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A30289 Three questions resolved briefly and plainly, viz. What conceptions ought we to have of the blessed God? What are those truths, whereof the knowledge appeareth most indispensibly necessary unto our salvation; and (therefore) to be first and most learnt by us? What is the change wrought in a man by God's H. Word and spirit, before he can safely conclude himself pass'd from death to life? Being the summ of three sermons. By Daniel Burgess. Burgess, Daniel, 1645-1713. 1688 (1688) Wing B5718A; ESTC R213037 36,052 94

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the day of Death to the day of Judgment in the Honour put on at the day of Judgment in the complete Glory bestown after the day of general Judgment and for ever to endure Trial will best discover with how small pains and great Profit this Compendium may begotten And when gotten it is by Understanding and Memory I advise that that which follows in twelve particulars be studyed Namely three concerning GOD three concerning MAN three concerning CHRIST three concerning the APPLICATION of Christ that is saving unto us P. 1. There is one only God an Infinite Perfect and Spiritual Essence P. 2. This one God is Father Son and Spirit Distinguished into three manners of Subsistence after a way incomprehensible The Father eternally Begetting the Son Begotten the Holy Ghost Proceeding P. 3. This one God is the Maker Preserver Governour of all things by infinite Wisdom Power and Goodness P. 4. Man was made of such a Body and Soul that he was able to have attained for himself and his Posterity that eternal Life which was provided for his reward if he had stood obedient P. 5. Man thus made was Envyed and Tempted by the Devil and Yielded wilfully unto his temptation and brake the Law and Covenant of God and made himself and all his posterity cursed by God and envassalled to Sin and Satan and unable to escape the threatned Death P. 6. Man thus immiserated was Pitied by God. Who in prosecution of an eternal Counsel and Covenant of peace provided preached and offered a Saviour to him even Jesus Christ the righteous P. 7. Jesus Christ this Saviour is as to his Natures perfect God and perfect Man in one Person and as to his Offices he is both Prophet Priest and King in both his states of Humiliation and Exaltation P. 8. Jesus Christ's Humiliation in being made under the Law Obeying the Precepts and Suffering the Curse of it was deeper than was possible for any meer creature to undergo And his Exaltation in Rising from the Dead as He did Ascending up into Heaven and Having all Power in Heaven and Earth given unto Him was higher than any meer creature could possibly be exalted unto P. 9. Jesus Christ being so Exalted is Able to save to the uttermost and Willing to save Sinners the chiefest welcomes all that penitently come unto Him and mourns over all that obstinately keep away from Him. P. 10. Application of Christ that avails unto our Salvation by Him is twofold viz. such as is made by God and such as is made by our selves God applies Christ to us by his H. Spirit when by him he doth give us will and power to embrace him as offer'd in the Gospel We apply Christ unto our selves when by Faith in-worked in us we do embrace him as Prophet Priest and King Covenanting with Him as such for ever P. 11. Application of Christ so described is that which every Soul should seek pray and wait for in the use of all God's Means appointed Resting not quietly without some well-built Hopes that they have thro' grace attain'd it P. 12. Application of Christ so desirable no man may hope for out of the Means by God appointed but in the constant and diligent use of those Means no man need fear but he shall find it When Novices have gotten thus far they are more than a little advantaged to learn any of our Catechisms The Westminster Assemblies with blessed Mr. Lyes most useful Exposition or any other Yet for Reasons nameless let me say I would not have that or any other singly address'd to All Methods are imperfect saith our great Methodist But he sticks not to say What my heart thinks that the Creed Lord's Prayer Ten Commands and Doctrine of the Sacraments make the compleatest body of Truths that we can form The Rule of Faith is in the first the Rule of our Prayers in the second the Rule of our Practice in the third the great Encouragement and Engagement to Believe Pray and Live holily is set forth in the fourth I conclude therefore with such as small a Map of the World of Truths in these as some candid Hearers have not thought Vnuseful In number thirty seven Creed Truths twelve 1. There is a God that is three distinct Persons whose Revelations of himself are to be Credited his Promises to be Relied on his Demands from us Consented unto heartily and practically And the First Person of these three First in Order tho' not in Time of Being and Working is named the Father Father of All things by Creation of his Church by Adoption of his Christ by Generation in time as he was Man and by Generation eternal and inconceivable as He is God. Father Almighty as to Right to do whatever He pleaseth and as to Strength wherewith to do it And Maker of Heaven and Earth that is of all things Of the University of Beings 2. The Second Person of the Godhead is as to Office Jesus a Saviour from Sin by Price by Prayer and by Power As to his Authority He is Christ set apart by God Qualified and Commissioned to be a saving Prophet Priest and King. As to his Essence and Relation to God the Father He is His Only Son to wit by Eternal Natural Inconceivable generation As to His Supremacy and Honour He is our Lord to wit by Natural right as He is God and by Delegated right as he is the Lord to whom all Dominion is given upon a double consideration That is of the Price wherewith He bought it from God and of the Victory whereby He gain'd it all from Creatures 3. This Christ as Man was without humane Father Conceived that is Prepared by the H. Ghost who first extraordinarily sanctified a portion of the Virgin-Mother's Flesh and Blood and then Made thereof his sinless Body Born He was of that Virgin Mary according to the Prophecy Isa 7.14 Mary a Princess by Extraction from King David and Father Abraham tho' of condition poor and espoused to a mean Artificer Mary an holy creature and humble Yet never called Mother by our Saviour Himself nor ever made a Goddess by his Order 4. This Christ Suffered from God Men and Devils in Soul Body Rayment Name and Friends Vnder Pontius Pilate that is in the Time of his Presidency under Tiberius Caesar Was Crucified a manner of death by the Romans used and by God especially Cursed Dead Buried and Descended into Hell that is His Soul and Body were separated from each other tho' neither of them were separated from the Godhead at all His Body agreeably to Moses Law but contrary to the Roman was the same day Buried And for part of three days about thirty eight or forty hours it abode apart from his Soul. 5. The third day after his Death He rose again from the Dead By his Father's power Rom. 6.4 By his own power John 2.19 by the Holy Spirit 's power 1 Pet. 3.18 By the One power of all the Divine Persons Else He
Order And Desire them in this Order Let the Shame be on me if thou lose by this Use If God preserve us not in Being we are then incapable of Doing and Receiving any good Being we therefore first pray for If God Pardon not our Sins our Being is a cursed one and worse than none at all For we cannot avoid his Wrath which is the Hell of Hell. Pardon therefore we pray for in the second place If God deliver us not from sinful Temptation's prevalence our Being and past Pardon are very sorry things For Sin after Pardon is worse Sin and 't will kindle a worse Wrath of God. And what then becomes of us Deliverance from it we therefore Pray for in the third place We content us not to Pray but for the two former We Pray for all these and in this natural Method that our dear Redeemer teaches 5. High and honourable Thoughts of God must 〈◊〉 in all that Pray unto Him. And must be expressed in the entrance of their Prayer The Preface of the Lord's Prayer so teacheth us Father signifies Creator Ruler Benefactor These words Art in Heaven do not speak God's place for He is every where and is Place it self They signifie God's eternally being of such Perfections as neare above our minds as the Heavens are above the Earth Our Father also speaks much Our doth express Him to be the whole Church and World's Father I and so Loveful a Father that He has bound●●s Children every one to Love and Pray for all 6. Kingdom Power and Glory are the three steps by which our Minds rise in the Praise of God. Kingdom signifies his just Right to govern all things Power signifies his perfect Strength wherewith to do it Glory signifies his forth-shining Excellency which does and will for ever be in it The Excellency I mean of all his Perfections We do or should conceive of God as a Ruler most rightful and powerful and amiable or beautiful 7. Praise that is the highest of all Worship must not be sparingly used in Prayer The Preface and Conclusion of the Lord's Prayer are an Heaven if all of the Stars of Praise And no wonder for Greatness and Goodness are comprehensive of all God's Perfections Thanksgiving it self which is a Worship more noble than that which is more on the receiving hand it confiders but the Divine Goodness Yea and that it self but little more than as it derives and streams unto us But Praise considers and exalts God both as Great and as Good. In Himself and to us Good. Praising God can never be enough Prais'd or Practised by Us Psa 50. penult 8. Prayer is as necessarily to be Ended with Amen as to be Begun with Our Father My meaning is it must be concluded by all means with Desire Faith and Hope Amen signifies all Listlesness Vnbelief and Want of waiting and looking for Prayers returns do make Prayers as no Prayers Without the Heart's actual Amen after Prayer you interpretatively say Lord my mind 's already altered I now am indifferent whether Thou dost grant or deny me I believe Thou wilt Deny And I will not wait or look for thy Grant. Without an Amen with the mouth uttered some do suppose the Congregation injured 'T is certain where holy Amen's be not found Prayers be lost Commandment Truths twelve 1. The Object unto whom all supreme worship is to be paid is God Only To Him it must be paid by all Souls in all times with all strength And unto no other 'T is Treason to pay a penny Tribute to a rebellious Vsurper Or to worship with divine worship any tempting Creature If Jesus Christ were not God by Eternal nature I would not be Baptized into his name Or Pray unto Him any more than unto a Star. 2. 'T is as necessary that God be the Author as the Object of all religious worship We must give Him no worship but such as is prescribed by his Word His Worship must suit his blessed Nature and Will. And who can Know them but by his Word Idolatry is officious foolery Will-worship a like Phrenzy 3. 'T is not enough to worship the true God by the true Will of God for the Matter of it but the Manner also must be far from Prophane It must be with holy Reverence and humble Complacence and hearty Truth 4. 'T is not enough to worship the true God by the true Rule in the true and right Manner unless we also keep holy unto Him all such Time as He demands from us Such portions of every Day time and such of every Weeks time For the Lords-day against Judaizers read Mr. Ben Dr. Owen Mr. Baxter Holy Observance of the Lords day and of hour● of Worship on our own days is the Practi●● and Pleasure of men sincere 5. Obedience to all the former Commands sufficeth not without Duty unto Men. Especially Superiors Principally Honor of Parents natural The which are our Governors in time before Kings On a deeper foundation than that of Contract even of very Nature To them are we most Obliged and by them most Loved Well is the 5th Command called the hinge of both Tables I am sure this being broke all are broke And would Children and Parents but do their Duties toward each other it would make a sweet change of our English familys But hereof elsewhere Parents and Rulers are God's Vicegerents over us and next unto God should be Honored by us Loaded with honor as the Hebrew word is 6. As of our Duty toward man preservation of just Honor is the first Preservation of his Life is the next Death takes away time of Repentance and Earthly mercies all Look how near you come unjustly to Kill a man so near you come to the Devil's first service From the beginning he was a Murderer And so near come you to deprive him of all the good of this World and if he be not already Converted to throw him into Hell. If you do Murder a man you rob God the King and the Countrey of a Servant in this world 7. The third Kind of duty towards Man-kind is preservation of Chastity in our selves and others To defile is next to Kill one Obscene thoughts words and deeds be next unto Murderous ones Lascivious Goats and bloody Wolves be much like odious in God's eyes 8. The fourth part of our Duty towards man is preservation of his Estate To Contemn to Kill or to Defile is worse but to Rob and Injure in ever so little a matter is a Sin that God will not let go unrevenged Of how great infamy among men is the name of a Thief O that Thieves knew but God's thoughts of them 9. The fifth sort of duty to Man is preservation of them in their Causes and Suits of Law. By bearing true witness when called and abhorring all false All that tends to pervert publick Justice Lyars be Satan's Pictures 10. The sixth duty toward man is such Love of him as we bear unto our selves Such
and Election For ought I see by the Word of God Dying men do change but their Places not their Company And what Company I do of choice hold upon Earth I must by the Judgment of God hold for ever Prophane men be open Sepulchres Hypocrites be painted ones If I here delight in Sepulchres and chuse to keep among the dead 't is certain I shall for ever with them be Buried Christ is a Tree of Lives Of the Life of Peace with God Holiness toward Him Hope from Him Glory with Him. Saints only have Life from Christ and be the only men that are truly Alive If the Spirit that acts me and Covenant that binds me and Qualities that possess me and Conversation that employs me do all of 'em bring me among the Living and I am their Companion in Graces-Kingdom surely I shall be the same in Glories-Kingdom too Wherefore before I shall conclude whither 't is I am going I will get me well assured what the Company is wherewith I go I will be fully answer'd these Questions Am I in evil Company as Lot in Sodom Vexed Is Lewd Company and Light unto me which Mesech and Kedar was to David Makes it me to cry Wo is me Have I no fellowship with God's Enemies but Reprove I them as called Do I make the very wide difference that I ought between MEN and BRETHREN Do I fear to open the doors of my House and Heart to ill men lest the Prince of darkness enter in And to shut them against holy Brethren lest the Prince of Glory be shut out Am I glad when I see the Pure in heart that see God Do I salute each of them as David did Abigail Blessed be the Lord God of Israel which sent thee this day to meet me Blessed be thy converse and blessed be thou I say Every of them viz. Tho' about Mint and Cummin differently minded And tho' by their Lustre I am eclipsed c. Finally Do I Love them that Love God and Loath them that Loath Him even as I incline to have my friends Love those that Love me and the contrary And do these following words of God dwell in me richly and powerfully Lord who shall abide in thy Tabernacle Who shall dwell in thy Holy Hill He in whose Eyes a Vile person is contemned but he honoureth them that fear the Lord Psal 15.1 4. They that fear thee O Lord will be glad when they see me that is a Godly man Psal 119.74 He that walks with wise men shall be wise but a Companion of fools shall be destroyed or broken Prov. 13.20 Postscript THE Desires of some and supposed Needs of others invite me to place here this shorter Solution of the third Question The Change in us which sheweth Salvation to be come on us is twofold Intellectual and Practical Of our Understandings and of our Conversations We do not Omit that of the Affections but comprehend it in the other The Intellectual Change is then and not till then when four things are Learned and are also a Learning better by us 1. The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ The Doctrines which are the Foundations We have shewn them upon the second Question Who can think him savingly Built on Christ that knows not the very first Stones to be laid in that Spiritual Building 2. The Conclusions from the Principles foresaid The Doctrines that are for Upbuilding on Christ These also have been set forth with the fore-mentioned Building on is as necessary as the Laying of the Foundation is Neither is it savingly Laid where the Holy Spirit is not teaching and a Soul learning to Build up and Build on To wit that it may become a complete Temple for the Holy Spirit Ephes 4.12 13 15. 2 Pet. 2.4 5. 3. The Confirmations of the said Principles The Doctrines Proving and Strengthening them And Warranting our Foundation and Superstructure Securing 'em against Winds of Opposition 'T is as needful to cover and preserve what we build from the injuries of weather as it is to build Ephes 4.12 16. 4. The Applications of the mention'd Principles The Doctrines directing their Improvement unto Duties as well Relative as Personal What are Means worth but for the Ends of them What good do all Truths in our Minds if not improved unto all holy Services in our Lives Who would Build and Cover a House but for Use to themselves and their Friends Savingly the Spirit has not Built and Strengthned us in Christ if he has not taught us to make our Life a service to Him. And to make His Will not our own our Law and Rule Our Rule for behaviour toward God Our Selves Neighbours Friends Enemies Superiors Inferiors Equals The ignorant and the listless to know the first of these be Owls and Bats Those that be the like to know the second be Dwarfs yea Embryo's Souls regardless to know the third be Sand-builders and lie at the mercy of the Weather And the mindless of the fourth be barren Heaths All short of what they should be yea contrary to what they must be if ever they pass from Death to Life The Practical Change is then when four things can be said of a Man. 1. That he is Changed as far as Felix Agrippa and Herod That he is one that Trembles at God's Word Has an Inclination to be a very Christian Hears the Word preach'd gladly Otherwise he is not so much as a Washed Swine or Painted Sepulchre 2. That he is Changed farther and as a Stone into a Flame of Fire A Stone is Dark Cold and Inclines downward to its earthy Centre Fire is Bright Hot Active and that Upward To say a Man is thus Changed is to say that of Ignorant he is made Knowing Of Listless he is made Zealous for God in Christ Of Industrious for Earth he is made so for Heaven 3. That he is Changed into the Man of God by Saint Paul 's Character That is a man throughly furnished for every good work I mean every one from him required as a Church-Member e. gr For Reading and Hearing the Word profitably ●● for Using of Baptism and the Lord's Supper so and for submitting unto Church-discipline so Not to say for Governing his Family holily c. which are imported By being furnished hereto I understand prepared with necessary Skill and Zeal 4. That he is Changed from a Demas into a Martyr That is that of a fearer of the Cross more than of the Loss of the immortal Crown he be made in resolution a Martyr And become resolved by God's grace to die any the worst death rather than commit any the least sin To be salted with fiery Tryals rather than with Hell's fire FINIS Books Printed and are to be sold by Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers Chapel 1. OF Thoughtfulness for the Morrow with an Appendix concerning the Immoderate Desire of Fore-knowing things to come 2. The Redeemer's Tears wept over lost Souls in