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A67217 Comfort for believers, or, A discourse of the duty and priviledge of being sealed by the Holy Spirit In five sermons upon Eph. I. 13-- published for the establishment of weak believers, who are fill'd with doubts and fears about their eternal state. By Nathanael VViles pastor of a Church of Christ in Shadwell. Wyles, Nathaniel. 1696 (1696) Wing W3770A; ESTC R221272 44,526 168

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have those witnessing Sealing Testimonies of the Spirit which we have discours'd of and described to you I say for any but real Christians to have these is utterly impossible which brings me now to give the Reasons why none but real Believers are or can be Sealed by the Spirit of God And the Reasons to make it evident and plain shall be taken 1. From the Author 2. From the Nature 3. From the Object Matter 4. From the Mediums And Lastly from the great design and end of the Holy Spirit in his glorious Sealing Work 1. Reason taken from the Author of this Sealing Work viz. the Spirit of God who is the Spirit of Holiness and Spirit of Truth So Christ calls him John 14. 17. I will pray the Father for you and he shall send you another Comforter c. even the Spirit of Truth who shall lead and guide you into all Truth John 16. 13 14. Now he being a Spirit of Holiness and Truth he cannot witness to a Lye or give a Testimony quite contrary to the whole tenour of the Sacred Word of God Whose word is a word of Truth and not of Falshood John 17. 17. The Spirit Indicted the Scriptures and they are all like him that is Truth Now were the Spirit to Seal Unbelievers he would give a Testimony quite cross to the Word of Truth which he will never do The Elect themselves while in a natural state have no actual Interest in Christ nor the Promises therefore while in that state they can have none Sealed to them They that have no actual Interest in Christ and in the Promises of the Gospel cannot be Sealed by the Spirit of Promise We must my Beloved be Saints before we can be known to be so a Man must be in Christ before he can know he is in Christ and a Believer before he can know he is a Believer and that he has Faith in Christ 2. Reason is taken from the nature of this work of Sealing If you consider the nature of it it cannot be that Unbelievers should be Sealed Assurance is produced in the Souls of Believers by the reflexive acts of their Faith the Spirit in Sealing Believers helps them to reflect upon what he hath formerly done and wrought in their Souls 1 John 2. 3. Hereby saith John we know that is we Believers that have closed in with Christ and have him to plead for us c. that we know him Now to know that we know is a reflex Act as one says and there can be no reflex Acts where there is no direct Acts of Faith it is impossible that there should be a reflex Act before a direct Act of Faith No Man can have the evidence of his Faith before the habit of it be infused and the vital act first performed therefore deceive not your Souls with vain hopes of Heaven 3. Reason of this is taken from the object Matter to which the Spirit Seals and that you will find to be his own Sanctifying Operations upon the Heart or in the Hearts of those that he Seals and consequently to their great priviledges and advantages in Christ Jesus the Spirit witnesses to Believers that they are Christ's and that he hath loved them with an everlasting Love and shed his precious Blood for them Rev. 1. 5 6. This the Spirit Seal'd to Paul Gal. 2. 20. I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me And the life saith he that I live in the flesh is by the faith of the Son of God who hath loved me and given himself for me How did Paul know this but by the still voice of the Spirit who discovered in particular Christ's love to him The Spirit in Sealing Believers doth attest That Christ abideth in them and that they are the Sons of God Rom. 8. 16. 1 John 3. 24. Hereby we know that he viz. Christ abideth in us by the Spirit which he hath given to us Now no such thing as this can be Sealed to us until we believe because neither our Adoption nor Sanctification is before Faith John 1. 12. Gal. 3. 26. When Persons believe truly in Jesus Christ then are they actually Sons of God and really Sanctified and not before for our Hearts are said to be purified by or through Faith Acts 15. 9. Therefore Persons being unsanctified cannot be Sealed before Faith in the Blood of Christ 4. Reason it is thus If you consider the Mediums or Instruments made use of in this work of Sealing The Spirit of God in Sealing his People makes use of the great and precious Promises therefore he is called a Spirit of Promise in our Text He is not so called only because he is the Spirit promised Ezek. 36. 27. but secondly because he opens and applies the Promises to Believers which he doth when they believe and are united to Christ and not before The Spirit clears the Promises to their Understandings and by Faith enables them to apply them to their own Souls but still remember 't is after Faith for 'till a Person is united to Christ he has no true saving right to the Promises they are Childrens Bread and Dogs that are without must not meddle with them Matth. 15. 26 27. Rev. 22. 15. But Fifthly The Fifth Reason is taken from the great End and Design of the Spirit in this Sealing Work which is to secure to the believing Soul its Peace pardon of Sin and eternal Salvation with Christ in Glory The end of our Faith we read is the Salvation of our Souls and this is the end of the Spirit 's Sealing to secure it to the Soul 1 Pet. 1. 9 10. The Spirit of God is said Eph. 4. 30. To Seal Believers to the day of Redemption that is to their compleat Salvation in Christ We are all by nature in bondage to Sin and Corruption and we are Redeemed from Sin by the first coming of Christ Matth. 1. 21. Tit. 2. 14. And shall be fully and perfectly Redeemed from all Sin at his second Now in the mean time 'till this be God would have his People to be assured of it before-hand therefore he hath given his Spirit to Seal them up to the Day of Redemption Now my Beloved it is as equally impossible for Unbelievers as such to be Sealed as Saved And the Word saith Matth 16. 16. He that believeth not shall be damned And John 8. 24. Says Christ to the Jews If you believe not ye shall die in your sins Thus you see the Doctrine is clear That the great priviledge of Sealing by the Spirit follows the Act of Believing and goes not before it I should have shown you now Thirdly Whether all Believers are Sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise but our time is gone therefore I shall sum up all with a short Word of Application and leave what has been said to the Blessing of God 1. Vse If none are Sealed nor can be Saved until they believe in Christ
by any new Revelation or extraordinary Voice from Heaven but by subjecting his Understanding to and comparing his heartwith the word Thus having made these Distinctions for your clear understanding the Case give me leave to Answer all out of doubt from what has been said And that briefly in these three things First Consider that though all Believers have not the Formal yet they have the Objective Seal of the Spirit they are all Sanctified and made Holy by the holy Spirit of Promise true Grace is infused and imprinted in their Souls though the formal Seal of the Spirit may not yet be set to it There may be Fire put in on the Hearth Though you cannot well see it there may be Grace in the Heart and spiritual life though it cannot be well discerned because of the many Corruptions that be yet in the Heart You read Matth. 12. 20. of the smoaking Flax and bruised Reed Grace may be true though weak and a Man may be in Christ though it be not clear to him all Believers are Sanctified though not Sealed presently But Secondly Consider That tho' all Believers are not Sealed at one and the same time yet there are few that are true Christians but before they dye meet with one Season or another wherein the Lord doth Seal them If they be not Sealed at their first closing in with Christ by Faith as some are tho' but few yet they are Sealed by the Spirit more or less before they dye and go out of the World Thirdly and Lastly Consider That though God doth not now seal by his Spirit in an extraordinary and immediate way by Revelation c. yet most Christians in the ordinary way of the Spirit are sealed God meets with them in one Duty or another in one sacred Ordinance or another either in Prayer Reading Hearing or in receiving of the Lord's Supper This God has promised and Believers may expect for God is faithful who has promised I shall conclude with these two Scriptures Isa 32. 17. And the work of Righteousness shall be peace and the effect of Righteousnes Quietness and Assurance for ever Isa 64. 5. Thou meetest him that rejoyceth and worketh Righteousness and remembers thee in thy ways So much for this time Believers Sealed BY THE Spirit of Promise Third Sermon from Ephes 1. the latter part of the 13 verse In whom also after that ye believed ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise BRethren the Truth we are upon from the Words is this Doctrine The great priviledge and mercy of being Sealed by the Spirit of Promise is after the Duty and Act of Believing After ye Believed ye were Sealed by the Spirit c. For the opening this great Point we have First already shown what the Spirit 's Sealing is Secondly Why none are nor can be Sealed till they Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ And Thirdly We have answered this great Question viz. Whether all Believers are Sealed by the Spirit of Promise or not Now in the Fourth place God assisting we shall shew you the great Priviledges of those Souls that are Sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise And my Beloved their Priviledges and Advantages are many and great even so great and many that words cannot express them fully nor set out the riches and worth of this mercy Some of the Saints Priviledges by being Sealed we shall acquaint you with in these particulars First The use of a Seal in Men's Affairs sets out the priviledges of Believers Sealed by the Spirit For as the use of a Seal is manifold so the advantages of Believers are many who are Sealed by the Holy Spirit to the day of Redemption Eph. 4. 30. Quest What are the Vses 〈…〉 Seal Answ The Uses of a Seal are many as First A Seal serves for Confirmation amongst Men there is the Writing and the Seal put to the Writing now when the Seal is added there is a perfect Ratification or Confirmation of what is in the Writing There are abundance of great and precious Promises in the Word of God which the Spirit of Promise seals to the Soul and when he seals them then are they sure to us The Apostle tells us 2 Cor. 1. 20. That all the Promises of God are in Christ yea and Amen Yea that is truth Amen that is assurance And in v. 21. He hath also Sealed us and given the earnest of his Spirit in our hearts Those Promises that are made and given us in Christ the Lord assures and confirms to us by his Holy Spirit who opens and applies the Promises to Believers The Spirit assureth the Saints their right in the Promises and that God will pay the whole sum of them in his time to them For an Earnest saith the Annotators on the place is as a pledge whereby we confirm a Bargain or as a piece of Money whereby we assure the payment of the whole The first gift therefore of the Spirit and of Life is a pledge of our whole Inheritance insomuch that this anointing sealing and pledging all serve to one and the same end God is both able and willing to perform all that he hath promised and this the Spirit testifies to the Souls of them that he Seals 2. Vse A Seal is for distinction from others that carries not that mark the Spirit of God distinguishes them he Seals from other Men in the World There is as before I have told you a distinction between Persons in God's Election and Eternal Purpose but this concerns us not secret things belonging to God Deut. 29. 29. any further than to know it in the general that there is such a thing we are not to meddle any further with it 2 Tim. 2. 19. The Lord knoweth them that are his and them that are not his for he has set his seal and mark upon them in Christ from Eternity but now the Spirit of God in time distinguisheth and ranks Men saith D. Sibbs as they were before all Worlds and as they shall be at the Day of Judgment when Christ shall come and give to all Men according to their works 2 Cor. 5. 10. The beginning of that distinction that shall be afterwards is in this life the Spirit 's objective Seal viz. of Sanctification makes a distinction between Men. A Seal you know makes the Impression of an Image and the Prince's Image uses to be in his Seal The glorious Image of God is in his Seal which ruines and destroys the old Man and prints the New in the Souls of Believers by the Spirit 's Sealing Ephes 4. 22 23 24. There is that by the Spirit stamp'd and printed in the Soul that was not there before True Believers by the Spirit 's Sealing are First Distinguished from moral civilized Men which are at best but tamed Devils and old Adam put in a new Dress The House may be swept i. e. Man may be civilized and have many good Morals and yet the Heart not Sanctified See Matth. 12.
of Christ Say unto Christ as the Spouse Cant. 6. 8. Set me as a Seal upon thy heart and as a Seal upon thy arm Pant after it as David Psal 35. 3. Say unto my Soul I am thy Salvation Make this your greatest care and business in the world next to glorifying of God to set things to rights betwixt God and your Souls and to get an assurance That he is your Salvation Give all diligence to make your Calling and Election sure 2 Pet. 1. 10 11. The Usurer saith It is good to be sure the Purchaser saith It is good to be sure that his Title to Lands and Houses be sure and firm The Tradesman saith it is good to be sure and ought not Believers above all to say That it is good to be sure of Christ's Love and of the goodness of our Title to heaven and glory For the love of Christ heaven and glory are infinitely above all other things therefore to be well assured of them we should mind 'em with the greatest care and diligence Motives First Consider That every wis Man will labour to get a good thing and make it as sure as he can and will you be such Fools as not to mind and labour to be sealed by the Spirit and to be assured of Christ's Love to you and of your Title to Glory it is good to be sure here that when you dye and have this Earthly Tabernacle dissolved you may know you have a Building with God an House not made with Hands eternal in the Heavens 1 Cor. 3. 1 2. 2dly Consider that there be many who will question your Interest in Christ and title to Eternal Lise As first the Devil who is the Accuser of the Brethren a Fighter against the Saints and a great Enemy to all their Peace and Comfort O Believers he 'll follow you with many Temptations and Objections about your Eternal State and raise many doubts in your Hearts if he cannot split you upon the Rock of Presumption as he does Thousands he 'll endeavour to ruin you on the Rock of Despair Peter tells us that the Devil goes about like a roaring Lyon seeking whom he may devour 1 Pet. 5. 8. Blessed be God it is not whom he will but whom he may devour Says Paul 2 Cor 1. 11. Take heed lest Satan get an advantage against you for we are not ignorant of his Devices The Devil has many Stratagems and wiles to ruin poor Souls and to disquiet the Hearts of Believers therefore labour to be well assured that you may answer all the false accusations of the Devil but Secondly There is the World which is fill'd with Scoffers and Troublers of God's Israel the wicked Ishmaels of the World they 'll call you Hypocrites and question your Title to Heaven and Glory therefore seek after the sealing of the Spirit and to be well assured of your States and Conditions respecting Christ and Glory that under all the false Censures of the World you may approve your selves to God and have inward Peace and Comfort from this that your Hearts are right with God and that you are and desire to be that before God in reality that you seem to be in appearance before Men My Righteousness saith Job I will hold fast and my Heart viz. my Conscience shall not condemn me as long as ever I live Though you condemn me for an Hypocrite yet my Righteousness or Integrity I will hold fast and I will keep a good Conscience that shall not condemn me as long as I Live Thirdly There is your own Hearts that will join in too much with these Accusers there fore you had need labour to get a good Assurance for if your Hearts condemn you God is greater than your Hearts and knoweth all things but if your hearts condemn you not then have you Confidence towards God 1 John 3. 20 21. But Thirdly Consider when you are sealed by the Spirit or have got a good Assurance c. you will go about good duties with great comfort and delight you will resist Sin and the Devil Pray Read and Hear with great sweetness and delight you 'll bear Crosses endure Tryals with great Patience Abraham was to do a hard piece of Work viz. to kill his only Son bot having received the Promises he went about it chearfully Heb. 11. 17 18. Says David Psal 89. 15 16. Blessed are they that hear the joyful Sound why are they blessed They shall walk says he in the Light of thy Countenance O Lord in thy Name shall they rejoice all the Day But Fourthly Consider that he whom God loves is a happy Man though he knows it not i. e. be not fully assured of it but he that knows he is beloved of God knows himself to be a happy Man to be beloved of God in Christ is great happiness but to know that God doth love us in Christ is greater happiness Fifthly Consider that to he sealed or assured by the Spirit is very sweet and comfortable to the Soul This is the Manna says one in the golden Pot the Wine of Paradice which chears and revives the heart how sweet is a Smile from God through Christ The Sun you know is more chearing when it shines out than when it is hid in a Cloud assurance is sweet in Life in Sufferings and in Death it self it puts a Man in Heaven as it were before his time But Quest May some say What must we do to obtain the Sealing of the Spirit or Assurance Answer First Direction Labour to get some certain and infallible Signs and Characters out of God's holy Word of saving grace that you indeed are such as God has changed by his Spirit and wrought grace in your Hearts the Spirit 's Sealing or Assurance saith one is made up of a practical Syllogism where the Word of God is the Major a good Conscience the Minor and the Spirit of God the Conclusion as for Instance the word saith that he who loves God is beloved of God Conscience saith but I love God saith the Spirit therefore art thou beloved of God As also He that believeth saith the word shall be Saved John 3. 16. Conscience but I do believe therefore saith the Spirit thou shalt be Saved Now see if you can find these in your Hearts Secondly Retire your selves into some private place alone from the Eye of the World where none see you but God and there narrowly search and try your hearts See how it stands between God and you Have you Grace or no Faith or no 2 Cor. 13. 5. Examine whether you be in the Faith and Faith be in you Oh! be not Strangers to your selves but commune daily with your own Hearts This is a good way to get Assurance Many are Strangers to themselves and look more aborad upon others than at home into their own Hearts Psal 4. 4 5. Thirdly Be earnest with God at the Throne of Grace Heb. 4. ult Beg of him to Seal you by his
Spirit and through Christ to discover your state and condition to you that so you may not be deceived and go down to Hell with a Lye in your right hand Lord say to my Soul I am thy Salvation Psal 35. 3. Plead thus daily with God that so you may not lose your comfort on the one hand nor your precious Souls on the other But Fourthly Watch much over your own Hearts and Lives be very careful of your steps and how you walk that you grieve not the good Spirit Let not your Hearts run out too much upon the World and be not too careless of your steps lest you offend God Psal 39. 1. I said I will look to my ways c. That is I resoved to do so So Pray do you for to him that ordereth his Conversation aright God will shew his Salvation Psal 50. 23. Fifthly Wait humbly and patiently upon the Lord even 'till he shall shed abroad his Love in your hearts and set you as a Seal upon his heart They that wait upon God shall have renewed strength Isa 40. 29 30. Who is there among you that feareth the Lord who walketh in darkness and see no light Oh! trust in the Name of the Lord and stay and wait upon him I say to you as David Psal 27. ult Wait on the Lord and be of good courage for he shall strengthen your hearts Wait I say on the Lord waiting Christians will lose nothing Mich. 7. 9. Sixthly Mourn over all those sins that cause the Lord to withdraw and hide his Face from your Souls Isa 59. 2. Have you not grieved the Spirit and been guilty of too much Pride Passion Formality and Unbelief Oh! weep bitterly for this before the Lord look upon Christ whom you have pierced Zech. 12. 10. Sights of a broken Christ will cause a broken Heart None can look upon Christ truly without brokenness of heart he that looks upon Christ savingly will mourn for him as a Man for his only Son Mourning for an only Son is the greatest of Sorrow our sorrow for sins against God should exceed all other sorrow Though there be no merit yet there is much mercy in a broken heart Psal 51. 17. 34. 18. They that mourn shall be comforted Matth 5. 6. Seventhly In times of trouble and desertion keep up Faith and in times of Communion keep up fear when God has hid his Face and you sit in darkness then stir up Faith trust and stay still upon him Isa 50. 11. And when God shall manifest himself and shine upon you then keep up fear a fear of Jealousie not of Distrust Work out your Salvation with fear Phil. 2. 12. Blessed is the Man that seareth always Tho' my Beloved we blame the Papists for teaching People to doubt and for making that a duty which is a Sin yet we are for a narrow search and a holy Fear and Trembling in trying of our hearts lest we be deceived in the end Eighthly Make much of and cherish the holy Spirit of God Oh do not resist him but comply with his Blessed Motions it is the Spirit that is the Comforter John 14. 16. who seals up assurance to us 2 Cor. 1. 22. When good David would have assurance of God's Love that his broken Bones might be healed he prayed earnestly that God would not take his holy Spirit from him Psal 51. 11. 12. David knew that it was the Spirit only that could make him hear the Voice of Joy and Gladness O make much of the Spirit deal tenderly and kindly by him do not grieve nor quench him as too many do Eph. 4. 30. 1 Thes 3. 19. Ninthly As doubts arise in your Hearts get them satisfied and and as Sins are committed in your Lives get them pardoned Are your Hearts Christians filled with doubts and fears about the state of your Souls O cry to God to resolve and scatter them Have you fallen into any Sin thro' Infirmity and Temptation Cry for pardon through Christ who is your Advocate and Friend in Heaven and is there pleading for you Heb. 7. 26. 1 John 2. 1 2. Tenthly Keep a pure Conscience O see that no Sin or guilt lye there unrepented of remember that God Seals no Pardon before Faith and Repentance keep Conscience therefore pure and void of offence we are bidden Heb. 10. 22. to draw near to God with true Hearts and in the full assurance of Faith having our Hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience c. He that allows himself in Sin and keeps not a good Conscience cannot draw nigh to God in the full assurance of Faith But 11. Lastly Lye at the Pool of Ordinances frequent much the Word and Sacraments that are God's Appointments in which he has promised to meet his People do not stay away from Hearing nor from the Table of the Lord at no time as many do for every small frivolous thing The way to meet with God and to have an assurance of his Love to be Sealed by his Spirit is to wait upon him in his Ordinances and to remember him in his ways Isa 64. 5. The Ordinances of God are the banquetting House where God displays the Banner of his Love and seals it up to his People Cant. 2. 4. To be found sincerely in the way and use of God's Ordinances is the way to be set as a Seal upon Christ's heart 2. Branch You that are Sealed and assured by the Spirit of the love of God in Christ to you Oh! be exhorted First to endeavour to keep the assurance you have as we must labour to get it so to keep it It is a Mercy we should beware of losing it is the comfort of your life and 't will be sweet in death What comfort is there preserable to this which flows from the Sealing of the Spirit or the Assurance of God's love in Christ Now that you may have much of this Sweetness and Comfort keep and hold fast that assurance which you have through Grace obtained Question How or by what means may we do this Answer First By renewing your Repentance often for Sin you cannot live without Sin therefore live not without Repentance God often cloaths such with the Garments of Joy and Comfort who tumble themselves in Ashes as it were for their Sins Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted Matth. 5 6. And that are humble for they shall he exalted James 4. 9 10. Secondly Fear the hidings of God's Face and the withdrawing the Light of his Countenance from you David feared much therefore prayed much Hide not thy Face from thy Servant c. Psal 27. 9. Fear also to offend God by doing of any Evil beware of every Sin and of every Temptation to Sin either from the Devil the World or your Hearts When tempted to Sin say as Joseph did How can I do this great Evil and sin against God Gen. 39. 9. Sin is an enemy it hides God's Face from us and wounds our Souls 't will
break our Bones therefore fight against it 1 Pet. 2. 11. Thirdly Renounce all trust and Confidence in your selves in your own Works and Righteousness depend alone upon God in Christ and labour to be found in him having on his pure Righteousness Paul desir'd to renounce and leave all to be found in Christ Phil. 3. 7 8. Where is the Christian like Paul that has no Confidence in the Flesh or in their own Abilities but trust alone in God who giveth his all things to enjoy 2 Cor. 1. 9. Fourthly Study Sanctification more both in Heart and Life they must follow after Holiness that would see God Heb. 12. 14. They that perfect Holiness in the fear of the Lord shall certainly see God and behold his Salvation Psal 50. 23. Oh! then be found in the constant and daily exercise of Grace and perseverance in Holiness and Piety 2 Cor. 7. 1 2. 1 Pet. 1. 15. But Fifthly Take heed of nourishing Jealousies and Suspicions of God in your hearts fear not his Love to you but yours to him Some cry out Oh! the Lord does not love me for he has set me as a mark for his Arrows and has forsaken me he is my Enemy and I fear he will damn me at last after all What dreadful thoughts are these of God even that God who keepeth covenant and mercy with his for ever Psal 89. 33 34. Oh! harbour not these Jealousies of God If you find them in you at any time see you check them for God abides faithful and his love is the same for ever Jer. 29. 11 12. I know the thoughts that I think towards you saith the Lord they are thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end My thoughts are not your thoughts nor my ways your ways saith God Isa 55. 8 9 10 11. But Sixthly Stand up for the Truths of God against all Opposers and for the Faith once delivered to the Saints Jude v. 3. Much of God's Glory lies in his Truth and they that stand up for his Truth as it is in Jesus and bear witness for it in the World are and may be sure they shall be happy 2 Tim. 2. 12. But Seventhly Have a care of Sinning but especially of sinning presumptuously against Light and Knowledge Pray as David Psal 19. 11 12. To be kept from all sin but especially from presumptuous sins that they have no dominion over you Sin is that which provokes God and will wound your Consciences spoil your Peace and mar your Evidences and Assurance for Heaven therefore strive and watch against all Sin Jer. 44. 4. Matth. 26. 41. Eighthly Be much in Prayer to God thro' Christ Pray often and earnestly like Jacob for the Spirit of Adoption to Seal you up to the day of Redemption 'T is the Spirit must Seal you and reveal to you the great things of God that appertain to the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 2. 10. Oh! Pray for more Grace more Faith more Love and for more Assurance Luke 17. 5. Psal 4. 6. 36. 10. Ninthly Be tender of God's Honour and Glory in the World seek and study that above all 1 Cor. 10. 31. Our dear Lord Jesus as Man abode in his Father's love by being zealous for his glory and so may you this way Let the zeal of God's House eat you up John 2. 17. Oh! study every way to advance his glory for they that advance God's glory here he 'll advance their joy and comfort in Christ 1 Sam. 2. 30. Tenthly Be very humble Oh! have a care of Pride for Pride estrangeth the Soul from God and God from the Soul He beholds the Proud afar off James 4. 6. but gives more grace to the humble When you are high in Assurance and have received much from God Oh! then be low in Humility for God resisteth the Proud Paul had a great assurance being Sealed by the Spirit yet saith one he baptizeth himself with this name the chief of Sinners 1 Tim. 1. 15 16. The Jewel of Assurance I am sure is best kept in the Cabinet of a humble and low Spirit Oh! be humble in your own eyes and lye low then God will exalt you But Secondly You that are Sealed by the Spirit and have Assurance be exhorted not only to keep it but to improve it for God's glory your own comfort and the good of others Quest How shall we do this in a right manner Answ First by encouraging of those poor Souls who are yet in their Sins and in an unconverted State Oh! tell them how sweet this hidden Manna is and what a good Master Christ is whom you love and serve Oh! persuade Sinners by the love and mercy of God in Christ to leave their sins and inroll their Names in his Family use what Arguments you can with them for he that winneth Souls is wise Prov. 11. 30. Such shall shine in glory Dan. 12. 5 6. Secondly Comfort as you can weak Christians who have not the Sealings of the Spirit that you have I say to you as Christ said to Peter Luke 22. 32. When you are converted strengthen your Brethren Comfort them that are strugling and ready to sink Thirdly Walk more heavenly than ever look to your Hearts Lives and Actions see that you walk as Children of the light not as the foolish but as the wise redeeming all time for God Eph. 5. 15 16. But Fourthly Improve it by a chearful walking and serving of God Come before him with gladness and singing Psal 100. 1 2. 'T is for Persons condemned to hang down their heads and be sad but you are pardoned and justified through Christ therefore rejoice Rom. 5. 1 2. 1 Cor. 6. 11. Shall Drunkards Swearers Whoremongers and wicked Wretches rejoice who are just upon the brink of Hell and are condemned already John 3. 18. and will you that are Believers be sad Oh! chear up lift up your Heads and Rejoice I say to you as Jonadab to Amnon 2 Sam. 13. 3. Why art thou being a Kings Son so lean from day to day so why are you Believers being the King's Sons and Daughters of Heaven so sad Why do you not rejoice more in Christ and in your blessed Estate being Sealed and assured by the spirit Oh rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice Phil. 4. 4. How merry is the Bird how musical does it sing that knows not where to have and pick up its next Crumb and will you be sad who are assured of God's Love to you and not rejoice in it I will rejoice faith Habakkuk in the God of my Salvation Hab. 3. 17 18. But Fifthly and lastly and so I shall conclude Let your Hearts be much endeared to God by Love he hath done great things for you in Christ and bestowed much upon you Oh see that your Hearts run out in Love towards him Psal 31. 23. Oh love the Lord all ye his Saints it was a Saying of Austin I would hate my Soul if I did not find it loving God Whom should you love but God Has he done so much in you and for you and will you not Love Him Oh give him your Hearts and best Affections and shew your Love to him by obeying his Commands If ye Love Me saith Christ Keep my Commandments John 14 15 16 Thus improve your Grace and Assurance that you may glorifie the Name of that God who hath called you out of Darkness into this marvellous Light and Sealed you by his Spirit Thus much for this Time and this Text the Lord give you Understanding in all these things Amen FINIS Advertisement ALL Sorts of Second-hand Books bought and Sold as Mathematical Arithmetical Philosophical Astrological Chymical Chyrurgical Physical Poetical Travels Voyages and Divinity choice Bibles where is to be had Money for any Study or Parcles of Books by Caleb Hooker at the Sign of the Muzeled Bear on Wapping-Wall near Pelican-Stairs