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a39328 The great mystery of godlinesse opened being an exposition upon the whole ninth chapter of the epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans / by the late pious faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. Edward Elton. Elton, Edward, d. 1624. 1653 (1653) Wing E651; ESTC R40205 342,638 246

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the force and strength and vertue of it concerning mercy grace righteousnesse life and salvation to all that believe in Christ and repent of their sins In a word the efficacy and force of the Word of the Gospel which indeed is a word of promise it propoundeth to all true believers that are repentant for their sins mercy grace righteousnesse life and salvation the observation is this That the Word of Gods saving promise the Word of the Gospel is a most powerful and a most effectual Word it is of a begetting nature it is able as an Instrument to beget children unto God and it doth in Gods appointed time effectually work upon Gods chosen and make them actually the Children of God so that they may be truly called the children of the promise as that special promise in Gen. 18. Sarah thy wife shall have a son as that gave birth and being to Isaac when there was no likelihood or possibility of his being and birth from his parents Abraham and Sarah so the Word of Gods saving promise the words of the Gospel giveth a spiritual being and birth to Gods chosen and make them actually the children of God in his appointed time when there is no likelihood nor possibility in nature Yea when their Nature is in flat opposition and contrariety unto it then doth the Word of the Gospel make them actually the children of God And to this purpose speaketh that holy and Evangelical Prophet the Prophet Esay Esay 11.6 7 8.9 the holy Prophet sheweth that in the dayes of Christ such should be the force and powerful working of the Gospel that it should make men of Wolves to become lambs and of Leopards as meek as kids and men that were as Lions of a Lionish nature to be as meek as a fat beast and as gentle that children should lead them such as were of a wolvish and lionish Nature for so we are by nature fierce and cruel and savage to become meek and gentle and so he goeth on in setting forth the powerful working of the Gospel so in Joh. 5.25 saith the Lord Jesus Verily verily I say unto you the hour cometh and now is when the dead shall hear the Word of God and they that hear it shall live where by dead ' we shall understand those that are spiritually dead and not corporally dead for of those he speaketh in the 28 verse he saith that the voyce of the Spirit of God shall come to those that are in the graves and they shall arise but hereby those that are dead in sins and trespasses Ephes 2.1 and such as are spiritually dead to put the life of grace and of faith and of holinesse into their hearts and soules in the 1. of James 18. saith the Apostle speaking of God of his own will begat he us with the Word of truth by an emphasis or excellency a begetting word the word of the Gospel and not to adde more places this doth sufficiently prove that the Gospel of God is an effectual Word and doth work upon Gods chosen in time and make them to become Gods children actually whereas before they were potentially and may be called the children of the Promise The Reasons and grounds are these First of all the Gospel it is the arm of the Lord so saith the Prophet Reason 1 Esay 53.1 to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed that is the word of the Gospel yea it is the power of God so the Apostle saith Rom. 1.16 1 Cor. 1.18 it is the arm of the Lord and the power of God it is a power far passing the power of man or of hell it self and of all the devils it is strong powerful and prevailing there is no opposition whatsoever is able to gainsay it or withstand it but it is able to bear it down to the ground The word of the Gospel it administreth to Gods chosen Gods Spirit Reason 2 whence it is that the Apostle in Gal. 3.2 demandeth of the Galathians What saith he Received ye the Spirit by the preaching of the Law or rather by the preaching of the doctrine of Faith the doctrine of the Gospel that is the means of conveying unto you the Spirit namely the Gospel of God which conveyeth it Now the Spirit of God stirreth up the unbelieving that are Gods chosen and inableth them to believe yea it doth beget faith in their hearts and doth certainly and infallibly and that without resistance actually incline their hearts to believe in Christ and so to become actually Gods children thus doth the holy Spirit of God given to Gods chosen bend and bowe their hearts inabling them to believe and make them certainly and infallibly Gods Children such is the power of the Gospel This Doctrine in the first place doth point out unto us one main difference Vse 1 that is between the Law and the Gospel the law doth onely discover sin unto man and what the least sin of man deserveth and is able to go no further it cannot deliver unto a man any means of comfort but seaveth a man liable to the curse of the Law it sheweth them not the means to escape the curse onely as a Schoolmaster it sendeth men to Christ not by teaching and instructing but by whipping and scourging by terrifying upon the sight of sin it sheweth them no pity nor no compassion it driveth them from it self to seek unto a better Schoolmaster and better Physitian to go unto Christ Gal. 3.14 the Law is our Schoolmaster to drive us to Christ But now the Gospel is of force to work upon Gods chosen effectually it is able to confer and to administer unto Gods chosen the Spirit of God which Spirit doth beget faith in their hearts and so they become actually the Children of God this is the efficacy and power of the Gospel Is this so that the Word of Gods promise the Gospel is so powerful Vse 2 and so effectual and able as an Instrument to beget children to God Oh then I beseech you in the fear of God look unto it learn we upon this ground that the Word of the Gospel we living under the preaching of it be thus powerful in our hearts and soules in particular let us never rest untill we find that the preaching of the Gospel hath so wrought upon our hearts and soules that it be so effectual in us to bear down the strength of nature and whatsoever standeth in opposition against it and to cast down the strongest hold of sin and Satan in our hearts and that it hath conferred and conveyed the holy Spirit of God and thereby wrought faith in our hearts Oh let us never rest untill we find this working And consider the Gospel it is the arm of God it hath made some men of wolves to become as lambs of Lions fat beast it hath beaten down the pride of their hearts it hath hammered their hard hearts it hath quelled and overmastered their over-ruling and predominant corruptions take onely the
working of a change in him it will alter the corruption of his heart and turn him and make him a new man it will turn him from his stiffnesse and rebellion and make him pliable to the will of God and change him and bring him from the state of ignorance and unbelief rebellion and hardnesse of heart unto the state of saving faith saving knowledge and holy obedience to the will of God yea the Lord hath a time of calling and working upon the souls of men some at one hour some at another converting some at the third hour some at the sixth hour some at the ninth hour yea some at the eleventh hour Matth. 20.3 4 5. so that this must teach us not too rashly to condemn any man unconverted or uncalled Vse 2 Again Is this so that Gods eternal election is so powerful and so effectual as that it altereth the corruption of nature in time surely then upon this ground it followeth necessarily that a man may come to know and to be assured of it that he is one belonging to Gods election and that he is in particular in the number of Gods chosen would any man know it no doubt every man desireth it would any man know he belongeth to Gods election surely a man need not in this case to climb up into heaven and pry into the secret closet of the Lord and search the Court-Rolls of heaven whether he be there written or no no he may take a shorter course let him look into himself and dive into his own heart and soul try and examine how the case and state stands with him in respect of his own soul and if in his own soul he find that upon due tryal and examination this effect is wrought in him that he is now changed from what he was wont to be in his will in his affection in his mind and in the course of his life now not a drunkard or a proud person as he was wont to be now he is set out of the state of Ignorance and unbelief and disobedience to the will of God into the state of saving knowledge saving faith softnesse and pliablenesse to the will of God more particularly if so be now he find that he hath a new light set up in his mind his mind is inlightened with A glorious light by which he is able to understand the will of God and the wayes of God and the things of God which the natural man perceiveth not and he findeth his will disposed otherwise then it was heretofore he was stout and stubborn and disobedient to the will of God revealed in his Word but now he findeth in his heart plyableness yeelding to the Word of God no sooner can the Lord command a duty to be done but his heart answereth Lord this is my duty I ought to do it and I will certainly do it so when God forbiddeth a sin be it what it will be pride covetousnesse Sabbath-breaking he answereth I confesse it is my sin and I will forsake and leave it when the Lord forbiddeth his pride his garishnesse of apparel and long shaggy hair he will leave it off and also he findeth whereas it was odious and hateful for him to recapitulate and repeat the Word of God after publique exercises now he findeth it delightful to him and is made able in some measure he being truly set at liberty to follow the holy will of God or whatsoever the Lord revealeth in his Word he will imbrace the duty and omit and hate the sin be it whatsoever it will be here is a good evidence and upon this ground a man may certainly conclude that he belongeth to Gods election he yeeldeth obedience to all the Commandements of God no Commandement is hard unto him but he intirely yeeldeth to the whole though imperfectly Object Indeed the Papists deny this that a man in the time of this life can come to be assured that hr is in the state of grace and salvation by any ordinary course by Extraordinary course and Revelation they say he may but not by any ordinary course Answ Herein they are deceived for a man may by an ordinary course by secret examination of his own heart and will searching his Illumination Faith and Obedience he may know it infallibly Let us therefore hereby try and examine our selves and not presume that we belong unto God when indeed there is no such matter and never find this alteration and change wrought in our hearts and soules but men are the same to day as they were before still the same Ruffians yesterday the same to day Drunkards yesterday the same to day Sabbath-breakers the last Sabbath and Sabbath-breakers still And onely live as they are led by the light of Reason and the state of Nature to live a civil honest orderly life And for men or women upon this ground to perswade themselves that they thus belong unto Gods election they deceive themselves For there must be a further change wrought it is not thy civil honesty that will serve turn thou must have thy old rotten and corrupt heart taken out of thee Oh what striving will there be before that this be done but this thou must find even an alteration and a change that thou art now changed from the state of ignorance and unbelief into the state of saving knowledg and faith and obedience to the wole Will of God and then thou mayst conclude certainly I am in the number of Gods chosen if thou rest upon thy Civil honesty it is a rotten ground and foundation it will plunge thy soul into the bottom of hell when thou hast most need of comfort labour therefore to find this change wrought in thee Come we now to the thirteenth verse VERSE 13. As it is written Jacob have I loved But Esau have I hated OUr Apostle in this Verse maketh known whence it was that there should be such a great difference between these two brethren Jacob and Esau he giveth this reason of it namely that it was from the love of God to the one and Gods hatred of the other the Apostle citing a Text of Scripture to this purpose Mal. 1.2 3. so that in this verse our Apostle doth explain and expound the place of Genesis the elder shall serve the younger by this place of Malachy shewing the reason of the difference that it pleased God to put between these two brethren proceeding from Gods love and hatred In a word in this thirteenth verse there be two things in general to be considered First the Apostles citing of Scripture As it is written Secondly the testimony of Scripture which he alledgeth in the words following I have loved Iacob and hated Esau First in that he alledgeth Scripture As it is written yet the Apostle doth not cite either Book Chapter or Verse but putteth it down in the general whence I might stand to shew that we ought be so well acquainted with Scripture that when the text of Scripture
matter of comfort to believing soules and particularly comfort those that are capable of comfort He telleth him that he believing in these promises shall certainly be saved For thus runneth the tenour of the Word and the Gospel Whosoever truly believeth in Christ Jesus shall certainly be saved hereupon the Minister standing in the room and place of Christ being his Ambassadour doth make this particular application and draw out this conclusion The text saith he that believeth shall be saved The Minister saith Believe thou Richard Thomas William or whatsoever thou art and thou shalt surely be saved And this is as much as if Christ himself did preach by his immediate voyce from heaven For why Christ hath committed to us Preachers the delivery of his Word as appeareth 2 Cor. 5.19 20. And therefore upon the ground of believing the general promises of the Gospel that such shall be saved they may assure themselves they shall be saved And a man finding faith in his heart and soul which he may prove by the fruits and works of faith may thereupon assure himself that he is in the number of Gods chosen and shall certainly be saved And thereupon we may see it is but a cavil that these enemies of God affirm That the Minister knoweth not whether a man belong to Gods election or no when the Minister assureth him not upon that ground but upon the ground of believing Is this so that the Minister of the Word must not onely make known Vse 2 general Doctrines but particularly apply them Surely then the hearers of the VVord must not onely hear the general truth of the VVord made known unto them but they must also be content to have those truths applied unto them particularly by way of instruction by way of exhortation and by way of just reproof as occasion is offered And beloved men must not start aside and fret and chafe and take on when that the truth of the word is brought home unto them and applied particularly unto their souls for the discovery of their particular sins as their pride and vanity of apparel or whatsoever it is no they must willingly chearfully and readily yield and submit themselves unto it and not begin to quarrel with the affection of the Preacher and say now he speaketh out of malice and spleen and distemper and now he speaketh against such a man as if the man and the sin were one substance the Minister cannot speak against pride garishness of apparel long shagged hair but he speaketh against the man as if the sin were the man and the man and the sin all one therefore take heed of being in a chafe when thy sins are reproved And know that if thou thus do fret and chafe it is not onely an Argument that thou art possessed with a spiritual pride and a spiritual frenzy and madness but it is a sign of Gods heavy wrath and judgment ready to break out upon the souls of those men that so fret and chafe and take on in impatiency It is an immediate fore-runner of Gods heavy wrath when men cannot abide to be touched or to have the word of God applied particularly they are impatient of reproof and must have the Preacher to speak pleasing things and to daube them up with untempered morter this bringeth upon them the hand of God unto remediless and easless Destruction Esay 30.13 14. of saith the Prophet this is a foul sin when men teach their Preachers what to say it is like the breaking of a high wall that is sodain or like a bump in a wall a swelling knob that upon a sodain falleth down to the ground and is broken all to pieces like a Potters Vessel that is broken in shivers and there is not so much left as to hold fire or water so it is with those that repine at the particular application of the word their destruction is sudden Again further consider we if so be we be willing and ready to hear the word of comfort applied unto us though it belongeth not unto us and we can accumulate the preaching of the Gospel and yet put away from us the word of reproof we cannot endure that surely the Lord will then punish us in the same kinde he will deal with us proportionably and accordingly he will make his word of comfort that we so eagerly take hold on an unprofitable word and a word that shall yield no comfort unto us when we lie on our sick beds and in the hour of death because we receive the word of comfort that appertaineth not unto us and put away the word of reproof therefore he will make the word of comfort comfortless Consider to this purpose the example of Herod Mark 6.20 Herod heard and did many things gladly that John Baptist taught and found much comfort in hearing of him but when John came to touch him and to hit him on the bare his beloved sore and pleasing Dalilah that it was unlawfull for him to have his Brothers Wife then Herod shewed what he was he carried then a splenative minde and a grudge in his heart and never left till he had his head what touch my beloved Sin And the Lord dealt with Herod accordingly for those comforts that he appropriated to himself from Johns preaching were fruitless he went on in his sin and perished fearfully in his folly Then learn we to hear the word not cunningly for our instruction and comfort but in matter of exhortation and just reproof to be taxed for our sins And when the Lord meeteth with us in his word for our particular sins to say it is his Mercy and his blessing and to thank God that we have Ministers which do not daube us with untempered morter and to say as David saith in Psal 141.5 let the righteous smite me it is a pretious balm this is the affection of the godly but if we do accumulate to our selves the comforts that are promulgated in the Gospel and cast away the reproofs denounced against our sins God will then make his comforts comfortless and they shall do us no good So then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercy HAving formerly handled the reference this verse hath with precedent matter I now come to handle the matter of the verse it self And first of all we see the Apostle in the first place doth deny Gods eternal election of some to life and salvation to be in him that willeth good or worketh good And so the observation is briefly this That nothing in man or done by man coming from him Doctrine is the cause and ground of mans election or salvation Neither any mans willing of good or working of good no not the willing or working of good by a regenerate person by a person truly sanctified and in the estate of grace not his willing or working of good that is the cause and ground of his election or salvation And so to prevent an
as Conscience doth enlighten them that will bring to Life and Salvation no Familist or Anabaptist can have any assurance that they shall have Salvation But if we would have assured Evidence that cannot deceive us we must seek for the proofe of it in our hearts and soules in our effectual Calling see here what evidence of grace we have then we need not in this case to climbe up unto Heaven to search the Court-Rols of Heaven but we may take a shorter cut looke into thy owne Charter drawne out with the bloud of Christ in thy heart and therein looke to Gods effectual Calling to the Evidence of grace in thine own soul and that wil Evidence thee of thy Election and that thou art in the number of those that are Gods Chosen and herein I desire that everie one wil deale truely with his owne heart and soul Haste thou answered the voyce of God God calleth upon thee in his Word to come out of thy Ignorance and thy unbeliefe and other known sinnes tel me and deale faithfully Art thou wrought upon by the Word of God Doest thou come out of thy ignorance and thy blindenesse of minde by a through change from evil to good is the course of thy sinnes broken off thy pride thy drunkennesse thy usurie Hast thou thus answered the Call of God and hath the Word had a kindely workeing upon thy soule Romans 6.17 Doest thou finde sweetnesse in the Consolations of the Word of God and doest thou yield obedience to it in all things in one thing as well as in another Not onely in some things but in all things that God requireth yea in those things that doe most of all crosse thy owne humour Doest thou finde that the lusts of thy owne heart are curbed and ordered and doest thot finde that thou art now brought to love God to love his Children to love his Messengers to love the instrument of thy Calling If thou hast these things in thee thou art effectually called and being effectually called thou art a man or a woman that shall certainly be saved my soule for thine thou shalt come to Heaven all the Devils in Hell cannot deprive thee of it Oh then let every one trie above all things their effectual Calling which will assure them of salvation and be an infallible Evidence for their Election Even us whom he hath called not of the Jewes onely but also of the Gentiles Vse 2 IS it so that effectual Vocation doth prove unto men infallibly their Election and salvation in Heaven doubtless then effectual calling must needs be a ground of sweet and excellent and heavenly comfort unto the soules of all those that are indeed effectually Called Hast thou then good Evidence of thy effectual Calling Art thou sure that God hath wrought upon thee by the power of his Spirit That he hath brought thee by the preaching of the Word out of thy natural estate of ignorance and unbelief to true knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ Oh then comfort thy self thou hast cause to rejoyce with joy unspeakable and glorious 1 Peter 1.8 For this sealeth up unto thee this comfort that thou art one whom God loved from everlasting from all Eternitie before this world was that thou art one redeemed by Jesus Christ that thou art justified in the sight of God and acquitted and freed from the guilt and punishment of all thy sins and that they shal never be laid to thy charge for effectual calling and justification joyn hands together it giveth thee assurance thou art acquitted from all thy sinnes both past present and to come and shalt as certainly goe to Heaven as if thou wert already in Heaven and all the power of hell shal never be able to prevail against thee therefore thou art in a most happie condition Object But here happily some may say here is a sweet ground of excellent comfort we must needs confess if so be a man be effectually called and truely believe in Christ but alas say the Papists a man cannot know whether he hath the Spirit of God working in him or no he may have a false spirit neither can a man tell whether he doth truely believe in Christ or no. Now therefore to remove this stumbling stock of the Papists Answ we must consider that the Spirit of God is compared to fire Matthew 3.11 He shall baptise you with the Holy Ghost and with fire and it is compared to the blowing of the wind Joh 3.8 The winde bloweth where it listeth c. So are all that be born of the Spirit thereby giving us to understand that as sensibly as a living man may perceive the burning of the fire and feel the blowing of the winde so sensibly may a Child of God perceiue in himself the working of the holy Spirit of God And indeed it is the very office of the Spirit of God to teach Gods Children to know the things of God so saith the Apostle expresly 1 Cor. 2.12 We saith the Apostle have not received the spirit of the world but we have received the Spirit of God whereby we know the good things that are given us of God He teacheth us to know our Hope our Faith and a good life it is the office of the Spirit and he will certainly perform his Office And beloved did not the Apostle know on whom he had believed 1. Tim. 2.12 I know on whom I have believed and cannot a Childe of God know assuredly that he truely believeth in Christ by the works and fruits of his faith purifying his heart working in him a love to God and his Children Gal. 5.6 because they bear his Image may not he certainly conclude true faith worketh by love Object Oh but say the Papists for all this a man cannot know whether he truly love God or no Do you say they prove your faith by your love Answ This is more foolish then the other for if one man love another he knoweth it and in what measure he loveth him and cannot a Child of God that layeth aside all earthly pleasures and denieth himself and standeth for Christ and his Gospel to the shedding of his bloud and yet not know whether he loveth God or no surely then Christ did ask of Peter a very idle and frivolous question which were blasphemie to think in John 21.15 Peter lovest thou me Peter might have said Lord thou knowest no man can tel whether he love thee or no but Peter saith Lord thou knowest that I love thee so that a man may truely know whether he loveth God or no and so be assured of his effectual calling I but say the Papists grant this Object that a Childe of God may know the good things given him of God and may know Gods love for the present and know himself in the state of grace yet here is a point you littlc think of sc he cannot be sure of his salvation unless he hold out unto the end And herein they contradict the plain
evidence of the truth of God Answ for Christ saith John 3.36 He that beleeveth in the Sonne of God hath everlasting life He hath one foot within the gates of Heaven alreadie For indeede the life grace and holiness in this life shal be made perfect in Heaven and the life of the godly here in this world and of the Saints in Heaven is all one in substance differing onely in degree theirs is perfect ours is imperfect and the Apostle saith in Romans 8.1 There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus so that the faith and grace of Gods Children is permanent and lasteth for ever and this Doctrine of theirs is a meere Antithesis or contrarietie to God and his Word 1 Peter 1.5 Gods Children are kept by the power of grace unto salvation doubtlesse Gods Children shal continue unto the end Gods grace shal never depart from them for he hath made many gracious promises to that end as namely these that God will put his fear in their hearts that shall never depart from me Jeremie 32.40 And that he having begun the work of grace wil perfect it in Philippians 1.6 And that Christ Jesus is not onely the Authour but the Consummator and finisher of our Faith Hebrewes 12.2 Let then the enemies of Gods Grace Papists or Anabaptists belch out their blasphemies they shal never be able to drive a Childe of God from this comfort that commeth by his effectual calling that he shall certainly be saved And I might further adde this as a third use Vse that seeing Gods effectual Calling is so sure and certain an evidence of our Election and salvation therefore men ought to make special account and reckoning of the preaching of the Word because it is the ordinarie means of Calling and of conveying grace and faith into the hearts and souls of men Romans 10.17 Faith cometh by hearing and therefore miserable is the case of all Recusants Papists Anabaptists and Familists that refuse to hear the Word and also all prophane Atheists that despise the preaching of the Word and also Carnal Gospellers that are wearie of the preaching of the Word it is a burthen unto them but to passe by this Again further observe we in the next place that the Apostle he rangeth the calling of God into these two sorts not onely Jewes who came of Jacob which was no strange thing because they had many excellent priviledges but also even us that are Gentiles of another Nation and People heathen Pagans such as were without the Covenant without God aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel dogs such as were not worthie of the name of a reasonable creature hence then the Conclusion is this That Gods effectual Calling of men out of the estate of nature into the estate of grace respects not mens persons it respecteth not any station Doctrine condition or qualification the excellency of the Jew is no help nor the basenes of the Gentiles no hindrance to Gods effectual calling the Lord calleth some high some low some rich some poore some masters some servants yea it is worth our marking that the Lord called some few among the Gentiles before Christs incarnation as Jethro Moses his father in Law Job Ruth and others that might be named in 1 Cor. 7.21 Art thou called being a servant thereby implying that the servants may be called aswell as care not for it and in 1 Tim. 6.2 The Apostle speaketh of believing masters so that some of all sorts and conditions are called and the ground is this Reason Because Gods grace is most free effectual calling respecteth not the qualification of men for if it were tied to the qualification of men then in all likelihood those persons should be called of God sooner then others who are of best disposition of best wit and understanding and best towardnesse those that are most civil in their carriage and most unblameable in their lives but it is not so for the Apostle saith the contrarie in 1 Cor. 1.26 God hath refused the rich and wise of the world and revealed his secrets to babes not to noble and great and learned men yea we finde in the dayes of Christ that Publicans and harlots were made to know the good things of God when the Philosophers among the Gentiles and the Scribes and Pharisees and Doctors among the Jews were passed by and passed over so that God respecteth not persons nor stations nor qualifications Vse 1 This being a truth surely then that cannot be true which some do hold and affirm that Gods grace and the effectual calling of men it is given unto men whom God seeth fit to receive it and able to use it If this were so then there should be a natural correspondencie in men answerable to the supernatural Will of God then there should be a power in nature to use the grace of God which indeed is an old rotten Pelagian heresie long agone rooted out of the Church of God Vse 2 This may yield a ground of sweet and of excellent comfort to such persons that are of poore and mean condition in the world of mean gifts of mean parts in respect of understanding here is a matter of sweet comfort for them for they are commonly despised of the men of the world that are of proud dispositions and indeed such is the cursed corruption of our hearts that men doe commonly exempt themselves from the hearing of the Word because they are silly and simple poore people alas say they it is for learned men for great men for scholars to heare Sermons we are poore unlettered men and women and so hereby they wrong themselves but marke what the Holy Ghost saith of Wisedome in Proverbs 9.9 10. VVho so is simple let him come to me and those that are destitute of wisedome and understanding let him eate of my bread and drinke of my wine And the Lord Jesus rejoyced in his Spirit when he considered that his Heavenly Father had hid the things that concerned his Kingdome from the wise and prudent and revealed them unto babes So then for to conclude art thou one that art a mean person and of simple understanding be not discouraged for Gods effectual calling is not revealed to rich and great men onely but whosoever attendeth to the voyce and call of God and to the Ministerie and preaching of his Word among the Gentiles As Solomon speaketh Proverbs 8.33 That doth beat the thresholds and trample in Gods House and be diligent and frequent in hearing the will of God assuredly shall in Gods due time be wrought upon and effectually called and be made a Member of the mystical Body of Christ Jesus Therefore doe not thou absent thy selfe from Gods Word but come cheerfully to it and hear upon all occasions VERSE 25 26. As he saith in Hoseah I will call them my People which were not my people and her beloved which was not beloved c. IN these two Verses our Apostle proveth the calling of the
The Great MYSTERY OF Godlinesse Opened BEING AN EXPOSITION UPON The whole Ninth Chapter of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the ROMANS By the Late Pious and faithful servant of Jesus Christ Mr. EDWARD ELTON Bachelor in Divinity and sometimes Preacher of the Gospel at Mary Magdalens Bermondsey neer London Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated Rom. 9.13 O the Depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God Rom. 11.33 Great is the Mystery of Godlinesse God manifested in the flesh justified in the Spirit seen of Angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world and received up into glory 1 Tim. 3.16 Licensed Entred Printed and Published according to Order LONDON Printed by J. L. for Christopher Meredith and are to be sold at his Shop at the sign of the Crane in Pauls Church-yard 1653. To the Courteous and Christian Reader Good Reader THis Book which the good hand of God hath put into thy hand to read is such of which thou mayest justly say as Jacob did of his pretended venison a Gen. 27.19 20. the Lord hath brought it to thy hand rise up therefore and eat of this savory meat such as thy soul loveth or should do at least It was the work of a most Pious and skilful Scribe excellently instructed to the Kingdom of God b Matth. 13.52 he was a burning and a shining light c Joh. 5.35 burning with zeal for Gods glory and shining as a light in that crooked Generation wherein he lived d Phil. 2.15 but he is now triumphing in heaven and therefore standeth not in need either of thy prayers or my praises who being dead yet speaketh e Heb. 11.4 so that his own works may justly praise him in the gates f Prov. 31.31 Leaving therefore the Author who is now at rest with the Lord I come to the book it self wherein if thou do not meet with new Truths yet thou shalt find old Truth confuting old and new Errors sin sharply rebuked holy Duties earnestly and seasonably pressed the power of Godlinesse advanced and the great Mystery of Godlinesse sweetly opened evidences of Election cleerly discovered here thou mayest know whether thy name be written in heaven g Luk. 10.20 onely let me advise thee to follow the Authors method who beginneth first with the Complaint of a Sinner combating and conflicting then cometh to the Christian Triumphing and so cometh to open the Great Mystery of Godlinesse so do thou read the first Treatise to learn to complain of thy corruption and then thou mayest be sure at last to Triumph with the true Christian and so be the fitter to look into the great Mystery of Godliness for to such is the promise made by our Saviour that to them it shall be given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven h Matth. 13.11 and again if any man be a doer of Gods will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God i Joh. 7.17 so that he that is ready to imbrace the power of Godlinesse and is daily conversant in the practise of it is most likely to be skilful in the mystery of it get thy heart therefore stored with the graces of the Spirit that accompany Salvation add to thy Faith Vertue and to thy Vertue Knowlege and to Knowledge Temperance and that Patience and to that Godlinesse and to that Brotherly kindnesse c. For so an entrance shall be made unto thee abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of Jesus Christ k 2 Pet. 1 5● c. 11. besides let me recommend unto thee a fit Treasure for a Christian to be laid up in heaven where the Rust and Mothes cannot corrupt nor Thieves break through nor steal l Matth. 6.20 In a word let me advise thee to store up in thine heart soundnesse of Knowledge strength of Faith purity of Heart clearnesse of Conscience holinesse of Life assurance of Gods favour contempt of the world many sanctified Sabbaths fervent prayers holy Conferences Heavenly Meditations dayes of Humiliation sincere love of the Saints righteous dealing with the Brethren a sincere love of Jesus Christ m Ephes 6.24 an universal hatred of every known sin and of all alse waies n Psal 119.104 the true fear of God and the power of Godlinesse o 2 Tim. 3.5 This counsel observed and followed will enable thee to live Christianly and to dye comfortably with full assurance that when the earthly house of this Tabernacle shall be dissolved thou shalt have an house not made with hands eternal in the heavens p 2 Cor. 5.17 where you shall be ever with Lord q who sitteth at the right hand of his Father where there is fulnesse of joy and pleasures that last for evermore r Psai 16. ult such as eye hath not seen nor ear hath heard nor hath it entred into the heart of man to conceive the excellencies of those joyes that God hath prepared for them that love him s 1 Cor. 29. let me earnestly entreat thee and affectionatly beseech thee good Reader speedily to fall to work and first seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousnesse t Matth. 6.33 for herein delayes are most dangerous for the longer thou stayest thou shalt finde that God groweth more angry Satan more strong thy self more unable to repent sin more unconquerable thy conversion more difficult and thy salvation more impossible a ruinous house the longer delayed the more costly will the repairing be the nail of sin the more strokes are given to it by frequent acting the more difficult to get out of that precious soul of thine oh then begin speedily because delayes are so dangerous and continue constantly having once begun in the spirit do not make an end in the flesh lest you labour and suffer all in vain u Gal. 3 3 4. give me leave therefore to presse thee effectually in the words of the Apostle that having such glorious hopes and so many precious promises w 2 Cor. 1.4 endeavour to cleanse thy self from all filthinesse of the flesh and Spirit perfecting holinesse in the fear of God x 2 Cor. 7.1 alwaies abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as I can assure thee that thy labour shall not be in vain in the Lord y 1 Cor. 15.58 onely be sure to fight a good fight and keep sound in the faith till thou finish thy course and I can assure thee of an immortal crown which Jesus Christ that righteous judge wil be ready to set upon the head of all such as love his appearing z 2 Tim. 47 8 9. against whose glorious coming that thou mayest be the better prepared let me advise thee once more to a serious perusal of this and the two former Treatises in the reading whereof my hearty prayers shall be with and for thee at the throne of grace that hereby thy judgement may be rightly enformed
either flye in your face and blot or blemish you and say you will not swear but you will do worse I warrant you or else they will say I swear nothing but the truth and men will never believe me unlesse I swear Oh in the fear of God consider it that it is credit dearly bought that is got with the pawning of thy soul to the devill for so thou doest in rapping out thy rash oathes and though thou swear nothing but the truth yet every truth is not to be confirmed by an oath no it must be a truth of speciall weight and consequence the preservation of thy life or such like great and weighty cause and then it must be with a good conscience and therefore thy swearing in thy buying and selling as to swear by God it cost me so much thou sinnest against God fearfully and thou takest the name of God in vain and this thy ordinary swearing is a sign of a gracelesse wretch that thou hast no dram of grace in thy heart that thy tongue is set on fire of hell James 3.6 And know withal that as thy ordinary swearing hath the devil for the Father of it so without repentance hell shall be the end of it and of thee also thou shalt be plunged body and soul into hell In matters of great weight and consequence we may take an oath for the glory of God the salvation of a mans soul the reducing of men from Popery all other Oathes as to swear rashly that is a fearfull provoking of God against thy soul and remember that connexion of the Lord which he hath put to the Commandement that the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vain And therefore in the name of God let us make conscience of swearing and flie from an Oath as from a Serpent For thy tongue is set on fire of the Devil if thou swearest ordinarily in thy common conference and those that use it labour to repent of that sin for it is a fearful impiety and a declaration that thou hast no grace in thy heart but art a very Miscreant and therefore in the fear of God let thy communication in thy usual speech be yea yea or nay nay for whatsoever is more Matth. 5.34 35. cometh of evil of the Devil I say the truth in Christ I lye not my Conscience bearing me witnesse in the Holy Ghost In that the Apostle calleth Christ to witnesse and sweareth by his name it is a sufficient evidence and proof of the God-head of Christ And hence I might stand to prove the God-head of Christ that none can know the heart but God but we shall have more cause to speak of this in the last verse of the context Doctr. But from hence we may learn that such as are lawfully called to swear they must swear onely by the name of God when a necessary and a weighty truth is to be confirmed by an oath and that men and women are called to swear they knowing it to be a truth they must call God to witnesse that truth and must only swear by the holy Name of God so the Lord himself hath commanded Deut. 6.13 Thou shalt swear by the name of the Lord thy God and he repeateth the same again Deut. 10.20 Thou shalt swear by the name of the Lord thy God and in Esay 45.23 every tongue shall swear by me saith the Lord. Howsoever swearing there may be taken for the whole worship of God yet it may be applyed to this that every one that sweareth must swear by the holy Name of God And indeed an oath lawfully taken is a part of Gods worship as appeareth in the two places in Deuteronomy before alledged it is a part of Gods Worship thou shalt fear the Lord thy God thou shalt serve him and swear by his name yea swearing upon a lawful calling and lawfully in truth in righteousnesse and in Judgment it is a reverent use of the holy Name of God it is so far from dishonouring God that it is a reverent use and a glorifying of God For it is an acknowledgment of God to be the Searcher and Knower of the hearts of men and of their secret thoughts and that God is a witnesse even unto those that swear falsly and perjuriously and a revenger on those that forswear themselves and that he testifieth to the things that lye hid and dark in our secrets from men and therefore God must be called to witnesse the truth when any truth is witnessed by an oath As for the formes of speeches used in the Scripture viz. As thy soul liveth 2 King 2.4 and Verily Verily used by Christ in John 3.5 they be earnest asseverations and they do strongly and vehemently affirm truth and an oath or oathes taken and used as it ought to be in a right manner in truth in righteousnesse and in Judgment before a Magistrate or in private with reverence it is a worshipping of God Hereby we are to take notice Vse of a foul sin that many of us are guilty of and make light reckoning and account of For what is more usuall with many amongst us then to swear even in their ordinary speech by the Blood and Wounds of his blessed body namely by all the parts of the blessed body of Jesus Christ yea some by the bread the drink the light the fire the money the Crosse of the coyn and to swear by their faith and troth and they that so swear think they swear no great oathes and some swear superstitious oathes by St. Mary by S. Anne and by the abominable Idol the Masse and some that swear by mincing detracting oathes as by Masse by Making and by Laking gods so and good lack is not this common amongst us yea too too common in your mouthes Now by swearing thus what do you but sin fearfully that which ought to be highly honoured in the matter of an oath you dishonour God exceedingly yea take notice of it you abuse the things you swear by and put them into the place and room of God and give unto these things what is to be attributed unto God as infinite Justice infinite Knowledge infinite Power as if they were able and of power and knowledge to know the thing we call them to witnesse and as if so be they were able to punish if you swear falsly a fearful height of sin will the Lord suffer such a foul sin to escape his punishing hand Will the Lord suffer you to place your Faith and Troth in his room to thrust him out of his Throne and Seat of Majestie and shall not his hand of vengeance light upon you for so great a sin yes surely without repentance the hand of the Lord will light fearfully both upon body and soul Jer. 5.7 saith the Lord How shall I spare thee for this as if he had said I cannot spare thee for this for what thy children have forsaken me How they have sworn by things that
are not Gods by their faith and troths which are not gods and in Zephan 1.5 The Lord threateneth to cut off all that swear by the Lord and by Malcham by Masse or by Jesse or by Laking it sheweth that they have no grace in their hearts yea it discovereth the cursed corruptions of their hearts and soules and therefore thou that art guilty of this sin think upon it fot thou sinnest fearfully against God and be sure to cry to God for mercy and for pardon of this sin for this sin if thou hadst no more were sufficient to throw thee down to hell Oh but those that swear by faith and troth will say they are no great swearers that swear by such like oathes But I say these sins are weighty enough to plunge thee headlong into hell without repentance for thou mayst not swear at all without a calling and that either before a Magistrate or in private and then it must be with reverence and a good conscience in truth in righteousnesse and in Judgment with deliberation and a Serious consideration of the Name of God in such causes as are lawful namely the great and glorious Name of God or such like particulars I say the truth in Christ and I lye not The Apostle sheweth here the sincerity of his heart that he spake the truth simply and plainly and with an honest and upright heart without any manner of doubling or dissembling I will not here enter into the common place of lying which is not here meant but take the thing naturally and hence observe That truth in word and simplicity of heart must ever go together Doctr. when a man is called to speak a truth either in matter of Religion or Civil causes he must deliver it without equivocation or mental reservation the tongue must agree with the heart and the heart with the tongue a man must not speak the truth deceitfully for so the Devil doth speak the truth with a purpose to deceive the soules of men and if men so do speak the truth falsly with a purpose to deceive they lie in speaking the truth the tongue and heart must agree it is a note of a Child of God one that is a Member of the Church Militant and Triumphant that he speaketh the truth that is in his heart Psal 15.2 But to passe by this onely touching it in a word That the same truth must be in the tongue as in the heart there must be truth in the tongue and simplicity and sincerity in the heart without equivocation or mental reservation My Conscience bearing me witnesse That is my Conscience witnessing with me that I speak the truth Hereby the Apostle putteth down one special office and act of the Conscience of man that the act and office of the Conscience of man is to bear witnesse to give evidence and testimony so that from hence it is clear Doctrine That God hath placed the Conscience in the soul of man as a witnesse of all his words and deeds yea of his very thoughts and of the motions of his will and of his inward affections how he standeth affected For here the Apostle bringeth it as a witnesse that he was truly sorrowfull which none but himself could tell and therefore he bringeth his Conscience as a witnesse so that the conscience in the soul of man beareth witnesse and giveth testimony of whatsoever a man doth think will affect speak or do and to this purpose the Apostle speaketh in Rom. 2.15 of the Gentiles that had not the Law of God but were led by the glimmering light of Nature these poor Gentiles shewed the effect of the Law written in their hearts their Consciences bearing witnesse and their hearts either accusing or excusing so in Eccle. 7.22 where the Preacher oftentimes thine own heart knoweth that is thy own conscience witnesseth that thou hast cursed others do not regard every idle word thine own conscience witnesseth thou hast cursed others and in 2 Cor. 1.12 our rejoycing is this that we have the testimony of a good conscience that in simplicity and godly purenesse we have had our conversation c. So that we see by these places God hath placed the Conscience in the soul of man as a witnesse of whatsoever man doth think or will affect like or do The Reason Reason is because God hath put into the conscience of man a power of observing and remembring all things that passe from one man to another and of man himself whether thoughts or speeches or actions either in thought in word or in deed we may see it in Josephs Brethren they remembred what they had done to Joseph even many yeares after they had done it Gen. 42.21 and in Gen. 50.15 their consciences do tell them did not we sin against our Brother it is an observer and remembrancer unto them even of their thoughts words and actions we may see it in our own experience twenty or thirty years ago do not our consciences tell us and witnesse the evil things done then by us And in this respect the Conscience may be fitly compared to a Recorder or Register That as he hath his pen in his hand alwaies ready to set down whatsoever is spoken or done so is the Conscience a register to set down remember and record all our actions and all our words and thoughts many years agone yea to witnesse when it is done as the Register turneth over his book and findeth the act done many years agone so is conscience a witnesse to us Vse This truth yeeldeth unto us a strong argument against the hellish atheists of this time that do open their black mouthes against God himself and stick not to say in plain termes that there is no God this may prove that there is a God and may wring from them this confession that there is a God for why the Conscience is a witnesse of the soul of man and that witnesse not onely of the words and deeds of men for of those men and Angels may take notice but it is a witness of the thoughts of thy heart and of thy inward and secret motions of thy soul now to whom doth that bear record not to man or Angels they cannot take notice of them but to him that hath an al-seeing eye and that is God himself and the witnesse of thy conscience is marvellous secret it is not known to any but is a secret and that secret witnesse neither man nor Angels can hear or receive for neither men nor Angels can tell what is in the heart or soul of man but the secret motion of the soul God onely knoweth for if it were not so the witnesse of the soul were to no purpose unlesse there was one that knew the witnesse of the conscience for the conscience speaketh not properly but onely by way of allusion we say it speaketh and therefore there is no other but God that knoweth the secrets of the heart and therefore let Atheists bark against it as
much as they can the very Conscience that is placed in the heart of man it is a plain evidence that there is a God and so let this suffice to stop their mouthes Is this so that the conscience is thus placed in the soul of man as a Vse 2 witnesse to whatsoever it is that man doth will or think or speak or affect or do surely then it must follow that it cannot possibly be that any man or woman should sin without witnesse though they sin never so secretly though it be in the very secrets and inwards of their own hearts that none can discern but God alone the Conscience discerneth it and seeth it and taketh notice of it and will manifest it in time if they have but an evil thought against God his Church or Children the conscience is a witnesse to that very thought indeed men presume upon it and do account it no sin if they can do it in a secret corner and have a dark place to act it in from the sight of men as Job 24.15 The eye of the Adulterer waiteth for the twilight and then disguiseth himself and saith none eye shall see him Alas though thou couldest hide thy sin from all men and Devils yet thou canst not hide it from God nor from thine own conscience that will one day come in as a witnesse against thee and lay thee open to the sight of men and Angels unlesse God give thee repentance The Conscience of man is a tell-tale it will lay it open and witnesse against thee Indeed I confesse that the mouth of the conscience may be muzzeled and sometimes be choaked and fail in doing the office of it to bear witnesse or a man may lay violent hands upon his own conscience and as it were cut the throat of it for a time his conscience being asleep or benummed for custome in sin taketh away the feeling of the conscience for a time and as One saith well The light of the Conscience may be shadowed because it is not good but quite extinguished it cannot be because it cometh from God and is of him in the heart by the hand of God it may be asleep and benummed but it will awake either in the day of affliction or in the hour of death when the Conscience will be raised and awakened and will then not spare to witnesse against thee or if it be so that thou dost dye without any sense or feeling of sin thou dyest like a senselesse stone as it is said of Nabal his heart dyed within him so it may be thy heart may be so hardened as that in the hour of death it hath no touch of conscience at all yet know this though thou dyest so yet thy conscience dyeth not it is a natural faculty of thy soul it cannot dye and though it touch thee not in the hour of death yet the day will come when the Judgment of the Lord cometh it will come and appear before thee and then it will speak and not spare it will witnesse against thee the sins that thou hast done in hugger-mugger and in secret and thy dissembling and close dealing either with God or man thy Conscience will not then spare to speak against thee And therefore in the fear of God take notice of it and let this ground of truth teach us to take heed of presuming to sin because we are in the dark whether Usurers or those that travel up and down from Ale-houses to Taverns in the night to commit sin their consciences go with them And in this respect take we heed of dissembling of hypocrisie of double dealing in the sight and presence of the Lord thou mayst blear the eyes of men and deceive them but thy own conscience will not be blinded it will bear witnesse even of thy bosome sins and although it may be mute for a time yet it will speak and that aloud too before the Judge of all the world Let this therefore work inward soundnesse and truth in the heart that our Consciences may witnesse good before God of us who knoweth the inwards of thy heart and soul The Apostle addeth further That the Holy Ghost did testifie with his Conscience My Conscience witnesseth with me in the holy Ghost that is as it is rectified and guided by the holy Spirit of God to witnesse with me holily and truly as it is ordered by grace and sanctified to that end and purpose so then the Conclusion is this Doctrine That the Conscience of man doth then onely witnesse with him holily and truly and to his comfort touching the things that is said or done by him when it is rectified and guided by the holy Ghost it is the conscience and the conscience sanctified that is a true a holy and a comfortable witnesse to man when I say with the Apostle the Conscience beareth witnesse in the Holy Ghost it is that conscience that is a true and a holy witnesse touching good thoughts words or actions the Conscience regenerate holy and sanctified is only a conscience that is a comfortable witnesse Reason For why such as the Conscience is such is the witnesse and testimony of it now a natural conscience is impure polluted and defiled Titus 1.15 to the unbelieving and defiled is nothing pure but the mind and conscience is defiled even the conscience of a natural man witnesseth impurely unsound and uncomfortable onely the conscience regenerate and sanctified that is purged and purified by faith Act. 15.9 faith purifieth the heart and that conscience so purged and purified is only a true and a holy witnesse and that Conscience that is so regenerate and sanctified by grace it giveth witnesse and testimony of that righteousnesse which is called the righteousnesse of the conscience and is ever joyned unto it namely it giveth witnesse of a true and sound and constant purpose in the heart seconded with a holy endeavour and careful use of all good means not wittingly nor willingly to sin against God in any thing but to labour to please God in all things whatsoever this is the witnesse of a pure conscience Heb. 13.18 We are assured that we have a good conscience in all things desiring to live honestly and this was the witnesse of the Conscience of the good King Hezekiah that he was able his conscience being regenerate even upon his death-bed to say Now Lord remember how I have walked before thee-with an honest and a good heart Esay 38.3 he had walked before God with a perfect heart in the truth of his soul here was a regenerate heart that thus testified how he endeavoured not to sin against God but to please him in every thing so that by this it appeareth to be a truth that the Conscience of man then doth only witnesse holily and truly when it is rectified by grace then is it a holy witnesse of our thoughts words and actions Vse This serveth to discover unto us that many deceive themselves even touching this witnesse the
man are far greater then the evils on the body though it be Famine and Pestilence because the evils that be upon the souls of men they are simply evil things and such as in themselues do make men subject to the wrath of God and power of the Devil which no other outward misery can do of it self indeed a mans behaviour therein may make him lye open to the wrath of God and power of the devil but the evils on the soul of man do make him lye wide open unto it And I may safely say that the hardnesse of Pharaohs heart was a heavier and a greater Plague unto him then all the plagues of Egypt besides for these are the most fearful evils and make a man lyable to the wrath of God and power of the devil and therefore doubtlesse this we may resolve upon that the evils that be upon the hearts and souls of men are especially to be grieved for Vse This concerneth every one of us to take notice of and we are to labour to put this duty in practice and I must tell you withal it is a duty wherein many of us are defective and wanting and come far short of and the most may justly be reproved and taxed in this particular that we have not grieved for the evils that be upon the souls of men and women we can grieve for the miseries that be upon the bodies of men and outward estates and we can bemoan and bewail them and shew forth a greater measure of sorrow and grief for those and sometimes weeping especially if they be our friends and near and dear unto us as we are bound unto by speciall bonds as our Father Mother wife brother or sister or friends or such like we can shew forth a great deal of sorrow for them but the miseries that lye upon the souls of others though they be never so near or dear unto us few there be that are touched and moved with this evil to draw yet a little nearer thou canst grieve if so be thou hearest thy son thy brother or thy friend near unto thee prove a bankrupt or an unthrift and decay in worldly things or if thy child or servant or any other be suddenly overtaken by some accident and some hand of God as strucken blind lame or the like thy heart is full of sorrow for this and indeed so thou oughtest to be But let thy brother thy friend thy own child thy husband or wife that lyeth in thy bosome be one that is given to sin to live in ignorance drunkennesse swearing and the like thou art touched nothing at all with this thou art grieved for their bodies but let thy husband be an ignorant person or an hard-hearted person thou art not touched with it at all we grieve not for the miseries that lye upon their souls and this sheweth the cursednesse of thy heart that thou art an hard-hearted person and according to the cursednesse of thine own heart thou respectest not the hardnesse of the hearts of others and it is a plain evidence and demonstration of thy heart that it is not right in thee it is an argument that thou art but a carnal person and enlightened onely by the light of nature and that thou hast not in thee the life of true grace that ought to be in a Child of God therefore in the fear of God take notice of this duty and learn we to find this in our selves that we be grieved for the miseries that be upon the soul especially those that we are bound unto by special bond as for the ignorance of thy father or mother thy wife thy child or servant that they will not be reformed and for the evils that lye upon their hearts and soules we must showr down tears for them that have the means of salvation and yet will not turn unto God yea thy heart and soul must be pierced through with grief for thy neighbours even such as live in thy own Land and Kingdom with thee as the miseries that lye upon the souls of poor men and women that have not one that is able to teach them the Word of God we should cry to heaven and send up sighes and tears for them and intreat the Lord to send forth Labourers into his harvest they want it they live in darknesse and blindnesse and never touched in Conscience for the same but go on with an high hand in sin and this should grieve our soules We should mourn in secret and seek unto the Lord by prayer with sighes and groans that the Lord would be pleased to send forth such as would labour amongst them and bring them out of the darknesse they are in thus we are to mourn for the known evils that lye upon the souls of others Haply the Lord may threaten us with Judgment and Dearth and Famine which we may justly look for yea the Famine of the Word of God For men that live in their sins without touch of Conscience this should grieve us exceedingly Now then to stirre us up to the practise of this Duty first of all consider Motive 1 If so be we be grieved for the evils that lye upon the souls of others it is a plain evidence that we have our soules enlightened and our eyes opened and are not ignorant and blind persons but have a true sight and discerning of evils and of the nature of evil things we are able to see and discern what is the cause of evil namely sin Secondly it will be an evidence unto us that we are truly sorrowfull Motive 2 and that we are truly humbled for our own sins if we can mourn for the sins of others And hence it is that you shall find that such as have been the most notorious sinners if once they come to be wrought upon and to be converted they come to be the most pitiful and compassionate persons in the world to others they see the uglinesse of sin and have felt the weight and burthen of it and they have the greatest grief in their hearts for the sins of others Motive 3 And thirdly it will be an evidence that we have true grace and true faith in our hearts and souls not a counterfeit but a true faith and that we are truly zealous for the glory of God and especially grieved for the sins of others that cannot grieve themselves even for those that live in the farthermost part of the world that have not the preaching of the Word that live in ignorance and blindnesse And to shut up all in one word of Exhortation If then we would have a good evidence that we are not such that have our eyes shut up like Balaam but that we have a true sight and discerning of the nature of evils and if we would have good evidence that we are truly touched and humbled for our own sins and have true faith and grace in our soules and are truly zealous of the glory of God this will yeeld us true
any person or thing causeth the like sympathy of grief unto that person or thing so loved The Reasons are First from the working and effects of true love it Reason 1 is the nature of love where it is in the heart and soul toward any person or thing to be operative and working and the working of it is to make the heart affected either with joy or sorrow touching the thing that is so loveth and according to the known estate of the person or thing so loved if it go well with the person or thing so loved it causeth joy if it go ill it causeth grief Reason 2 The second Reason is from the nature of grief it self for what is grief surely grief may be thus described A motion of the soul arising from the hurt of the thing that is loved if any hurt or evil be either imminent and ready to fall upon the thing loved or be already fallen the heart that loveth is stirred up to grieve for it and according to the measure of love so is the measure of grief and therefore we may resolve upon this as a certain truth That great love causeth great grief upon any just occasion of grief for the thing or person that we love that is dear unto us for the Application Vse The truth now delivered yeeldeth unto us a ground of tryal and of examination touching the truth of our love and the measure of our love to such persons or things that ought to be loved and respected of us as to draw this to particulars hereby we may try the truth of our love to the Church and people of God and also whether our love be true and sound unto them Doest thou love the Church and people of God in deed and in truth surely then thou art affected either with joy or sorrow according to the estate of the Church or people of God if thou hearest that it go well with the Church and people of God thou rejoycest and art glad of it if so be on the other side thou hearest that it goeth hard with the Church of God thy heart is then oppressed with sorrow and according to the measure of thy love to the Church and people of God so is thy sorrow for any known danger or distresse of the Church and people of God Now then to apply this to the time wherein we live we hear and have often heard that the Church and people of God at this day are in great distresse in forraign Nations even our Neighbour Nations in France and other Nations are in armes and are forced to stand up for the defence of their own lives and liberties and their wives and children stand upon their guatd at home or else to lye in the field to defend their lives and liberties and we have heard and do hear it daily that many of Gods children are in great streights that they are besieged by their cruel and bloody enemies even of such as desire nothing but to suck their blouds yea we hear daily how the Saints and servants of God are Massacred About this time was the Massacre of the poor Protestants in the Valtoline 1620 1621. and murthered yea many of them in going from the assemblies have had their throats cut and are knocked down before they come home yea we hear how that Gods children are forced either to yeeld to the Pope and his Idolatry or to lose their lives now we hear of this are we touched with sorrow and grief according to the measure of their afflictions surely then we have good evidence of our love to the people of God but on the contrary are our hearts nothing at all touched with grief and with heavinesse upon the newes of these things which is I fear the case of many to give themselves to jollity and rejoycing and are not touched with the afflictions of Joseph do we hear of these things as matter of news and discourse of them as novelties if so be it be so that now we give our selves to all manner of riot and excesse when you should give your selves to prayer certainly then you have no true love to the people of God So also for the glory of God canst thou hear the Name of God blasphemed and dishonoured by cursing swearing lying rybaldry and use all manner of filthy speaking and prophaning the Sabbath is not thy heart smitten is it not as a dagger in thy soul and a sword in thy heart when thou hearest men blaspheme and fearfully abuse the holy name of God assuredly then thou hast no true love to the glory of God and so also for the truth of Religion canst thou hear the holy Religion of God destroyed and trampled under foot and that Popery Idolatry and Superstition is like to be set up in the room of it and when thou hearest of this doest thou not mourn but art a man indifferent and carest not which end goes forward either Popery or true Religion it is a sure note that thou hast no true love to the Religion of God and thus I might proceed in other particulars but let us learn now to be grieved according to the known just occasion of grief given unto us for the Church and Children of God for the glory of God and pure Religion of God if so be we find no grief at all in our hearts when there is just occasion of grief let us not deceive our selves assuredly we love them not as we ought to do We read in the 1 Sam. 4.18 19. and so on to the end of the Chapter that old Eli was more affected when he heard newes that the Ark of God was taken then with the losse of his two sons and the wife of Phinees the daughter in law of Eli was more affected with the losse of the Ark of God then with the losse of her own dear husband for when she heard the Ark of God was taken she fell in travel and dyed and named her son Jekabod the glory is departed from Israel yea she repeateth it again the glory is departed from Israel for the Ark of God is taken And when the women laboured to comfort her she would have none for the Ark of God was taken Thus must we when the Religion of God is trodden down we must be affected with it A disgrace done to the name of God or a wrong done to the religion of God must affect our hearts with sorrow if we would have evidence that we truly love the holy Israel of God we must find our hearts affected according to the known estate of it if we have not we have not in us the Spirit nor the Life nor the grace of Gods Children in 2 Thess 2.10 11. if we do not imbrace the Religion of God and that with love and delight and be more then formal professors of it we are in danger to be seduced of Antichrist and to be led some one way and some another we are in danger to be given
and honour to his name his name must be honourable and pretious unto us and when we either think upon or have any occasion to make mention of the holy name of Jesus Christ we are to do it with honour and reverence and to give unto it due praise and due glory yea we are to mention it with fear and trembling And to illustrate this point hence it is that we find many excellent epithets given unto Christ importing the glory of his name 1 Cor. 2.8 the Apostle saith he is the Lord of life and glory and in 1 Tim. 6.15 The Apostle speaking of Christ saith thus he is blessed the Prince of princes King of kings Lord of lords blessed for ever and in Heb. 1.2 3. the Authour of the Epistle saith he is the heir of all things the Lord and Governour of heaven and earth the brightnesse of his glory the ingraven image of the Person of God yea he hath a more glorious name then the Angels These titles do point unto us the excellency of his name and do manifest unto us that indeed the name of Christ must be honourable unto us and we must look that we think and speak of it with reverence and honour And there is good Reason for it Reason 1 Because he is God and Man in one Person and as he is God his name is great and glorious honourable and fearful Psal 111.9 he hath commanded his Covenant for ever holy and fearful is his name as he is God and in respect of his Manhood surely he is more excellent then the very Angels and doth exceed all of them in wisdom holinesse goodnesse power Majestie and glory and as the humane Nature the Manhood of Christ is received with his Godhead it is to be adored and worshipped with Divine and religious worship not apart by it self but as it is considered as united to the second person it is to be adored with the same worship wherewith we adore God Heb. 1.6 even then let all the Angels worship him even when his Manhood is received into unity with his Godhead and therefore the name of the Lord Jesus ought to be honourable and pretious and we are to give him praise and glory due to his name Justly then are they to be taxed and reproved that do abuse and abase Vse 1 the name of the Lord Jesus you will say Is there any so vile and so debauched as to abase the name of the Lord Jesus Yes many do First of all the Papists when they repeat the name Jesus after the manner of exorcisme to drive away the devil and to put away some evil from them or to bring some good and thus do witches and wizzards when they use the name Jesus in their charms and inchantments and think there is vertue in it and are able to work a feat or wonder by the name Jesus they prophane the holy name of Jesus Yea is it not a common thing with many ignorant persons amongst our selves to abuse the name of the Lord Jesus what more common then with many to swear by the name of Jesus and of Christ and what more usual then for some upon every trifling occasion out of a foolish admiration or in merriment or laughter to say oh Jesus oh Christ Jesus God they abuse his name what is it but an abusing of the holy name of God a thing little thought upon yea some will say what shall we not have the name of God in our mouthes must we name the devil but let these know that they take the name of the Lord their God in vain and prophane it and assure thy self the Lord Jesus will not hold thee guiltlesse that so takest his name in vain and there is no other name to come to life and salvation but onely this Act. 4.10 and doest thou look for salvation by it thou deceivest thy self the Lord Jesus will not suffer that sin to escape his punishing hand we are not to name it upon every trifling occasion of laughing and merriment for know that the hand of the Lord will one day overtake them and therefore break off this sin before the revenging hand of the Lord light upon you for assuredly that hand will crush thee both body and soul to hell without timely and hearty repentance And in the second place learn we every one of us to acknowledge the Vse 2 greatnesse and the glory of the blessed Name of the Lord Jesus the best of us all howsoever ignorant persons are taxed herein come far short in acknowledging the honour due to this Name Learn we therefore to magnifie it and give him the glory and the praise and say blessed for ever assenting unto it Amen And to this purpose consider if so be the name of the Lord Jesus which is pretious and honourable in it self if it be not honourable and pretious to every one of us when we either think upon it or have occasion to make mention of it that we have not our mouthes opened in lauding and praising of it it is a sign that our hearts are not right within us our hearts are rotten and corrupt we are not affected with the greatnesse of the holy Name of God as we ought we have not a lively sense and feeling of the comfort to be found in Christ the name of Christ to us is not a pretious oyntment poured out Cant. 1.2 For without question every honest and good heart is ready upon the consideration of the comfort to be found in Christ to break out in magnifying and praising that holy Name so if our eyes be opened and we see the sweetnesse found in Christ Jesus to be the Fountain of all happinesse how can we but blesse him and praise him and give him the honour and glory due to his blessed Name all generations do call the Virgin Mary blessed because she found favour with God so far as to bear in her womb the Lord Jesus and those whose hearts are truly affected unto Christ cannot but praise and magnifie the Instruments of publishing the name of Christ the very feet of such are beautiful unto them Esay 52.7 How beautiful are the feet of them that bring the glad tydings of peace and of reconciliation between God and man Now then if we would be sure of it that our hearts are right within us and that indeed we are heavenly minded and that we are such that have Jesus Christ in a due admiration and have a lively sense and feeling of the comforts in Christ then let us whensoever we name Christ do it honourably and reverently and when we do speak of it either in publick or private take heed of abusing his name but speak of it honourably for if we do not love the name of the Lord Jesus let him be had in execration let him be accursed 1 Cor. 16.22 Therefore let us be stirred up to the practise of this duty to praise the name of the Lord Jesus saying Blessed praised magnified and
little nearer to our selves Is it so that all that live in the bosome of the Church are not members of the true Church of God Upon this ground learn we to take heed of a strong delusion that deludeth thousands in the world Many in the world have this conceit and are strongly possessed with it that because they have been bred and born in the visible Church they breathe in it and joyn with it and make the same profession that we do they partake in the holy Ordinances of God they come to the Ministery of the Word they have been partakers of the holy things of God the Word the Sacraments they come to the Table of the Lord therefore certainly they are true Members of the Church of God they are Christians true Christians and who shall say to the contrary and yet we shall find these men that thus believe their phantasies they are ignorant of God and of the truth of God and of the Word of God yea many of them though they be old men and women understand not the grounds of Catechisme nor the Fundamental points of Religion their hearts are full of unbelief and of Covetousnesse and of disordered passions of pride of lust of envy and anger they perform good duties in publick carelesly both in publick and in private never care to examine how they thrive in grace and goodnesse no not so much as perform the duty of prayer or if they do they perform it customarily and with dull and dead hearts they are asleep in hearing the Word and very untoward in performing of holy duties and yet they hold themselves to be in very good case they are good Christians why do they not come to the holy Word and Sacraments and yet are ignorant of the grounds of Catechisme The truth now delivered maketh known unto you that you are in the wrong yea in the case of Judas and Saul they were in as good case as thou art men may joyn themselves to the Church even to the visible Church of God and may participate in all the holy Ordinances of God and yet be no true members of the Church of God and therefore take we heed of deceiving our selves and be stirred up to labour not to rest in this formality labour to find your selves not only in the visible Church and professe the same truth but that we find our selves to be true Christians such as know God and obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Apostle telleth us 2 Thessal 1.8 that Jesus Christ shall come in flaming fire rendring vengeance upon all that know not God and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ yea let us never rest untill we find we be such as Nathaniel was Joh. 1.47 that we are true Israelites in whom there was no guile no coverers nor clokers of sinnes but that we are upright hearted both in regard of good things and also in regard of sinne for herein we must shew that we are upright and sound hearted if that in doing of good things we seek not the pleasing of men or of our selves to avoid the danger of the Law and such Sinister and by-respects but in a simple obedience unto God because God commandeth them and with a due respect to the glory of God And also in respect of sinne labour we to be sound hearted that there be no regarding of sinne Psal 66.18 If I regard wickednesse in my heart the Lord will not hear me if I cleave unto it so that there must not be in us any regarding of sin and cleaving unto it as by favouring of it either in our selves or in others or by lessening and cloking of sin or a little extenuation of sin oh we are guileful and deceitfull hearted if we do thus extenuate and lessen and cloke sin account some sins little and trifling but to resolve against it accounting them to be vile and odious yea we finding our selves to be guilty to be forward in the acknowledgment of our sin without covering and cloking of sin with God but soundly and freely and throughly acknowledging and confessing our sins and with a resolution to leave it and to break it off and confesse it with grief of heart if we be thus upright hearted we are true Christians and true members of the Church of God without this we can have no assurance that we are in the favour of God we may have a conceit that our sins are done away and that we are in the favour of God but we must labour to be sound hearted therein standeth the assurance of the pardon of our sins Psal 32.1 2. saith David Blessed is the man whose sinnes are forgiven and whose wickednesse is covered and then he subjoyneth as a qualification he is one that hath no guile in his heart Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sin and in whose spirit there is no guile whereby we may demonstrate that we are in the number of those blessed people if there be no guile in our hearts Oh then labour we to perform holy duties not to please men or to please our selves but out of obedience to God not to cloke and cover sin and to say for breaking the Sabbath what is it so great a matter to set things in order against the next day On these are not sound hearted therefore if we would have comfort to our soules labour to be true Members of the Church VERSE 7. Neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be called IN this Verse the Apostle maketh a distinction of the seed of Abraham and having affirmed that all they that are of the seed of Israel are not Israelites so here in this seventh Verse he instanceth in Abrahams Family and here the Apostle affirmeth how that not all they that came of Abraham by natural generation are the true seed of Abraham to whom the promise belongeth and this he doth in the first part of the verse Then in the second place the Apostle maketh known by way of opposition and of particular instance who were the true seed of Abraham to whom the promise belongeth namely Isaac which the Apostle putteth down in the words of Scripture alluding to that in Gen. 21.12 where we find the true seed of Abraham that should inherit the promise that God would call it was Isaac so that the reasoning of the Apostle considered with that place in Genesis may be thus illustrated why Ishmael was of Abraham as well as Isaac he was his son yet onely Isaac was the true seed and the true son of Abraham therefore all that are of Abrahams seed by carnal generation are not the true seed of Abraham children of God But now if any should object and say If Ishmael was the seed of Abraham then Ishmael was his child It is true but how according to the flesh the child of the flesh verse the eighth but Isaac onely was the child of the
example of the Apostle Paul that was changed by the voyce of Christ from heaven and the voyce of the Gospel is as powerful from a bloody and tyrannical persecutor to a famous and renowned Preacher of the Gospel Gal. 1.22 And we read not onely in the primitive stories of the Church but have found also in our own time that the Gospel of God hath been of such force that it hath made many to leave their Fathers their Mothers wives children friends their lands and livings and all their riches and possessions and to lose their lives by fire and sword and faggot and by cruel tortures yea by as cruel torments as their tormentors could lay upon them And is not the voyce of the Gospel now as powerful is not the Gospel able to make thee now to lay aside thy profits or pleasures as thy Carding or Dicing nay not to lay aside a cup of beer or wine not needful for thee is not the Gospel able to make thee to lay aside a needlesse new fangled attire on thy head to make thee cut off thy long shag and ruffian-like hair to make thee leave off thy covetousnesse thy Drunkennesse thy whoring thy common swearing by faith and troth is it not able to do this is the power of the Gospel abated can it not make thee leave off thy darling sin it was wont to do this in former time And the Gospel is as powerful now and as able to throw down the strongest hold of sin and Satan as ever 2 Cor. 10.4 to throw down imaginations and strong holds of corruption if thou live under the Gospel where the Gospel is truly and faithfully preached and assuredly either the Gospel hath thus wrought in thee to the purging out of corruptions and those sins thou once delightedst in or it sealeth up unto thee a heavy and fearful conclusion what is that you will say Take it from the Apostle not from me in 2 Cor. 4.3 mark what he saith The Apostle in the second verse of the Chapter sheweth that he and the rest of the Apostles handled the Word of God not deceitfully but in the declaration of the truth in plain evidence of the Spirit and of power they approved themselves to every mans conscience then mark what he bringeth in by way of inference if the Gospel be hid it is hid to them that perish if the Gospel that hath been so plentifully and powerfully preached and so painfully delivered in the evidence and demonstration of the Spirit work not in your hearts and souls It is to be feared you are in the way to destruction and in a fearful condition Oh then let us look that we find the power of the Gospel in our hearts and soules and consider it will nothing at all avail us to know that the Gospel is the power of God to salvation though it were to thousands yea to all the world besides if we find it is not so to us to commend the Gospel and the Doctrine of the Gospel and the comforts of it and to say it is a blessed Sermon an excellent Sermon the best sermon that ever I heard it may be worthy to be commended but hath it wrought upon thee thou finding it not powerful to thee it will not be available to take notice of the Gospel to be a Word of power in the general and in the abstract and not find it so in the particular to thy self is the case of the Devil he knoweth the Gospel is a comfortable Word but see what good hast thou gotten by knowing it hath it beat down thy pride thy covetousnesse thy earthly mindednesse happy art thou otherwise it will not be available therefore in the fear of God let us never rest till we find that we living under the sound preaching of the Gospel that hath been effectual to our soules and hearts and hath beaten down our pride our earthly mindednesse and predominant corruptions and hath been of force and efficacy to the conferring upon us the holy Spirit of God and so made us actually Gods Children and heires of grace mercy and salvation then happy art thou Now the second thing that we are to stand upon is this That the children of the promise Doctrine such as are effectually wrought upon by the Word of the Gospel and by that word begotten to the faith and to believe in Christ they are accounted the true seed and the true children of Abraham and they have this honour to be of his seed And all the nobility of Christs Ancestors of Abraham of David is communicated unto them whether they be not of the race of the Jewes but Gentiles as it 's our case if the Gospel hath conferred the Spirit unto thee thou art a son or a daughter of faithful Abraham and all the Nobility of Christs Ancestors is communicated unto thee Gal. 3.7 they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham Because Christ himself concerning the flesh came of Abraham Reason as the Apostle speaketh in Ephes 5.30 and they being in Christ they are bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh they are members with him and therefore partakers with him Oh then what excellent comfort is this to them that are sure of it Vse that the Gospel hath a working upon their hearts and soules that it hath hammered their soules and made them believe in Jesus Christ and though it be so that thou art of mean and base condition in the world yet thou art a child of Abraham an honour far surpassing that to be the sonne or daughter of an Emperour or the greatest Monarch or Potentate in the world all the Nobility of Christ his Ancestours belongeth unto thee if thou be a child of Abraham the friend of God 2 Chr. 20.7 as Jehosaphat calleth him what canst thou want either for thy provision or for thy safety and protection or defence the Lord hath made many sweet gracious and comfortable promises to Abraham that he will be his God his shield his buckler and his exceeding great reward a friend to his friends and an enemy to his enemies and thou hast right and title to all these gracious promises thou being a true believer God is thy shield and buckler a friend to thy friends and an enemy to thy enemies what canst thou want either for thy provision and safety or thy protection And therefore in the fear of God think upon it whosoever thou art that findest thy self wrought upon by the powerfull Word of the Gospel that it hath beaten down thy pride thy covetousnesse and hath conferred unto thee the Spirit and that Spirit wrought faith in thy heart thou art a child of Abraham and all the Promises of God touching this life and the life to come thou hast right and title to as a child of Abraham VERSE 9. For this is a word of promise In the same time will I come and Sarah shall have a son OUr Apostle having delivered this for a certain truth
in the seventh Verse that Isaac was the true and chosen seed of Abraham in whom Abrahams seed should be called and to whom God intended to make his Covenant of grace mercy righteousnesse life and salvation why because he was the child of the Promise begotten not by strength of nature but by the efficacy and power of the promise Then in the eighth verse our Apostle putteth this down in the general That they onely are the true children of Abraham because they are the children of the Promise In this ninth Verse he confirmeth it by a testimony of Scripture that Isaac was a child of the promise taken out of Gen. 18.10 I will certainly come unto thee in the time appointed and Sarah shall have a son this the Apostle affirmeth to be the Word of promise So then in this ninth verse we have for the general matter of it these two things to be considered First The speech of God to Abraham in Gen. 18.10 and in the substance here recorded by the Apostle wherein God hath set down the time when Sarah shall have a son Secondly the Apostles note upon this speech of God what kind of speech this was to Abraham namely a promissory sentence This is a word of promise in the same time will I come and Sarah shall have a son Come we now to the opening of the words This is a word of promise That is this testimony of Scripture which now I alledge which is the speech of God to Abraham it is a promissory sentence a word of promise promising a special mercy a special blessing and a special good thing to Abraham In the same time will I come Or as it is in Genesis I will come according to the time of life his meaning is when this time of the year shall come and revive and come again even in plain terms this time twelve moneths as in Gen. 17. where God saith he will establish his Covenant and Sarah thy wife shall have a son at this time the next year the meaning is this time twelve moneths Sarah thy wife shall have a son That is she shall conceive and bear a son of her own body and bowels and none other womans child shall be for her so the meaning in general is this This sentence that I alledge which is the speech of God to Abraham Gen. 18.10 it is a promissory sentence promising a special blessing unto Abraham wherein God saith when this time of the year shall revive even this time twelve moneths shall thy wise Sarah have a child begotten and born of her own body Come we to the observations And in that the Apostle here alledging a sentence and place of Scripture doth not barely deliver the words of Scripture but he putteth it out with this note this is a word of promise In that he telleth us plainly that the speech which God used to Abraham and here cited by himself is a promissory sentence which any man that looketh upon the text and is able to judge of it aright shall see it to be so when God saith at such a time will I come and Sarah thy wife shall have a son And yet the Apostle pointeth it out this is a word of promise Hence we learn That it is justifiable Doctrine and a warrantable course in preaching the Word of God for the Preacher to say unto his hearers this is a point of doctrine yea when he comes to make use and application unto the people to say this is a word of comfort this is a word of terrour this of Instruction this of Exhortation and the like we find it an usual thing with the holy Prophets of God in the time of the Old Testament when they did threaten Judgments they did set this before the burthen of the Lord as the burthen of the Lord against Edom the burthen of the Lord against Hierusalem and the like as we may see in the Prophet Esay Jeremiah Ezekiel and other Prophets But indeed it is thought by some that are utter enemies to the plain teaching of the Word that this is needlesse And they do find fault with this manner of teaching and deride it and say it is a base and contemptible manner of preaching why say they this is all one as if a man should draw the picture of a man and paint it out in colours and then to write in Capital letters by him this is his head this his armes this his nose and the like were not this ridiculous say they Thus you see these sons of Belial these men they deride that which is warranted by the holy Prophets and holy Apostles and that which doth most good in all experience 2 Tim. 3.16 The Scripture is given by inspiration and is profitable to teach to correct to improve now may not the Scriptures be applyed to this end and purpose and being so applyed may not the people be told that this is matter of Doctrine and that this is a word of comfort or a word of Instruction or a word of Confutation confuting the Papists or other enemies doubtlesse they may Because indeed by this means the people shall be the better able to go along with the Preacher and more distinctly to take notice of the things delivered what serveth for information of Judgement in matters of faith what for reformation of their hearts and lives in doing of good and avoiding of evil and the building of them up in the wayes of holinesse therefore let others mock and scoffe what they will yet Ministers of God that make conscience of their duty have no cause to be ashamed of it it is the most powerful and profitablest kind of preaching and doth build up the people in faith and encourage them in every good duty Again the Apostle having said This is a word of promise he then subjoyneth the promise of a temporal blessing that Sarah should have a son Hence we see that the Promises of God in Scripture are of two sorts Doctr. either principal promises or of a lower degree principal Promises touching Christ mercy grace life and salvation and of a lower degree as to have food and apparel and outward good things and children Now the promises of God that are of a lower degree they do depend upon those principal promises and we cannot apprehend the Promises of God with true comfort for our good unlesse we first lay hold on the promises of God in Christ Abraham did first believe the promises of mercy of righteousnesse and salvation for his justification and then he believed the promise that he should have a son in his old age as appeareth Rom. 4.9 19 20. And that holy Father Noah first he was by faith made the heir of righteousnesse and then did he believe the Promises of God for his preservation in the Ark Heb. 11.7 Therefore deceive not thy self in any particular Vse we cannot trust God with any true comfort for any temporal good thing unlesse we be able to rest
all and have respect onely to his mercy and eternal love And take heed that in regard of thy unworthinesse thou do not conclude God will cast thee off no God doth it not for any thing foreseen or done by thee but onely of his free grace and mercy and he will freely save thee Again upon this ground of truth learn we to acknowledge and to magnifie the wonderful and unspeakable goodnesse of God if we be such as shall find our selves in the number of Gods chosen we must learn to extol and magnifie the mercy of God for why the Lord out of his mere good pleasure without respect had to any thing in us or done by us merely out of his free love hath fore-appointed us to life and salvation for which we cannot sufficiently magnifie the goodnesse of God consider it there was no difference between thee and others as thou diddest lye in the sight of God no difference between thee and such a one as is rejected and refused and if so be God had not severed thee by his eternal election from others thou hadst been in no better estate then Esau or Judas or Saul or Jezebel or the vilest Reprobate that liveth upon the face of the earth Oh then be stirred up to magnifie the Lord who out of his free mercy hath elected thee and rejected others In the 2 Sam. 6.21 we read that David danced and leaped and rejoyced in his spirit exceedingly before the Ark of God what was in Davids mind was he a mad-man as Michael his wife told him no he considered that God had chosen him and rejected the house of Saul so he saith to Michael the Lord hath chosen me and my fathers house and rejected thee and thy fathers house Oh then how should we rejoyce in Spirit and blesse and magnifie his mercy that he hath chosen us not to a Temporal Kingdom but to an eternal Kingdom in heaven this should make us rejoyce from which he hath rejected many thousands as good as thy self how can I be sufficiently thankful unto God if so be men of eminency and place should shew us a common kindnesse and courtesie we little regard it but if so be those eminent persons do admit us unto their special favour and do yeeld unto us such a kindnesse as they will not communicate to any but their dearest favourites and friends then we highly esteem of it Oh then consider the Lord hath done us that favour wherein the greatest part of the world and of mankind have no share no part nor portion how should this teach us to magnifie praise laud and blesse the holy name of God Oh holy holy holy Lord God ever praised and magnified be thy great name who hast set us apart to life and salvation and rejected many others in the world Yea beloved as God hath put a difference between us and others we belonging to his election so let us manifest and make it to appear that there is a difference between us and them in the course of our lives and conversations that we differ from the wicked manners of the world for they that follow the course and manners of the world they believe not that God hath set them apart to life and salvation if they had hearts to believe it they would manifest it and make it appear in their lives and conversations our life must be a visible disallowing and disavowing of their lives we must confront the wicked we must shine as lights in the world and carry our selves as children of the light and not follow the swaggering fashions of the world for as God hath made a separation between us and them and will make a final separation at the day of Judgement so now there should be a separation I mean not a separation from the Church but from the cursed courses of the world even as Lot did in Sodom Oh therefore in the fear of God let us ever magnifie and blesse the Name of God for choosing us to salvation and let us labour to be answerable in some measure by our obedience unto him For the Children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to Election might stand not of works but of him that calleth It was said unto her The elder shall serve the younger THe next thing to be considered is the Apostles amplification of the speech of God unto Rebekah and it is amplified by the end of it It was said unto Rebekah by God himself The elder shall serve the younger to what end to this end that the whole matter might depend upon Gods election touching his free choyce not by works but by him that calleth So then the next words to be handled in order of the Text are these that the purpose of God touching or concerning election might remain or abide that is as I shewed you That the eternal purpose and decree of God touching his free choyce of electing some to life and salvation and his rejecting and refusing others might remain firm and stable immoveable and unshaken here then you see we have a ground of the infallible certainty and immutability of Gods decree before we shewed you the freenesse of it here we have a certain ground of the infallible certainty and immutability and unchangeablenesse of his decree in choosing some and rejecting others hence the observation is this That Gods eternal decree and purpose Doctrine touching his free choyce of some particular men to life and salvation and his fore-appointing of some to life and glory is most sure certain and unchangeable and remaineth firm and immoveable God hath from everlasting fore-appointed some particular men to an heavenly inheritance to the Kingdom of heaven and that certainly and infallibly so as that they cannot misse of coming to life and glory in heaven in Gods good time it is not possible that they should come short of it Indeed if we consider one that belongeth to Gods election apart from Gods decree then such a one may perish But if we consider him with Gods decree as we ought ever to do it is impossible that such a one should perish considering him as a chosen vessel of God in his eternal purpose it is not possible that he should misse of salvation And for the confirmation of it to this purpose is the speech of Christ himself in Matth 24.24 There shall arise false Christs and false prophets and they shall shew great signs and wonders so that saith Christ if it were possible they should deceive the very elect As if he had said False Christs and false Prophets arising in the Church of God shall come with such powerful working even with the working of Satan and with all power and lying wonders as the Apostle describeth Antichrist himself his followers 2 Thess 2.9 that they shall come with such a powerful working with the lying wonders of Satan that if it were possible they should deceive the very elect but that
as the haughty eye and lying tongue he doth not onely hate the pride and the lye but the haughty eye and the lying tongue and the heart of wickednesse and the feet running to mischief so odious and hateful is errour and sin to God therefore we must herein endeavor to be like our heavenly Father and not onely disclaim errour and sin but hate it with a loathing detestation like unto God our Father yea hate the members of sin Vse Upon this ground of truth it followeth by way of Use and Application thnt it must be far from every one of us we professing through Gods mercy the holy truth of God and the holy religion of God which now standeth in force and authority amongst us we must take heed that we be not indifferent persons persons of indifferent minds in respect of the errours of Popery Anabaptisme or any other errours whatsoever not caring what end goeth forwards or what Religion is in force whether Papistry or the truth or no but disclaim them and hate them with detestation And it is but a phantasie and a dream of some of the Polititians and Politick heads in this age that turn Religion to a matter of policy that forsooth there may be a pacification between us and the Papists in matter of Religion and there may be a mixture of our Religion with Popish Religion if there were but a moderation and a yeelding of both sides this is abominable and odious to make this composition of Religion for why Against Tolleration the Religion we hold and professe it is grounded upon the holy truth of God revealed unto us out of the holy Scriptures and the Popish Religion is contrary unto it and doth overturn and throw down the truth of God yea it doth overturn all the Articles of our Christian Religion in their tenents and therefore in the 2 Corinth 6.14 saith the Apostle What fellowship is between light and darknesse What agreement between us and the Papists in matter of Religion therefore we must hate their religion And to stirre us up unto this duty there being never more need then now wherein many men of unstable and unsanctified hearts begin to link and encline to Popery let us therefore know that we do not truly disclaim and hate Popish religion unlesse we hate them and account their Positions as dangerous and such as will destroy our soules if we cleave unto them howsoever some say they cannot endure Popery yet assuredly unlesse they hate it with unfeigned hatred they do not aright detest them for when men begin to speak favourably of Papistry and of Anabaptisme and of other errours and say they have some truth in them and they begin to like of them these men do not as they ought to do they do not hate and dislike errours and false doctrines but assuredly a thousand to one in short time they will be insnared and intangled with the position of Popery or Anabaptisme as the holy Prophet said to the people 1 King 18.21 how long will ye halt between two opinions this is not to go out in the right profession of the truth with unfeigned hearts assuredly he that loveth God and good things will hate evil as he that loveth chastity will abhor uncleannesse and filthinesse he that loveth just dealing will hate cosening he that maketh conscience of the Sabbath cannot endure the prophanation of the Sabbath so he that loveth the truth will disclaim all errours as Popery and Anabaptisme and such like foolish opinions as if a man see a Toad a Serpent or Snake he will flye from it it being poysonful and hurtful and not receive that for his nutriment which he knoweth will procure his detriment And therefore let us never rest untill we find a detestation in us of Popery and all other errours and then we shall be sure to stand fast in the true Religion in the middest of Popery if Popery should come as God forbid it should we might by our hatred of it be kept from embracing it therefore labour to hate and detest it VERSE 15. For he said unto Moses I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy And I will shew compassion to whom I will shew compassion THe blessed Apostle having in the Verses precedent given us a general denyal of that grosse conclusion which some might infer upon his speech that because God loved Jacob and hated Esau freely without any respect had to any good in Jacob or evil in Esau therefore God is partial and unequal in his dealing he having I say denyed this most emphatically with an Absit God forbid Now our Apostle subjoyneth a more special denyal and confutation and refutation of that absurd and grosse conclusion in the 15 16 17 and 18. verses of this Chapter In the 15. and 16. verses the Apostle sheweth that God is not unjust in his free choyce of some particular persons amongst men to life and salvation and in the 17. and 18. verses he sheweth God is not unjust in his free and absolute rejection of others In the 15. verse he cleareth God from injustice by a testimony of Scripture and in the 16. verse he doth conclude and determine that point Now touching the testimony of Scripture in the 15. verse first the Apostle makes known by whom and to whom it was uttered and spoken Then secondly he putteth down the words of the testimony I will shew mercy to whom I will shew mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion This testimony of Scripture is here brought by the Apostle as a proof of this that though God did freely from everlasting out of his own mere good pleasure nothing else moving him thereunto choose some men to life and salvation and reject others yet was he most just and righteous and herein lyeth the weight and force of his Argument That God hath free and absolute power to shew mercy unto whom he will and to deny his mercy unto whom he will therefore he is not unjust and unrighteous in choosing some to salvation and rejecting others to damnation And thus you see the scope of the words and general matter of this Verse Now the words of this 15. verse are somewhat to be examined For he saith to Moses that is God said unto Moses I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and shew compassion to whom I will shew compassion These words they are the words of God to Moses in Exodus 33.19 there we find these very words And the occasion of the uttering of these words to Moses was upon Moses request unto God that he might see Gods glory in the 18. verse of that Chapter And God promised unto him that he would shew him his back-parts and so in part yeelded unto his request and then he subjoyneth these very words as a reason why he would shew that favour to Moses and to no other man Not for any merit or any worthinesse in Moses himself but out
Scripture fetching a particular example to that purpose namely the example of Pharaoh The Scripture saith to Pharaoh And thus our Apostle reasoneth in this place God dealt justly with Pharaoh in with-holding his grace from him in hardening his heart thereby manifesting his Reprobation for God hardeneth none but Reprobates and thereby manifesting his rejecting And why did the Lord deal justly namely for the declaration of his own great power and of his own great name throughout the whole world The Lords hardening of Pharaoh tended to this end to shew and to set forth the power of God and to set forth the great name of the Lord throughout all the world Pharaohs Reprobation tended to the glory of God therefore it is not unjust with God to reject any and to leave them to their own wills his glory being dear unto himself This is the sum and substance of this 17 verse Now the general things laid before us in this 17 verse they are two First a preface unto the testimony alledged by the Apostle in these words For the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh Wherein we may consider the authority of the testimony a testimony written the Scripture saith it The second general thing is the testimony it self the words of Scripture applyed by the Apostle That I might shew my power in thee and my name might be declared thooughout all the world In which consider two things First Gods act his stirring and raising up Pharaoh And then the end of that act which is the manifestation of Gods power in Pharaoh And the declaration of the great and glorious name of God throughout all the world Come we now to the sense and meaning of the words For the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh By Scripture which is a general term we are to understand the holy Scripture the written Word of God Gods speaking in the Scripture for this same purpose have I stirred thee up raised or appointed thee for so it is diversly translated being all one in sense These words we find in Exod. 9.16 Now how the Lord stirred and raised up Pharaoh there is the difficulty And there be different and divers opinions touching the meaning of this phrase and sentence Some do understand it of Pharaohs raising up and advancing to the Kingdom For this cause have I raised thee up to the Kingdome And this is the Annotation of the Remists upon this very text but the Apostle hath a further reach then this And some there be that understand it of the keeping and preserving of Pharaoh alive in the midst of the ten plagues of Egypt that he might drown him into the bottom of the Sea but this cannot be the meaning of the text because many other of the people besides Pharaoh was kept by God from those plagues Divers other opinions there be touching this phrase and form of speech here used by the Apostle I will not trouble you with the variety of them But the best way to find out the right meaning of this place is arightly to consider that place and the Circumstances of it in the ninth of Exodus 13 14 15. verses God bids Moses go unto Pharaoh and to let his people go that they might serve him and withal he bids him say unto Pharaoh that he would send upon him all his plagues and all his punishments even upon thy very heart and soul upon thy servants thy people that thou mayest know there is no God like unto me I will stretch out my hand and smite thee with my pestilence and make thee to perish even from the face of the earth And in the seventeenth verse of the same Chapter Notwithstanding these threatnings of plagues brought against him yet Pharaoh still exalted himself against God and against his people and he would not let them go Now if we mark between these two things between the threatnings of these plagues and the taxing of Pharaoh for his exalting himself against God commeth in this sentence in the 16. verse And indeed for this very cause have I stirred thee up I have sent Moses and threatned my plagues against thee and yet thou wilt not let my people go Now these things being well considered this comming between the menacing of judgement and the taxing of his exalting against God these two well compared yield unto us this signification for this cause this very purpose have I withheld my grace from thee and I have hardned thy heart as a fruit following thy rejection and for this very cause have I cast thee off and made thee a flintie heart even for this very purpose have I caused thee to rebel against my threatning denounced by my servant Moses and have made it come to pass that thou shalt not prosper nor profit by my plagues and judgements and this is the right sence and meaning of the words Now beloved if any think it to harsh and hard to say that God doth stir up the wicked heart of Pharaoh to rebel against God and against Moses sent unto him and that God made him not to profit by his plagues and judgements Let that man that thinketh it too harsh to ascribe this unto God consider that God did not infuse or put any sinful motion to evil into the heart of Pharaoh but he onely inclined that heart of his to rebel and that in his secret and just will James 1.13 God tempteth no man unto evil but in his secret and just Judgment did incline the heart of Pharaoh And withal consider in the second place that the Lord did order that rebellious and trecherous will of Pharaoh to what end he himself had appointed the Lord did incline it to rebel to the glory of his own name and to the setting forth of his power so that this being considered that the Lord inclined his heart so as that his Destruction might be to the glory of his great name and these things will not then be so harsh or hard for the Lord infused no evil into him but his heart being corrupt of himself he did incline and order it and dispose that wicked will of Pharaoh unto the end to which God had appointed namely to his destruction and Gods glory as for example in Jer. 51.11 we read in that Text that the Lord raised up the spirit of the Medes against Babel and it is a certain truth the King of the Medes sinned in that expedition and in that action of his against the King of Babel yet it was done in the vengeance of the Lord. And so this is to be understood that I might shew my power in thy destruction and the force of me and of my power might be expressed in thy destruction both of thee and of thine in the bottom of the Sea And that others also might see and take notice of my power Exod. 14.31 when the Egyptians were drowned in the Sea then Israel saw the mighty power of God It was made apparent unto Israel And that my name might be declared
that can befall man in this world and yet they see it not Oh here is the hand of God already they are blind in their minds and hard in hearts And take notice of it the Lord doth not now in this latter age of the world stand over men with his Judgments and whips and his sword of vengeance in temporal plagues and punishments but rather in spiritual plagues and Judgments upon the soules of men in hardnesse of heart and blindnesse of mind and the nearer the general day of Judgment is at hand wherein the Lord will render to every man according to his works the more the Lord doth surcease from temporal Judgments and plagues and lets them go on filling the number of their sins and then he layeth load upon them so that the nearer the day cometh the more the Lord surceaseth temporal punishments and punisheth with blindnesse of mind and hardnesse of heart and therefore let none think that they are well and in good case as many do because they are free from temporal plagues and punishments nor sick nor molested with these and these troubles and yet in their soules they lye under the heavy hand of God in blindnesse and hardnesse in ignorance and obstinacy for herein God hath begun to execute his Judgments already God now sitteth in Judgment upon him his heavy hand of wrath and vengeance is now over him and doth now point and mark him out for a cast-away and seal up unto him his own everlasting damnation the fearfullest and miserablest estate and condition that can befall a man Doth God harden none but Reprobates and such as are fitted for Reprobation Vse 2 Oh learn we then in the fear of God to take heed of that which provoketh God to give us up to blindnesse of mind and hardnesse of heart the ten plaguess of Egypt were not so great unto Pharaoh as the hardening of his heart and if we would know what that is it is this Custome in sin continuance in known sins wittingly and willingly and a going on in known sins after many Instructions many admonitions many exhortations used to the contrary when men are come to this passe and to this height of sin that they are obstinate and wilful and they will not be reclaimed nor reformed from evil they will swear and swagger and be drunk and run into every idle and new fangled fashion they will live and continue in the damnable sin of Usury in the prophanation of the holy Sabbath of the Lord whosoever speaketh against it surely when men come to this passe and are thus obstinate in sin then the Lord cometh in Justice against them and giveth them over to blindnesse of mind and to a filthy life and so to passe on to their own destruction And to presse it a little nearer take heed whosoever you be that darest justle with the threatening and denunciations of the Word of God that are applyed to your particular sins as in particular that are applyed against your pride and vanity in apparel you that are so shamelesse and so impudent that say we have no warrant to speak against it no have we no warrant and if we have no warrant we are false prophets and deliver visions of our own braines Oh it grieveth my soul to think that you of whom we should have better hopes do speak so wickedly and so shamelesly have we no warrant for it take heed God is stronger then you it will be to the confusion of your soules because you stand in defence of your pride I will not go so far with you as to say that you are already given over to blindnesse of mind and hardnesse of heart but take this with you you are at the very next door and near unto it to be given over of God and blindnesse of mind and hardnesse of heart to go on with a full swing and full wind and tyde to hell I grant you the best of Gods children may sometimes through the corruption of their minds cast away wholsome admonition as David did 2 Sam. 24. yea though he was dutifully admonished by Joab not to number the people yet David through the pride of his heart would do it so the servants of God may refuse reject and cast off wholsome admonitions and counsels but when men are come to that height that the Prophet speaketh of in Zach. 7.11 12. that they will not hearken but they will have brazen faces and whores foreheads and they dare stand to outface the Preacher and they will not be reformed they are swearers swaggerers Usurers Sabbath-breakers and filthy persons and they will be so they do then provoke the Lord to give them over to Reprobation yea to give it them under the great Seal of Heaven thou art a Reprobate which indeed is a condition fearful and miserable and to be considered with trembling Vse 3 Last of all Is it so that God hardeneth reprobates and none but reprobates are hardened do not thou whosoever thou art imagine or once think that God will ever give thee up to blindnesse of mind or hardnesse of heart altogether that art a Child of God I grant God doth sometimes withdraw his grace from his dear children but in part and a child of God may sometimes in some measure and in some degree be blinded in his mind and hardened in his heart yea a child of God may feel in him the grace of the holy Spirit of God wonderfully decayed but not utterly extinct Psal 51.10 11 12. Oh cast me not away from thy presence with-hold not thy Spirit from me c. What do these prayers argue but that he felt his heart rotten and corrupt and yeelding unto lust and some of his light gone but yet God never blindeth their minds and hardens their hearts altogether for this is proper to Reprobates and such as belong not to God It is the complaint of the dear children of God sometimes Alas I feel such a deadnesse and dulnesse in my heart and soul that I doubt God hath left me forsaken me and given me up to hardnesse of heart I can mourn and weep for other things but I cannot mourn and weep for my sins that I fear I am given up to hardnesse of heart Oh take comfort in it thou that fearest the hardnesse of thy heart it may be a testimony thou art not altogether given to the hardnesse of heart because thou feelest it where there is feeling there is life Corruption feeleth not corruption grace feeleth corruption and if there be a feeling of hardnesse of heart and a groaning and a sighing under it thou art not altogether given up to hardnesse of heart and blindnesse of mind therefore comfort thy self For the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh Even for this very end have I stirred thee up that I might shew my power in thee And that my name might be declared throughout the earth ANd beloved it is not to be passed by without noting that the Lord saith his
stirring and raising up of Pharaoh was to a certain end and to peculiar and particular purpose for this very same purpose and this very same end saith God unto Pharaoh have I raised and stirred thee up the Lord doth make known unto us that it was to a proper and peculiar end Hence note we thus much That God in every act of his he hath a special and a particular end Doctrine and the Lord propoundeth a particular end and purpose in every act of his touching his creatures Therefore beloved they are deceived for to this purpose I speak and note it who think as some erroneous spirits do that God propounded an indefinite and an uncertain end touching his creatures in the creation and making of them when God decreed to make his creatures he did not purpose to bring them to this or that end particularly but he left that indefinitely and uncertain indeed say they God did propound in some kind or other to have his glory by them that we confesse but in what manner or in what end of theirs that he left altogether uncertain indefinite and undetermined a foul and a grosse errour that God should make his creatures and not determine what way he would glorifie his name we find in the highest acts of Gods counsel his eternal decree touching men and angels the Scripture maketh known unto us that God propoundeth his end and that not generally but in special the Lord in the everlasting counsel in his everlasting act touching men and Angels he did demonstrate a special end namely the glory of Gods grace and mercy in the salvation of some and the glory of his Justice in the just damnation of others this God propounded but to passe by that as a confutation of that errour And come we now to the next thing for this same end saith the Lord unto Pharaoh have I stirred thee up you may remember I shewed you that these words do carry this sense For this same purpose Pharaoh have I withheld my grace hardened thy heart left thee to thy self so that still thou dost exalt thy self against my people and dost keep them in bondage and wilt not let them go I have stirred thee up hardened thy heart and caused thee to rebel against me and my people Here we see that wicked Pharaoh a cruel tyrant over the people of God as he was in his time he did nothing against the people of God but what God appointed and what the Lord stirred him up unto the Lord withholding his grace leaving him to himself and hardening his heart although in the malice of his heart he raised up his forces against the people of God yet he did nothing but what the Lord had appointed him to do against them Hence we may observe this directly and plainly That wicked tyrants such as Pharaoh was enemies of the Church and people of God they do nothing against the Church or against Gods people Doctrine but what the Lord appointeth them and what the Lord will have them so to do and no more And when the enemies of the truth of God do vex trouble molest disquiet and deal hardly with the people of God what do they nothing but what God hath willed and appointed them to do in leaving them to themselves and as this is a truth so we have evidence for it in the Scripture in Esay 10.6 the Lord speaking concerning Ashur a great enemy to the Church of God he saith To him have I given the Charge of my wrath and in the 22. and 23. verses of the same Chapter he saith that the Consumption shall come upon the whole land and the tyranny was decreed by the Lord himself in Acts 2.23 the Apostle Peter saith unto the people of the Jewes Him have yee taken by the determinate councel and hand of God and him have you crucified and slain And in Acts 4.27 28. saith the Apostle For doubtless against thy holy Sonne Jesus both Herod Pontius Pilate and the Jewes were conspired and band together to doe whatsoever thy hand and counsel hath determined to be done Reason Because the will of Lord is the highest cause of all things the will of the Lord doth will and appoint the motions actions events and effects of every thing in the world whether they be things weightie or of lesse moment and by the will of the Lord even tyrants and malicious enemies of the Church of God have their being and their motion and actions and in him they live move and have their beings Acts 17.28 and therefore the enemies of the Church of God do no more then God hath appointed Object If this be a truth that the wicked enemies of the Church and people of God when they vex and deal hardly with them do no more then God hath appointed to be done then this doth justifie the deeds of wicked tyrants and clear them from rebuke and they may plead for themselves that they are free from sinne in harming and molesting and dealing hardly with the Church of God because they doe no more then God hath appointed and why then should they be accounted wicked sinners evil doers and cruel men because they doe no more then God hath appointed and it is injustice with God to punish them for their so doing Answ To answer this we must know howsoever the wicked tyrants of the Church and people of God doe what God hath willed and appointed yet they sinne grievously how can that be Sinne grievously in doing the will of the Lord yes because in their hard dealing and crueltie with the Church and People of God they respect not the will and purpose of the Lord no they onely have respect to the fulfilling of their own lusts and satisfying of their own wicked and beastly minds For if a man should ask a cruel persecutour and tyrant when he is molesting the Church or any member of the people of God what doe you intend to doe the will of God in vexing the people of God If he deal truely he must needs answer that he intendeth nothing lesse but merely intends the satisfying of his own cursed humour to satisfie his cruel savage and bloudy mind upon the poor members of Jesus Christ And in that his cruel and hard dealing is Gods will it is to him merely accidental but his purpose is destruction as the Lord saith Esay 10.6 I will goe against my people and Ashur shall tread them down as mire in the streets then he subjoyneth in the next verse but he thinks not so he is not of that mind neither doth he in his heart esteem it so but he imagineth to destroy and utterly cut off the people of God by wrong Not immagining that he is the rod of the wrath of God against his people and that he commeth by the appointment of God no he commeth not with such a thought he commeth onely to satisfie his own cruel and accursed humour not as an actour of what God determineth so
that howsoever cruel tyrants do whatsoever God hath appointed to be done and as God in his secret counsel hath set it down yet in that regard they are not justifiable they are not free from blame in so doing But they are wicked damnable and sinfull they intend not the will of the Lord but they intend the wicked humour of their hearts and that expresly against the Law of the Lord therefore justifiable they are not Vse 1 Let not the wicked enemies and persecutours of the Church of God think that they are excusable and free from blame and sinne in their hard dealing and crueltie with the Church of God because they doe nothing but what God hath appointed for they mind no such matter they intend onely the doing of the will and lust of their own hearts and so they remain wicked and sinful God can make Judas the executioner of his own will and he did make him the actor of his Decree in betraying of Christ and yet Judas still remaineth the child of perdition and wicked enemies persecutours of the Church of God they are but rods in the hand of God as in Esay 10.15 And when the Lord hath whipped his children for a time then he throweth the rod in the fire of his wrath and everlasting vengeance Again doe wicked enemies of the Church of God no more then God Vse 2 hath appointed to be done Then the serious consideration of this may be a ground of sweet and excellent comfort to the members of the Church in particular and to the whole Church in general when they are vexed by injurious indignities of wicked Opposers when the Church and people of God are hardly dealt withall by the hands of wicked persecutours remember this to their comfort howsoever their enemies doe execute their crueltie to satisfie their own lusts yet herein they are but executors of the purpose and will of God they doe but act the purpose of God and what the Lord hath commanded they are but the rodde in the hand of the Lord to be dealt withall as God pleaseth and not to doe as they list for if it were so they would utterly root them out but when the wicked enemies of the Church of God doe their uttermost and wicked rage then they are but instruments used by the hand of the Lord for the executing of his will and appointment and when the Lord hath so done he will ease himself and his children of them and they cannot go beyond the will and the appointment of the Lord though they be raging mad in the executing of their crueltie when they come to the full point and period they must not nor cannot go any further he hath stirred them up by his will and eternal Counsel and he can keep them within the limmits and compasse of his own will and what he hath appointed them to doe that they shall doe and no more though they would burst in sunder in Esay 10.24.25 the Lord sweetly speaketh to this purpose having before given the Assyrians charge to destroy then in the 24. verse he saith Oh my People be not afraid of Ashur for all this for he shall but smite thee with the rod and lift up his staffe after the manner of Aegypt and for a very little small time but he shall be consumed in my anger and destroyed in my wrath howsoever they may scourge thee for a time yet in my anger shall he be destroyed Thus the wicked enemies of the Church of God doe thus execute their wrath upon the Church of God yet they can goe no further then God hath appointed and when they have done Gods Will then he will cast the rod into the fire 1 Pet. 4.17 the Apostle saith Though afflictions begin at the the House of God certainly it shall not rest nor abide there but from thence it shal be removed unto the enemies of the Church and then the Lord doth vouchsafe ease and comfort and delivery to his people then from the rage of enemies then doth God bring plagues and troubles and vexations upon the heads of the enemies of the Church Proverbs 11.8 The righteous escapeth out of trouble and the wicked cometh even in the place they change places one with the other the righteous are taken out of the stocks and they are put in the prison with the wrath and vengeance of the Lord yet let us know to our comfort when the rage and violence of the enemie is come to the full height then is the ruine of the enemy near at hand and come to the full and deliverance near to the Church of God See it in the estate of the people of God in Aegypt when Pharaoh dealt with most crueltie against them and was in the greatest rage in Exodus 3 7 8. saith the Lord I have seen the trouble and oppression of my people and now I will help them So that if so be the Lord should suffer the bloudy minded Papists that are our mercilesse and cruel enemies if he should suffer them to over top us and to have a hand over us which God prevent but if that they should deale hardly with us then take notice of it to our comfort they neither can nor shall doe any thing but what God will have them to doe no not a haires breadth in the exercise of their crueltie for when their rage is most violent and they most mad then is their utter destruction near then Antichrist falleth finally and then is our deliverance near at hand And therefore let this be thought upon to our comfort it will be a means to strengthen us against all discouragement though they be fierce and cruel against us for when they are in their pride then destruction cometh to them and ease and delivery to us For the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh For this cause have I stirred thee up that I might shew my power in thee NOw proceed we to farther matter of this speech to Pharaoh For this cause have I stirred thee up that I might shew my power in thee that is as I shewed you that I might make thee see and feel the force of my power in thy utter destruction and in thy utter ruine and overthrow in the bottome of the Sea The Lord still hardened the heart of Pharaoh that he might shew his power in the utter destruction and overthrow of him as we see in this Text so that from hence we may gather Doctrine That when God withholdeth his grace from men and hardneth their hearts then his purpose is to destroy them The purpose of the Lord is their destruction when he hardneth their hearts we may see it in Elies sonnes 1 Sam. 2.25 The Lord had a purpose to destroy them because they did not yield obedience to the voice of their Father therefore the Lord determined to destroy them by a violent death as we may reade in the 4. Chapter the 11. verse So when the Lord with-holdeth his grace from men that
and sin and this being so then what can carnal reason say against it the prophanest wretch hearing this that God did decree to reject some out of fore-sight they would continue obstinate and rebellious in their wilful sins and then to harden them surely the prophanest wretch in the world must needs be silent and glorifie the Justice of God in leaving of such persons to themselves and so to harden them even mans reason can go thus far that then there was just cause why God should complain and no cause of this Objection even in the sense reason and understanding of man because if man will be wilful in sin it is just with God to harden them And so they put aside the absolute decree of God and make it to depend upon the obstinacy of man so that we see they quite cut away this Cavil and leave no place for it and so they pervert and quite overthrow the purpose of this text but this which they alledge is false for this is that which reason doth stumble at and cannot conceive that God should harden mens hearts and then complain of their hardening that God out of his own mere will and pleasure hardeneth them and then punisheth them for hardening this cannot possibly but be unjust this is the stumbling block of the carnal reasoning of man this is that which maketh carnal reason to rise up and insult against God why doth God complain when he doth of purpose harden men so that the Arminians reasoning and this Objection cannot stand together Come we now to stand upon this carnal Objection more particularly why doth he yet complain That is as I shewed you in the opening of the Text doth God harden whom he will why doth God then blame threaten and punish them what reason hath the Lord so to do seeing they are hardened according to his will and so the fault and blame lyeth upon the will of God Here we see how ready mans carnal reason is to put off the blame from themselves and to lay it where it ought not to lye and so consequently we may hence note thus much Doctrine That men naturally use to put off the blame of their sinnes from themselves and they commonly seek to lay the blame and fault thereof upon something out of themselves yea sometimes upon God himself and say that he is in the fault of them This we find was the practice of our first parents so ancient is it as from the beginning of the world for when Adam had sinned and God cometh to call him to account for his sin we see Adam putteth off the blame of his sin from himself to his wife and in her to God himself for he saith Gen. 3.12 The woman which thou gavest me gave it me and when he came to the woman she put it on the Serpent so that here is a putting and posting off of the blame from one to another Adam to his wife yea to God himself and she to the Serpent and we beloved have sucked the same milk and drawn out the same poyson and this corruption we have naturally every one by nature will seek to shift off the blame of their sins from themselves As to appeal to our own experience common experience sheweth it Do not some when they are convinced of sin lay the blame upon the times which they live in saying Oh we live in a hard time and we must do according to the time some again on their callings and conditions of life Oh they are of such and such a calling and vocation that they cannot keep a good conscience they must lye and swear and deceive as others do or else they cannot possibly keep open shop some upon the provocation of others they were provoked to it and some upon the Command and example of others such and such a one did the like and his example led me to it or such a one commanded me as if a Master comand his servant to lye he is excusable because his Master commanded him And some lay the fault upon their destiny it was my chance my lot my evil fortune I was ordained to such a sinne And some lay the blame upon the Devil and say they had not become guilty of Whoredome Adultery Murther and the like but that the devil owed them a spite and now he hath paid them home and thus they seem to post off their sin upon others either upon the time their callings the provocation example and command of others or upon their evil fortune and the devil himself they care not where so they may draw their own neck out of the collar yea sometimes Gods own children are hardly brought to this to lay the fault of their sin where it ought to lye they will say Oh I was too blame wretch that I was I was drawn unto it by such and such a mans company and so they seek to extenuate and to lessen their sins and to put off the blame from themselves But beloved take we notice of it Vse and learn we to lay the blame of our sins where the blame ought to lye Do not belye the devil It is true indeed that the age and the time wherein we live the callings and conditions of life the provocation example and command of others and the devil may be occasions of sin unto us but causes they are not for the cause and the root of sin is from our selves the cursed corruptions of our hearts and the vile lusts of it that is the very ground cause and root of sin and were it not for the vile corruptions in our selves neither could the devil nor the world nor any thing draw us to the practise of our sin if we were freed from that vile cursed inmate our own corruption that lodgeth and abideth in our hearts we could never be drawn to any sin therefore let this teach every one of us to learn to lay the fault and blame of our sins upon our selves and not upon any thing else Again further this Cavil and this reasoning of the flesh it is farther to be considered together with the proof of it in the words following for who hath resisted his will As if the carnal Reasoner should say thus That men are hardened it is the will of God it should be so God hardeneth whom he will and Gods will cannot be resisted none can stand against his will and so men that are hardened they are hardened unavoidably out of necessity for they must be hardened whom God will harden and therefore they cannot justly be blamed or taxed Now then from hence ariseth this Question to be discussed Whether men are excusable and free from blame Quest and not to be taxed for their hardnesse and for the sins they commit and fall into by reason of their hardnesse because Gods will is that they are hardened and Gods will is irresistible and cannot be withstood and so they are hardened unavoidably and of necessity are they then to be
an high hand that are drunkards filthie persons Sabbath-breakers revilers of Gods Children and the like God is justly angrie with them for their sinnes that they can confesse but they say as it is their common Proverb Vana sine viribus ira anger without power is in vain for a man to be angrie and have no power to execute his anger is nothing worth but this God he is a God of Power and he will one day shew his strength and his power in punishing of them and in executing wrath and vengeance upon them Oh then who is able to bear the punishing hand of God and the stroke of his arm can a wicked sinner endure it when God striketh with the strength of his arme Psalme 90.7 Oh then consider it whosoever thou art a wicked and rebellious sinner that hath been told of thy particular sinnes thy drunkennesse thy whoredome thy usurie thy Sabbath breaking and the like Thou that persistest and goest on in thy sinne a drunkard yesterday and still the same an Usurer yesterday and still the same thou art obdurate in thy sinne Consider the Lord is angrie with thee and justly offended and hee is not onely justly offended but he is a God of infinite power able to execute his wrath yea consider further that God is not onely a God of Power able to doe it but he is also a God that will doe it he will execute his power and his wrath Who is able to stand against the Lords revenging power and when he so doth What shall become of the drunkard What shall become of the usurer and what shall become of the Sabbath-breaker and the whoremonger and the blasphemer of the Name of God when the Lord shall execute his wrath and put forth his vengeance Oh consider it and tremble We know it be experience amongst men Men that are of a revenging spirit given to seek the hurt and ruine of those they are offended withal nothing will satisfie them but their very heart blood And according to the might and power of those men so revengeful the more mighty and powerful is the evil and hurt that they inflict upon those The greater their might the heavier their stroke against whom they are enraged Oh then consider Is this so with men of revengefull spirits Oh then the Lord is a sin revenging God and he being provoked unto anger by thy wilful obstinate and rebellious sins he will punish thee consider then whom hast thou provoked a God of infinite power and he will make it appear in thy just destruction and in thy just punishment the heart of man is not able to conceive or imagine the fearful punishment that will befall thee Oh that those that are obstinate and rebellious sinners would consider this that God is so offended with them for their rebellious sinnes it would make them to tremble and affright them and make their bones shake in their skins and their hearts ake in their bodies but this is one and a chief part of their misery Hab. 3. that they never think nor consider it in their hearts and so we may conclude that they are in a fearful estate and condition Again this being so that God is such a revenging God against obstinate Vse 2 sinners let this then keep us from the revenging of our wrongs that are done by spiteful enemies and such as seek our ruine why should we seek to be revenged though we have never so much power leave it unto God and know this that we cannot desire a greater vengeance to light upon them then the Lord will inflict upon them and consider if our spiteful enemies do continue seeking to do us wrong the Lord will one day take thy cause in hand and punish them according to the greatnesse of his power Alas what is our power if we had the might of all the men in the world it is nothing to the power of the Lord if the Lord should give our enemies into our hands and should say Do with him what thou wilt could we be avenged so as the Lord will for our sakes if we be patient and commit the cause unto the Lord for the Lord will be avenged on them if they continue and live and dye in their spight and envy And to conclude in one word let us when we are wronged and hardly dealt withal by malitious and spightful enemies that are full of rancor and malice commit our cause unto the Lord and without question his punishment will be greater then the bitterest stroke that we can wish to fall upon our enemies and therefore we ought to comfort our selves with this when we are wronged that the Lord will revenge our cause and he will shew forth his vengeance upon them in their Destruction and that according to the greatnesse of his power What if God willing to shew his wrath and to make his power known endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy which he had before prepared unto glory THere is one thing yet remaineth to be further observed from this 22. verse The Apostle saith that God will one day shew his wrath upon Reprobates the vessels of wrath and he will also exercise his power he will make it apparent manifest and evident that he is a God of power in their just punishments so that these two things are here coupled and put together as the ends of Gods long patience and forbearance toward the Reprobates namely the manifestation of his just wrath and his power in punishing of them hence then take we notice of this Observation which lyeth plain before us viz. Doctrine That the highest and utmost end of the everlasting destruction of the Reprobates is the manifestation of Gods Justice and of Gods power which here are coupled and put together in their destruction The destruction of the Reprobates is indeed the nearest end in respect of Reprobates themselves but God respecteth it no further then as it maketh and tendeth to the manifestation and declaration of the glory of his Justice and power The highest end which the Lord aymeth at in the punishment and destruction of the Wicked what is it it is nothing else but that he might have his Justice and Power glorified the Lord aymeth not at their destruction though it be the nearest end to them yet farthest off in Gods intention for he aymeth at his own Justice and Powers glorification And to this purpose speaketh Solomon expresly Prov. 16.4 The Lord hath made all things for his own sake yea the very wicked for the day of evil he hath made them for the day of destruction ayming therein at the manifestation of his Justice and the glory of his power this is the main end the Lord aymeth at In Rom. 11. The Apostle having largely discussed and stood upon the rejection of the Gentiles in the 36. verse he concludeth
the meanes of our Lord Jesus Christ So then thus conceive we the meaning of the Apostle as if he had said And in like sort that God might make it known to all the world both to men and Angels his exceeding great and abundant grace and mercy toward and upon his Elect who are vessels as capable of mercy as any vessel to receive water the Lord having from everlasting ordained and appointed them to the Kingdom of glory Now the words being thus understood I will onely point at one thing briefly We see here the Apostle maketh it apparent and known that God sheweth his Justice and maketh his power known upon the Reprobates thereby to amplifie and to set forth the greatnesse of his mercy toward his chosen and make known the riches of his mercy upon the vessels of mercy This is the ground of the Observation And the Doctrine hence arising is this viz. Doctrine That Gods mercy vouchsafed to his Children in any kind whatsoever whether concerning soul or body it appeareth the greater and is felt the sweeter by considering Gods wrath and punishment in the same kind inflicted upon the wicked The riches and the greatnesse of Gods mercy toward any of his children is more evident more apparent and more conspicuous and the better discerned by comparing it with his just punishing hand that he layeth upon others And to this purpose we have many evidences of Scripture the mercy of God in saving Noah and his Family in the Ark when the flood was upon the earth being considered with the Lords wrath and vengeance upon the whole world besides it made the mercy of God to be more conspicuous and better discerned of Noah So the freedome that the people of Israel had in the Land of Goshen in Egypt from the plagues of Egypt when the heavy hand of God was upon the Egyptians being considered with those heavy plagues did exceedingly set forth the riches of Gods mercy to his Children that they should be saved and the other punished in the same land and in Exod. 14.30 31. the Text saith of the Israelites they saw the Egyptians dead upon the bank and saw their final overthrow and no doubt that Gods Justice in their overthrow made the mercy of the Lord in their deliverance appear the better and thereupon they were stirred up to praise God after an extraordinary manner for an extraordinary blessing in the 15. Chapter And to these places I might adde many more all expressing that the mercy of God vouchsafed to his Children feeleth sweeter and the more comfortable Considered together with Gods wrath in punishing the wicked and reprobate yea it doth ravish the soul of a Child of God and maketh it more comfortable The Reason Reason and ground of it is from that Logical rule Contra juxta se posita c. Contraries set in opposition maketh them the better to appear black and white set together it maketh white more resplendant and appear the clearer so Gods mercy opposed to Gods Justice maketh his mercy appear more conspicuous And for the Application Vse let this teach us to consider the mercy of God to us that are his Children in comparison of his Judgment to others as for example thou being a Child of God consider God hath given thee sanctification in thy heart and soul a feeling of thy sins and groaning under it then consider this thy Illumination and sanctification together with the Ignorance and obdurancy of others and it will make thee to praise and set forth the greatnesse of Gods mercy so again in outward mercies the Lord hath given thee abundance thou hast strength and ability of body thou hast liberty and freedom from imprisonment and thou seest others that are blind sick lame and under the heavy hand of God in some Affliction they are weak and poor And in this hard time that now is upon us thou seest others wanting firing wanting lodging wanting means to defend them from the injury of the weather surely the Lord setteth these before thee not onely that thou shouldest be pitifull unto them and help and relieve them but herein also to see the greatnesse and goodnesse of Gods mercy towards thee Lay not out so much upon thy pride in excesse of Apparel but extend some to the poor and praise the Lord for his greatnesse and goodnesse that hath made thee rich and healthfull and others lye up and down ready to be famished Oh consider this what the Lord hath done for thy body and soul he hath inlarged his hand to thee inlarge thou thy hand in giving to others and inlarge thy heart in praising of God and let it stirre thee up to great thankfulnesse unto God for this his mercy to thee And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy which he had before prepared unto glory ANd in the next place observe that the Apostle here saith not barely God will extend and reach out his abundant mercy toward his Children or that he might shew his mercy upon them abundantly but mark the manner of his speech he putteth down his mind and meaning in these tearms that God might declare the riches of his glorie upon his I hil dren every word is very emphatical and full of weight and the meaning is that God might make known to all the world to men and Angels his exceeding great and abundant grace and mercy upon his Elect and toward his Children Hence then we may easily gather this conclusion Doctrine That God will one day manifest his exceeding great and abundant mercy toward his chosen and he will one day make it appear to all the World to Men and Angels that he is a most wonderful and gracious God unto his Chosen indeed God is exceeding gracious and abundantly merciful unto his Chosen at all times especially after their effectual Calling and Conversion and turning from sinne unto him from the estate of Nature unto the estate of Grace then giving unto them the pardon of all their sinnes sealing his love unto them in Christ as it is in Romans 10.5 Then giving unto his Children libertie to approach and come near unto his holy presence with comfort and thankesgiving then beautifying their soules with many excellent gifts of his Spirit with Faith with Zeale and with Humilitie so that God is exceeding great and abundantly merciful unto his Chosen yet let me tell you that his abundant grace and mercie to his Elect is not so apparent to the eyes of men It lieth hid and obscured either under that excellent grace of Humilitie or under their afflictions so as that the world seeth it not yet the time shall come that howsoever it is now darkned it shall appear to men and Angels yea men and Angels shall admire at the wonderful mercie of God to his Chosen and to this purpose is that of the Apostle in the 2 Thessalonians 1.10 where the Apostle saith that Christ Jesus at the day of