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A53713 Of communion with God the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost, each person distinctly in love, grace, and consolation, or, The saints fellowship with the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost, unfolded by John Owen ... Owen, John, 1616-1683. 1657 (1657) Wing O778; ESTC R32197 289,173 326

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put their trust in thee Men cannot abide with God in spirituall Meditations He looseth Soules Company by their want of this insight into his Love They fix their thoughts only on his terrible Majesty severity and Greatnesse and so their Spirits are not endeared Would a soule continually Eye his everlasting tendernesse and compassion his thoughts of kindnesse that have been from of old his present gracious Acceptance it could not beare an hours absence from him whereas now perhaps it cannot watch with him one houre Let then this be the Saints first notion of the Father as one full of eternall free Love towards them Let their hearts and thoughts be fill'd with breaking through all discouragements that lye in the way To raise them hereunto let them Consider 1. Whose love it is It is the Love of him who is in himself Alsufficient infinitely satiated with himselfe and his own Glorious § 4 Excellencyes and Perfections Who hath no need to goe forth with his love unto others nor to seek an Object of it without himselfe There might He rest with delight and Complacency to Eternity He is sufficient unto his own love He had his Sonne also his Eternall* Wisedome to rejoyce and delight himselfe in from all Eternity Prov. 8. 30. This might take up and satiate the whole delight of the Father But he will love his Saints also And it is such a love as wherein he seeks not his own Satisfaction only but our good therein also The love of a God the love of a Father whose proper outgoings are kindnesse and Bounty 2. What kind of Love it is and it is 1. Eternall It was fixed on us before the § 5 Foundation of the World before we were or had done the least good then were his thoughts upon us then was his delight in us Then did the Son rejoyce in the thoughts of fullfilling his Fathers delight in him Prov. 8. 30. Yea the Delight of the Father in the Son there mentioned is not so much his absolute delight in him as the expresse image of his Person and the brightnesse of his Glory wherein he might behold all his own Excellencys and perfections but with respect unto his love and his delight in the Sons of men So the order of the words require us to understand it I was daily his Delight and My delights were with the Sonnes of Men. That is in the thoughts of kindnesse and Redemption for them and in that respect also was he his Fathers delight It was from Eternity that he laid in his own bosome a designe or our happinesse The very thoughts of this is enough to make all that is within us like the babe in the wombe of Elizabeth to leap for joy A sense of it cannot but prostrate our soules to the lowest abasement of an humble holy Reverence and make us rejoyce before him with trembling 2. Free He § 6 Loves us because he will there was there is nothing in us for which we should be beloved Did we deserve his Love it must goe lesse in its valuation Things of due debt are seldome the matter of thankfullnesse but that which is Eternally antecedent to our being must needs be absolutely free in its respects to our well being This gives it life and being is the Reason of it and sets a price upon it Rom. 9. 12. Ephes. 1. 3 4. Titus 3. 5. Jam. 1. 18. 3. Unchangeable Though we change every day yet his § 7 Love changeth not Could any kind of provocation turne it a way it had long since ceased It s unchangeablenesse is that which carryeth out the Father unto that infinitenesse of patience and Forbearance without which we dye we perish 2 Pet. 3. 9. which he exerciseth towards us And it is 4. Distinguishing He hath not thus loved all the word § 8 Jacob have I loved but I hated Esau why should he fixe his love on us and passe by millions from whom we differ not by Nature that he should make us sharers in that and all the fruits of it which most of the great and wisemen of the world are excluded from I name but the heads of things Let them enlarge whose hearts are touched Let I say the soule frequently Eye the Love of the Father and that under these Considerations they are all soule-conquering and endearing 2 So Eye it as to receive it unlesse this be added all is in vaine as to any Communion with God We doe not hold Communion § 2 with him in any thing untill it be received by faith This then is that which I would provoke the Saints of God unto even to believe this Love of God for themselves and their own part believe that such is the Heart of the Father towards them accept of his witnesse herein His Love is not ours in the sweetnesse of it untill it be so received Continually then act thoughts of faith on God as Love to thee as embracing thee with the Eternall free Love before described When the Lord is by his word presented as such unto thee let thy mind know it and assent that it is so and thy will embrace it in its being so and all thy Affections be filled with it Set thy whole heart to it Let it be bound with the cords of this Love If the King be bound in the galleries with thy Love shouldest thou not be bound in heaven with his 3. Let it have its proper fruit and Efficacy upon thy heart in returnes of Love to him againe So shall we walke in the Light of § 10 Gods Countenance and hold holy Communion with our Father all the day long Let us not deale unkindly with him and returne him sleighting for his good will Let there not be such an Heart in us as to deale so unthankfully with our God Now to further us in this duty and the daily constant practise of it I shall adde one or two considerations that may be of importance thereunto as 1. It is exceeding acceptable unto God even our Father that we should thus hold Communion with him in his Love that he § 11 may be received into our Soules as one full of Love tendernesse and kindnesse towards us Flesh and Bloud is apt to have very hard thoughts of him to think he is alwaies angry yea implacable that it is not for poore creatures to draw nigh to him that nothing in the World is more desireable then never to come into his presence or as they say where he hath any thing to doe Who amongst us shall dwell with that devouring fire who amongst us shall inhabit with those everlasting burnings say the sinners in Sion and I knew thou wast an austere man saith the evill Servant in the Gospell Now there is not any thing more grievous to the Lord nor more subservient to the designe of Sathan upon the Soule then such thoughts as these Sathan claps his hands if I may so say when he
they stand in need Thus I say have the Saints communion with Christ as to their sanctification and holinesse From him do they receive the spirit to dwell in them from him the new principle of Life which is the root of all their obedience from him have they actuall Assistance for every duty they are called unto In waiting for expectation and receiving of these blessings on the accounts before mentioned do they spend their Lives and time with him In vaine is helpe looked for from other mountaines In vaine do men spend their strength in following after Righteousnesse if this be wanting Fix thy soule here thou shalt not tary untill thou be ashamed This is the way the only way to obtain full effectuall manifestations of the spirits dwelling in us to have our hearts purified our consciences purged our sins mortified our graces increased our soules made humble holy zealous believing like to him to have our lives fruitfull our deaths comfortable Let us herein abide eying Christ by Faith to attaine that measure of conformity to him which is allotted unto us in this world that when we shall see him as he is we may be like unto him CHAP. X. Of Communion with Christ in priviledges of Adoption the nature of it the consequents of it peculiar priviledges attending it Liberty Title Boldnesse Affliction Communion with Christ hereby THe third-thing wherein we have communion with Christ is Grace of Priviledge before God I meane as § 1 the third head of purchased Grace The priviledges we enjoy by Christ are great and innumerable To insist on them in particular were work for a mans whole life not a designe to be wrapped up in a few sheets I shall take a view of them only in the Head the spring and Fountain whence they all arise and flow This is our Adoption Beloved now we are the Sons of God 1 Ioh. 3. 2. This is our great and fountain priviledge Whence is it that we are so it is from the Love of the Father v. 1. Behold what love the Father hath given unto us that we should be called the sons of God But by whom immediatly doe we receive this honour As many as believe on Christ he gives them this power to become the Sons of God Ioh. 1. 12. Himselfe was appointed to be the first borne among many brethren Rom 8. 29. and his taking us to be brethren Heb. 2. 11. makes us become the Children of God Now that God is our Father by being the Father of Christ and we his children by being the brethren of Christ being the head and summe of all the honour priviledge right and Title we have let us a little consider the nature of that act whereby we are invested with this state and title namely our Adaption Now Adoption is the Authorative translation of a Believer by Jesus § 2 Christ from the family of the world and Satan into the family of God with his investiture in all the priviledges and advantages of that Family To the compleat Adoption of any person these five things rre required § 3 1. That he be actually and of his own right of another family then that whereunto he is adopted He must be the son of one family or other in his own right as all persons are 2. That there be a Family unto which of himselfe he hath no right whereinto he is to be grafted If a man comes into a family upon a personall right though originally at never so great a distance that man is not adopted If a man of a most remote consanguinity doe come into the inheritance of any family by the death of the neerer heires though his right before were little better then nothing yet he is a borne son of that Family he is not adopted He is not to have the plea of the most remote possibility of succession 3. That there be an Authoritative legall translation of him by some that have power thereunto from one family into another It was not by the Law of old in the power of particular persons to adopt when and whom they would It was to be done by the Authority of the Soveraigne power 4. That the adopted person be freed from all the obligations that be upon him unto the family from whence he is translated otherwise he can be no way usefull or serviceable unto the family whereinto he is engrafted He cannot serve two masters much lesse two Fathers 5. That by vertue of his Adoption he be invested in all the rights Priviledges Advantages and Title to the whole inheritance of the family into which he is adopted in as full and ample manner as if he had been borne a son therein Now all these things and Circumstances doe concurre and are found in the Adoption of believers 1. They are by their own originall right of another family § 4 then that whereinto they are adopted They are by Nature the children of wrath Eph. 2. 3. Sons of wrath of that family whose inheritance is wrath called the power of darknesse Col. 1. 13. For from thence doth God translate them into the Kingdome of his deare Son This is the family of the world and of Sathan of which by nature believers are What ever is to be inherited in that family as wrath curse death Hell they have a right thereunto Neither can they of themselves or by themselves get free of this family a strong man armed keeps them in subjection Their naturall estate is a family condition attended with all circumstances of a family family duties and services rights and titles Relations and observances They are of the black family of sinne and Satan 2. There is another family whereinto they are to be translated § 5 and whereunto of themselves they have neither right nor title This is that family in heaven and earth which is called after the name of Christ. Eph. 3. v. 15. The great family of God God hath an house and family for his children of whom some he maintaines on the riches of his grace and some he entertaines with the fullnesse of his glory This is that house whereof the Lord Christ is the great dispenser It having pleased the Father to gather in one all things in him both which are in heaven and which are in earth even in him Ephes 1. v. 10. Herein live all the Sons and daughters of God spending largely on the Riches of his Grace Unto this family of themselves they have no right nor Title they are wholly alienated from it Eph. 2. 12. and can lay no clayme to any thing in it God driving fallen Adam out of the Garden and shutting up all wayes of Returne with a flaming sword ready to cut him off if he should attempt it abundantly declares that he and all in him had lost all right of approaching unto God in any family relation Corrupted cursed nature is not vested with the least right to any thing of God therefore They have an Authoritative translation from
Company that enquires for her let not thy spirit be cast down at the weakenesse of thy supplications let me yet heare thy sighs and groanes thy breathings and pantings to me they are very sweet very delightfull and thy spirituall countenance thy appearance in heavenly things is comely and delightfull unto me Neither doth he leave her thus but chap. 4. 8. presseth her hard to a closer with him in this conjugall bond Come with me from Lebanon my spouse with me from Lebanon look from the top of Amana from the the top of Shenir and Hermon from the Lyons dens and the mountaines of the Leopards Thou art in a wandring condition as the Israelites of old among Lyons and Leopards sins and troubles come from thence unto me and I will give thee refreshment Math. 11. 27. upon this Invitation the spouse boldly concludes chap. 7. 10. that the desire of Christ is towards her that he doth indeed love her and ayme at taking her unto this fellowship with himselfee So in carrying on this union Christ freely besto weth himself upon the Soule Precious and excellent as he is he becometh ours He makes himselfe to be so and with him all his Graces Hence saith the spouse my Beloved is mine in all that he is he is mine Because he is Righteousnesse he is the Lord Our Righteousnesse Jer. ch 23. v. 6. Because he is the Wisedome of God and the power of God he is made unto us Wisedome c. 1 Cor. 1. 30. Thus the Branch of the Lord is beautifull and glorious and the fruite of the Earth is excellent and comely to them that are escaped of Israel Isa. 4. v. 2. This is the first thing on the part of Christ the free donation and bestowing of himselfe upon us to be our Christ our beloved as to all the Ends and Purposes of Love Mercy Grace and Glory whereunto in his Mediation he is designed in a marriage Covenant never to be broken This is the Summe of what is intended The Lord Jesus Christ fitted and prepared by the Accomplishment and furniture of his Person as Mediatour and the large purchase of Grace and Glory which he hath made to be an Husband to his Saints his Church tenders himselfe in the Promises of the Gospell to them in all his desireablenesse convinces them of his good-will towards them and his alsufficiency for a supply of their wants and upon their consent to accept of him which is all he requires or expects at their hands he ingageth himselfe in a marriage Covenant to be theirs for ever 2. On the part of the Saints It is their free willing consent § 9 to receive embrace and submit unto the Lord Jesus as their Husband Lord and Saviour to abide with him subject their soules unto him and to be ruled by him for ever Now this in the soule is either initiall or the Solemne Consent at the first entrance of Union or Consequentiall in renewed Acts of Consent all our dayes I speake of it especially in this latter sense wherein it is proper unto Communion not in the former wherein it primarily intendeth Union There are two things that compleat this selfe Resignation of the soule 1. The liking of Christ for his Excellency Grace and suitablenesse § 10 farre above all other beloveds whatever preferring him in the Judgement andmind above them all In the place above mentioned Can. 5 9 10. the Spouse being earnestly pressed by Professors at large to give in her thoughts concerning the Excellency of her beloved in comparison of other Endearements Answereth expressly that he is the chiefest of ten thousand yea v. 16. altogether lovely infinitely beyond comparison with the choysest created good or Endearement imaginable The soule takes a view of all that is in the world the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eyes and the pride of Life and sees it all to be vanity that the world passeth away and the Lust thereof 1 Joh. chap. 2. v. 16 17. these beloveds are no way to be compared unto him It views also Legall Righteousnesse blamelessnesse before men uprightnesse of Conversation Dutys upon conviction and concludes of all as Paul doth Phil. 3. v. 8. Doubtlesse I count all these things losse for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. So also doth the Church Hos. ch 14. v. 3 4. reject all appearing Assistances whatever as goodly as Ashur as promising as Idols that God alone may be preferred And this is the soules entrance into conjugall Communion with Jesus Christ as to Personall Grace the constant preferring him above all Pretenders to its Affections counting all Losse and dung in comparison of him Beloved Peace beloved naturall Relations beloved Wisedome and learning beloved Righteousnesse beloved dutys all losse compared with Christ. 2. The accepting of Christ by the Will as its only Husband Lord and Saviour This is called receiving of Christ Joh. ch 1. § 11 v. 12. and is not intended only for that Solemne Act whereby at first entrance we close with him but also for the constant frame of the soule in abiding with him and owning of him as such When the soule consents to take Christ on his own termes to save him in his own way and says Lord I would have had thee and Salvation in my way that it might have been partly of mine endeavours and as it were by the workes of the Law I am now willing to receive thee and to be saved in thy way meerly by Grace and though I would have walked according to my own mind yet now I wholly give up my selfe to be ruled by thy Spirit for in thee have I Righteousnesse and strength in thee am I justifyed and do glory then doth it cary on Communion with Christ as to the Grace of his Person This it is to receive the Lord Jesus in his comelinesse and Eminency Let Believers exercise their Hearts abundantly unto this thing This is choyce Communion with the Son Jesus Christ. Let us receive him in all his Excellencys as he bestowes himselfe upon us Be frequent in thoughts of faith comparing him with other Beloveds Sin World Legall Righteousnesse and preferring him before them counting them all Losse and Dung in comparison of him And let our soules be perswaded of his Sincerity and willingnesse in giving himselfe in all that he is as Mediatour unto us to be ours And let our Hearts give up themselves unto him let us tell him that we will be for him and not for another Let him know it from us he delights to heare it yea he says sweet is our voice and our Countenance is comely and we shall not faile in the Issue of sweet Refreshment with him DIGRESSION I. Some Excellencys of Christ proposed to Consideration to endeare our hearts unto him His description Cant. 5. opened TO strengthen our hearts in the Resignation mentioned of our selves unto the Lord Christ as our husband as also to § 1 make way
peculiarly dispenseth himselfe unto us in free love So the Apostle sets it forth in the following verses this is love v. 9. this is that which I would have you take notice of in him that he makes out love unto you in sending his only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him So also v. 10. He loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins And that this is peculiarly to be eyed in him the holy Ghost plainely declares in making it Antecedent to the Sending of Christ and all mercyes and benefits whatever by him received This love I say in its self is Antecedent to the purchase of Christ although the whole fruit thereof be made out alone thereby Ephes. 1. 4 5 6. 2. So in that distribution made by the Apostle in his solemne parting Benediction 2 Cor. chap. 13. v. 13. The Grace of the Lord Iesus Christ the LOVE OF GOD and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with you Ascribing sundry things unto the distinct persons it is Love that he peculiarly assignes to the Father And the Fellowship of the Spirit is mentioned with the Grace of Christ and the Love of God because it is by the Spirit alone that we have fellowship with Christ in Grace and with the Father in Love although we have also peculiar fellowship with him as shall be declared 3. John chap. 16. v. 26 27. saith our Saviour I say not § 9 unto you that I will pray the Father for you for the Father himselfe loveth you but how is this that our Saviour saith I say not that I will pray the Father for you when he saith plainely chap. 14. v. 16. I will pray the Father for you The Disciples with all the Gracious words comfortable and Faithfull promises of their Master with most Heavenly discoveries of his Heart unto them were even fully convinced of HIS deare and tender Affections towards them as also of his continued care and kindnesse that he would not forget them when bodily he was gone from them as he was now upon his departure but now all their thoughts are concerning the Father how they should be accepted with him what respect he had towards them Saith our Saviour take no care of that nay impose not that upon me of procuring the Fathers love for you but know that this is his peculiar Respect towards you and which you are in him He himselfe loves you It is true indeed as I told you that I will pray the Father to send you the Spirit the Comforter and with him all the Gracious fruits of his Love but yet in the point of love it selfe free love Eternall Love there is no need of any Intercession for that for eminently the Father himselfe loves you resolve of that that you may hold Communion with him in it be no more troubled about it Yea as your great trouble is about the Fathers love so you can no way more trouble or burden him then by your unkindnesse in not believing of it So it must needs be where sincere Love is questioned 4 The Apostle teaches the same Rom. chap. 5. 5. The Love § 10 of God is shed abroad in your hearts by the Holy Ghost that is given unto you God whose Love this is is plainely distinguished from the Holy Ghost who sheds abroad that Love of his And v. 8. he is also distinguished from the Sonne for it is from that Love of his that the Son is sent and therefore it is the Father of whom the Apostle here specially speaketh and what is it that he ascribes to him even Love which also v. 8. he commendeth to us sets it forth in such a signall and eminent expression that we may take notice of it and close with him in it To carry this businesse to its height there is not only most frequent peculiar mention made of the Love of God where the Father is eminently intended and of the Love of the Father expressely but he is also called the God of Love 2 Cor. 13. 11. and is said to be love so that whoever will know him 1 John 4. 8. or dwell in him by fellowship or Communion vers 16. must doe it as he is Love 5. Nay whereas there is a twofold divine Love Beneplaciti § 11 and Amicitiae a Love of good pleasure and destination and a Love of Friendship and Approbation they are both peculiarly assigned to the Father in an Eminent manner 1 John chap. 3. 16. God so loved the world that he sont c. that is with the Love of his purpose and good pleasure his determinate will of doing Good This is distinctly ascribed to him being laid down as the cause of sending his Son So Rom. 9. 11 12 Ephes 1. 4 5. 2 Thess. 2. 13 14. 1 John 4. 8 9. 2 Iohn chap. 14. v. 23. there is mention of that other kind of love where of we speak If any man love me saith Christ he will keep my words and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him The Love of Friendship and Approbation is here eminently ascribed to him says Christ we will come even Father and Sonne to such a one and dwell with him that is by the Spirit but yet he would have us take notice that in point of Love the Father hath a peculiar prerogative My Father will love him 6. Yea and as this love is peculiarly to be eyed in him so it § 12 is to be looked on as the fountaine of all following gracious Dispensations Christians walke often times with exceedingly troubled hearts concerning the thoughts of the Father towards them they are well perswaded of the Lord Christ and his good will the difficulty lies in what is their acceptance with the Father what is his heart towards them Shew us the Father and it shall suffice Iohn 14. 8. Now this ought to be so farre a way that his Love ought to be looked on as the Fountaine from whence all other sweetnesses flow Thus the Apostle sets it out Titus chap. 3. v. 4. After that the kindnesse and Love of God our Saviour toward man appeared It is of the Father of whom he speakes for v. 6. he tells us that he makes out unto us or sheds that love upon us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour And this Love he makes the Hinge upon which the great Alteration and Translation of the Saints doth turne for saith he v. 3. We our selves also were sometimes foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lusts and pleasurs living in malice and envy hatefull and hating one another All naught all out of Order and Vile Whence then is our Recovery The whole rise of it is from this Love of God flowing out by the wayes there described For when the kindnesse and love of God appeared that is in the fruits of it then did this alteration ensue To secure us hereof there is not
can take up the Soule with such thoughts of God he hath enough all that he doth desire This hath been his designe and way from the beginning The first blood that Murderer shed was by this meanes He leades our first Parents into hard thoughts of God hath God said so hath he threatned you with death he knows well enough it will be better with you with this Engine did he batter and overthrow all mankind in one and being mindfull of his ancient conquest he readily useth the same weapons wherewith then he so succesfully contended Now it is exceeding Grievous to the Spirit of God to be so slandered in the hearts of those whom he dearely loves How doth he expostulate this with Syon What iniquity g have you seen in me saith he have I been a Wildernesse unto you or a Land of darknesse Syon hath said the Lord hath forgotten me and my God hath forsaken me but can a mother c. The Lord takes nothing worse at the hands of his then such hard thoughts of him knowing full well what fruit this bitter Root is like to beare what Alienation of Heart what drawings back what unbeliefe and Tergiversations in our walking with him How unwilling is a Child to come into the presence of an angry Father Consider then this in the first place Receiving of the Father as he holds out Love to the soule gives him the Honour he aimes at and is exceeding acceptable unto him He often sets it out in an eminent manner that it may be so received He commendeth his Love unto us Rom 5. 8. Behold what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed on us Joh. ch 3. v. 1. Whence then is this folly men are afraid to have good thoughts of God They think it a boldnesse to Eye God as good gracious tender kind loving I speak of Saints but for the other side they can judge him hard austere severe almost implacable and fierce the very worst Affections of the very worst of men and most hated of him Rom. ch 1. v. 31. 2 Tim 3. 3. and think herein they doe well Is not this Soule-deceit from Sathan was it not his designe from the beginning to inject such thoughts of God Assure thy selfe then there is nothing more acceptable unto the Father then for us to keep up our hearts unto him as the eternall fountaine of all that rich Grace which flowes out to sinners in the blood of Jesus and 2. This will be exceeding effectuall to endeare thy soule unto God to cause thee to delight in him and to make thy abode with him Many Saints have no greater burthen in their Lives then that their Hearts do not come clearely and fully up constantly to delight and rejoyce in God that there is still an indisposednesse of Spirit unto close walking with him What is at the bottome of this distemper Is it not their unskilfulnesse in or neglect of this Duty even of holding Communion with the Father in Love So much as we see of the Love of God so much shall we delight in him and no more Every other discovery of God without this will but make the Soule fly from him But if the heart be once much taken up with this the Eminency of the Fathers Love it cannot chuse but be overpowred conquered and endeared unto him This if any thing will worke upon us to make our abode with him If the Love of a Father will not make a child delight in him what will put then this to the venture excercise your thoughts upon this very thing the Eternall Free and Fruitfull Love of the Father and see if your Hearts be not wrought upon to delight in him I dare boldly say believers will find it as thriving a course as ever they pitched on in their lives Sit downe a little at the Fountaine and you will quickly have a farther discovery of the sweetnesse of the streames You who have run from him will not be able after a while to keep at a distance for a moment Ob. But some may say Alasse how shall I hold communion with § 13 the Father in Love I know not at all whether be Loves me or no and shall I venture to cast my selfe upon it How if I should not be accepted should I not rather perish for my presumption then find sweetnesse in his Bosome God seems to me only as a consuming fire and everlasting burnings so that I dread to look up unto him Ans. I know not what may be understood by knowing of the Love of God though it be carried on by Spirituall sense and Experience yet it is received purely by believing Our knowing of it is our believing of it as revealed We have known and believed the Love that God hath to us God is Love 1 Joh. ch 4. v. 16. This is the Assurance which at the very Entrance of walking with God thou maist have of this Love He who is Truth hath said it and what-ever thy Heart saies or Sathan saies unlesse thou wilt take it up on this account thou doest thy endeavour to make him a lyar who hath spoken it 1 Joh. 5. 10. Ob. 2. I can believe that God is Love to others for he hath said he § 14 is Love but that he will be so to me I see no ground of perswasion there is no cause no Reason in the world why he should turne one thought of love or kindnesse towards me and therefore I dare not cast my selfe upon it to hold communion with him in his speciall love Ans. He hath spoken it as particularly to thee as to any one in the world And for cause of love he hath as much to fixe it on thee as on any of the Children of men that is none at all without himselfe So that I shall make speedy work with this objection Never any one from the foundation of the World who believed such Love in the Father and made returnes of Love to him againe was deceived neither shall ever any to the Worlds end be so in so doing Thou art then in this upon a most sure bottome If thou believest and receivest the Father as Love he will infallibly be so to thee though others may fall under his severity but Ob 3. I cannot find my heart making Returnes of Love unto God Could I find my Soule set upon him I could then believe his Soule delighted § 15 in me Answ. This is the most preposterous course that possibly thy thoughts can pitch upon a most ready way to rob God of his glory Herein is Love saith the Holy Ghost not that we loved God but that he loved us first 1 Joh. 4. 10 19. Now thou wouldest invert this Order and say herein is Love not that God loved me but that I love him first This is to take the Glory of God from him that whereas he loves us without a cause that is in our selves and we have all cause in the World to love him
that hath any acquaintance with these things falls not down with reverence and Astonishment How glorious is he that is the beloved of our soules what can be wanting that should incourage us to take up our rest and peace in his bosome Unlesse all ways of reliefe and refreshment be so obstructed by unbeliefe that no consideration can reach the heart to yeild it the least assistance it is impossible but that from hence the soule may gather that which will endeare it unto him with whom we have to do Let us dwell on the thoughts of it This is the hidden mystery great without controversy admirable to eternity What poor low perishing things do we spend our contemplations on Were we to have no advantage by this astonishing dispensation yet its Excellency Glory beauty depths deserve the flower of our enquirys the vigor of our spirits the substance of our time but when withall our Life our Peace our Joy our inheritance our Eternity our all lys herein shall not the thoughts of it always dwell in our hearts always refresh and delight our soules 4. He is Excellent and Glorious in this in that he is exalted invested with all Authority when Jacob heard of the Exaltation § 25 of his Son Joseph in Egipt and saw the Charets that he had sent for him his spirit fainted and recovered againe through abundance of Joy and other overflowing Affections Is our beloved lost who for our sakes was upon the earth poore and persecuted reviled killed noe he was dead but he is alive and lo he lives for ever and ever and hath the keys of Hell and Death our beloved is made a Lord and Ruler Acts 2. 36. He is made a King God sets him his Ring on his holy hill of Syon Psal. 2. 8. and he is crowned with Honour and dignity after he had been made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death Heb. 2. 7 8 9. and what is he made king of all things are put in subjection under his feet v. 8. and what power over them hath our beloved All power in heaven and earth Mat. 28. 18. as for men he hath power given him over all flesh Ioh. 17. 2. And in what Glory doth he excercise this power He gives eternall life to his Elect ruling them in the power of God Micah 5. 3. until he bring them to himself and for his Enimys His arrowes are sharpe in their hearts Psal. 45. 5. he dips his vesture in their blood Oh how glorious is he in his Authority over his enemys in this world he terrifies frightens awes convinces bruises their hearts and Consciences fills them with feare terrour disquietment unill they yeild him faigned obedience and sometime with outward judgements bruises breakes turnes the wheele upon them staines all his vesture with their blood fills the earth with their Carcasses and at last will gather them altogether beast false prophet nations c. and cast them into that lake that burnes with fire and brimstone He is gloriously exalted above Angells in this his Authority Good and bad Eph. 1. 20 21 22. far above Principalities and § 26 Powers and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but in that to come they are all under his feet at his command and absolute disposall He is at the right hand of God in the highest exaltation possible and in full possession of a Kingdome over the whole Creation having received a name above every name c. Phil. 2. v. 9. Thus is he glorious in his Throne which is at the right hand of the Majesty on high Glorious in his Commission which is all power in heaven and earth Glorious in his name a name above every name the Lord of Lords and King of Kings Glorious in his Scepter a Scepter of Righteousnesse is the Scepter of his Kingdome Glorious in his Attendants his Charrets are twenty thousand even thousands of Angells among them he rideth on the Heavens and sendeth out the voyce of his strength attended with ten thousand times ten thousands of his holy ones Glorious in his Subjects all creatures in heaven and in earth nothing is left that is not put in subjection to him Glorious in his way of Rule and the Administration of his Kingdome full of sweetnesse efficacy power serenity holinesse Righteousnesse and Grace in and toward his Elect of Terrour vengeance and certain destruction towards the Rebelliou Angells and men Glorious in the issue of his Kingdome when every knee shall bow before him and all shall stand before his judgement seat And what a little portion of his Glory is it that we have poynted to This is the beloved of the Church its head its Husband this is he with whom we have Communion but of the whole exaltation of Jesus Christ I am elsewhere to treat at large Having insisted on these Generalls for the farther carrying on the motives to Communion with Christ in the Relation mentioned § 27 taken from his Excellencies and perfections I shall reflect on the description given of him by the Spouse in the Canticles to this very end and purpose Cant. 5. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. My Beloved is white and ruddy the chiefest of ten thousand His head is as the most fine gold his locks are bushy and black as a raven His eyes are as the Eyes of Doves by the rivers of waters washed with milk and fitly set His cheeks are as a bed of spices his lips like lillie dropping sweet smelling Myrrh his hands are as gold Rings set withthes beryl his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with saphyrs his leggs are as pillars set upon sockets of fine gold his countenance is as Lebanon excellent as the Cedars His mouth is most sweet yea he is altogether lovely This is my beloved and this is my friend Oye Daughters of Jerusalem The generall description given of him v. 10. hath been before § 28 considered the ensuing particulars are instances to make good the Assertion that he is the Chiefest of ten thousand 1. The Spouse begins with his head and face v. 11 12 13. In his head she speaks first in generall unto the substance of it it is fine gold and then in particular as to its Ornaments his locks are bushy and black as a raven 1. His Head is as the most fine gold or his head gold solid gold so some made of pure gold so others 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 say the 70 retaining part of both the Hebrew words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Massa auri Two things are eminent in Gold splendor or Glory and duration This is that which the Spouse speaks of the Head of § 29 Christ His Head is his Government Authority and Kingdome Hence it is said a Crowne of pure gold was on his head Ps. 21. 3. and his Head is here said to be Gold because of the Crowne of Gold that adornes it A● the Monarchy
Unctions and presse the Allegory in setting out the Excellencys of the Word in allusions to them But I only insist on generalls This is that which the holy Ghost here intends the Word of Christ is sweet Savoury precious unto Believers and they see him to be excellent desireable beautifull in the Precepts Promises Exhortations and the most bitter threats thereof The Spouse addes his hands are as gold Rings set with Beryll the word beryll in the originall is Tarshish which the Septuagint § 43 have retained not restraining it to any peculiar precious stone the onyx say some the Chrysolite say others any precious stone shining with a sea green colour for the word signifies the sea also Gold Rings set with precious glistering stones are both valuable and desireable for profit and ornament so are the hands of Christ that is all his works the Effects by the Cause All his workes are Glorious they are all fruits of Wisedome Love and Bounty and his belly is as bright Ivory over laid with Saphyres the smoothnesse and brightnesse of Ivory the preciousnesse and heavenly Colour of the Saphires are here called in to give some lustre to the excellency of Christ to these is his belly or rather his bowells which takes in the Heart also compared It is the inward bowells and not the outward bulke that is signified Now to shew that by Bowells in the Scripture ascribed either to God or man Affections are intended is needlesse The tender love unspeakable affections and kindnesse of Christ to his Church and people is thus set out What a beautifull sight is it to the eye to see pure pollished Ivory set up and down with heaps of precious Saphires how much more Glorious are the tender Affections Mercys and Compassion of the Lord Jesus unto Believers Vers. 15 The strength of his kingdome the faithfullnesse and § 44 stabillity of his Promises the height and Glory of his person in his Dominion the sweetnesse and excellency of Communion with him is set forth in these words His legs are Pillars of Marble set upon sockets of fine Gold his countenance is as Lebanon excellent as the Cedars his mouth is most sweet When the Spouse hath gon thus farre in the description of him she concludes all in this generall Assertion he is wholly § 35 desireable altogether to be desired or beloved As if she should have said I have thus reckoned up some of the perfections of the Creatures things of most value price usefullnesse Beauty Glory here belowe and Compared some of the Excellencys of my beloved unto them In this way of Allegory I can carry things no higher I find nothing better or more desireable to shaddow out and to present his lovelinesse and desireablenesse but alasse all this comes short of his perfections beauty and comlinesse he is all wholly to be desired to be beloved Lovely in his person in the glorious Alsufficiency of his Deity Gracious purity and holinesse of his Humanity Authority and Majesty Love and Power Lovely in his birth and Incarnation when he was rich for our sakes becomming poore taking part of flesh and blood because we partook of the same being made of a woman that for us he might be made under the Law ever for our sakes Lovely in the whole Course of his life and the more then Angellicall holinesse and obedience which in the depth of poverty and perfection he exercised therein doing good receiving evill blessing and being cursed reviled reproached all his dayes Lovely in his Death yea therein most lovely to sinners never more glorious and desireable then when he came broken dead from the Crosse then had he carryed all our sinnes into a land of forgetfullnesse then had he made peace and reconcilliation for us then had he procured life and immortallity for us Lovely in his whole employment in his great undertaking in his Life Death Resurrection Ascenion being a Mediatour between God and us to recover the glory of Gods Justice and to save our soules to bring us to an enjoyment of God who were set at such an infinite distance from him by sinne Lovely in the glory and majesty wherewith he is Crowned now he is set down at the right hand of Majesty on high where though he be terrible to his enemyes yet he is full of Mercy Love and Compassion towards his beloved ones Lovely in all those supplyes of Grace and Consolations in all the dispensations of his holy Spirit whereof his Saints are made partakers Lovely in all the tender Care Power and wisedome which he exercises in the protection safeguarding and delivery of his Church and people in the midst of all the oppositions and persecutions whereunto they are exposed Lovely in all his Ordinances and the whole of that spiritually glorious Worship which he hath appointed to his people whereby they draw nigh and have Communion with him his Father Lovely and glorious in the vengeance he taketh and will finally execute upon the stubborne enemyes of himselfe and his people Lovely in the pardon he hath purchased and doth dispence in the Reconciliation he hath established in the Grace he Communicates in the Consolations he doth administer in the peace and Joy he gives his Saints in his assured preservation of them unto Glory What shall I say there is noe end of his excellencys and desireablenesse he is altogether Lovely this is our Beloved and this is our Friend oh Daughters of Jerusalem DIGRESSION II. All Solid Wisedome laide up in Christ. True wisedome wherein it consists Knowledge of God in Christ only to be obtained What of God may be known by his workes Some propertyes of God not discovered but in Christ only Love Mercy others not fully but in him as Vindictive Justice Patience Wisedome Alsufficiency No Property of God Savingly known but in Christ. What is required to a Saving Knowledge of the Properties of God No true knowledge of our selves but in Christ. Knowledge of our selves wherein it consisteth Knowledge of Sinne how to be had in Christ. Also of Righteousnesse and of Judgement The wisedome of walking with God hid in Christ. What is required thereunto Other pretenders to the Title of wisedome examined and rejected Christ alone exalted A Second consideration of the Excellencys of Christ serving § 1 to endeare the hearts of them who stand with him in the Relation insisted on arises from that which in the mistaken Apprehension of it is the great darling of men and in its true notion the great ayme of the Saints which is wisedome and knowledge Let it be evinced that all true and solid knowledge is laid up in and is only to be attained from and by the Lord Jesus Christ and the hearts of men if they are but true to themselves and their most predominate principles must needs be engaged to him This is the great designe of all men taken off from professed slavery to the world and the pursuite of sensuall licentious courses that they may
should tend to universall quietnesse hath allmost constantly given universall disquietnesse unto themselves in whom it hath been most eminent In much wisedome is much griefe Ecles 1. 18. And in the issue some of them have made away with themselves as Ahithophel the most of them have been violently dispatched by others There is indeed no end of the folly of this wisdome The great men of the world carry away the reputation of it really it is found in few of them They are for the most part common events whereunto they contribute not the least mite which are ascribed to their care vigilancy and foresight Mean men that have learned to adore what is above them reverence the meetings and conferences of those who are in Greatnesse and esteem Their weaknesse and folly is little known where this wisedome hath been most eminent it hath dwelt so close upon the borders of Atheisme been attended with such falsenesse and injustice that it hath made its possessors wicked and infamous I shall not need to give any more instances to manifest the insufficiency of this wisedome for the attainning of its own peculiar and immediate End This is the vanity of any thing whatever that it comes short of the marke it is directed unto It is farre then from being true and solid Wisedome seeing on the forehead thereof you may read disappointment And this is the first Reason why true wisedome cannot consist in either of these because they come short even of the particular and immediate ends they ayme at But 2. Both these in conjunction with their utmost immprovement are not able to reach the true generall end of wisedome This Assertion § 48 also falleth under an easy demonstration and it were a facile thing to discover their disabilility and unsuitablenesse for the true end of wisedome but it is so professedly done by him who had the largest portion of both of any of the Sornes of men Solomon in his Preacher that I shall not any further insist upon it To draw then unto a close If true and solid wisedome is not in the least to be found amongst these if the pearle be not bid in this feild if these two are but vanity disappointment it cannot but be to no purpose to seek for it in any thing else below these being amongst them incomparably the most excellent and therefore with one accord let us set the crown of this Wisedom on the head of the Lord Jesus Let the Reader then in a few words take a view of the Tendency of this whole Digression To draw our hearts to the more cheerfull entertainment of and delight in the Lord Jesus is the ayme thereof If all wiseome be laid up in him and by an interest in him only to be attained if all things beside him and without him that lay claime thereto are folly and vanity let them that would be wise learne where to repose their soules CHAP. IV. Of Communion with Christ in a Conjugall Relation in respect of consequentiall Affections His delight in his Saints first insisted on Isa. 62. 5. Cant. 3. 11. Prov. 8. 21. Instance of Christs delight in Believers He reveales his whole heart to them Joh. 15. 14 15. Himselfe 1 Joh. 14. 21. His Kingdome Enables them to communicate their mind to him giving them Assistance a way boldnesse Rom. 8. 26 27. The Saints delight in Christ this manifested Cant. 2. 7. Chap. 8. 6. Chap. 3. 1 2 3 4 5. opened Their delight in his Servants and ordinances of worship for his sake THE Conmunion begun as before declared between Christ and the soule is in the next place carryed on § 1 by suitable consequentiall Affections Affections suiting such a relation Christ having given himselfe to the soule loves the soule and the soule having given it selfe unto Christ loveth him also Christ loves his own yea he loves them to the end Joh. 13. v. 1. and the Saints they love Christ they love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity Ephes. the last Now the love of Christ wherewith he follows his Saints consists in these foure things 1. Delight 2. Valuation 3. Pity or compassion 4. Bounty The love also of the Saints unto Christ may be referred to these four heads 1. Delight 2. Valuation 3. Chastity 4. Duty Two of these are of the same kind and two distinct as is required in this Relation wherein all things stand not on equall termes 1. The first thing on the part of Christ is Delight Delight is the § 2 flowing of Love Joy the rest and complacence of the mind in a suitable desireable Good enjoyed Now Christ delights exceedingly in his Saints As the Bridegroome rejoyceth over the Bride so shall thy God rejoyce over thee Is. 62 5. hence he calleth the day of his Espousals the day of the gladnesse of his heart Can. 3 11. It is known that usually this is the most immixed delight that the Sons of men are in their Pilgrimage made partakers of The Delight of the Bridegroome in the day of his espousalls is the height of what an expression of delight can be carried unto This is in Christ answerable to the Relation he takes us into His heart is glad in us without sorrow And every day whilst we live is his wedding day It is said of him Zeph. 3. 17. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee that is dwelling amongst us taking our nature Joh. 1. 14. is mighty he will save he will rejoyce over thee with joy he will rest in his Love he will joy over thee with singing which is a full description of delight in all the parts of it joy and exaltation rest and complacence I rejoyced said he in the habitable parts of the earth and my delights were with the Sons of men Prov. 8. 31. The thoughts of Communion with the Saints were the joy of his heart from Eternity On the Compact and agreement that was between his Father and him that he should divide a portion with the Strong and save a remnant for his inheritance his soule rejoyced in the thoughts of that pleasure and delight which he would take in them when he should actually take them into Communion with himselfe Therefore in the preceding verse it is said he was by him as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 say we as one brought up with him alumnus the 70 render it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the latine with most other translations cuncta componens or disponens The word taken actively signifye him whom another takes into his care to breed up and disposeth of things for his advantage so did Christ take us then into his care and rejoyced in the thoughts of the execution of his trust Concerning them he saith here will I dwell and here will I make my habitation for ever For them hath he chosen for his Temple and his dwelling place because he delighteth in them This makes him take them so nigh himselfe in every relation As he is
promise but not as it is in the promise so James saies some aske and receive not because they aske amisse to spend it on their lusts Ch 4. 3. though the things which God would have us aske be requested yet if not according as he would have us doe it we ask amisse Two things are required that we may pray for the things in the promise as they are in the promise 1. That we look upon them as promised and promised in Christ that is that all the reason we have whence we hope for attaining the things we ask for is from the Mediation and purchase of Christ in whom all the Promises are yea and amen This it is to aske the Father in Christs name God as a Father the fountaine and Christ as the procurer of them 2. That we aske for them for the end of the promise not to spend on our Lust when we ask pardon for sinne with secret reserves in our hearts to continue in sinne we aske the choysest mercy of the covenant to spend it on our Lusts. The end of the promise the Apostle tells us 2 Cor 7. 1. Having th●se promises let us cleanse our selves from all pollution of flesh and spirit perfecting holinesse in the feare of God when we aske what is in the promise as it is in the promise to this end of the promise our supplications are according to the will of God And this is the first Conjugall Affection that Christ exerciseth towards Believers he delights in them which that he doth is evident as upon other considerations innumerable so from the instance given In returne hereunto for the carrying on of the communion between them the Saints delight in Christ He is their Joy their § 11 Crowne their Rejoycing their Life food health strength desire Righteousnesse Salvation Blessednesse without him they have nothing in him they find all things Gal. 6. 14. God forbid that I should rejoyce save in the Crosse of Christ. He hath from the foundation of the world been the hopes expectation desire and delight of all Believers The promise of him was all and it was enough that God gave Adam in his unexpressible distresse to relieve and comfort him Gen. 3. 15. Eve perhaps supposed that the promised seed had been borne in her first borne when she said I have gotten a man from the Lord so most properly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 denoting the 4 th Case and this was the matter of her joy Gen 4. 1. Lamech having Noah given to him as a type of Christ and salvation by him cries out this same shall comfort us concerning our work and the toyle of our hands because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed Gen. 5. 29. he rejoyces in him who was to take away the Curse by being made a curse for us When Abraham was in the height of his Glory returning from the Conquest of the Kings of the East that came against the confederate Kings of the vale of Sodome God appears to him with a glorious promise Gen. 15. 1. feare not Abraham I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward What now could his soule more desire alas he cryes as Reuben afterwards upon the losse of Ioseph the Child is not and whither shall I goe v. 2. Lord God what wilt thou give mee seeing I goe Childlesse Thou hast promised that in my seed shall all the earth be blessed if I have not that seed ah what will all other things doe me good Thence it is said that he rejoyced to see the day of Christ He saw it and was glad Joh. 8. 56. the thoughts of the coming of Christ which he looked on at the distance of 2000 years was the joy and delight of his heart Jacob blessing his sons lifted up his spirit when he comes to Iuda in whom he considered the Shilo to come Gen. 49. 8 9 and a little after wearied with the foresight and consideration of the distresses of his posterity this he diverts to for his reliefe as that great delight of his soule I have waited for thy salvation O God for him who was to be the salvation of his people But it would be endlesse to instance in particulars Old Si meon summs up the whole Christ is Gods salvation and Israels glory Luk. 2. 30 31. and what ever was called the Glory of old it was either himselfe or a type of him The glory of man is their delight Hence Haggai 2. 7. he is called the desire of all Nations Him whom their soule loves and delights in desire and long after So is the Saints delight in him made a description of him by way of eminence Mal. 3. 1. The Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple even the Messenger of the Covenant whom ye delight in He whom yee seeke whom you delight in is the description of Christ He is their delight and desireable one the person of their desire To fixe on something in particular In that patterne of Communion with Jesus Christ which we have in the Canticles this is abundantly insisted on The Spouse tells us that she sitts downe under his shadow with great delight ch 2. 3. And this delight to be vigorous and active she manifests severall waies wherein we should labour to find our hearts in like manner towards him 1. By her exceeding great care to keep his Company and society § 12 when once she had obtained it ch 2. 7. I charge you O yee Daughters of Hierusalem by the Roes and by the Hinds of the field that ye stirre not up nor awake my beloved untill he please Having obtained sweet communion with Christ described in the verses foregoing of which before here she expresseth her delight in it and desire of the continuance of it and therefore following on the Allusion formerly insisted on she speaks as one would doe to her Companion that had rest with one she loved I charge you by all that is deare to you by the things you most delight in which among the Creatures are most lovely all the pleasant and desireable things that you can think of that you disturbe him not The summe of her ayme and desire is that nothing may fall out nothing of sinne or provocation happen that may occasion Christ to depart from her or to remove from that dispensation wherein he seemed to take that rest in her O stirre him not up untill he please that is never 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Love its selfe in the abstract to expresse a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or earnest affection for so that word is often used When once the soule of a Believer hath obtained sweet and reall Communion with Christ it looks about him watcheth all temptations all wayes whereby sinne might approach to disturbe him in his enjoyment of his deare Lord and Saviour his rest and desire How doth it charge it selfe not to omit any thing not to doe any thing that may interrupt the communion obtained And because
the common entrance of Temptations which tend to the disturbance of that rest and complacency which Christ takes in the soule is from delightfull diversions from actuall communion with him therefore is desire strong and active that the companions of such a soule those with whom it doth converse would not by their proposalls or allurements divert it into any such frame as Christ cannot delight nor rest in A believer that hath gotten Christ in his armes is like one that hath found great spoyles or a pearle of price He looks about him every way and feares every thing that may deprive him of it Riches make men watchfull and the actuall sensible possession of him in whom are all the riches and treasure of God will make men look about them for the keeping of him The line of choysest Communion is a line of the greatest spirituall solicitousnesse Carelesnesse in the enjoyment of Christ pretended is a manifest evidence of a false heart 2. The Spouse manifests her delight in him by her utmost impatience of his absence with desires still of nearer communion with him ch 8. 6. Set me as a seale upon thine heart as a seale upon thine arme for Love is strong as death jealousy is cruell as the grave the coales thereof are coales of fire which hath a most vehement flame The Allusion is doubtlesse from the High Priest of the Jewes in his spirituall representation of the Church before God He had a brestplate which he is said to weare on his heart Exod. 28 29. wherein the names of the Children of Israel were ingraven after the manner of Seales or Signets and he bare them for a memoriall before the Lord. He had the like also upon his shoulder or on his armes v. 11 12. both representing the Priesthood of Christ who bears the names of all his before his Father in the holiest of holies Heb. 9. 24. Now the seale on the heart is neare inward tender love and care which gives an impression and image on the heart of the thing so loved Set me saith the Spouse as a seale upon thine heart let me be constantly fixed in thy most tender and affectionate Love let me alwaies have a place in thine heart let me have an engraving a mighty Impression of Love upon thine heart that shall never be oblitterated The Soule is never satisfied with thoughts of Christs love to it Oh that it were more that it were more that I were as a Seale on his heart is its Language The soule knows indeed on serious thoughts that the Love of Christ is inconceivable and cannot be increased but it would faine work up its selfe to an apprehension of it and therefore she addes here set me as a seale upon thine Arme the heart is the fountaine but close and hidden the arme is manifestation and Power Let saith the Spouse thy Love be manifested to me in thy tender powerfull perswasion of me Two things are evident in this request The continuall mindfulnesse of Christ of the Soule as having its condition still in his eye engraven on his arme Isai. 49. 15 16. with the exalting of his power for the preservation of it sutable to the Love of his heart unto it and the manifestation of the hidden love and care of the heart of Christ unto the Soule being made visible on his arme or evident by the fruits of it This is that which shee would be assured of and without a sence whereof there is no rest to be obtained The Reason she gives of this earnestnesse in her supplications is that which principally evinces her delight in him Love is strong as death Jealousy is cruell as the grave or hard as Hell This is the intendment of what is so loftily set out by so many metaphors in this the following verse I am not able to beare the workings of my love to thee unlesse I may allways have society and fellowship with thee there is no satisfying of my love without it it is as the grave that still says give give Death is not satisfyed without its prey if it have not all it hath nothing let what will happen if death hath not its whole desire it hath nothing at all Nor can it be withstood in its appointed season No ransome will be taken So is my love if I have thee not wholly I have nothing nor can all the world bribe it to a diversion it will be no more turned aside then death in its time Also I am not able to beare my Jealous thoughts I feare thou dost not love me that thou hast forsaken me because I know I deserve not to be beloved These thoughts are hard as Hell They give no rest to my soule If I find not my selfe on thy heart and arme I am as one that lyes down in a bed of coales This also argues an holy greedinesse of delight 3. She further manifests this by her sollicitousnesse trouble § 13 and perplexity in his losse and withdrawings Men bewayle the losse of that whose whole enjoyment they delight in We easily beare the absence of that whose presence is not delightfull This state of the Spouse is discovered chap. 3. 1 2 3. By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loved I sought him but I found him not I will rise now and goe about the City in the streets and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth I sought him but I found him not The watchmen that goe about the City found me to whom I sayd saw you him whom my soul loveth It is night now with the soule a time of darkenesse and trouble or Affliction When ever Christ is absent it is night with a Believer He is the Sun if he goe down upon them if his beames be eclipsed if in his Light they see no Light it is all darkenesse with them Here whither the coming of the night of any trouble on her made her discover Christs absence or the absence of Christ made it night with her is not expressed I rather think the latter because setting that aside all things seem to be well with her The absence of Christ will indeed make it night darke as darkenesse it selfe in the middest of all other glowing consolations But is the Spouse contented with this dispensation Shee is upon her bed that is of ease The bed indeed sometimes signifies tribulation Rev. 2. 22. but in this booke every where rest and contentment there is not the least intimation of any tribulation but what is in the want of Christ but in the greatest peace and opportunity of ease and rest a believer finds none in the absence of Christ Though he be on his bed having nothing to disquiet him he rests not if Christ his rest be not there Shee sought him seeking of Christ by night on the bed that is alone in an immediate inquest in the darke hath two parts searching of our own
made partakers of his Glory he would part with all he had for their sakes Ephes. 5. v. 25 26. There would be no end should I goe through all the instances of Christ's valuation of Believers in all their deliverances Afflictions in all conditions of sinning suffering what he hath done what he doth in his Intercession what he delivers them from what he procures for them all telling out this one thing they are the apple of his eye his Jewell his Diadem his Crowne 2. In comparison of others All the world is nothing to § 17 him in Comparison of them They are his Garden the rest of the world a Wildernesse Cant. 4. 12. A Garden inclosed is my Sister my Spouse a Spring shut up a Fountaine sealed They are his inheritance the rest his enemies of no regard with him So Isa. 43. 3 4. I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel thy Saviour I gave Aegypt for thy ransome Ethiopia and Seba for thee since thou wast precious in my sight thou hast been honourable and I have loved thee therefore will I give men for thee and people for thy life The reason of this dealing of Christ with his Church in parting with all others for them is because he loves her she is precious and honourable in his sight thence he puts this great esteem upon her Indeed he disposeth of all Nations and their interest according as is for the good of Believers Amos 9. 9. in all the siftings of the nations the eye of God is upon the house of Israell not a graine of them shall perish Looke to Heaven Angells are appointed to minister for them Heb. 1. 14. Look into the world the Nations in Generall are either blessed for their sakes or destroyed on their account preserved to try them or rejected for their cruelty towards them and will receive from Christ their finall doome according to their deportment towards these despised ones on this account are the pillars of the Earth borne up and patience is exercised towards the perishing world In a word there is not the meanest the weakest the poorest Believer on the earth but Christ prizeth him more then all the world besides were our hearts filled-much with thoughts hereof it would tend much to our consolation 2. To answer this Believers also value Jesus Christ they have an esteem of him above all the world and all things in the § 8 world You have been in part acquainted with this before in the account that was given of their delight in him and enquiry after him They say of him in their hearts continually as David Whom have I in Heaven but thee and whom in Earth that I desire besides thee Psal. 73. 25. Neither Heaven nor Earth will yeild them an object any way comparable to him that they can delight in 1. They value him above all other things and persons Mallem said one ruere cum Christo quam regnare cum Caesare Pulchra terra pulchrum coelum sed pulcherrimus dominus Jesus Christ and a dungeon Christ and a crosse is infinitely sweeter then a Crown a Scepter without him to their soules So was it with Moses Heb. 11. 26. He esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches then the Treasures of Aegypt The reproach of Christ is the worst consequent that the wickednesse of the world or malice of Satan can bring upon the followers of him The treasures of Egypt were in those days the greatest in the world Moses despised the very best of the world for the worst of the Crosse of Christ. Indeed himselfe hath told believers that if they love any thing better then him Father or Mother they are not worthy of him A despising of all things for Christ is the very first lesson of the Gospell Give away all take up the crosse and follow me was the way whereby he try'd his Disciples of old and if there be not the same minde and heart in us we are none of his 2. They value him above their lives Act. 20. 24. My life § 10 is not deare that I may perfect my course with joy and the ministry I have received of the Lord Jesus Let life and all goe so that I may serve him and when all is done enjoy him and be made like to him It is known what is reported of Ignatius when he was lead to Martyrdome let what will said he come upon me only so I may obtaine Jesus Christ. Hence they of old rejoyced when whipped scourged put to shame for his sake Act. 5. 41. Heb. 11. all is welcome that comes from him or for him The lives they have to live the death thay have to dye is little is light upon the thoughts of him who is the stay of their lives and the end of their death Were it not for the refreshment which daily they receive by thoughts of him they could not live their lives would be a burden to them and the thoughts of enjoyment of him make them cry with Paul Oh that we were dissolved The storys of the Martyrs of old and of late the sufferers in giving witnesse to him under the Dragon and under the false Prophet the neglect of life in women and Children on his account contempt of torments whilst his name sweetned all have rendred this truth cleare to Men and Angells 3. They value him above all spirituall Excellencys and all other righteousnesse whatever Phil. 3. 7 8. Those things which were advantage to me I esteemed losse for Christ. Yea also I account all things to be losse for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whose sake I have lost all things and doe esteem them common that I may gaine Christ and be found in him having recounted the Excellency's which he had and the priviledges which he enjoyed in his Judaisme which were all of a spirituall nature and a participation wherein made the rest of his country men despise all the world and looke upon themselves as the only acceptable persons with God resting on them for righteousnesse the Apostle tells us what is his esteem of them in Comparison of the Lord Jesus they are losse and dung things that for his sake he had really suffred the losse of that is whereas he had for many yeares been a Zealot of the Law seeking after a righteousnesse as it were by the workes of it Rom. 9. 31. instantly serving God day and night to obtaine the promise Act. 26. 7. living in all good conscience from his youth Act. 22. all the while very zealous for God and his institutions now willingly casts away all these things lookes upon them as losse and dung and could not only be contented to be without them but as for that end for which he sought after them he abhored them all When men have been strongly convinced of their duty and have laboured many yeares to keep a good Conscience have prayd and heard and done good and
and the fruite of it in obediemce 2. As He in for and by whom we have acceptance with God § 30 in our obedience They know all their dutys are weake imperfect not able to abide the presence of God and therefore they looke to Christ as he who beares the iniquity of their Holy things who adds incense to their prayers gathers out all the weeds of their dutys end makes them acceptable to God 3. As one that hath renewed the commands of God unto them with mighty obligations unto obedience So the Apostle 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. the love of Christ constraines us of which afterwards 4. They consider him as God equall with his Father to whom all honour and obedience is due So Rev. 5. 14. But these things I have not long since opened in another treatise dealing about the Worship of Christ as Mediatour This then the Saints doe in all their Obedience they have a speciall regard to their deare Lord Jesus He is on all these accounts and innumerable others continually in their thoughs his love to them his life for them his death for them all his kindnesse and mercys constrains them to live to him 2. By labouring to abound in fruits of Holinesse as he deals § 31 with us in a way of bounty and deales out unto us abundantly so he requires that we abound in all gratefull obedientiall returnes to him so we are exhorted to be allways abounding in the worke of the Lord 1 Cor. 15. 58. This is that I intend the Saints are not satisfyed with that measure that at any time they have attained but are still pressing that they may be more dutifull more fruitfull to Christ. And this is a little glympse of some of that Communion § 32 which we enjoy with Christ. It is but a little from him who hath the least Experience of it of all the Saints of God who yet hath found that in it which is better then ten thousand worlds who desires to spend the residue of the few and evill days of his pilgrimage in pusuite hereof in the contemplation of the Excellencys desireablenesse Love and Grace of our deare Lord Jesus and in making returnes of obedience according to his will To whose soule in the middest of the perplexities of this wretched world and cursed rebellions of his own heart this is the great reliefe that he that shall come will come and will not tarry The spirit and the Bride say come and let him that readeth say come even so come Lord Iesus CHAP. VI. 1. Of Communion with Christ in purchased Grace Purchased Grace considered in respect of its rise and fountaine The first rise of it in the Obedience of Christ Obedience Properly ascribed to Christ Two ways considered what it was and wherin it did consist Of his Obedience to the Law in Generall Of the Law of the Mediator His habituall Righteousnesse how necessary as also his obedience to the Law of the Mediatour Of his actuall obedience or active Righteousnesse All Christs obedience performed as he was mediatour His active obedience for us This proved at large Gal. 4. 4 5. Rom. 5. 19. Phil. 3. 19. Zach. 3. 3 4 5. One Objection removed Considerations of Christs active Righteousnesse closed Of the Death of Christ and its influence into our Acceptation with God A price Redemption what it is A Sacrifice Attonement made thereby A punishment satisfaction thereby The intercession of Christ with its influence into our Acceptation with God OUR processe is now to Communion with Christ in § 1 Purchased Grace as it was before proposed That we may know him and the Power of his Resurrection and the Fellowship of his suffering and be made conformable to his death Phil. 3. 10. By Purcased grace I understand all that Righteousnesse and Grace which Christ hath procured or wrought out for us or doth by any meanes make us partakers of or bestowes on us for our benefit by any thing that he hath done or suffered or by any thing he continueth to doe as Mediatour The first may be considered two ways 1. In respect of the Rise and Fountaine of it 2. Of its nature or wherein it consisteth 1. It hath a threefold Rise Spring or Causality in Christ. 1. The Obedience of his Life 2. The Suffering of his Death 3. His continued Intercession All the Actions of Christ as Mediatour leading to the Communication of Grace unto us may be either referred to these heads or to some things that are subservient to them or consequents of them For the nature of this Grace wherin we have Communion with Christ flowing from these heads and fountaines it may § 2 be referred to these three 1. Grace of Justification or acceptation with God which makes a relative change in us as a state and condition 2. Grace of Sanctification or Holinesse before God which makes a reall change in us as to principle and operation 3. Grace of Priviledge which is mixed as we shall shew if I goe forth to the handling thereof Now that we have Communion with Christ in this purchased § 3 Grace is evident on this single consideration that there is almost nothing that Christ hath done which is a spring of that Grace whereof we speake but we are said to doe it with him We are Crucifyed with him Gal. 2. 20. we are dead with him 2 Tim. 2. 11. Col. 3. 3. and buried with him Rom. 6. 4. Col. 2. 12. we are quickned together with him Col. 2. 13. risen with him Col. 3. 1. He hath quickned us together with Christ and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in Heavenly places Ephes. 2. 5 6. In the actings of Christ there is by vertue of the compact between him as Mediatour and the Father such an assured foundation laid of the communication of the fruites of those actings unto those in whose stead he performed them that they are said in the participation of those fruites to have done the same things with him The life and power of which truth we may have occasion hereafter to inquire into The first fountaine and spring of this Grace wherein we have § 4 our Communion with Christ is first to be considered and that is the Obedience of his life cōcerning which it must be declared 1. What it is that is intended thereby wherein it consisteth 2. What influence it hath into the Grace whereof we speake To the handling of this I shall only premise this Observation namely that in the order of procurement the Life of Christ as was necessary precedeth his death and therefore we shall handle it in the first place But in the order of Application the Benefits of his death are bestowed on us antecedently in the nature of the things themselves unto those of his life as will appeare and that necessarily from the state and condiwherein we are 1. By the Obedience of the life of Christ I intend the universall § 5 Conformity of the Lord
things chiefly that as you may be provided for them so when they do befall you you may be supported with the consideration of my Deity and Omniscience who told you all these things before they came to passe v. 4. but these things have I told you that when the time shall come you may remember I told you of them But if they be so necessary whence is it that thou hast not acquainted us with it all this while why not in the beginning at our first calling Even saith our Saviour because there was no need of any such thing for whilest I was with you you had protection and direction at hand And these things I said not at the beginning because I was present with you but now the state of things is altered I must leave you v. 5. And for your parts so are you astonished with sorrow that you doe not aske me whether I goe the consideration whereof would certainly relieve you seeing I goe to take possession of my glory and to carry on the worke of your salvation but your hearts are filled with sorrow and feare and you doe not so much as enquire after reliefe v. 5. 6. whereupon he adjoynes that wonderfull assertion v. 7. Neverthelesse I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I goe away for if I goe not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you This verse then being the peculiar foundation of what shall afterward § 5 be declared must particularly be considered as to the words of it and their interpretation and that both with respect to the preface of them and the asseveration in them with the Reason annexed thereunto 1. The first word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is an adversative not excepting to any thing of what himselfe had spoken before but to their apprehension I know you have sad thoughts of these things but yet neverthelesse 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I tell you the truth The words are exceeding Emphaticall and denote some great thing to be ushered in by them First 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I tell it you this that shall now be spoken I who love you who take care of you who am now about to lay downe my life for you they are my dying words that you may believe me I who am truth it selfe I tell you and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I tell you the truth you have in your sad misgiving hearts many misapprehensions of things you think if I would abide with you all these evills might be prevented but alasse you know not what is good for you nor what is expedient I tell you the truth this is truth it selfe and quiet your hearts in it There is need of a great deale of evidence of truth to comfort their soules that are dejected and disconsolate under an apprehension of the absence of Christ from them be the Apprehension true or false And this is the first part of the words of our Saviour the preface to what he was to deliver to them by way of a weighty convincing asseveration to disintangle thereby the thoughts of his Disciples from prejudice and to prepare them for the receiving of that great Truth which he was to deliver 2. The Assertion it selfe followes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 § 6 it is expedient for you that I goe away There are two things in the words Christs departure and the usefulnesse of it to his Disciples For his departure it is known what is intended by it The withdrawing his bodily presence from the earth after his Resurrection the heavens being to receive him untill the time of the restitution of all things For in respect of his Diety and the exercise of Love and care towards them he promised to be with them to the end of the world Mat. 28. last Of this saith he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it conduceth to your good it is profitable for you it is for your advantage it will answer the end that you aime at that is the sence of the word which we have translated expedient it is for your profit and advantage This then is that which our Saviour asserts and that with the earnestnesse before mentioned desiring to convince his sorrowfull followers of the truth of it namely that his departure which they so much feared and were troubled to think of would turne to their profit and advantage 3. Now although it might be expected that they should acquiesce § 7 in this asseveration of truth it selfe yet because they were generally concerned in the ground of the truth of it he acquaints them with that also and that we may confesse it to be a great matter that gives certainty and evidence to that proposition he expresses it negatively and positively if I goe not away he will not come but if I depart I will send him Concerning the going away of Christ I have spoken before of the Comforter his coming and sending I shall now treat as being the thing aimed at 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word being of sundry significations § 8 many Translations have thought fit not to restraine it but doe retaine the Originall word paracletus so the Syriak also and as some think it was a word before in use among the Jewes whence the Chaldee Paraphrast makes use of it Job 16. 20. and among'st them it signifies one that so taught others as to delight them also in his teaching that is to be their Comforter In Scripture it hath two eminent significations an Advocate and a Comforter in the first sence our Saviour is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 John 2. 2. whether it be better rendered here an Advocate or a Comforter may be doubted Look into the foregoing occasion of the words which is the Disciples sorrow and trouble and it seemes to require the Comforter sorrow hath filled your hearts but I will send you the Comforter look into the next words following which containe his peculiar work for which he is now promised to be sent and they require he should be an Advocate to plead the cause of Christ against the world v. 8. I shall choose rather to interpret the promise by the Occasion of it which was the Sorrow of his Disciples and to retaine the name of the Comforter Who this Comforter is our Blessed Saviour had before declared Chap. 15. 26. he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Spirit of § 9 Truth that is the Holy Ghost who revealeth all truth to the Sons of men Now of this Comforter two things are affirmed 1. That He shall come 2. That Christ shall send him 1. That he shall come The Affirmative of his coming on the performance of that condition of it of Christs going away is included in the negation of his comming without its accomplishment If I goe not away he will not come if I doe goe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he will come so that there is not only the mission of Christ but the will
man of a very easy discerning may find them out yet their delusion so strong that not a few are deceived This is one thing that lys evident to every eye That according to his wounted course Satan with his delusions is runne into an extreame to his former actings Not long since his great designe as I manifested was to try up Ordinances without the Spirit casting all the reproach § 6 that he could upon him now to cry up a Spirit without and against Ordinances casting all reproach and contempt possible upon them Then he would have a ministry without the Spirit now a Spirit without a ministry Then the reading of the word might suffice without either preaching or praying by the Spirit now the Spirit is enough without reading or studying the word at all Thē he allowed a litterall embracing of what Christ had don in the flesh now he talkes of Christ in the Spirit only and denys him to be come in the flesh the proper character of the false Spirit we are warned of 1 Joh. 1. 3. Now because it is most certaine that the Spirit which we are to heare and embrace is the Spirit promised by Christ which is so cleare that Him the Montanists Paraclete yea and Mahomet pretended himselfe to be and those of our daies affirme also pretend the same Let us briefly try them by some of the Effects mentioned which Christ hath promised to give the Holy Ghost for The first generall Effect as was observed was this that he should bring to remembrance the things that Christ spake for our guidance and Consolation This was to be the worke of the Holy Ghost § 7 towards the Apostles who were to be the pen-men of the Scriptures this is to be his work towards Believers to the end of the world Now the things that Christ hath spoken and did are written that we might believe and believing have life through his name Ioh. 20. 30. They are written in the Scripture This then is the worke of the Spirit which Christ hath promised he shall bring to our remembrances and give us understanding of the words of Christ in the Scripture for our guidance and consolation Is this now the worke of the Spirit which is abroad in the world and perverteth many Nothing lesse His businesse is to decry the things that Christ hath spoken which are written in the Word To pretend new Revelations of his own To lead men from the written word wherein the whole worke of God and all the promises of Christ are recorded Againe the worke of the Spirit promised by Christ is to glorify him He shall Glorify me for he shall take of mine and shew it unto you John 16. 14. him who was to suffer at Jerusalem who § 8 then spake to his Disciples It was to make him Glorious Honourable and of high esteem in the hearts of Believers and that by shewing his things his Love Kindnesse Grace and purchase unto them This is the worke of the Spirit The worke of the Spirit that is gone abroad is to glorify it selfe to decry and render contemptible Christ that suffered for us under the name of a Christ without us which it slights and despiseth and that professedly It s own Glory it s own honour is all that it aymes at wholly inverting the order of the divine dispensations The fountaine of all being and lying in the Fathers love the Sonne came to glorify the Father He still says I seek not my own glory but the glory of him that sent me The Sonne having carryed on the worke of Redemption was now to be glorifyed with the Father So he prays that it might be John 17. 1. The hower is come glorify the Sonne and that with the glrry which he had before the world when his joynt councell was in the carrying on the Fathers Love Wherefore the Holy Ghost is sent and his worke is to glorify the Sonne but now as I said we have a Spirit come forth whose whole businesse is to glorify himselfe whereby we may easily know whence he is Furthermore the Holy Ghost sheds abroad the love of God in our Hearts as was declared and thence fills them with joy § 9 Peace and hope quieting and refreshing the hearts of them in whom he dwells giving them liberty and rest confidence and the boldnesse of children This Spirit whereof men now boast is a Spirit of bondage whose utmost worke is to make men quake and tremble casting them into an unsonlike frame of Spirit driving them up and down with horror and bondage and drinking up their very naturall spirits making their whole man wither away There is scarce any one thing that more evidently manifesteth the Spirit whereby some are now acted not to be the Comforter promised by Christ then this That he is a Spirit of bondage and slavery in them in whom he is and a spirit of cruelty and reproach toward others in a direct opposition to the holy Ghost in Believers and all the ends and purpurposes for which as a Spirit of Adoption and Consolation he is bestowed on them To give one instance more the Holy Ghost bestowed on § 10 Believers is a Spirit of Prayer and Supplication as was manifested The Spirit wherewith we have to doe pretends the carrying men above such low and contemptible meanes of communion with God In a word it were a very easy and facile taske to passe through all of the eminent effects of the Holy Ghost in and towards Believers and to manifest that the pretending spirit of our daies comes in a direct opposition and contradiction to every one of them Thus hath Satan passed from one extreame to another from a bitter wretched opposition to the Spirit of Christ unto a cursed pretending to the Spirit still to the same end and purpose I might give sundry other instances of the contempt or abuse of the dispensation of the Spirit Those mentioned are the extreames whereunto all other are or may be reduced and I will not farther divert from that which lys directly in my ayme CHAP. VI. Of Particular Communion with the Holy Ghost Of preparation thereunto Valution of the the Benefits we receive by him what it is he comforts us in and against Wherewith How THe way being thus made plain for us I come to shew § 1 how wo hold particular communion with the Holy Ghost as he is promised of Christ to be our Comforter and as working out our Consolation by the meanes formerly insisted on Now the first thing I shall doe herein is the proposall of that which may be some preparation to the duty under consideration and this by leading the soules of Believers to a due valuation of this work of his towards us whence he is called our comforter To raise up our hearts to this frame and fit us for the duty § 2 intended let us consider these three things 1. First What it is he comforts us against 2. Secondly Wherewith he Comforts us 3.
of God on the account of our Redemption To him that loved us and washed us with his own blood to him be praise and glory Rev. 1. 6 4 14. And are not the like praises and blessings due to him by whom the work of Redemption is made effectuall to us who with no lesse infinite love undertook our consolation then the Sonne our Redemption when we feele our hearts warmed with joy supported in peace established in our obedience let us ascribe to him the praise that is due to him blesse his name and rejoyce in him And this glorifying of the Holy Ghost in thanksgivings on § 10 a spirituall sense of his consolations is no small part of our communion with him Considering his free ingagement in this work his coming forth from the Father to this purpose his mission by the Son and condescension therein his Love and kindnesse the soule of a believer is powred out in thankfull praises to him and is sweetly affected with the duty There is no duty that leaves a more heavenly savour in the soule then this doth Also in our prayers to him for the carrying on the work of our consolation which he hath undertaken ly's our communion § 11 with him John praies for Grace and peace from the seven spirits that are before the Throne or the Holy Ghost whose operations are perfect and compleat This part of his worship is expresly mentioned frequently in Scripture and all others do necessarily attend it Let the Saints consider what need they stand in of these effects of the Holy Ghost before mentioned with many such others as might be insisted on Weigh all the priviledges which we are made partakers of Remember that he distributes them as he will that he hath the Soveraigne disposall of them and they will be prepared for this duty How and in what sense it is to be performed hath been already declared what is the formall reason of this worship and § 12 ultimate object of it I have also manifested In the duty it selfe is put forth no small part of the life Efficacy and vigor of Faith and we come short of that enlargednesse of spirit in dealing with God and are straightned from walking in the breadth of his waies which we are called unto if we learne not our selves to meet him with his worship in every way he is pleased to communicate himselfe unto us In these things he does so in the person of the Holy Ghost In that person do we meet him his Love Grace and Authority by our prayers and supplications Again Consider him as he condescends to this delegation of the Father and the Sonne to be our Comforter and ask him daily § 13 of the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. This is the daily work of Believers They look upon and by Faith consider the Holy Ghost as promised to be sent In this promise they know lies all their Grace peace mercy joy and hope For by him so promised and him alone are these things communicated to them If therefore our life to God or the joy of that life be considerable in this we are to abound to ask him of the Father as Children doe of their Parents daily bread And as in this asking and receiving of the Holy Ghost we have communion with the Father in his Love whence he is sent and with the Son in his Grace whereby he is obtained for us so with himselfe on the account of his voluntary condescension to this dispensation Every request for the Holy Ghost implyes our closing with all these Oh the Riches of the Grace of God Humbling our selves for our miscarriages in reference to him is another part of our communion with him That we § 14 have grieved him as to his Person quenched him as to the motion of his grace or resisted him in his Ordinances is to be mourned for as hath been declared Let our Soules be humbled before him on this account This one considerable Ingredient of Godly sorrow and the thoughts of it are as suitable to the affecting of our Hearts with humiliation and indignation against sin as any other whatever I might proceed in the like considerations as also make application of them to the particular effects of the Holy Ghost enumerated but my designe is only to point out the heads of things and to leave them to the improvement of others I shall shut up this whole discourse with some considerations § 15 of the sad estate and condition of men not interested in this promise of the Spirit nor made partakers of his Consolation 1. They have no true Consolation or comfort be their Estate condition what it will Are they under affliction or in trouble They must beare their own burden and how much to weak they are for it if God be pleased to lay on his hand with more weight then ordinary is easily known Men may have stoutnesse of Spirit and put on great Resolutions to wrestle with their troubles But when this is meerly from the naturall spirit of a man 1. For the most part it is but an outside It is done with respect to others that they may not appeare low spirited or dejected Their hearts are eaten up and devoured with troubles and anxiety of minde Their thoughts are perplexed and they are still striving but never come to a conquest Every new trouble every little alteration in their trialls puts them to new vexation It is an ungrounded resolution that beares them up and they are easily shaken 2. Secondly what is the best of their resolves and enduring it is but a contending with God who hath entangled them the strugling of a flea under a mountaine Yea though on out ward considerations and principles they endeavour after patience and tolerance yet all is but a contending with God a striving to be quiet under that which God hath sent on purpose to disturbe them God doth not afflict men without the Spirit to exercise their patience but to disturbe their peace and security All their arming themselves with patience and resolution is but to keep the hold that God will cast them out of or else make them the nearer to ruine This is the best of their consolation in the time of their trouble 3. Thirdly if they doe promise to themselves any thing of the care of God towards them and relieve themselves thereby as they often doe on one account or another especially when they are driven from other holds all their reliefe is but like the dreaming of an hungry man who supposeth that he eateth and drinketh and is refreshed but when he awaketh he is empty and disappointed So are they as to all their reliefe that they promise to receive from God and the support which they seem to have from him When they are awaked at the latter day and see all things clearly they will find that God was their enemy laughing at their calamity and mocking when their feare was on them So is it with them
God they are his Temple As he is a King they are his Subjects he is the King of Saints as he is a head they are his Body he is the Head of the Church as he is a first borne he makes them his Brethren He is not ashamed to call them brethren I shall choose out one particular from among many as an Instance for the proof of this thing And that is this Christ § 3 reveales his secrets his minde unto his Saints and enables them to reveale the secrets of their hearts to him An evident demonstration of great delight It was Sampsons carnall delight in Dalilah that prevailed with him to reveale unto her those things which were of greatest concernment unto him He will not hide his minde from her though it cost him his life It is only a bosome friend unto whom we will unbosome our selves Neither is there possible a greater evidence of delight in close Communion then this that one will reveale his heart unto him whom he takes into society and not entertaine him with things common and vulgarly known And therefore have I chose this instance from amongst a thousand that might be given of this delight of Christ in his Saints He then communicates his minde unto his Saints and unto them only his minde the Councell of his love the thoughts of his § 4 heart the purposes of his bosome for our eternall good His minde the ways of his grace the workings of his spirit the Rule of his scepter and the obedience of his Gospell All spirituall Revelation is by Christ. He is the true light that inlightneth every man that commeth into the world John 1. 9. He is the day spring the day starre and the Sun So that it is impossible any light should be but by him from him it is that the secret of the Lord is with them that feare him and he shewes them his Covenant Psal. 15. v. 14. as he expresses it at large Joh. 15. 14 15 Ye are my friends if yee doe whatsoever I command you Hence forth I call you not servants for the Servant knoweth not what his Lord doth but I have called you friends for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you He makes them as his friends and useth them as friends as bosome friends in whom he is delighted He makes known all his minde unto them every thing that his Father hath committed to him as Mediator to be revealed Act. 20. 24. And the Apostle declares how this is done 1 Cor. 2. 10 11. he hath revealed these things to us by his Spirit for we have received him that we might know the things that are freely given us of God He sends us his Spirit as he promised to make known his minde unto his Saints and to lead them into all truth and thence the Apostle concludes we have known the minde of Christ v. 16. for he useth us as friends and declareth it unto us Joh. 1. 18. There is not any thing in the heart of Christ wherein these his friends are concerned that he doth not reveale to them All his love his Goodwill the secrets of his Couenant the paths of obedience the Mistery of Faith is told them And all this is spoken in opposition to unbelievers with whom he hath no communion These know nothing of the mind of Christ as they ought the naturall man receiveth not the things that are of God 1 Cor 2. 14. There is a wide difference between understanding the Doctrine of the Scripture as in the letter and a true knowing the minde of Christ. This we have by speciall unction from Christ. 1 Joh. 2. 24. we have an unction from the holy one and we know all things 1 Ioh. 5. last Now the things which in this Communion Christ reveales § 5 to them that he delights in may be referred to these two heads 1. Himselfe 2. His Kingdome 1. Himselfe John 14. 21. He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will love him and will manifest my selfe unto him manifest my selfe in all my Graces desireablenesse and lovelinesse he shall know me as I am and such I will be unto him a Saviour a Redemer the chiefest of ten thousand He shall be acquainted with the true worth and value of the Pearle of Price let others looke upon him as having neither forme nor Comelinesse as noe way desireable He will manifest himselfe and his excellencyes unto them in whom he is delighted that they shall see him altogether Lovely He will vaile himselfe to all the world but the Saints with d open face shall behold his beauty and his glory and so be translated to the Image of the same Glory as by the spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3. 14. 2. His kingdome they shall be acquainted with the Government of his Spirit in their hearts as also with his Rule and the Administration of Authority in his Word and among his Churches Thus in the first place doth he manifest his delight in his Saints he communicates his secrets unto them He gives them to know his Person his Excellencys his Grace his Love his Kingdome his will the Riches of his Goodnesse and the Bowels of his mercy more and more when the world shall neither see nor know any such thing 2. He enables his Saints to communicate their mind to reveale § 6 their soules unto him that so they may walke together as intimate friends Christ knows the minds of all He knows what is in man and needs not that any man testify of him Joh. 2. 25. He searcheth the hearts and trieth the reines of all Revel 2. 23. But all know not how to communicate their minde to Christ. It wil not availe a man at all that Christ knows his minde for so he doth of every one whether he will or no but that a man can make his heart known unto Christ this is consolation Hence the prayers of the Saints are Incense Odours and those of others are Howling cutting off a dogs necke offering of Swines blood an Abomination unto the Lord. Now three things are required to enable a man to communicate his heart unto the Lord Jesus 1. Assistance for the worke for of our selves we cannot doe it And this the Saints have by the Spirit of Jesus Rom. 8 26 27. Likewise the spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit it selfe maketh intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the minde of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God All indeavours all attempts for Communion with God without the supplyes of the Spirit of supplications without his effectuall working in the heart is of no value nor to any purpose And this opening of our hearts and bosomes to the Lord Jesus is that wherein he is exceedingly delighted
Hence is that affectionate call of his unto us to be treating with him on this account Chap. 2. 14. O my Dove that art in the secret places of the staires let me see thy countenance let me heare thy voyce for sweet is thy voyce and thy countenence is comely When the soule on any account is driven to hide its selfe in any neglected condition in the most unlikely place of abode then doth he call for this communication of its selfe by prayer to him for which he gives the assistance of the Spirit mentioned 2. A way whereby to approach unto God with our desires § 7 This also we have by him provided for us Joh. 14. 5 6. Thomas saith unto Jesus Lord we know not whether thou goest and how can we know the way Jesus saith unto him I am the way no man commeth unto the Father but by me That way which we had of going unto God at our Creation is quite shut up by sinne The sword of the Law which hath fire put into it by sinne turnes every way to stop all passages unto communion with God Jesus Christ hath consecrated a new and living way for the Saints through the vaile that is to say the flesh Heb. 10 20. He hath consecrated and set it apart for Believers and for them alone Others pretend to goe to God with their prayers but they come not nigh him How can they possibly come to the end who go not in the way Christ only is the way to the throne of Grace none comes to God but by him By him we have an accesse in one Spirit unto the Father Ephes. 2. v. 18. These two things then the Saints have for the opening of their hearts at the throne of Grace Assistance and a Way The Assistance of the Spirit without which they are nothing and the way of Christs Mediation without which God is not to be approached unto 3. Boldnesse to goe unto God The voice of sinners in themselves § 8 if once acquainted with the Terrour of the Lord is Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire who among us shall inhabit with everlasting burnings Isa. 33 v. 14 And no marvell shame and trembling before God are the proper Issues of sinne God will revenge that Carnall Atheisticall boldnesse which sinners out of Christ doe use towards him But we have now boldnesse to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he hath Consecrated for us through the vaile that is to say his flesh and having a high Priest over the house of God we may draw neare with a true heart in full assurance of Faith Heb. 10 9 20. The truth is such is the Glory and terrour of the Lord such the infinite perfection of his Holinesse that on cleare sight of it it will make the soul conclude that of its selfe it cannot serve him nor will it be to any advantage but adde to the fiercenesse of his destruction once to draw nigh to him It is in Christ alone and on the account alone of his oblation and intercession that we have any boldnesse to approach unto him And these 3. Advantages have the Saints of communicating their minds unto the Lord Christ which he hath provided for them because he delights in them To touch a little by the way because this is of great importance § 9 I will instance in one of these as I might in every one that you may see the difference between a spirituall revealing of our minds unto Christ in this Acceptable manner and that praying upon conviction which others practice and this shall be from the first viz. the Assistance we have by the Spirit 1. The Spirit of Christ reveales to us our own wants that we may reveale them unto him we know not what c. Rom. 8. 26. no teachings under those of the spirit of God are able to make our soules acquainted with their own wants its burdens its Temptations For a soul to know its wants its Infirmities is a Heavenly discovery He that hath this assistance his prayer is more then half made before he begins to pray His Conscience is affected with what he hath to do his mind Spirit contend within him there especially where he finds himself most streightned He brings his burden on his shoulders unloads himself on the Lord Christ. He finds not by a perplexing Conviction but an holy sence wearinesse of sin where he is dead where dull and cold wherein unbelieving wherein ttempted above all his strength where the light of Gods countenance is wanting And all these the soule hath a sense of by the Spirit an unexpressible sence and experience Without this prayer is not prayer Mens voyces may be heard but they speake not in their hearts Sence of want is the spring of desire naturall of naturall spirituall of spirituall Without this sence given by the Holy Ghost there is neither desire nor prayer 2 d The expressions or the Words of such persons come exceeding short of the labouring of their hearts and therefore in and after their supplications the Spirit makes intercession with sighes and groanes that cannot be uttered Some mens words goe exceedingly beyond their hearts Did their Spirits come up to their expressions it were well He that hath this Assistance can provide no clothing that is large and broad enough to set forth the desires of his heart and therefore in the close of his best and most fervent supplications such a person finds a double dissatisfaction in them First that they are not a Righteousnesse to be rested on that if God should marke what is in them amisse they could not abide the triall 2. That his heart in them is not powred out nor delivered in any proportion to the holy desires and labourings that were conceived therein though they may in Christ have great refreshment by them The more they speak the more they find they have left unspoken 3 d The Intercession of the Saints thus assisted is according to § 10 the mind of God that is they are guided by the Spirit to make requests for those things unto God which it is his will they should desire which he knowes to be good for them usefull and suitable to them in the condition wherein they were There are many wayes whereby we may know when we make our Supplications according to the Will of God I shall instance only in one that is when we doe it according to the promise When our prayers are regulated by the promise we make them according to the will of God so David Ps. 119. 49. Remember the words wherein thou hast caused me to put my trust He prayes and regulates his desire by the word of promise wherein he had trusted But yet Men may aske that which is in the promise and yet not have their prayers regulated by the promise They may pray for what is in the