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A09432 A godly and learned exposition of Christs Sermon in the Mount: preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and iudicious diuine M. William Perkins. Published at the request of his exequutors by Th. Pierson preacher of Gods word. Whereunto is adioyned a twofold table: one, of speciall points here handled; the other, of choise places of Scripture here quoted Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1608 (1608) STC 19722; ESTC S113661 587,505 584

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workes could euer doe we must therefore account of them not as the word of man but of the euerliuing God yea this must perswade vs to maintaine the bookes of Scripture against all diuellish Atheists that denie the same to be the word of God Secondly hereby we are taught from the bottome of our hearts to make that petition for our selues which Christ teacheth in his holy prayer namely that he would let his kingdome come that is not suffer sinne Sathan or the world to raigne in vs but by his word and spirit to rule in our hearts giuing vs grace to be guided thereby in all our waies We affect nothing more then happines and therefore we must oftentimes most seriously make this request to God preferring this estate with God before all pleasures and happines in this world and vse all good meanes to feele in our hearts the power of Christs kingdome Thirdly this should mooue vs to heare Gods word with all feare and reuerence for by this meanes the kingdome of Christ is erected in vs when the word of Christ takes place in our hearts by faith and brings forth in our liues the fruits of righteousnesse and true repentance then may we truely say the kingdome of heauen is in vs. Lastly Christ ascribing this happie title of his heauenly kingdom to them that be poore and of a contrite heart doth herein minister a soueraigne remedie against all temptations from outward pouertie and distresse Doubtlesse pouerty is a grieuous crosse not onely in regard of the want of bodily comforts but especially because of that contempt and reproach which in this world doth hang vpon it wherevpon many doe esteeme their pouertie as a signe of Gods wrath against them and thereby take occasion to despaire thinking the kingdome of darkenes belongeth vnto them But here consider you poore this sentence of Christ where he plainely teacheth that if a man in outward distresse can be brought to feele his spirituall pouertie and the wretchednesse of his soule by reason of his sinnes then he is so farre from hauing iust cause to despaire of Gods fauour by reason of his pouertie that on the contrary he may gather to his soule a most comfortable assurance from the mouth of him that cannot lie that the kingdome of heauen belongs vnto him Vers. 4. Blessed are they that mourne for they shall bee comforted Here is Christs second rule touching blessednesse wherein consider two points first the parties who are blessed they that mourne secondly wherein their blessednesse consists namely in receiuing comfort For the first by mourners we must not vnderstand euery one that is any way grieued but such as haue iust and waightie causes of griefe and doe therfore mourne for the words import an exceeding measure of griefe such as is expressed by crying and weeping as is plaine by Saint Luke who thus relateth Christs saying blessed are ye that now weepe And yet euery one is not blessed that mourneth vnder grieuous distresse for Caine Saul Achitophel and Iudas were all deepely affected in soule with their most woefull estates though farre from this blessednes This rule then must thus be vnderstood that they are blessed who with their mourning for waightie causes of griefe doe withall mourne for their sins for so was the former Rule to bee vnderstood of those that with the sense of their outward distresse had adioined an inward feeling of their spirituall wants and this verse is but a more full explication thereof as if he should haue said they are blessed that are poore in spirit Yea put case a man bee distressed for most waightie causes of griefe so as hee howle and crie vnder the burthen of them yet if withall hee can vnfainedly mourne and waile in heart for his sinnes notwithstanding all his pouertie and distresse he is truely blessed This blessed sentence vpon them that mourne serues sundry waies for a soueraigne salue to the conscience of a Christian. As first put the case a man were distressed with grieuous calamities and withall were ouertaken with some hainous sinne whereupon not onely his body is afflicted but his conscience also wounded and so hee is cast into the gulfe of desperation yea say further that by reason of the terror of his conscience his flesh were withered and his marrowe consumed in his bones were not this a cause of exceeding mourning yet loe our most blessed Physition Christ Iesus hath made a plaister for his sore for if this man of distresses can withall truely mourne for offending God through his transgressions he is vndoubtedly blessed for Christ hath said it whose word shall neuer faile though heauen and earth come to nothing A blessed text which beeing well applied will not onely support the heart in great distresse but recouer the conscience from vnder deepe despaire Secondly put case a man were grieuously sicke and that he felt the very pangs of death without all ease to seaze vpon him so as both speech and sight with all outward comforts began to faile him this state were lamentable yet if in his soule he can truly mourne for his offences euen in this extremitie he is blessed Thirdly put case a man were taken of his enemies and his wife and children slaine before his face hauing their braines dashed out vpon the stones afterward himselfe put to a most wofull racke and torture this were an estate more wofull then death yet herein a man must not iudge himselfe a cast-away but with mourning for this miserie he must labour to be sorrowfull for his sinnes and then he neede not feare what flesh can doe vnto him for he is blessed Christs word must stand let thy distresse be what it will if vnder it thou mourne for thy sinnes blessed art thou We cannot conceiue while we enioy peace of the worth of this rule in the euill day neither doe we know how neere the time is wherein we shall haue neede thereof and therefore we must now learne this neuer to be forgotten to season all other mourning with godly sorrow for our sinnes II. Point Wherein this blessednes consists namely in that their mourning shall haue an ende and be turned into true comfort That this is true happines will appeare by the contrarie for the woe and sorrow that is here begun and continued in the world to come is the punishment of the damned spirits the portion of the Reprobate which is endles miserie therfore vnto thē that mourne it is true happines that they shall receiue comfort This promise of Comfort is accomplished foure waies First when God tempers and delaies the sorrowes and afflictions of them that mourne according to the measure of their strength 1. Cor. 10. 13. God is faithfull and will not suffer you to be tempted aboue that you are able to beare This was promised to Dauid and his seede that if they did sinne he would correct them with the
God respects them for this true desire as if they had faith And they are blessed because they shall haue plentie of faith and assurance of grace and fauour with God in Christ for it is mercie and grace with God to hunger after grace and mercie when the heart feeles the want thereof But yet such persons must be admonished that they shew the truth of this desire by a constant endeauouring in the meanes which God hath sanctified for the obtaining of a true and liuely faith in Christ wherewith they may be satisfied The second temptation is from the smallnesse of sanctification Many there be that endeauour to please God making conscience of all sinne and yet they finde in themselues an exceeding measure of rebellious corruption much ignorance in their minds peruersenesse in their wills and frowardnesse in their affections yea a continuall pronenesse vnto all manner of sinne and on the contrarie they can perceiue but small fruits of sanctification the olde man they feele rushing in them like a mightie Gyant but the newe man so weake and seeble that they can hardly discerne any spirituall life and hereupon they are sore troubled with temptations yea oftentimes driuen to doubt whether they haue any true grace at all This cannot but be an heauie case and yet here is true comfort for them for Christ calleth them blessed not that are filled with righteousnesse but who hunger and thirst after it that is who feeling the want of righteousnesse in themselues doe earnestly desire it in their soules These persons therefore that feele in themselues a sea of corruption and scarce a drop of sanctification must truely examine their owne hearts how they stand affected to these things for if they be truely grieued for their corruption and rebellion and withall doe earnestly desire grace and sanctification vsing the meanes constantly whereby they may be freed from the one and indued with the other then they haue wherewith they may comfort their hearts for Christ calles them blessed and so they are for in due time they shall be satisfied and in the meane time their will and desire is accepted of God in Christ for the deed it selfe The third temptation is to despaire when a man after the breach of conscience by some grieuous sinne is plunged into this gulfe that he thinkes verely hell is prepared for him and he must needes be damned what remedie now in such a case Answ. Some thinke the onely way is to propound vnto him the grounds of vniuersall grace as that because he is a man Christ died for him for Christ died for all but this is a slender comfort for the despairing conscience will thus replie God indeed hath done his part but I refused Gods grace when it was offered Therefore another way of comfort must bee sought which is by proouing vnto him out of Gods word that he is within the couenant and that the promises of grace and life doe belong vnto him for the effecting whereof one maine ground is here propounded to wit that though a man want all righteousnesse yet if he truely hunger after it he is blessed and the right applying of this ground is this search must be made whether the partie thus despairing hath in him any sparke of true grace or no and this will be knowne by these two demands first whether he dislike his sinnes because they are sinnes secondly whether he truely desire to be reconciled vnto God to repent and beleeue in Christ Now if his conscience tell him that these things bee in him indeede then is he brought within the compasse of this blessednesse here pronounced by Christ and hath title to this promise that he shall be satisfied for he that is grieued for his sinne because thereby he hath offended God and withall hath an earnest desire of mercie and grace to repent and beleeue is truely blessed And therefore it may bee said vnto him seeing thou findest in thy heart this griefe for sinne and desire of grace thou art blessed and shalt be satisfied Thus may the distressed soule receiue comfort but as for them that liue in sinne here is no comfort for they haue no true dislike of sinne no purpose or desire to repent thereof Secondly as this rule of Christ ministreth comfort to some so it dedeclareth the miserable estate of others to wit of all those that want this spirituall hunger after righteousnesse for they haue no title to the promise of heauenly satisfaction by Gods mercie in Christ. And yet generally this is the state of men euery where for after riches pleasures honours and preferments men hunger and thirst as the drought in summer doth after raine but rare it is to finde a man that sauoureth the things of God and thirsteth after his righteousnes and yet such onely are blessed Thirdly this rule of Christ serues for sure direction whereby we may know our estate before God in regard of true happines if we hunger and thirst after righteousnes we are surely blessed for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Now this spirituall hunger is knowne by two things first by an vnfained heartie sorrow and griefe for sinne past where this is wanting true spirituall hunger and thirst is not secondly by an earnest desire of Gods mercie in Christ for the pardon of sinne and for sanctification testified by a constant endeauour in the vse of meanes to come thereby he that hath these things in him may assure himselfe that he is blessed for these be the motions of Gods spirit and the true pledges of his grace Hereby then we must trie our estate if these things be in vs we haue wherein we may reioyce but if our hearts be dead and hard so as we haue no touch for our sinnes no hungering after the blood of Christ nor desire of sanctification then are we voide of grace and so most miserable for the smallest measure of true grace that can be is to hunger after grace in the want thereof Lastly this rule of blessednes must admonish vs as we tender our saluation so to labour for this spirituall hunger in our soules after reconciliation with God in Christ for all our sinnes past and for the sanctification of our hearts and liues by his word and spirit we may heare read and talke of Gods word and yet all to no ende vnlesse we be in heauines for our owne vnrighteousnes and from our hearts doe sende forth sighes and grones after mercie and grace in Christ. For what auaileth it to haue wit and learning honour and riches if the soule be voide of mercie and grace in Christ which doubtlesse it is while this spirituall hunger is wanting in the heart And to mooue vs to labour for this hunger the reason annexed is very effectuall namely the Lords promise that they shall be filled which also shewes wherein this blessednes doth consist Now they that thus hunger are filled partly in this life by receiuing
equitie it concerneth all people in all times and places What the Morall lawe is I will describe in three points First It is that part of Gods word concerning righteousnesse and godlinesse which was written in Adams minde by the gift of creation and the remnants of it be in euery man by the light of nature in regard whereof it bindes all men Secondly it commaundeth perfect obedience both inward in thought and affection and outward in speech and action Thirdly it bindeth to the curse and punishment euery one that faileth in the least dutie thereof though but once and that in thought onely Galatians 3. 10. Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all things that are written in the law to doe them The summe of the Morall law is propounded in the Decalogue or tenne Commandements which many can repeat but fewe doe vnderstand That wee may further conceiue aright the Morall lawe wee must make a difference betweene it and the Gospel for the Gospel is that part of the word which promiseth righteousnesse and life euerlasting to all that beleeue in Christ the difference betweene them stands especially in fiue things First the Law is naturall and was in mans nature before the fall but the Gospel is spirituall reuealed after the fall in the couenant of grace Secondly the Law sets forth Gods iustice in rigour without mercy but the Gospel sets out iustice and mercie vnited in Christ. Thirdly the Law requireth a perfect righteousnesse within vs but the Gospel reuealeth our acceptance with God by imputed righteousnesse Fourthly the Law threatneth iudgement without mercy and therefore is called the ministerie of condemnation and of death but the Gospel shewes mercie to mans sinne in and by Christ if we repent and beleeue Lastly the law promiseth life to the worker and doer of it Doe this and thou shalt liue but the Gospel offereth saluation to him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly not considering faith as a worke but as an instrument apprehending Christ by whom we are made righteous The Church of Rome in a manner confound the Law and the Gospell sauing that the Gospel which is the new Law reuealeth Christ more clearely then Moses Law did which they call the old Law But this is a wicked opinion which ouerturnes all religion beeing the cause of many grosse points in poperie which could not stand if they would acknowledge a true distinction betweene the Law and the Gospel They say for their defence that the precepts of both are the same for substance that both require righteousnesse both promise life and threaten death both commaund faith repentance and obedience and therefore they are the same Answer First the laws and precepts of the Law and Gospel are not the same for Adam in his innocencie knew the Law but hee knewe nothing then of beleeuing in Christ and though both require righteousnesse promise life and threaten death yet the manner is farre different as before was noted So likewise they differ in the commaunding of faith for the Gospel commandeth faith not as a worke done as the Law doth but as an instrument laying hold on Christ. Againe the Law commaundes faith generally as to beleeue in God and to beleeue his word to be true but besides this the Gospel requires a particular faith in Christ the Redeemer whom the Law neuer knewe Thirdly the Law commandeth not repentance for the knowledge of the Law was in Adams heart when hee needed no repentance true repentance therefore is a sauing grace wrought and commanded onely by the Gospel And fourthly for obedience though it bee commaunded both by the Law and the Gospel yet not in the same manner The Law commaundeth obedience euery way perfect both in parts and in degrees and alloweth none other but the Gospel commaundeth and in Christ approoueth imperfect obedience that is an indeauour in all things to obey and please God if it be without hypocrisie Againe the Law commandeth obedience as a worke to bee done for the obtaining of saluation but the Gospel requires obedience onely to testifie our faith and thankefulnesse vnto God The Church of Rome therefore erreth grosly in cōfounding the Law and the Gospel which indeed are farre differing so we must beleeue if we would come into hold the right way that leadeth vnto life Now whereas Christ saith Thinke not that I came to destroy the Law by Law he meaneth principally the Morall law and in the second place the Ceremoniall law also Next obserue the opposition that Christ maketh betweene the Law and the Prophets thereby signifying vnto vs that by the Law hee meaneth that part of Gods word concerning Righteousnesse and Iustice which Moses penned by Gods commaundement and by the Prophets hee meaneth that part of Gods word which is contained in the writings of all the Prophets in the old Testament after Moses which bookes of the Prophets contained in them either an interpretation of Moses Lawe or predictions of the state of the Church in the newe Testament Againe by destroying the Law we must not vnderstand a breach of the Law such as is made by mans sin but such a dissolution as taketh from it all vertue and power whereby it is a Law and so to destroy the Prophets is to put an ende vnto them so as they should nothing auaile either to the interpretation of the Law or to the foretelling of the state of Gods Church vnder the Gospel But to fulfill them Christ fulfilleth the Law three waies by his doctrine in his person and in men By his doctrine he fulfilleth the Law two waies both by restoring vnto it his proper meaning and true vse as we shall see afterward where he correcteth the corrupt interpretations thereof by the Pharises as also by reuealing the right way wherby the Law may be fulfilled Secondly in his person he fulfilleth the Lawe two waies First by becomming accursed to the Lawe in suffering death vpon the crosse for vs. Secondly by performing perfect obedience vnto the Law doing all that the Law required for the loue of God or of his neighbour in which respect he was said to haue beene vnder the Law Thirdly Christ fulfilled the Law in men Men bee of two sorts Elect and Reprobates In the Elect he fulfilleth the Lawe two waies First by creating faith in their hearts whereby they laie hold on Christ who for them fulfilled it Secondly by giuing them his owne spirit which maketh them indeauour to fulfill the Law which in Christ is accepted for perfect obedience in this life and in the life to come is perfect indeede In vnbeleeuers Christ fulfilleth the Law when he executeth the curse of the Law vpon them for that is a part of the Law and the execution and enduring of the curse is a fulfilling of the Lawe And thus doth Christ fulfill the Law so that the
righteousnesse sanctification and redemption and for the obtaining hereof he must denie himselfe and become nothing in himselfe that hee may bee all in Christ. Secondly true conuersion of the whole man vnto God from all sinne so as his heart must be renued and disposed to please God in all things And because these things are inward and secret therfore to make them knowne there is further required that a man carrie in his heart a resolute and constant purpose from time to time neuer to sinne against God and this purpose of heart he must testifie by a godly and cons●●onable endeauour of life to please God in all things for this is the fruite of true faith and of sound inward conuersion and in regard hereof were Enoch Iob Dauid Zacharie and Elizabeth called iust But he that wants this constant purpose and a daily endeauour from a beleeuing penitent heart to please God in all things is a wicked person and as yet Gods enemie By this first wee see how many are deceiued euery where with ciuill honestie for if a man liue vprightly among his neighbours and doe abstaine from murther adulterie oppression and such like sinnes hee is presently counted a good man such a one indeede may be counted an honest man ciuilly as Ah●melec● was but yet this outward honestie makes not a man iust and good in the sight of God so as he repute● him for his friend thereto are required true faith and true repentance testified by new obedience Secondly here also see that neither the knowledge of Gods word nor the hearing of it with some gladnesse and bringing forth some fruits no● yet to bee able to conceiue a praier for the forme thereof that none of these I say no no● all of these doe make a man the friend of God indeede for all these may bee in an euill man who hath a purpose in his heart to liue in some sinne in whose heart as yet there is no true faith no● sound repentance without which as wee heard no man is iust in the sight of God nor accounted for his friend And therefore we must not content our selues with these things but labour to be good and iust indeede When affliction shall be●●ll vs or death approach we would giue all the world if it were in our hands for good assurance that God were our friend now then let vs labour for true saith and repentance and testifie these by a constant purpose a godly endeauour to please God in all things through the whole course of our liues and then will the Lord esteeme vs for his friends Verse 46. 〈◊〉 if you loue them that loue you what reward shall yee haue doe not the Publicans euen the same In these words our Sauiour Christ propounds a second reason to perswade his Disciples and hearers to loue their enemies and to the end it might take the deeper root in their hearts he repeats the same againe in the next verse which in effect is the same with this The words are plaine if we know what Publicans were Publicans therefore were officers that gathered t●ll and tribute taxes and rents of the Iewes for the Romane Emperom to whom the Iewes were in subiection Now in the gathering of it they vsed much iniustice oppression for which cause they were hated of the Iewes aboue all other people esteemed most basely of Now saith Christ though these Publicans be void of all good conscience yet they will loue their friends of whom they are loued And hence Christ reasons thus If you my hearers doe but lo●e them that loue you ye do but as these Publicans do but you must do more then such vngodly persons doe and therefore you must loue your very enemies Here first obserue that Christ doth not forbid one friend to loue another for then he should be cōt●ary to himselfe but here he condemnes carnall loue whereby one man loues another onely because he is loued againe which in effect is nothing else but for a man to loue himselfe in another And here to note the true maner of louing our neighbour this Rule must be remembred that all the commandements of the second Table must be practised in with the first cōmandement touching the loue of God thus father and mother must be honoured in God for God thus one man must loue another in God yea thogh he be his enemy because he is Gods creature beares his image as well as he himselfe doth yea he is by God commēded to our loue This must be the groūd though for other respects our loue may increase towards our brother What reward shall ye haue Here Christ would teach vs singular wisdome for the ordering of our liues namely that we giue our selues especially to the doing of such things as with God haue promise of reward what moued Moses to refuse to be called the sonne of P●ar●●● daughter to forsake the pleasures and riches of Egypt and to choose to suffer affliction with Gods people the word of God is plaine he had respect to the recompence of reward But this doctrine is not regarded else how should all places abound so much with idle persons and such as giue themselues wholly to gaming and company keeping to sports and delight now what reward can these looke for at Gods hands vnlesse it be the wages of sinne which is eternall death Let vs therefore beware of such a course and learne to abound in good works which are things good and profitable Doe not the Publicanes euen the same Our Sauiour Christs intent in this instance is to shewe that his Disciples and so all professors of the Gospel must goe beyond all other people in duties of loue indeede then whole life should be spent in the practise of this vertue Ephes. 5. 1. Wal●e that is lead the course of your life in loue and the state of the Church is to dwell in loue 1. Iohn 4. 16. The reason is great for Christians of all other receiue the greatest measure of loue from God through Iesus Christ and therefore they must abound in this grace first ●●wards God and then one towards another this is the badge of a Christian and the grace of our religion and therefore let vs shewe it forth Verse 47. And if yee be friendly to your brethren onely what singular thing doe ye doe not euen the Publicanes likewise Christs drif● in these words is further to inforce the dutie of loue to the same effect with the former verse The word translated be friendly betokens the friendship which was shewed in that countrie in salutations by embracing now saith Christ the very Publicanes will kindly embrace their friends therefore you must doe more We obserued before three branches of kind vsage to be shewed towards an enemie to wit to speake well of him to pray for him to do him good now here we may annexe a fourth
whereby we are assured that the particular things we aske according to Gods will shall be giuen vs. So saith Christ Mark 11. 24. Whatsoeuer ye aske in prayer beleeue that ye shall haue it and it shal be done vnto you and Iam. 1. 6. Let him aske in faith for he that doubteth of Gods promise defraudeth himselfe of the thing he asketh Now if we must bring this speciall faith then of necessitie must we haue a speciall knowledge of the will and promise of God for the things we aske for as without faith we cannot pray aright so without knowledge no faith And therefore we must be carefull to accquaint our selues with the will and promise of God that by Gods commaundement we may know what to aske and by faith may also aske in assurance for if we pray without this knowledge and faith our praiers are but lip-labour and vnprofitable Secondly hence we learne that the Papists erre grossely which teach that this speciall faith is not necessarie in praier this is a doctrine of Deuills for we ought to bring in prayer a particular faith to applie to our selues the promise of God concerning that thing which we aske in prayer But this we can neuer bring vnlesse we first haue a speciall sauing faith whereby we beleeue our reconciliation with God in Christ for therefore doe we beleeue that God will graunt our particular requests because by faith wee knowe our selues to be in Christ in whome he loues vs and therefore will make good his promise vnto vs as the Apostle saith This is the assurance that we haue in 〈…〉 t if we aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs 1. Ioh. 〈…〉 Thirdly hence we learne how to carie our selues in all dangers troubles and afflictions namely we must settle our hearts by faith vpon the promise of God who hath saide he will not forsake vs but be with vs in trouble and deliuer vs Psal. 92. 15. This is necessarie for without faith in great afflictions our owne naturall passions will confound vs Hence Habakkuc speaking of grieuous times of affliction saith The Iust shall liue by faith And this Dauid testified Psal. 62. 1. Yet my soule keepeth silence vnto God of him commeth my saluation Psal. 23. 3. Though I should walke through the valley of the shadow of death I will feare none euill for thou Lord art with me thy rodde and thy staffe they comfort me Fourthly this must stirre vs vp to great diligence in praier We beeing Gods creatures and our God requiring this seruice at our hands ought to pray vpon his commandement though he had made no promise vnto vs. But now fith he hath made a gratious promise to heare and grant our requests this must stirre vs vp to all diligence and alacritie in prayer see the practise hereof in Dauid vpon Gods promise he incourageth himselfe to pray 2. Sam. 7. 27. 28 29. Thou O Lord of hosts hast reuealed vnto thy seruant that thou wilt build him an house Therefore now O Lord God for thou art God and thy words are true thou hast told this goodnesse vnto thy seruant Therefore now let it please thee to blesse the house of thy seruant that it may continue for euer for thou O Lord God hast spoken it So Daniel perceiuing by the prophesie of Ieremie the promise of God for the returne of the people from the captiultie doth set himselfe to most earnest prayer to God for the accomplishment of that promise Dan. 9. 2. 3. And so must we doe in all our wants first search out Gods promise for the supplie thereof and then goe boldly and diligently to God by prayer in the name of Christ. vers 8. For whosoeuer asketh receiueth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Here Christ confirmeth the former reason ●●●t was included in the former verse with the commandement to pray In effect and substance they are all one onely here the reason is 〈◊〉 more generally without limitation to Christs hearers thus Whosoeuer asketh receiueth whoseuer seeketh findeth c. that is obseruing the due conditions of prayer which Gods word requireth I. Ob. Here some may see that God oft hears those that pray without faith as the crie of the poore when they curse their oppressors Exod. 22. 23. And so the Lord heard the Israelites when they asked Quailes in their lust Psal. 78. 18. 27. Answ. True it is God sometimes graunts the requests of those that pray without faith but his hearing is not in mercie but in anger and wrath and is a meanes to execute his iudgement vpon them Thus hee gaue the Israelites a King in his wrath Hos. 13. 11. and so hee gaue them Quailes for while the meate was in their mouthes the wrath of God came vpon them Psalm 78. 30 31. Thus the deuils had their request graunted to enter into the heard of swine Matth. 8. 31 32. and so God permitted him to afflict Iob Iob. 1. 12. but all was to his owne shame to manifest his absolute subiection vnto God that beyond his wil he cannot goe no not to hurt the basest of Gods creatures II. Obiect Ahab praied humbled himselfe was heard though he did it onely hypocritically for feare of punishment 1. Kings 21. 29. Answ. That was a graunt of a temporall benefit onely which God oft giues to the hypocrites but for spirituall blessings which pertaine to saluation in Christ whereof this text is principally to bee vnderstood they are not granted to the wicked III. Obiect Abraham praied directly against the will of God for the sauing of Sodom which God was purposed to destroy Answ. Abraham no doubt had in him a speciall motion to make that prayer withall he asked leaue of God to pray for them neither did he pray absolutely but with submission to Gods wil and so he sinned not though he obtained not his desire otherwise without these cautions hee had done amisse and we must not make the extrordinarie practises of the faithfull ordinarie rules for our imitation So that Gods promise here is firme whosoeuer asketh those blessings of God which he hath promised to giue in that manner which God approoueth shall be sure to receiue The Use. In this reason we learne that God is most ready and willing to heare his children when they pray Isay 65. 1. I was found of thē that sought me not I said behold me behold me to a nation that called not vpon my name and v. 24. Before they call I will answer and while they speake I will heare This then is first 〈…〉 ne proofe that the Lord whome we worship is the true God bec 〈…〉 he is so able to helpe and so readie and willing to heare beeing neere to all that call vpon him in truth Thus Moses reasoneth with his people to prooue that they only had the true God for their God Deut. 4. 7. What nation is so
quietly alone to put his mouth into the dust and to giue his cheeke vnto the nippers Doth blessednesse belong to meeke persons hereby then wee are admonished to labour for the moderation of all our affections especially of anger hatred and reuenge and to beware of all hindrances to this blessed vertue as choller hastinesse grudging impatience vnder wrongs with all rayling reuiling chiding and brawling and all such threatning speeches which come too oft in practise that wee may forgiue but we will neuer forget yea in Action we must auoyd all quarrelling fighting contending and going to law on euery light occasion for true meekenesse admits none of all these to take place with Gods children And to induce vs hereunto consider first Christs precept and example bidding vs learne of him for he is meeke and lowely Againe consider Gods owne dealing with vs we daiely wrong him by our offences and yet he beares with vs shall we then bee so vnlike our heauenly Father that we will straight reuenge the wrongs that others doe vnto vs See Colloss 3. 12 13. As the elect of God holy and beloued put on the bowels of mercie gentlenesse lowelinesse of minde meekenesse long suffering forbearing one another and forgiuing one another if any man haue a quarrell against another euen as God for Christs sake forgaue you so doe yee Lastly the fruition and practise of this grace hath the promise of blessednesse belonging to it and therefore as we would bee happie so we must get the spirit of meekenesse into our hearts and expresse the vertue and power thereof in our liues Obiect I. Here some will say If I put vp all iniuries I shall be coūted a dastard and a foole Ans. In this case learne of Paul to passe little for mans iudgement but be carefull to get and 〈…〉 this grace of meekenesse and then Christ will pronounce thee ●●●ssed which ought more to preuaile with thee then all mens estimatiō in the world and so it will vnlesse thou loue the praise of men more then the praise of God Ioh. 12. 48. Obiect II. Again it will be said The more I vse to put vp wrongs the more shall I haue still done vnto me Ans. That is onely so ●●th wicked men for who else will wrong thee if thou followe that which is good Yet say they doe thy patient suffering is praise-worthy with God and he will take the matter into his hand yea Christ Iesus who iudgeth not by the sight of the eie he will rebuke aright for all the meeke of the earth Obiect III. But yet thou saist this is the way to loose all that a man hath and to be thrust out of house and harbour Ans. Nothing lesse for Christ here saith the meeke shall inherit the earth doubt not but Christ will make good his word and therefore if thou respect these outward things labour to get and exercise the spirit of meekenesse II. Point Wherein doth this blessednes of the meeke consist namely in their inheriting of the earth And this is a great happinesse for a man to be Lord of the whole earth But how can this be true sith many of Gods dearest seruants haue beene strangers on this earth thrust out of house and land and constrained to wander in mountaines and desarts afflicted and miserable yea destitute of conuenient foode and raiment Heb. 11. 37 38. Ans. The meeke are here called Inheritors of the earth not for that they alwaies haue the possession thereof but first because God giues a meete and conuenient portion of the earth either to them or to their posteritie thus hee dealt with Abraham Isaac and Iacob they had sufficient for themselues and a promise of great possessions which their posteritie did enioy Secondly if it fall out that meeke persons die in want or banishment yet God giues thē contentation which is fully answerable to the inheritance of the earth so Paul saith of himselfe and other Apostles they were as men hauing nothing and yet possessed all things meaning through contentation with the peace of a good conscience Thirdly the meeke haue this inheritance in regard of right being the members of Christ who is Lord of all Hence Paul saith to the beleeuing Corinthians all things are yours whether it be Paul or Cephas or the world things present or things to come all are yours and ye Christs Fourthly the meeke are made kings by Christ and after the last iudgement they shall rule and raigne with him for euer 〈…〉 ●eu 5. 10. And in these two last respects the meeke are more properly said to be the inheritours of the earth Obiect Yet here it will be said againe that wicked and carnall men are oftentimes the greatest Lords of the earth as Nimr●d in his time and the Turke at this day Answ. The right vnto the earth is two-fold Ciuill and Spirituall Ciuill right is that which stands good before men by their lawes an●●ustomes and in regard therof men are called Lords of such lands as they haue right vnto in the Courts of men and so the Turke at this day is a mightie Lord of a great part of the whole world Spirituall right is that which is warrantable and approoued with God himselfe and such right and title had Adam to all the world before his fall which he lost by his sinne both from himselfe and all his posterity but yet in Christ the same is recouered to all the elect And of this right Christ here speaketh when hee calleth the meeke inheritours of the earth in regard whereof the Turke all vnbeleeuers and vngodly persons are but vsurpers of those things which otherwise ciuilly they doe lawfully possesse Here then is an excellent priuiledge of all the true members of Christ that in him they be Lords of the earth whereby first wee may see how farre most men doe ouershoote themselues in seeking earthly possessions for the manner is without all regard of Christ to hunt after the world but this is a preposterous course these men set the Cart before the horses for seeing all our right to the earth was lost by Adam and is onely recouered by Christ doubtlesse till we haue part in Christ we cannot with the comfort of a good conscience either purchasse or possesse any inheritance vpon earth In regard of certaintie men desire to hold their lands in capite that is in the Prince as beeing the best tenure but if wee would haue a sure title and hold aright in capite wee must labour to become true members of Christ and hold our right in him for he is the Prince of the kings of the earth and Lord of all the world and till we be in Christ wee shall neuer haue an holy and sanctified right to any worldly possessions Secondly this serues for a bridle against all immoderate care for the world for if wee
be members of Christ and meeke persons then the inheritance of the earth is ours what neede haue we then to carke care so much for worldly pelfe as most men do who neuer thinke they haue enough Thirdly this serues for a iust rebuke of all those that seeke to enrich themselues by crueltie lying fraud and oppression for if thou bee in Christ thou hast right to the whole world what neede then hast thou to vse vnlawfull meanes to get that which is thine ow●e But sure it is thou hast no part in Christ while thou giuest thy selfe to these courses for if thou haddest thou wouldest bee content with whatsoeuer God sends in the vse of lawfull meanes Philip. 4. 11. Lastly hence all Gods children may learne to comfort their hearts against the feare of any punishment for the name of Christ for keepe Christ sure and whither soeuer thou art sent thou art vpon thine owne ground for the whole earth is thine and in Christ one day thou shalt possesse it when all Tyrants shall be banished into hell Now beeing on thine owne ground what need hast thou to feare Vers. 6. Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousnes for they shall be filled Here is the fourth Rule touching blessednesse which is also mentioned by Saint Luke yet some thing different from this of Matthew for according to Luke Christ directeth his speech to his Disciples and speakes of bodily hunger saying Blessed are ye that hunger now for yee shall be satisfied as if he should say You my Disciples doe now suffer hunger and thirst but this shall not preiudice your happie estate for hereafter you shall be satisfied Now Mathew goeth a degree further and laieth downe a cause and Reason why they beeing hungrie are blessed not simply for that they were pinched with bodily hunger but because withall they did further spiritually in their soules hunger after righteousnesse Thus then the two Euangelists do agree S. Luke laies downe this Rule generally but Matthew propounds therein the reason of this blessednesse This Rule as the former containes two parts first who are blessed secondly wherein this blessednes doth consist For the first the parties blessed are such as hunger and thirst after righteousnes The exposition of these words is diuers Some giue this sense Blessed are those that are grieued with the iniquities that abound in the world and withall doe in heart and soule long for the amendment and reformation thereof Others expound the words thus Blessed are those that by wrongs and iniuries are depriued of their right 〈◊〉 this world and so are constrained to hunger and thirst after that which is their owne wayting by patience to obtaine the same But there is a third exposition which doth more fully open vnto vs the meaning of Christ to wit by righteousnes we may well vnderstand in the first place the righteousnes of faith whereby a ●inner is iustified through grace in Christ and so stand● righteous before God hauing the pardon of all his sinnes ●besides this we may here also vnderstand inward righteousnes whereby a man ●s sanctified and made holy hauing Gods image renued in him by the spirit of grace which was lost by the fall of our first parents And that this imputed and renued righteousnes may here be vnderstood will appeare by these reasons First in such places of Scripture where like sentences are repeated we must vnderstand not Ciuill righteousnes but iustification sanctification and regeneration as Isa. 55. 1. Hoe euery one that thirsteth come to the waters and buie without siluer and Ioh. 7. 37. If any man thirst let him come vnto me and drinke and Reuel 21. 6. I will giue to him that is a thirst to drinke of the waters of life freely all which places are one in substance for by waters we must vnderstand righteousnes which is that spirituall grace of God the fountaine of all blessings whereby sinners are iustified and sanctified Secondly that which is most of all to be desired must needes be the most excellent righteousnes but this righteousnes here mentioned is most to be desired for Christ saith men shall hunger and thirst after it thereby expressing a most earnest and vehement desire and therefore by righteousnes we must vnderstand Gods grace and mercie in Christ absoluing a sinner from the guilt and punishment of his sinnes with sanctification the fruit thereof whereby he is purged from corruption Secondly by hungring and thirsting we must vnderstand two things first a sorrow and griefe of heart in regard of a mans owne sinnes and vnrighteousnes secondly an earnest and constant desire of the righteousnes of God that is of iustification and sanctification in Christ. Answerable to these two things which are in bodily hunger and thirst to wit first a paine in the bottome of the stomacke for want of meate and drinke secondly an earnest desire and appetite after meat and drinke to be satisfied therewith And blessed is he that is so grieued for his owne vnrighteousnes and withall hath an earnest desire after reconciliation with God in Christ and after true regeneration and sanctification by the holy Ghost for this is true spirituall hunger and thirst whereto belongs this gratious promise that in due time he shall be satisfied and filled with plentie of Gods mercie and grace wherein this happinesse doth consist which is the second branch of this Rule This I take to be the true and proper meaning of these words whereupon the two former expositions depend for he that is thus spiritually an hungred is oft depriued of his owne right among men and so is said to hunger and thirst after that which is his owne in this world Againe such a man doth vnfainedly grieue at the iniquities that bee in the world and withall his heart doth most earnestly desire reformation thereof both in himselfe and others First this sentence must be remembred as a storehouse of true comfort in all grieuous temptations but especially against these three the want of faith the smallnesse of sanctification and despaire For the first many in Gods Church haue a true care to please God in all things and to liue in no sinne against their conscience and yet they finde in themselues much distrust and despaire of Gods mercie they feele more doubting then faith whereupon they are brought to doubt of their election and state of grace before God Now how may such bee releeued and be well perswaded of their good estate Answer The way is laid downe by our Sauiour Christ in this Rule Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousnesse For here he teacheth that those are blessed who are displeased with their own doubting and vnbeleefe if they haue a true earnest desire to be purged from this distrust and to beleeue in God through Christ. Indeede this desire of faith and to beleeue is not true faith in nature but in Gods acceptance for
and duties of religion were abomination vnto the Lord because their hands were full of blood and because they had no mercie therefore they were led into captiuitie as we may see at large Ier. 5. 28. Euck. 9. 9 10. and Zach. 9. 12. Now we beeing in the same case with them for vnmercifulnes and crueltie haue no doubt deserued long since the same punishment euen that the Enemie should depriue vs both of Gospel and peace and of all our prosperitie and wealth what then shall we doe surely we must humble our selues by praier and fasting vnto the Lord if not publikely yet priuately euery man and euery familie apart euen for this one sinne of vnmercifulnesse and withall in this humiliation begin to practise mercie by bestowing that vpon the poore which we spare frō our bodies in the daie of our fast Verse 8. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God These words containe the sixt Rule of Christ touching true happinesse wherein as in the former obserue two points the persons blessed and wherein their blessednesse consists The persons blessed are thus qualified they are pure in heart This is diuersly expounded By pure in heart some vnderstand those that are chasse others those that are simple hearted voide of guile and deceit But the words will beare a more generall sense betoken such as are holy in heart hauing their hearts purged from the defilement of their sinnes and be in part renued and sanctified by the holy Ghost and that they are so to bee taken may appeare Psal. 24. 4. whence these words are borrowed where also the Prophet expoundeth the pure in heart to be such as haue not lift vp their minde to vaine things to which purpose the Author to the Hebrewes saith Follow peace with all men and holinesse without which no man can see God Againe the intent of our Sauiour Christ in this place was no doubt to crosse the Pharisaicall conceipt of those times whereby men did content themselues with outward holinesse as sufficient to true happinesse and therefore he saith Blessed are the pure not outwardly but inwardly in heart Further by heart we are to vnderstand the soule with the parts and faculties thereof that is the mind the conscience the will and affections And that wee may yet conceiue more clearely of this point we are to search out two things first in what maner then in what measure the heart is made pure For the first the purifying of the heart is by a two-fold Action of the holy Ghost first by creating in the minde a sauing faith which vnites a man vnto Christ as an hand applieth Christs puritie that is his obedience to the heart so Peter speaketh of the Gentiles in the Councell at Ierusalem that by faith the Lord purified their hearts Secondly when a man is in Christ the holy Ghost purgeth and sanctifieth the heart inwardly by mortifying all the corruptions in the minde will and affections and by putting into it inward holinesse whereby the image of Christ is renued therein And this our Sauiour Christ expresseth Iohn 15. 2. when hee saith that the father purgeth every one that bringeth forth fruit in him Now vnto these the holy Ghost addeth an excellent grace of Christian Resolution whereby a man hath a constant purpose not to sinne against God any way either in thought word or deede but in all things to please God continually so as if at any time he-sinne it is against his holy resolution Now for the measure of this purification it is onely in part in this life for the grace of sanctification is not perfect till death as the Apostle saith we receiue but the first fruits of the spirit that is not the Tenths but as an handfull of corne to a whole field the soule is freed from the punishment and guilt of sinne and in some sort purged from corruption but not wholly This wee must obserue the more diligently because the Papists teach otherwise to wit that after Baptisme and regeneration sinne is so taken away that there is in man nothing that God can hate but experience in euery childe of God shewes this to be false The chiefe ground of their opinion is this that if sinne properly called should remaine in the regenerate then God should repute a man to be iust which is a sinner But we answer that God neuer reputeth an impenitent sinner iust but onely the repentant and regenerate which are by faith in Christ and so in effect are no sinners because though corruption remaine in them in part yet it is not imputed to their persons Besides in the acte of their conuersion corruption hath receiued that deadly wound whereof it shall neuer recouer but daiely die till it be quite abolished and therefore doth it not raigne in them And thus we see in what manner and measure the heart is purified whereby the pure in heart may be thus described They are such as beleeue the pardon of their sinnes in Christ and be in part renewed in their soules by the holy Ghost hauing their naturall corruptions mortified and abolished in some measure and the graces of Gods image repaired in thē and a godly resolution wrought in their hearts not to sinne against God in any thing Considering that the pure in heart bee blessed wee must search our selues and see whether our hearts bee qualified with this grace As in former times so at this day inward puritie is much neglected The ancient Iewes stood vpon their legall puritie and righteousnesse and the Pharises after them relied vpon their outward holinesse and the holy Ghost foretold that in the latter daies should come perilous times by reason of sundrie sinnes wherof this is one that men should content thēselues with a shadow and shew of godlinesse and in truth denie the power thereof And doth not experince shewe this to be true among vs for the pure heart is so little regarded that the seeking after it is turned to a by-word and a matter of reproach Who are so much branded with vile tearmes of Puritans and Presitians as those that most indeauour to get and keepe the puritie of heart in a good conscience Againe the generall ignorance that euery where abounds doth plainely argue the want of this grace for what can bee in the heart but impuritie and iniquitie where there is no knowledge of the will of God in the minde And for such as haue more knowledge then the rest generally they are not answerable vnto it in practise for take a view of all the markets in the land and you shall hardly find a man that is to sell his graine that will be brought to abate one iot of the highest price no not vnto the poore that stand in extreame neede which as it argueth a bloodie and cruell heart so it sheweth our times to be euill da●es wherein men professe much and doe nought which sinne
Stephen giueth the reason hereof namely their hard hearts whereby they resisted the holy Ghost in the ministerie of the word for which God left them to themselues so as they ran headlong to this height of impiety to persecute Gods deerest seruants The like we may see in these our daies some that haue beene professors after long hearing breake forth into open Atheisme calling this into question whether there be a God and among others there is also to be seene as vile crueltie and oppression in their particular dealings and as abhominable filthinesse as is to be found among the heathen or Idolaters all which and many other enormous sinnes proceed from this that though men professe religion yet they denie subiection to the Gospel preached so as it is not in them a Word of power for which cause God in his iustice giues them vp to hardnes of heart to commit sinne without remorse And therefore if wee would escape the fearefull iudgement of a reprobate sense let vs labour with feare trembling to become obedient to the word which we heare for if we doe not glorifie God in the meanes wherein he offers grace and mercie God will bee sure to glorifie himselfe in our deserued confusion Vers. 13. Ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt haue lost his sauour c. In this verse and the rest to the 16. Christ propoundeth the second branch of his sermon touching the office of the Apostles and in them of all Ministers wherein his intent is to mooue them to diligence in preaching the will of God to all people The Coherence of this part with the former standeth thus Christ had shewed before in diuers precepts that many are blessed whervpon some might aske how they should attaine to this happines and to those graces of the Spirit which make them fit for that estate Christ here answers that the preaching of the Gospel is the principall meanes to worke in their hearts those graces to which true happines is promised And because it is an excellent priuiledge to bring men to this estate therfore he exciteth his disciples to diligence in this Ministerie by two Reasons drawne from the properties of this worke propounded in two similitudes The first is taken from salt in these words ye are the salt of the earth amplified in the words following to the ende of the verse The second is drawne from light ver 14. 15. For the first yee are the salt of the earth yee that is you whom I haue called to be Apostles and set apart for the worke of the Ministry are salt not properly but by resemblance yet not in regard of their persons but of their ministerie because hereby they were to season men for God and to make them sauourie both in heart and life Of the earth not of Iudea only but of the whole world as may appeare by their commission Math. 28. 19. Goe therefore and teach all Nations From this description both Ministers and people may learne their dutie First for Ministers by this title of salt heare giuen vnto them Christ would teach them first how they ought to dispence the word of God both Lawe and Gospell namely so as they labour therein to expresse the properties of salt whereto Christ alludeth in his Title Now the properties of salt applied to rawe flesh or fresh wounds are principally three First it will bite and fret being of nature hot and drie Secondly it makes meats sauourie vnto our taste Thirdly it preserueth meates from putrifaction by drawing out of them superfluous moistnesse The Apostles therefore and other Ministers being salt must not onely in generall deliuer the word of God vnto the people but withall applie the same particularly vnto mens hearts consciences as salt is applied vnto meat And that for three endes first the Law must be applied to rippe vp mens hearts to make them see their sinns it must fret and bite them by the curse thereof to cause them to renounce themselues and to crie with the Iewes Men and brethren what shall we doe Secondly the Gospel must be preached that men feeling their corruption like rottennes in their soules may by the blessing of the spirit be thereby seasoned with grace and so reconciled vnto God and made sauourie in his sight This is the end of the Ministrie 2. Cor. 5. 20. We are Embassadours for Christ as though God did beseech you through vs we pray you in Christs steed that you be reconciled vnto God Thirdly both the Law and the Gospel must bee continually dispensed that thereby sinne and corruption may be daiely mortified and consumed both in heart and life euen as superfluous humours are dried vp by salt And this is the right dispensing of Gods word for euery discourse vpon a text of Scripture is not preaching but he that so expoundeth and applyeth the word that his ministerie may be salt vnto his hearers he it is that preacheth the word indeede Secondly Christ calling his Disciples salt teacheth them and all ministers that they themselues ought first to be seasoned by the word for how can they fitly season others by applying this salt vnto their consciences who neuer felt the biting of it vpon their owne He that is vnseasoned himselfe may speake Gods word which God may blesse to the good of others but yet in respect of himselfe it is a riddle which can not be vnderstood Thirdly this Title giueth good direction to euery Minister for his manner of preaching for if the word of God alone be that sauory salt wherewith mans heart is seasoned for the Lord then it ought to be dispensed purely and sincerely without the mixture of humane inuentions This was Pauls care my word my preaching saith he stood not in the entising speach of mans wisedome but in plaine evidence of the spirit and of power that your faith should not be in the wisedome of men but in the power of God Experience teacheth vs that salt by mixture with other things looseth of his sauour and so is it with the word In deede there is a place for Arts and tongues and humane learning with euery dispenser of the word wherein he may vse them with great commendation to witte in his priuate preparation but not in the publique dispensation whereby he seasoneth mens hearts vnto God that the word of God alone must doe for to it alone belongs the promise of the spirit Isay. 59. 21. And therefore he must vse great discretion in this ministerie and labour so to speake that the spirit may take delight to accompanie the same Fourthly this Titile teacheth all Gods Ministers by patience to possesse their soules when the wicked doe fret and fume against them for their ministerie for this is a testimonie that their ministrcie is salt and bites their corrupt consciences as it ought to doe therefore they are to goe on with chearefulnes endeauouring more and more to season their hearers
herewith Secondly the people of God that heare his word may learne good instruction from this Title first hereby euery one may see what he is by nature namely like vnto flesh subiect to corruption nay as vnsauory flesh and stinking cation in the nostrels of God for els what needed this salt This therefore must mooue vs to lay aside all pride of heart whereby we thinke highly of our selues yea we must become base and lowly in our owne eies in regard of the vnsauourie tast of our naturall corruption else we shall neuer feele the seasoning vertue of Gods holy Ministerie Secondly euery one must hereby learne to suffer the word of reproofe whereby his heart and conscience may be ripped vp and his sores of sinne discouered when we haue a cut or a wound in our flesh we can be content to put salt vpon it to drie vp the noysome humours that otherwise would corrupt now can we endure the smart of salt for the health of our bodies and shall we not much more suffer the word of God to rip vp our sinnes and to mortifie the same for the saluation of our soules Thirdly euery one must giue all diligence to bee seasoned throughout with this heauenly salt that the thoughts of his heart the words of his mouth and the actions of his life may be all sauourie and acceptable vnto God in Christ yea in his conuersation with men hee must labour to shewe the power of this seasoning Coloss. 4. 6. Let your speech be gratious alwaies and powdred with salt that is seasoned by the word that it may sauour of grace to those that heare vs. If we liue vnder the Ministerie of the word and be not seasoned therewith our case is dangerous for therein it is of the nature of salt which causeth barrennesse where it seasoneth not as we may see in the practise of Abimelech who sowed salt in Shechem to make the groūd barren and the place despised But if the salt haue lost his sauour wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to bee cast out and troden vnder the foote of men Here Christ amplifieth the former reason whereby hee mooued his Apostles to sidelitie and diligence in their Ministerie by the danger of the contrarie infidelitie which is as vnsauourie salt incurable and vnprofitable and so subiect to a fearefull curse and therefore saith Christ you had neede to bee faithfull in seasoning the world by your Ministerie In this amplification we may obserue foure points First the ordinarie sinne that doth accompanie the calling of the Ministerie Secondly the danger of this sin Thirdly the vnprofitablenes of such a Ministerie Fourthly the iudgement of God due vnto it I. Point As other callings haue their seuerall faults so hath the calling of a Minister noted in these words If the salt haue lost his sauour c. Salt is said to become vnsauourie when it looseth that vertue and acrimonie which it hath in seasoning that flesh on which it is cast Now Ministers are as vnsauourie salt when they become vnprofitable in their Ministerie and either doe not or cannot dispense Gods word for the seasoning of mens soules that they may be acceptable to God and reconciled vnto him in Christ. In this calling there bee especially foure kinds of vnsauourie salt First the blind watch-men that haue no knowledge and dumb dogges that cannot barke that is such as either cannot or if they can will not dispense Gods word for the saluation of mens soules Secondly Hereticall Teachers who preach false and damnable doctrine such as doth not season but poison and destroie the soule such were the false Prophets among the Iewes who enticed to Idolatrie Deut. 30. 1 2. and the false Apostles and Heretiks in the Primitiue Church whose words did fret as a canker and destroyed the faith of many And such are the Romish teachers at this day and the Iesuits and Seminaries among vs who though they be qualified with many good gifts of learning yet by mingling the word of God with their owne inuentions and humane traditions they rase the foundation they become vnsauourie salt and hereticall Teachers And here by the way who cannot but wonder that students in Diuinitie should so much affect the Postils and Comments of Friers and Popish writers as they doe doubtlesse it argueth that the word of God hath not seasoned their hearts for where such vnsauourie salt hath relish the wholesome doctrine of Gods word hath neuer seasoned Thirdly they are vnsauourie salt who teach true doctrine but yet misapplie the same Many such were in the Church of the Iewes in the daies of Ieremie and Ezekiel who much complaine of sowing pillowes vnder the elbowes of the wicked by preaching peace vnto them when they should haue called to repentance by the discouerie of their sinnes and the denunciation of Gods iudgements as also for making sad the hearts of those whom God hath not made sadde And such are those at this day who haue sinooth tongues in respect of sinne and yet are full of bitter inuectiues against the better sort By this meanes the word of God looseth his acrimonie and sharpnesse whereby the wicked should be awaked out of their slumber of securitie and the godly further seasoned and made more acceptable vnto God Fourthly they are vnsauourie salt who though they teach the truth and generally applie it well doe yet lead vngodly and scandalous liues for an offensiue and vnsauourie conuersation in the Teacher doth hinder the seasoning vertue of the word of his Ministerie in the hearts of the people and his doctrine cannot so much edifie as his course of life destroyeth because naturall men regard not so much what is said as what is done This beeing so all Gods Ministers and those also that destinate themselues to this calling must haue speciall care so to bee qualified for this worke and so to preach the word of God that it may be sauourie in the hearts and consciences of them that heare it This is a matter of great importance as well in respect of the Minister as of the people and thus shall it appeare that they are not onely no vnsauourie salt but euen such as doe season others II. Point The danger of this sinne in beeing vnsauourie salt that is vnfaithfull in the Ministerie is very great noted in these words wherewith shall it be salted Some referre this salting to the earth as if Christ had said wherewith shall the earth be salted but it doth more truely belong to the salt it selfe as Mark. 9. 5. Salt is good but if the salt be vnsauourie wherewith shall it that is the salt it selfe be seasoned Againe the interrogation wherewith imports a vehement deniall as if Christ should say If salt once loose his naturall propertie of saltnesse it can neuer be recouered now vnfaithfull and vnprofitable Ministers are vnsauourie salt and therefore their danger is exceeding great
shined forth to others And at this day they offend this way that will not abase themselues in their Ministerie to speake plainely to the meancapacitie of the simple yea they also put the light vnder a bushell who beeing fit for this Ministerie doe spend their daies wholly in the Vniuersities except it bee that they want a calling into the Church and haue a lawefull calling for their staie in the Vniuersities and though men haue not such meanes of calling forth as were to be wished yet they that liue in Schooles of Learning ought to shew themselues willing to become lights abroad in the Church saying with the Prophet Isaie when his lippes were touched with a cole from the Altar Here am I Lord send me In a word all persons in this calling that any way hide their gifts are here blamed for they are lights which should not be hidde From these comparisons wherein Christ sets out the open state of his Apostles to the viewe of the world the Papists do gather that the Church of God cannot be hid and therefore visibilitie must needs be the note of a true Church But we must knowe that Gods Church may sometime lie hid in regard of the word and the Ministerie thereof as it did in the daies of Elias and in the time when Poperie spread it selfe ouer these Westerne parts Neither doth this place make ought against vs for Christ here speakes of his Apostles and of their ministerie properly which could not be hid and not of euery ordinarie Minister who are not lights of all the world as the Apostles were but onely in their particular standing Secondly the Ministerie is a light yet not alwaies shining to the whole world and therefore it is added in the second similitude that it giueth light to them that are in the house that is in the Church of God And so in the darkenesse of Poperie the Ministerie of the Gospel was hidde from the world and yet it gaue some light to the hidden Church the house of God to shew them their calling and the meanes of saluation Now as these similitudes concerne the Ministers so they may well be enlarged to euery Christian in his place for in this regard the Minister is a patterne to his people and many times in Scripture others besides the Ministers are called lights 2. Sam. 21. 17. Dauid is called the light of Israel not onely for the comfort of his Regiment but also as he was a King by his vpright life he gaue light to the people wherof he was gouernour And so answerably all Superiours in their places must be lights the publike magistrate to the common wealth the master to his seruants parents to their children and euery Christian to his brother Philip. 2. 5. Shine as lights in the world in the middest of a naughtie and crooked nation This therefore is our dutie if we be Christians as we must labour to get the knowledge of Gods will into our hearts so must we cause the power thereof to shine forth in the example of a good life whereby others may be directed in the darkenesse of this world But alas here in the case of many is lamentable who thorough ignorance and disobedience be yet in darkenesse these must bee taken out of their places as darke candles and troden vnder foote and so cast into eternall darkenesse where they shall flame in woe for euermore Vers. 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your father which is in heaven This is the conclusion of this reason where by shining is meant ministeriall teaching whereby they make knowne Gods will vnto his people wherewith he also requireth answerable practise in a godly life as if he should say Seeing by your calling you are so conspicuous to the world therefore looke to the euidence of your Ministerie and to the holinesse of your liues that so the people may not onely heare your doctrine but also see your good workes and thereby be mooued to follow the same and so to glorifie God in heauen A most worthy conclusion wherein obserue two points touching the ministerie of the word First in what manner Ministers must teach the word Secondly the ende of all teaching For the first Gods word must first be preached that men may heare it secondly therewith must goe an vnblameable conuersation bringing forth good workes that men therein may see the will of God Here then are two parts of a ministers office Doctrine and good life and they must goe together in him that is a good Minister Hee that teacheth to write will first giue rules of writing to his schollers and then set them copies to followe and so doth euery master in his Art there is no learning of any thing vnlesse examples goe with rules Againe God will haue men to learne his will two waies by Hearing and Seeing the Minister therefore that is to teach Gods will must not onely by doctrine instruct the eare but by a godly life exemplifie his doctrine vnto the eie 1. Tim. 4. 12. Be vnto them that beleeue an example in word and in conuersation In regard of this double charge that lies on euery Minister the people for their parts must remember in all their praiers to ●raue of God that the Ministers may be enabled to teach Gods wil both in doctrine and life The Apostle Paul doth sundrie times require the Churches to whom he writ to pray for him in regard of his Ministerie Now if so worthy an Apostle had need to bee praied for much more hath euery ordinarie Minister in Gods Church And great reason it should be so for the diuell stands at Iehoshuahs right hand to resist him he hindred Paul from comming to the Thessalonians Though he maligne euery beleeuer yet he aimes especially at the Minister that he may cause him to faile if not in teaching yet at least in the exemplifying of his doctrine by a sincere and godly conuersation Now because Christ requires of euery Minister besides teaching the euidence of good workes in a godly life therefore here I will handle this point of good workes and first shewe what a good worke is secondly the differences of good workes and then obserue the necessitie the dignitie and vse of good workes I. Point A good worke is a worke commanded of God and done by a man regenerate in faith for the glorie of God in mans good First I say it is a worke commanded of God for Gods will is goodnesse it selfe and the Rule of all goodnesse in the creature and euery good thing is therfore good because it is answerable to the will of God no worke therfore can be good vnlesse it be appointed ordained and commanded of God men indeed may inuent and doe many good workes but they shall haue no goodnesse in them vnlesse they doe accord with Gods wil. Again good works must be done in
must be opened namely what is Adulterie here forbidden Adulterie properly is the breach of wedlocke by such parties some one whereof at the least is either maried or espoused I call it the breach of wedlocke to note the propertie of this sinne which is not in any other sinne vnlesse it be of this kinde though the sinne bee farre more grieuous Idolatrie is a more hainous sinn● then Adulterie beeing a breach both of the first and second commaundement of the first Table and yet it comes short of Adulterie in this qualitie of breaking wedlocke for wedlocke may bee kept of those which are Idolaters Secondly I say betweene any parties if one bee maried meaning the husband as well as the wife to confute the opinion of some Iewes and by some lawes also maintained that the man hath a priuiledge aboue the woman so as hee breaketh not wedlocke when he goeth in to another woman besides his wife which is false for though he haue a prerogatiue ouer his wife in beeing her head yet hee hath no priuiledge to free him from matrimoniall fidelitie but is as much bound to keepe himselfe vnto his wife as she is to keepe her selfe to him The preheminence of superioritie cannot free the husband frō the bond of mariage the husband is bound to the wife as much as the wife is to the husband and shee hath power ouer his bodie as much as he hath ouer hers 1. Cor. 7. 4. Thirdly I say or espoused because Adulterie is not onely committed by such parties whereof one or both be fully maried but also by them whereof one is single and the other contracted onely and therefore is the same punishment alotted to both for contract in right is mariage Thus wee see the sinne here directly forbidden according to the letter of the Law Now though the Lord vnder this one includes all the sinnes of the same kind as we shall anone perceiue yet the Pharises tooke this litterall signification for the whole meaning and taught that the sinne here forbidden was bodily adulterie onely and so made the adulterie of the heart to be no adulterie which exposition Christ here confutes First here obserue the fraud and cunning of these Pharises they would seeme faithfull interpreters of the Law in that they keep themselues so close to the words that they will not passe one iot beyond the litterall sense but yet in the meane time they omit the full meaning and true vse of this Law The like hath beene the practise of heretiks in all ages as the Arrians who denied that Christ was God stucke fast to these words of Scripture the father is greater then I and to such like And the Papists to vphold their breaden God by transubstantiation will needes keepe tke litterall sense of these words of Christ This is my bodie whereby they ouerturne the nature of that sacrament And the like might be shewed by sundrie examples in all ages whereby we are taught not to stand vpon the proprietie of the words of Scripture onely but to labour to haue the true spirituall sense ioyned with them Secondly here obserue how grieuous a sinne Adulterie is in that Christ by name doth expresly forbid it among all the sinnes of this kind yea the very Pharises doe euery where condemne it for though they would easily dispense with disobedience to Parents yet the woman taken in Adulterie must be put to death Iohn 8. 4 5. The greatnes of this sinne might be shewed by many arguments for if he be worse thou an infidel that careth not for his familie then farre worse is the Adulterer for he destroyeth his familie Salomon we know maketh Adulterie worse then theft and yet theft is a notorious sinne greatly hated and seuerely punished of all nations Againe Adulterie destroyeth the Seminarie of the Church which is a godly seed in the familie and it breaketh the couenant betweene the parties and God it robs another of the pretious ornament of chastitie which is a gift of the holy Ghost it dishonoureth their bodies and maketh them the temples of the diuell and the Adulterer maketh his familie a Stewes for as Dauid dealt with Vrias so his owne sonne Absalon dealt with him and lastly it bringeth Gods vengeance vpon the posteritie and therefore Iob calleth it a fir● which shall deuoure vnto destruction yea the greatnesse of Gods punishment vpon Adulterers partly in this life and principally after death may plainely shew the greatnesse of this sinne for this and other sinnes God in his wrath ouerthrewe Admah and Zebomi Sodome and Gomorrah with five and brimston●● from heauen and the place where they stood it made a poole of poysoning water vnto this day And although the Lord doe not shew such extraordinary reuenge against sinne yet his wrath is a consuming fire against whole families townes and kingdomes for this sinne though Dauid repented of his Adulterie yet for that very sinne the sword must not depart from his house for euer And for the life to come Adulterers and wh●rem●ngers God will Iudge Againe neither fornicators nor adulterers c. shall inherit the kingdome of God they may indeed repent and so bee saued but then they cease to be adulterers Now if Adulterie be so grieuous a sinne worser then theft c. then we must wish that in all places it were as seuerely punished as theft is so would families be reformed and become good Seminaries both for Church and common wealth Secondly the grieuousnesse of Gods wrath against this sinne must admonish euery one to beware thereof for it brings the besome of destruction to sweepe all away both in Church and common wealth Verse 28. But I say vnto you that whosoeuer looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adulterie with her alreadie in his heart Here our Sauiour Christ laies down the true sense of this commandement and as we see hee speaketh as the Law-giuer and Prophet of his Church who hath absolute power to giue lawes and to expound the same But I say vnto you The Pharises said there was no adultery but that which was outward and bodily but Christ plainely confuteth that and saith he that looketh on a woman to lust after her that is either in looking on her lusteth or by looking lusteth after her that is desireth to increase his lust he hath committed adulterie with her alreadie in his heart Here then our Sauiour Christ setteth down two things touching the interpretation of this law First the occasion of adulterie which is looking to lust Secondly that the ●ust of the heart that is the motion and inward inclination of the heart vnto this sinne is adulterie before God though it neuer come into action For the occasion To looke vpon a woman is not sinne but may bee done lawfully yea thereby a man or woman may glorifie God as the Queene of Sheba by beholding Salomons person and hearing his
occasions of sinne giuen by others that thereby he may enter into them for the destruction of their soules we therefore must endeauour as Paul did To keepe a good conscience in all things that is to keepe our selues pure and vncorrupt from all the occasions of sinne in the world with a watchfull eye against offences must walke on in that way that leadeth vnto life eschewing these stumbling blockes which the deuill casts in our way by other men and so shall we obey this good counsell of our Sauiour Christ. The second kind of occasions of sinne giuen are those which a man giues vnto himselfe and they arise either from his affections or from his imaginations from mans affections arise so many occasions of sinne as there be corrupt affections in him as from corrupt desire ariseth couetousnes which is so great an occasion of sinne that the Apostle calls it the roote of all euill This drawes mans heart so much to the world that he can spare no time for the meanes of his saluation herewith he is so choked that he neuer thinketh of repentance till the last gaspe Such an other occasion of sinne is pride of heart whereby many giue themselues so much to the garnishing of their bodies that they neglect their soules altogether The like is selfe-loue whereby men ouerweening their gifts thinke not themselues honoured according to their desert and so through discontent giue themselues to plotte and practise much mischiefe for the aduancing of their estate Of this sort are the Romish Priests and Iesuits as their manifold dangerous attempts against our Church and State doe euidently declare And thus we might runne through all the affections of mans heart shewing that the corrupt motions thereof are the cause of much sinne vnto him and a most dangerous meanes for the ruine of his soule In regard whereof here also we must snew how this eye may be plucked out and this hand cut off that is by what meanes we may reforme our hearts and stay the rage of our affections that they cause vs not to sinne The way is this we must mortifie and crucifie our vnruly affections and corrupt desires And for this ende we must put in practise three duties First we must beleeue that we are crucified with Christ that is as we conceiue our selues to be in Christ by faith whereby we haue communion with him so we must conceiue that this communion with Christ is in his death and buriall so as our sinnefull nature with all our corrupt affections were nayled to his crosse and buried in his graue as the Apostle shewes at large Rom. 6. 3 4. c. Now when this perswasion shall take place in our hearts it will by Gods grace keepe vs from yeilding to corrupt motions and desires and mooue vs to labour to subdue them daily for herein stands our assurance that wee haue fellowship with Christ when we haue fellowship in his death And therefore as we see malefactours to cease from stealth and robberie when they are once hanged so we beeing crucified with Christ in respect of the old man must not suffer the same to rule in our affections or to haue force in our members knowing as the Apostle saith that our old man is crucified with Christ that the bodie of sinne might be destroied that henceforth we should not serue sinne and they that are Christs haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof whereupon he bids vs thinke that we are dead to sinne meaning with Christ and so cannot liue therein S. Iohn saith he that is borne of God sinneth not because the seede remaineth in him that is true faith assuring the heart that all the benefits of Christs death and passion belong vnto him whereof this is one that in our nature he suffered death vpon the crosse that we by the power of his sufferings might haue sinne crucified in vs so as it should not raigne in vs to bring forth fruits vnto death Secondly we must remember Gods commandement forbidding euery sinne and euery wicked lust and affection and withall we must applie the threatning of his wrath against the same that thereby our flesh may be subdued Thirdly we must striue against our corrupt motions and affections not giuing them libertie to beare sway in vs but ruling them by meditating in the word of God and by prayer for strength of grace to ouercome them all dealing with them as parents doe with kniues turning the edges of them before they leaue them in the hands of their children least they be hurt therewith as if our loue be set vpon the world we must labour to set it vpon Christ and his righteousnes and if our hatred be against our brethren we must labour to set it vpon sinne and so for euery affection as ioy feare c. we must so keepe them to their right obiects that they may rather further vs in well doing then become in vs the occasions of any sinne against God The second kind of occasions of sinne which a man giueth to himselfe arise from his minde and imagination And they are many I will onely note three The first is an inward conceit of perfect knowledge touching mans dutie to God and the way of his saluation that this is a common conceit in the hearts of the ignorant especially may appeare by this common speech of theirs that they know as much as any Preacher can teach them for the summe of al say they is to loue God aboue all and my neighbour as my selfe to beleeue to be saued by Christ now this they know as well as the best and hereupon they become contemners of the preaching of the word the ordinarie meanes of their saluation as of a thing needeles and superfluous This conceit is common among vs and doth much hurt to many a mans soule The way to cut it off is this the vaine man that is puffed vp with this conceit must examine himselfe touching his knowledge whether it be sufficient to his saluation And for this ende he must make inquirie in himselfe for these two things first whether he see his owne naturall blindnes and whether he be mooued thereby to labour for the knowledge of God and of his will where this is wanting there is nothing but a vaine conceit of knowledge Secondly whether his knowledge be ioyned with conuersion of heart from sinne vnto God and with reformation of life from euill to good This change of heart and life goeth with all sauing knowledge Now if these be wanting as vndoubtedly they are in all vaine persons then is their knowledge so farre from beeing sauing knowledge profitable to saluation that it rather turneth to their deeper condemnation The second Imagination in man occasioning him to sinne is the perswasion of his strong faith The more ignorant sort that want both faith and repentance will thus bragge of
simple manner for herein is that true that God hath chosen such things as to the world are foolish weake vile and despised to confound and bring to nought the wise and mightie things of the world and hereby also it is made euident that the faith of Gods elect doth not consist in the wisdome of men but in the power of God againe the preaching of the Gospel with the wisedome of words makes the crosse of Christ of none effect let no man therefore deceiue himselfe for the foolishnes of God is wiser then men and the weaknes of God stronger then men Againe he that doth exercise himselfe in the word of God either priuately or publiquely must labour thereby to see his owne sinnes and Gods heauie iudgement due vnto him for them and so will he beginne to reuerence Gods word as the onely meanes of true comfort The woman of Samaria at the first beganne to cauill with Christ when shee heard him talke of the water of life but so soone as he discouered her sinne to her conscience telling her shee had had fiue husbands and he whome shee now had was not her husband then shee left off to cauill and honoured him by beleeuing his word and causing others to come and to beleeue in him The Iewes made light of the giuing of the holy Ghost vnto the Apostles at the first but when Peter had pricked their hearts they sought vnto the word and receiued it with gladnes so the Iayler though ouer night he dealt vnkindly with the Apostles putting their feete in the stockes in the dungeon yet beeing stricken with a feare by the opening of the prison doores he then fell downe before them trembling and asked what he might doe to be saued Secondly others take occasion of offence from the contents of the Bible as when they read of the Miracles wrought by the Prophets by Christ and his Apostles they say the like may be done by Magicke and so blasphemously doe father vpon the Scripture that most wicked practise of sorcerie like to the malicious Iewes who said of Christ that he cast out deuills by the power of Beelzebub Luk. 11. 15. Others denie the Historie of Moses to be true by reason of Noahs Arke which they say as it is described for quantitie could not containe a couple of euery kind of creatures with prouision and fodder for them for a whole years space of this opinion was Appelles an auncient heretike in the primitiue Church and many vpon these occasions haue become Atheists denying the truth of Gods word to their damnation To these I answer first for the Miracles that no creature men or Angels is able to doe such works as are recorded in Scripture to be done by the power of God Ioh. 9. Christ opened the eyes of one that was borne blind The deuill by his skill and man by Arte can doe much in curing blindnes caused by wounds and diseases but no power of nature nor of magick no not all the power of all Angels is sufficient to procure sight to one that was borne blind that must be done by a power creating which is in no creature Againe as Histories record the deuill is able to enter into a dead bodie and cause it to mooue and can speake in it but to raise vp one to life that had beene dead foure daies as Christ did Lazarus is a worke that all the deuills in hell nay all the Angels in heauen are not able to doe And for Appelles the heretike who tooke occasion from Noahs Arke to condemne the bookes of Moses the answer made to him in the Primitiue Church may serue the turne to wit that it was in quantitie sufficient to containe couples of all kindes of creatures and prouision for them for a whole yeares space for to omit the height and breadth of it it was three hundred cubits long and euery cubit according to the auncient measure contained nine foote which in all came to the length of halfe a mile and more Againe others say that though euery cubit had beene but one foote and an halfe long as our cubits are yet hauing three lofts it was of sufficient bignesse to containe all kinds of creatures by couples and prouision for them for a yeares space But yet put the case that we could not tell how an Arke should be made great enough to containe couples of all kinds of creatures and prouision for them should we thereupon take occasion to condemne the bookes of God that record the same and the thing it selfe God forbidde nay rather we must hereby learne to acknowledge and confesse our owne blindnesse and the shallow reach of our vnderstanding and so admire the wonderfull worke of God The way to cut off this occasion of offence taken from the Scripture is first to obserue that howsoeuer nothing is more repugnant to our nature then the word of God yet the same word of God hath more preuailed with many mens hearts to winne the same vnto it then any thing in the world besides could euer doe Humane writings are farre more plausible to naturall men then the holy Scriptures of God for the wisdome of God in Scripture is esteemed foolishnesse to mans naturall reason and yet who did euer cleaue so fast to the writings of men as Gods children haue done to the word of God for the testimonie whereof they haue beene and are content to liue and die This thing argueth plainely that there is in Scripture a diuine power for if it had beene from man and against his nature as it is man would haue contemned it Secondly this must be considered that the penmen of holy Scriptures both the Prophets and Apostles haue recorded their owne faults in penning of it which plainely argueth that they were penned by holy men of God according to the direction of the holy Ghost and are not the inuentions of politique heads to keepe men in awe for then the Authors and penmen thereof would rather haue concealed their owne faults then haue published the same in their owne workes to their discredit Lastly consider the subiect and matter of the whole Bible to wit Iesus Christ who therein hath professed himselfe to be the Sonne of God now if Christ had not beene very God and yet should haue taken that honour vnto him then the like iudgements would haue befallen him that befell others for the like offence for none euer tooke that honour vnto them who were not grieuously punished As was Adam in Paradise for seeking to be like vnto God and Herod for receiuing and applying to himselfe the blasphemous praise of the people crying The voice of God and not of man but howsoeuer most fearefull iudgements befell Gods enemies that thus sought to robbe him of his honour yet Christs ende was glorious and blessed which may mooue vs to thinke highly of Scripture as of the word
vs giues vs liuing beeing and moouing Secondly this teacheth vs to conceiue aright of Gods holy prouidence to wit that God in regard of his substance is in euery place giuing beeing life and moouing to all things that be liue and mooue preseruing thē killing thē at his pleasure doing whosoeuer he wil. Thirdly this consideration of Gods essentiall presence serues to kindle in our hearts that feare of God which is the ground of true obedience in all estates If God shall laie vpon vs any affliction either in body or minde friends or goods let vs then consider the essentiall presence of God laying that crosse vpon vs and it will strike into our hearts a reuerent feare of God and mooue vs to patience meeknes contentation yea it wil cause vs to hūble our selues vnder his hand for the cause why men flie not to God by humbling themselues in their afflictions is because they thinke God is farre off Again if in prosperity we consider Gods essentiall presence with vs giuing vnto vs all good things it will make vs thankefull so much we doe vnto man when we bee in his presence that hath bestowed a fauour vpō vs we readily addresse our selues to thankefulnes and shall we not doe so to God In a word this holy meditation of Gods presence will make vs to humble our selues vnto God and to rest contented with his good will and pleasure Fourthly if God in essence be present euery where then it is needelesse to make choice of places in regard of holinesse for the worshippe of God for one place is no more neare to God then an other which confutes the vanitie of Popish Pilgrimages to cheife places for religious worship and it checketh also the blind opinion of many among vs who thinke the Church is the onely place of praier and other parts of Gods worship whereupon they neuer regard to pray in their priuate houses But God is in thee and in thy house as well as in the Church and therefore thou maist lift vp pure hands vnto God in all places and must pray at home as wel as in the Church alwaies prouided that thou honour Gods ordinance in the publike assemblies Fiftly if God be euery where then we must labour to haue hearts affected with this perswasion that wheresoeuer we be God is present with vs. This lesson God taught Abraham Gen. 17. 1. Walke before me and be vpright and this Enoch had learned long before Gen. 5. 24. and therfore was reported of that he had pleased God Heb. 11. 5. now where this perswasion taketh place 〈◊〉 will strike the heart with a reuerend feare and awe towards God making a man thus to reason God is present with me how then should I doe this euill in his sight Oh that this thought did run in our minds in the time of temptation then by Gods grace we should feare to sinne and endeauour to walke before God in all holy obedience as his seruants haue done Many are shamelesse in sinning which comes from the want of this perswasion of Gods presence which should strike this feare into their hearts as we may see Gen. 20 11. Psal. 10. 3. 4. 11. and 94. 6 7. Sixtly this knowledge of Gods presence serues to quiet and strengthen their hearts that are troubled with feare of the deuill thus they must reason with themselues the Lord my God is present with me both in power and essence he can bind Satan and he will keepe those that trust in him from the snare of the hunter wherefore then should I be afraid Secondly is the earth the Lords footestoole then while we liue here vpon the earth our liues ought to be a daily practise of humiliation and repentance when good subiects come before the chaire of estate especially if the Prince be present then they bowe their bodies to testifie their loyall subiection vnto their Prince shall man doe this to man and shall not we whose dwelling is at the Lords footstoole much more humble our selues When Dauids wrath was kindled against Nabal Abigail Nabals wife beeing wiser then her husband went to meete Dauid with a present and so soone as shee saw him shee light off her asse and fell downe on her face and bowed her selfe to the ground and fell at his feete and be sought him humbly to forget the trespasse and to stay his hand from blood so likewise when Iacob met his brother Esau he bowed himselfe seauen times to mooue him to compassion towards him and his family how much more then ought we to bowe our selues before the Lord who haue ten thousand fold more deserued his wrath then Nabal did Dauids or Iacob Esaus and besides our humble walking before him at his footstoole here on earth may giue vs assurance that one day he will place vs on his throne in glorie in the heauens But if we walke proudly before him in the practise of sinne being at his footstoole let vs know that he hath feete like vnto fierie brasse burning in a furnance Revel 1. 15. vnder which he will trample all his enemies and make them his footestoole Psal. 110. 1. The third inhibition is from swearing by Ierusalem the reason is for it is the citie of the great King that is the citie of God the king of kings for God had chosen the Iewes to be his peculiar people and Ierusalem for his holy citie where he had his Temple and sacrifices for his solemne worship Now here obserue that at this time the Temple was made a denne of theeues and many of the Scribes and Iewish teachers were notable Heretikes erring against the foundation of religion yea the people were rebellious and wicked as Steuen plainly telleth them Act. 7. 51. and yet Christ here calleth Ierusalem the citie of God and so the people Gods people though they for their parts had forsaken God The reason hereof is this because neither the Iewes nor any other doe then presently cease to be the people of God when they by sinne cut off themselues from God and forsake him but then doe they cease to be Gods people when God forsakes them and cuts them off from him like as in the state of matrimonie when either man or wise commits adulterie that partie breakes the bond of mariage and as much as in him lieth cuts off himselfe from the other but yet while the partie innocent retaines matrimoniall affection towards the partie offending and giues not a Bill of diuorce they still remaine man and wife This appeares in these Iewes whome neither Christ himselfe did then forsake when they reiected him for he praied for them when they crucified him nor yet his Apostles till they saw in them manifest signes of incurable obstinacie Act. 13. 46. This point must be remēbred as seruing to rectifie our iudgements touching the state of a Church or people that haue many grieuous wants and faults
and of an earthly flourishing kingdome vnder him Thus also hath the deuill dealt with other heathen people The Romans in Italie haue beene euer grosly addicted to superstition sorcerie and idolatrie as heathen writers doe testifie Now though God vouchsafed them his true Religion in the primitiue Church yet the deuil perceiuing their naturall disposition to superstition hath so tempered the truth of God among them with a naturall and superstitious religion that now they abound as much in idolatrie and superstition as euer they did when they were heathen The like malitious practise doth the deuil shew among the Protestants where the Gospel is truely preached for though hee cannot as hee desires corrupt religion in the mouthes of the Teachers yet hee weakens it greatly in the hearts of men both Teachers and hearers causing them so farre forth onely to receiue it as it is sutable to their nature and disposition but where it crosseth their humours there to leaue it Is not this euident for he that embraceth the truth with his heart will frame his life according to it but generally the entertainment of religion is onely formall for though men professe it yet they liue in their sinnes they make it to i●mpe with their naturall disposition hauing indeede a shew of godlinesse but they want the power thereof and so in them religion is vaine Iam. 1. 26. Whereby we must be aduertised to take heed of this policie of the deuil and whereas he labours to transforme religion to mens dispositions wee on the contrarie must endeauour in all things to transforme our selues into religion obeying that forme of doctrine whereunto we are deliuered Rom. 6. 17. Secondly in these Scribes and Pharises we obserue the propertie of a bad Teacher namely to transforme himselfe and his doctrine to the custome and maners of the people when as the people should be transformed into his doctrine and practise according to godlinesse Hereof the Lord admonisheth Ieremie Let them returne to thee but returne not thou to thē for it was the practise of the false prophets in his time thus to strengthen the hands of the wicked and it is a common fault in many Teachers that they frame themselues both for doctrine practise to the custome and manners of the people but this is the deuils policie whereby he ouerthroweth religion and destroyeth mens soules Verse 39. But I say vnto you resist not euill but whosoeuer shall strike thee on thy right cheeke turne to him the other also In this and the three next verses Christ confutes the false interpretation of this law The summe of his answer stands in two points the first is an inhibition resist not euill which is explained by three examples in the words following The second is a cōmandement to requite good for euill vers 42. For the first by euill is meant the iniurie or wrong that is done to man or more properly the euil one that is the euill man that doth the wrong Resist not that is rise not against the euill one to requite like for like according to the iniurie he hath done vnto thee so much the word signifieth Now Christ forbiddeth not resisting by a lawfull defence but by way of priuate reuenge for he speaketh to his Disciples and to priuate men saying I say vnto you which heare as Saint Luke hath it Ch. 6. 27. Yet further to cleare this interpretation wee must know the Scripture mentioneth two kinds of reuenge Publike and Priuate Publike reuenge is when the Magistrate according to iustice and the law of God punisheth an euill person that wrongeth his brother Priuate reuenge is when those that are no Magistrates wil reuenge themselues on such as doe them wrong The publike reuenge is allowed by Saint Paul calling the Magistrate Gods minister for the executing of reuenge vpon euill doers Priuate reuenge is forbidden by the same Apostle Reuenge not thy selfe Now by this doctrine it is plaine that our Sauiour Christ here forbidding reuenge meaneth not publike but priuate reuenge First here we see those men confuted who thinke it vnlawfull for a Christian to be a Magistrate to execute reuenge vpon malefactors by the sword or to make warre against the common enemies these men are deceiued by mistaking this text which forbiddeth onely priuate not publik reuenge Secōdly here we see that al priuate reuenge is flatly condemned as a sinne against the sixt commandement This point must be remembred because it is our naturall opinion and our hearts desire to requite like for like in priuate cases when wee are iniuried Now that wee may see more into this sinne we are to knowe that priuate reuenge is two-folde Inward and Outward Inward priuate reuenge is a purpose in the heart to doe a man an euill turne this is commonly called the bearing of a grudge and it is here condemned Outward reuenge is when the spite of the heart comes into action either by word or deede by word when a man giues out threatning speeches as that hee will sit on his skirt or be euen with him if it lie in his lot and such like or vseth cursing speeches as a plague take thee a murraine or pestilence light vpon thee or raileth or chideth calling another knaue villaine c. By deede and action men shew outward reuenge when they be at a word and a blowe vsing to fight and to strike one another by way of priuate reuenge Hereto also we may referre an ordinarie bad practise of some Magistrates and Superiours though it may be few thinke it to be a fault to wit when the Magistrate doth aggrauate the punishment vpon a malefactour for some priuate grudge he beareth to him for then hee vseth priuate reuenge as also when Parents or Masters correct their seruants and children in furie and rage for though they be publike persons in this regard yet to giue correction in a chollericke moode is to ease the heart by way of reuenge Here then wee must learne that wee may not requite euill for euill in thought word or deede to those that doe vs wrong any manner of way but must rather suffer iniurie and referre the reuenge vnto God that iudgeth righteously And because this dutie goes against our naturall disposition I will vse some reasons to perswade our hearts to yeeld vnto it First the Apostle teacheth out of Deuteronomie that vengeance is the Lords if then we shal priuately reuenge our selues we rob God of his right so sinne against the first commandement Secondly in the next words he addeth and I will repay saith the Lord where God takes vpon him to be our debter in the case of iniustice and therefore when we are wronged wee must not be rash to reuenge our selues but must waite with patience vpon the Lord laying downe our iniurie at his feet for he will repaie in due time to them that
praier 1. Meere babling when words are vsed for praier which containe neither requests vnto God nor giuing of thanks such are many Popish praiers and such is the vse of the Aue Maria among our common people for it is the s●●ut●tion of the Angel Gabriel to the virgin Marie calling her by commission from God to bee the mother of Christ which words none since that daie had warrant to vse to the virgin Marie onely they are to be read as a part of that historie yea the rehearsall of the tenne Commandements and of the Creede for prayers is but meere babling 2. Praiers made in ignorance are here condemned thus the Popish sort offend who vse to praie vnto God in an vnknowne tongue and thus many sinne that vse the Lords praier without vnderstanding of the words 3. Cold and d●ll praying is here condemned when the lippes drawe neere vnto God but the heart is no whit affected therewith 〈◊〉 this is a common vico and some ●aint hereof may euery man finde 〈◊〉 his owne 〈◊〉 ●●w Superstitious● prayers when a● Gods worship 〈◊〉 measured ou● by see numbers This is the Popish practise answerable to their doctrine that the rehear●ing of so many Pa●er ●osters Au●●s Dirges Masses and such like are effectuall with God to procure such and such things this opinion takes place with our common people for they thinke God is serued by the worke done if the words bee said all is 〈…〉 Rash praying without due preparation is here conden 〈…〉 wh●● men pray onely on the suddaine by the motion of the spir●● 〈◊〉 they vse to speake too many are of this minde allowing no set forme of prayer to any sort but howsoeuer conceiued prayer bee most comfortable yet without due preparation of the heart it is most subiect to vaine repetitions 6. Rash vowes especially of things not lawfull ●or aboue our power 7. Rash wishes of good or euill beeing frame● according to ou● carnall affections and not by the word of God And in a word all vaine and s●perfluous speech in any manner of inuocation wherein the heart is not affected according to the will of God all which must be remembred for they shew plainely that ou● common praiers are farre short of that which the Lord requireth and alloweth Here ●ome will say If so many things be dis●llowed in praier how shall we speake aright in prayer Answ. As the Apost●● Paul said of singing so say I of prayer it must bee with grace in our hearts and all our words both for measure and number must be tempered thereto no more ought to be vsed in praier thē may serue to expresse further in o●● selue● or others some 〈◊〉 ward grace of God a●●●●h repen●●n●● ●●ale of Gods glorie c. Eccles 5. ● Be not rush 〈◊〉 thy mouth ●●●let thine heart be hastie to vtter a thing before God for God i● i● heauen and thou art ●n earth therefore let thy words be ●e●e where wee haue expresse command not only to prepare our hearts but our words also when we come before God in prayer that they be such as may expresse some grace of our hearts As the heathen In this instance we may note that 〈…〉 hon had some ●n sight into matters of religon for first they knowe there was a God and that the same God must bee worshipped Secondly they practised many excellent vertues of the second Table as Iustice both in word and deede liberalitie con●●●en●●e ●●delit●e and such like ● ye● they cared to ●o some duties of the first Table as here we see they praied vnto God and some of them 〈…〉 this 〈…〉 they obtained hereby some temporall blessings The heathen Mariners that carried I●●●● towards Tarshish praied vnto God and obtained safetie and Ahab a wicked Idolater humbled himselfe vnto God in prayer and fasting and obtained a temporall freedome from a fearefull iudgement Now the consideration of this point serues to checke many among vs who thinke that God will hold thē excused because they meane wel do no man harme they plead that they are no adulterers thieues nor outragious offenders but all this the heathen man can doe and yet he is but in a damnable case for though these be good things yet they wil not bring any man to saluation we must therfore get faith in Christ and from th●●ce practise all Christian vertues For they thinke to be heard by their much babling These words are a reason of the former commandement wherein we may note 3. opinions of the heathen concerning God 1. They thought that God was like earthly mā who might be instructed perswaded by words 2. They denied Gods prouidence were not perswaded that God saw thē or regarded their estate therfore they vsed many words to acquaint him therwith 3. They thought by the force of words to preuaile with God Hence we may learne these instructions 1. That though the heathen knew there was a God yet they turned him into an idoll when they worshipped him and therefore Paul saith they were without God in the world for they made him like vnto man without any prouidence perswa●●●● also by m●ns reason and by many words 2. By these opinions of the heathen touching Gods we may gather that there was not alwaies in the olde Testament an vniuersall grace giuen to all whereby they might be s●ued if they would for if they had had any such grace they would neuer haue thought so grosly of God as they did one sparke of true knowledge of the M●ssi●s would haue exp●lled all these carnall conceits of God out of mens hearts and therefore howsoeuer the heathen had so much knowledge of God as made them without excuse yet we are to hold that before Christs comming they were left to themselues and forsaken of God in his iust iudgment in regard of his speciall grace and fauour ● By ●●●se heathen wee may see what bee our naturall conceits of God 〈◊〉 our nature is the same with theirs therfore of our selues we thinke God to be like some old man sitting in heauen without any regard of vs at all and when w●● haue all things needfull wee will trust in God but when meanes faile wee forsake him straight and th●● w●● shewe by vsing vnlawfull meanes to helpe our selues in the time of distresse as by ●●●king to wit●●●s c. Lastly naturally wee thinke wee can preuaile with God by our words The Papists teach that the saying of fiue words na● hoc est corpus meum will turne the bread and wine in the Sacrament into the bodie and blood of Christ and it is the common opinion of our ignorant people that the saying of words pleaseth God they thinke that the words of Scripture written or spoken haue vertue in them to doe strange things and this is one maine ground of all the practises of sorcerie which be
their heart before others in that order which were meete Now to make supplie of all these wants a set forme of praier is to be vsed whereunto all the powers of bodie and soule may be well fitted III. Reason The ancient Church of God long before the time of Poperie vsed a set forme of praier indeede for the first three hundred yeares after Christ by reason of continuall persecution they could not doe so but after those times there was a set forme of praier vsed in all Churches in so much as the souldiers in the field had their set praiers And in many Councels it was decreed that no Church should vse any forme of praier but such as was allowed and appointed and that for these causes first that there might be an vniformitie in the solemne worship of God and secondly that the ignorance and negligence of many Pastors might be preuented who otherwise would haue omitted this dutie in their congregations and therefore there was then set downe a generall forme of Confession of faith of praier and thanksgiuing and of administration of the Sacraments Now considering set praier is Gods ordinance and the imperfections of man require it and the same hath beene so long vsed in former ages I doubt not to affirme the same to be both profitable and necessarie whereby we may see how blinde and rash they are who tearme set prayer an abominable Idol and as loathsome vnto God as swines ●lesh was to the Iewes These be loathsome and vnreuerend tearmes but that we may know their follie and error the better let vs here scanne their principall Reasons against set praier and they be two I. To read a sermon penned by an other is no preaching and therefore to repeate a set praier is no praier Ans. The reason is naught for in reading a penned sermon a man cannot expresse the gift of prophesie but in reading a set praier he may shew the gift of praier as namely a touched heart for his sinnes an hungring desire after grace and a thankfull heart for Gods mercies and herein doth praier consist and not in the words II. Reason We must pray freely as the spirit mooues vs and therefore to vse set formes of praier is to stint and quench the good motions of the spirit Ans. This reason were somewhat if euery one receiued such a portion and measure of the spirit as did inable him hereunto but seeing in this life we haue but the first fruits thereof and not the tenths as one saith we are to vse all good helps to make supplie vnto our wants for in the practise of holy duties we are like vnto a man that is newly recouered of some grieuous sicknes who can walke in his chamber yet not by himselfe alone but either with his staffe or leaning vpon an other mans shoulder euen so we beeing weake and feeble in praier had neede of the helpe of set formes of praier to hold vp our feeble hands vnto God and therefore it is requisite for men to vse set formes of praier at least for the matter and order thereof in their owne hearts yea and many times it is needefull for some to vse set praiers for words for many that haue true grace in their hearts want vtterance to expresse it and if they might not vse set formes of praier they should be depriued of many great comforts especially when they pray with others So that if the heart be rightly prepared thereto set praier doth not quench but helpe the weake gifts of the spirit both in the heart and tongue By this then we see that neither our Church nor any other where a set forme of diuine seruice is established is therefore to be blamed because the same is both necessarie and profitable Secondly here we see that it is meete and necessarie we should haue some set forme of prayer in our hearts according to our peculiar estates whereby we may expresse vnto God our particular wants and craue supplie thereof particularly some thinke we must onely pray vpon extraordinarie instinct and motion of the spirit but so many be our wants that vnlesse we prepare our selues before hand we cannot pray aright and therfore to auoid many distractions and lets in our mind heart and vtterance it shall be sound needeful to prescribe vnto our selues a set forme of praier we are content to keepe a set order for our diet and apparell and why should we not doe it in praier which concernes the comfort and refreshing of our soules A second thing to be gathered from this commandement is this That the Lords praier is the most excellent forme of praier that is or can be made by any creature for it was indited and propounded by the sonne of God who is the wisdome of the father Now the excellencie of it stands in these things I. in the pithie shortnes of it for in few words it compriseth endlesse matter II. in the perfection of it for it containeth in it whatsoeuer is to be asked in prayer in which respect it is well called of one the abridgement of the whole Gospel III. in the order thereof which hereafter we shall see in the resolution of it IV. in the acceptation it hath with God the father for it containeth the words of Christ his sonne in whome the Father is well pleased Use. 1. The excellencie of this praier sheweth plainly that if any set forme of praier may be vsed then this may being indited by the Mediatour of the Church And therefore the Anabaptists of our daies are fouly deceiued who denie the vse hereof for a praier whē as before this time for the space of fifteene hundred yeares after Christ there was neuer any that disallowed it Secondly hence we see that the practise of those preachers is commendable who vse to conclude their prayers with the Lords prayer for hereby as by a most perfect and excellent praier the wants and imperfections of our prayers are supplied Thirdly whereas some would gather from the perfection and excellencie of this prayer that it alone is sufficient to be vsed they are deceiued for Christs intent was rather to commend this prayer vnto vs for matter and manner then for the words thereof Againe though it be a most perfect prayer yet it is only generall but euery true beleeuer must haue particular prayers whereby in speciall forme and manner his particular estate and condition may be made knowne vnto the Lord yet so as they be alwaies suitable vnto this forme here prescribed And thus much of the Commandement Now followeth the prayer it selfe Our Father which art in heauen halowed be thy name c. This praier hath three parts I. a preface II. the petitions III. the conclusion The Preface in these words Our Father which art in heauen In the handling whereof as also in the rest of this praier I will first propound the Meaning then the Instructions I. The Meaning Our Father This
of blood God will not heare them though they make many prayers If therefore we call vpon God as on our father we must be sine to loue his children as our brethren for this commandement we haue of God that he which loueth God should loue his brother also and he is not of God that loueth not his brother 1. Ioh. 3. 10. IIII. Here we see that all true beleeuers whether high or lowe poore or rich are in an equall condition in regard of God for God is no respecter of persons and here Christ teacheth euery one to say Our father In earthly kingdomes there be differences of estates and degrees some be noble some base some rule others serue and obey but with God in Christ there is neither bond nor free c. Coloss 3. 11. The beleeuing shepheard may call God his father as well as the beleeuing King and haue as good a place in Christs kingdome Which serues notably both to encourage the poore to embrace the Gospel in sinceritie seeing their meane outward estate can nothing preiudice or hinder their high acceptance with the Lord if they be faithfull as also to admonish the rich and noble in this world not to bee puffed vp with these outwarde thinges to contemne the poore for these things giue them no title to the kingdome of God nay not many noble nor mightie after the flesh are called but God hath chosen the poore of this world that they should be rich in faith Iam. 2. 5. Which art in heauen These words shewe towardes what place we must dispose our selues in praier our father to whome we pray is in heauen and therefore thither must we direct our hearts our eyes our hands and all that is in vs. Indeede the Iewes vnder the law looked towards the Temple and in the Temple towards the mercie-seat because the Lord had there promised the manifestation of his presence and therefore Daniel turned his face towardes Ierusalem when he praied in Chaldea but now in the new Testament difference of place in respect of Gods presence is taken away and we are not tyed in praier to looke East or West North or South but men may now euery where and euery way lift vp pure hearts and hands vnto God towardes heauen thou must dispose thy heart because thy father to whome thou praiest is there and looke which way thou wilt or goe whither thou wilt heauen is not nearer nor further off Which shewes euidently two notable and grosse Popish fooleries in the matter of Gods worship the first is their going on pilgrimage from place to place to serue God the better for God whome thou must worship is in heauen in respect whereof all places are alike goe whither thou wilt thou art not nearer and stirre no foote thou art not further off Their second foolerie which is also abominable before God is to worship God in an Image at Crosses and in Crucisixes c. these they vse to put them in minde of God and of Christ but this they learne by the precepts and traditions of men and therefore it is but meere vaine and foolish worship in the sight of God Christ teacheth vs to set our hearts towardes heauen and not to po●●e on dumme Images here on earth II. Instruct. Is God in heauen then when we pray we must come before God with all reuerence feare and trembling for he is in heauen a most glorious God full of all maiestie and power Eccles. 5. 1. Be not rash with they mouth nor let thine heart be hastie to vtter a word before God why so for he is in heauen and thou art vpon earth therefore let thy words be fewe Now this reuerence must shewe it selfe first in the holy disposition of the heart and affections towardes the Lord when the minde is not caried away with by-thoughts but applyeth it selfe wholly and onely to the present seruice it hath in hand secondly in the comely gesture of the body beseeming so holy an action done to so high a maiestie Thirdly in the humble and reuerend vttering of our requests hauing before hand well considered the things we are to vtter before God But goes the case thus with men in their ordinarie praiers nothing lesse for beside the multitude that pray without vnderstanding euen the better sort in the time of praier haue their minds running vpon other matters some about their profits others about their sports or such like now is not this pharisaicall praier wherein the lippes draw neare to God but the heart is farre remooued Againe many shew no reuerence in gesture or in speach some disdaine to bow to God in prayer and others doe rush vpon God in many words without premeditation But all these sinne grieuously for howsoeuer vnreuerent praying troubles few mens consciences because it is not easily discerned beeing against the first table yet it is to be esteemed as a disgrace vnto the Almightie and beeing carelessely practised when it is once knowne it is plaine mockerie of Gods maiestie worser then mocking of father or mother and therefore we must with all carefulnes auoide it and set our hearts with all reuerence towards God in prayer III. Hence we must learne to aske of God in prayer heauenly things especially these earthly blessings may be asked so farre forth as they are helpes to further vs towardes our euerlasting inheritance in heauen to which we are called 1. Pet. 1. 3 4. But to be euer groueling in the earth is against the nature of him that hath a father in heauen IIII. Our principall care must be how to come to heauen for there our father is ordinarily a child desires to be with his father and is best pleased on his mothers lappe or in his fathers armes herein therefore we must testifie our selues to be the sonnes and daughters of God by our vnfained desire to be in heauen where our father is It is vnnaturall for a child not to be delighted with his fathers house and so it argues them to be void of grace that haue no affection towards heauen and heauenly things let vs therefore delight to pray whereby we may creepe into our fathers bosome and though our bodies be on earth yet in affection and desire let our soules mount vp to heauen here we are but pilgrimes if God be our father our hearts must be vpon our home which is heauen where our father is Now the words of this preface thus opened containe a twofold notable ground and proppe to all our praiers to wit that God is both able and willing to heare and helpe when we pray for his beeing in heauen imports that he is almightie and therefore can heare and helpe vs our God is in heauen and be doth whatsoeuer he will And beeing a father yea our father in Christ he must needes be willing and readie to graunt our requests for no father is so tenderly affected towardes his naturall
sonne as the Lord our God is towardes all his children in Christ Psal. 103. 13. As a father hath compassion on his children so hath the Lord compassion on all that call vpon him Luk. 11. 13. If you that be euill can giue good things to your children much more shall your heauenly father giue the holy Ghost to them that aske him and hence it is that Christ saith Whatsoeuer you aske the Father in my name he will giue it you Ioh. 16. 23. Of these two must euery one be perswaded that praies aright euery one will graunt that God is able to heare and helpe but of his willingnesse thereunto none can be assured but he that is the child of God who knoweth God to be his father Yet here must none deceiue himselfe to thinke that whatsoeuer he askes on his owne head God will graunt it for if we aske amisse we shall not receiue and therefore we must carefully marke and obserue the direction of Gods word both for the things we aske and for our manner of asking Halowed be thy name Thus much of the preface here begin the petitions which are sixe in number whereof the three first concerne God the three latter concerne our selues Againe of those which concerne God the first concernes Gods glorie it selfe the other two the meanes whereby Gods glorie is manifested and inlarged among men for Gods name is the● glorified among men when his kingdome doth come and his will is done Now this petition for the glorifying of Gods name is rightly set in the first place for Gods glorie is the absolute end of all things Prov. 16. 4. The Lord made all things for his owne sake yea euen the wicked for the day of euill and therefore it must be preferred before all things before life it selfe yea before saluation which is life eternall Ioh. 12. 27 28. our Sauiour Christ preferres the glorie of his fathers name before his owne life And Paul preferres it afore his owne saluation for he professeth that for Gods glorie in the saluation of the Iewes he could wish himselfe separate from Christ Rom. 9. 3. In this petition as in the rest we are to obserue this order first shew the meaning of the words then propound the vses I. The meaning Name The word ascribed to God is here taken generally first for God himselfe as Psal. 20. 1. The name of the God of Iacob defend thee that is the God of Iacob defend thee Rom. 10. 13. Whosoeuer shal cal vpon the name of the Lord shal be saued i. vpon the Lord. Secondly it here betokens any thing whereby God may be knowne as men are by their names and thus it comprehends ● his diuine attributes as Iustice mercie power wisdome c. II. his word the holy scriptures which reveale to mē the true knowledge of God III. Gods Iudgements publike or priuate for thereby he makes knowne his presence his power and iustice IV. his workes and creatures for all these beare a stampe of Gods name and in them may the inuisible things of God be seene Rom. 1. 20. Halowed or sanctified To halow Gods name is to glorifie Gods name as Ioh. 12. 28. and this we doe when we giue vnto him the highest honour that may be the highest I say because there are two kinds of honour First the honour of religion when we giue our hearts to God louing him fearing him trusting and delighting in him aboue all which we testifie by all outward adoration prescribed in Gods word this is the highest honour of all Secondly there is the honour of societie which passeth betweene man and man in common wealths and it consisteth in the acknowledgement of preheminence and superioritie in another either by word or gesture ciuilly thus Subiects honour Princes and Magistrates and inferiours their superiours This is due to the creature the former to the Creator onely and that is the honour wee here pray for That we may yet the better vnderstand the meaning of this petitiō we must know that Gods name is halowed or sanctified of vs 2. waies either in God himselfe or in his works In himselfe by 3. actions 1. whē we conceiue of God in our mindes and acknowledge him as he hath reuealed himselfe in his word to wit creator gouernour of al things most holy most wise iust mercifull c. 2. When we sanctifie the Lord in our hearts that is when we loue him aboue all feare him aboue al put our trust in him in him in all estates 3. When we praise and laud the name of God for his goodnes yea though we should neuer taste of his special fauour yet for his generall mercie iustice and most wise prouidence we ought to extoll the Lord with our mouthes Gods name is halowed or sanctified in his creatures by three speciall actions 1. When we acknowledge the wisdome of God his powerfull hand in euery creature 2. When we haue a reuerend estimation of the creatures and vse them in Christian sobrietie in regard of the stampe of Gods power and wisedome which appeareth in them 3. When wee sanctifie our moderate vse of them by the word and praier as God requireth 1. Tim. 4. 5. See the practise hereof in the word of God which is his owne solemne ordinance whereby he makes himselfe knowne vnto his Church Therein we sanctifie and halow Gods name I. when we acknowledge the wisdome mercie power of God in it II. when we haue a reuerend estimation of the word in regard of the glorious Image of God which appeareth in it III. when we vse it in a sanctified and holy manner comming vnto it reuerently with prepared hearts hungring after the graces of God which are wrought thereby and giuing our selues in heart and life to be framed and ruled thereby And thus we sanctifie God in afflictions for they are his worke when we labour to see the hand of God therein in iustice mercie and great wisdome chastening vs when we haue a reuerend regard to the hand of God appearing in them and labour to be humbled thereby for the increase of our repentance and the exercise of our faith and patience Thus then in this petition we desire in minde in heart and life to glorifie God both in himselfe and in his works and the meaning of it may be thus expressed O Lord open our eyes that we may know thee aright and may discerne thy power wisdome iustice and mercy and inlarge our hearts that we may sanctifie thee in our hearts by making thee our feare loue ioy and confidence and open our lippes that we may blesse thee for thine infinite goodnesse yea O Lord open our eyes that we may see thee in thy work● and strike our hearts with reuerence of thy name appearing in them and graunt that when we vse any one of them we may honour thee in our sober and sanctified vse thereof The vses I. Wants to be
bewayled I. Here we are to call to minde our wants and to humble our soules for those sinnes whereby we haue hindred Gods glorie or prophaned his name And these especially are foure I. Pride of heart a vile affection whereby we seeke our owne praise and glorie and not Gods This is naturall and so the more hardly discerned but while it is nouri●hed Gods glorie is neglected and therefore when we desire to glorifie Gods name we must acknowledge and bewaile this inward corruption II. Want of zeale coldnesse of heart towards God This is an inward corruption which debaseth the Lord in our hearts and takes away that high esteeme of God which ought to be in vs. This causeth vs to omit to glorifie God and to defend the causes of God and the honour of his name when wicked men disgrace and reproch the same he that hath any insight into his owne estate may perceiue this in himselfe now it mightily hinders the glorie of God and therefore we must vnfainedly bewaile it in our own hearts III. Hardnesse of heart whereby we are hindred from the true knowledge of God in his word and from discerning his wisdome power iustice mercie c. in his works though we haue them before our eyes hence it comes that ei●●er we neglect the word and passe by the workes of God without consideration or if we vse them yet it is without glorie to God or profit to our soules Mark 6. 5. Christs owne disciples considered not the matter of the loaues because their hearts were hardened they discerned not or at least remembred not the power of God in that miracle though themselues were instruments about it and they might perceiue the foode to increase in their hands IV. Prophanenesse and impietie in life for God is glorified when we bring forth the fruits of grace Ioh. 15. 8. and our good workes cause others to glorifie God Math. 5. 16. And therefore our prophane life is a reproach vnto the Lord and causeth others to dishonour and blaspheme his name Rom. 2. 24. Now this prophannesse appeareth either in mens speach by blaspheming the name of God abusing his tides attributes his word his creatures or any worke of his prouidence or in their conuersation when they dispose the whole course of their liues to wrong ends seeking themselues and not Gods glorie These are the speciall sinnes against Gods glorie which we are to see and to bewaile in our owne hearts if we see them not in our selues our case is the worse and we must suspect our selues the mor● if we porceiue them in vs we must be humbled for them yea ashamed and confounded in our owne hearts thinking euill of our selues by reason hereof and then shall we be able to say with some truth of heart O Lord halowed be thy name And indeede till we be inwardly humbled for these corruptions in some measure the heart can neuer speake these words as a sonne and daughter of God ought to doe 2. Use. Graces to be desired Secondly this petition teacheth vs earnestly to desire of God those spirituall graces whereby we may glorifie his name in our selues and others The graces enabling vs hereto are these especially I. The true knowledge of God as he hath reuealed himselfe in his word and in the workes of his power and prouidence for he that knowes not God cannot possibly glorifie his name II. To sanctifie God in our hearts by louing fearing and tru●ting in him aboue all This makes greatly for his glorie when wee depende vpon him in soule and bodie for all good things III. The calves of our lips which is a sacrifice of praise to God for all his mercies Psal. 50. 23. He that offereth praise shall glorifie me IV. To see Gods hand in all his workes how mightie wise iust and gratious the Lord is V. To reuerence the workes of God for his iustice mercie power c. appearing in them VI. To vse all his creatures reuerently sanctifying the same vnto our selues by the word and praier These graces we must hunger after and labour to haue a liuely feeling of in our owne hearts and so shall we sanctifie Gods name and honour him in all his workes And hereby we shall know our selues to be the sonnes and daughters of God we may indeede belong to God in his secret counsell but without these sanctified affections and holy actions we are not effectually called and so indeede not actually become Gods children 3. Vse Duties to be practised Thirdly whatsoeuer we aske of God in prayer we must vnfainedly endeauour to practise in our liues as therefore wee pray that Gods name may be halowed so wee must be carefull to sanctifie the same in our conuersation For this ende we must haue regard to three things I. That our liues be vnblameable not tainted with any sinne that as Paul said of earthly seruants They must count their masters worthie all honour that the name of God be not euill spoken of so the same may be verified in euery one of vs towards the Lord our master in heauen Away therefore with all Idolatrie blasphemous oathes and cursed speaking with Sabbath breaking and all other sinnes against the second table for a prophane life brings great reproach vpon the name of God which men professe II. We must propound the right ende of our life euery day in our calling and conuersation to wit Gods honour and glorie and not our owne praise wealth pleasure or dignitie III. When God offers occasion by any worke of his prouidence we must endeauour therein to glorifie and magnifie God example say God sendes a gricuous dearth and famine of bread among vs or the plague of pestilence as he hath done sundrie times then must we striue herein to glorifie and praise Gods name first by labouring to see the hand of God smitiag vs for our sinnes secondly by reuerencing the worke of God esteeming it as his hand vpon vs thirdly by humbling our selues vnto God and renuing our repentance for our sinnes that haue brought Gods iudgements vpon vs. Thus should we glorifie God in his Iudgements but alas such is our blindnesse and securitie that though Gods hand be vpon vs yet few lay it to heart where is he that saith What haue I done nay though God himselfe call vnto weeping and mourning And to girding with sacke cloath as the Prophet speaketh yet behold ioy and gladnesse eating and drinking so as Gods name is dishonoured in his iudgements So when Gods blessings are vpon vs we should glorifie his name by labouring to see his hand of mercie and esteeming of them reuerently with praise and thanksgiuing to God that is the giuer but herein also men dishonour God by poaring vpon the meanes praising their owne witte and industrie and so sacrifice to their nets as the Prophet saith Now because this dutie is of great waight and importance I will adde some speciall reasons to
mooue vs hereunto I. from the necessitie hereof in Gods Church and children for Gods name is dishonoured ouer all the world In the great dominions of the Turke God is acknowledged but yet out of the Trinitie And the Iewes confessing God denie Christ The Papists in word confesse and acknowledge the Trinitie but yet by their Idolatrie they greatly robbe God of his glorie they robbe Christ of his offices and giue diuine worshippe vnto creatures And in the bosome of the Church are many Atheists blasphemers oppressors drunkards adulterers and voluptuous persons whose bellie is their God all which though they will professe God in word yet by their workes they denie him so that vnlesse Gods children seeke to maintaine and aduance Gods glorie it is like to be trampled and troden vnder foote II. There is great daunger to Gods children in omitting and neglecting this dutie for by calling they are brought neare vnto God now God will be glorified in all that come neare him if we doe not honour him according to our profession his hand will be vpon vs for his glorie in our confusion hence it was that God slew Nadab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron for offering straunge fire before the Lord and he debarred Moses and Aaron out of the promised land because they glorified him not at the waters of strife This made the wrath of God to burne like fire against the house of El● for the iniquitic of his sonnes which their father saw in them and yet staied them not and so honoured them aboue the Lord. We had neede therefore to looke vnto our selues that we glorifie God in himselfe and in his workes els his hand will be vpon vs in soule or bodie goods or calling or some other way for the glorie of his iustice for God will not loose his glorie III. If wee say Halowed be thy name with our mouth and seeke not his honour in our life we bewray in our selues damnable hypocrisie and make profession of that sinne which the Lord vtterly detesteth we esteeme very basely of dissemblers among men but much more edious is this sinne in the matters of God and therefore let the practise of our liues shew the sinceritie of our hearts when we pray for the glorifying of Gods name Fourthly this petition teacheth vs that wee our selues must bee halowed and sanctified for else we cannot halow Gods name They that beare the vessels of the Lord in his sanctuarie must be clean Isay 52. 11. How much more ought they to be holy that beare the glorious name of God When Ananias doubted of going to Paul the Lord tels him he is a chosen vessel vnto me to beare my name alluding to that state of sanctification whereto the Lord had lately called him whereby hee made him a fit instrument for the glorie of his name in the ministerie of the Gospel And the same state must we labour after if we would be answerable to that we seeme to desire in this petition We must therefore labour to be new creatures changed in minde and heart for an vnholy person cannot truely desire the glorie of God but when wee once feele the grace of sanctification then will the desire of Gods glorie breed in our hearts and we shal know how worthy the Lord is to haue all glorie giuen vnto his name Fiftly if we compare this petition with the reason wherewith Christ concludes this praier wee shall see that the praise and honour of God is the beginning and end of Christs praier and so as it were the first last thing with Christ whence we learne that wee ought to bee more frequent and plentifull in thanksgiuing vnto God then in petition and request Thus we deale with those that be bountifull vnto vs on earth we giue them many thankes for one good turne and therefore should we much more abound in thanksgiuing to our heauenly father from whom we receiue euery good gift that we enioy It beseemes not the childe of God to be alwaies and onely begging as though he had nothing but withall he must be plentifull in thanks and praise for that argues he hath a taste of Gods mercie towards him this made Dauid say Praise is a comely and pleasant thing it well becommeth vpright men to be thankefull Our life of glorie shall be spent in praising God and therefore we should invre our selues thereto in this time of grace and indeed according to our thanksgiuing is our grace little praise little grace but he that abounds in thanksgiuing abounds in Gods blessings Againe heartie thanksgiuing for that we haue is an effectuall praier for more increase Lastly the place wherein this petition is set in this praier teacheth vs to seeke the glorie of God simply and absolutely before all other things This ought to be the affection of Gods child though he should receiue no blessings from God for looke what God preferres in his direction that must we alwaies prefer in all our actions though no good should follow vnto vs thereupon for this ende God giues vs time to liue in this world that wee might glorifie God in our places and callings and hee that imployeth himselfe otherwaies profaneth Gods name and transgresseth this heauenly order here set downe by Christ who is the wisdome of his father Verse 10. Thy kingdome come The Coherence Christ hauing taught vs to pray for the sanctifying of Gods name in the former petition doth in this and the rest which follow as it were expound the same by directing vs to the meanes whereby Gods name is halowed of vs for then doe we glorifie Gods name when he sets vp his kingdome in vs and we suffer him to rule in our hearts when we doe his will depend vpon his prouidence for the things of this life trust in his mercie for the pardon of our sinnes and on his power and strength against temptation Now of them all this second hath the neerest dependance vpon the former as beeing an especial meanes thereof for men ought to glorifie Gods name on earth but of themselues they cannot doe it till God rule in their hearts by his word and spirit and so set vp his kingdome in them The meaning Gods kingdome is two-fold Generall and Speciall Gods generall kingdome is his absolute power and soueraigntie whereby he ruleth all things in heauen in earth and in hell euen the deuils themselues Psal. 103. 19. The Lord hath prepared his throne in heauen his kingdome ruleth ouer all and this wee acknowledge in the ende of this praier For thine is the kingdome Now this wee pray not for because it is alwaies euery where no creature can hinder it no not all the deuils in hell for euery creature is subiect hereunto and can doe nothing but that which God either willeth or permitteth according to his will hee worketh in the armie of heauen and in the inhabitants of the earth and none can
of God and true religion for Gods sake Secondly wee must not onely know and beleeue that Christ died for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification but we must labour to feele the power and efficacie of his death killing sinne in vs and the vertue of his resurrection raysing vs vp to newnes of life he that hath only a shew of religion may make profession of faith in Christs death and resurrection but herein stands the power when we be made conformable vnto his death in regard of the death of sinne and know the vertue of his resurrection by our holy endeauour in new obedience and do frame our selues to his example in all such things wherein he left himselfe a patterne vnto vs. Thirdly we must not content our selues to knowe and professe that God is mercifull but withall we must take obseruation of his louing fauour towards vs particularly adding one obseruation to another that so our hearts may be rooted and grounded in the loue of God A man may make profession of Gods grace and mercie from a meere generall conceit apprehen●ion of it in his brain● but herein stands the power and p●●h of true religion when a man by obseruation and experience in himselfe knowes the loue of God in Christ toward● him And thus is ●aith and ●●ue religion held and maintained To haue a good conscience which is the second du●●e in this Christian fight is to preserue and keepe o●● conscience so as it may excuse vs and not accuse vs vnto God in respect of liuing in any 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 euer there may be infirmities in vs to this ende we must obserue these rules First we must haue a double calling the generall calling of a Christian wherein we must serue God and a particular calling according to our place and gifts wherein we must exercise our selues for the good of men These two must not be seuered so as either be wanting but he that would keepe a good conscience must practise his generall calling in doing the duties of his particular calling it is an easie thing to professe Christianitie in the Church and many a man doth so that keepes no good conscience in his priuate calling at home but this is the euidence of a good conscience when a man shewes himselfe a Christian in his calling at home and conuersation among his brethren Secondly we must alwaies be exercised in doing some good dutie either of our generall or particular calling or in some commendable furtherance thereunto for idlenesse is the deuills pillow whereon men either plot and deuise some euill or are lulled asleepe in securitie but diligence in our calling is our way wherein we haue promise of protection by Gods Angels from the deuil Psal. 91. 11. but if we be out of our calling we lie open to the hurt of the enemie when Peter without warrant from his calling generall or particular would needes goe warme himselfe in Caiphas hall what fell out vpon a small assault by a silly maide he denied Christ in most fearefull manner Ioh. 18. 25 26. Thirdly in euery estate of life we must labour to see a speciall prouidence of God therein to rest contented be it better or be it worse It is an ●asie thing to see and acknowledge Gods mercie in health peace and plentie and to rest contented therewith but if we would haue peace toward God in our owne hearts we must labour to quiet our selues with his disposing hand in the day of trouble sicknes or any other distresse of life or death Fourthly whatsoeuer we would doe when we die that we must now begin and continue doing it euery day while we liue to wit repent of our daily ●innes and leaue them desire earnestly to be reconciled to God in Christ and steadfastly to beleeue all his gracious promises he that hath these graces shall die in peace and therefore if we would liue in peace of conscience we must labour for them euery day Fiftly in all our societies and conuersings with men we must be carefull either to doe good vnto them or to receiue good from them for where neither of these is there Satan shewes his presence and therfore we must shunne such companie as giue themselues to plot or practise some iniquitie for euill conuersings corrupt good manners Sixtly we must lead our liues not after our owne fancie but according to the rule of Gods word we must liue by faith and not by ●ight when we see no signes of Gods fauour but rather of his anger and indignation yet then must we trust in him and relie vpon his mercie this is against reason yet a worke of faith which is the euidence of things which are not seene Heb. 11. 1. 2. Vse If we pray God to deliuer vs from euill then we must beware of all satanicall practises as meanes of help in any distresse this is grosse hypocrisie to pray against the euills of Satan and to giue our selues to the practise of them herein many offend for the Papists say this praier but yet their religion in many things is a grosse practise of magick and sorcerie for first the consecration of their host in the masse is playne coniuration and so are their exorcismes in halowing salt bread and water their casting out of deuills by certaine words by the signe of the crosse the application of reliques and such like nay come to our selues what is more common among vs then to vse charmes and Amuletts to seeke to witches and sorcerers when any strange affliction doth befall vs And the setting of a figure though it be not grosse magick yet therein is a close and priuie worke of the deuill his hand is deepe therein and the Church in former times hath condemned it for witchcraft for charmes characters and amulets be but the deuills watchword and sacraments to set him a working what though the words vsed be good yet therein is Satans deeper policie who turnes himselfe into an Angel of light vnder fayre shewes working the greater mischeife But what horrible impietie is this that when God giues vs occasion to come vnto him we leaue him and runne for helpe to his professed enemies 3. Vse This branch of the petition serueth to direct vs what to doe in this case say that a dwelling house or some other place is by Gods permission haunted and abused by some euill spirite whether may a man lawfully frequent or abide in such a place Answ. By this petition is plaine he may not for here wee pray to be deliuered from euill and therefore we may not voluntarily thurst our selues into such a place as is haunted by the deuill would we come within the compasse of the lyons paw or within the chaine of a mad dog or of an hunger-bitten beare why then should we rashly thrust our selues into the danger of the deuill who like a roaring lyon seekes continually whome he may deuoure Many ignorant people are so
c. Here also we say Gods power is his owne that is of himselfe alone not receiued from any other as is also said of kingdome and glorie to distinguish the true God from all creatures who haue not power and kingdome and glorie of themselues but from God whereas all these in God are of himselfe alone And the glorie By Glorie is meant excellencie and maiestie and this propertie rightly ariseth from the two former for seeing he hath an absolute soueraigntie ouer all things and power answerable to dispose and gouerne them at his pleasure therefore of right all glorie and maiestie and excellencie belongs vnto him yea the glorie of all creatures is from him so that sinnefull man must say with Daniel Vnto vs belongs shame and confusion Dan. 9. 7. but vnto God be honour and glorie and power and dominion for euermore The vse I. This reason thus conceiued and vnderstood containes a notable ground of trust and confidence in God and of praier to God in all distresse of life and death for we haue a father whose is kingdome power and glorie now his power assures vs that he is able to helpe vs and is he our King and we his subiects then he is willing to helpe vs. Is glorie his why what can make more for his glorie then to shew mercie to his people in hearing their praiers and helping them in distresse Psal. 50. 15. I will heare thee and thou shalt glorifie my name II. These words are a notable forme of giuing thanks and praise to God for when the heauenly creatures are said to giue thanks to God they doe it to this effect Rev. 4. 9. 11. Thou art worthie O Lord to receiue honour and glorie and power Againe Phil. 4. 6. Be distrustfull in nothing but in all things let your requests be made knowne to God with giuing of thankes where we see praier and thanksgiuing must goe together Now this beeing a perfect forme of praier must needes comprehend thanksgiuing with petitions as therefore in the sixe petitions Christ taught vs to aske all needefull things of God so in this reason he teacheth vs how to giue thanks for these three kingdome power and glorie doe generally comprehend all matter of praise and thanksgiuing vnto God yea it is a summe of all the Psalmes of praise and therfore when Dauid blessed God it was to this effect 1. Chron. 29. 11 12. Thine O Lord is greatnesse and power and glorie and victorie praise for all that is in heauen and earth is thine thine is the kingdome O Lord and thou excellest as head ouer all both riches and honour come from thee and thou raignest ouer all and in thine hand is power and strength c. This point well obserued directeth vs in two Christian duties first that we must be earnest and frequent in giuing prayse and thanks to God for the first thing we aske is grace to glorifie Gods name and the last thing we here doe is to ascribe glorie to God indeede Secondly here we see in what maner we must giue thanks to God namely in euery blessing we must ascribe kingdome and power and glorie vnto God as in the vse of meate and drinke first therein labour to see and accordingly to ascribe the kingdome to God that is acknowledge Gods soueraigntie in that creature that the right and interest thereto belongs to God and that thou hast it from him and not of thy selfe Secondly see and acknowledge the power and prouidence of God in that creature his prouidence in that thou hast it and his power in that it serues for thy good and comfort in thy nourishment and refreshing Thirdly when thou art comforted therewith giue honour and glorie to God so thou shalt be truly thankefull And thus must we be thankefull to God for his word and all other blessings that we enioy Yea this direction must we obserue for our behauiour in affliction we must labour to see and acknowledge Gods soueraigntie and power ouer vs as we are his creatures and that he hath right to dispose of vs at his pleasure and therefore we must humble our selues vnder his hand desiring grace so to behaue our selues therein that we may glorifie his name And thus shall we honour God euen in affliction III. Here we see a way whereby we may obtaine the things we aske of God namely we must confesse our owne vnworthinesse taking shame and confusion to our selues and giue all praise and honour and glorie to God Thus did Iacob Gen. 32. 10. I am not worthie of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which thou hast shewed vnto thy seruant so Dan. 9. 7. To thee O Lord belongeth righteousnes but vnto vs open shame And thus comming in humilitie of heart renouncing our selues and all that we can doe and endeauouring to giue all glorie to God we shall finde mercie with the Lord for the obteining of all our requests IV. Is kingdome power and glorie Gods then is he to be feared aboue all creatures for howsoeuer Satan and earthly Monarchs haue dominion and power yet it is not of themselues but from God they can doe nothing but by power and permission from God but God of himselfe can punish and destroy Lastly hereby we must be mooued to loue God and to yeild obedience vnto him in all good duties for to such will he shew his soueraigntie and power for all good things that so they may giue the glorie of all to God that giues them Amen We haue heard the preface and the petitions of this praier now we come to the third part of it which is the Conclusion in this word Amen which is as much as verely truly It is commonly taken to be a word of wishing in this place importing as much as So be it I wish it be so or such like But we must know that it hath here a further vse to wit not onely to expresse our desire of the things we aske but also to testifie our faith in assurance of receiuing them according to our desire for so it is vsually taken in the new testament where it is vsed to affirme or asseuere a thing with vehemencie and certentie Againe our Sauiour Christ giuing both direction and incouragement to praier saith thus Whatsoeuer you desire when ye pray beleeue that ye shall haue it and it shall be done vnto you Mark 11. 24. where he shewes two principall things required in prayer the first an earnest desire of the grace and blessing we aske the second is faith whereby we beleeue that God will graunt vs the things we aske Now our desires were sufficiently expressed in the sixe petitions and therefore this beeing a perfect platforme of praier here vndoubtedly is propounded the testification of our faith to this effect As we haue craued these things at thy hands O Lord so doe we beleeue that in thy good time thou wil● for Christs sake graunt
countenance in respect of thy heart and conscience For they disfigure their faces c. This also may seeme not blame-worthie for Gods children haue in their fasts diuers waies disfigured their faces and beene approoued Ezra pluckt off the haire of his head and of his beard and Ioshuah and the Israelites fell to the ground vpon their face and put dust vpon their heads which could not but disfigure their faces Answ. The Pharisies are blamed for disfiguring their faces in diuers respects and that iustly for first this was the chiefe and onely thing they looked to in their fasts euen the outward shewe thereof which God hateth Againe the word translated disfigure signifieth the very abolishing of their fauour and visage which is farre more then the auncient Iewes euer vsed to doe they indeed humbled their bodies and testified their sorrow which God approoued but they sought not to deforme their naturall complexion they pined not themselues to make their faces pale that so men might the better take notice of their much fasting as these Pharisies did and such were they in Pauls time who spared not their bodies Colos. 2. 23. Thus much for the meaning The words thus explaned containe two parts a commandement a reason thereof The commandement forbiddeth ●ained mourning in fasting Looke not as the hypocrites as if he should say The hypocritical Scribes and Pharisies when they fast make an outward shewe of contrition and sorrow when as indeed their hearts are no whit humbled but you shall not doe so The reason of the former prohibition is drawne from the practise of hypocrites which is set out by the ende and fruite thereof their practise is to disfigure their faces therein is all their sorrow their end is ostentation that they might be seene vnto men to fast And the fruit is answerable verely I say vnto you they haue their reward that is reputation and praise of men Thus then we see that Christ cōdemnes not religious fasting nor godly sorrow therein no nor yet the seemely signes of godly sorrow but onely hypocriticall fasting when men haue mournfull lookes without humble and contrite hearts The Vses 1. Here obserue the practise of these Scribes and Pharisies in Christs time they did not only fast often as twice a weeke but they were carefull in obseruing all outward rytes and signes pertaining to a religious fast yet as in the two former duties of Almes-deeds Praier so in this the principal thing is wanting that is truth sincerity of heart for their sowre looks came not frō sorrowful hearts they were whole and righteous in their own conceit and so needed not the Phisition Christ Iesus nor amendment of life Now in them we may see a true patterne of the propertie of naturall men in matters of religion they more busie thēselues about the outward worke then inward truth they content themselues with outward rytes and ceremonies and little regard the true worship of the heart See this in Ahab who humbled himselfe outwardly in great measure for feare of punishment but hee contented himselfe therewith and neuer came to true humiliation of heart in sorrow for sinne for he continued still in his old sinnes and the Israelites both in the wildernesse and in the land of Canaan when God afflicted them would humble themselues and seeke his fauour but yet not in constant sinceritie and truth for as Dauid saith They flattered him with their mouth for their heart was not vpright with him they performed the outward ceremonies and so drew neere to God with their lips but their heart was farre from him And thus it goeth generally with naturall men the whole religion of the Papists stands in outward ceremoniall actions partly Iewish and partly heathenish and when they haue obserued them they looke no further And so it fareth with many among vs that professe true religion for the ignorant sort which are very many euery where content themselues with the outward actions of religion as comming to Church hearing the word read and sometime preached and receiuing the Sacrament once or twice a yere and when the worke is done though without vnderstanding yet all is well they thinke God is serued wel enough Yea many that haue knowledge doe yet rest in the outward actions of religion for doe not some esteeme the conscionable endeauour of morall obedience to be but precisenesse and so though they beare some shew of religion yet they reproach the power of it in others And another sort doe onely so farre forth maintaine and professe religion as it standeth with the good of their outward estate and their peaceable fruition of wealth honour and delights and so make a policie of religion and pietie But let all these take heed vnto their soules and betime repent for these practises make them hypocrites in religion whose end will be damnation and therefore bring thy heart to God with thy outward worship and content not thy selfe with the shew of godlinesse but get the power of it and shew it in thy conuersation and embrace religion for it selfe and not for the world Secondly is the Pharisies fasting condemned of Christ because they rested in the outward worke and did it in ostentation for the praise of men then doubtlesse Popish fasting is abhominable because it aboundeth with more abuses for I. In their religious fasts they allow one meale so it be not flesh and besides that drinking of any kind of wines or drinkes taking of electuaries and strong waters conserues and such like at any time of the day which is a mock-fast and nothing else II. They make distinction of meates necessarie to a fast and that not for ciuill endes as Magistrates may doe or for temperance sake as priuate men may doe but for conscience sake which is a doctrine of deuils as the Apostle saith III. They binde men in conscience to many set daies of fasting and make the omission thereof a deadly sinne wherein they take away our Christian libertie for there was no want of care in our Sauiour Christ to appoint all good meanes for the mortifying of the flesh and yet he prescribed no set fasts in the new Testament IV. They make fasting meritorious teaching that a man therby may satisfie Gods iustice whereby they doe blasphemously der●gate from the al-sufficiencie of Christs obedience and passion Now ●ith they haue thus defaced religious fasting let vs learne by Christs command not to fast as the Papists doe Thirdly Christ saying to his Disciples when ye fast takes it for granted that sometimes they fasted and so ought to doe here he blames the Pharisies not for fasting simply but for their hypocrisie therein whereby wee see that Christ requires of all the godly that when iust occasion is offered they should fast either publikely or in priuate And if Christ blame the Pharisies for their bad manner of
and pleasant to vs till we finde this precious treasure hid therein II. Dutie Hauing found this treasure we must highly prize and value it euen aboue all that we haue or can get nay more worth then all the world besides So did the man in the parable Matth. 13. 44. esteeme the treasure hid in the field aboue all his goods And Paul so esteemed of Christ crucified that he counted all things losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ and iudged them as dung that he might winne Christ. This high esteeme of Christ is needfull if euer we meane to lay him vp for our treasure and then haue we made good progresse in this heauenly purchase when we truely value Christ in our hearts at so high a rate and therefore we must endeauour our selues hereunto and labour so to frame our whole conuersation in speaches and in action that they may testifie at how high a rate we value Christ. And because the word of God reueales Christ Iesus vnto vs in which regard it is called a treasure therefore it also must be highly valued euen aboue all carthly things Thus Dauid did Psal. 119. 72. The Law of thy mouth is better vnto me then thousands of gold and siluer verse 127. I loue thy Commandements aboue gold yea aboue much fiue gold hereof wisdome saith my fruite is better then gold euen then much fine gold and my reuenues better then ●ine siluer It were happie for vs if wee did thus value the word of God Many hold there is but one truth and so that be knowne it is no matter whence it is learned whether out of Gods word or the writings of men but they are sarre deceiued for the Scriptures of God onely are that truth which is according to godlinesse and they alone discouer vnto vs this heauenly treasure and therefore they must haue the preheminence in our hearts and be esteemed farre aboue all the writings of men which if we would doe we should feele that power and comfort of the word in our hearts which naturally we lacke III. Dutie Hauing found out and rightly valued this true treasure we must seeke to get it for our selues and make it our owne so did the man in the parable Matth. 13. 44. when he had found the treasure hid in the field and so Christ here commandeth lay vp treasures for your selues Now that we may get this treasure to our selues we must conscionably vse such meanes as God hath appointed for this purpose to wit I. heare the word of God preached with all reuerence care and diligence labouring to mixe it with faith in our hearts II. receiue the Sacraments with all reuerence and due preparation III. pray to God in faith earnestly and constantly for the pardon of our sinnes and the fiuition of this treasure The reason hereof is plaine for the word and Sacraments are as it were the Lords two hands wherewith he reacheth out this heauenly treasure and all spirituall blessings vnto vs and our faith is the hand of our soule wherewith we receiue them now by our praiers we testifie this faith and sanctifie vnto our selues the two former meanes IV. Dutie Hauing gotten this treasure we must labour to make it sure vnto our selues And to this purpose we must follow Pauls counsell and charge to rich men 1. Tim. 6. 17 18 19. Charge the rich men in this world that they be not high minded neither trust in vncerten riches but in the liuing God that they doe good and be rich in good workes laying vp in store for themselues a good foundation against the time to come that they may obtaine eternall life where marke how by trusting in God and by liberalitie and bountie we are exhorted to lay a good foundation What will some say must we be saued by our Almes-deedes and good works Ans. Not so for the ground of our saluation is Gods election and loue in Christ which he himselfe hath laid vp in heauen for vs. But the foundation which wee must lay vp for our selues is in our owne consciences for our assurance in Gods foundation and this we lay by our good works of loue mercie and iustice all which be fruits of faith and beeing done in faith and with singlenes of heart to Gods glorie they are sure testimonies of our portion in the true treasure Iesus Christ for hereby we know we are translated from death to life because we loue the brethren 1. Ioh. 3. 14. V. Dutie Hauing got this treasure sure to our selues we must vse it as a treasure Hereunto three duties are required I. we must haue our conuersation in heauen for there Christ our treasure is and where our ●reasure is there will our hearts be and if our hearts be on Christ in desire in ioy and delight it cannot be but our liues will be holy and heauenly though our bodies be here on earth but let vs beware that our affections be not set on things below for then is not Christ our treasure at all II. We must turne our earthly goods into heauenly treasures This we doe by imploying them in works of mercie for he that giues vnto the poore lends vnto the Lord Prou. 19. 17. so that the mercifull man hath the Lord for his debter for the Lord sends the poore mā as his messenger vnto the rich to borrow of him such things as the poore man lacketh and the Lords returne of paiment is in heauenly blessings and therefore Christ himselfe as it were explaning this point bids sell that ye haue and giue almes make you bagges which waxe not old a treasure that cannot faile in heauen where no theefe commeth neither moth corrupteth This then is the Lords owne direction for this happie exchange of earthly goods for heauenly treasures then which who can wish a better increase III. We must rather part with all that we haue then with Christ Iesus friends goods countrey libertie nay our owne life and deerest hearts blood must all goe for this treasures sake so doth the good purchasser part with all he hath for to ●●ie the field in which this treasure is Matth. 13. 44. but if we will rather part with Christ then with some or with all of these then wee vse not Christ as the true treasure Thus we see how Christ becomes our treasure let vs therefore make conscience to practise these fiue duties so long as we liue for when Christ becomes our treasure marke what will follow we shall finde in our hearts such sweet content therein that neither prosperitie shall lift vs vp too high nor aduersitie cast vs downe too low nothing shall daunt vs while we haue this treasure sure no kind of death no not the day of iudgement Thus much of the commandement now followeth the particular reason thereof where neither moth nor canker corrupteth c. This reason is drawen from the vnchangeable certentie and safetie of this
treasure earthly treasures are subiect to corruption and to losse by stealth but this heauenly treasure is free from all such things for the highest heauen is not subiect to corruptiō nor to the violēce of theeues and robbers and therefore our treasure must be there Quest. Why should the highest heauens be free from that vanitie whereto all creatures els are subiect by the sinne of man Answ. The heauens aboue which we looke vpon and the earth below with all creatures in them belonged to man by the right of creation but the highest heauen is the throne of God Now when man fell he was punished not onely in his owne person but in all the creatures that belonged vnto him which by his sinne were made subiect vnto vanitie But the highest heauen was free from that curse because it did not belong to man by the right of creation but is a supernaturall gift whereto we haue right and title onely by the grace of Adoption and redemption in Christ Iesus now sith man had no right thereto by creation it was not meet that the sinne of man should make it subiect to vanitie or corruption If therfore the safetie of an enduring substance can allure our hearts to loue and like then let vs set our selues for this heauenly treasure v. 21. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also This verse containes a reason of the former commandements cōmon to them both tending to perswade vs to the obedience of them both The reason standeth thus Where your treasure is there will your hearts be also But your hearts should not be on earth but in heauen Therefore lay not vp treasures vpon earth but in heauen The exposition By treasure as we saide before must be vnderstood things pretious excellent in our estimation laid vp for time to come wherein we repose our trust and take a speciall ioy and delight By heart we must conceiue not onely the affections which are seated in the heart as loue ioy care desire and delight but the more inward powers of the soule in thought and imagination yea and the effects hereof in action as labour studie and endeauour As if he should say your treasure and your heart are ioyned together looke where that thing is wherein you trust and take chiefe delight theron will your thoughts runne your loue feare desire and care will draw vnto it and your chiefest paines studie and endeauour will be after it The vse Doe heart and treasure goe together Then here first we learne to search out and trie the state of our owne hearts for though it be a bottomlesse gulfe and deceitfull aboue all things so as none can thoroughly know it yet if we applie this sentence aright vnto our selues we shall be able to giue true iudgement of the state of our owne heart An earthly treasure and an earthly heart but heauenly treasure and an heauenly heart these cannot be seuered therefore looke whereon thou spendest thy thoughts settest thy loue thy care delight and bestowest thy wit industrie and labour and thereby iudge of the disposition of thy heart If the thing be earthly and worldly then thy heart is earthly and carnal thou maist plead that thou hearest the word receiuest the Sacraments and praiest often yet all this will not prooue thee to haue Christ Iesus for thy treasure for thine heart beeing set vpon the world there vndoubtedly thy treasure is and that prooues thy heart to be earthly and carnall And on the contrarie if thy principall thoughts thy chiefe loue ioy and delight be on Christ crucified and thy speciall care and industrie be after his merits and righteousnes then is Christ thy treasure and thine heart is heauenly Secondly hereby we may know whether we haue any portion in heauen for looke where our heart is there our portion is if our heart in thoughts desire and industrie be set on earthly things then is our portion vpon earth But if we mind heauenly things if we delight in them and labour after them then is our portion in heauen It is not the exercise of religious actions now then but the setling of the heart either on earth or heauen that shewes where our portion is Thirdly this coupling of the heart and treasure together teacheth vs not to regard this world nor temporall life in respect of heauen and life eternall nay in this regard we must despise the world and temporall life so farre forth as it may be done without ingratitude to God and without hatred of the worke of his hands and of his temporall blessings for as earthly creatures are the workemanship of God so temporall life is his good blessing giuen vs as a time wherein we are to prepare our selues for life eternall and therefore simply we may not despise it but onely in respect of life eternall Now we must shew this high respect to heauen and to life eternall aboue that we haue to this world and temporall life by heauenly meditations and by spirituall desires ioy and delight for if heauen be our treasure then must our delights be drawne from worldly things and set on heauen vers 22. The light of the bodie is the eye if thine eye be single thy whole bodie shall be light 23. But if thine eye be wicked then all thy bodie shall be darke Wherefore if the light that is in thee be darkenesse how great is that darkenesse These two verses haue sundrie expositions which we must discusse before we can see the scope and coherence of them in this place Of sundrie which I take to misse the right scope of Christ in this place I will onely touch one which is the most probable and then set downe that which I take to be the best By single eye some vnderstand a liberal minde and by the wicked eye an ●●●ious and couetous minde and so they make Christ here to speake of liberalitie and couetousnes Now it is true that the words will beare this sense for Salomon puts the good eye for the liberall and mercifull person Prov. 22. 9. He that hath the good eye he shall be blessed for he giueth of his bread vnto the poore and the euill eye for the couetous person Prov. 28. 22. A man of a wicked eye hasteth vnto riches But though the words will beare this interpretation yet it is not as I take it the proper meaning of Christ in this place for here the light of the bodie the single eye and the light that is in vs be all put for one and the same thing Now the light that is in vs is the vnderstanding and iudgement of the minde Againe the eye is here called the light of the whole bodie but the liberall minde cannot be the light of the whole bodie for all actions but for workes of mercy and bountie onely To come therefore to that which I take to be Christs true meaning The words containe in them diuers
redeemer God and man and of remission of sinne and life euerlasting by him The inferiour promises are of temporall blessings as food raiment health peace liberty c. these depend vpon the main promise of Christ so farforth as they are for our good for in Christ all the promises of God whether they concerne life eternall or this temporall life are yea and amen that is sure and certaine to Gods children And hence it is that when by true faith a man laies holde on the maine promise of God in Christ he doth withall apprehend the promises of God for temporall blessings the heart that saith by faith God will pardon my sinne and saue my soule will say also by the same faith God will giue me food and raiment and all things sufficient for this life Thus Abraham by the same faith whereby he was iustified beleeued Gods promise that hee should haue a sonne in his olde age and Noah beleeued Gods promise of his preseruation in the Arke by the same faith whereby he was made heire of righteousnesse This point must be obserued and the order remembred wherein faith laies hold vpon the promises First it apprehends mercie in Christ and then prouidence for this life Now hence we learne that as we looke to be saued by our faith after death so wee must liue by faith in this world if wee relie vpon his mercie for our soules we must depend vpon his prouidence for our bodies how this is done we shall see afterward for how should we cast our selues vpon Gods mercie for the kingdome of heauen if wee cannot depend vpon his prouidence for food and raiment Lastly hereby we may trie our faith what it is true or ●ained weake or strong for this Christ here tells vs that the more we are distracted with worldly cares the lesse is our beleefe in God for distrustfull care comes from vnbeleefe in Gods prouidence and the lesse we trust in God for temporall things the lesse doe we beleeue eternall mercies for the same faith laies hold on both but if we can truly depend vpon God for temporall blessings in the sober vse of lawfull meanes then we shall relie vpon his mercie for the saluation of our soules This triall is not made in prosperitie for when God sends aboundance euery one will trust in him but when want comes then is the triall of thy faith if then thou ●el●e on God though meanes faile thy faith is strong but if thy heart be oppressed with sorrow and feare and thou make no conscience of vnlawfull meanes so it may supplie thy want then suspect thy selfe thy faith is weake or none at all for the iust shall liue by faith in all estates vers 31. Therefore take no thought saying What shall we eate or what shall we drinke or wherewith shall we be cloathed Here Christ againe repeateth his commandement against distrustfull care giuen in the 25. verse The reasons of his repetition be these First to set an edge vpon the commandement that so it may more sharply and deepely enter into their hearts as we said before Secondly to further his disciples in this practise of faith for by this often repetition he giues them occasion to meditate and thinke vpon the dutie the oftner whereby their faith must needes be much confirmed for this we must know for our direction to get and strengthen true faith in our hearts that a man is not a meere patient in the receiuing and strengthening of this grace it comes not from God to vs as visions did to the Prophets in a dreame in the night or as the print of the seale is set into the waxe but God workes it in the vse of ordinarie meanes And therefore if we would haue faith wrought or increased in vs we must doe that which by nature we may doe to wit heare the word preached and read we must meditate therein and labour so to vrge the promises of God vpon our owne hearts yea we must doe what we can to stirre vp in our hearts a desire to beleeue and to striue against doubting and distrust and therefore must giue our selues to praier with sighs and groanes to God for the working of his spirit in our hearts Now touching this cōmandement against distrustfull care we handled it in the 25. v. shewing how farre our care must goe for things needfull and where it must stay It must extend it selfe to the diligent vse of lawfull ordinarie meanes to procure things needefull and there stay giuing place to faith to waite vpon Gods prouidence for the blessing of our endeauours The distrustfull care which perplexeth the heart about the successe of our lawfull labours is that which Christ forbids and it is that euil sicknesse which infects most mens soules as they may easily discerne by obseruing these things What it is that oft breakes their sleepe in the night what comes first into their thoughts when they awake and what their mindes runne● most vpon all the day long and whereabout they can take greatest paines with most delight and least wearinesse If it be for the things of this world then distrustfull care infects their soules which we must striue against and learne to liue by faith Here onely obs●●●e how Christ describes this vnlawfull care by the effects of it in distrustfull persons bringing them in saying What shall we eate what shall we drinke or wherewith shall we be cloathed And thus indeede they vse to complaine especially when they haue great charges and slender meanes or els doe sustaine any great losses then how shall we liue what shall we doe and such like speeches of distrust which Christ here iustly reprooues because they blame God for his dealing towards them as though he had no care of them or would not prouide things needefull for them We therefore must here learne to shut our mouthes against distrustfull thoughts and beware we murmure not nor complaine of his dealing towards vs. When Aarons two sonnes Nadab and Abihu were both slaine for offering straunge fire Moses tells him it was the Lords doing who would be glorified in all that come neere him then the text saith Aaron held his peace And Dauid notably testifieth his contentation in Gods prouidence Psal. 39. 2. I held my peace and said nothing yea v. 9. I should haue beene dumb and not haue opened my mouth because thou Lord diddest it Excellent is that saying of the Lord Isa. 30. 15. In rest and quietnesse shall y● be saued in quietnesse and confidence shall be your strength meaning that by patience and contentation a man shewes strong confidence in God so that though Gods dealing seeme neuer so hard we must beware of impatient words and murmuring thoughts endeauouring to say with Eli It is the Lord let him doe what seemeth good in his eyes and with Iob Though he kill me yet will I trust in him v. 32. For after all these things seeke
the Gentiles for your heauenly Father knoweth that ye haue neede of all these things This verse containes Christs fifth and sixth reasons to disswade his hearers from distrustfull care The fifth is drawne from the practise of the Gentiles and it standeth thus That which the Gentiles doe which know not God you must not doe they doing amisse But the Gentiles seeke thus distrustfully for things needefull Therefore you must not doe so The words in the originall whereby Christ declareth this behauiour of the Gentiles be more full and emphaticall then our translation doth expresse for they import that the Gentiles set themselues to seeke or seeke with all their might Which must be obserued because it is not a sinne simply to seeke things necessarie but wholly to giue our selues thereto that is the sinne because it proceedes from distrust in God Quest. Why did the Gentiles thus wholly giue themselues to seeke things necessarie Ans. Because they know not 〈◊〉 true God nor his prouidence they were not acquainted with his word as Dauid saith And this was the state of all the world before Christs comming the Iewes onely excepted and their forefathers with some few Proselytes who by conuersing with Gods people were conuerted to true religion This point well obserued first ouerthrowes the opinion of vniuersall grace as a meere deuise of mans braine for if the Gentiles knew not the true God how should they know the way to life if God gaue them not so much grace whereby they could depend vpon his prouidence for the things of this life much lesse did he giue them grace to beleeue and to be saued if they would Secondly this shewes that they who set their hearts vpon the world and giue themselues to seeke earthly things are as Gentiles and Pagans they haue not yet attained to this principle of Christianitie to depend vpon Gods prouidence by faith they see no prouidence and so rely onely vpon the meanes whereby they sacrifice to their owne paynes and industrie and so make themselues their owne God This is the state of many among vs who beare the name of Christians but indeed and practise are as Turkes and Pagans and this reason alone well waighed is sufficient to mooue any christian heart in a moderate care to seeke earthly things Thirdly marke the ground of this reason Christs disciples had the true God for their God which the Gentiles had not and therefore they must differ from the Gentiles in their behauiour This teacheth vs that in all things Gods children must be vnlike the heathen for in euill things we must forsake them and in all things that be good we must excell them The sonne of a prince will not shew him selfe like a begger in any thing no more should the child of God in any thing conforme himselfe vnto the world O then how vnworthie doe we walke of ourvocation for the verie sinnes of the heathen are rife among vs as vncleannesse drunkennesse slandering and oppression nay many among vs exceede the Pagans in mercilesse dealing towards the poore for they neuer knew that Christ came for reliefe in the person of his poore and yet many among them were more mercifull then many now a dayes that beare the name of Christians for doe not the poore sometime die for want of releefe and doe not many among vs make a game of Gods iudgment vpon the poore selling their commodities deerest when the poore haue greatest want and neede wel if we wil approoue our selues to be Gods peculiar ones let vs be ashamed to be like the heathen in any euill or not to goe beyond them in that which is good For your heauenly father knoweth that you haue neede of all these things These wordes containe Christs sixth reason to his Disciples against distrustfull care drawen from Gods speciall prouidence ouer them and it also includes an answer to a secret obiection against Christs command for some man might say If we may not be carefull for things needfull who shall prouide them Christ here answers you must not be distrustfully carefull for you haue a father in heauen who knowes whereof you haue need and careth for you Now looke whereof God takes care in your behalfe you need not trouble your selues further then the sober vse of lawfull meanes But God your heauenly father takes notice of your estate and will prouide that which is best for you and therefore you need not to vexe your minds there-about A most worthie reason and alone sufficient to driue vs from distrustfull care for this acquainteth vs with Gods particular and speciall prouidence ouer vs taking notice of our estate whatsoeuer it is and disposing it to the best In regard whereof we must learne contentation in all estates of this life in sickenesse as in health in trouble as in peace and in want as well as in aboundance for whatsoeuer our estate be it is according to the good pleasure of our heauenly father who is infinite in power and wisdome both knowing what is best and able to turne all to our good as we shall surely finde by comfortable experience if by faith we depend vpon him This Dauid knew well and therefore saith he will not feare though he walke through the valley of the shadowe of death why for thou art with me thy rod and staffe that is thy spirit thy word and prouidence comfort me If our hearts were setled in thi point we should not be impatient in distresse nor dead hearted in want nay it would make vs cheerefull in the houre of death for hereby we should be assured that these estates were better for vs then peace wealth or life it selfe because they come by the will of our heauenly father who knoweth whereof we haue neede and therefore let vs labour by faith to be assured of our adoption that we may know God to be our father and then by the same faith we shall be easily assured that he will turne all things that befall vs to our good Vers. 33. But first seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and all these things shall be ministred vnto you Our Sauiour Christ hauing by sixe seuerall arguments disswaded his Disciples from distrustfull care doth here shew vnto them what care that is which ought alwaies to possesse their hearts to wit Care after the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse And this care he imposeth vpon them by expresse command saying First seeke ye the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and then vrgeth the entertaining of it by an effectuall reason and all these things shall bee ministred vnto you The Exposition There bee two things here inioyned vs to seeke Gods kingdome and righteousnesse and of both these Christ saith First seeke that is before all and aboue all worldly things let your principall care and indeauour be to procure these vnto your selues By kingdome of God is here meant a state and
deale with a broken ioynt wil handle the same very tenderly and so must they be dealt with in reproofe that sinne of humane fiailtie Example of this mildenes in reproofe we haue in Nathan who reprooued Dauid in a parable and so brought him to condemne himselfe the Apostle Paul reproouing the Co●inthians in the beginning of the first Epistle doth include himselfe Apollos in the same reproofe as though they had bin guiltie of the same crime 1. Cor. 4. 6. And giuing direction to Timothy how to carrie himselfe in the Church of God though he allow him to vse rebuke reproofe 2. Tim. 4. 2. yet he bids him Exhort an Elder therein giuing good directiō for admonition if the partie be an Elder though reproofe be not vnlawfull yet it is not so fit as exhortation and the like mildenesse must be vsed toward all those that sinne of humane frailty But if the offence proceede from wilfulnes and obstinacie then the iudgements of God must be denounced against them to driue them to repentance 4. Euery one that is to correct another must consider himselfe and his owne estate knowing that of himselfe he may fall into the like offence So Paul bids them that are to seeke the restoring of such as are fallen to consider thēselues Galat. 6. 1. 5. Brotherly correction must bee deliuered with Doctrine and instruction 2. Tim. 4. 1 2. I charge thee before God to reprooue exhort and rebuke with all long suffering and doctrine He that will admonish must first himselfe be resolued that the thing done is a sinne then he must propound it to the partie as a sinne out of Gods word and deliuer the reproofe not in his owne name but in the name of God so as hereby the partie may know himselfe to haue offended and also say that he is reprooued of God himselfe rather then of man This ought all superiours to practise in correcting and admonishing their inferiours they must not goe thereto in rage but in long suffering nor rudely but with doctrine that the partie offending may see his fault And thus much for this dutie of brotherly correction Vers. 6. Giue not that which is holy vnto dogs neither cast yee your pearls before swine least they tread them vnder their feet and turning againe all to rent you Hitherto the Euangelist hath set down the seuerall heads of Christs Sermon more at large but from this verse to the ende of the Chapter he handleth briefly the points which follow This verse dependeth not vpon the former but herein our Sauiour Christ laies down a new point of instruction directing his Disciples and in them all ministers vnto that Christian discretion which ought to be obserued in the dispensation of the word of God And his direction is here propounded in a prohibition of giuing holy things to dogs or casting pearles before swine which is enforced by a double reason least they tread vpon you c. Now for the better vnderstanding hereof first I will speake of the words because they are hard and difficult and then come to the doctrines In the words foure things are to be sought out 1. What is meant by holy things 2. What is meant by pearles 3. What is meant by dogs and 4. what is meant by swine For the first by that which is holy we must vnderstand first and properly the word of God written in the bookes of the old and new testament in his right and holy vse that is read dispensed and preached and consequently by holy things are meant the Sacraments and Christian admonition Gods word is called an holy thing for sundry causes but principally for these two first because it is holy in it selfe and secondly in effect operation It is holy in it selfe because it is set apart by God to be in the Church in stead of his owne liuely voyce vnto his people for the reucaling and determining of all things to be beleeued and done in his Church In the old testament God himselfe spake by a liuely voice vnto the Patriarkes and after the giuing of the Law hee gaue answer to the high Priest at the Mercie-seat yet we are not inferiour to them though we want that liuely voice for we haue the written word in stead thereof which is answerable euery way thereunto for looke what the written word saith is as much as if the Lord from heauen should speake by a liuely voice and so consequently it is to vs in stead of the Arke of God a pledge of his presence And thus it is holy in it selfe Secondly Gods word is holy in regard of operation for it is the instrument of the spirit set apart by God himselfe to be the meanes whereby he sanctifies and reformes the hearts and liues of his children And consequently the Sacraments are holy things for they are the word made visible so likewise is Christian admonition grounded ●pon Gods word From this doctrine sundrie dutie 〈◊〉 to be learned First we are oft commanded in Gods word to drawe neer● v●●o God to seeke him to feare him and to walke before him in his pr●●●nce how shall wee doe these things seeing God is inuisible and in glory and maiestie is in heauen Surely we must consider the word of God which is that holy thing set apart by God to be in stead of his owne liuely voyce therefore we neede not seeke for him that is inuisible but wee must haue recourse vnto the word labour to haue it present with vs in our hearts in our liues and consciences Enoch walked before God not onely in regard of his infinite maiestie which though it bee inuisible is euery where present but principally in respect of his word setting that before him wheresoeuer he was When we are commanded to feare God wee must know that that is done not onely when wee stand in awe of his glorious maiestie but principally when wee feare to offend God commanding vs in his word The Apostle saith that the holy Ghost dwels in our hearts which must not be thought to be meant of that infinite substance of the holy spirit but of the dwelling of the word which is made effectuall by the holy spirit for saith euer hath relation to the word beeing beleeued it dwels in the heart makes the spirit which workes by the same word present also In which regard Paul saith Now I liue not but Christ liues in me which he expoundeth after saying I liue now by faith in the son of God because the word of Christ was present with him and the grace of saith that liues by that word Secondly seeing the word of God is of this holinesse we must learne to vse the same publikely or priuately with all reuerence carefully sanctifying our selues thereunto When the people came to receiue the Law in Mount Sina they were sanctified three daies before the same preparation for substance ought we to
make before we heare the word of God First we must wash our hands in innocencie and then compasse the Altar of the Lord the word and sacraments are holy in thēselues but not so to vs out of their holy vse and therefore if we would reape profit to our selues by them we must prepare our hearts therevnto Thirdly whereas the word is vnto vs the voice of God the means of sanctification we may learne that in the congregatiō of Gods people ordinarily the pure word of God alone ought to be heard without the mixture of the words of men be they neuer so holy for it is not said of the words of any man that they are that holy thing The Lord himselfe alone had the appointment of the making of the holy oyle which was to anoint the Kings and Priests vnder the law neither might any man adde any thing thereto though it were neuer so pure and good nor make any oyle like vnto it so likewise the trumpets that serued for the Tabernacle to assemble the people the Lord himselfe alone had the appointment of them and none might vse any other though it were made of most pure gold Had the Lord this care ouer his Sanctuarie vnder the law to take the appointment of these things to himselfe alone and shall we thinke that the trumpet of his holy word which now by his appointment soundeth in the congregation of the Saints may admit a mixture with the words of men humane or diuine be they neuer so holy The ancient Church was farre from this mixture and therfore forbade the publike reading of the Apocrypha which yet are more excellent bookes then the writings of men published since the Apostles But it is saide that they onely finde fault with this kinde of preaching which cannot attaine vnto it I answer it is no point of the greatest learning to vse the sayings of Fathers and Poets in preaching and they which vse it not refraine therefrom not because they cannot doe it but because they dare not mingle the sayings of men with the word of God which is that holy thing seruing in stead of Gods owne glorious voice in all matters that concerne our faith and obedience and beeing the onely sufficient instrument of our sanctification and therefore it were to be wished that in the congregations of the Saints the pure word of God might sound alone vnto Gods people that as they are begotten alone of this immortall seede so they might be fedde alone with this sincere milke II. Point What is meant by pearles Ans. The wholesome doctrines and instructions of Gods word contained partly in commandements and partly in sweete and heauenly promises so Matt. 13. 46. the Gospel preached is compared to a pretious pearle And further we are to note that these wholesome instructions are called your pearles Christ speaking to his Disciples and other hearers now they are so called in two respects First in regard of the Apostles and other Ministers their successors because they are the Lords stewards to dispense the word and the doctrine thereof to Gods people Secondly in regard of all true beleeuers and seruants of God that haue care to know and to obey the word of God for euery beleeuer hath a speciall right vnto Gods word aboue other men to which purpose the Lord saith Bind vp the testimonie seale vp the law among my disciples Isa. 8. 16. that is commend cōmit my word vnto my disciples there giuing a special right and interest vnto them in the word of saluation● for they haue the true iudgment and meaning thereof they keepe it in their hearts expresse the power of it in their liues they haue the vse and benefit thereof in euery estate in this world and vnto their eternall saluation in heauen From this that the doctrines of Gods word are our pearles first wee are taught to place all our riches in the word of God for that is our Iewell and our principall treasure of this Salomon saith Her merchandise are better then merchandise of siluer and the gaine thereof better then gold In the valuing of this pearle Dauids practise is notable who made the testimonies of God his heritage and the very ioy of his heart Psalm 119. 111. and esteemed them aboue gold yea aboue most si●e gold vers 127. Secondly we must hereby learne to content our selues in all casualties and calamities of this lise with this pearle of the word of God for though we loose friends health goods or good name yet this pearle of good doctrines and sweete promises is not lost if that were taken away with the losse of outward commodities then there were some cause of discomfort but seeing this iewell remaines with vs in all estates therefore herewith we must stay and comfort our selues as Dauid did counting Gods promises his comfort in trouble Psal. 119. 50. his songs in his pilgrimage v. 54. Thirdly this must teach vs to vse the doctrines and promises of Gods worde as pearles wee must looke them vp in our hearts and haue them in faithfull keeping in our memories A man that hath an earthly iewell that is of any worth will bee very carefull to looke it vp in the surest chest he hath how much more care ought wee to haue of these true pearles of heauenly instructions As the Holy Ghost speakes of Deacon● they must bee such as keepe the mysterie of faith in good conscience so must euery one of vs bee carefull keepers of this heauenly pearle This was Maries practise Luke 2. 51. Shee powdered the sayings of Christ in her heart and Dauid hidde the word of God in his heart that he might not sinne against the Lord. Psal. 119. 11. IU Instruct. The doctrines and promises in Gods word are the pearles of the Apostles and ministers therefore they aboue others in all ages and times ought to haue speciall care by all good meanes to preserue the puritie of doctrine in the Church of God This is Pauls charge to Timothie keepe that which is committed vnto thee that is that whole some doctrine which thou hast learned of me this neerely concerneth ministers at this day that as by the good meanes of others they haue receiued true doctrine purified from the dregges of Popery so they should preserue keepe the same frō all ●int of corruption to their posteritie The third and fourth things to be considered are touching dogs and swine where these three points are to bee handled I. What are here properly meant by dogs and swine II. Who must giue iudgement of men to be dogs and swine and III. Where they are to be found For the first By dogs and swine wee must vnderstand the enemies of Gods word yet not all enemies for so euery sinner should be a dog a swine but onely such as are malitious obstinate enemies manifestly conuicted of their enmitie to Gods word doctrine of whose
one for killing himselfe which is the most cruell and dangerous murther that can be and the author also excuseth his insufficiencie in penning of it which beseemeth not him that is guided by Gods spirit In the song of the 3. children it is said the flame ascended 49. cubits aboue the furnace which seemes incredible especially that still they should then cast in fuell or approach so neere as to put any man into it Likewise in the storie of Susanna it is said vers 45. that Daniel was a young childe when he executed iudgement vpon the two false witnesses which was in the ende of Astiages raigne immediately before the raigne of Cyrus and verse 64. Daniel by this meanes is said to growe famous which cannot possibly accord with the true storie of Daniel neither for his age nor for his fame and reputation And the like may be said of the rest whereby it is plaine these bookes cannot be canonicall Scripture And yet they are not to be reiected but reuerently esteemed of as the books of worthy men Here some may say If Moses and the Prophets comprehend all Scripture that hath diuine testimonie then the bookes of the new Testament shall not be Scripture because they were not written by the Prophets Answ. They were either penned by the Apostles or by other Apostolike men and allowed by the Apostles as Saint Lukes Gospel and the Acts were written by Luke a Physition and Saint Marke that writ that Gospel was not an Apostle yet those bookes were approoued by Apostolike authoritie which is all one as if they had beene written by the Apostles and the Apostles in speaking and writing were of equall authoritie with the Prophets hauing the infallible assistance of the holy Ghost as well as the Prophets for Acts 15. 28. they say It seemeth good to the holy Ghost and to vs and Ephes. 2. 20. the Church is said to be built on the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles where the Apostles are made equall with the Prophets II. Point This reason also doth giue vs to vnderstand what was the first Scripture that euer was penned namely the bookes of Moses before which there was no word of God written which was for the space of 2400. yeares It may be asked what was then the booke of the warres of the Lord mentioned Numb 21. and the booke of the Righteous spoken of by Ioshuah Chapt. 10. 13. Answer These were the writings of men humane stories like to our bookes of Chronicles Yet it is said Iude 14. Enoch the seauenth from Adam prophesied Answ. That prophecie was not penned but went from hand to hand ●y word of mouth and if it were penned yet it was not done by Enoch himselfe but by some Iew in his name long after Moses for it cannot bee prooued that Enoch euer penned any part of Scripture Some will aske mee how the people of God did for that space of two thousand and foure hundred yeares before the Law was written what guide had they for to knowe the will of God Answer They had the word of God immediately taught them by word of mouth from God himselfe as we may see in the Patriarkes Abraham Isaac and Iacob and they to whom it was deliuered did also conuaie the same from man to man by tradition And because it may seeme strange how religion could for so long time bee preserued pure without writing wee are to knowe that before the lawe was written the Church of God from the beginning was the most part in one familie onely as in Adams Enochs Noes Abrahams c. whereby it was a more easie thing to preserue Gods word among them Againe those men that first receiued the word of God without writing were of long continuance liuing neere to a thousand yeares space whereby they might better see the word preserued and continued without writing by tradition Besides when religion was corrupted God himselfe restored the puritie thereof reuealing his will againe and renewing his couenant vnto his seruants as hee did to Abraham and the rest of the Patriarkes Here then behold how the heads of families preserued Gods word and true religion in the beginning of the world namely by teaching it to their posteritie and from them we may learne what is the dutie and ought to bee the practise of euery gouernour of a family at this day they must not thinke themselues discharged for that the word is written in the Church and euery man may read and heare the same but they must see the same bee taught vnto their children and to the rest of their familie that so it may bee preserued among them So God commandeth his people to teach their children the seruice of the Passeouer Exod. 12. 26. 27. and to whet the words of the Law vpon their children Deut. 6. 7. III. Point In this reason our Sauiour Christ takes for granted that the writings of Moses and of the Prophets are of infallible certaintie for it is all one as if he had said this must needes be euery mans dutie to doe as he would be done to for this is the Law and the Prophets and so answerable to them all other bookes of Scripture containe doctrine of infallible truth and certaintie Here some may aske how we should be perswaded hereof in our consciences Answ. By these Arguments which are all drawne from Scripture it selfe for as euery Science and Arte hath his grounds and principles so hath the holy Scripture which is not the Church but Scripture it selfe 1. from the causes 2. from the effects 3. from the properties 4. from signes 5. from the contraries 6. from the testimonie that is giuen hereof The 1. Argument Among the causes the first and principall is the Author thereof which is God himselfe to him doe Scriptures referre themselues also shew how God is their Author In Scripture we read that God spake to Adam to Enoch Noe Abraham and the rest and of Christ the new Testament giues most liuely testimony making him the Author subiect thereof Now nothing is falsly ascribed to God but God in time will bring the same to nought and therefore if Scripture had not beene Gods word it would long agone haue vanished Again the cause conuersant must bee considered the deuill by wicked men and heretickes hath laboured to take away Gods word from mens hearts and hands but yet it is still preserued in the Church which argues that it is kept by a greater power then is in all men and all angels that is by the power of God Thirdly the pen-men the instrumentall causes they were holy men of God Prophets and Apostles who for vertue and pietie farre exceeded other writers and if they had beene meere polititians their writings would haue shewed it for the pen-men of holy Scripture haue there in faithfully registred their own faults which no politike person would haue done Againe consider the matter of holy Scripture which stands in
God and to conceiue aright of this God namely that he is one in essence and three in person and that the persons must be worshipped in the vnitie of the godhead for as they are one in nature so we must vnite them in one and the same worship Againe by nature we take libertie to our selues to forget the true God and in our owne hearts doe set vp a false god vnto our selues some make riches their God some honours some pleasures for looke whereon a man bestowes his heart and his affections as his loue his feare and confidence that he makes his god and hence it comes that some in iudgement hold the true God and yet haue a false god vnto themselues in their hearts but the first commandement restrains vs of this libertie also and it inioynes vs to bestow our whole heart and all our affections on the true God louing fearing and trusting in him aboue all Thirdly our nature is to exalt our selues to ascribe some thing vnto our selues esteeming the good things that be in vs as of our selues and as though they were our owne whereby we take to our selues some thing that is proper to God becomming like to the prodigall child which would haue his portion to himselfe seuered from his father With this naturall pride was Dauid puffed vp when he numbred the people But the first commandement restraines vs of this also perscribing vnto vs the dutie of inward adoration which we performe first when we giue vnto him all the honour that we can esteeming our selues but dust and ashes and ascribing vnto him all the good that is in vs as from him secondly whē we subiect our selues vnto him wholly as to our creatour and doe submit our hearts wills and conscience to his holy word and these be the strait waies which this commandement perscribes vs. The 2. commaundement concernes Gods outward worship and it puts vnto vs many restraints Our nature desires to conceiue of God in some forme and to represent him in some image but the Lord is a spirit and this commandement inioynes vs to worship him in spirit and truth and to conceiue of him in his workes and properties restraining our naturall desires of conceiuing and representing God Secondly it is our nature to performe outward worship vnto God onely but for any further thing wee would take libertie to our selues wee would giue him onely the outward bodily worship as come to Church heare the word pray outwardly and receiue the Sacraments but the Lord in this commandement giues vs charge that with as great care conscience we should giue vnto him the inward worship of the heart for god must be serued with the whole man our loue feare trust in God must be cōformable to our outward worship Further euery man almost can be content to professe religion and to performe so much as the laws of his countrie require for the seruice of God but yet they would take libertie in their callings to liue as they list but Gods commandement restraines this desire also We must hold religion not only in the Church but also shew the same in our liues and conuersations and therefore is the second table ioyned with the first to teach vs that wee must performe dutie to God in the seruice of man The third commandement concernes the holy vse of the holy things of God especially of his word and Sacraments Now for the outward worke of hearing the word and receiuing the Sacraments we are content to performe them but we would haue God thinke himselfe satisfied with the worke done But this commandement restrains vs of this desire inioyning vs not onely to vse his holy things but also in an holy manner that is with repenting beleeuing hearts for they are not holy to vs vnlesse we vse them in and by faith and repentance Againe we take libertie to vse Gods name in oathes and specially in vowes as in baptisme which we renue when we come to the Lords table but herein we ordinarily abuse this his holy name not hauing like care to make good our vowes vnto God as we haue to make them The 4. commandement concernes the time of Gods worship wee our selues would haue all times in our owne disposing we thinke it hard to be restrained of any time but this commandement restraines vs of this desire binding vs in conscience to giue one day in seauen to the honour of God in his publike and solemne worship The 5. Comm concernes the giuing of honour and reuerence to Superiours and it restraines vs of our naturall desire which is to seeke for and to take honour vnto our selues alone for this inioyneth vs to giue honour one to another especially to them to whome it belongs as to all superiours in authoritie in gifts or age let this be your honour saith Paul to giue honour to whome it belongs Rom. 13. 7. The sixt Commandement concerneth murther and it restraineth our naturall desire which is vpon small occasion to conceiue malice and to beare grudging against our brother forbidding all thoughts wordes deedes and gestures which tend to the impairing or destroying of our neighbours life and person The 7. Commandement concerneth chastitie and it restraines mans nature which desires to take libertie in vncleannes and fornication both of heart and life and it binds vs to abstaine from all speach action or gesture which tends to the hindrance of our owne or of our neighbors chastitie for God is holy and pure and so ought our bodies and minds to be which are temples of his blessed spirit The 8. Commandement concernes our neighbours goods and it restraines our corrupt nature which desires to haue libertie by all meanes good and bad to intich our selues And it inioyneth vs both in will and word and in trafficke also to seeke the common good and the good of those with whome we liue Againe this also restraines our naturall desire of abundance inioyning vs to seeke onely for necessaries as foode and raiment for we may not seeke to be rich yet if God giue vs more then things necessary in the labours of our calling then we are to blesse God for them and to vse them to his glorie this is a strait way to the worldly man but it must stand and we must walke in it if we would enter into life The 9. Commandement concernes our neighbours good name and it restraines vs of our naturall desire which is to conceiue and speake vnto others as also to receiue from others euill report of our neighbour and on the contrarie it inioynes vs by all good meanes to seeke to preserue our neighbours good name and credit The 10. Commandement is touching lust When as we hurt no man in word or deede then we take it for graunted that we may thinke what we will no lawes restraine thought that we hold to be free But this Commandement restraines the very first motions
will drawe Gods iudgment vpon vs and cause the Gospel to be remooued and giuen to a nation that with profession will ioyne the power of godlinesse in heart and life What befell the sigge-tree whercon Christ sought fruite found nothing but leaues was it not accursed and how shall we thinke to escape if we be like vnto it for the earth that drinketh in the raine that falleth oft vpon it and yet bringeth forth briers and thornes is neere vnto cursing whose ende is to be burned Secondly if the pure in heart be blessed then we must labour to practise the counsell of the Prophet Wash you make you cleane and sanctifie the Lord in your hearts yea as the Apostle saith Let vs purge our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit Indeed it is the worke of God to purifie the heart man of himselfe can no more doe it then the Black-moore can change his skinne but yet euery one that would feele in himselfe this worke of God must vse the meanes wherein the spirit doth purge the heart first therefore we must humble our selues vnfainedly for all the sinnes and corruptions of our life alreadie past and for the time to come growe to a resolute purpose not to finne against God in any thing which we must testifie by a godly endeauour to obey him in all things for a pure heart and a purpose to liue in any one sinne cannot stand together but this constant purpose not to sinne is a notable grace and an infallible token of a renued and sanctified heart The second point in this Rule is wherein this blessednesse doth consist namely in this that they shall see God for the vnderstanding hereof two points must be handled First how God may be seene secondly how the seeing of God is true happinesse For the first the Apostle saith no man hath seene God at any time yea further Paul calleth him King of kings whom neuer man saw neither can see We must therefore know that there is a two-fold sight in man the sight of the eie and of the minde by the sight of the eie no man can see God in his essence and substance which is most spirituall and so inuisible for the eie seeth nothing but things corporall and visible a man by his eie cannot see his owne soule and much lesse the substance of God Obiect I. But Abraham and Moses saw God for he appeared vnto them Answer They saw him not in his nature and substance but in certaine created images and similitudes wherein God for that time did testifie his presence vnto them some indeed say that though a man cannot see God in this life yet in the life to come he shall see him with his bodily eies But this opinion is not true for though the body shall then be perfectly sanctified and the eie sanctified yea glorified yet still it remaines a true body and a true eie and therefore cannot see the essence of God which is invisible to the eie of flesh Obiect II. I shall see God in my flesh saith Iob and mine eies shall behold him Answ. Hee speaketh there of God his Redeemer who is not God simply but God incarnate for the word translated Redeemer signifieth one allied vnto vs in blood now no man doubteth but God in Christ may be seene as Iohn 14. 9. hee that hath seene me hath seene my father Obiect III. 1. Cor. 13. 12. We shall see him face to face Answer God hath no face and therefore that cannot bee vnderstood literally but thereby is signified that we shal haue plentiful knowledge of God as we haue of him whom we see face to face Obiect IV. If we shall not see God with our eies then they serue to no vse in heauen Ans. God forbid for besides the glorious companie of all the Saints wee shall therewith behold our Lord Iesus Christ who redeemed vs by his blood and made vs Kings and Priests vnto our God to whom we shall sing praise and honour and glory for euermore Reu. 5. 12. The second kind of sight is of the minde which is nothing but the knowledge or vnderstanding of the minde and that is two-fold imperfect in this life and perfect in the life to come In this life the minde knowes not Gods essence or substance but onely by effects as by his word and Sacraments and by his creatures and indeede the speciall sight we haue of God in this life is by these his effects to conceiue in our mindes how God is affected to vs as that God is our Father and Christ our Redeemer and the holy Ghost our Sanctifier The perfect vision of God is reserued to the life to come where Gods elect shall see him in regard of his substance for we shall see him as he is Yet that we be not deceiued herein wee must knowe that perfect sight is two-fold simple and comprehensiue Simple perfect sight is when man sees a thing wholly as it is in it selfe and thus God is not seene by the minde of man Comprehensiue sight is when the Creature seeth God so farre forth as it is capable of his knowledge thus shall men see God in the world to come perfectly and be filled therewith though they knowe him not wholly as he is in himselfe euen as a vessell cast into the sea may be perfectly full of water though it receiue not all the water in the Sea But some will aske how shall the minde see God Ans. The manner is such as neither eie hath seene nor eare heard neither can any man tell but they onely that haue fruition of it in heauen yet certainely such it is as shall giue full contentment to euery one that doth enioy it But it shall be farre better for vs to seeke for a pure heart whereby we may be assured of this blessed sight of God then curiously to search how we shall see him for to them that be of a pure heart God will reueale himselfe perfectly to their ioy vnspeakable and glorious The second point is how this seeing of God can be true happinesse Answ. A man that hath beene blinde will count himselfe happie when he receiues his sight and hee that hath long laien in a darke dungeon will count it a blessed thing to be brought out to see the light of the sunne now if this bodily light bee so comfortable how endlesse is the ioy of that heauenly light which commeth from God himselfe The Queene of Sheba counted those seruants blessed that stood before Salomon to heare his wisdome then doubtlesse the sonnes of God must needs be happie that stand before the Lord hearing his wisdome and beholding his glorie for in his presence is fulnesse of ioy and at his right hand are pleasures for euermore Moses is renowned with all posteritie for this prerogatiue that God vouchsafed to let him see his backe parts and Christs Disciples were so