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A07225 Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1615 (1615) STC 17622; ESTC S114403 588,758 444

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the booke of Iulianus Apostata wherein Christ and Pilate were the speakers which Sermon was learnedly confuted in writing by Maister Couerdall About this time a Priest of Canterbury said Masse on the one day and the next day he came into the Pulpit and desired all the people to forgiue him for he said hee had betrayed Christ but not as Iudas as Peter and made a long Sermon against the Masse In February one thousand fiue hundred fifty and foure before the comming of King Philip vpon the fifteenth day about nine of the clock in the forenoone there was séene two Sunnes both shining at once and that time was also seene a Raine-bow turned contrary and a great deale higher then it was wont About this time at Saint Pancrase in Cheape the Crucifixe with the Pixe were taken out of the Sepulchre before the Priest rose to the resurrection so that when he put his hand into the Sepulchre said very deuoutly surrexit non est hic he found his words true for he was not there indéede wherevpon being dismaide and debating amongst themselues whom they thought likest to doe it they layed it to one Marsh which a little before had beene put from that parsonage because he was married but when they could not proue it being brought before the Mayor they burdened him to haue kept company with his wife since they were diuorced He answered that the Queene had done him wrong to take from him both his liuing and his wife wherevpon he and his wife were committed seuerall Counters About this time there was a Cat hanged vpon a Gallow●s at the Crosse in Cheape apparelled like a Priest ready to say Masse with a shauen Crowne her two fore-feete were tyed ouer her head with a round paper like a Wafer Cake put betweene them where on rose great euill will against the Citie of London the Quéene and the Bishops were very angry and there was a proclamation in the afternoone that whosoeuer could bring forth the party that hanged vp the Cat should haue twenty Nobles which after was increased to twenty Markes but none would ●ar●e it the occasion of this was because the Bishop of Winchester had preached before the Queene for the straite execution of Wyats Souldiours Wherevpon there was twenty Gibbets and Gallowes set vp in and about the streets of London which there remained for the terrour of others from the 13. of February vntill the fourth of Iune and at the comming of King Philip were taken downe One Maister Walter Mantell one of them which rose with Wyat being prisoner in the Tower the Quéene sent vnto him Doctor Bourne to conuert him he answered Bourne that he beleeued in the holy Catholick church of Christ grounded vpon the Prophets and Apostles but he tooke exception to the Antichristian popish Church and hee said hee thought the Masse not fit both for the occasion of Idolatry and also the cléere 〈◊〉 of Christs institution and said it was not a propitiatory sacrifice for sinne for the death of Christ was onely that sacrifice and certaine Collects therein are blasphemous Then said the Doctor see how vaine-glory toucheth you then I found fault it was not a Communion Yes said he one Priest saying Masse heere and another there and the third in an other place is a Communion Then he desired God to receiue him to his mercy that he might die vndefiled in his truth at vtter defiance with all papisticall and Antichristian Doctrine and to defend all his chosen from the tyrany of the Pope and Antichrist and from his subtilties at his first casting off the Gallowes the rope broke then they would haue had him re●ant and receiued the Sacrament of the Altar and then he should haue the Queenes Pardon but Master Mantell like a worthy gentleman refused their serpentine Councell and chose rather to die then to liue for dishonouring of God Maister Bradford Maister Sanders and diuers other good preachers hearing that they should be brought vnto a Disputation at Cambridge sent a Declaration out of prison to the effect as followeth That they did not purpose to dispute otherwise then by writing except it be before the Queenes Highnes her Councell and before the Parliament houses because we shall dispute against the things which already they haue determined whereby it appeareth they seeke not the derity but our destruction and their glory otherwise they would haue called vs to shew our consciences before their lawes were so made and againe the Censors and Iudges are manifest enemies of the truth before whom Pearles are not to be cast by the commandement of Christ and by his example and because some of vs haue been in prison eight or nine monethes where we haue had no Bookes paper nor Inke and because we shall bee stopped of our Arguments as the Bishops were at Oxford and because the Notaries that shal write our Arguments shal be such as either doe not or dare not fauour the truth therefore must write to please them or else they will put to or take from at their pleasure as it appeared at Oxford Yea if any man was seene there to write he was sent for and his writings taken from him If they will write we will answere by writing and proue by the word of God and most ancient Fathers this our faith euery péece thereof and we are ready to seale it with our liues First we confesse belé●ue all the Canonicall bookes of the Old Te●●ament and the New to bee truth written by the Spirit and to bee the Iudge of all Controuersies of Religion and we beléeue the Catholike Church is the Spouse and beloued Wife of Christ and to imbrace the doctrine of these bookes in all matters of Religion and therefore to bee heard accordingly and those that will not heare her are Heretickes and Schismaticks according to the saying He that will not heare the Church let him be an Hereticke and wee beléeue the Symbols of the Créede of the Apostles and of the Councels of Nice Constantinople Ephesus Chalcedon and of Toletum before the foure hundred fifty foure yeare and the Symbols of Athanasius Ireneus Tertullian and of Damasus which was in the yeare thrée hundred seauenty sixe We beléeue that Iustification commeth onely from the mercy of GOD through Christ and it is had of none of discretion but by Faith which Faith is a certaine perswasion wrought by the Holy Ghost and as it lightneth the mind so it suppleth the heart to submit it selfe to the will of God By this we disalow Papisticall Doctrines of free will of workes of supererogation of merits of the necessity of auriculer confession and satisfaction And we beléeue that the exterior seruice of God ought to be according to the word in such a tongue as may be most to edifie and not in Latine where the people vnderstand not the same And we beléeue that God onely by Iesus Christ is to bee prayed vnto and we disalow inuocation to
these I heart them whilst they sate in Christs chaire but after the workes they now doe I will not doe by Gods ●elpe for they faine would hide and contrary the trueth which before they taught plainly and truely and some of them haue confessed they doe it because they are constrained by paine to leaue the truth so they blaspheame God rather then suffer a little though Christ shed his heart bloud for vs. Bishop That which thou callest truth is slander to holy Church and though Wicliffe were a great Clerke and a perfect liuer yet holy Church hath damned many of his Doctrines and well worthy but Phillip Rampington Bishop of Lincolne wil not hold the learning that he taught nor no Bishop pursueth more sharpely them that hold thy way then he doth Thorpe Many wonder at him and speake him mickle shame and hold him a cursed e●nemie of the trueth Bishop Then the Bishop read a Certificate that the bailiffes of Shrewesbury sent to him vnder their Seale the third Sunday after Eas●er 1407. William Thorpe preaching in Saint Chaddes Church in his Sermon said that the Sacrament after con●ecration was materiall bread and that Images should not be worshipped and that men should not goe on Pilgrimages that Priests haue no title to Tythes and that it is not lawfull to sweare Then he said is this wholsome learning to be amongst the people Thorpe I am sory and ashamed of them I neuer taught such Doctrine Bishop I will beléeue those worshipfull men before thée thou hast troubled them and they pray mee that if thou suffer for thy heresies that thou most be executed there that such other ●o●els for feare may be reconciled and they that stand in Faith of holy Church more stablished by my thirft this feruent requ●st shall b● thought on Thorpe I thanke God for all this I was not afraid but my heart reioyced and still doth for I then thought and yet thinke that grace shall come to all the Church of God herethorow and I said I doubt not but I can proue that they which are fained to bee out of holy Church at Shrewsbury and other places are in true Faith of holy Church for they dread to offend God and loue to please him i● true and faithfull keeping his commaundements and they that are said to be in faith of holy Church there and in other places are proud e●●ious co●etous lechero●s and foule in words and deeds and know not nor will know the right Faith of holy Church their customable swearing and shamefull workes witnesse it And sir where you say I haue troubled the Communaltie with Preaching it is not to be wondred at of wise men seeing all the Communaltie of Ierusalem was troubled at Christ all the Synagogue of Nazaret moued against him that they led him to a mountaine and would haue cast him downe headlong Bishop Thou and such l●s●ls presume to Preach without licence of any Bishop Thorpe It is euery Priests duetie to Preach busily freely and truely the word of God and they should take the Order of Priesthood chiefly to make Gods word kn●wne to the people and approuing the truth of the word by his vertuous workes and for this purpose chiefly Bishops and Prelates should take their Prelacie and for this cause Bishops should giue their Orders and should accept none to be Priest except he were well disposed and well learned to Preach Wherefore by the example and Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles and Prophets wée are bound vnder full great paine so to doe Bishop Le●●de losell why makest thou mée such vaine reasons asketh not Saint Paul How should Priests Preach except they be sent And I sent thée not to Preach And saith not Sai●t Paul Subiects ought to obey their Soueraignes and not only the good and vertuous but tyrants and vicious Thorpe None of you will grant vs any such licence but we must oblige vs to you● by vnlawfull Othes not to passe the bonds you will limmit vs and we dar● not so oblige our selues Wherefore though we haue no such licenses we dare not leaue the ●ffice of Preaching for so mu●h as we haue taken vpon vs the Office of Priesthood trusting God will bo our sufficient letters and witnesse if we occupie vs faithfully to d●e our Office iustly yea the hearers shall be our Letters for the truth where it is s●wne cannot be vnwitnessed as Saint Paul saith Wee neede no Letters of commendations a● some doe which Preach for couetousnesse and mens praisings Touching obedience to superiours good superiours with sound Doctrine and holy couersation to them wée must willingly and gladly obey consenting to their charitable biddings and working after their fruitfull workes of these Saint Paul speaketh Bee mindfull of your Soueraignes that speake to you in the word of God and follow the faith of them whose conuersation you know to be vertuous These Soueraignes make feruent prayers that they and their Subiects may liue in the feare and loue of God and liue so vertuously that they that will liue well may take example by them but Subiects ought not to obey Tyrants whose biddings and workes are vicious that they ought to be hated and left But if they menace oppressions and punishings Saint Peter biddeth the seruants of such Tyrants to Obey meekely suffering patiently their malicious cruelty but hée councelleth not any seruant or subiect to obey any Lord Prince or Soueraigne in any thing not pleasing to God Bishop If a Soueraigne bid a Subiect doe the thing that is vicious the Soueraigne is to blame but the Subiect deserueth méede of God for obedience pleaseth God more then Sacrifice Thorpe Samuel told Saul that God was more pleased with the obedience of his commandement then with Sacrifices but Dauid S. Paul and S. Gregory accordeth therto that they that doe euil are not only worthy condemnation but they that consent thereto Bishop All these a●●agings are nothing else bu● proud presumptions for hereby yo● inforce you are iust and ought not to ●bey the Prelates and of your owne authoriti● you will Preach and doe what you list Thorpe Presenteth not euery Priest the Office of the Apostles and Disciples 〈◊〉 Christ He said yea the tenth of Mathew and the last of Mathew witnesseth Christ sent his Apostles to Preach And in the tenth of Luke He sent his 72. Disciples to Preach in euery place that Christ was come to And Saint Gregory saith He that taketh vppon him the Office of Priesthoode taketh on him the Office of Preaching and that the Priest stirreth God to great wrath whose mouth is not heard to Preach and Ezekiel saith The Priest that preacheth not busily to the people shall bee partaker of their damnation that perish by their default And though the people bee saued by other means yet if the Priest Preach not he is a man●●●per b●cause they hold from the people the word of God the life of their soules Saint Isidore saith Priests shall be damned
the land and that you receiue Stephen Archbishop into his dignity and the Prior of Canterbury and his Monkes and yeeld againe to the Archbishop all his Lands and rents and Sir yet moreouer that you shall make such restitution to them as the Church shall thinke good The King answered he would gladly grant their request touching the Prior and Monkes of Canterbury but touching the Archbishop let him giue vp the Archbishopricke and I will giue him some other Bishopricke vpon this condition I will admit him otherwise not Then one of them said holy Church was neuer wont to disgrade Archbishop without reasonable cause but to correct Princes that were disobedient to her What now quoth the King threaten you me They said You haue told vs what is in your heart now we will tell you what is in the Popes will He hath wholly interdicted and accursed you for your wrongs to holy Church and the Clergy and we doe accurse all those that shall common with you hereafter and we assoyle all Earles Barons Knights and others from their homage fealty and seruice they should doe to you and to confirme this we giue power to the Bishops of Winchester and Norwich and the same power ouer Scotland we giue vnto the Bishops of Rochester and Salisbury and in Wales wee giue the same power to the Bishops of Saint Dauid Landaffe and Saint Assaph And we send throughout all Christendome to all Bishops to accurse all that helpe and comfort you in any néede And we a●●oyle all your aduersaries and command them to warr● with you and with all that are enemies to the Church Then the king answered What may you doe more They said we say to you in verbo Dei that no heire of yours after this day may be crowned Then the King sware if hee had knowne their newes hee would haue kept them out this tweluemonth Upon this occasion Pope Inocent commanded ageine in paine of his great curse that none should obey King Iohn nor kéepe company with him to eate drinke common or Councell with him or his seruants to doe him any seruice at bed boord hall or stable But the greater part that sled from him by this meanes of diuerse and sundry diseases that yeare died Betwixt England and France that yeare fell great amitie but false to the bitter betraying of England Further the Pope with his Cardinals gaue sentence definitiue that King Iohn should be deposed from his Regal Seat and promised Phillip the French King full remission of all his 〈◊〉 and cleare possession of the Realme of England vnto him and his heirs if he did either kill him or expel him Moreouer he wrote vnto other Nations that they should take vpon them the badge of the Crosse and reuenge him of the manifold iniuries done to the vniuersall Church by the cursed Tu●ke and Pagan King Iohn The next yeare the French King manned with the Bishops Monkes Prelates and Priests and their seruants began his att●mpt in hope of the Crowne of England but the English Nauie tooke 300. of the French Kings ships loaden with wheat wine meate flesh Armour and other necessaties for warre and burnt 100. within the Hauen and tooke the spoyle of them The Priests of England prouided them a false prophet one Peter Wake●ield they noysed daily amonst the Commons that Christ had twise appeared to him in shape of a childe betwixt the Priests hands once at Yorke and againe at Pomfret and breathed saying Peace peace peace and that he was rapt in spirit and hee saw the ●oyes of Heauen and sorrowes of Hell He prophecied of King Iohn that he should raigne no longer then ●scention day within the yeare of our Lord 1213. Being asked the question he could not tell whether he should be slaine expelled or of himselfe giue ouer the Crowne but he was sure he nor none of his stocke should raigne that day once fi●●shed The King laughed thereat when he sawe himselfe out of dange● He prated thereof at large so that they which l●ned the King apprehended him and put him in prison the King not knowing therof the fame hereof went through the whole Realme and the more becau●e he was imprisoned When the prophesied Ascention day was came King Iohn commaun●ed his Regal Tent to be spred abroad in the open field and passed the day with his Noble Councel and men of Honour in the greatest solemnity that euer hee did before When that day was passed withall his enemies turned it to an al●goricall vnderstanding and said He is no King for the Pope raigneth and not he yet raigned he stil and his sonne after him to proue the prophet alyer And because this false prophet had troubled the Realme peruerted the people raised the Commons against the King and was caried ouer the Sea by the Prelates and gaue incouragement to the French King to inuade the Land the King commaunded the false prophet should be hanged and his sonne least any more should rise of his race At length the King seeing himselfe so compassed with enemies and treasons and great danger that was like to follow especially fearing the French King was inforced to submit himselfe to that execrable monster and Antichrist of Rome conuerting his Land into the patrimony of Saint Peter as many other had done before him for hee was sure though not without shame being vnder his protection no forraine Potentate was able to subdue him King Iohn made a Letter obligatory to the Pope in this manner Whereas wee haue grieuously offended God and our mother Church of Rome and our body and Realme is not a sufficient satisfaction to him that humbled himselfe on the Crosie for vs through Councell of the noble Earles and Barons we freely grant vnto God and the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul and to our mother Church of Rome and to our holy Father Pope Inocent the third and all the Popes that come after him all the Realme and patronage of the Churches of England and Ireland with all the appurtenances for the remission of our sinnes and the helpe of our kinsfolkes soules and of all Christian Soules so that henceforth we will hold as Farmer to her Mother Church doing fealtie to the Pope and his successors Wee will doe homage to the Popes Legate as it were in the Popes presence paying ●or all manner of Custome which we sho●ld doe for the said Realmes yearely 1000. markes of siluer sauing to vs and our heires our Iustices and our Franchises and other realties that appertaine to our Crowne And for the assurance hereof we binde our successors and heires that if any of our heires shall goe against these things and being warned will not an end he shall then loose the foresaid Realmes for euermore But before the relea●ment of the Interdiction the king was compelled to giue ouer his Crowne and Scepter to the Antichrist of Rome for fiue dayes and to receiue it at another Cardinals hands Then all that had their hearts
auncient Custo●es and disciplines of the ancient She prophes●eth likewise of Fryers There shall rise a sencelesse proud greedy people without Faith and subtile which shall eate the s●●nes of the people pretending in Order of certaine deuout persons vnder the dissimuled cloake of beggers pr●ferring themselues before others in fayned deuotion in puffed vp knowledge and preten●ed holinesse walking without 〈◊〉 and the ●ea●e of God finding out many new mischiefes strong and sturdy Of wise men and Christes faithfull that Order shall bee accursed they shall cease from labour and studie for quietnesse rather taking on them the Order of flatterers then beggers they shall study altogether how to resist the Preachers of the trueth and kill them with the mightie The Deuill shall roote foure vices in them Flattery Enui● Hypocrisie and Backbiting that by flattery they may ha●e bou●tifull gifts that by Hypocricie they may please men and by Back●iting dispraise others and extoll themselues for the praise of men and s●ducing of the simple And in example of Martyres hauing no deuotion shall preach instantly They shall speake euill of Princes and withdraw the Sacraments from Pastors rere●uing the almes of the poore weake and néedy and conueying themselues into a multitude of people being familier with women teaching them how to deceiue their husbands and friends and conuey away their goods by stealth and giue it them and say that they w●uld pray for them so that they couer other m●ns faults curiously and forg●t their owne vtterly They shall take away things fr●m Pirates théeues Church-pillers from Usurers Hereticks and Apostates Adulterers lecherous women b●ud● from the mightie p●riured Marchants false Iudges Soldiers Tyrants Princee liuing against the Law and they shall follow the Deuill and swéetnesse of sinne de●icatenesse of life and 〈◊〉 to their eternall damnation all men shall sée this yet shall they daily become more indurate and wicked But when their iniquities and seducings shall bee tryed men shall cease to giue them then shall they go● about hungry and looking downe to the earth like madde dogges and shrinking in their neckes like Turtles that they may bée filled with bread then shall the people say Wo● vnto you wretches children of sorrow the world seduced you the Deuill snared your mo●ths your flesh slippery your heart without taste your minds wandring your eyes delighted in vanitie and madnesse your p●nches desire sweete dishes your feete swift to mischiefe consider how you were accounted 〈◊〉 and zealous poore rich men and simple stout men but you were deuout slatterers false betrayers peruerse backe ●i●ers holy hypocrites peruert●rs of the truth too much strickt and precise proud shamelesse and vnstable Doctors delicate Mar●yres professors for lucre sake meeke slanderers religious couetous lowly proud godly hard men pleas●nt lyers peaceable persecu●ors oppressors of the simple inuenters of euill Sects vnmercifull louers of the world sellers of pardons spoylers of benefices vnprofitable makers of prayers seditious conspirers dronken whisperers desirous of honour curious in mens faults the extortioners of the world vnsatiable preachers pleasers of men seducers of women so we●s of discord Moses well prophesied of them in his Canticle A people without Councell and Wisdome would God they were wise and vnderstood and foresaw the latter ends to come you builded aloft and when you could build no higher you fell downe Like Simon Magus whom the Lord repressed and strooke with a mightie plagne so you likewise haue fallen through your deceiueable wickednesse lies 〈◊〉 the people shall say to them away teachers of peruersitie subuerters of verity brethren of the Shunamite father of Hereticall pra●i●●e false apostles you séeme to follow the life of the Apostles but follow not their steps one ●ot you children of iniquitie we will none of your trades and waies for presumptuous pride hath deceiued you and insatiable concupiscence subuerted your erronious heart and when you coueted to climbe vp higher and higher then by the iust Iudgement of God you haue fallen downe to euerlasting shame About the same time that the Franciscans and Dominicke Fryers began sprang vp the Cro●bearers or Crouche● Fryers by Pope Innocent the 3. who raised an Army signed with the Crosse on their brest to 〈◊〉 against the Albenses whom the Pope and his sect account Hereticks About the parts of Tholous I finde in some records that the opinion of them was sound enough professing against the wanton wealth pride and tyranny of the Prelates denying the Popes authoritie to haue ground in Scriptures neither could they away with the ceremonies or traditions as Images Pardons Purgatory calling them blasphemous occupyings many of them were slaine at times and burned by the Pope and Symon Ecclesiasticus with other moe After King Iohn as aforesaid had submitted himselfe and his whole Realme vnder tribute to the Pope it is incredible how the insatiable a●arice of the Romaines did oppresse the Commons and all estates of the Realme especially the Churchmen who what for the Pope for the Legats for the Holy Land and other subtill deuises to get away their money were brought to such slauery and penury that whereas the King durst not or could not remedy their exclamations they were almost driuen by for●e to remedy their owne wrongs that they writ to the Bishops and other Ec●les●asticall Gouernours that they had rather die then be thus confounded of the Romans that it was not vnknowne to them how they had deposed men and giuen away the B●nefices after their owne lust and how they haue thundred excommunications against you if you place any in any Spirituall Liuing in any of your Dioces within the Realme vntill f●ue Romaines in euery Dioces and in euery Cathedrall such as the Pope shall name be prouided for to the valew of 100. lib. yearely and what other grieuances they doe inflict to the Layty and Nobles Wherefore w● considering the rigorous austeritie of the ●omanists which take vpon them to Iudg● and condemne vs and lay on vs intoll●rable burdens therefore vpon a full aduise had amonst vs we haue though good rather to resist then to bee subict to their intollerable oppre●sions and greater slau●ry to be looked for hereafter Therefore we straitly command you as your friends that you doe not intermeddle or take part with them let●ing you vnderstand for trueth that in case you shall bee found culpable herein not onely your ●oods and possessions shall bee in danger of burning but a●●o your bodies shall incurre the same perill as shall the said Romish oppr●ssors In the raigne of Henry the third who succeeded King Iohn and raigned 57. yeares Cardinall Otho was sent to the King with Letters to him and other places for exactions of Money the Letters were to require for the Pope two Prebends in euery Cathedrall Church a portion of euery Abbot and of euery Couent as much as belonged to one Monke their good being equally deuided because the Church of Rome of greatly slandered that none could proceede there
for the wickednesse of the people if they teach not the ignorant and blame not the sinners Christ saith He came into the world to beare witnesse of the trueth Lincolne saith That Priest that Preacheth not the word of God though he haue no other default hee is Antichrist and Satan a night theefe and a day theefe a slayer of Soules and an Angell of light turned into darkenesse Therefore I count my 〈◊〉 in damnable ●ase if I for feare neglect Preaching and so I doe them that willingly neglect Preaching and so I doe them that haue purpose or will to let any Priest of this businesse Bishop Lo● sirs this is the businesse of this losell and such other to pi●ke sharpe Sentences out of the Scripture and Doctors to maintaine their 〈◊〉 Thou desirest the Psalter I tooke from thée but thou shalt ne●er ha●e it nor none other booke vntill I know thy heart and tongue ac●ord to be gouerned by holy Church Thorpe My will is and euer shall be to be gouerned by holy Church And hée asked me what holy Church was Christ and his Saints are holy Church though euery one in charitie be the Church yet it hath two parts the first part hath ouercome wretchednesse and raigneth in ioy with Christ the other is in earth fighting day and night against the temptations of the Feind forsaking the glory of the world and the ●usts of the flesh and which onely are the pilgrimes of Christ wandring towards Heauen by stedfast faith grounded hope and perfect charitie these will not be let from their purpose by any Doctors discording from the Scripture nor by the flouds of tribulations nor the winde of pri●e or menasing of any creature for they are fast grounded vppon the stone Christ hearing his word louing and practising it with all their wits Bishop 〈◊〉 you not how he is indurate and trauelled with the Deuill occupying himselfe busily to aledge Sentences to maintaine his Heresie Thus he would doe all ●ay if wee would suffer him One of his Clerk●s ●id the Bishop appose him vpon the the points of the Certificate from Shrewsbury And he said Was it true that is certified thou diddest Preach touching the Sacrament Thorpe As I stoode in the pulpit Preaching there toled a Sacring bell and much people went from me and I said Good men you were better stand still and heare Gods word for the vertue of the Sacrament stondeth much morein the beliefe thereof that ye ought to haue in the soule then in the outward sight thereof Bishop Resteth there in the host materiall bread after consecration Thorpe Saint Paul was a great Doctor and he called it bread that he brake and in the Canon of the Masse after consecration it is called holy bread and euery Priest after he hath receiued the Sacrament saith that thing that wee haue taken with our ●●●thea we pray God we may take with a pure minde And Saint Augustine saith That which is seene is bread but that mens Faith asketh to bee informed of is very Christs body Fulgentius saith It is an error to say Christ is very man and not God and that hee is very God and not man so is it to say the Sacrament is but a substance Bishop I command thée answere me shortly Thorpe I vnderstand it all one to grant that there dwelleth substance of bread and that Christs body is accident without subiect your asking passeth my vndersta●ding I dare not deny it nor grant it I commit this terme accidens cum subiecto to those Clerkes which delight in subtile Sophistry they determine often so difficult matters and w●nder so in them from argument to argument with pro contra vntill they vnderstand not themselues but the shame that proud Sophisters haue to yeelde to 〈◊〉 before men maketh them oft fooles and to bée shamefully concluded before God Bishop I will not oblige thee to the arguments of Clerkes since thou art vnable thereto but I purpose to haue thee obey the determination of holy Church Thorpe By open euidence and plaine witnesse 1000. yeares after Christ this determination which I rehearse was accepted of holy Church as sufficient to saluation but that which was brought in since the Deuill was loosed by Thomas Aquinas calling the Sacrament an accident without subiect I vtterly deny to make this Fryers sentence or any such my beliefe d ee with mee God what hee will Bishop Well well thou shalt say otherwise before I leaue thee Thou Preachest that Images ought not to be worshipped Thorpe Not so for all c●eatures are the Images of Gods glory and a man is made after Gods Image and they are worshipfull in their ●●nde but the 〈◊〉 or painting of Images though it be in high dignitie with man and for a Calender to lewde men that nether will nor can be learned to know God in his word nor by his creatures nor wonderfull workes yet this Imaginarie ought not to be worshipped Bishop But a Crucifixe ought to be worshipped for the Passion of Christ is painted therein and brought to our remembrance thereby so of the Image of the Trinitie and of the Uirgine Mary and of the Saints as when men receiue the Kings or their Lords Seale whe●ein is their Pictures or Armes in worshippe of them they put off their cappes to these Letters and since in Images we may know many things of God and his Saints shall we not worship their Images Thorpe These worldly vsages of Temporall Lords may be done but this is no similitude to worshippe Images since Moses Salomon Ba●uch and others in the Bible forbid plainly the worshipping of such Images Bishop Lewde ●osell there was no likenesse of the Trinitie in the Old Law but since Christ became man it is lawfull to haue Images to shew his manhood though great Clarkes hold it an error to paint the Trinitie I say it is well done for it mo●eth deuotion so doe other Images of Saints Beyond Sea are the best Painters and this is their manner before they make an Image they shréeue themselues to a Priest as if they should d●e and take penance and make a vowe of fasting prayer or pilgrimage praying the Priest to pray for them that they may haue grace to make a fayr● and deuout Image Thorpe I doubt not if the Painters truely vnderstood the Sciptures they would repent themselues of their sinfull and vaine Arte of Painting Idols and the Priests that 〈◊〉 them penance and prayed for them sinned more then the Painters for they comfort them in that which they are vnder paine of the great curs● of God they ought to forbid for 〈◊〉 if the word of God were truely Preached and ministers liued thereafter there would be no neede of these Images Bishop I hold thee a vi●ie●s and cursed Priest for thou and such others goe about to destroy all Priests and Images of holy Church Lozell were it a faire thing to come into a Church and see neuer an Image Thorpe They that come
the followers of Gods law shall haue to bee deliuered from this woe The sixt Seale tell●th the state of the Church in Antichrists limmes the Angels that stood in the foure corners of the earth to hold the foure windes from blowing are the Diuels Ministers the foure windes are the foure Gospels they shall let the preaching thereof and the breath of the Holy Ghost to fall vpon men after this commeth the mysterie of the seuen Seales that Antichrist is come in his owne person whom Iesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth hee and his seruants shall show their vttermost persecution against Christ and his subiects I said in my second principle that it was to be knowne before what Iudge wee must reckon the Iudge is God himselfe that seeth all our deeds and thoughts and euery mans deeds and the secrets of their hearts shall be opened to all the world as Saint Iohn saith the dead men great and small stood about the Throne and bookes were opened and the Booke of Life was opened and the dead were iudged according to their deed written in that Booke this Booke is mens consciences that now are closed but then shall be open to all men the Booke of Life is Christs Gospel which is now hid from the damned through their owne malice in the first book is written all that is done in the second all that should be done therefore look in the Booke of the Conscience whilest thou art heere if thou findest any thing contrarie to Christs example and Doctrine scrape it out with the knife of repentance and write it better I said it were good to know what reward the good shall haue and what reward the wicked shall haue it is written Christ shall come with the same body that was crucified all that shall be saued shall cleaue to him and be rauished meeting him in the ayre they that shall be damned lying vpon the earth Then Christ shall aske account of deeds of mercy reproouing false Christians for leauing them vndone rehearsing the paines that his true seruants haue suffered then the wicked with the Diuell shall goe into euerlasting fire and the righteous into ●uerlasting life then that which is written shall be fulfilled Woe wo to them that dwel on the earth wo to the Paynim that worshipped Idols and other creatures woe to the Iew that trusted too much in the Old Law and despised Christ woe to the false Christian that knew the will of God and did it not and hath not contemplated his mercies and waies and been thankefull for his benefits and hast made thy hart a house of swine a den of theeues by vncleane thoughts and delights thou hast shut God out of thy heart and hee shall shut thée out of heauen thou hast harboured the fiend and thou shalt euer dwell with him in hell thou shouldest haue sung holy holy holy Lord but thou shalt cry woe woe woe to mee but they that bee saued shall ioy in God Ioy all amongst themselues and one of an others saluation how happie bee they that their trauels bee finished and brought to so gracious an end especially that they haue escapt the paines O how happie are they for the endlesse blisse which they haue in the sight of God In this yeare began the Councell of Constance called by Sigismond the Emperour and Pope Iohn the 23. for pacifying a Schisme betwixt three Popes all striuing for the Pope-dome which continued nine and thirty yeares the Italians set vp this Iohn the Frenchmen set vp Gregory the Spaniard set vp Benedict and euery Nation defended his Pope to the great disturbance of Christian Nations this Councell indured foure yéeres wherein all matters were decided most by foure Nations the English Germans French and Italians out of euery Nation was a president there names were Iohn the Patriarch of Antioch for France Anthony Archbishop of Rigen for Italy Nicholas Archbishop of Genes●ensis for Germanie and Richard Bishop of Bathe for England the aforesaid Pope Iohn resigned his Pope-dome for which the Emperour thanked him and kissed his féete but after he repented himselfe 〈◊〉 being disguised fled but was taken by the Emperour and put in prison this Pope was deposed by the Decree of the Councell more then fortie most hainous crimes prooued against him as for hiring a Physition to poison Alexander his predecessor and that he was an Heretick a Symoniack a Lier an Hypocrite a Murderer an Inchanter a Dice-player an Adulterer a Sodomite and many others he held a Councell at Rome about foure yeares before and euer when they assembled there was a huge Owle in the place or somewhat else in the shape of an Owle which did alwaies looke so earnestly vpon the Pope which made him still breake vp the Sessions and at length to dissolue the Councell some said it was the Spirit of God in the shape of an Owle indeed there Spirit is better figured in the shape of an Owle then of a Doue The Councell said the way to reforme the Church was to begin a minoritis the Emperour said non a minoritis sed a maioritis there was fiue and forty Sessions in this Councell there was three seuerall Popes deposed in this Councell In the eighth Session was the condemnation of Iohn Wickliffe and his fiue and fortie Articles of his memory and bones to be burned as it is before recited and in the thirtéenth Session was decréed that no Priest vnder paine of excommunication shall communicate vnto the people vnder both kindes of Bread and Wine In the fifteenth Sessions silence was commanded vnder paine of the great curse and that none should make any noise of hand foote or voice and then the condemnation of Iohn Hus was read In the seuenteenth Session the Emperour tooke vpon him a iourney to the King of Arragon to intreat with Pope Benedictus about the resignation of the papacy and an excommunication was denounced against al that should goe about to hinder the Emperours iourney and that the Councell should euery Sunday make prayers and processions for him and an hundred daies of pardon giuen to them that would be present at the said prayers and processions and that all Prelates should then weare their Pontificalibus granting besides to euery Priest that said one Masse for the same an hundred daies pardon and to all other that once a day should say one Pater-noster and one Aue-Mary for the safety of the Emperour forty dayes pardon In the nineteenth Session Ierome of Prage was accused of Heresie cast into prison and forced to abiure In the two and twentieth Session Letters were made and set vpon all Church doores admonishing Duke Frederick to restore George Bishop of Austridge such Lands Kents and Reuenues as hee detayned vnder paine of interdiction suspention and excommunication In the one and twentith Session the Bishop of Londy made a Sermon which being ended Ierome of Prage which had abiured stood vpon a Bench replying against his Sermon
may rout It is a saying in Italy as soone as a Priest receiueth r●sure the Diuell entereth into him It is a saying in Germany the neerer Rome the further from God and that all euill beginneth in Nomine Domine alluding vnto the Popes Bulles and when Bulles come from Rome binde well pour purses He that goeth once to Rome séeth a wicked man hee that goeth twice knoweth him he that goeth thrice bringeth him home with him The Court of Rome neuer regardeth the sheepe without the wooll Once were wooden Chalices and golden Priests now we haue golden Chalices and wooden priests Once Christians had blind Churches light hearts now they haue light Churches and blind hearts Many are worshipped for Saints in heauen whose soules bee burning in Hell It was a saying in France foure hundred ye●res before this time that Satan was let loose at Rome to destroy the whole Church Thomas Becke● writ to the Cardinals that it was a common Prouerb that there is no right in Rome By these and such like innumerable Sayings it doth appeare what Iudgements the people had in those dayes of the Romish Clergy which was of GOD as a secret prophesie that Religion should bee restored shortly as it came to passe in this yeare one thousand fiue hundred and sixteene in which yeare Doctor MARTINE LVTHER first beganne to write before whom Picus Mirandola and Laurentius Valla and last of all Erasmus Roterodamus had somewhat broken the way before and had shaken the Monkes houses but LVTHER gaue the stroke and plucked downe the foundation all by opening one veine long hid before wherein lyeth the touchstone of all truth and Doctrine as the onely origine of our saluation which is our free Iustification by our Faith only in Christ the laborious trauels and constant preachings of this worthy man because they are at large in the History of Iohn Sleydan I neede not to stand thereon Luther was borne in Isleben in Saxony hee was a Student in the Uniuersitie of Magd●burge and Erford where Veselus was an old man as before is mentioned of whom it seemeth to bee that Luther speaketh of an Old Man there of whom hee learned many things touching Faith and hee thus expressed vnto him the Article of remission of sinnes wee may now generally beleeue onely that sinnes are and haue been remitted to some as the Diuels beléeue they were remitted to Peter or Dauid but that Gods expresse commandement is that euery man should beléeue particularly his sinnes are forgiuen and this is confirmed by Saint Bernard in his Sermon vpon the annunciation adde that thou beléeuest thy sinnes are forgiuen thée this is the Testimonie that the Holy Ghost giueth thee in thy heart and this is that the Apostle saith a man is freely iustified by Faith by whose words Luther said hee was strengthned and at last by prayer and reading he perceiued that Doctrine more euidently After hee began to expound the Epistle to the Romanes and the Psalmes so Diuinely that hee seemed to all the faithfull and learned a shining light which beganne to cleere after the long cloudy sky hee shewed the difference betwixt the Lawe and the Gospell Hee confounded the errour that then raigned in the Schooles and Sermons teaching that men merite remission of sinnes by their proper workes and were iust before GOD by outward Discipline as th● Pharisies taught But Luther expressely shewed that sinnes are freely remitted for the loue of the Sonne of GOD and that wee ought faithfully to embrace this bountifull gift His life was likewise correspondent to his profession whereby it appeared his words were not lip-labour but proceeded from the heart whereby many notable personages consented with him in his opinions at this time Luther altered nothing in the ceremonies but taught this onely doctrine as the principall of all others to wit the Doctrine of Repentance of remission of sinnes of Faith of true comfort in time of aduersitie euery man receiued good taste of this sweet Doctrine A Dominick Frier named Tecell caused the Popes indulgences to be carried and sold about the Coontre● Luther beeing moued with the blasphemous Sermons of this shamelesse Frier set vp certaine positi●ns against Indulgences openly vpon the Temples This Frier hoping to obtaine the Popes blessing assembled certaine Monkes and sophisticall Diuines and commaunded them to write something against Luther and in his Sermons he taught that Luther was an heretick and worthy to bee burned and he burned Luthers positions and the Sermon he writ against indulgences This forced Luther to intreat more amply of things and to maintaine the truth Frederick Duke of Saxony in the presence of the Emperor besought Erasmus his opinion if Luther had erred he answered his opinions were good but he desired he would moderate his stile Now Luther the plainer to expresse the doctrine of repentance of remission of sinnes of Faith and of Indulgences Hee added also these matters the difference of Diuine and humane Lawes the Doctrine of the vse of the Lords Supper of Baptisme and vowes touching the Question of the Popes power Eckius was the Author thereof to the intent to inflame the wrath of the Pope and Princes against Luther Upon this the Supper of the Lord was published to be vsed in both kindes priuate Masse was omitted and the Monasteries abandoned but this alteration was by Carolastadius in the absence of Luther He held in contempt the seditious Doctors of that time as Monetarius and the Anabaptists but especially the hor●ed Bishops of Rome who arrogantly affirmed that Saint Peter had not onely the charge to teach the Gospell but to gouerne common-weales In the yeare of our Lord one thousand fiue hundred and one and twenty Luther entred into Wormes being sent for by the Emperour Charles the fift King of Spaine and Arch-Duke of Austrich who in the first yeare of his Empire made an assembly of Princes in his regall Citie And whereas Luther had published three yéeres before certaine new propositions to be disputed on at Wittenberge against the tyrannie of the Pope which were torne in péeces and burned by the Papistes Wherevpon they began to tend to vprore and yet Luther maintained openly his cause against the Clergy Wherevpon by the solicitation of the Romaine Legates LVTHER was sent for by the Herauld of Armes with Letters of safe conduct by the Emperour and Princes wherevpon hee came as before and was visited of many Earles Barons Knights Gentlemen Priests and the Comminaltie who frequented his lodging vntill night He came contrarie to the expectation of many and of his aduersaries for they thought he would not come because his bookes a few dayes before were condemned by publique proclamations and many perswaded him not to submit himselfe to any danger who answerd since I am sent for I am resolued to enter into Worms in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ though I knew there were so many Diuels to resist me as there be tiles to couer
nor old Law therefore said the Bishop I will know nothing but my portous and my pontificall if you forgoe not these fantasies you shall repent it Thomas said my cause is iust before God and I passe not what followeth thereon After he was summoned by the Cardinall of Saint Andrewes and the said Bishop of Dunkelden and with him were summoned Frier Iohn Kellow Frier Beuarage Duncane Simson Priest Robert Foster a Gentleman with thrée or foure other men of Striueling who at thei● day of apparance were condemned to death without any place of recantation because they were chiefe hereticks and teachers of heresies and because many of them were at the marriage of the Priest of Twybody and eate flesh in Lent at their Bridall and they were all together burn●d vpon the Castle Hill of Edenbrough where they comforted one another merueilously The Persecution of certaine in the towne of Perth THere was an Act of Parliament in the gouernment of the Earle of Arrai giuing priuilege to reade the scriptures in their mother tongue but secluding al conference thereof wherby y ● eyes of the elect of God were opened to sée the tru●h and abhorre Papisticall abhominations at which time Fryer Spencer preached that Prayers made to Saints were necessary and without it no hope of saluation Then Robert Lambe a Burges of Perth accused him op●nl● in the Church of erronious Doctrine and adiured him in Gods name to vtter the truth whereupon trouble and tumul● of people arose so that the said Robert with great danger of his life escaped euen the Women addressed themselues to great cruelty against him Shortly after the Cardinall and the Earle of Argile sat about the matter before these persons were brought Robert Lambe William Anderson Iames Hunter Iames Rauelson Iames Fouleson and Hellen Sirke his Wife and the next day were condemned to death by an Assize for violating the foresaid Act of Parliment by conferring together of the Scripture and for that the said Robert Lambe William Anderson and Iames Raueleson hanged the Image of Saint Francis in a cord nayling Rammes hornes to his head and a Cowes rump to his ta●le and for eating a Goose of Alhollow Eue and Iames Hunter for kéeping company with th●m He●len Sirke for saying Mary merited not by workes to be the Mother of Christ and to be preferred before other Women but Gods free mercy ●xalted her to that estate Iohn Raueleson for setting vp in his house a triple Crowne of Saint Peter which the Cardina●l tooke to be done in mockage of his Card●nals ha● At the place of execution Robert Lambe exhorted the people to feare God and to leaue the leauen of Papisticall abhominations and prophesied of the ruine of the Cardinall which after came to passe and comforting one another that they should sup together in the Kingdome of heauen The Woman desired to die with her Husband but was not suffered then she kissed him saying We haue liued together ioyfull daies but this day is most ioyful because we must haue ioy for euer I will not bid you God night for we shall all this night méete with ioy in heauen The condemnation of GEORGE VVISHARD Gentleman and his Articles before the Cardinall of Scotland and others 1 TOuching Preaching when he was forbidden hee answered I haue read in the Acts of the Apostles that it is not lawfull to desist from preaching the Gospell for menaces of men therefore it is written wee must rather obey God then men and I beléeue that the Lord will turne your cursings of mee vnto blessings and as in the second of Malachy I will curse your blessings bless● your cursings 2 He affirmed the mouing of the body outward of the Priest at Masse without the inward mouing of the heart is but the playing of an ape and not the seruing of God who must be honored in spirit and verity 3 That auriculer confession hath no promise of the Euangell and therefore it cannot be a Sacrament but there are many testimonies of confession made to God 4 As none will make marchandise with one of a strange Language except that he doe vnderstand the promise made by the Stranger So I would that we vnderstood what wee promise in the Name of the Infant to GOD in Baptisme then saide one Bleiter a Chaplaine The● hast the Deuill and Spirit of errour then said a Child the Deuill cannot speake such words as he doth 5 The lawfull vse of the Sacraments is most acceptable vnto God but the great abuse is very detestable vnto him I once met with a Iew as I was sayling on the Sea I inquired of him what was the cause of his pertinacy that he did not beléeue the true Messias was come being that he saw the prophesies of him fulfilled and the Prophesies and the Scepter of Iuda was likewise tak●n away He answered me When the Messias commeth he shall restore all things and he shall not abrogate the Law giuen vnto our fore-fathers as yee doe for we sée the poore almost ready to perish for hunger amongst you and you pitty them not and amongst vs Iewes though we are poore there are no beggars found And it is forbidden by the Law to faine an Image of any thing in Heauen or Earth but onely to honour God but your Churches are full of Idols and ye adore a péece of Bread baked vpon the ashes and that it is your God then the Bishops shooke their heads and spitted on the earth 6 He reproued coniurings and exorcismes of holy Water and said that they were contrary to Gods word 7 Saint Peter saith God hath made vs Kings and Priests and againe hee hath made vs a kinglie Priest-hood therefore I affirme that any man cunning in the Word of GOD and the Faith of Christ he hath power from God by the Word of God to binde and lose and a man that is not conuersant in Gods Word nor constant in Faith what estate or order soeuer he be of hath no power to binde or lose being he wanteth the word of God the instrument to binde and lose with 8 Touching fréewill he said as many as firmely beléeue in Christ haue liberty as in the 8. of Iohn If the Sonne make you free then verily shall you be free but as many as beleeue not in Christ are bond seruants of sinne he that sinneth is bond to sinne 9 Touching praying to Saints he said it is certaine in Scripture that we should worship and honour one God but for honouring of Saints it is doubtfull whether they heare our inuocation made to them therefore I exhort all men that they would leaue the vnsure way and follow that way which our Maister Christ taught vs He is our onely Mediator and maketh intercession for vs hee is the doore he that entreth not in by this doore but climbeth in another way is a Theefe and a Murderer he is the verity and life he that goeth out of this way is fallen into the mire 10
Harley Bishop of Herford after they saw the masse begin not abiding the sight thereof withdrew themselues from the company wherefore Taylor was commanded to attend but shortly after died and Harley because he was married was ex●●nded from the Parlament and his Bishoprick Then all statuts in K. Hen. the eight and K. Edwards time which were against papistrie were repealed Sir Iames Hales Iustice of the Common pleas notwithstanding he had ventured his life for Quéen Mary in not subscribing to King Edwards Will as before for giuing charge vpon the Statuts against Papistrie at the Assises he was committed to diuers prisons and so terrified that he wounded himselfe and meant to haue killed himselfe with a knife and after was contented to say as they willed him whereupon he was discharged but he neuer rested vntill he had drowned himselfe Then according to the Quéens commandement there begun a disputation in the Conuocation house about the Sacrament which continued six dayes wherein Doctor Weston was the chiefe on the Popes side who behaued himselfe outragiously in checking and ●aunting the matter of the disputation was onely of the Sacrament and the reasons no other then shall and haue beene set forth in this book wherefore for breuitie I omit them In conclusion the Quéen to take vp the matter sent her commandement to Bonner to dissolue the Conuocation and such as disputed on the contrary part were driuen some to flie some to denie and some to die though in most mens iudgements that heard the disputation they had the vpper hand In which Parliament also communication was moued of the Quéens marriage which was very euill taken of the people and of many of the Nobilitie who for this and for religion conspiring amongst themselues made a rebellion wherof Sir Thomas Wyat was chiefe News comming to London of this stirre in Kent the Quéen caused Wyat and the Duke of Suffolke who was fled to Warwickshire and Leister-shire there to gather a power and the two Carewes of Deuonshire to be proclaymed Traytors and Thomas Duke of Northfolke was sent into Kent against Wyat but about Rochester Bridge the Duke was forsaken of all his men and returned to London The Earle of Huntington was sent post to apprehend the Duke of Suffolke who entring the Citie of Couentrie before the Duke disappointed him and one Vnderwood his man betrayed and bewrayed him so that he was brought to the Tower of London In time Sir Peter Carew hearing what was done fled into France but the other were taken and the Quéen hearing of Wyats comming towards London she came into the Citie to Guild-hall where she made a vehement Oration against Wyat and to incourage them to stand with her Two dayes after the Lord Cobham was committed vnto the Tower and Wyat comming to Southwark being he could not enter that way into London he went with his Armie by Kingstone and came through the stréets to Ludgate but returning he was resisted at Temple-barre and there yeelded himselfe to Sir Clement Parson and was brought to the Court the residue of his armie were taken and a hundred killed for Sir George Harper and almost halfe his men ranne away from him at Kingstone Bridge and they which were taken were had to prison and many of them hanged and he himselfe executed at Tower-hill and quartered his head was set vpon Hay hill and after stolne away but there was great search made for the same Then the Lady Iane was beheaded two dayes before whose death Fecknam was sent to her by the Quéen to reduce her to papistrie The communication betwixt the Lady Iane and Fecknam Feck MAdam I lament your heauie case but I doubt not but you beare it constantly Iane. I litle lament my owne case but rather account it a token of Gods fauor vnto me more then euer he shewed to me before being a thing profitable for my soules health Feck I am com from the Quéen and Councel to instruct you in the faith though I trust I need not trauell ouer much in the performance thereof Iane. I heartily thanke the Queene that she is not vnmindfull of her humble subiect and I hope you will doe your dutie according to the message that you were sent on Feck What is then required of a Christian Iane. That he should beleeue in God the Father Sonne and Holy Ghost three persons and one God Feck What is there nothing else to bee required of a Christian but to beleeue Iane. Yes we must also loue him with all our heart soule and mined and our neighbour as our selfe Feck Why then Faith instifieth not Iane. Yes verily Faith as Saint Paul saith onely iustifyeth Feck Why Saint Paul saith if I haue all Faith without loue it is nothing Iane. True it is for how can I loue him whom I trust not or how can I trust him whom I loue not Faith and Loue goeth both together yet loue is comprehended in Faith Feck How shall we loue our neighbour Iane. To feede the hungry cloth the naked and giue drinke to the thirsty and to doe to him as we would doe to our selues Feck Why then it is necessary to saluation to doe good workes and not sufficient onely to beleeue Iane I deny that and affirme Faith onely saueth but it is meet for a Christian to follow Christ in good workes yet we may not say that they profit to saluation for when we haue done all that we can we are vnprofitable seruants and faith onely in Christ● bloud saueth vs. Feck How many Sacraments are there Iane. Two the one of Baptisme the other of the Lords Supper Feck No there are seauen but what are signified by your two Sacraments Iane. By Baptisme I am washed with Water and regenerated by the Spi●t and the washing is a token I am Gods Childe The Lords Supper offered vnto me is a sure seale that by the blood of Christ I am made partaker of the euerlasting Kingdome Feck Do you not receiue the very body and blood of Christ Iane. I neither receiued flesh nor blood but Bread and wine which putteth me in remembrance that for my sins his body was broken and his blood shed and with it I receiue the benefit of his Passion Feck Doth not Christ say plainly This is my body Iane. So he saith I am the Vine and the doore and Saint Paul saith Hee calleth things that are not as though they were God forbid I should say I eate the body and blood of Christ for then I should pluck away my Redemption else there were two Christs for if his Disciples eate his body it was not broken vpon the Crosse and if it were broken vpon the Cr●sse his Disciples did not eate it except he had two bodies Feck Could not Christ as possibley make his body to be eaten and broken as to bee borne of a Woman without Man and as to walke on the Sea and doe other miracles Iane. If God would haue done a miracle at
make an excellent Deuill This the Parish tooke well a worth and the poore man had his Money On New-yeares day at night was a great stirre betwixt the Spaniards and English men the occasion was about two Whores which were in the Cloyster of Westminster with a sort of Spaniards whilst some played the knaue with them others kept the entry of the Cloyster with Dags in harnesse they discharged their Dags at the Deanes men that came into the Cloyster and hurt some of them at length almost the whole towne was vp by reason of a Spanish Fryer which got into the Church and rung Alarum so that many were afraid At was publikely noysed that Quée●e Mary was with childe there were diuers prayers made in euery Church and processions for her deliuerance with a man child and that it should be beautifull comly and wise And there was an Act of Parlament made that if the Quéene should die in the infancy of the child that the King should haue the gouernment of it and the Realme vntill it came of full age ●●uers were punished for saying the Quéene was not with child About Whitsontide the time was thought to be nigh and mid-wiues rockers and nurses with tradle and all were prepared in readinesse and a rumor was blowne in London of the prosperous deliuerance of the Queene so that the bells were rung bon-fires and processions made not only in the Citie but in most parts of the Realme and in Antwarp guns were shot off in English ships and the Marriners were rewarded with an hundred Pistols by the Quéen of Hungary The Parson of S. Anns within Aidersgate and diuers other Preachers took vpon them to describe how faire and beautifull the childe was at length the people were certified the contrary that the Quéen was not deliuered nor in hope to haue any childe The two and twentieth of Ianuary all the Preachers in prison were called before Gardnor at his house in S. Mary-Oueries after communication they were asked whether they would conuert and enioy the Quéens pardon or stand to that which they had taught they answered they would stand to that which they had taught then they were committed to a straighter prison then before with charge that none should speak with them Iames George the same time died in prison and was buried in the fields Upon the fiue and twentieth of Ianuary on the day of the conuersion of S Paul there was a generall and solemne procession through London to giue God thanks for their conuersion to the Catholike Church wherein were foure score and ten crosses and a hundred and sixtie Priests and Clerks who had euery one Copes on singing lustily there followed eight Bishops and last of all Bonner carrying the Pixe vnder a Canopie and there was the Mayor Aldermen and all the Liuerie of euery occupation and the King and the Cardinall came to Paules Chu●ch the same day and after returned to Westminster at the steps going vp to the Quire all the Gentlemen that were set of late at liberty out of the Tower kneeled before the King and offered vnto him themselues and their seruices after the procession there was commanded bon-fires to be made at night THE ELEVENTH BOOKE wherein is discoursed the bloudy murdering of Gods Saints The martyrdom of Iohn Rogers THe fourth of Februarie suffered M. Iohn Rogers His examination before the Lord Chancellor and the rest of the Councell the two and twentieth of Ianuary Lord Chan. Wilt thou returne to the Catholike Church and vnite and knit thy selfe with vs as all the Parlament house hath don Rog. I neuer did nor will discent from the Catholike Church L. Chan. But I speak of receiuing the Pope to be supreme head Rog. I know none other head of the Catholike Church but Christ neither will I acknowledge the Bishop of Rome to haue any more authoritie then any other Bishop hath either by the word of God or the doctrine of the Church foure hundred yeares after Christ. L. Chan. If Christ be the only head why diddest thou acknowledge K. Henry supreame head of the Church Rog. I neuer granted him supremacie in spirituall things as forgiuenesse of s●nnes and giuing of holy Ghost and to be a Iudge aboue the word of God L. Chan. There is no inconuenience to haue Christ supreme head and the Bishop of Rome also I was ready to haue answered that there could not bee two heads of one Church but he said make vs a direct answere whether thou wilt be one of this Catholike Church or no. Rog. I do not beleeue that your selues doe thinke in your hearts that he is supreme head in forgiuing of sinnes c. being this twenty yeares you haue preached and some of you haue written to the contrary L. Chan. Tush that Parlament constrained men by cruelty to abolish the primasie of the Pope Rog. Then you doe wrong by cruelty to perswade mens consciences if that cruelty did not perswade your consciences how would you haue your cruelties to perswade our consciences L. Chan. They were driuen by force to consent to that act wheras in this Parlament it was vniformally receiued Rog. It goeth not by the more or lesser part which condiscended vnto it but by the wiser truer and godlier part then he interrupted me and bade me answere him for we haue more to speake with then with you for there were ten persons more Then he asked me whether I would enter into the Church with the whole Realme I said I would see it proued the Church then I vndertook if I might haue pen and ink proue the contrary but he said that should not be permitted and told me I should be sure neuer to haue the Quéens mercie if I would not acknowledge the Pope supreme head of the Church and said Paule forbiddeth me to contend with hereticks L. Chan. Do●● thou not say in the Créed I beleeue in the Catholike Church Rog. I find not the Bishop of Rome there it signifieth the consent of all true teaching Churches of all ages And the Church of Rome cannot be one of them which teacheth so many doctrines against Gods word can that Church that doth so be the head of the Catholike Church When he would haue me proue wherein the Pope taught against the word I said to speake with strange tongues is against the scripture L. Chan. Thou canst proue nothing by the Scripture it is dead it must haue a liuely expositor for all hereticks haue alleaged Scriptures Rog. The Scripture is aliue all hereticks haue alleaged Scripture but they were ouercome by it Then he bade away with me to prison then I stood vp for I had kneeled all the while Then Sir Richard Southwell said I know well thou wilt not burne in this geare I said I trusted in God yes When they touched me with marriage being a Priest I said the true Catholik Church did euer allow marriage to Priests His second examination L. Chan. TEll me wilt thou returne
the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ being the head corner stone for which Church Christ gaue himselfe to make it a glorious congregation without fault in his sight 5 This Church of it selfe is sinfull and must needs say Father forgiue vs our sinnes but through Christ and his merits she is fréely forgiuen 6 Hee is our onely Mediator as Saint Paul saith there is one God and one Mediatour betwixt God and Man Iesus Christ Therefore no other Mediatour 7 We beléeue this Church is and hath béen persecuted according to the promise of Christ as they haue persecuted mee so shall they persecute you for the Disciple is not aboue his Master And Paul saith it is not giuen to you onely to beleeue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake for all which will liue godly must suffer persecution 8 The true Church teacheth the Word of God truely not adding thereto nor taking there-from and Ministers the Sacraments according to the Primitiue Church and it suffreth all men to reade the Scriptures as Christ saith Search the Scriptures And when Paul preached the audience searched the Scriptures whether hee preached truely Dauid teacheth to pray with vnderstanding Saint Paul saith when the people vnderstand not what is said how can they say Amen at giuing of thankes And Saint Paul saith true Faith commeth by hearing the word 9 The Church of Christ teacheth God ought to bee worshipped according to his word and not after the Doctrine of men as Christ teacheth vs likewise Christ saith you shall forsake Father and Mother and follow me whereby we learne if our elders teach otherwise then God commanded in that point we must forsake them 10 The Supper of our Lord ought not to be altered because Christ the wisedome of the Father did institute it For it is written cursed is he that changeth my ordinances or taketh any thing from them This Supper is sorely abused it is giuen in one kinde where Christ gaue it in both it is made a priuate Masse where Christ made it a Communion He gaue it to all his Apostles in the name of the whole Church not to one alone Christ ordained it for a remembrance of his euerlasting sacrifice vpon the Crosse once for all and not againe to bee a dayly sacrifice both for them that are aliue and them that are dead And Saint Paul saith where there is no remission of sinnes there is no more sacrifice for sinne and in that it is worshipped where as nothing is to be worshipped that is made with hands and in that it is giuen in an vnknowne tongue whereby the people are ignor●nt of the right vse thereof besides this it is hanged vp and shut in a Boxe many times so long that wormes breedeth in it and so it putrifieth they that abuse it bring vp the slander thereof and not we 12 Concerning Christs words This is my body the minde of Christ must bee searched out by other Scriptures for the Apostle saith no Scripture hath any priuate interpretation and the Scriptures are full of such figuratiue speeches as the Cup is the New Testament the Rocke is Christ whosoeuer saith Christ receiueth a Child in my Name receiueth me which sentence must not be vnderstood after the Letter as the Capernaites did which taught that Christs body should haue been eaten with their teeth when he spake of the eating thereof to whom Christ said the Spirit quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing for my words are spirit and life so we see Christs words must be vnderstood spiritually and not literally hee that commeth to this worthy supper must not prepare his iaw but his heart neither tooth nor belly but beleeue saith Saint Augustine and thou hast eaten it so wee must bring with vs a Spirituall hunger and examine our selues whether our Conscience doe testifie that we doe truely beleeue in Christ according to the Scriptures whereof if we be truely certified beeing new borne from our old conuersation in heart minde will and deed then may we boldly with this mariage garment of Faith come to the feast And that there is no change but bread still remaineth Christ saith Doe this in remembrance of me And Saint Paul As often as you shall eate this bread and drinke this Cup you shall remember the Lords death vntill hee come heere is no change but bread still And Christ saith except I goe to my Father the Comforter cannot come And Saint Peter saith heauen shall keep him vntill the last day in that he is God he is euery where but in that hee is Man hee cannot be but in one place as his body was not in all places at once when hee was heere Hee was not in the graue when the women sought him as the Angell said neither was hee at Bethania when Lazarus died by Christs owne words and thus we conclude that the Christ is in the holy Supper sacramentally and spiritually in all them that worthily receiue it and corporally in heauen both God and Man When they would not turn from the truth by no p●rswasions the sentence was read against them In the reading whereof Higbed said you speake blasphemie against Christs Passion and goe about to trap vs with your subtilties and snares and though my Father Mother and other my kindred doe beleeu● you say yet they were deceiu●d in so beleeuing And whereas you say Cranmer and others in the said Articles were hereticks I wish I were such an hereticke as they were and be Then the Bishop asked him whether hee would turne from his ●rrour To whom he said would yee would recant for I am in the truth and you in errour Then they were deliuered vnto the Sheriffe and sent to Newgate where they remained not so much in afflictions as in consolations Fourteene daies after they were carried to Essex And Thomas Higbed burned at Hornden on th● Hill and Thomas Causon at Rayly where they died most constantly The Martyrdome of VVILLIAM HVNTER THe said Hunter was at all times brought before the Bishop of London with the aforesaid Thomas Tomkins and had the same Articles Reasons and perswasions obiected as the said Thomas Tomkins had and they made both the same answeres sauing that Boner vsed these words onely to Hunter Will you abiure and returne to the Catholick Church He answered I will stand to that which I haue said And further he said it is false Doctrine beliefe to beleeue that Christs true body is in the Sacrament which is onely in heauen and that his friendes and kindred were deceiued if they otherwise beleeued I will continue in the truth that is taught me as long as I liue ●or if I doe otherwise I shall perish both body and soule and I had rather my body perish then my soule Wherevpon hee was condemned and after carried to Burnt-wood where hee suffered most ioifully He was a very yong man borne of good parents of whom he was not onely instructed to godlines but confirmed
vnto death a rare example to be had in admiration of all parents where the naturall affection of parents were ouercome with godlines w●o like the holy mother in the Machabees incouraged their sonne as much as they could to goe through valiantly reioicing with wonderfull gladnes and either of them dranke vnto him confirming him in the Lord I cannot tell whether I should praise the vertue of the Sonne or of the Parents William Pygot Steuen Knight and Iohn Lawrence AT the same time that Tomkins and Hunter were examined as before these three likewise were examined before Boner the same reasons Articles and perswasions that were vsed to them were vsed vnto these also and they made all answeres al●ke and when by neither flatterie nor threatning they could bee brought from the truth they were cond●mned and were carried into Essex to bee burned William Pigot burned at Braintree Steuen Knight was burned at Mauld●n who at the stake kneeled downe and said this prayer O Lord Iesu for whose loue I ●eaue this life and desire bitt●r death with the losse of all earthly things ●ather then to abide the blasphemie of thy name or to obay men breaking thy Commandements where I might liue in wealth to worship a false God I chose rather the torment of this body and haue counted all things but dung that I migh● winns thee which death i● dearer to me then thousands of Gold and Siluer such loue hast thou laide vp in my brests that I hu●ger for thee As the wounded Deare des●reth the soy●● s●nd ●hy holy comforter to ayde comfort and strengthen me● a weake peece of earth empty of all strength of it selfe of thy great loue thou ●ast bidden me to this banquet accounted mee worth● to drinke of 〈◊〉 owne cup amongst thine ele●t●giue me strength against this ●hine elem●nt which is most irkesome to my sight that it may be swéet and pleasant to my minde that I may passe through this fire into thy ●oso●e according vnto thy p●omi●e accept this sacrifice for thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ his sake for whose Testimony I offer it with all my heart forgiue me my sinnes as I forgiue the world sweet Sauiour spread thy wings ouer me O holy Ghost by whose inspiration I am come hither conduct me to euerlasting life Lord into to thine hands ●commend my spirit Amen Iohn Lawrence was brought to Colchester and not b●eing able to goe for his legges were so sore worne with his Irons in prison and his body so weakened with euill keeping hee was faine to be brought vnto the fire in a chayre At his burning the yong children came about the fire and cryed Lord strengthen thy seruant and keep thy promise which manifesteth Gods glory which writ this in the hearts of these little ones and their parents are to bee commended that brought them vp from their youth in the feare and knowledge of God Gods Iudgement vpon the Parson of Arundell VPon Shroue-Sunday the Parson of Arundell besides Canterbury declared vnto the people all such Articles as were set forth by the authority of the pope and commandement of the Bishops of this Realme and when he had done he thanked God that euer he had liued to see that day and straightway he fell sudde●ly out of the pulpit and neuer spake after The historie of Iudge Hales SIr Iames Hales as before tooke Queene Maries part and would not subscribe to haue any other Quéene though all the rest had subscribed to Edward the sixts Will. He was an vpright and conscionable Iudge To these his gifts and qualities were linked sincere affection to the Gospell of Christ shewing himselfe a true Gospeller by word and deed At the beginning of Queene Maries raigne the masse not being restored by law diuers Priests presumed to say masse and they were indited at the a●●ises before Iudge Hales and he gaue order therein as the law required wherefore when the terme came he comming to doe his office was sent for by Gardner Lord Chancellor to whom he iustified that he did it both by the iustice of the law and of his conscience wherein he was fully bent to stand in triall to the vtmost that can be obiected and it therein I haue done any iniury let me be iudged by the law for I will séeke or desire no better defence for my selfe considering chiefly that it is my profession Ah Sir said the Chancellor you be very quicke and stoute in your answers it seemeth that which you did was more of will fauouring your opinion of Religion against the seruice now vsed then for any occasion of zeale of iustice seeing her Highnesse doth set it forth as yet but withing all her subiects to imbrace it accordingly My Lord quoth Hales I doe but shew my selfe as I am bound in loue to God and obedience to the Quéenes Maiestie in whose cause willingly for iustice sake I did of late as your Lordship knoweth aduenture as much as I had and as for my religion I trust it is such as pleaseth God wherein I am ready to aduenture both my life and substance if I be called thereto and for lack of mine owne power and will the Lords will be fulfilled Shortly after he was committed vnto the Kings Bench then he was committed to the Counter in Breadstréete and from thence he was conuayed to the Fléet where he endured most constantly for the space of three weeks and when thus in diuers prisons being tossed and wearied he could in no wise be subdued there was in the prison where he was a Gentleman of Hampshire called Foster who ●●ing suborned by the Bishops vsed all kinde of perswasions whereby hee might draw him from the truth which at length he brought to passe then next morning early the Bishop of Chichester came to him into the prison to comfort him therein and after Iudge Portman came to him but as soone as he had yeelded to them he ●rew into such an extreame desperation by the worme of his conscience that hee eat little meat that night When supper was done he gate him straight to bedde where he passed the night with much anxietie of mind about six of the clocke in the morning he sent his man for a cup of béere his man was no sooner gone but with a pen-knife he wounded himselfe in diuers places and would haue killed himselfe but that his man méeting the Butler at the chamber doore returned presently into the chamber and let his Master from destroying himselfe Upon this Cranmer straight-way took occasion to call the doctrine of the Gospell openly in the Star-chamber the doctrine of desperation M. Hales being within a while after deliuered getteth himselfe home to his house whether it was for feare that if he should againe professe the Gospell he should be imprisoned againe and burned and begger all his posterity or if he should go to hearing of masses he should doe worse hauing all things set in order a good while before that pertained vnto his
well for Paul writ to the Corinthians to haue the man excommunicated that had lien with his Fathers wife Smith As the Church of Corinth was manifest to God and Paule so is this Church in England else you could not persecute it as you do I being conuayed into the Garden Doctor Dee being one of the Bishops Chaplaines came to me and after much adoe about his God I compelled him to say that it must needs enter into the belly and so fall out ●nto the draught then hee said What derogation was it to Christ when the Iewes spit in his face and I answered If the Iewes his enemies did but spit in his face and wee being his friends throw him in the draught which of vs haue deserued the greater damnation Doctor Then he would haue Christs humanitie incomprehensible bringing to serue his turne which way Christ came amongst his Disciples the doores being close shut Smith I haue as much to proue that the doores opened at his comming as you haue to proue that he came thorow the doores for God that opened the prison doores for his Disciples was able to doe the like for Christ but that maketh not for your purpose for they saw heard and felt him and so cannot you do in your sacrament Then I was called for before Bonner and my Lord Mayor was with him and my articles were read then said Bonner Bonner My Lord they call me bloudie Bonner where I neuer sought any mans blood I haue stayed him from the Consistory this day whither I might haue brought him iustlie and heere before you I desire him to turne and I will with all spéed dispatch him out of trouble Smith Why do you put on this visard before my Lord Mayor to make him beléeue you séeke not my blood Haue not you burned my Brother Tomkins hand most cruelly and after burned his body and the bodies of a number more of Christs faithfull members Then he questioned with me about the Sacrament and I said as the body is dead if the blood be gone so their Sacrament is a dead God because they take away the blood of Christ from his body being the Cup is taken from the Layty for if the Br●ad be his body the Cup must bee his blood Then Bonner rose and my Lord Mayor desired me to saue my soule I said mine was saued by Christ desiring him to pittie his owne soule and remember whose sword hee carried so with many foule farewels we were sent to New-gate againe and Boner gaue the Keeper charge to lay me in Limbo The second Examination Boner THou saést there is no Catholick Church on earth I said I haue answered you the contrarie and it is written he said yea but I must aske you this Question Smith Must you begin with a lye it seemeth you determine to end with the same but no lyer shall enter into the kingdome of God I haue con●essed a church of God as well in earth as in heauen and yet all one Church and one mans members euen Christ Iesus Boner Well what saist thou by auricular Confession Smith It is needfull in Christs Church but if it be needfull in your Church it is to pick folkes purses and such pick●purse matters is the whole rabblemene of your ceremonies for all is but money matters that you maintaine he said thou maist be ashamed to say so I said I speake by experience for I haue heard seene the fruits of Confession it hath béene a betrayer of Kings secrets and others who b●ing glad to be discharged of their sinnes haue giuen to Priests great summes of money to absolue them and sing Masses for their so●les health Boner By the Masse if the Queene were of my minde you should not talke before any man but should be put in a S●ck and a Dog tyed vnto the sam● you should be throwne into the water Smith You and your predecessors haue sought by all meanes to kill Christ secretly as appeareth by Master Hunne whom your predecessor caused to be thrust into the nose with ho●e burning needles and then hanged him and said he hanged himselfe and another of your predecessors when he could not ouercome an innocent man by Scripture he made him priuily to be snarled and his flesh to be torne away with pincers and told the people the rats had eaten him Bonner Then came in M. Mordant and then he said How sayest thou Smith to the seuen Sacraments Smith I beleeue that in Gods Church there be but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper as for your Sacrament of the Altar and all your other Sacraments they may well serue your Church but Gods Church hath nothing to do with them Bonner Why is Gods order changed in baptisme Smith Yes in hallowing the water in coniuring of the same in baptising children with annointing and spitting in their monthes mingled with salt and with many other lewd ceremonies then be said by the masse I was the shamelest hereticke that euer he heard speake I said well sworne my Lord you keepe a good watch Bonner Well M●ister Controller you catch me at my words but I will watch thée as well I warrant you then quoth Mordant I neuer heard the like in my life I pray my Lord marke well his answer for Baptisme he disaloweth therein holi● oyntment salt and other lawdable ceremonies Smith It is a shamefull blasphemy against Christ to vse such mingle mangle in Baptisme Boner I beléeue if a child die without Baptisme he is damned Smith You sha●l neuer be saued by that beléefe I pray are we saued by water or by Christ he said by both I said then the water died for our sinnes and must you say that the water hath life and it being our seruant and created for vs it is our Sauiour This is a good doctrine is it not Bonner How vnderstand you these words Except a man bee borne of Water and the Spirit and Christ saith Suffer little Children to come vnto me and if thou wilt not suffer them to be baptised according to the lawdabl● order thou lettest to come vnto Christ. Smith Paul to the Galathians asheth whether they rec●iued the Spirit by the deeds of the law or by the preaching of fai●h and concludeth that the Holy Ghost accompanieth preaching of faith and with the word of faith entereth into the heart so if Baptisme preach vnto me the washing in Christs bloud the holy Ghost doth accompanie it and Christ saith Suffer little children to come vnto me and not vnto water then if you suffer them not to com to Christ without the necessity of water but condemne them if they die before baptisme you condemne both the merits and the words of Christ. Bonner Thou makest the water of no●● effect and then thou mayest put away water Smith Peter saith It is not the washing away of the filth of the flesh but in that a good conscience consenteth vnto God and onely water bringeth not the Holy Ghost for Simon
troden vnder foote had in derision and laughed to scorn yea they shall be like madde men for they shall spare no man they shall spoyle and wast such as ●eare the Lord. Bonner Esdras speaketh of you hereticks declaring the hate that you beare to the Catholicke Church making the simple people beleeue that all is Idolatry that we doe and so intice them away vntill you haue ouercome them Rafe Nay Esdras declareth it more plaine saying They shall take away their goods and put them out of their houses and then shall it be knowne who are my chosen for they shall be tried as the siluer or golde in the fire and it is come to passe as he hath said for who is not driuen from house and home and his goods taken vp for other men that neuer sweat for them If he doe not obserue as you command and haue set forth or else if he be taken he must denie the truth as I did in dissembling or else he shall be sure to be tried as Esdras saith whereby all the world may know you are the bloudie Church figured by Caine the Tyrant and you are not able to auoyde it Bonner He is an Hereticke let him be carried to London and kept in little●ase vntill I come Rafe And so I was vntill the next morning and then I was brought before Bonner the Deane of Paules the Chancellor and others Bonner How say you sirra will you goe to Fulham with me and there kneele downe at Masse shewing thy selfe outwardly that thou diddest it not vnwillingly but with a good will I said I will not say so He said away with him away with him After I was brought before the Bishop and three Noble-men of the Councell Bonner How say you sirra after consecration there remaineth no bread but the very body of Christ God and man vnder the forme of bread Rafe Where find you that my Lord written Bonner Doth not Christ say This is my Body Wilt thou denie the words of Christ or was he a dissembler speaking one thing and doing another Now I haue taken you Rafe Yea you haue taken me and will keepe me vntill you haue killed me Christ said Take you eate you this is my bodie and if you will ioyne the former words with the latter then I will answer you Bonner Then thou must say it is his bodie for Chirst saith it himselfe Rafe He is true and all men liers yet I refuse to take the wordes of Christ so phantastically for then should I conspire with certaine hereticks call●d Nestorians for they denie that Christ had a true naturall body and so doe you my Lord if you will affirme his body to be there as you say he is then you must néeds aff●rme that it is a phantasticall body therefore let the●e words goe before Take ye and eate yee without which words the rest are not sufficient but when the worthy receiuers doe take and eate euen th●n is fulfi●led the wordes of our Sauiour to euery man that so receiueth Esay in his nine and fi●tieth Chapter saith He that refraineth himselfe from euill must be spoyled and Amos saith the like wordes for the wise must be faine to hold their peace so wicked a time it is neuerthelesse hee that can speake the truth and will not must giue a straite account A Doctor By my Lords leaue you speake like a foole you must not iudge the Scriptures but must stand to learne and not to teach for the whole Congregation hath decided the matter long agoe then was I carryed away Rochest Were you a companion of George Eagles alias Trudgeouer I had him once and he was as drunke as an Ape and ●runk so of drinke that I could not abide him Rafe I dare say it was either your selfe or some of your companie for he did neither drinke Wine Ale nor Béere in a quarter of a yeare before that time After because he misliked the masse calling vpon Saints and carrying the Crosse on procession with other their ceremonies calling them Idolatry and for singing in 〈◊〉 against the Sacrament of the Altar and other ordinances of the Church so lowd that the people abroad might heare them and delight in them and for saying that he beleeued nothing that was contained in the Councell holde● vnder Innocentius the third and for affirming that those that were burned at Colchester were Saints in heauen He was condemned and he and the other thrée before mentioned were all burned as before Awstoo being in the Bishops Chappell at Fulham the Bishop asked him if hee knew where he was he answered in an Idoll Temple and he said he receiued the very body and bloud of Christ by faith in the Supper of the Lord but not in the Sacrament of the Altar and his wife said she beleeued that the Religion then vsed in England was not according to Gods word but false and corrupted and that they which did goe thereto did it more for feare of the law then otherwise and she said that she defied the Masse with all her heart and that she would not come into any Church wherein was Idols As she was in the Bishops prison by his procurement there was sent a stoute Champion as appeareth about twelue of the clock at night who suddenly opened the doore and with a knife drawne fell vpon her to haue cut her throat but shee calling to God for helpe he giuing a grunt and fearing belike to commit so cruell a deede departed without any more hurt doing the next night they made a great rumbling like thunder ouer her head to the intent to haue feared her out of her wits but God be thanked they missed of their purpose The aforesaid Richard Roth affirmed that there was not the very body and bloud of Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar as it was then vsed but that it was a dead God and that the Masse was detestable and contrary to Gods word and will from the which faith he would not decline He said to Bonner My Lord because the people should not sée your doings you cause me and others to be brought to our examinations by night being affraide belike to doe it by day and being perswaded to recant and aske mercie of Bonner No quoth Roth I will not aske mercie of him that cannot giue it whereupon he and the rest were condemned as before and most ioyfully ended their liues in the fire at Islington for the testimony of Christ and his Gospell Agnes Bonger and Margaret Thurstone THese were condemned at the same time and in the same place that the tenne before mentioned were which suffered Martyrdome at Colchester and for the like cause and answered also in their examinations the like in effect as the other did When these good and godly women were brought vnto the place in Colchester where they should suffer after they had falne downe vpon their knees and made their most humble and hearty prayers vnto God they went to the stake ioyfully
to light before it was executed and the said Squire had the same most iust reward of his foresaid treason as his predecessors in like plots had The Earle of Essex Conspiracie LAstly I will conclude with the conspiracie of the late Earle of Essex for although it is not to be doubted but that his heart with many of his followers was vpright vnto the Quéene yet notwithstanding hee had many Papists in the plot with him whose hearts he knew not and by whom if his practise had tooke effect the Queene should haue beene in as great trouble and danger as euer she was in her life but the Lord of his accustomable wonderfull mercie deliuered her Maiestie from this danger likewise who both by his holy spirit of comfort preserued her mind still ioyfull without feare of her enemies and also her royall person and her realme by the safe custodie of his holy Angels from all wicked practises and treasons whatsoeuer vntill her olde age and vntill he at his time appointed called her Maiestie vnto himselfe out of her bedde in peace from a blessed Kingdome wherin she had long raigned in great glory in this world to raigne with his Sonne Iesus Christ in the Kingdome of vnspeakeable and eternall ioy and glorie in the world to come By this storie of Queen Elizabeth the Papists that haue any eie-sight of true vnderstanding may see by what wicked meanes the Pope and their Catholik Church hath alwaies gotten and maintained their most vnlawfull supremacie ouer kings And although they haue wonderfully preuailed against all superstitious Emperours and Kings by such like excommunications warres murthers and treasons as he vsed against Queene Elizabeth yet as God preserued her heart purely to s●icke to his sincere word and to despise all the Popes errors superstitions and trash so God mercifully preserued her and her Kingdome from all the Popes treacherous practises foure and fortie yeares fiue moneths and odde dayes with such glorie and peace as neuer Christian King had more her manifest protections of God were as apparant and as manifest as Dauids and as he and Salomon builded a most glorious materiall Temple in despite of their enemies most gloriously did she build vp the spirituall Temple and Spouse of Christ in despite of the Papists and the Pope and all kings that tooke their part her outward glorie and honour was ●quall w●th Salomons and she o●●matched him in that neither her glorie in this world nor any other means could withdraw her from her true zeale in setting for●h the pure word of God wherefore all honour and glorie be giuen vnto God by this Realme of England and all his Church world without end Amen OVR MOST GRATIOVS King IAME● WHen the Papists triumphing that their long ●xpected houre was come by Gods taking away th● most blessed Quéen● Elizabeth yet the Lord of his great mercie brought their ioy to nought by p●anting our deare Soueraigne Iames by his especiall grace to succeede Queene Elizabeth in these Realmes one that is as zealous of the word of God as she and one whom the Lord hath beene as prouident ouer in all his wayes as ouer her and indued with the like ioy in the Holy-Ghost in the assurance of Gods prouidence in time of danger wherefore no doubt but as the Lord hath so he will couer him and his Realmes with the sh●dow of his wings from all papisticall treacheries euen as he did Queene Elizabeth This is worthie to be recorded vnto the perpetuall honour of his Maiestie that hee being h●ire apparant vnto Qu●ene Elizabeth could neuer be inticed by any Prince or Papist to oppose himselfe against her When the rising was in the North and the rebels were ●led into Scotland he tooke the Quéens part though it were to the great ruine of much of his Kingdome he made a Proclamation in Anno 1588. that none of the ●pan●sh Fléet should land vpon his coasts but that the English should be relieued of any thing they néeded and in the yeare 1592. hee executed as traytors in Scotland diuers for conspiring with the King of Spaine against England and before the comming out of the Spanish Fléet Don Barnardin Mendoza in an open Assembly did say in a 〈◊〉 that the young King of Scots whom hee called a boy had deceiued the King of Spaine but if the Kings Nauie might prosper against England the King of Scots should lose his crowne whereby it manifestly appeareth how true and faithfull his Maiestie was ●u●r vnto the late Quéene of famous memorie Touching GODS wonderfull preseruations ouer his royall person who hath safely preserued him a King almost this eight and fortie yeares in despite of all his enemies forreigne and domesticall and no doubt but he● had many ye● it doth most manifestly appeare in some great and vnheard of dangers out of which the Lord hath most miraculously deliuered him as from Gowries Treason and the Gun-powder Treason and others GOWRIES conspiracie against his Maiestie the fift of August being Tuesday Anno Dom. 1600. MA●● Alexander Ruthwen second brother vnto the late Earle Gowrie came to his Maiestie as he was a hunting and told him that it chaunced the night before as he walked about the Towne of S. Iohnstone hee met a base fellow vnknowne vnto him and hauing suspition of him he narrowly looked to him and examined him and he said he found a great wide pot to be vnder his arme full of coined gold in great quantity whereupon he took him no body knowing thereof and bound him in a priuie darke house and locked many doores vpon him and said that he came in haste to aduertise his Maiesty thereof according to his bounden duety earnestly requesting his Maiestie with all diligence and ●ecrecie to take order therwith before any know thereof swearing that he had concealed it from all men yea from the Earle his brother whereupon the King suspected that it had béene some forreigne golde brought thither by some Iesuits for practising Papists to stirre vp some new sedition as they had often 〈◊〉 before and that the fellow that carried it was some Seminary so disguised for the more sure transporting thereof and with many earnest perswasions he got the Kings Maiesty as soone as he had done hunting to ride with him to the Earle Gowr●es house to dinner with a very small number with him and after dinner his Maiesty being ready to rise from the table and all his seruants in the hall at their dinner M. Alexander standing behinde his Maiesties backe pulled him softly rounding in his Maiesties eare that it was time to goe but that he would fain● haue been quit of the Earle his brother wishing the K. to send him out into the hall to entertain his guests whereupon the K. called for drink and in a m●rrie and homely manner sayd to the ●arle That although the Earle had séene the fashion of entertainment in other countreyes yet he would teach him the Scottish fashion séeing he was a