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heart_n believe_v faith_n lord_n 8,826 5 4.1689 3 true
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A13312 The ready path to the pleasant pasture of delitesome and eternall paradyse so called, bicause herein is declared how, and by what meanes, we shall easily obtayne the surprising pleasures of heauenly felicitie. I. T. fl. 1570.; J. T. 1570 (1570) STC 23621.5; ESTC S2915 39,568 120

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from the seruitude and bondage of the Deuill vnder whome they were subiect and to set them at libertie with the raunsome and price of his most sacred and blessed bloud which was poured out vppon the Crosse by cruell and vnthankfull Iewes meaning I say that vnlesse hée beléeue this with stedfast faith and in consideration of the same present himselfe before the face of God firmely trusting that for Christes sake he shall be accepted and mercifullye receyued no man can come vnto the father of heauen or enioy the gracious aspect of the mightie God of Iacob but is vtterly destitute of the glory of God and is a firebrande of hell and heire of eternal misery And Paule saith Without fayth it is vnpossible to please god And againe Whatsoeuer commeth not of fayth is sinne and it is fayth that maketh a man to be saued For Christ sayth to a woman that came vnto him Fides tua te saluam fecit Thy fayth hath made thée hole which is to be vnderstanded not onely of bodily helth but also of heauenly safetie And againe qui non credit 〈◊〉 dicatus est He that doth not beleeue is alreadie iudged or condemned Therefore they which doe dispise reiect or contemne prayer if they be vnfaythfull are in most certaine peril and danger of hell fire But that they are vnfaithfull it shall by the assistance of almightie God be declared by the force fruits and effectes of fayth which bicause they are innumerable and infinite it is requisite that we speake of a few only which wil sufficiently shew vnto vs howe farre they abhorre from the excellent gifte wherewith the dartes of the deuils be quenched the host of Antichrist ouercommed and the firie flames of Hell extinguished That they lacke loue and obedience the speciall fruites of fayth which exercise not prayer The .xij. Chapter FAith whersoeuer it be doth bring forth or ingender repentaunce doth apprehende the spirit of god doth worke in mans harte loue and obedience which fruites and effects if they necessarilye porceede of faith as hereafter it shal appeare sée that by no meanes they may be seperated and contrarilye if they can neuer be founde in any of them which despise prayer as it shall be declared it must néedes of necessitie folowe they haue no fayth but are dry deade vnfruitfull and faithlesse people But first let vs sée whether repentaunce procéede of faith or no and then whither such men can be repentant Faith when it is giuen from heauen and placed in the heart of man then it doth as it were rule and gouerne all the motions of the minde it trieth and prooueth and sercheth all the corners of his cogitations it séeketh swepeth scoureth and clenseth away the filth the rust the drosse the dregges of all impietie For God in the first of Esay sayth if your sinnes be as red as scarlet I will make them as white as snowe which commeth onely by 〈…〉 on through which we appeare righteous before the throne of our mightie God and iustification commeth onely through faith in the most precious bloud of our onely sauiour Iesus Christ For Paule saith in the thirde chapter to the Romaines The righteousnesse or iustification no boubt which is good before God commeth by the fayth of Iesus Christ vnto all and vppon all that beléeue There is no difference For all haue sinned and lacke the prayse that is of valure before God but are iustified fréelye by his grace through the redemption which is in Christ Iesu whome God hath made a seate of mercy through fayth in his bloud to shewe the righteousnesse which before him is of valure in that he forgyueth the sinnes that are passed which God did suffer to shewe at this time the righteousnesse that is allowed of him that he might be accounted iust and iustifier of him that beléeueth in Iesus Hitherto Paule But vnlesse the sharpe salue of hartie repentaunce be layde vnto the festred woundes of our sinfull hartes it is ●mpossible that they shoulde be purified cleansed or healed For therefore the scripture calleth vs so often to repentance Conuertimini ad me saluieritis Turne vnto me sayth the Lorde and ye shall be safe and againe Si conuersus fuerit impius c. If the wicked shall turne from his euill way and nolo mortem peccatoris I will not the death of a sinner but that he repent and liue and resipiscite credite euangelio repent and beléeue the gospell and non veni vocare iustos sed peccatores ad penitentiam I came not to call the iust but sinners to repentance So that here we sée plainely that first is se● conuersion to God and repentaunce then helth or life or safetie whereby we may well perceyue that vnlesse repentaunce doe launch and cut and rent our hartes we can not come to the perfection of obedient christians And againe An humble and contrite heart is an acceptable sacrifice to the Lorde to whome nothing is acceptable that procéedeth not of faith For the Apostle sayth Whatsoeuer is not of fayth is sinne and with sinne howe can God be pleased It remayneth the ●●●re that repentaunce whereby the soule is sorrowfully charged but therewithall after shall chéerefully be discharged is engendred and brought forth by fayth For like as in a fielde or garden swéete pleasaunt or delectable flowers can not grow freshly abundantly before that wéedes and stones and thornes be rased vp and cast out euen so the most delitesome fruit of dame vertues grace can not plentifully replenishe the fielde or garden of mans hart vnlesse first the briers of vices and stones of wicked abhomination be by repentaunce cast out and exiled Zachaeus an example of an hartie repenter and that repentance is the salue to recure the wounds of wicked lyfe The .xiij. Chapter THerefore Zacheus the prince of Publicanes in the .19 of Luke when he had receyued the fayth of Christ burst out into these wordes and sayde Ecce Domine dimidium bonorum meorum do pauperibus c. Beholde Lorde the halfe of my goodes I giue to the poore and if I haue defrauded any man of any thing I render to him foure folde which wordes vndoubtedly doe giue a most certayne token of heartie repentaunce For he did so much detest his former iniquitie so much lament his olde enormities so willinglye condemne his practised prankes and deceitfull dealinges that he not onelye did purpose in time to come to auoyde the lyke but also did with most readie minde recompence them foure folde whome he had before deceiued or oppressed And in the seconde of the Actes when diuers at the preaching of Peter began to beléeue they being pricked in conscience exclamed on this sorte Yée men and brethren what shall we doe here they knowing by the sermons of the Apostle that they hadde a long time erred from the truth and serued rather their owne inuentions than the true God and therefore perceyuing that they were in daunger of
the displeasure and terrible hate of the Lord hosts desired earnestlye to knowe by what meanes they myght escape the vengeance being readie to fall on their heades and sorowfully lamented their daūgerous ignorance And Peter answereth with these words Delictorum paenitentiā agite c. Repent your offences Here we sée that the salue wherwith their heauy harts wounded with wickednesse were first refreshed was hartie repentaunce after they came to the faith of Christ Iesus The Niniuits 3. Ionae beleeued God commaunded a generall fasting which did well declare their remorse of conscience for their former contempt of Gods commaundement and refusall of his mercies and tormenting of his Prophetes whereby they turned away at the last the wrath of the Lord from themselues and their citie all which doe proue that where faith is there is repentaunce Nowe let vs consider a while whether true repentance may be found in them that continue the vse of prayer or no. ●●scription of repentaunce and the partes therof and the example of the saued theefe The .xiiij. Chapter REpentaunc● is a true griefe and sorrow for the offence committed against GOD wherewith the minde is opprest the sorrowfull hart most miserably tormented the senses troubled the vnderstanding ouerwhelmed the life afflicted the woonted wanton ioyes altogither banished but so that the valiant force of a liuely faith doth agayne reuiue the languishing spirit with an earnest desire and constant assurance hoping for frée pardon for the merites of Christ his passion whereby is ingendered a full purpose neuer more to haunt the brothell houses of sinne and iniquitie but alwaies to liue in pure conuersation and sincere pietie Herein be principall and especiall partes due contrition and constant faith Contrition maketh a man to tremble and quake to consider the violent 〈◊〉 ●he o● God incensed against sinne wherewith he is brought into extreme feare terror and anguishe and for that detesteth the horrible filthynesse and deformitie of the same And in such case is it possible to stand and not to desire pardon To require mercie To craue deliuerance To complaine our estate To lament our miseries To seeke a salue To procure an holesome medicine whereby we may be restored to our helth No no and especially seing fayth instilled into our hartes by the spirite of God doth perswade vs that we shall obtaine if we call that we shall be raunsomed if we require it that we shall be healed if humbly with hartie prayers we repaire to the good Phisition of the soule Christ Iesus our Lord and sauiour What madnesse were it to thinke that any man being sure of most miserable tormentes if he holde his peace and is alreadie plunged into the desperate consideration of the same and féeling their extreme bitternesse and cruell sharpnesse if on the contrarie part he were sure to escape so great a daung●r so apparent a perill so mischieuous a miserie by opening his mouth and desiring mercie that he woulde not with readie minde with chéerefull hart with all spéedie hast prostrate himselfe before the iudge and in most lowly wise and carefull humilitie beséech him of his gracious goodnesse and desired bountie to delyuer him The théefe which was hanged with Christ on his right hande when he had receyued the boldnesse of fayth and therewith was brought to godlye repentaunce did desire Christ most humbly to remember him whan he came to his glorious euerlasting kingdome Ye he did not refuse to call vpon him but by calling was delyuered from the power of Sathan from the mouth of hell from the anguish of the soule from the death eternall to which he had surely bene condemned if he had despised or not regarded the profite of faithfull prayer The things that hinder the fruiteful exercise of praier desperation and the contrarie thereof that is securitie The .xv. Chapter WHat is it therefore that hindreth a man so that he doth not vse the fruitefull exercise of prayers ▪ Surely eyther desperatiō or else securitie Desperation drowneth a man in deadly sorrowes in bitternesse of soule in the furious floudes of most déepe and despitefull dolours Therefore wheresoeuer it is founde it shutteth out cleane the force of fayth But securitie maketh a man carelesse hardneth his heart indureth his stonie spirites and causeth to cry peace peace when destruction hangeth ouer his heade This also when contrition is absent hath no parte or porcion in a faythfull heart Whereof it foloweth that true repentaunce whereby the harts of christians are regenerated their willes chaunged their mindes framed a newe their desires reformed their liues amended their cogitations clēsed their thoughtes purified their spirite sanctified cannot be founde in those that doe not continually burst out in most hartie prayers desiring grace goodnesse pardon and amendment and consequently that such are not faithfull but faithlesse not fruitfull but fruitlesse not gracious but gracelesse persons Secondly faith doth apprehend the spirite of god For Christ saith Iohn 7. If any man thirst let him come to me and drinke He that beleueth in me as the scripture sayth shall haue floudes of water of lyfe flowing from his bellye and this he spake of the spirite which they that beleue him should receyue And ad Ephesios 1. Paule sayth In whome speakyng of Christ also ye after that you had heard the worde of truth I meane the gospell of your saluation wherein you beleue were sealed with the holye spirite of promise which is the earnest pledge of our inheritaunce to redéeme the purchased possession and that vnto the lawde and glory of god The spirite of God therefore doth possesse the hartes of the faythfull But let vs now consequently consider whither i● may be founde in such that will not feare God which saint Paule séemeth to denye Romanes 8. By these wordes Non enim accepistis spiritū seruitutis in timore sed accepistis spiritū adoptionis filiorū dei in quo clamamus Abba pater c. For ye haue not againe receyued the spirite of bondage in feare but ye haue receyued the spirit of adoption of the sonnes of god whereby we cry Abba father For that spirite doth testifie to our spirite that we are the sonnes of God and in the fourth to the Galathians bicause you are the sonnes of God God hath sent the spirite of his sonne into your harts crying Abba father Here in these places Paule doth manifestly shewe that the spirite of God when it resteth in the hartes of the faythfull doth so mollifie mans stony minde so breake downe the brazen walles of sléepie securitie so confounde the pernitious and pestilent purposes of negligent impietie and agayne so comforteth the sorrowfull soule so refresheth the weary wil so repaireth and healeth the broken hart that ney●her by contempt of Gods wrath is proud●ed neyther by lacke of trust and confidence helth is togither banished but contynuall prayer is poured out to God as to a father that with naturall yea more then naturall affection