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A22481 A commentarie vpon the epistle of Saint Paule to Philemon VVherein, the Apostle handling a meane and low subiect, intreating for a fraudulent and fugitiue seruant, mounteth aloft vnto God, and deliuereth sundry high misteries of true religion, and the practise of duties Ĺ“conomicall. Politicall. Ecclesiasticall. As of persecution for righteousnesse sake. ... And of the force and fruit of the ministery. Mouing all the ministers of the Gospell, to a diligent labouring in the spirituall haruest ... Written by William Attersoll, minister of the word of God, at Isfield in Suffex. Attersoll, William, d. 1640. 1612 (1612) STC 890; ESTC S106848 821,054 582

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confession and lastly seeing the Gospell of Christ is the instrument of Gods power to woorke in vs saluation it followeth that the Religion of God and the gospel of Christ must not onely be beleeued in heart and embraced in Iudgements but also bee confessed by the mouth and professed in the practise of an holy life Obiections answered Against this truth somewhat may be obiected First if true Religion must openly bee confessed then such as are dumbe and cannot speake can haue no Religion if Confession be a fruite of faith then they must of necessitie want Faith that want the vse of the tongue Answere I answere the Doctrine must be vnderstood of such as haue the vse of the tongue giuen them to glorifie God If God haue giuen vnto vs the freedome of speech hee requireth this dutie at our hands If hee haue giuen vs no more then a sanctified and faithfull heart let vs honour him with the holy Meditations thereof he will exact no more of vs then hee hath giuen vnto vs. Hence it is that the Prophet Dauid sayeth or rather the Lorde himselfe by the Prophet Psalme 81. i Psal 81 10. Open thy Mouth wide and I will fill it In like manner it is sayde k Rom. 10 17 That Faith commeth by Hearing and Hearing by the worde of God yet can God extraordinarily giue faith to those that are deafe and haue not their hearing who is not bound to the outward sences nor tieth his graces to the outward eares but supplieth those wants by the working of his holy spirit to the endlesse comfort of such as haue those infirmities Obiection 2 Againe the Apostle sayth Rom. 14 22. Hast thou Faith Haue it with thy selfe before God Where we see hee seemeth to say that it is sufficient if we haue Faith inwardly in the heart albeit no confession followe outwardly with the mouth Answere I answere the Apostle in this place speaketh of another thing to wit of a perswasion touching Christian liberty in things indifferent as if hee shoulde say Art thou strongly perswaded and assured that all Meats are lawfull to Christians Be it so yet vse it betweene God and thine owne Conscience and hurt not thy Neighbour with it nor offend thy weake Brother by it This serueth nothing at all to maintaine a dumbe Religion without open Confession which some would willingly bring in considering as one l Tertullian sayth that he which doth dissemble faith doth deny it Obiection 3. Lastly it is Obiected that Religion is better to bee concealed that we may giue no offence vnto others and auoyde the troubles that ariseth by Confession Answere I aunswere that is no offence giuen to men but a greeuous sinne committed against God who requireth the profession of his trueth And the Apostle Paule was readie to suffer bandes and imprisonment yea euen death it selfe for the profession of the Gospell of Iesus Christ Thus much breefely shall suffice in answere of the Obiections that are made Vse 1. Now let vs see and marke the Vses that arise from hence First wee learne who are to bee accounted true Christians and true Beleeuers to wit such as shew soorth their Fayth by their Confession It is not left to our owne choyse whether wee will make a solemne and sound profession of the Faith or not no more then it is at our libertie whether wee will beleeue or not or whether wee will bee saued or not It is required of all that belong to God to confesse his name and maintaine his Religion All men must confesse that would be confessed before the Father Christ Iesus will neuer beare and endure that seruant which is ashamed of his seruice The Prophet prophesying of the Kingdome of Christ and shewing how they should grow and multiply as the grasse of the field maketh this as a fruite of their conuersion to the Faith l Esay 44 5. One shall say I am the Lords another shall bee called by the name of Iacob and another shall subscribe with his hand vnto the Lord and name himselfe by the name of Israell This the Apostle m Ro. 10 9 10 also teacheth Rom. 10. If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lorde Iesus and shalt beleeue in thine heart that God raised him vp from the dead thou shalt be saued for with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation So our Sauiour doth not make it proper to his disciples but common to all to confesse him and his words before men And he doth not say whosoeuer shall confesse mee in heart but with his tongue not inwardly but outwardly not secretly but openly For albeit the Faith of the heart be the principall thing and cheefely required of vs yet the confession of the mouth must not bee separated from it This reprooueth such as account this open confession of the truth to bee of no absolute necessitie but a meere thing indifferent left to our liberty to be practised or not to bee practised These are those Libertines that woulde liue as they list and make it no matter of what Religion they be For if it be indifferent whether wee professe Religion or not it is indifferent whether we beleeue or haue faith and let them hold it indifferent also vnto them whether the Lord Iesus doo professe to know them or not Againe we see that it is not enough for vs not to denie Christ but there is required of vs a farther dutie euen to confesse him before men It is required of a dutifull son to confesse his Father with a sound and vpright hart but yet he must not deny his father before men if he would haue his Father confesse him So is it the part of a true Christian to beleeue to righteousnes and to confesse to saluation Euery one would seeme willing and desirous to be saued but if we looke to be partakers thereof Christ must know vs for his seruants and he will not acknowledge vs in his kingdome vnlesse heere we make confession of him If we will not heere know him he wil say to vs heereafter I know you not depart from me n 2 Tim. 2 12. If we deny him he will deny vs If we be ashamed of him take heede least he also bee ashamed of vs. The Theefe that was vpon the Crosse made open confession of his faith reproued the blasphemy of his Companion and called vpon Christ for saluation Luke 23. he rebuked his fellow saying o Luke 23 40 42 43. Fearest thou not God seeing thou art in the same condemnation We are indeed righteously heer for we receiue things worthy of that we haue done but this man hath done nothing amisse And he sayd vnto Iesus Lord remember mee when thou commest into thy Kingdome And albeit hee were a Theefe and a Malefactor for which hee suffered death yet is not Christ ashamed of him hee doth not stoppe his eares
may appeare by examining the common practise of our common professors by these six notes First true Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word preached as the Apostle sheweth Rom. 10. How shall they cal vpon him in whom they do not beleeue q Rom. 10 14 How shall they beleeue in him of whom they haue not heard how shall they heare without a Preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent This place is not vnfitly called a Ladder that reacheth to Heauen whereby as by certaine steppes we climbe vp to heauen God sendeth the Minister preacheth the people beleeueth The same Apostle asketh the Galathians r Gal. 3 2. Iohn 17 20. Whether they receiued the spirit by the workes of the Law or by the hearing of Faith But the Faith which many talke and boast of is conceiued and conceited without the preaching of the worde for they cannot abide it they will not attend vnto it they regard not to heare it True it is if they be asked whether they haue Faith or not they will thinke it a straunge question and maruell that we shold make doubt thereof they suppose themselues to haue a sound Faith in Christ but how come they by this faith They say they beleeue in Iesus Christ for their saluation and yet they liue in a perpetuall neglect and continuall contempt of the publicke Ministerie of the word Such is their beleeuing as is their hearing and their Faith is aunswerable to their attending It is a great foolishnesse worse then madnesse for any man to imagine to attaine to Faith by any other meanes then God hath ordained When God hath sayde that the ordinary way to obtaine Faith is by the preaching of the worde wilt thou in the high pride of thy ignorant heart say I can haue Fayth without preaching This is to crosse the ordinance of God and to thinke thy selfe wiser then God For although all haue not Faith that ordinarily heare yet ordinarily none haue faith that doo not heare If then we would haue Faith we must seeke it as God hath appointed where it is to be found and when it is to be found let vs be diligent hearers attentiue hearers constant hearers and then we shal see the blessing of God vpon vs that we shall be sauing hearers Secondly true Faith is also ioyned with Prayer to God and with repentance from dead workes for how shall they call vpon him in whom they doe not beleeue And the Apostle Å¿ Acts 15 9. Peter teacheth that Faith purifieth the hart Paule exhorting the Elders of Ephesus saith t Acts 20 21 That he witnessed both to the Iews and to the Grecians the Repentance toward God and faith toward our Lorde Iesus Christ It was the substance of Christs Sermons which he preached when hee came into Galile u Marke 1 15 The Kingdome of God is at hand repent and beleeue the Gospell But there are many amongest vs that professe Faith which haue a Faith of another kinde and Nature it is not ioyned with inuocation of Gods name they make no Conscience to call vpon him they haue not the Spirite of Prayer that cryeth in their hearts Abba Father it worketh not in them conuersion of heart a turning of the minde a chaunge of life they boast of Faith but they remaine the same men they were before a deade life a deade Faith a prophane life a false Fayth that will in the end deceyue them Thirdly true Faith worketh in vs an holy contentation in our estate and teacheth vs to depend vpon Gods prouidence touching Food Raiment and all things necessary for this present life This Christ our Sauiour teacheth vs from the example of the Fowles of the Heauen of the stature of our body of the Lillies of the fielde from the grasse of the earth what doo pensiue thoughts distracting and distrustfull cares auaile to sustaine vs or preserue our life Wherefore seeing the Birdes are nourished our stature is encreased the Lillies are beautified the Grasse is cloathed by the power and prouidence of God x Math. 6 30. and 8 20. Shall hee not do the same much more to you O ye of little Faith Faith therefore maketh vs rest vpon God want of Faith taketh away all trust in him But many among vs that will needes boast of Fayth in Christ want this Faith in his prouidence for they dare not trust GOD with their life they doo not depend vpon him for their liuing they are affraid he will leaue them and forsake them they do not beleeue he will bee a mercifull and gracious God vnto them they haue not that affiance confidence reposed him that naturall children haue in their Parents A Childe doth not wearie him-selfe with matters of the World hee dooth not fore-cast for manie yeares hee is not intangled and choaked with earthly Cogitations all his care is cast vppon his Father hee trusteth vppon him hee knoweth hee will prouide for him and so passeth his dayes without distrust or dispaire And shall wee not be ashamed to bee sent to Schoole to learne of little Children that depend vpon their Father whereas we haue not learned to lift vppe our eyes vnto our Father that dwelleth in the Heauens but vse vnlawfull meanes and vngodly shifts to helpe our selues A plaine argument that wee haue not that Faith which we falsely imagine and vainely imagine our selues to haue Fourthly true Faith is the Mother of loue and maketh vs liue in peace one with another the Apostle y Gala. 5 6. Paule teacheth That Faith worketh by loue And Iohn in his first Epistle saith z 1 Iohn 3 23 This is his commandement that we beleeue in the name of his son Iesus Christ loue one another But many that wil seeme to haue faith in Christ shew no fruits of loue toward their Brethren they are not careful if it be possible and so farre as lieth in them to haue peace with all men they do not seeke after peace and ensue it but liue in hatred and contention in malice and enuy and least of all do affect the children of God An enuious Faith is no Faith and therefore let such men looke vnto it Fiftly true faith is mingled with doubting and vnbeleefe with wauering and feare and oftentimes strongly shaken and assayled as with a mighty Tempest This we see in the Father of him that was possessed with an vncleane spirit he was readie to rest vpon Christ but he felt the fruite of his owne corruption the spirit was willing but the flesh was weake he found a fight within himselfe betweene Faith and Infidelity When he considered the infinite power of Christ that was able to cast out Satan and to binde the strong man he was moued to beleeue On the other side when he saw the strangenesse the continuance the incureablenesse of his sonnes disease when he marked that the Deuill tooke him tare him cast him into the fire to burne him
threw him into the water to drowne him and at all times sought to destroy him when he beheld with the eyes of a Father that his childe fomed at the mouth gnashed with his teeth pined away in his body and was bruised in his bones hee was tempted with vnbeleefe and this made him cry out with teares a Marke 9 24 Lord I beleeue helpe mine vnbeleefe This is it wherein the Lord forewarned and fore-armed Peter b Luke 22 32. Behold Satan hath desired you to winnow you as Wheat but I haue prayed for thee that thy faith faile not He prayed not that their Faith should not be tried but that it should not be destroyed forasmuch as they must on euery side be assayled But the Faith of many is such that they say they perfectly beleeue and they thanke God they neuer doubted in all their life This Fath is no Faith it is an idle conceite a vaine perswasion a foolish presumption Lastly the true Faith encreaseth by degrees it is like vnto a graine of mustard seede which at the first is the least of all seedes c Math. 13 31 which afterward groweth vnto a Tree that the Birdes of the Ayre come and builde their Nestes in it and therefore wee must d Rom. 1 17. proceede from Faith to Faith But many amongst vs that will needes be in the number of the faithfull neuer feele these Degrees of Faith they see not any encreasing or decreasing any shining or ecclipsing of their Faith Nay they neuer examine themselues whether they be in the Faith or not They neuer consider whether they go forwarde or backeward in the wayes of Godlinesse they can cast vp their accounts euerie Weeke with the worlde but they can suffer whole moneths and yeares to passe ouer their heades and neuer once offer to make leuell with the Lord. If wee will assure our owne hearts that wee haue this true and perfect Faith in Christ let vs obserue the manner and measure of it the steppes and degrees of it how we walke by it and labour by all holy meanes to encrease it in vs. Thus much touching the Obiect of Faith Now let vs consider the Obiect of Loue. Loue toward the Saints The meaning of these words is first to be obserued and then the Doctrines are to be gathred which the Spirit of God offereth in this place to our considerations By loue we are to vnderstand the fruits of loue mercy consolation compassion brotherly kindnes reliefe pity and whatsoeuer fruits of charity we see them want stand in need of It standeth in the affection of the mind in the words of the mouth and in the workes of the hand By Saints we do not vnderstand such as are deade and deceased but those that are liuing not such as are of the Church Triumphant but in the Church Militant not such as are crownd with glory in heauen but those that dwell vpon the earth not such as are inrolled in the Popes Register and stand in redde Letters in the Popish Kalender but the faithfull whose Names are Written in the Booke of life which are the true members of Iesus Christ Thus much touching the true Interpretation of the Wordes We see heere that Loue is described by the Obiect thereof to wit the Saintes For as Christ is not the Obiect of our Charity e Psal 16 2. for our wel-dooing extendeth not vnto him so the Saints are not the Obiect of our Faith but as Faith hath respect and relation to Christ so hath loue reference to the Saints Now we haue shewed already that Philemons loue is commended toward the Saints because he had a principall and speciall care of them True it is he neglected not others but he was most of all mindfull of the godly poore and distressed Brethren Doct. 8. The works of mercy are especially to bee shewed to the poore that are godly We learne heereby that the workes of mercy are especially to be shewed to the poore among vs that are faithfull which may bee accounted of the fellowship and Communion of the Saints Howsoeuer all such as are poore are in their pouertie to bee regarded inasmuch as Christ hath taught vs that the poore we shall haue alwayes with vs yet the Godly poore that haue piety ioyned with their pouertie are before others and aboue others to be respected and releeued In the performance of this duty we see the practise of the Prophet Dauid going before vs a psal 16 2 3. and leading vs the way O my soule thou hast said vnto the Lord thou art my Lord my well-dooing extendeth not to thee but to the Saintes that are in the earth and to the excellent all my delight is in them In like manner also our Sauiour Christ describing the manner of the last Iudgement when hee shall giue to euerie one according to his Workes b Math. 25 40 declareth that the fruites of mercie bestowed vpon the members of Christ beeing sicke imprisoned hungrie thirstie naked and in necessity are allowed as notable fruites of a iustifying Faith and of a true loue and accepted as done to Christ himself So the Euangelist Luke testifieth in the Acts that c Acts 4 32. the multitude of them that beleeued were of one heart and of one mind they had all thinges common no man accounted any thing he possessed his owne but to serue the necessary vse of the Saints The Apostle hauing prooued in the Epistle to the Romanes that we are iustified freely by the grace of God without the works of the Law wherby we are at peace with God commeth to set down the fruits of Faith Chap. 12. Reioycing in hope continuing in Prayer d Rom. 12 13 distributing vnto the necessities of the Saints giuing your selues to Hospitality Heereunto come diuers Lawes which God ordained among his people e Deut. 15 17 If one of thy Brethren with thee be poore within any of thy gates in thy Land which the Lord thy God giueth thee thou shalt not harden thine heart nor shut thine hand from thy poore brother but thou shalt open thine hand vnto him and shalt lend him sufficient for his need All these testimonies of Scripture doo proue that the poore which are godly are most of all to bee succoured and sustained as they that for the most part stand in greatest need to be helped Reason 1. The Reasons heereof are to be considered First it is a fruit of our election which we ought to assure to our selues more and more The Apostle Iohn testifieth this f 1 Iohn 3 14. We know that wee are translated from death to life because wee loue the Brethren he that loueth not his Brother abideth in death We ought daily to gather arguments to perswade our hearts of Gods loue towardes vs which we shall see by our loue toward our brethren The election of God is hidden in himselfe the cause of it is not in our selues but we
Children of God c Psal 123 3. Haue mercy vpon vs ô Lord haue mercy vpon vs for we haue suffered to much contempt This is the direction that the Apostle Iames giueth d Iames 5 5. If any of you want wisedome let him aske of God which giueth to all men liberally and reprocheth no man and it shall be giuen him This is that which the Apostle both teacheth and craueth The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of God and the Communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all The like we see vsed by the Apostle Iohn Reuel 1. 4. All which testimonies serue directly to teach vs that what blessings soeuer we want we must beg them of God and of him onely Reason 1. Let vs see the Reasons to confirme vs in this truth First God is the fountaine of all good thinges and the Well-spring of all graces whatsoeuer Hee is a most bountifull and liberall Giuer none can helpe vs but he alone If hee shut his handes who can open them If hee stoppe his eares who can heare If hee turne awaie his eye from vs who can see our wantes If hee close vp his heart who can shew mercie Hence it is that the Apostle saith e Rom 11 36. For of him and through him and for him are all thinges to him bee glory for euer Amen And Iames in the first Chapter of his Epistle Iam. 1. 17. f Iames 1 17. Euery good giuing and euery perfect guift is from aboue and commeth downe from the Father of lights with whom is no variablenesse neither shaddow of turning Reason 2. Secondly the three persons in Trinity doe worke ioyntly together euen from the first beginning of our creation to the last finishing of our saluation It is said all things were made by the Sonne g Iohn 1 3. and that without him nothing was made that was made the Spirit also did sustaine and vphold that confused Lumpe which was the matter of the vniuersall so that they are said and set downe to be Creators as well as the Father In the worke of our saluation the Father willeth it and electeth vs the Sonne meriteth and deserueth it the Holy Ghost applyeth and appropriateth it This is it which Christ himselfe h Iohn 5 17. 16 13. saith Ioh. 5. My Father worketh hitherto and I worke And Chap. 16. When he commeth which is the Spirit of truth he will lead you into all truth So we might say the like touching the guifts of Sanctification and Iustification the Father forgiueth and washeth away sinne by the blood of Christ through the sprinkling of the Spirit he mortifieth sinne by the power of the death of Christ through the working of the Holy Ghost he raiseth vnto newnesse of life by the power of Christes Resurrection applyed by the Spirit hee iustifieth vs by the righteousnesse of Christ imputed and appropriated vnto vs by the Spirit Seeing therefore that God is a most munificent and liberall giuer rich vnto all and niggardly to none and seeing these three persons beeing one God doe worke ioyntly together in all things touching the creation of the World and the saluation of man and the redemption of our Soules it followeth whensoeuer we want any guifts needefull for Soule or body for this life or the life to come we must aske the supply of them at the handes of God onely the Father the Sonne and holy Ghost Vse 1. Now let vs handle the Vses breefely that arise from hence First we see that it is necessary for all that would pray aright and would obtaine that which they desire to be well instructed in the Vnity of the Godhead and the Trinity of the persons and to know the distinct properties of the persons without the vnderstanding whereof wee worship not the true God but an Idoll Our Sauiour in his conference with the Woman of Samaria chargeth the i Iohn 4 12. Samaritans to worship they know not what so doe many in our dayes both Heretiques and ignorant persons they call vppon God confusedlie but they haue no particular knowledge of God at all We must conceiue no otherwise of God in our minde then he hath expressed in his word The scripture teacheth to knowledge to beleeue to worship one God and him onely If we conceiue or imagine or receiue a multiplicity of Gods wee turne the truth of God into a lie and we erect vnto our selues so many Idols Againe the same Scripture setteth before vs three persons in that Godhead the Father which is the first person in the Trinity of himselfe the Son which is the second person begotten of the Father the holy Ghost which is the third person proceeding from the Father and the Sonne The Father is God the Sonne is God the holy Ghost is God and yet these three persons are not three Gods but one onely God And heere we haue in this place a notable Testimony of the God-head of the Sonne where the Apostle desireth and prayeth for grace and peace to be giuen to Philemon and his Wife to Archippus and the Church not onely from God the Father but from the Lord Iesus Christ This had bin monstrous horrible Idolatry and blasphemy Lastly if Christ had not bin in Nature Maiesty and glory equal with the Father hee of whom and from whom we craue spirituall and eternall gifts k Iohn 1 16. And of whose fulnesse we receiue and grace for grace must be confessed and beleeued to be God but such is Christ Iesus and therefore let this be an article of our Faith written in our hearts acknowledged with our mouth and confessed in the Church for euer that Christ is true God Vse 2. Secondly all good things are to be craued of God whether it be the supplying of his graces or the remoouing of our troubles we are taught to goe immediatly to God by Christ whensoeuer he blesseth vs and to returne vnto himselfe the praise of his owne worke This duty being required it serueth to meete with many corruptions that are too common in the world It conuinceth such Heathnish minded men as are of dead harts and haue no spark of the life of Gods Spirite in them that receiue and swallow vp daily diuers blessinges yet neuer looke to GOD that blesseth them but wee are like vnto the Swine that goe groueling to the ground like the Horse and Mule that haue no vnderstanding at all and so vse all the profites and pleasures of this life without any acknowledgement and consideration from whence they come and of whom they haue receiued them l Ezek. 32 6. or like vnto the Israelites when they had forsaken God They sate downe to eate and drinke and rose vp to play or as c Gen. 25 34. Esau He did eate and drinke he rose vp and went his way he filled his paunch and such was his prophanenesse that hee was touched with nothing These men doe daily deuour infinite
Hab. 2 4. The iust shall liue by his owne Faith Faith is the worke of the Spirit in the heart of man so that if it must be in the hearts of euerie one of vs it followeth that it must bee speciall Reason 2. Secondly true Fayth giueth sound comfort and worketh peace with God this is the property of that Faith which we must haue in vs. But comfort commeth vnto vs by hearing of a promise made to others not belonging to our selues What consolation of heart can this worke in vs to know that others shall bee saued This the Apostle speaketh of Heb. 6. God willing more abundantly h He. 6 17 18 to shewe vnto the heyres of promise the stablenesse of his counsell bound himselfe by an Oath that by two immutable thinges wherein it is vnpossible that God should lye we might haue strong consolation which haue our refuge to lay hold vpon that hope that is set before vs. No man receyueth comfort by the riches of another himselfe being poor or by the honor of another himselfe liuing in disgrace can so no man can feele any comfort by the Faith of another so long as he wanteth Faith himselfe to apply Christ vnto himselfe Seeing then that euery man must attaine to saluation by his owne faith which is able to minister comfort vnto him in the time of neede we see that Faith consisteth in applying the mercies of God vnto our owne selues Vse 1. The Vses of this Doctrine are now to bee considered and stoode vpon that so wee may vnderstand how to apply this applying of Fayth vnto our selues First this confirmeth the forme and manner of speech vsed in the Articles of Fayth wherein euerie one is taught to say I beleeue in God Not We beleeue in God For howsoeuer wee are to pray for others as well as for our selues and are taught to say Our Father which art in Heauen yet when the question is of our Fayth wee must say not We beleeue but I beleeue We pray for others but we beleeue for our selues The like is to be sayde of euerie principle of Faith euerie man must holde them all and beleeue them all This ouerthroweth the Doctrine of the Church of Rome which teacheth a generall and implicite Faith to bee sufficient for vs to Iustification and Saluation For they teach if a man can say I beleeue as the Church beleeueth though hee know not how or what the Church beleeueth though hee vnderstand nothing though he be able to apply nothing vnto himselfe hee hath a good faith and by that faith may be saued Answereable to this Diuinity i Bellar. de iustif lib. 1. cap. 7. are the Iesuites and Schoole-mens damnable and diuellish positions which maintaine that the people are not bound to know what the matters of Faith bee that ignoraunce is better then the knowledge of them that they neede not enquire after them and that Faith is better defined by ignorance then by knowledge Hence it is that they commend the Colliars Faith k Apol. translated by Staplet part 1. page 53 who as the tale is told being at the point of death and tempted of the Deuill what his Faith was Aunsweared I beleeue and die in the faith of Christs Church but being againe demanded what the faith of Christs Church was that faith said he that I beleeue in and thus the deuill getting no other aunswere was ouercome and put to flight This fable hath beene so long told and related among them that now themselues begin to beleeue it to be a truth as a lyar by often telling an vntruth beginneth to thinke it may be a true tale This Colliars faith is the popish Creed which being founded in ignorance is too weake a shield to quench the fiery Darts of the Deuill and to resist his tentations Thus true faith is suppressed ignorance is set on foote by these ignoraunt Teachers who as they are blinde themselues so they would put out the eyes of others They require no knowledge of the things we pray for l Rhem. annot on 1 Cor. 14. on Luke 12 11. but preferre ignorance they require no ability to professe the perticular points of our faith but in grosse and general This ignorance is plentifully condemned in the Scriptures We are taught m Col. 3. 16. 1 Pet. 3 15. that the word must dwell plentifully in vs and that we must be able to giue an account of the hope that is in vs to them that shall require an aunswere of vs. We are taught n Math. 22 29 Rom. 15 4 Hebr. 5 11. Iohn 5 39. that ignorance is the Mother of all euill the roote of all error the cause of all vnbeleefe and that whatsoeuer things are written afore hand were written for our learning that wee might haue comfort and beleeue Thus do these enemies of God and his people take from them their sword when they should go to fight and strip them of their Armor when they should enter the battell like Theeues that put out the Candle which serueth to discouer them To conclude let vs know that an ignorant faith is no faith for where there is no knowledge there can bee no faith But such as liue in the Church of Rome being blindly led of blinde Teachers doo know nothing to their comfort they haue the key of Knowledge taken from them they are nuzled and encouraged in ignoraunce they heare it magnified and extolled vnto the skies Some of them pretend the reading of the Scriptures in the mother tongue and in the translation that all may vnderstand to bee a principall cause of heresie Another shameth not to auouch that it was the inuention of the Deuill to permit the people to read the Bible Another blusheth not to write that he knew certaine men possessed of a Deuill because being but Husbandmen they were able to discourse of the Scriptures They teach that it is Heresy for a Lay-man to dispute in a point of faith These men speake not by the spirit of God but vtter the Deuils language and instruct the people in the Colliars Creed It is written of Timothy o 2 Tim 3 15. that hee was trained vp of a childe in the knowledge of the Mysteries of Religion It is written p Deut. 29 29 that the things reuealed belong to vs and to our children In former times the Doctrines of godlynesse and seuerall points of religion were knowne of all and the lowest of the people reasoned of them q Chryso hom 3 in Lazarum Aug. tract 21. in Ioh. and their Byshops exhorted thē thereunto asking why they are vttered if they may not be known Why they haue sounded if they may not bee heard And wherefore are they heard but that we should vnderstand them Vse 2. Secondly seeing it is the very forme of faith to receiue and apply this teacheth that it is not enough for men to haue an hystorical faith to belieue those things
Doctrine 4. True religion must be openly confessed professed Heereby wee learne that faith and the fruits thereof must be openly professed True Religion must not onely bee inwardly beleeued and in the heart acknowledged but must outwardly be confessed and professed in the world before men We see this in Daniell and the three Children hee was cast into the Lyons den they into the hot fiery furnace because they thought it not sufficient to worship God closely and secretly in their hearts but publickly declared what God they serued and what religion they embraced The Apostle writing to the Hebrewes calleth Christ Iesus a Heb. 3 1. 10 23. 13 15. the High-Priest of our profession that is of the trueth which we professe and beleeue And afterward he saith Let vs keep the profession of our faith without wuuering And againe Let vs by him offer the sacrifice of praise alwaies to God that is the fruite of the lippes which confesse his name This duty of acknowledging and confessing the truth haue all the seruants of God practised made conscience of from the beginning giuing witnesse to God his truth When the Apostles were conuented before the counsel they did not hide their faith but said b Acts 4 8. 19 20. 5 30. Ye Rulers of the people and elders of Israell forasmuch as we this day are examined of the good deede done to the impotent man to wit by what meanes he is made whole be it known vnto you all and to al the people of Israell that by the Name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth whome yee haue crucified whom God raysed againe from the dead euen by him dooth this man stand heere before you whole And when they were charged to ho de their peace and to speake or teach no more in the Name of Iesus they aunsweared Whether it bee right in the sight of GOD to obey you rather then GOD iudge ye for wee cannot but speake the thinges which wee haue seene and heard The Apostle Paule vseth this boldnesse of speech before Felix c Acts 24 14 15. I confesse vnto thee that after the way which they call Heresie so worship I the God of my Fathers beleeuing all thinges which are written in the Law and in the Prophets c. And as the Apostle himselfe practised this dutie so Timothy is commended and praised by him for the same d 1 Tim. 6 12 13. Fight the good fight of Faith lay holde of eternall life whereunto thou art also called and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses wherein also hee followed the steppes and example of Iesus Christ which vnder Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession All these as a clowd of witnesses serue to confirme vs in the assured truth of this doctrine that God requireth this duty of vs to confesse his word boldly to manifest our faith openly to shew our Religion publickely that so wee may confesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse and his wonderfull works before the sons of men Reason 1. And howsoeuer these Testimonies may serue and suffice for the strengthning thereof yet it shall appeare more plain and euident vnto vs if we waigh the Reasons First the profession of our faith hath a great promise of a rich reward ioyned with it and added vnto it and the starting backe from it as a deceitful bow hath a sore threatning of a grieuous curse following after it It is that which our Sauiour teacheth his Disciples whom he sent out as Sheepe among Wolues and foretelleth them of afflictions and persecutions that should be raised against them e Math. 10 32 23. Marke 8 38. Luke 9 26. 12 8. Whosoeuer shall confesse me before men him will I confesse also before my Father which is in Heauen and whosoeuer shall denie me before men him will I also denie before my Father which is in Heauen It is an hard matter to stand when the storme falleth and to confesse Christ in time of daunger when persecuters arise and enemies shewe themselues but the earnest consideration of this that Christ will confesse vs in the glorie of his Father and before the Angels of God will be a forcible meanes and motiue to put life and courage into vs to enable vs and perswade vs to this practise For what can be more right and reasonable and stand better with the Lawe of equity then that the seruant should not feare to professe what Maister hee serueth who will know him and confesse him when he is entred into his glory If a Prince should come to a man among a great company and single him out by name if he should acknowledge him among a thousand others and speake kindly vnto him it woulde encourage him to liue and die in his quarrell euen so seeing Christ Iesus the sonne of God and the heire of al● things will at the last day do vs this honour to confesse vs to be his owne children and giue vnto vs the Crowne of glory how should we bee stirred vp in loue to him againe and strengthned in the inward man to waxe bold in the faith and feruent in spirite to giue out a cleare Testimonie before all the worlde whose Seruants wee are and in all troubles to cleaue vnto him with full purpose of heart On the other side wee must bee terrifyed from denying him least hee bee ashamed of vs and denie vs before his Father which is in Heauen Reason 2. Secondly confession is a necessary fruit and consequent of faith where true Faith is in the hart there wil follow confession with the mouth This is it which the Prophet speaketh in his owne experience f Psal 116 10. I beleeued therefore did I speake for I was sore troubled This is made a note of Faith what it beleeueth it speaketh albeit the confession of the truth be accompanied with daunger And least any should imagine this to be peculiar to the Prophet not common to others the Apostle draweth it likewise vnto himselfe g 2 Cor. 4 13. Because wee haue the same spirit of faith according as it is written I beleeued and therefore haue I spoken We also beleeue and therefore speake He that is afraid to confesse Christ hath no true faith but he that beleeueth in him will not be ashamed of him and his Gospell Reason 3. Thirdly the Faith of Christes true Religion is a most glorious thing containing in it the great praise and glory of Gods wisedome power mercie and righteousnesse and it deliuereth the matter of mans saluation and eternall happinesse This was it that mooued the Apostle to preach the Gospell freely and boldly h Rom. 1 16. I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ for it is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth to the Iew first and also to the Grecian Seeing therefore Christ hath promised to confesse vs before his Father seeing faith is manifested and shewed by
and refuse to heare him but to shewe himselfe true in his worde and faithfull in his promise hee dooth acknowledge him as his owne because hee confessed him before that sinnefull and wicked generation saying vnto him Verily I say vnto thee to day thou shalt be with me in Paradise The Apostle Iohn liuing when the Deity of our Sauiour beganne to bee doubted of and called into question saith p 1 Ioh. 4 2 3. Euerie Spirit which confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God and euery spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the Flesh is not of God If therefore wee looke to bee confessed of Christ and to haue our soules saued in the day of the Lord let vs boldly beare and behaue our selues vnder the Crosse and not shrinke in the wetting like deceitfull cloth let vs know that confession and saluation must goe together if wee waite for the one wee must expresse the other if confession go before we may build surely and ground our selues strongly vpon the promise of Christ that the saluation of our soules shall follow after and no man shall take it from vs. This made the Apostle say q 2 Tim. 1 12. For this cause I suffer these things but I am not ashamed for I know whom I haue beleeued and I am perswaded that he is able to keep that which I haue committed to him against that day Vse 2 Secondly seeing our Faith and Religion must be confessed it is a duty that lieth vpon vs to seeke to know the truth and labour to expresse the power of godlinesse otherwise it is vnpossible that euer we should make profession of it For profession of the faith presupposeth a knowledge of the faith for how can we confesse that which we kno not or manifest that to other wherof we are ignorant our selues This controlleth and condemneth those that liue in the Church heare the word and haue the Gospell sounding a long time in their eares yet know not what faith is nor how to beleeue so that whereas in regard of their continuance in the Church in regard of the meanes offred to them and in regard of their age wherewith God hath blessed them r Heb. 5 12. they might haue been teachers of others they haue neede to be taught the beginnings of faith the grounds of religion the principles of the word of God and are become such as haue neede of milke and not of strong meate Alas who can consider without great greefe of heart and anguish of spirit in what state the greatest number of our people stand and remember that after al our planting watering sowing and labouring they are apt and fit to receiue any religion because they are blinde and ignorant and know not God aright or any part of his truth to their soules health They are like the potters Clay which is readie to take any forme and receiue any impression or like the earth which altereth and changeth as the winde or weather as the Spring or Winter shall worke vpon it If they were taught to beleeue and receiue the Cabala of the Iewes the Alcoran of the Turkes the Reuelations of the Anabaptists the Traditions of the Papists or such like rotten trash of mans deuises and if they were countenanced by authoritie of Princes and Lawes of men they were as easie to be wrought vpon as waxe that is readie to receiue any stampe and impression A lamentable case that wee should bee still as Babes and children not knowing the right hand from the left carried about with euerie waue of Doctrine and receiuing the darknesse of errour for the light of the truth But we haue not so learned Christ and the Christian Religion When we haue once giuen entertainment vnto the truth and imbraced it soundly in our hearts we must not denie the faith whatsoeuer befall vs whatsoeuer trouble come vnto vs whether prosperity fawne and flatter vpon vs or whether aduersity pinch vs and paine vs whether the Sunne of peace shine vpon vs or whether the clouds of affliction ouer-shaddow vs wee must alwayes be the same and our standing in the faith should not be wauering or wandering to giue ouer at euery assault and to shrink backe for euery brunt and to deny our Lorde and Maister by euery tentation This serueth to reproue those that knowe nothing and therefore can professe nothing and as they know nothing so they will know nothing of whom we may say as the Apostle doth Å¿ 2 Pet. 3 5. This they wittingly know not and so are wilfully ignorant and shut their eies because they would not see and because the light shold not shine into their hearts For seeing God hath commanded the light to shine out of darknes we may truly say t 2 cor 4 3 4 6 If our Gospell be then hid it is hidde to them that are lost in whom the God of this world hath blinded the mindes that is of the Infidels that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ which is the Image of God shoulde not shine vnto them Thus doth God send them strong delusion that they shold beleeue lies u 2 Thess 2 11 12. That all they might be damned which beleeued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse Let vs therefore seeke after knowledge as for great Treasures Let vs search the Scriptures that in them we may find eternall life let vs haue the word of God dwell plentifully in vs which is able to make vs wise vnto Saluation Let vs vse all good meanes to encrease knowledge in vs to begin in Faith to hold out a good confession to maintaine the truth against all the aduersaries that rise against vs. Vse 3. Thirdly seeing it is a duty to open our mouthes and lose our tongues to confesse to his name that hath called vs to his truth it standeth vs vpon continually and constantly to pray for the Spirit of strength or corroboration that we may be made able to stand in the time of danger It is not in all that know and acknowledge the truth to auouch it and to maintaine it to confesse it and to stand to it but onely of such as haue receiued the strengthening power of Christ Hence it is that the Apostle saith of himselfe x Phil 4 13. I am able to doe all thinges through the helpe of Christ which strengthneth me So he prayeth for the Colossians That they might be strengthned with the glorious power of Christ When a man hath once receiued to beleeue hee wanteth a new grace to bee giuen vnto him that the graine of Faith which lyeth hidden in the heart and couered in the Ashes of mans frailty may grow vp openly and bring forth in vs the confession of the mouth This appeareth by the words of the Apostle Iohn who testifieth y Iohn 12 42 43. That euen among the cheefe Rulers many beleeued in him neuerthelesse because of the
6. Faith Loue do alwayes go together We learne hereby that faith and Loue are allwaies coupled together faith is not without Loue nor Loue without faith but faith and Loue goe together in all the seruants of God and can neuer be seperated and put asunder When Paule praied for the Thessalonians he remembred these two z 1. Thes 1. 3. to be in them their effectuall faith and their diligent loue It is said of the Church gathered together after the assention of Christ a Acts. 2 44. that all they which beleeued were in one place and had all things common Such as were true beleeuers were also commoners together such as had Faith in Christ had Loue toward the Saints This Luke sheweth more plainly afterward b Act. 4. 32. The multitude of them that beleeued were of one heart and of one soule neither any of them said that any thing of that which he possessed was his owne but they had all thinges common Heere we see Faith and the manifestation of Faith by the fruits of Charity ioyned together To this purpose the Apostle saith c Gal. 5. 6. In Iesus Christ neither Circumcision auayleth any thing neither vncircumcision but faith which worketh by Loue. Heere also he coupleth Faith with Loue in one Yoake declaring that Faith is effectuall in the duties of Loue. So the Apostle Iohn teacheth that faith in Christ and Loue one toward another are thinges euer ioyned together d Iohn 3. 23. This is then his Commandement that wee beleeue in the Name of his sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he gaue Commaundement And the Apostle Iames speaking of the effectuall faith of Abraham whereby he beleeued and was iustifyed declareth that e Iam. 2. 22. the Faith wrought with his workes and through the workes was the Faith made perfect All these Texts and Testimonies of Scripture serue to teach vs that our faith must be accompanied with Loue and the one not deuided from the other Reason 1. The truth heereof will better appeare to euery one of vs If wee consider the Reasons For first they are as the Tree and the Fruite as the Roote and the Branch as the Fountaine and the Streame as the cause and the effect Faith is the Tree the Roote the Fountaine the cause Loue is the Fruite the Branch the Streame the effect The cause and the effect are Relatiues and haue relation and reference either to other● so that the cause cannot be without his effect nor the effect without his cause and therefore both these must goe together The Prophet describeth the blessed man f Psal 1. 3. to be like a Tree planted by the Riuers of Waters that will bring forth her friute in due season whose Leafe shall not fade so whatsoeuer he shall do shall prosper Reason 2. Secondly faith separated from Loue or Loue separated from faith is a false faith and a false Loue. Faith without Loue or separated from the fruits of Loue is dead and without life a naked name without the thing an empty shaddow without substance a dead carcasse without breath It is nothing worth without Loue. The Apostle saith If a man had all faith so that he could remoue Mountaines g 1. Cor. 13. 1. 2. and had not Loue it were nothing he should be as sounding Brasse or a tinkeling Cymball So we read in the Epistle of Iames i Iames 2 20. That the Faith which is without workes is dead it is a Bastard Fayth a counterfet Faith an idle Faith which is no true Faith indeede but onely in Name For as a painted hand is no hand so a seeming Faith is no Faith Againe Loue without Faith is without his right order yea without his life soule his true cause and forme and so not good but euill not approued but reiected of God k Heb. 11 6. Rom. 14 23. For without Faith it is vnpossible to please God and whatsoeuer is not of Faith is sinne All workes of Iustice Mercy Righteousnesse to releeue the poore to feed the hungry to cloath the naked without Fayth are nothing worth nay all these beautifull shewes are beautifull sinnes except they be seasoned with Faith Againe to afflict thy soule to humble thy selfe to heare the word to receiue the Sacraments without Loue that is to do the duties of the first Table and to neglect them of the second Table is but Hypocrisie and maketh vs abhominable in the sight of God Seeing then Faith and Loue are as the cause and the effect that liue together seeing they loose their Names and Natures being disioyned and diuided one from another wee see it euidently and strongly to appeare that Faith in Christ and Loue to the Brethren as Mother and Daughter are ioyned together in euery true Christian Vse 1. The Vses are now to be considered First seeing these two guiftes are coupled together one with another it followeth that they must neuer be separated in a Christian man He that is ioyned with the head must also bee ioyned with the members and hee that hath his part in the Communion of Saints hath his fellowship also with Christ If it be a generall rule deliuered by Christ l Math. 19 6. that the thinges which God hath coupled together no man must separate it holdeth in this particular that Faith and Loue are not to be disioyned and dismembered forasmuch as God hath lodged them as two ghests in one house locked them vp as two Pearles and Iewels in one Closset It is a rule published by the m Cicer. de offic lib. 2. Heathen that all Vertues are knit together in one Chaine so that he which hath one hath all of them hee that wanteth one of them wanteth all so is it with this worthy paire of Heauenly graces we must not haue a Faith without Workes nor Workes without Faith but our Faith must be fruitfull to bring forth Workes and our Workes must bee thankfull to confesse them to be receyued from Faith Our Faith worketh by Loue our Loue liueth by Faith our Faith respecteth Christ our Loue respecteth the Saints Thus must these two be found in euery one of vs for they meete together in all such as shall be saued This n Titus 3 8. made the Apostle say in his Epistle to Titus Chap. 3. This is a true saying and these thinges I will thou shouldest affirme that they which haue beleeued God might bee carefull to shew forth Good-Workes These thinges are good and profitable vnto men Let vs examine our owne hearts whether we finde these two graces in vs which must bee as two twins that reioyce and take delight to bee together or two Sisters that accompanie one with another like Martha and Marie in one house so must these be two Vertues in one heart Hence it is that the Apostle Iohn saith in his first Epistle o 1 Iohn 4 20 21. If any man say I Loue
20. are Ambassadors but the Ambassador is not sent without authority from him that sendeth him They are b Hebr. 13 7. Captains of the Lords hoast but the Captaine hath rule and gouernement ouer those that are vnder his charge and regiment If then the true Ministers of Christ be Fathers Shepheards Ambassadors and Captains vnder Christ the great shepheard of the Sheepe their Office cannot be without iurisdiction and authority ouer the people of God committed to their charge Reason 2. Secondly if we consider the fruits and effects that are ascribed in the word to the Ministers of the word we shall see that their Ministry is ioyned with authority They are the meanes and instruments to bring vs to the knowledge of Christ to the bosome of the Church and to the Kingdome of Heauen Their Office is to conuert sinners and to saue soules When Christ ascended vp into Heauen he appointed Pastors and Teachers in his Church c Ephe 4 11 12. for the repairing of the Saintes for the worke of the Ministry and for the edification of the body of Christ till we all meet together in the vnity of faith and that acknowledging of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ So the Apostle exhorteth Timothy to take heed to himselfe to exercise his guifts to giue attendance to Reading to be diligent in exhortation and to continue in deliuering sound Doctrine d 1 Tim 4 16. because in dooing these thinges he should saue both himselfe and them that heare him God hath put into them and their mouths the word of reconciliation so that faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the preaching of the word of God and therefore the Ministers are said to saue their owne soules and the soules of others Reason 3. Thirdly there is a co●peration of God and the Ministers Office together and an admirable simpathy betweene them If then God and the Minister do worke together he may lawfully inioyne men to do their duties This is it which the Apostle teacheth e 1 Cor 3 9. and 2 Cor 6 1 We are together Gods labourers and in another place We therefore as workers together beseech you that ye receiue not the grace of God in vaine where to comfort the Ministers against the contempt of the world he declareth that it pleaseth God to vse their Ministry to worke faith in whom he will True it is the Ministers are not able to giue or worke faith in the hearers either in whole or in part it is God onely that giueth encrease and a blessing vpon his owne meanes but they are the instruments which he imployeth He commandeth the Ministers to preach and he giueth a blessing to their preaching The Minister laboureth on the heart and conscience God reformeth it and giueth the grace of repentance The Minister deliuereth the Doctrine of faith God giueth the gift of faith The Minister teacheth righteousnesse and holinesse of life God saith be it so he shal be righteous and holy The Minister pronounceth mercy to the penitent God bestoweth mercy and forgiuenesse of sinnes vpon him Thus God ratifieth their word and after a sort tieth his blessing vnto it Seeing rherefore that the Ministers of the word haue many titles of power and iurisdiction giuen vnto them seeing they are the meanes and instruments appointed to bring vs to saluation and Lastly seeing they worke with God and as it were helpe him in bringing men to faith and eternall life we may conclude that their Office is ioyned with power and authority Vse 1. Let vs see what are the vses of this Doctrine First touching the Office it selfe we gather that it is a worthy calling an honourable Office an excellent Function how base and meane soeuer it be esteemed among men of this world This the Apostle setteth downe writing to Timothy f 1 Tim 3 1. If a man desire the Office of a Bishop that is a Minister of t●e Gospell he desireth a worthy worke not onely a worke but a worthy worke Therefore this Office is not onely a lawfull calling but a worthy calling It is hard to discharge it aright for who g 2 Cor 2 16. is sufficient for these thinges but those thinges that are hard are excellent The Minster beareth the person of Christ in preaching the word and administring the Sacraments We heard before that in furthering and finishing the saluation of men God worketh with them It is a great and glorious account which God maketh of his word in the mouth of his Ministers when it is truely preached and rightly applied he giueth grace by it and ordinarily worketh not saluation without it This is no small honour and estimation to the Ministers of God and to the Ministry of his word that he admitteth them as ioynt-workers and as it were fellow-labourers with him he worketh when they worke he exhorteth when they exhort he reproueth when they reproue he teacheth when they teach This the Prophet teacheth to be the Ministers commission giuen him of God when he hath preached righteousnesse to man h Iob 33 24. God will haue mercy on him and will say to the Minister Deliuer him that he go not downe into the pit for I haue receiued reconciliation This the Apostle saith i 2 Cor 5 20. Now then are wee Ambassadours for Christ as though God did beseech you through vs we pray you in Christs stead that ye be reconciled to God This our Sauiour Christ also himselfe speaketh and auoucheth in the person of Peter k Mat 16 19. I will giue vnto thee the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde vpon earth shal be bound in Heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth shal be loosed in Heauen Whereby he teacheth that the Ministers are the Porters of Heauen they haue the Keyes committed vnto them they are appointed to bring the Children of God into the sheepefold of Christ They shut the Kingdome of Heauen against all vnbeleeuers by preaching that they shall not enter but be cast into vtter darknesse and be tormented in Hell They open the Kingdome of Heauen to all beleeuers and penitent persons by preaching that they shall enter into the kingdome of Heauen and enioy eternall life To this end and purpose Christ speaketh to his Apostles after his ascension l Iohn 20 23. Whose sinnes soeuer ye remit they are remitted and whose sinnes ye retaine they are retained True it is God onely forgiueth sinnes properly but he hath appointed his Ministers to preach publish and to witnesse to their consciences that repent and beleeue the Gospell that all their sinnes are forgiuen And on the other side to preach and declare that such as will not beleeue and repent shall neuer haue their sinnes forgiuen them For how the Ministers binde and loose shutte and open forgiue and retaine the Prophet Esay sheweth m Esay 44 25
they are in death ſ Dan. 5 6. like Belshazzar who in the middest of his Feast and fulnesse saw the hand-writing vpon the wall as a Prognosticate of his destruction Lastly albeit they haue the blessings of God and keep them in bondage yet withall they possesse the Cursse of God which alwaies waiteth vppon them and is ready to seize vpon them The Theefe liueth alwaies in feare of the Iudge and of the day of Assises so doe these men liue in continuall daunger of Gods Iudgement and punnishment which shall one day meete with them Sixtly obserue that he desireth grace to rest in their spirits and albeit he meane heeereby their whole persons as we haue shewed before in setting downe the Interpretation of the wordes yet heereby he assigneth the proper Seat of Grace to be the Soule For the Grace of Christ is an inward and spirituall thing and therefore taketh vp the inward and spirituall part of man Indeed when once grace is entred into the heart and sitteth there as a Queen to order all our thoughts and affections it wil spread it selfe through the whole man and afterward as it were goe out of the dores into the outward actions We see heereby where grace is especially felt for as the Soule is the subiect of it so the Soule hath the especiall feeling of it Our Iustification and forgiuenesse of sinnes the peace of conscience which passeth all vnderstanding is felt in the Soule yea Glorification and eternall life throgh Iesus Christ is felt in the Soule This teacheth vs to labour earnestly t Heb. 13 9. to haue grace in the heart that from thence it may flow into all our actions It is not enongh to haue gratious tongues gratious wordes gratious mouths we must first haue grace within and giue vnto God our heartes Nothing is more detestable to God and man then Hypocrisie there appeareth grace without but there dwelleth none within there is great shew but little truth or rather no truth at all Lastly obserue with me the last word whereby the Apostle shutteth vp the Salutation and the whole Epistle to wit Amen This is set downe in a word and yet it containeth more then the prayer it selfe For in prayer we testifie our desire by this we witnesse our Faith By this we obserue that vnto our requests and petitions in prayer must be ioyned Faith and Beleefe that God will grant the thinges craued This appeareth in the Prophet u Psal 89 52. Psal 89. Praised be the Lord for euermore So be it euen so be it Wee are taught thus to shut vp our prayers by Christ our Sauiour in that platforme which he hath left vs. Thus the Apostle closeth and concludeth his Epistle x 2 Cor 13 13 The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all Amen And indeed praier auaileth onely in them that beleeue y Iam. 1 6 and 5 16. It is the prayer of faith preuaileth much if it be feruent yea we must aske in faith and not wauer if we thinke to obtaine any thing at his handes From hence we learne that we ought alwaies to labour to giue assent to Gods promises when we pray and to striue against doubting and infidelity All the promises of God z 2 Cor. 1 20. are in Christ yea and are in him Amen vnto the glory of God through vs. This we see in the Father of the Child possessed Mark 9. When Christ Iesus said vnto him a Mark 9 23. 24. If thou canst beleeue all thinges are possible to him that beleeueth he answeared Lord I beleeue helpe mine vnbeleefe To pray without Faith is not to pray at all And to say Amen in the end of our prayers and yet to pray with doubting and without beleeuing is to make a lie and to teach our tongues to deceiue our hearts For this is a great iarre and discord when infidelity is in the heart and faith in the tongue when inwardly we wauer and outwardly the mouth vttereth Amen More-ouer so often as we vse publike prayers they must be pronounced and deliuered with that plainenesse feeling and zeale as that the people being thereby moued and their faith and affections going with that which is deliuered and prayed for may answere Amen vnto that which is desired This is it which the Apostle toucheth 1 Cor. 14. b 1 Cor. 14 15 16. I will pray with the spirit but I will pray with the vnderstanding also I will sing with the spirit but I will sing with the vnderstanding also Else when thou blessest with the Spirit how shall he that occupieth the Roome of the vnlearned say Amen at thy giuing of thankes seeing he knoweth not what thou saiest This reprooueth the Popish and Romish Liturgy that vse in diuine seruice a strange and vnknowne tongue whereby the people are nuzeled in ignorance and can receiue no c 1 Cor 14 19 1● edification or instruction And heereby consider the deepe deuise of the Deuill how farre he hath preuailed in this false Church For when he saw he could not thus farre haue the vpper hand as vtterly to cast the word out of the Church and to take away the vse of prayer when he perceiued it to be vnpossible to roote out the word of God and to abolish the inuocation of his holy name he fell to worke another way and that is to suffer the thinges to remaine and to take away the right and profitable vse of them so that albeit the word is read it is read without knoledge and albeit prayers be made yet they are made without comfort Thus the names of the worde and prayer remaining the benifite of them is taken away The like we might say of the Sacraments especially of the Supper of the Lord they will seeme to haue it yet in truth they want it to allow of it and yet they destroy it and abolish it If the Deuill should vtterly remoue these thinges out of the way so that the names neither of the word nor of prayers nor of the Sacraments were heard among them all men might discouer this deceit no man would easily be seduced by this palpable grossenesse but he is a more cunning worke-man he can hide his snares from being seene so that he will not haue them vtterly remooued and renounced that the people might say we haue the word reade vnto vs wee haue good prayers saide among vs we haue the Sacraments with vs yet all is done in a strange manner the Priest vseth a strange tongue and the people are nurtured in strange ignorance For the word is heard ignorantly praiers are made ignorantly and the Sacraments are receiued ignorantly The whole frame of the Popish Religion is maintained by ignorance Thus much of the generall obseruations that might be enlarged and farther amplified which I haue briefly pointed out and albeit all of them be very pertinent yet I will
God All time is esteemed to little and to short that is spent in pleasures in Carding in Dyeing in Drunkennesse in vanitie and in all wickednesse neuer considering that we ought to number our dayes and redeeme the time because the daies are euill To Philemon our deare Friend and Fellow-labourer c. Hetherto we haue spoken of the persons writing Now wee are to proceede to the persons to whom this Epistle is written which are foure in number whereof one is chiefe and principall the other such as are ioyned to him as lesse principall The cheefe person heere named is Philemon Touching this Philemon who he was and of what calling and condition it is not agreed among all Some thinke he was in the Ministery and of some Ecclesiasticall function u Cal. in Epist. Phil. Piscat in hanc locum Rolloc annlis in Epistol Phil. because the Apostle calleth him a Fellow-labourer But the opinion and iudgement of these men is not certaine and the reason whereuppon it standeth is weake and wauering Rather he appeareth to be a Citizen of Colosse of good wealth and worship because both the Pastor of that Church was Archippus as appeareth Coloss 4 Say vnto Archippus looke to thy Ministry that thou fulfill it And many other are called by this honorable Title of Fellow-labourers who neuer had calling to preach the word as appeareth in diuers places where Paule saluteth not only priuate persons but Women who were not to teach publikely in the Church by this Name as Rom. 16. Phil. 4. 3. Iohn Now the Apostle vseth two reasons to perswade him to yeeld to his suit and earnest request the one of friendship and familiarity that was betweene them the other of his zeale and forwardnesse in furthering the Gospell as indeed it is the duty not onely of the Ministers but of all the godly to promote the doctrine of the gospell and to labour much in the Lord by their prayers workes counsels endeuours and imployments So then in regard of the neere coniunction of Christian loue and common labour in the truth and for the truth the Apostle hopeth to preuaile with him Doct. 5. A Christian friend wil performe any Christian duty to his friend From hence wee learne this Doctrine that where true Christian loue is there is a willing and ready performance of all Christian duties one to another Christian friendshippe and familiarity ought to preuaile much to intreat and obtaine duties of loue one from another and to stay vnchristian and vncharitable courses When a contention grew betweene Abraham and Lot and betweene the Heard-men of their Cattle Abraham said vnto him x Gen. 13 8. Let there be I pray thee no strife between thee and me neither between my Heard-men and thy Heard-men for we are Brethren Ionathan and Dauid a paire of sure and fast friendes entred into a couenant of peace and amity either with other y 1 Sa. 18 2 3. this loue would not suffer any euill to be pretended and plotted against each other which they did not willinglie disclose and discouer Dauid loued him as himselfe and Ionathan reuealed and bewrayed the counsell and conspiracy of his Father euen to the danger of his owne life and the losse of a kingdome He preferred the maintaining of frendship before the gaining of a kingdome The loue that was in Christ to his disciples caused him to reueale to them all things that he had from his Father z Iohn 15 15. Henceforth cal I you not seruants for the seruant knoweth not what his M. doth but I haue called you friends for all things that I haue heard of my Father haue I made known to you When Christ sitting at the table told the disciples that one of thē should betray him into the hands of Sinners Peter moued Iohn whom Iesus loued and who leaned on his breast to aske who it was of whō he spake being assured he would not deny to tell him because he loued him This the Apostle teacheth b Rom. 5 7. Doubtlesse one will scarce die for a righteous Man but for a good man it may be that one dare dye So in this Epistle that now we haue in hand verse 9. he saith For loues sake I beseech thee for my Sonne Onesimus All these seuerall places serue to point out and to proue this truth vnto vs that a friend a true Friend a true Christian friend will not deny but readily performe any Christian duty to his friend Reason 1. The Reasons are first because true Friendes are as one Soule in two Bodies They agree in one they consent in one they take such sweete counsell together and are partakers one with another in weale and woe The Heathen could say c Arist Eth. lib 8. c. 1. Cicer. lib de Amicit. that all things are common among friends and that a sure friend is as another the same It is said to this purpose that Dauid loued Ionathan as his owne Soule 1 Sam. 18. So Luke speaking of the faithfull members of the Church saith d Act. 4 32. The multitude of them that beleeued were of one heart and of one Soule neyther any of them saide that any thing of that which he possessed was his owne but they had all thinges common Seeing then that such as are ioyned in Christian friendship haue one Soule one heart one will one purpose how can they but performe all good thinges one to another Who can deny any thing to himselfe Who hateth his owne flesh or doth not nourish and cherish it by all the meanes he can How then shall not Friends that haue a Title and interest one of another demaund and obtaine any thing that is iust and equall Reason 2. Againe this is a note of true loue that it seeketh not his owne good but seeketh and desireth the good of his Brother The loue that aymeth and endeth at it selfe is nothing else but selfe-loue whereof there is great store in the World when Men respect nothing but their owne profite But true loue is so occupyed about the thing loued that in regard thereof it is oftentimes negligent about it selfe not enioying all the liberty or commodity that lawfully it may haue The Apostle e 1 Cor. 13 4 5 describing the properties of loue saith Loue suffereth long it is bountifull loue enuyeth not loue dooth not boast it it selfe it is not puffed vp it disdaineth not is seeketh not her owne thinges it not prouoked to anger it thinketh not euill Seeing then this is one of the fruites and properties of loue that it is ready to neglect it owne priuate profit and pleasure in regard of the thing loued wee cannot doubt of a carefull performance of all duties and demaundes that are required of it where it is Vse 1. Let vs see the Vses of this Doctrine First seeing Christian friendship will performe Christian duties wee learne that a Christian Friende is a sure Friend and Christian friendship
Surely mine Enemy did not defame mee for I could haue borne it neyther did mine Aduersary exalt himselfe against me for I would haue hid mee from him but it was thou ô Man euen my Companion my Guide and my Familiar which delighted in consulting together and went into the house of God as Companions This falsehood haue the faithfull felt in all Ages This had Christ himselfe experience of being betrayed of one of his owne Disciples and Houshold So haue his members continually prooued the same beeing exercised by the deceipt of false Bretheren This was the sinne of Caine n Gen. 4 8. Who spake friendly to his Brother but when he had him alone in the Fielde he rose vp against him and slew him This was the sinne of Ioab o 2 Sam. 20 9. his false and fraudulent dealing with Abner and Amasa he spake peaceably but meant treacherously Art thou in health my Brother And so smote them with the sword that they dyed This was the sinne of Iudas p Mat. 26 48. who had Haile Maister in his mouth and couered the hollownesse and Hypocrisie of his heart with the kindnesse of a Kisse but this was a token of his Treason and the signe that he had giuen to apprehend him It was not a Kisse of loue but a Testimony of his villany and therefore Christ saide vnto him Betrayest thou the Son of Man with a Kisse Hence it is that the Apostle Iohn exhorteth 1. Iohn 3. q 1 Iohn 3 18 19. My little Children let vs not loue in word neither in tongue onely but in deede and in truth for thereby we know that we are of the truth and shall before him assure our hearts This is the true loue which standeth not in word but in deede which lyeth not in the tongue but in the heart which consisteth not in an outward shew but in the inward truth Such was the loue of the godly gathered together after the ascention of Christ they loued together in truth and had all thinges common in the vse For r Acts 2 44 4 32 34 35. all that beleeued were in one place and had all thinges common they were of one heart and of one Soule neyther any of them faide that any thing of that which he possessed was his owne neyther was there any among them that lacked Where the Euangelist declareth that their harts and affections were so ioyned in God that being all members of one body they could not suffer their fellow-members to bee destitute accounting the defeating and defrauding of them as it were a spoyling and robbing of themselues Wee must not deny our helpe to them that are in Christ but shewe our selues ready to cloath him to feede him and to visite him in all his members as wee shewed before otherwise wee are no true members but dead members And to our deare Sister Apphia c. Hitherto we haue spoken of the first and cheefe person to whom the Epistle is directed Now let vs come to such as are lesse principall being ioyned with him which are these first Apphia Secondly Archippus Thirdlie the Familie of Philemon to whom this Epistle was to bee read The first that commeth to bee considered is Apphia whom he calleth a beloued Sister This Woman seemeth to be the Wife of Philemon my reason is because she is placed immediatly after Philemon and before the Minister and Pastor of the Church For no cause can be assigned why she should follow Philemon and goe before Archippus but that she was the Wife of Philemon and therefore the Apostle ioyneth her next vnto him in place as she was ioyned to him by the ordinance of God And this ſ Chrysost hom 1. in Phil. Theophyl in Epist Phil. is the iudgement of many Now as Paule before did ioyne with himselfe Timothy so in this place he ioyneth Apphia as a Companion with Philemon that thereby he might make the way more open to ob●…ine his purpose Good Women ought to doe much with their Husbandes and the Apostle prouoketh her by naming and saluting her to be a moouer and perswader of her Husband to this charitable and Christian duty Doct. 6. Christian women should be helpers of their husbands We learne from hence that it is required of all Christian Women to be helpers and furtherers of good things in their Husbands It is the dutie of Wiues to stirre vp and spurre vp their Husbands to all Christian duties and holie fruites of Religion The ende of her Creation was that she should bee an Helper vnto Man especiallie in the best thinges for the Woman was made for Man and not Man for the Woman and therefore GOD saide from the beginning t Gen. 2 18. It is not good for Man to bee alone let vs make him an Helper meete for him Salomon describing in the Booke of Prouerbes a vertuous Woman whose price is farre aboue u Prou. 31 10 11 26 27. the Pearles he saith The heart of her Husband trusteth in her and hee shall haue no neede of spoile Shee will doe him good and not euill all the daies of her life c. She openeth her Mouth in Wisedome and the Lawe of Grace is in her tongue shee ouer-seeth the waies of her Household and eateth not the Bread of idlenesse An example of this dutie wee haue in the Wife of Manoah the Mother x Iudg. 13 22 23. of Sampson when her Husband was greatly affrighted and astonied at the sight of the glorious departure of the Angell of God who ascended vp in the flame of the Altar and cryed out in the perplexitie of his Spirit and terrour of his heart We shall surely dye because we haue seene the Lord She encouraged him and comforted him being greatly cast downe If the Lord would kill vs he would not haue receiued a burnt offering and a meate offering at our handes neither would hee haue shewed vs all these thinges nor would now haue told vs any such Another example we haue in the Shunamite a Woman of great estimation when she perceiued the Prophet Elisha to come often that way y 2 King 4 9. she saide vnto her Husband Behold I know now that this is an holy Man of God that passeth by vs continuallie let vs make him a little Chamber I pray thee with Walles and let vs set him there a Bed and a Table and a Stoole and a Candlesticke that he may turne in thither when he commeth to vs. Where we see she stirreth vp her Husband to doe good to the Prophet and to prepare him a study by himselfe fit for his Meditations And the Apostles doe often vrge this duty and teach that all Women should bee helpess not hinderers furtherers not discouragers stirrers forward not houlders backeward from good things Reason 1. The Reasons are plaine For first they may by the gracious goodnesse of GOD be blessed Instruments to winne their Husbands to the Faith by beating
73. Psalm Å¿ Psal 73 25 26. Whom haue I in heauen but thee And I haue desired none in the earth with thee my flesh faileth and mine hart also but God is the strength of mine heart and my portion for euer So the Apostle Paul accounteth all thinges as losse and dung in comparison of the grace of God Whereby we see that all men should principally and in the first place seeke wish and intreat for the feeling of Gods fauour in Christ as the blessed Fountaine of all good things to come vpon vs. Reason 1. Let vs consider the causes and Reasons of this point First one drop of his free loue is better worth then all the World and it shall yeelde vs more sweet and sound comfort in the latter end If we should put the grace of God and the glory of the world and peize them together in the ballances the least dramme and drop of the fauour of God toward vs would ouer-weigh and ouer-sway all the whole World and all the thinges that are in the World which worldly men make their chiefest Treasure This the Prophet Dauid found by experience so soone as he had prayed for the louing countenance of GOD hee addeth t Psal 4 7. Thou hast giuen me more ioy of heart then they haue had when their Wheate and their Wine did abound This giueth a man more sound comfort then hee can finde else-where Wee haue a common saying that runneth in euery Mans mouth Giue a man good lucke and throw him into the Sea But this is a Diuine truth Let a man haue the free Grace and fauour of GOD and then neyther Sea nor Land neither Fire nor Water neyther Sword nor Pestilence neyther force nor Famine neyther any other thing shall be able to hurt him We see this e Exod. 14 30. in Moses and the Israelites when they were come to the Red Sea and Pharaoh with his Army followed at their backes they were brought through the Sea as on dry Land and were carried safely in the Wildernesse as on Eagles Winges by the prouidence and protection of God The three Children f Dan. 3 27 6 22. were cast into the Furnance Daniell was thrown into the Lyons denne yet they were not consumed with the Fire neyther he deuoured by the Lyons This made the Prophet say g Psal 23 4. Though I should walke through the Valley of the shaddow of death I will feare none ill for thou art with me thy Rodde and thy Staffe they comfort me All other comfort is no better then discomfort all other ioy is no better then sorrow and vexation of Spirit without this according to the saying of the Wise-man h Eccle. 2 2. I said of laughter Thou art mad and of ioy what is this that thou dost Reason 2. Secondly the grace and loue of God blesseth sanctifieth and furthereth all other thinges vnto vs honour wealth wisedome riches strength fauour friendship and whatsoeuer befall the Sonnes of Men. The Prophet testifieth Psalme 45. Because God had blessed him for euer i Psal 45 2 3. therefore it is said vnto him prosper thou with thy glory ride vppon the word of truth and of meekenesse On the other side the want of the loue and grace of God curseth all other things vnto vs yea defileth and poysoneth them and maketh them deadly our honour it turneth into shame our strength into weakenesse our wisedome into foolishnesse our riches into snares our beauty into vanity our sauour into hatred We haue many examples in the word of God and by daily experience offered vnto vs of this truth the wisedome of Achitophell the honour of Haman the valour of Ioab the beauty of Absolom the knowledge of Iudas all these were good and great blessings of God but all are turned to be cursses vnto them because wanting the free grace of GOD they wanted the sanctified vse of them Seeing therefore the loue of God is of greater price and more excellent value then all the world and seeing his grace sanctifieth and seasoneth all other blessings and the want thereof bringeth a cursse vpon them wee conclude and gather from these reasons that the free fauour and mercy of God in Christ Iesus is first and aboue all other things to be intreated and desired for our selues and others Vse 1. Now let vs make vse of this point First let euerie one of vs seeke to haue our hearts established and setled in this free grace to finde and feele in vs his loue shed in our hearts by his holy Spirit Let this bee our first our chiefe our principall and special care to obtaine the loue and fauour of God that wee may be beloued of him This was the prayer of the Prophet k Psal 51 12. Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation and stablish me with thy free Spirit So the Apostle teacheth l Hebr. 13 9. It is a good thing that the heart bee stablished with grace We see how men are filled and carryed away with naturall presumption euen from their Cradle perswading themselues to stand in a sure estate and thinking to escape the wrath of God but of this free grace they haue no tast no desire no feeling of any want They imagine themselues to stand in no neede thereof they presume they are in the fauour of God they dreame that he cannot chuse but loue them If we want any earthlie blessing the helpe of Friendes the health of bodie the Treasure of this World we can very quickly feele it our senses are sharpe enough to discerne it but though we want the grace of God and his fauour toward vs wee haue no more feeling then dead Men hath wee neyther feele it nor desire it nor once regard it We spend our strength wast our life and consume our daies in seeking riches honours pleasures and preferments but wee neuer looke so high as to the grace of God We lye groueling like the Beastes vpon the Earth wee vse euery day nay euery houre nay euerie minute the blessings of God f Acts 17 28. In whom we liue and mooue and haue our being yet wee will not lift vp our eyes to the chiefe cause of all the Grace of God Let vs therefore aboue all thinges seeke earnestly for the grace of God wherein the Foundation of all our happinesse is laid He that liueth in his fauour hath comfort in all sorrowes and miseries He that dyeth out of his fauour dyeth as a Beast nay worse then a beast and shall haue fellowship with the Deuill and his Angels it had beene good if such a one had neuer beene borne For euen as the rich man in the Gospell desired g Luke 16 24 one drop of Water to quench the fire and to coole his tongue and if he might haue gotten it hee would haue preferred it before the gaining and obtaining of a thousand Worlds so when God shall set our sinnes in order before
vs and the Gulfe of his wrath ready to swallow vs we shall cry out for one drop of Grace for one drop of Faith for one drop of comfort to refresh our pining Soules and to deliuer vs from the shaddow of death Now is the time to desire and seeke after grace if we let slip the present occasion offered vnto vs we shall afterward cry out for it and complaine of the want of it and yet shall neuer attaine vnto it Thus was it with the rich Man when he entreated Abraham to haue mercy on him and to send Lazarus that he might dip the tip of his Finger in Water to coole his tongue beeing tormented in that Flame Abraham answered Sonne remember that thou in thy life time receiuedst thy pleasures and likewise Lazarus paines now therefore hee is comforted and thou art tormented Thus was it with the foolish Virgins who slumbred and slept and regarded not to procure and prouide Oyle h Mat. 25 10 11. for their Lampes for when the Bridegroome was come and had shut the Gate they cryed in vaine Lord Lord open vnto vs who receiued their answere Verily I say vnto you I know you not Thus it shall be with those in the last day which shall say i Math. 7 22. Lord Lord haue we not in thy Name prophesied And by thy Name cast out Deuils And by thy Name done many great workes For then hee will professe vnto them he neuer knew them depart from me ye workers of iniquity So shall it be with those that haue neglected the time and passed ouer the opportunity k Luke 14 25 26. who begin to say Lord open vnto vs we haue eaten and drunke in thy presence and thou hast taught in our Streets to whom he shall say I know you not whence ye are Let vs all be wise and beware by their examples that we do not delay the time from day to day Let vs craue this guift of God that we may haue it in time of neede and in the houre of tentation If now while we haue time we shall desire and labour to obtaine grace wee shall not neede heereafter to stand in feare of Death or to cry out through horror and despaire O that I had one drop of Faith O that I had one drop of Grace Vse 2. Secondly seeing grace is in the first place aboue and before all other blessings to be desired and required at the handes of God let vs learne the high-way and enter into the beaten path that leadeth to this Grace and when wee haue learned it let vs walke in it in a constant and setled course Now the steppes l Three steps leading vs to finde Gods grace that wee must make to trace it and finde it out are these The first degree or steppe is to dislike our selues and to bee in disgrace with our selues Euery man naturally is in loue with himselfe and his owne shadow But wee must cast off this selfe-loue that cleaueth so fast and hangeth on and learne to know our selues and to hate our selues No man can magnifie Gods mercy sufficiently vntill hee attaine to the knowledge of his owne misery Daniell a man gratious and dearely beloued of GOD acknowledged this in his prayer and as it were ascendeth into the presence of God by this steppe m Dan. 9 7 8. O Lord righteousnesse belongeth vnto thee and vnto vs open shame as appeareth this day to our Kings to our Princes to our Fathers and vnto euery Man of Iudah because we haue sinned against thee This was the course that the Prodigall Sonne tooke and the way that he entred g Luke 15 21 Father I haue sinned against Heauen and before thee and am no more worthy to bee called thy Sonne Thus did the poore Publican insinuate himselfe into the grace of God and departed iustifyed in his sight he smote his breast saying h Luke 18 13 Lord be mercifull to me a Sinner To be proud and puffed vp with our owne righteousnesse and to trust in our owne wisedome is the fore-runner of a fall The second step to obtaine grace is after we haue felt this want and misery in our selues wee must not rest there but earnestly desire and inwardly hunger and thirst after the loue and fauour of God in Christ aboue all earthly thinges First we must feele our selues empty before our Soules can haue this hunger Our Sauiour describing true blessednesse to his Disciples and shewing wherein it consisteth contrary to the iudgement of the World hee saith i Math. 5 3 6. Blessed are the poore in Spirit that is that know themselues poore that feele themselues poore and voide of righteousnesse and then he addeth Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousnesse for they shall be filled We must k Iohn 6 27. and 4 14. hunger after the meat that neuer perisheth wee must thirst after that Well of Water which springeth vp vnto euerlasting life If wee neuer hunger after grace we shall neuer haue grace The whole desire l Math. 9 12. not the Phisition but they that are sicke They m Iohn 9 41. which thinke they see are made blind and their sinne remaineth Lastly it is required of vs to lay hould by the hand of a true Faith vpon the grace and mercy of God in Christ Iesus offered vnto all of vs in the promises of the Gospell generally and learne to apply them to our selues particularly Christ calleth those n Mat. 11 28. that are weary and heauy laden promising to ease end refresh them In the last and great day of the Feast Iesus stood and cryed saying o Iohn 7 37. If any man thirst let him come vnto me and drinke He teacheth p Mark 16 16 That he that shall beleeue and be Baptized shall be saued These are generall promises these require particular application Wee cannot receiue them into our hearts and make them our owne except we lay houlde of them by a speciall Faith This liuely Faith bringeth Christ home to vs and openeth the doores of our Soules to entertaine him If then we feele our owne miserie if we hunger after mercie and if wee apply the promises of the Gospell to vs particularly we shall be assured to finde the grace of God and tast plentifully and abundantly of his loue So many as truely desire grace must looke to attaine it by these meanes and climb vp to the top of it by these steps and degrees as by certaine staires Vse 3. Thirdlie seeing grace is first of all to bee craued it directeth vs to obserue and keepe a good order in seeking and crauing thinges at the hands of God We are taught first to seeke his grace and fauour as the roote and Fountaine and then peace welfare and other blessings He that will receiue fruit from the tree must come to the roote and body before he can come to the braunches so if we would haue peace health
instruction the Angels are our Watchmen the heauen is our happinesse Christ is our Sauiour God is our Father all thinges are fauourers and furtherers of our saluation It is a comfort of all comforts that we are at peace with God that he is our friend and that hee hath no controuersie against vs. If God were against vs who should bee able to stand for vs or dare take vpon him the protection and defence of vs But beeing iustified by Faith we are at peace with God It is a great blessing to be at peace with men but it is a greater blessing to be at peace with God We are at peace with the blessed Angels r Hebr. 1 14. Who are all ministring Spirits sent forth to Minister for their sakes which shall be heires of saluation They guard vs from dangers they carry vs as a Nurse doth her Childe in her Armes that we be not hurt by the Deuill or his Angels or his Instruments We are at peace with the Church that is with all such as feare God and beleeue in Christ The Prophet Esay speaking of the Kingdome of Christ and of the fruits of the Gospell foretelleth That Å¿ Esay 11 6. the Wolfe shall dwell with the Lambe and the Leopard with the Kidde and the Calfe and the Lyon and a fat Beast together and a little Child shall lead them c. Meaning thereby that when a man is called into the State of grace howsoeuer by Nature he haue the greedinesse of a Wolfe the wildnesse of a Leopard the fiercenesse of a Lyon the cruelty of a Beare hee shall lay away his sauage and brutish Nature and become gentle and liue peaceably with all men We are at peace with our own selues which is the peace of a good conscience when it being washed in the blood of Christ ceaseth to accuse and terrifie and beginneth to excuse and comfort vs when neither Hell nor Death nor damnation nor any daunger doth dismay vs or bring vs to despaire but in the midst of all t Col. 3 15. we haue the peace of God ruling in our hearts as the Apostle speaketh Coloss 3. 15. If a man weare at peace with the Angels with men and with all the Creatures if he had no Enemy to encounter him but liued at peace with others yet if he were at warre and Mortall enmity with himselfe if he felt the terrors of conscience and his owne heart condemning him hee should quickly finde what a great blessing it is to haue a cleere conscience which is a continuall Feast This peace was in Dauid when he said in the midst of manifolde dangers u Psal 3 5 6. I laid me downe and slept and rose againe for the Lord sustained me I will not be afraid of ten thousand of the people that should beset me round about This is of such excellency that it is called o Phil. 4 7. The peace of God that passeth all vnderstanding it is in stead of a guard to keepe our hearts and minds in Christ Wee are at peace with our enemies both because so soone as we beleeue in Christ wee seeke to haue peace with all men so farre as is possible p Rom. 12 18 and as much as lieth in vs and because God restraineth the mallice of the Enemies and inclineth their hearts to embrace peace Thus God brought Abraham and Isaac into fauour with Abimelec King of Gerar that he was ready and willing no onely to receiue peace when it was offered but to craue peace when it was not desired Thus God brought Daniell into fauour with the chiefe of the Eunuchs and sundry others to finde the fruits of loue at the handes of their enemies because he hath the harts of all men in his owne hand to wind them and turne them at his owne pleasure Lastly we are at peace with all Creatures in Heauen and Earth aboue and beneath which are made to serue for our benefite and saluation The Prophet saith q Psal 91 13. Thou shalt walk vpon the Lyon and the Aspe the young Lyon and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder foot And God promiseth To make a r Hos 2 18. Couenant for them with the Beastes and Fowles that they shall walk safely All these priuiledges teach vs hauing such a large peace with God and his Angels with the Church and our owne selues with our Enemies and all Creatures that it is the most comfortable thing in the world to be vnder the grace and Couenant of God and that nothing is more to bee desired then to feele the fauour of God towards vs for hauing this we possesse all things If wee want him and his fauour though we haue all the world it will not nor cannot content vs but all things are curssed to vs and we to them Vse 3. Lastly seeing all that are accepted of God are blessed with all good things this teacheth vs the wretched and fearefull condition of all such as by reason of sinne are out of fauour with God they shall finde no rest they shall haue no peace heauen and earth shall conspire against them and deny them succour and comfort in the day of Gods punnishment and visitation It is said of Ismaell that his hand should be against euery man and euery mans hand against him so is it with all the vngodly not reconciled to God they shall find no sound comfort in any Creature but shall haue all the World against them This is a great misery and torment lying heauy vpon the wicked and piercing their Soules as the flashings of Hell according to the saying of the Prophet s Esay 57 19 20 21. I create the fruit of the lippes to be peace peace vnto them that are farre off and to them that are nere saith the Lord for I will heale them but the wicked are like the raging Sea that cannot rest whose Waters cast vp Mire and Dirt There is no peace saith my God to the wicked God setteth himselfe against them and all Creatures shall confound them and fight against them vntil they are confounded and ouerthrowne And as the Apostle speaking of the blessed and happy estate of the godly declareth that all things are theirs so on the other side we may truely say of the vngodly that nothing is theirs they haue Title and interest in no creature to receiue any comfort in them or stay from them or protection by them God is become their Enemy the Angels are armed to destroy them their owne consciences conuince and condemne them the Heauen is shut against them death is the gate of Hell vnto them affliction is a meanes of murmuring in them the World is a Snare vnto them Christ is a Rocke of offence vnto them the Gospell is the fauour of death vnto them the mercy of God is made a Packe-horse for their sinnes all the ordinances of God are abused by them and all the workes of Gods handes shall bee Instruments of
who come farre behind the blinde Infidels who are open ieasters at euill and deriders of good This laughing is the beginning of euill when ieastes turne to good earnest and wordes into deeds These men are farre from the practise of those whom we heard before commended out of the word of God and from the Godly affection of Dauid and Ieremy of Paule and Christ himselfe who mourned in soule to behold the sinnes that raigned and were commonly practised in their daies This is a notable signe and assurance to our owne hearts that we hate them indeede when they do draw out of vs buckets of water and riuers of teares This griefe of heart was in the Apostle writing to the Phillippians when he saw the loose behauiour of of many that professed Christ in word but denied him in deed of whom he saith l Phil. 3. 18. Many walke of whom I haue told you often and now tell you weeping that they are the enemies of the Crosse of Christ whose end is damnation whose God is their belly whose glory is to their shame which mind earthly thinges Now it cannot be but the hearts of the faithfull Ministers and godly bretheren will be greatly grieued and vexed when they see God dishonoured by our carelesse walking and standing still idle all the day long withou a labouring in his Vineyard We must daily increase and grow strong in faith or else we decrease and grow weake in saith If we wax not euery day better we fall to be worse and worse We neuer stand at one stay If we walke not forward we runne backeward like the water of the Sea that if it do not flow it ebbeth or like vnto the life of man if strength encreaseth not it decayeth So then if any would come to mans full and perfect stature he must grow vp by little and little from one measure to another So if any would m Ephe. 4. 15. 16. become a perfect man in Christ he must follow the truth in Loue and in all thinges grow vp into him which is the head that is Christ by whom all the body being coupled and knit together by euery ioynt receiueth encrease of the body vnto the edifying of it selfe in loue Let vs therefore take heede to our selues that we greeue not the hearts of the faithfull and by our sinnes quench their affections toward vs as it were by pouring Water vpon them Let vs seeke to grow vp in knowledge and in obedience that we be not as Dwarfes or Vrchins neuer comming to any growth nor profiting any whit in the Schoole of Christ nor be as idle Drones that neuer labour but liue vnprofitably to themselues and others Vse 3. Thirdly it is the dutie of all Gods people by striuing to goe forward in good thinges to delight the heartes of their Teachers and the rest of the Brethren So long as we encrease and proceede vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ that we bee hence-forth no more Children wauering and carried about with euery winde of Doctrine by the deceit of men and with craftinesse whereby they lay in waite to deceiue we make Christ glad we reioyce the Spirit of God wee make glad the Angels we comfort and cheere vp the hearts of the godly and we bring that peace to our owne hearts which passeth all vnderstanding On the other side if we grow backward and decline by little and little from the holy profession of the truth which we haue receiued we crucifie Christ wee quench the Spirit we greeue the Angels wee offend the faithfull and wee wound our owne Soules This dutie vrged from this Doctrine reprooueth sundry sorts of people that doe not desire to delight the hearts of those that haue instructed them and to comfort them that haue laboured in the word and Doctrine among them First such as haue continued long in the Church and grow in yeares but not in knowledge What comfort can these men bring to their Teachers and Instructers when no increase is seene or can be marked in them It is a common but a most fearefull sinne not to profit and proceede in the waies of godlinesse and yet it is to bee feared that not one of an hundred commeth with any desire of instruction with any care of sanctification with any purpose of reformation with any hunger after saluation If men goe to the the Market to buy their prouision and to supply the necessities of the body we see what they bring home we see they returne not empty we see they come backe laden But when they goe to the House of God and frequent the exercises of his word how often doe they returne with empty handes nay with empty hearts nay with hard hearts and so worse then they came vnto them This is it which the Apostle n Heb. 6 7 8. teacheth Hebr. 6. The earth which drinketh in the Raine that commeth oft vpon it and bringeth forth Hearbs meete for them by whom it is dressed receiueth blessing of God but that which beareth Thornes and Bryars is reprooued and is neere vnto curssing whose ende is to bee burned Secondly heereby is condemned the want of the fruits of kindnesse toward the Pastors whereby they may bee encouraged and made cheerefull and comfortable in their calling Some there are whom we may well account of the better or at least none of the worser sort who abstaine from hurting wronging and molesting their Ministers but they withall abstaine from shewing succour helpe or countenance toward them they will indeed doe them no euill but likewise they will doe them no good contemning them in their heart they will not be open enemies professing hatred toward them but withall they are not their friendes to giue them any comfort they vse them strangely and vnciuilly as base abiects in their sight when as their calling is as much honored and magnified in the word by the mouth of God as any calling vnder Heauen This was the sin of the Corinthians for a time who wanted loue kindnesse in supporting the Apostle vnder the waight of his calling so that he was constrained to stand vpon the commending of himselfe and the extolling of his Ministry o 2 Cor. 12 11 I was a foole to boast my selfe yee haue compelled mee for I ought to haue beene commended of you for in nothing was I inferiour vnto the very chiefe Apostles though I be nothing This also the same Apostle complaineth of in another place p 2 Tim. 4 16 At my first answearing no man assisted me but all forsooke mee I pray God that it may not be layde vnto their charge These men did not dispraise him but they would not commend him They would not renounce him yet they would not defend him as they wold not disclaime him so likewise they would not assist him Of this sort are manie that liue among vs who thinke they haue discharged a worthy duty toward
the Minister if they do him no harme if they offer him no wrong if they abstaine from iniurie toward him It was farre otherwise with the Galathians who loued Paule so dearly and entirely that they accounted nothing to bee too precious for him q Gal. 4 14 15 The triall of me which was in my flesh ye despised not neither abhorred but ye receiued me as an Angell of God yea as Christ Iesus what was then your felicity For I beare you record that if it had beene possible ye would haue plucked out your owne eyes and haue giuen them vnto me But in these daies wherein we liue it were well or not much amisse for the faithfull Ministers of the Gospell if such as should support them would not subuert them if such as should help them would not hinder them if such as should raise them vp were not ready to cast them downe and if such as should refresh them were not rather giuen to reuile them and disgrace them Heere then is condemned all hard and bitter dealing toward them whereby their calling which is an honourable office is made an irksome burthen vnto them to bear against such as taunt and scorne them that iest and mocke at the worke of their ministry which is the wisedome of God and the power of God against those that delight to vex the seruants of God to mingle their bread with grauell their drinke with gall and their life with reproach This made the Prophets and Apostles cry out continually to see themselues abused their Ministery contemned the word of God himselfe refused all Religion prophaned When Eliah saw that the children of Israell had forsaken the Couenant of God cast downe his Altars and slaine his Prophets he desired God to kill him r 1 King 19 4 It is now enough O Lord take my soule for I am no better then my fathers The prophet Å¿ Esay 65 2. 53 1. 49 4. Esay saith I haue spred out my hands all the day to a rebellious people which walked in away that was not good euen after their owne imaginations Lord who hath beleeued our report and to whom is the arme of the Lord reuealed I haue laboured in vaine I haue spent my strength in vaine and for nothing but my iudgement is with the Lord and my worke with my God The Lord sayth to Ezekiell t Ezek. 33 31 32. The Children of thy people talke of thee by the walles and in the doores of houses they sit before thee and heare thy words but they will not doo them for vvith their mouths they make iests and thou art vnto them as a iesting song of one that hath a pleasant voice and can sing well for they heare thy words but they do them not and when this commeth to passe for loe it will come then shall they know that a prophet hath beene among them So when Paule came to Athens u Acts 17 18. and saw the City full of Idols he preached vnto them the knowledge of God and the resurrection of the dead but they said What will this babler say And others worse then those that scorne and scoffe at the word of life which they should heare with feare and reuerence are falne into this horrible depth of sinne that thorough malice to the word it selfe do come vnto them to heare them not to learne but to trap and intangle them not to edifie themselues but to misreport and accuse them not to receiue profit but to finde occasion to persecute them as the Iewes did with Christ and his Apostles who came not to heare them but to tempt them not to beleeue them but to belye them Many such Iewes and Iudasses wee meete withall in our dayes who are so farre from reioycing the hearts of their Ministers that they may doo the worke of their calling wil ingly not grudgingly cheerefully not heauily u Heb. 13 17. with ioy not with greefel that they thinke it a great duty done vnto them if they doo not disgrace them or molest them It is a great sinne not to helpe them not to countenance them not to stand with them in good causes but to suffer euery base companion and beastly liuer to insult vpon them as their footstool but it is more greeuous to scorne them and deride them to make them their Table-talke and their Tauern-talke to declaime against them from the Tribunall of their Ale-bench but it is most fearefull of all to come to them to catch them and intrap them to hunt after words and Syllables and to wrest them against the minde and meaning of the speaker Let vs beware of these sinnes let vs not be in the number of such as are set downe in the seat of scorners and false accusers If they shall not escape that do no good if they shall not be excused that do not reioyce them surely they shall bee guilty of a sorer and seuerer punnishment that malice them that mocke them that misinforme others of them and euery way misvse them and contemne them Vse 4. Lastly seeing we are all bound to reioyce in the proceeding of the faithfull it followeth from hence necessarily that wee are not to enuie and repine at the growth of the Church or of any member of the Church This is a great fault and folly in many when they see any parts of the Church flourish and behold greater encrease in others then in themselues by and by they grudge and repine at it and haue their owne eye euil because the Lords eie is good These are like to those Labourers that were hyred into the Vine-yard who when they saw such as were hyred about the eleauenth houre to receiue their penny and to be made equall with them who had borne the brunt and burthen of the day x 1 Mat. 28 20 11. and had endured the heat and sweate of the worke they enuied at the Seruants and murmured against the Mayster of the house We must enuy no mans good wee must repine at no mans Saluation The calling and conuersion of the Gentiles y Acts 11 3. 15 1. was such a stumbling-blocke in the way and n Mote nay a Beame in the eyes of the Iewes that they had rather renounce the Gospell and depart from Christ then to receyue them into a fellowshippe of the same Faith and make them partakers of the Kingdome of Heauen So did the Scribes and Pharisees z Math. 9 11. Luke 7 39. take it greeuously that the grace of God and Remission of sinnes and the Mysteries of Saluation should be preached and published to Publicans and Sinners There is no guift or benefit bestowed vpon any but it is giuen for the good and comfort of the whole Church so that wee should reioyce therein not repine thereat forasmuch as we haue our portion and profite in it Neuerthelesse what is more common and vsuall then to make the blessinges of God vppon others a great
Atheisme Let not such therefore flatter themselues and deceiue their owne soules let them shew their religion if they haue any or else they shew themselues to be men of no religion The third reproofe Thirdly it reprooueth such as censure and condemne others as too pure and precise by reason of their profession These men that are colde themselues and care not whether Religion go sorward or backward cannot abide that any should be more zealous and earnest then themselues because they will not runne with them into all excesse of riot therefore they rayle at them and speake all manner of euill against them They haue borrowed many opprobrious tearmes and drawne many reuiling tauntes from the enemies of the Gospell and grace of God and apply them whete they ought not to bee bestowed When the Lord had restored the Gospell vnto vs being brought out of Superstition and Idolatry that the Romanists gnashed their teeth for anger disgorged their malice with rage and were like to breake in peeces through enuy of the worke of the Lord set vp among vs they deuised against vs and our religion most bitter reproaches then was our profession called Puritanisme and our professors branded with the names of Puritans Praecisians and vnspotted Brethren which contumelies are nowe taken out of the mouths of enemies and one Brother dooth spit them in the face of another What a shame and indignity is this that we professing one faith liuing vnder one Gospell embracing one Religion and enduring the same enimies shold borrow such venomous speeches from the scornefull and despightfull Papists and cast them as Dung in the faces of our Bretheren Let vs therefore leaue these rayling and reuiling speeches and send them backe to Rome the Mother of cruelty and of all byting and bitternesse from whence they come Let vs vpbraid no man with his zeale nor hit no man in the teeth with his profession Let vs rather be mooued in loue to follow their example bee prouoked in a godly aemulation to walke in their steps And let vs all know that we must not be like the Laodiceans h Reuel 3 15. which were neither hot nor cold for if we scorne all zeale and forwardnesse in the wayes of godlinesse if we bee luke-warme professors and neither hot nor cold it shal come to passe that the Lord will spew vs out of his mouth The fourth reproofe Fourthly it reprooueth such as thinke they may bee present at the Sacrifice of the Masse and heare and see their Idolatry so they keepe their conscience to God and themselues yea some go farther and thinke they may not only be present at Idolatry in the Idols Temple but bow downe to the Idolles offer vnto them creepe vnto them and serue them with their bodies so that they abhorre such worship in their minds and serue God in their hearts But these excuses cannot serue to iustify such manner of seruing of God When God would assure Eliah that he had his people in those ruines of the Church that he was not left alone he said i 1 Kin. 19 18 He had left seuen thousand in Israell euen all knees that haue not bowed vnto Baal and euerie mouth that hath not kissed him He doth not say hee had reserued such as did not beleeue in Baal but keepe their heart to God but they are noted by this marke to bee the Lords that they gaue not to Baal the bending of the knee nor any outwarde subiection vnto him In the tentations offered to Christ our Sauiour when the Deuill onely required of him to fall downe and worship him k Math. 4 10 he answered Auoid Satan for it is written thou shalt worship the Lord and him only shalt thou serue Nebucadnezzar required nothing of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego the three Seruants of God but to bow the knee and to fall down l Dan. 3 19. to the golden Image that he should set vp and yet they did choose rather to bee cast aliue into the hot fiery furnace and to endure the extremity of the flame It is not therefore enough to worship God in heart and soule True it is he commandeth vs to m Iohn 4 24. worship him in spirit and truth but not only in spirit and truth God requireth of vs the body as well as the spirit the outward man as well as the inward the knee as well as the heart He challengeth euery part member of our body to be employed to his worship Hee that hath an eare to heare n Reuel 2 7. Must heare what the spirit saith vnto the Churches Hee that hath a o 1 Pet. 4 11. Tongue to speake must speake as the words of Gad. Hee that hath handes to lift vp p 1 Tim. 2. 8 Must lift vp pure hands without wrath and without contention Hee that hath a knee to bow q Ephes 3 14. Must bow it to the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ He that hath a mouth to open r Rom. 10 10 Must make confession with it to saluation He that hath feet must say Å¿ Psal 122 2. Our feete shall stand in thy gate O Ierusalem The cause why God claimeth and challengeth the whole body is because the body is his as well as the soule It is his by creation because he made it t Psal 100 3. and not wee our selues we are his people and the Sheepe of his pasture The Clay was his whereof we were formed so that we are his by the Law of Creation Hee feedeth and findeth vs of his owne costs and charges he cloatheth vs with his owne wooll u Psal 50 10 For all the Beasts of the field are his and the Beasts on a thousand mountaines If then we liue at his expenses we are his by another right euen the Booke of his prouidence We are made his by the freeing of vs from the thraldome of sinne from the tiranny of Satan from the bondage of corruption by paying a price a great price by giuing for vs a ransome a great ransome not of Siluer and Gold but by shedding his blood his precious blood for vs the Speare pierced his hart the Nayles pierced his hands and his feet the Thornes pierced his head Seeing therefore he suffered so much in his bodie for our bodies we are wholly his by the worke of our redemption who before were not his The Holy-Ghost likewise sanctifieth our bodies as well as our soules and maketh them a Temple to dwell in and lastly we look for saluation and glorification not onely in soule but in body x 1 Cor. 6 19 20. and therfore we must glorifie God both in our bodies and in our soules wee must offer vp our bodies an holy Sacrifice vnto him and not commit Sacriledge against him by plucking and withdrawing away any part of our bodies from him The fift reproofe Lastly it reproueth such as keepe company with open enemies to God and
at home Fot it is their Religion that is a broaching of lies and of all liberty to do euill as all men by the light of Nature not blinded with the loue of error might soone espy Behold therefore some kinds of their Catholick Faith taught by their holy Mother the Church They teach the lawfulnesse of deposing Princes and discharging their Subiects of their allegeance and obedience toward them This Doctrine filleth Kingdomes and Countreyes with Treasons and Rebellions and alloweth Traitours and Assassinates and Murtherers of them at the Popes pleasure They doo teach and allowe the worship of Images and bowing downe to Stockes and Stones whereby the people are drawne away from the liuing God to palpable Idolatry as common experience hath declared o Polid. Virg. de inuent rer lib. 6 cap. 13. and some of themselues haue confessed They publish at large the benefit of Pardons which may easily be procured for money which open wide the Flood-gates of al vngodlynesse For who will spare to commit sinne that is able to redeeme it with his purse Yea this emboldned certaine p Chemni exam conc Trident de poenit men to rob the Popes pardoner who before hand had giuen them a pardon to commit the next sinne though it should bee a great sinne They teach touching the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper that a Dogge or Mouse or Swine or any Beast eating a consecrated host eateth the very flesh and bodie of our Sauiour q Treatise of the Sacram. in the conclusion as I haue shewed else-where They maintaine the filthy Dunghill of Stewes and Brothell-houses which giueth allowance vnto open whoredome and vncleannesse yea they say it is good for a r Hard. against the Apology Common-wealth and the Pope tollerateth the Curtezans in Rome and in other places vpon a yearly rent to practise and professe Bawdry Vnto this rablement of their Catholicke conclusions Å¿ See White of the way to the true Church we might adde many others which suffice to discouer what the holinesse of the Romish Religion is and to direct vs to come out of it betimes least partaking with the same sinnes we also partake in the punishments The second reproofe Secondly this coniunction of these two Vertues ouerthroweth the carnall loosenesse of all Libertines such as are Hypocrites and vaine boasters of Faith which thinke it sufficient to speake of Faith and to boast that they beleeue These men doth the Apostle Iames plainly reproue in his Epistle teaching that where there is want of works t 1 Tim. 1 5. there is also want of Faith of a true Faith which is the right Faith Wee must therefore examine our Faith by the fruits and prooue our beleeuing by our working We haue many such in our daies that glorie of their Faith and boast that they are of a right beleefe and yet lay them to the triall and examine their liues what they are and we shall finde them to be lyars against the truth and deceiuing their owne soules Knowe therefore that our faith is as our liues are A good life a good Faith a dead life a dead Faith an vnfruitfull life an ydle Faith And thus much of Faith and Loue ioyned together Now let vs speake of them seuerally as they are described first touching Faith and afterward touching Loue. Faith in Christ The first Vertue which is heere commended to bee in Philemon is Faith which is saide to respect Christ This Faith is a guift of God whereby we apprehend Christ and his benefits beleeuing the remission of our sinnes and our reconciliation with God Marke therefore that the faith heere set forth is saide to be toward Christ and Christ who is the proper obiect of Faith dooth also point vs vnto the Father who willeth and ordaineth our Saluation Redemption Reconciliation and Saluation and to the Holy-Ghost who applyeth and appropriateth to the elect these benefits which are willed by the Father and merrited by Christ Doctrine 7. Christ is the obiect of our Faith So then when the Apostle saith of Philemon that his faith was in Christ hee teacheth that true faith looketh vnto Christ dependeth vpon him trusteth and resteth in him for saluation and not vpon any creature in heauen or earth Our faith must direct vs to Christ to beleeue in him to haue recourse to him and to looke for saluation from him as the Israelites did health from the Brazen serpent This is proued vnto vs by many consents of the word of God The Apostle Iohn in his Gospell a Iohn 1 12. 3 16 17 20 6 29. 3 14 15 and 12 44 46. and 14 12. offereth plentifull Testimonies of the truth as Chap. 1 12. As many as receiued him to them he gaue prerogatiue to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name And Chap. 3. God so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And again Chap. 17. I pray not for these alone but for them also which shall beleeue in me through their word So before in the third Chapter As Moses lift vp the Serpent in the Wildernesse so must the sonne of man be lift vp that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life Thus he speaketh in another place This is the worke of God that ye beleeue in him whom he hath sent When Phillip saide to the Eunuch If thou beleeuest with all thine heart thou mayst be baptized He answered b Acts 8 37. 16 31. I beleeue that Iesus Christ is that sonne of God So Paule and Silas willed the Keeper of the prison to beleeue in the Lord Iesus Christ and he should he saued And the Apostle Gal. 2. teacheth That a man is not iustified by the Workes of the Lawe c Gal. 2 16. but by the faith of Iesus Christ euen we I say haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the Faith of Christ All these places of Scripture plainly instruct vs in this principle of our holy religion that Faith must be in Christ in whom it findeth a sure ground to rest vpon Reason 1. The Reasons are to be marked and considered which confirme this Doctrine First because the worke of saluation is wholly and onely wrought by him and no part thereof is reserued to any creature in whole or in part To be called Iesus is as it were the proper name of Christ who is a perfect and absolute Sauiout beginning continuing and finishing our saluation This is it d Acts 4 12. which Peter preacheth Among men there is no other name giuen vnder heauen whereby we may be saued but by the Name of Iesus And the author to the Hebrews saith that he e Heb. 7 25. is able perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him seeing he euer liueth to make intercession for them Thus
we see Christ is made the Author and finisher of our saluation Reason 2. Secondly to put a difference betweene the Creator and the Creatute betweene the things pertaining to God and the things pertaining to men No creature is to be beleeued in nor any blessing that we receiue from Christ We beleeue the Church not in the Church the Communion of Saintes not in the Communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of sinnes not in the forgiuenesse of sinnes as wee shall see afterward Seeing therefore we haue Iustification and saluation from no other then from Christ and seeing we must make a difference and distinction betweene him and all other creatures it foloweth that we must beleeue in him and fasten our Faith as a sure Anchor of our soul vpon him Vse 1. Let vs see what are the Vses of this Doctrine and how wee may profitably apply it to our instruction and edification First seeing it is our dutie to beleeue in Christ we learne that Christ Iesus is true and eternall God equall with his Father to be worshipped and glorifyed together with the Father the blessed spirit This serueth to conuince the Heresie of the Arrians Iewes Turkes Persians and sundry other Infidels who deny the Deity of the sonne of God and cast him downe into the row and ranke of meere creatures who notwithstanding f Phil. 2 6 10. being in the forme of God thought it no robberie to bee equall with God at whose Name euery knee must bowe both of thinges in Heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth Therefore we saw before that the Apostle in his salutation wisheth Grace and Peace to come vpon them to whom he writeth this Epistle as well from Iesus Christ as from God the Father If Grace and Peace come not onely from the Father but from the Sonne it followeth that he is God equall with the other Hence it is that he sayth in the Gospell g Iohn 14 1. 11 and 12 44. 10 30 and 14 11. 9 38 Ye beleeue in God beleeue also in mee let not your heart be troubled And againe He that beleeueth in mee beleeueth not in me to wit an ordinary man as they falsly imagined but in him that sent me And in another place Beleeue me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me I and my Father are one So when Christ had restored sight on the Sabaoth day to him that was borne blinde he sayd Lord I beleeue and worshipped him Whereby we see that whosoeuer is without the Sonne is also without the Father he that beleeueth not in the Sonne beleeueth not in the Father Hee that worshippeth not the Sonne Worshippeth not the Father So then this is a certaine and inuincible Argument of the Deitie of Christ that wee are to beleeue in him forasmuch as Faith is a Worshippe due onely vnto God Vse 2. Secondly seeing it is a principle necessarie to be holden of al men that we must beleeue in the Son we must put a difference betweene these sayings to beleeue God to beleeue in God For albeit hee that beleeueth in God beleeueth God yet it is not so on the contrary euery one that beleeueth God doth not by by beleeue in God The Deuils themselues as we shewed before do beleeue God they beleeue Christ they confesse him to bee the son of the Father they know him to be the Iudge of the Worlde the Sauiour of mankinde the holy one of God and yet they doo not beleeue in him they put no confidence in him they looke not for life and saluation from him but are assured they are reserued to destruction This maketh them cry out in h Math. 8 29. the Gospell Why art thou come to torment vs before the time And the apostle Iames sayth i Iames 2 19. The Deuils beleeue and tremble They beleeue God touching his Nature and attributes they beleeue Christ touching his Person Natures and Offices They beleeue the Holy-Ghost touching his Person and Guifts They beleeue there is a Church and singular prerogatiues imparted to it and bestowed vpon it And albeit our Faith must goe beyond the faith of the Deuils yet they goe farther then many professors of the Gospell among vs that haue no knowledge of these things So then it is required of vs not onely to beleeue that there is a Sauiour of the world but wee must beleeue that he is our Sauiour beginning our saluation in this life and perfecting it in the life to come This confuteth the Popish opinion that holdeth that wee may beleeue in the creatures as well as in the Creator in the Saints as well as in Christ in mortall men as well as in the eternall God They teach that wee may beleeue not onely the Church but in the Church not onely Moses k Rhem. Test vpon Rom. 10. but in Moses not onely the Prophets but in the Prophets Wee are charged to beleeue in the blessed Trinity in God the Father in God the sonne and in God the Holy Ghost but l Ruffin in Symbol when the speech is not of the God-head but of the Creatures and Mysteries we are not taught to beleeue in them and therefore we are no more to beleeue in the Church then to beleeue in baptisme in the resurrection of the bodie the Communion of Saints and in the participation of glory We are indeede to beleeue m Exod. 14 31 2 Chro. 20 20 Moses and the Prophets that they spake not of themselues that their word is not the worde of man that they ran not before they were sent but we are not to beleeue in them We are indeed to beleeue Peter and Paule n Angast tract 2● in Iohan. but not in Peter and Paule Wee are to beleeue the Scriptuers but not in the Scriptures o Euseb Emissen de Symb. hom 2. for that were to bestow vpon the seruant the honour of the Lorde and to giue to man that which is proper to the diuine Maiesty Wee must beleeue in Christ Iesus our onely sauiour as for those that beleeue in any other or seek saluation in any other then in Christ whether in Saints or in Angels or in themselues they beleeue not in Christ as in their onely Sauiour For p Cyprian de duplic martyr he beleeueth not in God who doth not place in him alone the trust of his whole felicity who doth not put his affiance in him who doth not depend vppon him who is not assured of his good will and fauour looking for saluation from him and for deliuerance from all euils Vse 3. Lastly seeing it is necessary for vs to haue faith in Christ it is our dutie to vse all meanes to attaine to this Faith Many there are which are deceiued in thinking they haue it who indeede haue it not These suppose they are full of Faith who are as empty vessels and neuer tasted the sweetnesse of it as
in the house in the field in the City in body in soule in temporall things in spiritual thinges Now when God is obeyed men should reioyce and be glad and when his Lawes are broken they should be much greeued and troubled The Apostle Iohn writing to an elect Lady k 2 Iohn 4. reioyced greatly that hee found of her children walking in truth as they had receiued a cōmandement of the lord On the other side wee see Dauids l Psal 119 136 eyes did gush out with Riuers of teares because Wicked men kept not his Lawes These Reasons beeing duely waighed and rightly considered do teach vs that Gods blessings bestowed vppon our Bretheren must minister matter of ioy and great comfort vnto vs. Vse 1. Let vs now proceede to the handling of the Vses that wee may haue the benefit of this Doctrine and not suffer it to passe from vs without profit First of all seeing Gods graces vpon others must worke ioy in our selues we learn the truth of that article of our faith which al professe to beleeue but many do not vnderstand to wit the communion of Saints There is a double communion m What the munion of Saints is which we beleeue one which we haue with Christ the other which the church hath among themselues the former is the cause of the latter For Christ our head hath giuen himselfe vnto vs whereby we haue the right of adoption the imputation of his righteousnesse and a title to the kingdome of heauen From hence as from a fountaine issueth that communion which all the members both in heauen earth haue among themselues howsoeuer seuered in place one from another howsoeuer the one sort be dead the other liuing howsoeuer the one sort is triumphant the other Militant Our Brethren in heauen wish well to the Church pray for it generall desire the perfect consummation of it and craue the full and finall deliuerance of it from all troubles The Apostle bringeth them in speaking on this maner n Reuel 6 10. How long Lord holy true Doest not thou iudge and auenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth True it is they know not they see not they heare not what things are done vpon the face of the earth and therefore they cannot pray in particular for the particular conditions and persons of men On the other side we who liue vppon the earth o Phil. 3 20. haue our conuersation in heauen our minds our harts soules are there we do in our desires and affections conuerse with them we pray to be dissolued and to be with Christ Our Communion among our selues consisteth in three things first in the affection of the heart secondly in the gifts of the spirit thirdly in the vse of temporall riches The first in heart when we are so linked and coupled together that we are like affectioned one to another so that when one is greeued the rest are greeued and when one reioyceth the rest are refreshed The Euangelist describing the estate of Christes Church saith p Acts 4 32. The multitude of them that beleeued were of one heart and of one soule The Heathen wish well to their owne blood and kindred but wee must wish well to all Christians as to our selues we must not onely know heare of but feele their miseries and mourne with them that mourne we must not tell them as newes but lay them to our hearts The second branch is in the blessings of God bestowed vpon vs we must impart to our Brethren our spirituall gifts we must teach them by our example we must aduise them by our Counsell we must guide them by our admonition we must stirre them vp by our exhortation we must raise them vp by our comforts we must helpe them by our Prayers The third part of our communion q Galat. 6. 10. standeth in temporal thinges when wee are content not onely to leaue our superfluities but euen to spend our selues for the good of our fellow-members wee must be readie to feede the hungry to cloath the naked to harbour the harbourlesse which are not onely of our owne flesh but of our owne faith not onely cloathed with the same Nature but adorned with the same Name This is the communion which wee professe and beleeue and is confirmed and concluded in this place Vse 2. Secondly we learn to desire the best guifts that we may reioyce and comfort the godly For when we profit in good things we chear the harts and minds of al the faithful Euery liuing thing hath his prospering proceeding and is known to haue life in it by encreasing from one degree of perfection to another The grasse springeth the plant shouteth the corn florisheth the tree groweth If we haue any life in vs of Gods Spirit be not as grasse that is withered as plants that are dead as Corne that is blasted and as trees that are plucked vp by the roots we must go forward from one measure of grace to another from a lesser to a greater This serueth to reprooue sundry abuses and to meet with many corruptions that abide and abound among vs. First it condemneth such as delight to offend to grieue and vexe the Saints of God For if we should seeke to reioyce and comfort them and to Minister all occasion of ioy vnto them then we are not to discomfort and trouble them wee are not to worke sorrow and anguish in them The estate of these offensiue liuers is fearefull as Christ our r Math. 18 7. Sauiour declareth Woe vnto the world because of offences for it must needs be that offences shall come but woe be to that man by whom the offence commeth whosoeuer shall offend one of these little ones which beleeue in me it were better for him that a Milstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the Sea Wee ought to giue no offence eyther to Iew or Gentile or to the Church of God for woe shall bee to them that offend their Brethren that greeue the Spirit of God and cause the enemies of our Faith to blaspheme Secondly it reprooueth such as conuerse onely with the vngodly and can be merry onely in their company The Children of God haue alwayes accounted it a great crosse and vexation to dwell with such as are leud in their course of life and are bare and barren in good things The Prophet saith ſ Psal 120 5. Woe is me that I remaine in Meshech and dwell in the Tents of Kedar It is an heape of miseries and a verie representation of Hell to be continually vexed and exceedingly greeued with their wicked conuersation Iust Lot was vexed with the t 2 Pet. 2 7 8. vncleane conuersation of the wicked for hee being righteous and dwelling among them in hearing and seeing vexed his righteous soule from day to day with their vnlawfull deedes And in what place almost now
shall bee taken of vs wee shall beare the burthen not onely of our owne sinnes but of all the sinnes of the people and euerie soule belonging vnto our charge that hath perrished thorough our owne negligence shall bee laide to our charge and his blood be required at our handes and so shal becom horrible Reprobates in Hel to be tormented with euerlasting pains For euen as the holy mā speaking of this calling teacheth that a faithful messenger of God and interpreter of his wil is but as one of a thousand that though they be many that vndertake the office yet the number is few rare that make Conscience of their dutie to God and his people so on the other side few of this many shall be saued but be cast as notable diuels into hell draw with them thousands into destruction Neither is it sufficient for the Ministers discharge if he teach sildom or now and then as at euery quarter day when he commeth to reckon with them or once a month to auoide the Law but he must watch and teach and feede his flocke continually t 2 Tim. 4 1 2 And preach the word in season and out of season The greatest labor shall haue the greatest reward They u Dan. 12 3. that turne many to righteousnesse shall shine as the Stars for euer and euer Euery x 1 Cor. 3 8. man shal haue his wages according to his worke They that imployed their Maisters mony y Mat. 25 30. gained by it are accounted good faithfull seruants but the ydle and loytering seruant that would do nothing but hid his talent that was giuen vnto him was cast into vtter darknesse and rewarded according to his deserts Let vs therefore labour to haue a cleare conscience toward God and man The more paines we take the greater shal be our comfort the more diligently we sow the more plentifull shall be our haruest If we be painful in our callings and diligent in teaching the people z Co● 3 1 2. We shall not neede as some other Epistles of re-commendation vnto them or Letters of re commendation from them for they shal be our Epistle written in our harts which is vnderstood and read of all men And concerning those committed to vs to feed we see by experience that they cannot liue without food they cannot grow and prosper without a daily supply so their soules cannot liue vnto God a spirituall life vnlesse they bee often fed and plentifully nourished by the milke of Gods word When Paule tooke his leaue to depart from Ephesus he propoundeth before the Elders his owne example a Acts 20 31. Remember that by the space of three yeares I ceased not to warne euery one both night and day with teares This faithfulnesse is to be found in vs as our comfort in this life our crowne in the life to come alwaies prouing when God wil giue faith and repentance neuer to be repented of We know not the times and seasons that God hath kept in his owne hand If he touch not the heart at one time and leaue a blessing behind him he may touch it and frame it vnto obedience at another time It behooueth vs therefore to vse the meanes to sowe vnto them spirituall things and to commit the successe of our labours vnto God b 1 Cor. 3 6 7 seeing Paule planteth and Apollos watereth but it is GOD that giueth the encrease Vse 3. Thirdly seeing the word preached is the ordinary meanes of our regeneration it teacheth the people to looke to their feet when they enter into the house of God and to take heede how they heare It is not left to their owne choise whether they wil hear or not no more then it is to the Minister whether he will preach or not It is required of them that they reuerence them obey their Doctrine loue them prouide for them pray for them and in al things esteeme of them as the messengers of Christ as the Ministers of the word as the ouerseers of the Church yea it standeth them vpon to heare the word at their mouths to account of it as the meanes of their saluation It is great ignorance impiety to desire any other means to haue faith then that which he hath appointed for vs. It is the great mercy and goodnesse of God to appoint mortal men subiect to sin and al infirmities as we are at whose handes we may be fed at whose mouths we may be taught and with whom we may talke familiarly and yet by their simple Ministry may haue as good assurance of saluation in this life and of glory in the life to come as if the Lorde himselfe should speake from heauen For the word of God is as the gate of heauen and hee hath committed the Keyes thereof to his faithfull Stewardes c Math. 16 19 That whatsoeuer they binde on earth should be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer they loose on earth should be loosed in heauen True it is many foolish faithlesse men perswade themselues that they should repent and beleeue the Gospell if they might heare God himselfe speake or if one came from the dead to tell them what they should do to be saued When Caine had conceiued malice and murther in his heart and intended to kill his Brother d Gen. 4 6. the Lorde spake vnto him set his sinnes in order before him and threatned iudgment against him vnlesse he repented but did hee repent at the voice of God and turne vnto him with all his heart No he fell from euill to worse and added one sinne vnto another till he had filled vp the measure of them All the Israelites heard the Law of God in the wildernesse and saw his wonderfull workes that hee shewed among them yet they beleeued not neither ceased to murmure and rebell against him Iudas one of the twelue was reprooued of Christ for his treason so were the Scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisie yet none of them repented or at the least many of them repented not at his preaching vnto them wherefore it is not the hearing of the voice of God can giue vs repentance it is his changing of our hearts and renewing of vs in the inner man that casteth vs into a new mould and worketh in vs a new birth When Christ Iesus was nayled vpon the Crosse they said e Math. 27 42. He saued others but hee cannot saue himselfe if he be the King of Israell let him now come downe from the Crosse and we will beleeue in him But if he had come downe at this taunt cast out vpon him wold they or could they haue beleeued Or could Christ haue beene the true Messiah if he had discended seeing it was the end of his comming into the world that hee might suffer f Esay 53 7. Psal 22 17. 69 21. and fulfill the thinges that were foretold by the Prophets Or would they not rather
both what may bee learned by it and how it may bee applyed vnto vs. First of all it teatheth that though education bee a notable meanes of reformation and working good in the hearts of those that heare instruction and albeit Parents and Maysters bee thereby discharged as they that haue done their dutie yet bare teaching is not sufficient to conuert the soule and to settle the Conscience in good thinges Noah was as carefull for the instruction of Cham and Canaan as of the rest that were of his house belonged to his charge yet they followed not his Doctrine but scoffed at him that was both Pastor and Parent Dauid a man after Gods owne heart walked in the middest of his house in the vprightnesse of his Conscience yet he had an incestuous Ammon a Rebellious Absolom a licentious Adoniah all of them vngodly and vngracious Children So then although education be a good meanes yet it is not a sufficient meanes to worke reformation He that laboureth in planting and watering is nothing except God giue the blessing of encrease We see this euidently in the publicke assembly as well as in the priuate family in the house of God as well as in the house of man There is a difference of hearers according to their diuers dispositions f Math. 13 13 14. some are deafe hearers that haue not their eares boared through to the heart they haue onely outward eares and regarde no more but outward hearing and are no way mooued with that which is spoken dead-hearted dull-eared dim-sighted heauy-headed Others beside their bodily eares haue the eares of their hearts opened by the word and worke of the Spirit made plyable and tractable to receiue imbrace and beleeue that which they heare So is it in the priuate instruction vsed in priuate Families all that heare with the outwarde eare are not reformed all that are instructed are not conuerted Obiection What then Shall not Fathers teach their Children and Maisters their Seruants and Householders their Families because some haue not beleeued and many remaine as blinde and blockish as they were at the first Answere Yes it is their dutie to bee dilligent in teaching them and in laying the foundation of Christian Religion among them howsoeuer it bee receyued or reiected of such as bee in their houses and belong vnto them Were not he a simple Husbandman that would neglect to sowe his Ground because hee knoweth that some of the Corne will neuer grow vppe to bring foorth fruite but dye in the earth Or were not hee an vnwise Law-giuer that will not haue wholesome Lawes enacted and established because some transgresse them and disobey them and make no account of them Or were not hee a very foolish Father who because hee hath one rude and riotous Sonne that will not reuerence his person nor fulfill his Commaundements nor regarde his Authoritie nor feare his threatninges woulde therefore holde his peace and refraine himselfe from instructing and informing his other Children in the wayes of Godlinesse Or were hee not a badde Gardiner who because some of his Ground bringeth forth Weeds and Nettles would therefore refuse to water the Hearbes that are meete for the vse of man When the Lorde sent his holy Prophets to reprooue the stubborne and stiffe-necked Iewes hee knewe what entertainement them-selues shoulde finde and what effect their Doctrine woulde haue taken yet to make them without excuse they were commanded to go that they might be conuinced of sinne seeing there had beene a Prophet among them The Prophet Ieremy being called of God to preach the word is told afore-hand that they shoulde not obey his word g Ier. 1 19. Ezek. 2 5 7. and 3 7. but fight against him Likewise Ezekiell being sent to the children of Israel is shewed that they would not heare him nor cease from their waies Whereby we see that howsoeuer the people were stiffe-necked and stif-harted howsoeuer their faces were stronger then the Flint and their fore-heads were harder then the Adamant yet God would haue his worde offered vnto them and laid before them He hath mo endes then one of the preaching of his word sometimes he vseth it to soften and sometimes to harden sometimes to saue and sometimes to condemne somtimes to be h 2 Cor. 2 16 the sauor of life vnto life and sometimes to be the sauor of death vnto death So should it be with all godly housholders howsoeuer they haue many that harbour in their houses are entertained within their wals that regard not the fear of God but pull away their shoulders from the sweet yoak of God yet they are not to surcease or wax faint and weary but to continue the instruction of them the powring of water vpon the hard stone proouing if God at anytime will soften their harts and giue them repentance that they may come out of the snares of the Deuil of whom they are holdē captiues We know not at what time God may work in them and call them to a sight of their sinnes and to a turning from their sins They may heare that in the time of their ignorance which they may practise in the time of their knowledge They may hear that Doctrine which though it lye hid and couered as Corn in the earth or as fire in the ashes a long time and seeme buried in perpetuall forgetfulnesse yet it may afterwardes break forth as the light and kindle in their harts as a mightie flame Thus peraduenture it might be with this Onesimus when he was conuerted by the Ministry of the Apostle to the Faith of Christ he might cal to his remembrance many good thinges that hee had heard before but neuer a whit regarded nor respected and now profit by that Doctrine that before he had despised and derided The Disciples of Christ did not by and by receiue nor conceiue of his preaching but when i Iohn 2 22. hee was risen againe they remembered what hee had deliuered vnto them So ought wee to deale toward such as are committed vnto vs let vs plant and water committing and commending the successe and encrease of all our labours vnto God Vse 2 Secondly seeing where there are good meanes are many times godlesse and gracelesse men we learne that to heare to saluation and to receiue willingly instruction is no generall or common grace no man can beleeue sauing hee to whom it is giuen It is the guift of God that must open the vnderstanding and boare through the eare and sanctify the heart before any can heare with a desire to vnderstand or lay it vppe with a purpose to practise and obey Hence it is that the Prophet saith k Esay 50 5. The Lord GOD hath opened mine eare and I was not rebellious neyther turned I backe The Euangelist Luke teacheth that when the Apostles preached the Gospell so many as were appointed to saluation beleeued which was a fruite of their election others mocked which was a
which are by my Ministry preserued to euerlasting life and thou canst not sufficiently esteeme of thy Redemption and Saluation effected and merited by Christ but manifested applied and warranted vnto thee by my preaching and the graces of God bestowed vpon me for the effectuall conuersion of the elect Obseruations offered vnto vs in these words Thus wee haue seene the order of the wordes and haue learned the meaning of them It remaineth according to the maner and Method before propounded to gather from hence such obseruations as are intimated vnto vs and might be largely handled of vs. First of all obserue with me that the Apostle returneth heere to a consideration of that which might be obiected so that we see it is the duty of the Ministers not onely barely to teach the truth but to remooue doubtes to answere Obiections to put away Impedimentes and to cleere al difficulties that may sticke in the mindes of the hearers and hinder the beleeuing and embracing of the truth deliuered vnto them For howsoeuer our care be to teach plainely and euidently yet the carnall reason of a naturall man ministreth many cauilles and questions whereby diuerse scruples remaine in the hearts of the people as dangerous stumbling blockes to turne them out of the right way to stay their course from running with a right foot in the paths of righteousnesse Wherefore it standeth vs vpon to consider diligently what may be alleaged against the truth that is taught by vs and to make a plaine answere vnto the same This we see in euery Epistle practised by the Apostle When he had taught free iustification a Rom. 3 20. 21 22 27 28 31. by faith apprehending Christ without the workes of the Law the Iewes might haue obiected If the law do not iustifie then it was giuen in vaine it is abolished it serueth to no purpose He knew this would be concluded and therefore he preuenteth it saying Doe we then make the Law of none effect through faith God forbid yea we establish the law And afterward b Rom. 5. 20. with Chap. 6. 1 2. hauing taught that where sinne abounded there grace abounded much more if he had rawly and barely left the matter thus propounded a man might haue obiected If this be true that there grace aboundeth where sinne hath abounded then sinne seemeth to be the cause of Gods glory and then why do we not sinne fully and freely that thereby the glory of God may be magnified Wherefore he vnloseth this knot in the words and chapter immediately following What shall we say then Shall we continue still in sin that grace may abound God forbid How shall we that are dead to sinne liue yet therein Likewise to the same purpose he speaketh againe for hauing proued that sinne shall not haue dominion ouer vs c Rom. 6 14 15. because we are not vnder the law but vnder grace considering with himselfe that prophane men might abuse the grace and liberty of the Gospell to commit sinne with greedinesse hee replieth What then shall we sinne because we are not vnder the law but vnder grace God forbid c. The like we see practised in other places When hee hath taught the Ephesians to loue their Wiues as their owne bodies yea euen as Christ loued the Church and addeth that this d Ephe. 5 32. is a great secret or mystery a man might aske do you speake this of the loue that ought to be betweene the Husband and the Wife or of the loue that is betweene Christ and his Church he answeareth I speake concerning Christ and concerning the Church In like manner deliuering a rule to the Church that Widdowes should bee chosen to attend vpon the sicke and those that were diseased he would haue none vnder threescore yeares of age set a part to this Office he addeth e 1. Tim. 5 9 11. But refuse the younger Widdowes for when they haue begunne to wax wanton against Christ they will marry hauing damnation The Apostle knowing that these wordes might haue beene wrested wrongfully and applyed contrary to his meaning for one might haue said what haue they damnation for marrying Is marriage the cause of damnation He resteth not so but answeareth the point they haue damnation for denying and breaking their first faith This wisedome is to be put in practise of all the Ministers of Gods word wee must be able not onely to teach but to conuince and to fore-see what may be obiected against that which we haue deliuered So then the Ministers must be men of knowledge throughly furnished to conuince the aduersaries and replenished with store both new and old to ouerthrow all spirits of contradiction that seeke to subuert and destroy the faith of many And it belongeth to the people to resort and repaire to their Ministers thus quallified for resolution of doubts wherewith they are troubled f Mal. 2 7. Math. 2 4. considering with themselues that the Priests lips must preserue knowledge and that the people are to seeke the law at their mouthes because they are the Messengers of the Lord of Hoastes Secondly we see againe in the first wordes of hurting and owing that there is vsed a certaine mitigation For whereas he might haue called him a Theefe and Runnagate he expresseth them vnder much milder names calling his robbing and flying away an hurting and debt declaring thereby how gentle and easie an hand how louing and charitable an heart we ought to beare toward the penitent We are not to aggrauate the slippes and fals nor augment the sinnes and offences of our brethren nor to vrge them and set them out in their colours to the vttermost nor to follow them with extremity but it is our duty to deale mercifully with such sinners as are vnfainedly and truely turned vnto God g Three rules to be obserued to moue vs to deale mercifully toward the penitent remembring alwaies these three thinges First that we are subiect to the like sinnes and may be ouertaken with the same offences through the tentations of Sathan and the corruptions of our owne nature Hence it is that the Apostle admonisheth vs h Gal. 6 1. to restore such as haue fallen euen with the spirit of meeknesse considering also our selues least we also be tempted Secondly that as we are subiect to fall so we haue offended as greatly against God as they if not in the same kind and after the same manner so that if he should enter into iudgement with vs who could stand in his presence or answeare him one of a thousand This is it which Christ Iesus laid to the charge of the proud Pharisies when they brought before him the woman taken in adultery he said vnto them i Iohn 8 7 ● Let him that is among you without sinne cast the first stone at her who when they heard it being accused of their owne consciences went out one by one beginning at the eldest euen to the last Thirdly
hee may prouide thinges honest in the sight of God that he may reioyce in the labour of his owne handes and be thankfull to the father and giuer of all good thinges It is a rule taught by nature approued by experience strengthened by custome f Aristot polit lib. 2. Cap. 2. and established by the founders of Citties and Kingdomes that whatsoeuer is cared for of all is cared for of none as it ought to be but is neglected of all This appeareth in euery Towne and incorporation in euery house and congregation If a matter be committed to many seruants to be dispatched it is commonly either altogether left vndone or done negligently and worse then if it had beene assigned to one I haue heard it deliuered as a prouerbe that he which hath one man is sure of a man he that hath two men hath but halfe a man and he that keepeth three hath none at all One looketh vpon another and leaueth the worke for his fellowes thinking with himselfe that albeit he neglect the dooing of it yet there are two others to finish it and so among them all the businesse of the Maister lieth vndone We see this in mending of high waies which because it is to be done by a common hand and by a generall agreement of many together is generally posted ouer from one to another and commonly left off from yeare to yeare Marke this moreouer in the prouision for the poore who ought to be charitably rel●…ued by the lawes of God and man yet because the burden lieth vpon the shoulders of all all men are ready to shake it off from them and pinch curtesie who shall begin But when euery one knoweth his owne it encreaseth care and doubleth diligence in him he reioyceth with his family in the blessings of God and learneth to be a good Steward in the vse of them disposing of them to the glory of the giuer and to the comfort of the receiuer This it which Salomon teacheth Chap. 5. of the Prouerbs g Prou. 5 15 18. 19. Let thy fountaine be blessed and reioyce with the wife of thy youth let her be as the louing Hind and pleasant Roe let her breastes satisfie thee at all times and delight in her continually So then the distinction of dominion and possession when euery one knoweth his owne and what is not his owne maketh men carefull to looke vnto them Wherefore seeing God is the author of propriety the hater of confusion and the commander and appointer of euery man his seuerall taske and labour it followeth that the community of the Saintes doth not destroy the propriety of substance but euery man keepeth the title and tenour of his owne goodes which no other can chalenge to himselfe Vse 1. As we haue seene the reasons that confirme this Doctrine so let vs see the vses that instruct vs in many profitable points tending to edification First of all this confuteth and conuinceth the detestable and damnable sect of the Anabaptistes who deny to men any property in any thing but would haue all thinges common True it is among faithfull friends all thinges are common as we haue already prooued and confessed so that as we haue one father so we haue one fraternity and are of one family Hence it is that Tertullian in his Apology teacheth h Tertul. in Apologet. that among Christians all things were common except mens wiues What then Were these first Christians Anabaptistes Or are these Anabaptistes like these first Christians No in no wise They alledge indeed the example and practise of the primitiue church but it doth not no way fauour their opinion nor countenance any such Communion as these Heretikes would bring in amongs vs. Obiection 1. But they obiect that all that beleeued were in one place and had all thinges common yea they accounted nothing to be their owne Answere I answeare that these words are not to be vnderstood as though they had forsaken their owne houses and liued together in publike and in common in the same house as it were in the celles and Cloisters of Monkes but as it followeth in the next wordes i Acts. 2 46. They continued daily with one accord in the Temple and breaking bread from house to house did eate their meate together with gladnesse and singlenesse of heart If this be true let the Anabaptistes a new sect of Monks answere at whose houses this was done Was this meeting and eating of their meat in the houses of the Infidels or of the beleeuers I thinke no man is so sottish to say it was in the houses of the vnbeleeuers who would not receiue them to house nor giue them any entertainment among them seeing they hated them and their profession to the death Wherefore it must of necessity follow that these assemblies were in the houses of such as were faithfull If then the faithfull Christians had their houses in which they met together then they did not at all sell nor forsake their houses and dwellings nor coop vp themselues as is it were in Monasteries or Hermitages from the society of men Obiection 2. Secondly whereas they obiect Chap. 4. k Acts. 4 34 35. As many as were possessors of Landes sold them and brought the price of the thinges that were solde and laid it downe at the Apostles feet Answere It is not so to be vnderstood as if they had cast away all care of their houshold affaires and possessed nothing in priuate afterward For this was done by some of the richer and wealthier sort who were not compelled to sell neither can it be gathered that they sold all Nay it appeareth throughout this booke of the Actes that many after this fact possessed houses of their owne The Euangelist Luke noteth that when Peter the Apostle was brought out of prison by the Ministry of the Angel that was sent to deliuer him l Acts. 12 12. As he considered the thing he came to the house of Mary the mother of Iohn where many were gathered together and prayed Frō whence I pray you had this woman this house If all Christians sold their inheritances and proper houses So then the communion of goods that was among the first Christians was nothing but a sale of part of their possessions to succor the poore Saints least being constrained through Famine and left destitute of the helpe of the Bretheren they should turne backe againe to the Iewish Religion and therefore it is said that distribution was made of those things that were sold not equally or confusedly m Actes 4 35. But according as euery one had neede so that he that had the greater charge had the greater allowance and he that had the lesse Family had the lesse maintenance Tiue it is it is said n Acts 4 32. 2 44. The multitude of them that beleeued were of one heart and of one Soule neyther any of them atcounted any thing of that
and in assurances giuen betweene man and man This is the cause that the Makers of our Lawes are compelled to vse so many wordes and to heap vp so many Tearmes that thereby they might heale this sore and remedie this mischiefe Let vs not therefore greeue or grudge to make sure that whereof wee haue made sale No man ought to be so simple as not to aske it and no man ought to be so peeuish as to deny it We may easily behold such as are friends to day to be enemies to morrow one while they affirme another while they deny at one time they promise to pay or repay at another they hang backe at it and make it strange that they should be challenged of their promise Euery one b Phil. 2 21. Seeketh his owne and not the thinges of other men and how many haue been foulely deceiued and guilefully beguiled by trusting too far But there is no reason or equity that when wee haue receiued Money we should deny or delay to giue good security and that other men should stand to our curtesie Wherefore it is a great iniury and In-iustice to require men to depend vpon vs and our word without further assurance in blacke and white For albeit we mean not falsely but faithfully not fraudulently but honestly and our Word be as firme as our Oath and our Oath as sure as our Band and our Band as good as ready payment and present possession in regard of our honest meaning and true intent yet we cannot liue for euer and we know not what may fall out after our decease Obiection But some man may say what neede so much a doe among Friends And what stirre doe you make as if we were Infidels and not Christians Or what neede so many Couenants and conueyances where there is a shorter course And where the profession of Christ is a stronger band then all the writings that the wit of man can imagine and set downe Answere I answere that all they that professe Christ in word doe not beleeue in him in heart And albeit the sauing knowledge of Christ be a band of all bands to linke vs together yet this doth not hinder or abolish ciuill contracts to be assured to vs and our posterities Be it that we are the greatest friends there is so much more neede of so much the more adoe among them that are Friends thereby to keepe them Friends and to hold the knot of friendship between thē For oftentimes it falleth out that through want of wordes and writings and witnesses such as haue bin most faithfull friends haue become most bitter enemies one to another Were not Paul and Philemon Friends neere Friends yea the neerest and dearest Friends that could be Were they not as the Father and the Sonne Did they not so liue together and loue together c Verse 17. That they had all things common Yet we see Paule offereth assurance of his word and promise in writing subscribed with his owne hand I Paule haue written it with mine owne hand Yea notwithstanding all assurances that can be desired and demaunded we may well perceiue by daily and lamentable experience what sutes and strifes arise about Titles and conueyances of Lands and Liuings how much more would we contend one with another if there were no Instruments drawne no Euidences made no writings ingrossed to testifie the truth among vs All Kingdomes and Citties all Townes and Villages would be full of stirres and strifes of troubles and tumults that would neuer end and the Iudges and Iustices might stand from Morning to Euening to heare cases and decide controuersies betweene man and man to the wearying of themselues and others He that hath an heauy pursse and a strong heart would neuer rest satisfied if no writing or records could be produced against him Wherefore it standeth all men vpon on the one side willingly to yeelde good assurance and on the other side to aske good securitie where they buy and sel or borrow or bargaine and doe giue or take vpon trust through want whereof sometimes not onely the Rents and Reuennewes but the Lands themselues are spent in suits and actions of Law Lastly it reproueth such as notwithstanding assurance giuen do make no conscience to pay debts and demaunds due vpon agreement to their brethren These are forward to giue assurance but backeward to make performance Many there are that are content to yeeld to what promises and enter into what bands you will craue but when they haue done they vse no care and make no account to pay their debts and to performe the Couenants whereunto they haue consented and condescended contrary to the counsell of the Prophet who asking the question d Psal 15 1 4 Who shall dwell in the Tabernacle of the Lord and who shall rest in his holy Mountaine He answereth He that sweareth to his owne hindrance and changeth not It is requisite for euery one to be as wary and well aduised in his promises as he can and to deliberate with himselfe and his Friendes that he doe nothing rashly but when he hath striken hands and made a promise to his Neighbour he ought to performe it albeit it be to his hinderance vnlesse peraduenture he be released Be it therefore knowne vnto all men that as it is lawfull to conuerse and commerse one with another so it is meete and conuenient that they should deale not vpon vncertaineties but vpon assurances as they that builde not vpon a sandy ground but vpon a sound foundation As it is right and lawfull that there should be buying and bargaining purchasing and possessing among vs so is it right and lawfull that there should be Deedes and Indentures to testifie the same and as it were to liue when we are dead And as it is needfull and expedient so long as the world endureth and continueth there should be borrowing and lending so it is as necessarie there should be Bils and Bands to shew the truth and to binde men to the payment of all dues debts and demaunds whatsoeuer and after payment well and truely made to giue discharge acquittance accordingly that controuersies so much as may be may be auoyded and concord as far as is possible may be maintained and established They therfore are vnworthy to liue in any wel-ordered and gouerned Common-wealth that refuse being able to performe their promises and satisfie their Creditors and cancell the Obligations that thēselues haue sealed and deliuered before many Witnesses who albeit they stand not by the high-way side with Swordes or Staues or Rapiers or other Weapons yet are indeede no better then Theeues and Robbers nay many times are worse inasmuch they bring greater damage and are the meanes of vndoing many men Such are they that are angry and much offended with Notaries and Scriueners which by their writings binde them as they imagine too strongly and when they see themselues troubled and arrested vpon the Obligation they hate
that after the Thessalonians had heard the Gospell of Christ published vnto them so many of them as were ordained vnto eternall life beleeued and submitted themselues to be duided and reformed by it This dutie hath c Foure degrees of submitting our selues to the Gospell manie branches First it is required of vs to heare the worde of God with patience This is the first step and degree that leadeth vnto life and it proceedeth from the meere grace and fauour of God whensoeuer it is wrought in our hearts For how many are there that when they heare stop their eares That when they see shut their eyes That when they vnderstand doe harden their hearts When Stephen made a defence for himselfe before the chiefe Priests that sat in the Counsel d Acts 7 57. They gaue a shout with a loud voyce and stopped their eares and ran violently vpon him all at once and cast him out of the Citty and stoned him with stones When one Alexander a Iew beckned with the hand prepared himselfe to speak and would haue excused the Apostles e Acts 19 33 There arose a great shout almost for the space of two houres of all men crying Great is Diana of the Ephesians Likewise when Paule made a perticuler rehearsal of the manner of his conuersion to the faith before the Iewes they heard him quietly and with silence vntill he said He was sent to the Gentiles but then thorough impatience f Acts 22 23. they cried out they cast off their cloathes and threw dust into the ayre and lift vp their voices saying Away with such a fellow from the earth for it is not meet that he should liue We see by these examples that it is a token of Gods goodnesse when he giueth vs circumcised eares to listen and attend to the word preached vnto vs with patience and perseuerance vnto the end albeit we heare our sins reproued our secret thoughts opened vnto vs. It is our dutie to shew our selues swift to heare but slow to speake and slow to wrath We must be slow to speake against that which hath bin deliuered and we must be slow to anger and indignation against those that haue deliuered the truth vnto vs. Secondly it is required that we receiue the word that we haue heard assent vnto it as to the word of truth and acknowledge it to bee good and true euen that part of the word that containeth his iudgements his threatnings his cursses his punnishments This is to be craued of God as being a special worke of grace in those that belong to his kingdom For many there are that heare and haue their eares open to attend these are not dull hearers that marke nothing but ate ready to listen and giue care and yet they will not giue their assent to that which they haue heard The Apostle teacheth g 1 Cor. 2 14. That the naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned When Paule preached at Athens in the hearing of the Stoikes and Epicures touching the resurrection from the dead they saide h Acts 17 18 What will this Babler say A great part of our ordinary hearers may be placed in this rank who are content to heare and then sit in iudgement vppon that which they haue heard and neuer giue credit vnto it but measure the truth of God by their carnall conceits and naturall reasons Thirdly it is farther required of vs to embrace the truth in our hearts carefully to apply it to our owne soules It belongeth vnto vs not onely to heare it with the eare and to assent to it with the mind but to lay it vp deeply rooted in vs and to make it our owne by a speciall application This is the right vse of the word this is peculiar to the elect and this is a work of grace in our hearts The Hystoricall faith giueth a generall consent to the truth of God but neuer goeth farther to apprehend it as we see in Simon the Sorcerer who is said to haue beleeued that is in a generall maner to haue consented to the Gospell and yet Peter telleth him i Acts 8 21. That his heart was vpright and that he remained in the gall of bitternesse Let vs not therefore approbriate the word of grace that is able to build farther vnto our owne selues otherwise we shall haue no more comfort then the Reprobates haue who come so farre as to confesse the word to be true and that God by his Sonne will saue the Vessels of mercy Lastly it is required in this speciall manner to entertaine the worde to wit as the word of God Many receiue the word and imbrace it willingly readily chearfully and ioyfully but not as the word of God I wil not stand to speake of the Church of Rome which holdeth that the word written hath not authority in it selfe vnlesse the Church approue it and therefore albeit it embraceth the word of God yet it embraceth it not as the word of God For how many are there among our selues that receiue not the word of God with that reuerence and obedience that they ought as appeareth by the euil practises of their liues These men do not receiue the word of God as the word of God who if they did in truth sincerity acknowledge this truth to be of God to haue him for the author thereof they would lead their liues in another maner then they do they would be afraid to rush forward to run headlong as it were with violence into the breach transgression thereof They would consider that God will not beare and endure the contempt of his word but reuenge the dishonor done to his name with great plagues and most grieuous iudgments These are the duties that are to be performed of vs and the foure degrees that testifie our submitting of our selues to the truth of the Gospel preached deliuered vnto vs by the Ministers of Christ Vse 4 Lastly seeing they by whose ministry we are gained to God and preserued in the state of saluation being gained ought to be most deare to vs we owing vnto them our owne selues This must teach the Ministers of God a necessary duty and lesson to be marked of them to wit to endeuor by their daily diligence and continuall preaching of the Gospel to make the people indebted vnto them For how do the people come so much in their debt but that they receiue heauenly Doctrine by their Ministry as from the mouth of God Such as haue need of admonition must be exhorted such as are weak in the faith must be strengthned such as need comfort ought to be comforted such as are ignorant must be instructed such as are willing to be taught must be beseeched and intreated and euery one must be handled according to his nature and condition according to the rule
so little Charitie in my selfe and so small respect to you and so hard an hart toward him that no perswasion can mollify me no reason ouercome me no friends turne me The answere to this followeth I haue written vnto thee not because I doubt of thy fauour but because I trust in thy obedience not because I feare thou wilt deny mee but because I know thou wilt pleasure me This perswasion he amplifieth by a comparison drawn from the greater to the lesse as if he should say Nay I am well assured that for my sake thou wilt graunt a greater matter then I craue at thy hands The Reason may be thus contriued If thou be readie to yeelde more then this then I know assuredly thou wilt do this But thou art ready to yeeld more then this Therefore I know assuredly thou wilt do this The meaning of the words Thus much is to be marked of vs touching the method wherein we haue the conclusion of the chiefe matter howbeit adorned with much efficacy of words and strengthned with great force of reasons Now let vs consider the meaning of such thinges as require interptetation Yea Brother This first word is a note of exclamation or an Aduerbe of asking or wishing or beseeching or hoping well as if hee should say Oh my Brother I hope that this my intercession for him shall not be in vaine but carry sufficient waight and authority to worke in thee moderation in relenting and compassion in pardoning of him This word of affirmation is put to garnish the sentence to make the exhortation more powerfull and patheticall When hee saith Let me obtaine this fauour or fruite benefit or pleasure he vseth the Optatiue mood alludeth to the name of Onesimus in the word Onaimen which fitly serueth his purpose Touching these wordes Comfort my Bowels The meaning is receiue him and remit his offences and in so doing thou shalt cheere and reuiue my hart for the receiuing of him is the releeuing and refreshing of my outward parts and of my inward affections so that nothing shall be more pleasing vnto me He addeth in the Lord thereby signifying that the duty required of him is such that it pleaseth God and setteth forth his glorie and may Religiously be performed nay such as coulde not with a safe Conscience be omitted or denied So then hee vnderstandeth heereby that hee should doe him a great pleasure and withall please God and obey him That then which he doth request is commended by two fruites it shall benefite man and it shall be acceptable to God In the 21. Verse he saith Trusting in thine Obedience which is word for word in thy hearkning vnto me expressing wherein Obedience consisteth Namely in hearkning to that which is commanded euen to hearken with a purpose to doe it To this purpose Samuell ioyneth Harkning Obeying together a 1 Sam. 15 22 Hath the Lord as great pleasure in Burnt-offerings and Sacrifices as when the voyce of the Lord is obeyed Behold to Obey is better then Sacrifice and to Harken is better then the fat of Rammes So then the vse of this worde of Obedience is not without great force for thereby he insinuateth that Philemon coulde neuer escape the note of disobedience if he did not yeild to the Apostle of Christ making so honest so equall so iust a request Lastly when he saith Thou wilt do no more then I say the wordes are in the Originall Aboue that I speake that is thou wilt grant more then I aske or demaund at thy hands testifying heereby the free hearts of true Christians that being prouoked to necessarie holy duties they will oftentimes exceed that whereunto they are desired This being the right order and true interpretation of these wordes in these two verses they are thus much in effect Oh my Brother if thou regardest any good to mee or desirest to pleasure me in that which I desire or delight in let me obtain this benefit good turn at thy hands which wil also be accepted of God being a work of mercy allowed commended in his word refresh I beseech thee my bowels and comfort me in my son Onesimus for what thou dost to him heerin shal be as done to me If thou ask me why I vse so many words and whither I do distrust of thy dealing I answeare that I write nothing at all doubting but altogether trusting thou wilt graunt my request yea assuring my selfe thou wilt shew thy selfe willing to grant more then I haue requested euen to set him free if I should require it Generall Obseruations out of these two Verses These wordes are short but the Obseruations that arise from hence might bee many some I will onely point out and afterward handle others perticularly First of all marke the forcible farewell that the Apostle taketh The Conclusions and Perorations that Orators vse are woont to haue the sharpest edge but they are woont for the most part to bee long and tedious and full of wordes but the Apostle in this place vseth the greatest breuitie with the greatest vehemency Wherein hee repeateth againe the same manner of speech Of refreshing his bowels which we had before in the twelfe Verse Thou therefore receiue him that is mine owne Bowelles Likewise as hee saith Let mee obtaine this pleasure in the Lorde so hee doubleth it Comfort my bowelles in the Lorde This teacheth that repetitions of the same Doctrine are good and profitable to the Church according to the practise of Paul b Phil. 3 1. It greeueth me not to write the same things to you and for you it is a sure thing Let it not therefore greeue vs or offend vs to heare the same Exhortations Reprehensions and Threatnings but rather learne to lay better hold of them at the last then we haue done at the first Secondly by these phrases of obtaining a pleasure and refreshing his bowels we may learne what ioy and comfort the godly do feele receiue in themselues by the raising and restoring of a sinner It is as if wee wanted an hand an eye a foote or an arme and had it giuen vnto vs woulde not this reioyce vs and reuiue vs greatly So is it with the faithfull when they beholde a fellow member with them in Christs bodie restored and coupled with the head from whence it receiueth a gracious influence of all spirituall blessings it ministreth occasion of the greatest ioy that can be vnto thē Thus it ought to be with vs when we see any conuerted to the faith we ought to haue a fellow-feeling of the goodnesse of God bestowed vpon them c Luke 15 10. inasmuch as the Angels themselues reioyce when one sinner is conuerted Thirdly marke what words of beseeching entreating he vseth of praying and desiring him to grant his request albeit by his Apostolicall authority he might command him Whereby we learn that the godly and faithfull are more moued with mildnesse gentlenesse and with
as the Well-spring we haue it not of our selues we haue it from him according to that which the Euangelist Iohn setteth downe r Iohn 1 16. Of his fulnesse we haue all receiued and Grace for Grace Secondly it is called the Grace of Christ not of God the father not of God the Holie-Ghost but of Iesus Christ our Lord because hee is the meanes or as the Cunduit-pipe whereby he it is brought and conueyed vnto vs Thus the same Euangelist speaketh in the wordes following Å¿ Iohn 1 17. The Law was giuen by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Iesus Christ. He it is that is the Mediation and Propitiation for our sinnes he hath purchased the fauour of God he hath wrought reconciliation for vs so that through him we are accepted of God the Father and beloued in his beloued Ephe. 1. 6. Thirdly we must consider the Title giuen to Christ Iesus hee is called a Lord or Ruler and that in many respects First by creation in that he made vs of nothing when we had no being t Iohn 1 3. For all thinges were made by him and without him was nothing made that was made Secondly by right of Inheritance u Heb. 1 2. Psal 2 8. For he is made Heire of all thinges Thirdly by right of Dominion for he hath Dominion ouer all things and ouer vs also so that he ruleth preserueth and keepeth vs as his owne to eternall life being bought with his most preciour blood None of them can bee lost that are committed vnto him neither can any plucke them out of his hands All thinges are put vnder his feet and subiect vnto him Fourthly he is said to be our Lord he is not onely a Lord hauing right and might graunted vnto him ouer others but hee s called our Lord. First because the Father gaue him a people and chosen Generation ouer whom he should rule So then by reason of this donation appointed vnto him before all worlds he is truely called our Lord. Secondly in regard of the work of redemption which he hath wrought for vs he alone hath paid the ransom for vs and deliuered vs from the power of the Deuill so that hee hath the greatest right of possession in vs. Lastly we are thereby put in mind that we ought so to beleeue in Christ our Lord that we put our trust and confidence in him and that we rest throughly perswaded that by him we are throughly freed and deliuered from all euill It is not enough for vs or sufficient to saluation to beleeue Christ Iesus to be a Lord but we must beleeue him to be our Lord. For wee all knowe and beleeue that the Deuill is a Lord and ruleth in the hearts of the Children of disobedience he is the God of this World and a Prince that beareth great sway but wee doe neyther know nor beleeue him to be our Lord as we beleeue Christ Iesus to bee the Lord of vs all Fiftly he addeth With your Spirit He craueth this Grace to be with his Spirit whereby he meaneth as much as if he had said with you one part of man being named for the whole the more principall part being put for the whole person For man consisteth of two essentiall parts of Soule and Body True it is the Apostle Paule doth sometimes deuide man into three partes the Spirit the Soule the Body as when he prayeth for the Thessalonians x 1 Thes 5 23. That their whole Spirit and Soule and Body should be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. By the Spirit he vnderstandeth the mind reason or vnderstanding which else-where hee calleth the y Ephe. 4 23. Heb. 4 12. Ephe. 4. 17 18. Spirit of your mind This is nothing else but a faculty of the reasonable soule which is seen in inuention and iudgement By the the Soule he vnderstandeth the inferior faculties and powers as the will and affections both which followeth the body which is the Instrument whereby the Spirit and Soule do worke By the Spirit in this place is not meant onely the minde or onely the Soule but the whole man is to be vnderstood as it is expounded Phil. 4. 23. The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all And Col. 4 18. Grace be with you yet he nameth the spirit because it is the principall subiect and seat of grace Sixtly the Apostle proceedeth and saith Your spirit hee speaketh not to Philemon alone saying With thy Spirit but he enlargeth his heart and saith With your Spirit as speaking to many Whereby wee are to vnderstand those to whom this Epistle is written and deliuered to wit cheefly to Philemon whose Title it beareth and to Apphia his wife to Archippus the Minister and to the Church that was in his house to all these he wisheth the Grace of Christ Lastly he endeth with the word Amen which is as much as euen so or so be it or so it shall be Indeede it is no part of the former prayer but it betokeneth and signifieth two things First an hearty desire whereby we wish that we may be heard and that God would answere vnto our requests Secondly the certainty of our confidence and the confirmation of our Faith whereby we trust that we shall be heard It is an Hebrew worde retained by the Apostles in their Epistles and in other places wherewith we are taught to conclude our Prayers withall by Christ our Sauiour It is added to shew that we should come with boldnesse and beleeue that we shall obtaine trusting in the truth of Gods promises The postscript of the Epistle Hauing thus laide open the sense and meaning of the wordes in this last Verse it shall not be amisse to speake some-what of the wordes following which are the subscription and vnder-writing of this Epistle in these wordes Written from Rome to Philemon and sent by Onesimus a Seruant It is most likely that this Epistle was written and sent at one and the same time with that entituled to the Colossians both because the same persons are named in both the Epistles the same persons writing and the same persons sending salutations to others and both of them in the Post-script are sayde to be sent by Onesimus as it were by a Carrier only heerein resteth the difference that this Epistle was deliuered to Onesimus alone to bee carried to Philemon a priuate man but the other was conueyed by Tychicus and Onesimus to the whole Church of the Colossians whereof Philemon and his Family were but one part But touching this subscription as also others in other Epistles we must vnderstand that they were added by men and are no part of the Cannonicall Scripture which is the rule of our faith to which we must yeeld without all contention or contradiction and from which we cannot appeale without intollerable iniury to the spirit of God For howsoeuer diuers of these Post-scripts may be true yet it is very plaine and
eye-sore vnto our selues Such as are dull and backe-ward themselues cannot abide those that are forward They that are ignoraunt thinke all others to haue too much knowledge They that are cold and slothfull in the matters of God do carpe and cauill at the zeale which they see in others and thinke them to bee too hasty too earnest too praecise Hence it is that oftentimes the Husband checketh the Wife the Father controuleth the Sonne and one Friend tebuketh another as running too fast and shooting beyond the marke Howsoeuer this is not greatly to bee feared in our daies wherein few runne at all many stand still wherein fewe shoot at the marke yet if it were so it is better to be a little too forward then to bee too backward to haue a little too much zeale then to be stark cold as many or luke-warme as the most are We see this in the state of a mans bodie it is easier to worke an euacuation of that which is too much then to procure a restitution of that which is too little It is an easier cure to purge our grosse superfluous humours when they abound then to repayre and restore Nature when it is decaying and consuming It is much easier to take away the sharpnesse of an edge tool then to set a sharp edge on that which is blunt dulled It is easier to pull downe a part of the building which is ouer-much then to lay a new foundation If there be one among vs that seeketh to be too iust and aymeth at a righteousnes aboue the Law there are a thousand that come too short and fayle in that which is required of them It is a most blessed thing to keepe the Golden meane betweene too much and too little It is easier to bring him that is in the excesse to the meane then to reduce him to the meane that is in the defect When a man lyeth dead in sinnes and trespasses and hath no sparke of the life of God in him to bring such an one to true godlinesse is as it were to raise him from the dead When a man lieth languishing and consuming by little and little and all good things begin to decay in him so that he is growne starke cold nothing is harder then to restore such a one it is as much as to worke a wonder and miracle But when our zeale is growne to be a little too hot and our edge made somewhat too sharpe it requireth no great labour it asketh no great paines to reduce vs backe againe and to make vs returne home the way by which we went There is no cause therefore that wee should so rashly and out-ragiously beare our selues toward those that climbe vp a step too high and beare them-selues a little too forward let vs rather examine our selues and consider whether we do not our selues many wayes faile of our duties so that wee may say and say truely we are vnprofitable seruants Let vs neuer enuy or grudge at the good of others remembering alwayes that what grace soeuer is graunted to one member is giuen to the whole bodie and to euerie particular member of the body As he that doth good to the eye doth good to the whole body the benefite redowndeth to the hand and foot Thus it is in the mystical bodie of Christ a Rom. 12 5. Wee being many are one bodie in Christ and euerie one one anothers Members Wee see in the Actes of the Apostles b Acts 11 18. when the Disciples had heard that Peter was called and warned by an Heauenly Vision to preach to Cornelius and other Gentiles they helde their peace and glorifyed God saying Then hath God also to the Gentiles graunted Repentance vnto life Thus much of the Ioy and Thankes-giuing of the Apostle Now let vs see to whom hee gaue thankes set downe in the next wordes I giue thankes to my God Heere is the first illustration of the Apostles Thankesgiuing declaring to whome it is made to wit to God The Apostle giuing Thankes and praising God hee calleth him his God He saith not simply I giue thankes to God but particularly I giue thankes to my God He calleth him his God and applyeth the promises of the gospel made to all that beleeue peculiarly and especially to himselfe Doctrine 2. It is the nature of faith to apply the promises and mercies of God to our owne selues Whereby we see for our instruction that the nature and property of a true and liuely faith is to aprehend and apply God and his promises particularly to our selues It is a duty required of vs to labor for that faith which may be as an hand to lay holde on the mercies of God and to appropriate them vnto our selues This we see in the vow of Iacob a Gen. 28 21. If God wil be with me and wil keep me in this iourny which I go and wil giue me Bread to eate cloaths to put on so that I come againe vnto my Fathers house in safety then shal the Lord be my God This speciall application we see oftentimes in Dauid b Psal 22. 1. 104 1. My God my God why hast thou forsaken me And againe O Lord my God thou art exceeding great The same appeareth in Thomas one of the twelue when Christ who will not breake the bruised Reed nor quench the smoaking Flaxe had respect to the weakenesse of his Fayth and bad him see the print of the Nayles in his handes and put his Finger into his side hee cryed out c Iohn 20 28. Thou art my Lord and my God This Christ practiseth himselfe and teacheth others when he sayde to Mary d Iohn 20 17. Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father but go to my Bretheren and say vnto them I ascend vnto my Father and to your Father and vnto my God and to your God The Apostle Paule speaking of Christ and the benefites which he reapeth by him saith e Gal. 2 20. I am crucified with Christ but I liue yet not I any more but Christ liueth in me and in that I now liue in the flesh I liue by the faith in the sonne of God who hath loued me and giuen himselfe for me And in another place f 1 Tim. 1 12. I thanke him which hath made mee strong that is Christ our Lord for he counted me faithfull and put me in his seruice All these consents of the holy Scriptures serueth to confirme vs in this truth that true Fayth standeth in a particular applying of the generall promises of the Gospell Reason 1. The Reasons will make this yet more manifest vnto vs. For first euerie one that shall bee saued must haue a particular Faith of his owne and not satisfie himselfe with the Faith of another No man can be saued by another mans beleeuing no more then be nourished by another mans feeding The Prophet Habbakuk teacheth this point euidently saying g
to be true which the word teacheth touching God Christ Fayth Eternall life and such like but we must apply them to our own hearts haue a perticular faith of them otherwise we may be sent to Schoole to learn faith of the Deuils who go so farre And howsoeuer some may thinke it to bee a very grosse and homely comparison to compare men to the Deuils yet if wee examine the faith and practise of wicked and carnall men we shall easily perceiue not onely that the Deuils are equall vnto them but doo go manie degrees before them For first the Deuils vnderstand the Law and the Gospell They know the end of the one and the vse of the other They giue assent to the Couenant of Grace that it is true they know that it is certaine sure and that God will giue remission of sinnes and the glory of immortality to the members of his Church They know the Person the Natures the Offices of Christ They know that all things spoken in the Scripture shall be performed This appeareth in the confession which they make in many places of the Gospell concerning Christ r Marke 1 24. 3. 11 Luke 4 41. I know thee what thou art euen that holie one of God thou art the sonne of God thou art that Christ And the Apostle Iames speaking of such as gloried in a false faith but wanteth the true Faith sayeth Thou beleeuest that there is one God thou dooest well ſ Iames 2 19. the Deuils also beleeue it and tremble He setteth downe a chiefe point of Religion which the Deuils beleeue concerning the vnity of the God-head and this faith of the Deuil is not to be restrained to this one principall point but it stretcheth to the whole Doctrine of faith so that he setteth down expressely this one ground foundation instead of the whole body of Christianity For the Deuils do not only beleeue that there is one God who hath created all things and gouerneth all things and shall iudge all the world but that there is one Christ one Sauiour one Redeemer And this is a sure reason that they knowe this great Mystery of godlinesse God manifest in the flesh because they seeke to ouerthrow destroy and deface it by contrary errors But how manie are there among the sonnes of men that take themselues to bee great Christians and thinke they are better then the Deuils that know not these things Are there not many that are among vs and liue in the bosom of the Church who would defie them that should charge them to come behinde the Deuils yet know not the Doctrine of the Trinity the person of Christ the vnion of his Natures the end of the Lawe the Sacraments of the Church the Couenant of the Gospell the Nature of Faith the Iustification of a Sinner and the way of saluation Againe the Apostle teacheth not only that the Deuils beleeue the things that are written in the scripture but likewise that they tremble at the Iudgements of God contained in the scripture They knowe the promise of the Gospell they heare of remission of sinnes they beleeue there is in eternal life which the blessed of the Father shall inherite but they feele no ioy in it they receyue no comfort by it they are neuer a whit delighted with it because they know themselues separated from it and to be reserued for the wrath to com as we finde it vttered of the Deuils through the mouth of the possessed t Math. 8 29. Why art thou come to torment vs before our time Whereby they acknowledge that they looked for ●he accomplishment of threatnings and the feeling of torments but they would haue the time prolonged and put off so long a● they could And we see that they beleeue all matters of Faith to bee true but ●…y are not perswaded nor cannot beleeue that they pertaine any thing at all vnto them They haue no hope of mercy they haue no assurance of pardon they haue no expectation of saluation Now as they beleeue that the promises of God do not concern them so they know that the threatnings of God shal certainly come vpon them and that eternal torments are prepared for them which is the cause of their feare and trembling But how many wicked men are there that liue in sensuality and are drowned in security They are resolued to lye still in sin and yet consider not what hangeth ouer their heads Tell the Deuils of their estate wherein they stand and they tremble Tell the vngodly of their condition they are carelesse The Deuils in remembraunce of Iudgements despayre the vngodly presume The Deuils are constrained to confesse that God is iust the vngodly wash it away and say tush God is mercifull Thus doth Satan besot and bewitch the Reprobate teacheth them a lesson which he could neuer learn himselfe namely that Gods word is not all true and that the threatnings there pronounced shall not fall vpon them and therefore we see such as are taught and reprooued by the Ministry of the word either to be as sencelesse blockes not mooued at all with them or as open blasphemers reuiling and railing at the word These are notable and forward Schollers and haue profited deeply in the Deuils Schoole they are growne to bee more cunning then their Maister and haue out-gone him in their profession and therefore they must be as neere condemnation as he This faith then to beleeue that part of Gods worde which consisteth in beleeuing Gods vengeance and threatnings is hardly to be found among the vngodly and therefore the faith of the Deuils is more perfect which should teach vs to labour that our faith may exceed and go beyond the Deuils and that wee may seeke to apply the mercifull promises of God to our selues and so to find comfort in them which the Deuils want We must not only say Christ gaue himselfe but he gaue himselfe for me It is not enough to say he loueth man but he loueth me he is a Sauiour but hee is my Sauiour hee is a Redeemer but he is my Redeemer he forgiueth sinnes but hee forgiueth me my sinnes It is not enough to say he saued others but we must say he saueth me hee is not onely the God of others but he is my God and my Lord. This was the comfort that Dauid felt when hee saith u Psal 18 2. The Lorde is my Rocke and my Fortresse my God and my strength my shield the horne of my saluation and my refuge It is the tenor of the Couenant that God made with Abraham and all beleeuers x Gen. 17. 7. I will be thy God and the God of thy seede If then God haue promised this mercie and spoken peace vnto our Consciences saying to euerie faithfull person I will be thy God why should not euerie beleeuer take holde of this and say The Lord shall be my God as I am one of his people This is not to offer
signe of their Reprobation Lydia is commended in that she l Acts 16 4. attended vnto the things which Paule spake but it was the Lord that opened her heart before she could be a faithfull and fruitfull hearer To this purpose Moses speaketh to all Israell m Deut. 29 2 3 4. Ye haue seen all that the Lord did before your eyes in the Land of Egypt vnto Pharaoh and vnto al his seruants and vnto all his Land the great tentations which thine eyes haue seene those great Myracles and wonders yet the Lorde hath not giuen you an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vnto this day Nowe as this ouer-throweth such as teach and maintaine an vniuersall Vocation so it must serue to settle vs in the trueth of the Doctrine of particular election and predestination n Rom. 9 15 16 18 13 14 That it is neither in him that willeth nor in him that rundeth but in God that sheweth mercy He sheweth mercie vpon whom he will shew mercie and will haue compassion vpon whom he will haue compassion therefore he hath mercie vpon whom he will and whom he will he hardneth God loued Iacob and hated Esau so that it was saide The elder shall serue the younger The Lord electeth some vnto life and saluation before the foundations of the world he elected some and therefore not all before the beginning of the world and therefore not for their deserts who then had not their beeing vppon the earth Who art thou o Iob 9 4 Rom. 9 20. that wilt dispute with GOD Or what shall it auayle vs to question it and quarrell it with the Almightie May the p Esay 10 15. Rom. 9 21. Clay reason with the Potter or the Axe with the Carpenter or the Sawe with him that draweth it or the Rodde with him that taketh it Or shall the thing formed say vnto him that formed it Why hast thou made mee thus Dare any Seruant pry and search into all the secrets of his Maister Canst thou follow track the way of the Fish in the Waters of the Fowles in the Ayre of a Serpent vppon a stone of a Shippe in the Sea Let vs not aske a reason of his will but rather say with the Apostle q Ro. 11 33 34 O the deepenesse of the Riches both of the wisedome and Knowledge of GOD Howe vnsearchable are his Iudgementes and his wayes past finding out For who hath knowne the minde of the Lorde or who was his Counsellor or who hath giuen vnto him first and he shall be recompenced If God should doo equally well vnto all his Creatures then were hee after a sort so much lesse to be praised and magnifyed of some for his benefites seeing he should do nothing specially and singulerly to them more then to others Neither is there are iniquitie in our God in so doing for may hee not r Math. 20 13 do with his owne what he will May he not lighten what eyes hee will or shoot away what arrowes he is disposed without our certaine knowledge of his secret counsels Obiection But some man may say when an whole assembly haue the same meanes the same Ministery an whole Family the same teaching and instruction How is it that some beleeue others will not beleeue Some are conuerted others are hardned Some are elect others are reiected Answere I aunswere it is not for the Creature curiously to search into the workes of the Creator but to bee wise according to sobrietie and as well a man might demaund why all in the fielde is not pure Corne but some Tares Why all in the Barne is not Wheate but some Chaffe Why Trees beare some leaues and not all Fruite Why in a great house there are Vesselles of Golde and Siluer some to an honourable and others to a dishonourable vse Why there are as well Goats that will not heare as Sheepe that heare the voyce of the Shepheard The Lord Iesus adoreth the Counsell of his Father heerein and confesseth the reason to bee his will and heauenly pleasure and farther then this whosoeuer goeth higher then this whosoeuer ascendeth and deeper then this whosoeuer searcheth shall wander as in a maze and neuer returne shall fall downe headlong into a Gulfe and neuer rise vp againe Our Sauiour saith Å¿ Mat. 11 25 26 I giue thee thankes O Father Lord of Heauen and Earth because thou hast hid these thinges from the Wise and men of vnderstanding and hast opened them vnto Babes It is so O Father because thy good pleasure was such As for the condemnation of the wicked and the execution of the heauy wrath and iust iudgements of God there is more then sufficient due desert in the Reprobate and though the righteous Lord worke therein yet beware thou imagine any euill in him The raine moystneth an euill Tree and therefore it beareth bitter and no better fruite In that it beareth fruite it commeth of the moysture but in that it bringeth foorth euill fruite it commeth of his owne Nature The Sunne by the strength of his heate and vertue of the Beames thereof rayseth out of the Dirt and Dunghill many foule and filthy sauours that infect men and corrupt the Ayre the raising of them vp is from the Sunne the vnwholsome and noysome smelles are from the places themselues The Raine is not properly the cause of the euill fruite but the Nature of the Tree and therefore it woorthily calleth for the Axe to cut it downe and then iustly deserueth to be throwne into the fire The Sunne is not directly the cause of those filthie sauours that are extracted out of stinking Ponds and puddles but the Miery and marish Ditches themselues So is it with God he is as the Raine that falleth and as the Sunne that shyneth from Heauen t Acts 17 28. Hee mooueth the euill man who worketh euill the action is of God the euill is from the free will of man and from the soule spirite of the Deuill God is not the Authour of the euill and therefore let u Iam. 1 13 14 no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with euil neither tempteth he any man but euery man is tempted when he is drawne away by his owne concupiscence and is entised Seeing then the grace of Election of Redemption of Iustification of Vocation of Sanctification is not generall nor generally giuen vnto all but according to the free purpose and pleasure of him that chooseth redeemeth calleth iustifieth and sanctifieth Let vs acknowledge his great mercie to the praise and glorie of his name when hee maketh his owne ordinances auayleable which we see in many to bee vnprofitable let vs confesse his louing kindnesse toward vs when he doth beget vs by the immortall seede of regeneration and worketh effectually our saluation For what haue wee in vs to mooue the Lorde to sauour vs and followe vs with a