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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A60015 The renowned history, or the life and death of Guy Earl of Warwick Containing his noble exploits and victories. J. S. (John Shirley), fl. 1680-1702. 1681 (1681) Wing S3515; ESTC R220019 61,661 84

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the Doctor happiness is good but as for a flower of that name in all my curious search I never found nor heard of pray sir said Guy leave me and I sear not but to find it out for I am sure it grows within the●● walls at which the Doctor took his leave and Guy ascended up the Castle stairs to vi●●● the prospect of the Gardens round into which he had no sooner cast his eyes but he beh●●● the beauteous maid that was sole Empress of his heart sitting alone in a shady Bov●● to screen her from the suns hot Rays while before her the springing water of a Cristal Fountain played and sent refreshment to each fragrant flower or lovely plant that crowned the happy place resembling another Paradise and she the first created woman these Guy takes as happy Omens and resolves to venture now for life or death and thus invokes Loves Deity to aid him in the great design Oh propitious power if ever now prove kind in aiding thy humble suppliant who is all obedience unto thy commands and ●aies his unspotted vows at thy great Altar which ever blazes bright with slaming hearts of Lovers offered up as Trophies of thy power assist me to Court this famous beauty and teach me how to wooe and how to Conquer her who has already conquored me so saying he descended with all speed and coming to the Garden gate knocked softly and soon found admittance by one of the Damsels that waited on fair Phaelice the which he no sooner had but composing his warlike face into the best form he could he made towards her with low reverence who expecting he came with some message from her Father rose up to meet him when Guy with Love surtharged thus began Fairest of Creatures brightest of your sexes made of such kindred mould to Heaven that you seem Angelical a goddess all divine therefore I have here brought a heart by Loves command to offer at your shrine O frown not on me with disdainful Eyes least with such a look death enter and destroy the man that ever shall admire and with this awful distance adore your matchless Virtues despise me not thou only center of my soul who loves thee more than life O that I could express my boundless passion or that thou couldst look into my breast and there behold how the tormenting flames still roal about my heart that with a continual Fever burns in which the Arrows of your pointed beauty stick that Lords and Noble men have courted you I am not ignorant but none could Love like me pardon my boldness Lady that to save my life I sue with the same fear a guilty prisoner beholds his angry Judge for your power 's for greater when Life or death depends upon your smiles or frowns To whom thus Phaelice with majestick countenance replyed Alas sir Love is such a thildish toy I ne'r intend to try it theresore cease your vain suit a Virgins happy life shall be my choice for ever Love is but a dream composed of idle santies and that I should wound you is impossible or if such it could be you them must blame your rash and unadvised folly to attempt things so far above your reath could you imagine that the Heir of Warwick would ere condescend to Marry with one so far beneath in birth and in each dagree unsi● no therefore I would advise you to desist this enterprize least it come unto my Fathers rat and beget the sharp rebuke So saying she ended and Guy prepared to answer hut she turned away disdainfully and left hun to himself now hopeless perplered and tortured worse than ever Cursing the cruel Stars that ruled his birth And wishing now to be no more on Earth CHAP. III. How Guy being denyed fell distracted for a time till Cupid representing him in a Warlike posture and declaring what wonders should be wrought by him to Phaelice in her sleep telling her it was his mothers command that she should love him whereupon she granted her consent upon condition of his performing glorious enterprizes HAlf distracted with what had passed Guy retires to his Fathers house thinking to shake off the Chains of Love or burst them by some other means for like Hercules's yovson'd shirt the more he strove the more the venom worked and the distentper followed him wheresoever he went for which he finding no relief grew frantick for a time quite bereft of sence or reason and to this purpose uttered his phrensies and ran into disorder far beyond Orlando or Orestes Am I then slighted sald he who evermore will trust to woman-kind accursed cruel Love couldst thou leave me thus can she not Love or loves she some one else which hinders her Love from passing unto me O that I knew my Rival my dread arm should hurl such vengean●● an his hend as should amaze mankind I 'd drag him cound the world ore Sea and Land and 〈◊〉 him into circling fires plung him into roaring Erebus there to broyl in Brimstone flames and scorched for ever O Jove Jove I le to thy Courts and hollow loud nay I will thunder to your regardless power and make you deaf with everlasting cries from the Suns bright Chariot snatch ●cherial sire set your Celestial mansions in a blaze melt down your golden Roofs and make your gates of Adamant fly from off their Tiamond hinges arm my self with Lightning and make vollued thunders roar around the world Eacus Mines Rodomanthus and all the black Infernal powers what have ye done my Love she 's lost for ever gone sink sink earths frame to thy first Chaos and with thy ruine crush mankind drop drop ye ctars and ever wakeful Tapers of the Skies and let combustive flames purge this grosser world O she 's gone the Beauties gone now night and darkness cease me and eternal slumbers seal my Eyes Thus saying he groand and smote his brest pull'd off his hair and in disiracted sort continued till Phaelice being admonished by Cupid in a dream sent him more comsortable hopes of her ensuing favours When Night had drawn her Curtain and the world in silence sate each mortal in sweet slumbers was reposed Morbheus the Leaden god of sleep from his drowsy Coves by Venus command coused up his Visionary forms the which in various shapes present themselves to men and one of the Faries dressed in Cupid's wonted guise with Bow and Quiver armed presents it to the fancy of the slumbering Phaelice to whom the shade being instructed thus began Phaelice behold I from the Queen of Love my beauteous Mother come to present unto thee this Martial Here and with that a shade all clad in Aemour appeared representing Guy so to the life that she knew him at first and started in her sleep while thus the wing'd form proceeded This is the man designed for thee whose warlike deads shall make the world amazed and to such Fame shall soon arise that Kings and Princes shall be proud to court him
shall quaff thy ●●●d and with that laid at Guy with his Massy Club who nimbly avoided the coming st●oaks ● drew his sword so that a dreadful fight began which long continued dou●●ful till through excess of heat Amarant began to saint which Guy perceiving redoubled his force and hewed upon his Armour till he dinted and cut it through in several places which the crafty Giant finding the better to recover breach feighned thirst and besought Guy to le● him drink of the adjacent River and not to take the advantage of Natures enforcements to which Guy readily condescended saying Drink thy fi●● that so I may have the greater task to Con●●or thee who when subdued shall have no excuse so said Heroick Guy And Amarant strait to the River hasted drinking largely of the swelling flood whilst Guy stood prepared to receive him at his return The Giant having ended his draught and quenched his thirst takes up his Club and comes at him with all his force rest having added fresh vigour the which Guy observing nimbly avoided the furious stroake which falling on the ground entred above a foot therein so that before he could recover his stroak Guy struck him full on the head which made him recoil six huge paces but wheeling about he charged again with greater force then before so that the Combate having continued about the space of four hours Guy grew thirsty desiring the like leave that he before had graunted to which Amarant scoffingly repl●ed he never was so great a fooll as to releive his foe but to take all advantages this so inraged Guy that with force exceeding he smoat upon the Gyants Crest and with three blows brought him to the ground who fasting like a Ciclops made the Earth to quake and being down cryed out for quarter but in vain for Guy remembring his base ingratitude immediatly lopped off his frightful head which divided from the Monsterous trunk he fixed on the Gates and taking the Key he entred the Castle where he found the wofullest Spectacles that e'r his eyes beheld tender Ladies in ●●●k Dungeons living for many years on humane flesh nay forced to eat their husbands or their nearest friends such was the rigour of the merciless Tyrant These he released but going farther found a massy dore on brazen Pillars hung he not having the Keys forced them open with Iron instruments he found in the Castle where he had no sooner entred but he beheld such sights as made him start with horrour above fifty persons among which were the Knights Sonns hanged up by the heel●s many of them with their heads downwards other by the Wrists and some by the middle or Privy Members all looking as pale as death who no sooner hearing the Gate open but supposed it had been the Gyant coming to torment them as his use was to make himself pastime whereupon they with lamentable cries began to beseech him to put them ●ut of their pains But contray Guy gently took them down who through weakness were no wayes able to stand when he had done this he went and called the Knight who no sooner entred and saw what Guy had done but falling at his feet he rendred him ten thousand thanks but Guy taking him up embraced him saying he alwayes had vowed to right the wronged and help the oppressed against the mighty oppressor this he having sayed and they understanding he was their deliverer with tears of joy blessed the day that gave him birth and a thousand times more this in which he had released them from their torments after which Guy having comforted them all he could delivered the Keys of the Castle to the Knight with strict charge carefully to look to the distressed Ladies and the rest he put off the Armour and taking his gown and his staff departed towards Jerusalem with many a weary step over Hills and Rockey Mountains through Woods and Forrests where the dreadful wild Beasts roared around him sos●itary all alone and often sitting down in the shade or by some murmuring brook would with tears bewail his sins and condemn himself for the many great transgressions he had committed lamenting his youthful follyes whilst Wildings and Berries were his dayly food and water from the Christal Spring sufficed for drink to quench his thirst whom now we must bewailing his depraveties and return into England to take a view how Phaelice bears the absence of her wandring Lord. Whilst through untroden muzes he does stray To Juda's Land his sins to purge away CHAP. XIV How Guy's departure out of England is lamented and of strange Adventures that befel him in the Holy Land how at his return he Routed Amantbuses's his Army and restored Earl Terry to his Lordships afterwards returning into England which he found almost destroyed by the Danes NO sooner did the King and the Nobility hear that Guy was departed the Land on a Pilgrimage but they were struck mute with admiration wondring that he could so soon leave the fairest creature England had for a toylsome and solitary life yet commend his Piety that began such early Repentance and set his Soul at far greater value then all his Honours or glittering Treasures so that for this he 'l gain as much applause as before he had done for his victories In the mean while Phaelice pensive and shunned all converse unless it were concerning her Lord keeping her self reserved and Chast seldome being seen abroad the Queen and several great Ladies came several times to visit her and to perswade her out of her melancholy but in vain she would not harken to tales of mirth but often retiring ints her Closet she would bewail his absence saying Ala●s where wanders now my Guy what unknown Climate holds that far-famed man whom Europe lately held in Admiration but now unknown in poor array he tra●es the Desarts thinking on me whilst Tears gush from his brim-ful Eyes and sitting down under some spreading shade bemoans my loanly state wishing himself oft in my armes Oh why did we ever part for this short moments bliss that was scarce worth his thoughts did he undertake such toil and six years spend in dreadful War alass could it be my Lord that could leave me thus forlorn bere●t of joy and comfortless even in th● dawn of Happiness overcasting with thick Clouds of sorrow the morning Sun when all my hopes were growing perfect a cruel Fate to me but it is for the sake of thy immortal Soul which makes me bear it with the le●s regret and be more patient in thy absence hoping one day to behold thy much beloved face again but where e'r thou art I know thy thoughts are fixed upon mae thy heart is oft in England though thou art far remote t is sure thou canst not forget thy Phaelice whom once thou loved●t so dear no I know thou canst not I should wrong thy Vertues should I but imagine it Oh my Lord couldst thou but know how sensible I am of the great