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A15422 Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations: deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors. Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1592 (1592) STC 25696; ESTC S119956 618,512 654

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onely faith but loue or charitie obtaineth remission of sinnes Bellarm. ibid. Rhemist in hunc locum The Protestants Ans. THe argument is not from the cause to the effect but from the effect to the cause for Christ doth not reason thus she loued much therefore many sinnes are forgiuen her but contrariwise Many sinnes are forgiuen her therefore she loueth much As the next words declare to whom little is remitted he loueth little And our Sauiour sayth in plaine words in the last verse That her faith had saued her whereof her loue was an effect Argum. That the contrition of the heart is no meanes of our iustification nor a meriting cause or procuring of remission of sinnes Saint Paul sheweth Rom. 4.5 6. To him that beleeueth faith is counted for righteousnes And Dauid declareth the blessednesse of that man to whom God imputeth righteousnes without workes It is faith then onely that obtaineth remission of sinnes and a man is iustified without any respect had to his workes Therefore neither contrition nor any other worke inward or outward procureth remission of sinnes but faith onely is the meane So Augustine sayth Opera sequuntur iustificatum non praecedunt iustificandum Workes followe a man alreadie iustified they goe not before to iustification De fide operib cap. 14. Therefore the worke of contrition is not auaileable to iustification The Papists 5. COntrition they say is not necessarie for veniall or small offences neither error 11 is a man bound thereunto So. lib. 4. distinct 17. articul 3. The Protestants THis assertion is cleane contrarie to scripture for the Prophet Dauid praieth not onely to be kept from presumptuous sinnes Psalm 19.13 but euen to be cleansed from his secret faults vers 12. Augustine agreeth Non solum propter vitae huius ignorantiam sed etiam propter ipsum puluerem mundi huius qui pedibus adhaerescit quotidianam habere debemus poenitentiam Not only for the ignorances of this life but euen for that drosse and dust of the world which hangeth vpon our feete we ought daily to repent vs. He meaneth the lesser and smaller scapes of our life The Papists error 12 6. THere is a kind of cōtrition that proceedeth only from the feare of punishmēt when a man doth leaue sinning not for any loue or delight he hath in God but onely for feare of damnation Euen this contrition also is good and profitable yet this seruile feare is at length cleane driuen out by charitie But there remaineth still in the godly an awe and feare of God and his iudgements with mistrust and feare of hell and damnation as Math. 10. Feare him that can cast bodie and soule into hell Rhemist Iohn 4. sect 6. Bellarm. lib. 2.17 The Protestants FIrst we acknowledge that the feare of punishment is necessarie in the beginning to make a way for true loue to enter as the bristle or needle as Augustine sayth maketh roome for the thred to enter We also confesse that there is a continuall feare and reuerence of God in the godly such as children haue of their parents but as for any mistrust or feare of hell and damnation after loue be once entred and we made the children of God which breedeth terror and anxietie of conscience it is cleane expelled and thrust out of the doores by loue Argum. So saith the Apostle There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out feare and maketh vs to haue confidence in the day of iudgement 1. Ioh. 4.17 18. But he that feareth damnation and is afraid of the day of iudgement cannot haue confidence in that day So Augustine Quid dicimus de illo qui caepit timere diem iudicij si perfecta in illo esset charitas non timeret What say we to him that feareth the day of iudgement if loue were perfect in him he would not feare it THE SIXT QVESTION OF AVRICVLAR Confession the second part of penance The Papists error 13 NOne can rightly seeke for absolution at the Priests hands vnlesse they confesse particularly at the least all their mortall sinnes whether they be committed in mind heart will and cogitation onely or in word and worke with all the necessarie circumstances and differences of the same Rhemist Ioh. 20. sect 5. And this sacramentall confession as they call it must be made secretly to the Priest Concil Trident. sess 14. can 6. Argum. 1. This wonderfull power of remitting and retaining of sinnes which was giuen to the Apostles and their successors Ioh. 20.22 were giuen them in vaine if no man were bound to seeke for absolution at their hands which can not be had of them without distinct vtterance to them of our sinnes for they cannot rule the cases of conscience vnlesse they haue exact knowledge and cogitation of their sinnes Rhemist ibid. Ans. 1. God hath not made his ministers in Christs stead iudges of cases of conscience as though there were in them an actual power to remit and absolue sinnes but their office is onely to declare and set forth vnto all penitent persons the promises of God for remission of sinnes the seueritie of Gods iudgement against impenitent persons which is especially performed in the preaching and applying of the word either publiquely or priuately as S. Paul calleth the Gospell committed vnto him The word of reconciliation 2. Cor. 5.16 2. A man therefore may by their ministerie which are the preachers of reconciliation finde remission of sinnes without a particular declaration thereof neither is it necessarie for them to haue so exact a knowledge of our sinnes seeing they are not absolute iudges of the conscience but the ministers and ambassadors of reconciliation 2. Corinth 5.20 3. And Ministers are not to stay while suite is made vnto them for their helpe but they ought to exhort and desire men to be reconciled to God by their ministerie Argum. 2. As the Priests in the law had onely authoritie to discerne the leprosie of the people and therefore Christ sendeth the lepers to the Priest Luk. 17.14 so men must reueale the spirituall leprosie of sinne to the Priest Rhemist ibid. Ans. First the leprosie was not healed by the Priest but onely declared to be healed so sinnes are declared to be forgiuen by the Priest not properly forgiuē Secondly the Priest receiued not knowledge of all diseases but of this that was contagious therefore it would not followe hereupon that all sinnes are to be confessed to the Priest but such as are notorious where publique confession is by Church discipline inioyned and such confession we denie not Thirdly the argument followeth not from the Priests of the law to the Ministers of the Gospell for the Priesthood of the law is translated wholly vnto Christ who hath all knowledge to discerne and power to heale our spirituall diseases The Protestants COnfession of sinnes such as the scripture alloweth we doe acknowledge as namely these foure kinds There are priuate confessions either to God alone as Daniel confesseth
it is not like that the Chalcedone Councel and the Emperour would haue yeelded to so vnreasonable a matter as they did Thirdly Eulogius Patriarke of Alexandria doth call the sayd Gregorie vniuersall Pope which name he vtterly refuseth and yet Eulogius had no such meaning to make him Bishop or Patriarke alone but onely to giue him a preeminence aboue the rest This modest and humble Bishop of Rome Gregorie in stead of the title Vniuersall brought it into the Popes stile to be called Seruus seruorum dei seruant to Gods seruants Ergo wee conclude with Gregorie that this title Vniuersall is an Antichristian name and that it hath misliked the ancient Bishops of Rome themselues and how other Patriarkes and Bisshops haue challenged that ambitious name and title as well as the Popes of Rome THE SIXT QVESTION WHETHER THE Pope may erre or not The Papists THey denye not but that both the Pope by himselfe and together with a error 47 whole Councel may bee deceiued in matters of fact that is in historicall poynts and the truth of things that are done because it dependeth of the testimonie and information of men But in matters of faith and doctrine the Pope determining with the Councel is not subiect to error yea the Pope by himselfe alone decreeing any thing concerning faith cannot bee deceiued Bellar. lib. 4. de pontific cap. 1● No nor yet in precepts of manners prescribed to the Church by the Pope is there any feare or daunger of error cap. 5. Yea it is probable sayth he that the Pope not onely as Pope cannot erre but not as a priuate person is it like he should fall into heresie or hold any obstinate opinion contrarie to the faith cap. 6. 1 Luke 22.31 Simon I haue prayed for thee that thy faith faile not Christ here prayeth for Peter and his successors that they might not at any time erre or be deceiued in matters of faith Bellar. cap. 3. Rhem. annot in Luk. 22. sect 11. We answere First this was a particular prayer for Peter that his fayth should not fayle in that great and dangerous tentation into the which our Sauiour foresaw hee should fall For if it were to be vnderstood of Peters successors they also must first be sifted by Sathan as Peter was and deny Christ and so being conuerted strengthen their brethren if they will vnderstand one parte of Peters successors I pray you why not all Secondly Our Sauiour prayeth likewise for all his Apostles that they might be sanctified in the truth yea for al that should beleeue by their preaching yet is not euery Christian priuiledged from all error of fayth Thirdly after this Peter himselfe erred and was reprehended of Saint Paul Fulk annot in Luk. 22. sect 11. 2. The high Priests that sate in Moses chayre were priuiledged not to erre Ergo much more now are the chiefe pastors of the Church free from error Bellarm cap. 3. Rhemist Luk. 22. sect 11. We answer the high Priests had no such priuiledge for some of them fell into strange errors Vriah the high Priest set vp an idolatrous altar at the Kinges commaundement 2. King 16. Eliashib was ioyned in Affinitie with Tobiah the Ammonite contrary to the law of God Fulk ibid. The Protestantes THat the Popes and Bishops of Rome haue not onely erred in manners but euen in fayth and not onely priuately and personally as men but pulikely and iudicially as Popes that they haue by their publike and open preaching defence allowance and consent approued and established erronious and some hereticall opinions thus we trust to make it playne and euident to all men 1. Peter erred Ergo the Pope may though he were Peters successor First Peter erred in denying of Christ the Iesuite answereth First he began not yet to be the chiefe Bishop which he entred not into till after the resurrection when Christ sayd vnto him Feede my sheepe Iohn 21. therefore all this while he might erre A goodly answere I pray you tell me was not the Church before Christs passion and after built vpon the same rocke I trow they cannot denie it but Peter was not the rock before therefore not after If he were therefore called a rock because of his confession of Christ why should he not then rather straight after his confession take possession of his office then immediately after his deniall of Christ Surely this is but a silly shift Secondly sayth the Iesuite Peter fayled in charitie when he denied Christ not in fayth cap. 3. and if he fayled in fayth he lost the confession of fayth and not fayth it selfe We answere First and can a true fayth then bee separated from loue by your doctrine The Apostles knew no such fayth Saint Iames sayth it is a dead fayth that is without the works of loue and the fayth of diuels that is no faith Iames 2.17.19 If then Peters loue failed his fayth also fayled Secondly we doe not say that Peters fayth was lost and vtterly extinguished for Christ prayed for him but whether it were an error in fayth which Peter fell into for it is not all one to erre in fayth or cleane to lose fayth Thirdly hee lost the confession of fayth he denied Christ in word Ergo he denied the fayth howsoeuer he thought in heart for these two are the principall fruites of fayth to Beleeue with the heart and Confesse with the mouth Rom. 10. and where either of these is wanting there can not be a right fayth for he that putteth away a good conscience maketh shipwrack also of faith 1. Tim. 1.19 But the Iesuite I see hath a queazie stomack let him cough vp lustily and say with one of his fellowes Petrus non fidem Christi sed Christum salua fide negauit Peter denied not the fayth of Christ but his fayth remayning sound and whole hee onely denied Christ. Loe here is newe popish diuinitie that a man may denie Christ and yet not denie the faith Secondly Peter erred in constraining the Gentiles to doe as the Iewes Bellarmine saith it was an error in example conuersation not in fayth or doctrine cap. 7. We answere First in this example of Peter there was also included an error in fayth for how should the Gentiles better know Peters iudgement then by his example by the which they fell into an error of fayth and were constrayned to conforme themselues like to the Iewes thinking that the Iewish ceremonies were necessary to bee retayned Secondly Saint Paul himselfe sayth they went not the right way to the truth of the Gospell Ergo they erred from the trueth of the Gospell and so in fayth Thirdly the diuines of Paris doe attribute to Peter an error in fayth Fulk annot 4. Galat. sect 9. 2. We can produce many examples of the Popes which haue erred iudicially namely openly haue maintayned errors To let passe Marcellinus who sacrificed to Idols as a slippe of his person and he afterward repented him of his fall
people What this singulatim credere meaneth he sheweth a few lines after Quicquid cum loquor agnoueris in te quisquis expertus ●s crede contingere omnibus qui de manu inimicorū precioso sanguine redimuntur That which I say thou that hast the experience thereof in thy selfe knowe that it is common to all that are redeemed by that precious blood Ergo euery man must haue a particular feeling and experience of his redemption in himselfe The Papists 2. FAith a man may feele and knowe to bee in himselfe because it is an act onely of vnderstanding but a man cannot bee assured thereby that error 77 his sinnes are forgiuen him or that he is in the state of grace Rhemist 2. Corinth 13. sect 1. The Protestants Ans. WE see what a poore miserable faith the faith of popish Catholikes is They say it is but a bare act of the vnderstanding which bringeth with it no certaintie or assurance of saluation But the Apostle Hebr. 11.1 defineth faith after another sort It is the ground of things hoped for and the euidence of things not seene Faith then hath two parts as it worketh the euidence and knowledge of heauenly things in the vnderstanding so also it begetteth a strong hope and perswasion in the heart of the promises of God it is not therefore onely an act of the vnderstanding Argum. But that by a liuely and true faith men may knowe that they are in grace and may bee assured of saluation Saint Paul teacheth Proue your selues whether you be in the faith know ye not how that Iesus Christ is in you vnlesse yee be reprobates 2. Corinth 13.5 By faith therefore wee may knowe whether Christ bee in vs Ergo whether wee are in the state of grace for Christ dwelleth onely by faith in the elect and such as shall be saued Ephes. 3.17 Augustine Vnusquisque inspiciat se intus appendat se probet se in omnibus factis suis fides quae operatur per dilectionem si in vobis est iam pertinetis ad praedestinatos Let euery man looke into himselfe examine proue himselfe if faith working by loue bee in you euen now yee doe belong to the number and companie of the predestinate Ergo by a liuely faith men may bee assured of their election THE SECOND PART OF THE DIVERS kindes of faith The Papists error 78 1. THere is a kind of faith called fides implicita the faith of simple men and idiots who although they are not able to giue a reason of their beleefe yet it is enough for them to say they are Catholike men that they wil liue and dye in that faith which the Catholike Church doth teach Rhemist Luk. 12. sect 3. This implicite faith which they say is sufficient for common Catholikes is nothing els but to beleeue as the Church beleeueth though they knowe nothing themselues particularly The Protestants AS before they spoyled faith of the better part thereof which is a stable and certaine perswasion of the heart so now also they robbe it of the other part which is an euidence and light of spirituall knowledge for faith cannot stand with ignorance but necessarily bringeth with it an illumination of the mind as it worketh stablenes in the heart Argum. Wherefore it is not enough for a Christian to say he beleeueth as the Catholike Church beleeueth for we must be readie to giue account to euery one that asketh of that hope that is in vs 1. Pet. 3.15 Ergo euery true Christian must be able to giue account of his beleefe Augustine writeth Ita apud omnes vulgatam confirmatam esse catholicam fidem vt nec notitiam possit fugere popularem That the Catholike faith was so common and so plaine that it could not bee hid euen vnto the popular sort For now in these dayes the prophecie of Ieremie ought to bee fulfilled They shall all knowe me from the least of them to the greatest Hebr. 8.11 The Papists error 79 2. THey affirme that the faith of miracles spoken of 1. Corinth 12.9 is of the same substance with the common iustifying faith it differeth onely in an accidentall qualitie of more feruor deuotion and confident trust Rhemist ibid. Yea that faith which Saint Iames calleth a dead faith is notwithstanding a true faith and the same which is called the Catholike faith and which the Apostle defineth Hebr. 11. and in substance all one with that which iustifieth Rhemist Iam. 2. sect 11. The Protestants FIrst the faith of miracles and the iustifying faith are not all of one nature because the faith of miracles may bee in wicked men Matth. 7.23 The iustifying faith can be in none but those that shall be saued Mark 16.16 They that beleeue shall bee saued But what intolerable boldnes is this to ascribe greater confidence and trust to that faith which may be in wicked men then to the true iustifying faith in the elect Secondly the dead faith that Saint Iames treateth of is not of the same nature with the iustifying faith nor that faith which is handled Heb. 11. For by that faith the Patriarkes pleased GOD and beleeued that hee was a rewarder of those which sought him verse 6. But this dead faith hath no such operation Againe it is great blasphemie to make this dead faith and a liuely iustifying faith of one and the same kinde and nature for as a dead man cannot be said properly to bee a man no more can a dead faith bee properly called a faith Nay further the faith of diuels and the faith of Saints cannot bee of one nature and substance but this dead speculatiue faith may be in diuels Iam. 2.19 Ergo it is a blasphemous assertion that these two faiths are all of one Augustine saith Discerne fidem tuam a fide daemonum daemones credunt quod oderunt distinguit Apostolus fides quae operatur per dilectionem Discerne thy faith from the faith of diuels the diuels beleeue that which they hate The Apostle doth distinguish them faith which worketh by loue Ergo a dead faith which is fruitelesse and worketh not by loue is the faith of diuels and so not of one nature with a true iustifying faith THE THIRD PART WHEther charitie be the forme of iustifying faith The Papists IT is so affirmed by our Rhemistes Iam. 2. sect 11. Faith being formed error 80 and made aliue by charitie iustifieth Loue is not as the instrument whereby faith worketh but as the proper forme Tapper ex Tileman Heshus de fide err 7. Argum. Saint Iames saith As the bodie without the spirite is dead so faith without workes is dead 2.26 But the soule or spirite giueth the forme and life to the bodie Ergo so doe the workes of charitie to faith Rhemist The Protestants Ans. WE must consider of what kinde of faith Saint Iames speaketh not of a liuely or iustifying faith but of a dead faith which in deede is no faith neither can possiblie receiue any
we made partakers of the bodie and blood of Christ but this fayth the wicked cannot haue The first part is proued out of the Gospell He only that drinketh of the blood of Christ shall neuer thirst agayne Iohn 4.14 He that shall neuer thirst must beleeue in Christ Iohn 6.35 Ergo he onely that beleeueth doth drinke the blood of Christ. So Augustine saith Nolite parare fances sed cor non quod videtur sed quod creditur pascit doe not prepare your iawes but your heart it is not that which is seene but what is beleeued that nourisheth Ergo Christ must bee receiued by faith therefore Infidels or vnbeleeuers cannot receiue him Argum. 2. Whosoeuer eateth the flesh of Christ and drinketh his blood shall haue eternall life Iohn 6.54 But the wicked haue not eternall life Ergo they neither eate nor drinke Christ. Augustine sayth De mensa dominica sumitur quibusdam ad mortem quibusdam ad vitam res verò cuius sacramentum est omni homini ad vitam nulli ad exitium quicunque eius particeps fuerit From the Lords table some doe receiue vnto life some vnto death but the thing whereof it is a sacrament worketh in all to life in none to death whosoeuer are partakers of it But the bodie and blood of Christ are the things signified in the sacrament Ergo whosoeuer receiueth them hath life thereby the wicked then receiue them not THE SECOND PART OF THIS CONTROVERSY CONCERNING the Popish Masse THis part likewise comprehendeth diuers questions 1 Of the diuers representations of the death and sacrifice of Christ. 2 Of the sacrifice of the Masse the name thereof and of the sacrificing priesthood 3 Of the vertue and efficacie which they falsely ascribe to the Masse 4 For whom the sacrifice of the Masse is auaileable whether for the quicke and the dead 5. Of priuate Masses 6. Of the manner of saying and celebrating Masse 7. Of the ceremonies which they vse in the idolatrous sacrifice of the Masse some goe before some are obserued in the celebration thereof 8. Of the forme of the Masse which consisteth partly of the Canon and of the preface to the Canon where we are to shew the foule and heretical blasphemies which in great number are belched out by them in the Masse Of these now in their order THE FIRST QVESTION OF THE DIVERS representations of the death of Christ. The Papists THey are not contented with that one liuely representation of the death of Christ which is exhibited in the Lords Supper but they haue brought in error 126 two more beside that and so make three in all the first say they is simplex repraesentatio a simple and plaine representation of the death of Christ which is done so often as the Sacrament is receiued the second is Repraesentatio ad vinum A liuely and full representation of Christs death which they doe vse yearely to set forth by solemne gestures apparell and other ceremonies vpon Good Friday as it is commonly called before Easter when they doe make nothing else but a Pageant play of the Sacrament the third representation is also a sacrifice beside and that is the sacrifice of the Masse Bellarm. de Missa lib. 1. cap. 1. The Rhemists make a fourth representation beside which is in the solemne receiuing of the Communion at Easter So then first Christs death is shewed forth by the Sacrament of the Eucharist all the yeare long as it hangeth in the pixe or when it is carried to house the sicke Catechism Rom. pag. 408. Secondly it is represented once in the yeere by their solemne Pageant vpon good Friday when there is no Sacrament consecrated but an histrionicall expressing by certaine gestures and actions the manner of Christs crucifying Thirdly in the continuall sacrifice of the Masse Christ his death is represented And lastly in the solemne receiuing at Easter for then especially the mysterie of Christ our Paschall lambe is commended to the people to be eaten with all sinceritie in the Sacrament and so doe the Rhemist expound that place of Saint Paul Let vs keepe feast or holy day not with the leauen of malitiousnes 1. Cor. 6.8 literally applying it to the feast of Easter Rhemist in hunc locum The Protestants FIrst we are taught by the word of God that by eating the bread and drinking of the cup in the Sacrament not by gazing looking lifting vp turning hanging vp bread in pixes or by any such meanes but onely as we haue saide is the Lords death shewed forth and represented 1. Corinth 11.26 Wee acknowledge therefore one onely Sacramentall representation of Christ and no more in the Lords Supper the sacrifice of the Masse we iudge to bee an abominable idol as afterward shall be shewed Secondly it is a foule absurditie to make any representation of Christs death by bare gestures shewes and actions of the bodie without any Sacrament as they doe in their popish pageants vpon Christs Passion daye for at that time there is no Sacrament consecrated Eckius cap. 15. But the Priest by certaine gestures and motions of the bodie in bowing bending casting abroade his armes and such like dooth resemble Christ crucified Bellarm cap. 1. But to call this a liuely representation being done without a Sacrament and the other in the Sacrament simplicem repraesentationem but a simple and plaine representation is too great presumption wherein they prefer their owne superstitious deuises before the ordinance of Christ. Thirdly that place of Saint Paul is vnfitly applied to the celebration of Ester Augustine expoundeth it far otherwise Diem festum celebremus non vtique vnam diem sed totam vitam in azymis synceritatis veritatis Let vs keepe holy day not one onely day but all our life long in the vnleauened bread of purenes and trueth So then in Augustines iudgement the Apostle had no relation to any certaine time which he would haue kept holy but to the reformation of the whole life THE SECOND QVESTION OF THE sacrifice of the Masse and the Priesthoode thereto belonging THE FIRST PART OF THE name and terme of Masse The Papists error 127 THere are diuerse opinions amongst them concerning the originall of this name Some say it is called Missa the Masse Quia oblatio preces ad Deum mittantur Hugo de S. Victore Others quod Angelus a Deo mittatur quisacrificio assistat Because an angell is sent of God to bee assistant at the Masse Thom. Aquinas 3. part quaest 83. artic 4. Some of the hebrue worde Missath Deut. 16. which signifieth an oblation Some ex missis donarijs symbolis of the giftes and offerings sent or put in before the Communion But what beginning soeuer it had they doe now generally take the Masse for that solemne action whereby the Sacrament is made a sacrifice and offered vp to God Bellarm. lib. 1. de missa cap. 1. The Protestants WE doe not greatly force vpon this name for both the name