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A80200 Refreshing streams flowing from the fulnesse of Jesus Christ. In severall sermons, / by William Colvill sometime preacher at Edenburgh. Colvill, William, d. 1675. 1654 (1654) Wing C5431; Thomason E815_2; Thomason E815_3; ESTC R207356 165,987 210

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that estate he desires to be freed from Answ 1. Answ It is against nature that any man should have contentment in affliction barely considered as affliction for nature cannot be content with any thing hurtfull to it but a renewed man is content in it as an act of his Fathers will and as a means of his spiritual good even as a sick Patient hath no contentment in the bitter potion of medicine as it is simply a bitter potion but yet he is content with it as an order from his skilful Physitian and as a means of his better health 2. He may both desire and also use the lawful means to be freed Ezechias both praied and also applied the Fig to the boyl 2 King 20. But our desires must be ever with a submission to Gods will As our Lord contented with his Fathers will praied If it be possible let this cup passe from me neverthelesse not as I will but as thou wilt Impatient and masterful desires of deliverance in a time of trouble cannot consist with true contentment but humble and submitting desires consist very well with it To God the sole Authour of true contentment Father Son and holy Ghost be all praise Amen The second act of the composure of his Spirit in all conditions of life is manifested in his solid and equal carriage I know both how to be abased and how to abound The sound beleever is not carried here and there like a willow with the contrary windes of prosperity and adversity Doct. The sound beleever in all estates is unmoveable but he remains unmoved as an Oak he is not up and down He is not like churlish Nabal in his prosperity and jollity despising his betters and in his adversity dejected with pusillanimity and dead like a stone 1 Sam. 25. But he is of a prudent solid and equal temper of spirit 1 Cor. 7.30 They that weep as though they weep not and they that rejoyce as though they rejoyce not The Children of God will not in a dissembling way counterfeit with their tongues and eyes with sorrow for publick calamities as cruell Ishmael the Sonne of Nethaniah did and yet have malice and revenge boyling in their hearts Jer. 41.6 Neither will they as the Pharisees disfigure their faces when there is no sorrow in their hearts Matth. 6. But they carry the variety of their condition in such a mystery of moderation that beholders cannot reade their condition in their countenance or outward behaviour This is that Christian moderation which the Apostle requires Phil. 4.5 Let your moderation be known to all men when we so moderate our affections in all occurrences that they exceed not Our joy in prosperity we moderate by the grace of humility Our sorrow in adversity by Christian Fortitude and Faith in God Psa 27.19 I had fainted unlesse I had beleeved to see the goodnesse of God in the Land of the living In the midst of all their worldly troubles their heart rejoyceth in God and in the midst of outward wants they enjoy the allsufficient God This inward joy moderates their outward griefs 2 Cor. 6.10 As sorrowfull yet alwaies rejoycing as having nothing and yet possessing all things for a beleever enjoys God who is all in all to him The Reasons of this Doctrine Reasons of a Christians equal carriage in all conditions That a sound beleever is of a solid and equal carriage in all conditions are 1. Because God puts his fear in the hearts of his own children Jer. 32.40 and fear to offend God by abuse of prosperity keeps the heart humble and stable he considers that a plentifull condition hath been a snare to many and therefore he rejoyceth in trembling he walks softly and circumspectly like a man in the midst of snares so also in adversity the fear of God moderates his grief that it exceeds not to impatience and unbelief he feareth the displeasure of God according to that Heb. 10.38 If any man draw back to wit by unbelief my soul shall have no pleasure in him 2. Faith keeps the heart in a solid and equal temper in a time of worldly prosperity faith looks to things eternal reserved in heaven for us this makes us have humble thought of those flying shadowes of worldly pleasures in comparison of that substance of glory that endures for ever faith also in adversity quiets and settles our spirits when we beleeve that our light afflictions which are but for a moment work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory 2 Cor. 4.17 fear and faith are to the soul as ballast and sails to the ship the one keeps it from being overcarried in the top of the wave and the other from being swallowed up in the gulph between the waves so the fear of God keeps the heart of a beleever from being overturned by strong temptations in the top of his prosperity and assurance of faith like a main sayl carries the heart through the deeps of afflictions and keeps it from being overwhelmed This Doctrine serveth for reprehension of two sorts of people Vse 1 Reproof to such as know not how 1. To abound 1. Of such as know not how to abound How many are there that cannot carry the cup of prosperity even their pride is intollerable they trust in their wealth and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches Psal 49.6 Some abuse their prosperity to riot and excesse feeding themselves without fear of God that covereth their table Jude v. 12. Jam. 5.5 weep ye rich men ye have lived in pleasure on the earth and been wanton this is the worst sort of ingratitude to render to our God evil for his goodnesse like Jeshurun that waxed fat and kicked against his feeder Deut. 32.15 Some make not a right use of their plenty for a supply to the indigent Jam. 5.2 3. How lye rich men your gold and silver is kankered and the rust of them shall be a witnesse against you Some saucily despise those that are in adversity like Nabal in a festivall day 1 Sam. 25.10 Who is David there be many servants that now adayes break away from their masters c. they will give evil words but do no good works And others are insolent oppressors of the poor Prov. 22.7 The rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender he abuseth that to make it a burden which should be an ease and relief The mercies of the wicked are cruel Prov. 12.10 2. Of such as know not how to be abased 2. To be abased but miscarry in á day of adversity some are stupid and senselesse of the Lords visitation Isa 42.25 He hath poured upon Israel the fury of his anger and the strength of battell and it hath set him on fire round about and it burned him yet he laid it not to heart Some are in the other extream they faint in the day of adversity if riches decrease they droop like thin feathered
fowls in a rainy day if at any time they be blasted in their reputation they become pale and heartlesse as if they could not live but in the popular air Some turn impatient murmur and blaspheme God in the course of his providence so did the people of Israel in the wildernesse Exod. 16.2 3. They murmured and said Would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt when we sat by the flesh-pots and when we did eat bread to the full for ye have brought us forth into this wildernesse to kill this whole assembly with hunger Others become desperate and blaspheme God in his truth and mercy as wicked Jehoram 2 King 6.33 Behold this evil is of the Lord said he what should I wait for the Lord any longer And such as are desperate of Gods help use unlawfull means for relief as Ahaziah 2 King 1. Therefore I would offer some considerations as so many bases to balance unstable souls Considerations to ballast unstable souls that they be not too much lifted up with prosperity nor too farre dejected with adversity First Against temptations in prosperity thou who art ingrateful to God and dost not by humble thankfullnesse acknowledge God thy benefactor consider this provokes jod to send a change in thy estate Hos 2.8 9. She did not know what I gave her corn wine and oyl and multiplied her silve● and gold and therefore will I return and take away my corn●● the time thereof and my wine in the season thereof Secondly Thou who art proud and boastest in thy riches consider that pride and vain boasting is the moth of prosperity it is a swelling in the high wall whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant Isa 30.13 Pride in prosperity is an evident prognostick of a fall and change Dan. 4.31 While the word of pride and boasting in his prosperity was in the mouth of Nebuchadnezzar there fell a voice from Heaven saying O King Nebuchadnezzar to thee it is spoken the Kingdom is departed from thee here was a sudden and great change he that was lifted up above the ordinary condition of men in plenty and honour is brought down so low that he runs mad and wilde amongst the beasts of the Field and eateth grasse as oxen 3. Thou who abusest thy plenty to riot and excesse consider thy surfet and repletion will turn to a consumption and bring a change Prov. 23.20 Be not amongst wine-bibbers among riotous eaters of flesh for the drunkard and the glutton will will come to poverty and drousinesse shall clothe a man with ragges 4. Thou that art unmercifull to the poor in the day of thy prosperity consider this provokes God to bring a change on thy estate Prov. 11.24 There is that scattereth and yet encreaseth and there is that withholdeth more then is meet but it tendeth to poverty The rich Glutton gave not a crum and in hell he got not a drop of water to cool his tongue 5. Thou that in thy prosperity mis-knowest thy self and despisest the poor in his adversity thou sinnest against God who only of rich and free bounty hath made the difference between thy condition and his Prov. 14.31 He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth but he that hath mercy on the poor happy is he 6. Thou that in thy prosperity abusest thy power to the oppression of the poor and addest affliction to the afflicted thou reproachedst God his maker who entitles himself the defender and judge of the poor and indigent Psa 72.4 Thou provokest God to deliver up thy estate into the hands of the spoiler Isa 33.1 Wo to thee that spoilest and thou wast not spoiled and dealest treacherously and they dealt not treacherously with thee when thou shalt cease to spoil thou shalt be spoiled Next I would offer these considerations both to direct and uphold a weak spirit in the day of adversity 1. Thou that art senselesse of Gods visitation consider that of Prov. 3.11 Heb. 12.5 Job 5.17 Despise not the chastening of the Lord sleight it not but take notice of it This froward senselesnesse provokes God to encrease thy troubles Lev. 26.18 As the Physician doth cure a Lethargy by casting the Patient into a Fever and by this means doth quicken his senses so the Lord doth cure this spiritual Lethargy many times by some sharper and more corrosive affliction that toucheth them to the quick 2. Thou that faintest in a time of adversity consider that of Pro. 24.10 If thou faint in the day of adversity thy strength is small This fainting is an evidence of a pusillanimous and weak spirit Against this soul-fainting the only cordiall is faith in God and his gracious promises Psa 27.14 I had fainted unlesse I had beleeved to see the goodnesse of God in the Land of the Living Psa 43.5 O my Soul why art thou disquieted within me hope in God for I shall yet praise him By faith as the saving Organ the sweet smell of Gods mercies is carried into the heart and revives it Psa 138.7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble thou wilt revive me 3. Thou that art impatient and secretly in thy heart murmurest against the good Providence of God consider in time thy fretting impatience doth more disquiet thy soul then the crosse it self can by patience thou possessest thy soul Luke 21.19 but by impatience thou dispossessest thy self of that dominion thou shouldest have over thy thoughts speeches and actions it so distracts thee that thou knowest not what thou thinkest speakest or doest By thy impatience thou provokest God to encrease and continue thy crosse Thou art as the Fowl in the Net the more thy impatient spirit doth flutter thou art the more intangled Num. 11. when the people complained It displeased the Lord and his anger was kindled and the fire of the Lord burnt among them Num. 14.34 Because the people murmured at the difficulties in their journey to the promised rest the Lord lengthened their troubles forty years whereas if they had been patient and obedient they had got an expected end in fourty daies Impatience puts men to much pains which might be saved if in patience they would submit to Gods providence in a time of great difficulties Consider it is a fearfull thing in the time of thy impatience to get thy desire of ease and delivery satisfied at such a time it is far better to want it then to have it It is a feeding for the slaughter Num. 11.33 The people were impatient for want of flesh God gave it to them But while the flesh was in their mouth the wrath of the Lord was kindled It is far better to live in want then to be consumed in thy abundance 4. Thou who in a desperate unbelief casts away all hope of deliverance in a time of great trouble Consider thou blasphemest God in his power as if our God were not able to deliver thee Thou saist as Israel did in their unbeleef Can the Lord prepare
therefore in it there is no certain knowledge 2. There is a knowledge of a thing from the natural and immediate cause of it This is an assent firm and evident and is called Science 3. There is a Moral certitude when a man knoweth the certainty of his estate for the present but is uncertain whether it will continue as a man from sense may know a present heat in his body but is uncertain whether the same will endure some learned Divines in the Roman Church grant this moral certitude of salvation 4. There is a Certitude of Divine Faith whereby we assent to supernatural truths not from any evidence intrinsecal in the thing known but from evidence of Divine authority revealing the same in the Word The certitude of knowledge in a man renewed concerning his perseverance is not opinion for that is uncertain and lyable to error It is not Science because this is from natural reason But the knowledge of perseverance is taught by Scripture and divine revelation Neither is it moral certitude only for the present but it is a certitude of divine Faith grounded on divine Authority in holy Scriptures Obj. Obj. But how can a man know with certainty of Faith that he himself believeth because it is not particularly revealed in Scripture that such a man by name believeth● Therefore the proposition of his believing in special not being founded on divine authority the conclusion concerning his perseverance and certainty of salvation cannot be certain by a divine Faith Answ I answer 1. A conclusion may be de fide Answ 1 and should be assented to by a divine Faith if it be deduced from one proposition set down in holy Scripture and another made evident by the light of nature or sense As for example this conclusion the Father and the Son in the holy Trinity are two distinct persons is and should be assented to with a divine Faith and yet is deduced from one proposition known by the light of nature To wit that which begets is distinct from that which is begotten and from another proposition known by the light of the Word To wit but the Father begets and the Son is begotten in like manner this couclusion Jesus born of the Virgin Mary is the Messiah is to be assented to with divine Faith and yet our Lord inferreth the same from one proposition known by the light of Scripture To wit Isaiah 35. he that doth the works of the Messiah is he true Messiah But I do these works saith our Lord Math. 11.3 Now this assumption was known by sense and by seeing him do those works So I say this conclusion I shall persevere in grace unto eternal life is assented unto by divine Faith and is deduced from one proposition known by the light of Scripture To wit He that believeth shall not perish but persevere unto eternal life Ioh. 3.16 And from another known by the light of spiritual sense in the renewed man To wit But I believe 2. This spiritual sease of a Believer is not a fantasie or imagination but is soundly founded on the qualifications and marks of true saving Faith as they are holden forth in holy Scripture as 1. That true faith from sense of Gods love doth humble the heart and afflict the spirit with sorrow for sin Zach. 12.10 They shall look upon him whom they pierced and they shall mourn This look is by believing and it brings home with it a sense of love which woundeth the heart with sorrow for sin 2. True Faith purgeth and purifieth the heart Act. 15.9 Christ received by Faith to dwell in our hearts doth by the sweet smell of his oyntments and graces purge out of our hearts the sent and delight of sinful and vile lusts 3. This true saving Faith is not dead and idle but holy and operative It worketh by love Gal. 5.6 as the fire worketh by heat on the objects see before it so Faith by love to God bringeth forth works of holyness toward God and of righteousness toward our neighbour 4. Lastly it is a prevailing and overcoming Faith 1 Joh. 5.4 This is the victory that overcometh the world even our Faith and Faith resisting and overcoming temptations is a sound Faith Though a renewed man and sound Believer may be overcome by temptation at a time in his affections Yet his will is not wholly subdued and overcome for the ill he doth he willeth it not Rom. 7.19 To Iesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our Faith with the Father and holy Ghost be all praise Amen Victory over DEATH through CHRIST 1 COR. 15.56 57. The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the Law But thanks be to God who giveth us the Victory through Jesus Christ AS our perseverance in the state of grace A peaceable death flows from the fulness of Christ is a fruit of the Merit of Christ so a peaceable death in the savour of God and in the hope of glory is a refreshing stream flowing from the fulness of Jesus Christ The comfortable tast of the fruits of the Cross of Christ doth sweeten the bitterness of death as that tree did sweeten the waters of Marah Exod. 15.25 In the words two points offer themselves to our consideration 1. A twofold misery from which we are delivered In the words two points to wit the sting of death and the strength of sin 2. The procurer of our deliverance Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ As for the one part of our misery In what sense the Law is the strength of sin the curse and rigor of the Law and how we are delivered from it we spoke already in a Sermon on Act. 13.39 Only I would speak one word or to clear how the Law which forbiddeth sin and threatneth punishment to the sinner is said to be the strength of sin It is not to be understood so as if the Law did strengthen a man to or in sinning for it prohibites sin and reveals wrath from heaven against all unrighteousness and disobedience but the Law is called the strength of sin because a man unrenewed before the time the Lord by grace rectifies his will and affections doth from his own inbred corruption take occasion at hearing of the Law to enlarge his vast desires toward all the sins forbidden therein It is not so much the forbidding of sin as sin forbidden and heard of that provoketh the sinful appecite Rom. 7.7 8. Is the Law sin God forbid Nay I had not known sin but by the Law but sin taking occasion by the commandment wrought in me all manner of concup scence for without the Law sin was dead Our inordinate concupiscence when it is once awaked by hearing of sins forbidden like a sleeping Dog awaked becomes more fierce to commit sin like those whose appetite is depraved by that disease called Malacia or Pica they long most after meats forbidden for this reason Aquinas renders
dying man with an incurable wound unto eternal death As the sting of of the Scorpion inflameth and tormenteth the whole man that is stung so known sins unrepented of put soul and body in a flame of unquenchable fire thus it was with that miserable rich man Luke 16.24 Delay not thy repentance and the seeking of thy remission till thou art on thy death bed would ye not think that malefactor a careless fool and unnatural to himself who should delay to seek his remission unto the very day he were taken out of prison to the place of execution though God hath promised mercy to him that repenteth yet hath he not promised repentance to him that delayeth The sluggard foldeth his hands and saith yet a little sleep a little slumber and his poverty cometh as an armed man he cannot resist it Prov. 24.34 so it is with a careless Professor who sleepeth over his days and hath not a thought of death till it be at door then doth it surprize him as an enemy armed with the dart and sting of sin unrepented of and such a man not guarded by the shield of faith into the righteousness of Jesus Christ is confounded and overcome as a naked souldier with fear at the very sight of death Such debtors who delay to think on their debts and in time to speak for favour with their creditors when the term of reckoning and payment comes they are confounded with shame and fear therefore delay not but in time confess thy debts unto God seek thy discharge and acquittance in the blood of Christ who is the surety of the new Covenant Labour by faith in the charter and Covenant of grace for a sight of that great salvation purchased by the death of Jesus that at thy death with old Simeon thou mayst say and sing that Swan-like song Mine eyes have seen thy salvation now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace Luke 2.29 2. As thou wouldst be well prepared for death Labour to keep a good conscience in thy life-time This is the chest wherein thy remission and peace is kept a man of good conscience in all things willing to live honestly as the Apostle describes Heb. 13.18 he liveth aad dieth in peace It was Hezekiah his great comfort in his sickness and apprehension of death 2 Kings 20 3. I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart It was Pauls comfort 2 Tim. 4.7 8. I have fought a good fight henceforth is laid up for me a crown of righteousness A good conscience is a continual feast it hath the sweetest relish at death when a man at that time is become like old Barzillai through age and debility 2 Sam. 19.35 his senses of seeing tasting and hearing fail him yet even at that time the relish of a good conscience will most refresh him 3. Be thou prepared as the wise virgins were to meet the bridegroom not only with light in their lamps as the foolish virgins were also but with oyl in their vessels Not only must thou have the light of a fair profession before the world but also thou must have in thy heart the oyl of charity toward God and man If thou have love toward God and his holy commandments and love unfained toward thy neighbour but specially toward those in whom thou seest most of the image of God then art thou prepared for death and life eternal is prepared for thee 1 Cor. 2.9 Eye hath not seen ear hath not heard neither can it enter into the heart of man to conceive what God hath prepared for them that love him And 1 Joh. 3.14 By this we know that we have passed from death to life because we love the Brethren but thou who hatest thy neighbour art filled with bitterness and desire of revenge and wilt not commit thy cause to him who judgeth righteously thou art not yet prepared for death so long as thou art in the gall of bitterness for he that loveth not his brother abideth in death 1 Joh. 3.15 That rigid and merciless servant who had no pity on his fellow servant was cast into prison So saith our Lord our heavenly father will do unto us if we from our hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses Mat. 18.33.4 We should be prepared as good and faithful servants waiting for the return of their absent Lord. Luke 12.36 Having their loyns girded and watching In those Eastern countreys the servants for their better expediting business at home or their Journeys abroad did gird up their long cloaths that they should not entangle their feet and retard them in their course The Apostle Eph. 6. speaketh of the girdle of truth and sincerity when our affections are taken off from things earthly trussed up united together and set on God when our heart is in heaven where our treasure is Then and not till then is a man prepared for death When his minde is heavenly and his affections are not trailing on the things of the earth like long garments licking up the dust for a worldly minded man is not yet prepared for death A man that spendeth all his time and care upon repairing the house where he dwelleth for the present but speaketh not for another house nor sendeth away any of his furniture to it will ye say such a man hath any mind to remove so a worldly-minded man that spendeth his time and strength of spirit upon this present world who speaketh not to God in time by prayer for that eternal house in heaven that sendeth not his heart before him as a part of his heavenly furniture such a man is not prepared for removal out of this world Therefore let us obey our Lords warning Luke 21.34 Let not your hearts be oppressed with surfeiting or drunkenness and with the cares of this life and so that day come upon you unawares A heart fixed on the world is taken away unwillingly at death the worldly man who had his full heaven in a full barn his soul was taken from him Luke 12.20 The worldly-minded man unless he repent and become heavenly-minded doth in some respect die a violent death he doth not as our Lord did commit his spirit into the hands of his Father but his soul is taken from him against his will he is drawn forth as a Malefactor from the prison of his earthly house to the place of execution But the spiritual man that hath his heart drawn off the world and set on God he hath his soul ready in his hand to put it over into Gods hand he knoweth whom he hath believed and that his faithful creator will keep the good thing committed to him against that day As thou must gird up thy loyns so thou must watch for thou knowest not how soon thy Lord may send his messenger for thee Watch over thy heart that it depart not from the living God by unbelief nor be drawn away by thy inordinate concupiscence and unruly affections watch over thy
better for me to die then to live His fit groweth worse vers 9. I do well to be angry even unto death Yet his merciful Father takes not Jonah away in this fit but spared him and gave him grace to out-live this fit by repentance The children of God recover themselves by repentance and in an holy indignation revenge themselves upon themselves for their former distemper So David recovered from his fit of impatiency rebukes himself Psa 73.22 I was as a beast before thee 4. Cast not away thy confidence but walk by faith In a time of trouble the Just shall live by faith Hab. 2.4 The children of God in times of great and long troubles are subject to fits of unbelief Judg. 6.13 Gideon said O my Lord if the Lord be with us why then is all this befallen us Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt but now the Lord hath forsaken us And David Psa 116.11 I said in my haste All men are lyars Psa 31.22 I said in my haste I am cut off from before thine eyes Notwithstanding special promises of God to the contrary yet he had his own fit of distrustfull fear to be cut off by the hand of Saul Against such fits guard thy heart with submission to his divine wisedom in the training up of his own children He scourgeth every Son whom he receiveth Heb. 12.6 Consider his gracious wisedom ordering thy afflictions for thy souls good Heb. 12.13 He chastiseth us for our profit that we may be partakers of his holinesse But when thou hast such a fit of unbelief and canst not beleeve that the Lord in love chastiseth thee but punisheth thee in anger Remember the daies of old when the Lord heard thy praiers and thou hadst a sweet return of peace to thy soul In the experience of this say thou to thy heart as Sampsons Mother said to her Husband Manoah Judg. 13.23 If the Lord were pleased to kill us he would not have received a burnt-offering and a meat-offering at our hands Look into thy own heart and if thou in a time of great trouble fear to offend him and desire to obey thou maist and shouldst rest on him as thy God Isa 5.10 Who is amongst you that feareth the Lord and obeyeth the voice of his servant that walketh in darknesse and hath no light let him rest in the Name of the Lord and stay upon his God Though thou see not any appearance of deliverance yet rest on the power of God submit to his will and use no unlawful means for thy own delivery So did the three children Dan. 3.17 Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand but if not Be it known unto thee O King we will not serve thy Gods The third particular to be considered is the way how the Apostle attained this contentation of minde in all estates of life I have learned saith he and I am instructed in the original it is I am instructed in a mystery or secret The mystery and secret of contentment in whatsoever estate Doct. The mystery of contentment is taught only in the School of Christ It is not taught from principles of nature is taught only in the School of Jesus Christ The truth of this Doctrine will appear if we consider 1. how it is not taught 2. how it is taught It is not taught from any principles of corrupt nature because this being alike in all the children of Adam must be uniform in its operations and so all men should be taught this contentment but the contrary is seen in many male-contents and murmurers under their present condition in the world Corrupt nature frets at every thing displeasing to flesh and bloud until it be healed by the grace of regeneration But where this secret fretting is there can be no true contentment Neither can it be taught by the moral precept of Natural men It is true heathen men Nor by morall precepts of natural men specially the Stoick Philosophers have spoken somewhat to this purpose yet they did not teach men to be content in whatsoever estate They did commend that horrid sinne of self-murther in the case of dis-contentment They compared mans life to a banquet that he might willingly leave when once he were full and to a stage-play that he might leave when once he were wearied And Seneca cals such a death a gate to liberty This is not to teach contentment in every estate As they failed fouly in their precepts so in their practise of contentment It is true some heathens appeared content in their sober and course diet of living Fabricius that Noble Romane Senator was content to feed upon his dish of Roots and he answered to these Legats who would have corrupted him with vast Sums of gold to betray his own Countrey that a man who was content to feed on Roots needed not their gold yet they were not content in every estate they could not endure disgrace in the world for their honour was their Idol Lucretia and Cato of Vtica could not bear their disgrace with any contentment but made away themselves in their violent fits of discontentment Augustine And August lib. 1. de Civit. Dei cap. 20. saith well That it is but a weak spirit that cannot comport with the want of health in the body or with the want of the applause of the people Next the truth of this Doctrine appeareth It is taught 1. By the Word if we consider positively how this mystery of contentment is taught It is taught in the School of Christ 1. By the Word of God 2. By the example of Christ 3. By the Spirit of Christ 1. Is is taught by the Word of God It is called the word of Patience because it commands us to be patient Rev. 3.10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience saith the Angel of the Covenant to the Church of Philadelphia I will also keep thee from the hour of Temptation c. It is taught by the word of precept which commandeth us to be godly and where godlinesse is it hath with it contentment 1 Tim. 6.6 Godlinesse with contentment is great gain That is godlinesse which hath alwaies with it contentment is great gain 1 Tim. 6.8 Having food and raiment let us be therewith content Heb. 13.5 Be content with such things as ye have It is taught by the word of threatning 1 Cor. 10. Neither murmure ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer he threatens them from the fearfull destruction that fell upon murmurers against the Lords dispensation Jude ep 15 16 17. Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints to execute judgement upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him These are murmurers complainers It is taught fully by
shall give him shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life if Grace received could be lost and dried up wholly like the winter brook in drought of Summer then should it not spring up unto everlasting life But as it is observed in aquaeducts the water will ascend so high as the place is from whence at first it did descend even so this water of life saving Grace as it descends from heaven it carries the soul a long to heaven for it springeth up saith our Lord unto everlasting life This truth is also evident from Ioh. 6.37 Him that cometh unto me I will in no waies cast out by coming to Christ is meaned our believing in him as is evident by comparing verses 64 65. Therefore a true Believer in Christ is never cast out from him but doth persevere unto the end Obj. Obj. It is true say some Christ casteth him not out but he may steal away his own heart by Apostacie from Christ and so cast out himself To this I answer first Answ 1 if the Shepheard of Israel and great Bishop of our souls did sleep or slumber his sheep might steal away wander and perish in their errors but he is vigilant over all his flock he is not like that Keeper 1 King 20.39 While he was busie here and there he lost tho man committed unto his keeping The Shepheard of Israel slumbers not his eyes are alwayes upon every one of his flock The crector of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is weary Isa 40.28 he leads them in great compassion and wisdom Isa 40.11 He shall gather the Lambs with his arm and carrie them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young he pittyeth us in our infirmities and will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able 1 Cor. 10.13 Though the great Shepheard of our souls in his wisdom suffer his little flock to wander in an hour of darkness to humble them with a sight of their own sillyness and weakness who hath neither wit nor strength to keep themselves yet he hath a watchful eye over them in their wanderings he looked upon Peter with an eye of Pitty and Power to bring him again by repentance after he had departed by a foul denyal he suffers not his own sheep to wander out of the sight of his mercy he sendeth out after them the Spirit of conviction and contrition he makes their barking conscience like the Shepheards Dog to pursue and turn them from their wanderings 2. Moreover if any of the slock of Christ could so stealaway that they should perish in their sins and errors Then Christ himself should cast them out which is contrary to his gracious and faithful Promise for such a disserting of them to go on and perish in their errors were a casting of them out of his care and Protection but our gracious Lord saith Him that cometh to me I will in no wayes cast out neither directly nor indirectly by suffering them to run on in the way of perdition Reasons from Scriptural Truths Reasons do also confirm the truth of this Doctrine 1. From the certainty and stability of election 1. The stability of Election Math. 24.24 There shall arise false Christs and false Prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very Elect. 2 Tim. 2.19 The foundation of the Lord standeth sure It is not possible for those he hath elected in his unchangeable purpose to fall away totally and finally but so it is that a sound Believer is elected of God Iohn 6.37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me all whom the Father elected to Glory and giveth to the Mediator that by the Merit of his death they may be brought unto the possession of that decreed glory all such sometime are made believers in Christ so likewise all who come to Christ and believe in him are given of the Father and elected There is a reciprocation betwixt election and believing as betwixt the cause and necessary effect Act. 13.48 As many as were ordained to eternal life believed To expound this place of a natural disposition and inclination for eternal life is Pelagianism and a violating of the text of such misinterpreters I say as Augustin contra Adimant S. Augustin if they do it out of ignorance there is nothing more blind and if they do it out of knowledge there is nothing more wicked 2. 2. Gods Power Reason is taken from the power of God Those who are kept by the power of God cannot be lost for there cannot be a greater power to pull them out of the hand of infinite and Almighty power but so it is that Believers are kept by the power of God 1 Pet. 1.5 They are kept by the Father Ioh. 10.29 By the Son Ioh. 10.28 And by the holy Ghost dwelling in them and keeping the house where he is lodged Rom. 8.11 all the three blessed persons have one common care to preserve Believers 3. 3. The Mystical Union with Christ Reason is taken from the mystical Vnion of a Believer with Christ Those who are once in Christ cannot perish but do persevere in Grace to the end Rom. 8.1 There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus but believers are in Christ and Christ is in them he dwelleth in their hearts by Faith Eph. 3.17 he is the Saviour of his Mystical body Eph. 5.24 A strong man will not suffer any of his members to be taken from him and our Lord is the stronger one Luc. 11.22 Obj. Obj. But if a member of the natural body through its own corruption doth rott a man willingly suffereth it to be cut off from the body so a man though once a member of Christs Mystical body may through his own prevalent corruption be cut off from Christ and perish for ever Answ There is no question Answ but even the renewed mans inbred and indwelling corruption if not restrained and overpowered by the Grace of God might carrie him far away from Christ but if any man could hinder that corruption to grow and prevail in his body or if he could restore a corrupt and defective member would he be so unnatural to the members of his own body as to suffer them to perish but so it is that our head the Lord Iesus Christ is able not only with mercie and strength of Grace to prevent the decayings of his Mystical members but also by the Grace of Repentance to restore them when their falls do disjoynt and dislocate them not from the body but from a lively and vigorous motion in the way of common duties with other believers that stand firm thus he restored David and Peter after their failings the corruption of such Members is not desperare and incurable The Union of a Believer with Christ is compared to
he was slow to anger but ready to forgive The remembrance of Gods former kindness upheld David in his comfortless condition Psal 77.5 11. I have considered the dayes of old This comforted Jonah 2.4 I said I am cast out of thy sight yet I will look again toward thy holy temple He remembred the comfortable testimonies of the Lords love and presence in his holy temple 4. Wait thou upon God by an humble confidence and dependance Isa 50.10 Who is among you that feareth the Lord and obeyeth the voice of his servant that walketh in darkness and hath no light let him trust in the name of the Lord and stay upon his God This is the counsel of the Prophet when the Caldeans oppressed the people of God and prospered at such a time God hid himself did neither deliver his people nor reveal the time of their delivery and of their enemies destruction yet he will have them to wait on and depend on God by Faith when there was no sense of comfort Habak 2.3 4. The vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not ly● though it tarry wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry his soul which is lifted up in him is not upright but the just shall live by Faith the soul that is lifted up in a time of great trouble the Apostle Heb. 10.30 Expounds it the soul that draweth back to wit by unbelief Heb. 3.12 When men say as wicked Jehoram in a time wherein they see no appearance of deliverance 2 King 6.33 Behold this evil is of the Lord what should I wait for the Lord any longer Therefore in hope and patience wait thou upon the Lord so the Church of God resolved to do Isa 8.17 I will wait upon the Lord that hideth his face from the house of Jacob and I will look for him So did David Psal Why art thou cast down within me O my soul hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him It is an evidence of a true and loving servant to wait and attend on his Master though for a time he get neither a kind word nor a benign countenance his patient attendance and constancy in doing duty is the way to obtain it A soul believing and waiting patiently on God shall not be disappointed of the desired and expected end Psal 9.18 The needy shall not alway be forgotten the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever One time or other thy God will put a new song of praise in thy heart and mouth as he did to David who waited patiently and in the end was delivered out of the horrible pit Psal 40.1 2. It is good even under great calamities quietly to hope Lament 3.26 Hope is our Anchor that establisheth our hearts in the stormy day from being carried about with every strong wind of the present time Let us therefore do as those men Act. 27. When they saw neither Sun nor Stars for many dayes they cast out their Anchors and waited and wished for the day So in our cloudy times of desertion wherein we have no light or comfort more or less let us cast our Anchor of hope within the vail and wait for that glorious day wherein our Lord will wipe away all tears from our eyes and give us glorions rest for ever Before I close this purpose of our perseverance in the estate of grace through the strength of Christ Two questions resolved I would answer two questions 1. If a renewed man may have any certain knowledge of his perseverance 2. What kind of knowledge it is whether at the best only Moral as some Popish Divines grant or fiducial by a certitude of Faith Answ To the 1. I answer affirmatively A believer may have certain knowledge of his perseverance 1. Examples as is evident from examples in holy Scriptures of the dear children of God who were assured of their perseverance Job 19.26 In my flesh shall I see God he was assured to see God in his Country above and therefore was assured to persevere in his journey toward it even in an estate of Grace Psal 23.6 Kindness shall follow me all the dayes of my life Psal 48.14 He will be our guide even unto death Where he speaketh not of himself only as by a special revelation but he speaketh in the plural number in the name of all Believers Asaph also was confident of his perseverance in grace unto glory Psal 73.24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterward receive me to glory Rom. 8.39 Nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus and 1 Joh. 3.14 We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren in which places the Apostles speak of the certain knowledge of perseverance and of salvation in the name of all believing and Justified persons It is also evident from reason 2. Reasons and necessary consequence from Scriptural Truths 1. Because a renewed man may know that thing certainly wherein he rejoyceth for joy is not in things uncertain but we rejoyce in the hope of glory Rom. 5. 2 therefore a renewed man may know that he shall persevere in grace unto glory 2. A renewed man may know that in certainty for which he blesseth God seeing we bless not for things uncertain But renewed men bless God for the grace of perseverance 1 Pet. 1.5 blessed be God we are kept by his power through Faith unto the inheritance c. 3. If a man renewed may know that he hath justifying Faith then may be know certainly that he shall be saved and persevere in grace unto eternal life because there is an inseparable conjunction betwixt this Faith and eternal life Ioh. 3.16 Ioh. 5.24 Ioh. 6.47 but a renewed man may know that he hath Justifying Faith because it were in vain to require a man to examine himself if he be in the Faith if so be he could not know it after examination for a man cannot examine himself in that which is impossible to be known but we are commanded to examine our selves if we be in the Faith 2 Cor. 13.5 which cannot be understood only of that Catholick and Dogmatick Faith as Adversaries alledge because Paul speaketh to them who had received the Christian Doctrine already and there was no doubt concerning the soundness of it as also he speaks there of Christ his dwelling in us by Faith when we are assured Christ is ours as a man is assured of the society and company of one who dwelleth in the same house with him and the Faith whereby Christ dwels in a man is that special Faith which purifieth the heart where he dwels A renewed man may know his perseverance by a certainty of Faith To the second I answer there is a knowledge of a thing to come from probabilities or conjectures and this is opinion only which is liable to error and
ways that thou maist be found in thy Lords ways walking in his holy commandments blessed is the man whom his Master when he cometh sindeth so doing as thou watchest over thy own heart and ways so watch and long after the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and this longing for death out of a love to be with him is a sure evidence of a soul well prepared for death 2 Tim. 4.8 The Lord will give a Crown of righteousness not to me only but to them also who love his appearing To him with the Father and holy Ghost be all praise Amen Having spoken of the sting of death we proceed to speak the cure and of our deliverance from it Of the cure of death The Author of our deliverance and victory is the Lord Iesus Christ the Captain of our salvation The Apostle compareth death to a conquering and prevailing enemy which by its sting and weapon woundeth many with a mortal and incurable wound because such men as live to sin and die in their guiltiness go down by the first death to the second into that bottomless pit out of which there is no redemption Jesus Christ our Lord by the merit of his death alone hath overcome death Doct. Christ only hath overcome death for all that believe in him and of a bitter enemy hath made death a comfortable friend to all who believe in him for by him alone we get victory over death That we may understand this point the better we should consider in what respect Christ hath delivered us from death he hath not delivered us from our obligation and subjection to the necessity of dying for we see believers dye as well as unbelievers Neither hath he delivered us from being subject to sicknesses and alterations going before death David complains the pains of hell got hold upon him Psal 116.3 that is extream pains in his body and anxiety in his spirit Neither hath our Lord delivered from pain at the hour of death nor from the separation of soul and body by death But our Lord hath overcome death in these respects 1. In respect of 1. The sting of death In respect of the sting of death he hath taken away our sins and as an enemy is overcome when his deadly weapon is taken out of his hand so our Lord overcame death by taking away sin on his cross for sin is the sting of death Hos 13.14 O Death I will be thy plagues This the Apostle cites 1 Cor. 15.54 The Captain of our salvation upon the cross as in an open and pitched battel did spoyl principalities and powers Col. 2.15 One of these powers armed against us was death he took away our sins on the cross and so spoyled death of his weapon as a valiant Conquerour takes away the weapons from a subdued enemy 2. 2. The fear of death Jesus Christ our Lord hath freed us from the fear of death Heb. 2.15 he was partaker of flesh and blood he took upon him our nature that he might deliver them who through the fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage Our Lord by taking away our sins the sting and weapon of death doth deliver us from the fear of death for that which maketh an enemy fearful is his deadly weapon It is true sometimes men may fear even a naked enemy but they have no cause seeing he cannot harm them so some of Gods dear children at a time may exceed in the fear of death but they have no such cause of fear neither would they be so afraid 3. The curse of death if they were strong in the faith of Jesus Christ who hath disarmed death 3. Our Lord hath delivered us from the curse of death that to us the first death is not a dreadful passage to the second Ioh. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life Rev. 14.13 Blessed are they that die in the Lord that henceforth they may rest from their labours As for weakness sickness pain and alterations in the body though our Lord hath not delivered us from them yet by the merit of his death and the grace of his Spirit he sanctifieth them to us and in a gracious providence turneth them to a good and spiritual use Our Lords death is like to that salt that purged and sweetned the naughty waters of Jericho 2 Kings 2.21 and like the meal cast into the pot wherein was the bitter herb 2 Kings 4.41 The death of our Lord hath taken wrath and the curse from out of all our afflictions and maketh them useful and profitable unto us Our Lord in a gracious dispensation turneth the bodily sickness of his own children into a spiritual medicine for purging an humorous and distempered soul for bringing down the tympany and swelling pride of the heart such as glory and boast in the beauty or strength of the body do see in time of sickness the weakness and vileness of the body and so being humbled learn to glory onely in the Lord and in the beauty of his grace in the inward man A sanctified sickness purgeth out of the heart covetousness the hearts Dropsie thirsting for more of this present world when the sick man seeth the emptiness of things worldly which cannot give him any ease in the time of his greatest need A sanctified sickness purgeth out unruly lusts which are as a burning feaver to the soul sickness takes down the body and grace sanctifying it turns it into a temple to the holy Ghost The wise Master-builder useth sickness as a sharp edged tool for polishing the body for the inhabitation of the Spirit that it may be a temple prepared In like manner our wise and merciful Lord though he deliver not his own children from death yet he maketh their death to be of singular good use to them It is a putting off of corruption that they may be clothed upon with incorruption The death of wicked men dying in their guiltiness is like unto a thiefs putting off his cloaths to the end he may be scourged but the death of the godly is like unto a childs putting off the old garment that he may put on the new that is incorruptible and will not fade but ever have a beautiful lustre It is for this their soul doth groan and long 2 Cor. 5.2 In this we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven 4. The dominon of death As for deaths dominion and power over our bodies in the grave our Lord did take it also away by the merit of his death and declared his victory over and our deliverance from it by raising his own body and by loosing the bonds of death when our Lord awoke from death and stretched out the strength of his Godhead like Sampson he broke asunder those bonds as cords of flax Our deliverance from the grave will
of enjoying I will behold thy face 3. His perfect disposition and condition in the state of happiness I shall behold in righteousness having my heart perfectly conformed to the will of God the perfect and adequate rule of righteousness 4. The measure of his happiness I shall be satisfied my happiness will be full in the measure without want of any thing that can make me happy all my desires shall be satisfied and my happiness in respect of duration shall be eternal without a shadow or fear of a change The time when his compleat happiness will begin is The time of full happiness at the day of resurrection when I awake This is no wayes to to be understood of the awaking of the soul as if the soul during the sequestration of it from the body were as in a sleep without all sense either of pain or joy until the day of resurrection This is contrary to the holy Scriptures that tell us the spirit returns to him that gave it Eccles 12.7 The soul of the rich man was tormented and the soul of Lazarus comforted Luk. 16. Our Lord said to the convert Thief This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise and therefore his soul went straight to heaven Rev. 14 13. Blessed are the dead who dye in the Lord from hence forth that they may rest from their labours and their works follow them This place as it overturns that invention of purgatory for it is said from henceforth that is after their death they rest from their labours and so go not to that labour in the fire of purgatory So it discovereth and confuteth that dotage of some in the former and present times concerning the sleeping of the soul Neither can the place be understood only of a meer privation of trouble or pain such as dead bodies may have but it is a rest from labour with comfort reflecting to the soul from point of pain 1. It is an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 comforting rest as the same word is used by our Lord Math. 11.28 2. The place speaks of this rest as a special benefit bestowed on them that dye in the Lord and therefore it is not as some have thought a rest from all pain or joy which they affirmed to be common for a time both to the souls of good and evil men 3. And withall it is said their Works follow them to tell us no sooner the evening of this their life is ended but immediately they get their reward of glory in beholding the face of their Father which is in heaven But this manner of speech is used to express the death and rising of the body for in the Scripture phrase the death of the body is compared unto a sleep Ioh 11.11 Our friend Lazarus is asleep saith our Lord but I go to awake him of Iairus daughter our Lord said the maid sleepeth Math. 9.24 1 Thes 4.15 We which are alive shall not prevent them that are asleep The death of the body is fitly compared to a sleep Death fitly compared to a sleep for those reasons following 1. In time of sleep the senses are bound up there is no exercise of them so after death the body cannot act nor exercise any natural operation 2. As some go sooner to bed for sleep and others later so some dye in their younger others in an older age 3. As in sleeping some lye longer in bed others but a short time so the bodies of the Patriarchs are a longer time in their graves then the bodies of those who dye in the later times 4. As after sleeping there is an awaking so after death there will be a raising of the body 5. As some after sleep are refreshed and rise up cheerful others awake sick and heavy so in that morning of eternity the day of resurrection the Godly at their awaking from death will be refreshed and made glad with the sight of Gods face but the wicked will be awaked and rise with an heavy and doleful heart at the sight of Gods angry countenance then shall they curse the day of their birth and wish they had perished with the beast what Iob said once in a fit wishing for his dissolution they shall say in an eternal impatience longing for an Annihilation but shall not obtain it Iob 3.20 Wherefore is light given unto him that is in misery and life unto the bitter in soul which long for death but it cometh not and dig for it more then for hid treasures Our compleat happiness is delayed until the time our bodies be awaked and raised out of the grave Doctrine Compleat happiness shall be after our resurrection for it is said here I shall be satisfied when I awake Our satisfaction will not be till then The children are first awaked and raised up in the morning before they be set down at Table so our bodies must be first raised before we can be set down at their common Table and Communion of glory with Abraham Isaac and Iacob for our happiness cannot be consummate until the person be glorified both in soul and body that our compleat happiness is delayed till that time is evident from Scripture Dan. 12.2 Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life 1. Cor. 15.54 When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption then death is swallowed up in victory so that the compleat happiness both in soul and body will not be until we get victory over death and the grave by the resurrection of the body Thus the Lord delayeth it in his wisdom for these reasons 1. To shew his truth and faithfulness Reasons 1 by inflicting death according to the Word of threatning Gen. 3.19 Dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return And therefore to fulfil the Word of truth there must be a dissolution and returning of the body unto dust before there can be a resurrection 2. To confirm our faith of the resurrection when we hear the bodies of the Patriarchs do rest yet in their graves and are not raised up we are assured God will raise them and our selves with them If God had raised their bodies already Many would have doubted of any other resurrection yea when we see at any time the graves opened of those who dyed in the Lord their very bones and dust preach unto us and this a pious Necromancie the Doctrine of the resurrection that the bodies shall awake and rise unto life 3. The Lord delayeth it to shew his great power in quickening and raising the bodies that have been dead long ago for all things are alike possible to our God of infinite power he can raise them who are dead thousands of years since with no less facility then those who are lately dead with the same omnipotent facility he raised Lazarus stinking in the Grave and Jairus daughter but a few hours after her death his infinite power admits not a more and a less Gates of Brass and
here The song begun here shall be continued there Rev. 1.5 6. Vnto him that loved us and washed us in his own blood from our sins and hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and his father to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen This doctrine serveth for a ground of terror and weakening to wicked men who live and dye in their unrighteousness Vse 1 It is not possible for any in his unrighteousness to behold the face of God It is not possible for them in their unrighteousness to behold the face of God It is true they shall be forced to look on him as a dreadful Iudge and avenger of all unrighteousness They shall behold him as a Malefactor doth the Iudge with great terror and anguish of spirit Rev. 1.7 They shall look upon him and wail before him Thou that mournedst not on earth for thy sins shalt mourn for ever under that insupportable burden of wrath and Judgement therefore remember in time that this righteousness wherein the Saints will behold the face of God must have a beginning in this life Our sanctification is compared to a race Heb. 12.1 and no man comes to the end of the course but he that sometime began to run it is compared to a building 1 Pet. 2.5 there must be a foundation laid a believing and resting on Christ the corner stone and therefore a superstructure of holiness and righteousness before the top-stone and crown of perfect righteousness be put on It is compared to a growing in stature 2 Pet. 3.18 and without growing up in sanctification it is impossible to come into the measure of stature of the fulness of Christ we must be infants of glory in the state of grace before we can be men of glory in heaven Eph. 2.21 in Christ all the building fitly framed together groweth into an holy Temple in the Lord there must be first a growing and building up in sanctification before we can be Temples filled with glory in heaven It serveth for a ground of comfort unto all those who have set themselves in the way of righteousness Vse 2 Righteousness begun in this life will be perfect in heaven and do endeavour a conformity of their wills and wayes to the holy will and righteous ways of God here is their comfort that their righteousness begun in this life will be perfected and in a perfect personal righteousness in heaven they shall behold the face of God in glory begun holiness here is the infancy of perfect holiness and is no other thing then the gate of heaven and happiness Mat. 5.8 Blessed are the poor in heart for they shall see God Psal 97.11 Light is sown for the righteous and gladness for the upright in heart The seed of that full joy in heaven is sown in the renewed heart and the full fruits will be seen and enjoyed in the day of restoring all things when the godly by vertue of the second Adam will be restored to the possession of all the happiness they lost in the first Adam in that day thou shalt eat of the fruit of thy labours Thy labour of love here will not be forgot there a cup of cold water given to a disciple in the name of a disciple shall be richly rewarded the Lord thy God hath a book of remembrance Mal. 3.17 he hath a particular and distinct knowledge of every good work thou doest as men have particulars written up in their Diaries for their better remembrance In the day of resurrection whatsoever good work thou hast done in secret though there was little notice or noise of it in the world yet shall it be published in the audience of angels and men then thy bread cast on the waters upon the poor distressed and despised members of Jesus Christ which the rich Nabals in this present world thought to be as water spilt on the ground as lost and cast into the bottom of the Sea Then I say after many dayes thou shalt find it Luk. 14.14 Thou shalt be recompenced at the resurrection of the Iust It is true I confess it is not for our righteousness we are brought to behold Gods face in glory yet it must be in righteousness though not for our righteousness Christs righteousness onely makes way for us to the beholding of Gods face but personal inherent righteousness is a concomitant necessary for every person that would behold his glory Heb. 12.14 This thy perfect righteousness in heaven will make thy heart exceeding glad consider what joy of heart the godly have even from this testimony of their conscience onely that they are willing to live honestly though in many performances they come far short of their duty and desire Then what joy of heart will they have when they find in themselves the graces of holiness and righteousness perfected in an exact conformity unto the will of God if there be such joy in the seed time that Peter calleth it unspeakable and glorious 1 Pet. 1.8 what then will be the joy and exaltation in that day of the full harvest and in gathering if there be such joy at the laying of the foundation and in the time of building what will be our Ioy in that day when all will be covered and crowned with glory when the Comforter will dwell in us for ever Then will there be in our hearts an ever and overflowing fountain of Joy we shall be perfectly righteous and never grieve the Spirit and the Comforter will never desert us nor suspend the influence of his comfort Therefore be glad in the Lord and rejoyce ye righteous and shout for Ioy all ye that are upright in heart Psal 32.11 The fourth point considerable is the measure of our happiness 4. Point The measure of our eternal happiness set down in these words I shall be satisfied with thy likeness Our happiness in heaven will be full and satisfactory to the desires of our souls Doct. Our happiness heaven will be full and satisfactory This satisfaction standeth in these two 1. In a full peace and rest for ever from all troubles 2. In a full Ioy and delight for ever these two blessings of Peace and Ioy for ever will flow from that Ocean of blessedness the facial vision of God and run as a refreshing river through the soul beholding the face of God the eternal misery of the damned wil be perpetuated both in a punishment of loss which is called outer darkness the want of Gods gracious and comfortable presence for ever and also in a pain of sense which is called Isa 66. a worm that dyeth not and a fire that cannot be quenched but the happiness of the godly will be continued for ever in a Rest from all pain and in a fruition of all good in God al-sufficient in himself and all in all to them The godly will have a full Rest 1. The Saints in heaven have a full rest from 1. All troubles From all
28.8 in our regenerate estate though we have joy from Christ that is formed in us yet the impression of the terrours of God before the time of our new birth remain in us as in a commotion of the Sea by a great tempest after the stormy wind hath ceased yet the impression of the storm remains and makes an Agitation The tender mother recovering her young child from danger of a fall hath joy from the recovery but with much fear with the impression of the danger so after we are recovered here from our dangerous falls by the rich and tender mercies of our God sometime prevening us sometime restoring us though we rejoyce in his mercy and in our own recovery out of the snares of Sathan yet in the midst of our joy the remembrance of former guiltiness and danger do humble our our hearts with much sorrow and some trepidation of heart As our joy here is mixed with fear so with sorrow also The sound believer doth look up to Christ crucified and doth rejoyce in his incomparable love that such a person should have dyed such a death for such as were enemies to God by sinful inclinations and wicked works They look down also upon their own sins that have wonnded and crucified the Lord of Glory and this breaketh the heart as a widdow should mourn who by her froward and lewd behaviour hath burst the heart of a kind and loving husband The sound Believers look to their small beginnings of Grace and they rejoyce in the Work of Gods hands but when they compare it with that original and primitive righteousness they mourn bitterly as the Elders of Israel did at the rebuilding of the Temple Ezra 3.12 Those who had seen the first house weeped But in heaven our joy will be full without mixture of sorrow Ioh. 16.20 Your sorrow saith our Lord shall be turned into joy Then will there be no sorrow for a present trouble nor present fear of future troubles Then their eye will deeply affect their heart The sight and knowledge of God the supreme and infinite good will ravish and take up all their heart with joy and delight Peter in the Mount Math. 17. was so affected with that glorious sight that he forgot both the delights and troubles that were below It is good to be here said he How much more will all worldly troubles and delights be forgot at that soul-satisfying sight in heaven which is as far above that of Peter in the Mount as the third heaven is above that Mount and as the increated is above the created glory Obj. But will not the Saints in heaven remember the evils on earth from which they were delivered and if so be they remember them will it be with any sorrow or fear Answ The knowledge and remembrance of miseries which the Saints in Heaven have is with our anguish No doubt they will remember great deliverances Revel 5.9 Thou wast slain and thou hast redeemed us say the four and twenty Elders yea the Saints in heaven have some knowledge of the great misery of the damned Not only from the remembrance of the Word of God foretelling it but also from their own great happiness as knowing one contrary by another they know well the misery of such men is extream who are deprived of the great happiness themselves do enjoy But all their knowledge of the misery of the damned and the remembrance of troubles in this life will be without all anguish or sense of pain Augustine of the City of God lib. 22. ch 30. compareth the knowledge that the Saints in heaven have of the misery of the damned unto that knowledge Physitians have of painful diseases from their reading but not from sense and experience of the pain in their own person The Saints in heaven will remember the troubles of this life as Souldiers after the victory remember the fight and as passengers safely arrived remember a dangerous voiage This remembrance will encrease their joy and praise to God The knowledge of the misery of the damned though of their dearest friends and acquaintance on earth will be matter of praising Gods Justice declared on them and of his eternal mercy manifested on themselves the glory of Gods Justice will so affect them that they neither can nor will be sorry for the misery of any person This joy of the Saints in heaven will be full in the measure of it for if the measure of our joy here from faith into the gracious promises and from some sense of love be above expression what will be the joy in that facial vision If such be the joy of faith in hearing of our Lord and husband by his sacred letter and secret tokens of love what will be our joy in seeing him and dwelling with him for ever if the passengers at Sea have such joy in seeing the desired Land a far of through the prospect of faith what will be the measure of their joy when they come within that part of eternal salvation where they shal have perpetual tranquillity and perfect delight in the fruition of God in whom as the center do meet all the lines of created comforts and delights that have been drawn forth at any time to any part of the circumference of this world yea much more then eye hath seen ear heard or heart can conceive As our joy in heaven will be intensively full in the degrees and measure so will it be extensively full to the whole person both to the soul and to the body Ioseph at his inlargement out of prison got a new garment a ring and honourable preferment so in the day of the inlargement of our bodies out of the grave there will be given to the Saints a long and large white robe of innocency both to soul and body Then heavenly comliness and brightness shall as a ring adorn the body and the whole person in soul and body will be preferred to sit at the right hand of God in glory the soul being but a part of the person and whole suppos it hath a natural desire and longeth for the re-union of the body therefore in the day of resurrection when the body will be reunited the desire of the soul will be fully satisfied That joy of soul and body at meeting will be mutual like the joy of two dear friends meeting together after some separation for a time then will the soul be affected with joy from the body when it looketh out by the eye and beholdeth the glorious body of Christ the glorified bodies of the Saints and the brightness of that body wherein it self lodged the soul will have great joy in perceiving this glorious change in the body like a noble guest sometime straitned and molested in a nastie house doth afterward much rejoyce in a clean large and quiet habitation As the soul will have accession of joy from the reinvestiture of the body So the body over and besides its own proper outward glory
soul can comprehend and yet thou shalt be made capable to receive and enjoy so much as shall satisfie thee to the full and all thy spiritual desires shall be turned into delights there 2. Consider the pleasures of sin are deceitful Heb. 3.13 2. Deceitful they perform the very contrary of that they promise in the temptation they promise pleasure but bring endless and unspeakable pain if not repented they promise much gain and profit to the covetous man but bring with them in the end an irreparable loss for what availeth it a man to gain all the world and lose his own soul They promise honour and worldly applause to the ambitious man but bring along with them in the end shame and everlasting confusion Therefore in time change thy sinful wayes and set thine afrections on the pleasures above that are real and everlasting greater and sweeter will they be in our experience then now we can apprehend them by the report like exquisite delicacies and fragran odors which are best known by the tasting and smelling 3. 3. Vanishing Consider all thy worldly pleasures will vanish and perish they must end with this life riches will take the wings of the morning honour worldly is but a vapour and even thy lawful worldly pleasures are but a gliding stream that passeth away but the pleasures in heaven are for ever They shall never be exhausted neither shalt thou loath them therefore make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof but let it be thy daily study so to live here and so to dye that when thou art awaked in the day of resurrection thou mayst be satisfied with the sight of Gods face immediately after thy awaking and mayst be refreshed for ever with peace and joy flowing from that sight Object How to be assured of satisfactory pleasure in heaven But how shall I be assured of that full satisfaction in heaven Answ 1. Thou must be a mourner here for thy sins Luk. 6.21 Blessed are ye that weep now for ye shall laugh Psa 126.5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy as the harvest in order of time doth follow the seed time so shall thy joy in heaven succeed to thy sowing in tears ye have our Lords words for it Iohn 16.20 in the world ye shall be sorrowful but your sorrow shall be turned into joy as the water in Cana was turned into wine so thy tears shall be turned into eternal comfort and refreshment 2. As thou wouldst be assured of thy full satisfaction in heaven thou must hunger and thirst for righteousness here thou must have an earnest desire to do the will of God Luk. 6.21 Blessed are ye that hunger now for ye shall be filled A soul living and dying in a hatred of sin and a hunger and thirst after Christ the bread and water of life cannot perish God who worketh nothing in vain will satisfie thy supernatural appetite which is the work of his own hands if thou dye with a longing desire after Christ thou shalt rise with a full delight in Christ who in that day will satisfie thy longing soul 3. Thou must use frequent and fervent prayer unto God Ioh. 16.24 ask that your joy may be full Prayer in the name of the Mediator is the blessed Ordinance of God whereby he bestows on us here in some beginnings he earnest and the full satisfaction there the soul is lifted up to God by prayer and therefore filled with some drops of joy in this life as a vessel is holden up to the fountain and then filled Psa 86.4 rejoyce the soul of thy servant unto thee O Lord do I lift up my soul and those drops of Joy are to us an earnest of that full Joy we shall have in the immediate and full fruition of God himself the fountain of life This doctrine serveth for a ground of comfort and encouragement unto the children of God Vse 2 1. Against all thy discouragements from many sad dispensations It may be thou minglest thy drink with tears as the people of God did Psal 80. yet faint not at that which thou seest hearest or feelest rejoyce in the hope of things not seen but believed be of good courage the day is coming when thy dyet shall be changed when the Cup of salvation shall be put into thine hand and thou shalt be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Gods house and thou shalt drink of the Rivers of his pleasures Psal 36.8 those heavenly pleasures are deep like Rivers they are a part of the unsearchable riches of Christ Eph. 3.8 They are long like Rivers they are continued for ever It may be thou art disquieted with the unjust reproaches of men and mayst in thy sad experience complain as Psal 69.20 Reproach hath broken my heart and I am full of heaviness yet lift up thine heart behold the day of thy redemption draweth neer the Lord shall bring forth the righteousness of his servants as the light at noon-tyde of the day Rejoyce thou in the hope of that solemn Iustification before man and Angel by which the foul mouthes of thy violent and malicious reproachers shall be stopped for ever Then shall they be speechless and confounded with shame when they shall hear the righteous Judge absolve many persons whom they in their supercilious and Pharisaical pride pre-condemned as prophane and unrighteous Remember thou who studyest in this day of mens Judging to approve thy self to God that in Gods day the Counsels of hearts will be made manifest And thou shalt have praise of God 1 Cor. 4.5 2. 2. Want of assurance of Gods love It may be now thou art discouraged from the little assurance thou hast of the love of God and accordingly thy Peace and Joy is but little Yet be of good comfort Remember we must walk here by Faith and not by sense such a full measure of the sense of Gods love and of peace and joy as thou wouldst have is reserved for thee in the other life rejoyce in this that God hath inlarged thine heart with strong desires after that promsed satisfaction he that hath opened thy heart will fill it Psal 81.10 Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it The little of peace and joy thou receivest here is given to encrease but not to satisfie thy desires at thy dying thy desire of refreshment and satisfaction will be greatest after death thy soul will behold thy Fathers face and at thy resurrection thy soul and body will be satisfied with his likeness 3. 3. Vicissitude of peace and trouble It may be thou art discouraged from the vicissitude of peace and trouble of joy and sorrow a long night of trouble succeedeth to thy short day of peace and joy Sometime the Lord will speak peace and at another time he writes bitter things against us we may read his displeasure in sore and great tryals sometimes he sheweth his face reconciled in Christ as our Father at