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A76078 The Church of England a true church: proved in a disputation held by John Bastwick Doctor in Physick, against Mr. Walter Montague in the Tower. Published by authority. Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. 1645 (1645) Wing B1058; Thomason E297_18; ESTC R200205 156,945 174

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they were certainly assured So we read Luke 1. vers 1. Whereof we are fully perswaded c. and Heb. 10. vers 34. And yee tooke the spoyling of your goods with joy knowing in your selves you had in Heaven a better and induring substance So in the first Epistle of St. John chap. 3. vers 2. Behold now are we the sonnes of God and it doth not yet appeare what we shall be but we know that when he shall appeare we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is In all the Saints we finde an infallible assurance and an undaunted and unremoveable confidence in Jesus Christ who they believed was delivered for their offences and raised againe for their justification knowing there was no other name under Heaven given amongst men whereby we must be saved Acts 4 ver 11. And this faith in Jesus Christ is that that will support us in all tribulations and finally save us according to that in St. John chap. 3. ver 14 15 16. As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wildernesse even so must the Sonne of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life For God so loved the world that be gave his onely begotten Sonne that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life And vers 18. He that believeth on him is not condemned but●● that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the onely begotten Sonne of God And in Chap. 5. ver 24. Verily verily I say unto you he that believeth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life Numberlesse testimonies might be accumulated out of the holy Scripture to prove that only to be the true faith and knowledge of Christ when we do conceive him in such sort as he is offered of the Father that is to say clothed with the Gospell for faith hath a mutuall relation to the word and the word to faith because the word is the fountaine of faith and the ground of faith and the mirrour in which faith beholdeth God as Christ saith here He that believeth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life This that I have now said Mr. Montague will I hope give satisfaction to any rationall man if not to your selfe that the Church of England believeth as it ought to believe because it regulates the faith of all Christians according to the word of God and Christ their onely Prophet and therefore it is an unanswerable argument that the Church of England is a true Church and built upon the foundation of Peter when it joyneth the knowledge of God in Jesus Christ and faith in him alone together Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnesse that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus Rom. 3. v. 25 26. When therefore I say the Church of England joyneth the knowledge of God and Christ and faith in them both inseparably together and makes daily publication of this same doctrine it is evident that it is a true Church and built upon the foundation of Peter the ground and pillar of truth and where salvation may be attained unto for that Church which shall confesse with the mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in their heart that God hath raised him from the dead shall be saved for with the heart men believe unto righteousnesse and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation Rom. 10. But the Church of England doth all this Ergo it believeth as it should believe and is a Church where salvation may be found And had the Church of England Mr. Montague but this marke alone it were enough for ever to stop the mouthes of all gainsayers and prove that it is a true Church and built upon the foundation of Peter and believes as it ought to believe And now I come to the qualification viz. That the Church of England doth renounce all self-merit in matter of salvation and all will-worship and humane inventions in Gods service which are requisites in any Church to make it a true Church and without which it cannot be a true Church You may remember Mr. Montague when you heard the name of merit and will-worship you began to bestir your selfe as if it had something troubled you and it doth indeed highly concerne you to looke about you lest falling upon the rocke of your owne merits you dash your selfe in pieces and destroy your owne soule And you affirmed that if you should speake of the doctrine of merits it would last you a weeke Truely Mr. Montague if you should speake a moneth or a yeere together of Christs merits and what he hath done and suffered for the redemption of mankind I should willingly be your anditor and think that nothing sufficient enough could be uttered or expressed to magnifie Gods and Christs love and to stirre up thankfulnesse obedience and love to God and Christ againe for their infinite mercy towards us such miserable creatures as we poore men are But Mr. Montague if you shall speake but one minute of an houre to extoll mans merit or to preach that men by their good workes can or may merit Heaven or if you goe about to establish that blasphemous doctrin for it is no better you shall have just cause to repent all the daies of your life for your so doing for this doctrine tends to overthrow the glorious Gospell and the whole worke of our redemption and Christs sufferings and opens an other way to Heaven than any of the Saints of old knew of who ever taught that Christ onely was the way the truth and the life and not mens merits and workes of supererogation Therefore Mr. Montague that Church that teacheth the free grace and eternall love of God in Jesus Christ unto the people when we were dead in our sinnes and trespasses and that inculcates self-deniall upon all men and urges them in matter of salvation to rely onely upon Christ and his obedience and passion with all his merits and to follow the guidance of his word for the manner of his service and teaches them to reject all will-worship and humane inventions in honouring God that Church believes as it ought to believe and teacheth the true way to Heaven and is built upon the foundation of Peter for all these things are the necessary requisites for the making of a true Church as I shall God willing speedily shew But if I shall be more large upon this point I desire your pardon for in my opinion it is a doctrine of as great concernment as any in Religion and where it is taught it is a sure evidence of a true Church In the handling of the which I will
to whom he is not their Lord he will be obeyed and have his pleasure submitted to or else we cannot be his disciples nor obtaine life eternall So that inevitably and most necessarily it followeth that we must renounce our owne merits and justification by our owne workes if we will believe in Christ as we ought to believe All which when the Church of England teacheth it is built upon the foundation of Peter and therefore is a true Church But that I may conclude this point and clearely evidence the truth of it to you Mr. Montague and all men and by other testimonies confirme it and in so doing prove the Church of England a true Church which you stifly deny I will briefly declare wherein our justification before God consisteth and what it is that makes us acceptable with him and to believe aright which is not to rely upon our own righteousnes but upon the righteousnes of Jesus Christ apprehended by faith And this doctrin we learn out of the holy Scriptures which teach us a twofold righteousnesse Rom. 10. v. 3. a righteousnesse of God and a righteousnesse of our owne which the Jewes relying upon as all Justiciaries do did not submit themselves to the righteousnesse of God therefore did not deny themselves and come unto Christ rely upon him Who was the end of the Law for righteousnesse to every one that believeth vers 4. For Moses saith the Apostle describeth the righteousnesse which is of the Law that the man that doth those things shall live by them But the righteousnesse which is of faith speaketh on this wise that if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved For with the heart man believeth unto righteousnesse and with the mouth confession is made to salvation Here faith alone is the hand that reacheth forth the righteousnes of Christ unto us and by which apprehending Christ we stand justified before God So that out of the words of the Apostle this twofold righteousnesse appeares the righteousnesse of the Gospell and the righteousnesse of the Law which the Apostle so describeth as no mortall man ever living besides Christ onely since the fall of Adam was righteous or just or indeed could be as is sufficiently by the places above mentioned proved But the righteousnes of the Gospell is that whosoever believeth in Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life John 3. For the just shall live by his faith Rom. 1. Gal. 3. Now then when the righteousnesse of the Law consisteth in the absolute and perfect observation obedience and fulfilling of the whole Law and no man can perfectly keepe observe and obey it it of necessity followes that we cannot attaine unto righteousnesse by the Law but we must seeke another righteousnesse which is onely to be found in the Gospell and that righteousnesse is the remission of all our sinnes and our reconciliation with God and the imputation of Christs righteousnesse freely bestowed upon us of God for Christs sake who is our onely Saviour and redeemer And this is to be built upon the foundation of Peter And this is the righteousnesse by which we must be saved and justified before God For we are justified freely by grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ As Paul saith to the Rom. chap. 3. ver 24. and in vers 28. farther expresseth himselfe saying We conclude therefore that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the Law The sense and meaning of the which words if we do duely consider them will so cleare unto all men this Evangelicall and everlasting truth that there will be no doubting of it to any rationall creature For the finding out therefore of the true sense of these words three things offer themselves to be deliberated on First what is meant here by being justified Secondly what is meant to be justified by faith Thirdly what are those works and deeds which are excluded from justification As concerning the first we are to observe three distinct actions of God in it First the freedome absolution of a sinner from the guilt of his sins and iniquities for the merits of Jesus Christ Acts 13. v. 38 39. Be it knowne unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached unto you forgivenesse of sins And by him all that believe are justified from all things from which they could not be justified by the law of Moses That is by Jesus Christ they are freed and absolved from the guilt of those sinnes which the Law could not free them from And in this sense doth the Apostle oppose justification to condemnation in Rom. 8. v. 33. which is nothing else but a binding over a man to undergoe the due and deserved punishment The second action of God is imputation or the esteeming or the accounting of a sinner as just for the merits of Jesus Christ Woe be to him that justifieth the wicked Esay 5. ver 22. that is that doth not make him just but accompts esteems and declares him as just So in the Gospell wisdom is said to be justified of her children that is approved of and acknowledged The third action of God is the acceptation or receiving of a sinner to life eternall in Christ For after God hath freed and absolved a sinner and imputed righteousnesse unto him this receiving of him after that to life eternall doth necessarily follow which is therefore cald justification of life Rom. 5. ver 18. where the reason of it is likewise rendered for as Adams sinne and offence was imputed to all or came upon all and by it death entered into the world and reigned so the obedience of Christ being imputed to all believers they are made righteous and obtaine justification of life From the consideration of all which this definition of justification is easily gathered That it is an action of God the Father absolving and freeing a sinner from all his offences and transgressions for the merits of Jesus Christ and imputing righteousnesse unto him and receiving of him to life eternall And now I come to the second thing viz. What is meant to be justified by faith The sense and meaning of the which as it is a matter of great moment and consequence and concernes no lesse than our eternall happinesse so it cals for and requires at our hands all care and diligence for the right understanding of it which the great Rabbins of the Church of Rome are ignorant of and that it may the more easily be delucidated and understood I will declare first what that thing is for which a sinner is justified and accounted just And that is the obedience of Jesus Christ our mediator and redeemer and that both his active and passive for those are not to be separated that God hath joyned together the last of which doth consist in Christs suffering of the first death in respect of his
God nor bring forth any acceptable fruit Joh. the 15. vers 5. Without me saith Christ yee can do nothing For the wisdome of the flesh saith the Apostle or the minding of the flesh Rom. 8. vers 6. is enmity against God for it is not subiect unto the Law of God neither indeede can be The Apostle says not only that the wisdome of the flesh is not subject unto the Law of God but that it cannot be And in the first of the Cor. chap. the second the Apostle saith the naturall man receives not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishnesse to him neither can hee know them because they are spiritually discerned Now if the unregenerate man in his sensuall and naturall condition cannot know and so much as discerne the things of the Spirit the things of God how much lesse can he do the things that God commands Therefore before Regeneration hee is dead in sinnes and trespasses following the desires of the flesh and of the mind and is by nature the child of wrath Ephes 2. vers 1.2.3 and this is the condition of all men before Regeneration Now if they be dead in sinnes and trespasses and follow the lusts of the flesh there is no life in them to that which is good before they be raised from the grave of sin which will never be before they forsake their own wayes and their own thoughts and deny themselves This is a knowne truth ratified by the Apostle Heb. 11. vers 6. and confirmed by the Testimony of all orthodox Writers that without faith it is impossible to please God Now all men in their naturall condition are without faith they are without Christ being Aliens from the Common-Wealth of Israel and strangers from the Covenant of promise having no hope and without God in the World Ephes 2. vers 12. and therefore in a sad deplorable and desperate condition so long as they continue and abide in their corrupt nature and are not sanctifyed by grace for without faith they cannot please God or do any good workes for whatsoever is not of faith is sinne Rom. 14. vers 23. And this is the naturall condition of all mankind before the Law and under the Law and under the Gospell as by all these and innumerable more witnesses might be evinced And therefore all naturall men must deny themselves and renounce all if they will be Christs Disciples Yea the very regenerate must learne this Lesson of selfe-deniall and renounce all their owne merits and all their owne workes or they cannot be Christs Disciples The Saints of old knew that Lesson very well and therefore they never boasted of their own righteousnesse or of their own merits or good works that was Pharisaicall who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others as Christ speakes of them Luke the 17. vers 9. 11.12 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himselfe God I thanke thee that I am not as other men are Extortioners Vniust Adulterers or even as this Publican I fast twice in the weeke and give Tithes of all that I possesse They were also frequent in Almes-deeds so that if workes either of the ceremoniall judiciall and morall Law could have justifyed any or brought them to Heaven the Pharisees might as well by their merits have challenged Heaven as any justiciaries in this Age who come far short of their righteousnesse And yet our Saviour Christ saith of them Mat. the 5. vers 20. Except your righteousnesse exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees yee shall in no case enter into the Kingdome of Heaven I say therefore the Saints and Servants of God in all ages were so farre from presuming of their own merits or challenging of Heaven by their good workes that wee finde them all by their own testimonies and witnesse disclayming them and powring out their prayers and supplications for pardon of sin and removall of judgements deserved by them and all of them condemning and accusing themselves for sinfull men even after I say their regeneration And if any by their good workes or by their owne merits might have challenged favour from God or acceptance from him then Moses or Job or Noah or Samuel or Daniel or Abraham or David or some of all the glorious and holy Prophets or some of the blessed Apostles might have done it better than any Justiciary of this age concerning many of the which God himselfe giveth an honorable testimony and yet we finde the whole Scripture full of their complaints that they have made against themselves for their iniquities transgressions and sinnes and ever desiring pardon and craving mercy for themselves and for their people and never vanting of their owne merits But let us take notice what God speakes of some of them and how honourably Jer. 15. vers 1. Thus saith the Lord though Moses and Samuel stood before me yet my mind could not be towards this people cast them out of my sight And in Ezekiel the 14. vers 20. Though Noah Daniel and Job were in it as I live saith the Lord God they shall deliver neither sonne nor daughter they shall deliver but their owne soules by their righteousnesse These were men all of them in high favour with God who giveth them here a glorious testimony as in many other places in holy Scripture of righteousnesse as in Numb the 12. and Heb. the 3. he commends Moses for his faithfulnesse in his house and of Job hee saith Job 1. vers 8. Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the Earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evill and Ezekiel the 28 vers 3. he commends Daniel for his wisdom and in the first of the Kings the 13. vers 14. of David he saith that hee was a man according to his own heart And yet if we looke upon all these men we shall finde them confessing and bewayling their owne sinnes and the sinnes of the people and never presuming of their owne righteousnesse nor vanting of their owne merits but ever denying themselves as in the 90 Psal vers 8. Moses there sayes thou hast set our iniquities before thee our secret sinnes in the sight of thy Countnance and vers 13. returne O Lord how long Here we finde confession of sinne and deprecation of judgement even in Moses Daniel also confesseth his sinnes and the sinnes of the people and deprecates Gods judgements Daniel the 9. vers 20. and David in the 19 Psal ver 13. saith Who can understand his errors Cleanse me from my secret sinnes So that it is evident that besides the sinnes the Saints know of themselves there are many they take no notice of and therefore ought with David ever to make this prayer Cleanse me from my secret sinnes so that there can never be matter of merit where there are secret sinnes And Job 9. ver 20. If I justifie my selfe saith he my owne mouth shall
made them white in the blood of the Lambe therefore they are before the Throne of God c. Here you evidently see that the blessed martyrs which are now in Heaven have not attained unto that felicity and eternall glory by the merit of their sufferings but for that they were washed in the blood of the Lambe the Lord Jesus Christ And as it is not the suffering Mr. Montague but the cause that makes a martyr so it is not for that they passe through many tribulations that they enter into the Kingdome of Heaven but that they are washed in the blood of the Lambe and by that onely are made worthy to be Citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem for when we have suffered all we are but unprofitable servants and have done but our duty for our Saviour saith If any will be my Disciple let him take up his crosse and follow me I will adde but one instance more out of Matth. 11. Learne of me saith our Saviour for I am humble and meeke Doe you believe Mr. Montague that you can keepe or ever observe this commandement of Christ the Lord But if you could attaine unto the greatest degree of humility and meeknesse you were but an unprofitable servant and had done but your duty But how much more Mr. Montague have you and your Roman kindred to answer for your loftinesse and high opinions of your selves who stand upon your justification by your good workes and pretend yea and presume of your selfe-merits and of your workes of desert and that before God If this be not a transgression and a very rebellion against the Commandement I know not what prevarication and rebellion is Yea Mr. Montague if we could observe the whole Law and keepe all the Commandements for doing and suffering that ever God gave if we will be Christs Disciples we must ever say we are unprofitable servants and daily pray forgive us our sinnes and with the leper cry out We are uncleane we are uncleane and have continuall cause of deepe humiliation and selfe-deniall If they Mr. Montague which love God most and most diligently keepe his Commandements and yield the greatest obedience unto them have need yet of mercy how can any mortall man then merit before God who daily and hourely transgresseth all his glorious Commandements yet see what the Lord saith Exod. 20. ver 6. Shewing mercy to thousands of them that love me and keepe my Commandements Learn this lesson of Christ M. Montague to be humble and labour for selfe-deniall and a lowly spirit and meeke heart and with the Church of England and all the blessed Saints disavow your owne righteousnesse knowing that Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance such as are weary and heavy laden which only finde rest unto their soules and think not with the Romanists and justiciaries by your merits or good workes to scale Heaven but I intreat you to endeavor with us of the Church of England to enter into the most holy by the blood of Jesus by that new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the vaile that is to say his flesh Heb. 10.19 20. If you enter not by this way M. Montague you wil never come thither But now to conclude this point That Church which doth believe in Jesus Christ renouncing all selfe-merit and teaches the way to Heaven by the blood of Jesus and by that new and living way that Church believes aright as it ought to believe and is built upon the foundation of Peter against which the gates of hell can never prevaile but the Church of England doth all this Ergo it is a true Church where salvation may be had And this note alone is an infallible and never deceiving marke of a true Church As for antiquity universality unity succession multitude visibility c. if they have not this doctrine joyned with them of the free grace of God and justification by faith in Christ alone they are but markes of errour and abomination which will seduce you from the right way and misleade you into by-paths where you will never finde rest for your soule And thus much I thought fit to speake of this point it being a fundamentall one and such an one as where it is not preached and published there can be no true Church And now I come to the other clause of this proposition viz. renouncing all will-worship and humane inventions in Gods service An eminent marke also of a true Church which when the Church of England doth it is manifest that it is a true Church For all men know that mixtures in Gods worship annihilates a true Church But following my former custome I will first signifie what I meane by will-worship and humane inventions in Gods service and then shew where they are entertained in Gods service and admitted they so adulterate his worship as he himselfe disavoweth it and affirms they serve in vaine By will-worship therefore and humane inventions I understand whatsoever either for Doctrine Service Discipline Ceremonies men out of vaine devotion doting or superfluous feare or unbridled errour or out of humane reason or hypocrisie or whatsoever other pretence they have out of their own brain excogitated and brought into the service worship of God or whatsoever they have added to his worship either of images or representations or traditions against his revealed will or without his expresse command and imposed upon the people as the worship and service of God and proclaime these their ordinances to be Gods service and worship and place holinesse and religion in the observation of them and account the neglect of them irreligion and prophanenesse and worthy of punishment and the submission to them piety religion and obedience which God notwithstanding proclaimes an abomination to him For piety and true religion proceeds from the right knowledge of God the first of the which is the reverence of God joyn'd with love which ariseth from the knowledge and contemplation of Gods manifold favours mercy and goodnesse towards mankind the second which is pure and true religion is faith joyned with a serious and earnest feare of God the which feare containes in it a voluntary and willing reverence and alwaies brings with it the right and exact forme of worshiping him which is onely that way of serving him which he hath prescribed in his holy Word which Word of God alone must be the rule of his worship and of all our obedience so that what he prescribeth and enjoyneth it is our duty both to know and performe and the neglect of which is sinne and whatsoever is contrary to this is either open idolatry or superstition because it is supra quod statutum est and therefore hatefull to God and abominable in his sight as his whole Word declares And as it is the glory honour and very note of a true Church to follow the rule of Gods Word in serving him so it is the evident marke of a false
Chap. 3. vers 16.17 saith Let the Word of God dwell in you richly in all Wisdome teaching and admonishing one another in Psalmes and hymnes and spirituall songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever yee do in word or deede do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him words Mr. Montague worthy of serious consideration The Apostle sayes not let the Word of God be received into your Families and be sure you have it among your Bookes that you may now and then reade it but saith he let it dwell in you let it be in your hearts and reside there and let it dwell richly in your hearts not in a poore and beggerly manner content not your selves only with the knowledge of some parts of it and storyes of it but be furnished with the full knowledge of all the holy Scriptures that like the good Scribe you may be ever able and ready to bring out of the old and new Treasury that is out of all the old and new Testament the sweete and comfortable promises and gracious instructions by which you may alwayes be able in all conditions to support and comfort your selves and teach and instruct others and let it be your rule and direction for the ordering of your thoughts words and actions that whatsoever you do in word or deede you may doe all in the name of the Lord Jesus all according to his will that you may with rejoycing call upon his name for his speciall assistance and blessing upon what you either do or goe about which you with boldnesse and assurance of being heard may doe if you do that which is good and according to his will and word and therefore be sure you do nothing neither secretly nor openly that you have not a warrant for out of Gods Word and in the doing of the which you may never be ashamed though all the World did see you which you shall never be if you follow the direction of the Word of God and continually set the rule of his Law before your eyes and have it written in your heart which will ever teach you that we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies might serve him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our lives Lu. 1. vers 74.75 These are the imployments of Christians holinesse and righteousnesse before him in Gods presence not for a time but all the dayes of our lives universall and constant obedience to be holy in all manner of conversation is required of Christians by the Law of God 1 Pet. 1. and that yee may be alwayes thus imployed and taken up and teach and admonish others concerning their duty and speake the Oracles of God 1 Pet. 4. vers 11. Let the Word of God saith he dwell in you richly let it alwayes cohabit with you and reside in your soule that you may live by faith and die with comfort and therefore doe nothing contrary unto this blessed Word and grieve not the holy Spirit of God by whom you are sealed unto the day of Redemption Ephes 4. vers 30. Mr. Montague I shall now intreate you a little to consider with your selfe and examine how the Church of Rome obeyes these-precepts and commands of God and of the great Prophet and of the blessed Apostle and whether or no by her disobedience and Rebellion shee deservedly hath not lost the Title of a true Church which by S. Paul first of Tim. 3. is called the ground and Pillar of truth in that every true Church putteth not the Candle and light of the Word under a Bushell but setteth it up and holdeth it forth maintaines and defendeth it and offereth it to the view and hearing of every one But doth the Church of Rome this Mr. Montague Nay doth shee not take the Word of God the everlasting Gospell out of the hands of the people and deprive them of that Key of knowledge and punish the reading of it with severest cruelty and the but having of it in their houses in the vulgar Tongue with the Inquisition and death Christ our Prophet sayth Search the Scriptures S. Paul the Teacher of the Gentiles sayth Let the Word of God dwell in you richly c. And the Church of Rome prohibiteth the reading of the Scripture and is so farre from letting the Word of God dwell in the hearts of the people that shee will not permit them to have it in their houses How then is she I pray you the ground and pillar of Truth when shee is the mother of error and confusion for our Saviour in the 22 of Matthew sayth Yee erre not knowing the Scriptures That Church then that taketh away the Scriptures from the People is no true Church but an erroneous and false Church Consider I pray what I say and suffer not your selfe to be deluded But I will go on a little farther to shew the wickednesse and sacrilegious dealing of the Church of Rome in this point and how farre shee is gone from both the precepts of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ and of all the holy Apostles and from the example and practice of all the Primitive Christians whose examples in all well-doing wee are bound to follow Christ in Luke 11. vers 28. sayth Blessed are they which heare the Word of God and keepe it If they be blessed that heare the Word of God and keepe it then they also are no lesse blessed that reade the Word of God and keepe it So saith S. John Revel 1. chap. 3. Blessed is he that readeth and they that heare the words of this Prophecy and keepe those things that are written therein for the time is at hand If our Saviour Christ and his blessed Apostles were upon the earth men and women would desire to heare their Sermons What a wickednesse and sacriledge th●n is it in the Church of Rome to hinder the people of blessednesse and to keepe them from happinesse and life eternall when they will not let them read the Sermons Christ and his Apostles preached unto the people What will they be able to answer to the righteous Judge of the whole World at the last day for their unrighteous and un●ust dealing in robbing the poore people of the Word of Life S. Peter saith 2 Epi●t chap. 1. vers 19. Wee have a more sure Word of prophesy to which you d●e well to take heed as to a light in a darke place Here S. Peter prayses and commends those that reade the holy prophets and his pretended successor the Pope hee blames those that reade the Gospell and punisheth with fire and faggot those that have either Law or Gospell in their houses What thinke you Mr. Montague of this businesse Tell mee ingenuously the next time I see you what you thinke of your father the Pope whether hee be not as honest a Genleman as ever went over a house Now I pray looke upon the practice
a very Angel from Heaven and all this Master Montague I shall prove by the following testimonies of holy Scripture and then I will conclude expecting the performance of your promise and your returne to your mother the Church of England whom you have without any due reason formerly deserted I shall therefore gather up all the proofes that have here and there been occasionally set downe in the foregoing Treatise and adde some other to them and that in good order that so you may have them all presented to your view at once for the confirming of this truth that the holy Scriptures are the onely rule of our faith obedience and manners and that we ought onely to cleave unto them And I will begin with the old Testament first out of the which heare what Moses saith Deut. 4. v. 2. Ye shall not adde saith the Lord unto the Word which I command you neither shall you diminish ought from it that you may keepe the Commandement of the Lord your God which I command you And in chap. 5. ver 32. Yee shall observe to doe therefore as the Lord your God hath commanded you you shall not turne aside to the right hand or to the left And Chap. 12. ver 32. What thing soever I command you observe to doe it Thou shalt not adde thereto nor diminish from it And Proverb 30. ver 6. Adde not thou to his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a lyer Out of all which words these two conclusions necessarily follow the first that the holy Scriptures were the onely rule that the people of God in Moses his time were tied unto and from the which they ought not to decline or swarve either to the right hand or to the left The second thing that the Scriptures then had no need of the Traditions of men for the making of them a compleat rule for all men were forbidden either to adde unto them or diminish from them And if the holy Scriptures in Moses his time were the rule of direction unto all Israel and unto the which they were precisely tied in regard of its perfection then after the writings of the Prophets and the writings of the Apostles have beene joyned and annexed to the bookes of Moses we may truely conclude that the Scriptures now containing all those things in them the knowledge and faith of which is necessary to salvation are not only a perfect rule but that likewise we are still under the same command bound and tied to make the written Word of the old and new Testament the rule of our faith and manners and that onely For the hypotheticall connexion it is manifest and cleare not only from the identity of the Word of God but from the multitude of the bookes that were afterward penned and written both as well by the holy Prophets as the blessed Apostles as hath abundantly been proved in the precedent discourse for the Assumption it is sufficiently proved by the places above quoted Now Master Montague if the Papists shall affirme that these places cited by Moses are not to be restrained to the Word of God written by him they shall not onely oppose the truth it selfe but fight against the very light of reason and deny innumerable other expresse Texts of Scripture all which doe manifestly preclude and hinder them from all waies of evasion For in Exod. 24. ver 4. it is said that Moses wrote all the words of the Lord. And Deut. 31. ver 9. Moses wrote this Law And Deut. 28. ver 58. If thou wilt not observe to doe all the words of this Law that are written in this booke that thou mayst feare this glorious and fearefull Name the Lord thy God And Paul in Acts 24. I believe saith he all things that are written in the Law and in the Prophets And in Deut. 29. v. 19. And it come to passe when he heareth the words of this curse that he blesse himselfe in his heart saying I shall have peace though I walke in the imagination of mine heart to adde drunkennesse to thirst the Lord shall not spare him but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousie shall smoke against that man and all the curses that are written in this booke shall lie upon him and the Lord shall blot out his name from under Heaven And in the 30 chap. ver 10. If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God to keepe his Commandements and his Statutes which are written in this booke of the Law From all which places and many more that might be produced it is manifest that the Word of God of which Moses speak●th is to be understood of the writings of Moses and that it is not to be expounded or drawne to any unwritten Traditions delivered by Moses viva voce and therefore that the written word by Moses was onely to be the rule which all Israel were tied to for the ordering of their faith lives and manners and that all Christians at this day are much more tied and bound to cleave onely to the written Word of God in the old and new Testament Which will yet be far more evident from Deut. 4. ver 18 19 20. and from Joshua 1. ver 7 8. In both which places we see that the Kings and Rulers themselves are tied to the written Word and are enjoyned to make that the rule of their lives and actions and are commanded to meditate in it night and day and to rule and governe according to the same without declining from it either to the right hand or to the left And Joshua also in Chap. 23. ver 6. sendeth the people to the written Word saying Be ye therefore very couragious to keepe and doe all that is written in the booke of the Law of Moses that ye turne not aside therefrom to the right hand or to the left This written Word was to be the rule of direction unto all the people no humane Traditions Master Montague David likewise sent all the people and his sonne Solomon to the Law of the Lord and commanded that they should both seeke and keepe all the Commandements of the Lord their God the 1 of Chron. 28. v. 8 9. and in Psal 19. v. 9. Wherewith saith he shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy Word We see here David directeth all men to the Word of God to the written Law affirming if they will observe that that they shall preserve themselves from errour and all manner of pollutions And in vers 19. I am a stranger in the earth saith he hide not thy Commandements from me If those therefore that are strangers and pilgrims on the earth desire to finde the right way to Heaven and to be kept from by-waies then let them follow Davids example and pray unto God that he would not hide his Commandements from them for the Commandements are able to direct them thither for they are the waies that God hath appointed men
the regulating of our Faith and manners and ought to be the onely square and rule of all our thoughts words actions and of our faith and doctrines unto the end of the world and that there is no need of any humane traditions for the compleating of them and making of them perfect and intire and that all doctrines that are not either grounded upon the expresse words of the Scriptures or evidently and by good consequence deduced from thence ought to be rejected and to be abandoned I pray Master Montague what thinke you of the state and condition of such a man living and dying in this faith Can this his so believing any way prejudice his eternall salvation though he never heareth of any of your traditions or unwritten verities which you notwithstanding affirm are to be entertained with equall beliefe that the holy Scriptures are by us received and imbraced I say if he never heare so much as of the name of your Traditions and of your Councels Canons or In●unctions will not his faith in the holy Scriptures alone imbracing the doctrine revealed in them and believing that they containe all things in them necessary to salvation save him eternally If you shall affirme the contrary you will not fight against mee but against God himselfe and give the Spirit of God the lie who hath so often declared that believing those things that are writ in the holy Scriptures it will save our soules Againe Master Montague I demand of you what you thinke of the condition of that Christian that shall peremptorily believe that all those Traditions of Purgatory and humane satisfactions of Will-worship and Image-worship of Self-merits and workes of Supererogation of Indulgences and Pilgrimages of praying to Saints and Angels and all the other bundles of your Traditions thrust upon the poore people as the service of God and the meanes by which they may please God are detestable abominations as being things full of blasphemy placing our redemption in other meanes than in the bloodshed and meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ and denying the perfection of the holy Scriptures and equalizing or rather preferring the Traditions and Inventions of the Pope the enemy of the Lord Jesus before the authority of the written Word which was dictated by the Spirit of Christ himselfe the onely and sole Prophet of his Church whom wee are commanded onely to heare and obey in all things that he hath declared in his blessed Word which is for ever to be the rule of our faith Doe you conceive Master Montague that any Christian so believing and persevering in this his beliefe unto the last houre of his death it can any way prejudice his salvation If you say it may give me I beseech you your reason for sinne onely excludeth men out of Heaven shew me therefore what Law of God any Christian transgresseth in believing Christ to be the onely Prophet of his Church and that he hath fully revealed the Will of God his Father concerning the redemption of man-kind and that this his Will and good pleasure is as much as is necessary to the salvation of the Church is fully set downe and contained in the holy Scriptures and that the written Word of God is compleat in it selfe without any humane Traditions and that we are bound to make that onely the rule of our faith and manners and to reject all doctrines whatsoever are not grounded upon the written Word and much more all such doctrines as lead us from Christ and teach us another way to Heaven than he hath taught us who is our onely Prophet and another way of serving God than he hath appointed I pray Master Montague is the obedience of any man to Christ our Prophets command a sinne or transgression of his holy Law If you say so then you make that a sinne which God accounteth of as a vertue and obedience to his blessed Will and Word and so by your traditions breake the Commandements of God and our glorious Prophet Christ Jesus and by that as by all your other damnable doctrines proclaime your selves open transgressours of his holy Lawes which without speedy and hearty repentance will bring you to eternall perdition Againe Master Montague I intreat you candidly to tell me what you thinke of the condition of such a man as shall believe that Christ Jesus is the onely and sole Priest of the new Testament and that hee by his obedience death and passion and by the Sacrifice of himselfe once offered upon the Crosse when he was made sinne for us who knew no sinne hath reconciled God the Father unto us and made for ever our atonement with him and laid downe a sufficient ransome for our redemption by the which we are freed from both the guilt and punishment due to our sinnes and transgressions and that the vertue of this his sacrifice as it is ineffable and everlastingly able to save all such as believe in him so it is never to be reiterated but to be applyed unto the soule and hearts of men by such meanes onely as God himselfe hath appointed viz. by the vertue and powerfull working and operation of the holy Ghost by the preaching of the Gospell by the administration of the holy Sacraments by faith and prayer and that hee is our onely high Priest and Mediator both of satisfaction and intercession by whom alone wee have continually accesse to the Throne of grace and that in his Name onely and through his mediation wee are to put up all our prayers supplications and thanksgivings unto God the Father and that there are now no reall Priests on earth for the offering up of any propitiatory Sacrifice for the reconciling of God unto us or any other Mediators in Heaven between God and us that can make God propitious unto us but the man Christ Jesus Tell me Master Montague sincerely what you thinke of the state and condition of such a man living and dying in this faith Can this his beliefe any way prejudice his salvation though he never heare of your Romish Priests whom you affirme to be reall Priests after the order of Melchisedeck and assert that they offer up the body and blood of Jesus Christ daily a propitiatory sacrifice for the living and the dead Can this his faith I say prejudice the salvation of any man though he never heareth such doctrines as these be or can this his faith prejudice his eternall happinesse though hee never heareth of any other Mediator of the new Testament but Jesus Christ alone or never prayeth to Saint or Angell to entreat their mediation for him with God the Father but onely putteth up all his prayers and praises in the Name of Christ alone I beseech you Master Montague tell me if hee never heard so much as the name of any reall Priests besides Christ or of any other Mediator but of Jesus Christ or of any other propitiatory Sacrifice but of that onely which Christ offered to God the Father upon