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A85733 The buddings and blossomings of old truths: or, Severall practicall points of divinity, gathered out of that sacred evangelist, St. John, chap. the third, from verse 22. ad finem. By that worthy light and lamp of heaven, Alexander Gross, Bach. of Divinity, and late preacher of Ashberton, in Com. Devon. Grosse, Alexander, 1596?-1654. 1656 (1656) Wing G2068; Thomason E1577_2; ESTC R209389 251,205 463

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signifieth to assent willingly and use some kinde of joy to the word of God for the glad tidings which it bringeth thus hypocrits beleeve 3. It signifieth to put confidence in that which wee know and assent unto and to make application thereof unto our selvs to depend and build thereupon and thus the regenerate beleeve Whence learn Doctr. That the hearts of all true beleevers do relie and rest upon the Lord Jesus for everlasting life and happiness for faith is a leaning or resting of the heart in and upon God as the author of everlasting life and salvation this is evident by the phrases used by the Holy Ghost to explain the nature of faith Pro. 3.5 Isa 50.10 Psal 37.3 Psal 71.5 Isa 31.1 Psal 62.7 Rom. 10.11 for to beleeve in God or in Christ is to cleav unto God to lean upon God to rest in God as on him who is all-sufficient to keep us here and to bring us to glory hereafter 2. It is evident by the titles given in scripture to saving faith 2 Cor. 3.4 2 Cor. 5.6 7 8. Ephes 3.12 1 Pet. 1.13 1 Joh. 5.13 14. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 4 21. Col. 2.2 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 11.1 3. By the similitudes used to express it it is likened to an house builded on a rock as the house resteth on the foundation so doth the true beleever rest on God to a tree rooted in the ground whereby it is stayed against the force of strong and violent winds to a branch ingraffed into a vine to a ship fastned by a strong anchor to a sure rock to the betrothing or joining of a woman in wedlock all these express a strong and affectionate reliance of the heart upon the Lord. 4. By the charge given by our Saviour Joh. 14 1. rest rely and quiet your souls in God and in mee by the exhortation of the Psalmist Psal 62.8 and of the Apostle 1 Pet. 5.7 Reas 1 Because faith is not so much an act of the understanding discerning and assenting to the promise of life of Christ as it is an act of the will whereby the will is moved to extend it self to embrace that good which it doth approve and therefore faith is called a receiving of Christ which is much more then to know Christ it is one thing for a woman to know a man it is another thing to receive him as her husband faith is not only an action of approbation but also of election John 1.17 an action of the whole man making the good whereunto it is carried to become ours John 6.35 The wise merchant saw the pearl approved of it and beyond that chose it for his own sold all to buy it Math. 13.45 though faith doth alwayes presuppose the knowledg of the Gospel yet there is no man that attaineth saving knowledg unless this act and choice go before it Rom. 10.10 and the other bee dependant upon it therefore the Apostle saith With the heart man believeth John 7.17 John 8.31 32. 1 John 23. 2. Because true and saving faith doth alwaies choos apprehend and imbrace Christ and build upon him as a sufficient and fit means to deliver us from evil to purchase and procure for us all manner of good they see and apprehend in him all manner of fulness and compleat abilities such as are no where to bee found Cant. 5.10 they look on him and see more beauty in him than in all other creatures they behold in him fulness of wisdom to make them wise fulness of power to make them free fulness of life to make them live fulness of all grace to fill the empty vessels of their souls John 22.5 John 6 28. and therefore to him do their hearts cleave from him they will not depart as the Shunamitish woman apprehending the ability of the Prophet to help her caught the Prophet by the feet and would not let him go though Gehazi thrust her 2 Kings 4.17 so true faith causeth the believers heart to cleav to Christ and so to imbrace him that it will not let him go 3. Because true and saving faith doth inable us to look on God as on our father on Christ as on our husband on the word as on food well agreeing with our palate on the sun as on a light much affecting the eye on the promises of God as on a reconciled Soveraign on Christ as on our advocate on the Word as on an embassage of peace this assureth the heart of the pardon of sin this causeth God's words to bee to our souls as the words of Christ were to the Palsie man Math. 9.2 son bee of good cheer therefore the Apostle saith after wee believ wee are sealed as in mutuall contracts men set to seals and when we have a man's word in writing and a seal to it wee rest upon it wee are confident it shall bee verified so when wee believ wee put to our seal that God is true Ephes 1.13 that hee will fulfill what hee hath promised and God doth seal to the believer the salvation believed a seal distinguisheth things so God's people see themselves many wayes distinguished from others as a seal maketh things authentical so true believers are fully assured of God's goodness and their future happiness and thereby their hearts do rest on God 3. Because true faith bringeth us unto a holy communion and gracious fellowship and comfortable and blessed acquaintance with Christ hereby Christ cometh into their hearts resideth revealeth himself Eph. 3.17 and ruleth there as a dweller in his hous Gal. 6.10 hereby they have fellowship with him as the members with the head Rom. 12.5 as the wife with the husband by this they behold Christ revealing himself graciously speaking unto them comfortably and hereby they are wrought upon to rest on Christ strongly 5. Because true faith inableth the true believer to finde much peace and sweet consolation in Christ Rom. 5.1 it strengtheneth him to conquer Satan to subdue the enemies of their salvation Rom. 15.14 to rejoyce in the midst of trouble to overcom all worldly opposition Rom. 8.35 1 John 5.4 hee feeleth faith in Christ to bee to him as a shield in the day of battel as the Ark in the Deluge a shining star in the darkest night of trouble as the hony comb to Sampson in the belly of the lion and finding this in Christ his soul fasteneth on him as on a sure rock and leaneth upon him as upon a never-failing staff 6. Because true believers clearly see and infallibly know the variety and insufficiency of the world they know there is a foundation whereon to build no other bow wherein to trust no other shield for their defence no other fountain whence to draw the water of salvation they know that Psal 33.16 17. that Psal 62.9 10. that Prov. 11.4 that Psal 44.6 they know that all outward abilities like Job's friends are physicians of no value miserable comforters and therefore their hearts do rest upon Christ Jesus
a pen-man this I can more than promise verbo Ministri that there is nothing in it for matter or manner either spurious or surreptitious nothing but what is genuine and the Authors own the immediate issue of his working brain and flowing from his own pen. This I shall promise the Reader if he shall like of what is in this Book I shall present him shortly with another of this Author In the mean time I refer this to thy serious reading and gracious benefiting who am From my Study at Stratcley in Armington Com. Devon Thy Servant in the Gospel JOHN WELDEN John 3. the 22. c. After these things came Jesus and his Disciples into the Land of Judaea and there he tarried with them and baptized c. THe Sun in the Firmament is never wearied but cometh forth like a mighty man rejoycing to run his race casting forth his bright and glorious beams in whatsoever circuit of the Heavens he moveth The Sun of righteousness Christ Jesus in like manner is never weary of well doing but his lips were alwayes dropping knowledge feeding Souls with heavenly understanding his Lamp was alwayes burning his cloud was alwayes distilling the dews of heavenly Doctrine in all companies on all occasions he like a faithfull Shepheard sought to gather home the straying sheep to Gods fold like a good guid to reduce the erring travellers into the right path like a carefull Physician to heal every diseased Soul No place no company but received some benefit by his presence having instructed Nicodemus in the Doctrine of Regeneration he came now into the Land of Judaea and there baptizeth After these thinges Iesus c. Our Saviour about the thirtieth year of his age came into the desart unto John to be baptized of him being baptized he was led by the spirit into the wilderness where he fasted fourty dayes and fourty nights from thence he returned to John in the desart at which time he called John Andrew Simon Peter Andrews brother from thence he returned into Galilee and in his journey called Philip and Nathaniel cometh to Nazareth where he was brought up and there after a few dayes being invited to a marriage he came to Cana where he wrought his first miracle after this he went to Capernaum and from thence to Ierusalem where he taught wrought a miracle and discoursed with Nicodemus about the point of Regeneration as we have largly set down in the beginnig of this Chapter From thence he came into the Territories of Iudaea and there baptized In the connexion of these words we have presented before us 1. The carefull and constant practise of Iesus Christ to win Souls to God and to communicate to them the knowledge of the truth 2. In the words we have his journeying into the Land of Judaea His attendants the Disciples His commoration or stay there he tarried His worke the administration of baptisme yet not by himselfe but by his Disciples as appears in Ioh. 4.2 Iesus himselfe baptized not but his Disciples I shall begin with the connexion of this history wherein we have discovred our Saviours constant practise and from thence draw this conclusion That we ought in all places to busy our selves in well-doing specially in endeavouring the conversion of Gods people As the clouds cause there dewes every day to distill more or less as the beast every day yeild their milk and the Stars continually send forth there light So must we according to our best abilities be alwayes doing good alwayes watering the Souls of our bretheren with the dewes of holy admonition with the milk of Gods word shewing the way of salvation to them by the light of the truth This charge the Apostle giveth Heb. 3.13 But exhort one another daily while it is called to day c. To this the promise of profiting is annexed Gal. 6.9 And let us not be weary of well doing For in due season we shall reap if we faint not And the Apostle will not have this duty in any case to be forgotten Heb. 10.24.25 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works Not forsaking the assembling of our selvs together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as ye see the day approaching What Paul gave in charge to Timothy may in a more generall manner be given in charge to every Christian 2. Timoth. 4.1 2. I charge the therefore before God and the Lord Iesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and Doctrine Be instant in thy calling in seeking the good of thy bretheren in season and out of season exhort rebuke reprove with all earnestnes and long suffering The grounds why we ought to busy our selves in well doing specially in endeavouring the conversion of Gods people are these Reas 1 Because thereby Sathan who 1. Pet. 5.8 as a roaring Lyon walks about seeking whom he may devoure shall be prevented of that advantage which otherwise he will get against us The flynig bird is hardly smitten with the Arrow the industrious and diligent person alloweth Sathan no time to tempt him when David was idle then the devil ensnared him 2. Sam. 11. Reas 2 Because we shall hereby thrive in the graces of the Spirit The seed by sowing is encreased the fire by burning is augmented so grace is encreased by exercise and holy industry what Solomon speaketh concermnig outward poverty or riches that he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand but the hand of the diligent maketh rich Prov. 10.4 The same is true as to inward riches or poverty that a lazy slothfull heart becometh poore in grace but the diligent heart maketh rich in grace to this very purpose is that passage af Iesus Christ in the Luk. 8.18 take heed therefore how ye heare for whosoever hath to him shall be given and whosoever hath not from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have This is the way to thrive in grace namely to exercise and improve it for the good of others for as Solomon saith Prov. 19.17 he that hath pity on the poor lendeth to the Lord and that which he hath given will he pay him back again Reas 3 Because we shall hereby prevent much evill deadnes and dulnes in our hearts vanity of thoughts idlenes of speech As the motion of the body prevents the cold the using of the plough-share prevents rust the moving of the water prevents putrifaction the manuring of the feild preventeth the growing of weeds thornes bryars Therefore is that of the Apostle Heb. 3.12.13 Take heed bretheren least there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God But exhort one another daily while it is called to day least any of you be hardned through the
should not have so much of their affection time service care it should not have such Dominion over them it should not so presse them down like a heavy burthen but their hearts should be setled on things which are above and they seek the Kingdome of God and his righteousnes Math. 6.33 and count all things dung and dross c. Philip. 3.8 Vse 3 Since God hath not excluded any place or nation but that he hath and doth tender the means one time or other one way or another Therefore let not any people set down and despaire of salvation as if the arme of God were shortned that it could not save or his ear deaf that he would not hear but as God hath appointed some of all nations and Kinreds to be saved so let this incourage all sorts of people to attend the means of their salvation There is hope if the lame man wayte at Bethesda that he shall be cured if Naaman go to Jordan there is hope that he shall be cleansed if you manure and sow your field there is hope of reaping As all sorts of people attend the Sun for light so must they the Lords Ordinances for direction in the way to heaven As appeareth by the next thing here observable Christs attendants who went with him the Disciples They did not leave him but continually travelled with him and attended on him whence note this thing Doctr. 3 That Gods servants must be constantly conversant with and attendant upon their faithfull teachers As the Scholars attendeth the master as the child the breast So must we 1 Pet. 2.2 as new borne babes desire the sincere milk of the Word c. Iob 23.12 It is Jobs speech neither have I gone back from the commandement of his lips I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food As it is storied of Ruth her speech to Naomi 1 Ruth 16. Intreat me not to leave thee or return from following after thee for whither thou goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will lodge thy people shall be my people c. So must we be as to Gods Ordinances and faithfull ministers not depart from them but go where they go c. Thus it was with persons of old in 13 Acts 42. the gentiles there besought Paul that the Word before taught might be preached to them c. and in the 17 Acts 11. it is spoken of the men of Berea they received the word with all readiness of mind searched the Scriptures daily c. So in the 20 Acts 37.38 there the people attend Paul and wept sore when he spake of seeing their face no more If you aske why Gods servants must be constantly conversant with and attendant upon their faithfull teachers it will appeare if you take notice of these particulars Reas 1 Because God hath replenished them with heavenly knowledge to instruct teach them As the fountains are filled with water and men come daily to draw water thence so as it is in Mal. 2.5 6 7. The Priests lips keep knowledge and people should seek the Law at their mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of Hosts c. these are nurses as you have it 1. Thes 2.7 these are spirituall parents 2 Cor. 4.15 these are guides in the way Rom. 219. as the children suck the breasts attend their perents and travellers are conversant with their guides so must these be with the Ministers of the Lord. Reas 2 Because God hath promised a blessing hereunto Prov. 8.34 Blessed is the man that heareth me watching daily at my gates wayting at the posts of my doores as he that lay daily at the gates of the Temple received a blessing Acts 3.6 this the Psalmist mentions Psal 65.4 Blessed is the man whom thou chosest and causest to approach unto thee that he may dwell in thy courts We shall be satisfied with the goodnes of thy house even of thy holy Temple and that place Matth. 7.7 8. Reas 3 Because we are prone to go astray like a sheep wanting a Shepheard a traveller wanting a guide The people soone erred when Moses was but a little while absent Israel could not go forward to Canaan longer than they had the light of the fiery Pillar to direct them if God smite the Shepheard the Sheepe are Scattered the Wise men knew not how to travell longer than the Star shined to them Reas 4 Because we shall lose our first love to God like Ephesus Rev. 2.4 If the bellowes blow not the fire of it 's owne accord will extinguish the world will steale away our affections if we do not constantly attend the Gospell of Christ if the child do not feed his strength will decay if we do not constantly visite God we shall soone forget God the world will quickly steale away our heartes from the Lord. Reas 5 Because Gods servants must go from faith to faith Rom. 1.17 From strength to strength Psal 84.7 Like good travellers going onward in the way without cessation Now without these we shall be like Pharaohs Chariot which moved softly and perished in the red Sea Perseverance in grace requireth constancy in attendance upon Gods Ordinances Use 2 This serveth for the sharpe reproof of such as estrange themselves from Gods faithfull ministers choosing rather to converse with them that will poyson than with such as will heale there souls with them that are stumbling blocks than with such as are guides in the way with such as will harden rather than with such as will soften their hearts with such as will rather draw a vail before than such as will take away the scales of ignorance from the eye of their understanding preferring flattery before faithfull counsell desiring to be dawbed over with the untempered morter of deceipt as in Ezek. 13.11 than to have their ruinons walls of sin pulled down wishing that the messengers of God had no eyes to see nor tongues to reprove them for their sin as Isa 30.10 loving no doctrine but what giveth liberty to their corruption Ier. 5. ult But as longe as mens hearts are thus averse from attendance on Gods Ordinances thus void of love to Gods Messengers 1. They can never be well acquainted with the misery of their one estates He that vieweth not himself in the looking glasse cannot know his spots he that estrangeth himself from the Physician knowes not the state of his body he that will not try his metall in the fire cannot know whither it be gold or copper so no man can understand his condition without the ordinances read those places Rom. 7.9 and Acts 9.17 18. and Rev. 3.17 18. 2. They cannot be unfainedly humbled for their sinnes Peter wept not till he heard the cock crow Math. 26.75 the Jewes were not pricked in their hearts till they heard Peter preach Acts 2.37 The Church must first see her teachers and hear a word behind her before she defile her Idols Isa 30.20 21 22. and Ier.
waters under thy feet if thou feed not on the one if thou drinke not of the other dost not thou starve between both What is a faire and stately building to thee if thou take up thy abode in the open field doth not dewes fall upon thee doth not the Sun scorch thee doth not the cold pierce thee What is remission of sin what is resurrection to a new life represented in Baptisme what is it to thee if thy lusts be not mortified if thou rise not by vertue of it to a new life What is it to thee that the word is a Lamp if thou apply it not to thy feet that it is as milk in the breast if thou suck it not that it is a spirituall weapon if thou gird it not about thee that it is a seed if not sown if not hidden in the field of thy heart Say not then as he did Iud. 17.13 Now I know the Lord will be good unto me seeing I have a Levite to be my Priest But if thou wilt have Gods Ordinance prove a blessing if thou wilt know thy self blessed in the having of them cease not till thou find it as a shining Starre a burning Lamp enlightning thy understanding filling thee with knowledge of Gods love to thy Soul in Christ as the candle filleth the house with light the waters the Sea till they wash thy sin from thy Soul as waters wash dirt from the body as the fan driveth chaffe from the corne as Jordan washed away Naamans Leprosy Till they stablish thy saith as a strong foundation supporteth the building as firm rootes sustaine the tree a strong hand upholdeth him that is led by it Till they warme thy heart inflame thy affections as the fire warmeth the house as the Summer Sun doth warm the aire Till it make thy love to God and his wayes as a vehement flame as coales of much fire Till it make thy peace as deep as the rivers even a peace passing all understāding 4. This must teach men to seek to God for the efficacy of his Ordinances desire him to make them as a launcing knife in the hand of the Physician as a Sword in the hand of the Spirit Desire him that when Moses strikes with the Rod upon the Rock when the Minister doth press the Word upon our stony hearts that he will stand before shew his powerfull and gracious presence there in making them to melt in causing them to become contrite and broken for as Psal 33.16 17. There is no King saved by the multitude of an hoast a mighty man is not delivered by much strength c. So without Gods blessing unlesse he put his hand to it it is but vaine as Psal 127.1 2. Except the Lord build the house they labour but in vain c. For as Prov. 10.12 The blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow with it so in this case Therefore as the Daughter of Caleb desired her father having given her south Land that he would also give her springs of water Iud. 15.19 So God having given us his Ordinances let us desire him with all to give us his Spirit As his ministers like seeds men sow the seed of his word so we must desire God to joyne therewith the dewes of heaven that it may not lye like seed in dry ground withering for want of moysture That the Messenger of the Lord may not stand knocking in vaine at the iron gates of our unregenerate hearts but that the Lord will open our eare and heart our eyes to see our hearts to attend believe obey as he opened the heart of Lydia that he will make his Ordinances as seed sowne in good ground as the bow of Jonathan which turned not back and the sword of Saul which returned not empty 2 Sam. 1.22 As the cake and cruse of water whereof the Prophet did eate and drinke and went in the strength thereof to Horeb the mount of God 2 King 19.8 That we may be so refreshed replenished herewith that we may thereby go from strength to strength till we appeare before God in Sion Psal 84.7 5. As the efficacy is the Lords so let the praise be Gods let the hand which doth the worke receive the honour the faithfull instrument which God useth is worthy of double honour of singular love for his works sake David may have the praise for giving Goliah the overthrow The wise men may rejoyce to see the Starre leading unto Christ Iesus The feet of the messenger must be beautifull in the eyes of the people as one of a thousand to them but yet still as he is Gods instrument as a Lamp that hath received his Oile from Gods Olive as a vessel filled with water flowing from the Ocean of all goodnes as a starre held in the hand and receiving all his light from the Sunne of righteousnes the Ministers must be so respected as that God must in and above all be honoured loved praised and rejoyced in If Iosua smite the countrey of the hils Ios 10.40 41. It is because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel vers 42. So if any or all the Lords Iosuahs the spirituall leaders of Gods Armies smite the sinnes of men which were high as the mountains or deep as the vale which were for Dominion like Kings for continuance like a living spring for extent like the deluge overflowing the whole man if these be beaten if their life be taken away it is because the Lord God of Israel hath fought for Israel If any tree of Pauls planting do grow if any field do flourish by the watering of Apollos it is because the Lord hath given the increase If any man learne wisedom if any man be presented perfect in Christ Iesus by Pauls labour in the ministrey it is thorough the working of God who worketh mightly in him Coll. 1.28 29. If David have escaped the Lion and the beare conquered slaine them delivered the lamb from them it is because God was with him wrought for him 1 Sam. 17.34 35 36. If any Shepheard of Gods flock have delivered any of Gods Lambs out of the jawes of the roaring Lion it is the Lords doing and as the Psalmist touching Israel deliverance from Aegypt So may we all say touching the deliverance of Gods Israel from their spirituall bondage Psal 44.1 2 3 4 5. We have heard with our ears O God! our Fathers have told us what works thou didst in their dayes in the times of old how thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand and plantedst them how thou didst afflict the people and cast them out c. Therefore let every Soul that hath tasted of Gods goodnes say in this kind that hath felt the mighty arme of God in the weilding of this weapon that hath had any comfortable experience of the moving of Gods Angle in this poole Let him blesse the Lord that hath given him counsell that hath caused his reines to instruct him in the
to run the race he hath set before us striving to draw near to him to walk more worthy of his favour vouchsafed to us of the calling wherein he hath set us not looking back with Lots wife not lusting with Israel but as Noah continued constant in the building the Arke so let us be constant to the end in the duties God hath enjoyned us and so like Noah we shall escpe the deluge of destruction which will overtake other people VERS 25. THe Gospel seldome enjoyeth amy long or succesfull progresse without opposition The Sun shineth not many dayes but some clouds arise to obscure darken it The Corn cannot spring so fast but some weeds will spring up amōg it to overtop if If foraigne enemies fail domesticke jarres quarrels shall be raised rather than Christs Kingdome shall go forward without contradiction the Disciples among themselves shall be at variance rather than the Schoole of Christ shall enjoy quietness No sooner did our Saviour publickly undertake his office his Disciples baptize people frequent their baptisme but then their arose a question between some of the Disciples of John and the Jewes about purifying In which words we may take notice I. Of the time when this question or cōtroversie arose then II. Of the parties between whom it arose some of Johns Disciples and the Jewes III. The matter whereabout their controversy was about purifying First of the time then our Saviour came into Judea tarried there his Disciples baptized many he poured the gifts and graces of his Spirit upon them many resorted to him the day-starre of the Gospel began now to shine more clearly the way of life and salvation had more travellers in it than usuall and now began the contention whence note Doctr. That the cleare open shining of the Gospel is usually attended with much contention the shining of Gideons Lampes and the cry of the sword of the Lord Gideon made the Midianites to sheath their swords each in others bowels Herod the men of Ierusalem were much troubled when the Star pointing out the birth of the new borne King appeared and our Saviour himselfe hath beforehand told us Mat. 10.21 22 34. And you know the parable Matth. 14.25 Luc. 12.49 50 51 52 53. Reas 1 The more plainely and powerfully the Gospel is preached the more Satan is enraged the more his malice is like the waves of the Sea when the wind bloweth high are tossed he is loath to lose his prey to forsake his Kingdome therefore he roareth like a mighty Lion when God sendeth out his Shepheards to take his prey from him when the Lord of hosts laieth siege against him by the Ministry of his Gospel When Israel began to hearken to Moses then Pharaoh raised his forces when the good wheate was sown then the envious man sowed his tares the enemy cast not tares in before the carefull Husbandman had sown good seed Reas 2 Sathan is subtil and by raising quarrels and contentions he doth hope to dishonour the Gospel to open the mouths of wicked men to reproach it to withdraw themselves from it to shun all fellowship with them that entertaine it accompt Gods faithfull messengers seeds-men of discord 1 King 18.17 pestilent Persons Acts 24.5 Reas 3 The more plainly and plenteously the Gospel is preached the more Sathans Kingdome is shaken the more the number of his souldiers are abated and therefore he stirreth himselfe so much the more to defend his owne Kingdome against the ministry of the Gospel when a house is beset a city a countrey beseidged the Master of the Family the Gouvernour of the towne the Prince of the countrey girdeth on his armour stirreth up all that are under him for the defence of the House Towne or Kingdome they that slept are now awaked they that were on the bed are now in the street in the field they who were naked are now strongly armed thus Zach. 3.1 Acts 13.8 therefore c. Luc. 11.21 As the thunder sendeth downe the lightning so doth the thunder of Gods Word cast down the Devill Luc. 10.17 18. Reas 4 It is a great vexation and torment to Sathan to see the Kingdome of Christ to flourish as it was to Saul to see David thrive to Esau to see Jacob prosper to Pharaoh to see Israel encrease it is to him as a prick in the eye a thorne in the side an arrow in the bowels fire in the bones a grievous torment Matth. 8.29 Reas 5 The cleare and open shining of the Gospel doth provoke and stirre up the corruption wich is in the hearts of the people like a sounding trumpet it awakeneth the sleepy like a searching Officer it discovereth the stolne goods like a storme it searcheth the Ship rowseth them that are in it hence many that were quiet sociable peaceable men not having the Word of God preached to them discover much hatred of the truth utter hard words against the truth against the people of God whē the word hath been faithfully preached amōg them much coine that hath been thought good hath been found naught by the touch-stone many bodies have discovered much distemperature after the receiving of Physicke Rom. 7.8 Reas 5 The faithfull ministery of the Word doth breed a separation between people it converteth some unto God endoweth them with new qualities maketh them holy righteous full of love to God his wayes his servants leaving other in ignorance uncleaness hardnes of heart enlightning the one making the other more blind like the Sun softing the waxe hardning the clay so that thornes and bryas vines light darknes Lambs Lions are not more unlike one another more repugnant one to the other than these are Gen. 3.15 1 Iohn 3.11 as Exod. 32. They that joyned in adoring Idolls when Moses came sheathed their swords in each others bowells Reas 6 The faithfull ministry of the word and successe of the Gospel is much maligned and stirreth up envy in the hearts of many that hear it as Sanballat and Tobihu were grieved to see Nehemiah to build up the walls of Ierusalem Neh. 2.10 thus Acts 13.45.46 Obj. If such contention be occasioned by it then better be without it how can it be a Gospel of peace if it occasion such and so much warr an ambassage of reconcilement if it breed such division Ans 1. It is in it selfe tidings of much joy a fountaine full of pure pleasant water a tree loaden with delightfull fruite an Alabaster boxe of precious ointment a Sun full of light 2. It is to Gods People a river making them glad Psal 46.4 A feast of sweet and savoury meat 2 Cor. 2.15 A joyfull message Rom. 10.15 A healing medicine Jsai 57.19 A word of much peace like the Olive branch to Noah like the voyce of Christ to his Disciples in the tossed Ship rebuking the winds and the waves of the Sea like Jordan to Naaman washing away the sin of their Souls 3. To wicked men it is
a teachable and tractable Spirit the low shrubs are quiet when the trees of high tops are tossed and shaken with the winds no such enemy to peace as pride and haughtiness of Spirit Prov. 13.10 Prov. 28.25 Pride like the wind in the Sea maketh men to toss and roule to and fro troubleth the calme Waters but meeknes hath the promise of peace Psal 37.11 And is prescribed as a rule to preserve peace Eps 4.2 3. 2. To be truely wise unto salvation to see the things wich belong unto our peace to discerne the things wich differ ignorance of the manner of Gods proceeding of what is good and beneficiall for our salvation 1 Cor. 2.8 Want of ability to judge what is good for us is the cause of much strife But true wisedome Ia. 3.17 is the way to peace Prov. 3.17 3. To be patient in hearing the word of exhortation Heb. 13.22 Receive it gladly when it launceth as well as when it healeth Psal 141.5 Get thy heart so affected that thou mayest be able to say to every one that admonisheth thee as David to Abigal 2 Sam. 25.32 33. Why did Israel murmur and strive against Moses but because they wanted patience Why did the Libertines gnash the teeth on Stephen but because they were of an impatient mind and could not endure the word of exhortation 4. To live in no known sin but universally reforme thy wayes apply thy selfe to every commandement of God if thou leave but one unruly person in the family he will distrub the whole house if you leave but one leak in the Ship the water coming thereat will disturb all that are within the same What bred the strife between Herod and the Baptist but Herod allowing himself in that sin of incest Mar. 6.20 5. To love Gods Word unfainedly to delight in it as in the light of our eyes to feed upon it as upon the food of our souls to walke by it as by the rule of our conversation this is the means to breed true peace Isa 57.19 This hath the promise of peace Psal 119.16.5 6. To be of one mind and of one heart in things of the best nature to be guided by one Spirit to attend on Gods word with one consent as Acts 2.1 Phil. 2.1 2. Let us agree in this and we shall agree in all other things 7. To love one another unfainedly Ephes 4.31 32. This will cover many infirmities passe by many weaknesses 1 Cor. 13.5 6 7. 8. To construe all that is done and spoken in the best sence till the contrary doth evidently appeare the want of this breeds strife 2 Sam. 10.4 John 11.47 Matth. 2.2 9. To use the gifts we have received to the glory of God the good of his Church the edification of the faithfull in the knowledge of the truth the incouragement of our brethren in the way of godliness to the discountenancing of sin and not to the disgracing of the godly the maintenance of any evill 10. To beare with the weaknes of our brethren to suffer wrong rather than to contend or quarrell Abraham gave Lot liberty to chose Genes 13.8.9 Thus of the time next of the parties between whome some of the Disciples of Iohn and the Jewes which beleeved in Christ and were Baptized of him both parties were baptized attended Gods Ordinances yet contended Doctr. Sometimes there are contentions even among them that after a peculiar manner frequent Gods Ordinances the Sonnes of one family the souldiers of one army do sometime contend Acts 15.39 Gen. 27.41 Cor. 11.12 Reas 1 Because there is corruption remaining even in the best of Gods people some pride forwardness self will which being not well looked to getteth advantage and breaketh out 1 Cor. 3.3 4. Luc. 22.24 Reas 2 Because there be many make externall profession who want internall sanctifications are mere strangers to the power of godlines nay enemies to them that shine in holines Gal. 1.29 They were both circumcised 1 Tim. 3.4 5 6. Reas 3 Because some professe the truth but love not desire not but envy the spirituall welfare of their brethren Gen. 27.41 1 John 3.11 Like Iosephs brethren Reas 4 Because it is necessary that offences should come for the triall of Gods people whether they love him whether they will continue constant with him Matth. 18.7 1 Cor. 11.19 Use We may not rashly condemne the Gospel withdraw our heart from it because they are not all of one heart and mind that doe professe it there is no musicall instrument so well composed but sometimes there is jarring in it no army so well ordered but sometimes they are disordered no family but sometime heareth of more or lesse discord it is the perrogative and priveledge of heaven to enjoy that peace which is unchangeable to see that day which hath no cloud let not other mens contentions make us leave the Gospel of peace but let their strivings make us the more in love wich peace the more constant in attending the means of peace the more carefull to shun the hinderances of peace the more dilegent in persuading to peace 2. Let this occasion such as are called to the profession of the truth to do what in them is to have peace with all men specially among themselves that 1. Because such breaches are most advantagious to Sathan what maketh more for a forreine enemy than civill warres brawles and contentions between the people of that Kingdome or city wich he goeth about to possesse 2. Because this giveth greatest cause of scandall to the adversaries of the truth when Absolon the Sonne of Davids love rebelled against him then Shemei opened his mouth to revile David 3. This casteth great disgrace upon the Gospel of peace whereof we make profession We professe our selves to be ruled by the Gospel of peace to be the subjects of the Prince of peace to be travellers in the way of peace to be possessed by one and the same Spirit of peace If contrary to all this we live like Salamanders in the fire of contention do we not much dishonour the Gospel The Gospel teacheth us to be innocent as doves meek as Lambs and can we without the reproach thereof contend like Dogs and Lions 4 This exposeth the Gospel the Church to ruine a divided Kingdome cannot stand a distracted army flieth before the enemy a disjonted house soone falleth to the ground when the evill Spirit came between Abimelch and the men of Shechem it was not long before both came to ruine and this taketh away the comfort they might have in the Ordinances of God the sweet refreshment they might find in that holy mutuall Communion that ought and otherwise would be between them When the Wood is dispersed that fire extinquisheth wich otherwise would burne 5. Hereby the doing of much good to our brethren is hindered a divided streame cannot drive that mill which a full streame will one stick cannot give that heate wich many can 6. Hereby assaults afflictions become much
Pharises who should have rejoyced in the coming of Christ as at the appearing of the most glorious and comfortable Sun that ever did shine to be full of indignation at it Use This must therefore cause us if we purpose to enjoy any true peace to receive any true comfort by Gods Ordinances to hold any comfortable Communion with Gods Servants to pluck up this evill weed to quench this fire to hew down this tree to suppresse this self-love and haughtines of Spirit no more seeking our selves no more serving our lusts no more living to our selves no more accompting all fish lost which cometh not into our owne net all the Oile spilt that is not put into our Lamp the honour misplaced that is not bestowed on us as they Mic. 3.5 But let us learne 1. To deny our selves our owne lusts reason ends desires living no longer to the flesh Mar. 8.34 Let us become little in our eyes lower and viler than dust truely apprehensive of and thoroughly affected with our owne sin with our owne unworthines and we shall find little occasion to contend with our fellow brethren to envy the graces of God in them but rather desire them out of their abundance to communicate to our necessities and this is their surest way to honour as our Saviour said in another case Math. 10.39 So in this case he that seeketh his owne honour shall loose it but he that forsaketh his owne praise he shall find it as Ioh. 8.50 54. Luc. 14.11 Before honour humility c. Ia 4.6 1 Pet. 5.6 2. To live wholy and altogether unto God seeking his glory bringing forth fruit to him devoring our selves wholy to his service as the wife forsaketh her fathers house becometh her Husbands and seeketh how to please him So must we leave the World and things most deare to the flesh and study how to please the Lord this is given in charge 1 Cor. 10.30 To this we are earnestly perswaded Rom. 12.1 2. 2 Cor. 5.15 and did we make Gods honour the mark whereunto we levell all our arrowes did we make this the end of our labour and desires as Phil. 1.15 16. We would be glad if God might be honoured whither by our selves or by any other instrument did we thus glorify God we should not faile to receive honour from the Lord 1 Sam. 2.30 3. To seek the good of our brethren as one member in the body doth seek the good of another to communicate what we have received as the full clouds do their raine to the barren grounds This is required 1 Cor. 10.24 practised 2 Cor. 12.14 This is the way to abound in the grace of the Spirit to shine in holines not the envying of other mens spirituall welfare but endeavouring to increase it 1 Cor. 9.6 Heb 6.10 4. To rejoyce in the welfare of our brethren as in our owne not like Cain that murdered Abel because more righteous than himselfe Not like Esau hating Iacob because he had obtained the blessing Not like Saul maligning David because he had slaine his ten thousands when Saul himselfe had slaine but his thousand but rather because with David 1 Chro. 29.17 2 Cor. 12.26 Iohn 12. Eph. 4. The second thing is their ignorance they heard what testimony the Baptist gave of our Saviour yet they understood it not for then they would not have envied but readily followed him as others did Doctr. That there are many who heare good and sound Doctrine delivered affect the person teaching it and yet do neither truely nor savingly understand it The Disciples saw the Miracles of Christ heard the Doctrine he delivered gave some Testimony of their love for they followed him but yet understood not his Doctrine Ioh. 6.60 61. This is also verified in Nicodemus Ioh. 3.5 8 9 10. In the Women of whom Paul speaketh 2 Tim. 3.7 Yea some undertake to be guides to others themselves not knowing the way 1 Tim. 1.6 7. and this so cometh to pass 1. Partly thorough the spirituall high and heavenly nature of divine things which the carnall eye cannot discerne 1 Cor. 2.14 A riddle which the naturall man cannot unfold unles he have Gods Spirit vers 11. As Sampson told the Philistines they could not have opened his riddle unles they had plowed which his heafer 2. Partly thorough some base and by ends which men propose unto themselves making their attendance on the word a hooke to take some other fish Judas followed Christ because he did beare the bag the Disciples because they had eaten of the bread 3. Partly thorough the sinister notives which stirre up some to attend upon the Word the novelty the applause accompanying carnall relations to the teachers of it to them that do embrace it horrour of conscience dismall feares which cause them to attend on it the Raven cometh into the Ark for feare of the Deluge Ahab humbleth himselfe when a judgment is threatned 4. Partly thorough the deceitfulnes of many mens hearts supposing it enough that they do heare though they do no more never searching as the Bereans did Acts 17.11 Never enclining the eare and applying the heart unto understanding as Solomon giveth charge Prov. 2.2 3 4. But as Ier. 7.10 as Prov. 7.14 therefore Ioh. 1.23 24 25. 5. Partly thorough the just judgment of God who sendeth a spirituall slumber upon some that seeing they shall not perceive and hearing they shall not understand Isa 6.10 but Isa 29.11 Whereunto agreeth that of our Saviour Mat. 13.13 14. and 2 Cor. 4.3 Vse This therefore must give every one of us occasion on to make triall of our selves whether we are not guilty of this sin whether we do not content our selves with the bare hearing of the Word or else do also savingly know and understand it a grace whereof few do participate a lamp that shineth in few mens Souls a work of a singular nature of the truest comfort of the greatest benefit a blessing peculiar to Gods faithfull a jewell not gotten without much diligence a tree loaden with the choisest fruit fountaine full of the purest water Therefore it is good wisedome to try while we are endowed with it 1. True knowledge is alwayes accompained with true humility contrition of heart meeknes of Spirit and a Holy teachablenes the whole man will readily subject it selfe to every Ordinance of God So that he who was once an indomitable beast now a child a weake man Gods Minister shall lead him Isa 11.6 True knowledge taketh downe the haughtines of the Spirit breaketh the obstinacy of the heart maketh man say as Paul did Acts 9.6 as Cornelius Acts 10.33 and maketh him with Job Job 42.6 putteth him altogether out of conceit with himselfe 1 Cor. 3.18 thus Ia. 3.17 The wisedome which is from above is gentle easily intreated as Naaman having the sight of his Leprosy hearkned to the advice of a maid to go to the Prophet and afterward to go to Jordan by the persvasion of his Servants Mat. 11.29 2.
the heart in thinking the will in chosing the affections in imbracing the eye in seeing the eare in hearing the hand in working the tongue in speaking the foot in walking aime at the honour of God according to that of the Psalmist Psal 103.1 2. thus we shall answer Gods goodnes Isa 43.20 shall have honour in the eyes of Gods Servants 2 Sam. 6.22 so shall we accomplish the end for which God hath delivered us 1 Cor. 16.35 rejoyce in Gods presence 1 Cor. 16.28 29 33. So shall we shew our thankfulnes for his mercies so shall it appeare that we have been sensible of his goodnes towards us mindfull of the vows we made in our distresses Psal 66.2 11 12 13. So shall we be sure of honour when others are buried under the dust of ignominy so shall the clouds of all our disgrace be turned unto a bright and shining Sun our dunghill into a palace our wildernes into a paradise our thorney into a golden crowne Isa 58.13 14. Though we are now as a desolate widdow yet we shall be the spouse of Christ Isai 62.3 4 5. and so here VERS 29. IT hath ever been usuall with Christ the Prophets Apostles and all the Agents whom the Lord hath used for the edification of his Church by similitudes drawn from things temporall earthly to expresse unfold lay open things spirituall and heavenly because hereby the nature and use of such things is plainely unfolded clearly perceived firmely remembred the judgment is informed the conscience convinced the faith established the affections most warmed even the shallowest capacities left excuseles therefore the Baptist having laboured to cure the errour of his Disciples acquanted them with the preheminence of our Saviour above them that there might no scruple remaine he expresseth the whole matter by a common similitude likening the Church to a spouse our Saviour to the Bridegroome or Husband of the Church and himselfe to the Bridegroomes friend therein plainely shewing that not he but Christ was the head of the Church that not to him but to Christ must the Church be gathered and that it his joy to see men by the Word of Christ the Ministry of the Gospel converted as the friend rejoyceth to see the spouse joyned in wedlock to the Bridegroome whom he loyeth Wherein we may more particularly observe I. The near and sweet relation between Christ and the faithfull he is the Bridegroome and they the Bride II. The affection between Christ and his Ministers they are his friends III. Their office as a friend perswadeth the spouse to joyne herselfe in wedlocke to the Bridegroome so do Gods Messengers perswade men to convert and turne to God IV. Their commission they speak not of themselves but they stand and heare what the Lord will say to them V. The joy they have in searching out and publishing the tidings of life and salvation he rejoyceth to heare the voyce of the Bridegroome VI. The singular comfort they take in seeing their labours succesfull in beholding many to turne unto God his joy is full from the first we learne Doctr. That all Gods faithfull Servants are joyned in a spirituall wedlock with Christ Jesus this is promised Hos 2.19 This is a title by which the Lord for the comfort of his Church stileth himselfe Isa 54.5 and the Ministry of the Gospel by which this spirituall marriage is wrought is termed a marriage-feast Mat. 22.2 3. And the Apostle expresseth it by the marriage between a man and his wife Eph. 5.23 30. And Solomon in his song of the marriage between Christ and the Church doth very familiarly thus expresse the Union and near conjunction between them Cant. 1.14 15 16. Cant. 2.3 4. and Psal 45.10 11. And fitly is our Saviour likened to a Husband 1. For his Dominion over the Church as the Husband is the head of the Wife so is Christ the head of the Church 1 Cor. 11.3 and Ephes 1.22 Ephes 5.23 He is a head over all in regard of all creatures in regard of his absolute Dominion as the King is head over all living within his Kingdome subjects and rebels the Master head over all within his family whether they love or hate him so Col. 2.10 But Christ is after a more sweet comfortable and gracious manner the head of his faithfull people as the Husband is the head of the Wife not swaying by tyranny but ruling by love 2. In regard of his love as a Husband doth his Wife so Christ doth love his Church Ephes 5 25. Jonathans love was never greater to David than the love of Christ to his Church it is a great love a strong love an everlasting love Joh. 13.1 3. In regard of his care as the Husband taketh care for the wife so doth Christ take care for the Church he is a keeper that doth never sleepe a Master of a family that is ever thinking of doing good to his people he is never weary of seeking their welfare Isai 42.11 Isai 32.2 Mal. 3.16.17 4. In regard of his presence among them as the Husband with the Wife it is his promise Mat. 28.20 Their heart is his throne Ephes 3.17 and they are said to be brought into the Kings Chambers Cant. 1.4 and he hath given them his Word Isa 45.1 2. Psal 76.2 5. In regard of his directions as the Husband giveth counsell and direction to the Wife so doth Christ to the the Church as the Sun in the Firmament giveth light to the inferiour parts of the World so Christ the Sonne of righteousnes giveth light to his Church Joh. 1.9 Without him we set in darknes Mat. 4.16 It is he doth guide our feet into the way of peace Luc. 1.79 he Joh. 1.18 Col. 2 2 3. and Matth. 11.17 therefore Mat. 17.5 6. In regard of his Union with the Church as the Husband is one with the Wife no more twaine but matrimonially one flesh Mat. 19.6 so are Christ and his Church mystically one Ephes 5.30 1 Cor. 12.12 13. By vertue whereof we have a most glorious condition Psal 8.4 5. Angels for our attendants Heb. 1.14 an entrance into heaven we do already in part possesse it Eph. 2.6 Ioh. 5.24 an assurance of sufficient supply of all things Joh. 1.16 7. In regard of the many gifts which he bestoweth upon the Church as the Husband bestoweth gifts upon the Wife so doth Christ on his Church he led captivity Captive and gave gifts to men Ephes 4.8 11. as Ezek. 16 6. as Luc. 15.19 20 22. so 2 Pet. 1.3 4. sonneship with God Ioh. 1.12 interest to all that Adam lost 1 Cor. 3.21 freedome from the bondage of Satan and our owne corruption Joh. 8.36 accesse to the throne of grace Rom. 5.1 2. peace with God Ephes 2.14 and such as 1 Cor. 2.9 11. 8. In regard of making the Church fruitfull as the Wife without the Husband is barren so is the Church without Christ Joh. 15.5 as a desolate wildernes as a womb shut up but
wherewith to feed them as a family under a steward having neither new nor old to give them a testimony of much displeasure in God Isai 29.11 14. an usuall argument of much profaneness in the people Mic. 2.11 a great advantage unto Satan what may not the Lion doe when there is no Shepheard to watch over the flocke can it be that the weeds shoud not encrease when there is no gardener the army miscarries whem there is no expert commander were not the Sheep scattered Ezek. 34.4 6. What comfort can you take in Gods Ordinances when you have not a guide to interpret and apply them are they not as a pleasant light hidden under a bushell which your eyes see not as a sealed fountaine full of delicate waters which your palates tast not as a letter full of love and glorious promises as musicall instrument making a sweet harmony which eares heare not Acts 8.31 What hope have you that your Souls shall be cured if the Physitian have no knowledge of the disease do you not know that Pro. 29.18 How can you think the wals of Jericho shall fall if the Priest cannot sound the Trumpet of the Gospel how shall the adder be brought to cast out his poison if the charmer have no skill in charming how can it be but that the Souls of the people must be like the sluggards-field if the keeper of the Lords vineyard be either ignorant and cannot or sloathfull and will not dresse it nothing more prejudiciall to mans salvation than the want of a competency of gifts in them that must instruct them Vse 2 Must their Doctrine be grounded on Gods Word then behold here the vanity of such as with Israel are weary of the pure and plaine Manna of the Word of God and fall a lusting after the onyons and Garlick of Aegypt humane traditions poeticall fictions Philosophicall speculations which have no more vertue to cast out Satan than the Sonnes of Sheva had no more power to overthrow this Goliah than David had in Sauls armour these are like a broken bow starting back in the day of the spirituall battle Like a broken vessel holding no water of spirituall refreshment to comfort the Souls of Gods people Like chaffe which will never take roote never bring forth any good fruit like the Apples of Sodom or a Pharises sepulchre though faire without yet it is but as dust and dead mens bones within such as giveth no good nourishment Like the fig tree that had many leaves made a flourishing shew but bore no fruit and to such as teach after this manner may that of Eliphas to Iob be well spoken Iob 15.2 3. and to them that delight in and rest upon such Doctrine that of Rabseca 2 King 18 20 21. may be filty spoken and surely what Iob said of his friends Iob 13.4 may be truely said of these Physitians and all their Medicines they are all of no value yea they are not onely vaine but dangerous not onely chaffe that nourisheth not but a snare that entangleth a hook that destroyeth Iac. 2.14 therefore Col. 2.8 22. and Isai 8.20 Vse 3 Are the faithfull messengers of God fitted of God have they their commission from God is their Doctrine warranted by the Scripture is it not their owne but Gods Message then I. Receive it with all reverence not as the word of man but of God 1 Thes 2.13 though the men be a vessel of wood the word is a rich treasure and the power is of God 2 Cor. 4.7 and the power of God indeed it is to save the soule of every one that doth beleve Rom. 1.16 and to such as tremble at this Word will God look Isai 66.2 and it is the commendation which Paul gave of the Galatians that they received him as an Angel of God Gal. 4.14 He that attendeth not with reverence shall never clearely conceive what is contained in it never feel his heart thoroughly affected with it nor be able with a lively confidence to rest upon it the very Word of God unreverently received is entertained but as a humane testimony looked upon but as a withered reed trusted but as the language of an uncertaine friend therefore come with such affection and disposition of heart as Cornelius did to Peter Acts 10.33 and then thou shalt be convinced the secrets of thy heart made manifest and falling down thou shalt worship God say that God is in his Messengers of a truth 1 Cor. 14.24 25. II. Beleeve it firly rest upon it assuredly even as if thou didst hear the Lord himselfe speaking from heaven the Minister is but the Embassadour the Message is Gods what they speak on earth God doth ratify in heaven Mat. 16.19 therefore let me exhort you as Iehosaphat did the people 2 Cro. 20.20 build upon it as on a rock that doth not sinke upon a staffe which will not break upon a fountaine which never drieth up Mat. 5.18 this worketh humiliation repentance Iona. 3.5 maketh men desirous of sound instruction to be rightly informed Psal 119.66 causeth them to feare Exod. 14.31 maketh them patient and constant in the middest of all adversities Psa 27.13 causeth to wait in the deepest trouble Isai 28.16 III. Reforme speedily thoroughly unfainedly whatsoever their Doctrine findes to be amisse within you as thou who art a drunkard userer swearer woulest reforme if God did send an Angel from heaven or did himselfe appeare unto thee to rebuke thee even so must thou reform now when the messenger of God doth speake unto thee say not as the rich Glutton did Luc. 16.30 If God or an Angel from heaven or a damned Spirit from Hell were sent to teach us we would repent but remember Abrahams answer vers 31. It is a great mercy of God to speake unto us by men that we may be able to endure their voyce to understand their language and therefore we should with Israel Deut. 5.27 with Israel we should put away Baal and Ashterosh 1 Sam. 7.3 4. with them Acts 19.19 with Peter Mat. 26.75 with David 2 Sam. 12.12 with Ephraim Jer. 31.18 19. It is our reformation will prove we are good hearers our obedience will testify the goodness of our affections the casting away of our sin doth best argue a right entertainement of the Word Ja. 1.21 22. IV. Comfort your selves soundly in the Doctrine of life salvatiō God will make good to the faithfull whatsoever good things his Messengers out of his Word do declare unto them God will fulfull them all in their season Luk. 1.20 as Jos 23.14 not one thing of all the good things whereof the Ministers of God do now informe you shall faile treasure up the comforts which they propound out of the Word of the Lord and be as sure of them as if you did already enjoy them Isa 25.9 10. The 5th thing is the comfort the Ministers of God and all the people that love Christ do conceive in hearing meditating upon and publishing
above chaffe gold above drosse honey before gall Psa 119.72 102. Ier. 23.23 Prov. 8.10 11. 3. This must stirre up every man to rejoyce and delight himself in the preaching of the Gospel as in the Schoole of Christ where alone true wisedome is to be learned in the food of our Souls whence spirituall strength is to be gathered in the light which alone sheweth the way to the life which is eternall and for that end we must bee I. Truely sanctified and then as the Baptist leaped in his mothers womb when he heard the voyce of the mother of our Saviour in whom Christ was conceived so shall our hearts rejoyce to hear the voyce of our God in the Ministry of his Word Psa 97.11 Ps 32.11 II. The Word must be hidden in our hearts Ier. 15.16 It must be as fire in our bones Ier. 20.9 as Wine in our stomacks Mat. 13.45 III. Come with a longing appetite to it as to a delicate feast Isai 25. Prov. 27.7 IV. Get assurance that the comforts thereof belong unto your owne Souls propriety and interest in the good things of God will fill our hearts with joy and gladnes in the Lord when we can claime them as our inheritance then we shall rejoyce in them like the Psalmist V. We must sell all put away whatsoever may hinder the power and efficacy of the Word of God the scales must be taken from Pauls eyes or the light of the Sun will afford him no comfort so Ia. 1.21 1 Sam. 7.3 4. Mat. 13.45 This my joy therefore is fulfilled The last thing is the great joy the Baptist conceived in beholding the people to convert and turne unto God in seeing the Kingdome of Christ to flourish the eyes of men to be fastned on him the hearts of men to embrace him the Ministry of his word to be effectuall whence note THat the conversion of the people doth make the Ministers of God exceeding joyfull as the Bridegrooms friend rejoyceth when he hath prepared a spouse for him so doth every faithfull Minister of God when he hath prepared a Bride for Christ likened to the joy of harvest when the Husbandmen and his Servants gather in the sheafs into the barne to the joy of souldiers when they divide the spoile Isai 9.3 as Moses rejoyced and sung when he had led Israel out of Aegypt from the bondage of Pharaoh thorough the Red Sea so do the Ministers of God when they by the blessing of God upon their industry have brought the people of God out of bondage of sin and Satan hence 1 Thes 2.19 20. this filled his mouth with matter of glorying 2 Cor. 9.2 The relation which Titus made to Paul of the repentance faith love constancy of the Corinthians made him exceeding joyous 2 Cor. 7.4 13. Phil. 4.1 so great that it maketh them rejoyce in affliction the welfare of the people is very comfortable even when the Minister is in much trouble Phil. 2.2 Philemon vers 7. Ioh. 3. Eph. 4. Ioh. 2.3.4 Reas 1 Because the faithfull Ministers of God do beare a singular love unto the people as the parent and nurse to the Children they are their jewels and treasure under God and Christ the object of their love 2 Cor. 6.11 2 Cor. 2.4 a love which maketh them Phil. 2.17 and 2 Cor. 7.3 and therefore as they love them so they rejoyce in their welfare vers 4. Reas 2 Because the faithfull Ministers of God do heartily and with much earnestnes desire the spirituall good and everlasting welfare of the people of God even more than they desire their owne peace liberty or welfare 2 Cor. 12.14 1 Cor. 10.24 Phil. 1.8 9. never did Rahel more desire Children than they do the regeneration of the people this is the choise of all their wishes the most servent of all their longings for this they make them petition Ephes 3.14 as Isaac for the opening of the womb of Rebecca Gen. 25.21 as Hanna for the making of her barren womb fruitfull 1 Sam. 1.10 and as shee shewed herselfe joyfull thankfull when God gave her a Child 1 Sam. 2 1 2. so do Gods Ministers when God doth open the hearts of the people as Acts 16.14 and Isai 54.1 Reas 3 Because they hereby see that they have not preached to no purpose that they have not plowed the sand sown among thornes and briars washed a blackmore charmed a deaf adder piped to the deaf nor held a Lamp to the blind they see that they have not Isai 65.2 3. that they have not as Hos 8.7 But they see that the Word in their mouth hath been as a two edged sword Heb. 4.12 as seed in good ground Matth. 13.23 as the dewes upon the Herbs Deut. 32.2 Isai 45.8 and 26.19 Hos 14.6 7. Psal 133.3 aad therefore Phil. 2.16 Reas 4 Because it is their honour and dignity as it is the honour of a souldier to win the conquest so it is of the leaders of Gods army to conquer Satan to subdue sin to cast down the devill like lightning to open the Prison doores by the key of the Gospel Isai 61.1 to give deliverance unto Gods people to raise them out of the grave of sin as the Prophet revived the dead Child 1 Thes 2.19.20 and as Luc. 10.17 so c. Reas 5 Because they take much paine to convert and turne them as the Husbandman to make a barren field fertile a rough way even a mountaine a low valley Luk. 3.4 5. Ier. 1.10 2 Tim. 2.3 encounter with many enemies Ephes 6.12 Gal. 4.19 and therefore as Ioh. 16.21 Reas 6 Because it is a seale of their Ministry an argument that God sent them that he hath given endowments to them for the calling and doth accept of their labours 1 Cor. 9.10 Ier. 23.22 as Leah said Gen. 29.32 Reas 7 Because it is a secondary evidence of their renovation for God doth usually call and convert men by them whom he hath converted Paul himselfe is first converted before he is sent to preach the Gospel Acts 9.3 and Isai 6.5 Mal. 2.5 6 7. Reas 8 Because it is the chief end of their calling to gather home men to God and to save the Souls of the people therefore likened to Shepheards Stewards Physicians Husbandmen Nurses Embassadours as the Shepheard rejoyceth in finding the lost sheep the Physician in recovering his patient the steward in the welfare of the servants of the family the nurse in the growth of the Child the Embassadour in the reconcilement of the people so do the Ministers of God Reas 9 Because it is as great a grief to the Ministers to see the people continue in sin as a carefull husbandman to see his field overspread with weeds to the nurse to see the Child languish to the Physician to see the patient grow more and more diseased Psal 119.136 Isai 49.4 Jer. 9.1 Luk. 19.41 42. Reas 10 Because it is a pledge of the Ministers sharing in the highest degree of heavenly glory
credits with our possessions trust him in prosperity when we have the abundance of all things rely on him alone as if we had nothing trust him in adversity when we have nothing being as confident as if we had all things as the Apostle saith of patience Ia. 1.4 So let me say of faith let faith have his perfect worke trust the Lord in every estate in every undertaking in every affliction trust him in health in sicknes in liberty in bondage in riches in poverty in temptation in peace trust him in six and be not doubtfull of him in seaven trouble for he is above all he can doe all nothing is impossible if we can beleeve Mar. 9.23 all things shall be according to our faith Mat. 9.29 there is water enough in this Well if we have faith like a bucket to draw there is riches enough in this store-house if we have faith like a key to open there is stedfastnes enough in this rocke if we have faith like a sure anchor to lay fast hold upon it there is no danger so great but if we have faith in him we shall passe thorough it Matth. 17.20 by faith we shall do as they did Heb. 11.29 30 31 32 33. By faith Christ dwelleth in us is become ours and then nothing can be too hard for us when he is omnipotent who is within us 1 Sam. 17.45 Goliah was better armed but by faith the Lord was with David by faith the Lord is our strength Psal 37.39 and Marc. 5.26 29 34. this is Gods precept 1 Ioh. 3.23 this is the way to prosper Ier. 15.5 therefore as 2 Cro. 20.30 7. Let Christ have preheminence in our love as he is above all so we must love him above all creatures the choise the strength of our affection must be bestowed upon him Deut. 6.4 We must love him with all manner of love as the work the of his hand that framed it the creature the Creator for we are the work of his hands Col. 1.16 as the subject loveth his gracious Soveraigne for he is the Prince of our peace Isa 9.6 as the ransomed loveth him that redeemed him for he is our Redeemer 1 Tim. 2.6 as the Disciple loveth the teacher for he is our Master Mat. 10.24 as one friend doth love another for he is our choisest friend Iohn 15.13 as the Wife the Husband for he hath joyned himselfe in wedlocke to us so we must love him with creatures love a subjects love a ransomed mans love af a true love c. Hos 2.19 none in himselfe so worthy to be beloved none ever can so well deserve our love none will none is able so abundantly to requite our love none doth or can so well entertaine our love none can yeeld such abundant satisfaction to our affection therefore let us give him the chiefest roome in our affections let us have our hearts so wrought upon that with the spouse we be even sicke of love Cant. 2.4 that Psal 73.25 that 2 Cor. 5.14 8. Let Christ have the preheminence in our joy as he is above all so let us rejoyce in him more than in Father Mother Child Wife or any other endowment as Paul said of the Thessalonians so let us say of Christ 1 Thes 2.19 20. this was the Apostles charge Phil. 4.4 and his resolution Gal. 6.14 Gods people can see nothing but Christ worthy to be rejoyced in the men of the World do hate them Ioh. 15.19 the strength riches of the world have vanity and changeablenes in them Psa 33.17 Psal 60.11 1 Cor. 3.20 21. the peace and pleasures of the World are great strangers to them their way is full of thornes their day full of clouds their habitation is like a house in the wildernes their condition like the condition of Pilgrimes Psa 34.19 1 Pet. 2.11 onely Christ is their comfort Phil 3.3 He bringeth remission of sin reconcileth them to God and therefore in him they rejoyce Rom. 5.11 He maketh peace for them worketh peace in them he revealeth Gods counsell to them 1 Cor. 1.30 therefore vers 31. they have nothing whereof to rejoyce but it cometh from him therefore behoofull they should rejoyce principally in him and turne all matter and occasion of rejoycing to rejoycing in Christ 9. Let us give him preheminence of Dominion in our hearts in our lives above all others above the World above Satan above our own corruption Let Christ have the whole possession of the heart let sin like Dagon be cast to the ground and the Kingdome of Christ like the Arke erected let the whole man be made universally subject to him let the eye in seeing the ear in hearing the tongue in speaking the hand in working the foot in walking the heart in thinking the understanding in judging the will in chosing the affections in imbracing or refusing shew their subjection yeeld unto Christ the chief Dominion every Member every faculty must be so serviceable that Christ may be able to say of it as the Centurion of his Servants Mat. 8.9 They must all wait like Ahimaaz for their commission run as soon as Christ shall give their charge unto them This is the Apostles charge Rom. 6.13 his commendation of the Romans vers 17. Christ must have no corrivals he must raigne as King alone he will not live as a Servant it must not be in this as Solomon saw it sometimes in another case Eccles 10.7 Christ will not walk on foot and the World Sin and Satan on hors-back no neither will he ride in the same Chariot with them 2 Cor. 6.14.15 as he is above all so he will rule over all 10. Let Christ have the preheminence in all our undertakings as he is above all so let us above all things seek his glory let us as it were set Christ upon our shoulders that he onely may be preheminent that he onely may be seen and we like men stand in the croud not taken notice of if Christ may be honoured let us be content to be reproach'd if be may be enriched let us be willingly made poor thus the Baptist was content to be as a tree that withereth that the beauty of Christ the tree of righteousness might be the more glorious to lose his honour if thereby the honour of Christ might increase so Paul 2 Cor. 4.3 he exalted Christ did not preach himself did not set forth himself shew his wit learning eloquence hunt applause but sought onely how to make Christ glorious as a man that carrieth a light to direct others doth not put forth himself but putteth forth his light that all may see by it a man that goeth to take fowl putteth forth his bait but hideth himself so Gal. 1.10 Acts 20.24 1 Cor. 10.31 33. Acts 3.12 In all these things we must study to give Christ the preheminence This serveth for the singular comfort of all Gods Servants who by a lively faith are ingrafted into Christ and have imbraced him as their
the whole man shall be cleansed from all iniquity and to labour for this estate let us be perswaded 1. Because this will interest us in all Gods favours make all things to become ours to be comfortable helpfull beneficial this will make God to be our God our Father Christ to be our friend Mediator Advocate Husband Sun Shield Prince of peace the Spirit of God to be our comforter Ioh. 15.26 our guide Io. 16.13 to be our earnest penny and our Seal to assure us of the Lords mercy and loving kindnesse Ephes 1.13.14 a fire to warm us 1 Thes 5.19 water to cleanse us Isa 44.3 the Ministery of the Gospel to be a Ministery of reconciliation to us 2 Cor. 5.18 a pleasant light to shine unto our feet Psal 119.105 a heavenly Manna pure milk to feed our Souls 1 Pet. 2.2 a goad to drive us forward Physick to heal us a weapon to kill sin and defend our Souls all the earth shall be serviceable to us this life and the life to come shall be ours 1 Tim. 4.8 we shall be the richest people upon earth have better revenues than all the mighty men in the World Psal 34.10 Because this will inable us to finde many sweet and heavenly comforts in Gods ordinances this will make them full of precious and choise delights to our Souls this will make them be a delicate and dainty feast this will cause us to behold them as a letter of love from the Lord Jesus the Bridegroom of our Souls this will make them sweet as the hony-comb to our palate Psal 19.10 even the rejoycing of our hearts Jer. 15.16 this will make them more precious than any Treasure Psal 119.72 more pleasant than any tidings Luke 2.10 this will make them the savour of life to our Souls 2 Cor. 2.14 this will make them speak peace to our consciences Isa 57.19 this will make them as a banquet to the hungry stomack Cant. 2.4 this will make them as the Dove to Noah as the Star to the wise-men as the water out of the Rocks to Israel this will inable us to say of them as David of Jonathan 2 Sam. 1.26 3 Because this will cause all to work for our good if we be regenerate whatsoever is against us shall in the issue be with us prove beneficial for us as David said of Shimei's railing 2 Sam. 16.11 So the fiery darts which Satan casteth the venemous arrowes which the evill speakers quiver shooteth the heavy burthens which the hand of the potent enemy imposeth imprisonment sicknesse poverty temptations disgrace and whatsoever it be it shall all by the gracious hand of God be turned to our good if we like David be men after Gods own heart for Tit. 1.15 all shall be for their welfare all shall be blessed to them the sword which is unsheathed against them shall like Goliah's sword become an instrument to cut off the enemies head the envious practises of their brethren shall be a means of their advancement as in Joseph the pit which is digged the snare which is spread for them shal take and entangle him that spread it every obstacle shall be turned into a furtherance every burthen into wings every lyon shall have a honey-comb in his belly This is the priviledge of Gods people the prerogative of sanctification an inducement full of power to perswade all that are not past feeling to return to God by true repentance to serve him in holiness and true righteousness 4. Since the natural mans workes are all naught water of a poysonous fountaine fruit from an evil tree let us all examine and try our selves what our workes are whether they be good or evill And this we shall discerne 1. By the fountaine whence they spring all good works must come from a good and a sanctified heart The good ground which brought forth good fruit resembled a good and honest heart and Matth. 12.35 Matth. 7.17 all the works of a carnal man are dead works in regard of their original nature and issue none but a new creature can doe the works of new obedience All our actions are actions of uncleanness till we be washed and justified by the blood of the Lord Jesus 2. By the rule by and in obedience to which they are done They must not be done after our fancy in obedience to our own will our Sacrifice must be offered with fire from Gods Altar what we doe must be that which God required and it must be done because God hath required it Lev. 10.1 2. 1 Sam. 15.22 out of conscience to Gods precept 3. By the faith and perswasion we have in our heart when we do it We must beleeve that God in Christ is well pleased with us we must bear fruit as branches of Christ else it will be in Gods account as soure grapes Heb. 11.6 As we must ask all so we must do all in the name of Christ 4. By the affection wherewith it is performed It must not arise out of feare nor proceed from constraint but out of unfeigned love to God This must be the first mover in all our undertakings 1 Cor. 16.14 2 Cor. 9.7 as Jude 5.2 5. By the circumstances wherewith it is apparelled as Prov. 25.11 for Eccles 3.1 and Matth. 6.3 4. 6. By the end whereunto it is done We must chiefly look unto God all our arrows must be levelled to his glory as to the chiefest mark we are not our own but his by our election he hath chosen us Eph. 1.5 6. By our creation he hath made us for himselfe Prov. 16.4 By our redemption he hath bought us to himselfe 1 Cor. 6.20 By our vocation he hath called us to shew forth his praise 1 Pet. 2.9 and to him must we live 2 Cor. 5.15 If our works be thus qualified we may be sure they come from a regenerate spirit and are well accepted of him who is above all This is a repetition of what was formerly spoken to shew his disciples that they must needs subject themselves to Christ and to let them see how difficult it is he doth againe repeat it So that you see the repetition and the reason of the repetition The former may teach us Doct. 1 1. It is very needfull that Gods Ministers should often urge and presse the same material duties upon their hearts Phil. 3.1 that they may understand it more clearly be awakened by it more effectually affected with it more throughly that it may be imprinted upon their hearts the more effectually that it may abide with them the more constantly People must not think it unprofitable to heare the same points of doctrine often pressed upon them Naaman went seven times into Jordan Peters cock crowed thrice From the other we may learn Doct. It is a very hard thing to make men renounce all self-confidence and subject themselves unto and altogether rely vpon Christ Jesus therefore the Baptist doth againe and againe presse it This occasioned
entertained not loved it not no man very few that is whence observe Doct. That it is but a very small number that doe faithfully savingly embrace and firmly build upon the doctrine of salvation Of four grounds in Matth. 13.24 but one savingly received the doctrine of salvation This the Prophet complained of Isa 53.2 Isa 65.2 Jer. 8.6 We read of a few Pearles a few Vines Reas 1 In regard of the Election Matth. 20.16 now onely those are capable of wisedome Matth. Reas 2 In regard of the strong sway of corruption Reas 3 In regard that the natural man cannot see into Christ or the Gospel Job 21.14 Isa 53.2 Reas 4 Because there is an Antipathy between carnal soules and Christ as between light and darknesse 2 Cor. 5.14 Saul and David Reas 5 In regard of the hardnesse of the leaving of all things for Christ and the Gospel all must be rejected every false way that is cleare but this hard therefore many men embrace not the Gospel Reas 6 In regard of the strong engagement of the hearts of men to the world Matth. 6.24 1 John 2.15 Matth. 8.34 Vse It shewes that few partake of Christ because few partake of grace and the Gospel the number is but few they are called a little flock few entred into the Ark the Text tells us few came into Canaan and but few embrace the Gospel and receive it Not to leave the way of life because few embrace it It is no wise project for men to lodge among Tombs because mad men did as the Scripture mentions or to forsake meat because sick men doe Nor is it any wisedome for men to leave the way of life Christ Jesus and his Gospel because the generality of men in the world do 3 This must cause to try what entertainment we give unto Christ whether our hearts be open to receive his testimony or shut against it whether it be to us as the dew to the dry earth or to the hard rock as Musick to the hearing or to the deaf ear as a friend or a stranger as a Physitian or a wounding enemy and this will be discerned 1. By the abandoning and exiling of sinne no man giveth credit to the testimony of Christ no man giveth entertainment unto Christ but he thrusteth sin out of the doores of his heart No man entertaineth his Soveraign into his house but he cleanseth his house beautifieth and adorneth the several roomes thereof the woman that wiveth her selfe in wedlock putteth off her menstruous and unseemly rayment the Sun appearing in the Horizon the darknesse clouds misty and filthy fogs are dispelled no man entertaineth Christ the Lord of life the Prince of glory but he purgeth his soule 1 John 3.3 Departeth from iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 No man joyneth himselfe in wedlock with Christ but is Psal 45.13 Ezek. 16.9 10. The Sun of righteousnesse ariseth and shineth in the horizon of no mans soule but with healing in his wings he healeth their spiritual diseases endoweth them with strength of grace and maketh them fly from sin as Moses fled from his rod when he saw it turned into a serpent though before it was alwayes in his hand he made continual use of it so when men entertaine Christ once with their soules though sinne were never so pleasant delightfull profitable to them yet now they hate it as the onely enemy of their soules complaine of it as the heaviest burthen labour to root it out as the most noysome weed 2. By the neglect despising rejecting of the world When the Sun appeares the candles are extinguished when the Prince cometh the fellowship the presence of beggars is not regarded when Christ is once entertained into the soule such is his Beauty Fulness Majesty Glory that then the world though before very glorious yet now it is as dung Phil. 3.8 As withered grass Isa 40.8 As a dead thing void of life beauty profit Gal. 6.14 As a thing of nought Amos 6.13 This maketh them sell all for this pearle leave all to entertaine him to forsake goods Heb. 10.3 4. Friends Matth. 10 37. Life Rev. 12.11 This maketh the grapes of the choicest worldly Vine be full of sourenesse the cup of her sweetest wine to be full of poyson the purest manchet full of gravel 3. By the holy fellowship and communion we have with Christ as many as receive him put their confidence in him have felowship with him as the Scholler with the teacher they sit at his feet they heare his voice as one friend with another communicating their mind to him he imparting his councels unto them shedding the warm shining beames of his love into their hearts and their hearts reflecting with love againe to him as the spouse with the Husband after a more entire manner then with any thing in the world as the servants with the Master of the family as the members with the head of the body his presence with them his dominion within them his love to them is vouchsafed and apprehended after a manner unknowne to the unregenerate world hee is to the world a sun under an Eclipse Psa 53.2 to true beleevers as the Sun in a clear day Mal. 4.2 to sinfull men as a stranger Ephes 2.12.1 Jo. 1.6 to others as a brother a man well known Cant. 8.1 4. By the comforts wee finde in him hee refresheth and receiveth the soules of all such as entertaine him comforteth and delighteth their hearts more then all the pleasant things of the world Cant. 1.2 he is to the soules of beleevers as the starre to the wise men Math. 2.10 As a feast to the hungry Rev. 3.20 as the shadow of a great rock to the weary Jsa 32.2 as a precious pearle to the poore Math. 15.44 when all the world like Baal is dumbe and cannot utter a word of comfort then doth Christ rejoyce the hearts of his servants Ro. 3.5 when the world is like an empty pit then is Christ as a fountaine of living waters refreshing the soules of his children when the abilities of the earth are as a candle extinct then is Christ to his servants a glorious Sun Psa 5.6 when the world is like a dry breast then Isa 66.10.11 God doth give comfort to all true beleevers 2 Thes 2.16 making their joy answearable to their sorrowes 2 Cor. 1 5. he will speake unto them when their consciences are perplexed as once he spake to the disciples Mat. 14.26.27 as Iohn 14.1.18 Acts. 18.9 and 23.11 5. By the spirituall liberty and freedome wee gaine by beleeving in him by opening our hearts to entertain him though wee are oppressed reproached assaulted within and without burthened with variety of corruptions ladden with manifold afflictions yet entertaining Christ into our hearts by faith we shall 1 Jo. 5.4 and Ro. 8.36 37. bee like Cyrus Isa 5.1.2 so 1 Jo. 3.8 Heb. 2.14 so that all that give credit to Christs testimony do feele the fetters of sinne smitten off the burthen of
doth imploy his talent the more acceptable hee is to his Master so the more full of grace the more God will love us the more comfortably will hee speak to our souls and couscifences the more graciously will hee manifest himself unto us make us glad Psal 21.6 Job 33.26 hee will speak to our consciences as the master to the good servant in the parable Mat. 25.23 for God will make his face to shine upon them that serv him Psal 31.16 so that when they come before him have prayed meditated heard his word c. they shall say as Jacob of Esau Gen. 33.10 3. The more grace the more peace in our own conscience the more boldness towards God it is neither riches nor learning nor friends nor any thing els but grace that can stablish the heart Heb. 13.9 other staies are but like Sampson's withes easily broken as thread this is the anchor which staieth the ship of the soul the foundation which beareth it up the sun which giveth it comfort the fountain which yieldeth it refreshment this filleth the soul with peace in hearing in praying in doing in suffering Righteousness and Peace like two twins are born at one birth like Ruth and Naomi they go together they walk in one way dwell under roof Psalm 85.10 Psal 116.165 Mal. 2.6 Isa 32.14 4. The more grace the more patiently they shall bear all affliction this like Moses's rod will divide and make a way through the deepest waters of trouble like Noah's ark it will keep the soul from sinking this will make them with Paul and Silas to sing in prison to rejoice that they are accounted worthy to suffer for Christ to esteem it all joy to fall into manifold temptations this will enable to receive affliction as a purgation to remove their corruption as a testimony of God's love as a seal of their living righteous in Jesus Christ this will assure them of a happy passage out of all troubles 5. The most grace the more delight they shall have in doing the will of God in performance of all sacred and religious duties the more strength there is in the body the more easily the traveller passeth on his way the fuller the wing is of feathers the easier the flight is to the bird so the fuller the soul is of grace the more pleasantly hee doth run the race of God's commandements this maketh him say with Samuel 1 Sam. 3.10 with the Psalmist Psal 40.8 this will make the commandement easie Mat. 11.29 1 Joh. 5.3 4. This serveth by way of consolation to cheer up the souls of God's people in all estates the fulness and sufficiency of Christ may bee as a tree loaden with much fruit for the feeding of the hungry a fountain filled with pleasant water for the refreshment of the thirsty a lamp full of oil to give light to them that are in darkness a singular stay a strong supportment to God's servants 1. Against all wants if they want wisedom Christ is a glorious day-star full of heavenly light able to discover the deepest mysteries and make them like words written in great characters so that hee that runneth may read them able so to elevate the lowest capacity that it shall clearly discern things heavenly counsel is his and sound wisedom hee is understanding it self Prov. 8.14 in him are all treasures of knowledg Col 23. he hath opened the eies of the blinde and made them that sate in darkness to see a great light it was prophesied that in his time Isa 92.4 Isa 35.5 Isa 11.9 and as Pharaoh said of Joseph Gen. 41.38 39. there is not another to bee found in whom the spirit of God is as it is in Christ none in heaven or earth neither Saint nor Angel so discreet so wise as hee the greatest wisedom in the world is to his wisedom but like the wisedom of a childe to the wisedom of the choicest statesman like the light of a candle to the light of the sun therefore if wee want wisedom how to prevent avoid and save our selvs from treacherous adversaries how to order our conversations how to mannage our callings wherein wee are placed how to imploy the talent wee have received how to discern the things which differ how to understand the deep things of God let us com to Christ let us set our selvs to school to him and in him is fulness of knowledg hee is our head hee will not leave his members in ignorance 2. If thy faith bee weak if it bee withered like Jeroboam's hand 1 King 13.4 if it shake like the hand of a palsey man if thy soul be full of doubtings as the sea of tossings if thy heart bee full of agitations and rowlings hither and thither like a ship without anchor yet as the man of God prayed and Jeroboam's hand was made whole as the other as our Saviour cured the palsey man so in him is fulness of ability to make thy faith strong like a tree of deep root like a hous of sure foundation Mat. 7. like the arm of a strong man hee can make thee more than conquerer hee can so fasten the ship of thy soul that thou shalt not bee moved hee can so fill thee so affect thee with the sence of God's love that thou shalt say Rom. 8.38 39 hee can strengthen thee to do all things Phil. 4 13. hee can stablish and settle thy soul 1 Pet. 5.10 Rom. 16.24 25. 2 Thes 4.3 3. If they want peace sens and assurance of God's love and joy in God's spirit if their souls bee as a stormy sea like a sick man upon his bed full of tossings like Israël stung with fierie serpents in a condition altogether restless like a hunted hare or chased hart like David hunted by Saul as a partridg like a besieged city full of fears like Israël's bearing heavy burthens working in an iron furnace like the dove seeking a place to rest her foot and finding none complaining Psal 38.3 in trouble Job 30 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 26 27 28 29 30 31. yet remember in Christ is all fulness hee is the Prince of peace Isa 9.6 Ephes 2.14 hee can Mat 8.27 hee is the brasen serpent Numb 21.8 9. hee is the physitian Isa 61.1 the true Samaritane Luke 10.30 therefore comfort thy self come to him as those of Gibeon to Joshua Jos 10 6. and Christ shall remove the siege 4. If they want holiness if corruption like a strong disease do waste and spoil the vigor of the soul like an evil weed do over-spread the garden of their hearts like a foul spot do blemish their face like a strong tyrant do lead them captive like a heavy burthen fetters and tumbling blocks do hinder them in holy duties and make them go slowly about the performance of sacred exercises if they hang like birdlime about the wings of the soul as Canaanites in Israël's sides yet let this sustain them let this revive them in Christ is all fulness of
hee hath all power and authority given him and therefore Mat. 17.5 him wee must hear him wee must obey as the members are subject to the head as the wife is subject to the husband as the subjects are obedient to their Prince for all this is Christ to us his will must bee our rule according to which all our doings must bee squared the balance wherein wee must bee weighed the light whereby wee must bee guided his precept must bee to us as the fiery pillar to Israël at whose motion wee must move at whose stopping wee must stay his direction is most perfect free from all error most wholsom it will prove the best counsel most sweet it will certainly yield the truest comfort therefore as the disciples Mat. 19 22. left all and followed him so all impediments beeing removed let us follow his comcommandement this is his will this is our wisedom in this Christ would have us give preheminence above all other occasions and not say to this as Felix to Paul in another case yea though it transcend the limits of our capacity though wee cannot render a reason of it though it seem repugnant to our apprehension yet it is enough that God hath enjoined it and wee shall finde that true obedience to his precepts is ever attended with the best success 2. This must teach us to depend upon Christ with all stedfastness in his hands are all things hee is a compleat Saviour a perfect redeemer hee is a sure rock to all that build upon him a never-failing fountain though our sins bee hainous yet hee hath ability in him to remove them as he cleansed the leper though God bee at a great distance from us his face hidden under the darkest clouds of his displeasure yet Christ is able to reconcile him though wee bee in more than an iron bondage yet hee can free us therefore let us fasten our faith and confidence upon him let our hearts rest in him let us trust our souls with him and his gospel shall surely prove the power of God to our salvation hee will be a propitiation for us in him our sin shall bee covered and wee blessed in him wee shall have peace in him wee shall have access to the throne of grace 3. Are all things in Christ's hand then God's people must rest themselvs contented with Christ alone hee is a rich husband the Father hath given all things into his hands therefore bless God all you that are partakers of Christ say you have a goodly heritage you have the tree which beareth all sorts of fruit you have the pearl which is of more value then all other riches you have the sun and therefore cannot want light you have the fountain and therefore cannot want water you have the Lord of glory and therefore cannot want honor you have the Prince of peace and therefore cannot want joy you have him that hath all things and therefore cannot want any good things you have enough you have that which if you bee not defective to your selvs will bee like Elkanah to Hanna 1 Sam. 1.8 in stead of all other things God hath done more for you in giving Jesus Christ to you in joining you in wedlock with Christ then if hee had bestowed the whole earth upon you hee hath advanced you to greater honor endued you with better riches replenished your soul with sweeter and more heavenly pleasures than can bee gathered out of worldly store-houses or drink out of earthly fountains therefore thirst not after the world covet not great things bee not disquieted with the slenderness of your external estate think not of using any forbidden means suffer not your affections to be stoln away from the Lord but delight your self in Christ and rest your self abundantly contented with him 4. Are all things put into Christ's hands is hee so abundantly filled with all things then this may comfort God's servants in all estates whatsoëver yee want it is all in the hands of Christ if you want power to resist either bodily or spiritual enemies in Christ there is power to overcom and subdue them all if you want grace if your knowledg faith patience bee small Christ hath a rich store-house hee can fill you if your outward estate bee slender your provision smal and poor Christ can make a little go farr the course taste sweet as hee turned the water into wine Joh. 2.9 10. Vers 36. FUlness of water in the fountain is unusefull unless wee drink thereof fulness of light in the sun yieldeth no comfort unless the eie bee opened to receive it the best apparel giveth no warmth unless the body bee covered with it so the fulness goodness and all sufficiency that is in Christ Jesus is no way beneficial unless wee get assured interest therein therefore the Baptist doth not only acquaint his disciples with Christs fulness authority sovereignty and all sufficiency hee doth not only let them see how hee is a compleat Saviour in himself but doth also move perswade exhort and stir them up by faith to get interest in him and this hee doth by a double argument the one drawn from the single felicity and benefit attending a lively faith in Christ hee that beleeveth in the Son hath everlasting life the other drawn from the danger of not believing but hee that believeth not in the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God remaineth on him wherein wee have 1. The felicity and blessed estate of all true beleevers hee that beleeveth c. 2. The infelicity and miserable condition of all unbeleevers hee that beleeveth not c. First of the felicity of true believers hee that whosoëver hee bee of what nation of what estate or condition soever rich or poor bond or free that beleeveth in Christ that imbraceth buildeth resteth and relieth sincerely firmly and fully upon the Lord Jesus that man hath life everlasting hath already the life of peace inchoated and begun in him that life of God wrought that immortal seed of grace sown in his heart which never shall die so that herein wee may have 1. The necessity of faith hee that beleeveth in the Son of God it is true that in the Son of God there is all fulness all things are in his hands but wee must beleeve in him or his fulness will no waies help us 2. The gain of faith hath everlasting life 1. Of the necessity of faith wherein wee have the nature of faith the object of faith and the extent 1. The nature of faith beleeveth in Christ that is doth not only beleeve that Christ is or that what hee hath said or done is true but beleeveth in Christ pitcheth and resteth fully upon Christ 2. The object of faith Christ 3. The extent hee that whosoëver 1. Of the nature of faith beleeveth in to beleeve sometime signifieth and speculatively to know the Scriptures to bee true and thus the devils do and all wicked men may beleeve 2. Sometime it
as the Dove finding no footing returned to the Ark. 7. Because true believers do make Christ their portion their joy their crown their riches and their glory hee is to them instead of all they will leav all to enjoy him Mark 10.28 they esteem all to bee dung in comparison of him Phil. 3.3 all to bee thorns in respect of this vine Cant. 2.2 to bee barren in respect of this fruitfull tree as the wise men rejoiced more in the star which lead unto Christ then in all other stars in the firmament Mat. 2.10 so true believers rejoyce in Christ more than in all the world and therefore their hearts cleav to him and rest upon him 8. Because true faith in Christ is alwaies attended with a singular love to Christ Jesus according to the strength of our faith is the fervency of our love the more wee apprehend the height depth and length of Christ's love to us the more do our hearts burn with love again to him Ephes 3.19 the nigher wee stand to a great burning fire the more wee are heated with it so the sense of Christ's love apprehended by saith breedeth love again unto the Lord Galat. 6.5 Vse This serveth to shew us that a general consent to the word of God as true is not enough to bring us unto life but besides this there must bee a peculiar resting staying and confidence of the heart thereupon If an earthly man of ability and truth promise us this or that help to bestow upon us this or that gift wee do not only know and think and perswade our selvs that hee saith true but besides wee say that wee trust hereunto rely hereupon quiet our selvs and seek no further the like resting of the heart must wee find upon the promise of God in Christ by this particular confidence and resting of the heart upon Christ do true believers go beyond reprobates by this do they receiv nourishment from Christ as the sions from the stock by this have they claim and interest in Christ as the wife in the husband John 15.2 Cant. 6.3 by this have they claim to the promises of God 2 Pet. 1.4 as the tenant in lands granted him under hand and seal by this is Christ very pleasant and delightful to them as the sun to the opened eye Mal. 4.2 pure and precious liquor to the thirsty Isa 55.1 by this are they distinguished from others as children from strangers John 1.12 by this they have maay sweet relations to Christ which others have not as the members to the head the branches to the vine by this they stand in the time of trouble as a ship fast anchored when others are tossed like a ship without an anchor Heb. 6.19 by this Satan's darts are expelled Ephes 6.16 when others are wounded like men that are naked by this believers are bold and confident as the lion when others fly like a hare before the the hounds Eph. 3.12 Prov. 28.1 by this wee have access to the throne of grace Rom. 5.1 when others like the foolish Virgins having no oyl in their lamps were shut out by this our services are acceptable unto God Heb. 11.6 when others like him that wanted a wedding garment are cast into utter darkness Mat. 22.12 by this the Word of God becometh sweet and savory to our palates Jerem. 15.16 when as it is like gall to others Heb. 4.2 by this it is to us as good seed to good ground and good meat to a healthy stomach 2. Therefore every man must try whether hee finde his heart thus to cleav unto and to rest upon the Lord Jesus whether hee bee sensible of the life and operation of his affection this way whether hee feel his heart trusting and resting upon the Lord as the childe upon the parent the building upon the foundation the wife upon the husband and this wee must discern 1. By the deniall of our selvs and the rejection of all humane abilities as every way insufficient to bring us unto life the more the heart resteth upon the Lord the less it resteth on worldly and created powers Prov. 3.5 the true believer knoweth the wisdom of the flesh to bee foolishness with God yea enmity against God Rom. 8.7 to bee a false prophet a deceitfull guide a withered feed and therefore will not lean thereupon will not trust thereunto any more then a traveller to a blinde guid a passenger to an ignorant pilot a sick man to one that will as soon minister poison as good physick to him but will search and seek out for a better instructer for a surer guide this the Apostle taught 1 Cor. 3.18 this the wise man gave in charge Prov. 3.7 this the prophet perswaded Isa 8.19 20 and declareth the dolefull issue of the contrary Isa 50.11 2. By our constant abiding with God in the time of affliction in the hour of temptation the more true faith is assaulted the more strongly the heart layeth hold upon God the more the childe is made afraid with any thing the more earnestly hee cryeth to his parent to keep him the more closely hee applieth himself to him the furious assault of the enemy causeth men to lay the faster hold upon the sword to hide themselvs in castles and places of sure defense the seed sown in good ground held out to the harvest Mat. 13 24. so the heart which resteth once upon the Lord abideth constant with him as a woman joyned in wedlock abideth with her husband till death so nothing can make a separation between God and the true believer hee findeth such sweetness such goodness in the Lord that neither pleasure nor torment honor nor ignominy shall remove him Job 13.5 Ro. 8.35 Isa 50.10 Psal 55.22 3. By the blessed apprehension wee have of God's goodness towards us when wee believe men will do any great thing for us then wee feel a love in our hearts arising towards them so wee first apprehend love of God in Christ towards us and then our hearts rest upon him in nature nothing moveth in desire to this or that but as wee see it lovely no more do our souls move towards or rest on God till wee apprehend him reconciled the sinfull soul doth see God forgiving many sins and then it loveth much again Luke 7.48 therefore the Apostle having mentioned our peace with God through faith annexeth the shedding of God's love abroad into our hearts Rom. 5.1.5 4. By our abundant delight and joy in God and the light of his face by our alacrity in runing the race of his commandements Psal 37.3 4. wee must delight our selvs in God with all manner of delight as the rich man is delighted with his treasure the souldier in his victories the wife in her husband Rom. 15.14 5. By our well-doing Psal 37.3 wee must strive to bee full of good works to bee plenteous in well-doing to bee fruitfull trees bearing much fruit as good servants well imploying our talent and so
of death 2 Cor. 2. ver 16. Now a lively faith make's the Word of God as comfortable tidings to the sorrowfull Rom. 20.15 as a word of Reconciliation to them with whom God is at variance 2 Cor. 5.19 as a healing medicine to the diseased Isa 61.2 as food to the hungry as a light to the traveller as dew to the weary ground as good seed to good land Job 23.12 It maketh the Sacrament to bee as a seal to the King's pardon Rom 4.11 to confirm them in the assurance of the forgiveness of all their offences it maketh prayer strong as wings to carry the soul aloft to God Jam. 5.16 it maketh meditation of God and his promises very sweet Psal 104.34 so that to him that beleeveth God's ordinances prove an effectual means to to draw him from sin to turn him from every evil way to bring him home to God to enable him to grow up in all holiness and to walk before the Lord in all well-pleasing this the Apostle intimateth Heb. 4.2 and out of all this it appeareth That everlasting life must need 's bee a fruit of faith Vse This must stir up every man to labor for a lively faith in Christ to rest and rely wholly upon him to get assured interest in him it is not favor with men places of eminency in the world abundance of riches nor any of these external endowments can make a man's daies everlasting this is a fruit growing upon none of the trees in this garden this is a stream flowing from none of these muddy fountains a treasure to bee found in none of these store-houses it is not the valor of the strong the wisedom of the politick the act of the learned the honor of the mighty the pleasures of the wanton the wealth and great abundance of the rich can make their estate everlasting Psal 33.16 17. Psal 49.6 7 8 9. The high cedars are cast down as well as the little shrubs the flowers are plucked as well as the common grass it is onely a lively faith will bring us to everlasting life Therefore use all means to bee made partakers of it with the wise Merchant sell all to buy this pearl Mat. 13. cast away all your sins that you enjoy this gift with the disciples leave the world that you may win Christ Mat. 4.22 with Paul esteem all but dung and dross that you may bee found in Christ cloathed with that righteousness which is by faith Phil. 3.8 9. wait with all diligence at the post of God's house let the Word bee as your dayly food as your guid and counseller let it sink into your souls let it work upon your hearts let it dwell and rule within you that so you at length have the fruition of this faith pray for it desire it long after it as earnestly as ever Rachel or Anna did for children Gen. 30. 1 Sam. 1. go to God in his house in thy family in thy closet morning evening at noon-day at mid-night and beg for a lively faith say unto the Lord Thou art undone thou art but a dead man if God give not this faith unto thee say that all riches pleasures worldly endowments are but hay and stubble as long as this is absent Oh! think of this go about this as about a matter of most need of greatest importance of chiefest use of sweetest consolation and as Naomi said to Ruth of Boaz Ruth 3.18 so take thou no rest till thou hast finished this thing till thou hast by a lively faith joyned thy self in wedlock with the Lord Jesus make a covenant with thy soul in this as David did in another case Psal 132.4 and when you feel your hearts beginning affectionately to lean upon and cleave unto the Lord Jesus pray with the men in the Gospel Mar. 9.24 you shall never have just cause to repent of your labor in this behalf nothing can bring you so nigh to God as a lively faith nothing can give you such access to God nothing can inable you so to prevail with God and to gain so many good things from the hands of God nothing can stand you in such stead and afford you so much comfort the owner of this will not give it for the rich man's gold the noble man's honor the King's renown and the time will come wherein such as now want would give ten thousand worlds if they had them to bee partakers of it therefore while God giveth time and means seek it 2. This serveth for the singular comfort of all true believers if they have nothing but their faith their condition is infinitely more happy than the worlds choicest darling as Prov. 7.1 so the poorest condition of life with patience faith is better than a stalled oxe with unbelief this will supply all wants as the presence of the sun supplieth the want of all lights as David said of Goliah's sword 1 Sam. 21.9 so I may say of a lively faith there is none like that neither riches honors nor pleasures for this maketh both our persons and actions acceptable to God which no worldly furniture can do this in corporateth us into Christ this giveth us the fruition of all the good things which are in Christ this distinguisheth us from all God's enemies bringeth us within God's Covenant breedeth many sweet and glorious relations betwixt God and us and at last bringeth us to peace and everlasting happiness The gain of faith thus unfolded the comforts thereof thus opened and proposed the danger and dammage arising from unbelief presenteth it self in the next place to bee considered which wee shall find to bee a root bearing as many uncomfortable branches loaden with as many sower grapes as the other with sweet a spring as full of bitter as the other of pleasant water for hee that believeth not shall not see life hee that believeth not whose soul cleaveth not unto whose heart resteth not upon the Lord Jesus who buildeth not upon him as on a sure foundation who cometh not to him as to the fountain of living water who getteth not assured interest in him who joyneth not himself in wedlock to him who becometh not to him as the wife to the husband in subjection in affection in use in dependance and in intire union hee that believeth not shall not see life shall not enjoy no nor have the least apprehension or comfortable feeling of the felicity peace glory and fulness of all goodness which true believers shall enjoy in the heavens but the wrath of God diseases uncomeliness shame sorrow torment all manner of misery all kinde of calamity all the testimonies of God's displeasure abideth on him abideth not cometh for wee are born the children of wrath Ephes 2.3 and so continue thorough unbelief therefore this wrath abideth it will not wear with time like a garment it will not overflow the body and soul for an hundred and fifty dayes as the Deluge of old did overflow the earth and then abode Genes 7.24
15. for Isa 55.1 As the cloud freely poureth down his raine upon the thirsty ground so doth God his blessings upon the thirsty Souls of men blessings of every kind both spirituall and temporall of the right hand and of the lest are freely bestowed touching blessings of the most eminent nature our Saviour speaketh Rev. 22.17 touching favours of inferiour condition Psal 104.28 Yea the very wicked drink of the water of this Fountaine and are relieved by the bounty of this hand Iob 22.18 So that the Apostles question may well be proposed to every person 1 Cor. 4.17 and the reason hereof is Reas 1 Because God is the Fountaine of all goodness all blessings are in his store house he is the vine whereon all the grapes grow which nourish our Souls bodies he is the Sun which giveth us light the nurse whose breasts afford us refreshment the Olive tree which filleth our Lamp full of Oile this Nehemiah doth acknowledge Neh. 9.25 Psal 68.9 10. and thus the Prophet ascribeth all the welfare of Gods people to his goodnes Zach. 9.15 16 17. Reas 2 Because we cannot claime nor challenge any blessing or favour at the hands of God we have forfeited all by our sin Ephes 2.12 All things are become impure Tit. 1.15 We have broken the Covenant and have made forfeyture of all we did enjoy so that we can lay claime to nothing by vertue of any promise from God till we be in Christ according to that of the Prophet Hos 2.19 20 21 22. Reas 3 Because the whole praise of all we enjoy belongeth unto God Rom. 11.36 1 Cor. 1.30 31. so 1 Cor. 4.6 7. This is a jewell of which God will not suffer himselfe to be robbed the onely thing that God aimeth at in all his works Isai 42.5 6 7 8. Use This therefore overthroweth the proud and insolent Babel of Popish merit challenging eternall life and glory as a wages due to their labours as a fruit growing upon the trees of their owne planting a harvest arising from a vineyard of their owne manuring for thus they teach Opera bona justorum ex seipsis absque ullo pacto acceptatione digna esse remnueratione vitae eternae 2. Operibus iustorum nullum dignitatis accrementum provenire ex meritis aut persona Christi c. Whereas the Baptist a man of a more sanctified Spirit and profound judgment than any sly and subtle Jesuite taught his disciples that a man could receive nothing unles it were given not merited and whatsoever these Rom●sh Doctours do now teach their Apostatized Romans yet Paul a chosen vessel of God a man that was extraordinarily converted richly endued with the grace of the Spirit in labour more abundāt than any other Apostle taught the Romans of his time that the wages of sin was death but the gift of God was eternall life Rom. 6.23 and our Saviour taught his Disciples Luc. 17.10 Whereupon Hierome si inutilis qui fecit omnia quid de illo dicendum qui explere non potuit and St Paul teacheth that not onely the actions but the passions also added thereunto hold no proportion of condignity with life eternall Rom. 8.18 For should we be able to merit eternall life by our works win the crowne by our owne strength then we should turne the fountaine of Gods favour into a well without water where should there be any place for Gods bounty If we could merit and make salvatiō a due debt then Christ should have spent his labours borne the heavy burthen of afflictiōs undergone the ignominy of the crosse shed his blood in vaine Gal. 2.21 Then there should be no more place for grace Rom. 11.6 Non est in quo gratia intret ubi meritum jam occupavit Bernard in Cant. Ser. 67. therefore Ephes 2 8. and yet we do not take away the reward because we deny the merit of good works for in the keeping of Gods commandements Psa 19.11 and Prov 11.18 But the question is whence he that soweth must expect to reape so great and sure a harvest whether from Gods justice which he must do if he stand upon merit or from his mercy as a recompence freely bestowed out of Gods gracious bounty and not injustice due for the worth of the work performed which question the Prophet Hosea hath sufficiently resolved Hos 10.12 The Lord doth crowne his graces adding an encrease to that which he hath given and inabled us well to use Psal 62.12 giving an encrease of glory according to the measure of grace bestowed so that originally and in it selfe this reward proceedeth merely from Gods free bounty mercy but accidentally in regard God hath bound himselfe by his Word and promise to comferr such a reward so it proveth after a sort an act of justice as 1 Joh. 1.9 The thing promised is free and by us undeserved and if God should faile in performance yet do us no wrong but wrong himselfe and therefore Canaan was called a Land of promise not of merit Dut. 9.5 Neh. 9 8. Ja. 1.12 2 Tim. 4.8 Not just because of our merit but because of Gods promise therefore Augustine fidelis homo est credens promittenti Deo fidelis Deus exhibens quod promisit homini teneamus fidelissimu debitorem quia tenemus misericordissimum promissorem Vse 2 Is every good blessing Gods gift doth it all come from heaven then in all our wants let us addresse our selves to God Whatsoever we want let us seek it at the Lords hand let us not go to Endor Baalzebub Aegypt or Assyria as if there were no God in Israel as if there were no Oile in Gods Lamp no strength in Gods arme no light left in the Sun or his favour let us not go to broaken cisternes but say with Peter Ioh. 6.68 this is that we are commanded to do Amos 5.4 5 6. It is at the Lords gate that we must knocke one begger doth not make supplication at another beggers doore but at the gates of the rich what are all creatures in respect of God but beggars they have no water in their owne wells but what distilleth from the cloud of Gods bounty therefore Mat. 7.7 8. the Lords eares open to heare his hands are open to relieve Exo. 22.23 Though Baal be deafe and cannot heare his suppliants yet the God of Israel will surely attend to the cry of his people let us silence out crying sins let us turne our feet into the path of Gods precepts and the Lord shall heare our requests Job 22.23 to 28. Let us in the sence of our wants in the humility of our Souls draw nigh unto the Lord and then Psa 102.17 Let us pour out our Souls before the Lord as the full clouds do their raine let us cry out as a woman in travell and though we were as dead men yet we shall live Isa 26.16 17 19. Let us not waver but believe we shall obtaine Ia. 16. Let us come
before the Lord with sincere and unpright hearts and then Ps 145.18 19. Let us have no more to do with sin but say as Ephraim to his Idols Hos 14.8 let us take us Words vers 2.3 and then vers 4.5 6 7. Let us win on God with patience and constancy and the Lord at length will look upon us in mercy Heb. 10 35. Whatsoever be our want in the Lord is all fullnes all readiness to supply us therefore as Ia. 1.5 So if thou want faith knowledge patience if thou want tendrings of heart peace of conscience sence of Gods love or any other good blessing aske it the Lord will surely bestow it on thee Hanna was troubled with her barrenness cryed to the Lord he opened her womb Solomon considered the weightines of his calling sought wisedome and the Lord gave him wisedome Sampson was much oppressed with thirst called on the Lord and the Lord gave him water Iud. 15.18 19. In like manner when the barrenness of grace want of knowledge doth afflict thee seek it at the hands of the Lord and the Lord shall grant the supplication of thy Soul unto thee had we but hearts to seek we might enjoy what now we want the ignorant might be full of knowledge the empty Lamp might be full of oile the weake faith which shaketh like a withered reed might be like a Cedar of deep and strong roots the Soul which is like a barren vineyard might be full of grace like the valleys overspread with Corn and good pasture the naked Soul might be well armed richly apparelled the dejected Spirit might be full of comfort the mind that is pressed down with worldly cares like a cart with sheaves might soar aloft as on eagles wings unto the heavens the unstable Soul might be as well fastned the wilderness of the life might be made a Paradise a sweet Communion with God a holy fellow ship with the saints might be maintained much delight might be found in Gods Ordinances Isa 41.17 18 19. Isa 44.3 This must teach us to receive all as from God whatsoever our care labour industry hath been yet let us not look upon what we possesse as upon yarne of our owne weaving fish of our owne taking Hab. 1.16 Upon a house of our owne building as Dan. 4.30 But let us looke on all we have as on Gods blessing a gift from Gods hand a light shining from the sun of Gods bounty though Paul plant and Apollo water the encrease is Gods though Israel fight the victory is the Lords whatsoever evill is in us whatsoever evill is committed by us is the seed of our owne sowing whatsoever evill is inflicted on us is a wages of our owne deserving whatsoever good we work it is the labour of Gods finger whatsoever good we receive it is of the fulnes and freedome of Gods bounty therefore we must all say as 1 Cor. 29 11 12 13.14.15 16. for Prov. 21.31 Therefore let us fasten our eyes on all both internall and externall endowments as on shewers falling from the cloud of Gods love as on gifts given by the Lords hand even the least the meanest as well as upon the fairest of our possessions this will make us the more sensible of Gods love the more ashamed of our ingratitude and disobedience this will the more endeare and oblige our hearts to God this will make us the more thankfull the more circumspect and heavenly minded in the use of them nothing doth more occasion the abuse of Gods blessing than forgetfulnes of the hand whence they have there originall and beginning Ps 78.10 11. 4. This may acquaint us with a sure way how to be provided for in all estates to find a supply in all our wants to have some liccour alwayes in our vessel to refresh us some fruit upon the barrenest tree to relieve us God you see is the giver of every good blessing all cometh from him therefore get into his favour and you shall want no good thing be regenerate become a new creature make God your Father and your wants shall be supplied let the prodigall returne and in his Fathers house there is all manner of provision his Father kindly entertaining him Luc. 15. So let us do c. for as Mat. 7.11 this hath the promise Psal 84. ●● Used as a motive to stirre up men to feare God Psal 34.10 to follow Christ Matth 19.29.30 This will bring us within the Covenant giveth us interest in all Gods blessings we shall be in league and Job 5.23 24 25 26. We shall enjoy security boldnes towards God tranquility and cheerfulnes in our hearts Job 11.13 14 15 16 17 18. It is not a carnall vexing care a greedy heaping up of things of the earth that will be sufficient defence a never setting light a never failing streame but the fruition of Gods love is the way to win it Mat. 6.33 this Psal 23. ● If God be Shepheard he will provide pasture and Ps 37.25 it is iniquity an ungracious conversation that bringeth want Pro. 13.25 Eccles 5.13.14 5. Is every good gift from God cometh it all from him then let us remember that we must give an accompt of all we do enjoy we are not Lords but stewards of Gods blessings such as must yield accompt to God of all our abilities though it be long before the Lord call us yet he will at length require a strict accompt of all our doings how we spent our time our strength our temporall blessing our spirituall graces how they have been improved what increase hath been made therefore as the Apostle said in another case 2 Cor. 1.24 1 Pet. 5.2 3. So in this case use what you have received not as Lords to do with it what you list but as they who must be accountable to the Lord that not onely for the greatest but also for the least blessings as our Saviour said we must render accompt of every idle Word so we must render accompt of every little favour which God hath bestowed on us the time will come Luc. 16.2 Therefore we should think of this that we might be able to do it with joy Heb. 13.16 6. As it is all from God so let us be carefull to imploy it to the honour of God his good ground receiving good seed yieldeth a good increase as the good servant Mat. 25.20 as it cometh from heaven so let us use it in a heavenly manner to the praise of him whose dwelling is in the heavens this their very originall doth challenge Ro. 11.36 This the Dominion that God hath over all doth claime this the end which God proposeth to himselfe in all his works doth require Prov. 16.4 Rev. 4.11 Ephes 1.5 6. and it is the charge 1 Cor. 6.20 and if we neglect this we abuse the gift we have received it is a wrong to the creature to restraine it from the service of the Creator I. It is a wrong to the light