers and intreaties of the fountain to satisfie thy self fully and for ever If thou shouldst beleeve before thou diest how great a trouble to thy heart holily ingenuous will it be that thou hadst so long together such unkind thoughts of Mercy it self that thou didst deem Truth it self to be a Lyer How angry wilt thou be with thy self that thou didst so slowly beleeve and so hardly wert brought to be happie 6. Observat 6. Our greatest dangers and troubles are no plea for unbelief Notwithstanding Israel's tentation their unbelief was a provocation A houling wilderness and dismall tidings excused them not from sin in distrusting of God Even he who hides his face from the house of Jacob is to be waited for When we sit in darkness and see no light we should trust in the Lord and stay our selves upon our God Faith goeth not by feeling and seeing but should go against both It must both beleeve what it sees not and contrary to what it sees Psal 119.49 114. Verbum fidei pabulum Not outward props but the stability of the word of promise should be the stay of our Faith a stud that ever stands though heaven and earth should fail In thy word saith David I do and thou hast caused me to hope The greatness of danger must not lessen Faith Dangers are the element of Faith among them faith lives best because among them it findes most promises When the world is most against us then the word is most for us Faith hath best food in famine and the fullest table in a time of scarcity The very earth which we tread on should teach us this so massy a body hangeth in the midst of the aire and
discovered his humbling quickning strengthning presence to thee in thee Let no Sacrifice please thee without fire Love the Ordinances because God meets thee in them If God be not at home think it not enough that his servants his Ministers have spoken to thee Let the society of Saints be thy solace and deerly esteem those in whom thou beholdest any resemblance of God With the wicked converse rather as a Physician to cure them than as a companion to delight in them Let not thy heart be taken with any comfort any further then thou beholdest the heart of the giver in it or findest thine own raised to serve and delight in him 4. No distress should dishearten those here Observ 4. to whom God will not deny his presence hereafter Though God brings them into miseries yet he will not exclude them with the miserable If men cast them out of their company yet Christ will never say to them Depart from me If they want an house to hide their heads in and a bed to rest their bodies on yet their Fathers house and bosome will supply both Let men do their worst they may send Saints to him not from him How little do those rods smart in striking with which the Lord takes not away his loving-kindnesse What hath that poverty more then a name which is not accompanied and followed with the loss of God himself In a word Though sometimes the Saints sit in darkness and see no light yet is light sown for them they shall not lie under darknesse but after the darkest night of desertion shall arise to them that glorious Sun of Gods presence which shall never go down again but make an eternall day Thus farre for the first part of the punishment of the Angels viz. that which they undergoe in in the prison The second follows viz. that which shall be laid upon them at and after their appearing at the barr and in that first to what they are reserved viz. to judgment EXPLICATION There are two things may here bee enquired after 1 What we are to understand by the judgement to which these angels are reserved 2 How the angels which are punished already are yet said to be reserved to judgment 1 For the first Though the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 judgment be frequently in Scripture taken more largely and improperly for the cause of punishment John 3.19 for the government of the world John 5.22 amendment or reformation John 12.31 c. for the place of judgment Matth. 5.22 yet in this place it comes more close to its own proper signification according to which it imports a judiciary trial of and proceeding about causes In which respect it s taken in this place and oft in the new Testament for the solemn action of the last and generall judgment Mat. 10.15 Mat. 11.22 24 and 12.36 Mark 6.11 2 Pet. 3.7 Where we read of the day of judgment and Ecc. 11.9 12.14 Luke 10.14 Heb. 9.27 10.27 where there is mention made of this judgment Which judgment consists of three parts Veritas in inquisitione nuditas in publicatione serenitas in executione 1 A discussion and manifestation of the faults for which the prisoners were committed 2 A pronouncing sentence upon them for every crime discussed and manifested 3 A severe executing upon them the sentence so pronounced 1. Act. 23.3 1 Tim. 5.24 Act. 16.15 2 Cor. 5.14 In this judgment faults and causes shal be discussed and manifested and judgment is sometime in Scripture put for this discussion and discerning of causes some mens sins are open before hand going before to judgement c. 1 Tim. 5.24 c. And this knowledg of the cause is intended Cunctaque cunctorum cunctis arcana patebunt Ezra 4.15.19 and 6.2 Est 6.1 Deu. 32.34 Psal 56.8 Jer. 3.22 Hos 7.2 1 Cor. 4.5 Rev. 20.12 Where we have mention of those who stand before God of the opening of the books and the judging out of those things which were written in the books For though at the last judgment God will make use of no books properly so called yet all the works of the judged shall be as manifestly known as if God kept registers rolls and records of them in heaven and at his coming he will bring to light the hidden things of darknesse and will make manifest the counsells of the hearts that the righteousnesse of his proceedings may appear to all These books of discovery are two 1 that of Gods omniscience 2 that of the creatures conscience 1 According to the former every creature is manifest in his sight and all things are opened unto his eyes Heb. 4.13 Mat. 3.16 Joh. 2.25 Jer. 23.24 Mar. 4.22 Rom. 2.5.16 he hath a book of remembrance he needeth not that any should testifie of man for he knoweth what is in man As God hates sin wheresoever he knows it so he knows it wheresoever it is Men may hide their sins from men from God they cannot Men may like foolish children when they shut their eyes and see none think that none sees them but the light and the darknesse are both alike to God Nor can any Isa 29.15 by seeking deep to hide their counsels from the most High help himself Never hath one sin since the creation of the world Deus nec fallitur nec flectitur slip'd from the memory of Gods knowledg though he hath been pleased to put away the sins of some out of the memory of his vengeance Nor doth he forget any sin out of necessity but meerly out of mercy 2 According to the later * Ad hunc librum emendandum omnes alii libri sunt inventi Quid libri aperti nifi conscientia non atramento scripti sed delictorū inquinamento Amb. in Ps 1. Psal 51. Idem judex reus testis tortor flagellum the book of Conscience the Lord will in the generall Judgment bring to every mans remembrance what he hath done he will set the sins of the wicked in order before them Psalm 50. their consciences shall then be dilated and irradiated by the power of God Here in this life Conscience is brib'd and gives in an imperfect but then it shall bring a full and impartiall evidence against sinners who shall be speechlesse and have their mouthes stop'd Hence Jude 15. it is said that God shall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 convince all the ungodly Their faults shall be so demonstrated to them that they shall have nothing to object but shall be compelled to acknowledge all both in point of fact and desert That which before was almost imperceptible shall being held to the fire of vengeance and the light of conscience be made legible 2 In this judgment to which these angels shall bee brought there shall be a decisive definitive sentence Isa 5.3 Matt. 7.1 John 18.31 Acts 24.6 Acts 17.31 Matth. 19.28 1 Cor. 6.3 Acts 4.19 And frequently and most properly in Scripture is judgment taken for a
life and with that his estate and liberty and all that is dear and desirable granted unto him this his sentence and judgment I say is great and makes the day wherein it passeth deservedly to bee accounted such What are all the losses susteined by or fines imposed on any in comparison of the loss of Gods presence He who loseth God hath nothing besides to lose He who is doom'd to the pains of those fires prepared for the divell and his angels hath nothing left him more to feel The torments of the body are no more comparable to those of the soul then is the scratch of a pin to a stab at the heart nor can there possibly be an addition made to the blessednesse of those who shall be sentenced to enter into the joy of their Lord whose presence not only is in but is even heaven it selfe in a word there 's nothing small in the recompences of that great day great woe or great happinesse and therefore 't is a great day in either respect But of this at large before 3. This day of judgement is great in respect of the properties of it As 1. It s a certaine day were it doubtfull it would not be dreadfull were it fabulous it would be contemptible 1. Naturall conscience is affrighted at the hearing of a judgement day Act. 24.25 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nazian Sua quemque fraus sua audacia suum facinus suum scelus de sanitate ac mente deturbat hae sunt impiorum furiae haeflammae hae faces Cicer. in Pison Eccl. 1.2 Hab. 1.13 F●lix tren●bled when Paul preached of it and though the Athenians mocked when they heard of a Resurrection of the dead yet not at the hearing of the day of judgement The reason why men so much fear at death is because they are terrifyed with the thoughts of judgement after death were it not for that supreme and publick the inward Tribunall of conscience should be in vaine erected 2. The justice of God requires that every one shall receive according to his works In this life the best men are of all men most miserable and sinners oft most happy All things fall alike to all The wicked saith Habbakuk devoureth the man that is more righteous then himselfe There must come a time therefore when the righteous Judge will like Jacob lay his right hand upon the younger the more despised Saint and his left hand upon the elder the now prosperous sinner There is now much righteousnesse and oppression among Magistrates Gen. 18.25 Job 34.10 11 12. Isai 3.16 11. but it would be blasphemy to say that injustice shall take place to eternity Every unrighteous Decree in humane Judicatories must be judged over againe and from the highest Tribunall upon earth the Saints of God may joyfully and successfully appeal to a higher Bar. Jud. 14. Rom. 2.15 Eccl. 11.9 2 Thes 1 6 7. Mat. 2 Cor. 5.10 Rom. 14.10 Luk. 21.34 Luk. 9.26 2 Pet. 3.9 Tit. 2.13 1 Pet. 4.5 Omnia alia quae futura praedixerat Spiritus Sanctus in Scripturis ev●nerunt ut de primo Christi adventu c. Cum ergo idem Spiritus Sanctus praedixerit secundum Christi adventum utique certo eveniet Aug. Ep. 42. Luk. 21.35 Mat. 25. The day of judgement shall set all things strait and in right order It is a righteous thing with God saith Paul to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you that are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed c. To conclude this The Scripture is in no one point more full and plentifull then in assuring us that this day shall certainly come and if the other predictions in Scripture particularly those concerning the first coming of Christ have truly come to passe why should we doubt of the truth of Christs second appearance and if the mercy of God were so great that he should repent of the evill intended against the wicked yet even that mercy of his would make the judgment so much the more necessary for the good of the Elect 2. The judgement of this great day shall be Sudden Christ will come as a thief in the night who enters the house without knocking at the door The judgement will come upon the secure world as the snare doth upon the bird The greater security is at that day the greater will the day and the terror thereof be to sinners the noise of fire is neither so usuall nor so dreadfull as in the night The approach of the Bridegroom at midnight increased the cry of the foolish and sleeping Virgins Sudden destruction or that which befals them who cry peace is destruction doubled 3. The judgement of this great day shall be Searching exact and accurate There shall be no causes that shall escape without discussion notwithstanding either their multiplicity or secrecy their numerousnesse or closenesse The infinite swarmes of vain thoughts idle words Psal 50.21 Mat. 12.36 Eccl. 12.14 2 Cor. 5.10 and unprofitable actions shall clearly and distinctly be set in order before those who are to be tryed for them God shall bring every work to judgement and every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evill 1 Cor. 4.5 He will bring to light the hidden things of darknesse and make manifest the counsels of the heart But of this before 4. It shall be righteous As every cause shall be judged so rightly judged Christ is a righteous Judge 1 Tim 4.8 Psal 72.2 Act. 17.31 Rom. 2.11 2 Chron. 19.7 Psal 82.2 Job 34.19 In righteousnesse doth he judge Revel 19.11 The scepter of his kingdome is a right scepter he loves righteousnesse Psal 45.6 7 The day of judgement is a day of the revelation of the righteous judgement of God Righteousnesse shall be the girdle of his loyns it shall stick close to him This Judge cannot be byass'd by favour There is no respect of persons with God The enemies of Christ justified him in this particular that he regarded not the persons of men Mat. 22.16 Kindred Friend-ship Greatnesse make him not at all to warp and deviate from righteousnesse He is not mistaken with error he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes Isai 11.3 Joh. 7.24 2 Cor. 10.7 Jer. 17.9 10. Gal. 6.7 neither reprove after the hearing of his ears This Judg shall never be deluded with fair shews and out sides or misled by colourable but false reports as earthly Judges may be because they cannot pierce into mens hearts to discerne their secret intentions as Christ can do whom no specious appearance can deceive he shall never acquit any who is in truth faulty or inwardly unsound nor upon any flying report or forged suggestion proceed to the censure of any He shall never be in danger of being mis-informed through untrue depositions but he shall alwayes proceed upon certain knowledg in passing of his own sentence upon any 5. This judgement shall be open
severest punishing of offenders and not wound like murderers to destroy but like Chyrurgeons to cure and to prevent the spreading of sin yea punishment 8. Observ 8. It should be our great desire by all our own sufferings for sin to prevent the like sin in and sufferings of others We must not be like those that have the Plague who love to inffect others with it A gracious heart rather desires to hear of converts by his falls and woes then to have companions in either They who have been by sin examples of imitation should pray that by their sufferings they may become examples of Caution How rare is this heavenly temper in sufferers Most Christians when they are in troubles only desire the removall of them perhaps the sanctifying of them to themselves but who prayes for the sanctifying of them unto others It s ordinary for men under their sufferings to have thoughts of impatience against God and of revenge against the instrument of their troubles but unusuall for men to have aimes of benefiting beholders by their troubles If the Lord would throughly affect us with love to his glory and hatred to sin we should be willing to have the house pulled down upon our own heads so as sin may be destroyed in others and hereby we may do more good at our death then we have done throughout our whole lives The sinners of these laters times sin more heinously then they who lived in former ages Observ 9. The sins committed by those who have others for an example are greater then those committed formerly though they be the same for kind He who falls by stumbling at the same stone at which he dash'd who went before him falls without apology Wee in these times stand upon the shoulders of those who lived of old and therefore ought to see further we may behold by what meanes they stood where also and how they fell and how by either they sped More exactnesse in working and walking becomes us who have more light to guide us How happy were we if as we strive to excell our forefathers in other arts we did not come behind them in that heavenly art of a holy life though their helps were fewer then ours It is a common observation concerning our buildings that though they are of more curious contrivement yet lesse substantiall and durable then those of old time Non tulit nos sine exemplo● ut inveniat sine delicto vel tollat sine patrocinio I fear this may be more truly said of our religion then of our buildings It will be more tolerable at the last day for those who lived in the times of Sodom then for sinners in these days upon whom the ends of the world are come Vnto whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required Surely as we pay dearer for our worldly commodities we must pay much dearer for our sinfull pleasures then our fore-fathers have done We had better never have heard of Sodoms ruin then not to mend our lives by the example 10. Observ 10 It s our duty to make an holy improvement of the worst things which fall out in the world Even Sodom and Gomorrha were our examples and we should make lye to cleanse us of their ashes A good man should sail as they say of skilfull Mariners with every wind and as Samson take honey out of the carcass of the Lion Vespasian raised gain out of an excrement the Estrich concocts iron Even the waters of jelousie which rotted the bellies and limbs of some made others healthfull and fruitfull The sins of the worst should and sometimes do teach the godly to walk more closely and humbly with God Were we not wanting to our selves the sin of Sodom might be to us felix culpa an happy fault But alas most men more imitate then shun the sins of others nay which is much worse they rather take occasion to oppose deride and so get hurt by seeing the holy strictnesse of the godly then to grow more watchfull and holy by observing the sinfull loosenesse of the wicked But here is the excellency of grace to make a man like David Therefore to love the Commandments of God Psal 119. i 27. because wicked men make void the Law 11. Observ ult It is our wisdome to learn how to behold the examples of caution which God hath set forth especially in Scripture with most advantage to our souls Against that which God shews we must not shut our eyes To this end 1. Let us give our assent to the truth of examples as delivered in Scripture which doth not only relate the judgments themselves but their causes also the supreme God the deserving sin Faith takes into its vast comprehension every part of Gods word It hath been the Divels policy to strike at the truths of Scripture-stories either by denying or adulterating them * Prophani quidam ex Schola Porphirii ut miraculū elevarent Confinxerunt Mosem peritissimum naturae observasse fluxum refluxum maris Erithraei refluente illo suos traduxisse Riv. in Exod. Porphiry to overturn the miraculousnesse of the Israelites passing through the Red sea saith that Moses took the advantage of a low ebbing water and so went through safely which the Egyptians not understanding were drowned by the flowing of the water Strabo likewise perverts the truth of this story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha Graeci Scriptores Sodomam cum vicinis civitatibus eam ob causam incendio periisse sentiunt quod regio illa cavernosa esset sulphurea atque ita hujusmodi exitio obnoxia Muscul in 19. Gen. by attributing it to naturall causes and reporting that these cities were seated on a soyl sulphureous and full of holes from which fire breaking forth consumed them Examples of the dreadfullest aspect will never affright us from sin when we look upon them in the Divels dress Let us not sport at examples and make them our play-fellows Read not the example of Lots wife as the Poeticall fiction of turning Niobe into a stone What judgement thou readest beleeve though never so severe never so farre beyond thy apprehension 2. Look upon examples with deep and diligent observation They must sink into us we must set our hearts to them Steep our thoughts in them and ponder them in their certainty causes severity Posting passengers cannot be serious observers of any place How profitable is it sometime to dwel in our meditations upon these monuments of divine justice Assent must be followed with consideration Transient thoughts become not permanent examples 3. Look upon these examples with an impartiall examination Enquire within whether was such an one whom vengeance overtook a greater sinner then I am Ask thy conscience that question which the Prophet put to the Israelites are there not with me even with me the same sins against the Lord Ransack thy soul to find out the traytor hide not that in