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heart_n believe_v faith_n lord_n 8,826 5 4.1689 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14753 The life of faith in death· Exemplified in the liuing speeches of dying Christians. By Samuel VVard preacher of Ipswich. Ward, Samuel, 1577-1640. 1622 (1622) STC 25052; ESTC S111636 34,891 136

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you will make more guiltie of it Fredericke Anuill of Bearne to the Fryers that willed him to call on the Virgin Mary three times repeated Thine O Lord is the Kingdome thine is the power and glory for euer and euer Let 's fight Let 's fight Auaunt Sathan Auaunt Godfrey Varal of Piedmont Hangman doe thine office my death will be fruitfull to my selfe and others Halewine of Antwerp and Harman of Amsterdam to the Markgraue of Antwerpe offering mittigation of Torments vpon abiuration Wee are resolued these Momentany afflictions are not worthy that exceeding weight of glory that shal be reuealed Peter and Nicholas Thiesse● brethren vsed the like speech Annas Burgius in the middest of his torments Lord forsake mee not lest I forsake thee Peter Clarke with the root of hi Tongue plucked out pronounced audibly to shew that none euer wanted a tongue to praise God Blessed be the name of God as of old Romanus the Martyr mentioned in Prudentius Godfrey de Hammele to one that called him Heretique No heretique but an vnprofitable seruant yet willing to die for his Lord and reckoning this death no death but a life Bucer No man by talke shall withdraw my mind from Christ crucified from heauen my speedy departure vpon which my soule is fixed When one aduised him to arme himselfe against Sathans temptations Hee hath nothing to doe with mee God forbid but now my soule should be sure of sweet consolation Tremelius a Christian Iew Let Christ liue and Barrabas perish Ferdinand Emperour If mine Ancestors and Predecessors had not dyed how should I haue beene Emperour I must that others may succeed mee Frederick the third Elect. Palat. to his friends about him wishing him recouery I haue liued enough to you let mee now liue to my selfe and with my Lord Christ. Leonard Caesar Oh Lord doe thou suffer with me Lord support me and saue me Windelmuta to one that told her shee had not yet tasted how bitter Death was No said shee neither euer shall I for so much hath Christ promised to all that keepe his word neither will I forsake him for sweete life or bitter death Henry Voes If I had ten heads they should all off for Christ. God forbid I should reioyce in any thing saue in his Crosse. The Minister of Brisgo This skinne which scarce cleaues to my bones I must shortly haue layde off by necessitie how much more willingly now for my Sauiour Christ. Adolphus Clarebachius I beleeue there is not a merrier heart in the world at this instant then mine is Behold you shall see mee dye by that Faith I haue liued Alexander Cane when a fooles Cappe was put on his head Can I haue a greater Honour done me then to bee serued as my Lord CHRIST before Herod Lord seeing my Persecutors haue no mercy haue thou mercy on mee and receiue my soule Almondus a Via My body dyes my Spirit liues Gods Kingdome abides euer God hath now giuen mee the accomplishment of all my desires Giles Tilman vrged to know what hee beleeued of Purgatory Purgatorie and Hell I leaue to you but my Hope is directly to goe into Paradise Neither feare I this great pyle of Wood whereof some might haue been spared to warme the poore but will passe through it purged for my Sauiour Peter Bruse I thanke God my broken legge suffered mee not to flye this Martyrdome Marion the wife of Adrian seeing the Coffin hooped with Iron wherein shee was to bee buryed aliue Haue you prouided this Pasty-crust to bake my flesh in Lewis Paschalis It s a small matter to die once for Christ if it might be I could wish I might die a thousand deaths for him Iohn Buisson I shall now haue a double Gaole deliuery one out of my sinnefull flesh another from the loathsome Dungeon I haue long lyen in Hugh Stallour to Iohn Pike his fellow Martyr Yet a little while and wee shall see one another before the Throne and face of God Levine de Blehere To his friends that offered to rescue him by tumult Hinder not the Magistrates worke nor my happinesse Father thou soresawest this Sacrifice from eternall now accept of it I pray thee Christopher Fabrianus First bitter then sweet first battell the victory when I am dead euery drop of my bloud shall preach Christ and set foorth his praise Francisce Soet You depriue me of this life and promote mee to a better which is as if you should rob mee of Counters and furnish me with Gold Guy de Bres The ringing of my Chaine haue beene sweet Musicke in mine eares my Prison an excellent Schoole wherein Gods spirit hath bin my Teacher all my former Discourses were as a blinde mans of colours in comparison of my present feeling Oh what a precious Comforter is a good Conscience Dionysius Peloquine To the Inquisitour telling him his life was now in his owne handes Then said hee It were in an ill keeping Christes Schoole hath taught mee to saue it by loosing it and not by the gaine of a few dayes or yeares to lose Eternitie Lewis Marsake Knight seeing his other brethren goe with Halters about their necks which they offered not him because of his dignity Why I pray you quoth hee deny me not the Badge and ornament of so excellent an order is not my cause the same with theirs which obtayning hee marched valiantly to the Stake with them Symon Laloeus to one Siluester his Executioner Neuer saw I man in all my life whose comming was more welcome to mee then thine So cheerfull was his death that Syluester amazed at it left his office became a Conuert and a Christian himselfe went to Geneua for further instruction in the Gospell Kilian a Dutch Schoolemaster to such as asked him if hee loued not his wife and children Yes said hee if all the world were golde and were mine to dispose of I would giue it to liue with them though it were but in prison yet my soule and Christ are dearer to me then all Giles Verdict Out of my Ashes shall rise innumerable Christians which Prophecy God so verified by the effect that it grewe a by-word after his death That his ashes flewe abroad all the Countrey Anthony Verdict brother to the former condemned to bee eaten with Beastes to preuent the like Prouerbe sayd to his Father Oh Father how hath God enabled you to haue two Sonnes honoured with Martyrdome Iohn Barbevill to Fryers that called him ignorant Asse Well admit I were so yet shall my Bloud witnesse against such Balaams as you bee Francisce Coluer to his two Sons massacred together with himselfe Sheepe wee are for the slaughter this is no new thing let vs follow millions of Martyrs through temporall death to eternall life By all these which are but an handfull of Christs Campe Royall it sufficiently appeares they had their Faith fresh and liuely in the face of this graund enemy and by Vertue of their Faith their Spirits Wits and Tongues
fearefully such finde themselues deluded when their soules awake worse then Ionas in the Tempest euen in a gulfe of fire and brimstone How would it awaken and arouse vs to fore-see Death and Hell in their shapes and to fore-appoint our selues throughlie not against the first Death which wee cannot but against the second wee may if we get our part in the first resurrection This Text mee thinkes speakes to euery sicke man bound on his bedde with the Cords of Death as Dalilath to Sampson vp and arise for the Philistims are at hand Death is at the doore and behind the doore the Fiends waight to fetch away thy soule Bellarmine is of opinion that one glympse of Hell were enough to make a man not only turne Christian and sober but Anchorite and Monke to liue after the strictest rule that can be I am of beliefe that Gods spirit cooperating a thorow meditation of it might be a meane to keep one from it For a man to wish to haue a sight of it or that one might come thence make report of the vntolerable and vnutterable paines of it is superfluous superstitious if it should be granted yet being not Gods ordinance and allowance it might goe without his blessing and doe one no good Thy best course is well to ponder what wee that are Gods Ministers report of it out of Moses the Prophets Christ and the Apostles descriptions And if God meane thee any good our warning may doe thee some good Popish writers are too bold in making Maps of Heauen and Hell as if they had surueyed them and their regions and inhabitants but most I thinke are one the other hand to breefe and summarie in their meditations and writings To paint it in it owne natiue colours is impossible or by any contemplation to comprehend the horror of it Shaddowes and parables the Scripture vseth by which thou mayest and oughtest to helpe thy coniectures and to worke on thy affections withall after this or the like manner Heere God hath allowed thee on his earth a pleasant habitation commodiously situate in a good Ayre richly decked with furniture compassed with delightfull Gardens Orchards and Fieldes where thou hast liberty to walke and ride at thy pleasure How would it trouble thee to thinke of being layd vp all thy life in some streight and loathsome prison by this consideration how ill thou wilt brooke to be cast into a dolefull disconsolate Dungeon to lye in vtter darkenesse blacknesse of darkenesse in eternall chaines in little ease for euer Heere a great part of thy contentment is to liue among good Neighbours with a louing wife with cheerefull companions and loath thou art at any time to bee long in the house of mourning to bee among melancholy malecontented complayning feeble or brawling people in Hospitals or Bridwels or Bedlams How will then thine eares indure to be tyred with continuall howling scritching and gnashing of teeth to liue among Dogges Enchanters vncleane Birds reprobate Spirits worse then so many Toades Tygers or Serpents Here if thy Father should in displeasure bid get thee out of sight or thy Prince banish thee his court and presence as Dauid did Absolon for some offence thou wouldest take it heauily how shall thine eares tingle to heare God say depart out of my presence Goe thou cursed into the lake prepared for the Diuell and his Angels Here thou shrinkest to thinke of the gout collick stone or strangurian shiuerest to heare of the strappado the racke or the Lawne how then wilt thou beare vniuersal tortures in all the parts of thy body exquisite anguish and paines such as of which the pangs of child-birth burnings of materiall fire and brim stone gnawings of chestwormes drinkes of Gall and Wormwood are but shaddowes and to which they are all but sports and fleabitings euen to the torments thy body shall suffer for it sinnes against the Creator But hast thou euer here in this world tasted of a troubled spirit of the griefe and feares of a wounded Conscience possessed with bitter things strucken and pierced with the venom of Gods arrowes feares of the Almighty by these thou mayst make the best gesse how it wil fare with thy soule when God shall powre al the vials of his wrath into a vessell of his fury and vexe the soule in his sore displeasure scourge thee with the rods of scorpions make thee drunk with the gall of Aspes and Cockatrices make thy mind heauy vnto the death holding it euer in those Agonies which made his owne Sonne sweate cloddes of water and blood Oh how fearefull a thing is it to fall into the handes of God who is a consuming fire Thinke of it whiles there is hope you that forget God Heauen and Hell least you come there where there is no redemption no hope of ease or end which is that that makes Hell Hell indeed For if all these paines might haue an end were it after million and millions of yeares as many as there bee sands in the Sea shore yet mightest thou nourish some miserable comfort of a release in the long runne But this night hath no day this Ague no intermission his death no death to end it withal Here thou wouldest be loath to lye on the Racke from morning to night to be wroung with the Collick for a few dayes or hours to be haunted with a Quartan from Michael to Easter Oh then adde eternity to insupportable torments and let thine eares tingle and thine hart melt to think of it Were it not for hope in small pressures wee say heart would burst Oh then this word euer and euer if thou couldest duly belieue and consider it how would it breake that hard heart of thine which knowes not how to repent nor cares to preuent the wrath to come What thinkest thou are these things tales and fables is Hell but a name and word a scarbug for to keepe fooles in awe Hath not God thinkest thou a day of reckoning a prison and power to punish Rebels and Traitors or are not his punishments like to his Iustice infinite and eternall Know these things to be as true as God is truth saue that they are short of the truth it selfe Why dost thou not then take thy soule apart and ruminate of these things by thy selfe iudging thy selfe here that thou mayst not bee condemned in the world to come Art thou afraid of a melancholy fit and fearest thou not this gulfe and whirlpoole and sorrow Art thou not loath to bee tormented before thy time and fearest not to bee tormented time without end I wonder how the soules of wicked men and vnbelieuers goe not out of their bodies as the Diuels out of demoniaks rending raging tearing and foaming I wonder how any can dye in their wits that die not in the faith of our Lord Christ. Verily if these things moue thee not thou art in a worse plight then Foelix and Baltashar yea the verie Diuels themselues who belieue them yea