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A77642 Scripture-redemption freed from men's restrictions: being an answer to a book lately published by Mr. William Troughton (who stiles himself a minister of the gospel at Onlep in Leicester-shire) intituled, scripture-redemption restrained and limited: as also the substance of several conferences and disputes had in England, Wales, and Scotland, with Mr. Heath, Mr. Bartley, Mr. Powel, Mr. Sam. Rutherford, and Mr. James Wood, two rectors of the university of S. Andrews, and many others, about the death of our most dear redeemer, and the controversies which are the constant concomitants of it. Together with a brief reply to Mr. Troughton's rayling accusations in his introduction. By J. Brown, sometimes of Orial Coll. in Oxford, afterwards a priest of the Church of England, and vicar of Tenbury in Worcester-shire; but now through mercy a preacher of the faith which once he destroyed. Browne, James, 1616-1685. 1653 (1653) Wing B5022B; ESTC R230501 118,497 139

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next to speak in few words of Redemption in a stricter acceptation and to shew how some are in a special manner freed ransomed delivered or redeem'd by Jesus Christ and to that purpose shall first lay downe some Scriptures and to come to the clear understanding of this point Cast your eye then upon Eph. 1. 7. In whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of our sins and upon 1 Pet. 1. 18 19. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversations received by tradition from your Fathers but with the pretious blood of Christ c. The great question here to be resolved is this How the Saints come to be redeemed from their vain conversation and to have remission of their sins For answer unto this I beseech you that read to remember what I have in part declared already that there was an offence though committed but by one in which all the world was reputed guilty before God so far as that if Adam for that offence had at the instant of his committing it gone to the grave the whole race of mankinde had perished in him to take away which the Lamb without spot offer'd up himself to God so that that sin imputed to all and so called the sin of the world and iniqnity of us all was by the pouring out of the blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world taken away and remitted so that none shall now dye eternally for it and herein appeared the free love of God who by the blood of his Son washed away sin no creature seeking of it But every individual man and woman when they come to years and know good and evil do themselves commit many sins and walk in a vain conversation by tradition c. and how they come to be redeem'd or delivered from this by the blood of Christ I shall by Scripture and experience briefly make manifest First God sends Christ or the light to them with manifestations of his grace and goodness to lead or perswade them to turn from their sins to God declares to them the sufferings of his Son for their sins and they who seriously consider these manifestations of mercy believe and lay to heart the kindness of God though before Prisoners to sin and Satan are loosed delivered or redeemed from their sins and vain conversions as the Apostle plainly proves Acts 10. 43. To him give all the Prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth on him shall receive remission of sins So that through the application of the blood of the Lamb to their souls by believing they come to be delivered and have redemption from these sins of theirs and this redemption or pardon of sin is in time and conditional upon faith and repentance I shall indeavour further to illustrate this by a familiar similitude thus Suppose the servant of some mighty Emperor or General should commit an hainous offence to both the high displeasure and dishonour of his master and now conceiving in his heart that his Lord was full purposed to punish him with exquisite and exemplary torments should secretly depart to his masters greatest enemy and with him with a heart full of envy wrath and devilish despite contrive the destruction of him whom he had lately disobeyed in the mean time this mighty man having no such thoughts as his wicked servant imagin'd hearing that another potent person for some horrid crime had condemned his run-agate servant to dye gives his only Son to suffer death to preserve his live who yet still not knowing his Lords love with a perverse and inraged heart carries on the designe of his masters ruine but in the midst of his malice and fear having certaine intelligence of the transcendent kindness of one whom he had so highly incensed and of his own willingness to receive him even as a Son if he would return to him presently his soul begins to melt hatred le ts go the hold it had upon his heart and admiring such unexpected and undeserved love his bands of wickedness full off the rage rancour and wicked resolutions which possess'd him are all cast out the snare is broken and he is delivered not only from that death which his Masters Son quitted him of by dying for him But also by applying and considering his Lords love of those bloody sins and designes against his Master and begins to think of returning to him who had done such great things for him Thus stands the case betwixt God and man when Adam had sinned he ran away from his Maker and what spirit he was of towards him you may perceive by his Answers to him Gen. 3. who yet had thoughts of love and peace towards him and gave his onely Son to ransome him from the pit of which ransome or redemption all his posterity being in his loynes are partakers but they have all as I may say one by one departed from their God and rebelled against him that redeemed them and continue long ignorant of the loving kindness of the Lord at length the Lord by his teachings as himself pleaseth makes known his goodness and riches of grace and as many as believe or lay to heart what he hath done for their souls how he gave the Son of his love to dye yea to destroy the power of death for them that they might live by him and through him rise from the grave and that they have this redemption or deliverance through the blood of Jesus shed for them and have clear evidence of this by the Spirit in the Scripture of truth they begin to loath and leave their sins the love of God known casts out their base fear his mercy manifested destroyes their malice pride lust covetousness c. cuts in sunder all the cords of vanity in which they were held carries them quite out of their prison wherein their souls were pent up though sin tugs hard yet at last it is fain to remit its hold and though before they hug'd sin as a friend they now let it go as an enemy and so in the end through the applying of that blood which was shed for them they are redeemed out of the hand of the enemy and by the application of the blood of Christ they receive remission of THEIR sins as they before had by the effusion of it the remission and redemption from Adams sin which as I before hinted was absolute unsought for free and universal This is conditional and especial And if any shall demand Why all have not this redemption I answer Because they believe not they lay not the blood of Christ to heart if they did it were impossible that they should be so carried away with lust pride ignorance lying swearing cheating drunkenness gaming covetousness formality lukewarness ildeness and all manner of disobedience for if men did consider the grace of God if they knew the gift of God and his kindness which
him out when by the word or teachings of God which are his drawings he comes to him 6. To reprove obstinate proud Rebells who deny the Lord that bought and dare sin against such grace and kindnesse as is seen by the Fathers giving his Son for them 7. This serves to leave all men without excuse they cannot say that God hath not commended his love to them seeing he hath written it in legible Characters of his Sons bloud 8. Here is consolation for the Saints who through the knowledge of such love have been drawn to obey God they know whom and in whom they have believed and are as sure that Christ died for them as if he had told them with his own mouth in that they believe the Scriptures affirming that he ransomed all 9. This may serve to them as an antidote against sin and errors in that Christ died for their sins according to the Scriptures 10. It may serve to incite us to love every creature with the love of good will or pity at least when we remember that Christ died for them as well as for us oh if this doctrine were fully known it would so increase love and quench hatred discord and debate peace justice and mercy would florish and wars oppression and cruelty would be banished some beams of this universall love of God beginning to shine forth upon the hearts of our Commanders Rulers Judges c. have inclin'd them to more clemency righteousnesse and pity then some former time● have afforded and as it is more manifested we shall doubtlesse see more of God who is love and lov'd us when enemies appearings 'T is true a man that truly fears God cannot delight in an ungodly person neither can our heavenly Father yet he doth them good and the Saints desire the conversion of their enemies and will do good unto all according to their ability and their fellow creatures capacity and though they hate the vices of men yet they love their persons so as that they will exhort intreat and admonish them to come in to the Lord that bought them and not seek the ruine of their bodies states reputations and souls as I fear too many who deny the death of Christ for all would if it were in their power and could wish that there were something in force like that Popish Statute de Haereticis comburendis as appears by their continuall appeals to the civill yea and military powers their complaints and petitions against such as hold the truth in love by all means labouring to perswade the Magistrates to unsheath their swords to cut off banish or silence by might of men those who are full of might by the Spirit of the Lord to declare against their corrupt principles and practise they have a zeal but not according to knowledge for did they know what love the Father hath shewed those whom they maligne and what sweet communion they have with God and that God lov'd those whom they hate so as to give his Son to die for them they would never suffer that cursed root that beareth gall and wormwood to spring up in their hearts but would endeavour to instruct them with meeknesse or contend against them at least with the sword of the spirit But this they do not but by all meanes seek their impoverishment and ruine and will not speak to them though they bring the same doctrine which Christ and his Apostles taught they shun disputing with them under pretext that they are Heretiques and reject them not knowing that that advise is proper to those that are members together of the Church of Christ and not those that are of different Churches for what authority hath any Church to cast out or reject one that is not immembred with them but the truth is these men are afraid of the light and have no love to such as are of Pauls opinion that Christ died for all and therefore they incense authority gnash their teeth against them But we know that Christ died for them and desire that they also may know it and by that goodnesse be led to repent of all their evills and in particular of their envy and consultations against the Saints of the most high who believe as the Scripture saith and will not receive the corrupt glosses which men put on them or the sad and dark conclusions and consequences which they draw from them In a word if Christ died for all this may serve to keep the poor sin-sick sinner from despair and the proud transgressor from presumption to reprove such as give the Scripture yea the Spirit of God the lye who in so many place● hath clearly evidenced it yet they deny what is there written and would have us rather adhere to their expositions which are all darker then the text Again if God hath of his free mercy in Christ appointed and ordain'd all men to serve him and furnished them with every thing necessary for so doing so that all Nations may know and believe him through that light which lighteth every man which cometh into the world according to that manifestation of it which shines forth to them as undoubtedly he hath then this serves to reprove such as say God did appoint some men as men to be disobedient that is to serve sin and Satan 2. Such as teach that God hath not enabled all his creatures to do what he requires of them but that he exacts more of his creatures then he hath given ability to perform and so make God is an austere man as the wicked servant did yea as bad as Pharoah 3. This may serve fully to convince every sober spi●i● of the reall truth of those sayings thy destruction is of thy self a●d that the damned bring upon themselves swift destruction 4. It serves to clear the pure justice of God and leave all without excuse when they hear that God through his Sons blood hath made all Nations of the earth to seek him and in order thereto hath done what could be done for his Vineyard 5. This may serve to stir up poor creatures to be thankfull and admire the riches of grace and speak good of the name of the Lord so mercifull and bountifull and to incite them to arise and be doing 1 Chron. 22. 16. and God will be with them some to hear search read inquire that they may know and believe the Lord and them that come to know and apply his love to repent and be baptized to separate from the world and such again to continue in the grace of God in the fellowship and doctrine of the Apostles in breaking of bread and prayers in praising of God in holinesse of life watching against sin and for the coming of their Lord and Master Jesus Christ 't is true all are not capable of the same exhortation for to exhort a wicked man that never yet believ'd the Gospel to pray and break bread with the Saints wait for the day of Christ is preposterous
return When a Judge shall condemn a man to be burnt in the hand for some offence if the standers by shall go away and report that he condemned him to be burnt at a stake to ashes it would be both bold and ridiculous yea perhaps punishable and if so to mis-report the judgement of a man that must die how much more to mis-interpret or mis-represent the Sentence of a righteous and immortal God Thirdly we read Rom. 14. 12. Every man shall give an account of himself to God and 2 Cor. 5. 10. All must appear before the judgement-seat of Christ and receive according to the things done in their own body according to what they have done whether good or bad Read and consider Joh. 5. 29. 1 Pet. 1. 17. Rev. 20. 12 13. Fourthly the Lord hath sworn that the childe shall not die for the iniquity of the father Jer. 31. 29. 30. Ezek. 18. 4. In the resurrection we all believe that infants even dying a day old shall have their part who cannot be said by any sober spirit to have any sin to answer for but what was through Adam imputed to them and if they shall then die the second time or second death for that sin then the Lords oath is in vain which God forbid I had rather believe the Lords oath then mans vain words yea let God be true and every man a lyer who by their ignorance hold forth as if God doth condemn infants twice for Adam's sin first to the grave then to the second death Fifthly from the second death there is no redemption or deliverance see Luke 16. 26. Between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that they who would pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from thence which quite crosseth that fond opinion of some who think that at the day of judgement men shall come out of the place of torments to stand in the presence of God to receive their doom I know that hell i. e. the grave shall then give up her dead and the dead shall rise and stand before the throne but it 's not said they shall come out of the second death to be judged Sixthly if Adam and all his posterity were for the first offence by some called Original sin condemned to the second death then to redeem him from it Christ must die the second death or by his death prevent something that Adam brought upon himself and his posterity The one he could not the other he did not and I challenge the whole world to prove either of them by Scripture though I know there be that boldly affirm such things viz. That Christ to save the world endured the torments which the damned shall for ever endure in hell Lastly the Scripture doth nowhere make mention of any other death for eating of the prohibited tree but the first death and therefore the second death comes not for that transgression That which is written is for our learning but men not content with this have sought out many Arguments to prove their judgements and so have clouded up the truth from themselves and others and have affirmed that Adam was a spiritual man his paradise spiritual his state spiritual and a state of salvation the tree spiritual and many such unwritten things contrary to the Scriptures which affirm that the first man was natural or earthly 1 Cor. 15. 46 47. and that there is no salvation in any other but Christ Acts 4. 14. who was not promised when Adam fell with many other places directly opposing their fancies However some that would fain be wise above what is written have raised so much dust and darkness that they cannot see how it 's possible that Christ should die for all men seeing all receive not spiritual life and eternal salvation by his death which they think Adam lost And indeed I see not how they can until they see what Adam was a natural man and what he lost a precious pleasant garden and whither he was condemned viz. to the dust And if they would but open their eyes to see these things they might easily discern the truth of the other although spiritual life and eternal glory be not enjoyed by all Adam's posterity And for the further clearing up of this I proceed by the help of God to shew you as before resolved what the Word of Truth holds forth concerning Election Creation c. under a twofold consideration Universal and Special Cast not away these things because strange but prove them whether they be true I begin first with Election which is God's loving regarding or setting his heart upon lost mankinde and ordaining or appointing them to serve him and such as serve him to be saved and is General or Particular General thus When Angels and Men were fallen from their first estate he chose neither the disobedient Angels in whom folly was found nor any other creature but he set his heart upon man Job 7. 17. and Psal 144. 3. What is man that thou takest knowledge of him or the son of man that thou makest account of him Now what account did he make of man Why thus he so regarded that poor lost creature that he chose or appointed him to live in this world to stand in his sight and serve him but withal mark this that the affection he bare to him and the account he made of him was by and through Christ the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world in or by whom he chose man to be holy and without blame before him in love If any shall say that that 's spoken of the Apostle Paul and the Saints at Ephesus I grant it but withal I would willingly know whether he hath chosen appointed or ordained any man to be unholy and blameable c. or whether there be a middle choice or appointment of God If there be shew it Sure I think there is no man that hath not parted with his Reason that will so far dishonour him that gave it to him as to say that God hath fore-ordained chosen or appointed any to be unholy or unclean as they were men and women onely when they reject his counsel he gives them up to their own hearts lusts and leaves them many times to themselves having waited long to be gracious yea upon some a very long time But some have I heard affirm most confidently that God did appoint men to be disobedient that as he appointed some to the means of salvation so he appointed others to the means of damnation which is sin and that all the unbelief and disobedience of men is committed by the decree and appointment of God as well as foreknown to him To whom I answer Surely these are some of those hard speeches and ungodly words spoken of Jude vers 15. which God will one day come to convince men of and punish for if they repent not For first I querie Whether unbelief and disobedience
towards man appeared and thoughts of peace he harbours even towards them that are in rebellion against him yea how he was Reconciled to them who yet are enemies they even they would harbour sweet thoughts of God no longer look upon him as an enemy But throwing away the weapons of wickedness their sins would consider him as the chief of friends and so be reconcil'd to him as the Apostle speaks 2 Cor. 5. 20. and of which the prophet Isaiah speaks Chapter 27. 5. This reconciliation also is special and proper to believers Thus have I as briefly as I could and more briefly then the matter indeed will well allow spoken of redemption and reconciliation how general and how special I come in the next place by Jehovahs help to treat of Justification which is also universal and special The one is by the effusion or pouring out of the blood of Christ the other by the application of it of the one mention is made Rom. 5. 9. Being now justified by his blood c. and thus God is said to Justifie the ungodly Rom. 4. 5. but that this may be the better understood we must consider that there is a twofold sin or offence That which some call original which the Scriptures call one offence or offence of one even Adam and the●e innumerable transgressions which every man and woman commit From the former only I finde that all are justified by the pouring out of the blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world from the latter none is or shall be but through the applying of that blood by believing The former of these is absolutely free sutable to this is Rom. 3. 24. without any condtion and is universal as you may see Rom. 5. 18. The latter is also free on Gods part but upon condition of believing on ours as you may find Act. 13. 39. For the further clearing of this thing I desire the reader with me to reveiw that lately-recited text Rom. 5. 18. and I shall lay it down according to the Original Therefore as by one offence or sin condemnation came upon all men even so by one justification to life came upon all men But having handled this point partly before upon another occasion I shall only reminde the reader that these tex●s hold forth this cleerly to us that as sin came upon or was imputed to all men by Adam so righteousness came upon or was imputed to all men by Christ and as for that sin all men were condemned to dye so from that death all shall through Christ be made alive and this is agreeable to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15. 22. and all divine justice and reason for had not Christ justified mankind from that offence Adam and all his posterity had been banished from God for ever as you may plainly perceive by that which is written 2 Sam. 14. 14. I would gladly know whether any man hath life here or can rise from the grave but by Christ by whom are all things or whether we could by any means enjoy these if we were not justified from that which deprived us of it and so quitted from that prison the grave which without a Christ dying and rising again would have kept Adam and in him all his posterity under its power but the day shall come when all that sleep in the dust shall rise and shall give an account before the Lord not of Adams sin but of the things done in their own bodies so that it seems that when every creature shall stand before the Judge of the world they shall not be look'd upon as unrighteous persons because Adam did offend If any affirme they shall let them prove it by the Scriptures and I shall willingly assent to them In the mean space I propound this to my self and others that either men shall at the day of judgement be damned for Adams sin or they shall not if they shall then God hath somwhere revealed it in his word for he will do nothing but he revealeth his secrets to his servants the Prophets if they shall not then they shall be considered righteous and justified from it which is cleerly sutable to Rom. 5. 19. As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the Obedience of one shall many be made righteous And this is that which I understand by the justification of all men even Gods acquitting of them from Adams sin and the suffering which came by it at the day of judgement then which nothing is more cleer to me and thousands more in all the holy Scriptures and agreeable to all the revealed will of God in this case declaring that every soul shall bear his own burden and dye for his own offence But now a word or two of special justification and so I shall conclude this point That which I call special Justification or the Justification of some particular persons is when God is pleased to look upon his poor creatures which through believing in Jesus Christ turn from sin to serve him as righteous in his Son which I desire further to explaine thus God having in the purpose of his own will freely justified mankind from that sin of Adam and granted them to live in this world they all commit many grievous offences against that loving God that gave them life breath and all things by lying swearing drunkenness theft murder adultery fornication pride ambition coveteousness idleness cozening envy by evil thoughts and evil words from which the law of Moses is too weak to justifie them for let poor creatures annoyed imcumbred and compass'd about with these sins read the Law of Moses or offer up sacrifices according to that Law yet that will not drive sin out of the soul but t●● blood of Christ applyed by faith the blood of Christ sprinkled upon the conscience will purge out sin When a poor soul doth know and believe that Jesus Christ shed his blood for him or her they begin to hate iniquity and abhor every sin and at length through faith i. e. the constant application of the blood of Christ to their hearts they who formerly were servants of sin and free from righteousness become quit justified freed from sin and servants of righteousness for with the heart man believes unto righteousness Rom. 10. 10. so that by believing they become justified righteous and cleered from those sins from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses as that before I hinted from the mouth of the Apostle Paul Acts 13. 39. So that which I find in the Scripture concerning this is that though God hath freely through the pouring out of the Lambes blood taken away the sin of the world I understand Adams sin yet none ever did or can get free or justified from the sins which they themselves have committed in their own bodies but through believing or laying to heart the goodness kindness grace mercy or love of God which towards man appeared in Christ Jesus before the
a man and desires to be joyned to him in Marriage he may boldly and withall earnestness stirre up his friend to affect her and seeke her love who is every way so worthy and withall so loving to him that is to far below her Of no lesse folly are they guilty that spend their spirits in calling and crying unto sinners to love the Lord Jesus and seeke his face and yet either cannot or will not assure them that Christ loved them and layed down his life for them thereby to move them to place their affections upon him Nay it s impossible they should know it and much more impossible they should make others know it that say Christ dyed onely for a small number If a wicked prophane wretch should meet a man and were about to offer some injury to him if another should come and make it evident that this man whom he is about to wrong ransomed him with a great summe out of Captivity or when he was condemned to dye by giving his own onely Child to dye for him delivered him from death this might allay his fury after the resolution and melt the heart of the most cruel hard-hearted and injurious person or if it did not it would render him the most odious of Creatures the most ungrateful of men and unworthy of any further pitty And therefore it is that where-ever we meet with prophane persons that are treading under foot the Sonne of God and crucifying the Lord of life afresh by swearing lying drunkenness persecuting the Saints c. and so injuring and denying the Lord that bought them we acquaint them that he whom they wrong and persecute is Jesus the Saviour of the World the redeemer of mankind that gave himselfe a ransome for all bought them with his precious blood and dyed for their sinnes according to the Scriptures that thereby we may perswade them from their impious persecuting principles and prophane practises or else leave them without excuse but whilest men continue ignorant of this great love of Christ and do not certainly know by the Scriptures that Christ dyed for them they are seldome restrained from prophanenesse and all sorts of impiety or at least are filled with frequent doubtings and tremblings of heat not knowing whether the Lamb was slaine for them yet knowing that forsaking of sin and following of righteousnesse can doe no good to that soul for whom Christ dyed not no precepts can be available or promises applicable to those for whom the blood of Christ Jesus was not shed and so they stand staggering at both and though sometimes through the mercy of a long suffering God they have some sweet tasts of mercy yet by attending to false Teachers and Satans temptations they begin to question whether Christ dyed for them and then all their unstable hopes vanish and their unsettled hearts are hurried into a Labyrinth of soul dstempering confusions the Lord pitty these poor Creatures and deliver them from all self contradicting yea God contradicting Teachers who hold the truth in unrighteousness And whereas Mr. Troughton sayes That men will argue that if Christ dyed for all men then for me I shall be saved though I go on and injoy my lusts c. It s nothing so and they that hold that Christ dyed for all men according to the Scriptures raise no such Arguments knowing that they that deny to serve him that bought them shal be destroyed but they argue thus Christ dyed for me among the rest of men therefore I ought to live to him love serve and obey him to forsake my lusts pride swearing coveteousnesse and prophanenesse to dye to sinne and live to righteousnesse because he dyed for me and rose againe But Mr. Troughton saies That Christs dying for all is a ground of dispaire to many to which I answer First Here Mr. Troughton miserably contradiccts himselfe for he holds that they whom Christ dyed for can never dye in dispaire and for others there was never any hopes of eternall life layed up But here it seemes that there was something to be enjoyed even by them who dispaire of it but I shall not dwell upon any advantages but Secondly I answer That Mr. Troughtons suggestions is very false for seeing that Christ dyed for all seeing he so loved the World as to give his life for man-kind much more will he be found willing to receive and save poor sinners that come to him But Satan hath subtilly circumvented men by a great sleight in perswading them through the Doctrine of the false Ministers who are transformed as the Ministers of Christ that God will save some men that live and dye in sinne and that others who so live and dye shall be damned that one lyar shall be saved and another be damned one swearer shall be saved and another damned one Adulerer shall be saved and another damned that God is angry with one drunkard murtherer whoremonger and not with another though neither of them repent for they hold that it is Christ's w●rk to act faith and repentance In the Creature they hold that God was never angry with his Elect and hence it that some say God was no more angry with David after he had perpetrated those horrid sinnes of murther and adultery then he was at any other time others hold which is all one in effect that he forceth some to beleeve and be saved and appointeth others to sinne and be damned and this they call the distinguishing love of God which makes M. Troughton ask page 56. Where is the distinguishing love of God if Christ dyed for all I answer first in that he gave Christ to dye for all Men and not for the fallen Angels Secondly In that he will delight in abide with and save such as repent and obey him as you may see Psal 147. 11. Jo. 14. 21 13. Heb. 5. 9. and not others when he might have required men to have done an hundred times as much as he hath and yet have made no such promise of further manifestations of love or life eternall he gave himselfe a ransome for all yet he giveth more or a further addition of grace He resisteth the proud who deny the Lord that bought them and giveth grace to the humble Isai 4. 9. so here is distinguishing grace First He manifests his goodnesse grace or favour to men yea all men yea to the wicked men and they who humbly receive his mercy and truth shall have more even an increase every way as I have in the foregoing part of this Treatise prov●d from Jo. 14. 21. An other railing Accusation that Mr. Troughton brings against the truth is this If saith he we shall hold that Christ dyed for all this will be a ready way to reconcile us to Rome I conceive he meanes the Papists but the Papists generally hold that Christ dyed sufficiently but not efficiently for all and they hold directly as Mr. Troughton doth in this point that is That his blood in respect of