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A44832 A collection of the several books and writings of that faithful servant of God, Richard Hubberthorn who finished his testimony (being a prisoner in Newgate for the truths sake) the 17th of the 6th month, 1662. Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. 1663 (1663) Wing H3216; ESTC R16018 292,545 354

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thing in these Scriptures as that grace is a created thing nor that it is called the new creature but the Apostle saith By grace are we saved through faith and that not of our selves it is the gift of God Now was that grace by which they were saved a created thing if it was prove it by plain Scripture else stop thy mouth for we have searched the Scriptures and we find no such thing but we find that by grace they were saved and that they who are new creatures in Jesus Christ the grace of God was their teacher as it is our teacher to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly godly and righteously in this present evil world which grace is able to keep the hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God of all those who are taught by it but is not a created thing Pr. That the principles of Christian faith is established upon the Scriptures pag. 74. Answ. Faith hath but one foundation and all who are believers their foundation is established upon Christ who is the Author of Faith before any Scripture was written Jacob Enoch Abraham Isaac had no Scriptures written to establish their faith upon and when Moses and the Prophets had known seen and believed and from that wrote of him who was the true light enlightning every one that in him very one might believe so every one whether they have the writings of the Prophets and Apostles or not yet they have that in which they are to believe which if they believe not is condemned and believing in the light they come to be the children of the light and here the first principle comes to be known of faith and so the first principle of the doctrine of Christ must be known before the doctrine be profest and so all who know not the first principle of faith are far from the saith and who knows not the first principle of the doctrine is far from a doctrine and so the principle of a thing must be known before the thing but the Scripture speaks of nothing that the Christian faith is to be established upon but upon Christ who was glorified with the Father before the world was by whom all things which now are were made who hath given us of his spirit and to us it is given to believe and suffer for his names sake as it was given those who were his true witnesses before us and they did believe because it was given them to believe by the spirit so faith is the gift of God and many have the Scriptures which have not faith which is the gi●t of God and they which are turned from the faith are pierced through with many hurtful lusts have the Scriptures and say they believe what the Scripture speaks but this I say that faith is the ground of the Scriptures and not the Scriptures the ground of faith and none can believe in Christ but they who believe in the ●ight which Christ hath enlightned every one withal that cometh into the World and all who own Christs Doctrine who sai●h believe in the light that ye may be the children of light which who believe in shall not abide in darkness but shall have the light of life and shall not enter into condemnation but who believe in any thing else their faith is vain they are yet in their sins and he that lays another foundation for faith then Christ let him be accurst Thus having laid before the people some of those things with which his book is filled and for this end do I lay them open that those for whom Christ died and unto whom his love is reached forth to bring them to the Father should not be corrupted with the unsound form of doctrine delivered unto them by their Priest And again as followeth I shall lay down some particulars which he hath held forth as affirmed principles in his book which if you receive his testimony you must believe as your principles also but if you come to try them with the measure of the light that Christ hath enlightned them withal then you will deny both him and them therefore mark them as followeth 1 That the Magistrate is an Officer of Jesus Christ as Mediator 2 That Jesus Christ hath a political and spiritual Kingdom 3 That Christ the eternal Son of God is distinct from the Father eternally 4 That the Spirit was distinguished from the Father and Son from eternity 5 That the Father Son and Spirit are three substances 6 That the soul of man is humane and that humane and immortal is both one 7 That Christ may dwell in his people by his special spiritual presence and have no union with them 8 That God dwells in the heavens but hath no union with them 9 That the union between God and believers cannot be comprehended by the Saints here 10 That heaven is not to be enjoyed wh●le men are here 11 That the Corinthians who were baptized from the dead were anc●ent Hereticks 12 That the light which hath enlightned every man that cometh into the World is the light of reason and understanding and is natural 13 That natural light is the remainders of Gods image in man 14 That God is a respecter of persons 15 That the grace of God is a created thing and that it is called the new creature 16 That the principles of Christia● faith is established upon the Scriptures I having here answered and laid open those things which is a mist of darkness over the peoples minds and understandings whereas they are either received or believed to the end that all who read it may come to that understanding which is a well-spring of life and to the knowledge of that truth by which iniquity is purged out and to the counsel of God in the heart which is like deep waters whereby judgment in righteousness comes to be set up by which the simple and tender-hearted comes to be preserved out of the snares of subtilty and craftiness to walk in the light of the Lord which is the path of the iust and the way of life and all they are blessed with spiritual blessings that walk in it for they shall be able to tread upon Scorpions and the deadly poyson that is under the tongues and in the hearts of the generation of Vipers and Serpents shall not hurt them and this power shall all those be indued with which believe in the light of the Lord answering that of God in all their consciences which leads into a chast conversation before the Lord ordering their conversations aright in his sight and all such who be turned to the light with which they are enlightned by Christ shall discern who serves God and who serves him not in this day when many profess him but few serve him in spirit and in truth as he will be worshipped by them whom he hath chosen Necessary Questions propounded to the Priests to be answered 1 WHat is that in every man which
is manifest the Press is abused by such an Anti-scriptural and Antichristian error proceeding out of John Stelhams old heart and manifested from his Pen then with his lying Message he follows after his flattering titles and sayes ere long the Lord himself will rebuke them viz Quakers to silence that they shall neither write nor speak so presumptuously c. If his Lords believe this Message they shall never bless him but in the end curse him when the production of his lying Prophesie appears which is deceiving of their Soules and will prove a curse upon them and posterity and is feeding of them with hopes of vanity and lyes and on his owne head shall his false vision fall a Rebuke into silence shall come upon him the sin is his writing presumpuously and arrogantly and the judgment thereof shall he feel and all that believe him truth shall be established and his lying tongue is but for a moment then his lye he adds to his Message which is that the Lord Jesus is fighting against them viz Quakers with the Sword of his mouth c. What wicked presentation is this to the chief Rulers of Nations even lyes one heaped upon another to suggest into the minds of men to stir up wrath in their hearts against the just nay Jesus is our Prince of peace and righteousness and is with us and fights for us and who can be against us none but such as are his enemies and have denied him and his light and counted it a perverse Principle O how fain would John Stelham sinfull indeed gaine a Kingdom by flattering and have praise of his works by his Lyes which he hath made his Refuge and his Weapon too they that believe him shall perish with him that 's all that may be said his flattering titles and words of guile may gain upon the wicked but the just man is preserved from the fury of a deceitfull tongue then his supposed humble Supplicate after his false Vision and lying Mess●ge is That every person whatsoever may not impute strike them viz Quakers Corporally c. This appears fair in word if his meaning was right yet while he supplicates That every one may not though whether he means any one may not I determine not strike them corporally c. Yet to publish his Lyes and Errors and Slanders he would have liberty this is but so much more secretly to strike in the greater hypocrisie in more crafty subtilty and indeed well may the Priests of England be ashamed of what hath already been acted as to striking and cruel abuses and works of that nature the blood of many harmless hath been spilt wofully in streets and Steeple-houses through the means of the false Prophets it may be they will now take another Weapon seeing that hath failed and not wrought effect no more shall any formed weapon ag●inst the innocent and though some of them have shamefully cried Fight Lads for the Gospel others may with as much hypocrisie write for the fighting lads and in as great deceit And then he gives an Exhortation in his Supplicate and saith Be p●eased to let them viz Quakers know that we are guarded by a bett●r Law then what they upbraid us with its time to be ash●med that you have been so long guarded by a Popish Law yet the secret crafts of this man is noted in this subtile suggestion a better law would he have what doth it too much shame you by the name of Popish Law and would you be lesse discovered if the law of the same virtue were of another Authority then Queen Mary and of another Dominion than the Pope therefore a Law from the Protector he would supplicate if possible That how ever we may not have liberty to deliver our Doctrine in their Assemblies as he saith and this evill man and decever who waxes worse and worse in his way impudently slanders the way of God reproaches the Doctrine of the Gospel of Christ and would wickedly make men more honest than himself believe that these mens viz Quakers Tenents as he saith are as reprobate stuff of the Jesuites their blasphemies as horrid as the Popish Parasites O the wickednesse and impudence vvhich hath appeared out of this mans heart in those few words wickednesse in that his words are lyes and devilish and impudent in that he dares thus to appear to an Authority with the Dedication of Lyes Let him take notice of this we are cleer from his false Accusations and of Popish Doctrines But they that are one wi●h him are not from being guarded with a Popish Law and these are truly Romes Subjects who are guarded with his Law more than we are Romes Emissaries which scarcely he would cast upon us and make the Protector and his Councel believe it if their hearts be so hardened But better is thought upon concerning them though I.S. would make them evill suggesting evill into their hearts But a false Prophet is known by his Lyes and Slanders and secret smiting and then he saith He would have some of this Sect viz Quakers more narrowly watched c. and stigmatized Oh cruelty out of the abundance of the heart his mouth utters like a Pot boiling with anger that cannot contain it within the mouth what lodges in tbe heart of this man consider what less then in their hearts who ●ere Queen Maryes Jesuiees and Priests if the Protector and Councel would answer the cruel intent of his mind as Queen Mary did theirs Balaam or worse he is or he hath sought inchantment and would curse before they sent for him to doe so but it shall return on his owne head who is watched against for a Wolfe and Devourer and stigmatized for a Deceiver and false Deviner one who art marked for a false Prophet and known to be so by every one who is taught of God and in the end of all this secretly uttered wickednesse and cruelty insinuatingly expressed to suggest evill into the minds of men more honest than himself he wishes for Blessing upon his Highness and Honours that they may discern true Spirits from false such who proceed out of the mouth of the false Prophet from such as proceeds from the Father and from the Son indeed of such a gift of discerning they have need and by the fruits they may try every Spiri t in a just tryal by just judgment are thou tryed they spirit is made manifest to be the spirit which proceeds out of the mouth of the Dagon who wars against the Saints and out of the mouth of the Beast who hath many Heads many Horns which Beast arose up in the Apostacy since the Apostles days thy spirit is made manifest to be the spirit of the false Prophet who deceives the Nations for thy fruits doth discover thee a lyer a slanderer a perverter of the right way of God art thou proved and such things proceeds out of the mouth of the false Prophet so let them
the Saints and followed his though●s which were false thinking that he did God service and thinking that he ought to do that which is contrary to the light and so kick'd against the pricks instead of following that which did prick him and as for him in that condition and the rest which persecuted Stephen to death though they did it ignorantly yet it was not because they were not enlightned nor because the light was not sufficient to have given them the knowledge of him whom they did persecute but because they did resist that which was sufficient to have given them the knowledge As Stephen a man full of the holy Ghost did bear witness saying unto Saul and the rest Ye stiff necked and uncircumcised in hearts and ears ye do always resist the holy Ghost as your fathers did so do ye which of the Prophets have not your fathers persecuted and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the just One of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murtherers who have received the Law by the disposition of Angels and have not kept it When they heard these things they were cut to the heart So here is little ground in those for any to say they follow the light within them and to say that they was not enlightned which had received the Law which is light by the disposition of Angels and d●d not keep it Here they disobeyed that which they had received which was the light and did always resist the holy Ghost which was able to have led them from their disobedience and stiffneckedness and if they did persecute to death for lack of knowledge and so did it ignorantly it was because they rejected knowledge and forgot the law of their God which they had received as the Priests did in Hos. 4.6 and because they did forget the Lord as those did in Jer. 18. so it was not because they were never convinced nor reproved but because they would have none of his reproofs for they would not walk in his ways neither were obedient to his law But I say Did not Israel know To Israel he saith All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gai●saying people Rom. 10.21 Therefore let no more such clamorous speeches come forth as to say such have obeyed and followed the light within them which if they had then when God had called they would have answered and it could not have been said they had been disobedient which when Stephen told them of their resisting of the holy Ghos● and their disobedience to the law which was light his words did answer something of God within them when they were cut to the heart and that which had disobeyed the holy Ghost and the law which they had received that did stone him to death and therein they did kick against that which did prick them But the li●ht of Christ is sufficient to lead all unto God which do obey and follow it and there was never any in all generations from Abel unto this generation that did ever in such ignorance and wilful impudency preach and print against the sufficiency of the light of Christ as in this age is brought forth for as others did reject the lesser so these the greater Others did disobey that which they had received from the disposition of Angels and those that which is given by the Son of God who saith I am the light of the world He doth not say that the spirit of man is the light of the World nor that mans reason is the light of the World as some have said neither did ever Christ say That his light was insufficient but did bid those which were of the World believe in the light that they migh be the children of light Joh. 12.36 and did tell such which were of the World that the kingdom of God was within them So there was something in them which was of power but such a doctrine is now hated in the World to preach any thing within man to be of power or ability to guide or lead man to God or sufficient to believe in but the S●ripture saith The word of faith is in thy heart which was the Word the Apostles preached to obey and to do it and saith comes by hearing and bearing by the Word of God but how shall they hear without a Preacher B●t I say Have they not all heard Yes verily their sound went out into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the World but they have not all obeyed But again it is said in the false Hosanna That the discovery of sin and iniquity may be where the sound of Christ as a door as the light as the way may not have been and for proof saith it was so in the first man that measure and degree of light which discovered sin to him was the law written in him Answ. He who is the light of the World in him was life and this life was the light of men and he is before all things and by him all things consist and the first man Adam who was made a living soul and was the son of God the light that was in him was the light of the son of God while he remained in Gods image and when he was fallen from Gods image into transgression that which made manifest his transgression was the light which he was fallen from God did never write his law in mans heart but there was a measure of Christ But men in ignorance and blindness pretend to be Ministers of distinctions between their Law Christ when as they neither know what they say nor wherof they affirm not seeing how it was added because of transgression till the seed should come ordained by Angels in the hands of a Mediator Gal. 3.19 as well ministred forth in the light of the Mediator For though there was and is diversity of administrations and of operations yet the same Lord and the same Light that Light in which the Prophets saw Christ and prophesied before-hand of the coming of the Just was the same in which the Apostles witnessed him come and the same light which lets men see their sins is that which lets them see their Saviour and leads them from their sins to Christ as they are obedient to it But to say there is the discovery of sin and iniquity where the sound of Christ as a door the light the way hath not been this remains to be proved seeing the Apostle saith That the sound is gone into all the earth and the words to the end of the world Have they not at all heard Yes verily That which makes manifest is light Is there light making sin manifest and is there nothing of Christ seeing that his life is the light of men and that men have no light but what proceeds from his life When was ever Christ and the light which discovers sin separated and where is that Scripture which saith that the
sound of Christ as a light hath never been heard where sin and iniquity is discovered but that which hath brought forth these things may well be called an untimely birth which ntver saw the Sun not never knew the light which Christ hath enlightned every man withall which cometh into the world for a little of this fruit doth manifest that tree from whence it springs so we shall judge the tree by it's fruits Another fruit from this tree is to give his testimony of the Law of Faith which is this How far the Law of Faith may be said to be written upon every mans heart is not given unto me to understand only this glimpse I have of it That it appears to have had an influence upon the heart of man by those sacrifices which were offered up to God before the publication of the positive Law wherein as well Cain as Abel offered sacrifices Gen. 4.4 Answ. This testimony doth not proced from the word of Faith in thy heart for that would give an understanding how the Law of Faith is written in the heart as well as how the Law of Works is written and this thy glimpse which thou sayes thou sees from the proposing of the promise and the influence which thou sayes thou seest upon the heart of man by the Sacrifices of Cain as wel as Abel offered unto God if this thy pretended light and glimpse which is so far of Christ be truly weighed and tryed it may prove but a vain vision and a divination of thy own heart as all who consider thy testimony of the Law of Faith in saying that the discovery thereof ariseth from what is without and that it had never been known nor never thought of nor never would it or could it rationally have come into the heart of man to have conceived such a thing but from the declaration of God in his promise Here it doth appear Faith is a mysterie to thee and thy eye hath not seen it nor the ear heard neither hath it entered into thy heart to conceive Faith in the working and operation of it And in that thou sayest well that it was not given thee to understand how it is written upon every man's heart and thou had done well if thou had not stretched thy self beyond the line of thy knowledge and understanding for thou thy self confessest that unto those first believers Abel Enoch Noah Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses David Daniel and the rest there was communicated unto them a Spirit of Faith and a Light sutable and proportionable whereby they were enabled to behold Christ who was the object of their Faith Then if it did arise from the Spirit of Faith within them the Light of Christ who was the Author of their Faith it did not arise from the Declaration of God in the promise without so that the mysterie of Faith vvhich is held in a pure conscience is yet to be learned vvhich vvas vvitnessed amongst the Saints So vvhen thou vvrites again of the Lavv of Works or the Lavv of Faith or the discovery vvhich the Lord maketh to his creature under the diversity of these administrations keep back to the measure of the gift of God and then vvil thy testimony be no larger then thy knowledge vvhich is a guilt hath spread over many in these days but this I say Blessed is the man which doth not condemn himself in the thing vvhich he allovveth and vvhich doth not destroy himself vvith the breath of his ovvn mouth but there is a generation which their own breath as fire shall devour them Again concerning the Light which every man is enlightened withal which is thy stumbling-block and rock of offence as it is unto all the rest whose deeds are evil Thou saist God hath not annointed it to that Work nor laid the weight of eternal salvation upon the shoulders thereof it being too weak for that service Answ. Him hath God annointed who is the Light of the World and hath enlightened every man that cometh into the World and there is no work of eternal salvation wrought but in the Light which every man is enlightened withal and this Light is of him and from him which bears the sins in his own body and is not too weak for that service which the Father hath given him to do and this Light is Christ. And whereas some say Hath every man Christ Every man hath Christ to save or to condemn him Christ is as truly the condemnation of those whose deeds are evil as he is the Saviour of them that believe and as those that believe in the Light are already saved by Christ so also those that believe not in his Light which he hath enlightned them withall are already condemned And so Christ is near unto every one to answer every mans work according to the nature of it whether he serve sin unto death or be found in the obedience of truth unto eternal life for now is the day appeared to try every mans Work of what sort it is and now are many offended because the Light is broken forth and their eye is evil because the Lords is good But wo unto the World because of offences if any have the Spirit of a King let him search out the cause of the offence which is now broken forth amongst the children of men that the enmity which is in all sorts of people of all professions should rise up together and become a body the wicked jo●ning hand in hand preaching and printing and crying for unity which they are making up of enmity that they may be strong against that which the Lord hath now brought forth in his Light and Power to be Witnesses unto him in every place wheresoever he doth call them witnessing forth his Mercy and Truth by which iniquity is purged out and preaching the Gospel to every creature whereby they may come to the knowledge of the truth that they may be saved But in the World it is so come to pass in these days that he that can but give reviling terms and hard speeches against the Light which Christ hath enlightned every man withall calling it natural or insufficient and if they do but revile those whom they call Quakers and put this in the beginning of his Book then it passeth with toleration and hath as good approbation from the World as any of the Priests have for their Ministry but if any man begin to speak of the Light within and the Annointing within and the Word of Faith in the heart and of the Mystery of Faith in a pure conscience and of the sprinkling of the heart from an evil conscience and of believing in the Light as Christ said such a one speaking of these things and not directing his speech in open reproach against them called Quakers the peoples hearts will be fi●led with jealousies lest he be one So that even the Light is become a reproach unto them and their derision daily but the Lords hand is
offence now to preach the word of Faith to be as a little light or to preach the annointing to be as a little light in those in whom the light is little doth this also offend you What then if we should say That Christ is the light of life the son of righteousness the glory and express figure of the Fathers substance in some and but as a little light or day-star in others or in others as a light before the day-star arise in their hearts Is not the light great in some little in others And is not Christ the same May that only be called Christ which takes away the sins And may not that also be called Christ which pierceth through the soul revealeth the thoughts of many hearts Luke 2.35 May he only be called Christ unto whom the Father hath given the Heathen for his inheritance and the utmost parts of the earth for his possession who reigneth and hath all his enemies under his feets is not he the same as he is descended into the lower parts of the earth which took upon him the form of a servant So therefore that none may err in their judgments concerning the testimony which is given of Christ of his light his light is more or less according to his manifestation in every one there being given to every one a manifestation of the spirit to profit withal every one is to be turned to the measure of their manifestation to know witness Christ in it though in many it be but as a little light yet they are to be turned unto it while it is so which as it doth encrease is enlarged it may be called or declared under another name than little as the Kingdom of Heaven is not alwayes like unto a grain of mustard-seed nor as a little leaven but comes to rule in the children of men And whereas the Accuser replieth against the light and against Christ to be the word of Faith saying Christ is called the Word of God Rev. 19.13 but not the Word of Faith and yet saith in page 45. That Christ 〈◊〉 the Author and finisher of Faith Answ. If Christ be the Word of God and faith come by Hearing and Hearing by the Word of God then how is it that he is not the word of Faith being that word by which Faith comes when it is heard and he being the Author of it may he not then as well be called the Word of it as the Author of it seeing he is the Word by which it comes but that all may understand what this word of faith was which the Apostle preached This was Christ Rom. 10. and they preached no other Word to be the Word of faith but Christ That whosoever believed on him should not be ashamed So that if the ignorance of Christ and of the Apostles words were blotted out of the hearts of our Accusers they would be silent and the daily reproach would cease And whereas it is affirmed by us That the Light or a measure of Christ within is a sure word of prophesie or a more sure word of prophesie as Peter saith 2 Pet. 1 19. And whereas many are offended at this and labours to make people believe that this is the Writings of the Prophets which is the more sure Word of Prophesie the Apostle speaks of because he saith Knowing this first that no prophesie of the Scriptures is of any private interpretation for the prophesie came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost c. Answ. Now I shall make it appear that it was not the Writings of the Prophets which was that more sure Word as first concerning that here is one thing held out to be a sure Word and another thing held out to be more sure as unto tho●e to whom it was spoken And as concerning the first That wh●ch is held out to be a sure Word is that which came from the Father the voice which came from the excellent Glory saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and this voice which came from heaven the Disciples h●ard when they were with him in the holy Mount This was a sure Word when it was spoken and when it was written it was a sure testimony as sure as any of the Prophets Writings for the Prophets did see that he was to come and he that was to come was the well beloved Son of the Father and they wrote this down and it was a sure testimony of Christ and Peter and the rest saw that he was come and did hear the voice from the excellent glory proclaiming him 〈◊〉 be the Son of God and when they had seen it they wrote it down and this was a sure testimony yea a surer then the Prophets and that which the Apostles were eye-witnesses of and did write down for truth was as much to be taken heed unto as that which the Prophets declared and this will all men of understanding judge that the Apostle Peter did not direct the people to the Prophets words to take heed to them because they were more sure then his own and more to be believed But although the Apostles words and writings were confirmed with more power and witness of the Spirit then the Prophets and both true yet the Apostles Ministry unto those which did not see those things which the Prophets saw much less those things the Apostles saw no not so far as the dawning of the day nor to the day-●●ar risen in their hearts therefore Peter dividing the Word of God aright saith unto them We have a more sure word of prophesie whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place untill the day dawn and the day-star arise in your hearts 2 Pet. 1.19 It was more sure for them to take heed unto that which was as a light shining in a dark place till the day-star did arise and the day dawn in their hearts then the declaration from others without them declared in words and writings as thus for example by experience to su●h I shall direct my speech who cannot witness the day dawned nor the day-star risen in their hearts nor hath heard the voice from the excellent Glory to such I say That which I have seen and heard the visions power and glory wherein I am an eye-witness of his glory and of his appearance this I may declare and write unto you and you may believe it But to such I say It is more sure for them to take heed to the light that shines in the dark place till they come to witness in themselves the day dawned and day-star risen and the Son of God made manifest in them then to take heed to the words which I have declared though it be a true testimony for the Apostle did not write to himself nor say that it was more sure unto him but unto
A Collection OF THE SEVERAL BOOKS AND WRITINGS OF THAT Faithful Servant of GOD Richard Hubberthorn Who finished his Testimony being a Prisoner in NEWGATE for the Truths sake the 17 th of the 6 th Month 1662. And I heard a voice from Heaven saying Blessed are the dead which hereafter dye in the Lord even so saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours but their works shall follow them Rev. 14.13 LONDON Printed and are to be sold by William Warwick 1663. TO THE READER THe glory of the everlasting God and the Light of his powerful Truth hath so far appeared and is so effectually manifest in our day that the veil of darkness is removed from off the hearts of thousands who have received the love of the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus the everlasting Light and the life of the righteous and ugright in heart who walk in the way of the Lord and many thick clouds of darkness and error which have darkned the minds of people are dispersed by the arising and shining forth of the Sun of righteousness and the visitation of the day-spring which hath dawned from on high blessed and praised be the name of the mighty God who hath raised up unto himself a royal-seed to bear testimony of his Name in righteousness against which no weapon formed shall prosper Albeit this seed hath been largely tried and persecuted by the seed of enmity and evil-doers and sons of Belial who have made it their work to seek to obstruct the work of the Lord by persecuting his servants and reviling his faithful witnesses and reproaching and blaspheming his living ●ruth and way even till a line of confusion is come over them and they have split themselves against the rock and the stone which the builders have rejected which is exalted and set over them all And now as for these Priests and Professors who ●ave so much busied themselves in opposing and gain-saying ●he Lord's people called Quakers and those righteous Prin●iples and Doctrines held forth by them the work of these op●osers is come to nought and they have apparently missed of ●heir ends and exspectations and they have wearied themselvs ●or very vanity and they and their work is manifest to the ●ation and the folly of it in a great measure after they have ●rought forth their cause and produced their strong Reasons ●as they have esteemed them which the truth and Spirit of understanding in it's Witnesses hath evidently confuted and brought to nought And how hath shame and dishonour and Contempt in the eyes of all sober and Indifferent people come upon many of our oppressors and Adversaries the Priests and professors who after they have been striving and contending against our preaching up and vindicating the Light of Christ in every man Joh. 1.9 Rom. 1.19 and perfection and freedom from sin as attainable in this life to such as believe in Christ who is manifest for that end 1 Joh. 3. they themselves who have opposed and withstood these truths are turned into grosser darkness and confusion then ever many being turned from their pretended Reformation Covenant and Directory now to complain with the prophane that they have done those things they ought not to have done and left undone those things which they ought to have done and there is no health in them and so now they cry Lord have mercy upon us miserable sinners or miserable offenders c. as in their divine service so called which formerly they exclaimed against who now are turned to it So as it 's come to pass upon them as upon the false prophets and hireling priests of old Night is unto them the Sun is gone down upon them and the day is become dark over them and the seers are ashamed and the diviners confounded for there is no Answer of God nor vision unto them many of whom have preached and prophesied falsly against us and of our overthrow til● they are overturned themselves Micah 3. and many tha● have been as em●nent Leaders overseers and tall Cedars amongst the outside and form all professors of our times ar● fled as the hireling that cares for himself more then the flock and their mouths are stopt and they ready to hide themselves when those they account wolves devourers an● superstitious persons comes amongst their flocks manifestin● that they are not true shepherds nor built upon the Rock Chri●● Jesus for their profession will not abide the storms nor endu●● the Winter so as much of our work and controversies wil● such our Antagonists is over for they were the highest a● most contentious against us where the Truth and power ● God first appeared amongst us to gather us out from ●mongst them unto Christ the true shepherd and when they could have ●he Magistrates and powers of the earth on their side as to prosecute for them and to feed them with the wages of unrighteousness and maintain them in Balaams way And now the righteous testimony of the servants of the Lord liveth and remains as upon Record against the unrighteousness and falshood of such and in particular the faithfull testimonys and true evidences given for the truth and held forth by that faithfull servant and follower of Chr●st and brother and Companion in the work of the Gospel R. Hubber●horne Concerning whom I hearing that some have taken in hand to Recollect as many of his Books as they could to be Reprinted it is in my heart by the spirit of the Lord and in true love to his truth to signifie these things in short to be annexed unto them for the sake of the world and such as knew him not having had more conve●se with him and experience and knowledge of him then many others had 1. That he was a true and faithfull Instrument in the hand of the Lord in his day for the turning many from darkness to the light and from error to truth First by informing instructing and admonishing people to the light of Christ which appeareth and shineth in the hearts and consciences of the children of men and against the darkness pollutions falfe ways professions and worships of the world c. Secondly by preaching and holding forth the new and living way the substance and end of figures and shaddows which many in the darkness of apostacy have been Doting about and the true saving knowledg of God and his Son Jesus Christ within his people to become their Wisdom Righteousness sanctification and redemption and in which they come to experience the justification of life according to the Witness given by the primitive saints Christians and true witnesses of Christ. 2. And the gift of God bestowed upon him the sa●d R. H. was very pretious honorable clear lives with us in our Remembrance hearts thereby he was made a faithfull Contender for the living faith which was once delivered unto the saints which stands in the power of God worketh by love giveth the Creature victory
have acted contrary to it and taking heed to the Light it will lead you out of all those things which the Law of God takes hold upon and will add the Law upon every transgression And all you that act contrary to the Light of Christ in the Conscience it will be your condemnation And you are they who deny the Ordinancs of Christ which walks not according to the Light of Christ which he hath enlightened you withall and you are they who are not subject to Authority who are not obedient to the Light of Christ in the conscience and you are the disturbers and breakers of the peace whose minds are not guided by the Light of Christ and this Light will let you see giving heed unto it who are out of the commands of Christ and are not subject unto Authority nor obedient to the Light of Christ in the conscience And here I have cleared my conscience to you all from the Lord to the Light of Christ in your consciences I speak which will eternally witness me to have spoken the truth unto you all who have falsly accused the innocent As I was moved of the Lord who is a Servant unto you from the Lord in love to all your souls to set up righteousness in the Land R. H. The Light of Christ within proved to be sufficient to lead unto God In Answer to a Book put forth by John Tombes and Richard Bax●er In which they go about to prove the Light within insufficient to lead to God by many falli●le Arguments by Perverting of Scr●pture and their own reasonings But their rule for proof being so fallible uncertain and confused that often-times they prove that which they would disprove and confess that which they would deny For the convincing and edifying of those that are not satisfied concerning the Light within is this given forth by R. H. Prov. 4.18.19 The path of the Just is a shining light shining more and more unto the perfect day The way of the wicked is darkness they know not at what they stumble BEcause the Lord hath appeared and his True Light is broken forth that by it his Inheritance may be gathered and his Dominion from sea to sea may be witnessed and because many with it are already gathered into the Covenant of everlasting Life many are turning their faces thitherwards enquiring the way to Sion therefore doth the offence arise like floods from men of corrupt minds destitute of the Truth and spiritual understanding of the great mysterie of godliness to wit God manifest in the flesh though appearing us in a form of godliness and words of Scripture which in unrighteousness they hold both perverting the Scriptures and falsly accusing others to wit Christ the Prophets and Apostles and last of all those called Quakers that so by any means the might quench the Light of that fire which God hath k●●dled or hinder his Work which he hath begun that the vail which is over peoples hearts under which iniquity is hid might not be read nor discovered Therefore is there a joining together and making a confederacy one with another against those which follow the Lamb of God keep the Word of his Testimony for upon the same account as we read Luk. 23.12 that Pilate and Herod was made friends who before had been at enmity between themselves which was to set at nought and to deliver up to be crucified the Son of God upon the same account is Baxter the rigid Presbyter and Tombs the pretended Baptist made Friends and call one another Reverend Brethren both setting themselves with their strength arguments and reasons devised words and false charges against the breaking forth of Christ's Light and walking in his truth for but a little while since Baxter had said that Tombs and the Anabaptists were the Authors and Fautors of the delusion of the Quakers as Tombs confesseth in his Epistle And Baxter also confesseth the same in his Epistle That he hath been too eager in disputations which he saith is too well known in the Nation And although here is a great pretended unity betwixt them yet it is but in hypocrisie for in one page of Baxters Epistle he talks of holding the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace as members of the same head and body uniting their force for the common Truth against the pernicious Adversaries thereof And in the next page saith That he hath already told the Episcopal Brethren That Bishop Usher and he did fully agree in half an hour but saith That the wound is yet u●healed betwixt him and Tombs for he never treated with Tombs about such a matter but saith he is confident that they should agree in one day upon terms of common charity and forbearance So that to men of understanding it appears that Baxter is agreed with the Bishop and the Episcopal Brethren but not with Tombs no● the Congregational Brethren and further it is manifest from his own words and according to his limit and time of treaty that he could agree with twenty four bishops as soon as with Tombs for all their pretended unity and agreement for the●e is twelve hours in a day and he agreed with one Bishop in half an hour So we seeing their book begin with such ly●s and confusions we know the whole Volume and effects of it wil minister nothing else to the people the strength and force of those two lately pretended brethren joined against the Quakers in their two Epistles and nine see ●on● in which i● thirty arguments and ten reasons against the sufficiently and spirituality of Christ's Light wherewith he hath enlightened every man which cometh into the World yet for want of knowledge and because of darkness speaks against themselves and prove● that which they would disprove as by something following may be made manifest 1. As first the charge against the Quakers in the 15 th page of their book is That we put darkness for light in that we make a natural Light which is but darkness in spirituals as if it were to be heeded as mens rule in all sorts of duties and knowledge of the things of God Ans. This charge is false for we do not make any natural Light if heeded as mens rule in any duty nor to the knowledge of God neither have ever held such a thing but this is the way of old of all slanderous tongues first to lay down a false position of their own and then disproving it makes people believe that they have confuted an error when they have but proved their own words false and so boasteth in a vain shew as David saith Psal. 39.6 proving nothing against us Again John Tombs saith page 28. That C●●●st makes mens hearts void of Light till they be enlightened with his Light and that every man till he be enlightened by Christ wants Light to guide him in the knowledge of his duty and the way to salvation Ans. But in contradiction to that in page 11. he
vain have you sought divination against Israel and to no purpose have you risen up to resist Mount Sion whom the Lord is establishing and exalting above the Dominions of the Earth and though many set themselves and of the wisest too in our age to gainsay the truth which is revealed by subtil Arguments and have travelled in pain to bring forth misty vapors to blind the eyes of the simple and have laid and sought so to do stumbling-blocks of iniquity before the people by multitude of crafty productions and lying arguments Wo unto you wise Writers and Scribes you have taken away the key of knowledge and have neither entered the Kingdom nor suffered others to enter that would what will be your doom and what will be your judgement Oh the heavy hand of the Lord will be upon you your damnation sleeps not a moment And whereas John Stelham one of Gogs Army against the Lamb and his followers a falsly supposed and contrarily called and unjustly named Minister of the Gospel hath out of his corrupt wicked old lying heart which he confesseth he hath brought forth a large piece out of Babylons Treasure of falsly collected and falsly framed arguments whereby he hath sought to offend the way of the Lord but the rather hath burthened his own soul by his own wickedness and offended himself and made himself unworthy of life eternal and is reckoned in the sight of the Lord and proved in the sight of man to be indeed sinful John Stelham yea he is numbred and truly too among Babylons children and the Lyars and Hypocrites whose portion is in the Lake and not among the children of the Lord for them he hath set himself to oppose and by his subtilty secretly sought out Inchantments and endeavouring to curse whom God hath blessed he is accounted among the uncircumcised and shall not dye the death of the righteous neither shall his last end be like unto his except he repent yea God hath kept him back from honor and to shame and disgrace he is already promoted in the sight of all the Saints and all his work is trodden down as a branch of a dead Tree to be cast into the fire And what though he hath travelled full ten Months or more yet his birth is imperfect and the fruit of an Egyptian Womb which hath obtained neither praise of God nor favour of man And what though his Arguments be many and subtile through the strength of his divellish Wisdom whereby he hath descended into the darkness to fetch up his stuff and invented in his mind and framed in his evil thoughts which hath filled his Volumes by his envious pen. And what though he hath taken seeming occasion against us by his industry and bent his tongue to utter it as friendly and zealously as may blind the single eye and in as great hypocrisie and pretended righteousness as possibly may What then of all these things Let h●m take this for an Answer in full to all his many Arguments and to his whole Work and whatsoever is brought forth or may be yet lodging in his sinful heart ever to declare We are of God and his Covenant is with us and the whole World lyes in wickedness and he that is of God heareth us And this is enough Reply to all what he hath or can say further against us And this Testimony the Father gives of us who hath chosen us in him before the World was and let him and all our Adversaries know That our Religion is in that which keeps unspotted of the World and our acceptance with God is in him who is the Light of the World who exerciseth our consciences in all good things towards God and towards man And though we answer not yet are we no worse and though we answer yet are we no better praise of men approves us not to God nor dispraise of men makes us not sorrowful but our peace is in the Father whether the World do us love or hate or praise or dispraise us And first of all like unto Rehum and Shimshai and their companions he appears with his Dedication much like unto theirs from the same Spirit and unto the same end as may be seen Ezra 4.9 11 12. c. and in the manner of Amaziah Priest of Bethel unto Jeroboam the King with a Message much of that nature as in Amos 7.10 11. c. And this man with his feigned flattering titles appears to the chief in Authority for approbation of his Wo●k that men may accept it the more But that 's little worth if God accept it less and in much secret hyyocrisie hath he uttered the intent of his mind in less than a sheet of paper to the Protector and Council of State whom we hope in for more honesty than to believe lyes and the indictments of a sinful wicked heart Well but if they will harden their hearts to believe unrighteousness they shall be filled therewith till both the ancient and honorable and the false Prophet that prophesies lyes which is the tayle Isa. 9.15 be consumed together 〈…〉 the Dominion shal be given into their hands then among his flattering titles he seems secretly to Complain of Abuse made of the Press for the spreading of Anti-scriptural and Anti-christian Errors as he saith Indeed his own works do prove his words true that the Presse is abused which hath by his Pen scribled so many Lyes Reproaches Slanders and Errors and the Presse the instrumental cause of spreading them abroad whereby the Press hath been abused to the dishonour of Religion and Piety if not to the dishonour of Authority also Then he seems to hint at the Cruelty and Outcry of many for crying Club-law against the men called Quakers but whether with approvement or otherwise of it his mind is not uttered however by the Lyes and Slanders ensuing out of his owne mouth it is easily proved that he is of that very generation of persecutors though he so well do not approve of Persecuting with the hand yet he allows and himself is guilty of persenting with the tongue which is one in nature so that hereby the great hypocrisie of this man appears in condemning others secretly of what himself is guilty of openly then he is pleased though the Lord be vexed to cast forth his peevish smite against the light of Jesus Christ wherewith every man in the world is lighted in words thus venomously uttered that perverse Principle of their viz Quakers self-adoring light Will the Protector and Council believe this or will they promote him to honour or magnifie him because of his opprobious speeches against the light of the Son of God let them answer and testifie against him for blasphemy who hath in his hastinesse uttered his envie and wickedness and no less then denied the Lord that bought him in calling and shamelesly stiling the pure light of Christ the Way the Truth and the Life Perverse Principle and Selfe adoring light and thus it
beware of thy spirit who art not guided by the spirit of Christ Jesus nor of the Father but a worker of darkness a rev●ler of the light of Christ calling it false Prophet-like as being led with the spirit of the Dragon the Beast Perverse Principle We have measured thy spirit to be as I have said and he that speaks otherwise speaks as a lye and if the Protector and his Councel believes o●herwise they believe a lye and cannot obtain a blessing though thou with thy lying spirit pray for them whom God the Father of blessings hears not but is against thee and this is my prayer the Lord rebuke thee thy wicked tongue and give the Protector and his Councel a better understanding than to believe thee else will the Lord make them cursed to themselves and to the Nations of them my heart hopes better things and this might serve for a full Answer to thy whole Book and by this little of thy work that I have viewed and turned unto the sigh of all art thou discovered to be an enemy to God and a secret envier of his people and by what thou hast said it appeares what the rest of the whole matter can be an evil spirit cannot bring forth good works but yet a little further is my matter unvayled for the sake of the upright And further J. S. after his wicked Presentation to the Rulers of this Nation with lyes and evill Speeches proceeding out of his old heart he writes an Epistle out of the same heart to the Church as he calls them wherein is many words uttered but altogether tasted with that leaven of his malice against Quakers and Quakerism who seemes to be the greatest burthen upon his evil heart because truth is among them if truth go on his deceit wil be more made manifest wither and perish and so as subtilly as may be he would defend himself in the sight of his Church that his shame may not appear before them it may be least his Hire should be abated and he seems to cast a cloak upon them but whether out of pure love to their Soules or for his owne Gain such a sum of Money God knowes how ever the least Child in the truth dwelling in the light sees his length and can measure his state knows that good cannot come from an old lying heart he speaks something of wondering after the beast and false Prophet but hath not described what the Beast is and the false Prophet And I refer the Reader to a Book called The Measure of the Times wherein the Priests of England such as J. S. is reproved according to the Scripture to be the very branches of the same Root of false Prophets which all the World wondered after in Johns time though he speak much to his Church of Christ without and of his birth blood and his righteousness and justification thereby c. but to all that I say All are Reprobates but such in whom Christ is within them and none are justified but such nor hath any part in the inheritance of God though they may profess never so much of Christ without and what he hath done for others yet except he be within them too to change and renew them and give them power over all their sins their profession of him is vain I am no picker of Quarrels else many of his words might be searched which I run over hastily knowing his voice to be the voice of a stranger and not of Christ who never made use of an old sinful heart to pen Epistles to Churches But into this lets search he saith Christ blesseth Infants-Baptism Where or when I aske proof of this and till then I say J.S. hath belyed Christ and the generation of the just Wel may he bely us when he hath bely'd Christ who could not ble●s that which there was not there was no Infants baptism that ever we read of in his dayes sure people will be more wise than to be established through Lyes else their sin be upon them if through hardnesse of heart they be given up to believe Lyes that they may perish He speakes of a well ordered Conversation Inded this seems Hypocrisie to exhort others their Churches to that which many of the Independent Teachers have not thmselves who are Hirelings and takes Guifts and Rewards for Preaching and is in the way of all the Deceivers of old and they that do these things have not a wel ordered Conversation but a Conversing with the generation of ungodly when we read the plain words of Christ Luke 17. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you he saith we madly wrest the reading of the words when we neither add nor diminish now he seems to say It is the Kingdom of Heaven among you and not the Kingdom of heaven within you and so blames the Scripture and confound● the doctrine of many of the Independents who say the Scripture is believers Rule but he seems to charge ths Scripture with false translations and therefore is subject to alteration and so cannot be the Rule of Believers according to his own account thus by wicked men are we blam'd when we do not speak according to Scripture language and now as wickedly charged by I. S. for speaking just in the Scripture-expressions with madly wresting the words but thus it was before whatsoever we do now by enemies must be reviled and our words abused contrary to our innocent intents Then in the end of his Epistle he desires the Prayers of his Church that his Reply may be accompanyed with power according to the truth of it Indeed so it shall and no more according to the truth of it which is very falshoods and deceits so shall the power of the Lord confound it and turne it into folly and confusion as may he seen by a sober man who this following doth with patience read and weigh Then many things is uttered by him in his Epistle to the Reader he seems to shew he saith how R. F. and his Associates have made up A Litter and Fardel of Erroneous Divinity and secretly charging us with making up of what we professe from some Writers before us But to this I answer His reproachfull words Litter and Fardel and Erroneous we beare with patience rather rejoycing that we are accounted worthy of the reproach for the truth sake from an envious man then to be angry with our reproaches But however let him and all our enemies know what we professe and bear witness of we receive not from man but from God even the Gospel which we testify of by the revelation of Jesus Christ in us we received it informs others to the same door which is by our Ministry that they may receive the same and this is but his poor shift to undervalue the power and truth of Jesus in the sight of men who would falsly make men believe That our Doctrines are but the spawn of
put them to an end and not destroy them nor contradict them in the sight of his Father though to their corrupt judgement and Christ tells them that they erred not knowing the Scriptures nor the Power of God who had old lying hearts and were sinful wretches even such as John Stelham hath confessed himself to be and therefore his words and judgement and theirs is like to be all of one nature judging Truth to be Error and the Way of God to be Heresie and Blasphemy this the Pharisees did of old and even thus doth John Stelham and his companions do at this day But why should any be troubled hereat seeing herein Christs words are fullfilled upon us who said They shall speak all manner of evil falsly against you for my Names sak● And so hath this man done with his light scornful spirit and fulfilled Christs words who because he hath not known the Father nor the Son hath spoken evil falsly against them that follow Christ And this were sufficient answer to his whole Book Yet let us see what follows and let the Reader try with all moderation that he may be edified and may know the true Spirit from the false and the doctrine of the Gospel from lying visions and may cleave to the Truth and escape the error And let none believe hastily things uttered without knowledge out of J.S. deceitful heart FOrasmuch as many of the Servants of the Lord have been moved of the Lord to set forth in order several Declarations of those things which the Light of the glorious Gospel shining in their hearts hath given them the knowledge of and for this end are they published that others also may know the certainty and truth of those things which are believed known and enjoyed amongst us not that they can be known by reading the Letter in which they are declared but through their diligence and obedience to the Light wherewith Christ hath enlightened them though not for it which is the same Light which shined in our hearts and gave us the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ by which Light of the glorious Gospel who are faithful in it to the Lord their understandings come to be opened that they stumble not at those things which are testified in the Truth neither at that which is declared in other Scriptures but it being that in this our day it hath pleased the Father to bring forth in life and power that mercy and truth which the Scripture speaks of by which iniquity is purged out and as it is become a savour of life unto life in those that receive and believe in it so it is also become a savour of death unto that death which remains in both Priests and people in this age who hate the Light who can scarce hear it named or that people should be turned unto it as the Apostle did turn them from darkness to the Light and from the power of Satan unto God that they might receive the rem●ssion of their sins and be partakers of the inheritance amongst them that are sanctified but when they hear that preached or printed which they may do and out of which they cannot receive the remission of their sins then envy riseth up in them a perverse mind and ungodly speeches and false accusations saying that we speak of a natural Light and of a natural Conscience when as we speak of the true Light which hath enlightened every one that cometh into the World and in which Christ's Doctrine stood who said to the people and to the Pharisees again and again I am the Light of the world as John 8.12 John 12.46 but now because the Light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon us and we declare it freely as we have received it therefore is floods of ungodliness risen up against us But it is impossible that the Seed which the Lord is manifesting his Light and Power to bring forth should be kept alwayes under the power of death which Seed is now terrible in the Lord's Power and will yet be more terrible as his power encreaseth which is now going forth as an Army with banners for the torment of the wicked is already begun because the righteousness of God is now spreading over the Nations and neither the Rulers of the darkness of this World nor all the Printings and Preachings of those who be out of the life of God can hinder that which the Lord hath begun and is carrying on by his own power though the Nations are angry because that by the Light of his glorious Gospel shining forth his wrath is revealed upon them for their ungodly deeds that the Scripture which cannot be broken may be fulfilled and therefore it were better for them there may be hope then to rise up against that which is more unchangeable than the Heavens and the Earth And therefore in vain have the Enemies of God and people in all professions joined themselves together against the Light of Truth and the Way of the Lord which many in our dayes have fallen upon but are broken to pieces and it hath fallen upon many and grinded them to powder and nothing shall escape for the day of the Lord is come and it is very nigh to you that hate it a day of darkness and of gloominess of clouds and of thick darkness and now the seed of God is as the morning spread upon the Mountains a great people and a strong there hath not been ever the like neither shall there be any more after it even to the years of many generations a fire goeth before them and behind them a flame burneth the Land is as the Garden of Eden before them and behind them a desolate Wilderness and nothing shall escape them the appearance of them is as the appearance of horses and as horse-men so shall they run c. the Earth shall quake before them the Heavens shall tremble the Sun and Moon shall be dark and the Stars shall withdraw their shining and the Lord shall ut●er his voice before his Army as he now doth for his Camp is very great for he is strong that executeth his Word for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible and who can abide it And now according as the Prophet Joel prophesied is it come and coming to pass Joel 2.2 3 4 10 11. against which Seed men of corrupt minds and reprobate concerning the things of God are risen up who in their first appearance in their Writings profess themselves to be that which they are not seeming right unto many through their feigned words and fair speeches deceiving the hearts of the simple for whom Christ dyed but afterwards in the same Writings to those that see they manifest themselves what they are and being so considered as they are seen and known cannot deceive and therefore to all people who desire to be edified and satisfied in the ground and truth
his Testimony is true saying And there are also many other things which Jesus did the which if they should be written every one I suppose that even the World it self could not contain the Books which should be written John 21.25 So that all is not written which was revealed wrote and spoken which if much more were written which was made m●nifest by it with that which is written could they not know the Lord their mindes being from the light of Christ which doth reveale and make manifest that which may be known of God in them And many who have the Letter and are Ministers of it are sensual having not the spirit nor the word of God nor the testimony of Jesus and their Ministry is but as Chaffe to the Wheate and the Lord is against them For what is the chaffe to the wheat saith the Lord Jeremiah 23. Is not my word like a fire saith the Lord and like a hammer breaketh the rock in pieces Now many have the letter and know not the word of the Lord as a fire neither is the rock broken with the letter and such use their tongue for it is their own and the power of the Lord is not come over it such cause the People to err and doth not profit them being not sent nor commanded of the Lord for who are sent and commanded of the Lord the Lord useth their tongue● to speak his words which he puts into their mouthes and such words doth profite the people and not cause them to err being spoken according to the law which is light And the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophesie and such do witnesse the Scriptures that as they cannot be broken so they cannot be denied by the Spirit which gave them forth to be a Declaration of those things which was revealed known and believed But they are not that which they are a declaration of the letter testifies of the eternal life but it is not it neither gives it It testifies of the light of the glorious Gospel shining in the heart whih gives the light of the knowledg of the glory of God but it is not that light which gives that knowledge It testifies of the Way but Christ is the Way of the Word but God is the Word and of Redemption but Christ is the Redemption not the Letter though it testifies of Justification Sanctification but they are wrought by the Word in the grace and power of Christ and so every one who wil own the Scriptures as they were given sorth to be owned must first own that of God in them which is manifest to work in the Creature that which they testifie of that Christ the power of God they may witness working all their works in them and for them according to the Scripture But contrary to the Scripture J.S. from the root of Errour saith That the written letter is a Spirituall Arm and Sword of the Spirit and that the very power of the written letter puts Satan to flight And in the same Page saith That the Devil hath Scripture in his mouth Answ. Let the People take notice and read the Scriptures and see if there be any such thing that the Sword of the spirit was ever in the Divels Mouth for the spiritual Armour which is said to be the Word of God But the Word of God which is the sword of the Spirit is that by which he is to be destroyed and is the mystery bid from him and all that follow his lusts But though the Divell which did not abide in the truth and his Ministers who are out of the truth may take the letter in their mouthes as they have done and say it s written so but the word of the Lord is not in their mouthe● which is the sword of the Spirit and such will use the letter in their mouthes which cannot sease from sin whose eyes are full of Adultery beguiling unstable Souls their heart being exercised with coveteous practises cursed children which have forsaken the right way and are in the Error of Baalan loving the wages of unrighteousnesse and taking them and such have the letter in their mouthes but knows not the Word of God wh●ch who comes but know it restraines them from all such practises Again J.S. from his blindnesse and root of Error and lying heart wherein dwells no truth but much confusion saith that the letter i. e. the Scripture is the true ground of the believers Faith and again in the same page saith That Christ in the Scripture is the true Ground of Faith And to prove the former he brings Prov. 22.19 20 21. That thy trust may be in the Lord I have made known to thee this day even to thee have not I written to thee ●xcellent things in Councels and Knowledg that I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee An. By this scripture the Lord is made the ground of Faith not the Letter And therefore did the Prophet make known excellent things in writing in counsel and knowledge for this end did the Apostles both preach and write that the Faith of those which heard them read their writings might not stand in the wisdom of words nor in the letter as its ground but in Christ the power of God and Christ who preached the true doctrine that in it every one might believe said to the World the Pharisees While ye have the light believe in the light that ye may be the Children of light and these had the letter but did not believe in the light which light is Christ and which light is the foundation of Faith and is the foundation of many generations in which many did believe before this letter which declares of it was written And that Faith which stands in the light and in the power of God is the ground of the Scripture letter from whence it did proceed after they believed they spoke and wrote that which now is declared in Chapters And every one which coms to the true ground of Faith must come co the light to believe in it that they may be the Children of it and then the Scriptures will be profitable unto them they with the light having the understanding opened to see for what end they were given forth and how they come to be fulfilled and witnessed in that which gave them forth for the ground of Faith to believers is but one both before and since the Scripture was written which is Christ in whom whosoever believeth shall be saved let Christ be in what he will for he was the ground of Faith when the letter was not and he is the ground of Faith when it is and no other foundation for Faith can any man lay than that which is laid Jesus Christ who is the true light and enlighteneth every man that cometh into the Word that all men in him might
set up a light of scriptures as he calleth it And he speaks in p. 82. of having our minds darkned with the light of Scriptures Mark doth that light which he hath in all his Book been exalting above the God head-light above that Light which Christ hath enlightned every man withal darken mens minds What is it then that must enlighten them Here is his testimony of the Light brought up to the ful that all who can receiv it may believ it for he saith to us if our minds were not darkned with the light of the Scriptures the two texts in Rom. 10.18 and Col. 1.23 might resolve us how the Gospel is preached to every creature not to the principle of Light in the Conscience how can the Scripture resolve us of the Light if it darken our minds But by these things this is made manifest that darkness hath blinded his eyes that he neither knows the Light nor the Scriptures which were given forth from it Again Another of his contradictions concerning the Light in pag. 23 24. compared with pag. 75. is this saying the Light that shined in Pauls heart and the Light that shineth in the Scripture is the same Light and God who shineth in the heart by Gospel-light according to the Apostles words 2 Cor. 4.4 contratrary unto which in his 75. page he saith That the Gospel-light about matters of salvation of which the Apostle speaks never entered never shined into mens hearts Ans. To this let all take notice and consider whether of these two Contraries they are to believe The one saying God shineth in their hearts by Gospel-light and the other saith It never entered nor shined into mens hearts But if the Scriptures or the Apostle is to believed he saith For God who-commanded the Light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ but we have this Treasure in Earthen Vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us 2 Cor. 4.6 7. Here was the light of the Gospel shining in their hearts in matters of salvation giving them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ and they were the Vessels in which the light did shine and from which they spoke the hidden Wisdom of God in a mystery and so that which they spoke of the Light and of the Gospel is yet a mysterie unto such whose eye is blinded with the god of this world and the wayes of unrighteousness knowing neither the light nor the Gospel of salvation but filling up their iine of confusion as hath been already manifest and may further be made manifest Again John Stelham in his sixth Head of Scripture-contradiction speaks concerning the Law and goes about to distinguish between the two Covenants which the Scriptures speak of but knows not what he speaketh nor of what he affirmeth but contrary to the Scriptures speaking of a Moral and Ceremonial law which the Scriptures speak of no such words nor no such distinctions as of a Moral law to be the Covenant of Works and th●t the Ceremonial law is not a Covenant of Works but of Grace And whereas he tells of a Covenant of Nature which is one with the Covenant of Works and so here is several Covenants which J. S. hath made and several Names here given to the Covenants which God never gave nor they which spoke of the Covenants never gave such names to the law in the words of Scripture as Moral Legal Natural Ceremonial so that is all without and contrary to the Scripture language And whereas he goeth about to prove Adam to be under a moral law wdich he calls a law of Works but hath no Scripture to prove it from but from his suppositions as thus If it was not of Grace it was a Covenant of works And again if the Covenant of works was not made with Adam in innocency God could not in justice require satisfaction of his posterity under the fall c. A third supposition to prove Adam under a Covenant of Works is this Either he stood under a Covenant of Works or was under the Covenant of Grace or he was under no Covenant c. Unto which I answer All such Priests and Teachers who be out of innocency themselves cannot tell what Covenant those are in with God who are innocent and in the Image of God in holiness and righteousness and therefore from such have we so much perverting of the Scriptures and violating of the law of God to make it according to their imaginations But unto such God saith What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes or that thou shouldest take my Covenant into thy mouth seeing thou hatest instruction and castest my words behind thee Psal. 50.16 Thou givest thy mouth to evil and thy tongue frameth deceit But I say That Covenant in which Adam was with God in his innocency and in his image he stood in that and by that by which he was made a living soul and in that was in unity and covenant with God for the disobedience of which he was driven out from God into the earth and none were under the Law of Works neither was that Law added uhtil there was transgression which it was added because of it but that which is innocent and without sin unreproveable in God's sight is under no Law but that which endureth for ever which doth free from sin and death those that be in it which is made manifest unto some since the fallihg from it and which the Isles are to wait for till it be made manifest where it is not al●eady revealed and all who come to have right to speak of God's precepts and to take his covenant into their mouths they see and comprehend all such darkness which doth not speak according to words of Scripture but speaks of three Covenants contrary to Scripture saying that the first Covenant promiseth nothing of salvation nor mentioneth nothing of a Saviour and yet saith that that Covenant is a part of God's Word and his Will and pure Law and yet mentioneth nothing of a Saviour and again saith that the Moral Law he calls of Works which promiseth no salvation mentioneth nothing of a Saviour that this which mentioneth nothing of a Saviour is to be a directory and rule to true believers for the ordering of their sanctification as it is also in Christ's hand guiding them by his Spirit so this cannot build nor join together and so time to cease building any more in confusion but in denial of that false doctrine I say That there is but two Covenants spoken of in the Scriptures which is a plain testimony of them without any such confusion or contradiction as the Apostle to the Hebrews saying In that he saith a new Covenant he hath made the first old c. And in the first Covenant as you may read Heb. 9. In all
of their bodies which now if people mind the Scripture there is no such doctrine in it as the Saints in Heaven have not received the Redemption of their bodies for they who had received the first fruits of the Spirit upon earth did wait for the adoption and for the redemption of the body till the creature it self be delivered into the glorious liberty of the sons of God Rom. 8. And this was witnessed and is witnessed and this is the Work of the Worlds Teachers instead of presenting them perfect in Christ Jesus as the Apostles did they would make people believe that the Saints in Heaven their bodies are unredeemed if so where is that redemption wrought And whereas I. S. vvould make people believe that there are none clean novv Christ said concerning those that follovved him Now are ye clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you John 15.3 And David saith that the Lord is good unto such as are of a clean heart Psal. 73.1 And the Lord said concerning his people that he would pour clean water upon them and they should be clean from all their filthiness Ezek. 36.25 and this Prophesie was to be fulfilled And the Lord said also by his Prophet Zephaniah That his Remnant should do no iniquity nor speak lyes neither should a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth Zeph. 3 1·3 And Paul preached Wisdom among them that were perfect and as many as were perfect should be so minded and Christ preached to the pure in heart that they should see God Matt. 5. Now if there were none perfect Christ preached unto such as there was not Now this is the chief ground of J. S. and the rest of the Enemies of truth and of perfection to declare against it because some fall from it as his instance of C. A. or others in the like To which I answer Their falling into that which is not perfect doth not make that which they fall from imperfect for the Angels that kept not their first state which was perfect did fall from that which was perfect A Virgin state is perfect but if any go out of that state and become foolish yet that which they depart from is perfect And if any do fall from the Truth and do not abide in Christs Doctrine that doth not make his Doctrine to be imperfect for Christ saith Except they abide in him who is perfect they cannot bring forth fruit Is not he that is in Christ perfect though some do not abide in him And is not the Truth Truth because some deny it Was not Christs Doctrine and the Apostles true because Demas did forsake it and love the present World And was not that part of the Ministry which Judas had committed unto him perfect And was not he the true Christ that Judas preached though afterwards he betrayed him Now if people do but truly consider all those that now do turn from the way of Truth which is now preached and lived in by us it may be an evident token to justifie us in the Way of Truth seeing what they go into when they go from the Light which Christ hath enlightened them withall which while they abide in it are kept out of all filthiness of flesh and spirit and so long they may speak of perfection and of the gift of God which is perfect But if any go from the Light then they are let at liberty to act all uncleanness with greediness and so are cast out from us and from perfection And if any such deny the Truth and forsake it yet there remains in them a witness for the truth and against their own uncleanness as in C. A. who from the Witness of God in him was made to confess that if he had continued in the Light of Christ he could not have so sinned against the Lord and so by his transgression fel from the way of Life and could not continue in Christs Doctrine any longer so such things may satisfie people concerning the way of Truth for while they are of us all such things is denyed by them but when they go out from us then they become Drunkards Swearers Prophane Adulterers Fornicators and so every evil Work is committed and then they turn to the Priests Doctrine there all such things are and are excused and then the Priests rejoice and give thanks if any turn from the Light of Christ and the obedience of the Gospel into drunkenness and prophaneness again where they were before and if they wil but swear and respect mens persons and use the rod of violence and pers●cute and shed the blood of the innocent and be conformable to the World that is the Priests rejoicing and if any turn from the truth into any act of uncleanness then they take that as a proof against those that abide in the truth and such a thing is a better proof to them then all the Scripture and those are they that rejoice in iniquity and watch for evil and so they rejoice in that which we have cast out as abomination and these are they that plead for a life in sin while they are here and that say that the saints glorified in Heaven do yet hope for the resurrection of their bodies and so not come to the end of their hope though in Heaven when as the Saints upon earth witnessed the end of their hope the salvation of their souls Now these may wel deny perfection on earth who deny it in heaven which the Saints we and the Scriptures do witness it in both and against all such who are not fit to speak of the things of God Again in his ninth Head of contradiction he speaks of a warfare which yet himself never came unto and in it he wrests Pauls words and so would turn the truth into a lye saying as if Paul should say thus If sin that wars and sights in me hath no power to condemn me then there is no condemnation to me Which words Paul never spake and it is a lye in the ground for it is not sin that is the condemnation but the Light which lets men see their sins because men love darkness rather than light as many in this age have manifested themselves to do and the light shall be their condemnation who are not yet come to the War nor to the Victory which the Scripture speaks of Again in his tenth Head of contradictions speaking of repentance as if he would prove that we denyed or disclaimed godly sorrow and his proof is this If we disclaim in-dwelling sin in the godly we disclaim godly sorrow Let all people take notice of this If we deny in-dwelling sin we deny godly sorrow this is contradiction in the highest degree but against it this I shall affirm that none comes unto godly sorrow but they deny in dwelling sin and they that do not deny in-dwelling sin denies godly sorrow Again John Stelham in his eleventh Head of contradictions to the Scripture in his speaking of
he hath gathered from Scripture or his own imaginations and let him chuse to say whether he will And in the next he will be proved a false Prophet and that E. B. compiled a Book out of Scripture Collections is false for having the same Spirit which gave forth the Scripture which brings the Scripture to remembrance is not compiling a Book out of Scriptures and J. S. is found a false Accuser and E.B. neither a self-Contradictor nor self-Curser and these are true words to this Generation and owned with the Spirit of God though J. S. in his scornfull spirit abuse them he that hath the Word of the Lord from the mouth of the Lord to declare he is reviled and mocked But he that speaks the imagination of his own heart from the Saints conditions he is heard and owned and this is neither Scripture contradiction nor self contradiction let J. S. judg out of his own heart what he will neither is this self-contradiction to ask Which of the Saints had the witnesse of their souls union to seek in the Letter and yet to affirm the Spirit opens and brings that which is spoken in Scripture to remembrance Let J. S. first answer the Query in plainnesse which is an honest query and not to imply from it his own conceptions to make appear self-Contradict●ons let the sober Reader judg where the contradiction lies and he saith the Spirit is in the le●ter and goes about to prove it if he could if the Spirit be in the letter then all must have the spirit that hath the letter and the Spirit is whereever the Bible is which I do deny for many have the Letter and prof●sse it which knows not the spirit and many have the Bible in their pocket which have not the spirit there and this will be confessed by J. S. and all his fellows and so he must revoke who saith the Spirit is in the letter and the spirit gives life but the letter kills In his proof he saith The written Word viz. the Letter is of greater authority then the writer Mark here Christ was one of them which gave forth Scripture and he was a greater authority than what was written and I say as it is plain to all honest men who can believe truth that the holy men of God who had the spirit were of greater authority than the Scriptures since have been which they left behinde them But J. S. hath set Christ and all them that gave forth scripture to be lesse in authority than the scriptures Let wise men judg of this matter he saith They were imperfectly holy that wrote forth the Scriptures and this is an absolute lye for the scr●ptures give ●his testimony of many of them that wrote it that they were perfect men and he hath also slaundered Christ to be imperfectly holy and in his next let him prove what this imperfect holinesse is and till then we deny that there is any Holinesse imperfect Further he saith The promises of the scripture are his ●hariot to convey him spirit whither he pleases to go But where is his proof for such a Doctrine but all that he saith doth not prove that the spirit is in the letter though he say to make up the sum of his matter Daily experiences do demonstrate that the spirit is in the letter but where is the man let him answer that thus hath experienced that alwayes when he hath seen the letter and handled the letter hath seen and handled the spirit the testimony of an honest man I will believe but not J. S. assertion out of his own heart In his 2 d Head of self-contradiction Concerning hearing the Word this is not contradiction to say they who are of God hear his Word and yet to deny the hearing of such as J. S. who is not a Minister of the Word but a Professor of the Letter for proud men and covetous men and false Accusers such as J. S. is we are exhorted to turn away from by Paul and this is not a denying our selves to be of God as J. S. would charge us withall because we deny to hear Hirelings for we hear Gods Word and his Voice and therefore do we deny to hear D●ceivers and this is no self-contradiction nor saying nor unsaying let J.S. judge what he will the Saints shall be my witn●sse and though we say that the Saints Teacher cannot be removed into a corner as saith the scripture and that the saints will finde thei● teachers as they lie in their beds both these are true and not self-contradiction let a sober Reader judg whether he can find contradiction in those words but fain would J. S have his lies believed for truth that he might have praise of men for his works have gained no praise of God and he saith R F. hath not proved lyes yet against him if it were so let the Reader search whether there be none proved against him now but let him not say like a Pharisee I am no lyar but rather let him repent of his lyes and wickedness His 3 d. Head concerning the Light within Wherein much ado he makes as to prove the light of Christ spoken of Ioh. 1.9 to be a natural light and he saith the light given to all men even that light spoken of Ioh. 1.9 is a dim light and is cold and insufficient to Salvation and unable to make true discovery of the true Saviour such like contemptible undervaluing words of the pure light of Christ by whom the world was made who lighteth every man in the World by this it is known more evidently what Spirit J. S. is of but there is none of us who have received the knowledge of God by the very light of Christ which shines in our hearts can believe him and this is no contradiction to say that every man is lightned by Christ with the true light and yet to say some men are living in a natural condition both these are true for some hates the light of Christ and their deeds are evil and such are in a natural condition but this doth not prove that Christ hath not given them light though they be in a natural condition I leavit to spiritual men to judge though they say it seems strange that some should live a natural condition and yet have the light of Christ given them saith he as if every man brought a Saviour with him into the world This last is his false conception but he is mans saviour by whose power every man is brought in to the World and if J. S. did but understand as we do that some love the light and some hates it such as hate it denyes Christ he that loves it receives Christ who knows this stranges not I.S. wondring shews his Ignorance who would secretly charge us to be bewitched with a Notion of accounting nature grace which we do not and it is his own condition he that conceives Lyes believes them and tells them is the
Pr. That the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ was not the Law of the Spirit in the Saints but that they were two Laws c. Ans. This is a false distinction for God ●ath said that he wil write his Law in their hearts and put his Spirit in their inward parts And the same Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus being in the Apostle's heart had set him free from the Law of sin and death Rom. 8.2 So it was not two Laws but one Law Pr. That there are two righteousnesses of Christ the one without the Saints to justifie thom and the other within the Saints that did sanctifie them Ans. Christ's righteousness is but one and that by which they were both sanctified and justified was but one thing even the Spirit of our God 1 Cor. 6.11 and Christ in them was Gods righteousness and the hope of glory who was made unto them righteousness and if Christ was in them then his righteousness was in them or else he and his righteousness is divided as this Priests doctrine would make them Pr. The said Priest denied that they were justified by that Christ that was in them when he was questioned about it Ans. If they were not justified by that Christ that was in them then by another Christ which is no less than to preach two Christ's and so he hath preached another Gospel than the Apostles preached which whosoever doth is accursed Pr. That David when he was guilty of adultery and murther was not in a condemned state but in a justified state Ans. Here he would make God a justifier of the wicked in his wickedness but in that state David was condemned of the Lord and suffered his anger and terrors when his iniquities went over his head and were too heavy for him to bear and he was not justified until that through judgement he was redeem ●rom the guilt of murther and adultery and other sins which 〈◊〉 over his head So such Teachers as he who would have God account them just who are unjust and them holy who are unholy and unrighteous are as the false Prophec● who put no difference between the holy and prophane and spoke peace to the wicked where there was no peace counting them good who did evil saying they that do evil are good in the sight of the Lord Mal. 3.15 as the Priests now say though they be sinners yet they are righteous in God's account so they would make God a lyar accounting men to be that which they are not and to be in Christ when they are in sin in the Devil's Work Pr. And concerning them in Heb. 12. who were come unto the spirits of just men made perfect he said it was meant that they were in Heavon and not upon Earth Ans. Thus by his false meanings he hath often perverted the Scriptures calling his false meanings the meanings of the Holy Ghost but these mentioned in Heb. 12. were them the Apostle wrote unto upon earth for he did not write to men after they were deceased and these that he wrote unto were come unto the innumerable company of Angels and to the City of the living God and to the spirits of just men made perfect Pr. That any creature that holds that principle of being justified by a righteousness within living and dying in that principle cannot come to Heaven Ans. Christ is the justifier of them that believe in him and his Doctrine is I in them and they in me So Christ and his righteousness is in the Saints and God hath brought in the everlasting righteousness which justifieth which is not at a distance separate from the Saints as these false Teachers have imagined And the Apostles Doctrine and Principle is Christ in you which whosoever liveth and dyeth in this comes to Heaven but on the contrary whosoever hath not Christ and his righteousness in them to justifie them cannot come to Heaven Pr. That that which fitted men for the Inheritance among the Saints did not entitle to the inheritance or not give them a part in the inheritance Ans. This is contrary to the Apostles Doctrine for he thanks God the Father who made them meet to be partakers of the inheritance with the Saints in Light Col. 1.12 for he both fitted them for the Inheritance and did entitle and give them a part in the Inheritance translating them into the Kingdom of his dear Son ver 13. Pr. That we cannot contain an infinite righteousness in us Ans. Then you cannot contain the righteousness of God for it is infinite and everlasting as in Daniel 9.24 and then you cannot contain Christ in you who is God's righteousnesse and who is infinite and so by this Doctrine he makes all reprobates as all are who know not Christ in them for they who did not retain God in their knowledge were given up to a reprobate sence Pr. That it was false doctrine to say a man must first partake of the righteousness which justifies before it can be imputed to him as his Ans. He hath here counted that false doctrine which the Saints witnessed fulfilled in them for the righteousness of God was imputed to the Saints in the true belief whereby they did partake of Gods righteousness through Faith before it could be accounted theirs except that this Priest in his false meanings would count that to be a mans vvhich he hath no right to nor part in for the faith wherein Abraham did partake of Gods righteousness vvas reckoned to him for righteousness and he unto vvhom God imputeth righteousness in his spirit there is no guile though these Priests vvould impute righteousnesse to the vvicked as theirs vvho are full of guile and sin having no life nor right in God's righteousness vvhile they live quite out of it Pr. That God offers salvation to all men but he intends it but to a few Ans. There he vvould frustrate the grace of God and his salvation vvhich is free for all and so he vvould make the offers of God's salvation to many thousands to no purpose as if God profered that to many vvhich he never intended to give them Was there ever such a belying of God as this For vvhat is it less than to make God a respecter of persons If all men by nature be in wickedness and liable to condemnation as this priest confessed and yet salvation is intended but for a fevv though offered to all how is God no respecter of persons and how is Christ given to be his salvation to the ends of the earth and a Light unto the world that all men through him might believe and whosoever believeth in Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life so that all may freely come and be saved according to the Love and Will of God vvho doth not intend that any shall perish except they reject his vvay and the offers of his grace which hath appeared to all men Pr. That a Minister of the gospel doth not know who are
Logick its like they will set thee no more a work to defend and vindicate them with such weapons Again page 89. thou saist that it is said by the Prophet Prov. 21.4 that the ploughing of the Ploughman is sin Answ. Here thou kast belyed the Prophet and perverted his words a● thou hast done the Quakers for the Prophets words is an high look and a proud heart and the ploughing of the wicked is sin but he doth not say that the ploughing of the Ploughman is sin But who can escape the envy of sl●ndrous tongues which accounteth lying no sin if thereby they can accomplish their own wicked end but the truth hath found thee out and made thee manifest and the Priests had better wanted thy defence then to be so shamed by it as they will be unless they deny both thee and it Again in the same page thou saist to hear read pray sing Psalms and giving of thanks they are works morally good being Commanded by the Lord but the person doing them being not justified they are not good to him for whatsoever is not of Faith is sin Answ. This is another piece of confusion and charging of God foolishly and fasly to say that the Lord commands those things to be done and those he commands to doe them in doing of which it is not good to them but sin Where hast thou learned or where dost thou read of such a doctrine that wicked men are commanded of God to do such things which in doing is not good to them but sin Is God or Christ then the Minister of sin or commands a man to commit sin Is not this Blasphemy and Error in the highest degree And how darest thou speak of God or of his Commands or of his obedience seeing thou thus Blasphems him in his Worship but this shall remain as a Testimony against thee many other lyes and abominations hast thou spoken against us and against God and his Truth a few of which is sufficient to make thee manifest In page 107. thou saist our Quaking fits many are of opinion that they are diobolical by a kind of witchcraft and saist thou hast heard strange relations of Enchanted Ribbans and giveing drink after c. Answ. Upon the same account many was of opinion that Christ had a Devil was a Deceiv●r that the Apostles were Ringleaders of Sects Heresyes such strange relations might have been heard concerning the Apostles in their dayes it seems to thee that such reports is sufficient proof but this is contrary to what thou hast said in an other place that thou wouldst speak nothing but according to what was written in the Scriptures And whereas thou tells of Enchanted Ribbans Is there some Ribbans that are enchanted it may be thou meanest enchanting Ribbans but if so where didst thou ever know such a thing for proofe thou names Gilpin and Toldervyes books which neither of them doth relate such a thing so that it is thy enmity and wickednesse for there was never any such thing among the Quakers as giving Ribbans and drink after but that charge thou mightst have laid upon the Priests and their Defenders for there are the most ribbans used and justified till in pride they are become the Servants of the Devill and there is the giving of drink one to another untill they be enflamed and made unsensible of God and of his fear by which they are enchanted and bewitched that they doe not obey the Gospell but are given up to their own hearts Lusts and thereby are become the Servants of sin and so free from righteousnesse Lastly not onely we have been falsly accused in these and many other things by thee but even the spirit of God which is the Fountain of cleanness is by thee charged and accused to be corrupt and defiled page 33. by passing through mans corrupt nature thou saidst it becomes defiled Answ. Is not this a sin against the holy Ghost which shall never be forgiven to charge the spirit to be corrupt and defiled And in this thou also chargest both the Father and the Son to be corrupt and defiled for they are one so that if one of them be corrupt the other is corrupt also and as the spirit is in the Saints so is the Father in them and the Son the hope of their glory and none of them are defiled by mans corrupt nature But there is that in man by which that which corrupteth his nature is wrought out so that man is made clean and undefiled by the spirit and that spirit is not made corrupt and defiled by Man for that is contrary to the Scriptu●e to say that by mans nature the spirit is defiled but to say that by the spirit mans nature is clensed and sanctified this is according to the Scripture but it is the work of Sathan and his Messengers to Blasphem God in his Temple and so account his spirit by which he leadeth into all truth an unholy thing and so thou art of the number of them which account the blood and spirit of the Covenant an unholy thing and we seeing and knowing these things as concerning our selves we are satisfied because the Servant is not above his Master for if the Master be called Belzebub and the spirit a defiled or corrupt thing well may we be called Deceivers although we be true and falsely accused with all manner of evil according to our Masters words and these things we should bear in patience and silence as to our selves but as in respect unto others we are constrained by the uncorrupted and undefiled Spirit of the Lords to testifie to the world that their deeds are evil and to manifest the workings of Satan in the Mystery of Iniquity which now already worketh in many justifying the wicked and condemning the just which is abomination to the Lord which his Spirit will not bear unreproved and not only the just men are condemned and falsly accused but also the just undefiled eternal and unerring Spirit is accused by him who makes a defence for the Priests in their unrighteous practices and Wages so by the plain evidence and demonstration of Truth he being made manifest to be an Enemy to God by his wicked Works and Words I do judge him not worthy of much more answer to his Book also I do judge him not able to prove any of the false accusations charged in it against us some of which is herein returned unto him again vvhich vvhen he doth but really weigh it and consider it may be he will sit down in silence and wait if there may be hope of his forgiveness for this not only ignorance but wilfulness charging us the Spirit of God and his people vvith that of vvhich they vvere never guilty for vve are in the Truth unto vvhich every tongue shall confess and by vvhich every Opposer shall become silent before the Lord in the Spirit of this Truth do vve desire not the destruction
but the repentance and forgiveness of our Enemies And those that do abuse us wrong us ignorantly their sins vvil be sooner blotted out than those who wilfully have set their hearts and tongues to vvork vvickedness for they shall receive the greater condemnation The k●●●●edge and life of Truth is that we desire all people may com●●●to that by it the povver of the vvicked one may be taken avvay vvhich so furiously vvorketh in the hearts of those vvhich receive not the Truth in the love of it but bring forth floods of enmity and bitterness against the Lambs of Christ but the love of God vvhich thinketh no evil neither doth any unto another is that which when it is felt obeyed in all wil dry up those floods from off the face of the earth that there may be a place of rest for the redeemed and elect Seed who only hath the Lord and his Light for their Habitation and the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God for their Armour and Defence Something that lately passed in discourse between the King and R. H. Published to prevent the mistakes and errors in a Copy lately printed contrary to the knowledge or intention of the party concerned and not onely so but also misprinted and abus●d in several particulars therefore it was thought convenient for the removing of errors and mistakes to be re-printed in a more true fo●m and ord●r for the satisfaction of others R. H. SInce the Lord hath called us and gathered us to be a people to walk in his fear and in his truth we have alwayes suffered and been persecuted by the Powers that have ruled and been made a prey of for departing from iniquity and when the breach of no just Law could be charged against us then they made Laws of purpose to ensnare us and so our sufferings were unjustly continued King It is true those that have ruled over you have been cruel and have professed much which they have not done R. H. And likewise the same sufferings do now abound in more cruelty against us in many parts of this Nation as for instance one at Thetford in Norfolk where Henry Fell ministring unto the people was taken out of the Meeting 〈◊〉 whipped and sent out of the Town from Parish to Parish ●●●ards Lancashire and the chief ground of his Accusation in his Pass which was shewn to the King was because he denied to take the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy and so because that for Conscience-sake we cannot swear but have learned obedience to the Doctrine of Christ which saith Swear not at all hereby an occasion is taken against us to persecute us and it is well known that we have not sworn for any nor against any but have kept to the truth and our yea hath been yea and our nay nay in all things which is more then the Oath of those that are out of the truth King But why can you not swear for an oath is a common thing amongst men to any engagement R.H. Yes it is manifest and we have seen it by experience and it is so common amongst men to swear and engage either for or against things that there is no regard taken to them nor fear of an Oath that therefore which we speak of in the truth of our hearts is more than what they swear King But can you not promise as before the Lord which is the substance of the Oath R. H. Yes what we do affirm we can promise before the Lord and take him to our Witness in it but our so promising hath not been accepted but the ceremony of an oath they have stood for without which all other things were accounted of no effect King But how may we know from your words that you will perform R. H. By proving of us for they that swear are not known to be faithful but by proving of them so we by those that have tryed us are found to be truer in our promises than others by their Oaths and to those that do yet prove us we shall appear the same King Pray what is your Principle R. H. Our Principle is this That Jesus Christ is the true Light which enlighteneth every one that cometh into the world that all men through him might believe and that they were to obey and follow this Light as they have received it vvhereby they may be led unto God and unto righteousness and the knowledge of the truth that they may be saved King This do all Christians confess to be truth and he is not a Christian that will deny it R. H. But many have denied it both in words and writings and opposed us in it and above an hundred Books are put forth in opposition unto this Principle That some of the Lords standing by the King said that none would deny that every one is enlightened Lord. And one of the Lords asked how long we had been called Quakers or did we own that Name R. H. That Name was given to us in scorn and derision about twelve years since but there was some that lived in this truth before we had that Name given unto us King How long is it since you owned this Iudgement and Way R. H. It is near twelve years since I owned this Truth according to the manifestation of it King Do you own the Sacrament R. H. As for the Word Sacrament I do not read of it in the Scripture but as for the body and blood of Christ I own and that there is no remission without blood King Well that is it But do you noc believe that every one is commanded to receive it R. H. This we do believe That according as it is written in the Scripture that Christ at his last Supper took Bread brake it and gave to his Disciples and also took the Cup and blessed it and said unto them And as often as ye do this that is as often as they brake bread you shew forth the Lords death till he come and this we believe they did and they eat their bread in singleness of heart from house to house and Christ did come again to them according to his promise after which they said We being many are one bread for we are all partakers of this one bread Kings Friend Then one of the Kings Friends said It is true for as many grains make one bread so they being many members were one body Another of them said If they be the bread then they must be broken R.H. There is difference between that Bread which he brake at his last Supper vvherein they vvere to shevv forth as in a sign his death until he came and this vvhereof they speak they being many are one bread for herein they vvere come more into the substance and to speak more mystically as they knevv it in the Spirit Kings Friends Then they said It is truth and he had spoken nothing but truth King How know you that you are Inspired by the
and whether was Matthias one of the eleven seeing he was not then chosen when Christ did arise from the dead But there needs not much be said to thee only to let thee see thy ovvn folly lest thou should say thou art wise To the eighth thou seemest to affirm that the Scriptures are to be taken as they speak and not otherwise a Mysterie Ans. Then why dost thou and the Priests give meanings to the Scriptures and do not let people take them as they speak but makes them such a Mysterie without your meanings and so plain with them but this is thy practice and doctrine to condemn thy self in the thing that thou allowest and builds again that which thou hast destroyed and so makes thy self a transgressor Lastly In thy conclusion thou falsly chargest me That I do not believe that any of these things mentioned in these Scriptures be really done Which is not my Faith for I do believe that those things mentioned were really done and fulfilled as the Scripture speaks but it is no new thing vvith thee to accuse falsly and to make lyes thy refuge but vvhat in all those things thou hast done against me I do forgive thee and do vvarn thee for the time to come that thou go not on to commit the unpardonable sin against God and his Spirit never to be forgiven Again in thy last paper thou declarest thy ignorance of the two Seeds and askest what be those two seeds Answ. These two the Scripture speaks of the seed of the Woman and the seed of the Serpent 2 Who did or doth sow them seeds Answ. God doth sow the one and the wicked one the other 3 Where be they sown Answ. In man 4 When be they sown Answ. When man had a being and a body to receive them 5 What be the bodies they shall rise with Answ. Their own bodies according to their own natures the one pure and the other defiled 6 Whether be these two seeds and two bodies in all the world or two seeds in every man and the two bodies to or in every man Ans. The seeds are but two in the whole world having each seed its own body and in every one until the one be cast out 7 When shall those seeds arise or be raised whether after the bodily death or after the spiritual death Ans. Every one in its own order after the death of that which is born of the flesh and also after the death of the spiritual wickedness which is yet alive in all hirelings and deceivers such as thou art where the seed of God is yet in its grave 8 What are the graves these are in and out of which they shall arise These of which the Scripture speaks which when thou comest to understand it thou wilt understand both the seeds and graves of which we speak Christ the seed made his grave in the wicked and in the rich in his death and out of that grave shall rise with his body into everlasting life if thou canst receive it thou maist be satisfied And as to the 9. Query Why I say that the one shall rise unto everlasting life and the other unto condemnation Ans. Because it is so therefore I say so and if thou say to the contrary make it manifest but in this as in other things thy folly and ignorance is manifest to ask why I speak the truth which thou thy self darest not deny to be truth R. H. A short Relation of the twelve changes of Government that hath been in England within these 8 years under all of which we have suffered Persecution SInce by the Lord we were called chosen and separated to be his people and had unto us committed the word of Reconciliation and since his eternal power broke forth and was manifest amongst us hath he done great things in the Earth for he hath prepared his way and made it plain before the face of all people by the appearance and testimony of his eternal light in their hearts which hath not onely there shined but is broken forth into a life of Righteousness in many whom the Lord hath accounted worthy to be his servants in his Work to raise up a seed unto Jacob and to gather the dispersed of Israel and Judah both Jews and Gentiles into the Covenant of Light and Life with the Father from whence they are erred by transgression and for the accomplishing of this work and service hath the Lord furnished us with spiritual Weapons to war even against spiritual wickedness in high places 2 Cor. 10.4.5 and against the Rulers of the darkness of this World Eph●s 6.12 which hath appeared under many Forms and Governments since the breakings forth of truth in this Nation Yea many Heads or Governments hath been raised up and cast down again by one Hand and Power and have all from the Lord through his Servants had a word of Wisdom and Counsel administred unto them what they should do that they might be established which if they did not the Lord would break them to pieces which word of the Lord was fulfilled upon them all And every divers Head had a Horn in it to push at the Lambs of Christ withal and at every appearance of his Spirit and Power in his people but for his Elect sake was their days shortned and his breakings and destruction came upon them according to his word spoken to them by his servants at divers times And it is to be observed as the Lords doing and ordering by his mighty power that within this eight years si●ce we have been persecuted and cruelly used for the Name and Testimony of Jesus and the Answer of a pure Conscience there hath been twelve Changes of Government in this Nation which have all of them more or less been guilty of our Sufferings either in acting against us or in suffering others to act cruelly and not endeavouring to restrain them when they had power in their hands to do it and the sufferings laid before them who suffered for righteousness sake so that they could not plead ignorance but was left without excuse which now in the day of their misery and tribulation some of them do consider it when their time is no more I. As first in the time of the long Parliament in the Year One thousand six hundred fifty two although many pretended some prayed and some fought for Liberty of Conscience in matters of Religion yet at that time were we imprisoned beat and persecuted for obeying and worshipping our God in Spirit and Truth according to his teaching and at that time the Priests rage begun to burn like fire and they run one unto another and kindled the wrath in one another against the Truth even to petition against the spreading of it and those that walked in it as a dangerous thing and they generally with one consent called the Truth Heresie Delusion and Blasphemy and those that ministred it abroad they called Ring-leaders of Sects as in the Apostles days
there was the like example But these was warned in their day not to persecute the innocent nor to uphold those that preached for filthy lucre who served not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own Bellies But they hearkned not to the Counsel of the Lord but shut their ears against his Instructions therefore was their day taken from them and their Power given to another that they also might be tryed 2 In the year 1653 a Council of State was called by O C. but they did nothing to take off the weight of oppression in the Nation neither in Spiritual nor Civil things for Pride and the deceitfulnesse of Riches entred into their hearts that they did not regard nor set themselves wholly to do that which the Lord did require them although they were warned of God in their time yet the Yoke of the oppressor was not taken away but under it the Nation groaned and they wrought no deliverance in the earth III. Then the Little Parliament sat in the same year and there was a plant of Righteousnesse tending towards some equity and freedom springing up in them but the strength of deceipt and subtilty in others did quench it before it brought forth any thing to perfection and in that time the Priests fierce persecuting Zeal was so inflamed that many Petitions from several parts of the Nation was presented against the Quakers to the Parliament and their continual clamor Petitions and Addresses and they being not regarded and harkned unto was one cause of the continuance of the Nations bondage and oppression and God never prospered such as received them into their Councils or gave heed to their reports but a Curse and Destruction alwaies followed them in their undertakeings whose ear was open unto such things And in the time of his Power and Government was persecution continued about Religion though much was pretended to the contrary they also were warned and wisely counselled in their day and so was left without excuse IV. Again in the same year was O C. made Protector who had his day and power in his hand to have done good and to have done that which he and others pretended but he joyning with the covetous Priests and their Interests to make his arm strong thereby betrayed the Lord and his People into the hands of sinners And instead of removing Persecution he caused new Acts to be made to Persecute by and so brought a Curse upon himselfe and Family and Tribulation upon those that trusted in him And the Lord did often visit him with reproofs and instructions untill he hardened his heart ag●inst all reproof and then was he given up of the Lord and of his People to his appointed end as an Example to all Hypocrites and Treacherous ones V. Again his second Parliament was called and fat in the year 1654. In their daies was not the Land eased not freed from its bondage and when they had let in the Priests Spirits and was incensed against the Truth and intending to make Laws to Persecute then were they broken and their power taken from them who in their day was warned but did not the thing which the Lord required of them VI. Oliver's 3d. Parliament which consisted of two Houses sat in the year 1657. they more than any of the rest did draw back into that which they had declared against and they let in the Priests Persecuting Spirit and made Laws for Persecution and many were Imprisoned in the time of their Government because for Conscience sake they could not pay Tithes to the Hireling Priests and because they could not Swear contrary to Christs command Mat. 5. And they had many warnings and admonitions from the Lord which they rejected and so the Lord rejected them as from doing his work VII Then Richard Cromwell in the year 1658. was made Protector whom the Priests flockt to as their Rock of defence that he as their Joshua might lead them into their promised Land which was but a Benefice of Tithes or Augmentation their prayed for Inheritance and they told him that the Gospel was bound up in him and so did cleave unto him by Flatteries as they did unto all the rest before him for their own ends but the suffering seed of God which could not Flatter him was not set free who freely declared unto him the word of the Lord and instructions from the Almighty before his day was over VIII And again his Parliament sate in the year One thousand six hundred fifty nine they continued and did not free the Sufferers and imprisoned ones who suffered onely for the worship of their God and for the exercise of a good Conscience but they went on swiftly in the way of their destruction to impose Worships upon people and to decree unrighteous Decrees and upon that Rock of Religion they were broken as others had been before them though they were exhorted to righteousness and told of the evill that did come upon them IX The ninth Government was again the Long-Parliament who came in with great pretences and resolutions and protestations to make this Nation a Free-Common-wealth not onely in Name but in Nature And they begun well and to call the prisoners up to London who suffered for Conscience sake and freed some of them and many of them intended to take away that great Oppression of Tithes whereby much deceit and many d●ceivers are held up in the Nation and then the Priests rage was kindled against them and they cursed them in their pulpits and preached up War against them and themselves get Horses Pistols and Swords to fight for their Tithes and Maintenance and when they were routed then they again petitioned the Parliament some begging pardon and some pleading not-Guilty and the Parliament was so blind that upon their Dissimulation they let in the Priests again and begun to gratifie the Priests and establish Tithes and then the wrath of God broke forth against them and their Destruction was prophesied of and told them that it should shortly come upon them as it came to pass because they would not receive the Lords Counsel in their day X. Then the Army and Committee of Safety so called had the Power and Government in their hands which they did not improve as they might have done for the liberty of the Subjects neither did they receive that counsel from the Lord which would have opened their understandings how to have ruled for him but with corrupt reasonings among themselves perverted one another and confounded their own work reasoning out the good and honest intentions of some that was amongst them until they all became as a heap of Confusion and their work broken to pieces A just reward of their own devices and following the counsels of their own hearts neglecting the Advice of that Spirit of righteousness which should have led and also established them in the work of the Lord in the Nation so as unworthy and disobedient were they cast out XI Then again the Long-Parliament
had another day of Tryal given them into their hands but a mad zeal and fury attended them against the honest and upright-hearted people and the Fury of the Oppressour was highly exalted amongst them burning like fire in which they could not contain themselves nor possess their own Spirits in quietness in which fury was folly the effects of which did betray and destroy both themselves and others They being diverted from their first intentions and desire after righteousness a just recompence of reward for their disobedience came upon them according to many true Testimonies from the Lords servants unto them which if in time their ears had been open to the Lords instructions and their hearts inclined to righteousness that swift and sudden des●ruction had not so soon come upon them but they being blinded with fury in their anger would neither hear nor see that which was the effect of their own work nor the Lords hand of Justice near come upon them as now they may consider it XII The Secluded Members then came in as a rod of Gods anger and of Justice or a prey upon them and it was manifest to the seeing Eye that God had turned his hand against all those which ha● abused his Power and neglected his work who had sought and set up themselves ins●ead of the Lord and his righteousness and now when the Lords hand is justly stretched forth to wound those that by him would not be healed who shall forbid it until the cause be removed and they purged through judgment and suffering And now unto you the present power King and Parliament be not high-minded but fear be not lifted up as though by your Arm Power and Policie you had got a Victory For it is Righteousness yet which the Lord doth require and if by his immediate power without your Sword he have cut off all those that you might be grafted in Consider therefore Gods end in so doing for it is by that immediate power of God which hath broken them that you must stand if you do stand for God is the same and will be to you as he hath been to others as you answer or not answer his requirings For it is not Persons that God accepts but he that fears God and works righteousness is accepted of him therefore as you look to be established by the Lord do righteousness equity and justice to every man without respect of persons and according to the equal and Royal Law of God walk doing unto others as yee would that others should do unto you Take heed of imposing any thing relating to the matter of Worship upon the Consciences le●● you kindle Gods wrath against you as others have done which will not easily be quenched for upon this Rock have many been broken and others wounded so that they could not again be healed And two things we would mind you of especially First That you are not come in by your own Sword or Power but by a remarkable hand of God in such a way as neither your selves nor any other could have expected Secondly Consider what a flood of unrighteousness licentiousness and fl●shly liberty hath of a sudden overspread the Nation upon your comming in which although it received some little seasonable curb by a Proclamation from King Charles till which scarce a man scaring God and that could not joyn with them in their rioting and drunken healths could pass the Streets in most places of the Nation yet the body of that iniquity still stands in many places as in May-games Fiddlings Dancings Stage-Plays and divers other ungodly vain Sports by which Gods righteous Soul is still grieved the Spirits of all people that truly fear God sadned the weight of that wickedness which already lay upon the Nations mightily encreased quite contrary to what such a work as your coming in after such a manner required All which speaks dreadful things against these Nations in the sight of many who are most acquainted with Gods fear and have that Eye in them which foresees evil to come in whose hearts and mouths it is now to warn you in love to your own Souls who are in power to scatter such Wickedness and the Nations peace and wel-being that the Wrath that is already threatned might be prevented from coming in your day And we desire that you may take more notice of the Lords warnings to you then others have done that have gone before you that Gods hand and power be not turned against you as it was against them R. H. An Epistle to Friends OH my dear and truly beloved Friends by the holy Spirit of my Father is my heart freely opened and enlarged unto you even in the love which is as a Fountain of Life which plentifully flows forth in the virtue of the Father in the hearts of the beloved children of God which many Waters cannot quench amongst such who have known the Lord in the outgoings of his Power to be as the Morning to your souls the virtue of whose Grace and Love hath been as a dew remaining upon your branches and whose Doctrine hath even dropped as the rain upon your tender-Plants that you thereby might be refreshed and nourished up unto eternal life the Lord God hath honored you with his presence and hath often fed you with his living appearances and manifestations and you have known what it is to drink of the pure Waters of Life even from that living Fountain which doth always flow in the Spirit by which there is pure and spiritual refreshment ministred unto the soul and the Waters of Strife have ye refused which doth corrupt those that drink them and so as it hath been so let it always continue that you may be kept clean by the Word which you have heard from the beginning and by which you have been gathered out of the World by the Word of his Power and fed together as sheep of his pasture and lambs of his Fold So let not the feeling-sence of the loving-kindness of the Lord be forgotten neither let the purity of your first love decrease but let the dear love of the Father in the freeness of liffe flow forth plentifully one towards another which is the bond of perfection among the children of Light by which you will come to be established in the free Spirit of the Lord in the unity of Life and in the fellowship of the Gospel not being subject to change or be moved from that Word and Spirit by which you have been taught and led in the vvay of Life and by which you have known the mind of Christ and by his gift of Righteousness vvhich you have received are you able to try every spirit as you abide in it whether it be of God both as to Doctrines without and as to motions vvithin So therefore let nothing move you nor unsettle your minds from that measure of Life which in all things is a perfect Instructor which will keep you in a pure Dominion over