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B08800 The day-dawning and the day-star arising to the dispersed of Judah & Israel wherein is briefly handled their call and Christs second coming, whose day is neer at hand / by Tho. Collier. Collier, Thomas. 1655 (1655) Wing C5275A; ESTC R176590 27,142 96

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cannot be rightly intended or understood but of Christ the true Messiah For first never a virgin conceived a child in the ordinary course of nature And secondly his name Immanuel viz. God with us could not properly be given to any but the Son of God nor ever was there a virgin that bear a Son but Mary the mother of Jesus or any one besides him truly called Immanuel that is God with us and with his believing in him by his spirit and grace shall be with his in glory Mat. 23. Luk. 1. 26 c. here in is the mystery of Gods wisdom grace to men that as by a womā sin and condemnation came first into the world so by a Son born of a woman a virgin salvation is come into the world As his conception and birth was according to the Scripture of a virgin so the place of his birth was according to prophesies exactly fulfilled viz. in Bethlehem Mic. 5. 2. with Mat. 2. 1 5. and for this reason it was that Herod commanded all the males in Bethlehem and the coasts thereof from two yeers old and under to be slain that so he might make sure to slay Jesus Mat. 2. 16. and this makes way for the fulfilling of another prophesie Jer. 31. 15. with Mat. 2. 17 18. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet saying In Ramah was there a voice heard lamentation and weeping and great mourning Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they were not though I do not question but that there may be much in this prophesie relating to the distressed estate of Israel and afterward a prophesie of their return But it was likewise fulfilled in this also for Benjamin came of Rachel Gen. 35. 18. and Ramah was one part of Benjamins possession Nehe. 11. 33. and the fulfilling of this Scripture made way for the fulfilling of another prophesie Joseph at the command of God flying with Jesus into Egypt to save his life from Herod made way for the fulfilling of that prophesie Hos 11. 1. Out of Egypt have I called my Son Mat. 2. 15. he was there viz. in Egypt until the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying out of Egypt have I called my Son It s true there might be something in it relating to your coming out of Egypt by the hand of Moses but prophesies are of a large extent and the most precious mystery is hid from our eyes if the Lord open not our understanding His life was a life of suffering assoon as he came into the world his life was sought after and afterwards he was the reproach of men accounted a friend to Publicans and sinners a blasphemer one that cast out divels through Belzebub the Prince of divels Mat. 12. 24. John 10. 33. and so in him was fulfilled that prophesie Isa 8. 18. with Heb. 2. 13. Behold I and the children which the Lord hath given me are for signes and wonders in Israel He came to his own and his own received him not and so that prophesie was fulfilled Isa 53. 1. Who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed and that prophesie Isa 6. 9. Go tell this people hear ye in hearing but understand not and see in deed but perceive not Make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and shut their eys lest they hear with their ears and see with their eyes and understand with their hearts and be converted and I should heal them And hath not this been your condition many yeers and hath not there been a forsaking in the land upon this account and the Lord hath removed you far away but there is a tenth which shall return c. See vers 11 12 13. And in him was fulfilled that prophesie Zach. 9. 9. Rejoyce greatly O daughter of Zion shout O daughter of Jerusalem Behold thy King cometh to thee he is just having salvation lowly and riding upon an Ass and upon a Colt the fole of an Ass This was fulfilled in him Mat. 21. 5. to the 10. this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet saying Behold thy King cometh unto thee meekly sitting upon an Ass c. Note this was an act of Christ to be performed in his humiliation he must come lowly meekly riding upon an Ass this is not to be expected in his glory then he shall come in power and great glory Who will abide the day of his coming and who will stand when he appeareth Mal. 3. 2. But first he must come meekly and humbly and yet riding in this meek estate wherein was a resemblance of his glory the great multitudes that went before and followed after him cryed saying Hosanna to the Son of David blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest Mat. 21. 9. if there was so much glory appeared in his meekness in his humiliation how will he appear glorious when he shall appear in his power when the song of Saints shall be the Lord God omnipotent reigneth With what clearness was that prophesie fulfilled in all the circumstances of it Isa 52. 14 cha 53. throughout Cha. 52. 14. as many were astonished at thee his visage was so marred more than any mans and his form more than the sons of men Was not this fulfilled when your fathers cryed out crucifie him crucifie him give us not this man but Barabbas Mat. 27. 20 21. Jesus was so marred in their eyes that they preferred Barabbas a thief and a murderer before him Act. 3. 14 15. thus was he a man of sorrows and acquainted with griefs despised rejected of men and not esteemed Chap. 53. 3. Oh was not this prophesie fulfilled to the life in Jesus verse 4 5. Surely he hath born our griefs and carryed our sorrows yet we did esteem him striken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him c. the reason was in vers 6. Because that all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all and he bare our sins on his own body on the cross 1 Pet. 2. 24. In him was fulfilled that saying of the Prophet Micah 5. 1. They shall smite the Judge of Israel with the rod upon the cheek Mat. 27. 30. They spit upon him and took the reed and smote him on the head and so fulfilled that Scripture Isa 50. 6. I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair I hid not my face from shame and spiting Thus was he numbered among transgressors Isa 53. 12. accounted worse than Barabbas crucified between two thieves Mark 15. 27 28. and the Scripture was fulfilled In all which he
even so amen But who will abide the day of his coming and who will stand when he appeareth Mal. 3. and this I desire to minde you by the way that as at or in the beginning work of your deliverance You must come in by weeping cross not onely in the sight and sense of your sin Jer. 5. 4. Looking on him whom you have peirced and mourning for him Zach. 12. but likewise in relation to the great trouble you are like to meet with also from the world that as you have been scattered among the nations and Israel hath been kept in obscurity so the nations will rage in your gathering together and then will be the first war of Gog and Magog mentioned in Ezek. 38. and 39. and it will go hard with you for a time see Zach. 14. 1 2. to this that agreeth Rev. 16. 12. when the River Euphrates is dryed up that the way of the kings of the earth may be prepared vers 13 14. on their appearance three unclean spirits like frogs went out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the false prophets which are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth to the kings of the earth and to the whole world to gather them together to the battel of the great day of God almighty that is the great battel of Gog and Magog mentioned before called the great battel of God almighty because it is that great battle appointed of God where he will destroy both his and your enemies And in this great distress by reason of the nations fury called Gog and Magog then shall Michael the great prince of his people stand up for your deliverance Dan. 12. 1. Then will the Lord send a fire upon Magog and he shall know that there is a God in Israel and the Lord will make his holy name known in the midst of his people Israel and he will not let them pollute his holy name any more c. Ezek. 39. 6 7. And then shall that prophesie be fulfilled Isa 2. and Micah 4. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more onely after the glorious reign of Christ and his Saints Satan shall be loosed for a little season Rev. 20. and shall gather together Gog and Magog that is those that were left of the nations in the first destruction Ezek. 39. 2 and they shal compass the campe of the Saints about the beloved City fire shall come down from God and destroy them this shall be the last encamping together of Gog and the last destruction and final judgement in this day of glory shall all believing Gentiles be gathered in with you for he is given as well to be a light to the Gentiles as to be the glory of the people Israel Isa 49. 6. Thus have I in tenderness and faithfulness both to the Lord and you discharged this as my duty in commending these few lines unto you the Lord grant that it may finde acceptance with you Here are many prayers presented for you at the throne of grace by those who clearly see and believe Gods intention of good to you for my self I trust my heart is so much set at liberty towards you that I could not onely prostrate my pen and prayers for your good but my person likewise if I saw a clear call from the Lord to serve you In a word to conclude I do believe that you have some of those remembrancers in this nation spoken of Isa 62. 6 7. That will give the Lord no rest till he have made Ierusalem a praise in the earth which is the earnest and daily prayer of him who is both yours and the truths servant as far as he may though unworthy T. C. THE POSTSCRIPT MY Friends to whose hands this Epistle may come The estate of the Jews having been a long time sad and indeed as once the Gentiles were and all unbelieving Gentiles are without Christ in the world and so without hope in themselves as in relation to the true Messiah the Lord having given me some apprehension concerning his purpose both of grace and glory towards them I could not with good conscience altogether hold my peace at this time without writing these preceding lines unto them it being translated into French that being a language that they are exercised in and so sent unto them the work being done the issue I leave to the Lord who I know doth usually honour himself in working by weak means and being desired by some friends I have likewise got it printed in English thereby not onely to provoke others who perhaps may be more inlarged in this work toward those poor dark despised people but likewise that all whose hearts are truely Zion-ward may be instant with the Lord in prayer for them and so much the more because their coming in will be to us life from the dead and their fulness will be our glory Oh therefore let all be warned not to be wise in their own conceit and know that blindness is happened to Israel but in part but that till the fulness of the Gentiles is come in and then Israel shall be saved I have a few words my brethren and friends to present you farther with concerning the reign of Christ and that is that he shall have a kingdom upon the earth and shall reign with his people upon the earth manifesting his power and glory amongst them and over the world But before I proceed any further I shall answer one objection that is some may say It was not long since that your self was against this principle c. Answ It s true in part I was being much informed in the truth of the reign of Christ but judging it to be a glorious reign in the spirits of his people over the world and this is the apprehension of many precious sons of Zion at this day but the Lord opening the seals by degrees unto his people he gives them to see farther into the mystery of his will concerning his kingdom and as light shines in their darkness doth flye away I could not but judge it my duty to give some hints concerning my farther apprehension of the kingdom of Christ in which I shall be very brief That his kingdom shall be manifest on earth will appear from these ensuing grounds 1. It was and is the great design of the Father to exalt the Son here on earth before the sons of men this was his design before he made the world and ever since all things hath doth and will concur to the bringing about of this great design therefore he at first made the world by him and for him Eph. 4. 9. Col. 2. 16. Joh. 1. 1. afterwards man being faln and the curse come in upon the whole creation Gen. 3. God did by him and for him recover the world again Col. 1. 20. that so he might have a selected people to himself that might enjoy his grace and glory Col. 1.