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A18772 A postil or orderly disposing of certeine epistles vsually red in the Church of God, vppon the Sundayes and holydayes throughout the whole yeere. Written in Latin by Dauid Chytræus, and translated intoo English by Arthur Golding. Seen and allowed according too the order appoynted Chytraeus, David, 1531-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. aut 1570 (1570) STC 5263; ESTC S107883 320,443 478

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come whervnto hée added assured recordes as the giftes of interpretation and other things whiche confirmed that those dreames were sent from god Suche were the dreames of Ioseph Gen. xxxj Of Pharao Gen. xlj Of Nabuchodonosor Dan. ij and .iiij. Of Ioseph the husbande of Mary Math. j. and .ij. c. These were the chéefe wayes by which God reueled to his prophetes the things that were to come But in this saying of Ioels these woords prophecie visions and dreames betoken the very gyft of the holy ghost whereby he with a new lyght cléereth the mynds of those that beleue the Gospell and gouerneth them And in the new Testament prophecie oftentimes signifieth nothyng else but a lyght ryghtly vnderstandyng the doctrine of the Gospell and the gift of expounding or opening the propheticall Scriptures as may be gathered by the texts Rom. xij j. Cor. xiij xiiij and in other places And if any mā now a days wil surmise himself to haue Propheticall dreames or visions let them be compared with the woord deliuered by god For if things stryuing with the doctrine of the lawe or the Gospel be commaunded in those dreames no doute but they be fantasticall and accursed And in generall let the saying of Salomon concerning dreames be alwayes had in sight Where as bée many dreames there bée many vanities But feare thou God. Ninthly the woonders which Ioell wryteth shal go before the greate day of the Lorde dreadfull too the wicked that is to say the day of Chrystes Resurrection or of the Reuelation of the holy ghost are thought of the learned sorte too bée vtterly the selfe same whiche are reported by the Euangelists too haue happened at the time of Christes passion when the sonne in the firmament was ouer cast with darknesse frō aboue as with the lay of a smoke and the earth quaked and the stones claue in sunder And it is a likelyhod that in the moone also appeared sorowful and bloudy spots The fire is expoūded by Hierom of the fyry tungs that sat vpon the heads of the apostles Other some are of opinion that in the time of the Eclips whiche happened at the passion of Chryst the heauen also flashed fyre and flames lept out of the clyued stones Tenthly let this last sentence in especially bée fastened in the innermost bowelles of the hart Euery one that calleth vppon the name of the Lord shall bee saued This is the onely way and meanes of obteyning remission of sinnes the holy Ghost and eternall saluation namely too aske these benefites at Gods hand for Christes sake and too apply them too a mans self by faith This place dooth Paule cite Rom. x. and addeth a most learned exposition in these woords There is but one Lord of all ritch to all that call vpon him for euery one that calleth vppon the name of the Lorde shall bee saued But how shall they call vppon him in whome they haue not beleeued how shall they beleeue on whome they haue not heard how shall they heare without a preacher c. Therefore with this place let the studiouse sorte conferre all that Sermon of Paule which comprehendeth a most large doctrine concerning the maner of atteinyng too euerlasting saluacion● of inuocation of the ministerie of the woorde by preaching through which faith and inuocation are kindled in the hartes of the faithfull of the workfulnesse of the woorde of Apostles of the vniuersall calling of all nacions and of the cause of the reiecting of the wicked The second part of Peters Sermon WHich conteyneth y doctrine concerning the cause of eternal saluacion that is to wit y death resurrection of our Lord Iesus Christ for whom and by whom alone remission of sinnes rightuousnesse the holy Ghost euerlasting saluacion are bestowed vppon vs men Afterward Peter in a short abridgement cōprehendeth the chéef articles of our faith concerning the Son of God our Lord Iesus Christ Wheras in our Créede wée say I beléeue in Iesus Christ the only sonne of God our lord who suffered vnder Ponce Pylate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell rose agein the third day from the dead he ascended into Heauen sitteth on the right hand of God y Father almighty frō thence he shal come to iudge the quick the dead I beléeue in the holy ghost Al these articles of our belefe dooth S. Peter set forth with singular light somnes of words in this part of his sermō Repent THe third part of Peters Sermon conteyneth the doctrine concerning the maner of Iustification or of the meanes wherby God offreth applyeth vntoo vs the benefites of Christ that is to say forgiuenesse of sinnes euerlasting saluacion For like as Christ in the last chapter of Luke commaundeth the Apostles to preach repentance forgiuenesse of sinnes in his name so in this place Peter when his hearers demaunded of him by what meanes they mighte obteyne forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting saluacion willeth them to repent to beleue that for by Christ theyr sinnes are released the seale of which releasement is Baptime Assuring them that they also shal be partakers of the gifte of the holy Ghoste who purging away the dregges of their sinnes shall begin a new light rightuousnesse life in the hartes of the beléeuers And it is not to bée douted but that Peter did in this place set out with many mo wordes the doctrine of fayth which receyueth forgiuenesse of sinnes for Christes sake who was crucified for vs according as he sayth hereafter in the .x. Chapter Vnt●● this man do all the Prophetes beare witnesse that euery one which beléeueth in him receyueth forgiuenesse of sinnes by his name Vppon Whitson Tuysday The Epistle ●●● x. ANd he comaded vs to preach vnto the people testify that it is he that is ordeined of god a iudge of quick and dead To him giue al the prophets witnesse that thorow his name all that beleue in him shall receue remission of sins Whyle Peter yet spake these woordes the holy Ghost fell on all them whiche hard the preaching And they of the circumcision whiche beleeued were astonied as many as came with Peter bycause that on the Gentils also was shed out the gifte of the holy Ghoste For they harde them speake with tongues and magnifie god Then aunswered Peter can any man forbidde water that these should not be baptised which haue receyued the holy Ghoste aswell as wee And hee commaunded them to bee baptised in the name of the Lorde Then prayed they him to tary a fewe dayes The places are foure 1 A notable saying conteyning the summe of the doctrine of mannes Iustification before God. 2 Of the holy Ghost what he is why and too whome he is giuen that is too wit those that heare the woorde 3 Of the calling of the Heathen 4 Of Baptim At this time I will speak of no more but the first place and that bréefly The
is woorkfull in you that beléeue ij Cor. v. God hath reconciled vs too himselfe by Iesus Chryst and hath béetaken vnto vs the office of preaching the attonement Therfore are wée messengers in the roume of Chryst euen as though God did exhort you by vs j. Cor. j. It pleased GOD through foolishnesse of preaching too saue them that beléeue Act. xj Peter shall speake woordes vntoo thée by which thou shalt bée saued bothe thou and thy housholde Esay lv The woord that passeth out of my mouthe shall not returne emptie vntoo mée but shall woorke all things that I haue sent it vntoo Rom. x. Faith commeth by heering and héering by the woord of god Rom. xv Whatsoeuer things bee written c. Iohn xvij I pray not for the Apostles c. Iohn xv You are made cleane by the woord The second place Of the efficient cause of the woorkfulnesse of the ministerie and of all good and healthfull deedes NOt by mannes power dooth the preaching of the Gospel woorke saluation too euery one that beléeueth neyther is true knowledge of God and rightuousnesse and eternall lyfe wrought in the hartes of the héerers by the woord of the Gospell for the woorthinesse and vertues of the ministers or preachers but by the woorking of God himselfe who thorough the ministerie and preaching of his woord kindleth godly thoughts or the light of the true knowledge of Chryst which is faith and quickeneth or trāsformeth our harts and mynds intoo the same likenesse that they may bée made partakers of the light and lyfe of god And therefore Paule sayeth Such trust haue wee through Chryst to Godward not that wee are sufficient of our selues too think any thing as of our selues but all our ablenesse commeth of God As though Paule should say Whereas I auouche that you Corinthians being conuerted by my preaching doo beare witnesse of my faithfulnesse and disproue the slaūders of the false Apostles I say so not trusting too myne owne strength but onely vntoo God who wrought mightily by my preaching And herewithall this sentence of Paules concerning the weaknesse of frée will or of mannes owne power dooth vs too vnderstand that it is so poysoned weakened and fordoone with the venim of sinne that of it owne strength it can neither woork the rightuousnesse that liketh God nor atteyne forgiuenesse of sinnes and saluation nor think any thing that pleaseth God or may bée helpfull too it selfe in the conuersion or iustifying of it selfe and much lesse can woork toward it like as also he sayeth j. Corin. ij The naturall man perceyueth not the things that are of Gods spirite For vntoo him they are foolishnesse and he can not vnderstand them bicause they are too bée weyed spiritually ▪ Thirdly also he dooth vs too wit in generall that nothing can bée doone eyther in the spirituall lyfe to soule health or in the ciuill lyfe rightly and fortunatly but by the helpe and gift God as it is sayd Iohn iij. A man can not take aught too himself except it bee giuen him from heauen And Nazianzene Onlesse God giue labour auayleth nothing The third place Of the Letter and the Spirit or the difference betweene the ministerie of the old Testament of the new which is taken of the effects or formall cause THe new Testament dooth most properly betoken the same thing that dooth the Gospell or the promise that concerneth the sonne of God our Lord and redeemer Iesus Christ and Gods grace remission of sinnes and euerlasting saluation too bée giuen fréely for Chrysts sake onely too those that beléeue by the ministerie of which promise the holy Ghost woorketh and kindleth new light new rightuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe in our harts The Letter signifieth the lawe of Moyses both ceremoniall and morall written with letters in tables of stone and all obedience or indeuer of dooing the ceremoniall or moral woorks of the Law without the holy ghost or without true faith kindled by the holy Ghost The Spirit signifieth Chryst himselfe or the holy spirit of Chryst who by the preaching of the gospell kindleth true light of the knowledge of God true comfortablenesse rightuousnesse and lyfe in mennes hartes as is sayd j. Iohn v. This is the witnesse of the Gospell that God giueth vs eternall lyfe of frée gifte and this lyfe is in his sonne Hée that hath the sonne hath lyfe and hée that hath not the sonne of God hath not lyfe Therefore the Spirit and lyfe of the whole doctrine deliuered by GOD in eche of the Testamentes yea and of all good woorkes ceremonies and good intentes is all only Chryst And therefore sayeth Paule that God made him a Minister of the new Testament or of the Gospell and not of the Letter or of the Lawe onely or of figures and woorkes what soeuer c. But of Chrystes Spirit which woorketh by the Gospell For the Letter that is too say Gods Lawe and all manner of doctrine or imitation and obedience and good intent of dooing the Lawe without the holy Ghost killeth that is too say bringeth not lyfe and true comfort too mennes myndes And in especiall the morall Lawe by shewing accusing and condemning sinne and by reueling Gods displeasure dooth onely kill and cast away all men intoo euerlasting damnation And therefore it is called the ministration of death as it is sayd j. Corinthi xv The sting of death is sinne and the power of sin is the lawe And Austin expoundeth this saying lernedly and godlily in his booke Of the spirit and the letter Cap. iiij and in the chapters folowing And Roma vij At the comming of the commaundement sinne reuiued and I was dead But Chrysts Spirite is effectuall by the Gospell and lighteneth and quickeneth mennes hartes and stirreth vp in their myndes not onely the shadowes of outward woorkes or imitations and gestures or vayne conceytes and good intentes but a true and new light rightuousnesse and lyfe and also kindleth and inflameth them with a burning fayth and loue toowardes GOD and other motions conformable too the wil of Chryst Vntoo this auouchement of the effectualnesse of the Gospel Paule addeth a comparison of the ministration of Moyses Lawe with the ministerie of the Gospell and by the figure of Rhetorike called Expolition repeteth the selfsame sentence well néere foure tymes in exchaunge of woordes The pubishing of Moyses Lawe was doone with great miracles and was exceeding glorious Ergo much more shall the publishing of Chrystes Gospell bee glorious and mightie in woorking and in déed bring eternall lyfe and lyght considering how all that ordināce of Moyses ministration was appoynted and all the figures ceremonies and lawes of Moyses were set out for Chryst Now if the ministration of death through the letters written in stones was glorious that is too say if the ministration of Moyses Lawe written with letters in Tables of stone whiche killeth all men and condemneth them too endlesse death were glorious beautifull and cléere in so
Bycause yee are sonnes GOD hath sent the spirit of his sonne into our hartes which crieth Abba Father VVherfore now thou art not a seruant but a sonne If thou bee a sonne thou art also an heyre of God through Christ The disposement It perteyneth too the kynd that instructeth For it reckeneth vp in order the effectes or chéef benefites of the sonne of God who is borne too vs and gyuen too vs and he setteth them playnly out by a similitude taken of Seruantes and Heires The chéef benefits which the sonne of God hath obteyned for the churche by his wonderfull birth are fower 1 Redemption from the curse of the Lawe 2 Adoption too bée the sonnes of God. 3 The giuing of the holy ghost who cryeth Abba father 4 The heritage of eternall lyfe Of these benefites will I speake in order and bréefly And I exhorte the héerers too consider diligently and aduisedly and too bestowe in the bottome of their hartes this notable sentence which comprehendeth the summe of the whole Gospell After that the fulnesse of the tyme was come or after that the tyme appoynted by the eternall purpose of God was fully come that is too wit ▪ the yéere frō the creation of the world 3962. God sent his sonne borne of a womā made vnder the lawe too the intent he should redeeme those that were vnder the Lawe that wee myght receyue the adoption of sonnes And bicause wee are sonnes God hath sent the spirit of his sonne intoo our hartes crying Abba father Therfore thou art no longer a seruant but a sonne And if thou be a sonne thou art also an heire of God through Chryst Now let vs first consider the notable record concerning the twoo natures in Chryste God sent his sonne borne of a woman This Iesus borne of the virgin Marie is the onely begottē sonne of God that not by adoption but by nature Ergo he is by nature very God also according as wée haue hard the other day of Chrystes birth out of the first Epistle the first Chap. too the Hebrewes And herevntoo let vs adde the like sayings Iohn iij. So God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne c. and Ioh. j. Wée haue seene the glorie of him as of the fathers only begotten j. Ioh. iiij Herin appéered the louingnesse of God that he hath sent his onely begotten sonne intoo the worlde that wée might liue through him This sonne of God was borne of a woman Ergo he is by nature very man also Paule taketh these woordes out of the first promise concerning Chryst made too Adam Eue the womans seede shall crush the serpents head And it is woorth the considering that he saythe Of a woman that he might gyue vs too vnderstand y the sonne of God tooke vpon him mannes nature of the substance of the virgin Marie and not that he was sent downe from heauen through the Uirgin Marie as through the pype of a conduit Here ensueth a beadrol of the benefits which Christ hath brought vs by his birth MAde bond to the Lawe too redeeme them that were vnder the Lawe Excéeding great and vnserchable wisdom is conteyned in these fewe woords Whiche though wée bée not able too perceyue throughly in this Dimnesse yet is it too bée vnfolded bréefly that the héerers may looke somewhat néerer vppon it Gal. iij. Paule sayeth Chryst hath redéemed vs from the curse of the Lawe and is become accursed for vs For it is written cursed is euery one that abydeth not in all things that are written in the Lawe For it is an euerlasting and vnchaungeable Maximée of Gods iustice that men must eyther obey Gods Lawe without any sinne or else by sinning become accursed and so bée caste intoo eternall peynes Therefore when as all whole mankynd was become subiect too the curse of the Lawe too Gods dreadfull wrath and too euerlasting damnation thorough sinne Rom. iij. Too the intent all mouthes myght bée stopped c It was decréed by the wonderfull aduice of the Godhead that the sonne taking our nature vppon him shold turne vppon himself the burthen of the Lawe of Gods wrath of sinne and of eternall damnation and pay the full raūsome for vs like as if one were greatly oppressed with det or hild prisoner in Turkie and should be set free by another that would vndertake eyther the burthen of the det or of prisonership for him and pay his raunsome Therfore vseth Paule in this place the woord Raunsome whiche is as much too say as too buy a man out by paying his full woorth for him Wée could not bée set frée by our owne deseruings vertues or weldooings Not Abel by his death not the meeknesse and patience of Socrates or Phocion not Royaltie not power not artillerie not welth could compasse this thing Oaly wée may thank God who hathe giuen vs victorie by our Lord Iesus Chryste who hath nayled the curse of the Lawe too his crosse Collos ij And he shall say too vanquished death Death where is thy sting Hel where is thy victorie The sting of death is sinne and the power of sinne is the Lawe j. Corinth xv And death did spred it selfe intoo all men bycause all men haue sinne But sinne is not imputed where there is no Law c Rom. v. All these mischéeues that is too wit sinne Gods wrath the curse of the Lawe the Deuils Tyrannye and endlesse damnation hath the sonne of GOD who is giuen too vs turned vppon himselfe and redéemed vs from these euils That wee by adoption myght receyue the heritage of sonnes The second benefit is Adoption too bée the sonnes of god The only begotten and naturall sonne of God begotten of the substance of the Father before all worlds is our Lorde Iesus Chryst Iohn j. and .iij. j. Jhon iiij By and for this only begotten sonne are wée receyued too bée sonnes by adoption whom the eternal father embraceth with fatherly good will for his beloued sonnes sake as brethren of Chryst and heires of the heauenly light wisdome rightuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting Than which benefite a greater cannot bée deuised j. Iohn iij. Sée what a louingnesse the Father hathe voutsaued vppon vs to name vs the sonnes of god Ryght déerbeloued Now are wée the sonnes of God and yet hathe it not appéered as yet what wée shall bée hereafter But wée knowe that assoone as that shall appéere wée shal bée like vnto him bycause wée shall sée him as he is Iohn j. He gaue them power too become the sonnes of God as manye as beléeue in his name Math. vj. Our father whiche art in heauen And bycause yee are sonnes GOD hath sent the spirit of his sonne intoo our harts crying Abba father The third benefite is the giuing of the holy Ghost who kindleth in our hartes the true calling vppon god Héere must the whole doctrine concerning the holy ghost bée repeted what the holy ghost is how great a benefite of
our enemies the Diuell sinne and the accusatiō of the Lawe or the handwryting of our conscience and of the subduing of these dooth he make his shewe Of this most high benefite of Chrystes resurrection speaketh Paule the greatnesse whereof no tung of man is able too vtter All goods all Lordshippes all kingdomes are nothing in comparison of this benefite For whereas all men must néedes dye yet shall those that flée vntoo Christs death and Resurrection with fayth bée deliuered from death and shall bée crowned with ryghtuousnesse lyfe and glorie euerlasting The second benefite is true comfort and ioy of hart in all miseries too those that vphold themselues with assured hope of the resurrection and the euerlasting lyfe with Chryst Art thou poore despysed sick bannished c Chryste who is rysen from death will defend thée comfort thée gouerne thée and at length render thée eternall lyfe All men saeke and wonderously couet gladnesse and ioy in this lyfe and comfort in aduersitie The couetous pesone delyghteth more in his monye than in god The Marchantman ioyeth in his gayne Kings and Princes make warres too enlarge their Dominions that they may afterward take their pleasure with ease But there is but only one ioy and comfort that is stedye namely Chryst rysing from death and raysing vs vp toogither with himself and quickening vs. The third benefite is Resurrection of our bodyes wherof wée will by Gods helpe entreate too morowe Of the third place THe true kéeping of the Easter feast is all the whole time of our lyfe too acknowledge Chryst our passeouer offered for vs taking vppon him the sinnes of the world and earnestly too repent vs of our sinnes which are put ouer too this Lamb and in our anguishes whiche ryse by the féeling of Gods wrath or by beholding our own sinnes death or other calamities stedely too beléeue that Chryst our passeouer is offered vp for vs and that our sinnes are taken away by this Lamb of God And that euen after wée bée dead wée shall doutlesse bée restored too lyfe and ioy euerlasting with Chryst And too the intent wée may bée thankfull too Chryste for these his so excéeding great benefites wée must ageine on the other syde with reuerent mynd and voyce set them foorth and so frame and gouerne our whole lyfe all our intentes endeuers and dooings that they may please Christ and agrée with his will and woord In this méening Paule sayeth that too kéepe the passeouer is all one as too purge the old leuen that is too say sinne or the old man or forworne false opinions concerning God lustes vicious inclinations affections and out ward actions fyghting ageinst the Lawe of God. He boroweth his maner of spéeche of the Iewish Passenuer in which they were compelled for seuen dayes toogither too eate vnleuened or swéete bread wherevppon it was also called the feast of swéete bread And thereuppon commeth the custome the is vsed at this day too distribute vnleuened bread in the Lordes Supper Also oftentymes elsewhere in the scripture Leuen betokeneth false doctrine or faultie behauiour and sinnes which make other folks the woorse marre or make sower all the meale or lump of dowe Paule therefore willeth the old leuen too bée purged away that is too wit that false doctrine and other sinnes shuld bée cast out and taken away by repentance That yee may ▪ bee new dowe that is too say a newe lump or new men sprinkled and clenzed with the precious blud of the Lamb Chryst and hauing new lyght new ryghtuousnesse and new obedience acceptable too God. As yee are sweet bread that is too say vnleuened or without the leuen of sinne or rightuouse and holy namely by imputation of Chrystes ryghtuousnesse holynesse and by beginning new obedience but not as yet by accomplishing it And therefore there is as yet néede of continuall purging the remnaunts of sinne There remayne in al the Sainctes in this lyfe great weakenesse and much filthynesse of sinne The mynde is still steyned with the dregges of the leuen of many doutings and false imaginations concerning God ageinst whiche those that bée borne ageine by the holy Ghoste doo kéepe continuall warre by helpe of the holy Ghoste Fayth feare loue of GOD and the reste of vertues are verye faint and féeble in the will. And on the contrarie part there bée many sinfull inclinations and vehement enforcementes too carelessenesse distrust and pride many burning flames and heates of leawde lustes and many furious fyers of affections in the hart ageinst which they stryue that are regenerated by the holy Ghost These dregges and filthynesse of the old leuen dooth sainct Paule will vs too clenze out continually during our whole lyfe and in the meane whyle too assure our selues by fayth that though wée bée bothe vnworthy and vncleane yet for the sonne of GOD our Passeouer offered vp for vs who is the roof that couereth our filthynesse wée are thorough excéeding great mercye receyued and by imputation of his clennesse and holynesse vntoo vs are accepted for pure swéet bread that is too say for ryghtuouse and holy as fully as if there remayned no dregges at all of the old Leuen in vs But wée haue spoken of this principall méening of this Epistle a little before Nowe let vs go thorough with the Exhortation too the true kéeping of this Feaste of Passeouer Therfore let vs make good cheere In the Gréeke it is Heortazomen which is as much too say as let vs kéepe holy-day eyther of the woord Rhezo too doo holy things or of the woord Agora which is a congregation or assembly or else of the woord Ageiro which signifyeth too come toogither or too assemble Heortazein therefore signifyeth not too eate or too drinke and too spend the tyme in fond and slouthful ydlenesse but too celebrate a feastfull day or too allowe a Saboth or too assemble too the ministration of the Gospell too héere the doctrine concerning the persone and benefites of the Lamb Iesus Chryste who suffered for vs and is rysen ageyne too haue a féeling of Repentance too beléeue that wée are accepted of GOD for this onely Lambes sake And vppon trust of this Lamb too demaund and looke for all good things at gods hand too acknowledge him too giue him thanks too mortifie the remnantes of the leuen or of sinne sticking still in vs and with new lyght righteousnesse and obedience too glorifye God both all the tyme of this lyfe and euermore Not with old leuē that is too say not with folowing sinne ageinst conscience Nor in the leuen of maliciousnesse wickednesse that Gréek woord Kakia is a general name of al vyce signifyeth the sins of ouersyght or doone willingly which are cōmitted by negligence lyghtnesse or wantonnesse As Honorius offendeth through negligence or slouthfulnesse Yea and sometyme euen a good man may doo amisse and yet bée a good man still But the woord Poneria is
deliuerāce of the ten commaundements vnto the Pentecost of the new Testament in which the holy Ghost in the visible shape of fire was shed vppon the Apostles are 1542. yéeres And from the first Pentecost in which the ten commaundements wer giuen by God vntoo the Pentecost or Whitsuntide of this yeere from Chrystes birth 1570. are passed 3079. yéeres God ordeyned among the people of Israell the feastes of Easter Pentecost Tabernacles c. that they might mainteine the memorie of the benefites that he had bestowed vppon the Israelites in conueying them out of Egipt and in publishing the lawe in defending them in the wildernesse And too the entent the people myght bée instructed cōcerning the benefites of the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Chryst for whose sake they béeing deliuered out of the thraldome of sinne and endlesse damnation were gouerned by the holy Ghoste and made heires of the euerlasting and heauenly Tabernacle Therefore it was Gods will that the people also should kéepe the Feast of Pentecost chéefely for thrée causes First that the maruelous publishing of Gods lawe which he had set foorthe that day vppon the toppe of mount Sinai with notable tokens might the more certeinly be spred abrode For although he had sowed intoo mennes harts a perceiuerance of his lawe before from their first creation yet notwithstanding he repeated it ageine vppon mount Sinai least béeing darkned in this sorowfull mistinesse which folowed mannes fall it might haue bin vtterly quenched in vs and too the entent wée should know that this natural perceiuerance of the lawe was spred intoo our hartes by God himself and specially that the dreadfull iudgemēt of God ageinst sin myght bée manifested too mankinde by the lawe shooting foorth the thunderbolts and lightenings of Gods wrath Another cause was for that God would haue new loaues of bread made of the corne that grew the same yéere offered too him at the feast of Whitsuntyde too the entēt his presentnesse and goodnesse in cherishing and mainteining this bodely lyfe myght bée acknowledged also Thirdly God would that the people shuld bée put in mind of the Whitsuntyde of the newe Testament which was too come and of the shedding foorthe of the holy Ghost intoo the hartes of the beléeuers by whose help the law of God which otherwise were vtterly impossible too mans nature is begō new rightuousnesse comfort lyfe euerlasting kindled in our harts Of wonderful purpose would God haue the times or dayes in which the law was deliuered and which the holy Ghost was shed foorth and the maner of the manifestation of bothe too agree For looke on what day the lawe of God was published with flames of thunder and lightning vpon moūt Sinai the sameday was the holy Ghoste also sheaded forth vppon the Apostles in the likenesse of flames of firy tunges For the holy Ghost by firie tunges that is too say by preachinge the woorde of the lawe and the Gospell gathered a Churche too God out of nacions of sundry tunges and is effectuall in it And he kindleth in mennes hartes first a fire or a beholding of Gods dreadfull wrath which is a consuming fire and secondly the lyght of faith comfort ioy and lyfe promised for Christes sake and the fire of burning loue towards God and of al other vertues Héerby also is somewhat ment concerning the person of the holy ghost namely that he is the flame of that mutuall loue wherwith the eternal father and the sonne embrace eche other and wherwith they afterward ioyne the Church too them But in especially in the storie of this feastfull day let the comparison of eyther of the Pentecostes bée considered Of which the first dooth with darting the thunderboltes lightning of Gods law so fray the multitude of folk standing by that with quaking and astonyed myndes they flée from the sight and spéeche of god But at this other Pentecost the holy Ghost is poured out vppon the Sainctes and he moueth their harts not too flée from God but too approche vntoo God vppon trust of his sonne and too crie Abba Father Romains the eight The second place Of the persone of the holy Ghost THe holy Ghost began not then first too bée nor was then first shed intoo the harts of the Saincts when he sate vpon the Apostles in shape of firy tūgs y fiftith day after Christes Resurrection but he was with GOD the Father and the sonne from euerlasting created all other things of nought and imparted lyfe and power too thryue and encrease too all things growing in their first creation And afterward at al tymes in the Church he kindled the light of fayth or true acknowledgement of God and spirituall rightuousnesse and eternall lyfe in all the elect as is sayd in Gen. j. The Spirit of the Lord cherished the waters Psal xxxiij By the woord of the Lorde the heauens were stablished and all the host of them by the breth of his mouth j. Pet. j. The spirit of Christ in the Prophetes foretold the passion of Chryst Actes xxviij As the holy Ghost hath spoken by the Prophet Esai Nowe there are an eyght hundred yéeres or there abouts from Esai too the sheading foorth of the holy Ghoste vppon the Apostles Neyther may wée surmyse that the Apostles did then first receyue the holy Ghost whē the tenth day after Christs ascension he was shed out vppon them in the visible shape of firie tungs for in the .xx. of Iohn it is sayd expressely Take yée the holy Ghoste And this generall rule is well knowen Rom. viij They that are led by the spirit of GOD are the sonnes of god If any man haue not the spirit of Chryst he is none of his But there are two manner of gifts of the holy Ghoste One sort is common too all the godly of whiche is spoken Gal. v. The frutes of the spirit are fayth ioy peace and loue c. An other sort are singular and as it were peculiar priuiledges of some certein persones as the sodeine knowledge of diuerse tungs vnappalled courage of mynd in professing and spreading abrode the Gospell the gift of healing and of woorking other miracles Now vpon Whitson Sūday there were poured out vpō the Apostles not only those common and ordinarie things whiche were also begonne in them before but also these wonderfull giftes of the holy ghost and such as were graunted too fewe by speciall priuiledge of god And this maruelous and visible sheading foorth of the gifts of the holy ghost was then doone at that tyme too the intent it myght bée an assured witnesse that the holy Ghoste is at all tymes afterward by the preaching of the gospel without fayle sheaded inuisibly into the hartes of the beléeuers and that he kindleth in them true inuocatiō ioyfulnesse hope and other motions pleasing God and transformeth them to the image of god Now let this ensewing such as it is suffyse for a description of the persone of
the holy Ghost The holy Ghost is the third persone of the Godhead procéeding from the Father and the sonne of one substance and of one euerlastingnesse with the father the sonne which in the first creatiō togither with the father the sonne did cherish and quicken all things that bréede and afterward at all tymes is sent intoo the harts of those that beléeue the gospel too kindle in them light too the true knowing of God and too bée their Aduocate cherishiug comforting quickning their harts with spiritual rightuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe This description is builded out of the Textes folowing For that the holy ghost is a persone of the Godhead or verely and in nature God of one substance with the father the sonne the institution of our Baptim dooth euidently confirme Mat. xxviij Baptizing them in the name of rhe father and the sonne and of the holy ghost For in Baptim the true and almightie God is called vppon and a record is vttered that the baptized persone is receyued intoo Gods fauor and washed from his sinnes and endewed with rightuousnesse and euerlasting saluation And that on the other syde he ought too acknowledge this only true God and too cal vppon him and woorship him Now seing that in Baptim the father the sonne and the holy ghost are called vppon toogither and ioyned in one selfe same felowship of honour the Godhead might maiestie substance of all the thrée persones must néedes bée all one like as also it is sayd j. Iohn v. There are thrée that beare witnesse in heauen the father the woord and the holy ghost these thrée are one that is too say they are of one selfsame being or substance Basill Wée must bée baptized according as wée haue receiued of Chryst and wée must beléeue as we were baptized and confesse as wée beléeue the father the sonne and the holy Ghost Eusebius Palestinus Wée cal vppon the holy God the fountain of lyght by our Sauiour Iesus toogither with the holy Ghost c. And there bée many Argumentes auouched else where whiche confirme that the holy Ghost is verely and by nature God. Act. xxviij The holy Ghost spake by the Prophet Esai Go and speake too this people say to them Herken c. But Esai in his vj. chapter sayeth he heard the voyce of the Lord God saying Go tell this people c. Ergo the holy ghost is the Lord God or verely and by nature God. Act. v. Peter sayeth that Ananias made a lye too the holy ghost and anon after he sayth Thou hast not lyed to mē but to god Hereuppon it foloweth that the holy ghost is God. Also the holy ghost is euery where yea and he dwelleth substāciallyin the harts of the godly filleth al the saints by imparting his being vnto them he teacheth regenerateth and sancti●ieth them all which things are the properties of the Godhead too doo That the holy ghost procéedeth frū the father the sōne yet is a distinct persone frō the father the sōne there be many proofs Ioh. xv Whē the cōforter shalbecōme whō I wil send you frō the father the spirit of truth which procéedeth from the father Iohn xv● When that spirit of truthe shalbée come he shall take of myne bycause al things whiche the father hath are myne that is too say I am of the same substāce with the father I haue the same power maiestie glorie being that the father hath And this my being do I cōmunicate to the holy ghost who though he take of myne that is too say of my substance yet is he a distinct persone from mée according as it is sayd a little erst If he come not I c. Roma viij And ofte elswhere he is named the Spirit of Chryst and the spirit of the Sonne Therefore he is in very déed the spirit of the sonne and procéedeth from the sonne as well as from the father as in Iohn xx Chryst breathing vppon his Disciples méeneth that he will impart too the Apostles the spirit procéeding out of his owne bres● That in the first creation the holy ghost cherished things growing and euer since hath bin present too the Church and gouerned all the godly it is euident by the Textes cited in the beginning of this second place And the rest of the members of this definition which reherse the operations and benefites of the holy Ghost shall bée declared foorthwith The third place THe office and chéef benefites of the holy Ghost are comprehended by Chryste in twoo termes when he nameth him the spirit of Truthe and the Comforter And therefore we will vnfold these two Termes shortly He is termed the spirit of truthe first bycause he is not only soothfast and voyd of vntruthe but also is the authour and preseruer of the true doctrine concerning God in the publike ministerie and the shewer of the true interpretation and discernement of all sectes and opinions Iohn xiiij The holy Ghost shall teache you al things j. Ioh. ij These things haue I wrytten concerning them that seduce you And the anoynting which you haue receyued of God abydeth in you and teacheth you all things and is true and there is no vntruthe with him Secondly bycause that in the hartes of them that beléeue the Gospell he kindleth the lyght of the true knowledge of Gods being and will and true acknowledgement of sinne and true fayth settled in the fatherly good will of God promised for Chrystes sake sake j. Corin. ij None knoweth the things of God but the spirit of god But God hath opened them too vs by his spirite For the spirit sercheth all things yea euèn the bottome of Gods secretes concerning our redemption and saluation Thirdly bycause he stirreth vp true in●o●ation in mēnes hartes Zach. xij I will poure out the spirite of Thankes giuing and prayer vppon the house of Dauid ●oma viij Yée haue re●eyu●● the spirit of adoption of sonnes by which wée ●●ye ●bba father Fourthly by cause that in the ha●●●● of the godly he kindleth the fyre of true loue or louingnesse towardes God and our neyghbour out of which flowe all other vertues ●ō v. The loue of God is shed in our hartes by the holy Ghoste which is giuen vs Gal. v. The frutes of the spirite are ioy peace louingnesse c. The Gréeke woord Paracletus signifieth an Aduocate or cōforter For like as an Aduocate in court matters is at hād with his clyent coūselling hartening and comforting him so dooth the holy Ghost play the same partes in the myads of the godly For in so great darknesse of mennes mynds and so horrible falles euen of the wyse ●or● the holy Ghost hadde néede too stand continually too the helme in all the intentes and dooings of this lyfe according as Dauid prayeth psal lj A pure hart create in mée O God and renew a right spirits in my bowels Giue m●●
promis Luke xj How much more shal the heuenly father giue the holy ghost to those the ask him Therfore let this most large promise stir vs vp to sue daily vnto God with most harty and ernest entreatance that this gouerner the holy ghost may be sent into our harts his gifts be incresed in vs And let vs with so much the more héed circumspectnesse modestie rule our behauior least through our offences cōmitted ageinst cōscience the holy ghoste be gréeued and so taking displeasure depart out of the tēple of our hart vtterly forsake vs Finally let vs cōtinually recite this prayer of Dauids A clean hart create in me O God renue a stedfast spirit in my bowels Cast mée not away from thy face and take not thy holy spirit from mee Restore to mée the gladnesse of thy saluatino and strengthen mée with thy free spirite Vppon Whitson Monday ¶ The Epistle Act. ij BVt Peter stepped forth with the eleuen and lift vp his voyce and sayd vnto them Yee men of lewry all yee that inhabite Hierusalem be this known vntoo you and with your eares heare my wordes These are not drunkē as ye suppose for it is yet but the third houre of the day But this is that which was spoken by the prophete Ioell It shal be in the last days sayeth God of my spirit I will poure out vppon all fleshe And your sonnes and your doughters shal prophesy and your yong men shal see visions and your old men shal dreame dreames And on my seruāts and on my handmaydens I will poure out my spirit in those days and they shal prophesie And I will shewe woonders in heauen aboue and tokens in the earth beneath bloude and fyre and the vapour of smoke The Sunne shal be turned into darknesse and the Moon into bloud before that great and notable day of the Lord come And it shal be that whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde shal be saued Yee men of Israel heare these woordes Iesus of Nazareth a man approued of God among you with miracles woonders and signes which God did by him in the mids of you as yee your selues know him haue ye taken by the hands of vnryghtuous persons after he was deliuered by the determinate counsell and fore knowledge of God and haue crucified and slayne whom God hath raysed vp and loused the sorowes of death by cause it was vnpossible that he shoulde bee holden of it For Dauid speaketh of him A fore hand I saw God alwayes before me for hee is on my right hande that I shoulde not bee moued Therfore did my hart reioyce my tongue was glad More ouer also my flesh shall rest in hope bicause thou wilte not leaue my soule in Hell neyther wilte suffer thyne holy too see corruption Thou haste shewed mee the wayes of lyfe and shalt make mee full of ioy with thy countenaunce Men and brethren let me freely speak vnto you of the patriark Dauid For hee is bothe dead and buried and his sepulchre remaineth with vs vnto this day Therfore seing he was a Prophete and knew that God had sworne with an othe to him that Chryst as concerning the flesh should come of the frute of his loynes and sit on his seat he knowing this before spake of the resurrection of Chryst that his soule should not be left in hel neither his flesh shoulde see corruption This Iesus hath God raised vp wherof we al are witnesses Since now that he by the ryght hand of God is exalted and hath receiued of the father the promise of the holy ghost he hath shed foorth that which ye now see and heare For Dauid is not ascended into heauen but he sayd The lord sayd to my Lord syt on my right hand vntill I make thy foes thy footestoole So therfore let all the house of Israell knowe for a suretie that God hath made that same Iesus whom ye haue crucified Lord and Chryst When they heard this they were pricked in their heartes and sayde vntoo Peter and vntoo the other Apostles Yee men and brethrē what shall we do Peter said vnto them repēt and be baptized euery one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remissiō of sins and ye shal receiue the gift of the holy ghost The disposement of Peters Sermon taken out of the redings vpon the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles THe state of Peters first Sermon which he made vpon Whitson Sunday is a doctrine concerning the holy ghost of the maner how to obtein euerlasting saluation The parts of this Sermon are chiefly three FIrst of the principall efficient cause of oure conuersion and saluation that is to wit of the holy ghost by whom the eternal father kindleth in mens harts the true knowledge of himselfe and true fayth and Inuocation Secondly of the forcing cause or the deseruing of our saluation that is too wit of the death and Resurrection of our lord Iesus Chryst by whom and for whom only forgiuenesse of sinnes the holy ghost rightnousnesse and saluation euerlasting are giuen to them that bel●eue Thirdly of the means by which the holy ghost worketh and by which he offreth and applyeth vnto vs Chrysts benefites or euerlasting saluation Which are the Woorde Of the law Repentance Of the Gospell Faith. Sacraments Of Baptim Of the Lords supper THe enterance of his oracion though it b●e shorte hath neuerthelesse the two places of Beneuolence and attentiuenesse He seeketh beneuolence or the fauour and good will of his héerers by a most honorable title such a one as was wel liked of amōg thē Yee men of Iury and ye that dwel at Ierusalem For like as Demosthenes doth oftētimes speak to his coūtrimē by these words Ye men of Athens bicause they thought thēselues farre to excell the inhabiters of all other cities of Grece for many giftes so it liked well the people of Ierusalē too bée termed by the name of Iewes as wherby was mente that they were the professers of the true God and of the true doctrine woorshipping of God and that they were better than all other nations And he procureth attentiuenesse in these wordes Let this bee knowen vnto you and geue eare vnto my woordes This doone like as Cicero in his oration for Milo before ●e entreate of the matter dooth dispatch certeine doutes out of the Iudges mindes and preuenteth certeine foredéemings So Peter first of all displaceth out of the minds of his hearers that brute which wandred farre abroade that opinion y the Apostles were dronke with wine Afterward be steppeth too the case it selfe and that it may bée of the more authoritie hée vseth the saying and witnesse of the Prophete Ioel whiche in singular lightesomnesse of woordes comprehendeth the doctrine concerning the persone and benefites of the holy Ghoste Of which doctrine for asmuch as the chéef pointes are touched in the story of Whitsun Sunday I will now breefly
Esay xliij xliiij and xlv Before mée there is no God creator neyther shall there bée after mée I am the first and I am the last and béesides mée there is no God Am not I the Lord there is none other God saue I Turne vnto me ye shal be safe al the coasts of the erth For I am God and none other j. Cor. viij There is none other God but one Deut. 4. Herken O Israel the Lord thy God is but one god And this one true God the Scripture nameth the father the sonne and the holy Ghost Math. xxviij Baptise them in the name of the father and of the sonne of the holy ghost These thrée béeing in very deede of one substance fully and perfectly endued all with one Godhed power glory and maiestie and yet verely and really distinct one from another are named in the Church the thrée persons The third place concerning the three persons in the one being or substance of the Godhead NOw although mans reason bée offended and cannot vnderstand how the thrée distinct or seueral persons the father the sonne and the holy ghost are but only one God yet notwithstanding wée must so think and speake of God as he hath manifested himself in his woord which opēly witnesseth that there bée thrée seueral persons of one substance of one continuance as they are called vpon toogither in baptim and equal power and honor is attributed to the father the sonne and the holy ghost And .j. Iohn .v. it is said There are thrée that hear witnesse in heauē the father the sonne the holy ghost these thrée are one Iohn .x. I the father are one But the chéefest cōfirmation of this article that the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ is verely by nature God equal with God the father is writen in the first fifth chapters of Iohn wher there be .x. proofes recited in order Now let the godly in their prayers in all their thoughts vpon God haue before theyr eyes the descriptions and differences of the thrée persons The father is the first person of the Godhead which from euerlasting begat the coeternall sonne the image of himself and toogither with the sonne and the holy Ghost made all things of nothing and preserueth them The Sonne is the second person of the Godhed begotten of the eternall father is the substanciall full image of the euerlasting father which sōne became afterward the spokesmā betwéene God and the first men when they were falne and béeing ordeyned mediator toke mannes nature of the virgin Marie and became a sacrifyse for vs and by him and for him only the father giueth remission of sinnes ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting saluation The holy Ghost is the third person of the Godhed euerlastingly procéeding from the father and the sonne and is sent intoo the harts of the beléeuers too kindle in them the light of knowing God aryght and true motions loue lyfe and ioyfulnesse settled in God and too repayre all the powers that they may bée conformable with God himselfe The differences of the persons which God hath disclosed in his woord are of thrée sortes The first is taken of the properties of the peculiar marks of the persons or of their woorkes inwardly or their inward operations The father is the welspring of the Godhead hauing his béeing not of any other person but of himself and communicating his béeing vnto the sonne his image begotten of him and too the holy Ghost procéeding from him Iohn .v. Like as the father hath lyfe in himselfe So also hath he giuen too the sonne too haue lyfe in himselfe But the sonne hath his béeing communicated too him of the father and is the image of the father begotten wythout beginning Psal ij Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thée Heb .j. He is the bryghtnesse and expresse image of the fathers substance And the holy Ghost hath his béeing communicated of the father and the sonne and procéedeth euerlastingly from the father and the sonne Iohn .xv. He shall take of myne The second difference is of the outward manifestation of them made in the Baptim of Chryst and at other tymes The eternal father disclosed himselfe made a difference betwéene himselfe and the sonne by this saying This is my beloued sonne in whom Idelyght The Sonne tooke vppon him mannes nature and dwelt among vs and béecame a Sacrifyse and rose ageyne from Death The holy Ghost appéered in the shape of a Dooue and in the likenesse of firie tungs Act. ij The third is of the office of eche person The father sendeth the sonne and the holy Ghost woorketh effectually by their ministerie to the saluation of euery one that beléeueth Rom. j. The sonne is sēt by the father too bring abrode the gospel out of the secret bosom of the father too make intercession for mankynd falne into sinne to bée made a sacrifise for mennes sinnes and by his obediēce bludshed too redéeme the church and in this lyfe too rule it and defend it and afterwarde too raise it vp ageine and too decke it with lyfe and glorie euerlasting The holy Ghost is sent of the father and the sonne that by the gospel he may kindle in mennes harts the lyght of the true acknowledgement of the father of the sonne of himselfe and true rightuousnesse and lyfe that he may comfort and strengthen the godly in all aduersities and sorowes Ioh. xv Whom I will send you from the father But forasmuch as the whole doctrine of this feastful day concerning the vnitie of beeing and the trinitie of persons in the Godhead all of one substance and one euerlastingnesse is comprehended and set out with singular lyghtsomnesse of woordes in the Créede which is vsed in the Church vnder the name of Athanasius I exhort my héerers too learne that whole Créede by heart and too set it continually before theyr eyes as the rule of the true méening and of the Faythe of this Article The Creede of Athanasius WHosoeuer wil bée saued ▪ before all things it is necessarie that he holde the catholike Faith. Which fayth except euery one doo kéepe holy and vndefiled without doubt he shall perish euerlastingly And the catholike fayth is this that wée woorship one God in Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie Neyther confounding the persons nor deuyding the substaunce For ther is one person of the father another of the sonne and another of the holy ghost But the Godhead of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghoste is all one the glory equall the Maiestie coeternall Such as the father is such is the sonne and such is the holy ghost The father vncreate the sonne vncreate and the holy ghost vncreate The father incomprehensible the sonne incomprehēsible and the holy ghost incomprehensible The father eternall the sonne eternall and the holy ghost eternall And yet they are
riches of his glory that yee may bee strengthned with might by his spirit in the inner man that Chryst may dwel in your hearts by faith that yee beeing rooted and grounded in loue might bee able too comprehend with all sainctes what is the bredth length depth and height and too know the excellent loue of the knowledge of Christ that ye might bee fulfilled with all fulnesse which commeth of god Vntoo him that is able too doo exceding aboundantly aboue all that wee aske or thinke according too the power that woorketh in vs bee praise in the congregation by Christ Iesus throughout all generations from time too time Amen The disposement THis Epistle is of that sorte that is persuasiue For it is an encouragement that they should stedfastly reteine the Doctrine of the Gospell that they had receyued and not faint for offence of persecution And it is a prayer that God will preserue confirme and strēgthen true faith and stedfast loue among them The cheefe places of Doctrine therfore are these 1 Of constancie or continuance 2 Of true Inuocation 3 Of faith which embraceth Chryst that he may dwel in our harts acknowledgeth the largenesse of Christes mercy and excéeding great loue towardes vs. 4 Of thankes giuing or praysing God concerning whose almyghtinesse not tyed too second causes héere is put in a notable testimonie méete too be set ageinst Stoicall madnesse Of the first place I Beseeche you that you faint not in my tribulations for you which is your glory Like as Cicero in his Oration for Flaccus giueth his opinion concerning the miseries of the Iewes saying this nation hath well shewed how déere it was too the God immortall in that it is subdued in that it is let out too ferme in that it is reserued too bondage So also doo the wise men in the world iudge of the Church and of euery godly member of the same that are oppressed with the houge heape of miseries Namely that God regardeth not and much lesse loueth and receyueth too the felowship of eternall lyfe and ioy men so miserable néedie fewe in number drawne asunder with inward debates and laid open to the most bitter hatred of the world and too most cruell tormentes suche as in Paules tyme he himselfe and the rest of the Apostles were and suche as our congregations are in these dayes the wretched soules that are put too deathe for the pure Doctrine of the Gospell in Fraunce in Spaine and in the kingdome of Naples like as nowe of late at Montola in the kingdome of Naples foure score godly men like shéepe in a slaughterhouse had their throtes cutte by the hangman at the commaundement of the Romishe Bishop In this sorowfull shew of the fewnesse miseries and infirmities of the professers of the gospel all men perceyue this encouragement and entreatance of Paules too bée néedfull least the weaker sort taking offence at the miseries imprisonments and tortures of themselues and of other godly folke should reiect Chrystes true doctrine But let them turn away their eyes from the prosperitie power authoritie and multitude of the persecutors and from the fewnesse and the miseries of the godly let them settle themselues only vppon the word and the truthe deliuered by God Like as Noe in tyme of the flud Loth in Sodom the Machabées in the time of Antiochus and Paule and the rest of the Apostles in the time of Nero held fast the profession of the true doctrine though they had neuer so many wyse men and mightie enemies ageinst them Constancie or continuance is a vertue which abideth firm and stable in the true knowledge of Chryst and in faith and in profession of the true doctrine and cannot be quailed with any prosperities or aduersities that it should faynt from the truthe and giue ouer Now forasmuch as this stoutnesse of courage and strēgth that yéeldeth not too terrors torments farre surmounteth the power of man Paule beséecheth God with most earnest desire too strengthen the myndes of the Ephesians with his holy spirit and too stablish and vpholde their inward man or their fayth in Christ Like as he armed the Apostles at that tyme now in our dayes Luther with stoutnesse and strength of haultie and inuincible hart so as no threainings and terrors could make them faint but that they spred abrode the true doctrine of the gospell though the wisdome and power of the whole world fretted and fought ageinst it neuer so much Now Paul in this Epistle addeth two reasons why they should not take offence at his troubles and afflictions or bée moued too fall away from the true Doctrine For first I suffer these afflictions for you or for your sake not for any offence of myne but bycause I haue by preaching the Gospel called you Gentyles too the felowship of the Churche and eternall saluation too bée giuen fréely for Chrystes sake And by these my troubles and bandes I beare recorde that I doo in very déede and in good earnest thinke that the Doctrine of the Gospell is not a fond fable but true assured and taught by God in the behalfe whereof I endure so great miseries emprisonment yea and death also And so by mine example I confirme your faith Ageine my afflictions are your glorie That is too say they are not slaunderous and shamefull too mée or you they are not signes of Gods wrathe and casting of mée away But they are things that bée good healthfull honourable and too the glory of Gods Churche as in the fifth of the Actes the Apostles reioyce that they were counted woorthy too bée put too rebuke for the name of Chryst And Romaines the fifth Paule sayth wée glory in afflictions bycause affliction bréedeth patience patience bréedeth triall triall hope and hope of eternall lyfe maketh not a man ashamed or disappointeth not him that hopeth And the lyghtnesse of afflictions for the turning of a hand procureth an inestimable weight of glory for euer and euer j. Cor. iiij The second place I Bowe my knees muche more weake and féeble is mannes nature than that it can of it owne power continue stedfastly in the true acknowledgement of God and in Faith and despise and ouercome the terroures hatred imprisonments and other perils that accompanie the profession of the Gospell Therefore let euery one of vs daily make our hartie and earnest Prayer vntoo God the father of our Lord Iesus Chryst that he wil stablish and strengthen our hartes with his holy spirit that wée may hold fast the true acknowment of Chryst true faith euen too our last gasp according as he hath promised I haue praied for thée that thy faith may not faile And my shéepe héere my voyce I giue them eternall life no man shal pul them out of my hands Also God is faithful who suffereth vs not to be tēpted aboue our power but with the temptation maketh a way out y we may bée able
counsel of the Godhed for mankind and turning vppon himselfe the most rightful wrath of God against sin ioyning too himself our nature by euer lasting and indissoluble bond Secondly the holy ghost hath sanctified the flesh taken of the substance of the virgin Marie and fashioned in Maries wombe the body of Chryst redy too bée borne Luke j. The causes inforcing the birth and Incarnation of the Sonne of God our mediatoure were chéefly foure First the excéeding loue and mercy of God towardes mankind which he would not haue forlorne for euer Secondly Gods iustice binding men either too obedience or too sufficient punishment Therefore when man had transgressed it was of necessitie that the punishment should be performed by man Thirdly Now that the pryce might bée of full value and the greatnesse of the desert might excéede the greatnesse of the sinne it béehoued the redéemer too excell all creatures and too bée a person of the Godhed Fourthly It is the duetie of a redéemer and high priest too appease Gods wrathe and too ouercome sinne and death and too bée at hand in all places and too héere and defend the Churche and too restore ryghtuousnesse and eternall life vntoo it But this can no man doo that is not also Emanuell that is too say in very déede and by nature God. The outward forcing cause is sinne and the most sorowfull damnation of all mankind which God wold not should vtterly perish The finall cause is shewed in the Sermon of the Angell Beholde I bring you tidings of great ioy for there is borne too you a sauioure Chryst the Lord. For the highest benefit that the sonne of God hath wrought vntoo vs by his birth is saluation that is too say deliuerance from Gods wrath from sinne from death from curse of the law from the tirannie of the deuil and from endlesse damnation and on the other side attonement with God ioy of conscience adoption too be the sonnes of God the gift of the holy ghost rightuousnesse and euerlasting life Too bée short the woord of God Iesus Christ is become that which wée bée too the intent he might make vs fully that which he is For that I may vse the woordes of Ciprian Chryst the sonne of God voutsaued too become the sonne of man to the intēt he might make vs men the sonnes of God He tooke vppon him the shape of a seruant too the intent he might set vs frée that are the seruauntes of sinne and death He was wounded that he might heale our wounds and it was his will too die that he might giue vs mortal wights immortalitie These benefits are brefly conteined in the promises made too Adam Abraham In thy séede shall all nations be blissed Also the womās séede shall tread downe the serpents head And the summe is vttered in cléere and lyghtsome woords by Paule Galath 4. After that the fulnesse of time was come God sent his sonne borne of a woman made vnder the lawe too the intent he myght redéeme those that were vnder the law that wée myght bée adopted the sonnes of God of which notable sentence I will intreat more at large the next Sunday The .iij. Of the applying NOw forasmuch as these are great good things which the sonne of God bringeth the sorowful minds demād how wée wretches defiled with sinnes can atteine them That do the Angels teach vnto you is borne a sauior And Esay a child is born vnto vs a sonne is giuen vntoo vs And hereuppon is grounded this sentence Iohn 3. So God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne to the intent that all y beleeue in him should not perish but haue lyfe euerlasting For too this purpose was the sonne of God sent that wée al whoo are vtterly vnwoorthy and horibly defiled should bée accepted of God for his sake and atteyne remission of sinnes and eternall saluation And wee are most straightly commaunded of God too beléeue assuredly that these good things are giuen vs for his sonnes sake and through this faith shining before vs too sing all our life long with the Angels 1 Glorie bee too God on high that is too say nowe that the sonne is borne for the same sonnes sake is true and perfect glorie yéelded vntoo God not only for that he is God wyse rightuous and a iudge but also for that he is mercifall and certeinly accepteth vs for his sonnes sake and rewardeth vs with eternall life This glorie doo neyther heathenmen nor Turkes nor hipocrites but only they that beleeue in the sonne that is borne too vs and giuen too vs yéelde vntoo God. 2 In earth peace that is too say men haue God reconciled and fauorable too them and mainteine mutuall loue among themselues 3 Too men gladnesse that is too say although miseries and distresses befal them yet are their hartes quiet and merie and rest stedfastly in this souereine goodnesse that the sonne is borne too vs and giuen too vs. ¶ THE CONCLVSION In the knitting vp let the thrée places bée repeted and let a thanksgiuing bée added for the sending of the sonne and a prayer that God will voutsaue to gather a churche too his sonne among vs and kindle our mindes and hartes with his holy spirit so as wée may looke somewhat more déepely intoo this woonderfull deuise of our redemption and magnifie it with thankfull hartes Vppon Christmas day ¶ The Epistle Heb. j. GOd in times past diuersly many ways spake vntoo the fathers by Prophets but in these last days he hath spokē vntoo vs by his own sonne whom he hath made heire of all things by whō also he made the worlde Which sonne beeing the bryghtnes of his glory and the very image of his substāce ruling al things with the woord of his power hath by his own person purged our sinnes and sitteth on the right hand of the maiestie on hie beeing so much more excellent than the Angels as he hath by enheritaunce obteined a more excellent name than haue they For vntoo which of the Angels said he at any time Thou art my sonne this day haue I begottē thee And agein I wil bee his father and he shal bee my sonne And agein when he bringeth in the first begotten sonne intoo the world he saith And let all the Angels of God woorship him And of the Angels he saith he maketh his Angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire But vnto the sōne he saith thy seat o God shal be for euer and euer The scepter of thy kingdom is a right scepter Thou hast loued rightuousnesse and hated iniquitie Wherefore God euen thy God hath anointed thee with Oile of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes And thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foūdation of the earth And the heauens are the woorkes of thy handes They shall perish but thou endurest They all shall wex old as dooth a garment and as a vesture
brethren and fathers herken The God of glory appeered vntoo our father Abraham whyle he was in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in Charran and sayd vntoo him come out of thy countrey and from thy kinred and come into the land which I shall shew thee Then came he out of the lād of Chaldey and dwelt in Charran And after that his father was dead he brought him from thence intoo this lād in which yee now dwell and he gaue him none inheritaunce in it no not the bredth of a foote and promised that he would giue it too him too possesse and too his seed after him when as yet he had no childe God verely spake on this wise that his seede should be a soiourner in a straunge land and that they should keepe them in bondage and entreat them euell 400. yeeres But the nation too whom they shall bee in bondage will I iudge sayd god And after that shall they come foorth and serue me in thys place And he gaue him the couenant of Circūcision And hee begatte Isaac and cyrcumcised hym the eigth day and Isaac begat Iacob and Iacob the twelue Patriarkes And the Patriarkes hauing indignation sold Ioseph intoo Egypt And God was with him and deliuered him out of al his aduersities and gaue him fauour and wisdom in the syght of Pharao king of Egypt And he made him gouernour ouer all his houshold Then came there a dearth ouer all the land of Egypt and Canaan and great affliction that our Fathers found no sustenance But when Iacob herd that there was corne in Egypt he sent our Fathers first And at the second time Ioseph was knowē of his brethren and Iosephs kinred was made knowen vnto Pharao Then sent Ioseph and caused his father to bee brought and all his kin three score and xv soules And Iacob descended into Egypt and died both he and our fathers and were translated into Sychem and were put in the sepulchre that Abraham bought for monye of the sonnes of Emor at Sichem But when the tyme of the promise drewe nye whiche God had sworne to Abraham the people grewe and multiplied in Egypt till another king arose which knewe not of Ioseph The same delt suttely with our kinred and euill entreated our fathers and made them too cast out their yoong children that they should not remayne à lyue The same tyme was Moyses borne and was acceptable vnto God which was nourished vp in his fathers house three moonethes When he was cast out Pharaoes daughter took him vp nourished him vp for hir own sonne And Moses was learned in all maner wysdome of the Egiptians and was myghtie in deedes and in woordes And when he was ful fortie yeere olde it came intoo his hart too visit his brethren the children of Israell And when hee sawe one of them suffer wrong he defended him and auenged his quarell that had the harme doon to him and smote the Egiptian For he supposed his brethren would haue vnderstand howe that God by hys hands should gyue saluation vnto them But they vnderstood not And the next daye he shewed him selfe vntoo them as they stroue and would haue set them at one ageyn saying Syrs yee are brethren why hurt yee one another But he that did his neighbour wrong thrust him away saying who made thee a ruler and a iudge ouer vs What wilt thou kyll mee as thou diddest the Egyptian yesterday Then fled Moyses at that saying and was a straunger in the lande of Madian wher he begat twoo sonnes And when fortie yeares were expyred there appeered too him in the wildernesse of mount Syna an Angell of the Lorde in a flame of fyre in a bushe VVhen Moyses saw it he wondred at the syght And as he drew neer too behold the voyce of the Lord came vntoo him I am the God of thy fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac the God of Iacob Moyses trembled and durst not beholde Then sayd the Lord to him Put of thy shoes from thy feete for the place where thou standest is holy ground I haue perfectly seen the affliction of my people which is in Egypt and I haue harde their gronyng and am come downe too deliuer them And now come and I will send thee intoo Egypt This Moses whom they forsooke saying who made thee a Ruler and a iudge The same GOD sent bothe a ruler and a deliuerer by the handes of the Aungel which appeared too him in the bushe And the same brought them out shewing wonders and signes in Egipt and in the red sea and in the wildernes xl yeeres This is that Moses whiche sayed vntoo the children of Israell A prophet shall the Lorde our God rayse vp vnto you of your brethren lyke vntoo mee him shall yee heare This is he that was in the congregation in the wildernesse with the Angell whiche spake to him in the mount Sina and with our fathers This man receyued the worde of life to gyue vntoo vs too whom our fathers would not obey but cast it from them and in their hartes turned backe ageyn intoo Egypt saying vntoo Aaron make vs Goddes too goo before vs For this Moyses that brought vs out of the Lande of Egypt we wote not what is become of hym And they made a Calfe in those dayes and offered sacrifice vntoo the ymage and reioysed in the woorkes of their owne handes Then GOD turned hym selfe and gaue them vp that they should worshippe the host of the sky as it is written in the booke of the Prophetes O yee of the house of Israell gaue yee too me sacrifices and meat offerings by the space of xl yeeres in the wildernesse And yee tooke vntoo you the tabernacle of Moloh and the starre of your God Rempham figures which ye made to worship them And I will translate you beyond Babylon Our fathers had the tabernacle of witnesse in the wildernesse as he had appoynted them speaking vnto Moyses that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen ▪ which tabernacle also our fathers that came after brought in with Iosue into the possession of the Gentilles which God draue out before the face of our fathers vnto the dayes of Dauid which found fauour before God and desired that he might finde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob But Salomon built him an house Howbeit he that is hyest of all dwelleth not in temples made with handes as sayeth the Prophet heauen is my seate and earth is my footestole what house will yee buyld for mee sayeth the Lord or what place is it that I should reste in hath not my hand made all these things Yee stifnecked and of vncircumcised harts and eares yee haue alwayes resisted the holy Ghost as your Fathers dyd so doo yee Which of the Prophets haue not your Fathers persecuted and they haue slayne them whiche shewed before of the comming of that iust whome yee haue nowe betrayed and murthered And yee also haue receyued
the Lawe by the ordinance of angels and haue not kept it VVhen they herd these things their harts claue a sunder they gnashed on hym with their teeth But he being full of the holy Ghost loked vp stedfastly with his eyes intoo heauen and sawe the glorie of God and Iesus standing on the right hande of God and sayde Beholde I see the heauens open and the sonne of man standing on the ryght hande of god Then they gaue a shout with a loude voyce and stopped their eares and ranne vpon him all at once and cast him out of the Citie and stoned hym And the witnesses layd downe their clothes at a yong mans feete named Saule And they stoned Steuen calling on and saying Lord Iesu receyue my spirit And he kneeled down and cryed with a loud voyce Lord laye not this sinne to their charge And when he had thus spoken he fell a sleepe The disposement of the accusation of Steuen of his defence out of the readings vppon the Actes of the Apostles The summe of the accusation may bee included in this Sylogisme IT is a blasphemie too teache that the law of Moyses giuen by God himself iustifyeth not but is to bée abolished togither with the temple and the rites of the sacrifices and all the politicke ordinances of Moyses Steuen teacheth that the Law and sacrifices of Moyses are not néedfull too the atteynèment of forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting saluation nor the chéef woorshipping of God but that they and the whole common weale of Moyses and the temple shall decay togither Ergo Steuen is giltye of blasphemie and treason and is too bée stoned to death according too the Lawe Leuit. 14. Ageynst this so heinous accusation Steuen hauing hys hart and countenaunce cléered with the light of God maketh a long defence wherein he answered too the Maior or first part denying it too bée blasphemie to teach that the law of Moyses iustifieth not and that the ceremonies and sacrifices of Moyses are not the true and chéef woorshipping of God and that the rites of Moses togither with the common weale and temple must bée doone away Therefore the summe of Steuens aunswer for his defence may bée included in foure Syllogismes The .j. Of iustification RIghtuousnesse and eternall saluation is bestowed after one selfsame maner vppon the fathers Abraham Isaac Iacob and all holy men in all times of the world The Fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob c obteyned forgiuenesse of sinne and euerlasting saluation not for the law and sacrifices offered in the temple which at that time were not yet ordeyned but only by the promise of the blissed séede which they tooke hold on by fayth Ergo wée also are made heires of rightuousnesse and euerlasting saluation not by the Lawe and sacrifices of Moses but by that only séede of Abraham that was promised euen our Lord Iesus Chryst according also as Peter witnesseth afterward wée beleue that wée are saued by the grace of our Lord Iesus Chryst like as our fathers were saued also Her vppon it is rightly concluded that the ceremonies of Moyses or the lawe and sacrifices of Moyses are not néedfull to saluation The .ij. Of the promises ALl Saints must néedes obteyne the principall promise made too all the Saincts For otherwyse the promise were in vayne and too no purpose Vntoo Abraham and the other Fathers was giuen promis of blissing and of the inheritance of the land of Canaā and yet Abraham obteyned not so much as one foote bredth of the land at any tyme in possession Ergo the blissing that was promised too Abraham was another thing than this bodyly common weale and sacrifices of Moyses that is too wit forgiuenesse of sinnes and the true and euerlasting good things The .iij. Of the true worshipping of God. THe principall woorshipping of God is alwayes one and cōmon too all the saincts throughout al times of that world The fathers Abraham Isaac Iacob and Ioseph dyd doutlesse woorship God a right and yet obserued not the ceremonies of Moyses Lawe which at that time was not yet deliuered ne offered sacrifices in the temple which was not yet at that tyme buylded Ergo the Mosaicall ceremonies and the sacrifices that are offered in the temple of Hierusalem are not the true chéef woorshipping of God according as the Prophete sayeth I will haue mercie and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings The .iiij. Of the abrogating of the law and common weale of Moyses MOyses himself sayeth The Lorde our God shall rayse vp vnto you a Prophet from among our brethrē Héere yée him Whosoeuer shall not héere that Prophet I wilbée reuenged of him But now is that Prophet come that Moyses promised which teacheth playnly that the Law and ceremonies of Moyses are not necessary too iustification and saluation Ergo he is too be heard or it is too bée beléeued for a certeintie that the law is abrogated Or let the Argument bée framed in thys wyse Chryst whom Moyses himself commaunded too bée herd is the end of the Law for the ceremoniall politike lawes and all the common weale of Moyses was ordeyned too this end that it might bée the seate of the churche and a place for Chryst too bée borne in and that it should ceasse assoone as Chryst was exhibited Chryst whom Moyses in the .xviij. of Deut. commaundeth too bée herd is now exhibited Ergo the Lawes of Moyses toogither with his common weale temple shall bée abrogated and that too this end that the very same dooing away of it may bere witnesse that the Messias which was promised too the Fathers is already exhibited and that the lawes of Moyses are not necessarie too saluation This is the summe of Steuens long oration which comprehendeth the chéef Articles of the Christian doctrine Of which things the full exposition may bée fetched out of my wrytings that conteyn the summe of the doctrine of my expositions vppon Genesis and Exodus the notablest Stories of which bookes Steuen citeth for the most part in this Oration Of Steuens martyrdoome MArtyrdoome signifieth witnes bearing wherby wée witnesse before other men not only in voyce ▪ but also with our blud and by our death that the doctrine of the Gospell concerning the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Chryst is certein and vndeuybable and neuer shrink from our confession of the true doctrine for all the most bitter hatreds terrours and bodyly tormentes in the world too this ende that the true knowledge of God may bee preserued and the certeyntie of the true doctrine and the fayth of others that bée of the weaker sort may bée cōfirmed And finally that it may bee a witnesse of the iudgment to come and of the endlesse immortalitie and glorie of the Saincts The partes of martyrdoome may bée called the confession of the true doctrine which is made with the mouth and the sufferance or torment of the bodye and
losse of lyfe for a mannes stedfastnesse in standing too the true and vncorrupt doctrine of Chryst Cōmonly they make difference that those are confessors which haue endured hatred terrours imprisonmentes and some other hurts of the body for confessing Chryste but yet haue not bin put too death as the holy men Athanasius Paphnutius Macarius Iohn Frederick Duke of Sanonie Luther and such others And those are Martyrs that haue spent their blud their lyfe in their confession as Saint Steuen the most of the Apostles Ignatius Bishop of Antioche who was cast vntoo beasts by Traiane Attalus who was rosted vppon a spit at Lyons in the tyme of the Emperour Antonie Vere Vincent who was most cruelly rent a péeces in Spayne by Diocletian Laurence who was broyled vppon a gréedyron by the Emperour Decius Boniface Byshoppe of Mentz who was put too death by the Fryselanders the yéere of Christ 775 Iohn Hus And in our dayes many are slayne for y truthes sake and by cruell woounds doo purchace a noble death The efficient causes are FIrst the holy Ghost the conforter who reléeueth our infirmitie and kindleth in our hartes a myndfulnesse of Gods most streight commaundement too prefer our profession before lyfe and all worldly things and of the promises of lyfe and glorie that shall ensew Ageyn he addeth strength to the will and hart that they may bée both willing and able to endure bodily punishements reproche and death for our professions sake Secondly the woord of God which both enioyneth profession and threateneth the renouncers with most sore manaces of casting away for euer and offereth promises of lyfe glory and crowne euerlasting too those that constantly professe Chrysts truthe Math. x. He that denyeth mée before men him will I also denye before my Father whiche is in heauen ij Cor. iiij The lightnesse of affliction for the twincling of an eye purchaceth an euerlasting weyghtynesse of glorie Psal Cxv. Precious in the sight of the Lorde is the death of his Saincts ij Timoth. Now is there a crowne of rightuousnesse layd vp for mée Thirdly mannes mynd thinking vppon Gods commaūdement and the promises of the Crowne of eternall glorie wherewith the constant witnesses of the true doctrine shall bée adorned And his will and hart which through the help and furtherance of the holy Ghost beléeueth the promises and conceyuing an assured hope of immortalitie and glorie euerlasting endureth death quietly and with a chéerefull mynd as is sayd of Steuen He went reioycing in his brest and through strong hope his harmes supprest Besides these thrée causes of stedfastnesse common too all Martyrs there is another also in Steuen the first Martyr namely the singular comfort by beholding the Sonne of God who shewed himself visibly vntoo him By which shewing wée also may lerne this that the sonne of God sitting at the right hand of the Father is not vtterly gone away from the Church but is in deed present with it regarding it comforting it defending it and helping it like as he is here present with Steuen at his death refreshing and strengthning him by shewing himself too him that he may with a glad chéerfull mynd suffer death for Chrysts quarell and receyue a crowne of glorie that shall neuer wither The matter wherabout martyrdoome is occupied is the true and vncorrupt doctrine set foorth in the Gospel concerning the persone and benefits of Chryst and concerning the true woorshipping of god For as sayeth Apollinaris wheras Chrystes truthe is not there is no true martyrdoome And the saying of Peter is knowen Sée that none of you suffer as a murtherer or an euill dooer c. and Austins not what any man suffereth but wherfore he suffereth is too bée considered Also Ciprians It is the cause that maketh a Martyr and not the martyrdoome Therefore are not mad-braynd felowes too bée honored with the tytle of martyrdoomme which are iustly put too death for their sedition and manifest blasphemies The forme of martyrdoome is the confession of y truth or the witnesse which is borne too the truthe both by the lyuely voyce and by the bludshed and death of the partye The ends effects of martyrdome are these First Gods glorie which is set out and spred far abrode by the witnessebearings of the Martyrs Secondly the preseruation of the true doctrine concerning god For onlesse there should from tyme too tyme bée stirred vp some Martyrs or witnesses of the true doctrine who in the persecutions of Tyrants should preferre the professiō of the truthe before their own lyfe within a whyle the true knowledge of GOD vppon earth would bée quite quenched with ▪ Idolatrie and errours Thirdly that the weaker sort are strengthened and the Churche enlarged by the example of the constancie of the Martyrs The church was founded vppon blud and by blud hath it encreaced Fourthly that the deathes of the Martyrs may bée witnesses of the certeintie of the doctrine of the Gospell lyke as Steuen by his bludshed and death sealeth vp the doctrine concerning the Messias promised too the Fathers and now performed Fifthly that they may bée witnesse of the immortalitie of the iudgment too come wherin Tyrants and Hipocrites shall bée cast intoo endlesse paynes and the holy Martyrs bée honored with euerlasting rewards Sixtly that the godly may not lose the forgiuenesse of sinnes which they haue receyued and the inheritance of euerlasting saluation Math. xxiiij He that continueth too the end shal bee saufe Rom. x. By the mouth is acknowledgement made too saluation The Alyances or neybourvertues of martyrdoome are Stedfastnesse Stoutnesse in bearing out aduersities Patience Continaunce and in especially earnest fayth hope and calling vppon God. The thing that fyghts ageinst martyrdoome is reuolting or renouncing of the true doctrine which eyther procéedeth of an epicurish skornfulnesse and malice as the reuolting of the Emperour Iulian or ryseth of fearfulnesse and infirmitie of mynde as the renyall of Peter and of many others or else is committed in fact as when those that vnderstand the true doctrine of the Gospell are present at the Idolatrous seruice of the Masse and dissemble their méening or when wée beare about the Gospell in our mouth and yet aunswer not too our profession in lyfe and behauiour Vppon the Sunday next after Christmas day ¶ The Epistle Gal. iiij AND I say that the heire as long as he is a chyld differeth not from a seruant though he bee Lord of al but is vnder tutours and gouernours vntill the tyme that the father hath appointed Euen so we also when we were children were in bondage vnder the ordinances of the world but when the tyme was full come God sent his sonne made of a woman and made bond vnto the law to redeeme them which were bond vntoo the law that we through election might receyue the inheritaunce that belongeth vntoo the naturall sonnes
vs too rise frō sléepe bicause saluatiō is néerer thā whē we beléeued Bee enlightened Heare receiue and embrace Chryst the true lyght which lyghteneth euery man that commeth intoo this world by which light the true knowledge of God true rightuousnesse and eternall life is kindled in our hartes The first place is of the person and benefites of Chryst THrée notable names are giuen vntoo Chryst in this prophesie which lernedly describe and beautifully set out his person and benefites For first he is named Lord or Iehoua that is too say in very déed and by nature god Like as also in Ieremy the .xxiij. and .xxxiij. he is called the Lord our rightuousnesse Secondly he is called the glory of the Lord first for his being bicause he is the full and expresse image of the euerlasting father representing and shewing the whole father as in the Epistle too the Hebrewes he is called the bryghtuesse of his glory and the very image of the fathers substance Also Exod. xxxiij Shew mée thy glory And secōdly bicause that by his gospel he procureth true and due glory too his eternal father according as the angels sung when Christ was born Glory bée too God on hie The foundation of Gods glory are the being the power of god The bound therof is our acknowledgement and setting of it foorth Therfore wee thē yéeld true glory vnto God when wee acknowledge and confesse that God is that God hath care of mankind that God hath truly opened his wil to mankind in his woord vttered by his sōne that God is wise rightuous soothfast frée chast pitifull y he releaseth vs our sinnes receiueth vs when wée flée too his sonne of his owne frée grace and not for our worthinesse or deserts that he harkeneth too those that call vpon him and that he saueth them for his sonnes sake who was borne too vs and giuen too vs. This doctrine concerning the true acknowlegement of Gods being and wil and concerning the true seruices too bée performed too God dooth the sonne of God spred abrode among mankynd by his ministers and boweth mennes myndes and hartes too the acknowledging of this doctrine and too true obedience that God may be magnifyed at many mennes hands with true glory which cannot otherwyse bée yéelded vntoo God but by acknowledging of Chryst y lyght of the world For although the heathen Philosophers the hipocrytes doo after a sort graunt that there is a God that the wicked are punished yet yéeld they not too God his true and full glory bicause they are ignorant of Gods wil disclosed in his Gospell Thirdly Chryst is called our lyght bycause y in the harts of men who erst were ouerwhelmed with the mist of ignorance of God of sinne and of death he by his Gospel kindleth the lyght of the true knowledge of God true comfort ryghtuousnesse and eternall lyfe by which lyght they are defended ageinst death sinne the Diuels tyrannye and endlesse damnation Iohn j. The sonne of God is the true lyght which lighteneth euery mā that commeth into this world Ioh. viij I am the light of the world Esay xlix I haue giuen thée too bée a light too the Gentiles that thou maist bée my saluation too the endes of the world Also Esay ix The people that walked in darknesse hath séene a great light Al whole mankind Kings Princes Philosophers wisemen lerned men euerychone of them walke in most thicke darknesse ouerwhelmed with sinne and death so long as they are without Gods woord vntill the starre that appered too the wise men that is too wit the woord of God doo rise in their hartes and woorke euerlasting life and rightuousnesse in them The second place cōcerning the church of Chryst gathered of the Iewes Gentils or concerning the calling of the Gentils THe true Church or people of God are all those that with stedfast fayth embrace the lyght of the world our Lorde Iesus Chryst or which beléeue in Chryste not only Iewes borne of the offpring of Abraham dwelling at Hierusalem which had the Lawe giuen by GOD himself with notable signes and wonders and the state of gouernement ordeyned by the voyce of God and the kéeping of the promises concerning the Messias which were from tyme too tyme renewed and alwayes preserued in this people But also the Gentyles that walke in the lyght Chryst that is too say whiche are lightened with the true knowledge of Chryste and by fayth receyue forgiuenesse of sinnes ryghtuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting offered too all Nations in the promise of grace made vntoo Abraham Héere may the whole doctrine co●cerning the churche and the calling of the Gentyles bée repeted out of Rom. ix x. xj xv Ephe. ij Act. x. xv c. Esay ij xj xlij xlix lj liiij lv lvij c. For vppon singular forecast did God put a difference betwéene the Iewish people and the Gentyles by circumcision and other ceremonies deliuered in the Lawe of Moyses for this cause chéefly that the true church of God the piller and seate of the true doctrine concerning God and his sonne our Lord Iesus Chryst myght bée knowen and séene with mennes eyes For inasmuch as it is his wil that euery man which is too bée saued should bée graffed intoo the Churche and ioyned too Chryste by the ministerie of his Gospell he chose a certein people in which the promises cōcerning Christ should bée preserued and Chryst the redéemer bée exhibited and teache and woork miracles and bée made a sacrifice and bée séene rysen agein from death Excéeding great therefore were the priuiledges of the Iewish people whom God hath chosen too himselfe from among all Nations too bée his peculiar possession a Royall préesthod and a holy Nation with whome he made a couenant with his owne mouth and by circumcision whom God had garnished with his owne woord with his promises with his Testamentes with Fathers Lawes woorshippings euerlasting préesthod and with the birth of Chryste as touching the flesh On the contrarie part the Gentyls wanted all these good things they were without Chryste straungers from the state of Israell forreners from the Testamentes and promises without hope and without GOD in the world And therfore did the Iewes very farre prefer thēselues before the godlesse and Idolaters Gentyls and déemed that Chryst togither with his kingdome and benefites perteyned only too themselues It is then an excéeding great benefite of God that he hath called too the lyght of his Gospell not onely the Iewes but now also the. Gentyles Greekes Arabians Madianits Nabathyes and others according as they are diuided by distribution in this prophesie of Esay But in the doctrine of the calling of the Gentyles these thrée articles are alwayes too bée considered First that the promise of the Gospell is vniuersall and that God is not an accepter of persones but is indifferent too all men according too that one rule expressed in the
perteine these dueties of louing too woorke none euill too our neybor or too impaire no mannes body good name or goodes but too defend and mayntein them too our power Which vertue is named ryghtfulnesse and manlinesse Also too this commaundement perteineth frindship which is a cherisher of mutual good wil a faithfulnesse a séeking of cōcord a méeknesse which yéeldeth not to anger and desire of reuengement a gentlenesse which beareth with the blemishes or defaults of other men c. Vntoo the sixth commaundement thou shalt not commit aduoutry perteineth the mutual loue of maried couples earnest pure not lusting after other men or other womē Also chastitie which appaireth not the clēnesse of it self or of others And stayednesse which yéeldeth honor to the parties own body Vntoo the s●uenth thou shalt not steale belongeth ryghtfulnesse absteining from other mennes goods and weldoing or liberalitie towards whosoeuer is in néede Vntoo the eight thou shalt not bear false witnesse is referred not to hurt a mannes neibor by false witnesse slaūders back bitings raylings or other vntruths but in al a mannes dooings sayings to be soothfast frēdly curteous faithfull c. In the nynth commaundement thou shalt not couet is required a perfect soundnesse of all the powers and desires of mannes nature agréeable with the rule of Gods law burning with the pure and chast fire of the loue of God and our neybor and voyde of all lust or concupiscence or of all sinfull inclinations affections or desires of corrupted nature wherwith men being now stirred vp do set more by mony or glory than by God himself like as that foolish loouer in Plautus crieth out I had leuer this woman loued mee than all the Gods that ●n the world bee So Paule in this place referreth almost al the vertues of good woorks to this one poynt of louing and maketh the precepts of the. x commaundements too bee the ground and rule of loue or of all good woorks For God wil haue al the whole life of christen folke al their thoughts deuises endeuers and dooings too bée ruled by the squire of the woord which he hath left among vs as he sayth in Deut. xij What I commaund thée that doo thou vnto the Lord neither put thou too neither take thou away Ezech. xx Walk not in the cōmaundemēts of your Fathers for I am the Lord your God walke in my commaundements and keepe my iudgements and doo them Then are not the .x. cōmaundemēts to bée hissed out of the church out of the life of christiās as the Antinomians cauil which banish the law into the court of the ciuil magistrate or else bear folk in hād that the law serueth to none other purpose but too accuse condemn For wée see that Paul in this place vrgeth the .x. commaundements vpon christiās as the squire and rule of good woorks and of all their lyfe Of the third LOue is the fulfilling of the lawe that is to say sound perfect and continuall obedience towards al the commaundements of Gods law without any sinne or blemish such as is required in the law of god Deut. vj. Math. xxij Loue the Lord thy God with all thy hart with all thy soule thy neybor as thy self .j. Iohn ▪ v. This is the louing of God that wée kéepe al his cōmaundements Such a louing of God and our neybor burning perfect with the whole hart without any lusts or sinful inclinatiōs without any sin befalleth to no man Christ only excepted For in al men yēa euen in those the be regenerated the law of the members or y sinfull inclinations affectiōs keepe war like enimies ageinst the law of god Gal. v. Ro● vij and they striue against the spirit of god And in al mē yea euē in the holiest there remaines lothsom filthinesse of sin which hindereth our loue obedience that it cannot fully perfectly satisfie y law of God nor of it own woorthynesse please God .j. Ioh. ij If wee say wee haue no sin wée deceiue our selues and the truthe is not in vs. Then séeing no mannes loue bée he neuer so holy is the perfect fulfilling of Gods lawe it is plaine too bee séene that no man is iustified before God by his owne loue or his own good woorks but that wée are freely for Christes only sake deliuered by faith from the cursse of the law from sin death and restored too rightuousnesse and lyfe Gal. iij. Rom. iij. Now when wee through the frée mercy of God for Chrystes sake are receiued and iustified by faith and endued with the holy ghost then also is the law stablished by faith not only bicause that through faith the full perfect rightuousnesse which Gods lawe claimeth is imputed too vs as though wée our selues had throughly satisfied Gods law but also bicause that through faith the true knowledgment of Chryst foreshining in our harts through the help of the holy ghost mouing our harts ther is kindled in our mind a new brighter light a stedier assent a confidence gladnesse settling it selfe in God a childly awe a pure and more burning loue of God a stedier purpose of obeying God according too all the commaundements of his holy law Which newbegonne obedience liketh God not for the owne worthinesse thereof but through faith in Christ that is too wit bicause the person of him that obeyeth is accepted by faith for Chrystes sake as in .j. Pet. ij is sayd Offer spirituall sacrifices acceptable too God by Iesus Chryst Vpon the Sunday called Septuagesima ¶ The Epistle .j. Cor. ix and .x. PErceiue ye not how that they which run in a race run all yet but one receiueth the reward So run that yee may obteine Euery man that proueth masteryes absteyneth from all thinges And they doo it too obteine a corruptible crowne but wee too obteine an vncorruptible crowne I therefore so run not as at an vncertaine thing So fight I not as one that beateth the ayre but I tame my body and bring it vntoo subiection lest by any meanes after that I haue preached to other I my selfe should bee a castaway The .x. Chapter BRethren I would not that yee should be ignoraunt of this how that our fathers were all vnder a cloude and all passed thorowe the sea and were al baptised vnder Moses in the cloud and in the sea and did all eate of one spirituall meat and did all drinke of one maner of spirituall drinke For they dranke of the spiritual rock that folowed them and that rocke was Chryst The cheefe places are three 1 Of diligence and busying our selues in the woorks of our owne vocation and in the folowing of the actions of all our whole lyfe in suche wyse as they may serue too Gods glory and atteine reward in euerlasting life 2 A generall exhortation too new obedience or a lyfe agréeing with Gods will and too shunne the offences
art my sonne this day haue I begotten thée And in the Gospell he putteth a difference betwene this only begotten sonne the Saints which are his sonnes by adoption and are beloued of the eternall father and taken in place of Gods sonnes and heires of the lyfe and blissednesse that is with God for the intercession of this only begotten sonne Chryst or the anoynted signifieth the hygh Préest or teacher of the Gospell the Spokesman and Redéemer of the Church the King and conquerour of sin death the Diuell and the restorer of rightuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting This Chryst came by water and blud not in water onely but in water and blud for he bringeth the doctrine of the gospell out of the bosom of the eternall Father concerning the forgiuenesse of sinnes rightuousnesse cōfort the holy Ghost and euerlasting saluation too bée bestowed vppon all that are throughly put in feare which wrestle with the terrours with Gods wrath with sinne and with death and thirst or with earnest desire long after comfort and lyfe and are washed with the water of Baptim in token of remissiō of their sinnes as is sayd in Esai lv All yée that thirst come too the waters and Iohn iiij and .vij. If any man drink of the water that I shall giue him it shall become a fountaine of water flowing vntoo euerlasting lyfe Neyther is he come in water only that is too say he is not only a teacher of the gospel wherwith the thirstie harts of the godly are refreshed but also he is a Redéemer which hath with his blud pacified the wrath of the eternal father ageinst our sins redéemed the whole church from sin death euerlasting damnation And this holy blud of his doth he distribute too vs in his holy supper Ebr. ix By his own blud hath he entered intoo the holy place once for all and hath found eternall redemption Rom. iij. Wée are iustified fréely by the grace of God through the redemption made in Iesu Chryste whom GOD hath set foorth a mercy seate by fayth in his bloud Math. xxvj This is my blud of the new Testament whiche is shed for many in remission of their sinnes And it is the spirit that beareth witnesse that is too say the holy ghost beareth witnesse of the persone office of Chryst namely y this Iesus is Chryst the sonne of god the redéemer that was promised too the church as is sayd Iohn j. Vppon whom thou séest the spirit descending abyding vppon him the same is he that baptizeth with the holy ghost and I sawe bare witnesse that this is the sonne of god Rom. j. Who was certeinly shewed too bée the sonne of God by the spirit of sanctification in that he is risen from death Ageine in the publick ministerie the holy ghost preserueth spreadeth abrode and by testimonies of miracles confirmeth the doctrine concerning the persone and benefits of Chryst Ioh. xv When the comforter shal bée come euen the spirit of truthe whom I will send you from my Father he shall beare witnesse of mée and you also shall beare witnesse bycause you haue bin with mée from the beginning Bycause the spirit is truthe or the witnesse of the holy ghost is true like as in Iohn xv and .xvj. he is called the spirit of truthe bycause he is soothfast and maketh folks soothfast kindleth true knowledge of God true rightuousnesse true lyfe in the beléeuers Of the third place THere bee three that beare witnesse in heauen the Father the VVoord and the holy Ghost and these three are one Let this euident witnesse of the one substāce or only one selfsame being godhead power maiestie glorie of the thrée persones of the godhead bée considered in this place and also let the descriptions differēces of the thrée persones namely of the father of the sonne who in this place and in Ioh. j. Apoc. xix is named the woord of the holy ghost bee repeated out of the place concerning God the cheef poyntes whereof I will anon after expound vppon Trinitie Sunday The fourth place THere are three that beare witnesse in earth the spirit and water and blud and these three are one God hath ordeyned the publike preaching of his Gospell too the intent the true doctrine concerning the sonne of God our lord Iesus Christ who suffered death rose agein for vs myght bée knowen and many men bée conuerted too God by the voyce of his Gospell and so becōme heires of ryghtuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting For God gathereth too himself an euerlasting Church by the sound of his woorde wherby he both rebuketh mennes sinnes and allureth them too repentance and also giueth remission of sinnes and euerlasting saluation too such as repent and beléeue the woord And alwayes too the woord God hath annexed outward signes which lyght intoo the eyes as pictures of his promises which signes haue all one méening all one strength all one vse and all one effect or working with the woord For by these twoo meanes namely the woord and the outward signes or Sacraments dooth God beare witnesse of his sonne and offereth too vs forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting saluation for his sonnes sake and also kindleth encreaseth and strenghtheneth fayth in our myndes And therfore Austin termeth a Sacrament a visible woord And like as Chryst sayeth that the holy Ghost reproueth the world of sinne and beareth witnesse of him and like as it is sayd in Genesis My spirit shall not iudge in man bycause he is fleshe that is too say I will take away the ministerie or vse of the holy Ghoste from men So in this place the woord Spirit must most simply bée vnderstood of the holy Ghost reprouing the world of sinne by the ministerie of the Gospell and bearing witnesse of Chrystes persone and benefites and of the eternall lyfe VVater and blud signifie the Sacramentes of Baptim which is the Lauer of water clēzing vs cleane by the woord from all iniquitie and of the Lords Supper in whiche the bodye and blud of Chryst that was shed for vs is distributed in assurance of remission of sinnes And these three are one that is too say they are directed all too one end and haue all one selfsame force vse and effect For the meanes by which God witnesseth of his sonnes benefites and by which he imparteth remission of sinnes and euerlasting lyfe too vs and wherby he rayseth vp encreaseth and confirmeth our fayth are alwayes toogither Vppon the Sunday called Misericordia or the second Sunday after Easter The Introit THe earth is full of the Lords mercy Prayse yee the Lord. The heauens are stablished by the woord of god Prayse yee the Lord. Reioyce yée rightuous in the Lord praising becommeth the ryghtuous c. Psalm xxxij ¶ The Epistle j. Peter ij CHryst also suffred for vs leauing vs an ensample that yee should folowe his steps which did no sinne
sinfull inclinations or of the darknesse and vnrulynesse of all the powers of man raging ageinst the Lawes of god This concupiscence like a welspring bredeth and bringeth foorth actuall sinnes euen in the regenerate when ouer and besydes the mistinesse of mynd and the sinfull inclinations and the sodein brayds of affections there commeth also an assent or agréement of the wil and a ful purpose too commit the sin euen in outward woork And so hath sinne his being not of God but of concupiscence sticking in vs or of originall sinne whiche is bred and borne with vs And therefore dooth Iames ryght sagely affirme that nothing commeth from God but good as is sayd in Genesis God sawe all things that he had made and behold they were excéeding good and Psalm 91. They shall declare that our Lord GOD is ryghtuouse and there is no iniquitie in him The same is the méening of Iames in this place Euery good gift is from aboue and commeth from the Father of lyght with whom there is no variablenesse nor shadowing of chaunge that is too say like as God is good so there procéedeth nothing but good from him Yea all good things vertue wisdome and happynesse in compassing things are the gifts of God only according too this text what hast thou whiche thou hast not receyued And godlyly and sagely sayeth one in Plutarch God hath made these things and he dooth lende his hand vntoo mée All good things come downe from the Father of lyght that is too say from God who is the souerein and eternall lyght or the fountaine of lyght and of al good things And in asmuch as he is vnchaungeable and alwayes good without alteration and shyning with light of ryghtuousnesse and vpryghtnesse he is neuer turned or shadowed with the darknesse of sinne or at any tyme the cause of sinne as is sayd in Deut. xxxij God is voyd of all iniquitie vpryght and ryghtuouse Let this text therfore bée ioyned with the rest whiche auouche God not too bée the cause of sinne and ageinst al the sleyghtye disputations concerning Gods foresight and sufferance of sinnes and mayntenāce of the nature that sinneth set this one true certein and vnmouable sentence with which the sounder sort euen of the Heathen also doo agrée As Euripides in his Bellerophon sayeth If the Gods peocure any dishonestie then are they no Gods. And Plato also most reuerently in the second booke of his Common weale the. 390. page sayeth It is too bée endeuered with all earnestnesse that inasmuch as God is good no man may in this common weale which we will haue too bée well gouerned say that he is cause of any euill ▪ neyther yoong man nor olde man eyther in Poetrie or in other Discourse The second place Concerning regeneration GOD of his owne good will hath begotten vs with the woord of truthe that wee myght bee the first frutes of his creatures God by his woord or by his lawe hath kindled in mennes myndes a knowledge of their sinnes and a fearfulnesse and gréef rysing of the féeling of Gods wrath ageinst sinne And afterward by shewing in his gospell the remission of sinnes too bée giuen fréely for Chrystes sake he kindleth fayth in their hartes whereby they persuade themselues assuredly that their sinnes are released and intoo the hartes of them that beléeue he poureth the holy Ghoste who by little and little mortifieth the remnant of sin and woorketh new lyght and new ryghtuousnesse or obedience agréeing with the wil of god This whole conuersion of a man wrought by the ministerie of the woord or Gospell and of Baptim is called Regeneration of which is spoken in Iohn j. and .iij. j. Pet. j. and elswhere more at large For as by Adam men are begotten of mortall séede of the flesh too this bodyly lyfe subiect too sinne and death So are wée begotten a new of pure and vncorruptible séede by the woord of the liuing God and as it were created a new too a new and spiritual and eternal lyfe which is the true knowledge and calling vppon God true confidence settled in god and true and earnest loue and obedience which are the sacrifise and seruices most acceptable too god Iohn xvij This is the eternall lyfe that they acknowledge the true God c. Wée are his worke created too good woorks Too the enlightening of this short saying of Iames there may bée brought in the sermons that are in Iohn j. As many as receyued him he gaue them power too becōme the sonnes of GOD too them that beléeue in his name which are not borne neyther of the séede nor of the will of the fleshe nor of the will of man but of god Ioh. iij. Onlesse a man bée borne from aboue he can not sée the kingdome of God. The third place is A Precept concerning willingnesse to lern and the shunning of headye iudgement and babling which giueth sentence rashly of gods sufferance or determination cōcerning sinnes and fallings And it is a generall warning that wee should bée swift and vns●outhfull too héere but slow to speake and well aduised ere we iudge Which warning perteyneth too the whole lyfe of man and specially too the studie of diuinitie of other in which nothing is more hurtfull than to● bée rype too soone to carie about a vayne persuasion of lerning to determine vppon most weightie cōtrouerfies rashly and headely Therfore did Pythagoras enioyn fyueyéeres silence too his Disciples that they should not rashly burst foorth to teaching others before they had furnished their own brest with true and substantiall lerning yea and grounded themselues in their doctrine by practyze of certein yéeres And Nazianzene wittely reproueth the fondnesse or pride of those that become teachers vppon the sodein as the Gyants in the Fables of the Poetes are sayde too bée bred and borne vppon the sodein These as a most noysome plage dooth Plato in Thaeeteto will men too shunne describing thē among their things in these woordes None of these héereth another man too the intent too lerne but they bréede of their owne accord and burst out with sodein brayde when the toy takes them in the head and they think no man knowes aught but themselues For as much as such selfelerned and selfewilled Doctors import verye great harme and assured destruction too the Churche let vs with all earnestnesse diligence and héed obey this rule of Iames that we bée swift quicke chéerful and alwayes redye too héere lerne but in speaking and teaching slowe circumspect or that I may vse Platos woords desirous too lerne desirous too héere and alwayes inquisitiue For therfore hath God giuen vs twoo eares but one tong that he might doo vs too vnderstand how there bée mo things too bée herd than too bée spoken The fourth place is of of brydling yrefulnesse and specially of brydling impatience or grudge and repyning ageinst God in aduersities o● when things go ageinst
vs of whiche is spoken in the first and fifth commaundements Men offend very sore in all their lyfe but specially in their aduersities hurting themselues and others through impatience Therefore let vs haue before our eyes the admonishements of other wise mē as O foole anger in aduersitie auayleth not And in the same Tragedie Thou giuest place too anger which alwayes vndooth thée And also inespecially this saying of Iames The wrath of man worketh not the things that are ryghtfull before God like as Theodosius in his angre flew fyue thousand giltlesse people at Thessalonica Iob Ieremie and many other godly persones offended in their troubles thorough wrathfulnesse Therefore let vs brydle wrath partly with thinking vppon other caces and perilles and inespecially with the example of Chryste who sayeth Lerne of mée for I am méeke and lowly of hart The fifth is A generall exhortation too eschewe sin and too embrace and hold faythfully the woord of God which is the power of god Therfore laying asyde all vnclennesse that is too say sinne that is bred and borne with vs and abundance of malice that is too say the maliciousnesse and actuall sinnes that flowe out of it Embrace yée faythfully kéepe yée the séede of Gods woord sowen in you of which you bée borne a new as he sayd afore Of his owne good will begate he vs with the woord of truthe by which onely and none otherwyse God imparteth forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting saluation vntoo vs. Vppon the Sunday called Vocem Iucunditatis or the .v. Sunday after Easter VTter yée the voyce of gladnesse and let it bée heard Halleluia Shewe it foorth too the vttermost boundes of the earth for the Lord hath deliuered his people Halleluia ¶ The Epistle Iacob ● SEe that yee be doers of the woord and not heerers only deteyning your own selues For if any man heare the woord and declareth not the same by his workes he is like vntoo a man beholding his bodyly face in a glasse For assoone as he hath loked on himselfe he goeth his way and forgetteth immediatly what his fashion was But who so looketh in the perfect law of libertie and continueth therin yf hee bee not a forgetfull hearer but a dooer of the worke the same shall bee happy in his deede If any man among you seeme too be deuoute and refrayneth not his toung but deceyueth his owne hearte this mans deuocion is in vayne Pure deuocion and vndefiled before God the father is this to visit the fatherles and widowes in their aduersitie and to keepe himselfe vnspotted of the world IN the Sermon of this day Tauler expounding this moste swéete promisse of Chrystes Howe muche rather shal your heauenly father giue the holy Ghost too those that aske reciteth that excellent saying which is cited in the place concerning Inuocation and which otherwyse also is woont too bée often repeated and beaten intoo mennes heades in our churches Mannes mynd is neuer so greedy too receyue but that God is much more redy too giue for he is soothfast and a kéeper of his promisses It was the custome of all Christendome a late yéeres too make publike processions these twoo dayes folowing intoo the féeldes néere vntoo their Cities and toun●s and too make solemne prayers for obteinment of luckie encrease of the frutes of the earth and for peace and other good things at gods hād And therupon it was called Rogation weeke or the wéek of publike prayers and the Sunday was called the Rogation day Now forasmuch as true inuocation is the chéefest highest woorshipping of God and the chéefe ●uttresse and wall of the Church and of all the godly and in those Letanies or opē Rogations there were many corruptions of true inuocatiō and in especiall Idolatrous woorshipping of Sainctes receiued and stablished it is bée houefull too open too the héerers a sound summe of the true doctrine concerning the ryght inuocation of God comprehēded in this most swéete saying of this dayes gospel Verely verely I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye ask of the father in my name he will giue it you Aske and ye shall receiue that your ioy may bee perfect Therefore I exhort the well mynded that in the publike exposition of this dayes gospel they diligently cōsider the doctrine of true inuocation and often beat vpon it and daily apply the same to their vse For Inuocation is the chéef most hyghest honoring of God wherby our harts being stirred through the instinct of the holy ghost doo with true and earnest motion vppon trust of our mediator Chryst aske and look for all good things both ghostly and bodily presēt and too come at the true God the father of our Lord Iesus Chryst assuredly warranting our selues that wée are herd and obtein the good things which wée aske according too his promisses The partes of all true Inuocation or Prayer are sixe FIrst the calling vpon the true God the eternal father of our Lord Iesus Chryst made manifest in his church by his assured woord and by his sōne now sent Not feyned Gods not Iupiter Apollo or Pallas not holy men that are dead but the only true God the father the sonne and the holy Ghost must bée called vppon Secondly the consideration of Gods moste streight commaundement which willeth the good things that are promised too bée demaunded and looked for at Gods hand as in this dayes gospel Aske and ye shall receiue Luke ▪ xviij Pray alwayes Psal xlix Cal vpon mée in the day of thy trouble Thirdly repentance or acknowledgement of our sinnes and of our owne vnwoorthinesse as Daniel confesseth himself in his ix chapter wée haue sinned wée haue doone amisse To thée O Lord bee rightuousnesse but vntoo vs confusion offace Fourthly the calling too mynd of the promisses cōcerning remissiō of sinnes the héering of our prayers for Christ our mediators sake as is said in this dayes gospel whatsoeuer ye shall aske of the father in my name he will giue it you ▪ if yée aske it in such maner as he hath expressed in his woord Spirituall benefites peremptorily and without any condition and temporall or worldly benefites and deliuerance from troubles with exception first of our owne profit welfare if he of his fatherly wisdome shall think the thing too bée profitable and wholsom which wee aske Secondly of ▪ the crosse or chastisement of the godly as is sayd in Marke they shall receiue house and lands howbéeit with tribulation Thirdly wée must not apoint God the maner and time of our deliuerance according too this saying if the Lord make taryance abide thou his leysure And fourthly bodily benefits are not too bée gotten by our owne deuises before God bestow them vppon vs. Fifthly faith embrasing gods promis and assuring it self certainly that a mannes sinnes are released and his prayers herd for Chryst the mediators sake Sixthly the reckening vp of the things that are too bée asked as well Ghostly as bodily which
that are drunken and disordered whom wée fynde by experience not too bée méete too performe aryght the lesser purposes and dueties of mannes lyfe Besides this drunkēnesse expulseth the spirit of grace praiers out of mennes harts as Basil hath truely sayd Drunkennesse expelleth the holy Ghost And like as smoke driueth out Bées so Gluttony expulseth the gifts of the holy Ghost Therfore some define sobrietie or stayednesse too bée a vertue that ruleth the desires and the vse of meat and drinke so as wée nether hinder prayer by too much cramming nor hinder sléepe by too much for ●earing Watchfulnesse also is necessary vntoo praying which not only measureth the sléepe of the body in suche wise as it alloweth not more tyme too it than is requisite too maynteine health but also shaketh off the restinesse of mynd and drousie sluggishnesse which neglecteth the exercises of true godlynesse and performeth due heede earnestnesse businesse diligence in dayly prayer and in ruling the rest of the attemptes and purposes of a mannes lyfe It neglecteth not ●e consumeth the time in sléepe or idlenesse which is too bée employed in prayer and mynding of godlynesse It bableth not the woords of the prayer with the lips alone coldly and yauningly and with a wandring minde but it is settled and busie occupyed For how can he hope too bee herd of God which héereth not himself when he prayeth not considereth what he prayeth The times that are most fit for godly and earnest prayer are the morning and the tymes immediatly before dinner and supper as it is sayd in the Psalme Early in the morning will I cry vntoo thee early in the morning shalt thou heare mée Also Peter and Iohn go vp intoo the temple the nynthe houre too pray which answéereth too our thrée or foure of the clocke in the after noone The second place COncerning the louing of our neybor there is spoke more largely of it vpon the .iiij. Sunday after Epiphanie and the first and second dayes after Trinitie Therefore I giue but this lesson concerning the Phrase Loue hydeth the multitude of sinnes it is not too bée vnderstoode of hyding a mannes sinnes before God of which is spoken in Psal xxxj and Rom. iiij Blissed are they whose sinnes are couered that is too wit vnder the shadow of the Sonne of God our mediator but of other mennes or of our neybors sinnes infirmities and blemishes which are too bée forgiuen and couered with mutual louingnesse according to this saying Loue suffereth all things loue beareth all things loue woorketh his neybor no harme Also forgiue and yée shalbée forgiuen Also know thy fréends conditions but hate them not He that hateth vyces hatethmen c. One spice of louing a mannes neybor is of hospitalitie which hee will haue too bée vsed without grudging that is too say willingly and with a chéerfull mynd according too this saying God loueth the chéerful giuer And the Gréekes haue giuen the thrée graces their names of chéerfulnesse that is too wit Aglaia ▪ Euphrosyne Thalia méening thereby that good turnes are too bée doone vntoo others with a glad heart and chéerfull countenance The third place GOd framed man in such wyse and distinguished mannes lyfe intoo sundrie degrées dueties and giftes that euery one hath néede of others helpe and eche one too shewe his louingnesse and liberalitie towardes other by franke and free imparting his giftes among them And in déede the best of all laboures is too help a man by such meanes as he hath and can And therfore in this place Peter willeth all men too employ the giftes which they haue not too vainglory and pryde but too this end that they may serue our neybors turne and set foorth the glory of God Like as Paule j. Corinthians xij and xiiij willeth all giftes too bée employed too edefying ▪ and too the profit of the churche If any man speake let him speake as the answers of God. That is too say he that is a Preacher let him teache faithfully and let him handle the word of God aryght and not teach Philosophie nor the traditions of men If any man ministreth let him doo it according to the abilitie that God lendeth him That is too say let euery one that serueth in any other seruice or office abide within the boundes of his vocatiō which God furthereth let him acknowledge God to bée the efficient cause and end of al wholsom dooings Let him doo all things too the glory of God. Vppon Whitson Sunday ¶ The Epistle Actes ij ANd when the fiftie dayes wer come to an end they were all with one accord together in one place And sodenly there came a sound from heauen as it had bin the comming of a mighty winde and it filled al the house where they sate And there appeared vntoo them clouen tongues like as they had bin of fire and it sate vpon eche one of them and they were al filled with the holy ghost and began to speake with other tongues euen as the same spirit gaue thē vtterance Then were dwelling at Ierusalem Iewes deuout mē out of euery nation of them that are vnder heauen When this was noysed about the multitude came together and were astonied bicause that euery man heard them speake with his own language They wondred all and maruelled saying among thē selues Behold are not all these which speake of Galile And how heare wee euery man his owne tongue wherein wee were borne Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia and of Iewrie and of Capadocia of Pontus and Asia Phrigia and Pamphilia of Egipt and of the parties of Libia which is beside Syren and straungers of Rome Iewes and Proselites Greekes and Arrabians wee haue heard them speake in our owne tongues the great woorkes of God. The Doctrine concerning the feast of Pentecost or Whitsuntide may be included in foure places 1 Of the woord Pentecost and the stories of Gods shewing of himselfe which were doone in the Church vpon Whitsun Sunday 2 The Doctrine concerning the person of the holy Ghost 3 Of the office and benefites of the holy Ghost 4 Too whom the holy Ghost is giuen and how he is receiued or forgone The first place PEntecost is a Gréeke woorde and signifieth the fiftith day that is too wit from Easter day For the fiftith day after the first passeouer and passage of the children of Israell out of Egipt the lawe of God was published vppon Mount Sinai And the same day a thousand fiue hundred fortie and twoo yéeres after béeing the fiftith day after that our passeouer Chryst was offered in sacrifise vppon the altar of the crosse the holy Ghost was poured out vppon the Apostles Now from the creation of the world vntoo the first Pentecost in which the ten commaundementes were delyuered vppon Mount Sinai there passed twoo thousand four hundred and thrée and fiftie yéeres From the first Pentecost or
the comfort of thy helpe agein and stablish mée with thy frée spirite Let vs har●e vppon these requestes dayly For in so great confusion of doutfulnesse in the gréefes of conscience in the perilles of profession in pouertie in contempt in most bitter hatreds and in torments of bodye It is impossible that fayth and godlynesse should stād stedye and vnmoued if mennes mynds were not strengthened by the holy Ghoste That Steue● went with ioyfull mynd too his punishement and eased his harmes with hope That Laurence laye vppon the gredyron broyling on the coales that were vnderneathe him with glad and chéerefull hart and scorned the Tyrant both in countenaunce voyce That Agatha Agnes and such other ●●●ie Wenches laughed in the mids of most bitter tormentes and were not ouercome with any terrours or tortures too renounce the profession of the truthe All these things are the benefites and giftes of the holy Ghost And this benefite of the holy Ghost in erecuting the office of an Aduocate in the mynds of men that are afflicted is with most singular and swéete lightsomnesse both of woords and figures expressed in the auncient prayer directed too the holy Ghost which I would wishe yong men too wryte yea and dayly too vse it in their prayers Come holy Ghost and God of myght Send downe from heauen on euery wyght The beames of thy eternall lyght Come Father of the poore in smart Come thou that all good gifts doost part Come only lyght of lyghtlesse hart Of comforters thou art the best Of humane soule the gentle guest And sweete refresher of th' opprest In labour rest and quietnesse In swelting heat coole tempratnesse In moorning comfortablenesse O lyght most blissed too behold Fulfill with grace most manifold The harts of all thy faythfull fold Onlesse thy woorking it begin Man hath not aught at all within Man hath not aught but only sin Wash cleane what euer filth is found And moyst agein eche droughty ground And heale eche thing that is not sound Subdue the sturdy stiffe and hold Releeue the things fernoo●●d with cold And on the strayes lay stedfast hold On such as by their frutes doo showe The trust and fayth which they thee ●we ▪ Thy sacred namber seuen bestowe Giue them the hyre of rightuousnesse Giue them the end of blisfulnesse And euer lasting ioyfulnesse Now whereas in this Hymne is sayd Thy sacred nōber seuen bestowe And in another Hymne Thou seuenfold giuer of thy gift ▪ c. These woords allude to y place of Esai x● out of which they cōmonly recken vp seuen giftes of the holy Ghost Esai xj A rod shall spring out of the stocke of Iesse and a braunche shal growe out of his roote The spirit of the Lord shall rest vppon him the spirit of wisdome and vnderstanding the spirit of counsell and strength the spirit of knowledge and godlinesse and the spirit of the feare of the Lorde shall fill him This place of Esai is a prophesie concerning Chrystes kingdome whom he foretelleth to come of the stocke of Esai or Iesse or of the linage of Daui● nowe sore decayed and in maner past hope and that this kingdome shalbée spirituall in which Chryst the king and head of the Churche shall bestowe spiritual and euerlasting gifts vpō his body or church not by worldly force but by his spirit and woor● First the spirit or gift of wisdome is the true knowledge of God and of his s●n●e ●ur Lo●d Iesus Chryste and a faith vnderstanding and embracing all the whole doctrine concerning God which is set foorth and is necessarie too bée knowen for the health of the soule Secondly the spirit of Vnderst●ding is that whereby w●● discerne opinions and fynd out the true doctrine frō the false and from that which is shadowed with the sleightes of Sophistrie Thirdly the spirite of Counsell is that whiche in the labours of a mannes vocation in daungers in sorowes and aduersities gouerneth the godly with counsell and susteyneth them with comfort and playeth al the other partes and duties of an Aduocate Fourthly the spirit of Strength or Mālynesse harteneth and strengtheneth mennes myndes and fenceth the godly with those weapons that are described Ephe. vj. least being vanquished eyther with entycements of pleasure or with the traynes of the Diuell ▪ or with aduersitie they may fal away from true godlinesse Fifthly the spirit of Knowledge doth in our co●●on conuersation so marke the differences of persones tymes and places and so rule a mannes deuyses and dooings too the reason of the circumstances or incidentes that he neyther offendeth others nor withdraweth them frō the true doctrine Sixthly the spirit of Godlynesse kindleth in our will●s ● fréeharted willingnesse too obey God or ●n vniuersall obedience according too the commaundementes of God and dryneth all our dooings too this end that GOD ▪ may bée rightly worshipped gl●ri●●ed ▪ a●d magnified at ●●●hands Seuenthly the spirit of the Feare of GOD ruleth our ha●●es that they may reuerently 〈◊〉 themselues to god and stand in awe of the Lord God as of a kyndharted fathe● not with slauish feare but with chyldly affection being loth with all our hartes too ●ffend this hea●enly Father or too bée cast o●● of his f●uou● ●●d althoughe there bée mo●enefites attribu●●●●●● the holy Gho●● in the Seriptures these self se●en gift●● of the holy Ghost ●ay bée drawen ●● fewe● kynds ▪ yet notwithstāding in as much as this distribution is accustomed in the church I thought good ●● repete a short 〈◊〉 ●● it in this place The fourth place how the holy ghost is receiued and how he is forgone THe holy ghost imparteth vnto vs both himself his giftes by two means which he hath ordeined stablished that is too wit by the word of the gospel herd red or thought vpon and by the Sacraments of Baptim and the Lords supper as is sayde in the Epistle of to morow Act. x. The holy ghost fel vpon al that herd the woorde And in the sermon of Peter which he made as vpon this day at Hierusalem when his héerers asked him What shal wée doo that wée may obteyn the holy ghost Peter answered Repent be baptized euery one of you in the name of Iesus Chryst yée shal receiue the gift of the holy ghost There is no mā that can obteyn the holy ghost by his owne power or desert but the spirite of God of his owne infinite goodnesse preuenteth vs offreth himself too vs by the word of the Gospel and kindleth the true knowledge of God faith in our brests and regenerateth renueth our mynd and wil. Therfore being helped of the holy ghost wée both can must stir vp norish encrease in our selues the kindled sparks of faith the beginnings of al other vertues And also must desire of God that this spirite may be the directer of al our deuises and dooings Hervnto perteineth that most sweet
good woorkes bée néedfull What they bée What kyndes there bée of them What are the efficiēt causes of them or in what wyse they may bée wrought What is the formall cause or howe they become good and acceptable too God. Of the finall causes or wherefore they are to be done And of their effectes or rewardes both in this lyfe in the lyfe too come Vppon the seuenth Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Rom. vj. I Speake grosly bycause of the infirmitie of your fleslie As yee haue gyuen your members seruauntes too vnclennesse and too iniquitie from iniquitie vntoo iniquitie euen so nowe giue your members seruauntes vntoo rightuousnesse that ye may bee sanctified For when yee were the seruauntes of sinne yee were not vnder ryghtuousnesse VVhat frute had yee then in those things whereof yee are now asshamed For the ende of those things is death But now are yee deliuered from sinne and made the seruants of God and haue your frute that yee should be sanctifyed and the ende euerlasting lyfe For the rewarde of sinne is death but eternall lyfe is the gift of God through IESVS Chryst our Lord. The disposement IT entreateth all of one matter with the Epistle which we herd vppon this day seuennyght The ground thereof is this All that bée borne a new or all that bée set frée from sinne by frée giuen mercie thorough Chryst must not sinne any more but must begin a new lyfe or obedience agréeing with the will of God. The principall reasons are grounded First vppon the honestnesse of the matter EVery man must obey him whose seruant he is You that bée borne ageine haue renounced the seruice of sinne and are become the seruants of rightuousnesse Ergo yee must no more yéeld yourselues too sin but must begin new rightuousnesse or obediēce agreable to gods wil. A kin to this reason is the Argument of coincidents THe rightuouse man dooth ryghtuouse things Christen folke are rightuouse Ergo They must liue rightuously and not sin any more The third is vppon the profitablenesse ALl christen folkes must with earnest endeuer seeke eternall lyfe by all meanes stryue too shun eternall death The reward of rightuousnesse or of newe obedience is eternall lyfe and the hyre of sinne is eternall death Ergo rightuousenesse or new obedience towards al gods commaundements is by all earnest endeuer too bée folowed of the godly and disobedience or sinne is by all earnest endeuer too bée eschued By these thrée Argumentes dooth Paule confirme his proposition The cheef places of doctrine are three FIrst of the the necessitie of weldooing or of new obediēce which is a stedie and continuall will through a forelyght of the true knowledge of Chryste and fayth too eschue all sinnes and too obey GOD according too all his commaundements too this end that God may bée honored This definitiō may bée most plentuously enlarged by declaring in order thorough euery of the ten cōmaundements the sinnes ageinst which the godly stryue the good woorkes or vertues in which they vtter their obedience And also by reckening vp the causes of this new obedience and of the effectes of the same Secondly concerning Christen libertie whiche is a setting frée from sinne from death from the curse of the morall Lawe from the obedience that was too bée performed too the ceremoniall and politike lawes of Moyses and frō mennes traditions out of the case of offence giuing And christen libertie is not a loosenesse of lustes and wickednesse or an exemption from the obedience that is due too the lawe of God or good manners But wée are set frée from sin and from the condemnation of the lawe by Chryst too this ende that wée shold from hence foorth serue rightuousnesse or God and our neyghbour like as Paule sayeth héere Now being set frée from sinne yée are made the seruaunts of god And Gal. v. Brethren yée are called too libertie now sée that yée turne not your libertie intoo an occasion of fleshlynesse but serue one another through mutuall louingnesse j. Pet. ij Not as making your libertie a couer of maliciousenesse but as the seruants of God honor yée all men loue the brethren feare God and honor the King. Thirdly of this saying which comprehendeth a summe of the whole Gospell Eternall lyfe is the gift of God in Chryst Iesu our Lord. For like as remission of sinnes and imputation of ryghtuousnesse and the holy Ghost are of frée mercie giuen too the beléeuers for Chrysts sake so also euerlasting lyfe is not due too any desertes of our woorkes as a wages but is the méere gift of GOD whiche wée obteyne by onely fayth for Chrystes sake Iohn iij. and .vj. Hée that beléeueth in the sonne hath lyfe euerlasting Now although eternall lyfe bée giuen fréely for Chrystes sake yet is it also the wages of good woorkes not due by our desertes but promised of Gods frée mercie For godlynesse hath promises of the lyfe present and too come j. Tim. iiij The darker sort of phrases in the Text may bée vnderstood in this wyse I speake grossely for the weaknesse of your flesh that is too say I will vse a similitude whiche you of the ruder sort may vnderstand taken of the most customable vsage of mannes lyfe by which seruants are cōpelled too obey their Maisters Like as you haue yeelded your members that is too wit the powers of your soule and the instruments of them namely your mynd your will your hartes tungs hands féete the rest of your limbes vnto vnryghtuousnesse that is too the committing of it For the Gréeke woord Anomia which is as much too say as lawlessenesse signifieth all affections and déedes that fyght ageinst the lawe of God. Seruaunts of rightuousnesse vnto sanctification that is too say too the dooings of holy woorkes and vertues that please God or that yée may liue holyly and purely and serue god in all vertues or good woorkes kindled in your hartes by the holy Ghost Yee were free from rightuousnesse that is too say yée obeyed not rightuousnesse The end of them that is too say the reward payment or vttermost wages of sinne is death You haue your frute too holynesse that is too say you haue holy and acceptable woorkes vntoo God and he will recompence them with most ample rewardes in the eternall lyfe The wages of sinne is death The Gréeke woord Opson signifieth properly al kynd of meate that is dressed with fire sauing bread and specially fish Wée call it in some places of England Suwle In old tyme there was giuen vntoo souldiours for their pay not only coyne of brasse or of siluer but also vittels as flesh fish horsecorne c. Hereuppon commeth the latin woord Obsonium which signifieth not only al kynd of foode and vittelles but in general the same thing that the woord Stipendium dooth which is as much too say as a Pay. Vppon the eight Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Rom. viij BRethren wee
of the exposition of the vertues of the first cōmaundement out of the .xxxv. chapter of Exodus The vertue that encoūtreth Idolatry is true Godlynesse or the true worshipping of God or christian religion which is to acknowledge the one true God the Father the Son and the holy Ghost the maker of heuen and earth aryght and to call vpon him and to worship him with true fayth obediēce according as hée hath shewed himself in his own word of the law the Gospel The second place OF whoordom which alwayes is ioyned with miswoorshipping oftentymes in the prophetes is put for idolatry it self The vertue contrary too whoordom is chastitie the orderly exposition whereof may be repeted out of the sixt comandement Now Paule alludeth to the story of the Israelites who béeing called to the sacrifises and feastes of the Idoll Peor did eate of the Idolofferings and committed fornication with the Idoll Peor and with the daughters of Moab Num. xxv The third place OF tempting God whiche is not to obey God paciently in suffring calamities and troubles like as the Israelites grudged at the trouble somnesse of their iourney and wer therfore slain by fyry serpents Num. xxj and not to stay a mans self vpō gods word ordinance but eyther to deny God and his works which notwithstanding we know to be done by god As the Pharisies Luke xj attributed vnto Belzebub the miracles wrought by Chryst and the Israelites Exod. xvij deny that the Lord God brought them out of Egypt or to correct Gods cōmaundments and ordinances vpon a mans own rashnesse vpon trust of his own wisedom and strength as if a man would go ouer a greate riuer a foote wheras god hath appoynted this order that it should be passed by bridge or by bote The Enthusiastes leauing Gods word by which only he imparteth his light and benefits vntoo vs seeke new enlightnings The Isralites in Num. xiiij and xxj despising Gods ordinaunce and commaundement determine too make them selues a newe Capteine too conuey them ageyne intoo Aegipte When Chryste was willed to cast himselfe downe from the pinacle of the Temple hée aunswerd that God was not too bée tempted who appoynted this order that men should go downe by gréeces The whole exposition of the storie concerning the firy serpentes the brazen serpent set vp by Moyses in the wildernesse which Paul citeth in this place may be fetched out of my exposition of the one and twentith chapter of Num. of this saying Iohn iij. Like as Moyses lifted vp the serpent in the wildernesse The fourth place OF grudging or repining which is a fretting chafing a disobediēce ageinst God in troubles punishmēts as the Isralites in Num. xj and xiiij murmured and grudged taking the labor and paynfulnesse of their iorney impaciently lyke thanklesse persons forgetting all the benefits and promises of God distrusting him as it were reprouing him of vntruth for not performing the foode defēce which he had promised ●othing his presēt benefits lusting after fleshe and other ●iner fare Of which lusting Paul but euē a litle afore sayd Lust not after euil things as they did And in general the doctrine concerning lust cōcupiscence or the hedynesse of al our inclinatiōs affections powers to which right well agréeth this verse of Crates Foule lustfulnesse is euen the ground of euils al that may bee found And also the doctrine of pacience and ryghtfulnesse which lotheth not good things present beareth discommodities incident may bée repeted in this place Cōcerning which these sayings are vsual Sufficient for the day is the trauel therof Also content thy self with things that come too hand And agein An Asse is he in deede whom hard mischaunce can make an Asse But wyse is he that paciently hard stormes can ouerpasse But proprely Grudgyng fighteth ageynst the first commaundement and the countervertue vntoo it is pacience The fifth place IT is a generall lesson concerning punishmentes or miseries that they bée examples whiche warne men to shun Gods displesure and such other penalties For wheras the Israelits were destroyed in the wildernesse by the destroying Aungell or by the minister and executer of Gods wrath punishments all these things befel them that they myght bee as patterns and examples vntoo vs vpon whom the ends of the world are come too put vs in mynde of Gods dreadfull wrath ageynst sinne and of eschuing suche like fallings whiche procure Gods displeasure of the endlesse punnishemēts that shal ensue without dout Therefore who so thinketh himselfe too stande and specially which déemeth it lawfull for him to eate of Idolofferings let him looke to it that he fall not into Idolatry dreadfull punnishments lyke as the children of Israell Aaron himself and Salomon also did Therfore we had néed to vse singular wakernesse and heede and earnest prayer least through fond persuasion of oure owne knowledge through the craft of the diuell laying snares for vs in our owne infirmitie wée bee throwneheadlong intoo Idolatry and other horrible calamities For euen those that bée borne a newe and are in very déede godly may slide and by losing grace the holy ghoste may fall intoo euerlasting destruction like as Saule Iudas and others perished The sixt place COncerning temptations and the manner how to put them away and ouercome them I haue giuen some incling vpon the .iiij. chapter of Mathew Temptation is a prouocation or motion to synne and wretchednesse rising of mans infirmitie that is to wit of doutings and miswéenings of the mynd and of sinfull inclinatiōs and affections of the hart or of outward inticements occasiōs which stir vp those sinful inclinations as Dauid by lighting vpon the beautiful shape of Bersabée is tempted of his owne concupiscence and yet is not driuen by the diuel vtterly to despise and hate God as Nero Saul and Iudas were But vnto those that haue the first beginnings of true godlynesse true feare of God true faith there is a most swéete comfort set forth in this saying God is faithful who suffereth vs not to bée tempted aboue our strength as if he shoulde say God louing vs hartily and with stedfast good will embracing all such as haue the beginning of true godlynesse suffreth vs not too bée ouercome and too sinke vnder the allurementes of sin neither wil he lay greater burthens vpon vs than we bée able to beare through but distributeth troubles by geometrical proportion Vpon the stout and manly saincts such as Iacob and Dauid were he layeth a sorer weight and vpō them that be weaker he layeth a lighter weight and strengthneth and confirmeth our harts with the holy ghost that they may be able to endure out the payne And he ruleth the fallings out that they may bée too the welfare both of our selues and of others according as it is sayd to the godly all things worke too the beste
And he aduoucheth that the law is not only nothing ageynst the testament or promis concerning Christ but also that it confirmeth it yea most manifestly proueth that men must of necessitie be iustified by the frée mercy of God onely for Christes sake For in asmuch as gods law and the whole scripture conuinceth all men to be vnrightuous defiled with sin subiect to Gods wrath endlesse damnacion It is euident that the law it self beareth witnesse that no man can be iustified before God for his own worthinesse clennesse Therfore let no man vpon trust of his own strēgth his own vertues or his own deseruings hope to obteyne rightuousnesse euerlasting lyfe in any other thing than in the onely free promis or in Christ onely Vpon the .xiiij. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Galat. v. I Say walke in the spirite and fulfill not the lust of the flesh For the flesh lusteth contrary to the spirite and the spirite contrary to the flesh these are contrary one to the other so that ye can not doo whatsoeuer yee woulde But and yf yee bee ledde of the spirite then are yee not vnder the lawe The deedes of the flesh are manifeste whiche are these adultrye fornicacion vnclennesse wantonnesse worshipping of Images witchcraft hatred variaunce zele wrath strife sedicions sectes enuying murder dronkennesse gluttonye and suche like Of the which I tell you before as I haue tolde you in times past that they which committe such things shall not be inheritors of the kingdome of god Contrarily the fruyte of the spirite is loue ioy peace long suffering gentilnesse goodnesse faythfulnesse meekenesse temperaunce Ageynst such there is no law They truely that are Christes haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lustes The disposement THis Epistle is of those sortes of cases that persuade For it is an exhortacion to good workes or new obedience agréeing with Gods will amplyfied with two figures Antithesis and Distribution And the state or proposition of the Epistle enlightned with the Antithesis is this sentence VValke in the spirite and fulfil not the lustes of the flesh that is to say obey the holy Ghost which ruleth youre intentes endeuers and dooings that they may agrée with the will or lawe of God and welter not in sinne or the lewde inclinacions and affections of nature corrupted and vnrenewed by the holy Ghoste or too speake shortly do good woorkes and eschue sinne Eyther member of this proposition Paule declareth enlargeth with a distribution of the generalitie into his particulars Now let the termes be vnderstood aright The spirite signifieth God the holy Ghoste and all new motions of true feare fayth and loue of God and of all other vertues stirred vp by the holy Ghoste For to this end is the holy Ghoste poured out into the hartes of the beléeuers that he should do away sinne and kindle new rightuousnesse conuersation agréeing with Gods will. To walke is the same thing that to liue or to rule the purposes and déedes of the whole lyfe Flesh signifieth the whole nature of man vnrenewed by fayth and the holy Ghoste Lust of the flesh signifieth not onely the inordinate desires of the senses or of the affections in the hart as vnlawefull loues hatredes yrefulnesse and the flames of sensualitie but also it signifieth in the will the turning from God distrust carelesnesse in neglecting the displeasure and iudgement of god and standing in a mās owne conceyt and in the mynd ignorance doutfulnesse concerning the béeing and will of God c. All this whole confused heape of original and inward actual mischéeues the Scripture comprehendeth vnder the terme of lust or concupiscence of which the verse of Crates may most truly bée verified Of euils all that may bee founde Concupiscence or lust is grounde But to good purpose and méening sayeth Paule fulfil not the lustes of the flesh For euen in all the Saincts there remayneth concupiscence of the flesh that is too wit many sinful inclinations and desires darknesse in the mynde and doutfulnesse distrust carnall carelesnesse and standing in a mans owne conceyte in the wil and a great ●able of sinful pangs and affectiōs in the hart These mischéefs like deadly foes kéepe warre in our mindes ageinst the spirite and ageinst the good motions that are stirred vp by the holy Ghost as in Rom. vij Paule describeth this fyght of the flesh ageinst the spirit with many words and also they prouoke and enforce vs to outward sinnes Howbeit these workings of the fleshe must not bée fulfilled but must be kept down and mortified by the holy Ghost who ruleth the mynd will and hart that they may willingly and with a true intent exercise the dedes or vertues agréeing with the will or law of god For they that are led by the spirite are no longer vnder the lawe or vnder sinne which is accused condemned by the law neyther perfourme they their obedience too God by compulsion and constraynt of the law but of a frank and freeharted willingnesse of their owne Paul distributeth the woorks of the flesh and of the spirite or sinnes and good woorkes into certeine particulars which may bée referred too agréeable precepts of the Ten commaundementes The manifest deeds of the flesh he nameth sinnes or wickednesses which men cōmit wittingly and willingly or which the dooer knoweth to bée sinne and sinneth wilfully For he putteth a difference between their synnes that are doone ageynst conscience whiche dwell not in the saintes and the sins of ignorance naturall infirmitie darknesse and the sinfull heates which oftentymes happen ageinst mens wills The first four kindes Aduoutry fornication vnclenenesse and wantonnesse doo fight ageinst the sixt commandement and the vertue contrary to them is chastitie The fifth kynd of the works of the flesh Idolatrie comprehendeth all sinnes ageinst the first table as false opinions concerning God heresies superstitions and al worshippings and seruings of God chosen without the warrant of Gods word as Masses Moonkishe toyes c. The contrary vertue is true godlinesse or fayth and true woorshipping of god The ten termes or sinnes folowing 1. Witchcraft 2. hatred 3. variance 4. spitefulnesse 5. wrath 6. strife 7. seditions 8. sects 9. enuying 10. and murther fyght all ageynst the fyfth commaundment And the contrary vertues are Ryghtfulnesse whiche hurteth not an other mans lyfe body or good name fréendship desire of cōcord méeknesse The exposition of euery of these woords their differences may be taken out of the exposition of the ten cōmandements or out of my rules of lyfe The last two kindes Drunkennesse and gluttonie may in likewise bée referred to the sixt commaundement and the contrary vertue is Stayednesse or sobrietie In the ende he addeth an argumente of discommoditie or of euerlasting paynes They that giue themselues too these sinnes shall not receiue the heritage of Gods kingdome but shall bée cast into endlesse
torments The frutes of the spirit or the vertues that please God which are kindled in the godly by the holyghost are 1. The loue of God and our neighbor which comprehendeth most of the vertues of the first and secōd table For Loue is the fulfilling of the law Rom. xiij and j. Cor. xiij 2. and. 3. Ioy and peace or quietnesse and gladnesse of the hart setled in God and persuading a man assuredly that God is at one with him and at hand with hym helping him and giuing hym lyfe and gladnesse euerlasting for Chrystes sake 4. Long sufferance or pacience beareth with other folks infirmities and with wrongs doone and is not discouraged with mysdealings or other ouerthwarte things that it should doo ageynst any of Gods commaundements and it perteyneth too the first and the fifth commaundement 5. Gentlenesse or curtesie yéelding it selfe willingly to other folks to vse and willingly dooing good to others perteyneth to the seuenth and fifth commaundements 6. Goodnesse or vprightnesse hurting no man endeuering too doo good and to profit all men is of as greate force as vniuersall ryghtuousnesse whereof men are called good And it comprehendeth chéefly liberalitie and courtesie 7. Faith or true knowledge of god trust settled in Christ the mediator or faythfulnesse performing cōstācie in woord deed and in true mutuall good will and all dutifull poyntes of Fréendshyp and déemyng fréendly of other mennes willes and meenyngs perteyneth to the fifth commaundement 8. Meeknesse bryd●yng wrath desire of reuenge perteyneth lykewyse too the fyfth commaundement 9. discretenesse sobernesse stayednesse temperaunce or chastitie perteyneth to the sixth commaundement From thence therefore may a more plentyfull exposition of the vertues bée fetched Ageinste suche there is no lawe that is too say the Lawe prohibiteth not these woorkes or there is no Lawe appaynted for the ryghtuous whiche are guyded by the holy Ghoste That is too say the Lawe dooth not accuse or condemne the ryghtuous neyther dooth it holde shorte or constreyne those that are obediente But as for those that fulfill the lustes of the fleshe or forbeare outward offences ageynst their willes those dooth the Lawe restreyne accuse and condemne They truly that are Chrystes haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lustes therof that is too say those that bée godly in déede or that beléeue in Chryst fulfil not the lusts of the flesh or their sinfull inclinations and affections but doo keepe them vnder and restreine them and mortify thē with the spirite as is sayd Rom. viij If ye mortifie the déedes of the flesh by the spirite yée shall liue Vppon the .xv. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Gal. v. IF yee liue in the spirit let vs walk in the spirit Let vs not bee vaineglorious prouoking one another and enuying one another Brethren if any man be fallen by chance into any fault ye which are spirituall help to amend him in the spirit of meeknesse considering thy selfe lest thou also be tempted Beare ye one anothers burthen and so fulfil the law of Christ For if any man seme to himself that he is somwhat when he in dede is nothing the same deceiueth himselfe in his imagination Let euery man proue his owne worke and then shall he haue reioycing in his owne selfe and not in another For euery man shall beare his owne burthen Let him that is taught in the woord mynister vnto him that teacheth him in all good things Be not deceiued God is not mocked For whatsoeuer a mā soweth that shall he reape For he that soweth in the flesh shal of the flesh reape corruption But he that soweth in the spirite shall of the spirite reape life euerlasting The disposement THis Epistle perteineth to the kind of cases that is persuasiue For it conteyneth precepts exhortations too good works and namely too modestie and new obedience The parts or cheef places are two 1 Of modestie and lowlynesse which restreineth pride and beareth with the infirmities and blemishes of the brethren and performeth faythfulnesse and diligence in executing aryght the duties of a mans calling which true glorie that is too say the witnesse or allowment of a mannes own conscience iudging aryght dooth always accompany of it owne accord 2 Of thankfulnesse and courtesy too bée vsed towardes all the godly and specially towards schoolemasters and ministers of the Gospell IN the beginning of the Epistle is set a general exhortation vntoo new obediēce If we liue in the spirit let vs walk in the spirite that is too say séeing wée be deliuered from euerlasting death by the sonne of God and the holy ghost and that new lyfe is kindled in our hartes let vs also reuerently obey the holy ghost dwelling in our hartes and directing oure intentes and the dooings of our lyfe according to the rule of Gods lawe Let vs not be desirous of vaynglorie prouoking one an other and enuying one an other Of lowlynesse or modestie MOdestie or lowlynesse and the desire of true prayse fyght not one ageynst an other but are neybour vertues lyke as are liberalitie and sparyngnesse Grauitie and courtesie or gentlenesse iustice and mercy or pitifulnesse For the desire of true glory and of a good name is a vertue commaunded by God which liking wel of a mans owne worke that is too say faythfully executing the duties of a mannes vocation and endeuering to doo well too the church and the common weale in their place obteyneth the allowment of God and his owne conscience déemyng aright which is continually accompanyed with the commendation of other good men iudging aright also as Ionathas j. Reg. xviij Ioseph Gen. xxxix and Paule who though they bée mylde and lowly do not withstāding like well of their owne worke and buzyly and faythfully execute the labors of their vocation And therfore they obteined the allowment of God and their own conscience and the commendation of all godly menne and of the whole church This vertue doth God cōmand Philip. iiij What soeuerthings are of honest report if there bée any vertuous thing if there bée any cōmendable thing those same haue yée in mynd which yée haue both lerned séen in mée those things doo yée Also Math. ● Let your lyght so shine before men that they may sée your good works and glorifie your father which is in heauen Good name therefore must of necessitie bée soughte euen for this cause that others may by good exāples bée allured to the true acknowledgement of God and the felowship of the Churche But good name cannot bée soughte onlesse wée also earnestly séeke after vertue or true godlynesse to Godwarde and all good woorkes and labours wherby wée may in our vocation deserue wel of the church and the common weale For the foundation of true glorye is excellent vertue which is always accompanied with the glorie or cōmendation of good men and with the enuie of euill
helmet which chéefly fenceth the head is the assured hope of eternal saluation wherwith wée being strengthened do beare out al the perils and miseries of this life with the stouter stomacke with this helmet did Steuen couer his head what time he went reioysing in his hart and through strong hope did ease his harme smart with the like armor did Paule Polycarpe Laurence and all the holy Martyrs sustein most bitter torments of bodie that they might atteine lyfe and blisse euerlasting The weapons which he appoynteth vs too repulse and too strike the enemie with all are twoo First a sword not of stéele but spirituall that is too wit Gods woord wherwithal bothe the féendes are chased as Christ hath taught vs by his owne example Math. iiij and the noysome opinions of heretikes dispr●●ed and put away like as the herisies of the Manichées and Arians in old time and in our dayes the herisies of the Papists of the Anabaptists of Swinkféeld of others are chased by y woord of god Let all christen souldiers whet this swoord with earnestnesse in lerning teaching continual minding it and let them haue it alwayes redy at hand The other kynd of armor is continuall and feruent prayer whereby wée must séeke and looke for Gods helpe and for luckie successe in our warfare and for victory by the graundcapteine of our armie our Lord Iesus Chryste the sonne of god For without Gods assistence euen the heathen mē saw it was but vain too draw weapon in battel or too take pains to fight Pindarus loue of contention loue of warre if God be not on thy side O sonne win with thy launce but win alwayes with God. But more notable are the testimonies of Gods woorde which shew vs the true calling vpon God vnknowne too the heathen and warrant the godly souldiers that they may certeinly beléeue their prayers too bée receiued and herd of God and themselues too bee helped in déede in their calling by the sonne of god Psalm xx Some trust in chariots and some in horses but wée wil call vpon the name of the Lord our God ▪ Psal l. Cal vppon mée in the day of trouble Psal xc He shall cry vntoo mée and I will héere him I will deliuer him and shew him my sauing health ▪ Ps. cxlvij. He shal not obtein his purpose in the strength of a horse Theréfore let vs vse these weapons when wée are like too bée anoyed by dangers of the deuill by our owne flesh and by tyrannous bishops kings Let vs not cast downe our courages let vs not quake ▪ let vs not moue sedition as Muncer and the Anabaptists of Munster did But let vs strengthen our selues with the promises of Gods woord and commit our daungers too God and with quiet myndes looke for an end too our welfare at the hand of Gods sonne the captein general of our warres like as Ezechias and Esay fought ageinst Sennacherib and Moises ageinst Pharao only by prayer So Luther with vnappalled courage susteined the assaults of the Romish Bishop of the Emperor and of many Kings Princes and Bishops and by continual prayer and earnest faith vanquished them and pal them too flight Take strong fayth for a sheelde and for thy dart stedy prayer Let Gods woord bee thy sword Chryst will alone doo the rest Hitherto I haue bréefly passed ouer the state of the Epistle and the chéefe members of the same too the entent that the summe of the matter béeing set out seuerally in order might with y more ease bée caryed away And I wold counsel those that bée well mynded too adde too this bréefe distribution Luthers most lyghtsome Sermon wherein he hath enlyghtened this part of this vj. chapter Now will I bréefly expound certeine of the harder woordes and phrases Bee manly in the Lord ▪ A néedful vertue for al godly folke is manlynesse I méene not that knightly and warlike valeantnesse that chaseth enemies with worldly weapōs such as appered in great Alexander in Iulius Caesar but the grown manlynesse as they terme it that is too wit stedfastnesse of mynd continuing throughout in true godlynesse profession of the heauenly doctrine and by patience faith prayer fighting ageinst al dangers and allurements that withdraw the mind from possession of true godlinesse As for example Daniel is manly in the Lord when he starteth not from profession of the true doctrine for feare of death which hung ouer his head by the Lyons The thrée yoongmen in the burning Ouen at Babilon were manly or valeant in the Lord whē they forsooke not the acknowledgement of the true god All the Apostles and Martyrs were manly in the Lord bycause they chose rather too die than too breake their fayth due too Chryst ▪ and the profession of the gospell Put on the complet armor of God. The complet armor of the Romanes is described by Polybius in his vj. booke pa. 181. too bée a swoord a iaueling a buckler or a shéeld a burganet a pike a brigand ▪ c. But this armor boteth vs nothing ageinst the traines assaultes of the diuell the enimie of our soules But the complet armor wherwith Paule apparelleth christen souldiers in this place dooth defend and garde the godly in such wyse as they may bée able too stand safe and without daunger ageinst the policies and assaultes of the Diuell yea and also ouercome them Ageinst the craftie assaultes of the Diuel There bée chéefly fiue kindes or wayes and manners of craftie traines wherwithall the Diuell is woont too assault the fayth of the godly and too cast them headlong intoo eternall destruction by pulling their mindes from god Of these things wée haue giuen an inkling héertoofore in the latter part of the Epistle vppon the third Sunday after Trinitie We wrestle not ageinst flesh and blud that is to say ageinst bodily enimies that may bée séene with eyes striken with swoords or driuen away with gun shot But ageinst rule and power and ageinst the rulers of the darknesse of this worlde and ageinst spirituall craftynesse in heauenly things there be most puissant and ghostly enemies wandering with the heauenly things or in the air Eph. ij Whose suttleties strokes can neither bée vewed nor forséene with bodely eyesight nor fensed and put backe with bodily armor ▪ And as among mākynd there bée degrées of kings Princes other gouernors So are there also distinct orders and offices among Angels diuels which are ment in this place by the termes of rule power He nameth them worldly rulers of the darknesse of this world bicause they beare rule in the myndes of the vngodly or of those that want the lyght of the true knowledge of God and of fayth and hold their hartes so blinded yea and the most part of mankind captiue as he sayeth before in the second chapter after the Prince that hath power in the aire who is
another place bring foorth frutes woorthy repentance that is too say agréeing too repentance that you may please him in all things or that you may please him thorowly Heere is too bée told howe good woorkes please god Which thing is declared in these foure Articles First the persone that bringeth foorth the frutes of good woorkes must bée Gods fauoure for Chryste the Mediatours sake by fayth For without Fayth it is impossible too please god Ebr. xj And all that is not of fayth is sinne Rom. xiiij 2 Wée must acknowledge that many inward sinnes sticke still in vs whiche are a let that our good woorkes are not perfect ne please God of their owne woorthynesse For there is no rightuouse man vppon the earth that dooth good and sinneth not 3 Yet notwithstāding wée must bée fully persuaded that it is Gods will that wée should walke agréeably too his wil and yéeld frute in all kynds of goods woorks 4 These good woorkes or new begoonne obediēce please God not of their owne woorthynesse but for Chryst the Mediatours sake through faith out of which as out of the trée of all good woorkes spring all good frutes This then is the true woorthinesse of good woorks that they bée Gods seruices and sacrifises acceptable too God through Chryst j. Pet. y. Offer yée spirituall sacrifises acceptable too GOD through Iesus Chryst Paule in this place reckeneth vp six good woorks of which may bée spoken in order The first is the true acknowledging of GOD or faith which is the piller and foundation of all the reste of the vertues The second is Manlynesse or Constancie and Perseuerance whiche continueth in the true knowledge of God and in faith vntoo the houre of death and by the almightie power of God valiantly ouercommeth the Diuels craftes the assaultes of corrupted nature and the outrages of Tyrants The third and fourth are Patience and Longsufferance which calmly outweareth the miseries that accompanie the profession of the Gospell and is not discouraged with continuance of long delay so as it should fret and repyne at God or séeke for other vnlawfull helpes Concerning these vertues is spokē alredy in the first and fifth commaundement The fifth is Ioyfulnesse of conscience settling and delighting in God which perteyneth to the first cōmandment The sixth is thanksgiuing wherof I haue spoken in the second commaundement The third place Of Christs benefits or of remission of sinnes and Iustification PAule sayeth VVhich hath made vs mete to be partakers of the lot of saincts in light that is too say who of his owne frée goodnesse and mercy and not thorough our power or for our deseruings hath made vs méete to becom partakers of the lyght or true knowledge of his Gospell and of the lot of the saintes or of the inheritance of lyfe and glorie euerlasting ▪ such shal be bestowed vpon al saintes who hath deliuered vs out of the power of darknesse that is to say of sinne and death wherthrough the diuel kepte all mankynd oppressed in most miserable thraldome and translated vs into the kingdom of his dere son that is to say hath adopted vs to bée the sonnes of God for his déere beloued sonnes sake by whome we haue redemption through his bloud that is to wit forgiuenesse of sinnes This sentence comprehendeth in singular lyghtsomnesse of woorkes a summe of the doctrine of the Iustification of a christen man and in especially these twoo places First what it is ▪ Iustification is a riddance of a man out of the power of darknesse sin death or it is the forgiuenesse of sins the adopting vs to bée the sons of God and a partnershyp with the saincts in lyght that is to say the inheriting of eternall lyfe lyght ryghtuousnesse and all good things whiche are giuen too the Sainctes for the price which our Lorde Iesus Chryst the son of God hath payed for vs by sheading his owne bloud Secondly what is the enforcing cause or the desert for which we are deliuered redeemed made partakers of this light lot of the godly y is to wit the only blud or passion death of our Lord Iesus Christ the sonne of god It was not the bloud of Abell it was not the bloude of the lamb and of all the sacrifises it was not the bloud of all the martirs and much lesse is it the ceremonies and rites of Moyses or of the munks or of the masse or oure owne vertues and good deedes that do it as is sayd more at large Rom. iij. we are iustified fréely by the grace of god through the redemption made by Iesus Chryst whome God hath set foorth a mercy feate through faith in his bloud Vppon the .xxv. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle ij Pet. j. NOt with standing I thinke it mete as long as I am in this tabernacle to stirre you vp by putting you in remembrance forasmuch as I am sure how that the tyme is at hand that I must put of my tabernacle euen as our Lorde Iesus Christ hath shewed me I wilenforce therfore that on euery side ye might haue wherwith to stirre vp the remembrance of these things after my departing For we folowed not deceiuable fables when we opened vnto you the power and coming of our Lorde Iesus Chryst but with our eyes we saw his maiestie euen then verily when he receiued of god the father honor and glory and when ther came such a voyce to him from the excellēt glory This is my dere beloued son in whom I haue delite This voyce wee harde when it came from heauen being wyth him in the holy mount Wee haue also a ryght sure woorde of prophesy wherevnto if yee take heede as vnto● a lyght that shyneth in a darke place yee doo well vntill the day dawne and the day starte aryse in youre hartes See that yee fyrste knowe thys that no prophecie in the Scripture hath any priuate interpretation For the Scripture came neuet by the will of man● but holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy ghost The disposement THis epistle is partly persuasiue and partly in structiue The proposition and summe of it is this I counsel you to reteyne stedfastly the true doctrine concerning Chryst deliuered by the Prophets and Apostles which is the only fountayn and rule of the true religion and of oure euerlasting saluation The cheef places of doctrine are these FIrst it belongeth to the duetie of a faithfull Bishop too repete oft and to beate into the heads of his héerers the sum of the true doctrin and to admonish and exhort them continually that they kéep it pure and vn corrupt vnto the last gaspe of theirly ●● and that they eschue false teachers The second and principal is that there is but one true religion and doctrine concerning GOD which is vttered in the writings of the prophets and Apostles whiche all the Godly are bound diligently to
leauing the woord looke for new enlyghtmentes and reuelations or traunces and iudge of Gods election not by the vniuersal promise writtē but by imaginatiōs of mānes reason With most thankfull mynde therefore is this excéeding great benefit of God too bée embraced that he hath deliuered vs the doctrine written whereby he will haue our faith and all our thoughts concerning him our own saluatiō ruled And therfore let vs reade these writings diligently and heedfully let vs bée in hand with them night and day as Chryste cōmandeth Serche the scriptures And Paule biddeth vs take héed too reading and doctrine And for this purpose chéefly are the first traynements of learning in schooles and the whole maner of spelling and reading too bée lerned that wée may reade and vnderstande the booke heretofore written too the church by the prophets and Apostles Secondly let vs consider that by these writings or by this woord of God which wée héere reade and think vpon God in very déed woorketh mightily in vs that by this only meane and not otherwise he teacheth cōforteth draweth begetteth a new and saueth men and kindleth in vs the faith whereby wée receyue these benefites as it is playnly sayd Roman x. How shall they beléeue onlesse they héere Howe shall they héere without a preacher Faith is by héering and héering by the woord of god Rō j. The Gospel is the power of God too saluation to euery one that beléeueth Act. xj Hée shal speake woordes too thée by whiche thou shalt bée saued thou and all thy houshold ij Cor. v. Wée are messangers in sted of Christ as though God exhorteth or comforteth by vs And in this place Paule expresly sayeth that wée may haue hope by cōfort of the Scripture His méening is that in all our troubles banishments diseases and death wée should séeke comfort out of this woorde which is written before tyme for vs and that wée should by fayth rest vppon God knowen by the woord beléeue this woord written as well as if wée should héere God declaring his will with his owne lyuely voyce from heauen Let vs set these testimonies ageinst Stinkféeld who cryeth out that GOD conuerteth sanctifyeth and comforteth vs not by thinking vppon the woorde written but immediatly by himselfe without any meanes Whiche fantasticall imagination dooth vtterly put away all the exercyses of faith and Christen inuocation Thirdly Whereas Paule fayeth that these Bookes of holy writ were written before for oure learning he the rewithall counselleth vs too reade the same diligently continually and héedfully For he hath not set foorth these holy Bookes for myse too knibble in bencheholes or for flyes too ray in the pulpit or for mothes and bowds too consume in corners but for vs too reade that wée may sucke wholesome instruction and comfort out of them Ageine this selfesayd parcell dooth vs too wit that all the promises of grace helpe deliuerance and of all Gods benefites and that all the examples of Gods wrath in punishing and of his mercie in receyuing those that bée falne perteyne too vs also and are also too bée applyed too vs. Fourthly let vs in this saying of Paules cōsider the foure chéef ends vses or profites and effectes Of which the first is the doctrine of the most high matters vnknowen too mānes reason and perteyning too the eternall saluation of vs all concerning which things all other bookes written by men can vtterly teache nothing at al that is sound and substantiall that is to wit concerning the true knowledge calling vpon the true God the father the sonne the holy Ghost euerlasting concerning the twoo natures in Christ the creation of all things of Angels and men of the cause of sinne miserie and death vntoo mankynde of the forgiuenesse of sinnes and attonement of man with GOD for the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Chryst sake who was crucified rose agein for vs of true comfort too bée set ageinst death and all tribulations of the abolishement of sinne and death of the restorement of our bodyes of the euerlasting punishments of the vngodly of the eternall lyfe and glorie of the godly Of these so great matters and specially of the persone and benefites of our Lord Iesus Chryst the sonne of God who hath vanquished sinne death and the Diuell for vs there are none other bookes eyther in heauen or earth that instruct vs. The second is Patience a vertue no lesse necessarie too a godly and right christen man than meate and drink is néedful too the mayntenance of the lyfe of this body For persecution and aduersitie are vnseparable companions of true godlynesse and christen profession according too Paules saying All that will liue godlily in Chryst must suffer persecution Otherwyse al the whole lyfe of man were nothing else but miserie as Euripides hath truly sayd This life in good sooth is not lyfe but miserie Nowe in these miseries there can no calmnesse and ioy of mynd bée settled in God without disobedience and repyning nor yet continue without the comfort of fayth which the holy scripture onely sheweth And therefore in this place vntoo patience is foorthwith added comfort of the Scriptures But patience is a vertue whiche in bearing aduersities quietly and myldly dooth reuerently submit it selfe too Gods will séeketh not vnlawful helpes but assureth it self by faith too bée in Gods fauoure séeking looking for helpe assuagement and deliuerance at Gods hand and by this faith and hope alayeth the gréef and féeleth peace and gladnesse in harte All the whole orderly setting out of the doctrine of patience and the difference of the philosophical patience and the Christen patience may bée conueyed hither out of the Exposition of the ten commaundements The third end of holy writ is true certeine and firme comfort too bée sette not only ageinst pouertie sicknesse and aduersities but also ageinst Gods wrath sinne and death which comfort none other bookes besydes these wrytings of the Prophetes and Apostles doo shewe For onely the scripture teacheth that our Lord Iesus Chryst the sonne of God did by his owne death ouercomme our death and the sting of death whiche is sinne and that all the other troubles of this lyfe are not tokens of Gods wrath but of his fauoure and fatherly good will toowards vs who doutlesse is at hand with vs in our troubles mitigating and taking them away and at the length will recompence the lightnesse of affliction which continueth but a whyle with an éncōparable weight of glorie By these comfortes written in Gods woorde the sonne of God woorketh mightily in vs and when we think vppon them and embrace them by fayth he kindleth in oure hartes peace ioy and tranquillitie quietly resting in the louing kindnesse of God the father Now the whole doctrine of the Gospell is in manner nothing else but a comfort of the conscience that is afflicted with gréefe that ryseth of the feeling of Gods
vseth in an other place also Eph. iij. and Rom. xvj Where he calleth the Gospel a mysterie hidden from the beginnyng of the worlde For it was not knowne to any creature Angell or man that God woulde deliuer mankynde from sinne and deathe and garnish him with euerlastyng saluation by the death of his owne sonne This mysterie or hidden woord of the Gospell vnknowne too mannes reason dooth Paule and all other ministers distribute and spreade abrode among mankynde ij Corin. v. God hath put intoo vs the woorde of attonement Therfore wée come of message in Christes steade as if God exhorted by vs. 2 The second poynt of the ministration of the Gospel is to minister the sacraments instituted by Christ that is too wit Baptim and the Lordes Supper whiche Sacramentes reason giueth too bée comprehended toogither in this place vnder the name of mysteries For lyke as Gods secrete will concernyng Reconciliation Remission of sinnes ryghtuousenesse and euerlasting Saluation is disclosed and exhibited vntoo vs by the woorde of the Gospell receyued at oure eares So are the same secrete and woonderfull benefites of Gods Sonne offered and applyed vntoo vs by the vse of the Sacramentes enteryng in at oure eyes For the vse strength and efficacie of the woorde and of the Sacramentes is all one Therefore doothe Austine learnedly and wittyly define a Sacrament to be a visible woord Of these two duties of the minister is spoken Math. xxviij Go and teach all nations baptising c. 3 The third poynt is The preaching of remission of sins or the assoyling of those that repent whiche is applyed eyther in the publik ministration to all in generall or else priuately to eche person seuerall in confession in sicknesses or in other gréefs Math. xvj I will giue thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen And Chryst priuatly pronounceth forgiuenesse of sinnes to the palsyman and to Mary Mawdlin Math. ix Luk. vij 4 The fourth poynt is too bynd sins or to excommunicate such as are defiled with manifest wickednesse which will not amend when they are warned 5 The fifth is to shyne before their heerers in example of all vertues like as Paule willeth Tymothie to bee a pattern of the faithfull 6 The sixthe is too ordeyne necessarie Ceremonies by the consente of the Churche or to appoynt the order of tymes of readinges of examinations of persones and of places that all things may be done after a comely and orderly fashion The ministers that performe these duties rightly and faithfully are all equal and péeres as apperteining to the efficacie and power of the ministration neither is there any greater or more superiour than an other For they are altogither not controllers of the doctrine nor Lordes of the church but Chrystes Handseruants by whose seruice Chryste himselfe worketh and Stewardes not of their owne propre goods but of the Gospell and benifits of Chryste Therefore let no man vaunt himselfe aboue others in the churche or stirre debate and strife for the authoritie and power of the teacher or minister of whom he receiued the doctrine Let suche spéeches as these are bée banished the Churche and congregation I holde of Paul I of Peter I of Apollo and let al men esteeme them selues as the members of one Chryste and ministers equall among themselues Who if they doo their dutie aryght let the matter be put ouer to God to iudge whiche of them excelleth other priuately And the minister that doothe the partes of his duetie aryght let hym not passe for mans day that is too say for mans iudgemente or for the rashe and venomous verdytes of other men wherby hée is déemed eyther inferiour or superiour too others but let hym contente him selfe with the witnesse of all good conscience Nowe where as afterwarde the degrées of Mynisters are set foorth one from an other that is doone by mans deuice for orders sake concernyng which matter lette Hieromes Epistie too Euagrius bée redde wherein hée auoucheth at length that Préestes and Bishoppes are all one thyng And where as afterwarde one was chosen to bée sette aboue the rest that was doone for the auoydyng of Schisme But wheresoeuer a Bishop bée whether it bée at Rome or at Eugubium or at Constantinople or at Rhegium or at Alexandria or at Thanis hée is all of one woorthynesse and all of one préesthode The abundaunce of Ryches or Lowlynesse of pouertie maketh not a Byshop hygher or lower but are all alike the successours of the Apostles The differences betwéene the minister of the Gospell and the ciuill magistrate are chéefly foure First the ciuill magistrate hath to doo with the mayntenance of outward discipline and peace or keepeth the outward members in awe that they breake not the politike lawes or trouble the common peace The ministration of the Gospell ruleth mens hartes or consciences and offereth and giueth remission of sins and the heritage of eternall life to those that beléeue and kindleth true knowledge of God in their hartes and the inward and spirituall rightuousnesse and lyfe And yet it leaueth men frée to vse any maner of honest lawes and politike cōstitutions in the outward conuersation of life As for example it giueth men leaue too vse diuersitie of meates or vnlyke spaces of dayes Secondly the ciuill magistrate punisheth the disobedient wyth the swoorde or with bodyly punishementes But the mynistration of the Gospell punysheth not the stubburne with the swoorde or wyth bodyly rigoure but wyth the onely woorde of god Thirdly the Ciuill Magistrate prohibiteth and punysheth onely outwarde offences But the Ministerie of the Gospell forbyddeth the inwarde vncleannesse of the harte and the synfull affections of the whole nature and exacteth a full conformitie of the whole nature too the will of god Fourthly the ciuill Magistrate hath worldely defences treasure armor and degrées of persones and iudgementes and power too make new lawes and to execute them The Ministerie of the Gospell hathe no certeyne visible defences no degrées of gouernoures that may haue superiour power or lordeshippe ouer others but altogyther are the hande seruauntes of Chryste and of his Church Wherevppon no man muste exalte him selfe aboue others nor passe for the iudgementes of others wherby he is déemed hygher or lower but muste content hym selfe wyth the iudgemente of a good conscience that he executeth his dutie faythfully yet iustifieth not himselfe before God for so dooing but thinketh vpon this that all men must abyde the iudgement of God who at the last iudgement shall iudge which of the ministers doo priuately excell others The second place ALl modest and wyse men which measure themselues by their owne abilitie and by theyr owne foote and consider their owne great weakenesse in no wise answerable to the most difficult vocations of teaching and gouerning other folkes are woont to debate carefully and thoughtfully with them selues whither they may with good conscience take vpon them and execute the
bée afrayde bycause thou Lord art with mée Esay and Ezechias although the Citie was beséeged by Sennacherib yet faint they not for pensiuenesse but flée vnto God by earnest prayer and wayt for deliueraunce Hereafter ensue the disposements of of certeyne Epistles which are vsually read to the people vppon the feast dayes of Sainctes Vpon the feast of the Annunciation of our blyssed Lady Sainct Marie or vppon the feast of the conception of Christ The Epistle Esay vij GOd spake once ageyn vnto Ahaz saying require a token of the Lorde thy God whether it bee towarde the depth beneath or towarde the hevghte aboue Then sayde Ahaz I will requyre none neyther will I tempte the Lorde And he sayde hearken to ye of the house of Dauid is it not ynough for you that ye be greuous vntoo men but yee must greeue my God also And therefore the Lorde shall giue you a token Beholde a virgine shall conceyue and beare a sonne and thou his mother shall call his name Emanuell Butter and hony shall he eate that hee may knowe to refuse euill and chose the good Therfore before the childe may know good or euill malice shall dissuade from choosing the good THe first feast of the new Testament and the beginning welspring of our redemption and euerlasting welfare is the wonderful cōception or cuppling of the two natures of the Godhead and manhood of our Lorde Iesus Christe the Sonne of God the memoriall whereof the Churche celebrateth as this day And of singular purpose was it Gods wil that the times of his wonderfull works and of his reuelementes should agrée For vppon this day beyng the .xxv. day of Marche was the Sonne of God conceyued in the wombe of the Uirgin Marie or as this day he cuppled too himselfe mans nature by eternall alyaunce a thousand fyue hundred thréescore and ten yéeres ago The yeere after the first promis making of the womans séede in Paradise 3962. After the renewing of the same promis vntoo Abraham that all nacions should bée blissed in the same séede 1938. After the prophesiyng of Iacob concerning Syloh or the Uirgins issue a thousand seuen hundred and six yéeres and the same day beyng the xxv of March now ful a thousand fiue hūdred xxxvij was our Lord Iesus Christ the sonne of God made a sacrifise for vs vppon the Altar of the Cr●sse The same day also is Adam the first man reported to haue bin created 5532. yéeres ago And afterward about the same time it is thought that Abell was slayne and Isaac layd vppon the Altar to haue bin sacrifised Therefore inasmuch as the day it selfe putteth vs in mind of most weyghty matters as of the sonne of God the founder and redéemer of the Church of the creation of our selues of the wonderfull alyaunce of the Godhead and manhoode made in the Uirgins wombe and of the causes and benefites of this wonderfull vnion let vs with all godlinesse and reuerēce cast our selues downe before God and yéeld him thankes for his so excellent woorkes and benefites and by deuout and earnest musing vpon so great things kindle and confirme in vs fayth prayer and most assured hope of euerlasting saluation And to the intent our hartes may bée the more fitte and earnest to the reuerent minding of them and to thankesgiuing for the same Let vs also celebrate this feast with greater modestie and sobernesse of behauiour The doctrine of this holy day concerning the causes and benefites of the wonderfull Incarnacion of Gods sonne is all one with the doctrine that is set forth vppon the byrthday of the same sonne of god And therfore the disposement of that matter may bee borowed out of that place into this day Now will I bréefly entreate of the prophesie of this dayes Epistle Behold a virgin shall cōceyue and bring forth a child and thou shalt call him Emmanuell which was vttered by the Prophet Esay seuen hundred and lvij yéeres before that the Angell Gabriell brought woord of the fulfilling of it too the virgine Marie and conteyneth the doctrine of the conception of the sonne of God whiche is the foundacion of our redemption and saluation I will therefore in few woordes set out the chéef pointes of this doctrine comprised in accustomed questions or orderly instruction The conception or incarnation of the Sonne of God is the wonderfull cuppling or personall vnion of the two natures that is to say of the Godhead begotten of the substance of the euerlasting Father and of the manhood taken in the wombe and of the substaunce of the virgin Marie wrought in Christ our Mediator that he may bée Emmanuell y is to say God with vs of one substaunce both with God the eternall Father and with vs reconciling God vnto vs and by paying the full raunsome for vs appease Gods most iust wrath ageynst sinne and restore to vs men rightuousnesse and eternall lyfe The partes of the Emmanuell conceyued in the virgin Marie may bée sayde to bee two the Godhead or the sonne of God the woorde the manhood taken of Maries substaunce and of the ofspring of Dauid Hither may all the whole doctrine concerning the person of Gods sonne the differences of the persones of the Godhead and of the two natures in Christe c. bée referred The causes THe efficient cause of the conception or incarnacion of the sonne of God is the whole Godhead For although that the persone of the sonne cuppled to it selfe mannes flesh by personall vnion yet is it the worke of all the thrée persones togither which also go ioyntly togither in this saying the holy Ghost shall come vppon thee and the power of the hyghest shall ouershadowe thee The hyghest is God the Father The power of the hyghest is the sonne of God who ouershadoweth the virgine Marie and the whole Churche making intercession for vs too the euerlasting Father cuppling our nature to him selfe and couering vs as a shadow ageynst the heate of Gods wrath The holy Ghost halloweth the flesh taken of the virgine Maries substāce therof shapeth in the virgins wombe the body of the Messias redye too bée borne which body togither with a reasonable soule the woord the sonne of God by taking vnited by vniting tooke vnto him And therefore it is sayd in our Créede whiche was conceyued by the holy Ghost The inward forcing cause of the conception byrth passion and death of Christ is al one that is to wit the infinite goodnesse and mercy of God toward manhood tempered with his heauenly Iustice for the full satisfiyng whereof with sufficient amendes the very sonne of God taking our nature vppon him became both man and a sacrifise for vs. The outward forcing cause was the fall of our firste parentes and the sinne that soked from thence into all men with death and moste sorowfull damnacion of all mankind which the sonne of God was Loth should perish vtterly Now the
vntoo god This dooth Marie garnish with singular lightsomnesse of woordes as it were with an exposition For too yéeld thankes is not onely with wagging of the lippes and with woordes but also with the mynd and the whole hart too acknowledge confesse and publishe that wée haue receyued a benefite at another mannes hand and in respect thereof too submit our selues with our whole hart vntoo him and on our behalfe too obey him and doo him good agein Thus therefore dooth Marie begin My soule dooth magnifie the Lord and my spirite hath reioyced in God my Sauiour that is too say with my whole harte doo I publish this excéeding great benefite of God which he hath bestowed in sending his sonne the Sauiour of the Churche Neyther doo I thanke God with my lippes onely but with my whole soule and with all the motions of my soule quickened vp by the haly Ghoste couet I too shewe the excéeding great gladnesse and thankfulnesse of my harte which triumpheth for ioy and too set out God my Sauiour that he may bée magnified that is that he may bée bruted abrode too bée great and to haue bestowed a singular benefite vppon vs and bée glorified for so dooing and that many men which shall bée borne of mée his lowly handmayd too the true knowledge of GOD and of his sonne our Sauiour may bee allured too acknowledge him and set foorth his prayses For he hath looked vpon the lowlynesse of his handmayd For behold from hencefoorth all Generations shall call mee blissed It reckeneth vp the benefites which God graunteth both too Marie priuately and too the whole Church I yéeld thanks vntoo GOD that out of all mankynde he hath chosen mee a wretched and despysed Handmayd too this hygh honour too bée the mother of his owne sonne our Lorde Iesus Chryste oure Sauiour and that he loueth and defendeth the whole humble and despysed Churche voutsauing eternall saluation vppon it First and formost let the Hebrew phrase bée considered wherein is an ordinarie matter by exchaunge too put the preterperfecttence of the Indicatiue mode for the present-tence which the Hebrews vtterly want Therfore all these spéeches of the preter perfecttence he hath regarded the lowlynesse he hath shewed power with his arme he hath put downe the mightie from their seate he hath exalted the hūble c. are too bee vnderstood of the presenttence GOD alwayes regardeth his humble Churche he preserueth his Church mightily at all times he putteth downe or casteth downe Tyrants and he exalteth or lifteth vp the humble and méeke Secondly woordes of perceyuerance or woords expressing the senses among the Hebrewes signifie not onely the perceyuerance in the mynd or sense but also the verye motions or affectiōs of the hart which accompanie such perceyuerāce Gene. iiij The Lorde looked vppon Abel and his offerings that is too say he did not only behold Abel and his offerings but also loued them allowed them accepted them mercifully liked well of him c. So likewyse in this place he looked vppon the lowlynesse of his handmayde is as much too say as hée not only beholdeth mée with his eyes but also loueth mée regardeth mée cherisheth mée helpeth mée defendeth mée yea and with excéeding great benefits decketh both mée and also his humble and despysed Church Thirdly the Hebrewes are woont too vtter the Adiectiue and the Substātiue in this wyse that they put the one of thē in the Genitiue case and the other in any other case whatsoeuer the maner of spéeche requireth as in this place he hath looked vppon the lowlynesse of his handmayd is as much too say as he hath looked vppon his lowly handmayd that is too say his handmayd that is brought down too the ground vyle and despysed For lowlynesse in this place importeth not the vertue which otherwyse is called humblenesse but an abasing of state and a vylenesse of condition such as is the case of an abiect or outcast among men For hee that is mightie hath doone great things too mee and holy is his name There is no greater or more wonderfull woorke than for GOD too bée conceyued and borne of a Virgine Too brynge thys great and vnspeakable woorke of GOD too passe Mary declareth hirselfe too bee chosen out of all mankynde not for any merites vertues or holynesse of hir owne but shée acknowledgeth that GOD onely is holy that is too saye cleane pure and voyde of all sinne and blemish perfectly ryghtuouse soothfast and good who was induced of hys owne incomparable goodnesse and mercie too sende his owne wel béeloued sonne Hee that is mightye that is too say Almyghtye GOD. For the Incarnation of the sonne of GOD is one of the chéefest woorkes of Gods almightinesse whiche ioyntly toogither with Gods truthe is the foundation of all the Articles of our fayth And holy is his name that is too say he him selfe is holy And his mercie is from generation too generation too them that feare him That is too wit his mercie promysed for Chryst the Mediatours sake is perpetuall and set open too all men and stable and firme at all tymes GOD being led with singular goodnesse and loue towardes mankynde receyueth all that resort too him too fauour and inheritance of eternall lyfe And in this lyfe decketh them with all benefites both bodily and ghostly Mercie properly signifieth the vertue whiche is touched with the féeling of another bodyes gréef and is sorie that other folkes fare amisse and vppon probable reason succoureth those that bée in distresse eyther of frée goodnesse releasing somewhat of extréeme rigour as when GOD pityeth mankynde else for ryghtes sake as when good and gitlesse men are vexed or troubled with wrongfull displeasures Nowe where so euer mention is made of Gods mercie in the Psalmes and the Prophetes alwayes the promise concerning Chryst is too bée added for whose sake GOD is mercifull too vs vnwoorthye persones defyled with much lothsome filthynesse as in the Psalm lj Haue mercie vppon mée O GOD according too thy great mercie namely whiche is promised fréely for oure Lorde Iesus Chryste the Mediators sake Psal Cij The mercie of the Lorde endureth for euer and euer namely whiche is promised for his sonne the mediatours sake Besides this also mercie is oftentymes vsed in the Prophets for benefiting or for the dueties of charitie For all the benefites or duties of charitie that are doone too our neyghbour must procéede of true mercie and loue as in this ordinarie saying I will haue mercie and not sacrifise that is too saye I require the duties of charitie and well dooing more than sacrifise Too them that feare him that is too say whiche acknowledge their owne sinnes and flée vntoo Chryst the Mediator by faith and in the same faith begin new obedience agréeing with the will and woord of god For the feare of God by the figure Synecdoche comprehendeth the whole seruice of god Yet is not Gods mercie
and forgiuenesse of sinnes promised for the woorthynesse of our feare faith or new obedience but is giuen fréely for Chrystes sake onely too him that repēteth and beléeueth as is sayd more at large in the doctrine of Iustification Hee hath shewed strength c. This is the summe of the next thrée verses GOD preserueth and defendeth his Church ageinst the wisdome power abilitie of the whole world Hath shewed strength that is too saye dooth mightily preserue and defend his lowly and weake Churche like as he defended the Israelites mightily at the red Sea and repressed the tyrannie of Pharao With his arme that is too say by his sonne For so is the sōne named Exo. xv Esai liij Who hath beléeued our saying and too whom is the arme of the Lord reueled Esai xl His arme shall beare rule ouer all He hath scattered the proude in the imagination of their hartes as the Pharaos who by their owne wisdome went about too oppresse the people of Israell Exod. j. ij xiiij c. as the purposes of Diocletiā a most suttle and cruel Prince who entēded too haué destroyed the church as he disappoynted the coūsell of Achitophel ij Reg. xv So also now of late yéeres he hath disapointed very many suttle practises of y Pope and his Prelates that endeuered to haue wiped out the church He putteth downe the mightie from their seates that is to say Tyraunts which trust in their own power and wealth and specially whiche are persecuters of the Church them dooth God cast downe headlong from the hyghest top of their souereintie into dreadful calamities As for example Apries king of Egipt who boasted that no body eyther of the Gods or of men was able to beréeue him of his kingdome was afterward strangled Nabuchodonosor who hild the kingdome of Babilon the largest and mightiest empyre of the world when he waxed proud stahis was depriued not onely of his kingdome but also of his reason Iulian the regenerate beyng wounded casting vp his bloud with his owne hand cried out thou hast ouer come O Galilean Hath exalted the lowly that is to say such as were caste downe to the ground miserable and despised persones like as he lifted vp Moyses out of pryson to the Lordship of the kingdome of Egipt He remoued Dauid out of his shepeheards cotage into the throne of the kingdome of Israell He made Daniell his fellowes rulers of prouinces in the kingdome of Persia Chaldey He maried Hester the prisonner to the most puissant King Assuerus So also God lifted vppe the base and wretched handmayde Marie to this most high honour that shée became the Mother of the Sonne of god He hath filled the hungry with good things according to the saying of the xxxiij Psalme the rich haue wanted and bin a hungred but they that feare the Lorde shall want nothing Or els let it bée applyed too the consciences that are made afrayd at the beholding of their sinnes and which thirst and hunger after the rightuousnesse of Christ These shall bée refreshed with healthfull comfort filled with euerlasting good things But the rich or such as trust in theyr owne rightuousnesse and holynesse shall bée shaken of The .ix. and .x. verses HE remēbring his mercy hath hild vp Israel his child as he spake to our forefathers Abraham and his seede for euer The second and cheef part of this song in which shee giueth thankes for the sending of Christ according to the promises made to the fathers Now to the enlightening of these two verses may bee referred all the promises and Sermons concerning Christ which are written by Moyses in Gen. iij. xij xxij xxvj xxviij xlix in Deut. xviij and by the rest of the Prophetes and also all the whole doctrine of the Gospell concerning the person and benefites of Christ At this time I will but open the woordes after the order of Grammer He remembring his mercy namely whiche he promised for Christ the Mediators sake For this is the whole sum of the gospel that God of his free mercy for Christes sake holdeth vp men that are falling into endlesse destruction that is to say deliuereth them from sinne and death and giueth them euerlasting saluation Hath hild vp Israell his seruaunt It is a figure of grammer called Apposition God hath hilde vp Israell his seruaunt that is to say God of his excéeding goodnesse and frée loue pitying his people Israell that is to say the whole Church which was like to fall into euerlasting destruction sent his sonne the redéemer to succour vs falne into sinne and death and to deliuer vs from the kingdome of Sathan and death and to restore vs rightuousnesse euerlasting lyfe Hath hild vp In the Gréeke the word antilabeto is the Aorist of the meane voyce of the verb antilambanethos whiche properly signifieth to catch hold of one that is falling by thrusting out his hand to stay him to succour him and help him that he may scape safe and harmelesse out of the daunger Israell is the propre name of the Patriarke Iacob giuen him by the sonne of God in wrestling with him Gen. xxxij It is an ordinarie thing among the Hebrewes too terme the ofspring by the names of the stocke or aunceters from whiche they come So he calleth the people of Israell by the name of their founder that is to wit of Israell or Iacob frō whom al the Israelites or Iewes issued And bycause the promis concerning Christ was betaken chéefly to the people of Israell among whom was alwayes the seate of the church for the same cause the name of Israel is oftentimes among the Prophetes taken for the whole Churche gathered of the Iewes and the Gentiles togither And this phrase of the Prophetes doth Marie kéepe in this place His child whom he embraceth with fatherly loue as his sonne which people is the child or sonne seruaunt of God chosen out of whole mankind to serue God and to say and do things acceptable to God. As he spake to our Fathers Abraham his seede for euer This last part for euer would bee ioyned to the first part of the next verse before which is he remembring his mercy for euer that is to say his euerlasting mercy or his mercy which he hath promised to performe euermore towards all those that flée vnto Christ as it sayd Psal Ciij The mercy of the Lorde is for euer and euer vppon them that feare him The promises concerning Christ the defender and deliuerer of the people of Israell or of the Church were deliuered first to Adā Eue in Paradise Gen. iij. Secondly to Abrahā Gen. xij xxij xv xvij c. Next to his séede or ofspring Isaac Gen. xxvj Then to Iacob Gen. xxviij and xlix Afterward to Moyses Deut. xviij And specially to king Dauid ij Reg. vy and .xxiij. and .j. Paral. xvij I hope that this bréef disposement of