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A10945 Seuen treatises containing such direction as is gathered out of the Holie Scriptures, leading and guiding to true happines, both in this life, and in the life to come: and may be called the practise of Christianitie. Profitable for all such as heartily desire the same: in the which, more particularly true Christians may learne how to leade a godly and comfortable life euery day. Penned by Richard Rogers, preacher of the word of God at Wethersfield in Essex. Rogers, Richard, 1550?-1618. 1603 (1603) STC 21215; ESTC S116354 833,684 644

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feare of God If a chiefe and maine post in a building be wanting will not the whole house bee soone shaken so if a Christian who must reforme his life goe about it not beleeuing that God will make him able he may be sure he shal want a maine helpe hereto euen that which will goe nigh to pull downe all that is set vp For if he haue not faith to beleeue that God will strengthen him what strength hath hee but his owne which is as fit for such a worke to bring it to passe as a child is to build a great Castle by his skill But if he be well setled in this confidence his heart also being purified and chaunged which as we shall heare afterwards is necessarily required he shall goe about it with cheerefulnes and readines he shall be incouraged to pray as his necessities shall giue cause hee shall be kept from fainting and dismaiednes when his strength is not very great and rise vp againe when he is fallen all which shall be great meanes in such a case to vphold him and set him forward to depend vpon God without any great vnsetling of him and yet shall he not for all this be without sense and feeling of his infirmities which another as willing to obey God as he shall neuer be able to doe but euery while cast downe and dismaied vntill hee get the same furniture And this must here be marked that there shall be the better proceeding herein of euery weake Christian as his knowledge shall be greater in the word of God which before grace came as fire to the stubble to kindle and set it a worke to burne although it were idle and vnprofitable in him and lay voide and vnoccupied as timber lieth by till the building goe forward yet it shall then helpe much to the leauing of euill and the doing of good especially after experience in time shall be ioyned to both And when all these meete together in an vpright hearted Christian how weake soeuer if he acquaint himselfe familiarly with the promises of eternall life and treasure vp in a good conscience the certaintie of the forgiuenes of sins from day to day then this is he who hath laid a strong foundation of a godlie life vpon which it shall be no hard matter to set the building of his life sutable and proportionable afterwards so that although the raine fall and the flouds come and the winde blow and beate vpon that house yet it shall not fall for it is builded on a rocke But he who laieth not this foundation but buildeth on the sand shall soone his building turned ouer And thus the case standeth with many in these daies who therefore are cast downe oft times from their good beginnings because they had not skill to make them more substantiall and sure And I feare not to affirme the Lord witnessing to that which I say that the offensiue liues of many with many startings aside from the good way which they haue entred into and the crooked and halting steppes that they make grossely in the sight of men who yet durst not somtime before quench the spirit in themselues not hurt their tender consciences secretly in the sight of God these I say are chiefly from hence that they laid not the foundation aright nor made not their first entrance into a Christian life sound and sure Among other things they haue failed for the most part in this of which I doe most specially speake in this place that they haue not been builded vp in this faith and perswasion that God will further their weake beginnings and fortifie their hearts against the stumbling blockes and discouragements which shall stand vp in their way I haue now onely shewed that this faith should bee in a Christian when hee first setteth on a godly life but how it should accompanie him after throughout his life that so he may liue by it being the same to the whole life that the eye is to the bodie I shall in place fit for it if God will declare and shew so farre as shall be expedient CHAP. 4. Of the heart and how it should be clensed and changed and so the whole man which is true sanctification tending to repentance and a godly life ANd now that I haue shewed that true godlines commeth from faith which iustifieth and that the one cannot bee without the other and that with the same faith wee must beleeue all other his promises also made to his children and all doctrine that doth instruct vs to obedience I will goe forward Now therefore to the end the beautie of the godly life may bee seene in some sort and that the beleeuer may bee able to practise it and know that hee doth so I will as I propounded speake of the heart which is the second generall head in this treatise and the next to bee handled according to the diuision made in the first chapter And thus I will speake of it first shewing that it must be renued and chaunged and then in place fit that it must be kept so afterwards for both are necessarie to the beleeuer And when he is resolued to be guided by Gods word in all things as he hath been taught before and so to liue by faith and then hath an heart fit to yeeld it selfe to do so who doth not see that the worke is in good forwardnes to liue godlie and as wee say by such a good entrance and beginning halfe at an end Here therefore vnderstand and know that the heart which is the fountaine from whence the practise of godlines must growe and come ought to be purged and clensed and consequently the bodie it selfe ought to be first made a fit instrument for the same to the accomplishing of that which is good and to the well ordering of the life in which two consisteth the sanctification of the whole man We must thus be changed before we can will well or liue well euen as a filthie and vnsauorie vessell must be well and thoroughly seasoned before it can be put to vse and occupied and we must hate sinne with a deadly hatred and haue the power of it abated in vs and loue goodnesse and righteousnesse and be renued in them before we can bring forth fruites of repentance and amendment of life But to the end we may see it more necessarie that this change and sanctification of the heart should be wrought and also what an excellent grace and gift of God it is it shall be meete to lay forth the nature and disposition of the heart what it is since the fall of our first parents in it selfe and of it selfe before there be any worke of grace in it and before the most exquisite cunning and workemanship of the holy Ghost in reforming and renuing thereof be shewed vpon it And when we haue seene into it know we that as is the heart so is the life both before the clensing and change of
saying he that hath this hope purgeth himselfe To this I will speake somewhat at large seeing it is a point of great moment and weight It is true indeede that our hearts are made new and purged by faith wee knowing thereby our selues to be made the beloued of God For it is faith in the pretious promises of God which the holy Ghost worketh in vs whereby wee flie the corruptions that are in the world through lust and which purgeth the heart casting out the draffe and filthines which was in vs. And vntill our minds be thus inlightened that wee see cleerely that our sinnes are forgiuen vs and we vnited to Christ and made one with him and partakers of the graces of his spirit wee neuer come out of our selues neither haue any desire to heauenly things but our wisedome is earthly diuellish and sensuall For we being not yet assured of the happines of heauen doe know no better delights then our blind and deceitfull hearts do dreame of here on earth The which though wee see by experience that they are short and momentanie seeing they who haue greatest part in them cannot keepe them long yet we who haue least part in them will neuer forgoe the loue of them vntill we see how we may certainly inioy better which may cleerely bee seene in the poorer sort of people destitute of grace that although they haue no wealth yet it doth their hearts good to talke of it in token that it is the thing which they loue best of all And hereof it is that many thousands through ignorance passe their time in sport play pastime and pleasure accounting that the onely life that is to bee wished to liue deliciously for a season Others in quarrelling contention murmuring debate suites and accusing of their neighbours The most tolerable and honest course seemeth to be the spending of mens yeeres in and about the worldly goods And thus are men occupied although one sort diuersly from another yet all to bee pitied seeing they walke amisse I speake of such as know no better Notwithstanding no one of these can be brought to mislike his course or to turne his hart and delight from it vntill he be assured of a farre better portion No although wee bring tidings hereof vnto them so as they beleeue that it is true and haue great liking of the same yet till they see that it may be their owne they will not so much as goe about the dispossessing of such vnsauourie and fond lusts from their hearts But when they beleeue that God is a plentifull rewarder of all that seeke him and that they who were once no people are now freely made his people and beloued of him which were sometime not beloued then their hearts turne and aske after him then they desire to know more of his will and mind and repent that they were so ignorant before and that so long time and that they drunke vp the draffe of vnsauourie puddles euen deceitfull pleasures when they might haue drunke of the sweet cesternes which were able to refresh their soules with the water of life And although there are many doubtings before they be setled in this perswasion assured of better delights yet they are no sooner resolued of their saluation and what liberties they haue by Christ whereby they are made happie which how it is attained hath been shewed in the former treatise but so soone are their euill harts and affections changed so farre as the iudgement is inlightened and they contrarily affected to that sin which they liked before as seeing now cause sufficient why they should doe so for they receiue from Christ by his spirit both will and power thereunto For faith worketh by loue and so causing them to loue God and for his sake their brethren it maketh them also readie to doe any thing for him whom they loue and therfore to auoide and cast off all allurements to euill and sinne which he cannot abide So that it is faith which purifieth and changeth the heart not as the chiefe and highest cause for that is the holie Ghost as hath been said which at the same time when it assureth vs of our reconciliation with God doth worke this change and sanctification also which is a purging of vs from the corruption of our owne nature and an induing of vs with a new qualitie and disposition of minde whereby wee begin to will well and sincerely to goe about the things which please God and both by the merits and power of Christs death and resurrection Which I do aduisedly mention againe briefly for the weaks sake who shall the point being somwhat hard to conceiue the better vnderstand the one by the other And these two faith and a pure heart cleere and appease the conscience from accusation and checkes and worke most sweete peace and holy securitie Rom. 5.1 For from faith and a pure heart ariseth a good conscience that is a quiet and excusing conscience euen as true loue to God and to our brethren proceedeth from both And these do set on work the will to hate sinne which before it loued and contrariwise cause the affections as feare hope loue ioy c. to be well ordered in such sort as the whole man is carried thereby euen as the chariot on the wheeles agreeably and the heart being thus renued doth worke that glorious repentance in vs a thing much in speech amongst professors of the truth but little in vse or set by being both a purpose of the heart Act. 11.23 an inclination in the will Psal 119. vers 44 57. and a continuall endeuouring in the life Act. 24. vers 16. to cast off all euill and to obey God both inwardly and outwardly according to the measure of knowledge in euery one For when we are sanctified wee are deliuered from the tyrannie which sinne had ouer vs into the libertie of the sonnes of God to walke righteously and obediently that we receiuing new increase of grace from Christ daily may hold fast the same libertie vnto our end This I haue said seeing it maketh way to the renouncing and forsaking of sinfull life and to the practising of the contrary of the which more shall be said anon it so necessarily following the change of the heart and for that the reader may the better see that if he can finde his heart to goe with this doctrine and that he hath a part in it he may be assured that all that I shall speak of hereafter being of the same kinde and necessarily depending vpon it shal the more easily be receiued of him to his singular comfort and that all men may see whatsoeuer the wicked world doth glorie of that without this effectuall clensing and purging the heart there is no sound repentance and currant and true fruites of amendement to be found amongst them And this though all true Christians cannot expresse as I haue
but once in all his life what a manner of priuiledge then is this to be accounted that we may grow from faith to faith and from a darker knowledge of it to a clearer from day to day and that with better assurance then we hold any thing in this life by seale writing witnesse or any other way that law can deuise For indeed the benefit of knowing this so great a treasure to be fallen vs were by many degrees lesse if it were when it is once knowne to vs afterward to be doubted of and called into question againe and that our assurance might not both grow greater and daily continuance of the same be obteined But thanks be to God for his vnspeakable mercy who hath prouided that the longer we liue the better we may know it For the longer that we haue beleeued Gods promise and beene acquainted with it who doubteth but that we may much more cleerely be perswaded of it then in former times when we first beleeued and when we had not as yet so often considered it nor so deepely weighed what might hinder and weaken our faith or come against it For at the first enlightning of our hearts with this sunne-shine of faith we haue many mistes and cloudes cast before our eies to dim darken it many doubts arising from our owne weaknesse vnworthinesse feeling of our sins when we haue had as yet little experience of Gods tender compassion care ouer vs or at least when little marked of vs much feare troubleth vs then because we see many things to accuse vs and for that we doe not many duties which we heare taught vnto vs but when we are better acquainted with him we more easily beleeue that he will forgiue them all vnto vs. And as the yoong childe is not able to stand and go alone till time hath brought more strength euen so it fareth with vs. But when we haue after longer time seene the will and minde of God to be constant vnchangeable our own care to please God to be vnfeigned though vnperfect more then which nothing is required of vs and that the best of Gods seruants haue had the same infirmities as well as we that we haue liberty when we see our weaknesse to seeke pardon of the same at the hands of our good God these and such like considerations after longer time when we haue oft weighed God hath giuen vs greater strength of faith and strengthned vs to waxe more confident euen as we haue withall become more humble and obedient So farre is it off that this assurance the longer time we haue inioied it should be further off from vs. And as for that many obiect that sundry of Gods children after they haue knowen it doe fall to doubt of it after this gainsaieth not that which I affirme For that it may be and is thus I deny not the deuils subtilty and malice being stronger then men haue faith to resist it But the trueth is that as the godly are renewed but in part so through corruption they may waxe wearie oftentimes of that care which should procure their welfare and may as no doubt but many doe neglect to nourish their faith daily and slake their delight in vsing reuerently the best meanes for the conforming of the same and therefore such doe the oftner taste of the hard dyet of other men because they will sometimes choose to follow their waies Besides there are others which though they offend not that way yet they giue too much place to distrust hauing no iust cause by an euill conscience which is the greatest enemie to faith and heereby they depriue themselues of the benefit of this faith and confidence Which kind of people must labor to stay themselues by the perswasion of such Scripture as is written of purpose for their comfort as Take my yoke vpon you and yee shall finde rest to your soules also A contrite heart God will not despise c. Mat. 11.29 Psal 51.17 Mat. 12.20 Psa 43.5 But to returne seeing they may hold abide in Gods loue and hold fast this knowledge of it the longer they liue they see this must be granted them also That none shall take them out of the Lords hands or custodie but that he will care for them vnto the resurrection day Wherein this is a further degree flowing from the former that this loue of God being shed into their hearts plentifully by the holy Ghost it maketh them more quiet ioyfull and better satisfied then all that can be desired of them besides according to that which Saint Peter saith Though we see him not yet we beleeue in him and we reioice with ioy vnspeakable and glorious For what is there in the world that can raise the like ioy in our hearts as this that we know that we shall see the good pleasures of the Lord in the land of the liuing that is in his militant church heere and haue an house not made with hands but eternall in his triumphant heereafter who doeth not see as the former ages haue found and felt and they who yet remaine on earth shall finde that to all other things euen the best there is an appointed end And therefore the ioy that men conceiue for them is but flitting and momentanie not vnspeakable and euerlasting So that the peace and ioy which arise from the certeinty of our saluation is woorthely rekoned as a singular priuiledge in as much as it doeth not onely exceed all worldly treasures but also because it is proper to the children of God and the other haue no part in it And further this should better appeare how great a priuiledge it is to be beloued of God if we could possibly conceiue the dreadfull feare of the reprobate in desperation and how little comfort such an one taketh in all his wealth and delights which he hath in this world in whatsoeuer price and account they are with fooles but would giue them all for one quarter of an houres feeling of Gods louing kindnesse and sweet countenance towards him if it could be inioied and the sound peace and comfort that commeth with it And therefore if any will know the benefit and greatnesse of this priuiledge let him aske of them who hauing hardned their hearts through vnbeliefe are growne into despaire who with wearisome sighes and groanes that cannot be expressed doe thinke with themselues and speake many times Oh how happy are those which are saued yea and what would they giue if they had it how many thousand worlds for a part in Gods kingdome Or if the damned soules in hell could speake they would tell you whether this be a prerogatiue to be kept so safely from the torments thereof and honoured with the assurance of heauen and happinesse as partly may be gathered by that which Saint Luke writeth of the Epicure in the Gospel saying Oh that the tippe of a
to looke more deepely into it And I could with all my heart desire that they so many as neglect this worthie worke and necessarie dutie might be constrained to attend vpon it with all diligence which being done with a very Christian care had of giuing good example and shewing themselues in all good conuersation lights vnto their flocks and free from reprochfull faults great good must needs insue And there should not onely be a recouering of the due credit and reuerence to the Ministerie which the popish Prelacie and barbarous rudenes blindnes and shameles life of many vnder the Gospell hath lost but also it should bring many home to God who otherwise must vtterly perish And if with this there were a willing and ready mind in them to satisfie them priuatelie by conference who should resort to them vpon speciall neede and occasion to comfort them in their heauines and to stirre them vp to religious and godly communication in their meetings priuately and at their table by their own examples rather then to be companions with them in profane worldly and needeles talke that so they might as well speake good things in priuate as teach the truth in publike as Christ did I make no doubt but that God would plentifullie blesse their haruest CHAP. 6. Of the lets that hinder faith on the behalfe of the People BVt if the Minister be framed both in life and doctrine as were to be wished thus to giue warning to the people of Sathans malicious intents and other impediments and so seeke to winne them to the faith yet are there such swarmes of euils in the people and so many kinds of them that except they for their parts be willing to be counselled and to receiue their message and doctrine they shall finde that through one let or other few of them shall be partakers of this pretious faith which I speake of To speake more plainelie my meaning is Sathan layeth infinite stumbling blockes in their way for when God by the Preaching of the Gospell sheweth the world how their sinnes are pardoned and their deadly woe remoued in Christ they will not marke it nor take any paines about it but esteeme of it as of a light matter as though God did seeke his owne good by making such an offer to them rather then theirs and that he must be more beholden to them for hearing the way to saluation preached then they to him for teaching them and so count it not thanke worthie Other haue weightier matters as they thinke to looke after namely their pleasures and their profits with the beautie and loue whereof the diuell dazeleth their eyes that they see nothing there that is in their preaching which can prouoke them to be in loue with it although that which can saue them be onely there to be had So by one deceite or other he preuaileth so farre with them that they beleeue not no not euen they who hearing receiue the doctrine with liking it and for that very cause thinke that they beleeue And what is cleerer at this day then this that of many thousands which receiue the glad tidings of eternall life by our preaching willingly or at the least without resisting our doctrine yet few yea very few attaine to the power of faith neither declare any worke thereof to bee in them For either they feele no neede within themselues whereby they should be driuen to seeke helpe out of themselues in Christ or if they doe they by and by before they sustaine any smart lay their burthen vpon him so that he is neuer sought nor cared for of them but when their need pincheth them and then they beleeue in him they say but be indeede no more staied and confident by their faith nor in their liues reformed then they were before and so serue him with their tongues and lips and follow their owne lusts in their hearts or staggering still betwixt hope and doubt at a blush reioycing and not able to render a reason why and at another time cast downe as farre againe in token of no stay nor peace Now of all these how truly are the Apostles words verified the Gospell being hidden from them that is the promises of it not being beleeued of them what other cause is there then this the diuell by one meanes or other hath so blinded them all that they beleeue not and as for this latter sort they seeing their miserie what it is and how vnauoidable by any way that they can finde out how could they if they were not inchanted and depriued of their right minde by the diuell be content to goe without the remedying thereof it being so freely and graciously offered them The which thing also is prooued further to be true by the practise of true Christians who hauing sure hold and taste by faith of Christs merits will admit no delusions that deceiue the other whereby they might be depriued of the assurance thereof But although they haue temptations strong and fierce as well as the other yet they so looke to the greatnes of Gods loue and the truth and certaintie of his promises and the benefit which they reape thereby that although with strong fighting and lowd cryes through depth of sorrow they are in combat with Sathan yet they will not giue ouer nor yeeld their right into his hand But as one in the perill of drowning taketh hold of a naked sword though it cut him deepe rather then yeeld his life to the water so they chuse to keepe their faith with some great difficulties rather then to giue ouer their soule which is vpholden onely thereby into the diuels hand and themselues into perdition Whereupon we heare such speeches testifying sore conflicts betweene Sathan and them Although thou kill me O Lord yet will I trust in thee and Though I walke in the middest of the vale of death yet will I not forsake thee By which appeareth that the same god of this world is not wont to cast mists onely before the eyes of the best but euen attempteth sore to take away all the light of their faith from them as hee doth keepe it from the other altogether But God hath taught their hands to warre and their fingers to fight as it is in the Psalme the which skill because the other want they are foyled And thus by this which hath been said let all learne to know that none are kept voide and destitute of the fruite of the Gospell and the beleeuing of the same vnto saluation but such as willingly put their neckes in Sathans yoke and are contented to bee depriued of the crowne of righteousnes and life through their owne follie whiles others more wise then they will by no meanes let it goe But to the end that euery sort may see themselues as in a glasse and what their seuerall lets are I haue thought good to set them down briefly and particularly or
they haue with Gods good liking and worse estate then this they neede not to be in if they would be aduised by him and not by the euill custome of their hearts whereby they are easily brought to thinke that faith and other graces will dwell in them though they be sleightly cared for and regarded which conceit is most false and erronious And that the Lord giueth his beloued ones such bold and free accesse to him to know his minde toward them and to haue this holie acquaintance with him which can hardly be perswaded to the weake in faith at their first comming to him hereby it may appeare that he saith he will not count them as seruants but as friends with whom he will communicate his very secrets as farre as shall be expedient for ●●em to know them and as Paul saith God of his rich mercie hath loued vs thr●●gh much loue God saith they are as the apple of his eye and therefore deare vnto him he telleth them that hee hath taken from them the spirit of bondage that they should no longer be afraid of him but serue him without feare and to reioyce in him alwaies which cannot be except they knew his minde and affection to them yea and that more cleerely then the sonne can know his fathers or the wife her husbands minde And therefore if they who haue begun to lay hold on eternall life through beleeuing should by some occasion lose the feeling comfort of their faith as by Sathans fearing them with their coldnes falles weaknesses or such like yet are not they to giue place vnto doubting especially being such as haue felt assuredly the loue of God by Christ shed into their hearts but to count it their frailtie and timorousnes and that without cause euen for that they were not better acquainted with the will of God who loueth to the end all such as he hath once loued And yet this is not without the most wise prouidence of God who disposeth all these weaknesses of theirs to their good that they may be humbled the more in themselues and rise to their faith againe and to the glorie of God who bringeth backe againe those who were almost in their owne feeling at the brinke of hell The same I say of other lets which they may bee ouertaken by as of their losing of the sense of their faith through neglecting the meanes whereby it ought to haue been preserued or by sleightnes in the vse of them or by letting loose the heart after some vanitie or worldlines which it lusted after or being disquieted and vnsetled otherwise this is not their refuge to say we must be content to goe without it and it is impossible to hold it when wee haue bestowed all our trauaile we haue done it but in vaine But as they espie their weaknes so let them remember how they haue fallen acknowledge it to the shame of the euill heart and so recouer that one thing which is amisse and hold their confidence as before and let not the whole frame and well ordered course of their life be broken off for that one thing as he that hath ach in his teeth or a wound in his legge doth not neglect the health of his whole bodie for that but seeketh the redresse of that one that the whole may be in good case as it was before And seeing it helpeth much to the nourishing of our faith among all other times to season our hearts in the morning if it may be with the recording and thinking vpon Gods promises of his loue and saluation therefore if the morning meditating on the promises with earnest prayer thereto adioyned should by any necessarie occasions or weightie affaires or other lets of necessitie be intermitted being the thing which ought most carefully to be looked to yet let them prouide that this dutie be not altogether omitted as though it were some light matter which needed no such attendance to be giuen vnto it but let it assoone as it may with conueniencie be performed if they desire to passe the day in safetie and peace as knowing otherwise that Sathan in this their weaknes will giue them little rest And so shall they haue it as a strong weapon through the day to shield them from the violence and furie of the enemie But this is not the place to shew how the day is to be passed that shall follow after but onely by the way as in most fit or ●ace to aduise how the weake Christian is to keepe his faith The sixt meane to hold and confirme faith is the examples of others whom of weake wee haue seene to become strong in faith as Moses with whom as God hath been and with other his good seruants to strengthen them so will he be with vs till he perfecteth in vs in like sort the work which he hath begun And this be spoken of the meanes by which weake faith is helped and confirmed CHAP. 12. The sweete fruite and benefit of the preseruing and confirming of our faith NOw if any thinke the looking to these meanes and this daily diligence for the preseruing of faith to be ouermuch let them vnderstand that the benefit is most great which it bringeth And if this answereth them not let them heare the Apostle who saith that our faith consisteth not in the wisedome of men but in the power of God as if he should say that it is not a matter so soone wrought as it is said to be in vs but a gift wrought by God and therefore by seeking it as he hath appointed and to be nourished and continued as hee hath prescribed which is by ofte recourse to God and much searching out of our hearts for and about the same And therefore as I haue said if men make it not the chiefest of all other things as it is in it selfe and hold it fast as the first and principall it is not their hearing and reading about it nor their talking of it that shall be able to profit them I will rehearse a speech of a godly Christian preacher and one that deserued to be heard whom I haue oft been present with when he vttered the same Whiles I thought verely said he that I had faith but yet held it not by the surest grounds I thought of it sometimes and was glad to thinke that I had it holding my perswasion thereof by such euidences as I had before inioyed rather then I could tell what sure warrant I had then of it but I tooke no great paine to cōfirme it by daily meditating on the promises neither bestowed any more diligence in and about that then vppon other duties But when I saw more cleerely how gainfull and beautifull a grace it is and how I must liue by it hauing no lesse neede of it then of the ayre to breathe in I sought more certaine ground of it and that with greater care then I had before and since I
knew that I had it by more and those infallible arguments and testimonies I could neuer be wearie of looking to and increasing it as I had learned how but for some yeeres space haue done and do euery day nourish and strengthen it and I recreate my selfe in thinking what benefit I haue by it vntill my gaine thereby and pleasure therein doe keepe me there with delight more then in all pastime and the labour which I bestow about it is so farre from toyle or wearisomnes that it is my greatest solace neither doe I thinke or feele my selfe to be armed to the well going through the affaires of the day before I haue prepared my selfe thereto by refreshing my soule with considering Gods aboundant loue and fauour towards me and rest vppon it as mine owne But when I haue done it I am by good heede taking cheerefull and in good estate all the day after and so I am in reuerence be it spoken said he perswaded that I shall continue to doe Now to make vse of this Christian speech because it is according to knowledge and I haue said nothing of him which is not as needfull for vs and his practise agreeth with the doctrine of the Scriptures if wee will speake euery man the truth what comfort or well ordered estate can be in our liues any day without it And when that true and liuely beholding of Gods gracious kindnes is not present with vs to begin the day what going forward in it is to be looked for but in vnsauourie lightnes and so be deceiued or in care and sorrow and so bee disquieted Therefore if men were wise they would see that they could not well want this any day especially seeing God hath giuen libertie to them to inioy such sweet communion with him by meanes of this pretious faith but they would consider their end how vncertaine it is as all other things which they inioy and therfore be readie for it at one time as well as another which they might doe if they held fast their confidence that bringeth with it so great reward And how shall wee leade our whole life by faith in our particular parts thereof beleeuing that God will guide and blesse vs as we shall heare in the next Treatise if wee be not first well seasoned and acquainted with this iustifying faith But alas we verifie the saying of our Sauiour though to our great shame it may bee spoken that the children of this world are wiser in their kinde then we who if they bee disappointed of their desire one way haue twentie shifts to seeke it another But it is too manifest that the most part euen of the better sort and those who haue tasted of this faith and assurance alreadie doe not thinke this possible to keepe yea and increase it from day to day and therefore go not about it but are content to hold it by starts now and then when it is reuiued in them by some speciall helpe of preaching And thus doing they see not the twentith part of Gods bountie and fatherly affection towards them who giueth them not some taste now and then of his abundant loue but would haue them filled with it and that continually yea and thereby to be in safetie all the day long which if many of Gods seruants did beleeue as they doe any article of their faith that it is true how greatly should their heauie hearts bee made ioyfull and their heads lifted vp with cheerefulnes whereas now deceiueable mirth or vnprofitable sorrow holdeth them downe either at their labour or from it seeing they haue not this boldnes to reioyce in the Lord alwaies and that because they beleeue not alwaies neither thinke that they may or can possibly attaine to it And by this meanes that they are so ofte cast from their hold of faith and so of peace and constancie therein the diuell weakneth and holdeth backe sundrie which are comming on by their example thinking themselues well in the case they are in rather then in following them except they saw some beautie and excellencie in their liues more then is in themselues Besides this they not holding their perswasion for continuance as well as for some speciall time doe bring much vnprofitablenes into their liues and sometimes daungerous outstrayings and giue many offences which otherwise they should not by al which their heauines is increased and somtimes long lien in And that which is hardest of all the rest they either dare not rise vp againe out of their sorrow or know not how they should and so they make the most part of their life to bee very bondage which through beleeuing should be most sweet libertie thereby inioy not many comfortable fruits of faith in their liues which other Christians doe And whiles all this commeth to passe we must needs say that God is not honoured of them nor his praises so in their hearts as they should and might be if they from time to time did nourish and liue by this their faith and confidence But though I would haue it receiued that much sweetnes accompanieth this faith yet I meane not here to set downe the priuiledges which accompany it and a godly life that is done in another place This spirit of bondage therefore which holdeth them oft in feare I earnestly wish were abandoned and that this wauering and needles doubting which possesseth so great part of their life especially when any great affliction arresteth them or lieth long vpon them were as farre from them as the East is from the West so that they might see the aboundant fauour of God farre greater towards them then euer they did and that by how much they may inioy it more vsually then euer they thought it possible And as for them that count their aduice and direction for the preseruing of faith they shall goe without the fruite of it till they see that they lost not their labour who were thought to doe too much seeing they did more then themselues could be perswaded to doe Therfore as I haue said let all such as to whom God hath sealed vp their saluation by his spirit by the which he hath giuen them an earnest of it be diligent to heare and marke the promises daily so shall they waxe familiar and well acquainted with the mind and purpose of God howsoeuer the prophane worldlings make them common things and are soone wearie of hearing thē Let thē weigh thē also and applie them to their owne soules daily by priuate meditation let them learne of other the faithfull seruants of God how they doe most especially preserue their faith And let them be throughly perswaded that how crossely soeuer things come to passe yet the Lord seeketh their good by them and doth not delight in their sorrow and troubles for if hee did he could a thousand waies make a riddance of them but sendeth them specially for their benefit and good so shall they grow rooted and
thereon in such wise that he dares ieopard his soule vpon the truth and doctrine of them euen as he is to looke for saluation only by our Lord Iesus Christ euer counting that for sinne which shall be found to iarre or iangle with the same either in his heart or life But though all who haue hope to be saued should doe this yet it is manifest they doe not They make not conscience of many sinnes they looke not to many promises they feare not many threats all which doe much testifie against them that they be not so well fenced as they might be and by meanes hereof they holde euen the promise of saluation it selfe more weakely And this commeth to passe the more commonly that they be no better stablished and rooted in the truth to beleeue it because these things as they be worthiest and most excellent so they be not plainely soundly and thoroughly beaten into the people and that againe and againe till they that are willing haue them for their owne And another cause is for that the people who haue some taste of this doctrine namely how they should ioyne good life with their faith take not paine when they haue been well taught them to call them to minde and digest them onely they haue pieces and fragments of many good points but rarely it shall be found that one Christian among many groweth to see this which I now speake of by teaching much lesse hath it in vse and practise for his owne that is to giue credit to one part of the word as well as to another and not euery one to take that which liketh him And therefore when they haue some work of true faith in them yet they see not how to set vpon repentance and a godly life how to begin and how to proceede therein but are off and on now forward then backward and scarcely at any time setled and staied the which although it be so in great part through their owne weaknes yet is it also in respect of their ignorance I speake of the better sort of people and such as haue receiued the first fruites of the spirit Whereas if they were perswaded that they ought to make conscience of all sound doctrine that they heare and to giue assent to euery part of the word of God and submit themselues thereto promises threats and commandements they should hold more firmely the perswasion of their saluation and also be better prepared how to flie euill and how to doe dutie and how to trust God in all kindes of his promises Therefore it is said to the Hebrues To vs was the Gospell preached as also vnto them but the word that they heard profited not them because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it Againe Without faith it is impossible to please God With the which agreeth that which is written by S. Paul to the Romanes Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne that is whatsoeuer we doe not being perswaded in our consciences that we please God in doing of it we sinne against him Now then when our iudgements be not setled in this doctrine and truth and consequently we follow no such rule in our actions must wee not needes wander vp and downe the more vnprofitably and heauily or when we be at the best must we not needs be doubtfull and vncertaine whether wee please God or no whereas our chiefe care should be least we doe any thing which might crase or cracke our faith especially when it is tender and weake and like the bruised reede which is easily broken Therefore if any beleeue to be saued let them beleeue also that they shall be sanctified for with one and the same faith we beleeue both and that they shall receiue grace from God to bring foorth fruites of amendment of life and that they shall be made able by him through the hearing of the holie Scriptures to cast off their old conuersation This faith much auaileth to the furthering of the deare children of God in a godly course euen at their first comming vnto God as it doth alwaies after to liue by it And although God by the same spirit regenerateth them by the which he assureth them of their adoption yet is it wrought in them much more hardly and in greater feare when they doe not first know and be perswaded in their iudgements that it shall be so And though it can be but weake in any at their first conuersion to God yet shall they sooner wade through their doubts and grow out of their feare if they haue this faith as a foundation to vphold them and incourage them to goe about it But otherwise they shall faint and feare oft times and be without hope nothing is more cleere then this if we obserue it in weake christians And thus must they be perswaded also concerning all blessing good successe deliuerance out of troubles or patience and meekenes to beare them as well as to beleeue the forgiuenes of sinnes and finally whatsoeuer God saith in his word either the forbidding of any sinne or the requiring of any dutie they are bound to beleeue it as the truth of God to depend vpon it and to be built vpon it and to trust him vpon his bare word and to suffer themselues to be led by it and that because it is his word hauing in them alwaies a setled purpose to doe so and this is called by the Apostle the obedience of faith For they must be resolued of this that to whom God giues Christ to them also he giues all things needfull for this life and the life to come in and by Christ And thus Noah did not only beleeue that he was made heire of righteousnesse but also that he and certaine of his household should be saued in the flood and Abraham likewise beleeued not only that he was iustified but also went to a place which he knew not only seeing God commaunded and abode in the land of promise as in a strange countrey and beleeued that he should haue a sonne in his olde age And they who beleeued among the Israelites in the Sauiour which was to come of whom Moses though darkely had taught before the same beleeued other promises as that the walles of Iericho should fall downe after they had bin compassed about seuen daies Many other such examples who shewed themselues not only to beleeue the promise of forgiuenes of sinnes and of eternall life but also other temporall promises yea and precepts also and threats which God had set downe in his word very profitable for vs to this purpose many such I say both thoroughout the Scriptures and namely in that eleuenth chapter to the Hebrues are set downe vnto vs. And this generall faith so called for that it giueth assent and credit to the word of God in the elect as well to one part as to another with an honest heart ready to
set it down yet the most simple when they heare mention made of it can affirme that they finde it so to their no small consolation and contentment Now I hauing shewed that the heart and consequently the whole man must necessarily be changed and purged before good life can come from it and wherein this chaunge consisteth and how it is wrought I will returne to this last point from which a little I digressed that by faith in Christs promises and by spirituall vnion with him this change is wrought To this end as I said S. Peter doth plainly lay foorth this truth vnto vs that the heart is purged by faith when he saith By the pretious promises which wee haue from God and they are made ours by faith we are made partakers of the diuine nature or the graces of the holie Ghost by whose heauenly power we are able to flie the corruption and naughtines both of our hearts and liues which is the principall let of our obeying God And therefore that corruption being subdued in vs by a stronger power then it selfe we haue libertie to goodnes whereas before we were in bondage And not only so but the nature and qualities of our harts being changed we are no more they who we were before but are led contrary to our former course The which selfesame thing though not in the same words S. Paul by a most apt similitude setteth downe saying When we were in the flesh the affections of sinne which were by the law had force in our members to bring foorth fruite vnto death but now we are deliuered from the law he being dead of whom we were holden downe to serue in the newnes of spirit not in the oldnes of the letter Here he describing the first estate of life wherein all liue diuellish and vnrenued and setting as contrarie to it the regenerate and happie estate of Gods children after they be changed maketh this comparison That as our corrupt hearts like an husband stirred vp euill desires in vs hauing the powers both of minde and bodie as the wife at commaundement and both these together brought foorth all sorts of euill workes to our destruction so the spirit that is the power of Christ being giuen vs stirring vp holie affections in vs is as an husband and hath the powers both of minde and bodie as the wife at commaundement and both these together bring foorth all sorts of good workes as children to our saluation Whereby it is manifest that although there be nothing in vs as of ourselues to do the will of God and to bring foorth fruites of amendement yet God who purgeth the heart by faith putteth also a new nature into it and maketh vs loue and delight in the good and holy things which before wee loathed and to loathe the euill which we once loued And for this purpose to make more full this matter which I haue entred into which of the simple I know is hardly conceiued that no exception may be taken against it consider what our Sauiour saith he compareth himselfe to a vine and his beloued to branches of the same To teach vs that as the branch beareth no fruite if it grow not in the vine but being cut off withereth so if we be not knit to him by faith wee can beare no fruite But as the branch abiding in the vine sucketh sappe and draweth iuyce from it and is fruitfull so all faithfull and true beleeuers receiue strength from him and grace by the which they crucifie their owne lusts resist their corrupt will and so bring forth fruite according to the will of God For from him the whole bodie gathereth increase fit for it who in manner of the soule quickeneth all the members And to this end Christ wrought our saluation and gaue himselfe for our sinnes to deliuer vs from this present euill world And from him we haue receiued a minde to know God an heart to loue him a will to please him and strength also in some sensible measure to obey him as he saith Know ye that ye are dead to sinne that is so made partakers of the vertue and power of Christ that naturall corruption hath lost her vigour and force to bring forth most bitter fruites and also that ye are aliue to God that is haue strength to liue holilie through Iesus Christ which grace although it be not perfect yet it is such and that in the weakest beleeuer that there is apparant difference by it from his former estate and such as whereby a godly life is not irkesome to vs as before but sweete and pleasant That which most troubleth the weake about this matter is that this change of the heart and renewing thereof is so hardly seene and so meanely felt within them that they cannot satisfie themselues in wishing and desiring to be more changed And although before their open grosse faults did not accuse them yet now their inward corruptions doe disquiet them now idle motions and vaine thoughts and fantasies much trouble them in their praying reading and hearing they cannot be ridde of them now they feare that they beleeue not euen after they haue receiued to beleeue with staiednes of minde and peace and all because they want the feeling comfort of their faith oftentimes their vnkindnes to God much greeueth them and besides their vnfruitfulnesse to be short they haue many accusations against themselues All which duly considered doe testifie in deed another estate of their minds then was before though through their weakenes and the diuels malice they feare hereby sometimes that they are not renued and changed at al. But that is not to be maruailed at for as much as they were so lately drowned in sinne and had no delight in goodnes it must needs be strange vnto them to be perswaded that they are in any better case then they were seeing the motions of sinne doe trouble them now which did not before and they haue not skill nor strength enough to thinke that it is a good signe of their welfare to be grieued for them as it is in deede but they thinke it a signe of their miserie that they haue them at all And yet in that they doe so earnestly seeke to be better staied euen from idle and vaine wandrings and labour to see their spirituall pouertie and their inward corruption of selfe loue priuie pride distrust c. they may haue cleere testimonie that they though but in part are truely reformed And this change of the heart they haue neede to be perswaded of who desire to liue christianly which shall be no hard matter for them to proue if they compare themselues with that which I said about this matter and finde it so with them but otherwise they shall but coldly goe about any seruice of God whatsoeuer this pure heart I say comming from faith vnfained must be as a strong foundation laid in them vpon which only
be able from time to time to continue that course which by the first change was begun and so to doe any such duties as we are bound to performe which otherwise cannot be For as vessels which haue been vnsauourie are not only once seasoned but kept sweete afterwards that they may be fit for vse and as men vse to purge their springs from that which might stoppe them so are our hearts to be preserued in the same sort that they become not bitter and corrupt as of themselues naturallie they are prone to be For the best haue neede of this helpe whiles they carrie flesh about them therefore much more young beginners It is the Lords commaundement that when our hearts are once clensed we should keepe them so with all diligence that is watch trie and purge them from all defilements whereby they are wont to be tainted and poysoned We must watch them least we should for want thereof be deceiued with the baites of sinne we must examine and trie them seeing no man can watch so carefully but that much euill will creepe in and we must purge out that filthie drosse of concupiscence which we find by examining that it set not our will on fire to satisfie and performe the desires thereof And the man of God who was best acquainted with the heart among many thousands both how euill it is and how it is in the best manner to be looked vnto and preserued he hath taught the same that the seruant of God who hath by his mercie his former life purged by the forgiuenes of his sinnes must keepe it from new infections hereafter by taking heede and looking to the same according to Gods word This is plaine to them that haue experience in the Christian life that men walking among so many snares of the diuell baites of the world and meeting with so infinite rebellions and lusts of their owne hearts as cannot be expressed but as we finde them out by obseruing them are not without continuall danger and hurt if they be not acquainted with this holie watch and ward that their knowledge may be as a light to them in this dark world and their prouident care as a preseruatiue from the infection of sinne which in all their dealings will meete with them yea and that I say nothing of them who are without Christ in it euen the beleeuers themselues I meane doe find much annoyance and discomfort in their liues which neither they needed to feare neither should finde if this counsell of the Prophet were pretious to them And to this end that they who haue their hearts thus clensed as I haue said may continue them so still they must know that it is no idle occupation thus to doe but they must be content and glad to weane their hearts from many vnprofitable and wandring thoughts and desires which hold them here below and with the which others are caried away as with a whirlewinde and to season them with holie and heauenly meditations as namely of Gods goodnes of their own frailties and of their duties that by the helpe of these they may the better containe themselues within their bounds and breake not foorth into dangerous euils These are especiall helpes for the well ordering of their hearts still who haue at any time brought them in order alreadie this being added that their reading priuately their hearing publikely with their oft and earnest prayers and Christian conferences bee wisely and at due times adioyned hereunto of the which here is no fit place to giue any rules more particularly because I haue appointed to direct men how to vse these when I shall come to speake of the helpes and meanes which are to be vsed for the well gouerning of their hearts and liues in the next treatise And thus the heart being renued and kept it is easie to renounce euill which otherwise is impossible for euery one that listeth may see both by Scripture Psalm 32.4 5 6. Hebr. 10.38 and by experience notwithstanding our affections are strong vnruly and most hardly subdued with what ease we may renounce and forsake them and haue power ouer our will and appetites when our hearts bee thus renued and kept mastered That is to say when first they are purged and our corrupt nature changed into a better by beleeuing the forgiuenes of our sins and a partaking of the graces of Christ and after watched ouer and obserued that they continue so who doth not see that the stubbornnest wilfullest heart which hath most rebelled against good instruction and reformation yet when it is thus looked vnto will be tamed And to speake more particularly for the weake christians sake when a man hath once felt damnation the iust reward of such a course and on the other side full deliuerance from the same to be freely giuen him of God and thus hath his heart humblie turned towards God againe to loue and delight in him who doth not see I say that such a man daily hauing in remembrance this vnspeakable kindnes of God towards him and the wofull estate that he was in otherwise that he will be loath to displease this his so gracious God Who doth not see but that his heart also hauing sustained so many checkes from God for the disorders of it and accusations for the manifold euils of it and that he weaning it daily from the old lusts thereof and seasoning it with grace by faith receiued daily which vanquisheth them and inuring it with the helpes that may nourish it from time to time but that it shall with great ease serue God in this life and haue nothing the toyle and labour that others haue in the going about any good dutie or resisting any sinne Let men say what they will it is the euill gouerning of the heart and letting it loose to follie wandrings and needlesse phantasies that causeth it to be surfeited with all manner of iniquitie and the most know not their hearts how deceitfull corrupt and vnholie they be I speake not onely of the wicked of the world as the reader may see I am faine often to put him in minde but euen of those whom God hath separated from the prophane sort to serue him And although according to that which they know of the will of God they haue some care to auoide offences yet doe not many of them seeke nor set themselues to know that which they might of God nor of their owne duties neither to grow forward in many good things as they might doe beleeuing assuredly that God will supplie their wants and helpe their infirmities as he would they should but rather doe many things to the great offence of others and al for that they are so little acquainted with their hearts which in many are tuchie froward wilfull worldly in a daungerous manner nor with Gods minde and will by meanes whereof some maintaine dangerous opinions As that the law in no wise is to be
honoring God aswell in one duties as in another seeing these are properties of sinne which cannot be separated from it that howsoeuer they oft feare no such thing yet one time or other it will finde them out This diet I say they must oftentimes looke to be kept at who settle not themselues soundly in the Christian life euen to finde here much shame and sorrow which other of Gods seruants shall be voyde of And if it be so with them iudge what is the estate of the hypocrite and prophane sort But that none may bee troubled at that which I haue set downe of the power and vse of the armour as thinking that which I haue said but a meere fancie and vntruth seeing the enemies which wee fight against are strong and raging and many good seruants of God haue been subdued of them in temptation whereas I haue not spoken much say they of the conflicts and combats which they haue with the allurements of sinne as though they resisted and ouercame them with ease and without any great striuing To satisfie such I answere that the speaking of conflicts belongeth to another treatise namely the fift where I handle the doctrine of the lets here I onely speake of the armour according to the parts of the diuision set downe and yet none can vnderstand me if he marke that I thinke sinne and our lusts to bee easily ouercome which I call furious and raging or Sathans suggestions by obiects or without to be soone resisted which I say are both slyly wrought to deceiue vs and to haue mightie force to draw and allure vs but rather euery discreete reader may gather that I count it the most hard and difficult of all other things to subdue and conquer them because I shew such necessitie of walking armed continually against them For what can I say lesse then that we must striue manfully and stand vpon our watch and that we cannot be crowned except we striue lawfully that is stedfastly yea and that for all our armour we being vnskilfull or faint and timorous in vsing it nor onely we may be but also are oft times foyled as if hope of victorie and of preuailing against them were past All this I say and yet in the weakest estate we are not forsaken of God though in some distresse for a time nor swallowed vp though we be in sorrow nor in despaire when we be in some discomfort but when we are at the lowest ebbe that in some temptation we yeeld and be ouercome of it yet euen in that we are not so miserable as others who striue not at all but are for a while left to our selues to see our weakenes that afterwards wee may gather more strength and as it were fetch our breath that we may take better hold and resist more valiantly especially when through any of our owne defaults we were ouercome And yet whensoeuer it is so with vs who can deny but that it so came to passe because we were no better armed and for that we were either vnskilfull and vnexpert or slouthfull and slacke in vsing it So that I say still as I said before that whatsoeuer our temptations and assaults be by the helpe of our armour as Christ our captaine hath taught vs to weare and keepe it on we preuaile and thereby reioyce euen as contrarily we must needes sorrow whiles we bee naked and vnarmed in the battaile But we may for iust cause be vpholden and warre cheerefully against all kinds of enemies when as Iosua we haue promise of the victorie the weapons of our warfare being mightie And thus I haue shewed how the third helpe namely the Christian armour is an especiall furthering of vs in a godly life But because I know that this which I say will seeme to some very doubtfull and scarce like to be true that for want of putting on and keeping on this Christian armour their estate is both vnglorious and vncomfortable who yet are of this minde that they may be Christians good enough though they know it not I will therefore satisfie such as I can in few words Other some thinke that although it is fit and meete for strong Christians yet that weake ones ought not to be troubled with the seeking for it but may content themselues to serue God as they can without it their reason is this least whiles we lay such strong loade and burthens on them being yet but weake we discourage and driue them out of heart altogether These two obiections indeed the wit of man after the hearing of this present doctrine of the armour will be readie to put forth and he that is past both these doubts and troubled with neither of them I thinke nay I know that he hath ouercome much and hath well profited For the satisfying of those who are weaker I will answere a little to both To the formost why should any thinke that they may be good Christians without this seeing they must needes graunt that if they walke nakedly they cannot walke safely euery man being a blinde guide to himselfe I deny not but that a Christian fearing God and beleeuing in him may be ignorant of this armour but then let not such say that they may serue God well enough without it which is here obiected for that is farre off from the most zealous and he who thinketh himselfe forwardest yea and hath a large heart filled with holy desires is farre off from it For what substance of godlines is there in such a life that it should be a seruing of God aright and as it is behoofull seeing it shall be found both idle and vnprofitable or a wandring course and that which is in no wise to bee rested in without the helpe of the armour from which they haue their strength to liue well whosoeuer hath any measure of grace to liue godly as by considering the force and vse of the armour may be easily seene And therefore it is a speech at the least full of ignorance to say we may serue God as it is meete although wee haue no acquaintance with the armour For the second obiection that it seemeth to bee too heauie a burdening of weake Christians to impose and lay it vpon them it is as vnsauourie as the former For they who are new borne which sort is the weakest and feeblest in Gods familie are no sooner brought out of the thraldome and feare of damnation wherein Sathan held them before but if they were able to speake they would first aske for this that they might euer abide in the estate of saluation wherein they now see themselues to be and neuer forget Gods kindnes but daily and hourely feele and enioy it also to honour him for it to testifie their thankfulnes to please him in all things and in all estates and for this cause to know his will for all which purposes the armour serueth This I say is their nature and this
daily CHAP. 12. Of the declaration of the first dutie of awaking with God AND of the first three parts of this treatise thus much Now for the better vnderstanding of the nine last mentioned duties and more cleare insight into them especially for the helpe of them which cannot so easily gather so large a matter out of so few wordes I will more fully open euery branch thereof one after another And whereas I teach Christians in this place first when they awake to be with God and to accustome their thoughts to be holy I meane indeed so much that so soone as they awake they should be taken vp about heauenly things for where their treasure is there should also their hearts be as to thinke of Gods kindnesse and loue towards them and that they abide still in his fauour as at any time before the remembrance whereof at our first breaking off our sleepe what can be like sweet and comfortable euen as a prisoner condemned but to temporall death doth on the contrarie at his awaking out of sleepe fall into most dreadfull thoughts and feare They are also to thinke how they haue bene refreshed by their rest and kept from the manifold dangers of the night c. by the which many haue miscaried And all these and such like meditations should salute them when they first awake to this end to reuiue that foundnesse of heart wherwith they lay downe the night before if they lay downe as became them and also that no roote of bitternesse breake out of them to staine their actions at their first entring into the day which were very like to be if it should not be preuented and held out by some such gracious thoughts Also by this meanes they prouide well for the better keeping their liues in frame all the day after without the which regard had in purpose to performe it assoone and as well as they can they are so ready to range and go astray one way or other that although they did lye downe the night before in peace and with quiet and meeke hearts yet the diuell as we know it well watching his oportunitie they may easily be vnsetled and so runne into sundrie euils which cannot be auoided All which being considered who doth not see how great a meane this kind of awaking with God is and how worthily it may be reckoned for one of our duties to indeuour to take vp some time thus when sleepe departeth Neither let any obiect that this is more then poore Christians can attaine to for all such would faine attaine to that grace if they were taught how and directed the Lord hauing framed and fitted them for it euen by this that he hath made them Christians and therewithall hath giuen them hearts which are willing thereunto but yet euery man in his measure and as he hath receiued of God which giueth to no man nigardly who seeketh heartily And if this satisfie not some who desire to begin the day aright after their first perfit shaking off of sleepe and awaking let such for their better direction breake their minds to those who through longer experience are better exercised in the wayes of the Lord then themselues Onely this caueat and watch-word I giue that if through barrennesse in good things thou art not able to set thine heart a worke when sleepe is gone from thee to fasten vpon somewhat that is profitable to thy soule or to thy companion if thou hast any with thee arise if it be conuenient if not and that thou feelest thy heart to be caried vnto prophanenesse or to cause thy mouth to sinne any way checke thy selfe rebuke thine heart and so take occasion euen by thy euill to do good And remember him who at his first awakings in the morning did thus giue vnto the Lord the first fruits of the day as I haue taught thee to do as in the Psalme where he saith O Lord thou wilt heare my voyce early in the morning Early in the morning will I direct my words vnto thee and will looke vp and in the Prouerbes Wisdome shall commune with thee when thou wakest and guide thee when thou walkest The words of the Psalme although they be not to be vnderstood only of the time of our first awaking yet they include that time as well as any other in the day but that place of Salomon doth plainely shew that it ought to be as vsuall and ordinary to set our hearts on worke about some holy and heauenly things when we first awake as it should be to looke to be guided by Gods word all the day through And there is no doubt but if this Scripture and such like were beleeued and well weighed directly tending to this end to teach Christians to take vp their hearts in holy cogitations and heauenly desires before the diuell hath poysoned them and euilly imployed them and further if they would be willing to see this first letting loose their hearts to sundry sinnes as iesting vaine laughter light and loose talke iarring contention depth of worldlinesse and such like to be one chiefe cause of an vnprofitable yea an offensiue life in the day afterwards it should be farre better with them then it is I meane if they would thus do they should find much more ease in seruing of God and fruite therein and comfort thereby both in the morning and all the day after whereas I see with mine eyes heare it with mine eares that many passe the day very vnbeseeming Christians who haue long sought the Lord though only in a generall manner indeed and others see that it is not with them so well as both it might and they themselues know it should be who do perhaps some one time in the day now and then go to prayer but otherwise they haue litle regard of many their actions yet their prayers which they make are not for the most part powred out to God till their heads and harts both are so filled and fraught with the world and other matters that they haue made themselues in a maner vnfit to pray And as for such as say they haue other matters to thinke on as soone as they be awake and they cannot bestow their time after that manner it may please them to know that as for the time if their heart were ready and did know how to do this duty it might very sufficiently and well-nigh be performed in so much time for a need as the Lords prayer distinctly vttered might be sayd ouer in For in such a space might a Christian lift vp his heart to God and salute him with an holy remembring of his fatherly kindnesse and namely for present preseruation in soule and body and confirme himselfe in his former sound-hartednesse which if he did no more were a true and right awaking with God and the onely right way to thinke of other things as they ought Therefore with thine heart thus seasoned if it
may be addresse thy selfe to be ready to any duties which thou hast to do and be strongly perswaded and confident that God who loueth thee so dearly as in thy prayer thou beleeuedst and in thy thanksgiuing thou didst acknowledge that he I say will be with thee to guard thee from all aduersary power of Sathan and his instruments which might rise vp against thee and by the comfort of his holy spirit keepe thee from euill for he which hath all power in his hand looketh downe from heauen and beholdeth all the earth to shew himselfe strong with them which are of an vpright heart towards him and therefore be incouraged thereby with confidence to set vpon any duty and to withstand any euill And further remember that thou art armed by God with all furniture meet for the seruant of God with faith to beleeue all Gods promises with hope to be kept from fainting with righteousnesse to performe all duty with sincerity to do it with a single heart with knowledge of the word of God to direct thee aright and with the preparation of the Gospell of peace to be shod against troubles and dangers in thy voyage to Gods kingdome Remember all these and that thou hast not the right vse of these except thou beest setled against the discouragements which might stand vp in thy way And therefore be chearfull and of good courage although there are many things which may one time or other put thee to trouble and many occasions of vnquietnesse and vnsetlednesse may arise which also would otherwise vndoubtedly soreshake thee Thus before thou goest about any thing it is requisite for thee to renew thy faith that thou mayest rest freshly on God for his protection throughout the day and waite to see it so and obserue that thou mayst be guided by him and make thy heart mery in him considering that he is more to thee then all the world beside And this for the declaration and further laying open of this first duty as with any conuenience it may be done to teach vs how to awake with God CHAP. 13. Of the declaration of the second duty of beginning the day with prayer NOw when thy heart shall after thy first shaking off thy sleepe be lifted vp to thy God set thy selfe to the next part of thy duty prayer confession of sins and thanksgiuing in solemne maner vpon thy knees casting off and renouncing such foolish and fruitlesse thoughts and fantasies as were wont and still may hold thee from this duty and set vpon it as soone as thou canst conueniently yea if it may so be let it be the first worke that thou shalt take in hand in the morning season except in time of sicknesse when thou keepest thy bed and then ioyne it with the former rule and make of both one and pray shortly when paine giueth thee no further libertie but yet feruently and more often But if it cannot be thy first worke yet let not thy deferring of it be a breaking it off if thou mayst performe it neither let a light occasion cause thee to deferre it for such shall neuer be wanting especially thine owne vnwillingnes or slouth but when for some especiall and weightie cause thou doest deferre it returne if it may be after thy necessarie businesse ended to the performing of it therwith renew thy couenant of amendment of life And to expresse my meaning about this more plainely remember and acknowledge the kindnesse of thy God in benefits daily and hourely receiued both to soule and bodie and sometime particularly that so thou mayst be more nearly knit vnto him and delight in him For daily and oft thankfulnesse to God is of great force to subdue thee vnto God and to maintaine a thankfull heart in thee all the day following And let another part of this morning worship of God adioyned to this be an hearty recording and viewing of thy sinnes a bewailing and confessing of them to God and accusing of thy selfe with an especiall remorse for those which haue most troubled thee and be humbled vnder the burthen of them that so thou mayest see thy selfe a wretched person and infinitely indebted to God and so withhold thy heart from insolencie and securitie and be broken-hearted that thou mayst the better abide so after And with both these send vp loud cries vnto the Lord through Iesus Christ confidently looking for pardon of them that thus thou mayst find the death of Christ daily fresh sweete and sauorie to thee which the most do make too common and vnsauorie And pray also in faith for grace and power to mortifie thy sinne and to direct thy wayes and for all earthly blessings and by thine owne necessities be moued with compassion towards thy brethren euen the whole company of the militant Church who haue the like need of Gods blessing as thou hast and withall that those which are yet without and strangers from the common-wealth of Israel may be brought home that thus thou mayst both testifie thy loue to them and daily remember and consider how thy selfe and all other do depend vpon him for whatsoeuer is good and necessarie And to helpe forward this dutie the better some meditation or musing vpon such things as may asswage the bitternesse and corruption of the heart and season it with grace were a thing most requisite as euerie one may be brought to it As for example sometime of our mortalitie of the vncertaintie and slipperie estate of all things vnder the Sunne of the change of persons times estates of the glorie of the kingdome of heauen sometime of our saluation to make it more sure of the duties we are to do in the day and how we may keepe our selues from the defilements and sinnes which we are in danger to fall into of the occasions by which we are most like to be led to euill and of the helpes and meanes with the sundrie priuiledges of a Christian which we haue to withdraw vs from the same and sometime of any particular branch of any of these and the corruptions of the heart and of the Christian armour of some of these or of the like matters let meditation be raised before prayer be entred into if it may be And because meditation is much out of vse euen among Christians and therefore it will be found the harder matter to go about and take it in hand I haue therefore set downe some meditations of all sorts both briefly and in larger manner to helpe those which without helpe cannot draw matter from their owne experience to meditate vpon as I haue before set downe a short Treatise about the same that through the helpe of both they may want nothing about this dutie and Christian exercise so that their hearts be framed and fitted thereto This part of Gods worship namely prayer confession of sinne thanksgiuing and meditation being conscionably and carefully vsed and gone about before
with props and staies most mighty Consider this yee that forget God and aske not after him but especially yee seruants of his who desire to doe his will For these things doth God indeed I meane he bequeatheth many goodly and sweet liberties to his and many of his beloued ones find them and feele them and you that doe not so behold what yee loose and goe without Claime therefore with reuerence that which is your due I meane which god hath bestowed vpon you and beware lest through your default the priuiledges of Christians should not be thought as great as the Lorde in his word affirmeth them to be whiles you inioy them not as though they were no such The Lord hath done great things for vs as it is written Honorable things are reported of thee O thou citty of God And if it were not so and if the loue of God were not sweetly shed in our hearts through the holy ghost yea if we were not perswaded that the Lord is a plentifull rewarder of them that seeke him and that all the afflictions of this life are not worthy the glory which shall be shewed vpon us we might soone be caused to cast downe our countenance and be discouraged who are not onely strangers heere and therefore not knowen nor regarded but we are among professed enimies who the more we differ from them the more we are hated of them and therefore in feare of continuall and infinite dangers by reason of them and their captaine and but for that the Lord hath promised to be with vs and guide vs we should vtterly faint and be discouraged CHAP. 4. Of the third priuiledge How God giueth grace to his children to liue godly and of the first branch BVt that it may better appeare how great this priuiledge is and so I may proceed vnto the rest let vs further heare what worthy and singular fruits doe flow from this fatherly eare and most louing prouidence of God ouer his and accompany the same thorowout their liues which though they arise and proceed from the former yet I will set them downe as particular priuiledges distinctly by themselues And because it is not so easily seene and conceiued of many much lesse beleeued I will more particularly lay forth the same and first this third the summe whereof is this that who so are thus cared for of God he bestoweth this grace vpon them that they learne of him that which none can learne elsewhere nor any but his chosen ones can learne that is how to liue and goe through their whole pilgrimage according to his will and how to die and goe from this vale of misesy that they may afterwards be taken vp into glory euen this prerogatiue he granteth them And it hath these two branches the one that they may be fruitfull in good life the other that they may be kept from foule offences Now concerning the first namely the holy life which God teacheth them to lead this is not the least I might rightly say there is no greater treasure here to be inioied that they need not count the Christian life combersome vnsauory and an heauy and tedious burden as the most doe but an easie yoke an estate wherein they need neither be idle nor vnprofitable but readily prepared vnto euery good worke Now that they may be able to doe this to be setled constantly in a godly course and wise to preuent and auoide the hinderances that lie in their way and to aime at the commandements of God as at a marke that they may keepe them is not this a benefit yea a singular priuiledge when the prophet calleth him an happy man that is inabled of God thereto and Christ himselfe teacheth that it is the chiefe happinesse which can be inioied in this life to keepe the word of God which we heare that it may direct guide vs yea that one day in his house that is spent and passed in the militant church and as his seruants doe is better then a thousand in any estate besides And although it be an estate full of happinesse yet let no man maruel that I say Gods beloued ones may haue this liberty and prerogatiue to walke and liue in it for the Lord inableth them thereunto by whose power they can doe all things he giueth them an heart not defiled and vncleane as it was sometime but purged and clensed in good sort and therefore now it is able to like and loue his will which sometime it loathed and they who beleeue and are perswaded that God will bestow and doth daily offer this grace of sanctification vnto them they receiue it and thereby are strengthened to doe that good in their life which they can loue with their heart and which they approoue of and allow in their iudgement Now if this liberty of Gods seruants be not either knowen of some good Christians or not beleeued I deny not but euen they as yet may goe without this priuiledge in great part accordingly as we may see in many But this need not be if they knew and were perswaded of Gods liberality and bounty towards them as some others are who is so farre from denying grace hereto that he hath pleasure to see them vse it well to whome he granteth it And vntill this be that they draw by faith daily strength from Iesus Christ to subdue their lusts they cannot obtaine to finde the Christian life easie to them as some others doe but goe to worke by their owne strength in all their duties and by the vertue of their praiers hoping to preuaile against their sinnes which indeed are not conquered by any such meanes but remaine in their old strength still the which they seeing that for all their labouring and striuing against them yet they doe not finde that they are weakened or abated in them but that although they toile themselues much yet they profit little they begin to be discouraged and faint euen in vsing the meanes which they did beholding how they sticke fast still in the mire wherein before they lay and so they being discouraged fall into some great sorow or which is little differing breake out into security and loosenesse And this slauery they are brought vnto through the malice and subtilty of the diuil who seeing their vnablenesse to beleeue the promise of God which is that he will strengthen them against their speciall infirmities doth play the Lion holding them vnder with vnbeliefe Against the which their remedy must be this that they resist stedfast in faith that is that they yeeld not to this distrust which long hath oppressed them but by little and little suffer themselues to be perswaded that their case is farre better then they conceiue which shall neuer be hard to perswade them who found true deliuerance from the spirit of bondage and that the Lord hath not taken them into his fauour to leaue them at six and
beside themselues while they were in such good moodes they come to themselues againe that is to their old course and say Shall we forgoe our pleasant life our mery companie our braue stomacks which make vs famous and to be spoken of yea the meanest haue somewhat to hold themselues in as it were in chaines that they may not returne to God lest he should saue them But now I haue shewed them their estate euen their shame and the woe which they are in and what variety of spirituall and heauenly delights they haue forgone by refusing to walke within the compasse of Christian duty from daie to daie which sweetnesse of holy delights God giueth his seruants as a taste of heauen in this life what remaineth but this that all which will not shew themselues desperate wilfully to seeke their owne confusion consider this though they haue long forgot God and lay it to heart namely that they say with the apostles euerie one seuerallie when Christ their master told them that one among the rest should betraie him Is it I master and with Paule when he was smitten downe at the gates of Damascus Lord what wilt thou haue me to doe yea and let them doe as the seruants of Benhadad when they were in great feare of their liues by the king of Israell They put halters about their necks and came and humbled themselues before him and said they were his seruants to the end they might finde fauour at his hands Thus I say let them seeke the Lord while he may be found and say Spare thy people ô Lord and be no longer angry with the sheepe of thy pasture But let them doe it in trueth till the promises of God be beleeued of them and applied to them piercing to the heart and taking hold of the affections so that they may see themselues to be of the number of Gods people and to goe beyond all reprobates and till the same word of God which they haue heard preached hauing beene the seed of saluation to them may be the mould of their conuersation also which they being cast into may be fashioned after the doctrine of it And the rather for the renued peace and defence of the gospell by the happy succession of our most gracious Soueraigne the kings Maiestie as well as the hope we haue for the time to come of liuing safely vnder our vine figgetree lest if they serue not the Lord with ioy and a good heart for all such good things they doe procure such plagues as shall manifestly shew that he is angry with them Now to shut vp all if it be said to me that I haue shewed how men may liue happily but nothing hath beene said about happie dying be this for answere An happy life bringeth an answerable death and the learning and accustoming of our selues to die contemne the world while we liue shall lead vs the way to eternall and blessed life when we must die For that knowledge faith hope and other grace is to vphold and guide vs at death which was the staffe and stay of vs in our life which God shed plentifully into our hearts both in our life and at our death to make vs blessed in both And of this Treatise and of the whole booke thus much A SWEET MEDITATION OF THE AVTHORS LONG AGOE of the benefit of reading conference musing on holy things and praier conteining a complaint that these holy exercises are neglected for that which is worse than nothing euen mens sinfull will 1 OH what a blessed thing it is with godly learn'd to talke By reading and by conference both as we sit and walke 2 And oft to thinke vpon the ioy by God for his prepar'd And eke to pray with groanes to him the like hath not beene hard 3 It doth reuiue our hearts most dull and bring our mindes in frame It doth indue our soules with light made fit to praise Gods name 4 It causeth vs our time to spend in fruit and heauenly sort It keeps from euery euill way and so from ill report 5 It holds our minds frō earthly thoghts and vanities most vaine It doth become pleasant and sweet instead of irkesome paine 6 By this ill tidings are not fear'd afflictions are not heard But from impatience and ire hereby we are preseru'd 7 By meditation and reading with prayer annext thereto We make our gaine of that which we are loth once to forgo 8 It maketh vs a sauour sweet in places where we come That some are gain'd to God thereby and folly hath no roome 9 Blessed is he whose portion this in stead of toile is giuen Whereby some cannot read a line from morning vnto euen 10 And as his lot in fairer ground is cast whom this behighteth In reading and in studie sweet that ioyfully delighteth 11 So he that seeth not this grace and priuiledge most great Sorrow and shame shall him pursue and folly be his meat 12 I speake of those whose calling is by learning for to liue Whom God would haue be free from world and good example giue 13 And so of euery one as he hath liberty and leaue That he do not for fond delight● himselfe hereof bereaue 14 But Lord what griefe it is to thinke that this so happie a lot Should be trod downe as pearles of swine of many a drunken sot 15 That this deceitfull merchandise of profit and of gaine Should darken so blinde mens eies that they should loath this paine 16 That some should dreame of honour high and of promotion so That this sweet state with all her fruits they should gladly forgo 17 That neither Scripture giuē by God nor books by learned made Can cause them be in loue with them and so forsake their trade 18 Indeed it doth require the heart from euill to be brought That louers of pleasures more than God may come to better thought 19 I meane that they may sin abhorre of euery loathsome kind And that their chiefest ioy may be from thence to weane their mind 19 And with no lesse delight of heart they wisdome may imbrace Till godlinesse hath got in them a roome and setled place 20 Such shall it finde a pleasure sweet their yeeres and time to spend In authours holy and diuine vntill their life do end 21 And such therefore may be full sure the forenam'd fruites to reape And to inioy all good delights in measure and in heape 22 If any thinke this too great toile and state of life to hard Let him againe thinke that full great and sweet is the reward 23 〈◊〉 for my selfe with Salomon this one thing I may say Tha● 〈◊〉 haue had experience of 〈◊〉 a happy day 24 Such as deceitfull world doth yeeld to such as it imbrace Yet neuer saw I pleasure like vnto this heauenly grace 25 What did I say Not like to it no nor to be compar'd For one it yeeldeth twenty fold in pleasure and
in smaller things that they may beleeue him in greater The third meane The word and sacraments The fourth A daily humiliation for sinne The fifth Their former experience The faithfull haue neere acquaintance with God They are called his friends Let no place be giuen to doubting How faith is weakned Thinke of this as the weightiest matter in the morning if it may be The sixth The example of others who of weake become strong CHAP. 12. THe sweet fruit and benefit of preseruing and confirming our faith No outward meanes confirme faith if we price it not the best of all things A pithy speech of a worthy person The chiefest thing euery morning is to remember Gods loue Gods children not so wise for their good as the bad for theirs Many good Christians haue not halfe the comfort they might haue Their example hurteth others Vnsetling of our selues from nourishing faith is full of dangers The longer we liue the better we should be Many haue found small comfort through their life Three degrees of faith The second Treatise CHAP. 1. OF the life of a beleeuer The summe and order of this treatise Why godlines should be ioyned with faith Diuers opinions about godlinesse It is necessary to vnderstand wherein a godly life consisteth The necessary connexion of this treatise with the former Faith and godly life are as twinnes and go together The heads of this treatise are foure CHAP. 2. THe first point of the first head of this treatise Where true faith is not there is no good life No good thing in the vnbeleeuer that pleaseth God Men are dangerously deceiued about this point This is no new doctrine It is hard only to the obstinate None that haue faith can liue wickedly Proofes of it Faith is not content with a wandring desire of godlines The Gospel despised because it is not knowen Many would be thought beleeuers who liue not a godly life Too hasty repentance seldome sound Change of life without faith vaine A simile It is vaine to thinke we haue faith without a new life CHAP. 3. THe second point of the first head of this treatise The beleeuer must beleeue other promises beside that of saluation Also the commandements and threats The beleeuers do not thus The cause why Another cause Want of this faith worketh much inconuenience The beleeuer must beleeue that he shall be sanctified And particular promises of benefits and deliuerance And precepts and threats euen the word it selfe Examples of such as did so This doctrine little seene into and practised This kinde of faith not oft beat vpon by teachers The lesse conceiued and in vse with the better kinde of hearers What causeth tedious troubles to many Christians The testimony of good Christians touching this matter An exhortation to the ministers A minister must haue experience in himselfe of that which he teacheth others Answere to such as thinke otherwise Let faith and godlinesse be oft taught The same things without vaine repetition and barbarousnesse The peoples wants require it Want of this kinde of faith makes the godly life difficult A simile Where it is inioied the practise of godlinesse becoms easie The want of a good foundation is the ruine of many CHAP. 4. THe second general head of this treatise Of the heart The heart the fountaine of godly life must first be purged Like heart like life The heart is a dungeon of iniquity A simile A view of the filthinesse of the heart Men see it not and therefore suspect no danger What the purging of the heart is He that dieth in a weake estate shal be saued Holy desires be oft times quenched in the beleeuer How to reuiue them How the heart is purged By the power of the holy ghost This is at the first turning of a sinner to God Euen this is a gracious worke We must not stand at a stay in this The heart is purged by faith Worldly delights so sought for because the heauenly are not felt So soone as any are assured of Gods fauour so soone are their hearts changed Faith purgeth onely as the instrument True repentance what Without the change of the heart there is no amendment of life The simplest Christian findes some measure of these Proofes that this change is wrought by faith By this change the beleeuer sensibly descerneth his present estate from his former The weake troubled that this change is so small Yet this is a note that their state is good This change of the heart is the foundation of a godly life If men at the first gaue God their hearts then should their whole life be better Not a peece of the heart Many hardly brought to giue their whole heart therefore giue ouer CHAP. 5. OF the renouncing of all sinne which is the first effect of a renued heart in the true beleeuer We must be changed before our liues can be amended What the life of the beleeuer is All vngodlinesse not some onely is to be renounced The beleeuer loatheth his former filthy life The power of faith and gaine thereby The vanity of worldly ioies The beleeuer renounceth sinne in good aduisednesse and not in some good moode onely For want of this setled denying of our selues diuers neuer attaine to true godlinesse Worst sort of protestants who hate this doctrine Gods seruants are at vtter defiance with the world They leaue not sinne for a time nor by constraint or for company feare c. They vow and performe Not by their owne strength Their helpe is from God attained by faith waited for by hope It is got with much striuing Which ought to be no discouragement The faithfull alwaies preuaile not Yet finde comfort No hurt by abasing Gaine of our falles to purge vs. This gaine is onely to the beleeuer Beleeuers can renounce all Vnbeleeuers cannot No dram of goodnesse in a naturall man CHAP. 6. DIuers kindes of euill to be renounced First inward lusts All doe not hold them vnder in like measure The effects of our naturall corruption be heere meant The roote of them all is vnbeleefe Three sorts of inward lusts 1. against God and his honor and worship in the first table Ignorance of God and no minde to come out of it Distrust In aduersity impatient obstinate c. In prosperity no thankefulnesse carnall reioicing drunke with pleasures No pleasure in Gods true worship Superstition and blinde deuotion Prophanesse dissolutenesse c. Abuse of peace Loathing the Lords Sabbath 2. Wicked lusts towards man in the second table Com. 5. contempt of betters vnthankefulnesse saucinesse in youth Com. 6. reioicing in euell wrath no bearing reuenge no fellow feeling c. Com. 7. vncleane lusts E. Feeding of them 106. F. Eies full of adultery the minde made a nursery of filthinesse Not onely the worst sort deceiued this way Com. 8. coueteousnesse c. Com. 9. lust against our neighbours name Surmises deuising of libels c. Things not alwaies yet these be common Com. 10. the heart is taken
SEVEN TREATISES CONTAINING SVCH DIRECTION AS IS GATHERED OVT OF THE HOLIE SCRIPTVRES leading and guiding to true happines both in this life and in the life to come and may be called the practise of Christianitie PROFITABLE FOR ALL SVCH AS HEARTILY DESIRE THE SAME IN THE WHICH more particularly true Christians may learne how to leade a godly and comfortable life euery day PENNED BY RICHARD ROGERS PREACHER OF the word of God at Wethersfield in Essex DEVT. 33. vers 12. The beloued of the Lord shall dwell in safetie with him who protecteth him all the day long PSAL. 84. vers 10. One day in thy Courts is better then a thousand other where DEVS IMPERAT ASTRIS RD AT LONDON Imprinted by FELIX KYNGSTON for THOMAS MAN and ROBERT DEXTER and are to be sold at the brasen Serpent in Pauls Churchyard 1603. TO THE RIGHT VERTVOVS HIGH AND MIGHTIE PRINCE King IAMES our dread Soueraigne by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith c. long life happie daies and most prosperous raigne MOst gracious and dread Soueraigne Lord I haue not presumed vpon this dedication as being ouertaken with the forgetfulnes either of your Maiesties greatnes or mine owne pouertie For I confesse that if comparison were made that way I might worthily be blamed of presumption But the truth is that I laid in balance your mind rather then your Maiestie and the argument rather then my penning of it In this I confesse I presumed and I trust without desert of blame that as you haue preferred godlines before glorie in the middest of this glorie which God hath brought you vnto so you will preferre a treatise of godlines thus simply furnished before a glorious stile Which is not seldome repugnant to the simplicitie of holie things And yet my meaning is to confesse to your Maiestie that this argument deserued both a more learned and more gracious penne then mine To which I would with al my heart haue giuen place if I had either seene before me or heard behinde me the footsteps of any tending that way that I goe though I confesse there are some to bee seene trauailing in waies neere adioyning to this Concerning your Maiestie I am perswaded that you repose your greatest greatnes in the communion of Saints and not in your seuered calling which is transitorie and therefore will account your selfe honoured by the augmentation of grace and the furtherance of true holines Your Maiesties owne affaires must be permitted to inioy their opportunities and your godly wisedome to inioy your choice in this varietie of reading But I doubt not but your godly heart will perswade you to receiue a booke of this kinde with a gracious hand though it were to no other end but to begin to Gods people in the entertaining of any true hearted motiue vnto holines And this to say the truth is that wherein I haue made bold to vse your gracious and renowmed name to aduantage my intent of furthering the people committed to your charge in their passage to saluation Let it therefore I most humblie supplicate please your Maiestie to giue allowance to my endeuour and drift and to pardon my slips for my meaning hath been to seeke the honour of God in this work and to borrow helpe in this Dedication of the grace he hath giuen you for such purposes Thus reioycing with the rest of Gods people for the comfort wherewith the Churches heart is comforted by you and desiring the lineall descent of these kingdomes to your Maiesties royall posteritie till Iesus Christ with his glorious comming obscure all the glorie of the world I beseech the holie Ghost to be with your spirit and keepe your Maiestie in Christ vnto the end Your Maiesties most humble subiect RICHARD ROGERS Minister of the Gospell TO THE CHRISTIAN READER THe children of this world are in their generation wiser then the children of light The truth hereof may appeare in the Papists who discerning that their bookes of Controuersies stuffed with manifold vntruths fallacians and corruptions were not able to gaine sufficiently though small gaine be too great for such merchants to their Babylonish kingdome haue set themselues and others on worke being all set on worke of Hell to penne certaine treatises tending to insnare and intangle the minds of ignorant and simple Christians in the corrupt and filthie puddle of Popish deuotion In this respect I perswade my selfe it is come to passe not without the gracious prouidence of God that the author hereof hath been incouraged in himselfe and by others to write these Christian directions as a counterpoyson to all such inchauntments of Papists who would by these meanes beare men in hand that al true deuotion dwelt amongst them and were inclosed and tyed to their Cels and Cloysters In which vncleane cages it is vnpossible for any true spirituall and holy meditations to haue their abiding for as much as euen the very mindes and consciences of such vncleane birds are defiled with damnable errors and Idolatries Wherefore I would earnestly aduise and heartely intreate thee Christian Reader to imbrace this booke wherein thou shalt finde good precepts and holy directions not deliuered by rote as from a Parrat out of the bookes and writings of other men but confirmed by the singular experience of one who hath long laboured the conuersion and confirmation of many other but especially the mortification and quickning of his owne soule and conscience one whom indeed I haue euer esteemed another Greenham and herein more happie then he because he hath liued to penne and peruse his owne labours and may yet liue by the mercie of God to correct and amend whatsoeuer slip of his penne for in a long worke one may happily take a nap two or three shall be shewed vnto him Reade it therefore beloued Christian and that with diligence and thou shalt finde I doubt not more true light and direction to a true deuout and holy life then in all the Resolutions of the Iesuiticall Father Parsons though neuer so refined as a brick newly washed or meditations of Frier Granatensis or any Popish Directories whatsoeuer And so I commend thee and all thy holy labours in this and all other good bookes especially in the booke of bookes I meane the holy Bible to the rich and mercifull blessing of God our Father in Iesus Christ Blackfriers London this 26. of May 1603. Thine in the Lord STEPH EGERTON TO THE CHRISTIAN READER WHat be the priuiledges and high fauours of God Almightie wherwith he hath preferred this age and in speciall our nation aboue all before vs since the daies of the holie Apostles needeth more meditation to moue our selues to thankfulnes thē proof to cōuince our aduersaries who though they should gainsay it shall gnash their teeth and pine away in griefe to behold it Among all I may say with the Prophet and the Apostle this is chiefe that God hath so
agreeth not with their humor and to cauill and quarrell with that which naturall reason doth not allow yet wishing better things vnto such I am not discouraged but for their sake who would desire the same in practise which here they shall finde by reading I will goe forward in this enterprise I know it can doe the best no harme I am sure trusting and looking for the blessing of God that it shall do many good such I meane as would doe well if they knew how and would grow wiser sounder and more constant in faith and a godly life if they had helpe and direction thereto plainely set before them And I am not ashamed to say that for mine owne furtherance as well as other mens and the better carriage of my selfe through this my pilgrimage I haue been willing to gather some such things together as in this small volume I haue contriued Neither had it come into the hands of others vnlesse such as are of account aboue my selfe for their gifts as well as my neighbours among whom I haue preached the doctrine had perswaded me to set it forth Besides all that hath been said I haue chiefly in this enterprise as God doth know sought this that this vnperfect weake labour of mine may stir vp and moue some of my godly brethren who for the habilitie and grace which God hath giuen them if their leasure had been as much as mine might tenne-fold more profitably and substantially haue vndertaken it to enlarge and perfect the same the argument being so needfull and profitable to the further benefit of Gods Church and people Another reason of setting out this treatise was this that they who desire it may see by the diligent marking of the same the beauties of the Christian life more clearely then by many Christians liues it can bee seene and that it may bee brought into greater account with many who thinke it through errour ouerburdensome And partly also I was moued hereunto by this reason that the Papists cast in our teeth that we haue nothing set out for the certaine and daily direction of a Christian when yet they haue published they say many treatises of that argument For answere to the first poynt of this obiection they cannot deny but that they care not what they say to bring the people out of loue with our religion they cannot I say deny that both in catechismes sermons and other treatises there is set forth by vs that which may cleerely direct Christians and stir vp godly deuotion in them though all be not gathered together into one volume for the second part concerning their treatises I graunt there are two which I haue seene set forth by them in our English tongue the one called a Christian Directorie the other the Exercise of a Christian life wherein the author doth though both superstitiously and nothing properly goe about to teach and giue direction for euery day in the weeke the one bearing the name of Robert Parsons the King of Spaines confessor the other by an Italian a Iesuite Doctor in Diuinitie and translated into English by some fauourite of Poperie the first is nothing lesse then a direction for a Christian though it be called a Directorie tending rather to perswade men to resolue with themselues to leaue some grosse euils then to shew them soundly how to attaine pardon or teaching how to liue christianly the other is a ridiculous tying men to a daily taske of reading some part of the storie of Christs passion and saying certaine prayers throughout the weeke euery day a taske but indeede nothing lesse then directing after the will of God him who desires to leade a Christian life Both of them I dare boldly affirme being deceiued themselues doe deceiue others especially the simple who is not able to discerne and trie the lying spirit in them The one that is to say Parsons hath vnder a pretence of a holines and deuotion set downe sundrie impediments to resolution But yet they are put in among other things to take away the harshnes and tartnes of manifold errours of merit and other superstition mixed with them and vpholden in that religion and as it were with sugar to season them which else no taste could abide and in the depth of a subtill heart put in to make the world beleeue that the Popish religion is the onely holy religion and the professors thereof the godliest liuers when yet Antichrist is their captaine and head or as they will not deny the Pope of Rome who yet doth and for these many yeares hath vpholden and maintained open and almost infinit heresies and abominations And as their religion and worship is composed and framed of heresies and lies and a confused heape of superstitions and outward dead workes euen Iewish and Heathenish ceremonies so the persons themselues who professe they know most and that they are able to giue rules vnto others vpholding and building vpon so rotten foundations are furthest off from well guiding others so that no man may euer looke by any Popish direction to liue christianly Although I will not dissemble what I thinke namely that some doe meane more simply and truely then the rest and thinke that they serue God aright hauing deuout minds but being ignorant of the truth must needes be deceiued But of Maister Parsons booke of Resolution seeing he and some other haue set it out in a glosing stile to insinuate with the ignorant and vnlearned reader that he seekes no other thing but to draw him to pietie and godlines I cannot forbeare but I must say a little which otherwise I would not haue done And the rather for that I know he hath snared many simple peoples consciences thereby who being themselues willing to be led in a right way beleeue that he meanes as he speaketh and therefore are left I say deceiued and in a bottomles gulfe out of the which if God helpe them not some other way it is not possible for them to get And this I say first for the deliuering of such out of the snare and maze in which they haue lost themselues by reading of that booke that although there be a pretended shew of godlines in it and much superstition yet the best of it is farre from true pietie and godlines seeing that and euery part of it proceedeth from faith ioyned with assurance of Gods fauour which is that alone that purifieth the heart and maketh it able to bring fourth fruits of amendment of life without which mens best actions are wrought by the strength of corrupt nature and are fruites of the flesh and workes of darkenes and so abominable And yet this faith doe Papists make no reckoning of neither therefore can the booke of Resolution teach or hold it Further I say that the law onely is vrged in that booke without teaching the poore soule that may be terrified thereby how to lay hold on the promise of eternall
afterwards more easily prooue that they haue true faith and be able to confirme and preserue the same and finde how much such an estate is to be desired And for the plaine declaration of the first point hereof these three things must be handled The first the cleere knowledge of mans miserie The second of his redemption and deliuerance out of the same And the third how both these ought to worke vpon their hearts and what fruite they will bring foorth by the operation of the holy Ghost in such as shall be saued That is to say that the one which is the knowledge of miserie will wound and humble their hearts when they shall see thereby that they are but dead and damned people The other will heale the sores of their hearts and lift them vp againe to the beholding of all their sinnes pardoned and their woe remoued so as if they had neuer been pressed downe with the same And to this shall be adioyned a discourse of the lets of faith and what desire it is from which it commeth CHAP. 2. Of mans miserie TO begin therefore with their miserie and briefly to speake of it and the next branch seeing they are of others largely handled no man must think that it is the estate wherein God at the first created them either Adam the father of all the world or his posterity which was then in his loines Sure it is I say that it was not thus with mankind in the beginning for God then made all things good and man amongst other creatures hee made holie and happie the lord of all the creatures which were vpon the earth little inferiour to the Angels indued with infinite blessings full of beautie and glorie So that when it might be seene that nothing was wanting but this that he was not altogether free from losing this blessed estate yet euen there the diuell tooke an occasion against him and deceiued him and his posteritie and cast them from that happie condition which before they enioyed And yet if this had been all the harme that mankind by the malice of the diuell sustained it had been little in respect of that which fell vpon him For behold besides the losse of his felicitie he was plunged into extreame miserie and desolation which consisteth of these two branches that hee doth alwaies and in all things offend God being able to doe nothing but that which displeaseth him as hauing his heart alwaies and onely euill And secondly that he in all this is odious to God and most iustly accursed of him Mans sinne is not onely that transgression of Adam in most vnnaturall and treacherous rebellion and disobedience whereof hee is most iustly guiltie with Adam and hath his part as being to stand or fall with him but another which riseth out of this euen that infection of all the powers and members both of the soule and bodie Which as poyson put into a cup of wine doth make it deadly dispersing it selfe into the same in like manner this corruption or concupiscence which by the first sinne of Adam is spread ouer his posteritie doth poyson his whole nature so that no sound part is found in him from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foot And from hence it is that the vnderstanding euen the excellentest power of the mind is filled with blindnes and darknes and sauoureth not the things which are of God The conscience is wounded seared or defiled some other way and neuer soundly peaceable The memorie forgetting good things wholy or remembring neither good or euill aright and as it ought as experience forceth the best to complaine The will is captiue and of no strength to doe good neither wanteth habilitie to that which is euill And thereafter is he caried of his affections as a chariot on her wheeles onely to that which displeaseth God What should I say more For who can chuse but bewaile and lament such a distressed and wofull estate of the soule of man which somtimes hauing been framed after the image of God in true holines and righteousnes is now both emptie of that grace and filled with all filthines of sinne and vncleannes But alas who beleeueth this or consenteth to it that it is true that man who hath so good an opinion and high conceit of himself should yet be indeed so farre off from that which he dreameth of and in such bondage and slauerie as hee would seeme to be farthest off from the least part thereof But to goe forward if his conuersation and course of liuing which is the vntimely fruite of this bitter roote were laid out in her colours which I must onely very briefly touch it were able to make him who thinketh himselfe most innocent to appeare most vile and loathsome in his owne eyes ashamed of himselfe and to hide himselfe in a dungeon that no other might behold him For to speake of the actions of the minde what are his cogitations about heauenly matters but errors falsehood and Iyes What are the wishes and desires of his heart but earthly and fleshly in degree one aboue another till he being led away of his concupiscence is inticed and so consenteth thereto defendeth it and is hardened What is the outward behauiour but an yeelding vp of the members of the bodie as instruments and weapons of sinne euen the sinne of the tongue and sinne of the life in so much that he is all waies and in all things and therfore out of measure sinful As Paul though he liued after the most strict order of the Pharisees which was in shew farre aboue many yet when he was conuerted could say I was a blasphemer an oppressor a persecutor So that it is most truly verified which is written that he neither is nor can be obedient to the law of God and that he can do nothing but sinne The sinnes of man are as the haires of his head and sand of the seashore innumerable and his best actions as his prayers are no better then abominable before God as Salomon speaketh He that turneth his eare from hearing the law euen his prayer shall be abominable Oh it is not imagined of thousands that there is any such euidence to be brought against the inhabitants of the earth euen the vnworthie sonnes of men which yet were sometime by creation the sonnes of God For the most vngodly which can be heard of will haue some goodnesse to be found in them so farre off is it that they will yeeld to this censure that all their life is sinfull And therefore it is no marueile though men account of themselues as they doe euery one flying to this shelter that he hopeth he is not the worst of others For the cleerer laying open of these sinnes particularly some view of Gods law thorough euery commaundement is to be taken which I would here my selfe haue set downe but that
argument displease them they may thanke themselues But to him they are infinitly beholding that hee brings this hidden secret to light among them that they seeing the plague which is comming towards them may auoide it and be roused out of the present daunger in which they are And further they may vnderstand that God alloweth not his ministers who publish this message of mans wofull estate to deliuer it barely and nakedly and to preach the law onely but to ioyne the glad tidings of the Gospell with it in their ministerie and to preach remission of sinnes with the vrging of repentance and with the pricking of the peoples hearts by terror and sorrow for their sinnes as our Sauiour Iohn Baptist and other his faithfull seruants did For as none can beleeue except they repent so none can repent vnlesse they beleeue And therefore I also in the former point hauing shewed how this knowledge of his miserable estate must be preached vnto him that shall be saued am now to shew that he prepareth other doctrine most fit for him that hath learned the former namely that he causeth most ioyful and glad tidings of a full and sufficient remedie against all such miserie to be preached vnto him without which how intolerable should the condition of such be CHAP. 3. Of the knowledge of redemption and deliuerance THis remedie therefore I will first lay foorth and then shew how God will haue him to vnderstand and know it that when he is inlightened to know the will of God both in the miserie of man and in his redemption he may as God hath appointed haue them both worke kindly on him and so know himselfe the child of God and heire of saluation seeing without some knowledge of both no man is either rightly humbled or exalted And although there be many which know both points so as some can teach them to others and yet haue vse of neither yet can none be saued without the knowledge of both The summe of all which is to be knowne of him is contained in this short sentence Christ Iesus preached as he is reuealed in the Gospell is saluation vnto all that beleeue and more fully in this saying of S. Iohn God so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And againe S. Paul This is a true saying and by all meanes worthie to be receiued that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners Out of these places as also many other to the full and plaine declaration of this remedie these foure things are to be considered First what it is and wherein it consisteth Secondly by whom it is wrought Thirdly how it is brought to light and reuealed And fourthly how it is receiued and imbraced Now as concerning the first the onely sufficient remedie for the sauing of man is to satisfie Gods iustice which by sinne is violated without which satisfaction the wrath of God cannot be appeased nor his fauour obtained and so there can be no redemption For how should the Lord be perfectly iust if he should chaunge this righteous sentence of his law that euery transgressor is cursed and only the perfect keeper of the law blessed Now then Gods iustice is satisfied only by these two meanes First by suffering the punishment due to sinne which is the curse of God and the perfect keeping of the law without which there can be no deliuerance from sinne and condemnation The onely remedie of our miserie consisting herein wee may cleerely see that it is out of our selues and not in any other creature for neither we nor any other creature for vs is able either to sustaine the curse much lesse to ouercome it or perfectly to fulfill the law which is impossible to flesh Whereby is quite ouerthrowne the foundation of Poperie and all opinion of merite or of any thing in man to auaile to his iustification But to goe forward to the second point to shew by whom it is purchased This remedie which could be had by no other is appointed by the Father vndertaken and wrought by Christ and sealed in mens hearts by the holie Ghost It is wrought I say and found only and wholy in Iesus Christ God and man who being perfect God tooke our humane nature on him and in both became a most mercifull Mediatour betwixt his father and vs to reconcile vs to him and both suffered the full weight of Gods curse due to our sinne by the power of his Godhead ouercomming the same as also fulfilled the law for vs whereby he fully satisfied the iustice of God So that most truly it is said that saluation is in no other but that in him onely is the whole remedie of the miserie of mankinde to be found There is giuen no other name vnder heauen as the holy Ghost speaketh whereby we must be saued So that whosoeuer hath the Son as S. Iohn saith for to redeeme him hath life and he that hath not the Sonne hath not life And to make vp the whole matter if any should aske how Christs redemption is made mans he is to know that God his father of his marueilous loue gaue him freely euen as hee had long before promised him with all his whole worke of redemption as the Apostle saith God declared his loue to vs that when wee were yet his enemies he sent Christ to die for vs that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not any longer lie vnder Gods wrath and perish but haue euerlasting life he being giuen vs of his father to be our wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption 1. Cor. 1.30 Now if by him alone God hath brought this most soueraigne remedie to mankind against the intolerable woe which by sinne is come into the world and is as hath been said gone ouer all men the popish practizers may blush and be ashamed who part stakes betwixt him and creatures and so ascribe not the whole worke of our saluation to Christ alone The third thing namely how this diuine mysterie and secret is brought to light is in the peaceable and flourishing estate of Christs Church the glorious Gospell which because it containeth the most worthie and acceptable message of mans full redemption by Iesus Christ is called of S. Paul the power of saluation to all that beleeue The vse of the which Gospell is to manifest that righteousnes in Christ whereby the whole law is fully satisfied and saluation attained The which being soundly and plainly published and preached by the faithfull ministers and messengers of God and namely this part of it that mankind is fully redeemed by the bloud of Christ Iesus the onely begotten sonne of God manifest in the flesh doth bring great and exceeding ioy and is imbraced of them which know the value and price of it with all possible welcomming of it And this though more darkly as the
times were the Lord caused to be taught vnder the law in types and shadowes prefiguring Christ to come and to be exhibited euen as he saith in Ioh. 5.46 Moses wrote of me though indeede now vnder the Gospell farre more cleerely and plainly that it may now be verified if euer that Christ by preaching him hath been crucified in our eyes So that by this is this mysterie of saluation purchased by his death manifested vnto vs. Now the fourth point remaines how this tidings of Christs deliuering man from the feare of the wrath to come is receiued in the world and that is by faith For there is no way to receiue Christ and all his merits the full medicine of mans miserie but by faith This true faith therefore is to be knowne what it is and how it is wrought that so by it hee may receiue Christ and be saued Now this true faith which for the worthie effect of it we call iustifying faith is nothing else but a sound beleefe in that promise of life that poore sinners comming vnto Christ he will ease them that is free them from all woe and restore them to all happines here and for euer and to be short so to giue credit to Gods word as hee rest thereon that hee will saue him Which true faith is wrought in him by the ministerie of the word reuealing this mercie and truth of God and by these the holie Ghost inlightening him to conceiue and drawing him to beleeue and so vniting him to Christ which whosoeuer hath thus receiued is hereby made the child of God so as he himselfe shall see it and an inheritour by sure hope of eternall life This therefore is to be knowne of him who shall be saued and his iudgement is to be setled in this truth before he enioy it as his owne or can haue his part in it He must be able to see cleerely and soundly that God hath made this Christ Iesus his sonne Lord ouer all creatures conqueror of the diuels deliuerer of the captiues comforter of the heauie hearts so that by him there is as full pardon of sinne purchased as euer was by Adam procured guiltines and condemnation And thus much of these two first points that he whom God will effectually call to the assurance of saluation must haue knowledge in generall of mans miserie and Gods mercie by Christs redemption CHAP. 4. How this knowledge worketh and namely the first worke that God maketh them beleeue their miserie and to be troubled in minde for it THere is yet wanting the true imbracing and applying of Christ with all the merits of his death and passion to this man that hath the foresaid knowledge or else he can in no wise be happie Let vs see therefore how this knowledge worketh in him on whom God will shew mercie how God by the light and helpe of it draweth him forward vntill he beleeue for his owne part and in his owne person which the other who haue onely the generall knowledge before mentioned neuer attained to And this is the last of the three points which I purposed to handle about this matter namely in shewing who is the child of God Which being done the question in hand shall appeare and be manifest This onely by the way it shall be fit to admonish the reader of as I said before that he is in no way to the kingdome of heauen who is yet voide of this knowledge altogether of his miserie I meane and of the remedie which kind of people although they are least troubled in their consciences of all other men but are merrie as though no daunger were comming toward them and therefore keepe a course in their liues which is after the fashion of the world are to be pitied and prayed for and to be perswaded to heare the word preached rather then to be allowed in their madnes and follie Who verifie most rightly the saying of the Wiseman That there is a way that seemeth pleasant to them but the issues thereof are the way of death God suffering them as he did the Gentiles to walke in their owne waies But to leaue them as sufficiently conuinced of a wofull estate euen by the testimonie of men who haue any iudgement and to goe forward with that which is in hand that is to shew how this doctrine worketh in him who by it shall come to true faith and assured hope of saluation we are to know that he remaineth not an idle and vnprofitable hearer as sometime and as many other still doe but is secretly drawne he cannot tell how by the vnspeakable worke of the spirit of God to be perswaded that the doctrine taught doth conerne him the Lord giuing him with his knowledge wisedome which is a gift of the spirit whereby he applleth generall things particularly to himselfe and that he thereby speaketh vnto him as well as he doth to any other in the denouncing the threats of the law and euerlasting damnation and his eyes being now opened to beleeue this he thinketh himselfe the miserablest of all other who before nothing at all regarded the welfare of his soule but thought himselfe in as good case to Godward as any other Hee now perceiueth I say himselfe not onely a loathsome creature in Gods sight through the Ieprosie of sinne but withall a most cursed and damned creature subiect to all Gods plagues in this world and to condemnation in the world to come For although the world lie in darknes and beleeueth not the law of God least it should be conuicted by it and therefore cannot beleeue the promises of the Gospell yet God otherwise prouideth for his that they by seeing and feeling the desert of their sinnes may haue an appetite thereby to seeke mercie and forgiuenes which without it is vnsauourie to them as our Sauiour Christ saith The whole haue no neede of the Phisition but the sicke Matth. 9.12 Neither let this deepe impression of the doctrine of the law preached being no lesse sensible to the partie that feeles it then the print of the seale is to our eye in the soft waxe let it not I say be counted a meane and common mercie In deede it is meanly accounted of the doctrine of it being so common and oft taught For as it is said of faith Luk. 18.8 that when the Sonne of man commeth he shall finde it rare in the world so in some sort wee may say of this that it is rare that men who know that all are vnder the wrath of God till the Sonne of God make them free doe beleeue indeede that it is so with them and euen their owne case Oh men shunne this as death and yet without beleeuing it there is no life for did they beleeue it personally for their owne parts they could not but lay it to heart so as the whole powers thereof should be taken vp with the cogitation of it as it is
like of the place of a sonne But he that could bring him tidings of righteousnes that is a messenger sent of God to tell him that God will be mercifull to his offences and thinke vpon his sinnes no more this should be vnto him an odde man and one of a thousand Then to heare that Iesus Christ hath vanquished sinne death and the diuell who had power ouer him and brought to light immortalitie and life to him and hath giuen him perfect righteousnes to couer his shame and to make him comely and well fauoured in the sight of God and that hereby he is fully reconciled to him againe all the former disgrace anguish of minde and deadly thraldome abandoned what thinke we can be more welcome Is it to be thought that a man being in this case before mentioned filled with miserie from top to the toe not knowing where to hide himselfe not seeing how to go vnder the burthen of his griefe would make no reckoning of this message as if a man thirsting almost to death should refuse to drinke or one at the place of execution should reiect his pardon Among other thoughts this is not the least profitable which God enableth him to fasten vpon that laying as it were his estate in a paire of ballance he seeth that there is no hope of mercie but certaine condemnation by lying still in the estate wherin he hath liued and that he cannot appeare before Gods iudgement seate in it now on the otherside he considering that God calling sinners to repentance giuing his son to redeeme euen great offenders that it may be as the King of Niniueh said he will haue mercie vpon him so that there is some hope by suing and seeking in humility remorse vnto God thus the Lord still bringeth him on And whereas some other in this case hasteth out of his sorrow if by any meanes he may either break through it before it hath humbled him or wrought any such effect as to long after a remedy deliuerance or els ouercome of it yet the soule of the poore sinner whom God meaneth to saue being meekned humbled waiteth till God doth further stay and vphold it with continued sighs desires that the bright beames of his fauour through Christ might shine vpon him he desiring aboue al things to be vnburthened of this woe pardon of his sins and yet hath no power perhaps to pray for that which his soule most feruently desireth After this and such like manner as hath bin said is his consultation resolution and this is his mind thus he deliberateth and casteth with himself for though he in this case is not able to expresse his meaning yet if he could vtter that which he conceiueth he would say that these are his very thoughts and considerations with himselfe In which estate of his although I affirme not that he is able to applie the remedie to himselfe yet this generall hope which hee hath found by the promises that God is kind and mercifull to broken hearted sinners doth cause him to stay himself that he may perhaps be so to him and resolueth vnfainedly and with full purpose to goe forward in seeking forgiuenes of his sinnes at Gods hands this way he will take if he perisheth he perisheth yet some hope he hath he resoluing with himselfe that he will neuer walke in his former deadly estate but that he will confesse and lay foorth his long continued wickednes vnto the Lord though it be against himselfe neither will he spare himselfe wherein he hath most pleased his owne heart for why he seeth what and how vaine the desires of it be and therefore is resolute neuer to turne to them any more yet he being well instructed maketh not this purpose of forsaking sinne any meanes of his iustification but in detestation of his former wickednes is moued and drawne by God so to doe This resoluing therefore is one steppe or degree by which he passeth vnto the fuller certaintie of that happines which he seeketh and he hath receiued a great measure of grace and fauour when he hath attained to it therfore Sathan who knoweth this holdeth men by many strong cords from it that although they bee long about it yet as faint chapmen who are bidding still for the ware which they would haue but yet buy it not euen so doe they For when they haue been well counselled to make haste in seeking the Lord as that which is best of all for them yet profit or pleasure friendship or feare holdeth them backe who although in their heate and haste being sore driuen by sicknes tempests feare of death or the like occasions they doe rashly purpose and protest that they will neuer be the men which they haue been yet doe but how for a day as it were like the bulrush with the wind and therefore they are farre from the truth of it But he of whom I here speake who hath so neerely and deeply looked into his estate which the other haue not done he I say cannot be drawne backe to his former loosenes and licentiousnes nor holden and kept in it any longer by any torture because he well knoweth that none is like terrible to it Now if it be asked what he is the better for his resoluing to the end it may more cleerely appeare I answere that when this is wrought in him his heart is mollified humbled and softned as Pauls was who after hee saw that God set himselfe against his going to Damascus to persecute his Saints and threw him down on the ground said Lord what wilt thou haue me to doe And when he is brought to this point his heart is both full of relenting and sorrow for displeasing God though not in such sort as afterward it shall be which from another not hauing thus resolued is farre off and is now an heart of flesh not of stone in which the sauing grace of God being offered may be planted and receiued And all this is wrought in him by the marueilous and secret operation of Gods holy spirit who as he beginneth and finisheth the whole worke of his receiuing Christ so doth he the middle part of the same for it is not in any other thus to bow and bend mans heart Neither doth Gods spirit that onely as with an hammer breaking and brusing the clods of it but also doth leade him further The fift worke they confesse and aske pardon FOr with these holie affections in this poore sinner there is wrought an encouragement and some more bold accesse to God by the same spirit to confesse his sinnes to God euen as particularly as he can especially those in which he hath taken most pleasure and which haue most preuailed in him and to say with the prodigall child I will goe vnto my father and confesse father I haue sinned against heauen and thee c. how much soeuer it goeth against him and as he confesseth his sin
may serue and the people be so blockish they say that nothing will enter into them yet the well aduised will not refuse to heare and weigh the rule of S. Paul to Timothie that attendance should be giuen to teaching and that they should be readie to doe that dutie in season and out of season and to put the people in minde of the same daily though they know this thing as well as to attend to reading priuately to make them fitter for that dutie Christ hath laid no weightier busines vpon them calling it the pawne of their loue to him to whom he hath giuen this charge to this end that this may be well and throughly done and the rather seeing the people depend vpon them They will also consider that the people haue many infirmities much dulnes slipperie memories and sundrie other pulbackes all which doe shew the necessitie of often teaching The which being so I professe with griefe it astonisheth me oft when I thinke of the too great slacknes and vnwillingnes of many who haue gifts that they hearing and knowing that he who hath an office must attend vpon it and againe that woe is pronounced to them who doe it not and that as they loue Christ they should feede his lambes and his sheepe and also that the flocke dependeth vpon them Yet that they can be content to take the commoditie and to refuse the labour and as some doe count it too base a thing to discharge that dutie But howsoeuer they can easily shift it off before men they shall not be able to answere it with peace to God But yet where this is remedied there may be lets enough on the Ministers behalfe to hinder the hearers yea though they should be willing to be taught from comming by faith As if he should teach often and yet doe not carefully acquaint himselfe with the peoples weakenes and want in conceiuing the doctrine which is to bee deliuered vnto them but should speake aboue their reach little to their vnderstanding and conceiuing and consequently little to their edifying There is nothing more like to hurt the people then such a kinde of teaching when they shall haue a learned man to preach vnto them whereby they are readie to thinke their case farre more happie then others and yet they shall not be able thereby to receiue light edification in faith and godlines and sound comfort that is not easie and plaine to them which he himselfe vnderstandeth Although it were to be wished that some things were not put foorth by them to the people which they themselues haue not tried by the Scripture and cleerely seene into of the speakers before they vttered them I vtter not this to grieue any of my brethren who desire to doe good in the Church of God hauing receiued gifts of God thereunto but to put all in minde to labour to be vnderstoode as well as to speake the truth And that some may more especiallie know that the neglecting of plaine speaking is a chiefe cause of little fruite of their labours it neede not be taken heauilie for I know men of singular learning and gifts who haue already much altered the manner of their teaching framing themselues to the diligent hearers capacitie and more and more desire to doe the same daily rather then to be commended for learned men of them which neither conceiue nor vnderstand them Yet my meaning is not to nourish or perswade to rude absurd and barbarous teaching which were more fit to make them which should teach ridiculous and the Scriptures themselues without authority or credit as also to mocke the people but that by their plainenes in the euidence of the spirit reuerence might be procured to their Ministerie among the hearers and that their doctrine might be approued in their consciences which is approued of the Lord as being drawne from his word and easilie conueied to their vnderstandings that so they may proue that they preach with power and authoritie and not as the Scribes There is but one thing more which in my iudgement doth hinder profiting on the teachers behalfe and that is when by Catechising the chiefe grounds of faith be not briefely and cleerely taught in right and good order the one depending vpon or following the other as they ought by fit coherence and agreeing together that the people may see the way cleerely to saluation and thereby they may the better make profit of their whole Preaching and Ministerie also As that repentance be not required of the people before faith that faith be not warranted to be in the people when they see no neede thereof by their sinne and miserie because it is cleere that they can finde no sweetnes in Christ who feele not their sinnes bitter and sower Also that a man be taught that he no sooner beleeueth then he is made a new creature and so is changed in heart and in life and that the new borne desire to growe by the sincere milke of the Word It were a great furtherance to their Ministerie if where the grounds of Religion be plainely and soundly taught the Minister did by conference and questioning in his Catechising and by examination at Communions trie how the doctrine is receiued seeing for want of this a better opinion being conceiued of many by the teacher then he knoweth cause why they are vnsound in many necessarie things who yet for their often hearing are thought to be ignorant of no necessarie poynt of knowledge which the Minister hath often taught It were much to be wished that the Minister who is willing to take this paine for it is tedious and vnwelcome to many might haue authoritie to proue such as heare him how they profit as well to build vp those which are weake the better when he seeth wherein their want is greatest as also to purge out the leauen of Poperie and other errors ouf of them which are infected therewith Whereby also this benefit might come that if any sculking Iesuits or Priests or other Papists or heretikes should creepe into any of their Parishes and Townes they might by the diligent care of the Minister well furnished with knowledge and authoritie be remoued or reclaimed And otherwise the people being neuer proued how they haue receiued the truth neither by authoritie inioyned to be subiect to triall of their soundnes as well as to resort to the assemblie doe through custome lye hardened in their ignorance and superstition and still remaine wilfull in their old dregges A Minister able and painefull through loue in few necessarie points iointly laid together labouring with the people to make a sufficient Catechisme might be well assured that he should call so many to the fellowship of the pretious faith as God had appointed there vnto eternall life and without this it is found too true that much preaching doth the lesse good as shall appeare better vnto such as list
at least so many as whereby the most are hindred by the diuell from imbracing and beleeuing the promise of life that all which list may see how they are held backe from their happines and peace And these they are briefly 1. First some thinke it impossible to be assured of their saluation in this life and therefore seeke not after it 2. Others think it possible but not necessary that men should busie themselues about it for the obtaining and keeping of it and that they may be saued without so much adoe 3. Another sort are such as thinke it both possible and necessarie but they see it so hard to come by that they are loth to take the paines therefore they will not goe about it 4. Another sort are careles and as ignorant as they are careles euer learning but neuer comming to the knowledge of the truth who though they come to heare yet regard not when God speaketh vnto them out of his word their minds being taken vp about other matters Now by this manner of hearing they come not to vnderstand the doctrine much lesse affect it 5. Others see that if they should labour so after heauenly things they must lose their liberties in sinful pleasures which they wil not by any meanes forgoe and contrariwise that they must suffer reproch and afflictions with the children of God and therefore they looke not after the promise of the life to come as Esau 6. Others are presumptuous who through selfeloue perswade themselues that they doe beleeue and yet keepe some one sinne or many in their hearts which they will not renounce contenting themselues to thinke they haue faith when they haue it not and so neuer seeke for the truth and power thereof As they would follow Christ but first they would goe burie their father 7. Others with these though not so grosse offenders were neuer broken hearted through the sight of their sinne and miserie and therefore the doctrine of faith cannot enter 8. Others thinke that though they begin yet they shall neuer continue or hold on in a godly course or els doe take offence some other way and therefore will neuer goe about it or hauing begun will soone reuolt againe 9. Others will say it is a comfortable thing to know our selues to bee the children of God and they hope they are so they speake well of the Gospel they are glad to heare it and like well of the promise of eternall life but they neuer goe about to fasten it to themselues by meditating of it weighing the truth and vnchangeablenes thereof and making their account to liue by it and to be conformed to it 10. Others like well of it as the former and sometimes weigh and consider the doctrine and thereby thinke themselues to be in good case but this comfort is sudden and quickly gone againe And thus they are driuen and tossed to and fro yet being close men will not disclose their hearts and lay open their doubts to such as may helpe them and helpe to set them at libertie from their lets although they be vtterly vnable to helpe themselues These are the chiefe lets whereby the people are holden from this grace of beleeuing without which it is impossible to please God or to be his children And now that I haue set downe a taste of both kindes of le ts I thinke it not amisse to stay a while in speaking to both sorts of them by whom these arise that is to say the Ministers and people And first I turne to you my brethren in the Ministerie And you I exhort to consider your duties laid foorth at large in the word of God sometime by the names and titles which he giueth vs and sometime in plaine commandements and charge The names are many as watchmen Ezech. 33.7 Cant. 3.3 labourers Mat. 9.37 the salt of the earth and light of the world Matth. 5.13.14 shepheards Ioh. 21.15 and the good Scribes which bring out of their treasurie both old and new things Matth. 13. and stewards to giue euery one his portion 1. Cor. 4.1 and nurses 1. Thess 2.7 with such like In cōmandements thus Take heed to your charge and to the whole flock ouer which the holy Ghost hath made you ouerseers to feede the Church of God which hee hath purchased with his bloud Act. 20.28 And againe to Timothie I charge thee before God and the Lord Iesus Christ who shall iudge the quicke and dead at the appearing of his kingdome preach the word be diligent in season and out of season conuince reproue exhort with all long sufferance and doctrine 2. Tim. 4.1.2 All which with the like what other thing doe they teach but that all such as the Lord hath put in trust with his people bought with so great a price should loue them tenderly as nurses doe the yong children and beare their weaknesses kindly rather then break their hearts with sorrow Also that they should prouide for them liberally and with good allowance and teach them the whole counsaile of God as good Scribes and regard all sorts as the Lords stewards by wise applying themselues to all Then that they should be diligent and painfull as the Lords workmen and labourers going before them as lights to guide in example of vncorrupt life in all wisedome and grauitie but especially as Christ taught his Disciples at his departing from them in humilitie Ioh. 13.14.15 not thinking themselues too good for Christs sake to be their seruants And to the end they may bring them to him and preserue them as chast spouses to him their onely husband to doe them good priuatly as their needes should require by confirming the weake comforting the afflicted admonishing the vnruly and being patient towards all Ezech. 34.4.5 1. Thess 5.14 These duties I say the Lord inioyneth vs by the forementioned titles which he giueth to his Ministers and by the commaundements and charges annexed thereto Now as we would be glad he should heare vs in the time of our necessitie and especially in our last and solemne day of our departure from this life so let vs heare him thus calling vpon vs to haue compassion on his sillie ignorant and shiftles people And although the burthen that he laieth vpon vs is great yet are not our incouragements for that purpose exceeding great also The honour that hee putteth vpon vs to be his ambassadours and to bring the message of so great a king and the message it selfe not about things transitorie or earthly but eternall what can bee like vnto it Besides the comfort which wee may reape both by our priuate studie in giuing attendance to reading and as hauing that as our ordinarie labour to talke with God as I may say and his good seruants when other men must toyle and trauaile in all weather with much care and trouble and
after Gods mercie an vnfained faith the spirit of adoption sealing vp their saluation vnto them and the liuelie fruites of the same They haue beleeued that God hath become their most louing father through Christ Iesus who was before their fearefull iudge and they haue hereby been inforced to loue him therefore and to seeke now to please him with all their hearts and these graces haue set them forward in a godly life to bring forth fruites beseeming their profession But these men furnish not themselues with faith a pure heart a good conscience change of their life through the louing of God but they let time end their griefe of mind and their woundes of conscience are healed outwardly with opinion that it is sufficient repentance onely to be sorrowfull some not abiding the gripes of griefe and yet not finding sound comfort against them haue cast them off and therefore in affliction are from time to time vexed with the returning of them againe because they were neuer driuen away kindly nor aright If they shall further defend themselues this way that they thought their course was good to be thus cast downe seeing the lawe was preached to them which constrained them thus to doe and if they will aske why we preached the iudgements of God to them if we saw it not meete for them to be humbled I answere first the law was neuer preached alone by any discreete teacher who himselfe was skilfull in the doing of his dutie but the Gospell with it Secondly the law was not nor is not preached to hold men vnder with the yoke of feare and bondage but to cause men to see their sinne more cleerely and thereby their punishment to be due that so they might come to themselues in truth and set more store by Gods mercie and Christs merits which onely can saue their soules and minister them comfort Thirdly we haue not as from God approued nor wished any to rest in any workes of the lawe or the best actions which they could doe when as yet they had no faith nor perswasion of the remission of their sinnes truly setled in them but to haste from thence with all speede and to trie themselues both by rules and doctrine as well as by their owne experience if Christ were in them that so through him they might become acceptable Now then if they haue heard and receiued one part of our Ministery and not the other if they haue placed happines in the repentance which they haue fancied and not in the knowledge of God through Christ which we haue vrged they haue been deceiued through the subtiltie of the tempter if they haue sought to please God for feare of his vengeance and not because they haue found deliuerance from death by his vndeserued fauour they haue laboured in vaine and been with-holden from the principall fruit of the Gospell preached But no meruaile for many are the sleights by the which the diuell keepeth his possession in such as are not yet escaped his wiles and snares in the which he holdeth them not without their own good liking He discourageth some from hope and confidence that they are the Lords because they haue been more deepely pricked for their sinne and longer holden in doubtfulnes then other of Gods children are and that none haue so great temptations and conflicts as they haue But haue not they these afflictions to bring them vnto God And others he dismaieth and holdeth vnder with the contrarie as that they cannot be Gods children because they haue neuer had that deepe sorrow and long lying in it for their sinne as many of their brethren haue had As though mens examples and not rather Gods word should be their rule to follow So he suggesteth this to some others that their estate could not be good seeing they haue not had their liues full of some outward crosses as some of the godly haue and yet on the contrarie many haue been long holden captiues with these cogitations that they durst not thinke themselues to belong to Gods election seeing they are euery while vnder one crosse or other Thus the diuell whose malice and subtiltie few doe know fewer doe well weigh but fewest of all doe wisely and carefully resist the diuell I say holdeth numbers occupied about these and such like points wherein the triall of their happines and certaintie of their peace doth not consist And because religion and holie doctrine doth affect them and that he seeth they will needes imbrace the same he laboureth to keepe them at this stay to hold themselues contented with that shadow though they be vncertaine of their estate to Godward and remaine in suspence and little hope of their saluation and so hee permitteth them to haue the letter of the Scripture in their mouth and to talke generally about religion or if occasion be offered about some questions and matters concerning the same but they hate vtterly to be reformed Who seeth not that he holdeth these in errour and bondage as grossely as he doth the other before mentioned who trouble themselues about opinions and conceits which are not the chief and maine points to occupie themselues about as though happines consisted in them but may faile of eternall life for all that when they haue all done For neither doth this commend a man to God whether he hath long continued in griefe of minde feare of conscience and doubtfulnes of saluation but that he be well freed and deliuered from such trouble and discharged of his feare I meane that hee can heartily thanke God through Iesus Christ that he seeth and feeleth himselfe set at libertie and by him is made happie for if the truth of God and his promise make him free then he is free indeed Neither is this with a man or against him in assuring himselfe of saluation whether his life be full of afflictions and crosses seeing God keepeth not alwaies an euen hand in these things for they are common both to good and bad but that a man know himselfe though a wretched sinner yet through faith to be iustified and acquitted before God and therefore is at peace with God in himselfe euen such as passeth all vnderstanding whether his crosses bee many or few There are many things of like sort with which Sathan doth blindfold sundrie of good hope as that for hauing some infirmities or falles breaking foorth in them therefore they cannot be beloued of God and when they finde that in some sort they can ouercome them then they think they are the beloued of God in neither of which a man is to place his safetie For both the deare Saints of God may possibly be led out of the way to commit somewhat offensiuely neither is he to promise well to himselfe who sometimes keepeth from sinnes which at other times he hath fallen into for it may be that there is no great occasion offered him that way or he is
otherwise busied so as he is not so easily carried after such temptations or some sinnes of another sort as grieuous doe hold him vnder And therefore seeing many are deceiued this way partly for want of knowledge and grounded iudgement in the truth and partly whiles they haue through long custome been detained and holden in such snares they are to be desired in the most earnest manner that they would bestow some of their time and meditations about the substance and marrow of their happines to see that they haue a part in it indeed and as S. Peter saith to giue all diligence to make their calling and election sure and in trying by all meanes whether their faith their hope their patience and loue be sound though vnperfect and true and effectuall though weake and feeble for vpon these the matter dependeth And if they can be certified that the spirit of God since and through their hearing of his Gospel preached vnto them hath shed such grace into their harts as to make them partakers of the fruites thereof they shall not neede to bee troubled about the other and if they contrariwise finde that they doe yet want these they must fully purpose to seeke for them and not to feed themselues with a vaine and a deceitfull hope staied vpon no good ground nor foundation at all And here I must further require that such as to whom God giueth any worke of his spirit and whose hearts he seasoneth with good affections and desires through the Gospell so as they sensibly feele themselues to looke after eternall life that they would cherish and make much of these holy sparks of grace kindled within them and whiles they bee warme in them to blow them vp euery while with the bellowes of feruent prayer and to inflame them by acquaintance companie and conference with such as in whom they see God hath wrought the same things before them and in greater measure then in themselues alwaies highly reuerencing Gods gifts in them that they may the sooner come by them and that the things which they see but dimly they may behold more cleerely and their doubts may be resolued to them and they may finde comfortable incouragement to goe forward But especially they must giue attendance daily and diligently to the doctrine of faith and godlines where they may enioy that soundly preached vnto them assuring themselues that if they finde not that the one thing aboue all things chiefe and necessarie they loue it not as Mary did Luk. 10.42 and then they shall not haue their part in it But otherwise they may know that God who doth shew himselfe kind and louing to such as seeke him not as it is written I was found of them that sought me not will not hide himselfe from them which doe seeke him seeing he findeth all in their filth when he calleth them to repentance euen the best And finally they must waite vpon him desiring him in his good time notwithstanding their vnworthines to draw them by his secret grace vnto him But this shall suffice to haue bin said of them who thinke themselues Christians and are not but doe lie and of them who haue left their first loue of the Gospell and of their brethrē which sometime as it seemed they had Which two being of the forwardest sorts of professors who goe for true beleeuers and yet being none indeede doe iustifie the estate of the weakest seruants of God to be approued of him and happie being farre different from them Which although I haue by the way as it were spoken to admonish both yet principally and most chiefly I haue done it for the vpholding comfort of Gods weake seruants who may see him most louing and gracious vnto them euen in that I meane their abasement and humiliation which they sometime thought to be their vtter and extreame miserie And thus much of the second point of the second part or generall head namely of the staying of the weake Christians and how they differ from vnbeleeuers Thus I haue not as I would but as I could set downe my meditations vpon this first point to shew who are the true people of God and giuen occasion to many who haue little to say for themselues why they should claime any right or title in that great purchase to consider of their estate more deeply and seriously then they haue done If these who are almost Christians and as I may say not farre from eternall life being many of them vsuall hearers of Sermons would inquire about their estate till they should see it good as I am sure the other may bee well staied by this which I haue written I should not be a little comforted whom for their good which I heartily desire and pray for this I beseech to heare me in What wisedome shall they shew to be carelesse in so weightie a matter as this is concerning their saluatiō and that their care in matters transitorie can neuer be enough or what sound comfort doe they looke for whiles they rest but in vncertainties about the assurance thereof which yet to misse and goe without is their vtter and perpetuall desolation But they hope they are in good case and perswade themselues that they are in the estate of grace I am farre from enuying it them I would to God that I could hope so too But what euidence or proofe haue they of it They can answere none but this that they professe Christ and loue the Gospell and contemne Poperie They heare Sermons oft and thinke not well of them who doe not so Some of the forwarder sort doe thinke verely sometime that they beleeue and ioy therein and sometime weepe at a Sermon but this is their anchor that they hold themselues by long after when they be able to speake of such times and actions done in them But when they haue been at the best haue they then put foorth themselues a little further to demaund are these things sufficient markes and testimonies of our saluation or if they be not do they inquire what be And do they not cease trying their state till they can proue it to be good indeed and vntill they finde rest to their soules that cannot deceiue them Nay rather they come not to this at all that they can applie Christ to them that studie is vtterly vnwelcome to them and vnsauourie They can doe any thing but that and why so Verely euen to the end they may be deceiued as men that haue matter at law and are in sute boast much of their case but yet are very loath to come to triall of it and why are they afraid so to doe but for that they know they haue no good euidence to shew for it They may be compared in this to King Nabuchadnezzar he was very earnest to heare the interpretation of his dreame and could not be satisfied vntill he heard the same But this was not all that behooued him to
and yet euen that maketh them complaine vntill they be inlarged and he that hath not this witnesse within him shall not doe best to sooth vp himselfe with a vaine confidence Thus I conclude that ioy and peace are inseparable companions of faith But here me thinkes I heare some obiecting thus If you zealous folke who glorie so much of the assurance of saluation and for that very cause be so ioyfull ye agree not within your selues for some which are of your mind are euer sad and sorrowfull To this I answere that many desire to be sure and grone for it in the Lords eares and in time shall be comforted being already pronounced to be blessed and sometime they are assured for a season and then are cheerefull and before this they cannot be so as they whose hearts the Lord hath opened more cleerely to behold that excellent mystery But further I say that it should trouble no wise bodie to see them mourne for a while after that which shall being atteined make them merrie for euer after And it is a meere cauill in them that twit Gods weake seruants for that which giueth so iust cause of mourning namely their doubting seeing they desire nothing more then to be assured And if they doe not mixe their feare and heauines with melancholy passions they offend not in lamenting after God while they long aboue all things to behold Gods louing countenance towards them But if their heauines make them waspish tuchie froward vnquiet rash in censuring them who are not in their estate I say these as mad and frantike passions are to be condemned But these obiecters say that this sad countenance and behauiour in them who are more religious than the most part of others causeth many to shun religion and to be afraide to ioyne themselues to their acquaintance and company and to meddle with muzing on the Scriptures or on Sermons more then to heare and reade them and so trouble themselues no further To this I say that we are not so to looke to exemples that we hurt and hinder our selues thereby from that benefit which the Scriptures doe most certainely direct vs vnto But if men would weigh things indifferently they who are so ready to challenge many good Christians for their heauines which yet they know tendeth to the seeking of comfort might see their owne fault greater whose mirth for the most part is ioyned with lightnes and profanenes holding goodnes and grace out of the company and not a reioycing for that they know God to be their most louing father without which their ioy is but follie yea madnes as Salomon speaketh of laughter which testifieth such ioy But to end this in few words let such as haue true hope in God though weakely moderate their heauines that they may offend as few as they may and they that finde fault with them for that let them know that they ought rather to pitie and pray for them and interpret all in the best manner and looke that their owne mirth and cheerefulnes be well warranted them or else it were farre better for them to haue part in the others heauines And for answere to this thus much But to goe forward as the due consideration of the greatnes and perswasion of the certaintie of his benefits will raise this ioy in the heart of him that possesseth it so likewise it will cause him to maruaile with reuerence to see his state so changed himselfe to be brought from so lowe a depth of extreame miserie to so high a degree of honour and glorie and so to be enriched by this fauour of God that he shall oft feare on the suddaine least it should not be so wondring at the greatnes of the same as Iudas the good Apostle did who considering the great kindnes of Christ brake forth into these words Lord what is the cause that thou wilt reueale thy selfe to vs and not to the world Yea and the woman of Samaria which had long lien in blindnes and superstition and in the fruites of both that is in cauilling and mocking yet when our Sauiour had ouercome her euill with good and conuerted her her heart was so set on the benefit which she receiued by him that she forgat her water-pot which in her who sauoured before only of the earth was a great matter and went admiring at her owne change to tell her neighbours of that welcom newes which had befallen her and was a meane of their conuersion also Ioh. 4.28.29 But Sauls conuersion did so cause him to wonder at Gods worke therein that it caused also them that beheld it to admire it to be amazed when they saw him preach the doctrine which he before pursued with the imbracers of it Act. 9.21 So great admiration doth this precious faith worke in them that obtaine it And yet if this holie and reuerent admiration at so great good things befallen those or other such should but then onely immediatly after the receiuing of them be felt the benefits might seeme the smaller but it is farre otherwise if it be duly nourished and maintained for they are so sweete and so farre aboue all that they can aske or looke for that except it bee through mens owne default they are euery day new and fresh and so farre from bringing tediousnes that the oftner they be daily considered and the longer they be inioyed the more they will cause wondring at the loue of the giuer and what should moue him to bestow so great a portion euen more then the whole world vpon so vnworthie an one as would haue thought a little before that it had been an happie estate not to haue been at all The Sunne in the beautie and strength thereof doth not more cause the eye to dazle then the viewing and beholding of this glorie which God communicateth with his beloued ones doth astonish and abash the heart to thinke of it which is so true that Dauid the man of God did many yeeres after hee felt himselfe beloued of God fall into this holie admiration as that God should doe such great things for his soule as deliuer him from the neathermost graue by which he meant hell And therefore it cannot be without grosse bewitching of many professors by Sathan that if they haue at the hearing of this tidings published meruailed a little they thinke they haue receiued this benefit with that reuerent account that it deserueth though after it waxeth a common thing with them for this they say it were foolish daily to bee wondring at one thing as when we first heard of it Full well all such declare what fruite they reape by it but if they did daily consider their vnworthines they should see more cause to wonder euery day then at the first if comparison may bee made in such a case It is to be wondred at that God pardoneth sinnes daily in that his mercie continueth daily to pardon them and for that
out of the way againe Therefore not onely these which are euill of themselues must grow loathsome to them but they must also be sober and moderate themselues euen in their lawfull liberties and dealings so as that one thing be thought needfull of them whatsoeuer they goe about euen this to nourish their faith and to hold fast their hope of eternall life and Gods fauour seeing God who giueth it doth neuer change his minde nor repent him And that they may doe this the better which is too slacklie performed of many who yet haue felt some sweetnes in the promises they are further to be directed that daily and oft which few will be brought vnto they send vp strong prayers to God for it and that they doe of set purpose separate themselues from all other things in the most conuenient manner that they can to call to remembrance the manifold and gracious promises of God that they meditate and consider deepely of them of the nature and truth of them of the vnchangeablenes and perpetuitie of them how louing also and kind God is that thus their faith may be confirmed in them and so bring their hearts by little and little to a new course and custome that they may haue more neere acquaintance with Gods nature his mind and purpose towards them how louingly he is affected to them how little they neede to feare his anger and displeasure and how free they may be from doubting and wauering For it must be well considered and oft thought vpon that weake bleeuers who are priuie to themselues of their many doubtings doe soone let slip out of their memorie and so out of their hearts such grounds of their faith as they haue sometime holden and imbraced after hearing publikely or any such like meanes inioyed of them they doe soone I say let them slip vnlesse they can bring themselues to reuiew and call them to mind vsuallie Yea and further vnles they do prouide to helpe their feeblenes of heart and memorie as they shall be able with some pithie and cleere prooues of their saluation and safetie such as they haue before rested on and found comfort by as this Come to me all ye that are heauie laden and I will ease you and let them reason thus from it If Christ call them that are loden and promiseth to ease them and therefore they may come boldly that is beleeue his promise and claspe about it and inioy it as their owne then may I being such an one doe so and take it as spoken to me as well as Peter Paul or any other Thus should the weake applie it Another If any thirst let him come to me and I will giue him the water of life to drinke And many other such as in the margine Some of these and such like are oft to be thought on and applied as I haue said if wee desire to keepe in the safe estate which I haue spoken of that is to come to God in prayer when we will with boldnes and confidence and yet when we doe not pray not to be afraid of him but to walke in any of our actions without slauish feare before him And if we doe not thus we shall by and by wauer wander either on the left hand or on the right go out of the royall way euen that way of which the Prophet speaketh when he saith Thou vpholdest me in mine integritie settest me before thy face continually As if he should say thou wilt see that I take no hurt being euer in thine eye as y e child in the mothers eye that it may haue no daunger I say in this royall way wee shall not keepe safe and sound except we doe as men dimme of sight vse of spectacles helpe our spirituall eye sight with oft looking in the glasse of Gods word and promises which I say not as though God did change his minde so oft seeing there be so many doubts in vs who is euer one and constant but for that wee haue riuen memories wandring affections and deceitfull hearts in all which respects we haue neede of such helpe and remedie And if it trouble any at the hearing of this asking what shall the weake doe who cannot doe thus I answere they that know not this cannot doe it but yet is not their estate therefore to be rested in no although they feare God only let them follow that which they know and they who know this which I now teach will neglect nothing willingly of that which I say though they be weake for it is their owne gaine and aduantage which they would not lose yet I meane not that they should neglect their particular calling for all this seeing both may well yea and ought stand together Thus therefore let Gods children keepe themselues from feare and doubting when they are in greatest daunger of both by an oft and serious weighing how gracious and good the Lord is vnto them that it may comfort them euen at the heart And for a testimonie hereof let them vse to trie in smaller benefits how they can beleeue that God will keepe couenant with them for thereby shall they haue further proofe with the former to their consciences that they grow to beleeue him in greater For although there must be some measure of true iustifying faith before wee can doe any thing acceptable to God Hebr. 11.6 yet for the confirming of it wee must obserue how Gods word is performed in other things also And to this purpose they are also to helpe their weakenes in faith by ordinarie and reuerent hearing the glad tidings of reconciliation publikly preached vnto them for that is one speciall end thereof as the Apostle saith and therefore are the Sacraments also giuen by God which seale vp this truth in their hearts which they haue begun to taste of Doe this as oft as ye doe it in remembrance of me With these two they must carefully retaine a viewing of their sinnes which by examination they haue found out They must I say be daily kept within that compasse and keepe vnder their hearts by a meane and base thinking of themselues from fulnes and loathing of Christs death as it is made too common a reckoning of Neither can it be felt sweete and pleasant of any except their sins be felt bitter and tart And besides all this their former experience is not the least helpe to establish and settle them in this perswasion that for as much as they cannot denie but that they haue beleeued with ioy and receiued much ease to their heauie hearts thereby therefore much more now they ought and lawfully may rest and perswade themselues so againe And therefore to say with themselues it is but their own weaknes when they are pierced thorough with such doubts from God there is not the least occasion offered who is euer one and chaungeth not for all this might
consisteth in a full purpose of the heart and a true indeuour of life to obey God in all things euen vnto the end By which also may be gathered a short description of this life of the beleeuer that it is such a conuersation as being grounded on faith in a sanctified person renounceth all euill and practiseth good duties though weakely yet constantlie afterward And to these foure shall be annexed reasons to perswade to a more cheerefull practising of this godly life seeing the best need spurres and the answering of obiections which might with-hold and hinder from it All which considered it shall not be hard for him that will learne to vnderstand plainely and cleerely what the life of the beleeuer is and withall whether he which professeth himselfe to haue true faith be also in his life and conuersation reformed and how he may be so So that although there be many measures of grace and some are in many degrees before other in this estate and condition of liuing godly yet euery one in whom these things shall be found may proue himselfe godly howsoeuer he wanteth somewhat which many others haue And of the summe and order of this treatise in generall thus much be said CHAP. 2. That a godly life cannot be without vnfained faith nor this faith without it which is the first poynt in the first generall head to be handled THus hauing shewed what the summe of this treatise is and the order and parts of it I will now proceede and first seeing I haue taken in hand to describe the life of the beleeuer and what the godly life is which he must leade I will indeuour my selfe to helpe and direct him herein as God hath inabled me that as in the former treatise he may proue and see himselfe to haue faith to be saued so he may learne by this to ioyne with his faith godlines But before I lay forth this godly life at large in this chapter I will begin with the first point of the first generall part of this treatise that is that seeing godlines cannot be without iustifying faith but springeth and ariseth from it as the branch from the tree for so Saint Iames saith Shew me thy faith by thy workes therefore where no true iustifying faith is there can be no godly life And so he who is no true beleeuer cannot haue any sparkle of godlines in him but is vtterlie destitute and voide thereof euen altogether vngodly as the Apostle writeth We all had our conuersation sometime as other disobedient men in the lustes of our flesh doing those things which liked vs where we see that this was the life of all euen the best to be strangers to the life of godlines and the children of wrath before they beleeued Ephes 2.8 But least any through ignorance might say though we did that which liked the lusts of our hearts yet we did not onely so nor all that we did was not such but some good we did amongst the euill which we committed and if it be so they thinke that the one may answere for the other I further say to them out of the place to Titus 1.15 Vnto the pure are all things pure but vnto them that are defiled and vnbeleeuing is nothing pure but euen their minds and consciences are defiled to the Hebrues that without faith it is impossible to please God whatsoeuer things we doe but all is abhominable odious and vile before him For as is the fountaine so are the riuers which runne from it and as is the heart and the cogitations of it so are the actions which proceede from it but the cogitations of the heart are alwaies and onely euill So that to returne in the vnbeleeuer there is no good thing that pleaseth God his best actions are turned into sinne his praiers almes reading hearing confessions thankes-giuings and whatsoeuer else they are all abominable in him and God will neuer be pleased with his workes and seruices vntill the person namely euen he himselfe be accepted of him and that is not till he beleeue as it is in the epistle to the Hebrues 10.38 The iust shall liue by faith but if any withdraw himselfe that is thorough vnbeliefe my soule shall haue no pleasure in him saith the Lord. And this is the worke which God requireth of him aboue and beyond all workes that he beleeue in his sonne that he hath alreadie wrought his happines and therefore that he shall be saued by him onely Now if a man before he haue some sure tokens of Gods loue and consequently some measure of true faith cannot so much as enter into a godly life nor haue any thing which he doth approued of God as we haue seene and the Scriptures doe more fully proue how dangerously then doe many thousands deceiue themselues of which number some are verely perswaded that they loue feare and serue God not knowing what faith is other thinke they haue repented truly because they haue mourned and been sorrie for their sinne by fits at some time yet haue no faith nor any constant desire of it and others because they doe many things in their owne nature good imagine themselues to liue godly when yet a man may doe many good actions and for all that they shall not be good to him as long as faith the principall is wanting in him as hath been said And if any count this doctrine hard and say that if this should be true it were the next way to driue many to discomfort yea and to desperation let such know that if any despaire because their wicked liues are condemned of God the doctrine is not to bee blamed but the persons themselues who should rather repent for the doctrine is the doctrine of the Scriptures and al sound Diuines both old and new haue taught it And if it be hard it is hard to the ignorant vnstable and obstinate who indeede can take little comfort by it but peruert all things to their owne destruction and although they despaire not yet their case will be no better in the end then desperate if they so abide But the truth of God may not be buried for mens frowardnes who can not away with it But let this suffice to shew that no man can leade a godly and Christian life before he hath some measure of true faith as it hath been set downe and described in the former treatise And as I haue shewed that no man liueth godly which beleeueth not so it is on the contrarie to be marked that no man who beleeueth and nourisheth and preserueth his faith can liue wickedly nor fashion himself after men of the world or returne to the offensiue and vnsauourie course which he walked after before but as he is new borne so hee is a new creature and as hee doth except at the first beginning of his conuersion or in vehemencie of temptation knowing himselfe to be of the number that shall be
saued he honoreth him who will saue him for his loue constraineth him so to doe Which although it bee most true and will be granted of the greater part yet because many content themselues to affirme it onely and other in a generall manner doe coldly goe about it I meane to honour God and shew foorth the fruits of faith which they think they haue as though any little would serue I thinke it very meete to set downe some speciall proofes of it that cannot be excepted against And first by that place to Titus The grace of God that hath appeared teacheth vs to denie vngodlines and worldly lusts and to liue holily righteously and soberly in this present life he saith plainly if we be once inlightened by that diuine grace and gift of the Gospell to see our selues partakers of saluation we are by the same knowledge taught and so learne it to renounce our old conuersation So that euen as a scholler plainly taught by his master becommeth skilfull in those points wherein he was instructed so is a man taught to see God worthie all honour and to giue it him by casting away the workes of darknes when he seeth that he hath brought him out of most wofull bondage into the glorious libertie of Gods children And is it any meruaile For what will we not be readie to doe for such a one as hath but once saued our liues from death How much more doe all they which know that they are discharged for euer from fearefull damnation see infinite causes why they should chaunge their wicked liues which so much displeased God and are also readie to doe the same Be not therefore deceiued God is not mocked by them who professe they looke to be saued and doe not bring foorth fruiteworthie amendment It is not a bare wandring desire to please God which this pretious faith and assurance of saluation worketh but it frameth also the man vnto it and teacheth him in some true and acceptable measure to goe about it The tidings of this treasure appeared so glorious to Agrippa being a King and therefore acquainted with earthly felicitie and a Heathen and therefore vnfit to see very easily into spirituall things yet this appeared so glorious tidings to him when he heard it by Paul not preaching in the pulpit but standing a prisoner at the barre that it caused him at the first to say Thou hast almost perswaded me to become a Christian And therefore he who hath not onely heard a sound of this heauenly newes with his eares which yet did weigh equally against a Princes kingdome in a Heathen mans iudgement but hath beleeued it to bee his owne and that for euer doe we thinke that any thing will be thought too deare for him who hath freely giuen it him And therefore when I see one cursed man raile against the doctrine of Gods word and his faithfull seruants another to loue the Christian life but from teeth outward and diuers men diuersly bewitched but all of them to loue darknes more then light because their deedes are euill Ioh. 3.19 I meruaile not at it they do after their nature and kind As they are not obedient to the will of God so neither indeed can they be who yet for all this know not any cause why they should accuse themselues but if they might see what kindnes God offereth them euen to bee made happie and might beleeue the same ye should see them changed as sensible as euer was Saul of a persecutor to become a preacher so they of oppressors mercifull persons and restorers of that which was ill gotten and of prophane holy and so to bee conuerted as that wee might say of them compared to the best seruants of God the lambe and the lion doe eate together But to let these goe as too grosse I would wish such to weigh these Scriptures aright who will take no nay but that they belong to Gods election when yet their goodnes is as the morning dew soone vanishing and blowne away or as a cake halfe baken Let them see how well this becommeth them to bee sometime forward sometime backward in some things zealous and yeelding to the will of God in othersome sinning against their owne knowledge and when they be straying from dutie to make no haste to it againe neither to see that any thing is amisse in them nay to be put in minde and reproued though neuer so iustly and kindly they cannot beare it It must in no waies bee denied them that they beleeue and are sure to be saued but where is the spirit which S. Paul speaketh of in those which know themselues saued which as an husband ruleth and beareth sway which commaundeth holy and heauenly motions and affections into the heart not suffering poysoned and earthly corruptions to defile the same where is that authoritie and gouernment ouer the members of the minde and bodie as ouer a wife that they may bee well ordred where are the traines and companies of all sorts of good fruites as their children and comely ornaments also beautifull to adorne and set out their liues when a professor of the Gospell shall not be able to denie that his heart is corrupt by fretting raging and vnquietnes for euery small trifle and yet not once trembling for it nor saying what haue I done or els loose vaine and foolish by other occasions and all this without repentance Where is his testimonie that his heart is a good treasurie and nurserie of good things when his tongue shall be walking not onely vnnecessarily and idly but in vnsauourie and offensiue speech in foolish iesting taunting railing mocking lying swearing slandering currish and churlish speaking how are the powers and members of the bodie in subiection as a wife vnto the power of Christ which ruleth as an husband in the heart of Gods beloued ones where is those mens religion which S. Iames boldly saith is none where the tongue is thus vngouerned what shew soeuer be made thereof And so I might goe forward to conuince many of our countrimen who haue often heard me and other of Gods Ministers vrging them after the same manner in our Sermons and doe know I tell them the truth that such things are in them indeed who yet seeme to be religious I haue said it oft and now say it with griefe that all these who haue such things raigning in them are not onely their owne enemies but also to our preaching of the Gospell of Christ neither is their reioycing good who glorie in their faith and hope when yet they are thus earthly and carnally minded They must know it howsoeuer they beleeue that God hath ioyned with faith vertue and godlines patience temperance and that who so beleeueth is thereby turned from his old conuersation For mine owne part I haue long misliked this haste and sudden shewes of great repentance in men who in their first acquaintance with the word
it and after And according to the prouerbe like tree like fruite for a good man out of the good treasurie of his heart bringeth forth good things and the wicked man out of the ill treasurie of his heart bringeth forth euill things This heart of man therefore must be good and holy and pure it must be brought to yeeld and submit it selfe willinglie to better instruction then naturallie it hath been acquainted with that so it may bring forth fruite of amendment of life and be readilie disposed vnto euery good worke But as I sayd that men may not deceiue themselues who for the most part being ignorant about the heart and the nature and properties of it doe thinke that they may liue godlie whatsoeuer corruption doth infect the heart it shall be requisite to know it better and how all godlinesse is but fantasie or hypocrisie vnto the heart be reformed and changed We must haue it clensed and well seasoned and afterwards kept so that it may be no longer an enemie to vs or an hinderer of vs in any of our good actions but contrarilie that by the helpe of it we may dailie goe forward in well doing at least by striuing or after a repulse to returne againe For this we are to know that the heart of man before it be emptied is a dungeon of iniquitie before it be inlightened a denne of darkenes before it be clensed a puddle of filthinesse and that which Saint Iames speaketh of the tongue may much more be said of the heart that before it be tamed it is an vnruly euill If then such an heart be the guide of our life how monstrous and loathsome must that life needes be Hereby therefore it is cleere that the heart must be purged of this corruption as I haue said it must be changed from this nature and custome that when any departing from sinne should be or any dutie to God offered this may not be a pulbacke and hinderer but ready to giue consent thereunto and a furtherer thereof in subduing the corruption of the same from time to time For who seeth not that this were otherwise a toile most tedious yea a thing altogether impossible as oft as we should goe about any good dutie then to haue our heart to seeke as they say and to be set in frame as if an husbandman should alwaies be driuen to mend and sharpen his plough share when and as oft as he tilleth the ground or a Carpenter to grinde his tooles so oft as he goeth to worke but much more seeing the heart is backward and not willing and ready to any good thing yea rather rebellious against it must not all of necessitie the more preposterouslie goe forward But to proceede more particularlie to anatomize and describe the heart and in few words to say much of it we must know that it is ouerspread with vnbeleefe deceitfull vnruly loose hardned wilfull vaine idle blockish cold in goodnes and without sauour and soone wearie of it high big proude disdainefull selfe-louing vncharitable vnkind conceited impatient angry fierce enuious reuenging vnmercifull froward and tuchie churlish sullen medling worldly filthie and vncleane louing pleasure more than godlinesse vnprofitable repining earthlie greedie or couetous idolatrous superstitious vnreuerent hypocriticall disobedient to betters iudging rashlie hardlie reconciled and in a word prone to all euill is it not then hardlie tamed Which must needes be graunted when the most part of people vnder the Gospell doe either not know nor suspect this and therefore are farre from abilitie to hunt these corruptions out and they who know it doe yet loue them as their owne flesh and therefore be neuer the neerer to the purging out or remouing of them It is not without cause therefore that Salomon saith there are seuen abominations in the heart that is many And Ieremy in like manner affirmeth that the heart of man is deceitfull and deepe aboue all things who can gage or search it out Euen I the Lord saith God am the searcher or finder out of it Therefore also our Sauiour to set out the nature of the heart saith Out of the heart come euill thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false testimonies slaunders Must it not then needes be a filthie sinkehole out of which so vnsauorie stinkes doe arise So that it may truly be said the heart of man is euill aboue measure and in the kindes thereof in number as the sparkles that come out of the furnace and as the sand of the sea shore which is innumer●●le And what should I say more The time would be too short to proceed further and I shall haue occasion in another place to speake of the same But by the way this is worthilie to be lamented that where the Scripture is so plentifull in describing and setting out of the manifold and foule defilements of the heart that men are so blind in vnderstanding them and see so little when the holy Ghost bewraieth so much And hereof it is that they feare so little danger and suspect so little hurt to be comming towards them thereby in the middest of so great and iust cause to feare and suspect both For who is merrier or more secure than he that hath most sinne in his heart to witnes against him Which being so who doth not see that such a draft-house is to be emptied and that much grace and water of life had neede to be poured in to sweeten and season it before it be fit to be imployed to good vse and to be made a temple for the holy Ghost to dwell in and a good treasurie that out of it a good man may bring forth good things Yea an admirable thing it is that it should euer be brought to good But to go forward now to shew what this purging of the heart is and how it should be purged For the first we must know that it is a renuing in holines and righteousnes by little and little of all true beleeuers they being first deliuered and freed from the tyranie of sinne and feare of damnation for a man is no sooner set at libertie from the feare of euerlasting death and the wrath of God but he is also sensiblie drawne to let goe his holde and interest in sinne which before he had and feeleth the same to receiue a deadly wound in him and the power thereof to be abated and crucified And so findeth that verified in him which the Apostle setteth downe to the Romans that is to say How can such as are dead to sinne liue any longer therein And withall he is quickened and sensiblie stirred vp to a loue and earnest desire of things holy and heauenlie euen that he may please God and being renued in the spirit of his minde doth affect and long after righteousnesse and true holines And herein consisteth this purging and changing of the heart which I now speake of and such a thing it is shewing
a godly life can be builded that they may not neede to feare that they are of a double heart for God abhorreth that in his seruice and doth not accept the heart by halues nor to be serued by halues as Saul did 1. Sam. 15.3 but will haue the whole to be giuen vnto him He will not be loued a little for that is neither beseeming his greatnes neither fit for them to offer who receiue so great good things at his hands And as none can doe this but such as shall see sufficient cause hereof namely that they are infinitely indebted to him for his bountifulnes towards them so will he that such shall make him their chiefest delight and treasure as other doe the world and therefore to account it no tediousnesse nor toile to labour for it till they haue obeyed the voice which saith Giue me thine heart my sonne And if all men did at the first imbracing of the Gospell thus giue their hearts wholy to the Lord as all they doe who vnfainedly beleeue in him then should we see it a common thing to haue God honoured in the world his true religion and worship aduaunced and there should be no such difficultie to pull men out of their filthie and sinfull liues but they should be as readie to seeke it as the godliest Preacher is in Gods name to vrge and require it But seeing that will not be let them which see better what the infinitnes of Gods fauour is towards them giue him their hearts againe as they are commaunded not a peece of their heart but their whole heart Euen as the burnt offering in sacrifices was not in part the Lords another part the Priests or his who did offer it but it was wholy the Lords so God will haue those whom he maketh reckoning of to turne to him with their whole heart that so as farre as their knowledge leadeth them they may be at his commaundement not halting not flitting not giuing him their seruice sometime and at other times refusing and holding backe by such occasions as shall fall out as for their owne pleasure profit for mens friendship and fauour or such like for so doing they shall neuer be fit to renounce either their will or lusts when they are inticed to euill by them but must yeeld and giue place to them which kind of vnsauorie and fickle seruice God abhorreth But if we freely giue ouer our selues wholy to God and be resolued to be guided by him in all things and to this end waxe better setled daily in the assured perswasion of Gods fauour which is better then all things besides so that we may alway see cause why we doe so then and not before shall we haue good euidence that our hearts are changed from their old custome in sinne and renued And although men will long halt and driue off before they will be brought to this hoping that lesse may serue and that they may please God without all this adoe as accounting it too hard yet must they be brought to this when all is done or else they shall see that all is in vaine that they doe besides what faire shewes and colours soeuer they set vpon their doings For want of this soundnes and through purging of the heart as the people of Israel made many turnings to God when he punished them but euer turned backe againe from their couenants and promises of amendment euen so at this day there are many vowes to God of holy life and purposes of repentance but none of them hold nor take any good effect though some in longer some in shorter time doe vanish away and come to nothing because men goe to worke in their moode and hastilie not sufficiently considering how weake such foundations are to beare vp so great and weightie buildings as the whole course of their liues to be holilie passed Iudas his preaching and working of miracles who was companion with the other Apostles Ahabs hastie repentance in haire cloth and ashes yea Iehu his zeale for the Lord of hoasts with all other such shewes as for a time in the eyes of men seemed to be great godlines together with Sauls speedie executing of Gods commaundements against the Amalekites they had a time to be bewraied and brought to light to the world to haue been either meere hypocrisie and fained godlines or suddaine and rash attempts or without roote from the heart euen the best of them Therefore first let this be knowne of vs that before the euill life can be renounced God purgeth and maketh cleane the heart that so it may be fit for so great a worke But seeing the heart is false aboue measure and they soonest deceiue themselues who doe least suspect and feare danger let it thoroughly be weighed which hath before been set downe that there is deadly hate of sinne and corruption and that with much striuing against it with gripes of griefe when it preuaileth and contrarilie great ioy when it is subdued this I say is in him whose heart is truly renued CHAP. 5. Of the renouncing of all sinne which is the first effect of a renued heart in the true beleeuer NOw the heart being renued and changed must be kept so but of that afterwards in more fit place In the meane season I will passe to the effect of this clensing and change of the heart and shew what worke it bringeth forth in him that is thus renued and changed For I hauing spoken of the clensing of it as I purposed namely that it must with the whole man be changed and renued before the life can be amended it followeth that I should now further proceede to this that is to the description of the christian life whereby I meane true repentance or the life of the beleeuer as I propounded which is the building that must be set on that foundation and that conuersation which commeth from the forenamed change and is a renouncing of all sinne and a care to walke in a new life to glorifie God thereby euen vnto death as was said before Concerning which more particularlie as I promised this first is to be marked that the godly life standing in these two parts that is the renouncing of sinne and practising of godly duties all vngodlines and not some part or kinde only is renounced of the true beleeuer and of him who will soundly professe to liue godly and they are brought to this power and grace who trust in the liuing God and are indeede godly that they are out of loue and fauour with the whole course of iniquitie which was their only delight and pleasure before They are so changed from that which they were that now they hauing tasted of heauen and happines being become the beloued of the Lord they freely and willingly bid farewell to all the follies of their former times and the vnlawfull liberties with the which they were deceiued at least in affection
peace and welfare in their outward estate and are instruments to conuey the glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ vnto them I meane Christian Princes and gouernours How many esteeme of them who labour to make them happie and to liue for euer what wishing is there that there were none such which is all one as to make sure worke to goe to hell How doe many hunger for their death yea though they be their naturall parents by whom they might be inriched and preferred although to make their follie and madnes the better appeare to themselues and others the Lord taketh them oftentimes away before them What stoutnes saucines and boldnes in youth towards their ancients and rulers till it breake out from within and shew it selfe in gesture and words which bringeth forth such rudenes and barbarousnes as were too bad among Heathens But I will containe my selfe Further whereas the soule of our neighbour should be most pretious to vs how doe many reioyce to see them fall into any sin deuise to make them offend as to be drunke to leaue off hearing Sermons and fret or disdaine at them who liue Christianly rather then to reuerence the graces of God in them And whereas wee should loue others as our selues that is indeed and vnfainedly not in word and shew onely yet how truly is it verified through the world that through the strength of their lusts one man is a woolfe yea a diuell to another What anger which cannot bee appeased what deadly hatred one against another what earnest and bitter seeking of reuenge and yet they goe not once to their heart to take shame for them How easily and readily doe men take the least occasion from others of hard conceiuing of them and yet how vnmeete doe they thinke it that others should take the least displeasure by the greatest occasions which they offer them What little care is there that none be hurt by them but a churlish senselesnes of it if it be so rather then pitie and compassion in steede of it As concerning cutting off broiles betwixt men who is warie to auoide occasions thereof sometime by readines to lose some part of their right as Abraham did to Lot and comming to lawfull and equall conditions of peace which were but their dutie Nay rather men bethink them of all meanes to prouoke others further then they haue done And as for bearing of them if they passe bounds toward any what meekenes or mildnes is there in vs to forbeare them and to be patient and long suffering towards them and when it may well bee done to passe ouer their offence and burie it where is any pacifying of wrath in mens selues and a free forgiuing of them but rather a seeking of reuenge for the smallest wrong This is farre from the Apostles rule Weepe with them which weepe reioyce with them which reioyce and be alike affected towards all men In these kinds of fleshly lusts the commonnes which I see of them and the bold iustifying of the same hath made me somewhat the longer Now I come to that kinde of these fleshly lusts which are most properly so called And they are when men let loose their hearts to filthie vncleane thoughts and desires with purposes of defiling their bodies which should be kept holie to the day of mariage and after to the end of their life What varietie of vncleane wishes and desires doe occupie them how are they inflamed through euery obiect of such persons as please their eye and so are caught and deceiued with that which is pretious in them And least that should not be enough against thē they rest not in this which is most shamefull but they delight to blow vp these burning lusts further euen to occupie their thoughts in all talke of vncleane matters to feede their eyes wantonly that they may shew themselues to be those whom the Scripture describeth namely to haue eyes full of adulterie and to such places their delight is to goe where they may haue that carnall humour satisfied or incensed by all prouocations that thus the pretious treasure of the minde which is fit to haue receiued most diuine matters and to haue made it more like vnto the Angels is made a stinking brothel-house and a nurserie of filthines What beating of their braines is there about deceiuing and intrapping innocent Virgins and modest Matrones to bring them to their lure for common strumpets and such harlots as haue been defiled alreadie may be come by with lesse studie I speake not of the practise of the worst sort of the people of our land but of them which are ciuill liue outwardly in some honest course yea and many of them maried persons themselues and for want of better beare office to see good order in townes of which sort there are many thousands who are possessed of these deceiueable lusts neighing after their neighbours wiues as the Prophet speaketh and so stopping the course of a Christian life from the which some of them otherwise had not been farre off But this for a taste I will proceed vnto that kind of lust which is the greedie desire of money and gaine if they may come by it whosoeuer smarteth by the losse of it What a sea of euils is there in this kind how many waies and that all the yeere through are mens heads occupied about this how they may by some new deceit winde somewhat from others what vnsatiable desire is there of other mens goods and how doe men resolue that they will be rich though the Apostle to Timothie doth shew them the danger of that purpose What repining is there in all sorts to see others get that which they themselues can not come by How doth the mightie deuise to pill and make bare the meaner sort the Landlord the poore tenaunt till he hath fleeced him of all and left the bare carkasse whereas the predecessours of them both liued together before them in loue and good will the one well contented the other well refreshed vnder him and sufficiently maintained which is one maine cause of so great beggerie How doe many without regard of other follow this point of wisedome that they may haue some commodities wholy in their owne hands that so they may raise an vniuersall dearth for the satisfying of their priuate appetite In common dealings nothing to speake of is sweete to men but stolne waters as it is in the Prouerbs when men can see how to get more then their owne the borrower though he hath found friendship yet seeketh bethinketh how to defraud the lender if by any meanes he might pay it backe no more so doth the lender deuise new kinds of vsury and oppression against the borrower whereby so many thousands are vndone when the Lord commaundeth streightly that there be no oppression nor vsurie at all So of the seller and the buyer the loue of equitie and
contempt seeing the minde is euer busie and seldome vnoccupied I answere that the persons are as I haue said sinners as others be but sanctified and weake but willing to be better and that their thoughts are according to the diuers growths and ages of Gods children which are three The highest degree is olde age or the experienced estate which yet is not the perfect age in Christ for that shall not befall vs vntill the life to come but a firme constant and setled going forward vnto that perfection The second is the middle age in christianitie in which as young men in wrastling we haue courage against our sinfull lustes but yet like vnto them we haue many foiles and are oftentimes cooled in our courage though we sometime preuaile And in this estate we are very fitly compared to the graine of mustard seede after that it is shot vp and hath a blade and stalke till it come to haue boughes and branches to shelter the fowles of the ayre so in this we are euer growing though slowlie and this degree of christianitie is betwixt olde age and infancie The third is childhood or infancie the lowest and the last the which is principallie discerned by an earnest desire of the sincere milke of the worde and namely of the promise of the forgiuenes of sinnes which although some of these deare children of God cannot with full assurance lay holde of yet this their hungring desire after it which cannot be satisfied without it with a sensible feare to offend God is a true signe thereof And this is the lowest degree of true beleeuers which estate is at first weake in respect of the other two as it is in the naturall bodie for in the young babe it is first weake and after groweth to greater strength as it groweth in yeares yea and this is an excellent estate in respect of the counterfeit which haue most neere resemblance of it in whom may be seene some flitting motions after good things but in time they vanish and goe away as they came These degrees of the spirituall birth being thus described which by the Scriptures may easilie be discerned I will now shew about what things the thoughts of these three are chiefelie occupied or desire at least to haue them occupied though they doe not euer attaine to that which they desire And to begin with the first some of Gods elect through long experience and much acquaintance with the practise of a godlie life haue obtained grace to guide them more constantlie then others whereby they so serue God that they may please him with a reuerent awe of his maiestie which holdeth them within bounds and in holie and religious feare of offending him while the other often breake out more easilie And this estate though it be to be aimed at of all godlie people yet it is not obtained but of such as haue accustomed their mindes to the heauenlie course and to whom good meditations and thoughts to shunne and auoide euill are become a pleasure and as well to be able to discerne the same by their vnderstanding and iudgement as to haue their will in good sort at commaundement to follow the good and shunne the euill Such as Saint Iohn calleth fathers in his epistle saying I write vnto you fathers because they had knowne the Lord and his manner of dealing with his people and had experience of the discipline and gouernement of his house in a godly life a long time Now such as haue been trained vp in the obedience which the Scripture teacheth from their youth are able vpon their so long triall of Gods directing them in that course not onely to goe forward cheerefullie and readilie themselues but also to perswade and hearten on others And such therefore thorough this grace receiued at Gods bountifull hands are much freed from this bondage and seldome so grosselie holden vnder of their corrupt lustes as others sauing that God will make them see their weakenes from time to time especiallie to subdue pride in them which is soone kindled in them and to holde them vnder they haue therefore their mindes vsuallie set vpon some one or other of the infinite heauenlie instructions which from time to time they haue treasured vp in their hearts both out of the Scriptures and the fountaines of other holy men whereby although they are not quickened as they would and desire to be yet they are held from much euill The particulars of Gods vnutterable kindnes of mans mortalitie the momentanie estate of all things vnder the sunne the blessed estate of the elect the endles woe of the damned c. who can recken They haue much time taken vp in the beholding and meditating of Gods maiestie as they can conceiue of him his power his wisdome his euerlasting being of his iudgements and how he is prouoked of his patience and long suffering towards the world his dailie pulling of them from their pleasures who thought they should neuer be taken from them and their owne estate and seuerall parts of their liues much occupie them how they may keepe in their way For it is the wisdome of the prudent to vnderstand their way Also how they may hold out constantlie the profession of their hope with ioy vnto the ende how they may resist all occasions of euill for they presume not without dailie helpe from God for all their strength they consider what lets they shall finde from Sathan the world and their owne hearts how they may order well their particular actions in and through the day in their callings giuing to all men their due that they may prosper and also that they may make a good account at the ende of the day and so at their last ende They who haue these and the seuerall particularities vnder all these contained to occupie their mindes about is it doubted what thoughts desires and occupying of their heads and hearts they haue to keepe them that they may neither be idle nor vnprofitable The thought they take daily vnlesse they be much blinded is in the greatest part this how they may haue a good conscience in all things pleasing God and how they may be prepared for the crosse and to keepe the same minde vnder it that being exercised therein oft and much they may reape the fruite of righteousnesse euen most sweete peace and as their saluation groweth neerer then when they first beleeued so they may be fitter and readier to meete the Lord their latter daies being farre better than their former to be merie whilest they thinke he hath blessed them and neuer at ease nor to thinke themselues well but while they are vnder his gouernement Haue su●● no other things to doe but that with the scumme and ofscourings of the world they must aske how to spend the long sommers day and the wearisome winter nights Although others who are prophane haue not yet with these
may doe and doth where hee can enter with both the other sorts also My meaning is that the children of God weak or strong doe not onely step aside sometimes from the peaceable estate wherein they desire to keepe but also are in daunger without continuall watchfulnes and earnest and oft praying to be sensibly dazeled as men not knowing where they are and stript of grace vtterly to their owne feeling as if there had neuer been any Which I say that none may be dismaied as they might easily be if they should heare onely the best of the state of the godly and not vnderstand something of the worst also and yet euen that worst part God turneth to their good as they in time by experience doe easily perceiue But if any thinke that this last sort of Gods children which indeed is the weakest of the rest or either of the other bee nothing differing from the vnregenerate in their thoughts and desires they must know that the secretest hypocrite which of all vnreformed ones commeth neerest them is yet farre differing from the weakest true Christian as both may bee seene by that which hath been said of both and as the same hypocrite would confesse if he might bee conuerted And I will in few words shew as much as shall be expedient For when a godly man dislikes himselfe most yet euen then he is farre before the best of the other who haue not their mindes occupied about heauenlie matters the thought thereof is tedious vnto them they desire no acquaintance therewith neither delight they to thinke how they may be better reformed neither can they bee brought to put themselues in the weights of the Sanctuarie that is to trie their estate by the word of God But their thoughts and desires are about carnall libertie pleasure profit long life reuenge c. euen as their speech is that commeth from their hearts frothie and vaine idle and vnsauourie earthly and worldly And when it is any better it is either by constraint of others or to shew the pride of heart or for vaine glorie or to some such end or els they are soone wearie of it So that it may trulie be said that the desires and thoughts of Gods people euen the weakest differ much from others who are vnrenued And this may in some sort shew the vsuall thoughts and desires of this third kinde of godly people as of the two former As for the diuers measures of spirituall growth in them in degree one aboue another as I haue followed the Scripture in the setting out thereof so I thought good in a word to put the reader in minde of this that euery action mentioned in the three kinds of our estate must not precisely be so appropriated to that kind in which it is reckoned that it may not also pertaine to one of the other but for the most part the affections which are reckoned to euery one are most proper to that to the which they are referred Neither is any to think that these cogitations which I haue set downe to belong most properly to euery kind of age in Christ are the only meditations thoughts of them but that amongst others according to the diuers occasions of euery one they haue oftentimes these and such like occupying their hearts but more oft desiring then inioying them whereas others which are not partakers of the promise of life haue seldome any good thoughts or if they haue they are fleeting and momentanie and either caused by feare or prouoked of others and as I may say violent so that they abide not and not voluntarie seeing they haue not the spirit of Christ which only doth worke them And all this that I haue said of the three sorts of Gods people may cleerely be illustrated and proued by the many examples out of the holy Scriptures who of weake became strong As Moses who was first afraid to looke Pharao in the face desiring that another might goe who was meeter then he yet afterwards hee was not afraide to doe his message boldly and thoroughly in the name of the Lord. And Peter who in his middle estate as I may say was so faint and fearfull that hee was striken and flighted with the voyce of a sillie damsell Luk. 22.57 yet after when he grew to the degree of a father was not abashed at the threat of the high Priest Act. 5.29 and yet both these were weaker then in either of these estates at their first beginning As the plants corne and grasse are first tender then stronger and at last setled and at their full growth And thus much of the cogitations and affections of the three sorts of Gods children that it may be seene that they are not caried about of their lusts as the vnregenerate but haue their hearts occupied in farre better manner And thus to returne and to ioyne this which followeth to the end of the seuenth chapter for this former came in by way of a parenthesis to answer a question propounded in the entrance into it Now that I haue spoken of inward lusts and sins of the heart and shewed how they are disliked and renounced of all true beleeuers it followeth that the same be proued concerning the outward sinnes of the life that they abhorre and shunne them also that all may see they haue little cause to please themselues or to reioyce either CHAP. 9. Of the second kinde of euils or sinnes to be renounced namely outward TO reioyce either about their saluation or the goodnes of their heart if their behauiour be stained with outward wickednes their holie profession blemished with open and shamefull sins is vaine which is the more to be marked seeing many boast that they haue good harts to God whē their liues are wicked When Samuel willed the people to trie their repentance to be sound he willed them to put away Baalam and Ashtaroth that is their strange gods and shamefull Idolatrie which they had delighted in And Paul telleth the Corinthians that they must clense themselues from all filthines of the flesh as well as of the spirit But the lesse shall be needfull to bee said of this seeing the whole course of the Scriptures both doctrine and examples as also common reason doth testifie the same that none can proue their hearts vpright if their behauiour be offensiue and euill For doctrine first that of S. Peter doth plainly shew it where he saith If a man after he hath professed a Christian course by acknowledging the forgiuenes of his sinne and the hope of euerlasting life shall yet be intangled againe in his old sinnes and ouercome of them the latter end of that man is worse then the beginning for it had been better neuer to haue acknowledged the way of righteousnes then afterwards to turne from the commaundements giuen vnto him And they that do so are most fitly compared to dogges which returne to their vomite and to swine
so may they be although these foule euils be not common with them nor long lien in of them which I haue spoken of of whose infirmities I will say more when I haue satisfied in some sort these obiections Therefore where it is demaunded if they be not partakers of the same sinnes that other men are I denie not but that it is possible for them in some sort and for a time to be carried after the streame of the euill example of so many which are in the world so common and almost vniuersall for the best liue where Sathans throne is euen as the Israelites and the Aegyptians dwelt together whose vnsauorie and stinking breath what maruaile were it if the whole and sound should be infected with it And further as they may possiblie haue their part in the sinnes of the vngodly so I denie not if God beare not the greater authoritie with them and be not the more regarded of them but that they may also lie still in the same loathsomenes for a season though smallie to their comfort This to be true both lamentable examples of the Scripture doe shew in Noah Lot Dauid and Peter and wofull experience among vs in all ages doe testifie But what then Are they therefore giuen ouer of the Lord to lie and abide in them and being washed to wallow againe in the mire And as I deny not but that it may be possible and is too cleere by wofull experience that the best may be snared with the sinnes of others so yet I say that when they fall it appeareth plainelie that it was the subtill malice of the diuell watching his opportunitie so narrowlie that he deceiued them rather then that they were giuen ouer like wicked men to lie therein and to adde sinne to sinne without combat and conflict as though they had made a league with sinne and were without God in the world as the other be And the rather I say this because when they haue been awaked and come to themselues againe they are so strangely amased at their offence and so tremble to thinke what they haue done and can haue no peace within themselues vntill they returne and that after they haue got out they are made more warie and vigilant against the like another time the which of the wicked cannot be said in any of their repentings till God change their hearts in deed although in suddaine and rash feare they may be flighted till it vanish away againe like smoake and so come to nothing Last of all when haue they fallen dangerouslie who had so well begun Hath it been while and when they haue held on in their course of Christian dutie Haue they been violentlie carried from the platforme and direction of a godlie life whether they would or no as not knowing what they did or how they were brought to it Yea rather haue they not at such times giuen themselues the bridle and suffered their mindes to runne too farre after that which they tooke pleasure in and offended by And haue they wisely auoided the occasions of such mischiefe and danger at such times as they vsuallie were wont Neither obiect here that a man cannot be at all times watchfull and the wisest shall or may bee sometimes ouercome I answere were they warie but as they haue been vsuallie in which times they were preserued from such reprochfull falles For if it were so with them they could not thus offend but if they haue been wearie of Gods gouerning of them and haue thought long till they haue gotten more libertie to the flesh and to be at their owne hand with the world and to count stollen waters sweete it is no maruaile though they haue smarted with Dinah for ranging and seeking to haue their will amisse for if his owne children prouoke him he must punish euen their sinnes with the rod and their offences with the scourge till they returne and say wee haue sinned God hath promised to keepe vs in all our waies wherein he appointeth vs to walke and whiles our mindes are leading vs thither we are in no danger and he hath promised vs strength to walke in them But if wee will runne out of our bounds with Shemeia where our owne hearts tell vs that we are in daunger is it any wonder if afterwards it take hold of vs And was it not thus with that deare seruant of God whom the Scripture commendeth by this title that he was a man according to Gods minde that when that one time befell more to his reproch then all other he was found to giue himselfe the bridle of vnlawfull libertie and to shaking off the secret reigne of holie feare more then vsually he did And who denieth but that in such a case if they refuse to stand vpon their watch they may become like other men but yet for all that is there great difference betwixt the one and the other as hath bin said the one offending in that sort seldome neither then long lying therein the other making it his practise to breake out one way or other And therefore we must know that when we haue obtained once to beleeue and thereby to haue our poysoned hearts purged and made cleane as it is the greatest of all other benefits so it is and may bee kept by such meanes as God hath prouided and not lost any more but confirmed and continued in the feare of God But then as we be one with Christ and partakers of him and as branches of a vine which sucke our sappe and draw our spirituall strength and nourishment from him so it is required of vs and we willingly yeeld to it that we hold fast the beginning of our abiding in him that is our faith vnto the end and that we take heed that there be not at any time in vs an euill and corrupt heart which will make vs fall from the liuing God to our owne deceitfull imaginations and desires and so to fall dangerously and to purchase heauines thereby our bellies full And this let euery one endeuour to doe and he shall see himself so strongly fenced that through Gods blessing which faileth not in such a case he shal be free from the diet of the carelesse liuers who are euery while shaken because they who walke vprightly walke safely but he that peruerteth his waies God will finde him out Prouer. 10.9 For whereas many of Gods beloued ones procure sore wounds in their liues and anguish thereby it is but the fruit of their owne labours who will not bee held within holie compasse but pleade for some vnlawfull libertie and count it strictnes more then needeth by harkning too much to the vnruly flesh to tie themselues to any certaine directing of themselues in his seruice when yet his seruice is perfect freedome whose euils I defend not but yet I say as I haue said if they be his they shall rise and repent
preached that Papists and Protestants disagreeing in fundamentall points of religion may yet agree together and be saued and such like Many also waxe secure and slouthfull and that in no common sort and otherwise blemished daungerously more then with common frailties and are not for the most part roused vp but by some of Gods sharpe chastisements as in taking away their deare friends from them afflicting their owne bodies with some sore sicknes diease and feare of death their minds with darknes and ignorance feare of Gods wrath and heauines which they thought sometime should neuer haue taken hold of them The vse of the which being learned by the word they are much checked and humbled to remember their boldnes pride and other faults and somewhat quickened by a liuely hope that God will againe bee intreated also their hearts bee brought to stoope and bow to the will of God more meekly and readily and not so stifly to stand in their owne conceit as before they did After this manner God is forced to call backe many of his but had it not been better for them without these sharpe corrections to haue made it their meate and drinke before to please him in all things But thus their hearts being inlarged and inlightened they see themselues readilie to withstand sundrie temptations which before they did so hardly resist and gainsay that they found it a continuall irkesomnes and toyle to goe about it or that which was worse through hardning of their hearts they would not see them at all which was a sore blemish vnto them Now these and such like will any say outstrayings in them till God by chastisements call them backe againe that they be not the fruites of an ill ordered heart euen as I said before it is the ill gouerning of the heart that causeth such excrements to come from it and such disguising of the person in whom it breaketh out so offensiuely the which therefore had need to bee looked vnto with all holie and religious care which is the point now in hand And although it bee the exceeding fauour of God to correct such faults in his children and to purge them out and amend them by some fatherly afflictions rather then they should remaine to the vtter ruine of the persons yet had it not been much better that they should neuer haue giuen occasion thereof and that they had been carefull to keepe themselues within compasse as some other of their brethren doe Who though they be not no not the best of others exempt from the common frailties of Gods elect yet doe they so labour to espie hinder and hold their corruptions vnder in secret sifting them and suing vnto God with groanes and requests that they breake not foorth openly to the iust offence of others at least rarely so that it may bee seene they keepe their hearts with all obseruation and diligence more then the other doe And yet for all that hath been said I denie not but that the dearest children of God may possiblie nay easilie as we haue seene and are at sometime holden vnder this bondage by Sathans subtiltie some more then others so that for a time they shall be more drowned in the loue of earthly things or be caried away by those which are sinfull then obtaine a delight in heauenly But by the spirituall armour of Christians if they be once well exercised in it they may and doe thus farre preuaile that they recouer themselues againe and get superioritie ouer their hearts and finde and feele that God is chiefe and all in all with them to delight and ioy in him as I doe not see why it should bee otherwise with any such as haue truly tasted how good the Lord is and then they shall cut off numbers of such earthly and noysome pleasures as they were wont to solace themselues with amisse before they considered more aduisedly of it But will any gather that I doe make so light a matter of sinne whiles I thus speake as though I thought it might be shaken off as a burre hanging on our garment which the holie Ghost saith cleaueth fast to vs and is euer about vs For I know sinne is raging and the diuell is strong as a lion in his suggestions and assaults and hardly gainsaid shewing himselfe as an Angell of light and wee seelie to discerne and weake to resist yet this I must say that the mightie Lion of the tribe of Iuda is stronger and Christ giueth wisedome to finde out his subtilties and greater is the spirit of God which is in vs if wee confidently beleeue and trust thereto then the sin which deceiueth and inticeth vs to the same But we haue not this grace ye will say and therefore what is it to vs we haue had it I say againe so many as I speake of and haue been taught and haue a promise to ouercome by faith and therefore we may doe so still and that better and better euery day the more experience wee haue And although I graunt that these things are hard to such as are not throughly seasoned with the knowledge of this doctrine nor instructed oft and made familiarly acquainted with the wil and louing kindnes of God whose case is much to be pitied and their growings cannot be great yet it is most certaine that where these things are often taught and vnderstood it shall goe farre better with them then with others And they shall with ease get victorie ouer their speciall corruptions as slouth distrust and such like where as they who are not acquainted and seasoned with them shall not haue experience of Gods power in helping them to ouercome the same but be seruants vnto them which they might otherwise haue maistered Examples hereof as we haue many so that of Dauid doth declare it when he was constrained to cry out of it saying Against thee O Lord I offended and did this great euill as if he shoull haue said my sinne had neuer broke out openly in the sight of men if I had not let loose my heart first in the sight of God Such gouernment therefore as euery of Gods seruants according to the measure of their knowledge may haue ouer their hearts I wish might be kept and continued which doubtles although it ouercome not all temptations yet should it weaken them very much and diminish their strength so that the cursed fruites of them should not so easily nor so often breake fourth to annoy them The good treasurie of the heart if it were carefully kept would bring foorth better things If ye aske what my meaning is not that onely in the exercises of religion as prayer reading and hearing we should haue helpe and furtherance thereby to worship God feruently which commodity were not small but in our common actions affaires and busines we should reape the benefit thereof For though it be no common thing to be found in the world yet if men had a continuall
that our hearts be first purified through beleeuing that our sinnes are forgiuen vs and wee made partakers of Christ his grace and so our consciences appeased and that they bee continued in the same good order afterwards And they who wil not see and follow after this but thinke to abstaine from sinfull temptations and serue God in an honest and godly life howsoeuer the heart be little looked after shall reape a sleight fruite of their trauaile neither leade the life which is approued of God as hath been said nor finde the comfort which they imagine they shall haue at leastwise which they heare to be graunted by the Lord. But it commeth to passe as it is written that as they serue him so he serueth them for as they serue not God in heart and deed but in word so their peace is not in heart and deed but in word their ioy not in soule but in countenance a false comfort and that appeareth in time of neede as they gaue to him a false worship It is profitable for vs to weigh this for such as crie out of vs as of Precisians for teaching and vrging this doe proue to their cost and shame oftentimes that they had been happy if they could haue receiued this our doctrine howsoeuer they reproch and speake ill of our liuing Who should not haue branded themselues with sinnes that they could neuer after weare out the staine of them any more if they had been as the strictest Precisians before It hath been shewed how the heart being kept pure and cleane the vnruly desires and appetites which arise from thence shall be kept vnder in vs and the power of them shaken and weakened this is thus to be vnderstoode that euen as if our hearts were altogether pure all our thoughts and desires should be altogether holy and none of them vncleane so our hearts being purified and clensed but vnperfectlie and in part our desires therefore cannot be in the perfectest and best Christians altogether good and pleasing to God but vnperfit that is to say many of them euill and many which are holy yet mixed with euill and corruption Whereby it commeth to passe that the holiest seruants of God both carrie about them the noisome remnants of sinne whilest they liue as loathsome ragges for they cleaue fast vnto them and also they complaine and grone vnder them as heauie burthens saying Oh wretched men that we are who shall deliuer vs And againe If thou O Lord shouldest looke streightlie what is done amisse who should be able to abide it This I say is the perfection of the best that they who charge vs to challenge a puritie to our selues may be ashamed But yet least wicked and vngodly men should thinke this a small gift and priuiledge that Gods seruants haue in this that they be in part renued and so be brought to thinke that there is no great difference betwixt the godlie and themselues they are to knowe that to haue our hearts changed but in measure so as it be in truth is a benefit of greater value then the whole world and what meruaile if the ouercomming of malice and reuenge but one affection be of greater value then the winning of a Citie Prouerb 16.32 And whereas they thinke there is no difference betwixt the one and the other they may vnderstand that the meanest person hauing a cleane heart though not perfect is by infinite degrees happier then the most glosing professor which wanteth it the one saued the other damned as we reade of the poore Publicane and the vaine glorious Pharisie CHAP. 13. Of the summe and manner of handling this second part of a godly life and particularlie of the rules to be obserued for the effecting of it namely knowledge and practise ANd thus Christian reader I haue set downe to thee one part of the life which God requireth of thee whosoeuer thou art who lookest for saluation at his hands being a beleeuer in Christs that is that thou shouldest renounce the euill lust which swarme euery where in the world and vngodly life following the same and how this should be done and how farre thou maist attaine hereunto euen so farre as mans frailty will permit and not as the vnbeleeuers only be sure that thou hast this in some measure wrought in thee in truth But in all this thou hast been taught onely to cast off that which is sinfull and naught which to doe is no doubt a great part of godlinesse but there hath been nothing said of the manifold pointes of dutie on the other side and of the goodnesse which is to be found in vs and in the which Gods people must shine as lights vnto the world For this is the glory and beautie of a man as Salomon saith That which is to be desired of a man is his goodnesse Of this life therefore which must be wrought in stead of the former euill conuersation and bringeth foorth fruites of amendment and consisteth in the doing of good workes I am now to intreate and speake And as this is more hard to attaine to then the other as hard as that is so it is farre more pretious and beautifull to bee doing of good then to auoide euill though he is a rare man who is not to be charged that way The which I say first that they may see what a great portion they haue euen in this world whom God hath framed thereunto how contemptible soeuer their estate be to them who know it not neither can iudge of it according to the truth And secondly that they who rest in it and can say they hope yea see no great euill in them may know that if they bee not also giuen vnto good workes the greatest perfection that they can reioyce in is this that they are but halfe christians But the matter is much and large which must needes be handled in the laying forth of this point to shew fully and cleerely for the simple hearted Christian what this part of a godly life is therefore I will make no longer stay in any thing as neere as I can then I must needes First then I will set downe some generall rules to direct thee how to practise all duties commaunded which otherwise might be done to small purpose then I will more particularly shew wherein this part of godlines or of doing good doth consist that is to say in duties of holines to God and in righteous dealing towards men with reasons of both lastly I will answere some obiections brought against the godly life And where I say I will giue thee rules which shall helpe thee to practise the godly life marke them well for because this point is not well learned therefore many which would gladly liue well attaine to it in no good sort to bring it in credit with others but meete with many vnsetlings discouragements and coolings of their zeale yea oft
desire and purpose of heart we doe it Psal 119.10 Act. 11.23 Outward when in our liues wee expresse and declare the same in our walking Act. 9.31 But to begin with the first We must haue our hearts prepared and readie to bee set on worke and imployed in any good seruice to God or our brethren as I shewed at large before in the renouncing of euill and therefore the lesse shall be spoken of it And this well ordering of the heart is a most precious grace of God as without the which no good can be well done But when wee haue such awe ouer our affections as to choose desire and delight in that which we know to be good and as occasion shall be offered yea and to bee vehemently grieued with that which hindreth vs therein the members and powers of our mindes shall be readie to put in vre and practise the same Therefore this inward readines of the minde and feruent desire of the heart we see must be blowne vp in vs and nourished as a sparkle or coale of fire that as it may bee obtained there may bee some abilitie and strength thereunto For the which cause the Lord requireth that wee loue him with all our heart soule and might This strength although where it is not knowne there is felt no want of it yet such as see it requisite in their actions doe soone feele it to be missing and a great piece of the beautie of those workes which are done without it to be wanting As when they are gone about coldly and in deadnes of spirit and so likewise they can best tell how well it beseemeth their actions who haue obtained it of God and testifie it throughout the course of their liues For when men vnderstand that God hath so appointed that they should be zealous in doing their duties as remembring that of him they shall receiue their reward and that his busines ought to be gone about feruently and with conscience though they haue no great example of such practise in the world it will harten them on with courage vnto the same by the helpe of his spirit which leadeth thereto And yet if the zeale of Gods house consumed them as the Prophet saith it did him this were no perfection but that which ought to be laboured for as euery one may attaine it and in the whole course of mens dealings and duties to God some measure of it in so much as where it is not found and inioyed of men they should count it their sinne And here this one thing is to be considered that our affections of choosing and imbracing good things be so ordered that they may be equally more slacke or strong as the goodnesse of the thing shall be greater or lesser as in praying to God rather then giuing their due to men Also that in an equall comparison the duties of holines to God be preferred before duties to men and with more bending our force and strength when we goe about to performe them rather then these And if it be demaunded here how we shall come by such grace as whereby we shall be able to imbrace choose and follow the good which we know I answere that we receiued such grace when we first beleeued in Christ whereby our hearts were purified and clensed from the strength of our old corruption which if we remember doth warrant vs not onely that our Lord Iesus Christ hath taken away the guilt and punishment of our sinne and imparted to vs and giuen freely his obedience but also grace and will to loue pietie and goodnesse and power as to kill sinne so to quicken vs to newnes of life So that if we feele it not vsually and ordinarily we haue lost and forgone it either through our forgetfulnes slouth or careles negligence or if it be through infirmitie weakened in vs wee ought to stirre vp our selues with cheerefull confidence to the recouering of it againe and not to be content to be spoiled of so great a treasure But if this earnest desire after goodnesse and vehement zeale of honoring God by that which we know be quenched whether it be ouerwhelmed with sorrow feare or such like passions or dulled and made blunt in vs through lightnes and in following the desire of our hearts amisse we are in no wise fit to honour God in any seruice Thus much of the first part of practise namely inward I will now goe forward with the second part which is a branch of the second rule and helpeth forward to the leading of a godly life that the beleeuers may by it be able to guide themselues aright and with much ease in respect of those who be not acquainted therewith And this it is that in well doing we stay not in our good desires and in the readines of the heart to doe good but procure accomplish and performe the same duties outwardly that we indeuor at least euen where we cannot performe as occasion shall be offered and that in one commaundement as well as in another so farre as it may be obtained So that in all parts of sanctifie and holines which shall be wrought in and by vs this ought to be as a perpetuall law that all the members of our bodies and our particular actions may all become most fit instruments and helps to shew forth and expresse the same And that is it which the Apostle to the Romans meaneth when he saith Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodies that ye should obey it in the lustes thereof neither giue ye your members as weapons of vnrighteousnesse to sinne but giue your selues vnto God as they which are aliue from the dead and giue your selues as weapons of righteousnesse vnto God By this we see that not only the heart with her members that is the cogitations and desires in those which are iustified by faith must be consecrated to the honour and seruice of God but also the bodie with the parts thereof the eare in hearing the tongue in speaking the eye in seeing c. that so we should be his wholy and in one part of our life as well as another doe that which pleaseth him No man doubteth but that we should doe good works as well as haue our mindes and hearts inwardly purged but that we should be diligently giuen vnto euery good worke and make a trade of godlines to applie and follow it so that while we doe one good dutie we should not neglect another which in good husbandrie about things of this life is much regarded that few will grant or be readie to yeeld thereto yea and that our conuersation should be in heauen that is that our common course of life should be heauenly whilest we liue here vpon earth and that we should not only giue no occasion of offence in any thing but also in all things seeke to approue our selues as the faithfull seruants of God Thus much of the rules
Christ Iesus so loueth vs that he is readie to doe any thing which is expedient for vs because of the great fauour that he beareth vs whereby we are made able also and in whom we can doe all things as shall be expedient for vs. For as nothing can separate it from vs so he thinketh nothing too good or too pretious for vs. So that he into whose heart his loue is shed plentifully is perswaded that as he hath saued him from the greatest daunger of hell so he will much more saue him from the smaller of being ouercome of his corrupt lusts and that he who hath bestowed by free graunt and sure promise the greatest benefit vpon him namely the kingdome of heauen will not denie him the smaller that is grace to liue Christianly here on earth For he that hath giuen vs Christ by whom we haue the former how shall he not with him giue vs other things also And if not as we would yet that is best which he giueth Now for the other part of the obiection that Paul himselfe did not finde grace to ouercome the rebellion of the old man that is his corrupt nature I say it is true that fullie and perfectly he did not to the end that he might alwaies haue a marke of his vnworthines and sin remaining in him and thereby remember that it was of only mercie that he was pardoned and the grace of God that kept him from falling away from him And for both these causes that he might be abased and kept humble vnder so great grace as hee had receiued in regard whereof he had as he confesseth himselfe been exalted and lifted vp aboue measure and last of all that he might from time to time finde sweetnes still in the forgiuenes of his sinnes But although he was not perfect here as an Angell yet was he not caried of his lusts into grosse iniquitie as some dreame because he cried out and complained I am carnall solde vnder sin O wretched man that I am And it was necessary that he should mislike and be grieued with the smallest rebellion or resistance of goodnes and with some vnfitnes to his calling which he felt sometimes and to other good duties but yet Gods grace was sufficient to keepe him that he fell not into that depth that he might haue done But I haue in effect answered this alreadie by another occasion Now to applie this to our selues and not to bee glutted with it as many are I say that wee likewise through the same grace in our measure may looke with good cheere to bee deliuered from the yeelding to our wicked lusts which most dangerously incumber vs as hee was from his wee being resolued that our most louing father for the tender care hee hath ouer vs is alwaies looking downe from heauen and beholding who is vpright hearted towards him how weake soeuer that he may shew himselfe strong towards him and thereby supplie his weaknes And thus the desire to keepe a godly course being soundly planted in vs and the same proceeding from faith also who doubteth but that it may haue strength to doe such outward duties as are required though weakly to endeuour at least which God will accept though wee doe not alway preuaile ouer such strong corruptions as oftentimes for want of such grace doe master vs. But in thus speaking I shew what Gods children may confidently looke for not what euery one obtaineth And except the sinne of incontinencie against the which God hath prouided a lawfull remedie wee haue both promise from God and wee by the power of our faith doe inioy such victorie ouer other sinnes as whereby wee may walke without iust reproofe amongst men and keepe our peace toward him also this being added that when we are craftily deceiued by the vncessant malice of the diuel although not without our owne slouth sleepines and securitie we haue accesse as in time past and recourse to God by the meanes of our aduocate and doe recouer our hope and hold againe Thus I haue shewed how they who haue a will and good desire may look for strength also to performe in some good sort the duties which seeme so difficult and impossible to them so that they neede not be greatly troubled with that obiection howsoeuer there are many and those also fauourers of Christian religion who neuer finde nor feele the same But because many of Gods deare seruants finde it not thus oft times neither are able to say that they feele this but contrarily doe complaine that their life is full of disquietnes for that they cannot ouercome the force of anger impatience raging frowardnes and such like neither liue godly to their contentation although they desire it because I say these may be discouraged by this doctrine I would haue them vnderstand that I haue not in the former answere to the last obiection set downe what euery godly Christian doth or shall feele as I said before but what God of his bountifull liberalitie hath prouided that they may feele and find and how their estate may be bettered and their spirituall libertie enlarged Besides many good people doe not know this in a long time what God hath bequeathed them nay many of them neuer know one of the many sweet liberties and priuiledges of Gods children but only receiue so much light from the father of light and therefore are rightly called the children of light as whereby they see the way to his kingdome and according to the knowledge they haue of his will thereafter they declare and shew it forth in their liues but nothing as they might and as some others doe Now to proceede to the other vertues which further our practise of a godly life such as receiue and desire to attaine to the grace which I haue spoken of that is to be more sound and better setled in an holy course they are and must be glad with all their heart to be diligent and painefull in this worke of the Lord and to abide constant therein that they may by these two vertues adioyned nourish all good desires and holy endeuours after they be once planted in them and hold out the contrarie whilest they be not yet greatly troubled with them and set on worke their knowledge in such practise as it may well be seene whose seruants they are This diligence and constancie in whatsoeuer they be vsed they bring great things to passe whether it be in any trade or in the searching out of things obscure and hard to be found out when only the light of reason is followed and who doubteth then but that in holy duties wherein men are guided by the spirit of God most excellent effects are brought forth of them Neither is any dutie indeed well performed without them for which cause S. Peter speaking of the godly life teacheth that all diligence must be added thereto Giue all
blessing receiued bee made more readily disposed to pray often with thanksgiuing And these are some of the chiefe duties to God and in such manner as is before mentioned they are to bee performed vnto him Now further we are commaunded not onely in his worship but also in our whole life euery where to seeke his glorie for so he hath willed vs that we should frame the whole course thereof holilie throughout the sixe daies that so we may glorifie him therein And who doth not see that this should be so namely that in our life and behauiour we should as well walke worthie the Lord in al things as in the worshipping of him both publikely and priuately as we haue been directed before That so there may be in these two commandements fully laid foorth vnto vs a summe of all outward duties which in the sixe daies we ought to performe vnto him and in the due practise of both we may shew foorth the fruite of that knowledge acknowledgement faith feare and loue of God and all other inward graces which we haue bin taught to honour him with in our hearts by the first commandement Therfore as I said the duties inioyned vs in this third doe most fitly go with those of the two former that not onely in the time of preaching and prayer and such like exercises of religion but also in our common and vsuall speech and actions we declare what a worthie and reuerend estimation wee haue of the Lord as by speaking all good of his name word and workes and in our lawfull callings by ordering and behauing our selues wisely and graciously that al which liue with vs may see that our religion is ioyned with the power of godlines And that this bee done of vs in all estates and conditions of our life both in prosperitie and aduersitie and that as many as wee can preuaile with our owne familie and charge especially wee labour to perswade vnto the same yea and if wee at any time fall by infirmitie yet that wee acknowledge the same as cause requireth and so returne to the Lord againe as Iosua exhorted Achan to doe To be short Whether we eate or drinke or whatsoeuer we doe els all is to be done to the glorie of his name And in mentioning the commonest of our actions as our eating and drinking he excepteth none to the end that wee may carie our selues in a staied and well ordred course continually whilest wee shew that in the smallest matters and in our actions which seeme least weightie we be afraid to offend as in our common talke that it be sauourie and for edifying And seeing we vse the name of God very oft both in our common speech and particularly in an oth his mercie iustice wisedome and power are to moue our hearts as oft as we haue cause to speak of him with all high reuerence to vse the same But more especially when iust occasion of swearing by him is offered wee should diligently consider the person of the Lord how he is a reuenger of all such as take his holy name in vaine and the matter it selfe about which wee sweare that wee doe it in truth in righteousnes and iudgement In truth so that whatsoeuer be affirmed or denied may truly and for certaintie be affirmed or denied and whatsoeuer be vowed or promised be promised and vowed without fraud and simplie In righteousnesse that there bee a iust cause of our swearing and that which is agreeable to the will of God In iudgement that it bee done aduisedly not lightly or rashly but that we may take comfort in performing that great dutie aright namely that wee haue made knowne the truth which being made knowne by vs hath cut off some great doubt and controuersie And so should wee in the beholding of the workes of God as the firmament with the Sunne Moone and Starres the earth with her furniture as the corne grasse trees and her large prospect take sweete feeling of Gods Maiestie and beautie which shineth in them reioycing with reuerence that he hath giuen vs this cleere glasse to behold his face in although this wee must know that in all these inferiour creatures and workes of his wee see not any part of his throne but onely some part of his footstoole which should moue vs therefore in all our actions to beware of hypocrisie Seeing therefore we haue daily vse of these I thought good to make mention of them yet in as few words as I could so large matters how wee ought to vse them let the residue bee learned by ordinarie hearing those who being furnished with gifts fit for this purpose are appointed of God to make his people sound and skilfull in them that they may shew to the world that the honouring of God as it is set foorth in his word is another manner of life then the world is acquainted with and so bringeth another manner of honour to him and comfort to men then the imbracers and louers of the world can be partakers of Thus I haue spoken of the behauiour which inwardly and outwardly both in Gods holie worship and in our whole conuersation towards God directlie we are to shew in the whole sixe daies throughout our life That which followeth next is that part of holines obedience which is to be giuen to the Lord one day in seauen Nothing differing from all the three former sauing that all our owne workes though lawfull on other daies are on this day as much as is possible to be laid aside that is except in case of necessitie and the whole day to be bestowed in his worship and seruice and in things directly tending to the same So that by vertue of this part of Gods honour we are not restrained from our sinne onely which we are forbidden euery day but from common labour also which is an hinderance from the consecrating of the whole day vnto God And therefore lawfull workes being forbidden we may assure our selues that much more he condemneth the intermixting of vaine and foolish Enterludes and Playes with such like misspending of the time and the filling of mens mouthes as well as their heads with worldly cares and dealings to too common on that day although not tolerable on other But because the Lord knoweth how prone and readie we are to wearines of well doing therefore he hath not onely appointed some part of this day to be passed in publike and other some in priuate exercises of godlines but also he hath giuen vs great varietie of both sorts that so the whole time may be bestowed without tediousnes and toyle euen from our preparing our selues to the sanctifying of it at our vprising vnto the last duties at our lying downe which mercifull and wise regarde of his ouer vs if it cannot mooue vs to giue our selues to practise this part of holines whatsoeuer our excuses be we plainely shew that our mindes are earthly
is a greater honour that he hath of a rude vnbridled and vncleane diuell made a well ordered sober and meeke Christian yea a sanctified person as the Scripture calleth him for by his holy spirit through the worke of the Gospell he hath made of an extortioner and oppressor a liberall and bountifull giuer as Zaccheus of an adulteresse a penitent woman reclaimed from the course of vncleane life as the woman in Luk. 7.47 and of a persecutor a preacher yea himselfe a persecuted man euen Paul the Apostle And how doth such a change thinke we when it is seene of men and the reporte of it heard among such as knew them before cause them to say The Lord hath done great things And such grace doth God giue to them I meane that feare him that he causeth by their light which shineth among men euen their very enemie to be at one with them yea to speake well of them and to glorifie their father which is in heauen And yet their beautie is to speake as the truth is chiefly within and not seene with eye As all was not heard of Salomon a farre off which was to be seene at home and yet not all seene that might be knowne to be in him The faithfulnes innocencie and rare continence of Ioseph with other graces which were in him when they brought him into such fauour credit and admiration amongst men how thinke we was God honoured who was the giuer of them Thus doth God honour them that honour him that he may be all in all and by them shewed to be most honourable And to speake of our owne time wherein we liue notwithstanding it affoord not so many examples of so excellent gifts and graces of holy life though in learning and knowledge few haue gone beyond it as so long libertie vnder the Gospell might iustly challeng which sinne I pray God be not laide to our charge but speedily repented of so yet we will not be ashamed to affirme to the great praise of God that both many gratious and godly people since the raigne of our most noble Prince haue been alreadie gathered to their fathers who in the dayes of their flesh did honour God highly and many remaine God be blessed amongst vs who haue and doe and to their end shall we doubt not to the great comfort of many weake ones commend the power of the Gospell preached amongst vs and cause that vnfained thankes be giuen to God by many for them And that both of the ministerie though nothing be more ridiculous to the Papists our aduersaries the Lord hath raised vp many who both preach sincerely and diligently and walke warily and worthie the Lord Col. 1.10 and vnoffensiuely seeking to please him in all things and of the people he hath drawne not a fewe who doe beautifie their profession and carrie themselues vnrebukeable among them who can iudge aright and are free from reprochfull and daungerous euils In such as I haue said is the Lord made admirable As it is written In Sion his Church shall God be praised and why because for them he hath done great things The Lord maketh the weake strong the ignorant prudent and such as sate in darkenes to see great light holy and glorious is his name Yea further the Lord teacheth his beloued ones in their prosperitie to count themselues but strangers in this world he causeth the things of greatest price to be little set by of them in comparison of his treasures which are not seene This honour haue many of his Saints The Lord giueth strength in tribulation aboue hope and maketh anguish and sorrow to become comforts false accusations and contumelious reports to be crownes to their heads and chaines of golde to their neckes which beare them And to be short he teacheth his to sucke sweetenes out of sowernes and to make good vse of all estates and they are able to doe all things through him that maketh them able yea persecution it selfe he maketh tolerable and ioyfull and when our weakenes can see so farre the greatest aduancement If these gifts of God with other such doe not greatly honour the Lord in the congregation of the righteous and if they which inioy them being gratious and of high estimation doe not most highly commend the giuer which is God where will men say that God is honored at all And so doth the Apostle require that it should be with Gods people Haue your conuersation honest among the Gentiles that they which speake euill of you as of euill doers may glorifie your father which is in heauen And yet I haue said nothing of their peace of conscience which Salomon saith is as continuall banquetting to them Saint Paul saith it passeth all vnderstanding euen in this one thing which the vngodly because they haue not they therefore know not for the stranger is not partaker of the childrens ioy know not I meane as it is felt and knowne of them which haue it In this one thing I say doth God get himselfe great glorie For they beleeuing in their hearts they cannot choose but vtter with their mouthes their deliuerances and the wonderfull things that he hath done for them And though they be for the most part contemptible in the world yet is the meanest of them more happie then the greatest of the world And if these things be well weighed which haue been said of this matter it shall not be marueiled at that the Prophet thus speaketh in the Psalme Glorious things are spoken of thee O thou citie of God! Yea glorious indeede as we here inioy them though we haue but a small part of our glorie in this life and so glorious that if they could be seene with eye they would so inflame men with the beautie of them that they would force them to set all their loue vpon them And thus by the graces which are in the life of Gods seruants and which are not to be found in other men it may be seene how God is honoured of them the contrarie whereof is done most apparently by the vngodly as much as lyeth in them Therefore to conclude this first reason except we can like to see Gods name ill spoken of his Gospell lightly accounted of and his person dishonoured and that by our selues the recompence whereof cannot be borne nor abidden of vs let vs not onely come out from the vncleane conuersation of the vnbeleeuers but let vs so lay hold on eternall life that we presse hard vnto the marke for the price that is set before vs and let the words of the wise be as goades to pricke vs forward out of our slouthfulnes and as nailes to fasten vs ioyntly and closely to Christ our head without hypocrisie that we faint not neither fall away but grow vp vnto the perfect age of Christians that so we may giue good testimonie that God is truely honored of vs
bee taken vp in fearing and auoyding sinne and in labouring still to bee better this strict chaining of them is a taking away of their whole comfort for it is death to them to goe about to bridle their thoughts and vnruly desires so that ye may perswade them to any thing saue that which should be in them and therefore is there so small shewing forth of the light of the Gospell in mens liues Yet doe I nothing doubt but where men of God doe faithfully in the pitie they haue of their brethrens miseries shew them the way to this by doctrine and liuing that some shall growe by little and little to a liking of it But oh happie they who haue chosen this way of Gods testimonies to walke in for their soules shall be bound vp in the bundle of life and they shall flourish as the plants and growe as the Lily and fasten their rootes as the trees of Lebanon Their branches shall spread and their beautie shall be as the Oliue tree and their smell as Lebanon And thus much of the second reason And what shall we say further for no exercise of religion nor godly meanes of the best sort can doe them any good who will not resolue themselues to come to this faithfull practise of true religion and obedience to God his commaundements nothing shall be found more true then this if we will suffer it to come vnder triall For to begin with the Scripture What did all the priuiledges of the stifnecked Iewes profit them the law circumcision the couenant and sacrifices There were no greater prerogatiues to any people or nation vnder the sunne And they also did in the outward practise of religion ioyne with the best of their brethren both in keeping the appointed dayes and places in the worshipping of God and also in being readie to offer their extraordinarie seruices to him and that voluntarily yet what saith the Scripture from their first comming out of Egypt both in the wildernes and afterward In many of them God had no delight but slew them Many thousands of them at sundrie times perished for their false heartednes that when they had bin deliuered out of their daungers they did not cleaue fast vnto the Lord as in their afflictions and anguishes they promised to doe but started aside like a broken bowe And therefore how doth the Lord take vp this complaint against them Oh that there were an heart in them that they would feare me and keepe all my commaundements alwaies And in the Psalme When he slew them they sought him yea they turned and sought God earely they remembred that God was their strength and the most high God their redeemer but they flattered him with their mouth and dissembled with their tongue for their heart was not vpright with him neither were they faithfull with him in his couenant And after that he saith of other generations Oh Ephraim how shall I entreate thee Oh Iudah what shall I doe vnto thee which I haue not done And againe Oh that my people had hearkened vnto me and that Israel had walked in my waies I would soone haue humbled their enemies and turned my hand against their aduersaries Thus we see because they did not seeke him daily in the vprightnes of their hearts all the helpes of religion did them no good brought them no wisedome experience nor comfort all which on the contrarie Gods faithful seruants inioy For Dauid the man of God vttereth this sweete speech and the like through the booke of Psalmes Thou hast made me O Lord more wise then my teachers then mine elders and men of experience because I haue kept thy commaundements before I knew thee I went astray but since I haue brought my feete into the way of thy testimonies The religious women of whom we reade in the Gospell after that they sawe the power of the Scriptures and had their hearts humbled and meekned by the wisdome of them how did they growe in holy affections Christian duties painefully labouring to attaine more knowledge by hearing Iesus his sermons from day to day For when the word is receiued into a good and honest heart both it and all other holy exercises with it become profitable to singular vses But where men propound not this with themselues to be cast into the mould of holy doctrine and to be fashioned after it in their liues it is farre otherwise For to say nothing of them who from the beginning of the weeke to the latter end aske not after God so little sauour they finde in the Scriptures or sweetenes in him yet this is worthie our consideration that there are thousands which come to Church and heare prayers and sermons who for all this are neuer the better to themselues and the most of them doe more hurt to others by their offensiue life nothing fashioning themselues after the doctrine of faith and amendment Of whose lamentable condition what other cause can be shewed but this that their hearts are hardened with the deceitfulnes of sinne so that they walke afterwards in their olde wayes still and that they see no such beautie in the truth which shineth amongst them that they will be subiect to it though Christ raigneth onely by the power thereof in the hearts of his Iohn 18.37 For seeing they haue not beleeued and reuerenced that which they saw and knew the Lord hath kept backe his grace from them which he did not owe them and so giuen them into Sathans hands to make them bondmen in euill at his pleasure The which people being not renued and changed in their mindes and so brought to a louing and delighting in good things their lippe-labour in their seruing of God and time which they giue to it commeth to nothing neither commendeth them any whit to him neither leaueth any fruite thereof to themselues And yet we must know that there are others of the same companie at the same time and vsing the same meanes with much blessing of God vpon their liues who also declare as I haue said that they haue effectually receiued into their hearts the heauenly doctrine which hath sounded amongst them for why they haue set themselues to seeke the Lord. By whose gaine in godlines the greater it is as there is no comparison betwixt all the pleasures of the world and it so much we may see the other to haue lost And is it not lamentable to see that any should take such a course that they should bestow all their prayers confession of sinnes and hearing of sermons in vaine I might more rightly say to their iust condemnation in the day of the Lord Men will not be made fooles in any thing sauing in this though foolishnes in all other things is not to be compared with this What man is there to be found who being deepely in debt and greatly behinde hand when he hath sowen his field will be contented
delight not in the matters which were wont to be of greatest account and reckoning with them With what ioy may it be thought did Dauid performe the duties of religion after his hainous sinne in the matter of Bethshabe and Vriah when it is cleere that he slept in it as it were all the time before Nathan the Prophet was sent to awake him and bring him to repentance Or what comfort is it to be thought had Ionas in thinking of his happines or vpon any part of the true worship of God which yet had vsually been his whole delight after he fled away from the presence of the Lord who labouring to forget his sinne as may be gathered by his hastie paying the hire of the Ship-master before hand that he might be sure to be caried away frō the fulfilling of the Lords commaundement such a palpable blockishnes was cast vpon him that hee laid himselfe downe to sleepe in most great daunger in which the Heathen marriners fell to prayer and came to him to awake him and after being vrged to examine himselfe by them did not very hastily come to the confessing of it To omit others the daily experience that Gods children haue of their many complainings vnquietnesses discomforts such like tediousnes which neede not to presse them but for the conscience and remembrance of some treacherie against God and too vnkind and vndutifull dealing with him do sufficiently prooue that God taketh away euen the heart and life as I may say of prayer knowledge and other meanes of religion and leaueth his children without comfort in the vse of them when they waxe wanton against his maiestie and keep not holie compasse as they haue experience that both they may and haue done and as he in his word hath taught them to doe By all which it may appeare that much more they who worship him with vncleane hearts neuer washed nor purged cannot receiue into them the sweet and holesome liquour of his grace by what outward exercise soeuer they present themselues before him Thus much of the reasons why the beleeuer should labour with all diligence to practise this godly life CHAP. 19. Of answers to certaine obiections brought against the necessitie of practising this godly life ANd now that I haue added these reasons to the description of the Christian which beleeueth in God I would cease to say any more of this matter if I did think that men who haue receiued the Gospell among them were perswaded and resolued to yeeld to this doctrine and to cast away all clogges and cloakes of shame feare and other lets and heartily goe about to practise the same willingly when they haue heard it But I know there are few such For they who doe thus doe not onely themselues walke after the rule which I haue set downe aiming thereat as at a marke but also desire that many other were as they be But the multitude of such as haue either no faith nor grace but onely heare our doctrine who yet professe that they looke for saluation by Christ doe thinke that this which I haue drawne out of Gods word and set down for their edifying is more then they neede to looke after or trouble themselues with which kinde of persons seeing they swarme euery where I doe oft say and professe that I oppose my selfe throughout this my booke against that their damnable opinion and practise and doe bend the force of Scripture and sound reason against them For while these thoughts preuaile with them and possesse them they do but reason against their owne benefit comfort and happines yea and euen many of those who haue further tasted of the Gospell of whom it becommeth vs to hope well yet are for the most part ignorant of the course which I haue described and content themselues with this that they haue some good affections at some times and flitting desires to liue honestly And therefore I would meete with some of the obiections which they alleage why they should be no further dealt withall but suffered to goe on as they doe in a fruitles dead and dull manner Some of these say they hope their desire is to please God although they cannot doe it as some doe and namely such as endeuour to follow this doctrine which in this booke I propound For my part I doe not marueile that they should as it were shrinke and hold backe from such a course though they would seeme religious as hauing not yet seene how great incouragement God hath giuen them to walk in it neither what great cause they haue to lay hold of such incouragements hauing many things to hinder them These persons therefore so many of them as will be teachable and not resist the truth wilfully I will answere and giue them some worthie examples of such as haue gone before them herein that they may not thinke they are pressed too farre and to do more then they need if possibly they may see their error and so finde greater libertie and delight in well doing The which being done they shall see what difference is betwixt the estate they are in and that which they are stirred vp and called vnto And that which hath perswaded and moued me to this is as I partly said in the first entrance for that I see many of good hope and some not without a right and true beginning in this holie course to bee kept at a stay or driuen backe and seeme not to know what the Christian life is nor in many yeeres to come thus farre as to be perswaded how pleasant and profitable it is and by how many degrees to bee preferred without all comparison before any other course For many of the forwarder sort though they would not willingly forsake it yet complaine that they find much tedious heauines strong discouragements and many relapses which breed doubtfulnes and feare Some which are weaker are vnder deadly dumpes strange questionings whether they shall goe forward or no and such small comfort they finde in their profession that they declare plainly that they are farre from the staiednes which I speake of and this not at the first onely but many yeeres after they haue liked well of the Gospell Diuers others account the Christian life mopish solitarie and such an estate the which they hold great wisedome to auoyde that I say nothing of the Atheists whom I vouchsafe no answere Now therefore except these can be otherwise perswaded that the godly life is neither irkesome in it selfe nor full of deadly discouragements except to the flesh whereto they are not debters neither without great comfort yea euen in tribulation through hope which deceiueth not but such an estate as hath caused many for the delight they haue found in it to refuse all other which could not stand with it except I say they can be thus perswaded what likelyhoode is there that they shall euer be brought to be
receiued I lay it vp and hide it in my heart as treasure and so farre as I doe not vnderstand it I desire to be further taught of thee I vse to speake of thy wonderous workes and of thy wisedome I take more pleasure in thy testimonies then in all manner of riches and I daily meditate and muse thereon By these with many other such properties of a godly man mentioned in the same Psalme we may conclude without doubting that a minde thus exercised was not voyde of a life full of answerable fruites And three times a day he did vse to refort to God ordinarily in prayer and thanksgiuing after a solemne manner besides other occasions oft moouing him that saue onely in that one matter of Vriah the Hittite we seldome reade of a man more taken vp of an heauenly heart then he was I make mention of these holy seruants of God the more particularly setting downe their course of liuing their properties and their whole estate rather then some of their actions and holy works to this end That they who loue to haue short worke made of this matter and content themselues with this as a sufficient warrant of godlines if they can reckon vp some commendable workes in their liues whereas the baddest haue somewhat in them that is commendable may not iudge so of a godly life deceiuing themselues but may make it their whole conuersation to be godly not fauouring themselues in any knowne sinnes or actions doubted of to be sinnes but sifting themselues daily to search and finde them out neither withholding themselues from new duties which they haue not been wont to practise but teachable and readie to heare whatsoeuer the Lord hath to require of them And my meaning is that after we haue made an entrance into a godly life we should not hold on by fittes now and then as I said and be off and on as many are but constantly goe forward as our yeeres growe vpon vs and carefully to indeuour that in one thing as well as in an other we may please God in reuerence and in feare Neither is it my purpose in all this to perswade that beleeuers must haue some godlines for that must be attained to alreadie of all such as I direct my speech to neither that they should rest in that which they haue but looke vpon such to follow them who in the Scriptures are set before them as the forwardest Christians and holiest examples So that they acquainting themselues still with their owne wants weaknesses and corruptions which they beare about them may daily gather strength against them and prosper as the Lords plants in euery part of their life to become fruitfull So shall they know by experience what this meaneth which I speake of namely to walke with God continually and after a certaine manner although wandering on the earth wrapped in with infirmities to haue their conuersation in heauen with him And so shall they more cleerely and fully behold the benefit of Christs death that it was not onely to saue them from eternall death and to bring them to euerlasting life but also to worke the death of sinne our most deadly enemie and to mortifie it and to purchase for them a comfortable passage thither also through the inioying of many goodly blessings in this life as pledges of the same though it be otherwise but a vale of miserie to all such as finde not this for their portion For this is to be knowne that as euery one excelleth another in the graces of the spirit thereafter is his measure greater in the priuiledges of a Christian more then others and with more sound and continuall comfort doth he passe his daies and free his life from reprochfull and fearefull euils And the more that any godly man increaseth in goodnes and goeth beyond that estate wherein he hath sometime been in knowledge and in an high esteeming of it and the right vse of the same the more shall his life be filled with matter of sound and pure reioycing Therefore to conclude this matter seeing the godly and Christian course of liuing is not a seruing of God when we thinke good but from time to time nor a looking to some of our actions when others are not regarded nor an estate vnpleasant to the spirituall man whom the holy Ghost directeth but easie sweete and comfortable seeing also we haue heard by many examples of godly men otherwise not without their infirmities any more then we that this life hath been practised in al ages I conclude that the elect and beloued of the Lord shall yeeld to the imbracing of it and must take vp the same though it be a yoke to the corrupt lusts not yet subdued and that such as see not cause to submit themselues to Gods commandements one as well as another but will take their libertie in some euill after the desire of their hearts cannot glorie with any sound peace of a godly life And consequently that the life of the common Protestant which counteth it precisenes to be abridged of any libertie that he hath been wont to vse or yet liketh to inioy how vnlawful or offensiue soeuer it be is nothing lesse then a godly and Christian life for such a one will come to the light that whatsoeuer is not as it ought to be may be made knowne and so remoued But he that will not be touched nor suffer his actions to be censured nor reprooued though he be farre from this practise but pleaseth himselfe in the things which he doth is without all question fraught and filled with infinit euils and a bondman to his own lusts whatsoeuer opinion he hath of himselfe and let such a one know that his damnation sleepeth not But many of these with whō I haue to deale such as goe for good Christians and who in sundrie of their doings are of vs well to be liked though God iudgeth the heart many such I say doe keepe at a stay or content themselues with this that they doe no great euill although they doe little good because they see few liue better by whom they might take any great light to amend To speake plainly they thinke there are none in these daies who doe follow the steps of the holy fathers whose liues I commend which kind of persons may be easily conuinced and I will say no more then I needes must The truth is that the generall state of those men who imbrace the Gospell is much to be bewailed For although they are infinitly the worse by reason of the swarmes of Atheists Papists Familists and others both Heretikes and Machiuilians which with their stinking breath doe poyson many thousand inhabitants which dwell in the land amongst them yet besides this the abomination is great without respect of them through ignorance little reuerence to the word custome in euill and sleight executing of sundrie good lawes among vs but this ought
helpes to set downe that they which vse them conscionably may not thinke that they doe any more then they ought and haue neede of they who vse them but slackly and coldly may bestowe greater diligence therein and that amongst all sorts they may bee had in better regarde if they desire to see good dayes here vpon earth CHAP. 5. Of the first priuate helpe which is watchfulnes ANd to begin with them according to the diuision made of them in the entrance into this treatise the first priuate help is Watchfulnes worthily set in the first place seeing it is as an eye to all the rest to see them well and rightly vsed And it is a carefull obseruing of our hearts and diligent looking to our waies that they may bee pleasing and acceptable vnto God And first that it is an obseruing of the heart Salomon prooueth saying Aboue all obseruations obserue thine heart for from thence commeth life And that it maketh a man to looke diligently to his waies who so is watchfull indeede let the words of the prophet testifie I thought I will take heede to my wayes that I sinne not with my toung I will keepe my mouth as with a bridle And that by both these God is pleased it appeareth by the contrarie For so it is said Hebr. 10.38 He that withdraweth himselfe from liuing by faith which cannot be without watching my soule saith God shall haue no pleasure in him euen as he delighteth in the contrarie This is in sundrie places of the Scripture commended vnto vs that we should haue a great care how we liue and watch ouer all our waies Saint Peter saith 1. Pet. 5.7 be sober and watch as though he should say notwithstanding we haue sobrietie that is a well ordering of our affections which is a most fit vertue to keepe the life in frame yet without watchfulnes it will be lost and depart from vs. So our Sauiour ioyneth it with prayer where hee saith Watch and pray least ye fall into temptation As giuing vs to learne thereby that the force of the one is much weakned and abated without the other and that men shall make but cold prayers if they watch not their liues yea and for oportunitie to pray also And both render their reason why watching ouer our selues carefully should be a companion to vs seeing without it we are by and by plunged into many noysome temptations by Sathan our owne sinful hearts Besides the necessitie of this one helpe may easily be seene in our owne experience by the contrarie sinne carelesnes and securitie For what doth more easily grieue the holy spirit of God and quench it in vs then that whatsoeuer chaseth away godlines or what doth so set open the dore to all confusion And further because of the vrgent necessitie of it Saint Paul warnes Timothie to watch in all things not in some one or few but in all and therefore at all times in all places with all persons and by all occasions It caused that holy man of God King Dauid to couenant and professe this that seeing he saw he could not discharge dutie to God without an especiall regard and taking heede to his life by reason of Sathans vigilancie I will watch or doe wisely saith he till thou come vnto me I will walke in the vprightnes of my heart in the middest of my house And that I may not be thought to speake absurdly because I speake otherwise then most mens practise doth approoue view other Scriptures and thou shalt see this truth more cleerely For I must make this foundation strong seeing there is a great weight to be set vpon it In the third to the Hebrewes Take heede that there be not at any time in any of you an euill heart this that he saith at any time what can it meane lesse then that from time to time the heart and the manifold affections and desires thereof should be looked vnto and taken heede of least thereby the Lord should be offended c. This taking heede therefore to thy selfe and to thy heart especially because from thence the words and actions doe come must be thy companion from time to time and thou must set this watch before the doore of thy lips and thou must be well acquainted with looking diligently to thy waies that it may goe well with thee and that thou maiest prosper But if thou beest a stranger vnto it and it vnto thee looke to fall often I meane to fall daungerously for otherwise he that watcheth most warily cannot be free from offending looke to finde many woundes in thy soule and to want many comforts in thy life And this I may boldly say is the cause why many and those not euil men doe make many iarres in their liues and breake often into vnseemely actions and doe many things against their holy profession which they by and by couer with the gentle name of infirmities when indeede they doe rather wilfully fulfill the desires of their hearts and rashly and intemperately giue themselues the bridle refusing vtterly in those cases this holy watchfulnes yea and sticke not to count it bondage and a depriuing Christians of their libertie and too streight an holding of them in whereas who seeth not that watching is that to the life which the eye-lid is to the eye and that which the eye it selfe is to the whole body and as it doth easily fall into many annoyances except it be carefully and wisely guided from wind and weather so it fareth with thy soule and life when thou doest not take heede to them as Gods word and good instruction teacheth thee for a due looking to thy waies is the safety to thy life And because this is seldome welcome to men and little in vse therefore is a wel ordered and setled course which should be diligently kept of them a meere stranger to thē But contrariwise because they are secure for the most part therefore they haue at least both their hearts out of frame and their liues voyde of good order For what other thing is to bee said when those which goe for religious shall be so hot hastie and furious that they are not fit to be liued with as Nabal Others so vntrustie and so hollow that they cannot be dealt with as Gehazi Alas I am weary of so often reprehending and complaining of the vnreformed qualities and actions of the most part of them who goe for Christians and many of them it may be thought are so indeede and yet vntill they will take knowledge of this want of watchfulnes and learne to bee acquainted with it they shall neuer be at better stay but out and in off and on neuer setled But they must goe about it to purpose and set their minde and delight vpon it if they desire to be the better by it They must be content in this behalfe to be dealt with as children whom we will
and the manifold and great priuiledges which wee inioy daily through the inestimable kindnes of God toward vs but specially of those things which we haue most speciall neede of These and such like are the matter of our meditation and as oft as we goe aside to thinke with purpose and desire of heart vpon these things or any of them for the better calling of our mindes out of the world then we are said to meditate so when in or about any of these we sigh moane complaine to God or reioyce and are quickened in our hearts by such occasions euen that also is meditation and most commonly ioyned with prayer Of which two holie exercises the booke of the Psalmes is full namely that 119. Psalme where the man of God setteth downe his meditations which he had in euerie state of his as either lamentation complaints or supplications in his affliction or ioy and thankes for deliuerances and prosperitie By this vnderstand what manner of exercise meditation is Euen such an exercise it is which is required of thee from time to time as may be conuenient through thy life that by recording holie and diuine things especially those which may make thee sound in the matter of thy saluation a little time when thou maist best may bee bestowed of thee to drie vp thy fleshly and bad humours of earthly mindednes and worldlines c. or to quicken thy dull heart least after thy sleepe in sinne the diuell maketh thee forget thy former well ordrednes And because I am too sure that few are acquainted with it though it bee an helpe most profitable to godlines I will somewhat more at large speake of it that the practise of it may be more common and that they which vse it with the other helps may much more cheerefully go through their course How necessarie this heauenly exercise and recourse to God is may easily be conceiued for that the hearts euen of good Christians are so seasoned with vnsauourie thoughts desires and delights of follie vanitie and much other naughtines seeing the best are chaunged and reformed but in part that they thinke it vtterly impossible to bring them to any better point and therefore many by this errour doe not greatly goe about it yet if such noisome poysons be suffered to lurke and remaine in them we know they doe not onely as sowre weedes choake the plants of grace in them but also grow vp and bring forth most noisome and dangerous fruits as by wofull experience men feele and trie And for the weeding these out of the ground of their hearts there is no meanes so auaileable as this considering oft and deepe meditating on them namely what swarmes of wicked cogitations and lusts do lodge in the heart and to finde them out also to bring them into a vile account to be wearie and ashamed of them and so to entertaine better in their roome I say there is no helpe more auaileable to hunt and purge them out because although by the word we know them by conference we doe reuiue the remembrance of them and by reading we doe both yet all these runne out of our riuen heads and abide meanly with vs to suppresse our corruptions and to tame our harts vntill wee bring our selues to often and much musing and debating of the good things which we heare and reade of that so we may digest them and of the euils which wee heare that we may abandon them euen as worldlie men ponder deeply their affaires which are weightie Now when we see so farre into the danger of them and be wearied with the noisomnes of them that we will tie our selues oft to gage these hearts of ours to sift our thoughts to accuse and condemne them as we find cause by the filthines and shame of them and herein will deale truly as we loue our soules then doe wee begin to breake the knot of such cursed swarmes and to chase away the lurking litter of prophane thoughts and desires out of our hearts then we waxe more watchful against them after and make more conscience of them adioyning thereto inward and earnest requests to God for assistance and blessing Then also we shall furnish our hearts more gratiously with heauenly cogitations and holy desires all which make greatly for the well passing of our daies Therfore no man that will weigh how great things are wrought in our hearts by holie meditating vpon our estate and vpon Gods bountifulnes towards vs namely euen a framing of vs after the image of God shall neede to doubt how necessarie it is And so much the more wee are to thinke it because it is well knowne by Scripture and tried by experience that our hearts are deceitfull aboue measure and thereby we beare our selues in hand that if wee doe once obtaine thus much of them that wee can commend that which is good and speake against euill we are readie to thinke our estate to be right marueilous good when yet in the meane while if wee doe not finde our hearts in our secret meditations and when wee search our thoughts alone by our selues how they stand affected that we can feele vnfained hatred of euill to be in them and loue to goodnes wee doe but deceiue our selues And in euery little triall we shall finde it otherwise then wee would thinke I meane that sinne sitteth neerer and is faster glued to vs then wee did imagine For as he which goeth to warre is first trained and made fit to vse his weapon at home and the scholler trieth masteries priuately before he come forth to dispute openly So a good Christian will trie what he can doe against his affections and sinne alone by himselfe in his solitarie meditation and resolue against the same accordingly as he seeth the difficultie thereof to require before he can in his common dealings with all sortes and companies be strong from temptations and falles and free from offence giuing in his words and deedes And therefore on the contrarie this is the cause why so many bewray themselues to be hypocrites before men for that they haue no triall of the truth and simplicitie of their hearts alone by themselues in iudging and proouing the vprightnes of them before God and therefore haue not sought strength of him against their infirmities Oh how doth this communing with the Lord in secret and debating with our selues about our mortalitie and corruption and of his fauour in vanquishing them how I say doth this as oyntment mollifie our hard hearts and make them to relent and doth relieue them pleasantly with the sweetnes of it How doth this estraunging of our selues from worldly impediments drawe vs into neare and heauenly communion with our God How doth it make vs acquainted with the manifold rebellions of our nature with our blindnes securitie earthlines and infinit other loathsome filthinesses which neither wee our selues will take knowledge of while we carry our selues in many
the mind I say with so deepe griefe through some great discommoditie sustained that in long space it is not quiet and at libertie to serue God any way againe And seeing God requireth to be honoured of vs in al things euen in these earthly as well as spirituall therefore we must not think it pleaseth him whē any man shall through zeale without knowledge doe that at one time which shall quench zeale for want of wise heed taking for many times after but if any man will hereby let loose y e bridle any thing the more to worldlines let him know that he hath frō hence no such liberty Now to returne if any through necessarie lets shall be constrained to let passe this dutie of meditation hereby let it appeare to haue been necessarie and without his fault if hee supplie this dutie after his necessarie labour ended and take heede that in no wise it be omitted altogether vnlesse hee can be assured with peace that God in the omitting of it hath been remembred some other way And so I say of the hindrance which commeth by want of conuenient place that must be done which may most conueniently seeing there is nothing gained by neglecting that dutie in the doing whereof standeth our peace and welfare And thus much of the lets which hinder altogether from meditating about our estate that wee may be the fitter thereby vnto prayer and good life The other le ts are such as hinder vs from the good and profitable vse of it when we breake through the three former and these may rightly be called abuses of it and are two which in few words I set downe thus The first is a commonnes or customarines in it when we through perswasion that it must be continued doe it houerly and sleightly and so make a ceremonie of it not so much looking how our hearts are well affected in and by it as that we may not bee iustly charged for omitting it Which sinne is easily and soone committed in priuate prayer also and such like good exercises when our mindes are not holden with a taking delight in them and hereof it is that all the seruing and worshipping of God is with the most but onely for fashion of all which it is said by God in the Prophet In vaine doe they worship me The second is when although wee bee desirous to vse it and that for our helpe and edifying yet our heads are so full of trifling and wandring phantasies or worldly matters that wee cannot minde those heauenly things which are so contrarie to them And from hence ariseth a wearines of it an hastning to more libertie that our hearts may raunge where they list which is that which they most of all desire And although through the very corruption of nature the best of Gods children doe complaine that they doe not the good they would and therefore not this good sometimes notwithstanding they mislike that it should bee so and resist it yet the especiall cause of this vnsauourie wearisome and vntoward taking in hand or setting vpon so holy and heauenly a part of Gods worship is another besides this that is to say the letting loose of our hearts all the day as I haue had occasion to say in another place disordredly without watching ouer them and calling them backe from such endlesse rouings that they may not forget God but bee held within holie compasse wheresoeuer we become or whatsoeuer we goe about for there must not be in vs at any time an euill heart Euen this I say is the cause why we cannot haue our hearts at commandement in meditation and prayer to attend vpon God reuerently when we would For when wee haue at our pleasure giuen them scope through the day to fasten their liking where they haue desire it hath been hard for vs to weane them from it when we would And whiles we will be at this point it will neuer bee better with vs in our meditation no although God hath appointed the same to be an especiall helpe to the well framing of our liues and that our minds be brought into an heauenly estate thereby if we would frequent it yea although we appoint some especiall time thereunto yet shall we be turned from musing on good things to wandring and shall hardly fasten on any good matter hauing yet certaine principall points concerning our estate to set vs on work therein so many trifling phantasies and dreames shall swimme in our braine to hold out better And till these by little and little be dried vp with the flame of heauenly and feruent affections vnsually possessing our hearts in stead of them it will neuer be otherwise with vs but worse and worse And it is a thing to be wondred at that seeing none of our actions any day can be well done when our hearts are not good and so preserued and kept which without circumspect care and watch ouer them cannot be it may be wondred at I say that wee should yet bee secure and negligent about the keeping of them from such daunger to our selues and others as we know will thereby insue Therefore as the Lord by his Prophets hath cried out against the people in sundrie ages that they perished because they would not vnderstand nor at all consider their estate and as there shall be an end of their deceiueable delights although they cannot be brought to thinke of their end and account so hee speaketh as plainly and hath done from time to time of this that although in the world we shall haue tribulation euen we whom God hath chosen out of the world yet seeing we are strangers here we cannot neither may we place our hearts delight and felicitie here but our chiefest comfort must be to haue daily communion with God and to haue our conuersation in heauen with him vnto the which meditation is a singular helpe and what waightie matters soeuer we be busied about yet to remember our maker in them all that he be pleased and trusted in of vs. And in that many euen of Gods seruants doe through their corrupt nature loath this heauenly Manna I meane to be oft and daily in musing on the things which concerne their peace and haue their teeth set on edge with the deceitfull pleasures of worldly men who know no better euen this I say though there were no other thing doth cause that they inioy not the tenth part of the priuiledges and liberties which God hath prouided for them in this their pilgrimage Neither can any thing if it be weighed be lesse tolerable in the sight of almightie God then whereas he hath giuen vs his Scriptures which tell vs his minde and therefore teach vs how we may commune with his maiestie and for our behoofe hath giuen vs an earnest charge to ponder them in our heart to haue them in minde to make them the matter of our cogitation delight talke and practise
hand or on the right to fall to euill and danger As we are subtill to beguile our selues so we doe especially in this one thing that where we either are perceiued easily when we be out of the way or be afraide of ill report there we can frame our selues to sobrietie and to the keeping of measure in our liues which is no sure token of peace and safety to our hearts though for the present time we auoyde offence But where we are daily conuersant and therefore shall haue more occasions to runne into some trespasse especially with our inferiours before whom we thinke we should not regard how loosely we behaue our selues there we looke not so carefully to our selues which should most chiefly be don of vs. By this that we see that grace is giuen to a Christian at his first conuersion to haue victorie and to get strength ouer great sinnes long delighted in it appeareth how they abuse grace who haue long been counted the Lords people when they many yeares after do yeeld and giue ouer themselues to sodaine and weaker temptations and are easilier ouercome of them though they haue lesse force in them Learne to know the preciousest liberties though there be many lawfull It is wonderfull that a man knowing that he shall not inioy the grace now that he had twentie yeares agone except he be as carefull to keepe it as he was then to come by it yet that men shall be so loath to striue for it by such holy indeuour of hartie prayer when they waxe weake and though they bee resolued neuer to offend in the reprochfullest sort yet that they loue to linger after the same in affection and desire which neither they can haue without vnutterable woe neither dare set their mindes to inioy though they might Keepe downe carnall libertie and thy spirituall libertie shall be great and rest on God and it shall make thee ouercome the hardest things No man can liue long and comfortably as Psalm 34.12.13 vnlesse he flie from euill and doe good and that betimes Eccles 12.1 and why not seeing heathen men got learning and friends in their youth that the waywardnes and tediousnes of their old age might be mitigated Seeing in age we are awaked by the least voyce of a bird and yet take no pleasure in the sweetest noyse of the musicall instruments By the first we learne to be partakers of that rest and Sabboth which belongeth to the people of God from the which God commaundeth in the Canticles that we be not awaked By the other we are to learne that being washed and well refreshed with the wine of the holy Ghost we may sing to God cheerefully and when we cannot heare others sing we may heare our selues and be delighted therein That we must remember God walke with him and serue him by dayes and not by weekes and months onely that proueth Psalm 90.12 Teach me to number my dayes where he sets himselfe to it by dayes and daily The godly may doe that with delight which is tedious and wearisome to the wicked that is to walke with God at large and at libertie Psalm 119.45 and take pleasure in good things whereby they may auoyde many troubles vtterly which would oppresse them seeing the greatest sins bring the greatest sorrowes and such afflictions as God shall send may bee easilier borne of them when the other shall rage and turmoyle themselues Lam. 3.39 Such varietie of good things is in Gods word that we may haue by the meditation thereof good prouision to keepe our liues from shamefull euils and though by Sathan we should be turned away yet by our knowledge and experience we may returne who else can and when we cannot doe good yet we may keepe from euill While we haue peace in the land we are at variance in our townes and houses and when we haue all we are oft times not at peace with God Husbandmen long for their fruites but we doe not so for that which we pray for whereas we should waite for that which we pray and hope for and so we should be ioyfull when we obtaine it For if we bee beloued of God then we may looke for any good If we can reioyce at the conuersion of a sinner then are we Christs friends and therefore deare vnto him Luk. 15.6 If all stolne libertie cost men as deare as rouing fancies doe some they would make small haste after them Psalm 51.4.11 Few doe make due reckoning of the benefits which they presently enioy but are euer discontentedly gaping after new but when they be taken from them then they see what they once had Lam. 1.7 Neuer better liking in health and bodily welfare then when we are most heauenly minded In this time of hardnes of heart which is in the greatest number and this spirit of slumbring this is to be most lamented that there are few to lay it to heart and morne for it but senseles or taking part with them Seeing the most finde no sauour in prayer and yet the Scripture chargeth vs neuer to be wearie of it know that there is precious fruit of it and that is when we praying in faith and repentance are answered from God that we are heard either in assuring vs of benefit or helping vs against sinne both which when after prayer we beleeue more strongly we are well satisfied and comforted Ioh. 16.24.40 pray often Many professors doe not onely drowne themselues in the world but also when they come in company they poyson others with casting the smoke of their naughtie hearts vpon others so farre off are they from checking themselues for any of their sinnes There is no iust cause of doubting of Gods fauour by our outward afflictions or our inward infirmities both which yet doe often cause vs to doubt but by sinne which we willingly commit and lie in and it is iust with God to haue it so as in Peter Luk. 22.62 When we are well humbled God will cease to afflict Matth. 11.29 Let the desire of them who thinke they haue it aright be sound that it may begin well secondly feruent that it may grow and constant that it may continue then it shall seeke for reconciliation with God which in a touched and humbled heart is a signe of faith and will after growe to greater strength for the hungrie desire after grace is a sanctified affection yet hath the wicked no whit to thinke his state good fleshed for all this for they haue onely flitting desires to doe good which come to nothing but the other hath reformation of life with it Let outward afflictions the greater they be as losses disgrace diminish the infirmities which are inward of the minde as impatience and rebelliousnes of heart not increase them Before sinne be committed we extenuate it as Esau after it is committed we contrarily aggrauate it as Iudas For the diuell comes first as a tempter after as an accuser We shall neuer want somewhat to
Gods mercie which is a firie and venimous dart or els from dreadfull doubting and feare which are companions thereunto or which is as deadly and daungerous from presumption vaine hope and deceiuing of himselfe which hath not the shield of faith and is not certaine thereby of eternall saluation and of the fauour of God to guard him in this life And though this man had no other thing to make him vnhappie yet who doth not see that euen this is enough to make al his pleasures vnsauourie if he should either feele the one or might be perswaded of the other Besides what is his life euen at the best when hee hath no trust in Gods manifold promises And although these things being not seene with eye be as little thought vpon of the most part in the world yet the Scripture hath concluded that there is no sound peace to any such yea rather that the diuel hath as a raging lion his paw vpō their throte ready euery houre to take away their soule as the Apostle sheweth though this seeme lesse seeing it is not knowne nor felt whereas if they were shielded by this faith and that in their neede it should not be so with them but thereby they resisting him hee should flie from them Againe to shew how impossible it is to bee in safetie without the other parts of the Christian armour how can any man walke innocent and harmeles among his neighbours though others should walke so towards him except he hath put on the breast-plate of righteousnes and armed himselfe with this cogitation to doe no man any wrong and not onely so but also to doe no other iniquitie or euill which might offend any or wound his owne soule How many waies shall hee be carried to sinne against God and his neighbour I speake not of an vnbeleeuer who can doe nothing but sinne but euen of a Christian who hath an heart which hateth sinne yet euen he if he indent not from time to time a fresh with his heart against all vnrighteousnes and the parts of vnholie life he shall be disfigured with many blemishes and disgrace himselfe and his holie profession also by his many vnlawfull actions so farre is it off that innocencie is in his heart and in his hands and that he liueth vnrebukeable and without blame amongst men And therfore it is that S. Paul teaching the Corinthians how they should be apparelled with the parts of Christian armour as puritie and vprightnes knowledge of the word of God and with patience and long suffering which hope ingendreth doth among the rest commend to them this one by his owne example namely the armour of righteousnes both on the right hand and on the left that is in prosperitie and aduersitie that so they should giue no occasion of offence in any thing but in all things approoue themselues as the seruants of God The same may be said of the other parts of the Christian armour that I haue said of the shooes of peace of the shield of faith and of the breast-plate of righteousnes For if there be not some cleere and sound knowledge of the word of God which as a sword may cut the bands of sinne asunder like a cord how shall a Christian be able to discerne the deceitfulnes of sinne but be led by it and taken with it as with a baite How can he choose although he be zealous and desirous to doe well but to be led into many errours and so goe without the sweete life which in Christianitie is to be found if hee haue not well learned and digested this in the depth of his heart it is written to the contrarie So if he be not girded as it were with sinceritie that hee may be adorned with it wheresoeuer he become and all other good gifts of God in him be bound together by that that hee hath them in truth that hee delighteth in them indeed how shall he be infected with hollownes and hypocrisie what shew of holines soeuer appeare in him To conclude what can there be in his life daily but fainting vncomfortablenes and sundrie discouragements whiles he is weaned from the foolish and vaine delights of this world and seeth not the pleasures of heauen with mortall eyes what can there els be to him I say if the hope of saluation be not as an helmet to keepe life in his soule and with this hope of saluation which cannot deceiue him a cheerefull hope of well passing the course of these conflicting daies also vnder the wings of Gods protection till he come thither As for other hope who knoweth not that all other hope of earthly peace or long life is like to a broken tooth and sliding foote But by this hope tediousnes is remoued and cheerefulnes to waite contentedly in this pilgrimage for a full deliuerance is obtained Therefore how truly may this bee said that the Christian life without the armour of God cannot be continued For if euery part of it be so needfull throughout our life as hath bin said who seeth not that euen such an one as hath receiued grace from aboue by the preaching of the Gospell to be borne a new and to be begotten to a liuely hope yet for all this shall not thriue nor prosper without diligent and vsuall nourishing of this new birth in him nor grow vp to a perfect age in Christ deliuered from the hindrances by the world and the diuell except he be strongly armed as God hath taught him to be This is so truly verified in all Gods children that euen they who are not the forwardest of others yet if they haue any strength against euill at any time they haue it from God thus euen by the meanes of the armour If they were not sometimes armed they should make as great breaches and fall as dangerously one day as another and yet if they were acquainted with this armour thoroughly they should make their worst and most vncomfortable day in the weeke equall with the best and the happiest which they sometime inioyed in heauenly passing of their time and in sweete comfort And for want of this armour either for that men know it not or for not hauing vse of it the infinite irkesomnesses heauines distraction dumpishnes doubting and feare doe vexe them and such like deadly poysons doe occupie the hearts euen of Christians as also light reioycing in a fleshly manner vaine hope phantasticall dreames of peace and safetie where none is And for want of this their liues also before men are kept from shewing foorth light and good example in one thing as well as in another yea rather they are harbourers of sundrie euill qualities in so much that few are incouraged to waxe better by them nor to suspect that any thing is amisse in them but are hardened to goe forward in their old course still And if it be thus with such as haue some good and sound beginnings in Christianitie
an acknowledging of this his goodnes Euen as the same person setteth himselfe downe to vs for an example I will praise the Lord and call vpon him with thanksgiuing and elsewhere in the congregation in heart and tongue and with instruments well tuned and of many kinds Now with these before mentioned if this last propertie be adioyned that we walke worthie his kindnes and within holie compasse which is to doe the will of our heauenly father then doe wee rightly performe this dutie of thanksgiuing The which one if it be wanting from the rest maketh them all lame and maimed and as odious to God as the mortlings and vntimely first borne of the beasts which were offered to him in sacrifice And how with our thanksgiuing reformation of our liues should goe Moses sheweth by setting downe the daunger of the contrarie saying When the Lord thy God hath brought thee into the land which he sware to thy fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob to giue thee with great and goodly cities which thou buildedst not and houses full of all manner of goods which thou filledst not and welles digged which thou diggedst not vineyards and Oliue trees which thou plantedst not and when thou hast eaten and art full beware least thou forget the Lord in steed of remembring his kindnes and bountie but feare and serue him So the Psalmist saith What doest thou taking my word in thy mouth either in thanks prayer or speaking of it and hatest to be reformed by it And these are the three duties necessarily required to be in true thankfulnes Thus I haue shewed what thanksgiuing is and what properties are required in it to the end it may rightly be performed to God Now then if this dutie be thus performed of vs in aduersitie as in prosperitie for so God will haue them doe who worship him aright Iob. 27.10 and alone by our selues as well as in companie with others that so we may be free from hypocrisie in offering it must it not needes be a singular helpe with the rest vnto godlines I say when wee shall many times from day to day thinke vpon Gods louing kindnes how great it is and hath been towards vs and finde sweetnes in his benefits as being perswaded that wee haue them in Gods fauour when for them we shall haue our hearts inlarged to loue the giuer declare his goodnes to others with a desire to honour him and be more readie to our particular duties when wee shall frame our selues in all estates to this thankfulnes is it not a mightie and forcible meanes to mollifie the hard hart and to hold vnder the sturdie corruptions of it so that they may be subiect to God yea euen when strong prouocations doe draw to the contrarie Then we cannot be ignorant that thankfulnes is one helpe and that not the least to the continuance of a godly life whether wee vnderstand it of that solemne thanksgiuing which wee adioyne ordinarily to our supplications or that which now and then wee doe vse in a more briefe manner by any occasion offered And this of thanksgiuing With this we are to adde supplications which also containe confession of our sinne all which three are indeed but one action generally but particularly haue euery one of them an especiall and seuerall vse Therefore it followeth to shew in what sort we should make confession of our sinnes and our priuate requests to God that they may much more be helpes to godlines altogether when one part euen thanksgiuing is so great an helpe alone And first of confession of sinnes as in order it is to bee vsed next vnto thankfulnes and afterwards of the making or offering vp of our requests and suites vnto God and namely for the remission of sinnes with the which it is euer to be ioyned Now this is an acknowledging of our selues to be guiltie and worthily to haue deserued Gods wrath and manifold punishments for our grieuous faults and offences and an acknowledging of them also with a free and humble bewailing of them before the Lord such as are vnknowne to vs in a generall manner but those which wee doe know according to the nature of them particularly And this dutie is rightly done and practised of vs first when we feele our sinnes odious and burdensome to vs. Secondly when we accuse our selues of them to God Thirdly when we confesse them to him hauing examined our life and that we stand at his mercie deseruing to be condemned And fourthly when wee abase our selues thereby and so are meekned and our pride abated In all the confessions of the seruants of God all these foure are to be found that I may shew it at once and not stand long about euery one of them As in Dauids confession after that Nathan the Prophet had accused him saying thou art the man euen this great offender he answered I haue sinned in which one word he found and shewed al things that are required in a true and penitent confession that is that he both had his sinne in a detestable execration accused himselfe to God of it confessed that he had iustly prouoked God against him and was greatly humbled by it In the Psalme if any doubt of this hee may see them particularly described The same may be said of Daniel his confession in the ninth chapter and in the Publicanes when he knocking on his breast and looking downe to the ground as ashamed to looke vp said God be mercifull to me a sinner All these are likewise in the confession of the prodigall sonne The first in these words he came to himselfe and entred into consideration of his life past with himselfe whereby he felt his burden so great that secondly he commeth and accuseth himselfe to his father and thirdly what hee thought of his deserts may easily be gathered when he asked not such mercie as to bee counted a sonne but thought it a large fauour to haue the place of an hired seruant which also doth cleerely lay foorth his abasement What manner of confession therefore we should make ordinarily in our prayers to God by this may be seene if it be otherwise framed that is out of our owne braine God will reiect it and then shall we not as many doe to their little comfort coldly confesse our sinnes in generall nor for fashion but in particular and those especially by which wee haue most offended God Now this confession being from time to time oft made vnto God shall not suffer vs to goe farre and lie long in any sinne but hunt it out before it be warme and nestled in vs. And when we see euery while in comming to confesse our sinnes how we haue burthen enough of our sinne although we sinne not wilfully who seeth not but that we shall be much preserued euen by confessing them in this manner that I haue set downe from daungerous falles and offences So that the
grosse errors for not knowing them and so become nothing the better for them but he hath taught vs to draw as it were a copie and a certaine platforme for our liues out of the same the poore the rich the old the young the married and the vnmarried all are I say to draw out of them direction for their vse And what other thing is contained in the words of the Prophet for in saying that we must take heede to our wayes that is our course of life and the actions thereof doth he except any one more then another So that it is manifest both by the doctrine of the word of God as also by the examples thereof that not onely there ought to be a generall guiding of Gods people by the word but also a particular trying of their wayes thereby and that this ought to be as a trade to be followed in one poynt as in another according to the knowledge of euery one and therefore to be made an ordinarie course to seeke to haue direction in all things So that in the more actions of our liues that we are ignorant and to seeke whether we doe them lawfully or no the more wee must see our debt to God and finde fault with our selues that we may see the greater neede to sue for pardon which few doe see And therefore are the particular duties set downe almost in euery epistle both which all Christians ought to performe and the contrary sins that they may see according to the occasions offered how to imploy themselues and also more specially of men and women old and young rich and poore maisters and seruants both inward affections and externall actions all which to what end serue they or why should they haue been set downe but to teach this that men must tie themselues shorter and denie many noysome liberties which now they take and runne after and also to teach that euery part of a Christians life requireth direction that hee must shun that which is naturall I meane his owne and be guided by that which is spirituall namely by the word of God And therefore it is not to be counted as a common sinne but as the head of many sins that as though the Scriptures were among vs but for fashion or for the deciding of some rare and hard doubts and controuersies in religion which is but one vse of them the most thinke themselues by their naturall wit and skill able to direct their waies which opinion with their practise what doth it differ from that which is written of the Heathen Gentiles God in times past suffered all nations to walke in their owne waies Act. 14.16 And this be said for the proofe of the first part of this former reason namely that all their actions must bee squared after the rule of Gods word throughout their life The second part of this reason namely that it ought to be daily and euery day and so through the day the saying of the Lord doth cleerely prooue Blessed is the man that feareth alwaies And againe 1. Cor. 10.31 Whether ye eate or drink or whatsoeuer ye doe else doe all to the glorie of God And to Iosua 1.8 Thou shalt meditate and exercise thy minde in this booke of the law day and night as if he should say early and late all times of the day that his heart being well seasoned with the sweete sauour of knowledge his tongue might vtter the same and hee might be exercised by the helpe thereof in the manifold actions of his life S. Paul also when he writeth of the widow that should be chosen to looke to the poore describeth her by this one note whereby a good Christian is discerned amongst men namely if she haue been daily giuen to euery good worke And hee whom it may well beseeme vs to follow did not onely make it his daily trade to bee directed by the doctrine of Gods word but euen through the day did the same diuiding as it were the day into one good doing or other for these are his words Oh Lord what a loue haue I to thy law all the day long is my meditation in it that is I am musing still how I may please thee whatsoeuer my actions are which I goe about Againe Euery day will I praise thee Euen so if it may be let vs be doing good and that in an holy and right manner euery day and when wee cannot yet let vs auoide and shunne euill But if thou wilt doe neither nor endeuour after the same constantly from day to day then renounce Gods word and doe what thou lustest And why should not mens hearts be daily giuen to the Lord who is most worthie of them what haue we to doe in the day more necessarie as it shall appeare one day to all who now will take no knowledge of it Weigh what I say and the Lord giue thee vnderstanding that in thy heart and life thou maist euery day serue him doth the holie Ghost Prou. 4.23 and 25.25 when hee saith Keepe thy heart with all diligence and againe let it be in the feare of the Lord continually doth he I say meane any certaine time or one day and not euery day so when rules for praying are giuen are they not to direct vs in all our prayers for euer If thou saist why is this then so strange to men I say first naturally men desire to satisfie God with a little and soone to haue done with him and few will weigh particularly and daily what they ought to be and how to walke one day as well as another but are content to goe the easiest way to worke as they thinke and slubber vp their sinnes and are therefore neuer long confident in nor bold with God as they might bee and as some others also of his deare children be and they themselues also perhaps sometime haue been Whereas if it were the matter which is in account with them who doubteth but that it would be daily looked to Againe if ye say why are wee troubled with these nouelties now more then in times past I say men are content to haue such things to be nouelties vnto them with which they desire not to bee acquainted for els these are not nouelties in the Scriptures and that is seene seeing there are diuers who as they haue learned it to be the will of God that al good duties as they may should euery day be practised so they doe carefully and conscionably prune off that behauiour in the day which could not well be thought vpon and remembred at the euening without an vnwelcomed wound and accusation For what can lesse be gathered out of the Scriptures before alleaged then that Christians should bee daily giuen to euery good worke that is to aime thereat though when they haue done all they may finde themselues to bee much behind hand and vnprofitable seruants And what meaning else hath this Scripture Herein I
treatise onely thus much to referre this beleeuing of pardon to euery day And this is here to be looked for of the reader that euery one of the points and partes of this daily direction the which I haue taught in other parts of this booke how they should be attained and come by must be kept of a Christian euery day The third point is that when we shall be strongly haled after sinne for we must know that euery day giues occasion thereof that we so account of the libertie of our hearts and minds to keepe them well disposed and armed against all sinne and most of all our speciall infirmities that we let them not loose at any time in the day to be hardened with the deceitfulnesse of any sinne but kept with all diligence posssible from the loue and liking thereof that so our outward actions may be well ordered Therefore is that charge giuen in the Epistle to the Hebrewes that our hearts be not made nought and rebellious at any time and therefore by consequent on any day whiles we suffer them to be hardened with the deceitfulnesse of sinne And agreable to this the Lord in Deuteronomie aunswering Moses when he brought him word that the people would willingly be ruled by him although before they refused so to be said This people hath said well all that they haue said but oh that there were an heart in them that they would feare me and keepe all my commandements alwaies then it should go well with them So that we must see such necessitie of holding maisterie ouer our hearts and keeping them in feare of offending that we may make a daily practise of it and so keepe them for continuance neither can we otherwise shew our selues to regard that waightie charge of the Lord giuen vnto vs Thou shalt worship the Lord with all thy heart and soule For they who are euery while off and on vnsetled in their harts can neuer be long well ordered in their liues therefore the Lord requireth this constancie that we must euery while be looking to them euen alwaies that so we may be out of daunger Behold how needfull a thing this is to keepe and hold this maisterie ouer our hearts daily when nothing goeth well forward where they with the affections of them be not well ruled But this shall be shewed in the next section following Neither let men obiect their necessarie businesse though they will not pleade for carnall libertie they say and multitudes thereof which will distract their hearts I aunswer of multiplicitie of earthly dealings which will hinder holy peace let wise Christians beware and so doing if as farre as they are able they set themselues to haue care of all parts of Christian obedience their hearts shall in good manner prouide thereby for the well ordering of their earthly businesse also which is one part of it and none of the meanest Now from this heart well gouerned the next two points as two armes of a tree from the bodie or stocke do issue and come The first that we shold euer keepe from euill which shall not be hard if alwaies and euery day we be held in feare of offending as we are directed before The second that we alwaies indeuour to please God and therefore in all things and as was said in Deuteronomie to keepe all his commaundements which all may see cannot be if we haue not our hearts so prepared to seeke the Lord that we may be readie in one dutie as well as in another to shew our selues obedient All which three namely 1. to haue a heart to feare God 2. to flie euill 3. and please him in all things in that one Scripture before mentioned are required daily to be found in vs so there is no man but may easily see reason why it should be thus first seeing the one cannot be without the other secondly the keeping of such agreablenesse betwixt our hearts and liues is our beautie and honour And on the contrarie it is most harsh and offensiue when they which beare a faire shew and are content somtimes to be gouerned shal yet at other times be nothing so I will say somewhat the more of these two seeing it is one of the chiefest causes why I entred into this present treatise as may appeare by that which I haue alreadie said namely that the Christian should be euery day free from all reprochfull euill insomuch as if by any occasion he be turned out of the way yet he should speedily returne and also that he should be daily giuen vnto euery good worke watching his oportunitie thereto that so he may haue a good conscience in all things and may bring foorth much fruite that God may be glorified Yet I meane not that he should spend the whole day in reading prayer hearing of Sermons or other religious exercises excepting the Sabbath but in one lawfull thing or other about his calling or any other in stead thereof which may be as well defended and as pleasing to God as the duties of his calling More particularly to appoint or prescribe is hard and this is plaine enough for euery true beleeuer to vnderstand and apply vnto himselfe for I exclude not the commonest and meanest seruices and workes so as they be such as God alloweth and without vitious affections gone about of him as in the man plough and cart sowing and reaping and all worke thereto belonging if he be called thereto or other worke in the man of occupation as he hath bene trained vp and fitted for as also all prouision of things necessarie to the maintenance of his familie by lawfull skill and honest meanes and paying and receiuing of that which is due In the woman to haue care that all be frugally and thriftily done within the house and without which is vnder her hand that she be diligent to see her children christianly brought vp according to their age her houshold to haue all that is meete in due season and more particularly among the rest spinning sowing knitting being done as to the Lord and being those works which he appointeth them and such like are commendable that they may be neither idle nor vnprofitable And these I name in some particular manner lest any should thinke that I go about any new-found out holinesse to tye Christians vnto as some will be ready inough to imagine and thinke when they shall see and vnderstand that they must euery day be well occupied which few will be tied to and doing of one good duty or other And yet this I adde that as these and such like must be done and in one or other of them the sixe dayes must be bestowed yet I say this must be added that all these lawfull workes must be done of them in faith that is they must know that God commandeth such workes to be done of them and therefore they do them readily and willingly not
rather then a thousand dayes otherwise which many heathens in their kind and according to the light and knowledge they had as Cato Scipio and others did that is in morall vertue and honestie to the perpetuall shame and iust reproch of many which go for Christians And this is that which I go about that in this shifting and godlesse world some who are very willing alreadie to be guided well but are vnable to direct themselues may haue some helpe by this which I haue written who if they should be hindred thus namely that they thinke for all that can be said yet there will be wandrings out of the way earthlinesse of mind frowardnesse and much rebellion and therefore to small purpose it might seeme to be to take great paines for little profite I say by the grace of God their profite shall be great and their paines small for the benefite which they shall reape by it yea in time it will become pleasure to them after they shall accustome themselues daily to seeke the Lord in such manner as I haue here taught and as his word prescribeth and they shal see their strongest rebellions much weakened and euill desires much abated and asswaged in them and they themselues prepared and made fit by this well seasoning of their hearts to make the actions of their liues correspondent And to vphold our selues in holinesse thus as it is required of vs no lesse helpe is needfull then the daily keeping of our hearts in this estate which I haue set downe For although while the heart is thus looked vnto as it wold be of vs if we counted it the necessariest worke that we haue to do throughout the day while the heart I say is thus looked vnto euery thing doth well follow our hands and much good is done in our liues so yet except we make great prouision that this worke may be daily and constant we cannot chuse no not the best of vs but we shall commit many things in our liues vnbeseeming our profession and smally to our owne comfort And howsoeuer the rebellious world cannot away with it yet as I said before all the godly if they knew it and so farre as they do know it do aime at it would thinke themselues happie if they could be partakers of this libertie I meane when they can and do aduisedly and with good consideration keep stedfast daily in this holy and sweet course and are not peruerted and turned out of it as sometime they haue bene I confesse all are not in a like measure enlarged either by knowledge to see the excellencie of it as I haue said or in heart to desire it seeing they are not acquainted with it but yet when they do see how God of his abundant kindnesse hath shewed them a way to make their liues more pleasant and his seruice more easie then they haue thought or could find they will wish a part in this wisedome thus to guide themselues before all other pleasures though the flesh should neuer so much rebell against it And it must be granted that the heart will striue sore against the continuance in this course and rebell and be discontented with this that all vnlawfull libertie should euer be denied vnto it But as they shall see more clearely into this blessed estate and haue daily more experience both that God doth giue them power to mortifie and ouercome themselues and make this holy course sweet vnto them the more their harts shall be set vpon it to desire and long after it and to haue it in an high account which is the greatest matter and the hardest peece of worke to be obtained especially with continuance and stedfastnesse therein For if it were mens pleasure and delight throughout the day to be well occupied one way or other and in all that they should go about to haue their hearts readie to guide them aright therein all other gaine-saying desires of the flesh should soone be withstood and resisted and the occasions by which they were wont most of all to be hindered and withdrawne should be shunned and auoyded And this may much set them forward in this course that if they seeke to retaine constantly any one of these eight rules which are set downe to guide them daily they may know that it will be no hard matter to enioy all the rest with it seeing they hang together as linckes of a golden chaine For they cannot arme themselues with a mind free from the loue of sinne present but they must be repentant for their sinne past and embrace forgiuenesse by faith and find rest to their soules and filled with thankes and so I say of the rest if they know this point of Gods will that he requireth it that one of them should daily go with the other as indeed the one cannot be without the other And if any say belike I go about to make men perfecter and holier then the Lord euer did and to perswade that they may serue God without strife and battell with their owne lustes and the diuell I aske them againe if this course of daily keeping our hearts in frame and spirituall gouernement can be without most diligent obseruing of our wayes and strong setting of our selues against all aduersary power And further I answer that I go about no other thing then this that Gods seruants may be best fenced against the common corruptions which are in the world through lust and may honour God in the best maner and themselues liue with the most comfort and that they may know and be perswaded that he of his mercy hath prouided this sweete path-way to heauen for his poore seruants who are despised in the world And they who haue not as yet experience of this seasoning of their hearts with grace daily I wish them to desire it aboue all other things and in no wise to hold themselues contented without it if they desire to do well and to see good dayes And let me obtaine this at the hands of all well meaning Christians that they beleeue it But now I hauing spoken of the foundation that should be layd in the heart of all Gods people vpon which the building of a godly life euery day is to be set and without the which indeuored after of euery one it can in no wise stand and that is an heart indued with the seuerall gifts of the spirit which I haue set downe I haue thought it very meete and necessarie to adde one thing to this which I haue said and it is that which the diligent reader will require and looke for especially if he be not well experienced in the practise of christianitie And this it is why men are not directed how to leade their liues daily and to gouerne their tongues as well as to rule and beautifie their hearts and why they haue not direction how to do all their outward actions daily for of these they say no rule hath
behind vs. That is seeing some part of the day is vsually bestowed in companie therfore in what cōpanie soeuer we shall be either of our owne familie or strangers superiours or inferiours and how oft soeuer that we haue speciall regard to be harmelesse and free from giuing any ill example carefully marking and shunning the occasions thereof and prouocations thereto And that we be readie by all oportunities to take any good that we may either by example or communication from others or do good our selues by offering both And that in any of our dealings with men about or in the things of this life we neither hurt or do wrong to any but rather suffer it knowing how we are giuen to loue our selues and in matters of profit especially with the neglect of others which among Christians is a sore blemish That we do not ill spend the time in our solitarines or when we be alone I meane that at such times as wherein we shall be free from companie we haue the like care of our hearts and behauiour being alone that we were taught to haue of them both and of our talke in companie For example that in our behauiour we attempt or go about no euill as stealing whoring or committing any vnlawfull thing c. and concerning our hearts that we suffer them not to wander after needlesse and vaine things but hold them within this compasse that either our thoughts be of those things which are lawfull as the well ordering of our busines and yet that also with moderatiō or of things holy and spirituall as the glorie of the life to come Gods loue to vs and care ouer vs in this world and such like considering and remembring that we must redeeme the time to the best vses we can and in conscience most approue of or if our thoughts be at any time of things euill that it be onely to bring vs into further hatred and detestation of them and not to ingender and raise vp a liking thereof in our hearts which Sathan euer intendeth though we had no such meaning nay rather purposed against it when we first entred into thought of them That we vse our prosperitie and all the lawfull liberties of this life soberly and so as we seeke to be the better by them Forasmuch as our merciful father bestoweth vpon vs many great blessings euen here where we be straungers both in token that he can affoord vs them and to shew that pietie and the feare of God are not without reward no not in this life 1. Tim. 4.8 Therefore it behooueth vs to be circumspect and warie that we swell not neither be insolent because of our prospering neither idle and loose in our liues and so abuse the same to carnall libertie but to be more rich and fruitfull in all good duties both to God and men because we know that he which hath receiued much of him shall much be required Amos 3.2 And that herein is our heauenly father glorified that we bring foorth much fruite Iohn 15.9 And so we haue the right vse of Gods benefits which is a greater treasure then the benefits themselues 1. Kings 3. as we may see by the fearefull ends of such as had many great blessings but regarded not how to vse them That we be ready to receiue our afflictions meekly and patiently and so be found indeed where we are tried with them that our patient minds may be knowne to all Our liues are subiect to many calamities and euery day to sundry yet doth not the Lord chastise vs for that he taketh any pleasure in our sufferings but of very loue sendeth them for our benefit namely to weane vs from the excessiue loue of the world and to purge out our drosse thereby that we might not perish with the world but haue proofe of our faith and patience which causeth the greatest ioy of all other Therefore we must not fret and be impatient in them but confesse that they are necessary and meete as oft as God sendeth them and therefore waite to see a good end of them that so we may haue experience of great good by them which may make vs hope for the like after and that without fainting That we constantly keepe and vse the exercise of prayer and thanksgiuing in our families and such other helpes to maintaine the knowledge and true worship of God and of true happinesse amongst vs. For seeing we are forgetfull of our duties and easily drawne away by the world we haue need to haue daily and oft accesse to God and our seruants especially who haue litle other priuate helpe These exercises of Religion are prayer reading chatechising and conference with singing of Psalmes c. and that these or such of them as are common to the whole family be vsed at the most conuenient times when the family may come together and that we indeuor to do the same together twise in the day at least prouiding to performe the duty of it with chearfulnesse and reuerence knowing that we haue therein communion with our God and most sweet refreshing of our soules thereby alwayes remembring that this shall not be so aukely gone about nor so hard as many find it if other duties before mentioned be carefully looked to That before we lye downe at night we looke backe to the workes of the day how we haue passed it that where we haue had blessings we may be thankfull and proceede in the like course after where we haue faulted and failed we may reconcile our selues to God and so lye downe in peace For seeing we haue some speciall infirmities to make mention of and some particular benefits to giue thankes for and to powre out our complaints in speciall maner it is meete as we shall be able that we should thus view and go through the seuerall acts of our life in the day calling them to remembrance as we can that where we shall see that we haue receiued helpe and strength to liue well and to keepe peace with God by the rules and duties prescribed otherwise then we were wont before we did so particularly obserue our wayes we may with praise to God reioyce and take comfort in our gaine and more constantly hold out in the same course and where we haue failed we may be willing to see and acknowledge our faults laying hold of pardon and looke better to our selues after and so making agreement with the Lord as being reconciled to him and leauing no accusations nor checkes to our consciences we may lye downe in peace and fall asleepe in that state euen as we awoke with it in the morning ready to make our bed our graue and so shew our selues to be pilgrimes and strangers as our fathers were And these are the duties of our liues falling out ordinarily and most commonly to be done euery day at least some of
them and none more vsually then these which I haue added that thus while these are well looked to the daily direction which doth as we heard before concerne the heart may not want matter to occupy and set on worke the life so as it may neither be idle nor vnprofitable and also to the end that euery Christian may learne and see more clearly what maner of thing a godly life is for many are ignorant of it and many who gladly would for want of cleare vnderstanding of Gods will herein cannot tell how to go about it Numbers thinke it to be a doing of some one or few duties whatsoeuer the course of their liues be besides neither yet to be tied euery day vnto that Some thinke it is but to go to Church on the Sabaoth and one thinketh one thing and another another To whom and to all other I say that it is no lesse then a daily and carefull looking to our hearts and liues as I haue set downe though it tye no man vpon necessitie to any certaine outward worke or duty daily as I haue sayd and a returning againe to this holy course if by any occasion we haue departed from it yea though it haue bene but for a short season And because we are not neither can be alwayes setled to abide at home in our owne houses where it were easier to keepe some euen and equall course in our liues as we are directed by Gods word yea and somtime we be forced to be taken vp both in the trauell of the mind and body more specially about some weighty matters in which case we shal be ready much more easily to forget our selues and so become vnsetled therefore let this watch-word be remembred and regarded that if any such thing fall out as by hasty and long iourneys attendance vpon suites or great persons change of dwelling place or change of our estate from singlenesse to mariage from pouerty to wealth or the contrary as vnusuall matters do more easily vnsettle that in these I say and such like when any shall fall out we be more carefull at such times to be fensed against all such occasions then when we be voide of them and that we do this as we loue our peace and communion with God CHAP. 11. Of the benefite and commendation of the Direction NOw I will proceed to the third point namely of the necessity profit and comfort of the daily direction and then more largely speake of these nine duties seeing a Christian shall find so great vse of them that he may be in some sort helped thereby daily Of this third part I shall not neede to say much if that be well marked and considered which I haue set downe of the two former For if it be graunted that God directeth vs daily how to go through the whole course of our liues and that he teacheth vs what manner of guiding vs this daily direction is both which haue bene proued vnto vs who can doubt but that it must needs be a thing of great account and reckoning and of singular vse and gainefull especially to all such as being of an vpright heart are yet not so exercised in the Scriptures nor so experienced by meanes of the darknesse and blindnesse that yet is in them and of sundry other lets and discouragements that they are able by their owne priuate helpe to draw out of all their readings hearings and knowledge which they haue gotten any indifferent forme or direction to gouerne themselues Besides many such inioy not the ministery of the Gospell ordinarily but as they get it by their painefull trauell abroad and many the more is the pity do not tye themselues conscionably to preach the most necessary doctrine to their people yea I may say with griefe are altogether vnfit to do it and the diligentest Preachers and best able for the most part tarie not long to season the hearers throughly with such matter but by death or other occasions are quickly remoued or so mightily discouraged by their people and the diuerse kinds of crabbed teachy scornefull hollow proud prophane and the like ill qualities of them or some other wayes that rarely it may be found what an admirable and lamentable thing do I vtter in this golden time of 44. yeares peace scarsely to be hoped for halfe so long againe yea rarely I say it may be found that in all this time there are growne many able to guide themselues with sweete peace through their troublesome liues And we who know that men without direction by Gods word wander and walke in vncomfortable darknesse what can we better do for the easing and helping of them to their hearts desire and satisfying of their necessities then shew them the easiest and plainest way to escape and come out of it as God hath shewed vs And therefore for mine owne part I haue endeuoured in this worke to do the same and although neither fully nor perfitly to set downe in a litle roome that will of God which is dispersed throughout the canonicall Scriptures yet so farre as God hath reuealed vnto me that which I count the best treasure and commodity that God hath bestowed vpon me in this transitory life and that which how small soeuer it may seeme in the eyes of any yet of whomsoeuer it be imbraced and esteemed shall be no lesse then I haue sayd that is necessarie gainefull and comfortable The reason is great for that whiles we walked before without some certaine direction we were neuer long setled especially with religious minds how to bestow the day nor the parts of it in the actions of our liues neither how to begin nor how to end it and therefore were much wearied and distracted with forgetfulnesse and rashnesse I speake of good people vnsetled oft and yet knew not how neither how to returne againe But since we haue bene guided more clearly and particularly we haue seene much better how one thing commeth to be done after another and one duty not neglected for another and so haue bene deliuered from much toile and tediousnesse by it we learne how to rise out of fals and to keepe well whiles we are well It is profitable for all sorts in what lawfull trade of life soeuer they liue hauing already begun to change their liues and thereby being fit and meete to practise it And such are all that by faith in the Sonne of God are set free from their sinne and assured of his fauour No other can well set themselues about it but shake it off as they do al other good things which I thought meete to put the reader in mind of that although he shall not see this doctrine commonly practised in the world yet he may not thinke it for all that any nouelty which Gods word doth not warrant or therefore needlesse for himselfe to go about For some no doubt will be ready to count it ouer-strict and
we ought not at any time to be vnwilling to such duties if it were alwayes expedient to be with the Lord in this manner vnlesse we could proue to our consciences that we are taken vp in things more necessarie Neither can this desire be quenched in vs which the spirit of God hath kindled but by our owne fault whiles we haue through lightnesse rashnesse or in seeking some other vnlawfull libertie expelled and banished the same from vs. But for as much as all other duties go well forward whiles the heart is kept in loue and liking with these holy exercises and not otherwise for pray well and liue well and contrarily therfore this grace and heauenly affection cannot neither may well be wanting in the seruants of God Insomuch that they which are not necessarily letted as by pouertie or otherwise as want of leisure are not to make this to stand in stead of their familie exercise in the morning as being loath to bestow more time in such holy communion with God then they must needs but rather they must begin the day with this after they are risen and afterward with their houshold as the oportunitie shall permit I meane as it will best stand with euerie ones businesse in the familie And especially preachers and students and those which do inioy many great means and who are not holden downe with pouerty and such multitudes of outward calamities and hinderances and whose discouragements be but small in respect of other mens such I say should not offer to God so nigardly sacrifices as they who can do no otherwise but as they haue receiued more many wayes then their brethren so they should render more then they both in this and other duties for otherwise who should be examples and patternes to the weaker sort if such should not and yet that I may discourage none he that shall offer but his mite with the poore widow willingly hauing no more hath done as much as any other who hauing greater gifts haue made longer prayers Now if after the declaration of this dutie in this maner ought remaine doubtfull let them seeke resolution at their faithfull teachers hands that so they may more freely and with more profite continue it CHAP. 14. Of the declaration of the third dutie about our callings THE third dutie concerneth our callings and particular trades the which we may be fit and readie to enter vpon when our minds be thus well prepared as in the two former duties hath bene declared Know we therefore that with this well ordered heart we are to take the same in hand euery one as he is to be employed throughout the day so long as is expedient that we may safely and comfortably bring it to an end About the which argument my purpose is not to write a treatise of all matters appertaining hereto but so farre to speake of it as I may shew that which I intended namely this seeing it is a great part of our life to doe the workes of our callings and a chiefe part of a godly life to do them aright therefore to direct a Christian how to please God in the same contrarie to the opinion of many and those not of the worst who imagine but most vniustly that their calling is such a let to them from the practise of religion that thereby though they had no other they are hindred from seruing God aright But they shall better be answered hereafter First therefore I will proue that all Christians must liue in some lawfull vocation Secondly that they must with practise of other godly duties faithfully and diligently walke in the same Thirdly which will follow vpon the two former that they who do so which the children of God only can do may highly please God therein and find great helpe and furtherance thereby to passe the other parts of the day well and christianly And for the first of these three it is cleare by the words of the Lord himselfe In the sweate of thy face thou shalt eate thy bread that all men are bound to trauell and labour though not with the hands in some painefull estate of life wherein they may serue God and if need be they may prouide for themselues and theirs At least wise they may be good members in the Church and Commonwealth as is meete for them to be not idle and vnprofitable Vnto the which rule the highest magistrates do submit themselues being appointed of God to their places that the people may liue a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie and therefore very vnmeete it were that any inferiour to them should raunge and liue without compasse in the world inordinately as though they were exempt from the Lords gouernment But I as I haue set my selfe to do throughout this booke will deale onely with those who hauing submitted themselues vnto the will of God in other things are therefore readie to heare his voice in this All such must know and religiously perswade themselues if through ignorance and long custome therin they shold think otherwise that they must of conscience betake themselues to such an estate of life lest otherwise liuing without a calling as rogues theeues cousiners cōmon gamesters parasites other disguized persons they should loath labour liue vpon others waxe idle and so runne either into heresie sects curious questions and fond opinions or else into loose behauiour and wicked companie and then finding no sauour in their religion should fall away from the truth and grow senslesse and frozen in their dregges and filthinesse As not onely we may reade in the Scriptures that some haue done which also were members of the Church but haue seene many carrying good shew of zeale and hauing many good parts in them whereof some became prophane and vaine in their liues others held straunge opinions and separated themselues from the Church of God amongst whome they had liued familiarly before neither were they to be blamed by men with any reprochfull crime which might be like to bring them thereunto saue onely this that they exercised no calling but went about from place to place and setled themselues in none neither could be perswaded by the dearest of their friends so to do But although a man could assure himselfe that he should neuer fall to such a depth of sinne through the neglect of a vocation and following of a lawfull trade of life as there seldome cōmeth any better fruite therof yet what man wold but so much as liue vnprofitably if he may be well employed when God hath made him for a farre more excellent end and bring discredite and ill report and that iustly vpon himselfe hauing bene had in good account before of his godly neighbours and brethren or liue inordinately and so voide of comfort and that for neglecting the ordinance of God But to say no more of this first point the next and the nighest degree hereunto that may be is
for no such labour doth God approoue of But contrariwise we must so play the good husbands that we become not worldlings and such as find more sweetnesse and pleasure in our earthly dealings and the comming in of our profites then in our heauenly trafficke through the practise of Christianitie we must so follow our owne businesse and shunne medling in other mens matters vnnecessarily that we be not shut vp in our owne without regard of our brethren or care for their matters when cause shal require for that were great vnkindnesse and want of charitie towards them ioyned with too much selfe loue toward our selues To be short we must so vse the world as though we vsed it not not lifting vp our hearts when we prosper nor casting them downe with deadly sorrow when we sustaine losses and discommodities but so carie our selues throughout that we may be patternes and examples to other of right vsing the world for so hath the Lord appointed men to liue in and vse their vocations And this kind of walking in them is highly pleasing and acceptable to him For they who thus set vpon common actions and worldly businesse are not caried after their owne earthly minds as men of the world but set the Lord before them and looke what he will haue done they bridle their desires which would else carie them after them So Moses was faithfull in all Gods house and Iosua in his place and Iob who had much to do in matters of profite and commoditie yet was a rare patterne to all men of vsing the world aright euen earthly things with an heauenly mind that they may haue the more to accuse them and that iustly who will not in farre meaner affaires take him for their example This regard must be had of all Christians and of all sorts both of rich and poore one and another in their earthly dealings though it be a lesson most hardly learned that whiles we auoide slouth and idlenesse on the one side yet walking in our callings we be not worldly minded on the other side that it may come to passe that our calling being one part of Christian obedience and dutie to God may not onely for the time while we are occupied in it witnesse well to vs that we please him but also make vs more fit to other christian duties after and that we seeing this maner of passing our time to be enioyned of God who hath promised blessing thereto and seeth what is good for euery one and considering duly with our selues the infinite fruite that commeth thereof we may more willingly and of conscience betake our selues thereunto that so we may find in this faithfull walking in our calling a peaceable course of liuing here which may bring happines with it in the end The necessitie and benefite of this in a Christian few do sufficiently know or consider For all are naturally giuen to seeke libertie amisse and stolne waters as it is in the Prouerbe are sweet and many who zealously professe a godly life not painefully following some lawfull calling doe by wofull practise proue this to be true and so shall find much sorrow in their dayes which others shall be free from Now to the end we may thus chearefully go about them as knowing that God alloweth such workes of ours and so thereby be disposed more readily to other parts of dutie which we see to be no common thing in the world first this must be considered that it is the Lord that setteth vs in our callings and hath promised to be with vs and to giue vs good successe in them and to helpe vs beare all tediousnesse therein and further that he hath willed vs to do all such duties for his sake in such manner as if we did them vnto him and from him to looke for a reward Now what true Christian is there who if he beleeue this is not encouraged to do his businesse readily and willingly who would not be glad to do any thing which might please God and whose heart should not be ioyfull to go about the Lords worke whereby tediousnesse vnquietnesse and manifold vnsetlings are remoued And so should we not grow out of frame but haue our minds readily prepared to other duties And most sure it is that mens callings and labours are so burthensome vnto them euen for this cause that they do not thinke thus of them Neither are such chearefull at their worke but onely for the gaine that moueth thē or for that they must needs being so vnwillingly corruptly occupied in them neither are they fit for any good thing or dutie after The Minister who is consecrated by the Lord euen to diuine studies and passings of his time and hath it enioyned him for his calling that he attend daily to reading priuately and to doctrine and exhortation publikely how hardly obtaineth he it of himselfe as heauenly and sweet a calling as it is to abide and hold out therein yea and how few do it I speake euen of such as haue receiued good gifts of God not of the worser sorts onely but trifle out their precious time as other do As though it were litle to be regarded which is written He that winneth soules is wise and they that haue instructed others shall shine as the starres Dan. 12.3 And therefore of others whose calling is not to be occupied through the day in that heauenly maner how were it to be looked for if they should not of conscience tye themselues thereto and walke chearefully and faithfully therein But when men shall know and may be bold to remember and consider that they are appointed by God to bestow the most part of the time in their callings though they be not meerly spirituall actions to the end that they may with better appetite returne to exercises of religion againe after and that they haue a promise of blessing therein with what peace may they be occupied in them and ouercome that tediousnesse and wearisomenesse which would otherwise cleaue vnto them Thus I could wish that Christian men tooke their callings to be in such sort enioyned them of God that they neither durst neglect them nor yet find them burdensome and wearisome to them but that they could wisely see how when and why to intermit them that is to say for necessarie and profitable causes and considerations as for the ministerie of the word the visiting of friends moderate lawfull and necessarie refreshings of themselues and in good sort to returne to them againe more fitly Furthermore we shall not be vnsetled by the workes of our callings nor wearisomely cast them off when we shall be able to see that we haue practise of most duties in Christianitie therein as diligence obedience faith patience truth c. and thereby learne experience that God who hath giuen vs wisedome chearefulnesse patience and the rest heretofore to beare the burthen of them contentedly and willingly when in the prayer
of so many who haue gone before vs and to learne how they may not be hindred nor holdē backe any way by their prosperitie but set forward rather and that many wayes as it is most conuenient The watch-word is not in vaine and needlesse which was giuē to our fathers When thou hast eate art full beware lest thou forget the Lord. But I will proceed Therefore as I haue now declared the one of these two points that is how hard it is to vse prosperity aright so I will go forward with the other namely how this maybe that we may well vse it that it may be no snare nor hinderance to vs. And to this end we must consider how nearely we are knit vnto the same as hath bene sayd how naturally we desire to haue all that our hearts do long after without regard whether it be good or euill for vs which causeth vs to esteeme of all such things more highly then becommeth vs and therefore to set our greatest care vpon them and to seeke to inioy them whatsoeuer better things we loose and depriue our selues of for them This inordinate loue which we beare to any lawfull libertie or blessings pertaining to this life must be by all meanes possible weakned and abated in vs which we haue too much through our owne folly strengthened and increased And to obtaine this as we shall be able some perswasions I will briefly set downe First therefore this spirituall drunkennesse is to be expelled and the inordinate loue of earthly things to be weakened and abated by diligent earnest viewing and weighing how momentany and flitting all things of the greatest reckoning vnder the Sunne are and how vncertaine hold we haue of them euen when we thinke our selues most certaine and sure of them And further by valuing and pricing them thereafter as the Lord himselfe teacheth vs to do saying The fashion or shadow of this world passeth away And againe Happinesse doth not consist in the things which a man possesseth and of riches which is counted the chiefest of all the rest he saith Why dost thou weary thy selfe to grow rich cease from thy wisedome why dost thou cast thine eyes vpon them for they are nothing Also we shall by litle and litle breake off this neare knot of amitie betwixt our hearts and earthly peace and prosperity as well as we loue them if we wil suffer our selues to be perswaded how many waies we be in dāger of sore plunges by means thereof and that the Scripture giueth them many titles names drawne from the effect which they worke in most men as that they are snares thornes choakes because they intangle vs pricke and hold in and smouther the many graces of God in vs that they bud not out and fructifie And so saith Saint Paul that they pierce vs through with many sorowes being meere vexation and affliction of spirit when men haue giuen themselues after the course of the world to seeke what is the sweetnesse of them Few Iobs do know and find out the deceiptfulnesse of riches vntill after they haue proued it they complaine too late and in vaine begin to repent and say We are deceiued Besides it is an especiall good helpe to weaken the loue of these earthly things if we often record that they are not our owne but borrowed and therefore as no wise man reioyceth for the stocke of money which he hath borrowed of another man which he must returne home againe as if it were his owne so it is small wisedome for vs who are appointed to saluation by Iesus Christ to delight in and set our hearts vpon the things of this life which are but lent vs and may euery day be required againe of vs but our owne riches which shall neuer be taken from vs as the knowledge of God the loue of our brethren ioy and peace by the holy Ghost these should so so make vs in loue with them that the loue of the other might be ouer-shadowed thereby Thus if we can thinke of all outward commodities of this life hauing this iudgement of them will daily meditate one time or other of the momentany condition of them with vnfeined prayer to God to renounce and forsake our old loue and acquaintance with them we should find this knot more and more to be broken and our thoughts not to be caried after them with such earnestnesse and continuance And if we could possibly thinke what hurt they haue done vs euen our selues alreadie for what vnsetlings from a Christian course do we in a maner sustaine but they are one cause of it if not the onely I am perswaded if we could rightly thinke but of this one thing we would abate our greedinesse and put the knife to our throat as the wise man wisheth in the like case that is to restraine our appetite But as experience hath taught that mens latter thoughts are for the most part better then the former as they may well be seeing they come with more mature deliberation so it may be sayd with griefe that when we haue played the fooles by letting loose our former thoughts to worldly lusts and cherishing of them we seldome haue the grace to light vpon the latter that is to digge and weed them out vnlesse perhaps vpon our death-beds we complaine when yet oft times it is too late Furthermore it would not a litle helpe vs forward to a slight and meane estimation of all earthly prosperitie if we would daily accustome our selues to muse vpon the examples of such as haue inioyed the sundry commodities as plentifully as any of vs do and yet haue bene taken from them and some of them in their flourishing age vntimely as leauing to the rest of vs who yet remaine a manifest spectacle of our mortalitie and a warning of vs to a moderate vse of them that we might not iustifie the worlds practise And it is another speciall meane to the contemning of the world though it go against nature to vse to visite them as others also in their sicknesse as we shall be able and there marke how they then speake of them that so we may see how litle good their commodities can do them in comparison of that good which they haue kept from them and considering how greedily they haue bene sought after of them for one would looke that things so sought should haue more excellency in them then euery one seeth And besides that by going into the house of mourning we may see and so be put in mind of our owne death and departure which cannot too oft be thought vpon and which is the end of all flesh that thereby we may somewhat more like strangers learne to vse the world after besides the thinking that we must giue an account how we haue gotten and vsed them Thus I haue in some sort shewed how and by what meanes the loue of all earthly
things shall be weakened in vs without the which we can neuer vse the lawfull pleasures and profits of this life moderately and rightly this one thing being added that this aduice be the more carefully and constantly regarded seeing the danger were like to be great by the neglecting of it And now vpon this which hath beene sayd it clearly and necessarily followeth that if thus we get superiority and dominion ouer our hearts and affections in the vse of earthly things then our actions and dealings about these lawfull liberties shall be well ordered in the sight of God and men to the great quietnesse and peace of our conscience for the righteous is bold as a Lyon For who doth not know that as the heart is affected either well or ill euen so it draweth the wordes and workes after it to be like and sutable which is the cause why I labour to perswade Christians to the subduing of the lusts and intemperate rebellions of the heart and to haue in meane reckoning and price all things here below that they may be the lesse offensiue in the whole course of their earthly dealings For when we be thus resolued in our hearts constantly watching thereto that we as God hath taught vs will so farre forsake all as we shall thereby be hindred from following our Lord Iesus Christ in any point of his holy commandements we are stayed from manifold abusings of our liberties as wealth peace preferment and such like And when we can containe and keepe our hearts from coueting and desiring any way to vse our prosperity vnlawfully we shall neither iniure others in any thing that is theirs nor haue our commodities as snares thornes and choakes to strangle and hurt our selues but in the inioying of all blessings of this life shall be sober and fruitfull in good workes and more feruently longing after the treasures of the paradise of God Which fruits of prosperity few do reape but runne into excesse and passe their bounds one way or other so truly it is sayd That as it was in the dayes of Noe so it will be in and vntill the comming of the sonne of man They eate they dranke maried wiues and were maried c. that is they chiefly regarded these things rather then the manner how or the end why and more then they did consider wherefore the Lord set them in this world And this be sayd of the first branch of this dutie that is of the vsing of prosperity and the lawfull liberties of this life rightly and how God teacheth his children daily as their state shall require to do the same accordingly as it is one of the duties which is of necessity to be obserued daily of all that desire well to bestow the day and to giue a good account thereof at the euening and end thereof Yet to such as obiect and aske If I will debarre them of their mirth and pleasures which in their prosperitie and through the benefit of their wealth they may inioy I will adde this briefe answer I wish they prospered in health strength earthly commodities and peace so as their soules might also prosper And I thanke God I am not so enuious against the welfare of any of my good brethren but that with the Apostle I can and do pray that they might be altogether Christians that is true and faithfull seruants of God without the bands or other hardnesse which some other of Gods people do sustaine and go vnder But seeing prosperity is a slippery way it is meete that all such as desire to be free from dangerous fals should looke diligently to their steps and seeing that our Sauiour himselfe hath taught vs that it is an estate full of danger they should not thinke much to be admonished put in mind daily to take heed that they stand sure and in safety It is not enough thinke we and a great fauour of God that he giue vs liberty to inioy his earthly benefits vnlesse we abuse them to the fulfilling of our fleshly desires Doth Christ allow vs any otherwise to take our pleasure on the earth then that it may not hinder vs from following him by temperance and sobernesse by humblenesse and meeknesse the way to heauen Or doth he bestow more on some then vpon others that they who haue much should set on edge the teeth of others by licentiousnesse We are called and that most fitly strangers to teach vs that we should not be medling nor intangle our selues here so as we should be vnready and vnwilling to go home And that is a right stranger-like liuing in the world and an inioying the lawfull liberties of it that we be made more fit thereby for the heauenly life and not to linger after any thing here or cling about it so that we being tied to any lawfull pleasure or profit we should not as free citizens of heauen be daily somewhat nearer it and readier to go to it And do we thinke that they are such strangers who pleade for such a liberty and reioycing here that their owne consciences do tell them that they are not willing and readie to die Are they such strangers who are priuy in their owne hearts that their reioycing is most for the commodities and delights of this world eating drinking pastime mariage gaine and successe in their dealings c. who if death should come vpon them whiles they are in the middest of them must needs cry out and say O death how vnwelcome art thou vnto vs who haue our pleasure in these It is the Lord that saith by his Prophet Let not the rich reioyce in his riches nor the strong in his strength nor the wise in his wisedome but he that will reioyce let him reioyce in this that he knoweth me And it is our Sauiour which saith Woe be to them which now laugh for they shall houle and weepe woe be to them which are full for they shall be hungry And againe Sonne thou in thy life time receiuedst thy pleasure therefore now art thou tormented Lastly Iob that was deare to the Lord sayd If I haue reioyced for that my hands haue gotten much and for that my riches are great euen this were to deny the Almighty Therefore know we that our reioycing ought not to be earthly yea as a godly man may not be glad for that he hath much going no further seeing that were but to be tied to the creature and to rest in a broken and a deceiptfull stay so neither may he reioyce in any other earthly thing whatsoeuer but he setteth it as well as riches in the Lords place from which it ought to be banished Now the heart of a Christian is the Lords temple and dwelling place and he it is that must dwell there as he himselfe hath said Giue me thine heart my sonne That must be where the treasure is it must haue no other treasure in heauen but him nor any on
weakened in me contrary to that which sometime I haue found and perswadeth me that euen my afflictions and the hardest parts of my life are sent not in thine anger and displeasure but of fauour and mercy and that for my good thou doest of very faithfulnesse cause me when so euer I am chastised to be corrected And so for thine afflicting of me also I am and more learne daily to be thankfull And the rather I see iust cause hereof because I am priuy in mine owne heart how litle cause I giue of this tender handling and most kind regarding of me yea rather I see causes innumerable why I should be giuen vp into a reprobate sense and both be made an example vnto others in this life of miserie and after be cast into endlesse woe For besides mine originall sinne wherein I was conceiued and borne my whole life before I was called to know thee to be my Sauiour through Christ my redeemer was nothing else but an vtter departing from thee and a dishonoring of thy name In euery cōmandement and branch thereof I was rebellious and disobedient to thee and that as many times as I haue haires vpon my head And since thou hast washed me from my wickednesse and purged me from my sinnes whereas I thought I should haue roundly and readily liked and submitted my selfe to thy holy will which is the rule of righteousnesse yet I haue fealt and do daily that I am hindred much from that good course which I desire not doing the good which I would most willingly but oft times that which I allow not and yet besides this I perceiue that there is much sinne in me which I know not as from time to time since my first beleeuing in thee I haue by litle and litle espied and found out so that most iustly I may say Oh Lord who can tell the manifold errors of this life or how oft he offendeth thee And as for the deceiptfulnesse of sinne who is wise inough to discerne it in many things as when we shall be angry for a iust cause when we shall giue our eye and heart liberty to please themselues in that which they desire when we grow weake in faith whiles we be about our lawfull businesse and such like which because I feele my selfe to be incombred with and with many such I do here as most vnworthie in my selfe acknowledge the same and humbly sue vnto thee ô heauenly father for thy deare sons sake Iesus Christ to pardon still my sins corruptiō who do confesse that I offend thee so oft in the day as I cannot expresse this morning to receiue me gratiously into thy fauorable protectiō that I may be satiate replenished with thy louing kindnes so that al the day after I may retaine the sauour of it haue my heart so sweetly seasoned with it that I may find feel all my actiōs as good things to proceed out of the good treasury of it and not to be fleshly rebellious corrupt as proceeding from a roote of bitternesse And as for the sinne which is hidden from me reueale and bring to light vnto me that I may be shamed and humbled thereby and not abuse thy pardoning of me to bold licentiousnes making that a colour of euill in me but let me plucke downe all pride of my heart and see my selfe daily and so this day more indebted to thy maiestie then otherwise I could possibly thinke my selfe to be and to send vp more oft and earnest prayers against the same Thus good Lord let me sensibly feele this mornings worke to be effectuall through thy blessing euen as it is thine owne ordinance that I should begin the day thus that I may haue my heart inlarged hereby to do my other duties with more cheare and fruitfulnesse and that I being thus perswaded of thy fauor may also be assured that thou wilt be with me to assist me and blesse me in all the lawfull workes actions which thou hast appointed me this day to do And seeing thou hast appointed that we should be occupied in some trauell and worke profitable to the common-wealth which also may keepe our selues from idlenesse incline my heart to obey this thy commandement not onely for other causes but chiefly because thou wilt haue it so and with chearfulnesse that may shake off tediousnesse and vntowardnesse as farre as of my frailtie may be obtained In the workes of my calling let me keepe my heart from all distemperature disorder and rebellion and containe my selfe from euerie euill way in the good successe which thou giuest let me not be lifted vp with lightnesse in the contrary not cast downe with immoderate heauinesse Let me see good and sufficient cause of intermitting the same as oft as I cease from it and let my mind be stable and well setled to follow thee though the actions of the day be many and variable In all companies let me frame my selfe this day to be harmelesse and innocent at home let me be warie against the common euils which are in families as brawling disagreeing with any anger vncharitablenesse reuiling prouoking or being prouoked by others but forbearing and forgiuing if I haue ought against any so let me be free from foolish iesting slandering of others lying vnprofitable and needlesse talking So abroad let me not fashion my selfe after the euill example of the world in these or the like but humbly carying my selfe towards mine equals giuing honor to my betters and making my selfe equall with those who are my inferiours as knowing my selfe what I am And not onely so but as I shall haue oportunitie graunt good Lord that I may do good by exhorting teaching comforting and admonishing and offering my selfe to take good by receiuing the same where I may that thus I may leaue no ill sauour in any place but with comfort call to mind the companies that I haue bene in and not with an euill conscience And that part of the day which I shall haue free from the fore-mentioned duties to be alone whether iourneying sitting walking or lying graunt most mercifull father that my heart may be weaned from vaine cogitations and fond desires euen the secretest and that out of the good treasurie of my heart I may raise holy and profitable meditations oft musing of the heauenly things contained in thy word namely thy mercies of mine owne mortality troubles subiection to sinne and Sathan and how I may order aright all my lawfull affaires and disgrace and bring in discredite with my heart all iniquity and the very apparance thereof Let me aime at these things this day as at a marke And whereas most mercifull father we are wont to go to prayer hearing conferring and reading of thy word with much vnwillingnesse and vntowardnesse and to be sleepie and vnreuerent therein graunt that I may be armed against these and contrarily may stirre vp my selfe to chearfulnesse and gladnesse when such times
especially three for I do not vndertake to mentiō all particulars which were infinite the rest will be discerned more easily by these The first is when the Diuell holdeth vs out of a setled course in godlinesse which all the godly ought to liue in daily though he cannot breake it off altogether The second is the want of our first loue though we hold and keepe some course in godlinesse more then many do The third is want of a sufficient ministerie though we be troubled with neither of the two former If these three be not in our way I see not much which may greatly hinder vs. For if we be resolued to consecrate our selues wholly to God while we liue and indeuour to nourish and preserue that feruencie which at our first calling God wrought in vs so that such holy sparckles be not quenched and then that we haue the word of God ordinarily to blow vp and chearish the same doubtlesse we are in the safest and best way to liue happily that in this life can be inioyed although all haue not the like measure of grace and experience by meanes whereof it cannot be alike with all though they be voide of these fore-mentioned lets as I shall haue occasion to shew after namely what trouble and disquietnesse the Diuell raiseth in some weake yet deare seruants of God by occasion of some want of graces in them which others haue But while I shew how the Diuell hindreth vs I do not meane that he hath any absolute power or authoritie of himselfe but as God giueth it him for the triall of his and the punishment of his enemies but the power which he giueth him he doth most cruelly subtilely and malitiously exercise with all diligence that he may deceiue euen the best and so destroy them if it were possible Neither let any aske how he can thus deceiue and bewitch vs for the ground of all temptations being our owne weaknesse he being a spirit hath accesse vnto our spirits to trouble them and through long experience knowing our nature and practising our miserie from age to age he is able with ease to worke our annoyance in all respects And this giueth him knowledge of our minds more fully who vnderstandeth the same by the least shew and inclination of our affection and will not that he knoweth our hearts perfectly for that is proper to God onely but by his long acquaintance with our nature from Adam to this day this maketh him not onely to expect any outward signification of speech or gesture to conceiue our intents and purposes by but also out of our vniuersall corruption whereof he hath continuall proofe to discouer the vanitie of our minds and the thoughts of our hearts which after he hath found he setteth vs forward as he seeth occasion whereto we must inclne to disobey God and his holy commandements But I will returne to the lets whereby the Diuell deceiueth the simple that they shine not as lights to honour their profession in a godly life The first of the three I sayd is by holding them from being setled in an holy course As for example he so handleth the matter that many true hearted Christians shall not know how or not thinke it meete to tie themselues to any rules or order of passing the day and leading their life but walke as it falleth out with some generall care and a good meaning at some time whereas the Scripture teacheth vs to be directed particularly in our thoughts words and deeds touching euerie commandement that our whole conuersation may beseeme the Gospell Now therefore if we passe the day and looke not before vs what we go about that we may be caried with care for the right performing of our duties who seeth not that euen this one is a sufficient let to him who is holden vnder of it as not being able to answer for many of his actions done to the offence of God and men in the day as he might haue bene For in that experience which I haue I cannot say that this one let is remoued from very many euen of those which giue good hope that they would do well and therefore it blemisheth many of their actions Some do propound to themselues a course of passing their time and framing of their liues in some points commendably as for example in their calling to be occupied in some labour but do not religiously behaue themselues therein shewing patience where they ought and as they haue occasion nor iustice and innocencie and so walke in the feare of God and therfore do not find the sweetnesse which a godly life yeeldeth whereas that were a right and good directing of them but herein they rather followe the example of others in thinking they do well then are led by any commandement of God or warrant of his word and therefore they not wisely foreseeing how many wayes the Diuell will go about to hinder them euen in that are soone broken off from that good purpose which they made and are vnsetled againe whether it be by their ignorance and folly or pretence of other occasions whatsoeuer was the meane thereof the Diuell was the worker of it They are no wiser nor deserue any greater commendation then the former who at some times and for a season keepe and obserue such order and direction to leade their liues by as they haue learned out of the holy Scriptures but by litle and litle they fall to do it in a sleight and common manner euen for fashion in great part and rather through custome and for shame and so waxe soone veary then with delight and comfort and all because their hearts go not with their actions constantly neither do they regard or looke to their consciences in one thing as in another that they may be kept in peace In all which though they cannot so much be blamed for any great euill they do yet their inconstancie in declining so soone from their good beginnings is no small blemish in them although they lie not long therein Whereby who doth not see that the Diuell watcheth them narowly that he may spoile them of their liberties and bring them into sore dangers although few of them giue themselues to know by whom this is wrought neither marke what letted them or put them out of their course much lesse preuent or resist them Nay which is more to be maruelled at some are so grossely deceiued by him that they are not grieued for the time that they were letted but glad to haue excuses for their breaking out Againe when they are distempered in their course and fallen into euill thereby yet know they not how to recouer but fall further or be afraid to go about their recouerie Some when God giueth them an inckling of his displeasure yet go forward till he strike them with more maine blowes and then they become blockish vnder great afflictions as we reade of Ionas when he
which God hath giuen them And therefore at this stay they keepe and will not be drawne from it till God bewray to them more clearely the diuels subtiltie in holding them there and what they haue lost by the hote maintaining of their vaine liberties that which they lose for them being far more precious and how for want of daily and more heartie embracing of these good meanes they are driuen by experience to see and confesse that they were kept long in bondage If therefore through our neglect of these we be otherwise fallen into Sathans hands then we were wont there is no other remedie but that we beare our punishment for a season euen heauinesse and reproch because we haue sinned but although we haue thus fallen yet let vs rise againe and that betimes for he hath smitten vs and he will heale vs. Let vs not harden our harts against God when he hath so iustly chastised vs but as humble children let euery of vs say My father my father we are ashamed that we haue turned aside from thee for why should we prouoke our God any while after wee once see his frowning face beginning to arise vpon vs we being his sonnes and daughters vnlesse we thinke it a small thing to haue him frowne vpon vs I stand the longer in this point because I haue experience by many how hardly they dare or can be perswaded to craue pardon with confidence after that they haue bene caried by their rebellious hearts to offend in somewhat which they knew to displease him Of whose weakenesse regard must be had and for such especially haue I taken this labour in hand though I know that for such as haue experience lesse might haue serued And yet whose case soeuer it shall be of vs all in triall we shall find it no easie matter after carelesse or wilfull offending of God to haue immediatly vpon the sight thereof relenting and tender-hartednesse and when we durst a litle while before prouoke him so soone after to be bold to beleeue in him that euen that so great a trecherie shall be pardoned for canst thou beleeue forgiuenesse of thy sinne who beleeuest not that thou must forsake sinne No no relenting commeth not by and by in the best who haue thus offended God but hardnesse of heart till after awhile when there hath bene a considering of the matter and of the state in which they are that so they may waxe ashamed of their so great vnkindnesse But otherwise where there is boldnesse in sinning there is no strength in beleeuing Thankes be vnto God for his vnspeakeable mercie that many of these times fall not out to his deare seruants who are resolutely prepared to stand vpon their watch for it is an heauie worke when that betideth vs and they who see not this see litle in the mysterie of godlinesse And as I would haue my good brethren farre from lying still and abiding in vnbeliefe at such a time when they haue cast themselues into it by their owne default so yet to let all bold presumers vpon God and abusers of his mercie vnderstand that Gods bountifulnesse is not set foorth in the Scriptures to adde drunkennesse to thirst in men and to giue them libertie to sinne who are alreadie too forward that way this I say That as the people of Israel perceiuing God to be iustly displeased with them for their trespasse of the calfe and therefore remouing the tabernacle where his presence was a farre off from them and their tents they durst not presume to go to the tabernacle to seeke the Lord who in displeasure was departing from them but they sought him a farre off that is standing in their tent doore and worshipping so let those who see their shame and nakednesse by sinning against God blush and be ashamed yet because he neuer taketh away his louing kindnesse from those whom he loueth let them shew themselues as guiltie persons though at the first afarre off and with much difficultie to seeke vnto him that they may be receiued againe And thus I haue made mention of the first let which hindreth from godly life euen the want of daily direction to serue God by and haue shewed how Sathan holdeth Christians in daungerous vnprofitablenes by keeping them vnsetled in a godly course and withall haue set downe some helpe against the same CHAP. 6. Of another let The leauing our first loue NOW followeth the second let in this first sort that is that many such as do hold on in some Christian course do yet lose and fall from their first loue not for a short time as they before mentioned but euen for years dayes as they say whē yet they hauing once receiued it of the Lord at their first effectuall calling and conuersion it ought to grow vp with them and accompanie them throughout their life to make euery part of it more sweet and comfortable And great reason there is why it should be so for if we be truly conuerted vnto God the longer that we haue bene trained vp in his house which is the militant Church and tasted of the diet of his seruants how good it is in comparison of any other the more we had need to take liking of his seruice and with all chearefulnesse to liue in it afterwards which at our first entrance we saw so great cause to like and approue of In so much that although wee shall haue strong perswasions to waxe wearie and slouthfull therein yet there are many more and greater considerations to moue vs to constancie and good liking in the same But that it may the better be seene what our first loue is I will in fewe words lay foorth the same We are to know therefore that when God first called vs from darknesse to light and from vnder Sathans tyrannie and feare of hell to see our selues deliuered from them which we saw were by our sinne due vnto vs and that yet for all that he would pardon our sins receiue vs graciously and loue vs freely whereas before we were his enemies this astonished vs and after due consideration inflamed our hearts and caused vs to admire this kindnesse of his and to esteeme and preferre it before all pleasures and to haue our hearts knit to him for it for this loue of his constrained vs to loue him most feruently and dearely againe Which our Sauiour Christ knowing well asked of Peter in that case if he loued him not more then the rest euen as Dauid also calling the same to mind brake out into these wordes saying I loue the Lord because in the sorrowes of death he heard and deliuered me Thus when we first saw the exceeding loue of God and Christ to vs we could not I say but loue him sensibly and heartily and therefore our brethren and so his word and Ministers that brought vs tidings of it for we no sooner beleeued but faith that worketh by loue
wrought this in vs. And seeing we loued him we therefore began to keepe his commaundements And this is the cause why Gods people are affected thus and delight in his seruice and one in another as they haue perswasion of their true conuersion and do therefore other duties readily which others will not set vpon nor go about and this is that which the Scripture calleth Our first loue Thus feruent are Gods children in the beginning to the admiration of many and no dutie is thought too great for them to perfourme to him as he thinkes nothing too good to bestow vpon them Yea it may truly be said If euer we loued we loued God and Christ more then any thing as Paule sheweth to the Philippians and our brethren as it is in the Psalme All my delight is in the Saints vpon earth and the Ministers as Paule speaketh I beare you witnesse that to do me good you would haue plucked out your eyes Now then to come to our purpose when this loue shall waxe cold as here our Sauiour chargeth many with it and many now a dayes are iustly to be charged for it is it not an intollerable trecherie When we shal let slake in vs the consideration of such loue of God to vs in Christ which neuer faileth nor chaungeth towards vs and we thought sometime that it could neuer be forgotten of vs is not this slaking of our loue towards him a iust cause of complaint against vs And do we not declare thereby that either we be growne dull slouthfull forgetfull or that we thinke that the Lord hath ceassed to be mercifull Is it not a plaine testifying that we thinke we are not regarded and prouided for by him so as we may continue all wonted duties and seruices towards him Yea rather are we not iustly to be charged that we are couenant-breakers or haue as adulteresses broken our faith to our first husband Whereas we hauing so long enioyed the priuiledges of his people and citizens should now much more do so and looke confidently for the promised reward our saluation being now nearer then when we first beleeued For why should pleasure or profite wealth or fauour things present or to come put out of place that loue of God in vs or cause vs for thē to be rebuked Why should not our workes be more at the last then at the first as our knowledge is more and our experience greater And therefore who seeth not cause sufficient that our affections of first loue should continue I may iustly make a heauie complaint of the decay thereof in many Ministers whose glorie and crowne it was sometime to see the peoples profiting in godlinesse as Paul saith whose meate and drinke was to do the will of their Father and who did well prooue that they loued Christ more then all other things by their diligence in feeding his sheepe and lambes and what prey or bootie soeuer they haue met with and got since sure I am that some of them do sometime wish those seasons past were now present still And whatsoeuer causes of this decay they alleadge yet when they weigh their case vprightly they can say no lesse but the fault is principally in themselues How many of the people also may I speake of who verifie that saying of Christ Iohn was a burning light and for a season ye delighted in him who neither can honour God as then they did nor giue that light to other All which I wish to consider that which was said to them that had offended in the like case I haue somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first loue Remember from whence thou art fallen and repent c. Thus I haue in some sort laid foorth this first loue which God by his spirit worketh in all his elect children when he first bringeth them home and maketh them to know how greatly they are bound to him for their so admirable deliuerance and happie conuersion And herewith I haue shewed how easily both teacher and hearer leaue and depart from the same and fall from it though otherwise they keepe some course in seruing God as the Church of Ephesus did whom yet the Lord reproued sharpely for that they had lost this For thus he saith I know thy workes and thy labour and thy patience and that thou canst not beare with them that are euill c. Neuerthelesse I haue somewhat against thee that thou hast left thy first loue Our Sauiour likewise in Saint Mathew foretelleth that this should be one thing among many other worthily to be complained of That in the latter dayes in which these wherein we now liue are reckoned the loue euen of many good Christians as also of such as seemed by good likelihood to be so shall decay and waxe cold whereby what other thing did he meane then this that mens affection in the worshipping and seruing of God the zeale of his glorie loue to their brethren and feruencie towards the preaching of the Gospell should be sore and much abated ouer it was in the beginning when they first embraced it and were enlightened by it to beleeue in him And as though he would teach that it should be a very hard thing to recouer this first loue againe he giueth this watch-word in the same place But they that continue to the end shall be saued Whereby me thinke● he doth liuely admonish and warne all sound-hearted Christians to looke heedfully and carefully to nourish and preserue that holy pure and first sparkle of grace kindled in them against all that might come in the way to quench and put out the fame As though he would say Although all pietie and christian care of honouring God be not extinguished in men yet if they decline thus farre to suffer their earnest and feruent affection and loue to God and goodnes to be cooled in them euen this is a blemish not to be borne or allowed and a sinne which both God cannot nor will not beare and passe by in them and which striketh at the very life and saluation of those that offend in that manner and such a losse as will be hardly recouered againe And though in other wordes yet fully to the same purpose Saint Paul speaketh to the Thessalonians when he saith Quench not the spirit as if he would say The worke of grace wrought in you by the spirit of God to fixe your delight on heauenly things and not on the earth and whereby ye were caried to set vp in your hearts the Creator and the things which he commaundeth before the creature this worke of the spirit destroy ye not neither let your feruent desires and holy affections which haue bene kindled in you therby be as fire which water quēched Now then if the words of our Sauiour both to the church of Ephesus and his prophesie of that which should come to passe in the last dayes
learned better then the other to sustaine the same For where faith is in Gods promises without which they cannot heartily loue heauenly things they must know that they haue a liberall portion and therefore ought to lift vp their hearts out of their deadly dumps and as these and such like directions do counsell them let them grow forward but without discouragement yea though their measure be small and they in their owne iudgement be the backwardest of others Of small beginnings come great proceedings of one little sparckle a mightie flame and the talle Okes were sometime but small akornes he hath well begun who hath in truth begun and he hath much who feeleth that he wanteth much and he who in an humble and a meeke spirite hungreth after knowledge and grace hath made good proceeding towards the attaining of both and shall in time be satisfied therewith This I speake to incourage those whom Sathan abuseth by occasion of some wants of good things in them when in the meane while if they knew so much there is no cause but contrariwise of reioycing Thus much of the first kind of lets CHAP. 8. Of the second kind of generall lets namely The vnmortified affections wherewith he oppresseth the beleeuer And first Of feare that they shall not perseuere and of pride in their gifts NOw I hauing shewed how the former kinds of lets should be remoued the second kind followeth which containeth the sinnes and corruptions that are in vs whereby the Diuell hath exceeding great aduantage against vs to hinder vs from this heauenly course which we should walke in And they are besides the ignorance and blindnesse that is in vs of which I haue spoken before our vnruly and vnmortified affections and the worldly lusts which if they preuaile and be suffered to rule in vs they thrust out with violence all grace and goodnesse Of these I will mention some particulars euen the most dangerous if comparison may be made of all the rest and the Reader may the better iudge of the other I adde if comparison may be made because they are all so raging that when they are stirred vp in vs and set on fire a man cannot tell which is most odious in it selfe and worketh most furiously and that most disguiseth vs who make our selues bondmen thereto For proofe of that which I say when filthie lusts are kindled and haue gotten some strength in a good Christian though that be neuer without his owne great fault how doth it trouble and disquiet him yea wound and accuse him he thinking it the loathsomest and most shamefull of all others as indeed there need no worse thing to annoy and disturbe him and it causeth him oft to say Oh what can be more irkesome vnsauorie and shameful then this Euen as the people said in Samuel of their wilfulnesse We haue sinned many other waies but especially in asking a King so I say that sin seemeth to a penitent christian when he commeth to himselfe most odious wherewith he hath felt his heart most intangled But to proue that true which I sayd so doth he cry out of the rest when he remembreth how he hath beene deceiued by them a worldly and greedy mind seemeth most wearisome and vnbeseeming of all other to him and biteth most deeply when that hath possessed him and when he hath offended by anger malice feare impatience peeuish conceitednesse and the rest he saith the same of them euerie one for the time wherein it hath bene the chiefest prouoker of him to offend is most cried out of euen as if there were no other to be compared with it thus he speaketh of them I say when he repenteth And by this it may appeare when there are many of these euery while assaulting and as it were arresting a poore Christian which suffer no other good thing to be in place where they be that if he be not strengthened armed against these and such other of that kind he can neuer keepe a setled course and daily continue the same in a godly life Of these therefore as I sayd I will mention some that the beleeuing Christian may the more carefully auoide them And herein this aduice is not vnprofitable that euery one marke with which he is most incombred and most easily ouercome of as feare anger vncharitablenesse c. and by what occasions he is readiliest drawne to them that he may the more preuaile ouer them by such helpe as he shall haue ministred to him The remedies so farre as I shall adde here shall either be set downe seuerally with the seuerall lets or one remedie for sundry lets or where neither is know that the daily direction which we haue beene moued to practise shall be the remedie in such a case And among the vnmortified affections I will begin with that which troubleth the most of them till God giue them release or deliuerance and that is A fearfull doubting of their perseuerance I meane that poore Christians shall not so soone begin to be drawne out of the world to any liuely hope of saluation and care of pleasing God and so haue escaped one bondage but he plungeth them into another holding them vnder dreadfull feare and distrustfulnesse that they shall not perseuer to the end of a godly life especially in sore trials and when persecution and strong temptations shall come And this feare he doth fasten vpon them the more easily seeing that affection of feare is most nearly glewed to them and besides when they see examples of faintings in many professors and how cruel the vngodly prophane scorners Atheists Papists and persecuters are among whom they liue this feare is soone strengthened and confirmed in them For which cause our sauiour forewarned his Disciples of it saying Feare not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soule but rather feare him which is able to destroy both soule and body in hell and Saint Paule In nothing feare your aduersaries c. For this cannot be predominant but it feebleth vtterly the powers of the mind as the raising of the mudde in a spring troubleth the pure water and consequently holdeth backe the instruments of the body from practising well any kind of dutie In these fetters therefore of feare and most painefull and irkesome streights he holdeth them or if any escape and so begin to reioyce in their hope againe yet shall they not attaine thereto nor grow therein distrusting themselues and resting in the promise of God nor be deliuered out of their feare but with much difficultie and striuing and yet if they be it shall not be at once but by litle and litle while the word of God soketh into their hearts as the soft raigne into the hard ground For I must confesse that as all passions are troublesome and do much vnsetle vs for the time so feare and sorow do this most of all especially when the things about which we feare
oftentimes euen when we haue renewed our couenants after some fall or daungerous coldnesse espyed and repented of yet shall we by litle and litle fall to our old bias againe Now if herewith good means faile we are set so much the more forward herein as we reade of the people of Israell euen in the short absence of Moses from them being but fortie dayes I do not speake of the vnfitnesse and naturall vntowardnesse of the mind or vnaptnesse of the bodie to Gods worship or to the duties of our particular callings which being sometime in the best of Gods people are by moderate and honest recreating of them if they cannot otherwise expelled and shaken off but I speake of the vnwillingnesse that the flesh feeleth to hold on constantly in dutie further then it liketh and that is not vtterly to cast off the yoke of Christ but to serue God and it self too For there is nothing more desired of it then when some duties haue bene perfourmed to God that it may haue libertie as it liketh to occupie and set on worke both heart and hand in some manner to the displeasing of God For euen as the hypocrites and vnreformed persons do neuer serue God heartily but from teeth outward and seeing Gods seruice is holy and pure but they carnall and earthly minded cannot at all delight therein euen so Gods children being sanctified but in part haue many prouokings of them by that wisedome of the flesh that remaineth in them to be wearie of liuing godly and are troubled with strong reasons to induce and draw them thereunto And this is so true that euen the best after they haue renewed their couenant with the Lord to be more fruitfull and constant also do purpose the same with full resolution yet by litle and litle they shall feele that feruencie of theirs weakened and cooled and sensibly declining euen as the Sunne toward his going downe For which cause the Apostle doth oftentimes strongly fence the Christians against it saying Be not wearie of well doing And againe Stand fast in the faith quite you like men be strong And thus if we curbe not in the vnruly affections and lusts which would soone fasten vpon vs and do not oft record our many sweet liberties which we find in seruing God which shall also be greatest when we haue continued longest we shall find this too true by our owne experience namely what wearines groweth vpon vs now and then especially of holding on chearefully and dutifully in our Christian course For as the diseases in the nether parts of the bodie do make the heart heauie and the head to be distempered and they being healed do ease and quicken both euen so these vnmortified affections of ours being out of order do trouble the soule and disquiet it therfore the well ordering of them is a singular chearing and comforting of the soule and mind Herein therefore we must know and be perswaded that Gods grace shall be sufficient for vs who by the disgracing of them by his word will weaken them in vs and will make the way easie vnto vs euery day more and more vnto the godly life and take away the difficulties which stand vp to hinder vs euen as we see how he encourageth vs thereto saying My yoke is easie and my burden is light Moreouer though the diuell cannot breake vs off vtterly from a daily care of pleasing God yet he will so labour to vnsettle vs with reproches ill opinions vniustly conceiued of vs false reports and disgrace with our betters which shall meete with vs in euery place that we shall be much disquieted if not vnsetled for the time or stirred vp to bitternesse take counsell how we may be reuenged with sundrie other discouragements euen vntill we enter into the sanctuarie of the Lord and come to due consideration of our estate againe namely that the Lord is not chaunged toward vs for all that but willeth vs to reioyce saying If you be ill spoken of for my sake and the Gospels reioyce and be glad for great is your reward in heauen But whatsoeuer may stand vp in our way to prouoke fainting and wearinesse in our christian course we haue strong and many perswasions against them as that we shall reape our reward without wearinesse Gal. 6.9 euen a crowne of righteousnesse 2. Tim. 4.8 But because the matter ariseth more large then I looked for although I studie with all breuitie to set downe the diuerse kinds of vntamed affections barely with their remedies I will therefore shut vp this second sort of lets with naming the particulars onely which are not alreadie mentioned that the reader may know and so be able to discerne them and so beware of them as of the rest So he sometime prouoketh vs to vniust anger which is no better then a short madnesse especially when we can say we had cause offered vs so easily doth he turne our affections against vs which God teacheth vs to vse to good ends and purposes At some other time he poisoneth vs with deadly conceipts and heartburnings against such as we dislike also with loosenesse and lightnesse of heart also with rashnesse and hastines wherein we do nothing well with lumpishnes and melancholie and with diuerse such like the beginnings and first risinges of the which although our owne hearts do breed yet the strength of them is of Sathan By all which as he seeth his best opportunitie he so possesseth our hearts that they are no more fit in that sort being vnsetled to be employed in any part of Gods seruice then the running water when it is stirred and troubled in the bottome is for our necessarie vse And thus it may appeare how many of Gods deare seruants are holden backe by occasions of their owne corruptions the diuell adding strength thereto from shining as lights in a christian course and when God hath mercifully begun in them the life of godlinesse how they do afterwards though it be litle to their commendation or reioycing breake off or hinder their growing forward in the same through some great fault of their owne not subduing their rebellious hearts as God teacheth them neither stirring vp and cherishing the good gifts of God which were giuen them before as they might with ease haue done being taught and shewed how especially their fault is this that they haue giuen themselues to many fond and vaine liberties both in speaking thinking and liuing which to be pulled from it would seeme to them when they should but euen heare of it to be as the cutting off a peece of their flesh I speake not now of the vnreformed for their vsuall course is ordinarily thus neither are they in any order before men except they haue their owne mind satisfied For the remedying of these and such like this is no small helpe that they set themselues to marke their disposition and inclination better to what sinne
they are most prone and besides except they haue a wise care to keepe themselues beseeming the Gospell especially in those parts of their liues which lye open to greatest daungers that therein they be best furnished and if they take a foile and sustaine a checke to their conscience yet to seeke the curing and ease of it by due humiliation speedily But this will not much preuaile except their owne hearts haue bene brought to take sound delight in the christian course and waine themselues from that which they shall know to be against it and to be glad to be aduised and directed how to recouer But of this second kind of lets thus much CHAP. 10. Of worldly lusts and namely The loue of carnall pleasure and the inordinate desire of riches BVT further as he findeth best oportunitie he deceiueth vs many other wayes and namely in taking vp our hearts in endlesse foolish and vaine desires of things which we neither can nor ought to enioy as the lust of the heart of the eye and the pride of life and so feeding vs with the ayre euen with most vaine and deceiptfull dreames besotteth vs with too much pleasure-taking in transitorie liberties and commodities of this life which pull our mindes as much from godly duties as they carie them after such vnsauourie follies About many daungerous fantasies he occupieth our heads that we may neglect the seeking of better things especially in the time when we should be best occupied I meane by these all sorts of worldly lusts which are more noysome and daungerous then the euill affections mentioned before though one would think we had litle need to be shaken and distempered with greater then they but rather studie how to make them weakened and subdued in vs. These worldly lusts are lusts of the flesh which belong to the present state of this life and world as the exceeding loue and desire of pleasures riches and estimation or honor c. For if he can fasten our delights on these we are caried headlong as the chariot by wild horses is ouerturned I will shew the daunger we are in by meanes of these worldly lusts in two kinds The lustes of the flesh properly so called and the inordinate desire of riches and cares of the world How a true Christian may possibly be disguised by these I say that he shall be thereby as another man and sometime grossely ouercome of them I will first shew and then adde some remedies against them The first is when he shall be drowned in sensualitie and the sottish pleasure of the bodie so that he is blind and imporent and hath no power to consider what the Scripture saith Fauour is deceiptfull and beautie is a vaine thing And what is the cause of this for it would not easily be beleeued that a true Christian should fall so farre The cause is this that he hauing giuen his heart libertie to desire stolne waters and to count them sweet when he should rather haue loathed and cast them vp as vomite and haue made a firme couenant against the nourishing of such delights and he hauing giuen his eye leaue also to feed it selfe with such sights he was made vtterly blind And that being done his prayers became feeble and weake though sometime attempting it to expell and driue out such sottishnesse but it lodged in him and made him a slaue vnto it Which cannot be plainelier seene then in Sampson a man of great gifts as may be gathered by the storie but made so impotent by the looke of a woman that he yeelded himselfe to her lure most reprochfully and being caught with that which was precious in her became a foole in Israell who had bene wise enough before to rule the whole land And to this bondage doth a man indued with grace bring himselfe when he will not see the daunger which he cannot but know is readie to meet with him For can a man take fire in his bosome and not be burnt No more may such an one who will be caried of his raging lusts looke to be free from great euill and daunger But behold further what goeth with it euen this that he is senslesse at the sight of it when he should rather tremble to behold in what estate he is For besides that he knoweth he doth euill which makes his sin the greater his prayers are lost which he bestoweth about it his burden of conscience is importable the losse of grace thereby is vnspeakeable the griefe of the godly that heare of it vnutterable and the reioycing of the wicked vnsatiable And yet this is not so to be taken as though it could be no otherwise with any of Gods people for many are free from that slauerie who yet haue the same allurements but they giue not place to their vnruly desires beleeuing that which is taught them How deare it will cost them Oh subtilties of Sathan hardly to be discerned and deceiptfulnesse of the heart not to be trusted so soone to let loose not a filthie man or woman onely giuen ouer to euill desires who can do no other but fulfill the same to the vttermost but a sonne and daughter of Abraham who doth loath and abhorre such wickednesse and yet to be taken in such a time that they should be readie to venture vpon that which must needs worke their vndoing and to wish that by the enioying whereof they were better be dead But I must say such do purchase to themselues the iust fruite of their labours for though they may be sealed vp by the spirit of God to saluation for of such onely I speake yet what then Ought they not therefore to be more holy and beware of the least occasions of emboldening them to sinne And of all other sinnes to be most suspicious and fearefull of those to the which they know that they are most prone and inclined and by the committing whereof they are sure that their shame and sorrow must needes be greatest Which two when they are by their iust deserts once brought vpon them they will confesse with vs then that we cannot be too circumspect and warie and that it is no precisenesse to beware of the deceiptfulnesse of sinne at any time or in any place or companie the which grace yet and care was thought to be too much austeritie till they smarted so bitterly for the want of it But euery one can tell that this is true He that standeth furthest from a raging flame is freest from burning and he who goeth farre off from the brimme of a riuer is safest from drowning A word to the wise is more then an hundred stripes to a foole And I pray God that numbers of them who mocke some for their precisenesse haue not oft times iust cause to blush and be wounded for their bold sinning I meane as well the sinne which I now here speake of as other kinds and all for this that
rather then is our perill greater when we haue so many more strong allurements and deceiueable prouocations to set our delight vpon the things of this world then when we were holden vnder of afflictions for he worketh vpon our hearts by occasion of these commodities which many other do want to puffe vs vp with pride and high-mindednesse and so imbolden vs to say because we haue much Who is the Lord and to forget our selues to be mortall men when we be not in pouertie wants and sorrowes like the common sort of others and to make our riches peace health and such like our strong hold But these are not the one halfe of his slie practises by the which he maketh prosperitie as much as in him lyeth to be our bane euen as it is to men of the world for he subtilly maketh drunken our hearts with the loue of our goods and so holdeth out the loue of the christian life and the true loue of God from vs for the one of these cannot stand with the other The particular infections which from these generall diseases the diuell seeketh to bring vpon our soules and all by occasion of wealth and worldly pleasure who so weigheth but indifferently shall easily be brought to confesse that happinesse consisteth not in the things which a man possesseth neither that the rich man is the happie man but is most commonly the miserable the wofull man and he whom the diuell doth so much the more easily draw to grieuous iniquities because of his prosperitie and when he hath rocked him asleepe then he secretly murdreth and woundeth to death his soule no lesse palpably then Iael did the bodie of Sisera For who doubteth of this that as prosperitie it selfe is Gods blessing and commeth neither from the East nor the West much lesse from the diuell so yet that all the mischiefe which commeth thereby is his procuring and subtill and secret bewitching of them who haue this wealth and liue in this prosperitie According to the saying of the Apostle It is the prince of this world that blindeth mens eyes who beleeue not the Gospell that being in darknesse whether they be poore or rich they may not be able to see how to vse their estate aright And our Sauiour saith It is the diuell who stealeth the word out of mens hearts when they haue heard it whether they be poore or rich so that although it teach them both how to walke the one in contentation the other in lowlinesse and doing of good workes yet neither of them is a whit the better and therefore the rich man for of him I am to speake if he be not poore and meane in his owne eyes and fruitfull in doing many duties and in bringing foorth much fruit seeing the diuell so watcheth and hindereth him can no easilier enter into the kingdome of God then the camell through the eye of a needle Neither let any man obiect that the diuell deceiueth not a godly man thus for except he haue learned to vse his prosperitie aright as in Gods word he is taught as not to be high minded but to be more plentifull in good workes thereby as I haue said then otherwise he could to loue it litle seeing it is not the great riches which Saint Paul speaketh of but the meane and small and except he haue learned to want also as God shall trie him if I say he be not thus armed euen he who is otherwise the child of God may be haled by the diuell to daungerous euils and to a grieuous ouerthrow and that by the occasion of his prosperitie and welfare And therfore it is an especiall point of wisedome while God giueth vs peace health and a safe enioying of our outward commodities to take heed that we rest not in them neither make them or any other to be fleshly holds or proppes to leane vpon for full easily they will be cast downe with very small blastes of aduersitie and trouble and howsoeuer we went for zealous persons before yet full faintly shall we perfourme our duties being readie to be led about by the diuell so many wayes by occasion of our prosperitie and yet perhaps most of all when God shall send a chaunge But let Gods louing kindnesse shewed to our soules because it is renewed vpon vs euery day prouoke vs in all estates to be true and faithfull to him and let vs not serue him for his outward benefites although I deny not but that we may haue more libertie thereby both to doe our duties to him and to our brethren and that more plentifully then in wants and necessitie And as it behoueth vs thus to vse prosperitie as that we may not abuse it so if we haue by any occasion bene turned out of the way let vs suspect our false hearts the more afterward to withdraw them further off from the loue of the world and in token of our repentance and pardon obtained to reuenge our selues yea if there be cause to make restitution as Zacheus did But to proceed Another occasion the diuell taketh of quenching grace in vs by family-matters about the which he so busieth and occupieth our heades that right good Christians do perceiue themselues sooner to take hurt thereby then they can espie it and see themselues vnsetled thereby before they are aware And that is in the varietie and multitude of worldly affaires when either they are more then with the practise of christianitie we can looke to or being not so yet they being sundrie and diuerse our hearts are wholly taken vp with them and so they become vnsetled and vnprofitable especially because we are wont to deale rashly loosely and vnaduisedly in the most outward things we go about For otherwise we taking our lawfull workes in hand aduisedly and watchfully and walking circumspectly in our diuerse affaires the diuell cannot so easily preuaile against vs whiles we are carefully taking heed to our wayes and confidently perswaded that God alloweth vs and is pleased with vs in the doing of them But to say the truth the most part euen of good Christians attaine not to this grace in houshold affaires and matters about their maintenance thereby so moderately and warily to carie themselues as that they auoide the common hurts which the most men do sustaine that is an vnquiet mind distracted or vnsetled with some other corruption by occasion of so many dealings In which case they make themselues as I haue said before vtterly vnfit to do any good for a time yea and so abide for a long space if they haue not the more tender consciences to call them backe the sooner For both they themselues haue bene wont through custome to be hastie forgetfull and vnwatchfull in these matters and haue seene it so common a thing with others to do the same that although they come euen from prayer or from a Sermon yet can they hardly speake or do
decay of godlinesse and a chaunge from that which had bene in vs and thereby were driuen into exceeding heauinesse to behold from what we had falne and yet vtterly vnable to recouer our selues againe for the time If sometime by more earnest stirring vp of our selues we could obtaine this of our selues to humble our hearts before God by prayer confession of our sinne c. which yet in such a case we were brought to very hardly whē we had greatest need yet we may behold here what a bitter fruite we reaped and that also long continuing with vs of our forenamed liberty seeking and for giuing the beginnings of sinne such intertainment within vs. Another proofe that this our complaint is iust is that we haue not so growne in grace and in the fruites of godlinesse that we haue bene hereby amiable in the eyes of God and of his good seruants neither haue we taken vp our delight in labouring after them as for example In our afflictions and trials we haue not felt our selues contented that the Lord should exercise vs as it hath bene seene good to him we haue not ouercome impatience in them much lesse reioyced in bearing them Act. 5.41 We haue not taken occasion by Gods blessings of libertie peace health fellowship one with another prosperitie such like to be more fruitfull and chearefull in doing all good duties as occasion hath bene offered lowlinesse meekenesse kind-hartednesse faithfulnesse to men sinceritie to God in the good things which we haue done haue oft and much bene wanting very sparie and niggardly we are in prayer meditation triall of our selues and labouring to know sinne better and confessing against our selues that which we know soone wearie of well doing yet not grieued at it vnwearied in things needlesse We so hardly and slightly see the necessitie of practise of many duties and precepts which by doctrine are commended vnto vs that we rest in that which hath bene and coldly arise vp to any new or further proceeding Our crucifying of our selues to the world that we might be content to be despised and of litle account in it or our crucifying of the world vnto our selues that it might not bleare our eyes with the vanitie and deceiueable inticements and baites of it hath bene very faintly gone about of vs our experience in marking the course of Gods dealings towards vs in comforting vs after well doing in letting vs feele that an hundred fold for the forsaking of any part of our will also in this chastising of vs for our securitie or other defaults alas it is very small So that neither may it be sufficient for vs to encourage others to a godly life vpon our owne triall it is so weake neither is it such as ministreth any great wisedome or direction to our selues to hold on in a good course and yet how frozen and faint our perswading and encouraging of others is when we are not well setled our selues it may be considered with griefe enough to him that listeth to weigh it Our litle watching of our hearts against folly or of our whole life that in our solitarinesse we might commune with the Lord and our owne hearts in companie be fit to do good or take good that euill might be farre from vs may iustly shame and feare vs to thinke of our litle labouring through loue as our callings will permit to be fruitfull and occupied in that which might increase our peace and vphold our christian estate is lamentable And thus by this and such other like it may easily appeare that seeing we may charge our selues in this wise we haue good cause to complaine that it is not with vs as it ought to be And from these accusations ariseth another that we take too liberall an vse of lawfull things neuer suspecting that any hurt or daunger can thereby come vnto vs as in diet apparell sleepe the vse of mariage dealings in the world and talking thereof forgetting that which the holy Ghost hath taught vs that is that these lawfull things namely pleasures and profites are called snares and therefore easily able to intangle men and hold them fast so as it shall be hard for them to runne the race of christian dutie required of them and that they are said to presse men downe that by meanes of them they cannot with such chearefulnesse and fruite liue vnto God Wherein to be directed this may serue vs for a rule that as euery one of vs can see what is sufficient so we bestow no more time about the world then we needes must neither in talke nor other dealings fearing withall lest we should be caried to loue it too much wherein the more that euery man laboureth to ouercome himselfe that his chearefulnesse in good duties may not be hindered so much the more he shall haue to reioyce that he hath bene content to abridge his owne delight for better things Another proofe of this our iust complaint is that we haue had litle feeling of the wants and miseries of others To see how many thousands walke ignorantly other many in securitie hypocrisie superstitiō c. many to haue fallen away vtterly after they had receiued a tast of the Gospell who should not be moued at the beholding of it and pitie them as much as in him shold lye and not to be content that we our selues should do well whiles we see so many in calamitie But it cannot be denyed but that their estate either of the desolate beyond the seas in many countries or of the distressed ones amongst vs doth litle touch or come neare vs whereby as our prayers are weake which are made in their behalfe so are the other fruites of our compassion small and few For as liberalitie is cold in respect of the abilitie which many haue so few of vs are grieued at their euils or go about to call backe and reclaime such as we may we haue not much set our minds on this how we might best preuaile with and draw our kindred acquaintance familiars families c. neither of purpose to order our wayes so as we might by our holy conuersation winne either these or straungers to God neither to strengthen the weake and helpe forward such as haue bene at a staggering And that which is more if we haue done any of these yet we haue done it more houerly and coldly whether with our families or other with whome we haue had to do that way not in meekenesse loue compassion bearing as there hath bene cause with them or heartily seeking to winne them vnto God The cause hereof was no one but yet chiefly our euill hearts which for all the tast of holy doctrine and light which we had of the life to come yet being cleansed and renued but in part were euermore in respect of our corruption prone to euill and vnapt to goodnesse so that not onely after good meanes vsing they caried vs to a forgetfulnesse of that good which
was offered vs either in prayer conference or the ministerie of the word and to a sensible desire at least of some declining but euen in the time of our enioying of them our hearts deceiued vs that we could not make I speake of the most times any great vse or profite of them at all But that the euill of the heart may the better appeare and so the cause of our vnprofitablenesse the more clearely be seene it shall be good to set downe some of the particular corruptions of it and how easily they breake foorth and shew themselues by the smallest occasions Now the heart is deceiptfull whereby when we are towards or in the way to great daunger yet we are not willing or not able to see and decline it It is hardened in great part so that it is not easily brought to relenting nor to be touched and to melt and so good meditation and the fruitfullest doctrine doth hardly affect vs. Frowardnesse which disquieteth and distempereth the whole life peeuishnesse when we cannot abide any word vttered but it is taken in ill part and most rancke poyson gushing out against them that displease vs and impatience and vnquietnesse vnder our afflictions and crosses are in it hypocrisie also It is also idle and slouthfull in going about dutie yea and vntoward in the same It is fraught with self-loue which is when we fauour our selues too much and please our selues in our sinnes when yet the smallest prouocations thereto should displease vs. Earthly-mindednesse is another streame running from this fountaine when we are drawne to the loue of the commodities of this world and are led with a desire of growing rich which snareth vs and calleth backe our minds from liuing holily and causeth such as wisely resist it not to haue their treasure in the earth In prayer great coldnesse and wearinesse of wel-doing possesseth as it were this heart of ours when by any occasion we haue attempted it anger malice and reuengement in degree one exceeding the other do easily appeare to haue their abode in this hart pride of heart though sometime priuie is one among the rest which poysoneth our best actions and soone ariseth when any good hath bene done of vs the repining at the gifts of other doth many times assault vs what barrennesse and emptinesse of Gods grace is too commonly found in vs our wofull experience doth cause vs to remember vncleane desires among the rest are here an innumerable rabble of other vnsauourie daungerous and carnall thoughts do swarme in vs and temperancie and moderation is so meanely reached vnto that we can hardly be merie without lightnesse sad without vnfruitfull dumpishnesse beleeuing God without presuming or feare him without some doubtings and inclinings to dispairing These here set downe with others many like vnto thē hauing place in our harts long continuance without any occasion offered do set themselues a worke in vs but especially by occasions do fearefully breake out from vs we being if we could marke it not long without some of them whatsoeuer we go about What maruell though other causes did not go with them if by meanes of these we should haue our best actions blemished yea poysoned and our common behauiour and course of life to be vtterly vnholy But now when these shall be let loose in vs when they are not holden in as it were with bit and bridle when they shall gouerne vs and not wee them but we become slaues seruants vnto them how can it be otherwise but that our liues should giue litle light vnto men and glorie to God and for all our profession of the Gospell and the account that we make of it yet that the fore-mentioned offences be found in vs And this is the second cause why we bring foorth no greater fruites of amendement For when our harts which in themselues are too euill shall wander where they will without checke and feed themselues by occasions without controulment litle watching ouer them or keeping in of them with diligent care and obseruing of them full easily and right soone is this vnsetlednesse and vnprofitablenesse which we complained of ingendred in vs and so bringeth foorth fruite accordingly euen like vnto it selfe as hath bene said Now for our owne parts we cannot but confesse and remember against our selues that we haue either not knowne many of these forenamed corruptions and therefore could not vse any violence against them or if we haue seene them in our selues yet haue we made light matters of them dallied with them and delighted in them and if time or other dealings haue not brought vs into the forgetfulnesse of them yet with some sodaine sighes and weake mislikings they haue bene beheld of vs which hath bene no decaying nor cutting off of so ranck corruptions but that they haue budded foorth againe immediatly and so haue sowred our actions with their bitter leauen most daungerously Whereas if we had bene iealous ouer them if we had first cleansed and purged our hearts of them if we knowing that the greatest offences before men are first nourished in the heart to the prouoking of God and therefore had set our selues against them we should haue seene that with much comfort to our selues in sound practise of dutie we should haue proceeded in our christian course as being hereby at libertie from such bondage to our lusts according to that which is written Iam. 4. Resist the diuell and he shall flie And in this estate we haue pleased our selues most commonly because we haue sought ease to the flesh and haue bene loath to take such paines as to abridge and cut off our manifold vaine delights and fleshly liberties Oh it hath bene a death to vs when we must be rowzed out of our luskishnesse and be enforced to graunt that such a life hath bene but meere security when we must confesse much against our selues which hardly we haue bene brought vnto and yet not rest there till we haue also obtained of our selues to cast it vp as an vnsauourie gorge For when in our decay in grace we haue feared secretly that all hath not bene well with vs and yet for all that because we would feele no smart and it was irkesome and tedious to vs to thinke that we must enter into a streighter course we haue lyen still in it as long as we could or durst so truly is it said That ease is a sweet poyson and slayeth We dreamed like the Apostles in their foolishnesse of an earthly happinesse that it was the sweetest life of all to thinke what riches and treasures we had alreadie and more hoped to come vnto daily to feed our appetite with thinking on our outward peace in hoping though without warrant that it should be continued to imagine how we might here be setled after our hearts desire though we neuer perhaps shold attaine vnto it and not weighing that although we at any time might yet how rotten a
to our callings to the hindering of the same as being ministers to attend to reading or being priuate men to labour euery man as it hath behoued him And thus much for the proofe of the iustnesse of our complaint and of the causes thereof CHAP. 14. Of the second part of the Couenant namely The remedies against the complaint mentioned in the former Chapter NOW forasmuch as in the weighing of the truth of these things we could not but be grieued heartily as who can behold so great depth of corruption and the fruite of the same so many wayes with deadly vncomfortablenesse threatning his confusion but must needs seeke and vse all possible meanes speedily to pull himselfe out again we therefore immediatly after the due consideration of our wofull condition turned our selues to bethinke vs what remedies we might apply to this fall if thereby we might possibly recouer our selues againe and also make them helpes for hereafter that we may as well continue in a fruitfull and cheareful course vnto the end of our liues as at all to returne into the right way againe First therefore we thought thus and tooke order as followeth that such of vs as did find our fals to be so great and our offences so dangerous that either for our too too great delight in them or long lying therein we could not by our vsuall prayers and humiliation or by helpe of any ordinarie and daily practises of repentance by hearing the word and preparing our selues for the Lords supper come to peace of conscience and obtaine confidence and godly boldnesse with the Lord such I say should humble our selues before the Lord with fasting and prayer without which meanes such diuels are hardly cast out Especially because we had let go the hold of our faith and had suffered the same to faile in vs which when it commeth to passe what can there be in our life but meere vnsauourinesse to speake of the best our fasting tended to this that we might more forcibly pray for the recouerie of our faith and cleare beholding of Gods louing kindnesse restored to vs againe That in such manner we being abased in his presence as there is iust cause that such should be and beleeuing againe his old accustomed mercy we might in some good measure be purged from our former vnsauourinesse yea noysome vncleanenesse and so made fit to renue our couenant with the Lord againe concerning more holy walking with him And if we should find that our hearts might be brought to vnfained displeasure with our selues for our former defaults without fasting then we determined to turne vnto the Lord with all our hearts in sinceritie so as we might obtaine comfort and release at his handes as if fasting had bene adioyned thereunto After this our couenant was to know our hearts better how euill they are what falshood ficklenesse lightnesse and such like naughtinesse and varietie of corrupt affections we carie about vs that thereby we may be enforced to take more paine to weaken them daily For we saw that if we be not diligent to search them out as by occasion we shall be moued to do we shall both walke in continuall vnsetlednesse and in an vncomfortable estate because we can go about nothing but some one of these or other shall be espied to carie vs some way amisse in the same And thus we purposed to note and find them out in vs by a diligent view of and taking heed vnto our waies that so we may be in daily combate with them A worthie worke therefore and commendable we saw it to take knowledge of them and not to be content to be blind in the beholding of them because we are neither easily brought to confesse and see them and yet that he which hideth them shall not prosper that so we may behold more filth and venome in them then we would haue thought could haue bene in vs. And we agreed that if we shold be vnwilling to discouer this packe that euen this willingnesse to hide them is one of the most daungerous euils among the rest Now further because the knowledge of our hearts if we stay there I meane of the manifold euill lusts of them doth make vs the more headie and greedie to fulfill them when we know them by the lawe of God to be condemned in vs we haue further faithfully determined to watch ouer them with all diligence that neither any of those which haue alreadie bene mentioned neither any other as farre as we may know them may lurke or haue their abode within vs with our liking but that we may purge them out and not those only which are apparently grosse but euen such as are more secret being not yet come neare their ripenesse and therefore wheresoeuer we become or in whatsoeuer we haue to do not to neglect this part of Christian dutie but especially there and then where and when we suspect or haue cause to feare more danger thereby as in vehement and strong temptations and grieuous and long continuing afflictions there to stand the more vpon our watch c. So that whether we be in companie or alone in dealings abroad or matters at home by one occasion or by other yet still to haue this purpose fixed in vs that as farre as our fraile memorie will suffer vs to remember it we may go forward in the watching and obseruing of them Which must the rather be done because as the heart is the fountaine of life and frō thence we haue it That we liue so from thence we must fetch the beginning of well liuing from an euill and vncleane heart commeth no part of good life no more then good fruite from an euill tree But all the abhomination of the life euen the most odious and vile as adulterie murther idolatrie heresie c. they haue their beginning there they are conceiued and nourished there they haue their proceeding from thence and God is long and grieuously dishonoured there for the most part before man by the fruite of it can be or is offended So that as by the Romains law it was streightly enacted that their springs should be carefully preserued from all filth which might attaint and poyson them that their riuers and water conduits might be sweet and wholesome so it must necessarily be that the heart of man being once renued and made cleane it should be kept and continued so that being a good treasurie good things may be brought out of it continually of all sorts as occasion shall require For here we take it as graunted that all which shall haue their part in this couenāt or haue already desired to haue must be renued in their minds and haue their hearts purged and made cleane by faith in the Sonne of God whereby their sinnes may be defaced and all their old conuersation pardoned their soules through the same with most comfortable and sound peace enlightened and so their hearts purified both to will and
also to liue well and godly Of the which making cleane and purging the heart as this is no fit place to speake so they must haue learned it and haue attained to it who are here mentioned that is such as haue couenanted vnfainedly to watch and obserue the same Therfore to returne seeing the heart is a deepe dungeon and pit full of all vncleane thoughts and yet deceiuing men so that they shal thinke farre otherwise and suspect no such thing as 1. King 15.8 seeing in all their actions some one or other portion of it is readie to corrupt and staine euen the best of them so that not the holiest parts of Gods worship can purely and holily be fulfilled without the careful holding in of it it is worthily and for iust cause made one part of this wholesome remedie of the well ordering of our liues So that if any be giuen to seeke the libertie which God hath not allowed him to let loose his heart after any folly and vanitie and counteth it too great streightnesse and precise curiousnesse to keepe a dominion and a superioritie ouer it so as he might thereby bring it into subiection he is iustly to be pitied if he cannot be otherwise perswaded but if he thinke that way to build vp a godly life vntill the Lord call backe his word which now standeth for a perfect direction of well liuing he shall neuer attaine to that which he seeketh Now this watching ouer the heart that it may be with the more fruite must haue accompanying it a suspitious and iealous feare lest at any time it breake forth into such delights as are worldly carnall c. Of the which feare for the great good that it doth those who are ledde by it the wise man saith Blessed is the man that feareth alwayes that is his euill heart in one point or other and therefore taketh the more paine about it This being so farre to be vnderstood and practised as our weaknes will giue leaue i. so as we do not willingly nourish idlenesse and vnprofitable liberty and loosnesse in vs we are to take view of the fruite which it bringeth vs and to measure by dayes by weekes and so forward what ease to our consciences what chearfulnesse to our soules and what better fruit in walking in our callings more then we were wont is reaped of vs and inioyed And when we shall see that there is no comparison betwixt the one and other that is betwixt a wandering heart and betwixt a circumspect care we may more fully be resolued to hold out in this course still because although much foolish and fleshly licentiousnes is forgone which is naturally most desired yet it frameth and maketh vs fit for the Lord weaneth vs more and more from the world and is a meane by which with great ease and readinesse wee go on in our Christian course For this is that which we hope for hereby And there shall be no doubt but when the meditations of our hearts shall please the Lord that the wordes of our mouthes and the practise of our liues shall also be acceptable in his sight To conclude this point it is againe to be remembred that we weane our heart from earthly delights which oftentimes tickling it with a pleasant sweetnesse do steale it away from heauenly things and hold it here below and so by little and little bring it to find a contentation here and breed a wearisomnesse in that godly life And further that we be very wary that our hearts be not stolne from a liking of good waies neither brought out of frame by loathing our duties and so depriued of their peace especially that we be not hurt nor wounded that way where there is greatest cause of feare and daunger nor brought into subiection to those sinnes to the which by nature we be most inclined as to the loue of the world vncleannes breaking off of brotherly affection c. And here if at any time we should be ouertaken which is not to be doubted of no not of the most circumspect and best aduised we resolutely purposed not to sleepe nor slumber in our sinne neither promise to our selues forgiuenesse too easily but first to awake our selues to be amazed that we should let go the strength and hold which once we had to rebuke and checke our selues sharply till shame and sorow for so offending may humble vs and then we may be bold to assure our soules hauing an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the righteous that we are receiued of him againe And to the end that in this worke we may more happily go forward and this watch be the better kept our purpose was to auoide carefully all outward hinderances and to auoide occasions of quenching Gods spirit in vs as we shall haue wisedome to see them as too farre entring into dealings or talke about the world to call our selues backe from all excesse that way also vnprofitable and dangerous company and acquaintance any vnnecessary and idle talke and whatsoeuer else like vnto these And contrarily to be carefull to continue with diligence and delight not onely the exercise and vse of such holy meanes of meditation and prayer as well by our selues as with others also reading hearing and conference c. but also with minds to reape fruite by the same which is not alwayes intended nor sought for so oft as the things themselues are vsed As for example seeing the readiest and best way to nourish and continue this holy desire and carefull watching ouer our hearts is increase of knowledge by the helpe of hearing and reading for zealous and holy affections are like a flame of fire which without the adding and putting to of wood as new matter will soone be quenched and extinguished so will our looking to our hearts and obseruing of them be loosely and lightly continued it is our purpose to stir vp our selues with more earnestnesse hereunto because we know that we shall otherwise frustrate and make vaine our whole couenant That is to say as foloweth We do acknowledge that our negligence and vnreuerence in these haue so greatly depriued vs of fruite in vnderstanding and iudgement as well as other wayes that before our hearing we trust we shall prepare our harts by casting off that which would hinder vs namely rebellious gainsaying the truth security hardnesse worldly affections c. that with meeknesse and teachablenesse we will bring honest and good hearts to the hearing of the word in the action it selfe be attentiue and marking that which shall be taught so as it may worke in vs and raise vp answerable affections to that which we shall heare as ioy by comfortable doctrine feare by that which moueth fear c. after we haue heard we wil beware that it perish not in vs through our owne default or negligence in minding other matters more then that which we haue heard whereby we should bury it in forgetfulnesse
and the pride of life to be subiect to him An honour which Kings and Princes for the most part attaine not vnto for many of them aswell as of others worship the beast and offer to him their crowne and willingly submit themselues to his slauery And this honour which he bequeatheth to his faithfull ones is one commodity and fruite of his provident care and fatherly regard that he hath over them And yet in that there is no end of this but that he will continue it towards them throughout their life and that in more certainty and assurance it is so much the more to be had in admiration whereas in the meane while they who are none of his nor nourtered in his family which is his church cannot inioy the least part of this liberty they cannot beleeue nor be perswaded of any such thing at any time neither dare they promise to themselues that he will be with them and be a shelter vnto them but for want thereof they smart being hardened in their hearts and let loose after their owne desire to commit any sinne that their heart lusteth after euen with greedinesse and that because the lord hath not that especiall care ouer them that he hath ouer his owne beloued ones to keepe them from it This prerogatiue I say the wicked men of the world and vnregenerate not onely haue not while they remaine in that estate neither doe so much as fervently and constantly desire it nor cannot being no more able then the blind man is to see or the new borne child to walke and therefore in stead of these liberties they are still in bondage and for the most sweet dainties of gods children they are fedde with draffe euen with fancies dreames and deceiuable pleasures But contrariwise that which was spoken to Mary the mother of Iesus thou being freely beloued of the lord he is euer with thee afterwards to preserue thee whom he hath loued the same may be verified of all gods children after he hath once receiued them into fauour forgiuing them all their sinns he is with them euer after to watch ouer and care for them that so they may be presented safe before him when he shall appeare for their euerlasting deliuerance By which it may be seene how excellent and how much to be desired the estate of the poorest of Gods children is aboue the flourishing youth that liueth at hearts case or the mightiest monarch or prince that is vnreformed It might seeme therefore that euen this honour that God giveth to his servants which I have already spoken of were enough And I confesse that if I might haue had my choise when I was in the depth of hellish anguish and misery I should not haue asked the tenth part of it the lord hath therefore giuen more then we could haue asked or thought yet these are not all the priuiledges which God hath bestowed vpon his beloued ones as shall be seene For heereby they walke in greater safety then if they were guarded with an army of men yea if whole armies of enimies came against them as against Elisha yet have they more with them then against them For the angels of God doe pitch their tents about them to keepe them And how great a prerogatiue this is they can best tell who beleeue it although they must needs commend it who doe but heare the report of it For they know and haue experience of it who receive these promises into their hearts by faith and beleeue that God will performe the same vnto them who are not at any time depriued of them but onely through their vnbeliefe I graunt that all gods children inioy not this neither say I any such thing but this I say and affirme freely that to every age in Christ both the weake the strong and the middle age there is more granted by God then is inioied of them not that God doth in words seeme to offer that which he meaneth not to performe but because men either know not or beleeue not through sathans malice what their liberties are or if they doe yet it is so faintly beleeued that they are holden backe by euery occasion almost to forgoe and be dispossessed of them Which all must grant to be through their owne fault which may easily appeare to him who is willing to see it thus whereas the spirituall riches which beautifie the soule are the greatest riches and therefore should most be sought after esteemed and delighted in many euen of good hope which will grant this with vs will not yet bestow any more trauell for the same be they neuer so great priuiledges which god offereth them then they did in times past that is with lesse delight and feruency then they shew in following and looking after their earthly commodities They cannot I say be brought to set an higher price vpon the graces of God and the heauenly liberties which belong to Christians then vpon transitory things which soone passe away And this in few words is the chiefe cause why not only earthly minded men attaine to nothing but euen some such as haue receiued the first fruites of the spirit grow not to any great experience what the excellent estate of a christian is and how great priuiledges God granteth many of them to inioy Alas if men tast but a little of beliefe that their sinnes shall be forgiuen them they hardly goe any further to daily proceedings in their faith though they are taught that they should grow from faith to faith and so to liue by it but stand at a stay for the most part euer ready to call into question whether they haue it or no. What are such the better for the infinit good things which God hath in store for his which also diuers of their brethren inioy already in respect of that which they may attaine to but rather as though they were no such they walke either heauily nothing able to beare off the discouragements which they meet with by spirituall helpes and incouragements which they haue not or rather in worse case that is not seeing when they are hindred at all I deny not that the diuill doth subtilely and vigilantly seeke to blindefold them weaken their faith and set manifold stoppes in their way but wherefore haue they beene taught this that the scripture giueth greater grace but that the eie should beleeue it and finde it so then And againe the greater is he which is in them namely the spirit of god then he that is in the world that is the diuill And yet al these other such excellent priuiledges which appertaine unto them are no more then God did see they should stand in need of to helpe them beare the burden of tribulation reproch and other discouragements which heere of necessity must meet with them which would shake them so as they would make them to faint vtterly if they were not vpholden
seuen as they say in the world and to make them shift for themselues as orphans and to trust to their owne wisdome and strength to preserue them from sathan and sinne but that he as a father caring for them hath sufficient power in his hand to strengthen them and requireth this of them that they should beleeue it which they cannot doe but thereby they are mightily staied and vpholden and by the same faith shall more and more be vpholden daily vntill they see themselues set at great liberty and that it was the diuill who before held them in feare and bondage The common obiection will heere be put foorth vnto me that they would if they durst be so bolde beleeue with all their hearts that God will subdue and slea their sinne and lead them forward to liue godly if they could first ouercome some particular sinnes which doe most trouble them but as long as they preuaile in them they dare not thinke they say that God will giue them that grace which he doth vnto others But to answere them I haue said before that they haue no power in them of their owne whereby they may weaken any sinne in them but this they must obtaine by faith as well as grace to liue and that commands them to doe so that they may know it pleaseth them that they should doe so And till that they are holden from their owne right through the deuils craft who hideth from them as their euidence this confidence in God euen as if a subtile man should keepe backe from his neighbour any part of his lande or liuing I conclude therefore that Gods children who pardoneth their infirmities through Christ and will not looke streightly vpon them haue this prerogatiue that they may lead their liues acceptable to him and if they be carefull to know what liberty he hath giuen them whereby they may obtaine ablenesse thereto they may walke woorthy the Gospell indeauouring to please him in all things and so to be vnrebukeable in the middest of a wicked and froward generation although as I haue said through the deuils tirannie and the vnbeliefe of their owne hearts many euen of them are farre from inioying this priuiledge The which as it is accompanied with happinesse it selfe so that it may be seene to be a priuiledge indeed peculiar to them know we that as for other it shall not neither can be so with them they haue no part in this treasure no not euen they which at sometimes will seeme more holy then the rest The wicked I say haue no fitnesse nor aptnesse to receiue this grace To liue godly no more then a dead man is fit to rise againe and walke or the blacke Moore by washing to change his blacke skin And therfore although they like well enough of the name of it yet that they are such as deny the power of it heereby it may appeere that as the worst sort of them like dogges and swine tread it vnder feete and scoffe at it the common sort count it and tearme it precisenesse and loue to be conuersant with those that are of their owne mindes so the best sort of them are such as finde in themselues and know that they haue no pleasure in it No better is the patched life of the best sort of papists who liue not by faith but please themselues in this that their works are good if they doe the outward works which God and their church commend All of them remaine and continue in the damnable estate they were in at the beginning Neither doe I maruell at this which the Scripture affirmeth so plainly that the vngodly are not obedient to the will of God neither possibly can be For I my selfe saith Paule when I was in darkenesse and liued after the lustes of mine ignorance was greedily set to commit sin Therefore if it be impossible for a man vnrenued to forsake some particular sinne but by infinite degrees much more impossible to clense his heart from whence onely good life can come it is most certaine and cleare that all wicked men while they abide so are far off from this priuiledge To be able to lead a godly life and therefore that is peculiar onely to Gods children to doe so CHAP. 5. Of a second branch of the third priuiledge ANother branch of this priuiledge or honour that Christians haue aboue other men which though it necessarily accompanie the former yet because it best appeareth when it is particularly laide open and helpeth much to strengthen the weake and to comfort the best is this that they may be kept and preserued from great and reprochfull euils that seldome or not at all if it be expedient they shall be ouercome of them which the Apostle would neuer so often and earnestly haue exhorted the godly vnto saying See that yee walke vnblameable and without rebuke and in another place Walke not offensiuely towards them that are without except he had seene how they might haue attained thereunto Therefore the prophet saith I haue hid thy word in my heart that I might not sinne against thee and againe Let me not wander from thy commandements and againe I swarued not from thy precepts they are the ioy of my heart And the same spirit guiding Gods people they are like minded to him and would not wander nor swarue from his will And the cause of this must be considered which is this they count preciously of gods worde and therefore lay it vp in their heart and are perswaded that it is the greatest gaine to folow the doctrine of it and therefore they count it not tedious to absteine from the sinnes which other cannot be drawne from but willingly forsake them which other men with tooth and naile hold fast and continue in Enoch Abraham Moses Iosua after Moses death Samuell Daniell Iob with others many in the former ages of the world how doe stories report of them After they had any neere acquaintance with God they committed not any such heinous trespasses as were common staines and blots in the liues of others I speake not now of their vertues but they departed and withdrew thēselues from euil euen as God had chosen them out of the world to verifie that which is written All these liued and died in faith The Apostles after they had receiued more fulnesse and greater measure of the spirit were farre from the scandals and offences which before were vsuall and daily rebuked in them and committed of them Yet to shew what need the best haue to be kept by God continually sometime the deuill preuailed as to make breaches amongst them though we seldome finde any of them to haue beene thus deceiued So some of the churches haue beene commended to vs to haue beene so farre off from shamefull falles as the Thessalonians the churches of Smirna and Pergamus that they were good examples and lights to others
doe in vs except we should prouide so that much vntowardnesse and awkenesse in Gods seruice which is wont either to breake it off or to be the greatest hinderance therein be remoued or at least resisted Which shall not be hard to doe if we daily consider that he hath promised to make vs fitte for that which he sets vs about and that we beleeuing his said promise shall finde the trueth of it in vs our hearts incouraged our backewardnesse and slougth repelled or much abated as Iosua and other his faithfull seruants haue done which grace if it may be obtained of vs and who doth not see cleerely that it may I meane that all true Christians may obtaine willingnesse and cheerefulnesse in their daily duties doing and to be much freed from the contrary vntowardnesse and vnfitnesse which is the greatest let that can stand in their way if I saie God haue prouided so mercifully for his that they may with delight walke in his waies set themselues to watch against their infirmities and so in their common dealings and actions practise a godly and innocent life and that they may doe earthly businesse with heauenly minds which the vnreformed cannot in the least manner attaine vnto I conclude this priuiledge as the former that the Lord hath in giuing this gift vnto his children bestowed an vnualuable blessing and prerogatiue vpon them and let vs waite for and inioy it and when we faile most acknowledge such weaknesse that we may find release of it from God and if any of his finde it not neither see it to be so it is their vnbeleefe which depriueth them of such a treasure but when they enter into Gods sanctuary they shall see it farre otherwise This were worthy to be harkened after some perhaps will say if we might indeed attaine heereto But what triumph call ye this ouer sathan and sinne when the best of vs are priuy to this that we are carried by them both to doe that which we know to be displeasing vnto God For besides this that some perticular sinnes doe draw vs through the deceitfull inticements thereof the diuill changing himselfe into an angell of light to winde vs in the more subtilely there are also strong corruptions which breake out in vs preuailing dangerously to the hindring of vs from many good duties and that often times as in the examples of Iob Dauid and Peter it may appeare These two obiections of great waight doubtlesse I must first answere before I goe further And first of the formost though they I meane the Godly be not voide of the sinnes which I haue spoken of yet that hindreth not the honour which God hath set them in and giuen vnto them For there is left in the most holy a strife betwixt the spirit and the flesh and that for this purpose by the lord himselfe euen in his elect as the Apostle teacheth by his owne example not that they should perish but partly lest they should looke to triumph before the victory which sathan would most of all wish partly that the best men being priuy to their owne weaknes and that throughout their life might not rest vpon their owne strength but alwaies depend vpon God yea and further also for this cause he doth it that the more hard the combat is and their strife with sathan sinne the more vehement the more glorious might the victory appeare And therefore as it is in warre and battels fought amongst men we doe not measure the victory by any thing done one either side whiles they are contending or skirmishing for the vhemency of the one or the remissenesse of the other neither will we count him a coward who shall be grieuously wounded no although he sometime giue backe like one which is ouercome so as he doe afterwards take heart and courage to himselfe againe euen so in this spirituall fight conflict when we shal see the good Christian to be ouer-matched as it were for the time driuen to hard distresse by sustaining the shame and reproch of some euill action committed or ranke rebellion nourished which is no lesse then if a man should in war loose some member of his body yet must we not thinke that the spirit hath yeelded it selfe vnto the flesh neither hath beene ouercome of it though sore and greuiously wounded if it shall by the feeling of the smart which it tooke by the sinne committed gather againe greater heart of detestation against it and strength and courage by spirituall armour to repell sathans poisoned dartes for heereafter Now of the examples and first of Iob yee will say How could he cry out as he doeth in the third chapter against the day of his birth crie out I say yea howle and charge God but he must needs shew himselfe to be ouercome of the flesh There is no doubt I graunt but that his aduersary the deuill did now make full reckoning that he should fall into very loathsome blasphemy and vtter desperation and it cannot be denied but that he was caried verie farre out of the way But yet as he is not to be freed from all fault so he is not to be further charged then he gaue iust cause forasmuch as the Lord himselfe doeth so determine the controuersie in the end whose sentence no man doubteth but that it was most righteous that although he reprooue him yet of his singular goodnesse he doth not make his fault so heinous but chargeth his three friends as the chiefe prouokers of him to that euill which he did and crowneth him as it were for that in so great a combat by his valiant wrestling he had preuailed yet for our further edification let vs see somewhat more particularly into this action directing our selues by that which the Lord hath said of him I say therefore that Iob sinned many waies but yet through humane frailty For his intemperate speech proceeded not from a setled and constant purpose of the mide but was wrung from the exceeding greatnesse of his griefe and paine which hindred for the time all sense and light of faith iudgement in him For in that he thought he could by no other meanes be deliuered from those so great euils which he suffered but by death it shewed that he did not throughly nor sufficiently weigh the power and might of God In that he wished either that he had neuer beene borne or together with his birth to haue died it must needs be granted that it was a speech of a man little considering what he said but which had forgotten what great mercies he had receiued yea what he himselfe had sometime vttered .i. If we haue receiued prosperitie from the Lord why should we not suffer aduersitie in that he earnestly wished deliuerance from his suffrings but asked it not of God it bewraied a minde in him sore troubled And lastly in that he had regard onely to his owne quiet and ease and thought at that time
the nourishing of such fleshly libertie as shaketh off so needfull dueties So shall we shew our selues wise though the world count vs fooles and be in good saftie when their danger shall be great Now I would haue proceeded to lay foorth before the Christian Reader an other priuiledge which in this place would very fitly come in and that is that God hath surely prouided that they who are thus farre beautified and blessed of him shall thus continue vnto the end but seeing it is the last that is inioyed in this life it shall haue the last place among the temporall priuiledges But yet I thought not amisse to mention such a thing here both to stay them which after the hearing of so blessed beginnings and proceedings would be glad to heare of the end answerable to them both and also that they may looke for it in the place assigned CHAP. 8. Of the sixth priuiledge namely of the right vsing of prosperitie NOw the next priuiledge that I thinke may most fitly be ioyned with the former is how the Lord hath taught his the right vse of prosperitie and aduersity and how they may cary themselues in peace and be vpright in both estates two of the most principall parts of our life seeing the greatest part of it doth goe thorow them for the most of it is accompanied with blessings or chasticements The right vse of both although in some sort and in generall may be gathered out of the former discourses and namely of the third priuiledge yet because they are distinct points and it is hard to vse them aright and as precious as it is hard I know it is very necessarie to make a particular Treatise thereof And first more clearely to speake of the one I say God hath exceedingly declared his mercie and kindnesse this way to his people that although prosperitie be a slipperie path and riches and honour health and friends with all the other lawfull pleasures profits and liberties of this life doe deceiue and vndoe the greatest part of the world which inioy and possesse them yet the beloued of the Lord may be free from this danger and so directed that they need not be taken in these snares nor make them their bane which are giuen them as blessings this grace therefore if any shall be found to inioy they may be worthely said to be priuiledged aboue other men Now to proue this that Gods children may vse the world rightly which is impossible for any other to doe I doe not meane that because they haue right vnto earthly things through Christ and are heires with him of the blessings of the world that therefore they doe soberly and as they ought vse the same for many euen of them are I confesse farre from it and therefore that which they want I labour to helpe them to but as they are the persons which may be perswaded and brought to the right vse of these outward liberties and not the wicked so God draweth their hearts thereunto by his mighty power whereby he is able to doe all things For when he causeth this doctrine to be taught them Of the contempt of the world of contentation in their estate of moderation and sobriety in lawfull pleasures and profits c. he imprinteth it in their hearts by the holy ghost he maketh them able to beleeue that it is spoken to them and therefore to apply it to themselues he maketh them prooue how this doctrine worketh in them and try themselues by it that where they see themselues to haue gone beyond their bounds they may returne and bring their feet backe into the way of his testimonies he through the same doctrine seasoneth their hearts and wholly possesseth them with the loue of it that so their wants may be supplied and they thereby may grow better practised in this sobriety And although the inioying of earthly commodities be an alluring baite and easy to make a man forget his mortality as we see in Nabucadnezzar Herode and others yet the scripture giueth greater grace as to Daniell Iob and others who determined not to set their hearts on them But besides this through further benefit of the scripture God causeth his to set oft before their eies the daily changes of all things vnder the sunne Ps 102.26 the death of noble personages friends and acquaintance the most flourishing flowers to fade and loose their bewty and nothing to continue in one estate and by the oft and deepe considering of these their harts are much apalled the pride of life greatly abated in them And as they grow daily to see more cleerely their gaine heereby and that without these meditations vpon examples and doctrine of death and mortality c. they cannot keepe their heartes freed from infection by the world and earthly dealings so doe they more resolue with themselues daily to thinke of them still and to purge out their old and accustomed delightings in worldly things their dreames of long life desire of ease and increase of earthly commodities with all which the diuill stuffeth and filleth their braines that while they begin to giue themselues ouer to these they may be perswaded strongly that there is no other happinesse to be attained vnto and so therby destruction may suddenly come vpon them Thus I say the Lord frameth his to the contempt of the world and to temperance and contentation to desire no more then their most wise prouident father thinketh meet for them nor no longer to inioy any of their temporall liberties then he shall see it to be expedient Thus he teacheth them both in wanting to thinke themselues yet neuerthelesse beloued of God and in the inioying of aboundance not to thinke themselues the better for it nor to be proud of it I say he teacheth them for neither bring they this grace with them from their cradle but learne it and study how to learne it so as they may practise it and yet they learne it not by their owne wisdome but by God who is onely able to teach it them who by the meanes that I haue shewed doth bring to passe that they so buy as if they possessed not and so vse the world as that they abuse it not so vse mariage as they are not hurt nor hindered from godly life by it more then if they were vnmaried but much furthered and helped by it neither neglect they thereby the caring for the things of the lord but as two are better then one so finde they as God hath appointed much helpe thereby vnto euery good worke Neither though they haue much in the world do they therfore loue it much but are glad to follow holy Iob in that when he said If I haue made gold my hope or haue said to the wedge of gold Thou art my confidence If I reioiced because my substance was great or because my hand had gotten much this had beene an iniquitie to be
condemned for I had denied the God aboue Therefore if these be great riches liberties and priuiledges to inioy I meane to haue contentation in our estate yea to be thankfull to God in all things not puffed vp with prosperitie to acknowledge the vncertainty of our commodities and therefore not to rest nor put confidence in them nor to desire the increasing of them simply much lesse by any indirect means but to let them serue for the necessities of our brethren as wel as for our owne vses now therefore if these are the precious gifts of God and yet that God frameth his seruants to indeuour and in some sort to do all these and such like I hope it may truely be said that he doth honour them highly and priuiledge them greatly in working thus graciously in them But when all this is said me thinkes I heare diuers to obiect thus We doubt nothing of the trueth of all this but that there haue beene such mentioned in the Scriptures but what is that to vs where are they in this our age who may be brought foorth for such examples I say if the men could not easilie be found yet that hindreth not the doctrine to be true but further I say as the trueth saith Ios 1.5 As God hath done to others so he will doe to vs and his goodnesse is not abated towards vs more then it was in the ages past yea rather we haue more neere acquaintance with the will and minde of God then many of them who are highly commended in the Scriptures and in this latter age God hath visited his people in a most gracious maner bestowing his gifts and powring out the graces of his spirit vpon them aboundantly All which laid together what can be gathered lesse then this that when his children heare by the preaching of his word all things vnder the sunne to be transitorie vaine and soone flitting away and themselues also with them daily drawing vnto an end riches vncertaine beautie deceitfull health euer changing friends alwaies dying c. but that he causeth them to beleeue it and therefore not to rest vpon them So when they heare that they may not vse them as they list no not the lawfullest of their liberties as possessions recreations friends time c. that is to pride wantonnesse idlenesse excesse the wronging and hurting of others but as helpes to themselues and many others vnto godlinesse they are glad to heare their shepheards voice and they know it and beleeue it and follow it vsing these lawfull benefits of God accordingly I say when they know by Gods word how they may vse them which sometime they did not know and that God giueth such grace to his and causeth the same to be published and preached whereby they may be able to vse all these outward blessings of God to their right ends and so as they become not baits and snares vnto them they reioice and beleeue the same with thankfull hearts and so are made able to doe the same vsing their praiers and watch with their other helpes to practise this point of godlinesse namely moderation and the true vse of their lawfull liberties as they indeuour after all the rest For when they once be resolued that it is the worke which God setteth them about and that he will strengthen and fit them for it it doth mightily incourage them to take in hand and goe about it euen as on the contrarie there is no stronger dismaier of them then when they set vpon either this or any other part of Gods seruice by their owne strength that is not knowing whether they may be bolde to beleeue and be perswaded that the Lord will giue them power and harten them vnto the right performance of it for of that point the most of Gods poore children are ignorant or not setled in faith about it and therefore they doubt and feare that they shall neuer come neere or attaine to that which they seeke by occasion of which weaknesse the diuell holdeth them in great discomfort that although they would doe the will of God in that which they goe about yet they stande at a stay and are holden vnder many heauy discouragements for a long time And yet are these farre more faithfull and simple hearted howsoeuer they are feared by their owne weaknesse then they who thinke they please God highly if they doe any thing in their owne opinion more then others how little warrant soeuer they haue for it But to returne to that which I said that the Lord inableth his to gouerne themselues in the vse of their goods and lawfull liberties which is a great priuiledge that I be not vnderstood amisse I thinke good to expresse my mind more cleerely If any should gather or thinke that I meane all Gods people do inioy this libertie and prerogatiue I answere that I am farre from that iudgement But as may be well seene by that which I haue said they who beleeue it that God will make them fit for it how vnfit soeuer they are of themselues they shall inioy it I haue propounded to proue no other thing For by this it may appeare that seeing Gods children may be made partakers of such a treasure which but few of them do inioy and of the vnregenerate not one can therefore they beholding what he hath bequeathed them they shall shew that they prouide ill for themselues if they attaine not to that being so great a benefit which God hath so freely bestowed vpon them There should need no more vnto such but this that they may know that he hath granted it out vnto them freelie and calleth them euery where to the partaking of it which being so what should holde them backe from inioying it that whereas the most are as bruit beasts seruants to their lusts yet these of whom I speake may captiuate and subdue them especially seeing it is greater honour to them to ouercome their vnruely passions than to winne a citie As for those who count this honour precisenesse and this imbondaging of their vnruly affections to be more than Christians need to be vrged vnto what haue I to do with them They are the enemies of the crosse of Christ they turne the grace of God into wantonnesse they make lawfull liberties to become vnlawfull through their ill vsing of them Of whom this I say which I will only say that they will bring vnto them the swifter damnation To which kind of people to their like obiecting thus demanding What do these whom you commend so highlie for their good gouernment and temperance in the vse of lawfull things alwaies keepe one and the same course I say they most of all indeauour after that and how full of sadnesse soeuer it be and tedious to others yet to them it is sweet and pleasant insomuch that although they be sometime deceiued by the deuill and driuen from their holde
their roome euen as Daniel was deliuered out of the lions denne the Lord shutting their mouthes that they should not hurt him but his accusers being throwne in after that he was deliuered the lyons had the mastery ouer them and brake their bones or euer they came at the ground of the denne The whole story of the Bible is full of such examples wherein this is most cleerely to be seene how God hath deliuered his trusting in him from and out of many and great dangers and calamities So that if God doe this for his then his seruants may assuredly looke for it And yet I would all should know that I doe not bring these as I might many others to this end onely that I might prooue that God hath deliuered his children out of troubles for so hath he done the wicked also as Ishmael in the wildernesse and the Philistims from Saule neither is that the thing which either I intend or if I did were that any priuiledge or peculiar blessing to the godly forasmuch as the wicked may haue their part in it as well as they But I bring these examples to prooue that Gods people may be sure that he will of fatherly loue deliuer them from many namely when they haue sought vnto God in their troubles to God I say and not to creatures assuring themselues that as it is he that hath smitten them so he shall heale them And in that they haue vsed those meanes for their deliuerance which God hath taught them to vse namely fasting and praier with confidence as Mardocheus Iehosaphat and in that they haue rested vpon God as they did in the Psalme 124. 8. 20.7 and not on a brused reede as oft-times Israell did and in that when they doe looke for deliuerance certainly they haue first a promise thereof from God as Iosua had against the king of Hazor and his company and Gedeon against the Amalekites and the Midianites when they doe I say obtaine deliuerance thus and after this maner this is a singular priuiledge vnto them for then they know that it commeth from God and therefore they may haue great comfort therein and receiue such deliuerances as pledges of his fauour And thus are Gods seruants onely deliuered out of their troubles the vngodly haue no part with them in this fellowship And yet I doe not say that euen they are alwaies thus affected and furnished with this grace alwaies to beleeue and looke for it as oft as God deliuereth them out of any daungers and troubles that is it indeed which they should daily aime at and yet they can haue no sound comfort to their hearts more then other men haue vnlesse they doe thus waite vpon God by sound hope and seeke to him in their necessities and distresses after this maner but haue onely outward helpe and succour or an end of their troubles as the wicked may haue little considering from whence they come or whether they haue them in Gods fauour or displeasure But before I goe any further I must heere answer an obiection For it wil be demaunded of me What profit may we reape by the examples before alleadged whereby I prooued that deliuerances out of aduersities dangers are not priuiledges except they haue a promise thereof from God before and beleeue the same What is that to vs will these men say forasmuch as God doth not at any time speake vnto vs as he did in ages past vnto our fathers Iehosaphat indeed they say might well and easily be perswaded that God would giue the Moabites his enimies into his hand when he by his prophet had said to him To morrow goe out against them and the Lord will be with thee So Iosua and in like maner Gedeon but where hath God thus spoken to any of his faithfullest seruants in this last age of the world parsonally or particularly in trouble say they that he will deliuer him and remoue his afflictions from him Therefore none of them can be certaine thereof and therefore not so well ordered in their troubles as they were I answere That God doth not indeed speake to vs after that maner that he did to our fathers as we are certified in the epistle to the Ebrewes but hath left his whole minde to vs in his word wherein he hath so fully declared his will in all things as is sufficient and in the weightiest matters he hath spoken as plainely to vs as to them And concerning this one thing namely of deliuering vs out of distresses and afflictions if they be inward as sinnes and corruptions he hath promised if we beleeue the same that he will giue vs grace to mortifie our sinne and if we doe not ouercome and subdue the same as we would yet that his grace shall be sufficient for vs and the best of our forfathers had no more If they be outward visitations and crosses as sicknesses pouerty c. he hath promised also that if it be expedient and for the best to vs he will pull vs out of them and howsoeuer he doe in our sufferings that which he doth shall be the best for vs. And there was no other thing said to the body of the church in the former ●g●s but generall promises which were made to all the faithfull excepting that for some especiall causes some particular promise of deliuerence was made to some certaine persons and for waighty causes and yet those were not made for all times nor in all troubles as may be seene by the answere of Dauid who being driuen out of Ierusalem by his sonne Absolon rising vp against him most traiterously vnnaturally said vnto Zadok the priest Carry the arke of God againe into the city If I shall finde fauour in the eies of the Lord he will bring me againe and shew me both it and the tabernacle thereof but if he thus say I haue no delight in thee behold heere am I let him doe to me as seemeth good in his eies It it cleare by this that Dauid in his trouble did not know whether God would deliuer him or no neither did he know what the end should be nor had any promise from God that he should returne againe to Ierusalem in peace and behold the arke and tabernacle any more yet Dauid sought to the Lord and humbled himselfe and was not so amased with the affliction as strange as it was but that he remembred the Lord and praied to him and worshipped in token that he had made God his stay and defence whatsoeuer the issue of his sore triall should be The like is to be seene in the example of Sidrach Misach and Abednego who when they heard the straight charge of king Nabucadnezar That whosoeuer should not at the sound of the instruments of musicke fall downe and worship the image which he had set vp should be cast into the midst of an hot fiery
wise to thinke the same of our owne afflictions and if we cannot easily be so perswaded as no man is for the most part we must be earnest with God and that oft and from time to time that our will may yeeld to Gods will and we may thinke that good for vs which he thinketh good And to the end we may bring our hearts to this let vs weigh to and fro what we can obiect against it why we need not submit our selues vnto God that when all our carnall reasons shall be answered as being to weake to preuaile with vs we may referre the whole course of our liues to be gouerned by him and what corrections soeuer he shall thinke meet for vs and to try vs with and for our benefit and to keepe vs from further hurt for he hath no worse end in chastising of vs that then we may remember in all things to be thankefull and take vp our crosse readily and welcome it seeing we know the end of it And let it not be thought much that I say He hath no worse end in afflicting vs for we ought to be perswaded throughly of this that the Lord our God louing vs he cannot intend our hurt in the least maner howsoeuer it shall please him to exercise vs. For we may be sure that he afflicteth not willingly nor at any time but when it is meet and expedient for vs and as our Sauiour said to his beloued Apostles of his bodily departing from them which was the greatest outward crosse that could befall them It is expedient that I goe away from you for otherwise the comforter cannot come vnto you so would he haue vs to thinke that if it were not for our troubles we should neuer haue such comfort as we haue which doth certainely follow the patient bearing of them And heere consider the causes why God sendeth them to his beloued ones which being knowen rightly weighed are of sufficient force to worke their great benefit comfort First that they may haue experience frō how many troubles he deliuereth thē and know after how to look for the like helpe in the like trouble secondly that they may haue proofe of their faith and patience which worketh vnspeakeable comfort thirdly that they may not be condemned with the world fourthly that by them as the body by physicke they may be purged from their sinfull drosse and feare him and fiftly that the Lord may thereby weane them from the world to the which they are so glued as a child is from the brest by bitter things which would not otherwise leaue it So that if we be thus taught of God learne this wisdome of him to beleeue that to these ends and of very loue and faithfulnesse he afflicteth vs whensoeuer he doth it we shall be sure to finde it so to our exceeding comfort And although for a while we be tried and therein may seeme to be neglected and forgotten of him when others shake off the Lords yoke and shunne the troubles by an euill conscience which he laieth vpon them yet when they shall after be plunged into dangers without recouery then shall ours be at an end and our reioicing neuer cease nor be taken from vs. Through this faith Dauid comforted himselfe in his God when wicked men consulted to take way his life Through this wisdome which I haue spoken of an inseparable companion of faith he said when his troubles were sore and great I haue held my peace because thou ô Lord haddest done it and that God was most louing vnto him for all that And so when by this wisdome and faith he had waited patiently on God he reaped experience and gladnesse as the fruite thereof which he himselfe expresseth in these words saying It is good for me ô Lord that I haue beene afflicted And the like speeches he vttered at sundry times in many of his psalmes which for breuity sake I omit whereby it may be gathered that from time to time he was thus vpholden in his troubles and therefore that he inioied this liberty and priuiledge in his life to finde his very crosses profitable and good vnto him The same may be said of Abraham both at many other times and namely when he left his owne countrey and his fathers house to goe to a place which God should shew him where he being a stranger had not a foot of ground to possesse yet hauing leasure to returne would not but waited vpon God to know his pleasu●●● which he would neuer haue done if he had not beene perswaded that the affliction was best for him which God did trie him with Ioseph had no other thing to vpholde him when he was solde put in prison and his feet pinned in the stocks And to be short if this trouble vs that although these woorthy seruants of God and many other had this wisedome to take their troubles aright and in such meeke maner that they seemed not greatly to trouble them yet we may not looke to do so to this end let the Apostles words direct and counsell vs he saith If any man want this wisdome let him aske it of God and it shall be giuen Loe he excepteth none which doe not except themselues of such as know what faith is and who are able to aske in faith as all the Lords may be bolde to do for he addeth But let him aske in faith And Whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saued for how can we call vpon him on whom we haue not beleeued So that if any such be destitute of this wisdome they may thanke themselues it is their owne fault But to satisfie some who I know are many which looking to the Apostles words that all turneth to the best to such as loue God and looke no further whereupon they conclude if God will haue our troubles turne to our good what need we take any further thought about the matter I answere They which beleeue that will not be carelesse in their afflictions how they be affected vnder them whether they lie downe blockishly and senselesly vnder them or whether they storme and be impatient in them but will do as Dauid did in all his troubles who laied them to heart and praied for grace to beare them and for deliuerance out of them though he was sure God would giue a good end of them euen as Daniel also did And if they behaue themselues wilfully carelesly or foolishly in them they shall see them turne to their exceeding hurt and vexation so farre is it off that they should reape good thereby they know not how For the Scripture which teacheth that afflictions are sent them for their good doth not profit them if it be not mixed with faith in them that heare it Heb. 4.2 But if they beleeue that Scripture to be written for them and applie it then they receiue their
To the which I answer affirming all that is said to be most true and therefore seeing our troubles and sorrowes are many and great through the deuils malice whiles we seeke to keepe our selues vnstained in this wretched world we haue the more need of the greater comfort neither were it possible for any godly man to goe through them if he were not fully resolued that God is with him to helpe him and comfort his soule many waies and namely in this wherein he feeleth his need greatest And therefore these afflictions which our gracious God hath appointed and promised to bring vs through are a most sure proofe of this which I say namely that he hath giuen most precious promises and prerogatiues to vs by the which only we can be able to goe vnder them For all of vs must needs faint if we did not confidently beleeue that he setleth our hearts in most sound ioy and gladnesse partly by the testimony of a good conscience which is a continuall feast and an experience of his fatherly loue towards vs and partly through the daily successe and blessing which we looke for from him the hope whereof maketh vs not ashamed Therefore seeing God of his vnspeakable loue hath bequeathed to his children so large a portion euen a taste of the heauenly ioies in this life which maketh his chastisements sweet and the yoke of his commandements easie vnto them and all difficulties to be ouercome of them and poureth such great peace and comfort into their hearts that loue him and this from day to day restrayning them of it at no time except it be more expedient for them to want it what shall I say more but bewaile that so few finde it and pray God to inlarge their hearts that they may be able to comprehend and so inioy it and to giue all praise to his maiestie who hath thought no heauenly comfort too good for his euen in this world which is a vale of misery And as for such as thinke that it is weake reioicing that is and may be accompanied with so many afflictions as our life is subiect to they must know that such corrections are seene by our heauenly father to be meete for vs and to keepe vs from vaine and deceitfull reioicings and that these fatherly chastisements doe not take away this heauenly comfort from vs but they rather cause it to be seene a greater benefit then without them we could easily be able to perceiue Others obiect thus Are there so many commodities in the christian life How commeth it to passe then that they shew it not foorth and that the godly of all sorts poore and rich one and other doe not let their light so shine among men that they may cause them by seeing such admirable things in them as are not to be found commonly in the world beside to aske haste after them For where are they say these Obiecters which haue so much grace appearing in them aboue other men In their dealings we finde it not in their liues we see it not neither are any parts that we behold in them such as deserue so great cōmendation To whom I answer that al these things are true which haue beene said of the great priuiledges and prerogatiues of the people of God and much more according to that which is written in the Psalme Wonderfull things are spoken of thee ô thou city of God but yet not so easily descried nor perceiued in the persons who inioy them and that for these causes First seeing their most precious gifts are spirituall and inward according to that which is written The kings daughter is all glorious within and therefore not easily seene and beheld of such as haue but outward and bodily eies their comelinesse and beauty is like the curtaines of the tabernacle the outward and vpper couerings whereof were of goats haire rammes skinnes and badgers but the inward were of fine twined linnen blew silke purple and scarlet with the most exquisite imbroidering of the Cherubins vpon them So is the outward estate of Gods seruants in this world ill fauoured and deformed in the eies of men but inwardly beautifull as the lilie and sweet and pleasant as the rose Their graces therefore which God hath giuen them as faith hope confidence a pure heart a good conscience a well gouerning of themselues and with these meekenesse patience mercifulnesse loue c. being not perceiued of them who neither know them nor haue them nor loue them what maruell is it though they aske for that in them which yet is before their eies as the souldiers that sought Christ euen when they spake to him though they say They behold no such grace in them which they can not discerne The same may be said of the inward comfort and ioy in the holy Ghost which is more worth than the world The second cause why these Obiecters see nothing worthy the following in a maner or commendable in them is because the gifts of God which appeare outwardly in their liues do the more prouoke them to wrath and rage because they see their course is not like their owne but contrary vnto it for they thinke themselues disgraced by them seeing they walke not after the same excesse of riot that they themselues do and therefore speake they euill of them Their innocency and harmelesse liuing in the world and that they will haue no fellowship with the vnfruitfull works of darknesse but rebuke them rather and their Christian carrying of themselues in their waies with moderation wisdome and constancie is charged to be hypocrisie precisenesse and new-fangled singularitie Furthermore the comfort which they haue in their liues being rather felt in their owne hearts than seene of strangers and their reproch in the world great and their condition counted vnfortunate how can the happinesse of them be knowen as I haue said although it be no lesse yea rather farre greater than I haue set it downe to be No no they must haue eyes as cleere as chrystall who can see and beholde this And that I may leaue no doubt in any mans minde about this matter I must desire them to thinke that my meaning is not that Gods children for all the priuiledges wherewith God honoureth them both heere and especially will do in the life to come are therefore without their seuerall infirmities and blots also some of them vnto the which the rest through their owne corruption yet remaining in them and the deuils malice are subiect which though they debarre them not of the forenamed prerogatiues seeing they are willingly brought to repent of them is one great cause why these obiecters see so little in the godly life as either to commend it or to be themselues incouraged to imbrace it But yet while these marke not these things but only beholde the slips and blemishes in the men themselues though in some more than
reward 26 And lest I should be thought to say like to the Poets vaine More then the truth in praise therof and so should seeme to faine 27 Full many a thousand euen of them who haue their time ill spent And vnto vaine delights their yeres and all their strength haue lent 28 And haue not chose the better part in wisdome for to grow Haue cri'd out fearefully at length and said It hath beene so 29 All pleasure Folly they did call which heeretofore they found And sorrow'd that they had no part in that which was most sound 30 They haue cried out of idle life and of their youth mispent That to the reading of good bookes their hearts they haue not bent 31 For what though men should set themselues to seeke a pleasant life In all things ease and peace to finde and to be voide of strife 32. Full true it is that without this their pleasure is but paine Right soone it shall depart from them and sorrow come againe 33 Where are the mighty and the proud and flanting ones become Some 100 yeeres agone they died and such as had their roome 34 The rolls of kings and princes great and chronicles of late Record to vs full many a one who liu'd in pompe and state 35 A time they had their time is gone their glory is decaied And sinne to such as died not well a wofull hire is paide 36 And as for men of lower place whom better we did know Whose crowne was beauty ease and wealth and did in dainties flow 37 Behold it is with them as if they neuer heere had beene As if no pleasure or no pompe of theirs had once beene seene 38 And such as doe remaine as yet and liue as they haue done Shalt finde the same which they haue found when once their race is run 39 So that small cause there is we see this kinde of life to choose And for the same the sauour sweet of heauenly life to loose 40 But such as doe in wisdome ioy and take delight therein Shall haue with peace a place on earth and greater gaine shal win 41 Therefore mine owne desire shall be to take this for my part The water streames and pastures sweet of Gods word with my heart 42 And such as these few reasons may perswade vnto the same I wish them that which to my selfe at this that they may aime 43 Then happy we throughout our life what euer vs befall Thrice happy eke when we go hence and God vs home shall call 44 Let the words of my mouth please thee and thoughts of heart ô God And in the same continually let me make mine abode 45 As haue the daies of sorrow beene so may our comfort be That as we did not praise thee then so may we now praise thee A TABLE CONTEINING the summe and substance of the whole boooke in the principall points of it The first Treatise CHAP. 1. ASsurance of Saluation the ground of all Most men are deceiued about it Papists thinke it impossible Carnall Protestants thinke it easie Weake Christians full of doubting Three generall heads or parts of this Treatise Three branches of the first head CHAP. 2. MAn created happie fell into miserie Two parts of mans miserie The first His sinne Mans sinne what Euery part corrupted Vnderstanding conscience will Affections Conuersation Thoughts desires outward behauiour Mans best actions abhominable Few thinke it thus The second part of mans misery The curse Which bringeth all plagues After this life In this life The creatures cursed for mans cause Much more himselfe In all he takes in hand In his body diseases c. In his senses deafnesse In his friends and kindred c. He hath no right to any thing that he inioieth and shall be called to iudgement for it Men shift off this This curse is to all To harden the heart against it dangerous The curse vpon the soule To be giuen vp to vile lusts To be darkened in his vnderstanding Hastening to endlesse woe and not see it Hardnesse of heart Desperation madnesse c. Remedilesse feares c. Hell paines extreame easelesse endlesse The necessitie of this knowledge of mans miserie If this doctrine displease men they may thanke themselues The doctrine of the Gospel must go with this CHAP. 3. OF the knowledge of redemption and deliuerance It must be knowen as well as our misery Foure things to be considered in it 1. What it is and wherein it consisteth Merit ouerthrowne 2. By whom it is wrought 3. How it is reueiled 4. How it is receiued and imbraced Faith what How it is wrought CHAP. 4. KNowledge of our miserie and redemption necessarie to saluation They are most light who haue most cause to mourne The person that shall be saued beleeueth and applieth generall things particularly to himselfe Heereby the heart is troubled Few hearing the doctrine of miserie thinke it to be their owne case They are hardned and make it cōmon Their woe at the time of death Answer to such as would not haue the law preached The law is to be preached But not without the Gospell Effects and fruits of the law preached in the faithfull The ignorance of the law how dangerous Great fault in the minister that teacheth not the law Consultation the second worke Consultation necessarie Prooued Without it sorrow for sinne profiteth little They that cannot counsell themselues must aske The complaint of the penitent sinner What his thoughts are 1. About his owne estate 2. Concerning the minde of God towards him He is secretly vpholden by the promise Humiliation the third worke How necessarie it is What great fruit it brings A secret desire of forgiuenesse the fourth worke From what ground this ariseth Or what breedeth this desire Many are long ere they come to this point and the cause why How feruent this desire ought to be To the humbled soule the tidings of saluation most welcome til then little set by This desire continueth till the thing be obteined What staieth and vpholdeth him in this case He resolueth neuer to walke in his former estate and why How Sathan laboureth that men should not come to this point and by what meanes What hee is the better for this resoluing Confession and crauing of pardon the fifth worke How this is done How great a matter this is To forsake all for it and highly to price it the sixth worke Obiect 1. Can these or any thing that man doth be accepted without faith Answ Although none of these things be faith yet they are not without it We cannot discerne the very moment when faith is wrought Obiect 2. Must we thus prepare our selues to receiue faith Answ It is not in our power It is gods onely worke to doe it To apply Christ and his promise the seuenth worke God sealeth vp his promises to the beleeuer How the beleeuer reasoneth with himselfe He weigheth all things heereto belonging He seekes helpe of others How he groweth
The chiefest thing euery morning is to remember Gods loue Gods children not so wise for their good as the bad for theirs Many good Christians haue not halfe the comfort they might haue Ephes 5.18 Deut. 33.12 Psal 90. Vnsetling of our selues from nourishing faith is full of dangers The longer we liue the better we should be Many haue found small cōfort through their life 2. Pet. 1.1 Iames 2.26 2. Pet. 1.5 6 7 Diuers opinions about godlines Matth. 27.3 Mark 6.20 Jt is necessarie to vnderstand wherein a godly life consisteth The necessarie connexion of this treatise with the former Faith and a godly life are as twinnes and goe together The heads of this treatise are foure Ezek. 36.26 Iames 2.18 Where true faith is not there is no good life Ephes 2.3 Heb. 11.6 Gen. 6.5 No good thing in the vnbeleeuer that pleaseth God Gen. 9.6 Prou. 28.9 Psalm 50.16 Gen. 4.4 No new doctrine Jt is hard only to the obstinate 2. Pet. 3.16 None that haue faith can liue wickedly 2. Cor. 5. Proofes of the former Tit. 2.12 Faith is not content with a wandring desire of godlines 2. Cor. 5. Act. 26.28 Gospell despised because it is not knowne Many would be thought beleeuers vvho liue not a godly life Hos 7.8 Rom. 7.4 Phil. 2.12 Ierem. 8.6 Iam. 1.26 Too hastie repentance seldome sound Note Change of life without faith vaine A simile It is vaine to thinke we haue faith without a new life 1. Pet. 3.4 Hos 14.6 Rom. 6.17 Luk. 1.75 Matth. 11.29 Tit. 3.8 Ephes 4.22 The beleeuer must beleeue other promises beside that of saluation 1. Cor. 1.30 1. Tim. 4.8 Also the threats and commaundements Rom. 15.4 The beleeuers doe not thus 1. Cor. 3.1 The cause why A second VVant of this faith worketh much inconuenience Heb. 4.2 Heb. 11.6 Rom. 14.23 The beleeuer must beleeue that he shall be sanctified And particular promises of benefits and deliuerance And precepts and threats euen the word it selfe Rom. 1.5 Examples of such as did st Hebr. 11.8 Iohn 5.46 Ios 6.10 Hebr. 10.38 Gal. 2.19 This kinde of faith not oft beat vpon by teachers The lesse conceiued and in vse with the better kind of hearers Luk. 1.28 Obiection Rom. 7.18 Answere Philip. 4.13 Exod. 5.11 VVhat causeth tedious troubles to many christians The testimonie of good christians An exhortation to the Ministers 2. Pet. 1.12 Matth. 11. Ioh. 10.4 Let faith and godlines be oft taught Phil. 3.1 The same things without vaine repetition and barbarousnes Act. 13.42 Hos 14.2 A simile Matth. 7.25 The heart the fountaine of godly life must first be purged Like heart like life Matth. 12.35 The heart is a dungeon of iniquitie Iam. 3.8 A simile A view of the filthines of the heart Ierem. 17.9 Matth. 15.19 What the purging of sinne is Rom. 6.2 Ephes 4.23 He that dieth in this weake estate is saued Holy desires be oft times quenched in the beleeuer Psalm 43.5 Psalm 103.1 How the heart is purged By the power of the holy Ghost Act. 15.9 Esai 11.2 This is at the first turning of a sinner to God A simile Euen this is a gracious work VVe must not stand at a stay in this Act. 15.9 1. Ioh. 3.5 Hart is purged by faith Act. 15.9 Act. 26.18 Iam. 3.15 VVorldly delights so sought for because the heauenly are not felt Iam. 5.5 Hebr. 11.6 Hos 1.10 So soone as any are assured of Gods fauour so soone are their harts changed Gal. 5.6 Faith purgeth only as the instrument Col. 3.9 Rom. 6.4 1. Tim. 1.5 True repentance 1. Thess 5.23 2. Cor. 7.1 Col. Rom. 6.2 1. Pet. 2.24 VVithout the change of the heart there is no amendment of life The simplest Christian finds some measure of these Prooues that this change is wrought by faith 1. Pet. 1.4 opened Rom. 7.5.6 opened Iohn 15.1.2 Ephes 4.16 Gal. 1.4 Luk. 1.74 1. Iohn 5.20 Luk. 7. Psalm 50. Rom. 6.6.11 By this change the beleeuer sensibly discerneth his present state from his former The weake troubled that this change is so small Yet this is a note that their state is good This change of the heart is the foundation of a godly life Note Prouer. 13.26 Jf men at first gaue God their hearts then should their whole life be better Not a peece of the heart Leuit. 1.13 Many hardly brought to giue their whole heart therefore giue ouer Psalm 78.35 Iudg. 2.11 1. Sam. 15.4 Ezech. 36.25 26 27. We must be changed before our liues can be amended What the life of the beleeuer is All vngodlines not some onely is to be renounced The beleeuer loatheth his former filthie life Reuel 3.9 Power of faith and gaine thereby 1. Sam. 24.10.11 Heb. 11.24 Heb. 11.6 2. Cor. 5.3 Eccles 7.1 Vanitie of worldly ioyes 1. Timot. 3. Act. 13.41 1. Ioh. 5.19 He renounceth sinne in good aduisednes and not in some good mood onely Hos 14.9 Ephes 4.24 Matth. 16.24 For want of this setled denying our selues diuers neuer attaine true godlines VVorst sort of Protestants who hate this doctrine Gods seruants are at vtter defiance with the world Ezra 10.12 Iere. 31.19 They leaue not sin for a time nor by constraint or for company feare c. Nehem. 10.29 Abiure sinne Not our owne strength Phil. 4.13 Rom. 9.31 Got with much striuing No discouragement Matth. 19.29 Faithfull alwaies preuaile not Yet finde comfort 1. Pet. 1.5 2. Cor. 12.6 Psal 116.11 2. Cor. 7.8.9 No hurt by abasing Gaine of our falles to purge vs. Prou. 28.13 This is only to the beleeuer Beleeuers can renounce all Vnbeleeuers cannot No dramme of goodnes in a naturall man Diuers kinds of euill to be renounced First inward lusts Not all in like measure The effects of our naturall corruption here be meant Iam. 1.14 A simile Col. 3.5 Heb. 3.12 Three sorts of lustes A view of some corruptions 1. Against God and his honour and worship in the first Table Iob. 13. Acts 24.25 Iob. 21.14 15. Matth. 15.9 Distrust Jn aduersitie Jmpatient Obstinate Loathsome guests Jnward corruptions in prosperitie No thankefulnesse Carnall reioycing Iames 4.4 Drunke with pleasures Ioh. 4. Ioh. 5. Matth. 15. Deut. 28.46 Abuse of peace Psal 8.5.6 VVicked lusts towards man The 2. table fift Commandement Contempt of betters Rom. 12. Vnthankefulnes to men Saucines in youth Reioyce in euil 1. Ioh. 3.18 VVrath Gen. 13.8 9 No bearing Prou. 12.15 Ephes 4.32 Rom. 12.15 No fellow feeling Vncleane lusts Feed their lusts Zach. 12.8 Couetousnes 1. Tim. 6.9 Prou. 9.17 1. Thess 4.4 Psal 15.6 Lust against our neighbours name Surmises 1. Sam. 22.8 2. Sam. 15.7 Exod. 2.14 Libels Psalm 50.22 Though not alwaies yet these be common These lusts be causes of all woe Euill lusts concerning our selues Fretting when crossed of their will 1. Sam. 31. Acts 16. Excessiue delight in abundance Iames 5.5 Pride of life Iohn 2.13 Iames 4.13 Frowardnes Prou. 27.1 Selfe lov● A speciall part of a godly life to renounce these Hebr. 3.12 Iusts marre
al. 1. Pet. 2.10 Iam. 4.1.2 This shall be accepted Psal 130.3 1. Ioh. 2.2 He that obserues these is occupied in a godly life Iam. 4.7 All ouercome not these alike The better sort * Moses meeke Numb 12.3 Abraham beleeuing Rom. 4.3 Ioseph continent Genes 39.10 Daniel zealous for the Lord Dan. 1.8 6.11 The woman in Luke full of loue Luk. 7.47 with many more such Therefore they ruled their euill hearts from the contrary corruptions The weaker are not to distrust for not matching the best These lusts are resisted of all beleeuers in their measure They who be ruled by their lusts cā claime no part in a godly life The weake may stay for their comfort in these three speciall graces Cant. 3.3 Note These three must be earnestly laboured for Luk. 8.1 Matth. 13.36 A chiefe end of this booke is to set forward a weake Christian How to make godlines a pleasure Note Deut. 33.12 Gaine of your course Why God withholds some grace from his Note 2. Cor. 12.9 Causes in our selues of not growing Jgnorance Slouth Fauouring sin Timorousnesse Iames 1.6 Remedie of our vnbeleefe How the minds of the godly are occupied Three ages of Gods children * 3. Childhood 1. Pet. 2.1 2. Middle age Ephes 4.14 1. Olde age Heb. 5.14 Heb. 12.12 13 Heb. 5.14 Ephes 4.14 1. Pet. 2.2 The highest degree of Christians Heb. 5.14 1. Iohn 2.13 Heb. 10.24 Matth. 13.31 Prou. 14.8 Prou. 2.10.11 Prou. 6.22 2. Pet. 1.8.9 Acts 24.16 Coloss 1.10 Hebr. 12.12 Rom. 13.11 Reuel 2.22 Acts 2.25 26. Psalm 1.2 Psalm 119.67 Luk. 19.42 The best are molested sometimes with lusts 2. Cor. 12.9 Rom. 7.24 Not comparable to the Apostles 2. Cor. 12.4 Paul had speciall priuiledges Zach. These be fathers Tit. 2.4 The third sort of the godly in battell 1. Ioh. 2.14 Sinne is odious to them though not euer ouercome of them These are sometime discouraged Cant 3 2.3 Glad to vse all helpes Set against smaller sinnes These be held vnder their infirmities for their good The third sort of the godly 1. Iohn 2.14 1. Pet. 2.2 The first danger in comfort The second danger when they feele want of comfort Many defects of these Young Christians compared to children These must growe Matth. 13.31 Psal 88.9 Their dutie Gods children are in danger sometimes to be dazeled and without feeling These degrees may in some respect fall one into another Exod. 3.11 Exod. 10.29 Outward wickednes to be renounced 1. Sam. 7.4 Vide Iudg. 10.14 Hos 14.1 2. Cor. 7.1 2. Pet. 2.20 Beleeuers must forsake their former sinnes Iam. 1.25 Rom. 6.2 Examples Genes 39.10 Hebr. 11.24 Luk. 19.2 Luk. 7.37 The vngodly will scorne professors if their liues be faulty 2. Tim. 3.5.6 The second sort of bad professors ignorant and carelesse Note the wofull estate of the rude ignorant Ierem. 8.11 Many laugh at the rude for their homely speeches who yet are like them in qualities Note A third sort Ciuil Professors Matth. 21.31.5 20. * Some of all these 3. sorts are sometimes prickt in conscience Exod. 9.27 1. King 21.27 Mark 6.19 Hos 6.4 Mich. 6.6 Iob. These be hypocrites Psal 78.36 Psal 50.16 Ioh. 3.19 Sudden flashes of grace A fourth sort of bad professors schismatikes inordinate liuers They are taunters railers and slaunderers of their brethren And censurers of others Soone ride in their own conceit Tit. 3. Inordinate liuers Worse in dealing then men who professe no religion Rom. 1. Ephes 5.11 2. Cor. 7.1 Other disorders of such professors Earthlines Note Matth. 12.36 Vnquietnes Heb. 10.25 Gen. 2.18 Luke 9.23 Ill educating their Children Rom. 12. 1. Iohn 3. Prouerb 20.7 Vncharitable surmises Iames 3.1 Ob. Are all such damned God shoales out some from others Psalm 1. Thes 1.9 Iohn 1. 10. Infirmities in all Matth. The godlie somewhat infected with common corruptions Difference betweene the fals of the godly and the wicked Cant 5. Note Cant. 3.4 5. The godly fall not but when they are secure and take libertie 1. Sam. 35.24 Psalm 89.31 Psalm 91.11 Philip. 3.13 2. Chron. 16.9 Philip. 4. 2. Sam. 11.4 Psal 51.5 Prou. 4.23 Heb. 4.1 Heb. 3.12 How we may be fenced 2. Tim. 3.13 No warrant of not falling deadly VVe may be preserued from foule falles 2. Pet. 1.5 Col. 1 2● Iam. 1.27 2. Pet. 1.10 1. Cor. 4.3.4 Act. 26.18.19 The first end why God suffers some to fall so Some to be humbled by their falles VVhy many fall The secōd end to magnifie his mercie in forgiuing great sinnes Ioh. 21.15 A third end why the faithfull fall in regard of others 1. Tim. 1.16 Otherwise no feare of falling Psal 130.3 Luk. 1.54 Gods tendernes ouer his Deut. 33.12 Rom. 5.10 Col. 1.23 Sweet comfort to the weake Note Rom. 8.31 2. Pet. 3.16 Tit. 1.15 Cant. 3.4 Cant. 2.14 1. Ioh. 5.4 VVhat infirmities the godly be subiect to Luk. 17.10 Rom. 7.24 Gal. 5.17 The state of weaker Christians These much differ from all wicked Phil. 2.12 1. Iohn 3.21 Psalm 4 8. What sinne of infirmitie is Note Wicked sinne boldly Their sorrow is carnall Note The heart purged must so be kept Prouerb 4.23 How the heart is kept Psal 119.9 Luk. 12.35 Great labour thus to keepe the heart VVith this heart easie to renounce euill An ill gouerned hart cause of all disorder Little acquaintance with our hearts brings great bondage An high grace to liue well without the whip The faithfull in part thus kept downe Sinne is not shaken off as a burre Heb. 12.1 2. Cor. 2.11 Grace to vanquish sinne This may be obtained and more and more from day to day Psal 51.5 Luk. 6.45 Gal. 5.22 A peece of heauen to liue with such as keepe their hearts well Psal 120.5.6 VVithout it nothing sauory Fruite of a well ordered heart Good moode Psalm 1.2 Psal 119.15 Heart may alwayes be looke to Pro. 23.26 Psalm 116.12 Another cause why the heart should be lookt to other wise it will not be readie to any duty Note How we may be fit to pray and meditate The onely way to curbe our lusts is to looke to our hearts Without this small fruite or comfort Matth. 19.29 Matth. 6.6 15.7 Note This clensing of the heart is not perfect Hebr. 12.1 Rom. 7. Psalm 130.3 This clensing though weake is a great priuiledge Luk. 18.9.10 The second generall branch of the life of the beleeuer Matth. 5.16 Prouer. 19.22 More hard and excellent to doe good then to eschew euill Not to rest in that Three branches of this second part of this treatise and which they are Obiections if any be Necessitie of rules to liue well by The first rule to liue well is knowledge Knowledge what And to grow in this knowledge 2. Pet. 1.5 Rom. 2.29 Iob. 13.17 VVith this knowledge must goe a delight in it Prou. 2.4 Prou. 2.10 Without this delight no fruit of knowledge Ioh. 3 10. Knovvledge an excellent gift But without the salt of grace vnsauourie 1.
obey it euen this faith I say must be planted in them as well as faith to be saued because by it as well as by this Gods people must liue afterwards and be vpholden And this doctrine because it is occupied about the promises of this life and the commandements of God which are to guide vs to full sanctification here I did not therefore ioyne it with my discourse of faith in the former treatise but referred it to this place as the fittest where I teach how to liue godly to the attaining whereof the beleeuing that I haue spoken of is a speciall helpe and furtherance And so I wish the christian reader to marke well that which I say about this matter for it is one of the hardest points in all christianitie to practise and one of the darkest to conceiue and see into and to be rightly perswaded of and setled in and a point in deed lesse stoode vpon and taught and made cleere by Preachers themselues in their Sermons and Catechizings and yet our liuing by faith throughout our whole life which is the fruit of it is as plainely taught and brought to light in the Scriptures as any need to desire it and namely in those places to the Hebrues and the Galathians one The iust shall liue by faith the other I liue no longer but Christ in me and the life that I leade is by faith in the sonne of God As if they both should say Christ by his spirit doth draw his faithfull ones to be led and guided by the word of truth which he hath set downe to them and they desire no other life then that which there they are moued and perswaded vnto whether we meane the commaundements or promises I said that this beleeuing which I speake of is not much laide open in publike teaching but only this which is the effect of it that we ought to be obedient to the word of God and therefore it is that the forwarder sort of good hearers except some few who haue been throughly made acquainted with it and exercised in it by long experience doe little see into it namely that they may vndoubtedly be perswaded that God will make them able to obey his will as they are fit to reach vnto it and that he hath promised if they once come to know that they are beloued of him that he will afterwards be with them to quicken their will and draw their affections and strengthen them to doe their duties as it was said by the Angell to Mary Haile thou that art freely beloued the Lord is with thee Many of Gods deare children when they are somewhat staied about the assurance of their saluation after that they haue been long labouring about it and then come to heare that they must leade new liues many of them I say are willing to goe about it but they are much discouraged because they see not how they shall be able And least any should obiect that Paul himselfe was so troubled who said To will is present with me but I finde no meanes to performe that which is good I answere he complained not of that which I doe that is that he had no hope in God nor no promise of strength from him to performe for he said the contrarie in sundry places I am able to doe all things through the helpe of Christ which strengtheneth me And againe I liue no longer but Christ in me but he complained that for all the hope of helpe that he had yet the rebellion of his flesh and nature that was vnreformed did mightily resist him And this hinderance he had and we all shall haue while we liue But what is that to this that besides this rebellion of the old man they haue this also to hinder them that they cannot tell whether they shall haue strength to make them able or no nor whether God haue giuen them any promise that their burthen shall be made light and that Christ himselfe will beare the greatest part of it for them that so it may be made easie This it is that killeth the heart of right good christians when they are ignorant of it and when they be not well grounded in it and throughly perswaded of it that God will make them able and fit for so great a worke as the leading of a godly life is euen like the burthen of the Israelites who were inioyned their taske of bricke that they had made in times past which worke was hard enough and yet themselues to seeke and prouide their strawe This I am sure hath troubled many who yet were willing and readie to doe any duties required of them and hath been the cause why they haue gone about the seuerall actions of their life the bearing of their trouble and the offering vp of their prayers the more deadly and vncheerefullie and therefore the more aukely and wearisomely And for the benefit of many good soules I will say that which hath been acknowledged vnto me by sundrie well approued christians when I haue in conference set downe plainelie to them the point which now I write of namely how necessarie it is to beleeue in generall whatsoeuer other promises or precepts in the word of God as well as the promises of saluation by Christ Oh haue many said if wee could haue holpe vp our selues out of distrust feare and vncomfortable dumpes by applying the promises of God concerning grace necessarie for vs outward deliuerance from daungers and good successe in our lawfull dealings of this life wee might with much ease and peace haue staied vp our selues when for want therof we were sore plunged and almost fainted and with halfe the toyle which wee vsed for it wee might haue vpholden our selues in hope with comfort For many houres yea and sometime daies wee haue beate our braines and reasoned to and fro with heauie hearts how to wade thorough some afflictions and how to bee contented with some accidents which were like to fal out and come to passe and this we did because we missed of the right way of trusting to Gods prouidence that he would turne all to the best without which resolution who can quietly rest in any vncertainties here below So effectuall and good a meane it is to be led by faith and to haue it as a daily companion with vs. By which wee hauing perswasion of the greatest benefit of all other namely Christ we might the more easily haue assured our selues we see now of any smaller whether any trouble to haue a good issue out of it or any good thing as it should haue been expedient for vs to inioy it And wee may say truly wee know nothing to haue been the cause of so much and so long vnprofitablenes and heauines these many yeeres as this that we haue not been rooted and grounded in faith as we haue had a care to please God For wee being subtilly vndermined by Sathan to
needlesly of other mē or of their dealings was wont to be cōmon with them and in solitarinesse a spending of their thoughts and desires after the like manner vainely vntill they were able more wisely to discerne how to giue euery dutie in the day his time and how to occupie both the one and the other throughout the day But they haue with heartie thankes to God protested that after they had attained to this they saw farre more clearely into the practise of Christianitie then euer before they did and found the Lords yoke farre more easie to them and themselues setled with more sound peace in the leading of their liues This report of some Christians whom I know well I haue set downe where by this little the rest may be coniectured for the better encouraging of the reader to be acquainted with a daily direction for the course of his life and that he should not rest in a generall and vncertaine obedience to God And let nothing that I haue said of them be thought needlesse or vnmeete for vs as long as we can see good reason for this which they did But know wee that this kind of seruing God both may bee and is and hath bene God be thanked vsed of many of Gods seruants though I will not say in a like maner and ought to be of the rest as euery one shall be able to see into it And therefore I purpose to thrust no fancie nor conceit vpon any but that which all well aduised persons must iustifie to be the commaundement of God and which bewrayeth too plainely that many professors of the Gospell haue not so much sought for the sound practise of a godly life by reading the stories of holy men in the word of God as to report generally that they haue bene holy neither haue reaped that benefit by the Scripture in enioying a sweet life aboue other men as the Lord in much mercie hath affoorded them For though the sect of the Family of loue the Church of Rome and sundrie other lying spirits do fancie a course which the Scripture knoweth not and some of them also fantastically haue for euery day in the weeke deuised an order to be followed as the reading of certaine taskes nothing lesse then proper to direct their liues yet in this which I here propound namely that we should be daily directed in our whole course I haue followed no fancie and dreame of man but haue in all good conscience spoken from God and drawne it from the Scripture both for the learned and simple high and low one and other and is neuer in vaine to the right vser of it although I deny not but that a skilfuller handler of it might haue set it downe farre more exquisitely But from whence is the difficultie that it is no more in practise being a treasure of so infinite value and that so many pray and some of them often to leade a godly life yet when and where they should not there they fauour themselues and say they are weake and vnable From whence I say is this but from hence that they will put no diligence thereunto to obserue their waies in which they prosper and contrariwise also there is no aunswerable trauell nor labour for skill and experience in this Christian course to that which is in all other but euery litle is tedious to them and wearisome They are seuen yeares at other trades to learne them though they be apt to them and forward in them before they are thought fit to occupie by themselues But yet without seuen yeares or seuen moneths diligent exercising of the rules of christian life for before they be conuerted to the obedience of God what reckoning is to be made of their professing they will be thought fit to do as the best in this trade of christian liuing although it be cleane against their nature Nay I say more he is a rare man who can be perswaded to be guided by religion and the rules thereof but seuen weekes constantly I may truly say seuen dayes for if he who would but so long giue ouer himselfe to liue by faith and walke with God he would neuer seeke to be loosened and set at libertie againe to his old life but would renounce it vtterly so great should his aduantage be in this course and trade And as I know that this is the maine and greatest cause why so fewe are lights and examples to others so when people are taught the truth clearely concerning this matter for I am sure that it is neglected of many through ignorance let them either resolue to be gouerned through the day and from day to day or let them looke to find small reioycing in the christian life with much vncomfortablenesse which otherwise need not to be And therefore in the feare of God let men thinke and iudge of themselues as Gods word teacheth them yea let them professe as they be or let them looke to find as they be and not as they professe But as the most do handle the matter they shall find it harder to practise a christian life after seuen yeares twise told then the hardest trade after halfe seuen And as it is with many of them who neuer learned their occupation well that they are neuer skilfull in it nor thriue by it as others do so one especiall cause why many neuer practise godlinesse to the welfare of their soules neither prosper nor be well liking therein is because they neuer soundly learned how to liue godly for continuance and constantly one day as an other but peeced and patched vp the same with here a good deede and there another and in being sometime deuout and zealous the most of their actions being vnregarded and of many of them it may truly be said the power of godlinesse was neuer throughly rooted and setled in their hearts These rules and the like for the daily directing of a Christian are to be well conceiued and approued in our conscience to be such as are very fit and profitable to guide vs the which whosoeuer hath the spirit of God doth or may discerne because they are according to the word of God and practise of his children and so he yeeldeth to them and of euery such they are duely and daily to be regarded so farre as God giueth him to conceiue of and see into them this indeuouring to practise them will bring a man increase daily of sound libertie and freedome from bondage to his boisterous passions and vnruly life and recompence an hundred fold in sweet peace all his losse in earthly and vaine delights which he was wont to make the flower of his garland And seeing they will worke vpon the simplest whose heart is vpright and which the Lord hath opened to conceiue them therefore when thou seest that thou art such a one and that thou hast felt them these rules of directiō I meane to perswade and draw thee on to follow them
forgo not this libertie neither fall from this holy beginning neither quench thou this flame of grace but cherish it in thee daily and trust not the fleshly wisedome of thine heart whereby thou mightest be discouraged seeing thou hast often proued and found it deceitfull but inquire into it still euery day lest some poison should lurke secretly in any corner of it to waite thee a mischiefe and to giue oportunitie to thine enemie to make thy hurt yet greater and therefore cast it vp as vomite and if after thou hast had some good vse of this or such like direction thou shalt feele it to waxe common and vnsauourie to thee vnlesse thou art sure that thou chaungest for the better take courage vnto thy selfe and cast out that diuell by fasting and prayer Prouide that thou mayest continue it and happie shalt thou be both here and hereafter and if thou thinke this be litle that I say tell me how thou shalt speede better any other way Thinke not vpon the many yeares in the which thou art to continue it to discourage thy selfe thereby as though thou tookest in hand a thing vnpossible or toilesome for the beginning is the hardest and as young children are to be led here a steppe and there another till they can go alone so go thou about it first by weekes and so by moneths till thou hast gotten experience for a whole yeare or more after which time thy difficultie will be well ouer and thou shalt find it a more easie yoke and light burden to thee by many degrees then thou wert wont And while I exhort thee to the diligent regarding of this daily direction I do not call thee either from seeking knowledge or from the practising of any necessarie dutie which might be required at thy hand but I encourage thee to both as that thou shouldest so store and stuffe thy selfe by all meanes as thou canst that out of this store and treasurie thou maist fetch matter daily to furnish thy life withall and be made fit vnto euery good worke in the day This is such a guide as is able to carrie thee safely as I haue said howbeit if it shall please God to bring to light a plainer and sounder be readie to embrace it but rest thankefull to God in the meane season for the helpe thou maist haue by this But for my weake brethrens sake whom while I goe about to helpe and set forward I would be loath to hinder and discourage this I thinke good to adde that they who cannot yet apprehend the whole neither see it possible to be guided by euery of these rules which I haue set downe let them be readie to do better then they haue done as they shall be taught let them be willing to adde somewhat to their hearing reading and prayers both in time to do them ofter and in feruencie to quicken them to indeuour more carefully to practise that which they shall be able I know all cannot be partakers of the same measure of grace and yet one and the same direction is fit for the strong and the weake and he is in good way who is willing to be directed onely this is the caueat which I giue to my brethren Let not that be despised in a scornefull manner which men well vnderstand not nor vpon stomacke refused or misliked which they sufficiently weigh not and all because it cutteth off many parts of bad behauiour which they cannot readily cast off depriueth of vaine liberties which they were wont to vse when they knew no better He that frameth himself faithfully to be led by any one of the fore-mentioned rules constantly will desire and shall obtaine a part in the rest as I haue said although there be not present strength to accomplish that which he desireth seeing faith in him is weake whereby he should come by and attaine it And to such I speak not doubting to assure euen them that God will giue them a blessed fruite of this trauell how farre soeuer they feele themselues off from possibilitie of taking good by the same And as I desire to helpe these so I would be glad to satisfie others as much as I can though they be as yet further off from eternall life then they And therefore if any such shall demaund when they haue seene and considered these rules for their daily direction What shall men do through the day besides the looking to their waies and hearts as is before set downe for nothing they will perhaps alleadge hath bene said of the sundrie actions and the particular kinds of the dealings of men which go through their hands in the day which are things indifferent and may either be done or left vndone it would be looked for say they that in a direction for the day it should be prescribed how euery thing yea the doubtfullest actions should be done and somewhat said thereof that men may see what to go forward with and what to lay aside To such as would aske this question not much differing from another before propounded I aunswer that none may imagine that I go about any such thing as to prescribe what particular actions cōpanies or dealings euery Christian should vse and be conuersant in euery day that were no lesse absurd then vnpossible to dreame of or of things indifferent which of them he should do and which are to be vndone but this I say whatsoeuer behauior actions words or companie will not stand throughout the day with these I meane with the rule of Christianitie in the Epistle to Titus 2.11 namely to liue soberly righteously and godly let them auoide them and whatsoeuer going about them or manner of doing them will not suffer them to deny vngodlinesse and worldly lusts of all sorts through the day let it be farre off from them as in their talke ieasting scoffing quarrelling idle words and all other vnbridlednesse of the tongue In their behauiour lightnesse loosenes sawcinesse sowernesse loftinesse stubbornnesse and all vnrighteousnesse let thē be straungers vnto them and whatsoeuer else is of ill report let them haue nothing to do with it any day Which they who are carefull to liue vnder an ordinarie ministerie shall in time more particularly be acquainted with so shall they find most sweet and sound peace to their soule and haue their life multiplyed with true comfort And if they thinke this hard as though they should sustaine some great losse hereby what do they loose but that which they are well ridde of although no other gaine were to be gotten hereby euen that which only troubled thē namely the lust of the heart the lust of the eye and the pride of life All which fight against their soule and after their fill in them will bring them to destruction And this for the satisfying of all reasonable persons who yet through ignorance may thinke it much to be tyed to any rules whereby their liues should be guided
daily as I haue directed before to do if we delight not in reading or take not the benefit of christian exhortation and conference watching ouer one another and prouoking to loue and good workes and to take good by examples of one another and if we be not more humbled by our chastisements and our hearts more inlarged to serue God by his daily benefits but trifle out our pretious time after the manner of men of the world finding no such sauour in any of these as we do in earthly delights namely eating drinking sleeping playing and dealings about our profits the Diuell hath what he seeketh at our hands and keepeth vs farre enough off from our best portion Finally the want of our whole armour or any part of it whereby we defend our selues from euill on euerie side this though all the other were present should sensibly appeare to be wanting for the daungers and fals which we shold sustaine for want of the same The remedy against the wāt of the word preached is to relieue our selues with it where we may with most cōueniēcy inioy it but rather that we sue eanestly to liue vnder it which would be more generally granted of God if it were as a benefit which cannot be wanted sought for desired But whether of both so euer be let vs so partake it that we may feel our selues sēsibly as by good diet refreshed grow in grace in the knowledge of our sauiour Iesus Christ for which end it is among vs. The remedy of all the other wants seeing it is a faithfull practising of the daily direction of the which I haue spoken largely alreadie or any other such therfore it is sufficient to shew the Reader that all these wants the Diuell will hinder him by to the end that he may hold him back from the practise of the godly life and consequently from the sweete fruite which he might inioy thereby The which I speake to this end that he may be on the other side more incouraged resolutely to giue ouer himselfe thereunto daily seeing thereby all these euils and perils of this life so vnwelcome and so much feared may be in great part auoided If any obiect that these first kinds of lets though not so particularly are set downe before and the remedies as here they are and therefore that this is superfluous let such know that I therfore set these downe particularly to let thē see that a well ordered course is a remedie for and against all diseases and therefore I mention the manifold lets in this Treatise which come in the way to hinder it that they may see the better to set themselues against them and not to thinke their labour lost which they are moued to bestow in acquainting and exercising themselues throughly in the practise of Christian direction from day to day as it is drawne from Gods word And thus much of the first kind of lets whereby the Diuell hindreth vs through wants in good things he taking occasion from the corruption of our nature whereby we are prone to euill and vnapt to good to strengthen sinne in vs. Now I haue shewed how the Diuell troubleth many weake Christians by the wants before mentioned here I thinke not amisse to shew how some are troubled by feare of their owne wants without cause For experience teacheth what deadly heauinesse he raiseth vp in the hearts of many of Gods deare children by occasion of their wants in grace And among the manifold hurts which he bringeth by meanes thereof to many weake Christians this one is not to be omitted what grieuous and sore discouragements he oppresseth many tender consciences with while they espie some gfts of God in other which they thinke be not in themselues though they seeke aboue all things to please God as hauing had some sweet feeling of his fauour through faith These I say when they consider and deeply weigh their owne emptinesse of grace and barrennesse their manifold infirmities also which they beare about them the Diuell abuseth their weaknesse to an heauie and vncomfortable sorow which is also as vnprofitable to them In which state he driueth them to find out in themselues many disorders and fals sundrie out-strayings from their Christian course and how they cannot preuaile ouer their corruptions and so maketh the innocent soules not onely to thinke that they be farre worse then they are but also troubleth and disquieteth them beyond measure insomuch that they haue bitter sobs and make sore complaints against themselues in the meane while forgetting through vnthankfulnesse Gods manifold kindnesses towards them and what cause of reioycing rather and thanksgiuing they haue offered vnto them And in this case he keepeth some of them many yeares together perswading themselues that none are so bad as they nor such hypocrites c. when yet the things whereof they do most accuse themselues are meere infirmities and not any grosse or palpable trespasses This description of them that I say no more of them who seeth not how apparently it bewraieth the Diuels malice and subtiltie in hindring yea snaring them as I may say in such sort as they cannot wind out any way when yet as hath bene sayd there are no sincerer-hearted Christians then they nor who seeke the Lord more hartily for that measure of knowledge experience which they haue Now if they are blessed who feare and who are troubled for some wants in grace who is so blind that he seeth not that euen by this which is their sorow and in their owne account euen their miserie yet by this I say they proue themselues to be blessed and happie The speciall remedie for these is godly boldnesse to consider what God hath done for them in giuing them such hungring hearts after good things which could not be except they had tasted of those sweete graces alreadie and had some part or portion of the same They must be perswaded to more heartie thankfulnesse to God and see this their humilitie meeknesse loue of God and desire of heauenly things to be iust causes hereof Their vnkindnesse to God they do well to acknowledge and that is an especiall grace of God in them and that they find in their nature rebellion against goodnesse but yet not so that they shew themselues more vnkind by not confessing that they haue much cause to reioyce from him And therefore let them beleeue that their estate is rather to be highly accounted of euen as it is seeing the thirstie as dry sponges drinke vp much grace and the humble shall find rest to their soules then that for some wants of grace they should cast downe themselues halfe desperately as though God regarded them not when yet their estate is the estate of all Gods children among whom euen the best haue many wants of grace and know but in part nor beleeue but in part although they haue through experience