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A27388 Soul-prosperity in several sermons / by that eminent servant of Christ, Mr. William Benn ... Benn, William, 1600-1680. 1683 (1683) Wing B1880; ESTC R17736 149,651 336

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as in a Glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the Lord. Gifts may wither but grace will grow into glory These two things premised I come now to speak and that first of those things in general which are undenyable evidences of Soul-prosperity 1. When this thriving and growth is universal The Body prospers when there is a healthy constitution all over When the Head is well the Stomach is well and all the vital parts are sound within But in Children that have the Rickets the Head is only growing the inferiour parts of the Body being weak and feeble When it is so we say the Child prospers not It is oftentimes so with the Soul It may seemingly prosper in some things when it doth not really prosper in other things or indeed in any thing It was so with many in the Church of Ephesus Their zeal was warm in externals in a high and mighty opposition against false Teachers Errours and Heresies these they could not endure Rev. 2.6 But it was not so in other things in the best things there was a great decay in the inward Man in the vitals of Godliness in those graces that accompany Salvation ver 4 5 I have something against thee because thou hast left thy first Love Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first works This is as far from true Soul-prosperity as a Tradesman from thriving who gains by some one pedling commodity and loseth thrice as much in greater matters The Soul prospers when it grows up in all things Eph. 4.15 But speaking the truth in love may grow up in all things in him who is the Head even Christ It were endless almost to reckon up the thriving and prospering in every grace I shall therefore instance in 2 things by the thriving whereof we may take an estimate of the rest 1. When the Soul thrives in those two graces which by experience are found to have as great an influence on the health of the Soul as Natural heat and Radical moisture so Physicians say and Reason saith so too have upon the health of the Body The just temperament of these is that which preserves life and health and strength So when these two graces that of Faith which is as the Natural heat and that of Repentance which is as the Radical moisture are thriving and growing toward their full height then the Soul is in a very prosperous way 1. When Faith grows which is the Natural heat as it did 2 Thes 1.3 because that your Faith groweth exceedingly and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth Now this growth is best discerned 1. When it grows in depth So as the Soul is more and more setled grounded rooted and built up in Christ Col. 1.23 If ye continue in the Faith grounded and settled And ch 2.7 Rooted and built up in him and stablished in the Faith So that the heart is fixed and is at peace within when all without is shaken and the foundation of all Creature-comforts turned upside down As a Tree whose Root doth remain firm when the top doth shake Psal 56.3 What time I am afraid I will trust in thee He could keep his faith above his fears Psal 112.7 He shall not be afraid of evil Tydings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord. Job 13.15 Though he slay me yet will I trust in him As if he had said Though I read a sentence of Death upon what concerns this Life yet I have somewhat to trust him for beyond this Life No danger nor death shall beat me off from the holdfast of my faith in God through Christ Jesus When it is thus that promise will be made good Isa 26.3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee 2. When it grows in breadth so as it gives a firm absolute unlimited assent to the whole truth of God and receives the testimony of God as in one thing so in every thing which it apprehends to be of God and that purely because God saith so whatever Sense and Reason can object to the contrary So Act. 24.14 But I confess unto thee that after the way which they call Heresie so worship I the God of my Fathers believing all things which are written in the Law and the Prophets Joh. 3.33 He that believeth his testimony hath set to his Seal that God is true in every thing I speak this of justifying faith not only considered in its most eminent act which is to receive Jesus Christ and rest upon him alone for whatsoever may give a title to or a fitness for eternal Salvation but in its most full compleat and perfect act assenting to whatsoever is historically delivered in the word believing every Command every Threat'ning every Promise both of this life and the life to come So as whatever is recorded in the word is so believed not without some gratious effect upon the Soul Observe it in four particulars 1. A growing thriving faith so believes what is Historically delivered concerning the Creation of the World as nothing is too hard for it Although the things believed do not yet appear yet that hinders not a full assurance of their future existence seeing the same power of God which created the World of nothing can give a Being to whatever he hath said shall be when it seems good unto him Psal 121.2 My help cometh from the Lord which made Heaven and Earth As if he had said I will never distrust his power for whatever I stand in need of who could erect such a stately Fabrick from nothing 2. A growing thriving faith believes every Command of God Psal 119.66 I have believed thy Commandments He believes them to be holy just and good and brings down every thought more and more in subjection unto them all Thus Abraham's faith growing and thriving hath many eminent acts of obedience ascribed to it Heb. 11.8 By Faith Abraham when he was called of God to go into a place which he should afterward receive for an inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whither he went A hard tryal For as it is in the Proverb The smoak of a Man 's own Chimney is as good as the fire of another's So that Command which was yet more hard of offering up his only begotten Son that is of his wife Sarah the Son of the Promise in whose Seed all the Nations of the Earth should be blessed yet he submitted to it Heb. 11.17 though he had but short warning Gen. 22.2 3. He received the Command over-night and went about it next Morning 3. A growing thriving Faith believes the threat'nings of the Word and this belief makes the Soul to stand in awe of them Psal 119.161 my heart standeth in awe of thy word So Heb. 11.7 Noah's Faith takes warning at the threat'ning He was moved with
fear and prepared an Ark to the saving of his House This is not too low for the best grown Faith to act nor be acted upon God thought it not unmeet for Adam to make use of in Innocency Gen. 2.17 Job found it in himself chap. 31.23 Destruction from God was a terrour unto me and by reason of his Highness I could not endure 4. A thriving growing faith with all thankfulness accepts the Promises and with all heartiness relyes upon God for the performance of mercy promised Resting upon the promise when he hath nothing else to avouch it when there is neither Sense nor Reason to second Faith So Abraham Rom. 4.17 18 c. He believed God who quickeneth the dead and calleth things that are not as if they were Who against hope believed in hope And being not weak in faith he considered not his own Body now dead c. He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God being fully perswaded that what he had promised he was able to perform 2 Cor. 5.7 We walk by faith and not by sight i. e. By the sensible enjoyment of what God hath promised but by faith believing and waiting for the accomplishment Notwithstanding all the real improbability and seeming impossibilities that are in the way When faith thus grows the Soul prospers exceedingly Now the heart will be kept more sweet and clean then ordinary Act. 15.9 purifying their hearts by faith The World will be Conquered 1 Joh. 5.4 And this is the victory that overcometh the World even your faith And hereby Satan himself is trodden under foot 2. When Repentance grows which is as the Radical moisture then the Soul prospers Now Repentance grows 1. When there is a growth and increase in the necessary adjunct of Repentance in that which is as inseparable from it as heat is from the fire and that is in an hearty grief and godly sorrow for sin This is necessary that the Soul may experimentally know the bitterness of sin and taste as it were the Gall and Wormwood that is in it Jer. 2.19 Thine own wickedness shall correct thee and thy backslidings shall reprove thee know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God and that my fear is not in thee saith the Lord God of hosts And it is inseparable for it cannot be rationally imagined that a Man whose Eyes are opened to see what great provocation there is in the least sin as it is against the most high and most holy God it is impossible that it should be without some pricking of the heart as they felt Act. 2 37. Now when this grows and increaseth so as it reacheth not only Beams but Motes not only Camels but Gnats melting the heart with godly sorrow before God for the least vain word proceeding out of the mouth yea for sinful silence in not speaking when and what we ought to speak and for the least sinful thought in the secret of our Souls when this brings us upon our knees before God and that with the first opportunity after the first discovery of it as it did David 1 Sam. 24.5 And it came to pass that afterward David 's heart smote him When it is thus the Soul is in the high way of prospering For what tenderness what watchfulness what humility what high prizing of Christ are likely to thrive and prosper in such a Soul when it sees how it forfeits all its hopes every day and therefore hath such need of Christ every day that the forfeiture may not be taken 2. The Soul prospereth when there is a growth and increase in the Essential parts of Repentance and they are these two 1. Turning from sin and 2. Turning to God Herein the very Essence and Nature of this grace doth consist To work this was the scope of the Apostles ministry Act. 26.18 And this is that which sorrow for sin if it be godly sorrow indeed doth work 2 Cor. 7.10 For godly sorrow worketh Repentance to salvation 1. For the former of these When the heart is heated with holy indignation against the least sin and against it self for being through its own carelesness surprized by it and defiled with it as Job was chap. 42.6 Wherefore I abhor my self and repent in dust and ashes And when holy and humble resolutions in the strength of Christ are more hightened to keep himself that the wicked one touch him not 1 Joh. 5.18 so as to leave any of his polluting impressions upon him Psal 17.3 thou hast tryed me and shalt find nothing I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress Psal 39.1 I said I will take heed unto my ways that I sin not with my tongue Hos 14.8 Ephraim shall say What have I any more to do with Idols Isa 30.22 Ye shall defile also the covering of thy graven Images of the ornament of thy molten Images of Gold Thou shalt cast them away as a menstruous cloth thou shalt say unto it Get thee hence 2. For the latter part Turning unto God it is evident that this is an Essential part of Repentance For every sin so far as it prevails turns the heart from God Jam. 1.14 Every Man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed Jer. 32.33 And they have turned to me the back and not the face Now the repenting sinner that prizeth the loving kindness of God as better then life then life with all its fillings up with earthly comforts cannot but set himself to turn unto God as they did Hosea 6.1 Come and let us return unto the Lord for he hath torn and he will heal us Turn unto God and that 1. As the chiefest good out of an unfeigned desire to have his good will to live in his love and to enjoy Communion with him Psal 4.6 7 Lord lift up the light of thy countenance upon us Thou hast put gladness in my heart more then in the time that their Corn and their Wine increased Psal 73.25 26 Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none upon Earth that I desire besides thee My heart and my flesh faileth but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever 2. As our utmost end reckoning upon it that therefore we live that we may exalt him and sanctifie his holy name in our hearts and please him in all our ways still endeavouring that in all things our end may fall in with his Rom. 6.11 Likewise reckon ye also your selves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom. 14.7 8 For none of us liveth to himself and no Man dyeth to himself For whether we live we live unto the Lord and whether we dye we dye unto the Lord whether we live therefore or die we are the Lords Thus ye see when Repentance may be said to grow and that in the growth thereof
ye continue in well-doing and nothing is well done where grace is not exercised But if it be so ye look for glory and immortality and eternal life Then following after righteousness holiness c. Eternal life is as it were within reach we may lay hold on it 1 Tim. 6.12 Thus Paul had reason on his side 2 Tim. 4.7 8. A good sight well managed a good course well finished a good faith well preserved Henceforth is laid up for me a Crown of righteousness Not because of this but because of the free promise of God for though a Man's Soul prosper to his dying day yet eternal life is the gift of God Roman 6.23 Rev. 2.10 4. Much sweet peace Because there will be a sweet agreement between a Man's Resolutions and his Performances both in respect of Doing and Suffering the Will of God 1. In doing what God requires The principles of spiritual life the first day they are received so incline the heart heaven-ward that such resolutions are taken up as Psal 39.1 I said I will take heed to my ways Now when grace is not exercised and the Soul prospers not then there is no keeping up this resolution good purposes are broken off That divine principle which should keep the heart from back-sliding is kept under and oppressed by the contrary working of corruption Such a Soul deals with God as that Son did with his Father to whom he promised to go but went not But now so far as the Soul prospers Performances will be answerable to Resolutions See Paul's resolution Act. 24.16 And herein do I exercise my self to have always a Conscience void of offence toward God and toward Men. Heb. 13.18 Pray for us for we trust we have a good Conscience in all things willing to live honestly And see his performance Phil. 4.12 I know how to be abased and I know how to abound It must needs be so for the more the Soul prospereth every work of Religion will be the better performed with more delight with less wearyness with more constancy and less destraction 2. Sweet peace because of sweet agreement between a Man's resolutions and his performances in respect of suffering what God imposeth and inflicteth whether upon a Man's own personal account or upon the common account of Religion when the first principles of Soul-prosperity are infused the Soul is inclined to comply with Christs injunction Luk. 9.23 If any Man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his Cross daily and follow me And the more the Soul prospereth the more the Will is melted down into the Will of God to suffer what God will and that in submission to his Will Psal 39.9 I was dumb I opened not my mouth because thou didst it Or upon the common account of Religion Heb. 11.35 others were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection Know then that all unquiet workings in our Spirits and all sinking discouragements in such a day and hour of tryal come not from our condition how sad soever it be or in how great danger soever we may apprehend our selves to be of losing all we have as from our Corruption because our Souls prosper no more It is observable what we have to this purpose in Matth. 5 Blessed saith our Saviour are the poor in spirit vers 3. The meek the mourners the pure in heart and those that hunger and thirst after righteousness in the following verses And then vers 10 Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake And why is this put in the last place but to shew unto us that now the Soul prospers There is poverty of spirit there is purity of heart there is meekness and hungring and thirsting after righteousness Now suffering in these is such as becomes a Christian This is enough to prove this That the more the Soul prospers there will be the more peace because the more agreement betwixt a Man's Resolution and Performance both in respect of Active and Passive obedience A prospering Soul makes this his business To magnifie Christ whether it be by life or by death Phil. 1.20 5. There is much sweet peace in a prospering Soul because of that sweet agreement which there is between God and such a Soul which if it be felt passeth all understanding Phil. 4.7 and therefore all expression But possibly this Peace may not be proclaimed so as every prospering Soul may hear it and believe it rather often doubting that it is not concluded But for certain it is and in due time God will let them know it Psal 85.8 I will hear what God the Lord will speak for he will speak peace to his Pecple and to his Saints And it is as certain such Souls are at peace with God for then they follow hard after God as Psal 63.8 desiring nothing more then reconciliation with him their eyes dropping down tears as Lam. 1.16 because the Comforter which should relieve my Soul is far from me Blessed are such mourners for they shall be comforted Matth. 5.4 Thus we have some of the desirable effects of Soul prosperity in this life 2. For the effects and consequents of Soul-prosperity for the future in reference to the World to come thus in a word it hath a most blessed influence into Eternity Then Soul-prosperity is perfected in holyness Heb. 12.23 The Spirits of just Men made perfect Ephes 5.27 Without spot or wrinkle And perfected in happyness in the full enjoyment of God It sees God so far as seeing imports enjoying Then it may be said without a figure to such a Soul as Isa 60.1 Arise and shine thy light is come the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee Thus ye have the reasons of the point SERMON VI. IF this be so Vse 1 That of all prosperities Soul-prosperity is the most desirable prosperity Then from hence we may infer That it is the most rational thing in the World for all those that believe they have immortal Souls in mortal Bodies to mind the well-fare and prosperity of their Souls above all things else in the World This is certainly to act according to the best and highest principles of reason that ever any Man did from the beginning of the World to this day It may be supposed by what ye have heard that ye are now fully satisfied in the truth of the Doctrine and believe that nothing prospereth in your hand with prosperity truly so called and as it is a blessing but when and where the Soul prospereth therefore none to be minded like that none but in subordination to that And seeing it is a principle planted by the God of Nature in the heart of Man by Nature to mind that above all things else wherein he firmly believes his happiness above all things doth consist And withal seeing to Prosper and to be happy though the words be two are but one and the same thing And that ye are perswaded a Man is only so far
impression upon his Spirit That though Christ suffered only in his Human Nature and though therefore all his sufferings were but finite yet because the Human Nature was United in one Person to the Divine Nature hence what the Human Nature did suffer though but for a time was of sufficient value to ransome from Eternal death In such a case nothing else could have done it Nothing else can support any Soul in such a condition But this may and this will if believed and wrought upon the heart that the Lord hath laid help upon one that is mighty Psal 89.19 2. Consider Christ in his Offices 1. In his Priestly Office He is a great High-Priest Heb. 4.14 Great both in respect of his Satisfaction and of his Intercession which are the two special parts of his Priestly Office From both which much Spiritual Food for the nourishment of the Soul unto the highest degree of prosperity it is capable of may be received 1. From the satisfaction he hath made to the justice of God for all the wrong that sin hath done him by the sacrifice which he offered which was Himself unto death With this God was well pleased Eph. 5.2 And for this he shall see the Souls of all his Seed to prosper Isa 53.10 Hereby his flesh became meat indeed and his blood drink indeed This clearly manifests that Christ is such an object for Faith to rest upon as we may safely adventure our Eternal state upon For let any Man conceive himself in as sad a condition as the fears of an awakened Conscience can suggest Suppose he sees the guilt of all his sins before him with all their aggravating circumstances and apprehends God coming out against him to require satisfaction to his justice for them all This is a dreadful sight but in the midst of all the heighth and depth of that terrour which this may impress upon his Spirit if God give in a sight of Christ as the great High-Priest as he made his Soul an Offering for sin this is enough to draw forth an hearty act of dependence upon him as able to save to the uttermost This supported David when he was in great depths that he had a sight of him that in the Lord was plenteous Redemption Psal 30.1 2. with vers 6 7. This was the relief of the hunger-bitten Prodigal That in his Father's house was bread enough Luk. 15.17 And it was the speech of a gracious Woman of whom I have heard not long since that upon her Death-bed being under great uncertainties as to her Eternal condition Did not ye tell me said she to those that stood by her that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sins And with that her Spirit Revived and she slept sweetly in the Lord. This indeed may well satisfie Conscience for it satisfies God himself yea so far satisfie Conscience as to go boldly to the Throne of Grace for what grace or mercy soever is necessary for the life and health well-fare and prosperity of the Soul Heb. 4.16 Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need 2. As from Christs satisfaction which he made to the justice of God whilst he was upon Earth so from the other act of his Priestly Office his Intercession which he makes in Heaven for sinners much Spiritual Food for the nourishment of our Souls may be had What should hinder the receiving of it but our daily repeated failings and often renewed infirmities But against the guilt of these Christ's appearing in Heaven for us prevails that even when the Law is broken the Covenant is not broken so that what Food for our Souls may be had from the Covenant and there it is all to be had 1 Joh. 2.1 2 If any Man sin we have an Advocate with the Father even Jesus Christ the righteous And he is the propitiation for our sins His intercession is as effectual as his satisfaction for he intercedes in the merits of his blood Heb. 12.24 The blood of Christ speaketh 2. To shew further That all in Christ is for the food and nourishment of the Soul much yea very much may be said of that which his Kingly Office affords and likewise his Prophetical Office For his Kingly Office he hath an absolute Soveraignty over all both Men and Devils Eph. 1.21 22. Far above all Principalities and Powers c. He hath all things under his feet He is head over all things to his Church Understand it of the Invisible Church especially which is his Mystical Body whereof he is the head Eph. 5.23 For the Husband is the head of the Wife even as Christ is the head of the Church And he is the Saviour of the Body This is full of Spiritual Food I will instance only in three things by which the prosperity of the Soul is exceedingly farthered 1. As he hath power over Satan This affords great relief to a conflicting Soul that he both can and will break the Serpents head and tread him under foot Rom. 16.20 That in Manlius is memorable to this purpose Satan as he tells the story appeared to a godly Man that was sick in the habit of a Priest with Pen Ink and Paper in his hands and told him that he must confess all his Sins to him he would write them down and then he would absolve him The Sick Man was stricken with fear and no marvel but recollecting himself and perceiving who he was If thou wilt write saith he write this first The seed of the woman shall break the Serpents head and with that the Devil vanished 2. As he hath Soveraignty over the Heart He can take away the heart of stone and give an heart of flesh Ezek. 36.26 A great relief this when the Soul is mourning over the hardness of his heart to remember that Christ is exalted to be a Prince to give Repentance Act. 5.31 3. As he hath the Keys of Hell and Death Rev. 1.18 A great relief to a troubled Soul that is under the fear first of Death and then of dropping into Hell when he is dead Those that have obeyed the call and are still obeying the call of Christ they shall none of them dye till it be better for them to dye then to live for death is theirs 1 Cor. 3.22 And for dropping into Hell Christ hath secured them against that Joh. 6.39 40. Every one that believeth on him shall have Everlasting life and Christ will raise him up at the last day 3. The Prophetical Office of Christ is likewise a fruitful food-bearing Office He is engaged by Office to make all his Seed wise unto Salvation Isa 54.13 All thy Children shall be taught of God And he is faithful who hath promised it 1 Joh. 2.27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you and ye need not that any Man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and
sprinkling of the blood of Christ upon all that for the merit of his blood it may be blessed unto us so as it may afford some spiritual nourishment for our Souls the power of his Holy Spirit working with them and in them and by them It is he alone that teacheth to profit Isa 48.17 David knew this and therefore he prayed That he might feel the power of God in all Psal 62.1 2 3. 4. Do this daily as the matter requires Nature will decay if not daily repaired The Egyptian who had eaten nothing for three days and three nights was faint but when he had eaten his spirit came to him 1 Sam. 30.12 So it will be with the new Nature as Rev. 3.2 The things that are ready to dye if not fed with fresh supplies Phil. 1.19 It was a sore affliction which made the Church forget to eat her bread Psal 102.4 It is some strong corruption that makes us forget our spiritual bread as they did forget their resting place Jer. 50.6 I conclude all with this Our needs if we be sensible of them we cannot but acknowledge are very great every day That invitation and encouragement is for every day which we have Prov. 9.5 Come eat of my bread and drink of my wine And Cant. 5.1 Eat O friends drink yea drink abundantly O beloved Therefore come and eat every day as we desire that every day our Souls should prosper SERMON IX A Third thing which I shall take notice of as necessary for the health and well-fare of the Body which I intend now as the Lord shall assist to apply to the Point in hand is this That we be well clothed God hath given to every living Creature some kind of clothing or other Even to the Birds of the Air and the Beasts of the Field They could not endure the extremity either of heat or cold without it Adam and Eve when they were at first created needed no clothing but their own innocency when they needed it God provided it for them before they did for themselves Gen. 3.22 Cold if extream is very prejudicial to Man's health and may be so to his life Paul reckoneth it among his great sufferings 2 Cor. 11.27 in cold and nakedness Therefore up and down in the Scripture we find it spoken of as a commendable act of charity To cloth the naked Isa 58.7 Act. 9.30 This is one thing then we ought specially to mind as ever we desire our Souls should prosper that as the Apostle saith 2 Cor. 5.3 we may not be found naked Now the Scripture tells us what the Garment is wherewith the Soul that prospers must be clothed Rev. 19.8 And it was granted unto her the Bride the Lamb's Wife that she should be arrayed in fine linnen clean and white for the fine linnen is the righteousness of the Saints This fine Linnen this Righteousness 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 comes under a double consideration 1. The Righteousness which is wrought for the Soul by Jesus Christ himself in his own Person and is imputed to every Believer 2. The Righteousness that is wrought in the Soul by the Spirit of Christ and is inherent in every new Creature The one may be called The outer garment the other The inner garment of the heart So far as the Soul is clothed with this double garment of Righteousness so far it prospers and no farther Something must be said to each of these 1. Of that garment of Righteousness which Christ hath wrought for the Soul This is that White garment Rev. 3.18 I counsel thee to buy of me white raiment that thou mayest be clothed This is the only garment that gives a title to Heaven Isa 61.10 I will greatly rejoyce in the Lord my Soul shall be joyful in my God for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness This is not like Saul's Armour that was not fit for David it will fit every Soul that really feels the want of it and indeed and in truth is willing to put it on and therefore we are exhorted Rom. 13.14 To put on the Lord Jesus Christ In prosecuting of this Point a few words to each of these Particulars 1. Consider the materials whereof this garment is made 2. That it is of absolute necessity that it be put on else the Soul cannot prosper 3. How it is to be put on 4. What influence it hath into Soul-prosperity when it is put on 1. For the first of these the materials whereof it is made briefly thus It is the Obedience of Christ as Mediatour in doing and suffering what God the Father appointed and which he accepts in the behalf of all those who are clothed with it so as upon that account they are delivered from the sentence of Eternal Death which they had righteously deserved and are accepted as righteous unto Eternal Life of which they were utterly unworthy Observe then these two things 1. That God the Father accepts it as full and perfect satisfaction to his Justice for what ever was appointed for them to suffer by way of punishment and curse for sin It is said 1 Pet. 2.24 That Christ his own self bare our sins in his Body on the Tree i.e. The punishment and curse due for sin With this God the Father is well pleased so that the Sentence of Condemnation shall never be executed upon the Soul that is clothed with it And this he accepteth as a valuable consideration for all the wrong that their sins have done him Eph. 4.32 forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you It is said 1 Pet. 4.8 that love to our Brethren covers a multitude of sins i.e. It doth not strictly take notice of but in silence passeth by many failings of others especially those that concern our selves But this covers All so that no notice is taken of them so as according to the sentence of the Law to curse and condemn such a Soul Jer. 50.20 In those days and at that time saith the Lord shall the iniquity of Israel be sought for and there shall be none and the sins of Judah and they shall not be found for I will pardon them whom I reserve The book is cross'd all the black bill that otherwise would have been brought in against it whereof it could not have answered one of a thousand i.e. none at all is crossed Well then might David say Psal 32.1 Blessed is the Man whose iniquity is covered 2. God accepts it in the behalf of all those that are clothed with it for all that is required by way of perfect obedience to the Moral Law It is said Rom. 10.4 Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness Christ i.e. Christ and his Righteousness is the end of the Law i. e. the perfection of the Law Now the end of the Law was to invest those that perfectly fulfilled it with a Righteousness that would give a true right and title
God bowels of mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long-suffering c. That 's health when the whole Body thrives 2. It is such a principle as inclines the heart seriously to endeavour to submit to every known truth though contrary to former apprehensions Act. 11.18 When they heard these things they held their peace and glorified God c. Joh. 1.47 Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile Weigh it well and I suppose you will find the reason of it to be this why Christ so highly honours him Philip came and told him We have found the Messiah Nathaniel being possessed with prejudice argues against it Can any good thing come out of Galilee Come and see saith Philip and he did so He took the right way to be informed And notwithstanding his prejudice is glad to find out the truth and accordingly acknowledged it That Christ indeed was the Messiah This was a Man in whom the Heaven-born principle wrought according to its nature endeavouring to submit to every known truth 3. That every grace may be exercised in its season Herein as in all things else it willingly complies with the whole Will of God which when the principle is infused commands the exercise 1 Joh. 3.23 And this is his commandment that we should believe on the Name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another It is the exercise of faith and love that is there enjoyned 4. Every Corruption mortified Gal. 5.24 They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affection and lusts They are said To have done it because it is part of their every days work 5. Duties performed Of our general Calling what relates to the worship of God so as God may be served acceptably Heb. 12.28 Let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear And Duties of our particular Calling and that with diligence The same principle that inclines To be fervent in Spirit in duties of worship inclines not to be slothful in the business of our Calling Rom. 12.11 And not only with diligence as some are They work hard but do not pray hard This is not diligence upon principles of Conscience But this Heaven-born principle we are speaking of inclines to diligence upon a Religious account that we may abide with God in our Calling 1 Cor. 7.24 Doing the work thereof heartily as unto the Lord Col. 3.23 6. Conversation rightly ordered When the root of it is in the heart but the fruits of it are to be expressed in our conversation Phil. 1.11 Being filled with the fruits of Righteousness which are by Jesus Christ c. Those that have this principle within have this character That they are upright in their conversation Psal 37.14 to slay such as be of upright conversation This is that which the Apostle means by walking with a right foot Gal. 2.14 Ordering our steps aright Prov. 4.26 Making even paths for our feet Heb. 12.13 That is that one action bear proportion to another and all good according to the rule Gal. 6.16 Not turning aside to any crooked path Psal 125.4 5. In order to this those that do indeed mind their Soul-prosperity will or should propound to themselves these three questions 1. An liceat May I do this and not sin 2. An deceat Is this becoming a Christian May I do this and not wrong my profession 3. An Expediat May I do this and not give offence to others This Heaven-born principle let it have its full liberty of working it will incline the heart to this And this is the way to order the conversation aright So as to inherit that promise Psal 50.23 To him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God 7. Providences improved Psal 107.43 Whoso is wise and will observe these things even they shall understand the loving kindness of the Lord. Puzled and astonished such a Soul may be sometimes at the strange dispensations of God but not offended so as to face about Still he holds on his way in the paths of Righteousness Mic. 6.9 The Lord's voice cryeth unto the City and the Man of wisdom shall see thy Name hear ye the rod and who hath appointed it 8 All this in the sight of God 2 Cor. 2.17 But as of sincerity but as of God in the sight of God speak we in Christ That God may be pleased 1 Thes 4.1 And we approve our selves to God 2 Cor. 5.9 2. It is impossible the Soul should prosper or be indeed in any capacity of prospering that is not clothed with it For where this Inner is not the other Outer garment is not It is so as I told you that this Garment of Righteousness wrought in us and that the Righteousness wrought for us are never separated the one from the other so that the Soul that is altogether destitute of it is in a Christless state naked and destitute of all spiritual clothing Rev. 3.17 God at first sent forth Man into the World compleatly apparelled with it being created in righteousness and true holiness but Satan by his subtilty stript him of it and he became naked Gen. 3.7 And thus he continues till by the powerful Word and Spirit of Christ his heart is made willing to come unto Christ to receive him rest upon him and abide in him Till then he is utterly destitute of all the materials of this garment Some indeed of whom there may be some hopes that they have obeyed the Call and are come to Christ are but poorly clad even half naked which is a sad sight But these have none at all they are naked all over though insensible of it They have no life at all nothing of this principle 1 Joh. 5.12 He that hath not the Son hath not life 3. The better the Soul is clothed with this garment the more it doth and the better it will prosper For consider 1. The more we have of this Garment of Righteousness the more the Soul is brought into and preserved in its right temper The health of the Body consists much in its right constitution when it is not so oppressed with corrupt humours but that it can relish its ordinary food and can do that work that is to be done by God's appointment wherein it is set and is not indisposed by sickness or weakness Into such a right temper this righteousness when the principles of it are exercised doth bring the Soul This prevails against the ill humours the Soul is subject unto It prevails against those noisom lusts that war against the Soul as the Apostle speaks 1 Pet. 2.11 It is compared Eph. 6.14 to a Breast-plate which if it be good preserves the principal parts of the Body the Breast wherein the vital parts of Man are closely coucht together So this righteousness preserves the principal part of a Christian it keeps the Conscience pure the Soul undefiled so far as it is exercised it will keep a Man from his own
but it is more then any such person hath ground to expect or can expect with any good hope to speed or plead with God for It is observable what we have in the fore-mentioned place 2 Chro. 16.9 in the latter part of the verse Herein saith the Prophet to the King to King Asa it is that he speaks thou hast done foolishly Henceforth thou shalt have wars Now wherein was it that he had done foolishly See ver 7. It was in this that he had not exercised his faith that great principle of godliness in relying upon the God of Israel but had relyed upon the King of Syria 5. There is no way like this for the growth and exercise of these principles wherein as I told you in the explication of the point the prosperity of the Soul consisteth especially It is well known they do not always prove the richest Men that set up with the greatest stocks but those tha● exercise themselves with diligence honesty and integrity in their Callings though they begin with little And likewise The best Wits do not always prove the best Scholars unless their study be answerable to their parts It is even so in this case For certain it is that less degrees of grace well managed in daily exercise will thrive and grow when greater measures neglected will wither and decay Prov. 10.29 The way of the Lord is strength to the upright Via ad pietatem est intra pietatem But for this I refer you to what was spoken in the third Exercise on this subject Only I add that as Natural life becomes more lively by action even so are the principles of spiritual life Joh. 1.49 Believest thou for this Thou shalt see greater things then these said Christ to Nathaniel This is according to Luk. 19.17 Thou hast been faithful in a very little have thou authority over ten Cities 6. The reality of the in-being of these principles in the Soul is by this means best discerned if ever they be sensibly felt it is when they are most in exercise When is a Man more likely to know that he hath faith and that he hath Repentance then when he is actually believing and repenting Consider well 2 Pet. 1.5 6 9 11. In the fifth and sixth verses he exhorts not only to add more degrees but also to exercise those principles they have received In ver 9. he tells them that if they do not they may in all probability in a little while not be able to see any thing of God that is sanctifying and saving in their Souls they may forget that ever they were purged from their old sins question all again But if they add the exercise to the principle then as vers 11. an entrance may be administred to them abundantly into the Kingdom of Heaven It is worth our noting that the Scripture speaks of some that are far from the Kingdom of Heaven touched with no care of Religion at all but like Gallio care for nothing of that nature Eph. 1.13 Ye who were sometime afar of are made nigh Of others that come near but never enter taking up with a half-conversion Mar. 12.34 Thou art not far from the Kingdom of God Of others that enter but with great difficulty 1 Pet. 4.18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved they make a hard shift to get thither But others as ye see in this of Peter enter in with full Sail triumphantly laying hold on Eternal Life They are those though perhaps all those may not that add the exercise to the principle They know in themselves by what they find working stirring and acting in their Souls that as it is said of those Heb. 10.34 knowing in your selves that ye have in Heaven a better and an enduring substance that they have a right and title to Heaven and when they dye they go to take possession of it Thus I have given you what I had to say as to the reasons why we ought to exercise our selves to godliness and that by this exercise Soul-prosperity is promoted and that it cannot possibly prosper without it I shall only add two words more 1. For the time past we may if we look back see the reason why though these principles be of a thriving growing nature yet for all that they do not prosper as they ought It is either because we deceive our selves and think we have them when there is no such matter or that we neglect the exercise of them so as not to do that work and bring forth those fruits they were given for but we do with them as that slothful Servant did with his Talent Matth. 25.18 he digged in the Earth and hid his Lord's money For which he received his deserved doom vers 28 Take the Talent from him Professing to live in the spirit but walk only as Men who have nothing but nature in them as the Apostle chargeth it upon them 1 Cor. 3.3 This is the great reason if not the only reason why they thrive no more For to him that hath i.e. useth what he hath shall be given Matth. 25.29 2. For the time to come If all that hath been spoken on this point prove not like water spilt on the ground if there be no cause to complain as Isa 49.4 I have laboured in vain I have spent my strength for nought But that some good impressions are made and abide upon your hearts as I hope there do at least upon some and that ye really and heartily mind your Soul-prosperity then in the strength of Christ resolve upon this exercise And that ye may make something of it and have good success in your endeavours resolve every day to apply your selves to Christ and pray as seriously awfully sincerely affectionately and believingly for ability to do it as ye would do for Salvation it self for the enjoyment of him in Heaven whom your Souls love Even as David or whoever it was that composed the 137 Psalm resolved to pray for Jerusalem ver 5.6 If I forget thee O Jerusalem c. Better forget to pray for our daily bread then for this That 's but for the well-fare of our Natural life this is for the well-fare of our spiritual life Consider therefore 1. That these spiritual principles and spiritual ability to exercise them are distinct mercies and separable the one from the other as ye have heard from the instances given of Zachary and Moses Moses so eminent for meekness Job for patience Abraham for faith though they abounded in the principle yet sometimes they came short in the exercise 2. That a heart and ability to exercise them is to be had from Christ and from him alone Joh. 15.5 For without me ye can do nothing We read Psal 51.14 what David engageth unto My tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness And ver 15. we may see where he looks for strength to make good his engagement O Lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise Here
Seed and Heirs according to the promise We read that Naboth would not part with his inheritance neither for the good will nor ill will of King Ahab Let Souls ready to faint do so in this case with the Promises which in Christ are their undoubted inheritance 2 Cor. 1.20 For all the promises of God are in him yea and in him Amen 2. Let Souls subject to fainting know their duty upon this account and set upon the performance of it 1. They ought to acquaint themselves with the promises They are so great and precious as the Apostle saith 2 Pet. 1.4 that there is not one of those that really close with Christ though they be of the lowest form but may find that which is most suitable to their condition in some promise or other that is within their reach though some may seem to be above him Though a little Man upon low ground cannot reach the top of the Tree yet he may get hold on some of the lower branches and there may find some fruit which may somewhat relieve him As suppose he cannot find comfort in that promise Rev. 2.7 To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life No he is afraid of being overcome that promise is too high for him it is above his reach yet he may reach that Rev. 22.17 And let him that is athirst come And whosoever will let him take of the Water of Life freely If not that Matth. 5.8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Yet they may reach that ver 6 Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled And that Joh. 6.37 All that the Father hath given unto me shall come unto me and him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out And let every fainting Soul know this that so far as he hath an interest in any one promise so far he hath an interest in every promise as to that blessing in it which is absolutely necessary to salvation For as there is a chain of duties Matth. 22.37 38 39 40 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God This is the first and great Commandment and the second is like unto it Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self On these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets Not this or that but this and that too So there is a chain of Priviledges Rom. 8.30 Whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified And a chain of Providences Rom. 8.28 All things work together for good to them that love God So there is a chain of Promises they are all bound together in one bundle in the Covenant That great and precious promise I will be thy God comprehends them all Therefore it is said Rev. 21.7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my Son 2. Let them plead the Promises Psal 119.49 Remember thy word unto thy Servant upon which thou hast caused me to hope Especially that particular promise which contains that particular blessing which if it were as sure in their hand as it is in the promise the fainting Soul thinks it would satisfie Thus did Jacob Gen. 32.9 10 11 O God which saidst unto me return into thy Country Deliver me I pray thee from the hand of my Brother Thus every fainting Soul ought to do The promise is that Bond wherein God hath made himself a Debtor if not to his Covenant-people yet to his own truth and faithfulness which requires it of him that what he hath promised be fulfilled and therefore they ought to plead them This is God's method he expects to hear from them before they can expect to hear from him Psal 50.15 Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee 3. Let them patiently wait for the fulfilling of what is promised If the thing be of absolute necessity it shall be given in kind And so it shall be though in it self it be not yet if God in his infinite wisdom sees it will be subservient thereunto and will better promote it then the want of it will it shall also certainly be made good The Scripture speaks as if God had promised us nothing but Eternal Life 1 Joh. 2.25 And this is the promise that he hath promised us even Eternal Life But it is because all things absolutely necessary unto Eternal Life are comprehended therein Therefore wait for it because it will surely come Hab. 2.3 It 's true there may be silence in Heaven and that for a great while to the prayer of faith as there may be a silence very often to the provocations of the generation that is abhorred by God But as he will arise in due time to execute his vindictive justice upon the one Psal 50.21 22. So he will arise to make good his promises of grace and mercy to the other For God never said to the Seed of Jacob that they should seek him in vain Isa 45.19 I shall conclude this with that of the Apostle 2 Thes 3.5 The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patient waiting for Christ He had laid down great grounds of comfort for them in the former Chapter vers 13 14. And assures them vers 3. of this Chapter that God was faithful and would stablish them They should not miscarry nor fail of that which God had chosen them unto but knowing the difficulty of waiting when expected supplies were delayed especially when Providences seem contrary to Promises he prays that the Lord would direct them into the love of God and patient waiting for Christ This is the third particular which it concerns fainting Souls to take special notice of 4. Fainting Souls or Souls often subject to fainting should endeavour after a distinct knowledge of the great and fundamental Doctrine of Justification 1. In the Meritorious cause of it which is the obedience of Christ as Mediatour in doing and suffering what God the Father appointed and which he accepted in the behalf of all those to whom it is imputed so as to discharge them from the curse of the Law which they had deserved to be executed upon them to the uttermost and to accept them as righteous unto Eternal Life of which they were utterly unworthy 2. That it is God which justifieth Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect It is God that justifieth 3. That the moving cause is Gods free love Rom. 3.24 Being justified freely by his grace through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus 4. That the means of receiving it is Faith Rom. 3.22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Christ Jesus unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference These things being well digested are great Cordials For whom he justifieth he glorifieth Rom. 8.30 5. Let such also think
day to day To set our selves under the actual consideration of God's All-seeing eye who hath absolute Soveraignty over us to whom alone we must stand or fall who can tell us all our thoughts and will render to every Man according to his works and therefore hath a Book of remembrance for those that think upon him and fear his name Mal. 3.16 And hath a bag for iniquity wherein he doth as it were seal up mens sins to bring them forth as Evidences and charge them upon every one as the matter requires And as God is said to have a Book and a Bag so he is said to have a Bottle Psal 56.8 Put my tears into thy bottle are they not in thy book This I say we should charge upon our hearts and renew this charge from day to day till we have some power over them For though it be true that God alone hath the Soveraignty over and is the great disposer of our hearts yet under him we may do much What Man is there whose conscience will not tell him if he consult with it that when his heart is flat and dead alienated from all serious thoughts of the presence of God with him that this is his own neglect his own willful neglect for he knows that when he hath a business to manage of any considerable concernment for his outward estate he can easily command his heart to think on it yea and cannot put it out of his mind when he would so that The abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep Eccl. 5.12 Therefore let us not neglect any longer to exercise that authority which God hath given us over our hearts if we desire our Souls should continue to prosper We must serve him in righteousness and holiness all our days and every day But all we do will come very far short not only of what it ought to be but of what it might be unless we do what we do before him as in his sight Luk. 1.75 Thus of the Second Direction 3. Spiritualize the Providences of every day I mean improve them to some spiritual advantage so as thereby some gracious impressions may be wrought upon your hearts that thereby the duties of the day may be better performed principles of godliness more seasonably exercised and the workings and stirrings of corruption more timely checkt and throughly mortified This will exceedingly help scarce any thing more to preserve the Soul in its thriving and prospering frame Consider then that every day in respect of the Providences of God it is filled up withal is either one of those two days mentioned Eccles 7.14 Either a day of Prosperity or a day of Adversity Or else like that day mentioned Zech. 14.6 Neither clear nor dark but mixt mercies given in one part of the day and crosses taking their turn in the other Now it hath been experienced to be a great means of promoting and preserving Soul-prosperity to spiritualize both the one and the other 1. If the day be a day of Prosperity i. e. if no evil befalls us but that according to the promise Psal 121.7 8 The Lord shall preserve thee from evil The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in When God blesseth the beginning and ending of what we undertake this hath enough in it to raise up in our hearts high thoughts of God that he should load us with benefits Psal 68.19 Such as may be very effectual to keep us under those obligations which his bounty and goodness lays upon us Thus it wrought in David Psal 116. He is reckoning up the mercies of God toward him Then ver 5. He exalteth God in his heart And ver 7. His Soul retires into God and takes up its rest and satisfaction in him alone And ver 9. He heightens his resolution Thus it was with David and thus it may be with us Especially when the thriving prospering Soul hath ground and reason enough to see the present mercies of what kind soever they be as having relation unto and being pledges of Eternal mercies This sweetens them and heightens them how little soever how common soever they be that they may say as David 2 Sam. 7.18 Who am I and what is my father's house This makes them more heart-melting more heart-obliging then otherwise they would be or possibly can be to any Soul that is either dead in sin or in a dying withering languishing condition Six pence received only as a six pence doth not affect the heart like that which is received as an earnest of a greater Sum which shall certainly upon such a day be given to us so it is here when we can conclude that he who kept us this day from evil that it hath not grieved us as Jabes prayed 1 Chron. 4.10 and hath given us quiet and comfortable rest this night can and certainly will keep us by his mighty power through faith unto salvation and this night's rest is a pledge unto us of Eternal rest in those heavenly mansions above in our Father's house And this conclusion though no Man else can yet thriving and prospering Souls may make 2. If the day be a day of Adversity a day filled up with sad tidings or sad events yet the Providences of such a day may be spiritualized to the spiritual advantage of the Soul By a believing consideration from what hand they come as Job did ch 1. ver 21 The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away For what cause A man for the punishment of his sin Lam. 3.39 What God aims at therein sc our profit that we might be partakers of his holiness From what principle David believed that it was in faithfulness to the interest of his Soul that God afflicted him Psal 119.75 A believing consideration I say of these things in such a sad and dark day will conduce to preserve the Soul in a prospering frame By melting down the will into the will of God and by raising up the heart in the exercise of faith hope and patience quietly to wait for support under benefit by and in due time such a deliverance from them all as they shall be able to say to the praise of God's free grace truth and faithfulness as Jacob notwithstanding all his troubles in his life-time which were neither few nor small did on his Death-bed That the Lord delivered him from all evil Gen. 48.16 3. If the day be a mixt day as most days are some comforts some crosses some things going for us and some things against us these parti-coloured Providences may be spiritualized for our Souls advantage and be unto us as the side-wind to the Ship that best fills all the Sails variety of gracious principles may be exercised In such a day we find enough to humble us enough to make us thankful and thoughtful what to render unto the Lord. That it is no worse That it is so well as the King of Spain said when he heard of the miscarriage of