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A15144 The vvay to the celestiall paradise Declaring how a sinner may be saued, and come to life euerlasting. Contained in three bookes.The first second third sheweth that a sinner may be saued, & come to life euerlasting. By faith, apprehending Christ for his iustification, & applying to himselfe the promises of the Gospell made in Iesus Christ. Repentance, hauing his sins washed away in the bloud of the lambe Iesus Christ. Prayer, calling vpon God in the name of Iesus Christ. By Robert Whittell, minister of the Gospell. Whittle, Robert, d. 1638. 1620 (1620) STC 25441; ESTC S120396 338,769 458

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to the p Gen. 19. 1. c. two Angels which came to Sodome at euen in the likenesse of two men And Iob was a man giuen to hospitalitie for he saith that he did q Iob 31. 17. not eat his morsell himselfe alone but the fatherlesse did eat thereof Now vpon diligent inquirie what shouldbet he cause The cause of the decay of Hospitalitie in our Land that hospitality is much decaied in our land I can finde no other cause but Sinne and the iudgement of God vpon men and their houses for Sinne. If this be too generall 1 In generall Sinne. an answere I come to particulars and affirme that first one cause of the decay of auncient hospitalitie is contentious suing at law from whence it commeth 2 In particular to passe that both he that sue●h and he that is sued he that troubleth and he that is troubled is made more 1 Contentious suing a law vnable to maintaine hospitalitie It were good that such would be warned by that saying of the Apostle r Gal. 5. 15. If yee bite and deuoure one another take heed ye be not consumed one of another Secondly another cause is excesse in eating drinking 2 Excesle in cating and drinking gluttonie and drunkennesse whereby many are brought to such a poore state and beggerly condition that they are not able to keepe hospitalitie Of this Solamon saith ſ Pro. 23. 20. 21. Be not amongst Wine-bibbers amongst riotous eaters of flesh for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to pouertie The third cause is Whoredome Iob saith of Whoredome and Adulterie t Ioh. 31. 12. it is a fire that consumeth to destruction 3 Whoredome and will root out all a mans encrease The voluptuous riotous prodigall mispends so much in reuelling banquetting drinking and whoring that all that he can rake and scrape from his poore ract-tenants is not sufficient to maintaine himselfe much lesse to keepe hospitalitie The fourth is Pride in apparell when men weare apparell 4 Pride in apparell past decencie and goe farre aboue their degree This Pride is a deuourer They carry so much wealth vpon their owne backes that the poore are robd and pincht both of backe and bellie The fift is violence and oppression when men enter 5 Oppression vniustly into the possessions and inheritance of other men this puls downe the iudgement of God vpon their owne heads u Isa 5. 8. 9. Woe vnto them sayth the Prophet Esay that ioyne house to house that lay field to field till there be no place that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth in mine eares saith the Lord of hosts of a truth many houses shall be desolate euen great and faire without inhabitant All faire and stately houses are not so happie as to enioy the end of their building habitation much lesse hospitalitie The sixt is Sacriledge worldly and vnconscionable 6 Sacriledge minded men thinke if they can with-hold and keepe any thing backe from Church-men those sheaues and those tithes will helpe well towards the maintenance of their house-keeping and make them more able to keepe hospitalitie but it s quite contrarie for the tithes and sheaues vniustly with-held and vnconscionably taken from the Church are so laid vp in the barnes and garners of those that spoile the Church that they secretly though the iust iudgement of God eat into and consume the rest of their wealth and substance Like as x Iosh 6 19. And Chap. 7. 21 24. 25. Achans wedge of gold which he tooke being consecrated vnto the Lord was the cause of the destruction of all that he had And although many Lay-men haue great yearly-profites comming in by vniust gathered tithes yet see the iudgement of God vpon them they are thereby neuer a whit the richer but rather in poorer state then their auncestours who kept as great or greater hospitalitie then they doe and yet robd no Churches So that their deuouring of consecrated things doth no whit helpe their hospitality and it hinders Church-men from keeping that hospitalitie which otherwise they might and ought Against this Sacriledge the Lord himselfe complaines by the Prophet Malachie y Mal. 3 8. 9. Will a man robbe God Yet ye haue robbed me But yee say wherein haue we robbed thee In tithes and offerings Ye are cursed with a curse He saith not barely ye are cursed but ye are cursed with a curse He doubleth the curse to shew the certaintie and greatnesse of the curse Whosoeuer robs God of his tithes and offerings drawes a curse vpon himselfe when he binds vp the sheafe vniustly taken he binds in the curse and when he layes it vp in his barne he layes vp the curse with it and the cursed sheafe eats in and spreads it selfe into the rest of the sheaues and corne and substance like the plague of Leprosie infecting all the rest These are the true causes of the decay and present want of Hospitalitie Now if there be no Hospitalitie then mercie and compassion is not shewed to the poore and needie to the strangers to the fatherlesse and widdowes and if mercy and charitie be not shewed at least in some sort and in some measure more or lesse as euery mans abilitie will extend I demand then Where is Faith Is that true Faith that hath no workes Can that Faith saue Nay For z Iam. 2. 17. Faith as St Iames sayth if it hath not workes is dead being alone And * Ver. 26. as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without workes is dead also CHAP. XXII Of confession of Christ before men and of the profession of the Gospell THe fourth and last outward signe of true sauing Faith is the Confession of Christ before men 4 Confession of Christ before men with constancy and boldnesse standing to our faith and profession for the loue of Christ S. Paul makes this a signe of his faith saying to the Corinthians * Ex his discimus confessionis matrem esse fidem Calu. We hauing the same spirit of faith according as it is written I beleeued and therefore haue I spoken we also beleeue and therefore speake a 2. Cor. 4. 13. From hence we learne that faith is the mother of confession Faith breedes confession according to that saying of S. Paul to the Romanes b Rom. 10. 10. With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth confession is made vnto saluation And this Confession of Christ is two-fold Two-fold The one in time of peace 1 In time of peace Two-fold The other in time of persecution The Confession of Christ in time of peace is two-fold The first is not to be ashamed of the profession of the 1 Not to be ashamed of the profession of the Gospell For Gospell but to make an open confession and manifest profession thereof And this is necessary For First God requireth
c. 6. to them that beleeue This is called an historicall faith For they that haue this faith doe acknowledge the History of the Bible and all things contained therin to be true by this faith they acknowledge that what God hath done is true and what he hath sayd and promised shall surely come to passe they haue a generall knowledge they haue their vnderstanding inlightned with knowledge but not with renewing grace nor sauing knowledge this bare knowledge alone may bee in Reprobates and wicked men yea in the Deuils In wicked men for it is sayd of Simon that p Acts 8. 13. hee beleeued Did he beleeue what faith had hee was it a true faith No his faith was but a generall knowledge with an assent to the things which hee heard the Apostles preach that they were true but they wanted the true sauing faith as appeares by Peters sharp rebuking of him for that his q Verse 21 23. heart was not right in the sight of God but was still in the gall of bitternesse and in the bond of iniquity yea this generall faith is in Deuils as S. Iames witnesseth r Jam. 2. 19. thou beleeuest that there is one God thou doest well the Deuils also beleeue and tremble That is the Deuils haue a generall knowledge of the Word of God and the things contained therein and beleeue that whatsoeuer is written in the Word of God is true they beleeue according to the Scriptures that God is a iust God and will punish sinners yea they know and beleeue that God hath prepared Hell for the tormenting not onely of wicked and vngodly men but for the euerlasting tormenting of the Deuill and his Angels this they beleeue and beleeuing tremble but they want the true faith to apprehend the mercy of God in Christ Iesus Wherefore one saith of the faith of Deuils that it is Å¿ Fides in Daemonibus coacta Tho. 1. q. 64. ar 2. not voluntary but forcibly drawne from them Secondly some haue not onely a knowledge of the 2 Temporary faith Word and doctrine deliuered in the Scriptures but do giue their assent thereunto by open profession of the Gospell and that with ioy and delight but it is onely Parae explic catech Vrsin for a time and in time of trouble and temptation their faith failes and they go away and fall backe from their faith and profession This is called a Temporary faith because it is but temporary it is not permanent it continueth not These are resembled by the stony ground vpon which the seed of Gods Word falleth and they receiue it with ioy yet haue no root in themselues and therfore t Matth. 13. 10 21. dure but for a while for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the Word by and by they are offended as our Sauiour speakes in the Parable of the seede And as S. Luke hath it u Luk. 8. 13. for a while they beleeue and in time of temptation fall away Thirdly some haue had power giuen them from aboue 3 Miraculous faith to doe wonders and worke miracles and that by the gift of Faith which faith was a speciall gift of God either to doe some strange and extraordinary worke Parae which could not be done by ordinary meanes or else a gift of fore-telling things to come by diuine reuelation By this faith Peter restored the x Acts 3. 9 7. lame to his limbs And raised y Acts 9. 40. Tabitha from death to life And by this faith Paul healed the man that had beene z Acts 14. 8 9 10. a Cripple from his mothers wombe But this faith alone though it bee great in power and mighty in working doth not iustifie a sinner nor saue a soule and therefore wee finde that wicked men and such as haue not had true sauing faith haue had power to doe miracles and to worke wonders It is held that Iudas wrought miracles as did also the rest Pola Synt. t. 2. l. 9. c. 6. of the Apostles for Christ gaue this power to the a Matth. 10. 1. twelue Disciples and yet Iudas was a Deuill and so Christ calls him b Ioh. 6. 70 71. Haue not I chosen you twelue and one of you is a Deuill he spake of Iudas Iscariot Our Sauiour hath told vs that very Hypocrites and wicked men may doe wonders and will glory in the same and plead for themselues at that great day what wonderfull things they haue done c Mat. 7. 22 23. Many will say to me saith Christ in that day Lord Lord haue we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name haue cast out Deuils and in thy name done many wonderfull workes and then I will professe vnto them I neuer knew you depart from mee yee that worke iniquity And S. Paul speaking of Antichrist saith that d 2 Thess 2. 9. his comming is after the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders Fourthly some haue faith whereby they doe not 4 Iustifying faith onely beleeue the Word of God to be true and giue assent thereunto with ioy for a time but the Spirit of God worketh such grace in their hearts that they doe apprehend Christ Iesus for their Iustification and are perswaded of the mercy of God in Christ for the remission of their sinnes and saluation of their soules and in this faith they continue to the end these haue a true iustifying and sauing faith Of this faith and the nature of it more is to be spoken in the next place where I come to shew what the true faith is CHAP. VI. Shewing that there is but one true sauing Faith and what it is with the titles giuen vnto it and the properties belongging thereunto THe diuerse sorts and kinds of Faith being made 3 There is but one true faith knowen the order of the Treatise requires that in the third place I make it manifest that notwithstanding there bee diuerse kindes of faith yet there is but one true faith For concerning Faith we are to consider two things the one is touching the things about which faith is conuersant which is the obiect of faith the other is concerning the subiect persons in whom faith is Faith is as hath beene shewed diuersly in diuerse men some haue a great and some a little faith some haue a strong and some a weake faith some haue an effectuall working faith a liuing faith and some haue but an vnfruitfull faith a dead faith some haue a fained and some an vnfained faith some haue but an historicall some a temporary and some a true iustifying and sauing faith In regard of men therfore faith is diuerse but inasmuch as the a Cum obiectum fidei sit prima veritas fides necessario vna Tho 22 a. q. 4. ar 6. obiect of faith is as one saith the first truth because faith is conuersant about the Truth and that there is but one Truth from
without faith we cannot be saued True 3 Without faith we cannot be saued faith is so necessary that if a man haue the true faith he is saued he cannot perish but if he want the true faith he is damned he cannot be saued The Scripture witnesseth the truth of this Our Sauiour Christ saith g Mark 16. 16. he that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued but he that beleeueth not shall be damned Againe he saith h Joh. 3. 18. he that beleeueth on him is not condemned but he that beleeueth not is condemned alreadie because he hath not beleeued in the Name of the onely begotten Sonne of God So great is the necessitie of true sauing Faith The consideration of this great necessitie of Faith is Vse profitable for instruction it teacheth vs to be carefull To get faith into our hearts by all meanes to get faith into our hearts If we would haue any true assurance that we are not still dead in sin but are quickned by the Spirit and liue in Christ if we would haue our workes our seruice and sacrifices to be acceptable to God or if we would escape condemnation and come to life euerlasting then it s necessarie that we labour to haue true sauing Faith for without faith as I haue proued we are but dead in sinnes and trespasses and haue no true life of grace in vs without faith nothing that we doe can please God and without faith we cannot be saued Seeing then that faith is so necessarie how doth it stand euery one in hand to labour for true sauing faith The Apostle to the Hebrews saith i Heb. 3. 18. 19. to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that beleeued not So we see that they could not enter in because of vnbeliefe And hereupon he exhorteth to labour for true faith lest wanting faith we k Heb. 4. 1. 2. 3. come short of that euerlasting rest of our soules When Martha had receiued Christ into her house and was diligent in prouiding for him and her Sister Marie in the meane time was sitting at Christs feete hearing his word Martha was offended that her Sister should sit downe and not put to her helping hand whereupon Martha comes to Christ and saith l Luk. 10. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Lord doest thou not care that my sister hath left me to serue alone bid her therefore that shee helpe me And Iesus answered and said vnto her Martha Martha thou art carefull and troubled about many things but one thing is needfull and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her There are many both men and women like Martha ver●e busie yea cumbred and troubled about many things the world ouercomes them and the cares of the world carrie away their minds that for the most part they neglect that which is most needfull That one needfull thing is with Mary to heare the word of Christ to get true faith that by true faith in Iesus Christ our soules may be saued and we may come to life euerlasting This one thing is needfull and whosoeuer they are that haue set their hearts to seeke the Lord to heare the word of Christ and to get true faith whereby they may saue their soules they haue made a good choice they haue with Mary chosen the better part euen that good part which shall not be taken away from them CHAP. XIII Of the benefits of Faith shewing what great good comes to a Christian through true sauing Faith HOw necessary true sauing Faith is hath beene shewed The seuenth thing in the treatise of Faith is 7 The benefits of true faith Which are diuerse concerning the benefit and good that comes thereby The benefits of true sauing Faith are exceeding great and many First I mention the benefit of Iustification True faith 1 Iustification apprehending Christ Iesus iustifieth a sinner in the sight of God acquitteth and dischargeth him from his sinnes and causeth him to bee accepted righteous not for his owne righteousnesse but for the righteousnesse of Christ imputed vnto him So witnesseth S. Paul to the Galatiaus a Gal. 2. 16. Knowing saith hee that a man is not iustified by the workes of the Law but by the faith of Iesus Christ euen wee haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that wee might bee iustified by the faith of Christ and not by the workes of the Law The third and fourth chapters of the Epistle to the Romans stand vpon this argument affirming that we are iustified by Faith without the workes of the Law and proouing in the example of Abraham that righteousnesse is imputed vnto vs by Faith If it be obiected that S. Paul speaking of Iustification Obiect 1 by faith without workes speakes of workes done before a mans conuersion before he be regenerate and of those workes which goe before faith and not of those which follow after I answer that not onely the workes which are done Answ before faith are excluded from our Iustification before God but also workes done after faith euen in the state of grace for S. Paul writing both to the Romanes and Galatians writes to them that had receiued the Gospell and did now beleeue And speaking of Abrahams faith saith b Heb. 11. 17. By faith Abraham when hee was tryed offered vp Isaak Heere was a worke pleasing God namely the offering of his sonne Isaak when God commanded him and this was done by faith when Abraham had true faith it was a worke proceeding from faith and a fruit of faith But did this worke of Abraham iustifie him be fore God No c Rom. 4. 2 3. For if Abraham were iustified by workes as saith S. Paul he hath whereof to glory but not before God For what saith the Scripture Abraham beleeued God and it was counted vnto him for righteousnesse If it be further obiected out of S. Iames that workes Obiect 2 doe iustifie because S. Iames saith d Iam. 2. 21. Was not Abraham our father iustified by workes when he had offered Isaak his sonne vpon the altar And againe he saith e Verse 24. Yee see then how that by workes a man is instified and not by faith only I answer first there is a twofold Iustification the one Answ 1 before God the other before men The former Iustification before God or in the sight of God is by faith onely without workes and so we are iustified f Apprehensiuè apprehensiuely that is by apprehending the righteousnesse of Christ for our iustification for to speake properly only the Righteousnesse of Christ doth iustifie a sinner and faith is but the instrument whereby we lay hold on the righteousnesse of Christ for our iustification and of this Iustification it is that S. Paul saith g Rom 4. 3. Abraham beleeued God and it was counted to him for righteousnesse There is also a Iustification before men and this is by workes
proceeding from faith and so we are iustified h Declaratiuè declaratiuely that is our workes proceeding from faith doe declare before men that wee haue faith our good workes declare the truth of our faith and manifest that our faith is not in vaine Of which later Iustification S. Iames speakes saying i Iam. 2. 21. Was not Abraham our Father iustified by workes when he had offered Isaak his sonne vpon the altar Secondly I answer that there is a true faith working by loue knowne by the fruits of good workes and there is also a false fained faith a vaine and fruitlesse faith The former of these is commended by S. Iames in Abrahams faith whose faith wrought with his workes k Vers 22. Seest thou how faith wrought with his workes and this faith which is a working faith being fruitfull in good workes is that faith which we approue and allow of this is that faith which we maintaine and defend this is that faith which we preach and exhort all men to labour for And as for the other faith which is without workes wee doe with S. Ia●es hold that it is l Vers 17. 20. vaine yea a dead faith and therefore doth not iustifie a sinner either before God or men In breefe wee hold and teach that faith onely iustifieth but yet that faith which iustifieth is not alone but hath necessarily joyned vnto it the fruit of good workes For if faith want good wokes wee say with S. Iames that m Vers 26. as the body with●ut the spirit is dead so faith without workes is dead also And therefore I conclude with S. Paul n Rom. 3. 28. that a man is iustified by Faith without the deedes of the Law This is the first benefit of true sauing faith Iustification The second is Adoption whereas by nature wee are 2 Adoption children of wrath by grace through faith in Iesus Christ wee are made sonnes of God The Euangelist S. Iohn speakes thus of them that haue true faith in Iesus Christ o Joh. 1. 12. as many as receiued him to them gaue hee power to become the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue on his name And S. Paul to the Galatians saith p Gal. 3. 26. Yee are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus And this is an exceeding great priuiledge for if we be children and sonnes of God then as the Apostle saith wee are q Rom. 8. 17. heires heires of God and ioynt-heires with Christ The third is the purifying of the heart Faith purifieth 3 Purifying the heart the heart S. Peter speaking of the faith of the Gentiles saith that God r Acts 15. 9. put no difference betweene vs and them purifying their hearts by faith ſ Matth. 5. 8. Blessed are the pure in heart saith our Sauiour for they shall see God Now t Fide mundantur corda vt possit videri Deus Bern. the hearts of men are purified as one saith by faith that they may see God Man by nature is corrupt and the heart polluted with filthinesse of sinne which filth is not washed away but by Faith in Iesus Christ For true faith apprehending Christ for iustification is a meanes to purifie the heart Faith purgeth out the corruption and filthinesse of sinne it cleanseth the heart from euill thoughts earthly cogitations and fleshly Iusts it purifieth the heart from infidelitie superstition ignorance from pride hypocrisie rancour grudging hatred malice and enuie For these defile a man and make the heart vncleane from which the heart is purified by Faith The fourth is a good and happie life for we liue by 4 A happie life Faith as saith the Prophet Habakkuk u Habb 2. 4. How we liue by faith the iust shall liue by his faith Now we liue by Faith two manner of wayes First spiritually concerning the soule of which S. Paul saith x Gal. 2. 20. I liue by the faith of the Sonne of God Secondly concerning the affaires of this present life for Faith doth teach and direct a man in the course of his life what to doe and how to liue As first concerning a mans vocation and calling faith teacheth a man to walke diligently in his vocation and calling and to depend vpon God for a blessing vpon his labours Secondly faith teacheth a man to commit his wayes to the Lord and to referre the successe of his affaires and businesse to God and to waite vpon God for the bringing of his things to passe Thirdly ●n afflictions and crosses faith will teach a man to rest vpon God for deliuerance to be patient and not to seeke helpe by vnlawfull meanes Fourthly faith will make a man depend vpon the prouidence of God and trust God not onely for himselfe but for his children after him Thus the iust man liues by faith The first benefit is victorie ouer the world of which S. Iohn saith y 1. Iohn 5. 4. this is the victorie that ouercōmeth the world Victorie ouer the world euen our faith Now whatsoeuer is in the world is of three sorts it is either about the pleasures and delights of the world or about riches and wealth of the world or about honours and preferments in the world Which S. Iohn brings to these three heads z 1. Ioh. 2. 16. the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life Now a Christian hath much adoe to striue against these that he be not intangled and ouercome either by ambitious seeking of honours or greedie desire of profits or sinfull delights of the pleasures of the world But faith helpes a man to get victory ouer all these An example whereof we haue in Moses whose faith the Apostle commending saith a Heb. 11. 24. 25. 26. By faith Meses when he was come to yeeres refused to be called the sonne of Pharoahs daughter here was his contempt of honour chusing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season here was his victorie ouer earthly pleasures and sinfull delights Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches then the treasures in Egypt here was his victorie ouer transitorie and deceitfull riches Thus by Faith Moses ouercame the world The sixt is victorie ouer our great aduersarie the Deuill 6 Victorie ouer the Deuill Of this S. Paul saith b Ephe. 6. 16. aboue all taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fierie darts of the wicked Where Faith is reckoned as a speciall part of the armour of God to defend our soules against spirituall wickednesse And S. Peter appointeth faith as a powerfull meanes to driue away the Deuill c 1. Pet. 5. 8. 9. your aduersarie the Deuill as aroaring Lyon walketh about seeking whom he may deuoure whom resist stedfast in the faith The last benefit which we receiue through true faith 7 Saluation
is Saluation of which saith S. Paul d Ephe. 2. 8. by grace are ye saued through faith The promise of saluation is made to them that haue true faith and beleeue in the Sonne of God as saith S. Iohn e Ioh. 3. 16. God so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life This was the comfortable saying of the Apostles Paul and Silas to the keeper of the Prison he said f Act. 16. 30. 31. What must I doe to besaued and they said beleeue on the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shalt be saued and thy house These are the benefites of true faith Now seeing that the benefit of true sauing faith is so Vse great seeing that such are the excellent dignities and exceeding Vse all meanes to obtaine the true faith great priuiledges thereof seeing that through true faith we are iustified and made sonnes of God by Adoption and grace seeing faith purifieth our hearts and we liue by faith seeing faith helps vs to get the victorie ouer the enticements of the flesh the allurements of the world and the temptations of the Deuill and lastly seeing true faith saues the soule from perishing and brings euerlasting life if we desire to be thus happie and blessed if of sinners we desire to be accepted iust and righteous if of sonnes of men and children of wrath we desire to be sonnes and children of God if we would haue our corrupt hearts purged and cleansed if we would so liue as to depend and waite vpon God for a blessing vpon our labours and enterprises if we would ouercome our spirituall aduersaries the flesh the world and the Deuill finally if we would saue our soules from perishing euerlastingly then let vs euery one labour for the obtaining of true sauing Faith We know that a man will labour hard and euen straine himselfe to obtaine that thing which he knowes to be of great price of great value and singular worth Such a thing is Faith it is very excellent and precious for by Faith in Iesus Christ we are g Act. 13. 39. iustified from all things from which we could not be iustified by the law of Moses And h Rom. 5. 1. being iustified by faith we haue peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ By true faith we are made sonnes of God which is a great priuiledge for if it be an honourable thing to be the sonnes of Nobles and Princes on earth how honourable a thing is it to be the sonnes of God yea heires of God and ioynt heires with Christ By faith we liue by faith we accomplish great victories by faith we fight against our spirituall enemies the flesh the world and the Deuill and ouercome them and by faith in Iesus Christ we saue our soules from perishing Who is he then that hath any feeling of his spiritual state who is he that hath any hope of the inheritance of the life to come that will not earnestly desire and diligently seeke so precious a lewell the rare gift of faith And if any be enflamed with a loue of this excellent grace and haue a longing desire to obtaine it the means how true sauing faith may be obtained shall be shewed in the next place CHAP. XIIII Shewing how and by what meanes true sauing Faith may be procured THe eyght generall point in the Treatise of Faith is how true sauing Faith may be procured 8 How true faith may be obtained By two meanes and obtained The meanes of obtaining true sauing Faith are two The one is the Efficient the other the Instrumentall cause of Faith Touching the first The Efficient or working cause of Faith is God who by his holy Spirit worketh that 1 The efficient cause of faith The Spirit of God grace in the heart to beleeue As witnesseth St Paul to the Philippians saying a Phil. 1. 29. vnto you it is giuen in the behalfe of Christ not onely to beleeue on him but also to suffer for his sake To beleeue in Christ is the gift of God It is God that giues grace to beleeue When S. Peter made that heauenly confession of Christ b Mat. 16. 16. 17. Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God Iesus answered and said vnto him Blessed art thou Simon Bariona for flesh and bloud hath not reueiled it vnto thee but my Father which is in heaaen It was not of himselfe that S. Peter made that heauenly confession but of God c Ioh. 6. 44. No man can come to me saith our Sauiour except the Father which hath sent me draw him he saith d Traxerit non duxerit draw him not lead him least we should attribute any thing to mans owne power and will in his first conuersion for when God worketh this sauing grace of faith in any one at the same time he mooueth the will of man with a holy desire of faith which before was vnwilling yea God by his holy Spirit doth inlighten the mindes of men with the knowledge of Iesus Christ and prepares their hearts to receiue the gift of faith So that in the working of this grace of faith in the heart not onely the gift it selfe is of God but the verie preparation of the heart to receiue faith is of God also According to that saying of the Apostle to the Philippians e Phil. 2. 13. it is God that worketh in you both to will and to doe of his good pleasure Where then is mans free will in spirituall good things Vse it is excluded For man yet remaining in his naturall Against mans free will in spirituall good things state of corruption before his conuersion is not onely like to that man in the Gospell wounded and f Luk. 10. 30. halfe dead but euen g Ephe. 2. 1. dead in trespasses and sinnes And therefore as it is impossible for a dead man to raise himselfe except the breath of life be breathed into him so it is impossible for a sinner yet being in his naturall state of ignorance and vnbeliefe of sinfulnesse and corruption to quicken and raise himselfe except God by his holy Spirit breath into his soule the life of grace and so quicken him and raise him vp It is true I confesse the Lord saith to sinners h Io●l 2. 12. turne Obiect ye to me the Prophets exhort sinners to i Hos 14. 1. Ioel 2. 13. returne vnto the Lord. Iohn Baptist saith k Mat. 3. 2. Repent yee and Christ sayth l Marc. 1. 15. Repent ye and beleeue the Gospell But from hence it cannot be gathered that sinners and vnbeleeuers haue of themselues a naturall power to Answ turne to God to beleeue and repent But in these sayings the Lord sheweth rather m Non quid homines p●ssint prastare sed quid praestare debeant What men ought to doe then what they can doe When the Lord saith
to sinners and vnbeleeuers turne vnto me repent and beleeue the Gospell he sheweth vnto sinners that they ought to repent and turne vnto him and that vnbeleeuers ought to beleeue but to beleeue to repent and to turne to the Lord is not of our selues it is of God it is of the grace of God as S. Paul sayth n 2. C●r 3. 5. Not that we are sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues but our sufficiencie is of God This of the Efficient and inward working cause of Faith The second is the Instrumentall cause of faith which 2 The instrumentall cause of faith The word of God is the word of God of this S. Paul saith o Rom. 10. 17. faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God He had sayd before how shall they call on him in whom they haue not beleeued and how shall they beleeue in him of whom they haue not heard and how shall they heare without a Preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent And hereupon inferreth that faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God Heer 's the ordinarie meanes of begetting faith God of his mercie sends a Preacher to a people the Preacher preacheth Christ crucified by preaching Christ the people heare of Christ and by hearing they beleeue So then faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God Now the word preached and heard which is powerfull to beget faith is vnderstood to be the whole word of God the Law and the Gospell for And that First to the begetting of faith in the heart it 's necessary 1 The law that a sinner heare the Law to the end that he may see and know his sinnes for p Rom. 3. 20. by the Law is the knowledge of sinne and not onely see and know his sinnes but likewise the punishment due to him for his sinnes which in the iustice of God is the malediction and curse of the Law for it is written q Gal. 3. 10. Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all things which are written in the booke of the Law to doe them Likewise death and condemnation for the r Rom. 6. 23. wages of sinne is death Yea and to bee depriued of the Kingdome of God for ſ 1 C●r 6. 9. the vnrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdome of God And this part of the Word the Law laies open a mans sinnes so plaine and euident that it prickes the heart and wounds the conscience of a sinner insomuch that being truely and throughly touched with the sence and feeling of his owne particular sinnes he hath no peace in himselfe but is disquieted in conscience and now he beginnes to thinke with himselfe what hee may doe to finde ease to his conscience and rest to his soule an example whereof wee haue in those Iewes to whom S. Peter preached Christ crucified and vrged it vpon their consciences that they had crucified Christ for hee saith t Acts 2. 36 37. Let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that same Iesus whom ye haue crucified both Lord and Christ Now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and sayd vnto Peter and the rest of the Apostles Men and brethron what shall wee doe they were so touched in conscience for their great and bloudy sinnes of crucifying Christ that they knew not what to doe Now when the Law hath thus wrough vpon a sinner humbling him and bringing him vnder a sence and feeling of his sinnes and the wrath of God due to him for his sinnes when hee findes himselfe in this distressed case and vnderstands in how great neede hee stands of 2 The Gospell helpe and comfort then the other part of the Word of God the Gospell of Christ being preached and heard together with the working of the Spirit inwardly in the heart doth open the eyes of his minde and inlighten his vnderstanding and shewes vnto him Christ crucified and makes the sinner see and know that there is remedy to heale his sicke soule that there is saluation to bee had in Christ Iesus and in him alone and that t Joh. 3. 16. whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not perish but haue euerlasting life This is that word of consolation which S. Peter gaue to those Iewes now pricked in heart wounded in conscience and groning vnder the burthen of their sinnnes u Acts 2. 38. Repent and be baptized euery one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes And now the sinner knowing that saluation is to bee had in Christ Iesus and that there is x Acts 4. 12. no saluation in any other heereupon he ficeth to Christ for helpe and succour by the eye of faith he lookes vnto Iesus by the hand of faith he takes hold on Iesus and by faith applieth the merits of the death and passion of Christ vnto his owne soule being now assured of the mercy of God through Iesus Christ for the remission of his sinnes and saluation of his soule The sinner hath y Acts 15 7. heard the Word of the Gospell and beleeueth Thus faith is ordinarily procured by the Word of God And seeing that the ordinary meanes of begetting Vse faith is the Word of God this serues to reproue those Against those that boast of their faith and yet contemne and lightly regard the hearing of the Word the ordinary meanes of obtaining faith who despise and contemne or greatly neglect the hearing of the Word and yet boast that they haue faith Diuerse there are that seldome come to the house of God and very seldome heare Sermons who if they be questioned whether they haue faith will not sticke to answer euery one for himselfe yea I haue faith and doe beleeue I haue a good faith to God I hope to bee saued aswell as the best and hope to come to Heauen as soone as they that follow Sermons But I demand of thee ô vaine man if thou hast so good a faith and so good hope of saluation how and by what meanes camest thou by this thy good faith The Scriptures tels vs plainely that the meanes of obtaining faith is by hearing the Word of God And seeing thou doest not frequent the house of God nor heare the Word of God preached except it be at some times and by starts how can it be that thou hast true faith or if thou hast it how was it wrought in thee and by what meanes hast thou obtained it it is the great blindnesse of many ignorant soules to thinke they haue faith when they haue it not And they haue it not because they doe not vse the ordinary meanes to obtaine it I know and deny not God is not tyed to any meanes and therefore can extraordinarily worke faith in the hearts of men euen in whom be will according to his good pleasure but it is not safe for any
on earth or blessed in Heauen we desire to be blessed with temporall and spirituall blessings and to be patakers of eternall happinesse For thoug● temporall blessing● be common to all to good and bad yet the blessing of God vpon the outward blessings which God bestoweth is giuen onely to them that repent of their sinnes to them that feare the Lord and ●e●d a godly life a● it is said in the Psalmes n Ps●l 34. 9. There is no want to them that feare him Againe o Psal 84. 11. No good thing will he with-hold from them that walk● vprightly For spirituall blessings mercie pardon and forgiuenes of sinnes these belong to none but to penitent sinners to such as h●ue rep●●ted o● their sinnes and are washed from their wicked●●sse as appeareth in that large promise of me● forg●uenesse in Esay p Isay 1. 18. Though your sinn●s be as carlet they shall as white as snowe though they be red like crimson they shall be as wooll But to whom is this gracious promise made but to penitent sinners Euen to such as haue washed and cleansed their ●e●●ts from wickednesse to such as haue put away the eui●l of their doings from before the eyes of the Lord and to su●h ●● haue ceased to doe euill and h●ue learned to doe wel● for to such the Lord saith Com● n●w and let vs reason t●g●ther s●ith the Lord though your sinnes be as scarlet c. And as for etern●ll blessednesse and euerlasting happ●n●sse none can be pa●takers thereof but penitent sinners The kingdome o● he●uen is giuen to no wicked and vngodly man onely they which haue repented of their sinnes and are washed from their wickednesse shall enter into the kingdome of heauen As it is said in the Reuelation q Reu. 21. 27. There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defil●th neither whatsoeuer worketh abhomination or maketh a lye but they which are written in the Lambes booke of life Againe it is said r Reu. 22. 14. 15. Bl●ssed are they that doe his commaundements that they may haue right to the tree of lift and may enter in through the gates into the Cittie For without are dogs and sorcerers and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoeuer loueth and maketh a lye Wherefore it greatly stands vs in hand to repent of our sinnes to wash and cleanse our hearts from wickednesse to amend our wayes and to walke in obedience to Gods commandements to serue the Lord and to feare him if wee desire either to be happy on earth or blessed in heauen As the Apostle also exhorteth vs saying ſ H●b 12. 28. Wherfore we receiuing a kingdome which cannot be mooued let vs haue grace whereby we may serue God acceptably with reuerence and godly feare Vse 2 Secondly whereas true penitent sinners haue the Consolation to the righteous which are afflicted in this life promise not onely of temporall benefit● and spirituall blessings but also of eternall happinesse and euerlasting felicity in the kingdome of heauen this doth minister great consolation to the righteous which are afflicted and troubled in this present life for though they endure sorrow and sicknesse paine and griefe though they suffer tribulation or persecution or whatsoeuer affliction they vndergoe it is but for this present life it is but for a short time it is but for a moment it wil haue an end And then after that this short life is ended the righteous which haue patiently suffered with Christ shal also raigne with Christ and shall inherite a kingdome The time shal come that they shal haue no paine nor sorrow but shall enter into eternal ioy shall be partakers of euerlasting glory shall liue blessedly for euer in heauen So saith S. Paul t Rom. 8. 17. And if children then heires heires of God and ioynt-heires with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together This was Dauids comfort in his afflictions u Psal 27. 13. I had fainted saith he vnles I had belieued to see the goodnes of the Lord x Anciently expounded Heauen Aug. Hug. in the Land of the liuing This comforted S. Paul in all his tribulations and sufferings as he himselfe witnesseth saying y 2 Tim. 4 6. 7. 8 I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departing is at hand I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith henceforth there is laid vp for me a crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous iudge shall giue mee at that day and not to me onely but vnto them also that loue his appearing And this ought to be our great consolation comfort in all distresse knowing that glory in heauen will be a full recompence for all our sufferings As S. Paul also saith z Rom. 8. 18. I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be reuealed in vs. a 2 Cor. 4. 17. For our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for vs a farre more exceeding eternall waight of glory The end of the second Booke THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE WAY TO THE CELESTIALL PARADISE Concerning Prayer Which is the third meanes whereby a Sinner may be saued and come to life euerlasting CHAP. I. The Preface with the Partition of the whole Treatise of Prayer The order of this Treatise THe a Rom. 11. 13. Apostle of the Gentiles writing to the Romanes saith b Rom. 10. 13. 14. whosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued How then shall they call on him in whom they haue not beleeued And how shall they beleeue in him of whom they haue not heard And how shall they heare without a Preacher Which Rhetoricall gradation is adorned with these fiue beautifull ascending steps First Christ must be preached Secondly being Preached men beginne to heare of Christ Thirdly hearing of Christ they beleeue in him Fourthly beleeuing in Christ they beginne to call vpon the name of the Lord. Fiftly by calling vpon the name of the Lord they ascend vp to the highest step saluation After that a man by hearing the word preached hath gotten faith and is brought to Repentance then and not before is he sit to make an acceptable Prayer vnto God for except the heart be purified by faith and purged by Repentance God will not regard our prayers but will hide his eyes and stop his eares when we crie vnto him but a sinner hauing true faith to beleeue in Christ and through true and vnfained Repentance hauing his sinnes washed away in the bloud of Christ may boldly come to the throne of grace with assurance to preuaile with God not onely for temporall blessings but for spirituall graces and not onely for grace in this life but also for glorie and saluation in the life to come For whosoeuer shall call
46. l. 24. the for their p. 58. l. 19. do for doth p. 103. l. 34 of for in p. 114. l. 28. present for patient p. 124. l. 22. then for they and l. 23. blot out that p. 128. l. 23. read in Christ p. 140. l. 15. a religious for in a righteous Lib. 2. p. 152. in marg for Bern. r. ●●z p. 155. l. 3. waile for bewaile p. 170. in marg the letters d e f are misplaced p. 1●8 l. 6. griefe for gri●ue p. 182. l 22. blot out to p. 184. l. 23. and for are p. 191. in marg soluend●● for solùm dic p. 192. l. 30. thoughts for thoughtest p. 202 l. 18. for hypocrisie r. in hypocrisie p ●17 l. 25. continueth for commeth p. 221. l. 13. from for to p. 223. in marg after ● delere is wanting and l. 29. continueth for continuance Lib. 3. p. 281. l. 21. name for man p. 289. l. 21. be for is p. 328. l. 25. in the middle of the line blot out shall p. 330. in marg Hoas for H●ushold prayer p 342. l. 15. read a gesture p. 355. l 2. waueth for wauereth p. 380. l. 26. are men for men are p. 387. in marg John 1. for 17. THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE WAY TO THE CELESTIALL PARADICE Concerning Faith in IESVS CHRIST Which is the first and principall meanes wherby a Sinner may be saued and come to life euerlasting CHAP. I. The preface shewing in generall the way to the Celestiall Paradice and the meanes of obtaining euerlasting life with the diuision of the whole Treatise I Am the Way the Truth and the Life Ioh. 14. 6. saith our Sauiour No man commeth vnto the Father but by mee The way that leadeth to the Celestiall Paradice is Christ called by the Apostle the new and the liuing way For he saith a Heb. ●0 1● We haue boldnesse to enter into the Holiest by the bloud of Iesus Christ by a New and Liuing Way which he hath consecrated for vs through the vaile that is to say his flesh There are many b Joh. 14 2. mansions in the Lords house which is aboue in the heauenly City the City of God many pleasant places and sweet roomes are prepared for Gods Elect there to solace themselues after the manifold afflictions of this troublesome life But forasmuch as the way to Heauen is not a c Mat. 7. 13. 14. broad but a narrow way not a soft pleasant delightfull way but vneuen hauing many hard steps and vnpleasant paths rough wayes and high mountaines to passe ouer before wee can come to the high mountaine of Heauen for d Acts 14. 22. through much tribulation wee must enter into the Kingdome of God for this cause Christ Iesus our blessed Sauiour who is a Guide to the blinde and an Instructor to the simple stands as a Guide at the entrance into the way of life and saith I am the Way I am the true and liuing Way if you know not the way I will be your Guide follow me I am the Way If you haue gone astray and wandred from the right way follow me I am the Truth I will lead you in the true way And if you haue gone so farre in the broad way that leadeth to destruction that you are neere to the gates of death ô turne againe I am the liuing Way follow mee and I will lead you to l●fe euerlasting So mercifully speakes our mercifull Sauiour to sinners that are out of the right way and whereas through the disobedience of the first Adam the e Gen. 3. 24. entrance into the earthly Paradice was stopt and the gate shut the second Adam Christ Iesus hath giuen vs entrance into the Holiest He hath opened the gate of the heauenly Paradice with his owne bloud f Sanguis Christi est clauis Paradisi The bloud of Christ is the key ●f Paradice for we haue entrance into the Holiest by the bloud of Iesus Christ is the Way Hee is the true Way the new and the liuing Way g Nique enim alia venten●i via est Chrys Hom. 72 in Joh. There is no other way but by Christ saith S. Chrysostome h Ponit tres gradu● ac si principium se esse dicore● a● m●dium finem vnde sequitur ab ipso incip●●ndum esse in eodem pergendum desinendum Calu. in Ioh. c. 14. Christ is the Beginning the Middle and the End of this celestiall and heauenly Way and therefore whosoeuer will come to Heauen must begin in Christ goe on in Christ and end in Christ Now as the way is so must our walking bee in the way the way is spirituall and our comming to God and walking in the way to the Kingdome of Heauen is not with corporall and bodily feet but with spirituall and our spirituall feet on which wee must walke in the way that leadeth to the Kingdome of Heauen are th●●e two Repentance and Prayer and Faith is the staffe to hold vs vp in our heauenly iourney And hee that hath Faith in his heart Repentance in his life and Prayer in his mouth walkes as a true Israelite to the land of Canaan with his shooes on his feet and his staffe in his hand These three are all of absolute necessity in this our long pilgrimage to the celestiall Paradice No man can walke on one leg alone and two will be weary and faint except a man haue a staffe in his hand to case an support him to helpe and further him in his way Repentance alone is but as one leg to walke on for a sinner that hath repented of his sinnes and is in some measure ●eformed in his life yet because no man in this life is perfectly sanctified through ignorance or infirmity and by occasion he hath his often slips many failings and some falls into sinne and therefore hath neede of Prayer as another leg to support him that hee may repaire and renue his Repentance by deuou● Praier confessing his sinnes praying for the pardon of his sinnes and crauing ayde from aboue that hee may bee able hence-forward to striue against his corruptions to ouercome sinne and to walke in newnesse of life And forasmuch as through often sinning Deuotion may wax cold Prayer may faint and there may fall a drowzy security vpon the soule so that a man may wax weary of well-doing for this cause a sinner hath need of Faith to purifie the heart to stirre vp his Zeale and Deuotion to make him pray more earnestly and to cause him to walke more circumspectly redeeming the time and to serue the Lord hence forward in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of his life So then there is but one right way to the celestiall Paradice there is but one direct way to Heauen and that way is Christ Whosoeuer goeth out of that way cannot come to Heauen And our walking in that way is First by Faith apprehending Christ for our Iustification The parts of
in the Idoll whether the image or God in the image For in so doing we giue that honour vnto the Idoll or Image which belongs vnto God and that vnder colour and pretence of worshipping God And Iehouah the Lord who is a iealous God cannot endure that another should vsurpe that honour which is due vnto his name Wherefore he saith o Isa 42. 8. My glory will I not giue to another neither my praise to grauen images Secondly in particular I instance in Prayer concerning which the rule of Gods worship is that we pray to the Father in the name of Iesus Christ with assurance that he will heare our prayers and grant our requests which we make in his name For thus saith our Sauiour Christ p Ioh. 16. 23. Verily verily I say vnto you whatsoeuer you shall aske the Father in my name he will giue it you Now wheras they are not content with this word of God to pray vnto God in the name of Christ but flee to the intercession of Saints and Angels they worship God with a deuised worship such as God hath not commanded neither requireth When Papists therfore bow downe before an Image and kneele to a Crosse or Crucifix it may be sayd vnto them as it was sayd to those hypocriticall Iewes q Isa 1. 12. Who hath required this at your hand for as for Saints they themseues worship God and r Reu. 4. 10. cast their crownes before the Throne and therefore they will not be worshipped Neither will the Angels bee worshipped the Angell that appeared to Iohn in the Reuelation refuseth to be worshipped for when Iohn fell downe to worship before the feet of the Angell the Angell sayd ſ Reu. 22. 9. See thou doe it not for I am thy fellow-seruant and of thy brethren the Prophets and of them which keep the sayings of this booke Worship God It was the Deuill that bad Angell that would bee worshipped hee saith to our Sauiour Christ tempting him t Matth. 4. 9. All these things will I giue thee if thou wilt fall downe and worship mee But as for the good Angels they will not be worshipped they bid vs worship God This of externall and outward Idolatry The second kinde of Idolatry is Internall Spirituall 2 Inward or spirituall Idolatry that is Idolatry of the heart This Idolatry is committed when we loue any thing aboue God or trust in any thing more then in God and so set vp an Idoll in our hearts This Idolatry is more generall then the former this reacheth to all sorts of people for though a man doe know the true God acknowledge one God in three persons worship the true God and abhorre Idols though he make no Image of God neither bow downe before any Image in a word thogh a man be no Infidel no Heathen-man but a Christian no Papist but a Protestant yet for all this hee may be an Idolater in heart by seetting his heart vpon some thing that hee loues more then vpon God and by putting his trust and confidence in some thing else more then in God Thus the couetous man makes an Idoll of his riches and wealth of his siluer and gold Iob saith u Iob 31. 24. If I haue made gold my hope or sayd to the fine gold Thou art my confidence The Apostle in plaine tearmes calls x Coloss 3. 5. Couetousnesse Idolatry and the y Ephes 5. 5. Couetous man an Idolater The voluptuous man makes an Idoll of pleasure Lady Pleasure is his goddesse Gluttons and Drunkards make an Idoll of their belly their belly is their God so the Apostle speakes of so●●● z Phil. 3. 19. whose God is their belly Heereupon Chrysostome saith a Varij sunt Idololatriae modi Chrysost in Rom. Hom. 6. There are diuerse sorts of Idolatry One hath Mammon for his Lord another makes his belly his God another makes some other lust his God and though thou doest not offer sacrifice vnto these thy Gods as the Gentiles did yet thou doest worse for thou sacrificest thine owne soule vnto them thou bowest not the knee to them neither doest fall downe before these thy gods to worship them but yet thou art obedient vnto them and art at their command if thy belly or thy lusts command thy seruice and require to doe any thing for them thou art ready to doe it Thus Chrysostome Now it stands vs Christians in hand as wee abhor Idols for the outward so to looke to our hearts and affections that wee doe not set vp an Idoll in our heart for certaine it is we cannot both worship God and serue Idols whether outward or inward b Matth. 6. 24. No man saith our Sauiour can serue two masters yee cannot serue God and Mammon No man can serue God and riches God and his pleasures God and his belly God and his owne lusts The worship of the true God and the worship of Idols cannot stand together When the Philistines brought the Arke of God into the house of Dagon the god of the Philistines and placed it by Dagon c 1 Sam. 5. 4. in the morning they found Dagon fallen to the ground As the Arke of God and Dagon cannot stand together in one Temple so the true worship of God and Idols cannot stand together in one temple in one house nor in one heart If a Christian doe truely serue and worship the true God with the affection of the heart if he loue God aboue all trust in God alone and feare God with all his heart then there will bee no roome to set vp the Idoll of Couetousnesse or Pleasure or Lust in the heart these cannot agree together Wherefore if wee will bee true worshippers of God wee must put away all false worship and remooue all Idols out of the heart wee must cast downe the Idoll of Couetousnesse the Idoll of Pride the Idoll of Lust the Idoll of Pleasure c and giue God l●●●e alone to sit and rule in the heart as God for God and Idols cannot dwell together as the Apostle saith d 2 Cor. 5. 14 15 16. What fellowship hath righteousnesse with vnrighteousnesse and what communion hath light with darknesse and what concord hath Christ with Beliall or what part hath he that beleeueth with an Infidell and what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols for yee are the Temple of the liuing God as God hath sayd I will dwell in them and walke in them and I will bee their God and they shall be my people CHAP. IX Of the particular knowledge of God acknowledging the one only true God to be our God how necessary this knowledge of God is how profitable it is how dangerous to want it and the meanes of obtaining it HItherto of the generall knowledge of God The particular knowledge of God is not 2 The particular knowledge of God onely to know that there is a God nor only to know that there is
Pet. 2. 20. 21. 22. If after they haue escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ they are againe intangled therein and ouer come the latter end is worse with them then the beginning For it had beene better for them not to haue knowne the way of righteousnesse then after they haue knowne it to turne from the holy Commaundement deliuered vnto them But it is happened vnto them according vnto the true prouerbe the dog is turned to his owne vomit againe and the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire This is a very dangerous falling away but yet heare and consider of a more dangerous backsliding and a more fearfull falling away The second vniuersall falling away is when a man 2 By sinning against the holy Ghost What it is to sinne against the holy Ghost hauing beene inlighted by the holy Ghost with the knowledge of God and his Sonne Iesus Christ and hauing made a profession of Christ doth afterwards deny the truth against his owne knowledge and conscience doth maliciously oppose himselfe against the knowne truth and euen persecute those that professe the truth This is properly called the sinne against the holy Sinne against the holy Ghost why so called Ghost not because sinne can be so committed against the holy Ghost but it is also against the Father and the Sonne and when the holy Ghost is offended the Father is offended and the Sonne is offended for the Godhead is one But it is called the sinne against the holy Ghost because this sinne is committed against the proper and immedrate working of the holy Ghost which is to inlighten the minds and vnderstandings of men with the true knowledge of God and his Sonne Iesus Christ Now when the holy Ghost hath inlightned any one with the true knowledge of Iesus Christ and afterwards he so fall away from the truth that he deny Iesus Christ and malicously persecute the knowne truth this is to sinne against God and against Iesus Christ but properly and after a speciall manner it is to sinne against the holy Ghost inasmuch as he sinneth against the immediate inlightning of the holy Ghost Of this sinne against the holy Ghost with the fearfull state of those which fall into this sinne the Scripture euidently speakes the Apostle to the Hebrewes saith i Heb. 6. 4. 5. 6. It is impossible for those who were once inlightned and haue tasted of the heauenly gift and were made partakers of the holy Ghost and haue tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come if they shall fall away to renue them againe vnto repentance seeing they crucifie to themselues the Sonne of God afresh and put him to an open shame Againe he saith k Heb. 10. 26. 27. 28. 29. If we sinne wilfully after that we haue receiued the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinnes But a certaine fearfull looking for of iudgement and fieric indignation which shall deuoure the aduersaries He that despised Moses law died without mercie vnder two or three witnesses Of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath troden vnder-foote the Sonne of God and hath counted the bloud of the couenant wherewith he was sanctified an vnholy thing and hath done despite vnto the Spirit of Grace From which words of the Apostle two things may be gathered Two things herein to be considered The one is the nature and quality of the sinne against the holy Ghost The other is the punishment due to the same First the nature and qualitie of this sinne is set forth by sixe things 1 The nature qualitie of the sinne against the holy Ghost shewed in sixe things They that sinne against the holy Ghost are 1 First inlightned with the knowledge of the truth 2 Secondly they haue a taste of the heauenly gift 3 Thirdly they are made partakers of the holy Ghost 4 Fourthly they haue had a taste of the good word of God 5 Fiftly they haue had a taste of the powers of the world to come 6 Sixtly after all this they so fall away that they crucifie the Sonne of God afresh they trample and tread vnder foote the bloud of the Couenant and count it an vnholy thing and doe despite vnto the Spirit of Grace Heer 's the Sinne. The second thing is the punishment which vsually 2 The punishment of them that sinne against the holy Ghost befals those that sinne against the holy Ghost and that 's three-fold The first is finall impenitencie they that sinne against the holy Ghost are stricken with a marueilous hardnes of heart so that they cannot repent they are past repentance 1 Finall impenitencie wherefore the Apostle saith l Heb. 6. 4. 5. 6. it is impossible for those who were once inlightned c if they shall fall away to renue them againe vnto repentance The second is neuer to be forgiuen they that sinne against the holy Ghost can haue no remission no forgiuenesse 2 Neuer forgiuen of sinnes they can haue no mercie shewed them m Mat. 12. 31. 32. All manner of sinne and blasphemie shall be forgiuen vnto men saith our Sauiour but the blasphemy against the holy Ghost shall not be forgiuen vnto men And whosoeuer speaketh a word against the sonne of man it shall be forgiuen him but whosoeuer speaketh against the holy Ghost it shall not be forgiuen him nether in this world nor in the world to come And in St Marke it s said n Mar. 3. 29. he that shall blaspheme against the holy Ghost hath neuer forgiuenesse This second punishment followeth vpon the first one is the cause of the other they that sinne against the holy Ghost shall neuer haue forgiuenesse because they haue not grace to repent true it is the mercie of God is great aboue all our transgressions and God denieth mercie to no sinner that doth truly repent and therefore if a sinner whosoeuer or whatsoeuer he be haue grace to repent him truly of his sinnes to beleeue the remission of his sinnes and to call and cry to God for mercy he may haue mercie but he that sinneth against the holy Ghost his heart is so hardned that he cannot repent but dies without repentance and therefore cuts himselfe off from mercie and forgiuenesse and so is the cause of his own damnation The third is a miserable and fearfull end They that 3 A fearfull end sinne against the holy Ghost vsually die a fearfull and shamefull death We haue two memorable examples hereof the one is of Iudas Iscariot one of the twelue who was inlightned with the knowledge of Iesus Christ he was the Disciple of Christ he preached Christ and wrought myracles in the name of Christ and yet afterwards fell away and that fearefully for he betrayed Christ for money but what was his end He came to a shamefull end for when
he saw that Christ was condemned he brought againe the thirtie pieces of siluer to the chiefe Priests and Elders and went and o Math. 27. 5. hanged himselfe and p Act. 1. 18. falling headlong he burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out such was the shamefull end of Iudas The other example is of Iulian the Emperour who by reason of his great Apostasie and falling away from the truth is called Iulian the Apostata This Iulian q Iuuenili aetate suxit lac pioe doctrinae Theo. hist Eccles l. 3. c. 1. 2. in his young age was trained vp in the true Christian religion and fauoured the Christians notwithstanding afterwards he denied the faith fell away from the truth denied Christ sacrificed to Idol became a most sore enemie to Christians and a vile reproacher of the name of Christ calling him the Galilean and Christians Galileans and many despitefull things did he against the Christians and that of very hatred and malice But what end came he to It is recorded that when he made war against the Persians he was wounded but no man knew how his wound came but so sore was the wound that he died of it and dying tooke a handfull of his owne blood and cast it vp into the ayre saying r Vicisti Galilae Theod. l. 3. c. 25. O thou Galilean meaning Christ thou hast gotten the victory Such was the miserable and fearefull end of Iulian. Be warned then all ye that know and professe Christ that ye denie not Christ Beware of backsliding and falling away from the truth ſ Heb. 3. 12. 13. Take heed brethren lest there be in any of you an euill heart of vnbeliefe in departing from the liuing God But exhort one another daily while it is called to day lest any of you be hardned through the deceitfulnesse of sinne And t 1. Cor. 10. 12. let him that thinketh he standeth take heed least he fall CHAP. XI Shewing who are partakers of the true sauing Faith whether all haue it or but some and who they are IT hath beene declared wherein true sauing Faith 5 Whether all men haue true faith or but some and who they are consisteth The next thing in order to be handled which is the first generall point in this Treatise of Faith is concerning the persons in whom true sauing Faith is to know who are partakers of it whether all men haue true Faith or but some and to discerue who they are The ground of this inquirie is from the words of the Apostle St Paul to the Thessalonians a 2 Thes 3. 2. All men haue not Faith that is a● learned b 〈…〉 est fides ●oc est non omnes eredunt Theo. Zanch. c. Shewed two waies Diuines expound it All men doe not beleeue And that it may appeare who are indeed partakers of the true sauing Faith who doe truly beleeue and who not I will shew first in the Negatiue part who haue not faith Secondly in the Affirmitiue who haue faith Touching the first Faith is not vniuersall nor common 1 Who haue not true faith to all All men haue not Faith This I manifest First in generall Secondly in particular First in generall Reprobates haue not true sauing 1 In generall Faith The reason whereof is a secret iudgement of God lying vpon them being smitten with hardnesse of Reprobates heart and blindnesse of minde that they cannot beleeue as St Iohn speakes of the incredulous Iewes c Ioh. 12. 37. 38. 39 40. But though he that is Christ had done so many myracles before them yet they beleeued not on him That the saying of Esaias the Prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who hath beleeued our report And to whom hath the arme of the Lord beene reuealed Therefore they could not beleeue because that Esaias said againe he hath blinded their eyes and hardned their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor vnderstand with their heart and be conuerted and I should heale them Secondly in particular diuerse haue not faith for 2 In particular as First All that are as yet aduersaries to the truth and enemies to the Gospell of Christ haue not Faith Secondly profane people notorious wicked men in 1 Enemies of the Gospell whom sinne rules and raignes haue not faith Thirdly hypocrites haue not faith These may haue 2 Prophane people an historicall and a temporarie faith but true sauing faith they haue not The reason is because as yet and as long as they are in their naturall vnregenerate state 3 Hypocrites they are without they are not as yet in Christ they are not ingrafted into Christ they are not as yet members of the mysticall bodie of Christ they are not of the flock of Christ they are not the sheepe of Christ and therfore they do not beleeue in Christ As Christ himselfe speaks to the vnbeleeuing Iewes d Joh. 10 26. Yee beleeue not because yee are not of my sheepe All men then haue not faith for Reprobates haue not faith the enemies of the Gospell of Christ haue not faith prophane people haue not faith and Hypocrites haue not faith Thus it appeares who haue not faith Secondly for the affirmatiue who haue faith and 2 Who haue true faith who doe beleeue Though Reprobates aduersaries to the truth prophane persons and Hypocrites haue not faith yet many there are who haue true faith This I manifest First in generall Secondly in particular First in generall the Elect and all the Elect doe beleeue 1 In generall The Elect. yea euery one of the elect Children of God hath true sauing faith and do beleeue according to that saying in the Acts of the Apostles e Acts 13. 48. as many as were ordained to eternall life beleeued For this cause true sauing faith is called the * Tit. 1. 1. Faith of Gods Elect because it is peculiar to Gods Elect. The Elect haue it and all and euery one of the Elect and none but onely the Elect haue it Secondly in particular these haue faith 2 In particular First they that are effectually called inwardly by the gracious working of Gods Spirit sanctifying their 1 They that are effectually called hearts and outwardly by the preaching of the Gospel according to that saying of the Apostle to the Thessalonians f 2 Thess 2. 13 14. God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctification of the Spirit and beleefe of the truth whereunto he called you by our Gospell Where sanctification of the Spirit and beleefe of the truth are meanes whereby they that are truely called come to saluation whence it followeth that they and all they that are effectually called of God haue true sauing faith Secondly all that are truely regenerate and borne anew 2 The regenerate haue true faith for they are g Iam. 1. 18. begotten with the word of
euen in the last dayes in which as the Apostle hath foretold d 2. Tim. 3. 1. 2. perillous times shall come wherein men shall be louers of their owne selues couetous c. And to the end that men may perceiue whether their hearts be frozen ouer with the cold ice of vncharitablenesse or whether the Sunne of righteousnesse hath shined vpon them and warmed their hearts with loue and Markes of vncharitablenesse charitie I will shew wherein this coldnesse of charitie chiefly consisteth It argueth a coldnesse of charitie First to deferre the poore to put them off and bid them come againe another time when a man hath now 1 To deferre the poore to giue them This Solamon reprooues e Pro. 3. 28. Say not vnto thy neighbour goe and come againe and to morrow I will giue when thou hast it by thee Secondly to giue an almes or beneuolence with an 2 To giue almes with an vnwilling mind vnwilling mind not with a free and chearfull heart Against this the Apostle speakes * 2. Cor. 9. 7. euery man according as he purposeth in his heart so let him giue not grudgingly or of necessitie for God loueth a chearefull giuer Thirdly to turne away the face and to stop the eare 3 To stop the eare at the cry of the poore at the cry of the poore to giue them nothing but suffer them to depart emptie not to giue them so much as scraps or crummes though they were neuer so greatly distressed This was the sinne of Diues for f Luk. 16. 20. 21 Lazarus lying at his gates full of sores desired to be fed with the crummes that fell from the rich mans cable But the●rs no mention that he had either bread or crummes but the dogs came and licked his sores Diues had his dogs and they were fed but the poore begger can get no reliefe Ahab the King in a great drought commaunded Obadiah his seruant to g 1. King 18. 5. goe into the land vnto all fountaines of water and vnto all brookes to see if he could find grasse to saue the horses and mules aliue Ahab had not so much care of the poore people of the land to saue them aliue from perishing in the famine as he had of the beasts to ●a●e his horses and mules aliue Diues is dead and Ahab i● dead but they haue left manie like-condition'd children behinde them For there are many whose charitie towards the poore is so frozen and icie cold that they make more account of their dogs and horses then of the poore and are more carefull to looke well to their dogs and horses to feede and pamper them then to relieue the poore that crie for hunger Fourthly to chide the poore to giue them euill 4 To chide the poore words and so to send them away emptie argues a great coldnesse of charitie Herein men are like to churlish Nabal Dauid in great necessitie sent his seruants to aske some reliefe of that rich wealthie man they aske in the name of Dauid but Nabal answered Dauids seruants and said Who is Dauid And who is the sonne of losse h 1 Sam. 25. 10. 11. There be many seruants now adayes that breake away euery man from his maister Shall I then take my bread and my water and my flesh that I haue killed for my shearers and giue ●● vnto m●n whom I know no● wh●●●● they be Thus with Nabal to answere the poore euen such as ar● poore in deed and such as we are bound in charitie to relieue when they aske not in the name of Dauid but in the name of the sonne of Dauid Christ Iesus and to send them away emptie is to giue them a silly almes and argues great coldnesse of charitie By these things euery one may try what his charitie is And if any one be yet vncharitable if his heart will not be softned for all this I further offer to his consideration this meditation Diues for his coldnesse of charitie is alreadie in hell his soule is tormented in hel-fire And Diues is in hell in torments i Non ideò damnatus quod aliena tulerit sed quod egenti pa●peri sua n●n tribuerit Aug. not as is obserued for taking away from the poore that which was theirs but for not giuing to the poore of his owne And at the day of the Resurrection of all flesh Diues and all the companie of vnmercifull men shall both in soule and body together be cast into euerlasting fire as is euident by the words of Christ the Iudge who hauing set all the wicked and vnmercifull men at his left hand will say vnto them k Mat. 25. 41. 42. 43. depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the Deuill and his Angels For I was an hungred and yee gaue me no meat I was thirstie and ye gaue me no drinke I was a stranger and ye tooke me not in naked and ye cloathed me not sicke and in prison and ye visitted me not So that not onely the committing of great sinnes of vnrighteousnesse against our brethren as taking away from them by violence or any manner of wrong-dealing their lands liuings houses fields or oppressing them with heauie burdens c. but the verie omitting of the necessarie duties of charitie not giuing part of that portion which God hath giuen vs to the relieuing of the poore the verie stopping of our eares at the cry of the poore the closing of out hands against the poore and the shutting vp of the bowels of compassion from them that are in miserie and distresse is able to cast soule and bodie into hell Secondly seeing that workes of mercie and deedes 2 Against the neglect and want of Hospitalitie of charitie are testimonies of true iustifying and sauing faith this iustly reprooues the want of hospitalitie and the great decay of auncient house-keeping In these daies we may see many great and faire houses but in few of them any good house-keeping Great houses haue both strait and wide gates but seldome open many chimnies but few fires Now that Hospitalitie ought to be maintained the Scripture is verie plaine for it S. Paul exhorteth all Christians generally as their abilitie will reach to l Rom. 12. 13. distribute to the necessitie of Saints and to be giuen to hospitalitie St Peter also exhorteth vs to m 1 Pet. 4. 9. vse hospitalitie one to another without grudging And in particular a Byshop is charged by S. Paul to be n 1. Tim. 3. 2. giuen to hospitalitie If we looke into the liues of the Patriarches and holy men in former Ages we shall find them giuen to hospitalitie Abraham sitting in his tent dore seeth three men trauelling on their iourney seeing them he o Gen. 18. 2. c. ranne to meete them and intreated them earnestly to come into his tent to eat meat with him So did Lot vse hospitalitie he gaue intertainment
dye in impenitencie and hardnesse of heart Secondly this is profitable for instruction to all that know there is a hell and heare of the paines and torments Vse 2 To feare God of hell that they learne to feare God to stand in awe of him and not to sinne against him to this our Sauiour Christ exhorteth vs vpon the consideration of the paines and torments of hell saying Feare not them which c Mat. 10. 28. kill the body but are not able to kill the soule But rather feare him which is able to destroy both soule and body in hell Because there is a hell and because that God is able to cast the soules and bodies of all impenitent sinners into hell for this cause see that ye feare God stand in awe of God tremble before him and sinne not against him for as God is mercifull to penitent sinners and will pardon the iniquitie and transgressions of them that repent and turne from their sinnes and returne vnto God So also is he a God o● iustice and fierce wrath for as the Apostle saith d Heb. 12. 29. God is a consuming fi●r and he will cast both the bodies and soules of all impenitent sinners into hell-fire there to be tormented for euermore as it is also written e Reu. 21. 8. The fearefull and vnbeleeuing and the abhomminable and murderers and whore-mongers sorcerers and idolaters and all l●ers shall haue their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death O then sinfull man who soeuer thou art now betimes repent and returne vnto the Lord least death vnawares seize vpon thee and suddenly thou be cast downe into hell and there shalt finde thy case to be remedilesse and thy torment endlesse CHAP. XXIII Of the benefit of Repentance how it remooueth Iudgements temporall spirituall and eternall Which may perswade vs to Repentonce HItherto of the motiues to Repentance taken from the necessitie thereof The fourth and last motiue to Repentance 4 The benefit of Repentance I take from the benefit thereof Repentance brings much good to the penitent sinner he shall be blessed with manie blessings I reduce them to these two heads True Repentance Two-fold First remooueth iudgements Secondly procuteth blessings First Repentance remooueth iudgements and those 1 It remooueth iudgements Three fold three-fold Temporall Spirituall and Eternall Touching the first Repentance is a meanes to remooue 1 Temporall temporall iudgements either threatned against sinners or else deseruedly drawne vpon them for their sinnes The Lord sendeth Ieremie the Prophet to the people of Israell saying a Ier. 3. 12. Returne thou back-sliding Israel saith the Lord and I will not cause mine anger to fall vpon you for I am mercifull saith the Lord and I will not keepe anger for euer Isaiah the Prophet is sent to King Kezekiah with this message b Isa 38. 5. 6. Goe and say to Hezekiah Thus saith the Lord the God of Dauid thy Father I haue heard thy prayer I haue seene thy teares beholde I will adde vnto thy dayes fifteene yeeres and I will deliuer thee and this Cittie out of the hand of the King of Assyria and I will defend this Cittie Ionah the Prophet is sent to Niniueh to threaten them and their Cittie with destruction and ouerthrow except they did repent within the space of fortie dayes c Joh. 3. 4. Yet fortie dayes and Niniueh shall he ouerthrowne But vpon this threatning Niniueh did repent for the King and the whole Cittie put on sackcloth and fasted and cryed mightily vnto God and repented of their euill wayes and d Ver. 10. God saw their workes that they turned from their euill wayes And God repented of the euill that he had said hee would doe vnto them and he did it not When God saw the people repent of their sinnes he repented of the iudgement which he had threatned against them According to that saying of the Lord in Ieremie e Ier. 18. 7. 8. At what instant I shall speake concerning a nation and concerning a kingdome to plucke vp and to pull downe and to destroy it if that nation against whom I haue pronounced turne from their euill I will repent of the euill that I thought to doe vnto them Thus Repentance remooueth temporall iudgements Secondly Repentance remooueth spirituall iudgements 2 Spirituall as blindnesse of minde hardnesse of heart and horrour of conscience It remooues blindnesse of mind When God giueth the grace of illumination for before that a sinner beleeueth and repenteth he liues in blindnesse and darknesse but beleeuing and repenting he is inlightned with the knowledge of the truth and walkes no more in darkenesse but in light as the Apostle speakes f Ephe. 5. 8. ye were sometimes darknesse but now are ye light in the Lord. Repentance also remooueth hardnesse of heart when God giueth the sinner true contrition softning the hard heart For when God giueth grace to repent he giueth also a mollified and melting heart as it is said in Ezechiel g Ezek. 36. 25. 26. I will sprinckle cleane water vpon you and ye shall be cleane from all your filthinesse and from all your Idoles will I cleanse you A new heart also will I giue you and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stonie heart out of your flesh and I will giue you an heart of flesh Yea Repentance also remooueth horrour of conscience and the intollerable burden of sinne when God giueth to the penitent sinner peace of conscience and rest to the soule h Mat. 11. 28. Come vnto me saith our Sauiour all ye that labour and are heauie laden and I will giue you rest Now the conscience neuer hath true peace neither doth the soule euer enioy quiet rest til sinne be done away by Repentance Thirdly Repentance remooueth eternall iudgements 3 Eternall so that neither death nor hell nor condemnation can hurt them that doe truly beleeue in Christ and haue vnfainedly repented of their sinnes and doe now lead a new life So saith St Paul to the Romanes i Rom. 8. 1. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Iesus who walke not after the flesh but after the spirit And St Iohn saith k Reu. 20. 6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power Thus it is apparent that great benefit commeth by Repentance for it remooueth from the penitent sinner punishments temporall concerning the bodie and outward state it deliuereth from spirituall iudgements and it Vse freeth from eternall condemnation That may escape the iudgements of God we must repent of our sinnes The consideration of which benefit of Repentance in remoouing Iudgements temporall spirituall and eternall serues for instruction to teach and admonish euery one that would escape these iudgements that would haue temporall iudgements remooued from
him that would be deliuered from spirituall or freed from eternall iudgements and that would be saued from hell and condemnation to repent of his sinnes to purge and cleanse his heart from wickednes that he may be saued as saith the Prophet Ieremie l Iere. 4. 14. O Ierusalem wash thine heart from wickednesse that thou maist be saued Consider then O man if the hand of God be vpon thee afflicting thee with any outward calamitie and affliction in thy bodie goods and outward state thy remedie is to humble thy selfe before the Lord with Hezekiah to pray vnto thy God and to weepe for thy sinnes with the Niniuites to fast and weepe and pray and to turne from all thy euill wayes that so the Lord may be gracious vnto thee and turne away his anger from thee that thou maiest be preserued Moreouer if the Lord lay vpon thee spirituall iudgements afflicting thy soule and wounding thy conscience with the bitter remembrance of thy sinnes the way to finde rest and comfort to thy soule is to seeke to Christ to come to Christ by faith and repentance confessing thy sinnes and earnestly suing for the pardon of thy sinnes that so Christ may giue thee rest And if thou standest in feare of hell and condemnation if thou bee fearefull of that lake of fire the way and meanes to escape hell and condemnation is now to repent of thy sinnes now to cleanse thy heart from wickednesse now to rise from the death of sinne to the life of righteousnesse and now to haue thy part and portion in the first resurrection and then the second death shal I haue no power ouer thee In a word if we would be preserued from the wrath of God in this life and saued from hell and condemnation in the life to come we must now repent and returne to the Lord now be renewed in minde and reformed in life or else we cannot be saued CHAP. XXIIII Shewing that Repentance procureth blessings Temporall Spirituall and Eternall where of the ioyes of Heauen how these ought to be a most forcible motiue to perswade euery one to repent and to serue God and what comfort they bring THat Repentance remooueth Iudgements hath beene shewed Secondly repentance is also profitable for 2 It procureth blessings Threefold the procuring of blessings And those also threefold Temporall 1 Temporall Spirituall and Eternall Repentance is a meanes to procure First temporall blessings The Prophet Esay hauing exhorted to repentance and amendment of life a Isa 1. 16. 17. Wash ye make you cleane c. Annexeth this promise b Vers 19. If yee be willing and obedient ye shall eate the good of the land So Ieremie c Jer. 7 5 6. 7. If ye throughly amend your waies and your doings c then will I cause you to dwell in this place so likewise the Prophet Ioel hauing exhorted to repentance d Ioel. 2. 12. 13. therefore now saith the Lord turne ye euen to me with fasting and weeping and with mourning c. annexeth a promise of temporall blessings e Vers 19. The Lord will answere and say vnto his people behold I will send you corne and wine and oyle ye shall be satisfied therewith Secondly spirituall blessings as mercy pardon and 2 Spirituall forgiuenesse of sins the Lord by his prophet Isaiah exhorteth to repentance and vpon repentance maketh a large promise of forgiuenesse of sinnes f Isa 1. 16. 17. 18. Wash ye make you cleane put away the euill of your doings from before mine eyes cease to doe euill learne to doe well c. Come now and let vs reason together saith the Lord though your sinnes be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wooll Againe g Isa 55 7. Let the wicked forsake his way and the vnrighteous man his thoughts and let him returne vnto the Lord and he will haue mercie vpon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon S. Peter in his Sermon to the Iewes hauing laid to their charge the crucifying of Christ exhorteth them to repentance with a promise of mercie and forgiuenesse h Acts 2. 38. Repent and be baptized euery one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes Againe he saith i Acts 3. 19. Repent ye therefore and be conuerted that your sinnes may be blotted out Mercie is promised to penitent sinners yea and that free mercy and forgiuenesse so promiseth the Lord by Ezekiel k Eze. 18. 21. 22 If the wicked will turne from all his sinnes that he hath committed and keepe all my statutes and doe that which is lawfull and right he shall surely liue he shall not die All his transgressions that he hath committed they shall not be mentioned vnto him And by Ieremy hee saith l Ier. 31. 34. I will forgiue their iniquitie and I will remember their sinne no more Thirdly eternall blessednesse Which eternall blessednesse 3 Eternal where of is to be considered First in regard of the excellency of the place of happinesse prepared for all those that haue repented of their 1 The excellency of the place of happinesse sinnes and are washed from their wickednesse The place of eternall happinesse is Heauen whither Christ ascended S. Marke speaking of the ascension of Christ saith m Mar. 16. 19. Hee was receiued vp into Heauen And whither Christ the head is ascended thither shall his members also ascend they shall be where he is As hee himselfe saith n Iohn 14. 2. 3. I goe to prepare a place for you And if I goe and prepare a place for you I will come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there ye may be also Many excellent things are spoken of this heauenly place It is called a Kingdome o Mat. 25. 34. Come ye blessed of my Father inherite the kingdome prepared for you It is called the kingdome of God p 1 Cor. 69. Know ye not saith S. Paul that the vnrightous shall not inherite the kingdome of God It is called the kingdome of Heauen q Math. 7. 21. Not euery one saith our Sauiour that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter inthe kingdome of heauen And it is called an r 1 Pet. 1. 4. Inheritance incorruptible and vndefiled that f●●deth not away reserued in heauen for vs And this place of happinesse is all glorious and bea●fu●l So S. Iohn describeth the heauenly Ierusalem the Cittie of God ſ Reu. 21. 18. 19. 20. 21. The building of the wall of it he saith was of I●sper and the Cittie was pure gold like vnto clea●e glasse And the foundations of the wall of the Cittie were ga●●●shed with all manner of precious stones c. And the twelue gates were twelue Pearles euery seuerall gate was of one ●earle and the street of the Cittie was pure go●● as it were transparent