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A65177 A pilgrimage into the land of promise, by the light of the vision of Jacobs ladder and faith, or, A serious search and prospect into life eternal pointing out the way and discovering the passage out of mans mutable state of life, into a state of immutable righteousness and glory, through the knowledg of Christ in spirit / written in the year 1662 by Henry Vane ... Vane, Henry, Sir, 1612?-1662. 1664 (1664) Wing V73; ESTC R32917 127,958 114

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by reason of their mutable principles and slippery standing under the first and conditionall Covenant they come at last to wither and to be cut off from the root and cast into the fire that never shal be quenched Jo. 15 1 6. Rom 11. In this last sort the restoration-work is carried up very high so as to place them that have it amongst the number of those mention'd 1 Cor. 13 1 3. that may speak with the tongue of men and angels have the gift of prophecy understand all mysteries and all knowledg Yea though they should have all faith so as to remove mountains though they should bestow all their goods to feed the poor and give their bodies to be burned and yet not have love or that faith which works by love they will come at last to nothing They will prove and shew themselvs to be in the issue but as sounding brasse and a tinckling cymball This is that the highest restoration-work will discover itself to be where it springs up but from the single seed of that righteousnes which is unaccompanied with true regeneration or that faith which works by love changing the naturall mind of man from its mutable into an immutable principle of life righteousnes and glory 3. Thirdly therefore this work of restoration may and does proceed in some so far as not only to set all right and streight within and without man in a great measure and in an eminent prevailing activity according to what it was at first when he was made in Gods image but it hath a second and farther operation upon the soule which prepares and makes ready the will to deny itself take up the crosse and become absolutely resigned up to the will of another even of the Lord as the sure guardian and keeper of the will in its truest and best freedom which such service of the Lord is that is in such a manner performed that we can do nothing against the truth but all for it Through this second operation the Lord himself who is the immortall seed does most powerfully beget us and that of his owne will as he is the Son of Man begotten into the love of the father and made unmoveable in subjection and obedience to his fathers will He doth cleave unto us lay hold on us and put under his everlasting armes to make our armes strong and to guide us in that way of coworking with him in a joyntnes of will and operation that nothing can dissolve Such fooles for Christ sake with Paul 1 Cor. 4.10 through the intire resignation of themselvs to the ruling power of Christ in their hearts will not cannot erre or miscarry in the holy way of Gods ransomed ones This is that which the Apostle meanes by love 1 Cor. 13. and chap. 8.1 where he sayes knowledg puffeth up but love edifieth that is makes firm and stedfast work of it It erects that building founded on the rock Math. 7. that is unmoveable and cannot be shaken This love of God by which he makes us his choice ones lies close and concealed a great while in the heart during which time the work of faith is weak and low very wavering and apt to faile But afterwards by falling into divers temptations wherein our faith is put to its proof it does of weak become strong When faith thus begins to come forth with power that love by which it workes is spread abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghost which is given to us whereby we come to experience our selvs to be firmly rooted and grounded in the love of God to the making us able to comprehend with all Saints what is the length breadth depth and height of it whilst the communication of it is enjoyed by any measures Some do ascend yet farther even to know the love of Christ in its highest and most extensive diffusing of itself passing knowledge exceeding all measure and filling them with all the fulnes of God The former communication of God who is love is the single portion or gift of Christ in spirit which all true Saints have their share in The second is the double portion which they only do inherit who are made Gods first born Sons higher then the kings of the earth whose names are written in heaven Concerning this love in both these sorts of true beleevers and Saints we shall come in its proper place to a more particular search and consideration First we shall enquire into it as it is in its concealed state making us babes in Christ in a low and weake exercise of saving faith 2dly as it hath a time wherein it comes to be spread abroad in the heart to the warming and quickning of it and to the fulfilling of the work of faith with power in an activity that failes not but is immutable encreasing more and more to the perfect day of Christs second appearance In generall we may say that this is that love which 2 Cor. 3. is called the spirit which where it is there is liberty even a liberty with open face to behold the glory or image of the invisible God and by beholding it to be transformed into the same image from glory to glory a state directly opposite to that of the spirit of bondage The love we speak of does truly regenerate and bind up the will in a unity of operation with the will of the Son of God It workes that hearing eare and obeying heart to Christ in spirit in the life and exercise whereof true and saving faith does consist yea it is the activity itself which quickens that faith and by the which faith workes This love hath its beginning in us in and with Christs first appearance but it is perfected and comsummated by working out the redemption of the body at the day of the manifestation of the Son of God in the brightnes of his second comming At that time the creature itself the very animalish and sensuall soule in us with the filthy garments of the mortall body wherewith it is clothed shal be freed from the bondage of corruption and brought into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God putting on the chang of raiment which in that day wil be provided for it With this love the father loved our head the second Adam And the WORD that was from the beginning laid hold on the seed of David so as that both he that sanctifieth and he that is sanctified became one one engraffed WORD that is the fathers love the spirit wherein he is alwayes well pleased which can do nothing but what he sees the father do and those things he does and fulfills after him with a heart after the fathers heart He is so entirely in the fathers love and well-liking that he shews him all that himself doth or hath a purpose and intention to do For this end Christ hath sanctified himself that is our nature in his owne person that he which sanctifieth and we that are sanctified may be all of
shall first destroy all his enemies even death itself and shall end with the universall resurrection and and passing of the finall sentence winding up all in the resigning up of his Kingdom to the father that God may be all in all Thus the thousand years is no distinct time from the day of Judgment neither before it nor after but the same with it the whole time during which this great day of judgment does continue in the very beginning whereof Antichrist shall finally be destroyed and not before These therefore in Scripture are called the times of Christs Kingdom wherein he will shew himself the blessed and only Potentate the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and this for the space of a thousand years in the last period of which comes the last and finall sentence before mentioned to be pronounced and executed The reason therefore why the excellent promises above recited are not yet performed is twofold 1. The times for their performance are not yet fully come though very neer But most certaine it is as we have heard that they shall and will come 2dly Because the seed also to which they are made is not yet come to be made manifest as they shal be in distinction from all counterfeits and false pretenders which say they are Jews and are not but do lie This discrimination and certaine cleare discovery of the true seed of God from the false will be begun to be made by the ministry of Eliah or the ministry that shall rise up in the spirit and powers already discribed This excellent ministry must and wil be attended with a church of saints answerable which shall consist of the risen witnesses the dry bones that this spirit of prophesy brings out of their graves from the foure winds of heaven causing them to stand againe upon their feet an exceeding great army All of them are to be quickned by the means of this powerfull and glorious ministry with a spirit of life from God that enters into them and shews itself to be that life from the dead in them which is never more subject to corruption It is unto these also that God sayes by a great voyce from heaven which they are fitted with ears to heare come up hither and they do accordingly ascend up to heaven in a cloud their enemies beholding them or rather heaven is brought downe into their knowledg and possession here on earth whilst as yet they are clouded with their mortall body which nevertheles shall at last be changed in a moment and they not se death In the meane time they shall experience their very mortall body freed from the bondage of corruption and restored to the primitive purity glory use and serviceablenes unto the mind which it had in paradise in the persons of our first parents before the fall And to these shall it be given to se the opening of the heavens long since promised by Christ and the temple of God that is there opened also and in the temple the arke of the Testament both which Revel 15.5 are put together and called the temple of the tabernacle of the Testimony in heaven which in that day shal be opened the true tabernacle or sanctuary which God pitch'd and not man Heb. 8.2 In this temple dwelleth the fulnes of the God head bodily the vision whereof is to be made plaine to the eye of our sensuall part or to our inward bodily senses that by seing the mind of God in such legible characters in the spirit and person of Christ the like mind may be found and seen in all that are his who are then to appeare in the same likenes by seing him as he is That which Christ is and in spirit shal be seen to be as the mind of the father is wrought out in him the Apostle Paul points out Philip. 2.5 c. 1. He is in the forme of God the WORD of life who was in the beginning was with God and was God And thus considered he accounts it not robbery to be Gods equall 2dly In the dispensation of the fulnes of time the same that is in the forme of God is also found in fashion as a man and is made flesh with the use of a living soule in the very earthly and outward senses of it bearing the form and likenes of the first Adam in his primitive purity 3. He that thus descended into flesh and the lowermost parts of his habitable earth in which earthly make and nature he became inferiour to angels for the suffering of death is the same that out of this does ascend and is exalted far above all heavens by being made in his humane spirit soule and body the temple wherein all the fulnes of the God head dwells bodily and a meet vessel to receave possesse and be the minister of it unto others He is the WORD of life the brightnes of the fathers glory the expresse character of his substance by which this manhood is sealed and made heavenly partaking with the living WORD as he is the Angel of Gods presence in whom is Gods name He is the cheif and highest Angel and as such is head of all principalities and power And over and above all this in his archangelicall estate he is the true Michael Gods equall the man that is made Gods fellow or second in the same divine throne of glory In these three cheif particulars Christ the temple of God in heaven shal be seen and made manifest as that which he is and will witnes himself to be in the hearts of all true beleevers the sons of his love that are to be are his likenes and to be seen with his name and superscription upon them In this respect it is that he hath given that commandement 1 John 4 20 21. that he who loveth God in Christ love his brother also which those that doe not will thereby prove themselvs liars if they say they love God For how can he love God or Christ whom he hath not seen that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen There is a day comming when that which Christ wil be seen to be in himself he wil be seen to be also in his members that shal be receaved and gathered unto him as joynt heirs and possessours of his fathers love and glory When Christ who is their life shall so appear they shall also appear with him in glory They shall no longer remaine in their hidden and concealed state wherein they are judged according to men in the flesh whilst they live according to God in the spirit Nor shall they any longer be like Princes walking on foot whilst Servants ride on horse back Behold then upon the opening of the temple of God in heaven the powerfull and glorious effects that the ministry of the spirit flowing from thence shall produce and be accompanied with for the making manifest the true Israel of God The Lord himself will descend first with the voice of the Archangel that
the lawyer and answer him according to his owne heart and principles What is written in the law sayes he how readest thou The lawyer replies Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all they soule with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbour as thy self This Christ agrees to be the sum of the things conteined in the commandements of God which man is to doe and in the doing and obeying whereof as he ought and God requires will make him heir and sure of eternall life Therefore all that Christ adds is Thou hast answered right this do and thou shalt live But although these few words contein mans whole duty to God and to his neighbour yet as by the following verses does appeare in the parable of the wayfairing man that fell amongst theeves there is more in it then at first we are aware of to perform this duty to God and to our neighbour rightly and after such manner as is acceptable to God For so do to it requires faith that faith which works by love or which makes us new creatures giving us the sight of that man in the person of the Mediatour that hath seen God by whose testimony we also are taught to so him and know that he is and what he is even the rewarder of all those with eternall life who diligently seek him No man knows who the Son is but the Father nor who the Father is but the Son and he to whom the son will reveale him He that beleeveth on the Son of God hath this witnes in himself by the sons comming into his heart and bringing this knowledg along with him giving us to know him that is true and that we are in him that is true even in him that is the true God and eternall life By such knowledg are we preserved from idols and setting up some other thing in our hearts for the true God or from ignorantly bestowing our worship love and service upon him He that beleevs not God hath made him a liar because he beleeves not the Record which God gives of his Son when it is plainly represented and set before his eyes in such legible characters that he is able to understand and perceave the Record even that God hath given unto us eternall life and that this life is in his Son and is to be had only in the gift of the Son made to us in a most intimate and inseperable union which he that hath hath life he that hath it not hath not life Whatsoever comes short of this let it make never so faire a shew for the present it wil be sure to end in death Hence is it that without faith it is impossible to please God because otherwise we cannot know him as we ought with such certainty as not to mistake him for some other thing or some other thing for him And so also will it be with us as to our neibour or brother we shall take him to be our neibour and brother that is not he and he that is not we shall account to be him For not knowing the very Image and first patern set up in Christ our elder brother and the lowly meek spirit in him which with God is of great price how can we know the children and many brethren that are to be conformed to him therein Unlesse we know and love him that begets how can we know and love them that are begotten of him For both he that sanctifies and they that are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren those who if we be are love unto we thereby know that we are passed from death to life And if we love not but hate them sitting and speaking against these our brethren slandering our owne Mothers Sons we are in Gods account no better then Cain wicked munderers whatever righteous works we are conversant in according to the letter of the law Be we as zealous and forward as we will in offering our sacrifices and bringing our gifts before the altar till we be first reconciled to our brother we are directed to leave our gift before the altar as better not to offer it at all with a heart which is without that love by which faith works In this sence are we to understand 1 Cor. 13.1 2 3. If we have al other gifts and good things from God that are possible to be had and not this love with them we are nothing we are but as sounding brasse and tinckling cymballs The saying therefore of Christ do this and thou shalt live according to his owne reading and understanding of the law is do this at present by the light thou art under but give not off be not satisfied til thou come to do it by faith as a new creature with the knowledge and love which faith teaches and workes and thou art a true heir of eternall life and shalt most certainly enter into it and possesse it for ever Leave thy sacrifice and thy guift before the altar in humility and brokenes of Spirit and in lowlines of heart rather then take upon thee to offer it untill thou have the Son given to thee and art regenerated For it is better for thee that thou shouldst not vow then that thou shouldst vow and not pay Keep thy foot therefore when thou goest into the house of God or doest enter upon the performance of his worship and Service in thy natural mutable frame of Spirit and be more ready to heare then to give the sacrifice of fools for they consider not that they do evill even in their very prayers and duties of divine worship By faith it is that the right and stedfast Spirit is formed the whole and entire heart which God requires We may then take notice that there is a twofold reading preaching hearing receaving and obeying of the Word of God and doctrine of his law the one after a lesse the other after a more excellent way the one proportiond to the sight hearing and heart of the natural and earthly man in his mutable state properly called the law the other proportioned to the sight hearing and heart of the heavenly and spiritual man properly called the Gospel How readest thou says Christ to the learned lawyer when he would point out the law in the former sence and as to the latter himself is the reader preacher and worker of it as he is the Son himself and word of faith which through our being in him in whose manhood it is as in our mouth and in our heart is made bread to us and not only possible but most desireable and prevailingly attractive unto us to do and fulfil after him In this sence it is that Christ is the end of the law to all that beleeve and the law in its first kind of teaching or reading is the Schoolmaster or teacher that sends us to Christ and is appointed to keep us under its rule and discipline
to do all things for the Truth attēded with a kind of powerfull impotency or impossibility of doing any thing against the Truth What other liberty thē this is left to the holy and elect āgels that are by a secōd work of Christs hāds made immutably good all possibility 〈…〉 in them to evill being removed and utterly and for ever taken away from them This likewise is all the freedom left to Jesus the Son of Man whereby when the evill one comes he finds nothing in him because he and the father are one in their willing power in exact likenes and agreement God himself also the most free agent of all never had the least possibility or fredom to evill He hath not the least ability that way To work evill is utterly impossible to him True fredom then is a power to will immutably that which is good to do it not only without any resistance or hindrance from within him that wills or does it but against all the tempting or attempting power of any other person or thing without him that might induce any chang of mind if it were possible Thus God is most free who tempts none nor can himself be tempted to or by evill And thus is he free who is fully born of God into a likenes and conformity with his divine fredom of will nor can he sin because he is born of God and so far as the immortall seed in him is his keeper the evill one cannot touch him or be able to get within him but at last is totally and finally overcome by him This is the love that with a holy and delightfull efficacy attractivenes and perswasivenes carries the regenerate soule captive to the obedience of faith constraining it with the greatest readines and delight to run the race of Gods commandement Christ is responsible for us also to his father that none of us shal be lost but he will rayse us up at the last day perfected in this love against which there is no law or penalties by the law that are in force because it is the very end for which the law was at first delivered unto man Through the power of this love the inward man of the heart is bound up as in a bundle of life in and with the active and quickning power of the holy and blessed will of Christs manhood And the will of the sensual and inferiour part of our soule which is as the door and mouth to the inward man is so conformed subjected and bound up in unity of operation and agreemēt with it as that where the heart so beleevs in Christ and loves him by the mouth belonging to that heart he is answerably confessed and glorified and comes at length by both in exact harmony to be immutably served and possessed world without end In this third sort of beleevers hearers and doers of the law and will of God under the teaching and outward ministry of the Scriptures this love is and dwells These are the truly regenerate heirs according to promise that are rooted grounded and made stedfast with God in his Covenant These are they that through the transforming and prevailing power of Christs love dwelling and working in them are drawne to that sight and knowledg of the father and of the Son and of the unity and agreement of will that is between thē which flesh and blood cannot reveale They are taught also to employ and make use of their naturall ability and strength in the restored fredom of their will so as to answer the end for which that liberty was first given which was not that they should therein be their owne keepers but suffer thēselvs to be kept and subjected under the Rule that God would send and give unto them for that purpose to lead them in the right way evidently trod by himself that is the way of the crosse and true selfdeniall which does infallibly guide and unmoveably keep the wayfairing man that walks in it from all possibility of erring or falling short of entring into the promised land and true Rest in which eternall blessednes consists And in this they are instructed by the sacraments of baptisme and the Lords supper So much by way of answer to the third particular enquiry in order to the clearing up what is sought after in the 3d generall querie in this discourse 4. The 4th particular enquiry under the same 3d generall head demands how man comes in a judiciall manner to be hardned by God made a vessel of wrath fitted for destruction with an impossibility to chang his mind from evill to good any more then those that are truly saved can change from good to evill These are in a state that can never be repented of nor is there need The other are in a sad estate even such as admits of no repentance neither no though with Esau they do seek it carefully and with tears The answer then to this query may be plain and short from what hath bin already shewen at large The steps and degrees by which men come into this deplorable condition take as followeth By the good will and patience which is shewed to them by the redeemer and by them abused do men come to this judiciall hardning and fixednes in evill Christ is content freely to begin anew with all mankind as he is that word of the beginning unto them which works their restoration more or lesse towards their primitive state as man was created in Covenant with God before any breach hapned And he does commit their soule so restored againe to their owne keeping and under the same law and condition as before save only that now if they be found wilfully to break off and depart from God a second time crucifying the Son of God a fresh and thereby putting him to opē shame there remains no more sacrifice for their sin no restoration out of it no chang of mind from it or aversnes to it but a perpetuall condemnation of them as they justly deserve to be made bondslaves to sin and Satan for ever whose counsell and will they have so inexcusably followed and preferred before Gods And the higher they have bin raised up in light and in the participatiō of heavenly gifts by them abused through the undue exercise of that free will to which they are left the deeper will they sink in everlasting torments and sorrow to all eternity through the sense they shall have of their slighting resisting and rejecting against their owne soules the operations of the spirit of love the yeilding whereunto had bin the only way to have made them inheritours of it as well as others They fondly preferred their conceited way of being saved in the single exercise of their owne freewill and choice before that way which the love and faithfulnes of God had chosen for them and chalked out to them by the rule of the crosse in the knowledg of Christ and him crucified evidently set before the eyes of their very naturall man
her untimely and over-forward request on their behalf Mat 20 20 22. She seemed desirous to have them in the throne before they had drunk of the cup and bin made partakers of the great tribulations wherein they were to abide with Christ and all other beleevers in them represented This suffring season is to hold till the time of the Gentils shal be fulfilled for the treading downe and trampling under foot by the space of 42. months the holy city and tabernacle of David that hath bin reared up amongst them by the Apostles ministry after it was fallen amongst the jews Act 15. v. 16 17. When it was fallen amongst the jews it came to be set up in the midst of the Gentiles a nation that for a season did very affectionately bring forth the fruits of the gospel Thus the residue of men those that were not regarded till the jewish nation was rejected and broken off from the good olive tree were brought to seek after the Lord even all the gentiles upon whom my name is called saith the Lord who doth all these things This is the first act and effect of Christs resurrection or of that day in the spirit upon the hearts and minds of the children of this his Kingdom which is preparing them by the trialls allotted to them in the keeping the word of his patience to sit with him on his throne and shine forth in the day of his power not only as bright morning stars but as the sun itself in its strength in the Kingdom of their father The beginning of the whole day of Christs Kingdom wherein he will have the word of his patience kept in faith and faithfull witness-bearing was without all question from the time of his Ascension according as it is written Act. 1.8 Ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth To like effect spake Ananias to Paul upon his conversion Act 22 14 15. The God of our fathers hath chosen thee that thou shouldst know his will and se that just one and shouldst hear the voice of his mouth that thou mayst be a witnesse unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard And although there be something in this conversion of Paul which is extraordinary as to his unction and mission into the ministry and office of Apostleship yet this description of the Apostles conversion hath that in it as to the essentiall parts of it which is common to all the spirituall seed of Abraham For first they are all chosen to know the will of God secondly to know it by the sight of the just one Christ in spirit through faith thirdly to heare the voyce and understand the language of the spirit of Christs mouth by the eare that is given them to hear what Christ in spirit saith to the churches or to particular members of his body fourthly to be witnesses according to their measure and degree of light in their stations and callings of what they have seen and heard In this sence the whole spirituall seed of Abraham are Christs witnesses specially since his ascension from which time he began to be seen by them in spirit and to speak to them from heaven by his indwelling presence in their hearts through faith True beleevers as hath bin opened are of two sorts or degrees Both of them are free-born sons and citizens of the same heavenly Jerusalem and holy city Christ calls them his two witnesses and declares the sackcloth testimony of his name which they are to bear during the treading down of them the holy city underfoot even by the gentiles of the outward court for the space of 42 months But although that these two witnesses were in being and also engaged in the work of witnessing what they had seen and heard according to Christs commission immediatly after the comming down of the holy Ghost upon them at the day of Pentecost not only in Jerusalem and Samaria but also to the ends of the earth yet the time of the treading them underfoot by the gentiles of the outward court did not begin till some hundreds of years after nor by the same reason could their sackcloth testimony begin which had relation to that treading downe and must needs therefore be contemporary with it When once this began it was to continue but 42 months or 1260. years from the very same time as that power that was to tread them downe came to have its beginning as authorized or permitted to make war with them and bring them under To the Beast which all the world wonder'd after and fear'd to make war with was power given to continue 42 months that he might make war with the saincts and overcome them Rev. 13.7 Who or what this beast is was long agoe made knowne to Daniel and by him foretold and described ch 7 23 24. It is said to be the fourth beast signifying the fourth Kingdom or universal oppressing power that should be on the earth over the saints of God and that should come in processe of time to stand up in a diversity from all the other three Kingdoms or universall monarchies that had gone before it This considerable variation did come to passe and shew itself in a horn of remarque and note by itself that upheld the same oppressing power and principles against the saints of the most high for the treading downe of the holy city that the other three had don before but under a new forme or name of Christian which they had never owned On the account of this name or outward profession of Christianity which the fourth beast came to make in the course of the little horne he plucks up by the roots the worship and many prophane customs that had bin cleaved to owned and practised during the reigne of meer down-right heathenisme all the time of the three former Kingdoms Babylonish Persian Grecian as also a great part of the Romane till this fourth Kingdom or universal monarchy came to be headed with the little horne under the style of universall Bishop or cheif preist when the Romane empire that had bin heathenish came to divide and sinke downe into ten horns or Kingdoms all agreeing yet in this to give up their power to the little horne in acknowledging the papacy and universal Rule over them in spiritualls by the Bishop of Rome These ten Kings with their civil power thus uniting under one head as to spiritualls do together with their head constitute that course and state of the fourth monarchy under which it is called the little horne Now when the time of this combination began is somewhat difficult to say exactly and to a year But if the beginning of this little horne be once rightly found out and stated it will not be difficult to say when it shall end or when the witnesses prophesying in sackcloth shal end which must be at the same time For the 42 months of this little hornes continuance in