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A33925 The body of divinity, or, A confession of faith being the substance of Christianity, containing the most material things relating to matters both of faith and practice : published for the benefit and profit of all, especially those who love the Lord Jesus ... / by Thomas Collier. Collier, Thomas, fl. 1691. 1674 (1674) Wing C5268; ESTC R23929 303,320 630

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THE BODY of DIVINITY Or a Confession of FAITH Being the substance of CHRISTIANITY Containing the most Material things relating to Matters both of FAITH and PRACTISE Published for the Benefit and Profit of all especially of those who love the Lord Jesus in Sincerity and desire the knowledge of the Holy and the way of the New-Covenant that leads to Glory Very briefly contracted according to Scripture light and plainly handled in 31. Chapters By THOMAS COLLIER John 5. 39. Search the Scripture for in them ye think to have eternal life and they are they which testifie of me Isa 8. 20. To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this Rule it is because there is no light in them 2 Cor. 4. 13. But having the same Spirit of Faith according as it is written I believe therefore have I spoken we also believe therefore speak LONDON Printed for Nath. Crouch in Exchange Ally over against the Royal-Exchange in Corn-hill 1674. THE PREFACE OR EPISTLE TO THE READER THis Treatise is designed for thy special and spiritual Profit its true that the holy Scripture commonly called the Bible is the Book of all Books and that according to which we all ought to speak write and walk and its true as the Wise man saith of making many Books there is no end especially unless our end therein be the glory of God and the good of Souls its true we know but in part and a very little little part too and therefore can Prophecy but in part Therefore read not any mans Book but with a supposition that there may be a mixture of some Errour with Truth and some mistakes and receive nothing for truth from the word or credit of the Person who ever it be but as it s rightly grounded on the Word of God the Scripture of Truth according to which all ought to speak and the best of men may be in some things mistaken though ordinarily in the substantial things of the New-Birth of Faith and Holiness the Spirits work is the same in all yet by reason of the Babylonish confusion that yet remains the language of the Saints seems to be much divided in consideration whereof I thought nothing more likely to produce unity in spirit then unity in the body and substance of Truth for which cause I have made this Essay in bringing forth this brief plain Treatise about the most substantial matters of Christianity that all who agree in the substance of Truth may unite in Spirit and although we cannot attain such a uniting as is desirable and shall in time be by the Lord accomplished in and amongst his People according to that Prophesie and Promise Zeph. 3. 9. Yet it is my hearts desire that all who truly love the Lord would shew it by their uniting at least in affection for that is Gospel-Grace and Love indeed to love for God and Christs sake though of differing apprehensions about some of the weighty things in the New-Covenant for every Truth of Christ is of weight and worth and is or ought so to be esteemed by all that love him Psal 119. 127 128. and the right understanding of the mind of God in the Scripture is the only wright way of uniting I am far from the mind of those who pretend and endeavour the uniting of all into uniformity in Faith and Worship by Coersive Power and human force a unity more suiting Brutes then Christians and a way to build up Satans Kingdom under pretence of the Kingdom of Christ but that I earnestly long after and pray for is the uniting of all true Christians in the spirit and faith of the Gospel who are the Church and Kingdom of Christ his Body Mistical and if through darkness we cannot attain the uniformity of Christian Faith and worship in every part but the language of Christians be yet divided yet let every one endeavour the attainment of a spirit of Love and forbearance each to other not Judging Sensuring and Reviling which shews the spirit of the World and not of Christ. And these ensuing Chapters are most especially and principally directed to such who alone are capacitated to Understand Believe and Practise the things in them contained they are not the Notions of sudden Conception but the fruit and birth of many years Travel and Meditation and I hope it may through the Blessing of God at some time or other to some persons or other add something or other to the Understanding Faith Hope and Joy of their Souls and be some help of direction to a right walk in the way of Life I shall not say any thing as to the matters handled in this Treatise by way of Commendation to induce the Reader to its Perusal if it speak not for it self in the use thereof the Reader is at liberty to lay it aside only let him beware that he slight it not because it is not suited to his mind if it be according to the Divine revelation of the Word and Will of Christ it s the great concernment of all that will approve themselves gratious before the Lord to bring their minds to the Scripture and not the Scripture to their minds it is to be feared that great hath been the miscarriage of Christians in this very thing at this day open-heartedness to God-ward and a sincere will to know that we may do the will of the Lord is the ready way to know more of his will and then shall we not be ashamed when we have a respect to all his Commandments ignorance of any part of the Revealed Will of God is a sin a sinful defect in gratious persons but to be willingly ignorant or willfully disobedient to any part of the Revealed will of God is a sin of the highest nature and must be punished with many stripes Luk. 12. 47 48. willfully to add to or diminish from the Word of God is a sin and the judgment of such is declared in the Word Deut. 4. 2. Prov. 30. 6. Rev. 22. 18 19. In a word I do believe that sincere desires accompanied with the like endeavours after the knowledge of the will of Christ and a faithful living up to what we know resolving our wisdom and wills in every thing into the wisdom and will of Christ would be wonderfully blest of the Lord for spiritual grouth and uniting of the Saints both in faith and worship I have herein declared my Faith in which I live and believe that by the grace of God I shall die and yet live Eternally This have I declared as the discovery of my heart in the matters of my God when I am gone hence and shall be hear no more seen And what ever may be found in any other of my Writing that may seem contrary to any thing in this or is contrary in very de●d either understand it by this or else let it fall to the ground for days of Temptation oft-times brings forth effects which occasions after Repentance To
be sound in the Faith and in the Principles of Religion is of deep concernment to all Christians and indeed a good and Christian walk in the way of sincere and universal holiness and obedience is that which greatly concerneth and becometh Christians in order to their eternal Welfare As a help to both have I presented this small brief Treatise to thy consideration in which I have to the utmost of my ability and light not only studied Truth that might be profiting to the Reader but brevity likewise that much might be found in a little Volume in which if persons exercise their own understandings in the use thereof they may probably reap some benefit thereby And Reader what thee dost find differing from thine own understanding be not hasty in judging or sensuring but read and ponder and search the Scripture to see whether it be so or no without which the most do wrong to the Truth and to thine own soul But I shall say no more but commit it to the Readers in the blessing of God praying for their profiting thereby and if your souls do reap any spiritual benefit or advantage in the use hereof let God have the Glory and the Author as Instrument hath his end answered And so fare the well in the Lord Grace Mercy Peace and Truth be with all that love the Lord Jesus in sincerity Amen An Account of the Particular Matters Treated of in the ensuing Discourse CHapter I. Concerning God 1. That he is 2. What he is 3. How he doth subsist 4. Where he is Page 1. Chap. II. Of the Holy Scripture that it is the Divine Word and will of God proved by many Divine Arguments P. 48. Chap. III. Of the Creation of the world and all things therein P. 70. Chap. IV. Of the Creation of Man P. 73. Chap. V. Of the Angels and of their Creation P. 85. Chap. VI. Of the Devil and wicked Angels P. 99. Chap. VII Of the Fall of Man from his Created Innocency P. 107. Chap. VIII Of the way and means ordained of God for the recovery of Man out of his faln Estate P. 113. Chap. IX Of the design of God in general in his New Covenant Restauration which was to make all things New P. 123. Chap. X. Of the order and method of God in preparing a people for his glorious Estate pag. 133. and followeth in rest of the chapters Chap. XI Of Faith 1. what it is 2. how its wrought 3. its grounds and objects 4. its excellency p. 139 Chap. XII Of Repentance P. 149 Chap. XIII Treateth of Justification P. 163. Chap. XIV Is a more distinct discourse of Justification by Faith which answers to several questions and objections about the Matter P. 180. Chap. XV. Of Gospel assurance and whether it may be attained in this life P. 209. Chap. XVI A further Discovery of the New-Covenant and Life of Faith P. 248. Chap. XVII Of Sanctification and good works P. 253. Chap. XVIII Of the true and saving knowledge of God P. 270. Chap. XIX Of the Divine Vertue and grace of Love P. 293. Chap. XX. Of the Gospel fear of God P. 324. Chap. XXI Of the Law of God and what we are to understand thereby P. 341. Chap. XXII Of Prayer P. 364. Chap. XXIII Of Perfection and whether it may be attained in this life P. 406. Chap. XXIV Of Sincerity p. 421. Chap. XXV Of Election p. 441. Chap. XXVI Of Reprobation p. 451. Chap. XXVII Of the Church of Christ in the New-covenant p. 457. Chap. XXVIII Of the Ordinances Officers and Administrations in the Church of Christ p. 464. Chap. XXIX That the Estate of the Church in this world is an Afflicted Estate p. 499. Chap. XXX Of Death and the State after Death of the Resurrection and Judgment p. 531. Chap. XXXI Of the Coming Kingdom and Reign of Christ on Earth p. 548. CHAP. I. CONCERNING GOD. 1. That He is 2. What He is 3. How He doth subsist 4. Where he is 1. THat God is or that there 1 That God is or that there is a God is a God i. e. an infinite self-Being that hath given Being to all things c. is necessary to be believed of all and is the first step of Faith in order to Salvation Heb. 11. 6. He that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him Now though it be a common received Principle that God is yet in as much as it 's evident according to the Scripture That the Fool hath said in his heart that there is no God Psal 14. 1. And that the transgression of the Wicked saith within my heart that there is no fear of God before his eyes Psal 36. 1. And oft-times gracious Souls through their own weakness and Satans wiles meet with temptations on this account I shall therefore speak something to this so necessary a truth the grounds I shall present for evidencing this so great and sacred a principle of truth are as followeth 1. The Word of God the Scriptures of Truth Proof 1. The Scripture The word of God in the substance of them is to hold forth this one God or Invisible Creating Upholding and Preserving Power Gen. 1. 1. In the Beginning God Created the Heaven and the Earth v. 6. God said let there be a Firmament c. and so throughout the Chapter and indeed throughout the Bible I shall mention but a few instances in the name of the whole Gen. 6. 5. God saw the Wickedness of man c. v. 6. I● R●pented the Lord that he had made man c. v. 11. The Earth was corrupt before God see ver 12. 13. Exod. 20. 1 2. And God spake all these words saying I am the Lord thy God c. Psal 29. 1 2. Give unto the Lord O ye mighty give unto the Lord Glory and Strength give unto the Lord the Glory of his Name Psal 82. 1. God standeth in the Congregation of the Mighty c. Joh. 1. 1. In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God c Let this serve among the multitude of Scripture-Testimonies to prove that God is A second Testimony is the Works of 2. The works of God God which do abundantly declare and Preach forth the Divine Being and Omnipotent Power and Wisdom of this Divine though Invisible Creator of all things for Reason will tell us that none of these things could give Being to or Create themselves Man who is the most Intelligible and Rational Creature here below was so far from creating himself that let all the Wisdom of all the men in the World be conjunct in unity they are not able to Create or give Being to the basest of Creatures no not a Fly or Worm It s true the Image or likeness Man mad● not himself of Creatures they can make of matter that was made before by the Creator but nothing can they Create
mistaken who think that the Calling to Christianity is only to the Profession thereof here and the Glory thereof hereafter without Holiness when the Scripture saith in express Terms that without Holiness no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12. 14. 3. A Calling to Glory and Virtue 2 Pet. 1. 3. Glorious Relation and virtuous Conversation or Virtue as the Way and Glory as the End This is that Calling the Apostle mentions Rom. 8. 28. Who are the Called according to his purpose And therefore it greatly behoves such to walk worthy of God who hath called them to his Kingdome and Glory 1 Thes 2. 12. 4. It 's called a Heavenly Calling Heb. 3. 1. Wherefore Holy Brethren partakers of the Heavenly Calling it 's effected from Heaven and possesseth the Soul with a Heavenly Mind and interesteth in Heavenly Glory it being such a High Holy Heavenly Virtuous and Glorious Calling It greatly concerns such to Honour their Christian Calling that as he that hath called them is Holy so be ye Holy in all manner of Conversation and Godliness 1 Pet. 1. 15. The sum of the Matter wherein this Effectual Calling consists it is an Effectual turning of the whole Man from Sin and Satan to God in the way of the Gospel both in Heart and Conversation or an Effectual yielding up our selves in Obedience to the Heavenly Call sincerely turning to and following of the Lord as Paul Gal. 1. 15 16. Acts 26. 19. And with purpose of Heart to cleave to and follow the Lord in wa● of constant universal and sincere Obedience This is the special Effectual Calling According to his purpose to the obtaining of the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ and gives Right to the Promise of the Eternal Inheritance Heb. 9. 15. CHAP. XI Of Faith 1. What it is 2. How it is wrought 3. It 's Grounds and it's Object 4. It 's Excellency FAith is an excellent Divine Virtue that Chap. 11. Of Faith which the Scripture layeth much stress upon and that without which there is no Salvation He that Believeth not shall be Damned I shall therefore speak something distinctly concerning this Great and Divine Virtue of Faith It 's satisfying and saving Faith only that I shall endeavour to be speaking of 1. I shall discover what Faith is Faith in 1. What Faith is it self take it on all Accounts is a giving Credence to the Truth of God it is to Believe God Faith is a giving Credit to or Believing a Report be it in Humane or Divine Things To give Credit to Humane Relations on Humane Testimony is a Humane Faith to give Credit to the Divine Report of God in the Gospel is a Divine Faith So that the Divine Faith of the Gospel to which Life is promised is a Hearty giving Credit to and Believing of the Truth or God and Christ in the Gospel with a hearty consenting to be Saved and Ruled by the Lord Jesus 1. That the Divine Faith is a giving Credence to and believing of the Truth of God in the Gospel this according to the Ministration hath been accounted the True Faith in all Generations to Believe and Obey God This was the Faith of Abraham the Father of the Faithful Gen. 15. 6. Rom. 4. 3. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for Righteousness and it was accompanied with Obedience Faith and Obedience always goes together else it 's none of the Faith of God's Elect Heb. 11 8. By Faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a Place which he should after Receive for an Inheritance Obeyed and he went out not knowing whither he went Jam. 2. 22. See you how Faith wrought with his Works and by VVorks was his Faith made perfect And this was the Faith required and accepted throughout that Ministration 2 Chron. 20. 20. Believe in the Lord your God so shall ye be established Believe his Prophets so shall ye prosper And their Failing herein was their great Sin and Reproof and the Cause of their other Sins and Judgments Deut. 1 32. Ye did not Believe the Lord your God the Effects thereof are Described both as to their Sins and Judgment vers 34. 35. Unbelief in this Matter hath been the Condemning Sin both in Law and Gospel Isa 53. 1. A Pophesy of the Gospel compared with John 12. 38. Rom. 10. 16. Who hath Believed our Report or our Doctrine and to whom is the Arm of the Lord revealed Mark 16. 15 16. Preach or Publish the Gospel to every Creature He that Believeth and is Baptized shall be Saved he that Believeth not shall be Damned that is He that Believeth and Obeyeth the Gospel shall be Saved This is the gospel-Gospel-Faith heartily to Believe and Obey the Gospel is the Faith to which Salvation and Life is promised John 20 31. 2. How this Faith is wrought it 's Effected 2. H●w it s wrought in the hearts of Men by the Word and Spirit of Christ it must be a word-Word-Faith or else it is but a Fancy and therefore it must be wrought by the Word that is the Word must be the Instrumental means thereof because without it Persons know not what to Believe it 's the Instruction of the Gospel that directs to the Matter of Faith that is what is to be believed without which Persons remain Ignorant of the Historical part of Faith the Truth of this is obvious and clear both from Scripture and Reason Rom. 10. 14. How shall they call on him in whom they have not Believed and how shall they Believe on him of whom they have not heard Where the Apostle even from Principles of Reason concludes that as Faith is absolutely necessary to calling on the Lord so is Hearing the Doctrine of the Gospel absolutely Necessary to Believing that is to instruct in the Matter what to Believe which without the Doctrine of the Gospel cannot be without a Miracle which hath not been nor is it God's way of Working and by the Gospel do the Lord Efficatiously work the Saving Faith of the Gospel Col. 2. 12. Heb. 12. 2. 2 Cor. 5. 5. It 's by the Word that Faith comes John 17. 20. The Word being the Divine Revelation of the Will of God accompanied with the Divine Power of God accomplisheth the Work 1 Thes 1. 5. 3 What are the Grounds and Objects of 3. The Grounds and Objects of Faith Faith The Ground of Faith is the Truth and faithfulness of God in his Word and his All-sufficiency to perform it 1. His Truth and Faithfulness the Ground or Reason why you believe a Man is because you judge him to be Honest and True that he will not knowingly tell you a Lye it 's true in matter of Law for Ending of Controversies among Men both by the Law of God and Men the Oath of Two in Common determineth the Case from Supposition that they will not Swear false Though according to the Proverb the Word of one honest Man is a Surer ground of Credence
than the Oath of Two Lyers but the Truth of God in Divine Credence is the sure Ground of Faith And when a Soul comes to this pitch of Faith to Believe that he that hath spoken is God that cannot Lye that Faithful is he that hath promised who will do it Then he is quiet it puts the Matter out of doubt and for this he hath given us Two Immutable things in which it is impossible for God to Lye Heb. 6. 18. In which is included the Mercy of God for it is his Mercy to promise and his Truth and Faithfulness to perform Hence the Scripture saith Mercy and Truth are met together Psal 8● 10. And the coming of our Lord into the World was to perform the Mercy promised to our Fathers and to remember his Holy Covenant Luke 1. 7● So that there is a Concurrency of Mercy and Truth in God as the Ground of our Faith 2. The All-sufficiency of God to perform his Word his Mercy and his Truth is the ground of Faith If an honest Man promise you that which he is able to perform you give great Credency thereunto though there can be no Infallible Credence in this Matter For Men be they never so Faithful yet have not the power of Performmance in themselves therefore may fail but God hath all power of Perforance in himself and this was the ground of Abraham's Faith Rom. 4. 21. Being fully perswaded that what he had promised he was able to perform And when God commanded him to offer his Son for which he had so strong Faith he fixes both on the Truth and Power of God and on that account yields ready Obedience Accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the Dead Heb. 11. 19. There is likewise an All-sufficiency in the Lord Jesus for the accomplishing of the Word and Work of Salvation for The Obiect of Faith all true Believers Heb. 7. 25. And the same that is the Ground is likewise the Object of Faith that is to what and to whom we are to look in Believing that is to God and Christ Who performeth all things for us We are to look to him and Believe in him to have God and Christ in their Mercy Truth Faithfulness and Power always in our Eye Isa 45. 22. Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the Earth that is Gentiles as well as Jews Mich. 7. 7. Therefore will I look to the Lord and wait for the God of my Salvation c. Isa 17. 7. John 3. 14 15. 4. What is the Excellency of Faith Faith 4. Of the excellency of Faith is an excellent and choyce Virtue it 's called in Scripture for it's Excellency precious Faith 2 Pet. 1. 1. To them that have obtained like precious Faith with us It 's called Precious for it's excellent and precious Uses and Effects Which are as followeth 1. It justifieth God in his whole Name 1. It justifieth God especially in his Mercy Truth Faithfulness Power Wisdom Purity and Justice wherein Faith is mostly exercised He that believeth not God abaseth and abuseth him in his whole Name hath made him a Lyer but he that Believeth justifieth God in his Truth John 3 33. He that receiveth i. e. Believeth his Testimony hath set to his Seal that God is true No wonder that Unbelief must be punished with Damnation s●eing it gives God the Lye not only in not Believing that Jesus is the Christ Men may believe the general Doctrine of the Gospel touching Salvation by Jesus Christ by Education and Tradition and not believe the Truth thereof in matter of Holiness and Obedience to conform thereunto and that do as truly give God the Lye as not to Believe the Doctrine of Salvation for if Men may be Saved in ways of Unholiness and Disobedience the word of the Lord is not True which saith the contrary 1 Cor. 6 9 10. Ephes 5. 3 4 5 6. Heb. 12. 14. Rev. 21. 27. Therefore let God be True and every Man in this matter a Lyer 2. It 's that as the Condition will justifie 2. I● justifieth the Sinner the Believers before God Rom. 5 1. Therefore being justified by Faith we have Peace with God But of this more at large in the Doctrine of Justification 3. It 's of a Soul-strengthening Excellency 3. It 's of a Soul strength●ning Excellency it helps to hold out and to overcomeing the Spiritual Warfare 1 Cor. 16. 13. Watch ye stand fast in the Faith quit ye like Men he strong Our strength in the warfare is by standing fast in the Faith the Saints have many Enemies to Encounter withall both within them and without them and it is their stability in the Faith of the Gospel that is their strength Eph 6. 16. In the Spiritual warfare with those high Enemies the Saints are to Encounter withal Exprest vers 12. The chief Defence of the Saints in Faith Above all take the Shield of Faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the Fiery Darts of the wicked One It 's that by which we must get the Victory over the World if ever we get it 1 John 5. 4. And this is the Victory that overcometh the World even your Faith What we are to understand is intended by the World see Chap. 2. 16. For all that is in the World as the lust of the Flesh the lust of the Eyes and the Pride of Life is not of the Father but of the World The World the Flesh and the Devil are the three great Enemies of the Saints and by Faith it is that they overcome them all How so Why Faith believes the Truth of and Interest in better things than either any or all of these can propound and that makes the Gracious Soul to slight All and to account it but Dung and Dross and to part with All for the Excellency of Christ It believes down the World and Sin and Satan believes in Grace and Strength from the Lord Hence the Scripture saith that we are kept by the Power of God through Faith 1 Pet. 1. 5. God strengthens keeps and preserves his People in a way of Believing not without or out of the way of Faith In a word our Lord expresseth the Power of Faith All things are possible to him that Believeth Mark 9. 23. Faith believes all things possible for God to do that he hath said he will do and all things possible for Man to do and suffer that God calls him to it strengthens the Soul both in doing and suffering 4. Excellency of Faith is it purifieth the 4. Faith purifieth the heart Heart Acts 15. 9. It 's of a purifying Nature in it's Exercise and Imployment it exerciseth it self about the Holiness of God in his own Nature the purity of his Word and Will the greatness of his Love in the Death of the Lord for Sinners with the Holy ends thereof c. And this works the Soul into the Hatred of Sin and
all which it appears and likewise from Experience that true Repentance is always accompanied with godly Sorrow and that not only in the Souls first Return from sin to God but the Saints in all their Relapses and Returns it 's accompanied with godly Sorrow 3. Concomitant and Companion of true 3. Holy Resolution Repentance is Holy Resolution in the strength of Grace 1. To Sin no more to be Drunk to be 1. To sin no more Prophane and Graceless no more Hos 14 8. Ephraim shall say what have I to do any more with Idols Isa 30. 22. Thou shalt cast them away as a Menstruous Cloth thou shalt say unto it get you hence O! sin in the eyes of true Repenting Souls is a Monstrous thing and they resolve against it they say to it get you hence get you hence Pride and get you hence Covetuousness c. Job 40. 5. Once have I Spoken but I will not Answer yea twice but I will procced no further 2. Holy Resolution for time to come in 2. To cleave to and serve the Lord. the strength of the Grace that is in Christ Jesus to keep close with God and to be a Faithful Follower of him in 〈◊〉 his Ways and to be obedient to him in all ●●s Will according to the Exhortation to New Converts Acts 11. 23. They exhorted them all that with purpose of Heart they would cleave to the Lord. This was the Holy Resolution of Joshua Ch. 24. 15. But as for me and my House we will serve the Lord. And the Prophet Psal 119. 115. Depart from me ye Evil Doers for I will keep the Commandments of my God This Holy Resolution brought into Practice God owns abundantly Isa 26. 7 8. 1 Cor. 15. 58. 4. Companion of Repentance is Watchfulness 4. Companion of Repentance is Watchfulness and Care for Future to come against sin and to the performance of Duty without which the highest Resolutions prove Abortive and comes to nothing without this Watchfulness against sin and the occasions thereof persons are easily ensnared therewith to be Watchful of Satan and all his Wilds and Devices who Watches to catch Souls with his Baits to be Watchful of Men and all the Occasions they meet with in the World to draw them to Evil to be Watchful of themselves and their own Deceitful Hearts that they be not enticed and ensnared O the Carefulness of the gracious Soul in this matter and the Pains he taketh with his own Heart to keep it in subjection to the Lord that it miscarry not in any matter either of Omission or of Comm●ssion by any Temptations but where the Repentance is not right but feigned there is no Care or Watchfulness or very little and slender Care or Fear of sin very little Care and Conscience to keep close with God in Duty Very little Watchfulness unto Prayer to times of Prayer and to keep the Heart to God in Prayer but the wise Mans Eyes are in his Head and his Heart is instructed in Wisdom he knoweth that to depart from Evil that is Vnderstanding Job 22. 28. And therefore according to the frequent Exhortations in the Scriptures is Watchfull and Circumspect very careful of Occasions and Temptations Avoiding all Appearance of Evil and Companions that may ensnare therewith see 1 Cor. 16. 13. Eph. 5. 7 11 12 15 16 17. 1 Thes 5 22 6. Repentance is a continued Work in all 6. Repentance is a continual work the Parts thereof or with all it's Concomitants it 's never over or ended while in this World in this Imperfect and Sinning state 1. It 's necessary in the first Work of Closing with God and the first visible Work is a turning to the Lord a change of Estate a change in Spirit in Principles in Conversation without which there is no Salvation as hath been before shewed 2 Cor. 5 17. If any man be in Christ he is an New Creature Old things are past away behold all things are become New 2. It 's the daily Work of Christians in as 2. It is the constant Work of Christians much as the sinful Nature continues by reason of which there are many Vanities and Evils that occasions Need of daily Repentings and through Temptations sometimes especially with some grosse Miscarriages which must be repented of The Truth hereof the former Examples of Saints in Scripture doth witness as Job David Peter c. with many others Repenting Mourning and Abhorring themselves as likewise the present Experience of some in this matter so that its the daily Work of Christians to be daily renewing their Repentance and to be turning more and more to the Lord and this Work must go on till we come to Perfection The Life of Saints is a Life of Watching Warring Repenting Mourning Praying Believing and Obeying till they come to Glory every New sin must be repented of and the Body of Death must be Mourned under and the Pardon of Purging of not only known but unknown sins must be prayed for Psal 19. 12. Who can understand his Errours cleans thou me from secret Faults A Loose Vain Carnal Careless Sluggish Negligent frame of Spirit and Conversation do wonderfully unbecome true Christians and do rather demonstrate such Persons in whom it is to have a Name to be Alive and yet are Dead Dead while they are Alive They are the Humble Holy Repenting Believing Obeying Souls that are in the way of Life Mat. 5. 3. to 8. Psal 50. 23. Phil 3 20 21. Therefore 1. Wonderfully is the World 1. Vse cheated with the Name of Christians and Church without Repentance who talk of Christianity Church Worship Ordinances Remission of Sins Glory and all without Repentance which is impossible a horrible Thing is committed in the World upon this account not only to pretend to Christianity without Repentance but hates abhors and persecute those that do repent and come to the Lord surely such are far from the Truth of Christianity 2. Greatly likewise are they mistaken 2. Vse who think that Repentance is no Evangelical Work but Legal or that it is but once to be performed it 's not only contrary to the Scripture and Experience of Saints but tends much to Carnalness and fleshly Liberty or it must be found in Persons who think themselves perfect and without sin and so need no Repentance An Argument of gross Ignorance not knowing themselves and from thence pride of Heart being puffed up with their own Deceivings 3. Therefore let gracious Souls be exhorted 3. Vses to be daily Repenting and Turning to the Lord there being daily Cause thereof and need to be Exercised therein as there is of Faith for Faith as to Interest cannot be kept alive but by Repentance therefore as they sin daily it behoves them to Repent daily and to be daily turning to the Lord. Object Repentance and Faith and every Object New Covenant Virtue is the Gift and Work of God and comes under the absolute Promise
the Children to be another Faith see Vers 23. 24. Now it was not Written for his Sake alone that it was imputed to him but for us also to whom ●● shall be imputed if we believe on him who raised up Christ our Lord from the Dead Object This with other Scriptures mentions Object 1 Believing in God as well as Believing of God 1 Pet. 1. 21. John 14. 1. so that it seems it is not enough to Believe God but we must Believe in God and in Christ Answ It 's all one in substance to believe in God and in Christ is to believe his Faithfulness and All-sufficiency that he is as good and as true and able as the Scripture reports him to be to perform his Word you Believe in him that he will not fail c. But to return the Faith of Justification is to Believe the Truth of the Gospel Record concerning the Justification and Life therein promised to those that do Believe by Jesus Christ Cr●cified Rom. 5. 9. Much more being now justified by his Blood we shall be saved from Wrath through him Eph. 1 7. Col. 1. 14. To Believe this truly being accompanied with the Concomitants of saving Faith i. e. Love and sincerity of Obedience is the justifying saving Faith of the Gospel to which the Promise of Life is made Mark 16. 16. He that Believeth and is Baptized shall be saved that is he that Believeth and Obeyeth the Lord shall be saved That of Baptisme being the first Initiating Ordinance i●to the vi●ible Constituted Church of Christ includes the whole of Obedience Object But What must we Believe Answ The Gospel that which was to be preached Preach the Gospel c. The Gospel is the Glad ●idings of Pardon Peace and Life by Jesus Christ Mark 1. 15. Repent yea and Believe the Gospel was Christ's own Doctrine for further Confirmation of this Truth see John 8. 24. and 20. 31. Rom. 10. 9 10. 1 John 5. 10 11. All which Scriptures if well weighed with many others bear testimony to this Truth that Faith is to believe God to believe the Truth of the Doctrine of the Gospel Object This is accounted and called a Object 2 Historical Faith which though necessary to True and S●ving Faith yet it 's common to Wicked Men and Devils and therefore cannot be the justifying saving-Faith of the Gospel Answ Notwithstanding it may be the Answ Faith of Wicked Men and Hypocrites and of Devils too Yet it is the justifying Faith of the Gospel for the Difference lyeth not in the Matter believed but in the Manner of believing Wicked Men and Hypocrites may believe it meerly as a History assent to it but they do not believe as Justified Persons doe We must distinguish in this Case not in the Matter believed but in the Manner of believing Quest Wherein lyeth the Difference Quest Answ The one from either common Illumination Answ Education Custom or Tradition believes the same things with a head-Assent to the Truth of the Gospel But the other believes it with the Heart Rom. 10. 10. For with the Heart Man believeth unto Righteousness Acts 8. 37. If thou believest with all thine Heart thou maiest Psal 37. 31. The Law of God is in his Heart none of his Steps shall slide It 's the Promise of the New Covenant that God will write his Law in the Hearts of his People that is implant a Holy sincere Disposition of Faith and Love and the Fear of his Name the Heart is wrought after God but Hypocrites have it at most and best but in the Head in the Understanding from common Illumination c. There is a great deal of head-Head-Faith in the World of Customary-Faith that will come to nothing But where it is in Truth in the Heart it effects a Heart-Change with a Change in the whole Conversation Heart-believing Heart-Love to God and his things Heart-hatred of sin and Heart-obedience to the Will of Christ and thus He that is in Christ is a New Creature 2 Cor. 5. 17. And he that Believeth hath the Witness in himself 1 Jo● 5. 10. and do or might know that he hath this Heart-Faith in him So that the Truth remains that that which Men call a History call Faith i. e. believing the History the Truth of the Doctrine of the Gospel truly as hath been demonstrated is the justifying Faith of the Gospel And as for Devils if Christ had Dyed ●or them and God had in the Gospel promised Life to them on the Terms he hath to M●n Li●e might be preached to Devils on the same terms as to Men But God having in Justice left them without the reach o● this Gospel-Grace whatever they believe about it let not Man quarrel about the easie way of Man's obtaining i. e. Believe Repent and Obey the Gospel and be justified and saved Quest But how shall I come to believe mine own Interest in Justification and Life which hath been accounted with some the Faith of Justification Answ True it hath so with many and I believe that want of Spiritual skill hath done wrong to many tender Souls and hath caused them to go with Sorrow to their Graves and that either 1. In teaching that the Faith of Justification and Life must be the Faith of Application or assurance of Interest which is not the Truth of the Gospel but this of Interest must grow from that of Justification Or 2. In not laying the right Foundation of Assurance so Souls have been kept much in the Dark in this matter For the Faith of Interest must be Founded on the Promise of Life if right as well as the Faith of Justification for it is to believe God as I said before all Faith if right must be Founded on the Word of God So that the right Gospel-way for Believers to Read their own Interest and to Read their Names in the Book of Life is to make a Resultancy or Conclusion from the Premises thus God hath promised Justification and Life to them that do Believe and Obey the Gospel I do so Believe therefore I shall be saved and this is the Gospel-Ground or Reason of our Hope of Interest in Gospel-Grace and Life and thus our Interest will be grounded on the Promise of God in the Gospel If I have the Faith of the Gospel and abide therein I am Justified and shall be Saved There are three Things that it behoves Three Things considerable Christians to be Instructed in in this Matter for their Support and Peace in this Mortal and Imperfect Estate 1. To understand and know that to believe the Truth of the Glad-tidings of Salvation by Jesus Christ crucified according to the Gospel is the Terms and Condition of our Justification and Salvation and that who doth so Believe shall be Saved 2. That who so doth believe hath the Promise of Life from the Law and Covenant of God in the Gospel and from hence must claim his Interest in Grace and Life and if he claim
it any other way it may be a Fancy only note this that we cannot be so Infalliable as to our particular Interest in Life as we are or ought to be in the Truth of the Doct●i●e of the Gospel as I have before minded because the one fixes only on the Truth of God the other not only on the Truth of God but likewise on the Truth of our own Faith which being accompanied with Imperfections may occasion Doubtings But of this more full in Chap. 15. of the Assurance of Faith 3. That in all the Fa●lings of the Saints for the Lord knew that his People could not live perfectly without sin in his New Covenant of Grace his Law of Grace on this account is that his People sincerely humble themselves confess their sins forsake them and beg Mercy and he will Forgive them for the sake of his Son And this is the Law of Grace in the New Covenant for support of Believers in their Spiritual Race and Warfare after Conversion and the way for them to have the Assurance of the Pardon of their daily Miscarriages it must come in from this Law of Grace it 's true I sin daily and come short in every Duty I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good Thing But it is my Burden I am in Truth humbled and do not only Watch and War against it but do daily implore the Throne of Grace for Pardon Hence I have ground from the Law of Grace to believe mine Acceptance and Remission of my sins this is the way of the New Covenant for the daily Pardon Peace and Comfort of the Saints Mat 6 12. Psal 32. 5 Prov. 28. 13. Heb. 8. 12. 1 Joh. 1. 9. Quest The Scripture saith that we are Quest 1. justified by Faith Rom. 5 1. 2. That we are justified by Grace Rom. 3. 24. 3. That God justifieth and Christ justifieth Rom. 8. 33 34. 4 That Works justifieth and not Faith only Jam. 2. 24. How may we understand these Distinctions and reconcile the Scriptures Answ 1. Faith is said to justifie not as Answ the meritorious or satisfying Cause of Justification that is Christ crucified only But as the conditional Cause or Terms on which we are justified that is we are not nor cannot be justified without it This is the Law of the New Covenant it 's said Rom. 4. 3. That Abraham's Faith was accounted to him for Righteousness or imputed as vers 22. 23. Not that Abraham's Faith was his Righteousness to Justification but God accounted him Righteous and doth account one Righteous that doth Believe or imputeth Righteousness to such a one that was not so accounted before nor can be Righteous without it for he that believeth not must be Damned So that Faith justifieth as it is the condition of Justification in the New Covenant on our parts to be performed though in the Spirit and Life of the Covenant or Law written in the Heart 2. We are justified by Grace that i● it 's all of Grace and nothing of Desert in us our Faith is not any meritorious Cause in us but it 's all Grace it 's Grace in God to give his Son for us and Grace in Christ to give himself and Grace in God as to us-ward to accept the Sufferings of his Son for us and Grace in him to Pardon and Justifie Sinners on their Believing so that it 's all Grace as from God and we may and ought to c●y Grace Grace unto it 3. It 's God that justifieth it is God the Father that justifieth 1. Because he Prepared and D●signed the Sacrifice and our Justification thereby John 3 16. 1 Pet. 1. 18 19 20. Heb. 10. 5. 2. He accepted the Sacrifice for us when offered Eph 5. 1. 2. and 1 6 7. 3. It is he that Pardons us that is justifieth us for the Sake of Christ our Peace-Offering when we do believe and Christ is said to justifie us as the Meritorious Satisfactory Cause of our Justification therefore it is said Rom. 8. 34. It is Christ that dyed c. 4. We are said to be justified by Works and not by Faith only because that the Faith to which Justification and Salvation is promised must be a working Faith and when Salvation is promised to Believing we must understand it to be such a Faith as the Gospel intends that is a Faith that carrieth in it Love and sincere Obedience to the Will of Christ it is a Faith which worketh by Love Gal. 5. 6. the contrary is a dead Faith as a Body without a Soul that will never justifie Jam. 2. 26. Thus Works justifie 1. The Truth of our Faith for Faith without Works is dead 2. Works justifieth in some sence as Faith doth that is not as the Meritorious Cause but as the Condition because the Faith to which Justification is promised includes Works in it and so is as truly the Condition of our Justification as Faith for the Gospel excludes that Faith as no Condition at all that is without Works so that Faith without Works is none of the justifying saving-Faith of the Gospel So that thus considered here is a sweet Harmony and Concurrence in those Scriptures and helps to a more full Understanding of the glorious Method of God in this way of Justification and Salvation of Sinners by Jesus Christ Object The Apostle saith Rom. 4. 4 5. Object Now to him that worketh the Reward is not reckoned of Grace but of Debt but to him that Worketh not but Believeth on him that justifieth the Vngodly his Faith is counted for Righteousness Answ We are to understand in this Answ Scripture by not Working is intended Meritorious Working that may deserve Life vers 4. it 's such a Working as that the Reward is not counted of Grace but of Debt not that we may not Work at all that is prophane to imagin But not to Work Meritoriously so as to expect Justification and Life as a due Debt for our Working here Works are nothing He that Worketh not in this sence but Believeth But Faith and Works as the terms on which God will justifie and save of his own Love and Grace in Christ Jesus is absolutely necessary to Salvation And further Works are necessary for thereby we shew forth the Life of Christ in our Mortal Bodies and glorifie God in our Bodies and Spirits who hath done and doth all freely for us and in us Quest Do not this seem to make Faith Quest and Works co-partners with Christ in the Work of Justification and Salvation contrary to Col. 3. 31. Christ is all and in all And Rom. 9. 32. They sought Righteousness as it were by the Works of the Law Answ It makes it no otherwise Co-partners Answ with Christ in the Work of Justification then God hath made it What God hath joyned together let no Man put asunder God hath joyned Faith and Work as the Condition and the Sufferings of his Son our Lord Jesus as the Meritorious satisfying Cause
much and more than the other unless souls will live for ever under one single sealing evidence as I fear too many do so neglect the daily exercise of Faith or expect daily renewed sealings which I suppose are not ordinary in this way whereas those Divine Virtues of the Spirit to which the promise is made shall never totally fail in truly gracious souls though through the prevalency of corruption they may be clowded yet the soul may through all the clowds of darkness see something of the Divine stamp left and remaining on the heart if sometimes to apprehension there should appear nothing but a sense of sin and bitter weeping for it with a heart longing after Christ as was sometimes the case of Peter yet this is something yea very much of the Divine impression and so it appears to be the sure way for solid peace and salvation in the end 3. What it is that ordinarily hinders 3. The hindrances of Assurance Christians from obtaining this assurance though first I fear that many Christians content themselves with an ungrounded assurance and such need to be startled out of their groundless security and 2. Others scarce trouble themselves about the matter but content themselves in the form of the Gospel leaving the matter of assurance of interest to those that will trouble themselves about it but it 's that which does concern every true Christian both for his own comfort and the comfort or conviction of others to be able to give a reason of his hope a grounded and comfortable assurance of interest in Christ and Grace being of that worth for a comfortable walking with God here though not the essence of Christianity I shall endeavour to state some of the lets and hindrances that Christians may escape them and obtain the mercy The first let or hindrance I shall mention Le ts and hindrances of obtaining Assurance ariseth from the confused notions about the way of obtaining thereof which have occasioned many miscarriages some to conclude that they have it when it 's to be feared they do mistake and if so they deceive themselves and others serious seeking souls sent with sorrow to their graves for want of right direction from the Word of Life in this matter 1. It hath been by many supposed that 1. Supposing the Faith of interest to be the Faith of Justification the Faith of assurance of interest hath been the Faith of Justification and hence persons falling sho●t in this conclude that they have no Faith at all but that they are in a state of unbelief I have known some to lie in sorrow complaining they had no Faith and so under fears of perishing because they could not believe their own inter●st being unskilled in the right way of making it up to their comfort I have asked them do you believe in truth that Jesus is the Christ they answer yea then you are born of God Joh. 5. 1. Do you believe the truth of the Doctrine of the Gospel concerning the life and salvation held forth therein by Jesus Christ crucified yea then you have that Faith to which Salvation is promised Mar. 16. 15 16. 1 Joh. 5. 10 11 13. Do you believe with your heart that God hath raised Christ from the dead if you do you cannot but believe that he died fo● our sins according to the Scripture yea then you shall be saved Rom. 10. 9. Are you in good earnest willing to be saved by Christ and to be ruled by him as your Lord and to serve him in all things Answ yea with my whole soul if I may be accepted then you have the Spirit of Christ 1 Cor. 12. 3. Do you love God and Christ above all and his people for his sake yea I love God and Christ I hope above all and desire to love them more and his people because they are his and his image is stampt upon them then you are born of God 1 Joh. 3. 14 19 and 4 7 12. And do you see your self vile are you poor in your own eyes and do you see and believe that if ever you be saved it must be by the free Grace and Mercy of God in Jesus Christ Yea I do find it so to be with me then yours is the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 5. 3. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven And what Faith is it that you would have will the Faith of Abraham the Father of us all do it He believed God and it was accounted to h●m for Righteousness Rom. 4. 3. Will the Faith to which Justification and Life is promised do it why that you have and yet conclude that you have no Faith thus many poor souls lie groveling on the ground supposing they have no Faith when in truth they are rich in Faith and heirs of that Kingdom which God hath promised to them that love him Jam. 2. 10. and from such a self-examination may doubting souls come to see that they indeed have Faith even the Faith of Gods Elect and be able to give a reason of their Hope both to themselves and others But for persons to suppose that the Faith of interest is the first and only Faith of Justification and Life is according to the Proverb to set the Cart before the Horse which must needs go heavily a●d bring disconsolation and confusion to the soul 2. Others talk at such a rate about the 2. Supposing it to come in in some unknown way manner attaining of Assurance as if it must drop down from Heaven into the heart in some wonderful unknown way immediately from the Spirit with such over-powrings of consolation as if they were in Heaven alredy such as scarsly any serious Christians have experienced which have amazed serious souls out of their hope and confidence having no experience of such a thing and others it may be cheated with something like this with a foolish confidence of assurance of Heaven ordinarily attended with Pride and Self-conceit and neglect of an humble walk with God which is the way for Christians to walk into Glory whereas solid and sound assurance must come by believing and the Spirits sealing is in that way and the highest attainment of Joy and Peace is by believing what comes in any other way comes we know not whence and may lead us we know not whether 3. Others will have no Faith of assurance 3. Others some immediate application of some Scripture unless it be from some Scripture immediately and powerfully brought to them by the Spirit to the satisfying of their souls and silencing all doubts in the matter and this they account the sealing o● the Spirit To this I say 1. That it is mercy when the Lord does bring Scripture to remembrance to his people suitable to their conditions for their comfort and instruction I doubt not but that God doth instruct support and comfort his people in this way yet 2. This is not the Scripture
1 Cor. 15. 48 49. It accomplisheth the work of Sanctification and an holy conformity to the Lord Jesus Saving knowledg reacheth the heart it 's exercised about heart-work it humbles the heart it changes the heart it glads the heart it conforms the heart and so the whole man to the will of Christ all that the understanding receives it immediately conveys to the heart the understanding savingly inlightned by the Word and Spirit conveys light and love to the heart In this way the love of Christ is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Spirit Rom. 5. 5. 2 Cor. 4. 6. For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledg of the glory of God in the face of Iesus Christ. God's new-covenant-light shines not only into the head but likewise into the heart making an heart-change and working heart-love and heart-obedience and giving heart-consolations it works heart-hatred of sin and heart-performance of duty Ps 37. 31. The Law of God is in his heart none of his steps shall slide that is it is in his heart to believe God to love God and obey him as far as he knoweth and is willing to know more that he may do it he prayeth with the Prophet Ps 119. 33. Teach me O Lord the way of thy Statutes and I shall keep it unto the end The truly knowing soul accounts nothing well done in which the heart is not believes with the heart loves with the heart obeys with the heart hates sin with the heart rejoyces in the Lord with the heart in a word what-ever such a soul doth he doth it heartily as to the Lord. But head-knowledg or the knowledg of the hypocrite and formalist never affects the heart unless it be some sudden flashes of seeming joy Mat. 13. 20 21. But short it is and short of truth and reacheth not so far as to affect the heart indeed with God and Christ his Word and Will his Precepts and Promises he goes no further at best than that Church Rev. 3. 1. I know thy works that thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead Dead while alive and such mens works are dead works and dead services with all their knowledg they are not changed but remain the same worldly still and carnal and proud still and vain and like the World still no true non-conformists to the World it 's to be feared that there is too much of this sort of knowledg among Professors that will at last leave them where it found them i. e. in the gall of bitterness and bond of iniquity The knowledg of the hypocrite dwells most in the head it is swimming-brainknowledg and runs into the tongue and it may be into some form of profession but sinks not into the heart it makes no change there works not the heart after God come to Christ's Ordinances they may and make profession of his Name but their hearts are after their covetousness the world hath their hearts be-sure where-ever their persons are so that word is fulfilled in them ●rov 10. 20. The tongue of the just is as choice silver but the heart of the wicked is little worth But saving knowledg reaches the heart affects and transforms the heart and conforms the whole man into the image of our Lord Jesus 3. Saving knowledg is a trusting relying 3. It is a trusting relying knowledg knowledg the soul that rightly knows God will trust in him trust in his Faithfulness in his Word trust in his all-sufficiency to perform it trust in him for body and soul and that in the greatest difficulties and under the greatest temptations Ps 9. 9 10. The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in time of trouble and they that know thy Name will put their trust in thee that is they that know him to be according to his Word merciful and gracious all-sufficient and faithful will put their trust in him and rely upon him It effects in them that exhortation Isa 26. 4. Trust in the Lord for ever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength This knowledg of the Name of God it was that made the three children Dan. 3. 17. Not to be careful or fearful of the Fiery Furnace Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us out of thine hand O King they knew Gods all-sufficiency and there they trust and leave the issue to him ver 18. But head-knowledg or the knowledg of the hypocrite whatever it talks yet it never works a soul truly to trust in God at all times nor truly at any time there may be a supposition of trusting sometimes but when the difficulty comes the soul starts aside from God to some secondary and unlawful way of deliverance like those complained of Hos 5. 13. But the soul that truly knows the Lord does trust in him at all times especially in times of need and danger Ps 56. 3. What time I am afraid I will trust in thee that is the time especially to trust in God in time of need this was it kept up the heart of the Apostle in all his temptations 2 Tit. 1. 12. Nevertheless I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed or trusted and am perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him against that day I know his goodness faithfulness and all-sufficiency and that makes me trust him with body and soul I commit all to him and to his keeping unto that day thus knowing souls are trusting souls Psal 52. 8. I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever They trust in his Word in his Mercy in his Faithfulness in his all-sufficiency that he will never fail them See the precious promises to such knowing trusting souls Jer. 17. 7 8. Ps 34. 22. 37. 40. 125. 1. O therefore trust in the Lord for ever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength 4. Saving knowledg is a doing working 4. It is a doing knowledg knowledg they who rightly know are ready to do what they know Joh. 13. 17. If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them see Heb. 12. 17. Saving knowledg is no sluggard it is no idler but its design to know is that it may do the will of God that is the design of the soul in all his seekings to know that he may do the will of God Ps 119. 33 34. Teach me O Lord the way of thy Statutes and I shall keep it unto the end Give me understanding and I shall keep thy Law yea I shall observe it with my whole heart Heart-knowledg designs heart-obedience to the Lord ver 10. With my whole heart have I sought thee O let me not wander from thy Commandments and the Word the Scripture of Truth is the rule of the gracious souls obedience he knows and believes that the Scriptures by the teachings of the Spirit therein is able to make him
in this matter that they may glorifie him in believing and have the comfort thereof to their souls but he calls them Fools who deny the Resurrection and asks this question in opposition on purpose to silence those who own and believe the Resurrection who ask the question in craft and not of sincerity as is evident from the scope of the matter This relates to verse 12. How say some among you that there is no Resurr●ction of the dead these it were the Apost●e supposeth might make this question not so much for satisfaction as for opposition and to strengthen themselves in their errour and such it is the Apostle calls Fools 4. The time when the Resurrection shall 4 The time when be and that is at the second and Glorious coming of our Lord Jesus from Heaven Mat. 29. 30 31. with 1 Thes 4. 16. For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a Shout with the voice of the Arch-Angel and the dead in Christ shall rise first so that the Resurrection shall be at the coming of Christ from Heaven when he shall come again and receive his people to himself that where he is they may be also 1 Joh. 14. 3. 5. The order of the Resurrection and 5. The order of the Resurrection that is explained 1 Cor. 15. 23. Christ the first fruits afterwards they that are his at his coming and then or afterward cometh the end When all shall be raised this is the order of the Resurrection For every man must be raised in his own order What distance of time this order may admit I shall here forbear to speak of but that there shall be a first and second Resurrection is plain from Scripture 1 Thes 4. 14 16. Rev. 20. 4 5. and ver 12 13. cometh the end or general Resurrection 6. The end of this Resurrection it is to 6. The end thereof the Saints that they may be perfected in the Restauration of the new Covenant and receive the end of their Faith Service and Sufferings and to the wicked that they may receive the due and iust reward of their Wickedness and Rebelion against the Lord. See both Joh. 5. 28 29. Dan. 12. 2. from what hath ●een said in this matter 1. Take a taste of that spirit that denyeth Vse the Resurrection that pretends it only to be an inward Resurrection from the death of sin which rightly understood hath something of truth for there is a spiritual rising with Christ accomplished here in all the Saints Col. 3. 1. but that is ●ot all nor without this will it be any thing at all 1 Cor. 15. 18 19 for to deny the Resurrection of the body is to deny all Religion so the Apostle reasons and explains it ver 15 16 17 18 19. so that those who deny the Resurrection of the body are miserable comforters and are like to come to a miserable end and under this motion it was de●yed of old that is that all was accomplished within and so said that the Resurrection was past already 2 T●m 2. 18. they would not be so gross as in terms to deny the Resurrection but said that it was past already 4. Of the iudgment that shall be at or after ● Of judgment the Resurrection 1. That there shall be an Eternal Judgment is one principle of Religion and the Faith of all Saints and the wicked do acknowledge this in word but if they did really belie●e it in their hearts they durst not do as they do but to prove the truth asserted that there shall be a general iudgment and account given to the Lord for all things done in the body Eccles 11. 9. and 12 14. God shall bring ev●ry work unto judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil Heb. 9. 27. And as it is appointed to men once to die and after this the Judgement Acts 17. 31. Quest Must the Saints come to judgment Quest and give an account at that day Ans Yea all must come to judgment Answ and give an account at that day Saints as well as Sinners 2 Cor. 5. 10. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to what he hath done whether it be good or bad The Saints must not expect to pass in the judgment without giving an account of all their actions Rom. 14. 10. We shall all stand before the judgment Seat of Christ v. 12. So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God So that in vain do they imagine and talk who think and say they shall have nothing to do at that day but in to Glory without passing the judgment a dangerous Doctrine to be asserted and contrary to the plain testimony of the Scripture Reasons why the Saints must come to Judgment 1. Because there are many bad persons Hypocrites under the name and profession of Saints both of Preachers and Hearers that must then be discovered and brought to light and receive their judgement accordidgly Then the Sinners in Sion shall be afraid fearfulness shall surprize the Hypocrites then many that had high thoughts of themselves here will be speechless when the Lord shall say unto them Depart from me ye workers of iniquity I never knew you 2. Because many Saints and such as may be saved at that day do allow themselves in t●ings contrary to the will of their Lord both in Omission and Commission for which they must give an account many of the Saints it is to be ●eared doe bad work here or else there are but few Saints on earth for which they must be judged for they must give an account for every thing done whether it be good or bad good to be approved and bad to be reproved for all things must come to the light and be made manifest 3. All must come to judgment because all must receive according to their works there can be no rendering according to the de●ds done in the body without coming to judgment we may not imagine that the most righteous ●udge will do up things in confusion but he will do all things in righteousness and equity its evident that God will give diversities and degrees of rewards to his people at that day Dan. 12. 3. Luke 19. 17 19. 1 Cor. 15. 41 42. and those diversities of rewards shall be dispensed according to their works Mat. 16. 27. not as the Meritorious cause that is all in Christ Jesus both as to Justification and Salvation all true believers are brought into a justified and saved state in him and into a capacity of acceptable service for his sake and their works shall be all reckoned to them and so be rewarded so that the less Christians have been exercised in working for God the less will their reward be and thereby their negligence will be reproved and the more they sin against Jesus Christ in matters of Worship
and conversation for it abundantly preacheth forth their reproof and condemnation I need not to mention Scripture for this it 's so abundantly known so that none can rationally think that it should be the work of wicked men 2. Nor can it be a device of great men or the Princes of the Earth to keep men in awe as some imagine though some such were imployed by the Lord therein as Moses David and Solomon c. That it could not be the device of great men is evident 1. Because the truth contained therein is a Mystery and above their reach to understand it onely as men the Grace and Glory held forth therein is a Mystery to them 1 Cor. 2. 7 8. 2. It cannot be of great men and the Princes of the Earth for they throughout all Ages have been the great Persecutors of those who have owned it and in truth of heart have cleaved to it there needs no proof for this therefore no man of reason can imagine it to be their device 3. It cannot be of them for it discovers their sin and judgment as much as of any sort of men Psal 82. Jer. 5. 5 6. Isa 30. 33. Rev. 6. 15 16. Nor 3dly Can it be the Word of the Wise men of the World Because 1. It condemns the Wisdom of the World as Folly and lets such to know that they must be Fools if ever they will be wise in the Wisdom of the Scriptures 1 Cor. 3. 18 19. 2. The wise men of the World are most averse to the Wisdom therein contained and as few of them as of any sort of men attain to the saving knowledge thereof and conformity thereunto Luk. 10. 21. 1 Cor. 1. 20. 26. Nor 4thly Can it be the Word of Fools or Madmen as sometimes Festus charged Paul Acts 26. 24. and as wicked men still account the People of God who own it and live according to it but the Scripture discovers them to be the Fools and Madmen that do not believe it nor walk according to it and they shall one day confess it Psal 64. 8. Wisd 5. 4. Nor 5thly Is it the Word of Worldly Rich Men For 1. It preacheth their doom and judgment Psal 49. 16. Mat. 19. 23 24. Luk 6. 24. 2. It sets Rich Men on Works which they themselves are averse unto 1 Tim. 6. 17 18. And well it were if Christians that are rich in this World were more set at liberty in this VVork than they are Nor 6thly Was it given by Poor Men as such for it holds their misery without Christ to be worse in some sence than the misery of the Rich miserable both here and hereafter for all wicked men both Poor and Rich without Repentance must perish Luke 13. 3 5. and that he that believeth not must be damned whether Rich or Poor Mark 16. 16. And that the Cause of the Poor must not be favoured because they are poor more than the Rich Lev. 19. 15. Exod. 23. 3. Nor 7thly Was it the Word of Hypocrites or self-righteous Persons for it condemns Hypocrites with a witness Mat. 23. throughout and 24. 51. Luk. 11. 44. and for self-righteous Persons who think to be saved by their own works it shuts them out both of the Grace and Glory thereof Mat. 5. 20. Luk. 18. 9. to 14. Rom. 10. 3. Nor 8thly Was it the Word of Proud Persons For 1. It generally requires Humility it prefers and works Humility Humility and Self-abasing is the very spirit of the Gospel Mat. 5. 3. 2. And on the contrary it discovers the sin and judgment of all proud persons I wish it were more laid to heart Prov. 16. 5. Isa 2. 11 17. Mal. 4. 1. 9thly Neither was it Godly Men of themselves who writ it although it 's true it was written by Holy Men of God as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit 2 Pet. 1. 21. But onely as Godly men it came not from them and that 1. Because none could be so good of themselves as to reach into those Divine Mysteries of God and Christ of Grace and Glory as are so abundantly and divinely opened unto us therein even the manifold Wisdom of God 2. Because none truly gracious durst belie the Lord and say The Lord spake and Thus saith the Lord and that these things are the Commandments of the Lord and yet speak their own imaginations therein they must be Lyars and Deceivers which far be it from any who love the Lord to imagine For it must be the Lords Word or the Word of Lyars and Deceivers and it condemns Lyars to destruction Isa 28. 15. Rev. 21. 27. 22. 15. IV. And as a result from what hath been IV. Its Impartiallity proves it to be a divine word said in this last Argument Its Impartiality proves it to be the Word of God and not of Man It respects neither High nor Low Rich nor Poor neither Learned nor Unlearned c. It 's a wonderful Divine and God-like Word on this Account It 's impossible for any Men as Men to bring forth such a Word without being partial to themselves in something or other at one time or other But purely to Exalt God and Holiness Grace and Glory without all respect of Persons directing the way thereto condemning sin and sinners without any respect of persons one or other declares abundantly that it is of God and not of Man V. It must be of God and Divine if V. The Scripture is of God if Christ be of God Jesus Christ was of God as the Scripture witnesseth and all good men believe John 16. 27. 17. 8. Acts 9. 22. He confirmed the Scriptures and fulfilled them abundantly He came forth in the fulness of Scripture owns it and lives to it commends it to be the Truth John 17. 17. and commands the use thereof John 5. 39. So that our Lord having before us owned the Scriptures and fulfilled them commended and commanded them I say That if we believe that He was the Christ and not a Deceiver which is blasphemy to think we need no further proof of the Truth of the Scripture Dive into the weight of this Argument and it will establish you for ever And that both Christ and Scripture are of His miracles a high demonstration that he was the true Christ God and that the things relating to Christ recorded in Scripture are Truth the wonderful Works and Miracles He did in His Fathers Name is a very high Testimony of the Truth both of Christ and Scripture witnessed by the Scripture done so openly in the view of all confest by all none opposing the truth thereof no not the Jews who were His Enemies confest by Mahomet in the Turkish Alcoran received and believed by Tradition without all contradiction to this day not only of the Saints but of the World too strongly and rationally confirm the truth thereof VI. The Divine Impressions stampt on VI Sealing Testimonies by the holie Spirit the Hearts
of the Saints by the Holy Spirit suitable to the Word of Grace the Work in them answering the Word without them as the New Covenant and Law of God written in their Hearts which hath wrought in them Faith Love and the Life of the VVord which are to them sealing Testimonies of the Truth and Divinity of the Word And hence it is that they set their seal to the truth thereof in believing loving and obeying thereof and cleaving to God therein and suffering any Difficulties inflicted by men for the truth thereof adventure their Souls and Eternity upon the truth of God therein and the loss of all in the VVorld rather than lose their share in the Word of Life A high Confirmation of the Divinity thereof VII Finally As the Resultance from the VII Dan●er of de●ying the Scripture ●● be of God whole To deny the Truth and Divinity of the Scripture is to deny God Himself and Jesus Christ and all Religion to pass a black Sentence on all the VVriters thereof as Lyars and Deceivers and on all the Saints throughout all Generations who have believed obeyed and suffered for adhering to the Truth therein and on all the Effectual Workings of the Holy Spirit in the Hearts of Believers conforming them thereunto so that it 's impossible for any man that hath lived under the Instruction thereof to deny it and not to be an Atheist if not to be guilty of the unpardonable sin for the whole matter the Scripture treats on in the substance thereof is as I said before God and Christ and Holiness the Reducing of Man back again to God through Christ from whom he was gone astray And therefore what can those expect who deny this Holy Divine Word of Truth but all the Judgments and Plagues that are written therein I shall now come to Answer some Objections in relation thereunto Object Though the Scripture was given of Object 1 God and Divine Truth the Word and Will of God to the People of these times in which they were given yet it 's a great Question whether it be so to us and whether we have ought to do with it unless the same Spirit work immediately the same Truth in us we are to hearken to what God speaks in us and not without us c. Answ To this I answer That Truth is Truth still and the Word and Will of God is the same still although its true that God hath made known his Will at various times and various ways under several manifestations yet when one Ministration ended it was by the coming in of another as the substance of the former and openly declared from Heaven by the Son of God with great Power and great Witness and the Word and Ministration of the Son of God is the same till his second coming Ma● 28. 20. unto which all are bound to take heed unto under peril of Judgment Heb. 2. 23. Act. 3. 22 23. Joh. 12. ●8 and it is the Word and Will of the Lord still whether men believe it and obey it or not whether you have the Spirit to work you to it or not and if you are not taught by the Word and wrought to God in the Word to believe the Gospel it 's an evident sign that you have not the Spirit of Christ but of Errour and Delusion which will fail you in the day of need Obj. Though they were given of God Obj. 2 and Divine Truth yet they may be corrupted by men having been in the hands of men that knew not God but sought it themselves they might corrupt it and so it might either be mixed or lose much of its Purity and Divinity Ans It 's true that it hath passed through the hands of those who wanted not wickedness enough to do it but we have undoubted grounds to believe that the Lord preserved it and kept them from corrupting of it for if they or any other had corrupted it it must have been to serve their own ends but the Scripture that was by them preserved and by them owned to be the Word of God the Scripture of Truth is so far from serving their interest that it leaves them neither Root nor Branch no Word have they from hence to warrant them in any of their ways as a Church of Christ their Dependency lay rather in the Authority of their Church keeping people in Ignorance false Translations coercive Power and the like rather than in corrupting the Scriptures in the original Languages a Divine Hand it was that it should be preserved holy and pure as it is as hath been proved Obj. The Scripture is not all the Word Obj. 3 and Will of God to Men given by Divine Inspiration for there is in it the Words of the Devil and of wicked men the Failings and Miscarriages of the Saints c. Answ When I say it 's the Word or Words of God I intend thereby that the Body and substance thereof is the Divine Mind and Will of God made known to men by the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit by such ways as he pleased and by such persons as he pleased 2. As to the Discoveries of the Words or Works of Satan or wicked men and the Sins and Failings of the Godly I easily grant that it is not the Word of God in the first sence given by Inspiration Yet 2ly As written and recorded by holy men inspired by the Lord those things with many other Historical Relations recorded are true by Divine Testimony that such things were and so are of divine and undoubted Credence whereas all other Histories that are meerly humane can have but a humane and doubtful belief 3. It was written by the Will of God for the use and advantage of his Church and people Rom. 15. 4. Whatsoever was written afore time was written for our Learning c. 1 Cor. 10. 11 12. 1. Let us hence be informed of the greatness Vse 1 of the sin and danger not to believe the Scripture he that believeth not must be damned 2. Of Exhortation 1. to believe the Vse 2 Scripture to be the Word and Will of God to be of Divine Authority and to prize the Word more and to be thankful to God that hath given it to us and given to any the saving understanding thereof and wrought them into a conformity thereunto 2. To live the life of the Scripture the life of Faith and the life of Love the life of Obedience and the life of Holiness it is a holy Word and Holiness becomes all those who profe●s to own it what ever Scripture Faith or profession we pretend unto if we live not the life of the Scripture it will Judg us at the last day Joh. 12. 48. 3. To be improving and applying of the Consolations of the Scripture and that it may be so acquaint your selves more therewith Rom. 15. ● 3. Of Consolation to all those who Vse 3 truly believe and obey the Word● as it is the Word the Will
9. 24. Let him that glorieth glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me that I am the Lord which exerciseth loving kindness judgme●● and righteousness in the earth c. To know that he is the Lord gracious and merciful c. As he hath opened and made known himself in Jesus Christ crucified in whom he was and is well pleased and satisfied and 〈◊〉 his sake pardoning justifying and saving all that come unto God by him In a word He that cometh to God must believe and know that God is as he hath made known himself to be in the Gospel and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him Knowledg differs little from Faith and sometimes it 's all one when th● soul is so inlightned into the knowledg of God and Christ and Truth as to believe Joh. 6. 69. We believe and are sure Greek know that thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God 1 Joh. 5. 20. And we know that the Son of God is come c. And Job I know that my Redeemer liveth c. By all which it appears that knowledg which is saving differs but little from Faith and includes Faith Now in as much as knowledg or illumination Difference between saving knowledg and that which is not is common to all where the true light shines i. e. to hypocrites and formalists as well as sincere Christians as Heb. 6. 4. 6. 10. 32. 2. 2 Pet. 2. 20 21. Rom. 2. 17 18. 21 22. 1 Cor. 8. 1 2. I shall therefore rather apply my self to speak something to shew the difference between the saving knowledg of God and Christ in the new covenant of his Grace and that which men may have and yet be short of Grace and Life referring the Reader to Chap. 1. for the distinct knowledg of God The first difference is the saving knowledg 1. It is a soul-humbling knowledg of God and Christ is a soul-humbling self-abasing knowledg and that in the first work of Conversion the very entrance of saving knowledg gives the soul such a sight and apprehension of God and of Christ and of himself and sin that it throws down and lays low the soul and makes him cry out as those Acts 2. 37. Being pricked at the heart with the light of truth they understood and believed what they did not before both concerning Christ and themselves They cried out men and brethren what shall we do How wonderfully was the case changed they who but a little before cried out Crucifie him Crucifie him now are pricked at the heart for it and cry another cry Men and brethren what shall we do Sutable to this is that Psalm 119. 130. The entrance of thy Word giveth light it giveth understanding to the simple The very entrance of the Word of Life into the heart giveth this light the soul comes thereby to know something of God of his Holiness of his Justice and Goodness and something of himself of his own badness unholiness sinfulness and need of mercy and this amaseth and abaseth the soul and if the work be right this soul-abasing is not only in the sight and sense of some one particular sin or particular sins but it gives a sight of the body of death that is of the sinful nature that there is nothing but sin a sinful state the thoughts and imaginations the words and works yea that the best works as done by us are menstruous and filthy A soul never rightly knows himself till he thus know himself and the want of this is the cause of so many abortives in Religion that comes to nothing Persons may meet with some convictions of and conversion from some particular sin or sins but never see themselves utterly lost and undone and filthy all over and such conversions ordinarily first or last comes to nothing not but that the beginning work oft-times may arise from conviction of some capital iniquity as those Acts 2. 37. But if saving it leaves not till it discover the body of death this is the effect of saving knowledg or if it meet with and steal in by degrees on those that have lived under good education and use of means that it makes not so great a noise at first This must be effected first or last the knowledg of God in Christ Jesus in the way of the Gospel and of themselves to know themselves to be indeed wretched and miserable without which they never rightly imbrace Christ and the Grace and Mercy of the new Covenant And this self-humbling self-abasing and self and sin-abhorring frame is not only a work for a day i. e. at first conviction but where the true light shineth it abideth and gracious growing Christians the longer they live and the higher they grow in Gospel light the more they know themselves and the more they abase themselves have little and low thoughts of themselves This is that which sincere Christians do and can experience see witnesses from Scripture of this truth David a man after God's own heart though a King when he danced before the Ark and withal his wife mocked him he said I will yet be more vile than this and base in my own sight By which we may see that this is the common work of God in all gracious souls Greatness nor Kingship did hinder it laies low the souls of Great men and Kings where it is in power Job 40. 4. I am vile what shall I answer thee I will lay mine hand upon my mouth c. And Chap. 42. 5. 6. I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now mine eye seeth thee wherefore I abhor my self and repent in dust and ashes The more a soul knows of God and Christ the more he abhors himself not only an abhorrency of sin but of self because of sin attends gracious knowing persons Isa 6. 5. That Evangelical Prophet cries out Wo is me I am undone I am a man of unclean lips c. For mine eyes have seen the King the Lord of Hosts He had seen King Jesus it was a Gospel sight which did thus humble and abase him Joh. 12. 41. These things said Isaiah when he saw his glory and spake of him It was the glory mentioned in this Chapter the Evangelist alludes unto John the Baptist the fore-runner of our Lord of whom he testifieth that he was greater both in light and work than the greatest Prophet yet he had this frame of spirit in him Joh. 1. When they sent to him to know who he was he confessed and denied not that he was not the Christ He it is who coming after me is preferred before me whose shooes latchet I am not worthy to unloose ver 20. 27. Not worthy to do the meanest service for him So the holy Apostle Paul acknowledgeth Rom. 7. 18. I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing and hence he cries out ver 24. O wretched man that I am who shall
Christians have great work to do for God in the World in matter of service and suffering in doing good and eschewing evil in mortifying sin great burdens to bear for the sake of Christ and it is only love flowing from Faith that will make all easie and help us through every duty and every difficulty for Faith worketh by love Gal. 5. 6. Faith getteth victory over the World but it is by love for Faith can do nothing without love as it ought to be done for it is nothing but Faith and love working together makes the soul bold and valiant for God and strong able to do suffer and bear for Christ what-ever he calls us too It is the never-failing Virtue it will never fail us hear as it shall not fail us hereafter it 's the bond of perfection or the perfect bond that ties us perfectly to God in all difficulties and perfectly one to another in every duty holiness in life is the great concernment for every Christian to be pressing aften to be holy in heart and holy in life to be holy in all manner of conversation and godliness 1 Pet. 1. 15. But this we must attain in the power of the love of God in the Gospel if ever we attain it Eph. 3. 17 18 19. 1 Thes 3. 12 13. 3. Love is the fulfilling of the Law 3. It is the fulfilling of the Law yea and of the Gospel too Mat. 22. 37 39 40. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and thy neighbour as thy self on these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets it all hangs upon love Rom. 13. 8. 9. He that loveth another hath fulfilled the Law so that Love to God and love to Man is the fulfilling of the Law not that any should suppose that meerly love without any thing else is intended but that where truth of love is to God and to man for God's sake it will carry on such souls chearfully to every duty both to God and Man that the Law requireth that is the Law of the new Covenant for the Law as it is holy just and good is still to be observed as administred by Christ in the new Covenant and is the rule of the Believers sanctification and he that loveth truly fulfilleth it rightly and the true cause why Believers live so little to the Law of Christ is because they love so little 4. Where this Grace of Love is in truth 4 It is an evidence of being born of God it 's an evidence that such souls are born of God and in a state of life it 's an Heaven-born Virtue and they are Heaven-born Christians in whom it is and the contrary discovers a state of death 1 Joh. 3. 14 15. And this of love in this Scripture is not intended as some imagine only a sign to others that such persons are born of God but to the persons themselves in whom it is see ver 19. And hereby we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him It 's an high evidence to a gracious soul that he is born of God and is of the truth and that he is passed from death to life And thus much as to the excellency of this Virtue of Love 2. It may inform us of the great coming 2. It informs of the great comeing short herein short and wonderful failing of Christians in this matter every one may best find out this in his own heart as among all the choice Virtues of the new Covenant this excelleth so it is to be feared that among all Christians fail most in this of love to God to Man to the Word to the Precepts yea to the promises of the Gospel the Lord help souls to lay it to heart in time for nothing demonstrates us to our selves to others to be Christians indeed as this of love doth 3. It inform us of the true cause of all 3. Of the cause of all miscarriages miscarriages among Christians to God to Man both Saints and Sinners it is want of love love would make us willing to every duty it would set the soul upon the wheels to run the way of Gods Commandments and to make them the joy and delight of our souls We should then make God's Statutes our songs in the house of our pilgrimage we should then be free and universal in our obedience love would end very much and many of the differences among Christians and cause them to bear with and forbear one another In a word if ever there be a reformation of things amiss among Christians it must begin here 2. Use of exhortation to this great duty 2. Vse of Exhortation of Love the Excellency the Beauty the Glory thereof should quicken the hearts of Christians to a greater desire and endeavor after so holy so lovely and desirable a Virtue if it be so excellent let us approve it Phil. 1. 9 10. And this I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in all knowledg and in all judgment that you may approve things that are excellent that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ. Let us approve it in our hearts in our lives Let us walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and given himself for us To provoke your hearts to be more reaching after this Heavenly Virtue consider not only what hath been already said which is enough to quicken any living believing soul with an earnest desire of increase herein but further consider 1. That duty to God calls for it see the 1. Duty to God calls for it many commands in Holy Scripture to this great duty of love to God to one another and to all men Mat. 22. 37. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart c. Ps 31. 23. O love the Lord ye his Saints and whoever sincerely performs this duty is under the Blessing of Grace in order to Glory Eph. 6. 24. Grace be with all that love the Lord Jesus in sincerity Amen But on the contrary if any be without this Divine disposition and so perform not this duty see 1 Cor. 16. 22. If any man love not the Lord Jesus let him be accursed Anathema Maranatha accursed till the Lord come and for the duty of Saints love one to another see John 13. 34. A new C●mmandment give I unto you that ye love one another c. 1 Joh. 4. 21. This Commandment we have from him that he who loveth God should love his Brother also 2. The Saints relation to God and one 2. Relation calls for it to another calls for it they are the children of God the Sons and Daughters of God Almighty this is their relation to God and their priviledg They are all the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus they are all the children of one Father espoused to one Husband members of one Body 1 Cor. 12. 27. Ye are the body of
Christ and members in particular and this calls aloud for love in the highest degree both towards God our Father and towards our Lord Jesus Christ and one towards another 3. The blood of Christ calls for it it being 3. The blood of Christ calls for it one special end for which it was shed to make up the blessed relation of Peace Unity and Love of Father Son and Saints Christ had never died such a cursed death had it not been to reconcile us to God to make up the breach between God and us to bring us in again to God that we might love God and live to him and to reconcile us one to another that we might love one another as brethren see both these Eph. 2. 13 to 16. Where our reconciling to God and one to another is both by the Cross and sufferings of Christ 4. The Prayer and Intercession of our 4. The prayer of Christ calls for it Lord Jesus calls for it he hath suffered for it and hath prayed for it John 17. 21 23. That they may all be one as thou O Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us c. Beloved friends shall our dear Lord command it sweat and suffer for it and pray for it and shall we set light by it and be negligent in so weighty a matter as this is that so much concerns the Name and Glory of Christ in the World that so much concerns our duty and our spiritual and eternal welfare 5. The souls of poor sinners call for it 5. The souls of sinners call for it the littleness of love to God appearing in the muchness of self-love and love to the World and littleness of love to Saints appearing by the divisions amongst them hardens sinners against the truth to their destruction when they see such divisions and breaches and so little love they speak evil of the way of truth and are hardened in the way of sin to their destruction Love among Christians and a lovely carriage towards all is the way to convince sinners that God is with his people and that they are in the truth Joh. 17. 23. Where Christ prayeth his Father that his people might be made perfect in one that the World may believe that thou hast sent me Love and Unity among the people of God would be a blessed means to convince the World of the truth of Christianity and to make them in love with Jesus Christ 6. Your own souls abundantly need it 6. Your own souls call for it and if sensible thereof would groan and cry out in the sense of the want thereof and be endeavouring an increase therein without it you can have no solid ground of Peace in your own souls 1 Joh. 4. 18. There is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love If ever you would be rightly rid of tormenting fear and have joy and peace in your souls it must come in in this way of love living much in the love of God in Christ Jesus will perfect your love to him and to his holy ones for his sake which will prove so high an evidence to your souls of the truth of Grace that it will cast out all fears and establish your hearts in believing your interest in and relation to the Lord Jesus so Faith working by love will be to you sound and solid peace no wonder that persons that have but little love have so little peace in their souls without it you can have no true fellowship with God nor one with another 7. The present time and state calls for it 7. The present time and state of the Church and dispensations of Gods calls for it for it is a time and state of division and breaches among the people of God in general one bends one way and another bends another way casting contempt and reproach upon each other as if they were enemies by reason of which the way of truth is evil spoken of and poor sinners are hardened and God and Christ is dishonoured and many gracious souls grieved and discouraged O that all who have any bowels of love in them at all would lay these things to heart and learn to love more then they would bear with and forbear each other in love then they would be content to let each other walk according to what they have received and not be offended at their diligent and humble enquiring after further light without bitterness and wrath and evil speakings O the general coldness and luke-warmness that hath befallen the Church at this day and all for want of love the earthly worldly mindedness and covetousness the streight-heartedness and streight-handedness the love of back and belly in pride and voluptuousn●ss and other abominations that do more than manifestly declare the great coming short in love truth of love would cure all and the present dispensations of God his frowns and corrections by his rod and the things he seems to be calling his people to bear and suffer for his name and sake which can never be rightly born and suffered but in the spirit and power of Evangelical love all which calls aloud to all gracious souls to learn to love more 8. Consider the sweetness and loveliness 8. It 's a sweet and lovely life of the life of Love 1. To God if you live up much with God in truth of love it will not only sweeten your souls to God and he will delight in you but your thoughts will be precious of him and his service will be sweet and precious to you His yoke will be easie and his burden will be light Otherwise his service will be burdensome and his work tiresome to the soul but truth of love to God sets the heart at liberty and carrieth the soul through the most difficult services with delight and this is the soul that God will meet with in the way and manifest himself unto John 14. 21. And 2. This is the true sweet and lovely life of Christians one with another Ps 133. 1 2. Behold how good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in Unity it is next to the Divine anointings of our Lord Jesus and indeed an effect thereof It 's like the precious ointment upon the head that run down upon the heard even Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of his garments Aaron was a type of Christ his anointings of Christ the running down of the ointment upon his beard and the skirts of his garment the coming down of the spirit of Christ upon his members which unites them to him in the same spirit and love and one to another by the same spirit so that the unity of Saints is next to our unity with Christ John 14. 20. and 17. 23. 9. It 's that Virtue which makes us most 9. It makes us most like God like God
c. and Chap. 15. 3 4. This shall be the song of Saints Who shall not fear thee O Lord and glorify thy Name for thou only art holy 6. It 's that Virtue unto which happiness and blessedness is promised and that must needs be a Virtue absolutely necessary to Salvation and is included in true Faith Prov. 28. 14. Happy is the man that feareth alwaies This happy fear must be alwaies never off the heart Chap. 23. 17. Be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day that is alwaies every day let not the fear of God be out of thine heart at any time Ps 112. 1. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord c. and 128. 1 4. By all which it appears that persons who fear God in truth are under the promises of Blessedness and therefore it is a choice Virtue 2. I shall endeavour to shew what the 2. What it is to fear God fear of the Lord is or what it is to fear God It is to have an holy honourable and reverend esteem of God to have the awe and dread of God upon our hearts because Holy and Reverend is his Name Ps 33. 8. Let all the Earth fear the Lord let all the Inhabitants of the World stand in awe of him Isa 8. 13. Sanctifie the Lord of Hosts Himself and let Him be your fear and let him be your dread It becometh the people of the Lord of Hosts to have humble holy reverend and trembling thoughts of God alwaies Ps 2. 11. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoyce with trembling serve him with reverence and godly fear It is to be feared that Christians have too low and common thoughts of God which exceedingly unbecometh them and is a great disadvantage on the spiritual account as well as dishonourable unto God This holy reverend fear is a love-like fear not a slavish fear a spouse-like fear flowing from or mixed with love Let the Wife see that she reverence her Husband or fear her Husband The Wives reverence of or fear toward her Husband is not or should not be slavish but in love and conscience of God's Ordinance so it behoves every true Christian to reverence honour and fear the Lord and that with this filial spouse-like fear to love God and fear before him To help on this work in the heart I Meditations to help us to fear God shall propound some serious meditations of God that may tend to beget and increase this holy reverend awe and fear of God in the heart 1. Live much in the meditation of his 1. His Greatness Greatness O God is a great God and a great King above all Gods and above all men Psal 89. 6 7. For who in the Heavens can be compared to the Lord Who among the sons of the Mighty can be likened unto the Lord God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the Saints and to be had in reverence of all that are round about him Note that this great fear of God in the Saints does arise from the consideration of the Greatness of God Who can be compared to the Lord who may be likened to our God in Heaven or Earth Therefore is he greatly to be feared in the assembly of the Saints c. Ps 147. 5. Great is our Lord and of great Power his understanding is infinite and 95. 3. For the Lord is a great God and a great King above all Gods And as an effect of this or a resultancy drawn from this meditation of his Greatness above all ver 6. O come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the Lord our Maker that is seeing he is such a great one above all even our Maker let us worship and bow down and kneel before him i. e. Let us worship him in all humility and holy reverence Let us have Grace to serve our God with reverence and godly fear Exod. 15. 11. Who is like unto thee O Lord among the Gods who is like unto thee glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing wonders And this result the Prophet draws from this meditation Jer. 10. 6 7. Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee O Lord and thy Name is great in might who would not fear thee O King of Nations for to thee doth it appertain That is to be great above all and to be feared above all this is the first consideration that will tend to season our souls with this blessed Virtue the greatness the gloriousness of God to live upon our hearts 2. The holiness and purity of God He 2. His Holiness and Purity is Glorious in Holiness Holy and Reverend is his Name Serious thoughts of Gods Holiness will beget and increase in us this holy reverend fear Psal 99. 9. Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his foot-stool for the Lord our God is holy The sight and apprehension of the Holiness of God will help us to worship him reverendly and awfully This was it made Isaiah Chap. 6. 3. 5. When the Seraphims cried out as overcome with the holiness of God Holy holy holy is the Lord of Hosts to cry Wo is me I am undone I am a man of polluted lips c. Thus you see and I hope all true Christians can experience that serious thoughts of the Holiness o● God will ●ill them with humble honourable and awful thoughts of him 3. The great Goodness and Mercy o 3. His Goodness God especially on the new Covenant account will tend wonderfully to season th● soul with this Virtue and this mixed wit● the rest makes it to be Evangelical fear tha● son-like spouse-like fear that so muc● concerneth and becometh the Saints th● is the promise of the Lord to his people Hos 3. 5. Afterwards shall the children of Isra● return and seek the Lord their God and David their King that is Christ Jesus and shall fear the Lord and his Goodness in the latter daies It 's the latter day work especially under the Gospel for Saints to fear the Lord and his Goodness Ps 130. 4. With thee is forgiveness that thou maist be feared the Goodness Forgiveness and Mercy that is with God will make his people to fear him and fear to sin against him fear to displease him he that will sin without fear because God is good and gracious may justly fear that he is without all Grace gracious souls fear to sin against so good and gracious a God Shall all the Nations fear and tremble at all the great goodness that God will do for and shew unto his people Jer 33. 9. And shall not the great goodness of God cause the hearts of those interessed in it to fear and tremble before him Surely it 's impossible for a gracious soul to take a view of the Greatness the Glory the Purity and the goodness and Mercy of God and of his own badness but with astonishment holy reverence and fear and thus they shall fear the Lord and his
and make conscience of so doing having no Law written in their hearts that convinces them thereof 2. This appears from the Word of Truth Rom. 1. 20. For the invisible things of him from the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his Eternal Power and Godhead Where the Apostle states the way and means of knowing God where neither Law nor Gospel is that is not singly by any Law in the heart but by the Works and Law of Creation that preacheth forth God to all Nations Ps 19. 1 2 3. Obj. The Apostle Rom. 2. 14 15. Speaking Objection of the Gentiles in plain terms saith That they do by nature the things contained in the Law which sheweth the work of the Law written in their hearts c. Answ It 's true but this Scripture is very Answer much mis-understood for it 's evident the Apostle intends not the common and unbelieving Gentiles of them he had spoken in the first Chapter but here he speaks of believing Gentiles thereby to reprove the Jews who boasted of the Law and thence opposed the Gospel and the believing Gentiles that obeyed the Gospel and is the same in substance as that Rom. 9. 30 31 32. and did not walk under the Law as a ministration as the Jews did and the Apostle to stop the Jews opposite boasting endeavors to convince them that the Gentiles who believed though they had not the Law neither were circumcised yet being circumcised in their hearts to God they were safe and should judg them that bosted so much of the Law That this is the true sense and meaning of that Scripture is evident 1. From the occasion of the words It 's such a doing of or living to the Law as is attended with Glory Honour Immortality c. Honour Glory and Peace ver 7. 10. And it 's the same doing intended throughout the Discourse 2. It 's such a doing of the Law as will justifie before God ver 13. 3. It 's such a doing of the Law as may stand with a good conscience in the day of need that is in the day of Judgment ver 15 16. 4. It is such a doing as flows from an heart spiritually circumcised to God and shall have praise of him ver 28 29. It 's the same Gentiles he was speaking of before and is the result drawn up from the former promises so that by the Law written in the heart we must understand the Law of the new Covenant inclining to believe and obey the Gospel or that the Apostle held forth another way of Salvation than by Jesus Christ and the new Covenant which we may in no case imagine I shall return to shew the waies of God in making known himself to men since the fall And 1. I grant that there is a capacity left in man by nature in the use of means in some measure to know God and to know many things to be sinful but not without the concurrency of the use of means I deny not what God might work miraculously he could make the Asse to speak to convince the madness of Balaam but his ordinary way hath been in the use of means It is with the soul of man as it is with the body the eye is called the light of the body not that there is any light in the eye more than in any other part of the body but a capacity of seeing or a seeing faculty when the light shineth the eye seeth no more than the hand if there be no light without So it is in the souls of men there is the eyes of the understanding but it must have something propounded from without before it understands or apprehends if it were possible to keep men from all means of light either by seeing or hearing the understanding which is the eye of the soul would remain dark as the eye of the body without light Now the Law or Will of God might very probably 1. Descend something by tradition from Adam who had converse with God not only before but after the fall and could not but retain much of the knowledg of God and so commend it to Posterity 2. The discoveries of the Will of God in the matters of Worship and the manner thereof in offering of sacrifices which could not ordinarily come by nature but by some way of institution Some discoveries of his Will by Divine Inspiration in way of Prophecy as is plain Jude ver 14. Enoch the seventh from Adam prophecied c. And God spake sometimes immediately to the Fathers and those discoveries of God were propagated to Posterity though much corrupted and doubtless there is at this day much of tradition among some of the Heathens about circumstances and ceremonies corruptly practised by tradition as offering sacrifice circumcision offering their first-born to God and owning only one God their Priests and Prayers c. The fourth and most common way of God's teaching mankind throughout all Ages especially where other means hath failed hath been by his works of Creation and Preservation in which was and is a sufficiency to teach the knowledg of God as to his being and from hence that capacity left in man might learn the substance of the Moral Law but not without this means that the Creation was a sufficient means to teach the knowledg of God i. e. That there was a God infinite in his being and glorious the former of all things and that this was God's way of teaching the Apostle plainly asserts Rom. 1. 19 20. And the Prophet Psal 19. 1 2 3. There was and is a capacity in man by this means and help 1. To conclude that there is a God the Creator and Preserver of all that he must be infinite in Power Wisdom and Goodness And 2. From reason conclude that there is but one God not a plurality in Essence Will and Work but that there must be unity in so great and glorious a Work And then 3. That it 's a duty to be subject to this Creator and that he must be honoured and worshipped according to his own will as far as understood that this Invisible Powerful Wise God that made all things must needs be Holy as Great and Wise and his Will must be the Law to the Creature and that the transgression thereof must needs be sinful and from hence must necessarily understand what was for common good and society of mankind being capacitated with reason exercised thus in in the use of means might and did attain much and I dare not but to think that in this means God hath from the beginning wrought many souls savingly to himself And thus it appears that there was a Law i. e. a means to know God and in some measure to know duty and to know sin before the Law was given and the same means do the World yet injoy where the Gospel is not preached 2. God made known himself and Will to his Servants both before and
pray according to the will of God Ro. 8. 27. persons may pray in their own spirits and be very earnest and will have no nay for that which God would not have them and it may be is not good for them and he may give it them in judgement I believe that many have experience of this truth at this day as his people of old Psal 78. 18. They tempted God in their hearts by asking meat for their lusts v. 29. 30 31. He gave them their hearts desire but while the meat was in their mouths the wrath of God came upon them they must have their lusts fulfilled and their lusts they had but in anger and in wrath with vengeance for their lusting so the same people Israel lusted for a King and would have no nay and God gave them their desire Hos 13. 11. I gave thee a King in my anger and took him away in my wrath It greatly behoves Christians to look to the matter what they pray for that they pray for that which is good for which they have some precept or promise either generally or particularly and that too according to the terms thereof either absolute or conditional that is of submission to the will of God relating either to thing or time 1. What is absolutely promised we may and ought absolutely to pray for as Mortification of sin Sanctification of Life Preservation in the Faith Perseverance in Grace to the end with profiting under the various dispensations of God in the World c. All which comes under some special command or promise either general or particular 2. Some things we must pray for conditionally with submission to the will of God both relating to thing and time as Health Peace deliverance from Affliction prosperity in the world c. because these are things of worldly and temporary concernments and not absolutely necessary to the life of the new Covenant nor absolutely promised Christ our Lord is an example to us in this matter Mat. 26. 39 yet we may pray absolutely in this so far as God hath promised that is Food and Rayment is promised all these things shall be added to you but worldly riches is not promised but Food and Rayment is promised because your heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of these things you cannot live nor subsist without them nor serve God in the world without them That was it which Jacob said that if God would give him Food to eat and Cloaths to put on then God should be his God because without it he could not live if God would keep him alive he would live to God so that for Food and Rayment we ought to pray in faith and to believe the promise all these things shall be added Mat. 6. 33. And as for Deliverance from Afflictions Christians ought to pray absolute for support under them and profiting by them and deliverance in the Lords time time not the deliverance and then you may be absolute and that because you have the promise Ps 50. 15. Isa 45. 17. 2. By whom this duty of Prayer is to be 2. By whom it is to be performed performed and that is by believers though I shall not question the common duty of all men in this matter but none can perform it acceptably but Believers Justified persons God first accepts the person before the service is accepted it is the Prayers of a righteous man that availeth much Jam. 5. 16. as for others see what God saith Ps 50. 16 17. As for the wicked God saith what hast thou to do to declare my Statutes or that thou shouldst take my Covenant in thy mouth c. Prov. 15. 8. The Sacrafice of the wicked is abomination to the Lord but the prayer of the upright is his delight chap. 21. 27. it behoves every one to look to it to have some ground of a Turance of relation to the Lord in the New Covenant which will greatly imbolden the soul in this duty although souls may cry and call and obtain too when they lye under doubtings of interest they may cry Abba Father for the acceptation of our persons doth not consist in assurance of interest and relation but in believing the Gospel and cleaving to the Lord therein yet the higher our assurance of interest and relation works the more boldness and confidence will there be in Prayer and sometimes sinkings in spirit on that account may increase fervency but it is the duty of upright ones to worship God to pray unto him and to praise him it becomes them it is sutable to their high calling it becometh the upright to be thankful Ps 33. 1. Praise is comely for the upright all the wicked of the Earth whose persons are unaccepted their Prayers are abomination to the Lord for without Faith it is impossible to please him it was by Faith that Abels Sacrifice was accepted by which he obtained witness that he was righteous 3. That Prayer is a duty of special concernment 3. That its a special duty to be performed to be performed by those concerned therein that is believing righteous justified persons the Children of God and this appeareth 1. From the manifold commands and Exhortations thereunto a few of which I shall mention Mat. 7. 7. A●k and it shall be given seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you a plain command from our Lord with a promise of answer Eph. 6. 18. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit c. 1 Thes 5. 17. Pray continually Col. 4. 2. Continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving by all which and many other Exhortations in Holy Scripture it appeareth that Prayer is the special duty of the Saints 2. It appears from the frequent example of the Lords people throughout all ages who were frequently exercised in this divine duty and work as Abraham Gen. 18. 23 to 33. Moses Exod. 32. 30 31 32 33. 13 34. 91. Solomon 1 King 8. 22. David Ps 5. 1 2 3. 17. 1 2 c. 55. 16 17. in the New Testament Christ himself was very often exercised in this work Mat. 14. 23. Luke 6. 12. and Paul Phil. 1. 9. Col. 1. 9. 1 Thes 3. 10. The Apostles Acts 4. 24. to 31. and the whole Church Chap. 2. 42. with multitudes of like examples both in old and new Testament all which confirms the truth that it is the great duty and concernment of the Saints according to the will of God to be frequently exercised therein 3. It appears to be a very acceptable service to the Lord when rightly performed from the acceptance thereof which God hath manifested and the returns that he hath made to the prayers of his people throughout all ages wherein he hath manifested himself to be well pleased with the faithful prayers of his people in his hearing and answering of their prayers see his answer to Abraham in his requests Gen. 18. 21 to 33.
to Moses Exod. 32. 33 34. 33. 14. 17. to Jehoshaphat 2 Chron. 20. 6 15 16 17. to David Psal 18. 6 7 8. 118. 5. I called upon the Lord in distress he answered me and set me in a large place In a word the Lord never commanded his people to seek his face in vain Isa 45. 19. I said not to the seed of Jacob seek ye me in vain and of this his people hath had experience and must say if they speak true of him as Moses Deut. 4. 7. What Nation is there so great who hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God in all that we call upon him for I may add 4. that an unpraying people are noted in Scripture to be a Graceless and Godless people The workers of iniquity Psal 14. 4. Are a people that call not upon God and Psal 10. 4. The wicked in the pride of his countenance will not seek after God God is not in all his thoughts wicked men if they pray it is but in form and for fear or custome and tradition and not in faith and love with constancy as gracious persons doth Job 27. 10. speaking of the Hypocrite will he always call upon God No he will not it is of custome or for fear or to be seen of men if he doth it at all and as wicked men are a prayerless people so it is a note of a Godly man to be a praying man No sooner was Saul converted but behold he prayeth Acts 9. 11. which was given as a token to Annanias that he was a converted man and the Prophet deprecates against an unpraying people Jer. 10. 25. Pour out thy fury upon the Heathen that know thee not and upon the Families that call not upon thy name Psal 79. 6. by all which it appeareth that prayer is the special duty of the people of the Lord. The fourth particular relates to the manner 4. The right manner of Prayer of prayer how it is to be performed and in this are many requisites to be considered to the right performance thereof 1. We must pray in the Spirit if we pray 1. It must be in the spirit in a right manner not only with our own spirits but in the spirit of Christ there is a gift of prayer with large expressions which Hipocrites may attain and there is the spirit of prayer which is proper only to sincere Christians hence the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 14. 15. I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also Jud. v. 20. praying in the holy spirit and this is the promise of God to give his people the spirit of grace and of supplication Zech. 12. 10. The spirit of Christ is a spirit of prayer it enables those in whom it is to cry Abba Father Rom. 8. 15. it helpeth both as to matter and manner for we know not what to pray for as we ought Quest How shall I know that I have this Quest. spirit of prayer Ans We may know it in the matt●r and Answ in the manner of our prayers 1. In the matter of our prayers when we are kept to and helpt in the right matter of prayer the matter you have heard it must be good and according to the will of God when we are rightly lead in this matter it is by the Spirit of Christ Rom. 8. 26 27. We know not what we pray for as we ought c. but the spirit helpeth our infirmities and make intercession for us according to the will of God There is much in this to have our hearts lead in the will of God in our praying When persons run out in their own spirits and in their own wills and it may be besides the matter of prayer there is nothing of the spirit of Christ therein 2. We then pray with the Spirit when our own spirits are set at work in the duty prayer by the spirit is not lip labour only but heart work when we as we ought in all other services in prayer serve God with our Spirits with our whole Heart Rom. 1. 9. God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit in the Gospel of his Son c. Psal 119. 10. With my whole heart have I sought thee O let me not wander from thy Commandments then have we the spirit of Christ in Prayer when our whole heart is in the work My Son give me thy heart the Spirit works the heart to God according to his word and in this note that ordinarily when the spirit worketh in our hearts to the work it works the heart beyond the words and here lyeth the difference between Praying in the Spirit and without the Spirit he that prayeth in the spirit his spirit thereby out-runs his words he is more in heart then in word the spirit worketh in us with Groanings that cannot be uttered that is heart groanings and desirings beyond the expressions but the other his tongue out runs his heart he is far better at lip labour then at heart work in Prayer 3. Then we pray by the Spirit and in a right manner when we pray in Faith beleving that is the right spirit of prayer then pray we by the spirit and in a right manner for the spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Faith 2 Cor. 4. 13. But having the same Spirit of Faith c. Mat. 21. 22. And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in Prayer believing ye shall receive so that to pray believingly is the right manner of praying Quest When may I be said to Pray Believingly Quest Answ 1. When you believe understandingly Answ and rightly that the matter or things you pray for is according to the will of God 2. When you believe that God will give you what you pray for because it is according to his will it is his will you should ask it because it is his will that you should have it and that you should thus believe in asking see 1 Joh. 5. 14 15. Quest Are there not some things that we Quest ought to pray for which we have no particular ground for faith that it shall be granted we are commanded to pray for wicked men and enemies Mat. 5. 44. Answ We ought to pray in such and like Answ cases because God requires it and may and ought to pray in Faith we ought to pray for what God hath promised believing that he will give it and to pray for what he hath commanded us believing 1. That it is our duty because commanded 2. That he will accept us therein if not grant the thing prayed for yet that he will assuredly answer us in returning our prayers into our own bosom Ps 35. 13. But as for me when they were sick my cloathing was Sackcloth I humbled my self by fa●ting and my prayer returned into mine own bosome so that we ought to pray and believe that God will accept us and make a return of our prayers to advantage though in this and in
heart O who is it that reforms and returns to him that smiteth but rather quarrel at the rod and cry out for deliverance but keep fast the sin that is the cause thereof surely God will make us sick with smiting before he hath done if there be no reformation 2. Pride is another crying abomination for which God hath a controversie with his people self conceit pride of heart pride in Apparel pride of riches O this damnable hell born sin is like to prove the ruine of multitudes for it s followed after and pleaded for rushing into the new invented and deuised fashions to the dishonour of God and shame of Religion and undoing of poor souls the Lord may justly for these things complain as of his people of old Hos 5. 5. The Pride of Israel doth testifie to their face and he is at work with his people at this day for these abominations O that Professors in the City of London would lay these things to heart from whence prophaneness in this matter is come forth into all the nation Pride was Sodom sin and likewise the sin of spiritual Sodom and Aegypt Rev. 18. 12 13. 17. 4. Let all the Sons and Daughters of Sion tremble in the thoughts of living in the practise of Sodoms abominations and o● the contrary be ye cloathed with humillity that is let all your carriages and behaviours your words and works your gesture and apparel shew forth humility and prove the Lord if he hath not a blessing in store for you 3. Loss of first love both to God and one to another and loss of zeal for God his name and truth in the earth this is it for which God hath a controversie with his people and will not hear them cry they never so loud and make they never so many prayers Rev. 2. 4 5. Thou hast lost thy first love remember from whence thou art faln and repent and do thy first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and remove thy Candlestick out of his place except you repent it is repentance God expects before he will hear and answer our prayers for it is these and the like sins that doth hinder the prevailing of our prayers that they can have no enterance at the throne of Grace See these sins more fully described Chap. 29. CHAP. XXIII Of Perfection and whether it may be attained in this Life PErfection in the new Covenant Restauration and Life is a Glory to be believed beyond what we do or can yet know or injoy But in as much as there are great mistakes about this matter and the word perfect being frequently used in the Scripture and abused by ignorant and erring persons by reason of which serious souls may be and many are put to a loss in this matter I shall endeavour to clear up this truth according to the best light that I have through Grace attained herein for the advantage of others in which I shall endeavour 1. To clear up the various use and import of the word perfect as used in the holy Scripture and how far perfection is attainable here 2. To prove that perfection in the highest intention is not attainable in this life 1. The various use and import of the The various import of the word sincere word perfect as used in the Scriptures 1. Sometimes it imports sincerity and truth in the inward parts he that is a sincere Christian towards God in all his walks is in God's account a perfect Christian though otherwise attended with many imperfections uprightness and integrity is a choice virtue owned and approved of God and a comfort to souls in whom it is 2 Chron. 20. 3. Hezekiah could say Remember Lord I beseech thee how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart that is with an upright and sincere heart that is the true sense and meaning of the King for otherwise he had many infirmities 1 Chron. 28. 9. And thou Solomon my Son know thou the God of thy Father and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind that is a sincere upright sound and undivided heart for the Lord desireth truth in the inward parts Ps 51. 6. Job was said to be perfect that is upright sincere and so owned of God though he saw himself to be sinful and so confesseth Job 13. 23. 2. There is a comparative perfection 2. Comparative spoken of in Scripture that is some have been and may be reputed more perfect than others and so said to be perfect compared with those that are worse than them living in the same time and age and it may be enjoy like means Gen. 6. 9. It 's said that Noah was a perfect man in his Generation that is compared with the Generation in which he lived he was a perfect man comparatively and upright and sincere in his Generation and walked with God that is kept close with God and worshipped him in an evil Generation ver 5. God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth c. or compared with others that are weaker Christians Some Christians compared with others may be said to be perfect and this I call a comparative perfection 1 Cor. 2. 6. Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect that is perfect comparatively with the Corinthians Chap. 3. 1 2. And I brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto carnal even as unto babes in Christ c. not as to those that were spiritual or perfect which is all one in sense and substance they compared with others were not so spiritual or perfect as them and this is it the Apostle minds Phil. 3. 15. Let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded that is compared to others that were more imperfect in their Knowledg Faith and Practice not perfect in the highest perfection for so the Apostle himself was not perfect ver 12. Not as though I had already attained or were already perfect c. So that it 's evident both from Scripture and experience that there is this comparative perfection and that in varieties of degrees among all Christians which are distinguished 1. Degrees of this perfection among Christians 2. Among Churches And 3. Among Ministers yet all are Christians 1. Among Christians in general there 1. Of Christians in general are varieties of degrees in Knowledg in Faith and in Practice and in all the gifts and virtues of the new Covenant this is abundantly cleared by the Apostle 1 Cor. 12. 12. to 25. Where he discovers the Church in all its parts to have variety of members as the body of Christ some more honourable or perfect than others some weak in the Faith and some strong Rom. 14. 1. and 15. 1. Some are comely in their spirits and conversations and some need to have comeliness to be put upon them 1 Cor. 12. 23 24. Some spiritual some carnal some useful and helpful to others others that
and Christ that is of the new Covenant it must be perfection it is not imperfection they reach after too much of that they have already in themselves which makes them groan in the sense thereof therefore if they press forward after any thing it must be Perfection 2. By pressing forward after Perfection I intend a growing up into a greater measure of the perfection attainable in this mortal state for as hath been shewed there are degrees of Perfection attainable here both in Knowledg Faith Love and an holy conformity to our Lord Jesus in the Gifts and Virtues of the Holy Spirit 1 Pet. 2. 2. 2 Pet. 3. 18. And this is it the Apostle minds Phil. 3. 10. That I may know him c. That is that I may grow and increase in the knowledg of him and in a conformity to him for he knew him in part before O it 's a sign of a gracious soul that is truly longing and endeavouring after the highest degree attainable here of conformity to Jesus Christ 1 Joh. 3. 3. He that hath this hope in him purifieth himself as he is pure that is maketh Christ the copy and pattern after which he walketh 3. By pressing forward after Perfection I intend that the godly soul principled with perfection have in his eye the highest and glorious perfection and that is it he would attain if possible though he knows it 's not attainable here yet he reacheth after it and can do no less if interested in it it is his portion and that is it the Apostle intends Phil. 3. 11. If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead that is to that perfection that shall be attained at the resurrection of the dead ver 12 13 14. I press forward to the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus God Christ is the mark we are running to 1 Pet. 3. 18. Mat. 16. 24. And Perfection and Glory is the prize we are running for 2 Tit. 4. 7 8 Rom. 2. 7. And he can never run right that hath not both the mark and prize in his eye So run that ye may obtain CHAP. XXIV Of Sincerity SIncerity being that which crowns all other virtues and duties for without sincerity all is nothing and must have its place and use in all relating both to God and Man without which it is unaccepted with God and although I have occasionally given hints of this virtue in other Chapters and particularly in that about Prayer in the manner how it must be performed yet I shall in this place speak something more distinctly yet briefly It being a virtue so well pleasing to God he desireth truth in the inward parts Psal 51. 6. man would not accept of hipocritical service or shew of love if he knew it so to be how much less will God accept of that which is but feigned and in shew God knoweth the heart the mind and thoughts and he will have the heart in all or nothing at all My Son give me thy heart God will accept no gift without the heart let God have the heart and he hath all but without the heart he will accept nothing All the glorious shews in Religion without the heart are but Painted sins and the persons but as Whited Tombs that appeas beautiful to men but within are full of Dead men Bones Sincerity must have its place in Faith or else it is but feigned and nothing worth true faith must be unfeigned 1 Tim. 1. 5. its to be feared that there is a great deal of feigned Faith in the World that makes men no better then Hypocrites Joh. 2. 23 24 25. Sincerity must have its place in love or else it s nothing and that 1. to God the Father Mat. 22. 37. to Jesus Christ his Son Eph. 6. 24. Grace be with all those that love our Lord Jesus in Sincerity Amen To the people of God for his sake it must be sincere heart love Mat. 22. 39. Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self 1 Joh. 3. 18. love not in Word and Tongue but in deed and in truth 1 Pet. 1. 22. it must be unfeigned and with a pure heart fervently Sincerity must be in our prayers Psal 17. 1. Give ear unto my Prayers that goeth not out of feigned lips In a word Sincerity must be in all our services if they are accepted of the Lord 1 Chron. 28. 9. Psal 119. 34. Give me Vnderstanding and I shall keep thy Law yea I shall observe it with my whole heart ver 69. I will keep thy Precepts with my whole heart and 9. 1. I will praise thee with my whole heart so that whether it be faith or love prayer or praise or any part of obedience it must be with the heart a sincere heart a whole and undevided heart a heart and a heart the Lord disowneth I shall indeavour to shew some infallible Signs of sincerity Characters of a sincere heart plain from Scripture and Saints Experience not to darken truth or leave Souls at a loss but that he that runs may read and understand And in general as the ground of the whole a sincere heart is an honest heart and good heart Luk. 8. 15. this honest and good heart includes the whole of sincerity 1. An honest good and sincere heart 1. It s an open plain heart is an open and plain heart he is true in what he doth he hates and abhors deceit we use to say he is an honest man that deals plainly and justly so that he dares let all his actions come to the tryal so is it with the sincere soul he is honest and plain would have all his works done in the light he hates darkness he deals above board as the saying is he is willing that all his actions should be brought to the tryal Rom. 13. 13. Let us walk honestly as in the day c. The honest sincere soul loves the day he is not for night work nor deeds of darkness be it never so secret Joh. 3. 19 20 21. He that doth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God The sincere soul loves the light because it discovers the darkness of sin the sincere soul fears all sin especially hypocrisie he would not be an hypocrite for the world and therefore comes to the light Of the Word and Spirit of Christ to try his spirit and actions by that so he may know that his deeds are wrought in God that they are of God and owned and approved of him the honest sincere heart as he fears hypocrisie and comes to the light that he may understand of what so●● his work is so he doth it sincerely and throughly he is in good earnest in the matter and therefore do not only search himself and is willing to be searched by others but is willing to stand to the Lo 〈…〉 searching who knoweth all things Psal 139. 23 24. Search
Father in all things the Sincere Christian would not displease God for a world he had rather displease men and himself too I mean fleshly self then displease God But Hypocrites design is to please men and to please their own humours they do what they do to be seen of men the Hypocrite if he pray it is to be seen of men if he give it is to be seen of men to have applause of men that is his end and if that be attained he hath his reward Mat. 23. 5. But all their works they do to be seen of men ch 6. 1 5. The Hypocrite if he can keep but just so much Religion as may continue his esteem among the Professors of his way and time he looks no more unless it be the vain glorious glossing talking and it may be preaching Hypocrite 6. The great care of a Sincere Christian 6. Look especially to the heart is to look to the heart to have the heart right with God he knoweth that the heart is deceitful and that God requireth the heart and will have the heart or nothing and therefore whatever he doth he doth it heartily as to the Lord and mourns when he finds the heart wanting and wandering he hates a divided Hypocritical heart he believeth with the heart loveth God with the heart prayeth with the heart obeyeth with the heart Rom. 16. 17. he accounts no service well done where the heart is wanting But the Hypocrite is a stranger to heart work and heart service he troubles not himself with that work the most he doth is to bring his body to the service and his head it may be but for the heart he take no care for that he is a stranger to such work Ezek. 33. 31. VVith their mouth they shew much love but their heart goeth after their covetousness See Mat. 15. 8. Psal 78. 36 37. They did flatter him with their mouth and they lyed to him with their Tongues for their heart was not right with him Thus the Hypocrites in heart heap up wrath Job 36. 13. For Hypocrisie lyeth in the heart and Sincerity is in the heart it is an honest and good heart 7. The Sincere Christian dwelleth most 7. Is most at home at home looks most to the state of his own soul keepeth his own Vineyard dresseth that and watcheth his own heart and his own words and ways and warreth against his own sins and sinful nature judgeth himself for his own miscarriages cryeth out O wretched man that I am not but that sincere souls seeth and reproveth and mourneth for others sins but his first his great work is at home to keep things in order there he saith with the Prophet Psal 51. 4. Against thee only have I sinned and with the Publican Lord be merciful to me a Sinner He saith with the Prophet Psal 119. 5. O that my ways were di●ectected to keep thy Statutes But the Hypocrite is most abroad quick-sighted to see into others failings but blind at home cryeth peace to his own soul without ground his great work is to be finding fault abroad he cryeth not O wretched man that I am but O wretched man that thou art he is quick sighted into the sins of others that his own may be covered or at least lessened in his conscience account an Hypocrite will sooner see a Mote in his brothers eye then a Beam in his own 8. The Sincere Christian as he believeth 8. He cleaveth to the Doctrine of Christ in the Lord and loveth and obeyeth the Lord above all so he cleaveth not only in word and in tongue but in deed and in truth to the Doctrine of Christ the Word of the Gospel as his alone ground of saith and rule of obedience and dare not for a world to swerve from it either to his own or others inventions 1 Joh. 4. 6. He that knoweth God heareth us he that is not of God heareth not us hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of errour 2 Joh. ver 9. Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God but he that abideth in the Doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son But Hypocrites whatever they pretend in word of owning the Doctrine of Christ yet easily turn from it preferring their own inventions and imaginations equall with if not above the Doctrine of the Gospel Mat. 15. 7. Ye Hypocrites c. ver 9. In vain do they worship me teaching for doctrine the commandements of men Isa 29. 13. Their fear towards me is taught by the Precepts of men God takes them to be Hypocrites that pretend to own him and his word and indeed own the Precepts of men and their own inventions in his worship 9. Sincere Christians love Gods things 9. They love Gods things for his sake for his sake his word his ways and Ordinances because it is his because it hath his stamp upon it and spirit in it loves his people because they are his and have his spirit in them and his name upon them and so loves all whom the Lord loves the poor Saints as well as the rich they that are alive as well as they that are dead they they see and know as well as them they never saw c. But Hypocrites love is to some for some base and by end and not to all or to the dead Saints but not to the living Hypocrites pretend a great deal of love to the deceased Saints which they never saw but hate and persecute the living Saints who desire to be the Followers of those who through faith and patience inherit the promise Hypocrites will pretend to be the greatest lovers of dead Saints none love them as themselves they will honour them every one o● them shall have a day dedicated to him in honour Saint Peter and Saint Paul's day c. yea and it may be adore and pray to them make them their intercessors but hate and persecute them that are alive whom they see and know and that too because they walk in the steps of the deceased Saints We may easily judge what love such have to Jesus Christ and the Apostles if they were alive they should quickly find and feal their love that are so friendly to their followers in Faith and Patience thus did the Hypocrites of old Mat. 23. 29 30 31. Woe unto you Scribes Pharisees and Hypocrites because ye build the Tombs of the Prophets and garnish the Sepulchers of the righteous and say if we had been in the days of our Fathers we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the Prophets Wherefore ye be witnesses unto your selves that ye are the children of them that killed the Prophets They witness that they are the Children of the Persecutors not by nature but by the same spirit children in blood and persecution therefore Hypocrites in pretending to love Saints that are gone whom they never saw but hate them they see
and would as truly hate and persecute them they never saw if they were present as they do those that are alive and present with them 10. And finally the honest hearted sincere 10. He fruitful Christian is fruitful he heareth the word of God and keepeth it and bringeth forth fruit with patience He knoweth that hereby God is glorified Joh. 15. 8. and that his account shall be thereby advantaged in the day of account Phil. 4. 17. They have their fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life Rom. 6 22. Even the fruit of righteousness that is by Jesus Christ to the praise and glory of God Phil. 1. 11. Fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God it is the fruitless tr●e that must be cut down But the Hypocrite is a fruitless branch an empty vine that bringeth forth fruit to himself he never goes out of or above himself seeks himself in all that he doth but brings forth no fruit to God no fruit to men no fruit for the good of his own soul unless it be the fruit of his Hypocrisie that is woe and wrath The Hypocrite in heart doth heap up wrath Woe to yo● Scribes Pharisees Hypocrites ye Serpents ye Generation of Vipers how can ye escape the damnation of hell Mat. 23. 29. 33. 2. I shall shew the advantages of sincerity 2. The advantages of sincerity and honesty of heart to God-ward in the New Covenant of his Grace 1. Sincerity of heart to God is that which renders all the weak and imperfect services of his people acceptable to him not as the meritorious cause that is alone in Christ Jesus and for his sake both ou● persons and services are accepted in the bel●ved Eph. 1. 6. But in him neither are ou● persons nor services accepted without sincerity feigned faith and love and obedience is not accepted it must be as you have heard before heart faith heart love and heart obedience that God accepts i● Christ and for his sake this of sincerity and truth in the inward parts God desireth and accepteth in all things according to what we have and not according to what we have not Weak and imperfect services are accepted where sincerity is this sweetens all our services keeps the soul humble and holy with a dayly dependance on the Grace that is in Christ Jesus God in Christ Jesus covers the many failings and accepts the weak services of his upright ones David a man of many failings yet being upright and sincere he was owned of God to be a Man after his own heart sincerity of heart makes us after Gods own heart he delights in owns and approves of sincere souls he takes them for his own with all their weaknesses and imperfections But Hypocrisie marrs all it is as the dead Fly in the Box that causeth all the Oyntment to stink The Hypocrite may to visible appearance in outward shew exceed the sincere soul as the Pharisee did the Publican he may preach and pray and converse at such a rate as if he were an Angel of light or a Minister and man of righteousness and yet be an Hypocrite all the while proud and self seeking designing himself and his own ends in all and this spoileth all God owns not any person under heaven for such external painted excellencies though men sometimes through weakness may admire them and they may admire themselves yet God owns not on any such account see Mat. 7. 22 23. Luke 13. 15 16. 2. Sincerity of heart towards God in the faith gives great boldness to the soul before the Lord both here and hereafter 1. Hear the sincere heart can appeal to the Lord in the most difficult case when the Hypocrite must sink in his spirit so Hezekiah Isa 38. 2 3. Remember Lord how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart c. and Joh in his great tryal was supported and bold on this account Job 13. 15 16. I will maintain mine own ways before him for an Hypocrite shall not come before him and 31. 6. Let me be weighed in an even ballance that God may know mine integrity O the boldness of a sincere soul that dares to appeal to the Lord in the matter and to say as Peter Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest I love thee But the Hypocrite faints and sinks when God deals with him Prov. 28. 1. The wicked flee when none pursue but the righteous are bold as a Lyon 2. Hereafter in the day of accounts the great day of the Lord who may abide it sincerity then will be worth the world then shall the righteous sincere upright ones stand with great boldness before the Lord 1 Joh. 4. 17. Herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of Judgment Hypocrites shall then be ashamed and confounded they shall be speechless the ungodly shall not stand in the Judgment nor Sinners in the Congregation of the Just then they shall be ashamed and confounded in their own spirits knowing themselves to be Hypocrites and the Congregation of Hypocrites shall be desolate Job 15. 34. See Isa 33. 14. 3. Sincerity will preserve the soul pure to God from sin and keep the soul close and constant to God in duty 1. It will preserve from sin it is a wonderful preserving vertue a sincere heart would not sin against God for a world it not only preserves from the common sins of the time and place but from the sins of mens callings and relations and from the sins that men are by nature most inclined unto Psal 18. 33. 23. I was also upright before him and I kept my self from mine iniquity Sincerity will keep souls from the iniquity of their natures to which they are most inclined it will pluck out the right eye and cut off the right hand but Hypocrisie must have that spared and kept alive the darling lust must live though in the death of the owner thereof Psal 25. 21. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me for I wait on thee 2. It will keep the soul constant and close to God is duty it makes conscience of every duty and service private and publick and keeps the soul in a right frame in the performance thereof that is holy humble awfull believing and rejoycing in the Lord it s that will tend to compleat the soul in all the will of God sincerity goes through with the work does not half it with God nor turn back in the day of tryal but the Hypocrite is fleeting and inconstant will not pray always doth nothing in conscience and love to the Lord especially to private work and duty he is a stranger looks not at the frame of his spirit in the work but is too and fro fast and loose with God suitable to the time occasion and advantage of Profession Obj. Sincerity I perceive is a choice vertue Obj. and all without it is nothing but I find that I have much and many
God is no respecter Answ of persons that is of Jews above the Gentiles which was the present occasion of those words nor of any person one above another according to the usual respect among men i. e. for any good by nature in one more then another for all were in their blood that is in their sin alike enemies alike and alike miserable But some he purposed to magnifie his Mercy on to life and fixes his choice on them according to his own will without any respect of person that is of Goodlyness of Person Beauty Wisdom Strength Honour Riches good Nature or the like but rather the contrary See 1 Cor. 1. 26 27 28 29. Jam. 2. 5. and that from his own will and pleasure Luke 20. 21. a wonderful and hidden mistery it is 3. That he might glorifie the riches of his mercy in saving some as well as of his Justice in condemning others Rom. 9. 23. That he might make known the Riches of his Glory on the Vessels of Mercy which he had afore prepared to Glory Ephe. 1. 4 5 6. this was the utmost and final design of God to glorifie the Riches of his Grace Eternally in the Vessels of Mercy prepared to Glory CHAP. XXVI Of Reprobation REprobation I take to be non-election and I dare not understand it further for so here is Mercy and Justice wonderfully exalted in a way of righteousness I do not find reprobation as attributed to God in this matter in the terms thereof in the Scripture and I suppose that all the sayings in the Scripture that seems equivalent to it may be very safely understood in this sense as Prov. 16. 4. He made the wicked for the day of wrath i. e. he knew they would be wicked yet he made them and designed them for their wickedness unto wrath Rom. 9. 21 22. The elect he designed unto honour and others he left to themselves and the means afforded that continue impenitent he designed to dishonour for God saw the end of all and disposed all to such ends as will be for his own Glory Jude ver 4. The Apostle speaks of certain men that were of old ordained to this condemnation that is God fore-knowing them in their sins ordained them to condemnation I dare not think that God reprobated any but in relation to their obstinacy and constancy in sin none shall be damned from the detriment counsel without relation to their sins nor hath any act past in God to cause them to sin but men are the cause of thir own destruction though God for their sin hath designed them to it so that God will wonderfully exalt himself in his Justice and Mercy on this account Reprobation hath two parts in it 1. A Two parts in Reprobation non-clection that is a leaning to the means afforded which is full of all sufficiency to save all if they have hearts and grace to make use thereof I say they are left to the means to believe c. or not believe at their own will and choice and at their own peril and so he propoundeth the Gospel to all without respect effecting the term of life therein propounded where and when he pleaseth but no act of God hindreth any man but according to the publick ministration of the Gospel he wille●● that all should be saved by coming to the knowledg of the truth and this will toward● all he effects in whom he will and leave● others to their own wills though ma● have lost the freeness of his will to that which is good by his sin yet not the power of willing and God leaves his will free he may believe obey and be saved if ●● will God hinders not unless it be by his Judicial act as a punishment of former acts of sin and rebellion against him as in the case of Pharaoh of his own people Joh. 12. 39 40. And of the rebellious Gentiles Rom. 1. 21 24. Which I call a Judicial hardening i. e. a giving up to an hardened estate in a way of Justice as a punishment for sin which is the greatest judgment that can befall persons in this World and in this he acteth according to his own will both in a way of Judgment and Mercy Rom. 9. 15 17. But otherwise God affords great and blessed means for man to believe and be saved it is the devil and man himself that debilitates the understanding and will that it will have none of God and Christ of Grace and Life on the terms propounded in the new Covenant which is Repentance Faith and new obedience this man of himself will not submit too nor cannot because he will not see 2 Cor. 4. 4. Joh. 5. 40. and 6. 44. The second part of Reprobation of impenitent sinners is they are decreed and appointed to pain and misery to be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his Power 2 Thes 1. 8 9. To be set on the left hand with this sentence Go ye cursed into everlasting fire as a punishment for their sin against God and rejecting Grace in the day of Grace O how does it concern every one then to look about themselves wh●●es they have time and means and not profanely to plead that if they are elected they shall be saved live as they list if not they shall be damned do what they can But know that you may believe obey the Gospel and be saved if you will if you have hearts to it God hinders you not but on the contrary affords you blessed means and gives you bl●ssed invitations and makes you blessed offers of Life if you will obey him and will accept you and perform all his good word and promises of Life if you come in believe and obey the Gospel But know that if you resolve to keep your sins still and to live as you list and will not accept of Christ and Life on the terms of the Gospel you are so far from being any of the elect ones that you must be damned Mar. 16. 15 16. Obj. But I want the power of coming to Objection God I have sometimes a will but I cannot accomplish the work sin is too hard for me how then can I come Answ 1. Ordinarily the defect lieth in Answer the will when once the will and mind is really and in good earnest for God the power shall not fail for the defect is in the will it may be there may be sometimes some convictions of sin and apprehensions of Grace with the need thereof and willingness to enjoy it but it is but weak and flashy and soon over but no heart-hatred of sin but rather a love to it and loathness to part with it no resolution to set on the work of turning to the Lord with the whole heart and to trust him for strength therein and thus the heart is divided like those the Lord complains of Hos 10. 2. Their heart is divided now shall they be found faulty a
double heart is an heart the Lord likes not Jam. 1. 8. A double minded man is unstable in all his wai●s and 4. 8. Purifie your hearts ye double minded While the will is thus divided it 's no wonder if the power be wanting Let not such a man think to obtain any thing from the Lord. 2. If they will be in good earnest to turn to the Lord to believe and obey the Gospel to eschew evil and to do good set about the work and do not sit still and complain for want of power but look to the Lord and he will not be wanting to thee he that hath wrought the will will not fail in helping to do if thou set heartily about the work I shall say in this as David said to his Son in another case 1 Chron. 22. 16. Arise and be doing and the Lord will be with thee God never did nor never will damn any man for want of power but for want of will and so mens destruction is of themselves Obj. But Christ saith Joh. 6. 44. No man Objection can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him Answ True but first God draws by his Answ Word the Preaching of the Gospel and the wooing invitations thereof is the way by which he draweth sinners to himself these are the cords of his love by which he draweth Hos 11. 4. I drew them with the cords of a man with the bonds of love and I laid meat before them and this kind of drawing hath a natural tendency to effect the work if wilfulness keep not from the Grace presented and invited too 2. If the work hereby be so far effected in thee as a real desire to come to Christ know it is from the drawing of the Lord therefore come to him fall in with him while he is thus drawing thee the Lord calls thee Matt. 11. 28. Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest dispute not the power but an hearty and willing consent to imbrace Christ Jesus as thy Saviour and Lord according to the Gospel and the work is done CHAP. XXVII Of the Church of Christ in the new Covenant THE Church of God under the ministration of the Law or old Covenant was the natural seed of Abraham and so the Nation of the Jews to them was the Oracles and Ordinances given and them did he own for his peculiar people to worship him his people in Covenant and under his discipline and government The Church of God under the ministration of the new Testament since the death and resurrection of the Testator Jesus Christ are or should be the spiritual seed of Abraham that is true Believers both of Jews and Gentiles It 's now no National Church but a people gathered out of the Nations to the profession of Faith in Christ Jesus and obedience to him Gal. 3. 28 29. Act. 10. 34 35. Rom. 3. 29. Rev. 5. 9. But to speak more distinctly of the Church the word Church or Assembly as the Greek word Ekklesia imports is variously applied in the Scripture to any Assembly bad as well as good Acts 19. 32 39 41. The same word is so translated and applied to an Assembly met together for evil But when it intends the Church and assembly of God and of Christ on the new Covenant account that being it we are now about we may consider it according to Scripture on a three-fold considetion 1. It intends a people gathered out of What the constituted Church of Christ is the World by the ministry of the Gospel to the visible profession of Faith in Christ Jesus and obedience to him to Faith and Holiness the Gospel constituted Church of Christ and this is the Church I especially intend to speak of the visible constituted Church of Christ and this is distinguished into several bodies or congregational Assemblies under the regal Government of Christ their Lord yielding professed subiection to Jesus Christ in his Laws and Ordinances as far as they are instructed therein every particular Congregation having the same power from Christ their Head and Lord not one to Lord it over another but to help and assist in love and the Church of Christ is thus gathered into many particular Assemblies by reason of distance of place number of persons that they cannot assemble in one or a few Assemblies but in as many as are necessary for their coming together and comfortable serving of the Lord. That the Church of Christ is or should be gathered thus appeareth Act. 14. 23. 1 Cor. 1. 2. Gal. 1. 2. Rev. 1. 4. All which proves the truth asserted and that they had all of them the Ordinances of Christ administred in each Assembly as appears evidently by the Apostles reproof and direction on this account about matters of Order and Ordinances as relating to particular Churches 1 Cor. 11. and 14. Chapt. Tit. 1. 5. Phil. 1. 1. Rev. 2 and 3 Chapt. And this Church in all its particular Assemblies is gathered out of the World and from the World to the Lord by the Word and Spirit of Christ Matt. 28. 19 20. Mar. 16. 15 16. Act. 2. 41 42 47. and 4. 4. and 13. 48 49. This was the Apostles commission Act. 26. 17 18. Which work was alwaies accomplished in this way without and contrary to the humane power who ordinarily hath opposed this new Covenant work of Christ And what-ever Church it is that takes any other Lord or Law-giver besides Christ in religious things and owns an humane head either in its constitution by humane power or receiving Laws in matters of Faith and Worship is none of Christ's Church but an Harlot a Sinagogue of Satan who say they are Jews when they are not Rev. 2. 9. Committing spiritual fornication with the Kings of the Earth after the manner of the Whore of Babilon Rev. 17. 2. and 18 9. Taking the humane power as Head Lord and Law-giver in Christs concernments making them their strength support and uphold perswading the Magistrate to persecute all that fall not in with them who although Christ hath ordained that his Church should be subject to the humane powers in humane and worldly concerns yet this is that with which few are satisfied being otherwise perswaded by the false Church who delighteth in fornication and loveth to have another Head and Lord than Jesus Christ And the Churches of Christ thus gathered and constituted under Christ their Head Lord and Law-giver have an equal power from him with their distinct offices to carry on all the administrations of his Kingdom that is his Church according to the rules by him prescribed and in these Churches is God to be worshipped in all his appointments in spirit and in truth Joh. 4. 24. 1 Pet. 2. 5. And these visible constituted Churches of the Gospel are or should be all Saints true Believers they do bad service who to maintain their National Churches and all Christendom as called
and that appears 1. From the Lords forbidding of it Exod. 20. 17. Rom. 13. 9. 2. From the many cautions given against it to be ware thereof Luke 12. 15. Eph. 5. 3. Heb. 13. 5. 3. From the evil effects thereof as violence and oppression Mic. 2. 2. Stealing and theft John 7. 11. 21. Deceit and treachery as in the case of Judas Mat. 26. 14 15 16. Lying 2 Kin. 5. 22. 27. Murder as in the case of Ahab with Naboth 1 Kin. 21. Merchandise of souls 2 Pet. 2. 3. Covetousness is fit for any abomination to accomplish its design 4. In that it 's ranked with the worst of sins 1 Cor. 5. 10. and 6. 10. 5. In that it hath the term of the worst of sins put upon it it 's called Idolatry ●ph 5. 5. Jer. Col. 3. 5. which is an abominable sin 44. 4. 1 Pet. 4. 3. 6. By the difficulty for a rich covetous man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 19. 23 24. 7. By the Woes and Judgments in Scripture denounced against it Hab. 2. 9. 1 Cor. 6. 10. Eph. 5. 5 6. And this woful soul-deceiving and soul-destroying sin the Lords people are liable to be ensnared with it and that appeareth in that they are so often taxed for it and accused of it Jer 6. 13. and 8. 10. Ezek. 33. 31. 2. In that they are so often cautioned against it as I minded before Luke 12. 13. 1 Tit. 6. 8. 9 10 11 17 18. Heb. 13. 5. 3. In th● they pray against it Ps 119. 36. In a word to conclude Covetousness ● a sin that draws down judgments tempor● judgments Isa 57 17. Spiritual and etern● judgments as other abominations do 1 Tit. 6. 9 10. Yet such is the weakness wretchedness of Christians to suffer themselves to be ensnared thereby to be dallying therewith and to keep it in their bosome as their special friend and that too against all reproofs and means of help which ●● the end if Grace prevent not will sting like a Serpent and bite like a Cockatrice piercing them through with many sorrows drowning th●m in perdition and destruction Or 2. It may be for the sin of Hypocr●sie Isa 10. 5. 6. O Assirian the rod of mi●● anger c I will send him against an hypocritical N●tion c. and 9. 17. Job 15. 34. The Congregation of Hypoc●ites shall be desolate c Quest Wherein doth Hypocrisie co●sist Quest A●●w Generally in making a shew of Answ that which is not either relating to God or man Ezek. 33. 31 33. Matt. 15. 7 8. Love in word and in tongue only and not in d●ed and in truth 1 Joh. 3. 18. It 's not in vain that Christ gives that caution Luke 12. 1. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is Hypocrisie Ps 58. 1 2. Sincerity is a lovely virtue but hypocrisie double dealing an heart and an heart the Lord abhorreth O! let all that expect to approve themselves to God abhor it grounds there are to fear that it hath gotten too much footing in the hearts of Christians at this day Or 3. It may be for the sin of Pride God may rebuke and chastise his people Isa 28 1 3. Woe to the crown of Pride ver 3. The crown of Pride the drunkards of Ephraim shall be trodden under fe●t Hos 5. 5. The Pride of Israel doth testifie to his face therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall into their iniquity Judah also shall fall with them Pride is a sin that God will not bear with no not in his own people but he will visit them and bring them down and lay them low even in the dust Quest Wherein doth Pride consist Answ Pride is in the heart it 's an heart-sin it 's a being puffed or lifted up in the heart Prov. 16. 5. Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lo●d Ps 131. 1. saith the Prophet Mine heart is not haughty nor mine eyes lofty there is pride of Parts Wisdom Riches Strength Beauty Honour c. Jer. 9. 2 3. Pride in falshood 1 Tit. 6. 3 4. but all comes from the heart I shall therefore endeavour to shew some of the symptoms of Pride wherein a proud heart is discovered which are as the flag● or ensigns thereof 1. A proud and lofty look lofty eyes and a lofty countenance and carriage is a discovery of a lofty and proud heart Psal 101. 5. Him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I suffer an high look and a proud heart ordinarily goes together and the Lord will not suffer such in his Family Ps 131. 1. My heart is not haughty nor mine eyes lofty lofty eyes bespeaks an haughty heart Prov. 6. 17. A proud look is one of the abominations the Lord hateth Chap. 21. 4. and 30. 13. There are a Generation O how lofty are their eyes and their eye-lids are lifted up And this lofty haughty heart that is discovered by a lofty and proud look will God bring down Isa 2. 11. 17. 2. A lofty tongue and that is either 1. A ruling lording tongue which discovers a proud heart Ps 12. 3 4. God will cut off the tongue that speaketh proud things c. and 73. 8. They are corrupt and speak wickedly concerning oppression they speak loftily great and proud words are the discoveries of a proud heart 2. A self-exalting and a self-boasting tongue is a symptom of a proud heart and this the Hypocrite cannot avoid Luke 18. 11 12. The proud boasting Pharisee by it discovered the pride of his heart for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh thus Jehu boasts of the rightness of his heart when it was but a discovery of his Pride and Hypocrisie 2 K●n. 10. 15. Self-praise and self-commendation is a special character of folly and pride Prov. 27. 2. Let another praise thee and not thine own mouth a stranger and not thine own lips it 's much better for a mans works to praise him than his tongue Prov. 31. 31. 3. Lofty habit gay cloathings fleshly adornings is a special symptom of a proud heart Quest Is there any such thing as pride in apparel or any such thing condemned in the Scripture as pride in apparel Answ I propose this question and the same to that of covetousness because I perceive Christians run to excess in these things without all care or fear as if there were no such sins in the World a dangerous evil of our times Christians rush into it as if riches gay clothes and following the fashions of the times were the only preparations for another World or if not as if they expected no part therein but to have their portion only in this life But surely it is a sin condemned by the Lord not only in the old but in the new Testament in the old Isa 3. 16 17. Because the daughters of Sion are haughty and walk with stretched out necks and wanton eyes and therefore the Lord will smite
with a scab the crown of the head c. ver 18. In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of the twinkling ornaments c. What they are you may see in that which followeth by which we may see that the Lords people hath alwaies been addicted too much to this sin and especially the female Sex and this we find at present by woful experience amongst professing people though contrary to the Word of God and the Spirit of Grace in the hearts of gracious ones 1 Tit. 2. 9 10. 1 Pet. 3. 3 to 6. In both which Pride is forbidden and modest apparel with shamefac'dness and sobriety as becometh women professing Godliness is commanded and the truth is that this sort of Pride is a shame and a shameful sin to be found in the Church of Christ Luke 7. 25. They that wear gay cloathing are in Kings houses they should not be in Churches It 's the Whore of Babilon whose Beauty consists of such deckings Rev. 17. 4. It behoves the Churches to purge out this sin as an abomination and to be cloathed with humility which adorns the new Covenant lest the Lord cast them out as an abominable branch O if we could or would be every one striving who should be most like Christ and conformable to him as we are striving to be like the World how glorious would Christians be in their profession over now they are but now unhappy we whose care is to be like the World though thereby we are the more unlike our Lord and so dishonour him and wrong our own souls and that which adds to this sin is that Ministers who should cry aloud against these abominations either practice the same themselves or allow it in their Families and Relations are silent in the matter at best and others shameless enough plead for it and surely that is the Devils work no wonder then if it grow to a mighty torrent both of sin and judgment Some it may be preach it down in word but allow it in practice in themselves and Families as if they had a license to be licentious in this matter I have observed this evil in Parents that hath been bread plain themselves and it may be so continue but breed their children to pride and vanity as if they designed them to destruction and say it may be they cannot help it let such know that they ought to command their children and remember Ely in like case for his weak and soft dealing with his Sons 1 Sam. 2. 22 to 27 33. I have observed the Husband to go plain himself but the Wife arraied like a Stage-player and the vain man it may be is proud to see his Wife so fine or if not passeth all by in silence or complains that he cannot rule her she will have it so say what he will An argument that the man knows not how to rule and so draws the guilt of his Wives sin upon himself or that the Wife knows not her duty either to God or to her Husband and indeed those who have no conscience of duty to God it cannot be expected that they should have conscience of duty to man I would advise such women to read and seriously to consider Eph. 5. 24. 33. 4. A lofty carriage and conversation is a symptom of a proud heart Dan. 4. 37 Those that walk in Pride he is able to abase a proud walk a proud life discovers a proud heart 1 Jo● 2. 16. One of the things that is of the World and not of the Father is pride of Life which is not of the Father but of the World O therefore let Christians leave it to the World and cleave to the Father and the things of the Father lest he strip and whip them from their grievous transgression in this matter 5. Contentions and divisions about needless and invented things is a sign of a proud heart when persons form up things to themselves which the Lord never required and make that a ground of division for self-ends such things as these being the cause of most of the divisions at this day it flows from self and pride Prov. 13. 10. Only by pride cometh contention but with the well-advised is Wisdom and 22. 10. Cast out the scorner and contention shall go out yea strife and reproach shall cease O the breaches and divisions the contentions and strifes which this monster pride hath produced both in Church and State the Lord give repentance or judgment must be the issue good Hezekah humbled himself for the pride of his heart c. and the wrath of the Lord was deferred 2 Chron. 32. 26. 4. Affliction may come upon the people of God for their living in the transgression of the known Ordinances of the Lord this is that for which God hath had and probably hath at this day a controversie with his people and for these things he hath doth and will visit them Ezek. 11. 19 20 21. Where the reason of Gods gathering his people from the Nations ver 17. and giving them one heart and putting his new spirit in them i. e. his new Covenant spirit is that they may walk in my Statutes and keep mine Ordinances and do them c. but those whose hearts walk after their detestable things and their abominations I will recompence their own way upon the●r own heads saith the Lord Dan. 9. 8 11. Where the Prophet acknowledgeth that the cause of all the Churches afflictions and miseries was for sin and not obeying the voice of the Lord and walking in his Laws which he had set before them c. and it 's very likely that this is one cause of God's afflicting his people not only the things before-mentioned but the changing of the instituted Ordinances of Christ into mens own inventions so slighting his commands and his people for walking therein for transgressing of the Law of love to God to men to good men to bad men O the great failing in this matter the Law of Christ is that his people should not speak evil one of another nor back-bite one another Eph. 4. 31. 1 Pet. 2. 1. Jam. 4. 11. Nor to think evil one of another 1 Cor. 13. 5. Zec. 7. 10. Nor easily to believe evil reports against a brother Psal 15. 3. But what contrary walking to those blessed Laws of the Gospel in these and many other things I might name is found amongst us and that not by secret search the Lord knoweth and he will make us to know it or he will make us sick with smiting Or 5. It may be for his peoples unprofitableness under the mercy and means enjoyed for the loss of first love to God his Name and Truth to one another and this is it of which the Lord complains of his people and warns them to repent and d● their first works lest he come against them speedily and remove the Candlestick out of his place Rev. 2. 4. Jer. 2. 2 3 17. When the Lord feeds his people