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A00614 The maner to dye well An introduction most compendiouslie shewinge the fruytfull remembrance of the last fowre things: that is to say, death, hel, iudgement, and the ioyes of heauen. Gathered out of manye good authors, both comfortable and profitable to the dilligent reader. Learnedly instructing howe to prouide for death. Soto, Pedro de, d. 1563. aut; W. B. 1578 (1578) STC 1075; ESTC S120489 42,232 138

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I wishe and loke for thee I runne to meete thee and I doe renounce all things that are not of thee Whatsoeuer thou wilt I wyll and whatsoeuer thou wylt not the same I wyl forsake Whatsoeuer thou doest detest I doe refuse it and whatsoeuer shal hereafter happen vnto me cōtrarie to this my present minde I beseeche thee my God not to impute the same vnto me neither according vnto that but accordyng to this present choyse of my soule iudge me For al thinges whiche I ought not to doe I doe here vtterly forsake them And if at anye time hereafter I shall chaunce by any sinister occasion to agree to any thing that may be a cause to withdraw thy n●● dyd from me I do 〈◊〉 this 〈◊〉 vtterly 〈◊〉 and d●t●●●tlys satile O Lorde I●●● if it please thre or if if maye stande 〈◊〉 thy gl●●y ●●aūt I be●●eche thee in this my present lyfe ●hat I 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 wherein I ha●e o●●●nded ●●om al the p●ines 〈…〉 ●●●●●uedlie I ●●ght to 〈…〉 And that th●● 〈…〉 of thy 〈◊〉 ●●●ned farry afte● 〈…〉 〈…〉 Lorde Iesu 〈◊〉 my 〈…〉 ¶ 〈…〉 or l●st 〈…〉 therto be saye 〈◊〉 to be ●●ought 〈…〉 vp on at the howre 〈…〉 〈…〉 seath 〈…〉 IN the name of the Father and of the Some and of the holie Ghost I H● a wretched synner ●●deemed with the precious bloud of our Lord Iesus Christe through his greate merry and loue not by my merites do confesse and ●●knowledge openly eyther by this wryting or by these my wordes before God omnipotent and before you that are here as witnesses if there needeth any that I a●●●●●d doo dyethe true ser●●unt of our Lorde Iesus Christe as it becom●eth a true Christian I do beleeue and confesse generallie all and euerie parte and Article of the Christian fayth wherein euery Christian beleeuer is ●●●●●de is beleeue● And chi●s●ie the v●iuersall 〈…〉 ●o●teyned in the twelue Articles of the Christian faith either openly expressed or by reason excluded According as through the holye Ghoste by the twelue Apostles and by the true gospel they were delyuered vnto vs And to be shorte I beleeue so muche as a true Christian ought And I do with all my harte reioyce to dye in this immoueable and fyrme Fayth holding this scripture in my handes and offering it vp as a most defensible and inuinsible shield against all the inuasions and deceiptes of the diuell And if which God forbyd it come to passe that by the temptation of the diuell or by the violence of my disease I shall happen to thinke speake or do any thing contrarie to this pretestation Or that I shall fal into any error misbelefe or dispaire Yf any of these doo chaunce vnto me I do here in the presence of you al reuobe vtterly renounce the same in such sorte as I woulde do if I had my perfect sences For this I cal you al which are here present thee my good Angell vnto whose custodie I am cōmitted that you as witnesses may testifie this my protestation and confession before the omnipotent and righteous Iudge As muche as in me lyeth I doo here clearely forgeue and remit al iniuries iuries whatsoeuer haue beene done vnto me And the lyke I do aske 〈◊〉 theyr handes who●●eit her by word or dee de I haue at any time ●●lēded And cheessie I do request to bee partaker of the bytter Passiō and innocent death of our Lord Iesus Christ and that my natural and voluntarie death may through thy grace stande for al my sinnes I do also intitely reque●● and desire you al that be here present to say the Lordes prayer with me and for me Our Father which arte in Heauen h●●o 〈◊〉 be thy 〈◊〉 Thy kingdom thing Thy wyl be done in earth as it is in heauen ●eue vs this day out ●●yl●e breade And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse against vs And leade vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from al euyl For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen Would to God I had neuer sinned nor offēded against my God nor my 〈◊〉 periors 〈◊〉 against my neighbours nor my selfe Lastlie I ge●●● th●●bes 〈◊〉 tha●●●●ghty God for al his 〈…〉 ●●s●●wed vpon west And I comm●●de my body and soule into thy 〈…〉 that my soule may he saued through the bitter passion of our Lord 〈◊〉 Christ to whom be prayse 〈◊〉 glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ Howe feareful and bytter corporal death is of it selfe and the mu●●● causes thereof AS man naturallie desyreth to be in this worlde to lyue and to reioyce So is it also natural for him to feare death and the paines presydents thereof Vertuous and perfect men not withstanding are accustomed to wysh for death wr●o●●●ch as it is the ende of the myseties and offences of this present lyfe the entry like wise into the felicitie and ioye to come They do therfore couet death whiche loue no vn●●w●all thing in this lyfe and despiseth and settethat nought al the vanities pleasutes tiches homours prosperities of this world with a most ●●dent affection aspyring to the most blessed syght of theyr God whome aboue al other thinges they do with al their hartes entirely loue and inwardlie burne with the hartie desyre of heauenlie pleasures eternall wealth saying with the prophet Dauid As the Hart desireth to come to the fountaines of fresh waters so doth my soule desire thee O lord My soule hath thirsted to come vnto God the lyuing fountaine When shal I come appeare before the face of God And to the same effect sayth Paule I vnhappie man who wyll deliuer me from the body of this death That is to saye from this mortal miserable body Also I desyre to be dissolued to be with Christ Neuerthelesse though the consideration of death of it self be a most bytter paine and that the losse of lyfe to a humaine 〈…〉 is natura●le fearfull and hor●●●● insomuch that our Lord Iesus Christ death approch●ig by natural ●ea●e of death whiche he tooke willingly vpon him began to feare to ware weerie and to be heauy Such w●●e●a●e 〈◊〉 of death is pro●●●able for it withdraweth man from cau●● detectatiō and from the vanities of this worlde He that wyl wisely consider howe pawful an ende howe bytter a death and howe greeuous a sorow doth dayly approche vnto him and peraduēture is presentlie at hande hee wyll refrayne him selfe from dyssolute and vaine secutitie from sportes games and laughters Saying with Salomon I haue accompted laughing for errour And to myrthe I haue sayde Why doest thou deceyne in vayne And that they be so in deede the wyse Salomon doth in another place witnesse the same Better it is sayeth he to g●e into a sorrowfull house then into a hō●ueting house I●●thoue that is the sorowful house man is admonished of the●de of all men lyuing he thinketh vpon that which shall happen and is
be repie at with peace and gladnes trāquilitie rest and a continual excellent brightnes farre vnlike to this whiche nowe we see Adn by howe much the better ech one liued in this world he shal in that world be by so much the more the cleerer For it is read that that Citie needeth not the light of the Sun nor of the Moone for there the Lambe is their lampe and the omnipotent Lorde geueth them light There Saintes dosh me like Starres in perpetual eternitie as the purenesse of the heauens that geueth light to many Wherfore ther is no night nor darknes there is no contracy meeting of clowdes no extremity of coulde nor heat but a wonderful temperatenes of al things which no eie can see no eare cā heare nor heart imagine sauing only those who enioy the same whose names are writtē in the booke of life And that which excelleth this is the felowship of Angels Archāgels and al the vertues of heauen To behold the Apostles Martirs and prophetes and to see our forefathers al these are glorious But to behold the perfect countenaunce of God and to see his incomprehensible lighte is a far excellenter glorie For when we shall see God in himself then shal we see haue in our selues that which continuallye without ende we shall contemplate and beholde ¶ A supposed description of the heauenly Hierusalem O Beloued countrey O heuenly citie what can be sufficiently writtē or beleued of thee for that in thēe is that goodnes ioy and solace that eyes see not that eares here not nor minde of man can so-muche as once coniecture for which so many Legions of Martirs haue moste willingly suffered death Thy gates do glister with chosē stones most precious thy streetes are paued with burnished golde thy walles are made of most precious stones in thee are inestimable pleasāt gardens alwaies greener then the fields of Thessalie wherin fresh flowres dainty violet● do continually bud grow In thee vnspeakeable sweete odours of Cinamon Balme do alwaies plesantly breath and smel The beautie of althings do increase in thee without la●ke remaine without fading abide without corruptiō without chaunge do eternally continue In thee is al temperatenes purenes of ayre farre exceeding the capacitie of mā In thee ●●peace rest surpass●ng measure In thee is euerlasting day one spirit of althings In thee is certain assurance assured eternity eternal quietnes quiet happines happy pleasure pleasaunt mirth Iust men do shine in thee as the sun Nothing can be wished loued or sought for but it is in thee to be founde in thee one lye is conteined that which no wher els can be had O what gladnes without offence what flouds of sincere plesure with bottomles plesure of sweete delectatiō is it to behold the God of Gods in Sion to looke vpon the incōprehensible glory of the holy trinity to taste of the perfect sweecenes from which cōmeth al goodnes to humaine kinde What a pleasure is it to behold the maiestly of God to be in the perpetual company of the blessed troupes of Angels with the sanctified Apostles and Martirs with holy and blessed virgins to know al the Citizens of heauen and alwaye to reioyce in eternal felicitie O my soule loue this blessed palace and inwardly affect the same which with fleshly eyes cannot be seene but onely with the eies of thy faith Beleeue that which thou seest not to the ende that thou maiest sometime obteine that which thou beleeuest ❧ Of the perfect and absolute ioy of eternall lyfe MY God my Lord my heartes delyght tel vnto my soule if this be the ioy that thou hast spoken of vnto vs by thy sonne For thou saidest Aske you shal haue to the ende that your ioies may be perfect I haue found a certaine kinde of ioy yea more then perfect yet although man hath a perfect hart a perfect mind a perfect soule and that man is al replenished with ioy There resteth yet another ioy that aboue measure passeth this for al ioyes cannot be contemed in him that reioyseth but al those that reioyce shal emer in the ioye of our lord But truely that ioy wherein thine elect reioyce cannot bee seene heard nor be cōpassed within the capacity of man Therfore O Lord in al these my sayinges I haue not so much as once thought vpō any part of the ioyes of thine elect They shal in al places so much reioyce as they loued thee and so much loue thee as they acknowledge thee their Lorde No eie cā see no toung cā tel no eare can heare nor hart can think in this life how much they acknowledge loue thee in the life to come I besech thee O Lord that I may loue thee reioyce in thee And though I cannot come to that perfectne● in this lyfe yet graunt that I may from day to day so increase therein that I maye after this life come to the ful perfectnes thereof Let me so profite in this knowledge that in time to come I maye be perfectly instructed therin Let thy loue good Lord so increase grow in me that I may be therin perfectly groūded in the life to come Graunt I beseech thee that I maye so reioyce in hope as that I maye perfectly reioice in ioy after this world O true euerliuing God graunt I beseeche thee that I may receaue that which thou hast promise dme that is that my ioye maye be perfecte in the world of worlds that in the meane time my minde may remēber the same my tongue may speak therof my hart may loue it that my mouth may talk thereof Let my soule hunger for it my flesh desyre it and all my bodilye substaunce feruentlye require it tyl such time as I do enter into the ioies of my Lord my God where I shal remaine for euer A prayer whereby thou maiest be stirred vp vnto the desire of heauenly thinges O My God O the sweete life of my soule O my true health O my saluation O my onely eternal vnchangeable and chiefest goodnes what other thing besydes thee ought I to looke or aske fore What haue I not al thinges if I do possesse thee who hast created al things There is nothing of anye estimation but onelye such thinges as thou hast made Beholde the bewty of the Aungels of blessed soules of mortal bodies of brutish beastes the brightnes of the heauens Statees Sunne Fyre and Ayre the Sea Earth Planets the flowers precious stones metals and colours sweetenes of al soundes and odours and the delicate taste of al sweete thinges proceedeth onely frō thee O lord Whatsoeuer grace of comlines plesātnes sinenes sweetnes vertue dignity or ritches consisteth in any creature the same proceedeth from thee O God and al thinges aboundantly flowe in thee without any lacke Thou art the chiefest bewty the chiefest pleasure chiefest desyre Thou most abūdantly dost conteine in thee al bewty goodnesse
Death at the gates of olde men is and prest to youth also But neither knoweth the certen howre when they away must go Let vs therfore not knowing when God shall vpon vs call Prepare our selues in readinesse both soule minde harte and all Yeelding our selues vnto the Lorde whylst we our health enioy Not wasting time by posting off least we our selues annoy Euen like as death doth finde the man so man the death shal finde For perfect men in safetie do dye with ioyfull minde With hope of blysse the iust doth ende their lyfe in quiet rest And wicked men full desperate doo ende in cares opprest Therefore to auoide these dangers all keepe thou these verses in minde Which I amongst the learned workes of godlie men doo finde ¶ Of Death Iudgement Hell and Heauen EChe thing returnes to massie earth and endes where it begunne Fresh flowres and all that beareth breath as shades away doth runne Nothing for long accompted is that must in time decay To morrowe next perhaps shal be my death and dying day This present day may likewise be the last day of my dayes Wherein appoynted is that I. must dye without delayes No hope of dooing wel is left after that deadful day That day in ioy without al greefe To passe God sende I may It is great folly to accompt long time here to endure Séeing that none one day to liue himselfe can wel assure Oft to accompt or mencion make of dayes it is but vayne Since restful day or quiet houre none hath without great paine Haue thou as long a time and race as thou doth lust to runne As ought of nought was made in fine so ought to nought must turne A thousand thousand men haue bene and thousand of thousands eke VVhose bones in earth consumed are whose fame is nowe to seeke A iust rewarde for their desertes doth onely nowe remayne And for their déedes by iudgment iust they suffer ioy or payne Beholde that feareful iudgement iust for one shal geue the dome VVho doth appoynte that trembling day when he thereto wyl come Dread feare and cast thy count therfore prepare thy harte I say Liue thou as though death present were thy due preparde to pay ¶ Of the houre of death worthye of often repetition REmember oft O mortal man consider in thy minde VVhat soden feare and terror great thy soule is like to fynde VVhat pinching wormes begin to fret the hart on euery side VVhen soule from flesh life from man begins away to slide Ten thousand griefs begins to paine the wicked soule with woe VVhen from the prison of the fleshe away it needes must goe It doth bewayle with streames of teares the vayne bestowed time VVherein it might ful leasurely repent eche sinful crime And bitterlie with scryching cryes it makes a rufull mone To see the time of strict reuenge that drawes so hardlie on It seekes a whyle then to remaine in hope some mendes to make No sute maye then preuayle but that the fleshe it must forsake Full fayne it would recouer againe the ioye which it hath lost All is in vaine it wyll not be away the soule must post But looking backe it séeth againe when it was wald with bones The whole full course of passed lyfe all presentlie at once And taking yet more earnest viewe it séeth not farre beside The infinite Eternitie that neuer away wyl slide Then trikling teares by watred leares in floudes for gréefe doth runne For losing al the heauenly ioyes that easly mought bene wonne Intisementes fowle of filthy fleshe iust cause of greefe then brings For that by them the swéete delight of heauen and heauenlie thinges From sinfull soule for euer alas remediles is reft And endles paines by iust desart by God to it is left It blusheth for that the sinfull flesh it dyd so much set by The foode of gréedie scrauling wormes in graue when it doth lye Forgetting quite it selfe alas which if it had done wel To Angels might compared be that in the heauens doo dwel O howe the soule confounded is when it doth sée with eyes The perfect glée that was and is aboue the starrie Skies With fléeting stoudes of cares I saye the doleful soule is tost When it doth see the heauenly health that it hath vainely lost For vading glorie of the worlde in this poore mortall lyfe Wherein we see nothing is had without debate and strife When the blacke vale of miserie it doth from farre beholde It wondreth at the shyning light of heauen more pure then golde It doth then sée the wauering worlde that séemde to it most bright To be none other but a clowde more darke then drowpy night How godly harde and strict a life the soule woulde vndertake What fastings great what promise large what holy vowes would make To get by grace some space of tyme wherein it might repent The vaine surpassed course of life that earst in sinne was spent But when the dasled eyes begins to loose their wonted sight And holo we chest yet feble pants and loosing neare his might The ratling throte doth faintly breath the téeth waxe blacke and rust The lippes becommeth pale and wan the toung is thicke and thurst And euerie lym neare styffe and colde when these doo play their parte As verie signes and tokens true of Death his pearsing darte Then al his wicked works and thoughts as witnesse forth are brought And strongest euidence they geue gainst him that them haue wrought He no where then can fire his eyes but there they present are And as his strongest enimies they worke his greatest care Huge routes of vgly dreadfull douyls on tho●e side standeth n●●re The vertues all on thother side with Angels passing cleare And in the midst betwixt them both by iust and vpright dome It s clearely iudged to whether side the wand●ing soule shall come If in the pathe of vertue true the soule did runne her race Then do the Angels euery one craue that it maye haue grace With pleasaunt heauenly harmonie full sweete they do allure The soule with them in heauen to go they earnestly procure But if the soule all blurred be with blottes of filthy sinne Then war like troupes of hateful deuils agaynst the soule doo ●iune And sodenly in boy●●rous wise alheadlong downe doth cast The guyltie soule eternally to he● they pul at last In ambushe they in priuie wise the waye doo al beset Thereby the soule to stop and stay and it from heauen to let By calling these and such like thinges to minde with inwarde thought Al raging fleshlie lust we shal despise and set at nought And weigh as thinges of litle weight al worldlie pleasures vaine Forsaking quite thentisements sweete of hoores and hoorishe traine Applying our studies by stedfast faith to God in godlinesse VVe shal I trust by Christ at last be plast with Saintes in bliffe Praise be to God our Sauiour and to his name also VVho graunt that to his glory we all thinges
they do prepare themselues comming to the holye Eucharist and vittayle themselues therewith for theyr reliefe in theyr iourney The fowrth daye they do continually pray vnto God for the inspiration of the holy ghost wherby they may lighten soften the hardnes of theyr hartes and thus they do continew al that day The fift day with feruent deuotiō they make theyr humble supplications vnto God for a spyrituall death wherby they may perfectlie mortify them selues and yet continually liue to God. To ech of these dayes a man may applie fyt Psalmes and Prayers And lastly they do giue harty thāks to almightie God for his innumerable benefits bestowed vpon them at al times during theyr liues ¶ Spirituall counsayles at the howre of death MY Daughter thou beeing brought to infyrmitie prepare thy soule to God taking such order for thy temporal goodes that there be no strife nor cōplaint for them after thy death Nothing profiteth the soule more then to leade a iust innocent lyfe and to do good to euery man in thine owne life tyme whatsoeuer thou wouldest that others should do for thee be thou careful and diligent to do the same thy selfe If after death thou dost goe to euerlasting paine what doeth the fulfylling of thy Testament the pompe of thy Funeral almes or sacrifice auayle thee after thy death Do these things thy selfe in thine owne life dayes that thou maist be deliuered not only frō sinne but also increased in my grace thou mayst escape damnation and I preseruing thee from thine offēces thou maist continue and perceuer in good workes vnto the ende When death approcheth see thou do ridde thy self from al cares and worldlie labours that with feruent desire thou mayst affect to come to me without spotte beeing ful of fayth not trusting any thing to thine owne workes but let the hope of thy reliefe be onely planted in mine ineffable mercie In this faith altogeather betaking thy selfe and al other things which thou hast in this worlde vnto my prouident wyl humblie and deuoutlie receyue thou the Sacraments of my body blood which haue theyr vertue only by my merites and were by me geuen vnto the Church as a treasure Although that many men haue oftē times abused them as they haue done many other good things neuer thelesse receiue thou them with a feruent zeale and a sure fayth vnto thy euerlasting ioy ¶ An Exercise wherein the weake man may resigne himselfe to God. O My saythful louer O mercyfull Lorde Iesus Christ graunt that with al my harte and minde I maye perfectly vnderstande that which I saye As the Harte desireth to come to the fountaynes of freshe waters so doeth my soule desire to come to thee O Lorde I haue chosen rather to bee an abiect and an vnderling in the house of my god then to dwel in the Tabernacles of sinners Blessed are they which dwell in thy house O Lord they shal prayse thee for euer By soule dothe thirse to come to thee O Lorde when shal I appeare before thy face O my soule why art thou heauy why troublest thou me Hope in the Lorde for I wyl trust in him the health of my countenaunce and my god Turne thy face vpon me thy seruaunt saue me in thy mercie O Lorde that I be not confounded foreuer I cal vpon thee linger not from me my god Looke backe and assist me a poore man left vnto thee for thou arte the releeuer of Orphantes thou art the refuge of al my trouble that compasseth me O my triumph delyuer me from them that assault me O thou Lorde God of my health come and helpe me for thou arte my strength my helper and refuge do not forsake me nor despise me O God salute me with welcome beholde I come vnto thee my God whome I haue neglected and despised for all the earth is ful of thy mercy I doe therefore flye vnto thee moste mercyfull God receyue me according to thy word by which thou saydest I wyll not the death of a sinner and I shal lyue do not consounde me contrarie to mine expectation My God I craue not for this temporal life but I do onely inuocate and call vpon thee with al my harte which art the eternal life Alas my best beloued Alas my only Lord and God that euer I offended thee that euer I neglected thy inspirations and counsayles that euer I loued any thing besides thee my Lorde God this is it that repenteth me I beseech thee therfore to graūt vnto me that during my life I maye with al my hart truely faithful lie repent and bewayle these mine offēces I woulde I coulde powre forth and vp before thee al the droppes of my bloud and teares in true repentaunce Lorde Iesu I craue and loke neyther for death nor life but onelie for thy good wyl Let al thinges be done according to thy good wyl and pleasure Seeing it pleaseth thee that I must dye O Iesu receyue my soule graūt that I may haue eternal rest with thee If it be thy pleasure O Iesu that my lyfe shal be prolonged I haue determined with al my harte to beseeche and aske that thou wylt most graciously graunt it me through the helpe of thy mercie and grace so to offer my selfe vnto thee as an offering to thy glorie wyll O best beloued Iesu for that I haue past ouer my lyfe in contempt of thy glorious name lyuing out of thine obedience graunt nowe I beseeche thee that henceforward I may wyllingly spēde al the strength of my soule and body and al the rest of my time graūted by thee vnto thy glorie and wyl O Mercyful Iesu bee present with me and mercifullye helpe mee in these my paynes and miseries and if greeuouser paynes shall happen to oppresse me which for mine offences I knowe I haue deserued farre greuouser greater then these graunt that I maye suffer and beare them paciently Osweete Iesu although I had neuer offended nor deserued punishment in thy sighte yet to thy glory and wyl in these paynes as in euerye other I doe offer and resigne my selfe vnto thy Maiestie not trusting in mine owne vertue but only in the multitude of thy merits vpon which I doe presume and doe inuocate and call vppon thee that thou mayst by thy vertue erect strengthen the weaknes and vnstedfastnes of my soule and that thou wilt comfort it with strength and strengthen it with patience that I doe not fall downe beeing vanquished with aduersitie and temptation nor weried with weaknes of minde but beeing altogeather consumed in the flame of thy sweete fyre and loue I maye onely long for thee and that wyth a thirstie appetite I maye coole my thirst in thee that I may thinke vpō thee and altogether long for thee that I may forsake disdaine and cōtemne the world al things therin that I may geue thee like thanks both in ioye and sorowe O Most louing Iesu I haue chosen thee
to come As the Scripture sayth Blessed is he that is alwayes fearefull And by this the olde Doctours Hier●ome and Augustine 〈◊〉 wryte that Plato that excellent and moste noble Philosopher dyd forgoe the delicate and beautifull Cittie of Athens ▪ with ●●●tayne of his Schollers choosing rather to dwell in an olde thinous Vyllage beeing often with Earthquakes and Tempestes wel neare ouerturned so that by the frace of daungers and death they myght in themselues mortifie the vicas of the fleshe withdraw themselues from concupiscence and all other vices For so muche as the Gentyles haue done this howe much more I praye you ought Christians to withdraw themselues from delectations by remembring the daungers of death And that by this the preme ditation of death there might growe in vs such an healthful feare The disposition of him that dyeth is to be consydered to behold the present howre of the separation of the soule from the fleshe whereof man hath a naturall feare for then man altogeather waxeth pale his feete waxeth colde his weake hands becommeth blacke his countenaunce chaungeth colour his eyes becommeth dimme and sinketh in and for intollerable pangues of paynes they are turned vpwarde See how his hart waxeth faynt his forehead shrinketh all his members waxeth flyffe his chinne falleth his pulses chaungeth theyr course his breath gathering it self from the innermost bowels doo altogether forsake the body The paines of death do then appeare deadly pangues stinging with the mortal stinges the very harte which fyrst of al begynneth to lyue and last of al doth dye And last of al there commeth breaketh foorth a dead sweate shewing that Nature is ouercome And thus being vanquished by griefe the soule is cast out from hir dwelling place If we wyl consyder this disposition of them that dye and do dilygentlie imagine that the lyke wyl short lie happen vnto our selues there is no doubte but we wyll consider the healthfull feare of death ¶ THE MANER howe to dye well Written in Latin by Petrus de Soto AL men must nedes dye a punishment assigned vnto vs for that sinne of our fyrst parentes Mortalitie that is ●euitable death is test cast vpon vs for that Adam and Eua did eate of the forbidden fruit wherby they sinned against the lord And as sinne was first commited so death presently folowed By syn they lost life gained death For as by doing well they shoulde haue obteyned immortality to themselues their posterity so by doing the contrarie they haue gained death mortality to them vs for euer from the general sentence whereof none shal escape lest that any one shoulde haue cause to exalt himself aboue another if he might freely escape the same The certentie of death and the vncertayne howre thereof NOthing is more certayne then death but the howre the place and maner thereof none knoweth For who is he that knoweth when where and after what sorte he must dye whether he shal dye a good or a shamefull death whether hee shall ende his lyfe by sword fire or water or by any other kynde of death No not one truely For death more diligent then our shadows at al times and places continuallye geueth his attendance laying for vs his trappe thinking at euerye houre vnwarely to intrap vs therein Who is then so foolish as to assure himselfe to lyue but tyl night of what age soeuer hee be of For what other thing is our life but the verye beaten pathe and straight way to death Hee therefore that is wise loketh prepareth him selfe for death and at al tymes and in al places is continually ready to dye For death is at the gates of old men and lyeth in a readines to oppresse ouertake yong men the houre when the Lorde reserueth and keepeth to himselfe to the ende that we beeing vncertayne when to dye shoulde the rather prepare our selues to dy And whylst we haue our perfect health memorie we ought to acknowledge our redeemer to cal vpon him betaking our selues altogether vnto his clemencie great mercye And in no wise to detract the time to the laste houre and extreme instant of death For death most commonlie assaulteth and oppresseth those whom he seethe most vnwilling and the worst prouided And as death findeth the man so man shall finde death The perfect man dyeth in securitie and gladnes the iust manful of hope fayth and assured confidence and the vniust dyeth in stare and desperation VVhy Iust men doe wishe for death WE do continually walk amongst innumerable dangers that is the dangerous snares of our aunciente enimie the diuel the bloody swordes of the wicked the intollerable greefes paynes and labours of the body The habitation or dwelling place of the body wherein we dwel is ruinous the worldely sea wherein wee fayle is ful of stormes dangerous wrackes no earthly thing wherein wee can delight our selues lacketh great perils and that wherein wee thinke we finde great felicitie therin alwayes consisteth our most miserie and calamities But yet our benigne Sauiour doth not without heauenly prouidence appoynte suffer that this our mortal life shoulde be so replenished and fylled with those so great calamities paynes and perils And also doth according to his profounde wisedome prouidentlye ordeyne and appoynte them I meane those temporal paynes which we do abide to the ende that wee shoulde repent vs of our former sinnes and amend our present lyfe and diligently to care for the lyfe to come and that we shoulde willingly contemne the worlde and set at noughte this transitorie life erecting and lifting vppe our mindes soules and hartes vnto the almightie God ▪ earnestlye affecting the glorious euerlasting life with feruent desire from the bottome of our hartes Our forefathers which in times past tasted but verye litle of this glorious and heauenlye sweetnes did yet abandon al earthly vanities abhorred the delight of the world despised and quite forgot this transitorie life most painfully labouring with al diligence to obteine the vnspeakeable pleasures of heauen greedely thirsting for the eternal blisse saying with the Apostle ▪ O wretched man who shal deliuer me from this mortal body My desire is to be dissolued to be with thee O christ for as the Harte desireth to come to the foūtains of fresh water● so doth my soule O Lorde desire to come to ●hee Although death bringeth vnto vs suche and so many plea●●res and that through it the soule is carried thither where it shal e●●●auy liue y●● we ought not to d●●●●te nor argue of the rest of our life which is pres●●lbed by God neyther ought wer● bee the cause●s or proc●re● of our owne death For as we 〈◊〉 not hither by 〈◊〉 owne appoyn●ment so ought we not to be ●h●●●●●rs of ou● ende before the ●ime appoynted vnto v● by god Hereby I iudge him to be altogether forgetful of himselfe and litle to regarde his owne state that thinketh his time in this
it shal please them Yet continuallye nothing shall please mee but thou my Lorde and GOD my hope and eternal health Blessed he thou O Lords which haste done this goodnesse vnto thy seruaunt according to the multitude of thy mercye What can thy seruant saye more vnto thee O Lord but humble himselfe in thy sight be alwayes mindful of his iniquitye and vnwoorthynes For in al the wonderful thinges of heauen and earth there is none like vnto thee Thy workes are excellent thy iudgementes are vpright by thy prouidence al thinges are gouerned O father of wisedome laude and praise be vnto thee My mouth my soule and al my powers shall prayse thee without ceassing ¶ The soule feruently wisheth to be in the house of the Lorde O Moste bright and bewtifull house of the Lord I am delyghted with thy comelinesse the habitation of the glory of my Lord the owner and builder of thee Al my wandring perigrination tendeth towardes thee both night and daye my heart coueteth to come vnto thee my mynde is fullye bent towardes thee my soule doeth feruently desire to come into thy blessed company I speake this vnto him who made mee and possesseth me in thee for he created both thee and me I do not aske thy companye and the syght of thy wonderful purenesse through mine own merites but thorough the bloud of him that hath redeemed mee whereof I doe not dispayre I haue erred I confesse like a straied sheepe and my dwelling is prolonged I am caste from the face of thee O Lorde in blyndnes of exile wherin I am expulsed from the ioies of Paradise I doo with sorrowfull verse and vnmesurable lamentations daily bewaile the miseries of ●y captiuitie when I doo call thee to remembraunce O spirituall Hierusalem and whilest my feete stande in the excellent and beautiful Sion not yet able openlye to see the innermost partes of thee but yet I hope to be caried into thee vpō the shoulders of my Redeemer the verye builder of thee that I maye reioyce with thee in that venerable glory wherin they delight that are with thee in the presence of God him selfe our redeemer who hath dissolued al enmitye that was betweene God and man with his owne fleshe and hath with his precious bloud pacifyed al thinges in heauen and earth He is our peace who hath made al things alone who ioyning two walles in one in him selfe which before were disagreeing euerlastingly to continue in the felicitie of his blessednesse The same thinge hath hee promised vnto vs saying They shall be equall with the Angels of God in Heauen Let me reioyce and be glad in thee Let the sweete memorye of thy blessed name be a releeuing of my sorow and weerinesse ¶ An earnest prayer that thou being assisted by the grace of God maiest be alwaies bent to heauenly thinges I Would to God that that daye might once shine in the which I might see my redeemer and al these temporal daies would ende In thee O heauenly kingdome the saintes doo shine in perpetual and cleere charitie which we can not see whilst we wander here on earth The heauenlye Citizens knowe how muche they them selues reioice and the banished sonnes of the Eua lament feele how bitter werie and tedious this worlde is The dayes of this worlde are few shorte ful of euill and sorow where mā is defiled with many sins oppressed with grefes troubled with cares disturbed with thoughtes wrapt in vanities compassed with erroures molested with temptation drowned in sensualitie and crucified with pouertie O when shal there be an ende of these manifolde and miserable labours when shal I be deliuered frō the miserable bondage of wickednes When shall I onelye remember thee O Lorde When shal I fullye and perfectly reioyce in thee When shal I be out of al danger deliuered from al griefe of bodye and soule and come to true libertye When shal I rest in that quiete secure and vndisturbed peace When shal I come thyther where peace is both within without in althinges O Lorde Iesus when shal I stande vp to see thee when shal I behold the glorye of thy kingdome which thou hast prepared for thine elect frō the beginning A● poore wretche I am left banished in the lande of mine enemies where there is dayly warres and continual misfortune Comfort me in my banishment mitigate my sorowes I do moste feruentlye with all my heart require to come vnto thee For whersoeuer pleasure is offered vnto me in this worlde I thinke it noysome I doo inwardly require thy companie but I cannot obteine it I doo wishe to be ioyned to heauenly thinges but temporal pleasures and mortal passions keepeth me backe from them In minde I woulde faine vanquishe al wickednes and vice but yet I am constrained to be subiecte to the frowarde fleshe And I vnhappye man am at controuersy with my selfe and am become odious vnto my selfe for whilest my soule aspireth vpwarde my fleshe draweth downe warde O what passions doo I inwardlye suffer For when my soule beginneth to contemplate of heauenly things thē presently heapes of carnall thoughts withdraweth me from prayers O my God doo not linger from me depart not in anger from thy seruaunt Thunder forth thy lightning bolts ●isperse my worldly thoughts abrod shoote thine arowes amongest them driue away all the temptations of mine enemies Turne my senses vnto the make me forget al earthly things graunt I beseeche thee that I may caste off all sinfull thoughtes and phantasies O eternall veritie succor me to th end that no vanity do tempt or remoue me from thee O heauenly father helpe me for al vanitie and impurenes melteth before thy face An ardent desire of the soule to the blessed and immortal life AS the Hart desireth to come to the fountaines of freshe waters so doth my soule desire to come to thee O Lorde When shal I come and appere before thy face O wel spryng of louing water When shal I come to the water of thy sweetenes frō this desert pathlesse and barraine lande that I may see thy vertue and glory and coole my thirst with the water of thy mercye O Lorde the wel of lyfe satisfye me I thirste for thee O Lord God of life When shal I come O Lorde and appeare before thy face O moste cleere and excellent daye without night without ende wherin I shal heare these wordes Enter into the ioyes of the Lorde thy God. Enter in eternal glory into the house of thomnipotent God where there is great and wonderful ioyes without number Enter into the glory which is without sorrowe conteyning eternal gladnesse where all goodnesse and no euyl is where the sweete amiable way of life is where is no controuersy neyther flickering intisements where there is a perfect and certaine assuraunce an assured quietnes a quiet pleasantnes a plesaunt happines a happy eternity an eternal blessednes the blessed Trinitie and vnity of Trinitie deitie of vnitie