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A20304 XXVII. lectures, or readings, vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues. Made by Maister Edward Deering, Bachelour of Diuinitie Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576.; T. N., fl. 1577. 1577 (1577) STC 6727; ESTC S114746 295,005 510

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ceasse and bynde vp these promises for another people that should beleeue and then the Prophet aunswering againe to God in acknowledging all his trueth goodnesse saith thu s Beholde I and the children that God hath giuen me This is the sense of the Scripture a●…cording to that time But in all deliuerances of the people of God theē the benefite came vpon them only in respect of Christ and it was euer a figure of the greate deliueraunce through him which at last should be openly giuen from death and from the diuel For this cause in all extreme perils of that people whēthey would conceiue any hope they would make mention of their Messias and of the promises of God in him which should neuer be frustrate euen so in this place whē the Prophet would speake certeinly of saluation in the middest of daunger he said of all those troubles they shall happen in thy lande ò Emanuel at the mention of whose name he hath so sure hope that he defieth the world sayth Gather together on heapes ô ye people and ye shal be broken in pieces gyrde your selues and you shal be broken in pieces take counsel and it shal be brought to nought pronounce a decree and it shall not stande for God is with vs so cōtinuing his prophesie all according to the similitude of the happie dayes of Christe he sayth presently in his own person and figuratiuely in the person of Christe Though bothe the houses of Israel stumble and the inhabitants of Ierusalem fall down yet beholde I and the children that God hath giuen me will endure the reproches of men wil beleeue the promises Which wordes in Christ haue this meaning That how soeuer the wicked of the worlde doe fall and are snared and taken yet Christe wil keepe his and not one of them shall perish Now heere we must learne as the Apostle teacheth Was the Prophet Esaic a man like vnto his children that is like vnto those whiche obeyed his worde Then was our Sauiour Christ perfect man like vnto vs whome he hath deliuered from sinne and death and if he haue saued vs he hathe saued those whom God hath giuen him flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone For this is his intercession vnto his Father Beholde me and my children One other thing we must learne in this There was an apostasie of all men so that they which beleeued were made as signes wonders yet how so euer the world was the prophet saith Beholde me and my childrē Such shal be the days of Christ many shall fall away religion faith shal be persecuted iniquitie shall abound What then Our Sauiour Christe saith Lo I and my children if the whole world fall away we would not regarde their multitude to followe them to doe euill but we would alone stande with the Lord our god Such a faith constancie was in Iosua when he saide vnto all the people of Israel If it seeme euil to you to serue the Lord or if you will serue the Gods which your fathers serued beyonde the riuer or the Gods of the Amorites in whose lande you dwell yet I and my house will serue the lord Such a faith was in Elias whē he cōstātly folowed God although he thought there was not one man beside in Israel whiche had not worshipped Baal Such a faith was in Peter when hee sawe all decline euen the disciples and kinsfolke of our Sauiour Christ to fall from him vtterly forsake him yet Peter vowed it vnto Christ that he the apostles would not forsake him shewing a good cause of al their constancie Thou hast the words of eternall life whether should we go Suche a faith was in Paule who cared neither for man nor Angel in this respect but grounded his faith vppon Iesu Christe And if an Angel would teache otherwise let him saith S. Paule be accursed Thus dearely beloued our faith must be sealed in our owne hearts hauing the witnesse of the worde of God on whiche we must so surely rest that thoughe we sawe the whole worlde to fall away yet we would stande alone in the midds of skorners and presumptuous sinners we would speake as the prophet speaketh of our Sauiour Christ Beholde I and my children whiche God hath giuen me If other will needes by vnbeleeuing seale vp the promises that they may neuer see them and binde vp the testimonies that they may neuer heare them let them fall and be snared and be taken yet I and my children will serue the Lorde This boldnesse is the witnesse of a true faith this triall shal be made of men while the Gospel is preached For thus Christ cōmeth vnto his Father when all the worlde forsaketh him Beholde me and my children Here I would faine know of any learned man nay of any wise man or rather of any reasonable man whose heart is prepared to heare the word of God to obey it let him tel me why do they crie The Church the Church Or why do they thinke the Church is alwayes in a visible gouernment Or why do they carrie vs away to Rome and tel vs the Pope cānot erre his faith is catholique beleeue as he beleueth y shalt be safe how cā this prerogatiue of place and person stand with this tryall where vnto Christe calleth so manie Beholde me and my children that is to holde the assurance of their fayth in their owne heart when all the worlde shall be against it The Prophet would then haue said if such priuiledged places had bene Behold Ierusalē I my children wil dwel in it And our Sauiour Christ would haue said Beholde Rome the Citie whiche thou hast chosen I and my children will abide in it but neither Ierusalem nor yet Rome haue any exception the prophet Esaie our sauiour Christe regardeth neither of thē but if Rome or if Ierusalem or if the Pope or if the high priest teache an other fayth then out of the woord of God Beholde I and my children we wil beleeue the Lord beare recorde against Popes prelates they be all lyers All places and all people are brought in order if they teach things that the word of God knoweth not let them beleue it them selues Behold I and my children beleeue an other And is it not trowe you straūge or haue not those mē lost their vnderstāding who yet runne after the cry of the church the church and beleeue a man they know not a place they neuer saw a people they neuer heard a religion they knowe not what But with such froward persons the Lord hath dealt frowardly when they ran headlong they knew not whether and inquired after a say the they knewe not what God in his iustice did bring thē to Rome the sinck in y world of all sinne iniquitie gaue thē their scholmaister to be the Pope a man made of all abhominations and whordomes This
is plaine plainely taught that if we wil be saued by Iesu Christe his worde must be mingled to vs with fayth if wee be of the newe testament belong vnto this couenāt which is made in Christ to the forgiuenesse of our sinnes then we beleeue the word that is preached and the lawes of God are written in our heartes And this S. Paule setteth out so cleare vnto vs that it is impossible impossible I say for any to knowe the Gospel and to be ignorant of it for this is the gospel as Paul saith The power of God to saue all that do beleue do you heare this and do you vnderstand it tell me then what think you of that religion where this preaching of the gospel is holden back nay where they haue bene so enuious vnto it that they haue not suffered the woorde to be in such a language as the people might once reade and vnderstand it The Priestes them selues vpon whome they laied the worke to sacrifice for their sinnes and to whome they confessed their sinnes to haue forgiuenesse of them And what I say will you think of suche a people or what religion haue they doeth not the Apostle say true there is no saluation but by beleuing the worde as it is preached vnto vs and doe they say true that the Masse purgeth our sinnes ▪ the prieste forgiueth them the masse is in latine the priestes ignorāt the people are led with vaine imaginations no faith no worde is in all their doeing but it is no maruel though some men be robbed of their harts and beleeue all the illusions of Sathan for how can a man beleeue the trueth except the spirit of God be in him Pharaoh was not taught by all the woonders y Moses wrought in Aegypt The Iewes were not the wiser for all the miracles whiche Christe wrought before them If such thinges haue happened in the daies before vs though now the Apostles and prophets do all cry Without faith in the Gospel preached you can neuer be saued Ignoraunce is abhomination before God and yet the Pope who taketh the word from vs teacheth vs no faithe couereth vs with blindnes prayseth ignorance in our hearing if we embrace him follow him loue him honour him as Pharaoh did Iannes and Iambres or as the Iewes did Annas and Caiphas let vs not maruel no new thing hath happened in our dayes The Lord hath not lightened their mindes what wisdome can be in them but we will leaue them to him who is iust and mercifull and let vs pray that his woorde may be alwayes mingled vnto vs with fayth that in this greate darknesse of the worlde we may see light One thing else wee may heere marke that it is said the word did not proofit thē because it was not ●…ngled with faith wherby we know it is only faith that com mendeth vs vnto God without which the woorde is in vaine the presence of Christ is in vaine to be his brother sister mother al is in vaine nothing but faith carrieth vs with boldnes into his presence Manie singular proofes of this our Sauiour Christ sheweth in many places when a woman crieth vnto him Blessed is the wombe that bare thee the pappes that gaue thee suck Our sauiour Christ answereth nay rather blessed are they that heare the word of God kepe it When some saide vnto him Beholde thy mother and thy brethren would speake vnto thee he answered again He that doth the wil of my heauēly father he is my brother my mother In another place when cōtrouersie was how we should haue life saluation through him he saith to his disciples The fleshe profiteth nothing it is the spirit that quickeneth noting in al this that not his bodily presence not his kinred not y trauell of his mother nor any thing is imputed vnto vs for right ousnesse but only faith in which we beleeue according to his gospel preached vnto vs y in his death al our sinnes are purged in his resurrection wee are iustified This maketh vs acceptable without this it is vnpossible to please him this the Apostle teacheth vs here when he saith For this cause the word profited them not because it was not mingled vnto them with faith for only faith doth all apprehendeth all ouercommeth all and the gates of hell shall not in the ende preuaile against it and the Lorde increase this faith in vs And let vs pray c. The nineteenth Lecture vppon the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. verses 3 For we whiche haue beleeued do enter into rest as he said to the other As I haue sworne in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world 4 For he spake in a certein place of the seuenth day on this wise And God did rest the seuenth day frō all his works 5 And in this place againe ▪ if they shall enter into my rest 6 Seeing therfore it remaineth that some must enter therinto and they to whom it was first preached entered not therein for vnbeleefes sake 7 Againe he appointed in Dauid a certein day by To day after so long a time ▪ saying as it is said this day if ye heare his voice harden not your heartes 8 For if Iesus had giuen them rest then woulde he not after this haue spoken of another day 9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 10 For he that is entred into his rest hath also c●…assed from his owne workes as God did from his THIS Scripture whiche nowe I haue read vnto you I must needes confesse to mee it seemeth yet somewhat obscure neither hathe God so reuealed it vnto mee that I dare boldly pronounce this it is but submitting my selfe to any better interpretation which shal be shewed of other according to that whiche God hath giuen me so I will shewe you what I think moste likely and so muche the more boldely I will shew you mine opinion because by the grace of God I wil speake nothing but agreeable to all which the Apostle before hath most plainly taught vs You knowe howe earnestly hee hath exhorted vs to harken vnto Christ what fault especially shal make vs neglect it and that is infidelstie what great peril we haue in this sinne that it We shall not enter into his rest Nowe he teacheth and addeth sure arguments to his doctrine howe wee shall auoide so great punishment and so great sinne and how we shal be obedient vnto Christ and that is by faith an humble acknowledgement of him to be our Prophet and a constant beleeuing of all his trueth This doctrine firste hee setteth downe in these woordes For we enter into his rest that doe beleeue This he proueth first by the manifest text afore alledged for it was said To whom I sware in mine anger that they should not enter into my rest meaning the
and rottennesse thy fleshly thoughtes shall breede an vnbeleeuing hart thou shalt be the foole which searcheth the maiestie till he be ouerwhelmed of the glorie for thy God is a spirite and in spirit and faith thou canst only see him Thou shalt nowe hate and detest the Idoll and idoll maker which haue fashioned thy God like vnto an old man with a gray beard which haue made him sit as in a chaire of estate and giuen him Angelles in golde and siluer and flaming fire to sit about him this is shame aboue al shames To say vnto the king thou art a slaue and vnto the nobles of the earth ye are villaines they be words of honour in comparison of this vnspeakable sacrilege to say vnto God thou art like a man Againe when thou saiest thou beleuest in the father the sonne and the holie ghost y sayest wel acknowledging in thine hart three persons one God in a mysterie which thou canst not expresse thy faith is accepted But when y hearest the father to be called the God of all grace the authour of life beeing mouing when thou hearest the sonne called the shining brightnesse and ingrauen fourme of the father of whose fulnesse we receiue al increase of grace when thou hearest the holie ghost called the comforter the spirit of sanctification the pledge of thine election when thou hearest y the father hath eternally begotten his sonne the sonne eternally begottē of the father the holie ghost eternally proceeding from them both in al this shal we learne nothing for more cleare knowlege of our faith shal we not here confesse the person of the father to be the beginning founteine of al goodnes glorie life and immortalitie that we our selues whatsoeuer is vnto vs happie and blessed all is only of his free grace and mercie shal wee not confesse that truely and naturally he is the father and because he hath eternally begotten his sonne that his sonne is one God with him without beginning and shall we not humble our soules faithfully to beleeue this and neuer to search or inquire of how it is for our vaine and corruptible harts how can they see eternal and euerlasting things And because the sonne is the image of his father shall wee not learne that we knowe nothing of God nothing at al of his nature godhead maiestie working will power honour life and continuance for euer nothing I say but what we haue seene heard in Christe his sonne for he is the shining brightnesse of his glorie What haue I to do with men or with the children of men what counsell can mine owne heart minister vnto me I must robbe the sonne of God of his honour or I must confesse I knowe nothing of God but in him only Againe if of his fulnesse we receiue we haue no felowship with god but in him all gace mercie life 〈◊〉 immortalitie to him it beelongeth of him we haue it and for his sake it is giuen vnto vs So likewise when the spirite is sayd to be our comforter to proceede from the father the sonne we confesse he is one in nature godhead with the father and the sonne in personal substance proceeding eternally from them both and because eternally therefore incomprehensibly whiche we beleeue in faith and will not searche by reason only we waite and reioyce in hope till God strengthen our eyes to see his maiestie and then our harts shal be wise to cōprehend this distinctiō of the persons Now this spirit being our comforter we acknowledge that it is the person of the holy Ghost which putteth his grace into our harts to make vs wise faithfull holie and so sealeth vnto vs in full assurance our inheritance that is in Iesu Christ according to the free purpose and good will of God his father Besides all this to confesse the humanitie of our sauiour Christ howe in his owne person he hath borne the punishmente of our sinnes and ouercome the diuell who helde vs in bondage howe he hath sanctified our nature in himselfe and made it meete to stand before the presence of God only by faith freely giuing vs his blessings These and many other things taught vs in the scripture to our exceeding comfort shal we neglecte them learne only the confession of Children I beleeue in God the father God the sonne God the holy Ghoste three persons one God Sure if we wil do thus I see no other but that the little children through gods infinite mercie shal be saued in y litle knowledge that they haue learned and we by his iust iudgments worthy to be condemned for his manifolde wisedome which wee haue despised Then dearly beloued if we wil not alwayes be childrē neuer learned in the word of righteousnesse let vs not only hold the generall principles of our faith but so farre also as particular points are taught and mentioned let vs wisely learne them till we may feele in our selues good increase of Gods spirite to loue him to feare him to walke before him with al our heart in all the wayes which he hath appointed for vs. Now in the wordes following But strong meate is for the perfect whiche through long custome haue their witts exercised to discerne betweene good euil Here appeareth as I said who are childrē who are strong they are children which haue not yet had triall and experience wherby they might bee rooted in faith and confirmed by knowledge against al falshod errour which kind of childhod Saint Paule telleth the Ephesians at the last we ought all to leaue of grow vp in the vnitie of faith and of the knowledge of the sonne of God into a perfect mā to the full measure of our age in Christ that we be not alwayes children wauering carried about with euerie blast of doctrine by the deceipt of men with craftinesse which lie in waite to deceiue And as this is a plaine description of Children so as plainly here the Apostle sheweth who are perfecte men euen those that are able with wise senses to iudge betweene good euill y is who haue their mindes lightned with the word of God so that they are able to trie what is acceptable well pleasing vnto god Nowe dearly beloued if these wordes be plaine enough giue me leaue to beseeche you in this plaine case as Paul beseeched the Corinthians in y like My brethren be not children i●… vnderstanding be childrē in ma lice but in vnderstanding be of perfect age and if you see the plaine and manifest meaning of the scripture what it is be wise and beleeue it and confesse this that we ought to be learned in Gods worde so that we haue good ground of our saith and be able to consute falshod As now in our owne dayes we see the Pope claimeth authoritie that he can despense against the word of God but if our witts be exercised in the knowledge of the
we will change him either for any other or els for al other What so euer glorious names they bring of Fathers Doctours Counsels and suche like boasting words we neither knowe them nor their names if they be ministers of Christ vnto vs their feete are beautifull and their names are honorable if they be their owne ministers wee know them not nor all their glorie if they say they be Doctours we may well say againe they are but Phariscies that will be called Rabbie We haue no Doctour but one and that is Christ he is The Apostle of our profession Now where the Apostle calleth Christe the highe Priest of our profession as we haue learned before if he be our Apostle we haue no other teacher so we learne here if he bee the Priest of our profession no part nor parcell of the office of his priesthoode wee may giue to another but professe it clearly that he is our Priest alone And as the Priest is ordeined to make sacrifice for sinne and to be a mediatour betweene God and man so all this worke wee must leaue wholy vnto him know no other receiue no other professe no other vpon whome we will lay this reconciliation to purge our sinnes and to bring vs vnto God but Christe alone for he is The Priest of our profession he hath washed vs from our sinnes he hath ioyned vs vnto God let him haue all the praise of this saluation Let vs call all the worlde into a reckoning who soeuer they be Popes prelates abbats monks friers heremites ankers their indulgences their pardons their blessinges their orders their garments their vowes accōpt all their works prayers fastings meditations pouertie nakednesse and al the chastisings of their bodies if in al this laid on a heape thou seekest to counterpeise but the least iot of thy sinne thou makest thy selfe thy priest and art an hypocrite or an hypocrits disciple hast denied Christ to be the Priest of thy profession for if he be thy Priest he is thy Priest alone purging al euery one of thy sinnes hath neither fellowe nor helper in his worke but as he hath saide so he hath done and hee hath troaden alone the wine-presse of the wrath of god Beware therefore dearely beloued of such doctours of such doctrine which in the question of forgiuenesse of sinnes carrie away your senses to any man or woorke of mans hand for it is but subtiltie to make you blinde that Christe should not be the Prieste of your profession And as it is thus in the purging of our sinnes so in beeing mediatour betweene God and vs to offer vp our workes our prayers and vs our selues faultlesse before his father there is no other but hee alone for if all Angels would present our prayers yet they could not our thoughts are so euil and our wordes so vncleane that the Angels of God can not make them righteous in his sight But if Christe giue vnto vs his spirite to minister sighes in our-heartes and in his owne righteousnes in whose mouth was no deceite will sanctifie our prayers which are of polluted lipps then wee haue a fre enterance vnto the throne of grace for he hath sanctified him selfe for vs and what so euer we aske in his name we shall obteine for thus neither our prayers are of vs but they are of the spirite of God niether are they presented from vs but from him who is our Mediatour and giueth them his owne righteousnesse to make them accepted and thus in his holie and vnsearchable wisedome findeing a meanes to sanctifie with his holines all that is ours euen vs our selues also hee hath sanctified in him selfe and giuen vs the righteousnes of his humanitie to be righteousnesse vnto our fleshe and so presenteth vs vnblamable vnto his father Thus Christ is the Priest of our profession and in all Christianitie there is no other It greeueth me heere to see the subtiltie of some who with colored words deceiue the heartes of many that are not euill When they would pull this profession out of our mouth they speake not in plaine wordes to byd vs denie that Christ is our Priest for then we would hate them therfore to kepe their credit and yet to worketheir mischefe they stammer in their tongs that the simple should not perceiue them and they say a Mediatour which is one part of his priesthood is of two sortes one of redemption and so is Christe alone another of intercession and so are all the Saints and Angels Thus they stop the mouthes of ignoraunt men then with a harlots forehead boast in their lies But when you meet these Rabbines and Apostles of their owne profession aske of them what they meane by a Mediatour of intercession they may as well say an intercessour of mediation for both are one it is as the Logicians call it a meere nugation For where there is one Mediatour beetweene God and man the man Iesus Christ it is his office to redeeme vs from sinne and to make intercession to God for vs And they rob him of this last parte of his honour who make you beleue it is a seuerall thing belonging to an other as by example we may make this more plaine It is the office of a king to rule ouer bodie and goods in whiche cause God commaundeth our obedience now a froward person that would denie to pay his tribute shall say a King is of two sortes one ouer the bodie another ouer goods my bodie I graunt to any lawfull seruice as due to our King but our Kinge is not onely the King of our goodes and I will bestowe mine otherwise Doe you not see what follie is in this because God hath submitted to Kinges two thinges bodie and goods therfore to say there bee two sortes of Kinges Euen so God hath made a Mediatour bothe to redeeme vs and to present vs vnto God and they blinde your eyes and tell you there be two sortes of Mediatours Surely euen with as good reason they might say because a man hath bodie soule there be two sortes of men one of a bodie another of a soule but to let suche deceiuers go let vs confesse a better fayth and acknowledge that Christe is the one and whole Prieste of our profession And heere let vs not forget this that our religion our sayth our hope is called our profession so he calleth it againe in the fourth chapter verse 14. and againe in the tenth Chapter the confessiou of our hope whereby we learne except wee professe it it is no religion no hope no fayth The Prophet sayth I haue beleeued therfore I haue spoken and S. Paule maketh this common to vs all we haue also beleued and therfore haue we spoken and Saint Paul sayth to the Romanes As in hart we beleue vnto righteousnesse so in mouth we confesse vnto saluation and Sainct Iohn sayth who soeuer shall openly professe that Iesus is the sonne of
God God dwelleth in him and he in god And who soeuer he be that for any seare of man or for any cause maketh it not knowen that thus he beleueth or wil not professe his fayth the scripture testifieth against the thoughts of his heart and sayth plainlie He loueth the glorie of man more thē the glorie of god Let vs not be guiltie of so great sinne for this cause the calling of the Gentiles was so greatly magnified because the name of God should be greate from one end of the earth to the other Howe doe we holde our peace if wee be called in this couenant and not onelie so but what creature is there whiche is his dumbe nature sheweth not out the prayse of his Creatour The Heauens declare the glorie of GOD and the firmament sheweth his hand●…e woorke howe should then man of whome GOD hath bene esspecially mindful ty his toung so excellent a member of his bodie not with it speake forth y praise of God and make the world his witnes what faith he hathe in Christe But of this I spake before in the eleuenth lecture and vpon the twelfth verse Nowe let vs pray c. The thirteenth Lecture vpon the 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. verses to these wordes whose house c. 2 Who was faithful to him that hath ppointed him euen as Moses was in all his house 3 For this man is counted worthie of more glorie thē Moses in as much as he which hath builded the house hath more honour then the house 4 For euerie house is builded of some man he that hath built al things is God. 5 Now Moses verily was faithful in al his house as a seruant for a witnesse of the things which should be spoken after 6 But Christ is as the Sonne ouer his owne house c. I Tolde you the Apostle in this Chapter beginneth a speciall discourse of the prophesie of Christ first as you haue heard making an earnest exhortation for vs to hearken vnto him Nowe he goeth forwarde and teacheth what maner of Prophet Christ is and howe we ought to account him First that he was ordeined of God next that he was faithfull in his calling for he saith He was faithful to him that appointed him for in that the sonne of god was as we haue hard thus made man this was gods appointment to make him our Prophet and in that he was appointed of God he is set forth with his warrant that he did not glorifie him selfe to be our prophet but his father gaue him this honour by his glorious voice sounding out of the cloude This is my beloued sonne in whome I am wel pleased heare him and let vs take heede not to refuse or despise him that is thus sent of God and speaketh from Heauen least we should be found to striue against god And here that it is saide God appointed him wee see the roote and founteine of this loue that Christ should come a sauiour among vs It was not onely in the person of the Sonne who gaue his life for his sheepe but it was also in the person of the Father who so loued the worlde that Hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that euerie one which beleeueth should not perish but haue life euerlasting So that we know as the worke instrument of our saluation is in Iesu Christ God and man who was crucified for our sinnes so the first cause is in God the Father who according to his owne purpose and will hath predestinated vs in Christ before the foundations of the worlde were laide that we should be vessels of honour to set foorth the praise of his glorie who had mercie vpon vs. And as we must giue vnto our Sauiour Christe the glorie of our redemption in the sacrifice of his bodie or else we denie him to be the Sonne of God so we must giue vnto the Father the praise of his mercie that hath freelie loued vs and predestinated vs eternallie vnto life or else we denie that he is the Father of our Lord Iesu Christ for as this is our profession that Christ hath done the deede so this is our profession that God the Father hath appointed him vnto it And as the Apostle speaketh here that God appointed him to be our Prophet so our Sauiour Christ euer acknowledgeth that he was sent of his Father The second thing here witnessed of Christ and in which we are assured he is our onelie prophet we are prouoked to hearkē vnto him is that He was faithful in all the house of God This faithfulnes is truth and integritie in discharge of this office committed to him wherein he set all his care and industrie that he might be found faultlesse that like as he was sent of God to be a Prophet to reueale his will so he did faithfully perfourme it teaching only the doctrine ordinances of his Father as in many places Christ testifieth this faith in his doing My doctrine saith he is not mine but his that sent me Againe I doe nothing of my selfe but as my father hath taught me so I speake And again The words that thou hast giuē me I haue giuen thē How diligently then ought we to heare such a Prophet as hath so faithfully spoken And here we haue all a verie good lesson taught vs in the person of Christ to what calling so euer we be called of God in the same let vs be faithfull if wee be preachers faithfull preachers if we be princes faithful princes if we be iudges faithfull iudges if we be treasurers faithful treasurers if we be merchants faithful merchants what soeuer we bee faithfulnesse must bee our praise for as Saint Paule requireth of all Hee that hath an office let him be diligent in his office so hee giueth this as the prayse of all diligence It is required of euerie dispenser that he be found faithfull and euerie vnfaithfull seruant shal be condemned in his worke in the day that his accompt is called for for he that hath bene vnfaithful in things of this life which are fraile and fewe how can he thinke there shall euer be committed vnto him eternallthings and infinite in number And we must heere also marke that it is say de of Christe He was faithfull to him that called him that is to God for vnto God wee must make our accompt of euery worke It is true that Kinges make their vnder officers but the offices are all of God Kinges serue to appoint the persons in this ministerie of man but God alone appointeth them their work which is the ministerie of his iustice and the safetie of his people of which he also will aske an accompte and before him we doe all that we doe When Iosaphat King of Iudah appointed his iudges and officers he giueth them this charge Remember that now you execute not the iudgemēts of man but of the lord Ther fore in euery office thou bearest the image of
heere taught vs by the apostle The church of God is not found by places and countries it is but a foolish thing to say Here is Christ or there is Christ he is in the desert or he is in the towne but as where the carcase is there are the Eagles so where are men that beleeue in Christ there is his Church This is the Apostles meaning when he saith Whose house are we Now as we haue learned to seeke the church not in places but in the harts of men so in the words folowing the men are also described that by their marks we may know them from other men of the world which are not of the house of God but an assemblie of the wicked It followeth If we hold stedfast the confidence and reioycing of our hope vntill the end Here the Apostle setteth downe three especiall marks and properties by which the Churche and children of God are knowne the first is the ioy of their hope the seconde the assurance of it the third the constancie and perseuerance vnto the end The ioy of our hope is a present feelinge of immortalitie and the glorie of God which the holie Ghost kindleth in our hearts filleth vs with all heauenly gladnes according to the promises preached in the worde of trueth which is his Gospel And let vs not thinke but that God hathe done thus with vs whom he hath chosen to eternall life He hath prepared our hearts to know and feele his vnspeakable gifte which he hath giuen vs for if we should bestow any gifte vpon men we are not so vnwise to giue a precious thing vnto him that knows not what it is we would not giue him a Diamond that would thinke it to be a piece of glasse nor wee would not giue him a pearle that would thinke it to be a graine of salt for so we should leese both our labour and our thankes And shal we thinke the Lord wil so bestow his heauenly blessings will he giue his gifts to those that know them not who can not giue him againe the praise of his goodnes no he will neuer do it but as Peter sayth he hath taken vs for his owne people to the ende we should shewe forth his vertues that hath called vs out of darknes into his maruelous light therefore if we bee in the couenant of his grace appointed to the inheritance of his glorie it is impossible wee should not feele the comfort of it and know the height breadthe of his great mercie and grace If there be a barren and fruitlesse man that knoweth nothing of all this in whose eares the sound of the name of God hath neither feare nor reuerence and in whose heart his knowledge hath neither ioy nor gladnes he is yet a straunger from the church of God and cannot challenge anie part or fellowship of the Gospell of Christe for while he can feele no greater pleasure then of bodily delite his eye to see his eare to heare his mouth to taste his skin to touch why is not the oxe as good as he for these thinges are vnto the oxe as well as vnto him or if honour riches authoritie credite fauour be the things he loue moste and in which he hath greatest comfort what is he better then the Paganes infidels that were before him in whome this desire was as much and this delight muche more abounding then vnto vs for we in respecte of them are beggerly tenants and they in respecte of vs were monarches of the whole worlde If these things coulde make the house of God the house of God were among the beastes of the field or among sauage people worse then beastes whose desires if they be our desires and their delightes if they be our delights we shal be of them and they of vs but the house of God shal be of neither of both for in the house of God is this hope that we speak of a feeling I say of Gods glorie in whiche we haue pleasure more then in all the worlde Let vs take an example of Paule in steede of manie he protesteth thus I accompt all the world to be losse vnto mee yea I accompt it but as doung to the ende I may winne Christe haue thou this heart and thou hast peace and thou hast sealed it that thou art of the house of God and this is it that the Apostle teacheth vs heere in these wordes if we holde this reioycing of our hope stedfast vnto the end Another thinge heere to be learned if wee will knowe our selues to be this house and Churche of God is that as we holde this hope so we must hold it stedfast and without wauering vnto the end for so the Apostle sayth We must haue stedfast assuraunce of our hope he calleth it in the sixt chapter A full persuasion of hope Sainct Paule calleth it His intentiue hope a hope in which he shall neuer bee frustrate So that this assurance and ful persuasion is in a true and liuing hope and it casteth out mistruste and wauering euen as fayth doth for fayth hope cannot be separate neither in nature nor propertie but if you haue fayth you haue hope and as your faith is so is your hope a sure faith a liuely hope a wauering faith a blinde hope for our faith is a persuasion of the loue of God in Christ our hope is an apprehēsiō of the glory which by that loue is giuē to vs. It can not be that we should knowe the loue and grace of God which is our faith but we must know the fruit of his loue that is his glorie eternal life which is our hope if therfore we be sure God doth loue vs in Iesu Christe wee are also sure that God will glorifie vs through Iesu Christe and as our fayth reioyceth in Gods fauour so our hope reioyceth in Gods glorie and as our faith is sure that nothing shall separate the loue of God from vs so our hope longeth after the incorruptible inheritaunce which we feele and knowe is laide vpp in heauen So this constancie and boldenes of our hope without wauering laid vp in our breastes and crying stil within vs Come Lorde Iesu this hope is our warrant we be the house of god And all this I speake more plainely in mo words because there are so many which either cannot or will not vnderstande it for they conceiue no other thinge when wee speake of hope but a desire to haue a thing wherof we doubt if we aske of thē whether they be sure to be saued through Christ they will answer they can haue no assurance for thē how could they hope thus they make them a hope of their owne a new hope which the Church of God knoweth not a doubtfull desire of a thing they wishe in steade of a present feelinge of the thing they long for But let vs be wise hearted and knowe before the Lord as the Apostle
so many make the crowne and garland of their life this also is dullnesse in a little while and this garlande is as withered hay an other thinge must come to take this vp or rather then this should be still we would neuer play while we liued Thus as the night doeth ouertake the day and the day doth driue away the night so our worldly pleasures runne one after an other and the best of them all do not endure long Euen as Solomō sayth The eye is not satisfied with seeing nor the eare with hearing but be the tune neuer so sweete at last wee desire another This flesh and fleshly minde if wee shall bring to our religion can we think you perseuere in the profession of it We cannot no more then the Cat of the mounteine can change her spots or the black Moore can change his colour If therefore we will holde this excellent vertue of perseuerance vnto the ende let vs make a good beginning euen that God who chaungeth not with his holie spirite which neuer forsaketh vs may kindle our heartes with the loue of his trueth which shall nor be quenched for euermore This it is I say let this be our comming vnto the Gospel in this preparation of our heart that our heauenlie Father the God of all grace may giue vs his spirite that we may loue his trueth vnto eternall life This beginning shall haue stil increase and haue at the last a perfect worke but if this bee not it if the loue of God be not all wee looke for if ambition authoritie riches prayse of men if any fleshly affection be with vs when we haue our purpose our woorke is at an ende Or if by occasion the Gospel shall hinder this purpose our religion is at an ende fare well the Gospel Booke and all wee beginne to sing a new maister a newe But ô man blind and folish What is thy glorie but in shame and what is thy song but lamentations and mourning and woe Thou hast gotten in deede a newe maister for thou haste forsaken God who is from the beginning and seruest the croked serpent who was an Apostata afore thee and yet thou haste no newe maister but whome before tho●… seruedst in hypocrisie him now thou seruest in vanitie and he holdeth thee bound euen as he will him selfe Let vs take heede dearely beloued and neuer be ouertaken of such a shame Let vs feele our hope reioyce in it loue the glorie that is set before vs inlarge our heartes to comprehend immortalitie and with all our soule serue the God of glorie Let vs delight in his statutes iudgementes and make them our songes in the night season so we shall knowe we be the house of God we shall haue this perseueraunce whereof I haue spoken and we shall not be confounded for euer Now let vs pray c. The fifteenth Lecture vpon the 7 8 9 10. 11. verses 7 Wherfore as the holie Ghost saith To day ▪ if y●… shal 〈◊〉 his voice 8 Harden not your hearts as in the prouocation according to the day of the t●…tion in the wildernesse 9 Where your fathers tempted me proued me and saw my workes fourtie yeares long 10 Wherefore I was grieued with that generation saide They err●…●…uer in their heart ▪ neither haue they 〈◊〉 my wayes 11 Therefore I snare in my wrath if they shal enter into my rest WE haue hearde hitherto in this thirde chapiter howe the Apostle hath taught that our Sauiour Christe is our onelie Prophet faithfull in his worke euen as Moses was faithfull 〈◊〉 muche more honourable then Moses as the workeman is aboue the house or the sonne aboue the seruant this house which Christ hath built and in whiche he reigneth are euen we our selues if we hold fast what he hath taught reioyce in the hope of it vnto the end Now he addeth another reason take●… of y Prophet Dauid who in spi●… 〈◊〉 this of Christ To day ▪ if you heare his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…y ●…ll circumstances of y time words doth manifestly apeare therfore let vs open our eares heare this excellent prophet and neuer suffer his doctrine to fall vnto the ground to this purpose he alledgeth this long sentence of the prophet Dauid and beginneth thus Wherefore as the holie Ghost doth say he had before exhorted in his owne wordes he addeth now more weight by the authoritie of the Prophet Dauid to pricke them the more that were dull to learne for howsoeuer they woulde otherwise haue made light account of the Apostles words yet to haue despised the admonition of so high a Prophet it had bene intollerable euen among them selues And to the end he might feare them yet more with their sinne if they would not heare he nameth not the prophet Dauid whose words they knew well enoughe but he nameth the holie Ghost who spake in the Prophet that they might know to refuse it were not to refuse a man but God who spake by man vnto them for this purpose he begineth thus Wherfore the holy Ghost doth say and let vs here learne euen as the Hebrues ought to haue learned with reuerence to heare and to obey the worde for it is not the w●…orde of man but of God no●… spoken by man but by the holie Ghost So saint Paule speaking of the scripture he giueth it this title of speciall honour aboue all writinges that it is inspired from God and Saint Peter sayth that prophesie is not of man or mans wisedome but the holie men of God spake as they were carried of the holy ghost This must breed in vs a singular regard of the worde of the Prophets except we bee exceeding blinde for if I do beleue in my heart as I confesse in my tongue that God onely is wise God onely is holie God onely is our Lord then I must needes acknowledge that his worde onely is my wisedome and my vnderstandinge before all people his word is my warrant of all pure hollie and blamelesse religion If I doe confesse that God onely hath immortalitie and is in light that shineth for euermore then must I needs also saye as Peter sayth All flesh is grasse the glorie of man is as the floure of the feelde the grasse withereth and the floure vadeth but the woorde of the Lorde indureth for euer To be short if this be a commaundement vnto me Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me let me holde this as a commaundement from him that I haue no worde of life but his yea whatsoeuer I owe vnto him in the thoughts of my minde in the woordes of my mouth in the workes of my handes in all my life If this be his worde this must be my teacher and in obedience of it I must doe all that I doe make this accompt of the word of God or you make no accompt of it at all and make not this accompt of any other thing or else thou
such like names by which wee call you either we haue this earnest affection to winne you vnto Christ or else in the pulpit also we haue learned to dissemble I note this now bothe to sti●…re vp my selfe and to admonish other for I heare daily such louing names of the people in the preachers mouthes and I pray God as much louing affection may be in their heartes vnto them An other thing in these woordes of the Apostle taught vs is this what the cause is why all the day long the Lord speaketh vnto vs and few regard it and the cause is an vnbeleeuing heart therefore the Apostle saith Take hede there be not in anie of you an euil and vnbeleeuing heart to fall away from the liuing God which wordes he addeth as a declaration of the former wordes of the prophet where he saith It is a people that doe erre in their heartes for they haue not knowen my wayes heere we must first see where is the roote and founteine of our sinne whiche is not farre off from euery one of vs in the East or West or ends of the world but it springeth vp and is nourished in our owne hearts and what soeuer is euill in vs here it hath his founteine in which wee knowe first our sinne is our owne and of our selues it riseth accuse not neither this nor that but humble thy selfe and confesse thy sinne which is bredd within thee It is true we haue many tentations but we could not be ouercome of them if the corruption of sinne were not within vs for our Sauiour Christ was also tempted yet he sinned not the cause was whē the prince of this world came vnto him he founde nothing in him if it were so in vs all temptations should be in vaine but we because we are borne in sinne and no goodnesse dwelleth in our flesh therefore we are streight carried as we moste desire and our owne concupiscence giueth strength to our tentations And againe here we see as our hart is a root of sinne so there is no sinne but commeth from the heart if thy heart accuse thee not be of good comfort thy sinnes are abolished if thy heart condemne thee mock not thy selfe for thy sinne abideth Our Sauiour Christ sayth The things come not from without which do defile a man but they do proceede frō the heart that is within for out of the heart come euill thoughtes murders adulteries fornications thefts false witnesse slaunders all such things as defile a man. A notable sentence and ful of godlie comforte in all our life for when I see so many men vexed in minde this way or that way some vowe pilgrimages some obseruation of dayes some absteine from meates some one thing some an other in this wauering of many my hope is stedfast I fear not meat drink day time place person for all this serueth mee and I serue the Lord before whom whē my heart is fetled in loue and obedience al the world beside cannot defile me Let vs therfore take good heede of this and we take good heede to the safest tower of defence that wee haue in all our life take heede of thy heart for if it accuse thee it will kill thee if it be on thy side let the heauens fall yet the ruines of it shall not make thee affraide let thy aduersaries be who they will let their counsell be neuer so subtile and thy destruction that is conspired neuer so cruell yet if thy heart shal be faithful thine enimies shall feare more then thou they shal be ashamed more then thou for innocencie assisteth thee which is strengthened with the arme of God and is not vanquished of a vaine man Let vs followe then the calling of the Apostle and let vs regarde well our heartes Now as this is the safetie of thy life to haue thy heart cleane so marke these wordes of the Apostle and he wil teach thee how to haue thy hart cleane Let there not be in any saith he an euil hart of infidelitie Infidelitie is it whiche maketh thy heart abound in euill and if by any meanes it can get roome to lodge within thee thy heart is taken and imagineth from henceforth al mischiefe When our Sauiour Christ so manie times reproueth sundrie sorts of men he maketh this as a generall fault of all that They are vnfaithfull and slowe to beleeue When Saint Paul condemneth them as reprobate men which do neuer see the light of the Gospell he maketh this the cause of their sin that The God of this world hath blinded the eyes of their vnbeleeuing heart And if we will be free from so great a plague let vs follow this counsell of the Apostle that there be not in vs vnbeleeuing hearts Let vs be as our Sauiour Christ teacheth Thomas to be not vnfaithfull but faithful Whatsoeuer is spoken in the worde of trueth let it haue within vs a sure persuasion If God say hee wil be our defence and our exceeding great rewarde let vs beleeue the assuraunce of his promise and knowe he will not leaue his Sainctes neither yet forsake them If God haue promised eternall life to those that walke faithfully before him let vs beleeue his word that a thousande thousande and ten thousand thousand yeres before him haue none account neither yet any time which can be expired at the last but aboue all time in immortalitie he hath established a dwelling for his Sainctes If God haue threatened eternall fire to consume and deuour his enimies let neuer our heartes doubt or wauer through the temptations of the diuell but let vs acknowledge it in a certeine trueth and beleeue it as if wee hearde euen nowe the fearefull voice to sound Go y●… cursed into eternall fire With such a beleeuing hearte let mee foresee the latter ende and I shall not sinne for euer But take nowe this feare awaye of those last iudgementes and bring a wauering heart to Gods promises and the sentence is pronounced ouer thee because thou hast not beleeued trueth thou shalt erre in thine hearte and beleeue lyes till vanitie waste away thy yeres and thou fall into the destruction whiche thou shalt feele before thou canst beleeue that it is prepared And let vs not onely beleeue these last thinges of which last of all men must haue experience but in all thinges nowe incident into our life Let vs not be hard hearted but beleeue the trueth what it speaketh vnto vs. If Paule say The glorie of the wicked is to their shame let vs yet while we haue time beleeue it and cast out suche ambitious desires as moste assuredly shall bring confusion If Paule say They that wish to be rich they fall into te●…tations and into snares and into many foolish and hurtfull desires which drowne 〈◊〉 perdition and distruction why do we not beleeue it and why make wee not our affections as straunge from couetousnesse as we wishe to be farre off
from death and from the graue If our Sauiour Christe say If you loue mee keepe my commaundements who hath bewitched vs that we should not beleeue the trueth what meane wee to liue in all excesse of sinne and poure out our selues into riot and yet stil say we loue the Lord Surely dearely beloued one cause is of all an vnbeleeuing heart hath seduced vs Wee think wee eate of the secret Manna when in deede wee seede of asshes We can not see that God resisteth the proude his iudgements are high aboue our reach and therefore we will set vp our owne praise and striue for honour euen vnto death we feare not the shame that we cannot see We knowe not what the kingdome of heauen is neither can we knowe for our eye cannot see it our eare cannot heare it our heart cannot comprehend it neither hath the spirit of God reuealed it vnto vs. and when infidelitie hath thus couered vs it is no maruel though we heare in vaine It is easier for a Camel to creep●… through a needels eye then for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen for we cannot feare where we thinke there is no daunger we can not hope where we loke for no goodnes promises and threatenings are but blastes of wind where infidelitie hath taken away our wisdome let vs now looke into our selues search our heart and reines whether we stand in faith or no for behold this know and the spirite witnesseth it there is no ambitious minde aspiring to honour no vncleane and filthie concupiscence of adulterie no couetous desires of Gold and Siluer no sinful delights of worldly minded men no falling from God for these corruptible and vaine thinges but infidelitie is both roote and braunche the beginning and ending an vnfaithfull heart causeth all in all and let faith but dwell within thee to beleeue the word of trueth know there is glorie and honour and immortalitie and eternall life to those that patiently seeke the Lorde and indignation wrath and tribulation and anguish vpon the soule of euerie man that doeth euill Knowe that the worlde is vanitie and all fleshe is grasse that righteousnesse is perfect blessing and the feare of God is happinesse beleeue this as thou beleeuest thine eyes to see the light of the Sunne or to discerne the darkenes of the night and thou shalt neuer fall were thy ●…ntations neuer so many thou shalt ouercome them till the diuell himselfe doe flie from thee let vs therefore pray and pray continually euen as the Apostles prayed O Lord increase our faith The woordes following heete In falling away from the liuing God they shewe bothe what it is to be vnfaithfull and what worke it hath in vs For to doubt when the Lord hathe spoken or mistrust what hee hathe promised it is to fall away from him and when we beginne in heart to wauer and call into question whether his worde shal be perfourmed or no we lay our selues open to the assaultes of sinne and soone fall away from the liuing God to our owne vanitie And this generall rule that infidelitie maketh vs fall from God wee must particularly applie to all the workes of our life that wee be not hardened as the Apostle saith with the deceipt of sinne If I fall into daunger and mistrust Gods prouidence and seeke worldly meanes and vnlawfull helpe of man for my deliuerance the prophet Ieremie curseth this infidelitie and sayth we withdraw our hearts from the lord If in maintenance of our common wealth we seeke only policies and doe that whiche is wisest with naturall men the Prophet Esay cryeth wo vnto suche for they fall away from God they looke not sayth he vnto the holie one of Israel nor seeke vnto the lord If I vse lying woordes or any deceipte in buying and selling thinking so to wax rich I am a lying merchaunt that am fallen from God and as Solomon saith The bread of deceit shal be sweete but for a while and then my mouth shal be filled with gra●…ell and therfore that we may not at last be ashamed and be guiltie of this great sinne to forsake the liuing God let vs take heede there bee not in anie of vs an euill heart of infidelitie It followeth now But exhort one an other daily while it is yet called to day As before the Apostle taught vs to beware of the sinne so like a wise teacher he telleth vs heere how wee shall doe it that is by daily exhorting one another So Sainct Paule when hee would persuade the Thessalonians to walke as children of the light and as in the day time he setteth out this rule vnto them Exhort one an other edifie one another and this is the discharge of that great commaundement Loue thy neighbour as thy selfe as appeareth by the lawe that is written Thou shalt not hate thy brother from thine heart but thou shalt reproue him suffer him not to sinne Thus the Lord hath ordeyned and this duetie he wil aske at our hands in which he wil iustifie vs or else condemne vs Sainct Iames sayth He that conuerteth a sinner from going astray let him know it he shal saue a soule from death shall couer a multitude of sinnes Solomon sayth The fruite of the righteous is as a tree of life and he that winneth soules is wise And the Prophet Daniel in cleare and absolute words speaketh plainly They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne manie to righteousnesse shall shine as the starres for euer and euer This duetie I confesse is chiefly the ministers then the magistrates then the fathers and maisters who are all accordinge to their calling guiltie of bloud if men perish in their gouernement for want of instruction but yet this duetie is also cōmon to all and none excepted we ought all to edifie and exhort one another There is no excuse of ignorance there is none so simple but hath learned the royal law Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe In breach of this duetie who is so simple but he can sometime espie the sinne of his brother In this let him exhorte him after his skill for though hee haue receiued but one talent yet must hee occupie that else hee shal be condemned for a wicked and a faithlesse seruaunt Looke therefore vnto this and watch euerie one ouer his brother that he may confirme him in the grace of Christ. We haue often meetings for the comfort of our life and many brotherly feastinges are amoung vs Take heede we drinke not our wines in carued bolles and haue sweete musicke at our tables and none of vs as the Prophet sayeth remember the affliction of Ioseph that is I meane and none of vs care for the adulterie drunkennesse gluttonie blasphemie of his brethren for if our meetinges be
againe another time for thou knowest not whether he will returne or not Seeke him therfore where he may be found and call vnto him while he is neere at hand The seconde pointe the Apostle stoode vp on was that If we heare his voice we should not harden our hearts teaching vs that onely by faith wee shoulde bee fruitefull hearers And if infidelitie beare rule in our heartes all preaching and teaching is in vaine and the voyce of Christe can bee vnto vs but a sauour of death vnto deathe therefore when wee heare him speake let vs faithfully receiue the Gospell of saluation at his mouth or at the mouth of his minister knowing he is our onely prophet giuen of God vnto vs of this the apostle now concludeth in the first of this chapter Let vs feare therefore least at any time this promise of entring into his rest being forsaken any of you may seeme to be depriued by this conclusion yet once againe exhorting them that they would not neglect their onely prophet calling them so at last be frustrate of their vaine hope Let vs heere lay together these sayings of the Apostle in the beginning of the second chapter when he had proued our sauiour Christe to bee God he saith Wherefore my brethren we must carefully hearken to the things we heare least we fall away as water In the beginning of the thirde chapter when hee proued him to be mā also like vnto vs except sinne he addeth Therfore my brethren partakers of the heauēly calling consider the Apostle and highe Priest of our profession Iesus Christ After againe when hee had proued our sauiour Christ to be our only and faithful Prophet he confirmeth his doctrine by the woorde of the prophet alledging this exhortation out of him To day if you wil heare his voice harden not your harts c. Againe applying these woordes of the Prophet he saith See my brethren that there be not in any of you an euill heart of vnbeliefe Now heere againe as a conclusion Let vs feare lest this promise of entring into his rest beeing forsaken we should seeme to be depriued And as though all this were not inough in the eleuenth verse after he sayth Let vs therfore be diligent to enter into that rest that no man fall into the euil example of disobedience And yet againe in the end of this chapter Seeing wee haue a greate highe Priest that hath pearced the heauens euen Iesus Christ the sonne of God let vs hold fast our profession c. What shall wee thinke of all this what meane these often exhortations surely dearelie beloued nothing else but that wee bee dull of hearing and exceeding harde to learne for tell mee notwithstanding this exhortation so often made are there not ●…rowe you many among vs which yet regarde it not yea and yet if againe and againe hee should crie vnto vs would wee all obey his voice wee would if wee were wise but foolishnesse is so wrapped vp in our heartes that I am affraide all the exhortations not onelie here made by the Apostle but all other that haue bene made vnto vs thirtie fourtie fiftie threescore yeeres haue not yet taught vs all that be heere this day with singlenesse of heart and with synceritie to loue the Lord and is it then any maruell though the Apostle hauing compassion on his brethrens ignoraunce doe this often exhorte them in one thing and if wee be weake subiect to the same infirmities y they were let vs think it is necessarie for vs Only I beseeche you take heede that seeing God hath this mercie vppon vs which he had vppon our fathers that his word is thus vnto vs Precept vpon precept precept vpon precept let not vs be againe as they were that notwithstanding all these often and earnest exhortations so plaine to vnderstand yet that the Lord speake vnto vs as with a stammering and a straunge language that we vnderstand nothing for alas dearely beloued how vnprofitable were that for vs and how much better were it wee had neuer heard at all then so often to refuse the Lordes calling let this therfore be our wise vnderstanding in this case and that whiche so often is tolde vs let vs at the last truelie learne it Now touching these wordes of the Apostle that he saith let vs feare that wee lose not this rest promised vs we must not take it as though the Apostle taught that the elect should feare as though they might fall from their hope or that their election were not sure for you haue heard before howe hee saide We must hold the reioycing of our hope with all assurance and constancie vnto the end but heere wee muste consider to whome the Apostle speaketh that is to such as are farre off from a true fayth which haue shewed no great regarde to the voice of the Lorde Iesu whiche are yet in many tentations of sinne doubtful to be carried away with the deceites of it As if at this day the apostle should preach when we see so many worldly minded men so few hungering and thrusting for heauenlie things in this case and to suche people considering their outwarde woorkes the Apostle sayth let vs feare as in deede there is iust cause of feare for when there is scarce in vs anie zeale of God scarce any loue of righteousnes but all our thoughts doe wander in worldlie vanitie if in this case we should boast of our faith were it not good to byd vs feare to take heede that we be not deceiued and what is this against the assuraunce of the faythful that the Apostle biddeth them which are not yet called in holinesse to feare lest they be deceiued in their vaine hope If it be heere sayd the Apostle includeth also him selfe and therefore this feare is also in the most godlie I deny not but in other places of scripture feare is commended vnto the most godlie but the cause of this is because we be all weake full of infirmitie readie to sinne as we see in Dauid in Ezechias in Peter in all the Sainctes of God and therefore this feare is commended in them which is a good care and regarde of their weakenes that they fall not a care that may driue ou●… securitie not a feare to take away the boldenes of faith So when we are bid to feare it is as when wee are byd to watch to be sober to stand with our loynes gyrded to haue before vs the wayes of God with reuerence and obedience it forbiddeth presumptuous and vaine boasting of saluation when the glorious and fearefull name The Lord thy God is not regarded of thee So when Saint Paule commendeth our faith he addeth Be not yet high minded but feare and Iob sayth If I haue done righteously I will not lift vp my head This feare is a feare of falling into sinne least wee should offend so mercifull a Father it is not a feare of falling from his grace least hee should
heere in this word Let vs studie we haue a plain interpretation of that he said in the first verse let vs feare for the whole verses that and this as you may see haue one and the same meaning there hee saith Let vs feare lest forsaking the promised rest we seme to be fr●…strate that is lest by such vnfaithfulnes as was in them wee also make the promise to vs in vaine here he saith Let vs studie to enter into this rest least wee fall into their example of vnfaithfulnesse thus the exhortation beeing all one it is manifest that this worde Let vs feare which he vsed first hath the meaning of this word Let vs studie which he vseth now so that this is as I told you then y feare of gods children a careful studie in deuour to walk faithfully before god And an other good lesson we may here learne sith the Apostle saith let vs studie it is plain we ought not to nourish in vs as the manner of the world is a carelesse securitie to speake and think of our hope in God with a secure mind as if we cared not greatlie for it or longed not much after it such a carelesse minde is altogether vnmeete for the profession of the gospel of Christ and it is a thing that we do all vnderstand none can excuse him selfe by ignorance we know the fault by the tryall of our owne hart when we think of God and his heauenly kingdome what parte and fellowship we haue in it wee can tel how our heartes are then affected if it bee our ioy our comforte our consolation if it drawe our delight and studie after it then are we children of that kingdome then we obey this calling of the Apostle which is here Let vs studie to enter into this rest but if we can think or speake of the kingdome of heauen as wee would speake of farre countries for talke sake to heare what is sayde of them but without any care whether we see them or no then we are seduced with the deceit of sinne and this exhortation of the Apostle is made in vaine vnto vs And let vs not here deceiue our selues to think wee haue our cares for the life to come when wee haue no care at all for it our nature is here verie blind beleeueth easilie her owne vaine fancie not onely Scribes and Phariseis and suche frowarde sinners doe presume much of their owne righteousnesse glorie in them selues but euē Gods good people are soone beguiled with selfe-loue the Corinthians talked much that they were wise that they were spirituall holy men but Saint Paule saith vnto them Seeing such contentions emulations sectes are among you you are yet children and you are carnall So we dearly beloued if we wil say we feare before God our care our study our hart is in the kingdom of God yet we laugh when we talke of his iudgmentes make our ieastes and rymes with his holie woorde or if we be nothing moued in spirite when wee speake of it then are we not studious but carelesse secure negligent we heare not this exhortation of the Apostle Let vs studie to enter into his rest and thus is this exhortation ended made out of the woordes of the Prophet To day if you will heare his voice harden not your hearts c. It followeth now For the word of God is liuely mightie in operation and sharper then any two edged swoord and entreth through euē to the diuiding asunder of the soule the spirit and of the ioynts of the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughtes and the intents of the heart neither is there any creature which is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked open vnto his eyes with whom we haue to doe In these wordes the Apostle setteth out the nature of the worde of God vnto vs vppon what occasion wee may easily see he hath taught that Christe is our onely Prophet and we haue no other schoolemaister to teach vs and instruct vs in the wayes of God he hath also earnestly exhorted vs to heare his voice and faithfully to harken vnto him lest we fall into the condemnation of others who haue bene despisers afore vs and whose iudgement we should not escape for the word of God woundeth euen into the soule of the sinner thus hee commeth to this description of the strength and force of Gods word as may appeare by his owne woordes going before lest we fall into the same example of disobedience thus prouing it y we cannot escape because the word is so strong and mightie And this doctrine of the Apostle let it this day be our instruction if we do beleeue or if we think the Apostle saith true that the word of God hathe so greate power in it let vs regarde it let vs giue our feare our reuerence our obedience vnto it for how great a sinne must it needes bee to despise a thing that is so precious and howe great peril is there in it to prouoke a thing against vs whiche is so strong If it were but the roaring of a beare or Lion it would make any of vs affraid yet could it but only pearce into our eares if it be but the voice of thunder it seemeth to make the verie earth to shake yet is it but a bodily sound and the spirite heareth it not a whitt what then When he speaketh whome the marrow within our bones doth heare how truly saith the prophete of him his voice shaketh not only the sea and the drie land but the verie heauens also and can we haue yet any excuse if we heare not him that speaketh so lowde If we beleue not him to whom our own hearts beare witne●…e of his trueth or if we heare not his word whose voice shaketh both heauen and earth or are we born of God if so great vertue power of god haue no feeling in vs No no be not deceiued God is not mocked his sheepe heare his voice we are not borne of him but we are born of hard rocky mounteins a stonie generation nourished and sed of cruel Tygres if such instruction such teaching preuaile not with vs Heare then dearely beloued heare learne that we may be edified let our harts be softened that we may haue the wordes of God written in them And seeing wee haue so excellent a prophet let vs be thankfull scholers and growe vppe in the knowledge of his doctrine if at it neuer be imputed vnto vs that wee haue hardened our hearts and would not knowe his wayes And to the end we may take the more heede let vs marke these words of the Apostle in which he setteth out vnto vs the great force of the woorde of God The woord of God saith he is liuely and sharper then any two edged sworde c. This place is well to be weighed of vs for of purpose the Apostle speaketh to teache vs what the worde of
God is and what power it hath both to quicken the faithfull and wounde the disobedient vnto death wherevnto so euer the Lorde doeth sende it it shall do his will no time no place no person can possiblie chaunge it no creature can breake the force of it the worke that is appointed for it to do it wil assuredly bring to passe Let soule spirit ioynts marow heart and thoughtes striue still against it it will wound all and pearce through as a sharpe sworde euen as al things are naked and bare before the eyes of the lord who speaketh neither let any man euer thinke whosoeuer he be that heareth or readeth this worde of God but that it worketh in him the will of god Euen all we here present this day when after this sermō ended we shal returne to our calings know it assuredly think on it as you are in your way y the word spokē is entred into you if it haue quickned your faith it is the word of life if it haue kil led your old affectiōs it is the seed of your new birth if it haue don you no good it hath detected your cor ruption accuseth you in your own cōscience for change it you shal not make it fruitlesse you cannot there is no defence against the strokes of it but it pearceth through to the place to which it is sent if it light in faithful places it bringeth the power of God vnto saluation if it fall where infidelitie is or disobedience it maketh the hart as flint or as an Adamant stone This is the effecte of the Apostles meaning in these wordes whiche you haue hearde The prophet Esaie to the same purpose vseth an apt similitude who speaketh thus in the name of the lord Surely as the rayne commeth downe and the snowe from Heauen and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and maketh it to bring forth and budde that it may giue seede to the sower and bread to him that eateth so shall my worde be that goeth out of my mouth it shal not returne vnto me in vaine but it shall accomplish that which I wil it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it This Iohn Baptist taught vs going before Christ to prepare his way when hee cryed to the people Euery vallie shal be filled and euery Mounteine and hill shall bee brought lowe crooked things shal be made streight the rough wayes shal be made smoothe and all flesh shall see the saluation of God meaning hereby that all offences and stumbling blockes should bee taken away no power in the worlde should be so greate which should not giue place to this word whiche is the power of God to saue all that doe beleeue The scriptures are ful of suche testimonies of the nature and strength of Gods worde to teache vs bothe to feare before it and to humble our selues for it wil preuaile and also to try our heartes that it may haue in vs a good and profitable work rather to renue vs in the spirit then to harden vs in the deceits of sinne but let vs now come to the words of the Apostle examine thē in all their proper meaning It is said first The word of God is liuing which propertie may be atttributed to the worde of God in diuerse respects first in respect of vs because it quikneth vs into a spirituall life and without it we are in darknesse in the shadow of death therfore it is a liuing word and the seede of our new birth So Sainct Paul saith to the Corinthians In Christ Iesu I haue begotten you through the gospel And S. Iohn sayth Of his owne wil hath he begotten vs with the word of life expreslie calling it the liuing worde or the worde of life because it quickneth vs as I saide into a spirituall life wherin without all doubting we are taught assuredlie to know that if euer we will become the children of GOD that we shall no more liue our selues but what Christ may liue in vs thus we must be borne and thus we must be made a new in takeing into vs the seede of the worde of God and then as new borne babes desire the sincere milke of it that we may grow thereby in the fulnesse of our agee in Christe If the Papistes did well vnderstande this they should also vnderstand with it that them selues were bastards no children as being borne of mortall seede of fathers of counsels of decrees of Popes not of the immortall seede whiche is the woorde of god Another cause why the word is called liuing is in respect of it selfe because it is eternall and abideth euer according to the nature of the liuing God whose word it is so Sainct Peter expresly calleth it where he saith we be borne of a newe immortall seede by the word of the liuing God and abiding for euer therefore attributing life and immortalitie vnto the worde because it is of the liuing and immortal God of which we ought to learn that there is no wisedome no instruction no discipline by whiche we can apprehend eternall life but only the wisdome and instruction of the worde of God for what an absurd thing is it that the wisdom of man which is vaine as man is vaine which is transitorie earthly is abolished should leade mee into that life which fadeth not but is eternall in heauen yea what an absurd thing I say is it seing we ourselues and all that is in vs before the presence of the Lord must needes be changed so that no man possible cā see him and liue yet to think that our wisdome can leade vs vnto him or our reason can approche vnto the places where his glorie dwelleth Surely dearly beloued this is much more folie then to seeke to gather grapes of thornes or figges of brambles for it is to seeke for light in darkenesse and for life in death for out of a corrupt minde a froward heart we seeke for holie obedience and immortalitie as many as say that without the word of God they can please him the papists do not yet vnderstād this and therefore they wearie them selues with their owne inuentions and multiplie ceremonies in their churches which God will cast out as he hath begon til their madnesse be made manifest to all nations An other cause yet there is why the worde of God is called Liuing and this cause moste agreeable to this place That is because it enteret●… with power into euerie part of vs so that as our life is dispersed into euerie parte and we feele it both in griefe and pleasure euen so the vertue of the woord of God pearceth into euerie member to bruise as the prophet saith the verie bones or to fill them with marrow and fatnesse this sense is plaine and agreeable to al the words following and in this same meaning Solomon calleth it also A liuing worde as his words are plaine The
because otherwise the scripture would bee hard vnto them Againe because it was ashame after so longe time to haue profited so little Nowe he exhorteth them by shewing the great hurte which shal be vnto them by their ignorance and rudenesse ▪ and sayth that while they are such they can neuer knowe the pretious and hid treasure of righteousnesse whiche Christ hath giuen onely to those that are wise and haue learned his blessed Gospel For better vnderstanding of this you muste knowe this figuratiue speeche of the Apostle of milke and strong meate by milke he meaneth the generall principles of doctrine as him selfe after declareth as of repentance of faith in Christ of baptisme of the resurrection and suche like set out breifely in generall tearmes and according to the capacitie of Children with whiche they are prepared to the kingdome of heauen and must still growe vp in more vnderstanding till they doe see with all the saincts the higth the deapth the length the bredth of Gods vnsearchable goodnesse in Iesu Christ which the Apostle calleth here the word of righteousnes Now if we wil abyde stil in our first instruction when gray hayres shal be mingled with our black yet then still we will be children in vnderstanding the Apostles wordes shal be iustified in vs we are not meete disciples of the excellent knowledge of the Gospel for he that is still at his milke hath not yet tasted of the worde of righteousnesse which is strong meate And it foloweth in the Apostle For strong meate belongeth to thē that are of perfect age which through long custome haue their wits exercised to discerne good euill In these words the Apostle maketh it more plaine what is milke and what is strong meate and why they are so called that is milke which agreeth to beginners and such as haue little experience that is strong meat which is for olde practitioners such as haue wisdome to iudge betwene truth falshod And thus much briefly of the sense of the woordes out of which what instructions we haue to gather for our owne edifying I will speake more at large God willing the next time Now let vs praye c. The 26. Lecture vpon the 13. 14. verses before mentioned so forth vpon the 1. 2. verse of the sixth Chapter 13 For euerie one that vseth milke is inexpert in the word of righteousnesse for he is a childe 14 But strong meate belongeth to them that are of age which through long custome haue their wits exercised to to discerne both good and euill CHAP. VI. 1 THerefore leauing the doctrine of the beginning of Christ let vs be led forwarde vnto perfection not laying againe the foūdation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God. 2 Of the doctrine of baptisme and laying on of handes of the resurrection from the dead and of eternall iudgment WE haue heard alreadie what reprehension the Apostle hathe hetherto made of the slackenesse of the people in learninge the mysteries of Gods word First because they haue beene so carelesse that they haue made the word hard vnto them that they cannot vnderstand it where I tolde you y who soeuer he be that accuseth the scripture of hardnesse the Apostle concludeth against him that he hath a hard dul hart Secondarily he rebuketh them in respect of the time which hath beene so long that they might nowe haue taught other yet they neede to bee taught them selues yea euen the beginnings And heere I wishe vs to looke well vnto our selues for all men knowe how longe the time hath beene in whiche the Gospell hath beene preached vnto vs and howe little we haue profited God knoweth Thirdly hee blameth them for their slacknesse because by it they spoile themselues of a great treasure for while they be thus rude and ignoraunt the worde of righteousnesse that is perfect knowledge can neuer be taught vnto them neither can they bee partakers of the excellent knoweledge of the gospel of Christe but it is vtterlie impossible euen as it is for children to eate stronge meate Then he sheweth who be strong euen those that haue their wisedome perfect so that they can iudge betweene good and euill To this purpose are these laste wordes of the Apostle Euery one that vseth milke is inexpert of the word of righteousnesse for he is a childe but strong meate is for the perfect whiche through long custome haue their wittes exercised to discerne good and euill Firste wee haue heere to learne this principle of Christianitie he that is rude and ignoraunt can not apprehend the excellent knowledge of the Gospell of Christe that is he that can say no more but this I beleeue in one God wee muste repent vs of sinne we are saued by faith we must worship God in spirite and trueth we are baptised in the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghost we beleeue the resurrection of our bodyes we looke for eternal life and suche like confessions in generall wordes though where this is confessed with a single heart and a minde willing to learne more God may and will for his Christes sake accept it vnto saluation yet we that haue receiued of the Lorde bothe time and abilitie ought more exactly to vnderstand if we wil not bee despisers of the manifolde graces of God as for example the childe is taught that there is but one God aboue al and to worship him alone whome he confesseth in three distinct persons the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste Surely a young Christian man which with this faith shoud humble him selfe before God and crye Our father which art in heauen no doubt God would heare his prayer yet notwithstanding seeing this mysterie is not onely taught in generall termes but is set out also in more particular pointes in knowledge of al we must looke for the fulnesse of our comforte and reioycing that now we haue in god Thou sayest I beleeue in God the father almightie thou sayest well and it is a holy confession if thou haue hearde no more but if thou hast also learned that God is a spirit not of the nature of man not like vnto the idols of the Gentiles not like vnto any creature that thou hast heard or seene but a nature of maiestie glorie incomprehensible and aboue the thoughts of man then thou oughtest heere to exercise thy senses with wise meditations howe greate and glorious the Lord is whome thine eye cannot see thine heart can not conceiue no creature in Heauen or earth can resemble vnto thee so thou shalt learne obedience to say vnto thy senses and vnto thy naturall heart what haue I to doe with you All carnal cogitations and thoughts of man be they neuer so high of Kinges and Emperours of golde and precious stones they are vile filthy to cary into heauen if thine imaginatiōs will resemble them to the God of glory thou doest but fill thy soule with corruption
not themselues but God spake within them Whē soeuer were the time whatsoeuer were the meanes whosoeuer were the man wheresoeuer were the place whatsoeuer were the people yet the wordes were the Lordes And whosoeuer he be in the church of God from the beginning to the ending to whome this ministerie shal be committed if he will be numbered with Patriarches and Prophets Apostles and Pastours and with our Sauiour Christe himselfe whatsoeuer he speake Let him speake as the word of God. For this couenant God hath made with al his seruants euen as the Prophet Esaie saith My spirite which is vpon thee my words which I haue put in thy mouth shal not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seede nor out of the mouth of thy seedes seede from henceforth ▪ euen for euer And in deede whose words else should diuide betweene the marrowe the bones but his onely who alone searcheth the hearts and the reynes Or whose wordes should kil our earthly affections but his alone who giues the sworde of the spirite And we whose messingers are we Or of whome are we sent Is not God our Maister and shall we not make our account to him according to that which we haue receiued of him We must looke vnto our owne charge and for all other men though they seeme to be pillers what they are it skilleth nothing to vs we are not accountable by their giftes Augustine Ambrose Ierome Gregorie or any else they had their owne charge of God and we haue ours by warrant from God they did speake and so must we If I speake out of the fathers of the Church and know it to be the word of God why do I attribute it to man rather then to God whose trueth it is Or if I speak of the Fathers and knowe it not to be the word of God be it neuer so true in the doctours mouth in mine it is sinne because I speak not as I am taught of god This I speake not so much for the papists whose heartes and soules the decrees and decretalles haue stolne away and left them without vnderstanding But I speake it because of brethren who knowe not their calling but fill the pulpites with doctours and counsels and many vanities where they should onely speake the word of God that our agreement may be with the Apostles and Prophets and with our sauiour Christ. Nowe let vs see the differences here spoken of betwene our Sauiour Christ and all other prophets what we may learne of them The firste is the doctrine taught by them was at diuerse times reuealed but that which Christe teacheth is reuealed but once And this is twise after expresly noted by the Apostle himselfe as in the ninth chapter Now at the latter end Christ hath beene once reuealed And in the xii chapter Yet once will I strike not onely the earth but the heauens also And this it is whiche sainct Iude saith of the christiā faith that once it was giuen to the saints which once doth mean the time of Christ in earth for so he saith it was by his sonne For though the Apostle yet vnderstoode not all and the spirit was after giuen them yet the same Spirite did but more lighten them in such things as Christ had also taught them By this we learn boldly to refuse it accoūt it as bastard doctrine whatsoeuer is sprong vp since cōmeth vnder the warrant of a mortall man as namely the idolatries of that mightie king and priest Prete Giam of the Abizannes in Africa and the idolatrie of the great Cam king and priest of the Tartarians in Asia and the idolatries of Ismael king and priest of the Persians and the idolatries of Mahomet king and priest of the Sarasins and the idolatries of the Pope and Papall men this day kings and priestes as proude as the other And of these what sects soeuer haue sprong of Homares or Halys Cuselbasoe or Casaboe of decrees decretalls Thomists or Scotists white friers or black that eternall Gospell as they called it more then 300. yeares since deuised at Paris the reuelations of S. Brigitt all other doctrines and expositions we must cast them away so many as came not in the warrant of our Sauiour Christ once preaching vpō earth which because it was once it cōfuteth all after it and abrogateth all before it which had diuersitie of time as the Apostle himselfe gathereth ca. 12. 27. The second difference that the doctrine of Christ is taught after one sort For though first were miracles and nowe none firste Apostles nowe none these were but meanes to confirme the preaching the word onely was the power of saluation which is the same it was then Whiche because it is but one therefore it is perfect For if any way before had bene absolute in itself there should none other haue come after it but it pleased not God to giue the glorie vnto all those maner of reuelations but reserued it to the preaching of the gospel which he hath made his owne power to saue all that do beleeue giuen it so great grace that it worketh more mightily then all miracles and pearceth deeper into the hart of man then any maner persuasiō yea though one should arise frō the dead to speake vnto vs And therefore we may condemne that whiche before vs was done in building monasteries vowing of pilgrimages praying for the dead their masses diriges honouring of saincts setting vp of Crosses and such like For howe were these thinges taught vnto men Not by preaching the Gospel but for the most part men were driuen vnto it by feare terrour of the night as we may see in their owne books legendes But as it was so it is come vnto it and the darkenesse hath couered it out of whiche it sprang The third difference here is that that was old therefore abolished for it cannot be but that which waxeth elder and elder must at last vanish but the testamēt of Christ it is still new yea though it were frō the beginning yet it is still the same and the day passeth not in whiche it was giuen but it endureth with the age of mā And therfore it is no sacrifice of the new testament to haue a masse which waxeth olde and when it is done is not but you must haue a newe so fill your number Neither yet is it possible that works should iustifie which also wax old are forgottē so that the righteous man of an hundred yeare olde if he leaue then his righteousnes it hath none accoūt The saluatiō of y world it is not thus but alwayes new if once I be in this couenāt it is an euerlasting couenant I was not taken vnder cōdition of time nor no time shal preuail against me The saluatiō it self it is not changeable as Ad●…s was in Paradise but it is made sure in the bodie of
Christ vnited with the person of his Godhead so the ways in which we are led vnto it they are imutable our faith is not quenched our loue not extinguished our hope faileth not nor the holy spirit can euer be takē from vs but still they are newe euen to eternall life The fourth difference is in the fathers with whō the first couenāt was made who though they were al called in Iesu Christ yet was there a difference of their honour euery one more exalted as God approched more neere vnto them So Abraham his posterity were a more honorable people then the other before him So the Israelites that had receiued the law dwelt in the land of promise had greater blessing then their fathers in Egypt So Iohn Baptist more then all Israel But now they that are called of Iesu Christ by his owne voice in him crucified before their eies haue a●…eined a singular honour the least of them touching their calling are greater then al Patriarches Prophets And these al in like precious faith like spirit like promises like couenāts like accepted of god euery man in his own measure of grace No difference of Iew or Gentile learned or vnlearned but al haue throgh faith one entrance vn to the throne of grace that I neede not say now O Lord remember Dauid nor the couenāt made with Abraham But O Lord remember me the couenant which thou hast made with my fathers house For vnto all both those that are nigh and those that are far off there is but one couenant in Iesu Christ whome now we knowe not according to the flesh And this excellent glorie of Christian men dearly beloued as oft as I remember it it grieueth me to thinke vpon the madnesse of some who call them selues spirituall other temporal themselues clergie and other layitie them selues regular and other secular themselues they should say straungers from the Lord Iesus and other the liuely members of his body For what is it else to make this difference but to denie the brotherhode in the calling of Christe The fifte difference is that God then spake by his Prophets now by his sonne by Prophets meaning the continuall succession of Prophets in all ages For as they were men taken away by death so it was necessarie other to come in their places And because no Prophet was able to giue his grace to other or of his fulnes make other learned in the mysteries of God but they were al taught of the Lord therefore they had the credite of their worde euerie one in himselfe and none iudged by anothers gifts But so it is not with the Sonne of God for both he liueth to appoint vs teachers still and of his fulnesse he giueth all other their continuall increase of grace For which cause now the warrant of all dependeth vpon him alone And the greatest Apostle that euer was hath no other glorie but onely to be his seruant and messinger for he is that redeemer whose worde must be in the mouthe of his seede and in the mouth of his seedes seede after him for euermore So that it must needes be the pride of verie antichrist for a mortall man to exalt him selfe and giue the warrant of truth vnto his owne word that he cannot erre that all knowledge is in the closet of his breast that we must beleeue it as the Gospell what soeuer he decreeth A vile seruant so to swell in pride and set him selfe in the seate of the sonne of God why do we not abhorre it and rather kisse the ground vnder the feete of the Sauiour of the world to be slowe to speake out of our owne hart and quick to heare what hee hath commaunded And these be the differences which I thought good to note vnto you as the Apostles wordes plainely teach them Now where it is said In these last times meaning the daies in which this gospel is preached which also the Apostles and Prophets call the end of the world and last dayes It hath this name bothe for because in comparison of the age of the world these dayes shall be but few and also for that the will of God is finally reuealed in his sonne Christe who shall inherite the glorie to be our Prophet from the day in which first his father sealed him to that office euen to the latter end And thus much of this first verse Now let vs pray to almightie God our heauenly father who hath so loued vs that hee gaue his only begotten sonne to lead vs in the way of truth to saue vs from the bondage of death and to sacrifice his owne bodie for the raunsome of our sinnes that for his sake we may bee strengthened with the grace of his holie spirite to heare his word kepe it that we may in a good time and happie issue of our wayes be blessed by him who is our onely Sauiour to whome with the father and the holie Ghoste be honour and glorie for euer ¶ The second Lecture vpon the second and third verses 2 WHome he hath made heire of all things by whome also he made the worldes 3 Who beeing the brightnesse of the glorie and the ingraued forme of hi●… person and bearing vp all thinges by his mightie woorde ba●… by him selfe purged our sinnes and sitteth at the right hand of the maiestie in the highest places WE haue heard howe the Apostle hath taught that our Sauiour Christe the sonne of God hath beene once sent vnto vs an eternall Prophet to teach vs all thinges which GOD hath done for our saluation through the preaching of the gospel to sanctifie vs all vnto him that him alone we should acknowledge to be our leader vnto eternall life Now the Apostle beginneth to proue this singular glorie to belong onely to Christe which he doeth by setting out a full and large description of him ▪ in which as I sayd he proueth him to be eternall God. Firste by his rule ouer all creatures verse 2. Then by the glorie of his owne person Thirdly by his great power Fourthly by his benefite bestowed vpon vs Fiftely by his glorie purchased to him selfe verse 3. Sixtly by comparison with Angels verse 4 whiche comparison he maketh in manie pointes as shall appeare in the residue of the chapter The rule of Christ ouer all creatures he sheweth in this That he is heire of all and created all By heire of all meaning howe in the person of a mediatour he hath restored all as in the person of the sonne he was the wisedome of God to make all And therefore called the heire because he restored not the worlde but by redeeming it and purchasing it vnto himselfe according as God the Father had giuen it to be a recompence of his worke in whiche respect it is said that God appointed him heire of all things This our Sauiour taught vs when he say de All power is giuen vnto mee in heauen
thee Where the Prophet shewing causes why the whole world should not preuaile against Christ he saith because God had decreed it in his eternall counsell and proclamed it with this sentence Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee That is this day haue I declared that thou art my natural sonne meaning especially the time in which he made him knowen in the worlde by his wonderfull workes as S. Paule ment when he saide God was made manifest in fleash noting the power of the spirit working in him in his birthe life death resurrection and ascension So this day noteth not any particular time but all times in generall wherein God hath shewed his power in Christ as especially in the time he liued among vs And it see meth that the Apostle maketh manifest this sense of his wordes in that he addeth to the text alledged in the vi verse the time when it was fulfilled leauing this without any distinct time as that whiche apperteined to all times in which Christ should be shewed to be the sonne of God especially as I saide in his life and before or since as God sheweth his glorie in him So this sentence was true when he appeared to Abraham Iacob Moses to any of the patriarches or prophets or after his ascension when he appeared to Stephan to Paule or any other or whensoeuer he sheweth his power to defend his church vnto the end according to his owne promise I am with you to the latter end of the world And thus this word to day is takē in that which is after alledged To day if ye will heare are his voice harden not your hearts And againe In the day of health I haue heard thee And in the day of saluatiō I haue succoured thee meaning no particular day but al the time that the word is preached vnto vs. It followeth I wil be his father and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…y sonne This is another texte to proue Christ the naturall sonne of god It is written in the seconde of Samuel the seuenth chapter and they are the wordes of God vnto Dauid by the Prophet Nathan to giue him a promise of the blessing of his seede after him which was begone in Solomon who built the temple and whome God so highly aduaunced in all wisedome richesse and honour that the Fatherly prouidence of God appeared ouer him as ouer an especiall chosen sonne All which as it was promised to Dauid so Dauid looked for the perfourmance of it in Christ and to be figured in Solomon his sonne after him whose temple was a figure of the Churche of Christe his riches a figure of the great graces of the spirite of Christe giuen to his Church his honour aboue all kinges a figure how kinges should submitt them selues to Christ and be nurlefathers and Queenes nurses to the Churche of Christe his wisedome a figure that in Christe should be hid all treasures of wisedome and knowledge and finally he called by name the sonne of God in respect of his blessings as a figure of Christ who is the eternall sonne of his father in nature of his person And so the Apostle here alledgeth this place without any suche long exposition howe the place is meant because we should see in it that the people of Israel were not so ignorant of the Scriptures as we be but brought vp in the knowledge of the lawe and taught the vnderstanding of it euen from their ●…dell as we shoulde be And thus haue we heard this argument of the Apostle Christ hath a more honourable name then the Angels therefore he is more excellent then they Nowe also let vs see the manner of proofes here vsed He proueth Christe to be the naturall sonne of God by textes of Scripture witnessing 〈◊〉 he don●…eth that Angels are so because God in his scriptures neuer spake it for so he beginneth Vnto which of the Angels said he at any time c. The self same maner of proofe againe he vseth in the 13. verse following Because the scripture saide it not therefore he proueth it is not so making his argument negatiuely from authoritie of Scripture whiche in all thinges what soeuer man is required to do or know in matters of religion is euer a most certeine conclusion God spake it therfore we must doe it God spake it not therfore we haue nothing to doe with it And this argument must needes bee good so long as this word of the Lordo doeth endure What I commaund thee doe that only And so long as this is a iust condemnation of all our owne deuises who required these things at your hands And so long as this shal be true that our wisdome is folishnesse and we cannot doe well but when we bearken to the worde of God that shineth in our harts as in a dark place True it is and if we had but the wisedome of children we must needes see it that all particular lawes and orders with which we may be bound they are not set downe in precise words of Scripture but it is as true that the nature and propertie of euery lawe or order is so described that the worde of God as clearely is followed in it as if the wordes of the law were set downe in it For of all decrees to be made in his church hath not God said It must be without offence it must edifie it must bee comely and according to order and it must serue to the glorie of God. Now God hauing giuen grace into our heartes to iudge what soeuer we decree by these rules is not the word of God the warrant of it By such manifest proofe ofscripture the church of Christ doeth iustifie all that she doeth Thus the Apostle proueth heere his doctrine Thus we must do if we will bee the Apostles scholers Marke well this reason for it is worthy God said to Christ thou art my sonne therfore he is his sonne God said not so to any Angel therefore no Angel can take the name vnto him In like manner we will dispute with them God said The true worshippers should not go to mount Sion nor to Ierusalem but worship God in spirit and trueth Where said he go a pilgrimage or go visit the holie sepulchre God said Doe not obserue dayes and monethes and times and yeeres Where said he keepe vnto me Lent or Aduent imber weekes or Saincts Eeues God said vnto vs It is the doctrine of diuels to forbid marriage or to commaund to abstaine from meates Where said he eate now no fleash now no white meate let not the minister marrie God said Let euery soule be subiect to kings princes and the autho ritie of such men let it not be in his Apostles Where said he let the pope haue the gift of kingdomes bee exempt from authoritie of man weare a triple crowne and haue Lords and noble men vnder him God said Cursed 〈◊〉 he that addeth ought to his law or taketh
abound in worldly peace the crowne and beautie of mine honour is to serue the lord If God haue giuen me trouble in the dayes of my vanitie this is cōfort ynough that I am the seruaunt of the lord Be our life as it will either high or lowe the only fruit of it is the seruice of God the onely hurt that can approch vnto vs is to forget the Lord whose seruants we should haue bene and let vs so much more constantly dwell in this persuasion of heart because we haue heard that the Lord hath spoken it there is no greater glorie no not in his Angels then to serue before him Of the nature of angels as they are here described by the grace of God I shall say more in the latter end of this Chap. Now let vs pray that as we haue learned so we may follow acknowledging the glorie of our Sauiour Christ and what the honour of his kingdome is and desire grace that we may be founde woorthie to be labourers in that excellent worke in which God hath appointed to glorifie his sonne and that we may serue him in holinesse and righteousnes all the dayes of our life who is only al the hope we haue and shall in his good time fill our life with his owne presence and satisfie our eyes with the sight of his maiestie And the same onely and liuing God giue vs his holy spirite in which we may be comforted to liue in his loue to walke in his wayes and to account al the world but vanitie in respect of the inheritaunce purchased vnto vs in the Lorde Iesu the onely forgiuer of al our sinnes to whome with the Father and the holy Ghost be honour and glorie worlde without ende Amen The fourth Lecture vpon the 8. and 9. verses 8 But vnto the sonne he saith O God thy throue is for euer and euer the scepter of thy kingdome is a scepter of righteousnesse 9 Thou hast loued righteousnes and hated iniquitie Wherfore God euen thy God hath annoynted thee with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes NOw the Apostle beginneth the third comparison according to the title before Bearing vp all things with his mightie power which setteth out the kingdome of Christ so that the comparison is Christe is an eternall king so is no Angel therefore he is to be honoured aboue them Thus hauing made mention of his kingdome then he describeth it more at large bothe to shewe what his kingdome is and to make it more plaine that though we could imagine easily that Angels in honour deserued the name of Kings yet such a kingdome no Angel could euer haue An euerlasting throne a righteous scepter exalting trueth beating downe iniquitie in worthinesse whereof GOD hath annoynted this King with gladnesse aboue all other and hath called him by the name of GOD himselfe Heere the Iewes whome God hath shut vp in a heauie iudgement and for the first centempt of his Gospell keepeth them stil in blindenesse vntill this day they as they seeke busily all wayes of errour to deceiue them selues so they haue blinded their eyes that they should not vnderstand this prophesie And first where it is said Thy throne O God They say the name GOD is likewise attributed to men as they occupie any rome appointed them of God as where this same prophet saith I haue said you be Gods whiche meaneth that they haue commaundement from God to execute his iudgement But the Iewe if he had not chaunged his heart and turned it away from wisedome to follie hee might haue knowen that though this name be also giuen to Angels or iudges yet it is giuen not to one but to manie so that in their number it is manifest that it is a figuratiue speeche Or if it be giuen to one it hath some addition as where it is saide to Moses I haue made thee Pharaoes God limiting the name to a certeine sense but thus attributed to one without any correction of speache it was neuer but to God alone Againe they say all this Psalme is of Solomon and therefore beeing true in him it cannot proue any diuinitie in Christ but this errour is euē as grosse as the other For how so euer this is true that the Psalme was written as a wedding song of ioy at the marriage of Solomon with Pharaoes daughter yet this is knowen and manifest that in the stories of those men whiche were figures of Christe something is euer spoken not agreeing to the figure but to Christe alone that we might bee bolde to applie it vnto him Neither yet can this Psalme possibly be written of that mariage of Solomon simply in it selfe For when the Prophet beginneth my hart breaketh out into a good matter howe can this praise or this earnest desire of the Prophet agree to it which was contrarie to the lawe of God and of it selfe could neuer be good What had the Kings of Israel to doe with Idolaters and blasphemers to marrie their daughters no doubt as Solomon was a most famous prince so the glorie of the world did here lead him For Aegypt was the greatest Monarchie in the world and Pharaoh the mightiest King so that his daughter giuen to king Solomon was the princeliest marriage that could be made but that it displesed God it is cleare for bothe his generall lawe is against it and this is particularly alledged in the causes of Solomons ruine And though this Psalme were now to wishe prosperitie and peace vnto it what then who will dispute with the Lorde for turning all thinges to the best to those that loue him so when Solomons hautinesse had done this what though God would except her after the renouncing of all her idolatries when as the lawe saith she had shauen her head and pared her nayles and forgot her fathers house what though he would haue her a figure of the honourable calling of the Gentiles and shewe then in her that though he gaue his lawes to Iacob yet he was a God in all the earth all that proueth nothing but Solomon might do yll still this wedding song was made not for him but for another whome hee figured But let these Iewish quarels againste the trueth alone and let vs examine the text heere as it is what honour it giueth to Christ and how by no meanes it can agree to Solomon In this scripture there are foure speciall things spoken First he is called God alone as I saide and without addition euen as the prophet Esai also calleth him the mightie god By whiche warrant of the Prophets beeing a moste sure word the Apostles are bolde to giue to our Sauiour Christe the name and power of the liuing God as Iohn saith the worde was God. And Thomas with these wordes confesseth his former vnbelief My Lord and my God. And S. Iohn in his Epistle saith Iesus Christe this is the true God. And Sainct Paule calleth him the God which is for euer
her for how else could it be true that the scripture sayth there shal be an Apostasie of men from the faith Iniquitie shall haue the vpper hand No man shall haue the libertieof his life but he that taketh on him the marke of the beast And I would fayne knowe of them whether the church vnder the law had not also this promise Saith not God by his Prophet Esaie My spirit which is vpon thee my words which I wil put in thy mouth shal not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy sede nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seede after thee frō hence forth for euer more What a glorious promise is this Should now the Scribes and Phariseis rise against Christ as they did and say they could not erre they had the holie ghoste they were the church Nay they were not the seed of Esaie but y seede of murderers that killed Esaie the prophets so these mē they are not the children of God but of the man of sinne which exalteth him selfe against God and vnder pretence of the spirite of God blasphemeth the Gospell which onlie the spirit hath taught vs and that he blasphemeth the gospel I may say it boldly and let them blame me if they can for doth not the Apostle say heere All our care must be to obey the gospell And do not they say that the Pope can dispense against the gospel against the Apostle against the prophet against the olde and new testament against the law of God and nature Only one thing can heere possibly bee said that they doe graunt all this care of the Gospel ought to be had but the gospell say they is not onlie the written word but manie other vnwritten verities taught by Christe and his Apostles and therefore we are bound to holde them I beseeche you dearely beloued marke these mens sayinges a little with me and iudge then with the spirite that God hath giuen you They say the woord written in deed we must keepe because it is of God and so likewise Christe and his Apostles preached things neuer written whiche yet preached by them ought to haue the authoritie of Christ himselfe It cannot be denyed but what Christ and his Apostles preached it was the woord of God equall with all writings of Apostles and Prophets But tell me is it the word of Christe writen that we should not worship Angels and is it the word of Christ vnwritten that we should pray vnto them Is it his word written that we shoulde not be bound to our forefathers traditions and is it his woorde vnwritten that our fathers traditions should be to vs as his Gospel Is it his worde written that we shoulde not obserue dayes and times nor make conscience of meate and drinke and is it his worde vnwritten that we should kepe Lent Aduent Imberdayes make difference of flesh and fishe Is it his worde written that to forbidde marriage which is honourable in all estates it is the doctrine of diuels and is it his worde vnwritten that ministers shal be forbidden to marrie Is it his word writtē that fiue words in a knowne tounge are better in the cōgregatiō then v. thousand in a straunge language and is it his worde vnwritten that in all congregations they shall haue a straunge language and speake all in Latine which the people vnderstand not Is it his word written that the dead are blessed which did in the Lord and they rest from their labour and is it his worde vnwritten that they are tormented in the fire of purgatorie And yet to come neerer is it his woorde written that his ministers shoulde bee subiectes to kings should be no Lords should haue no ciuil gouernement should attende vppon their owne flocke and is it his worde vnwritten that the Pope should displace kings that he should haue a triple crowne y his bishops so many should be secular princes y they should haue more churches vnder thē then euer they once loked on Hath God written it that Christ sacrificed himself once for all made a perfect redemption hath he left it vnwritten that a shauen priest must sacrifice him euery day and say a masse propitiatorie for the quicke and the dead What peruersnesse is this of men of a corrupt minde thus to imagine traditions contrarie to the worde of God But I will tell you Esaie prophesied well of these men saying This people draweth nere vnto me with their mouth and honour me with their lippes but their heart is farre from me but in vaine they woorship me teaching doctrines which are precepts of men They say if we beleeue no traditions of our Fathers why doe we beleeue this is the Scripture And heere euerie one obtrudeth S. Augustines sayinge I would not beleeue the Gospel except the authoritie of the Church moued me If this had beene Augustines meaning we would haue aunswered him again●… that we will beleeue the Gospel though all the churches in the world would denie it But Augustine speaketh in y person of one that yet knoweth not God as of him self when he was a Manicheie To what purpose heere would you alledge Paule or Peter to one that knoweth not whether Paule or Peter were of Christ or not Therfore how so euer Augustine spake in this either well or ill his saying is nothing to our purpose But touching the scripture seing these men do cry so lowde that they can not knowe them but by the church I say againe to them that out of their owne mouthes wee may iudge them for Christ his shepe know his voyce do sollowe him and they do not know the voyce of a straunger but flee from him And touching this question I wil not answere it by S. Augustine but by a better man S. Paule answering the like question saith thus In deede our eye hath not seene nor our eare hearde nor our heart conceiued how to iudge this but the spirite of GOD hath reuealed it vnto vs. Marke dearely beloued the Papistes say they know the Scriptures because their eye doeth see where is the sea of Rome that hath kept them and so their eares haue heard their fathers say These are they But S. Paul saith their eyes are blind their eares are deafe their heart is dull all these cannot iudge the Scriptures Will they say now vnto S. Paule then they wil neuer beleeue them if they cannot know them by the church Let them rather be wise learne of Paule that God hath giuen vs his spirit by whiche we should know the things that are of God and of this I dare assure them they cannot so discerne the light with their eyes nor any sound with their eares as they discerne the scriptures by Gods spirit for if we be regenerate by this spirit the law of god is not now hid nor it is not far from vs y we shuld say Who shal ascend vp or who
shal descēd down but the word is nigh vs euen in our mouth that we should speake it in our heart that we should knowe it With this spirite the Prophet Dauid sayth I haue knowē long since by thy testimonies that thou hast established them for euer And this spirite maketh vs see in the scriptures a doctrine without all earthly thoughts the wisedome of man boldly troaden downe more force to moue in plaine speache then in all the eloquence of Tullie Demosthenes a doctrine which alone hath stoode euer in honor whē all other doctrines haue bene worne out with time a doctrine which hath ben assaulted with ten thousand imaginations of men yet abideth pure with out all infection of falshood this the spirite of God makes vs see in the scriptures more cleere as I said then we see the Sunne light with our eyes and the word of God hath all his credit in it selfe it needeth not the church it wil not haue the Pope to beare witnesse with it Now dearely beloued if any of you feele not this warrant in reading the worde of God aske of him that giueth and vpbraydeth no bodie and you shall vnderstand all that I haue said Set your heart vpon it loue it with all your soule Chaunge your selues with reading into those affections in which you see euery place written and you shall percelue Solomon is your good warrant Seeke after wisedome as you seeke after siluer and you shall finde it Thus muche I thought good to say vnto you by occasion of this earnest exhortation of the Apostle to hearken diligently to the Gospel of Christe He sayth after How shall we escape if wee neglect so great saluation Let vs note here that the Apostle calleth all transgression of the word of Christ the neglecting of so great saluation Wee must not looke till men either speake open blasphemie or doe all things to the open dishonour of God as men manifestly giuen vp to reprobate senses All sinners did neuer fulfill one measure of iniquitie but we see in the Gospel as wel he is condemned that hideth his talent in the ground and doth no good with it as the other that wasted his maisters goods and liued riottously with drunkards and gluttons Euen so it is with vs a great number of vs will not blaspheme the Gospel as Papists do and call them which professe nothing but it alone scismatiques heretiques Lutherans c. A great number of vs hate the knowen sinnes of manie adulterers drunkards oppressors dissemblers flatterers c. but be not deceiued surely this is not inough if we doe but neglect the Gospel how can wee escape The lawe giuen by Angels forbad not only the open breaches of it but it also required of vs that we should loue it that we should delight in it that it should be more deare vnto vs then all our iewels or other ornaments How much more the word spoken by the sonne of God must we not onely not openly transgresse against it but also how ought we to loue it how to delight in it how to account all things but doung in comparison of the excellent knowledge of Iesu Christ that we may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings beeing made like vnto his death trying howe wee may come to the resurrection of the dead This dearely beloued must be our life and we must bee as men who haue both dwelling and freedome in the heauenlie Ierusalem to reioyce in the Lord alwayes reioyce For if other we be of a dull spirite that we haue no ioy of our hope or when we taste a litle if it be streight forgotten so that the Prophets words be true in vs That our righteousnes is as a morning cloud and as the morning dew it goeth away it is with vs according to the common prouerb As good neuer a whit as neuer the better and all our Religion is in vaine for a spirit of slumber hath ouertaken vs And though we draw not our sinns after vs as with cart ropes yet we do neglect the great saluation of christ This I say that we might stirre vp the grace of God that is in vs not once to be negligent in the care of the Gospel but that it may euer be vnto vs as it is in deede a promise of gladnesse the pleasure of our youth the comforte of our age that all our dayes may be in peace It followeth in the fourth verse God bearing witnesse vnto it with signes c. Heere we learne that all signes wrought by God serue to the setting out of the Gospel The Apostle speaketh plaine and we must needes heare in all the signes that are wrought by God he beareth witnesse with them to the Gospell of his sonne And our sauiour Christ him selfe is the first scholemaister of this doctrine for when he sendeth out his Apostles to preache he giueth them their charge to preache that The kingdome of heauen is at hande and he giueth them this warrant of the doctrine Heale the sicke cleanse the lepres c. And where no opportunitie was to teach the doctrine he giueth them charge there not to tel of any miracle done so that assuredly we know those that are true miracles which strengthen the worde and all other are illusions of Sathan whose ende is superstition A notable testimonie of this trueth God him selfe giueth in his lawe where he saith plainely If a prophet come vnto you and worke signes and woonders though they haue neuer suche effect and be vnfeigned yet if that Prophet call you out of the waye in whiche God commaunded you to walke thou shalt not beleeue that Prophet but thou shalt sley him for they are no signes and tokens in whiche thou art iustified but the word of God is the seede of thy newe birth and the milke with which thou art nourished to be a perfect man of God. If signes and woonders carrie away thine eyes that thou shouldest not see the Gospell cursed are y signes thou too that beleeuest if thou turne not againe from such snares of Satan And let vs here dearely beloued carefully beware for our dangers are exceeding you knowe how the vaine heart of man is not a little moued with euerie shewe of a wonder if it be but a iuggler whole heapes will go after him and be partakers of his sinne If there come to passe any vn●…yonted thing rumour streight inlargeth it and carrieth it farre and wyde The diuel seeing this vanitie of our minde abuseth streight our foolish simplicitie and with many idle signes and shewes he carrieth vs in deede into deadly blindenesse Of this our Sauiour Christ warneth vs and biddes vs beware for there shall come deceiuers which will shew great signes wonders able to seduce if it were possible the verie elect And S. Paule foretelling the cōming of antichrist he sayth that through the working of the
receiue from Christ all that is healthfull vnto vs And as by ioyntes and sinewes our members are really knit and made a bodie vnto the head so really truely and in deed by one spirite wee be knit vnto Christe as perfectly and substantially made one with him as our members are one with our head If thou vnderstand not this or sayst with Nicodemus How can this be done I say vnto thee againe Pray that thou mayst be taught of God and that his spirit may reueale it vnto thee for if the tounge of Paule were dumb not able to speake what he sawe in vision how much lesse is man able to speake the trueth of greater mysteries And if our harts cannot comprehend all the wisdome of God in the winde that bloweth how he rayseth it vpp or maketh it fall againe how canne wee vnderstand this wisedome of our vniting vnto Iesus Christ Onely this I can say God hath giuen vs fayth in whiche wee may beleue it and out of which such ioy shineth in our mindes as crucifieth the worlde vnto vs how farre our reason is from seeing it it skilleth not it is sufficient if we can beleeue it We beleeue in the Lord our God yet we know not what is his countenaunce We beleeue apprehend by hope his glorie yet neither eye can see it nor eare can heare it We beleeue and see immortalitie yet our heart can not comprehend the height the breadth the length the deapth We beleeue the resurrection of the dead yet wee can not vnderstand such excellent wisedome how life is renewed in the dispersed scattered bones ashes We beleue our sauiour Christ is man we haue seene him and felt him yet how he was man borne of a virgin all men in the world haue no wisdome to declare Euen so dearely beloued wee beleeue that our Sauiour Christ and we be one hee of vs and we of him he the head we the bodie really substātially truly ioyned together not by ioynts and sinewes for that vniting I knowe wel enough but by his spirit of which we haue all receiued and this vnitie I cannot conceiue nor vtter till I knowe God euen as he is and his holie spirite which hath wrought this blessing Thus we learne what here the Apostle teacheth vs and thus wee vnderstand what is heere said He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one And where it is said heere He that doth sanctifie shewing the present time the worke still a doing it teacheth vs that our sanctification hath a daylie increase when it is fully accomplished then God calleth and our dayes are at an end And let vs note this well for it behoueth vs much If we be Christians we are still sanctified by the spirit of Christ for so it was in him He grewe still in grace before God men If thou begraffed into his bodie thou hast his spirite and it will haue his worke in thee Thou shalt not be wearie of well doeing nor ceasse to reioyce in God thy Sauiour but still increase in spirituall grace til thou come to the age of the fulnesse of Christe There can be no affection in thee according to the fleash but if it be greate it will appeare in his work much more this which is of the spirit of god If thou be sorrowful it wil make thy face sad If ioy be within it maketh thy countenance merrie If thou haue a flattering heart all the members of the bodie will streight serue so vile a thinge If hatred bee within thee thy bodie will shewe it forth in all manner of cursed doing and there is nothing that can possesse the minde but it leadeth the members in obedience of it Howe much more if the spirite of God hath replenished thy minde will all the bodie shewe foorth godlie desires This the Apostle noteth when he sayth He that sanctifieth It followeth For this cause he is not ashamed to call vs brethren Vpon good cause the Apostle sayth He is not ashamed for if hee humbled not him selfe in great loue of vs how iustly might hee accompt it shame to be as we are He that made Heauen and earth he that is the immortall and glorious God one with his father before whome all Angels do obey and all Princes are earth and ashes ought wee not to say seeing it pleaseth him to acknowledge vs that are but poore creatures that hee is not ashamed of vs It was great praise in Moses beeing so highly esteemed of Pharaoh that yet hee would vouchsafe to visite his poore brethren It was singular loue in Ioseph when he was nexte vnto the King in honour and dignitie yet not to be ashamed of his fathers house who were heardmen and shepeheardes But all is nothing in comparison of this that Iesus Christ is not ashamed of vs for what the glorie of the vaine worlde made not a mortall man ashamed of his duetie to acknowledge his poore father and brethren in whose persons hee might suffer a little reproch but how much greater was this doing whereof we speake The shining brightnesse of the glorie of God made not the onlie begotten sonne ashamed of his free grace to acknowledge vs that were his enimies in whose persons he should suffer a moste shamefull and slaunderous death This is the case betweene Christe and vs and this the Apostle meaneth when he sayth He is not ashamed to call vs brethren And if his highnesse abased it selfe to our lowe estate and was not ashamed let vs dearely beloued learne to be wise and knowe what the lord requireth of vs for all the good which he hath don vnto vs He sayth in the gospel He that is ashamed of me and my word before men I will bee ashamed of him before my Father which is in heauen And is not trowe you this a iust condēnation if we wretched men wil be ashamed of him who beeing the God of glorie was not ashamed of vs How much is he greater then we Abraham when he approched nere vnto him he felt him self how he was but dust When Iob came nere to see the tokens of him he abhorred him selfe and confessed how vncleane he was When Dauid saw the glorie of his dwelling he said he had leuer abide but one day as a dore keeper in the house of him then tenne thousand dayes to beare rule in Kinges palaces When Paule sawe the glorie prepared for vs in his resurrectiō he said he accompted all the worlde to be but doung to the ende he might winne him If then such a Christ be not ashamed to call vs brethren a marueilous vnspeakable foolishnes is bound vp in our heartes if we be ashamed to call him brother againe He were a folishe poore man that were ashamed of the kinred whiche the King did chalenge of him he is more foolishe thoughe he were a King him selfe that is ashamed of the Sonne of God when he offereth himselfe vnto
him Yea and be he neuer so proude a man that nowe despiseth him he shal confesse his follie then when all that shal see him shal say Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord. Pride or flatterie or couetousnesse or vanitie or feare or what you will may make vs nowe ashamed to confesse him or to dissemble that euer we knewe him but when all this corruption is taken from vs and the graue and death shall take their owne that we shall liue againe in immortalitie and knowe the length of his dayes in our owne bodies our former foolishnesse will make vs so affearde that we will pray vnto the hilles to hide vs and to the mounteines that they would couer vs but vowes and wishes shal be but foolish thoughtes Let vs therefore despise the shame whiche Christe hath despised before vs If it be imputed vnto vs for follie that we feare the Lorde let vs beare his reproche If our companie haue no liking except we bring our sinnes with vs to bee content to heare the blaspheming of Gods name religion euill spoken of Godlinesse mocked at wordes to sowe discorde among brethren yll reportes of men absent boasting and bragging of vaine persons wanton vnchast speaches or other vaine and vnprofitable babblings such as is most vsuall among men if without this our companie be not pleasaunt seeing in this our Iesus is dishonoured let vs rather denie them then be ashamed of him and goe rather out of Babylon the mother of whoredomes then out of Ierusalem the citie of God. It foloweth I will declare thy name vnto my brethren we are called the brethren of Christ not in societie of fleshe and bloud for that the wicked haue with him as well as we who are yet no brethren but straungers euen from the wombe but as they are naturall brethren which are borne of the same parents so we are brethren with Christ that are borne of God through the same spirite by which we crie Abba Father the fruite wherof is in glorifying his name euen as our Sauiour Christ saith He that doeth the will of my Father which is in heauen he is my brother And where it is further sayde In the middes of the congregation I will praise thee First heere wee must needes confesse what duetie is amoung men euen that they edifie one another for as many as are of Christe are called in this couenaunt I will declare thy name vnto my brethren in the middes of the congregation I wil prayse thee He that considereth the dayes of his life and findeth his yeares many in al them can not remember that he hath bene careful for his brethren to tel them the feare of his Lord or how in companies and meetings he hath spoken of his praise he can not knowe that he hath any portion or fellowship in this kinred The graces of God are not such that they can be locked vpon our harts or kept secret but they will burne within like fire and make vs speake with our tounges that we may make many brethren partakers of our ioy The prophet saith I haue beleeued therfore I haue spoken Saint Paule teacheth that it is so with vs if we beleeue we will also speake And tell me I beseech you what man excelleth in any thing and hath not a delight to speake of his cunning Doth not the shipman talke of the winds the plowman of his oxen will not the souldier be reckoning vp his wounds and the sheepheard telling of his shepe If hee be good in hounds haukes horses shooting or any such exercise is not his name spoken of according to his skil nay let it be in things worse then these cardes dice tables daunsing is not euer the mans talke according to the delight of his minde And shall we think the knowledge of God hath lesse affectiō of our hearte or lesse obedience of our toung then the most vaine and vnprofitable desires of worldly minded men Or my bowe mine arrowes haue they my tonge tyed vnto them to delight in their talke and shall not the mysterie of Christ and God wherein I apprehend the forgiuenesse of my sinnes and eternall life hath my toung no portion of suche comforte or if it be in my heart wil it not fill my mouth with praise If I haue heard of it wil I not also declare it I remember the Prophet Ieremie once made with him selfe a solemne decree that he would no more speake in the name of the Lord but the woord of God saith He was in my heart as a burning fire shut vp in my bones I was wearie with forbearing and I could not staye So when the Apostles were threatened exceedingly not to speake a word of the gospel of Christ they answered directly they could not choose for the things which they had sene and heard were such as they were constrayned to speke of them to other So it is with vs if wee be the brethren of Christ the couenant of our kinred is I will declare thy name vnto my brethren in the midst of the congregation I wil praise thee let them knowe this all to whome it is spoken and let them discerne betweene hypocrites and true Christians Some thinck it a prayse to be close men secret to them selues that by their words you shall neuer knowe them of what religion they be those men where they think they hide them selues moste there they lay widest open their shame and while they thinke to kepe it secret of what religion they are this their dissimulation proclameth it lowder then the blast of a trumper that they be of no religion at all at all I say touching any religion of God for if it were of him it would shew foorth his praise and what their heart beleued their mouth wold cōfesse it But these Laodicoeans that be neither hott nor colde nor what God they loue you cannot tel y Lord hath appointed a day when he will spue them out of his mouth Let vs learne a better profession I wil declare thy na●… vnto my brethren let vs hold it with ioy and gladnes that in the middes of the congregation we will singe prayses to him And note how expresly i●… is saide in the middes of the congregation as shewing y no feare of man should keepe him backe from it for before one we will peraduenture speake or before two or three we wil be bolde to rebuke swearers or other vngodly doings but if it be before many in solemne assemblies and one impudent man alowde blaspheme the name of God where is he that in the middes of the congregation will praise the Lorde ▪ ô how squeamish we be heere and full of good manner not to speake openly for feare of offence But ô poore wretched men that we be who taught vs this modestie to be ashamed of Christ before manie What is this else but to keepe the honour of God for holes and corners
the death of the righteous and let my latter end be like vnto theirs So I beleeue it is with all these men of reprobate mindes that stoare vp violence and robberie in their palaces that fill their tables with drunkennesse their bodies with vncleannesse their mouthes with blasphemie they know it I think and euen as Iosua saide with all their hearts and with all their soules they knowe it that the righteous mans life is better then theirs they know that a groat wel gotten is better then a pound stolen that sobrietie is better then righteousnesse that the chaste bodie is more blessed then the adulterous fleshe that the mouth that praiseth God giueth a sweeter sounde then all their wicked talke and if they do know this would they neuer so faine ●…eare off their conseiēce as with a glowing y●…on yet sometime it awaketh them as out of a slepe they see a fearefull sight of death and bondage so that let vs not frett our selues because of the wicked nor be enuious at their prosperitie for neither their house nor lande nor hidden treasure can either take from their bodies their quartan agues nor this care from their minde that they should not feare at the remembrance of their sinne And if there be any that feareth least in whome the stronge man so possesseth al that the things he hath seme to be in peace yet for all that he is neuer the better no more then the stalled oxe is the better because he knoweth not that he is taken out to go to the slaughter-house but a souden death shal haue the greater feare and therfore dearly beloued seeing their condition though we make the best of it is yet extreme euil let not our lott be with theirs but with the righteous of whom the Apostle saith that they are seit free from the bōdage of the feare of death But you wil say where is this fredome for the righteous man is yet affeard to die not euerie one for Paule saide I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ no doubt God hathe so reuealed this hope to many sainctes that they despise the graue and death how be it I graunt this is rare and it is natural to all to be loath to lay downe this earthly tabernacle notwithstanding we are free from this bondage to feare at it as thoughe wee had no hope And though we die in bodie yet we are free from eternall death and no feare of it shal ouercome vs so this is our blessing not that we shal not die but that we shal not be holden in death and not that we shall not feare but that we shal not be ouercome with feare he is a true christiā man that nether refuseth to die nor yet sainteth for any feare of death for why should I repine to giue this bodie to death I must needes die because my bodie is full of sinne and I wil willingly die that I may be deliuered from this bodie subiecte vnto sinne I muste needes die because I am full of corruption whiche must be chaunged and I will willingly die because I would put on incorruption that I might see God I must needes dye because I beare the image of an earthlie man and I will willinglie die that I may bee like the heauenlie man Iesus Christe I must needs die because so is Gods ordinance and I will willingly die that I may shewe mine obedience to his wil for these causes I submit my selfe to the de cree of God who hath appointed for al men once to die and I am either not at all afraid of it or the feare of it is not much for I know the sting of it is gone the victorie of it is lost the curse of it is taken away that which remaineth is onelie profitable for vs for it shall bring an end of all our labours and giue vs vp into the hands of Iesu Christ. Thus it is now accomplished that heere is spoken that Christe hath set vs free from the bondage of the feare of death which dearely beloued if we wil learne knowe assuredly it wil worke great increase of grace it will chaunge our mindes more then wee are ware of when we are wise hearted to see in deede no doubt we shal be as bolde as Paul and say vnfeignedly We desire tobe dissolued and to be with Christe It followeth now in the 16 verse For he tooke not at all vpon him the Angels but he tooke vpon him the seede of Abraham These woordes are a further declaration of that he said He tooke parte of fleshe and bloud euen as other children This he maketh plaine thus He tooke not I say any nature of Angels but hee tooke the nature of Abraham and was of his seede naming Abraham bothe in respect of the promises which were first made personally to him and because by his name there was more weight to persuade the Iewes that hee was their Messias and by example the doctrine is more plaine and in dede it is verie plaine as other children tooke fleash so did he flesh I say not the nature of Angels but the seede of Abraham And if the Apostle conclude all this of these wordes of the Prophet Beholde me and my children what may wee conclude and how boldely of the wordes of Matthew Abraham begat Isaak Isaak begat Iacob Iacob begat Iudas and so foorth till hee came to the virgin Marie of whome Christe was borne How faithfully may we beleeue it that hee was borne a man as other children were And how boldely may wee detest all the madnesse of Martion Maniche Nestorius Eutichus Apelles Apollinaris Ennomius Cerdo Valentinus the Pope him self and all their disciples who haue so many way es denied the true humanitie of Christe It followeth in the seuenteenth verse Wherefore in all things it became him to be made like vnto his brethren that he might be a mercifull and faithful high Priest in things concerning God that he might make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people In these words the Apostle sheweth an other necessarie cause why our Sauiour Christ was man that by experience of our infirmities hee might be mercifull and faithfull to worke the reconciliation betweene God and vs and so concludeth this disputation of his humanitie applying it now vnto his priesthood as before particularly he had done to his kingdome and prophefie These words He ought in all things to be like vnto his brethren which are repeated againe Cap. 4. 15. they are to be marked of vs that wee see how expreslie still the Apostle vrgeth that Christ is a verie naturall man altogether as we be except sinne like nature the same flesh like affections the same soule like properties of bodie the same hunger thirst and other desires And as he is now so we shal be our bodyes glorified as his nor his no more infinite or in manie places then ours shal be and
religiō of the temple which was once the seruice of god is now finished hath his end frō henceforth there is neither circumcision nor vncircūcision nether Iewe nor Gentile but Christ is al in all the pure chaste bodie is his holie tabernacle spirit and truth is his heauenly worship thus much directlie the apostle teacheth them in these words whose house be we therfore called the house of God because his holie spirite dwelleth in vs as appeareth in all the places before alledged out of Paule It followeth now If we holde fast the confidence reioycing of our hope vnto the ende these wordes he addeth to teach them manifestly to know themselues whether they be this house or no for if they be they do hold and shall holde the reioycing of their hope constantly and faithfully vnto the ende These wordes dearely beloued let vs marke them well and learne them euerie iott and title with a wise hart for they conteine a blessed instruction most necessarie for our time There is not this day any other thing that holdeth backe a great number from the gospel of Christ but only the ignorance of this one sentence for what say al our aduersaries against vs but onely this Shal we leaue the Catholique Church to beleeue a few new sproung vp Shal we leaue the Church followe Luther or Zuinglius The Church hath beleeued as we beleeue the Church hath taught as we teach in the Church we abide thus vnder the name of the church the churche the world is mocked as Paule saith the hearts of manie men whiche are nor enill are seduced so that though they haue no thing to blame in vs yet they dare not come vnto vs least they should forsake the brotherhod in the Church of Christ. This generall plague is easily cured and al the euil of it is soone remedied if we can but holde our peace and heare the Apostle speake for vs all This same verie question is here handled the Iewes were now affeard to receiue Christ they thought him a new doctour they had Moses the temple the ceremonies things ful of excellent glorie and they were sure the church was heere and these things were in the Church to leaue them all soudenly and cleaue to Christ alone were to leaue the Church and follow new doctrine The Apostle to stop this offence he setteth downe first this plaine doctrine without question or cōtrouersie that the church of God or to vse his own word the house of God is not any building of woode or stones not any citie or any material Temple but man is the house of god Here first we learne one necessarie lesson Wilt thou know the house of God that is his Church Looke not at Ierusalem nor at Mount Sion for neither the Citie nor the Temple in it are nowe the house in whiche God dwelleth It thou doubtest know it for a truth that Ierusalō long since is troaden downe of the Gentiles the Turke and Infidels haue defiled all the stones of i●… for the temple there are manie hundred yeres since the vncircumcised haue entred into it and the abhomination of desolation hathe stoode in the holie place that it might be fulfilled that was spoken by the Prophet Daniel This therefore learne for a trueth The Church of God is not in any materiall Temple not it is not knowen by any Citie or Countrie Ierusalem that for this cause once was the glorie of the worlde and the beautie of the whole earth hathe no more this dignitie neither shall it be giuen to any place for euer but to finde the Church of God seeke in the heart of man for the Apostles haue all spoken plainely We are his house Now let Rome goe and boast her selfe and pronounce her proude decrees that in her palaces the Churche of Christe doeth dwell let all her louers striue for her prayses that shee is our mother her we must serue vppon her we must wayte she cannot erre against all these children of pride we dare set out selues The house of God is neither in Rome nor in the Capitol of Rome no more then it is in Aegypt or the high pinacled Churches in Aegypt but in euery nation and in euerie countrie the men that feare God and woorke righteousnesse they are the church and the house in which God doth dwel And as the Lord hath done to Ierusalem and to the ruines thereof that the place should not boast of the Oracles of God so God hath done to Rome to the idols thereof that their boasting should bee in vaine of the church of God for what was Rome euen from her birth but a Citie builte in parricide then strengthened with robberie and made a sanctuarie for murderers of all nations What was it after but a slaughter-house of the martyrs of God And what is it in oures and our fathers dayes but the Queene of pride the nurse of idolatries the mother of whoredomes the sincke of iniquitie out of which sorceries witchcrafts poysonings adulteries rebellions and bloudie warres haue ouerflowed the whole earth I lye not on them dearely beloued neither they them selues can accuse mee if any of them heare what I say A thousand testimonies I haue of this out of their owne stories and ten thousand ryming verses haue beene made against them for their greate iniquitie by example of one learne the residue A hundred and fourtie yeeres past one sayth of Rome and of the Pope thus Imatenet Iupiter c●…lum habet Pluto Et accedit dignitas animali bruto Tanquam gemma stercort aut pictura Iuto We haue brought GOD into Hell and the diuel into heauen dignitie is now added to a brute beast as a pearle to a dounghil or a faire picture to a peece of dyrt Euen such as these are and no better a thousande testimonies are of the Church of Rome all which if we coulde not beleeue yet let vs beleeue our owne eyes we haue seene his wicked dispensations the brother to marrie his brothers wife the sister to marrie her sisters husbande the vncle to marrie his neece and the nephue to marrie his aunt Wee haue seene his bulles to make the subiects rebell against their princes we haue seene his stues in open knowen places The Turke hath no more defiled Ierusalem then the Pope hath defiled Rome and all the altars of Mahomet are not so vncleane as the Popes reuerend altars whiche serue for Sodomites and as the Popes honourable churches in which they nourish vp amorous boyes Nulla hie arcana ro●…elo Mantuan saith I speak no secrets the world knoweth this wel enough And yet if they will boaste The Church of Rome the Church of Rome shall wee still beleeue them or shall we rather beleeue the Apostle that the church of God is not neither Rome nor not Rome but in Rome and out of Rome the men that feare God are the Church of Christ. And let this be our first lesson
worshippest God and an idoll too And consider I beseech you but this one thing and marke it well that the Scripture is thus called the The worde of God. There is no doubt but the name of God is great ouer al the earth his name is praysed from the rysing of the sunne to the going downe of the same neither is there any creature but it sheweth foorth his glorie yet hath not God reserued the ●…ound of his name to be called vpon 〈◊〉 y name of any creature but he hath giuen this only to his woorde We do not say The heauen of God nor the earth of God nor any thing in them vnder the name of God is noted notwithstanding they shew forth his glorie but the writings of the Apostles prophets by this name we know them The word of God why else but that his wisdome his power his glorie his mercie especially and aboue al things shineth in his worde and therefore let vs persuade our selues that his maiestie can not be so highly offended in any abuse of all his creatures as when his woord is despised When man sawe not his eternall power and Godhead which was manifest and might haue ben knowen in the workes of the creation of the worlde yet God did ouersee all their ignorances and had pitie on them he gaue them a better testimonie of his presence made his worde knowen in the middes of them that they might beleeue it and be saued which word whosoeuer shal despise he hath despised the power of God by which he should be saued is more guiltie before god thē paganes infidels which neuer knew him neither can there be any other meane of saluatiō vnto him To this effecte no doubt the apostle giueth this reuerende speach to the prophesie The holie ghost hath●… saide Thus hauing prepared the people to heare regard he setteth downe the words of the prophet as followeth To day if you wil heare his voice hardē not your harts as in the bitter murmuring in the day of tentatiō in the wildernes where your fathers c. To vnderstand this exhortatiō well we must see the whole purpose of the psalme The prophet maketh this psalme no doubt as a preparation for the people in all their holie conuocation how to present them selues before the Lord after the same manner in a good and laudable custome we vse it now in the church in our seruice vnto God beginning with this Psalme to stirre vs vp into feare and reuerence an earnest desire of the praise of god O come let vs sing vnto the Lord c. and because our zeale toward God is faint and hypocrisie hath infected the heartes of manie therefore the Prophet toucheth them neerer that if they will stand acceptable before God delay not nor bee faint hearted but euen speedily with a good courage Today if you will heare his voice harden not your heartes c. And he rehearseth the examples of their fathers who tempted God and fel in the wildernes the feare of whose examples should make vs wise This beeing now the plaine meaning of the prophet you see how fitly this Scripture is alledged by the Apostle as then the Prophet cryed vnto them in their assemblies Today if you will hear his voice c that they might keepe holie their Sabbaoth dayes and bee holie in their assemblyes before their God to heare his woorde with humilitie and offer them selues in a holie obedience vnto it So here the Apostle applying it vnto Christe who then spake by his Prophetes that his woorde now might haue also the reuerence of his owne person he sayth also to them Today if you wil heare his voice harden not your heartes c. Now touching the words that he sayth Today he meaneth all the time in which the gospel is preached teaching vs heerby that so long as the word is preached so long saluation is offered In like sense Saint Paul exhorting the Corinthiās not to receiue the grace of God in vaine alledgeth this saying out of Esaic I haue hearde thee in an acceptable time and in the day of saluation haue I succoured thee wherevnto he addeth Behold now is the acceptable time beholde now is the day of saluation plainely expounding this time this day to be so long as the gospell is preached by which we learne how great a benefite it is to heare Christ preached for then God offereth him self vnto vs then he stretcheth out his handes as the prophet sayth to imbrace vs then he calleth vs to come vnto him then he wil accept vs then is the time of saluation for vs all his fauour loue mercie goodnes al his graces are laid out vnto vs he hath opened the heauens y we might see and shewed forth his glorie that we might vnderstand and be no more vnbeleeuing but beleeuing And what excuse trow we can we take vp to bringe before him if this Gospell of grace of peace of life be preached vnto vs and not regarded Therfore euen as the Apostle sayth afterward so let vs learne While the Gospel is preached it is stil called Today harden not our hartes against it through the deceites of sinne And this I beseech you once againe to remember that when the Gospell is preached vnto vs then it is Today Take away this word preached which is the power of God to thy saluation and what time art thou in Sure in the night in whiche no man can woorke for this is the day when his voice is heard Euen as the dayes of our life they arise with the sunne and go downe againe with it so the day of our saluation it springeth in the preaching of the Gospell and it is shut vpp againe with the ceasing of that voice and therfore the holie ghost saith when our sauiour Christ doth come to Capernaum in the borders of Zabulon and Nephtalim The people that sat in darknesse sawe a great light and to them that sat in the region and in the shadowe of death light arose vp vnto them this light is the light of the sonne of righteousnesse how long so euer it shineth so long shineth the acceptable time and the day of health nowe would I faine know what auaile prayers for the dead what helpeth sacrifices for them in purgatorie is not this Sonne gone downe vpon them is it not night with them and they all haue made their beds in the dark Haue they any more eares to heare or are they not as men dead long agoe Howe then can yet their state bee changeable How can they obtein grace mercie peace by our intercession If they can the Apostle sayth not true that it is no longer Today then while the Gospell is preached Sainct Paule saith not true that now onely is the Acceptable time our Sauiour Christ deceiued vs when he said The night commeth in which no man can work but this was the enuie of the diuell to
bring vs in a fooles paradise of prayer when we bee gone that we might not regarde the God of glorie while he offered eternall life vnto vs. And for the Saincts that are dissolued and be with Christ they shal be witnesses against vs of our madnes which esteemed them as tormented soules of purgatorie and other whom God hath taken away in his anger to make them dye in their sinnes when we fill their handes with our foolishe prayers wee ioyne with them in rebellion against God but their torments can not be healed with medicines and therefore as an vnprofitable and euill thing so let it goe let the darke fansies of dead men alone and let vs do our duetie one to another in all prayers workes and loue nowe in this time while we may do good and while the day is yet vpon vs. Now further where it is saide If you will heare his voice we learn by warrant of the holie Apostle that our sauiour Christ was euer y prophet of his church in vertue and power of his spirite euen from the beginning as well as in nature and substance of manhood after he was borne of the virgin Marie So the Apostle afterward againe saith of y prophets times that The voice of Christ did shake the earth then in all the disobedience of the people of Israel in the wildernesse Sainct Paule saith They tempted Christ as noting him to bee their guide and leader in their deserte wayes And this is the true acknowledgment of our Sauiour Christ to be the lambe killed from the beginning of the worlde to confesse that he is and euer was the mediatour and redeemer of his church and the welbeloued sonne of his father and the prophet for euer whom he had ordeiued for his people all whiche when wee shall beleeue then wee shall boldely say as this Apostle sayth Iesus Christ to day and yesterday he is the same and the same abideth for euermore the same Prophet the same fayth the same hope the same God euen as we confesse one and the same catholike church As our fathers were saued so are wee and at this day we beleeue not only as Paule and Peter did beleeue but wee walke in the steppes of that sayth which was first in our father Abraham yea and in all Patriarches beefore him as wee haue all had but one heauenlie maister And whatsoeuer outward ceremonies God hath ordeined according to the diuersitie of times they were euer appointed to be schoolemaisters to leade men vnto Christe in whome onely GOD was wel pleased and without whome there is no saluation And herein the singular loue of God to vs hath appeared and these dayes of the Gospell preached are aboue all other blessed dayes because this Sauiour hath shewed him selfe vnto vs and hath beene in the middes of vs flesh of our flesh and bone of our bones and we haue seene his glorie as the glorie of the onelie begotten sonne of God and hee hath reuealed vnto vs the cleare and shining way of this saluation more openly then euer before and therefore let vs heare the admonition To day if you will heare his voice harden not your heartes And here that he saith Harden not your heartes we see how great a sinne we cōmitt in not hearkening to the voice of God we harden our hearts and couer thē as with a couering of brawne that they may not be mollified with y grace of God for the word of God is liuing and more sharpe then a two edged sword and entereth to the diuision of the soule and the spirite neither is it possible to keepe it out but as a sword so it wil pearce our heart except we haue made it hard as flint And as he sayth Do not you harden your owne hearts so let vs persuade our selues our sinne is our owne and we haue done it we may not excuse our selues as the manner of some is and say our heartes are hardened whether we wil or no and who can doe withall True it is and the Prophet sayth it We haue of our selues stonie hearts and all the imaginations of them are euil euen from our youth so that all men father children may say a like we know that in vs y is in our flesh there dwelleth no goodnes but what so euer the corruption of our nature is be it neuer so greate yet our fault is neuer the lesse no more then if we had an Angels nature whiche willingly and wittingly we would peruert for vnto our corrupt nature we bring of our selues a peruerse wil which did corrupt the Angels nature and made them fall from God so lay no more thy fault on thy nature for thy will is set to worke iniquitie with all delight to doe euil We wish to bring our ill purposes to passe we reioyce wee are glad it is the thinge we would haue we will not heare anie other call wee bid farewell to all what so euer would turne vs from our sinne The corruption which we haue our pleasure is in it and all the goodnes which we want we care not for it but our wil is after our worke and as we are so wee like our selues best if there bee any wicked and dissolute man that denieth this either he hath taught his tong to lie or a seduced heart hath deceiued him for let him speake that can the theefe that stealeth the adulterer that defileth his bodie the enuious man that speaketh euil the beastlie man that murdereth another the blasphemous toung the rebellious hand whiche of these is not thruste forewarde of his owne will or who euer that mourned and wept that fasted and prayed not to be lead into tentation hath ben giuen ouer to so shamefull sinns No no if God make vs once mourne vnder the bodie of sinne the grace of Christ is offered to the broken and contrite heart and sinne reigneth not in vs but because we delight in it let vs hearken therefore to this admonition To day if you will heare his voice harden not your heartes It followeth As in the bitter murmuring as in the day of tentatiō in the wildernes where your fathers tempted me proued me and saw my workes fourtie yeeres This example of their fathers rebellion is wel alledged both to moue them the more to take heede by their fathers example because they were a people exceedingly holden with an opinion of their fathers that they shoulde yet remember their fathers were but men and they should not followe them in their sinne and wickednesse The storie which the prophet especially meaneth is written in the 17. of Exodus where Moses sheweth how the people murmured in Rephidim for want of water for then Moses gaue these verie names to the place and called it Bitter murmuring because they stroue bitterly and contended againste Moses and he called it tentation because they ceassed to put their trust in God and rebelled for want of water So by the
the saluation of the Gospell for there are many drunkards gluttons adulterers couetous men blasphemers lyers contentious persons and suche other whiche shall neuer into the kingdome of of Heauen yet will they boast of the gospell of Christ but he that dyeth with Christ and is buried with him touching the olde man and as Christe is risen from the dead so by the spirite of Christe he that ryseth vp into newenesse of life with him this couenaunt is mad and with none other and he shal be iustified by his fayth when the sinnes of the wicked shall fall vpon them Further in this threatening wee haue to marke first the cause euen the peoples sinne which the prophet setteth out thus It is a people that do erre in their hearts for they haue not knowen my ways This is the beginnig of all euil to leaue the ordinances of God and walke in our owne imaginations and this is onely follie to forsake the word of God the founteine of all wisedome and to followe our owne inuentions whiche are vaine and fruitlesse So Moses vpbraideth the people when they obeyed no longer Gods ordinances to do them but made new lawes vnto themselues to liue by They are sayth he a nation voide of counsel neither is there any vnderstanding in them by this we know what they are what wisedome and counsell is in them that take away the worke of God and teache their owne traditions It is a plaine sentence They erre in their hartes for they haue not knowen my wayes So we may boldly say It is a foolishe people an ignoraunt people a people full of blindnesse and sinne whosoeuer walke in their owne imaginations for they haue forsaken the wayes of God and nowe what wisedome can there be in them And mark that he saith They erre in their hearts noting what studie is in thē and howe full they are of thoughtes and cogitations what to deuise euer m●…sing euer inuenting and neuer the better no quietnesse is within vs So that we are sure our owne traditions the more wee followe them our owne foolishnesse doeth the more vexe and disquiet vs and wee doe nothing else but waste pensiue dayes and heauie nightes studying with our selues how we may perish If thou doubt of this whosoeuer thou art heare the worde of the Lorde They erre in their heart for they haue not knowen my wayes if thou hearest it and knowest it leaue off their wofull wayes who seeke tradition and erre in their heartes and haue no peace and followe the worde of God whiche onely giueth light and securitie vnto vs. An other thing in this threatning is that God sweareth They shal not enter into his rest This oth is to persuade vs that with a constant purpose God is iust euen as he is merciful and let vs not flatter our selues in vaine hope to escape his anger while wee will needes walke still in our sinnes for in iustice iudgement the glorie of God shineth and no more then he can breake his promise of loue and mercie made with his Sainctes no more will he defile his couenant in whiche he hath threatened the rebellious people but hee will surely recompence their sinnes into their bosome and his anger shall consume them Therfore to these also hath he sworne and he wil not repent him They that haue not knowen his wayes they shall neuer enter into his rest of this rest we shall haue occasion to speake hereafter Now let vs pray that God for his sonnes sake woulde prepare our hearts to the hearing of his voice that wee may not be despisers as our forefathers haue beene whom God threatned in his heauie displeasure and hath shewed his iudgements toward them euen as he would but let vs be as his sheepe that doe heare his voice that his worde may he in our heartes a seede of regeneration by whiche we may be borne a newe into holinesse and righteousnesse to glorifie him that is our God for euer c. ¶ The sixteenth Lecture vpon the 12. 13. 14. verses 12 Take heede brethren lest at any time there be in any of you an euil heart and vnfaithfull to depart away from the liuing God. 13 But exhort one another dayly while it is called To day lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulnesse of sinne 14 For we are made partakers of Christ if we keepe sure vnto the end that beginning wherwith we are vpholden IN these words the Apostle beginneth more particularly to handle y former words of the Prophet and so to amplifie his exhortation that in no wise the Hebrues should forget to heare to obey christ their only prophet first of all in this that the Prophet sayth To day ▪ by which the Apostle gathereth that we must not neglecte this time of our calling but whē the voice of the Lord is heard then we must shew our obedience for it is not meet that he should speak and we should be deafe nor he should call to day and we to make answer we will come to morrowe such loose regard of the worde of the liuing God becommeth not those that are his Saincts neither doth our sauiour Christ so teach vs himselfe when he saith so many times He that hath eares to heare let him heare therfore when the Lord openeth his mouth let vs erecte our eares and in the day that he doth teache let vs learne in the same glorifie god in his goodnes this is y plain meaning of the Apostle in these words of the twelfth thirteenth verse Take heed brethren lest at any time there be in any of you an euil heart vnfaithful to depart frō the liuing God but exhort one another daily while it is yet called To day lest any of you be hardened with the deceitfulnesse of sinne Beside this generall doctrine in the wordes of the Apostle we haue manie thinges profitable to note First that heere againe he calleth them by the name of Brethren he sheweth a great affection of brotherlie loue toward them for there is no doubt but he was free from flattering woordes and of the aboundance of his heart his mouth did speake so that this testimonie of his good will had greate weight to allure the Hebrues the more willingly to heare him And we must learne a verie good lesson with what care and loue earnest desire wee must do all things to our neighbour We must not as in other things where wee care not greatly whether they come to passe or no so vse our exhortations and admonitions to our bret●…en but what we aduise them or speake vnto them touching the feare of God we must haue all our heart bent to doe them good no care nor desire ought to be greater in vs then this that by some meanes we might doe them good This affection the Apostle sheweth when hee calleth them Brethren and we that this day preach vnto you when we say dearely beloued or louing brethren or vse
suche our comforte of our meeting wil soone be at an end and our last mirthe wil be in heauinesse And here we must marke when this duetie of mutuall exhortation is required the Apostle addeth While it is yet called to day this is as I told you before while yet life forgiuenes is offered vnto vs thoroughe the preaching of the gospel this is to stirr vs vp not to neglect the time of our calling so the prophet Esay Seke saith he the Lord while he may be foūd cal ye vpon him while he is neere We haue al our times in which we are called to repentance if we neglect them we shall not haue them againe thoughe wee sought them with teares The day was past with the riche man to call vnto Abraham for Lazarus to helpe him when they were both dead the day was when Lazarus lay at his gate despised of him The day was past with Pharaoh when he was in the redd Sea the day was while Moses and Aaron wrought suche miracles in his sight The day was past with Iudas when the diuell was nowe entered into him the day was before when Christe reproued him of his wicked purpose The day is with vs while yet we feele our hearts flexible and our conscience is touched with the feare of God the day is past when at the last our heartes sinke downe into infidelitie and we can no more be soarie for sinne therefore while time is and we be yet sure it is the day of health let vs regarde it and take hold of it as it cōmeth for when it is gone it is past recouerie behind there is no handfast to pull it back againe It followeth Lest any of you be hardened with the deceit of sinne we see here how we be caried into euil y is by craftinesse by deceit of sinne Sinne neuer appeareth in her own coūtenāce no more then y diuel sheweth himself in his owne shape but as he is a lyer from the beginning so all his dooinges are deceiuable errour as him selfe is false so are all his doings in falshoode Sainct Paule calleth it Iugling craftinesse to deceiue cunningly Now then if wee this day confesse that sinne is of the diuel why doe we not beleeue as the holie Apostle beleeueth that the sinner is holden in deceit and errour to doe the things he knoweth not And if in sinning we doe we knowe not what and as we woulde neuer doe if we knewe what we did what meane we so willingly to be deceiued Where is the glorie of our gray haires or the reioycing of a manlie countenaunce when so childishly wee will be led into the pit and snares Wee knowe it is ill we knowe it is of the diuel we hate the name of it we are ashamed of the lighte of the sunne when wee doe committ it we knowe the end of it is death and it bringeth foorth nothinge but our destruction and what heartes haue we yet within vs of fleshe or of stone of wisedome or of madnesse that we be still deceiued with such a monster Where be now our politique heads and wise counsels of which wee boast so much that we be ware men circumspect in all thinges foreseeing harmes preuenting enimies practises and I wot not what idle prayses of vaine men For where is their witt where is their counsell where is their sound aduice and depe consideratiōs whē their greatest dedliest enimies am bitiō pride reuenge iniustice couetousnes adulterie lodge in their priuie chambers lye betwene their brestes Alas dearelie beloued what gaine should be vnto vs if we with you you with vs should both perish together How much were it better that wee should admonish one another and liue together to eternall life Let vs not then be mocked with the deceit of sinne And at one worde to all those wise men of which I spake and to all you y be present of that number this I say and yet not I but the Prophet Ieremie that you may be sure I say the trueth When all your vaine prayses shal be scattered into the winde when the Lord shall cut off all flattering lippes and make perpetuall silence of these emptie idle blastes that haue puffed you vp an other and a truer and a more enduring testimonie shal be pronounced of you that except you turne while it is yet called to day and be not hardned with this deceitfulnesse of sinne you are vnwise shal be ashamed of your grosse ignoraunce for you haue refused the lawe of the Lord and what wisedome can be in you This testimonie I am sure is true and the liuing God hath spoken it of the children of men and how blessed are we if we doe beleeue it how much more happinesse is in one day of our honour in which we are wise to escape the deceipt of sinne then in ten thousand dayes in which we should fall from the Lord of life This is wisedome and hee that hath vnderstanding let him marke where and how many are his footesteps that he bee not ouertaken with the sleightes of sinne It followeth now in the wordes of the Apostle for we be made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our substance stedfast vnto the latter end he amplified before the exhortation of the Prophet by pondering of this woorde Today willing vs not to pretermit the time but diligently to stirre vp one another while this day of health abideth Nowe he continueth the same exhortation by waying of the residue of the words If you heare his voice harden not your harts a●… in the bitter murmuring shewing that our forefathers example should be our instruction and wee ought to take heede by their punishmentes for if God spared not them how should he spare vs but they when they heard his voice yet they sinned though he spake vnto them yet they beleeued not and therefore his anger fell vpon them euen so if now the voice of Christ shal be heard of vs and we beleeue it not or else little regarde it as wee fall into the same example of disobedience it standeth with the iustice of our God that we shoulde be partakers of like punishmente To this purpose are the wordes of the Apostle to the ende of this chapter Touching this 14. verse the more to persuade vs the Apostle sheweth what great benefite is vnto vs if we will be faithful to heare his voice and abide constant in obedience of it for so wee shal be partakers of christ We knowe this is our hope and all the assurance we haue with God that wee bee made members of Iesu Christe wee must be graffed into him and be made members of his bodie Euen as the vine-braunche can haue no life nor bring forth any fruite except it abide in the bodie of the vine no more haue wee either life or righteousnesse except we be and abide in Christe This is the mysticall vniting and spirituall ioyning
wee haue with Christe he is our substance being in y inheritance of Glorie so his righteousnesse is our righteousnes his loue is our loue his life is our life his spirit is our spirit of his fulnesse we receiue all this is a great mysterie which neither our eye seeth nor our hearte can vnderstand but yet it is a reall ioyning of vs with him which our faith doeth easily comprehend when we shal see that wisedome which could vnite in one person God and man we shall see the wisedome which hath made all vs the bodie of that head and members one of another This great benefite is here set out vnto vs in a sure promise We be partakers of Christ that we should as I said e be more moued with so great a blessing And here we haue al to learne a good lesson that is how we are all set free from sinne presented faultlesse before the presence of gods glorie and that is by being made one with Christe and appearing in his countenance for of him only it is true This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased if vnto him wee be giuen and with him be ioyned then in him we are also beloued and throughe him we be accepted This is y saluation we haue by him to be graffed in him and made partakers of his life Euen Abraham our father before Abraham Noe Enoch Abel or whosoeuer since haue had highest praise Iob Daniel Samuel Iohn Baptist the virgin Marie all are one before God not one in himself excepted but all were vnited to Iesus Christ in whome they were righteous Were we neuer so full of good works our wel doing extendeth not vnto the Lord nor they can possibly either deserue his fauour or once come in his sight but we muste leaue all our workes in the earth where they are done and they must die with the corruptible hands and feete with whiche they are wrought we must goe naked and bare offer nothing but that which is Christes yea our selues we must present in his bodie for in our owne persons we can not possibly be accepted haue therefore a wise and vnderstanding faith knowe how you are made one with Iesu Christe and there lay the anchorhold of thy hope for in him it is impossible thou shouldest perishe It followeth If we hold the beginning of our substance sure stedfast vnto the end this is the condition vnder which we shal be partakers of Christ perseuerance and constancie vntill the end Our Substance as the Apostle calleth it that is our beeing our vpholding our settled standing this our estate of vniting vnto Christ the beginning of this nowe wrought in vs we must hold it and strēgthen it vnto the end then we knowe we be partakers of Christe this beginning of our Substance is faith by the preachinge of the gospell by which we be nowe spiritually vnited vnto Christ this faith by hearing y voice of Christ through which we are one with him by the same worde wee must nourishe it and keepe it stedfaste vnto the ende this is the same thing whiche Paule teacheth to the Colossians that Christ hath reconciled vs in his bodie if we abide in saith grounded and settled and be not moued from the hope of the Gospel whiche we haue hearde preached vnto vs touching this I saide muche in the exposition of the sixt verse now this I will adde if you will knowe the churche of Christe know it by this marke it holdeth the beginning of her substance stedfast vnto the end the beginning of our substance he called before in the sixte verse the assuraunce and reioycing of our hope Saint Paul as I told you in plaine words expoundeth it thus a sure faith in the gospel preached Now you know the marke of the church of Christ a sure faith by the preching of the gospel take away assuraunce you take away the faith of Gods electe for it must bee sure stedfast settled vnmoueable vnto the end if hunger thirst nakednes if the sword of the Tyrant if the stormie seas if fearfull visions of euil spirites if any of these make thee feare in all these thus Christ reprooueth thee O thou of litle faith for if he that made all be stronger then al if in him thou trust thou must feare at nothing but knowe for trueth that neither height nor depth nor death nor life nor Angel nor power shall euer separate thee from the loue of God this therfore I say first marke take away suretie and take away the faithe of Gods Churche Againe take away the preaching of the Gospell and you take away faith for so Paul saith Our faith is groūded in the gospel preached vnto vs as in another place he speaketh expresly faith is by hea●…ing of the word of God therfore the gospel hath this name to 〈◊〉 called the worde of faith the hearing of faith the preaching of faith and our receiuing of the gospel is called the obedience of faith neither is it possible to haue faith where thou hast no woorde which thou caust beleeue Now consider I bese●…ch you what Church is the church of Rome their fayth they conceale it not but thus reach preach that it hath no certeintie and for the gospel to warrant their faith they seeke it not but say ignorance wil stirre vp deuotion and wil not suffer the people to knowe the Scripture nay they say they neede it not but onely beleeue as the Church beleeueth are these the people to whom the Apostle writeth that they should surely beleeue the Gospel vnto the end if light be darcknesse if good be euill if holinesse be sinne then are these men the Church of Christ but the time is past Nowe let vs pray that it would please God to strengthen in vs a true and liuely faith c. The seuenteenth Lecture vpon the the residue of the chapter 15 So long as it is said To day if you heare his voice harden not your heartes as in the prouocation 16 For some when they heard prouoked him to anger howbeit not all that came out of Aegypt by Moses 17 But with whome was he displeased fourtie yeeres Was he not displeased with them that sinned whose carcases fell in the wildernesse 18 And to whome sware he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that obeyed not 19 So we see that they could not enter in because of vnbeliefe HEre the Apostle proceedeth to amplifie this exhortatiō of the prophet in these words If you heare his voice harden not your hearts as in the bitter murmuring touching these wordes you haue heard thē before expounded vnto you therefore we now wil let them passe only noting this vnto you the Apostle saith while it is yet called to day that the prophet had said to day the apostle saith yet that exhortatiō is yet it is called to day wherby we learn the prophesies were not for the present
time only but daily we our children after vs are admonished instructed and taught in their preaching so when the prophet Esaie reproueth the people for vsing their owne counsel seeking helpe of the Aegyptians whē they were inaduersitie y we should know it was not only then Gods will that his people should trust in him not make thē vaine 〈◊〉 of men but that alwayes he should be our onely refuge the prophet saith Now go and write it before them in a table note it in a book that it may be for the last day for euer euer So the Prophet Ieremie mentioneth howe Baruche wrote all his wordes making them an instruction vnto the posteritie that should reade then This our sauiour Christ ment whē he said one soweth another reapeth meaning the prophets laboured and we eate the fruite of their labour and so Peter saith that Not to them selues but to vs they ministred those things which nowe are preached vnto vs not onely meaning that they are witnesses of our faith vnto vs but our hope our loue all is grounded vpon that foūdatiō A lessō derely beloued wel to be marked for there be many now a days which make to small account of Gods prophets their boldnesse in their ministerie their sharpe condemning of mans foolish policie their rules of iustice and iudgement a great many cast them off as things of another worlde or another people but we shal see that God is vnchang able and his righteousnesse is one for euer and he hath made his prophets our scholemaisters and the same worde indureth for euer I speake not of figures and suche outward lawes as the Iewes had for an appointed time but Gods iustice gouernment which is eternal is contemned of vs if we cast away the instructions of rule and of righteousnesse wherof the Prophets preache but we because we wil not bringe our neckes vnder the yoke of the Lord therefore wee make light account of their prophesies though as the prophet saith they be writtē for euer and ●…uer and thus farre of this Nowe let vs see howe in these woordes follow ing the Apostle applieth this exhortatiō he saith For certein ●…hen they had heard prouoked hi●… to anger howbeit not al that came out of Aegypt c. ●…s if he should also adde but let it not be so with vs let not vs walke in the way of these sinners whiche thus prouoked the Lorde and he was angrie with them but let vs followe better aduice and wiser guides they did not all murmur that came out of Aegypt nor all prouoked God let vs followe those that obeyed and if they were fewe in number yet let vs striue to walke with those fewe for their way is better then the way of the multitude this is the exhortation heere made and it ought to be often considered of vs. Many times in the scripture we be taught to set out y examples of good men vnto vs but especially suche examples as are in the scripture we ought still to remember them for for the same purpose they are written vnto vs and if we set them not before vs to follow we regarde not the voice of God whiche we heare this verie example whiche the Apostle biddeth vs now consider S. Paul saith It was written to teach and admonish vs vpon whom the latter ends of the worlde are come and in the eleuenth chapter of this Epistle the Apostle reciteth a greate number of godlie and faithfull men by their example prouoking vs that seeing we haue suche a cloude of witnesses we should cast off sinne that wrappeth vs about and ioyfully runne in the fellowshipp of so manie sainctes This is written to moue vs and this oughte to moue vs and this wil moue vs if wee quench not the grace of God that is giuen vs for who of vs this day would not be as Paule or Peter as Abraham or Isaake as Iosias or Dauid Who I say that is wise in hearte would not walke in their wayes liue their liues and leaue their memories behinde them Or who had leuer be as Simon Magus or Iudas as the Scribes or Phariseis as Ieroboam or Achab And why then be we yet foolishe If our owne heartes doe sufficiently instruct vs and the voice of the Apostle doe so earnestly exhort vs why doe we not learne not to tempt God as many haue tempted him and are destroyed but to obey and heare his voice as many haue obeyed and their remembraunce is in blessing let vs heare therefore this exhortation It followeth But not al that went out of Aegypt this is added of the Apostle to comfort any y were weke harted for some would think hath God so destroyed our fore fathers and made their carcases to fall in the wildernesse they that were in multitude as the sand of the sea did he make them so few in number of sixe hundred thousand mē and more were there so few left that dyed not in their sinnes what hope can I haue o●… how shall I stand before the face of God thus I say if any man should feare the Apostle addeth a notable comfort they did not all prouoke God that came out of Aegypt but with whome was he angrie fourtie yeres was it not with those that were disobedient Heere we learne wisely to trie and examine our selues whether we be in the fauour of God or no and that is by searching our owne heartes whether we would obey his voice or no it skilleth nothing what other men are before vs or what come vnto them but all is in this what our owne hearts are before God and how we obey him if when any nation haue filled vpp their iniquities and God roote them out yet let not the faithful of that nation feare for God is their God vnto saluation put thy trust in the liuing God and though a thousand fall on thy left hand and tenne thousande on thy right yet shall no hurt approch vnto thee denie not the words of the holie one and though the earth be moued yet thou shalt be in peace for God regardeth thee not by thy father or mother or by thy countrie but if thou wert borne among the moste barbarous people yet by thy faith thou shalt liue A notable example we haue in Paule who shewing the great sinnes of his people the vengeance that God had executed against them he maketh streight this obiection hath God then cast away his owne people and answereth God forbid for I am an Israelite he held the assurance of his Election not by his countrie or brethren but by testimonie of his owne spirit whiche feared not at the fall of other but stood in the assurāce of his owne predestination Thus here the Apostle comforteth the weake it is true God destroyed an infinite multitude of his people yet feare not thou if thou abide in his obedience for whom destroyed he but those whose
light of the Lord is the breath of man it sercheth al the bowels of the bellie where also he calleth the word light because it shineth in mās heart as in a darke place and trieth out all the secrets of his thoughtes in this meaning heere the word is called liuelie as I tolde you before the more to stir them vp not to neglect so high a prophet as the sonne of God whose worde came with maiestie and power vnto them The second title heere attributed to the worde is that It is mightie in operation meaning that it hathe in it force and vertue able to subdue all enimes and bringe vs in obedience vnto Christe this vertue of the woorde Sainct Paule notablie setteth out to the Corinthians magnifying his Apostleshippe by this means Our weapons saith he are stronge by the power of God 〈◊〉 cast downe holds wherwith we ouerthrow imaginations euerie high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God bring into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ haue readie vengeāce against al disobedience howsoeuer a man magnifie him selfe or a man exalt himselfe in whiche arrogancie of spirite he seemeth as it were buried in sinne and his heart hardened against the grace of God yet let him heare this word and let it oft fall into his eares for it is as the prophet saith a hammer which breaketh the stone in peeces and is able in the power of God to mollifie his heart or if the sinner be suncken downe so deepe that he will not rise it will crushe him down deeper that he may perishe in his sinne and so God saith to his Prophet Ieremie I will put my wordes into thy mouth and it shal be as fire this people shal be as wood and it shal deuour them And this is it Saint Paule expressely witnesseth to be the onely meanes to glorifie God to preache the trueth of his word vnto all for so saith he we are alwayes a sweete smelling sauour of Christ vnto God as wel in those that perishe as in those that be saued to the one a sauour of life vnto life to the other of death vnto death I would we that are preachers could learne and beleeue this it would make vs leaue our vain babling much talke of philosophie and prophane things and fill our mouthes onely with the worde of the Lorde for this only is mightie in operation the other hath at all no strength no strength at all in this behalfe to glorifie God or to conuert a sinner but strong to delude the people with idlo sounds strong to tickle our eares with fond delight strong to puffe vs vp with pride of our wittes but more weak then water to teach vs true repentance for proofe I say let the sinner come forth that hath beene conuerted by hearing stories or fables of poets I am sure there is none for faith is onely by the worde of God of let the preacher come forth that vseth such thinges and doeth it not either to please men or to boast of his learning for this he knoweth that the word only not prophane things conuerteth the people and why then doeth he vse them The Lord saith by his prophet Ieremie If they had stand in my counsell and had declared my wordes to my people then they should haue turned them from their euill way from the wickednesse of their owne inuentions a plaine testimonie why our preachings are vnprofitable to the people euen because we speake in our owne fansies and vse exhortations of our owne heade And againe in the prophet Malachie the Lord declareth what couenant he made with Leuie and how he promised to blesse his labours in the teaching of his people The Lawe of truth saith he was in his mouth and there was no iniquitie founde in his lipps he walked with mee in peace and equitie and did turne manie away from their sinnes Can any thinge be spoken playner Hold fast the word of God committe the fruite of thy work to the strength of it and thou shalt finde it as is here said mightie in operation and thou shalt conuert manie sinners Let them tell me nowe all that haue eares to heare what madnesse is it to fil the peoples eares with vnknowen tales and sweete wordes in which is nothing but a deceitfull sound leaue the word of God mightie in working to conuert their soules And you dearely beloued who delight in such vanitie and make the preacher transgresse for your fansies sake let me but reason with you as S. Paule reasoned with the Galathians Tel me whether by such tales or by hearing the word of God haue you receiued the spirite that is wherby were you conuerted from your vanitie vnto the liuing God was it the worde of truethe or else Gentile stories that wrought this vertue in you and are you so foolish that when you haue begun in the spirit you wil now go forwarde in the flesh Let vs leaue then this greate abuse bothe you to turne away your eyes to follie and the preacher to vse the pulpit like a Philosophers chaire We may alledge sometime a storie or prophane sentēce I denie it not but then it is good doing it when the remembring of the saying bringeth necessarilie into memorie the worde of God also for which it was alledged and giueth light vnto it for a more cleare declaration of the truth yet when the story is told and remembred by it selfe there is then but a foolish delight of a vaine man to helpe him in his talke to multiplie idle woordes there is no edifying in it at all The third title of the word now following is this That It is more sharpe then a two edged sword and this similitude is often made in the Scripture The prophet Esaie preaching the promises of God hee saith His mouth is made like a sharp sworde And Sainct Paule giueing armour to a Christian souldiour by which he may kil his enimies he biddeth him Take the sworde of the spirit which is the word of God. So in the firste and nineteenth Chapters of the Apocalypse the sonne of GOD is described with a two edged swoorde proceding out of his mouthe meaning by these speeches no other thing but that by the preaching of y gospel Christ should get the victorie and bring all enemies in subiection vnto him euen as the Prophet Esai saith He shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lippes shall he kill the vngodly by which we doe learne that the more wee pray Thy kingdome come and the more we wishe the prosperitie of the Churche the more we must striue to make the word of God knowen vnto all for that is the swoorde and scepter of his kingdome The next title heere attributed to the worde is That it entreth into the diuisiō of the soule the spirit of the ioynts and the marrow
By soule heere he meaneth that parte of vs in which our affections are as ioy sorrowe loue hatred anger mildenesse or any such motion of vs of good or euill By spirit he meaneth the moste excellent parte of vs in which is reason wisedome vnderstanding to consider and meditate of all the works of god By ioynts and marrow he mea●…ieth all the members of our body and thus Sainct Paule vseth these wordes of soule and spirite and bodie where he saith to the Thessalonians as it is in the fifth chapter The God of peace sanctifie you wholie that your spirit and soule and bodie may be kept blamelesse vntil the comming of Christ teaching vs what is a true Christian when his minde thinketh his soule desireth his body executeth nothing but what is faultlesse before God and man. So when the worde is saide to diuide betweene the soule and the spirit it noteth the mightie worke of it in the reprobate to wound all their thoughtes and desires with feare and terrour and with astonishment of heart contrarie in the electe it crucifieth the olde man with al the concupiscences and the desires of it When it is said to diuide betweene the ioynts and the marrow it sheweth the worke in all the members of our bodie to sell them vnder sinne to worke vncleannesse with greedines being hardened or to sanctifie them in the power of God that they may be seruaunts of righteousnesse vnto him being mollified To be short in soule spirite ioynts marrowe the Apostle meaneth that the word once heard the whole man is touched and al that is with in him feeleth streight a chaunge except a heauier iudgement be vpon him that he haue eares heare not wherein yet the worde hath a worke and maketh him fall deeper in the sleepe of sinne if we will learne examples are before vs of good euil what to leaue or what to choose The prophet Abacuche foreseeing the state of Christes church what daunger should be vnto it euen then to be oppressed again when it was not yet halfe growen vp he saith When I heard it my belly trēbled my lippes shooke at the voice rottennesse entred into my bowels and I trembled in my selfe that I might rest in the day of trouble heere we see the worde diuiding betweene the ioynts and the marrow how it distempered the prophets whole bodie because of the heauie threatning of the Lorde and an excellent blessing was vnto him for this feare and trembling at the voice of the Lord in the day of trouble hee had rest So the Prophet Esay at Gods threatening against his church that euen in the dayes of Christe her peace should be broken off her flourishing glo rie shoulde againe be shadowed hee crieth my leanesse my leanesse wo is me as if he had said it consumed his flesh and wore away his beautie to heare the voice of the Lord against his people if thus wee feare in deede at Gods thretenings as his saincts do vnfeignedly reioyce at all his promises a good worke of his mightie woord is in vs and it is his power to our saluation but if we be despisers and regarde not the woord that is brought vnto vs a while we may seeme to be in peace as the sick man in his sleepe feeleth not his paine but the word will wounde at the last the spirite and wee shal feele it in our flesh what we haue despised We reade in Daniel of Belshazzar a proud king in the mids of his princes and all his roaltie he sawe a hand writing and the woorde of the Lorde was before his eyes streight his countenance was chaunged and his thoughtes troubled him so that the ioyntes of his loines were loosed and his knees smote one against another such feare and terrour came vpō him whē the voice of the lord did pronounce his iudgment And not onely thus but we see it further the wicked not onely wounded but also slaine with the word of God. When many of the rulers of the people of Israel led the people to moste shamefull idolatrie the prophet Ezechiel was sent to preache vnto them and when hee prophecied before them Pelatiah the Sonne of Benaiah one of the Princes which seduced the people he dyed in his presence A like example is of Ananias and Sapphira who at the voice of Peter did bothe fall downe dead so true it is that the word is forceable to deuide and enter betwene our reines that is to sley the wicked and to quicken the godlie Last of all it is here said that the word discerneth betwene the thoughts and intents of the heart meaning that how so euer the heart of man is prepared the woord of God directeth it either more to be hardened with the deceites of sinne or wholie to bee renewed to the loue of righteousnesse It followeth nowe Neither is thereany creature which is not manifest in his sight but all thinges are naked and open vnto his eyes with whome we haue to doe These words shewe an excellent proofe of all the former things spoken of the word for seeing it is the word of God how should it not haue the power of God if among men as euery one hath moste power so his word is moste feared how should it not be but God who is the searcher of our hearts and reines and is almightie ouer all but that his worde should haue of his nature vertue and power to make the proude to feare and to comfort the humbled Let vs therefore now bee wise in time and let the worde of the Lorde fashion all our heartes if it doe not yet it worketh still and wee shall one day knowe what voice wee haue despised for as it is heere that all thinges are open vnto his eyes so we shall heare his voice when in all thinges it shall shew his power It shall speake vnto all creatures and they shall heare it the earth and sea shall bring the bodies which they haue consumed the fire shall yeld againe his ashes and the ayre her dead the elementes shall mealt away and the Heauens shall vanish the Lorde shall speake and the deade shall all arise then shal we too late bewail our madnesse which haue heard before this voice regarded it not And this let vs learne with it if such bee the strength of Gods woorde of it selfe when yet hee shall multiplie this power and make it also eternall which is infinite what shall we say then but O Lorde who shall abide it when hee shall pronounce Go you cursed into eternall fire what condemnation shal be vppon the wicked surelie dearelie beloued as it is greater then our heartes can immagine so yet in this similitude we may see as it were an image of it for as his worde diuideth betweene soule and spirit marrow bones cogitations and intentes so we knowe that in euery parte of them the wicked shall feele Gods anger head and arme
hande and foote back and side shall haue experience of his anger all the thoughts of their harts shal be wounded with death and so much the more vnspeakable because their bodyes shall feele and their minde knowe the immortalitie of death and euerlasting destruction that is vppon them whiche extreeme wretchednesse no horrour of darcknesse no weeping and gnashinge of teeth no gnawinge of conscience no eternall fire doth fully and inough set out vnto vs. But this we leaue to the reprobate men who euen to this day haue sould their heartes to conceiue mischiefe and it repenteth them not Let vs feare now in the day of health and better thinges are appointed for vs We shall heare an other voice Come ye blessed into eternall life possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning which voice shal enter depe and into all our members bring a sensible feeling of the loue of God and his greate glorie when with heart and minde wee shall see and knowe our inheritaunce with God in eternall glorie wherevnto if nowe we be raysed vp and the promises of God beginne with vs this vnspeakable and glorious hope so that our heartes be fast holden in the loue of it neuer to chaunge for worldly vanitie or rather shame woorse then vanitie for with what name shall we name it that is exalted against the Lorde if I say thus the woorde of God bee vnto vs wee haue sealed it that his word is liuing and entreth into the diuision of the soule and the spirite and we haue beene fruitfull hearers of all this longe exhortation which the Apostle hath made and ended to stirre vp his brethren faithfully to heare this prophet of God his sonne Iesus Christe and our sauiour who hath reuealed all his wil vnto vs And thus farre of this former parte of the Epistle in which we are taught that Christe is our only prophet but the time is paste Now let vs pray c. The xxj Lecture vpon the residue of the chapter the 14. 15. 16. verses 14 Seeing then that we haue a geat high priest which is entred into Heauen euen Iesus the sonne of God let vs holdefast our profession 15 For we haue not an hye Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all thinges temped in like sorte yet without sinne 16 Let vs therfore go boldely vnto the throne of grace that we may receiue mercie and finde grace to help in time of neede WE haue heard dearely beloued howe the Apostle hath taught that Christe is nowe our onely Prophet what care we should haue diligently and faithfully to harken vnto him if we will not be guiltie before God of great condemnation and iudgement The reasons are of the Apostle to proue him our onely Prophet first because God sending his onely begotten sonne into the worlde made man like vnto vs and reuealing the will of his father vnto vs the excellencie of his person inforceth vs to confesse that God ordeyneth him alone to be our Prophet Againe he was faithful in the house of God and then what nedeth any other prophet vnto vs thirdly he was more honourable then Moses in this office many wayes to be preferred afore him therfore no other Prophet is to bee ioyned with him Fourthly the Prophet Dauid said To day if you hear his voice c. which we must needes vnderstand to be a perpetuall prophesie and therefore accomplished in Christ whome we must heare if we wil beleeue and be saued Last of all the force strength of the word of God is such as it must needes warrant the maiestie of God in Christ the author of it and as n one other hath that glory so none to be our prophet but he alone vnto all those reasons he hath added as you haue heard ernest exhortatiōs to giue more weight vnto them for the better persuasion of his brethren to whome he writeth Nowe he beginneth the other principall point of this first part of the Epistle that is to proue that Christ is our only priest which disputation he continueth to the eleuenth chapter as we shal god willing heare He beginneth it firste with an exhortation as he vsed the like often before and as I saide to make vs more carefully regarde his woordes Sith thē we haue a great high priest who hath entred into heauen Iesus the sonne of God let vs hold this professiō the force of this exhortation is in the excellencie of the priesthood of Christe secretely compared with the priesthood of Aaron who was in nature their brother in person weake as other men in office earthly entring into a tabernacle made with hangs in vertue a figure of a better sacrificer himselfe not profiting at all but Christ is another highe priest in nature the sonne of GOD in qualitie great and full of glorie in office heauenly entering before God to be our mediatour in vertue holie and perfect himselfe to purge our sinnes This the Apostle noteth calling him high priest greate entring into heauen and the sonne of God and so much the more we are guiltie before him if we shal not holde fast and professe all his instruction and doctrine Now least we should thinke the Apostles exhortation is weake and that he taketh it for graūted which is in controuersie for he calleth our sauiour Christ high priest which yet it seemeth he hath not proued we must consider what hath beene spoken before and so we shall see good argumentes in this exhortation for the proof of his cause He hath taught him to be the sonne of God made man reuealinge vnto vs the counsell of his father purchasing a most glorious inheritance for vs and setting vs free from the bondage of the diuel in which wee were holden vnder the feare of death which things before witnessed of our Sauiour Christ and necessarily prouing him for the same cause to be our priest according to that trueth in the beginning of this disputation he calleth him our great highe priest So he beganne before the thirde chapter Consider holie brethren the Apostle and high priest of our profession not yet hauing particularly spoken of those offices but calling him by those names because according to the description of his person before made it must needes followe that he was both our priest and Prophet Another argument of his priesthood is that hee was here in earth afflicted as we be submitting him selfe to death from which he is risen and nowe ascended into heauen therefore he is our priest crucified for our sinnes risen for our iustification and making now Intercession for vs before God his father Thus we see vpon howe good warrant the Apostle in the beginning exhorteth them to acknowledge Christ their priest and thus muche touching this entraunce of the Apostle into this disputation and why he vseth such wordes Now touching the matter To teach that our sauiour Christ is our onely priest he first sheweth by the workes of
Christ in which we are to learne if God haue so loued vs we ought also to loue our brethrē to remember them that are oppressed as if we also were oppressed in bodie and to reioyce with those that do reioyce as if our owne hearts were filled with gladnesse a iust iudgement is vnto them all who hauing Christ such an example of loue cā yet notwithstanding hate their brethren And here we also learne whatsoeuer afflictions are yet are they lesse then the strength giuen vnto vs neither shall they euer turne the loue of God from vs for all afflictions without exception Christ suffereth with vs We see by Paule howe many howe greate howe aboue measure were his troubles by sea by lande of friendes of enimies in bodie in spirite yet calleth he them al the afflictions of Christe and his suffering Lazarus in all his pouertie sicknesse sores suffered nothing wherin Christ was not partaker of his griefe if the paines and miseries of patient Iob were nowe vppon any man euen Iob fealt nothing which Christ fealt not with him for while this mysterie is which is for euer that Christ is the head we the body how shuld the bodie be hurt and the head not touched with the paine of it Let vs not then care what crosses we beare for as there is none more shamefull then the crosse of Christe so all ours are accounted as his If we be poore sicke contemned imprisoned or whatsoeuer is the fruite of sinne God is not as man to turne his face from such children but we are the dearer in his sight cucric crosle sealeth the loue of Christ that he suffereth this with vs to the ende hee might neuer caste vs away euen as he was made sinne for vs who knewe no sinne that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him Who nowe can be discouraged with the afflictions of his life or be enuious against the wicked man if wee see his dayes full of peace and prosperitie No no these be but broken weapons and can not enter to the hurt of our soule only let vs take heede of sinne that it reigne not nor haue any kingdome in vs for therein Christ hath taken no part and by it onely we are separate from him as by that with which he will haue no felowshippe And where it is heere saide that our Sauiour Christ was like vnto vs in all things except sinne it is a cleare place to teache vs what to beleeue of the true humanitie of our sauiour Christ leaue off foolish and vaine questions in which there is no edification dispute not of particular things this or that wherin thy foolishe minde may fall into heresie and thy foolish heart may take offence but beleeue it stedfastly that thou haste learned truely that in all things Christ was like vnto thee sinne only excepted if any thing bee spoken of his humanitie not agreeing with this it is false and to bee refused It foloweth now in the last verse Let vs therfore go with boldnesse vnto the throne of grace that we may obteine mercie finde grace to help in time of nede In these wordes the Apostle concludeth wherefore hee hath thus magnified the priesthood of Christe and what benefite we haue by it that is to go with boldnesse vnto the throne of God and knowe our selues assuredlie reconciled vnto him in consideration of which excellent vnspeakable benefite he maketh his conclusion by way of exhortation that wee might neuer bee slacke and slouthfull to receiue so great a blessing nor by any vnthankfulnesse shewe our vnworthnesse of it Now in these wordes are manie especiall good lessons for vs to learne firste were hee saith Let vs goe which exhortation hee groundeth vpon the former wordes that Christ as hee said is entred into the Heauens we must here learne to applie it to our selues all that Christe hath done as in deede he did it not for his owne cause but for ours and we learne how it belongeth vnto vs euen as it is wrought by Christe in our nature whose members we are And thus what so euer we can see in Christ that he hath done and what soeuer glorious promises are made vnto him let vs knowe our vnitie that we haue with him all blessings that they are ours If he haue ouercome sinne we haue also ouercome it If he haue vanquished death we haue vanquished it also If he haue risen from the dead wee shall rise also If hee haue ascended into Heauen we shall ascende If he sitt on the right hand of maiestie wee shall also be glorified and see God as he is for wee be ioyned all vnseparably vnto him as the head is ioyned vnto the bodie by the wonderfull mysterie of Gods wisdome who hath made him of our nature and giuen vnto vs of his spirite and in this felowship with him which he hath giuen vs there is nothing so greate but hee hath giuen vs with him the righteousnesse of all his woorkes and glorie of all his inheritaunce with him is ours and wee are also Lordes ouer all whether it be Paule or whether Appollo or whether it bee Cephas whether the world whether it be life or whether it be death whether things present or whether things to come all things are ours and we are Christes and Christe is Gods. Thus we must apple it and make it ours whiche Christ hath giuen vs euen as the Apostle saith of this that Christ is our high preist mediatour let vs therefore go vnto the throne of grace An other thinge wee must heere note that the Apostle exhorteth vs to goe with boldenesse teaching vs that a constant persuasion and good assuraunce of Gods fauour doe highly commende our prayers vnto God and without it we are like vnto the flouds and waues of the sea which are rouled vp and downe with the winde and our hope with God is frustrate Now this boldnesse which is thus necessarie for vs we must learne likewise both how we haue it and what it bringeth vnto vs how we haue it we canne no way better learne then by the Apostle him selfe who making againe this selfe same exhortation in the tenth chapter following saith thus Seeing we haue this great high priest the ruler ouer the house of God let vs go vnto him with a true hart ful persuasion of faith hauing our harts sprinkled frō an euil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water this is then the boldnesse with which we approche vnto God stedfastly to beleeue that with the bloud of Christ our mindes are washed frō impure thoughtes and our bodies from sinne This S. Paule also teacheth in plaine and manifest wordes in Christ saith he we haue this freedome and entrance with boldnesse through faith in him and in another place he saith this must needes be thus that by faith onely we should haue this accesse vnto God else saith hee the promise of God coulde
be come in flesh while thus hee denyeth him to bee our onely mediatour Nowe let vs returne further to heare what the Apostle teacheth The fourth propertie here mentioned requisite in a priest is that he haue cōpassion on his brethren according to that feeling which is in his owne flesh of his owne infirmities ▪ this compassion is to reioyce with his brethren in all well doing and to be greued for them in their sinnes errours whiche propertie the Apostle saith was in the priest of the lawe in a certeine measure as hee was helpe by experience of him selfe and so muche as God accepted in him who was for a time the priest of his people This ought to bee nowe a speciall instruction vnto vs all because wee are all made a spirituall Priesthood vnto GOD to offer vp our spirituall sacrifices that we should haue this compassion one toward another to delight in the well doing of our brethren as hauing receiued the same spirit of faith and to be greeued with their offences euen as men subiect to the same infirmities This reioycing was in Paule when he writeth to the Philippians that if he might procure their faith constancie of godlinesse though it were with the losse of his life yet he would reioyce with them for the greate blessing and this holie sorrowe for our brothers fallings the same Paule expressely cōmaundeth vnto vs all writing to the Galathians brethren if a mā be fallen by occasion into any fault ye whiche are spirituall restore such a one with the spirit of meekenesse considering thy selfe leaste thou also be tempted if this thē be in vs our brotherly loue be measured with this line wee are all this day Priestes vnto our God offering vp a moste sweete smelling sacrifice euerie one his brother to be a seruaunt of righteousnesse vnto god And as this is the duetie in euery one of vs so especiallie the minister ought to bee full of this compassion to declare still vnto his people all the counsell of God that they might bee confirmed who are called and conuerted who goe yet astray that with one hart and voice at last they might glorifie god together this it is y ought to be but O Lorde how farre is this from beeing done where may we finde a man that reioyceth in his brothers godlinesse or pitieth him in his sinne who can boaste of his friendes of all his acquaintance of all his kinred that him he hath brought vnto the Lord how many are the ministers in number that are able to teach and haue their dwelling with their parishioners to teach thē to know god surely these things are so farre out of order iniquitie hath so preuailed gotten y vpper hand that we may take vp againe the prophets cōplaint Like priest like people the people are so dulled with carnall concupiscence that all their companie is for cardes or dice or daūsing or banquetting or some riot of life the name of the Lord is not remembred but when it is blasphemed this is the fellowship of the world the ministerie hath not so altogether cast off shame but yet the faults of it are somwhat too great and grieuous for many of them are hirelings non residēts dumb dogges going a whoringe not after many women which the worlde would detest but after manie benefices which the Lord God of Israel doeth as much abhorre would to God this cōplaint were false and it shal be false when god shal giue his feare into our harts and giue vs eares to heare that good promise of Christ blessed are those seruaūts whom the Lorde when he commeth shall finde wakinge In the meane while if admonitions may stirre vs vp to be wise in time let vs heare what the Apostle saith more in this place It followeth because that he is compassed about with infirmitie this is the cause why the high priest had such compassion on his brethren because himselfe fealt all their infirmities thus the Apostle testified of Christ before that because he was tempted he was made able to helpe those that were tempted and Saint Paule saith for this cause be we comforted in our tribulation that we might be able to comfort other in their afflictions so our owne sense and feeling must needes be a prouocation vnto vs to pitie other and in deede it is a thing vtterly impossible that whatsoeuer I suffer my selfe I shoulde not haue a compassion of it in another If I be hungrie I pitie all whom I heare crie for meate If I be in pain I pitie all which crie out in their griefe euen so it is also with vs and muche more in the afflictions of spirite I beare the burthen of mine owne sinnes if I see their loathsome appearance and feele their heauy iudgement that I mourne vnder them it is vtterly impossible but I should hate them in my selfe and in all men and I will seeke diligently howe to keepe men free from suche a deadly sicknesse Thus we see what is the cause why we be not careful one to edify another that is because we haue no true feelinge of our own ignorances nor perceiue any weightie burthen of our owne sinnes whē we pray thus the remē brance of them is grieuous vnto vs the burthen of them is intollerable we speake with feigned and deceitefull lippes the sighes of our hearts they goe not with our woords or if they doe I appeale to your owne harts how careful you are for your brethren for I am sure the words of the Apostle must needes be true if I say you feele your owne sinnes you bee carefull for your brethren wishing and procuring as any occasion serueth that they also may finde grace to turne from their sinnes come out as Paule saieth out of the snares of the diuel who hath entrapped them after his owne will and if this great miserie of thy brother moue thee not thoufeelest not the miserie that is in thine owne ioyntes and bowels which astonishment of sense is barbarous brutish dishonoring both the hart coūtenance of a man. Another thing here to be marked is that the Apostle calleth al sinnes by the name of errours ignorances teaching vs first that al errour and innorance before God is condemned as sin whatsoeuer man doth with all his good intentes if he be ignoraunt in his work he oflereth but the sacrifice of a foole neither doth God regarde it Wherin we may se what their church is whose whole religion is blindenesse and whose deuotiō as them selues confesse is bred and nourished by ignorance another cause why our sinnes are named ignoraunces is because the sinners knowe not their owne way they thinke they haue peace reioycing When danger and woe is neerest vnto them they think their sinne is sweete and ful of pleasure when indede it is nothing els but anguish affliction of spirit for they see only with their eyes haue regarde after
but a blast of woordes When there was no remedie but Christ must be had to Caiphas Peter began to faint and to drawe behinde When the perill was more increased and they began to crie Crucifige Peter was more affraid and began to swaere he knewe him not so great infirmitie is in mortall flesh experience is the greatest warrant to knowe what it can beare It is our bounden duetie and the Lorde requireth it that we should determine with our selues in all things to approue ourselues the witnesses of his Gospell in patience in afflictions in necessities in stripes in tumults in labours in watchinges in fastinges in honour in dishonour in good report in shame in life in death and our comfort is greate when we be persuaded of these thinges that we woulde contemne them But howe violently the fleshe will fight against vs wee cannot well declare till we haue made the triall We therefore dearely beloued whom it hathe pleased God to keepe in heauinesse thorough many temptations wee haue here a salue against the woundes of sorrowe Our afflictions doe teach vs how farre we can obey the lord If in all griefe of bodie I can say with patiēce I haue held my peace O Lord because thou hast done it then I knowe y in all sorrowes of fleshe I haue glorified God and my heart reioyceth If my minde be ful of anguishe And sorrow so that all hope be faint within mee if I can say yet vnto my soule I will waite patiently for the Lordes leasure then I know assuredly God hath made mee obedient and he will heare my prayer so that this experience hath bred in mee the hope that shall neuer be confounded I may speake the woordes whiche the heauens shall seale vnto with euerlasting truth neither fire not sword not principalities nor power shall remoue mee from the loue wherewith God hathe loued mee a sure token of this saluation I haue found in mine afflictions when I trauelled in sorrowe both of the body and minde I found the grace to say O Lord do thy will this is no small cause why we should reioyce when God doth make vs worthie to feele the triall of our faith So dearly beloued faint not in your mournings but endure patientlye you know not the happinesse of that which seemeth your miserie let this be the first cause why we should be glad of temptations And to the end wee may helpe our common infirmities let vs learne yet more why it is good for vs to be brought low a most notable commoditie the Apostle reherseth where he writeth to the Romanes Those whom God hath foreknowen he hath also predestinate to be made likvnto the image of his sonne Loe my deare brethren these are the healthful counsels of the Lord toward vs that we shoulde be made like vnto his sonne Christ in many afflictions y at the last wee might be also like him in eternall glorie These are the riches of Gods vnsearcheable wisdome Death once reigned through sinne and he hath found a way to rise from it agaiue into greater glorie this victorie because it was too great for saint or angel to obtein he hath appointed it to be the worke of his onely begotten sonne who made it perfect in a most excellent conquest he hath taken vpon him our nature to make it strong and in his owne person he hath filled it with the fulnesse of miseries with all sorrowes of flesh with all anguish of minde with persecution with death with sinne with hell with condemnation and from all these by the mightie power of his godhead he is risen againe in our flesh ascended vp into glorie and sitteth on the right hand of Maiestie and of power beeing a mightie Sauiour vnto euerie one that shall follow him So that this is our glorie in all afflictions we are fashioned by them into the similitude of Christe and we are made like vnto him So it pleased God whē hee would bring many children into glorie to consecrate the Prince of their saluation through afflictions and to make both him that sanctifieth and those that are sanctified all one that they that suffer with him should also reigne with him and they that die with him should also liue with him So wee when we feele many troubles to rest vpon vs we may say now we are like vnto Christ especially when we feele that greatest trouble fullest of bytter sorrow that is the minde oppressed it maketh vs specially like vnto him that we may say with Paul now we supplie in our flesh the remnaunt of the afflictions of Christ. Let me looke into y who le course of my life what so euer pleaseth me best health honour riches fauour authoritie friendship wife children in all these things I cannot yet beholde the liuely image of Christe Affliction and trouble a minde broken with remembraunce of sinne a troubled spirite these are the beginninges of greate reioycings with the horrours of death and a conscience burthened with the wrath of God heere light shineth out of darcknesse and hope out of despaite As I think my selfe furthest off from the Lord so in deede I am neerest vnto him and when I thinke my self fullest of confusion they y image of Christ is moste liuely within me The Lord may hide his face for a while for a moment in his anger as he did from Christe but he must needes returne vnto mee with euerlasting mercies for the image of his sonne is cleare within me A blessed sorrowe and woe ful of happinesse that fashioneth these dayes of my vanitie into the similitude of the age of Christ that with him at last I might reigne for euer A precious countenance it is in the sight of GOD that seemeth without beautie in the eyes of man and an vnspeakable treasure of ioy and gladnesse ingrauen in these vesselles that are but earth and ashes When Christe is the patterne whose similitude wee doe beare who can bee discouraged vnder the Crosse Wee are afflicted on euerie side but not in suche a straite that we are shut from hope we are in pouertie but not ouercome of pouertie we are persecuted but not forsaken we are cast downe but we perish not We are troubled in all things fightings without and terrours within but God that comforteth the abiects he will comfort vs Vnto this hee hath predestinate vs that wee should be like vnto his sonne in all afflictions and so be glorified with him in the day of honour Thus farre we haue heard two speciall causes why we ought to reioyce in all temptations the one that so we learne true obedience the other that by them we be made like vnto Christe Adde yet vnto these one third cause out of the Scripture whiche when you shall haue learned be bolde dearelie beloued in all the fire of the enimies For beholde in the trueth of Iesus Christe I dare be your warrant the greater are your afflictions the liker you are vnto Christe yea
if it should happen you to fall downe into hell Christe hath descended also you should then be moste like him in his agonies and bloudie sweates The third cause at this time which I will touch is this God sendeth vs sundry chasticementes and especiallie that which is moste grieuous of al other the anguish of spirite and affliction of the soule for this purpose that we should be warned in time how to turne vnto him be free from the plague when it commeth for the iudgements of God that are dayly preached vnto vs they pearce deepe into the heartes of the true beleeuers and the worde that they heare it woorketh mightilie in them more sharp in their eares then a two edged swoord it entreth thorough them euen to the diuiding a sunder of the soule and of the spirite and of the ioyntes and of the marrowe and examine all the thoughts and the intentes of the heart so that it is vnpossible that any part of them should be hidde but they are all open vnto iudgement and heare the voice of the Lorde Then their sinne is reuiued in the midst of their bowels their cōscience hath no rest they feele death working in their hearts and hel is before thē they see sinne on their right hande and Satan on their left shame vnder their feete and an angrie Iudge aboue them y world ful of destructiō without and a worme gnawing the heart within the poore sinner knoweth not what to do to hide him selfe it is impossible and to appeare it is intollerable then hee breaketh out into lowde cryinges O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the bodie of this death he giueth no rest vnto his eyes nor sleepe vnto his eyelids vntill hee finde him that is able to saue him from this wrath in his bedde by night he seeketh him whome his soule loueth in the streetes and open places he inquireth after him and after many dayes in whiche he cannot finde him Christ sheweth him selfe at the last a perpetual deliuerer a victorious Lion of the tribe of Iuda in whome he hath strong saluation when hee hath mourned because of y plague that was before him Christ will approch neere and wipe away the teares from his eyes This y Prophet Abacuch setteth forth in his own person Whē I heard saith he the word of God my bellie trembled my lips shooke at the voice ro●…nnesse entred into my bones I trembled in my selfe that I might haue rest in the day of trouble Euen so dearely beloued it is with vs all The plagues of God because they are pronounced against iniquitie it maketh the childe of God to feare and tremble that so foreseeing the harme he might prepare him helpe and because of the destroyer seeke without wearines vnto the sauiour though he hide him selfe at the first the wounded spirite and troubled hart must nedes finde him-out A great cause of vnspeakeable gladnesse though wee seeme swalowed vp of pensiue sorrowe We are full of griefe but we are chastised of the Lord because we should not be cōdemned with the world we die with Christ but because we should liue with him wee lament and weepe but because that Christe might wipe away all teares from our eyes we are deliuered vnto death for Iesus sake but because the life of Iesus should be made manifest in our flesh we beare about in our bodies the mortification of the Lord Iesus but because the life of Iesus might be manifest also in our bodies we haue anguishe of spirite and vexation of minde such as hath not bene from the beginning but for this cause that when souden destruction shall come vpon the carelesse world we might lift vp our heades and beholde our redemption at hande Let vs then be bolde and in patience possesse our soules for these causes we are nowe afflicted that wee might receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in the time of neede for this cause we tremble and are affraide that after many praiers and supplications we might be deliuered from the things which we haue feared It followeth in the Apostle And beeing consecrate he was made the authour of saluation to all them that obey him In these wordes wee ate taught what 〈◊〉 and cōmoditie we haue through these bitter sufferinges of our Sauiour Christ and also by what meanes we are made partakers of it the fruite is eternall saluation the meanes to go vnto it is obedience in the first we learne that all promise and hope of life is in Christe alone hee hath alone the wordes of li●…e he is alone the breade of life the water of life the authour of life the word of life the tree of life the onlie life hee that beleeueth in him hee hath euerlasting life and he that dwelleth not in him shall see no life but the wrath of God abideth on him Take holde of Christ and take holde of life reach foorth thine hand to any other thinge and thou reachest vnto vanitie which cannot helpe Looke not for life but where it dwelleth in the flesh of Christe alone there it resteth Death hath reigned in all the world beside and led euery creature into bondage If thou looke vnto the heauens there is but vexation and anguishe if thou looke vnto the earth there is but darknesse and sorrow if thou call vnto Abraham he knoweth thee not if thou cry vpon Angels they can not helpe thee if thou looke vnto thy workes they are all vncleane if thou truste in thy prayers the Lorde hath no pleasure in them call for the helpe of al creatures they are subiect to vanitie there is no life but in Christ alone The elders the Angels the baestes and all creatures they giue this honour vnto Christe Saluation is of him that sitteth vppon the throne and of the Lambe and altogether they cry Amen And if all the creatures which yet are excellent good are not of power to giue anie peece of this life then what shall we think of those people enimies to God and murderers of his Saincts which so long haue made vs beleeue that they haue life in them selues that they can forgiue vs our sinnes for yeares euen as they will manie or fewe that they can make sacrifices propitiatorie for vs y they can purge vs by purgatorie fiers that their Pilgrimages their pardons their vowes their holie orders and such other spiritual drunkennesse of their sicke braines that these be auailable to purchase life If they will not be reclaimed let vs rest in the counsels of our God and say with Iohn He that hurteth let him hurt still and hee that is filthy let him be filthy still It is inough for vs that Christ is our life that our life is hid with Christe in God when Christ which is our life shall appeare then shall we also appeare with him in glorie Now while we are in the dayes of our pilgrimage the way that wee must walke vnto this
our care and diligence for so the Apostle heere exhorteth his brethren the thing is hard and difficult whereof we speake there fore marke it more carefully and giue greater heede to vnderstanding this then is a good cause why the scripture is hard euen that we should put farre from vs all idle sluggish thoughts and prepare our selues with a good conscience and greate diligence as oft as either we heare or read the same and why should it not be so is there any knowledge wisedome learned but by labour and diligence to plowe thy fielde to dresse thy vineyard to keepe thy cattel to buylde thy house to euery worke hath not God appointed care and trauell no otherwise hath God dealt with his worde The Papistes not knowing this or else dissembling it they haue tolde vs an other cause why the Scripture is hard and that is that either we should not at al presume to read it or if we doe read it yet we should not presume of any vnderstanding of it otherwise then the Church of Rome hath taught vs I doe not speake one worde vntruely of them not one of them but this day they will confesse it This they teache The scripture is harde therfore euery man must not read it and if any do read it yet he must vnderstand it after the interpretation of the Church of Rome Heere I beseech you consider it diligently and tel me whether in such doctrine there be any reason trueth or godlinesse we haue a controuersie with these men whether the Churche of Rome be the Churche of Christe or of Antichrist the cause must be tryed by the Scriptures is it any reason nowe for them to challenge that we must beleeue the scripture according to their interpretations is not this to make them Iudges of their owne cause when the Apostle bad vs Try the spirites whether they be of God or no meant hee trowe you we should trie them according to the testimonie of the church of Rome when the men of Thessalonica tried the apostles doctrine whether it were true or no asked they the iudgement of the church of Rome Surely dearely beloued all this is but childish follic whiche of vs euer heard of any men who would bee Iudges in their owne cause except those of whome it is saide aske my fellowe if I be a theefe and beside this their vnreasonable talke haue they any truth in their words was there euer true and iust man that claymed this manner of try all is it not confessed and agreed vpon among all men that trueth seeketh no corners why runne they for defence to their owne darke hoame and feare the open iudgement of all men Learne of our sauiour Christ who is trueth it selfe saith he not If I should beare witnesse of my selfe my witnesse were not true and againe If I honour my selfe mine honour is nothing worth then if beside the wordes of his owne mouth who was the sonne of Dauid he had had no testimonie he could haue beene no true prophet but therefore he was true because his heauenly Father bare witnesse to him bothe in his glorious voice and in the assured testimonie of the lawe and the prophets and in al his miracles which made it manifest that he was the sonne of god If thus our sauiour Christ confirmed his credite vnto men and offered himselfe to be tried by the scriptures what proude people are these and what proude wordes are in their mouthes that woulde haue no triall of their dooings but the censure and iudgement of their owne mouthes Againe this vnreasonable vnture speach the the church of Rome onely must expound the scriptures because they be hard is there any godlinesse at all in so saying is it not taught vs many times that if we loue feare honour serue God we must obey his worde kepe his ordinances make all his lawes the rule of our life how then doe they loue God or what godlinesse is in thē that giue not gods worde credit in it selfe but make the truth of it to stand vpon their owne vnderstanding This nowe we knowe the hardnesse of scripture is not that we shoulde absteine from reading and hearing it nor because we should trust the interpretation of the Church of Rome but because we should with great and earnest affection applie our studie pray vnto God to lighten our minds that we may be taught of his spirit Now further let vs consider yet these woordes of the Apostle Because you be euil of hearing not only as I haue saide they teache vs because of the hardenesse of the scripture to take more heede vnto it but also verie plainly and manifestly they teach vs by what meanes the scripture becommeth harde vnto vs that is through our dull hearinge And who so euer he be to whome the scripture is hard let him accuse his owne dulnesse and whosoeuer blameth the Scripture in this behalfe hee blameth him selfe bothe of slowe eares and of a faithlesse heart for is there any thing thing more plaine then these woordes therefore it is harde because you be dull of hearing Take away from the man a deafe eare and a carelesse minde and thou hast taken from the scripture all obscuritie and darknesse leaue the man in his negligent minde thou makest the scriptures as hard as any darke speeche or riddle and I beseech you the more to confirme your faith in this persuasion marke how oftē in the scriptures this is taught vs that nothing maketh the scripture hard but our infirmitie our Apostle heere once taught it before The worde saith he did not profit them because it was not mingled to them with faith Saint Peter when he had said of Paules Epistles that many thinges in them were harde to vnderstand he addeth which the vnlearned the vnstable do peruert euen as they doe all other scripture heere you see again the scripture is hard but you se to whō and why to the wicked because they are wauering minded and will learne nothing be it neuer so plaine Saint Paule also speaking of the vnderstanding of the mysterie of the Gospell sayth plainely it is the carnall man that perceiueth not the thinges of God and in deede he can neuer vnderstande them because they be discerned spiritually Our sauiour Christ himselfe being asked this question why he spake so darkly and in parables he answereth thus To you it is giuen to knowe the mysterie of the kingdome of God but to those that are without all thinges are done in parables coulde he speake more plainely his worde is not hard vnto his children but to straungers to Infidels to men without God in the worlde to those hee speaketh darkly then dearly beloued this case being so clere let vs be bolde to say to all that accuse the worde of God of hardnesse as Sainct Paule hath say de before vs If the Gospel be yet hid then is it hid to those that perish