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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18980 A briefe discourse of mans transgression [an]d of his rede[mption by Christ, with a particular surueigh of the Romish religion] Clement, Francis. 1593 (1593) STC 5399.8; ESTC S3116 50,810 106

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mouth the Lord Iesus and beleeue in thy hart that God raised him vp from the dead thou shalt be saued for with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation for the scripture saith whosoeuer beleeueth in him stall not be ashamed ●om 10 9 c. The Iarler at Philippi asking Paul and Silas what he should do to be saued they answered Beleeue in the Lord Iesus and thou shalt be saued Act 16. 20 c. The Scribe demaunding of Christ what he should do to inherit eternall life is sent to the law and word of God to marke what he readeth there Luke 10 25. But here by the occasion of our Lords question how readest thou pawse we a little and aduisedlie let vs consider the force and efficacie of reading the word of God The reading of Gods word and preaching of the same are the two onely and ordinarie meanes whereby through the working of the spirit the Lord conueieth his word into our heartes both which are expressed by one word in Hebrew Karà which signifieth to crie or call to proclaime pronounce or preach to declare or reade Exod. 24 7. Deut. 31 11 c. After which the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 semeth to be feigned bearing the same sense of proclaiming preaching or pronouncing Isai 58 1. Reuelat. 5 2. As likewise S. Iames taketh preaching and reading the word of God both for one Act. 15 21. ●ā 1. 25. touching that place How shall they hear without a preacher Rom. 10 14. It is principallie ment of the first publishing the glad tidings of the Gospell aswell by Christ him selfe Isai 9 2. 41 27. and 49 6. and 52 7 c. Mat. 9 35. 17 5. Rom. 15 8. Hebr. 1 2. and 2 3. as by his Apostles first to the Iewes Mat. 10. vers 5. 6 after to the Gentiles in all the world Mat. 28 19. Rom. 16 26. Colos 1 23. Confer Isai 52. vers 7. 8. 9. 10. with Rom. 10. verse 12. 14. 15 for both the Prophet and the Apostle speake of vniting Christes whole church of Iewes Gentiles which could not be called conioined but by preaching the Gospel as Saint Paul testifieth Ephes 2 11 c. and it is blasphemie to derogat from that excellent and effectual ordinance of God the reading of his word that it should not aswel beget faith in the hearers if with an honest and good heart they reade or heare it red keepe the same Luk. 8 15 as confirme and increase faith in them being begotten by the same word 1 Ioh. 1 4 for the word of God in it selfe is equally heard whether it be red Luke 24 45 or preached Act. 16 14. equally edifieth if it be vnderstood Act. 8 30 and withal tempered with faith in them that heare it Hebr. 4 2. And therfore the Apostle earnestlie chargeth the reading his epistles Col. 4 16. 1 Thes 5 27. 2 Thes 2 15. And to that end also was the Gospell written as Saint Iohn affirmeth Ioh. 20 31. read Ephes 3. vers 3 4 This I write not to mainteine vnlearned readers in the church much lesse to make them equall to the preachers of the word for I desire with Saint Paul that they all could preach 1 Cor. 14 5. as their place requireth of them Ioh. 21 15. Acts. 20 28. 1 Cor 12 28. 1 Tim. 3 2. 2 Tim. 2 2. and 4 2. 1 Pet. 5 2. yea rather I wish with Moses that all the Lords people were Prophets Numb 11 29 for I well know and willinglie confesse that the preaching of the word ought to be preferred before the reading of the same because of our dulnesse Isai 28. vers 9 10. Hebr. 5 11 but my writing is onely to this end that we should not neglect as we do so excellent a benefit and blessed ordinance of God as is the reading of his word being so seuerely commaunded and highlie recommended to his church Now let vs go forward The holie Scriptures are z The authority and power of the holie Scriptures able therefore sufficient to make vs wise vnto saluatiō through the faith which is in Christ Iesus for the whole scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach and improue to correct and to instruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may be absolute being made per●ect vnto all good workes 2 Tim. 3 15 c. when our Lord would controll anie er●our he vsuallie obiected Haue yee not ●ed Mat. 12. vers 3. 5. and 19 4. and 21 42. ●nd 22 31 c. signifying thereby that the ●acred Scriptures ought to be our onely direction and guide therefore the ho●ie Ghost calleth the word of God a lan●erne vnto our feet and a light vnto our ●aths Psal 119 105. Prou. 6 23. wherefore Moses exhorting the Israelits to embrace and obserue the law word of God tell●eth them that it is not onely their wisedome and vnderstanding in the sight of all people but euen their life also and the ●engthning of their daies in the land and that all the people of the earth shall be afraid of them therefore Deut. 4 6 and 28 10. and 32 47. wherefore the Lord complaineth of the neglect thereof saying I haue written vnto them the great things of my law but they were counted as a strange thing Hos 8 12. But the holie Ghost by the pen of S. Paul hath set downe an inuincible * S. Pauls generall reason for the iust triall of true religion reason to hold vs to the word of God in all pocrisie And he descrieth them by th● two most certaine tokens in stead of 〈◊〉 that they should commaund to a And yet both these are cōmaunded by the word of God Gen. 1 28. and 9. vers 1. 3. Deut. 12 20. Therefore this is a speciall note of antichrist so to oppose himselfe against God 1 Tim. 4 3. And touching our meats by grace or thanke●giuing they are sactified 1 Tim. 4 4. which thing besides that our Lord himselfe vsuallie obserued Mat. 14 19 c was also commaunded in the law Deut 8 10 and practized 1 Sam. 9 13. abste● from diuerse meats and forbid mariage mong their votaries 1 Tim. 4 1 c. A● that they should be louers of their ow● selues couetous boasters proude cur● speakers disobediēt to parents vnthan●full vnholie without naturall affectio● truce-breakers false-accusers intemper● fierce despicers of them which are goo● traitors headie high-minded louers 〈◊〉 pleasures more the louers of God hau● a shew of godlinesse but haue deni● the power thereof and he aduiseth Turne away therefore from such 2 Ti● 3 2 c. S. Peter writeth likewise th● they should teach damnable heresies ●uen denying the Lord that boug● them which they do in seeking right●ousnesse by their owne workes an● Saints merits by suborning strange i● tercessours with Christ or besides Chri● by their Masse purgatorie c. by 〈◊〉
●odie the true sacrifice of our sinnes Isai 3 10. Ephes 5 2. 1 Pet. 2 24. was taken ●om the crosse Mat. 27. vers 57 58. No maruell now the time of Christes ●omming so long and so plainlie told be●ore and recorded in Daniels prophecie 〈◊〉 S. Iohn note this in the Iewes especiallie ●s a monstrous and yet general vnkind●esse proceeding of their wilfull igno●ance of Gods mercifull visiting them by ●is owne v Manie of the Iewes of that time waited cōtinuallie for Christs comming as Ioseph of Arimathea Luke 23 51. father Simeon An Phanuel and diuerse other Luk. 2 vers 25. 36. And in the yeare that Christ suffred Caiaphas proph●cied that one should die for the people c. Ioh. 11 49. not speaking that from Daniels writings but God putting the truth in his mouth as he did in Balams asse Numbers 22 28 he vttered thereby his owne malice which he bare in his minde to kill Christ so the caitife blasphemed and prophecied with one voice sonne that Christ Iesus came ●nto his owne and his owne receiued ●im not Ioh. 1 11. our Lord therefore ●harplie rebuketh those Pharisies and ●adduces for their grosse ignorance of ●he signes and times of his comming a●ong them telling them that they were ●etter seene in the face of the skie and ●ore wether-wise to discerne faire daies ●nd tempests then skilfull to know the ●mes of the Lords visitation Mat. 16 3. ●his their generall ignorance euen at his ●ast farewell to the citie moued him to ●eepe ouer Ierusalem and through sorrowfull sobbes euen to wan● words to expresse his griefe for their wofull miseries saying O if thou hadst knowē at the least in this thy day those things which belong to thy peace but now are they hid from thine eies Luke 19 42. They had diuerse signes to haue put them in minde of his comming as the departure of the w Read Dan. 2 44. After the captiuitie of Babylō there were no kings in Iewrie for the state was gouerned by deputies of the tribe of Iudah but that Herod Mat. 2 1 c. being an Arabian by nation descended of the stocke of the kings of that fourth kingdome Dan. 2 40 reigned king in Iudea so the scepter was translated from the tribe of Iudah when Christ was borne scepter from the tribe of Iudah Gen. 49 10. And the sending of Elias the Prophet Malac 4 5. not that verie Elias himselfe should rise againe to reproue as Sirachides supposed Eccles 48 4 c. And as the common opinion of the Iewes and t Iohn Baptist denieth that he is Elias Ioh. 1 21. but his deniall is after this sense of the Scribes for so his questioners ment it See Herods feare that 10. Baptist should be risen againe Mat. 14 2. The Iowes had long before this ti●e admitted Pythagoras his Metēpsychôsis as also h●s profane opinion of the good ill angel attending each one 2 Machab. 11 6. Acts. 12 15. Scribes was Mat. 17 10 but that Iohn Baptist should go before Christ in the spirit and power of Elias as Gabriel interpreteth Malachis meaning to Zacharias Luke 1 17. Christ maketh it plaine Mat. 11 14. This finall blindnesse in Israell Moses by the spirit foresaw therefore brast out with this hearty wish of their only happinesse Oh that they were wise then they would vnderstand this they would cōsider their latter end Deut. 32 29. with sorrow inough the Prophet doubled this complaint who is blind but my seruant or deafe as my messenger that I sent who is blinde as the x He alludeth to the name Ierusalem which signifieth visible peace for the Lord had set it in the middes of the nations as a spectacle in their sight of all peace and prosperitie to his people but the Iewes breaking the conditions thereof were yet vainly confident of peace which thus the prophet reprocheth Ezech. 5 5. Ier. 7 4. and our Lord Luke 19 42. endowed-with-peace Isai 42 19. wherefore our Sauiour as he went to the crosse turning backe to those wailing women which lamenting him little thought of their owne calamities that should shortlie ensue mercifullie forewarneth them Weepe not for me ye daughters of Ierusalem but weepe for your selues and for your children for behold the daies will come when men shall say Blessed are the baren and the wombes that neuer bare the brestes that neuer gaue sucke Luk. 23. vers 28. 29. But I am here caried farther then I purposed yet not so far from my purpose whereunto I returne S. Iohn saith that this Iesus Christ the iust is our aduocat with the father the reconciliatiō for all our sinnes 1 Iohn 2 verse 1. 2. And that his bloud clenseth vs from al sinne 1 Iohn 1 7. for as the Baptist saith he is the lamb of God which taketh away the sinne of the world Ioh. 1 29. Neither is their as S. Pet. witnesseth saluation in any other for amōg mē there is geuen none other name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued Acts. 4 12. To him also giue all the Prophets witnesse that through his name all that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes Act. 10 4● Therefore the true Christian touching all the worke of his saluation both in heart beleeueth with mouth confesseth with the Psalmist thus Whom haue I in heauen but thee And I haue desired none in the earth with thee Psa 73 25. He alone is God all-sufficient Gen 17 1. mightie and sufficient to saue Isai 63 1. neither is there anie other that heareth our words Isai 41 26. and 63. vers ● 16. Wherefore Dauid calleth him O thou that hearest the praier Psal 65. 2. And Isay setteth downe the verie fo●me of euerie Christians faith and confession thus Onely in the Lord touching me shall he say is y Righteousnes in the orginall t●ngue is red in th● pl●n●mber to sig●ifie vnto vs th●● all our right●●●s●esse is of the Lord ●hat we should neuer once open our mouth to iustifie our selues Eze. 10 63. all my righteousnesse strength Isai 45 24. for Christ Iesus who is al in al Col. ● 11. Ioh. 1 9. Rō 9 16. Eph. 1 23 Phil. 2 13 of God is made vnto vs wisedome righteousnesse sanctification redemption that God alone might haue al the glorie 1 Cor. 1. vers 30. 31. Now the meanes to obtaine this righteousnesse in Christ is by hearing the word of God either red Exod. 24 7. Deu. ●1 11. Ioh. 20 31. Act. 15 21. Eph. 3 4. Col. 4 16 1 Thes 5 27. or Preached Act. 8 35 c and 16. vers 14. 32. 1 Cor. 14. vers 24 25 assuredly to beleeue all the promises of God in his son our Sauiour 2 Cor. 1 20. 1 Ioh. 5. vers 10. 11 applying them to thy selfe thus That Christ Iesus died for my sinnes and rose againe for my iustication Rom 4 25. And the Apostle saith if thou shalt confesse with thy