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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A65524 Otia sacra optima fides Westmorland, Mildmay Fane, Earl of, 1601-1666. 1648 (1648) Wing W1476; ESTC R226695 62,629 185

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Joy Making the scope of all My future aim To Reverence and Glorifie His Name Thus when our God will frown if we weigh it In Judgments Scales we mak 't a Benefit My Penthouse against the Storm of Grief occasioned upon the Death of a dear Friend O How the Blasts Temptation Casts Against my Naked Ston Threaten Subversion Sithence the Decree of late was Thine To take away My Sheltring Vine Well let them blow Break clouds and rain Their Gusts and Show'rs in vain For Confident I am My Gratious God upholds the Frame Whilst I the Olive Sprouts see grow Thus to my Hart I may impart Th' assurance of a Peace Wherein such Trials cease If Patience-born that Fear is good When it withstands ill not of ill withstood Man Levens the Batch GOD makes all things for good 't is Man Sowers and worsts Creation Who Leven'd by his Father thence Becomes all Disobedience No thought no word no action He Contrives can own Integrity To Him that made Him for by Deeds As Words and Heart his growth 's in weeds Which whilst neglected doe express Gods Grace but Man's unfruitfulness Now if again man would bear Corn He must himself a Weeder turn The Attributes of true Love WE call that Patience when provok'd we can Deferr revenge but 't is true love in Man And when with open hand we would express Our Bounties Tribute some style 't Lavishness But They mistake as farr as those despise All steps whereby an Other Man doth rise Yet think they have Love too and boast no less Than that She is their constant Patroness If Her Decrees be not to seek her own Praise as not seemly whither are such blown As thus would tempt Her anger when 't is taught She is not to be mov'd to an ill thought But 's ever pleas'd and doth rejoyce to see Truth sit in Triumph o're Iniquitie As She sustains and is contented still With what wind blows so doe her hopes sails fill When from the windows of Beleef doth breath A steady Gale t' advance her course beneath Till by the Saints transplanted and above She 's Moor'd within that Port and call'd True Love Contraria juxta se posita Gal. 5. 19. to 23. C-upio Formans A-dmiror Creaturam R-eminiscor Injurice O-btempero Vosunteti S-anctitatē Curo V-irtuti Seruio T-rucsentiā Sperno I-ncontinentiā Noso R-apacitatē fugio I-rasei nequeo P-atientia Vineo S-asutem Spero Like Night to Day or foyles that Raise The Lustre of the Diamonds praise Such and no other Vertue Lies Hind in th' approach of Contraries Love begets Fear 'T Was of Thy Goodness Lord at first I had Knowledge of what was Good and what was bad Yet through the Ill of Nature become blinde I followed Sin and left thy Fear behind By which I forfeited a Blessing till Thou of thy Mercy free and Gracious will Sign'st me a Pardon in that style Repent That so I might avoid all Punishment Thus then rows'd up and wak'ned I began Thy Judgments Blessings Love and Fear to skan And in a Scoale when I them all had waigh'd Methought I lov'd Thee still still was afraid My Invocation GReat and Good God of Justice Love As That to Fear so grant This move My Trembling Heart till It retain Some Sparks of heat and life again Sithence My Creation-Fuell's don Lighten again the Turf by thine own Son Small hopes of This unless I may In awe to That finde a decay Of such Lewd Thoughts Words Acts did bring My whole Man to a wintering In Lust and Sin and growth of Grace T' assure a fruitfull Spring-tide in the place How 's that attain'd By heat not cold 'T is that the Bounteous Marygold Displayes its Treasure and kinde Showers Not Frosts befriend both fruit and Flowers Thaw then my Breast till 't open Zeal And let my Eyes those sighs reveal In rain that my Affections may subdue So from my Old Congeal'd Clot raise thoughts new Misericordia Dei Splendidissima GODS Mercy shines 'bove all His works as farr As doth the Cyprian-Queen out-light a Starr To Man Epig. HArd-Hearted Man what canst thou say That Thou thy self hast turn'd to Brick thy Clay But that Thy Hopes are built upon His Promise once sent Fountains out of Ston Wherefore to Sacrifice to Gods desire Mans Heart must be the Altar Sighs the fire My Pool of Bethesda or the Effusion of Christs Merits to heal our Miseries WHen Children would goe or Cripples stand Crutches and Stools are fram'd for Arm and Hand To rest upon lest such attempting shall Without like Props occasion them to fall What are the Sons of Adam if we try Condemn'd to Lamenesse and to Infancy Through Sin and so disabled to Pace The Paths of Vertue tread the Steps of Grace Till God of 's Mercy pleased to Confer A standing stool as if from th' Carpenter Though He himself was Artist and did frame This Remedy for Those were Weak and Lame So that without a farther Inquisition We All were and are such Christ's the Physition The Five Porches to Bethesda MAn is Bethesda and 's five Senses be Porches unto that Great Intermery Where Divers Cures are sought for yet not one Attain'd but through an Angels Motion Grace powred on the Heart which who so can Improve becommeth straight a perfect Man But Those who Opportunity neglect Must not an other Saving help expect For as the Cripple Thirty eight years lay And had done more had not Christ come i th' way So whilst these powr'd out waters we would try Others step in Prophane their Sanctity Lusts both our Ears and Eyes and Palates charm Through Nostrils and by Fingers we doe harm And 'cause all over Leprous and defil'd We 'd fain be cleans'd to health be reconcil'd Yet cannot get so soon into this Tide Afford us of that Jordan from Thy side Soliloquium ANima quid tam tristaris Ocule quid Lachrymaris Cur in Pectore singultus Cur Moerore madet vultus Quî fit gemitu plangescis Cor ut si integram non esses Cum quo hic fruamur toto Nostro non in Dei voto Ejus est suffragii sortem Dare Vitam dare Mortem Mortis certitudo brevem Vitae Curam reddit levem Et post Mortem sit levamen Quod Vivetur semper tamen Nec mensurâ quâvis horae Vespertinae vel Aurorae Metitur aeternâ Luce Sed haec dicta Dies duce In quâ cum gandeat omnis Sanctus Luctus sistat sileat planctus Poenam hic quâ laboramus Somno Mortis nam mutamus Et quid mali hora dedit Gaudio Sempiterno cedit Qui sic mutant invidendos Sentio solos non deflendos è contra Pectora Peccatis data Cor corruptum Ora lata Animam infectam Malis Nox dum sequitur fatalis Lugeat doleat Omnis Tales A Carroll IF nothing else may not this season move Or Time become true Chronicle of love And so allay the Fury stint
the Rage Or madness doth predominize this age When for to Ransome Man whose least Offence Was character'd in Disobedience He who knew no Sin came that to fulfill The Mercy Statute of His Fathers will Thus He forgave and gave to let us know What to our Very Enemies we ow By His Example and decrees this fate To the Posterity unfortunate Of too-beleeving Adam That They must Give themselves over to no other Trust Than what His Word assures nor to make less That first of Sins Create them numberless In Envie Malice and Ambition But joyn to Charity Contrition For by-past faults and resolutions raise To spend the future in our Makers praise Obey Him first then Those His Glorious Powers Shall substitute for our Superiours And with our own Condition whatsome're Content enjoy a full Harmonious Sphere Leaving no Orb for Discords fond increase Sithence He that 's born for us was Prince of Peace A Quid Retribuam POor sin-bound-naked-creature Man ne're knows What to return for that His God bestows But as Prosperities increase goes less I' th' retribution of Thankfulness His eyes not open but with Clay made dim Renders that Miracle not wrought on Him Remains so stupid but where Faith 's declin'd Int' unbeleef such are for ever blind Now that I may like Judgment still prevent By entertaining True-Souls-Nutriment Not Poyson let Example spurr me on To take the Cup fill'd with Salvation And t' praise his holy Name that did prepare Such Cates for those heavie and Laden are Sins Dromidaries swift by Nature led To run to Evil here unburthened By One who bore both Crosse and shame to free The Pliant branch of Eves posterity So have I tender Saplings seen unbroak When Tempests have o'r-turn'd the sturdier Oak And if in Sacrifice we 'd passe degrees The best for acceptation's from the knees Outward and inwardly exprest whereby To notifie unfeign'd Humility For such deny to shew repentance thus Surely forget Christ came from Heaven to us And those of that short memory may know Their Portion 's here They shall not to Him go Who's Riches Rayment Food and all Relief To them Condemn this World make Him their Chief E-dat V-itam C-aelestem H-omo A-nimi R-ecti I-ejunent S-imulantes T-alibus I-nest A-morities Though All must truly say They 've done amiss Yet there Goes more than Ord'nary to This For He that would not make the banquet sower Must form His Relish to his SAVIOUR A Pelican feeding her young with blood out of her own Brest a type of our Saviour P-orrigit E-ximtos L-atus I-ndulgetque C-ruores A-leseant N-ati V-ulneribusque S-uis Behold Here from the PELICANS Brest sprung A stream of precious blood to feed her young In Sanctam Coenam Domini Epig. WAsh and be clean Eat Drink this and 't will save So easie is the suit our Lord doth crave Yet with the healed Creeple back He 'll call thee And bid Thee Sinn no more lest worse befall thee A Dedication of my first Son IS it not fit the Mould and Frame Of Man should dedicate the same To God who first Created it and t' give To Him the first fruit of that Span we live In the worlds Infancy could Hannah tell Shee ought to Offer her sonn Samuel To Him that made him and refine That Sacrifice with Flowre and Wine Was Abrams long expected seed From Sarah's womb condemn'd to bleed And shall the times now they grow Old conclude In faithlesness and in ingratitude Let shame awake us and where blessings fall Let every one become a Prodigall In paying vows of thanks and bring The best and best for Offering Where am I then whom God hath deign'd to bless With hopes of a succeeding happiness Unto My house Why is 't I stand At th' Altar with an Empty hand Have I no Herds no Flocks no Oyl No Incense-bearing-Shebah-soyl Is not My Grainary stor'd with Flowre that 's fine Are not my Strutted Vessels full of Wine What Temporall Blessing 's wanting to suffice And furnish out a lively Sacrifice Save onely this to make a Free-Will-offering of an Infancy Which if I should not doe that pil'd-Up wood whereon lay Sarah's childe The Temple would accuse me where the son Of Elk'na first had Dedication Wherefore accept I pray thee this Thou 'st given and my first Sonn is Let him be Thine and from his Cradleling Begin his services first reckoning Grant with his Dayes thy Grace increase and fill His Heart nor leave there room to harbour ill That in the Progress of His years He may express whose badg He wears In Quadragesimam WHen all the Dayes w' have borrowed are mis-spent Had we not need to beg more time were Lent And not to suffer This too to be gon Because abus'd through superstition A knife to cut with 's good but if to kill It be abus'd why then we deem it ill All things are made for use Abuses came But as Usurpers to deprave the same And in some kinde or other all we do Speak think or have those have their morals too Our Pampred Bodies oft such thoughts put on That they become like to proud Iessuron And when our minds from full Cups are exprest They 're like to Baltashazzer's at His Feast Our Actions too laden with Temporall good Cannot permit t' aspire at Spirituall food But over-fed we surfet and becom Like to the Beast in all things save being dumb Tongue-tide we are not when we would express Our Enmity from th' root of Bitterness Nor yet uncharitable unless in this To judge that those who hunger doe amiss And such as thirst too whilst our Cups run o're And Bellies are made Magazines of store It should be otherwayes if we would shun The heavie doom of sad Temptation And as the Meat and Drink of Faith prepare A Holy-Fasting-sanctifying Prayer Cook'd from our Corner'd hearts and not the streets A Sacrifice Incens't with Love for sweets And thus performing what is Lent aright We 'l fear no Schismatick nor Anchorite A Hymm occasioned upon going to receive the blessed Sacrament when it was a snow INvited now to Sup with Thee my Lord All that I am is at a Period How to be fitly drest And so t' become a worthy Guest For 't is prepar'd alone For such as have the Wedding garment on Which through Guilt I want And all my Substance t' buy one is too scant Make Me a Purse then from His Sacred Score Whose institution 't was and will doe more For Those beleeve His name That to redeem us Sinners came Into the World and shed His precious blood which might stand all in stead By a quick Faith apply The Soveraign Balsome of His Agony For like the Man met Theeves we all were left Naked and Wounded Spectacles of Theft And Rapine too wherein We weltring lay a prey to Sin Till th' true Samaritan Passing this way Redemption began Not sparing Wine nor Oyle Out of His Hands and Feet and Side the while Thus now
Infantum Laurea Poena dabat My Handkerchief to dry my eyes after the losse of a most dear Friend LOrd sithence the best Of Thine Their Portions have Of Sorrow Sickness and the Grave Why should the worst repine Though Thou lock'st up their chiefest joyes in rest Joyes here but Lent And so That we can say W' enjoy them for a day 'T is of meer Mercy when for all we owe The Landlord must distrain to have his rent This the unthrifty course we take Begets Whilst Pity mov'd he tells Us He 'll repair our tottering Cells And quite strike off our former debts If with Contentment thankfulness partake These against sadness are An Antidote Preventing its Cold Poyson and A heat-allaying-Julep where Thy hand Doth Thy displeasure in a Fever note They style the Grave whether ' the near or farre T' be but a Bed wherein when all must sleep Let them rest envy'd for our Sins we 'll weep On the Proto-Martyrs Death THey w'r of Deucalions race could be of no other Who ston'd St. Stephen Pyrrha was their Mother In Epiphaniam sive manifestationem DUm manifesta Novo Christi quae Gentibus Astro Lux hodierna refert Astra loquantur Ave. A Morning Fancy upon recovery from sickness and the birth of a Son at the same time MArk but the Sluggards shame the Change Where Pismires numerously doe range And you 'll conclude no sight so quick to try Distinction in Those Creatures industry See but a shower of Motes that seem to beat Some busie Traffick in a Sun-beams heat Then tell me what eye 's so distinctiall As for to single One out of them all This and much Less is Man whose numerous fry Fills the world to preserve posterity And yet there was an Eye both frown'd and smil'd A Sickness here but there a Lovely Child Singling out One to shew at once the room Where 's Mercy do His Judgments overcom And when the Fatherly Chastisement 's don Crowns him the joyfull Father of a Son What can be here return'd the full expence Of a whole Summers toyl and providence Or such a pack of lighter Merchandize As in the Sun delight to exercise These and no better are what we can raise To shew our thanks saving a heart of praise Which God Himself must give and then 't is no more Than t' borrow of one to pay the same a score Yet Lord here be my Creditor and lend A Soul that may so much to Thanks pretend That whilst it seeks thine own but to restore Thou by acceptance maist create it more From God to all Princes for moderation in taxing their Subjects THough styled Gods yet must ye die like men Saith God the Lord Hear what he speaks agen Whose Children if you 'ld all accounted be O Israels Princes leave off cruelty And let your judgments Justice so put on That there be no room for Oppression Neither exact from those who call you Lord More than your needs require their powers afford Verbum Dei manet in aeternum LAEtari in Domino juvet cum Lubrica turbent Solamen Verbum Nocte dieque suum Vt sit Cogitationibus Verbisque Factisque propitius Omnipotens GReat God in whom all Justice raigns And Truth Let not the reins of youth So slacken in me still T' enthrall and Captivate my thoughts to Ill Much less my Deeds but as thy Son Begun Where Solomon Laid Ston So make thy house my heart And scourge out of it each Mechanick part Neither let words that die when spoke Provoke My Soul to think They 'l sink Into Oblivion As soon as They are uttered and gon Place a Sentinell before My dore That by my Tongue be song No Anthem but Thy Praise Nor let it ever send forth other Layes Thus may my thoughts and words which usher on My Deeds to Action By Thy Divine Power purg'd from th' dross of Sin Pave me a Golden Tract to Progress in Which if thou crown with Grace too let appeer Dormant yet watchfull ceasing never heer Non est bonum Iudere cum sanctis OMnis Caro moritur Et Sol Iustitiae Oritur Proferens Sanitatem Si volumus In Alis Quâ curet Vanitatem Quam Colimus In malis Ideo Qui timet Omen Inferni Metuat Nomen AEterni Et absit pravaricari Si velis Sanari Ad Angliam in quinti Novembris Feriam Annoalem FEstum quid proferas Insula quid Diem Commemoratione dignam existimes Si Hanc praetereas in quâ Mirabilis Acta est benignitas Liberationis Qualem qui comparet Antiquis seculis Parem inveniat nusquam in Atavis Gigantum licet repetat Fabulam Quâ Coelum ipsum stultitiâ petitur Mons super Montem palam ostenditur Ast hìc ad Centrum usque Infernas Terrarum nigras itur Cavernas Monet opertâ fronte malities Sed caeca jugulat neque à pendente Malo quam à periculo latente Tam dirum Nefas munit Conditio In quâ praevalida stet admonit io Serpens Innocuus dummodo tuendus Quoniam Reptilis facilè fugiendus Herbarum sub umbra conditus metuendus Cui nec dissimiles Dolos fuisse Hos subterraneos Quos latuisse Usque ad Vigiliam Diei festi Memineris in quâ Manifesti Amoris Divini patuêre Radii O! si mihi faveat Arcadiae Terra vel Nemus ut inveniam in Illis Quibuscum notare Diem Lapillis Uti mos Ve terum nec mihi Rubro Tinctus sit Calamus atramento Cum Luceat Dies à sanguine Liberata Nigroque carbone notata Nusquam Conveniat nam licet Atra Machinatio Ista Tartarea Frustavit Hanc Dominus Tenebrarum Orcum fugavit Lumine Gratiarum Tutior Anglia ut in posterum sies Cordibus Gratis notetur Dies Quid maxime semper in votis habeat VOtis si faveant Numina fervali Peccatis Placeant parcere quantulum Parcae Temporis cedere posteris Vitae Limitibus velint Texetur Melioribus Telis in addent Contemptu in habeat Splendida Seculo in Hoc Nugalia nam in Vespere Condita est Aurorae facies nec rugit amplius Cum Nox adfuerit Dies Lethi sic Thalumis modo Dormiet Omnis Dum mane est fugiat Machina Tartari Nec in Meridiem Serdida contrahat Vespertinaque tunc Tempora conspicit Laetus Iudicium cupit Sperat Coelicu at I●●probus Altera suadet Times Mintage OF all the scattered Brood Or Brotherhood Drawn from Creations line To Blazon Providence divine The Worm the Snail The Ant the Fly Best make discovery What Adam did entail On His posterity To dwell with Dust and Clay Which Symptome may Mans Low condition That without intermission Heaps up with care What here is got And Ignorant knows not These Transitory are Nor shall endure but rot What was Domitians game Or th' Sluggards shame The Bloodless creeping
us all at once again Then shall the Left-hand file in Miserie Shut up the story of their Tragedie Whilst with a Chorus the Right wing The Bridegrooms Epithalamie doth sing Both giving a Catastrophe Unto this Tragicomedie Vpon a Clock THe swifter lying Wheel o'r-runs the Day Would make it seem as guilty of Delay And the wing'd hour out-stretch as conquered In swiftness by the Plummets weight of lead The fallacy is easie for admit That weight were off then time would out-fly it O let my flitting dayes so numbred be By a wise heart they prove of weight to me So may I life dispose that in the end By setting bright it may a clear Day send Quid Vita Vera Quaenam Mors certissima Soli vivunt QUi in Christo vivunt Soli Mortui Qui in Peccato remanent Seducit in Tentationem Vivificat per sui Ipsius oblatione V●pote Conditionis nostrae V●pote Mileriae nostrae Misericordie AEmulus Satanas Patris quam Memor Christus Veram igitur ut Vitam habeamus A Peccato dehinc abstineamus Moriamur itaque Non in sed à Peccato Ut Fruamur Vitae Quae sit in à Domino Vpon a very wet S. Stephens day GOd would his Saints should be bemoan'd So the day weeps for Stephen ston'd In Diem Circumcisionis ad Adamum sive totam humani Generis stirpem CIrcumcisus erat Legi sic paruit Olim Ut parat invitis Pilea certa suis Et Novus in vetulo dignatur Parvulus Orbe Vivere Nos animis Vestiat Ille novis Tempora sic fugiant Magna est Mutatio secli Non Mutare suas mutet Adamus Opes Vpon Easter day SIn buryed Soul awake and rise Let not the Conquered More O'r thy Affections Tyrannize All that This world affords for Ore But Drossie is nor the least Mite Of happiness in Fleshly Appetite The Devill from the first was styl'd A Lyer and hath still Improv'd His malice so beguil'd Us as our Parents to his will Each Word we utter Thought conceive Or Act all serves but t' help him to deceive No marvail then if Thou wer 't bound When 't was a Threefold Cord A Trident mischief that doth wound Requires a Treble Patience to afford Relief with which we here were sped When th' Womans Seed did break the Serpents head First 't was One God in three Compact Vouchsaf'd to work this Cure Though 't seem'd the Sons alone this Act Both Father and Spirit were there most sure For 't is without Contention All Three in One work'd Mans Redemption They were three Wisemen from the East Conducted by a Starr Refus'd no Travail for this Guest But came with Presents from afarr To Court Heavens Munificence With Gold with Myrrh and Frankincense Those three indeed bewitch our sence And what could Men bring rather Faith was in Infancy and thence It chose to suit the Gift I gather As whereby t' shew what Dawning 't is That Entertains the Blossomes of our Bliss The Fruit comes after and that was When He who knew no sin Condemned yet contented as A malefactor Great had bin Not onely Born but born to bear Our Crimes became for men a Sufferer Suffer He did and was interr'd And shall fond man refuse To Die for Him or be afeard To bear nay t' see his cross and chuse Rather to pass a moments pleasure Here than partake of such a lasting Treasure Shame Rouse us and as He did sleep Three Dayes within the Grave So let our Sins be buried deep That They no more Dominion have Nor hang like Plummets on our thighs When with our Blessed Saviour we should rise Who for our sakes this Conquest won O'r Hell the Grave and Death Three that sought Mans Confusion Till Man-with-God-unite beneath So far prevail'd as first to Die Then Rose again to Crown the Victorie Christ alone the Author and finisher of our Faith WHilst we beleeve no more we but resemble The Devils for Those doe so too and tremble He who for Mans redemption was sent Will be of true Faith the accomplishment As well as framer and assurance gives Though yet unseen of Large Prerogatives As to become Coheirs in that estate Which He did purchase for th' regenerate No Others to be quoted are but all Authors besides This One Apocryphall He opens to 's the door to true Beleef Who seeks t' come in another way 's a Theef Vpon a Thanksgiving day for a Victory TRue Victory on Fames wings taught To fly aloft So covers all the Plash Or Stream wherein her falser tydings wash That none of them more rise Upon our Faiths to Tyrannise But put to plunge what shift to trie Shunning the Hawks pounce meet the Pole so die Now as In Aqueducts the source Must guide the Course And to the same degree Heighthen the reach of its humiditie So 't is but just and even That Benisons sent down from heaven Should thither rise again in praise And fill each Kalendar with Holidayes Not such as wont make red-Ink dear Charging the year In memory t' express This or that Man's a Saint could go no less But by duties t' show Our Thanfulness and what we owe As from that Place alone we can Conclude our spring of Blessings first began Thus whilst for praise we set apart Both Day and heart And sweetly doe embrace Gods mercies meeting in his holy place 'Thout question He 'l go on To perfect the Conclusion And crown the Conquest farther so That that ne'r more be our friend He deems foe Gloria Pyramidum sifeat Memphiticaesensus Pyramide ad Dominum quâ libet me potest Lucis Amplectenda scilicet Ioel 2.12 Poenitentiae Iejunium Fletus Planctus Tenebrarum Fugienda scilicet Rom. 13.13 Nocturna Securitatis Comessatio Ebrietas Scurrilitas Luxus Lis Invidia Quorum Proemia sic diverse His Ex Misericordia Copia Hilaritas Gandium Conferuntur Illis Ex Iustitia Penuria Anxietas Moestitia Conferuntur This difference in works is known The first is Gods t'other 's our Own My Embassie Aliter cum Domino cum Principibus Mundi istius negotiandum Votum Deo si mandatur tOr gemitibus rumpatur siT ocellis fons in ore ferUens precis cum amore eleeMosynentur Manus Nec Legatus rediet vanus Forma Cordis sed infecti jUvet os pictura recti neC blandities parectur donUm dum prameditetur Sub alternum Regem satis Flectent Ista Quem nil gratis Catena Causarum ad Salutem pertinentium Mans Hart 's soe sinkt to Sin wedded to Vice It needs a Chayne to bring it unto Christ The Seed of the Woman breaks the Serpents head (1) ALipes Astra petens sic Fabula gramina rumpit In Fontes Montis (2) Culmina versa stuunt Siccantes (3) Vatum satiantur (4) Nectare venae Ne careant animis (5) Carmina digna suis Nec careant dum (6)