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A70798 To the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Osborne, Viscount Latimer, Lord High Treasurer of England Reasons humbly offered to consideration for the erecting of several light-houses upon the north-coast of England, for the security and increase of navigation &c. viz. 1. A double light-house at St. Nicho. Gat. 2. A light-house upon the Stagger-land at Cromer. 3. A light-house upon flambro-head. 4. A light-house upon Fern-Island. [Phrip, Richard]. 1680 (1680) Wing P2137A; ESTC R218248 59,914 290

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and is a fruite which is onely found in the bosome of the Catholike Church None but a virgine mother brings out virgines Obedience directs all secures all confirmes all and makes a fitt tabernacle for God in the harte of man by banishing thence selfe iudgement and selfe will But heauenly charitie as a glorious mother farr outstrips them all giues them all their begining increase and perfection For why indeede my soule did we first enterprise this holy worke but because we loue What could be able to robbe vs of all we haue but loue What did wowe vs to virginall chastitie but the loue of a virgine spouse What could moue men to depriue them selues of beloued libertie and to liue at the dispose of anothers will but the loue of him alone who chused rather to dye thē not to accomplish the will of his heauenly Father Loue then saith your holy Father and doe vvhat thou vvilt THE II. POINTE. That vvithout charitie nothing is done to secure our happie eternitie Consider that if humilitie put the foundation of your spirituall Towre it was by charities guidance and order for as humilitie goes not without charitie so charitie neuer leaues humilitie If pouertie raysed the walls it was with the treasure wherwith charitie furnished her If chastitie adorned it within it was with the pure burning gold which she had of charitie Finally if obedience confirmed and secured the whole worke it was by the force she receiued of charitie vvhich is as stronge as death In a word all is from charitie and all is for charitie AFFECTION RESOLVT He S. Paule knewe this truth my soule as certainly as he affirmes it vndauntedly to wit that not onely the foresaid vertues profit vs nothinge without charitie but euen that tho vve should haue all faith so that vve could remoue mountaines though vve should distribute all our goods to be meate for the poore finally though vve should deliuer our bodies to burne and yet vvant charitie it profits vs nothing Charitie saith holy S. Augustine is that which discernes the sonns of God from the sonns of the Diuell Charitie is that one necessarie thinge which alone sufficeth Charitie in a word is that Euangelicall gemme for which if a man should giue all his substance he shall repute it as nothing Come thē ô come then ô thou holy spirit Deus Charitas and replenish the hartes of thy faithfull and inflame them vvith the fire of thy loue THE FIRST MEDITAT FOR THE 7. DAY That all the vertues are loue THE FIRST POINTE. COnsider that so true it is that nothing is done without charitie that your holy Father makes noe difficultie to teach you that vvithout charitie the rest of the vertues are not indeede reputed vertues nay further that the rest of the vertues are but indeede loue and charitie so or so qualified For what is humilitie but charitie stooping and reputing her selfe nothing What is pouertie but charitie contemning all and stripping herself of all What is chastitie but loue preseruing corruptible man from corruption of bodie and mynde What finally obedience but loue freely and reasonably sacrifycing vp the will of man and making it supple and inclinable to euerie creature AFFECTION and RESOL. Charitie then my soule is that transcendant heauenly vertue without which there is noe true vertue at all It is she which gouernes as Queene giues life vigour and worth to all the other vertues He who loueth not remaynes in death It is she who perfumes them all with the odour and sweeenesse of holy loue since we doe not meerely imbrace them because they are vertues but rather in qualitie of thinges that are desired imbraced and beloued by God To discouer à man truly vertuous we vse not to inquire what he beleeues or what he hopes for but what he loues If earth h'es earthly if Heauen he 's heauenly if God he 's Godlike for as such they become all desirable louing and louelie Let me loue thee then ô Lord let me loue thee and loue all other thinges which I loue and practise for thee and in thee that my beloued may be myne and I wholie his THE II. POINTE. That vve ought incessantly to desire and breath after charitie Consider that if as we haue seene Charitie be all in all our thoughtes ought to be sett vpon the continuall desire of it For what ought we or doe we indeede desire but what euery one proposeth to himselfe for his end and the end of the lavve is loue What ought any Christiā to desire but the accomplishment of the lawe of God and the fulnesse of the lavve is charitie Nor fares it in those heauenly desires as in vaine worldly wishes a million of them puts not one pennie into our purses Wheras by the verie desire of the loue of God we begin to loue God indeed and still the more we desire it the more we loue Yea when this desire waxes stronge and hartie the desire is turned into fire and inflames the couering harte He that desires God vvith his vvhole harte has alreadie him vvhom he loues saith S. Gregorie And S. Augustine a holy desire is the vvhole life of a good Christian AFFECTION and RESOL. But alas my poore soule tho we clearely discerne this desire to be most iust aduantagious and most worthy of a christiā harte yet we somtymes perceiue our selues not to be so happie as euen to haue this desire Let vs then at least say with the Prophete my soule hath desired earnestly to desire thy iustifications at all tymes Let vs not fayle to haue this desire of desiring continually in our harte saying with S. Au. Giue me thy selfe restore me thy selfe for vvhat is not thy verie selfe is verie nothing to me and it will happen with vs as it did with the holie Prophete that in these holy thoughtes and desirs fire will flashe out and so throughly inflame our soule that as the stagge thirsteth after the fountaines of fresh water so shall we vehementlie couet and thirst after our good God that drainlesse fountaine of liuing water which flowes into life euerlastnig THE II. MEDITATION Of vvhom vve are to learne Charitie tovvards one another THE FIRST POINTE. COnsider that we ought to learne this most important lesson this one necessarie thinge of him who doth as well teach it as giue it our Sauiour Iesus who brought downe this sacred fire into earth and his vvill vvas it should burne the hartes of men And indeede neuer did he seeme so peculiarly to make himselfe the Master of any thinge as of this vertue and humilitie This is my precept said that deare master of ours that you loue one another My litle children I giue you a new precept that you loue one another In this all men shall know that you are my Disciples if you haue loue one to another Holy Father I pray c. that they may be one as we also are one I in them and thou in me AFFECTION and RESOL. This is the great commandement indeede my soule this Christs speciall precept Loue one another this the badge by which he will haue all his seruants to be knowne If they loue one another If we come without this wedding garmēt we shall be repulsed If we knocke not hauing this oyle of charitie in our Lampes wherby we may be knowne to men to be Gods Disciples God vvill not knovve vs the dore vvill be shut What thinge more wishfull could we haue desired to haue heard thē by affording mutuall loue and assistance to one another which we haue all such neede of to secure our saluation And yet the most louing and beloued Apostle assures vs It is the precept of our soueraigne Lord and Master doe this faith he and it sufficeth Beare one anothers burden and so you shal accomplish the lavve of Christ THE SECONDE POINTE. Hovv vve ought to exercise Charitie to one another Consider that this ought to be done by his example who gaue the commande of it and afterwards came graciously downe to teach it by his owne practise Thus we are taught by the great Apostle Receiue helpe comfort support and loue one another as Christ receiued assisted supported and loued vs. But how did Christ loue vs c Marrie he loued vs first with a free and disinterested loue which looked vpon noe preceedant merites 2. With a right loue not to receiue any thinge from vs but to discharge the ouer-flowing riches of his mercifull breastes vpon our pouertie 3. With a perseuerant loue for louing his vvho vvere in the vvorld he loued them to the end 4. With a stronge loue euen as stronge as death it selfe he loued vs and deliuered himselfe for vs for vs men and for our saluation AFFECTION and RESOL. If then my soule we hope for any consolation in Christ if any solace of Charitie if any societie of spirit if any bowells of commiseration let vs endeuour to fulfill the B. Apostles ioy by being of one meaning having the same charitie of one mynd agreeing in one That nothing be done by contention nor by vaine glorie but in humilitie each counting others better then themselues In a word let vs receiue comfort support and loue our poore brethren and that too as Christ gaue vs the example with a pure and disinterrested loue because it is his blessed pleasure that so it should be With a right loue not seeking that vvhich is profitable in particular to our selues but that vvhich is profitable to many With a perseuerant loue which is not to end but with the end of our liues Finally with a stronge loue readie to wrastle with obuious difficulties and euen with death it selfe for the good of our brother as our deare Lord gaue vs an example
and to inioye him Or yet more fully Charitie is a motion of the soule to inioye God for his owne sake and ones selfe and his neighbour for God So that Charitie is a loue which lookes onely vpon God or for God AFFECTION and RESOL. Good God how sublime and noble an obiect How worthy of a mans whole thoughts Nay rather how farre is it aboue man and who did imbolden him to take so high a flight Ah! It was euen the same souueraigne Good which would haue it so O Lord what art thou to me or what am I to thee that thou shouldst commande me to loue thee Yea and be angrie and threaten to lay huge punishments vpon me if I loue the not Ah! is it not of it selfe a great and euen the worst of miseries if I loue thee not II. POINT Consider that as Faith and Hope are not fruites of this base soyle so nor Charitie as by our endeuours and substāces we are not able to purchace them so nor this but it is sent dovvne from heauen as the most excellēt of Gods gifts saith he according to that of the Apostle Charitie is diffused in our harts by the holy Ghost vvhich is giuen to vs. To wayne our harts from earth and carrie them vp to heauen with her AFFECTION and RESOL. O diuine and heauenly Charitie Thy extraction is from Heauen thy whole ayme or obiect is Heauen thy whole imployment in earth is to rayse our harts to Heauen and of earthly which we are to make vs become heauenly O my soule let vs not loue our selues so litle as not to imploy our selues wholy vpon this sacred loue O loue which alwayes burnest and art neuer extinguished ô Charitie which art my God let me be wholy burnt with thy fire that I may loue thee with all my hart with all my soule with all my strength with all my aymes and intentions c. III. POINT Consider that though holy charitie be a fruite originally of Paradice yet being planted in our harts by the singer of the holy Ghost we are to husbād water and increase it For saith S. August is Charitie intirely perfect as soone as it is produced No but it is produced that it may be perfected To witt being produced it is nourished by nourishment strengthened by strength perfected AFF. and RESOL. O let vs carefully watch this holy fire that wee may neuer be so vnhappie as haue it dye out for want of the oyle of our workes let all our thoughts be imployed vpon the husbandrie of this feede of Heauen let it be watered with the plentifull teares of a contrite and humble hart Deare God smite my hart with the dart of thy loue that my soule may say to thee I am wounded with thy charitie and out of that Loue-sore a floode of teares may streame day and night THE XVI MEDITAT Hovv Charitie is increased I. POINT COnsider how admirable Charities commerce is which quite contrarie to wordly riches increaseth by being imparted and bestowed vpon our neighbours Bestowe your charitie bountifully and it increaseth abundantly communicate not this sacred fire to your neighbour and it decreases languisheth and dyeth out Money saith he and Charitie are not bestowed alike that by being bestowed is diminished this is increased Yea more it increaseth in his hands who renders it and by how much more amply he repays it by so much more plentifully he retaynes it It increaseth in his hands AFFECTION and RESOL. O blessed tradinge easie and wishfull and gaynefull traffike By giuing away apace we speedily waxe rich By endeuouring to make others happie we fayle not our selues to become happie indeed We will therfor dilate the bowells of charitie and striue to doe good to all One we will helpe with counsell another with comfort or what other wayes we may be able to assiste him in II. POINT Consider how exceeding easie our good God hath made the increase of charitie It is not necessarie that we haue ether a great power a great purse or vse any great industrie For is there any thing more comon or more within euerie mans power then a cupp of cold water giue that onely for Gods sake and charitie is increased and a reward is promised Who saith he is able to bring any excuse sith God promiseth a revvard euen for a cupp of cold vvater And againe such is the nature of holy loue and true charitie that by imparting it increaseth AFFECTION and RESOL. O God how good thou art who while we haue nothing but by thy free gift enables vs by the good vse of what thou hast formely giuen to increase holy loue and therby draw a number of new blissings vpon vs. Ther is nothing lesse then a cupp of cold water nothing greater then loue and yet euen by that this is increased III. POINT Consider further with your holy father that it is not onely by your purse power or by the gift of a cupp of cold water that charitie is increased but euen by a good looke a good wishe a myld answere Despise no suppliant if thou beest able to giue giue If not shew thy affabilitie God crownes our good wishes where he finds no wealth Let none therfore say I had not wherwithall charitie comes not out of our coffers onely He who hath a hart full of charitie neuer wants what to giue AFFECTION and RESOL. O deare God how exceeding easie thou hast made this Queene of vertues which is indeed alone better then all the rest together Let vs neuer be so wanting to our selues as to send any away without an Almes since a good word a looke a wishe is able to doe it and by so doing our loue is increased and our title to the Kingdome of heauen inlarged THE XVII MED●TAT THE EXCELLENCIES of Charitie I. POINT COnsider with him that there is nothing better more pretious more profitable more lightsome more stronge more secure then charitie AFFECTION and RESOL. What is it we looke for or whether is it that with paynes we run to seeke it Nothing can possibly be found better then the best nor more pretious then what is most pretious c. and all that we may possesse in charitie alone Nothing can better enlighten our blindnes strengthen our weaknes or secure vs against the manifold dangers of this malignant world II. POINT Consider that Charitie possesseth vs of the presence and sight of God so that we need not run out into the streetes to looke whom our hart loueth since the eyes of Faith discouers alreadie in our owne hart whom we loue Why doe we send him who hath charitie a farr of to see God Let him obserue his owne conscience and there he sees God for if Charitie inhabites there there also inhabits God Would we happily see him in heauen Le ts haue charitie and he is in our hart as in Heauen AFFECTION and RESOL. O the blisse and glorie and Maiestie of a louing hart O humane hart not so much
recōcilement with God But alas who is so impertinētly proude as to presume to haue them without his gifte who commands them assuring vs by S. Iohn that vvithout him vve can doe nothinge Say there-for giue ô Lord I humbly beseech thee what thou commandest that I may loue thee as much as I desire and as much as dutie obliges me to Giue humilitie that inseparable companion of Charitie and sure Guardien of virginitie Giue finally fountaines of teares that day and night I may bewaile my offences giue them I say because without thee we are able to doe nothing Noe for if with B. Magdalene we come to Christ it is because his heauenly Father drawes vs. If the deepe inwarde sense of our crymes make vs insensible with her of all outward confusion which they bringe with them it is the sorrovv vvhich is accordinge to God and from God that workes it in our hartes If we washe his feere with teares it is God who powres downe that heauenly dewe If we loue him it is because he loued vs first And yet ô ineffable goodnesse and benignitie by these his owne gifts he drawes vs to him and then crownes the same by his free pardon saying thy sinns are forgiuen thee A Prayer Grant ô Lord we beseech thee that the worke of thy mercy may direct our hartes because with out thee we are not able to please thee per Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Other Prayers O almightie and eternall Father daigne by the merits of the life and passion of thy onely beloued sonne deeply to imprinte in our hartes true sorrow to haue offended thee meerely out of the motiues of loue for alas if we auoyde sinne onely out of feare of Hell fire we feare not to offende but to burne nor are we iustified therby since it is not feare of punishment but loue of iustice vvhich makes vs iust in thy sight ô Lord. Grant me also deare Lord a perfect detestation of sinne and a firme resolution to auoyde it here-after especially in such and such thinges which I am most subiect to and stand most guiltie of in thy sight euen purely for thyne owne goodnesse sake who art infinitly worthy of the loue of all thy creatures Grant me finally a true contempt of the world and a willing flight from it and all its pompes and vanities which are the diuells weapons to destroye vs and therby faithfully acquitt my selfe of the solemne promises made in my baptisme Amen FINIS A SPIRITVALL EXERCISE before profession THE FIRST MEDITAT The Preparitorie prayer Veni Creator and Deus qui corda c. THE FIRST POINTE. CONSIDER that since now the yeare of your nouishippe or tryall is come to an end and that by Gods speciall grace and assistance to his honour and glorie and the good of your soule you haue conceiued a generous resolution to sett vpon the building of the Euangelicall Towre you are highly concerned maturely to examine how it is to be done Nor can you proceede more securely then by taking it from the mouth of Prime Truth saying which of you mynding to build a tower doth not first sitt downe and reckon the charges that are necessaire whether he haue to finish it least that after he hath layd the foundation and is not able to finish it all that see it begin to mocke him saying this man began to build and he could not finish it You ought therfor to consider the strength of your body the bent of your mynde the motiues which brought you hither that so you may discouer whether your body be not in truth too infirme your mynd too weake and wauering your motiues too light and incōsiderate out of some disgust rather then a disinterrested choyce out of confidence of your owne abilitie and strength rather then Gods inspirations and dependance of his grace AFFECTION Let this be done my soule in sinceritie and truth with grauitie and care still taking your counsells with God and from God It is not a childs play you are going about but the worke of a perfect man Your choyce is not for a day but for life The consequence of it not for a tearme of some fewe yeares but for eternitie eternitie my soule In thinges in a manner indifferent the choyce is indifferent In such things of smale importance it litle importes whether this or that be done so either of them be done to Gods glorie God is pleased and we merite If we should stand a waighing Doubles saith B. Sales trading would proue too troublesome Marrie goes on the same the choyce of ones vocation the proposition of a matter of great consequence a worke of much difficultie c. deserue a serious ponderation that Gods will which is our dutie happinesse and perfection may be discerned therin And let our firme resolutions be made accordingly THE II. POINTE. Consider with what it is that this Euangelicall Towre or spirituall building ought to be built and S. Augustine will teach you that it is to be done vvith noe other treasure then the forsaking of all and follovving of Christ which he takes from Truth it selfe saying Euery one of you that doth not renounce all that he hath can not be my Disciple And the same Truth expresses what he meanes by renounceing of all in these words If any man come to me and hateth not his Father and mother and vvife and children and brethren and sisters yea and his evvne life besides he cannot be my Disciple AFFECTION This my soule is the conctition of the obligation into which we are to enter for the building of this spirituall Towre This must be performed by vs and euen by all Christians in generall at least in perparation of mynde or els in vaine doe we pretend to be the Disciples or seruants of Christ Giue all and gayne all At any lesse coste this spirituall Towre will not be finished at any lesse rate the Euangelicall pearle will not be purchaced Vnlesse all this be performed saith Christ himselfe You cannot be my Disciples you cannot be true Religious and true followers of Christ Vnlesse this generous resolution be absolutley vndertaken let our designe be absolutly forsaken To serue God by halues will proue vnprosperous to vs God desires the hart which was made by himselfe and for himselfe and he will haue it whole The virgines whole thoughtes and sollicitudes ought to be imployed vpon the thinges vvhich pertaine to our Lord that she may be holy both in body and in spirit Remember that it was S. Paule who saith it THE II. MEDITATION FOR THE FIRST DAY Of the solide and sure fundation of this spirituall building THE FIRST POINTE. COnsider what fundation ought to be layd to supporte this waightie and most important building and your holy Father will tell you againe that it ought to be noe other then humilitle Doe you saith he pretende to erecte a fabrike of a huge highth Thinke first of the foundation humilitie And by how much higher we