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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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people to beleeue in grosse and blindefully as the church beleeueth but that they ought to vnderstand the seuerall pointes of their faith IN the Lords praier we are taught to call 〈◊〉 in 〈…〉 al●…tie ●…er of heaven earth c. God not my father but our father to teach vs in charity to presume such to bee Gods children which cal vpon one common father togither vvith vs in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ our sole and onely mediatour But in our creede we are taught to saye not vvee beleeue but I beleeue to teach vs that it is not the faith of any other but everie one 's owne particular faith vvhich ioyneth him vnto the house-holde of faith and causeth him to be admitted amonge the members of the faithfull For as by beleeving that such a one or such a one taketh a verie good course to make cloth or to manure the grounde maketh not an other man a good cloth maker or husband-man vnlesse hee knovve the like courses himselfe and bee able also to practise the same even so it maketh not a faithfull christian to beleeue as such or such a faithfull man beleeueth except hee himselfe holde a right faith For an others faith can make mee no more faithfull then an other mans charitie can make me charitable or an other mans patience can make me patient The iust shall liue by his owne faith and Hab 2. 4. not by the faith of any other And so we are taught by the general cōfession of all the articles of our christian faith which is to be made of every faithfull christian that the true christian catholike faith is not to beleeue in grosse and blindfully as the church beleeveth but distinctly and particularly both concerning God that he is one in substance and essence distinguished into three persons the father the sonne and the holy ghost and also concerning his workes that he made vs and not we our selues that he redeemed vs and not we our selues and that he sanctified vs and not we our selues Where vnto agreeth the creede of Atha●asius Wherin it is most perēptorely avouched that not not only the learned but the vnlearned also even whosoever will be saued not as in the last place but before all thinges neither as a matter only convenient but as a thing most necessary must holde the catholike faith and that he must beleeue and confesse the mistery of the vnity in trinity and of the trinity in vnity with that other great missery of godlines also God manifested in the flesh For as with the hart man Rom 10 10 beleeveth vnto righteousnes so with the mouth he confesseth to salvation So that the true faith both instructeth the harte with knowledge and directeth also the tongue in the confession of the same For as Ierome faith of the scripture that it consisteth not in the reading but Advers Lucif in the vnderstanding so we may say that the catholike faith consisteth not in the wordes wherein it is expresse but in the catholyke sence and meaning and therefore not the bare reciting of the wordes of the creede but the right vnderstanding of the of the sence and meaning thereof maketh a sonnde and a catholike christian This is everlasting life saith our Saviour Christ to Ioh. 17. 3. knowe the true God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ The which knowledge vvhen the Apostles were to preach to other they are saide to haue receaued the keyes of the kingdome of heaven and the same knowledge when they vvere endued withall themselues it vvas a token and signe vnto them that they vvere then receiued among the number of the faithfull Vnto you saith our Saviour Christ vnto his disciples it is giuen Mark 4. 11. to knowe the misteries of the kingdome of heaven but vnto them vvhich are without all thinges are done in parables that seeing they may see and not discerne and hearing they may heare and not vnderstand least at any time they shoulde bee converted and their sinnes shoulde bee forgiuen them A manifest distinction betweene the children of light and the children of darknes vnto the one is giuen the key of knowledge which openeth the dore into the kingdome of Luke 11. 52. heauen the other are left in their blindnes and darkenesse to fall thereby into the pit of eternall destruction For the father of light bringeth his children of light by the light of his word to the kingdome of light and the prince of darkenes bringeth his children of darkenes through the darkenes of ignorance to his kingdome of darkenes Wherefore well may it agree to the Idolatrous Athenians to haue an altar dedicated to an vnknowne God and Act. 17. 23. to professe a blinde kinde of service of God And well may it beseeme the schismaticall Samaritans to worshippe as their fathers worshipped Ioh. 4. 20. and to beleeue as their progenitors beleeued and in truth to beleeue and worshippe they wo●e not what Surely the faithfull servants of the true God know what they worshippe having for the warrant thereof the infallible word of the everliving Lord and therefore salvation is from them For the true christian saving faith is a wise intelligent and an vnderstanding perswasion it is not a blind blockish and a brutish fancy a blind faith is no faith and a blinde confession is no confession Be not saith the prophet David like the horse and mule in whom there is no vnderstanding Psal 32. 9 1. Cor. 14. 20. Beloved saith the Apostle be not children in vnderstanding but in malice be yee children in vnderstanding bee yee of perfect age And againe be not vnwise but vnderstande what the will of the Lord is If thou Eph. 5. 15. 1. Cor. 14. 16. praiest saith the same Apostle in an vnknowne tongue how can the vnlearned say Amen and ratifie it with his consent euen so if any professing themselues members of the visible church know not the particular points of the christian faith held and taught in the same church how can they faithfully beleeue the same or how cā they rightly consent thervnto Surely as the seed that falleth on the high way is devoured vp of the fowles of the aire can never giue hope of Math. 13 4. any good harvest so the word of God the seede of faith not vnderstoode can never make vs fruitfull vnto the Lord. Wherefore it was a most godly wish of Moses the man of God O that all the Num. 11. 29 Lordes people could prophecy and that the Lord would put his spirit vpon them And good cause had the childrē of the captivitie after their returne to their owne coūtrey greatly to reioyce before the Lord not onely for that the law of God was distinctly read soundly and sincerely expounded vnto them but especially for that the Lord had opened their eies and had caused them to vnderstād the same For all such as the Lord will haue to
that beleeue is the onely meanes not onely to erect but also to establish this kingdome of grace And therefore Saint Paul taking his fare-well of the pastors of Ephesus saith Now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace which is able to builde further and to giue you an inheritance amonge them that are sanctified The which word of grace when it was committed to the Apostles they were saide to haue receaued the keies of the kingdome of heaven the which also when it was reiected of the Iewes they reiected together with it the kingdome of heaven The which Worde of grace seing that it is kept by the church of Rome vnder the locke and keie of a strange tongue from the common sort of christians what is it but a ready way to exclude them also out of the kingdome of God 3. In the thirde petition all the faithfull are taught to desire that Gods will may be done of them all after that manner in earth as it is done in heaven of the holy angels all of them according vnto their measure of grace tending and striuing to this perfection The which contending to the estate of perfectiō the church of Rome reserueth onely for her holy Votaries and for such as be of her Rel●gious orders who that they may obtaine a greater opinion of holines then any other are saide to be onely in the way to this Angelicall perfection all other estates and degrees of men belike being out of that vvay 4 Now concerning the fourth and fifte petitions if we haue our very breade by free gift from God● giue vs this day our daily bread and not by the merite of our owne vvorkes how then can we deserue remission of sinnes and eternall glory 5 yea if by our dayly sinnes vvee adde continually to the summe of our debts must continually sue for the forgiuenesse of all our dayly and smaller offences how can we then make satisfaction for our grosser sins and merite also more of our creditors goods 6 Lastly in the sixth petition the faithfull acknowledging their great frailty and weakenes to withstand the temptations of sinne and Satan are taught to flie continually to the Lords protection to fence themselues vnder the shield of his power that he may either keepe them from the force of the combate or els deliver them by giving them strength to overcome But the church of Rome feareth no such frailty in her religious Votaries and therfore ● Cor. 7. 2. leaueth them in the hands of their owne lustes by taking from thē the meanes ordained by God for the avoiding of the same thereby causing them to tempt God by refusing the holesome water ordained by him for the cooling of these their fiery flames CHAP. 12. That the graunt of eternall life is given to the faithfull onely in Christ and not partly through him and partly through their owne workes THe holy and sacred word of God doeth lay open The new Testament ●r Gospell ●…at is the ●oyfull ty●ings of ●…lvation 〈◊〉 Christ ●esus Gen. 3. 24. vnto vs two covenauntes of life made betweene God man the oue legall the other Evangelicall The first whereof was made with man presently after his creation and had for the further confirmation thereof the fruite of the tree of life for an holy sacrament and a sacred assurance of the same from the most comfortable vse wherof he was vtterly excluded after the breach of that covenant The articles of this covenant were at the first written in the hart of man and after set downe in the law of God which declareth that it depended vpon our owne deedes And therefore vvhen the Pharisie vvhich looked to bee saued by the vvorks of the lavv demaunded of our blessed Saviour what hee should doe to be saued it was aunswered him that seeing by the works of the law he looked to be saued he should perfectly fulfil the commaundementes of the lavv doe this and thou shalt l●… But Luk. 10. 28. vvhen man by his fall had broken this covenaunt and so had stepped out of this vvay that leadeth to life and had gotten into the most daungerous vvaies of sinne and death the LORDE vvho is rich in mercy and of endlesse goodnesse suffered him not long to wander therein but soone reclaimed him and made with him a second covenaunt of life in the seede of the woman that shoulde Act. 3. 25. bruise the serpentes head and in whom all the families of the earth shoulde be blessed And hee appointed vnto him certaine sacrifices at the first for the further strengthening and confirming of his faith as aftervvard he gaue to Abraham the father of the faithfull the signe of Rom 4 11. circumcision as a seale of the righteousnesse before obtained by faith The articles of this covenant are more at large set dovvne in the Apostles Creede but most briefly comprised in the Apostles answere to the ●aylors demande what shall I do to be saved beleeue thou Act. 16. 31. say they in the Lorde Iesus and thou shalt bee saved and thy housholde The opposition of these covenants is set dovvne by the Apostle Moses saith he writeth of the righteousnes of the lawe that hee vvhich doth the same shall liue therein but the righteousnes which is of faith speaketh Rom. 10. 5. on this wise Say not thou in thine ●eart who shall ascende into heauē that is to fetch Christ from aboue either vvho shall descende into the deepe that is to fetch vppe Christ againe from the deade For if thou acknovvledge vvith thy mouth that Iesus is the Lorde and beleeue in thine hearte that God raised vppe him from the dead thou shalt be saved For vvith the heart man beleeveth vnto righteousnes and with the mouth confession is made vnto salvation For the scripture saith vvh●soever beleeveth in him shall not be confounded So thē the first covenāt was foūded on our owne obedience the secōd on the obedience of Christ the first dependeth on works the second on faith not on workes And therfore it is certaine that our deliuery frō death our recovery to life by the secōd covenātis only by Christ apprehēded by faith vnles we wil add some third covenāt of life partly in Christ and partly in our selues partly by faith partly by workes so overthrowe that covenant of life vvhich vvas made vnto vs onely in CHRIST Iesus For as the making of the second Heb. 8. 7. covenant vvas a disanulling of the first so an establishing of a third must needes be a disanulling of the second VVherefore let all true Christians vvay vvell vvith themselues this blasphemous doctrine of the church of Rome vvho hath coyned another nevve gospell vvhich bringeth to vs the ioyfull tidinges of remission of sinnes and eternall life partly through Christ and partly through our selues and so hath disanulled that covenant of mercy which was made vnto vs only in Christ Iesus Neither
Appius Claudius for fidelity Fabritius for abstinence Scaevola for courage Cato for severity Cimon the Plut. in vita Cimonis Athenian for liberality Of whom it is recorded that he tooke away the moundes and fences from his groundes that the stranger and poore might take what fruite they would to refresh and satisfie themselues there withall besides he prepared a large supper ordinarily to the which any poore man might come and receiue sustenance and if he mette any auncient citizen in ragged and torne attire he commaunded one or other of his follovvers to chaunge his apparell with him and of his retinue that accompanied him some carried large sūmes of mony that if they mette with any honest poore man they might giue vnto him all that he needed And yet vvhat vvere all these so glorious and goodly workes but bare shadowes counterfeites of vertuous actions rather then vertuous actions indeede Yea what were they but Splendid a peccata The best workes of the vnfaith●ull a●e no better then sinnes Rom. 11. 20. beautiful sinnes And as for the parties themselues shal we therfore esteeme them to haue beene good trees for that they had such an outward shew of good fruite Surely the spirit of truth doth testifie of vs that we are all by nature brambles breers wild ●…ues vntill we be grasled into the true oliue Nowe it is faith that doth grafte vs into the true olive as infidelity doth breake vs of Without saith then we are no better then brambles briars and wilde olives And wh●… Dee men gather grape● of thor●es figges Math. 7. 16. of br●ar● Or doth the wilde oliue bring forth a kinde and natural olive Wherfore all these before named so famous and worthy personages in the eies of flesh bloud for al their glorious shew of goodly fruite living without faith without Christ vvithout God being Ephes 2. 12. al●ans from the ●omm●n weal●h of Israell and from the covenants of grace must needes vndergoe that heavy but i●st sentence of the Lord of the vineyard Cutte downe the vnprofitable trees for why Luke 13 7. Math. 3 10. cumber they the grounde And againe Now is the a●e laide vnto the roote of the trees● therfore every tree that bringoth not forth good fruite is bow●n downe and cast into the fire For if I giue al my goods to the poore 1. Cor. 13. 3 and haue not loue it profi●…th me nothing that is if this liberall fact of mine proceede not from a sincere harty affection to the good of my neighbour as likevvise if this harty affection towarde my neighbour come not from a sincere loue towardes God vvho is loued for himselfe and in whom also I love my neighbour yea if this my loue towardes God flow not from his loue in Christ toward● me embraced and apprehended by a true and lively faith all this my releiving of the poore cannot releiue my selfe and all this my mercy toward the needy cannot be a meanes to convey over vnto me the Lordes mercy For vnlesse all my goodnes be after this manner derived from God the onely fountaine of all goodnes well it may vnto men seeme to be goodnes yet it shall not haue his allowance from God But now let vs returne againe vnto our Saviours rule Beware of false Prophots which come vnto you in sheepes cloathing but inwardlie are ravening wolves ye shall know them by their fruites True teachers which with their harts sincerely embrace that holesome doctrine which they professe with their mouthes togither with their faith full disciples and schollers are as trees planted in the paradise of God and watered with the pure streames of the river of the vvater of life that floweth throughout the paradise of God and so receiving the blessing of God doe there by bring forth fruit good in truth and substance and not in shewe onely or outward appearance whereas false teachers as bastard plantes setled in the wildernes of this barren and vnfruitful world and wette with the venemous drops of the infected and deadly puddles of humane devices and dreames doe thereby bring forth fruit sometimes holesome and good in shew but never in substance For an infected fountaine cannot yeeld forth holesome water neither can a corrupt faith bring forth an vncorrupt life For the mind and vnderstanding are the leaders and guides vnto the will and the affectious and therefore if they be misledde with falshood errour and wander and goe astray in the bye pathes of impiety vngodlines howe can they direct the will and affections in the right way of piety and godlines Verily vnto whomsoever God in his iustice hath denied the knowledge of the grounde●and principles of a sound faith to them also he doth deny the gift and blessing of an holy life seeing that selfesame holy doctrine that is the cause of an holy faith is also the cause of an holy life as it is made manifest in the fourth motiue As on the contrary side vnto whom God in his mercy hath given the faithful acknowledging embracing of the grounds and principles of a sounde faith vndoubtedly to them hee doeth likewise graunt the practicall knowledge of an holy life For true faith and sincere loue which are the mother and nurce of all good workes are as Hypocrates twinnes borne togither and living without separation so that if one of them be strengthned the other receiveth strength also and if one of them be weakned the other is weakned they go alwaies hand in hand and bee inseparable companions and never breake company giue entertainement to the one thou must giue entertainment to the other s●ut the one of them out of thy dores and the other will in no wise be thy guest nor abide vvith thee the least moment of time For albeit a bare naked knowledge of the grounds of faith may be severed from the practise of a godly life yet a faithfull embracing and a sincere re●oiceing in them can never be idle and vnfruitfull but alwaies is accompaned with good works which giue witnesse vnto the sincerity Qui non fac it bonū non credit bonum soundnes of faith and do sufficiently declare the holinesse of the doctrine from whence ●hey proceede Holy doctrine embraced but in shew and in hypocrisie may be vnfruitfull but being sin●…ly received it maketh good trees which cannot bee without g●…d fruite Now then this being evident that good workes are the infalhble notes of a good faith it remaineth that as in the former part of this treatise we declared that faith to be only sounde and catholike which was agreeable to the grounds of faith more briefly abridged in the Apostles Creede and set downe more at large in the canonicall seripture so now we set downe those divine rules of an holy life which are delivered in the same books wherevnto we must frame all our works if that wee desire to bee assured that they shall
this wrathfull countenance of God of al other calamities crosses is most grievous burdensome vnto them and doth aboue al other miseries vexe and torment their tender harts casteth thē downe to the gates of hell Then in anguish of soule and bitternes of spirit they powre forth whole streames of complaine● crying out and saying Will the Lord absent himselfe forever and will he be no more entreated Is his mercy cleane gone for ever Psal 77. 7. and is his goodnes come vtterly to an end far evermore ● hath God forgotten to be gracious hath he shut vp his loving kindnes in displeasure Thē said I this is my death againe O Lord how long wilt thou be angrie Psal 80. 4. with thy people that praieth Thou hast fed them with the bread of teares and hast given them plent●…snes of teares to drinke thou haste made vs to be a very strife vnto our neighbours our enemies laugh vs to scorne Turne vs againe O God of hosts shew vs the light of thy countenance and we shall be safe And yet in truth when the Lorde most sharply chasteneth his God is nearest to his servants in their asstictions albeit he seemeth to be then farthest of he sheweth then most of all the effect of his loue allthough they for the present feele it not Psa 119. 71. 75 ver own deare children he is not in wrath offended with them but in great loue most of all then tendreth their good his grace and favour is not absent but then especially is present with them albeit they for the very instāt feele not the same For what is it that in and by their afflictions worketh in them humility repentāce patience obedience an earnest desire to feele the Lord gracious and favourable vnto them aboue all things to behold the light of his countenāce Are not al these the most evident effects of the favourable presence of God with thē of the most neere assistance of his grace Doth he not herein shew thē the light of his coūtenance make manifest vnto them his loue to their great benefit good Surely David did most thākfully acknowledge so much saying It is good for me that I haue beene in trouble that I might learne thy statutes And againe I know O Lorde that thy iudgements are righteous and that thou not of wrath but of very faithfulnes hast caused me to be troubled And therfore Ieremy praied for the Ier. 10 24. same as for a thing beneficiall and good Correct vs O Lord ye● in thy iudgement not in thy fury For God chastiseth his children in loue albeit he punisheth the wicked in wrath And therfore both Iob. 5. 17. Iob David iudge not that the godly when they are afflicted are in a bad but in a right good and blessed estate Blessed is the man say they whom thou chastenest O Lorde and teachest in thy lawe that thou maiest giue him patience in time of adversitie vntill the ●it bee digged vp for the vngodly And therefore the Apostles did reioice in Rom. 5. 3. tribulations knowing that tribulations bring forth patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shedde abroade in our heartes by the holy Ghost The loue of God then apprehended by faith not only engendereth Hope Patience Confessiō in vs loue towardes God but also hope that maketh not ashamed and patience that maketh vs to reioice in tribulations and to be couragious and constant in the confession of his truth albeit all manner of crosses accompanye the same For out of the aboundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and therfore if vvith the hearte wee beleeue to righteousnesse wee will bee ready vvith the mouth to confesse vnto salvation I beleeved saith David Rom. 10. 10 Psal 116. 10 2. Cor. 4. 13 and therefore haue I spoken so vvee also saith the Apostle beleeue and therefore speake And verily if wee doe beleeue that GOD from everlasting hath acknowledged vs and hath written our names in the booke of life howe can it bee but that wee shoulde thankefully acknowledge him before the greate congregation and willingly confesse him before the whole worlde Yea how can it bee but that wee shoulde continually make our resorte to Praier him by praier in all our necessities and craue his gracious aide to assiste and strengthen vs in all those afflictions and crosses which vvee endure for his most holy name sake The vnfaithfull vvho vvill not bee persvvaded of the fatherly loue and favour of God towardes them cannot come with any cheerefulnes to make their praiers vnto God for howe can they call vppon him Rom 10. 14 on whom they haue not beleeved but the faithfull that beleeue that God is become their loving father in Christ that by him they haue such interest in God in al his blessings must needs cōe to him with great cōfidēce hope powre out their whole harts continually before him and present vnto him all their petitions and requests And verily they need not to be ashamed to come into his presence seeing they are cloathed with the most precious garments of Christ their elder brother and haue him to bee their continuall advocate solliciter to pleade their cause In deed the more they behold their owne nakednes and shame take a true view of the rotten ragges fained garments of their owne righteousnes and the more deepely therewithal they meditate vpon that strange and admirable goodnesse of God that would cast the eies of his loue vpō such loathsome wretches they haue great cause as to be ashamed of their abominable corruption so to be waile and lament their intollerable vnthankfulnesse And so the prophet Ezechiel hath testified that the faithful shal Eze. 16. 63. be confounded in themselues and hange downe their heads never open their mouthes for shame when they shal behold the loue of God towards them in Christ which hath freely pardoned all their iniquities and sinnes when I say they shal see on the one side how gracious God is to them on the otherside how grievous they themselues haue bin vnto God An ensample wherof In the praier of Manasse affixed at the end of the bookes of the Chronicles we haue in Manasse king of Iudah vnto whō when the Lorde had given a little taste of his promise of mercy and had givē him some assurance of the remission of his sinnes and of his receiving into favour how doth he debase and cast himselfe downe as if he were the only offender among all the servants of God and all other were as it were no sinners in comparison of him And how doth he exaggerate and amplifie his own transgressions as if they were more then the sande of the sea and togither withall so odious and abominable that he was not worthy to behold the heavens for the same
thy n●…e giue the praise for thy loving mercy for thy truthes sa●e Oh saith Aust God doth prevent thee in all thinges prevent thou also his wrath How Confesse that all good thou receivest of him and all evil Serm. 10. de ver Apost from thy selfe But the Church of ●ome regardeth not this holesome counsel of this learned Father shee will not haue her children to disgrace themselues so much as to confesse themselues voide of al goodnes and replenished with all evill neither will shee haue the free mercy of God in Christ so farre fo●th m●gn●fied and extolled as i● all the due deserved glory of al celestial graces were to be ascribed thervnto and therefore God in his iust wrath hath given her over to her owne blindnes that making her boast that her faith No manerreth more then hee that thinketh he never erreth cannot faile yet shee teacheth divers and manifold errours contrary to all the grounds of the Catholike faith For many grievous and damnable are the heresies wherewithall the Bishop and Church of ●ome are most truely and iustly charged by vs which professe the Gospell of ●esus Christ for the removing wherof the words indeed of the scrip●ure are alleadged by them but the question being of the right sence thereof albeit the children of that Church pretende for the iustifying of their interpretations the consent of fathers Stap. doct princ li. 7. ca. ●…●… 8 10. ● l. 10. cap. 11. the common testimony of the faithfull the decrees of councels yet at the last only or at the least principally they rest vpon the definitiue sentence and censure of the Pope So that the question being whether the Pope bee Antichrist the ful and finall decision thereof must in the ende as they teach be devolved to the Pope himse●fe and hee must be the Iudge in his owne cause Now what is this but aske my fellow nay aske my selfe whether I am a thiefe Whereby they make manifest vnto the whole world the great weaknes and wretchedne● of their owne cause which cannot otherwise be iustified approved vnlesse the guilty parties thēselues be suffered to pronounce the definitiue sentence Whereas our Saviour Christ testifieth of himselfe saying If I shoulde beare witnesse of my selfe my witnesse were not Ioh 5. 31. Ioh. 8. 54. true And againe If I should honour my selfe my honour is nothing worth If then our Saviour himselfe would not be beleeved vpon his owne bare word b●t had his doctrine confirmed by his Fathers voice from heaven by the testimonies of the Prophets and by his owne miracles what pride possesseth the Popes heart that he will not submit himselfe as Christ did and be tried as he was tried Now herein the Antichristian presumption of the Bishop of Rome in exalting himselfe aboue our Saviour Christ beeing manifestly detected with the great nakednes and wretchednes of his cause his friendes to shadow darken ●he same haue raised Camp rat 2 Poss Bibl. select no. 7. cap. 18. vp a mist of a most notorious slander against vs as if we were those parties that would be tried by none but by our selues and would allow in no manner of controversie the iudgement of any Interprete● but Luthers Melancthons Caluins Bezaes or the like The which thing if it were true we see no reason why we may not iustifie the same far better then they can their depending vpon the Popes chaire For these mē were painefully exercised in praier● reading and meditation and were furnished with the knowledge of Artes and tongues which are great helpes to the attaining vnto the right interpretation of holy scriptures Whereas it is averred by men of their ovvne profession as a thing notorious that many of their Popes haue not vnderstood the Alphonsus li. 1. c. 4. groundes and principles of the very Grammer it selfe and of those that haue beene learned the greater sort haue beene expert in pointes of policie rather then in sound and profound Divinity Now right interpretation of holy scriptures being obtained from God not extraordinarily by revelation in these daies but ordinarily by meanes let all indifferent persons iudge vvhether the vnlearned or politike Popes or the other so wel studied learned men were like to be the better Interpreters of holy scriptures But indeede we stand not vpon this exception but constantly avouch that this their accusation is a most impudent and shameles slaunder raised vp in al likelyhoode even against their ovvne consciences as it may appeare by the appeale of that reverend Father John Juell in diverse controversies betweene thē and vs made vnto all approved antiquity cited censured euen by themselues For vve like of the testimonies of Fathers Camp Rat 5. Church and Councels and haue iust cause in many pointes to allovv of their decisions but we tie not the truth necessarily vnto them but vnto the spirit of truth who being the Autor is also the best interpreter of holy Scripture having therefore plainely set downe in them all necessarie points of faith that the plaine easie places therof might be as lightes to the darke and obscure for the better opening and explaning of the same Yea as in al Artes Sciences there are some principles and grounds vndeniable and vnavoideable having open manifest truth in themselues evident to the light of nature shining in vs and winning credit to thēselues by their own perspicuous verity by the which the certainety of al other precepts of lesse perspicuity authority is to be tried evē so in Theology also there are certaine principles groūds having open confessed vndeniable truth in themselues such as are the Articles of the Apostles creede vnto which the interpretations of darker places are to be referred by which the doubts cōtroversies in matters of faith are to be decided For these are even as great torch-lightes lightning both themselues others also And as any having but meane skil in that craft if he set but the level to the worke shal soone see whether it be right or if he rub the mettal vpon the touch-stone he shal quickly perceiue what it is even so to any that is but meanly experienced in the doctrine of Christ if he compare his faith to these grounds of faith he may soone perceiue whether he hold a soūd faith For as in Law Physicke in al other libe●al Arts Sciences the painfull studēt may attaine to a sufficient knowledge of the same by the helpe especially of their maine groundes and principles albeit there bee no vnerring Interpreter able to decide al doubts and controversies therein even so in Theology albeit there be none vnerring Interpreter amōg mē yet the studious devout Christian may attaine to a sufficient knowledge of al such points of faith as are necessary to salvatiō by the helpe of the maine grounds principles of faith Or may we suppose that the God of all but especially of such
his kingdome and giuen ouer the regency of heauen and earth he hath not resigned his office to any of his servants nor surrendred his right to any of the saints nor so much as granted to any of thē the advousen or gift of any of his blessings but he holdeth the scepter still in his owne hand reserving all his graces in his owne gift and keeping them all at his owne disposition For it is he that still hath the keies of David that openeth Apoc. 1. 13. no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth He walketh in the midst of the seauen golden candlestickes and holdeth the seuen starres in his own right hand ordering all things as it liketh him best and as it seemeth good to his heauenly wise dome Against the which royall and soveraigne authority of this our one only Lord the church of Rome offendeth in that shee ioyneth the blessed Virgin vvith the rest of the Saintes partners vvith him in these regalityes by making them protectours of his church disposers of his graces and defenders of the faithfull against their mightie enimies For vnto the blessed virgin thus they pray Thou art the sure hope of the miserable the In prosa missae de conceptione mother of the orphanes the releife of the oppressed the helper of the diseased yea all in all vnto all Neither doe they most iniuriously make her CHRISTES mate and fellovve onely as her their Ladie as vvell as him their LORDE and her Queene of heaven as vvell as him King but also in other of their prayers they place her most blasphemously a commander aboue him in this his regall and princely autority O happy In prosa quae incipit Mariae praeconie Roga patrē Iube natū childe-vvife purging our sinnes by thy motherly autoritye commande the Redeemer And againe beseech the Father commande the sonne Div. 12. That Christs seconde coming in the flesh is not secret n●… privy but shall bee open and manifest to al mankinde THere are two cominges of CHRIST in the flesh mentioned in holy scripture the first whereof was in humility From thence he shall come to iudge both the quicke the deade Zach 9 9. Heb 9. 28. that by his offringes and death he might worke out our redemption fore-told by the prophet Beholde the kinge cometh vnto the meeke c. The second shall be in glorie to iudge all flesh This second coming of CHRIST in the flesh is put out of his place by the doctrine of the church of Rome in that she teacheth that in his bodily presence he cometh to them continually in the dayly sacrifice of their Masse and that to be eaten and devoured of the very wicked and vngodly that I may say no more And this coming of CHRIST they vvill haue to be close secret and invisible that the prophesie of our saviour might be fulfilled in them There shall bee Math. 23 24. saith he false Christes and false prophetes which shall shew signes and vvonders so that if it were possible they shall deceiue the very elect beholde I haue tolde you before vvherefore if they say vnto you beholde hee is in the desert goe not forth beholde hee is in the secrete places beleeue it not For as the lightning cometh out of the East and s●…neth into the West so shall the coming of the sonne of man be In which words of our Saviour we may obserue these two thinges First that the haeretickes of these last times shall avouch a close and secret coming of Christ saying Lee hee is here Loe hee is there Loe he is really present vnder the shewes of bread and wine secretly and covertly here in this corner where this Masse is saide and there in that whereas Christ cometh not secretly and covertly now in his flesh but his second coming shall be as the lightning which shineth from one end of heaven to the other Secondly they shall come with straunge signes and lying wonders to confirme thereby as it is likely their strange and false doctrine Now what heretikes of those last times haue maintained a secrete and an impossible coming of Christ in the flesh and haue sought also to confirme the same See Actes and Monumēts Vol. 2. Fol. 1●48 with such strange signes and lying wonders but onely the deare children of the church of Rome VVherefore howsoever these men condemne for Heretikes all such as doe any way withstand their corrupt doctrine yet we may iustly charge them to be the heretikes of these last times and that by the iudgment Aug. de vnitate ecclesi● c. 11. of that learned Father Austine After Christ had spoken these wordes saith he hee presently ascended into heaven thereby fore-arming vs against the heretikes vvhich in succeeding ages should arise say Loe he is there whome he hath thus warned vs not to beleeue Neither is there any excuse remaining for vs if vve beleeue them against the fore-warning of Christ so cleare plaine and manifest that there is none so slowe and dull of hearte that can iustly say I vnderstoode it not CHAP. 5. That our free will worketh not togither with Gods spirite in our c●…version vnlesse it be to hinder and crosse the same WE are al of vs originally shapen in wickednes I beleeue in t●e holy Ghost Psa 51. 5. Eph 2. 3. Ioh. 3 5. and conceaved in sinne by nature the children of wrath inheritors of eternall destruction in so much that vnlesse we be borne againe of water and of the spirit we cannot see the kingdome of God And this our first estate and condition wherein we are all naturally borne being tearmed Gen. 6 5. Ron. 7. 18. the flesh and the old man is so wholy euil voide of al good that it is not so much in some part to be amended as to be cleane cast of mortified and killed and our second estate being called a second birth and a new creature signifieth not Col. 3. 5. Eph 4 22. some altering of the corrupt qualities of the soule but after a sort a ful changing renewing of the same In which worke of our deliuerance we are so farre of by our free wil to haue any inclination or readines thereto that we hate the light whereby we should be Ioh 3. 20. 6. 44. directed and wil not come to our deliuerer except we be drawen the flesh that is our corrupt nature no way furthering but hindering this vvorke For it lusteth against the spirit and the law of the Gal 5. 17. Rom. 7 23. members euē after it is in part subdued in the regenerate stil shiueth against the law of the minde the very wisdome of the flesh being enmity with God and condemning his heauenly doctrine Rom. 8 7. 1. Cor 1. 23 Liberta●sine gratia non est libertas seac●tum●cia Aug. ●p 89. Iob 21 14. P●al 8 4. Aug. ad ●…nifac li. 1. ca. 19. of extreame folly Moreouer we are
beleeue though one rose from the deade Signes ●uk 16 31. ●ar 16. 20. ●eb 2. 4. vvrought by diuine power were diuine witnesses to giue testimony to the doctrine that it vvas diuine nowe the doctrine is receaued as a diuine doctrine what neede is there of witnesses stil to testifie the same Hee is a monster saith Austine that as Aug. de civ Dei l. 22. c. 8 yet seeketh for a miracle The doctrine in truth of Antichrist and of all false prophets hath neede of new miracles because their doctrine is straunge and new and the Deuil as the spirite of Mat 24 24. ● Thess 2. 9 ●hrys in Mat. hom ●9 Christ hath foretolde shal be ready to furnish them vvith great variety thereof that so hee may prevaile the more by them and leade the greater number thereby into errour VVherefore in that the church of Rome boasteth greatly of her miracles and taketh exception against our doctrine for vvant thereof thereby shee betrayeth her infidelity and bewrayeth her selfe not to bee the church of Christ but the very seate of the great Antichrist Opposit 4. The faithfull servauntes of Christ by the preaching of the worde of God having their secret sinnes dis●layed and their consciences touched to the quicke and feeling in their hartes the divine power and maiesty purity and perfection thereof lightning their mindes sanctifying their affections and converting their soules doe fall downe as the Apostle saith and worshippe God and say that God is in you of a trueth acknowledging the preachers of that worde to be Gods ministers and 1. Cor 14. 25. the worde it selfe to bee Gods word vvhereof they haue so good proofe and so sufficient warrant in their owne heartes whereas faithlesse hypocrites having felt within them no such divine power of Gods heavenly worde doe not beleeue it to bee the worde of God for the words sake it selfe but for the outwarde testimony and witnes of the church THE mighty and powerfull worde of Christ is the scepter of Heb. 1. 8. 4. 12. Isa 11. 4. Apo 19. 15. his kingdome whereby he ruleth and raigneth in the heartes of his loyal and obedient subiects the most sharpe sword whereby he subdueth and vtterly destroyeth all his enimes By it he beateth downe in the heartes of his chosen infidelity Idolatry pride and vnthankefulnes and whatsoeuer lifteth vp it selfe against God and planteth faith piety humility and an hearty desire of sincere obedience and thankefulnes vnto God In this word being laide open the infinite and inestimable dignity of the sufferings and death of Christ whereby ful reconciliation is obtained with God satisfaction made for sinne to the vttermost and a perfect purchase made of the kingdome of heauen how are the faithful encouraged with ful assurance of faith to come vnto God and to place their whole trust and confidence in him As by the dreadful denunciations of Gods wrath against all iniquity and sinne set downe in this word especially by that seuere execution of the iustice of God in the death of Christ in whom the sins of all the elect were so seuerely punished that in vnspeakeable mercy they might be most freely pardoned vnto themselues how are the faithful touched to the quicke pricked at the very hearts humbled and after a sort cast downe into hell that they might be lifted vp againe by the Lordes mercy tast see how gracious the Lord is So like wise vvhen the infinite wisedome equity iustice righteousnes integritie puritie sanctity vprightnes which is in every one of the commaundementes of God is made knowen in some measure to everie of the faithfull how doth it winne all his affections to the loue of this lawe and cause him to lay it vp fast in his heart as a most precious and invaluable treasure O the● saith he with the prophet David the law of the Lord is an vndefiled law 〈◊〉 19. converting the soule the testimony of the Lord is sure and giueth wisedome vnto the simple the statutes of the Lord are right reioice the hart the commandement of the Lord is pure giueth light vnto the eies the feare of the Lord is cleane indureth for ever the iudgmentes of the Lord are true righteous altogeather And more to be desired then gold yea then much fine gold sweeter also then the hony and the hony combe The Samaritās who at the first were induced to beleeue in Christ vpon the testimony of the womā which said vnto thē come see a man which hath told me all whatsoever I did is not he th● very Christ whē they had heard thēselue the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth had felt in their heartes the power of his doctrine thē they said to the woman that first brought thē to Christ Now we do not beleeue for thy words for we haue heard him our selues ●…h 4. ●…om 13. ●ug Conses ●ib 8. ●ap 12. do beleue that he is the very Christ So Austin whē he was a cōtētious carnall Manichee would not beleue the gospell but for the testimony of the church but when by the divine oracle being admonished to take the booke of God into his hāds to reade therein he had read Let vs walke honestly as in the day-time not in gluttony and drunkennes nor in chambering and wantonnes nor in strife and envying but put yee on the Lord Iesus and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lustes of it this did seeme so holy heavenly and divine a doctrine vnto him and such an admiration and alteration it wrought in his hart that thē no doubt he did not beleeue for the bare outward testimony of the church but for the divine fruite vertue power puritie of the divine word of God that he himselfe had felt in his own hart VVherefore in that the children of the church of Rome doe teach and avouch that they doe not nay cannot beleeue the divine scripture to be the worde of GOD but for the testimony of the church it is manifest that they haue not felt the divine power thereof in their heartes nor haue beene translated thereby out of the slavery of Satan into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God Opposit 5. The mighty and speedy prevailing of the Gospell of Christ both at the first publication thereof by the Apostles of Christ and also at the renovation of the same in these last daies and that vvithout any earthly helpes or furtherances yea maugre the malice and spite of the Devill who set all the power and pollicy of the world with might and maine to suppresse and to roote out the same declareth the great ●fficacy of this most mighty truth vvhich thus hath hitherto and will still prevaile IT is a thing worthy to be obserued that the mystery of iniquity 2. Thes 2. 7 beganne even in the Apostles times creeping in by little and little being long in working before
in his seruice The bondslaues of Satan seeme sometimes to drawe nigh vnto God to seeke the advaūcemēt of his honor glory but it is either afflictiō that forceth thē to cry that they might be delivered Psal 78. 34. Hos 7. 14. Ioh. 6. 26. out of the hād of the oppressor or they howle vpō their beds for corne wine and follow Christ for more bread the gratious gifts of God already receiued do not allure them to come in sincerity to God For they say not in their heartes O let vs feare the Lord which giueth vs raine ●arely late in due season and reserveth Ierem. 5. 24. for vs the appointed weekes of harvest Neither doe they say vvhere Iob. 35. 10. is the God that made vs that giveth vs songes in the night vvhich teacheth vs more then the beastes of the earth and giveth vs more wisedome then the fowles of the heavens But the sincere servantes of Thankfulnes for benefits already received bringeth the faithfull to God wheras hope of profite to come and their owne necessities force hypocrites sometimes to flie vnto him 2 Reg. 5. 17 Is 38. 20. The contemplation of Gods mercies our owne defectes vnworthines is the proper cause of all sincere devotion especially the manifestation of the endles loue of God in Christ is the peculiar cause of faith by faith of all other parts of piety godlines Christ knowing that God hath advaunced them with honour aboue al the residue of his creatures seeke to advaunce his honour aboue al other yea they most duly weighing with thēselues how deeply they are endebted vnto his divine maiesty for his gracious gifts already receiued desire rather to discharge some of the billes of their former debtes then more more stil to grow in arearages Naaman the Syrian being al his life long brought vp in most grosse blindnes Idolatry when he was cured of his leprosy by the goodnes of the God of Israel that is by the goodnes of the only true God Now saith he I know that there is no God but only in Israel therfore wil I not hēceforth offer any burnt offring or sacrifice to any other God saue to the Lord. So whē Ezechias had obtained of God a great deliverance frō his most dangerous disease howe doth he sing vnto the Lord reioice in his goodnes vow vnto God perpetual homage service The graue saith he cānot cōfesse thee death cānot praise thee but the liuing shall cōfesse thee as I doe this day the father to the children shall declare thy truth The Lord was ready to saue me therfore wil I sing my songs in the house of the Lord all the daies of my life The like may be said of al the residue that haue vnfeinedly given themselues vnto God For how were they drawen therevnto but by the linkes of his loue by the chaine of his blessings Devotion saith Aquinas is a special act of religion importing nothing else but the devoting of a mans hearte to the prompt service of the almighty God the cause wherof is the contemplation meditation of the Lords benefits of our owne defects For if we would duly weigh cōsider with our selues the Lords most bountiful largesse towards vs which are vnworthy of the leasts of his mercies deserue nothing but vengeance and wrath especially if we would religiously record that one invaluable gift of God who so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne that whosoever beleeved in him should not perish but haue life everlasting it would not otherwise be but that we should be wounded and pricked at the very hearte for our former contempts disloyalties and rebellions against so good and gratious a GOD and should also be made more careful for the time to come to looke better vnto our steppes and to be more respectiue serviceable vnto our God For so wrought this heavenly phisike in Peter Paule with al the residue of the servants of Christ it purged a way the putrified humours of corrupted affections recovered thē to spiritual health life It is sufficiēt saith St. Peter that wee haue spēt the time past of our life after the lustes of the Gētiles walking in 1. Pet. 4 2. Our defectes Gods loue Our dutie or devotiō vvantonnes lustes drunkennes and in abominable Idolatries But nowe seeing we knowe that Christ hath suffered for sinne we ought also to suffer in the flesh and to cease from sinne and henceforward to liue as much time as remaineth in the flesh not after the lustes of men but after the vvill of God So likewise the Apostle St. Paule Wee also our selues vvere in Tit. 3. 3. Our defectes Gods loue times past vnwise disobedient deceiued serving d●verse lustes and v●l●ptuousnes living in malitiousnes and e●vy hatefull and hating o●… another but when the bo●…t●fulnes and loue of God our Saviour toward man appeared he not onely saved vs from the guilte of our sinnes by giving himselfe a ransome for our soules but also hee destroyed the power Our dutie or devotiō of sinne in vs and so raysed vs vp to newnes of life For albeit the wicked turne the grace of God into wantonnes saying let vs sinne that grace may abound yet the saying grace of God teacheth the godly another lesson even to deny vngodlines and worldly lustes and to live Tit. 2. 11. iustly soberlie and godly in this present world looking for the blessed hope appearing of the mighty God and of our S●viour Iesus Christ vvho gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all ●…iquiti● and purge vs to be a peculiar people to himselfe zealous of good workes So likewise albeit the LORDES temporall blessinges are to the wicked as thornes choaking vp the good seedes of pietie and godlines and as baites to snare them and to drawe their heartes from God and as chaines to binde them fast vnto the varities of this wicked world yet to the godlie they are as sweete sauce to make them ●eede more eagerly vppon the foode of their soules and as spurres to make them runne more readilie in the way of Gods commaundementes and as ladders to lifte them vp vnto GOD that so they may come to the fruition of his greater blessinges For to the pure all thinges are pure in so much that their verie sinnes make them to hate sinne the more and the little tast of the LORDES mercies causeth them more vehemently to thirst after a full cuppe of the same mercies yea the more they see their owne wantes and the LORDES fulnes the more they are stirred vp to renoūce themselues to cleaue Eph. 5. 8. Our de fectes Gods loue Our duty or devotiō vnfainedly vnto the Lord. Yee were darknes saith the Apostle but now yee are light in the Lord Walke as children of the light as if he should haue said vnto them Remember your
each one the other therein then how much more ought they to doe it which are appointed to be publik officers for the same purpose How oug●t they especially most carefully to put in practise the exhortation of the prophet by calling continually vnto the people and saying Praise the Lord and call vpon his name and declare his workes among the people Sing vnto him sing praises vnto him and let your talking be of all his wondrous works Reioice in his holy name let the harts of them reioice that se●ke the Lord. Seeke the Lord and his strength se●ke his face continually Remember the ma●ve●lous works that he hath done the wonders and the iudgments of his mouth ●h yee seede of Abraham his servant ye ch●ldren of Iacob his chosen he is the Lord our God ● The 〈…〉 ●…ssistance accord●… to his own covenant And yet if all men faile in their duety the Lorde himselfe will not faile in that covenant which he h●th made with all his chosen wherein hee hath promised that hee himselfe will write his lawes in their heartes and plant them in their mindes and that he will doe the same so sufficiently that it shall not be a matter of absolute necessity for every one to exhort and to admonish his neighbor saying know the Lord for they shall all know me saith the Lord even Ier. 31 34. from the greatest vnto the least So and so beneficiall it is vnto all the Lords people to know the Lord and his gracious blessings to keepe a continuall remembrance of the same and therefore so and so many meanes hath the Lord appointed in his vnspeakeable wisedome and goodnesse for the stirring vp of every one of his faithful servants to the ready and careful performance of this so beneficiall and necessary a worke So and so carefull hath the Lord been that the people devoted vnto his service should want no meanes to strengthen further them in the holy exercise of sincere devotion Now let vs see how the church of Rome which boasteth so highly of her owne great devotions land of the huge multitude of all manner of good works which so and so abounde among her children religiously extolleth the Lords mercies what a carefull remembraunce shee keepeth of his goodnes seeing as it hath beene shewed that is the mother and the nurce of all sound and sincere devotion and the fountain welspring of all good workes The word of God in setting downe the great gracious blessings of God doth declare vnto vs these three pointes First the cause of them even his owne goodnesse and loue secondly the end which is the manifestation of his goodnes and loue thirdly the effect which is the working therby in the harts of his chosen of al inward graces outward dueties also both to God to our neighbour The grace goodnes loue and mercy of God is the full fountaine frō whence all his blessings doe issue flow The great blessed worke of mans redemption issueth from thence as our Saviour testifieth So God loved the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but haue Ioh. 3. 16. life everlasting The great blessed worke of the creation and all the residue of his gracious blessings many of the particulars wherof are set down by the prophet Ps 136. come also from thence even because his mercy endu●eth for ever This mercy loue of God is not o●ly most ample large but also most free vndeserved For every good gift and every perfect giving commeth downe frō Iac. 1. 17. aboue frō the father of light we hold all that wee enioy from this grand vniversal l●ndlord therefore we must pay our whole rent to him performe only to his court our suit service we are endebted vnto him alone for the loane of al that we possesse therfore to him alone we must discharge all our debt His loue also is most free vndeserved he seeketh therin not to gain any thing to himselfe but only to do good to benefit other this doth farther set forth the greatnes of his loue so doth enlarge the bil of our debt Secōdly the end why God bestoweth his blessings is that they might be vnto vs most plaine demōstrations of his loue most certain testimonies of his goodnes Shew me saith St. Iams thy faith by thy works I wil shew thee my faith by my works Iac 2. 18. 1. Ioh. 3. 18. My childrē saith St. Iohn let vs not loue in word in tōgue but in work in truth That loue thē is in truth that is effectual in works and that faith is soūd right that sheweth it selfe in the fruits Wherfore god who would haue his chosē know be fully perswaded that he loveth thē in truth sheweth it forth to them by his most gracious and manifold blessings as by the effects fruits therof and this is also a great addition vnto his loue Thirdly the Lord maketh his loue manifested by his blessings the meanes to beget and to encrease faith loue repentance and the like in the hearts of his elect and chosen children he putteth them not out to vse nor taketh any encrease for them for his estate cannot be bettered nor his blessednes encreased the profite and encrease accrueth to vs and therefore by them we merite nothing at the hands of God nor make him thereby any way endebted to vs but wee our selues are more and more still in his debt for the free lone francke gift of all his blessings Now then to returne againe to the first point The loue of God is the ful fountaine of all manner of his blessings both bodyly and ghostly and he himselfe is not only the author but also the disposer and bestower of them all the blessings themselues and the meanes are of him and the working also of the one and the other Temporal meanes are in themselues nothing without the speciall power of God working in them by them Man liveth not by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God And life consiseth not in the great aboundance of all such thinges a● doe belong to the maintenance of life The horse is counted but a vaine thing to saue a man neither can he deliver any one by his much strength the watchman also waketh but in vaine vnlesse the Lord keepe the citty So spirituall meanes also are nothing without the effectuall power of the almighty working by them for that is the very soule and life of all He that planteth is nothing and hee that watereth is nothing but God that giveth the encrease Iohn the Baptist can baptise but with water Austine can but speake to our bodyly eares Christ baptiseth only with the holy Ghost and he that hath his chaire in heaven is he only that can teach the heart The water in baptisme can