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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47744 Five discourses by the author of The snake in the grass viz. On water baptism, episcopacy, primitive heresie of the Quakers, reflections on the Quakers, a brief account of the Socinian trinity ; to which is added a preface to the whole.; Selections. 1700 Leslie, Charles, 1650-1722. 1700 (1700) Wing L1133; ESTC R1214 55,897 120

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has Vertue to work that Effect He whose single Fiat made the Worlds and whose Influence gives Power to all Things and makes them what they are he said of that Blessed Bread THIS IS MY BODY And his Holy Apostle said of it The Bread which we break is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ And do we doubt how it works this Effect Dare we Reject it because it seems strange to us how it shou'd work this Effect who know as little how our Daily Bread does nourish our Bodies Do we object our Ignorance how a Man can be Born of Water and the Spirit who can give as short an Account how we are formed of a drop of Water in the Womb and by what Ligaments such different Natures as Soul and Body are compacted and linked together How can we pretend to have Faith in Christ and yet not believe his Words because of the seeming difficulty to our Understandings who know nothing of the Method and Manner how He can bring them to pass According to our Faith it will be unto us Therefore let us Humble our Souls greatly and imitate the Holy Angels far more Enlightned than we are who vail their Faces before God and presume not to dispute his Commands or pretend to understand all the Methods of his Power and Wisdom unsearchable but desire to look into those Things 1 Pet. i. 12. those Glorious Mysteries of the Gospel which the Quakers despise as below the Measure to which they have attain'd And the Principalities and Powers in Heavenly places do submit to learn the Manifold Wisdom of God Ephes iii. 10. from that Church which the Quakers do vilifie and trample under their feet as thinking it uncapable to teach them any thing or to administer to them the Sacraments which Christ has commanded But because the Dispute will arise which that Church is in the miserable Divisions of Christendom and amongst the various sorts of the Pretenders to it I have in the Discourse menin the Advertisement I hope given a plain and sure Rule to guide all Honest and Disinterested Enquirers in that most necessary and fundamental Point The Conclusion Shewing the Necessity of Water-Baptism THE Sum of what has been said concludes in the great Necessity there is of Water-Baptism But before I say more of it I will obviate an Objection which may arise from the word Necessary If it be Absolutely Necessary then none can be saved without it Which sort of Necessity I do not plead for This is plainly distinguished in the Catechism of our Church where this and the other Sacrament of the Lord's Supper are said to be Generally necessary to Salvation Generally that is in the General and Common Methods which are prescribed in the Gospel For no Body will pretend to Limit GOD as if HE cou'd not save by what Means and Methods HE pleases But we are ty'd up to those Rules which HE has prescrib'd to Vs Yet We must not Tie HIM up to those Rules to which HE has Ty'd Vs But who are they that have Reason to expect God's Extraordinary Mercies out of the Common Methods of Salvation and to be made Partakers of the Inward without the Outward Baptism I. Those who being conscientiously concern'd for the Outward yet cannot obtain it through the Want of a Minister of Christ Lawfully Ordain'd to Administer it as in Turkey Africa c. These are under an Invinsible Necessity And their Earnest Desires I doubt not will be accepted by God and the Spiritual Baptism be confer'd upon them without the Outward II. Those who have been Baptized by Persons not lawfully Ordain'd and consequently they have receiv'd no Baptism having receiv'd it from those who had no Commission to Administer it but who were Guilty of the Highest Sacrilege in Usurping such a Sacred Commission not Lawfully Deriv'd to them by a Successive Ordination from the Apostles But yet through a General Corruption of the Times such Baptisms are suffer'd to pass whereby the Persons so Baptized swiming down the Stream do think their Baptism to be valid and therefore seek not for a Re-Baptization from those who are truly Empowred to Administer it I say Where no such Re-Baptization is taught and thereby the People know nothing of it in such Case their Ignorance is in a Manner Invincible and their Sincerity and Devotion in Receiving No Sacraments yet thinking them True Sacraments may be Accepted by God and the Inward Grace confer'd and the Defects in the Outward and Visible Signs may be Pardon'd But neither of these Cases does reach those who neglect the Outward Means upon Pretence of Inward Perfection without them These Despise the Ordinance of Christ and make themselves Wiser than He as if He had appointed Means either Vnnecessary or Ineffectual to the Ends for which they were intended And I desire these to consider the Great Necessity there is for Water-baptism as before Explain'd 1. Because it is ordain'd as the Means whereby the Inward Baptism of the Holy Ghost is given as I have before quoted Acts ii 38. Be BAPTIZED and ye shall Receive the Gift of the HOLY GHOST By This Baptism cou'd not be meant the Baptism with the Holy Ghost because This Baptism is Here proposed as the Means whereby to Receive the Inward Baptism of the Holy Ghost Again Ephes v. 26. That He Christ might Sanctifie and Cleanse it the Church with the Washing of Water by the Word Here the Washing of Water is the Means tho' the Operation and Vertue is from the Word And therefore the Outward Washing or Baptizing which means the same as before told Sect. 1. cannot be the same with the Word in this Text. 2. Christ having appointed this as the Means you see what Stress He lays upon it and how Necessary He makes it John iii. 5. Except a Man be Born of Water and the Spirit he cannot Enter into the Kingdom of God Here the Water and the Spirit are plainly Distinguished and Both made Necessary to Salvation the Outward as well at the Inward As it is written Rom. x. 10. For with the Heart Man Believeth unto Righteousness And with the Mouth Confession is made unto Salvation The Belief of the Heart is Necessary unto Righteousness i. e. to make Us Righteous before God But the Outward Confession of the Mouth is likewise as Necessary to our Salvation As Christ said Matth. x. 32. Whosoever shall Confess me before Men c. We must Outwardly and before Men Confess to Christ by the Due Performance of His Outward Ordinances without which our Inward Belief in Him will not be sufficient to our Salvation Baptism is an Outward Badge of Christianity by being the Outward Form appointed to admit Men as Members of the Church of Christ and whereby they own themselves to be such before Men But those who will not wear this BADGE as a Confession to Christ before Men Christ will not Confess them before His Father in Heaven Mark xvi 16. He that
Believeth and is Baptized shall be saved Here both the Outward and the Inward are joyn'd together and both made Necessary For by Baptism Here cannot be meant the Inward Belief that wou'd make a Tautology of the Text and mean thus He that Believeth and Believeth Thus it must be if by Baptism in this Text the Inward Baptism or Belief of the Heart be meant But this being plainly meant of the Outward Baptism the Consequence from this Text is plainly this That he who doth not Believe and is not Baptized shall not be Saved Of which I adjure the Quakers to Consider most seriously For tho' they had the Inward Baptism as much as they Pretend to yet were the Outward necessary Peter thought Water necessary to give Outward Baptism to those who had already Received the Inward Baptism of the Holy Ghost Acts x. 47. And the Doctrine of Baptism is reckon'd among the Principles and Foundations of Christianity together with Faith and Repentance c. Heb. vi 1 2. But the Quakers like Naaman flout at the Means as too easie to be effectual and call Baptism in contempt Water-Sprinkling And I will answer them with Naaman's Servants 2 Kings V. 13. If Christ had bid thee do some great thing wouldst thou not have done it How much rather then when He saith to thee Wash and be Clean And as necessary as the Waters of Jordan were to the Cleansing of Naaman so necessary are the Waters of Baptism to the Cleansing of our Souls None dare say That GOD cou'd not have Cleansed Naaman otherwise But GOD having by his Prophet appointed that Means if Naaman had neglected it he had not otherwise been Cured How much more when GOD has appointed the Means of Baptism by his Son if we Neglect it shall we be Sav'd without it He that Despis'd Moses 's Law dyed without Mercy Of how much sorer Punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Institution of the Son of GOD and counted it an unholy thing doing Despight to it Inventing Contemptible Names for it and Ridiculing the Administration of it But as the Spirit of God moved at first upon the Face of the Waters Gen. 1.2 to Impregnate them and make them Fructifie and gave a Miraculous Vertue to the Waters of Jordan of Siloam and Bethesda for Healing of the Flesh Why shou'd we Doubt that the same Spirit can and will Sanctifie the Waters of Baptism to the Mystical Washing away of Sin having the Positive Institution and Promise of Christ for it Acts II. 38. Repent and be Baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the Remission of Sins and ye shall Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost This was not the Extraordinary Gift of Miracles which is here Promised and which all Baptized Persons did not Receive or Expect but the Remission of Sins And let me add That the Ordinary Saving Graces of the Spirit which work silently without Observation or Show are much Preferable and more Desirable than the Extraordinary Gifts of Miracles which for a time were Necessary at the first Propagation of the Gospel and held Men's Eyes in Great Admiration But were of Dangerous Consequence to the Possessors and a Temptation often to Vanity which had almost overset the Great Apostle 2 Cor. xii 7 8 9. and threw others into the Pit of Destruction Matth. vii 22 23. 1 Cor. xiii 2. and therefore were not to be Pray'd for or Desir'd We must be totally Passive in this Case and when sent being for the Conviction of others to Receive such an Extraordinary Gift with Fear and Trembling lest it Hurt our weak Minds not capable but by as Extraordinary an Assistance of Divine Grace to Bear such mighty Revelations and not to let in with it a secret Pride in our selves which spreads our Sails so wide that without a Proportionable Ballast of deep Humility we shall be driven from our Compass The Enemy throws in this strong Temptation with those Miraculus Gifts which vain Men do Ignorantly Covet and some falsly Pretend to to their own Destruction But much more Valuable are those Saving Graces which we are commanded Daily to Pray for and Daily to Endeavour Much more Available to us and Precious in the sight of God than all Miraculous Gifts is that Gift of The Holy Ghost the Remission of Sins which is Promis'd to the Due Reception of Baptism and enrolls our Names in Heaven Luk. x. 17 18 19 20. Behold said Christ to his Disciples who Boasted that even the Devils were subject to them through His Name I give unto you Power to tread on Serpents and Scorpions and over all the Power of the Enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you notwithstanding in this Rejoyce not that the Spirits are subject unto you But rather Rejoyce because your Names are written in Heaven To be added to the End of Sect. VIII p. 49. But R. Barclay argue in his Apology That the Baptism of which the Ark was a Type cou'd not be the Outward or Water-baptism because that it self is a Type viz. Of the Inward or Spiritual Baptism And he supports this Notion by a Criticism upon the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in this Text which he says is not rightly Translated in our English by The like Figure Because he says the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies the thing Typify'd and not the Type But by his leave it signifies the quite contrary Heb. ix 24. not the thing Typify'd but only the Type For there the Holy Places made with Hands are called the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Figures or Types of the True And that Word is not to be found except in these two Texts in the whole New Testament And therefore if one of these Texts must explain the other the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Anti-Type 1 Pet. iii. 21. must be taken in the same Sense in which it is used Heb. ix 24. because there it cannot possibly be taken to mean the thing Typify'd or the Archi-Type therefore neither ought it to be so strain'd as Barclay does to mean the quite contrary in the present Text. And our Translation is Justify'd which renders 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the like Figure as does the Vulgar Similis formae For both the Waters of the Ark and of Baptism are the outward and visible Signs but not the thing signify'd which is the Salvation of the Soul by the Regeneration and Washing of the Spirit And they are like Figures both signifying the same thing in a manner very like to one another That as Noah c. were sav'd in the Ark by Water from Corporal Death so are the True Believers sav'd by the Water of Baptism from the Death of Sin and Hell In which Sense the Ark was a Type of the outward or Water-baptism tho' both were Types but one nearer than the other And because the Baptism mention'd in this Text 1 Pet. iii.