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A77952 The Principles of truth being a declaration of our faith, who are called Quakers, whereby all that wants peace with God may return into their first state, through the operation of the light and power of God in the great work of regeneration / written by E.B., J.C., W.D., H.S. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.; Crook, John, 1617-1699.; Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688.; Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689.; Smith, Humphrey, d. 1663. 1668 (1668) Wing B6019A; ESTC R42820 61,240 151

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THE PRINCIPLES OF TRUTH BEING A Declaration of our FAITH who are called QUAKERS WHEREBY All that wants Peace with God may return into their first state through the Operation of the LIGHT and Power of God in the great Work of REGENERATION Written by E. B. J. C. W. D. H. S. Printed in the Year 1668. Truths Principles OR Those things about Doctrine and Worship which are most surely believed and received among the People of God called Quakers MAny are the Reports that are abroad concerning this People not only as to their Practices and Deportments but also as to other Doctrines and Beliefs The former time having in a great measure resolved and worn out as being the Refuge of Lyes for the ignorant and unrighteous to flee unto but that stormy and wintry appearance is well nigh over and gone because the Sun is so far risen and the true Light so shineth that most begin to see that those Reports were but Lyes and Scandals raised as Fig-leaves to cover the nakedness of other Professions that begun so manifestly to appear through the Light that shined in these Peoples Lives and Conversations But though the first be gone yet the the latter sticks with many as not knowing what they hold as to Doctrine some saying they deny the Scripture and the Resurrection of the Body and all Ordinances with the man Christ and his Death and Sufferings and imputation of his Righteousness and faith in his Blood c. Wherefore for the satisfaction of all that would willingly be resolved and know the Truth as it is in Jesus I have written this short account of their Faith and Belief and if it were possible to stop the mouthes of the clamorous tongues before Sentence be given against them by some signal stroke of the Lord from Heaven which he will undoubtedly in his appointed time reveal and make manifest to the trembling of all hearts concerned therein and tingling of all ears that shall hear thereof when it shall be said to them The holy shall be holy still and he that is filthy let him be filthy still Rev. 22.11 We believe that the God of all Grace have given a measure of Grace or some manifestation of his Spirit and Light thereof unto all men according unto these Scriptures John 1.9 Tit. 2.11 1 Cor. 12.7 Nehem. 9.20 and experiences of all men who at some time or other do feel something in their Hearts and Consciences that doth lust against the Flesh and the Flesh against it and that these two are contrary the one to the other one lusting after evil which is evil and the other after good which is good the one Carnal the other Spiritual the one from Earth the other from Heaven Gal. 5.16 17. We believe By this Gift Grace and Inspiration of the Almighty man only can come to know the true God truly what he is and how he works in the Hearts and Consciences of people to regenerate them and make them bear his Image according to 1 Cor. 1.19 20 21. Luke 10.21 and experiences of all that ever were regenerated and born again We believe That all the Errors and Mistakes about God and the things relating to his Kingdom sprang and arose from mens wandring from this Gift of God into their own Imaginations whereby though they thought themselves wise yet they became fools and erred their foolish hearts being darkened according to Rom. 1.21 not knowing the Scriptures nor the Power of God as it is written Mat. 22.29 We believe and know That this Gift and Grace of God appears in and unto all men that all may be without excuse accusing for the evil and excusing for the good according to Rom. 2.15 16. shewing unto man what is good and reproving of him in his own Conscience for the evil whether thoughts words or deeds and that this reproof of instruction is the way of life Prov. 6.23 We believe That as the true God and Eternal Life is known only by the light of this Gift and Grace according unto the Scriptures from which Light and Spirit of God came the Scriptures both from the Old and New-Testament as it is written 2 Pet. 1.21 so can they only be read as truly to be believed fulfilled and practised in the Light and power of the same and all that are out of this Spirit must needs be ignorant and unlearned in the Apostles sense who wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction as it is written for Peter and John were unlearned men outwardly not knowing Letters but inwardly read in the knowledge of this Light and Spirit of God and wrested not the Scriptures Acts 4.13 2 Pet. 3.16 We believe according to the Scripture 2 Cor 4.3 That wheresoever the Power of God is not known within there the Gospel is hid and unknown unto them that are lost in whom the God of this World hath blinded the minds of them that believe not lest the Light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God should shine unto them and God should heal them because it is only by the Light of Christ the Power of God that the Creature comes truly to see himself in his lost and undone estate from which sight ariseth the true sense in the heart of the Creature that makes him cry out of his wretchedness by reason of the body of Sin and Death which necessitates him to look out for a Saviour whom God manifesteth in and by the same Light that shines in the heart on purpose to give the Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ God's Image whereby God healeth the Soul And therefore doth the Devil the god of the world strive so much by the gifts of the pleasures profits vanities and lusts that are in the World which he presenteth to men and women now as he did to Christ in the dayes of his flesh when he shewed to him all the world with its glory which glory is the Lust of the flesh the Lust of the eye and the Pride of life whatever may make this Life happy as it were in the things that may pride it or lift it up to sit as a Queen And as men and women take and receive these gifts from the god of this world their minds are blinded because they believe not in the Light which sheweth them the vanities of all the gifts of the god of this world which gifts the Devil knows if they be received will so blind the minds of them that receive them that they will not come to be sensible in the true Light of their lost conditions so as to cry unto God from the deep and true sense for then God out of the depths of his Love and Mercy could not but heal them And therefore lest the true Light should shine into them to give them the sensible knowledge of themselves and God should heal them the Devil as god of the World by the things of the world
God As O Lord I am not puft in mind I have no scornfull eye I do not exercise my self in things that be to high When they never knew any change wrought in their minds and so causeth the People to lye And causing them to sing David's Prayers as O Lord rebuke me not in thy Wrath neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure for thine arrows stick fast in me and thy hand presseth me sore for my iniquities are gone over my head as an heavy burthen they are too heavy for me to bear my wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness I am troubled I am bowed down greatly I go mourning all the day long And may be none of you in all that place can witness the condition and so blasphemes the Name of God who will be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth and this is the rule given out from him If any be afflicted let him pray if any be merry let him sing Psalms And there is none merry but the Ransomed of the Lord who returns to Sion with joy and singing and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads they shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away All people may search the Scriptures and see how you have been deceived by your Teachers who have caused you to seek your lost God in carnal and dead observations which they have not any Scripture for all cease from them for the Lord complains of them The Leaders of my People cause them to err saith the Lord of Hosts and now are these Scriptures fulfilled in these men which the Apostle prophesied of This know also That in the last dayes perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous proud boasters blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankfull unholy All people see are not your Teachers so self-lovers before they come at you they must know what they must have covetous griping for much and if you will not give them so much as they can have in another place they will not come at you here is self-love and covetousness manifested without natural affection Truce-breakers false-Accusers Traytors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God having a Form of Godliness but denying the Power thereof from such the Apostle exhorts to turn away All People behold and see all these Scriptures are fulfilled in your Teachers they speak against Pride and live in it against covetousness and live in it they teach by words to be naturally-affectionated one towards another and they walk contrary causing poor people to pay to maintain them in pride and high ranks in the Earth who can scarce get bread for their bellies and clothes for their backs yet they force them to pay to them being void of all natural affections and they are Truce-breakers breaking all Bonds and Covenants if they can get more money in another place Thus they shew forth to all the world that they are lovers of Pleasures more then lovers of God and have a form of Godliness in words but deny the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sin and divers lusts These Scriptures are fulfilled in your Teachers every one hath his particular house to creep into where none must come but themselves or whom they please which is contrary to the practise of Christ or any that he sent forth they went through the Countries Towns Cities Villages according as they were guided by the Spirit of God to declare what he gave them to speak and your Teachers lead silly women captive laden with sin and led away with divers lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth Do not they tell you to look for Christ's coming in such Observations as they set up which is nothing but the inventions of their brains for Christ tells you The Kingdom of God comes not with observations but is within you But many of them deny that the Light in your Conscience which makes manifest the evil of your hearts is the Kingdom of God calling it the light of a corrupt conscience so shut the Kingdom of Heaven against men and will neither enter in themselves to be guided by the pure Light of the Kingdom of Christ within them nor suffer them that are entring in to enter as the Scribes and Pharisees did Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses so do these men resist the Truth men of corrupt minds Reprobates concerning the Faith but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be made manifest to all men as theirs also was and no man shall buy their Merchandize any more All you enslaved Captives in the Kingdom of Babylon why will you lay out your Money for that which is not Bread and your labour for that which satisfies not hearken diligently unto Jesus Christ the Light that lets you see the evil of your hearts to be guided by it and you shall eat that which is good Encline your ears saith Christ and come unto me hear and your souls shall live and I will make an everlasting Covenant with you even the sure Mercies of David Mind the call of a powerful and tender Father in the Lord Jesus who calls Come forth of Babylon my People and touch no unclean thing and I will receive you and will be a Fath r unto you and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord God Almighty Friends prize your times slight not the day of the Lords Mercy for he waits to be gracious and saith I stretch forth my arm all the day long to a backsliding and gainsaying People Every one mind your conditions deal justly with your own hearts see what your hearts have fellowship with and guide your minds for the Kingdom of Christ is within you it is not in observations as your Teachers tell you for they deceive you therefore Christ forewarned us for looking forth at those which would come in the latter dayes that would say Lo here is Christ lo there is Christ as it is in these our dayes some say Lo here is Christ in the Presbyterian practise the Independants say He is there and the Anabaptists say Lo he is here But Friends mind what Christ saith unto you believe them not look not forth the Kingdom of Christ is not in any of those nor in any other outward observations but be warned the Kingdom of Christ is in you and that is the Light that lets you see the evil of your hearts and Christ compares it to a grain of Mustard-seed the least of all Seeds and it grows up above all other herbs and becomes a Tree that the Fowls of the Air lodge therein and he compares it to a little Leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of Meal and it leavened the whole Lump These are earthly parables and figures which Christ layes down speaking to the
b● baptized in the dayes past either for th● furtherance of the Gospel or tryal of the●… Faith we judge them not But this obedience is very rare to be found and w● could heartily desire that all would consider seriously whether literal sayings observed only by outward reading hearin● by the ear or inward impulses upon th● heart by the Divine Power are the motives unto Obedience in this kind And 〈◊〉 honesty and uprightness of heart may b● heard we believe and know the man● dead souls every-where notwithstandin● their Baptisms will be as so many witne●ses against them by their grovling upo● the earth as so many slain and killed me● by the Letter while the Spirits quickning have not been known in the true Baptism into death For we find by daily experiences that most men and women live lik● Pharoah's lean Kine only to eat up the fat and to envy those that are not so lean soul'd as themselves We believe also That as there is on● true saving Baptism so there is one Bread or Body of Christ which all the Saints d● feed upon and though they be many a● to persons yet their Bread is but one and they all in it but one Bread And this we believe is the flesh that came down from Heaven John 6.33 Though the outward Jews now as then murmur at him because he said I am the Bread which came down from Heaven ver 41 42. But Christ ver 45. to stop their murmuring tells them that the knowledge of this Mystery was only revealed unto them whom God and not man teacheth and no more than are taught of God can set seal and subscribe unto this Truth in Jesus though we believe also that Jesus took outward bread and brake it and gave it to the Disciples as the Scriptures saith and this was a figure of his Body that was to be pierced and broken upon the Tree and a shew to shew forth his Death until he came And we believe he did arise again and appear unto his Disciples And all that believed were together and had All things Common c. And they continued daily with one accord in the Temple breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart praising God and having favour with all the people Acts 2.44 45 46 47. And we believe that the Apostle in 1 Cor. 11.20 saith true where he saith When ye come together therefore in one place this is not to eat the Lords Supper And all that he speaks in that chapter is not to perpetuate that outward breaking of Bread otherwise than as the Believers did that were filed with the holy Ghost in singleness of heart as before is said and yet we judge not those who break outward Bread and drink outward Wine being commanded so to do and put in remembrance thereby of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ by the Remembrancer the Spirit of Truth which is appointed by the Father to lead into all Truth But to do it by imitation or tradition only as most do it if not all at this day we know it is not an Offering unto God in Righteousness neither do we believe this to be the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ and yet the eating of the Flesh and drinking of the Blood of Christ we believe man must know and witness or he hath no life in him Joh. 6.53 54 55. And we believe that many are striving now in their spirits as the Jews did verse 52 saying How can this man give us his Flesh to eat And not only the Jews but many of his Disciples said This is a hard saying who can bear it ver 60. and at verse 63. he tells them It is the Spirit that quickeneth the Flesh profiteth nothing The words that I speak unto you they are Spirit and they are Life And he that hears and understands these words that are Spirit and Life will not be offended at what I have spoken of the Flesh and Blood of Christ By the same Spirit and Grace we believe That Prayer is an Ordinance of God when performed by his Spirit in its words and not those which mans wisdom teacheth or without words by sighs and groanes which cannot be uttered and these so often as the Spirit it self pleaseth But the Form without the Spirit whether it be by words of other mens framing or words of man's own spirit according to his will time and manner this is not the Prayer that prevails with God And we believe that there is none so weak and infirm but this Spirit proffers his help at some time or other though man regardeth it not And the more mans mind is gathered within from all visibles the more he comes to be sensible of the Movings and Stirrings of this Spirit in its secret cryes unto God answerable to the wants of tha● man or woman in whom it moves and cryes And by the due watching thereunto we believe and know the Spirit of Prayer and 〈◊〉 Adoption that cries unto God comes to b● discerned and distinguished from a man'● own spirit and will We believe by the same gift of Grace that there are several Ministrations and several Operations according to 1 Cor. 12. and all by the same Spirit as before and after th● Law by Moses and after by John the Baptis● and Christ and his Apostles and in all thes● the Ministration had acceptance with God through the management of the Spirit an● its rejection and dislike of God for th● want thereof And by this Spirit were th● Scriptures give forth and the holy me● of God did speak prophesie preach and pra● as they were moved and for want of it th● letter did and doth kill And for the further appearance and pouring out of thi● Spirit answerable unto the work and service that God had for them to do the● were to wait as Christ commanded hi● Disciples to do at Jerusalem to receive th● Promise of the Father For by this Spiri● he that speaks speaks as the Oracle of God And therefore as it was the practice of the People of God in old time to wait for the moving and stirring of this Spirit that they might speak as it gave them utterance in the evidence and demonstration thereof so do this People called Quakers now and according to its moving in their hearts they minister according to the signification of the Spirit whereby they understand both what and when to speak and when to be silent as also who are they that minister and speak in their own wills above the Cross of Christ which the Apostle was carefull alwayes to be in subjection to lest he should make it void by speaking the words which mans wisdom teacheth and therefore as the Saints did so we do believe and therefore we speak And such Preaching and Speaking in Faith as well as Praying in Faith is acceptable unto God as his Worship and not otherwise And we further believe by the
endeavours to blind the mind not the brain-knowledge but the hearty-feeling sence within in the mind lest the Light within should so shine as God should heal them and all the buslings of Satan with his gifts are but to blind the mind within lest God should heal the soul that complains to him from the true sight and sence of his Misery as in himself By this Grace and Gift within we believe That to Vs though in the world there be Lords many and Gods many there is but ONE GOD the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ witnessed within man only by the Spirit of Truth that manifests both the Father and the Son and yet these three are one and agree in one and he that honours the Father honours the Son that proceeds from him and he that denies the Spirit denies both the Father and the Son and is Anti-Christ but he that believes in the Spirit and is led by it is the Son of God Rom. 8.14 As many as are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God We believe The Scriptures bare witness unto and testifie of Christ but they say The Witness of God is greater than them The Spirit it self bearing witness with our spirits that we are the Sons of God for it is not the Scriptures without the Spirit nor the Spirit contrary to the Scriptures but the Spirits discovering the Will of God in the heart or opening of the Scriptures in its own time and way and not in or by the will of man but as it self pleaseth who searcheth all even the deep things of God and manifests them unto the Soul which giveth the perfect sound and saving knowledge for said Christ The Spirit shall take of mine and shew them unto you And as holy men gave forth the Scriptures 2 Pet. 1.21 so holy men and they only come truly to understand them and not proud and ungodly men because their hearts and lives do not answer the hearts and lives of those that gave them forth a● face answereth face in a Glass And this we believe to be the reason why so long preaching by men of corrupt minds who have and do handle the words deceitfully for selfish ends and filthy lucre sake hath brought forth so little fruit and been to so little purpose except to their Purses and Bellies for had they believed and therefor● spoken and stood in Gods Counsel they shoul● have profited their Hearers Jer. 23.21 22 23 to the end Through this Gift we believe Tha● Christ Iesus the Son of God was manifest in the flesh in the fulness of time And this we know by the same Spirit by which our Fathers believed he should come and Abraham saw his day by the same we do believe he is come and do see his day as also by the Prophets and Apostles Writing which twofold Cord is not easily broken We believe also according to the Scriptures of Truth That this same Jesus hath God highly exalted and given him a Name above every name that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have Everlasting Life and that there is not another name whereby man can be saved than this Name of Jesus Christ nor is Remission of Sins to be preached by any other name But as we do not believe that the outward Letters and Syllables are that Name that is to be bowed to by the outward knee no more than the Letters or Syllables in the words God or Spirit seeing the Scripture saith Vnto God who is a Spirit every knee shall bow Isa 45.23 but the Name which saves is the Power and Arm of God that brings Salvation from Sin and makes every Soul that names it to depart from Iniquity This is that Name which was preached and which is preached through Faith in which Name Remission of Sin is obtained Therefore was the outward word Jesus given him as his outward name Thou shalt call his Name JESVS for he shall save his People from their Sins Mark for he shall save c. So that which saves is the Name which is to be believed in which is that Arm of God that brings Salvation when no eye pitties neither is there any to help the Power of God that then saves is that Grace that comes from the fulness of Christ the Saviour And without this virtue Christ and Jesus are but empty names 1 Cor. 12.3 No man can say that Jesus is the LORD but by the holy Ghost We believe also That this Jesus died for or because of Sin and rose again for the Justification of those that believe in him as well as to manifest to all the world that he was the Son of God and that he thereby spoiled Principalities and Powers and triumphed over them openly and led Captivity captive in his own person yet we believe and know by his Grace in our hearts that as his Name Jesus without Vertue and Power is but an empty word so his Dying without man's Conformity to his Death or being planted into the likeness thereof or being crucified with Christ as saith the Scripture Rom. 6.2 3 4 5 6. Gal. 2.20 will not profit man as to the Salvation of his Soul no more than the naming of his outward name Jesus doth at this day make people to depart from Iniquity For we believe and are sure that man must dye inwardly as well as Christ died outwardly and must be put to death in his flesh as Christ was in his for he that is in the flesh cannot please God Rom. 8.8 neither cease from sin but he that is dead is freed from sin Rom. 6.7 And yet mans dying unto Sin and the Root and Principle of it in himself is so far from making void Christ's Death in his own person that it establlsheth it to all those ends and purposes for which it was intended of the Father As the Cures which the Physitian doth manifest and establish his skill and ability so doth mans dying unto Sin and Self and living unto God manifest and establish the Vertue and Power of Christ's Death for as man manifests his being risen with Christ by his seeking the things that are above Col. 3.1 2. so doth he manifest his knowledge of the Death of Christ by his being crucified with Christ and bearing about in his body the dyings of the Lord Jesus for as it is not an outward belief gathered from the Letter that will change the heart and life though the Judgment and Opinion it may so it is not a belief from the History or Letter only that can give man a saving-knowledge of the Death of Christ but he must have the same Glory and Power of the Father in measure working in him there to beget Faith in his heart that he may believe unto Salvation from his own filthiness and righteousness as well as confess with his mouth Rom. 10. and must have that Spirit in him quickning his mortal body as well as to believe that it was in Christ and raised
up him from the dead Rom. 8.11 And this man whoever he be bond or free that thus believes the Death of Christ and its satisfaction to God as well as its usefulness to man cannot make it void nor divide it and its vertue upon the Soul that thus knows it but will say Here is a dying man witnessing the Death of Christ and nevertheless the same man living with Christ and concluding if Christ had not died man must have perished in his sin this being the way found out by God to recover him whereby he knows Christ and Him Crucified and what the preaching of the Cross of Christ is which is foolishness to them that perish but to them that are saved the Wisdom of God and the Power of God 1 Cor. 1.18 By this Gift of God in our hearts we further believe That Christ Jesus rose again from the dead according to the Scriptures and sits at Gods right hand in a glorious body And we believe that our low estates and humble bodies shall be made like unto his glorious Body through the working of his mighty Power whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself and that this mortality shall put on Immortallity For though we believe that Christ Jesus hath lighted every man with his Light whereby man may come to know himself lost and undone as before is said yet therefore is not every man saved though the Grace that appears to all men is sufficient in it self but some have the Grace of God bestowed upon them in vain not liking to retain God in their knowledge though something within them shews them what is good But they reject the Counsel of God within or against themselves to their own destruction Luke 7.30 see the Margent and yet it doth not follow that the Grace is insufficient of it self no more than it follows that Christ's Death is insufficient because he tasted death for every man and yet every man is not saved Neither doth Regeneration or the believing in the Light of Christ within make void the Death and Sufferings of Christ without at Jerusalem no more than believing the Scripture-testimony without concerning Christ's Death makes void the work of Regeneration and Mortification within but as the Apostle saith in another case so I say in this For as the man is not without the woman neither is the woman without the man in the Lord even so is not the Death and Sufferings of Christ without at Jerusalem to be made void and of none effect by any thing within neither doth the Light within make that of none effect without but both in the Lord answers his Will For though there is and may be a knowledge and belief of what Christ did and suffered without the Gates in his own Body upon the Tree and yet Sin alive in the heart and the work of Regeneration not known yet it cannot be so where the Light within is believed on and obeyed so as to have its perfect work in the heart to regenerate and make all things new and to be of God this man can never make void what Christ hath done and suffered without And yet this New-birth or Christ formed within and dwelling in the heart by Faith doth not limit or confine Christ to be only within and not without also but both within and without according to the good pleasure of the Father to reveal and make him known for he fills all things and the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him and yet is he at Gods right hand far above all Heavens in a glorious body And we also believe the Resurrection of the Just and Vnjust the one to Salvation and the other to Condemnation according unto the Judgment of the great Day and then shall every seed have its own body according to 1 Cor. 15.36 37. which we verily believe For if the dead rise not we are of all men most miserable But because we dare not be so foolishly inquisitive as to say With what bodies shall they arise therefore do some say we deny both the Resurrection of the body of Christ and of all that are or shall be dead But this also is false for every man shall be raised in his own order but Christ the first fruits 1 Cor. 15.23 And we believe they shall be raised with the same bodies so far as a natural and spiritual corruptible and incorruptible terrestrial and celestial can be the same We further believe according unto the Scriptures concerning Faith That thi● Faith is only true which is God's Gift and hath Christ Jesus the Power of God for its author and object and is distinguished from the dead faith by its fruits For though in description and definition they may carry a resemblance yet in nature are as different as a living man is from a dead which wants not form or shape but life and power So saith the Apostle James As the body without a spiri● is dead so is Faith without Works even so is that Faith which stands in the wisdom of words and not in the Power of God By the one man is kept in captivity to the world and the things of it but by the othe● he hath victory over the World 1 Joh. 5.4 and the Seal and Witness thereof in his own heart whereby it is purified and God is seen for the pure in heart see God Matth 5.8 This Faith differs men now and their worships as it did Cain and Abel For By Faith Abel offered up a more excellent Sacrifice then Cain Hebr. 11. By this living Faith Abel saw beyond the Sacrifice unto Christ the first-born of God beyond the firstling of the Flock which he offered and therefore God had respect unto Abel and his offering but God rejected Cain and his offering though he had Faith to belive it to be his duty yet sticking in the Form and not flying on the wing of Faith unto Christ the One Offering he missed the Mark as all have done ever since that have gone in Cains way of worshipping as well as killing men about Worship But we believe that Faith to be only true and saving that flies over self-righteousness as well as filthiness unto the Fountain of Life in Christ which Faith hath nothing of man in it but is as the breath of Life by which the soul lives not a bare assent of the truth of a proposition in the natural understanding but the souls cleaving unto God out of a naturalness between Christ and the Soul and so live rather by relation than bare credit or desperate adventure and hazard Not looking at its doing to commend it but God's Love and Bounty in Christ the Light to receive it and yet holiness is its delight and he can no more live out of it than the Fish upon the dry Land We believe That this Faith keeps th● mind pure and the heart clean throug● the sprinkling of the heart from an evil conscience by the Blood of Jesus which remi●… the Sin
same Spirit that the sum of all Religion according to the Truth and the signification of the word Religion is Man not at liberty in his will but bound again unto God by his having given to him by the Light of Christ within the true sight and knowledge of himself as in himself as lost and undone fo● ever and from this sight a true sence to ari●● upon and remain with him from wher● spring unutterably groans and cryes unt● God under the weight of the burthen an● wretchedness by reason of the body o● Sin and Death and then when there wa● none to help or pitty in this state then 〈◊〉 Mercy shewed in Christ the Arm of Go● which is revealed as an help neither see● nor known where how or when to co●● at it or meet with it And this begets i● the heart of that man or woman in an● unto whom it is thus revealed thanks an● praises unto God for this Gift and Rev●lation of his Son in this needfull tim● whom the Soul sees to be the Gift of Ete●nal Love And we believe and know upon th● Love and Faithfulness of God is founde● built and established the Everlasting Cov●nant whereby not only all men may b● saved for its ability but some shall be s●ved because for its prevalency which is 〈◊〉 like to the Covenant he made with our F●thers And although all mankind is not s●ved yet it is not because either of insu●ficiency in this Covenant or because of t●● weakness of the Grace that appears in and unto all men but because of mans will loving death and chusing his own delusions whereby his destruction is of himself and God clear of his blood in the free tender of his Grace Gift and striving of the Spirit within him For we know assuredly according to the Scriptures of Truth and Experience of all souls that ever were truly converted to God that though by Grace man is saved not of himself but by the Free Fift yet as the old World did and those rebellious Jews spoken of Acts 7. who as did their Fathers so did they alwayes resist the holy Ghost so do men now And yet in the tender of this Grace and striving of his Spirit the Lord is a God so hiding himself in the management of this Striving and Ministration of his Spirit as if it wholly depended upon mans choice and consenting that mans will as to him is as it were free in rejecting or accepting Life and Death being set before him whereby in the Wisdom of God the propensity of his Nature as it came out of the hands of his Maker hath an advantage by this dealing of God to put forth it self so that man is as free in the choice as he is in the refusal of the tender of Mercy and help and that with an equal indifferency as it appears to him in this state notwithstanding afterwards in the furthe● growth in this Grace and Knowledge o● Christ he sees clearly and convincingly that the Grace that wrought hiddenl● from his sight and knowledge in the fir●● working tender and ministration of Go● towards him gained his consent throug● its own prevalency in the Love of God b● which sight and sence self comes to be abhorred and the free Love so admired tha● he knows from first to last all was of Grace and that free that self is not able to challenge any thing as due from what it ha● done but all of gift and yet as before with such an equal indifferency on man●… account so that God may and will appea● to be just both in condemning and saving and the Justifier freely of all that believe i● Jesus the Light of the World Therefore let all take heed how they dislike this Ministration of God and striving of his Spirit in their Hearts and Consciences under colour and pretence of its insufficiency and therefore they will not come to him because his drawings and strivings are not so strong as they would have them to be looking for such an overpowring and irresistibleness as they are not able to withstand and gainsay lest such perish through a wilfull neglect and for want of stretching out their hand when the Lord holds out his and so they perish in the ditch with a vain expectation of further power or cry in their mouthes Lord have mercy upon us and so with the Sluggard while they cry Yet a little more slumber and folding of the hands to sleep their Garden is overgrown with weeds and their backs cloathed with rags and they beg in harvest whilst others that have sown in tears not fainting do in due time reap in joy and not despising the crums that fell from the table nor the day of small things witness the presence of their Beloved come down into his Garden and walking among the Lillies Let these things be truly considered pondred and weighed in the true Ballance of Light and Righteousness lest any Soul perish through the false weight and measure so shall my soul rejoyce that any have escaped the Net of the Fowler through the discovery of the true Light and God have all the Glory unto whom alone it belongs and man ashamed confounded his mout● stopped and he laid in the dust forever an● then shall my end be answered in writin● these things John Crook Concerning Perswasions in Matters of Religion THere is the Natural man and the Spiritual man and there are the Perswasions of each in and about Matters of Religion There is the Perswasion of Reason and the Perswasion of Faith The Perswasion of Reason is that Belief which man receives into his mind or heart from the exercise of the Reasoning Faculty and this Perswasion in Matters of Religion is but mans Opinion or Judgement which how certain or infallible so ever it appears to him yet may be shaken by a demonstration or evidence of a higher kind of nature The Perswasion of Faith is that Belief which the New-Creature receives into the renewing-Mind from the Evidence and Demonstration of the Spirit which openeth and manifesteth the things of the Spirit unto that mind which is begotten and renewed by it And this Perswasion is certain and infallible however it may be struck at and battered by the reasonings of the wise earthly part even in that very man whose heart is thus perswaded by the Light of the Spirit of God concerning the things of Gods Kingdom Now the lowest Perswasion of Faith is higher and of a more noble nature then the highest Perswasion of Reason because Faith is of an higher Principle and of a deeper nature and ground then Mans Reason is But this because it appears not in mans sphear but rather out of it and is contrary to the line and reach of his wisdom is accounted by him foolishness and madness Thus is the Wisdom of God and the Children thereof judged and condemned by man in his day And how can it be otherwise How can the wisdom of man but judge that as
hi● Enemies and that he was buried and ros● again according to the Scriptures And we believe He is now ascende● on high and exalted at the right hand o● the Father for evermore and that he i● glorified with the same Glory that he ha● before the World was and that even th● same that came down from Heaven is ascende● up to Heaven and the same that descended i● he that ascended And we believe Even he that was dead is alive and lives for evermore and that he cometh and shall come again to judge the whole World with Righteousness and all People with Equity and shall give to every man according to his deeds at the Day of Judgment when all shall arise to Condemnation or Justification he that hath done good shall receive Life and he that hath done evil everlasting Condemnation And we believe He is to be waited for in Spirit to be known after the Spirit as he was before the world was and that is the knowledge unto Eternal Life which all that believe in him do receive and he subdues Death and destroys him that hath ●he power of it and restoreth from Death ●o Life and quickneth by his Spirit all that the Father hath given him and we believe such he justifieth and sanctifieth and such ●re taught of him but he condemns all ●hat believes not and continue in unbelief ●nd are not taught of him And this we ●aithfully believe And we believe That unto all People ●pon the face of the whole Earth is a time ●nd day of Visitation given that they may ●eturn and be saved by Jesus Christ who is given of the Father to call the worst o● men to repentance and the most ungod●● of Sinners are convinced by him of the● ungodly deeds that they might believe an● be converted and saved And we believe Herein is the Love o● God manifested to all mankind and th●● none are shut out by him before they were bo●● into the World but unto all men is a Visit●tion given and they that perish it is becau●● they do not believe in Christ and Destruct●on is of a mans self but Salvation is of Go● through believing in his Son who tak●●… away Sin and reneweth into his own Imag● that they may become Heirs with him And we believe That there is a Crow● of Eternal Glory and an Inheritance 〈◊〉 Eternal Life to be injoyed for evermore b● all that believe and are chosen of God And that there is an Everlasting Mise●● and Destruction to be possessed by all th●● believe not but continues in the state 〈◊〉 Reprobation and are not changed from t● Wayes of Sin and Death but walk after t●● ways of their own hearts lusts fulfillin● the will of the Flesh in the evil of th● world and follows not Christ the Ligh● of the world that they may be saved an● we believe upon all such the wrath of God abideth and that they have no part in the Inheritance of God And we believe that it is only he that is born again of the Spirit and that walks after the Spirit who is changed from Death to Life and who is redeemed out of the World and all its wayes such only must inherit the Kingdom of God and they onely have right thereunto and none besides even they that are washed and cleansed from all unrighteousness by the Blood of Jesus by which their Sins are remitted For his Blood cleanseth them from all Vnrighteousness and Sin yea all such that walk and abide in the Light which Jesus Christ hath enlightned the World withal And we believe that the Saints upon Earth may receive forgiveness of Sins and may be perfectly freed from the body of Sin and Death and in Christ may be perfect and without Sin and may have Victory over all Temptations by Faith in Jesus Christ And we believe every Saint that is called of God ought to press after Perfection and to overcome the Devil and all his Temptations upon Earth and we believe they that faithfully wait for it shall obtai● it and shall be presented without sin in the Image of the Father and such wal● not after the Flesh but after the Spirit an● are in Covenant with God and their Sin● are blotted out and remembred no more for they cease to commit Sin being born o● the Seed of God And we believe the Gospel of Christ 〈◊〉 the Power of God unto Salvation and that i● ought to be preached freely unto all Peopl● and Christ to be held forth to all Mankin● by the Ministry sent of him And we believe this Ministry is receive● by the Gift of the Holy Ghost and all the● that receive it are lawfully called to th● Ministry and they may preach the Gosp●● of Christ freely as they have received 〈◊〉 freely and this Ministry is not of Ma● but of God and is made powerfull to th● converting of Sinners and to the bringin● of People to God and to the knowledg● of his Wayes And we do not believ● that any man is a Minister of Christ wit●out the Gift of the Holy Ghost or that th● Gospel can be received by natural learnin● or education And we believe such as preach for hire and hath hire for Preaching are not the lawfully called Ministers of the Gospel of Christ such as are proud and high-minded and covetous men who do not profit the People at all such as have run and never were sent of Christ who calleth by his Spirit into the Work of the Ministry and as every one hath received the Gift of that Spirit so he may administer to others Concerning Rulers and Governours we believe That there ought to be Rulers and Governours in every Nation City Country or Town and they ought to be such men as fear God and hate every evil way who will judge for God and not for man and will judge Righteously Equally and Justly and will give true and sound Judgement unto all men without bribery or respect of persons not regarding the Rich above the Poor but being a praise unto all that do well and a terror to all Evil-doers whatsoever having knowledge in the pure Law of God and themselves continually exercised therein And we believe That every Law of man ought to be grounded upon the Law of God pure Reason and Equity being th● Foundation thereof that Gods Witness i● every man may answer to it and the Law ought to be known unto all People befor● Transgression be charged or punished i● any man And we believe That every Transgre●sion ought to be punished according to it● nature and that the punishment excee● not the greatness of the Transgression ne●ther ought any Transgressor to escape u●punished neither ought any upon fal●● suspition or jealousies be caused to suffe● without the Testimony of true men or th● Confession of the Party And we believe That the Executors o● the Law ought to be Just men and not g●ven to Pride Drunkenness or any othe● Evil whatsoever And we believe
That all Governou●● and Rulers ought to be accountable to th● People and to the next succeeding Ruler for all their actions which may be enquire● into upon occasion and that the chiefe of the Rulers be subject under the Law and punishable by it if they be transgre●sors as well as the poorest of the Peopl● And thus true Judgment and Justice wi●● be brought forth in the Earth and all that do well will have praise and live in Rest and Peace that all Evil-doers whatsoever my stand in awe and be afraid of God and Just men and the execution of good Laws Concerning Religion we believe That it is only the Spirit of the Lord that makes men truly Religious and no man ought to be compelled to or from any exercise or practise in Religion by any outward Law or Power but every man ought to be left free as the Lord shall perswade his own mind in doing or leaving undone this or the other practice in Religion and every man of what profession in Religion soever ought to be protected in peace provided himself be a man of peace not seeking the wrong of any mans Person or Estate And we believe That to reprove false Opinions and unsound Doctrines and Principles seeking to convince them that oppose themselves by Exhortation or sharp Reproof by word or writing ought not to be counted a breach of the Peace or to strive about the things of the Kingdom of God by men of contrary minds or judgments this ought not to be punished by the Magistrates and their Laws for we believe that the outward Laws and Powers of the Earth are only to preserve mens Persons and Estates and not to preserve men in Opinions neither ought the Laws of the Nation to be laid upon mens Consciences to bind them to or from such a Judgment or Practice in Religion And we believe That Christ is and ought only to be Lord and Exerciser of mens Consciences and his Spirit must only lead into al● Truth And we believe That Obedience and Subjection in the Lord belongs to Superiors and that Subjects ought to obey them in the Lord that have rule over them and that Children ought to obey their Parents and Wives their Husbands and Servants their Masters in all things which is according to God which stand in the exercise of a pure Conscience towards God But where Rulers Parents or Masters or any other command or require Subjection in any thing which is contrary to God or not according to him in such cases all People are free and ought to obey God rather then man and we believe that herein God will justifie them being guided and led by his Spirt in all that which is good and out of all that which is evil Again We believe concerning Election and Reprobation That there is a state of Election and a state of Reprobation a state chosen of God and a state rejected of God and that all mankind are in one of these states all that are elected are elected in Christ and all that are out of him are in the state Reprobate bringing forth fruits of Death and Darkness being Children of Wrath and Disobedience in the Alienation and Separation from God in the Transgression unreconciled to God the Enmity ruling in the heart being in the Fall and not restored to God again but ignorant of his Power and Wisdom having the understanding darkened that they cannot see nor perceive the things that are Eternal And in this condition his best Works are Sin and whatsoever he doth he cannot be accepted with God for he is dead to God and alive to all Evil bringing forth all his Works out of that ground which is cursed This is the condition of all mankind upon the face of the Earth in the first Adam and this is the state of Reprobation and all that abide herein are rejected of God and shall never inherit eternal Life but go into Perdition yet have all such a day of Visitation that they may return out of the state of Reprobation but hating knowledge and despising the Love of God they continue in the state Reprobate and the Wrath of God abides upon them but they that are chosen of God are delivered ●rom Wrath for they believe in the Light and become Children of the Light and are renewed in mind and heart and receive the love of the Father and become planted into Christ the second Adam and are chosen in him to bring forth fruit unto the Father and all their Fruit springeth from that ground which is blessed for they are led by the Spirit of the Father and such are in the state of Election who are made Heirs with Christ of the everlasting Inheritance that never fades away And this we faithfully believe that Mercy is not shewed to the Reprobate nor Judgment to them that are chosen of God And this is to go abroad into the World that all People may understand what we believe and what we have received of God And they that believe this and walk therein by the Spirit of the Father shall be saved but they that believe not but are disobedient to the Truth shall be condemned because they do not believe Much more might be written but in short this is given forth by one that hath believed and received the knowledge of these things from God A Friend unto all People Edward Burrough To all that say we whom the World do in scorn call Quakers do deny Ministers and Magistrates These things I write unto you to give you in short an understanding what Ministers and Magistrates we own and what and whom we deny 1. SUch Ministers as are made by God who are sanctified by his Word and Power who have freely received perfect Gifts from God and so by the Spirit and Power of God are sent forth into the world to turn the People from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan to the Power of God who freely ministe● unto others without coveting any man● Gold or Silver or Apparel not seeking theirs but them Warning every ma● and teaching every man in all Wisdom that they may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus Such as minister from th● Spirit and have the Word of God abiding in them who are never unprovided bu● at all times and seasons and in all places do speak and declare the Truth as they are moved and instructed and as the Spirit of Truth doth give them utterance Such Ministers we own and have in great esteem for their works sake Gal. 1.1 12. Joh. 15.3 Eph. 4.7 8 11 12 13. Acts 26.15 16 17 18. Matth 10.8 Acts 20.33 2 Corinth 12.14 Collos 1.27 28 29. 2 Corinth 3.6 John 15.3 4 5 6 7. John 4.10 14. and 7.38 39. 2 Tim 4.2 3. Acts 2.4 But such as are brought up at Schools and Colledges and so made Ministers by the will of man who have not freely received perfect gifts from God for perfecting of the Saints but denies
earthly and carnal heart of man that he might read his condition within Therefore despise not the day of small things but mind the Counsel of the Lord Jesus the little Light that shines in thy dark heart look upon the figures the parables The little Leaven which is hid in three measures of meal it changeth the whole lump into the nature of it self So the little Light that shine in thy dark heart is the powerfull Word of Faith which was in the beginning by which all things were created and without him was nothing made this Word is Life and the Life is the Light of men and Light shines in Darkness and the Darkness comprehends it not This Light is the Word of Faith the Apostle exhorted to take heed unto Say not in thy heart Who shall ascend up to Heaven to fetch Christ down or down into the deep to fetch him up the Word is nigh thee in thy heart and n thy mouth and this is the Word of Faith which we preach the Vnction of the holy One given of the Father whereby we need not to teach one another but as the Anointing teacheth us which is Truth and no lye which is the sure word of Prophesie whereunto ye do well to take heed as unto a Light shining in a dark place until the day dawn and the Day-Star arise in your hearts All People return within give up your selves freely to be guided by that Light that discovers to you the evil of your hearts and none be discouraged because you see an evil heart but prize the Love of God that discovers it to you and whatever the Light makes manifest to you to be evil Wait on the Lord for Power and he will give thee power to obey and in being faithfull in a little more will be communicated from the Lord so will the Righteous Law be set up in your hearts that will cry through your earthly and carnal hearts for Righteousness and Judgment and so will bring you to an account for every idle word and all deeds done in the body Look up unto the Lord against whom you have sinned and he will arm you with power to what he layes upon you with patience to undergo his Will until all the Powers of the Earth in you be famished and slain under his righteous Judgments then will Judgment be brought forth into Victory that you can no longer live without the loving kindness of your Father in Christ Jesus Now is the Parable fulfilled the little grain of Mustard-Seed grown up above all herbs and the little Leaven hath leavened the whole Lump and the Prodigal starved for ever if his Father receive him not freely into his house Thou that canst witness this condition stand still in the Will of God he will raise up his Seed in thee to trust in his Name and to delight in the Eternal Covenant of Love and Life he hath made with thy soul in the Lord Jesus Christ and will guide thee by the Word of his Power in a way thou knowest not forth of Babylon where thou wast an enslaved Captive under the power of the filthy Beast which is thy will and the Whore the Mother of Witchcrafts which is thy wisdom which enthralled thee under the powers of Darkness to satisfie the Lust of thine own heart which led thee to destruction up to Sion to live by Faith in the Lord Jesus which will purifie thy heart and set thy soul free from under the powers of Darkness into the glorious Liberty of the Sons of God where thou shalt sing the Songs of Sion Hallelujahs and Praises for evermore unto the Lord God that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever W. D. To all enslaved hard-hearted and unbelieving Jews in this Nation and elsewhere who are made drunk with the wisdom of the Whore and bewitched through the abundance of her Sorceries to put the Day of the Lord afar off looking for Christs coming in the Spirit as the hard-hearted unbelieving Jews in the Letter did for his coming in the Flesh according to the Promise but they limitted the Holy-One according to their carnal wisdom expected his coming in great pomp and glory and when he came in that poor despised way contrary to their expectations they stumbled at him and would not own him to be their Saviour but rose up against him and put him to death Mat. 27.1 to vers 50. BEhold you hard hearted and unbelieving Jews do you not look for Christ coming in the Spirit according to his Promise as they did for his coming in the flesh but you limit the Holy One as they did expecting Christ to come in power and glory according to your own fancies and so put the day of the Lord afar off you in rejecting and despising the Counsel of Jesus Christ the pure Light in your Consciences which lets you see every evil thought word and action and cries behind you This is the Way walk in it but you disobey the Light and hearken to the counsel of your hearts as the Jews in the Letter did who put Christ to death and so you slay the Witnesses in Spiritual Sodom and Egypt in your hearts where our Lord is crucified in not regarding the Counsel of Christ which is that Light that shines in your dark hearts which knocks at the door according to his Word I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my Voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me Oh thou enslaved Soul under the power of Babylon in thee Come forth mind the Light in thee which is the sure Word of Prophecy whereunto you do well to take heed as unto a Light shining in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-star arise in your hearts stand not out against this secret Counsel of Christ in you lest you perish in your gain sayings for if his Anger be kindled a little blessed are all they that trust in him All give up give up freely to be guided by the Counsel of the Lord the Light in you believing in his Power that is present with the Light he will lead you daily through the Cross in the streight way of his Sufferings and death where the old man will be put off with his deeds and so you shall have right to the Tree of Life and shall enter with him through the Gates into the City New Jerusalem where you shall have communion with the Father and the Son and an Inheritance with those that are sanctified in Christ Jesus and shall reign as Kings upon the Earth to the praise and glory of the riches of the Grace of our heavenly Father to whom alone be all Power Dominion Honour and Glory for ever and ever W. D. A Word from the Lord to all that are waiting on the Lord in Sion and to those that are weeping and are seeking the Lord their God asking the way to Sion with their
Vanity therein for the enjoyment of the light Countenance of God fear thou not neither be thou discouraged because of the violent assaults of the Enemy who seeks to draw thee into the carnal reasonings of thy spirit and in it to kindle a fire to thy self and cause thee to walk in the light of the sparks that thou hast kindled and this thou hast at the hand of the Lord in going from his Counsel lyest down in sorrow few knows thy great distress but to the Lord it is known and to them that had and walked in the same paths Oh thou beloved Babe who liest in the deep sence of the working of the evil-one in thy mind and many times art ready to say Never was any like unto me neither any sorrow like unto my sorrow and in this languishing despairing mournings of thy soul all things made bitter unto thee as the waters of Marah thus art thou driven from all comfort as a Child without a Father and a desolate Widdow without a Husband and as a Stranger that no eye pittieth in thy apprehension sometimes saying in thy heart in the heat of the temptation and the fire that thou hast kindled O that I had been any Creature but what I am or if it were the Will of the Lord that he would shorten my dayes that I might not be any longer on Earth to sin against him for in thy own sence and feeling thou walking in the sparks thou hast kindled in carnal reasonings thou deservest not any thing but Wrath Horror Misery and Distress on every side and great languishings that thy dayes were shortened secretly crying out in thy heart O that I were alone in the Wilderness or any Cave or Den in the Earth that I might never set nor hear any of the Sons of men any more but in the secret retiredness even roar and mourn out my dayes until I die O thou Royal Child of the birth of the morning of the pure eternal Day of the God of Israel hearken no longer to the enemy who saith There hath none travelled where thou art nor none drunk of the Cup that thou art drinking he is a Lyar who goes about to destroy thy precious soul In the Word of the Lord God I declare unto thee I drank the same cup with my faithful Friends who are born of the Royal Seed every one in their measures travelled in the same path and have endured the same temptations and walked in the light of the same sparks and laid down in sorrow in the sence of the same misery as thou mournest under this day no longer lend an ear to the enemy and the thoughts of thy heart Arise arise in the Light of the Covenant stay thy heart and the Lord will throw down the Enemy of thy peace destroy the carnal reasonings of thy mind put out the fire that thou hast kindled and he will deliver thee out of the horrible Pit and set thy feet upon the Rock of Ages and thou shalt tread down the enemies of thy soul in the sensible feeling of the Love of the Father who will manifest himself to be a Father to the Fatherless in thee and a Husband to the mournful Widdow and a Comforter to the Immortal Babe that mourns in thee in the uprightness of thy heart to do the Will of the Living God so in the power of his Might stay thy heart and tread upon all doubts fears dispairing thoughts questionings reasonings musings imaginations and consultings arise over them all in the Light of Christ he will lead thee into the Banqueting-house of the Pleasure of our God where thou shalt sit down with me and all the Redeemed of my Father who are born of the Immortal Seed and have passed through great Tribulations have washed our Garments and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb therefore do we now stand before the Throne of God praising him day and night in his Holy Temple And this shall be the portion of thy Cup if thou diligently hearken to the Counsel of the Lord which calls thee to trust in him he will embrace thee in the arms of his Love and thou shalt praise his Name for ever God Almighty in his Light and Life raise up thy soul and establish thy heart in his Counsel stedfastly to wait in his Power to lead thee in the Cross out of all unbelief and cause thee to lie down at rest in obedience to his Will where thou shalt drink the Cup of Salvation for ever Farewel William Dewsbury THE END