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A13837 The exercise of the faithfull soule that is to say, prayers and meditations for one to comfort himselfe in all maner of afflictions, and specially to strengthen himselfe in faith: set in order according to the articles of our faith, by Daniell Toussain, minister of the worde of God: with a comfortable preface of the author, vnto the poore remnant of the Church of Orlians; containing a short recitall of extreme and great afflictions which the said church hath suffered. Englished out of French, almost word for word, by Ferdenando Filding.; Exercice de l'âme fidele. English. Tossanus, Daniel, 1541-1602.; Filding, Ferdenando. 1583 (1583) STC 24144; ESTC S100748 160,179 397

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preheminence saueth thee but Thy faith hath saued thee Wherefore was the Bible And behold wherefore all the Bible is written to wit that wee might beleeue howe Iesus Christ is the Sonne of God and that beleeuing therein we might haue euerlasting life O therefore howe much is the doctrine of the Gospell necessarie and fit for vs seeing that it is as Paule saieth in the 10. to the Romanes the woorde of Faith whereby the Lorde kindleth and maintaineth faith in our hearts O how great also is the vnspeakeable goodnes of this mightie God which giueth vs blessednes and euerlasting life for nothing and requireth no other thing of vs but that we put our trust in him and that we doe beleeue in his worde O blessed we for whose sake he hath so louinglie spoken yea sworne and made an othe that hee would be vnto vs a father and sauiour But woe more than accursed are those that beleeue not in the Lorde who hath confirmed and ratified so manie goodlie and solemne promises by oth yea by the precious bloud of our Sauiour What Faith is For Christian faith is not an opinion or light beleefe of all that a man might set before vs but it is the gift of God Ephes 3. and a worke of God Iohn 6. by which gift and woorke of the Lord wee are brought vnto a certeine knowledge of his will by the meanes of his holie promises made in his woorde as S. Peter in the sixt of S. Iohn saieth Wee haue beleeued and doe knowe that thou art Christ and S. Paule in the first of the second to Timothie He hath giuen vs a spirite of a sounde minde and wee knowe verie well in whome wee haue beleeued and wee are persuaded that hee is able to keepe that gage c. Rom. 4 2● And therefore we giue glorie vnto God beleeuing in the promises of our God being certeine and fullie assured that that which hee hath promised vnto vs hee will and can doe it to wit to forgiue vs our sinnes The effects of Faith and euerlasting life through Iesus Christ who was deliuered to death for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification by whom also wee haue peace with God and haue accesse through faith vnto his grace wherein we stand and reioice vnder the hope of the glorie of GOD to come calling also vpon his name in all our needes and necessities as it is said in the Psalme 116. I haue beleeued and therefore haue I spoken and in the tenth of the Rom. Let vs call on him in whom we doe beleeue Things contrarie vnto faith By this it appeareth that there are three things which cheeflie are contrarie vnto faith First the despising of Gods word and of the preaching of the Gospell seeing that the Lord inspireth our harts by this meane and giueth vs also faith not willing that our beliefe and saluation should bee builded vpon mans discourse or fleshlie wisedome but vpon him alone Secondlie the doubts distrusts are contrarie vnto faith if a man doe not resolue himselfe in GOD if a man walke in vncertaintie Double errours in the Papaltie in the maner of Faith if a man doe not assure himselfe of his saluation as it is seene in the Papistes howe they in this behalfe doe commit a double fault In the first place as it is to be seene in the sixt session of that goodlie councel of Trent 9. Chapter They taught how it was a vaine trust when as men did fullie assure themselues of Gods grace and that none could knowe an assurednesse by faith that he had the grace of God O how bare weake and vnable of power should our consolation bee against sinne the diuell and hell namelie in the article of death if this doctrine tooke place For that which they say howe man because of his infirmitie cannot so assure him in his God The aunswere is easie to wit that the certaintie of faith is of God and of his word and not of our strength and merites or deseruings and therefore it ouercommeth all our weakenesse For we be also saued not after the greatnesse and weakenesse of our beliefe but through the excellencie and mightinesse of him in whom we doe beleeue that is to wit Iesus Christ in such sort as weake faith leaueth not off to be a faith to saluation because it apprehendeth the euerlasting sonne of God The other errour of the Papists is that not fullie trusting in the Lord they cal vpon Saints of both kindes not considering how that we do beleeue in one onelie God and we must also call vpon God alone For we doe call vpon him in whom we doe beleeue and fully put our assurance Rom. 10. as also in the 44. Psalme The Church protesteth not to haue lifted vp hir handes to a strange God To be short there is nothing more contrarie vnto faith than the distrust of the goodnesse fauour and assistance of our God or to think that he hath not heard our praiers seeing that it is his propertie to heare them as Dauid saith in the 65. Psalme All creatures shall come vnto thee because thou hearest their prayers They sinne there also against the nature of faith which do not beleeue that which they doe see and so soone as they see no succour prosperitie and riches they are discouraged and leaue religion And as it is said in the eleuenth Chapter to the Hebrues there prooued by manie goodlie examples that faith is the rest or stay of the thing a man hopeth for a shew of things a man seeth not For S. Augustine saith Man beleeueth with the heart not by the hand vnto righteousnes so as diuers beleeue not that which they doe touch with the hand or doe see with the fleshlie eie Thirdlie this of all other is contrarie vnto faith to purpose or to set foorth or to establish anie other thing than Christ the sonne of God Rom. 10. vpon whom we ought to trust be they our works riches or men for establishing vs vpon our selues we doe ouerthrowe so much as lieth in vs the righteousnes of God And so we deceiue our selues because that there is none other name but the name of Iesus Acts. 4. by whom wee shall haue life prosperitie saluation and in summe all maner of blessings A Praier vnto God to obtaine true Faith and encrease therein OVR Lorde God Father of light from whom proceedeth euerie good and perfect gift S. Iames. 1.17 which hast promised to powre vpon thy seruaunts the spirite of grace and of prayer Zach. 12.10 we most humblie beseeche thee Ephes 1. that for the loue of thy sonne Iesus by whom it hath pleased thee to choose vs and to blesse vs in all spirituall blessing let it please thee also to giue vs a truenesse of faith by the which wee may comprehend this largenesse depth length and height of thy delight towards vs to trust and comfort
and make head against the diuel for he himselfe doth alleage the scripture and therfore if we be not well seene or exercised therein he will trouble and ouercome vs. Let vs also pray this good God that he will giue vs his holy spirite which is the true teacher and expounder of the scripture the which the deuill in not being able to haue hath nothing but the barcke of the scripture and is easie to be vanquished and ouercome by those which are caried by the spirite of God Of prayer which is one of the effectes of Faith 7. Chap. of S. Matthewe Aske and it shal be giuen you seeke and you shall finde knocke and it shall be opened PRAYER O Lorde GOD seeing that thou thy selfe doest offer thy selfe vnto vs with so great kindenesse and sweetenes suffer vs not that we be negligent in calling vpon thee neither permit that we become restiffe in asking when as thou art readie to giue And to this effect graunt vs grace to feele howe much thy helpe is necessarie for vs euen for vs poore creatures which haue not neither possesse we any thing but of thy fauour and grace and yet neither that which we haue can prosper without thy blessing We therefore namely do acknowledge the great wantes and defectes which are in vs in respect of those heauenly things For neither faith hope nor charitie can be in vs vnlesse thou doe store vs with thy light S. Iames. 1. and helpe our infirmities For all good guiftes doe come from aboue from thee thou father of light Wherefore should we not then call vpon thee hauing thy promises Or wherfore shold wee goe elsewhere synce that in thee is all aboundance and sufficiencie Giue vs grace O good God not onely to pray to thee but also to knocke at thy gate It seemeth that it is somtimes shut against vs and that thou hast no care ouer vs as in verie deede the gates of grace were shut vp against vs because of sinne But we haue our mediator Iesus Christ at thy right hande who hath promised to open it vnto vs. Open therefore vnto thy children that knocke thou which hast giuen thy deere sonne for vs giue vs faith that may bring vs vnto thee and also hope which may entertaine vs in faith and giue vs in summe that which thou knowest farre better than we to be necessarie for vs for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake A notable sentence to hold the faithfull in a true confession of Gods name taken out of the 10. Chap. of S. Matthew FEare ye not them which kil the bodie but are not able to kill the soule But rather feare him which is able to destroy both the Soule and bodie in hell Whosoeuer therefore shall confesse me before men him will I confesse also before my father which is in heauen But whosoeuer shal denie me before men I will denie him before my father which is in heauen MEDITATION THe feare of death is the thing that dooth most turne away men from our Lorde The feare of death and from the imbracing of his worde For Iesus Christ sheweth what the follie of man is in this we feare death for feare of losing life But man cannot take away life wherefore are they then afraid For life is in the hand of God who hath giuen it But if it be a question of sorrowes and tormentes then death is no more it that we feare Iob. 5. for they are the sorrowes wherein we be borne as the bird to flie and those which we ought patientlie to beare euen as a valiant souldier beareth certaine woundes to be after crowned As concerning the bodie that is put in the graue we doe not thinke it lost because that nothing is lost but the infection and corruption the which wee doe desire to loose And our bodies shall rise againe glorious bodies For it is euē as when a man melteth a great masse or lumpe of Copper to make a faire Image of Truelie then is not the copper lost but fined and set in honour Moreouer as a good martyr named Simeon said of whome is spoken in the Ecclesiasticall historie of Sozomene in his second booke and 10. Chap. Seeing that of nature we be alreadie mortall wherefore should we not account this for a great honor when we die for Iesus Christ But our Lord dooth yet vse an other Argument If we feare death then wee must feare the great danger that is euerlasting And that is wherein God may cast those downe headlong that offend him This is the secōd death whereof is spoken in the Apocalyps in the 21. Chap. ver 8. Blessed are they that feare God more than men Alas he asketh no great thing of vs to be short he requireth but that we trust in him and that we confesse his name The Elementes Psal 16. the earth the trees and the riuers doe declare his glorie Psal 148. so doe the byrdes on the braunches Wherefore is it that man which is created vnto his likenesse will not praise the Lord And when we doe confesse him it dooth serue him but for little marrie it dooth bring much vnto vs that he confesseth vs in his glorie and that hee acknowledgeth vs to bee his Now what pitie is it when so manie men shew themselues so slacke and vnfaithfull vnto the Lord some forsaking him and openlie blaspheming him other some being ashamed of him hauing the knowledge of the trueth hidden and shut vp in them Moreouer Titus 1.16 how manie be there which confesse him by their tongues and denie him in their heartes and wicked life O Lord therefore open our lippes and make cleane our heartes so as wee may beleeue with the heart and confesse with the mouth that we be not confounded in this great comming of thy sonne Iesus Christ but rather that we may haue his honor to be reknowledged and also declared thy children and heires of thy kingdome That through faith we goe vnto Christ and what the yoke of the faithful is 11. Chap. of S. Matthew COme vnto me all ye that are wearie laden and I will ease you Take my yoke vppon you and learne of me that I am meeke and lowlie in heart and yee shall finde rest vnto your soules for my yoke is easie and my burthen is light A consideration vppon the said text BLessed are those saith Dauid in the 119. Psalme that are vpright in their way and walke in the lawe of the Lord. But what Where is the man that walketh vprightlie For they are all gone out of the way taking damnable pathes as it is said in the 14. Psalme and in such sort through infidelitie and disobedience are men turned away from the Lord and walke after vanitie they are turned againe into their course saith Ieremie in the 8. Chap. as the horse that rusheth into the battell Now see the sonne of God who so gratiouslie dooth call you againe and bid you to come againe vnto him
maiestie O God thou art my treasure grant me grace to haue my heart there where my treasure is and to meditate night and day in thy worde which is the light that guideth my steppes and is in tribulation more sweete vnto my heart than honny is vnto the mouth The reason of man was truely O Lorde a goodly lampe that thou haddest giuen vnto man but as it is darkned it cannot shewe the way which leadeth man from sinne to righteousnes and from death to life and they which otherwaies are not lightened but by the same doe perish as beastes Psalm 49. Nowe since it pleaseth thee to haue a Church on the earth which thou hast gathered together thorowe the preaching of thy worde inlighten my eies to beholde and see the spirituall state and magnificence of this house to the ende I may loue it and delight my selfe therein And because that I am a stranger in the land inlighten me in such sorte that seeing the way of euerlasting life in thy word I may follow it vntill I come vnto the true countrie which is in heauen Out of the 59. Chap. of Esaiah verse 21. Beholde my couenaunt with them faith the Lorde my spirit that is vppon thee and my wordes which I haue put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seede nor out of the mouth of the seede of thy seede saith the Lorde from henceforth euen for euer CONSIDERATION THese wordes doe declare vnto vs that the onelie people which haue the word of GOD and the purenesse of the Doctrine are auouched the true people of the Lord. For with this word God worketh and vnfoldeth the force of his spirit Rom. 1. as by this occasion is the Gospell also so called the power of God to saluation to all beleeuers to bee short by the meane of this word 2. Cor. 5. and through the ministrie of reconciliation God hath established his couenant amongest vs being fauorable vnto vs and forgiuing vs our sinnes Therefore this Church is not gouerned by swords or by Crosses but by the spirit and by the word of God And because that this word is euerlasting it is not in the power of the world to stop the course thereof But God to punish our vnthankfulnesse draweth it backe sometimes from vs and in the meane while it is in such sorte as hee maketh it to waxe fruitefull elsewhere and that which wee doe not see our posteritie shal see it with whom the Lord hath also his couenant O the follie of mankinde which heareth not wisedome crie out in the streets and biddeth vs come vnto her Prou. 1. Therefore of good right doeth she laugh at the destruction of all those which despise her A Prayer vppon this place Out of the 15. Chap. of S. Matthew EVerie plant which mine heauenlie Father hath not planted Prou. ●0 shall bee rooted vp O Lord my God because that thine onelie word is pure cleane and a buckler vnto all those that trust in thee giue me grace to loue thee and since that thou thy selfe inuitest vs vnto the wholsome waters that thou giuest for nothing guide me vnto those running brookes keepe my soule from being led away by this enemie which soweth Cockle and euill hearbes in the world 1. Iohn 4. Giue mee the spirit of discretion to proue the spirites and suffer me not to bee lead with euerie winde of Doctrine 2. Tim. 1. but dailie to holde the true patterne of thy wholsome word 1. Cor. 11. which is in faith and loue in Iesus Christ And albeit to proue thine thou doest suffer manie times the euill plantes to increase and permittest heresies as is to bee seene of olde when as the blasphemie of the Arrians tooke roote as it were in all the East and in our dayes popish Idolatrie hath doone in the West 2. Thes 2. So in likewise haue wee also seene how thou hast vnrooted them and manifested the dreames of men so that there is none nowe deceaued but those whome despise the trueth and loue the Epicures life yeelding themselues woorthie to bee led away by the spirit of blindnesse and errour In the meane while O GOD beate downe them which make Sectes Partialities Rom. 16. and Scandals a part against the pure Doctrine graunt power and might to the Ministrie of thy holie Gospell that all heresies and errors may bee rooted out of mens heartes and that in quiet peace and concorde wee may praise thy name all the dayes of our life Also shew thy fauour vnto vs and now that it is so late in the end of our time yea and that it seemeth O Lorde that this faire sunne of trueth would goe to rest whome thou hast shewed in the world Mat. 28. may remaine with vs and strengthen vs in thy knowledge following this thy promise that thou hast made to bee with vs euen vnto the end of the world So be it Of the hearing of the word of God Out of the 11. of S. Luke Blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it MEDITATION BLessed are they then not that heare much know much and speake much of the word of God But that keepe it in obedience of faith For whereto serueth the seede throwne into the ground if it tooke not roote there to increase and bring forth fruite Whereunto serueth as saith Iesus Christ in the 7. Chap. of S. Matthew to make a high building if vppon the blowing of the first windes the house fall They loue me saith Christ in the 14. of S. Iohn that doe not onlie heare but also keepe my commaundementes For how shall wee heare if hee doe not pearce our eares Psal 40. and open our vnderstandinges because that it is nothing to heare outwardlie vnlesse that God doe speake vnto vs inwardlie and if it be not heard within vs. Men truelie haue eares But they haue not all eares to heare and to make their profit of the word of God Now since that they are vndoubtedlie accursed which neither heare nor keepe this word and doe loue better to heare worldlie songes or foolish follies Let vs pray without ceasing this God that hee will open the heartes to vnderstand his word as hee did vnto this Lydia a seller of purple of whome mention is made in the 16. Chap. of the Actes And that wee doe not take it of the Lord in ill part when hee shall punish vs because that in so doing hee doth open our eares to receaue instruction euen as it is said in the 36. of Iob and the 10. verse A prayer vppon the same matter O Most gratious and mercifull GOD thou hast declared by thy dearelie beloued sonne Iesus Christ that they which heare thy word and keepe it are blessed Doeth it not rather belong vnto vs O Lord to acknowledge and to maruaile at thy blessednesse and felicitie It is for vs to speake of thine and thou doest
beholde rather thy creature in thy louing kindenesse Thou hast bidden vs come vnto thee then whē as we sought thee not and thou hast saued vs when we were thine enemies Cast not therfore now away them which seeke thee and with all humblenesse call vpon thee For that that I make my selfe strong with thy clemencie is not through presumption but because of thy promises that doe assure vs of thee thou wilt not the death of sinners but their conuersion and life And to make them liue which were dead thou hast caused thy only begotten sonne to die and wouldest also that he should beare the name of a sauiour Wherefore shall I distrust then of grace Wherefore should my soule liue in sorrow syth that it findeth in thee so great a sweetenes O Lorde my God I remēber the poore Publican who humbling his eies to the ground groning vnder the burthen of his sins and requiring thy mercie went down into his house iustified I remember the poore thiefe who confessing his fault and acknowledging thy sonne Iesus vpon the crosse whereon he was hanged went to paradise I consider also the example of thine Apostle who hauing forsakē his maister three times was not put out of his fauour nor out of his Apostleship because the weeping bitterly he was cōuerted to thee But God grant me the Publicans hūblenes the confession of him that was hanged with Christ the repentance of thy Apostle the holding on the way which they haue held I may with them inioy thy fauour and enter into thy glorie A prayer vpon the same matter O Lorde what man is he that dare speake vnto God Howe dare we aske thee life seeing we haue deserued death Frō whēce commeth this boldnesse to haue our recourse vnto thee whom wee haue offended Is it not thy great mercie that is so noted throughout the worlde Was it not because that thou art slowe to anger and of great clemencie But if thou wouldest enter into iudgement with vs no man liuing could be iustified before thy face I pray and beseech thee therefore O Lorde that thou wouldest vnderstande my gronings and hearken vnto my praiers I was Alas conceiued and borne in sinne and my iniquities are so great in number that I can not knowe them by the one halfe so as O Lorde this burthen would ouerwhelme me if thy mercie did not comfort me But I pray thee chastise me not in thy wrath neither assay thy might against me otherwise I were vtterly vndoone and in the twinckling of an eie thou couldest destroy me in thine anger Chaunge rather my heart that I may be an organe of thy glorie and a vessel of honour in thy house Imprint in my soule all righteousnesse and godlinesse that I may serue and honour thy maiestie I haue wandered like a poore sheepe but bring me againe into thy fold and be thou my sheepheard for euer For Lorde when thou hast brought me to nothing and confounded me Alas I shal not any more blesse and praise thee But if thou be mercifull vnto me I shall render vnto thee thankes giuing I shall vowe my selfe to thy seruice and I will remaine in thy holy temple to worship thee A prayer to aske of God true repentance Almightie God seeing that our sinnes continually crie vnto heauen and when one of them is ouercome an other forthwith springeth vp so that ambition being ouercome couetousnesse doeth tempt vs and couetousnesse being vanquished presumption doth solicite vs or some other greedie desire graunt vs grace carefully to walke and to fight this good fight against our selues truely to examine and to sound our selues and so we cōdemning our selues may preuent thy iudgement stirring vp one another to true repentance and amendment of life to the ende that it bee not in vaine that thy healthfull grace may appeare vnto vs and that wee make not sad thy holy spirite and that so O God walking in thy feare we may be made true partakers of the forgiuenesse of sinnes that thy son hath purchased for vs by his bloud shedding that we might growe vp according to the new man and make the olde man to die vntill that we being vnclothed of this mortall bodie we might come vnto that perfection then O Lorde when as thou shalt be all in all and that beeing gathered together in thee wee shall beholde thy glorie in thy kingdome So be it I beleeue the rising againe of the bodie TErtullian an ancient Doctor verie well saith in the booke which he hath written of the resurrection that this article is proper to Christians and is their speciall comfort to beleeue that this flesh shal rise againe at the last day wherof the philosophers Sadduces did but make a mocke But hee who hath giuen vs these bodies can verie well bring to passe that they shal liue againe out of the dust as we do protest that we beleeue not heere giuing place to any thing but vnto faith no not to the speculations of reason Christ is also risen againe being made as it were the first fruites and the honorable head of all those which are risen or heereafter shall bee raised againe For this was through his only vertue This also is the reason that that body which did suffer so much should be likewise partaker of life glorie For Christ hath wholie redeemed mankinde and without this trust we should be miserable we which do suffer so many tormentes in our bodies for the name of Iesus Nowe to comfort and resolue vs more more in this article we must consider of these witnesses folowing Out of the 19. Chap. of Iob. I am sure that my redeemer liueth and he shall stande vp the last of the earth And though after my skinne wormes destroy this bodie yet shall I see God in my flesh whome I my selfe shall see and mine eies shall beholde Out of the 26. of Esaiah The dead shall liue euen with my bodie shall they rise Awake and sing ye that dwell in dust for thy deaw is as the deawe of hearbes and the earth shall cast out the dead Out of the 13. Chap. of the prophet Hosea I will redeeme them from the power of the graue I will deliuer them from death O death I will be thy death O graue I will be thy destruction A meditation of OEcolampadius The Lorde sheweth by this place that if the people had repented they should haue beene deliuered though they hadde bin as it were in the graue alreadie The Hebrewe word signifieth Hel or the graue and is often times taken in the scripture for some great and extreeme daunger as also by the worde of the plague is vnderstood a great destruction S. Paul in the 1.5 Chap. of the 1. Epistle to the Corinthians when he intreateth of the resurrection he alledgeth this place according to the greeke translation of the 70. interpreters rather than after the Hebrewe text and thus taketh it Where is thy sting As preparing himselfe against