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A30785 The Jewish synagogue, or, An historical narration of the state of the Jewes at this day dispersed over the face of the whole earth ... / translated out of the learned Buxtorfius ... by A.B., Mr. A. of Q. Col. in Oxford. Buxtorf, Johann, 1599-1664.; A. B., Mr. A. of Q. Col. in Oxford. 1657 (1657) Wing B6347; ESTC R23867 293,718 328

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can fasten upon nothing else but ignorance and grosse simplicity especially in the knowledge of God and in the interpretation of his Word In the whole Nation of the Jews nothing worth thy observation except a horrid hardnesse of heart and perversnesse in their conversation and every particular action neverthelesse they blush not a jot to grace themselves with the title of Gods chosen people Such also they are who would seem to burn with zeal that the Word of God might be purely propagated because they believe in God with an accomplished faith and cleave unto him with a sincere and righty settled confidence above all the Nations of the earth as Paul bears witnesse That they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge Hence is it that the Jews even unto this day firmly contend for their superstitious Worship professing themselves to have a well grounded and assured faith towards God who created heaven and earth who is one in essence and will not suffer any other gods before him The Jews Creed contains in it thirteen Articles which as they are briefly delivered in their Tephillos or books of Common Prayer we have here set down 1. I believe with a true and perfect faith that God is the Creatour Governour and preserver of all Creatures that he did work all things works as yet and shall work for ever 2. I believe with a perfect saith that God the Creatour is one and that the unity which is in him is such as can be found in no other who onely was is and shall be our God for everlasting 3. I believe with a perfect faith that God the Creatour is incorporeall not endowed with any bodily properties finally that no corporeal essence can be compared unto him 4. I believe with a perfect faith that God the Creatour is the first and the last that there was nothing before him that he shall remain for everlasting 5. I believe with a perfect faith that he alone is to be worshipped and that Worship is due to none besides him 6. I believe with a perfect faith that whatsoever the Prophets have spoke and taught is the sincere truth 7. I believe with a perfect faith that the Doctrine and Prophesie of Moses is orthodox that he was the Father and chief of the learned that either were of the same standing with him lived before him or shall be extant in future ages 8. I believe with a perfect faith that the whole Law was so delivered by God himself to Moses as it is now extant with us 9. I believe with a perfect faith that this Law shall never admit of a change and that God shall give unto us no other 10. I believe with a perfect faith that God knows and understands all the works and thoughts of men as it is written by the Prophet He fashioneth all the hearts of them and understandeth all their works 11. I believe with a perfect faith that God will reward every mans works that keeps his Commandements and on the contrary will punish all those that have transgressed his Statutes 12. I believe with a perfect faith that the Messias is yet to come and that though he daily defers his coming neverthelesse I will hope for his coming every day till he come waiting for him 13. I believe with a perfect faith that there shall be a Resurrection of the dead even in that time when it shall seem correspondent to the will of the Creator whose name be blessed and celebrated both now and for ever in the highest strains of humane expression Amen This is Summe of the thirteen Articles of the Jewish Creed as they are summarily and briefly comprehended and set down in their Books of Common Prayer in which belief the poore blinded souls of the Jews after a lamentable manner with incessant groans much anxiety inexpressible doubting and outcries sighing out their last farewell to the beloved prison of their bodies are utterly lost and undone Now that every one may with greater facility comprehend the very glosse and meaning which the Jews themselves annex to this their Creed I have thought it meet to illustrate the Articles thereof by the lamp of a small Comment And first of all we are to know that the faith of the Jews and Mosaicall Religion according to their own writings was built upon these Articles as upon the foundation and first of all delivered to the publike view and reduced into this order by that Casket of Learning Rabbi Mosche Bar Maimon who in the year of the World 4964 according to the vulgar account now used among the Jews but in the year of our Redemption 1104. changed this life for a better and that then it was strictly commanded that from thenceforth throughout all succeeding ages that every Jew confessing this faith should resolve to live and die in the profession of it Hereupon it came to passe that these Articles were graced with large Expositions and thence a great Volume was written out of which the forementioned Articles were more fully drawn than formerly set down and annexed to the end of that Voluminous Book Esrim vearba or the Hebrew Bible printed at Venice by Daniel Bombergus by the study of Foelix Pratensis in the year of Christ 1517. where they are found expressed in the same manner in which they are subsequently delivered The first Article is concerning God who is the Creatour of all Creatures illah haillos the cause of causes entity of entities that every thing whether extant in heaven above or earth below was created of and hath its subsistence in him that he made every thing according to his absolute will and that every thing shall again be reduced into its prime nothing according to his good will and pleasure and although that every thing made by him shall again be annihilated yet his essence is immortall not subject to the least shadow of change or diminution because his essence Mezius Gemurah is perfect and of it self subsistent not needing the prop or help of any other to sustain it That the same God is that everlasting light strength and life that his is the Kingdome Dominion over all creatures That he is truly one and the most renowned Monarch This Article is grounded upon those words Exod. 20. 2. I am the Lord thy God c. The second Article is concerning the individuall unity of the Essence and Nature of God to wit that he is echad umeinchad of one Essence and that there is nothing either within or without the World that can any way enter the lists of a comparison in respect of this unity and identity he is not in the same series or order with any thing universall or singular which comprehends more of the same stamp under it neither is he Keechad Hammurcabh any compounded thing which for this reason admits of a Division into parts neither Guph Paschut d a simple body which is one
our bounden duty to believe what ever is extant in their name for it is the truth neither let any deride them not in his heart for so doing he shall not escape unpunished let every one then take warning that he speak not any thing scandalous either to the person or attempts of these men but rather to endeavour to learn so much as he can possible out of their writings To the same purpose it is recorded in a book printed in the Germane tongue and Hebrew Letter at Cracovia in Poland Anno Dom. 1597. called Brand spiegelium in the hinder end of the 48. Chapter that the Jews are bound to say Amen not only at the end of their prayers but to every Sermon and Exposition upon the word of God in which lie hidden and profound mysteries shaped to the vulgar apprehension that by this they might signifie and acknowledge that they believe whatsoever their Rabbines or wise men have spoken as it is written in the Prophet Isa Open your selves O ye gates for the people cometh who keepeth Justice that is a people who saying Amen believes all things that the wise men and Rabbines have written but if any mans understanding be encompassed with such Egyptian darknesse that he cannot comprehend the aggados or expositions yet he ought to believe them for the words of our Doctours are not wind but truth it self Aggadah is a mysticall or hidden speech by which hidden matters and things of great moment are signified the word it self by a certain Metathesis is the same with Deagah which signifies poverty and grief because a man macerates and tortures himself after an uncouth manner before he can rightly understand the forementioned Aggadah Hitherto pertains that which is every where extant in the Talmnd to wit that when two Rabbines are at contention the one affirming the other denying none ought to contradict them because both their Positious are grounded upon the Kabala which Moses brought with him from Mount Sinai and although the one could not rightly understandd it yet it is not to be imputed unto him for both of them know the reason why they thus speak seeing the words of the one as well as the other are the words of the living God It is also a Catholick rule in the book of the Rabbines Rather keep in mind the sayings of the Scribes than them of the Law of Moses concluding from hence that the writings and instructions of the Rabbines are of greater authority than Moses and the Prophets Luther in his book which he writ upon Shem hamphorasch comments in this manner concerning the authority and credit given to the Rabbines and their writings The Jews say that they ought to believe that Rabbines though they should affirm thè left hand to be the right and the light hand to be the left as Purchetus testifies After the same manner three Jews who kept me company dealt with me when I urged any thing out of the Bible then would they object that they were bound to believe their Rabbines and were not tied to the Scripture whence I perswade my self Purchetus said nothing but truth seeing mine own experience taught me the same Luther was not too blame being guided by his own experience to believe Purchetus to make it more manifest I will produce their own words Raschi or Rabbi Salomon Jarchi upon those words Deut 17. and 11 According to the Sentence of the Law which they shall teach thee and according to the Iudgements which they shall tell thee thou shalt do thou shalt not decline from the Sentence which they shall shew thee to the right hand nor nor to the left hath this glosse when he saith unto thee of thy right hand that it is the left and of the left hand that it is the right thou must believe it as a truth how much more if he say thy right hand is thy right and thy left hand thy left The like we find in Rabbi Bechai his Commentary upon the foresaid words who brings in Ramban or R. Mosche Ben Nachman telling his tale in these terms Upon a time there came a certain Gentile unto that mirrour of Learning Don Shammai and asked him how many Laws or Commandements have you ●ews among you to whom Shammai made answer our Laws are onely two the one written the other delivered by mouth Then the Gentile replyed I believe as fully as thou dost that written Law to be true and whatsoever is contained therein to be nothing but the truth but as for thy Law of Tradition I cannot embrace it neither account it for a Law but go to make me a Jew be my Shoolmaster teach me in this Law which words possessed Schammai with such a fury that he thrust him from him and commanded him to depart the place then the Gentile came to Hillel the elder Schammai's copartner in office for they two were joynt Rectors and lived but a small time before Christs incarnation whom he questions in the same manner entreating him withall that he would vouchsafe to make him a Jew which Hillel did and instructed him in the Jewish Religion The day following Hillel saith unto him pronounce Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth which he did according as Hillel mouthed them unto him the day following Hillel inverting the Alphabet saith unto him pronounce Daleth Gimel Beth Aleph then the Gentile replyed Rabbi this is not the Lesson thou taughtst me yesterday then answered Hillel thou dost not onely reject me thy instructor but also fearest not to yield no credit unto my words therefore thou oughtest to rest thy self contented in the unwritten word and to believe all those things which are taught therein This Story is registred in the Talmud Tract de Sabbatho Hence may we conclude that every one simply without consideration or contradiction should believe not onely the Jewish Law of Tradition but whatsoever the RabbiNes according to the prescript of the same Law write and teach and that whosoever doth this is to be esteemed a Jew indeed whosoever is refractory and disobedient the most grievous torments in hell shall be his portion concerning which thing we read this Decree and Sentence of the Senate in the Tract entituled de libello repudii or Letter of Divorce in these words Mar. saith Whosoever shall deride or contemne what our wismen and Rabbines have spoken he shall be punished in hot boyling pitch and that in hell as they blasphemously affirm Christ our Saviour and Redeemer to be tormented because he walked not according to the traditions ordinances and Doctrines of their ancestours but rejected them as a thing despifed This punishment is also registred in another Tract of the Talmud and more at large expounded in a book called Menneras Hammaor and expresly set down in the book Beth Iaacob but in the Talmud printed at Basile it is left out and not without good reason as also many other blasphemous passages written against Christ and Christian
with the Godfather of the child because that is a holy place And thus much the Learned among the Hebrews have collected from the Hebrew word Milah which signifies circumcision This word hath four letters every one of which are the Index of a several word Mohel Jered liphne hattibha that is he that circumciseth shall seat himselfe near unto the Ark of the Covenant or Maleach Joschebh liphne Haaron that is the Angel stands before the Gate to wit Elias the Angel of the Covenant standing before the Ark sends up his prayers together with ours into the ears of the Almighty Some of the upright Jews take the little Infant and both before and after his circumcision lay him upon the bolster or cushion of Elias that he may touch him That they accomplish the Priah or denudation of the forepart of the Infants yard with so sharp nails they say that they are moved hereunto by that saying in the Book of Joshua Take unto thee sharp knives for so it is to be translated not knives of stone and circumcise the children of Israel the second time Upon these words the Wise-men among the Jews conclude that those words the second time ought to be understood of the priah which is not other but a second circumcision Hence issueth a most copious question Why they which were born in the Desart were not circumcised for the space of forty years together the answer is that this came not to passe by reason of the stiff necked malignity and hard hearted insolence of their Ancestors for they were men of circumcised hearts but because blustering Boreas had not blown in that Desart within the compass of forty years whose healthfull blasts conduce so much to the letting of bloud that any wound this not travising the terrestrial Globe is accounted perillous Hereupon they have this medicinal Canon In a cloudy day or in that day in which the East-wind blows Circumcision must not be administred nor any vein opened Here it may be objected the Northern wind doth not always blow and yet circumcision is dayly to be exercised This objection is answered in the Talmud that four winds blow every day and that the Northern wind is mixt with every one in particular and for the most part obtains the predominance and for this very reason circumcision may be dayly practised That this wind was husht and still while the Israelites were in the Desart the very nature thereof which is to free the aire from clouds and to be the author of fair weather is an invincible Argument as it is written The wind passeth and purgeth it from the North shall come gold that is to say with whose calm clearness the purity of the most refined gold cannot mannage a comparison If then this wind should have blown in the Desart it had driven away and dissolved the pillar of fire which always accompanied the people of Israel which had been to their great damage Here it is not lawfull for me to expose to the vulgar eye any more of these their quirks If any one be ravished with a desire of a further inquiry let him read Rabbi David Kimchi upon the fore-cited place of Joshuah and the Talmud in the book of affinity and that Chapter which begins Haarel where most accurate disputes exh●usted out of the very abysse of wisdome shall present themselves unto his view concerning the cause why circumcision was omitted in the Desart To proceed the casting of the fore-skin into the sand signifies that their seed shall be like the sand upon the sea shore for multitude as it is written I will make they Seed like the sand of the Sea and again Thy Seed shall be as the dust of the earth Secondly they use this Ceremony in remembrance of Balaam who when he saw that all the sand in the Desart was full of the foreskins of the Children of Israel he presently cried out Who can number the dust of Jacob as if he had said who can stand before the holiness and worth of this people all the males whereof not one excepted being circumcised bury their foreskins in such a sandy Sepulchre with what a fore-front shall I curse such an holy N●tion Thirdly it signifies that the Old Serpent which seduced the first Adam in Paradise shall be fed with this fore skin for his bread is the dust of the earth as it is written Thou shalt eat the dust of the earth Now seeing the Serpent is as yet mans daily enemy and hath an incessant greedy desire to satiate his gluttonous paunch with his soule and body thence it comes to pass that these Saint-like Jews feed their enemy the Serpent according to Gods comman dwith the foresaid fore skin as it is written If thine enemy hunger give him meat This bit is so hard of digestion that it so debilitates and weakens the naturall strength of the Serpent that he cannot again ●educe man as once he did If an Insant be sickly they do not circumcise him upon the eighth day but defer it untill the time of his recovery If any Infant dye before the eighth day be come then he is cicumcised in the Church-yard over his grave yet so that no Prayers be said for him It is circumcised to this end that God being intreated would be mercifull unto him and together with others raise him up at the last day In some places it is not lawfull for any one the Godfather only excepted to sit while the child was a circumcising because it is written That all the People stood to the Covenant That for a conclusion of all the Mo●el is bound to give a blessing upon the Covenant of circumcision holding the circumcision knise in his hand the wise men amongst the Jews demonstrate from that Scriptnre Let the prayses of God be in their mouth and a two edged sword in their hands Thus the fi●st Act in the Synagogue is finished now follows the second which is performed after the childes returne to his Fathers house In the mean time that they are busied in the Synagogue the Cooks are with much diligence conversant about their Kitchin affairs the Table is spread and great provision is made to which as hath been formerly recorded only ten men are invited two of which must be a couple of learned Rabbines who rabble out a long Grace and make a kind of a Sermon to which the hearers giving but lean attention in the mean time carouse whole Gob●ets of wine one to another It was my chance once to be invited to one of these their feasts commonly celebrated after the administration of the circumcision at which time one of the Rabbines took for his Text those words of Soloman Wisdome is a tree of life to them that lay hold on it Concerning his Sermon I can with out a lie affirm that I never heard ●uch a dry and ridiculous piece of stuff in all my life That they ought to provide such
a loud voice said I have now at last payed my Custome when they would not give him any respite but burn him in all haste he cryed the second time saying that he bequeathed all his goods and possessions to that most learned man Rabbi Akibah as to his lawfull heir whereupon this voice was heard from heaven Ketijah thou son of Schalom eternal life is provided for thee From hence every one may learn what a precious thing Circumcision is and what a good deed it is for any one to legasie all his goods unto a Jew truly there is nothing lost where a man for an hundred crowns may gain a thousand In the same Chapter of the Talmud the same men boast how Caesar Antoninus caused himself to be circumcised how he departed this life a Jew indeed and how that happened unto him which is here related Not far from the Emperours Palace dwelt a certain famous and most expert Rabbine from whose houses to the Emperours porch came a certain hidden passage under the earth by the benefit of which they oftentimes had private conference Upon this occasion a great desire to be instructed in the Law and Religion of the ●ews invaded the mind of the Emperour and for this cause every day once he repaired to the Rabbine and heard the Law at his mouth and because he would not go unto the Iew without attendance yet also would not in the mean time be disclosed he alwayes chose two for his companions whereof one he stabbed with his dagger at the the entrance into the Rabbines house the other he made to drink of the same cup at his return to his own palace giving also in charge to the Rabbine that he should have no man in his company when he the Emperour came to visit him When therefore Caesar on a certain time had found together with the Jew a stranger whose name was Rabbi Chanina Bar Chamma which Rabbine was an holy man and one of their prime ones he was so enraged that he burst out into this interrogation Did not I say unto thee look that thou have none in thy company when I shall come unto thee To whom the Rabbine replyed My Lord and Emperour this is not a man but a good spirit if he be a spirit saith Caesar let him go and signifie so much to my servant who lies and takes his rest without before the gate speaking of the servant which he had killed with his ow● hands that he make hast to come unto me when Rabbi Chanina perceived the Emperours servant to be dead then he began to fear be afraid not knowing how to shape an answer a● also thinking it very behovefull that Caesar should not be found guilty of the murder in these melancholy dumps he fell upon his knees and with the importunity of prayer becomes so wearisome unto God that the Emperours servant was restored to life which thing the Emperour having taken notice of such an excessive admiration at the Religious piety of the Jewish Nation p●ssessed his soul that from thenceforth he became a Serving man at his Pedagogues Table Yea moreover when the Rabbine at night would please to visite his Couch the Emperour bowing himselfe at his bed side became his Footstool that his Master the Rabbine might with more facility stretch his limbs upon his bed of Down the Rabbine indeed in many kinds strived to repel the tendered service but all in vain for the Emperor did not only perform these earth kissing Congees with an humility of mind floating in the lowest ebb but also wished it might be his happiness to be his footstool in another world At length the Jews had an ocular demonstration that this Emperor before he entred the tyring room of the grave did receive the sign of circumcision professed himselfe a Jew and died in this profession Many examples of the same sort are every where obvious in the writings of the Jews declaring that many Christians both of high and low degree turning Apostates to Christianity have imbraced Judaism and so have obtained the salvation of their souls if we may believe it But in the last place what was the Prophets censure of these circumcised Saints and in what esteem had they their persons Jerem. All the Gentiles are circumcised and all the house of Israel circumcised in heart Moses Circumcise the fore-skin of your heart and be no more stisf necked Jerem. To whom shall I speak and give warning that they may hear behold their ear is uncircumcised and they cannot hearken behold the Word of the Lord is unto them a reproach they have no delight in it Stephen a Christian Ye stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears ye do alwayes resist the holy Ghost as your Fathers did so do ye Paul the Apostle He is not a Jew that is one outwardly neither is that circumoision which is outward in the flesh but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God How then are all the first born of Christians yea all faithsull Christians redeemed S. Peter answers Ye were not redeemed with silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your Fathers but with the precious bleud of Christ as a Lamb without blemish and Without spot S. Paul teacheth us by whom we have redemption Even by hi● bloud that is the remission of our sins But what doth circumcision hurt the Christians S. Paul answers If the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the Law shall not his his uncircumcision be accounted for circumcision and shall not uncircumcision which is by nature if it fulfill the Law judge thee who by the Letter and circumcision art a transgressor of the Law CHAP. III. shewing how the Jews instruct their children in the fear of God WHen any one of the Jewish women giveth suck then she ought to eat good and wholsome meats and such as are easie of digestion to this end that the Infant may find and suck from the teats good milk by which his heart and stomack may not be troubled with obstructions but sustained and nourished whereby he may sooner come to maturity and may more easily obtain vertue manners wisdome and understanding The Chachamim a which are the most profound W●●ters among the Jews have with great diligence reiterated their commands that the Mother should have a special care that the Infants be not at any time destitute of good meat and drink thinking and not without reason this to be a matter of the greatest moment thence foreseeing that they quickly comming to their growth may prove men of courage and such as are able to do God good service as it is written The Lord shall establish thee an holy People unto himself as he hath sworn unto thee if thou wilt keep the Commandements of the Lord thy God and walk in
year untill the thirteenth they have a serious and impulsive admonition given time not to go uncovered after which time they are commanded to use the gesture The children of the Jews from their very infancy are accustomed to wear a girdle and truly their honest Matrons fasten it to the hinder part of their coats that by this means they may always be mindfull of it for the girdle severs their heart from the secret parts lest the heart in time of prayer might be hindred in its devotion by beholding the privities So soon as this infant Jew hath learnned his morning prayers he intermixeth this Petition Blessed be thou O God who girds Israel with the girdle of strength having respect unto the girdle he is girded withall for if he have none about him then is this his prayer of no moment but in vain and imputed to him for a sinne Moreover the children are not permitted to go barefoot for fear of a multiplicity of dangers which might happen unto them and that especially in the Moneths of December and January when the Cats dance their Corantoes for at that time they may chance to tread upon venemous stuffe cast out by the Cats in this their wantonnesse by which their feet may be annoyed with such a swelling that for a long time after they can have no remedy When they cannot as yet speak plainly or readily they are caught to pronounce some good Sentences out of the Bible they accustome them also upon the morning and Evening of Evening of every Sabbaoth and great feast decently to salute their father and mother and to bid them good morrow good even to wish them a happy Sabbaoth c. Seven years past and the children coming to more maturity they are commanded that every morning adjoyning the name of God they should remember to say God give yon a good day c. for so spoke Boaz to his reapers Hael immachem the Lord be with you and also this Jebarecha hael God blesse you or as we use to speak God thank you It is not lawfull for them to use the name of God unlesse it be in some pure place concerning which more shall be spoken in another place They are also taught all manner of utensils necessary for their life and daily conversation They practise Nomenclation that by this means they may fooner learn to speak Hebrew and hence it is that they intermingle many Hebrew words with the Germane language or any other which they use as their mother tongue Moreover these infants altogether shun the company of Christians will neither eat nor drink nor enter into any other kind of commerce with them this being the study of their Parents to make every action of the Christians for to seem odious and such as are abomination to the Jews hence it comes to passe that they indesinently hold on to nourish that hatred which they conceived against the Christians in their infancy even untill the end of their dayes When the children are seven years old then by their Parents command they learn to read and write If any one be of so great an estate that he can bestow the charges he keeps a Rabbi or Schoolmaster in his own house to instruct his children So soon as any one hath made so much progresse in this kind that he can read then first of all he is taught to construe the Books of Moses in that language with which he was brought up In a certain book called Schebkile emunah it is recorded that when the mother brings her son the first time unto School to the Rabbine that she ought to give unto him some delicious wafers made with Sugar and hony and to say these words Even as this wafer is sweet so let the Law be sweet unto thy heart let it be like sugar upon thy tongue and hony upon thy lips see that thou trifle not away thy time at School with babbling unprofitable speeches but learn to speak the words of the Law alone let them only proceed out of thy mouth for hereby it shall comete pass that the glory of Gods Majesty shall rest upon thy head and for evermore shall there keep his residence for God loves all those that are intent unto goodnesse and speak of his Word Hereupon the most learned Doctours among the Jews have left it written that Jerusalem being wasted and all the Priests and Levites exiled by the Enemy God did in such a manner for sake them that his Majesty would not vouchsafe to bear them company The Sanedrim also or the chief Consistory among the Jews being likewise by the Conquerours overthrown without Jerusalem had not the Majesty of the most high gone along with them yet the children at length being banished out of their School the glorious Majesty of God omnipotent was their Companion into the Land of their captivity concerning which the Prophet Jer. prophesied in these words Her children are gone into captivity before the enemy and from the daughter of Z●on all her beauty is departed where beauty notes out the presence of Gods Majesty in the presence of which the beauty of the City Jerusalem consisted therefore when the boyes sitting at the feet of the Rabbine learn the words of the Law and nothing but the Law issues out of his mouth then the glorious Majesty of the Creator dwells in them and delights himself with the breath coming out of the mouth of these punies for a breath of this nature is pure and holy considering the child hath not as yet committed sin In the thirteenth year of his age his title is Bar Mitzvah the son of the Commandements because he is now tied to keep the Law and will of God as also then he begins first of all to fin if he do not perform the said Commandements Rabbi Simeon Bar Nachmam in the name of Rabbi Jochanan uttered these words That if any one teach his son the word of God he is worthy to sit before the Lord in that University which is opened in the heavens as Jeremy saith If thou wilt return then will I bring thee again and thou shalt stand before me that is to say if thy son hear the Law I will make him fellow of the same Colledge that the Saints and Angels inhabit and make him partaker of life eternal and whosoever is not carefull that his son should learn the Law and so consequently becomes the occasion of his corrupt education it were better for him that he were blind so that he might not behold his reproachfull acts as it is written of the Pat●iarch Isaac When Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see he called Esau his eldest son c. On these words Rabbi Eliezer of the stock of Azariah saith That Isaac his eyes were therefore dimme that he might not see the immodesty and wantonnesse of his unnurtured son Esau and it is recorded in the book Medrasch that Abraham for the very
for the Rabbines in their Masseches Berachos upon those words When all the people saw the thunders and the lightnings and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain burning the people saw and were afraid and stood afar off dispute and say that the people through great fear and amazement was in a moment of time three miles backward from the mountain Sinai The chief Glosse-monger Rabbi Salomon Jarchi writes in his glosse upon this Text that the people kept back twelve miLes of which David spoke saying The Kings of the Armies did flie and she● that tarried at home divided the spoil and then came the good Angels and ministring Spirits and brought the people back unto the Mountain When they are about to depart the Temple or Synagogue then they speaking within themselves quietly and without the least noise they say a certain Prayer beginning Alenulesh abeach It is meet that we should praise the Lord who is above all and in an excellent degree to celebrate him because he hath created all things and not made us like unto the rest of the Nations likewise that he hath not made us as other generations of the World and hath not appointed us an inheritance like unto theirs neither is our lot as their lot neither as the lot of their whole multititude Here are some words omitted in their Books of Common-prayer and that by the Commandement of the Magistrates of Italy where their Books are wont to be and for the most part are at this day imprinted The things omitted were some blasphemous sayings against our Saviour which are found expressed in the ancient copies of which I have one which was imprinted at Augusta by a Jewish Printer called Chajim in the year of Christ 1534. In other copies instead of the words omitted there is left an empty space about the length of one line to this end that the children of the Jews and others who are ignorant may be warned to enquire what saying it is that is there omitted which when they do some relate the words unto them or otherwise write them in the margent of the Book as I have observed them to have practised in many of their Prayer books the words left out are these Who bend their knee and crouch to that which is vanity and foolishness and adore another God who cannot help these words they utter against Christ wherefore they spit upon the earth in the mouthing of them But we bend and bow our knees yea our whole man to that King who is King of Kings to God holy and blessed for ever who stretcheth out the heavens establisheth the earth whose glory and chair of estate is in heaven and the seat of whose power is in the highest heavens he only is our God and there is no other besides him These things thus finished the Jew now going out Of the Synagogue saith O Lord God lead me by thy justice by reason of those that lay wait for me in secret make plain thy way before my face Preserve me in my going out and my comming in from this time forth for evermore They must go out of the Synagogue in the posture of a Crab sish creeping backward through the Gate thereof and that their back part should not be towards the holy Ark in which the book of the Law is laid up to which they ought to exhibit a certain kind of reverence by turning their face thereunto The Rabbines upon those words of the Prophet Ezekiel Who have turned their back unto the Temple of the Lord have delivered thus much in the Talmud that a grievous and heavy punishment was inflcted upon the Priests because in going out of the Temple of the Lord they turned their back parts towards the ark of the Covenant wherefore the case standing thus we ought to depart out of the Temple with all fear and reverence even as a servant being about to take his leave of his Maister doth it with a retrograde crowching submission and submiss lowliness They must not run out of the Synagogue lest some might think him that runneth to be weary with praying and to rejoyce that it is now lawfull for him to depart They must go out with decurtate steps for if any one doth this God numbreth his steps and gives him a great reward as it is written Thou hast numbred my steps c. If any in his going forth chance to meet a woman or a damsel whether she be one of the Jews or Christians he ought to shut his eye● and turn away his face from beholding her he must not afford her the common curtesie of a Complement lest thereby taking occasion of longer discourse he should be woed to the entertainment of lustfull notions and evil cogitations Concerning the serious manner of praying they write that whosoever wil pray attentively ought to have his head and heart covered to incompass his body with a girdle in the middle lest his heart by the sight of the secret part should be inveigled with wicked thoughts He must turn his face towards Canaan and the City Jerusalem his feet equally placed upon the Earth as abovesaid He ought to put his hand upon his heart in that manner that his right hand may rest upon his left withall bowing his head with great humility as it is written Let us lift up our hearts with our hands unto the Lord in the heavens and again My life is alwayes in my hand yet do I not forget thy Law In time of prayer none must yawn belch or spit yet if he must spit on necessity then ought he privately to receive it in his Handkerchiff and modestly to cast it behind him or upon his left hand but not before him or upon his right for there stand the Angels invisible whom if any should beray with this excrement he should be guilty of an heynous offence It is not lawfull for any to let a scape in time of Prayer if he do it against his will then ought he to suspend the act of praying until the ill savour thereof be gone If the wind urge him so much and so vehemently that he must of necessity let fly then shall he go some four paces aside set a packing and instantly thereupon saying O Lord of all the earth thou hast created me full of holes Whi●h I cannot shut up all our modesty is open and known unto thee our life is full of shame we are nothing but worms and Maggots Sneesing in time of Prayer if it come from the parts below is an ill sign if from above a good one He that beginneth once to pray must not break off in the middle of his Prayer yea although the King of Israel should come and salute him yet he may not answer him though a Serpent took him by the heel and bit him yet ought he to continue in his devotions yet there is a certain dispensation which licenseth a man to give way unto a
solemnity cut their beards bath themselves feast and make merry because the daies of mourning for Akibha ' s schollers are now ended So much concerning the Feast of the passover I conclude all with the saying of Isaiah They have not known nor understood for he hath shut their eles that they cannot see and their hearts that they cannot understand Therefore with my Saviour I say let them alone They be blind leaders of the blind and if the blinde lead the blinde both shall fall into the ditch CHAP. XV. Of their Pentecost THE next Feast of the Jewes which is also one of their chiefest is that which Moses cals Chag Schebhnos the Feast of weeks because before the celebration thereof they are to number seven weeks from the passeover which containe 49 daies so that they held the Feast of Pentecost alwaies upon the fiftieth day after the passeover according to the injunction of Moses saying Seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee begin to number the seven weekes from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the corne And thou shalt keep the feast of weekes unto the Lord thy God with atribute of a free-will offering of thy hand which thou shalt give unto the Lord thy God according as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee And thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy man-servant and thy maid-servant and the Levite that is within thy gates and the stranger and the fatherlesse and the widdow that is among you in the place which the Lord thy God hath chosen to place his name there It is also called the Feast of harvest because harvest begins about the time of the celebration hereof as also the Feast of the first fruits because at this Feast they offered their first fruites unto the Lord in signe of thankfulnesse as we may read in the fourth book of Moses In the New Testament it is called Pentecost as in the acts of the Apostles and other places Their computation of the time is very accurate They begin to reckon from the second night of the Feast of the Passeover when the stars begin to appear saying this prayer Blessed be thou O Lord our God King of the world who hast sanctified us by thy commandements and hast commanded us to count the daies between the Passeover and beginning of harvest of which this is the first holding on untill they come to the seventh day when they say seven daies are gone which make up a weeke at the end of their prayer see upon the eighth day now a weeke and one day is past and so hold on in the same manner untill the thirty nine daies be fully expired that is to say untill they come to Whitson Eve While their account is in making they must stand according to the injunction of the Rabbines The time of the Feast being come and they not able to observe it according to the prescript of the Law therefore every day they lift up their hands unto God that he would vouchsafe to build up Jerusalem and restore their Temple as at the first promising unto God that upon the grant hereof they will duely celebrate this Festivall and all other using all the sacrifices and ceremonies required as necessary and prescribed in the Law of Moses That they should take such an exact account of the number of these daies or the Feast of seven weeks or harvest according as they write was the command of God himselfe lest his children should forget this Feast and so neglect the payment of their first sruits to God at Jerusalem which might easily come to passe seeing while they were yet in their owne land about or in the time of the celebration of this Festivall every one was busied about his rurall affaires and compelled to looke about his harvest businesse This Feast of weekes is by them compared to a certaine King who comming into a City where some Prince or Noble Peere is fettered in the prison-house entreats the Magistrate for his release which is granted accordingly so many weeks being past and gone And moreover hath this added unto his liberty that this time being past he will also give him his daughter in marriage Then the Captaine begins to reckon every houre day and week which the King hath designed unto him So God dealt with the Israelites while they were yet in bondage to the Egyptians saying unto them I will bring you out of Egypt with a stretched out arme therefore you shall number uunto your selves seven weeks aster the Feast of the Passeover which time being fully past I will give you my holy daughter the Law to wife But from which the Jewes have now gone a whoring and are become most vile adulterers as Moses and the rest of the Prophets complaine The Jewish women are not bound to this computation as also they are not to many other precepts to which the men are lyable Upon the evening of this Festivall it is not lawfull for any man to use phlebotomy for they write in their Minhagin or Talmud that on the eve of this Feast in time past there blowed a certaine evill and pestilent winde which they call Tabhoach which signifies a robber or butcher which had destroied all the children of Israel had they not been willing to have received the Law which God was about to deliver unto them the day following They keep this Feast for two daies together by reason of the same doubt which was frmerly inserted in their minds about the celebration of the Passeover In the celebration hereof they use not many ceremonies because it is not lawfull for them to sacrifice They take the book of the Law twice our of the Arke calling out five men who reade some certaine Chapters and Sections of the Law the contents whereof are concerning the sacrifices and other rites which were in use with their Ancestours in the time of this Festivall Furthermore they straw their pavements and floores of their houses streets and Synag ogues with rushes in remembrance of the Law which was given as upon this day Sticking also every corner of the house with green houghes enriching their browes with crowns of ivy hereby signifying that all the places about mount Sinai were greene when the Law was given Moreover they eat many dishes made with milke as custards and fritters or such like either baked or fryed and that because the Law upon the day when it was given was as white pure and sweet as any milk Among the rest they make one principall wafer or junket deep and thick with seven severall partitions calling it the custard or junket of mount Sinai This same is to put them in remembrance of the seventh heaven into which the Lord ascended from mount Sinai Lastly every one is bound to have his table well furnished with platters ●raught with delicate bits of meat and his goblets overflowing with the choisest wine
the Chasan or the Minister expounding the book of Esther reads it from end to end whereat the women and children ought to be present and give diligent attention and they have a custome that the little ones so often as Haman is named keep a vile stir and a tumultuous noise in the terrible and forcible explosion thereof In former times they were wont to provide themselves two stones upon one of which the name of Ham●● was written These they did beat one against the other until the name was quite demolished and worn out which when they perceved they presently cried aloud Let his name be blotted out The name of the wicked shall rot Accursed be Haman Blessed be M ●rdecai Cursed be Zeresh the wife of Haman Blessed be Esther the wife Ah●suerus Cursed be all they that worship idols or the host of heaven Blessed be all the people of Isnael When the Lecturer comes to that place where mention is made of the ten sons of Hamau he is bound to read it with one breath for they write that all these sons of Haman perished in the twinkling of an eye and their souls in a very moment took their farewel of their beloved lodging the body They celebrate this Feast in a very voluptuous manner sousing their guts in wine and beer because Esther the Queen found favour and grace in the eyes of King Abasuerus when he sate at her banquet and obtained pardon for the Jews and a grant that they might stand for their lives And hence it comes to pass that for the space of these two dayes they busie themselves with no other things then eating and drinking smelling and bibbing dancing and piping singing and roaring ieasting and sporting riming and scoffing the women putting on mens apparrell and the men clothing themselves in womens attire which although it be expresly forbid in the law of Moses yet they make there one exception saying that it is lawful and no offence to practise it upon this day and this occasion seeing it is done by them only for worldly joy and recreation Rabbi Isaac ●irna in this Minhagim hath left in record to posterity that it is commanded as a work of great excellency to make merry as upon these dayes to goe a whoring to drink and be drunke yea in that measure that he cannot make any difference between Mordecai the blessed and Haman the accursed that is to say untill he be so besotted with the ale tappe that he cannot for his heart declare how many letters be contained in any of these words yea moreover any one is permitted at this time to poure in strong drink until he knowes not how many fingers he hath on either hand Which precept indeed is most diligently observed and kept according to the very rigour thereof by the Jews at this day and that chiefly by the beggerly crew to whom the richer sort send gifts and presents in a far greater measure then they do at other times to the end that one may not mock another for being drunk bein commanded and strictly prohibited to send away their meat and drink to any other end and purpose With these Bacchanal rites drunken fits and besotting beastliness they put an end to their annual feasts For this of Purim is the last festival in the year having no more until the feast of the passover If the Prophet Isaiah were alive at this day or should rise from the dead truly and really might he take occasion and that both forcible and urgent to cry out Woe and class unto them that rise up early to follow drunkenness and to them that continue until the night till the wine do inflame them CHAP. XXV Of the feasting dayes in use among the Jews HItherto we have treated of feasting fasting succeeds In the law of Moses there is only one fast commanded to be kept by the Jews which is upon the tenth of September upon which the feast of reconciliation is annually kept and celebrated as was formerly declared Besides this it is registred in ancient records that many other fasting dayes were instituted and ordained by the ancient Patriarchs and Prophets according as the time required And Zachary the Prophet who lived after the building of the second Temple makes mention of foure general fasts in these words Thus saith the Lord of hosts the fast of the fourth moneth the fast of the fifth and the fast of the seventh and the fast of the tenth shall ●e to the house of Judah joy and gladness The fast of the tenth moneth was usually and is to this day kept by the Jews upon the tenth day of the same to wit December because upon this Ne●uchaddnezar began to besiege Jerusalem with armies and to afflict the Jews with great trouble and calamities The fast of the fourth moneth was and is kept to this day upon the seventeenth day thereof because upon this they endured many great afflictions which are not yet disgested For as upon this day the tables of the law were broken the daily sacrifice ceased the book of the law was burnt an Idol the abomination of desolation was set up in the holy place the temple of Jerusalem The city it self besieged the second time overthrown and taken For these causes the Jews in these our dayes fast very devoutly begin seriously and earnestly to repent them of their former life if a man may believe the external gesture from which it is no doubt but their heart is too too much a roving The dayes following this fast even unto the ninth day of the next moneth are accounted ominous and unfortunate upon these no school-master must dare to whip his boyes If any Jew also have a case to be tried by the law between him and a Christian at this time he seeks all manner of evasion and excuse that he may not appear before the Judg untill these dayes be expired fearing lest his cause should fail and not prove good and he be overthrown therein The fast of the fift moneth is kept upon the ninth day of July because upon this very day the temple was burnt and turned into ashes In the time here of they goe barefoot sitting upon the earth reading doleful stories and the lamentations of Jeremy They goe into the place of burial where they sob out their doleful accents of grief and sorrow amidst the sorrowful consort of departed souls bewailing the desolations of their beautiful temple with sighs and grones for a moneth together From the first day until the tenth they neither eat flesh nor drink wine they enter not the bath wash their face or hands or suffer any rasor to come upon their head They do not make any marriages appear not in judgment but sore against their wills complaining and crying out that they had never any good hap or fortune in this moneth which they prove out of the Prophet Hosea saying A moneth shall devoure them with their portions Upon