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B02470 Several letters; containing the amours of 1. The unfortunate dutchess; or, The lucky gamester. 2. Love after enjoyment; or, Fatal constancy. 3. The unhappy mistake; or, The fate of cross'd loves. Written by Mr. Cr----rd, gent. Craufurd, David, 1665-1726. 1700 (1700) Wing C6863A; ESTC R174381 142,956 264

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of Empire Next day he came to wait upon the injur'd Duke or rather the kind Dutchess and forgot not to improve every opportunity to the Advanvantage of his Love In a little time he became too happy or at least too often so and if the generous Entheon had in the least suspected the Fair Eriphile's weakness or his Friendship their guilt had been too obvious His Noble Confidence made him too secure till an Adventure that hapened some time after taught them more caution and him more of Jealousie The Duke it seems was oblig'd to attend the King who then kept his Court twenty Miles from Clusa The Dutchess knew of it the preceeding Night and had therefore order'd every thing necessary for the reception of her Lover Her Husband took Coach about Eight next Morning and Erinthus was to wait upon her Grace at three in the Afternoon She thought every hour had borrow'd from Eternity and griev'd she had delay'd her happiness so long She sighing lay upon the yielding Bed and under the Modish covert of a sudden indisposition occasion'd by a Cold she ne're had felt avoided the unseasonable Visits of her troublesome Friends Daria was alone privy to the intrigue and tho' she had all that respect for the Dutchess which her Duty in the strictest sense could exact from her yet she griev'd to find her Virtue so much weakned and wish'd her innocent as when first she knew her Eriphile had the goodness to excuse her self as handsomely as she could Painted her Lover drest with all his graces about him and show'd the power of subtle Love in words that spoke her knowing in the Mystery Poor Daria sigh'd as if she had felt those pains of which her Mistress spoke and by her looks confess'd her inward griefs The Dutchess carefully observ'd her frequent change of colour and the flushing of her disorder'd Blood and ask'd if Love had ever led her Captive The tender Maid blush'd and by her silence confest the truth of what her Mistress had often much suspected She charg'd her upon her allegiance as she would preserve her esteem and make her think she lov'd her she would relate the whole and by the story of her Love divert her melancholy till the arrival of the fortunate Erinthus Daria excus'd her self from the performance as well as she could but seeing 't was not acceepted she sigh'd was some minutes silent and addressing her self to the Dutchess began as followeth YOU know Madam I was born in Scarronida your sister Nation and of the same Religion with your selves a hardy Warlike People yet no Strangers to Love and tho' we lye North from Armenis and by our bounds make up the half of the Island yet we seem nearer the Torrid Zone than you My Father was a Gentleman very much esteem'd and tho' his Fortune did not prefer him to that height his Soul always aim'd at yet his humour and agreeable Conversation made him the darling of his greater Neighbours and he match'd with an ancient Family rich in Friends and every way truly preferable to his own I was the first and last pledge of their Loves and was ever doated upon by those who saw me for that resemblance I had of the Fair Julietta for that was my Mother's name and Aristeon my kind Father esteem'd his Young Daughter even beyond Life or Empire He sought Wealth only to bless me in a Noble Marriage and with secret Pride already ey'd my growing Beaury Our Neighbour in the Country the great Dion who tho' a private Gentleman can for the service of his Prince muster an Army of his own Vassals and Dependants to the number of some thousands had a Son whom all the World esteem'd whom many Beauties sigh'd for and none attackt with success I was then in the sixteenth Year of my Age and tho' I had often seen him and heard him prais'd yet my Heart had ne're submitted to his Charms That Friendship which was between my Father and his drew them often together and the generous Dion has sometimes spent whole Weeks at our House It hapened once that while he rode a Hunting and eager in the Chase his Horse fell down a sloping Bank and bruis'd his hardy Rider Aristeon was much concern'd for this Misfortune and immediately sent for his Son The handsom Youth came to our House with Tears in his Eyes and mourn'd over his Aged Father with the tenderness of a weeping Mother that griev'd the loss of her darling infant There was so much of the Man mixt with a Woman's softness in his pains that I could not chuse but observe it I was insensibly pleas'd with every word he spoke and sighing wish'd I had had a Brother like him His Cares for the old Man brought mine and I could have wept for Dion more earnestly than when first he got his Wounds The Young Odmar for so he was call'd took notice of my Cares and from my Tenderness and Compassion argu'd the easiness of my Soul I shall not Madam praise my own Beauty but he has afterwards told me that the softness I then show'd reach'd his Heart and from small griefs wound him to Pity and tho' he had no cause much to sorrow for me yet my pains to him show'd double and from Compassion drew him up to Love I was one evening walking in the Garden disorder'd in my thoughts and examining my self to find if that uneasiness I knew proceeded from my Love to Odmar But as I began the scrutiny he enter'd who alone could confirm the truth of what I fear'd I trembl'd as he approach'd wish'd him gone yet lov'd to see him stay and scarce could tell what thoughts possest my Heart The Lovely Youth soon apologiz'd for intruding upon my Retirement and you may easily imagine how readily I forgave him There was a pleasant River at the back of the Garden-wall and beyond that a spacious Green where feeding Flocks attend the Shepherd s call forget their present wants and listen to the lov'd Musick of his tuneful Pipe There labouring Swains when toils out-strip the Day Dance with the Maids they Love and cheat those pains by cruel labour brought The Gard'ner it seems had by chance left the Back-door open and there being a Tarrass walk upon the top of the Bank we resolv'd from thence to view the open Fields The Water murmur'd beneath us and the little Fishes wanton'd in the Streams The seting Sun lookt back on that vast trackt he had left behind him griev'd to lose that prospect once he had and as he stoop'd beneath the veil of Night rouz'd up himself with eagerness and by a flash of new born Light would gild the distant Mountains Just so a Lover when he quits the Shoar with trouble views the Mistress of his Vows longs to be nigh yet still he slides away and when he 's almost banish'd from her sight he stands aloft and glads her from afar and by his gestures shows he fain would stay In a
enter'd some time after without acquainting her that I lodg'd in the same House A few minutes after my Heart seem'd entirely hers and when it had for a while enjoy'd it self with the thoughts of a new Beauty and judg'd the Conquest past its first Mistress wou'd return recall the wand'rer and force him to obedience and the fair Timandra still possess'd a Heart in spight of its owner We often met and the Charming Olmechine for that was the name of this kind fair one at last let me know she lov'd But did it with all the modesty of her Sex show'd a strong and nice Virtue with a powerful Love paleness o'respread her Face trembling dwelt upon her Lips her Eyes were fix'd upon the ground and her Words were moving but her Beauty more 'T was then that Love show'd himself a capricious Deity for the Maid no sooner had attack'd my Heart than 't was entirely yours I had Eyes no more for her and my inclinations being wholly chang'd I receiv'd the tender address with more indifferency than good breeding or gratitude cou'd well allow However when I had recollected my self I gave her all that Satisfaction she cou'd justly expect from a heart she knew wholly prepossest and now firmly fortified against a change I see her home at Night and inform her that I lodg'd in the same House she blush'd at the unexpected adventure and tho' she lov'd was sorry to know a Man under the same Roof with her self that was conscious to her weakness Next day I din'd with her where I made my acquaintance with her Aunt and whom I found to be the Mistress of the Family The old Gentlewoman entertain'd me very kindly and commended my shape mien and garb with all the gallantry of which one at twenty is capable and I return'd her Complements with that careless gravity to which my griefs permitted me not to be a stranger At night she came to my Room and under the notion of asking if things were in that order I wish'd them spent some hours in my Company I cou'd observe while she stay'd that nothing pleas'd her so much as when the Subject was Love The Blood sparkled through her buff Cheeks and Love lay burning in her deadned Eyes Next day I found her painted and dress'd with that gallantry that only fitted Brides of fifteen and I was a second time oblig'd to accept of a splendid Entertainment from her Thus she continu'd kind and every day gave me new grounds of suspecting the old Letcher inflam'd While the Aunt made daily advances the lovely Niece saw me but seldom and when she did 't was with all the bashfulness of a guilty young sinner whose Virtue had newly been seduc'd I paid her all those respects she deserv'd and gave my Pity when I had no more She 'd sigh look pale and gently hang her head then leave me sad because I cou'd not love Attabalippa for that was the Aunt 's name in time became a perfect plague she haunts me like a Ghost my Will and Actions seem the guide of hers and she does nothing in which her hopes to please me has not a share This made me look out for new Lodgings and I was ready to depart when my Servant Curacas came and told me the fair Olmechine lay dangerously ill of a Feaver at this a sudden tenderness seiz'd me Pity and fears lodg'd in my Breast and a thousand Torments rack'd me till I saw her I soon got admittance and having seated my self by her upon the Bed enquir'd passionately after her health the Charming Innocent wept and sigh'd then looking upon me with Eyes all Languishing answer'd I am At this a new flood of Tears broke forth and all the Charms of Beauty in distress assault my Heart and mov'd a pity equal even to Love Then taking hold of her fair hand that lay above the Cloaths I kiss'd it with all the Transports new-born flames cou'd give conjur'd her to speak I long'd to share her griefs and almost wish'd my self the Cause to have the Power of giving some relief Thus while I mourn'd over her possess'd with all the tenderness of dying Mothers for their weeping infants I cou'd see her Lips like Roses pluckt grow pale her Heart beat thick and night o'respread her Eyes her Soul half fled and she at last lay fainting in my Arms. This adds to my sorrow and lab'ring 'twixt grief and Love I gently rais'd her drooping Head and strove to kiss her back again to Life my sighs ecchoed in her ears and my groans awak'd her from this little death She look'd upon me with all the Symptoms of a Love-sick Maid and blush'd to find her self lying in my Bosom with half her Beauties open then faintly strugling threw her self down upon the Bed Ah! Sir said she for Heav'ns sake think me Virtuous tho' you 've found me weak tenderness for your loss first begot my Love then use it as the darling Child of that generous passion and not the effect of a mind unfix'd pardon the excess of a flame so pure and give me pity if you cannot Love I answer'd these obliging words with all the sweetness which her Charms inspir'd and if a flame equal to that of hers did not then possess me I told her my Gratitude and her Beauty would assist me and my Heart shou'd quickly bid adieu to its old Mistress to entertain one whose merit justly claim'd a better This eas'd the Maid and I left her more sound in mind and better than I found her Attabalippa met me just as I came out and forc'd me with her back into the Room Olmechine blush'd at the unexpected Happiness and was scarce able to look upon her Aunt because her Lover look'd and was so nigh She was glad to see her Niece alter'd to the better and going to the other end of the Room view'd her self in a large Glass opposite to the Bed and ask'd me smiling how I lik'd her dress Then told me how such a one had lov'd her that a Lord had dy'd for her and that most of the Youth in Chira still sigh'd for her and wondered where that Beauty lay which charm'd them I answered her dotage very modestly and Olmechine whose Feaver was now abated took particular notice of all that past was asham'd of her weakness and sensibly touched to find a Rival where she least look'd for one In the mean time the old Gentlewoman who had forgot something below Stairs quitted the Room after she had desir'd me to wait upon her Niece and divert her melancholy thoughts till she return'd I look'd upon the fair one with an Air that spoke me pleas'd with the opportunity and imployment and she with a Charming Voice told me she was not the only Conquest I had made and tho' she fear'd some ill Consequences from her Aunt 's passion yet she had the satisfaction of seeing Age inflam'd and lookt upon it as some excuse for hers I confess'd I had been long
could yield and after they had discours'd some time about the injustice of his Sentence they came to see me I was amaz'd at the unlook'd for Accident and had almost fainted with the sudden Apprehension of my Husband's danger When Assapan who saw my fears approach'd and begg'd a thousand Pardons for being the Author of my griefs Swore he was glad to see his Friend happy commended my choice and added he wou'd not disturb my happiness tho' he lov'd much to be Master of the World I return'd him those thanks his kindness merited excus'd my self for not having sooner acquainted him with my Circumstances that it did not suit with my modesty and that I was not sorry for his knowledge because 't was what my heart wou'd willingly have inform'd him of before He answer'd that my Honour and his Friends safety should be his greatest Care that it was not convenient for my interest that he shou'd leave off his Suit so suddenly because the World had already seen him my Lover that while he continued his addresses none could suspect him conscious of my real Fortunes and he would for the future proclaim to all my virtue as hitherto he had done his Love I was o'rejoy'd at this Resolution the more because I did not think he would have born the Misfortune so patiently or the Affront I put upon him with so much Moderation When he was gone Adrastus who had dissembled his real Thoughts began to let me know his Fears that he doubted Assapan's virtue would not be proof against so many Charms that Love and Beauty had often destroy'd the most setled Resolutions and trampled Honour under Foot that he was a dangerous Friend and knew the Arts of Love and all the weakness of a Woman's nature I found the aim of all this Discourse and cou'd almost have reprov'd him for his fears But then considering his Jealousie as the Child of Love I smil'd and embrac'd him gave him all the Blessings mighty Love bestows and lull'd his fears asleep Assapan came frequently to see me and I could observe nothing in his Words and Actions that was not quadrant to those Promises he had lately made me But at last prevail'd upon either by the heat of his Love or the hopes of my weakness he made those Addresses which did not at all please me and swore Adrastus was too happy that he could no longer be my Friend or his but a Lover to the one and a constant Rival to the other This cruel and sudden change gave me inexpressible sorrow and taught me to fear a thousand Mischiefs then as an addition to my Affliction I saw it was what I cou'd not safely communicate to the lovely Partner of all my Cares for when mighty pains are in one Bosom found 't is over-charg'd and may in time be rent but having got a breast that shares the load they straight take Wing and leave the oppressed Heart the o'reburden'd Soul mounts upwards joys in its new Liberty and finds its Weights remov'd In the mean time the Earl continued his Visits and fail'd not to urge the violence of his flame in words that never express'd a modest Love and one Day the most unfortunate I er'e had seen or now can know told me if I was not marry'd to Adrastus I was not virtuous and if I was it spoke me regardless of my Honour if I consider'd him as the Author of Minoya's death and remembred what the World thought of me in that Husband's time You see Madam how Men are converted by Love into as many different Resolutions and Humours as Proteus e're knew shapes he who a few Days ago was all Love all Friendship and Tenderness now became ill-natur'd indiscreet and unkind I was about to let him know how much I resented what he had said but then I remembred the weight of that secret with which my ill Fortune had intrusted him and with grief and anger painted in my Face told him he spoke not like the gen'rous Assapan for he was my Friend nor could I believe the words meant to the Dutchess of Minoya because I was assur'd he once lov'd her and had a better opinion of her Virtue When he saw me so modest and calm in my Answer I fancy he was at first sorry for his indiscretion but when men once doubt a Woman's virtue 't is impossible they should Love and where there was Love in the beginning Lust supplys its absence though her faults have make her too deform'd for a Wife yet her Beauty serves to make her good enough for a Mistress besides those who are known to have yielded to one Man are often if not always by the uncharitable World suspected of the same weakness towards another Thus it was with the unkind Earl for after he had paus'd some Minutes he told me I must consent to his Happiness or begin my own Misery This sentence flash'd like lightning to my Heart I remain'd silent anger and sorrow shar'd my Thoughts and all my Courage was scarce able to support me He saw my Countenance but mistook my Passion and from my silence drew Consent caught me in his Arms kiss'd me and ask'd if I was yet resolv'd to bless him with Enjoyment All his words were wounds each of them reach'd my Soul and I still continued dumb This he concludes a faint denial embrac'd me in his Arms again and when I offer'd to resist or call for help he swore Adrastus should answer for my unkindness with his Life Fear made me weak and the sudden assault bore my Virtue head-long before it Weeping I lay beneath the treacherous Mass and wish'd each moment he consum'd in Joy might bring whole Years of cruel deadly Pains The gods look'd on and saw Lucretia ravish'd no wonder then they had no Thunder bolts in store to relieve one who so often had offended While thus in height of Pleasure he lay drown'd remembred what had pass'd to move a new desire rov'd wildly and immodestly o're each part to kindle expiring Flames and surfeited with Joy still sought for more The unlucky Adrastus led by wild Chance or by unerring Fate enter'd the Room to find his lov'd Timandra I saw him first but gods you only know what torments seiz'd my Mind and rack'd my guilty Soul A while he stood immovable and gaz'd then fury enter'd and his judgment fled all thoughts of mercy from his nature were excluded revenge the darling of his Soul grew high and in that frenzy drawing nigh the Bed with one dire stroak as swift and sudden as if from Heav'n it had come he stab'd the guilty Ravisher to the Heart Curs'd be the hour he cry'd when first I lov'd but doubly that in which I first betray'd Minoya Heav'n just Heav'n has now repay'd that injury I did him The Earl groan'd grasp'd at his Sword and in that Action dy'd Besmear'd with Blood all mixt with briny Tears trembling and fainting from the Bed I rose then threw my self half
me some Letters to my Rival Bonzeda whom I am resolv'd not to acquaint with my arrival 'till I have seen the Mistress of my Vows the Charming Sirena a happiness I must expect from your Friendship not Fortune or my Merit Here Martius stopt and Artaxus who lov'd no less than he took him again in his Arms Swore he 'd serve him with his Life and Fortune and that very Night bless him with Sirena's Company Thus having spent part of the day they at last chose different Roads Martius back 〈◊〉 Zenitha and Artaxus home In the mean time I knew nothing of my Brother's happiness and when he came home tho' he strove to hide it because the Duke was present I cou'd read in his Eyes some signs of those hopes and motions of Joy which had wing'd his Soul Xensa was no sooner gone than he embrac'd me Ah! My Dear Sister cry'd he I am still happy Martius proves a just Friend and Indoretta waits for the Fortunate Artaxus These words pleasantly surpris'd me I lov'd too much to be disinterested in the Story and begg'd with impatiency he would let me know where he had this account of his and my good Fortune Then it was Madam he related the Story of my Lover's absence the same as I have already Writ it adding he had given him the Key of the Garden-Door and we might meet with all the privacy imaginable Love not he perswaded and I thought time mov'd backwards till the hour arriv'd It was when every Creature seem'd a-sleep the heavy Waters murmur'd as they went and mov'd as if they shortly meant to rest the adjoyning Shoar no raging Billows knew and every Fish dreamt in his Ousie Bed The Earth seem'd all one Cave the Heav'ns one shade and dying Stars did the new light invite All happy Lovers lay in slumbers chain'd and Cynthia to her Damon seems forgot The waking Joys of mighty Love were fled and Morpheus reign'd when that Young God gave way Sometimes a Bird half waking took the Wing and with slow motion reach'd some neighb'ring bough then faintly murmuring hush'd it self to rest and sleeping bill'd as if its Mate were nigh 'T was then I say Madam Artaxus and I stole gently forth to meet the wish'd for welcome gen'rous passionate Martius As we enter'd the Garden the Lovely Youth rush'd in Fancy that erring guide where Judgment 's gone paints him with all his Charms and perfect thoughts suppli'd the want of day I saw him kneeling begging at my Feet grasping my hands and sighing as he spoke his Eyes at least I thought so darted Love and all his trembling touches reach'd my Heart Faultring he cry'd Sirena Lovely Fair Now all the pains of absence are repay'd and present Blessings banish rooted cares Artaxus thou best of Friends to thee I owe this mighty happiness and if the Charming Mistress of my Vows had any favourable thoughts for the constant Martius of which her Brother's Love is not the Cause even that Joy which those thoughts wou'd impart to me I 'd own the effect of his Friendship or her Mercy without respect to Merit on my part My Heart was seiz'd with tenderness and joy I long had lov'd him and had mourn'd his absence and all his words like Arrows shot from Love dart to my Soul and kindle dying flames Night made him bold and Passion spurr'd him on and in this rapture rising from the ground he clasp'd me in his Arms sigh'd deep and kiss'd me with an eager action and almost banish'd Virtue from my Breast After we had seated our selves in an Arbour we discours'd of Love of the pains that Passion brings and day arriv'd e're we had thought it nigh In the morning he waited upon the Count and was by his Sister the Fair Manderina receiv'd with that Modesty which Young Women generally profess especially before those whom they see design'd their Husbands Xensa was soon acquainted with the arrival as he judg'd him of his Young Enemy and waited impatiently for Bonzeda's visit who no sooner came than he inform'd him of his fears and to prevent future danger resolv'd to see me speedily married The hated Lover was o'rejoy'd at the proposal and the third day following was prefix'd for that on which this Gordian Knot was to be ty'd My Mother acquainted me with the unwelcome news and I fail'd not to beg that assistance she had often promised and with Tears in my Eyes let her know how much I hated Bonzeda and what thoughts I had for the Young Mangroa She sighing told me That things were now come to the last extremity that I had been married some weeks ago if her Friendship had been wanting or diligence asleep That the Young Duke's Arrival gave the Count and my Father so many fears that Arguments were become useless and my Marriage alone was able to secure them But that one Remedy or at least a Reprieve offer'd it self which was to be purchas'd thus I should immediately feign my self indispos'd confine my self to my Chamber for some days and if the Duke still continued resolute at last to my Bed But withal that I should not attribute my Distemper to that Storm which threatned me and if 't was ask'd 〈…〉 him know that nothing impeded his 〈…〉 happiness my Sickness excepted that my 〈…〉 gave consent and my 〈…〉 time ●●ey I comply'd so readily with this relishing Counsel that when the Duke enter'd my Chamber I immediately fainted He call'd for help and the Dutchess who knew my Distemper came running drown'd in feign'd Tears to my Assistance telling him I had been under this indisposition for some days that she wonder'd at the cause and fear'd some dangerous consequence Xensa was surpris'd with what he heard and the Count who was with him had only this Satisfaction that he saw me incapable of holding any Correspondence with his Rival However they both departed without acquainting me with what they had design'd the preceeding day Artaxus was perfectly vers'd in the Plot and told me Martius would wait upon me at Night that I must not deny him that happiness that none could be conscious to the interview and every thing conduc'd to promote the design I lov'd and a few Arguments serv'd to perswade the Youth possess'd my Heart and all my thoughts center'd in forming lovely Ideas of the bewitching Conquerour He had free access to Bonzeda's Garden and by a small Ladder of Ropes made for the purpose he easily got into ours His Servant as soon as he had ascended the Wall was order'd to Withdraw the Pliant Stairs and retire to his Master's Room least his continued stay had occasion'd a discovery for Bonzeda had many Windows opposite to that place My Brother waited at the Window to which a second Ladder was fastned and receiv'd him The Duke lay in the next Room and you may believe we forgot not to tread softly The happy Youth caught me in his Arms gaz'd and sigh'd as if this had been our first meeting since
which the Company of her we love and a moderate fortune never fails to bestow My Uncle now saw 't was too late to raise Objections and unwillingly consented to the Match on these Conditions that I should show no signs of aversion for his Person for he had the goodness to pretend to a Love of my welfare and that upon the first Day of the second Year after his Marriage he should add fifty thousand to the number of Malcors already given Thus Aratus secur'd himself for by the continued Poverty of my Husband he weakened the power of Revenge For Madam the form of Government in Marintha differs from that of Fabria and there Men often do themselves Justice without having recourse to Law while the Prince whose Authority is limited by the People or a chosen number invested with the power of the whole winks at these Outrages and sees the strong o'rethrow the injur'd weak without offering to disturb the course of either In the mean time I was kept wholly ignorant of these Transactions and was strangely surpris'd when after a consinement of two long Years where I was seen by none but my old Governess the Gay the Joyful blest Valentio enter'd I thought he too had forgot me and those sparkles of Love he had kindl'd in my Breast e're my Imprisonment were now almost extinguish'd or at least burnt so faintly I scarce perceiv'd the flame The amorous Youth fell upon his Knees darted his Eyes on mine sigh'd and with a voice that would have charm'd a departing Soul back to Life said does the Divine Delia remember her slave Valentio Can she believe I love her That my long absence was an effect of necessity not the will of my Heart And that now she has liberty if she can but Love My surprise at the unexpected accident made me uneasie I felt a new Pleasure and had a perfect remembrance of my past troubles knew not what to answer and wish'd he 'd consult my Eyes for the resolves of my yet wavering Soul In this confusion of the mind he graspt my Hand forc'd it to his Mouth and kist it with the Feaver of a violent Lover conjur'd me to remember how I had been us'd to consult my reason before I spoke and to make use of that opportunity which kind Heaven lent me lest my Uncle's humour alter'd to the worse made him for ever Miserable and gave me no hopes of better Fortune than I now enjoy'd As he spoke Aratus enter'd and with a sowre Countenance told me he had always shown himself a kind Parent and he came now to give me in his consent to my Marriage with Valentio a sensible mark of that affection he ever had for me This pleasant turn of sporting Fate elevated my Heart joy sparkl'd in my Face and tho' my reason could not find the Cause of this quick change yet I was eas'd because I had no ground to doubt the validity of that Proof which fell within the Cognizance of my senses Then looking on him I lov'd I blushing answer'd his Choice was to me a Guide and I should not be wanting in my endeavours to esteem the Man he design'd my Husband The surly old Man seem'd pleas'd with what I said and calling my Gouvernantée aside they both withdrew When he was gone the wonderful Valentio fail'd not to thank me for my compliance and spoke all that a Man who lov'd to excess could utter to the Mistress of his Soul and I forgot not to weigh his Merit You may wonder dear Madam at the easie conquest and that not having mention'd this God-like Youth during my Confinement I should now so suddenly resign my Heart and doat upon his Charms But to remove that consider my Years at parting that from my infancy I had more tenderness and esteem for him than for the rest of Mankind and that he being then very young his person and the beauties of his Soul were better'd in the space of two Years of this last I modestly inform'd him and he who never spoke otherwise than he believ'd swore mine surpris'd him that I was ever the wonder of my Sex and that Nature had spent the time of my long imprisonment in perfecting that noble Work she had begun with so much Art In a few days we were marry'd and my Uncle who could dissemble handsomely seem'd well satisfied with all that past while I who was wholly ignorant of what my Valentio had done for me promis'd to my self an age of Joys and eternity of Peace and Happiness to come My young Husband's Love encreas'd with the number of his Days and time that wastes all things serv'd to augment the force of his flame for me he seem'd to live and if at any time my nature was disorder'd it wrought that effect upon his Soul which Minds united for each other know His humour spoke his heart susceptible of Love and capable of any tender impressions subject to anger to revenge a stranger and form'd by bounteous Nature for a Lover In the day time he was ever nigh me sigh'd and swore he ne're could Love too well that I deserv'd the esteem of all Mankind and had Eyes of force to melt a savage Heart teach those inclin'd to War practis'd in deeds of horrour and conversant in blood to long and languish after softer Pleasures In the Night he seem'd uneasie for nothing but the privation of Light and when the Sun appear'd he 'd gaze upon my Charms and bless the day that brought us first together Then surrounding my panting Body with his trembling Arms he 'd smile upon me and swear by all the Powers above and by my self that no time or accident should e're deface my lovely form which the young god had rooted in his Heart if withering Age came on and Nature fail'd or laid waste the field of Beauty he 'd call to mind the present happy minute fetch it back from the boundless heap of Years long fled and place it before his Eyes renew his weaken'd Love and doat upon his charming Delia with all the longings of a hot young Lover who can ne're be blest enough my Eyes should kindle dying flames we should embrace like Youth and burn with equal Fires Thus have we lain and blest our mutual Fortunes heard the cold North Winds battering against the Windows and shivering Oxen lowing in the Plains the Birds chirping on the Battlements and bleeting Lambs proclaiming double wants the Trees crackling against each other and tender Blossoms wafted throw the Air. Then have we shrinkt lockt our selves together breath'd quick and low and laught at distant Storms forgot the chilling Airs that rag'd abroad and play'd and wanton'd on the yielding Downs But ah this charming Scene how soon it fled How quick time flew to finish so much Bliss He show'd his hoary Head and mov'd like Age to make us think he would have longer staid but while we lookt about and dreamt no loss he mounted streight and left us in
saw the godlike Entheon At last they betook themselves to Cards where at Pickquet Erinthus won fifty Pieces from the Dutchess she readily paid him and this confirm'd him in what he almost before believ'd that she was of Quality This put him upon his guard inspir'd him with care to please he assum'd a new Air and shew'd so much it seems of Gallantry that the yielding Eriphile was perfectly charm'd The Clock at last having struck twelve sounded a Retreat and they began to think of their respective concerns The Lovers begg'd they 'd allow them the Honour of waiting upon them to their Lodgings 't was readily granted and the Coach being call'd 't was as readily put in Execution The Dutchess had given the Coach-man private Orders to drive to her House and the Duke whose mind was much imploy'd ne're examin'd the place till he found himself in his own Bed chamber As he was about to express his surprise Eriphile and Fidelia unmaskt Erinthus first begg'd Pardon for his rude mistake and Entheon after he had rouz'd his disorder'd Judgment smil'd and askt the Dutchess if what he had done gave her any cause to suspect his Faith and hop'd Fidelia's Wit excus'd him for spending so much time in her Company when he had thought his Wife at home Eriphile smil'd too and faintly answer'd if Fidelia please she can easily Charm for Wit and Beauty joyn'd can ne're assault a generous Heart in vain The Duke was surpris'd with this cold return and 't is certain the lovely Dutchess ne're had us'd him so before she was not now Jealous nor had she any Reason to fear the loss But Erinthus already appear'd too Charming and truth is it seems he had something about him very taking and singularly agreeable for he had before that time atack'd a Lady of the same Rank and had not fail'd of the success desir'd You may wonder perhaps Albisinda why I am not more particular in my Character of this Man but to satisfie some part of your Curiosity know he owes his Birth to Burgoa a Common-Wealth rais'd by Trade their industry and the easiness of their prouder Neighbours to a height unlookt for surmounting in Wealth those very States or Kingdoms from whom some Years ago they kneeling begg'd Protection Love and Gallantry are Strangers to the Nation many of their Souls are as Phlegmatick as their Bodies and most of them look like Machines or rather walking Tuns His Parents were forc'd to pursue a mean imployment to purchase a livelihood and the now fortunate Lover when young left his Country in a Post suitable to his Quality and Education But having learnt in Armenis what was by no means to be found at home something of a better Air and the easie smooth way of speaking peculiar to the Language of that more Polite Nation he quickly found Preferment They are naturally kind enough to Strangers and the advantages of his Person which Nature it seems design'd not for a Burgoan conduc'd not a little to his good Fortune That he was a lucky Gamester may appear from this that in a very short time he purchas'd an Estate and became a Companion to those of the best Quality in Sindalon Entheon us'd gaming as a wise Man ought to do that is for his Pleasure he always play'd without Heat lost Cheerfully and rarely laid down too much to be dispos'd of by Fortune remembring always how much of madness it shew'd to put that to a hazard which before was his own This accidental meeting already mention'd gain'd him the Honour of the Duke's acquaintance you may believe then Albisinda that for the future he was no stranger to his House they spent whole Days together and Night her self could sometimes hardly part them Eriphile was always pleas'd when he was present and languish'd for his absence 'T is true her Virtue was yet strong and she struggl'd with the growing Passion hid her griefs with Art and in her Eyes exprest an easier Soul When she play'd her thoughts even then were hardly fix'd on Game nor could she truely grudge the fortunate Erinthus a double Victory The Youth already observ'd his coming happiness and by his industry to please advanc'd that Heaven he wish'd for 'T is impossible when alone to express her pains she saw how much she lov'd and from her yielding Heart could judge her Honour lost Entheon still was kind she knew his Merit and fain would yet be just but powerful Love with double force assails and scatters virtue's Charms that stop his way Nor can he walk with Judgment who was always Blind Oh Albisinda that this charming Fair at last betray'd her Marriage Vows is not be disputed But to say she fell without a noble Contest were too much No Woman e're knew more or was Mistress of better Inclinations she was sensible of her Errour even when she drew the Guilt upon her and in his Arms although she lov'd could have wish'd her Soul fled to save her sinking Honour The World has more than common Charity for the fair Eriphile and some People scruple not to affirm she yielded e're she knew she had done so The Story Albisinda is in this place known to all and even by those who pretend to an exact knowledge in the state of Affairs relating relating to this amour for a truth believ'd And it runs thus The Duke it seems had long profest a more than common tenderness for the lovely Daria a Maid generously educated and of a noble Spirit to her Mistress just nor to her self unkind No allurements could prevail no present found acceptance and the weakness of her Nature was always supported by the strength of her Virtue But the Duke growing at last importunate and obstinately kind she found it too hard to preserve Honour and his Friendship too In this pressing juncture she resolv'd to abandon the Family and after she had with Tears in her Eyes told the Dutchess that an affair of Consequence required her absence humbly begg'd she 'd make her happy in her Consent Her Mistress was too sensible of her Merit to lose her without Reluctancy and said to her that if she was any way disoblig'd she should have immediate satisfaction nor would she give her Consent unless she were first acquainted with those Reasons that mov'd her departure Daria wept and on her Knees conjur'd her not to urge what if betray'd would give her Pains unknown This instead of satisfying encreas'd the Dutchess Curiosity and she was at last oblig'd to disclose the whole Poor Eriphile was Thunder-struck with the unwelcome Relation Her Heart 't is true already was unfix'd and she had those thoughts for Erinthus which spoke him too much Master of her Soul Yet she lov'd the nobler Entheon or at least esteem'd him so much that she could not even in thought consent to lose him In this afflicting affair her Wit or Invention at last offer'd this relief which she propos'd as the only means to confirm the Duke her
confirm our Vows already made and as you tender my Life obey To be brief Madam Odmar was singular in his Love and Virtues We were that day marry'd for his Friend was a Priest whom the kind Youth had brought on purpose bless'd with safe possession and both Exiles cause we lov'd too well We retir'd to a Gentleman's House who was Odmar's Relation and mine too He writ often to his Father but the old Man was deaf to all entreaties Mine would not lose Dion's Friendship tho' he pardon'd me in his Heart and my Mother alone was kind to us both and sent me frequent Letters in return of mine We went seldom abroad we were welcome to our kind Friend we lov'd more passionately than ever and scarce one Night past without a recital of our first night's Joys our mutual Fears that follow'd his longings my Pains and those thoughts we entertain'd for one another when first old Dion languish'd in our House Thus Madam we liv'd two Years and I can confidently affirm that to the last hour we had those little Cares to please true Love and constant fondness for each other we knew that Night I yielded in the Lodge At last this happy Scene vanish'd and tho' the story grates my Soul and awakes my slumbering Griefs yet Madam for your satisfaction take it thus Our King the good Othredus unfortunate in his Councils tho' of himself Just and Merciful even to a fault was at last by Knaves betray'd and by his Friends abandon'd In this extremity he fled and seeking protection from his neighbouring Monarch left the Government to the management of others Scarronida was so fond of their new Government that he was judg'd a Traytor to his Country who enterrain'd but favourable thoughts for his native injur'd Lord. The Eastern part of the Nation nevertheless betook themselves to Arms and tho' they were but a handful of Men the number of their Enemies consider'd boldly kept the Field and bid Defiance to the new crown'd Head Dion was one in this Loyal Army and finding he was incapable of enduring those fatigues inherent to his Post he sent at last for Odmar My Father fought as he did and whether or not he perswaded the old Man to reassume his good Nature upon this occasion I cannot positively affirm My kind Husband show'd me the Letter he had receiv'd and ask'd my advice concerning that Answer he design'd when at the same time he knew I had that respect for his Judgment which fond little Children bear to that of a tender Mother In a word tho' the old Man had freely pardon'd him yet he would not obey till first he had secur'd his Daria and therefore let him know that tho' he was kind yet his Son was still unfortunate unless he were doubly so to me and as a mark of his unfeign'd Reconciliation settl'd one half of his Estate upon me if 't were my Fortune to survive so good a Husband Dion readily agreed to this and assur'd him he deserv'd more than he had to bestow upon him since his constancy to me sufficiently excus'd his primitive disobedience upon the score of Love I firmly believe our hospitable Friend Tameran for that was his Name alone griev'd our better Fortune He was an old Batchelor and an hater of Women and the Author of those lines which Odmar had Copied and by chance drop'd in the Lodge yet he confess'd that in spite of his humour he found a certain pleasure when he saw our mutual fondness and happy way of living and often swore if he could find a Woman like me and himself could Love like Odmar he 'd be no more an Enemy to Marriage When we came to Dion's House we were receiv'd with all that respect and assurances of his affection we could desire and Aristeon wept for Joy to see his Daughter bless'd 'T was ne're my chance to be every way Happy and Odmar's absence lessen'd or quite remov'd the sense of my present Fortune The Loyal Army lay but a few Miles from Dion's House so that I heard from him every Day and by the gods I swear Madam I read the Letters with the same Joy I knew when faithful Riga gave me that one I mention'd under a pretence of seeking Papers which he ne're had lost Heaven ne're saw two such Lovers and when the new King's Army came into the bosom of our Country I felt a thousand deadly Fears for the constant sharer of my Joys In a few Days they came to a pitch'd Battle where the General of the old King's Forces lost his Life tho' he gain'd the Victory He conquer'd and Death o'recame the Conquerour Odmar flew to my Arms the danger once I fear'd was now past and security made us doubly bless'd He stay'd a Month which as an hour appear'd and the new King having muster'd new Troops he left me to seek new Hazards The Armies again met but Fortune had fled with the General and we if I may properly say I was on Odmar's side lost the Day and all that Honour we had gain'd before My Husband however was safe and I askt no more our remaining Troops were by degrees cut off and in a short time no Man appear'd in Arms but Dion and his Followers Unable to keep the Field he retir'd to a little Town which yet own'd no power superior to his own This he fortified and stor'd with Provisions such as the harrass'd Country could afford In the mean time the successful Monarch wearied with the Civil War and willing to secure with seeming mercy what with Blood he had purchas'd offer'd to every Man that would lay down his Arms the benefit of a Kariph with you call an Act of Indempnity Dion who wisely saw he could be no longer serviceable to his Prince by an obstinate resistance laid hold of this opportunity and made his Peace with Honour In short our Gates were open'd we rely'd upon the Conquerour's Promise admitted his Troops and made 'em bosom Friends Now it was I thought my self beyond the reach of Fortune's frowns and almost elevated above the power of Fate Dion and Aristeon found themselves bless'd beyond what e're they hop'd and never saw us without Joy and Wonder Oh Heav'ns how innocently we liv'd and lov'd as when first we swore we did so Poor Odmar thought of nothing but his Daria and I never dreamt of any thing but him We descry'd new Beauties in one another every Day long'd and wish'd like Bride and Bridgroom gaz'd embrac'd and knew no pains but when in each others Arms we sigh'd and fear'd we had not lov'd alike Now Madam pardon my Tears for when I have told you all you 'll own my griefs are just One Night as awake I lay I heard my Odmar groaning in his Sleep 'T was the first time he ever had done so and I was much amaz'd but more when suddenly raising himself up he cry'd Oh spare my Daria 's and I 'll give you mine Ha my Dear cry'd I Whither
Resolutions found she lov'd him more than ever When she retir'd to her Closet to consult her Judgment what to do e're she was aware she writ him this Answer Erinthus DAnger adds to Pleasure and Fears endear the Blessing when enjoy'd Meet me in your Coach to morrow's Night precisely at eight in the King's walk beyond the Garden E e. The happy young Man receiv'd it and fail'd not to obey When the hour came he appear'd upon the place with all the longings of a Lover as yet he saw not one Woman there and was almost assur'd of a disappointment when a lovely Youth approach'd his Chariot Erinthus believ'd him sent from the Dutchess and bid the Coach-man stop and you may think him happily surpris'd when he found the handsom Youth was no other than the Dutchess of Entheon The Duke shortly after by chance drove the same way and as he past Eriphile gave him a low Bow as other strangers did You may assure your self they stay'd not long in the Walk there were greater sweets to be found in a Bed-Chamber than in the open Fields and they forgot all those hazards they had lately past At ten they parted and the Dutchess got home with all that ease and security she desir'd Her two faithful Maids stood at the Gate to receive her and as she enter'd inform'd her that Entheon was at home that he had enquir'd after her but that they had told him she was indispos'd and begg'd his Grace's pardon Had Fortune continued this kindness all had been well but Albisinda you 'll confess 't was hard that e're she had fairly enter'd the Room and ready to undress the impatient Duke knock'd at the Door Eriphile with a Voice seemingly faint askt who it was and knowing too soon that 't was the Duke you may easily think she was startl'd with the sudden apprehension of her danger But not so confus'd as to neglect her own safety she told his Grace she was so very ill she could not yet come to the Door without difficulty Entheon who lov'd her to distraction fear'd that her indisposition might indeed be dangerous and unable to live one minute from her sight gently forc'd it open and found her in the same dress in which she had bless'd her Lover her Wig and Sword lay obvious on the Table and not one sign of indisposition appear'd The great Entheon became dumb with sorrow and the charming Eriphile knew not what to say for her self At last the Duke broke silence and calmly but with trouble told her That if she was not really sick she ought to have been so seeing his Honour had again been stab'd and hers was truly dead This generous Man Albisinda said no more he lov'd her even yet and griev'd her weakness He ey'd her a while and in spite of all his Courage his Heart melted But willing to hide his softness he feign'd another Passion show'd anger in his looks and yet in Tears withdrew When he was gone Eriphile threw her self upon the Bed wept her own Misfortune and wish'd she could yet be sensible of Entheon's merit and when with pain she view'd him noble as when first he saw her Erinthus leapt between her and the lovely form and she could think of nothing else but him In the mean time the Duke sent for the Earl of Cisala and acquainted him with all that past since that Night she and Fidelia went to the Play-house The old Man was infinitely surpris'd with what he heard and thankt him for that moderation he had shown in an affair where so many provoking causes were given and told him that Eriphile's Education had ne're taught her to dishonour his House and again bless'd him for not exposing to the World the disgrace of his seduc'd Daughter Eriphile yet lay upon the Bed and was perfectly mad with grief when she saw her Husband and her Father enter She was too in that dress which betray'd the Secret and weeping as she rose to receive them Ah my Lord said she to Cisala I own my guilt load me not with reproaches but rob me of my Life for I deserve not to live since I 've dishonour'd you and wrong'd so good a Husband Oh Entheon continued she I cannot ask forgivness you have been too kind and I too ingrateful yet e're I dye let me receive your Pardon Whether she truly repented or not Albisinda is not to be doubted for she ne're saw Entheon but she lov'd him But when he and Erinthus were both absent her Heart inclin'd to the latter and own'd him much the happier Man But Madam why should I detain you longer upon this Adventure since I 've already promis'd a speedy Conclusion In a word then the Duke lov'd too well and she was too charming Her new dress gave her a thousand Graces expos'd the tenderness and delicacy of her shape and show'd so much of softness in her Air 't was enough to have charm'd the most insensible of Human Kind for even when in the Grove she lay and show'd by chance what else had been conceal'd her Limbs appear'd not to the vanquish'd Youth with half those Beauties which he now discover'd Cisala too interceded for her and 't was morally impossible for the Duke not to be reconcil'd to so fair an offender Things being thus setled they liv'd for some time in a seeming Union How far their Hearts were engag'd in this peace I shall not offer to determine but by what has follow'd it appears the Dutchess kept not to Articles on her side Erinthus it seems had too many Charms to be with ease forgot and even in Entheon's Arms she sigh'd and wish'd for him The Duke some Months after was oblig'd to go into the Country where he stay'd a considerable time He trusted much to Eriphile's Promises and confident of her future conduct left her with that ease and peace of mind which happy Husbands know of virtuous Wives possess'd In his absence 't was impossible for Eriphile to be constant to her Vows Erinthus attacqu'd her with Letters and all the Arts of a cunning Lover knowing that where a Woman once has yielded 't is rarely found she can deny again In a word the Lover was again happy and the witty fair Eriphile again was faulty The continued absence of Entheon gave them all that security they could desire and frequent meetings made the Crime at last so obvious that all the World took notice on 't Every Servant in the House knew it and tho' they lov'd the Dutchess yet hated the happy Lover He often stay'd all Night and 't is known that two of the Maids at a certain time peeping throw the Key-hole saw them in Bed together the Curtain at foot being open and next morning could perceive the marks of impious Love and signs of Honour lost Nay the Intrigue grew so notorious that Erinthus's Friends enquir'd for him no where but at the Duke of Entheon's and Fidelia one day before many witnesses by way of
and in this thought I return'd him an answer to this effect Sir THE fears that possess you are groundless Interest has no share in my Love see me as soon as possible and till then be uneasie for nothing but my absence Timandra After I had writ it I was a thousand times resolv'd to commit it to the Flames the words were the real Sentiments of my Heart and I was asham'd to own 'em so tender But when I remember'd him for whom 't was mean't I cou'd not chuse but think it well ● lov'd him and was willing to oblige him I fancy'd to my self the young Lover with all his Charms about him in that extasie so obliging a Letter wou'd undoubtedly give He fail'd not to come that Night tho' at an hour almost unseasonable I was glad to see so many signs of a real Love as his fears then discover'd and we parted not till he had given me all the assurances imaginable of a tender and constant Passion and I in Exchange had promis'd the entire possession of my Heart Never were Days spent with greater Pleasure and in this state of Happiness and Innocence we contiu'd for a considerable time each Day producing new Joys and a continu'd Scene of Love But Fortune had betray'd her Nature had she been longer our Friend I had gone out one Evening in my Chariot with a couple of Horses to take the Air in a pleasant Field about half a Mile from the Town I had no Footmen with me and was attended only by my Maid Zibelline the Sun was almost set when I cou'd perceive some Gentlemen coming into that Road in which I was but unwilling to be seen I order'd the Coachman to chuse another this instead of answering my design led me to them several of them past by me paying only those respects they thought due to a Woman of my Rank but he who came last and that by his Presence and Furniture seem'd to exceed the others in Quality stop't within twenty Paces of my Coach I soon perceiv'd it and at first judg'd he might be of my Acquaintance when I came up to him he turn'd his Horse the same way I drove and looking earnestly upon me Madam said he what strange accidents attend us Mortals I went out free in the Morning persu'd the Chase all Day and in the Evening am become a Prisoner to an unknown Conqueror I was about to have return'd a speedy answer that wou'd have suited nothing with his Quality when I cou'd perceive by the Star on his Cloak 't was the Duke of Minoya he 's a very handsom young Man Fair and of a middle Stature but one that Loves every where the greatest Prince in our Country and of no small Authority I only smil'd at what he said but he insisted on the Subject swore he lov'd and that till now he ne're had seen a Woman truly Charming The Coach still drove on and he still rode by it with his Eyes fix'd on mine When I arriv'd at the City Gates I beg'd be'd leave me but in vain I fretted much at the unlucky accident I desir'd not to be known to him and prudently remember'd how much it endanger'd my Reputation to entertain for a Lover a Man who had deceiv'd the greatest Ladies of our Country often obtaining the last Favours from them without any returns But he wou'd not be perswaded and I was at last forc'd to tell him who I was This knowledge added a little to that respect he pay'd me but was much the same as if he had accompany'd me home for there were few in Capac who cou'd not inform him where the Marquess of Hayana's Daughter liv'd He came next Day and pay'd me a visit presuming either upon his Birth or his young acquaintance and perhaps upon both I was but indifferent Campany for a Man of his business my stock of Love was already spent and the Handsomest Youth in Capac wou'd have found me Bankrupt in all things but my Pity He was not a whit daunted at this Reception how-e're unlook't for his former successes encouraging him to hope the like in this About this time the Earl of Rucana dy'd of an Apoplexy leaving his eldest Son to rejoyce in the Possession of a great Estate and my Mother to mourn the loss of one she look'd upon as her Husband This for some time kept away the young Adrastus but cou'd not hinder the Duke from his daily visits My Mother knew very well of it and easily believes my Beauty and Fortune sufficient to advance me to so honourable a Match and having lost all hopes of Possessing the Father she remembers the Son no more and imploys her Interest for this new and potent Lover only In the mean time I thought of nothing but Adrastus he always writ to me and decency no sooner permitted than he came to see me I told him nothing of the Duke's visits I lov'd him too well to give him the knowledge of that which wou'd have made him the most uneasie Man alive and he parted from me with his usual Satisfaction our affairs did not long continue in this State Adrastus having drop't a Letter of mine which he had receiv'd privately while in the Room with his Brother laid the Scene for most of my misfortunes that follow'd as soon as he could lay hold of opportunity he went into the Garden there to read what he had newly receiv'd but after a tedious search he at last concludes it lost The Earl had taken it up but Adrastus who was very well acquainted with his Humour knew 't was impossible to make him own the Fact and therefore came instantly to inform me of the accident tho' I was sorry my Letter had reach'd Rucana's Hands yet I cou'd not chuse but smile at that concern Adrastus show'd for the loss the more he was vex'd methought he spoke the more of Love Adrastus said I to ease him of his Fears let not what has happened trouble you your Brother has never yet seen me nor when he does will he find me in a Humour to his Advantage My Lover thereupon went away satisfied tho' not before I had charg'd him not to acquaint the Earl with his loss nor to see me that Day or the next I commanded and he search'd no further into the Cause of his Banishment Rucana who in the mean time had read my Letter found it to this purpose I Design this Night to take the Air accompany'd only by my Maid Zibelline at the back of the Lake Cacique you may come attended by your Page Timandra He had no sooner read my Name than he knew from whom it came he had heard me often commended for my Beauty and found by my Style that his Brother was as happy as a Lover cou'd be made by a kind Mistress and thereupon resolves to supply his place and personate the happy Man I suspected what use he might make of my Letter and had therefore dress'd one of my Maids in
sensible of that esteem her Aunt had for me but that it had never met with any Encouragement that since her Charms had been able to drive Amazonta for so I had always call'd you from my Heart they were sufficient guards against the fond assaults of an old Woman whom I esteem'd only because of that Relation she had to her I lov'd The fair one sighing answer'd all I said with so much modesty she look'd like innocence her self and told me her past misfortunes yielded to her present Happiness that all her losses doubly were repay'd and she no more complain'd of cruel fortune Her Face and Breeding spoke her Quality beyond her present Circumstances and seeing she was able to speak without prejudice to her health I gently press'd she 'd let me know who it was had taken the happy Conquerour Captive and if my Love was able to repay the least part of her by past Sufferings She all goodness and full of love after a few Tears began Here Adrastus stopt and waited my consent to the Relation of Olmechine's story which Madam for your divertisement I likewise send you and if my Letter be of too great length impute it to my Obedience and the desire I have to serve you MY Father was a Man well known in Naitrant by the Title of Manco an Earldom which was long possess'd by a noble series of his famous Ancestors handed down to him with additional Honours which their Kings according to their Merits had bestow'd In his Youth he discover'd a thousand signs of that extravagancy which possess'd him in his Elder Year's At Masks he still appear'd with all the gallantry of Youth dress'd profusely but danc'd well had ● pleasant Countenance but a large stock of Ill-nature a refin'd Wit imploy'd to ignoble uses quarrel'd with all men and seem'd a bubble to each Rook he knew His Father whom Heaven had bless'd with no more Children griev'd to see that Son from whom his Age had hop'd so many Blessings the cause of endless fears And to reclaim him from his wildness thought Marriage the best expedient Almado his Friend and Neighbour a Man equal to himself in Birth and Fortune the Father of two Daughters had often propos'd an Alliance with his Family and of this he now resolves to accept The Match is immediately agreed upon between them and my Father Accompanies the old Earl to Almado's House where he saw the Charming Arathea for that was my Mother's name and seeing Lov'd She whom Fame had acquainted with his Nature and her Father with his business had that grief upon her Soul the accident might justly give This languishment adds to her Beauty and to his Flame Almado who was of a gen'rous temper was sorry to see his Daughter averse to what he thought conduc'd so much to her welfare and tells her all the Advantages that attend so great a match that the Love my Father had for her wou'd settle his roving thoughts and stay his Soul at home Her Beauty wou'd doubtless reclaim him That Marriage wrought such changes was evident from every day's experience and that Youth in that state were oblig'd to reckon themselves amongst the number of men and as such to live that a lovely Woman had more Eloquence than a grave Philosopher and Love to Vir●●● join'd more power than Vice with all her Ma● about her The Daughter naturally Pio●● knew what she ow'd to her Parents and show'● Obedience by a quick consent The old Ea●● was overjoy'd at his good success bless'd h●● Friend and the happy hour which gave hi● Daughter Birth Their hopes were equal an● their thoughts flew high and every hour of added life was look'd upon as Cyphers joyn'd to the numbers of their Blessings But this pleasant Scene was not of long duration for the Brave Almado had the misfortune to be accus'd by Villains Enemies to Virtue of some designs against his Prince and was forc'd to seek for safety in another Nation where he shortly after dy'd Old Manco griev'd for the misfortune of his Friend but more to see his Eldest Daughter ill us'd by his own Son and the other expos'd a prey to Contempt and Poverty because her Father's Fortune answer'd for his seeming guilt and pay'd for Crimes not his But as if Heaven had design'd my Mother for the longest sufferer the Earl after he had settled a small part of his Estate upon her Sister Attabalippa dy'd and left the disconsolate Arathea to mourn a loss which Fortune ne're attempted to repay Manco soon forgot the loss of a Father whom he had always look'd upon as an allay to all his Pleasures and now being entirely Master of himself and Fortune he aims at Vice in all her pomp keeps an Army of Footmen plays incessantly at Cards with every Sharper and pays a double price for every pleasure While thus he liv'd I came into the World and tho' he look'd upon my Mothers Charms and Virtue as things not worthy of his serious thoughts yet upon this occasion there was nothing wanting that Money master'd by a lavish mind could bring and the poor Countess mourn'd in state to see her Infant born to cruel wants Sometime after it he sold one half of his Fortune to appease the rageing hunger of some gaping Creditors the remaining part cou'd not long supply his Disbursements and he at last reduc'd it all to nothing My Mother wearied out with this long Scene of misery in a short time sunk beneath the burden of her misfortunes and smiling plung'd into the other World while I whom Heav'n preserv'd to sport it self withal was taken care of by her Sister upon whom the Earl as I have already told you had settled a small part of his Estate She was not of Arathea's temper Gallantry seem'd the business of her life and tho' she was always Virtuous yet her Conduct seldom made her thought such for innocence it self is not sufficient for a Woman unless she also study to appear so because the World which only views the outside of affairs seldom offers to give its Judgment of things as they really are but as they seem to be I had reach'd the twelfth Year of my Age when Manco asham'd of what was past and terrified with the prospect of future disgrace and contempt the Companions of Poverty by madness brought abandon'd his House and Relations and threw himself naked upon the World in the quality of one of her beggar'd Sons possess'd of nothing but what in time she might bestow upon him for tedious Years of toyls and hated labour What few friends his poverty had left him were sorry for the accident but none strove to give relief and upon second thoughts inwardly rejoyc'd to see the poor spendthrift gone tho' they knew not whither My few Years did not protect me from a due feeling of these Misfortunes and that Beauty which already began to display it self in my Face now droopt and languish'd e're its day had dawn'd and darkness
strugled with the glimm ring Light My Aunt still made a considerable figure in the World and strove to maintain some part of the Grandeur of her Family upon that small Estate Manco had given her and I was by those ignorant of our Circumstances reputed a Woman of no small Fortune This gave me the trouble of some Lovers amongst whom were the Lord Avilon's two Sons men of infinite parts the Eldest was tall of good Shapes had an incomparable Air danc'd well and sung to a wonder but addicted to Anger and Jealousie passions of sufficient force to oppress a large stock of Virtues The Younger was all good Nature of a prompt and piercing Wit Eloquent beyond expression had the softness of a Woman in his Voice and all the Courage of that mighty Ceature Man in his Soul I was equally belov'd by both each strove to gain a Heart insensible of their merits and tho' the youngest had a great share in my esteem yet neither of them possess'd my Love Thus for a while they Courted the present still speaking to the Advanvantage of the absent till Duverr for that was the name of the Eldest o'recome by his ●ealousie quarrel'd with his Brother the Handsome Sevilus by whom after a few thrusts he was kill'd in a field adjoyning to our House The Young unfortunate Conquerour kiss'd the wounded Clay wept over him some Hours and then consulting his own safety fled His Father us'd all his interest at Court to obtain a pardon for his only Son and Canador our present Soveraign all Mercy grants it soon as ask'd But he never returning it was useless and the afflicted old Man now concluding both his Children lost in a few Years dy'd having left his Estate to the next Heir-Male if his absent Son return'd not I cou'd not longer live in the Country where I was look'd upon as the cause of so many mischiefs My Aunt whose fortune now began to ebb was perswaded by necessity and we came to Chira where unknown we have liv'd these five Years without a change of Fortune nor have we yet heard what became of my poor unfortunate Father or the young Sevilus now if alive Lord Avilon The Court and foreign Trade renders the City very populous and private Families reside in it unregarded Thus you see Sir continued the afflicted Fair how misfortunes have pursu'd me from my Infancy and I have now added sensibly to their number by that weakness of which you have found me guilty Here she ended and the story wrought that Impression which the affliction of the fair Sex does on generous Souls I was all pity all tenderness all sorrow and each of these were swallow'd up in Love I wish'd her all the Happiness the loveliest of her Kind e're possess'd swore my constant Love shou'd attone for part of her past ills clasp'd her gently in my Arms laid her all languishing to my Breast and whisper'd comfort to the kind afflicted She whom Love had not robb'd of Modesty reprov'd me mildly for the rudeness and said she fear'd I doubted much her Virtue when I thus presum'd upon her Love I answer'd this with words that sufficiently spoke it the effect of my passion and my grief for a thought that differ'd so much from my real intentions or sentiments Madam cry'd I believe me I love that I think you Virtuous that I lament your past sufferings and shall be ever yours The Aunt jealous of her Niece's Charms made all the dispatch she cou'd of any affairs that kept her from me and enter'd just as I pronounc'd the last words At first she stood amaz'd at what she saw but willing to conceal that concern she had for the discovery turn'd it into Raillery and smiling ask'd her Niece if she stood in need of a Love-Physician to compleat the Cure of her Feaver Olmechine only smil'd and I who was obliged to answer for both the offenders told Attabalippa that I shar'd in her Niece's sickness that my Heart was naturally tender that Women's pains if fair were all my own and that I was glad of her arrival and thereupon show'd a Picture done by the best Master of the World which I vallu'd at a hundred Guineas This Madam said I the fair Olmechine at first view admir'd but when I beg'd she 'd accept the small Complement it was answer'd you better deserv'd it and I swore it shou'd be ever hers At this you appear'd as if kind fortune had sent you to decide the difference The old Gentlewoman was pleas'd to find things no worse and decided in my favours while the Charming Niece had Joys equal to hers in seeing how much I fear'd and what caution I us'd for the concealment of my flame for Cares are always Natural signs of growing love and our endeavours to hide any thing a mark of that value put upon it In a short time the fair one was perfectly recover'd and Attabalippa wou'd often call me an able Physician and attribute the cure to my Conversation But at last growing jealous to a degree of madness she deny'd her that Happiness and watch'd her with as many Eyes as Argus e're had open when he look'd to the Rival Cow at the command of the jealous Goddess While I was absent from this fond tender Beauty my Heart would struggle 'twixt the old and new recall to view my first and latter Vows show Olmechine in all her sweetness and Timandra with her Honour abandon'd for my sake then I wou'd immediately be all yours when with your Rival I lov'd her when absent I forgot her and still as the moving Object fled from my sight the flame she had kindled burnt no longer but serv'd to add to that I had for another The Aunt storm'd and lov'd saw me frequently and had always the marks of Anger Jealousie and Love evident in her Countenance and forgot not to tell me she took notice of that inclination the fond young Girl had for me meaning her Niece and was sorry to see how much I contributed to the encrease of her passion I deny'd all and certainly had left Chira to be rid of so many tortures if the Compassion I had for Olmechine's sufferings had not commanded my stay At Night Curacas told me she had met him upon the Stairs and desir'd to see me next Morning at the Rivers side I fail'd not to be there and had not waited long when she arriv'd We spent the first part of our time upon the Water where we discours'd our Loves anew laugh'd at the old Aunt pity'd her weakness and pleas'd our selves with the hopes of coming Happiness But the day growing hotter we forsook the inconstant Element for one more fix'd and chose to walk beneath some Trees which grew upon the Bank Olmechine on a sudden stop'd and offer'd to retire because the King was upon the place and I who had never yet seen this Prince was now resolv'd to lay hold of the opportunity But as I was about to
him Winds had for ever been in Chains ty'd up and mutter'd for new vent within their Cells While she above in contemplation wrap'd had seen the Waves plow'd up by Trojan Ships and kept his men from danger for his sake Jove's Bed for ever now had nauseous grown and she 'd have left the joys and sweets of Heav'n for the Embraces of the God-like mortal she 'd envy'd Dido and her place supply'd and had by flames extinguish'd rageing fires Virtue and Marriage Vows had fled before the happy Conquerour and Cynthia her self with all her coldness and indifferency about her had smil'd if this young Man had seen her in the Water naked she 'd stood and gaz'd upon his Eyes and caught by Love forgot to seek Revenge then in the heat of wild desire expos'd to view what happy streams had hid to tempt the Youth into an equal flame Wonder not then Madam if I confess my weakness and tell you that I yelided that he possess'd what was anothers right and weigh'd the Blessing in the Sca●●● 〈◊〉 Love That night he went to the Earl's who yet knew nothing of his being in Capac 't was there he found the Duke and was by both receiv'd with that joy natural to a kind Brother and a constant friend I had complain'd of Minoya's unkindness and he forgot not that Night to observe his behaviour and found the Countess shew'd no compliance to his Passion but what good Manners and his Quality command● from her When he came to see me next morning my Husband fond of his Company wou●● not live without him and he accepted of an Ap●partment in our House You may condemn me Madam perhaps because I did not oppose this and shun'd 〈◊〉 Man that made me betray my Honour and 〈◊〉 Marriage Vows But I must plead the force 〈◊〉 his Love and my weakness for an excuse 〈◊〉 I hope you are no stranger to the force of t●● Young Deity for had Apollo with all his cu●●●● locks that wanton'd in the Wind and all 〈◊〉 Charms his Musick e're had wrought been h●●● so taking half so gay the lovely Virgin ne're had fled before him the Gods had laugh'd when she for pity cry'd and all the Goddesses had envy'd her Happiness her Heart so long cou'd not have flinty prov'd she 'd turn'd and look'd then lov'd and yielded Adrastus thus happily posted enjoy'd his Mistress and the friendship of her Husband and beneath that shade the Serpent lodg'd that stung his Honour when he seem'd secure in the mean time he goes often to Rucana's and assaults his Wife with all the Arts of Love but she too modest and fortified with a stronger Virtue than I was ever Mistress of withstood this growing Malady and hop'd to cure him e're her Husband took notice on 't In the Evening Adrastus came into my Room and there spent some hours our security made us careless and our repeated Joys had lull'd our wearied Souls almost into a Lethargy I was sitting in a Chair hard by him and my Head rested in his Bosom the young Lover wou'd sigh and eagerly press my hand look languishing upon me and tell how much he lov'd then wonder how the Duke became so blind and aw not Charms of force enough to move a frozen Hermit drag him from his Religious Cell into the World again make him lose what forty Years of cruel pennance gain'd ●●d pull him back from Heav'n when almost ●●ter'd As he pronounc'd the last words the Duke came into the Room he look'd furiously upon me his Eyes plainly speaking his thoughts and going to the other end of the Chamber seated himself in a Chair opposite to me Adrastus was confounded at the Accident and only griev'd for me Then rising up he embrac'd his friend ask'd the cause of his sudden melancholy from whence his frowns and swore his Wife was Virtuous even in thought Minoya gave him small encouragement to plead for me or himself and wou'd have forc'd himself from his Arms when Adrastus after he had given me a sign to retire threw himself upon his knees and to save my Reputation or at least my griefs swore by that friendship which he had always profess'd towards him Timandra was innocent that 't was true she had laid open her sufferings to him in hopes he might prevail with her Husband to abandon that passion he had for the Countess of Rucana and that he cou'd do no less than speak passionately and with tenderness to ease her present griefs The Duke whether it was because he saw his Love to his Sister-in-Law taken notice of or if he really believ'd what was said I won't determine but after a short pause he seem'd on a sudden pleas'd and begg'd a thousand pardons for that unjust opinion he had conceiv'd of his Friendship and my Virtue Then taking Adrastus by the hand after they had embrac'd he led him into the Room where I was I had thrown my self upon the Bed all drown'd in Tears in this condition he found me and falling down by me he claspt me in his Arms kiss'd me and smil'd Ah my dear Timandra cry'd he Pardon the first Crime o● this Nature I e're committed and accept of an unfeign'd Repentance By all the pow'rs in Heav'n I love thee to distraction and wou'd not again be doubtful of thy Virtue to be Monarch of the Universe curs'd be the thought and may Love and Peace be ever strangers to my House when e're I think the Just Timandra false Adrastus who saw with what tenderness he spoke how good his Nature and how great his Love almost repented what he had done in prejudice to his Honour and abhorr'd his own Treachery But then looking on me these Virtuous qualms forsook him Sorrow mixt with Jealousie took place he saw the Woman whom he first had lov'd now kiss'd and ruffled in anothers Arms and she by Vows to base compliance ty'd This shook his Nature made his Soul unfix'd and almost turn'd his passion into madness So mighty Jove from distant Heaven look'd down and saw Alcmena whom helong had lov'd now prest and folded in a Mortal's Arms a while with Love and Jealousie he burns and to himself he mutters sweet Revenge swears by his God head when Amphitrion's fled he 'l lay his Thunder and his Scepter by descend and in the dull Phlegmatick Husband's place lay both a burning Lover and a God For some days after the Duke forbore his visits to Rucana or rather to his Wife and Adrastus and I cou'd both of us have wish'd him oftner abroad we began to fear that absence might lessen that flame he had for the Countess and that which before the return of my Lover was my greatest torment now became my blessing and nothing possess'd my Mind more than the doubts I had of being eternally deny'd the Happiness of entertaining the fond young Man These fears did not last long but gave the way to new ones built upon better grounds for the Duke
mourning Lover came I receiv'd him with that sorrow which our mutual Misfortunes had taught me and he unable to speak embrac'd my knees wept and look'd upon me Thus for a while we continued dumb and experienc'd the Truth of that Maxim that Wounds are deepest and most dangerous that Bleed inwards But at last this Lethargy which often attends immoderate grief was by degrees weakned and the lovely Youth could faintly pronounce these words Can the merciful Timandra be my Enemy Can she consent to my Banishment from Capac And shall I be blest with her presence but three short days for no more have my Judges allow'd me And must the remainder of my Life be spent in absence a Hell sufficient for the Punishment of Parricide Nay broken Vows or inconstant Love a Crime yet greater and known only amongst Infidels I shar'd all his pains and after I had ask'd him if he had stol'n with privacy enough to my House I caught him in my Arms kiss'd him and spoke all that my tender Heart could dictate to give him ease He still urg'd his Constancy and Love his present misery and prospect of a greater conjur'd me to be yet more kind and since he could not permit me to go along with him into a strange Country beg'd I 'd consent to Marry him and tye my self for ever his Time his innocence and his Friends might have his Sentence repeal'd and he doubted not if I lov'd him now of being more happy in his own Country than ever he had yet been He set before me a full Enjoyment of that Heaven in Love which hitherto we had only tasted that his Innocence was evident to every Man whose opinion was not prejudicated that none wou'd condemn me but those who envy'd my Charms and Happiness that Honour at best was but a Chimera invented to please giddy fools and perswade them into a belief of their own worth merit and judgment e're the pleasures of Love were fully known and preach'd up by Women in Years to keep younger ones from sharing the Blessing That nothing was more Honourable if I worship'd that shadow than a constant passion It spoke us fix'd in our Choice and by consequence of a good Judgment that enabled us at first to make that Choice of which we had never repented That we were born to love that without it we were meer pieces of moving Earth dull Phlegmatick lumps fit only for the Conversation or at least the Company of Brute Beasts that it could ne're be known meaning my Marriage that he knew how to value my Beauty and that even when old Age seiz'd me I would be still the same to him he 'd call my first Embraces back to view remember what I then was and again think me the same for tho' he graspt me cold and wither'd in his Arms he 'd delude himself with the fancy or Idea of my Youth imagination shou'd supply what Years had lost and I shou'd be still the Charming Gay the Young belov'd Timandra In short Madam I was again o'recome by this invincible Lover and tho' Minoya had been buried not above eight weeks I gave my hand and with it my Heart to this Young graceful Man tho' not before we had brib'd a jolly Priest with a handful of Pistols to a silence equal with that of the Grave and I had obtain'd my Husband's promise not to depart the Kingdom but to live privately with me till Fortune shou'd be as much his friend as Love had been We spent the Night with that pleasure known only to happy Lovers some fears and cares we had which serv'd to give it taste but none sufficient to destroy the Blessing In the Morning he waited upon his Friends who all sincerely griev'd his Misfortune and he seemingly prepar'd every thing for his sudden departure Three days thus spent he took a solemn farewel of them all without sorrow because in me he found all that made him happy for the possession of those belov'd is at any time a double recompence for the loss of Liberty It is not Madam the custom of our Country to mourn the loss of a Husband above a week and the gravest Matrons are satisfied with the long penance of Fourteen days in Tears So that I was already Courted by several who had envy'd the Duke's Happiness and that Beauty which prov'd always fatal to my self and others in a short time got me a new crowd of Adorers and tho' I was not look'd upon as a Woman nicely Virtuous yet still my Eyes atton'd for that defect and the more solid part of Mankind judg'd because I was Young that a Grave Husband and good advice might reclaim me and work wonderful changes and effects upon my easie Nature Amongst the first that claim'd my Love Assapan appear'd I have already Madam given you the Character of that Man but shall now add that Love had transform'd him for tho' he was every way a Man truly taking and one that well deserv'd a Lady's good opinion yet this passion to which he had been mostly a stranger wrought great alterations For whereas he was formerly addicted to Hunting Riding and such Manlike Exercises he became now tender in his Nature gentle and Complaisant spoke passionately lov'd dancing Poetry Romances and had all the softness and inclinations of a Lover He griev'd the loss of his Friend Minoya but had too great an esteem of me to believe what some People spoke of my betraying his Honour or my own Adrastus who mov'd no farther from me than into the Garden or another Room knew all that past and was the more happy in his Confinement when he saw others labour to obtain what he unknown and with ease possest For if the Addresses of a Gallant serve often to reclaim the Heart of an indifferent Husband much more must the real passion of another inflame a Man that lov'd so violently But Fortune that was never my Friend at last betray'd the secret Lover For Assapan one day as he came to my House met the happy Man at the Garden Door They were equally surpriz'd and equally griev'd the unluckly encounter Adrastus however embrac'd him and told him he had not yet departed Capac because Love had been his Friend and had till that time protected him That his Life and Honour were now in his hands and he dreamt no danger from a Man of Assapan's merit The Earl answered with that Discretion or Judgment which was natural to him but withal let him know he had been unkind in not trusting to his Friendship before Necessity not Choice had taught him so to do Adrastus alledg'd for an excuse how much I was concern'd in his Concealment and that it was not Honourable to betray a Lady's secrets especially those of love without her positive command for it and hop'd he wou'd Pardon a Crime of which love not want of Friendship was the Author Assapan smil'd and gave him all those assurances of his safety which Oaths or words
distress For six Months had scarce elaps'd when my Husband began to droop sigh when he lookt upon me frequent the solitary Walks and languish under a Disease unknown This gave me a thousand Fears I lov'd as when first the Priest saluted me a Wife and wish'd me happy in a marry'd State and that melancholy which possest my dear Valentio became Epidemick the Servants lookt like Ghosts of Men and I seem'd the reverse of Woman or something on this side or beyond Humanity my curl'd Locks hang'd loosely in the Air no smiles adorn'd my brow my Beauties fled and Love seem'd just a dying A thousand times I askt the Cause and with Tears in my Eyes conjur'd him to lay open his Heart to hide none of his thoughts from Delia whose very Soul he knew devoted his that if he lov'd me not why would he not tell me so and make me happy when he meant me ill for the killing sound would reach my fore-boding Heart and like sudden Thunder fright and strike me dead He still swore he lov'd me that his melancholy proceeded from some indisposition of his Body and begg'd I 'd inquire no further into the Cause with Tears in my Eyes I left him and all my looks spoke my Soul uneasie In the mean time my poor Valentio became a shadow his Heart was in perpetual agitation and heav'd his anxious Breast as if the mighty secret had struggl'd for a Vent I observ'd this with incredible Pain and us'd all the arts which Love inspir'd to extract the hidden Mystery At last when even Nature you 'd thought nodded as if the Globe would have slipt through her Fingers and crush'd our sleeping Antipodes as in Bed we lay I urg'd my griefs again bid him remember how I still had lov'd the joys of that Night when smiling Hymen gave his wish'd consent how I lay fainting in his Arms sick with pleasure yet willing to advance his and wellcoming the new Joy whose fierceness almost drown'd me how eagerly he graspt me how he prest my Lips and set my Soul on fire when past flames had half consum'd its strength He who now consider'd how constantly I shar'd in all his wishes melted into Love laid aside the Heart of stubborn Man took me in his Arms sigh'd and cry'd Ah Delia I am ruin'd Thou undone And curst Valentio is the cause of all 'T is needless Madam to repeat what follow'd besides my strength at present tells me I must be concise He inform'd me of what had past between him and Arates before the Marriage that his Creditors were become uneasie that his Friends had abandon'd him because he had acted in that affair without consent or advice and nothing could secure him but a speedy flight I believ'd my self miserable fall'n low from the height of happiness and spent the tedious Night in Tears while he whose cares were equal to my own conjur'd me by that Love I bore him to undergo patiently that load of Poverty to which his indiscretion had brought me to forget the scenes of past Loves and to rely upon Arates who could not chuse but relent for a return of Fortune Love was the cause and the Crime was easily pardon'd the weight of his griefs lessned the sense of my own and the throbbings of his opprest Heart stunn'd my Soul almost into a Lethargy I embrac'd him a thousand times swore the possession of his Heart repay'd the loss of Wealth and I 'd show the Courage of an Amazon under my new Misfortune begg'd he 'd tender his own safety and remember that when Valentio dy'd his Delia too was lost At last the unwelcome Day appear'd and the afflicted youth seem'd plung'd in an abyss of Despair O gods How often he did clasp me in his Arms gaze upon me and sigh as if he would have sunk into Eternity his rack'd Soul shook his tender frame and in the labour forc'd Tears from his eyes which the manly Youth strove to hide and tost in a Sea of o'rewhelming cares remov'd the signs of weakness from my sight Then starting from my embraces he 'd cry must I leave my Delia Must I be damn'd to the boundless pains of an eternal Banishment Oh can I abandon Heaven in view And shut my self for ever from the joys of Paradise Oh my Guardian Angel take me once more into thy Bosom give a new life to my fainting Heart and teach me to forget my past happiness or at least to be insensible of my coming torment hush my warring Soul to rest and let me dream no more of what I 'm doom'd to suffer But ah my Delia My all Thou better part of divided Valentio I must leave thee the curse of Poverty drives me from thy Arms and the jealous gods have envy'd my past happiness I must wander from my self for if I retain my strength of judgment I carry Hell about me But sure my kind Memory won't in this exigency forsake me she 'll stand the first shock of Fortune's Malice and prompt me on to madness awake me from a Lethargy of sorrow and by presenting thee to my view give a new edge to my Afflictions divide Valentio from the Husband and oppress me with a double load send me raving into the other World cursing my Stars my Fortune nay the gods but most of all my self yet blessing thee In this afflicting juncture my Courage fail'd me I saw misery before me and thought my self already contemn'd and trampl'd upon by every Fool whose Fortune not Merit had bestow'd upon him a larger stock of Wealth than mine for Virtue when o'reclouded with Poverty gains no esteem and he that 's poor may speak like an Oracle yet unregarded while the rich whose wit will hardly allow him the title of a Man speaks weighty Sentences is aplauded by cringing fawning Knaves and bubl'd into a Love of his own ignorance Poor Valentio read my thoughts in my Eyes and after a deep sigh that exprest sorrow to the life he fell into a new Delirium exclaim'd against just Heaven and wish'd for Thunder from the gods incens'd to drive his tortur'd Soul unto the shades that the Centre would open and swallow down his Body or falling Mountains hide his guilty Head Then reflecting on what he had said he begg'd Heaven's pardon for himself and protection for his weeping Delia took me into his Arms laid my Head to his beating Heart and conjur'd me in the name of all the gods to forgive him to Love him much or else forget him soon Now divine Sirena let me drop the Curtain and hide a Scene so moving that my frighted Soul starts at the view We lov'd and parted and let that express the whole When he was gone my cares for him increas'd I had forgot a thousand things I had to say to him nor could I tell to what Country he design'd to commit himself My Uncle by Nature cruel smil'd at my misery and I had no comfort but the Tears of my Servants of that
General 's name extoll'd my Valour to the Skies and the Queen who was present readily answer'd she believ'd all for the Countenance of the Noble Stranger spoke his Praises to the World e're he opened his mouth I thankt her with that respect her Quality inspir'd and her Daughter the Princess Almeria whose Eyes were fix'd on mine blush'd as I spoke Fortune not yet wearied of doing good brought me once more into the Field where I sav'd the King's Life twice in one hour and was at Night preferr'd to the Post of Captain of his Majesty's Guards Gentleman of the Bed-chamber and Knight of the Dacian Order Almanzor's Fortune never equall'd mine for in less than six weeks after my Advancement I beat the Enemy thrice and at last drove them to the necessity of suing for a Peace The old King still entrusting me with his Army while the generous Reduan wearied with the Toyls of War attended his Prince's person and saw the youth of Peru-alta sweating in blood for the smiles of that airy Mistress Honour of who 's favour and friendship he himself had been long possest Things being at last compos'd to Pharnaces advantage he abandon'd the hardships of a Camp for the softer pleasures of a Palace and fix'd his moving Court on the Banks of the River Sapho I had a stately Appartment assign'd me within the Gates and at Night felt my self a Prisoner in a guilded Cage thou my Dear Delia fill'd my Soul I thought I saw thee pensive and alone despis'd by all and shun'd by those who knew thee without Friends and without me reflecting on thy past happiness and mourning the present state I 've sigh'd for thee till my heaving Heart has shook the tottering Bed and waking implor'd the Pity of the Gods or if I dreamt my Soul was with her I lov'd survey'd her Charms and return'd to glad my longing Heart which too soon found out the tempting Cheat and weep'd because it no longer cozen'd One Night while I lay in this Melancholy condition a small noise on the Stairs surpriz'd me immediately after my door was opened and I could see the Queen enter my Chamber with a light in her hand I feign'd a dead sleep and she who took it for real approach'd my Bed without any signs of fear Stood almost motionless gaz'd upon me sigh'd and then retir'd This odd sort of visit very much affected me and tho' I had some grounds to suspect the Cause yet it gave me matter enough for a great many reflections But while I div'd into this Mystery my Door was a second time set open and I could hear a Woman's Foot press the floor who after a short stay withdrew and suddenly re-enter'd with a Candle coming to my Bed's side she show'd the Beauties of an Angel She had a loose embroider'd Night-Gown about her which sometimes flew open and discover'd to the View a thousand ravishing Charms her tender Shapes glanc'd through the fine wrought Shift and almost gave Enjoyment by the sight and I had no doubt shown my self awake if she had not in a few Minutes abandon'd the Room When she was gone how soon did Delia's lovelier form check my wandering fancy and I damn'd my past wishes when I thought of thee Thy Beauties still surmounts hers and that of all Women and Almeria for 't was she soon vanish'd from my Soul Next morning the King Queen and Princes went a Hunting attended by most of the Nobility As we past a spacious Heath some Miles from Court it was my Fortune to ride next to her Majesty she ey'd me with a pleasant Countenance and told me she presum'd by my looks I came abroad to catch Hearts that my Eyes had tenderness in them and I could not fail of gaining some Fair Prisoner This obliging discourse put me to the Blush and I was at a loss for some time what to answer While she who was no stranger to intrigue and Gallantry reassum'd the discourse and told me that I was not oblig'd to study for an answer since one kind look or bewitching smile was enough to repay a thousand such complements Adding she suppos'd I was Born a stranger to Peru-alta I ow'd my Birth to some colder Climate where Love was not the grand business of the Nation that with them such addresses were common that she was not yet very old and the King already doated Believe me Delia I knew not how to answer the Letchery of the Royal Baud exceeded what I e're had seen in all my travels But just as I was ready to speak and the sparkling of her Eyes inform'd me she wanted a return the King approach'd and I blest my Stars for the lucky hit With the first opportunity I chose another Road and fell into a new snare studying to evite the old For Almeria who had seen me with her Mother smiling ask'd me if the Charms of a Queen had gain'd my Heart if Majesty and Power could do more than Youth and a moderate portion of Beauty This strange Method very much surpris'd me I had consider'd but faintly the natures of these Ladies and almost fancy'd the King's Jealousie the cause of all that they flatter'd to try me and seem'd fond to advance my ruine However as I was about to reply Antharsus came galloping up and I was opportunely reliev'd from a second Dilemma He show'd a vast submission to the Princess's Commands and the least of his Actions spoke his care to please yet he did all with an Air that spoke him inwardly proud and of a surly disposition Almeria fretted at the accident and by her Conversation gave him undoubted marks of her displeasure The haughty young Souldier easily observ'd it and guest the cause The Natives of that Country are generally blacker than those of Merintha and a Man of my Complexion seem'd a Demi-God amongst them Next day I had a Note sent me to this purpose SIR If you are the same you 'd have your self esteem'd meet me two hours hence arm'd only with your Sword on the Meadow by the River's side where in the same Condition and without Attendants you will find Antharsus This did not much surprise me I knew the Cause he envy'd my Fortune and judg'd I had robb'd him of his Honour and that esteem the King and Army had of him but most of all he grudg'd me Reduan's favour and Almeria's In the mean time I fail'd not to wait upon him and without a recital of Particulars know I got Victory on my side for after he had receiv'd three Wounds he fell with his Sword in his Hand I soon order'd the Body to be taken up and in my Coach which waited at a small distance sent him to his Apartment in the Court Then going straight to the King I fell upon my Knees begg'd his Pardon and confest the truth of what had past The old Man weigh'd not the Challenge sent me and giving way to his passion commanded me instantly to Prison I laid my Sword
expos'd tho' in her state of Innocence Besides to evince her guilt and that she had been actually happy in anothers Arms the lucky Youth when from the Bed he leapt had left the usual Marks of Love behind him This indeed the Duke had not the misfortune to see for one of the Maids who was privy to the Amour enter'd the Chamber with him and hid the base remains of interrupted Love Eriphile at once blush'd and wept she saw 't was impossible to deny what had past between her and Erinthus and did not so much as offer to extenuate the Crime Entheon knew his Honour betray'd his constant Love repay'd with Treachery and griev'd that e're he went to Cisala's House Then again remembring her Blushes when first he saw her in the Garden her Love which at that time was real and all those tender words she utter'd in his Arms since she became a Wife he grew almost mad and the thoughts of losing so much sweetness rack'd his very Soul Again he ey'd the weeping Fair and again storm'd and griev'd He curst the hour brought Erinthus to his House and saw that if he reveng'd this great affront he could gain no honour by it the Quality of the offender consider'd Besides Eriphile was always dear to him and now tho' false to the last degree as lovely as ever she had been The powerful Charms of a weeping Beauty can ne're be truly painted To have seen the Dutchess at this time was to be eternally hers and when she look'd upon her injur'd Lord she show'd a certain softness of force enough to enslave at once the Judgment and the Soul You may believe then Albisinda the generous Entheon was not insensible when he beheld her He sate sometime speechless and thinking on his loss then suddenly starting up he threw himself upon the Bed took her in his Arms and kiss'd away her fears Ah Eriphile cry'd he how I lov'd you Heaven and you can tell How my constancy has been rewarded I 'm asham'd to speak But oh why Erinthus is preferr'd to Entheon you alone can say Was your Honour now inseparably ty'd to mine a Triffle and Marriage Vows a whim of Priesthood No no Eriphile the World will take notice of the first and Heaven I fear can scarce neglect the latter But I by all that 's good forgive you Let not my disgrace and your weakness be the Table discourse of a whole Nation Let all that 's past be hush'd up in eternal Silence and for the future to Entheon and to your self be just Sure Albisinda you 'll confess 't was a double Sin to offend so good a Husband The tender Eriphile for that time was truly sensible of this and drown'd in Tears tho' yet in Bed threw her self upon her Knees graspt Entheon's Hand and weeping swore by all the Powers above and by that just Heaven she had too much offended she griev'd what she had done and for the future would prove her self the most obedient humble Wife that ever yet was known adding his excess of Goodness and Generosity encreas'd the weight of her Guilt she saw with sorrow how far she had err'd and assur'd him that no temptation should e're again perswade her to forget how much she ow'd to Entheon or her self The kind Duke forgave her all rais'd her up took her again to his Arms and told her he griev'd nothing more than that Erinthus proud of so great a Conquest might betray the Secret to prevent which 't was fitting he should bleed for the security of hers and his own Honour The lovely Eriphile tho' she truly repented the wrong she had done her Husband yet found too soon she had not wholly banish'd her Lover from her Breast She ey'd the Duke with concern and reading in his Face the signs of close revenge she fell a second time upon her Knees conjur'd him to believe that she was heartily sensible of that fault she had committed but could not think the death of Erinthus the most proper method to secure his Honour begg'd as he tender'd her Life he 'd lay aside that thought and as he had already promis'd pardon all that was done The Duke could deny her nothing and sure Albisinda his easiness that way was very pardonable for had she stood before that surly old Cynicks Diogenes he 'd not have us'd her with that freedom he express'd to the World 's great Conquerour he 'd willingly have quit his Book and gaz'd upon her or at least have sought no other light but what her eyes could give Oh Albisinda some People may blame him for an excess of good Nature upon this and other Emergencies that concern'd Eriphile But then believe me their Hearts are of a different Mould from that of this Noble Man and they ne're saw Eriphile or were capable of any tenderness that think they could have resented the ill she had done especially when she kneel'd and begg'd forgiveness In a word my Albisinda Entheon granted every thing she promis'd any thing he believ'd all she seem'd sensible of all and both were happy in a new Agreement I 'm afraid Albisinda for I frankly confess my want of Art or Power to move the Passions that by this time you wish my Letter finish'd But the story affords no great number of Adventures and that of Daria having wasted more than half my time you will find me generous in spite of my self because necessarily oblig'd to relieve you from the trouble I shall then Madam like our famous Teachers only beg one minutes patience and venture to take two The Duke tho' he had lov'd much and believ'd much yet could not chuse but fear more He remembred that Eriphile was a Woman that Erinthus was young and handsom that he was new and already in possession of her Favours These considerations taught him to observe her Conduct narrowly he consulted her very looks and tho' his Judgment always master'd his Passions yet sometimes he could not chuse but think he read his own dishonour painted in her Eyes On the other hand the Dutchess fear'd to offend because she could not reasonably expect to find him always merciful Erinthus griev'd the loss of his happiness but more Eriphile's cares and knew not that the Duke had sign'd her pardon and seal'd it with his Love Unwilling nevertheless to lose that happiness he had enjoy'd by the help of powerful Guinea he convey'd the following Billet-deux to the longing Dutchess Madam I know not how to write or how to express my thoughs I am ignorant upon what terms you stand with the Duke and oppress'd with sorrow for what happened I am safe but if Eriphile Loves not more unfortunate than if that Bullet design'd for my ruin had lodg'd within my Heart From all my pains I rely upon you for ease and till I see you Madam believe me your unhappy Erinthus The Dutchess tho' once half resolv'd to forget him was o're-joy'd to know him safe and in spite of all her