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A03645 A preparation into the waye of lyfe vvith a direction into the right vse of the Lords Supper: gathered by VVilliam Hopkinson, preacher of the worde of God. Hopkinson, William.; Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576. 1581 (1581) STC 13774; ESTC S120355 40,918 96

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Christ Iesus our Lorde 2. Thes 1.7 Heb. 11.1 1. Iob. 3.2 Qu. Shall all men be saued by Christ An. No. None but they onely that do in deede beleeue in him For it is written To whom the death of Christ is profitable He that beleeueth in the sonne hath life and he that beleeueth not in the sonne hath not life And he that beleeueth not is damned already because he beleeueth not Iohn 5.24 6.47 Qu. How do we attayne to fayth An. The holy Ghost worketh it in our hearts As Esay testifieth of the Churche Esa 54.13 ●aying they shal be all taught of the Lord. ●ere 31.33 Rom. 12.3 1. Cor. 2. Eph. 2.8 6.23 Phil. 1.29 2. Thes Heb. 2.2 1. Iob. 5.20 Iob. 6.44 45. Qu. By what meanes The necessitie of the words preached An. By hearing the word preached as is written Faith is by hearing Rom. 10.17 and hearing by the worde of God Qu. May not this hearing be as well by reading as by the preaching of the worde An. No. For it is written Howe can they heare without a preacher Rom. 10.14 Gal. 3.2 Qu. May euery one preach that liste An. Rom. 10.15 No. For it is written Howe shall they preach except the Lorde sende them Qu. What testimonie can be had of any whether he be sent of the Lorde in this office for you knowe it is an easie matter to pretende a sending An. Besides an ordinarie calling of the Church wherein he liueth he muste of necessitie haue Vrim and Thumin knowledge and holynes he must be as it is written wise righteous holy temperate holding faste the faythfull worde according to doctrine that he also may be able to exhorte with wholsome doctrine Tit. 1.8 9. and improue them that say against it 1. Tim. 3.2.3 1. Pet. 5.3 Qu. Do you holde it conuenient that euery minister of the worde and Sacramentes be a preacher An. Yea especially For the Lorde is the fulnesse of all wisedome and sendeth only such as by his grace haue to dispatch his message also he sending forth his Apostles saide goe preach the Gospell c. and to shewe the necessitie of preaching he saith to Peter Feede feede feede Acts 20.28 1. Cor. 3.5 1. Cori. 4.1 2. Cor. 3.6 Ephe. 3.7 Col. 1.7.1 Tim. 4.6.1 Per. 5.2 Qu. Do you thinke it needefull to haue in euerie congregation a minister that is apte to teach An. Yea most needefull for it is written wher there is no preaching the people perishe Also the Apostles in the wisdome of the holie ghost beyonde which we may not presume ordeined suche in euerie Church Acts. 14.23 Tit. 1.5 and Paul appointed Titus to do the like Qu. Do you not think it sufficient that the people do heare the worde preached once in a year or in their life Though they haue no continuall preacher to labour in the worde amongst them An. No in no case For as the body can not liue with such nourishment The greate necessitie of preaching ministers muche lesse the soule without continuall comfort from the worde of God our only spirituall foode and there be dayly profitings in Gods Church wherto the Lords ministers must carefully attende To this effect speaketh Paule to Titus Tit. 1.5 saying For this cause left I thee at Creta that thou shouldest continue to redresse the thinges that remayne c. Also no house is buylt so soone as the first stone of the foundation is layde and S. Paule sheweth the ende for whiche the Lorde doth giue his faythfull seruantes his ministers into his Church namely not onely for the gathering togeather and for the worke of the ministerie but also for the buylding vp the Lords Saints the edification of the body of Christ Ephe. 4.12 14.15 that we might be no more children caried about with euery winde of doctrine but that we mighte grow vp into him which is the head that is Christe Qu. Seeing you thinke it a matter so greatly needefull that there be in euery congregation continually a godly minister apte to teache let me I pray you heart your iudgement by the word of God what is required of the people concerning them and the worde which they bring vnto thē is it in their choyce whether they wyll heare their preachers and any whitte account of them or no An. No. The peoples duety to their pastours For as no Prince or maister can beare the reiecting of his Ambassador or seruaunt sent foorth in speciall message though to his equals so neither can or will the Lorde beare the like at our hands who be his vassals And to this effect The Lords ministers must be receiued that his faythfull seruauntes his ministers might be comforted agaynst the vnthankfulnesse of the world and to set the people out of doubt how he would haue them taken he sayth He that receiueth you receiueth me Mat. 10.40 and he that receiueth me receiueth hym that sent me Also he addeth Luc. 10.16 He that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me And to put vs out of doubt in what sort he would haue vs to receiue his seruauntes sent to vs for our suche singuler profite as the saluation of our whole soule and body They must be heard and obeyed he doth testifie vnto vs in his worde first that we must heare and obey them Secondly that we must nourish them and thirdly that we must esteeme of them and lastly that we must pray for them For the first he sayth by the Apostle S. Paule 2. Cor. 2.9 For this cause did I write that I might know the proofe of you whether you would be obedient in all things 2. Thes 3.4 14. Heb. 13.17 For the second They must be nourished prouided for Gal. 6.6 it is thus written Let him that is taught in the worde make him that hath taught him partaker of al his goods And also we beseeche you brethren that you know them that labour among you and are ouer you in the Lorde and admonishe you that you haue them in singuler loue for their works sake c. 1. Tim. 5.18 1. Cor. 9.7 8 9. 1. Thess 5.12 13. They must be esteemed 1. Tim. 5.17 For the thirde it is written thus The Elders that rule well are worthy of double honour specially they which labour in the worde and doctrine 3. Iob. 8. And for the laste it is written thus They must be prayed for of the faithfull Col. 4.3 Continue in prayer and watche in the same with thankes giuing praying also for vs that God may open vnto vs the doore of vtteraunce to speake the mysterie of Christe c. that I may vtter it as I ought to speake c. And also Brethren pray for vs 2. Thes 3.1 that the worde of the Lorde may haue free passage and be glorified c. Ephes 6.19 Qu. I pray you how are they accounted of
A Preparation into the waye of lyfe vvith a direction into the right vse of the Lords Supper Gathered by VVilliam Hopkinson Preacher of the worde of God Printed at London by Robert Walde-graue for Iohn Harrison the yonger and Thomas Manne 1581. ¶ To the right Honorable Syr Henry Sidney Lorde President of her Maiesties Counsel in the Marches of VVales Knight of the moste noble order of the Garter and of her Maiesties most honorable priuie Counsell VV. H. wisheth plentie of those blessings which haue promises of this life and the life to come SEing that it is the duetie of euery true Christian Righte Honorable from the highest to the lowest according to the measure of the grace that he hath receyued of the Lord to reache out him selfe vvith continuall attendance to profite euery his felowe neighbour especially in the charge ouer vvhiche the Lorde hath set him for the tyme so labouring in him selfe to exceede the measure of the moste vvho make muche of lyfe vvithout consideration vvherefore they liue I haue held my selfe bounden by all meanes that I might to endeuour the regarde of those ouer vvhom the Lorde by your Honour hath set me And seeing that not onely the iudgement of reason but continuall experience doth teache vs that to make a scholler learned in the tongues the readyest vvay is to begin vvith the letters or vvell profited in any Science to set first a sure foundation in the principles of the same I haue helde it the moste ready entraunce to make the Lordes trueth familiar to his people especially them of vvhom I haue speciall knowledge and ouer vvhom peculiar charge to laye the groundworke as sure as I might namely in leading them in the light of the Lords vvorde to the true sight of them selues in two respectes that is vvhat they are by nature and vvhat by grace vvherof if eyther be vvanting in the knowledge of Christians the Lorde looseth in respect of him his due glory and the people their saluation As if the first be not knowen men receiue the Lordes promises in securitie as vvhich number at this day seemeth to be great and if the second be not had mens hearts are surprised in the vvaye of death And as he that buyldeth without a foundation layde shall buylde in the ayrc so this steddie groundworke surely founded vvell beat vpon shall giue an easie entraunce to further buylding by the vvord of doctrine and faith that the Lordes Saintes by this meanes maye through his grace not onely be gathered as the Apostle sayth but that through the vvorke of the ministery they may be built vp into him vvhich is the head euen Christ Iesus And for this cause I haue as I might gathered these directions by the Lords vvorde for a perpetuall testimony to remayne vvith thē a consent to suche as turne to the Lorde and for a vvitnesse to the rest But especially next vnto this foundation layde haue I laboured to leade them into the right vse of the Lords Supper a speciall confirmation of Gods promises in Christ to our cōfort a matter also miserably neglected and lightly accounted of to the lamentable ruine and downefall of many thousande soules for the Lordes iudgementes stande inuiolably vvhose vvorkes doth testifie that they are iustly in daunger of his endles indignation vvho prophane his misteries in vnworthines of vvhat condition or sort soeuer they be for vvith him is no respect of persons In both vvhich I haue ioyned the desire of mine owne discharge vvith the peoples safetie and gathered the summe of both into suche a forme as may best agree vvith their experience not as refusing or lightly accouting of the labors of such godly brethren as haue much profited the Lords people in the lyke vvay but as casting in two mytes vvith the poore VVidow to the Lotds vvorke vvhich as it vvas specially ment for mine owne charge so haue I yeelded to the perswasion of certayne godly friendes to communicate the same vvith the Church of God by suffering it to be published in print both for the comfort of the godly the Lorde blessing it and testifie to the Papistes the Lordes enimies that though the varietie of speach be diuers yet that vvee holde firmely one and the selfe same grounde and substance of trueth and that there is not amongst vs at all any oddes or varietie of doctrine vvhatsoeuer they and their lyke shame not vniustly to say agaynst vs. But in this case considering that it must vndergoe the viewe aswell of foes as fauourers that as I am assured of fauourable acceptation amongst the godly yet as the sunne neuer vvanteth light the fyre heate or the srostie vvynter coldnes so haue there euer bene and vvyll be plentie of such vvho in steade of vvell deseruing do please them selues vvith vniust reproching of others labours In this respect as that I might content my selfe in accepting gladly any iust occasion to leaue some testimonie of a right thankfull heart for your Honours fauours many wayes vouchsafed me vvhereby I holde my selfe in the Lorde continually bounde to your Honorable house in all that I maye and in consideration vvherof vvhen other meanes be vvanting wherby to testifie the same I shall not cease I truste right humbly to commende your estate vnto the Lorde vvho hath promised to heare the iuste prayers of his seruauntes for the vvorthines of his Christ So haue I bene bolde to present the same vnto your Honour such as it is the rather hauing iust cause to perswade my selfe of your honorable acceptation and protection of vvhatsoeuer may profite the Church of God I haue also together deliuered to the print for the care I haue of my brethrens health a most notable and christian cōfortable letter vvritten by that notable member of the Church of God in his time M. Edward Dering to a godly christiā gētlewomā by which through the Lordes blessing I must needes confesse to haue gayned muche comfort as also mine hartie desire and hope is that others shall So that vvhile the vncleane and impure Atheistes frozen harted Papistes temporisers carnall Gospellers and infidels shall suppe out the measure of Gods iudgementes to the bottome vve vvell vvarranted in our Christian estate soundly directed in the right vse of the Lordes mysteries by the vvorde preserued in the extremities of sinne and in all lightned to the right application of the grace of Christ shall vvith inuincible constancie runne out the course that is set before vs and patiently vvayte for our deliueraunce euen the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christ of vvhom it is vvritten that he shall appeare the seconde time vvithout sinne to saluation to them that vvayte for him VVhich that vve maye continually do our good God and Father graunt vnto vs by the speciall direction of his holy spirite of sanctification and grace and powre plentifully vpon your Honour those blessings vvhich speciallye concerne the aduauncement of his glory your Honours safetie both in body and
wherewith the enimie striketh the same armeth vs to greater saluation and euery wounde that we do receiue the same confirmeth vs to a suter life Then before as I sayde care not for sinne for that is abolished so here I may adde Care not for hell for the nearer we feele it the further we are from it Let them feare sinne that feele it not and let them be afrayde of condemnation that knowe not what it is vpon whom destruction shall come sodenly as an armed man Our eyes haue be kept waking and we haue seene our sinnes our harts haue fainted before the anger of the Lorde and wee haue not despised his heauenly calling therefore in the daye of trouble we shall haue rest In this perswasion we will liue and dye and if our soules should melt for feare within vs although the Lord should kill vs yet would we trust in him Abraham beleeued in the Lorde and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnes against hope he beleeued vnder hope and if our hoye seemed to be takē from vs yet would we patiently wayte the Lordes leasure vutill we saue our hope agayne that at the least our fayth might haue agayne the glorye and trueth of full assuraunce An other thing we must labour in and in an other thing we shall haue temptation and that is that we may see what is the glorie of God and immortall life herein lette vs meditate in our beddes and thinke on this in our secret places in the middest of companies let these cogitatiōs be often in our heartes and in all places let these be out m●ses when we shall apprehende with all the seruauntes of God what is the height the bredth the length the depth we shall know that the glory is great of immortalitie and he is onely to be belecued who shall shine in honour when this vanitie is ouerpast His strength is great that layde the foundations of the worlde and bys brightnes exceeding that made the Sunne and the Moone His treasure and ritches are aboue measure who hath giuen princes their golde siluer and other precious stones for the honour of man he in deed is of excellent maiesty who is king of kings Lord of Lords his power is aboue all who maketh sicknesse his messengers and death his minister till he shal abolish them both for his mercies are vnspeakable that forgineth vs all our sinnes his goodnes is great who hath had regard to the children of men From nothing be brought vs into life he kept vs from the graue he wil restore vs make vs see his glory When I would think on this my soule is compassed with dulnes of flesh that I cannot see the fulnes of his fauour When I would consider in my heart what is his grace darknes ouershaddoweth mine vnderstaning all my thoughts do vanish in his immortality Whē I would speak of al his louing kindnes my toung cleaueth to the roote of my mouth and my words stick fast within my lippes But this one thing in al mine infirmities I can perceiue that his glorie is exceeding great whose glorie I can not comprehend the life is long appointed vnto man where his heart and minde can see no end If al the world were a flowing water and euery yeare one drop shoulde be deminished the Sea should be all made dry and the bottomes of the deepe shoulde appeare before he shall ceasse to liue whome God hath raised from the dead and this breadth widenesse betweene heauen and earth if it shoulde be filled vp and cuerie yeare but one handful of earth added to the work yet sooner should the great distance be closed vp the emptie places made full then he shall cease from ioy and gladnes who shal stand in the resurrection of the iust This is the glorie that hath neither spot nor blemishe before which me thincketh not only princesse the glory of the world but the Sun and Moone all the hostes of heauen are nothing else but meere vanitie for death shaddoweth the glorie of man though hee spread his branches neuer so farre yet the graue closeth vp in little roome the ambitious heart which before was enlarged from East to West And the heauens that are high free from death yet are holden vnder the tyranny of enuious and consuming time in which they shall be changed onely the Lorde is in honour and maiestie who hath set eternity rounde aboute him cast out time vnto confusion Oh Lorde where are their eyes that say not this or their hearts that see and regard it not who hath be witched them in the countenances of mē to carry the hearts of beasts and to forget the latter ende The Lord turne them the run astray the they may know see wher is their glorie but the tēptations haue ouertaken them which are against our hope when the Lord shall deliuer them from euil they shal giue thee thankes and reioice with vs that they also haue eyes to see And blessed are you good mystres H. and God hath visited you in an acceptable time whose heart he hath touched with feare whose affections he hath filled with hunger and thirst that you should mourn for the redemption that is in Christe and be pleased with nothing but with the grace of his countenance This is a schoolmystres to bring you vnto him a bond to tye you fast that you shal not be seperate And accomplishe I beseeche you this good worke of his grace till you loue the Lorde withall your heart and till you can say with the blessed Apostle I desire to be desolued and to be with Christ For this purpose we are chastised of the Lorde and when our faith is tried at the last it shall be made strong that w e it wee may quench al the firie darts of Sattan and in righteousnes and peace and ioy of the holy Ghost runne the course that is set before vs till in a blessed issue of happy daies with a good spirite wee maye say boldly Lorde nowe lettest thou thy seruaunte departe in peace whiche I beseeche GOD the father of our Lord Iesus Christ the God of merc● and Father of all consolation graunte vnto you Amen Pray pray pray pray this is your best seruice wheresoeuer your duetie is most bounde
shall so escape two daungerous extremities about this Sacrament so are we well warned by a sorowfull experience of Adam as may appeare Gen. 2.17 Gen. 3.3 4 5. Qu. Whiche are the two extremities that may by this herdefull auoyding of false and wrong meaning of the worde be escaped An. Transubstantiation of the Papists and suche like and the vile contempt that Epicures Atheistes carnall Gospellers and many ignoraunt do to it Qu. In many places to this day for want of the Lords good meanes to make the worde familiar to them and to bring the people in obedience to be instructed in the wayes of the Lorde you shall heare many say Those that feare the Lord see the trueth of this to their greefe that they looke to receiue Christ by the act of receiuing the outward signes and some be yet so ignoraunt that if you aske them what they thinke so to receiue they will answere Their maker I praye you what thinke you of it An. Rom. 8.9 First you know it is written that who so hath not the spirite of Christ is none of his So that he that bringeth not Christ or rather is not brought of Christ to the Sacrament may rather assure him selfe of the diuell and damnation then to apply Christ and his merites to him by the acte without faith Mat. 26.47 48. as maye well be seene in Iudas c. Qu. What say you to the state of suche poore soules as first be ignoraunt of all these secondly haue no ordinatie meane of further knowledge and thirdly be straightly tyed vpon much bodily perill to receiue it by a day And what holde you best for them to do An. First if the Lorde haue set their aboade where his countenaunce which is comfortably shewed by the Gospell preached and Sacramentes rightly miuistred is not to be leene wherein alone standeth their knowledge and fayth they are to secke to the Arke where it is 2. Sam. 6.11 euen to Obed Edoms house and to heare what the Lorde sayth to them all excuses set apart Psal 27.8 Seeke ye my face And cōcerning the rest it is good not to runne into the daunger threatned of the Lord nor to touch the way that leadeth to so great perill before they shall haue learned the Lords trueth Qu. Whereas you sayde that this Sacrament must be ministred where the word is preached and shewed cause why I pray you what if some one that lyeth at the poynt of death should desire that the minister should come to deliuer him this Sacrament and hath there one or two of his neighbours or others that will receyue it with him for companie because there must be moe then one yet that the Papistes thinke will serue do you not thinke it good that he haue it An. What I thinke it matereth not much except my thoughtes be stayed vppon the worde of God rightly vnderstood The beste thoughts of the heart of man are vaine if they vvant the vvarrant of Gods vvorde Prou. 2.1 For all the thoughtes of the heart of man are vayne and will casily vanishe as the winde except they be strengthned by the Lords truth which sithe it alone must direct vs in all our actions muche more in these of so great importance For it is written My sonne if thou wilt receiue my wordes and hide my commaundementes within thee c. Then shalt thou vnderstande righteousnes Pro. 2.9 iudgement equitie and euerie good path 1. Cor. 11.31 Rom. 14.23 but as for the matter of your demande it shoulde seeme that whosoeuer in such sorte desireth the Sacrament dothe neither rightly consider him selfe the thing he desireth nor the ende why it was ordeined and therefore needeth more instruction and information of the Lorde then the thing it selfe And thus to minister the Sacrament causeth many times the poore sicke partie to put his hope and confidence in the externall fact and receyuing of the Sacrament and neuer to thinke him selfe sufficiently prepared to death but when he hath receiued the externall signe Also no parte of the Pascall Lambe was brought to the sicke in the eating whereof and celebrating of the Passecuer was onely regarded the Lordes ordinance wherevnto was nothing added or lefte out and it was not done of any in prinate but when the people did it together As it is written Exod. 2.6 All the multitude of the congregation shall keepe it at euen c. Num. 9.4.5 Qu. I pray you what is the cause why you woulde the sacraments not onely to be ministred where the word is preached but when the word is preached An. First that we may holde proportiō with the Lordes people in celebrating the the Passeouer Exod. 12.6 Num. 9.5 4. who held them selues strait ly to al that which they had receiued of the Lorde Also to glorifie the Lorde in yeelding obedience to his worde Who said go preach and baptise Mat. 28.19 Mat. 26.20 and in the institution of this sacrament he him selfe did the like Mark. 14.18 Luke 22.14 Iohn 13.21 Also the sacramentes are to the church of Christe as seales of his promise and what profiteth a seale without it be annexed to a grant Qu. Doe you not thinke it suffiseth in this behalfe if the worde be preached halfe a yeare or more or lesse before and not at the same time for whereas you spake of the seale to be onely in his vse when it is ioyned to the promise you know that men make grantes and seale them afterwards An. Your reason of the vsages of men which make graunts and seale them afterward if it proue any thing it should seeme to proue this that the promise may better be for a time without the seal then the seal without the promise yet you knowe that no man will seale a grant but at the time of sealing he will heare the grant and the meaning of euerie particular made plaine to all that haue interest or right in that action Also the Apostles who shoulde be our best president in this case next to the Lord himselfe helde them selues straightlie to that which they had receiued of the Lord and haue not sundred those thinges which the Lord hath ioined together as it is written Act. 20.7 The disciples being gathered together to breake bread Paul preached vnto them c. Acts. 2.41 Acts. 8.12 Acts. 9.17.18 Act. 10.34 Act. Qu. What inconuenience suppose you may follow of the Sacramentes ministred without the worde preached An. Contempt of the Lorde and an opipion of iustifying in the act which is common with papists and vnbeleeuers and for the moste parte those that be ignorant Qu. The papists say that in the Sacrament of the Lords supper after the words of confirmation as they call them be spoken there remaineth no more bread but the verie bodie of Christ A perillous proofe of wrong meaning to the vvorde reallie and naturallie and they say they haue the worde to proue it namelie
Christes righteousnes holynes innocencie and immortalitie and of all the merites of Christ and his whole glory For it is written The glory which thou gauest me I haue giuen them He also is made partaker with the Church and all the good that euer it or any member of it had hath or shall haue for there is in it a communion and fellowshippe of Saintes which we beleue and which hath wayting on it alwayes the forgiuenes of sinnes the rising agayne and eternall lyfe with God Qu. In examining our selues The third matter in examination what els must we looke for An. Our estate before the Churche The state of the faythfull before the Church wherein is required not onely that we forgiue from our hearts those that haue offended vs that we may haue an experience within our selues of Christes spirit and so glorifie God in our heartes by assurance of his mercy in forgiuing vs and accepting of vs in Christ As it is written Forgeue and you shall be forgiuen Math. 6. But also we muste seeke to be reconciled to them whom we haue offended As it is written Mat. 5.23 If thou offrest thy gyft vpon the alter and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst thee leaue there thy gifte and go and be reconciled first to thy brother and then come and offer thy gifte and this must not only be done of vs before we come to the Sacrament but also concerning prayer to the Lorde For it is written When you pray say thus Our father c Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse agaynst vs. Qu. But were it not better firste to doe these thinges that concerne Gods glory then to seeke reconcilement afterwardes for is not this to prefer to offices of charity before the worship of God and to set the the second table which cencerneth our brethren before the first which concerneth the Lorde him selfe An. As the heart of man is prone into the way of offence euen from the wombe and hath not any inclination of it selfe into the way of the Lord The naturall man hath an cuill heart so they in vain pretend to haue receiued eternall blessings from him by his spirite where there is not in some measure these the like fruites of the same spirite And the Lorde taxeth them as false pretenders to worship God which proudly cōtemn their brethren whō they haue offēded And vnder one kinde he setteth downe the outward exercises of the diuine worship wherby men oftē times do more coūterfet lines thē truly testify it which is the property of al hipocrits as it is seen in the pharasie Qu. The papistes in steede of all this say goe to the prieste and tell him all thy sinnes then come at Easter and receiue c. do you thinke it well An. No nothing of vs ought to bee accounted well done that is not done to the gloric of God Qu. Why they will say they doe it to the glorie of God and how can you prooue the contrarie An. There is no good thing vvithout the light of the vvorde Nothing can be done to the gloric of God without obedience There is no obedience without the worde so that I conclude nothing can bee done to the glory of God without the testemony of the worde But these vile immaginations be not only without the worde which were enough to throw them withall their good put poses intents down to the diuel in iudgment but that they may holde their interest in a deeper and more horrible vengeance they are directly agaynst the manifect testimonies of the worde of the Lorde First they will haue the people to confesse their sinnes to them The Scripture willeth vs to confesse our sinnes to the Lorde onely Dauid sayth Remember not Lorde the sinnes of my youth Psal 25.7 Psa 51.3 4. c. And agayne Agaynst thee O Lorde haue I sinned Also Luke teacheth vs by the example of the lost sonne to confesle our sinnes to the Lorde The Publicane sayde Luc. 15.1 Luc. 18.18 Lorde be mercifull to me a sinner And where the Priestes say they must confesse all the Prophet Dauid sayth Who can tell howe ofte hee offendeth Psal 19.12 Also where as they say they can forgiue sinnes Sooner sayde then proued they shew their fust condemnation namely that the diuell and sinne reigneth in them For if they can forgiue sinnes then Christ dyed in vayne But let God be euerlastingly true and the diuell and all Papistes lyers I euen I am he sayth the Lord that put away thine iniquities for mine owne sake Esa 43.23 and will no more remember thy sinnes Psal 3.8 Also whereas they alow the Sacrament to the people onely at Easter they do in that as in the rest for as they robbe the Lorde of his honour and put an holines in the time so all the other times of the yere wherein the Lorde sayth to the whole Church in respect of the Supper beeing a publike action Take ye ea●e ye the Papists say let the Priest eate it alone and let all the people gase looke on But be the Lords trueth neuer so playne ageynst this kind of superstitious receyuing the Lords Sacraments yet such force hath these deuises of the diuell to holde the vngodly in condemnation that you shall see many in many places and they not the least euen at this day The Popes friends which professe to ferue the Lord by seasons come once a yere to the Sacrament more for feare of the lawe then for loue to the Lord. who at Easter will come very deuoutly and all the yere after neuer a whit in whom the foule stenche of the diuels excrementes in these and the like practises of popery hath so forestalled their senses that there is no place in them for the sweete fauour of the worde of lyfe whose condemnation sleepeth not And for so muche as these and their Popish teachers hold vp an other doctrine then Christ hath taught vs we are warranted by the Apostle to holde them accursed Qu. What say you to the place of Saint Iames which thy alleage for eare confesseon Iames. 5.16 where he saith confesse your sinnes one to another An. Saint Iames in the wisedome of the holie Ghoste prouideth for the comfort of Gods chosen in the distresse of spirite thorough the conscience of sinne in which case he adutseth the Lords people to imparte them such greefe with some such of their brethren as in the wisedome of Gods spirite according to the folowwip of his hee may iustly hope both for such counsell in the warrantise of the word as his soul needeth and also may be strengthened by his feruent prayers to the Lord and so the words following proue for he saith Confesse your sinnes one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed c. Also if this gaue any strength to eare confession then must the prieste
confesse him to one which they wil not grant therfore they do but ingle with the Lordes trueth Qu. Then you will take nothing from any mans warrant No warrant is fase but the Loras namely the Papistes without proofe of the worde of God rightlie vndersteode An. No for leauing thē their friendes w e their vnwritten verities Ioh. 4.25.5 39 16.13 Their chopping changing of the worde Deut. Their holding them miufficient to deeide controuersies Psa 19.7 Luk. 16.20 Therfore keeping them from the people Psal 95.10 Iohn 17.3 Their imagination of the Scriptures darknesse Psal 19.7 Some of the dregges of the Popes Church Their vayne boasting of the Churches authoritie agaynst the worde of God Iero. 7.8 1. Tim. 3.15 Their false opiniō of works Iob. 9.3 Rom. 3.10 Their presumptuous opinion of the Popes supremacie Mat. 1.28.19 Iohn 20.23 Luc. 22.26 1. Pet. 5.1 2 3. Their eare confession Psal 25.7 Their Purgatorie Mat. 25.26 Psal 51.3 4. Their praying for the dead their Masses and trentals and dirgies 2. Sam. 12.21 Luc. 19.26 Their praying to Samtes Iere. 17.5 Rom. 10.14 Their olde customes and following of forefathers Mat. 15.2 3.12.30 Their Latin seruice Mat. 7.6 7 8. Their Images Exod. 20.4 Their transubstantiation Mark 16.19 Luc. 24.16 Act. 1.9 10 11. Their vnpreaching priesthood 1. Tim. 3.2 Act. 20.28 1. Pet. 4.1 The diuersities of meates for conscience sake and a thousand mo abhominatiōs Mat. 6.11 Rom. 14.14 2. Tim. 4.3 4. We rest our selues wholly safely in the alone word of God as vpon a most trustie witnesse of all trueth that fayleth not for it is written Heauen and earth shall perishe Mat. 24.35 but not one sote of the worde of the Lorde shall fayle Qu. I woulde be moste glad to participate with the Church of God in the vse of this Saccament so oft as they come together to that ende but I see it is a thing most worthy such reuerent consideration as is commanded vnto vs in the word I see the horror of my sinnes so great The best consciences are soonest feared vvith sinne fecle in my selfe so litle repentance and fayth that I feare I am vnworthy to receiue it An. In deede to the worthy receiuing of the Lords supper suche examination of euery one in his owne conscience as the Apostle requireth is very needfull But as for sinne which is in euery one by nature which also of it selfe is deadly euen from the greatest to the least we are to discerne our estate in that case not by the sinne but by the partie as we are taught in the Rom. 6. where he willeth that sinne do not reign in vs which it doth in euery child of man till the spirite of Christ be giueu vnto vs by the preaching of the Gospell As it is written A strong man armed keeping the house all that he possesseth be in peace till a stronger then he come c. Then our sinnes bee deadely VVho sinne deadly when they haue the reigne and dominion in vs And sinne reigneth when we giue ouer to sinne when we striue not agayust it VVhen sinne hath the masterie it flayeth the man but alowe of it and consent vnto it If you yeelde your selues to obey his seruauntes you are to whom you obey whether it be of sinne vnto death or of obevieuce vnto righteousnes And this power of sinne thus raigning doth testifie that the grace of Gods spirit is wanting But if we striue against our sinne if our eye be single that is our minde vpright striuing into the waye of the Lord without hypocrisie or dissimulation though sinne be in vs yet our sinnes are not of force to separate vs from God nor are any such things as shall euer condemne vs but for Christes sake whose peculier spirite hath wrought in vs this misliking of sinne as ignoraunce want of feeling of the Lords kindnes and whatsoeuer of like sort with a longing alter the wayes of the Lorde they are forgiuen vs and shall neuer be layde to our charge because we beleeue in Christ For the distance betweene heauen and earth is not so great as is the difference betweene sinne beeing in vs Rom. 7.20 and sinne raigning in vs as maye appeare in that it is sayde Gal. 5.17 If therefore your sinnes do displease you These fruites of Christes spirit assureth vs of the grace of Christ if you purpose to be an enimie to sinne in your selfe and others if you purpose to walke al your life in the true feare of God and in the light of his worde if you beleeue in Christ Iesus for pardon of your sinnes and stay your selfe vpon his promises I testifie vnto you that you shall be a moste welcome guest to this table of the Lorde Christ hath already sealed in you that you are deare in his sight he hath giuen you of his spirite They that are least in their owne sighte are moste dear vvith the Lord. and you shall haue fellowship with him and with the father by him and with the whole Church of God Christe will dwell in you and you shall dwell in him for euer therefore measure not the Lords mercies by reason which is corrupted but let fayth holde fast his promises and be ioyfull in the Lorde and from the grounde of a pure heart giue all prayle to him to whom all prayse is due for euermore Qu. Not the deed but the maner of doing is al. How many sortes be there of them which receiue not the Sacrament An. There be two sortes namely those that will not and those that can not Qu. What is the estate of both An. The estate of the one namely those that can not is not daungerous for the necessitie of the Sacramentes extendeth not so farre as to exclude them from eternall life which can not enioy the vse therof and those that haue faith which giueth them title and right to eternall life and power to discerne rightly of the Sacramentes though they haue not the means to be partakers of the Sacraments shall not be depriued nor excluded from saluation Their estate i● not daungerous vvhiche vvould and can not Also as this estate is not dangerous so the condition of such as will not namely of those which contemne the Lords mysteries is damnable For it is vndoubtedly an act of infidelitie and worthy of damnation Their estate is damnable that can and vvill not for this and all wickednes proceedeth from vnbeliefe For it is written Take heede brethren that there be not in any of you an euill heart and vnfaithfull Heb. 3.12 to departe away from the liuing God c. Frō which estate of men the Lorde keepe all that be his for euer Amen FINIS ¶ A most godly and comfortable letter written by by maister Edvvard Deering to a Christian gentlevvoman beeing in heauinesse of spirite very needefull and by the grace of Christ helpfull to suche as be in